
By A becker

Published on Jun 6, 2022



We did the ceremony bits... doing many thank yous to Churchill Downs for their wonderful event. Cho said nice things about the track, facilities and their people in thanking them further.

Cho took one of the Derby people aside saying we needed to leave to make an event in England tomorrow. They shook hands and we made our way out saying goodbyes.

The Louisville Police got the heavy traffic parted so our cars could exit the track grounds. North on South Second Street to the house and our helicopters. We lifted off quickly... a fast trip to Frankfort. Jaidee waiting for us all waggy tail happy to see us. We were airborne right away with the usual auditory comments by the boys!


I was served breakfast over the Atlantic Ocean by Yobi. I had done Jaidee so he and I ate together. I was looking at the sports news... the Kentucky Derby was big as usual. Our two ladies, Toes Tapping and Marnie winning headlined everywhere!

Even the New York Times had it on their webpage front!

Toes Tapping's gutsy drive in the stretch was hailed as a great moment in sports! DRF said it was a thrilling finish from an amazing filly.

Marnie's beautiful face in a lot of coverage. Oh boy... if Marnie thought she had a lot of press before... they'll be a lot of stories about Triple Crown prospects... it was to be expected. She was moving into uncharted territory... back to back Triple Crowns!

Toes Tapping was a top favourite like Stellar Black. He had been given an edge in the odds because he's a colt... that was going to change.

Radha had good space too! Sasithorn's victory on Friday still being reported because of her being owned by us like Toes Tapping and Stellar Black. Our lady jockeys were press `darlings' right now!

Jaidee looking up at me... his tail going a mile a minute.

Yobi laughing... "I got it Jaidee."

I hugged our guy. I got up to punch the DeLonghi button for Cho as Mira said on the Tannoy we had sixty minutes.

Yobi and Lil fed the crowd that emerged from cabins.

Cho and I changed for the Badminton event. The Twins and Jaidee would go to Harcourt House.

I chose a tweed skirt in a reddish brown, a cream blouse and a sleeveless jumper speckled with three shades of blue and three of brown. Chestnut square heeled pumps and pale stockings. Gold jewellery, `Joy'

The temperature was sixteen, overcast skies. So I added a camels hair car coat. Chestnut brown gloves.

Cho in dark green khaki slacks, a pale khaki shirt and a chestnut tie under a blue blazer. Chestnut shoes that gleamed.

We were strapped in on final approach to Chalgrove.

Min was ready! Lots of kisses for the Twins. We moved to the AW139 and took off for the Dalrymple's.

It was twenty minutes to the landing grid our Security Service people laid out in the side yard. We stepped out to a warm greeting from Bee and Randolph Dalrymple. They were good friends of Daphne and Adam.

We thanked them for hosting the family... Bee said they were wonderful to have around no trouble at all and Sunny was smashing on a horse.

Ron was the driver Prasert sent with our folks. He took us down through Little Badminton to a back gate to the grounds. The Badminton people arranged for our coming in this way.

A steward met our car. He guided us to a spot in the bleachers... right on the front edge... reserved. PJ and Rande beside us.

I texted Kay we had arrived... she texted back Sunny was up in fifteen minutes.

We watched another rider finish. He did well with only a slight touch of a hoof to a rail which didn't fall... well done what we could see. Our seats were on a corner of the arena about two-thirds the way through the jumping programme. Another rider came by... he dropped a bar near to us. Too bad I liked his grey horse.

Then there was `Miss Sunny from Harcourt House riding Prince Sergey' over the tannoy... a big round of applause and cheers...

Sunny started... she and Prince moving along smoothly clearing every jump! She approached our location looking terrific! Over the jumps near us with ease... her form perfect. Prince's power lifting them over with room to spare.

Sunny turned for the last part going away from us. We could see from behind as she cleared the final jumps. Prince carried her to the exit... a perfectly clear round... not even a touch.

The crowd gave her a big ovation!

Sunny was indeed faultless! Her score perfect! No penalties!

Several more riders came by us when a steward approached... He asked us to accompany him to the far end where the awards would be given.

He guided us to a big pavilion open to the arena. A group of people inside turned to look towards us... one woman stepped right up to greet us.

I did a curtsey.. Cho bowed. Her Royal Highness Princess Anne.

"Welcome! It is wonderful to meet you two at last. I have heard so much about you both from my mother and brother plus nephews and nieces."

Laughter! We shook hands.

"Your niece may have a chance to win this! She has a terrific seat and remarkable sangfroid."

Giving our take on Sunny's skills was fun. Princess Anne amazed at her being here after only a few years riding.

Some others arrived... we were introduced. A marquis and his wife... they were quite friendly asking about Sunny and speaking in admiring terms. Grace, Lady Ovendem, and I walked towards the arena edge.

"Fay, Sunny is a marvel. Any chance she can become an Englishwoman to ride for us?"

We laughed. I told Grace Sunny may compete with the U.S. Equestrian Team this summer.

"Oh my... really... at fourteen?"

"She'll be fifteen next month... still quite amazing... she is so cool in the saddle."

Grace asked if we had seen Sunny on the cross country course... I said we hadn't... we'd been in Kentucky at Churchill Downs for the races.

"Oh... did you have an entry?"

"We had two in the Kentucky Derby and three in other races..." A cute smile... "We won the Derby and the Place."

A big smile on Grace as I continued... Her hand on my arm looking a bit wide-eyed... "Our filly Toes Tapping with our lady jockey Marnie were the winners. It is the second year in a row we have won the top two positions in the Derby.

We flew overnight and helicoptered to the home of friends where Sunny and her family have been staying before coming here."

"I have read you lead a peripatetic lifestyle."

"We have a lot going on around the world. We like to attend races where our horses are competing so our spring to autumn has many racing trips. We can't see them all... the aim is to get to the most important.

Otherwise business keeps us going."

"You're in the Lords now... so there's a bit more. Richard resigned his Lord's seat when our son entered the government. I suppose he could try to go back now you helped turn out the conservatives."

We laughed. Grace added Richard was happier spending more time in Yorkshire... "He enjoys the estate... we both love to ride."

"Me too!" I told Grace about Roscommon... she was grinning... "Sounds like a special boy."

I asked if they knew the Haxby's.

She smiled, "Yes we know them. They're about twenty five miles from us. Hélène and I do some county things together."

We chatted on as the riders finished up. Now it was time for the committee to run the numbers and give us the results.

It didn't take very long for the top prizes as the other events had been totalled before the show jumping. We waited... then Princess Anne came out with a `They're ready.'

The Princess Royal out on the grass joining the trials managers, patrons and staff. A few short speeches then...

A Mitsubishi Motors trophy for the winner to Sunny!!! A stunning result!! The youngest by far to have ever won this event! A fourteen year old astounding the equestrian world.

Princess Anne with a huge smile... Sunny did a very nice curtsey... taking the trophy... it was big... three horses on plinth each dressed appropriately for the three phases of the trials. Dressage, Cross-Country, Show Jumping.

A Mitsubishi executive was there with Princess Anne congratulating Sunny. He said she had shocked the world with her win!

The second and third came up for their awards. The crowd was very warm to all the riders. It was obvious the crowd was behind Sunny!

Sunny also got the Mitsubishi Motors Trophy for being the owner of Prince Sergey which was a surprise for many here that a teenager would own her horse.

Grace asked... I said we had given Sunny three horses to get her started... also to give her the sense of ownership and responsibility.

"Good on you. That was a marvellous idea."

Sunny also received the Frank Weldon Memorial Trophy for the Prince Sergey being the youngest horse in the top twelve finishers. He was ten... a good age for competition. Many years of competition to come!

Other riders going up to get awards in different categories. They were mostly older than thirty five.

Sunny received the Worshipful Company of Saddler's Saddle for being the highest finishing rider under twenty five. Well under in her case! Nineteen was the next closest age but that fellow was nowhere close in the rankings.

Another trophy!!! This one the Silver Jubilee Plate for being the best Owner/Rider at the trials. As the winner it naturally followed with Prince as her boy!

Princess Anne smiling saying something about getting a lot of help carrying her collection.

Kay, Greg, Artie and Sam were escorted up to Sunny. Charlotte too! Hugs and kisses. Princess Anne motioned to us. We came up behind the family.

Sunny turned and rushed into my arms.

The crowd loved that! Applause and cheers. Cho was next!

The announcer introduced us and said Sunny was our niece. We hugged and kissed Kay and the guys. I was holding Sam's hand... big grin on his face.

Declan came up... he was awarded the Mark Holliday Memorial Trophy for being the groom of Prince Sergey.

Adam wasn't here so Cho accepted two awards in his name... both for being Prince's breeder. One for that and one for Prince Sergey being British bred from the British Horse Foundation.

The family helped Sunny gather her trophies. We moved aside so other award winners could get their prizes and accolades.

More awards then it was over.

Princess Anne shook Sunny's hand, "You young lady are amazing. Five of the top awards... quite the success! I do hope we can see more of you in future."

Sunny thanked the Princess saying she was at the beginning of her equestrian life so more was likely.

"Good. It was a pleasure to have seen you over the last few days. I'm glad you have a strong supporting family."

"Aunt Fay showed me the way and told me to go as far as I wanted... She and Uncle Cho would be behind me."

A big smile on the Princess' face, "I doubt you could have better supporters. They are real horse people."

Several Badminton and English equestrian people came by to congratulate Sunny... thanking her for competing! They showed their admiration for her skills and maturity.

Charlotte was congratulated for her star pupil! I saw her talking to a number of people... it look quite earnest.

We were going to back out now. I held Sunny in my arms... "Look at you! You worked so hard... a deserved win!! Now set some new goals... spend time with Charlotte... we'll be around if you need anything.

We look forward to seeing you at Upperville. We are told the profile of our trials has risen with many more top-flight entrants... so much more competition.

Plus Somsak, Tona and Suki a short car ride away so we'll see them too."

A squeeze, "I want to go to Upperville for sure. Cleve has called... he definitely wants me to to do events this summer."

A big hug! I told her to be calm when talking to the press... they always love to work the angles to create a story. My `be bland' had her laughing.

We kissed her before she met the press.

Ron drove us back to the Dalrymple's... they'd heard the news of Sunny's triumph.

They were thrilled she succeeded.

Bee, "Fay, it is wonderful of you two give Sunny such start... she has grasped it with both hands."

"Indeed, we told her to go as far as she wanted we'd be there for her."

A hug.

We thanked them for hosting Sunny and family and the use of their side yard. Bee laughing saying if we mushed some grass their gardener would be happy not to mow.

We told them if they ever needed to stay in London let us know we'd be glad to reciprocate. Smiles and thanks.

They waved as we lifted off.

Min took us home. Carter out front all smiles. The staff liked Sunny... she was a nice polite easy to care for teenager. Her hard work and aim for success was seen as splendid.

Her family would be here for dinner and a few days stay.

We found the Twins in the Game Room watching a Buster Keaton movie. They were laughing at his skilful antics. Delphine paused the movie at a transition moment...

Chani and Charlie bounced down to hug us! Kisses applied. We joined them for the remainder of the movie. Cho grinning at the end.

"I remember how I enjoyed these old simple classic comedies."

He turned to Delphine asking her to find some Harold Lloyd ones too. And take a look for other Mac Sennett movies. A thumbs up from her.

In the morning after my ride... a loud happy breakfast with the families joined up together. Dinner last night had been loud too in celebration of Sunny's amazing triumph! She was going to take some time to be with her family as a tourist then they were all going to Seattle.

Sunny was to stop in New Jersey on her way back to here to visit with the U.S. Equestrian Team folks.

`Fay, I'm going to ride Guy and Chess! It will great to see them again."

I told her to give them my love which made Sunny laugh.

I loaded up for London. Min flew me and my crowd to Wandsworth, Allyn waiting. A short stop at Cowley House and at Millbank House then onto the Lords.

I met Alfred in the Royal Gallery to talk about our speaking on the three Defence bills being presented. We exchanged notes. Since I was going to be out of the city more I would do the Nuclear Submarine Decommissioning Bill and the Trident Submarine Bill. They were smaller but especially the Trident one because of my advocacy on them. Alfred would do the main Defence Bill.

Mac joined us. We went over the general thrust of our view of the bills and how we'd like them to be changed. We had constructive ideas... we weren't engaging in any political posturing.

Mac was pleased.

Labour hadn't finalized the debate days... so I decided to ask Ashover.

He said it would likely be another week or ten days until other bills were finished. He would talk with Argyle and be back to me.

I flew back to Harcourt House in the late afternoon. Cho smiling at the door.

"It's an old institution moving on its own rhythm... you're not going to goose it to go any faster."

Small comfort!

I was sitting on Rebel beside Sunny on Plotline. She'd been working him in the dressage arena. He was much better but still lacked the fine control that Prince had developed. Zephyr nickering on my other side. She was ready to go... Sunny switched to her and went into the arena again.

Such poise! Sunny knew how to work with all three horses... she was learning how to get the best from each.

Charlotte moved next to me on DD. "Fay, I nearly had my hand wrung off yesterday. So many people congratulating me on Sunny's performance. Suddenly I have a lot requests to train others. I want to ask how you and Cho you feel about it."

"We are fine with the idea. If you need to host them here... there would naturally be conditions. Our Security would have to weigh-in on who and when. The `when' would mean a limit on the times they could be here. If your students wanted to board their horses we will have Gregory work up a fee schedule.

I'm sure you can work all that out with Yone and Gregory. Bring Imogene in for when you travel... we can work on more money for her."

Fist Bump!

"As you can imagine I won't want very many so there's no interference with Sunny's work. It is odd being in demand again... I'm going to be very picky... I don't want any who aren't as committed as Sunny."

We laughed about my joke on her being able to cancel her `non-existent' advertising campaign.

Sunny finished with Zephyr. A huge grin!

"Zephyr always knows what to do... I think she's the smartest of the three." She stroked the pale neck.

"Prince in dressage at Badminton was awesome. He was like a knife cutting precisely in all his turns and moves. That is what won the event for me... his place as fourth in that exalted company was the foundation on which the other portions were able to build."

A lean-over hug for Sunny. She was a sharpie!

I asked about the last press conference...

"Fay, I was bland as you suggested. The news people pressed a lot harder than when I met them after the Cross Country portion. Some of the equestrian press seemed to think I was a tyro then..."

A huge cheesy grin, "Not now!

I gave simple answers... not saying anything more than I needed to. Thankfully the second and third place riders were used to it and were more responsive to press questions. I was happy to let them go on."

Sunny said, "There were other press seeking interviews but I declined saying I needed to get with my family... maybe later."

Yone had been informed there could be press at the gates looking for Sunny... if so he was to ask Sunny whether she wanted to deal with them or not. If Sunny wanted to allow some in they could be with her in the Great Room only. He was to have his staff in the room at all times. Sunny said that was appreciated.

I told Cho about Sunny's tale of the press. He smiled with a "She's welcome to deal with it how she wants' within our limits."

We did say during drinks that she might see some attention in Seattle... Cho laughing... "You know `local girl makes good' kind of thing."

We all laughed. Sunny acknowledged the possibility especially if we gave hints to our owned media.

To which I said it had already been done!

Sunny shaking her head, "I don't mind if they let me choose when and where."

I suggested maybe at the Magnolia Riding Stables or another place away from the family home.

Kay thanked us for that thought... she didn't want to host news people at their home.

Sunny shrugged with... "I'll see what comes."

A call from Somsak... Tona had gone into labour... he was at the hospital with her. Suki at home with her nanny. He would call later to update us. Terrific! We wished them well! Much love sent!

We had a fun dinner... an Asian food buffet! Thai, Chinese, Japanese and Vietnamese. Carla did several appetisers from from Chef Thanh's book after some translation.

I asked Gil to email to Chef Thanh my thanks again for his book and how we used it. Thumbs up!

Everybody loved it! Chani and Charlie went big on Chef Thanh's fish cakes!! Me too! The buffet was thoroughly worked over. Carla said the folks downstairs had enjoyed it also clearing out most serving dishes!

Afters in the Great Room. The Twins got out a puzzle for themselves and one for Sam and Artie. Chani gave the older boys the picture the puzzle was based upon... Charlie said "Ready set go."

The four worked away as we more mature folk had drinks.

We sent white chocolate pieces to both groups... which had changed... Chani and Sam were doing one puzzle... Artie and Charlie the other.

Laughter coming from those four!

Kay grinning towards me with a motion to the puzzle kids.

"Fay, that's unexpected and cute."

The Twins had made the switch suggestion... they are so precocious!!

Sunny in-between her mom and me... she nudged us... "I think it's a real contest now..." she pointed towards the kids.

The older ones kept looking over at the other's puzzle while the Twins ploughed ahead... Funny! It was just like our babies to lead... like the `painting' at the two day-care visits.

Chani was laughing loudly as she stuck in the last piece!!

"Yea! We win!!"

Charlie put their last piece... a big smile... he leaned to fist bump with his Twin!! Hugs all around over the finale!

A round of Shirley Temples to celebrate!

Somsak called!!! There was a new baby boy in Washington!! Tona and the boy were both fine. A healthy fellow who was to be... Anurak! A little `angel' born into our family!!

We heaped congratulations on him! He was so happy... a son to join with Suki!

He said Dad and Phailin were joyous! Kay, Greg and the boys all cheered for them in the background.

I put Sunny on to speak to her uncle.

We did a toast to Anurak and Tona!!

Gil grinning doing the flowers and Taittinger's!!

After my morning ride Mac called. We talked as I went around the Stables visiting our horses.

"Fay, Ashover says the Decommissioning Bill is up in two days for its second reading with the Trident Bill four days off."

"Okay. I'll be ready... what about the main bill?"

"That is two weeks off. A few days for debate then off to Committee like the others. I think the committee stage is going to be a bit overwrought on the Trident Bill. The tories are bound to be in full whinge mode."

I laughed, "Well they can do so as much as they like now... they are not in control or responsible."

I was glad I wasn't on that committee!

Well the schedule was looking Okay for me and our trip to Virginia and the Preakness! Cho was good with going up to London for a few days.

Sunny and her family were heading to Seattle this evening.

We had a nice going away dinner and the four of us out front to wave goodbye.

Once my ride was done and breakfast was over we packed up for Cowley House. Jaidee was ready... he had a chew bone in his mouth as he jumped into the AW139.

The cars dropped me, Gil, PJ and Kara at Millbank House everybody else around the corner to Cowley House.

Sage had some bits for me, a committee on the schedule for tomorrow. Ashover's office sent a note about tomorrow's second reading of the Decommissioning Bill in the afternoon.

Alfred came up from his office for a chat about the debate. We were on the same page.

Rae outside for me to go to Notting Hill. She let us off in front of Mirabelle. Garnett smiling at the door.

"We are totally prepared. I'm working with Reginé and Margeaux on the publicity. They have had teasers out for two weeks and now are ramping it up for the opening."

She was disappointed I couldn't be here, I wasn't included in the PR effort on purpose. Garnett expected a good crowd. Two of her staff had been hand-billing up and down the road here. Many women taking the offered paper! Good!

The staff all had good training on the software plus the iPad. `They are ready' from Garnett!

We walked a few blocks east to The Company office building. I swiped us in. Up to the engineering floor to see Reg.

"I have had a few follow-up questions from the Iranians and the Thais. We have responded to them. The Iranians are ready for next week! We are too!"

"Check the weather but you can be sure it will be warm. Take a hat for the sun!"

"Will-do! Your crowd is off to the races?"

"Yes... the Preakness in Baltimore plus some visiting around Virginia and Baltimore."

I told him about Anurak... Reg liked them all so he was pleased for the family.

I went up a floor to Eric's office. Jodi said he's at a luncheon... "He'll be back by two thirty." Her fingers crossed.

I thanked her and went to the top floor. Big hugs for Rona and MFA. They were sharing the office, MFA had a corner with play things, a table and some chairs her size.

Rona's news... we owned both buildings in Berlin. She and Kurt were going to do interviews in ten days for positions in both locations.

Rona asked for us to host MFA for a few days since Reg would be in America.

`Any time' was my answer.

Kurt was a great prospect we were put onto by Clare. Clare had met Kurt two years before, they had become friends. He was German, gay, born in Berlin, living in London after graduate school. He's a psychologist who we were going to use in Berlin and other places to help the shelter managers with our guests.

I got to meet Kurt when he came back from the canteen with coffees. My `where's mine?' had him offer to go back down. Rona said I was only being my usual pain in the ass self.

I was laughing as we shook hands. He said it was amazing to meet me.

Rona pointed out, "She already knows she's amazing to meet... Kurt you need to up your game."

Laughter all around.

MFA climbed onto my lap, "Aunt Fay, will I go out to Harcourt House whenever Momma's away? It is fun and daddy can't cook."

"He has other talents we like... You can if it's Okay with your folks."

Rona shrugged, "That's one for daddy to have his say about. You probably shouldn't mention the cooking though...Okay?"

MFA said she `got it!'

Kurt shaking his head.

MFA helped him out, "My `F' is for Fay!"

Ah... Kurt `got it.'

We chatted about the Berlin shelters... Kurt was to join Rona on a tour around the London shelters tomorrow to see first-hand how we did things.

I took a call from Alfred... he said the Labour managers for the defence legislation wanted to speak in the morning before the session began. He tentatively setup a meeting in the Royal Gallery. He would contact them with our answer. I said that was fine with me.

"Do you have any idea what it's about?"

Alfred didn't. We'd meet at Cowley House then walk over. Okay!

I leaned back in the chair... It had to be the Trident deal with America... Nothing else made sense. I let them drag me into being an `advisor' but nothing much had happened... just some position papers exchanged... then silence. That had been it for me...

Back to Rona, MFA and Kurt. Kurt watched me through my call... It wasn't secret so they all heard my part.

Kurt, "You are in the House of Lords... how is that?"

"Interesting... often frustrating because it does not get to the point of something as quickly as I would like... I'm taking part, doing what I can."

I heard a noise from Gil, her grin... cute! "Fay is doing quite a bit."

I shrugged.

A call from Colonel Kraisee. I stepped outside.

"Fay, we found some interesting things on one of the laptops from Saul's hideaway. It appears it was his personal computer. There were files copied from your laptop in a folder marked as yours... they are about scanning devices your company was making. A note attached said he'd forwarded them to his contact at the Ministry of State Security."

I asked if there was a file title he could see... he read one to me...

"Colonel that is great! That file name tells me it was a false file created by our London folks to fake out whoever was looking at my laptop. I had seen my files were being looked at and took evasive action. The Chinese wanted our sensors but the designs in those files look right but won't work properly."

Kraisee laughing, "A nice trick. Congratulations."

With the three men's trials over... sentencing was to be in two weeks. The local fellow would be paroled and his family moved to the northeast far away from his old comrades. The two Chinese would get prison time...

"We are working to see about their families coming here... we have a plan."

I thanked Kraisee for the news.

A quick stop to tell Reg about the `false' files being sent to the Chinese. Knowing looks... fist bumps!! The Chinese failure to make their scanning sensors work was well known to us. A big hug for our tricking them!!

We were laughing as I waved goodbye.

I decided not to wait for Eric... Reg would tell him.

Rae picked us up. We went south into Fulham for a quickie visit to the new store. Pia smiling at the door. They were on schedule again for the last week of June.

The floor issue over... the contractors moving nicely. Her staff was going to New Bond Street for training and some work. Pia was happy with her staff choices.

"Fay, they are experienced in clothes retail and smart... so we should be good."

"Let them know we are going to have some internal prizes for sales numbers, customer feedback ratings and more. It will roll out this summer after Rodeo Drive and Seattle open. We are looking at it store by store and for the company as a whole."

Pia rubbing her hands together... "We will be happy to participate!"


I went home to the family. Hugs and pictures of fruit? They were doing still-life drawings now? Well the oranges looked like oranges, the plums... well you get it! Nicely done as with all their art.

Cho was in the Nursery with me.. we delivered some extra kisses for their work.

Cho had a good chuckle at the Chinese sucking down the false files.

"We know they haven't been able to make their sensors work so now we know why for sure!"

A hug!! And a joke about my `devious' side. Francis giving me a fist bump for that!

A good morning walk with Jaidee to the Victoria Tower Gardens. It was quiet... a few joggers on the paths... Jaidee got to chase his ball a bit.

Breakfast with the Twins... they were excited... a trip to the Natural History Museum!! Tha and Delphine with Ansara and Angie along. A great place to go. Both the babies liked dinosaurs and birds so those were musts to see.

Alfred arrived. I greeted him in the Entry. A kiss goodbye for Cho.

As we walked I brought up my thought about the Tridents without saying exactly why I believed it to be so. Alfred said I might be right since they had made a big point about my being at the meeting even though Alfred was the lead on this.

I was wearing a slender cut pale grey suit, a single big round black button on the jacket, the trousers were very narrow down to my ankles, a black sleeveless ruffled front blouse, black heels, the silver Uffington horse pin, silver loop earrings, `Joy'

I was carrying a small black leather Chanel bag and the case with my iPad inside. Lightweight black leather gloves on and red round reflective sunglasses on my nose.

We walked across College Green to the St. Margaret Street crossing and on through the security gate. Inside the Peers Entrance we turned right down the Peers Corridor then a left heading for the Prince's Chamber... a right into the Royal Gallery.

The Labour threesome was at a far corner table... they raised their hands. I knew Evesham and Rothbury... they introduced Mortimer, Lord Chilgrove, from Sussex north of Chichester.

Smiling... Mortimer said it was a pleasure to meet. I said it was for me too... I'd heard him speak in the Chamber.

We sat and Evesham got right to it...

"Fay, you know about the Trident discussions we are having with the Americans..." he turned to Alfred who shook his head.

Evesham pointed to me with a grin... "Your colleague has a link to Hillary Clinton... maybe more like a motorway... "

I laughed, "I haven't seen Hillary for a week or so..."

Everybody laughing.

Evesham got on... "Fay, made a proposal to Mrs. Clinton about the Americans paying half of our Trident costs this year then rising it to all in a few years. We would then use the money we save for the regular armed forces and sub decommissioning."

Alfred looking at me... "This what was meant by the Wooooo's at that luncheon?"

I nodded. Laughter!

Evesham, "Well there has been a deal struck... more or less as you proposed... the Americans will pay half this year rising in only three years to all. Then we will transition to the U.S. Navy taking over the Trident subs and our base for them. The Americans would have some payments from us to maintain the base starting at fifty percent then lower over a period of years.

This happened late yesterday in Washington. So we will have to have start over anew... new Defence Bills to be prepared and the process begun again. As you might imagine we don't have a timeline for this yet. Given the complexity it may take several months."

I leaned back... I bet Hillary pushed them hard... I was glad they hadn't drawn me in.

Alfred looked to me, "I guess we wait. The changes are going to be big... any chance we can have some input?"

Evesham said he'd be glad to ask... "You two know a good deal so the Commons folks ought to want to pick your brains."

Okay! We shook hands.

Mac had come in the Gallery so Alfred and I gave him the news.

He laughed, "So you want to be the Foreign Secretary? Or is it the Minister for War?"

I burst out laughing!

"No! To both! Asking Hillary seemed too good a chance to pass on. Hillary was very interested right off the bat. She pressed it with Starmer on his first day."

"Really... Oh I get it it... if we spend more on our forces they can take up a bigger slice of the `international military' load. Well Clinton's got a good head on her shoulders."

I saw Terrance... I wanted to tell him... I turned to Alfred... "Do you think the tories have been told?"

He said, "I'll ask Evesham."

He went right over. He spoke to Evesham... then gave me a thumbs up.

I walked over to Terrance... I got a warm reception.

"Do you remember the luncheon when I couldn't tell what I knew about the Tridents?"

He did... Terrance's face went through a few different looks as I told him what was up.

"Damn! You have really gotten yourself involved! A woman of state!"

I smiled, "Please... being that is not what I want..."

I let him know the Labour Defence Bills were being taken back and rewritten.

"We don't have a date for new bills so we wait."

I asked Terrance to take part in the tory process... "Try to bring some real conservative values to bear on the issue. We need all the voices to be heard at their best."

Terrance looking at me, "I'm flattered you think I might have some impact..."

"You can if you want. You are a true conservative who's not tied to any specious dogma. You are a military fellow. You are a patriot. Far more than many of your colleagues who spout platitudes."

Terrance's face... emotion crossing over...

"Fay, I'm glad Her Majesty saw in you a worthy person to ennoble... you are a true Englishwoman in every sense... no frivolous nonsense... no stupid posturing... just giving a damn!"

I thanked him for the testimonial.

Terrance said he would talk to the leadership and take part in the process in a more meaningful way.

A handshake... a very tight squeeze!

Cho smiling in his Study... no reason for me to worry about the Defence Bill thing for quite a few weeks. We would depart for America whenever, horse racing, a wedding and some `visits' to various places.

The Twins would split up for part of a day, Charlie with me this time.

Cho was pleased about my request of Terrance.

"He's a good fellow, no bullshit... the tories need to have a course change... he would one they could count on to be sane and sensible."


At dinner we got the tale of the museum visit. They loved it! All things to see... so many wonderful, creepy, beautiful things! The birds section was a really big hit!! Not that the dinosaurs weren't terrific too!

Tha and Delphine said they'd go back since there was so much more to see. Yeas from the Twins!!

The day was clear... we could see the Virginia coast line well out to sea. The 767 taxied to a halt at a private aviation support company across Norfolk International Airport from the terminal. A pair of AW139's waiting. Hugs and kisses. Charlie and I watched the big jet turn and taxi back toward the runway... they paused... then a turn onto the runway and take off! Charlie and I waved.

We transferred to the helicopters with Gil, Chelle and our Protectors. We lifted off turning southwest... we passed around residential areas and over a body of water. The pilot said over the intercom we'd be landing next to the big round arena we could see to port. Several acres of open grassy space between buildings.

Penn arranged this with the property owner and the City of Norfolk. Our pilots set down easily. Several police cars and clutch of officers there waiting. I greeted them, thanking them for their assistance.

They had their eyes on a small crowd who'd quickly gathered to see the helicopters.

Charlie and I walking with Gil, Chelle, PJ, Tara, Ken, Gaby towards the pedestrian crossing at the corner. Across West Brambleton Avenue passing a police station to go up to the front door of the Virginian-Pilot Newspaper.

They didn't know we were coming! Ha!

Our Security Service team did and opened the doors for us. Smiles and handshakes.

A young woman entered just before us... she looked at my crowd... eyes WIDE... she was going to go in... my hand signal got Tara to ask her please wait. She nodded. I shook her hand mouthing a `thank you.'

We walked in...

Charlie and I stood at the edge of the array of desks that covered the newsroom... people busy with work... a black woman with the short bouncy dread locks I liked saw me...

"Miss Martin!!"

She came over to us... Charlie holding my hand stuck out his fist... a smiling bump. I shook her hand with my left. Marcy was her name, a local news reporter.

The whole newsroom moved our way, reporters, editors of all kinds and the publisher heard the news of us and came close.

I got Charlie up on a chair with Gaby holding him. We shook hands, asking names and their roles. The publisher, David, was smiling... a bit wary.

After saying hellos I asked for him and all his managers to meet with me.

The conference room was a good size, we weren't crowded. Charlie in a chair beside me at the head of the table.

I looked at the expectant faces... "You weren't given any notice of my coming..."

Their eyes on me!

"Please don't read anything negative in that... in fact the opposite. From the reports I read you won't ever need to fear Cho or me coming to visit unannounced.

That is a testament to your work!"

Big smiles now. I had up to date data from Francis in my head so we could talk about the business. They were doing well... promotional work by them and Regine's team had lifted sales and advertising seven percent and nine percent over last year since our takeover.

I had a biggie to disclose...

"So you all know now... the newspaper offices will not be moving from this building... "

I hardly got to finish before they all cheered! I saw a few people in the newsroom look our way...

"We have purchased the Virginia Beach printing plant that was going to do the work before Chicago killed the deal... all the local newspapers will be printed there."

More cheering!

"This is a Norfolk newspaper and will be based here... period."

Gigantic smiles around the table. David asked for a moment to go to tell the staff...

Laughing I said "Go on."

David went out... I saw through the windows him climbing on a desk... calling out and then huge cheers! I could see people jumping up and down, hugging and clapping.

The others in the conference room standing watching their co-workers celebrate.

A somewhat breathless David returned.

"Boy that felt good!"

We shook hands. A monster grin on him!

I told them a refurbishment of this building would happen over the next two years in stages. I motioned to Gil... she hooked her iPad to the big wall screen. In short order Terrill's dark smiling face filled the display. Tara joined the conference app call using her iPhone to display more of the people in the room for Terrill.

Terrill's face in a big smile... "So Fay you've given them the sugar... "

I said, "Yes... You're up!" ... motioning to him.

A laugh, "I get to be the heavy... Okay... You all now need to work much harder!"

He laughed... everyone in the room did too! Charlie beside me clapping! A big smile too!

We talked short and long-term goals, how the `new' Chicago team would help and the physical changes to this building. With fewer staff as a result of electronic advances there was room for a canteen and healthcare clinic and more.

David mentioned there were several nearby little sandwich shops and luncheonettes that the newspaper's staff had patronised over eighty years... a canteen would hurt them.

I said we can offer them the chance to work with us... maybe relocate inside or some other way to keep the staff's business.

"Talk to them... see what they say..." I asked Terrill to work with David... "Be creative guys... we don't see the canteen as a profit centre rather as a benefit for staff."

Noises in the meeting said to me they liked the idea and were pleased with my thinking.

I turned to Charlie who grinned... "Mama, eating with friends making the food is good."

David next to me did a double-take...

"You are right Charlie which is why we want everyone to be happy."

I asked Gaby to take Charlie out for a walk around... to see the building. A big smile on Charlie's face. He hopped down and stuck out his hand.

"Allons-y Gaby!"

The folks in the room were shocked.

I waited until the door was closed...

"I can see you all are a bit surprised at our son's verbal ability... " there was general nodding... "... He and his twin sister are quite advanced for children of twenty three months.

They read and write in English, French and Thai."

Gil as usual anticipating me brought up Chani's blackbird on her iPad and it was up on the big screen for all to see.

I told them it was a bird she had seen in a park near our London house.

Then Charlie's Florida blue jay... Lots of head shaking.

"I can say they are a delight to be around. Happy, curious and energetic... constantly surprising us!"

We covered some other business before I also took a tour of the building... David and Delano, the editor in chief were my guides. We got to where we wanted to put the canteen...

"Please work with your neighbours and Terrill to find a good solution. We want to have good relations with all the local people. Remembering the canteen is not intended to make money. If it gets scaled back or eliminated... and you are good with that... Okay!"

They nodded.

I stopped us in a cul-de-sac... "Cho and I believe in several bedrock principles... one... we spend money to make money... it is a proven sound business strategy... we have it literally done it dozens of times.

Here is no different. If you have a need... get onto Terrill, have your argument prepared and give it... Terrill is on-board with how we manage, he'll give you a fair hearing and a careful decision. Maybe you won't get what you want every time but the trying is important."

These two men who didn't know me from Adam were carefully paying attention.

David with a smile, "Miss Martin, you are really something! You have so many interests but you are willing to come to Norfolk to see us and talk about things like food service. Amazing."

I smiled, "This is another business principle of ours... attention to detail! Cho can tell you how much money the golf course we own in Oxfordshire makes from the restaurant...

A third is care for your employees! We are softly paternalistic... do things to benefit workers or you don't have the right to ask for their best efforts.

Others are listen, learn and speak with authority. We know our businesses and we know where we want them to go.

Where do I want the Virginian-Pilot to be in five... ten... twenty years... we have an outline of that... The first goal for you is to build up the confidence of the people under you! Make sure they know we are behind this newspaper... point to the New York Daily News... we bought them from the Tribune Corporation you are part of... in two years they are now the top newspaper in the greatest city in the world.

We gave them a simple objective... be the best in the city! We backed up our request by giving them the tools to achieve that goal.

They have just won a Peabody and a Polk for their coverage of the city and maybe they'll win a Pulitzer. This from a staff who had seen lay-offs, buy-outs and diminished funding for years... Chicago was killing them slowly. Just like you. Their morale was rock bottom... Cho and I told them on day one we believed in them. Cho challenged them to be the best...

Here you have no real competitor so the test is different... a more straight forward rise in circulation and advertising. You are going to see more from Reginé, a brand-new webpage and money to advertise.

We want you expand the newspaper's coverage out from the city to draw in more readers. Terrill will help with money for more reporters."

They seemed a bit overwhelmed... "We can do these things because the new Tribune Corporation has no debt. We never finance a deal by borrowing... all that does is lard up the company with the need to service the debt leaving nothing to improve it. We bought the Tribune outright.

So there is money to spend."

I put out my arms... they stepped up... we walked down the passage arm in arm back toward the newsroom. They had smiles.

We found Charlie sitting at a desk with several women reporters in thrall... Oh My... he was going to be hell on wheels with the ladies!!

I thanked everyone saying we'd be around every now and then.

We waved from the entryway.

Charlie grinning... "You enjoyed yourself?"

"Yes, many nice people."

In the Aw139's we lifted off turning north... we gained altitude crossing the coastal commercial part of the city then the Chesapeake Bay. The pilots put their accelerator down for a fast trip to Deltaville.

Charlie knew we'd have lunch there... a piece of Aunt Dee's shortbread was very welcome. Grins around the cabin when Tha shared.

Ken smiling knowing this time his family were aware we were coming. Cora had the relatives help to prepare lunch for us. The weather was being good so she wanted us to eat outside.

The descent was steep to reduce the noise for the neighbourhood. Two AW139's dropped side by side on the grassy playfield. Cora, Emile, Cordelia, Collette and other relatives were waiting.

No Emily, young Ken or Markus... they were living at Harcourt Ranch now. Markus training our Security Service folks.

I sent Ken out first to get started hugging his parents... he was laughing. I got hugs and handshakes. Abrielle gave me a big hug. Emile had picked her up at school for this `special' lunch. I got to meet more of their family.

Lunch was nearly ready... a glass of `straight' iced tea. Charlie got a cola. We sat talking all sorts.. Sarah West arrived... a big hug for her.

We were in chairs on the lawn... She looked at me... "It is easy to believe you are an English Countess... it fits quite nicely in my mind."

I thanked her for that.

"Fay, you are amazing. In the news every week, we see you on TV, in magazines..."

Colette leaned over, "Have you seen the June Vogue?"

I said I hadn't seen the paper copy. Anna W****** said she was sending several to Harcourt House... I guess missed them.

"Fay, it stunning! You on the cover is a knock'em dead shot! You and Cho together at the White House... it was like fairy-tale time.

Cory really did something special in that shoot. Each picture is awesome... I wish I could look that good!"

I waved at her, "You do!"

Sarah West shaking her head... "One of our teachers drove to Fredericksburg to get a copy. Everyone knows what you have done for the school so we all pay more attention.

Colette is right... it's terrific... off the charts."

Gil pulled up the Vogue webpage... my face splashed across it. She scrolled through the snaps... they were the ones Anna W****** had sent to me last month.

I told Colette had seen the pictures and the text of the piece... Anna had forwarded them.

Colette's eyes bulged out... "She sent you the article... in advance??"

I said yes like it was no big thing.

Colette shaking her head, "Anna never shows what is coming in an issue. Boy... she wanted to please you!"

"Well she didn't have to... it was all done... I was out of the loop."

Colette stood up and did a twirl with her arms open... "Fay, in all this world... right now you are one of the most famous living female figures! You are an English noblewoman, a big business woman, philanthropist, you are a style icon..."

I smiled, "I am also just me to me."

Sarah West smiling, "You and your husband are entitled to have the biggest egos... yet you don't. You are sitting in small town Virginia with ordinary Americans like it was completely normal. It may be for you but it isn't for us."

I shrugged, "I can't take the media hype seriously."

Colette said, "In your case... there's no hype."

I thanked them for saying those things.

Emile had been on the edge of this... he had gone inside their house to return with a copy of Time Magazine opened to an article about the Nobel Peace Prize nominees.

Cho and I were front and centre... "Fay, Colette and Sarah are just speaking what is obvious."

I took the magazine... the piece said we were the overwhelming choice... Okay... I'd rather have our people win all the Pulitzer's than get a Nobel. I decided not to say that out loud.

Food!! It was perfect to get us all to move on.

Corn on the cob, grilled Bluefin tuna, cole slaw, potato salad, two kinds. Terrific fluffy biscuits!

Charlie grinning with a mouthful of buttered biscuit... he chewed and swallowed... "Mama this so good!"

Cora's eyes brightened with the praise from our guy.

Sunny warm but not hot weather, good food, friendly folks around... a fine day.

Charlie got to play kickball... he was pretty good for a novice. I could see we needed to play more family group games. Balls??

Charlie and I stayed for several hours... we liked the people and place. Our Protectors had been stuffed with food, played some games and relaxed. The pilots were well fed and given some treats to go.

Many hugs and kisses. We waved goodbye. Ken getting a last hug from Cora.

We lifted up and headed northwest to Upperville.

Ken laughing, "My mother didn't say a single thing about my finding a good woman to marry... It was amazing she didn't get on me about it. I know she won't give up on that..."

The whole helicopter laughing.

Charlie smiling, he made some new friends and loved kickball. I said maybe we'd all play together.

`Yea' from Charlie!

Cho, Chani and Jaidee on the lawn waiting for us. Hugs and kisses. The day was warm enough which got `pool' from us! Mykal had it ready! Huge cheers from the Twins. We went splashing!

Drinks and dinner outside with hoodies and jumpers. Grilled fish and hush puppies! A big hit with the youngsters. Black-eyed peas and greens completed the southern menu. We stayed out for afters... the twins inside with Delphine doing games.

I told Cho about the kickball' game. Football rounders' to me. He'd played as a boy. The American version is like baseball with a big ball to kick.

"So are we to see you with a ball?"

I said I would do it for the Twins... maybe! We laughed!

Tomorrow was Gerald and Antonio's day! Flo had the food under control, Mykal would grill the fish outside. She had a bartender and five servers coming to help. The tables would go up in the early morning. The spot for the judge to do the wedding was under the trees beside the house.

Gregory called... He had been told all three mares brought to Asda by Queen Elizabeth's stables were in foal! Terrific news! He said the Queen's stablemaster was very pleased, thanking us for Asda's work and our welcome to them.

Gregory was feeling chuffed about the whole thing. A successful breeding event with ladies from the Monarch's stables... not bad!

We thanked him for managing everything.

I rode west in morning with Tessa... we went all the way to Ike's property then back near our old boundary at the triangular piece we bought from Fauquier County. The land was densely forested, lots of under-brush... heaven knows how many animals lived in that space. We didn't intend to anything to it except put up some security bits and signage down by the highway.

Jason wasn't hunting in there any more so the wildlife was not disturbed. Cho told Daniel the Fauquier County natural resources persons could go in if needed to monitor the water from the spring.

Breakfast was followed by the arrival of Gerald and Antonio. Hugs and kisses. Their guests would start showing up after lunch... the ceremony at three, drinks, dinner and a send-off.

They were going to New York for a few days at our building in Greenwich Village. Our aircraft carrying them.

Email from Lori... she and Shira were taking off in a Cho-Fay Air jet from Santa Monica en route to Bangkok. It was a twofold visit... Shira was to take a refresher course at the Security Service HQ and they had a vial of sperm!

Shira was at peak time for implantation! Lori's brother had contributed his sperm. They were using the same doctor we and other friends had used. He very professional and skilled. AND successful!!!!

They'd stay a few days at our place before traveling back to Los Angeles.

The whole day for the wedding was carefully planned... it rolled on without any problems. The Twins got pool time with Popa and our guests. I worked with my ladies.

Francis came in from the office grinning.

"Fay, TruRating took its first victim... Moody's has gone bankrupt! It lost so many clients in the last year! Standard and Poor's maybe next! Cho's idea is changing that world completely."

A hug! Ali got one too... just because!

We were all cleaned up and ready. Chani and Charlie were to be part of the wedding. They got their instructions... fist bumps!

The guests were in place, smiling faces of all sorts. An eclectic crowd! Forty five of us.

A violinist came down the aisle leading our grooms... Chani behind her carrying a floral bouquet and a HUGE smile. The grooms then Charlie behind them as ring bearer.

We were all standing... the procession reached the judge... the violinist faded away... Chani joined us... the judge welcomed us all as friends of the couple saying we were here to witness love triumphant.

The ceremony was simple... Charlie with the rings in a small velvet box... rings offered and accepted. Love sworn... sealed with a kiss!

Cheers! Clapping!

Instead of going back down the aisle they came to each of us for hugs and kisses.

We moved to the terrace where the bartender and servers had Taittinger's poured. One of the happy couple's oldest friends did the toast. Quite nice with several very personal touches from his friendship with the grooms.

We mingled. I tried to speak to everyone. One fellow wasn't partying' as much... sitting alone. I asked if I could sit... he stood up with an of course Your Ladyship' is a slightly faded English accent.

He looked sixty or so, short salt-pepper hair and a rather nice regimental moustache. He was Bridewell or Bridy as most folks called him. He'd known Gerald since his arrival in America... Bridy had emigrated from England.

I motioned over my upper lip... Yes, he was ex-Army from a family of military types. He grinned at my `Me too.'

I asked the obvious question... Bridy had lost his partner six months ago... this was the first time he had been out since that sad event.

I said I was sorry to hear it... "Was it a good partnership?"

A smile... That was terrific!

"Yes, we had twelve loving years together. A good match... we had a lot in common and got about having fun."

I squeezed his hand... "I'm glad you came out for this. Did you marry?"

"No... we talked about it... we probably would have gotten there... then there was an illness... " He choked a bit... "... he was gone."

I could see he was teary-eyed... I pulled a Cho-Fay handkerchief from my suit pocket. Bridy took it... a slight smile seeing the initials. My explaining it brought out a bigger smile.

"You are a famous lady! I left England to avoid the caste system... I hated snotty lords looking down their noses... thinking themselves better because of an accident of birth."

Bridy looked at me, "You on the other hand are exactly the opposite even though you are a countess. You being a self-made person... deserving of recognition. From what I read there are no class barriers for you."

I smiled, "It would be quite hypocritical of me to accept ennoblement only to become a snotty little bitch."

Bridy leaned back in laughter.

"See... that's what I mean... you act like a regular person although you clearly aren't."

Gerald joined us... he said he was very glad two English people could get together.

"Bridy has been here as long as me... he's never quite become an American in his heart."

They shook hands.

"Gerald, I think of you as a Frenchman with an American veneer."

We all laughed.

Gerald agreed hand over heart, "I don't wish to forget my homeland but I'm a great deal American now."

Bridy was surprised to learn I'd been born in the `District.' American by birth... now also Thai.

Chani came running over to crawl up onto my lap. She and Bridy did a fist bump much to Gerald's amusement.

She told Bridy his moustache was nice... Looking up at me, "Don't you think Popa would look wonderful with one?"

We all looked over to Cho in a group of five with Antonio. His sixth sense had him turn to us... a smile at our little clutch. He excused himself to join us.

"Popa, why don't you grow a moustache like Bridy? You would look good."

Cho kissed her cheek.

"That's an interesting thought but I don't have the hairs necessary for so fine a display. Mine would be skimpy."

Chani touched his upper lip and turned to Bridy... "Oh, Bridy has enough hair... I see. Then don't."

She got another kiss from Popa and a fist bump from Bridy.

Charlie with the son of another guest waved to Chani... they were going to visit the horses... Chani kissed me then dashed off.

"Your Ladyship..."

"Bridy, there's no need to slip back... I'm Fay."

He laughed, "Fay, Cho, your children are marvellous. Funny, smart and cute... small wonder given their parents."

I squeezed his hand, "Thank you. It has been an amazing start to we hope a long journey."

In a short while everyone was sitting at the refectory tables to dinner. Beautiful flowers down the centre of the tables, white linen cloths and napkins in contrast the the yellow, red and blue flowers.

Flo and her people fed us very well. A bouillabaisse that Antonio and Gerald warmly praised, Trout Almandine grilled by Mykal, little new potatoes grilled with fennel and mild onions, broccoli under a Hollandaise Sauce.

It was great! Flo came out before dessert to wholehearted plaudits. She gave us an awesome smile in return.

"I'll be back!"

Flo rolled out a cart with a wedding cake! Three levels, white with lovely delicate little red and yellow roses topped by two grooms. Those two cut the cake for us. To big cheers!

It was moist and delicious. Dishes of ice cream accompanied it. Two young ones applauded!

Afters. There were a couple of smokers downwind away from everyone else. Chani in my lap asked about it.

"Smoking tobacco is a rather old habit. Native tribes here in Virginia and elsewhere smoked it for centuries before Europeans arrived. The new people acquired the habit... it is habit forming especially cigarettes. They are very bad for your lungs and other body parts."

"Why do people do it?"

"As I said it is habit forming... your body can crave what is in the smoke. Many smokers say it calms them... is good for digestion and more. What they are doing is finding ways to avoid stopping.

It is also expensive... all governments put a heavy tax on tobacco."

Chani leaned back against me, she said she was sorry if people hurt themselves. I said even breathing the smoke if you aren't the smoker is very bad too.

"I will stay away from smokers."

I heartily endorsed that! Cho had reduced his cigars to ceremonial occasions only... I didn't ask him... he wanted to.

We'd had good food, drinks, laughs from some folks speaking about Gerald and Antonio... we all gave them a big send off. One of our cars to Dulles to a Gulfstream... it had old shoes and tin cans tied to the bumper.

The guests were asked if they were Okay to drive... two said they weren't sure so our people drove them home in their cars followed by one of ours.

We sat inside by the fire as a chill came down with the darkness. Flo had snacks for us... we did word/math games plus a puzzle. The little ones batteries running down... we carried them up to bed.

Charlie standing on his bed hugging me... We settled him with a kiss, Blu Dog right there. Chani a soft sleepy smile... a kiss for her. Raggedy Anne in Chani's arms.

The big people talked for a while... yawns started. Hugs.

In bed, Cho's arms around me like the Twins holding their `friends' tight!

Ash whinnying as we slowed outside the stables. She, Mr. Sugar, Malcolm and Tessie had a good ride with Tara, Gaby, Tessa and me. We went west then north to the property line with Wally and Dolly... east along that to the road then to the stables from the east.

I was going visiting at the Capitol Building... a meeting with representatives and senators on the helicopter issue.

I chose a navy suit from Mirabelle. Mid-thigh tube skirt, jacket with two buttons and a white silk shirt cut like a man's, navy stockings and heels. Gold jewellery, `Joy' and a white Kelly 32cm bag.

Cho was playing golf at the new club we acquired from trump, the Potomac River Golf Club. His visit should be interesting.

My first stop was at the White House. The AW139 landed softly on the South Lawn... an aide smiling as I stepped towards her. She led me across the lawn to the outside door of the Oval Office.

I loved the golden yellow curtains around the windows. The seat of the world's most powerful person.

We hugged... her National Security Advisor was there. We sat on the settees in front of the fireplace.

Hillary's National Security Advisor started us off, "Fay, we want to bring you into the loop on several things. The Trident arrangement is solid. We'll pay half this year and then after three years we take over completely, the boats and the base. The UK government will pay fifty percent of the base costs for ten years... then we'll see what is happening.

On the penetrations into Russian, Chinese and North Korean computer systems... We can't thank you and your people enough! While you don't need to know operational details... the Russians are being destabilized by things the NSA and CIA are doing using your `gift' to us.

To be clear the CIA doesn't know the source..."

I nodded.

"Their communications are wobbly, some very important personnel have left because we created scenarios where they were brought under suspicion. The fellow at the FBI your people uncovered last year is being used to funnel false information to his Russian controllers... they'll still evaluate it all but it appears some is creeping into their actions.

The new FBI agent you uncovered is being side-lined to some degree by a move to a more administrative role and some disinformation will past through his hands."

She smiled.

"We are going to use the Chinese connection against the Russians and the reverse... we hope they will be a lot less friendly in the near future.

Of course all of these sort of activities take time to root and become accepted... there are quite good early signs. So all your people's work is being used!"

I was pleased there could be real results from it all.

"Can I tell our highest levels about this?"

Hillary with a grin... "You can tell Cho..." We all laughed.

The NS Advisor said she was fine with our top folks knowing. "Well they already know about your side... right?"

"Oh yes. Even between ourselves we don't speak about these things just in case. Cho and I only when we are alone with our closest staff."

I sipped coffee, "What about Her Majesty's government? The GCHQ?"

The Advisor said they know some... they don't know yet what games were are playing with the Russians... We will tell them shortly... How about I send you an email asking to wager on a horse... like... the one I know is Glaa."

"That would be interesting since he's retired to stud in Kentucky!"

Laughter. "How about you ask after a mare who has been brought to him? Use Terlingua as the name."

She said that would do fine. "You will get it when the British are fully informed."

I told them about my visits to Tehran , Hanoi and Bangkok... "The Thai military will likely buy a system similar to the Vietnamese..."

I grinned, "I have another interesting way to twist the Chinese dragon's tail... if Vietnam, Thailand and America... maybe others... were to fund a sensor wall on the northern borders of Laos and Myanmar to close them to drug smugglers... the poppies and other drugs would have nowhere to go... The Chinese would have a big problem dealing with social unrest in Yunnan and cheap heroin inside their borders.

The Myanmar portion is much larger than Laos and the government less friendly... this could be a way to get more involved there... interact with the military junta running the country..."

I sat back to sip more coffee. The ladies were giving me the eye-ball.

Hillary burst out laughing, "You should be the UK Foreign Secretary..."

We all joined in the laughing.

"Actually I need to sit down with Cedric... Cho and I were at Clarence House for a cocktail thing for one of Prince Charles' civic groups... this one about ethical businesses... an Army colonel edged up to me... one of my contacts told me the colonel did a lot with the SIS... MI6.

I think it was about the trip to Tehran and my seeing General Soleimani again... By the way if you ever find yourself in Iran in the spring go to the Iranian Gardens in downtown Tehran... the tulips are gorgeous!"


"Soleimani is an interesting fellow... he knows I'm transgendered and as a Muslim that is not accepted but I seem to be a `normal' enough woman he has decided I'm Okay.

I sent him several solar panels to install at his favourite tea house in the Iranian Gardens... I expect to hear back soon how it went.

He has been good about keeping an eye on our project there... one minor issue he helped to resolve immediately... I think the religious police are VERY aware of his interest and are now staying away."

Hillary pointed to the NS Advisor, "I told you Fay's assessment of the General was spot on! You called him a patriot... how correct you are.

So you know Kier Starmer and his people are coming here in a week for several days... we..." her motioning to the Advisor... "... have a full agenda prepared. Cedric will be along so we'll meet and talk."

"I hope to see Cedric before that... An offer of lunch at Cowley House should do it."

They laughed as I gave them the story of my `luncheons' for Lords and now some MP's.

We covered a few other things... then Hillary said the biologist on TAG, Richardson, had met with FBI people.

"The Bureau has begun an investigation. The Director told me what Richardson had given them included sworn statements by several professors at the two universities about what they had seen. It was `compelling' according to the Director.

If we find those devices were used... the companies involved will be punished one way or another up to and including prosecutions. They will be barred from Federal contracts.

University officials will suffer similarly plus if any part of Pentagon had knowledge even afterwards and didn't report it... there will be court martials for any officers who had any role whatsoever."

I was pleased. The thought of untired devices being turned on innocent citizens was abhorrent... something the Russians would do... not America.

Then I internally reminded myself of the U.S. Army testing LSD on soldiers and the Tuskegee syphilis test study... America did it before. Though not quite like this.

Hillary's aide came in with the news the car was at the West Wing doors. I stood up... the National Security Advisor liked my suit.

I grinned, "Am I showing enough leg to get members of Congress' attention."

Hillary said the answer was a `Yes!' We laughed some more!

I gathered Gil, PJ and Tara. Hillary had met them all at Harcourt House, she said she hoped I wasn't working them too hard. They laughed.

Gil said `No more than Fay works herself.'

Hillary squeezed her arm... we did goodbyes. I said if I didn't have anything remarkable from my meeting I would go straight to the helicopter. Hugs.

A big Secret Service SUV led our loaner car south then east towards the Capitol Building. They drove right to the east side of the huge building... gates opened as we approached. The car stopped on the promenade at the foot of the big stone stairs to east entrance.

I stepped out into the warm sun... it felt good. Two Secret Service people led us up the steps... the building's effect was quite grand in a restrained power sort of way.

I recalled Teddy Roosevelt's famous saying... and if you do speak softly the others have to listen harder. Sometimes... depending on the audience it's better to raise your voice!

I was thinking the American Civil War had remade the United States just as this building was being finished. It had the most dynamic and dominant industry in the world, the biggest fleet and the most experienced and best equipped army, it was consolidating ownership of their part of the continent... The United Kingdom was already falling behind...

Inside an aide to Senator Murray greeted us... we walked into the Rotunda. It was an amazing place. I asked if we could pause for a moment...

"Your Ladyship, is it your first visit?"

"No... I was here as a small child... this won't be my last."

She smiled. I looked up into the dome... a thing of beauty!

We went to the left down a broad corridor a ways to the Sam Rayburn Room. Senator Murray at the door with the Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi. I was introduced. Hands shaken.

Ms. Pelosi said she wasn't to stay but she wanted to welcome me to the Capitol. She hoped I could return to have a meeting soon. I had Gil give her card to the Speaker's aide, smiles.

Patty Murray said she had to go, "Please send me a note on how it goes. Thank you for coming."


PJ and Tara waited outside. Gil came in with me. She found a chair against the wall.

In the room... there were members of the Senate committee I had testified in front of and members of the relevant House of Representatives committee. Both the chairmen and the ranking members for each present plus a few senior members.

We sat around a rectangular table, coffee or tea was offered. Coffee!

This get together was about the helicopter legislation working its way through the Congress.

I had been sent copies of the current bills from both Houses. I said I was pleased to see restrictions on flights over residential areas, tighter regulation of all helicopter companies no matter where they operate, no flights over inhabited space by single engined aircraft, altitude limits and other important bits.

I said I had seen a few `get-outs' for smaller companies because of their size included in the House version.

I was looking around the table, "You may not know that the smaller companies also have a higher failure rate simply because they do not have the resources to maintain or improve their aircraft. So you are allowing the worst to continue as is."

I got the immediate impression from several members they did not want to drive those companies out of business through new regulation that required them to fly in a safe and responsible manner.

The members were all men which I hadn't liked but I'm not in charge.

"Gentlemen... the point of doing this legislation from our perspective is to make the people on the ground safer! You may have one of the smaller helicopter companies in your district or state... you want to protect them... that is hypocritical!

The vast number of your constituents aren't involved except as possible victims..."

Boy the Republicans didn't like that.

I stood up... feeling feisty!

"My husband and I are leading the way on this because there is no excuse for putting anyone in danger just to make a dollar! That is unacceptable as policy or morality.

The time is now to protect innocent citizens."

I looked across the table to a Congressman Francis had identified as a close personal friend to a man who also owned a tour helicopter company in Texas. That company had problems... using cheap and outdated aircraft, poor quality rating in maintenance, etc... Francis' notes said he had been instrumental in putting in the `get-outs.' He been shaking his head...

I aimed a finger toward that Republican member from the House, "How will you defend yourself for shielding friends from possible financial pain if they drop an aircraft on someone's house?"

He was offended and huffy.

"Now see here..."

I leaned in, "I can see... that is the point... Culver Aviation's owner is a buddy of yours and a heavy campaign contributor. You have to play those games... I don't."

Lots of sputtering from him.

I looked around again, "Gentlemen, when we see an injustice Cho and I play hardball... "

I let that float for a moment...

"Our helicopter companies already far exceed the standards you have in your bills. We have two pilots in every aircraft, twin engines in every helicopter, paths to avoid residential areas, extensive training for emergencies, highly qualified maintenance staffs, strict flight rules for altitude... We did it all to make it safer for those on the ground who are completely innocent plus our guests and our crews.

For us it was a simple business decision."

A pause...

"If you're wondering... we also have a whole helluva lot of insurance should it ever be needed. That is also something where the smaller companies FAIL!"

I sat down but leaned forward, "Culver Aviation has the lowest possible amount of insurance they could carry without being considered foolhardy or reckless."

The Congressman across the table was madder... very much so... but I had nailed his hide to the wall of the Sam Rayburn Room! He excused himself. One of his Republican colleagues shaking his head trying to get him to stay.

The senate committee chairman at an angle to me had a smile. He had already heard me and seen my passion. The others got that Cho and I weren't going to let this go. I assumed they were thinking about our now more than a dozen newspapers and Fox TV. We had a `bully pulpit' to shout from.

Damn... I could see the calculations happening. They were transparent.

"Gentleman, this may not be the appropriate venue for this but here goes... Cho and I will buy every helicopter company in America you want to exempt then make the changes necessary for them to conform to proper TIGHTLY drawn legislation.

Our spending the money is better than the alternative. If anyone wants to compete with us they will have to do so under the laws written to protect citizens not business owners in your new bill.

You might have guessed by now we are not your average business people. We say if you can't do it ethically and honestly... don't do it"

The Senate chairman cleared his throat, "Well... Your Ladyship... you've made it plain where you stand. So you and our House colleagues know those `get-outs' will not fly. The final bill will not include those pieces."

He raised his hand to the several Republicans across the table started to say something, "Lady Harcourt is right. We cannot allow the dollar to supersede safety. We don't do that for fixed wing aircraft why do it for rotary ones."

The Chairman said he thought we should leave it where it is now. He asked the House chairman to makes changes in their bill and they would sit down later.

Folks stood up... The Senator motioned to me... we moved towards the outside wall. He was grinning, "I would say you've done two things here today... made an enemy and made it clear to everyone you are in command of the facts.

I would have told you about the `get-outs' not going forward if we had time before... " A bigger smile, "I admit your way was far more interesting."

He leaned closer, "Your people dug up some... juicy information... I suppose you have the `goods' on us all?"

"No as a matter of fact... when we found out that fellow was pushing hard for the get-outs' to protect his friend we looked deeper. There a few more facts' that I did not mention... He's a rather corrupt Congressman."

His head shaking, "Your Ladyship, there is a line we are not supposed to cross ethically but often the weaker ones amongst us blur it to gain an advantage."

I put my hand on his arm, closer... "We will directly support a candidate opposing him in the future."

He laughed, "My god if you mean it... your track record in the recent UK elections should give him a fright!"

We laughed. He took me around doing introductions... Gil brought me a cup of coffee... a BIG thank you for her.

I got to do a one-on-one with the Republican Congressman who tried to get the corrupt one to stay... He said his colleague is one of those excessive believers in reducing government intrusions into business.

I asked if the fellow was a businessman or ?

"He is a lawyer... he's never been in business that I know of."

Smiling I said it didn't surprise me.

"When someone has had to worry about employees or the bottom line or product supply or transport... you know government is a natural part of life."

He nodded, "I'm a rancher from Nebraska... I know the government rules can be a pain in the backside and I also know how government has helped me. Like so many things in life it is a double-edged sword."

I shook his hand. He asked if I had ever been in Nebraska... I said no... "I've done the thirty thousand foot thing."

He laughed, "Yes sometimes we are called a `fly-over' state. Should you have time I would like you to see our ranch. My brother and I run it jointly with our families."

I drew Gil close, "Please give Gil some contact details... you never know."

We shook hands again.

The Senate Chairman smiling, "You have a facility for speaking plainly... it makes you friends as well as enemies."

I shrugged. He smiled.

At the doorway we said goodbye... he saw PJ and Tara move close to me... eyebrows raised... I nodded. The two Secret Service people right there too.

Senator Murray's aide came down the passage... she escorted us back to the east doors.

"Please tell the Senator it was an instructive meeting. Thank you for assisting me."

She would and was pleased to be of assistance.

Back out in the sunshine... Gil and I linked arms going down the beautiful steps.

"Fay, you are a tough broad!"

Oh how we laughed!!!

When the AW139 rose off the South Lawn Gil hugged me... hard to do in a seatbelt.

I texted Cho... he had finished his round and was going over the facilities.

Gil was telling PJ and Tara about my shutting down the Congressman from Texas... laughter.

As usual we didn't discuss anything in someone else's vehicle... we always wait.

Mykal was on the lawn... the Twins were in the pool with Tha and Delphine. I walked around the house to the terrace. Loud Mama's greeted me. I said I would join in... Tha said it was time for them to get out.

Charlie held up his hands, "I am a prune Mama."

Laughing I said I'd be back.

I stopped to thank Francis for his work telling him how I used some of it. The smile getting bigger as I went on...

"Damn Fay! You did nail him... nailed him!"

A big high-FIVE and a hug!

I dashed upstairs, stripped off, dove into a tiny bikini and ran down. The Twins were getting dry. Hugs. They'd sit with some juice.

I dove in. Laps for twenty minutes... working the lout from Texas out of my mind.

Gil on the terrace above called out Cho was in-bound. I climbed out grabbing a towel. I was out front as the helicopter flared for landing.

A big hug! Cho was happy with the golf course. He shot a fifty nine which is the new lowest score!

"We will have to some work to bring the physical side up to scratch... it does have a nice view of the Potomac."

Upstairs to change for Cho... I lay across the bed telling Cho of my day. He was laughing about the bozo from Texas. I said I'd thanked Francis... "He had terrific information."

Cho grinning, "You got a Texas scalp! Good going!"

A monster kiss. My cute tush got a squeeze with a grin that promised more later! I was up!

Dinner outside... Wally, Dolly and Wally2! Great to see the little man! They were coming to Baltimore!! Good to hear.

Dinner. Mykal's skill with a spatula on display once more. The grilled fish was great! Flo did salads and hush puppies!! We raided the honey and butter for the `puppies' which delighted the Twins.

Hoodies and jackets for after dinner. The Twins, Cho and our staff and Protectors in a kickball game. Charlie was good at kicking. Chani tried it then joined me to watch. My aversion to balls continuing... so many joining in gave me `cover.'

Dolly smiling at Wally holding his son. Such a face on Wally... love and happiness together!

A great morning ride. Cho was out at the stables when we returned...

Harry and Meg's wedding today. A last text before it got started to each of them with our congratulations to both! We hoped they enjoy their Africa trip.

An email from Anna W****** she said they were going to print more copies of the June issue since demand from retailers and aggregators was huge. I replied asking if they had done this often. Her reply was `never!' Okay!

Cho was laughing... he had read the cover piece in the email Anna had sent to me.

"You do look awesome. Dreamy and ethereal in some snaps, tough in several."

"You and I... that snap is getting huge raves."

"Is it because I'm in it?"

I laughed, "For some readers probably yes! I wonder if any congress folk read it? They might have acted differently."

A good laugh when Francis suggested a gift subscription to the Congressional Reading Room.

Penn arranged a landing for us in D.C. near Somsak and Tona's house. They were on Highwood Court NW backed up against a park... The D.C. government and police were kind enough to allow our using a small part for sixty minutes.

We dropped to the grass... stepping out we said hello to three police people, thanking them for helping us. At the edge of the trees one of our Security Service people waiting. She led us through to a gate. Inside the back garden Somsak smiling.

We hugged and kissed. An upstairs passage table... a big vase of flowers from us, another from Dad and Phailin and the ambassador sent some too!

Tona sitting in a rocking chair in the nursery. A huge smile... the little man in her arms. He was freshly fed by his mom... looking sleepy.

Suki holding my hand, "Aunt Fay, he is so cute.

Indeed he was. Charlie and Chani both got a look at their cousin.

We let them rest. Somsak happy as he could be. A huge grin!

"The labour was not too bad... Tona was so good. Her doctor was pleased when Anurak decided not to wait any longer!"

We did more hugs and kisses before leaving them to get on. Somsak staying home for a week to start and going in half time after that.

After lunch we loaded up for Baltimore. Three AW139's buzzing along in a `V' formation. We landed in waves at the same house on Lake Roland. The house staff had carts for the baggage.

The staff were happy to see us again. They liked meeting the Twins in their new mobile... speaking personas. We settled in... then pool. Our guests should start arriving soon... Sydney and Sylvia first... a few hours later Dolly and the two Walters! Loads of hugs!

Robbie and Sal, Roundell and Sasha with Riley!! Terrific they came with him. So the two little boys were together again! They were parked with their moms under umbrellas by the pool.

The house staff did one of their great dinners from the grill... lobster tails and shrimp, grilled white corn cakes! Salads and more. Chani and Charlie got a bit of everything!

Our two little boy guests got their dinners direct from their mom's! Luckily all the babies we had seen lately were good at nursing... such a positive thing... life for their mom's made easier!

I was walking with Sylvia afterwards... she said she was sorry she hadn't conceived with her first husband.

"My breasts may not have have been big enough to feed a baby like theirs."

Her bikini showed them to be small and pert. She did a cute `lift' of them. We laughed.

She said "I've always enjoyed the children I have found around me. Yours are gorgeous and so smart."

We had done a turn facing back to the pool area... the Twins were jumping off the pool edge to Tha and Delphine. I linked arms with her, "They are handful now... We think Tha and Delphine are doing very well... they are curious about so much, love to draw and write, have active imaginations... they are loving life! We couldn't ask for more."

Sylvia squeezed my arm, "They will be wonders when grown up."

We grinned.

A walk around the property and down by the lake was my morning exercise. Jaidee did not pull me into the water this time.

Cho was playing golf, a local stables owner offered him a round at the Suburban Club. It was west of us and northwest of Pimlico. It was an old club, Cho told me the course had a good rating and was well-thought of.

I said `Enjoy!'

I was going to the Baltimore Sun.

A warm humid day. A white cotton sleeveless frock, shirt collar and little red buttons to the waist where a narrow red belt went around my waist. Red stockings and heels. Gold jewellery and `Joy' The red Hermès Kelly bag. The red round reflective sunglasses.

My crowd stepped aboard a AW139 on the grassy side lawn. A short hop to the Baltimore Sun's back car park. We flew south along the `83' motorway to land on the asphalt where we had the last time.

We walked across the lower car park and up to the Calvert Street front door.

Jeff and his people were there. Smiles and handshakes. Jeff grinning as I walked straight to the newsroom. The folks there gave me a huge greeting!

I worked my way through as Jeff said we'd use a conference room beyond. I shook hands, hugs and some cheeks kissed. I climbed onto a chair to hello and thank them for their hard work in improving the Sun!

"As you have seen our other newspapers and media are blazing a trail of success rewarded by us and the many prizes they have received. We look forward to hearing about you all too!"

Clapping. Cheers and a few `we will' called out.

In the conference room I sat beside Jeff... all the top managers in with us. Gil, Francis, Ali and Chelle sitting at the table. My first thing was to retire officially from being publisher and hand it over to Jeff. He was beaming even though he knew it was coming. His colleagues clapping and a cheer for him. He had earned the chance!

We talked about current things and the future. They were pleased to have more reporters for Baltimore and Maryland coverage... they had recently won some regional awards for the depth and breadth of their local stories. One on the loss of fishing boats on Chesapeake Bay was well done and went national.

The sharing arrangement with the Capitol Gazette meant more Maryland government news was in their pages every day. The New York Daily News wire gave them a direct line to the big city they also got news from the Fox TV station in the District of Columbia.

The canteen was open serving food and snacks twenty fours a day which was greatly appreciated. The health clinic was being widely used, colds to broken bones had been helped so far. Having those two things in the building was awesome for staff morale.

We discussed the `speciality' printing idea. Francis had set The Sharks on this working with Jeff and the publisher's staff here. They had done the looking... it was a choice between two presses. I said it was up to them to decide.

"I don't have more information than you do but you will have to make it work so... " My hand motioning around the table.

"Francis can stick his oar in... Cho and I won't."

Jeff did a thumbs up to Francis... smiles.

We kept on until I thought we'd covered everything I wanted. Some general discussion about the Tribune Corporation... Terrill had visited and been pleased with them. He made a very good impression on the staff who had been very wary of `Chicago' in the past.

Lunch was proposed. Jeff said they had prepared a location for us... the food was excellent, they had loads of fish dishes or vegan ones. And it was an outdoors seating place... Okay.

Cars at the front... down Calvert Street to the Inner Harbour and a left onto Pratt Street. Miss Shirley's Café! Jeff said they don't take reservations but they did break the rule for us.

I was smiling, "Should I make a personal appearance inside to thank them?"

"They'll most likely be there to greet us. I said I was bringing a world famous person they would want to accommodate."

"Who is the famous person... will I get to meet them?"

Laughter... someone said look in a mirror! I did a thumbs up!

A tall office block... We stepped out to the left... my sunglasses on! A walkway and outside seating... three people waiting. They were shocked to see me... and me shaking their hands to say hello... I added, "This is first time at one of your restaurants for me."

We were led to the right past the glass walled patio to a group of tables surrounded by stanchions and black cord. They opened the ring to let us in.

I was beside the manager... she was amazed as I thanked her for breaking their no reservations rule.

"Oh... Your Ladyship... we'll do it for you anytime."

I squeezed her hand.

Drinks? Monica suggested the strawberry lemonade... I said Okay.

I got a menu... the servers brought the drinks quickly. I asked about a change to an appetizer... Yes I could have the Luau Eggs without the pork then... Grandpa's cornbread and the Shrimp Po' Boy sandwich with the Shredded potato and Onion hash browns on the side.

The server looking at me with huge eyes. I smiled, "I can eat it all."

She managed a smile then a huge laugh when I shook a lifted slender leg saying `It's empty!'

Gil leaned close, "Is this far enough from Capitol Hill?"

I nodded. Sun... a slight breeze coming from the harbour... a long way from a stuffy room full of men old enough to know better... well they ought to!

Food! Miss Shirley's Café knew how to cook! Good food... not complicated or over-dressed! After I had demolished my food the young server grinned taking away the bare plates.

I got a good cup of coffee. We had talked through the food about all sorts. Gil had made a joke about yesterday... the news people asked... I said I wouldn't say much... not that it was secret... rather more sensitive for a few individuals... I did say a congressman hadn't been pleased with some of my comments. So I wanted to leave it there for now. If things change so will my choice.

I had very intrigued newsies!

Jeff did ask if I had any other publisher duties? "No you were the last... I could have done it earlier but I wanted to be here."

Fist bump. He liked I had climbed on a desk before lunch to tell the entire newsroom... cheers for Jeff.

As we prepared to leave I asked for the manager... I thanked her for the reception and how I enjoyed the food! I got two menus and a Sharpie... I signed each. A few shared selfies... Many thanks.

We returned to the Sun... I took my leave. Handshakes and Jeff smiling with a thank you.

In the AW139, a fast trip to Lake Roland.

We were down... me running up the lawn to the pool where the Twins were ensconced in little Adirondack chairs looking so cute. Wayfarers on, a Speedo and a Ralph Lauren Polo two-piece!! Fruit drinks in hand!

Jonny emailed... Satirical won the Prix d'Ispahan at Longchamp. He had a bad start but recovered to rundown the leaders in the last fifty metres... pulling away at the finish. Jonny said they'd checked him over thoroughly... no issues.

Everybody was at the Montataire Farm... A big weekend of racing at Chantilly and Deauville. Niva, his assistant, was going to manage the races at Deauville. She and the horses are at Moulin Farm doing their last training.

The three were all two year olds, unraced, looking for a maiden win in their first outing!

Ring called. He gave us the tale of the day's racing.

"Satirical was powerful. His stumble was likely just something about the grass... he had his feet right away going after the field. Rene had him in hand the whole way gaining ground consistently... no need for the whip. The big guy wanted to run!

The big coming weekend I'll be at Chantilly. Niva's at Moulin Farm. She'll be fine on the coast, she's very good, a thinker not just a horse wrangler."

We laughed. Cho thanked Ring for being our French person.

Ring said he was enjoying being in Paris on an all-expenses paid trip! Our house on Quai de Bethune was marvellous. We mentioned Le Petit Pontoise... Ring would give it a go.

We rang off laughing.

In a bikini on a lounge, Jaidee at the bottom against my feet. I was looking a Washington Post story online... the whinging Texas congressman had said he had been disappointed with the meeting with me. I held ideas which he felt weren't compatible with the Congressional legislative process.

Chelle had handed her iPad with the story on the screen... a look on her face. I picked up my iPhone... Kent answered. I told him what we knew about the Texas congressman and his financial benefactor and how he tried to pervert the legislative process to save his friend's helicopter business at the expense of the people of his district.

I could hear the laugh... "Fay, I saw the reports of his whine... we'll do some looking of our own... it won't take long. We will frame it around the legislation, the safety angle and the risks presented by these small lightly regulated helicopter companies."

"You should bring in the Baltimore Sun folks... I bet they have a few good contacts in D.C."

A pause, "Good... Yes. I'll call Jeff. Do you want us to mention your offer to the Congress people... indirectly more to the owners I suppose?"

"If it works in fine... don't force it. Also you might look at Nick Rawlins... he tried to get the whinger to stay... we talked afterwards. He seemed sensible but I don't know much about him except he appears to be decent and earnest."

He was good to go.

Chelle with a monster grin, "Well somebody's tail feathers are going to get burnt!"

Fist bump!

Harry & Meg's wedding was over... done... married! It all went very well!

We got a text saying they were at Chalgrove about to leave. Cho responded with an `enjoy' and be well.

An afternoon of sun and the pool. Cho and Charlie organized a kickball game... a new fad. Chani sat with me on a lounge. I did some work, Chani had on headphones listening to music on her iPad... feet moving... such a cutie!

Interesting seeing the Chinese reaction to the trial in Bangkok and their people being publically exposed for helping a murder team get to Thailand. Unhappy would cover it... they tried to say the episode is ended. Ti is dead so it is over.

They didn't count on the Thai government... The Security Police called a news conference.

The spokesman told the reporters that if Ti was alive they would request his extradition and put him in the dock in a public trial. He put many lives at risk simply because he was upset and he had abused his position in the Chinese government to do so.

The spokesman was clear, "There is no doubt about the guilt of Mr. Ti... his hired killers confirm it, the documents confirm it, his own government's statements confirm it."

I was glad they called out the Chinese. At some point we would have to leak what we had about the help Ti got from inside the Guoanbu. Doing it through one of our news outlets seemed the right path. Not yet... maybe not... it would depend on other factors.

Another lovely dinner from the house staff! They were quite a good crew!

Afters by the pool. Cho leaned close, "The weather is going to change... clouds coming and rain is forecast for Saturday... possible thunderstorms."

Okay... neither of our two had run in the mud.

My morning after a walk and food was all business. I had to laugh at how my life had changed in a few short years! No hands on for me now... not since the Thai railyards... except for the piles of paper and multitude of emails... those needed my hands.

I had reports from The Company, 21st Century Fox, SolarToGo, the Tribune Corporation, the NewsGroup, Mirabelle... more from units like the cabling companies in Seattle which we owned separately... not to speak of the Chanthira Foundation and the Railroad and the Cho Family banks... restaurants, Cho-Fay Air and the R&R locations around the world plus the Security Service...

Cho had similar amount adding in the Investment Banks he took a close interest in plus a whole lot of new golf courses!

I looked over to Francis... his nose in a thick wad of paper... heavens knows what that is.

Time to go to the races. It was Blacked-Eyed Susan Day. A yellow silk frock with black accessories. Chani like me... the guys were in black suits and yellow ties. Yea!

We stopped at the barn... Monaco and Demetria smiling. Hugs. We visited our three runners. Sasithorn then Stellar Black and Toes Tapping. Our jockeys were riding for other trainers with Radha suiting up for Sasithorn today.

We drove around to the main entrance... we went up into the clubhouse. We were carrying the Twins... there was a good crowd... we said a lot of hellos as the announcer said we had arrived which caused folks to look for us. We worked our way to the windows location we had been at for three years... Chani and Charlie on their feet looking out to the track.

Servers brought us all drinks... the Twins would share a cola, club soda and lime for me, Cho joined me.

Tara gave me a `look' I turned to see Tom. A hug! He had already won an earlier race with his talented young filly, SummerTime. She was making a name for herself!

We spoke to folks around us and waited for the race to be begin. Black and yellow abounded! Some crazy outfits on the ladies and one really horrible black and yellow sports coat on a man... about five sizes too small.

Charlie and Chani standing on chairs beside us to see better... we held them. The post parade started... they all walked calmly down to the left.

The loading went along nicely... CLANG! They're released! The fourteen fillies coming down the straight... Sasithorn was in the middle of six horses abreast as they passed below us heading to the first turn.

In the turn she edged a length ahead... Cho said several horses with her hadn't raced against her before... they were all east coast girls. On the back straight two faded leaving our girl and three others together.

The second turn coming up... my glasses on Radha... A quick look... She asked Sasithorn who surged forward! Quickly there was a four length gap... the other jockeys responding belatedly tried to get closer. Radha let Sasithorn move to the rail where the dirt had been fast all day and she strode out.

At the top of the home stretch Radha asked Sasithorn again... a much bigger rush of power... she was flying at the eighth pole! The lead was nearly nine... widening! Sasithorn ran over the finish at full speed, no slack and a ten length margin!

Our girl is versatile! She can run on the lead throughout or come from off the pace or run with the others until Radha judges the moment to ask her for more!

We had hugs and kisses galore to share! Cho got a fist bump from Robbie! We helped the Twins down from their chairs and got ourselves together to go down to the track.

Loads of congratulations as we passed through the room. A track steward was at the door to escort our crowd. We carried Charlie and Chani across the dirt and grass tracks to the big horseshoe shaped Winner's Circle.

The Black-Eyed Susan Stakes folks welcomed us with the Pimlico management. Hands shaken. Monaco walked Sasithorn into the horseshoe. Porto right behind.

We accepted the trophy... lots of pictures... Monaco and Radha! Porto holding Sasithorn with a huge grin!

Number two on the Triple Tiara series in the bag! Cho with Monaco talking with the news folks as I edged the Twins out towards the track. We all headed to the barn. Some petting for Stellar Black and Toes Tapping after Sasithorn got hers.

In the cars out on Northern Parkway then up Charles Street to Lake Roland. We had pool time and dinner with our guests outside.

There was work after food. Email from Marita and Rami at The Day in Los Angeles. They had done some digging about the `heat ray' device given a trial at college demonstrations in the greater Los Angeles/Southland area. I'd put them on it.

They found a company creating the `ray guns' and that the company had been seen on both campuses at the time of the demos. They ID'd some employees and went for interviews on them.

One did open up if he could be anonymous... he said he was opposed to the testing without proper controls and participant agreement. He had tendered his resignation before the second test... his last day was our interview... He was leaving the company to do pure research.

It was a tale of subterfuge, lying and conniving. They bribed some campus police to get in for a test then lied about what was happening. They packed and left quickly afterwards leaving observers behind. Both times the same scenario was used.

The informant handed to Rami `After Action' reports on both incidents. He said they had circulated within the company, many people had seen them.

Fifteen students who had been affected were interviewed with stories of being sick for a day after their exposure. The `a few hours' until full recovery was debunked by their conversations with our reporters.

The TAG member Richardson had spoken to Rami, his California colleagues who had witnessed the `heat rays' did interviews for The Day.

Richardson was asked if the FBI had said anything regarding the press... they hadn't. Rami inquired at the Los Angeles Field Office for comment... They said `no comment.'

The campus police forces had no comment when he asked to speak to them. Same for the university administrations.

Rami had the business information and the interviews done and written it up.

Rami and his reporters found nothing to show the military was involved in the `tests' although the research had attracted the attention of the Pentagon according to a defence analyst they interviewed.

The story was on page one tomorrow! I was pleased! Okay! I cheered them on.

Marita on our call said Rami and a general assignment reporter were looking at other types of crowd control devices being developed. There could be a series in it.

I had told them about the FBI being involved so I emailed Hillary to tell her about the The Day piece. She replied saying it was Okay with her but she wasn't so sanguine about the FBI. A smiley face at the end.

Cho looking like who want to test anything on innocent people??? It was all about greed and a singular lack of ethics.

Jaidee's walk was a success... if your criteria was I didn't get dunked in the lake! I made it through this visit!

A swim with the Twins and work on a lounge. The lunch was very tasty grilled vegetable sandwiches, lots of cheese! Also cut veggies with a terrific dip and tangy hummus.

Dressing for the Preakness... It was warm and humid, overcast skies... the weather report had backed away from rain for now.

A full white skirt to my ankle tops with big black polka dots... big! A black lightweight knitted short sleeved top, no stockings and black heels. Silver jewellery and my `Joy' man did the honours. Chani stuck out her wrist... Cho dabbed her to many giggles.

We went directly to the clubhouse entrance. Up in the main room we did a collection of hellos. There a short time before the post parade. The chairs were back for the Twins... Chani with my arm around her holding on the chair back.

Gil raised her iPhone so I could see the front webpage of The Day in Los Angeles... the `heat ray' story in bold print and a snap! Well we will see what comes as we were naming names.

We skipped drinks waiting... the hoses emerged from the tunnel... it was a longer walk to the left. More singing... `Maryland, My Maryland' coming out of thousands of throats... many definitely not in tune!

The loading of the horses went along quietly. Toes Tapping in number seven and Stellar Black in three. A longish pause... CLANG! The start was clean... the horses going down the straight bunched up... then Stellar Black moved to the lead. Passing below us he was a length and half ahead. Toes Tapping in a group of five just behind her stablemate.

In the turn Stellar Black continued to lead... a bay was closing some on his right as they entered the back straight. They were galloping now looking good. Toes Tapping had moved up three paths out from the rail were Stellar Black was now running.

The bay closed to being a `neck' behind Stellar Black... Toes Tapping on the bay's right. The turn had the three rolling along. I watched ours... striding smoothly, no strain. The bay seemed comfortable.

They came out of the turn level across the track... Dom asked Stellar Black for more... Marnie did the same for Toes Tapping. Each surged away from the bay side by side roaring down the dirt... the bay faded.

It was our two together passing the eighth pole... they were driving hard for the finish... no slack! Coming to the wire Toes Tapping got her head out front... she won again!!!

We celebrated the One - Two finish! Toes Tapping had enough once again!! Chani and I clapping, hugs with Popa and Charlie. Monaco and Demetria got hugs. Our staff joining in!

Our neighbouring fellow owners calling out congratulations. We thanked them all. Tom grinning as he shook hands with Cho. Everytime got the place edging out the bay who had faltered near the wire! Terrific for him!! Our congratulations!

We collected ourselves to go get the prize. The Twins were carried over again... down on the grass they got to stroke Toes Tapping's nose... she leaned down to them.

Okay! A blanket of yellow flowers for our horse and lots of welcomes and congratulations from the Preakness Stakes people. The Pimlico folks smiling... thanking us for running here.

Cho joking with them... they'd be able to save paint... motioning to the jockey atop the pavilion. It was already in our colours. They said it would be redone in a few minutes as it was part of the show. Smiles.

We got the Woodlawn Vase again! Our people taking turns holding the big thing! The Twins got their tiny hands on it! We would get a very nice replica version to keep! More gilt for the Harcourt Racing Museum!

The sports news people did their thing, Cho spoke to the TV audience briefly. Then he and Monaco had a big newsies' crowd around them. Marnie with a camera aimed at her... she was talking, smiling, happy to have won, proud of her horse, sad for Dom and Stellar Black, grateful for us giving her the chance to ride a fabulous horse like Toes Tapping after her success last year with SakChai!

She was saying all the right things.

We had carts on the track to go to the barn. We thanked everyone for their hard work... glad to see it crowned with success. Cho said we see them all at the Belmont.

At the Lake Roland house we said goodbye to the staff... Francis had envelopes for each member... five hundred dollar bonuses for them. One young woman who was new was shocked to open the envelope... apparently none of the regulars had said anything... maybe they didn't want to tempt fate. We thanked them all.

We went out to the helicopters... at Martin State Airport the 767 was ready to go. Kor said four and half hours to Santa Monica, we'd arrive at 1900 local time.

We took off to our little men's usual noises. I sat to work with my three, Cho and Francis together. The Twins in their cabin doing some schooling. Yobi and Lil working on dinner.

The Day's story kicked off a ruckus! The company making the heat ray devices complaining, threatening to sue! Our lawyers said they would make the noises but suing... not a chance of success. The story was true, accurate and direct. There was no room for their whining.

The two universities said they would investigate their police forces about the unauthorised use of the devices on their campuses. AND the bribery accusations!!

Two southern California county district attorneys were starting investigations.

The governor of California was quoted saying the state will probe the two schools, their administrative rules about on campus activity by outside companies and especially police actions. No one will be exempt from scrutiny.

A nice little dust-up with the hope others won't let themselves be lured by money. Likely it won't stop the worst since greed was so popular.

A huge scoop for The Day!! It wouldn't hurt their rising circulation numbers!!!

The big jet on approach to Santa Monica... the sun low... its light sparkling the windows on buildings...

We were down and the door open... Camilla and Dali looking up, smiles.

We headed up to Topanga... some traffic but we weren't in a hurry.

A call from Sunny... she was on her way to New Jersey from Seattle then on to Harcourt House.

"Fay, Charlotte is there already waiting at Teterboro. We are to go to your home in New York then in the morning fly to Pottersville and from there back to Teterboro to fly to Oxfordshire."

I laughed, "Too bad we don't give frequent flier miles!"

That made her laugh, "Fay, Seattle was good... really good! My friends are amazed at me... I am still too! They asked a million questions which set me up for the reporters from The Day and the Fox TV station.

I met them at the riding stables... they were nice... their questions weren't too nosey which I appreciated. They got to meet the horses... snaps and video of them... I went out on my buddy Guy!!!

That was amazing... he remembered me... he came right to me in the stable yard... a loud whinny and some rubbing. It surprised the folks working there and the reporters. They learned a bit about horses... they have a good memory and are smart."

"You getting used to being a celebrity?"

"Fay I'm not! You and Cho are... not me."

"In the equestrian world you are a big star... wait `til you see the equestrian plus horse and country magazines coming out next month... I wouldn't be surprised to see your face on more than a few covers! Badminton is big... you did the business there!"

"Well a few folks know... not many."

"Give them time."

Sunny laughed, "I will be happy to be under the radar."

"But my dear... the horse crowd has a lock on you now... how long it lasts depends on you."

"Fay... This trip... lots of fun and... it was amusing about boys... they are wary of me now... I guess I have enough profile!"

Huge laughing by us. I said enjoy it.

Sunny giggling, "Boys just aren't in the plan right now so I guess that came through... sort of unconsciously."

We laughed.

"Your GCSE's will come soon! Then another year of school and exams again..."

"I'm amazed... I think I've done well on my exams. All my teachers have been VERY positive. Going up to Oxford next year sounds like a dream... I can see it as possible now."

"Good! Go for it!"

She knew we'd back at Harcourt House in a couple of days... weddings to attend in our Garden.

Cho grinning with his iPhone to his ear... "Yes... excellent!" He lowered his phone...

"The Sharks found out the Russians wanted to buy an estate on Long Island as a getaway place for their people at the U.N. Embassy. They made a bid which was low... we bought it at a fair price while they tried to get it on the cheap... wasting time. Tomorrow our real estate person will offer it to the Russians at treble the price. Of course we aren't any visible part of it.

It should be good for a few laughs."

A kiss. Cho was enjoying needling some obnoxious fascists!

Dolores and Sora at the door to greet us! The Twins dished out some hugs!

Dolores said Sarita was taking care of our guests. Jayne and Montana arrived earlier today for tomorrow's Big `V' opening. They were in the Venice block of flats.

Jayne texted while she and Montana toured the club... they loved it! Very excited about the opening!

We had afters outside en famile. Sitting around as the night closed in... we went in with the Twins to put them down. Delphine and Tha beside us. Fun! The babies giving hugs and kisses.

Cho against my back in the dark... we were quiet now but we'd made some noise, taken pleasure in each other... Cho's lips on my bare shoulder, "You are my amazing lover!"

"Same to you!"


I dismounted by the stables... "Reed, we ran hard!"

"I'll do some more walking, M'Lord."

I thanked him. I stroked Alpha's powerful neck before heading to see Gwen. She was the old matron of the stables, being a mother to younger mares, a steadying influence for them.

I caressed her flank with a brush working my way around... her tail swishing slowly. A plump carrot cut into bite size pieces went down well. Father always said she was a good eater.

I caressed her face lightly thanking her for so many wonderful rides. A hug. Heaven knows all the things she and Father got up to... Occasionally he tells me some... A slow trickle of their story.

A short-cut through the kitchen... I nabbed a piece of bacon... Kaelynn tried to shoo me away laughing.

In the Dining Room father was holding his first grandchild... a very handsome boy who had the strong chin of his father Frederick. Elizabeth smiling at the scene, a kiss for her soft cheek. Frederick grinning, we shook hands.

Mother came in with Winnie... two beautiful women!! One was mine... Lady Winifred! Her father the Marquess Gwent was proud of his Welsh family... all his five children had traditional style names.

I liked the old fellow... Winnie was the youngest and the apple of his eye. She had been away at school and then France so we hadn't seen one another since we were in our early teens. When she and I met again in London... we had an immediate connection to one another.

Winnie wanted to take me home to see her father the next day. I wasn't surprised.

I was in mufti but her father, an old soldier, knew me as an Army man. We sat to talk over a snifter... I knew he liked me... it was mutual! He had known my father for decades... to him that was the best recommendation I could have.

Winnie and I knew we'd marry... we did play the game for a few months then decided to make it official and get on with it.

I walked to their family home two blocks over from our St. James's Square house to ask for Winnie's hand... When I was announced the general looked up from his newspaper to see Winnie's hand in mine... he stood up calling for cognac to celebrate! I hadn't even had the chance to open my mouth.

Winnie was SQUEEZING my hand... she had to let go so I could shake her father's.

Lady Gwent and my mother were friends, card-sharps together. A deadly whist pairing. She took my hand, "George..." A hug!

We all stood around smiling... her father slapped his thigh, "Don't we look silly!"

Laughter. I took advantage to kiss Winnie... She held on tight.

That evening was quite a nice dinner at ours... several of Winnie's older brothers were in town so my back was pounded a bit... Her oldest Gwynn said I was a braver man than him to take on his wildcat little sister.

Winnie poked him hard which got a "See what I mean... She's a rough one!"

Out in the garden with the brothers smoking... I was warmly welcomed to the family. They had both served in the Army so they knew the life.

Gwynn with a smile, "Win will be a good Army wife... she actually has the patience to wait for something she wants... and is strong in mind and body." He nudged his brother, "We're very happy for you two."


Awake suddenly... That was out of the ordinary... my dreams were changing voices.

Okay... so the son marries... Is it Cho and I in the empty nest? It has to come at some point.

I had long ago let the dreams flow not bothering to psychoanalyse myself. Ah... this dream wasn't on an aircraft... a break in the run.

Tara and Gaby mounting up beside me. We rode west up into the hills winding our way to the last ridge top on our property. A splendid view over the ocean... blue and green!

I was full of French toast... so was everyone! Chani and Charlie went to do some schooling with big grins... many thanks to Dolores! They'd get a chance to play in the wading pool. Cho was going to play golf with Pedro at the Riviera. Me and my crowd on the terrace working.

A sunny day, warming up nicely. We got a lot done.

Guests for lunch... Mona, Lemarcus' wife and a Los Angeles city outreach person, Karrie, Kevin's girlfriend and the shelter folks. They came up the drive in a couple of cars. I was out front to greet them. Astara our Los Angeles boss, Natal from Echo Park, Reuben from Hollywood, Rema for Inglewood and Avery our Santa Monica man.

They got to see a bit of the house then out to the sunlight. Refreshments and we sat around the big table. I asked Karrie so she could speak to everyone about classes she was going to be teaching at each shelter.

Deportment, clothes, make-up for those who wore it... She said she could understand some resistance concerning the subjects but it was built around our shelter guests learning to `present' themselves to prospective employers or college admissions people or any interview or just meeting new folks.

"I will try to give them hints and techniques for being part of society at whatever level or place they go. The goal is confidence... a feeling they can mingle with anyone."

She did a shimmy with her arms moving like a snake.

We laughed.

Avery with a grin, "I know why you might feel there'd be resistance but I think you will be surprised... many kids are very insecure about so much... aiming at that part which they will show to the public won't be lost on them. And our guests are very smart... above average intelligence characterises nearly all of them."

Many heads nodding. They gave Karrie more of their takes on the kids.

Karrie was pleased with their reactions.

"I will work with each of you to get a schedule prepared... I suggest we make sure they know they could attend at any shelter if one day or other fits their lives better. Also some storage space... not a lot... enough for a few boxes of materials I would like to leave at each shelter... a time saver for me.

Astara said they'd find a spot for her to store things and they could arrange transport between shelters if it was necessary. Good.

We covered a lot of business... Avery and Rema were deep in the remodels of their shelters... close to opening, spending time in the communities speaking to neighbours, city services and generally spreading the word. They'd spent a lot of time at our two working shelters with the guests.

Natal smiling... the extension was nearing completion!! More room and amenities!!

Mona gave us an overview of the city of Los Angeles offerings and how her department was expanding. There was some federal monies coming in. Good news for us. Her assistant was working with several local California state representatives on funding.

Dolores and Sarita did lunch. The Twins came out to meet everybody. They remembered Mona, fist bumps. We chatted before the food.

It was great to watch Chani and Charlie talking to this group... they asked about their work, told the tale of the races in Maryland, birds came up so Chani got her iPad to show the two bird drawings, hers and Charlie's. The group was WOW'd by the pictures. Mona smiling, she'd already seen them.

The Twins charmed these folks!


Cool melon soup, grilled aubergine and provolone sandwiches with big chips/fries sprinkled with Parmesan and Romano. Relish trays. A special coffee and chocolate cake at the end! Tasty!

We talked about the Big `V' opening tonight. Gil grinning as she handed out passes for the opening. Thank yous and they'd be glad to come.

Coffee. Charlie and Chani went in to change for their wading pool time. They said goodbye to our guests.

I waved everyone down the drive.

I laid on a lounge as Delphine braved the showers from Charlie in the little pool. I did some work... keeping an eye out for any sprays coming my way.

I walked to the north end of the house where the big pool was going in. Not huge but good sized for us. Like the Harcourt House one. An Endless Pool thing being built in.

The contractor said they were on schedule to finish the third week in June that included the walkway from the terrace and the master suite plus the surrounding safety fence. He pointed out where the shrubs would be planted. I thanked him.

Cho was coming home! We planned to eat our dinner at the Big `V' with our guests and have some drinks watching the grand opening festivities and music acts. The Twins would eat here and watch a movie.

We kissed the babies before we left, hugs too!

Black skin tight jeans, a red and white horizontal striped sleeveless crop top... a lot of my belly showing, black leather moto jacket, black Doc Martens boots. Silver jewellery. Cho re-upped my `Joy'

Cho in skinny black jeans and a red sports shirt which clung to him in all the right places, ankle high boots! Looking very tasty!

Gil, Francis, Ali and Chelle all coming. Tara, Gaby and Ken with me and Ansara, Penny and Rafe for Cho. Our Protectors and staff were dressed a lot like Cho and I.

Two cars heading south then up onto San Vincente to Wilshire then Santa Monica Boulevard. We stepped out to see the management team at the door. Introductions done!

There were no customers allowed in yet... we would eat with the friends we invited then at seven o'clock the bars and main floor would open. We had an area by the stage edge blocked off for our use.

Advance ticketed customers only tonight. The tickets sold through our website exclusively with all buyers told they had to identify themselves at the door. No more than six tickets to any one customer. Our software checking names, addresses and credit card numbers to block more than six tickets being bought.

Neko, Jam and Amelie all knew... `celebrities' trying to get in without a ticket would be politely refused. No exceptions.

A DJ would be spinning tunes... her name was `Cloudy.' She showed us her list she'd be playing a good mix. She would be in the DJ booth built into the wall with a big glass window beside the stage.

Jayne and Montana! They got introduced all around. Montana smiling leaning close, "This is amazing! We might steal some ideas for New York."

"Do it! I like to see sharing!"

Jayne said they'd gone to the beach together... nice to lay on warm sand. A hug!

Ken and Pam with his son KJ and his wife Rachel! Great to see them all together! Pam and Rachel in very cute mini-dresses! Legs!

Pedro came with his daughter and her husband. It was terrific to meet them, they lived on a ranch east of Santa Paula. We talked horses!

Lori and Shira... funny Shira had Letti's hand pulling along to much laughter from Lori.

Mona and Lemarcus with Tommy and Alycha! Tommy thanked us for advancing Alycha's career with her move to Fox Sports. I hugged Alycha, she was working for Donald's Fox Sports team, she's based here in Los Angeles using the local Fox TV facilities.

Our shelter folks! Rueben and Ernesto ready to `PARTY.' Astara looking deadly in a silver dress... quite short showing her delicious legs!! The others too all fitted out to have fun! Smiles!

Gina and George came too. I wasn't sure this was their sort of entertainment venue but they had been pleased to be asked. Gina in skinny jeans and a sexy halter top!! She was equipped!

Flix and Wade... Cicely grinning beside her mom. It wasn't a school night so I gave her a big welcome hug. Flix gave me an extra special hug... she had an agent with a book deal percolating! Cho making it happen.

Dayton, Dari and Mari! Cho and I shook hands and hugged them. Mari in my ear, "Dad is living with us!" Her pleasure obvious!! Dayton smiling seeing his daughter whispering in my ear.

"Fay, it is good to see you two."

He and Cho shaking hands. Dayton remarked about Cho playing in Augusta... "A 52?"

Cho laughing, "Yes as I said to Fay I was close to three strokes lower."

Dayton shaking his head.

Dari smiling, "I guess Mari spilled the beans?"

"I didn't know we served beans."

A nice bigger smile, she leaned close, "Yes Dayton is in with us. In my bed... We are seeing how it goes. He is much more laid back now... He doesn't have the same pressures as before."

I squeezed her hand.

Mari and Dari had been out to ride some at Topanga, they liked all the horses. Mari very fond of Inky.

Marita and her partner, she brought Lianne with them as I asked.

All the local news folks had gotten a tour yesterday, Lianne among them. I wanted her inside tonight with us! Some other news people would be let in when the doors opened.

Winnie came holding hands with a gorgeous blonde! Elin had fashion model looks... she WAS one from Sweden! They had been going out for a few months. I gave Winnie a nudge with big eyes... she laughed. Elin was watching... a big grin!

Elin, "Fay, Your Vogue cover piece... sent shivers through me. Your look... the clothes... the snap of you and Cho... awesome!"

I thanked her.

Hugs and kisses applied to all our friends!

We had them all in the restaurant... it was a sit anywhere and order anything from the menu type of dinner.

Recka's kitchen team was ready to go! Bits came in from the main bar with a bright red drink for me... She had a big smile... A rich red Campari and soda with a twist of lemon!

Drinks all around... Cho stood up... "I'm having a good time mostly because I had nothing to do with the creating and opening the club."

Laughter! Jayne and I took over. We thanked everybody for coming. Our plan was to have great entertainment, food and drinks in a comfortable congenial atmosphere.

"We hope you enjoy and come back. You all will be on a list that grants access any time for any event."

I got cheers for that. Jayne said they'd be very welcome at the original Big `V' in New York.

Food! I started with coconut shrimp onto a chive and sour cream omelette with a poppy seed bagel! A side of grilled new red potatoes with red onions.

It was great food! Looking around... everyone was eating with gusto! I moved through the room... many thanks proffered. Hugs and kisses given.

Ticketed customers started to come in... the restaurant was closed off for now.

I went out to see the staff.

Vada close... the music acts were now in the back stage lounge if I wanted to visit.

All the systems were up and running according to Jam.

Amelie... "All the people coming in were very interested and talking a lot about the music to come... no issues about the tickets and verifying ID's." A grin.

Jayne and I went to the performers lounge... the ladies of `L.A. Witch!' Vada introduced us.

"Thanks for helping to open us."

They were excited to see a new club... They said it was beautiful.

All the bands had been in for sound checks and a tour. They got to speak to Neko and Vada about their performing here and they suggested other bands who could be right for the club.

`Draemings!' They were three now... I was remembered and thanked for the opportunity. Kimi gave me a hug and a big thanks for selling their merchandise up front.

Nia, Casey and Rena were very pleased to be the opening act! I said to go out and kick some butt! The `Hey Violet' trio laughing saying they'd do it!

We were to begin in thirty minutes. I let them get on. I did go up to the front entry with Tara and Angie. The booth selling the music act's merchandise had nice displays of their products in a case and on the wall behind... people at the sales counter.

We were running this but we would give all the money to the bands. All of it had `skus' for the different bands merchandise so the register would show what was purchased.

Jam with me, "Fay, this is easy! The bands deliver, we put it up and sell. Two workers can handle it."

Fist bump! Bands we were interested in, not the really 'big time' ones, were glad of the extra money.

Jam smiling, "We may be spoiling them... I get it can be tough to earn enough to stay in the business without a side job."

I said we are paying them above their norm to play for that very reason! We wanted them to make music!

Back in the restaurant... I said it was time to get going.

Squeezing Jayne's waist, "We'll kick it off!" One arm up in a fist!

Jayne and I up on stage to do the opening speech and intro `Hey Violet.' I tugged Neko along.

We held hands... Jayne started with introductions of herself and me as owners... our hands raised! I didn't say anything. I just smiled and waved.

The crowd cheered and applauded.

Jayne welcomed everybody saying the Big `V' is a unique type of club... She said to keep an eye out for our list of acts and DJ's.

Neko stepped forward telling the crowd the Los Angeles bands playing tonight were a cross-section of the amazing music scene here... "The Big `V' will be looking for local bands and other acts!"

I did step forward to remind everyone June was Pride Month' and the Big V' will celebrate it every single day! The crowd really cheered and clapped!!

I went down on the floor in our little area with Cho, Mari and Cicely beside me. Montana waiting for Jayne. Our others guests all around. The Protectors behind us.

The curtain rolled up into the ceiling on `Hey Violet' ready to go! Jayne's announcement had a big welcome for them... cheers and clapping.

Hey Violet' started with a bang... Fuqboi! The crowd into it right away! Break My Heart' Guys My Age' Unholy' This Is Me Breaking Up With You' and more! O.D.D.' `Brand New Moves was great!

I'm bouncing with Mari and Cicely!

Pure' Where Have You Been All My Night' "All We Ever Wanted'

Their set was ending... They finished with `Hoodie' which got big cheers from the crowd! I'd looked around a bit... the crowd was really into it!

When `Hoodie' was over the crowd really let go! Cheers... yells and applause!

The `Hey Violet' trio smiling... happy at the stage edge taking a bow. Rena pointing down to me... clapping her hands. I waved and clapped for them!

The curtain closed. `Cloudy' took over spinning sounds. I went back stage to kiss and hug all three. They were jazzed by the audience reception. The crowd was hot!

Now a nifty feature which cost a bunch of money came into play... the stage rotated around with the `L.A. Witch' equipment all setup... ready to go.

The Hey Violet' kit would be taken down while L.A. Witch' performed and the `Draemings' gear setup. There was sound damping around the rotating stage so the performers out front wouldn't hear the crew working behind them.

I squeezed hands with the three `L.A. Witch' ladies as they went out to get ready.

Back in the stage front edge space Cho handed me a Campari and Soda! Nice to cool my throat.

Jayne on the stage in front of the curtain... she did the introduction for `L.A. Witch' saying she liked their hard rockin' sound.

They came on with Haunting' then BB's Momma' Sleep' Heart of darkness' and more. A group of new tunes not released!! They were terrific... real rock n' roll sounds!

Kill My Baby Tonight' was terrific! They ended with a fav of mine... Drive Your Car' the crowd cheering for them. A great rock group! Those ladies' music was awesome!

They came out to the stage front to many cheers!

Once again the stage turned... Presto-Chango!

In a short time Neko was back up to introduce the Draemings!

They started with Great Escape' a good hard driving tune then Teen Dream Death Machine' Sinking Ship' Animals in Disguise' Monsters in the Dark' Panaca' Eternal Lonesome' Golden Girl'

One great tune after another... Fire in Hell' Holy Land' Drowning World' Like a Ghost.' Their closers were two of my favs... Battle Mountain' and Area 51.' They were hot!!

Cheers and applause and yells for more.

Kimi leaned over the edge as they took their bows to hand me their set list. I waved my thanks it was too loud to speak. My voice was getting a workout anyway!

Jayne and I went up on the stage to thank everybody for coming. We told them the names of some of the acts they were coming in the next few weeks... a mixture of sounds rarely heard in one club. Pop, rock, R&B, EDM, Metal, Reggae, funk and Hip Hop... more as we moved into the summer.

Locals bands would be featured plus later some big names.

Neko said the bar would be open for another hour and Cloudy would spin tunes until closing.

Cho and I with Jayne and Montana went back stage to thank all the bands for joining us to celebrate our opening. They were chilling in the lounge. I applied kisses and hugs all about.

I was between Kimi and Nia with Jayne in front... we told them the Big `V' in New York would be hosting live acts... we hoped they might play there sometime. They were happy to consider it whenever they headed that direction.

I waved Sade from L.A. Witch over... they liked playing in New York so a new place was cool.

Cho and I gathered them together to say our goodnights with a final thank you. Smiles and waves.

We went out to say goodnight and thanks for coming to our friends. They all were excited to be here! Mari and Cicely got to meet the bands and were hugging me with big thank yous!!

I leaned back on Cho during the drive. Everyone in the car enjoyed themselves.

It was late the Twins had long ago gone to sleep. Dolores and Sarita too.

Naked on cool sheets with Cho holding me...

"I had a great time. It has been quite a while since I'd been to see live music acts. These `new' businesses are interesting."

We laughed.

"Funny... they are likely to make money..." Cho agreed with me.

A kiss on my shoulder as Cho drew me close. My last thought was I'd hadn't told Cho my dream... Sleep.

I had rollicking ride on Inky with Gaby and Penny up the hills then a fast gallop home. Chani and I had a trip, the boys staying home for their fun... Cho was taking Charlie out to the western area in a Land Rover to visit the hills.

Cho had an email from the real estate folks in New York... the Russians were outraged at the new price of the compound they had bid on we bought. It was perfect for them, multiple rooms, loads of space outside... quiet, secluded... near a U.S. Air Force base to spy on...

They indignantly refused to meet the new price... the real estate people said `too bad' to them. We'd find something to use it for... no decision yet. At least the Russian didn't get it.

The Los Angeles Times review of the Big `V' opening was very good! They liked the venue, the music was a wonderful blend of LA's broad music scene, the drinks were excellent and the staff polite and very capable.

The sound system was top of the line delivering a wondrous tone... giving the three acts sound a full and rich quality!!

I was amazed!! They knew we owned it and The Day but journalistic ethics prevailed!! I asked Gil to email the reporter our thanks for a fine piece. Thumbs up!

The Day was equally full of praise about every aspect of the club. They also said right up front we were involved as co-owners of the club and The Day.

Lianne had a good way with words... she really loved the music giving a fine critique of each band. The food and drinks out of this world. She pointed out we'd be open for lunch and dinner with brunch on the weekends and holidays.

Ali and Chelle were watching the TV coverage and listening to radio... our Fox TV was very complimentary about EVERYTHING! They also said they were owned by us in a chyron running during the whole story.

The local CBS and ABC stations had brief bits during their morning shows on Los Angeles entertainment. We were liked for all the right reasons... some video... The NBC station had Neko, Jayne and I at the start on stage with clips of the three bands and the applause that they received.

I watched a clip Chelle captured... the NBC reporter sounded a bit incredulous that I would be on a stage in Los Angeles... I was thinking why not?

At least all the reviews were very positive! Cho grinning over the breakfast table.

I chose the Mirabelle white top with the frog closures and pleated skirt they had given me as a gift. A lemon yellow bandeau under the top visible in the front opening. Yellow heels, bare legs, a sunny yellow Hermès Kelly bag, gold jewellery and `Joy'

Chani in a white and yellow Ralph Lauren frock, short sleeves. Cute! White socks and navy Mary Janes.

The yellow reflective sunglasses on my nose as the AW139 piloted by Rayelle lifted up from the drive. Chani's blue wayfarers on! On board were Delphine, Gil, Chelle and Ali. Tessa, Kara and Angie too.

In ten minutes we were dropping to the landing grid at the rear of Mirabelle West. I carried Chani up close to the front door, on her feet she dashed ahead...

Antonella and Luisa at the door. Chani smiling, her fist out, "Hello I'm Chani."

The ladies amazed... happy to `bump' with our daughter. I followed with handshakes and greetings.

`Your Ladyship, we are very proud to have you visit."

"Antonella, I'm just Fay here... and I wouldn't miss seeing this. Chani is along because she likes the clothes and the colours... " I leaned down to Chani, "She wanted to see where they came from."

Chani clapped nodding. The ladies loved that!

We got the tour... from the offices right through the cutting machines, the sewing room, the conveyor system, boxing, etc... to the amenities for the staff which were awesome!

The day care was cute... like a little cabin. Toys, craft supplies, sleeping mats for naps... A nice crowd there that Chani got to meet.

The staff were mostly women they appreciated those things that were especially for them. A woman, about thirty, said her two children loved the day care, they made new friends!

In the sewing room Luisa unveiled a yellow double breasted suit...

"Miss, it was made with your measurements sent from New York. The cutter was programmed and the silk fed in... it worked perfectly! Would you try it on for us?"

Grinning I said Yes! A changing room for models to the side... Gil helped me. The suit fit! In the big mirror... I liked the look. I re-joined the staff... cheers and clapping at the sight of me.

The suit in bright yellow silk, the jacket lined in white... I had nothing on under the jacket, big décolletage but my breasts were well covered unless I leaned far forward. The trousers had wide legs going straight to my instep, they flowed around as I walked.

One of the ladies said if I thought it necessary there were pasties that had soft stuff to adhere to my nipples without irritating and sticky on the outside to grip the lining. A great idea! Fist bump!

Chani got to see the cloth room... huge rolls of fabric in so many colours. A bit hit for her! The big rolling thing that moved the massive rolls around... got her attention.

"Mama it is so strong!"

"Yes... the rolls are very heavy so it has to be."

Antonella smiling, "The man who drives it is very good."

We got to see everything. I decided to stay in the suit which made the ladies very happy. They all cheered and waved goodbye. I carried Chani to the AW139 and we lifted off.

A special second stop... Penn and Gil arranged a landing spot in Beverly Hills...

On top of a multi-story car park on Rodeo Drive! The City of Beverly Hills Okay'd it as did the FAA. The Beverly Hills Police Department was brought in... they had a car on the top deck to guard the AW139.

Rayelle landed on the southeast corner. We stepped out, the police had blocked off the spot. I went to thank them with Chani. She did a fist bump with the two policemen who were bowled over... big smiles!

Down the lift to the ground floor, we crossed Brighton Way at the corner with Rodeo Drive going north to the "Collection' shops courtyard passing Bulgari and Guess and the G-Star shop. Our location was on the far end of the courtyard...

I was carrying Chani... she was looking all about...

Chani pointed the blue awning store across the road... Ralph Lauren.

We attracted some notice... my bright suit probably the cause.

Mila, our manager, at the door to let us in. Callie, the interior designer, inside. My suit WOW'd them! It wasn't necessarily going to be in the shops I said. Mila said it would sell!!

The remodel was moving along, on time. I held Chani up so she could see the drawings on a table. Like the other Mirabelle's it had a clean, easy to access look making sure the clothes were displayed well.

It seemed well advanced... they were happy so I was.

I told Callie the Big `V' opening last night was great! A big success! A full house and it all went as planned. I thanked her for the excellent design work! Our friends and the customers loved the place!

A smile, "Thank you! I liked doing that! I hope you like the Seattle store also."

I assured her I was positive I would... I'd get to see it in a few weeks.

Chani wanted to go Ralph's... Mila and Callie thought she meant the grocery store...

I laughed, "Chani means Ralph Lauren's across the road. We've shopped together in the London store and we've met Ralph several times."

I squeezed my daughter's hand, "Chani has a connection."

Chani, "Can we?"

I said yes for a little while... "Not too long."

I thanked these ladies and did goodbyes. We walked out of the Collection' courtyard Chani in my arms again to a crosswalk in front of Seiko and over right to the door of Hermès... no stopping... left past Armani to Ralph's.'

The store had a Cannes' South of France' look outside. Chani on her feet. Inside lighter colours and wood than the New Bond Street store. Straight to Girls! A sales lady... huge eyes seeing my suit!

A man joined her, a British accent... "Your Ladyship... how can we help you?"

"Not me today... Chani! She's interested in frocks."

Chani spotted something pulling me that way... a white embroidered eyelet batiste dress spaghetti straps and ruffed at the bodice. Oh yes... she liked it.

A bright print dress with scenes from the French Riviera, cross over straps on the back!! A royal blue mesh Polo shirt dress with a pleated bottom below her hips. A fluffy white silk dress to her ankles with cap sleeves!!! A cute look.

We checked the sizes. Chani and Charlie growing like the proverbial weeds.

Chani got there was a time limit. Four frocks was a good haul! The English fellow helped get it toted up as we wandered a bit. Gil was there to pay.

The store general manager arrived. He welcomed me... I motioned to Chani.

"She's the buyer today. I like the store we'll probably be back sometime."

I said we need to go... the helicopter arrangement was for ninety minutes. We headed out with thank you's for them. Delphine had Chani... me... her frocks in boxes.

We re-crossed Rodeo Drive at Brighton Way and up to the top level of the car park. Rayelle had been texted we were coming so the AW139 was warming up. I thanked the police, shaking hands. All in... we lifted up and away heading due west.

Rayelle dropped us on the Topanga Ranch drive with my thanks.

"Miss... I like landing in odd spots... a bit of fun!"

A fist bump through the window. Chani on her way in. The guys on the terrace... they were bowled over by my suit! Cho grinning saying I needed a white fedora for that!

Lunch then visitors!

Cho and Charlie had fun in the hills this morning.

"We drove as far as possible then we hiked up... I carried him a good deal. At the ridge top Charlie loved seeing the view. He helped me take some snaps I'll send them on to you."

Kisses for Popa!!

Sage emailed that Scotland Yard would be our office the day after next to review the information we'd gathered on the MOD money fiddling. Three officers, one superintendent would sit to examine the documents.

My people had it all ready for them, copies made for them if they wanted. I didn't think anything would come from it... I said to Cho when the visit was mooted it sounded more like a PR exercise so they could say they done something. I made sure my staff didn't spend much time on it.

Sumate called Cho... the Iranians were en route to El Paso... they'd added two people... the State Department contact said it was Okay so...

"Cho, Fay... we got scanned copies of the ID's they presented... one of our people brought up he thought one might be General Soleimani in mufti... so we did some further looking... It is him using another name. We have not shared this with the Americans yet... "

I asked if he was still on the American `sanction list.' Sumate didn't know but he find out and be back to us.

Kent called... they had a good deal of new information on the Texas congressman... besides his helicopter company owning friend he had numerous others he had helped going far beyond the Congress' ethical boundaries.

"We have interviews, documents, emails, text messages... Jenny, the producer, thinks it goes further into bribery and fraud... she's trying get more.

We don't want to put a time limit on her... do we?"

"Absolutely not. You are to go and do what you think necessary... his is a scalp that needs taking but you are in charge."

Kent said the Baltimore Sun Pentagon reporter had given them some tips... they could be gold.

"We are working with him on that angle. He will share the by-line and be on-the-air for whatever we find."

We rang off laughing about the `scalp.'

Cho shaking his head... Oh I'm used to that as he is used to me! Kissing!!!

The Los Angeles County fireman Russ and his family were coming for a visit with some of his colleagues. We greeted them at the door, Chani sticking out her fist to Russ! He laughed and bumped.

A captain and four firefighters... we welcomed them. We all walked to the Security office, Cho introduced them to Carson our manager.

Carson ran a demo of a fire incident out on the western property edge... the simulation showed our sensors getting a hit... the response of a drone to the location... the video being assessed for the level of danger and the fire movement... our contacting the fire department... then it moved to show if the fire got to trees and brush on or near our property how the foam trucks would be employed.

The simulation showed the foam shooting out onto trees and across the grass dousing the fire or being shot out towards where the fire was approaching and stopping the advance of the flames.

The firefighters were amazed... Carson told them the foam was non-toxic for humans and animals, it would dissipate over a period of a day or so. Faster with rain.

It was blended in the pipe by merging water and the powered chemical mixture.

These two trucks were four wheel drive capable of going into some rough terrain but their size and weight were limiting factors.

Carson laid out a topo map of the ranch... he pointed out as an example the trucks could run up between the two small hills and along the stream bed but once the land began to be more broken they'd be blocked.

He ran a video of the trucks in a live action at a test burn... they flattened the fire right away! Our guests were amazed... looking at each other.

We intended to test the foam using helicopters... it would be straight forward getting one ready... depending on conditions applying it might be a flight risk to spray it. Airspeed... winds... smoke all would problematic.

Cho said a company we owned at El Paso airport was modifying an AW189 as a testbed aircraft.

It was a larger version of our standard helicopter with more lifting power with the limitation of a shorter range which wouldn't be important for this work.

Dropping it from a tanker aircraft would seem possible but we didn't know about dissipation when applied like that. A method of mixing the foam and pumping it into an aircraft would have to be devised so the foam retained its cohesion.

We would test the idea at our ranch in New Mexico. We had an arrangement with the New Mexico Department of Energy, Minerals and Natural Resources for them to test the foam on our ranch with tanker aircraft they had at their disposal.

We would prepare the foam and load it... their people would do the dumping. The theory was it could be used to stop a rush of flames towards an import location like a vital road or inhabited dwellings.

The L.A. County folks were astonished at what we were doing. Smiling Cho said we have a lot of interests around the world in many industries. If this foam idea can used on a mass scale then we'd have made a good contribution.

Crystal, Russ' wife, said "You got Presidential Medals for wonderful but such different things..."

Cho smiling, "True... We do have the means to get projects up and running... we don't have a five second attention span... If we start something it's for the long haul."

We moved to the terrace for drinks and cookies! Coffee in a little white espresso cup! The Twins got milk and a big cookie. Russ and Crystal's son grinning as he ate a cookie.

We talked about firefighting, our new technology, travel as we'd said we were leaving in a few hours for New Mexico then onto England.

We moved around on the terrace talking... I walked to the overlook... Russ came with. I asked if he hesitated going into a building now.

"I do think about the event... when you're at a fire... the training takes over. Crystal said to me I had to deal with my feelings or find a new job. So I've moved on."

I congratulated him. He replied to my question... "The county people were very proud of me. I had gotten other awards... it put a `cap' on it to get one from the President."

He laughed, "Because of my work I'm basically a conservative fellow... I can't but admire her for everything she has accomplished. Getting a good and meaningful healthcare bill... that makes so many people's lives better... the republicans had blocked getting one to pay back the insurance companies for their donations.

The combination of my county coverage and the national system meant we didn't have any big bills for my treatment... it means my dad can retire without worrying about healthcare... that wasn't possible two years ago."

Russ turned to me, "I know you supported Clinton... I saw republicans complaining about the news people treating them badly... I saw that as bullshit... Oops... sorry."

"Russ I know all of those... don't worry."

"Well... Your news told the truth. We can't ask for more than that can we?"

"The only thing more is to tell the truth ALL THE TIME!"

He looked at me, a head shake, "It quite amazing to be here talking to you. Thank you for being nice. And your daughter is terrific!"

I laughed, "Chani is indeed. She and Charlie are wonderful."

Chani did another fist bump with Russ as a goodbye! We waved our guests down the drive.

Dolores did a great dinner then we mounted up for Santa Monica, off to Lordsburg... a bit of surprise!

I worked as the Twins played for a while before going into their cabin to bed. A big kiss for Chani... she sleepy grinned holding tight to Raggedy Anne. Charlie's eyes closed, Blu Dog right there.

Cho and I on a settee, everyone else around relaxing. Cho told me Sumate had replied that officially General Soleimani was the sanction list...

It was ten o'clock in Washington, I picked up my iPhone and walked to our cabin. Hillary answered... she laughed at the General's subterfuge.

"Do you think he believes he has succeeded?"

"They haven't landed at El Paso so no checks yet. We are en route to Lordsburg... my plan is to be on the ground waiting when the helicopter delivers the Iranian team this evening."

"Oh... ambush time?"

"Yes but we have other business that I want to tell you about when there's a chance... it may be a new way to generate power with solar... very differently though."

"Okay... I'd like to hear. On Soleimani... I will remove his name immediately from the sanction list and have an aide get in touch with the Immigration people at El Paso to have them call here if there's a problem.

We will inform the Iranian ambassador in the morning. I will lift all sanctions on individuals and review any organisations on the list."

I thanked Hillary, good wishes as we rang off.

Cho poking me in the ribs when I told them what I'd done... "Presidents... Prime Ministers... " We laughed!

Mira laughed in the lounge with us when I said this going to fun for her... landing on the small strip in the desert.

"Fay. The runway is big enough for us... no problem."

Penn had pre-positioned equipment for the big jet at Lordsburg via our El Paso Flight Corporation. It was stored in the hangar we built for the fixed wing aircraft we kept there for our pilots to use. Bob in El Paso had three guys at Lordsburg to handle our 767.

We cruised down to a perfect landing on Runaway 12. We didn't need the whole asphalt strip to brake but we had to taxi to the end for the turn-around space.

The airport at Lordsburg had never seen anything like a 767 taxiing to stop on parking area. People came out to stare... Penn had contacted their tower about us, they apparently told some locals about our arrival... there was a small crowd.

The Twins didn't wake up. Delphine smiling, "Fay, they are sound asleep."

Cho and I with PJ and Rande loaded into an AW139 for the short hop to the ranch. We would return to sleep... look at the power project in the morning... onto Oxfordshire afterwards.

At the landing grid Simon met us. In his office we briefed him. There was a gleam in his eyes...

"You do like to surprise people... I hope the General is Okay with it."

I shrugged.

Yoani's head in the doorway, "They are ten minutes out."

We walked back to the grid... the helicopter came fluttering in... we were behind the mesh fence... The Iranians stepped out to be welcomed by Simon and Yoani. I had PJ and Rande walk ahead of Cho and I... as we approached I could see Soleimani.

Our guys stepped aside and I moved forward with my hand out... Soleimani was gobsmacked but that went away into a smile.

"General, welcome to America!"

We shook hands... I drew Cho close and did the introductions. The General smiling saying this was the nicest ambush he could have imagined.

Cho, "General, welcome to my life."


Soleimani did the introductions for the Iranian team. They sensed the light-hearted manner which the General and I spoke.

In the recreation room they got the sleeping and eating arrangements. We told the General we would be back in the morning to look at a project and see him but that we'd not be staying long. I added we would bring the Twins in the morning!

I took Qasem aside to tell him the `sanction' on him had been lifted by Hillary after a call from me... His eyes wide... "She was fine doing it after I told her why. Your ambassador in Washington will be notified in the morning."

"You do have a long reach, Fay. Thank you for that. I knew it was a risk coming but your system has considerable potential for us... I wanted to see in person. I hope President Clinton wasn't angry over my ruse."

"Not at all. I think she will likely remove the other sanctions on Iran... Your coming moved it forward. And I told her who `Arash' was... she liked the link to your Persian past."

He said his aide chose the name before telling me. "But I am an admirer!"


We shook hands and said goodnight.

Simon said the flight from the UK was landing at El Paso. Good! We'd see Reg and Stephan in the morning.

Back on the 767 Cho hugged me, "Boy do you know how to make a friend. He was impressed... very impressed."

We went into bed... it had been a good day!

In the morning we all loaded up in several AW139's to fly to the ranch for breakfast. In the dining room we joined all the folks. Hug and kiss for Reg.

Stephan grinning as we shook hands, "Nice to see you again!" We laughed.

The Iranians came in... We welcomed them. I introduced Chani and Charlie to Soleimani. He knelt down to say hello... the Twins shook hands then Chani showed Soleimani how to `bump' which made him laugh.

Tha and Delphine went to get the Twins food. We settled down to eat. The Iran group would get a briefing in a class room then several demonstrations... simulations first then live with the drones. They would get some `hands on' time and a tour of installed devices around our perimeter to see how they looked in place.

A live' demo of an intrusion' so they could see it in real-time not a simulation was planned.

Cho and I to see the ` secret project' while the Twins went to the day care. We'd be gone about noon.

This new thing wasn't ready when we were here last... no point in visiting a construction site.

The carts dropped us at the fenced enclosure... Rufus and Cam met us at the gate.

The new solar array was much different... it had a central core encircled by smaller but much denser panels with new solar collectors embedded close together.

The new `concentrator' device uses special solar panels to concentrate their heat to a single location, rising to more than 1320°C grabbing photons from the edges of the spectrum that can generate more voltage with the higher heat.

The new cells, thermophotovoltaic, have two types of materials that have different absorptive properties giving a wider ability to receive light across the entire light spectrum.

Higher heat equals more voltage which can be controlled and stored in special shielded containers more efficiently than ordinary batteries, as heat then it could then be released on demand to create electricity.

Cam and I looking at a printout after they fired it up for the first time... We moved to a display... the arc of the efficiency showed it was thirty nine percent. She was jazzed.

"Fay, we can cross the forty percent line easily which means we are more efficient than steam turbine technology now... further work will increase that efficiency rating... up to possibly eighty percent no problem!"

High fives!! A Hug for Camille!!

We could efficiently generate much more power than ordinary solar. The cost is higher now but mass production would wipe away that disadvantage especially as the materials are significantly cheaper!!!

Cho and Rufus joined us from the other side of the array where they had been looking at the construction. Rufus explained how we could cut costs in the way the new panels were built adding to the overall lower cost to produce power.

"Cho, Fay, since the panels weigh less we can save on the structure of the panels themselves. We could make the panels larger... which Cam and I think will allow for fewer in the encircling ring saving square footage on a site."

These two were an awesome team. The folks with them too. A collection of sharpies!

They were to be here for several weeks of test runs... then shut it down... taking the data to London to examine it with the staff there. The new London office and test facility was open and getting to work.

We rode back to the central area. The Iranians were in the demo room... They did a pause for us to say goodbye to Soleimani and his people.

"I will be in touch."

Soleimani shook our hands saying thank you.

I impulsively hugged him which he responded to warmly. Smiles as we walked to collect the children.

There was a crowd of `planespotters' to see the 767 take off... We were airborne for Chalgrove right away. We rolled down the runway and light quickly... up and soaring east then a turn to port for the northeast track over Canada and the Atlantic Ocean. Another breakfast in the sky!!

On the Forecourt... Carter grinning as the Twins rushed him. They exchanged hugs before going in with Tha and Delphine. A fist bump for Carter... the grin a bit bigger.

"M'Lady, Sir Cho, welcome back."

Carter2 and Audra, fist bump and hug in that order.

Carter2 said the weddings were all ready to go! Good!

Cho had work to do in the first... he was going to `give away' Diana to Pat. I was to be a spectator both times!!

Fidel and Fran came over... they had lunch with Pat in the outside workers lounge we had Diana in with us. You know the groom can't see the bride...

Diana would dress upstairs in the room she slept in last night.

Anthony was at home with his parents... Teddie with hers. They travel up here separately this afternoon.

It was sunny... not overly warm... I chose a long sleeved frock with an oval neckline, lightweight wool in pale grey, silver bits, black stockings and red heels. Chani in her black pinafore and a grey cotton turtleneck top. Black ballet shoes, white socks.

The guys in black suits, white shirts, red and gold striped ties. Very debonair!!!

Phillips' folks made a White Fairy Primrose head garland for Diana and a bunch of white magnolia blossoms to carry. She made the choices... I carried them up to her room. A simple white dress, straight to her ankles, cap sleeves...

I had a present for her, a set... ruby earrings and a pendant. She was stunned... very happy. Many thank yous as I hung the necklace around her slender throat.

"Fay. You and Cho are so good to us."

A careful hug.

Cho at the door saying she had five minutes. Okay. Diana was ready!

In the sunny garden things were arranged. Dr. Lone waiting. The right side seats occupied by our house and outside staff... almost everyone except for a few to mind the store. Monty had volunteered to be the stables watcher as he knew Pat, Diana and Andy the least. Cho asked Gregory to offer him an extra bit of wage or paid time off to compensate.

I saw Monty's face yesterday... Diana's cheek kiss was probably enough payback!

Fran sitting down at the front... she had reached her nine months... nothing happening yet. Fidel was Pat's best man with him up by Dr. Lone.

The Twins and I in the seats on Diana and Pat's side... the two couples decided together to have their guests each have a side since all of our staff also wanted to see Anthony get married. His family and Teddie's were quite happy sitting together. A nice show of the joining of their families.

It would mean the two ceremonies could go on one after the other no big moves of people.

Cho and the bride emerged from the Terrace windows into the sun. Diana was indeed the classic radiant bride! A slender woman in white with a white veil. She and Cho moved down the raised walkway... Pat's face! He knew she was the one for him.

Cho's smile as he handed Diana to Pat and stepped back. Fidel beside his brother... a huge smile.

We knew he and Fran adored Diana... this was a match to please everybody.

Dr. Lone got started... I drifted back to the Forest Palace... another sunlit day... bright with the promise of love. It had worked so far for Cho and I... rather well I concluded with a smile!

Dr. Lone blessed them... the kiss after her veil was lifted... very nice! Loud cheers... deafening applause as they walked up the aisle. Their co-workers really letting go for these two popular people.

The two couples had agreed on a joint party afterwards so Diana and Pat went inside the house to wait... it wouldn't be long. Andy and Teddie were ready to go... their families were in place.

Andy was Anthony's best man... they took their place by Dr. Lone.

We all looked back to see Teddie come out to the sunny garden on her father's arm. Another beautiful bride in shimmering white! They walked to the front... Anthony waiting... a big smile!

We sat down... smiles all around.

Dr. Lone did his part again... he was good at this. A nice man who cared.

I didn't drift so much as muse about how many marriages started like this but ended in hate... It was a symptom of how it is done... the couples often knew little enough about each other.

Anthony and Teddie had been together for three years, Pat and Diana had worked together for two years seeing each other's work ethic and attitudes, they'd been very close for nearly half a year.

It was over... another wonderful kiss. More loud cheers and clapping!! It was terrific the families and co-workers cheering them on!

Okay it was party time for everybody. Andy and Fidel led off with speeches and toasts. Fidel was very moving saying his cousin had surmounted personal issues with help from Lady Harcourt and Sir Cho which included breakfast in bed the first morning after he came to work here. Laughter... even more when Fidel gave the context of where the `bed' was.

People looking over to us smiles on their faces.

Andy said Anthony had been his been friend through childhood, his co-worker now his closest friend... a pause... with the exception of Audra. Laughs!

Both couples were wished the best of everything and long lives in loving harmony by Cho! A big cheer for that!!

Lots of Taittinger's being put to use. The youngsters in the crowd got colas or Shirley Temples.

The Twins with Tha and Delphine, plus a few parents, were playing with some young ones around their house with the slide and swing. We decided to make the Rêve off-limits for safety reasons.

I was sitting on the Terrace gazing around... seeing the fun. Diana came and sat beside me.

"Fay, this day is down to Cho and you. You literally brought Pat and me together."

I squeezed her hand, "Our pleasure. You are good workers and nice people... I hope you will fill in a bedroom or two with wonderful children."

"We've talked... no more than two... it would be lovely to have a boy and girl."

Neither Diana or Pat had ever spent much time in the capital so we offered the Basuto Road house to them as a `honeymoon cottage'... they had been shocked and pleased.

We had Graham buy some tourist passes and Oyster tube cards so they could get around and see a few spots. He would leave a note with Prasert's office number so they could call for a car if they wanted to go somewhere special.

Teddie and Anthony left first... a big send-off out front. They were going to a family home in Devon north of Totnes on the River Dart.

Pat and Diana out front... we hugged them. The Prasert car would take them directly to Basuto Road.

Lots of waving and cheers for each couple. Just married in the back windows and old boots clunking along behind. Prasert made sure each driver had a pair of scissors to stop and remove those noise makers down at the end of the drive before turning onto the Oxford Road.

We were going back in when Fran's labour began!!! They had driven over from Marsh Baldon so Fidel's car was close... we got her in and off they went to the baby wing at the Churchill Hospital. Yone called their doctor who according to Yone laughed about where it started.

Declan and Marsha drove to the Three Ponies to get Fran's `baby case' she'd prepared for the hospital.

The party was ending... the revellers were well behaved and happy about the marriages. Teddie's parents thanked us for hosting... it was a lovely setting. Her father had asked about the cost of the champagne... Cho said we get it as a perk so it was free. Her dad laughed about that sort of perk was actually useful.

We had some kid' time in the pool. Jaidee the third kid' was right there. Lying on a lounge, on my tummy with Chani on top looking out over the Thames Valley... many trees were `spring' green, some flowering, the sun westering... it was a delightful view.

"Mama, it is pretty... should I draw it?"

"Of course! It would be a very nice picture."

I was going up to London in the morning... Cho was working here.

Dinner was made nicer by the news there was a boy born to Fran and Fidel. He was to be Aiden! Fidel talked with Cho, Aiden and Fran were both doing well. Aiden was healthy and he had already shown good lungs! Fidel had called the newlyweds to tell them.

We sent flowers to Fran at the hospital and their home. A bottle of Taittinger's cooling at their flat upstairs at the Three Ponies for Fidel!

A late bit of news from California... Kaao won the Shoemaker Mile in record time at Santa Anita! He led throughout, unchallenged. This boy was amazing, blowing away records, winning with authority each time. His first three were G2 races this was a G1. All of his remaining races were G1's.

Trey, an assistant to Monaco, was his trainer, reported he came through in excellent condition.

Nathaniel had good news too! Samir won the Gold Cup also at Santa Anita. He wired the field looking very impressive in this G1 race. No horse came near as he circled the track like he was running alone. He was terrific afterwards!

Jaidee was leading me down the grass lane to the Stables. Roland nickering upon seeing me... I stroked his neck. Penny and Tara mounted. Andy gave me a knee up. He had the scone!

We went across the Flats... up the slope warming up. A terrific gallop to the lock after the railroad track crossing. Over the river after greeting my friends we rode to the site where the masjid was to be built.

The paperwork done... they owned it. I stopped for a look... a Ford Transit van with big long cylindrical tubes on the roof pulled to the side of the road. The logo said they were surveyors. A slender bald fellow climbed out with a tall man. They saw us... the bald fellow said `Good Morning, M'Lady' I said thank you and the same to them.

They were to begin surveying the land for grade. I said good luck and goodbye... we turned west going down what was left of Barton Lane until it bumped against our property then along a dirt track to the underpass. We used the track between the Wellans' and Carmichael's to turn to the river and the Thames Path.

We followed the path to the Boatyard. Dennis was there, May was doing well!

He said he'd had the river boat out... it was in fine condition... a bit of a clean-up and it was ready. I thanked him.

We stayed on the Thames Path all the way to the small bridge over the river side channel then to the lock. The lockman was at the north end... we waved. A smile.

At Mr. Hardy's door it was quiet... Roland making noises... he knew... at the south end of Sandford we took off. Roland grabbing at the grass... we flashed across our neighbours river side land getting to the Flats again in a fast gallop. We walked our horses then up to the Stables.

Monty took Con and Max, Roland in Andy's hand... a smile.

"Yesterday was great! Anthony texted they got to house... a thatched cottage... they'll have to `rough' it a bit as it hasn't had a modernization in forty years."

We laughed when I inquired about an indoor loo... Andy hadn't asked. More laughter.

Cho got a kiss after some `BIG' hugs from Charlie and Chani in the Breakfast Room!!

I was fed and cleaned-up waiting out front for the AW139 to land. Kisses for the Twins and Cho.

Minerva lifted us to Wandsworth. Rae was there... straight to Millbank House. Sage didn't have anything crucial so I went on to the Palace of Westminster.

I left my trench coat with a porter and went around to the Royal Gallery. I said hellos to many members as I worked my way to the back corner where Alfred and Mac were waiting. Handshakes.

They both were well. They congratulated Cho and I on the racing results from America.

The news from Labour was the three defence bills were coming along... they still needed a few weeks. They had appreciated what Alfred and I had sent over in the way suggestions. We'd have to wait to see if any are incorporated into the bills.

The Lords schedule didn't have much this afternoon. I had asked Mac in advance to luncheon because I wanted him to hear what I said to Cedric. Alfred was going home for a few days, A hug and good wishes.

Mac and I walked to Cowley House. I filled him in on the meeting with Flintshire at Charles' little do. He was shaking his head... his comment was `Too much bullshit!'

We laughed. I said we'll find out if Cedric even knows.

Clough at the door, a smile.

"M'Lady. We are ready."

I returned it with a smile... thanking him.

Mac got his scotch and me a sherry in the North Drawing Room. I gave a precis of our coming travels.

He got that I'd been in Ho's mausoleum...

"What is it like?"

He liked my interaction with the elderly woman, the `old fighter.'

"I was a pup... my father was furious with the tories for supporting the ever expanding war... we weren't in it directly but we didn't need to support it... the U.S. was making all the mistakes possible in Vietnam. He didn't think we should give even moral support. He was right... it was the beginning of my disenchantment with the tories... now I find myself loathing their lame politics."

I mentioned my parents were `real' conservatives not money-grubbers and cheaters like today's tories.

Mac shaking his head, "There hasn't been any real conservatives of honour and decency since Macmillan... the rest have been some sort of perverse distillations... They all yammered on about values they no longer held."

Clough escorted Cedric in... he had an aide along. We shook hands. He took a whiskey.

I said I had just seen General Soleimani in New Mexico... eyes big!!

I told him the context and Hillary's actions.

I asked if he would like to read a report I wrote about my first visit with the General?

"Hillary read it and said she felt it to far better than the CIA's analysis."

Grinning as I tooted my own horn!

Cedric asked if the previous Foreign Secretary had seen it?

"No. I decided not to forward it because I did not trust the tories. The Foreign Secretary was a good fellow who I like but I did not know if he would feel he needed to share my thoughts."

I gave him a look...

"Cards on the table?"

Cedric nodded.

"I will tell you what I know and my analysis... In return... Can I not have people like Viscount Flintshire hovering around?"

Cedric shook his head, "I told my staff who wanted the approach made they were seriously underestimating you. Did he make a bad impression or be gauche somehow?"

"No, he was smooth, ingratiating... he was out of place so I was on my guard immediately."

"I will be sure to end anything on that."

He laughed, "The staff people I speak of are career civil servants... they don't get out much and certainly have never met anyone like you."

We all laughed. Mac pointed out they couldn't lack for examples I was in the news often enough.

Cedric said they lack worldly knowledge. If he needed something he would ask directly in the future.

A fist bump! And more Laughs.

We had a delicious meal... a hearty garlic and white bean soup, Sicilian Casarecce with grilled artichoke hearts, onions and tomatoes tossed in light olive oil and spices, Romano shredded to go over it. A small crusty Ciabatta loaves for each and our Oxfordshire butter.

Bowls of mixed green and black Italian olives.

Clough poured the Emidio Pepe Trebbiano Montepulicano which was our friend in New York... Antonio's suggested wine. It was superb. Part of our haul from the trip to L'Aquila in Abruzzo. Our guests appreciated knowing about it. And also drinking it!!

Cedric made it plain he believed the Iranians were trying adapt themselves and were closely following the Harcourt House Accord.

"Mrs. Clinton agrees so we have good things going forward. We will discuss it further when Keir and I go to Washington.

Your company has made a lot of friends there?"

"Yes... our people are hard workers, they accomplished a good deal before the weather foreclosed further activity in the mountains. The work has resumed and will be done in less than three months. The Iranians are ready to go live immediately.

Our people got along with the Iranians quite well. Their work ethic and knowledge impresses the Iranians. The only issue was a small one with the religious police... General Soleimani intervened immediately. Those police then backed away entirely."

"You really paved the way there didn't you?"

"My express purpose in meeting Soleimani was to guard against this sort of event... He understood and after talking with Taj he also understood the importance of the water project. His quick work defused the problem."

Cedric prompted me about the south of Thailand... I told him how we used our reporters to speak directly with the insurgents... all of them. Cho and I personally speaking to the Prince and the Prime Minister got the government to reassess their position and like the insurgents relax their stances on issues so the talks could start.

"After that each side saw their self-interests could align... stopping the shooting made all the difference. General A-Wut was crucial... he knew what was happening only led to more of the same... he was a powerful voice to get the Army to relent.

We were facilitators rather participants."

"Yes I see but your being able to nudge at both sides was the real vital factor."

We covered more over afters in the North drawing Room.

Cedric needed to go... We were standing...

"I do want to commend..." he motioned to Clough... "... your staff and kitchen. The food and service were marvellous. Your house is a throwback to a different era... gracious and welcoming. Thank you again for a wonderful lunch. I look forward to a return."

We shook hands at the entryway. I waved him to his car from the stoop.

Mac left next. A hug and a big thank you for another wonderful feed!

Inside I thanked Clough myself... Mrs. Travers and her people were all smiles hearing the Foreign Minister's praise.

Okay... to Harcourt House!

Sunny started to get GCSE results! She was young... more than a level ahead of the others her age. Her English, Maths and Science were all 9's!!!! What a show!! History, French, Spanish, Computer Science, Economics, Psychology and Media Studies to come.

The plan she worked out with her parents and Abbey Hill School was to finish next spring and go up to Oxford in the autumn.

Sunny was an excellent student, hard-working and thoughtful... any university would glad to have her. The folks at Brasenose were quite keen to talk more with her.

I took Rebel out for a run... Tara and Penny along as we went down the drive to the village, across the Oxford Road to the east side then north. A short stop at St. Thomas's to look at the older students in `jeans and wellies' working with the sod for the play fields. They were helping the contractors people.

They were having fun knowing it was something for them too! Mr. Thorn there... he was smiling...

"M'Lady, your idea was a winner... they're making it into a game. The contractor was laid back about it. He sat them all down to teach them... it was a great thing."

He motioned to the groups working, each doing certain parts of the process alongside the contractors workers.

I leaned down to shake his hand.

"Jocelyn came home with a marvellous story... the mother of one of the day care children is French... she was having a conversation with Chani in French. Shocking and wondrous!"

I laughed, "Our Twins are a marvel. Charlie and Chani's French is quite good thanks to Delphine."

"Well Arabelle came away thoroughly sold on the brilliance of Chani!"

We laughed. I said I needed to go on... I waved to the children... they called out hellos.

We walked around the playfields to our ploughed fields beyond... we skirted those going towards Marsh Baldon. We reached The Croft above Marsh Baldon, we turned south towards the Green. We tied our horses to trees across the road from the Three Ponies.

In the pub Fidel was working... a huge smile. He came out from behind the bar...

"Your Ladyship... I'm sure Fran will be happy to see you. She's settled in."

Smiling I said I hoped so.

Fidel opened the door to the first floor where they lived.

"Go on up... Fran is likely in the sitting room at the top of the stairs."

I squeezed his hand passing.

Upstairs we did see Fran in a comfy armchair with Aiden in her arms. She gave us a big smile.

"Your Ladyship, have a look..."

Aiden sleeping was very sweet looking. I sat beside her...

"Anything we can do? Need anything?"

"I wasn't going to wake him... Sorry to ask but could I have a cup a tea?"


I went into the kitchen... in a few minutes I'd found everything... kettle plugged in... pot ready, tea caddy with a spoon. Sugar and milk on the work surface... I went back to ask... `two sugars and a bit of milk.'

In a short time Fran sipping a cuppa with a big smile. I took Aiden for a few minutes. Fran said hopefully he'd awake soon looking for a meal.

Dark hair like his dad, the fine facial features were all Fran.

"I was lucky I guess he wanted out after only two hours of labour. Nice and easy so while I'm sore no damage done!"

I quietly congratulated her.

Oops... Aiden's eyes opened slowly... I got a look... I knew I wouldn't be in focus... he got his dad's green eyes... what a cutie!

Fran took him for some feeding... Aiden settled against her and took the nipple easily. Fran grinning...

I was glad for them... he was willing to get to business. Fran doing a thumbs up!

I asked again if we could do anything else... She had her phone... she could text Fidel if she needed any help. I said the tea cosy was on...

A smile... "Could you tell him Aiden's nursing?"

I would. I took my leave, Penny and Tara congratulated her, hand squeezes.

Downstairs Fidel smiling at my news.

"Damn the boy is so good! I hope he it keeps up!"

Fist bump!

Mounted we walked slowly to the east to stop at the school. I walked to the door... the lady who'd seen me and run off was there. I stepped in she gave me a shy smile with a shake of her head.

"Your Ladyship... I hope you don't have a bad opinion of me for running off?"

I moved close to put out my hand... she took it with a wider smile.

"You are fine with me. I am wary of my public persona so I don't always think how I might affect others."

"M'Lady... I was shocked to see someone so famous walking to our door... I was a bit emotional that day... other reasons."

I said not to worry.

The `Head' joined us... she could see we were talking. A smile.

"I was visiting around the corner so I thought see how you all were doing."

The "Head' thanked me... "We are good. We all had fun spending the money you gave us. I hope the letter we sent was Okay?"

"I haven't seen it but I'm sure it is fine."

I got a tour... saying hello to the children. Some I remembered because their fathers worked for us.

Out front I said goodbye... the `Head' said I was welcome any time. Smiles.

We rode across the Green avoiding the cricket ground to cross between houses out into the countryside. We went west of Little Baldon on our property aiming to cross the Oxford Road where it was only two lanes. We walked along the road looking at the road construction.

The road widening and a turn lane for our new `thing,' the Harcourt Racing Museum, looking nearly done. The museum was a big hole in the ground!

I took us to the works office, Gillespie smiling at the door.

"Your Ladyship, it's a pleasure to see you."

He answered my question with a short recitation of what was done, doing and planned for the short term. They were on schedule.

"Soon we will have concrete mixers and pumps then steel. It will get a bit noisy at times."

"We will be pretty quiet after you are done as a payback."

I thanked him. A short stop at the Garden Centre to say hellos. I missed Dave, it was his day off.

We rode south alongside the road until we got near Katie's family home. A turn north... I asked Rebel he burned a trail to the Flats! So smooth like we were the wind flowing over the land.

I slowed him on the slope's downside... we cruised up next to Charlotte on DD by the grass arena. She was smiling...

"Sunny just finished with Prince... He's really become so very skilled in Dressage. Zephyr is excellent... Plotline is so powerful I'm not sure he will ever be able to compete in the arena. He's improved a good deal... he seems to have plateaued now. I have to find a way for him to go forward."

She got that I was sure she would. "Other students?"

"I am going to interview and test some in a few weeks. Yone and Gregory are in with me on this."

"Good. Have fun with that."

She laughed. "Tara has taken Plotline out on the cross-country course... she seemed to enjoy herself and doing well. Plotline loves the cross-country course. Sunny is glad Tara wants to work him!"

Fist bump!

I handed Rebel to Monty. A smile!

Andy said he'd heard from both newlywed couples...

"Yes... in Devon the loo is inside but there' only a tub to wash in... no shower. Poor babies!"

We laughed.

Diana and Pat spending their day around London just wandering. They're going out in the evening. I told him I'd received some snaps... it looked like they were enjoying themselves so far.

After the Twins were in bed Cho and I sat by the fire in the Great Room. We talked about our day, the Twins had fun at the Day Care. I loved them socialising with other youngsters.

We had guests tomorrow...

Phitsamai and Tanawat with their children were coming out... golf and fun around the house.

Roland's whinny was loud... he was sounding off about a terrific run home from Sandford!! Gil, Gaby and Angie got to see our butts the whole way!! Walking up the grassy lane Roland was stepping out... happy!

Cormac! Smiling he held Roland until Ethan took him. We shook hands. Marsha and Monty took the other horses... Marsha gave me a big smile. And `I'm doing very well' to answer my question.

She said it the same way Everytime... I'd asked Diana to talk with Marsha to see how she was doing...

Diana smiling... said, "I got She's doing very well' then It's true.' Fay, she's happy working with the horses... she goes over to the dairy herd each week to see the cows and do some milking. Marsha helps with the chicken too. Terry teaching her.

She likes the animals like Pat does and I believe Monty does also. Terry too. They see them as equals with different skills."

We smiled. I was pleased to hear that. They were the sort of people you wanted around your animal friends.

Cormac, "I'm here for a talk with Gregory. EFT is its own self now but we share people all the time. We sometimes do bulk buys together.

By the way... Nicki, Norma's girl, is coming to work full-time when her term ends in two weeks. She is very revved up! A terrific worker."

I was glad. Nicki had worked some at EFT... now to be a regular at sixteen. I should call Norma...

The Breakfast Room was well populated, Francis and Ali eating with us today. I helped get the Twins on their feet... off to do schooling. Maths and drawing this morning. Hugs and kisses. Popa walked up with them.

Chelle near me. "Fay, I expect to hear from the New York lawyers about the appeal case. One of the filing deadlines is today."

Fist bump!

We were out front when Phitsamai and Tanawat arrived. Conrad and Stanton opened the car doors. We got to meet their three children, Charlie and Chani at door called out for them to come in.

We laughed as the three kids took off.

I had my arm linked with Phitsamai's, her head moving around... "Fay, it is quite the place... almost a palace."

"Of course... I'm secretly a Princess!"

We laughed.

In the entryway the men were getting ready for Oxford East. We wished them a good game. Phitsamai and Tanawat's oldest son Akrai, a nine year old, was going with the men. They'd lunch over there. Kisses. Cho's eyebrows up with a grin at my `kiss!'

"No betting!" My last words... Cho waved to me as he got in the Land Rover.

In the Great Room Phitsamai was looking around... eyes wide! I gave her a tour of the ground floor... a look out at the pool. Afterwards we came by the big windows to the Terrace which were open to the nice day... the four kids were on the Rêve with Jaidee. Tha and Delphine supervising.

We stepped out.

They had just started their cruise after the proper clothing was donned.

Phitsamai looking at her two dressed as pirates! She looked to me.

I was laughing, "The Twins always like to add new crew members. We had to guess on the sizes... they look good."

Phitsamai smiling, "What a nice toy. The pictures you showed really did not show the size. Thank you so much for the clothes!"

"You can leave the clothes here in storage for any return trip. We hoped the Twins would grow into the ship but they are growing so fast we may have to make some changes soon."

Lucas brought us coffee in the Library. We sat and talked about our families, Thailand, my political role, Cho's golf game, Phitsamai's duties as an ambassador's wife... we covered a lot of ground learning about each other.

My family... two sides of me... Scots/English and Thai.

Phitsamai, "I met General Keren and Phailin at a function in Bangkok a few years ago... they were very nice. Your father does have a fiercesome reputation for taking the bad guys. I amazed he was so agreeable."

I smiled, "He's very nice... I wouldn't want to get in his `bad' book... his police force is very skilled. They helped a lot in the southern peace initiative. They knew the people and were very careful.

The Army general in charge and Dad worked `hand in glove' a team effort. Without them it would not have succeeded."

I told her about the Narathiwat compound, how it was used and what we planned for it.

"Although we are considering making it into to some sort neutral location for others to use for conflict resolution. It is off the beaten track. There is an airfield nearby and a dock.

Separate housing and kitchens, space for meetings, a nice bit of beach, shade trees... it is pleasant.

We protect it with our Security Service so it safe."

"I read about the Nobel Peace Prize... you two are the headline nominees."

I shrugged, "We have been given a good amount of gilt... we don't go looking for it... we just do what we want for us and our businesses with some `good works' thrown in when it works."

Phitsamai was smiling, "It appears you manage to do good more than that... Tanawat was amazed at your jumping into politics. Your whirlwind travels during the election campaign was so astonishing.

The news people were very into following your activities... Tanawat was blown away with your successes. He said it had never been done before."

"I can say it wasn't great fun but it had to be done... the tories are so incompetent and corrupt. brexit was such nonsense... it had to be stopped... ridding us of them seemed to be a mission I needed to undertake."

"You made yourself even more famous! On the covers of dozens of magazines, in newspapers headlines and hours of TV news reports, social media going crazy, videos all over the web, hours and pages of commentary. Tanawat shaking his head seeing it all."

"None of which really means anything. I only cared about succeeding. Our media did a fantastic job being in the forefront of honest and in depth coverage. Telling the people what was the truth and calling out the lies."

I asked about her father in the Foreign Ministry... "He's an expert on international economics. I think this is his twenty fifth year at the ministry... I should ask... we need to give him a party."

"Is he thinking of retiring?"

"Yes but he says he has several projects to complete before that happens."

I told Phitsamai about the Basuto Group... "We would be interested in having him write for us."

She smiled, "He would probably like that... should I ask him?"

I said please do... "Tell him to look at our website."

Gil handed Phitsamai a card she'd written the web address on.

We walked out to find the `crew' had come in for a mid-morning cookie break. Tough life these pirates led! Ha!

Phitsamai laughing with me at our crowd munching the Breakfast Room.

I suggested a swim? I said we have `loaner' swim costumes by the time we got kitted out they could be ready to swim. Audra set them up in a room after they chose costumes, fuzzy robes, slippers too!

Tha and Delphine kept track of the time... we started with some laying out. Phitsamai had a midnight blue tank swim costume like her daughter, a striped Speedo on her son. Me in white, Chani too! Charlie in one of his favourite yellow Speedos. Jaidee didn't change.

Phitsamai looked terrific in the tank swim costume! She gave me a big smile when I said so.

"Fay, you are so sleek... your gown at the Songkran party was wonderful."

We got in some fun splashing and laying about. Phitsamai on a lounge beside me looking out.

"Fay, it is a lovely view."

It is indeed. I told her what see was seeing. Chani laid next to me... she said she was going to draw it... waving her small hand over the view. Phitsamai had seen her bird...

"Chani, I am sure it will very nice... your blackbird was very good."

Chani smiling, "He was cute in the park... hopping around... he wasn't afraid of me... he left when Jaidee came too close."

There was a clean-up period. Audra got a few things for Phitsamai to make the transition easier.


We had lunch in the Breakfast Room... Phitsamai was asked in advance said it was great! Fish and chips! A favourite of the Twins since their first meal at Southwold. Clean plates! A bit of coffee ice cream and a white chocolate peanut butter cookie! It went over very well!

After lunch... wellies for all... a Stables tour. Tha and Delphine took all the children to visit Iris. Phitsamai came with me... she got to meet Pamela and pet Penelope, Secret Royal came to me... such a handsome boy! Secret Sea took a mint from Phitsamai's hand... that delighted her.

All our babies and their dams and sires got visits. We were on the fence with Asda when the men arrived. Tanawat had ridden when he was younger... Cho said to come out to ride.

"All you need to do is call ahead and come. We're here more but it doesn't matter... other friends come out to spend a day riding. If you need kit there is Go Outdoors just five minutes down the road..." His arm motioning to the north.

We could see it appealed.

I picked up the lead... "Phitsamai, we have good folks who could teach you to ride... nice quiet horses and gentle countryside to ride on."

Tanawat nudged her... a smile... Phitsamai looking sceptical... Their nine year old Akrai looking interested up at his dad. Tanawat asked for him... Cho shook the young man's hand saying `Sure!'

He was excited.

I put in, "I ride every day we are here... good exercise and a lot of fun."

She said she'd try it... making no promises beyond that. Okay. Fist bump! Laughter.

They weren't doing the driving so we gave them cocktails before them left. Shirley Temples too! Hugs and kisses at the door. We all waved them down the drive.

We had a good dinner with our folks... afterwards the Twins did a complex puzzle... a landscape picture of the Great Room... they used the room instead of a picture as their model. It was wonderful!

In the dark, warm with Cho I told him my dream. A few fingers going places on my bod as I did.

"Seems like Chani gets married first then Charlie... we are left to our own devices... That IT?"

The fingers made me giggle, "Yes... maybe? We shouldn't bet on my dreams being accurate prognosticators."

Kissing ended that!

I went up to London after breakfast. A meeting in Alfred's rooms in Millbank House. We got a preview of the Defence Bills... The Trident one was MUCH smaller with the American's contribution. The Decommissioning bill larger than I expected.

Mortimer, Lord Chilgrove, explained they wanted to give the process a boost after it had been held back by the tories fiddling, next year would be lower.

The Armed Forces will see MUCH more money for weapons and training!!

Alfred looking to me... he seemed pleased... me too! These numbers were closer to what we had wanted than I expected. He and I would spend some time looking it all over then together make new plans for the debates.

Gil, PJ and Tara with me... walking to Downing Street. I waved to King George V's statue, we passed the Abbey... The was some sort of demonstration in Parliament Square which the police were keeping away from the road... We went over to Horses Guards to the back end of Downing Street.

The WPC at the gate knew me... at the Number 10 doorway Keir's PA greeted me. She escorted me in to the office. Shaking hands. We went to the back to the garden terrace. It was in the sun.

Cedric and a few aides. We sat around a table... coffee!

I gave them copies of my first report on meeting Soleimani. I offered more verbally... they were definitely paying attention as were their aides.

I gave them a thorough briefing right down to the `ambush' in New Mexico. They were laughing.

Keir shaking his head, "So he seemed to enjoy it?"

"Yes... he was laughing. I think he was glad to meet Cho."

I paused, "We have a connection... we think alike in some ways... as I said Soleimani has a sharp mind which I appreciate. He was a combat officer during the Iran-Iraq War... he uses those same skills to advance Iran's foreign policy... not always to everyone's happiness. The Saudis especially so..."

Shaking my head, "The Sunni Shia schism has done a lot of damage."

I looked at them, "Well if I had to choose... I prefer the Iranians... because they are patriotic rather than predatory."

The Prime Minister and Foreign Secretary were looking hard at me... I shrugged.

"Greed doesn't enter into it for the Iranians. Many of top Iran's leaders graduated from the shah's prisons... they know personal suffering... Soleimani, Taj, the Energy Minister, many more of their leaders.

They are focused, tough and hard-working... my kind of people."

I told them about the solar panels I sent to Soleimani... "His people did the install on the tea house roof in the Iranian Gardens... the panels are up and running. The owner, Mr. Rez, I was told, said his electric metre almost stopped going... he's pleased."

Cedric leaning back, "I've told the staff to stay away... one in particular who strongly advocated for the `approach' to you I spoke to personally. He wasn't happy, I suggested a move which seemed to frighten him."

Cedric looked at Keir who nodded... Oh Boy... this is going to be good...

"I've asked for an investigation of areas which he has had control... IT will get back to him."

I smiled, "Please don't take this the wrong way... if he tries to do something to me... us... we will not hold back replying in a manner we believe appropriate."

Cedric smiled, "Fay, I will do my upmost to avoid any trouble."

Keir shaking his head, "We do not want any breach between us. You and Cho are too valuable to the nation in so many ways."

I had my coffee refilled. The blonde woman pouring the coffee very discreetly gave me the eye... I was in a Mirabelle slender suit, jet black, this second skirt had the hemline raised to upper thigh by Ellie. Slender legs on display. Black spike heels, Silver jewellery, `Joy'

As Chelle said `I was looking deadly!'

Looking at Cedric, "How foolish could he be?"

"He's a career civil servant, narrow in his outlook... blinkered but jealous of his prerogatives. They are petty tyrants in their areas. He might try leaking some information he has... "

I gave them a wonderful smile, "I could have him killed if that would help."

They LOOKED then got it and laughed with me. Their aides sucked in some breath until the laughing released them.

Keir gave me a rueful smile. Cedric looked like I would capable of a lot of things.

I told them as a wind up that Cho and I... "We don't look for trouble."

I was thanked for sharing the Iranian information and my analysis. They would stay in touch.

We walked to Cowley House by a different route... down Horse Guards to cross Birdcage Walk to Storey's Gate over to Great Smith Street... Little Smith... Tufton Street... Great College Street to Barton Street and our front door on Cowley Street.

Clough smiling at the entryway...

"Luncheon is nearly ready M'Lady."

I thanked him and took Gil with me to my Lady's Room.

"Did you enjoy your little joke?"

Laughing, "I did give pause didn't I?"

We hugged laughing loudly. Chelle and Ali came in to see us hugging. When they heard... there was much more laughter.

Ali holding my hand, "You are so naughty!"

"Well one does have to lighten the mood every now and then."

After lunch we drove up to Notting Hill going a different route. PJ having an increased impact on how Allyn, Rae and the other drivers moved us around the city. As well as our walking. From Hyde Park Corner west on Kensington Road to Kensington Church Street to Notting Hill.

The store was open... there were a quite few ladies in a queue waiting to get inside... I stopped to say `Hi!' which shocked them. Garnett was also shocked to see me come through the door...

"Your Ladyship... you are a surprise!"

"Well it worked out for me to make a quick stop. How is it going?"

"We're glad of the iPad... As you can see..."

The sales counter had a line... so did the sales assistant with the iPad but it was working... sales and smiles!

I went around with Tara talking to women... I let them see me in the suit... I did say the hem on this skirt had been raised. A woman... about forty with a slender figure smiling holding the same suit up against herself in a mirror.

"Your colouring is good for black like mine."

"Thank you, Your Ladyship. I like your hemline."

I was grinning... "Today was a good day to wear this... I was in a meeting with all men. Distraction!"

She laughed, "Good on you! I do like to make the occasional male squirm."

"You look as if you could."

A dazzling smile! I squeezed her arm.

Other women liked my hemline... Gil was near, she got from me to send an email to Coral to consider making some shorter skirts as a choice. Shorter skirts in the exact same cloth and style like the trousers and other skirts would further broaden our range.

I said goodbye to Garnett and her staff plus any ladies inside. I waved to the ladies in the queue. Rae at the kerb... off to Wandsworth.

Min dropped me at the house and in a short while we loaded up for Chalgrove. Off to New York.

Another transition from one continent to another!

Roslyn at the lift door... a big smile! A hug for her... the Twins too! The babies were going to bed soon... some sitting outside with the heaters on. Warm and snuggly in their robes and slippers... we carried them into the nursery.

Ali and Francis, Gil and Chelle went down the block to their flats. Cho drew me back to a terrace lounge. I was wrapped up by him. Kissing!!

Cho said we may get some shit from the media in England skipping the Epsom Derby. Black Star was running... we would be here in New York. Some in the English press would be sure to attack us for being a `no show' but...

Epsom Downs like Newmarket had rules against children in the Winner's Enclosure so until they change that we did not plan on going to any racecourse with such limits. Charlie and Chani were part of Harcourt Racing!

Freddie as trainer would accept any prizes.

I sent a note to Prince Charles in case Black Star won so he could tell Her Majesty we wouldn't be attending.

It was impossible to go to all the races we wanted to see much less go to those which weren't very welcoming.

Jaidee's morning business done, a good romp in George's Dog Run courtesy of Ro we headed home. Kara looking around... she hadn't been here before. A quick stop at Third Rail Coffee for a puppuccino!

Jaidee destroyed it with a grin!

Breakfast in progress. The Twins having porridge with Sultanas and an English muffin... somewhere under the strawberry preserves. They got that from their Mama for sure!

Cho shaking his head.

Well-fed, they a had a lot of schooling and play to come.

Cho was going downtown... me uptown.

The day was to warm up... a sleeveless pale blue frock, shirt collar, little navy buttons down the front to an upper-thigh length a narrow navy belt and a navy cardigan over my shoulders, navy heels, gold jewellery and `Joy' Legs on show!!

The blue reflective round sunglasses on as I walked out to the car with Gil, Chelle, Tara, Kara and Tessa. Pell turned up Sixth Avenue... glimpses of the Empire State Building as we drove north. Pell pulled to the kerb in front of Mirabelle's Herald Square building.

Inside Raphaela smiling, a hug. Coral coming down, hugs. They loved snaps of the London store opening. Gil forwarded the ones she took yesterday.

The sales numbers were great! Steady, very good numbers at the stores in France and New Bond Street.

They were amazed at the Vogue issue! A reprint... unheard of! Mirabelle clothes in many of the pictures!! Yeas!

Raphaela took me to a fitting room.

Black short sleeved silk dress, large shirt collar, small round black buttons closed the front to a narrow waist with a slender cloth-covered belt, the skirt is above of the knee in one and half inch SHARP pleats.

The dress I had sketched looked good on me.

The Black wool coat, asymmetric double-breasted opening to the left, four buttons in two pairs, three quarter length sleeves. A big cowl collar. I would wear long gloves with this.

Very few changes needed!

Coral and Raphaela liked my sketches and the clothes, they wanted to do the frock for the stores... the coat was a maybe. I smiled... it was a bit idiosyncratic... a bit me! Coats would be something new... we were new so that hardly mattered!! They do take up more space... something to remember!

Some other items... a sleeveless black mini-dress, silk, lined in soft black cotton, close to my shape until the waist where widened out a bit to flow as I walked. It was very very short!

A black coat to my knee caps, a low raised velvet collar, sleeves to my thumbs with small cuffs. It was lightweight wool, a thin black cotton lining, two vertical rows of eight gold buttons.

Raphaela brought in a pair of deep black suede boots, my size. They came to the bottom of my knee with spike heels, slender, close on my calves. A complicated gold necklace, chains gathered, looped and linked with gold medallions having small Parisian scenes.

"I saw these... I think they will make the look work."

I put it all on with a pair of black stockings.

The mirror said it did indeed `work!' I was showing a lot of leg, it was sexy! The coat's black deeper than the frock making them stand out against each other.

Black was definitely the new black for me.

We all laughed.

Coral came in... "Fay, formidable!"

Another outfit... a creamy vanilla white knitted mini-skirt with a gold chain belt combined with a matching knitted bandeau with a gold clasp at the front and knitted bolero jacket. Gold buttons. I would be showing leg, tummy and a bit of décolletage.

I could see pearls... lots of pearls around my neck, gold on my wrists. I liked!

Some every day skirts and tops plus khaki short shorts with cuffs showing my legs!!!

A form-fitting frock, a muted medium orange sleeveless top, it was linked to a paler muted orange skirt, cut to mid-thigh. It was made to fit me. It clung to every inch of me. Zipper at the back. Two matching cloth covered buttons near the waist at each hip bone. No question about my figure's shape wearing this!

Last was a black evening dress, smooth long-sleeved tightly knit top up over the ends of my shoulders married to a straight black silk skirt part at the hips to the floor with a small train connected with a two inch band of black velvet around me. BLACK! Deep black!

NO BACK until the hips... the soft knit clinging to my shape and barely over the shoulders. I would think gravity would have to play its part at some point.

I bounced up and down... it held! Raphaela said it was the tight knit. Okay!

Minor bits to fix... they'd be on the way soon.

Coral and I went up in the building to see the changes being made. Offices for the company, clean and neat spaces, lots of light!

The floors for the sewing... more room for cutting with new machines like those at Mirabelle West. A lot more room to work on the garments. The ventilation improved, taking away the dust and minuscule fibres. The air was sucked to the roof where scrubbers took out the particulate to be disposed of.

We sat in her office to chat... "Fay your photos from Los Angeles were wonderful. A collection of smiling faces! The building... amazing! So much room on one floor!"

We laughed after walking up and down here.

"The yellow suit looked liked the drawing!!!!!"

I smiled, "It is comfortable. Easy to wear. I'm taking it to London to wear at the Fulham opening."

We talked further expansion... Seattle in progress, real estate folks were hunting San Francisco, Portland and around Los Angeles. Vancouver, British Columbia, Toronto and Montreal were being scouted as was Berlin, the South of France and other locations in the United Kingdom.

We have seen hints there would be knock-off' clothes made in China. Coral was going to do an interview with Women's Wear Daily.' She was to speak about our company, the future and how we viewed possible fraudulent garments on the market.

We agreed she would specifically mention online retailers as sources for enormous fraud and sleazy merchandise... in particular amazon and to a lesser extent ebay. They simply didn't do `due diligence' in vetting sellers and their products.

She would say additionally we would be aggressive to prevent the misuse of our brand name. Coral would emphasize we do not sell online... so if someone is offering anything online called Mirabelle it is a fake.

"Coral, any time you want to travel to the stores get Penn to arrange aircraft... she'll contact our housekeepers also so you'll have a place to stay if we have a house there."

Cho emailed... Black Star won the Epsom Derby!! He destroyed the field in a runaway victory. He finished at 2:30. flat. Taking one and half seconds from the old record time. His twelve length win is the largest margin.

I called... "Fay there were some comments about our not being at the race. Freddie was well prepared. He said the Queen was very nice, complimentary to his training and our stables. She asked him to send her congratulations to us.

Likely the only people to whinge will be the usual press suspects."

I agreed with the last. Freddie was a very good trainer, calm, strong and knowledgeable. He was also quite personable and polite! Finding him was a terrific! Another excellent move by Monaco!

Ring's email made me smile... Amira won the Prix de Diane! A G1 two thousand one hundred metre race at Chantilly. She wired the race... on the lead right from the gate! All the other fillies trailing behind never coming close. She set a new record speed for the stakes.

She was undoubtedly the leading three year old filly in France now!

Ring sent us the Deauville results... Niva was our trainer there.

Demoiselle d'Orleans broke her maiden in the Prix Felix Lettier a G3 race.

Montaigan won the Prix de Bois, a G3 race. It was his maiden win in his first race like Demoiselle d'Orleans and Femme de Nantes who won the Prix Tros another G3 rated race.

Three maiden wins for our two years olds in France. A wonderful start for their racing careers.

Deauville seems a welcoming place!! They had all trained the last month at Moulin Farm. They'd remain there for future races at Deauville.

Ring would be at Longchamp for tomorrow's group of races!

Pell carried us up another stretch of Sixth Avenue to the Fox Tower.

Food! My crowd laughing.

We went up to the 45th! Lois knew we were coming... She was at the lift. We shook hands, she was well and enjoying this job. Good!

Lois led us through the dining room... it was after one o'clock and fairly full. I could see diners looking over... I just went on.

In the `booth' Glad was our server again. A big smile.

I decided on a Martini, fish cakes and spring rolls, a green chile noodle bowl and fried rice with shrimp on the side.

Us ladies talked clothes... They liked mine... tomorrow was a shopping trip for Charlie, Chani and Cho although he didn't know! We were going to Ralph's and other stores on the Upper Eastside. If they were off-duty they could drive up with us and shop if they wanted. Smiles said yes.

I went into the kitchen to thank the staff for a delicious lunch. Glad had said there was excitement when the `Z' lit up on the tables display. Red, the kitchen manager, was in... he thanked me for the staff.

I headed down to see some folks. First stop was a visit to The Sharks! They were surprised but pleased I'd stop. Morgan and Whitney gave me a briefing on what projects they were working on... some folk's noses were going to bloodied! I gave them my indorsement!

I authorized the hiring of two more staff! Morgan was pleased, she said they had plenty of work for them especially if we went ahead with sharing their skills with a few close friends.

I said talk to Francis about more than two!

Handshakes all around.

Tai smiling, "So I got Chelle... now I'm going to lose her? Not like I had her around much."

Chelle was smiling... I had spoken to Tai already so she knew... this was a cute dig at Chelle being with us all the time. She smiled through it. Chelle knew Ali wouldn't be back to work in the same way after the baby was born...

So Tai was looking for a replacement.

Mary, the Fox HR person, had given me a name... Tai said she had done a first interview, more background was coming then a second meeting. She had two others in process.

Eve's arms open! We hugged and kissed. She and Ku were great. Enjoying the city together as much as possible... when Ku was in town. Less travel now that Rona had `taken over' Europe! A smile on Eve's face!!

We sat on her settee with the others sitting around.

GWNW was just days from a total switch-over... the office was ready! They had it prepared and staff primed for it. When that happened the only big railroads in the American northeast and far southwest weren't using our products.

I let her know Alex and his people were busy working on the remaining railroads in America.

"Fay, we have the space to ramp up for more... no problem! GWNW is the biggest!"

Fist bump.

All other things were quiet. Good!

Bill was happy to see me. A big hug! Tilly was terrific! They'd had a week of grandkids around their house... always lively and fun.

Kent and Jenny joined us. Kent introduced us. Jenny was managing the investigation into the Texas Congressman...

Jenny led off, "Fay, we have six congressmen in view... all republicans... yours from Texas plus another from there, four others... all from southern states. They all share the same sort of habits of trying to get favourable items included in bills for certain supporters who have bankrolled their campaigns.

It isn't just that... they have tried to influence government agencies like aiding their friends in disputes with the IRS, federal land management departments, trying to get them deals for oil leases... it is a long list.

They say it is the normal congressperson's help for constituents but nearly all cases the people don't actually live in their districts... some own property there is all. More than a few are just `buddies' they have another connection to outside their districts.

Many of their actions are outside Congress' ethics rules. We have documentation, witnesses and interviews. We are continuing because there is a lot more..."

I knew I had a shit-eating grin... they were smiling too.

"Jenny, keep going... there is no time pressure from us. We want you to get their scalps if they are dirty."

A thumbs up from her.

Kent sent a reporter and camera team to be based at the D.C. Fox station for use on this project.

"They're getting assignments from Jenny."

I gave them an accounting of the Capitol Hill meeting... Kent told us Nick Rawlins, the Congressman from Nebraska was looked at.

"Fay, he has a good reputation, conservative in the old way, not nutcase or neo-nazi republican like the Texas guy. He's a successful businessman, worth over a hundred million dollars, a big property owner in Nebraska and the adjoining state Kansas."

Being a rancher seemed to fit being conservative... you have to be careful for your animals.

They all knew about the website court case... I gave them our lawyers' view of the likely path...

Bill said none of the webpages for Fox News or 21st Century Fox allowed comments now as I asked.

"We haven't seen any downside to it yet... in fact it may well be the way to go permanently.

The comments were often more divisive than the stories they were attached to. Not spending time on that is good."

I said none of our other business webpages allowed comments!

"So then think about it, ask around inside and with colleagues outside... it might be for the best to stop. You make that decision... you're here. Talk to Abbey to get her take. I doubt she wants to spend resources on it."

Bill was good with that.

Pell carried me and mine home. Cho beat me home by five minutes... the Twins were all warmed when I got there... a BIG Welcome... partly because they had on swimming togs! So a family outing to the Riverfront Club!!

The young manager I had spoken with over the unpleasant fellow was there. I introduced Cho near the pool... Cho's torso gave the manager... pause... that was Okay it always made me pause!

The offensive man was not yet allowed back into the club.

The Twins enjoyed their swim plus some tossing by Popa. There were two other families enjoying the pool... little ones giggling and splashing. One dad did a toss of his son like Cho... the boy came back up laughing... More!' Cho said sorry If I started something' to which the man smiled `No problem.'

Us adults showered and changed... at the front the general manager spoke with us. He was glad to see our employees using the facilities frequently and were excellent guests. We thanked him.

A lovely dinner on the terrace with the heaters. Roslyn was a brilliant cook in so many cuisines. Her Italian dishes superbly cooked and presented! We had wine from L'Aquila!! What a great visit that had been.

Penn emailed... the aircraft returning Soleimani and his group to Tehran had cleared U.S. airspace. Good a stay in New Mexico with excellent prospects and no troubles!! They'd stayed longer to see more on how the systems work. She'd update us when the flight was in Tehran and then out of Iranian airspace.

Kora! The Chinese connections were now in NSA's hands including the criminal gangs. The North Koreans were next. I asked what further reaction they had seen on the dark net about the ransomware/spyware server take downs.

"Fay, they are not working. The re-build will take some time even if they have good backups. We left little bombs in the firmware of those we could... they don't know... their servers will notify us when they come online.

The FBI are getting the lion's share of the credit... Theodore is laughing about that."

"I'll bet! Your group of Linux `zero-day' exploits... what's happening on those?"

"We have very discreetly contacted three makers of the Linux variants concerned via cut-outs so our identity is masked. We passed on what we have... I hope they patch their software immediately...

We will be watching to see if the North Koreans update their operating systems... Of course it won't do them any good as our penetrations are deeper beyond those holes.

It would validate other questions we have about them though."

I expressed my pleasure... Kora said in her restrained way they were having a bit of fun. We laughed a lot!

In the dark on a lounge with Cho's arms encircling me... Softly in my ear...

"The helicopter company in Miami has agreed to sell. We will move it to Opa Locka Airport and upgrade its aircraft. That plus the San Francisco, Washington D.C. and Los Angeles companies means we will have the second largest helicopter owning entity in America... second only to the Pentagon."

We laughed.

I asked about Leonardo the maker of the AW aircraft we use?

"We have sixty six percent of the stock... the Italian government has expressed their happiness at our owning the controlling interest in the company. We have a good reputation and are the principal users of the Augusta-Westland aircraft types so they can easily see it as in our interest to manage it well.

As of now we are getting three of every four AW139's coming from the production line. I told the Italians we would likely maintain that level for several years. Their requirements would be met first from the twenty five percent. They were good.

Leonardo is solvent and prospering. The Italian government is happy we are growing them, more workers and plant construction. We will be able to increase production. They know we will be competing for military orders around the world when the production is expanded."

Cho had one more new thing... the house on Magnolia beside ours to the west... we own it! Our Seattle real estate agent Tilda kept an eye on properties adjacent... it came up and we got it!

"It is perfect for staff and guests. It's close, a comfortable old Northwest house like ours. A detached three car garage. Easy to put in a walkway between the houses. We take possession in three days. It is empty. Nicholas knows, he will have people all over it right away."

I was happy... more room!

I rubbed my butt on Cho... "Oh I have an interesting thing... the blonde American lady who was mugged in front of me in Saigon contacted Colonel Ba. She thanked him again for helping her. She had recently made a donation of one thousand books, in Vietnamese, to the regional library in Can Tho. Her father had died quite near there in 1969 which was why she'd made her first trip.

She was going back to Vietnam for a visit to the library and be part of a small ceremony there. She wondered if the woman and her friends who stopped the thief and aided her... could she meet them... to thank them and give a small gift.

The Colonel did tell her we weren't resident in Vietnam only visitors like her. Ba asked if he could pass on my contact details. I replied he could send her Gil's email account."

"Well... sounds as if she is getting somewhat involved which is a good thing. Sad her father was killed.

It has amazed me how forgiving the Vietnamese have been to Americans and French although both perpetrated enormous suffering on their people."

His arms closing tighter.

I hugged the arms even closer, "I have not asked Ba about his background... he appears to be in his early forties... old I know..."

That got me tickled!

I managed to survive it...

"I imagine he was born after the war had ended. He certainly went out of his way to ensure my visiting the Ho Mausoleum."

Cho urging me up... "As I said before... you are making lots of friends. Bed!"

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