Jian: Cast of Characers

By A becker

Published on Nov 21, 2021



The Twins went into watch a movie after eating. Tonight it was E.T. Tha squeezed my hand as they moved into the media room, "They will enjoy this."

Us big folks did afters and talked a variety of things. Daria asked about the House of Lords... I gave her my impressions. I found the members mostly nice and interested... a few clods and fools as you would find in any group. She laughed when I told the anecdote about the woman questioning my clothes.

Cho shaking his head, "Do you know anything about her?"

"No. I know her name only because Maresfield apologized for her. He was obviously not a fan of hers."

Gil picked up her iPad... in a few moments she said, "Baroness Culver is a life peer from around Peterborough in the tory `blue belt' across the UK. She's been there for three years. She was something in livestock breeding."

I turned my head to Gil... she shrugged. I laughed.

The Twins came out when the movie was finished. They liked E.T. He as a sweet creature... `Being around people was bad for him' from our daughter. They thought it hopeful... and a bit silly.

Okay! A better review than many!

In bed Charlie funning... he asked Blu to make his bed fly... he wasn't surprised it didn't work... he loved Blu anyway! Sweet!


After breakfast... Cho was playing golf with Sam and his partners at Winged Foot. A big kiss!


Pell dropped me with Gil, Ken and Tessa at the Fox Tower. I left my outer things... something new... a bright red coat with wide lapels to my ankles, double breasted closing at the front with big black buttons, white Hermès scarf and black gloves, in the office. Some paparazzi out front got snaps of me.

A quick hello with Bill.

Down to the news level. I was doing Fox and Friends this morning.

Megan working... looking terrific in a navy suit from Mirabelle!! She went to commercial... A big hug!

"Fay, I like this suit. Your stuff at Mirabelle is awesome."

She was `ready' for Phuket! Ten days' vacation for her and Tai, the first part in Louisville, the rest of it with us...! The parental units would get to meet Tai. A big thing!!

I was outside the Fox and Friends set... a makeup person smiling, "Miss Martin... millions would pay to know your facial beauty secrets."

We laughed when I said good soap plus genetics.

The director beside me as I was wired up. He was pleased with my monochromatic outfit... pale grey wool cowl neck jumper, black wool skinny slacks to ankle top, black wide-heeled boots with soft loose tops that folded down to my ankles, silver bits, red lips and nails `Joy'

Of course he could appreciate the latter while the audience couldn't.

The Fox and Friends pair welcomed me. I parked on the banquette with Sixth Avenue through the glass behind me. We talked about the shelters.

I explained why we were doing this project.

"Government just can't get off the dime to do it. There are more pressing issues for them... as they see it... but for Cho and I leaving young people vulnerable because they don't have enough of a voice to matter to politicians is unacceptable.

It doesn't have anything to do with how the economy is doing... there's no relationship... It's all about the young people not being seen. LGBTQ teens, from every level of society, are cast adrift by their families. They suffer much greater levels abuse on the streets.

I met a teen girl in London in one of our shelters there... her family discarded her. Her mother was beaten by the father because the daughter was a lesbian... the mother beat her child for enraging the father... She was smart, wanting to finish school and move forward... Our shelter staff helped her, she got a settled place to live with us. She did her exams and passed through with high marks.

At the urging of our shelter staff an office in the London City government assisted her... she will be going to university in the autumn!

The same here in America... young people are full of hope which we want to keep encouraging...

I'm sorry... do we have so much of everything that we can afford to waste young talented minds?

I don't think so.

We can't open a shelter in every town and city... we WILL expand across the country with the hope those that need the bit of help we can offer will find us. We will seek allies everywhere to help them."

The hosts did ask some excellent questions so the thirty minutes went by quickly. When they broke for a commercial the hosts said it had been terrific.

"I want to say... " ... motioning the director over, "... you two were spot on with your questions. I appreciate the preparation and delivery."

I shook hands happily. Smiles as I exited.

The producer and I walking to the lift... "Fay, you are amazing on camera."

I thanked him, "For me the camera doesn't exist... that's why."


I gathered my folks, down to the street... Pell took us up to Columbus Circle, the west side. We crossed the sidewalk to a modern glass office block thing. Upstairs to an office suite.

At the reception desk Ken inquired for Blake his cousin... After a pause the receptionist got Blake. He came down the passage...

He saw Ken... smiles... they hugged.

"Blake, we came to see you... Is Leah here?"

A yes had him call for her... a slender, dark haired woman stepped into the passage.

She came down to hug Ken.

Ken stepped aside... Gil who was in front of me did too... "I want you to meet my boss... Fay Martin."

I heard a choking sound from the receptionist's desk.

"Miss Martin, a pleasure to meet you. This is Leah."

I shook their hands.

"You are a surprise! What can we do for you?"

To Blake, "I met your parents in Deltaville last year... your sister too!"

"Yes... I heard about that... they were thrilled. Please come this way."

We sat in a conference room after Blake said his office was too small. The room was bright with morning sun... looking down the statue in the circle.

"I had Gil do some looking at your foundation... Cho and I like to support education whenever we can."

I squeezed Gil's hand, "Gil was impressed with your work in early childhood education... so we decided to make a donation to the foundation..."

Gil passed the check to me... I slid it across the table to Blake and Leah... their eyes popped!!!

"WOW!! Miss Martin... Please excuse me... I want to get our director... she... she'll want... I'll be right back."

Zoom he was off...

Leah grinned. Ken's right eye winked towards me... we all laughed.

Blake returned with a tall trim woman, short blonde hair, nice smile...

She leaned over the table to shake hands, "Miss Martin, it is wonderful to meet you. Blake said you have a donation for us?"

Leah handed her the check... the same reaction... big eyes...

"Four million dollars... Miss Martin this is very generous. Amazingly generous!! Thank you so much!"

"Cho and I would like you to use some for health education for young people... nothing definite just a suggestion. Otherwise there are no restrictions and no need to tell us how you used the money."

"We have a health program where some of it will be put to good use. We haven't ever had this sort of windfall sum come to us. Thank you... Thank you!!!"

We shook hands. I motioned to Ken, "We have a connection through Blake's family which got our attention. We'll keep you in mind for the future."

I was thanked more as we headed out. Blake said Colette was in town doing something at Vogue. I had Gil give Blake several of her cards... for him and Colette. "Tell her to call."

In the car Pell asked about the pier stop... I said yes. He wheeled over to the west side. Down Eleventh Avenue to the river then along the water to the Chelsea Piers area. He pulled off into a small indent on the west edge of the road. It was right opposite Pier 54.

I pointed to what was left of Pier 54... the steel frame of the dock door opening... you could make out the name on the front... Cunard Line.

"This pier had been the Cunard Line New York dock back in the day of Trans-Atlantic ocean-going liners. The enclosed pier extended hundreds of feet into the river. It was where the Cunard liner Carpathia docked with many survivors from the Titanic!!

Pier 59 just north... My hand motioning, "... was the White Start Line pier where the Titanic was to have docked."

Okay history lesson over. Smiles from my companions.

Pell took us downtown a bit then u-turned back to Gansevoort Street. Pastis restaurant... A bit of Paris in the Meat-Packing District. The whole area much changed with many new buildings, high-rises and glitzy blocks of flats. There is a Hermès shop two doors down. An Apple Store two blocks away!

Inside you could think you were in a Paris bistro. Zinc bar with many touches of an older time throughout. We sat by the windows...

A server delivered the menus... "Avez-vous Campari?"

He looked up... a smile, "Oui... Madame, comment aimeriez-vous cela?" (how would you like that)

"Avec de l'eau gazeuse et une touche de zeste de citron." (With soda and a twist of lemon peel)

He nodded. My companions gave their drink choices.

My delivered drink was ruby red... a generous portion of Campari!

I asked what the stock was in the potato leek soup... vegetable! Okay!

"La soupe aux poireaux, Salade Niçoise, Omelette au Gruyère... Pour moi."

We were still laughing about the `ambush' of Blake and Leah. Ken said he'd probably hear plenty about it from the family.

The soup was delicious as was the Salade... the omelette fluffy, full of flavour... lots of cheese!! Everyone enjoyed theirs! I choose to skip dessert...

"Un grand Strega pour moi s'il vous plaît." (A large Strega for me please)

The server smiling, "Madame, vous avez des goûts raffinés." (you have refined tastes)

He stopped, "Pardonnez-moi s'il vous plaît... Puis-je vous demander de quelle partie de Paris vous venez? (Pardon me please... May I ask from which part of Paris you come from?)

Ma famille est à Montmartre."

Smiling, in English, "I am from several places but mostly English."

He smiled at my English accent. "Madame, I have never heard an English person speak French so well."

I thanked him.

He spoke to a man at the bar... he returned with our drinks. The lovely yellow Strega in a glass shimmering! I sipped thinking I should drink this more often.

The second man at the bar came over...

"Madame, we hope you have enjoyed your lunch."

Smiling, I gestured to the whole table saying we did indeed... "C'est ma première fois ici... Je reviendrai." (This was my first time here, I will return)

He was pleased and thanked us all for coming.

A young woman server at the bar leaned over to speak to the second man... he looked up abruptly then towards us... she said something else then took her loaded tray. The bar man motioned our server over... they spoke... a hand wave towards us...

Gil grinning, "Fay, You've been sussed out."

"Yes, wouldn't you know it was a young woman!"


The bar man approached with our server.

"Madame, are you Fay Martin?"

"Je suis."

"We are very pleased you would dine with us."

"Your food and service are excellent. I thank you for that."

Gil did the paying as we started to walk out the young woman server drew near...

"Miss Martin, I'm sorry to disturb you... could I have your autograph?"

Dark hair and eyes... on her shirt collar a small pin... a pink triangle. I pointed to it... a smile, "Yes, for my younger brother and me... and a great grand-uncle who survived the Nazis."

I signed a copy of the restaurant menu for her. Many many thank you's!

Pell was out front... I stopped to look over to the left where the High Line began... We should come over... walk it sometime!! Off home.

I went into the office to work; the Twins had `lessons' after their lunch then we'd swim!

The Twins in the Riverfront Club pool with Tha and Delphine, Rafe and Gaby alongside. They were having fun... it was a `general swim' period so they could be a bit playful. Some splashing... lots of laughter... I was watching from a lounge.

A fellow was in the next lane doing laps... he didn't like the splashing... it disturbed his `concentration.'

He was standing there in the water making a scene... at my motion Gil called the front desk.

Rafe and Gaby between the man and the Twins... pointing to the board saying it was a general swim period. He was asked to dial it back.

He made a splash with his hand... some of it hit Rafe...

Tara and Tessa on high alert beside me scanning the room.

Rafe said something I couldn't hear but it jerked the man's head back... he started to move quickly away toward the end of the pool.

A man came in wearing the livery of the Riverfront Club. Right to the pool edge...

"Mr. Sackler what is the problem..."

Rafe told the Riverfront manager... the man, pointing to the annoying fellow... "He was rude, disrespectful and threatening... there are babies here. They were splashing some but not excessively... he got bent out of shape saying they disturbed his laps."

The annoying man started to say something... I had stood up... the Riverfront guy knew me... we had spoken when we arrived... he held up his hand to the man...

"Mr. Sackler... this is a general swim period... you have no grounds for complaint."

The man climbed out... he was going to start up... The club fellow stopped him again... "No, I do not want to hear what you have to say. You've been warned about your behaviour and told what the punishment would be for repetition. Please gather your belongings and go to the front desk."

He spoke into his walkie-talkie. Annoying man walked out angrily grabbing up a towel... I asked Tara to follow at a distance to keep eyes on him. She left with her bag, Glock inside.

The Twins had kept on swimming... oblivious to the fuss. Rafe hadn't raised his voice... Good. Tha and Delphine had been a vision blocking shield behind Rafe and Gaby. They came out mildly `pruned' and happy. Drying and wrapping up took place... also for us adults. Tessa was first done, taking the rest of Tara's things she went towards the front.

The Riverfront fellow at the desk with a slight smile.

"Mr. Sackler has been warned about his obnoxious attitude and actions several times... he has now been suspended from the club. Sixty days. He'll have to sit with managers for a discussion before he's allowed back in."

Shaking his head, "I wouldn't ordinarily say anything but since he was threatening near your children I thought you should know."

I thanked him.

He looked at my people... "They are armed... aren't they?"

I nodded. More head shaking, "I'm glad they are calm and steady."

I shook his hand... we went in to change.

At home I asked Rafe to come up. In the living room I inquired about what he'd said to the man...

A smile, "I told him I'd like bash his face in... " He looked at me like he expected a comment that didn't come, "... It is part of our training to evaluate opponents... the man gave the vibe of a bully... psychologically... a quick hard threat of personal damage deflates people like that especially from someone who looks capable of delivering that damage.

He had no support... vulnerable... alone... with like-minded thugs nearby he might have acted differently... we would have used a different tactic towards him."

Fist bump! A hug! Later I called PJ... he said he was expecting the call and he was very pleased with Rafe's actions.

"Fay, the training is so detailed and comprehensive... all of our people who were Secret Service come away admiring what we do to get them prepared for this sort of duty. To a man they have said our service far and away better trained and ready than their old."

Cho came up to a big welcome from us... we all crowded him at the lift door. He got arms full of kids, I wrapped myself around them all.

An early dinner so we could watch a movie with Chani and Charlie... Modern Times! Charlie Chaplin at his best! No talking needed... we helped with the dialogue cards as they came up.

There was a lot of laughing and giggling!

The Twins adored it. Chaplin was a new hero! So nice, they loved his wonderful face!

They wanted to see more of his movies!! Delphine said she'd get a selection of `Tramp' movies.

Cho pleased about the Riverfront event. We had the best protection! The Twins didn't know anything happened. The annoying man didn't know who we were.

A later Jaidee walk in the morning. En Famile through part of Washington Square over to Tulia's. She got to meet Cho and the Twins. Hot chocolates for the babies and a puppuccino for Jaidee! Chani and Charlie giggling as Jaidee rapidly destroyed his treat.

Then to the Lafayette Street shelter. We carried Charlie and Chani during most of this longer walking... little legs can only go so far.

Luna and our staff enjoyed the visit. The Twins were happy to go around the building, looking in all the new places. We could hear them making noise and laughing.

I was in the new grey Mirabelle suit, the collar unbuttoned to lay open from my neck. Underneath tiny black undies and skimpy bra, black stockings hung from the tiniest set of suspenders and black heels. The black onyx set minus the necklace, two simple wide gold strands high around my neck instead. Red lips and nails! `Joy'

The black wool Mirabelle coat, a Hermès Harcourt Racing scarf and black leather gloves. Pell taking me, Gil, Tara and Angie downtown to One World Trade Centre. I stepped out on West Street at the Fulton Street side of the building. I went in the glass doors behind Tara.

We walked to the Conde Nast desk, a nicely dressed woman waiting behind the barrier... their security opened the gate at her request...

"Your Ladyship... Welcome to Vogue."

I thanked her as we walked into a lift being held by a tall security lady. UP! To the 25th Floor.

The assistant led us through all the outer bits to Anna W*******'s space. One of the Vogue people took my coat and things.

Anna W******* was waiting...

"Your Ladyship... " A curtsey, my hand out... "... It is wonderful to meet you... " I thanked her and said for me too... meeting her was something special.

Anna in a long-sleeved to her mid-calf floral dress with burgundy, white and pale yellow flowers looking slender and stylish.

"My... that is an awesome suit! Your look is so sleek... I'm quite envious!"

Smiling I said it was done for me by Mirabelle.

"Ah... they are getting to be well-known with their new clothes."

She motioned to the sitting area to the left.

I sat on the settee.

"Do you know my connection to them?"

"I know you buy from them which has raised their profile and they are opening store in Paris..."

"Yes... new stores... I'm a partner in the business now... the new stores are my initiative. Some of the new clothes ideas are coming from me."

Huge eyes on Anna!

"New stores in Paris... one in the Place de Bastille neighbourhood, a good fashionable shopping district. The existing one is moving a short distance down the Champs-Elysees to a much larger space just down from Massimo Dutti and Apple. Others in London... New Bond Street a few doors down opposite Ralph Lauren's beautiful store. Also in two more London neighbourhoods, Notting Hill Gate and Fulham on the New King's Road. Both neighbourhoods of great potential, our customer type resides there.

Plus expansion in America... on Rodeo Drive, a nice sized space in the courtyard across from Ralph Lauren's."

"Ralph Lauren's? Close for a reason?"

"Not intentionally... good locations that came available. I have purchased some of his things; we have met several times and are socially friendly, he dined with us in London."

I did mention the two Parisian clothing manufacturers we had as suppliers and that we owned one which brought out a big `OH!'

"You have been busy under the radar."

Smiling, "A bit... the Champs-Elysees store opening... I'll be attending that." I gestured down my body, "This suit style will be available in all the stores very shortly... other colours, all wool like this."

"I think Ralph would love your shape..."

"My niece spent some time at his London store... she really loves his clothes... she's tall and slender..."

A laugh, "Yes... That's his shape! Does she want to model?"

"No. She's pointed to the U.S. Equestrian team and the Olympics."

"Really! How old is she?"

"Fourteen and very good! The U.S. Equestrian Team wants her now. Her shape is perfect for horses."

"Shaped like you and talented! Wonderful!"

"Indeed! She's a natural on a horse. I haven't been riding for a few days... I miss it."

"You are a thoroughly modern woman... a strong sense of self... a leader... intelligent and not afraid to use it or show it... generous... forthright... with a gift for style that is remarkable..."

"I'd like to put in here... I have a husband who is those things too... he's not afraid to share equally with a partner."

I could see Anna loved that!

"We want to do a cover with you... an interview and pictures to go with it."

Anna was leaning forward... wanting my `Yes' to happen.

I smiled and said it... but... "I'm on the go a good deal this month then even more afterwards. It would be best to do it right away if you can. Time will be harder to come by later."

Anna was nodding... Quiet. She leaned back holding her chin thinking...

"I'm going to London, a side trip to Paris for the store opening, just a day trip, after that to our Oxfordshire estate and then to Boston and Baltimore. Lots going on at each stop.

I'll be attending the House of Lords... we should be able to get your folks in the Press Gallery... I don't know about pictures..." A look to Gil who gave me an `I'll check on both.'

"The Paris trip is just for the opening, Oxfordshire will be two days. Boston is a visit to a new LGBTQ youth shelter and a surprise visit to a friend's university lecture hall."

Smiling, "There will be lots of clothing changes and activity.

Our daughter, Chani, will be with me. She's a sweet gregarious child wise beyond her nineteen months. She has a tutor and when not with me will be doing her own things."

"It will be best to end it in Boston because after Baltimore the family will meet in Upperville. We have a few days together... a dinner at the White House in there."

I paused... Anna was focused on me... "Can we get pictures of your clothes for that dinner?"

"The gown is already at Upperville..."

"Oh... "

"I can give you a description... Or a place to see it in technicolour... Look at the Hitchcock movie... `To Catch a Thief' Grace Kelley's blue gown near the beginning has been duplicated by Mirabelle with few changes and a Christmas gift from Cho... a set of jewellery... vivid pink diamonds. A blue chiffon wrap and opera gloves. I haven't worn any of it yet."

Anna turned to her assistant... who said she would look it up.

I said there undoubtedly would be press at the dinner... Anna seemed Okay with that. I said if it matters we can ask Hillary to allow one of your photographers in.

She looked up, "Yes? That would be ideal."

I turned to Gil who was smiling and an `Okay' hand up!

"Fay, what about if they came up before you both went down? There's surely good spots for a background on the second floor?"

"Email Hillary's assistant and make that proposal." I said to Anna we should get an answer soon.

"Now for other important items regarding a trip... First, I do want you and your people to understand that we have security concerns... which we take very seriously. Anyone in our orbit will have to conform to the limits placed on them.

Now I don't mean as far as content... you know I have done interviews for print and electronic media, ours and others... I never interfere with content.

I mean they will have to do as they are told by our Security Service folks without question.

Being in our circle puts them at risk and their actions could cause problems."

Anna was nodding her head; she turned to her PA who was sitting beside Gil in one of the metal guest chairs by Anna's desk. Tara and Angie had come to the door for a look when I arrived then backed out to the foyer.

"Please ask Galetea and Cory to come up."

Back to me, "They are both excellent at what they do. Galetea has a clean writing style that cuts right to the core of her subject. Cory shoots pictures like art. I think they will be the ones to capture you."

"They will have to sign waivers as will you as the editor-in-chief. Gil..."

Gil stood up, "The attorneys will know what you want and get it prepared right away..." She turned to Anna's assistant, "We can email them to you. I will setup a messenger to pick up the signed copies."

Anna's PA said `no problem.'

I thanked Gil.

Anna shaking her head, "You are so organised."

"I have Gil... she makes me organised."

A short laugh from Gil. I smiled towards her... I got a thumbs up.

Two people came to the doorway... Anna motioned them in. I was introduced to a slender black haired, blue-eyed woman with delicate features... Galetea. And a slight, olive skinned fellow, a shock of light brown hair and bright green eyes... Cory.

Anna gave them the assignment... I could see Cory's eyes widened... Galetea almost did a double take.

"Her Ladyship will have you along for a trip to Europe, several stops then to Boston where you will finish."

Gil stepped up beside them, "I have the itinerary ready to email to you."

She got their contact details.

Gil kept on, "There will be a car to pick you up for the drive to our Westside Heliport base. You will have guest rooms, food, all travel, etc... provided. You need your passports for ID although there will no formal border checks."

They seemed a bit dazed.

I said I hoped they could get what they needed from me and we'd see them in two days.

I asked for a brief tour of `Vogue.'

A smile from Anna... she led us around the offices. I got to see the racks of clothes where the different `shoots' were built from. Offices, the room where the snaps were put up for Anna to see.

I got a look at the current state of the latest issue.

I shook a lot of hands, saying hellos.

I thanked Anna for the tour.

I shook hands and kissed cheeks with Anna at her doorway.

Tara and Angie waiting... they looked great in tailored suits and ankle boots. My height, slender and very professional-looking.

I did introductions... Anna was visibly impressed with their looks and demeanour.

Up town to the Fox Tower. A meeting with Yoshi, he was in town for a few days.

Big hug!

"Fay, the south is hopping. Lots of good things happening... the election is tomorrow their time. No violence... just words and a lot of printed material. Large outdoor meetings and marches.

The ex-insurgents are voluble and tireless!"

I laughed, "We unleashed a different sort of tiger... Okay! Any predictions about the provisional assembly's numbers?"

"There are eight parties taking part, the three primary insurgent groups political sides are leading in the polls. The data shows at a rough count that each of the three are pulling about twenty to twenty-two percent apiece, the remaining thirty-five to forty percent is split. So any government will most likely have to be a coalition."

Yoshi went on, "From what I see the two insurgent groups that had the highest activity in Malaysia are close, not co-operating I don't mean that but their rhetoric is nearly the same. The more political crowd based in Yala is on its own. That's Chakan's group."

We talked about what might be the priorities of a new government and how they'd work with Bangkok.

A-Wut's forces had been drawn down some, the remaining troops were in barracks doing training and doing re-supply trips. No patrolling.

Dad's Security Police were operating normally; they maintained information exchanges with the insurgents. They also assisted the Canadian and Irish weapons inspectors, a process which had gone smoothly for the most part. A few insurgent holdouts caused trouble... Dad's folks rounded them up finally... putting an end to the armed struggle.

The insurgents released the Thai Army prisoners they held. They asked no `quid pro quo' they just did it. The Prime Minister sent them a thank you message which they in turn thanked him.

Dad said they couldn't have done anything better to cement the government's respect for the insurgents. It had been arranged through his force. He told me the back story was Chakan lobbied for this as a way to ease relations with the Army... keep them on-side.

I said to Yoshi Chakan was showing some excellent political savvy.

"Fay, your assessment of him was right on the money." Fist bump!

There was a team in Yala taking over from Yoshi, he had briefed them thoroughly and done a lot of introductions. They had been with him for two weeks going all around. Some of the camera crew had been there before doing stories with Yoshi.

He had left yesterday from the Narathiwat Airport. Yoshi was going to Tokyo for a month, family, friends and fun! Another hug and `have a good time!'

Pell was picking Colette up in Central Park; I walked with my crowd through the mid-town tunnel to Rockefeller Centre and out across 51st Street, around to 52nd Street and the 21 Club. The paparazzi were taken by surprise... they did get some snaps.

The manager smiling, "Your Ladyship... wonderful your visiting us again." I shook his hand.

I got smiles and waves from diners... handshakes and some noise-less clapping going to my table.

I asked for a Campari and soda.

The manager escorted Colette to the table. She was a bit wide-eyed at the room and the cluttered ceiling. I stood to take her hand... a cheek kiss... guiding her to the seat beside me.

"Hello... " A big smile. I introduced Gil, Tara and Angie.

Colette looking nice in a dark blue dress showing some slender leg and a bit of décolletage!

Collette loved my suit. `Mirabelle' "I've been hearing that name a lot recently... they are really moving."

I told her I was a partner... wide eyes... "That's terrific!"

"So how is your `shoot' going?"

"Very well so far. I've another session tomorrow morning... the photographer wants the morning light. Chilly too!"

Our server brought a Gibson, Colette's choice.

"You really rocked Blake's world yesterday! It'll take a bit to bring him back down."

I was laughing, "Ken was a wonderful decoy... he loved doing it! Gil did some research on the foundation... they are doing things we like... so donating was easy."

"Four million dollars... they are in clover now. Mom and dad had a laugh over Ken's ambush. The next family get-together will be fun."

I gave her my morning... a smile... She said meeting Anna W***** had been big for her... "She's beyond legendary in the business. Some of the models I know almost revere her which seems a bit much."

My head shaking, "She has been pretty important throughout the fashion industry as an arbiter though in that role she has as much power as the designers want to give her rather than as some think being a dictator. There's no denying she has excellent taste..."

A `knowing' shrug from Colette, "I look at Vogue... there's quality all through it in each issue. Even the advertisers know to follow her lead. So the few who moan about Anna just are hypocrites to me. If she was a man her management style would be applauded. I have read that about you."

I laughed, "If you have high standards why suffer fools gladly? That's the way I think too."

Fist bump!

Food! I dug in. Colette ate well... like me she's never had weight issues. Strega then Espresso at the end.

Tara made a motion... a tallish middle-aged man walking our way.

He stopped near the table, "Hello... I'm Bill M***** I just wanted to say I admire you and your husband for all you do. I watched on TV as the name came down from the 725 Fifth Building... what a glorious sight for anyone especially for all New Yorkers."

I stood to shake his hand and thank him for the kind words. I said it was fun for me to watch too.

"Well the symbolism was awesome! A big takedown!"

"Like the proton pack nuclear accelerators taking down Gozer?" From me made him laugh.

His reply was `Better because it was real!'

We laughed. He said it was nice to meet me... likewise from me. I introduced Colette and Gil, a big smile for them!

I said my goodbye with Colette in the entryway, there was car out front for her. A hug and kiss. A big thank you for lunch! The paparazzi out front got snaps of Collette for their collections.

There was some fun on the way home... Pell picked us up in a Range Rover... several paparazzi got in a car to follow... near the end of the block a black Town Car slipped behind us. South on Fifth Avenue all the way to Thirteenth Street with the Town car tailing us followed by the paparazzi.

A right turn going west... Two-thirds the way down the block the Town Car stopped... blocking the way. We kept going to Seventh Avenue going south to Greenwich Avenue, east to cross Sixth Avenue onto West Eighth Street at McDougal Alley we went south to Minetta Lane... where it does a `T' with Minetta Street we got out. A half block walk to our door.

Pell went back to Sixth going north then worked his way west and south to the garage.

We had a quiet night of fun with Charlie and Chani. Games of all sorts and ice cream!

We talked about the trips coming up... They were Okay with going different directions for a few days.

In the morning once Jaidee had his walk I sat with several piles of things I had to get through. I wrote out notes of what I wanted to say in the Parliamentary committee and in the House. Some calls to members and a longer one to Sage.

Cho took the Twins to swim in the afternoon. They came running in from the lift, hugs and kisses. They had lots of splashing today, Popa gave them tosses in the air... always a big hit!

Cho and I sat in the office to speak with several people... elections in the South were peaceful, no bombs or anything loud more than some fireworks. The vote counting was ongoing... results tomorrow.

The Fox News team reporting from the different cities and countryside. They had video of folks waiting to vote... lines! All quite calm and orderly. People waving to the cameras.

I watched Jaidee jump and run around George's Dog Run in Washington Square. A wonderful way to start the day if you can't ride a horse.

Ro had a new tennis ball!! Score!

Cho and the Twins came out with me for a neighbourhood walk after breakfast. Gil and Chelle along because I had a plan. Jaidee too. PJ, Rande, Tara, Ansara on duty, Angie and Sorya to see some of the city.

Down Sixth Avenue to Houston then east... we let the Twins walk some, we carried them too.

We crossed over streets, passed St. Anthony of Padua Church. It was big! Bars, restaurants of all types and sizes, a smoke shop, a spiritualist? A huge Starbucks! A right turn onto Broadway... Hoo... it was packed with big name retailers, clothes, accessories...

There was the Hugo Boss store I bought Cho's sunglasses at, Dean & Deluca across the street. We went west Mercer Street had many fancy clothing and accessory shops. At Greene Street there was a Ralph Lauren Men's store.

We put the Twins down to go in inside. Cho smiling... he bought some Polo shirts in various colours.

We crossed back over Greene Street to the Apple Store.

Gil leaned on me, "Pell is on his way." Fist bump.

A young woman came up to us, bright orange Apple shirt... I put my arm on Chelle's shoulders... turning to the Apple woman...

"Chelle needs a MacBook, top of the line, max memory and hard drive with extra power connectors, an external hard drive. And a good case."

I squeezed Chelle's arm, "And Gil is paying!"


The woman, "Okay Let's go!"

She took Chelle off with Gil grinning over her shoulder following.

I got the attention of another salesperson, "I want two iPad Air's with cell and max memory for the Twins. They'll choose their own cases."

Charlie and Chani clapping! Cho smiling took them to the cases. I asked the fellow to also include several power adapters for each. Okay!

So folks were going places... I was standing still with PJ... he was looking over my shoulder... his eyes flicked to mine... I stepped forward past him... and turned back. Tara was now behind me as PJ intercepted a man...

He was saying he wanted to meet me... I wanna hold her...' I love her' His arms out reaching... He tried to get by PJ who promptly took him to the floor. An Apple Store person came up... wondering what was happening. Ansara was behind me... Tara moved up to help PJ.

A more senior and smarter Apple person said `bring him this way' PJ and Tara got the man up, two more Apple people cleared the way as they moved him to doorway and out of sight. It had been less than a minute of activity then over.

Tara was back right away... Angie had closed up to me, Sorya moved to be with Rande.

All quiet again. Tara with a small smile... I squeezed her arm.

It was like nothing had happened in the store... folks moving around... no one paying much attention towards us.

Cho was close with the Twins and their Protectors. He raised his eyebrows... I would have said something but... The sales fellow came back with the iPads, the Twins had chosen cases so I handed him my Amex card. He did the transaction quickly. The bag was big enough for the cases. Done.

Gil and Chelle re-joined us with a big bag.

PJ came out of the room walking with an Apple person. He said his part was explained and they had his contact information if needed. The Apple Store had called the police to deal with the man who appeared to be unstable... delusional and he had a knife, eight inch blade in an inside pocket.

The NYPD officers arrived. They went into the room... in a few minutes an Apple person asked PJ to speak to the officers. We waited... it wasn't long. PJ came out with an officer.

PJ introduced us... some big eyes on the cop. He said that he had what he needed from PJ but wanted to ask in case someone up the line needed to know whether PJ would be available for any further interviews. Cho told him I'd be leaving this evening for London but PJ would made available by telephone and in person if necessary.

The policeman thanked Cho. He shook PJ's hand saying it was a good thing he acted.

Okay so much for that.

Pell was out front with another driver... Katz Deli for lunch! We climbed out of the cars and went in... we got several tables on the east side. A couple of kid seats... all set! We did our orders then Gil and Chelle minded the Twins as I took Cho out to explain.

Once again our people proved to be awesome in protecting us. But in an Apple Store? How weird was that? What was he doing before he saw me? And was it `me' or just any woman?

Cho shrugged, "Another little mystery we probably will never know the answers to.'

A kiss... Funny PJ by the door behind us. Cho shook hands and hugged PJ.

Lunch was good. Chani and Charlie got to try some new things. I shared my Dr. Brown's Cream Soda with Charlie... a big hit!! Lox and cream cheese on a poppy seed bagel with tomato and onion... A bit hard to bite but very tasty according to Charlie. Chani tried pastrami from Cho but it didn't thrill her. My lox got a smile.

Back home we got ready to fly. Gil said the Vogue people were set. A good start.

Loads of hugs and kisses with Cho and Charlie. It took a while...

Chani next to me in her car seat going to the helicopters... smiling! She was rubbing Jaidee's ears.

We loaded up in two AW139's. The Vogue pair was put in with us. The wind flowing across the tarmac in Newburgh... cold!

The Vogue's... as they were in my mind were doing lots of looking around in the 767 cabin. We got everybody strapped in. Take-off didn't have my son's `WooHoo' which I missed.

Yobi and Lil did a light supper. We talked about what was to happen in the next few days then the Vogue's sat with PJ and Tara for a security briefing.

In my cabin Jaidee was sacked out, he been run some by Tara.

Chani joined me in bed to read... her book was about dragonflies, her favourite was the Blue-eyed Darner photographed in Seattle. He looked more turquoise... I'm not a scientist.

I had more official litter I was trying finish... tough going. Yeech! I stopped... Chani shared with me. Such beauty, delicate wings! We were deep in wondrous pictures when Delphine's head appeared in the doorway... Chani motioned her over...

"Delphine, Look at this Green Darner."

Delphine lay on the bed to look, serious... pretty face.

Chani opened her arms to me... hug! Kiss. A wave from the door with a grin.

I started my day with coffee and the Thai south election results. The polling data from Yoshi proved to be fairly accurate. The more Malaysian based groups got twenty percent for one and seventeen for the other, Chakan's group from Yala got thirty percent. An important number... psychologically and politically.

The remainder split with one party that had its base within the Buddhist community received twelve percent.

Now they needed to talk to each other to create a working majority. We'll see!

A sunny day as we landed at Chalgrove. Straight to AW139's to fly Wandsworth.

Clough at the door to welcome us. Introductions for the Vogue's. Their role he already knew about.

Breakfast was ready! Egg in a cup, toast, tomatoes and potatoes. I was hungry, an apple only goes so far, so I went back to the sideboard several times. Chani giggling as she whacked her egg top. So independent!

Gil informed the Vogue's they had temporary press credentials to the House of Lords. They could take pictures but not of staff, visitors or anyone else who was not a member on the floor of the House.

Gil said she would direct them to the Black Rod's offices to pick up their credentials when we went over.

Chani went up to the Nursery, lessons and fun!

I chose a navy blue suit, slender cut jacket with a mid-thigh tube skirt. White blouse open at the neck. Navy stockings and heels. Gold jewellery, the horse-headed torque. Red nails and lips. `Joy'

The pale Camel's hair coat, the Hermès French tricolour scarf and navy gloves.

A brisk breeze, a short step to Millbank House. Sage had a few things for me. She and Gil brought up one speaking engagement about twenty days away... Armed Forces Society. Veterans and serving members of the armed forces, all branches.

They knew my stance on the Defence Bill and wanted to hear from me. Gil said it could fit... I said Okay for twenty to thirty minutes and I leave after. I wanted to be with family.

Sage looked up grinning, "My lady, I think they'd agree to anything you want."

I laughed, "What are they paying? And do I have to eat anything?" We all laughed at those!

The Vogue's were working... I decided to act like I did around all cameras... ignore until I purposely sat with Galetea to talk.

We all walked over to the Palace of Westminster. In the Peer's Entrance... Gil got a porter to take the Vogue's to the Black Rod's office and then to the Press Gallery. I told them I was in a committee meeting first then House.

The Defence Strategic Committee met in a committee room on the first floor. Gil and PJ would be right outside.

I was pleased to find our MP in Oxfordshire was a member. We stood to the side before things got going.

"Your Ladyship, your suggestion about splitting the Defence Bill has much merit. My party leadership isn't happy with the idea... I have spoken with colleagues, many had been in the Forces... they want to go your way. Do you plan to say anything today?"

"Yes... I intend to ask the committee to support my plan, asking for the current Defence Bill to be withdrawn and changes made."

"I will say you will probably get the votes here for that. Then it puts pressure on the leadership to choose what to do. My feeling is they might try to ram it through as is."

I looked into his eyes, a smile on his face, "They don't have the votes... too many think as you and I do. It could divide the party!"

A slight cough from him behind his hand, "For your first foray into politics you are stirring a hornet's nest."

I know my smile was huge, "Well... I came to do just that."

He laughed; several heads turned our way... inquiring looks. I showed him how to do a fist bump! He grinned.

We took our seats. I was introduced... faces rotating my way. I was the only woman in the room today.

The chairman made a few comments... a pause... I spoke up. The chair recognized me with what I perceived as reluctance...

"Gentleman, as you may know I have made a suggestion in the Lords regarding the current Defence Bill... to sub-divide it into three parts, the Trident programme, the submarine decommissioning and the regular armed forces. The latest bill should be withdrawn and a new start made.

There has come to me information which I can validate with very credible sources that there has been some moving of money from the decommissioning portion of the current budget to the Trident subs. Around fifteen million £'s we have definite information on... was used to upgrade communications gear on the Tridents.

This means the old nuclear subs will sit longer... they still have their reactors on board which have to be maintained and monitored. In short we will have those subs sitting around taking up space and wasting a lot of money with work on them slowed. None of them has any useful life left.

This sort of fiddling is damaging to our defence even if the money made the Tridents a bit better it only proves the need for separate budgets.

Clear lines of demarcation should be put in place.

The Army, RAF and Royal Navy need more money... we all know this... time to cut from the Trident programme. If each of the three has its own bill their budgets will be public. They can all get a fair share."

The committee chair looked pained... it got worse when a tory member asked we vote to recommend to the government to take back the Defence Bill and bring forward three new bills.

Comments around the room made it obvious there was near unanimous support for the idea. Our chairman allowed the vote on my motion to go ahead... it was indeed nearly unanimous to call the bill back for changes.

There was discussion about several other items before we broke up for now. Most of the members shook my hand on their way out. Our Oxfordshire MP at my side as the chairman approached... he shook my hand, eyebrows raised and left.

The chairman with a wan smile, "Your Ladyship you are rocking the boat."

His face became more friendly, "I can't openly go along... privately I'm with you." A pause, "Please do not repeat this... if the leadership tries to force the Defence Bill forward it could fail. Our MP's who are ex-military are behind your effort emotionally and could deal the government a major defeat.

If the Defence Bill fails... I don't think they can avoid going to the voters."

His head shaking, "I can say it doesn't appeal but we can't say we know the will of people without an election. The issue is bigger than tory solidarity when the leadership is only thinking about staying in power and NOT for the future of the Kingdom."

I took his hand, "That is my opinion. This has to be the way... the Armed Forces can't go on as they have."

We parted with a firm handshake. He was smiling warmly now.

Outside Gil said Sage had just received an email from several Labour MP's who would like to speak as soon as possible. Gil had the email address...

"Sent to them I will be in the Lower Waiting Hall in five minutes. They are to respond with a yes."

Gil fired it off. The answer came almost immediately... `yes.'

PJ and Gil with me, down the passage to the stairs. We were in the Waiting Hall quite soon. Two men in dark suits were walking rapidly in... a raised hand. They motioned to a doorway... we were in a narrow passage... to a cloak room; they looked at Gil and PJ.

Introduced Gil as my personal assistant, PJ was my bodyguard... they got it.

They looked at each other... the Defence Bill was now a major issue. A Labour MP in the committee meeting had texted to these two; they were both up and coming Labour men.

The taller one spoke after they exchanged new glances, "If the government doesn't pull it back... we could likely end up with a `No Confidence' motion with the Defence Bill as the broom sweeping things along."

I think I made it easier for them, "My own MP in Oxfordshire is on my side and he knows many other tory MP's who won't support the bill as it is now. So a question... what will get the tories to make the miss-step of forcing the bill forward?"

They looked at me... I started with the current poll numbers showing the tories with a comfortable twenty point advantage... they likely feel secure with those numbers.

I pointed to them, "Pardon my bluntness... it is time for it. You as Labour members have to rid yourselves of Corbyn. He isn't ever going to be ready to go to the people on this issue or any other. Make a move to change your leadership... the tories will see it as move on them. If cooler more intelligent conservative heads prevail they might withdraw the bill to restructure it but given the many fools and yobs in their party leadership I doubt they could do that.

They will go ahead... they will be defeated on a huge policy issue... calling for an election would be their only course... such a motion under FTPA will likely pass... You..." my hands open towards them, "... with a new energetic leader would have a made to order election issue going to the voters. Throw in the chaos of brexit... you have vote getting topics."

Their eyes were bright!

"I will campaign for Labour candidates where there is a tory who voted for the Defence Bill or is a rabid brexit supporter."

They were bug-eyed when I finished.

"Your Ladyship... It's a road map... "

"Maybe... but only if you act to change your leader. Otherwise the tories will likely skim by to hold their majority or with help from the right-wing Northern Ireland protestants."

I was thanked for meeting with them and the ideas. I said they could keep in touch via Gil. Hands shaken!

We each went our separate ways.

I headed to the Peers Lobby... Mac! I slipped my arm through his... "We need to talk."

I watched Mac's eyes as I spun out my story... there was a twinkle!

"Fay, you will bring down the government with this!" He was laughing. "You are remarkable... You come into the House weeks ago... You have an issue which can galvanize members... It has been simmering, you turned up the heat at the right moment."

We were laughing, fist bumps!

I saw Terrance Phillips... I squeezed Mac's hand and moved towards Terrance.

I gave him what happened in the Defence Strategic Committee... his eyes narrowed... "You do know what you are doing don't you?"

I was vigorously nodding.

A very big smile on his face, "Okay... I will tell you a large number of my conservative colleagues in this House won't back the government on this... some like me will work to make them change their mind and withdraw the bill."

"In the Commons...?"

"I will speak to friends over there to get their take on it... by my asking it will stimulate their thinking. That won't be good for the leadership."

A very cute somewhat sly grin appeared on Terrance's face, "You seemed to have jumped in with both feet... It is marvellous!! You are a change agent!"

Fist bump which really tickled Terrance. He headed over to the Central Lobby to seek out some MP's... the smile was still there.

I re-joined Mac, he was laughing when I gave him the cause of Terrance's smile, "Terrance being soft on a Defence Bill is quite something... others will appreciate the impact of that. His questioning the leadership is a big thing..."

A hug, Mac giving me a big grin, "Look at you... acting all Parliamentary!"

We were still laughing as several members joined us. Ashover, Balloch and Evesham all Labour Peers. I told them about the vote in the Defence Strategic Committee which raised eyebrows so I went on...

My `talk' with the two Labour MP's got me some wide-eyed looks...

David, Lord Ashover, shaking his head... "You are stirring the pot. I thought your maiden speech content meant you would cause trouble but not this soon."

Mac waved Lord Thame over. We shook hands with me thanking him again for being my sponsor.

"It was an honour. So Mac what...?" His hands open...

Mac gave him the tale of my day... Thame gave me a look...

"Fay, you are tapping into a well of discontent... on both sides of the aisle." He turned to the Labour members with us, "Pardon my bluntness... Corbyn simply isn't up to the job and you..." motioning to me, "... are articulating the dissatisfaction about defence spending."

Our Labour colleagues shaking their heads saying they didn't see Corbyn as either wise or strong enough to fight a new election.

We went in to the House for the start of the session. I saw Michael, Lord Maresfield... he came over to me...

"Lady Harcourt, I've been hearing things... My son-in-law's riding is our home area in Sussex..." He smiled, "A tory also..." which made me laugh.

"He says the leadership is considering pushing the Defence Bill through tomorrow afternoon. He's not happy nor am I. I happen to agree with your assessment of the bill and our recent defence policy.

I don't like robbing Peter to pay Paul... too much like that American Ponzi Scheme thing... you know what I mean?"

"Indeed I do. I told the Defence Strategic Committee this morning an investigation by my staff has turned up irregularities in the way some allocated funds were spent. The MOD moved money from the nuclear sub decommissioning to pay for Trident bits."

Eyebrows raised, a frown, "Why? Was there some special reason?"

"Some of the money paid for communications gear... the rest we don't know yet. Fifteen million £'s or more."

"Damn... why do they fiddle about? The Trident programme already has enough money!!"

I raised my hands up and out adding a smile.

Maresfield was frank, "If the government loses a vote on this the Commons leadership will have to consider going to the voters... It's become a lightning rod for opinion beyond Westminster."

We were called to order so had to separate.

Mac whispered that a number of tory members had asked him about the recent events... good! Showing interest means questioning.

We had House business going on steadily then a break. Gil motioned to me. I walked to her.

"Fay, the Labour pair texted they were working on a meeting for this evening. They very sure it will happen. The fellow they want to become leader has agreed to try for it tonight."

Fist bump!

All this was interesting... I wanted to see Chani. Nothing much coming up for the rest of the day in the House. I texted Delphine... She replied they were in the Victoria Tower Gardens for outdoor time with Jaidee. >will join u< from me.

My crowd departed. We turned into the garden... I could see Chani and Jaidee about two thirds the way down. The Vogue's behind me as I walked quickly towards them.

I could almost `feel' Cory's camera aimed at me.

Chani threw the ball for Jaidee... Delphine said something... Chani whirled around... "Mama!" She ran towards me arms open wide!

I scooped her up... Big Hug! Jaidee beside us with his ball, tag wagging rapidly. I put Chani down so I could pet and hug Jaidee. I had Chani's hand... we walked to Delphine. Fist bump!

It was time to go in for Chani, they'd been here almost an hour. Chani giggling about the grass stains on her jeans. She'd got to see birds... several up close... Jaidee did scare some away running around.

Hot chocolate and cookies!! YEA! We all gathered in the Breakfast Room.

The Vogue's both smiling broadly munching on a cookie over a mug of Mrs. Travers excellent hot chocolate.

I spoke with Clough and Mrs. Travers about tomorrow's luncheon. It would be Italian which she could easily prepare for an undetermined number. Clough had the wine ready.

The staff was two people larger, a footman and a maid. They both would live in. I met them in Clough's office... Linette from Kent who would be Mrs. Kelly's assistant housekeeper and Lorenzo, the new footman from London's East End. I welcomed them, `I hope you will be happy working here.'

I did keep my iPhone close during the evening. Chani and I were sharing' again. She had a drawing pad and coloured pencils... me... the last of my official litter' for now.

I got to see a drawing of a blackbird Chani had seen in the gardens. Pale grey legs, yellow bill, yellow rimmed dark eye and a tubby glossy black body. The straight wings lay against his sides with a slight brownish tinge... Chani captured him delightfully.

Chani said a blackbird sat on the grass not far from her... "Mama I got to see him good!"

Delphine and Chani waved as they walked out for sleep time. I was close when Gil came in...

"Fay, news from the Labour folks... Corbyn is out... Keir Starmer is the new leader at least temporarily. They are calling it an emergency change subject to the party rank and file approval at a later date. Apparently Corbyn saw the wisdom of the change and agreed."

WOW! Okay! Progress!

Cho called, he and Charlie were in Augusta. Staying with Tom Angleten at the home of a friend of his across the Savannah River in South Carolina. He would play the Augusta National Golf Club tomorrow with Tom. Charlie would get to come along for some of the play, he'd sit in the clubhouse to do lessons with Tha.

They toured the Fox TV station in Augusta today. Not very big, the people were nice and pleased we owned them!

"And happy to be visited by someone as important as me... was general vibe." Cho laughed.

I said I could understand their feeling... "You have that effect on me."

A lot more laughing! Love!

I gave Cho the rundown on my day... he laughed through it... "You may be right about Prince Charles rueing the day... You go in and possibly turn out the government! The Royals seem to prefer the tories in office!

How is Mac doing?"

I laughed, "He's having fun! He has such a presence in the House. A lot revolves around him with the Cross-Benchers."

"Enjoy your turfing out the tories... I certainly hope it comes to pass."

"Well... the down side is I will have to be here more... not only for the Lords but the election campaign. If this gets started I have to take part! I have to work for Labour and other candidates who support the end of brexit as well as the changes to the Defence Bill.

Labour has stepped up... they did a quick replacement of their leader... doing it so swiftly will send the wind up the tories... they'll make mistakes.

So it is quite interesting. We'll have to make changes to some of our plans... I intend to stick with the next few weeks schedule. Even if there is an election called it will take a bit to get it going."

Lots of love crossed the Atlantic before we hung up.

I dressed for a chilly morning walk... Jaidee was in his blue coat, we went out the front to a small group of news reporters. The Vogues were up and ready to go. Tara, Tessa and Angie with me.

I recognized a Sun reporter and a Sky UK fellow with a cameraman mixed in the crowd.

A lone `bobby' across the road watching.

I was asked a bunch of questions about my opposition to the Defence Bill. And more about the money being misused and the transactions being hidden... That had been spread from the Committee members and members of the Lords I'd spoken to. I got more questions about that than anything else...

I told them what I knew... the TV folks would have it on the air shortly. I went for my walk.

On our return when we turned into Cowley Street from Barton Street it was blocked. A mob of news folks this time. My ladies and some of the house Security team made way for Jaidee and me. The Vogue's right with us.

I stood on our doorstep for round two.

The Defence Bill!! Well I had ignited a fire... some of the news folks gave me quickie quotes from MOD spokespersons' and a few prominent tories... all pooh-hooing my comments about the fiddled money.

I stood waiting for quiet... amazingly there was quiet...

"They would say that... Wouldn't they?"

That brought laughter. Sustained laughing.

"I get it's only a paltry fifteen million £'s.' Yes, fiddling takes place... everyone does it,' `we did hide it' but it's no big deal.

Missing in all that is the... WHY should it be acceptable? Why should the MOD and tory leaders think cheating like that is all in the game?

I guess I haven't been around long enough to know how to play by their dishonest rules..."

I was quiet looking at the big arc of reporters... "I think I don't like their rules and they need to follow the actual rules! When I was young I was taught cheating... at anything... was wrong!"

Smiling I said I needed to get on... I was surprised to hear `thank yous' as I walked in the door.

Gil had a bunch of messages. Maresfield called, Gil wrote his message down... `My son-in-law is going to challenge the leadership on the Defence Bill this morning'


Chani grinning as she bit into a piece of toast, strawberry preserves! A good breakfast with my daughter!

The Vogue's being ready to go on the walk this morning surprised me. They were behind me when I spoke to the press. They came to Millbank House too.

Galetea asked about my clothes. I was wearing an olive green wool suit, three big matching olive green buttons on the front, three quarter length sleeves with a two inch cuff. A white cropped to my waist sleeve-less blouse with a small shirt collar. The A-line skirt, softly pleated, the hem at mid-thigh.

I told Galetea that Mirabelle made the suit from a design Princess Grace wore, it had a matching mid-calf skirt and another to the top on my knees. Grinning I said I liked showing some `leg' in the Lords since most of the women dressed like frumps. That got a smile.

Pale stockings and the Nordstrom brown ankle boots. A white seashell necklace and gold bits, pale pink nails and lips. `Joy' My hair looking good!

Sage had some things for me, messages! I picked a few out and we headed to the House. Camel's hair coat from Coach, white scarf and white leather gloves.

I set a brisk pace which made Tessa grin. At the Peers Entrance the Vogue's were escorted to the House Press gallery.

I did some email responses to messages and a few calls.

I met Mac in the Peers Lobby, others joined us.

"Fay, you made a stink with your comments about the money and fiddling."

We were laughing.

Maresfield stepped close, "Lady Harcourt, any more surprises up your sleeve?"

Everyone around laughed.

I slid my sleeve up, "They aren't very long... not much room!"

Lots more laughter.

Someone's assistant came up... "The Commons leadership meeting has started."

We went into the House for some business before the break for lunch. Several second readings and votes on several member's private bills.

I walked to Cowley House with a crowd. Sixteen members coming to lunch! Miles, Temple and Lorenzo at the door for the Lords' outer clothes and Clough with sherry in the North Drawing Room.

Talking... the tories' choices were the lead topic! Terrance said the Commons leadership was being intransigent... damaging further their chance to prevail on the Defence Bill. His son-in-law had emailed him the news of the tory leadership going ahead with a vote on the Defence Bill.

Mac, Alexander and Cecil together... an earnest looking conversation! Mac told me later they wanted to know if they'd be welcome in the `Cross-Bench' seats... he said definitely. He advised them to wait until the election was over unless they wanted to make a statement as the Conservative Party shot itself in the foot. Okay. Way to go Mac!

The Vogues were introduced to all. Galetea told them this was all `off the record' so they would not have to worry about anything they said.

Email from Monaco forwarded by Cho binged me... Yesterday late afternoon in Florida IrishRainbow blew away the field in the Gulfstream Park Turf Handicap at Gulfstream Park. On turf and a mile and a furlong he won by eight lengths. Our fellow picking up where he left off... a powerhouse of talent!

Chani entered like a princess!! Delphine behind her smiling. Chani quickly had the men eating out her hand. The men were visibly impressed with our girl's aplomb and volubility.

Chani chatted away with these important men.

Mac beside me, "Fay, she's got what you have for certain!"

I laughed and squeezed his hand.

We moved to the Dining Room. A sit-anywhere luncheon. I had Chani beside me, Delphine on Chani's left. Alfred on my right.

"Your daughter is amazing. She's really not yet two?"

I smiled, "Actually she won't be two until the end of June."

Alfred's head shaking. I had a grin seeing that rather common reaction to the Twins!

Antipasti, several kinds to start. There was vegetarian lasagne, Casarecce pasta with lightly grilled in olive oil tomatoes, onions and artichoke hearts, freshly grated Romano and Asiago to spread over it. Bowls of warm sliced crunchy loaves, butter and a selection of green olives.

Clough's Montepulciano choice was terrific. Warm with vibrant highlights! I could see our guests appreciating it. I caught Clough's eye... I raised my glass... he got it!!

My companions got that I was off soon to Oxfordshire then the `States.'

We had to head back to the House...

Big hug for Chani! She obviously enjoyed her lunch. Huge grin as the men said their goodbyes to `Lady Chani!'

Sitting in the well of the House with my iPhone silenced waiting to see what was happening in the Commons. First text from Gil who was monitoring it.

house full<

def bill up 4 vote<

I showed them to Mac and Alfred...

bells & division starting<

Gil was getting her info from a Labour person.

streams of members<

Labour guy says more going to `no'<

I was listening with one ear to what was being said by a tory member... Alfred's head came up... I realized what I heard in the background... I handed my iPhone to Mac and stood...

"Does the honourable gentleman believe I was in the wrong for telling the truth? Or was the MOD and government wrong for cheating and lying? I have checked my moral compass and it is working correctly."

Loud `Hear-Hears' from all around me and up through the Labour and Lib-Dem seats!

The tory fellow replied I was wrong for telling the press.

"Sir, I first informed the Joint Defence Strategic Committee yesterday morning as well as fellow members from both sides of the aisle of this House. The press came to my door asking me questions about it I did not seek them out. I called no one.

Your trying to make something improper of my actions only tells me there is more being hidden if you must clumsily assail me like this."

Unbelievably loud... Hear-Hears' Too Rights' and other supporting comments! The Speaker, Lord Fowler, demanded quiet!! It took a while for that to happen. The Speaker did smile in my direction!

I sat down... Mac pointed to the last texts...

no's have it< >many rebels< >maybe over 100< >PM infuriated<

Mac's voice in my ear, "The Government can't stand after this."

vote margin, govt lost by 233<

Starmer tabling a motion< >no confidence<

PM retaliates asking for vote on new elections via FTPA< >she asks for tomorrow to vote<

Mac nudging me, "The PM is banking on that twenty percent number from the polls to hold the tory majority. She is overpaying her hand. She'll get that two thirds majority vote for FTPA and be sorry for it."

vote on FTPA tomorrow am<

Alfred and Mac felt alike, the tory PM was counting on the poll numbers but they were old now... today's vote would change them radically!

Okay time for Chani and Jaidee!

On the way out I met the Bishop of Oxford. We shook hands and exchanged greetings.

"I have heard rumours about you... you're planning to turn out the government and become Prime Minister!"

We laughed, "Nothing as farfetched as that... just doing some digging into the MOD and trying to change the Defence Bill."

He smiled, "What Defence Bill... there isn't one now!"

"That was the point. So Bishop, where are you on that subject?"

"I don't like nuclear weapons as it happens... they are controlled by men who make errors and for errors with those weapons there are no apologies."

I showed him how to fist bump which brought out a smile. I said I needed to go... a child to see.

We shook hands, parting with good wishes.

Gil said Chani and Delphine were back at Cowley Street after play time with Jaidee in the Victoria Tower Gardens again. Too bad I missed that.

Tomorrow was Paris then Harcourt House!

At the door Clough smiling, "Lady Chani is in the Nursery, Ma'am."

I thanked him and took off running up the stairs to the Nursery door... Chani at the table writing with Delphine...

"Mama!" Hugs and kisses. Jaidee next to Chani got hugs too!

Gil came up, she had my iPhone, "Cho..."

My guy! I said to him I'd round up my iPad, Chani and I would do a Conference App talk with the men! Okay.

Gil, "Fay, the iPad is in your office."

We all went down... Chani and I on a settee by the fire, Jaidee stretched out close by the warmth. Smart guy!

Cho and Charlie smiling. We all took turns telling each other our day.

Cho loved the political mess I'd help create.

Charlie got to watch Popa play golf for a bit then he and Tha sat in a room of the club for lessons. Charlie got to go out to see the last two holes of Tom and Cho's round.

Charlie loved it!!

"Mama... Popa is so good!"

I asked Cho how good... he was grinning... "You played well?" A monster GRIN!!! "Very well?"

"I knocked eleven strokes off the record low score for eighteen holes! Folks were bouncing off the walls as Tom told them. He shot a 63 tying the now old record low score... mine was a 52. I almost had a hole-in-one twice. A tee shot went straight into the cup but bounced out on a par three and on a par four my tee shot rolled past a few inches wide of the hole.

It's a beautiful course even without all the flowers and trees blooming. Maybe I'll come back to watch Tom play in the Master's."

"Why not? I guess they'll let you in. What are the people like... the members?"

"A lot like the folks at the club near Lowestoft."

"Oh... white and whiter?"

"Yes with the whole southern thing going too! On the course you couldn't tell... in the clubhouse things are different. I can see they are trying... they need to try much harder."

Cho waved his hand, "So Chani you have something for me?"

Chani held up her `blackbird' drawing.

Cho smiling, "A blackbird! Beautiful. That is a very good likeness! Congratulations. We saw them in the smaller London house garden. They like to talk about things with each other."

Chani looked up at me. I said not this trip... we will go there another time.

"The blackbirds have always been around... several types of finches too. They'll still be there."

Chani said `Okay.'

We had to stop... dinner. We all had an early start tomorrow and Chani had a plan.

Our guys were flying to Texas, Corpus Christi tonight then on to Los Angeles. Horse racing at Santa Anita! We'd meet them in Upperville in five days.

Chani and I did the whole bed buddy thing. This time Delphine, at my suggestion, stretched out on one of the lounges with a book. Chani's plan... watching `Finding Nemo' on her iPad with headphones.

I was reading something much different than government reports... Jason Lutes' `Berlin – City of Stones' A three part graphic novel set in Weimar Germany. I need to send a copy of this set to Flix.

I ordered a set on Better World Books for her.

It was quiet in the room... funny!

When the movie was over... BIG stretch by Chani.

"I liked it, very pretty! Such bright colours on things in the water and the fish! It sort of went weird sometimes... Nemo was lucky to have his Popa love him so much!"

Fist bump!

"Your Popa would do the same thing for you!"

A hug! Goodnight kisses. A wave from the doorway.

Tara and Angie with me going out to walk with Jaidee. A couple of news folks??? I answered a few questions then off. The Vogues too!

A Bobby across the street again... just watching the news people. I waved to him, a smile.

We walked over to the river then north... we walked around the Place of Westminster, the return behind the Abbey.

Chani eating breakfast, I joined in!!

I chose a red wool mini-dress, long sleeves, V-neck, the bodice was snug to my body, skirt part soft, gently widening to the hem. It was quite short, high on my thighs!! It would go on sale at Mirabelle soon! Several colours!

Black pumps, three inch heels. A single gold chain around my neck, the horse-headed torque and gold band bracelet, big gold rings at my ears. Red nails and lips, `Joy'

Dead sexy legs! Ha!

Chani in a long sleeved red frock, white tights and black Mary Janes. We did fist bumps!

We both did black coats with white scarves and black gloves... FIST BUMP! Giggles from Lady Chani!

Gil and Delphine, the Vogue's, PJ and Ken plus Gaby with us in the AW139. Our first flight in an up-engined AW139. Two hundred and forty five miles per hour. We flared for landing at the Paris Heliport in less than an hour.

The cars took us directly to the new store via the Boulevard Peripherique exiting to the Avenue de la Grande Armee onto the Avenue de Friedland. A loop around to Rue Balzac... we stepped out at the corner of the Champs-Elysees.

Chani and I followed PJ up the stairs to the store. Coral and Raphaela at the door with Georgie the manager. Hugs and kisses. They loved meeting Chani. All the store staff made over her.

We had ninety minutes before opening... a tour! It looked wonderful! Warm colours, lots of glossy wood in the décor. The racks of clothes full with splendid frocks, skirts, tops and suits!!! One room was nothing but suits!

The combination of Jasmine and Reginé in London with Margeaux from AgencePromo we had good publicity and there was media coming. Margeaux arrived. She was ready, the press to be here soon.

I could see some folks at the door... the news people. They got to come in for a look-see and do video. Margeaux being the hostess for them. She gave them the history, our target audience, etc...

I went out to meet the press with Chani. Our daughter knew how to work a crowd. It was a very fun thirty minutes. Lots of questions... Chani answered one saying in English, "I love all the colours... a rainbow of prettiness to wear." Then... "Tout le monde peut être joli!"

Boy that caught the news people off guard. Coral beside me laughed softly... I squeezed her hand.

Quietly, "Your Chani is a sharpie!" I nodded.

Time to open the doors... a nice crowd had gathered. Gaby stayed with Chani and Delphine. The Vogue's moving around doing their thing.

I greeted ladies as they came in, smiles, big eyes looking around. A slender black haired woman asked about my dress... several were close... I did a twirl, "It will be here for sale in a few weeks. In several colours... I like this red!!!"

Laughter and Merci's.

I wandered into suits. It was crowded. Galetea was next to me in the doorway... "Your Ladyship..." I smiled, "If you are going to get me in print please call me Fay."

I was surprised to see the colour rise in her face, I put my arm around her slim waist, "I'm people too!"

That got a laugh, "Yes... but watching you in the House of Lords demolish that one fellow... Well I couldn't be blamed for thinking you aren't just `people.' Thanks Fay."

I said wander with me. I talked to customers throughout the store. Galetea's French was good making it easier.

The ladies looking around and I could see also buying. Raphaela came by with a woman going towards suits... we squeezed hands in passing.

I didn't see Chani... Georgie said she and Delphine were in the office with Gaby. Okay.

My iPhone binged. I turned towards the front door, PJ behind me. It was chilly in the breeze coming down the avenue but the news was warming... FTPA election motion passed with a greater than three quarters margin! So new elections. Parliament was dissolved. A March 25th date for the election. Early... but good!

The tories were going to be sorry...

PJ smiling, "Fay, it is a long way from the Railroad balcony!"

We laughed, a favourite reminder of our travels together. Fist bump!

Inside I worked my way to the office. A kiss for Chani who was writing something with Delphine.

I had Gil email the two Labour MP's... I had a schedule of events out of the country... I wouldn't alter but I would be back in the United Kingdom to campaign.

"Tell them it would be welcome if they could send you a list of the ridings where their candidates needed help or where a particularity sleazy brexit tory was standing and to be fair where I could lend a hand to a Lib-Dem against a tory.

Gil winked, "They'll be thrilled!"

I shrugged, "I've never done anything like being in an election campaign so it'll be an education."

Coral smiling, "Fay, sales are brisk. The suits are really moving and we have a lot of questions about your dress."

I did another twirl... we laughed!

Gil leaned close, "Madame Tallard and Eugenie are in the car with Marcelle... on the way."

Good I wanted them to see me in this frock. Madame Tallard's had sewn it!

I went out front, talking to many ladies as they browsed.

Our local manufacturing ladies arrived. They got hugs and kisses. Georgie took them on a tour... it wasn't going to be fast because of the crowd of customers.

Raphaela went along.

Coral and I were at the sales station. The software was working fine. The Place de Bastille store's sales we could look at in the office. They were also doing VERY well.

Supplies of garments from the northern Paris manufacturing locations were flowing in... both stores could count on having fully stocked inventories with more being put aside for the London store openings.

I took our manufacturing ladies with Coral and Raphaela over to Le Fouquet's for lunch before heading to Harcourt House. Gil had arranged the same room as before. The Maître d' smiling, "Welcome back Your Ladyship." I thanked him.

The banquette was full, I was on the end, Chani in a seat beside me, Delphine on her other side. Gil in a chair next to me.

Caviar and champagne to start! We toasted the opening, the new clothes from our guests and the future!

I conferred with the sommelier, it was easy... I asked him to choose what he thought was best for each lady's meal. He also got that I wanted everyone to enjoy! A smile.

My lunch was delicious, the wine perfect! Espresso and a deep chocolate cake! Chani and I shared the cake. Shining face on her first bite.

"Mama, it is good!" Fist bump! That made the ladies laugh.

We walked back to say goodbye to the store staff... they were busy... the good kind of busy.

The three ladies from the manufacturing companies were going to go see the Place de Bastille store before heading home. Hugs and kisses for them.

Our car picked us up, at the heliport Kellen was waiting in the AW139... we took-off immediately. In an hour we settled to the grass at Harcourt House.

Chani lifted out of her travel seat... running on the gravel, "Car!"

Cute happy face as she got a hug! Carter's face... the same as Chani's!

Carter2 and Audra got hugs like `Car' from the little lady.

I was more decorous... fist bumps! A hug for the mom-to-be Audra... she was showing nicely, very happy not having any serious morning sickness!

Me by the fire in the Great Room with Jaidee, Chani upstairs with Delphine. Jayne called from the Gulfstream heading back to New York.

"Fay, we've got some good ones!" Excitement in her voice.

A deep breath by Jayne, "First, Amelie is amazing, very sharp and has some steel in her. I doubt anyone trying something on in the club is going to be happy meeting her."

I put in she is like so many others in our Security... tough and well trained.

Jayne laughed, "Well... I won't worry about security! I can also add Glam knows her business! She had excellent candidates. We have the top three roles filled! It was terrific sitting down with the three...

Neko as general manager, she's got fantastic experience and her references were off the scale. Jam, Jeremy, a former surf nut who decided to come indoors a few years back and has been working in clubs in the city since. He'll be the operations manager.

Vada is really an awesome find. As entertainment manager she'll fill the club with live acts and DJ's of the best quality. She's in deep in the Los Angeles music scene.

It's a trio we'll make money with!"

"So are you Okay with this Big `V' being somewhat different format? More aimed at entertainment?"

"Oh yes! I think we should look for a Vada in New York."

"Do it!"

Jayne was pumped... it was great to hear her enthusiasm!

Gave her my congratulations!

I said say hello to Montana! "I intend to do more than say hello..." We laughed!

Time to ride! Tara and Angie with me!

Neither of the Vogue's were riders so Audra was giving them a tour of the house. She let them know there'd be swimming after riding.

Andy had Rebel ready... I said I'd do a Stables tour afterwards. I texted to Gil about bringing the Vogues to go along on the Stables tour. A big CHECK back.

Down the grassy lane, we turned north. Waves to the Dan Senior as we roared across the grass, he pointed to their house. I waved an Okay.

We slowed to a walk at the edge of Sandford, through the village to Mr. Hardy's. He was surprised to see me.

"It's just Chani and me for two days then off. Cho and Charlie are heading for Texas."

"It is impossible to keep track of you." Fist bump and laughter!

We rode on to the church... Mrs. Lone on her way out in their car... we waved. The Reverend Dr. Lone smiling, apron on, trowel in hand.

"Your Ladyship! I see you are keeping yourself busy."

I laughed, "A girl has to have a hobby..." That made him laugh.

I slid down...

"That was a big apple cart you pushed over if the news is to be believed. Turning out a government... not often done."

I told him a bit and that it wasn't just me but a lot of things building up... "It could be said I walked in at the right time."

"My brother's son is in the RAF, a pilot. He has spoken about old aircraft... he says all their best mechanics can only do so much to keep some of them flying."

"I think it goes to the basic airframe and avionics... there are American B-52 bombers flying that the pilots grandfather's flew. AND they are not supersonic. Your nephew deserves better equipment... he's putting his life on the line."

Dr. Lone looking at me, "You don't appear to be naturally a military type..."

"My dad was Army then MI6. My mother was MI6 too! They were a team.

I recognize the sacrifice our military people make to serve... we need to give them the tools to do their work or be shamed for the failure to do so."

We smiled.

"Well keep up the good work." Hands shaken. They were coming up for dinner.

I remounted and we turned for the dirt lane to the run home. Rebel stepping!! He was ready... OFF! We soon left my Protectors behind... soaring over the grass... I moved close to the river. We were rocking until we came abreast of the Fraser's farmhouse. I turned to run back towards the house through their walnut grove.

We stopped at the garden gate... Sarah! I was down... a hug!

`Fay, you... you amaze me with what you get up to. Taking down the government??"

"The news folks are making more of it than is really there. I made some noise, getting some folks aroused but the members did the work of voting against some wastrels."

"Okay... but I have seen enough to know if you weren't there it wouldn't have happened."

I shrugged smiling, "I only do what I think needs to be done."

We had a laugh as Anne came out fresh home from Abbey Hill School.

"Fay, you really get in the news. Our class current events period always seems to have you featured."

I did a mock `surprise' and laughed, "You would think they'd have found more interesting items around the world to highlight."

Anne smiled, "You do things... interesting things! You and Cho always seem to be helping folks one way or another."

I needed to go but I did say we have the resources to do `things' so we do! Hugs!

At the Stables office, Gregory smiling when I asked about little Dorene.

"She's wonderful. She nurses well, has taken to the supplement bottle. Alfred does a lot for Sylvia, we are a team."

Fist bump!

I took my ladies with pockets full of various treats on a tour. The Vogues along... Pamela nickering as I stroked her neck, little Penelope looking healthy and sweet! Roland was told I'd be around in the morning.

Secret Sea and her colt in a paddock, she was nibbling grass, he was gambolling about. Secret Sea decided a mint was better than grass.

Ronnie came in. A hug.

"Cho and Charlie are going out to Santa Anita; they probably see your folks."

`They'll enjoy that. I got an email a few hours ago... Mom sent a snap of a new dress."

We laughed when Ronnie said she can't remember when she last wore a dress.

Sunny joined me, introductions to the Vogues. She went out on Prince to do some work. Charlotte on DD was waiting by the arenas. Monty was riding Zephyr down for Sunny.

Hathai nuzzling me, I caressed her ears which she liked. A half apple for her. Asda got several mints. My hand rubbed his back.

I moved around seeing them all. Tara and Angie also giving away tasty bits. Galetea seeing me with the horses having a good time was a new bit to add to her narrative. She loved my black outfit. Cory doing snaps.

A pool party! Gil was doing some work... soon to come in she said. Chani in a red tank suit with a cute little attached tutu in white with red polka-dots around her hips. I was in a red tank too! Delphine in white.

The Vogue's in swimming costumes from the `closet.' Galetea looking good in a navy tank suit, Cory in black boxer style swim shorts.

Gil on a call...

Goggles on! Chani and I splashing around for a bit. Delphine took over. Gil leaning over the edge of the pool to talk to me.

"Fay, first, dinner... everyone is coming!" A thumbs up from me. "Second, I have the place and timing for you to go to MIT. Last, the fellow who is our MP here called asking if you would support his candidacy."

I turned in the water, "Call him back saying yes. He voted the Defence Bill down and was anti-brexit! Tell him you'll be in touch when I'm back from America."

"All your clothes for the White House dinner are in Upperville. You wanted to wear the diamonds... they'll be in your luggage to go with us."

"Cho's clothes?"

"I sent a set to Upperville two months back. The suit, accessories and shoes. I added a black overcoat, scarf and gloves."

I squeezed her hand. "You coming in?"

"I'm off to change."

I climbed out as Angie slipped in to be with Chani and Delphine. I stretched out on a lounge.

Galetea lay on the one beside me.

"This is a wonderful spot. A great view even in winter."

I said it was Cho's idea. I added I wasn't moving for a bit so... A laugh.

Questions came, she typed on her iPad. We covered some personal things, I rejected a few questions in that category. Business, horse racing, our enabling the southern Thailand peace process. The clinics in Thailand and America and a big one the shelters.

That took up some time which I had to cut short for now. A small `pruned' young lady emerged from the pool with Gil. A shower rinse, drying and robed... we walked upstairs.

Chani wanted the black pinafore, white turtleneck top and white tights, black ballet shoes! A big grin as she looked at herself in the mirror.

"Mama, this is good!" Fist bump!

Now for me. I chose black toreador pants, a black soft wool jumper with a round collar. Two strands of pearls around my neck, gold bits. Shiny red St. Laurent heels. Red lips and nails, `Joy' A dab on Chani.

A red blazer with burnished gold buttons over everything.

Chani watching me dress. Giggling as I looked in my mirror, "Mama it is Okay!"

"You betcha... " I got in a few tickles to high laughter. I scooped her up for a hug!

We collected Sunny on the way down... she was in slacks and a top from her Ralph Lauren spree.

Down stairs in the Great Room... Carter was ready for the guests. An ecumenical dinner.

At the door to greet the Bishop of Oxford and his assistant. A big smile from the Bishop... "You brought down the government... it probably needed it... they're out of touch."


Iman Khan and his wife, Laria. Handshakes.

Laria, "Your Ladyship, it is wonderful to meet you."

The Iman said he had news but would wait. Okay.

Dr. and Mrs. Lone. Hugs!

Dr. Ryles and Donna, a middle-aged woman who was the parishioner in charge of the building fund.

Rabbi Kotlar and his wife, Shona plus the synagogue's chazzan, Milton, I had met him on my visit.

Father Michael of Our Lady in Abingdon. He brought Sister Alice who helped him and was a part-time teacher at the senior school.

We gathered in the Great Room. Sunny was introduced to the several guests she hadn't met. The Vogues were also introduced. A few raised eyebrows... no snaps by Cory of anyone but me.

Chani came in Delphine behind her. She remembered the bishop and the Lone's. The other guests were amazed by Chani's ability to engage.

Everyone got their drink of choice... we sat to chat a bit. Iman Khan beside me...

"Your Ladyship, our executive committee and I have discussed your offer... we would like to take the offered land."

"Good. We will be away for a few weeks... let's arrange a meeting at the site to discuss it and then the lawyers will do their part. You will have the land free and clear. I have no idea what is there for services from Abingdon but since it built-up around all the usual things should be available."

My hand was shaken, Laria beside her husband, "Your Ladyship, this means a good deal to us. A place of our own to worship where we can build our community."

"That is the point behind this... building communities to join with other communities."

Father Michael smiling, "All our neighbourhoods are being blessed by you and your husband. Thank you's don't seem enough."

I did thank him for the kind words. I asked about his cladding problem.

"The builder you sent said the cladding wasn't the same at Grenfell Tower. It isn't a fire danger but it should be replaced because it is rotting away in places to the point where strong winds might tear pieces off. He is to send us a bid and his recommendations."

"Good! His firm is doing a lot of work at other locations. If being busy is a good sign then..."

Father Michael grinned!

Carter came in... so we went in for dinner. Hopefully something of a treat for our neighbours... a Mexican buffet. Informal seating and wonderful smells. Chani grinning, clapping her hands at the lovely smells.

Ellie's cards at each dish's location explained what it was made of and how spicy it was. A one to five red chile pepper scale beautifully drawn and coloured.

A small cheese burrito, veggie ground beef taco, fluffy rice, red beans, lots of shredded Queso Fresca on top. Baked tortilla triangles and Pico de Gallo. I delivered it to Chani with Delphine's help. I went back for me... all the same in bigger portions.

Corona beer, water, sodas, limeade or `virgin' strawberry Margaritas! The latter a concoction of Carter2.

Laria sipped the strawberry drink... a smile. She liked it.

Conversation revived a bit after some food was consumed. They got that Cho and Charlie were in California for horse races, we would re-unite in Virginia in a few days.

Chani let everybody know she wanted some of Flo's hush puppies! I explained what a hush puppy was.

"They are delicious with honey!"

I told the crowd about spoon bread, my being with my parents at the Hotel Jefferson in Richmond then back there twenty years later. Sydney prominently figured in my story and I made our connection to his brother...

And ... to Secretariat. Some didn't know the name, a few did. I gave them the mini-bio. I told them about our Glaa's history, how he had chased Secretariat's records and that Glaa was now retired to stud in Kentucky.

After dinner we had coffee or espresso with chocolates in the Great Room. Chani got a candy to munch!

They had from Cho and I a commitment to help them all when they needed it, they were all happy we were so open to do so.

Current events came up... The bishop being a member of the House of Lords smiling as he told everybody how I had helped manoeuvre the government out. I shrugged with a smile. Nothing for me to say.

Iman khan and Laria were whispering on a settee as I went to pet Jaidee with Chani. I heard a name... Fazli. Laria looked pained... I asked if I could help.

"Your Ladyship... we were talking about our eldest Fazli..." The Iman looked a bit distressed too.

Laria said he hadn't done well enough on his exams to get into university.

"Did he want to go university? To study what?"

Iman Khan shook his head, "He doesn't think further education will do anything for him. We want him to have the choices education brings..."

Chani was with Jaidee so I moved closer.

"Does he have something that does interest him?"

Iman Khan waved his hand, "He likes being outside... he loves animals... any kind. He's good at repairing things... like engines. An odd pairing I know. He seems to naturally get how they work. Not from me."

I had Laria's hand, "How about you send him over here. We could see if he might find some answers doing work here."

The Iman's head came up... I said he could have a trial in the Stables or mechanical work for our transport manager or on farm machinery.

"We have lots of different types of work here... I'm sure he could get a chance to figure out what he wants."

Laria's had gripped mine tighter... I added that not everyone can find their future with more formal education.

"We started Denham School for that very reason... classes in subjects which are hard to find and not found at universities. We don't have a mechanics course... maybe we should. We do have equine care."

Iman Khan asked what it might cost?

Smiling, "We would pay him for his work. He would have to work... sometimes hard but every day would be more education."

They were holding hands...

I said I was serious. "Fazli could decide what he was interested in to start, then he'd be put in a spot where our managers think he'd fit to begin. We'd see where it goes."

I told them Monty's story... the whole thing... wide-eyed they looked like there might be something possibly very good in my offer.

"You talk to Fazli... see if it appeals then bring him over to talk to our Under-Butler Carter who oversees the estate's outside works. He will get it rolling if Fazli wants it."

I got a hug from Laria, a good handshake from Iman Khan. Smiles.

I did move around chatting then Chani needed to go up. Delphine took her after a round of goodnights from everyone. I kissed her, "I'll be up in a minute."

I did beg our guests pardon saying I wouldn't be gone long.

Chani was in her nightdress.

"Mama you made the nice lady happy."

"Mrs. Khan?"

"Yes. She was upset but you told you would help and they were Okay."

I hugged my girl, "It is what your Popa and I try do... help people when they need a bit."

"I love you Mama!"

"Popa and I love you... we think you are a smashing girl."

Kisses. Chani lay down with Raggedy Anne... smile. One last kiss.

Outside Delphine looking at me, "Fay, I have never heard or seen a baby her age show that kind of acknowledgement feelings of others. Amazing."

A hug with my comment `amazing doesn't seem to cover the Twins anymore.' Delphine nodding.

Down stairs the evening was soon ending... I did goodbyes in the Entryway... I asked the Khan's to wait if they would. I had asked Fin to have Carter2 come up.

The bishop said the food had been a wonderful new thing for him, he thanked me for the invitation, "Your Ladyship has many talents... it is a pleasure to know you."

A warm handshake. His assistant thanked me for the dinner, he had really enjoyed the new foods. Handshake.

Everybody said they loved the Mexican food. Dr. Ryles smiling, "You need to open a Mexican restaurant so more folks can enjoy."

Shaking my head, "I've enough on my plate already. Since you liked it we will repeat it with another invitation."

A big smile for that. Donna said she'd never had Mexican food before and was going to look up some recipes.

I told her she could speak to our cook if she wanted... Her face lit up. Lucas was asked to guide Donna downstairs. Dr. Ryles stayed with me.

Carter2 joined me, I introduced him to the Khan's, he got my proposal.

"Mr. and Mrs. Khan... here's my card... please call so we can set a day and time for you bring Fazli over if the idea excites him. We can make start once we have a talk."

Hands shaken, a hug with Laria.

Carter2 helped them with coats... I waved.

Dr. Ryles with a serious face, "My Lady, you are good with people. T is quite special to have you here... the entire area is enriched."

I did say thank you adding, "Cho and I feel an obligation to the people around us to see to their welfare. Not being a nanny but rather a distant cousin of means."

Fist bump! A grin!

Donna came up with pages in her hand... a big smile. Carla had printed out what was on the menu tonight.

"Your Carla is a wiz!"

I waved to them as the car turned to the drive.

Carter2 smiling, "My Lady, you are so easy with people... a wonderful skill."

Fist bump! A grin!

I called to Jaidee, we went up. Warm in bed, Jaidee had been rubbed, he was blissed out next to me. Cho called.

He and Charlie were having some fun. It was warm enough to go in shorts to the beach! They had splashed in the edge of the surf.

I told him about Chani's display of empathy... Cho was quiet, "We know the Twins are very advanced... Are we doing enough to encourage their talents?"

My empathic `Yes' made Cho laugh.

"We are doing the right things... they have loads of stimulation in both education and play time, they have Tha and Delphine, Jaidee, you and me... so much love... they are having a childhood of wonder plus education and are still being babies... that is very important!"

I heard Cho's chuckle, "I am glad you are you... you speak your mind... and do it clearly! It is such a shame my mother isn't alive to know you... you two would mesh very nicely!"

We sent love across the distance.

Roland was ready!! Tessa and Gaby with me. South to the lock... the lockman and Roy were surprised to see us. They were well, families too.

Going northeast towards Archie and Margy's farm, a `good morning' for Terry. A wave with Margy. Jerrold's car was gone... early day for him.

We had a good run up to the yurts. I stopped at the lane to them just to look... the group made me think of hobbit houses... sort of. It always did. It must be something about the low-rounded nestled together look.

We walked over to the river. The Sandford lock fellow smiling, a big wave as he tied up a narrow boat.

Mr. Hardy was also out early... Roland nickering as we approached the south gate of the village. The grass set him off... running hard on the path near the river. Green grass became grey with our speed... my hat flew back... I leaned down to encourage Roland further! What a run!

We slowed at the property edge as some folks were out on the flats.

Andy and Monty there to take the horses. I was smiling with the pleasure of doing that!!

Chani and Delphine with Gil in the Breakfast Room. Food! I did my part in lowering the level of food in the serving dishes. The Vogue's came in. I could see Cory's look over the food before loading up a plate. He smiled towards me. Breakfast was his favourite meal.

At my request Yone joined us. I pointed to the food... he picked up a plate for some toast and strawberry preserves. Coffee.

We talked about the estate security after Chani and Delphine went up.

The `sharpshooter' caused a total reassessment of the whole plan which was completed... now there were many more sensors backed up by cameras. They had had exercises to test the system, bringing some of our Security people from other locations who didn't know anything about the defence arrangements to try to breach our bubble.

They were allowed to try anything...

They all failed. Each was spotted and gathered up. One pair tried a drone which our system scooped up... they were amazed how quickly it was detected. Yone now felt even more secure but as he smiled `no complacency would be allowed.' Fist bump.

I told him more wing drones would be coming his way soon with Benjamin tasked to train more pilots. Yone was good with that.

"When Benjamin has a wing up he's in heaven... partially." We laughed.

The Vogues had been in the Breakfast Room listening to Yone and I as they ate. I could see Galetea watching... after Yone left she was shaking her head at my explanation of the sharpshooter' and what had happened. A good example of our security' concerns for them to see.

Gil and I in the Library to work. Sage sent things on to me plus Ali in New York was generous enough to add more... Gil grinning.

I had suggested Galetea and Cory take a short trip into Oxford... Gil went as tour guide. She said she'd check up on me when they were back. I stuck my tongue out towards her. That got me a grin.

I ploughed through it with the help of a coffee tray loaded high with cookies and shortbread.

We had lunch in the Breakfast Room. Chani and Delphine and me. The Vogue's and Gil back in time to join us...

The Vogue's loved the Rêve, our pirate ship. Chani invited them aboard. They got to see Jaidee enjoy the garden in his usual tennis ball style.

Chani and I took everyone swimming. This time Jaidee got to swim with us. He and Chani had fun, tennis balls float much to Jaidee's delight!

I had time to ride with Rebel then dinner... Afters in the Great Room then Chani and I went into the Library to do a Conference App call with Cho and Charlie.

They had a big day tomorrow... three races at Santa Anita. Charlie was having fun on the beach while Chani had fun in the pool... We exchanged for a bit then Cho asked the babies if Mama and Popa could talk about something... `Okay.'

Cho said Wally had called right before we started... Dolly was in labour!! Oh WOW! Good for her. Wally called as they left the house driving to the hospital. Wally said he'd call when there was news. Cho would keep me up to date.

Good thoughts sent toward Dolly.

Sasha and Roundel were good about keeping us up to date on their Riley. Snaps! Lots of snaps! He was a very handsome boy! He was doing very well, a good nurser, sleeping well and lots of bubbles!

Cho wished us happy visits in Boston and say a big `hi' from him to Candace.

He'd call me later. Okay!

I was changing clothes for travel...

Cho was back to me... that was quick. He was laughing, "Wally called... they have a son... Walter the Fourth. Dolly and the boy are good! I'll send flowers and Taittinger's this time."

Laughing I agreed.

We loaded up at Chalgrove for an eight o'clock departure. Boring holes in the dark sky... Chani got to stay up for a while doing the bed buddy thing with me. Tonight we shared a book on animals in the desert!

The sand cats... a big hit. Cute and very capable hunters, true survivors. Delphine said she'd find more on them!

We'd be up early in the morning... so to sleep. Chani was lying on her bed... arms open for one last hug!! I added a kiss.

In bed a call from Cho... we switched to the Conference App on iPads. Sumate and Tilly joined us. There been an incident in Kentucky at Harcourt Farm.

Tilly gave us an introduction... there were no problems on the farm all events were on the road to the east. It turns out the event had nothing to do with the Farm except by location.


"Our Security staff at Harcourt Farm monitors the local police radio bands as a matter of course to keep up to date.

`An armed robbery at Central Kentucky Savings and Loan Bank on West Main Street, just north of the river in Frankfort, one person killed, two wounded'

Robbers escaping going out east on US 60 in a dark sedan' two Sheriff cars in pursuit'

Pursuit police cars are involved in a crash at US 421 as the robbers burst through the big intersection' Suspects got clear through the intersection'

Those police calls made our force heighten their alert status.

`Now on US 460 heading towards Georgetown'

`No close pursuit'

The robbers turned north six miles past the police accident at the intersection.

Their position was now unknown to the Franklin County Sheriff's office.

They apparently knew the area well and probably wanted to use backroads to get to the Ohio River crossing near Warsaw and into Indiana. Once there hiding would be easier.

Our office got a call from the Franklin County Sheriff's office to please watch the roads north of US 460 for a dark blue Buick sedan, Kentucky plate number 999 xxx.

Armed and dangerous' Three white males fleeing an armed robbery in downtown Frankfort, one dead, two wounded at the scene.'

Kathryn on duty flying a wing drone on airborne patrol moved to be above the far southeast portion of the farm. On station she spotted a dark car moving fast going north heading in the general direction of the farm on her camera...

She zoomed her camera in...

Kathryn alerted the Security staff, an armed reaction team headed to an AW139 and lifted off.

Our folks called the Franklin County Sheriff's office we may have their suspects in sight, gives the position.

Joli another pilot in the office got a second wing airborne vectored to an area well north of Kathryn's wing location to be in the path of the dark car's likely route of travel.

Kathryn is over the car as it turns onto a road that bisects the eastern most part of the farm, now going northwest.

She positively identifies the plates, she sends her drone's exact location to the sheriff's office with a license number match message.

The robbers likely want to cross Elkhorn Creek to go further northwest or turn northeast. If they go northeast they'd be in the deep woods in just a few miles once over the creek.

Kathryn stays over them as Joli manoeuvres to be over the road ahead of them out of sight in a big dip in the paved road a quarter mile before the creek crossing.

The reaction team's AW139 is east of the road near the dip hovering behind some trees.

An Ambush in place, our tactics discussed... so they were close to contact.

Since we have identified the car and the Franklin County Sheriff's office has confirmed the identification... I Okay'd action. `You are cleared to fire to disable their vehicle.'

The robbers came to the drop in the road going down to the creek bridge... they go over the rise to come face to face with Joli's wing hovering over the roadway... SLAMMED brakes.

Kathryn behind them fires the microgun twice shredding the rear tyres.

Joli fires a bean bag round at full power right at the driver's side of the windscreen, it craters the glass.

The fellow driving jumps out to fire at Joli's wing from behind the car door, Joli manoeuvres to make it impossible to hit the wing.

The shooter gets hit from the rear by a beanbag round from Kathryn that slams him into the door, knocking him flat, unmoving, apparently unconscious.

An ambulance is called to the location by Kathryn. "Man down, possible concussion, part of an armed criminal group." She gave the location.

Joli calls for the others to get out... `hands up' and lie face down on the road twenty feet in front of their car.


I spoke to Kathryn... I gave her instructions... she's cleared to fire again... she moves the drone to the left of the car... fires her microgun into the hood of the car... BBBBBBBBBBBZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ... a long moving burst cuts the metal engine hood in half. You can see the metal bits flying up... hitting the windshield... spraying around.

Joli repeats her orders... adding, `leave your weapons on the floor of the car'

The two men step out, their hands up, they walk forward to lie on the road.

Joli tells them not to move or they will be fired upon. No trouble from them now... they lay flat, face down, arms and legs spread as ordered.

Our reaction team on the grass fifty feet away rises and moves in.

Armed with Heckler & Koch submachineguns they advanced to the road.

The two men were cuffed and searched. The third is coming around, very groggy and is cuffed to the car door, he's searched also.

Sheriffs are informed the car is immobilized and the men are in custody.

Sirens from the Franklin County Sheriff's cars are heard now coming north.

The sheriff's arrive, five cars, three Franklin County and two nearby Scott County.

They pile out to see the wings hovering above the sides of the road away from the immobilized car.

The AW139 off to the side... rotors are slowly revolving. Two people armed with submachine guns on guard over the robbers on the road.

They are dumb-founded by the scene.

Our reaction team hands over the prisoners, the groggy one can't walk.

The sheriffs are told an ambulance is coming, ETA three minutes.

The two are loaded into Franklin County sheriff cars.

The ambulance siren is heard on the ground.

Our team points out the robber's weapons locations, the sheriffs bagged them after taking some photos.

I rode over in an AW139 to land off the road.

I spoke with the sheriffs, explaining my position and that our people had fired their drone mounted weapons at the car to stop it.

One sheriff shaking his head looking at the ruined car... still smoking...

"Ma'am, that seems like an understatement."

I laughed, "It seemed like the right thing to do."

That brought a smile from the deputy sheriff, his head shaking.

The EMT's from the ambulance look over the injured one. He's strapped and cuffed to a gurney, moved to their vehicle. Two deputies went along.

The Franklin County sheriffs are VERY pleased with our help, glad to have the robbers in cuffs.

The Under-Sheriff arrives in another car.

I asked where they wanted the car moved to since the road is obstructed now.

I told him the road is blocked by our people on the north side of Elkhorn Creek and traffic is being routed to the east through Stamping Ground. It is well out of the way for many locals and school will be out in an hour adding to the traffic.

"We can lift it and drop it wherever you want."

The Under-Sheriff says their office is on the other side of Frankfort.

I called to the folks in my AW139 to bring over a lifting harness. They got to work strapping the car.

I got out my iPhone, the Under-Sheriff gave me the address for the Sheriff's office and I mapped it.

"How about here..." I pointed to a rear car park on the aerial view.

The Under-Sheriff says `That's good.'

"We'll put it there... so a lift truck can get at it."

Everybody moves back as the AW139 hovers over the car our people hook up the harness.

The pilot got the location information from me, a thumbs up. She lifts it and gains altitude going west.

I said to the Under-Sheriff the route will be north of the heavily populated areas then turning south to his office

ETA fifteen minutes.

One of our Security had a broom to clean the roadway. He scoops up the miscellaneous debris on the road surface, it is bagged and given to the sheriff deputies. Mostly metal bits from the front end of the Buick.

I called our team north of the bridge telling them the road was open.

The Under-Sheriff asked to see one of the wings; I invited him to the office where the landing pad is located.

Kathryn resumes her patrol shift, Joli landed her wing.

The Undersheriff and a deputy in my AW139 for the short hop to the office.

"We'll fly you to your office afterwards."

They climb out on the landing grid. The Under-Sheriff gets a close look at the wing, going around it several times asking questions.

Inside he receives a tour of the office and sits where Joli had been to see the controls.

Joli gives him a briefing on how it is flown and what its capabilities are. She tells him that she and Kathryn like all our drone operators are fully licensed pilots. He's told our flights are FAA approved.

He watched Kathryn operate her wing... she did a couple of manoeuvres which almost had the Under-Sheriff's head spin. He was smiling and thanked Kathryn.

The Under-Sheriff standing with me by the helicopter, "You folks are flat amazing. The technology and people... Boy are we glad you are out here!"

Big handshake.

The Under-Sheriff and a deputy joined me in an AW139. I told him in case he might wonder... our automatic weapons had federal approval, licencing available any time he should need to see them. He shook his head... he said he was glad to know but doubted they'd ever need to see anything.

The pilot puts the pedal down and is manoeuvring to land in five minutes in a grassy spot northeast of the sheriff's office.

The blasted car is sitting right where I said it would be with a crowd of curious police folks around it. Some State Police officers included.

The Sheriff is there, his chief deputy, the Under-Sheriff introduced me.

"Ma'am, your folks tore this car up."

I said the front end damage was done to impress the men inside their cause was hopeless.

"I'd say they got the message. Thanks to you they couldn't reach the hills and disappear."

The Under-Sheriff said the `wings' were an awesome thing.

The Sheriff looking at the car's front nodding

"Tilly, what was that?"

"A .223 microgun."

".223? That's small!"

"It's the velocity and rate of fire which does things like that... " motioning with her hand.

Heads shaking...

The Sheriff introduced the State Police... they were amazed by what we had done.

The Sheriff, "I was out at the farm before you opened to meet the owners, Miss Martin and Mr. Cho. They were quite a pair."

"They are indeed, much more than you may know. They own the company I work for... the Security Service, which is now almost fifty thousand strong. We are based in Bangkok with a staff of many talented people. We operate on four continents.

The drones which performed so well today are the newest models in our fleet.

They were developed by our top technologist from a design of Miss Martin's."

The policemen did a double–take on that. Me nodding with a smile.

"Our Propeller drones have been guarding Harcourt Farm from the first days. The robbers were unlucky because the wings only recently went into service here. This was their first real action."

We sat in the Sheriff's office to review what happened. He was pleased to hear that complete video and audio of the drones' actions would be made available whenever they needed it.

"We have the whole event. We will use it for our training. Kathryn and Joli are very skilled operators so those men are doubly unlucky to have met our drones."

Head shaking the Sheriff said, "We have a mess to clear but those fellows are likely looking at death sentence... murder in commission of felony armed robbery.

Very unlucky for everyone... we have to bury one of our own, a good man who worked for our department before retiring and becoming a bank guard."

I commiserated, "How long was he on your force?"

"Nineteen years, he was a U.S. Army military policeman before that. Law enforcement was his whole life. He leaves a wife, four kids who all have family of their own including six grandkids."

The Sheriff slammed his hand on the desk top!

A visit to the family of the man killed was being arranged. He knew them all... it would make for a painful visit.

"Sheriff, if there is anything I can do please call on me."

The Sheriff shook my hand, "Tilly, you have done a lot already. Catching those scum was excellent work... your folks should be very proud."

He added, "No one else being hurt was also a very good thing. If they'd been cornered... some of my people could have been injured. Thanks for that too."

I could see that inside cleaning the `mess' was in progress as we walked out.

"Just so you know... a wing drone is on stand-by at the Farm twenty fours a day. We operate in the dark at the same level of capability."

Another handshake, the Sheriff walked Tilly to the AW139... he waved as it rose up and turned east.


Tilly's narration ended...

Cho and I thanked Tilly for the excellent work by her team.

Cho, "Tilly, please pass on to all your folks our thanks for a job well done. Sumate, we need to find suitable rewards for all our brave and skilled people. Please get with Thet to create awards that are both physical like medals, etc... and financial."

Sumate smiling said they had been thinking on it and "We will forward to you a proposal shortly."

I jumped in, "Sumate, if you and Thet are happy with your ideas... please go ahead."

He smiled, "Okay Fay we will. Our first will be the two drone pilots today, they will be rewarded immediately."

Cho and I both said `Good' at the same time. Tilly smiling.

Sumate and Tilly signed out after that.

Cho got that Chani was in bed because of an early rise tomorrow. Charlie joined us.


I told him I was sorry he couldn't see Chani this time. We talked a bit more... then me to sleep.

The last thing I did was to email Soam about the drone extra fuel pods... what was the status.

It was dark at Logan Airport in Boston. We'd landed... I felt the slight bumps of the devices being attached to the underside of the jet. Roll over... more sleep.

The sun just showing in the east... I fired up the DeLonghi and pulled out two scones. Microwave, butter and a cup of coffee! On a settee with Jaidee when he finished his breakfast. Warm brown dog getting a slow rub.

The news... was as usual. I did some looking... Ah! Drones capture bank robbers!

In the Associated Press... a few spare sentences...

`Two flying drones were used to stop fleeing robbers in central Kentucky after a brutal slaying of a bank guard and the wounding of woman customer and a teller. The drones stopped the car, knocked out the driver and forced the other two suspects to surrender.

The privately owned drones were similar in shape to US Air Force winged drones and powered by jet engines.'

Well the AP didn't work too hard on this story. I tried several Kentucky newspapers' webpages... not great, at least they got more information and they were more precise than the AP.

We weren't identified in any of the stories... I needed to ask Tilly if she had said anything to the police... not that we were looking for publicity. Email to her.

Yobi was up! Breakfast was coming!! Gil up first. Delphine came out with Chani! Big hugs and a kiss. The Vogue's appeared. Food!

I asked the Vogue's how they slept... wonderful was the reply. Good! They slept through our landing.

Okay... I gave them a re-cap of the day. I pointed out the window to a Gulfstream. Their ride home.

Black leather slacks... TIGHT! Moulded to every curve! Crop red T-shirt, a short lightweight black jumper, silver jewellery, black spike heel ankle boots, `Joy' and the red Hugo Boss moto jacket, white scarf looped, black gloves.

Chani in black jeans, red Polo shirt under a black open collared jumper, black jean jacket with a brown leather collar. Red scarf and black gloves. Black trainers! Very cute!

Cory got snaps of us holding hands!

Off to the South End shelter. Our driver used the Sumner Tunnel into downtown, the traffic was light. On to Tremont Street, once over the gully of the Massachusetts Turnpike he turned into an alley to come up beside the shelter. He knew the town very well.

PJ stepped out first, Tara and Ken brought up the rear.

Babette was at the door. Jian and Ku really liked this transwoman, together, organised and loaded with common-sense. Well educated! Glorious wavy golden brown hair!

We shook hands, "Welcome to Boston, Your Ladyship. Lady Chani!"

Chani smiling as they did a fist bump which had Babette grinning broadly.

"Yeah Girl!"

A man walking by did a big head twist hearing Babette greet us. Tara moved between him and us. Babette led us inside. A nice lobby, brightly lit, yellows and blues!

I had Chani's hand as we toured the main floor, offices and meeting rooms. The quiet room, library and the computer lab were on the first floor easy to get to up one flight of stairs. The attached café was now serving our guests three meals a day, it was filled with light from two walls of glass doors that could open to sidewalk seating in good weather.

We went up in the lift to look at a few rooms. Good sized, some were doubles for couples. In one double a teen family, new mom and her transman partner, a very cute four month old girl. Chani held the little one's hand saying hello... huge eyes on the baby. They were very happy not to be still on the streets or separated.

On the first floor there was construction, a wall being removed so two spaces could become a game and meeting room. The contractor said he was two weeks from finishing as the wall was just now fully removed.

Babette said things were good, no big problems, just some minor dramas with some emotions expressed as one should expect.

I laughed, "You do much on the stage?"

Babette really laughed, "I did do quite a bit in college, my parents have been actors in local theatre for many years. Jargon talk."

More laughter.

Chani on my lap in the café eating a white chocolate chunk peanut butter cookie. Munch by me too. They were tasty. We got to meet the baker also the chief cook... an apple cheeked young woman who had been on the streets earlier in life.

She had found some help, went to cooking school and had built a career. I said I hoped she stayed with us. Fist bump. Chani too.

Smiles when I asked about her teaching??... she very much wanted to do that. I pointed to Babette who grinned and gave the chef a thumbs up!

Babette came with us for a walkabout in the neighbourhood. Shops, bars, restaurants, get your hair cut, tanning salon, a technology college which Babette was speaking with about some of her guests. A BIG thumbs up from me!

I took Chani in my arms so she didn't tire. It was sunny with light breezes so we weren't cold.

A big performing arts centre five blocks away on Warren Avenue, theatre, music, movies... nice! A musical instrument store... that could be very helpful. I told Babette we'd pay for guests to get instruments if they show commitment.

"Not on `spec' but real interest or if they already have knowledge."

Babette was pleased to encourage that. She'd also find a contact in the theatres so some guests could get involved. Fist bump.

We were heading back... email from Soam. Gil took my iPhone. She read the email to me.

`The drone extra fuel pods are ready for manufacturing. Depending of the flight characteristics they would provide two hours or more flight time.'

I said send back a thank you. And tell him to talk with Tilly about last night's events.

Babette looking like `what?' I told her our Security Service was operating drones in many places to enhance the protection of our properties. A new version was powered by a small jet engine... we wanted to have extra fuel available for some flights.

Her head shaking... I laughed, "I do have some fun with toys every now and then."

She laughed.

We did our goodbyes at the shelter after getting to meet more of the guests. They were preparing for their mid-day meal... I had to decline their nice invitation due to another engagement. My little surprise!

I thanked Babette for her hard work; I added Cho and I were proud of her and her staff. They had gotten the shelter open, worked well with the Boston city government, the guests were being helped... all very good!


Our driver took us to Tremont Street down to Massachusetts Avenue. We went down the hill to the Charles River passing over on the Harvard Bridge to the MIT campus. We stopped in front of the Engineering Building on Massachusetts Avenue.

Gil told the driver she would call for the next leg. He smiled; he would park up the road.

Gil had directions provided by Candace's assistant. She was our undercover agent in this little bit of fun. At the door there was a rather big man named Gus waiting. He was a campus policeman. He was in on this surprise. Inside we went to the lecture hall. Smiling Gus said there were seats in the back.

We slipped in... Candace at the bottom of theatre shaped room, with a headset on, writing on a white board. Her back to us as she spoke to her class.

I leaned forward to ask a young man `What is the procedure to ask a question?'

He replied over his shoulder "Stand and wave your hand."

When Candace turned to the class I did that... I knew I probably wasn't identifiable with the lights and distance.

She saw me and my moving arm... "Yes?"

"This is off topic... Can a security programme's algorithm be compromised by Trojan horse introduced via an email?"

I saw Candace's face start to go to `what the hell' then a smile as I moved to full view with Chani. Candace started to laugh... she held her arms open... Chani in my arms we descended the steps.

"Everyone... this is someone who knows a lot about security from real-world experience... she's not ever taken my class. Please welcome Her Ladyship, the Countess Harcourt `Also Known As' Fay Martin!"

At the bottom I put Chani on her feet she ran to hug Candace. The students were clapping, a few cheers and Awww's as they watched Chani's hug.

I waved to them, thanking them for the welcome then I did the 10th hole at Bel-Air Club thing... a palms down wave. Some laughter.

I hugged Candace.

Smiling, I turned to the class, "It is true I've never taken a class on security... unfortunately my knowledge has been built from practical involvement. On the other hand you all could benefit... this is now a recruiting pitch..."

I turned to Candace... a grin as she held Chani's hand, an arm waved me on.

"The Security Service, which my husband Cho and I own, is always looking for new talent... if you are interested look us up. I will leave some business cards for you to contact us when you graduate. Candace has met many of our people and visited our headquarters in Bangkok. She can tell you some about us."

With five minutes left of class Candace sent them on their way, "We'll pick back up in two days."

I shook some hands. Many very nice comments. Gil had gotten a hug from Candace. PJ and Ken at the top with the Vogue's, Cory's camera at work. Tara with us.

"Now food... Gil has scoped out a place just across the river in Back bay... `The Cornish Pasty' for lunch. Okay?"

"I've tried them... it was good," so Candace was on board.

We went back across the river... the driver let us out in front of the restaurant. I asked him to join us...

"Thank you, Ma'am... I have a lunch and a drink. It is nice of you to offer though."

Okay. We went in. Two booths at the rear were open so...

"Chani, we'll share a pasty and get some side dishes to split... Okay?"

Grinning my daughter clapped her hands, "Yes Mama!"

The Veggie Tikka Masala pasty with Oven Chips and the Broccoli Mornay. Good hearty food!

Chani bouncing in the little seat the owner brought out for her.

She got some apple juice, me a pint of Guinness. I wasn't driving!!

Everybody ordered... Candace said she had news.

"Because MIT management is going ahead with major changes for the computing department... despite faculty opposition, I have chosen to move. I'll be teaching at NYU in the autumn."

Wow! A real move!

"What is happening here?"

"A rich jackass has convinced the powers that be to take a billion dollars of his corrupt, ill-gotten, immense fortune to build a new building for the computer department with a lot of restrictions and changes to suit him. I just can't work in such an unethical and unhealthy regime.

I've had discussions with NYU... they have made me an offer... which I accepted."

She did say that MIT doesn't know since there's been no public announcement. This term is her last work here.

"We have an apartment in our building you can have... it comes open in a few months I think..."

I turned to Gil, "I don't know either but I'll email the management folks now."

She sent one off.

"The computing department is at 251 Mercer Street..."

"We're about six or seven blocks away... an easy walk. We take walks nearby all the time when we are in the city. We've passed that building many times. What about your house here?"

"I'm planning to rent it for now. I have several agencies coming to talk next week... I'll see if I like them and choose."

"The place we have is a three bedroom apartment with lots of space. We're around some upstairs... not real often. Oh the rent... free!"

"Now Fay... I should be paying something!"

"Why? It's not like we need the money..."

We all laughed.

Food... The pasty was neatly cut as I asked. Chani was able to handle the pieces easily!! The sides were very good too. All was good with everybody. The Guinness wasn't too cold!!!! A rarity!

We all ate our food down to the plate! On to dessert! Banoffee Pie! Terrific!

Big thumbs up for Gil finding this place. Our server got a big tip and the owner was well thanked! Both of them amazed to have me as a guest. I did a selfie with them.

Gil let our driver know we'd be on the other side of the road for an easy pick up. Off back over the river to drop Candace. Hugs and kisses on the sidewalk.

Gil would be in touch about the apartment. Fist bump!

At the 767 Mira was ready! The Vogue's things had already been transferred to the Gulfstream. We sent them on their way home. They were happy.

I had Gil call the car service to give big compliments to our driver and she made sure he got a huge tip. Done!

We closed up the aircraft and got a take-off slot. A quick taxi and we roared down the runway. Up and a big climbing turn to starboard. We crossed over Cape Cod going southeast... another turn brought us to a southwest heading. An hour to Martin State Airport. We've been there a few times.

Chani and Delphine doing things. Gil and I working. Gil got an email from the Minetta Street management team... the apartment would be available in sixty days. Gil replied they should send that to Candace plus a floor plan.

Tilly emailed... she hadn't said anything to the Franklin County Sheriff about keeping our name out of what they told the press. Possibly they felt we didn't need any nosy folks at our gate. She would let them know it was Okay to name the Farm if they felt it necessary.

Gil replied with a thank you.

Cho emailed he'd done the gifts for Dolly and Wally. Also more from Wally... Dolly came through in great shape, the baby was nursing and Wally could get some sleep tonight. Their nurse was on the job. I replied with a smiley face and a thumbs up.

Yobi and Lil had dinner ready after we were on the ground. Tonight was Chani's choice... breakfast' for dinner. Scram' eggs, veggie sausages, biscuits with honey and strawberry preserves. Big piles of `scram.'

Chani grinning as she ate, enjoying it all. Dessert was ice cream, salted caramel with nuts. Boy did Chani dig in!!

Afterwards I got espresso and Amaretto. Chani did word and math games with Delphine. She brought me a paper with her name done in beautiful script.

"Delphine says we should try callagraphy next."

I raised my eyebrows..."Cal-LIG-graphy... the a' should be an i.' I think you'd like that. Delphine what about brushes for that?"

"They would be great, ideal but I ordered some pens with special tips that we can start with... a lot less messy. More portable. They're being sent to Upperville."

A big Okay from me.

I went into our cabin to talk with Cho. He was happy, still at Santa Anita.

"Stellar Black set a new record for the San Vicente Stakes! He won by eight lengths. He looked very good, strong from the gate. A wire to wire win. Not challenged. Convincing!

Aneka won the Santa Maria Stakes going away, no horse close, she won by nine. There's no filly to beat her. We'll have another big race in the Breeder's Cup between her, Saisithorn and Toes Tapping like last year's Classic.

Sasithorn is to go off in an hour in the Las Virgenes Stakes. Her training times are awesome. Monaco smiling when he said she was ready. He fully expects her to repeat Aneka's sweep of all the Filly Triple Tiara races."

He and Charlie were having fun doing `guy' things. I didn't ask what that would be.

Cho loved our surprise on Candace. I was applauded in wanting to put her in our Greenwich Village building.

"It's always nice to have smart folks around. We should see what limits NYU might have... If she wants... get her more involved with the Security Service and The Company."

I was definitely up for that... "If she discloses and doesn't do anything that crosses their boundaries it shouldn't be a problem... It's not like we'd ever ask her to do anything unethical."

I did have a bit of back home election news... the tories were howling at the newest poll numbers... they had gone from a twenty point edge to three. I expected that to fall further.

"I don't think the tories will hold enough seats to govern. If Starmer can light a fire under Labour it could quite interesting and not in a good way for the conservatives."

We got to say some `love' things being alone, me in the cabin, Cho in the barn office. He was aware how much I missed him and Charlie. That we needed to be where we were was little comfort.

The morning Jaidee walk had some new arrivals, two AW139's parked nearby. We'd fly into Baltimore then finish the day in Upperville.

Cho emailed overnight... Sasithorn had blown away the field in a wire to wire victory setting a new track and stakes record for the mile at 1:34.11!! She won by twelve lengths. Just an unbelievable run!

She staked a claim for the distaff Triple Tiara!

"Breakfast again? Didn't we just do this?"

Chani giggling with her fork deep in scrambled eggs! I got mine `over easy' for a change of pace!

The Vogue's had flown home to New York yesterday afternoon. Galetea thanked me for the access and all the perks.

"I've a lot of notes... Cory has a thousand pictures. I'll be working on the piece right away. Anna will get parts as I go... I'm sure she will be calling you to discuss the whole package... cover, story and pictures."

A hug and another thank you for "Being... well... honest... up front... you were yourself, it was obvious."

I had her do a fist bump after a hug... laughing as she did.

Cory, not a talker, very nicely thanked me, "Fay, you have been the easiest person to shoot I have ever encountered. You were completely unconscious of my camera."

I smiled, "I was... deliberately so."

"Oh... that's your secret! Well... then I can say I am pleased to be ignored... you gave me the best possible shots. I hope the pictures Anna and the editors choose please you."

Fist bump which got me a big smile.

A black suit today. Like the grey I'd worn at Vogue. Black stockings and red heels! Silver bits. `Joy'

Chani in a pale grey pinafore with a pink turtleneck, white tights and Mary Janes.

We both had black coats, Harcourt Racing scarves and black gloves.

"Mama I like being the same."


We boarded the AW139's, the 767 would go on to Dulles. Jaidee was getting the flight to himself... Yobi and Lil were caring for him. A car was waiting at Rossen's Dulles location to take him and our bags to Upperville.

The last laps in the AW139's. Both took off, Alexi said ten minutes. She was right we fluttered to the cleared car park space in exactly ten minutes. I squeezed her shoulder as we climbed out.

I carried Chani as we walked through the car park up towards Calvert Street. Stairs to the front door. There was a group of five people inside.

I set Chani down. Gaby and Delphine were right behind her. PJ was leading, Tessa at the back. Gil beside me.

The publisher welcomed me. He did the introductions. He was the publisher also the editor-in-chief, several vice-presidents, the head of marketing and the managing editor. He said there was a conference room down the passage...

We walked, at my request, through the newsroom. I stopped to shake hands, like a politician, with many people. Loads of smiling faces. They all knew we were not the sort of `owners' they had suffered through in the past. The Daily News' success story was very well-known.

The publisher wanted me to move to the conference room... to skip meeting the staff. That wasn't going to happen. Frown on his face.

More or less in the middle, PJ smiling as he helped me to stand on a chair. The managing editor was quick on the uptake. He gathered the staffers around...

"Hello..." I got quite a few `hellos' back which made me smile. "Thank you. You have received our letter so I don't want to repeat things... To start with... this building is the Baltimore Sun's home and will remain so." They cheered!

"We will make changes here, physical things like better lighting for one." My hand motioning above my head, "The heating and cooling systems will be upgraded. Renewed paint and other cosmetic work will be done to brighten and refresh the space you work in.

New writing and editing computer systems will come soon. New advanced portable electronics will be given to those where they will do the most good.

There will be a canteen serving hot meals and snacks at affordable prices. A health clinic will be on site, all services there will be free to you all and your families."

Loud thank you's and cheers.

"There will be hiring because we want to expand the coverage throughout the city and region. We like TV, we own a lot of TV but in this city we want your product to be indispensable. If a citizen needs to know something in city news, arts, sports, local events, government affairs... we want them to open the pages of the SUN!"

Cheers. A look around... I could see the publisher being a bit bored but the managing editor looking at the staff's reactions... a smile... he knew what I wanted.

"The Sun has a deserved reputation for local reporting and investigatory journalism... There's also a long history of coverage on national security and military news... we want more of all those. As we said in our letter we expect you to work to your highest levels possible that is our reward for making your work life here better.

So welcome to our media group!"

I started clapping to them... the staff clapped and cheered. I had another look around... at the management staff... it was enough.

The managing editor extended his hand to help me down. I thanked him.

I took Chani into my arms as we headed to the conference room. "Mama you looked good."

A kiss.

In the conference room I put Chani in a chair and turned the Sun's top folks around the table... I fired the publisher. He was shocked... I asked the managing editor to add Editor-in-chief to his title with immediate effect. He nodded.

I made a motion to Tessa... she asked the publisher to leave. He turned to go... My `please do not take anything from your office but your outdoor clothes' was a further shock!

I added "Everything else that is your property will be delivered to your home this afternoon."

To the managing editor, "Please ask a security person to attend his departure so my wishes are followed." He turned immediately and went out.

I motioned to the others "Please sit."

I stood at the end of the table... "That sort of drama is not ordinary for me... so you know there is a lot more behind it than his childish sulky attitude today. We did not buy a pig in poke... you all are sitting here because we want you to work for us."

They were a bit dazed but not showing any signs my decision made them unhappy.

When the managing editor returned I shook his hand, "Jeff, a task I want you work on is to find a managing editor from the current staff... if no one is appropriate we will help you look outside."

My decision was rewarded instantly... "Miss Martin, I have two in mind."

On that note I sat down. "Newspapers are in a difficult environment... there are few ways to succeed ... hard work, give your people the tools they need and quality leadership are keys. The first we want from everybody and we will encourage you all, the second we will provide and third, the most difficult, we will endeavour to find at every level."

Motioning to Jeff, "I've made a start on the last."

Smiles around the table for Jeff.

"For the time being I am the publisher but it can't last I have too many things going on. I am also the Chairperson of the Board of the Tribune Corporation. So you know where I am positioned."

That raised eyebrows.

I smiled, "I am also the CEO of the NewsGroup, the holding company for all our print media around the world. All that means is I have a lot of work..."

I heard Gil make a noise. I smiled to her, "So we have our lines of communication and authority clear... Gil is my primary PA aka my second brain. She has my trust and confidence... if she speaks it is with my voice.

You will have a visit from a fellow named Francis... he is our man with the power to make decisions. He is also the CEO of an auditing firm that will be here several times a year on a schedule and at other unspecified times. Like Gil he speaks with our voice.

There is Ali, she you will see and hear from more than anyone else. Ali's remit is the 21st Century Fox Corporation and all the newspapers here in the United States. Like Gil she is a person I rely on.

Cho and I with Gil, Ali and Francis..." I raised a closed fist... "We are a team."

I showed a more relaxed posture to them, "My husband Cho and I have busy schedules, these three people are essential to managing our diverse business interests.

Cho's in California doing Harcourt Racing business, I am visiting places in the eastern U.S. Yesterday a LGBTQ shelter operated by the Chanthira Foundation, of which I am the Chairperson, in Boston... in a short while we will walk up hill a few blocks to another shelter that has opened recently.

As a side note I would like a reporter and photographer to accompany me."

I looked to Jeff... he nodded.

I leaned forward, "Okay... where do I go for the best crabs in the city?" A big grin accompanied that.

They all laughed... perfect.

"It wasn't just a tension reliever... I do mean it."

The woman who the marketing person, "Miss Martin, we'll gladly direct you."

"Better yet... accompany me... please... all of you." My hands open to them...

All happily said `Yes'!

Smiling I moved us to business. We went over staff needs, new equipment, production issues, a refit of the Port Covington building where the presses were, issues with moving the papers into town and host of other topics.

I held up my iPhone to look at the time... "How about we move this to where the crabs are? Now I have heard of one place... Faidley's."

They looked at each other... Jeff said it is classic place... Okay... but... The caveat was there's no seating. Ah... Chani couldn't stand.

The marketing lady said `Thames Street Oyster House.' Okay! Everybody was good with that. She also knew the owners... she made a call... seating upstairs, several tables together with a bit of space... "Yes, an important person, the new owner of the Sun!"

Whoever was on the other end got it.

We would be set.

A few more things to cover then...

Gil had arranged cars, they were out front. I could see Jeff shaking his head, he said something to Gil who nodded, smiling.

She was next to me, a whisper, "Jeff gave me kudos for the cars." Fist bump.

I liked Thames Street... the roadway was cobblestoned, older well-preserved buildings... not quaint or twee... just old and cared for. The Thames Street Oyster House was one of those buildings.

Monica, the Marketing lady, led us in. The owners greeted her, smiles.

She turned to me, "This is our new owner and publisher, Fay Martin."

I shook hands with them. Considerable shock registered on their faces. I wasn't what they expected!!

I Introduced Chani. Our little charmer smiling saying hello.

Monica saying, "Miss Martin and Chani have not had Chesapeake Bay crabs."

I was assured we'd come to the right place. Good!

Upstairs there was seating area clear enough for my Protectors and several tables beyond moved together. A child's seat ready.

Chani said she needed the potty so... off we went to the other end of this floor. Gaby along. Peeing done, hands washed, giggling! I had peed, Gaby too! That was the cause of the giggling... `We all peed' from Chani.

Looking at the menu... Chani would get crab cakes, easier to eat. I went for steamed crabs. Side dishes... several for us. I asked what local beer went well with the crab... National Bohemian. Okay... I'm in.

Oysters first... I chose them breaded and deep fried to share with Chani. Good hot sauce which Chani got a tiny bit. My daughter... she liked it.

"It is a good hot Mama." She got more.

We talked about Baltimore's issues... blighted neighbourhoods, not enough good jobs, traffic, the perennial drugs problem with the associated crime.

I asked how the citizens saw `The Wire' TV show... these folks were very positive with idiosyncratic objections. Jeff said most Baltimoreans would have their own particular comments.

They inquired about our horses and the Preakness. I told them we'd have two horses in the Triple Crown races again this year. A colt and a filly.

"We have two dozen horses racing at the top of the graded races. Yesterday was a big day at Santa Anita. We won all three races we entered. Our top colt Stellar Black won handily, in six days our filly Toes Tapping opens her season at the Fairgrounds in New Orleans."

Congratulations and best wishes for the racing season!

It was a delicious lunch... bashing crab was great. I gave Chani some pieces. I tasted her crab cake... terrific! All the food was good. The beer interesting... I do prefer a stout or porter.

We did a short walk around the area. Delphine carried Chani so she wouldn't tire there was a bit more walking yet today.

The neighbourhood had an assortment of night-life venues and shops.

Back at the Sun I did see more of the big building. Chani with Delphine in the publisher's office suite.

I told Jeff that what parts of the building that are not used since the presses at Port Covington took the work would be partially for the health clinic and the canteen.

Some of it left over could be renovated and leased to other companies. Anything happening on that wouldn't be part of his role but he would be kept completely in the loop.

"Miss Martin..." "Fay... please." "Fay, as you see there's a good deal of space ... many things could work here."

I asked, "What about newer presses that are smaller for more specialized print jobs? Like mailings or sports promotions? With the folding, stapling, etc... machines... in here? I will have a team do some research on that."

I told him nothing was happening this area for now except the clinic and canteen. Francis would be by to look, "Cho and I will bounce ideas around with him afterwards."

Jeff had a local news reporter and a photographer to come with us to the shelter.

We went up the hill towards the Mount Vernon neighbourhood. On St. Paul Street Yolanda was at the shelter door, big smile.

"Miss Martin wonderful to meet you." Chani was introduced. Yolanda looking at me with big eyes.

"Welcome to you Chani." Our little lady stuck out her fist... bump to giggles and laughs.

We met the staff and a few guests. A tour... twenty four rooms, kitchen and dining room that served as a meeting and recreation room also. A quiet room and a computer room. Offices, laundry, storage, etc...

I looked at it all. Chani and Delphine sat in Yolanda's office for some down time.

They were at full occupancy. Yolanda had to find some emergency places for a few young people to go.

"I don't want to exceed our legal limit... we don't need government people down here bothering us."

"The building next door... do you know anything about it?"

Yolanda said there were offices of a transport company but more than half was unused. I called Francis, he and Ali were in New York doing things. I gave him the address and the company name.

"Please try to buy it so we can expand the shelter."

A thumbs up on the facetime screen!

I turned to Yolanda, "If we can buy it... we'll do a rehab, fix it to suit our needs, more room for guests and recreation and more.

Yolanda had a Masters in Social Work... She was one of the best prepared managers we had.

She was `B-more' born and bred, she was tapping into local services, using her connections. There were educational and job programmes happening.

She also played the piano... into music... she was encouraging guests to use their abilities. I told her she could use monies to buy or rent instruments for those committed to playing or learning. Fist bump!!

Time to go... I carried Chani down the slope to the Sun.

I was told someone was about to finish doing through what was in the fired publisher's office... there were boxes of things that were obviously his... Jeff said he was inclined to send on many of the framed photos from his tenure...

I said if there copies somewhere then send them. I thanked for getting it done. He was to have a company car deliver it all soon. Okay.

Jeff and the other management folks said goodbyes. A lot of smiles!

We loaded up. Alexi said it was less than fifteen minutes to Annapolis.

This was a real quickie visit. The Capitol Gazette was another Tribune newspaper. An important news source for Maryland state government activities.

We landed on a grassy field across the road from the newspaper building. Penn had arranged this spot with the property owner and the local police were notified. The police had a car there. I thanked the officers. I shook their hands, smiles.

Ken and Angie stayed with the AW139's.

We crossed over to the newspaper offices... going in the editor-in-chief/publisher was waiting with his top folks in the entry. I introduced Chani. They loved that my daughter came along with me.

They had the entire staff together. I did a version of my Welcome to our media group' speech. The pep' talk included our plans for investing in the people and operations of the Gazette.

I told them we wanted a larger coverage area as well as stepped up Maryland government reporting. So the investment would be to `catch' them up from past reductions and the new work we wanted.

The staff appeared happy, eager and many warm hellos. The management happy too, smiling faces. I shook hands with everybody, nice comments and some quite emotional and sincere thank you's for buying the newspaper.

Chani and I waved as we walked back to the AW139's. Quite a few of the staff spilled out onto the sidewalk to wave goodbye. All aboard.

I called Petra. I asked for a risk assessment of the Annapolis building... it was a bit isolated. She was to tell me if we need to move it into a more active neighbourhood or upgrade their security. She would be on it right away.

At first we turned west after rising up, Alexi put her foot down. Our two helicopters flying side by side, we left the coastal area quickly, over farm land. First going northwest then on a due west heading, our speed picked up.

We could see the huge thing that the Washington, D.C. area was off to port.

Crossing the Potomac, twenty miles to go. The AW139's settled to the grass softly. Cho, Charlie and Jaidee by the house. I lifted Chani out of her seat... she dashed off. I followed a more sedate pace.

I got to the guys after her hugs had peaked. A kiss and squeeze with Cho... Charlie with his arms out... I scooped him up.

"Mama!" Kiss for him too. Jaidee wasn't left out by me or Chani!

Flo, Mykal and their kids greeted us. Charles and Agatha were in D.C. for the day, back tonight. Gilbert smiling... a fist bump.

Dinner time. Flo laughing about Chani's request... hush puppies.

"Okay sweetie... tomorrow's dinner."

Chani clapping. Charlie in for them too!

I walked out with Tessa in the dawn... Mr. Sugar and Ash saddled for us. A thank you for the groom.

We went west slowly until there was more light... we asked the horses for more... as we started a good trot... Ash leaped forward... I stayed low and leaned into the jump. She'd seen something on the ground. We turned back... a dark lump... from the other side it was a dead raccoon... big too.

Tessa called Daniel's office... He'd send someone to collect it.

We went on west then north to the gate to Wally and Dolly's property. Tessa put in the code, we closed it after us and rode towards the big clump of Live Oaks where their house was.

Wally was surprised and delighted to see me.

"Come in please! Dolly will be happy. Come on up. Little Wally just finished a nursing session."

Upstairs to their bedroom... Dolly propped up with pillows, "Fay! Hello. Come see our little man."

Walter the Fourth was pretty cute for a new-born... asleep, a full tummy.

A gentle hug for Dolly.

Wally asked we wanted coffee... I said we wouldn't bother them, we have to head back for breakfast.

"Do you mind if we all come over in a few hours?"

Wally waved me on with a smile, Dolly said please do.

"Gawd I want to see yours. It's been quite a while they should be ready for college by now."

Much laughter after I said she was only a bit off.

I kissed her cheek, "You look wonderful... "

In their kitchen, the cook smiling as she served Wally his breakfast. I got a hug... I said a few hours. Thumbs up.

We finished our ride, I told the groom it had been an easy one. Okay.

Our breakfast was served. Tessa loved cheese omelettes... me too. Flo could cook'em, her eggs were smashing.

The Twins in a corner of the living room `schooling.' Cho in the office, we sat to talk about our various visits. The Baltimore Sun publisher... "You should have seen his attitude. Just as Ali said. Not a leader at all. Chicago made a huge error appointing him. Jeff is solid!

The fellow in Annapolis is tight with his staff. Pulling together."

Fist bump.

Cho said the Fox TV stations were good. The Augusta one is small! "They impressed me with their attitude."

Corpus Christi is about the same size. Laid back coastal town, the station has a good GM and some hard driving young reporters. They are working to add more territory to their coverage and helping the sales folks increase the ad buys. We'll see.

"The Augusta National is handsome course, beautiful clubhouse... they do have women members and non-whites but so far they stand out as tokens. No one made me an offer of membership which is good... I'd had to refuse."

We talked horses... Stellar Black was awesome.

Cho said he accelerates like his sire. "So we have to decide on what to do with Samir. He has improved but so has Stellar. I think he should follow in Rando's hoof prints... be a money-maker and flag carrier."

I smiled and agreed, "Sasithorn... what a girl. A new queen?"

"Yes. She's going to chase Aneka's records very hard!"

Cho leaned over for a kiss! I slipped onto his lap... more kissing.

Those dark eyes on mine... "Monaco thinks we could have over a hundred wins again this year... maybe as many as one hundred and fifty."

An amazing number!

We talked travel... I wanted to be in England by the first part of March and give the election three weeks of my time.

"The only way to stop brexit is to get rid of the tories... that's my goal. I'm willing to go from one end of the UK to the other to speak wherever... to whomever to push for Labour, any decent tory and Lib-Dem's with strong tory opposition."

A squeeze, "So I'll do horse races and more of the business while you do that. A Labour government will do a world of good for the UK."

Gil and I in the Dining Room... coffee! Ali sent some things to me. She got that I acted on the information she compiled on the Sun publisher. In her email reply she sent smiley's when I told her about the school-boy sulking.

We'd see them when they join us for the New Orleans trip.

I worked through to lunch, veggie burgers and chips! That went over well with the younger set.

We all got in a car to drive the short way to Wally and Dolly. At the door Wally was shocked at the size of Chani and Charlie.

"My you two are looking so grown up."

Handshakes and hugs. Upstairs the Twins gave Dolly pause... "Charlie and Chani... Oh My you are looking so good! It is nice to see you both!"

They took her hands. Smiles! They gave Walter the Fourth a look over in his bassinet.

Chani pronounced him `cute.' She sat on the bed beside Dolly. Charlie commented on the amount of hair baby Wally had. It was thick and curly blond hair. He was a cute baby.

I nudged Wally, "A bit of you and a bit of Dolly in that face."

Wally looking quite proud of his son.

We said we'd let Dolly rest. Kiss and hug for her.

Downstairs I looked at Wally, he looked trimmer.

"Yes, I'm taking Cho's advice... I can't stop time but I can be in the best shape I can be for my children... for my age."

I tilted my head, Wally laughed... "Yes, we are going to try for a daughter. Dolly came through so well she brought it up."

A hug for him.

"Wally is there anything we can do to help," Cho's arm on Wally's shoulder.

"You've already done quite a nice thing with the diaper delivery. Our nurse loves it."

"It worked so well for our pair of poopers we've been sharing wherever we can!"

Wally laughing at my comment, "Fay, to paraphrase... we've only just begun to poop."

Laughing as we walked to the car, Wally waving.

I went out for an afternoon ride on Dusty, Angie on Malcolm. We rode down to a small rise where the U.S. 50 motorway was visible. Back around to the east, a sharp gallop over the flat grass acreage northeast of the house. A walk into the barn area.

I slid down beside Charles and Agatha. Angie took Dusty.

"So you two coming for dinner?"

They were.

"How was the day in D.C.?"

Agatha smiling, "I finally got to see the `inside' of a few museums. This guy would rather wander outside looking at the buildings."

Charles shrugged, "I like architecture... sue me."

Laughing I walked with them to Charles' house.

Dinner was fun. Charles and Agatha had to get over their surprise at the Twins development. Agatha clearly enjoyed talking with Chani. Charles heard about Popa's play at the Augusta National and horse races at Santa Anita.

Flo's dinner was breaded grilled fish, greens, field peas and hush puppies. Chani giggling as the first `puppy' was munched. All very tasty. A pecan pie with vanilla ice cream!! The pie was scrumptious.

Coffee and Amaretto for me and Agatha, the guys did Remy Martin. The babies got hot chocolate with little marshmallows!

Tha and Delphine had the Twins at the kitchen table doing one of their word games in writing. All the answers written in printed letters and cursive.

Charlie liked calligraphy! The pens Delphine ordered were great as a starting point.

My morning ride was great! Tessa and I rode hard around the cross country course to the west edge of the estate then back. We saw Daniel at the barns.

"Fay, that raccoon yesterday... it was shot. Not by any of our people. I told Gilbert's number two. I'm not an expert but I don't think the animal could have gone far with that wound."

"Thanks. I'll see Gilbert."

After breakfast Gil texted Gilbert. We talked in his office, he had a map of the farm.

"Fay, where you found the raccoon was about two hundred yards from the property line. He had to have been shot close to the line... we had no sensor activity in that area. I had the sensors checked, they are all working.

Its wooded with a lot of underbrush there with a small stream... I don't know yet who owns it. It isn't part of Ike's farm.

We will check with Ike to see if it was him just to be sure. If not then we will setup some additional cameras on that perimeter area."

I thanked Gilbert. In answer to my question, `Everything here is good. We had a problem at Dulles with a next door neighbour to Rossen's. They liked parking equipment on the Rossen property well over the line obstructing a roadway Rossen's folks use. They weren't happy about being called on it or being told to not do it again.

We had the airport police impound several vehicles when it occurred again. One of their folks took a couple of pokes at one of our Security staff, he got a broken nose for his trouble and was arrested by the Dulles police who witnessed the incident.

I talked with our fellow and watched the body camera footage. The assault was unprovoked, just a redneck acting out. Dulles management spoke to the neighbouring company about it and apparently got a smart-assed reply. So that company's lease has been voided, they are in process of moving out.

We are watching more carefully in case they want to make trouble before they go.

A petty thing all blown up. The Dulles folks say it wasn't the first offence by any means, they are glad the company is off the airport. I'm bringing it up in case you might want to investigate the property yourselves."

I thanked him again and asked him to forward the information to Francis. Done!

Silly things folks do. I cannot understand why someone would be so stupid when caught doing an improper act... then to double down on it. Well... rednecks and their yob cousins in the UK... aren't known for their smarts.

Anticipating the late hour of the dinner trip the Twins had been put down for a nap.

We were doing dinner en famile at Le Champignon d'Or. The first time for the Twins. Gil had two child seats sent there so we were ready.

Black... everybody wearing black. I chose a soft wool frock, moulded to my body to the knees with a slit in the hem at the back, long sleeves and a round collar. Gold jewellery, black stockings and red heels. `Baccarat Les Larmes Sacrees de Thebes' dabbed on by Cho!

He was in one of his sculptured suits, deep black, pale grey shirt, a blood red tie!!

Charlie like his Popa even to the red tie.

Chani in a black frock, narrow lace at the hem. Black tights and red ballet shoes.

All our people in black with a bit of red... we laughed!

The car ride was over an hour... good for word games!

At the door PJ and Rande were out, Rafe and Ken blocked the sidewalk so we could go in. A couple ahead of us.

Gerald's eyes twinkling seeing us. The pair ahead of us turned to look at the movement behind them. Charlie said `Hi.' The woman smiled, she did a little wave then followed her husband.

"Miss Martin... Oh MY bad!! Your Ladyship... Welcome!" a hug!

"Sir Cho! So good to see you."

He bent way over to fist bump with Charlie. Chani got her hand kissed! Giggling from her!

Her second hand kiss!!

Gil got a hug too. Tha and Delphine were introduced. Gerald and Delphine recognized each other's accents!

We walked through... heads turning, comments made by diners to each other. Chani's hand in mine. Antonio at the table... a big hug and Chani got her hand kissed again. Number three!

Gerald and Antonio amazed by the Twins growth.

How to arrange us? Tha and Delphine slid to the back then Charlie and Chani on either side in the seats. Cho next to Chani, me next to Charlie. We laughed at ourselves.

The seats Gil got were great! Big enough for the future with removable padding all around the inside for the changing size of the Twins. Charlie holding the arms wiggling his butt... "Nice!" Laughter!

Taittinger's for the big folks, sweet fizzy ginger ale for the Twins. We toasted many things!

Antonio served the caviar and bits. Another first for Charlie... caviar. Chani had her first in Paris at Le Fouquet. It had gone over well. Charlie liked it! Charlie said he liked the pop they made in his mouth. Mild green onion or boiled egg added on... the Twins loved sharing with us all!

Gerald beside me. He and Antonio were very well. Business was always busy. They were coming to Thailand in late March, on to Phuket.

Their yearly down time for the restaurant... "This year only touch up painting and a good clean... no big changes to the restaurant décor."

I told them we may not be there with the election campaign in the United Kingdom. They were welcome to stay in Bangkok and Phuket. They were sorry if it happened. Glad the offer was good for them.

Cho said anytime, "Just give us a holler!" We all laughed.

Their wedding at Upperville was a work in progress. Not very complicated was what they said. Gerald said, "Flo told us all she needed was a menu and a day." He loved that!

We had a great dinner. Chani and Charlie enjoyed their fish very much. Everything was way past marvellous as usual. Afters were enliven by the Twins first taste of the white chocolate tear.

We already knew they liked white chocolate... this was different. Their faces... sublime pleasure. We let them have a second piece... After everyone had a bit there a little piece left... I halved it for the Twins. Grins!!

At the end of the evening I smiled as Gil gave Antonio the envelope for the staff in the kitchen. They hugged.

Outside our cars waiting... the Twins in their `seats' were drowsy now. We had to carry them in at home. Tha and Delphine got their bed clothes and everything ready. We paired off to get them in bed. Blu and Raggedy cuddled. Asleep right away.

In the dark with warm brown arms around me, a soft kiss on my neck.

"Cho, the babies are so good with people and in restaurants..."

A squeeze, "Yes, they act very well. Other than Charlie's rare bits they are calm but so curious. They are not afraid... it is good and bad."

"If we have our people around to protect them their curious nature will be Okay."

A big squeeze. Sleep.

Tara and I had made another morning ride detour to Wally and Dolly. Wally the Fourth sleeping after nursing. Everybody was good! Wally senior was getting enough sleep!

Ash was whinnying loudly as we slowed near the barns... a terrific gallop on our return. Mr. Sugar seemed to be prancing. Happy horses. Excellent rides.

I visited the other horses. Tall Timber in his paddock made nickers when stroked, he also loved him some Mentos. The groom was prepared! I got to see them all. Several mares in foal to Tall Timber including Samir's dam, Lola.

Samir had already raised Tall Timber's name with his victories... more exposure is good.

I worked with Gil. The Twins `schooling' and Cho doing some deal on the phone in the office.

Francis called, he had the information from Jeff in Baltimore.

"Fay, I'll do a visit. It does appear from the drawings to be more than enough space for both the canteen and clinic plus your possible extras.

I have done some interviews for the `research team' and hired one so far. Based on your information I put her on looking at smaller presses to do what you suggested. She has the drawings and dimensions. We'll see.

Jeff asked Monica to get someone in marketing to do some research in the Baltimore metro area on specialty print work."

A bit more then he landed a bombshell... Ali is likely pregnant. "She has a doctor's appointment for tomorrow morning. The little plastic wand says she is."

I piled on the congratulations and passed him to Cho who was thrilled for them. Everyone here talked with Francis. Later Ali called me.

"Fay I had been lying down, a bit of nausea, nothing further. I'll call tomorrow once I know for sure."

"Have you called Daria?"

"No I was waiting. Francis and I will go up town to do it in person."

"A great idea. Give her my love at the same time."

"Will do. I guess we need to sit and discuss the details. We can do that in New Orleans or?"

"Definitely. You are in good health so some things can planned about travel, etc..."

Sitting with Gil. She was so happy for them. "I suppose I should be considering if I'll have children. Ali is only two years older than me."

"Speaking of love and the future... EX?"

A big smile, "We're good. We talk all the time, email, text... you know the modern connections. She'll be in Phuket... with a laptop she doesn't have to be tied to a particular desk."

"You know how Cho and I think of you... we'll be happy if you want her to travel some... we don't mind."

Big smile.

"Call her. Ask her! Then get her prepared."

Gil grinned at me.

I was flat on my back... my son lying on me... those beautiful dark eyes... he was giggling, making us both jiggle. He had landed after a Cho-Air Express flight all around the main floor of the house. His sister laughing out loud could be heard from the direction of the dining room.

It was getting louder she must be in-bound... woof... Cho and Chani landed beside us with a thump and bump. They were both laughing.

"Popa it is fun!" Chani speaking for them both... me looking at my son's head nod.

We'd done some word-math games then the flights took-off.

We had to go up to get ready for tonight's dinner. Gil came in, "The helicopter is heading our way. I have the clothing bags and the others by the door."

Okay. Tha and Delphine had the babies.

I went up to change into travel duds. I chose black skinny jeans, crop top and cut-off jumper, the Hugo Boss dark red moto jacket, black scarf, an black Apple baseball cap with Harcourt Racing on the side and gloves.

Cho in black slacks, black turtleneck and a grey tweed jacket. Lovely!

We boarded with PJ and Rande, Gil and all our clothes for the overnight. A turn to the east, twenty minutes had us flared for landing on the South Lawn of the White House. Several aides and Secret Service people met us. We walked in through the Diplomatic Reception Room to the lift. Up to the Second Floor and the Queen's Bedroom.

The room hadn't changed... I wonder how much really changed in this building?

A White House aide came to the door... PJ knocked... A Vogue photographer and editor we here. Okay.

Gil went out to talk to them... she suggested they look around for a suitable background to use. We'd be out in a short while.

Gil helped me with the blue Mirabelle gown, lots of décolletage created by the bodice then it flowed from the waist out down to the floor. Soft blues of different hues in panels from the waist. Silver heels with a strap. Pale stockings. `Baccarat Les Larmes Sacrees de Thebes' for the second night running.

The Christmas gift... the fancy vivid pink diamonds. Gil handed me each piece. I decided against the bracelet... too hard to get the gloves on. The solitaire necklace perfectly placed at the top of my décolletage.

Pale blue opera gloves and a chiffon wrap of the same shade.

I looked good... Gil said `Phooey... you look spectacular!!'

Cho in white tie... nothing better... ever!!! Oh my... he was wearing his sash and star!!!! His GBE!! His pink sash of the Order of the British Empire under his jacket showing on his chest and below the jacket on the left. The GBE star on his left chest!

As if he couldn't look any finer in White Tie!!!

We had a good laugh trying to hug without doing each other damage!

The Vogue editor's hand went to her mouth when we came out... huge eyes! She smiled and got it together... Several White House staff moved a table to the side and a sofa too. We stood with our backs to the beautiful double arched fan window... the yellow curtains closed part way to stop glare from the glass.

My hand resting on Cho's arm... we faced the camera. The photographer took a dozen or so shots. The editor said Anna would be thrilled with the pictures. We saw them on a laptop the camera was plugged into. They looked good. We were thanked.

I had Gil get some forwarded on to her email... Gil said we wouldn't share the snaps.

We were just finished in the East Sitting Hall when an aide came for us. Down the lift. We came into the Cross Hall... lots of uniforms and suits. There were many stares.

We were handed off in the entry to a fellow who walked us down the long hall to the East Room doorway, another man was waiting there, he turned in the doorway...

I put my hand on Cho's arm...

Very LOUD... "Her Ladyship... the Countess Harcourt of Oxford... and... Sir Cho!!!"

We could see the heads turn our way! The hum of talk died!! Cho squeezed my hand against his side...

Hillary and Bill smiling, hands out, cheeks kissed. We were introduced to the President of France, Emmanuel Macron. I shook his hand and kissed some cheeks. His wife Brigitte Trogneux Macron, handshake and cheeks kissed.

Tim Kaine and Anne Holton. It was nice to see them again.

The French ambassador and his wife and a few others.

We moved into the room...

Brigitte Macron came close, her gown was white, she was looking svelte, a very nice smile.

"Countess, your look is spectacular."

I thanked her, I extended my hand, we held hands, "Fay, please."


I said I liked the narrow to wide look of her dress, the small train was great.

She asked about my gown. I replied that "Cela a été fait par Mirabelle à ma demande. C'était à l'origine un design d'Edith Head pour Grace Kelly dans le film « To Catch a Thief ». Et j'ai adoré la forme et les nuances de bleu... et j'ai beaucoup aimé le film."

(it was done by Mirabelle at my request. It was originally an Edith Head design for Grace Kelly in the movie `To Catch a Thief.' And I loved the shape and the shades blues... and I liked the movie a lot.)

She smiled, "J'avais entendu dire que votre Français était parfaite... ça me fait croire que tu es né à Paris."

(I had heard your French was perfect... it makes me believe you were born in Paris.)

We laughed, "Non, en fait, je suis né ici même dans cette ville..." Her eyebrows raised.

("No, actually I was born right here in this city...")

"Mes parents travaillaient à l'Ambassade Britannique, j'ai vécu pendant plusieurs années ici, souvent en Angleterre, puis nous sommes finalement revenus."

("My parents were working in the British Embassy, I lived for several years here off and on, frequently to England then we moved back finally.")

We were offered white wine... Okay. Hillary joined us.

"Fay, you are one the belles of the ball once more. Now Brigitte also."

We three laughed.

"And Cho... he's someone out of the past... from a storybook... from the turn of the last century... the perfect way he wears white tie." Hillary smiling, "The sash and star doesn't do him any harm either!"

Brigitte asked about those... "They are the symbols of the Order of the British Empire, the Grand Cross. Her Majesty `knighted' Cho the same time I was 'promoted.'

The `promoted' got laughs.

We were looking towards Cho speaking to President Macon and Bill.

"He's my dreamboat!"

Brigitte knew that phrase... we laughed. I said to Brigitte her husband looked quite handsome in his white tie.

Brigitte said, "Yes... very nice..." a big dreamy smile.

I did raised eyebrows which made her laugh.

Brigitte, "I have heard something about Mirabelle and you recently. Very interesting. A new store?"

"I am a partner in the business, we recently opened the new shop on the Champs-Elysees a few blocks east of the Arc de Triomphe. I went for the opening."

I twirled slowly, "This isn't for sale there..." Laughter.

Hillary, "Fay, those diamonds really catch the light..."

"This is a Christmas gift from Cho. They are vivid fancy pink... officially."

We laughed at the banal name for such beauty.

Brigitte's husband captured her... smiles... to meet some people. Hillary said to me, "Mingle... a million people want to talk to you. Me included, I'll wait until tomorrow morning."

We kissed cheeks again.

Cho had re-joined me as a Chinese man approached, he was in a dark suit, maybe they don't go for white tie in China.

He said hello, he was Ti, the Peoples Republic ambassador. He was pleased to meet us. His face said something else!

A few generalities then a pointed question...

"You do not any business in my country... I wondered why not with your world-wide interests. There is no reason for you not to invest in China we are the coming nation. You like making money... we will let you do that... no troubles. Asians should all work together exchanging information and skills without rancour forgetting what has happened and what we know about each other."

Cho and I turned to see each other's face... incredulity.

Cho had a look... not one Ti was going to like, "Sir, to be diplomatic... we do not find the business climate in China to be to our liking. We are the sort of capitalists who are somewhat out of style... we do nothing underhand or unethical and demand from all our people to be the same.

We do not like thieving or hurting or murdering innocent people... if my reference is not known to you although it should be... please ask a former comrade in your security apparatus... they can refresh you on the details."

Cho had my arm and we turned away.

Tim Kaine was nearby, he looked at Cho's face.

"Is there a problem?"

I squeezed Cho's arm, "No. The Chinese ambassador was gauche. Cho put him in his place."

An `Ah!' from Tim. "He's not doing well here. It is an unfortunate choice of person for a fraught relationship."

Tim leaned close, "We have considered asking him to be withdrawn... I will renew my talk on that with Hillary."

Cho said he didn't think a former head of the Chinese secret police should be welcome anywhere.

"I understand about ambassadors and all that comes with such..." Cho wave his free hand back towards the Chinese, "... this one has very dirty hands."

Tim nodded, "I will speak again to Hillary."

Our Thai ambassador, Atid and his wife, Boonsri came up. Cho knew them, I was introduced. He wondered about our exchange with the Chinese diplomat. Cho told them what was said...

Atid said the Chinese was an unpleasant fellow who wasn't trusted by any of the Diplomatic Corps in Washington.

"He gets nothing done to help China because no speaks to him. A waste."

Cho said he was a dangerous person, he has a reputation of enjoying hurting people. Abusing his power.

We did get some wine and moved a bit. Interesting contrast of the men in white and black... the ladies colourful like a room of floating butterflies.

Some other guests came up to say hello, we soon had a crowd, we shook hands and spoke to them.

The United Kingdom ambassador and his wife came up. Hands shaken. He asked if we had a contretemps with the Chinese.

"Yes... as we told Tim Kaine, the ambassador was gauche, Cho told him off politely."

The ambassador's head shaking, "The man is an abomination. He's for the most part ignored. Despite the size of his country he has no `pull' in this presidency."

Cho said he's dangerous and nasty.

The ambassador nodded, "A nasty piece of work... definitely."

The procession to the dinner in the State Dining Room was beginning... the Chinese fellow was kept well away from us during the walk... it was unobtrusively done. Cheers to whichever aide got that job.

We were at the head table again! As last time the meal was very formal, carefully staged. I had Bill as my side partner once more. I like him, droll and nice. We had a few quiet laughs.

He leaned close, "Pardon my frank speaking... That Chinese fellow is an asshole... plain and simple."

Fist bump for that!! I laughed saying `he's actually worse than that!' Bill's eyes widened!

Many toasts were called... Cho and I sipped lightly.

The food was excellent as at our previous dinner. When it was cleared everyone moved back to the East Room. Music this time was French from a string quartet.

The Chinese left directly after the dinner... good riddance. Hillary said we would speak about him tomorrow.

Cho and I didn't stay long either. Upstairs Gil helped me out of the dress. In the big bed I asked Cho to rub my sides after wearing the snug gown... that developed into something very passionate.

An hour later exhausted we lay wrapped tight under the bedclothes.

I thanked Cho for the rub of my sides and insides. We laughed!

He was grinning in the low light, a very cute cupid look, "It's not every day a guy gets laid in the White House!"

Such laughter! Good thing no one was nearby. Our impeccable symbiosis working.

Falling asleep with Cho's body on my back... perfect!

PJ was walking with me in the cold morning, knit hat and scarf and gloves! We did the roadway around the South Lawn several times. Then we ran up the back stairs to the third floor... a worker smiling at us going by her.

The Solarium was being laid out for breakfast. I got coffee and stood by the windows. PJ went to his room to change. I went down to get into my travel clothes from yesterday. Then back upstairs.

The food was ready, Hillary smiling... as she walked in. The day was brightening making the room even nicer.

"Your clothes are wonderfully casual... I wish I could get away with jeans."

We sat at the table, Cho and Bill arrived. No golf this time.

One topic of conversation was the Chinese fellow. Hillary was PO'd he say anything. Cho was going to say he might have gone too far...

"No, Cho. The man is an ass. Tim and I talked ... he's in favour of requesting he be replaced. We will do it quietly. There might be a minor diplomatic kerfuffle of short duration.

They'd be unlikely to request we change our ambassador because he's Chinese-American, he speaks the language, knows the culture deeply and is very popular. Wherever he goes he attracts a crowd.

Pretty much the opposite of their's."

Cho's play at Augusta... Bill said he'd loved to have been there.

Cho smiling, "I think Tom is in great form... a 63 is incredible. He's the odds on favourite to repeat at the Master's."

The elections in the Thailand south... Hillary's smile, "You two did something terrific there. The people came out to vote, it was cleanly done, no trouble... certainly validated your thesis that they were hungry for the warfare to end."

I squeezed Cho's hand, "We are so happy for the people of the south. The insurgent leaders are good men, they kept their folks in control and transitioned to the political side with some success.

Their lead fellow at Narathiwat, Chakan, his party is now the largest in the regional assembly. They are working towards a coalition... I think he wants to bring in the Buddhist based party giving them a stake in the success of the whole project.

The Army followed through on its part completely. It certainly was helped by having a strong and steady fellow like A-Wut in command in the south.

The Prime Minister stood tall with the support of the King on the `no pre-conditions' pledge."

"On other after effects of the agreement... I've no news from Oslo except you are on the nominations short list in a big way," Hillary with a smile.

I shrugged, Cho laughed, "Did you hear... I'm the designated speaker."

Bill laughed, "You could split it?"

Laughing I said `You call that peace-making?' Laughter.

Hillary and I went to the West Wing. I had two meetings then chat time with Hillary. We spoke for a minute in her study. Tim Kaine with me entering the Roosevelt Room. Becky, the Asia person from the State Department, was there with a surprise... the Secretary of State, her boss. I shook hands with him.

The Thai ambassador, Atid, who I met last night. Bill and Cho came in!

"Hillary thought we should be in on the first part of this," after a kiss from my guy.

We talked about southern Thailand, now and the future. Cho informed them that he and I would visit the south. He wanted to see the properties we owned, he hadn't been there for ten years.

Cho said he needed to personally re-connect with the workers and evaluate in person the state of our assets.

We did also intend to visit Yala, Pattani and other cities. The regional assembly leaders had unofficially asked us to attend the assembly and speak. Cho wasn't sure the time was right for that. We didn't need to push in on them... we wanted to see how well they'd do without any outside noses put in.

The Secretary of State smiled at that, "You two will know best... We are encouraged seeing the progress that has been made and that a process is ongoing."

Hillary joined us... "I have decided to do something which may disturb our friendship..."

I'm thinking what now... some public thing...

Hillary smiling... Oh it must be bad... "I have chosen to honour you both with the Presidential Medal of Freedom with distinction."

I looked at Cho who shrugged.

"Okay... if we stop doing everything can you not do this?"

Hillary patted my shoulder, "Too late now... you've gone and done too much already."

"Damn... Cho I told you we had to more like Simon Legree!"

That set everyone including Cho laughing.

"So even Cho pissing off the Chinese ambassador doesn't get us off?"

Hillary shaking her head, "No! That comes in under the good deed category."

Rubbing my face, "With distinction... what does that mean?"

"It means not only does your `you know what' not stink but you are extra special.

The southern Thailand problem solved, health clinics, LGBTQ shelters, paying your employees education debts, advancing education for all in many ways, supporting horse racing world-wide and promoting equine health care, providing work for tens of thousands, and being ambassadors around the world for ethical and forward-thinking business leadership.

I'm sure I've left something out..."

I threw up my hands, a finger pointing to Cho, "I blame you!"

Much more laughter. I did get a pretty good kiss out of it.

Hillary asked if we could come by later in the spring for a Rose Garden ceremony?

"There will others receiving the medal and other awards of merit... so you won't be alone."

Hillary with a grin, "It will be a weekday so we get you on the evening news."

I covered my eyes with one hand, an arm over my head to block off my ears. The laughing was heard clearly anyway.

Cho said we'd make it... and he asked for as much advance notice as possible with a reminder we would be in Louisville the first week of May then Baltimore followed by New York for racing.

Cho and Bill went back up in the residence, Hillary to work across the hall. The remainder of us... we talked about the Irish-Canadian teams. They were supervising the dumping of arms now soon we'd want to go to destruction.

The dumping had worked well, no attempts to steal from them to this point. The `dead-enders' had been rounded up by Dad's Security Police. All secure.

Negotiations at Narathiwat were ongoing about destruction, at this time... no issues. Mostly it was down to timing, locations and positive proof of demolition. They would get it planned... no doubt.

Both sides felt good They had been professional and thorough in all their work.

The insurgent side had seen the government follow through on every promise from the beginning. Their response had been equally assuring. Trust had been established.

With Ambassador Atid present I decided not to say anything about our nascent attempt to move the Thai Army out of the government and politics.

Other topics covered then I was guided around to the National Security Advisor's office. Theodore there! We shook hands and kissed cheeks. The National Security Advisor was new to me, she seemed very nice. We sat to discuss some of the NSA's dealings with our companies and Yevgeny.

The Advisor had been briefed by Theodore and Alf, his boss at NSA Counter-Intelligence, so no `catching-up' was needed.

Theodore got started, "Fay, what we hear from Moscow is our mules,' for want of a better term, have both had an impact. Several members of the FSB proposed killing Yevgeny... our mules brought the deep background on him being a double.' It has quieted the talk, one mule reporting that an individual proposing retribution was won over completely by the documents, the other leaning their way.

The Russians weakness is their KGB heritage... you don't question certain things... accept and move on. Very limiting!

At this point they are waiting to see what Yevgeny might be able to do. Your documents did say he may have to be silent for several years as he is tested' by the FBI and other security forces. Then the plan was for him to work' with the U.S. Government agencies as a cover for finding information on their counter intelligence methods and operations."

The Advisor added, "We have begun a long-term action inside Russia to disrupt and confuse their intelligence services of all types, foreign and domestic. I cannot go into operational details except to say we are using some of the tools your companies provided. It is extensive and designed to undermine them from the inside.

They will over time become so involved in dealing with our `things' that they will see as an immediate threat to their very existence that Yevgeny will be a very small concern."

The Advisor leaned back, "After your experience with the Chinese ambassador last night Hillary asked for stepped up surveillance of him and his close advisors as of this morning. The FBI are coordinating with the Federal Marshals Service.

A good deal will be clandestine but we will let them know in a subtle manner we are watching more.

There are some deep secrets being used."

I thanked them for the information and assistance for Yevgeny.

"Yevgeny and Mara are being protected by our Security Service using the best methods and technology we have. The street where they are living also has a residence of ours so the level of protection is quite dense.

Our people are on full alert always whether we are there or not."

I did add that no further serious identified attempts have been made on our computer systems. I also said that a large number of IP addresses have been blocked, whole swathes from the Russian internet. Also Belorussian.

I didn't tell them we had several people in Bangkok working on a group of IP's that tried to penetrate our servers there. They had been caught in a very thick honeypot trap.

The research so far said they were Chinese and North Koreans trying us on by hiding behind spoofed addresses which we had exposed and several anonymous VPN's. Two of the VPN's based in Hong Kong were owned by a company we bought more than a year ago via a Swiss holding corporation.

It made tracking them easier and completely opaque. Kora was keeping Cho and I informed. Who knows... Maybe a new toy for the NSA at the end of it all.

Since nothing was definite yet... I held back.

I walked with an escort back to Hillary's study. Coffee was welcome. We talked about the Defence Bill I had helped to scupper.

Hillary was laughing, "You found your feet in the Lords pretty quick. I read some bits about a few of your comments in the House. Tory backsides spanked!"

We did laugh.

"I'm not speaking often... picking my times. So... what is happening with the Trident idea of you folks taking over the expenses?"

Hillary said her people had done a lot of research on the money and the politics. Their conclusion on the costs... it was doable and if it helped raise the effective level of the regular UK armed forces it should be done. Actual amounts needed to be negotiated but `do it' from that side. Her staff suggested a fifty percent buy-in to begin then go on.

"The politics was less capable of such quantification, mostly positive. Our NATO partners will be fine since operationally there will be no changes. The staff concluded the Russians would whine about it."

Hillary sipped coffee, "Fay, if we make it plain to the Russians and out in the open we didn't intend to increase the size of the base in Scotland then as a public relations ploy we win. Of course the base is large enough to support more subs than the UK currently has..."

We grinned at each other. Fist bump. Hillary's aides laughing.

"The Scotland base would be better for our attack subs. Shorter trips to their patrolling grounds in the Barents Sea waters. If we choose that option then we'd have another political win by allowing the UK to say it was moving towards being without nuclear weapons.

It's all on hold for now until the election is over.

It's obvious we'd rather talk to Starmer then May."

I nodded my agreement.

She grinned, "I understand you had a part in the replacement of the Labour leader... true?"

I grinned back, "Their Commons members had the discussion and Corbyn agreed to go. They voted for Starmer. I'm not in the Commons or the Labour Party."

I looked at Hillary... She was looking a question back at me... I laughed, "Wwwweeeellll... I did have a conversation with two Labour MP's... I told them the Defence Bill was a make or break thing and if they had dynamic leadership... `They' you know... they could... maybe win an election."

Hillary was laughing at me, "You've really jumped in!"

I said the funding for the regular armed forces had become scandalously low... it was an issue on a back burner that I raised the heat on... then the tory leadership completely bungled the issue and voilà we have an election.

"It isn't going to be easy or much fun but I plan to campaign for Labour candidates, select tories who are anti-brexit, any Lib-Dem in a fight with a brexit tory where Labour is in the third position. The Labour people are building a list of important ridings of theirs for me to visit.

I have a goal... shove the tories out and turn things around with Labour. No rose coloured spectacles either. I know Labour has many faults but Starmer has real possibilities."

Hillary nodding, "We think so too. We are stone-walling the current government on everything. They're not getting a `Most Favoured Nation' deal as part of the brexit departure scheme and it hurts the tories... it's a pocketbook issue. And a public one at that!"

We wrapped it up. Hillary was glad that we came to the dinner.

"I liked hearing your names announced.'

"Well... titles not names..."

"True but it gave a pause to the whole room. Did you notice the room shut down for a few seconds."

I know you don't lack public exposure... in that crowd you stood out for having done some things well beyond the normal.

I think you are special... everybody should think so! The Presidential Medal thing will be public this afternoon."

My head shaking.

Fist bumps and hugs.

Cho and I walked to the white AW139 on the lawn, our folks all were smiling. Inside taking off I asked about those grins.

Gil's grin even larger, "We are often told by the White House staffers how lucky were are to be working for you. Not that they are unhappy with Hillary but more like you two have greater star power."

Cho and I holding hands... we looked at each other... we burst out laughing. The whole aircraft was laughing.

The Twins very happy to see us. Big hugs and kisses. Cho did Cho-Air Express flights as a reward for being good while we were gone. Giggly babies on the living room rug with us. Jaidee didn't get to `fly' but was rubbed a lot by the fire by Chani and Charlie.

Flo feeding us before we flew to New Orleans. A surprises... spoonbread!! Corn on the cob a new thing for the Twins... their's were small and cooked more to soften them. Baked trout and grilled asparagus! A good meal.

The spoonbread very delicious. It was the Twins first time! They loved it. Flo did a terrific job... It tasted wonderful! Flo was showered with our thanks!

Packed up we motored to Dulles, the Rossen folks had the 767 ready. Stephanie said it was two hours in flight. The twins stayed up with us snuggled on a settee doing games. When we landed they went to bed.

In the morning I took Jaidee out with Ro and Rafe. Something new around the 767... a setup I had asked for was in place! A series of small pylons with devices like the `stake' units. A new defence system put aboard at Rossen's straight from Bangkok.

They encircled the big jet.

Each had sensors and cameras connected to the security cabin in the big jet. The on-board systems were connected to Bangkok.

There was also an audio component to speak and listen. Anyone approaching too close the perimeter would set off a sensor, they could be warned they were too close and being watched.

It was for airports like this... Lakefront, where we might have to park on an unprotected piece of tarmac. They were easy to setup, the pylons folded, simple on and off switch. They synced to the 767 network automatically. PJ said they came online just as they were supposed to and a test showed excellent video and audio quality. The sensors alerted the on-duty Security staff who set things in motion.

Breakfast starting... The Twins got scram eggs, Cho and me... sunny side up. School time after eating for the Twins, Gil and I working, Cho on his laptop and phone. Francis and Ali would be here by noon.

I got a lot done, the last of the House of Lords `official litter' was read and some into the shred bag. Cho sat beside me.

News... a land assessment in Oxfordshire had Harcourt House valued at fifty million £'s. Five times what we paid and including what we spent on improvements.

"What? Are being assessed on that figure?"

"No! It is not for taxes but a probable sale price."

"So this is someone's mental masturbation scheme?"

Laughing Cho said he didn't know... who cares? It isn't like we were going to sell.

I gave him some of my technology news... the first extra fuel tanks for the `wings' were being manufactured. So longer loitering time and/or longer high speed flight.

Also the drone defence units on our roof tops around the world were being upgraded... just the software right now to get even more functionality from the existing hardware. The cameras full capabilities could be used for 24x zooming! They also would be more responsive to rotation, smaller increments and faster.

Ali, Francis and EX came up the stairs. Hugs and kisses. It was good to see EX's smiling face, pink hair and a huge hug and kiss for Gil.

It was official Ali was pregnant! She was due the beginning of November! Daria was thrilled!

Ali smiling, "Daria almost jumped for joy!"

I asked if they got `video' of that? No. Huh?

New life in our close circle. They hadn't decided anything for sure but staying in New York near the end was where they were leaning. Their apartment on Minetta Street had a spare room for a nursery.

We'd have the talk about Ali's working and flying as her pregnancy advanced.

Francis sat down with me... "Fay we are close to closing the purchase of the building beside the Baltimore shelter. The company that owns it is having money troubles so our buying them out will give them some free cash plus your idea of a sweetener did the trick. The twenty thousand dollars means they could find a new location and move with that money.

We should have it done by this afternoon."

Fist bump!

"Call the company we used to convert the existing shelter... they did good work. Put them on it and ask if they could expedite it."

Francis said he do it now and reached for his phone. A kiss on his cheek.

I emailed Yolanda... she was right back with an email filled with stars and hearts. I guess she was happy. I let her know Francis would be on to her about the renovations. A very large thumbs up back to me.

Okay time for horse racing! We had two big races today. It wasn't warm but not cold. So long sleeves.

Chani and I did the navy blue with white polka-dot frocks we wore to Ascot! The white cardigans, navy tights and shoes for us both. Mine heels... hers... ballet shoes from Ralph Lauren! Cho and Charlie in navy suits with Harcourt Racing ties. Ali came out in navy, so did Francis.

Tha, Delphine and Gil. EX didn't know about this so she was in black. Ooooohhhh! We laughed hugging her. Gil took her to her cabin... in a few minutes EX re-appeared in a navy pant suit of Gil's. It fit quite well... except in the bosom! EX had a bit more there!


We made a small caravan to the Fairgrounds. Two cars going through the Trafalgar Street gate into the barn area. Monaco and Frederica outside the barn. We hadn't met Frederica before, she lead the Security Service team protecting Toes Tapping and any other horses with her.

Monaco smiling, "They are both ready to run!"

Nathaniel smiling as he came out at Monaco's comment.

"Oh Yes! Samir is ready!" Nathaniel's grin was huge!

Chani and I visited Toes Tapping first, the guys to Samir. We decided fewer folks at a time on these visits. Toes Tapping nickering as we petted her. Chani's small hand on her nose as she leaned down to our little lady.

Samir bobbed his head when I said he was to blow their doors off. Chani giggling when he licked her hand.

We gave Monaco and Nathaniel good luck hugs. Back in the cars we drove around to the main entrance. We were guided up to the Parterre Suite again. Yobi with us... a surprise... Her mom and dad waiting in the suite! Hugs and kisses.

Some snaps of the three of them together. Yobi looked very good in the slender black slacks and white cotton long sleeved shirt of our Cho-Fay Air uniform. Her wings on the left side. Silver name badge on the right. Short hair, styled well... looking good. Her parents seemed to be impressed with how happy and bubbly she was.

Yobi's old boss came to the suite, a hug. She could see Yobi was doing well. Too bad she wouldn't be back working at the Fairgrounds but well-wishes. The young woman serving in the suite didn't know Yobi so it was easy.

EX had never seen a horse race. Gil was coaching her.

Drinks and nibbles. Several races before our first. I was sitting on a sofa with Yobi's mom.

"Miss Martin, it looks like you are good as your word. Yobi is blooming, happy."

"We keep her busy! She flies a lot because we do move quite a few of our folks around. Now with the vacation locations there are more cabin staff and planes buzzing about."

I told her about the properties we bought and the planes. She was amazed.

"We put pressure on our people to be the best in the world... we think there should be an outlet for them."

"Seems like you treat them pretty well... like employers should?"

I smiled, "I don't know of any other business doing what we are doing."

Ah! Monaco arrived! Race time must be close. An introduction for Yobi's parents.

The Rachael Alexandra Stakes, a G2 race for fillies. Eight and a half furlongs on dirt. Toes Tapping was going along with the others in the post parade. Moving calmly, Marnie up on her back.

They loaded off to the left. No issues, all in place... fine. The pause... CLANG!! They're off!

Toes Tapping came out strong from her number three slot, straight down the centre of the track.

She was moving powerfully, leaving the others. At the turn she had three lengths, Marnie moved her to the rail. Monaco said the first path had been fast all day.

Around the turn racing easily... lead change then back as Toes Tapping went down the back straight. The gap was now six...

Cho leaned close pointing to a name on the printed programme, "The brown behind her was the horse she outlasted at Aqueduct last year."

Fist bump. We could easily see the difference a year had made in Toes Tapping... now she was roaring along in total command!

Her lead now eight as the second turn came up. Marnie holding her in check, a strong steady gallop into the turn. In my glasses I watched her lead changes... smooth. Back on her right lead Marnie asked her for some more...

Toes Tapping under Monaco's training had MORE! She picked up her pace rushing down the home stretch all alone, twelve lengths clear!

Chani clapping in my lap, "Mama she is so good!"

I gave Chani a squeeze, "Yes! Toes is very good!"

Our girl powered over the finish, a thirteen length victory. A new record for the stakes and the track... 1:40.2 replacing the 1:42.09 that `Take Charge Lady' put up in 2002 which had been the track record for eight and half furlongs by a filly.

The crowd was going wild, cheering and clapping.

Taking over two seconds off the record... Toes Tapping saying very loudly she was ready!

On the way down to the Winner's Circle Cho said Chani and I should go in. We walked out of the tunnel into the bright sun. The crowd cheering, we all waved. Chani in my arms giggling as her hand moved back and forth. I put her down beside me.

Monaco led Toes Tapping in, big smile on his face! Marnie's face split by a gigantic grin! Fist bump! Gus her groom with us, a huge smile!

Chani and I accepted the trophy. The Stakes people smiling, congratulating us. Chani charming them. We both held it for the cameras. Marnie held it up with Monaco. A group snap with all of us. Gus still grinning.

Upstairs, drinks and more nibbles, one race then our next.

We could chat... I started to give EX some bits of information about our horses... a call from Gilbert.

"Fay, our raccoon mystery is solved. Jason, a teenage boy hunting in the same area came on the property... He was shocked to find himself scooped up by our people. We had a talk... he lives down a side road from our side of Highway 50 with his mom. He goes to school and hunts to put extra meat on the table.

He really wanted that raccoon, it was a big one. It got away from him. He came back to see if there any more from that family. We can't give the animal to him because it's already buried.

I gave him twenty dollars and a ride to a store to buy some meat... then home. He seems like a decent kid, a bit lonesome... not many friends apparently. He and his mom are it.

I asked if he wanted work? I got a `yes' but he had school... I put him together with Daniel who said he'd find out what the boy can do. It will allow him to earn some coin."

I let him know we were pleased with the outcome.

"Fay, he was a bit shook to find himself surrounded by armed people. I told him who owned the farm... it was a shock to his system. Since we didn't torture or kill him... we are Okay."

Laughter! When we ended I got Cho to tell him. A smile, "We must beware... someday one of those folks who like pain might be disappointed in us."

I held him close as we laughed.

Francis on his phone, he waved to me... "Excellent!"

"Fay... Cho... the purchase of the Baltimore building beside the shelter is done! I'm going to call the local builder now to get him started. I'll email Stella after that to tell her."

Fist bumps!

Samir was up. Nathaniel joined us in the suite. I got him in a chair next to Chani and I.

The Risen Star Stakes a G2 race of eight and half furlongs. Both of these Fairground stakes were named for awesome racers, the great Rachael Alexandra and Risen Star, the son of Secretariat, who won two races in the Triple Crown in 1988. Risen Star was still in the top five for speed at the Belmont and fourth widest victory margin behind his sire, Secretariat then Glaa and Count Fleet. Risen Star had been a local New Orleans boy.

Mike is the jockey. Samir was in the number one slot.

Quick and easy loading... CLANG!!

Samir exploded from his position to go rapidly down the track. There was a black horse close on his right shoulder, they raced ahead creating a gap back to the rest of the field. They came to the turn together.

Samir on the rail changed his right lead to left spinning around the turn at speed. Half way through he'd opened two lengths on the black. He burst onto the back straight Mike keeping him close. He was running easily, good strides. He ate up the straight... heading into the second turn there was a six length space back to the black. A grey closing on that one.

Samir deep in the turn... Mike asked him. As he comes into the lane his speed was obviously increasing. Racing down the stretch he added to his lead. The grey was in second place now as the black faded.

Samir running freely now as Mike let him open it up, he crossed the finish line fourteen lengths ahead. 1:39.80!! A new record time for the stakes. Risen Star himself had held the record with a 1:40:00... so a new name top of the record book.

Just that fast... another new track record... this time for eight and a half furlongs by a colt.

We had fun cheering him on and celebrating his victory! Chani giggling she bounced with me, Popa got in a kiss for her and me.

I saw EX jumping up and down with Gil. Shining faces.

Down again to get the prize. This time Chani and I watched the guys. Cho and Charlie looking cute holding the trophy together. Nathaniel and Mike, Marti was brought in. Samir's team!

The Fairgrounds folks were glad we came back. They said our runners were exciting to watch.

We got carts to go to the barn. Yobi's mom and dad were to join us at the 767 to see it. We stopped to say goodbye to Toes Tapping and Samir and our people.

At the 767 Yobi had given her parents the tour. They loved seeing Yobi's work space.

They got to meet Jaidee. Yobi's dad had lost his dog of twelve years last autumn... he enjoyed giving Jaidee a rub.

Lil had drinks and snacks ready. We got to chat about things in general and our flying around the globe. They knew Yobi and Lil were `our' cabin staff.

We took off... Bangkok! EX hadn't been out of America ever. I asked her actual name, what was on her passport... Rochelle. She was aka Chelle' like from Paige Braddock's Jane's World' because of her looks. The pink hair notwithstanding.

"So does EX suit you or are you just used to it?"

"I guess I should try for a new way of going... not being an ex."

I extended my hand... Gil watching me, "Hello Chelle, welcome aboard."

A huge smile as she shook my hand. A hug from Gil for `Chelle.'

Chani came bouncing over to stick out her fist, "Hi Chelle... I'm Chani. Welcome to the `C's!'

We all laughed as Chelle had a shocked face. She did thank Chani and bumped!

Some were working, some playing. We had dinner and sat around with afters. Talk about what was coming up and our return to Harcourt House for the election campaign.

Chelle got a security briefing with PJ and Rande.

I went to the cabin to read in bed... Chani at the door with a book. I fluffed pillows as she climbed up. Giggling, Chani leaned back and opened her book. Butterflies! Such colours!

I had two technical papers on data encryption for cellular communications. No pretty colour pictures.

Chani was a good bed buddy, quiet, enjoying her own book. The gorgeous pictures were a mild distraction.

Delphine at the door... Chani gave me a hug and kiss. Cho came in as Chani was leaving, kiss.

"So you two are doing this frequently?"

I told Cho about our recent bed buddy' events. He laughed about her description of Finding Nemo' and his dad's perseverance impressed her.

He moved over me... weight! Kissing! We did that for a while then sleep.

The airplane was filled with morning light... I got coffee and an apple. Munching reading the news. The Presidential Medal of Freedom thing had been in the headlines yesterday... little notice of it now... good!

Overnight email from Felix. He is an estate agent in northern France, Normandy. He had provided some excellent help in our buying the cottages by the English Channel. I'd put him to work on another project. A new location we could use as a horse farm and equestrian centre somewhere in Normandy near Deauville.

His email described a property which sounded close to perfect.

Le Moulin de Deauville estate a few miles southwest from Deauville. It could easily support horse racing and Equestrian training. At nearly 2,200 hectares there was enough space for our uses and growth.

There is a 1.6 kilometre turf track, two each of jumping and dressage arenas, a neglected cross country course, which according to an equestrian friend of Felix's, needed a lot of work. Plenty of pastures, paddocks, barns, etc... housing for staff, a dorm for guest riders with private rooms, shared baths.

The main house core was from the sixteenth Century, circular stone stairs in a tower to first and second floors, a round turret room as part of the master suite. High ceilings throughout.

It received a major update about twenty years ago, ten bedrooms which would share five bathrooms, it also included a nursery and master suite, both were ensuite.

There is a formal dining room, a breakfast room, the drawing room is large. Game room, library, study, several `powder rooms' on the ground floor, formal and walking gardens, a tennis court, a putting green, a two acre pond and rowboats, large flagged terraces on each side of the house to get morning sun outside the breakfast room and afternoon sun for the drawing and dining rooms terraces.

The attached kitchen was modernized three years ago with connected storerooms, staff quarters above the kitchen and storerooms and in the attic. Those all looked quite neat, all bright sunny rooms with big windows.

There was a staff in place for the house, outside there were gardeners and the stables had grooms, walkers and exercise riders plus a maintenance team.

Nine horses living on the estate would leave when the sale was completed.

I checked my iPhone time... late... late in the evening in France... I'll give it a try. I called Felix. He picked up. "Felix, Fay Martin here... please close the sale of the Deauville estate. I will have Francis contact you with the payment details. We will pay in full and your fees. The money will be in hand as soon as Francis has the information."

Felix was pleased... a good fee and he made me happy. Funny... the second seemed very important.

"Your Ladyship, I am delighted. I thought the property as they say `checked a lot of your boxes' that you sent me."

"It does. The pictures are excellent! We'll be back in England in a few weeks, we will come over to see it."

I thanked him again for his excellent work. We rang off... I WAS pleased! It was close to Deauville for our racing needs; Sunny and others could use the equestrian side. It was large enough and well equipped so we could host equestrian events there away from Harcourt House.

The Deauville airport could easily accommodate our Cho-Fay Air 767 horse transports.

A nice breakfast surprise for Cho. He knew I'd put it in motion...

Lil was the early one today. Breakfast coming up!

"Mama" "Mama" Was there an echo in here...?? The Twins came out in a rush... I knelt beside the settee to gather them up. Big squeeze! Tha and Delphine following. Cho came in a moment after... Chani and Charlie spread their arms wide for Popa!!

Breakfast was a happy meal! Francis said the Baltimore building deal was done and the company to do the fixing was to be there for a look today. Also the money for the Deauville property was transferred so it was done too.

We chatted about the new farm, our arriving in Bangkok, for the Twins their friends coming soon when the Phuket trip brought moms and dads to Bangkok. Tona and Suki were coming up from Singapore to stay with grandma and granddad Keren as Somsak's time there ended. Their household goods were packed for travel.

Somsak got the position he wanted... he will be the Deputy Chief of Mission at the Thai Embassy in Washington, D.C. A promotion and a coveted role! He was now the number two person representing Thailand in America. The whole family was happy for him and very proud.

Cho looked at the snaps of the Deauville estate, bright eyes, "This is beautiful. The house and grounds are handsome. The stables look terrific, stone stables... A putting green!!!"

A few kisses as my reward. A promise of more later.

Stephanie on the controls said we had forty minutes to wheels down. We put things away and got our bags ready to go.

Kavat and Penn on the tarmac. Hugs! Penn walked with me, they were planning to marry in Nuneham Courtenay. She asked about our Garden... I happily said whenever she wanted it would be available. Big hug!

"Get your mum and dad to go over to talk with Carter." Fist bump!

We piled out on the dock landing grid. Chani and Charlie off running to the Terrace where our staff were waiting. Loud hellos in Thai and hugs. A hug for Amporn by me, her smile! Niran with a big smile and handshake.

A lovely warm day so... swimming before lunch! Everybody was IN! Gil taking Chelle's hand... leading our newbie to her apartment. Francis and Ali going the same way to theirs.

Jian was at the Foundation office... I was talking to her as I pulled on a bikini. She giggled when I said come home for a swim... "Fay, I cannot we have meeting with a supplier in forty minutes. I will come home as soon as I can."

I splashed in holding Cho's hand! The Twins on the edge laughing... Chani in her Polo Pony two piece swimsuit, Charlie in a Speedo like his Popa... they jumped to our open arms. Loads of fun with the babies.

Gil and Chelle... well... Chelle had a nice shape in a bikini! Francis did some diving, Ali did one but her top almost came off... so no more. That was why I wasn't diving.

A loud lunch on the Terrace, sun and Amporn's delicious food!! A great time!

I kept an eye on Chelle... she was loosening up! Hanging out with us in a bikini then some play with Gil, Cho, Francis, Ali, Delphine and Jaidee with a football. The ball was orange? Where do these things come from?

I watched, with the Twins behind me doing games with Tha. I went in to visit with Amporn. I leaned on a work surface as she did things. We talked in a mixture of Thai and English. Her English was getting very good. Writing... well not nearly as good as reading.

Intira and Achara came in. We chatted food and entertaining... then all about the crowd of babies when we went to Phuket. Nat would be here soon, he was part-time.

Several dinner parties, etc... to come. When I said Amporn's always prepared... her sun-burst smile.

An early cocktail time, Cho and I at the front door to welcome A-Wut and another general, Khemkhaeng. He was on the Army's command staff.

We shook hands and led them to the Terrace. Nat was there with snacks from Amporn. Cho acted as bartender. Good drinks, comfy chairs. I could see A-Wut smiling. Khemkhaeng said to call him `Khem.' He knew from A-Wut our ideas about changes for the army's role in politics.

Khem said he was behind the effort, "We have a good deal of re-building to do in our forces. The troops that served in the south have to be re-trained and in some cases trained as if they never have been... properly on the basics.

Keep them busy learning especially something worthwhile... we can raise morale and effectiveness. That should be our focus."

A-Wut nodding. "I know the Prince wants to re-focus our attention to the north. Stop the smuggling of anything but the drugs most of all. For too long China's gangsters have used our neighbours Laos, Myanmar, Vietnam and ourselves as crossing points for their drugs.

The government in Beijing does not care and in some ways encourages the drug trade to the south. The drugs leave their territory to do evil elsewhere."

My question to both men, "How do we convince the rest of the generals that democracy while imperfect is an engine of progress? All the important social programs that benefit the people, great scientific advances, awesome cultural works of the past hundred plus years, a dynamic business climate all have been created by countries with democratically elected governments not authoritarian powers.

Democracy releases forces that can get out of control on occasion but the voices of the people right the ship so it can continue. When people have a vote that matters... they become invested."

Then I pointed out the success of the election campaign in the south... it had been open and fair, democratic!

Khem looked at A-Wut, "We have you and Cho as leaders who are shining lights. You are moral, generous and intelligent... in the public eye you command attention. Everyone knows you two created the possibility of peace in the south..." I opened my mouth... "... Yes I know others made it happen including my old friend..." His hand out to A-Wut, "... it needed a start which you gave it. You had the ability to do that plus the ability to get the government to remove conditions and take the risk.

Your personal `diplomacy'... for lack of a better term, did that."

I smiled and thanked Khem.

Cho leaned forward, "The Prince has spoken to his brother... he relates his brother's want of enthusiasm for endlessly meeting with the military over domestic policy issues. He has said that the repression is not the way to the future but it has become a tool too often used.

You know the Prince wants a modernized, effective military doing things within its purview.

So... we have to use the power of our reasoning and personalities to win them over one man at a time."

Khem and A-Wut agreed. I introduced both men to fist bumps. That brought smiles.

I made Khem a new scotch... at the bar he said, "My daughter admires you! It is not hero worship... not like a pop star either... more like she sees you as a real role model not fluff... I suppose that came out wrong?"

I laughed, "No I see what you mean... I am glad not to be fluff though."

We both laughed.

"You and Cho are people others can look to... see that you have values that go beyond the normal."

We re-joined Cho and A-Wut.

Cho grinning, "We have something else going for us... We have an appointment in a few days at the Amarin Winichai Mahaisun Audience Hall with the King. We are both to receive The Most Noble Order of the Crown of Thailand! The Knight Grand Cordon class."

A-Wut clapped his hands, Khem laughed. "I knew there had to be something for you after the southern events. See that further rises you up into the public eye. Only high ranking military men have received that award at that level. A pinnacle."

I added the Nobel Peace Prize nominations have closed and we were on the short list.

"If that came our way it would yet another step up in influence to use on your colleagues."

Our guests were smiling broadly.

Even with his smile A-Wut said it will be quite a lengthy effort because many have become accustomed to the reins of power. They distrust democracy having seen the streets filled with demonstrations, vast crowds of the disaffected... I can see their point but I also saw that the people were struggling to find a voice for their discontent.

I saw the same in the southern insurgents who felt they had been robbed of their voice... fighting was their solution until... " his hands aimed to us, "... you gave them a way forward to find their voice again.

Now we have much different type of group... they fear the mass of the people."

He opened his arms towards Cho and I, "We do have some significant tools on our side."

I asked about Somchair the head of the Army. I had met him at the Prime Minister's meeting before Narathiwat. I said he seemed sympathetic to the effort and had asked why we were involved.

Khem leaned forward, "Somchair is no fool but he does have very conservative values. He does not know much about the lives of the average citizens after thirty years in uniform."

"We need to find a way to educate him gently," I gave them a big smile.

We all laughed but Khem said it could be a way to soften his feelings.

"I will work on finding a method."

We finished our drinks and walked the two generals to their cars. Hands shaken, a kiss for A-Wut's cheek. A smile and a bow.

Nat and Intira were setting the table for dinner on the Terrace. The bits of our meeting had been cleared away.

The Twins came roaring out with Jaidee. They'd been `captive' in the Playroom. They ran across the grass with the brown dog happy to be in the sunny Garden. Tha let them burn off some energy... then rounded them up for dinner.

Jian came home to a huge welcome! Hugs and kisses from everybody.

Red curry soup, grilled red chile prawns, rice with a toasted coconut vegetable stir fry, marinated baked tofu. Lovely!! Everybody showed a healthy appetite!

I had a morning swim with Jian, breakfast on the Terrace. We talked foundation business. The addition of clinics in the far eastern and southern areas in particular. She had visits to both places planned to look again at locations. If she was pleased we'd buy and build.

She had a meeting with the Boxes people about building their units for overseas sites... possibly in America. Or building them themselves in America?

Cho went with Rak, Dad and Thoi to play golf at the Thai Country Club. They lifted off from the dock as Anong, Kanda, Phailin and I with the Twins and Rak2 waved.

We did introductions for Delphine and Chelle. We all swam, munched on goodies from Amporn, laid out in the sun and talked. I did some email and calls. Gil and I in the office for a bit.

In the early afternoon Tona and Suki arrived! Hugs and kisses!! Tona showing her baby boy bump now! She was doing well.

"Those UGGs are wonderful! My feet are warm all the time."

Giggling she hugged me tight. They brought swim clothes so into the pool!

The men returned in time for drinks before dinner... naturally. They all played well, enjoyable day of golf. Cho said right up front, to some laughs, he shot a 63.

"So you are okay... right?"

I squeezed him, a kiss. We looked into each other's eyes... laughing!

We had a great Amporn dinner! Lovely food, friends and family, our littles ones really delighted in all the food and having cousin Suki and their friend Rak2 around.

My morning at the pool was interrupted by... a serenade by Francis, Ali, Gil and Chelle at the pool with the `Happy Birthday' song. Gil who arranged it got pushed into the water... yelling out 'I'm sorry' as she metaphorically walked the plank. To mild embarrassment her bikini top came off. Back on after a brief display of her boobies. They got a cheer from everybody!

I helped her out... big hug!

Breakfast with Cho and the babies. I got Happy Birthday's without singing. Chani in my lap... a big hug. I was now thirty one years old. Cho with a cute smile said `you don't look a day older than thirty' which got him my tongue stuck out in his direction much to enjoyment of the Twins.

Cho did give one gift for me even though I'd told all and sundry no gifts. A pair of earrings... Lapus Lazuli. Very pretty in a setting like the other gifts of that stone from Cho. These had a small piece right on the wire for my pierced ears and another larger piece one dangling. Lovely.

"The stone of friendship and for us... love," Cho kissed me. A brilliant gift! Taking me back to our first night!

An email from Andrea... It was a snap of an old Virginia Slims 'You've come a long way baby' cigarette ad with the cigarettes airbrushed out. With additional text `Imagine where you might end up... I can't... there doesn't seem to be any limit!'

Cute! I said thanks for the sentiment back to her. She'd see it at her breakfast later.

Cho laughing, "It appears everybody thinks you are a rocketship heading up. Me too!"

A kiss!

Email from Felix, the estate near Deauville was ours! The current owners would be gone in less than thirty days. Their horses with them... he asked about the staff, outside and in.

I replied he should tell the staff we wanted them to stay if they desired to do so. Inside folks could do all their usual tasks, the outside folks the same except for the stable staff. The stable folks we wanted to fly to Chalgrove to go to Harcourt House to work, get used to our `likes and dislikes' until we had horses for Deauville.

I let him know Thomas, our head of the Security Service for Europe, would visit in two days with Piet our head of France. They would speak with the entire staff letting them what we would do in the way of changes and introduce the person who was to be the manager for the farm.

Adding a reminder of my visiting in a few weeks.

I emailed to Cormac about `riding horses' from EFT to go to France. How many, which ones, etc...

We took the Twins in to the Playroom for some `train' time. Charlie with his engineer's hat running a goods train! Chani also in a hat was moving cars and trucks on the town streets. I added some trees to the mountain side. Cho and Chani improved the farm at the south end farm which was Cho's pet project. They put in place some farm livestock...

I handed over some black and white Holstein cows, some sheep and a sheepdog! I added two horses, Belgians! We had fun for a while... I had to change for lunch.

A yellow silk frock, short sleeves, a V-neck, a matching belt, it flowed from the waist in soft folds to mid-thigh. Royal blue stockings and shoes. The Lapus Lazuli jewellery with the new earrings and the gold torque. A small yellow bag and blue round reflective sunglasses.

PJ in a blue suit with a white shirt and yellow tie. A big smile. Fist bump.

Tu had the car out front. Over to Dad's office. I was saluted at the door. Siri right inside. Her hand showing the two fingers squeezed tight together. Something new... an engagement ring! Congratulations. A hug for her! They hadn't set a date but she and Lek were happy!

Dad and Phailin were ready, a kiss for each. Atat holding my hand. I said it was terrific to see him looking so good. He and his family were indeed very good!

Across the road to the restaurant. The owner smiling and bowing. The same table under the big banyan tree. Their food was so delicious, older style recipes beautifully presented. I enjoyed it all, shrimp, noodles, vegetables. Wonderful food in a lovely traditional Thai setting.

A cake again. They had gotten some inside information! Green and yellow icing with marzipan numbers... a three and a zero with a plus sign! Very discreet! A small horse and a castle tower!

I got a `doggie bag' for the leftover cake. The Twins will love me!

I thanked restaurant owners for being so nice. Big smiles!

Back across the road... no security issues now since the south was so different. PJ and Atat doing fist bumps at the HQ entryway.

Phailin and Dad were going to be at the ceremony this afternoon. A kiss each.

Tu took us back to the house to change and gather up Cho. He sat next to me in a black suit, white shirt and pale yellow tie. He and the Twins had a great lunch.

A slender pale beige silk skirt that hung straight to my ankles. A very light cotton jumper in ivory, three quarter sleeves, oval collar, down to my hips, over an ivory silk T-shirt. Pale stockings and a darker shade of beige in my heels. A small leather bag in the darker beige colour. Lips were just gloss, medium beige nails. Linen gloves the same colour as the shoes. Gold jewellery. `Joy'

Cho smiling, "Very appropriate for the palace."

A hug.

We drove to the north end of the Palace complex then around to the west. PJ and Rande with us.

We stepped out by a western gate; several members of the King's staff were there with a small escort of soldiers from the 1st Infantry Battalion, 31st Infantry Regiment of the King's Guard.

We walked about one hundred and fifty meters to the entrance of the Phra Maha Monthien Palace with the soldiers making way for us through the visitors to the Palace grounds then through to the Amarin Winichai Mahaisun Audience Hall.

The King was standing in front of the Phuttan Kanchanasinghat throne. The Royal family members nearby, government officials and guests close. Dad and Phailin to the King's right. A discreet wave from Phailin.

We were placed opposite the throne down the hall between the columns. PJ and Rande behind us.

Some people were going forward to receive awards from the King. The King's staff handing him the awards.

The Household staff member beside us whispered what we were to do when called. He helped us put on pins on our left chest side. Several more people went forward... then our names.

Cho and I walked forward... curtsey and a bow... the King's face had a smile.

Our award was announced throughout the hall to some noises from the crowd. A rising murmur that sounded strongly affirmative. Our award hadn't been announced in advance.

We each had a sash put over our right shoulder... the bow on our left hip, a small star hung there from the bow. The large star hooked to the pins we had put on.

The King thanked us for what we had done to create peace in the south and for our positive representation of Thailand throughout the world.

Another curtsey and bow... we moved right to the west side where a courtier waited. He took us to a small chamber where we were each given a leather case... he said it was for all the devices and had our smaller medals and pins of the Order inside.

Smiling he said it was wonderful the King recognized what we had done in so fine a fashion. We shook hands.

We were escorted to an exit on the west side of the hall.

Outside the household staffers and the soldiers walked us back to our car. At the gate we thanked them for helping us. The staffers bowed, the soldiers saluted.

Riding home Cho grinning, "Well... I guess this is the year for being loaded up with trinkets!"

A kiss from me. I stroked the ribbon... soft, a nice blue, the stars were ornate, beautiful!

An unusual birthday gift to say the least!

I Laughed, "I guess I should have thanked the King for remembering... "

Cho didn't think I should expect anything next year. Laughter.

We got a big welcome home, everybody gave us a cheer. The Twins clapping. Our new attire was admired.

In changing I folded the sashes carefully with the bow on top, it all fit in the cases they gave us. I asked Cho if we were to wear the pins... I wasn't sure how to be correct in their use.

"I don't think we need bother unless it is some sort of special thing... Oh you mean the lapel size?" I nodded. "I suppose you could wear that on any business attire... like on a coat lapel." He shrugged.

Good! Nothing definite. Trying to find it to wear would be a pain.

Cho leaned close for a kiss, "Or when we want to show off!"

Laughing, "Yes... we want to do that so much!"

I wondered if I would ever use the `KCGT' post-nominal... Cho already had the GBE. Now more letters!

"You use it when appropriate especially in letters to any government officials, offices, etc... In dealing with a bureaucrat use all your tools."

More laughter!

Gil got a text from Penn... the first Cho-Fay Air flights bringing guests were arriving. From Los Angeles after Phoenix, Lori, Shira and Letti with Tom and Roxanne. Ken, Pam and Abbey in less than thirty minutes. A big mob from Chalgrove, Reg, Rona and MFA, Eric, Malee and Anne with Doc Donella plus Andrea, Ting, Catherine and Caroline an hour away.

The New York aircraft had Ku and Eve, Jayne and Montana.

The local ladies were ready!

One problem... Tai and Megan in Louisville, Tai had gotten sick, it seems a stomach flu while visiting Megan's family. She was vomiting and had diarrhoea. She was past the worst... it had wiped her out.

They'd stay in Louisville for a couple more days then go back to New York. She got lots of `get well' from us. They'd be missed.

Penn had arranged an aircraft going the opposite way for them.

Cormac replied to my query... he had four horses ready now, several more in a few months. He would prepare them for flying whenever we needed. Okay!

I got on to Adam and Sir Harry to add horses to the Normand farm.

It was a cookout birthday dinner. Achara and Intira doing the kebabs with the secret sauce. Amporn had all the rest done.

Cho, the Twins and I at the drive welcoming folks. Our Crew ladies and their men, Thoi and Kanda, Dad and Phailin with Tona and Suki.

We partied for hours. A travel day tomorrow... no one got too tight.' Fun to have so many people here we loved. Thankfully the whole birthday' thing wasn't belaboured.

There was an extended goodbye period in the morning. Hugs and kisses spread around freely. All the babies were on the Terraces with their Popa's waving.

We'd see the men in two days for lunch at the beach house. Those not playing golf were going fishing on a chartered boat out on the Andaman Sea.

The helicopters came in one at a time. We were lifted to the flight line at Don Mueang. A 737 was waiting. All aboard.

The cars at Phuket Airport waiting... very shortly we drove through the gates. Down the drive to the end.

I did my striptease like the other years... off and running to the water. A wave to Pha at the house door. Through the tree line to the shore... Splash into the warm clear water. I swam out about thirty yards then turned back to see the others in the shallows or just getting in the water.

I sluiced the water off my face, hooking my wet hair behind my ears.

In a big circle, we held hands. I wished everyone a good time, gave them the `bare' ground rules and my perennial warning about Jian's cockette. This year Jian did say that it was reserved to make a baby with Catherine... she raised that lady's hand in hers. Okay. A cheer!

I did add I had a lot of work I needed to get through so if they saw me with papers or my electronics assume I'm occupied.

I moved around the circle of friends, co-workers and Security ladies touching vaginas... kissing cheeks. Wishing them enjoyment!

I turned to dive in to swim out again. I swam out to the end of the cove and back.

By then there were some pairings on the sand.

I went to see Pha. She had meals planned, her fisherman was ready to provide a big tuna for our joint lunch. Hug.

I brought some work to the dining table, coffee! Gil came in with Chelle. They joined me doing work.

I could see in the kitchen Pha was holding a work surface... her face a bit squished up... someone was behind her doing their business! On the upper deck a lounge had two women sixty-nining... Tessa and Montana. I made a head motion to Gil, she laughed.

"Fay, you called it." Fist bump.

Chelle looking at us. I reminded her of Montana's jealous thing at the Big `V' and later when I invited Jayne and Montana I mentioned Tessa's bits were nice...

"Oh... Looks like there's no animosity."

"Not a speck!"


I saw Jayne and Lori going down the passage to a bedroom... Lori waved behind her back!

Several of our Security ladies were on duty plus two local Phuket members of our force. Both local girls had beautiful bodies.

Rona came to the edge of the dining room with a wistful look... I said I'd be back. I walked over to Rona, took her hand, we went into my bedroom... flopping on the bed after a deep kiss. I buried my face in her sex... delicious... there was reciprocity on mine!

I let a damp finger slip around to a tight little spot which brought a gasp from the owner. Rona did the same for me. I leaned in to get my tongue back there... yes a cute butt. We lay there enjoying each other's bodies eventually after orgasms face to face kissing with passion.

"Fay, this is so good. It's delightful to be with you." A grin, "I've never eaten a Countess' pussy before."

We laughed!! Kiss!

"We can do this in England too you know."

Rona nodded, "I have almost brought it up but this seems so much the right place."

I agreed. "This house and beach are in my mind as sexual' sensuous` I feel free to play here."

We kissed some... very nice then more sex. We shared sucking nipples, bellies and vaginas again... I moved upwards to lower my wet sex down onto hers... we rubbed and rubbed... we rubbed our way to exciting and debilitating orgasms.

Afterwards we lay in each other's arms enjoying the `afterglow' of terrific sex.

Another of my passions... FOOD... got me up. I towed Rona with me. A buffet of fresh veggies with dips, a cool soup of several fruits, cheese, cut fruit and warm roti. Sweet things too.

Gil had carefully moved my work bits to a sideboard. We joined others around the table. I was hungry. Montana was beside me... I nudged her with a word... `Tessa?'

There was a happy look on her face, "You were right... her bits are awesome!"

Chelle across the table giggled... it was explained to Montana who laughed too.

The last to arrive for food were Jayne and Lori.

When lunch was cleared away I sat back down with work. Gil had Chelle's hand, "We'll see you in a bit."

I waved.

Pam sat with me at my invitation. She said Abbey was a good girl, loving all the food she made for her. Ken really spends time with her, baths are terrific, he doesn't mind diapers... "Thanks for the `endless diapers' AWESOME...

Ken reads to her. I love watching her watch him!"

"Like I told you... they soak it up... sponges!"

Fist bump!

I did toss' her out with a later, after dinner,' "Be my dessert?" Pam was... `YES!'

I worked for two hours... I didn't have much choice it was needed!

Gil and Chelle came back... smiling. I kissed each and said I was wandering for a bit.

I got two bottles of Singha, heading to the beach. Several couples on lounges on the upper deck... through the trees to the sand. A few swimmers and others in pairs and a trio. Tara basking, looked up... I handed a beer to her and kept walking on the beach to the west.

Tara joined me, clinked bottles. We sat on the sand leaning back on a rock that had been shaded... no burns!

"Fay, you are working a lot..."

"I don't have a choice right now. We have several hundreds of thousand employees... there's so much involved. I'm going to shed some newspaper positions but it isn't easy. I do not have a closet full of Adam's to take the weight."

Sipping, "You have more work too. The Twins are going to be tough to cover in a short while. I asked PJ to evaluate you twelve protecting us four... I think two additional folks would be desirable.

I want you all to have the appropriate periods off... there's plenty of pressure to wind down from... down time is precious."

We clinked bottles again!

More sips... I was empty. We linked arms walking back. More beer... Pha was entertaining, she was sitting on a face... Penny's and her face was planted in Andrea's pussy who happened to have one of the local Security ladies tongue in her rear! Behind her doing some fingering was Angie! Donella was dealing with Penny's open legs quite thoroughly while her up-raised vagina was being attended to by Malee.

Malee grinning up at me... I kissed her cheek. I worked around this marvellous group to get two more bottles.

Tara and I sat in the living room. I got a bit more about her mother... a harridan to her entire family! Tara's dad couldn't cope without the whisky.

"When I left I told dad to leave too. He didn't... the whisky got him first. A ruined life."

Tara knew about my parents... she asked why I didn't go live with Aunt Dee? "I was at university when they died... it took all I had to finish my degree. It was the way forward for me."

I leaned back, "Parents are so important which is why Cho and work at it. Yes we have a nurse and a governess..."

"Fay, they lighten the load but you two are always with the Twins, playing, reading... just holding them. Chani was awesome on the last trip. You included her in everything... that little smarty took note of that... your kids are unbelievably smart."

I raised my beer to Tara, "There's no limits for them... they are the prototypical kids who could do ANYTHING with their lives. No barriers.

Being part of the English aristocracy... plus the money... gifted intellectually... even the sky isn't a limit."

I was a bit tipsy... it was true enough.

I was up heading to the bedroom for a brief lie-down. Tara's warm body against my back like Cho's a safe comforting soporific. I was asleep in seconds.

I woke... Tara sleeping... one arm over me. The clock said I'd been out for a bit over an hour. It felt good! I slipped out to go to the front. Pha was working on dinner with helpers, Rona, Malee and Tessa.

I stayed out of the way but managed to get the DeLonghi to make me a coffee.

I went back to work. Soon I had to make way for the table being prepared for eating.

Pha doing buffets as the simplest way... fish cakes, satays, fried rice... you choose what to add to your rice... shrimp, fish or tofu, curried veggies... a nice spread. A crowd! I shared my seat with Ni. Beer and wine!

Several toasts... I was thanked for doing this again and congratulated for my recent honours! For most everyone who wasn't local I had to give explanations. One local Security lady said everyone was amazed to hear about it... an unheard of award.

Afterwards I had a large Amaretto in one hand, Donella's hand in my other. The beach lanterns creating glow-points...

"Fay, this a nice thing. I've enjoyed making love with several ladies, warm loving sex. Passionate! All NSA and delightful for that reason."

I squeezed!

"I know we won't make love... I do feel close..." we pressed against each other, "... this is good enough for me."

We put our drinks down to wrapped our bodies around one another... a kiss.

"Doc, it is special to hold you after so many years of separation. Having you all back in my life has been just the best feeling."

"Mom and dad are really over the moon about it... not because of anything in particular... seeing you, Cho and the Twins makes them happy."

I patted her tush, "Well it does take some self-control to not gobble you up!"

We laughed!!

We walked to the cove end... going back her warm hand in mine. The Amaretto warming my insides.

At the house I reached my hand out for Pam... a look of sexual anticipation on her face. In my bedroom we took the pleasure of each's sex, thighs, breasts, derrieres, toes, fingers, arms and lips. I rested my cheek on her mons, slender fingers in my hair.

"Fay, it's funny how we haven't made love for some time... it was easy to feel comfortable with you immediately."

I stroked the two sets of initials on her smooth mound. A giggle.

"Ken doesn't mind my first husband's mark... he says it shows how love can endure and gain strength from more."

"It's the same for my flowers... Cho knows what is underneath... supplanting that with beauty... beauty for him!"

We headed to the kitchen... Coffee ice cream with chocolate sprinkles!! I was on the upper deck with mine... Roxanne beside me.

"Spend the night with me?" I rested my hand on her baby bump. Rox smiled and nodded.

We showered together... lovely to wash Rox, all of her! Slightly damp we lay on the bed kissing... fingers exploring as our lips did. I licked and kissed my way down her body... I smiled up at her as my tongue caressed her clit! A gorgeous face... sexy ... lusty... I sucked her.

Fingers inside to draw out her silky wetness... adding my own with a tongue. I lifted a leg to go to her bottom, licking the tight hole, sliding over the ribbing then entering... moans... loud, filled with pleasure. One hand stroking her sex as I devoured Rox's ass.

After several orgasms Rox reciprocated. I came on her hand and tongue... several times of my own! A delightful sixty-nine developed which I was happy to enjoy. I manoeuvred us to an awesome mutual rub of pussies!!! We worked that until sweat was dripping like our vaginas. Breath-taking climaxes from us both!!!

I laid over Rox... my sex mashed to hers for a final rub. Her legs came up around me... kissing.

Rest. Rox whispered in my ear, "Not ever have I had a partner like you. Lovers... yes... you have made me orgasm... amazingly so... it's different with you than Tom... but you both get in deep!! I'm so lucky to have him!"

A kiss. I went to get water and Amaretto. Jian and Catherine also seeking refreshment. They had been baby-making for several hours!!

They came with me. Rox and I sat up to share the drinks. Jian and Catherine at the bottom of the bed in a pile. Rox got some of my past with Jian... her having a baby with Andrea and now hopefully with Catherine... Andrea's younger sister.

Rox was giggling hearing it all. She leaned over to squeeze Jian's hand, "You get around." Laughter!

I moulded myself to Rox's back to sleep. Jian and Catherine behind me. Dreamland came quickly.

I managed not to wake Rox in the morning... I slid out to swim... DeLonghi powered on as I go by making its noises as I left. A dive into the delicious warmth, I swam the cove several times. Wading in the shallows as Chelle came down.

"Fay, I'm grateful to be included... this is so delightful."

A hug, I patted her butt. "Do you want coffee?" `Black' Okay. I went up then back with two coffees. She swam before parking next to me. We sipped and spoke about her things.

She was busy tracking down some scumbags as well as the usual assortment of folks improperly using pictures and video.

"Most system managers take things down right away... no problem, a few need to have received a threat before they act. The lawyers are very good at getting involved."

I asked if the lawyers kept her up to date on the various lawsuits... they did. She had spreadsheet linked to a database for all of it.

"The ones I will want to know about most are those concerning Section 230."

Chelle, "I'll be sure Gil has every update."

"You can just send them directly to me no need to add to Gil's work." A smile.

"CC her though."

Fist bump.

Breakfast was ready, big mounds of `scram,' veggie sausage, salapaos, patongos, sliced fruit. More than twenty naked women around the big table... smiles!

I took over the room when it was cleared. Pha had some volunteers to clean.

Gil and I with Chelle. Fuelled by coffee I worked it hard for three hours. All newspaper bits were done plus 21st Century Fox. Sage sent me some items from the Lords.

Also she and Gil were staying on top of the election campaign. It was just getting going... the Labour pair had delivered a partial list of ridings they sought help in. They said as things develop there would likely be more. Okay... Gil and Sage were to work on a schedule of visits and coordinate with the individual candidates keeping the Labour pair in the loop.

Gil said our local MP in Oxfordshire sent a list of his known visits... She would merge it with the other list. His locations will be close to home.

Jayne was at the door... I waved her in... a big grin. I patted the chair next to me.

"As I work my way back to London we are stopping in Los Angeles so I'll take a look in at the new Big `V' and speak to the folks. We'll be in New York after so we can talk."

Kiss...a whisper... "Fay, I really want to taste you."

I stroked her back, "After lunch!" Grin, hug, kiss!

Back to work. Gil and Chelle were working close... Some extra fingers `helping' each other. I laughed when they looked over to me... side eyes!

I cleared my stuff off the table this time. I gave Pha some help... her pussy had been occupied by Eve, Ku behind her nibbling as Eve worked Pha's vagina. Interesting that Pha's pussy got a lot of attention!! Well... she was gorgeous, a killer body!

Another luscious spread of food which was heavily depleted! We weren't making leftovers!

I had Jayne's hand... down to the beach... sun and pussy, swimming later.

Jayne on her back... her hips arched up to my working mouth, several fingers inside her openings busily engaged in trying to rip another orgasm out!

AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! Success!!! I licked her some more then nibbled my way to her titties... and mouth! I lowered my body onto her.

"Fay, you know to wind my clock!"

Kissing, "Partner, I need your input..."

A wicked gleam in those eyes!! She went down when I rolled off.

I came four times on Jayne's face... this lady knew how to eat a pussy!! My ass wasn't forgotten... I was tingly. I eased her up my body... kissing.

We sat up... I pulled Jayne into the water. I swam towards the end of the cove and back. Jayne lay in the shallows grinning.

Back on the sand a couple laid next to us... Montana and Lawan. We all kissed.

"Fay, this is paradise..." Montana's hand motioning around... It came to rest on Lawan's vagina.

We laughed. We switched... Lawan on top smiling, "Like old times." Kissing. I reached down to cup her cute butt cheeks... Rubbing! Giggling!

Jayne lying back Montana's face buried in her sex. They looked terrific.

I got up... kneeling behind Montana I caressed her, vagina, anus, legs... I lifted her hips... licking her gently. Lawan lowered her pussy onto Jayne's extended tongue. We did it for a while... then we left them alone.

A swim to wash off the sand... Lawan and I walked up to the house.

Lori and Shira in a nice sixty-nine on a lounge. Other pairs enjoying themselves. Jian on top of Catherine!! That cute tush moving... up and down!

Lawan brought out her MacBook to show me where she was on Persuasion. She was in a groove!! More than sixty percent done. No Thai versions of Jane Austen's novels then in a few years there are two completed... more coming! The folks in Chawton will be thrilled.

"Cho sends some technical papers and business things to us; my two assistants can handle it. I'm pretty focused on Austen."

Fist bump!

We got coffee and cookies. She looked at some of my work piles.

"Fay, you wear so many hats now... TV, newspapers, the Foundation, The Company..."

"Cho is in on a lot of that plus he's doing the Railroad and the banks."

Lawan added, "You're a mom too!"

A kiss for her.

"You should have seen Chani on the last trip before we came here... She was a little princess, talking to everybody. She took over a room full of members of the House of Lords... such a sweetie."

Lawan giggling, "Just like her mom!" Laughter.

I worked until dinner, I moved my stuff and helped set the table.

We had another wonderful meal, eating, chatting with some petting included. Afterwards I had an Amaretto and Gil's hand... down to the darkening beach.

We sat in the shallows going over things, the schedule, the Lords, the election campaign, etc...

"Fay... Chelle and I are pretty tight... It's Okay for her to come with us???? I just want to be sure..."

I kissed Gil's cheek, "Yes, she's welcome. There's no reason for her to be tied to an office in New York. I don't think Tai needs company with Megan a few floors below."

BIG SMILE!! I lightly pinched her butt with `Go tell her!'

Gil zoomed off.

Later... Lawan and I on my bed enjoying each other's bodies. She tasted great! We pleasured each opening... laying crushed against one another... tongues busy together.

Someone joined us... Eve and Ni!!! They made love then we came into one pile! Kisses and squeezing. Ni moved onto me as Lawan slipped onto Eve's body.

Looking into Ni's beautiful face... kisses. We shifted to a delightful sixty-nine. So nice to be so intimate with such a good friend... Co-Worker but that was to the side now.

I held her tight as I created a strong orgasm in that petite bod... it flowed up her body! She had stopped eating my pussy as her pleasure overcame her.

I was rewarded with her renewed efforts... I had the same pleasure... We turned to face each other... kisses.

"Fay, my pussy tastes good on you!"

"Same to you!"

Grins and more kisses.

Next to us it seemed there were similar outcomes! We were sated. A big group hug before we conked out. I was wrapped around Ni's lovely small frame, holding her softly.

I was awake before sunrise... dim light in the room... I left my companions sleeping. A stop to start the coffee machine and off to the water. Warm water, it felt silky on my skin. Up and back twice... the sun was just up now. I made coffee and grabbed a few salapaos to fuel my looking at email.

Nothing particularly important. Some replies and questions sent out.

Others came out, they helped Pha get the breakfast. I sat out on the upper deck in the sun to eat with Gil, Chelle, Tara and Tessa.

Pha stuck her head out... "The fisherman is coming."

Okay bikini time.

We all put on something... it was clean-up time for the men were joining us for lunch.

The fisherman brought the filleted tuna... a big one. Pha went to work, Rona, Andrea and Lawan helping. They rubbed in spices and coated it good! Pam, Rox and Jayne lent a hand with salads and sliced fruit. A rice cooker bubbling, roti warming and more.

I went with Malee and Jian to cut flowers for the table and sideboards. We did a centrepiece and a nice arrangement around the heated serving dishes. Hibiscus, various orchids from several trees and frangipani.

I changed to black short shorts and a black and white checked cut-off top. Most everybody was similar.

The men came down the drive to a big welcome! Loads of hugs and kisses distributed. Cho holding me... those dark lovely eyes! One terrific kiss!

A happy and delicious lunch!! The guys appreciated the work we put in. A few golf stories, several fish tales ... they had the fish to prove it in coolers under ice.

We did some clean-up for Pha and Anodo... they said they would finish. The grandparents were bringing Ty back in a few hours. They would stay for dinner... tuna!

At the Phuket Airport there was a 737 waiting... all of us on one flight.

At Don Mueang were lifted to the riverside landing grid... very busy for a while as several AW139's were used to move us all with baggage... golf clubs mostly plus the fish. We landed first... on the Terrace Francis said the Twins were in the Playroom...

We ran down there. Loud Popa's and Mama's!! Hugs and kisses. Jaidee was there too.

We hugged and kissed everybody. Loud Aunt Fay's and Uncle Cho's... Their own moms and dads arrived. We had a room full of people.

We moved the party to the Terrace and Garden.

Our local folks were driven home. The remaining parents sat on the Terrace... Us four with Protectors were going to the Forest Palace in the morning. Our house guests were set for sightseeing around Bangkok.

They'd get to see a lot with guides who were employees of the Railroad and the Security Service. They are Bangkok natives we were giving them a special payment to them for this.

Kamol's uncle, the priest, was going to take them into the back areas so they could the treasures rarely shown. The old style restaurant across the road from Dad's headquarters booked the entire terrace for them to have dinner. Some special bits for our friends.

Comments welcome. To: abecker60@yahoo.co.uk

Next: Chapter 72

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