
By A becker

Published on Oct 3, 2021


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We greeted her at the door. Big eyes looking at the house.

"Come on in!"

Our staff in the Great Room... drinks. Sage meeting them and the Twins when they came romping in with Jaidee from the garden. Woolly hats, gloves and macs off.

Charlie and Chani did fist bumps with Sage. She got to meet Tha and Delphine.

Sunny joined us scooping up her cousin Chani for a spin. Giggles!

Sage sitting opposite to me by the fire... "I guess you have figured out I want you to work for me..."

Huge smile, "I thought so but it's nice to hear you say it. I kept building myself up during the train trip."

"I waited until the full background report was in..."

I gave her the changes that would come with the Lords. She was young... that didn't bother me; I felt she had the strength to run my office.

Sage got a quickie tour of the main floor by Ali and Gil as Francis said he had some things for us to sign. Two paper and four electronic. All done, buying more real estate.


Racing news from Santa Anita! Kaao won his first race. He was an un-raced half-brother to SakChai. He was starting to race as a three year old. He won the Sham Stakes a G3 race with a one hundred thousand dollar purse.

Monaco said in his email Kaao looked awesome, on dirt he was now the eight furlong record, holder in North America, he erased Dr. Fager's superb record from 1968. A 1:31.20!!!!!! The fastest mile by a horse on dirt or turf.

I guess he's been storing it up for a year and wanted to let it go in style!!! A lot of racing for him this year!

Francis' report was just as terrific as Monaco's!!

A small compound of cottages right on the beach near Blonville-sur-Mer southwest of Deauville. Twelve two bedroom bungalows, kitchens and patios with a playground and sitting area. A nice area of Normandy on the Channel with a two minute walk to the wide sandy beach.

Shops and restaurants nearby.

The Deauville Airport could handle our aircraft types.

Our employees will like this, it should be popular.

A simple name... Les Cottages de la Plage!

A small Parisien hotel in Le Marais district on Rue des Francs Bourgeois, The Rochambeau. Twenty four mixed rooms and space for continental breakfast and afternoon tea and sherry. Gray, black, white and red colours.

A good location, the hotel was in excellent condition.

Andi would able to open bookings for it in just a few weeks. Francis had a local company to manage it and we kept all the staff that wanted to stay.

Another small hotel, The Varick Red House, this one in New York's Tribeca neighbourhood on Varick Street near Franklin Street, a half block from a MTA subway station. Thirty six rooms, small coffee shop on the ground floor with access from the lobby was part of it. A couple of meeting rooms and the lobby was large enough for afternoon tea for the guests.

It was about a mile south of our apartment, lots to do close around and easy to get to everything else. The snaps showed very nice rooms, the passageways in warm colours meeting a large staircase that went up the third floor. No lift for guests except for those who needed assistance being able to use the service lift.

The management company that had been operating it was to stay on a single year's contract as we evaluated them. Francis said he thought them a good firm but seeing is believing.

The coffee house was on a separate contract with a couple who ran it themselves with some family and others. It was prosperous, good food and nice looking. The family were from Scotland having been in America for over twenty years. Their food was very British which attracted loyal neighbourhood clientele.

Santa Monica was next! A very nifty beachfront hotel five blocks south of the 10' freeway. Two floors shaped like a flat-bottomed U' with a secluded courtyard in-between where guests could `lay out' in the sun or talk or in the evening have a drink at small bar. A meeting room that doubled as the continental breakfast area.

The WalkOver Hotel alluding to the walk to the ocean.

The rooms varied between two double beds or king size which we might change, all had small private terraces, some faced the ocean others the courtyard.

All white with navy blue trim and accents, looking bright and inviting. The walk to the beach... over the road!

In Seattle our new locations were boutique hotels near Pike Place Market on Stewart Street. The first one was the Old Pioneer House... brick and over one hundred years old. It was to be refurnished in a turn of the century style. A throw-back place, nice but not to everyone's taste. Twenty rooms, separate bathrooms and washrooms for men and women. It was a good choice for groups of friends.

The second hotel adjacent was modern but not a glass monster. The Stewart Inn had forty rooms so it was one of the biggest sites. Five floors with eight rooms on each level, the passageways ran down the side away the water.

City and Elliott Bay views from all rooms with big windows and balconies. Nicely appointed and filled with warm colours. Some rooms had big bathroom windows so you could sit in the Jacuzzi tub with a view!

In the neighbourhood there was plenty to do and see very close by, plus a lot of shopping throughout downtown Seattle. Live entertainment, clubs, restaurants of every kind.

The Pike Place Market itself was one big tourist destination.

In Bangkok we bought a small hotel on the river southeast of the historic palace complex, is just off Soi Empire. The Blue Flower Hotel! All the floors had marvellous views of the river activity, the magnificent Wat Prayurawongsawas Warraviharn temple across the water and the King Rama monument to the east.

Lots of sightseeing and shopping in the neighbourhood, several bus routes, water taxis to hand and the MRT Blue Line train.

The pictures showed very nice rooms, good looking furniture and well laid out. The colour schemes were quite tropical with Thai floral motifs everywhere. Lots of blue flowers... naturally.

Not a lot of parking but for our guests that wasn't a big issue.

It was about three and half miles downstream from our house.

Francis was looking very pleased with all this! He'd done a lot of work to acquire all the properties. We gave him big cheers and toasts. I think he rather liked spending hundreds of millions of dollars.

Well... he and Ali could go to any of them whenever they wanted so...

CF Properties, a Swiss corporation, owned all these locations and the other properties for our employees use... not the homes we considered our own. We now owned a whole lot more real estate! Add in the existing purchases in the UK... we were very big landowners with certain advantages for taxes.

We talked with Francis about creating a management company operate these properties rather than have a patchwork of local companies.

"Maybe buy the individual companies and roll them up into one?" That was my contribution.

Francis aimed a finger my way... Cho nodded. He asked Francis to look at that.

Email from Lawan... she's DONE with Northanger Abbey!! It's at the printers in Bangkok and Ni had it online!!

Persuasion was already well underway. She said she was in a groove with Jane Austen so full speed ahead!! My response after the thank yous was for her to `put the pedal to the metal' which got me a big grinning face snap in reply!

After dinner Cho and I moved Sage, Gil, Ali, Francis and PJ into the Library. We talked about how things were changing for me and Cho. The Lords... less newspaper business for me I hoped. Cho was backing away from the Cho Family banks a bit letting Kuva and Sud have their `heads' as managers.

PJ giving Sage a good outline of the Protection Team, how it worked and what to expect. He let her know a more intensive learning session would be scheduled soon for her and my new staff.

A very general travel itinerary for the next eight months.

Gil had news... the breeder emailed that Jaidee had been successful with all four chocolate Labrador ladies!!! At first count inside the moms to be... four, six, six and five... maybe six babies were brewing!! Wonderful news! More lovely puppies we hoped.

Jaidee took the news quite calmly... Cho said he'd supply Jaidee some of his cigars when the big days come!

Gil and Ali told us about their efforts with Jian on the Foundation golf tournament. The PGA folks were good to work with, helpful and encouraging, giving some leads for add-on sponsors and providing information to its tournament working members to gage their interest in playing.

Tom Angleten had agreed to play so the foremost golfer of the day would be there!! Huge crowd appeal!

Lots of other golf pros would come play if Tom was in!

The Hedges golf club in New Jersey staff were `aces' for their help and willingness to go the extra mile. The club's experience with the long-lasting auto company's tournament standing us in good stead!!

Costello emailed... several goodies!

Farm School was open with ten students to start, more coming. Brianna was terrific!

We had full accreditation from the state!

The school buildings looked great, they had all the bits the teachers needed. Costello had managed to have an extension put on the side so the teachers had offices of their own!!

One other extra was a laboratory for Octavio to teach science. It had all the equipment needed right down to Bunsen burners. Right now there was one boy in his science class...

So we were off!

Grace of My heart and Twilight Maiden were both ready to give birth... any day now!!! The staff was ready!

Sage would have a full week coming... lots of things with the House of Lords staff, setup the office in Millbank House and arrange interview times for four experienced Lords staffers whose names had been sent over.

She got an arm load of Apple products! Graham's folks would get her on our secure internal networks and connected to printers and scanners at Cowley House. She could settle into using my Sitting Room and the Millbank House office.

Up to now she had been sharing a flat with an old school chum on a month to month basis in lieu of doing any serious looking for her own place... she would move into an upstairs room in Cowley House. It was one with a sitting room and a bedroom. Ensuite. She'd have privacy and space.

We all could see having her own space appealed!!! Big grin!

PJ got that we would do a trial of the Twins going on trips separately. Not much different for him. I did ask about two more team members... PJ said there were folks in the pipeline but he wanted to do some trips before going there. Okay.

In the Great Room after the Twins were down we had a talk with Tha and Delphine. They were working on lesson plans each could do if the Twins went in different directions.

Going up with Tha, "Fay, Chani and Charlie like Delphine. She doesn't do any baby talk, treating them like young people. At my suggestion she began by assuming they are smart enough to get what she says or they would ask."

Fist bump and a hug!

We let Tha and Delphine know we had a big event for the day after tomorrow... the Pirate Ship! It was finally done after some fuss with the stain on the interior wood. It looked terrific.

Phillips said he hadn't given it a name but they had paint ready to put on whatever the Twins wanted. Okay!

They had it on a trailer to roll it... slide it off... put on the big dust sheet... then the Twins can unveil it!!!

After my morning ride I was munching on breakfast with Gil, Ali and Francis sipping coffee. We were going over a few things about the new company to be created in America for the drones. We'd have Soam as technical advisor and borrow some of his staff short-term.

Francis had contacted Violet and Geri in Seattle to find folks for the new business. Also Magenta in Los Angeles. Managers for a tech environment ought to be available in Seattle or some in Los Angeles willing to move! Self-starters with REAL management experience. They all were off and running.

Winged Flight Inc. was a Washington State incorporated company based at Boeing Field. We owned a large parking lot attached to the newest hangar we bought... we wouldn't need it all for cars. A new building would be constructed to manufacture the `wings.' It would have its own flightline and a control room looking out onto the runways.

We could do test flights using the airport and the FAA controllers. Good for our users to operate in an active aviation environment as they ran check-out schemes.

I tasked Francis with obtaining 767's for freight. His plan was to buy good used freight models and have Aviation Supply upgrade the engines, avionics, etc... right there at Boeing Field. More work for them, more employees needed.

The freighters didn't need to be `state-of-the-art' like the other aircraft that moved people. We'd move them up in sophistication over a period of time.

Francis smiling, "When I talked to Amarha... she knew she could find skilled workers from Boeing across the airfield to come to us to raise the staff level."

Fist bump.

I got Gil to contact Hillary's aide with the new developments about the `wings.'

News from California, Hansa won her first race of the year! The La Canada Stakes at Santa Anita! She won going away. A good start for her! Still in winning form!

Gil handed me her iPad... an email from Kavat on the screen... He had hired sixteen new pilots with more coming for the ramping up `R&R' locations service. The six new 767's were just starting to arrive. Four Gulfstream 650er's were there, being modified for us at our Ban Mueang facilities.

He had test and evaluation flights planned then training for the newcomers in all aircraft. Cabin staff hired so far were Thais but he had Magenta, Violet and Clare doing advertising and interviewing in their respective locations. Candidates would be sent to Bangkok for their final interviews.

Francis got into his next project following Gil's information.

"We have a deal with London Luton Airport Operations for our use of their facilities for the R&R flights. We'll start by using a walk across the tarmac space until our building is completed.

The area we are taking to build on is to the east of the main terminal, mostly waste ground now.

There is a huge car park to the north we'll be able to link to directly for pedestrians. The train station is not far, we can use shuttle buses to collect the employees from there.

Our building will have jetports for the 767's and other similar sized aircraft and tarmac space for the Gulfstreams. The attached hangar will be large... a 767 will fit inside. We have room and permission for a heliport onsite.

It should be fairly complete a location for all our activities. We have an excellent cost sharing deal with Luton as part of the extended lease."

Francis said the construction folks will be having a big meeting at an airport hotel; he was to be there the day after tomorrow.

Fist bumps!!!

I took Gil and Ali with me, plus Sage. PJ, Tara, Tessa, Angie, Gaby and Ken all in an AW139 headed to Wandsworth. Allyn and Rae waiting...

Allyn said there were traffic issues on our usual route so we'd go through Battersea to Vauxhall Bridge then to Westminster. It was pretty quick so `we will vary the route, add in the Lambeth Bridge.'

A thank you for Allyn! Turns out it had been a PJ suggestion... he wanted more variation in what we do.

We unloaded at Cowley house for the short walk to Millbank House. In the security offices all my folks were given ID's! The security folks understood who everyone was and that my Protection Team would vary day to day.

One fellow was an ex-copper said he'd heard from a still serving officer at Hendon about our folk's scores on their `course.' Hands shaken.

The furniture was to be delivered today so my ladies would get set it all up. The building manager had a crew to move the furniture into place for us.

The DeLonghi was in its box waiting for a table.

I went back to Cowley House to change. PJ and Ken walked with me to the Palace of Westminster. The security at the Peers Entrance got to meet Ken for the first time. Smiles. They knew my Protectors wouldn't carry their weapons in the building but were professional security types. Always welcome.

In the Peers lobby texts from Cho... <Pamela in labour!> <All's well so far, Crawford2 pleased>

I replied with crossed fingers. I got a big red heart back!

My girl...

My guys sat in the `family' area as I walked to the Cross-Bench seats. I sat down to take in the various speakers debating over a water resources plan. I hadn't read anything yet covering it so I leaned back.

Mac wasn't here today.

I was thinking about Pamela... how important she was to me. Roland was a wonderful ride, enjoyable, I felt close to him but Pamela was more so in every way. I sent my positive thoughts her way!

There was a break and folks were standing about talking. I was introduced by Alfred to Richard, Third Earl Knowle, and a Cross-Bencher too. I remembered him from the `hustings' meeting.

Richard was a former Army officer, "You are quite right about the Defence Bill. A Royal Navy friend, an aviator, he warned the government back when the new aircraft carriers were planned... we didn't have the lighter warships to give them protection and support.

He's another senior office who is against the tories on the grounds they made a hash of defence policy."

I smiled, "The Labour governments didn't help either. I think it is because the politicians don't like listening to people in uniforms..."

Richard jumped in, "True! It's as if they are afraid to engage with the military until they need them... then it's an `all hands to the pumps' sort of thing."

I slipped my arms through Richard and Alfred's, "Politicians as a group, it also applies to America, do not think very far ahead... there's always another election in the offing."

My companions nodding... "One example to the contrary so far is Hillary Clinton. She has achieved a good deal in one year with the aid of Congress. She is looking forward several decades in many areas much further than the Congress. She is dragging them with her in policy for the military, environmental issues, healthcare and more.

Here the tories are so banged up by brexit they can't see the end of their noses much less a year on."

Alfred laughed, "Mac said it was a bee in your bonnet."

"It is! It should be in everyone's bonnet! Such incompetence plus criminal behaviour truly angers me especially when they aren't being held to account by voters. Add in a total lack of leadership from Labour... we are in a mess."

A fellow behind us spoke up, "Lady Harcourt... you do hold strong opinions."

My fellows introduced me to the Fifth Viscount Ashover, David. He was an older fellow from Derbyshire, a former Army Lieutenant Colonel. White hair in a small halo, bright blue eyes that had some fire!

I extended my hand, "David, nice to meet you. Are you Labour by any chance?"

He laughed, "You sussed me out pretty quickly. Yes... I'm not happy with the party's leadership. Brexit was an excellent issue to go to the polls with but they barely cobbled together anything... so we got stung. Asinine!"

Laughing, "Seems you also have strong opinions."

We four laughed at once. I considered them, then, "Lunch at ours?"

They looked at each other, grins and agreement. I drew my iPhone out as we entered the Peers Lobby. Clough said they would be ready.

My new friends could see PJ and Ken following me. I told them they were my Protectors. Eyebrows raised...

I collected my coat, scarf and gloves, all navy. I was wearing a navy wool sleeveless frock close to my torso and in a soft circle shape to mid-calf. Navy accessories, gold jewellery and `Joy' A short navy wool jacket with three big navy cloth covered buttons on the front closure.

I sent a big ? text to Cho...

We walked to Cowley House; they all laughed at a quip by me about my `commute' the office. One block.

Clough at the door, Miles and Temple took our outerwear. Clough had sherry in the South Drawing Room.

Clough also handed me an envelope... Clarence House!

"My Lady, it was delivered an hour ago."

I opened it...

A hand written note from Prince Charles. A congratulation on my maiden speech! He was pleased with the topic and my presentation.

`I knew you would speak out... this was far better and FASTER then I would have imagined.'

A sincere thank you at the end.

I put it back in the envelope...

"Clough, please put this with my bag."

"Yes my Lady."

I thanked him.

We sat talking with our sherry about upcoming events in the Lords. At the table conversation was defence policy! I could see my fellow peers got I knew a few things... Alfred asked if Mac was trying to get me on the Defence Strategic Committee.

"He was said so but I understand there isn't a vacancy."

Alfred smiling, "I doubt that will hold with Mac pushing." Nodding agreement from the others.

A tasty lunch... obviously enjoyed by my guests. I walked them to the door and helped them into their coats. I said I'd be over later... I was interviewing for some staff positions.

I got big thank yous. Smiling faces.

I did a fist bump with Clough. "Please thank Mrs. Travers! For today and her being so flexible."

Clough smiling said he would!

I was helped into my coat. Angie and Tessa came with me to Millbank House.

I dialled Cho... "Fay, she's doing fine... Crawford2 is right there... no issues at all. Don't worry she has every advantage on her side."

I sent a verbal kiss.

Sage smiling at her desk, doing a twirl in her chair. "I need a pad for my bum... not enough down there for a wood seat."

Laughing I said she'd better get one for every chair. I liked the look of all the wood furniture in the office rooms. It gave a solid and unpretentious feel. Warm also. Bingo!

My ladies managed to make it have a welcoming... not sterile... look.

The DeLonghi was on a table with the usual accessories and an electric kettle and tea things.

I suggested Sage ask Mrs. Travers for a cookie selection for the office. A huge grin, "Fay, I'm going to put on weight..."

I said she could bike to work... that broke everybody up... one block... Sage's eyes rolled.

Sage had had several meetings with the building people and staff from the Lords. Sage felt she was on top of things so far. The potential staff were lined up in interview time slots... I sat at my desk ready to go.

I wanted to find two good folks who knew their way around and had good digging instincts.

The second and last were what I was looking for. The woman, Casteen, had been around Parliament for fifteen years in various jobs. She knew the bureaucracy of the place. Her family came from Ireland, she was raised in Cricklewood. Now 41, divorced with a son at Imperial College London on a bursary studying engineering.

The fellow, Lincoln or Linc, was thirty, gay; he had been shuttled around to many positions in nine years working in the Parliamentary staff. Labelled a 'pain in the neck' and `trouble' by past bosses.

I was leaning back in my chair looking at Linc, "So you know there's NO possible way for you to be more of a `pain in the neck' than me."

He burst out laughing, "Your Ladyship... I can believe that but you won't stop me trying will you?"

"No! In fact I'm counting on you to try."

Boy did I have his attention now!

"I want you to dig into the Defence budgets past for all information about the nuclear submarines subdividing it into those that are Trident and not. I want you to find out the path for every penny appropriated and spent."

I watched his eyes, "Ma'am, you made a distinction there... is that a cue for me?"

"Yes! All monies may have been spent but not for the actual reason appropriated."

I turned my chair to stand, "I'm new at this which is why you are here... Because money is spent in odd ways doesn't make it a crime so don't become a zealot searching for thieves or conspiracies. I want a close accounting so when it is time I can move to sever the Trident submarines from the Defence Bill."

I moved to a window... turning back...

"Can you get in trouble doing this? I don't know. Searching for the money usually makes some kinds of people nervous."

"Ma'am, I can tolerate a certain amount of abuse. You are asking me to run down monies the Lords have agreed to spend so the `quest' is legitimate."

"Yes but not always welcome. You'll have to find people with the information... not necessarily the bosses..."

A gleam in those eyes now!

I added, "You are tasked with a valid search... I will back you... just don't kill anyone... Okay?"

Our laughter rang out in my rooms. Door hadn't been closed... what I wanted wasn't a secret.

I asked everybody to come in. Sage and Casteen where told what Linc was going to do... a grin on Casteen's face.

"My Lady, I know one person Linc should start with... a former member of a Parliamentary audit team, DJ Jones. He's retired living in East Finchley. He was encouraged to leave a year ago when his team found some irregularities in Defence disbursements."

Fist bump with Casteen. Linc rubbing his hands in an exaggerated manner with the accompanying leering smiling. We all laughed at that!

Cho called... "Pamela has given us a beautiful chestnut filly! Very pretty with a small star on her forehead. They are both well. Crawford2 is very pleased."

It was terrific news! Cho texted some snaps... she was darling!!!

Back to this... I told the staff about Pamela... The pictures spoke for themselves!

It was a good moment to give the three of them together how our lives worked. I would be out of the country often... less than in the past. Casteen and Linc were told we lived one block over. Surprise!

They also got that Sage was a personal employee and was living at Cowley House with a workspace there.

"I will take you there so you can meet the staff and learn about our Security Service beyond meeting my Protection team. So you know... you and the other candidates I interviewed were given a background check by our Security people. We are much more careful than the government.

Give me a few minutes and we'll go."

I sat to look at the Lords schedule... Linc stuck his head in...

"Your Ladyship, the... my... the drugs charge..."

"I know it was cannabis and you weren't selling. I don't do drugs... except my hormones... I do want you to not be involved while you work for me... it could be used by folks who don't like me..."

Linc's eyes widened, "I get it." A pause, "You wanted me even knowing about..."

I said yes.

"... and the negative personnel reports?"

I said Yes again!

A smile and a nod.

We walked around the corner, Clough knew I was coming. He opened the door. I gathered my new Lords team in the North Drawing Room with the senior house staff, Graham and his managers. PJ and my Protection Team.

Things were explained to my new staff, what to do... what not to do, how to make contact... how to be out of the way when something happens. There was a lot but the Security folks told them it would all be re-visited many times.

Casteen and Linc went to the Security office in the cellar to get ID cards and sign away their lives... so to speak.

After dinner I sat to read through several big piles of information on the current legislation in the House, committee work and a careful review of the schedule so I could work it into our life.

I had coffee and a few biscuits from Fortnum and Mason, `salted caramel!' It was needed to encourage my work on the piles beside me on the settee.

I was rubbing my eyes by the end of that! Damn!

Upstairs in bed... alone!!!! I had a long talk with Cho on the phone. He'd sent more snaps of Pamela and the new-born. Pamela had given birth after some labour but she was fine! The baby was up and nursing now!!

No complications for Pamela.

"Crawford said it was a good clean birth... as good as he'd ever seen."

My girl came through like a champ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cho said there was joy in the Stables tonight!

Other great news... The Twins were excited about Delphine and what was to happen. They really liked her. A big hurdle cleared!!

My morning walk with Gil, Ali and Tara and Angie was shaken up in the best way possible... Cho called from the Stables... Secret Sea went into labour an hour ago and just gave birth to a healthy chestnut colt.

That was quick!!

"He has a handsome face, a small star and a narrow stripe three quarters the way down his nose. Three white stockings, back feet and right front. Secret Sea is helping to clean him up with Crawford2. So Doc... what do you think?"

I could hear his `He's a beaut! Secret Sea is fine!'

Oh my! Two young ones so quickly! I wanted to go home right now! This Lords bit was already cramping me.

Cho commiserated, "Fay, we wish you were here too! Make a start with it... you'll be able to manoeuvre more later."

I said `yes' in the most reluctant way possible! I did get much love from Cho and the kids!

Okay! Black! Like my mood! I wanted to be at home with my family and horses!

A black wool frock, long sleeves, close to my torso, scoop neckline and down to mid-thigh! Time to show some of my assets! Black stockings and heels. Silver jewellery, `Joy' Red lips and nails... Red! A black leather car coat. A white cashmere scarf in a loop and black leather gloves.

PJ and Tessa with me walking to the Lords. Some news person wanted to shove a microphone in my face he tripped over his own feet... almost fell onto the road in traffic. PJ's strong arm saved him.

PJ looked to me... I shook my head no. So he `deposited' the very grateful reporter on the sidewalk... we walked over to the Old Palace Yard and the Peers Entrance. The guard in the booth outside asked if everything was Okay?

"Not particularly but that fellow wasn't hurt."

Inside a porter took my outerwear, I thanked him. He smiled... I got over myself and smiled back.

The Committee assignment fellow saw me. "Lady Harcourt... I have news."

He said he wangled me a seat on the Joint Committee on the National Security Strategy.

"The chairman will contact you... he said today."

I thanked him for his efforts... he was laughing, "Actually it was self-interest because the Marquess would have plucked a few of my feathers if I hadn't."

He handed me a card with the chairman's name, office address, telephone number and email address. I thanked him once more.

In the House Mac was grinning when I gave him the news.

"He's right I would have singed some tail feathers at least."

I showed Mac the name on the card of the House of Commons fellow... he knew him vaguely...

"He's not a brexiter as I recall... probably further to the right than is comfortable for you. In a grouping like that... make your points, don't wrangle because you aren't going to change many minds in a crowd... do that on a more one to one basis or in small groups."

Mac took my arm, "Also don't try to be anyone other than yourself! If you want to get their goat ask the questions they don't want asked. Knowing you... you'll have the answers already but getting it from them in the open is important."

A kiss on his cheek, "Thanks Uncle Mac."

We laughed!

I saw a youngish decent looking peer giving me a good look over... a bit of leg caught his eye... I snared his eyes... embarrassed he looked away... too bad he was a tory... well maybe an `outreach' candidate. Ha!

Lord Fowler brought the House to order. Reports, miscellaneous things, debate on several bills... I did not yawn although I drifted some... a comment in the discussion of energy legislation about solar power caught my ear... A tory member said the United Kingdom couldn't depend on solar power because we have too many cloudy days.

I rose... "Does the Honourable member know of the advances in solar technology that can harvest power from any level of daylight? The clouds do not matter at all."

His reply was he'd been told differently.

My reply was a question as to his source... "If it was a representative of any carbon emitting energy company they have misinformed you... possibly deliberately. Solar cells are quite sophisticated and sensitive. They are remarkably easy to use and install. If the current government would stop curtailing subsidies to companies making solar power equipment and to users doing installs we would be generating a good deal more clean energy."

A shower of `Hear-Hears' around me, from the Labour benches too. Lib-Dems caught on!

The member opposite said his source was a senior scientist from EDF Energy.

I had sat down... a Labour fellow stood up quickly to respond... "I beg to inform the member that EDF makes their power from nuclear power plants which create waste that is so radioactive... so toxic... all we can do is bury it! It is the far and away the most expensive form of energy if you put in all its costs. Very dangerous... AND the most destructive to the planet... Chernobyl..."

A shower of Hears- hears from all around me... me too!

The tory member didn't feel like pursuing it further. On a break later the Labour fellow was introduced to me in the Peers Lobby as Robert, Baron Evesham by David, Viscount Ashover.

Robert said his local people often complained about their energy rates from EDF.

"High and higher are EDF's rate scales."

He asked about my solar power knowledge...

"One of our companies makes them. We are testing a `home' kit of a solar panel and accessories a homeowner could install themselves."

As I explained to David and Robert other members came close to listen.

"We sent test kits to two of our locations in America. A family in upstate New York whose father works training race horses, he and his wife, a stay at home mom and their teenage son did the install. They only needed a bit of help connecting it to the house power system. Their son really did most of it.

Another one was sent to the maintenance foreman at our ranch in the desert of New Mexico, a skilled mechanic. He had it up and running in less than an hour and a half."

I could hear murmurs of talk around me.

"We want to be able to package the panels in kits to sell to ordinary consumers, to governments for their use in places like parks or temporary structures and the like. Or for governments or non-profits to provide to families around the world in areas poorly served by power companies or not at all.

There are designs for new solar cells to grab more power under worst possible conditions. We are testing all sorts of battery technologies to find the best available to pair with our panels."

A voice of a man on the outside of the immediate group... "You are making these panels now?"

In a louder voice... "Yes! We are using them at most of our locations right now! Looking for more places to put them."

There was some shuffling about behind me.

PJ asked someone to please not to push forward... not to crowd me.

I turned around... Tessa was a few feet away arms out... PJ trying to keep some space.

I pointed out a bench against the wall to PJ and Tessa. They opened a gap so I could walk there and turn to face the House members with my Protectors on either side.

"As I was saying we are working to make the solar cells more efficient and less expensive. The current government cutting subsidies only makes the cost to the end user go up... making it less and less attractive price wise for them to make the move which is what the big energy companies want.

Carbon emitters like the big power companies hate solar power... it is clean and easy and doesn't add to global warming. They are the natural enemies of solar."

I answered a dozen or so questions before members needed to go to seek out lunch. Several inquired whether I would be willing to talk to them in greater depth on the issue. I said I would. One proposed an open meeting for members... I replied I would consider it depending on how and when it was arranged.

He shook my hand, "Lady Harcourt, I will put together something... let you see what I have and maybe we can make it happen."

I thanked him. We introduced ourselves, Todd, Sixth Baron Ducovney from Dorset.

David smiling, "You do attract attention." I squeezed his hand, smile.

Robert had stayed close. "Sorry... I had no idea it would become a scrum."

"It was fine... My Protectors do watch out for me."

PJ and Tessa got a good look from the peers who didn't know them.

I invited Robert and Todd to lunch with David. David nodding to them saying `they'd want to.' Smiles.

Tessa was good to call Clough.

We walked over to Cowley House. Cold breeze made me quite glad of my big coat and gloves.

Clough at the door. Miles took our coats.

Clough said yes when I asked about time for sherry. He poured for us.

Robert and Todd asked about the house... I gave them our history with it. I said I liked my commute to the office... that brought laughs.

It was a good lunch... my guests enjoyed themselves. A further discussion of solar power. I gave them the genesis of our solar interest via the `Fay stakes.'

They heard we were working on a project with the Iranian government to sell them solar panels and hopefully soon manufacture them in Iran.

At the door seeing them off... Todd said he'd be back to me about the `meeting' when there was something definite. Okay.

PJ grinning as we lifted up from Wandsworth shortly afterwards.

"You are able to speak to a variety of people... gain their attention... make points. I have heard Macdonald say to you about small groups... he is right."

Fist bump!

Costello emailing... A big event at Harcourt Farm... both Grace of My heart and Twilight Maiden had gone into labour. WOW! They were in adjacent birthing stalls so the vet didn't far to go. Costello reported the vet's saying they were doing well! Okay.

Kellen made the AW139 a bullet to Harcourt House. It was a fast trip.

Cho and the Twins at the door... huge smiles and hugs! A good kiss from my guy! Upstairs right away to change.

I pulled Cho along. In my Dressing Room I handed Cho the Clarence House envelope. A big smile as he read the note.

"You've charmed the Prince."

I laughed standing there in nickers and bra, "More like our little arrangement is working out for him to this point."

A hug. I slipped the envelope into my writing desk.

Cho had gotten the same email from Costello... we had our fingers crossed.

In a khaki outfit going down to the Stables with Cho and the Twins. We visited Pamela first. Her daughter was gorgeous. I gave the little one a gentle hug... the Twins too. They were very careful.

Chani stroking the newbie's back, "Mama, she is beautiful like Pamela!"

"Indeed she is!"

My arm over Pamela's back, a hand stroking her neck... nickers!

I had a name ready... Penelope! Cho's fist bump sealed the deal!

We moved to Secret Sea's stall... the colt standing beside his mom... so handsome! A marvellous chestnut boy!!! His star and stripe bright white like the three stockings. I stroked her as the Twins softly petted the new-born. Ronnie right there like a mother hen.

I looked at the little one... he was the spitting image of his great great great great granddad... the markings were the same!!! If only he turned out to be as marvellous a runner... Oh MY!

I turned to Cho, my thoughts whispered... Cho's eyes came alight!!

"We can hope! You are right he does look like him."

Cho took a good snap to send to Monaco! Cho entitled it `the future?'

I slipped my arms around Cho... softly in his ear `Secret Royal'

Cho grinned, "I have Monaco check with the Jockey Club."


Dr. Crawford2 joined us. His report was awesome. Both moms and babies were healthy, nursing was happening... all good!!!

The entire Stables staff was bouncy with happiness for our mares successful birthing. The two new babies were bright stars!

I told Roland we'd be going out in the morning. He bobbed his head. My hand on his strong neck!

Costello called we had two new colts!! A gray and a black! Moms and babies were fine! Excellent! Costello had been in on the birth... "Everything well... went perfectly. Healthy horses all around!"

We congratulated Costello. He mentioned Glaa had covered ten mares so far... all ten are in foal!! A terrific record! Looks like the motile spermatozoa tests were right... Glaa like his sire Asda is going to be a superb stallion.

Rebel stroking the ground... nickering!

A leg up from Cho, he squeezed my thigh, "Enjoy!"

The Twins waved to Tara and me... We turned to go down the drive... across the Oxford Road we headed towards Marsh Baldon beside Baldon Lane. We went right after about a quarter mile to walk up to St. Peter's Church on the west edge of the village.

The vicar met us. His benefice included All-Saints in Nuneham Courtenay, St Lawrence Church in Toot Baldon and this church.

We slipped down... a handshake. He'd been to an Open House day at ours so we'd met.

I asked about the upkeep of the three churches and how we could help.

The one in Nuneham Courtenay was dormant. He knew of no issues with the building but was willing to make it available for someone to give it a going over for any possible problems. Okay!

The other two did have regular services and there were things like some floor work and repair to window cases and doors... He knew of no major issues. A look-see was definitely a good thing.

I said, "My PA is working up a group of regional builders who have experience with churches and other older or historic structures. Once we have vetted them we should talk about having them in, getting the work assessed and then done.

If we could start work in the late spring... early summer... it could be finished before inclement weather arrives."

The vicar was pleased with my ideas and that we'd pay.

"I will need to speak to the bishop... I doubt there'd be any difficulty."

Smiling, "You'll find the bishop well informed about us. He was over not long ago to talk about the donations we've already made."

"You made quite the impression before Christmas at the primary school. They love you!"

"I hope they have some fun spending the money."

Laughing, "They will... they are!"

Another handshake with a fellow who looked very happy.

Tara shaking her head as we headed west...

"Fay, if you don't watch out they will try making you a saint!"

Boy did I laugh at that!

The pirate ship launching!! Tha and Delphine kept the babies away from west side windows as the `ship' was rolled out onto the lawn near the playhouse. It slid nicely onto several of the raised platform pieces then strapped down tight. The stairs were put on... Cho and I did a tour. It was cute!

We raised the Jolly Roger on the aft flag pole! The dust sheet was positioned to come off of it easily with two pull ropes!

Ellie had the `pirate' outfits she made in the office ready to be put on...

I texted Tha with the Okay!

The Twins on the Terrace looking at this big thing on the grass... excited! We walked them to the pull ropes and helped them slip it off... WOW!

They were shocked!!! We got hugs and kisses. They clapped and bounced around it.

Popa told them we had another surprise in the Office.

We took them to the Office door, the `outfits' on display! More hugs!

Tha and Delphine did the dressing with our help.

White shirts, long wide sleeves, black trousers raggedy cut-off below the knee with a black belt plus a big brass buckle, low black shoes, eye patches, cocked hats over bandannas tied around their heads. Soft plastic cutlasses to stick in their belts!! They were told to be extra careful with their swords. Never above the waist near each other. Nods and `Yes Popa.'

They were even more excited... now dressed for their parts!

We led them to the stairs, at the bottom step they were told someone would have to be with them to play on the ship. They agreed.

Up the steps... on deck we watched them look around, go into the cabin; stand on the small quarterdeck with monster grins! We waved `bon voyage' to Charlie and Chani!! Our pirates!

We went in so they could play however they wanted. Sitting in the Office we could see them move around on the ship... Tha and Delphine nearby. They had a pretend sword fight... nobody won... hugs at the end! Charlie on the fo'c'sle waving his cutlass pointing ahead, Chani at the rudder steering them towards their next victim!!

The mast with two spars, no sails until summer when there'd be less rain to get the canvas messy.

Charlie turned to Tha... something said... she came to the Office door, a monster grin, "They'd like to enlist Jaidee in their crew... Okay?"

Laughing we said by all means. I went to get him.

Outside Jaidee sniffed the new `thing' he seemed Okay with it. We helped him up the steps... they swore him into the crew!

I texted to Ellie

She was right back

I sent a row of

They went at it for an hour or so... Tha helped them all come down the steps... all three came to the Office outside door... Cho let in the Pirates! Hugs and kisses... big THANK YOU's!!!

Tha and Delphine took them up to change for dinner.

What a success!!!!!

Saturday morning I had a terrific ride with Sunny and breakfast under my belt!!

Black skinny jeans, black t-shirt and a red and black check shirt, black ankle boots, the black sweater jacket from Redlight in Seattle, a black Apple & Harcourt Racing baseball cap, gloves and scarf. Black!

A Cho kiss, Sunny's hand in mine as we walked across the Forecourt to the AW139. We lifted off and turned north northeast. We flew north of Luton to arc down to land in a field in Wallington, Hertfordshire.

The farm owners gave permission for us to use this field after phone contact from Gil. They came to the edge of their field.

PJ and Tara stepped out first then Sunny and me. We walked to our hosts... The farm family shook hands saying they were pleased to meet me. I thanked them for the use of the field.

They smiled saying we could use it anytime with some notice so they could move any sheep out of the way. More thanks from me.

My crowd walked the short distance over to Kit's Lane... Standing across the street on the margin of the village green... I pointed to the rose bushes...

"Supposedly... they are the ones Orwell planted himself sometime around 1937. The roof is thatched now but had been metal while Orwell and his wife Eileen lived there."

Sunny could see the rose plaque on the house denoting that Orwell lived in the house.

"The house was called `the Stores' because it been a small village store for quite some time."

We crossed the road, a low picket fence you could lean over to smell the roses in spring.

I didn't intend for us to disturb the people inside but a woman popped out...

"Was that you in the helicopter?"

I said yes... the Manor Farm owners let us land over there.

She came to the end of the drive... she got a look at me... a cocked to the right head... "I've seen you somewhere..." A pause, "... Oh my god... you're Lady Harcourt... aren't you?"

Smiling I nodded. I introduced myself and Sunny. PJ and Tara behind us.

"I'm Millie... please do come in to look... I don't mind YOU doing it."

I thanked her very much. Inside it was obviously re-done, cosy, an old England look. Millie pointed out what was there from Orwell's time. Yes, the roses were his... lasting all these years!

"It's a legacy we cherish... They are pampered... They have strong lovely scent from a plant not bred for looks only."

She had some snaps in a book... multiple shades of pink... very handsome looking!

"Can I give you a cutting?"

"That would be very generous of you. We have good gardeners to care for it."

Millie got a pair of secateurs and went out.

Sunny smiling, "She's nice! I guess she probably gets a lot of gawkers in the summer."

"More than likely."

Millie came bustling in, "Let me get a piece of wet paper to wrap it and a small sack."

Sunny took the cutting... I thanked her for it, "We don't want to disturb you any further. We're walking down to St. Mary's."

Millie had a book... she asked if I would sign it.

"We do an informal visitor book. Your Ladyship, you are our first member of the nobility."

Smiling I pointed to Sunny... the book in my hands, "My niece?"

"Oh yes... please do!"

A bit more chat, we said thank you and goodbye.

Down The Street' southward, we walked past our hosts farm buildings including the Barn' from Animal Farm. Sunny taking loads of snaps!

A right turn onto Church Road and up to the doors of St. Mary's. Inside it was a simple village parish church.

Sunny got that Orwell and Eileen were married here in the summer of 1936 not long after they'd moved into `the Stores' cottage.

Sunny doing lots of camera work. The windows were very old, beautiful!

The vicar walked in from off to the side of the altar. A polite hello.

I returned it.

"This is a very nice, neat church. It is well cared for. Nice windows!"

"Indeed! Thank you. It is a Grade 2 listed building. This is a dedicated parish of wonderful hard workers."

I asked if I could leave a donation for the upkeep of the church.

The vicar smiling, "Of course! We have always have a need to do things around here."

I gave him eight 20£ notes... all the money I had. He was gob smacked!

"Miss, you are being very generous. Are you from near here?"

"We are from Nuneham Courtenay, a few miles south of Oxford. My name is Fay Martin; this is Sunny, my niece."

We shook hands. He looked to PJ and Tara. I introduced them. He wondered about my not going ahead with an introduction.

"PJ and Tara are my Protectors."

That STOPPED him cold.

A pained look on his face, "Why should you need protection in this small village?"

"It isn't the village... it is just part of my life."

That obviously hadn't enlightened him...

"I am also known as Lady Harcourt."

He slapped his hands... "You did look familiar... Your Ladyship, It is an honour to have you visit us."

We shook hands.

"Thank you! I brought Sunny here to see the bits of the village from George Orwell's time. The kind folks at the Manor farm allowed us to land our helicopter on one of their fields."

"I heard something an hour back or less."

"We do need to go... thank you again for the welcome... I may be back with other friends."

"My Lady, You'll always find a welcome here. Thank you so much for the donation!!! A pleasure and an honour to meet you!"

A second good handshake.

We headed to the field passing the Manor Farm buildings again... a few more snaps... Kellen smiling as we walked up. She had let a few boys look in at the AW139 cockpit.

She told them they needed to go over to the trees... her hand motioning so they'd be clear from our take-off.

We rose slowly, a turn east to avoid going over the village then rising up heading west some miles before turning south. We were on the lawn in twenty minutes.

Sunny bouncing out to get a hug from Cho... me too!

Sunny was happy, "It was great to see it... the Manor Farm barn and everything!"

I slipped my arm through Cho's, "It is well kept, nice people!"

I walked with Sunny to find Phillips. He was in the larger greenhouse... Sunny gave him the cutting and I told its story.

"My Lady, we can do something with this. I'll get it started... by summer we should have something good to be able to plant... you'll have time to consider where you would like it to be."

I thanked him.

Inside I got to hug the babies! We were in time for lunch!

Sipping an espresso with Cho by the great Room fireplace. I gave him a rundown on the trip and that I wanted him to come with me another time.

Cho leaned against me... "It was worth my staying behind... I have some interesting news for you. We have investigated some trump property mortgages and I have the results... sit back... there are three locations in roughly the same position which we can exploit. They are well worth doing so!

First, the mortgages can be bought, second, under the terms of the loans we can legitimately say the collateral no longer is sufficient to support the value of the loan and demand immediate repayment of the balance of the loans.

He will have no `out' because the terms are specifically laid out in an acceleration clause, which was put in the loans, at his request, to lower the interest rate for him. It says we can do exactly that. It was the point of the clause, an advantage and a risk for the borrower to gain a favourable interest rate and allay the lenders fears.

He did not think it could come back to haunt him. We could foreclose the loans, if there is no payment, we own the buildings..."

I hugged Cho!

"So he couldn't stop it with some sneaky lawyer tricks?"

"He could try but any judge reading the terms will throw out their case... it is in stark black and white. Long settled real estate law. Sam's firm is handling this for us. They KNOW New York real estate law like no other firm."


"In the case of the Trump Tower, he used the tower itself, unsold apartments in the building, leases from businesses having offices in the building, monthly HOH charges, leases of the retail businesses and anything else he could throw in as the collateral but the value has been falling for years... since the election it has slipped by nearly twenty three percent further down. So the collateral is now worth only sixteen percent of the loan... Way below an acceptable level. Even his falsely doubling the value... it falls well below forty percent of the loan."

"So are we going to do it... Banker-man?"

A huge grin, "Some folks will see it as a crass attack on fallen fellow but not in New York City. We'd be heroes! The golf club members in Florida will be overjoyed... he's neglected Doral for years... it doesn't make enough money for him to care... I have no doubt with good management it could be profitable."

"So it's a Yes?"

"Yes! I'm going to New York tomorrow for meetings. I have setup a meeting at NYInvestors Bank who holds the mortgage on Trump Tower and 40 Wall Street... their top brass knows I'm coming but they don't know the `why' except I'm interested in buying some mortgages they hold. Sam is coming with.

I like that the Cho Family Banks have such a presence that anyone in banking wants to sit down with me without knowing exactly why!"

Fist bumps and hugs... kissing!

"So the Trump Tower, 40 Wall Street and the Doral all on my list. I will be using a new real estate holding company we recently created for the purchase. We will pay cash, take possession... there will be one day's notice for repayment... brutal but legal... so by Friday it will likely be over."

My contribution, "Let's... Call Kotro... have him look at whatever he can find about the Trump Tower atrium and have him sketch out a garden to replace the tacky faux gold BS that's there now. Tell him it doesn't have to be detailed... say give it a tropical look... lots of wood, flora and water.

And the new name... How about just the street number over the door... nothing fancy. Or we could go whole hog... call it the `The Trump Folly' which suits it but might too much."

We were laughing loudly as Francis joined us. He rather liked my second name choice.

A hug for Francis... he'd done the research for this little project.

"It was fun finding out about his precarious financial state... seeing his position in historical terms... how did he get these loans to start with? The collateral wasn't proper back then. Why did banks risk it? He certainly isn't their friend."

Cho smiling one of his `wicked' grins, "He's used friends, friends of friends, dirty scam buddies, all sorts... to get past the gatekeepers. Who only knows what trump did for them after one of his stinky deals got funded."

I rubbed Cho's cheek softly, "So when you have control..."

"I will pay a visit to 725 Fifth, have a press event in the atrium, give the media an idea of what we propose. Behind the scenes we will evict any and all of trump's businesses, close associates and asskissers from our buildings.

The city property codes allows a new owner to terminate leases, the Trump companies don't own their offices they lease. Some have a bit of time to the end of the lease; some are doing `month to month' in lieu of a lease because he owned the building and couldn't be bothered.

That is where the trump organisations main offices fit. They will have a month to vacate. So he'll be hoisted upon his own petard! Boom!"

We had a great dinner and some math and word fun with the Twins before bedtime.

Snuggled with Cho, Jaidee in between us getting rubbed, we talked about the deals and Delphine. She was fitting in!

Chani and Charlie liked her. She had them writing in cursive! The Christmas cards had been neatly printed. There were displays of cursive writing styles on the Nursery wall by their work table.

A big step!

I lay back to watch as Cho carried the limp puppy to his bed. Such a sweet Choco Boy... we hoped his progeny were like him.

Cho left at nine in the morning. We all waved to him as the car rolled away. The Twins went up with Delphine, Tha and I sat to talk `separations.'

"Fay, when we do go different directions I think it would be best if I went with Charlie. He is a bit more to handle than Chani... She and Delphine are close already."

I had a big grin, "Cho and I thought the same! Chani should go with me... Cho is so good dealing with the occasional Charlie temper issues."

Tha squeezed my hand, "I don't see either having the `terrible two' syndrome. They are too smart, too curious; too interested in learning... throwing a tantrum seems outside their personalities. Charlie's rare digging in his heels are quite minor and expected."

"We also haven't had one this Christmas season..."

Fist bump!

In the Library working before lunch...

Ali got an email from the Weyerhaeuser fellow we'd been in contact with on the mulch-able `sleeves' for newspapers. He said they'd examined our proposal and they would like to do the work. There is Weyerhaeuser subsidiary based near Vancouver, Washington which could handle it.

They had the pulp and creating a production line was possible given their space.

So it was down to lawyers now. Ours would meet with theirs to build the details into contracts. I had Ali contact our lawyers about the creation of a joint company to allow both sides to do investing in the new construction so Weyerhaeuser would know how committed we were. Sharing all the way.

We'd buy a lot of sleeves for Seattle right away and less for Los Angeles ... more if we did indeed add newspapers. They could sell to other newspapers whatever they wanted as long as we were always satisfied first. The language for that was something for the lawyers.

We have a patent pending for the formula... Weyerhaeuser knew we were looking for an east coast wood products company to supply our needs. Like a good partner... they suggested Georgia-Pacific... at a particular North Carolina location.

Ali would do the research for Francis to follow up.

Ali would let Aston and Marita know what was happening. There wouldn't be any `sleeves' soon but as publisher I would keep an eye on future contracts for the plastic sleeves they were using. Georgia in Los Angeles and Henna in Seattle would keep me up to date on their needs.

That brought to mind... more newspapers... but which? Ali had researched regional newspaper chains in America... she also included some larger companies that could be desirable like the McClatchy chain and tronc aka `Tribune' where we got the New York Daily News from last year.

Her information was terrific! The tronc/Tribune company was the one I focused on. She had done the usual deep dive plus asked for help from Kuva in Bangkok for more financial data. Kuva had a small team setup that included some of Sud's investment research folks. They had scraped back the opaque layers to see the true financial picture. It wasn't that bad, investment was needed in some physical things and in personnel. The major newspapers could be new `Daily News' success stories.

Today the New York Daily News was positioned to become the largest newspaper in the city! It wasn't paying us back yet but it is primed for growth! We projected it to start paying back before the end of the year. tronc/tribune must be a bit `green with envy' over that.

I wrote an email to Cho about tronc/Tribune. We should make them an offer since they barely make any money these days. Everything is down for them. We could get it all for around Six hundred and twenty million. The newspapers, six major ones, were some famous titles, and a whole raft of smaller papers, magazines, printing establishments in many locations, etc...

I added that that figure included some pension liabilities! Cho's response came in... one word... Go!

I called Kuva to setup the money and Ali got the CEO and Chairmen on a conference call. The power of position was working... They were surprised to have me call with an offer... a good offer.

The CEO mentioned there was a separate small pension fund that was under-funded would we include that at about five and half million dollars.

I asked how accurate that `five and half million' was? The CEO said within a hundred thousand... I said conditional on that number I made the offer Six hundred and twenty five million... They accepted contingent on their Board agreeing. Neither man had any doubt it would acquiesce with no issues. It was as good a deal as they could expect.

After the Chairman was off... the CEO said they had watched the New York Daily News explode, "I know you've invested a good deal but the way they are going you'll be paid back soon enough."

My reply was we could see the payback date now.

I said the money part for our deal will be finalized by tomorrow morning his time if the Board acts today. He thought they could get a quorum together in a few hours.

I let him know we would visit at some point quite soon.

"Our trouble-shooter will be there in a few days to go over things... he has our trust and speaks for us."

"He will be made welcome! Everything will be laid out for him."

I thanked the CEO and asked him to please plan on staying in place for now. We would discuss it when we visit. He was fine with that. He asked about the Board... I said we'd require their resignations but could retain some after we've done some looking.

He did say he'd like to ask a question... I told him to go ahead.

"Miss Martin, you haven't looked at our books yet..."

I said we had a very thorough investigation done within the last forty days...

"So you have been thinking of making an offer..."

"We have been considering further investment in newspapers for half a year. Our new ventures on the west coast are doing very well..."

"You have started two new ventures in a tough environment... and made winners of both... in markets with entrenched opponents... it's amazing!!"

He was pleased we came to them, "We... you will have some wonderful titles and fine people."

I thanked him for his support in this. Francis will contact you directly when he has an exact day. Okay!

I told him I was going to write two letters... one to be sent to every employee of Tribune via email or paper... right down to the janitorial staff, etc... I would speak to them this way first then we'd make visits.

The second one would be aimed at the readers of all the publications to be put on the front page of every newspaper for a week, on the top of the webpages and announced on the covers of the magazines and placed inside opposite the table of contents. This letter would give them the news we own the publication and changes would occur for the better.

The employees would hear that one immediate result of the buyout would be a five percent rise for all employees. Healthcare, 401 plan and other things would change... they'd get detailed information on it all.

In both letters I would say investment was going to be made at every publication to increase staff, new equipment and energize the businesses.

He said it would be a great thing to do! I was assured the letters would be routed to every one of the employees.

Ali said Aston's latest numbers showed The Day had passed the Seattle Times in circulation!!!!!!!!!!!! And advertising sales were rising again after a Christmas plateau. Yes! Like with the Daily News the increase in circulation was rising unlike over at the Seattle Times and New York Times. Fist pump!

We'd soon own the top newspapers in two large American cities. Wow! In London the Sun had overtaken the DailyMail to go back to the top again after many years of decline!!!!

We were spending money on this but each newspaper would soon be making a profit. Just not tomorrow which was fine for us. They'd never make enormous profits... it wasn't our goal...

Achmed's report from Tehran was very good. His folks had done eighty nine percent of the work before stopping because of heavy snows. What was left were several smaller parts of the project which could be quickly completed when the thaw came.

His teams were all leaving in the next few days for several months off... he included. They had done a remarkable amount of work. Cho-Fay Air was picking them up.

I passed along Cho's and my congratulations!!

Taj's emails told me how pleased he was with our progress. He thanked me for how prepared our people were to get the job done and to be wonderful guests, caring and helpful.

Our training simulations his folks were using would have the staff ready to go live as soon as Achmed's people signed off on the construction. A large group of the most important staffers had been able to go to northeast Thailand, New Zealand and Sydney to see first-hand how the systems worked. Cho-Fay Air flew them out for a week's visit much to Taj's great appreciation.

Last item before a late lunch with the Twins... Naomi's classes at Boeing Field would start in thirty days for the first go-around. Kavat wanted all the world-wide helicopter turbine servicing staff to go through the programme by the end of summer.

Since we had the space at Don Mueang, Kavat wanted similar classes in avionics for the helicopter division, he had contacted Honeywell. Discussions were ongoing with them. The attending lawyers saying it was looking like we could have an agreement in days.

We would open all our classes to other users of the AW139's around the world on a fee basis. The fee would not be large, enough to cover any costs for us. This sort of thing by us was not meant to be a profit centre.

Westland GKN and Kawasaki were talking with us on programmes for their individual transmissions. There are two separate transmission units in each AW139... we wanted them taught as a single course, go from one to the next kind of arrangement. We could have other flight companies send their staff to be alongside ours like with the avionics for a small payment.

Very busy for Kavat... Penn was running the entire scheduling operation now!

They were happy campers!!! Wedding in the summer?? Penn said likely in Nuneham Courtenay. I did say we could host in England or Bangkok... they could choose. Happy sounds from Penn.

Lunch was fun! We had veggie cheese-hamburgers and chips! Plus ketchup! Pickles, olives and celery with peanut butter. Jaidee was there for the latter. I did the sharing for him. Everyone laughing when I said we can't give him too much... he was watching his waistline.

Sage sent me an email about the Lords schedule... I needed to be there for votes the day after tomorrow. I decided to go for the day only. Kellen was notified, she'd to fly us up to town.

Sage had some things for me in the office plus Linc had interviewed DJ Jones this morning. A talk about the results would be good.

At ten o'clock my night time, the Chairman of the tronc/Tribune Board called. The Board agreed to the deal.

"Miss Martin, we at this end are very pleased and look forward to meeting you."

"We will be in touch about a date. Thank you for working hard to get it done quickly."

I was left with the impression they acted rapidly so we couldn't change our minds. Ha!

I called Cho. He was laughing, "Damn... I leave you alone for half a day..."

Our laughter echoing across an ocean!

It was short he was going into a meeting. Break a leg and Love!

It was almost midnight that night when Cho called back.

"A good day! My talk with the CEO of NYInvestors Bank ended in signatures! We have control of the Trump Tower mortgages and the 40 Wall Street ones also.

They have the money in hand so it's done!"

I cheered!

"In the morning a demand letter will be hand delivered to the Trump Organisation offices to pay by noon of the following day the entire balance on all three loans.

Sam and his firm are sure no judge is going to stop the process since it is such well-established procedure.

Also there is a cancel clause... if the news of the deal leaks we have the option to cancel it entirely and receive the money back."

Cho laughed, "I pointed to Sam, Francis, Rande and Ansara saying they are the only people who know besides yourselves ... so any leak could only come from them. They were adamant the few bank staff who knew were loyal staff.

I asked them not to be insulted but... I laid out the NDA's... everyone signed. So they risk a lot and gain zero by leaking.

Sam's folks have already created the demand letter... I'll go there in the morning to sign it. The Trump folks will have it minutes before noon. Twenty four hours to raise the money."

Cho went on, "The Doral deal is done with some help from Javier's folks on the ground. We own the mortgage. Since it is part of the Trump Organisation, a demand letter will be with the other letters to be delivered tomorrow... they will cover it all."

He laughed, "Sam will also have the privilege of delivering eviction notices with me tomorrow when we get control. All the Trump Organisation offices will have thirty days to be out."

"So how long will you stay?"

"Another two days so we get past the deadline. More if the courts try to get involved."

"I miss you!"


Cho put Francis on when I requested... I asked him to detour to Chicago to look over tronc/Tribune, show the flag to the people there... He was good with that. I told him a Gulfstream was enroute to Teterboro for him. My thanks down the line.

"You do make up your mind quickly. I saw what Ali had on them... you got a good deal!"

Cho was back. We talked some more... I got to rub Jaidee while we went over some things... Sleep.

I did all my usual things through the day waiting for the noon hour in New York. And confirmation from Bangkok and Chicago the money was in place for the tronc/Tribune purchase.

It was done! Yea! We owned a bunch of newspapers! Lots of visits to come! The Baltimore Sun, Capitol Gazette in Annapolis, Chicago Tribune, Sun-Sentinel in Florida, The Virginian-Pilot in Norfolk and a lot more.

I was onto Adam, Des, Rolf, Bill, Kent, Royce, Aston and Marita with their business reporters listening in.. Everyone on a Conference App call a few minutes before the hour.

They got the news about the tronc/Tribune purchase. They liked our growing number of titles... our `reach' was getting very big.

Royce had a good laugh about the former owner of the Daily News was now `owned' by us.

Cho called a few minutes after five o'clock our time, "It's official... they have been served. Sam volunteered to do the delivery. He wanted to see their reactions... He asked to speak to the highest ranked Trump Organisation person on site.

He got a Trump Organisation senior vice-president who at Sam's suggestion opened the letter right away. He was shocked... saying it can't be true... he was advised it was AND the three letters stated clock timing was running. He handed a card to the senior vice president with his contact details and left."

I had allowed the news folks to listen in after telling Cho they were on with me. He hung up and joined the Conference App call. My guy's smiling face!!!

The news people were shocked... admiring our Chutzpah!

They all wanted to know what happens now... Cho gave them the rundown.

Bill laughing, "He can try finding a New York judge but even those who might `owe' him something won't touch this. Settled law in a city that loathes him... not a chance."

Sam in the background saying there were no Federal issues so the entire Federal judicial system was closed to the Trump Organisation.

I was crossing my fingers no bank would give him the money. He had burned so many bridges in New York... The big foreign banks had seen what happened to Deutsche Bank so they're unlikely to get involved plus since it was us doing the buying...

Also the JPMorgan's and Bank of America types wouldn't want to get themselves at cross-purposes with the Cho Family Banks.

At four and quarter trillion in assets via an IFRS valuation the Cho Family Banks are now so large they fit in the top five in the world.

There were Chinese banks in that group... they are big but not trusted outside of China given their anaemic credit balances, maybe hundreds of billions dollars in bad loans on their books. The Industrial and Commercial Bank of China has more under-performing loans than many of the largest western banks combined.

Hillary's Justice Department had landed with both feet on Deutsche Bank and a few others... billions of dollar fines and sanctions! They pled no contest to being `money launderers.' SO... they're out of the game altogether.

The Trump folks getting the money seemed impossible right now...

I backed out to have dinner with the Twins... a lot of laughing as I left.

Cho called later... "They have tried their first judge... A New York City judge of the Supreme Court, which for some reason in New York is the LOWEST level court... a flat refusal to be involved. He said there was nothing untoward happening, a routine business action. No justification for an injunction since the Trump Organisation could not prevail on the merits of the case.

I guess they'll try more but at some point they will see the legal side is hopeless."

Cho loved seeing the card Charlie and Chani made saying how much they loved Iris. All in cursive with art! I had snapped and emailed it.

My free hand on Jaidee's warm body as we spoke. Saying goodnight took a bit of time.

The first thing in the morning Cho's email from much later yesterday... another New York judge had turned down the trump's request to intervene... Then they tried a U.S. federal judge who issued a ruling from the bench immediately after the motion for an injunction to stop the foreclosures was given to him...

`This court has no jurisdiction in the matter.'

They'd called to ask for an extension of the time limit... Sam gave them a categorical `NO' reply.

They now had less than twelve hours to get the money.

Cho had his fingers on the pulse of New York banking circles... no one there was going to lend the money... not just because trump was a jackass but he had no collateral they trusted to back any loan. His signature was of no value.

Plus who'd want to muck around getting on the Cho Family Banks bad side? Not that Cho would do anything to them... it was just a point others would consider.

Cho wrote in the email a fellow at Deutsche Bank let him know on the quiet they wouldn't be involved in any way. About time they stopped being a piggy-bank for the weasel! After what has happened to them... no surprise!

Going to Russian oligarchs wasn't going to work. Hillary's government had frozen their assets in America, placed sanctions on them personally, blocked the movement of money from any Russian or linked accounts... plus the deadline was designed to stop any fiddling with strawmen. We had closed that with the demand for the source of any payment had to be disclosed or it would be rejected.

Options were zero!

I went about my day... a quick ride then off to the Lords. In the car going on the A3205 from Wandsworth Bridge Heliport almost at the Vauxhall Bridge... Francis called.

"Fay, two more judges doing emergency telephone calls refused to have anything to do with the case. And the Second Circuit Court of Appeals refused to listen to anything from trump's lawyers."

"Did you go to bed?"

"No, I volunteered to stay up and monitor the situation. I promised to make sure Cho was awakened if anything had actually happened... this is mere noise so I'm letting him sleep."

"Good on you. You'll need some TLC when you get back from Chicago... I'll put Ali on notice."

We laughed!

Allyn dropped PJ, Ken and I at St. Margaret's across from the Peers Entrance. I said hello to the fellow in the guard house as we walked by... a smile.

My coat and bits taken by a porter inside. In the Peers Lobby I spoke to some folks... exchanging greetings. Mac standing near the door to the House... he waved.

I was introduced to Wainwright, Fourth Earl Dereham. He was from Norfolk. A Lib-Dem member.

"Please call me Wain. I understand you have a house on the coast south of Lowestoft?"

"Yes! North of Southwold. We were there in the summer with family... we loved it. Cho played some local golf courses. I had been there in youthful summers and loved the whole coastal area."

Mac gave us a sign so we walked into the House. There was some preliminary things, some reports, mixed Orders and Regulations then a vote on Secure Tenancies (Victims of Domestic Abuse) Bill, it passed. Another for the Asset Freezing (Compensation) Bill, it passed.

A Private Notice Question on whether the government is going publish a paper on priorities and preferred trading relationships when the UK leaves the EU. Passed.

Why wouldn't the government just do it rather than have to coaxed along like a child.

The last was proof that this isn't my idea of a good time.

Some second readings of various bills.

After that I left. I did my voting! On the record.

Ken leading, PJ behind me, we walked to Millbank House.

Sage had cushions! Mine was black!!

Coffee! Then Linc was ready. Casteen sat with us.

"Your Ladyship, DJ Jones knows where some bodies are buried..." He leaned over to fist bump with Casteen! "... His story... A defence supplier, friends with big tory politicians, didn't like Jones trying find answers about spending on several naval programmes. So he was encouraged to retire after thirty years of service.

I haven't checked on that but it may not matter.

In regard to our project he's given me a half dozen people to speak to who are currently in government and out. None are anything like department heads or the like.

I'll start seeing them later today."

"Did he say anything in general about the Trident programme?"

"No. I don't think he's actually going to tell me much directly... he wants to give us others to get the information from... keeping a distance from us."

"I can see his point... we aren't going to do anything for him... How do you feel about him?"

"He has a grudge but I don't believe he's bent. If he gets some folks in hot water and they don't know it originated from him... he'll be fine keeping his mouth shut about it but enjoying the karma payback."

I had to laugh, "Let's not be his foil... when you do talk with him do not say anything about what you've learned from any of his contacts."

Linc did a smile and a thumbs up!

"Ma'am, I do like the way you think."

Smiling I called it a day. Allyn was ready... he dropped us at Wandsworth... fifteen minutes later I stepped out onto the lawn.

Carter with a grin at the door, "The Twins have just come in and Gregory asked if you could come down to see him... something he wants you to view."

I called Gregory, he said it was something with Roland, Pamela and Penelope that was marvellous. I said I was waiting on a deadline from New York and would be down soonest.

The Twins loudly greeted me in the Great Room. Big hugs! Their Garden play period had been fun. Jaidee's slipover with the Jolly Roger on it was a colossal success! Tha and Delphine got full marks for their being an associate members of `the Crew' of their pirate ship.

Jaidee woofing a welcome to me. A big hug!

I checked the time... No call from Cho yet. The trump people had half an hour to go. As of two hours ago no court was stopping the clock.

A text from Francis <25 minutes NO bank helping No court> I replied with a thumbs up!

Up to change. In jeans in a big chair in the library as the last minutes ran out... on the Conference App with Francis, Sam and Cho. They were in Terrance's car at 725 Fifth Avenue... Francis switched to his iPhone as they walked in after it went noon in New York.

NYPD at the doors... The commissioner had been alerted by us of an important event to take place at the tower. They had the Midtown North precinct commander there with a body of police. Sam showed him the documents explaining the new ownership. He was good with our moving in.

Francis and Petra told him what was going to happen.

Petra arranged a large squad of our Security in advance... they now went in to take possession of the building... all its bits and pieces. The existing security guards were told they were relieved of duty.

They were sent to a meeting space to be informed that the building's new owner had severed their current company's contract. We assumed their current employer would find other assignments for them but we had no control over that process. If they wanted to apply to our Security Service we would consider individually on their own merits. But it was a very deliberate process... i.e. Not fast.

Some technical security staff were from an entirely separate company they were asked to stay. They were fine. Their company was told of the changes and their current contract would be honoured. They were Okay with us taking over and using their folks!

The maintenance people were told about the changes and their jobs would be safe.

The building managers were informed and were asked to stay on the job because this just a normal business transaction... They had no problem. They were like the technical security folks hired from a separate company although `working' for the Trump Organisation.

They were told we would protect and pay them exactly as they had been.

Petra introduced them to Desiree, from Stella's team, as our new Security Service boss for the building.

They would do their usual work and anything else that was necessary as before but under our scheme of things the Security boss had the ultimate responsibility for the safekeeping of the tower which overrode them.

Francis' iPhone showing me what was happening around Cho. The local news folks, excluding our own who already knew, were told what was happening via calls by a team Francis put together.

They descended on the building right at noon. Fox News did have a scoop and good placement out front of the doors. The Daily News got the same for our print side. They would feed our News UK newspapers. The New York reporter for our West Coast newspapers was alongside the Daily News fellow. No apologies to the others.

Gary had arranged for a cherry-picker' bucket truck, it eased up onto the sidewalk surrounded by our Security people and cops. News cameras broadcast live as two men removed the words trump tower' from above the doors. They put up a temporary sign with only `725' on it.

The crowds that had gathered cheered... Noisy and obviously happy... they quite loudly started to chant... "Ding Don! The bastard is gone!" To the tune of `Ding Dong... the Witch is dead!'

Wouldn't Dorothy approve? trump was a sham like the Wizard in the Oz story.

Gil had the Fox News feed on her iPad... we watched that along with Francis' screen view on my iPhone which was jerking from his laughter!

What a show on Fifth Avenue.

Francis got Cho to call me.

"Fay, quite the day! The crowd is amazing! Little doubt how loathed the weasel is here.

Downtown at 40 Wall Street we've taken control of the building. Gary led his team in, no problems from the management and the old security is gone. Carrie is control with our people in place.

I'm flying to Miami in a short while to take over the Doral. Javier is going to meet me and bring a large group of Doral members too.

Stella and Lawrence are there with our Security crew all over the facilities.

Then I'll fly back here for the morning news conference in the atrium. I'll let New York know what is going to happen.

We have the drawings we received from Kotro on Francis' iPad so we can put them up on a screen to give folks some sense of what it might look like.

Kotro's tropical paradise drawings are a great start! We will end up modifying it... I will say that tomorrow morning so it's out there but the basic theme will remain.

Everyone will see lots of wood, we'll reuse the waterfall in a completely different way, plants of all sorts... everywhere there is marble, glass and metal will be replaced by wood or flora.

All the business will be informed their leases will be terminated unless their space conforms to the new design. They will be told we'll be flexible about it.

Desiree has maintenance teams going around now removing the trump name from every place in the building even the doors of his offices. They will be told new polices about names are in force now. Suite numbers only for trump companies... after the trump crowd of bootlickers is gone no more trump name anywhere."

I was laughing, telling Cho and Francis to enjoy themselves. He knew all was well here... I was going down to the Stables after we got off.

Cho told me to enjoy myself. Cheers and love.

Gregory's grin HUGE as we leaned over the gate to Pamela's stall... Penelope was standing beside her dad Roland who was gently grooming her.

"He's been doing this... several times today. He loves this little thing." I took snaps for Cho... Sunny joined me from her training... she was almost teary seeing the loving tableau.

Pamela stepped behind Roland... she rested her chin on his back... lots more snaps.

I looked in at Secret Sea... she had her boy nursing... he was doing fine! Asda had been introduced to his son... he wasn't into being close yet. He'll get there because he's shown his kids great affection in the past.

Gil and Sunny snapping pics!

I sent Cho a bunch of the snaps. He called from his flight; they were on their way from Newburgh to Miami.

"Fay, those snaps are fabulous! Roland being a dad! Impossible to say what a thrill it is to have such horses.

We'll be in Miami near five o'clock, straight to the golf course. Stella and Lawrence have already secured the club; they have put up notices and emailed about a meeting at six o'clock for members. Lawrence has been introduced and the management and staff have had their explanations of his role as Security chief. Stella says they are Okay with changes, none appeared to mourn the weasel's departure."

It was hard to believe anyone would care about trump. He's lied to, cheated, stolen from and abused nearly every person around him for years. I had been sure the reaction would be same as when me moved the m***************'s out.

I wished my guy a good trip and told him to sleep on the way back. Cho promised he would.

Dinner with the Twins, Gil and Ali was lively! Charlie and Chani had a great day inside and out. A pirate cruise! Delphine was proving to be an awesome companion as well as teacher. She and Tha were becoming a dynamite team!

They were still going to ride every day and groom Iris afterwards. Delphine knew a bit about horses so got stuck in right away on that!

Up in the morning early... just Tara and I for a shortened ride. I was on the banquette in the Breakfast Room with the newspapers and the news on my iPad. Gil and Ali joined me.

Cho's overnight email from Florida was ebullient... the Doral members cheered when he entered the meeting room. They were so sick and tired of trump ignoring their complaints about the club's upkeep.

trump bought the courses for their famous names then did a makeover... going deep into his grandiose tacky style... spending money he didn't have for crap... then he did as little as possible to maintain them. The club house locker rooms had stinking bathrooms from mildew and sewage problems, the lounges by the pool were literally rotting away. Paint flaking all around. The staff cut to a bare minimum.

Our reputation for quality meant they could expect we'd fix the problems and bring back the lustre! Cho told them that's exactly what we will do!

Cho sent pictures of smiling faces ... the cheers from the members were very loud. Ansara did video of it all.

Cho added a small titbit... trump had never become a member, as owner he played or did whatever he wanted. The Doral management was told trump was barred from the premises. Cho's comment about their demeanour made me laugh... all smiles and happy faces!

They were told any property that might belong to the weasel was to be collected... our Security would go through it. What were actually his belongings would be boxed and shipped to his Florida home.

For all trump branded items, he had fifteen business days to show proof they were actually paid for by him to take possession otherwise it would put in a garbage skip if it couldn't be donated to a charity.

We three were going over it all... every bit of news copy we could find. An email from Adam thanking me for a juicy story to get him started on a series about bloated egos in business elites. A laugh.

The event was generally called `Another Stunning Coup' by us in most news outlets. Our newspapers, Sky UK and Fox News were thankfully being more intelligent... They saw it as a skilful business move. We paid a low price for some very troubled real estate in New York and Florida... we, unlike trump, had the acumen and resources to turn the properties into winners.

The Wall Street Journal surprised me with a smart take on it. Saying we paid a low price but would have invest a good deal to get our money back... they said we would undoubtedly do that and be successful!

trump had not sold all the apartments in the tower despite his thirty five years of ownership, there was a lot of turnover in the ones owners had made over as rentals because of the poor management of the building. People didn't like living there.

There were no unit sales since the prices had crashed. Some owners had contacted us with thank yous and encouragements to fix up the building.

The tower had been starved of resources to maintain it in a superior state to maintain its value.

A Daily News story... said you `can't give away' an apartment in the Trump Tower, citing a bequest in a will from two years ago where the recipient refused a Trump Tower apartment because of the cost of the HOH dues, other charges and more importantly he couldn't sell it... no market. No buyers!

I wonder what the weasel thought of that! Probably no one had dared to tell him. What a hissy-fit he would have thrown!

The Twins had finished Bfast, off to `study' as Charlie put it. Delphine with a grin. Last one out... Tha... giving me a double thumbs up!

There were lots of `requests to comment' from UK news organisations about the doings in New York. Our own and all the others were told there'd be a news conference at St. John's Smith Square concert hall today to start at noon.

I'd be on my own for this one... Cho was going to stay an extra day in New York to talk to city government leaders. He had a list of things we were going to do with the buildings, he wanted them `in on it!'

A blustery day! A medium gray softly pleated wool skirt to my ankle tops, a black long-sleeved soft wool jumper in jet black, it had a shirt collar. I had it tucked in. A wide black leather belt. Pearls around the collar resting on the jumper front, gold bits elsewhere. Black stockings and heels. `Joy'

The Coach black camel's hair coat, white scarf in a loop and gloves to keep me warm.

Gil, PJ, Ken and Angie with me lifting off from the lawn straight to Wandsworth. I stepped out of the car at the south doorway, the opposite side of the building from where the news people were entering. We walked through the building. The St. John's Smith security people and a squad of our Security Service were doing the event.

I'd asked for an informal setting, a low dais with chairs for the news folks close up. A platform for cameras in the centre behind the chairs. A large screen to the left of the dais.

Gil went in to setup her iPad connection to the screen...

PJ at an angle behind me so he could see past me, Ken and Angie off to the sides from the dais.

I walked to the podium from the rear... the news folks surprised me by standing... Many helloes from them in response to mine.

I thanked them for coming...

I gave them an overview of what was happening and then the why...

"Cho and I saw an opportunity to acquire new property in New York in a `backhand' kind of manner and at a bargain price. The 725 Fifth Avenue Tower's mortgages were nearly uncollateralised due the falling values for all trump owned buildings, especially the Trump Tower. We bought the mortgages for the two buildings in New York and the Doral Golf Club in Miami as business ventures.

The 725 Fifth Tower will be remodelled from the atrium upwards on every floor. The atrium..." I motioned to Gil, she started a very slow moving scroll through pictures of what it was now then Kotro's drawings, "... which is loud kitschy and tacky will show the most obvious modifications to the public.

As you see it will become a tropical... well... `wonderland' as wood and flora replace the cold marble, fake gold fixtures and glass look."

I shook the gold torque on my left wrist, "... I like to wear gold... not faux stuff like in the tower, marble is cold, not inviting, glass walls... well let's not go any further...

The citizens of New York City have the right to enter the atrium at any time because of a deal trump made with the city for `advantages' to him in design and height of the tower.

We... unlike... trump will honour that arrangement to the fullest! The atrium will be warm and bright, full of greenery and water all year `round."

Gil put up some snaps of the shops and other areas.

"These spaces will need conform to the new look as closely as possible although we do not intend to be draconian about it. The rest of the building will undergo refurbishment, new paint, carpet, etc...

We will do what trump didn't... spend some money on the upkeep of the building... the same goes for the 40 Wall Street tower.

There is a pattern... trump buys something then tries to maximize his profits to pay his debts without doing the basic maintenance of the location... The Doral Golf Club is in a rundown condition...

My husband, Cho, played there last year... he remarked the clubhouse looked worn and the locker-room had an odd odour. He did say the degraded condition of the facility was also obvious on the course he played... the `Blue Monster.' It needed paint; amenities required replacing... the grass patchy... even the benches at the various tees were in bad shape."

I went on for a bit then said I would take questions for a limited period.

"Please give your name and organisation before you ask your question... Thank you."

I pointed to a fellow in the front row...

"Your Ladyship... Jacob Nowley, the BBC. Can this be in any way construed as a personal move against trump?"

"No. We are business persons... while we are people too..." laughter from the newsies, "... we want to make money. Cho is very watchful of business trends in cities where we have a presence... we try to anticipate those trends especially in real estate.

trump has a long history of business failures... taking advantage of his stupidity, avarice and laziness seemed a good move in this case.

While I will say firmly it isn't personal... we have no respect for business people like trump. The fewer there are of that sort... the better the business climate will be everywhere.

As a side note... we have not met the fellow."

Some laughter for that.

I pointed to another newsperson...

"Your Ladyship... Audrey White, Sky UK. Are you looking at other trump properties?"

"I can't say..." I grinned, "... that would be telling..." loud laughter around the room, "... but it seems obvious given his history Mr. trump will provide us or others the opportunities."

We went on for nearly forty five minutes. I was glad to see the questions were intelligent and focused. Finally I said I needed to go. There was chorus of `thank you's' from the reporters. I waved thanking them for attending... exiting to the rear.

As a group we walked around to leave the square through Dean Trench Street then up Gayfere Street to Great Peter Street to Cowley House. Clough got a text from Gil, he was ready to open the door for us. A smile.

Clough took my coat, "My Lady, luncheon is nearly ready."

I thanked Clough.

In my Sitting Room for a few minutes. Lunch then to Millbank House and onto the Lords.

I stuck my head into the kitchen to thank Mrs. Travers. I thanked her for being so flexible about my bringing guests on short notice. She was smiling saying she was glad to hear it.

"Mr. Clough keeps me informed on your scheduled days at the Lords so I plan meals around that."

More thanks from me.

At the front door we bundled up for the windy cold day... the Security folks at Millbank House all did helloes with smiles, we returned them the same way.

Sage had a few things for me. Casteen and Linc sitting opposite to me...

Casteen had loads of figures about the current submarine fleet... "I'm distilling it into a readable report and spreadsheet. It's something of a mess. The MOD can be such a pain... I'm asking for information on public monies allocated and spent... there are no secrets. It's not like there wasn't open debate in Parliament on all of it."

I laughed and pointed to Linc, "As expected they don't like to disgorge even the most obvious data which is why Linc is our `end run' man."

Linc laughed too. "I have now spoken to three ex-government people. They are in the private sector so I'm keeping their names well hidden away from all my work product... their real names are in an encrypted doc Sage has put on your house server in a file folder of hers. The same for any further folks I speak with on this."

"Good! We cannot be in the business of hurting folks who help us."

Linc had data showing some monies allocated to decommissioning nuclear subs had been used to do some modifications on existing Trident subs.

"So far I've been able to trace about twenty million £'s over the last ten or so years. That's a give or take figure. I'm sure there will be more in other areas... we've barely started.

They've used some of the money I have tracked to modify communications equipment for the most part.

It probably makes the front line Trident subs better but it seriously slows decommissioning."

There was a point to make... all decommissioning monies should be separately budgeted in a discrete spending bill for the MOD. It was making a lot more sense to have all these `pieces' separate!

Linc had more meetings scheduled with people whose names came from DJ Jones. We'll see what else there is to find. So far when Linc has asked questions he's gotten answers although no senior staff has been spoken to yet.

Also he has gotten a few new names to communicate with from the ones he has interviewed so our net is widening.

PJ and I walked to the Palace of Westminster. No news people bothered us today. In at the Peers Entrance... I was getting used to the layout of the building in the non-public areas.

In the Peers Lobby I got Mac to walk with me. I let him in my `project' a smile on his face.

"Fay, let me know if I can help. The Defence Bill hasn't advanced very far so making changes is possible although yours are large."

"Mac, yes... large changes but in theory it should be easy enough to separate the pieces into individual bills."

Mac felt it was a doable thing, "As for my opinion on your `project'... there's nothing wrong with looking for the money but I'm sure I don't have to tell you will it get some people's... Well... pardon my French... nickers in a twist."

"Mac, don't worry about naughty words... I know them all in ten languages!"

We laughed!

His smile got broader when I told him how I was having my staff go about it.

`You're a natural conspirator. I'd better watch myself!"

More laughing.

"Mac, I've got your back whenever it's necessary."

Fist bump!

Several members had been close... they grinned at the fist bump.

Mac introduced me to them. Argyle, Earl of Balloch from West Dunbartonshire and Kenneth, Baron Rothbury from Northumberland, both Labour.

"Ah... Northerners! A bit of me too! I've family on the Black Isle."

Argyle said he'd read that we had bought property up there.

"Yes... an old Munro home in Alness and a house to be close my aunt and uncle in Fortrose... coincidentally they both have a golf course Cho likes."

"Very important the latter... I see he's able to conquer any course."

"We just bought a new course in Florida... in a trump fire sale!"

I had to laugh... a brief explanation made them smile.

Kenneth had played at Doral six years back during a family trip... "An American Congressman from Florida I'd met arranged it."

"Cho played the Blue Monster once last year... he had local friends arrange it for him. Now he owns it!"


We needed to go into the House so our little talk ended. Both men shook my hand, smiling at a lunch invite... when it could be fixed.

Argyle had my arm as we moved towards the entrance, "Fay, I've already heard about your luncheons... they are quite the topic of epicurean gossip!"

"We're pretty tame... sherry, talk, eat well, talk, coffee. No food hijinks!"

We laughed.

Separation as we go our seats, pleasant parting words.

Mac with a smile, "You're popular... it doesn't hurt to have a considerable public position, pots of money and a terrific look about you. I think you will be very capable of persuading folks on that one to one and small group thing I mention."

"Let's hope so..." I leaned closer, "... Charles may yet rue the day..."

Mac squeezed my arm with a huge grin.

We listened. A short series of reports, notices and a member's private bill and debate on vehicle emission standards once we leave the EU.

I repressed the urge to rise and say brexit was rubbish, the policy of traitors and fools... As Mac says... I wasn't going to change minds en masse!

Votes on several procedural matters. Second readings and so on...

Hugging the Twins later in the Great Room was the best part of my day equal to talking to Cho.

Chani and Charlie all giggly happy playing with Jaidee. Tha said they got to write and draw a lot with vocabulary building built into all that! Yes!

Cho's face on the Conference App... I wanted to smother it with kisses!!

The Twins talking with Popa... laughter, giggles, happy babies!!

I had them on either side of me now on a settee. I held the iPad up for us.

"Fay, the city folks are enthused by our ownership of these buildings... our plans caused applause in the City Hall meeting which was remarkable.

They all know trump... dealt with him but like the newspapers and TV they stayed silent about his bullying and abusive business and personal behaviour.

Even the Daily News before we bought them was not printing all they knew.

Difficult to understand anyone asskissing that repugnant fellow.

I told the city folks we wanted permission to erect a permanent sign on the Fifth Avenue sidewalk at the tower doors... inviting the public in. I said it was to have our words as an invitation. Since it was part of the deal with the city when the tower was built they said they would allow it. Actually they all seemed very pleased we wanted to.

I told them our Security Service will manage the people in and out but we'd appreciate the Mid-Town North Precinct folks paying a bit more attention."

The Police Commissioner was more than happy to agree to it. He was told by Cho he had met the Mid-Town North Precinct commander. Good. He would be the contact. Cho said he had also dealt with our taking over at the Fox Tower a year and a half ago.

Cho's news conference went off quite well like mine. He gave them a statement of our intent and how we would get there. Using Kotro's drawings as a model but not a final look he explained the new atrium.

He did questions for almost an hour.

"Most I have to say were good, some needed a lengthy answer but it worked out quite well."

He laughed, "I was pleased anyway... Our own news people were terrific! Intelligent questions...

None of the reporters were snarky or especially foolish with their questions.

The Wall Street Journal man was very polite with an excellent question about how we were financing the three deals.

I think my we've paid cash' shocked most of the news crowd... Not ours I am glad to say. When they got that we owned them free and clear' I got a question from Stanley, the Business editor of the Daily News, about the Forbes `Billionaires' list...

Stanley there in person along with another business reporter showing how important this news conference was being taken by the news people... OUR news people in the city.

He asked `We haven't seen you and Lady Harcourt on the Forbes' Billionaires list... Why is that?'

Not a deep question but it followed our putting up hundreds of millions of dollars."

Cho said he smiled at the press crowd, saying `You might notice we do not do any self-promoting or do other public events... we only talk to the press when we need to like today. Our companies are protected from scrutiny; the amount of our wealth is no one's business but ours.'

Laughing, "When I added the multiple taxmen too of course! That broke everyone up! A room full of laughter."

Cho said he followed it up with, What is in it for us to be on some pointless glamour' list? Nothing at all. It's of no interest to us.'

He went on, `Some of what we do is public because governments around the world demand it. The Chanthira Foundation is a non-profit entity whose financial data is open so we can qualify for that status.

In fact the Foundation is run by my wife, Fay Martin, whose role is public.

We have recently donated an additional five billion £'s to the Foundation moving it near the top of the largest endowed foundations in the world if you want to have a list to look at.

To satisfy you Stanley... I will say we would be on the Forbes' list in the topmost group if you all knew what we know.'

Cho grinning on my iPad screen, "Stanley's face was a big smile, he thanked me amid a lot of laughter.

On the whole I think our two news briefings gave the news folks somethings to chew on and killed off the talk about us going `after' the weasel."

I had to agree. In the questions I was asked there certainly was no hint of sympathy for trump.

Cho was over Atlantic flying back... he'd be here a few hours!!!!! We ended in `gobs' of love passed along.

I walked down to the Stables to ride and visit the babies. Secret Sea and Pamela in a paddock with the little ones. They were exploring their legs on the grass... a few bounces, hops and brief runs. The mom's gazing next to each other tails swishing gently against one another.

I stood between the moms stroking their backs and necks. Soft nickers! Happy ladies!

So beautiful! Gil with me getting video of the babies.

Rebel was ready to go! Gil, Ken, Angie, Tara and Penny! What a mob. They all wanted to go out having been cooped up all day. We went east through Marsh Baldon then along fields to the Lower Road, across we aimed for Garsington and St. Mary's Church on the village's southwest side..

The vicar watched us tie our horses to a hedge. We shook hands. Her benefice was this church plus All Saints in Cuddesdon and St. Giles in Horspath. I inquired about the buildings and letting her know we'd be pleased to help with any repairs, etc... they might need for all three churches. The vicar smiling thanked me.

"Your Ladyship, you are being generous to so many parishes in our southern Oxfordshire neighbourhood. The Bishop sent out a letter to all the parishes in the area saying you might visit and offer your assistance. He was most complimentary to you both."

"We had a meeting a few weeks back at Harcourt House. He seemed quite pleased we wanted to help."

"Your helping the schools is marvellous. Even with full enrolment they often run short of money.

So for these churches... each has their individual churchwarden who do an ongoing assessment of the buildings. They all have issues but none are threatening to the structure.

What there is to do... is maintenance... some more serious than others."

She mentioned a new heating unit for the offices at one church, walkways and stone walls needing work, fireplaces...

"Any assistance from you would mean we could spend our monies for other projects."

"Good! Make a list. Gil will be the point of contact and you can of course speak to Carter, our butler, who is in charge in our absence."

Gil handed the vicar one of her cards.

She thanked me again. A nice lady with a good handshake. Smiles.

On the ride back Angie asked if we attended any of the churches... I said no.

"I'm a lapsed C of E and a small part non-participating Buddhist... Cho is Buddhist but not active. Religion as a thing isn't important to us... people are important. We focus on people... our people... other people who need some assistance... it doesn't come from religious precepts but from within ourselves.

If our folks or anyone for that matter has faith in any religion then we support them. Extremism in any religion is anathema to us.

Here in the UK the churches... especially the Church of England ones... there are so many small, nice parish churches... they often hold the history for their villages we do not want to see lost. Like the memorial in All Saints Cuddesdon for an air crash nearby that killed so many armed forces men. That event is almost unknown now."

Ken said his mom had been a strong Baptist, after some fuss in the church she moved, "Now she is A.M.E. American Methodist Episcopal. She's always been active in the church. I've never seen her push it on others like some do."

My obvious question... "I'm on the side where you are... I'm fine with whoever believes... just don't bother me."

Fist bump.

We kept talking about it. Angie was C of E but not going to any services, etc... Penny was a non-practising Buddhist and Tara was a straight atheist. Said with a smile.

We were walking our horses after a terrific gallop, "I do admire some of the writings by religious figures of the past even into the Twentieth Century. Their willingness to confront evil has been so important... something to remind us all that to tolerate people who use bigotry in race or religion or gender or other personal beliefs to destroy... should be abhorrent to everyone.

But other side of the coin... too many religious leaders have used their power to incite wars and horrible atrocities for thousands of years. AND right up to today like Buddhist monks in Myanmar inciting violence against the Rohingya people. Only because they are different. Of course it doesn't help when lame jackasses like facebook allow their hate to be amplified in a totally uncontrolled manner."

We neared the Oxford Road, "I cannot ask via prayer for something which I know won't happen... it seems a waste... I do not like waste."

Cho grinning as he sat in my Dressing Room watching me disrobe. My `religious talk' helped give him the smile... also my near naked bod!

"If we don't tolerate... we cannot expect any ourselves. It's quite simple."

A kiss from me in agreement.

He'd just arrived to a big welcome by me and the Twins!

Francis was in Chicago already with the tronc/Tribune folks. He took Aimee and a team from New York.

`Drinks' time was a Taittinger's festival. Fin's Shirley Temple's too! Cheers and toasts! We were glad Popa was home! Toasts to the new property we owned.

We sat to talk in the Great Room after dinner... the Twins were doing puzzles.

At a quick guess Cho thought we'd have to put in another twenty million or more to fix up the mess of the buildings in New York... that not counting the atrium re-do or changes to the upper floors of 40 Wall Street.

"I'm not sure about the Doral... several million at least. Javier and the other members said they would all support us and encourage others to join knowing we'd make it a spectacular locale.

I told the Doral members I was considering changes to the Blue Monster... primarily shortening it... not a huge deal but to make it more playable by the average golfer. It would attract more activity including some more PGA attention. They were in favour of that idea. Many don't like to play it even from the shorter tees because of its length.

So we have created expectations but the bar is low after the trump management years."

We had to smile over that!!

Gil and Ali had been following the local news coverage which was framed by my news conference. Our taking over rundown properties and the plans to fix them up was the usual lead.

Whenever trump was mentioned it was most often as a poor businessman who sought profits over the longevity and vitality of his assets.

I was good with it... Cho watched my news conference on the plane home.

"You do speak well, clear and clean! You express a good deal of emotion without being overly emotional. It's quite the trick... I'm glad you can... I think it makes what you say grab people. You are expressive but it's not seen as softness!"

Laughing, "Well... that's an interesting take... One or two tory peers have been victims of my emotional side... none have seen my `soft' side yet."

Cho grinning as I described my internal controlling efforts not to stand and shout at the tories.

I was shaking my head, "Mac's right... which of course doesn't relieve the annoyance factor."

A kiss from Cho!

A movie! The Wizard of Oz! The Twins were interested after seeing some snaps from the movie on Tha's iPad. Flying monkeys and the Emerald City. So we decided to try it... and stop for questions if they wanted... which I made clear before we started.

Us four on a settee with a small bowl M&M candies.

Chani and Charlie were watching intently... The start had them angry about the treatment of Toto! Mean old ugly woman!

The tornado did have us pause it to explain. They got it... swirly very strong... POWERFUL winds that could lift a house!!

The wonderful Technicolor Land of Oz... they loved that!! The Munchkins got applause and laughs. Glenda was a big hit! Chani loved her outfit. Glenda being so nice... they both liked her...

Chani's hands waving with the music as Dorothy started off on the Yellow Brick Road.

Each time she met a new companion they clapped. Ray Bolger's Scarecrow crazy dancing got them flipping their feet. The Tin Man's tears brought frowns then smiles when Dorothy `oiled' him. The Lion's roars and his being stopped from chasing Toto by Dorothy who showed no fear had them both laughing!

When the lion chased away the baddies they clapped.

The emerald green city was cheered!

A loud `NO!' from Charlie when the wizard made getting the witch's broomstick as a condition for his help.

Flying monkeys, strange guards, the death threat... Another pause to tell them about cruel people who would hurt others so they get something for themselves!!

The escape... scarecrow on fire... the water tossed... They clapped as the wicked witch melted... Chani said it was sad she died... but `she was hurting people who were nice.'

Their triumphant return to OZ! Then the wizard acting like a weasel...Toto's exposing the `wizard' was a delight! Big Yeas!

The `ruby slippers' doing their magic returning Dorothy to Kansas. Cheering!

Dorothy in bed after the tornado had passed... surrounded by family and friends. The Twins got it was a dream!!

They saw each character as a reflection of themselves in Dorothy's real life!!!

"Mama, Dorothy was lucky to have so many nice people around her," Chani made me proud. A hug and kiss!

Charlie in his Popa's lap, "Popa, those men in Oz wanted what they already had..."

Charlie turned to me,,, "like Pat they needed a little help?"

I leaned over to kiss my son... a big smile from him. Cho's arms around him!

Cho said they were both right! Smarties!!

They got to have a couple more M&M's then we went upstairs. Tha and Delphine were with us. They took over doing the bedtime things. Delphine learning it all just the way Tha and the Twins liked.

In bed later Cho smiling slipping his arms around me this time.

A set of lips on my neck, warm and soft, "The babies are truly incredible. They pick up on subtleties."

I kissed those warm brown fingers, "They are sponges... that was why I wanted us to read to them so much... remember I said they were storing it up..."

More Cho lips action, "Yes, I remember. You were right on from the start. See you're very smart and I am too because I married you!"

We laughed... some serious kissing!!!!!!

I was awake before my iPhone told me to be. Jaidee's tail banging on his bed... a big hug and kiss for him!!!

Dressed to ride... in black with an electric blue tie. Down the stairs with our buddy. I fixed his food while he did his business in the garden box.

A scone, coffee and a wonderful dog heading down the grassy lane.

The Stables were alive. Pat with Roland, Tara and Tessa! We walked our horses down the lane... a warmup then a trot to the railroad crossing... a full on gallop to the lock.

My friends there, Roy had just arrived. `Good Mornings!'

On the west side of the river I turned us north then west along Audlett Drive, we went left again at the Radley Road a short distance to the Church of Our Lady of Grace. The priest met us at the east door after we tied our horses to the hedge.

"Lady Harcourt, welcome to the Church of Our Lady."

I thanked him. I was pleased he could meet this morning and wasn't put off by my manner of arrival.

"No, not all. I have seen you in Abbey Meadow... It is very fine you are being close to the neighbourhood."

He said it was a wonderful thing we had done for the St. Edmund's Primary School. The headteacher was thrilled to have the extra funds.

I said I was on a similar mission today... a quizzical look from him.

"You may have heard that my husband and I were providing funding for various repair projects at churches in the neighbourhood. I am here this morning to include Our Lady in that scheme.

We are building a list of vetted builders who can be trusted to do repairs on churches and historic buildings. We want to help if you have issues with repairs or improvements."

"My Lady, your generosity is magnificent."

"We can have fellows in to do a look around unless you already have a specific concern."

"The church itself is in quite good condition. There may be some problems with the re-cladding done on several of our junior school buildings. Our problem is we can't find any documentation on the gladding installed. In light of what happened at the Grenfell Tower we wanted to have our cladding inspected and if need be replaced."

"That sounds like a modern problem but one we'd be happy to help you solve. Do you have a firm to do the evaluation?"

He related the tale of getting several firms involved and having two of three drop-out.

"Was it because they had issues with the project or ???" My hands open...

"Apparently the head office in both cases did not want to do work for churches. It can't be because we expected any special favours from them... We also have a good credit history. So we don't know why."

"So you have one firm... do they have a good rating from clients? What about others? I will have my PA put it to several of the builders we have spoken with to see if they can do the work and would they do a bid."

The Father was glad we'd help get things started.

I told him we also would help pay for remediation or re-cladding... he could keep us in mind when his fund raising campaign kicked-off.

He was clapping his hands, "Your Ladyship, you being a partner is marvellous. I'm sure our church family will be very forthcoming knowing we have your support."

I said he could call my PA... I handed him one of Gil's cards... if he had questions or needs.

I was sincerely thanked.

"Do you mind if I were to mention about your efforts on Sunday at mass?"

"No, please tell them. We are quite fine with that."

We shook hands. Re-mounted... I waved as we walked out to the road and back the way we came. Going east to near the railroad underpass then north to meet Thrupp Lane, northwards a short distance then we worked our way around several play fields to walk up to the front of the Radley Village Hall.

There was a small group of men waiting. I dismounted and walked towards them. One stepped forward...

"Your Ladyship, it is an honour to meet you. I am Iman Khan."

"Iman, I am pleased we could meet. I hope my informality isn't disturbing."

I motioned to my clothes and the horses...

"No, we are an `informal' but devout group. We know it is your habit to ride in the countryside around us. It is good to see you in the environs. You are part of the community."

"I have learned that you meet here for lack of a home masjid. My husband and I are trying to support religious groups since they help to bring people together to worship and so they build communities.

You have been using this village hall... has Radley been chosen for some particular reason?"

"We have members who live in the general area... also the village was open to our using the hall one day a week. The fees are low."

"Do you know Barton Lane in south eastern Abingdon?"

He did.

"We have a proposal for you... We could donate some land for you to build a masjid there. It is a quiet area... mostly commercial buildings. It is an area near the river, flat and grassy now with some trees, it fronts on Barton Lane.

Or we can contribute to your funds so you can choose your own location."

"Your Ladyship... this is quite a wonderful surprise! I will have to discuss this with my senior group."

"So you can be clear with them... we would give you the land outright. The location and actual piece is to be determined. Where we are thinking of is south of Barton Lane opposite the large office block where Sophos Software is headquartered. You should go over for a look.

Or a donation. Please take your time... we want you to be comfortable in your choice."

Iman Khan motioned to the two men he'd been standing with.

He repeated our offer to them... Tara close behind me translated in my ear.

The three men bowed to me me and thanked me for the offer. They would have a meeting the day after tomorrow once the holy day is over.

"Please speak amongst yourselves and decide... our proposal has no time limit."

I was thanked for being generous and open-minded. I shook hands with them all.

We re-mounted, I waved to them. Iman Khan waved in return holding up Gil's card.

We went east around fields to the southern end of the Radley railroad station's car park. Up through that to cross the bridge into Lower Radley then north to the Industrial Estate, over to the Sandford Lock. Through Sandford to the grass... Roland had galloped up to the lock, powerfully... I asked again and he was more than willing. We roared south crossing our neighbours land in a rush.

On the flats we slowed, a bit of a cool down... I handed him to Monty. Pat said he needed to walk Roland for a good bit of time... Monty smiled, a thumbs up. He led Roland down a stable row.

Pat grinned to me, "He's eager and smart!" Fist bump.

I turned to Tara, "Urdu? I didn't know that was one of yours."

"Yes. I can't read or write but we had a good deal of interaction along the Afghani-Pakistani border... so I picked some conversational bits."

I thanked her for the `bits' which we laughed over.

A quick Bfast then into a black mid-calf wool skirt, white shirt, pale gray V-neck pullover jumper. Silver jewellery, pale red lips and nails. `Joy' The black Coach coat, white scarf and black gloves. The black Hermès Kelly bag, driving license!!

A Range Rover out front, a kiss from my guy!!! Gaby and Angie smiling. North on the Oxford Road right on through the city centre, left at the Martyr's Monument. Going straight at Worcester College then right up to Richmond Road... down to the bottom of that to the Oxford Synagogue and Jewish Centre.

Rabbi Kotlar met us at the front.

"Lady Harcourt, it is a pleasure to meet you and welcome you. Please come this way."

The Jewish Centre was a very interesting design with lots of windows and skylights letting in the light. A small meeting room and three gentlemen waiting. I was introduced. Gaby and Angie stayed by the door. They got a few looks... they were in pants suits, black and navy, very neat professional looking.

We sat around a table... I told the men what Cho and I were doing for early education and houses of worship in southern Oxfordshire and we'd wanted to include them in our project.

"I would have been here before the New Year but it is too long and difficult to ride a horse to you." I grinned.

There were smiles at that.

Rabbi Kotlar said they appreciated our work... "As you say building communities of faith. We are planning to do some expansion here... more room for educational activities and group gatherings."

He looked to the others, nods, "We would be pleased and honoured to have a part in your worthwhile project. Any assistance you gave would move us along and aid our fund raising when others knew of your support."

I handed the Rabbi Gil's card, "Please contact my PA when your plans are at a point when we can make a firm offer of backing. Please think big... "I smiled, "... We would be willing to provide one third or half of your costs."

Noises of amazement from the men... "Seriously? Your Ladyship you are being quite astonishing with your kindness!!!"

Smiling across the table, "Gentlemen, we have a great deal of money... as you know life is finite... our children will be exceptionally well provided for by having half of our fortune..."

The Rabbi stood to take my hand, "Lady Harcourt, you are a unique individual... your husband must also be. Our family... " His arms opened wide, "... will honour you both."

A hug.

We walked around the Centre; I got to see a modern and pleasant space.

I liked the way it looked, lots of activity also. "I have read that your `family' is diverse but cohesive which for Cho and I is an incentive to help."

Rabbi Kotlar spoke about how the congregation had morphed over the years and was indeed very special.

At the front I shook hands with the four men. I was thanked again for our liberality.

In the car I turned east, we went over to Banbury Road then north to stop on Northmoor Road. I stepped out... I took some snaps of Tolkien's house... it looked much nicer in daylight. I took a zoom close-up of the blue historical circle marker from the edge of the walkway.

Angie and Gaby had both read the Hobbit and the Lord of the Rings. They enjoyed them even though they felt at a loss on some of the `meanings' of the lore.

"You'd have to be a professor of Anglo-Saxon to get them all."

Laughter at my comment as they weren't and had no plans to be.

Cho and I in my Dressing Room... it was the day Yevgeny was to be released by the FBI.

We arranged to have him picked up at a location near MOMA in Mid-town as a neutral site then taken to Minetta Street. Nina would meet him, show him the flat. Mara had moved last night, she'd done a grocery, bakery, ice cream trip in a Terrance car with Roslyn.

Mara was at school so Yevgeny could look around and relax for a few hours... then they'd be together!

Rexie had put flowers in the flat and a bottle of Taittinger's was chilling. A note from us welcoming him.

We'd get together and talk about what was next.

Cho smiling from one of the chairs... A few leftovers from the New York city property business...

"I didn't bother you with some of trump's wiggling... it was humorous and sad. As time ran out we got offers of four golf courses as collateral... Bedminster in New Jersey, National in Northern Virginia, Doonbeg in Ireland and Turnberry in Scotland. They were refused... it was repeated but the four golf clubs would be part payment on the mortgages instead... I think they thought of my play and the courses would tempt me...

Little do they know me... business before pleasure! We can scoop up those golf clubs later... none are making money under their current ownership!"

A hug, I parked on Cho's lap for kissing!! Very nice, nice as nice could be!!

Down stairs for lunch. We had some eager young ones as table companions. They were doing lots of fun things in their school work! Writing, reading, drawing!!!

There was to be another trip on the `RÊVE' as their pirate ship was now named. Phillips had a fellow doing the painting now. We wished them a successful pirating cruise!

We'd be leaving soon... Cho was going to Miami first to spend time with a golf course architect on the Blue Monster then I'd join him for the Pegasus World Cup race at Gulfstream... SakChai was racing!

It was his first since the Breeder's Cup. He'd follow some of Glaa's path in his fourth year season.

This time Charlie was going with Cho. Chani and I would `do' London for a few days with Sunny then we'd fly to Florida.

Eric called... "Fay, Indonesia is IN! They want the whole package. It's another multi-year project. They like Madagascar have a good deal of prep work to do. Roads and other bits to start then the dams with us. Your idea to use solar power at each location combined with the microwave and satellite connections sold it.

No big expensive electrical power construction was an important selling point."

We talked about other bits and pieces... his two `girls' were terrific. Anne's personality was blossoming, cute, smart and a bit wilful. All good with them!

Jasmine had good luck with the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs on the classes for Denham School. They aimed her to several places where she could recruit prospective farming teachers to be interviewed.

Jasmine had tapped several other sources for recommendations for the gardening side.

Our own staff would be included in both groups if they wanted. They certainly knew their business but whether they could `teach' was unknown. So we'd have to do a bit of checking on that.

I wanted classes for agriculture and gardening for the summer and autumn terms. We'll see.

Before dinner we got a call from Yevgeny. He was sitting in a chair in the living room of his new flat. He had made himself a sandwich for lunch with a beer. He was pleased with the flat.

`Comfortable and nicely decorated.'

The security briefing this morning was detailed, he was updated with the information we received from Theodore. Nina who was in the loop since she was responsible for the area's safekeeping did the briefing..

He knew we'd be in New York in a few days... we could talk about the future then. He was waiting for Mara to come home from school!

Chani and Charlie hugging in the Entryway... Charlie was going with Popa to Florida... they would be apart for two days... A new start.

We waved the men down the drive on their way to Chalgrove.

All packed, Sunny with us in the AW139. We lifted off from the lawn and turned southeast.

We fluttered down to the Wandsworth landing grid and moved to cars. At Cowley House Chani grinning as Clough did a fist bump. She went up with Delphine to the Nursery.

In the helicopter I had watched Chani, she was quiet and a bit vague. Charlie was not here beside her...

She was coming shopping! We'll what we can find a Lauren Kids for her. Her first `shopping' outing!

Gil had called Marina at Ralph Lauren... she was waiting at the front door as we walked in. I introduced Sunny and Chani. Delphine too! Marina took Sunny upstairs... I said we'd follow in a bit.

Marina liked my look. Black leather skinny trousers... tight like painted on,' black turtleneck wool jumper and a black wool blazer over. The silver Uffington Horse on my lapel. Black heels, silver jewellery, red lips and nails... RED! Joy'

The store had someone to come with Chani and I to keep track of everything.

In Kids Chani was looking around... wide-eyed... interested!! Delphine gave me a thumbs up!

Short-sleeve Polo Dress, she wanted the navy and white versions... Okay!

Big Pony Romper in navy!

A belted cotton white shirt dress, long sleeves with a belt. Yes!

Cotton denim overalls dress, good for the heat and room for different shirts under when it was chilly.

A big POLO logo t-shirt, plus a colourful selection of t-shirts.

A cotton denim Western style long sleeved shirt good for jeans.

Cable knit cardigan in yellow!!

Fleece pull-on shorts, Pink!!

A navy cotton Chino skirt with pleats!

Yellow striped cotton shirtdress!! A very sweet look!

Chani was enjoying choosing and trying on!! Big smiles!!

Marina called Gil... `Does Sunny have a budget?'

Gil smiled, "No she doesn't. She is to choose whatever she wants I will be the one paying."

Chani had my hand... pointing to a very cute striped jumper, bright shades of blue, red and yellow on white! Okay!

Ah... a two piece Polo Pony swimsuit, white with coloured polo ponies. Done!

A lightweight hooded jacket, zipper front in bright white, the Polo horseman in pale blue.

We sat on a settee... my arm around Chani... "You did good! Lots of nice things!"

"Mama I like to shop! It is fun to see many new clothes."

"Good! Time for some shoes."

Chani was clapping. I called Sunny... she was on a high...

"Fay, I do like these clothes. They suit me."

I said we were going to shoes but how about a break first? "Meet us in the Café."

We sat in the corner banquette with Tara, Gaby, Angie and Tessa in front. Cappuccino for me and Gil, apple juice for Chani, hot chocolate for Sunny, Ali and Delphine. I asked Sunny to bring Marina with her. She was delighted to be invited.

Sunny was thrilled with her choices so far. Lots of pants... "Fay, I live in the school uniform and jodhpurs so comfy slacks are great. Some sexy ones too! Good tops for now and the summer. I'm going to go into frocks when we go up."

Marina smiling, "Your Ladyship, Sunny is choosing well. Good outfit building choices!"

Chani told Sunny about her things... "Mama says shoes next!" Fist bump with her cousin!

The store director sat with us for a few minutes... He was happy Marina was helping Sunny, also there was someone doing the math by scanning labels with them like Chani and I had.

"It means you won't have a wait at the end."

I appreciated that.

Okay shoes!

Chani went straight to a pair of White Espadrilles!

Alyssa Mary Janes with a small heel. Black and navy.

Nellie Ballet Flats in red and navy.

White low-cut Sneakers!

Sunny chose Brendi leather pumps with a block heel, one each in black and chestnut! Good choice for a mid-teen girl. A low heeled sandal in chestnut brown.

For me Celia Pumps in red, navy and chestnut gold.

Sunny went back upstairs! More!!

Chani and I walked into the Boys section. Chani pulled me to a jumper, gray cotton full zipper! Done.

A cotton Chambray shirt!

Two gorgeous blue Polo shirts.

Blue canvas sneakers with a Velcro close!

In the lift Chani smiling, "Mama, should we buy something for Popa?"

"We can... let's see what Sunny is up to then maybe some summer skirts for me. We'll see about Popa."

Fist bump!

Sunny was at an end. She had skirts, tops, slacks, jackets, frocks and shoes.

Me in Women's with Chani and Sunny sitting on a settee watching as I tried on a few things. Chani clapping her approval for the ones I picked. First... a light blue and white striped a-line ankle-top skirt, summery.

Then a button-up white linen mid-calf skirt that would work for any summer's day with many tops.

Something special... A black knitted off-the-shoulder dress to mid-calf, paired with a wide black belt, a big buckle. Short sleeves below the shoulders, sleek, close to my shape. The lining making it completely opaque.

Big applause for this one from Sunny and Chani!!

A quick stop in Jewellery... a silver double stirrup wrist bangle for me and Sunny. A silver chain with a stirrup closing for Chani, it was adjustable. Matching ones were bought for Delphine and Tha.

At Chani's suggestion in Men's on the main floor we chose four Polo shirts for Popa... Lindsay Blue, Seafoam, Cove Blue, Royal Heather. All from the light blue green colour palette that looked so good on Cho!

A call from Roundel... Sasha went into labour and gave birth in an hour to a healthy boy in Kentucky! What a thrilling piece of news! Roundel said they were both fine... so was he to answer my next question.

"Fay... it was so quick... she started having pains so we set off to the hospital when they became regular... they got her into the birthing room and all settled... then little Riley came out in a rush. I was laughing... he certainly wanted to get on with his new life!"

He had called me first at Sasha's request... I said I'd tell Cho.

"Riley will be a few months at Derby time... easier for you all."

"Yes, a bit. We look forward to seeing you both!"

I said like-wise.

Well, a new addition to our horse crowd. Riley's first snaps came in email... he looked like a new-born.

I texted Cho to see if he could talk.

"Fay that is great news!"

He laughed when I told him I'd sent flowers to the hospital and their home with Taittinger's to the house!

We chatted a bit, he was happy Chani had her first shopping trip! Charlie was with him today for his meetings, Tha would take him aside for some `schooling' at some point.

Cho had the same sense of loneliness from Charlie... it was expected. Chani had been diverted so far... as Charlie had been with him... keeping him close... he was listening to what was said in Cho's meetings while doing a drawing of a bird they had seen. It was a blue jay!

We were both watching out.

Gil was doing the financial part. At different times our Protectors had done some shopping along with Ali and Gil... now we were altogether. The store director and Marina had our new things loaded into a Ford Courier Allyn had arranged. Everything was going straight to Oxfordshire.

We left with many thanks from us for their help. They gave us the same for a big sales day!

We all decided that FOOD was in order. Ali did a booking at Chucs on Dover Street while Gil did her thing. Allyn drove us around, too far to walk with Chani. We parked ourselves on the banquette near the front, they had a seat for Chani, an arc of small tables around us.

Campari to sip! Bread, olives and calamari for each table! Cups of soup... Chani had their risotto of Scottish langoustine, the yellow fin tuna for me. We shared a plate of zucchini fritti.

She was so cute eating... enjoying the food... big smiles trying new things... Chani liked everything!

All good followed by a creamy looking vanilla ice cream cup for Chani and affogato for me.

Espresso in a cup also.

Sunny pleased with her shopping spree... grinning as she and Chani talked about their things!

At Cowley House Chani and Delphine went up to the Nursery. I walked with Angie and Ken to Millbank House. I brought Sunny along.

I had Sunny sit in on my meeting.

Casteen had finished her report on the current MOD budget with an attached spreadsheet breaking down the various parts.

"Ma'am, here's a spreadsheet of last year's spending. You can see the Army and RAF amounts have dropped... not an enormous amount but I think Linc's figures will show there's a steady decline. The Navy's shipbuilding, the aircraft carriers in particular, gave them a rise."

It was wrong to starve the real working parts of the MOD for the nuclear side... I wanted to change that for sure!

Call from Apple, Tim Cook... "Welcome to the Apple Board! It is official!"

I thanked him for being asked. He was pleased I'd agreed... we'd spoken about it last year...

Tim knew neither Cho nor I were joining many corporate boards. We had been asked dozens and dozens times via the New York lawyers... either we didn't like the company or had nothing to do with their products or we had no use for being some sort of `trophy' board member. Oh yes... we'd be paid something for doing it but it was never worth the time we might spend.

Cho saying it was a scandal that so many `outside' board members were functionally useless creatures.

Our various businesses were collectively the largest users of Apple products so we had a real connection to the company and a stake in its success. They were continuing as sponsors to Harcourt Racing. So my joining the Apple Board made sense from our standpoint.

Jasmine called... she had been contacted via the Basuto Group general email account about Cho and I attending Davos.

I laughed, "They tried it earlier... they somehow got Gil's email and sent an invite to her for us. We ignored it as we did the year before. Use the email `bounce' feature so if they are paying attention it will returned as undeliverable. I think Gil has them on bounce and then immediate delete now."

"So what is the point... they sit around talking to each other? Sound bites for TV?"

More laughter from me, "That pretty much seems to cover it... as far as we are concerned. Just a `I wanna be seen' PR exercise."

"Okay... bounced it is then like Gil."

I said we were fine with that.

I wanted to finish with this meeting! Damn!

I went over some more bits with my Lords' staff. They were a happy group. I had a high enough profile despite being so new I squeaked'... there was a lot going on.

Sunny sitting there grinning afterwards. She asked about Davos... I told her it was a silly PR exercise to make some rich people feel good and some ne'er-do-well's get attention.

She was shaking her head, "Why do they do it then? Or is it because news people fawn over them?"

"Egos do need to be stroked!"

A laugh, "Well... you and Cho ought to have to have the biggest egos on the planet considering what you do."

My turn to laugh, "That's just it... we don't so... excess stroking isn't required."

We headed around the block to Cowley House. Sunny stayed for dinner then a car to Harcourt House... school and training for her. The full of her new things from Ralph Lauren.

A big hug and thank you for the shopping spree. She and Chani did hugs and fist bumps!

Eclipse Awards to be announced today. Our horses were all over the nominations. The three Horse of the Year nominees were ours. So I guess we win! It was done on American time so I get to wait.

Chani was in bed with me. We were reading... She had a book about African animals... I had reports from the MOD. I offered to swap but a no!

"Mama I want to look at pictures of animals... there are none in yours."

Sadly she was right.

We had lots of pillows propping us up... for modesty sake I was wearing an oversized t-shirt... Chani in her usual nightie. A small bowl of M&M's between us.

Chani was grinning, "Mama, I like sharing with you."

A kiss for her. I leaned over her shoulder to look at wildebeests running across the savannah grass.

I looked over at Jaidee's bed... he was sleeping. Time for us to sleep. Chani walked with Delphine to the Nursery after lots of hugs and kisses.

My morning walk was brisk... over to the river then south well past the Lambeth Bridge, a turnaround coming back close to the river bank. We turned to Great Smith Street and the front door.

Ken and PJ smiling, they weren't my usual early morning walkers in London.

Breakfast starting. Chani with an egg in a cup... opened by Delphine! Butter, pepper and dig in! Toast, fried potatoes and tomatoes. I went for all the same!

Chani grinning as we walked upstairs. In the Nursery we shared the drawing of an elephant. Chani was colouring it like a picture from India in a book she had... it as part of a religious ceremony with many colours painted on.

I was off to Millbank House then the Lords.

A Munro Ancient Tartan skirt to mid-thigh, white long sleeve cotton shirt, a black vest, a black wool jacket with silver buttons. Black tights and ankle boots. Silver jewellery, red lips and nails, `Joy'

The big black Mirabelle coat, white cashmere scarf and black leather gloves. Tara and Tessa with me. A short stop at my office, Casteen was working some data Linc had given her... he was meeting a new contact.

Sage smiling, "We are doing fine. I have received loads of requests for you to meet with various people and to make speeches to all sorts of groups... it's all on hold. I am not doing anything. Gil has the list to look at.


Over to the Lords. Tara and Tessa walking alongside... we crossed Millbank to the river side and headed towards the Peer's Entrance. Tourists gawking and taking photos of the Palace. We had to dodge a few outside the Victoria Tower. The security fellow in the little box waved. I said hello.

Inside we went to the Peers Lobby... I exchanged some hellos with members then into the house. Mac was talking to a fellow so I went in to sit. An early start today... a few votes and a crowd of second readings and some member questions.

It all went right along... I did my duty.

I walked towards the Peers Lobby... A woman in black came up... "Is that an appropriate outfit for the House of Lords?"

I stopped... florid face, about three stone over what she should weight, tacky black suit with an ugly flowered blouse... stumpy scuffed heels... I gave her a look in the face... down... then back to her face.

It was easy to ignore her... I turned and walked away. Fortunately she had enough sense of embarrassment from my look to not go further.

Tessa laughed. Tara's head shaking... neither made the woman feel any better.

A middle aged fellow was near me when I walked away...

"Lady Harcourt... " I turned my head to his voice, "... I apologise for her. Baroness Culver is as the Americans say it... a `rube' with a title."

I said it was of no matter. I added he shouldn't apologise for someone else being an ass.

He grinned at my characterisation of the woman. His hand extended... "Michael, Lord Maresfield. I like your clothes, displaying your family's history seems right in a place like this and it looks quite nice."

I thanked him.

"By the way I'm a tory but please don't hold that against me."

We laughed.

"I'm a shades of gray person... so do not be alarmed... I shan't smite you."

He laughed, "You have done some damage to a few fellow tories... one surely deserved it talking about a subject he clearly had no knowledge of... I was one of those listening to you in the Lobby about solar panels."

Ah... "So you rather believe me over him?"

"You are making money doing it so you have to know more than him."

"I think Evesham damaged him badly pointing out his source was from the nuclear reactor crowd."

"As I said he knows nothing. I put my name on Ducovney's list for a meeting to hear more."

I said I was glad... we'd made it to the Lobby, Tara and Tessa behind me. They got our outer clothes from the porter.

Maresfield's eyes going their direction... I didn't move to introduce them... instead said I needed to go. I thanked him for the surrogate-apology. A smile as we shook hands.

I said goodbye to Mac... he knew I'd be away for a few weeks. A hug!

Coat on Tessa leading we went back to Cowley House. Chani joined me in the North Drawing Room, lunch was ready. We were well fed and packed... off to Wandsworth.

We flared for landing at Harcourt House. Jaidee got hugs and kisses from us.

Audra had our things packed; she did a summer style selection of our new clothes for Florida and Bangkok in suitcases to be sent over to Chalgrove.

We changed into travel clothes.

Chani came with me to the Stables for goodbyes. We looked in at the babies... all good, nursing going strong! Iris nickering as Chani took a few minutes to groom her. I talked with Rebel, stroking that magnificent neck... he was asked to be be good to his riders.

Roland rubbing against me... "Yes... I'll be gone for a bit... Don't worry I'll be back."

We said our goodbyes to the staff. It had been a wonderful two months, lots of excitement and fun!

Audra grinning, "My lady, (Carter was next to her) we'll miss seeing you."

"I'll be back here soon enough." A hug.

Carter knew full well I'd be around more than in the past. Fist bump! Chani too!

I gathered Chani and all the rest... off to Chalgrove. Mira said we were ready to go as we went up the steps to the 767. We buckled up, Jaidee in his seat. We were airborne quickly. We headed west over the far south of Ireland then in a big sweeping arc down off the east coast of America to Miami.

Chani, Delphine and I did a word game, we did some reading... about four o'clock Miami time I took Chani in with me for a nap. We curled up together on our bed, the comforter over us. I set my iPhone for two hours.

I dropped off quickly... Chani's soft rhythmic breathing... helping. We were both asleep when my alarm went off. I shut it off and yawned. Chani stretched and smiled up at me.

"Mama, that was good."

A kiss as my agreement. We washed our faces.

Ali said Mira indicated we had fifty five minutes to wheels down at Opa Locka. Okay.

Yobi had a small snack for us. Fruit and cheese with warm bread.

We moved to our seats. Jaidee looking out the window. A nice landing and rapid taxiing to park northeast of the terminal. We stopped on a piece of the parking apron outside a maintenance building with offices on top and hangar.

A clutch of various support vehicles came over to us right away including the stairs on a truck.

One of our Gulfstreams was taxiing in to park beside us. I nudged Ali pointing... a smile.

We went down with Jaidee to welcome Francis. A big hug by Ali!! I got a hug next. They went up into the 767. I walked Jaidee for a bit on the scraggly grass. He wasn't bothered by the aircraft activity around us.

Two men walked out from the large hangar on the apron's south side ... Francis came out to greet them. I was introduced to a pair of cousins, Ted and Fred, who had owned Hawthorne Aviation where were... They agreed to a buyout by us three weeks ago. They would still manage it on multi-year contracts, which we could consider renewing if both sides were happy.

Classic example of Cho thinking ahead.

One of their jobs was to teach folks to manage the business plus help train the staff with our Cho-Fay Air people to do all the maintenance of our various aircraft. They had Gulfstream qualified mechanics... now to get the Boeing and Agusta part down.

Possibly some folks from other locations would move here since we had advertised the job openings on our internal webpages for Cho-Fay Air.

A team from Rossen Aviation with several AW139's had come down from Dulles. They were here for our visit and to support Lawrence's folks at Doral.

Our Security had been all over the facilities here. Lawrence was in charge of the Doral and the Opa-Locka locations. Ted and Fred said the airport was pretty wide open so locking down their section was a good thing.

They were pleased with their deal and our Cho-Fay Air management. Handshakes.

Cho texted My reply was all big red hearts!

I was at the top of the stairs as my guys stepped from the car. Cho scooped up Charlie... they came up the stairs to my open arms. HUGS! Behind me... Chani's arms wide for a hug with her brother... then Popa!

The Twins back together with Jaidee... they were talking... petting our Choco Boy.

I was on a settee with Charlie... he leaned on me, "Mama, it was Okay without Chani..." He looked up at me, "... not too much..."

I eased him into my lap, hug and kiss... "Okay... your Popa and I understand."

A big smile!

Chani sat with us... "Did Charlie tell you?"

"Yes... I get it. It will happen again though. What if we swapped... Charlie came with me sometimes, Chani you went with Popa?"

They looked at each other... "Okay." From both.

A kiss from Chani. She took Charlie into their cabin... New Ralph Lauren things for Charlie on his bed.

We had dinner en famile!!! Yobi and Lil did a fine job! Terrific pizza and Caesar salad with anchovies!! I introduced the Twins to the small salty fish. Neither showed much enthusiasm so I'd have to fly alone on that. Vanilla ice cream cones at the end!!

All our staff and Protectors together in the Lounge. We talked the next few months as the racing season accelerated combined with a lot of other activity...

Chani and Charlie sitting with us on a settee... Cho heard the separation was Okay but they would rather be together. Cho and I were glad to hear their feelings. Some other separate trips would take place.

The news of the day... from yesterday. The Eclipse Awards!! Glaa was the Horse of the Year... AGAIN! He beat out his half-siblings, SakChai and Aneka.

Aneka for Champion Filly.

SakChai did win as Three Year Old Horse of the Year!

Hansa for Three Year Old Filly!

Champion Two Year Old went to Stellar Black with Toes Tapping winning on the distaff side!!!

Sire of the Year to Asda!!! Probably the first of many!

The Best Jockey was Marnie!! Mike, last year's winner, was second this time.

Monaco was the Trainer of the year!!!

Outstanding Owner... Us! Harcourt Racing! We were also the Breeder of the Year!

A huge sweep of the awards! The horse racing writers saying Glaa's unbelievable assault on the records, his defeat of SakChai at the Breeder's Cup and the runaway victories on both racing surfaces made him the overwhelming choice despite SakChai's Triple Crown win.

Tomorrow we start all over again! SakChai in the richest race ever!! The Pegasus World Cup prize money was over sixteen million dollars!

I went into our cabin to read a pile of documents from the Lords. I had catching-up to do on all the pending legislation.

Chani came in with a book... and a smile. She joined me... I puffed up some pillows for her. A giggle.

She had a book about squirrels, red, gray and multicoloured ones from Asia... Amazing!

I pushed on... I was astounded to read page after page of the sort of language Orwell warned us about... verbiage without value! Arcane and quite completely ridiculous.

Cho came in with a smile and laugh. Chani giggling, "Popa we like to share."

He lay on the bed beside her... he got to see the squirrel with colourful blue tail! Tha's head in the doorway... Chani kissed her Popa and me. Bedtime... hugs! Charlie came in... he jumped on the bed... we were a foursome! More hugs and kisses!!

Tha grinning, she rounded them up... Chani waving as she went out the door.

Cho slid up next to me...

"So you two did a bed buddy thing?"

"Yes we shared last night. I read more of this official litter... she read about wildebeests. I was on the losing end."

Cho laughing, "You're a quick study... one time through for most of it I'm sure."

"Maybe but you have to wonder whether these `things'..." I held up a report on water resources, "... aren't deliberately written in jargon so to be off-putting to readers. Some sort of scheme to obscure bureaucrats fiddling."

Cho's head shaking, "That is possible but it's more likely their way of being exclusive holders of information... a kind of job justification system."

It was just as likely they simply didn't know any better... speaking and writing rubbish!


My morning was a walk with Jaidee and Tara around the grass surrounding the parking apron. Not much space to walk about... it was quiet at at hour. Jaidee spied a rabbit at some distance across a runway... I told him they lived here so he wasn't to annoy them. Tara laughing at me.

Breakfast! Omelette, toast and veggie sausages!

A warm day ahead. Chani and I in white, the new short-sleeve Polo Dress for my daughter with small white socks in red Nellie Ballet Flats. Me in the Mirabelle sleeve-less white frock open in front with small frogs connecting the sides, a bright yellow bandeau under it, the linen skirt part to just below my knees, yellow pumps, gold jewellery, `Joy' and red lips and nails.

First to Doral, an AW139 lifted us to to clubhouse end of the driving range. Carts waiting to take us to the main building. Interesting... Cho pointed out the roof of that building as we flew in... it was bright white...

"It used to have `trump' painted up there... Lawrence put someone on dealing with it the day after we took over." Grins... fist bumps!

We all walked into the faux palatial... in that tacky over-done kind of way... west entrance! I wanted to ask what had been here before the weasel bought it.

Javier there with a group of members...The Twins and I got to meet him and the all-male crowd. That was something Javier wanted to change... more women members were needed...

Javier with a grin... "I don't suppose you'd like to take up golf?"

I laughed, "No sorry... I don't do things with sticks and balls." Laughter.

He slipped his arm through mine as I got a tour of the main buildings. Tha, Delphine with Chani and Charlie followed with Popa...

I knelt between the Twins to show them their Popa's name on the wall as the lowest score ever recorded on the Blue Monster. Clapping!

Charlie grinning, "Popa's number one!"

We got see the many rooms and dining choices. Meeting rooms and banquet rooms for dozens... hundreds.

We didn't go far outside the main building... I saw enough to know it wasn't my kind of place... Quail Hollow Golf Club was much nicer looking... or Winged Foot... not tacky like this. Oh well... it's Cho's thing not mine.

I did say he should get rid of those asinine statues around the roof. Cho smiled with a thumbs up.

We rode the carts back to the AW139's we headed north to Gulfstream Park. The Park had a landing grid setup south of the grandstand in a corner of the south parking area. Carts waiting.

We rode west around most of the complex to get to the barn where SakChai was. We were rolling down the side road beside the barns... Monaco and Ring!

Charlie was put on his feet... he ran forward... "Ring!" The very one with a huge smile bent down for a fist bump with our little fellow then Chani arrived... another! A hug for me and big handshake for Cho. Monaco got a hug and did fist bumps with the Twins.

Monaco was congratulated for being the best trainer!! He reciprocated on the `owner and breeder' things. Laughter!!

SakChai in his stall was quiet... nickering when he saw us! The Twins petted his nose as he leaned down to them while I stroked his neck.

Carlita smiling, "Miss Martin, he likes your visits." Fist bump!

We didn't stay long as was our custom. Back on the carts, the drivers took us with Ring to the entrance at the end of Seabiscuit trail. A woman in a red short sleeved frock was waiting under the portico.

"Your Ladyship... Sir Cho... welcome to Gulfstream Park. We are pleased you have returned. I am Terri, please let me know if there is anything we can do to make your stay better."

Cho thanked her.

We were guided up to the `White Room' again.

A slender young woman was there as our hostess, golden brown skin and a halo of short tight brown curls. A wide smile, Destiny on her name tag. The red dress lady introduced us then spoke to her briefly...

Destiny came up... "Lady Harcourt... we have the buffet your staff requested being laid now. I can mix any drink you please."

Cho got an `Arnold Palmer,' me a club soda with lime, sweet lemonade for the Twins!

A cold melon bisque to start... bibs for Chani and Charlie so they could use spoons. Success!

It was terrific to see them eat and be all happy-giggly about their first soup with a spoon instead of a sippy cup. A half dozen cheeses, cut fruit, a selection of bread. Various pickles, lots of olive choices. At the end fresh baked cookies and strawberry tarts with cream on top.

It was all good. Enjoyable to share with all our people sitting in a comfortable space high above the track. Races going off below... we watched but there was no connection for us. Several very tight finishes... one going to photo review it was so close.

Ring grinning from a sofa, "This is an unusual way for me to watch racing." Leaning back sipping his beer with a wide smile.

Cho said for him to hang out with us more. Laughter.

Well fed, relaxed... the big race was prepping now. Carlita texted Monaco was on the way up after saddling SakChai.

Destiny opened the door for our trainer!' Handshakes and hugs. His the boy is ready' was great!

The Pegasus World Cup post parade raised the noise level. The horses looked terrific in the sun... SakChai's silvery white glittered! Marnie aboard in our green and yellow!

The gate was off to our left but we had a great view. Chani on my lap, Charlie with Popa.

They loaded without problem... pause... CLANG!! The first big race of the year for us!!!

SakChai in command immediately... like his half-brother Glaa he roared off to lead by three down the straight. Into the turn SakChai had four lengths Marnie moved him to the rail. They spun around moving quickly... the rest of the field straggled behind them.

Marnie was keeping him somewhat close as he galloped along at a fast pace. In my glasses SakChai's gait was long and strong but relaxed... the closest rival at least eight lengths back down the straight.

The second turn ahead Marnie asked SakChai to up his game... I could see her do it. SakChai responded... a powerful surge as he lengthened his stride coming out of the turn leading by thirteen.

Down the stretch Marnie very still on SakChai's back gently urging him... our champ didn't need much encouragement... he was flying now! The crowd reacted with yells... boosting our guy.

SakChai crossed the finish eighteen lengths clear at 1:46:40!!!! A new mile and an eighth record for Gulfstream Park!! He beat IrishRainbow's superb 1:46.83 from last year!!

We celebrated... Charlie yelled out a big `Yea!' Chani laughing and clapping on my lap. I stood up holding my girl, we hugged, a kiss for me. Cho got in on the act... a big kiss. Charlie standing on the chair, Cho's arm around him as we hugged.

"Mama, SakChai is so fast!" Charlie was right!!!

Terri was back to escort us down to the Winner's Circle. She congratulated us. A huge purse... bigger than last year! Our biggest pay-out from a single race. It would be over nine million dollars... the shares to our people were highest in the history of horse racing for trainer, jockey, groom, etc...

As we worked our way down with the Twins... Cho smiling, "So what is Carlita going to do with seven hundred thousand dollars?"

We laughed, I put in we needed to get her together with our tax attorney. Fist bump!

We all four went into the Winner's Circle. Charlie and Chani holding my hands as Cho got the trophy! A very nice crystal trophy with the winged horse himself at the top.

Monaco, Marnie taking turns with the trophy, Carlita was brought in for a group shot. Smiles all around!

The Cup folks and Gulfstream Park people all in... we shook a lot of hands and cameras did their thing.

SakChai went off with Carlita and Monaco. Marnie too. We stayed to chat a bit then boarded carts for the barn area.

SakChai was a bit worked up but happy. He'd had a great run! He loved competing... he knew he was back to work!!

Monaco wanted us to race in the turf competition next year... Cho was Okay with that!

Hugs and kisses. Carlita was a bit embarrassed when we kidded her about the winnings... The tax attorney idea got a thumbs up from her. She wanted to buy a small ranch near Santa Anita and move her mother and father there. It would be her home too.

A big hug for her!!

The carts took us down the track to an opening in the fence near our helicopters. We loaded up for Opa-Locka. A short flight and we boarded the 767. On to Newburgh and New York City.

A `Woo-Hoo' from Charlie when we lifted off. Jaidee woofed in response! They were all turned loose after we came to level flight over the Atlantic.

Yobi and Lil said five minutes to dinner. We sat to play a word game. Gil, Ali and Francis doing some things for us.

After a good feed we got the big screen folded out from the bulkhead to watch Mary Poppins. The Twins enjoyed it, dancing, singing, etc... It is not a favourite of mine but that wasn't the point.

Newburgh had a cold wind, everyone bundled up for the walk to the helicopters. The short flight to Cho-Fay Air Heliport on Manhattan's westside was over in fifteen minutes. Terrance and Pell waiting. Fist bumps for the Twins.

Roslyn standing in the passage at the lift door... She was grinning doing a curtsey! We laughed and hugged.

I took Jaidee for a short walk... Tara with Penny as my escorts. Jaidee `watered' several lampposts.

Tara grinning, "You easily make the transition from winning the biggest horse race in history to walking your dog on a city street." I laughed with her and Penny.

The Twins kissed as they went down, Blu and Raggedy held tight! I had been told on the flight that their `friends' had missed each other when Charlie and Chani had their separation. I nodded saying it wouldn't happen often.

Chani was funny with her 'I loved shopping' line. I know she did!

Cho laughed hearing that, "She's growing up big time!"

We kissed and laughed a lot!

A cold morning had my walking group well dressed for the weather, Jaidee had his red padded coat on. After a nice pee and poop... we headed east along Fourth Street through all the NYU bits and pieces. At the Bowery it was north to Cooper Square and Tulia's.

Coffee and puppuccinos for us. Tulia smiling as Jaidee destroyed his very quickly. I preferred to sip mine. Jaidee was content with his choice and lay beside me.

Tulia was doing very well, business was still trending up! I told her the rent wouldn't change when her lease was up for renewal. Fist bump.

Over to Lafayette Street and the shelter. Luna at the door, smiling.

"Fay, good to see you."

A hug. We were pleased with everything going on here. Kids were getting lots of assistance from us via our staff and from the city for education and jobs. Two were to graduate high school in a few months, another had a place at NYU for the autumn term.

Other programs were being added and more being assessed to determine their suitability for our guests.

I gave Cho a rundown on my shelter visit as he dressed for a Wall Street visit. Black suit, white shirt and a gold tie... love it.

There was `art' being done in the Nursery so we were barred from going in... the Twins came out for hugs and kisses before Cho and I went off.

Pell drove me uptown... via Tenth Avenue... we got out at 35th Street to walk the short distance down the block. Tara leading... Gil and I, PJ behind me.

Kiko greeted us at the door... big smile. I met her staff and some guests. We sat around the big dining table... I asked questions on a range of things about what was happening. Everyone was upbeat... good stuff!

The Congressman's PA had put Jenna onto several federal government programs for disadvantaged youth... for support, education and healthcare. Our folks had jumped on them... Jenna had passed the information to Luna who followed up right away.

Jenna sent the information to Ku and the other shelter managers in Los Angeles and Seattle.

The building was terrific. All the extra work we did was paying off... the water bill was much lower because of the cistern, the solar panels brought down the electrical costs probably by at least half!! Yea!

Our big boss for New York shelters... Deborah arrived. Hug! We sat in Kiko's office to talk new shelters. First, another old firehouse... on Essex south of Delancey Street. Four floors with all the usual things like showers, meeting rooms, a huge kitchen and a solidly built building! It was nearly twice the size of the one on Lafayette Street!! We'd be able to have a big meeting room for New York wide get-togethers!!

Plus classroom space!

Our contractors were in the building making alterations.

Same for the second location... contractors at work!

It was up on West 126th Street, a two floor building with a vacant lot beside it. It had been many things over its lifetime... empty now for almost a year. It was a sound structure, stone façade, big front double doors, a small open space at the rear.

The empty lot we could expand into and still have room for a small car park? Cheryl, our local architect, was working on that right now... how best to add room.

"Fay, Cheryl gave me some preliminary ideas for the empty lot space..." She rolled out some drawings. I liked the one where we doubled the guest rooms and had room on the first floor for a larger laundry room, a library/meeting room with quiet spaces and a computer room. It meant foregoing parking... I didn't think it mattered much... Deborah and her people rode the subway and buses between locations now... They could also use the car service Aylesha operated for us. Space for cars wasn't important on Manhattan for us.

I pointed to that drawing... a big smile on Deborah's face... "Me too!"


"What about another floor? It couldn't be but so much more... if it was all guest rooms it means a big bump up in our ability to accommodate folks."

"I'll call Cheryl. She's quite flexible and the city is already involved according to Cheryl, being very helpful. They were happy with what we are doing. Adding a floor shouldn't be a big deal." She did shrug though...

"It's not a high-rise neighbourhood... I doubt three floors will break any rules but the city is the city."

"Let me know if there's any trouble or slow down... Cho and I will be glad to weigh in with the city folks to get these things done."

Fist bump.

Our contractors knew the expansion was coming, they had several builders ready to bid on it as a separate but fully connected piece.

Deborah joined us for a quick trip to 126th Street. The men working away! The foreman said they had no problems... yet... with a smile.

"The roof spot we were pointed to turned out to be Okay. Nothing needed to be done."

Deborah was happy.

Hard hats for a short walk through. The kitchen was gutted so we could have all new appliances, worksurfaces, cabinets and flooring. Modern. The floors weren't the original wood so we would make sure they were tight then carpet everywhere in the common spaces.

Bathrooms would be updated, one room was sacrificed to make each bathroom larger and add privacy spaces. All the more reason to add a floor in the empty lot addition.

Back in Pell's car we went west to Riverside Drive. I pointed out out Grant's Tomb... with the old joke about who was buried there... I said we'd stop in another day. Riverside Drive all the way to 72nd Street, right on Broadway to 48th Street then east to the side door of the Fox Tower.

Pell took Deborah back to 35th Street.

We zipped up in the lift to the management floor. I dropped my outer wear and went to Bill's office. Gil to see EX, a kiss for her from me.

Bill's PA said he was on the phone with Abbey... it was fine for me to go in.

A wave from him as he talked with Abbey. Bill sent my `hello' on to her. He joined me in the comfy chairs after a hug.

"Abbey was looking at the latest Nielsen numbers... we have eight of the top ten shows in primetime! In the next ten are six are ours! Her folks are killing it just like the News division!"

Bill was jazzed, he raised his hand to point at me... "You two set it up! You demanded better writing, with more diverse staff and casts... people out in TV watching land have responded to it!"

Fist bump!

We talked programming and awards...

"You can expect we be well represented in the Peabody and Polk Awards. Kent's team is turning into a powerhouse of quality news programming! Every day they are hitting on all cylinders... not just hot stories... they're showing what a real news organisation can do. Going deep on stories down to where it matters."

I mused as Bill spoke... what Cho and I liked was we didn't have to ask twice for quality... these folks believed in it... we had chosen the right people!

A big hug for Bill. I went wandering with PJ and Tara around the management floor speaking to folks. I stopped by Raleigh's office he was on the phone... I told his PA I'd be back. Down to Sports.

Donald's smile telling me he was doing well! They had lots going on... the Super Bowl football frenzy was just over... horse racing beginning its big build up to the Triple Crown... baseball's spring training... MSL in full swing... Australian Open tennis... the NBA... it was a never slacking... round of events for his team.

The awards they received for their coverage were well earned.

Elinor was grinning as we hugged. She was going out to a run of basketball games, pro and college plus a stop in Chicago to look at a young man said to be the top basketball prospect in U.S. high schools.

"Tom has a runner for this year he thinks can win some big races... Maybe give yours a real challenge."

I smiled, "He has done very well the last two years... we just have had some great talent... a few more very good ones for this season. So his jockey may be looking at the back end of more of our runners!"

We laughed!

Back to see Donald, his PA tracked us down. Gil joined me... a cute smile.

"Frank told me you guys have a huge crop of world-beating horses coming on this season... like a third Triple Crown winner?"

"Maybe... several are quite good... we'll have at least two in the Triple Crown races I think. There's a lot running all over the U.S. and Europe... more in Thailand."

"I guess you'll keep us busy..."

Fist bump and grins!

Gil's head came up, her phone buzzing... she mouthed `Francis'... "They'll eat down there."


Lunch for us! The Polo Bar! Gil called...

Upstairs to see Raleigh. I asked after his family... all were fine, going to school and working... doing their things.

In Administration we had smooth sailing. He'd streamlined some of the processes, less paperwork.

Raleigh said we had very low staff turnover across the entire company.

"When we hire someone they want to stay which saves us money. It is also a testament to the process... we are able to take time to ensure a prospect fits in."

Fist bump!

Off to the Polo Bar!

I was dressed for it... a chocolate brown soft wool pleated skirt to ankle top, a black light wool jumper, long sleeves with a round collar in black. Black ankle boots. Gold jewellery including a double strand of pearls on a gold chain tight around my neck. Beige nails and clear lips. `Joy'

My beige camel's hair coat from Coach, a black silk scarf and black leather gloves.

Pell dropped us at the door... the same fellow was at the front desk... this time a huge smile...

"Welcome Your Ladyship, it's a pleasure to have you join us again. We have the same space for you."

I thanked him. Our outer things collected by a young woman.

I parked on the banquette grabbing a pillow to lean on. Gil did too! PJ and Tara in front of us.

A young woman... possibly the same as last time... Our greeter spoke to her...

"Welcome again Your Ladyship."

I thanked her and asked for a Campari and soda, twist of lemon peel.

She grinned, "I remember that from last time."

I smiled, "I thought it might be you."

A monster smile from her.

Everybody got their drinks. I chose the shrimp cocktail again, grilled Ahi Tuna, broccoli mushroom risotto and white corn cakes.

I got up to get a closer look at all the paintings of various horses all around. I turned to get close to the fireplace... warm!

"Lady Harcourt... "

I spun around to see Ralph Lauren standing there. HUG, cheek kisses.

"Marvellous to see you here!"

Ralph said he'd been next door when he was told I was lunching at the Polo Bar.

"I had to come see you."

"I'm so glad you did. Unfortunately Cho is down on Wall Street at the bank."

Ralph said he could only stay for a few minutes... a meeting coming up but `I'd rather be here.'

"Very flattering I'm sure."

We laughed.

He had my hand... I laughed and turned around for him.

"Similar... amazingly simple. You have excellent taste!"

I thanked him for the compliment.

"I did take advantage of Marina in London... my niece Sunny got loads of clothes... she really thinks you have her look!"

Fist bump with a big grin.

"My daughter had her first `shopping spree' also! She has loads of new things. We chose some bits for Charlie and Cho. Me too! We had fun!"

A huge smile, "I'm happy we have clothing styles for all of you!"

Fist bump which had us laughing.

He asked what we were up to in the city...

"I'm doing some 21st Century Fox things and visiting the shelters we have open... I just finished walking through a building on West 126th Street, it's being converted. The contractors are there remodelling it for our use.

Tomorrow we're going to the new buildings we recently purchased."

"Your Ladyship... "

"Fay please!"

"Fay, that was such a wondrous thing! Everyone I know really relished the karma payback of the discomfiture that old weasel received. Real New Yorkers heartily dislike trump."

"Will he ever return to the city?"

"I doubt it. You have humiliated him in front of the whole city... country... world. Not a thing his ego is likely to deal with ever. He won't be missed."

I told Ralph the story of his encounter with us at `21' where we had his favourite table for our Security... the blow-up and retreat. Then only returning when he knew we weren't there.

Ralph's head shaking, "I think you two have done the city a great service!"

We smiled at each other... he needed to go. We shook hands, hugged and kissed cheeks.

"Enjoy your meal."

A wave and he was gone.

My shrimp arrived so... It looked very inviting and was delicious!

As it should... all conversation died for a few minutes.

I ate the whole thing! Ahi cooked just right, the corn cakes slightly sweet! Espresso at the end. Everything was cleared away... Gil asked for the bill... Our server said there wasn't one...

I laughed, "Your boss picked up our tab? What about you?"

"Yes Mr. Lauren did that... he left this note for you."

I opened the pale green envelope...

`Fay, I want to thank you for your hospitality in London... Today's luncheon is my treat. Thank you joining us again.

Let us keep in touch so if we are indeed in the same city we can meet.

My respects to Cho. Ralph'

"He doesn't say anything about you... "

"I'm to receive a twenty percent gratuity."

I asked Gil what cash she had... I had her give two twenty dollar bills to the young woman. A huge smile!

"Thank you very much, Your Ladyship!"

I squeezed her hand as we moved toward the door. The fellow at the front helped me into my coat thanking me for coming. I, in turn, thanked them for excellent service and food.

We walked to Fifth Avenue... Pell was at the corner... to Mirabelle on Herald Square.

Coral was glad to see me. We sat to talk Paris and more. Raphaela joined us. The store in the Bastille neighbourhood was open and doing very well. Suit sales really going!!

The first of the clothes from Madame Tallard's were hitting the stores. I'd had a suit in black DHL'd to me... it was excellent... just what we expected and wanted.

Stock from Marcelle's Landy Costumes would begin to arrive next week. The expansion of her building had city approval so we'd break ground and get startd immediately.

Two weeks until the Champs-Elysees store was ready... I was going to try to be there. Coral and Raphaela were heading there the week before to get it altogether.

The builders kept sending a steady stream of photos to Coral and Gil. We had a good look at everything.

Our Security boss for the city, Piet, had it operating as if it was open. Staff there every day.

This next trip for Coral, she and Raphaela were going to stay at Quai de Bethune rather than a hotel. They'd be looked after by our folks. Both were delighted with the idea.

Rodeo Drive was happening! We leased the space in the courtyard area diagonally across from Ralph Lauren. A bit bigger than the Place de Bastille store. We got a ten year deal at good price.

The current occupants were to be out in sixty days... Callie had all the building specifications and floor plans... she would work from my ideas I'd already sent to her. So two projects with her... Mirabelle and the Big `V'!

The Big `V' Los Angeles was moving right along... construction should be finished by the middle of May. Interiors and outside both. Jayne was going to Los Angeles in three days to go to the club and start interviews. She was looking for a general manager and the top deputies to that person.

Magenta had candidates lined up for interviewing, Jayne would use a room at Magenta's office.

We headed home... I got a big welcome from the Twins!

Gil held up her iPhone, "Cho is on the way." Yea's from Chani and Charlie at that.

Popa came home to the same welcome I received. He changed and took the babies into the living room for some fun... word and math games.

I sat in the office with Gil to write the letters for the Tribune employees and readers.

Employees of the Tribune Corporation:

Welcome to the group of newspapers and electronic media we own. My husband Cho and I are pleased you all will be part of our effort to find, report and publish the day's news in the most honest, ethical and thorough way possible.

The New York Daily News, Seattle's The Day, Los Angeles' The Day' and the London Times and the Sun are out there every day producing some the finest newspaper work on the planet. We are glad to have you in with us.

We will be visiting most locations to meet as many of you as possible.

We have a good deal of important news for you all.

As you have already been informed about the five percent pay rise we can go on to other things... we will increase the company's contribution to your 401k retirement accounts between four and five percent... the rate will be finalized soon. The amount that is currently taken out of your paycheck won't be affected but you can choose to increase or decrease your withdrawal contributions.

Healthcare is changing in America thanks to the Medicare for All legislation passed by Congress. Until it is fully a government operated program you will all be joining our health insurance programme.

Once the new law is fully in place we will continue to provide benefits far beyond the law's scope.

There many advantages... first, there are no lifetime limits of any kind; second, there are no yearly limits nor is there any `out-of-pocket' or deductible level to meet; thirdly, all co-pays are fifteen dollars; fourthly, there are no formulary lists for prescription drugs, your physician can prescribe whatever they believe is best for you. And last, there is no waiting for full coverage to start... you will be covered from the first day!

In our healthcare plan vision is covered as is dental. Only co-pays will be required for both. No lifetime limits for either.

The cost to you for this will not increase from the current insurance you are offered. We can do this because you are joining several hundred thousand of other workers around the world... there is strength in numbers!

Your individual locations may have a health clinic constructed. That will depend on several factors we will share with you when the locations are chosen. Any service at a company clinic is free.

We would like you and your families to be as healthy as possible, exercise is important. We will be offering a co-payment for many types of athletic clubs and organisations. Swimming, golf, tennis, cycling, hiking and so on will eligible. A full list will be provided and we will be flexible about any group or activity you might suggest.

Cho and I strongly back education. If you have any outstanding college or other school loans we will pay them off entirely. You provide the documentation and we will do the rest. We support any government program to eliminate such debt but in absence of government action we will do the job ourselves.

These programmes are normal in all our businesses in every country we have operations. Your co-workers elsewhere in America are already benefiting from the healthcare insurance and other changes.

Each of you might be wondering what Cho and I expect from you for these benefits... We want you to do your jobs to the utmost. Your achieving great things is the return on our investment in you. Come to work each day to excel. We will give you the tools to do just that.

There will be spending for equipment of all types, services and for almost every newspaper, magazine or printing establishment there will be more staff.

We purchased the Tribune Corporation to make money... the old saying `you have to spend money to make money' is one facet of our business philosophy... so we will be doing just that to make all of you the best at what you do.

Welcome to you all!!

Cho and Fay Martin


Hello to the readers of ` ************* '

I am Fay Martin, my husband Cho and I now own the *************

We purchased the Tribune Corporation which includes the ************ It joins other great newspapers as part of our group of media companies. We proudly have some other great newspapers in our group, The New York Daily News, the Times of London, The Sun, The Day in Seattle and The Day in Los Angeles. The 21st Century Fox companies are the electronic part of our media group.

Strong newspapers and Fox News leading the way in news gathering and reporting.

We have plans for the newspaper to build its local and regional coverage... while keeping you connected to the world at large.

For us it is more than a business acquisition, we intend to raise the level of quality at all levels. We will invest in the equipment and more importantly the people of the ************ There will be enhanced coverage, greater depth and investigatory work to report the news for you... news which will bring the world around you closer.

The ************ will become the goto news source for your city in every way. City and state government, sports, arts, entertainment, activities, neighbourhood events and more will be right there for you. When you open the ************ it will illuminate the important stories, people and events of your city.

There will not be any increase in the cost of the *********** to you at your doorstep or news stand.

We hope you find in the *********** the sort of news coverage you can use to have a better informed life.

Thank you for your support.

Cho and Fay Martin

Gil grinning, "They are both terrific! You've found the right words and tenor."

Fist bump.

I printed them so Cho could read them and make suggestions.

Gil went to her apartment to wait for EX. A hug `Enjoy yourselves!' Smile!

Yevgeny and Mara came to ours for dinner. Hugs at the lift!

Mara thrilled to be sharing with her dad again. Yevgeny said to us while Mara was playing with the Twins, "Mara seems years older in some ways... still a girl at heart though. You have done a marvellous job of looking after her."

Cho smiling, "It has been at a distance... partly because of our lives and because she had plenty of support right here in the building."

"Oh yes! I have already thanked Yi and Roslyn for their wonderful care. They treated Mara as an equal which I suppose is why I see greater maturity. You two have made it happen... a huge debt for me! I know you may say not but in my heart I feel it."

I leaned forward, "You paid any debt off with the information you have provided to the government and that IP and credentials. It also makes it possible to protect you and Mara. A big deal!!"

Yevgeny smiling, "Okay we are even." A bigger smile.

Yi joined us. A big hug for her. Her book on Hemingway was still on various best seller lists around the country. It was a good read so the attention was justified. Yi had done the book tour thing and some TV shows.

Her news tonight was she was short-listed for several book awards. Cheers! Toasts!

We had a lovely dinner. Yevgeny enjoyed the food and the company... you could see it on his face.

We let him know he and Mara could join Roslyn and Yi for meals whenever they wanted... `Just work it out with Roslyn' was from me. Mara seemed delighted.

We sat with afters. I was beside Yi... I asked about her current project... `Cornell Woolrich and Hollywood'

"I've begun writing... the research was a grind with some luck added in. I found in my searches several of his `friends' who were still alive. They... all three... are in their nineties... were quite open and willing to speak to me. Like Woolrich they are gay... enjoying living in a saner world.

Funny Hemingway helped to open the doors! Two had read it! I have `cred' as a writer!!!!"

Fist bumps!!

"I got anecdotes, some letters, notes and pictures... not a lot because Woolrich was so guarded and later reclusive. Some incisive comments! Also a new look at his relationship with his mother."

"Sounds good on the biography side... Hollywood?"

"His stories were so seductive for the people in Hollywood... the whole `Noir' period they went through... all those post-war years. He seemed to typify the time for the producers and studio bosses... they may not have liked him as a person but they sucked up his stories. Over forty films have been made from his work or adaptions of his writing."

I told Yi I had about a dozen of his novels and collections in one house or the other.

"I started reading him when I was about twelve. The Bride Wore Black was my first. I found a used copy of the After Dinner Story' collection which included Rear Window' the renamed version of `It had to be Murder.' I loved it!"

Yi smiling, "You are really well read aren't you? Not many folks these days of your age would know William Irish was also Woolrich or know Woolrich from the man in the moon for that matter."

"Well... absent parents and a shy nature gave me lots of reading time."

"For me... the movies are a good `hook' to hang my narrative on!" Fist bump!

In the morning after our `en famile' walk around Washington Square Yevgeny came up to talk. Mara was at school. Cho and I said he could write for the Basuto Group on security or computers or politics... or whatever he liked. He seemed receptive.

"If you have other ideas please share. We do have many resources to help," Cho smiling. "You could be a talking head on Fox News."

Yevgeny shaking his head, "I do not think I am... as you say `cut out' for that." We all laughed.

Cho let him know the apartment and their other needs we would pay for until he was earning properly. He had the use of it as long as he wanted.

Yevgeny said he would like to have a stable living place until Mara went to university, "Then I would only need space enough to host her in her in-between periods. I don't need a lot of room."

Still it was five years or so... he got that was fine with us and they would be protected.

I told him I would see my NSA contact soon then I'd be able to pass on more information on how the deception was going.

Yevgeny was amazed by the Twins. He watched them do some drawing... Cho showed him a snap on his iPhone of the blue jay Charlie did while sitting with his Popa in the Florida meetings.

"He sat to draw in the meeting room having seen the bird outside as we walked around the buildings."

"He did it from memory?"

Cho grinning, "Yes! I knew what it was right away as he worked."

Yevgeny's head shaking... Cho and I smiling.

I went up town to the Fox Tower to see Tai and EX. They were doing well. Their reports to Gil had hard information and analysis. Our Security made decisions based on their work.

EX was spending some time with a couple of our computer folks to create tools to automate her work on having video and pictures taken down from websites who were either not using them under `Fair Use' rules or directly profiting without giving credit or paying.

Also creepy deep fakes were part of it. Much too real looking.

EX started up, "I've enlisted Reginé to do use social media to out and shame some of the worst malefactors. It seems to be working. Also the law firm has sent letters to some social media demanding they take down and stop allowing posts.

According to the lawyers sites use the notion they aren't responsible for what is posted. The lawyers are preparing a test lawsuit against several higher profile sites to have Section 230 of the 1996 communications act invalidated."

I was smiling, we knew that. The law firm's senior partner had asked permission to file the suit... we said YES! Another lawsuit in the making was against twitter and later facebook. We expected twitter to vet every tweet and block or take down immediately any when there were complaints, suspending accounts sooner rather than later.

They needed to create stronger controls and better algorithms to catch the lies and scams before they posted. We didn't think it was a burden if a user's post was delayed while it was checked by the system's filters. My feeling was simple `piss on their instant gratification.'

It was now past time for web companies to take responsibility for themselves.

If facebook or twitter or whatever say they are unable to monitor all the traffic then they should be shut until they can. The most scurrilous lies and abusive language were aimed at Hillary during the presidential campaign by Fox News on air, tweeted out and put up on facebook before we bought 21st Century Fox.

That should NEVER have been allowed.

If someone wants to lie, scam, cheat and abuse others these websites cannot any longer provide an unrestricted forum. Free speech has always had its limitations... what newspapers and TV publish has always had consequences for them if it was libellous... internet web sites shouldn't be any different.

We lobbied with Hillary to bring back the `Fairness Doctrine' so media companies had to be honest, balanced and equitable. The internet can't be different.

It is one of several items where Obama failed America. He supported ending the "Fairness' rule thereby abrogating control over media empires like Fox. The FCC has a `duty' to police the media... it is in its basic remit.

I talked about EX's role... as with Tai she would get compensation for overtime spent on special events. She was pleased.

My follow up did bring her back closer to the ground... even when she was in a place like Phuket... she and Tai would have to keep in touch with work.

I poked Gil's arm with a grin, "We do... so everybody has to work!" They joined in with my laughter.

I grinned as our `couple' kissed when I was going... Gil following with me. Tai had given me her news about she and Megan... they were out to their families. No issues to this point. Megan's mother was very supportive! Her dad worried about grandkids...

Cho and the Twins came uptown! We had a lunch setup with the Westside of Manhattan Congressman Jerry at the 45Th. We let his office know that `casual' was the dress code for the 45th.

Cho in black flannel slacks, a blinding white turtleneck sweater and a gray, white and black tweed jacket. Awesome! Chani wearing one of her new frocks, boldly coloured horizontal stripes and the blue ballet flats. Charlie in jeans with his new Chambray shirt and brown loafers.

Me in black skinny jeans, the electric blue and black checked shirt and black ankle boots from Nordstrom's. Silver bits and `Joy'

Jerry stepped out of the lift at the 45th... a big smile. Hands shaken and we introduced the Twins. They shook hands... making the decision to do that on their own. For them... Jerry didn't seem to be the `fist bump' type.

Gil and Jerry's PA together.

We gave him a short tour before settling in our booth. He obviously liked the looks of the place.

"This is a wonderful room. A terrific view."

He was seated so he could look downtown towards the bay.

He didn't know much about Thai food and said maybe a `one' level for spiciness. Okay.

Cho ordered fish cakes and spring rolls for the table. I went with the fried rice with tofu. Chani too. The guys chose green curry shrimp and noodles... Jerry went along with them. Tea and fruit drinks.

We talked shelters and he and his PA were thanked for their assistance. He was happy we were opening more on Manhattan...

"Don't forget the other boroughs..."

I said we knew that youth homelessness knows no boundaries. We were looking in Brooklyn and the Bronx now, Queens for later. I asked about Staten Island... I hadn't ever been there.

Jerry said we should consider it but it was the smallest borough with the least homelessness by far.

"It has its problems with crime and drugs... always on a smaller scale from the other parts of the city."

His PA gave Gil the name of the city council person for the area around the 126th Street shelter.

"He's very good, deep in the community. You should meet."

I pointed to Gil... A grin and salute.

Jerry loved the food. We gave him the history of the restaurant. Knun wasn't in yet, the under chefs took turns with him doing lunch.

"So if you ever go up to Saratoga... visit the Thai Place restaurant there. The owners are our friends, Kiet is the chief cook and owner manager, he's from Bangkok, he used to work at our home there. He's married to a friend's daughter."

We shared the current state of the shelter in Jerry's district. Its success pleased him.

"You are doing a very good thing! Government on the whole has let down LGBTQ teens... we should be the ones doing what you are. Too many compromises are needed to make our system work... somebody is always getting left out. Especially those with no real `voice' to be heard."

I asked if it was because of rules the Congress has for its operations that allow power to be accumulated by the few.

Jerry was forthright, "In many cases the Congress and its mechanisms are indeed to blame... not by inaction but by stifling action. Too many opinions which fracture unity then horse-trading begins so each back gets scratched and as I said someone is left out. Sorry for the many metaphors."

We laughed, Cho said we get it. "Can individuals like us have an impact?"

"You can... although it has to be issue by issue... there's no global fix. At least no one has found one yet."

Jerry laughed, "You will probably encounter the same kinds of issues in the House of Lords. Welcome to government."

We all laughed... loudly from me.

Jerry thanked us for the lunch and what we were doing. All smiles as the lift door closed.

We all went home. The Twins in the Nursery doing their thing... a secret thing!

Jayne arrived at Minetta Street to talk about Los Angeles and all the bits before her trip. She got to meet Cho. They chatted as I got Amelie of our Security Service up on the Conference App to introduce them. Amelie would be in charge of all security at the club.

I wanted Jayne to know how our Security worked and what their role was. She got that they had the ultimate authority when it came to any danger to life or property. Jayne was Okay with it. She and Amelie made a day and time to meet in Los Angeles.

Jayne had signed the agreement we had drawn up to repay the monies I was putting in to the new club. I made sure that it wasn't much to start and would slide up slowly as the club made money.

Jayne hadn't had a business partner before and my absent style made her smile.

"Fay, I get to do what I always have with backing that I've never had. It feels... secure... and terrific."

Fist bump! Cho laughing.

Dinner at Volare! Giovanni was going to be surprised by the Twins.

We rounded up our crowd to walk up to the restaurant. Up to Minetta Lane then to right to MacDougal Street... left on West Fourth Street. We carried the Twins all the way to the steps, down one at a time to the door. Giovanni was there... he opened it wide... Cho and Charlie walked in...

Charlie stuck out his hand to shake with Giovanni... a huge smile pushing his mustache up. Chani put out her ... Giovanni bent down to kiss it... "Benvenuto Giovane Donna!"

Chani grinning, "Grazie!"

That floored Giovanni... he knelt down to hug her... giggles about his facial hair on her cheek.

Looking up at me, "Signorina Martin, sua figlia è fantastica!" "You are amazing" to Chani!

We shook hands. I told him the Twins were indeed amazing.

We had a table at the back, us four, Francis and Ali, Tha and Delphine plus four Protectors. A first for Delphine.

Campari and soda for me. Ordering... Two antipasti for the table. I did the Tuscan winter vegetable soup, the special Antipasto Caldo to share with Ali and Delphine. Insalata Tricolore and the sole.

Cho and Giovanni smiling over the wine choice... our usual Villa Gemma Montepulciano d'Abruzzo Riserva!!

We sipped drinks, the Twins looking around... It wasn't their first time but it had been quite a while. They were much more aware this time. The warm cosy atmosphere, terrific smells... they loved it!

Giovanni smiling at them choosing things from the antipasti platters... munching. Everybody was munching!

I enjoyed each course... wonderful food, superbly presented.

Giovanni around us filling glasses, smiling, talking to Chani and Charlie.

Antonio da Abruzzi came in. I stood up for a hug, Cho a handshake. The Twins both said `Ciao Signor Abruzzi.'

He smiled like the sun, "Piccoli sei così intelligente!"

He was genuinely amazed by them. He sat in his usual booth with a smile. Cho sent him a bottle of wine.


A great dinner! Giovanni grinning as he helped us put on our outer things. He shook hands with Charlie and kissed Chani's hand again. Chani in my arms going down Sixth Avenue...

"Mama, Giovanni is nice. I liked having my hand kissed."

I squeezed her... I could hear Cho laugh behind us...

"Many men will kiss your hand in your life... enjoy it."

Chani giggled. A kiss on my cheek.

The Twins went down soon after we got home. They delighted in the dinner... the food and having Giovanni be so attentive and nice.

The morning Jaidee walk was chilly... he got to warm up in George's Dog Run with the boxer girl he met before. They romped quite happily. We did half of Washington Square afterwards then home.

Today was visits to the new buildings for Cho and me. 40 Wall Street first then 725 Fifth and 21 for lunch. Later I am to meet with city councilman for 126th Street area at the new shelter

40 Wall Street was an older building, trump didn't build it he bought it. I looked at some snaps... stone exterior and a copper-coated roof shaped like a pyramid with a spire flag pole on top. We had some building management folks as guides.

It had been a troubled building for the last fifty years...

So many inflated transactions about the building left each owner with less money to maintain or renovate the aging structure. trump was the latest victim, no money to make changes which might have returned his investment. His debt and ego swallowed him!

There was one good tenant; a local New York retail chemist chain had both their flagship store and headquarters in the building. Large parts of the building empty. trump is a loser as a businessman.

Gawd... all the marble everywhere... a sure sign trump had been around. In his nouveau riche style manual... marble was classy! Like gold faucets in a bathroom.

Cho's intended to get tenants in at the best rate possible. Do renovations where needed, bottom upwards, the top ten floors were large in the square building but carefully done could yield some excellent apartments. Cho wanted each to have a good section of windows so they would be narrow widening out and deep extending out from the centre. A common hallway completely around the core lift and utilities shafts.

He had sketched out the basic floor design for me at breakfast... it looked good to me. I'm not an architect though... Cho had terrific sense of space and shape. The Twins got this feature of his talents!

I had Cho's hand... I steered us away from the group for a moment, "Go after the golf courses... if they are losing money... he'll not be covering any of his costs... buy up the mortgages and push him out... " I laughed, "Maybe I'll take up golf..."

We burst into laughter!

"You don't have to go THAT far... "

More laughing... much more. Francis stepped close when Cho motioned to him... he started laughing too hearing what we'd been on about.

"All four he tried to push on you are losing money... one more than the next. If he didn't have undisclosed sources of money propping them up they'd all have been sold or foreclosed by now," Francis leaning in to say.

Cho with a cute grin, "Look at them closer." Fist bump with Francis.

We met the CEO and some of the Board of the retail chemist chain in their offices. Cho reassured them that nothing was going to change for them. They would benefit from more business tenants and residents when it happened.

Up town to 725 Fifth! On the sidewalk heading in some fellow yelled out towards us... `Thanks for getting rid of the asshole!' Okay! Cho waved... I smiled. An NYPD cop burst out out laughing... he did a fist bump with another cop.

Desiree, our Security boss, at the door with a smile... she'd heard it all. A big smile.

She shook my hand... "Welcome! I have the meeting ready."

We went up the lift to a conference room... all the vendors who leased space were there. Carts and restaurants, shops, etc...

Cho thanked them for coming.

"Let's start with something big... the atrium re-do... we have decided to help you all financially to make the changes to your businesses to adapt to the new look... "

Someone started to cheer... They all cheered.

Cho smiling. "That help could be either reduced rent or other assistance from us. Nothing firm on that yet.

We do want you to stay. We have for you... "His arm motioning to the tables on the side where several people were sitting... "The guidelines on the look we want and other things about the past management. The word `trump' no longer has any place in this building... not in an address or name or in advertising or a menu... You have seen the trump named businesses shuttered... interestingly several of those spaces have already been leased to new companies."

The crowd was nodding... good.

"What you will see is a wholesale clean-up and improvements. The atrium changes will cause disruption... we plan on doing it rapidly, much of it after hours allowing for your clients and customers to get through as easily as possible. Please emphasize this to them in whatever manner you communicate."

Cho smiling, "The obvious things like escalators will remain... they will be altered. The shiny glass look will be gone. Taking down the marble is a big project... we want to save as much as possible for reuse. The marble and other fixtures will be reclaimed by speciality contractors."

Cho reached out to Desiree, she stepped close. "Desiree has reported no problems so far... that is very encouraging. The crowds coming in have been orderly and responsive.

We hope you have had good experiences with the public. If you don't please let Desiree's folks know even if you want no action to be taken... we want to know."

Desiree spoke briefly then the general manager, a holdover from the old management, had a few items. The attendees were asked to please go to the tables based on the signage to get the paperwork and sign for it.

Cho and I did speak to some... they all realised the changes would cause them some trouble but were grateful for our decision to assist them making the alterations. Our being flexible about the cosmetics of the new look was well received. They also liked we had no intention of raising their rent.

Cho asked if I wanted to see trump's old apartment? trump never actually purchased the apartment, he just lived there as the building owner. It was empty now; all the furnishings had been placed in a storage space in Queens, available at any time to the trumps.

I said no. I had seen a few pictures which were enough to disabuse me of any interest. Tacky to the `nth degree!'

I was more interested in lunch. Cho hugged me, a kiss.

PJ, Rande, Tessa, Tara, Ansara and Ro escorted us all on the four and half block walk to '21.' Gil arranged for us to have the whole corner, tables nine, ten and eleven.

We attracted some attention walking down Fifth Avenue... no one tried to do anything foolish or pushy... plenty of cheers and a few `thanks' called out when we were recognized.

The manager met us at the door, a smile and a big welcome. Walking into the bar... the crowd started to clap and cheer! Loud sounds bouncing off the walls!!! People were standing... clapping and calling out!

We shook some hands moving to our tables... some hugs! We smiled and waved to everybody.

Our server waiting... "Your Ladyship... Sir Cho... " As he pulled the table out for us to sit.

Cho looked at me... "Two house martinis to begin." I smiled in agreement. Our server's face in a smile! Off he went after getting our folks drink choices.

I had the menu... Vichyssoise, Caesar Salad with anchovies, Asiago crusted bread! Cho did the sole. Francis, Ali and Gil ordered before we talked.

Francis said he wanted to add two people to our staff... not to travel but to do investigations for projects like the golf courses and the building we just visited.

"I think they could easily be accommodated in an office somewhere, they could setup a real research office. Fast internet, information source accounts created and access to TrueRating data."

Cho aimed a finger at Francis... "Do it! Find some sharks to troll around... even if we don't have a specific target... they could look at industries, companies on spec. The trump Organisation owned golf courses are a good example... we know a good deal but more is always better.

Whoever you hire need to be self-starters besides being into details and spreadsheet mavens."

The last made Francis laugh.

As some people came by to say hello... and introduce themselves... when our food was served that stopped which was quite nice of everyone.

I enjoyed my meal... the food was always excellent here! I skipped dessert for espresso!

A tall blonde woman came up from all the way across the room... When she spoke Cho stood up...

"Hello... I'm Darryl H*******... I wanted to say hi and I admire your many works. Fox News, the Daily News and the shelters. You are really making a difference."

We shook hands; Cho thanked her for the nice comments. She smiled and waved walking away.

Cho sitting, "Should I know her?"

"She's in the movies and for many years she's been very outspoken and active for environmental issues."

Cho nodding... someone else approached... Cho recognized Harrison F*** without my help.

"Your Ladyship... Sir Cho... congratulations for your recent purchases! I think New Yorkers of all stripes applaud you. And for making the news business honourable again!"

Cho shook his hand and thanked him for the kind words. Harrison grinning... leaning closer... "I sure glad the old fart won't be coming in here anymore! He'll be too embarrassed!"

We all laughed, I took his extended hand... thanking him.

We left after that. Cho went home to have some time with the Twins and to winkle out their `secret surprise' which was scheduled for tonight.

Ali joined Gil and me going up to 126th Street so I could meet with the city councilman. "Mark' was at the door, we did introductions. The foreman had hard hats for us... we walked through my giving the councilman the tale of this shelter and the others.

He was amazed that we would do all this `on our own dime' as he described it.

I explained we could get things going much faster bypassing much of the government bureaucracy.

"We have begun to seek out city, state and federal money and assistance programmes aimed at the young people themselves. Jerry and Carolyn's staffs helped us. We have Jenna working for us whose remit is to search out such things and get us involved."

We discussed how the city council could help... Mark said he'd have a staffer do some work on it. I thanked him.

"So once you're open a young person can come to you for housing, food, clothes... do they have to be from this neighbourhood?"

"Not at all. We will accept anyone. They register with us and if they want to move to another shelter... and we have room they can... their information would be in our system."

Outside I gave an overview for the councilman of our design for the empty lot. He said to forward the details to his office; he would follow up with the planning and building permit folks. A big thank you for him.

Pell took us home.

Cho on a sofa with some reports... the Twins were `finalizing' their surprise! Francis made drinks for us all. I was sipping leaning on Cho.

"So I take it you were unsuccessful in `winkling out' anything from the Twins?"

"Not a peep! They know how to keep a surprise secret!"

Gil laughing said, "They learned it from you two!"

Fist bump!

Roslyn did a crab cake dinner with black-eyed peas, greens and hush puppies!! Butter and honey for the latter. The vanilla ice cream with multi-coloured and chocolate sprinkles went over well with everybody!!!

The Twins needed space so the heaters were turned on outside. We started to sit with afters on the terrace but we had to wait until the Twins were ready.

We were `invited' out... lights off after we were seated... Francis was recording... The lights came up...

Chimneys? Some like bricks, others cylindrical and black in an arc across the deck. One big brick looking one in the middle. Tha and Delphine were there holding cardboard cut-outs of groups of black figures... like men dancing. Gil had been enlisted to do the music... it rose up...

It was the Mary Poppins `Step in Time' song! Tha and Delphine moved their black figures in time to the music then Charlie came out of our suite door... all in black...

He danced around high stepping to the music then a small paper umbrella rose from behind the big chimney... Chani appeared in a pink outfit, top and skirt with a flat round brimmed hat.

Chani came around the fireplace to join Charlie in the dance. Just like Julie Andrews and Dick Van Dyke in the movie!

They did it around the terrace avoiding the chimneys for a few minutes before stopping... Gil killed the music... Charlie and Chani did a bow to us.

The big chimney fell over at that point...

The Twins laughed and hugged each other. Tha and Delphine joined in... they waved Gil in.

We got up to kiss and hug our thespians! Remarkable!

We knew they liked the movie but this...

They sat in our laps... giggling and happy!

"You two did a wonderful job!!"

I had tears... Chani hugged me... "Mama, you liked it?"

"Baby you are both wonderful dancers! Thank you for doing this performance for us!"

Tha and Delphine helped with costumes, the little black figures and the chimneys... they laughed saying the big chimney fell down a lot.

They were hugged and kissed... off to clean up and change.

Francis ran it on his iPad for us... they were so funny wanting to do this! It was terrific!

They came running out to do more hugs. Sleep clothes under big fluffy robes and fuzzy slippers. Hot chocolate and molasses walnut cookies!! A good reward!

They sat with an iPad in-between to watch themselves... giggling! Francis' video caught the big chimney falling which made them laugh loudly! Huge grins! A job well done!

They walked with us into the Nursery. Robes off. Blu and Raggedy ready for sleep. Kisses... more thank yous from us for a stellar performance!

Cho and I shared a lounge, Francis and Ali, Gil and Jaidee too! Roslyn joined us. They all marvelled at the Twins performance. Tha and Delphine came out...

Francis asked about how the Twins got started on this.

Tha laughed and pointed to Delphine... "I told them I had done the Julie Andrews role in a school production. They right away wanted to the `roof' scene! They do amaze me with their memories. Out of all the music and dance of Mary Poppins that one scene had stuck with them as outstanding.

Well of course many people believe it is the best of the whole movie. So we all talked and got started. It was a group idea to do just a few chimneys, the stick figure backup dancers came from Tha..

I did the music download and recruited Gil. Tha was doing costumes and we all did the chimneys."

Tha with a smile, "It came together quickly. They practised instead of doing `lessons' we decided it was worth it."

Cho laughed, "Any time they want to things like this `lessons' can be skipped!!"

We all laughed... thumbs up from Tha.

My next day after a great walk with Jaidee... Mirabelle for some fittings! Herald Square was busy... Pell dropped us in front. Angie leading, Gil and I with Gaby behind.

Raphaela greeted me at the door.

"Fay, we have everything ready."

First thing... a gray wool suit! Pale shade, tight pencil skirt to my knees with a slit at the back. The jacket was long sleeved with an upright collar, tight to my shape. No pockets. No room underneath for anything other than a bra. Form-fitting!! Six big black buttons all the way up and on to the collar. Lined in white silk.

I could see Gil in the mirror... she loved it... me too! A knock-em dead look! Not much of my shape left to the imagination!

"Raphaela, I want this style in black and red... fire engine red!"

She laughed, "No one would miss you in that colour."

"They're not supposed too!!" Laughter!

"It won't take long! We have a red wool fabric that is the right weight... I'll bring a swatch out in a minute. The black...?"

"Make it a deep black, flat not shiny."

A thumbs up as she walked out.

Gil smiling, "For any woman with your basic shape this suit style will be a killer!!!"

Fist bump!

The seamstress helped me into a blue ball gown... I already owned it... they'd made a few changes. It fit better now. I planned to wear to a White House dinner we had coming up.

The wool in Raphaela's hands... YES! RED!!!!!!!!! A big smile! Okay... done!

I went through the other outfits... all would be ready in two days, they'd be sent to Minetta Street. Several inspired by pictures I'd sent to Coral and Raphaela... some of Erte's designs!!

Pell took us to the Big `V' for lunch. We stepped out at the front door. Jayne and Montana waiting after Gil's text.

Hugs and kisses!

There was a decent lunch crowd still there. Montana said it had been busy. I looked at Jayne... laughing I rubbed the three fingers together for the `money' sign which made her laugh...

"Yes, business is very good. We have a long run of months with each succeeding one better than any before." A turn to Montana who said `eleven.'

Gaby and Angie introduced... Jayne whispered in my ear, "A harem?"

We laughed. "No, too valuable!"

I attracted some notice from the diners... Jayne put us in one of the big booths near the dance floor. There was a slow number playing on the sound system... one couple was moving leisurely mashed closely. A smile to Jayne... a laugh.

Food! A Campari and soda appeared without my asking. Glo! I said hello and thank you... big smile. I did their Caesar Salad and fries!

Jayne and I talked about her trip tomorrow. I was thanked for the arrangements. Helicopter to Teterboro then a Gulfstream to Santa Monica, a car waiting. Jayne would stay in our Venice apartment, Sarita and Dolores would take good care of her.

She would meet Magenta and start interviews right away. I said we could talk whenever she needed to.

She kidded me about `poaching' EX!

"Fay, all joking aside it is the right thing! Here she was waiting tables... a waste of her talents."

I felt good about it and I didn't want it to be a problem! Jayne was my kind of boss... interested in their people... wanting the best for them!

I nudged Jayne... "EX's hair is pink now! You'll see her when you all fly to Phuket!"

Fist bump!

Well-fed we headed over to Essex Street to the other new shelter. The contractor was there.

He was pleased with the progress... A lot to do but no problems.

"Miss Martin, the whole building is built like the proverbial brick shithouse... oops. Sorry!"

I was laughing; I let him know I wasn't a fainting flower.

"With walls like these you can connect anything feeling safe it's going to stay."

His part was right on schedule. Handshake!

I wandered a bit in the neighbourhood. Clubs, bars, restaurants of many types, shopping, green grocer, banks, bakeries... a very densely packed area! The New Design High School nearby, the subway a block away, a bowling alley, quite a few art galleries, hotels, lots more.

The Lower East Side neighbourhood across Delancey Street to the north was packed like this. Plus a close by high school.

I liked this location a lot. Lots happening around it!

Tonight was a dinner at home with Daria. Terrance brought her to us. She stepped from the lift... no cane! Hugs and kisses. The Twins came out of the Nursery to greet her. We spread out in the living room.

Cho and Francis doing drinks. We talked some about the 21st Century Fox business. Daria got all the latest news! A big smile when I told her Bill's predictions for the upcoming awards...

"The Fox News people are so good... I even watch some shows now," Daria laughing.

I put up my hand in a mock `hiding' my words gesture, "We don't watch very much... when we do it's usually after the show has aired."

We smiled about our distance from what we owned...

Daria holding an iPad... staring at the Twins Mary Poppins show. She looked up at us wide-eyed...

"Are we sure they're haven't dropped from a space ship? Nineteen months?"

We were all laughing... Cho assuring her we were present for the birth.

The Twins came out with a card for Daria... It had a cane on the front... inside it said We are so glad not to see it!' C&C'

Tha and Delphine grinning from the doorway!

Daria's face... she was both amazed and pleased they think of it.

Hugs and kisses for Charlie and Chani.

"Thank you both!! I'm also glad not to have it."

Roslyn did her famous Mexican food buffet! Always a big crowd favourite! I went back three times then a fourth for dessert... coconut chocolate flan!!

The Twins went into watch a movie after eating. Tonight it was E.T. Tha squeezed my hand as they moved into the media room, "They will enjoy this."

Us big folks did afters and talked a variety of things. Daria asked about the House of Lords... I gave her my impressions. I found the members mostly nice and interested... a few clods and fools as you would find in any group. She laughed when I told the anecdote about the woman questioning my clothes.

Cho shaking his head, "Do you know anything about her?"

"No. I know her name only because Maresfield apologized for her. He was obviously not a fan of hers."

Gil picked up her iPad... in a few moments she said, "Baroness Culver is a life peer from around Peterborough in the tory `blue belt' across the UK. She's been there for three years. She was something in livestock breeding."

I turned my head to Gil... she shrugged. I laughed.

The Twins came out when the movie was finished. They liked E.T. He as a sweet creature... `Being around people was bad for him' from our daughter. They thought it hopeful... and a bit silly.

Okay! A better review than many!

In bed Charlie funning... he asked Blu to make his bed fly... he wasn't surprised it didn't work... he loved Blu anyway! Sweet!

Comments welcome! Please send to ABecker60@yahoo.co.uk

Next: Chapter 71

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