
By A becker

Published on Sep 9, 2005


Note: the following is copyrighted material. You may post on other systems but full credit given and no changes made in any way.

While I would be thrilled for this to be true it isn't.

Jian 7 < or My Bangkok Days 7 >

I told Ang everything that had happened even the good feeling I got from Kavnu's penis and Udorn's frank appraisal. Ang let me off at the club, "Go in see Jian. I am going to your hotel to get all your things."

It was busy Monday afternoon not withstanding Jian was working at the end of the bar where we had first met. I sat on the same stool she offered me the same drink she led me to the same booth we sat side-by-side kissing right away.

"Uummm Jian I love this." My mouth pressing on hers for more stifled her reply.

We cuddled in the booth for sometime Jian was happy to pet with me she leaned back allowing me to get into her panties lift out her treasure slurp up and down her cock was so welcome I was sucking her when she began to talk with some else.

"Fay this is Mr. Saul he is in business with Ang." A warm hand was under my skirt the fingers stroked my skin patted the mound in my panties cupped each pussy cheek, "Very nice Jian."

He moved into the booth next to me his hands under my clothes again, "Fay you stay and entertain Mr. Saul I go back to the bar."

"Turn around Fay.' As I did his zipper was lowered he was short pudgy it was too dark for more since I was at his waist level.

"Suck me Fay." I took his prick in giving it suction from top down maybe four inches fat cut lots of juice flowing my nose was pressed into his underwear by his hand on my neck no trouble to swallow him.

"Aaahhh you are a good cocksucker keep it up." His hips jerked forward both hands on me now my mouth fucked. He was loosing control quickly he didn't last long shooting a few gobs into me keeping my mouth on him.

"Ooohhh nice mouth you blow really well baby keep me hard I want some pussy too." He stayed hard after the fast shot he let go of me so I could work the cock he kept me at it I slurped it licked his balls on the down stroke, "Get your panties off time is near for your pussy."

I struggled with my bikini once again the shoes were the hard part soon panties dangled from one ankle, "Turn over babe on your belly. Lift your skirt."

My position satisfied him he moved over me pressing the cock head on target sinking slowly into me, "Yes nice tight pussy. You are something Ang gets full marks for this."

He had trouble fucking me on the booth seat flat on my belly he moved me to the rear faced me over the back drove his prick in once more here he could grip me better fucking me harder picking up the pace I held onto the padded seat back. That fat small dick was used on me his hands pinched pulled twisted parts of me my nipples were hurting as he yanked on my rings, "Aaahhh that hurts," popped out of me.

"Yeah it feels good to work you over babe, " he grunted driving his prick home again much faster for a brief time then he stopped.

"Let's soak a cock in you. Keep your pussy tight on me." He slapped my right pussy cheek, "Yeah you are some kinda a fuck gonna enjoy this for a while."

Mr. Saul's hands were all over me my hatltertop was on the seat his fingers had taken a real interest in my nipples lots of twisting pulling, "I like these rings Ang gonna hang something here?" He laughed rotating his fat hips searching my ass with his dick.

For more than half an hour he fucked me little played with me much paddled my pussy cheeks both sides. His erection remained very hard jabbing me finally he increased the pace of the thrusts romping around in me until his orgasm deposited another load of cum in me.

"Oh Yeah some fuck you can bet on seeing me a lot babe." Whack whack he laid into my pussy cheeks some more he delighted in my responses I couldn't avoid the hands pinned to the back of the booth like I was.

"That's enough for now baby blow me clean!" Grateful to have his cock out I slid under the table engulfed the fat little fucker sucking licking slurping that thing to get it clean fast. He leaned back let me get on with my work he was pleased I helped him get his pants up and shirt in, "Baby I'm for you great little sex machine tell Ang I will be by to see you soon." He slapped my left cheek stinging my face, "Good fucking work!"

He slid out of the booth disappeared into the club I rested my face against the booth seat I knelt there for a few minutes then slowly crawled up onto the seat. I was sore humiliated disgusted.

Jian climbed in next to me, "He is strange Yes?"

I agreed and was going to say more when she slipped her panties down holding up her cock I lowered my mouth down she cooed, "Fay suck me I want to cum in you." The smell of violets was there I was flooded with her pre-cum and the warm feelings you have for someone so close that they are part of you. Suck her I did she came in me after ten minutes of my best blow job what more could I ask.

"Fay there is a bathroom back here come on I will wash you."

Naked except for my shoes Jian led into to the left through a dark door that was part of the wall to a nice tiled bathroom she helped me cleanup I used my necessaries from my purse to fix my face and hair. Jian got my clothes and I was looking good as I walked to the bar with her.

"Mr. Saul is always like that he likes to hurt being mean is part of sex for him we girls are what he prefers."

"Is he around much? Where is he from he sounds American?" I didn't want to see him anytime soon for sure.

"No he is away from Bangkok a lot. This is the first I have seen him for many months. He says he is from New York his passport fell out of a pocket one time it was from Russia."

His not being here often sounded good to me Russian New York what a jerk we stood at the bar an American was holding a slender Thai girl by the waist she looked over her shoulder towards us with an infinitely bored expression on a very pretty face the fingers doing some exploration of her didn't concern her. She spoke to him he shrugged patted her ass she twirled around and came over.

"Lawan this is Fay she's new."

We kissed cheeks Lawan slipped her arm around me and asked Jian for a drink.

"You had old Saul in the back? No fun right."

I nodded, "He's a jerk and he hurt me for fun."

Lawan kissed my cheek, "Yes he always does that we all tell Ang but he does not care he makes money with Saul somehow."

Jian brought fruit drinks for us dressed up like real ones that the suckers paid full price for Lawan toasted me we drank, "You go to Dr. Thannet tomorrow?"

"Yes in the morning."

"Good luck it will not hurt much and is over soon."

"Have you...?"

Lawan smiled, "Yes last year. See my titties all from pills with no you know what's."

Her breasts looked great not big just beautiful pears, "Come I show you."

We went to the bathroom where I cleaned up, "No one comes back here."

Lawan opened her white blouse no bra the pears jutted out lovely small nipples gold bars that looked like weightlifters dumbbells in her nipples.

"Can I?

"Oh yes they feel so good when touched let me see yours."

I opened my top we caressed each other, "No pain Fay?"

"No but Saul hurt them."

I sucked her left nipple nice she liked it I did the right stroking the wet one while I nibbled the other she Ooohhh-ed and aaahhh-ed, "Can I see your clit?"

"Ok let us show all."

We both removed all our clothes her slender body was wonderful I knelt down to look at her she lifted her left leg on the sink. The old sex was flat against her skin held by rings like Ni and how I would be soon be I kissed it she shivered, "I have many feelings it is still sensitive." I continued to explore with my tongue lips fingers she enjoyed my loving attention.

Back at the bar Jian hugged me, "Ang wants you at the apartment."

Lawan kissed me I had my ass patted by some big white guy on the way out he said something I couldn't hear I kept going.

Ang waved me into his room, "I have a visitor for you then we eat. Go get ready in nightie."

I waited a handsome man middle aged came in he looked me over, "I like you suck me OK?" I nodded helped him get his pants off he kept his shoes on he sat on the chair I blew him for twenty minutes he came he left. It was so mechanical he displayed no emotion came a lot left boring sex I got a mouth full ho hum.

Was Mr. Saul better or worse? I decided not to decide. While I was washing Ang came in, "Utar liked your blow job he says he will be back for you."

"It was so ..." I didn't go gone I was there to perform the tasks required. Ang wagged his finger at me, "Remember the visitor is in charge."

I nodded.

"Your man things are over there your computer is under the bed all your money is in the drawer. Your passport is in my safe."

I saw my suitcases they didn't contain anything I needed.

"Get ready for eating five minutes."

I put on the black shorts and the halter-top made of white shimmering fabric that fell in folds black heels black purse with my face and hair I was ready to go on the town.

Ang smiled appreciatively took my hand we went to the right and then another right, "Fish tonight at the restaurant you pick your fish."

We crossed a canal as we approached I could see it was a floating restaurant Ang kept my hand we stood over a large tank as Ang talked to two men there they held up several fish choice made we were seated upstairs away from the dock. You could see up and down the water lights were coming on it was magical the smells noises fairy-like lights the boat moving gently.

I was served some juice I used to take my pills Ang drew on his beer we leaned back I relaxed his arm was around my waist I cuddled back against him. I felt safe everything seemed to back away from us we had a little spot to ourselves.

It lasted for a while then food began to arrive Ang gave me a class in what and how to eat what to bring together what to eat by itself to get the full flavor. There were some hot bits I had to drown in juice most was so savory some even delicate the fish that was fabulous flaky spices floating from it melted on your tongue.

We had tea after, "Chamomile so you can sleep tonight before your changes."

I was on my back my head in Ang's lap. "What will happen?"

"Dr. Thannet will tell you tomorrow he is very good do not worry at all."

I closed my eyes Ang stroked my face I could have slept right there Ang held my waist as we descended the stairs to the dock we walked back to apartment building like that He made me feel like I was his girl there was nothing like that in the world.

I got ready for bed Ang came wearing a pair of red and blue boxers very loud I stared at them he laughed, "A woman friend gave me these some time ago I thought you might enjoy them."

I was giggling now he swatted my behind playfully, "Get in bed."

I stepped out of my slippers slid in bed Ang dropped the loud boxers climbed in beside me. He kissed me my pressed my shoulder down I took the hint under the sheet I took him in my mouth after asking for a pillow. A long day the tea I was asleep quickly happy to have a cock in me.

I awoke with Ang's erection reducing my air, "Suck me Fay." I did I loved doing a sweet blow job to start the day warm cock lots of pre-cum the foreskin back hot slippery head I made it my breakfast the cum very nice.

"To Dr. Thannet's you need to get ready."

With that I got up kissing Ang's cock goodbye dressed in white shorts blue and yellow halter-top white heeled sandals face on hair looking cute I followed Ang to the street.

"We do not have far to go."

We went down to the main road turned right away from the club Ang's hand was hot he led me to a narrow door he rang a bell we were let in by a young woman in white.

The room looked like any doctors office I was told by the nurse to undress she gave me a pale yellow gown. When she returned I was taken to another room with an examining table with stirrups, "Please get on the table I will help you with your legs."

Soon I was flat on my back legs up and spread the doctor leaning over me.

"Fay I am going to start in a minute but first some time with you. I will explain what is to happen then what will occur after. OK?"

I nodded. He spent 10 minutes telling how he would give me a local anesthetic then inject each testicle with a chemical that would partly liquefy it then using a larger needle draw out the changed testicle. My sack now empty would draw up against the skin if not later he could remove anything that was leftover in a simple surgery. It all sounded fine his promise of little or no pain was nice the short recovery period I could do whatever I wanted tonight and work tomorrow with a brief checkup tomorrow evening.

"I am ready are you?"

I smiled up at him, "Yes doctor very ready."

My gown was pulled up the anesthetic applied the wait for it to take hold the first injection and the removal was all done quickly no pain just the prickly feeling as the needles went in I was done.

"Lay quiet for a while the nurse will check on you then you can be moved to the changing room. She will give you a new set of pills."

He left the nurse moved my gown down patted my arm with a big smile, "You are doing very well it has been done many times by Dr. Thannet. You will be moved in a few minutes."

I lay there I was more woman than man now it was only Tuesday.

I covered my face with my hands stroking my cheeks they were soft I hadn't shaved since Friday morning there had been the cream the old woman put on well if I never had to shave again that was fine with me. My sex mound felt the same oh yes this was a real good thing. I lay thinking about the last few days they had been crammed full many sex partners....

The nurse brought me out of my daydream stroking my arm, "Miss you need to get dressed now."

She took me back to the room I changed in helped me put my clothes on I checked my face and fixed my hair from being flattened on the table. She adjusted my clitstick upwards in my panties; "Let the area have some air for a few hours it will be ok after midday. Here are your pills. You are such a pretty girl."

"Are you ..er.. did you?"

She gave me a radiant smile, "Yes Dr. Thannet did me four years ago. "

She told me that the operation was easier now but she had no problems and was supremely happy with a very nice lover his kids career as nurse.

We hugged and kissed, "Do not worry I will be here if you need anything, I am called Kaki by my friends. Call here ask for me if you have questions."

I kissed her cheek again Ang left me a note to go to the apartment house and relax he would see me there later. Kaki squeezed me I strolled along the street looking at shops feeling a bit light headed but nice no tightness between my legs not cramped just nice.

I walked slowly turning at the intersection toward home Reyna came up to me taking my hand, "Fay you look sweet in your shorts."

Reyna from Junky's with her lover kneeling she was beautiful slim full bust she had a firm grip we walked down the road leading to the apartment, "You have come from Dr. Thannet's?"

I said yes that I had my change done. Reyna stopped us on the side of the road hugged me tightly, "You are a lucky girl I want to change Ang thinks I am better in between."

I pressed my cheek to hers stroking her back we went to my room I dropped my purse Reyna led me up stairs to her room on the top floor we looked out over the river nice view lanai big lounge chair.

"When I saw you with Jian I wanted to talk but my visitor had to be taken care of first."

"You were beautiful sitting there. I wanted to be in his place."

Reyna put a finger in the front of my shorts pulled me close her breasts pressing into me, "You still want to?"

I nodded, "Yes I would love to suck you the doctor wants me to relax so can we lay down I will suck you that way."

Reyna undressed as fast as me she sat on her bed inspected me, "You look good."

She kissed my shriveled clitstick, "When you are locked back it will be good. Ni had this done a few months ago she and I are close it went well for her she is much happier now."

Reyna laid back propped on some pillows her thighs open I was in there in a flash her cock was cut had to be eight inches nice thickness it was my biggest one so far. MMMmmm dining in style lots of pre-cum hot flesh she tasted so good I let her know her noises were enough to convince me I was doing my part well.

We lay there her enjoying what I was enjoying.

"I want to go in deeper Fay lay on your back here your head over the edge."

In that position she straddled me that lovely cock going straight in balls in my eyes she see-sawed back and forth her hands on my chest thumbs rubbing my nipples. It was good my mouth filled her cock opening my throat the head popping past my uvula I was in heaven this much cock deep throat what a way to go.

Reyna's balls were tightening I knew what was on the way please cum in me please cum in me I was chanting that in my mind she read my thoughts the orgasm was great four shots in my throat mouth and last across my lips. She was tired she sat down on the rug I could see her beautiful breasts heaving a wicked smile on her face.

"Fay that was nice you really like my cock."

I tried to reach her from my upside position too far I turned over crawled off the bed I went face down between those soft thighs slurping the cock back into my cock holder.

We stayed like that she stroked me I sucked slowly.

"Are you still hungry? Want something more than cum?"

She joked I sat up licking my lips, "Yes food would be nice I need to take pills. You want to go to Junky's?"

"OK you go down clean up I will come to you."

I fixed my face and hair again put the same clothes got some money from the drawer pulled out the laptop powered it up working fine different list of files last used someone at the hotel Ang looking around?

"Come baby I'm wanting food." Reyna had on a SHORT skirt so much leg skimpy top looked painted on with little paint.

"Are you going to eat or be eaten?

She smiled, "Well you are competition your looks will make us all have to work harder!"

I punched her shoulder got a mock ouch for that we went down the street hand in hand.

Comments to: abecker60@yahoo.co.uk

Next: Chapter 8

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