
By A becker

Published on Mar 30, 2021



Ken smiling beside me, "A nice little shop." I nodded.

A woman asked if she could help us.

I smiled, "No we are just looking. My first time here."

"Oh, welcome... " then it hit her... "You're Fay Martin!"

I said `Yes' "I should have been in before this."

"We are glad you found us. Again Welcome."

I thanked her. She did give Ken a looking over... discreetly... I saw her appraising looks.

I steered us to the coffee area. Ken was solidly built and in riding clothes his muscularity was obvious... He was something of `hunk.'

When I said that to him sitting outside with our drinks he almost dropped his coffee. Penny and Gil giggling didn't help.



Now we were all laughing.

He sighed.

I kidded him just a bit more, "She didn't jump you."

Head shaking. "I'm wearing baggy jeans from now on!"

More laughter.

"The worm turned a small amount... the handsome `hunk' ogled by the female..."


Ken's discomfiture was continued by his colleagues at our meeting after breakfast. PJ mentioned there were all sorts of dangers when horses were involved. Much laughter which Ken `handled' quite well.

I did say I wouldn't mention it to his mom... His face said he didn't trust that promise.

After that we settled down to go over what was happening here. Carter, Audra and Yone came in to a big welcome.

The usual about our guests, the Crew today, the Queen, the Iranian Energy Minister and his meeting, the family gathering, Hillary and Bill and all the rest. We had a few short trips on the schedule. We might be `at home' but hardly quiescent.

I said that last with one of my `grins' everybody looking... What else? I wasn't saying.

Audra smiling, "All the rooms are ready."

Carter added, "Luncheon is timed for shortly after their arrival... Hopefully that holds."

I turned to Gil. She checked her iPhone, "Penn says it is on time for tomorrow... wheels down close to eleven."

Prasert brought up the garlands from St. Thomas School! An all metallic one in orange, blue, silver, black, gold, green, pink and red. The other was paper with twists for each loop in red, white and green traditional colours. Very rich colours.

Carter had them put up this year with the metallic on the stairs and the paper around the Great Room doorway.

We brought the Twins in to see the tree! They were WOW'd! All the light and decorations!! The tables and sideboards had the St. Thomas students artwork.

Carter had their two new decorations out. Cho lent a hand to Chani hanging her delicate snowflake. Charlie choose to put his reindeer on a table near the fireplace.

They helped us to hang our glass ball for 2017. Sunny put her personal glass ball up, she was also included on her family's. Lots of clapping by all of us. Ali put on her's and Francis', Gil was next. Ting, Andrea, Caroline and Jian stepped up to do theirs ... loud clapping from everybody.

Us adults toasted the season with Taittingers, Sunny got half a glass of champagne. The kids had Shirley Temples from Fin.

We sat around the fireplace. Jaidee was `styling' a red bow on his collar. He looked great!

We went in to dinner. It was fun to watch the Twins and Caroline eat! They knew what to do although there was the occasional issue with cutting. Sunny smiling as she tried hard to use her utensils like everybody else except Americans.

After dinner Cho and I together watching the Twins do a puzzle in their Nursery. It was Cho with a golf club. Those same strong arms around me, my back getting warmed against their owner.

"What was with you and Harry?"

"It was three things... He knows about my golfing and wanted to play. Secondly, he was interested in Narathiwat. I gave him the whole story. The Foreign Minister was with us through that at the party."

"I saw you three huddled."

Cho smiling, "AND more especially he and Meg wanted to get away without the paparazzi in the way. I offered him the house in Phuket but it was too far... so he decided on Southwold when I gave him the layout.

The plan is for Meg to go to the Wandsworth Heliport... we'd lift her Southwold. Harry will go on his own. They will have a few days of quiet, good food, the beach to walk on and fireplaces to sit in front of.

An AW139 will pick up both of them, carry them to Wandsworth. They will leave separately from there.

I said our helicopters do attract attention but the return flight will originate at Chalgrove so no warning to the press. Dark windowed cars will do the trick."

I hugged him, "That sound simple enough but..."

"Yes. I pointed out some possible ways for it to come unglued. Harry seems serious about Meg so I think Southwold is a good choice."

Kiss! Got my vote.

The morning was cold. Frost everywhere giving little white beards to the flora on our route south. The Abingdon lock man called out a `Good Morning' as he worked with an early boater. Roy was walking over as we crossed the small bridge.

He and Angie were fine. The Grandnephews were coming today for a few days... I said I'd do a `care' package. He smiled, "You don't need to do that we can feed them."

Laughing, "Well I don't worry about that but whether Angie can get enough chocolate cake."

A big laugh from him.

We pushed on up into Lower Radley. Mr. Wilcox on his way out stopped his car to say hello. His family was good.

"We did put in a burglar alarum... it gets the police called and makes a horrendous noise!"

I said I was glad about the police part, the noise... well...

He laughed saying they wouldn't sleep through any burglary. He said they'd be here this year.

I wished them a Happy Christmas.

Jerrold was just getting a goodbye kiss at the door. We waved and called out a `Good Morning' to them. A big double one back.

Once through the village I asked Roland to run! We took off along the dirt road heading into the trees. A good run to the western branch of the river crossing then to the lock. The operator at the north end as a barge came in. We waved walking over.

Mr. Hardy was out so we hit the grass... Roland needed no urging. This golden boy wanted to run some more. A lovely fast trip across our neighbors' land. Roland knew how to do this very well.

We both enjoyed it. On the Flats Freddie was just coming down. He had Notre Noir and Aroon on leads walking down the grassy lane.

Fist bump.

We sat watching as he took them around the track. Diana and Yvonne came down mounted. Freddie said to jog around so the youngsters could see up close.

I wanted to watch but I didn't want our horses to get chilled so we went up. I had us make stops around the Stables with treats. I was beside Hathai stroking her back. She was always so calm. Her mint treat was chewed slowly... she wanted it to last!

Bfast was in full swing! Everybody except me chowing down. I soon made up for lost time. Cho grinning as he `discreetly' moved the strawberry preserves my way.

A bit of work and a meeting with Jian. We had a lot happening in the Chanthira Foundation!!

Gil on her iPhone, "Fay, they're on the ground."

Okay... the meeting broke up.

Cho and I with Andrea, Ting, Jian outside as the cars rolled in crunching the gravel! The babies in the Great Room with Gil, Ali and Francis waiting behind the closed door.

Charles out with his cameras. He grinned at us!

Lawan out first, very cute in her anorak with the fluffy lined hood up.

"Cold again Fay!"

We hugged, a kiss. Thang shaking hands with Cho.

I got the `big lug' next. Huge hug... I had to get my breath back.

Ni and Kavnu, hugs and kisses. I got to kiss their boys cheeks... they even liked it.

Reyna and Thet! Big hug the three of us! Kisses for them.

We got them inside out of the chill. Outwear off!

Carter smiling... Great Room doors closed.

We led them all over... smiles... a n t i c i p a t i o n...

Kendall and Conrad playing it... they started to open then stopped then quickly pulled the doors wide. The Crew burst in raving about how wonderful it all looked.

Ni had my hand, "Fay, it is always so lovely."

"We have a lot of help to make it so!"

The Twins and Caroline calling out their names... arms open. The Crew hugged and kissed the babies! Comments about them being bigger... the Crew had seen them just a few weeks ago.

Cho gathered them by the table to hang their glass ornaments. Kavnu and Ni helped the boys. Reyna and Thet. Next year they'd have a little one to join in. Lawan and Thang. Everyone standing back to see their names.

Lunch then relaxation before the PARTY!

My relaxing time was a ride! Reyna with Penny and Ken. Ken wearing jodhpurs despite what he said the other day! A few giggles by Penny and I. We let Reyna in on the joke.

"Ken, pay them no mind. Such silly girls... you do have a cute butt though..."

Ken laughed, "Well I'm not going to reply since you're married to my boss."

Ken's bod was off-limits after that. We rode north into Sandford to stop first at Mr. Hardy's.

He welcomed us. I told him Jerrold had been over to the house to look over the maps and do some fussing with all the German unit counters. Organizing the hundreds of them.

"I suppose I should go up and do the same."

Fist bump.

We walked through the village to the lane where we'd turn towards the berm. Waves to Mrs. Lone who had arm loads of flowers heading for the church.

On the dirt track Rebel knew he'd get to run... I asked him... The cold air flowing by was invigorating... My guy roaring along the berm. I heard Ken yell out `Go on!' as I saw the opening between the big trees... BOOM... as we blew through Rebel upped his game.

I turned us closer to the river and urged him on! We rushed across the grass to the verge of one of the Radley's fields... a quick look... my fellow riders were a ways behind and big clumps were flying from Rebel's hooves!

We rocked on until the property line where I eased back my big black fellow. I told Rebel he was wonderful. I stroked his neck he gave me a loud whinny!

My companions caught up... we walked towards the arenas where Sunny was on Plotline in the dressage space. She was making him go slow... stepping through a simple routine. I stopped beside Charlotte sitting on DD.

"She a good and patient teacher. That big black body will do what she wants, it is only a matter of time. We have months before any competition."

Fist bump.

Charlotte smiling, "Plotline is a smart fellow... so much power! He's stronger than Prince and as bouncy as Zephyr. Quite a combination. If he `gets' dressage they'll be a deadly pair!"

I watched Sunny do corrections for Plotline with her voice, legs and crop. She looked terrific in the saddle. Steady and poised. No wonder she had become such a powerhouse performer at fourteen.

The American equestrian leader Cleve sent an email to me via Gil. He was effusive about her victory at U.S. Equestrian team's trial in New Jersey. Her focus and physical gifts were praised but also how she seemed to `know' many things for such a young woman.

No doubt they wanted her for their U.S. National team and the Olympic competition. Sunny had said she looked forward to competing for America as opposed to just for herself. I reminded her she was riding being from Harcourt House so...

"Fay, I didn't mean..."

A hug, "I only meant we loved everybody knowing you were from here!"

The hug tighter.

"I'll always identify as from Harcourt House as long as it's Okay with you and Cho."

"It will ALWAYS be Okay with us!"

Now watching her work with Plotline... Sunny's skills would at all times bring credit to Harcourt House.

Cho at my Dressing Room doorway equipped with a big smile... me in tiny black underwear, a very skimpy pair of suspenders holding up sheer black stockings in black heels...

"Are you ready?"

I nodded. He picked up the pyramid glass bottle of Baccarat Les Larmes Sacrees de Thebes.

I was dabbed. Cho said not to move... he worked his way around me... choosing his spots. I was laughing...

"Fay, you're moving..."

I tried to `freeze' with limited success. It ended in a kiss.

I looked at him, he had chosen `white tie' as his dress for the evening... AWESOME! I remembered Berta's comment about Cho looked at the White House dinner for Angela Merkel!!

Cho said this the first time out for this set of white tie, it was new from his London tailors.

Me... in the Edith Head black and white gown from "Rear Window' I'd worn at the golf tournament charity ball in Los Angeles. I loved the look! Big skirt!

Jian, Andrea and Ting joined us on the landing. Ting a very SHARP tuxedo with a bright red cummerbund, Andrea in a yellow sheath gown showing her assets, Jian in the Hugo Boss red dress which had been her Christmas gift from us last year. Spike red heels!

Careful hugs all around. Down the stairs to the closed doors to the Great Room... an `entrance!'

Kendall and Conrad our unofficial door `openers' were smiling... we stepped into the Great Room to cheers from our friends. Hugs and careful kisses.

Now for the Twins and Caroline! They came in to big cheers! Caroline in a sweet dark plum velvet frock with white knee socks and black shoes. Charlie in his cutaway with the top hat. Chani's red dress trimmed in white was gorgeous, white socks and her Mary Janes!

A toast by Cho to our three lovely children!! They giggled at us. Hugs!! Fin had Shirley Temples for all the kids to enjoy the toast. Kavnu's sons with big grins feeling grownup.

Carter had more Taittingers ready... Cho took us to the tree switch!

My guy with a `smile' called everyone to raise their glasses...

"Once again we have our friends here to celebrate the beginning of the Christmas Season... We...' his hand in mine my other in Chani's and hers held by Charlie, "... Love you all and this time of the year we want you close! Thanks to you all for coming and making our lives richer..."

We toasted to friends and the holiday! Loud and happy!

Cho picked up his son, Charlie flipped the switch to light the tree... "OOOOHHHHHH's AAAAHHHH's' all around! The lights playing off every reflective surface doubling and redoubling the effect!

We mingled enjoying each other's company. All five kids happy to be with us chatting away with everyone. I had the Twins with me at the tree to see the latest glass balls that were added.

We had some canapes and more Taittingers! The fireplace glowing, Jaidee lying there absorbing the warmth. Chani sitting beside him rubbing the chocolate brown guy.

Ni next to me, "Fay, it was good to see your house in the summer but this is better even with the cold."

Hug, "Good! You'll be here every year then... right?"

"Oh YES! We wouldn't miss this!"

Thet's hand on my arm adding, "The same for us!"

Carter at the door... Dinner. The Dining Room shone with silver and white decorations. Blood red roses in silver bowls the only other colour. Ellie's menu cards bold silver writing on snow white cards.

We sat as pairs, Chani next to me then Charlie beside his Dad. Tha next to Chani. Ting, Andrea, Jian and Caroline opposite us.

An all-white dinner! Vichyssoise with small white bread triangles coated with Romano started us off. Then Atlantic cod steaks under a white wine sauce, grilled white asparagus, whipped potatoes with fine herbes, little pale loaves at each place.

Carter's wine pick of Bouchard Pere et Fils Chevalier Montrachet la Cabotte Grand Cru!!!!

A fantastic choice!! It was such a delicious bouquet! Everyone enjoyed!

One subject talked over the food was the Queen's visit in a few days. The Crew would be in London at Cowley House. That was another big topic. A whole new place to explore. More space for each couple and close to the center of the city's attractions.

We gave them a quickie verbal tour of the house.

Our description of walking around the corner to see the Palace of Westminster... Well they were UP for it! We had `passes' for them to multiple tourist locations as a gift. They wouldn't have to do anything but show their pass to get in.

Also there were Tube Oyster cards for them all. No need to worry about fares.

We agreed to share our Christmas gifts tomorrow night. Cho and I had some for Ting and the girls for tomorrow and more later on Christmas Day with the family crowd.

Dessert was a snowy white layer cake with Harcourt Racing green and yellow rosettes around the top and a snowman in the center with a green and yellow hat. Vanilla ice cream on the side.

Boy did the Twins go for that!!! I watched Caroline's eyes as her plate was put down... huge!! She dug in! Ni and Kavnu's sons were smiling ready to start on theirs. A very dry sherry came with it for the big people.

Sunny had had some Taittingers... no sherry. Okay I let her get a sip... she liked it. Fine but no more.

Afters around the fireplace with Jaidee. We told everybody Jaidee was going on a trip... he was heading to his breeder's kennels to be mated with several chocolate brown ladies. We hoped to have a puppy or two from it.

We all toasted to Jaidee being a success. He raised his head briefly.

Jian was sitting in one of the chairs in my Dressing Room watching the Twins do the puzzle in Bangkok on my iPad. I changed to a robe.

"Fay, they are amazing! What did they say to each other?"

"They decided to do the puzzle inside out. Very unusual for eighteen months. In fact everything about them is unusual."

We talked a bit about their testing and other things. Caroline was a smarty too. She was learning Thai and doing very well. Jian got a laugh hearing the Twins used Thai as a 'secret' communications method around folks who they knew hadn't a clue.

"Damn Fay that is so sharp."

"The two child psychologists said we should start reading and writing... Tha had already before their recommendation... they started learning the alphabet in English as a start. They already know it. Numbers are coming along very quickly!"

Jian shaking her head, "I'm glad you two are giving them the chance to go ahead. Caroline always surprises me with words and phrases. Catherine works with her every day."

"That Catherine is such a wonderful addition to your family."

Jian looked away... "What?"

"I hope you won't think bad of me..."

"That will never happen!"

"Andrea and Ting are trying for a baby... you know that..." I nodded, "... Catherine and I have made love several times... she wants to have a baby with me."

I hugged my friend. "That is good nothing bad there! You are such a wonderful loving person! Catherine is a together lady! She wouldn't ask if there wasn't some considerable thinking behind it."

"Catherine told me she'd never enjoyed being with anyone for sex until me. She held me close to say she loved our family and wanted a child from that love. She chose me... much like Andrea did."

"Who wouldn't... you're a doll, cute, sexy and sweet natured."

We hugged again. I told her that that cute boy thing of hers was the only one that would ever come close to me besides Cho's. She was my first passion and only the powerful love Cho and I had was greater.

Tears and kisses. Cho-Fay handkerchief applied.

I asked if Ting and Andrea knew... Jian nodded, "I couldn't keep such a thing secret, Catherine and I have talked with them. They are Okay with it. They love her."

In the dark with a warm body on me I told Cho about Jian. I was kissed.

"It does seem quite natural for anyone to fall in love with Jian. She's such a truly nice loving person. I have watched her working with you on foundation business... there's a good head on top of that cute body."

I returned the kiss, "She is marvelous at the work. Real desire to help make things better... for all those who need a bit of assistance."

"Just like you Fay. Just the same."

More kissing!!

Roland's breathing was still elevated... slowly coming down after a tremendous run from Sandford. My `protectors' catching up with deliriously happy faces. Tara and Penny did fist bumps with me.

We walked our horses going around some of the cross-country jumps. Tara asked if she could try it sometime... I said we'd nurse her back to health afterwards. Penny laughing with she `was not interested.'

"Tara, if you do want to... talk to Charlotte. She knows her business and could get you started. The choice of horse would be very important."

A grin from her.

Watching Charlie eat porridge with sultanas... he knew how to use a spoon for sure. His portion of cereal disappearing rapidly. Tha leaned to say something... Charlie stopped to listen. He sat more upright resuming eating in a slower manner. Tha winked to me. Big grins.

In the Library Ni and I did a Conference App call to Winnie. We covered a lot... then Winnie said the snaps and video from Charlies' trips to London with his mom Carla were spectacular. He had all the usual angles but he had gone on to get some shots of buildings and landmarks from unique perspectives and from viewpoints that were quite exceptional. Creative videos too!

Winnie said they had used his media for a big travel agency website revamp. The client was thrilled with the look of it and the pictures. A video going through the Tower of London got special praise! Winnie was sending Charles a bonus for his work!

We did digital fist bumps!

Jian and I talked Foundation business. The expansion here and into Europe from the UK. She and Rona had trips to the north planned. Jian was going to be around until the middle of January so they'd see the Scottish pair and the Midlands two shelters plus all of London.

We had a real estate agent in Paris looking. We got the firm name from Pierre, the avocat at Laurent and Morin, in the Rue des Bernardins building we had for The Company offices.

They were looking in Le Marais district to start. Jian and Rona would go over to meet with them and see any properties suggested. I suggested they could stay overnight at Quai de Bethune...

Lawan came to do our meeting. Cute slacks and the jumper I had given her last Christmas! Hug and kiss. She had sent new parts of Northanger Abbey overnight I hadn't read yet. It was the ending.

"Okay what is next?"

"How about Persuasion? It is a fav of mine!"

"Okay! I want to do all your fav's!"

Smiling, "They are all my Fav's, unfortunately not all that many to do. Jane died too young. She was well loved by her family which isn't enough to defeat cancer."

I shook off any melancholy thought, "So how goes it otherwise?"

A shy smile on her lovely face, "Thang and I have started considering a baby. Our beautiful furry girl Koka is so sweet... she such a cuddler! She actually is an encouragement! Having such a loving partner in the house.

We are going to ask some relatives to help us... Nothing firm at all right now."

"The doctor all of us have used has done such excellent work. Take your time... ask the right questions!"

She nodded, "Our first thinking brought to my mind several of my cousins... they are nice and sweet... cute too! I haven't been able to visit them yet."

We laughed, "A good starting point."

More laughter. A big hug!

The Twins ended the meeting with a chase of Jaidee who had a tennis ball. Charlie wanted to go outside to toss it but Jaidee had other ideas. Tha in pursuit got them all rounded-up and out to the Garden.

I wondered why they had been in macs and wooly hats inside.

I did an afternoon ride with Reyna and Gaby. We went south around the Sci Ctr with a quickie stop at Denham School for me to sign some applications for government programmes. Done.

We had a rousing ride back north. Rebel gave off a loud whinny when we slowed to a stop by the Flats. Sunny coming down the lane with Charlotte... A huge grin.

"Fay, I watched you two... Terrific!"

Charlotte said she didn't think Rebel wanted to end the ride. Me either but I had work.

I did a Conference App call with Jasmin, Alex and Michael. I asked for feedback from the various completed projects in their respective areas. I wanted from the water projects info on the remote controlling, was the software easy to use, did it provide the control needed, were there any failures, etc...

In the railroad projects I was most interested in info on how the clients used the data to improve their management of the goods consigned to them and did they have any issues with getting the data out?

We covered a bunch more topics. Michael and Karla were going to his family for the holiday. Alex had a girlfriend in Los Angeles so... Jasmin was to be with her parents in Los Angeles too. I sent `Happy Christmas' down the line and got them back! I got it in although I'd talk with each before Christmas Day.

Drinks and kids! I had a Campari and soda done by Fin who seemed to have an aptitude for bartending. I also had Chani beside me. The Twins had a blast outside! Jaidee and Tha kept them moving!

Tha always had play ideas and lots of stamina! The little play house was well used.

Cho parked next to me. A kiss. He sold some stock in New York and made a big profit! He rolled it into another company he'd been watching. What they were doing was known to those who paid attention to the company.

It was poised to release a new communications device for cars running the Apple CarPlay in-car system. It had much better software encrypting all connections. You had to change the password at first use with no easy to guess passwords. That company was using another business of ours for security which was had connections to The Company in London.

We started `Barrier Security' with several programmers from The Company and three others who were recommended by Candace. She'd worked with them and was an advisor to the new company with a partial ownership position with us. It created a special new App for all Apple OS's. It sat in-between some important kernel operations and everything else.

We had good news for Candace about this little company.

The new car communication device Cho had us invest in had far better range than what car-makers were currently using with more powerful remote controls.

"Will car-makers buy it? Can it be retroactively installed?"

"For the first it is priced approximately the same as their present equipment and for the second... Yes!"

Fist bump.

"Also the share price is low so we now have about twenty nine percent of the total. Currently the largest bloc which our brokers will enlarge over the next twenty four hours after the release of the device."

"What about the Leonardo stock? Are you still buying?"

Cho nodded as he sipped his scotch.

"We have twenty seven percent just short of the Italian government's position. They are unlikely to be worried if we pass them according to a former Italian government official Francis asked about our ownership percentage.

The Italian military`s orders haven't been much in the last few years. We've been the largest purchaser for some time. They should see our stake as self-interest according to Francis' contact."

"You don't have designs on operating the company... right?"

"Oh no! We just want leverage on production. We have that now."

I motioned with my eyes over Cho's shoulder, a turn... he saw how Caroline and Chani were torturing Jaidee by the fire. All that rubbing on his back and tummy... I didn't know how Jaidee could stand it!

Jian and Ting opposite us laughing at the girls. Andrea, Charlie and Tha talking about something behind us.

Dinner was a buffet! All the choices marked by Ellie's cards with a short description. I started with the potato soup going on to the vegetarian Beef Stroganoff, then the combination of broccoli, carrots, red peppers and onions baked with cheeses, warm bread and butter. A side dish of olives, three kinds. A tasty fruit salad. Ice cream with all sorts of doodads on top for dessert!

Everybody made multiple trips to the sideboards. The Twins got some of all. Charlie liked the bread and the butter he put on himself.

Carla smiling by the service door as we all thanked her for the delicious food. We also got that the staff enjoyed it too!

Afters in the Great Room were enlivened up by some gift exchanging. Carter had a table with all our gifts waiting. Cho, Chani, Charlie and I went around giving them out. Jumpers for the men and a few ladies, also some blouses, Harcourt Racing green and Yellow scarves made by Hermès for the ladies. A special horse's head scarf with a Cheval pin for Reyna.

We got some very nice things... for me... a pair of earrings with shimmering green and yellow parrots from Ni and Kavnu. Perfect for race days!

Jaidee had some fun with the Twins in the wrapping paper. Crunching... crackling!

I was out early with Tara and Tessa. We had a great ride around the west side of the river and back to the house. We did have a stop at the Radley's. Deanna waved us in for tea and her wonderful raisin muffins. The Radley Family were all fine.

Lorraine sewing at the big kitchen table smiled when Deanna nudged her.

A smile at her mother-in-law, "Fay, I'm pregnant!"

I cheered her. Too soon to know boy or girl but there was no doubt they wanted a boy. Melonie was next to me with a piece of muffin ready to go in... she wanted a brother that was definite!

More new life!

There was a trip to Oxford in the morning for the Crew! Shopping, sightseeing and Gil had a lunch booking for them all at the No.1 Ship Street restaurant. We hadn't eaten there so we get the `scoop' on it from our friends.

I waved them down the drive from Roland's back. Gil was going and so were Andrea and Jian.

Pat was waiting for us. He smiled taking Roland. Gregory came out of the office. He put his hand on Pat's shoulder.

"Fay, we made a management decision... Pat is now a supervisor!"

I congratulated him. Gregory said he'd have a raise and more work which got a grin on Pat's face.

I walked with him towards Roland's stall to visit Pamela. Pat handed me a half apple at the stall gate.

"Miss Martin, I... I am having the best time of my life working here. Thanks again for the chance."

I squeezed his arm, "I'm glad, you've worked hard to earn the promotion."

He smiled taking off the tack from Roland as Pamela devoured her apple treat.

Cho was off with Ting to play golf. Ali was looking at me nudging Francis. I had a raised eyebrow then it hit me... they were moving today!

"So what do you need?"

Ali said all the furniture was in, some pictures up, the cooking gear and plates, etc... in the cabinets. Beds made, airing cupboard full of linens... it was down to clothes, books and whatever else. And a trip out to stock the cupboards.

"We'll be done in a few hours. Most of the time will be the walking back and forth."

"Why waste your energy. Use the little Ford van!"

They looked at each other like `why didn't we think of that.'

I said it for them! Laughter! They could do it in one trip. Get it in and sit back with a `cuppa!'

They had one of the three bedroom houses. It was the first one inside the close.

I didn't know if Gil had let Phillips know to make a floral arrangement for them. I checked... Phillips said she had. Gil was a marvel!

As their moving `fun' got underway, I sat down with PJ. Thet and Sumate wanted to add two new people to our Protection Team. The Twins being so active they wanted more coverage. The new ones were Angelique and Sorya!

I was thrilled! Angelique on my team! PJ waved to Fin who was just inside the Library door. The ladies came in to hugs! Angelique was a local girl and had been on the Harcourt House Security detail and a rider!! She was well known!!! She was fluent in French, German, her Italian was passable, some Dutch and Flemish, a bit of Swedish and Norwegian. She was learning Thai, so far a decent vocabulary and some reading. She was getting the hang of the alphabet!

While she was a policewoman, `Angie' had been a close-combat and Judo instructor and a sharpshooter. More skills for the Team.

Sorya we knew from many meetings in Bangkok when she was doing protection. Sorya had been in Dad's Security Police and came over to us a year and four months ago. She was a scuba diver as well as being a very high scoring shooter with many weapons.

Very professional, multilingual. She was part English and Indian, more than three quarters Thai. French, Thai, Hindi, Bengali, Kashmiri, Gujarati, Spanish, a bit of German and fluent Vietnamese were her languages.

I said the last would have been very helpful recently. PJ's grin when I told him to tell. Gaby's expert `tackling' and our lack of Vietnamese explained.

Both ladies were well known to our Team and had had an informal welcoming party last night.

It was good... it would be easier for PJ to arrange time off for our folks.

Accommodations at our houses were already being rearranged. An addition to the Garage in Seattle for more private rooms and another big bathroom.

Here the apartment Francis and Ali were leaving would go to PJ. He'd have room for meetings. The others were in Quads setup for them, women and men's.

In Venice a three bedroom apartment in our building would be given over adding to the existing Protection Team units. A new set of Quads were to be built in Topanga, men and women's with one shared central room.

In New York the building across and down Minetta Street had several open apartments, they could share one. No problem in Louisville, the old B&B had plenty of room. Same at Harcourt Farm.

The house we added for Security in our Bangkok compound had enough rooms. An entirely new house for our Protection Team was nearly finished at the Forest Palace, over a year in the building using the same wood as the `Palace' and the other homes.

Thet had gotten us started on new accommodations anticipating the rise of Team members. The Twins were the catalyst!

PJ rounded up all our Team. In the Library we sat to talk about what was going to happen in the next six months.

I had them join me and the Twins for lunch in the Bfast Room! Soup and `sandies' with iced sugar cookies at the end.

I asked Angie if she had her riding clothes... thumbs up. `Get them on in an hour' with a big cheesy grin from me. Laughter... I asked Ken. An Okay!

First a walk over to Ali and Francis' new place. They been working on it a bit at a time for months. It was comfy and casual in the sitting room. We told them to hunt through the paintings in storage for anything they liked. So a few country scenes were around and floral watercolours. They made good choices.

They decided to mix up eating breakfast and lunch with us but they were IN for dinner! Laughs about Carla's cooking versus theirs.

A ride! Angie and Ken with me. We went north through Sandford. Mr. Hardy coming up after dinner for a `strategy session.'

A slow walk over to the church then to the Talking Shop again. No real reason... I just wanted to see it all. We did get coffee again. I did the buying.

We headed towards the sitting area when a teenage boy tried to mount Rebel... pulling at the tied reins... they came loose... Ken jumped HIGH to sweep the boy off Rebel's back into a grassy mud puddle!!

I called to Rebel and he came to me.

Ken kneeling in the mud was propping up the boy as he gasped for breath. He'd knocked his wind out on landing. Ken was calming the frightened fellow... telling him to take slow breaths.

A crowd of folks came out of the shop... a lady yelled out `what was that man doing to her son' which got her a sharp response from the shop lady.

"He was trying to steal the horse... what do you expect?"

I retied Rebel and stood near Ken. The boy's breathing more natural now... fewer gasps. Ken continued to speak softly... telling him how to breathe.

Angie had been watching out for me with the folks from the store in sight... she could see Ken had his part under control.

The boy's mum went towards them in the puddle... I asked her to wait... "Let him breathe properly."

Ken was standing up now bracing the boy's back with his leg. I didn't laugh... he was dripping water and mud!

The shop lady started on `Mrs. Evans's annoying brat' when I said now was not the time and she got it. Threw up her arms and went back inside.

Ken lifted up the boy when he was Okay... he was dripping too. He apologized to me after thanking Ken.

"Sir, I was very scared..."

Ken smiled, "Now you know that feels like. What were you doing?"

"I haven't ever ridden a horse... I sort lost myself..."

I leaned closer but not too close given the mud.

"So it's a lesson... right?"

The boy nodded.

"Do you really want to ride or was this some wild spur of the moment thing?"

He said he had always wanted to but it wasn't possible.

I asked his first name. "Montgomery." Hmmm unusual.

"Is your family Welsh?"

His mother chimed in, "His father's family is, my side is from Oxfordshire. We live here since his dad was killed in Helmand."

I gave her a look which seemed to get across to her that I was talking to the young man. Her face went a bit squinty.

"If we let you try riding... will you not steal any horses?" I gave him a smile.

"Oh Miss... I'd be so grateful... no trouble from me... I'm done trying that."

I pulled out my iPhone... no time today.

"Come to Harcourt House tomorrow morning... about nine o'clock. Ask at the front door for the way to the Stables... once there ask for Andy or Diana. Got it?"

"Oh Yes Ma'am! Thank you!"

I turned to the mother, "Do you approve? Can he be there?"

She was both PO'd at me and seemingly happy for her son not to be in trouble and getting a gift.

She decided her son was more important than anything else, "I can have him there in the morning... can it be earlier so I can get to work on time?"

I asked Ken to tell him how to get to the Stables from the Forecourt.

To his mum, "You can come up the drive to the Forecourt and drop him. If he has to wait a bit there's plenty of warm places... Okay?"

She nodded... a smile now and a thank you for being so nice to him.

The young man shook Ken's hand. They were both wet and mucky.

We mounted. Max didn't seem to be thrilled with the wet rider.


Montgomery grinning.

We walked back to Church Road and down the dirt lane. I told them I was going warm up Rebel before letting him loose. Okay!

A trot on the lane then on the berm as we closed to the trees I picked up the pace. Rebel was willing. On the grass I asked... Rebel took off! We rocked along the river at high speed until the property boundary. Then I eased Rebel down to a walk.

I thanked Ken for his work! And for being kind to Montgomery! He and Angie did fist bumps.

"Fay, you giving the kid a chance is awesome."

"He's got a few issues to work out... not having a father that young hurts a lot."

I stopped to talk with Gregory to give him the story.

He nodded, "I'll have folks aware he's coming and if you aren't available I'll park him in the office and give him some tea."

We laughed and I thanked him. Andy came in, he got the story.

"We should put him on Scout with Diana."

I said fine but I'll have Security around too.

Another stop, in Yone's office Ken, Angie and I gave Yone the morning's fun. He could see Ken had something interesting going on.

I sent Ken to clean up with another thank you. Fist bump.

Yone would have someone in ordinary clothes watch young Montgomery in the morning. Okay.

Cho's smile when I told him... `event magnet' was spoken! I jumped him going a thousand miles an hour tickling. It took him some time to subdue me... a kiss was enough in the end. Fortunately the Twins had finished their Bfast and were upstairs.

The Crew would leave after dinner to go to Cowley House. A few days in the big city! Ting, Jian and Andrea with Caroline would go in the morning. Jian and Rona had their first trip together in a few days.

We had the Queen in the morning!

A well fed group giving hugs and kisses to us. We hoped they liked the new house, more room and a better location. We waved them down the drive.

In bed I was stiff so Cho gave me a back rub... blissed out I was asleep in seconds.

Roland's breathing was normal as we walked up the grassy lane. There was Montgomery with Gregory. He was EARLY! The young man was getting some ground rules before he went into the paddock. Diana waved. I steered Roland that way.

"Fay, I'm going to go slow but get him up so his fantasy is fulfilled."

"Talk with him... try to draw him out a bit. I don't think he's had much fun in his life."

She smiled, "I'll give it a go."

Hug after I slipped down.

Pat took Roland... a smile towards Diana... Okay! Any guy would. I'd say she was a looker without any `airs.'

Gregory knew the Queen would be here in a few hours... if Montgomery was done he'd put him in a Prasert car for home.

The Queen's visit had changed from just a stable visit to lunch and a stable tour a week ago. A lot more pressure on staff!

Carter wasn't a bit nervous, he knew the house was ready.

I took my cue from him as I looked at myself in the mirror again.

Black wool frock, close to my torso, soft loose turtleneck collar, flared from the narrow waist to two inches above the knee. Long sleeves snug to my arms, a slender black belt, black stockings and heels. Light red lips and nails. `Joy' and silver jewellery. My one conceit was the silver Uffington Horse pin.

I saw a trim woman, simply dressed.

Cho in one of his spectacular navy suits, white shirt and a pale gold tie. Also a delightful smile when I stepped out of my Dressing Room. Squeeze.

Chani in a long sleeved black dress with white socks and her favourite Mary Janes. Charlie like his Popa, a navy suit and a gold tie.

We got notice from the the Queen's advance staff... her car was five minutes away. Cho and I out front with Carter, Carter2, Audra, Thomas and Yone. The Twins inside the Entryway because of the chill. Little wind and sun was out, a nice chilly late autumn day.

The cars came around the Forecourt in a big arc to stop at the door. Kendall, Stanton and Conrad were there to open the car doors.

Her Majesty with Prince Charles from the first car, Will and Kate plus their children from the second and Harry too. Staff in the last car.

We bowed and curtsied. Carter was introduced. Brief introductions for our staff.

Hugs and handshakes for Kate and Will, Cho bent down to shake Prince George's hand, I squatted at Princess Charlotte's level to say `Hi.' She gave me a big smile.

Harry got a cheek kiss and handshake. He had a big grin on his face.

Coats, etc... taken by Carter2, Lucas and Fin. The doors to the Great Room were closed, the St. Thomas School garlands surrounded it and up the balustrade to the first floor railing.

Carter had gotten used to my little `thing' of opening ceremonially opening the doors. As we approached Conrad and Kendall opened them wide...

The room was gorgeous! The decorations all around... the tree magnificent!

The Queen audibly drew in a breath... "A wonderful room! The tree is like a shining tower!"

We moved inside, Chani did a curtsey and Charlie bowed like the little gentleman he is.

We walked in, Will and Kate's two little ones greeted by Charlie and Chani. They remembered each other, cute hugs. Charlie said `come on' the four bent down to go under the tree.

Kate gave me a wide-eyed look ... I `mouthed' it was Okay.

Cho introduced Gil, Ali and Francis to the Queen. He told her of their roles with us.

"Ah, so you are the powers behind the throne?" She added it must be demanding work. Smiles. Francis said they all had a lot of work. Cho and I laughed.

I could see the table off to the side where the glass ornaments awaited.

I was about to ask the Queen to hang hers...

"Miss Martin... Mr. Cho, we have a bit of state business to do."

`State Business' What...??? We looked at each other...

Prince Charles waved, two men came forward one carrying a flat lacquered red box.

Charles speaking to us, "Miss Martin, Mr. Cho, this is moving outside of our accustomed protocol... we are breaking some ground here. We believe it is time."

The fellow with the box stopped six feet away, the second man undid the golden snaps and lifted the lid. Bright white parchment, gilt writing, beautiful colourful script... a big round red seal attached...

The Queen beside me, "Fay Osborne Martin, I give you under my Letters Patent the title of Countess Harcourt of Oxford, Viscountess Munro of Aleness at Castle Munro in the County of Ross and Cromarty. This is for you and all your heirs."

I was frozen... An `OH my!' from the side...

Her Majesty lightly touched my arm, "Countess Harcourt..." I turned to her, a curtsey.

I thanked her for the honour... I said I was stunned... thoughts racing through my head then one word stuck `Stockton' I said it out loud. I knew why it rose in my mind but not why I said it.

A smile from Her Majesty, "Yes, it has been probably too long a time. Unfortunately that nice man was too unwell to enjoy it. You my dear have many years ahead to do more of the wonderful things you have already accomplished."

She squeezed my hand. A big smile. I thanked her again.

The Queen turned towards Cho who was dead still, amazed like me, "Now we have other business."

"Mr. Cho... please."

Charles' hand out-stretched towards the same two men of their party.

The man with the Red Box stayed still until the second helped to carefully place it on a sideboard... it sat open...I stared at it. It screamed at me... I... am... a... Countess! Shocked! GOB SMACKED!!!

A sword... a wide flat dark box... were carried forward...

Prince Charles with a smile, "Mr. Cho please take a knee..."

Her Majesty took the sword, she tapped Cho's shoulder.

As he knelt the Queen stepped forward to put a golden collar with a blue cross at the bottom around his neck with help from Charles.

"Rise... Sir Cho, Knight Grand Cross of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire."

As Cho rose one of the staff put a hook in his left lapel button hole.

The Queen hung the beautiful silver Grand Cross there. He looked smashing!

Cho's face had his cutest smile. Later as he wrapped me up, `I was pleased and laughing inside about the ritual.'

Cho was a Knight Grand Cross... a GBE!! Honourary... but still... WONDERFUL!

I was a Countess... It hit me the children... Charlie was now Viscount Munro! Chani now was the Right Honourable `Lady' Chanthira! Their lives were changed... their history altered.

I was a Peeress of the Realm, a hereditary Peer no less. Charlie would be an Earl! His children would be in the peerage of our country as long as our family line lasted. History indeed.

All that flashed by... I found myself in Cho's arms. The people in the room applauded us. The wonder of it. From an ordinary boy growing up in Hampshire to a Peer. My maybe not a from rags' but certainly a to riches' arc of life... a marvel.

Carter who always seemed to be prepared had Kendal and Stanton in the room with trays of sherry.

Prince Charles surprised us... again!

"To Countess Harcourt and Sir Cho..." He raised his glass... a loud cheer! I had Cho's hand... looking in his eyes... a bright spark!

"Fay and I thank you all for the toast. Your Majesty, we are proud and grateful for the honours you have bestowed upon us. You are honouring not just us but all the people who do the work in our name we are being honoured for. We thank you for them as well."

Harry called a `Cheers' to Cho for that. Everyone followed him.

The Queen with my arm, we walked slowly to the west side of the room...

"So you know this decision came from many channels. We had heard of your business exploits regarding the TV network after knowing about your horses' successes in America. We watched your big brown fellow at Ascot. IrishRainbow's thrilling race victory caused a sensation.

Your support for horse racing around the world has been the very boon the sport needs.

I asked about you two. Charles said he would do a bit of looking.

You offered your house to William and Kate, their whole family were so visibly happy on returning. Refreshed! Both of them told me a bit about your charity work at that time.

Kate said she really enjoyed the opening of your horse sanctuary, it was obvious from the way she gave me the story of the day it had been a wonderful event for her.

The changes to a higher tone of the newspapers you acquired impressed Charles very much especially the turnabout on brexit. He pointed out you had made them more truly honest and trustworthy as central pillars of our news community.

Will and Kate told us about your youth shelters and the clinics around the world. And the recent expansion across the Kingdom providing young people often cast adrift with shelter, food, health care and opportunities. True acts of charity.

It was quite the surprise when Charles told us about you two paying all your employees student debt. Charles has mentioned to me how much of a personal hindrance owing the money can be for young people. He in fact used the term `millstone' about their necks. He has tried to encourage the government to help perhaps your example will be the push Charles' efforts need.

Charles learned of your other educational endeavors... those here in Oxfordshire paying school fees and other donations for local students. Denham School which is unique in English education.

All speaks to a wonderful sense of the value of education for everyone.

The Government has informed us of your initiative in southern Thailand. The Foreign Minister reports of the success in ending the conflict all privatively done by you both. The Government has quietly expressed tremendous pleasure at you two having made this happen. We know it is still in progress... we applaud your creating a way for the issues to be talked about and resolved.

The Foreign Minister also communicated to us about the upcoming meeting here with the Iranian Energy Minister. He has great hopes for a good outcome. Your hosting is being praised in Whitehall.

Such an accumulation of positive acts said to me you both should be honoured. The decision to give you both honours was taken by us not the government.

Prince Philip mentioned making you a baroness... I thought you needed something more significant. You have advocates in the family..." a bigger smile, "... they said I should go further so others could see how such constructive actions by British women and men could be rewarded.

It had been too long between high honours... so a new start should be made.

Now please do not imagine that this is not a true reflection of how we feel towards you both. You are quite deserving and are rightfully so honoured."

My voice quavered a bit in thanking Her Majesty again.

"So you know... there will be a press release at the Palace announcing this just after noon." Her eyebrows raised. I said I understood.

We were at the big glass windows to the Terrace looking out over the close-in Gardens. Winter flowering shrubs speckled with pink and white flowers and all the green grass in a now bright sun.

"This is a lovely house. Beautiful gardens. I have not been here before..."

"Your Majesty, we all would enjoy hosting you at any time."

We turned back to the room. Kendal offered us a tray with fresh glasses of sherry as Charlie and George came running up.

Charlie was cute, he bowed, "Pardonnez-moi Votre Majesté. Maman, on peut monter un peu?"

I said... "Yes, luncheon is soon..."

I got an `Okay!' Charlie and George dashed off.

Her Majesty had a huge smile from that.

"Very smart, polite and well-spoken. Countess, I think your family line will have a fine beginning."

A huge smile on my face!

Cho, Charles, Will and Harry all together talking. Kate joined us at the fireplace. She held up her glass, "This is light and delicious."

"Carter is a wizard with wine. He and Clough at Cowley House share their knowledge with all our house staffs. We are well taken care of."

They listened as I gave them the story of Cowley House. We planned to entertain there and live in it when were in the city.

The Queen with a smile, "Ah... a short walk to the House of Lords... did you plan this?" Her smile much wider, "Inside information?"

We laughed. My disclaimer has us laughing more. "I suppose I have to get elected first... right?"

Charles leaned our way, "They'd be fools not to want you in the Lords!"

Cho spied Carter at the the doorway.


The children's lunch in the Breakfast Room was the same as ours minus the wine. Tha was there to supervise.

The Dining Room was white and gold! Lovely! The menu cards had each person's name and what would be served in Ellie's attractive gold script.

A very creamy version of Carla's mushroom soup! Luscious bits of fresh mushrooms!

Dover sole in a white wine sauce, asparagus tips grilled with butter and sesame seeds, tiny new potatoes roasted with herbs. Little cross buns from Maxine paired with our local butter.

Carter's wine choice was Domaine de la Romanee-Conti Montrachet. Stupendous! Everyone enjoyed the bouquet and taste. You could see it, it was almost papable.

Only Kate didn't... she stuck to water, she said one glass of wine in a week was as all she allowed herself. Her baby bump just barely showing.

Carter2 made sure her water glass wasn't empty.

We talked a lot about horses and where we had ours, what they were getting ready for. How we would schedule them around the world. Babies growing up, some more on Cowley House. Our Christmas guests... Many things but not what had happened in the Great Room... I assumed it was a matter of etiquette for them and so I didn't mention it.

I got a bit teary-eyed when we told them about Glaa's retirement. His last flight to Kentucky with his jockey and groom. The two were staying with Glaa spending time... a smaller amount each day as the new groom took over. They'd leave soon.

The Queen looking at me... a smile.

"He was a magnificent racer. It was a special occasion to watch him storm down the final stretch at Ascot like no other before him. We were so glad you brought him over." She nodded, she knew!

Harry asked Cho about the property we had been buying. He and Cho had quickly exchanged glances... like it was on purpose.

Cho gave our reasoning for those, "We have an increasing large staff in all our enterprises, we place large burdens on them so we feel we should make some provision for relieving those.

The houses will be free for their use, in the Highlands, at Beachy Head and in the Lake District. Outdoor activity of many kinds from simple walking to golf, hiking in the mountains and woods to sunning at the beach or horse riding. A library for those quiet moments. Each location has a staff to provide for the guests and maintain the house.

We have an ocean side compound in southern Thailand that will be open after its current use is completed. We may add some mountain property there. In America we haven't really started... I am sure there will a variety there like here. I would like us to have rooms available in the major cities available.

Any employee can spend their free time at one of these locations at no cost, we will provide transport to the more remote ones."

Her Majesty giving me another knowing' look. It said See... we know we were right.'

Carter got me with `more wine your ladyship?" I was at a loss for a second. A smile on his face for the first time saying that... the first time anyone saying it. Cho's grin... one of his best. A whisper... "Get used to it." That made me laugh.

Kate and I did leave for a few minutes before dessert to see how the `kids' were doing. They were fine. Everybody eating and talking. Charlie asked if they could come out to the horses... I said yes. Chani and Charlotte wanted to go upstairs. Tha said she would sort it out.

I told her there were wellies George's size in the mud room. Okay. George looked very happy.

Kate grinned finding George wanted to see the Stables. The wellies sealed the deal.

Dessert was Bakewell tart with either vanilla ice cream or clotted cream. Looking around the table... the tart quickly disappeared, it was one of Sue's very finest creations. A tantalizingly delicious English dessert!

We moved to the Great Room for coffee. Shortly those changing went up. Audra had rooms setup for everyone who needed them.

I did the modern Munro tartan skirt with long sleeved white cotton shirt, black sleeveless jumper and the black wool jacket with the big shiny buttons. Black tights and ankle boots. Silver bits and some gloves.

Cho in black flannel slacks, dark gray turtleneck jumper, new Paris purchases and a black camel's hair blazer.

We checked on the girls... fun things going on. Loud giggles!. Tha sitting... watching, she gave us a wave. Chani and Charlotte came over for a hug.

All the people interested in horses walked out with the Queen. She had changed to tweeds and wellies. Very country.

The Queen commented on my skirt, "Munro is very nice simple pattern. It looks quite good."

I thanked Her Majesty.

We started at the Stable office introducing Gregory, Andy and Anthony.

Then at Asda's paddock...

"Oh my, he is a handsome devil!" The Queen was correct about that. "He has a near perfect conformation." Right again!

"Your Majesty, we are partnered in America in a farm eighty miles north of New York City with a couple who have been horse people all their lives. The husband Sam started as a walker and stable dogs-body then a groom at The Meadow Stable in Virginia. He took care of a yearling named Secretariat."

I had her attention!

"He and his wife were here last Christmas, he stood where you are now saying Asda was built just like Secretariat. The rump, short back, big chest, the straight hind legs..."

Cho added Asda on the track had never been beaten. He was retired after the early death of his sire.

The Queen nodded, "Sad his racing ended but the bloodline has to continue."

Cho said `Exactly!'

"He sired Glaa, SakChai, Hansa, Rando, Aneka, Sasithorn, Thaksin and Kannika all of whom were multiple winners this year. Hansa lost only to her brother... She took the `place' three times close behind SakChai in the American Triple Crown races.

SakChai lost once... to Glaa in the Breeder's Cup Classic. That was Glaa's last race."

Next door was Secret Sea so heavily pregnant. Ronnie was introduced to Her Majesty.

Cho smiling, "Ronnie and Secret Sea were a package deal with her parents."

Ronnie laughed, "I was happily part of the deal."

The Queen smiled at Ronnie's comment, "This mare is in foal to Asda?"

I said to Her Majesty she was.

"You got the colour right! Such chestnuts!"

"True... " I added, "She has Secretariat on both sides of her pedigree, once each side from Terlingua, Secretariat's most prolific daughter and once from Weekend Surprise on her dam's side."

Charlie and George were boosted up on the fence rails, Kate and I holding them. Secret Sea nickering as the boys gently stroked her nose.

"She is happy," Charlie telling George. The young prince obviously pleased she liked being touched.

I said she was a very sweet lady who we hoped would give us a healthy foal in a few months.

George asked what colour, I told George we couldn't know that but both the sire Asda and Secret Sea were the same colour. Kate smiling beside her son.

The Queen met Hathai and Aroon, her latest foal by Asda, Mahogany with Notre Noir, her first foal by Rebel. As usual they were together in a paddock, the youngsters having fun playing as their dams watched.

In Pamela's stall The Queen caressed my girl's nose. "Countess, she's a beauty!"

"She is a wonderful ride, power and speed combined."

Pat walked Roland in.

I smiled seeing him, "Your Majesty, here's her mate!"

The Queen stroked Roland's powerful neck. "More chestnuts! They are a handsome pair."

I introduced Pat to the Queen. A bright smile as he bowed.

"I see this place seems to be quite an inducement for successful breeding. We should talk about several of our mares coming down to your Asda. His powerful physique would match well with two or three of our ladies."

Cho smiling, "I think Asda would be welcoming Your Majesty."


The Queen said her stables people would be in touch after the holidays to make arrangements. Cho was pleased.

Her Majesty got to meet all our staff and horses. You could see she enjoyed herself. Our people were pleased to host their Sovereign.

Thames came along, he got some pets. The Queen got his story, she liked how we had taken him in.

She got to meet Jaidee who was on his best behaviour. Walking along with us.

"He's a handsome brown fellow."

We both smiled for our `boy.'

Freddie was down at the track working with Black Star who'd returned from California. He would race here in England again in the coming season.

Freddie smiling as the Queen commented on Black Star running easily on the grass track.

Interestingly Black Star had beaten one of Her Majesty's horses in a race during the early summer. She remembered both horse and trainer.

"You have a wonderful stables both layout and staff. I am pleased you will race here and export a few talented horses to America. Not too many I hope? Will you bring more of your racers here from America?"

Cho said we would, possibly SakChai, the Triple Crown winner.

"Oh yes... bring the one who won the Champions..."

I said, "Rando."

"Yes... the big black. He put on a show... huge strides."

Cho told the Queen Rando, a rising four year old, would continue to race for several more years... maybe he should come back for another `go' at the Qipco Champions...

She smiled saying `I best not enter any of mine.'

Cho brought up the Montataire Farm and our record in France. Satirical's victory in Prix De L'Arc De Triomphe our greatest success there.

"We hope to have seven or eight horses running next year across France."

We walked back to the house. The Queen said she did not want to change again. We shed our wellies for shoes.

In the Great Room Her Majesty admired the tree again. We got our guests to hang their Christmas ornaments. Cho said the glass balls were now a house tradition.

Her Majesty had one for herself and Prince Phillip. Charles hung one for himself and the Duchess Camilla.

Charles said Camilla had missed out on a wonderful visit. Sick aunt notwithstanding.

The Queen beside Princess Charlotte... I heard "Thank you Gan Gan," as some help was given to her and George to hang their family's Christmas ball.

Harry had his own. A big smile on his face all during the day.

They were all pleased we had the ornaments made especially for them. I told them when the holiday season was over we would package and send each of them their ornament.

Charles spoke with Cho about his honour' and if he did become a citizen of the United Kingdom they would change his Knighthood' from Honourary to Substantive. Handshake.

He said there was a vacancy in the ranks of Grand Cross members. It seemed important to Charles somehow...

Outside we thanked the Queen and Prince Charles for visiting us. A bow and a curtsey. The Queen gave us a `Yes' for another visit. Possibly in late spring or early summer.

Hugs and kisses from me for Will, Kate and their children. Handshakes! Charlie and Chani joined in with their young Royal friends. A kiss for Harry's cheek. His mischievous grin was still there.

At the car door Harry squeezed my hand, a big smile, "Countess, I hope we will see more of you both." A hug.

We waved the cars down the drive. The Queen waved as her car turned to leave our forecourt.

It was over... at the door Carter bowed, "My Lady, Sir Cho, it is an honour to serve in this house."

I gave him a big hug and kiss on his cheek. A big handshake with Cho.

Cho smiling, "We are very proud of everyone. Can we get all the house staff into the Great Room?"

He said he'd round up them all.

Cho and I with the Twins by the fire... all the inside staff surrounding us.

I nudged Cho to start... everybody saw that... a few giggles.

"We want to thank you all for the hard work that went into preparing for the Queen's visit! Your service today was impeccable... the food at the top of your highest scale. I can tell you all your work was noticed very favourably.

Prince Charles commented to me... you all were so correct and efficient. He and Her majesty enjoyed the lunch very much!"

To Carla... Cho thanked her for the `English' character of the menu.

"I think the Queen was especially pleased."

Cho clapped, me too. The Twins joined in!

My turn, "They all said it had been a marvelous visit, one to remember! They left with smiles on their faces!"

I waded into our people hugging and shaking hands.

Maxine in front of me, "I heard the news...Miss... is it true you're made a Countess?"

I turned around motioning them all close, Cho with the Twins in his strong arms beside me.

"Yes. The Queen has made me a Countess in my own right, an hereditary peer. Cho is a Knight Grand Cross of the Order of the British Empire, a GBE.

It was unexpected, shocking and... well... very nice."

Everyone laughed then Carter2 cheered! They gave us three cheers. Charlie and Chani joining in.

I took Chani from Cho. As everybody returned to their work Audra lingered. I put out my hand to draw her close.

"Fay... Your Ladyship..." I didn't stop her but said I was still Fay. "It's definite I'm pregnant."

I did a whoop... so did Chani. A hug by us three.

"Have you spoken to Carter?"

"Yes he knows. We will consider who is best to move up while I'm unable to work. I think I'll be able to continue for quite some time since I'm not doing any heavy labor these days."

"Just follow what your doctor says about work. We will make accommodations for you."

Audra's eyes tearing... Cho was right there with a Cho-Fay handkerchief. What a terrific hard working person Audra has been. I'd do anything to help her.

"A baby gift from us will be the furniture for the nursery... Okay?"

She nodded as the Cho-Fay handkerchief went back to work. A huge hug!

"And in Southwick?"

Her face changing to bright and happy... "They are very pleased for us. Mum is thrilled to be a grandmother so soon! Dad was looking like... football with the grandson was just around the corner.

Andy's dad gave me such a big squeeze. Seems they all want a boy..."

I laughed, "I think that's up to you two."


I asked Carter to leave the Red Box on the sideboard... Beside the box with Cho's gold Collar' and Grand Cross' open so everyone could see it. A smile and a nod.

Cho holding my hand as we headed down toward the Stables. Carter had called Gregory at Cho's request to gather everybody into the Outside Staff Lounge.

We told them the visit had been a tremendous success! The Queen had been very impressed with everything.

"She said you all..." Cho's arms spread wide, "... all showed such a marvelous energy, you seemed to love your work a great deal."

We thanked them for their efforts... I said that was for each and every day as well as today!!

Hearing Her Majesty had commented on the beauty of our horses and how wonderful the stables looked was payback for them. The Garden staff where told the Queen thought the Garden `beautiful' and would return maybe in late spring for another look.

Andy stepped forward, he bowed, "Thank you, your Ladyship." Phillips bowed and thanked `Sir Cho!' They all cheered.

I hugged Andy. He said it was cooked up by him and Phillips after they heard from one of the footmen who'd run down to share the news.

I told Andy we were in turn thrilled about their baby news.

A smile, "I guess we'll try to justify those extra bedrooms."

Cho shook his hand, "Good!"

Pat was standing there, I stepped close... my hand out.

"Miss... Your Ladyship..." I squeezed his hand, "... you've treated me nobly so it's fitting you should be one."

I thanked this shy fellow... like Francis... Des... he was rising from his depths. Just a bit of help from us... they gathered themselves to go forward. I was very proud of each one.

Pat's face showed he was at ease, nice looking with an outdoorsy appearance. A lean healthy body that had filled out some from exercise and good food.

Diana joined us... she looked me... Pat... she took his hand in hers. I was delighted.

"Your Ladyship... " she squeezed that captive hand bringing a smile to Pat's face, "... we are `seeing' one another..." A look into his eyes, "... it is fine."

A very broad smile from Pat. He nodded, still shy, "It is very fine! I am amazed."

I hugged them. "Enjoy each other and if you need anything to make more... `fine' happen... please ask."

Quiet laughs. Smiles. Thank you's.

She was a fine-looking young woman... Pat was only nine or ten years older... I was very happy for them.

Damn what a day!!

Walking up to the house I told Cho about Diana and Pat. He stopped... Cho took my face in his hands... what a whopper of a kiss!!!!!!!!!!!

"That is for everything in the past... and what is coming!"

Gil met us at the door... requests for comment... requests for interviews from all the UK press. She said some American ones that were waking up to the news too.

Leaning on Sir Cho... "I guess we should have some sort of `statement' for the press... even our own."

I put Gil to work on something.

We checked the online news in the Office. It was HUGE news in the UK! No one had been given an hereditary title of such high rank since 1984. A GBE put Cho at the top level of the Knighthood.

The Sun and Times were going big since I was the publisher, Sky UK News too. But the others weren't far behind.

Even the Telegraph which was such a collection of snotty-nosed tory ass-kissers had big headlines. The DailyMail decided were Okay if the Queen said so! As if they could tell?

Incredibly polite remarks... from many in all walks of life and some quite hypocritical comments... by a few `politicians.'

Fox News was covering it rather well we thought. No screaming headlines online. Watching Megan say "Today in England... Queen Elizabeth made our Co-CEO a member of the peerage. Fay Martin is made a Countess with her family having hereditary privileges. Mr. Cho, our other CEO, was made a Knight Grand Cross of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire. He's now Sir Cho."

Pictures of us from the Angela Merkel White House dinner. Boy... we looked terrific!!

"It is a most unusual step for the United Kingdom monarchy, the first time in over thirty years anyone has been ennobled at such a level. A break from the recent past."

Amazing to see her say those words. Not a lot... succinct.

It was a big headline on the Daily News website which made me smile with the lower text saying as a couple were doing terrific things all over the world.

America's other TV networks were covering the story in a semi-restrained way.

The New York Times had us in a `breaking news' headline at the top of their website. If you lived on the West Coast you woke up the coverage, some over the top... not like we could do anything about it.

Our West Coast newspapers reported it on their webpages but didn't go `too' far with it. We'd see what they'd do for the print edition tomorrow morning.

We were getting lots of emails from friends and staff congratulating us. All very nice to see.

Cho joked about `maybe we should be paying less so the thrill would be larger' which got him tickled. I got away with it because I did it from behind... sneaky!

We answered email, sent some texts...

Gil came in with a `press statement' to review.

`We were greatly surprised and pleased Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth would honour us in such a significant manner. We will endeavour to live up to the new roles. We thank all our world-wide employees for their hard work which brought us so much attention.'

Gil made a few other suggestions... Cho said do it. Okay!

The Crew would be back here this evening so we'll have a small party before they fly home.

The Twins were told the Queen had given Mama and Popa new titles so they each would receive one too. Not that Viscount' or lady' meant much right now. Although looking at their faces there was something going on... they knew George was a prince and Charlotte was a princess so the idea of a title was known.

It was remarkable when Charlie asked who he was? Cho said he was Viscount Munro and Chani was Lady Chani.

Charlie's face... It seemed to register, "Like Dee?"

He got it! "Yes like Aunt Dee and your grandma who is no longer with us. Munro is the family name quite well-known in the Highlands. You were at Castle Munro the other day."

"What does a Viscount do?"

My smile, "They do what everybody does. You will always be our Charlie."

He seemed fine with being `Charlie.'

Chani climbed onto my lap. "I am a Lady?"

"You are! It is a special way to show girls who have parents with titles. You are the Right Honourable Lady Chanthira... officially." She giggled.

I added, "We are all still regular people. We just have some new words to describe us."

My phone... Aunt Dee.

"Fay, I just heard... it is such a surprise... startling and so marvellous for you two."

I told her the Queen surprised us too. It was a thrill and difficult to comprehend even now.

Laughing, "I guess Cho and I won't have to get too many presents this Christmas."

A loud giggle then Uncle Craig's voice, "Fay, our neighbours have come over to congratulate you via us! Everyone thinks it a wonderful thing."

They were `ready' to come down for the holiday. Donella would be home with them for a few days before they all flew down.

We rang off with more `congrats' and anticipation!

Right away another call... Dad! A comedic urge... I picked up saying quasi-robotically... "This is the phone of her Ladyship Fay Martin, Countess Harcourt of..." I might have gone on but Dad's laughter was so loud!

"Fay, it is splendid that you and Cho are given such public and high level recognition. Phailin said it was only right for it to be you two."

"We were caught flat-footed for sure. The Queen seemed quite happy doing it."

"You are prominent figures around the world... the news from the South isn't going to hurt your reputations a bit...

There is an agreement covering all the issues including prisoners. They mostly followed your line of thinking on release and the Southerners got their leaders in gaol to sign-off on it.

The Prime Minister is going to contact you today with the particulars. He said you needed to know a few details."

"He's going to call or... ?"

"I don't actually know how... I can ask. Should I give him your phone number?"

"I'm Okay with that if it is his preferred method."

"I will call you back shortly."

Love and kisses down the line!

Cho had been doing the same with friends and work colleagues.

Adam! "Your Ladyship... Not that I had ever thought I'd use that to start a conversation with you but it feels just fine!"

Laughter at both ends.

"We aren't any less surprised then everyone else. The Queen was very cool about it even though for her it was an unusual event."

I told Adam I'd said `Stockton' out loud... a lively guffaw in my ear.

"Did you really? She now knows two things about you... you love history and you have an awesome memory. What did she say to that?"

"She it had been too long and that she was sorry Macmillan had been too unwell to enjoy his new rank."

"She was right on both points. Mac was a shell of himself by then. I know folks who served under him. They really loathed Profumo for his asinine sexual antics causing Mac so much discomfort and damaging his government for... to put it crudely... a bit of bint on the side.

I know Profumo's wife's family quite well... it was rather awful for Valerie. She was a nice person. At least he chose to wear a `hair shirt' for the rest of his life."

He added that this would spice up the holidays for us. To say the least!

Two calls, Des and Rose. I chose Rose.

"My dear I don't have the proper words to say how enormously proud I am for you two. The Queen couldn't have chosen anyone better."

I said we hadn't quite gotten our heads around it yet.

"Fay, it is such an earth-shaking thing. I know you are a student of history... this is so unusual... making history yourself."

"We did have a bit of help..." We laughed.

Rose said Matthew was out in the fields so he didn't know yet... a tea-time surprise for him.

I called Des. I could almost hear him jumping up and down.

"Fay... stupendous news! Astounding to think the Crown would reach out like this!"

"Everything about it has been `astounding.' The Queen was very matter-of-fact doing it but very warm afterwards as we talked."

"For her it is a rare event... only Macmillan so many years ago."

"Yes she said it was sad he couldn't enjoy it."

"True... the old fellow died within three years or so. I expect you two to be around a lot longer."

"That's our plan. It was funny to watch Charlie munching his toast this morning and by afternoon he is Viscount Munro."


"That little man and his sister have to be the luckiest children on the planet to have you guys as parents."

"We hope so because they are dearly loved."

There was quiet on the line... I was about to say...

"Fay, I'm going to ask Roseanna to marry me... I think she will accept."

"More wonderful news. When?"

"Tonight. She wants to spend time with her family during the holidays and wants me to go along."

"Call me in the morning... or whenever. I can tell you Cho will very happy for you both."

Well I was getting lots of news... good stuff!

Dad called. He gave the Prime Minister my number. More love!

Thoi! "Fay, your Queen is a sly one choosing such a power couple to do this sort of honour."

I laughed, my response got a chuckle from him, "That's a sly fox recognizing another."

Thoi said Kanda told him almost leaping for joy.

"Cho and I are pretty happy and dazed still."

They were looking forward to Christmas!

Hélène called, "Your Ladyship... it is a privilege to say that to you!"

I thanked `Her Ladyship' back, we laughed, "It is an odd feeling to be changed so quickly into a different sort of person on the outside."

"Well I'm sure it will only be a title for you. Underneath you are a strong personality. Continue to go your own way!"

I assured her I would.

MacDonald called. "Fay, I wish you have the joy of it! There's a burden... that isn't new to you and Cho. Your shoulders can carry the weight."

Cho motioned to me... I handed him my phone, "Mac, are you serious about golf when you come down?"

He listened, "Okay! We'll have an electric cart for you. Looking forward to it."

I tilted my head... "He's doing so well his doctor's want him to try exercising more outdoors. He can play a round at Oxford East if we have a golf cart to reduce some of the walking."

"Great! Remember to tell him about our properties in Scotland! You two could go play!"

I did mention he needed to discourage betting... a big laugh.

Both our phones started to buzz!

Cho looking at his phone `Pedro.' Off he went.

Pam was calling me... Bill in New York also.

I chose Pam.

"So what do I call you?"

"Let's see... Your Divineness... Your Exalted One..." We dissolved into laughter.

Lori calling, I put Pam on hold, "Lori, I have Pam on the line... I'll call right after."

Pam asked if it really meant anything anymore... "To folks here it means a great deal. We have this whole monarchy, nobility thing baked in. It is such an out of the ordinary event... I think it is going to capture people's imagination for a bit."

We talked Christmas. I told her we had the diaper company laid on still since some friend's babies needed them but ours no longer wore them.

"Fay, potty-trained at eighteen months! Congratulations!"

"It does make so many things easier. Tha is happy for her efforts to have worked out!"

"I'm sure she is. What a load off." We burst out laughing at that unconscious `bon mot!'

They were ready to fly! I said `see you in a couple of weeks!'

I dialled Lori. She was excited for us.

"So the old lady is thinking more modern..."

"We think her oldest son and grandchildren urged her on to our benefit. She also was told a few secret things by the Government which may have pushed her over. We're proud and humble though. It is one of those once in a lifetime things."

"I'm sure! So where do you go now? Duchess?" She laughed.

"No not that far. Probably nowhere to go these days but we never considered this would happen."

"It suits you! Cho as a Knight seems very appropriate."

I was giggling, "He's always been that for me."

They all were great counting the days until Harcourt House.

I called Bill. "Fay, it appears to be shocking to some degree to everyone but I can honestly say I considered you both would be honoured somehow for... so many things you have done in the last few years.

Truthfully this particular honour wasn't what I thought of happening."

My `nor us' got a laugh.

"I have some other news for you... this is on deep background so we aren't using it yet. We need another source or two. Hillary has nominated you two for the Nobel Peace Prize."

"Seriously? The source is knowledgeable?"

"Yes, inside the White House."

"So you know... the Foreign Minister told us our government here has done the same."

"No kidding! The folks in Stockholm are getting very big guns aimed at them."

I said we didn't need the gilt. "The people in Thailand who decided to take the risk are the real heroes."

Bill tut-tutted me, "They had their chances to do something and hadn't. You and Cho MOVED them. It's unlikely change would have happened without your initiative."

"Possibly but many people including Yoshi and Arturo were instrumental in getting it started, that includes my Dad."

"Yes, I see your point but you two actually goosed the project forward."

I decided to pass on further discussion. He and Tilly were good and looking forward to being at the Board of Directors meeting here.

As we rang off another call... the Sci-Fi tone! Hillary.

"My dear Fay, you two have ascended the mountain!"

I laughed at those words, "More of a big hill don't you think?"

"NO! You have become a peer, an ennobled woman! Yes, Cho was honoured with a high rank but you together are the beginning of a family line... something that endures beyond the grave. Few people achieve anything close."

I thanked her for that.

"Knowing you... I have other news you may not be happy about... We have nominated you and Cho for the Nobel Peace Prize... AND before you say anything it's already in the hands of those nice folks in Stockholm."

"The only thing I can say is thank you from us. The Foreign Minister here has done the same... it is also a past-tense thing."

"See great minds and all that!

So you know Becky came clean about the Malaysian `forestry guy' shenanigans. She said you found out although you didn't tell her how. I received an apology and you will too."

"We knew almost right away. My Dad's people are thorough, discreet and very competent. They were waiting for him when he crossed the border. Dad had the arresting team overhead in helicopters when he parked his truck.

The `forestry guy' is being held incommunicado because the insurgents surely suspect he somehow fouled up and exposed them."

Hillary laughed, "I would if I were them."

"I'm with you. Dad doesn't want him injured before he's sent back to Kuala Lumpur. The Thai government is going to want to see the Malaysian intelligence officers be severely punished before any arrangements are made about the `forestry guy's' future."

"I will tell our ambassador to inform the Thai Prime Minister we support their position."

I asked about my report on the meeting with General Soleimani.

Hillary did a small laugh, "The CIA folks got to read it without knowing its source. They thought it excellent and asked if it came from a European contact.

Also they had to admit it had better insights than their own work which I have read. They're right, yours are superior. So thanks. He is a disrupting force but as you say he is a patriot so when faced with something good for Iran... he's in."

Hillary ended with `enjoy the new role' as much as possible. I thanked her again.

Kent calling.

"I want to start by saying it is an enormous honour you two fully deserve. Second, I want to shamelessly use our connections to ask for an interview. I want to send Dorothy over with a crew to get you guys on video. You can discuss with Dot what you want to cover but it should include your new titles and the impact. Your businesses and other world-wide activity. And your charity efforts. Is that Okay with you?"

I mentally shrugged, "Yes. We'll have to do some of this I suppose as part of the price... It might as well be our own people to start. I will ask Penn at Cho-Fay Air to arrange the flights. She will contact Dot directly.

So you know it will likely be a helicopter lift to Teterboro then a Gulfstream to Chalgrove."

Kent went on, "Also the story about the south Thailand thing is going to break. Yoshi and Arturo have kept us informed as you know. The agreement signing is going to happen very soon.

We need to know what to say about our part."

I went into how Cho and I saw the agreement should be covered.

"We have issues about declaring the role of Arturo and Yoshi. We need to consider it carefully.

The `process' is in its closing moments..." I went quiet, "... We would not want to expose our pair because it could mean that all our other reporters and staff around the world could be suspect in other peoples' eyes."

Kent made a noise, "I told Bill you would say almost those exact words. He and I agree. We have talked with Yoshi and Arturo about this. They concur.

We can't compromise ourselves going forward. Although our role was ethical and positive, we didn't go behind anyone's back or expose them in any way... it won't look right."

"Good. We are agreed. We should find a way for our reporters to be on the spot for the signing and maybe give them a scoop beforehand. In a subtle manner. Maybe Yoshi can say he found out talking to people while reporting in the southern areas. Or Arturo getting from one of the 'connected' Iman's in northern Malaysia. Consider something like those as possibilities."

He said he'd be on to Yoshi and Arturo about it.

From me, "You should prepare a live hook-up for the day... getting the signers on camera and the reactions of the ordinary people."

Kent said they would have it ready!

A laugh from him, "The newsroom went ballistic when they saw the reports of your new `titles' from the Buckingham Palace press release plus Sky UK News and the BBC.

Cheering... loud cheering which shocked me as I hadn't heard. Everybody is very happy for you both."

I thanked him and to pass it on.

My hand and ear were tired.

Another call coming in... the Prime Minister in Bangkok.

"Miss Martin, I am sure you have heard the good news from the south. Jun and the southerners have a solid agreement and we are going to sign it in four days.

Jun will sign for our government.

We want to do it at your compound, tentatively it is called the Narathiwat Peace Protocols.

Both sides have a good deal to do but it is balanced and workable. The way it is structured has a lot to do with Cho and yourself. The southerners were quite impressed with you two. Our people were also.

Jun said without you there would not have been anything like this happening. He is right. Your straddling the fences made it work. The connections you made over the border with the insurgents and the Iman's brought them into the discussions from the start which was very important.

I would reward both you and your father with something of the sort of recognition you have just received from the Queen. Any such awards are the gift of the King, he has not yet spoken.

What I have done is to confirm General Keren in his position for six more years. We need his strong hand and powerful intellect working actively for us."

The Thai PM said what the Queen did was right and proper considering what we had done for Thailand and many other people around the world. He would consult with the King to find a way to recognize us.

"I know you both don't go out of your way to seek attention for yourselves... We have nominated you both for the Nobel Peace Prize. If it displeases you we can only say it is deserved."

Okay... we were in an avalanche...

I told the Prime Minister how incredibly happy we were about the agreement.

"We knew once everyone sat down something would come of it. It was just common sense that the killing and damage was getting both sides exactly nowhere. The inclusiveness was crucial so all the voices could be heard.

As far as the Nobel Peace Prize... I have been told that you are thinking the same as others. The Foreign Minister here told us they had done the same and Hillary Clinton gave me the news a little while ago she had done it also."

There was laughter, "It is nice to be in such august company. We sincerely hope you two prevail."

We would visit with him when we were in Bangkok.

I need coffee! Gil took my arm, "I'll support you... we'll make it in time." Giggles propelled us forward.

Cho was sitting in the Breakfast Room with Francis and Ali. After his MANY calls they'd done some work.

He gave me the toll of all his conversations. I related mine. They perked up his ears.

"So the Nobel thing is a `thing' now?"

I grinned, "Looks like it. Whether they'll bless us or not..." I shrugged. If so I told Cho he'd have to give the speech. Rolled eyes! Laughter from our trio.

Charlie and Chani in their swim robes, big fluffy terrycloth things. We walked out to the pool. Tha behind us with Gil. Cho had opened the door for us.

Robes down, sandals off... SPLASH! The babies in their goggles at the steps end... we swam over with open arms... splashes for them... their legs and arms going a mile a minute. So cute.

We had a good swim. Chani and I under the rinse shower. We dried off and back in our robes and sandals. We walked through the north door into the back passage and up to the Nursery.

We did her hair into the page-boy look she liked, a red short-sleeved frock with a cute collar, white socks and Mary Janes. A white cardigan. Chani looked quite cute. A big smile!

She sat in my Dressing Room watching me.

"Mama, red okay?"

I pulled out a red wool dress... Chani approved. Round collar, snug down to mid-thigh, long sleeves, a slender black belt, black tights and heels. My nails were red so the lips followed. `Joy' for us both! Gold Jewellery! We looked a treat.

Our `men' in the Great Room gave us a big welcome.

Gil put up her hand full of iPhone, "Their cars are close."

Okay Crew time.

The Cho-Fay Air 767 was ready at Chalgrove for them. We'd feed them good and send them off.

Carter had plenty of Taittinger's ready. The crystal flutes lined up... Kendall and Fin ready to pour.

The Crew's cars rolling in... Cho and I out front. The cars spilled out wild crazed ladies and their men. We gathered them in...HUGS adding KISSES.

Lots of yells about our new titles!! Inside more hugs and kisses.


Ting called for quiet!

"Fay... Cho... Everyone... First to the Queen for being so perceptive to see the greatness of our friends and going the extra mile to reward them... The Queen!!"

Hurrah... Hurrah... Hurrah!!

"Now I find myself unable to pick the superlatives to describe our friends..."

Cho laughed, "Ting at a loss for words..."

"Okay no kibitzing by the peanut gallery... Where was I..."

"Nowhere... " from Cho.

Then by me, "Cho and I thank Ting in advance for whatever he might say..."

I raised my glass, "To FRIENDS!"


Ting hugged me, "Thanks for getting me over the hump."

We laughed and held tight!

More Taittinger's and Jian on the settee with Chani.

"In red! You two look great!"

Laughing, "Chani's a fan too... right?"

Lady Chanthira grinning, "Yes, red is the best!"

She got big hug from Jian.

Caroline climbed up next to me. Big smile, "Aunt Fay, what is a Shirley Temple?"

I kissed her cheek, "It is a drink for young folks when old folks are having something stronger. It is mostly ginger ale. Is it good?"

"Yes... I want to make at home."

Andrea came over at my wave. I explained...

"Caroline we'll make them together. I'll show you."

HUGE smile! Then a sip of her `drink.'

We went into dinner, a Marandi buffet! Always a fav!

I was between Lawan and Ni. I did a very brief synopsis of the English Peerage system and where we all now fit.

Ni's face with a questioning frown, "So you are how far down from the Queen?"

I tried to say that we would never be anywhere close because we weren't Royal.' I was made' a hereditary Countess so... I motioned towards Charlie munching on a pakora...

"When I die Charlie, who now the Viscount Munro, will be Earl Harcourt of Oxford also known as Lord Harcourt. If he has a son... he will become Viscount Munro." I waved my hands in an on and on gesture.

I laughed, "The system is intricate, somewhat medieval but it endures because the monarchy underpins it. Our King in Thailand is in much the same position but without the peerage system below."

It was sad to see the Crew go. We'd had fun, they enjoyed themselves here and in London. They loved Cowley House! The rooms, the art, the size of it. The location was `perfect!'

An excellent start to our holiday entertaining.

There weren't any tears as we waved them off on the Forecourt.

At ten o'clock Des called. He was thrilled to say Roseanna accepted... "In fact she was delighted. She said she had hoped it would be my Christmas gift to her. The ring FIT!"

I cheered for him... Everybody knew it was Des so his news via me got him loud background cheers!

"Fay, a chance meeting over a latch key looms very large for me... A life-changing event! I will never forget your instant generosity."

"Des... not to be trite... `Live Long and Prosper' always."

He quietly thanked me with a laugh.

Cho laughed when I told him. Des had always been a Star Trek fan...

At least the late evening was quiet. In bed we kissed for a bit... my hair pushed back... kisses all over my face. I did a `Charlie' waving my hands in front of my face... Cho laughing saying it wasn't any more effective for me than Charlie who always got kissed anyway.

"Fay, we have been given the best sort of reward... something lasting. We can create history... Charlie and Chani will have the tools to go forward to make more.

I think about the children... they are us... our bodies..." I was going to demur... "...You are part of them. Your DNA has been in me from the beginning and I passed it on. No matter how small an amount it might be... it is there!

We share everything with them."

Big kisses and a few tears. Gentle caresses.

It suddenly hit me `The king waved as his coach left our forecourt.'

Cho grinning as I reminded him about that brief flash of dream in Bangkok.

"I will have to be on my guard if you start to be prescient like that!" Cho's magnificent head shaking.

We hugged and kissed. For once a dream... all that about being a Earl then a Marquess... No shit! I'd better watch out for myself!

Cho's lips on mine. His warm body!


Jian, Ting, Andrea and Caroline drove up to London in the early morning. Beside the car when Andrea stopped hugging me, a whisper, "You and Cho are perfect for your new roles."

I gave her a kiss. Jian got a big hug. They'd be `en famile' until joining our family Christmas back here.

At breakfast after my ride Cho handed me a copy of The Gazette with a finger pointing to the left hand column.

`State Intelligence


House of Lords SW1A OPW The sixth of December, 2017. The QUEEN has been pleased by Letters Patent under the Great Seal of the Realm, dated the fifth of December, 2017, to confer the dignities of a Viscounty and an Earldom of the United Kingdom upon the Honourable Fay Osborne Martin, and all her heirs, by the names, styles and titles of VISCOUNTESS Munro of Aleness at Castle Munro in the County of Ross and Cromarty and of Harcourt House in the County of Oxford, and Countess Harcourt.(] si)'

Cho nudged me, "Do we save this one?"

A kiss. "We should for the children's sake!"

I leaned against my man's shoulder to look at... I nudged Cho back... my hand motioning... "The Viscount Munro..." who at that moment was happily chewing a bite of his strawberry preserves coated `toost.'

We laughed.

I had already spoken to a few of the staff about the new titles. Tha smiled when I said I was still `Fay' and she was my friend and a family member. Audra too. She said she would have to be careful around others.

I knew Carter wouldn't be talked out of what he would consider proper so I didn't try.

My morning ride had been interesting. Anthony and Pat grinning as they said Good Morning, your Ladyship' and bowed together. My that's sufficient' got them to laugh. I was `Okayed.'

Tara and Tessa with me smiling after the Stable guys performance. Down the lane and up the slope. Roland didn't care about my changes... he wanted to run.

At the lock the operator bowed and waved. I said thank you and `once was enough'... he laughed and waved.

Roy was settling up. He bowed.

"Your Ladyship, it is such a wonderful thing! You are right for it."

A thank you and a handshake, "Say hello to Angie." He would.

Over the river we pushed on up the dirt track to the back of Archie's place. Terry out with the freshly milked cows. He waved and ran towards the fence.

"Your Ladyship, it is wonderful."

He stopped suddenly becoming quiet, "I always thought you should be..."

I thanked Terry for the very kind thought.

Archie and Margy at their door... smiles. A bow and curtsey. I slid down to shake his hand and hug her.

"Okay... you've done it... no more Okay?"

We laughed and I got their agreement. A leg up and we went on.

On Hall Street Jerrold came rushing out pulling on his suit jacket. He stopped at his gate, a bow.

"We were excited for you at the news. It is the sort of event which everyone can be happy about. Congratulations to you both."

I thanked him for the polite words.

"How will you feel sitting across a game table as I attack?"

He burst out laughing, "That is an experience I hope to have."

We went north into the woods after leaving Lower Radley. A hard run! We turned into the Industrial Estate at the office by the railroad tracks and walked towards the Recording Studio.

Samuel stepped from his office. "Miss Martin... Oh... Your Ladyship!" He bowed. "A great honour that many people think is well deserved."

I thanked him. His nephew came running out of the `Addition' rubbing his hands on a cloth. He added his congratulations. Another thank you.

I wasn't going to take the piss... this was way beyond ordinary.

We tied our horses out front and entered the Recording Studio. The young woman at the desk was flustered again... I extended my hand after she `jumped up' from her chair.

"Miss... Ladyship..." She looked confused.

"Celeste... I'm still Fay Martin... Okay?"

She nodded. Tab came out.

"Fay, marvellous news." A hug!

"Oh I made a booboo... Your Ladyship. It must be that bit of American in me."

We had a laugh at that!

Lotte ran through the connecting door from the coffee shop.

"I saw the horses tied up... Your ladyship, everyone I know thinks it's tremendous."

I said we thought so too. Quite unexpected. "The Queen sprung it on us."

We led the horses over to the lock. The lockman was helping tie-up a barge in the lock. He looked up from wrapping the line around a cleat to see us. A big smile, he bowed, "Good morning, your Ladyship."

I squeezed his arm, "Thank you. Once is enough... Okay?"

He smiled broader saying `But it was a pleasure to do it.'

The woman on the barge stern straightened up... she and her daughter peered up through their eyeglasses at me.

I said hello. At first they didn't say anything but as I started to turn they replied with `good mornings' which was funny. I smiled down to them.

We three walked over the lock into Sandford.

At Mr. Hardy's he came rushing out tying the belt of his bathrobe. He had on his walking shoes, t-shirt and trackies but no shirt. I barely had time to dismount.

"I couldn't miss this..." He bowed taking my extended hand, "Your Ladyship... it seems so entirely appropriate to say that."

I gave him a hug. I told him what I'd said to Jerrold. We laughed.

"I do hope he does get attacked."

I said we should discuss strategy some more. Okay.

We pushed on. Roland wanted to run more so I released his inner race horse on the grass. He was striding out magnificently! A lovely morning... this splendid creature running with me... I was close to nirvana.

We ran until Dan Fraser waved to me. I signalled my companions and turned in a big arc back towards their farmhouse.

Dan and Sarah, Anne and Dan Jr. outside their kitchen as I walked up. I climbed down. I got curtseys and bows with big smiles. Hugs and kisses followed.

"Before you go further... I am still Fay to you."

Dan laughed, "Can't we say Your Ladyship at least once?"

We all chuckled at that.

Sarah had my hand, "Fay, it is the best sort of news. We saw it on the BBC news last evening. They were overflowing with praise for your peerage. One woman said it had been too long for such a reward and that you and Cho were certainly deserving the honours."

"It is very nice. I'm sure there are other people who should be honoured."

Dan said, "Well if so it is wonderful you were first."

We finished our ride on the Flats. Tessa's face told me I had done well accepting the acclaim from our neighbours. I remembered last Christmas, the Wilcox's thanking me for saving their property after the robberies.

Bfast was roaring along. Two small persons were enjoying their eggs and toost. Several vegan sausages and tomatoes waiting to be victims of the Twins' appetites. Me too!

Cho smiling at my tale of the ride.

"Good! You should be recognized since up to now you have been such a wallflower..." I jumped on him to end that! Kisses and a gentle butt pat. I slid back to my Bfast.

A meeting! The St. Thomas School Board of Governors. Tom drove me, Gil, Tessa and Gaby down.

A navy wool and cotton dress round collar with big navy buttons closing the front. It barely made it to mid-thigh, the stockings the same navy blue. Black heels! A black belt and black Coach bag. Gold jewellery bits, `Joy' and red nails and lips. The black Coach camel's hair coat and black gloves. A black cloche hat with a red poppy on the ribbon band.

I stepped out of the Range Rover to a nice welcome from Mr. Thorn A deep bow, he straightened up to take my hand. "Your Ladyship!" Smile, "That is something quite nice to be able to say."

I thanked him. Inside the Board all bowed or curtseyed. A shook hands with each. Before I sat down I told them all that they had maxed out on such things. They grinned and laughed.

Ron Cotton said he had sort of expected that.

As a start to the meeting Ron Cotton and Mr. Thorn said we had gained the respect and admiration of the village by word and deed... the overwhelmingly positive reaction to my becoming a peer' and Cho a knight' showed how others saw us... people just like them and it was `most gratifying to have our Sovereign recognize the specialness of you.'

I thanked them all again. I said Cho and I were living our lives the way we think is right, doing what we believe is correct for everyone around us and holding to our principles. I looked around the table...

"We hope others who do the same get recognized for their contributions."

Okay all done.

We got on with the meeting. A lot good of basic stuff until a new fund raising proposal for updating the athletic fields. One idea that was the leading candidate... for the children to sell items from a catalogue... Urgh! I hated the idea of putting the kids on the spot and often their parents too.

"What is the budget for the fields?"

Ron Cotton gave us the quoted figure... near to nine thousand £'s.

I told them about my dislike of kids `selling' things...

"Cho and I will pay for the athletic field work in one lump. Let's spare the kids and their parents?" I looked around...

Ron smiled, "Your Ladyship's offer is wonderful. Shouldn't the kids and families participate somehow?"

"Is there some part of the work which isn't too hard or demanding a special skill?"

"Well, I don't know... maybe several ways... one possibility is near the end there will be new sod to lay..."

"So get them in jeans and wellies to help do that. They could easily be taught to do somethings... help lay the sod... make sure it is aligned... put boards down and walk all over it."

The Board laughed but they agreed with my plan. The contractor from Wheatley was well known as laid-back so sorting it out should be easy. Ron said he would speak to him right away. The plan was for the work to be done at the end of the winter-spring term. Time enough to make arrangements.

The meeting broke up afterwards.

Gil would bring a cheque down to Mr. Thorn. A big smile from our headmaster.

"You will be coming to the play and choir performance?"

"Of course, we wouldn't miss it. We'll have guests with us as in the past."

Tom waiting, we loaded up. Shopping and wandering in Oxford. Everyone agreed with my idea for the first stop... FOOD! Tom dropped us at No.1 Ship Street Restaurant. I told him where we'd meet him in ninety minutes and sent him off for his lunch.

We got a table by the windows. I started with the char-grilled vegetables with feta then the Ricotta and Parmesan dumplings. I added the confit carrots as a side. I chose the lemon cheesecake with espresso for the end. A Negroni to sip on.

Good service and excellent food. The Negroni delicious. Gil had brought the Crew here for lunch and said the food was great! She was sitting there with a `knowing' grin.

Sipping espresso at the end. Our server came up... she looked nervous... I looked at her... she almost melted down.

"Your Ladyship... I hope everything was good?"

Somewhat stilted... `Cate' on her name badge.

"Cate, we are all very pleased... it was all good."

A tight smile, she leaned a bit over, "My boss is worried what you might think... we don't get famous people in here."

"I'm not... " I let it go, "... he or she has nothing to worry about. I'm sorry you have been specially tasked to ask."

She looked... sort of distraught still.

Okay...I stood up, "Lead me to your leader."

Cate was startled but a grin started. The fellow in question was shocked to see me bearing down on him... nowhere to hide. I took his arm, we turned away from the room. I knew Tessa was behind me.

"Please come and inquire yourself. Cate was visibly nervous having to ask me what I thought."

"Your Ladyship I thought as she had been your server..."

"I see that but you asked her to go a bit further."

"Yes. I apologize if you are upset."

"I'm not upset... Just trying to tell you to please not put your people in difficult positions. Yes?"

He seemed relieved. "Thank you, Your Ladyship. I understand. I do hope you will come again."

I looked at him and turned into the kitchen... Tessa right there...

Someone saw me... they poked another person... another... soon they were all staring at me.

I thanked them for a fine meal and wished them a Happy Christmas season. They called out `Happy Christmas' to me.

The manager was astounded I would do that. I patted his shoulder.

We left, Gil had done the bill and left Cate a nice big gratuity.

We walked across Cornmarket Street to the Arcadia Bookstore. Browsing time. I reminded Tessa they could swap on and off to have a bit shopping time.

I wandered in the History section. I found a copy in very good condition of Robert O. Paxton's Fascism.' An excellent piece of work on rightwing nuts pseudo-philosophy. Then A Dance Between Flames' by Anton Gill about Weimar Germany. I loved the title so explanatory all on its own. Both classics of their genre. Gifts for Flix and me.

Funny in another section I picked up a book for Chani... not for now... later. The first Nancy Drew mystery from its original printing in 1930! `The Secret of the Old Clock.' An American story, odd to find it here. Fine shape too!

A couple of picture books for the twins, animals, always a favourite.

The cashier was on the phone and checking us out. She said Sorry... I'm alone' as the books were bagged. I said no worries' with a smile. She was multi-tasking!

Tom came right to the door. We put our purchases in the back. I gave him the address where to meet us in an hour. He was smiling. I told him it wasn't exactly planned out except in my head.

"My Lady, that seems quite enough." We laughed.

We wandered down Cornmarket Street going south. Lots of cellphone companies and banks. Bookies.

A news agent! A few people buying newspapers... Racks of glossy magazines... I could see my face...

Tessa said we should close up, "Fay, look to your left."

Tessa led, Gil on my right and Gaby behind me.

A woman's voice, "That's what money does. It buys position."

A man's voice with an edge, "Madam, Her Ladyship paid off what was owing on my niece's university fees. She works for one of their newspapers. That's what real money does."

Gil looked at me, a rather big smile.

Once we were well enough past... Gaby's voice behind, "Fay, you have one strong admirer there."

I turned grinning, "Should we sign him up?"

Gil offering to go back for his testimonial. We all laughed.

At Queen Street we went right. Halfway down the block was `TheWorks' store.

Right inside the door was a sales table, plush and plump toys, a pink pig with wings and a blue shark, two for five £. Done! In my basket!

Paint sticks in neon colours, washable! Some oversize drawing tablets and a package of Christmas easy-peel stickers. Large size Crayola crayons, twelve colours. Atlas of the world sticker book. Colour by the numbers animals book!

Brain Games for Clever Kids book, we'll see! The Christmas Puzzle Pad. Garden Bugs sticker book.

I Love My Mummy, a cute squirrel family story. First Spelling Book and the companion First Adding Up book.

Town Mouse Country Mouse. Learn with Ladybird. Okay, that's me done.

Gil did the paying I did a bit more looking. I was back to tote it out to Tom's Range Rover.

The cashier hadn't paid any attention me as Gil was doing everything. I picked up two of the bags she looked at me then... I smiled and moved to the door... there was an noticeable gasp. I kept going as Gil thanked her.

Tessa behind, Gaby had the back door open. In for me and the bags. Gil on my heels. Home.

We were leaving the city, Gaby asked if we could stop at Go Outdoors. A new pair of gloves.

After looking in the rearview mirror to me, my nodding... Tom said `no problem.' At the Abingdon Road turn we swung into their car park..

Inside I had a brainstorm... get pairs of Ariat insulated riding gloves and don't forget the guys. Ticking-off the people in my head. Six ladies medium and six small. Two medium size for men All black. Plus a few more in both sizes for guests. A new riding crop for Rona so she doesn't have to borrow one.

The lady at the cashier's desk knew me. A smile as I slid everything towards her.

"Your ladyship, did you find all what you needed?"

Smiling I nodded. My American Express card. My stuff in a bag. Tessa beside me. Gil and Gaby checking out. Tom swept us up and off.

Cho had just returned from a horse looking trip. He, Ali and Francis went to a farm past Letcombe Bassett then onto another east of Kinston Lisle. No purchases.

"I liked several but they didn't have the track experience or pedigree to make the investment worthwhile.

They did stop to eat at the Blowing Hole Pub after seeing the stone itself.

Beverly calling.

"Fay, I want to start by saying your new titles are just a reflection of all your valuable contributions. I'll give you one, the houses for the workers here are now fully occupied. We have twelve families with solid homes, they can walk to work, they have day-care! Each family wanted me to tell you how much it means to them.

Some of the men were commuting an hour one way to get here... Some fathers were in the bunkhouse away from their family for a week or more at a time... Boom all done with! Happy families... now Christmas in their comfortable houses.

Sam and I are thrilled. The contractor did a fine job, it looks... you've seen the pictures... It has the appearance of a community... like it just popped up from the earth."

I was excited for them all.

I told Beverly we would come by to see it when we were next in New York.

"I'll send some pictures of the families inside their houses."

I thanked her and said `Please do! Christmas decorations and all!'

Cho was talking with Mu... I waited. Those dark gorgeous eyes close to mine sparkling with pleasure hearing Beverly's news.

"Another big check on your score sheet Fay."

I laughed saying I wasn't keeping score. Cho sagely' nodded, adding, Someone is' motioning towards the lacquered Red Box. It was impossible to argue... the Red Box was quite the proof someone indeed was!

Cho had more calls... I took Gil, Tara and Tessa with me to ride.

Tasks to be done. We crossed the Oxford Road to Baldon Lane trotting east to Marsh Baldon. We passed Gerry and Maeve's cottage, quiet... they were at work and school. We entered the village turning north to ride around the edge of The Green to Marsh Baldon Primary School.

We dismounted out front. A woman came out... "Hello, can we help?"

I asked to see the headmistress. "My name is Fay Martin. I want..."

I didn't get any further.

Suddenly she covered her mouth with a hand and ran back inside...

I laughed since it wasn't the first time that happened. At the door a nice looking middle-aged woman appeared...

"Welcome to Marsh Baldon Primary, Your Ladyship."

I thanked her.

"I have a few things for you..."

"Please come in."

A bright office with drawings by the children. Inside the Headmistress' space we sat. Gil got out the two things as I explained.

"We know several of our employees children attend here and wanted to give a Christmas gift to the school in their name and ours. The cheque is for five thousand £'s..."

She bounced in her chair.

"A thousand for each student. Plus the letter of credit at the Oxford Computer Store is so you can buy new computers or printers or supplies that you might need."

"Your ladyship... you and Sir Cho are being very generous. I know how good you have been to St. Thomas School in your village. We are very grateful of your support."

"Please use the money in any way you want. We would appreciate a letter from you giving us some particulars on how it is spent in very general terms. It is to be just an anecdotal accounting not an itemized list."

She would be glad to do that.

We shook hands.

"Your Ladyship, everyone in the area is very happy for you."

I thanked her. "Cho and I are too!" Smiles!

Outside we led our horses to the Three Ponies. Fran was at the bar, Fidel wiping tables. They were happy for Cho and I.

"Your Ladyship, the news was wonderful. Pat called to tell us... he was very excited."

Smiling, "I understand he has brought Diana over?"

Fran's eyes lit up, "He has and she's a beauty. So very nice... they seem to be quite tight."

"That was my impression."

Fidel leaned in, "Our Pat is one reason why you and Mr. Cho deserve the honours... You stepped up for Pat AND Diana when they needed help. You both delivered in the kindest way. Being a sort of extra family for them."

"We saw the need but in each case they stepped up themselves. Our small bit of help was what they needed to push on. We have gained much more!"

Hugs and a handshake.

We mounted and headed east, we exited the village through a farmer's yard. He waved saying hello. I called out a thank you for letting us go through. 'Any time, Your ladyship!'

We went on the verges of several fields to the Clifton Hampton Road. East through Chiselhampton and on into Stadhampton. We walked beside Thame Road to Cratlands Close, at the end was Stadhampton School.

We walked under the big trees straddling the drive. A side fence was a good spot to tie our horses out of the way.

Less drama this time as the headmistress saw us.

"Your Ladyship, welcome to Stadhampton School. How can we help?"

"I came over to give you a few things."

"Please come into my study."

Lots of paper flowers! Some quite wildly coloured. She smiled, "Third Form's turn to decorate the front of the office."

We declined tea. She looked expectant...

Gil went into her pockets for the second set of papers.

"You have three children of our employees attending here... My husband and I want to give the school a Christmas gift in our name and that of the student's families."

Gil handed me the cheque.

"We are giving a thousand £'s for each child and a line of credit for the school to use at the Oxford Computer Store. The gift has no strings attached, spend as you will. The line of credit is for computers, software, actually anything they sell you might need.

We only ask you send us a letter describing how you spent the money, no details just a general list. It isn't meant to be formal.

Our address is on the..."

"Oh... Your Ladyship, we know where. I want to thank you in all the children's and the school's name for the generous gifts. We always have need for so many things... every student will benefit from this wonderful assistance."

She stood up to shake my hand. Then a tear... I handed her a Cho-Fay handkerchief... more tears.

Gil went out find some water. I got the headmistress to sit. I perched on the edge of her desk.

"Education can be such a struggle... you want to do the best by all the students but often the funding isn't there. Working families run close on money... no spare amounts..."

Gil returned with a cup of water. The Headmistress took a sip thanking Gil and me. She was Okay.

I asked for a tour. It was not a huge place... basically just the one big building. I saw a lot of bright smiling faces, intent on tasks or jumping for joy. Eager arms thrust up... they had the answer!

Lots of play spaces outside. Easy to see a lot of care had been taken to make things look good and inviting. It reminded me of Deltaville and Sarah West.

Back in the office as we said goodbye the headmistress said she was sorry to have worried me... today had been stressful about several students.

I told her everyone has those days and I hoped we hadn't bothered her too much.

"Your Ladyship, you were a ray of sunshine!"

I was thanked again. I said Happy Christmas to some staff who'd come into the office. Lots of `Happy Christmases' back.

We mounted and turned back into the village southward passing Brookhampton then going west. We more or less followed the route we used coming back from Chalgrove. Once on Harcourt House land I turned Rebel loose!

We took off flying along... I leaned down one hand on Rebel's neck. I asked for more... he had it!!! The last mile was as tour de force in running by this champion! I had to ease him... too much going on at the flats.

Freddie was out and Sunny was working. We walked about cooling down saying hello to everybody. Then up the lane. Pat took Rebel.

"My Lady, you don't need to say... I watched you two come down the slope. Thrilling!"

Fist bump.

I told Pat we'd stopped at the Three Ponies. "Seems like Diana has made a big impression on your family."

He smiled, "On me too!"

"Good! She's terrific."

Pat happily agreed.

Cho waved to me from the Office doorway.

"Our local MP has called... Boy this story is one for the books!

He has been asked to put forward a private bill' at Westminster to grant me UK citizenship so I would be a real' Sir not `Honourary.' And would I agree?

I thanked him and said it would be yet another honour for me. He said on the Q-T Prince Charles asked him to do it if I agreed.

It seems, according to the MP, to be a common enough path for citizenship through Parliament for well-known individuals.

So he's going to make a start tomorrow. Friday is one of the days in the year allotted for private bills. He doubted there would be any need for debate and expected no dissent... it could happen soon as an immediate second reading will likely take place resulting in a positive vote and the public bill committee will get it out rapidly. The third reading and the Lords support a given at that point.

The Queen's assent not an issue. Charles said the Palace would give it's backing... speeding the process. Of course the publicity helps... it would all be a fast tracked. Even the Lords will agree to that.

That could mean he could introduce it Friday. The members typically go home Friday. It would the first item up on Monday morning. With the fast track it could be voted in final form Monday afternoon or Tuesday morning!"

Wow! What a tangled thing.

I hugged Cho. "It would be nice for you to be a `Brit" don't you think?"

Smile, "I actually would have done the whole regular process already except for the residency portion. We've staked out our business position pretty clearly and property ownership the same... I don't think our intentions towards permanency can be in doubt."

I crossed my fingers! A kiss!

At drinks waiting for our new group to arrive. The Twins running about a bit with Jaidee but when a few things looked in danger Tha stopped them. Tha started a word game... that always got their attention.

Cho sipped his scotch and stared when I told him about the secretary at Marsh Baldon.

"Well... in that black outfit you might be one of Tolkien's Ringwraith's come to claim a soul."

Francis laughed, "Cho... Fay has too much substance."

We all laughed.

Gil came in, "They're on the ground."

I asked her to get Ronnie up here. She was primed to see her family.

Cho and I at the door. The first car had Monaco, the Glass' with Robbie and Sal. Hug and kisses. No Jack aka John Glass Jr. this trip. He was supervising the first breeding appointments for Alybesha! An important start!

They shed their outerwear then we did the reveal' with the whole door' thing. Carter's smile.

We got a loud chorus of `WOW's!

They loved the room... The Glass' had been here last year... as had Monaco.

I had Sal's hand... "Fay it's so beautiful!" She grinned. "It's just so Christmas!"

I laughed, "Righto! Just what we wanted... a bit over the top but tastefully done."

We laughed loudly... Robbie leaned over saying `nothing succeeds like excess!'

Too right!

Ronnie and the Twins clapping. The Glass' did a big group hug. Robbie and Sal were greeted with `Hi Happy Christmas' from Chani and Charlie. That did blow their doors off! They hadn't seen the babies since Kentucky Derby time.

Sal hugged Chani, "Hello young lady."

Chani giggled, "I am `Lady Chanthira' now!"

Sal suddenly got it... "Fay... Cho... your titles! That is so marvelous."

Cho said we give them the story when the others arrived.

Gil chimed in, "They are on the way now."

Monaco holding my hand with Charlie on my lap.

"So Charlie are you riding yet?"

"We..." his hand pointing towards Chani who was parked on Julianne's lap, "... are starting. Iris is so nice. We like to brush her."

Monaco nodding, "In the old west in America... cowboys always made sure their horse was taken care of before they ate or slept. Their whole life was linked to their horse."

Charlie smiled, "We have lots of horses but Iris is specially ours. We are responsible."

He and Monaco did fist bumps.

We had Tha make it part of their day to be with Iris. She even added a word game about the different parts of Iris' body... they knew a hoof from a fetlock! Tha needed some coaching herself for that game.

We left them all in the Great Room to go out to greet the newcomers.

Tom Pender and Elinor out of the first car.

"Damn... It's a big thing!"

Cho smiled at that, "It's bigger inside. You will see."

Laughs as I hugged Elinor. She was still a bit shy about being with us.

I told her after some Taittingers it would mellow. What a smile!

Sam! Beverly! Sydney and Sylvia! Huge hugs!!! Many kisses.

Valerie and Raymond, Todd and Jolene! A big pile of hugs!

No... John the doctor this year. He was somewhere in the Congo working.

Ellice and Jack Collingwood! She looked terrific, Jack had a thinner face? Janice was with her fiancée Wyatt and his family in Colorado skiing.

Thayer! Boy did he look like he'd never been sick! So handsome. Sondra and Kiet were staying home, she was pregnant! Kiet's restaurant booming.

We got everyone inside ready for the room `reveal!' It was fun to have the second group loudly cheered by the folks already in the room! Hugs and kisses all around

Carter had Kendall and Lucas going about with trays of Taittingers. Fin made Shirley Temples, he had a tray of those. The Twins, Todd and Jolene got theirs.

Cho got their attention... "To good friends... a Happy Christmas!!"

Hurray!!! We drank! Refills and I started to get them to hang their Christmas ornaments.

This was new for Sal and Robbie, Tom and Elinor. They were pleased to be included. Once all the glass balls were on we toasted the holiday again!

Mingling! I asked Jack about being thinner.

"It's deliberate. My doctor said I should loose fifteen pounds or so... blood pressure."

Ah! Ellice said she'd changed their diet and pushed him out the door to ride and walk about their place more.

He was good, "This is how I looked when `old whats-her-name' fell for me so..."

A sharp rap on the arm for him from Ellice.

I said he deserved that... laughs!

Thayer beside me, "We frequently walk back and forth to each other's houses now for the exercise. Ellice makes great coffee which is worth the trip."

Thayer and I sat to catch up on his news. Sondra's pregnancy was fairly stable now, she'd had a lot of morning sickness... past that it seemed! Hoping! Fingers crossed. They were being careful so no trip this year.

Kiet's Saratoga Thai restaurant was a big hit in town. The food was excellent... helped by our plane loads of authentic ingredients and Kiet's skills. The Saratoga area people had flocked to eat there... it would slow down eventually then the racing season would likely give it another boost.

"They are planning for the long term with quality food at reasonable prices and superb service being the attraction. Also Kiet is a very careful manager so his costs are watched... no skimping on the food though!"

I suggested maybe we should fly in Kiet's family from Bangkok so they could see... Thayer said that would thrill Kiet and Sondra. Okay we'd plan something!

My underhand side emerged... "Should we tell Kiet or make it a big surprise?"

Thayer shaking his head, "Tell him... he does need the shock to his system."

Fist bump!

I slipped my arm through Elinor's... a big smile. Taittinger's in... a bit mellow. I took her on a short tour.

"Fay, it's the most beautiful room I've ever been in."

"I'm glad you like it. We do go `whole hog' for Christmas. It's great you and Tom could come over."

Tom was talking with Cho and Robbie.

"So the romance is going strong?" A wink and nudge.

Elinor giggled, "Fay, we are amazingly comfortable together. His sons are terrific. Their families too. And we play basketball as a group... some really fun times. They like I can play as good or better than some of them. We challenge each other's games. It's awesome!"

A hug!

"And your work?"

"Donald is the best boss I've ever had. He demands quality work... gives great support... AND let's you know right away what he thinks... No silent brooding! He's the sort of leader everybody seeks for work! He jumps in to help and is willing to share his knowledge!"

A silent thought of respect for Bill... he made the choice of Donald immediately when we gave him the green light on the takeover. Every one of Bill's picks turned out to be real gems!

Elinor was looking at me... I'd gone silent... I smiled, "Just a few thoughts about Fox News and Sports."

"So you are happy with us?"

"Cho and I are very happy. Not only have you all done what we wanted which was to change the course of news coverage but more!"

I laughed, "You are also making us a lot of money!!!"

We laughed together! In my mind the accountants preliminary 2017 numbers... our personal wealth had reached nearly ninety billion £'s. No matter how much we spent it keeps rising at fast rate. As the lady in Orlando said when introducing me... everything we `touched turned to gold.'

Chani's smile as she climbed into my lap, "Mama, I'm hungry."

A kiss, "It won't be long now. Okay?"

Smile! She stuck out her fist... BUMP!

Several people asked about our `Honours' so Carter had Conrad and Stanton bring in the bits. They got to look and we gathered them around the fire.

I stood beside the Knight' to give them the story. How Prince Charles led the Queen's ambush' of us. I did the story in a light-hearted way... Cho squeezing my hand throughout.

"Then we sat to chat..." I pointed to Sal, "... the Queen sat right there..."

Sal jumped a bit and laughed, "Does it rub off on me?"

I said maybe if you had been around about a thousand years ago... Everybody laughed.

"Cho and I were surprised not only by the Queen doing it but at the level she did. Her Majesty made it very clear it was her idea not the government's. So did Prince Charles by saying they `were braking some ground' by going outside the politicians."

I looked at Cho... "I think she had a bit of thrill doing something was out of the ordinary."

Cho nodding, "We had a cocktail party at the London house where you all will go in a few days... Prince Harry came. He and I had a good chat. He knew his grandmother was planning to do the honours. Thinking back he was trying to let me know in a backhanded way..."

A kiss from me, "We had some hints but to go the extent the Queen went was never contemplated."

I took over... "The last time someone was given the rank I have was 1984. The fellow was an old line conservative and former Prime Minister, elderly and not well... like a final reward. Cho and I are very different, business people and doing many things outside of that plus we're young.

The fact that I'm only thirty has really not gotten the attention it should. The monarchy is making a statement... driven by the younger royals... a few things are changing. So we..." another kiss, "... on the `bleeding edge of change' are sort of poster children. It's okay too!"

A big hug for Cho!

Cheers from our friends.

While we had them together I told them that Taj was coming for an overnight and a meeting.

"The meeting... I can't say what it is about... but it is important... They'll all be in the Library... a bit walled off. We will go about our day.

You may know Hillary's government has followed a rational Iranian policy of engaging them, talking and no escalation of tension so productive agreements can be done. This is a by-product of that policy."

I waved my hand, "Taj is a nice fellow. He will be spending some time in the Stables to be with our horses. So that is one part of his visit.

One of our companies is doing business with Iran to help them secure enough water for the people of Tehran. The meeting is on a completely different subject. More of a world-wide scope thing."

Carter at the door... Chani would be fed!

Tonight was a buffet to make it easy on our guests. Marandi at my request had been the lead on one of the delicious Indian Pakistani spreads! The aromas!! Ellie's cards in place so no introductions to the food need be done.

We collected the food delights and sat around the table. I got the news that Raymond and Valerie were moving to Pleasant Valley this summer. Todd and Jolene were `on board' for a new adventure.

They would be in the main house with Sam and Beverly. Everyone was excited. Both kids would learn how to ride `properly' and help around the farm. I watched Todd's face... he was into it!

Raymond and Valerie would start working into the management of the farm. Raymond doing remote work for his law firm.

Ronnie telling her family about the Queen's visit and being introduced to her!!! Secret Sea was doing very well and the Queen admired her.

After my `third' trip to the food I parked beside Sylvia. I was thanked again for the honeymoon trip to New York.

"The city was wonderful. Your people treated us so well. It great to see Sam and Beverly in their `native' habitat."

Laughing, I asked, `did it change your view of them?'

"No, they naturally fit in. The houses you had built were well along then... that is such a terrific thing for the farm. Nobody has to travel far to work and they are together. Beverly and Sam are so over the moon about it."

"Good then it's doing what we wanted."

Sylvia looked at me, "You two do think ahead don't you. No wonder the Queen gave you a `promotion!'

I laughed out loud at that. It was true... we were `promoted' because of who we are. A kiss for Sylvia!

Cho got a huge laugh later in bed when I told him.

"Indeed! Sylvia is exactly right."

Sylvia with a grin to my question about how the newlyweds were doing, "Yes... We are a lovey couple acting like teenagers sometimes. The kids and grandkids are coming around a lot which is just fabulous. It's so good for Sydney... he loves his sons! Their mother's early death was painful, they closed in on their own families... that is past. We do things together all the time. Trips, meals... plenty of fun!"

Terrific news!

Sydney came back from the buffet... I told them the Queen's comments about Asda being just like Sam's thoughts last year. At the mention of his name Sam's head came around... I repeated myself.

"See that whole `greats minds' thing working!"

Laughter which didn't die off when Raymond said not to place much credence in that old saying. Sam waving at his son... pooh-hooing his advice.

Afters in the Great Room. I corralled Robbie to tell him that IrishRainbow was known to Her Majesty in the most positive terms. I gave him the quote... `IrishRainbow's thrilling race victory caused a sensation.'

Robbie was visibly moved, "Fay, I have looked at that handshake deal with you as one of my very best pieces of work in my career. You released the true champion in him I hadn't been able to find. It was an exquisite pleasure to watch him in the Breeder's Cup. Challenging a Triple Crown winner for the `place!' Thrilling!"

A hug. A real sportsman!

I got that he and Sal were tremendous. His stable had a great year with excellent prospects for the new year.

They bought a nifty cottage on Florida's southwest coast near Naples.

"It isn't huge, quite comfortable. A little dock out back and a runabout boat. Room enough for friends to come down. We'll go there after this trip."

I congratulated them on the house, "Maybe you two will come to see us on race days in the winter in Miami?"

I told him SakChai or Rando would run in the Pegasus World Cup and we'd have at least one horse in the Florida Derby.

"We would if we are still there. We'll have to be back in Kentucky for training..."

Fist bump!

We took the Twins up after lots of `goodnights.'

Chani giggling in a sleepy way, "Mama, we had fun."

"Good. We have many fun days to come."

A big kiss. I switched with Cho. My little man gave me a hug and kiss.

"Good sleep."

A sleepy smile! Such a sweet pair of babies.

We held hands going down, a look... we stopped on the landing for a kiss, tender.

"The Twins were great! They are having real conversations and it surprises each person. Funny to see the reactions."

I squeezed him, "Some just dive in talking which is so terrific."

I sat with John and Julianne. They'd had a wonderful year. Many wins and they were `in the money' more times than ever before. Alybesha success at the Breeder's Cup was a big boost for them. Alyandar, a full brother to Alybesha, would race this coming year. He's two.

"We have forty five stud bookings for Alybesha! Also an offer to buy that we decided not to accept. We gave it a lot of thought to be sure it wasn't just an emotional decision. We think he'll do well right at home with us."

Fist bump!

"Saying a goodbye to Glaa was hard... I cried... he's in a great place! I don't know his bookings that's a Cho thing but I'm told there's a lot."

Kendall brought new drinks. Just espresso this time for me.

"Our other horses who will be four or five will continue to race. The Queen suggested we bring Rando back, she was very impressed with his Qipco Champions romp!"

John smiled, "I guess you now have a Royal Command!"

I laughed, "You're right. She also said she'd not run one of hers against him!"

Tom Pender had joined us to hear the last bit.

"You got her scared of Rando? If I were an English owner I would be too!"

The Glass' agreed. "We watched the Breeder's Cup race at Del Mar... He's like Glaa... what acceleration and stamina."

I sipped espresso, "At Ascot he showed how smart and trainable he is. Going up the back straight he was on the lead as the turn came... I was watching in my glasses... he changed leads from left to right and back like he'd been racing his whole life clockwise!"

Fist bump with Tom.

"Damn... did it surprise you?"

"Actually, given Monaco's training, no. It seemed quite ordinary."

Another espresso sip, "We have some English folks coming for drinks and dinner tomorrow. They've seen all our races over here. They're active owners with very good stables.

They have raced against our colts. Seeing the power running, each time the men have asked if our horses ever let up... Cho grins and says no! Monaco's training regime is too good."

Tom leaned back to say a bit louder than necessary so it would carry, "We all suffer from Monaco's training!"

Monaco did hear... he sat beside me and I told him what the Queen had said about Glaa finishing `like no other' and Rando.

He looked at my companions, "Sir Cho wouldn't ever give me anything less than the best talent to work with so my `training' is easy. I tell each horse to go out and run away from everybody!"

We all laughed.

Tom still laughing, "A sound strategy given the talent!"

We walked our guests to their rooms, hugs applied.

My day had a great start! Tessa and Gaby were ahead of me in the lane. I had just gotten Roland from Pat... he was going to give me a knee up...

"Your ladyship... I... I ... We wanted you to be the first to know... I asked Diana to marry me and she said Yes!"

I hugged this nice fellow.

"I'm pleased for you both! What a happy thing! Have you told anyone?"

"No. We're going over to Fidel and Fran's for dinner tonight to tell them."

"No one here?"

"Just you."

"I'll keep it secret until you say otherwise. I will tell Cho because he'll very happy for you."

"Oh Yes, Mr. Cho is fine."

Fist bump! And a knee up. I waved.

Roland was bouncy, happy just like me! It was an astonishing Christmas so far!

A fast trip to the lock, our friends in place and smiling. The grandnephews visit was over.

"Thank you again for all the sweet goodies you brought over."

"You're welcome! Of course if you'd rather I brought some stinky fish just tell me."

"No... no... your gifts are perfect!"

We all laughed.

Across the river and going along the Thames Path... going past the Carmichael's a yell...

Mr. Carmichael came out running... "Your Ladyship..." Slightly out of breath... "We wanted to say it is marvelous of the Queen to have honoured you both."

I thanked him, "Please say hello to your wife and children."

He said he would. A wave. We pushed on.

Tessa gave me a side-ways glance which got her a view of my tongue stuck out towards her. A burst of laughter.

"You're so smart! You knew I'd look. Damn Fay sometimes you are dangerously smart."

Gaby wasn't sure what was going on. I said I would explain later... "Now for speed!"

I urged Roland who was more than ready. We galloped up the path until the Boatyard then a walk around it. It was silent.

Back to the Path then more galloping. I leaned down to rub Roland's neck... he knew I loved him for this. We stayed on the Path to the western Thames channel bridge. We dismounted to walk to the lock.

The lock fellow waved with a big smile. We three returned the wave, I called out a `good morning.' A bigger smile.

Mr. Hardy was out already we turned south... on the grass Roland needed little urging to run! I moved us toward the riverside. SPPEEEED!!!

A "GO!" call from Mr. Radley, I waved. Roland rocked it to the Flat since the tracks were empty. We gathered walking our horses.

I gave Gaby the Wilcox burglary story and Tessa's comment to me and my talk with Cho.

"Oh... I can see how you might feel. From what I've seen you have been very gracious to those congratulating you."

Tessa said Cho was right, it was just taking a different approach. Fist bump.

I saw Diana... she grinned and came close, "He's told you?"

I said `Yes', "So how long..."

A big smile, "For several months but very low key. Some folks know we prefer each other's company... I haven't let on how much. A week ago we both had the day off... I brought him to my room... we lay there on my bed talking... Pat knows about my father, all of it... He's told me what his demons used to be... We haven't made love... It's like we blend together so well that isn't necessary... We `know' it will be good for us."

I squeezed her hand, "Let us know if there is anything we can do to help the wedding..."

I remembered!! I smiled, "We have a house for you... on Harcourt Close."

Diana jumped smiling, "Your Ladyship, that is so wonderful! Pat will be thrilled!"

A hug, "Tell him!"

The Breakfast Room was crowded. I had someone save me a seat... Cho. Chani and Charlie were done and eager to get down. Cho and I did that... as Tha came back in... they mobbed her at the door.

"Tha, Bfast is over we are ready!"

"Okay, let us go up."

Cho smiling but looking at me, "What is going on?"

I leaned CLOSE, "Today is another alphabet day, they are building words. Lots of words."

Cho kissed me, "Was this to be a secret?"

"They want to read something to you... Popa. I walked in on them so I am to keep the secret. You know I'm terrible at secrets."

Rolled eyes!

"I have another secret for you..." right in his ear, "Pat asked Diana to marry him and she said yes!"

He lit up! "That's great!"

I said they haven't told anyone here except me. "They plan to tell Fidel and Fran tonight. After that who knows."

"Did you..." My finger on his lips... I nodded.

"To Diana... Yes. I also said we had a house on the Close for them!"

Another kiss.

Golf for Cho. Robbie, Elinor and Tom going. I waved them away with my parting words... `NO wagers!'

Our resident tour guide, Gil, had new group to go into Oxford. Thayer, Sidney, Sylvia, Sal, Valerie and the kids. Sam and Raymond going to spend time with Monaco, Gregory and Freddie. Horse talk.

Francis with Ali in the Office working on things.

Me in cellar with Mr. Hardy. We sipped coffee and talked the `game' and other things.

We talked about how he would block the northern German thrust then attack into its left flank in the Orel salient on a broad front! He'd gobble up German reserves to stop his several armoured attacks.

He asked how much I needed to make the attacked I had planned.

"I need the Fifth Guards Tank Army! I'm not trying to overrun them but their flank is going to be weak to be able to put the most force at the spearhead. I want to aim at the junction of the advancing Third Panzer Corps and what was called the `Raus' Corps which was later Eleventh Corps.

Raus' force is three weakened infantry divisions on a wide front which will get wider as the Third Corps moves away to the northeast. There will likely be only one infantry division in the Panzer Corps to cover their flank. They may try to attack my front line... south of the main thrust to tie up our forces, it will go nowhere without armour.

To slow the German armoured thrust I'll load up on anti-tank units mixed with armour in front of them. As the Germans slowly gain ground they'll stretch the link with Raus' left flank infantry division.

Boom! Right there the Fifth Guards Tank Army attacks."

Mr. Hardy laughed at my `Boom.'

Smiling in my wickedest way, "Given the Germans overall weakness there'll be no depth so once we're past the infantry we turn in behind the German armour aiming our thrust towards Belgorod. Our infantry will be enough to cover our left flank. They'll have no armour to spare."

I motioned over the map...

"I'll use the Seventh Guards Army to hold firm on the east flank of the German thrust and the Fifty Seventh Army to the south can handle the rest of Raus' Corps.

Actually I'm proposing to do the opposite of what the Fifth Guards Tank Army did in reality, instead of an attack at the point of the German force as they did I'll advance into its armpit."

Mr. Hardy's facial expression was rapt.

"It's... it's delicious! It's dangerous..."

"I think of it as a well calculated risk. Given the game mechanics it's very doubtful they could create a serious breach in my defense before having to turn back to escape encirclement. When they turn back the game is over, the victory conditions are such there is no time to recoup any lost ground."

We shook hands.

"Now all I have to do is make it work." We laughed.

He was going to come up over the next few days to set up his forces which stretched all the way to Leningrad. Mine extended to the Sea of Azov.

I added that I would attack in the south along the River Mius towards Stalino which might not go anywhere but it would tie up the Germans reserves and make them worry.

"Was it really fifteen years ago you played with this game?"

"Yes, I was still in school living in Froyle. I ate all my meals in the kitchen for many weeks because the dining room table was covered. The housekeeper knew to only clean things against the walls!"

He laughed. "I can imagine it. I'll be in and out setting up if it's no problem."

"Not at all. Everybody here knows you."

The Twins and I went swimming! Such fun to splash around them. They loved it! Tha and I had a good time too! They sat on lounges while I did some lap time in the endless wave maker.

When I got out they asked about it.

"It is too strong for you now but as you grow up you could use it. Not soon though."

I got Okay's. Cute. We took turns rinsing off and back into big fluffy robes.

Upstairs I did Chani's hair. Page boy! She would dress for our guests later.

I did email and read some reports.

Folks started to dribble in from their various activities. I reminded them of the guests for drinks and dinner.

Tonight a Mirabelle creation, sleeveless gold silk dress to mid-calf, a shirt collar and buttons to the waist with a wide gold belt. My accessories were black stockings and heels. Cho's black onyx set and red nails and lips, very red! My man did the Baccarat Les Larmes Sacrees de Thebes.

A cute black satin bolero jacket, three quarter length sleeves finished off my outfit. It was Cho approved.

His was in a black suit... so nice and close to his body, a pale gray shirt and a shimmering silver tie.

Charlie in a black suit too! Very cute with a silver tie. Chani in a deep burgundy velvet long sleeved frock, white socks with lace tops and her Mary Janes.

All our American friends in the Great Room with the Twins waiting for our guests.

Cecil and Gee were helped from their car by Conrad. Behind them Shawn and Alexander had their door opened by Lucas.

We were at the door to welcome them. The men in nice suits but the ladies shed their coats... Gee in a nice black frock slender cut to her knee top. Shawn in midnight blue dress with a full skirt and closing fitting bodice. Snappy!

Hugs and kisses.

We escorted them to the closed doors... Kendal and Stanton opened the room to them. Big eyes and Oooohhhh's and Aaaahhhh's. They all said it was wonderful.

Inside Cho had Monaco up front, they'd all met him. Then we did introductions for everybody. We were all horse people... a common link.

Shawn loved how the Twins were bigger and talked more. Todd and Jolene weren't shy which was terrific, they joined right in with the grown-ups.

Toasts to our guests and the holiday. We had glass Christmas balls for them both. A surprise which they liked.

Cecil and Alexander said we should talk for a few minutes. Okay! We went into the office.

They looked at each other, Cecil waved his hand, "I'll do it. Fay, I know Gee called to say how wonderful we thought it was that you were given such an honour by Her Majesty... I... We... " another hand motion between them, "... just want to add it is terrific!"

We shook hands!

"We also want you to run in the by-election for the Lords next month. A crossbench retirement is creating an opening. The crossbenchers don't follow any party but feel free to support what they consider is good.

We two talked and would sponsor you no matter that we both sit with tories although we have not always followed their programme. If you succeed we would be part of your `introduction' to the House which is a formal ceremony, coronation robes and all."

I was again surprised. "What would I have to do to enter and what about being absent from England so often?"

"To enter you put your name up along with however many others... then the current crossbench peers vote. It's an Alternative Vote system so votes are ranked and the total number members voting will determine the level of votes needed to find a winner."

Alexander said there could be fifteen to eighteen peers seeking the seat. There were some who repeatedly put their names up despite getting just one or two votes each time. Some others who may be worthy, the field will be varied.

"You would have the name factor on your side. You are also known to have strong opinions about social issues which would work both ways for you but mostly positive.

If you don't win... you can try again or not.

We think the Lords needs new faces that are younger. The Earl of Devon tried earlier this year as a crossbencher... he's forty three?"

Alexander looked at Cecil who shrugged.

"No matter... he's relatively young. Although he didn't get in he says he wants to run again. We think a young woman like yourself is what the Lords should be seating."

"I won't say now what I might do... I would have to talk with Cho. Our lives are already quite full."

Cecil smiling, "We know you two don't live in the UK year round... the lords aren't in session as much as the Commons. Missing some won't be a problem. There will times when crucial votes come up then you would have to attend."

"I get the idea. Cho and I will talk."

We went back to the Great Room. Cho gave me a look... I whispered... "House of Lords" which raised his eyebrows.

I could see Charlie and Shawn talking... what a cute scene that was. Chani was with Julianne and Ronnie chatting away.

I asked Tom about the golfing.

"Fay, it is humbling to play with Cho. He makes what he does look easy... I know it isn't but he seems so calm making the finest shots.

Elinor loves the game second only to basketball... she's a very good player. I could see her watching Cho shaking her head."

"So how did you play?"

"I shot an eighty five which is pretty good for a new course. I had a good caddie and Cho's advice to help me along. Robbie was at eighty nine. Elinor had a good game at seventy five. She is such a good putter. Once on the green she wastes no shots... bang in the hole!"

"And Cho?"

"He didn't tell you? Wow! He had a sixty. I could not believe how he nails shots close to the pin hole after hole. Almost a hole-in-one... missing by inches. Afterwards I found out it wasn't the course record, Cho already held that."

"He's a modest fellow. Sometimes I have to drag it out of him. Friends kid him about it."

Elinor joined us. "Fay, Cho's PGA record score for a seventy two hole tournament... there's no doubt he could do that whenever he wanted. I played very well today... I whupped this guy's butt..." She poked Tom's arm, laughter, "... Cho looks at his shot... then steps up and hits it perfectly."

"You two should come over and go with him to Fortrose in Scotland. We bought a house near the golf club so Cho could to do golf holidays... it's also just blocks away from my aunt and uncle.

The course is on a peninsula sticking out into the Moray Firth.

It's famous for its capricious winds. It is not a big course... Cho shot a sixty there the first time he played bringing tears to some locals eyes."

Their eyes... HUGE!

Cecil joined us. He was a golfer too. Same for Gee.

I went on, "Also we have another house that is now linked to my subsidiary title in Aleness further north where there's another really fine course. Lots of golf in the neighboring areas up there."

Sipping espresso, "We were in Charlotte in August to see Tom Angleten play in the PGA Championship. The club people were so impressed with Cho's game they said he was welcome to come play any time he was nearby."

I turned to Gil, "Tom and Roxanne are coming over in a week?" Six days from Gil.

Cecil said he'd like to meet Tom if it was possible. I put Gil on it. A grin on Cecil's face.

Elinor smiling, "Some of the folks at Fox Sports were betting on Angleten's making it through all the pressures before the PGA Championship. I took some bets... with very good odds... he would. So many thought it just wasn't possible. I had the advantage knowing Tom and Cho were good friends since the Pro-Am at Winged Foot the previous year.

A couple of my buddies bet on my side, they'd covered the Concord Classic watching Tom and Cho play the last round together. They'd seen them interact. Angleten's play after that tournament was on a rising trajectory."

I told them my Concord Classic story of watching Cho `live' for the first time. I mentioned Tom Angleten's swapping clubs after Cho said a something...

Elinor jumped in, "Fay, I saw that... it made a big impression on me. Not just because of Cho's gesture but Angleten's skills on display."

Fist bump.

Carter at the door.

Dinner was another Carla triumph. The first part of afters in the Great Room was praise for her and our kitchen staff.

Lots more horse talk. Tom Pender's EveryoneAndOne was going to race another year like SakChai. They might come over for some races here. Tom knew we'd carry his fellow on Cho-Fay Air no charge. Cecil and Alexander, Cho and Tom grouped up with John Glass.

I was with Sal and Elinor, Shawn and Gee. They all learned some about Elinor's golf day.

"So you beat Tom often?"

"Actually all the time..." A grin, "... we love playing together. On the basketball court too. He has a terrific jump shot but I'm faster so it's always a struggle. He has the height but I have the leap."

I said it was great they shared like that. "Cho and I ride... not often enough together but horses are where we connect... sportswise."

Sal said it was the same for her and Robbie. "I don't play golf. I love to swim. And ride."

Shawn and Gee loved to ride, Gee played golf.

"I enjoy the game and being outdoors, Cecil's game isn't great but he doesn't get upset with a bad shot. He just gets on. It makes for pleasant play time." A big smile.

Time for the Twins to go up... They got a chorus of `good nights' from everybody.

Chani holding Raggedy by her arm, I kissed her cheek. Cho hugging his son. "Nite's' all around.

"Ronnie's mom is nice," Chani hugging me. I said I thought so too.

In the Entryway I told Cecil and Alexander I'd talk with Cho and I'd be on to them.

A warm Cho wrapped around me. He got the `Lords' thing.

"I am not sure they understand you have limited time for sitting around BS'ing... I don't believe it's your `thing' at all."

I smiled, "I don't think it is. I'd rather influence policy than sit and vote on someone else's ideas. Ego I guess..."

Cho was nice enough to say maybe I was a bit smarter or too active for all that `jawing.' That didn't hurt my ego.


Tara and Penny with me as we walked up the grassy lane to the Stables after a terrific morning ride. Roland had run like a champ! We had both enjoyed ourselves. He was stepping so proudly!

Anthony was there with Pat. He looked like he wanted to speak to me...

I slid down to see an auburn haired young woman at the Stables office door. She had Tess in her arms.

I was introduced to Teddie. Cute with green eyes and freckles! Anthony put Tess down and took Teddie's hand, "Your Ladyship..." I gave him a look, "...Fay... I have asked Teddie to marry me... Happily she said yes! And her parents are Okay with it."

Teddie laughed, "They are more than Okay... Anthony is an `approved' son-in-law."

I congratulated them, hugs. Teddie said in the spring... no date.

I said let us know if we can help. Teddie thanked me, she'd talk with her parents. Okay!

I went to Roland's stall, Pat smiling. "Lots of weddings. Fran and Fidel were very pleased to hear our news last night. Your offer of the house is so wonderful, it really took them by surprise. Diana is going to talk to you about the whole thing. So I won't bother you now..."

"I'll see her. Both of you keep me up to date about your plans and how Cho and I can assist."

Pat's face... happy written all over it.

I waved Anthony over before going up... "We have a house on the Close for you."

Huge eyes, "Fay, that's awesome! Teddie... she'll be happy to have a place of our own. We sort of decided we'd have to live at hers for a while with her parents."

"Ah... then I've saved you both?" A smile.

He grinned, "At least me... anyway."


Sky UK's team rolled onto the forecourt. They would be a background participant for the Fox News interview.

I gave Cho my new news about weddings. He fanned his face, "Well is it something in our water or what?"

We laughed.

Gil leaned into the Breakfast Room, "Dot's flight is on the ground." Okay.

We met her out front. She was awed by the house.

"Fay, Cho, it's amazing!"

We gave her the Great Room `reveal.'

Dot met the Sky UK folks. They'd take the Fox News edit of the interview to air here.

My `So is this room Okay or something more intimate' got a discussion going.

She looked at the Sky UK pair,.. the woman who was the producer said for Dot to make the choices.

"This is a great setting... maybe around the fireplace... but it's pretty busy. We'd want video of this room for establishing shots."

We showed them all the Library.

"This would be excellent. You two on a couch... We'd need to raise the light with our equipment... is that alright?"

I said sure, "We can have the furniture rearranged to accommodate you."

She had her camera and lighting folks in. They asked for some space to be made. They said they'd do two cameras, one on us and one for Dot. They'd run simultaneously.

Carter2 got some chairs and tables moved to the edges of the room. The Fox News people said it should work.

We left them to it.

At the Great Room fireplace I rubbed Jaidee while we spoke about the interview. Dot would ask about the `Honours' and what they mean to our family. She'd cover our world-wide businesses and how we lead them. Our various education initiatives... Onto to horse racing around the world. All about the Chanthira Foundation and its work

We'd allow the Twins to come in after we'd pretty much finished.

Dot did ask if I wanted to change... I laughed, "Yes although this was pretty normal dress for me here."

I did ask the Fox News crew about colour choices for clothes... When I said black, they were Okay. I went up... Tha had Charlie and Chani playing a word game. She got that they were included in the interview near the end.

"Fay, I will have them dressed." Fist bump. The Twins wanted in on that... bumps!

I decided on the same frock as I wore for the Queen. Black wool turtleneck dress. Light red lips and nails. `Joy' and silver jewellery. The silver Uffington Horse pin.

Cho in a navy suit, blindingly white shirt, a Harcourt Racing tie.

We sat close, holding hands. Dot smiling, "You two look perfect together!"

My "we are' brought laughs from Dot, the Sky UK folks and Dot's crew.

Off we went. Our impressions of the Queen's gifts was the start. How surprised we were at her generosity. I tried to give an American audience some sense of the United Kingdom peerage system and how we fit in. How that Charlie had a title now as Viscount Munro. Chani was `Lady Chanthira' and would be her whole life.

How our heirs would be part of peerage' as long as our family line lasted. And no I wasn't in the House of Lords because only a certain number of hereditary peers sat there now. The "Lords' were mostly life peers' whose title ended at their death. They were mostly `political' appointees.

"As a hereditary peer, one has to run in an election to gain a seat. To do the position justice a Lord' needed to be available to hear the debate and vote on bills."

I said our schedules didn't allow for my being in England year `round.

"Cho, Fay, your business interests very diverse but they all have a few things in common. Your commitment to ethical conduct in every aspect of their activity, excellent leadership and a drive for quality which brings success. How does this all play out for you?"

I nudged Cho, a grin... "Dorothy, we both believe that you can have the level of success we have had without ever lowering your standards. To make a few extra dollars in an unethical manner opens you up a reduction of honour... you have `sold' yourself for a short term gain of money to a long term diminution of quality and trust.

We hold all our employees up to the highest values... they excel at their work because we give them the tools and each one knows we stand behind them."

I took up the cudgel... "We hire people to lead at each business because they have shown their quality, high ethical principles and a drive to succeed.

Once they have the position we do NOT micro-manage! What's the point of going through the hiring process searching for the best then lean over their shoulder... If they weren't the best you should not have given them the job.

Many of our leaders are in fields we do not know much about... they do. We give them the tools and off they go!"

Dot asked how it was to have so many employees.

Cho made the point that we have to take extra care making decisions to take in many more variables. What works in America doesn't necessarily work here or in France or Thailand.

"We do try to give our folks the opportunity to move around to different places if they have the skills and there are openings. A turbine engine mechanic in Seattle has the same knowledge as one here or New York.

It is very true for our Security Service except everyone there goes to Thailand for training at the beginning of their employment. That will change as we open a training centre in America this coming year."

I pointed out we are involved in our workers lives... we provide housing at steeply reduced prices or for free depending on the location. There are canteens at our workplaces to provide hot meals and snacks throughout the day. We have health clinics in many places for workers and their families.

"In some sense we are paternalistic but we place no restrictions on our employees. If they choose to go to another job that is fine with us. Everyone needs choices in life... we try to expand their choices. I might point out we have a very low rate of employee turnover."

A smile!

I stayed with it, "In paying all our employees education debt we free them of a drag on their lives... they focus on the work we want them to do. We also offer to pay for advanced degrees especially if it relates to their work but we make exceptions for other disciplines that have no relation to work.

Education is the gateway to everyone's future. Not just something specialized but `learning' is so vital to the human spirit. Stop learning you shrivel and die."

I squeezed Cho's hand, "We know our education initiatives cost a good deal, we are making our employees more valuable to us and to themselves."

Our local education `doings' weren't really for this sort of interview so we didn't go there.

We moved to Harcourt Racing. I let Cho handle that. He was voluble, clear and passionate in his description of our commitment to racing. All our horses were part of the extended family with the staff around the world.

We had few sponsors with limited participation that worked for both sides. They were powerhouse names with the same pledge of quality as ourselves.

All our winning came from the commitment of resources, hiring the best people available and giving all the support we can. Cho talked breeding champions, training and race preparation along with the sheer pleasure of seeing the handsome horses run.

Then I was out front again discussing the Chanthira Foundation. Its goals, plans and activities across the globe. The clinics in Thailand serving areas of limited medical care within the 30bhat medical insurance scheme. Offering pre and post-natal care close to home, gender questioning people were welcome and family planning advice and supplies.

The shelters and clinics aimed at LBBTQ youth which is such an under-served population who often are fearful of medical people, other authority figures and frequently have issues dealing with the legal system.

How we were opening many more in the next year because the need was not diminishing which is a tale of how pathetically little we as humans had progressed towards equity for all people.

Lots more... they'd have fun editing it all.

The Twins came in. Chani waving to the camera. Up into our laps. Little camera hogs! They were introduced as the Viscount Munro and Lady Chanthira. Their titles explained and that Chani was named for her Grandmother.

Jaidee came in to a big welcome from the Twins. He did a woof for the cameras.

Dorothy did a good job. She keep us going, asking good follow on questions and let us talk when we had the `bit between our teeth.'

Lights out. The crew would spend time in the Great Room without us then do more establishing video of the house. Carter2 would be with them for anything they might need.

Dot and her crew plus the Sky UK producer and reporter joined us for lunch. They obviously enjoyed the food and wine. Sipping espresso by the Great Room fire Dot was mellow.

"Thank you all for your time. It is terrific stuff. The plan is to run it in a two days as an hour special. My camera gal and I will work on it during the flight home to get a head start."

She and Cho kept talking. I went up change. My khaki outfit was praised by Dot.

"My grandfather had a colour picture taken of himself in his Army uniform with the same colours. It was quite striking. Yours is very good-looking!!"

I got her and the Sky UK pair in some wellies to come down with me. They got to see Asda and all the others. Dot's camera lady got video of several horses and the Stables.

We waved them down the drive, some to London, some to Chalgrove. I said to get some sleep to Dot! A smile.

My ride was wonderful in the cold air. Angie and Gaby enjoyed themselves! Their help in doling out treats was gratefully accepted. They grinned saying the horses so loved the treats it as a pleasant task.

I got to talk with Diana briefly. She was thrilled they'd have a house!

"Fay, it will mean a lot to us. We will have a home of our own."

"Indeed. We will provide some money for furnishing it."

I got a big hug. She said the only family they had were Fran and Fidel and their friends here.

"Would you ask Mr. Cho to do me a big favour... Give me away?"

I smiled, "He's getting practise doing that so I'm sure he would... I will ask him shortly."

Diana was bouncing on her toes... hands clapping! One happy young woman.

Inside Cho had one of those cute smiles, "By the time Chani goes to the altar I will have had a lot of practise!" A kiss for his `Yes!'

Cho had an email from our local MP.

The private bill on his citizenship was in process and it had had some interesting developments. There was a comment on the floor of the Commons by a tory backbencher. He said something about the Commons should have been consulted about Queen's doing the honours for us.

The fellow was described as far right-leaning brexiter of... as our local MP said of his tory colleague... `low intelligence and lazy demeanor.'

The Foreign Minister stood up from the front bench and turned to look at the backbencher. He said to the naysayer `Do you doubt the Queen's prerogative?'

The `cowardly little man' to quote our MP again... wouldn't stand or reply.

The Foreign Minister said to the House, `Let us move forward on this.'

There was acclamation from the House when a Labour member across the aisle stood to say Countess Harcourt, whose family is an ancient one here in these Isles, and Sir' Cho have already done more for the nation than the honourable member opposite ever has or likely ever will.'

It brought the House down! Stunning applause! More than a few Hear... Hear's' and Too Right's' called out!

"The bill is now in the Bill Committee' which will likely report it out shortly. The Lords' have placed it on fast track for approval by the end of the day it will be back at the Commons for a vote in the morning."


"Getting to be a `Brit' is interesting stuff!"

I laughed and kissed my nascent Englishman.

Our guests had agreed to go up to London a day early. It made it much easier to deal with the crowd coming in the morning. Taj had emailed the American and French ambassadors had agreed to be here which prompted asking our guests to change plans. So more important people and their staff folks.

Taj and his two companions arrived in the late afternoon. We welcomed them at the door.

Taj smiling as I introduced Cho. Maisil and I shook hands. The bodyguard bowed.

Inside Yone was introduced. A good thing... the bodyguard had some English and was fluent in French. He said he understood we employed extensive security, a smile, "I am told I can relax here. Thank you."

Yone asked him to come downstairs for a tour. Yes!

Taj and Maisil sat with us in the glories of the Great Room. They'd had their `reveal' to big eyes.

Suddenly Taj stood up... he bowed to me, "Your Ladyship... I should have done this earlier. You have both been given high honours by your Queen, richly deserved."

I stood to take his hand to thank him. Maisil had stood up. I shook his hand again with a smile.

"We were surprised by Her Majesty right here. A bit of an `ambush' if you will."

We discussed tomorrow. They got to see the Library. Carter2 got help to slightly rearranged the room once again.

"It is a fine-looking room well suited. We do thank you for making this possible."

The Twins made their entrance with Tha. They came running in to stop by us... they stuck out their hands... in French... `Bonjour Monsieur Taj."

A hand in each of his... a beatific smile.

"Hello little ones. You are so nice to meet."

They turned to Maisil and greeted him. His face showed his pleasure.

They sat with us.. Taj looking at me, "Miss Martin, Mr. Cho you are blessed with such wonderful babies."

Cho smiling, "We are and we are grateful for it. They are growing up very fast."

Jaidee was away for two days doing his becoming a father thing. He was missed but the Twins got that he was doing something special so we might have another dog like him to share with friends.

We had drinks before dinner. Taj and Maisil were offered several fruit drinks and water choices. Orange juice was their decision. We sipped on our alcoholic ones.

Dinner was similar to the Queen's lunch... English and very delicious. Our guests clearly enjoyed themselves. Dessert was a Manchester tart with vanilla ice cream.

Taj had watched the Twins eat. He could see they were dexterous utensil users and ate with gusto.

"Such fine appetites. They will grow up strong."

Afters in the Great Room, both men accepted espresso. We talked about horses and the Stables tour for tomorrow afternoon.

We walked them to their doors and wished them a good sleep. They had been told of our House's breakfast ways.

I slid down from Roland. It was cold but after the ride my handsome fellow gave me I was HOT! Gregory motioned to me... we walked down a stall row... in one at the rear Diana was teaching Montgomery how to clean a stall and put in fresh hay the way the horse whose stall it was liked it.

Her, `Every horse, like humans, has their individual likes and dislikes.'

Gregory's grin when we were out of earshot, "He was well behaved the other day, really enjoying his `ride' so I asked him if he wanted to come back... he jumped at it. I said he would have to pay which got me a crestfallen look... then I told him the price was some chores around the Stables. You should have seen his face... Wow! He was so happy.

So his mum has dropped him here every morning, he cleans stalls, moves manure, refills water buckets, helps to wash the horses and gets riding lessons from us."

I shook Gregory's hand for an inspired way to help the boy.

A smile from Gregory, "Diana told me after his first day he was eager but listened carefully and did what he was told."

I was nodding, "Diana said he thought he'd been sad for some time after his father's death... years in fact and that he'd hated school for various reasons.

Have you spoken to his mother? Will he continue?"

A mild shrug from Gregory, "She knows what he is doing and seems quite fine with it. She keeps dropping him off."

"We know he's sixteen... Gregory find out what his school situation is. If he wants to `work' for pay then you did to dig to find out if he'll stick or lose interest. At any rate there's no harm being done. Oh find out where he lives... how far?"

"Fay, I'll sit him down this afternoon." Fist bump. We both laughed.

The Bfast room was being emptied of kids when I got there. They were once again very keen to go up to work on words' and numbers.'

Taj and Maisil were smiling.

"Miss Martin, they are very smart. Only eighteen months... amazing development."

"They surprise us all the time with new words and physical abilities. They love to swim and runabout."

Carter had spoken to Taj already. Everything was ready. He would have coffee and tea available for the meeting plus a selection of cookies and shortbread.

I chose one of my comfy and informal outfits, the Ancient Munro tartan with a blue shirt and yellow sleeveless jumper and yellow tights. A blue wool jacket cut in a man's style with silver buttons. Silver bits and ankle boots. `Joy' and a kiss!

At nine thirty Cho and I were at the door to greet the Foreign and the Energy Ministers. Smiles and thanks for hosting the meeting. They got to see the Great Room. Wide-eyed!

The two ambassadors came along very soon. We didn't know them. They were greeted and their coats taken. They too were amazed at the `room' and its glory.

All the participants were in the Great Room to meet each other. They were escorted to the Library. Cho told them there would be a staff person nearby for anything they might need. Stanton took the first shift, Kendall would follow him.

We went about our business. I went down to the Wargame Room. Jerrold had the day off, he was setting up his frontline forces. Mine were in place with my hidden units list put aside until game time.

I brought him a coffee when I went for one. He smiled his thanks... "It is strange to be sitting in the Harcourt House cellar across a game board from a Countess."

I had to laugh, "Well don't be overawed because I will not have any mercy!"

We both laughed this time!

"Mr. Hardy told me of the thrashings you have dished out to him. So I'm justifiably wary."

I leaned back, "It could be quite fun to have him on my side. My only worry is sometimes he gets runs of atrocious die rolls."

He shook his head, "Maybe it is only against you. In the La Bataille de Moskowa Borodino scenario we played I couldn't catch a break from his successes."

"It's a shame that game's mechanics are so dense. It certainly a handsome looking game with the beautifully coloured units."

Jerrold nodding, "True. It took us two full days to play about two thirds of the scenario."

I stood up to pull `Streets of Stalingrad' from the game shelves. I opened the box and laid the mapboards on a side table. Jerrold came over to look.

"Wow! That's a gorgeous map... I've never seen this one."

I showed him the unit counters, mint, unpunched. They were marvelous. Detailed and very accurate which was a point of pride for the game designer.

"Your Ladyship, you've..." I said if were are to play opposite each other please call me `Fay' Okay?

Jerrold surprised me... he stepped back to bow... "It would my honour to do so."

I had a big grin..."Good!" My hand gestured to the game components, " I loved the look but never did anything with it besides read the rules. The movement is quite complicated because so much can happen.

There were too many other games that were more familiar and easier."

I put away the game. "Please borrow anything from here you might like to play. Just leave a note."

He looked at the shelves with a maybe face.

Stanton in the doorway... "My Lady... Sir Cho asks... could you to come to the Great Room."

I checked my phone... not yet ninety minutes...

Okay. I said goodbye to Jerrold.

Cho was by the fire with our Foreign Minister.

"I want to thank you again for hosting. We have agreement with the Iranians that is noteworthy!"

Cho said it was quick...

The Foreign Minister said Taj had come with his government's total backing so after they've spoken and seen what the Iranians proposed... it is really now down to nuts and bolts.

"We'll have other meetings but at lower than ministerial level to iron out the wrinkles.

The Iranians have agreed to open their nuclear programme to inspection in totality. No restrictions! Only a few conditions which are quite acceptable to us all. It means the risk of their building a weapon is gone."

The Iranians would work with the world's nuclear community to build the safest power plants for Iran's future and diversify into solar energy. Reducing their use of oil and gas for power generating was now a priority for Iran.

"The only folks likely to be unhappy are the Israelis because they won't have a `bogeyman' to use. It eviscerates much of their recent foreign policy initiatives."

Cho and I went into the Library... Taj smiling. We held hands... I said I thrilled for him and everyone.

He was pleased they could have good agreement with few conditions.

We were told the `Harcourt House Accord' would be announced tomorrow. Each government would have its own press event at five thirty in the afternoon Tehran time.

Our Foreign Minister did say they hoped we wouldn't mind their use of the Harcourt House name.

Cho said, "Not all we are glad you have had success. Here or anywhere."

A lot of hand shaking. I walked out to the Great Room with the American ambassador.

"Your Ladyship, Hillary said you had developed close relations with the Iranians... This has to be partially down to you. Taj said you had created positive feelings in members of the government you had interacted with. He specifically mentioned General Suleimani, a key player in Iran's government. In fact he plays an outsized role."

"I found the General to be amiable and intelligent. I'm not exactly their `cup of tea' so to speak."

"Oh.. your changes..."

"Yes. I doubt they have had many transwomen as part of their acquaintance."

He shook his head, "Which means even more that your influence was decisive. They looked past that to hear you! Damn... we need you on our team."

I mentioned I was already on a `team.' I said you deal in secrets... with a smile which the ambassador got and smiled in return.

"Cho and I are involved in some other... shall we say `diplomatic' events so this isn't our only episode. Ask Hillary. It will be public tomorrow also."

A look and a smile, "I wouldn't be at all surprised."

The others came our way. Carter had glasses of juice and ginger ale. He's a diplomat too.

We toasted to the successful talks and the realization of them as the `Harcourt House Accord'.

Cho asked if they gentlemen would like to stay for luncheon since their things were done for the day. They looked at each other and `agreed!'

We were all beside the fireplace. The Twins came in to a big welcome from us. The ambassadors got to meet them. Our Energy Minister was quite surprised at their ability to have a conversation. Their greeting the French ambassador in his language shocked everybody but us and Taj.

I watched a few of their aides... they were quite surprised at the Twins abilities.

We sat down to a lovely Carla meal. Grilled fish in a white sauce, new potatoes, broccoli under a light lemon butter sauce. Soft rolls and our great local butter.

Dessert was a Banoffee pie and ice cream on the side! That got everyone's attention.

Coffee after.

The French ambassador sitting beside me.

"Votre Dame, cela a été très généreux de votre égard. Cet accord aura de larges implications pour le monde."

(Your Ladyship, this has been very generous of you. This accord will have wide implications for the world.)

I replied that we try to be aware of the world around us and how simple things can have large affects.

"We are in your debt," He was quite sincere in saying that.

We waved the day's guests down the drive. Taj out front with us.

I turned to him, "Horses?"

A smile, "Yes! But we need to leave soon. I need to be back in Tehran for tomorrow with some meetings before the announcement."

I said a short visit then you can return another time. Okay!

He would change. I said he could avoid the time lost doing that by wearing one of our macs and we had wellies for him and Maisil. Smiles.

They met some staff and we took them to Asda's paddock.

Cho gave them his history. I went through the gate with a mint. Asda came over to scarf up the treat. They got a close look this fellow. They got closer with Pamela.

She was happy to see me, rubbing my back with her nose. Taj's eyes wide.

"She loves you."

I smiled, "It is mutual."

We spent thirty minutes... too short but a start. They were packed and loaded. I hugged Taj. Maisil smiling thanked us for our wonderful hospitality. The bodyguard looked relaxed.

Waves. They crunched across the Forecourt.

In the Entryway Cho and I hugged. A kiss.

He had my hand, "We played our part."

I nodded. Something good! Okay a change of pace... swimming with the twins!

We splashed around a bit. They were gaining more ability to swim with regular movements. Exciting to see! A few big splashes from Popa's tosses. They were so extra cute in their fluffy robes!

A quiet moment with Cho before dinner in my Dressing Room.

"Taj said he wants the solar energy enterprise in Iran to be done with The Company's help. We'll sell our panels to them as a start and then we can have a localized production company setup."

Cho shaking his head, "There's no end to your ability to make us money."

We laughed and squeezed close.

"More to spend!"

My morning ride was cold but delightfully ended by Roland's spirited romp from Sandford! We had a great time. My chestnut fellow doing a big whinny walking on the Flats. Yea!

Our noon time enlivened by a news conference in Thailand and here plus an arrival.

Gil checked the Fox News site first thing... she got us together... a scoop for Fox News... it said there was an agreement to end the fighting in southern Thailand. It said both sides had been brought together at a location in southern Thailand owned by Sir Cho and the Countess Harcourt.

The agreement was a comprehensive package that would include the Thai military making large force reductions and changes to its operations. The insurgents were to `dump' their weapons under Irish and Canadian supervision. Wide ranging changes to how the southern provinces were governed were a central part of the agreement.

The first news event was in Bangkok with a remote link we provided to Narathiwat. Both sides taking part. They briefly explained features of the Narathiwat Peace Protocols, how it would be implemented and a short bit on the future.

The southerners spoke quite well. Chakan was the lead speaker... He made it clear that Miss Fay Martin and Mr. Cho had done much to bring them together and made it possible to have peace.

Minister Jun beside Chakan echoed our profound impact on the process.

"There would be no agreement without their assistance." A flat statement. Okay no pressure!

They had barely stopped when Gil said her phone was lighting up with calls, emails and texts. I told her to mute it for now.

The Times and the Sun's websites were running with our Fox News stories. Yoshi reporting from Narathiwat that the news was being celebrated across the south in Thailand. Years of bloody fighting, bombings, deaths and maiming's were over. The people were in the streets cheering and yelling!

Yoshi's satellite link showing the streets filled with people... like a carnival.

The Thai Prime Minister called.

"Miss Martin, you and Cho have done a tremendous service for Thailand. It is astonishing to see the Fox News feed of all the people being so happy... it means that it is impossible for it to be overturned by diehards."

Cho and I on speaker told him we weren't done with it. Our compound will be available until every issue or problem is dealt with completely.

The Prime Minister was quiet then we got a heartfelt thank you. We reiterated we would visit him when we were back in Bangkok. We could `hear' the smile in his voice.

Cho dialed the Prince on his phone. We were on speaker with him.

"Fay and Cho all the country owes you a huge debt... I know you think you haven't done all that much but that simply isn't true. Your initiative was both subtle and pointedly aimed.

Please accept that it is your victory... we all helped in the service of your venture."

Cho smiling... a laugh... "Okay!'

The Prince laughed, "As they say `nice try' but I know and I won't forget."

He was well thanked.

I squeezed Cho's hand, our eyes met, a flicker in his and a nod.

I asked the Prince if he would help us with another little issue in Thailand. He said warily, which I completely sympathized with, "Tell me."

I said, "We want to get the military out of politics. Let democracy work.

Democracy is messy... always messy but it is the sort of thing that needs a chance to figure out its problems. You cannot get started then be upset at the first... second... or third or more messes.

The people of Thailand are educated, they can decide for themselves how to get past the problems. Think of how much more beautiful Thailand could become... the energy of democracy invigorates a country."

The Prince was quiet, "I will help as I have before... behind the scenes. I will say I doubt my brother, the King, is that fond of meeting generals. My own opinion is the Army has enough to do... outside of politics. We have never done the complete shutdown of the border drug trade like we could. That is but one example."

We thanked him and said we intended to be even more subtle. We made a deal to meet when were back in Bangkok... from me... "Unless you and your wife might like to see Merrie Old England in the holiday season."

He laughed, "No but the invitation is treasured because of your offering. Everyone here is thrilled at your new titles. The Queen showed considerable political skill in choosing you two. So you know... there is pressure from the government for my brother to do something... so expect that it will happen."

We rang off with great affection.

Cho had me in his arms, "Okay! We have a start but very slow because I love my country and I only want the best for it... No damage."

A kiss, "I love you.. I am incapable of hurting you."

More kisses. Gil cleared her throat.

"There is press at the gate asking to speak to you. Quite a few!"

"Can our guests get through?"

"Yes, Yone's folks have the road clear. Thames Valley constables are at the Oxford Road. Apparently someone in Whitehall leaked you are nominated for the Nobel Peace prize which is adding to the frenzy."

"Oh shit." My contribution.

I looked at Cho, "Let's have them up to the door and get it done."

Cho agreed. Gil sent in Yone and Carter. We asked Yone to arrange the news people up to the door. Carter was asked to keep the staff away so they couldn't be bothered.

Before that could start we got the news from Francis about the Harcourt House Accords news conferences. We were thanked at each location for providing a venue for the negotiations.

In Tehran, Hillary was mentioned for her evenhanded policies towards Iran which helped break some of the ice. Taj thanked `Her Ladyship the Countess Harcourt' for encouraging friendship between Iran and the United Kingdom.

"Oh Boy!" That was me.

Cho laughed, "Okay no hiding from that one either. Taj say anything to you?"

I shook my head no. I shrugged.

Yone's people were `herding' the news folks up the drive from the inner gate on foot.

Carl stepped up to us, "Sir, My Lady, your friend's car will be re-routed up the service road. They will be brought into the house by way of the south door."

Cho thanked him.

We stood on the front steps the news folks in a big semi-circle. Cameras going off.

Cho started it by saying we would answer a few questions and this was not going to be an extended thing. AND we wanted to focus on the southern Thailand agreement.

"When you are acknowledged please say your name and organization. Thank you."

He pointed to a woman to begin...

"Felicia Knowles, The Daily Mail. "What did you do make this happen?"

A smile from Cho, "A short question with a long answer. Briefly we got both sides thinking about where they were and how did they believe anything was ever going to change after such a long time of the same things happening over and over.

It came down to helping them realise that neither could `win.' Once that burned in they had to stop doing as they had been and talk."

I touched Cho's sleeve.

"They were tired of spinning their wheels... we told them both we would do whatever it took get them to speak face to face. We `talked' to both giving our assurances of good faith and impartiality.

The Cho family has owned land in the south for four generations, they have a reputation of being fair and honest with their workers and for being good stewards of the land. The southerners knew this... they trusted Cho's promises of a decent chance if they came to a meeting. For that side it was personal trust and the need for a solution to the festering problem.

For the Government's it was the same and different. Cho has an unequalled standing in the business world as an ethical and authentic man. Our businesses are major part of the Thai commercial sphere involved in railroads, lumber, property development and especially banking. They are all known to be honourably and properly operated.

We have close contacts in the Thai government, we used them to urge greater flexibility so a start to talks was possible. Very importantly the Thai government decided there would be NO pre-conditions to talking.

The Thai Army was convinced by some of their own high ranking officers that there was no `victory' to bring home only stalemate which meant more horror for the people of the south and deaths for the military."

I wound down. The reporters were eager but our obvious passion have somewhat cooled off their rush. Also our clear and lengthy first answer was being digested.

I pointed to fellow I didn't know hoping he wasn't one of ours. He was a Telegraph man.

"Your Ladyship, did you actually participate in the talks?"

"Yes, we were there twice. For the first meeting which set the tone of working hard and gaining trust for both sides, we did speak briefly. The two sides showed flexibility and that they would be intellectually straightforward.

Cho added, "The first meeting also revealed that there was a huge desire to succeed by both sides. They went further than we had hoped."

I picked up again, "By the second meeting we attended there had been many meetings in between. At each one the sides brought proposals and counter proposals to put on the table. They exchanged, discussed and created replies. They were grinding it down into pieces that could make an agreement.

Our presence was just a show of solidarity with the negotiators. They had done the hard work."

Cho picked another who was an international reporter for the BBC.

"Nathaniel Brooke, The BBC. We understand that you both have been nominated by our government for the Nobel Peace Prize, would you comment please."

I smiled at Cho, "We have been told that but not officially. It is a great honour to be nominated... we consider all the participants in Narathiwat are included with us."

I pointed. "Peter Wright, The Times. "How did you get in contact with the insurgents?"

Cho said that there some aspects of the process which cannot yet be divulged, "That is one. Sorry to have to limit our response."

"A follow-up... Please." Cho motioned him on, "Then the secrecy of the process was vital to its succeeding?"

"Oh yes! How else could the various groups in the south have been able to come together to create a unified face for the talks. They needed to meet to work out their roles and discuss overall plans.

The Thai government would never have spoken to three, five, seven competing sets of demands.

The government had to bring a solid front from the various agencies and departments involved in the south especially the Army."

Then there was... "Becky Morse, New York Times, "How did you encourage friendship between Iran and the UK?"

Cho looked at me. "That is off topic...

I squeezed his hand, "The Company, which Cho and I control, is doing business in Iran helping increase the water retained in the mountains for Tehran's water supply. The Energy Minister Taj and I have met on numerous occasions. Our company's particular skills are important for Iran's development of these water sources.

The Iranian Energy Minister Taj is an erudite man who is quite good company. So we are friendly."

A question from a Le Monde reporter, "Why is the agreement called the Harcourt House Accord."

"The meeting that finalized it was held here yesterday."

That got a buzz started.

We went on for nearly forty minutes before calling an end. Everyone was getting chilled. Not long after we started Carter had a table brought out, coffee and tea was offered so the news folks could warm up. Several trays of cookies didn't last long.

We did stay outside to speak `off the record' on some more bits and pieces. I sipped coffee.

A Sky UK reporter asked if we had heard the news about the private bill for Sir Cho in the Commons. I said no, not yet. It passed almost unanimously... "Sir Cho is a citizen now!"

He'd got the news just now on his phone.

I motioned to Gil. She said she knew and would have told us when this was over. I asked her to round up Cho.

We said our goodbyes. Yone's people would walk them back to their cars.

In the Entryway I told Cho. A smile, "I did feel a warm wave pass over me."

A laugh, a kiss, "Welcome new citizen."

Gil leaned close. "The MP emailed congratulating you on the success of the bill."

Cho said to reply with a big thank you. Thumbs up from Gil.

I turned to Carter with my hands up and out...

He laughed, "My Lady, they are in the Breakfast Room waiting."

He motioned to the closed Great Room doors. I in turn laughed. I thanked him.

"Please send for the Twins."

He nodded and Fin started up the stairs, two steps at a time.

I thanked Carter for the tea and coffee service for the news folks. A smile, "I wasn't trying to encourage them but rather keep from having causalities."

Boy o' boy... we laughed!

Cho and I went into the Breakfast Room. Hugs and kisses. Tiny Rosalie looked so cute in her red and white outfit. Red and white striped socks!

By the doors the Twins got hugs and kisses. They said `Hi' to Rosalie, squeezing her hand.

The doors opened... Aaaahhhh's and Oooohhhh's!

Rose smiling holding my hand, "Countess Harcourt sounds about right."

I laughed.

We got them to put up their ornaments. Matthew standing watching, he pointed the the Queen and Prince Phillip's.

"I walked in from a day's work to find my wife jumping up and down in the kitchen like a crazy person. I got her stopped... Rose told me about you being a Countess and Cho a `Knight' I was dumbfounded. It was like something from another planet or TV show.

Mrs. Pelletier called to tell us... we knew by then... she was so happy for you."

We sat by the fire... no Jaidee. He would be back tomorrow.

"We have some mail for you that was delivered to the house. Something from your old school in the mix."

Grandma had Rosalie so us girls could go up to my Dressing Room for a few minutes.

Aileen asked if Phuket was still happening. I said yes which got a big `woohoo' from Sue.

"I guess someone needs some sun and...?"

"More than anything... YES to sun but the `and' too!" Said with an appropriate leer.

Aileen laughing, "Like she doesn't get any..."

Group hug!

At dinner Rose watched the Twins and looked at me... she mouthed `eighteen months' I nodded.

Sue and Aileen feeding Rosalie who seemed to be able to run the operation. A grin by me. She was just getting her legs... I think the child is going to be a terror! She was so loved!

During afters... Rose and I sat together. I told her about the psychologists opinion.

"They know the alphabet and are building words on paper. They do simple sums like..." I snapped my fingers. "They are in fact aside from being quite smart also gifted physically. They have been able run almost at the same time they were walking, they swim like fishes. You should watch them do a picture puzzle.

We have a company in London that takes a picture or a photo and makes it into a big cardboard jigsaw puzzle. All cut nicely. The Twins breeze through them. We are picking snaps with a great deal going on to make it harder but it doesn't seem to matter... they have wonderful visualizing skills."

I squeezed her hand, "So if you want to send us some snaps to be made into puzzles for Rosalie... please do so."

She would!

Cho and I recounted the Queen's visit for them. Matthew grinning, "I suppose there is no video of your faces when the Queen made her announcements?"

Cho and I looked at Gil... "Oh no... I was so surprised... I didn't even think of it."

"I know you were startled... I heard the `OH my' from the sideline."

Gil's face reddened a bit, "Yes that was me... sorry."

"Why sorry? It fit in perfectly." We laughed.

Rosalie went up with Sue. The Twins a bit later. Finally it was just grown-ups.

Rose and Matthew heard about the southern Thailand thing from us and the Harcourt House Accord.

Matthew looking at Cho and I leaning on each other on the settee.

"That seems a very appropriate pose!"

Cho kissed me... "Matthew we are a team!"

Smiles. Matthew said, "The Queen figured it out! I guess the world knows that by now."

Rose squeezed my hand, "You two have had quite the last few days! I don't know how you keep up with it all."

I motioned to Gil, Ali and Francis, "These terrific folks are the reason.'

I stood up and kissed each cheek. "Without them we would be so underwater."

Hugs at their room doors. Aileen promised to get up to ride.

The sun shining on Aileen's face... red cheeks from the cold air passing by in her last gallop to the Flats. A wild happy smile.

"Fay, this is so what I want to do."

She and Sue had come out to ride but I guess not often enough. Rosalie loved being pampered by our staff... I said come out more. Fist bump.

In Pamela's stall I rubbed her with her favourite brush. Nickers!

Montgomery came by with a fork and shovel in a wheel barrow on his way to clean stalls.

"Your Ladyship, thanks again for giving me a chance to ride. I had a talk with Gregory last evening... he said he would hire me as an apprentice. I will have to go to a class at Denham School but no charge for it.

My mother is going to let me decide..."

I said remember even if you and your mom don't always see eye to eye she does want good things for you.

`Monty' said he understood. "It has been hard for her without dad. I've made some trouble for her which I'm sorry about... I never wanted to hurt her."

"You can't always stop from hurting people you love... it's part of growing up and living. If you choose to learn about horses and other animals, caring for them is a wonderful way of life. Enjoy the process... see where it takes you."

A big smile.

Beside my guy... watching the Twins eat their Bfast... we grinned at our simple `home entertainment system.'

Sunny grinning... "You two do amaze me. You go out and do so many things... yet sit here smiling over the Twins eating."

We had to laugh... my `who needs TV' broke us up!

Sunny leaned on me, "So is Lynnette coming back to be here?"

"Yes. She's in Bangkok for some advanced training while you have no events."

Fist bump.

We were in the Office answering emails and texts from many different folks about business and our recent activities.

Francis, Ali and Gil at the door... I stood up to join them. Holding hands... a cappella... we sang...

`he is an englishman!

he is an englishman!

for he himself has said it,

and it's greatly to his credit,

that he is an englishman!

that he is an englishman!

for he might have been a roosian,

a french, or turk, or proosian,

or perhaps thai-land!

or perhaps thai-land!

but in spite of all temptations

to belong to other nations,

he remains an englishman!

he remains an englishman!

for in spite of all temptations

to belong to other nations,

he remains an englishman!

he remains an englishman!'

We had barely got started when Cho's laughter burst forth! He laughed and laughed... as it ended we got handshakes, hugs and kisses.

"Thank you for the official singing in! Gilbert and Sullivan would be pleased."

Laughter and fist bumps for us... we did good! We'd toast our singing ability later!

Cho still grinning when I read an email to him.

I had talked with Daria after we were `honoured' she was thrilled for us. Her email said the Queen was obviously well informed... the south Thailand agreement and the Harcourt House Accord showed us at our best... thinking about people beyond our circle.

I replied that in both cases we hadn't done that much except to `aim' people in directions we believed to be for the greater good.

Cho shaking his head, "People want to give us the credit... we have to accept it because you are never going to talk them out of the belief we did everything. Only that `force' you love so much will correct things... history."

A kiss... changing to a passionate kiss!! In Cho's lap I was gently squeezed... a bit of petting occurred.

Rose and Matthew were leaving in the afternoon. They'd been in London staying with Aileen and Sue... time for home. They were driving to Froyle and we'd put the three ladies into a Prasert car to go back to the city.

Cho and I holding hands watching Charlie riding Iris. Chani was leaning back on us. She had enjoyed her turn. Charlie was quite intent holding the reins... Diana saying to relax his hands... control Iris without pulling hard.

Diana beside him, the stirrups up high... Charlie seemed to start going with the flow... a grin on his face. Afterwards the Twins brushing Iris, one on each side. Cute. Iris loved it. Little nickers which brought smiles to the Twins' faces.

Walking up to the house holding Charlie's hand, I said Iris is smart and Diana was right there so he could ease his hands and get into the motions.

"Mama, I like riding but my feet were too high I think."

"Okay, tomorrow we will lower the stirrups for you."

Fist bump!

We changed for swimming before dinner. Not too long but time for some fun. Cho did some tossing of Charlie and Chani much to their great delight. Big splashes. They came up wanting to go again and again!

Dinner tonight for our American friends coming back before flying out tonight.

Drinks became a long explanation of our latest events. Elinor next to me by the fire, I was rubbing Jaidee who was newly back from his `fathering' endeavors. Warm brown body, Chani was rubbing his head. Jaidee was blissed out!

"Fay, it seems incredible that you two are so involved in so many things. No wonder everybody wants to praise you."

I smiled, "It is nice to be praised.' The two of us think of ourselves as doing things for their positive effects on people. We do it because we have the wherewithal to do so, the reach,' the power of money, the contacts... Not to do so would be like turning our back just to make money like so many other wealthy people do."

Elinor smiled, "I do like that you don't seek out acclaim... you're going to get it whether you like it or not."

I laughed, "It sounds almost threatening..." More laughing, "Cho and I do talk about that... the decision is to accept and go on."

A grin. Fist bump.

The Twins went up with us. Tha was ready. The babies were down.

We did our goodbyes at the door. Waves to the cars departing to Chalgrove.

Tomorrow morning was going to be great. Millie and Chou plus Tom and Roxanne Angleten. Golf and and horses!! The First Open House and the St. Thomas School children's play! Loads of fun!

Cho took a call. He mouthed `Harry.' Yes, tomorrow we'll have several decent players to go out with. A good friend and an excellent player from Taipei and Tom Angleten."

He grinned, "Well I did say decent didn't I?" A pause to grin some more, "Yes, he's also a nice fellow.

See you in the morning."

Cho leaning back, "It should be an interesting round of golf..."

We laughed loudly. Gil and Ali came to see us. I parked on Cho's lap we still were laughing.

They got the news Harry would be around tomorrow. He and Meg would be picked up at Wandsworth to come here.

I turned to Cho, "Do we know if she rides?" He shrugged making me bounce.

"Can we get a message to her? You know... clothing..."

Cho called Harry back and got a number for Meg.

I called her. She did ride but had no clothes. I got her sizes, Gil with Angie to Go Outdoors in the morning.

Comments are welcome! To: abecker60@yahoo.co.uk

Next: Chapter 68

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