Jian: Cast of Characers

By A becker

Published on Feb 20, 2021



The Newlyweds got some very nice things mostly artistic like ours. They surely didn't need another toaster!

It was all very nice, low key and full of love.

We said our goodbyes, hand shaking, hugging and kissing our way out. We wanted to be out of the way when Sydney and Sylvia made their exit in an hour or so.

At the airport a Gulfstream was parked beside our big bird. Derry smiling as we greeted him, "I love being the coachman at this wedding."

Fist bump.

Richmond's airport was wasn't busy so we were gone in short order... Bangkok! We turned northward to go over the pole. Mira said sixteen and half hours.

Francis and Ali were in the air, they'd there before us.


Yobi and Lil did a light snack for us all. Then lessons for the Twins and work for the Cho, Gil and I.

By dinner I was caught up and it was just as well... Cho began to invade my personal space!! Roaming fingers! Gil giggling as I fought a losing battle. In trying to escape I ended plopping on my butt beside the settee laughing.

It wasn't too long after dinner the twin's yawns came out! Cho and I carried them in to change. We got kisses and `Nites to Mama and Popa. We squeezed them and Tha did the last bits. Blu Dog and Raggedy Anne clutched close.

Afters and quiet talk. The wedding had been very nice, sweet. Cho gave me a kiss for the various things I had setup for them. I pointed to Gil. She did a `preening' look. Laughs.

Sam and Beverly were going to Upperville to see Charles and Agatha for a few days then home.

We had a busy few days ahead for us.

"The yacht is already docked at the compound in Narathiwat. Everything is set."

Good! I should feel tense but I wasn't. This first meeting was the only one we planned on attending. A boost for a positive start.

We'd fly south in a few days, a meeting with A-Wut would be first. We would have the meeting on our aircraft at Narathiwat Airport then go to the compound.

I was up first as usual. Coffee! Email from Eric about our paying off The Company's employees education costs and future schooling. He said it was done and several had applied for advanced engineering degrees. So all was good!

I felt happy that we were doing doing this across all our businesses. If our people were free of that debt weighing on them then we'd have their full attention! Every employee world-wide was covered by this so no gaps any more.

Adding it to the St. Thomas School tuition payments, the Harcourt Advance Fund and Denham School were doing a lot to help education especially near to our home.

Yobi coming down the companionway, smiling saying she'd have me fed double quick. My breakfast aromas got everyone else up.

"Mama! Popa!" Charlie had great lungs, his arm open wide as he rushed across the carpet. Cho gathered him up! "Mama" as Chani ran to me! Cuties! They were ready for `Bfast!'

I spent time on email then read a book about birds to Chani, Charlie and Cho had one on boats. Tha did a tour of the aircraft with the name game. They played with Jaidee for a while...

Shortly before dinner we were on the ground at Don Mueang. The AW139's warmed up took us away immediately.

Amporn and Niran and our staff were waiting. We put the Twins down at the end of the dock... they ran to the terrace to greet everybody. They got loads of hugs and kisses.

We walked inside, I had Amporn's hand. She was smiling knowing we'd around for several weeks. The rainy period was ending so we should have good weather.

Dinner with crispy fish!! Love it! Such a feast on the terrace. Chani was like her mother... she loved the fish!

Gil and I laying out in the early morning sun still wet from our swim. Coffee and salapaos! We couldn't do this for long. Jun, the Interior Minister, was coming over to talk before we all went south tomorrow.

A business lunch on the terrace. Jun laid out for us the extent of his negotiating powers. I asked if A-Wut knew, Jun said he'd been briefed.

Jun said he would go over it again tomorrow.

A quiet night, we watched some recorded Fox News shows. I got in a morning swim then we helicoptered to Don Mueang, Jun and his team drove in shortly after us. The Gulfstream was away quickly. One hour to Narathiwat Airport.

I dressed in slacks and a soft long sleeved shirt, buttoned up. I wanted to be as little feminine as possible.

A-Wut was there on the tarmac. Cho and I stepped out to greet him.

We sat inside to review. I watched A-Wut, he was intense. I liked him, a military man and no fool!

Walking to our helicopter I linked arms with him.

"Miss Martin, you and Cho have started something we need to succeed. Endless warfare is ridiculous."

I squeezed his arm telling him we would do our best to keep things moving and how we appreciated his taking a stand with his colleagues. It was a hard thing to do.

The AW139's settled on the compound's landing grid. Sumate off to the side waiting. Cho did introductions. Jun looked over to us as Sumate position was explained. Our world-wide number two fellow here meant we were very serious about the security.

Jun's folks moved into the main house. Sumate checked his beeping iPhone, he said the two helicopters with the three negotiating teams from the insurgent groups were in-bound.

Our things were moved to the moored yacht. We waited with Sumate near the landing grid. The first group landed. Cho and I greeted them. They weren't smiling but pleasant. One of the Security people escorted them to the second house.

We did it again when the second helicopter landed.

We asked them to come to the main house in an hour. All answered affirmatively.

Once we were all gathered Cho and I explained our role in beginning this process and why.

Sumate gave everyone a review of the security arrangements, the perimeter, the drones, his people in uniform, etc...

This big room was meant for plenary sessions and the seating areas on the edges and the screened porch for smaller meetings. The separate kitchens would serve each group.

Jun's opening remarks made it clear the government needed to speak to the groups as a whole, independent voices would make it difficult.

Chakan, a slight fellow with very black hair and eyes, rose to speak. His stated that the groups had chosen him as negotiating leader and they would have frequent meetings amongst themselves to thrash out their differences over policy and bring a unified voice to the table.

Jun's face had a smile, he thanked Chakan and his colleagues.

A schedule was worked out.

We broke for lunch. Cho and I walked to the yacht. The Captain welcomed us. It was all mysterious to him why we were here. Cho said when we were done he would explain it all. A smile.

The first session was on reduction of operations by both sides. Chakan said A-Wut's forces had honoured the ceasefire and it was very encouraging. Their people watched and saw no violations. Their own armed groups had done some temporary `dumping' of their arms.

The expanded zone of no Army operations was seen for what it was... a token of goodwill. Chakan motioning to his colleagues said their response of doing the same returned the gesture.

Jun was clear that the Army and the Security Police had in turn seen no issues and thanked the groups for their restraint. He went further to say that Bangkok was willing to draw down force levels right away if progress was made here.

I could see the insurgent heads nod.

There was some back and forth about the areas where A-Wut's troops had been withdrawn. One of Jun's team was a colonel who worked for Dad's Security Police. Kraisee spoke up about the actions of the Security Police in monitoring the newly emptied areas.

One of the insurgents replied that the Security Police's presence was known and they... he included their whole group with a hand wave... accepted the government wanting to watch without interfering. Adding if there were ordinary criminal acts the Security Police could move to deal with them but they would want some sort of notifying method worked out.

Kraisee agreed saying if an encrypted text or email account could be provided they would send messages to it. Chakan looked to his colleagues who smiled and nodded.

Other discussions about procedures and when to meet. After dinner there would be a session, in the morning and afternoon tomorrow.

After dinner... before the session started I was on the beach looking at the `restless sea.' Chakan approached and asked if he could join me. I welcomed him.

"Miss Martin, is it true you and your husband bought this property for all of us to meet?"

"Yes. We do have plans for it to be used as a recreation place for our employees when this is done."

Chakan shook his head, "I will say we came partially because Mr. Cho's reputation is quite good here in the south. Yes, he is a big landowner... an absentee one... which we understand why. His workers speak so well of him. In fact an uncle of mine works in one of his forestry companies. I asked him about Mr. Cho... he said his word was gold and his heart good."

An amazing testament to Cho!

"Chakan, we want the killing and hurting to stop. We are capitalists... business people but we also care about our workers and the land."

We were quiet for a few moments. I was considering... I went ahead.

"Do you know anything about the island of Puerto Rico?"

`The name I have heard... probably in some news. I know no details."

I explained the how the island came to be part of the United States and its relationship.

"They speak their own language, Spanish, they teach in Spanish in their schools with mandatory English lessons in every grade. Puerto Ricans have a deep Spanish cultural heritage which has been infiltrated by America's huge social and artistic voice but is still intact. The island shares many similar issues with their economy as these southern provinces.

The people are American citizens but do not vote in national elections, only in their own local ones. They elect their governor and legislature and local mayors and so on.

Oddly they were subject to the military service draft laws, because of their citizenship, which did not cause as many problems as you might expect.

They do not pay income taxes to the U.S. government only locally.

So it is a mixed relationship. It has its ups and downs..." My hands doing the motions, a smile from him, "... they work out the problems. There have been movements to change the relationship towards statehood or independence but the voters have not ever decided to change anything.

It is perhaps a model? Excepting the voting in national elections which all Thais should be able to do.

Also consider my home country the United Kingdom. There are three parts that have many self-governing powers, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. Their local governments are separately elected with their own legislatures that make laws for themselves. But `national' issues like foreign policy, international trade and defense are still controlled by the central government. Another possible model.

Please use the computer in your house to look for more if it interests you."

The session was to start so we parted. Chakan thanked me for my words and ideas.

Inside the discussion was about a firmer and regulated ceasefire. The Army's actions were generally very public so if they pulled back everyone knew. What made it move ahead was the insurgents agreeing to a form of inspection by independent and outside persons of their `dumped' arms.

Jun took a risk by bringing it up. I praised him in my mind.

Jun suggested the United Nations or some unaligned nations be asked. Chakan countered with using countries outside of the southern Asian area. Jun's number two mentioned Ireland or Canada... Another suggested Japan but that was nixed because of their World War II involvement in Thailand and Burma. The insurgents didn't say yea or nay but wanted to consider.

More from both on the main subject of further talks followed before they ended for the night. After I did tell Jun of my conversation with Chakan, not the details... yet. I would probably have to come clean on that at some point.

Cho kidding me in bed, "Telling Chakan about Puerto Rico isn't interfering in any way. More like gentle urging to look around. I think the main weakness of the insurgent's position is their insularity."

I shrugged then kissed him!

The morning session had Chakan bring up not just further talking but asking the government side to consider how far they would go to give autonomy to the southern provinces.

I hadn't thought they'd get anywhere near this but the insurgent groups must have burned the midnight oil.

He mentioned the relationship between the United States and the island Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and then Scotland and Wales.

Cho's hand squeezing mine.

Jun said he felt that language and education mandates from Bangkok should be on the table.

"I can say firmly that learning to speak, read and write Thai should be required to become a functioning citizen."

I carefully watched the faces on the other side... no closing up! They looked flexible.

Chakan said up front he couldn't say definitely but they understood the need.

Once this session ended I took Jun aside and told him I had mentioned to Chakan about Puerto Rico.

He smiled, "I suspected it. It is a possible model. We believe in religious freedom that is not an issue. Learning Thai is a core item for several reasons.

We do not want any citizen in the south to be permanently bound here because they can not speak the national language. It is in their own interest to be educated this way.

And we want them to feel part of Thailand so they will have a stake in the national interest."

I turned to him, "It think they would accept those reasons if their own languages were respected."

I introduced Jun to fist bumps. A big smile.

The second session expanded on the ceasefire requirements from both sides, more on procedures to implement it and how to get outside parties involved. Jun said he had called Bangkok and the Prime Minister was going to ask the Irish and Canadian ambassadors directly to take on the role.

"Now they may not agree so the Prime Minister's office has sent a message to our United Nations ambassador to ask the Secretary General's advice also."

Heads nodding all around. The U.N. option I thought not as good as direct connections to Ireland and Canada.

Dinner was a joint meal centered around a cookout. Our staff cooking ladies did local and other foods in a buffet style. The main meeting room transformed to a dining space. I was between Kraisee and Chakan.

"Miss Martin can you say why you and Mr. Cho got started in this?"

I smiled at the Colonel, "The Cho family has owned property here for many generations going back to Cho's great great grandfather while the Sultanate still existed. So on one side you could say it was about making more money...

Actually this about people... families being free of fear, people being able to work and earn for their families, freedom of religion and culture.

If the warfare stops everybody benefits."

I kidded the Colonel, "You would probably still see plenty of work."

He laughed, "Criminals... they do not care who runs things. Yes we would want to dent their heads as before."

Chakan looked at me... he told the Colonel what he'd said to me about Cho and how he persuaded the others to trust in coming here. Kraisee looked across the room to where Cho was talking with two of the insurgents and Jun.

Kraisee smiled and turned to me, "Your father admires Cho... I can see that. The General's never been wrong about a person in my experience."

Chakan's eyes wide, "Miss Martin, General Keren is your father?"

"Yes... I'm sorry I thought... I am sorry. I was adopted by the General and his wife several years ago. He helped me get out of some trouble I hadn't caused but was involved in. I helped get some criminals arrested.

We came to care about each other..."

Chakan smiled, "You are in deep with this? Not just providing this place. It is very personal for you both."

I nodded.

"Are you the real starter?"

"My Dad was so worried about the south and couldn't see an end. His people are deeply involved and have been hurt. Cho didn't travel to here because it was not safe for the local people much less northerners. I asked Cho if there was something we could do."

Chakan was looking up, a small smile as he turned to us. "Family is the core! You do what you can... you sacrifice... for your family. I would die for my children."

We were quiet...

I looked at Chakan, "You all have taken a huge risk coming here... In fact it is an heroic thing to do! Will you be able to convince your people to back this?"

Chakan's face was calm, "Because the government said there were no preconditions and made the first move with the Army withdrawing there is hope! Things people see... send signals... they are ripples in a pond... If we believe they will also."

He gestured to Kraisee, "Your lot are more trouble for us than the Army." A finger to his chest, "The Army is more dangerous to us ordinary folks so their stopping was important."

The after dinner session was more relaxed and the discussion wide ranging with a few `What If's' thrown in.

Chakan looking both ways to his compatriots, nods.

"We can not make hard promises because there are other voices to be heard in our groups... we have talked and will advocate for the dumping of all our arms and allow inspections by outside persons. No offensive actions of any kind to be done. A total ceasefire.

In return will want the Army to be in barracks, no aircraft flying over us spying and our freedom to move around to talk to all our people. If we are to involve the people politically we have to speak to them in their villages, we are not ready for mass meetings."

Jun nodded, "I also have limits... For my part I will tell the Prime Minister and the Army high command that to end the fighting we need to end the military operations. We will promote a complete stand down.

When there are inspectors they will have our support and assistance to do their work.

Further meetings should be arranged so details can be prepared and we move forward with all parties on the same page."

Heads nodding around the table.

Cho squeezed my hand and stood up.

"For our part... this compound with the current security arrangements will be made available for those ongoing discussions. It will help if none of us identify the location to any outside individuals.

So everybody knows we will pay the expenses for this place to operate as you have seen and provide helicopters for transportation.

We will use our influence to maintain the progress you have managed here."

Hands were shaken, smiles. I had Chakan's hand thanking him again for taking the risk.

"Miss Martin, you and Mr. Cho began taking risks. It is for us to thank you for trying to make a start."

We had fruit juice to toast each other and say thanks. I was outside when one fellow of Chakan's group approached, he was the `surly' one Yoshi had met with. Channarong!

"Miss Martin, it is hard for me... I am a Muslim... A man of faith... You as a person so different from my experience... Not someone who I have ever encountered. Yet I can see this is more than some way for you to show off with your money... You believe!"

"Yes we do! We want amity throughout Thailand. Everyone equal no matter what religion or ethnic background, education for all, decent housing and food, work that is good not demeaning. Even with our money we can not buy that it has to come from the people and the government.

Some form of autonomy for the south is the only way. There will be a struggle for the form that takes so you should accept there will be compromises to make that happen. Prepare your best case and fight but be ready to give in on some things for the greater good of the people."

"You are eloquent, persuasive! At university I read many great and ennobling works... they were words on paper you are different... you speak the words."

I thanked him, we shook hands.

The last night here, in the morning our southern guests would leave on our helicopters to unknown destinations. They would tell the pilots when they boarded where to drop them.

It was the best we could do for their security. A-Wut had grounded all Thai military aircraft until the talks were over. Dad had allowed only essential flights and none over the western areas for tomorrow.

There was a brief meeting to reaffirm the goals for each side and to exchange anonymous text message addresses.

Cho and I waved to them as they all lifted off. Jun next to Cho his arm raised.

We walked to the AW139 with Sumate who got a big hug. He said they had no trouble.

The only incident was a drunk bicyclist. He crashed in the ditch near our gate. When he didn't get up two of our fellows went out after a drone had done a sweep of the area.

His bike was a mess, they called a taxi, loaded him and his bike, paid the cabbie and sent him on his way home.

We were laughing as we reached the helicopter. Sumate got our thanks!

At the airport we got a quick look around our space, gated, cameras and sensors! The Gulfstream was ready, we were away. Sitting across the aisle from Jun, we chatted about some of the insurgents.

"They are more educated than we supposed. Several have advanced degrees."

I gave Yoshi's first description of the `surly' one without revealing him and my conversation last night.

"Exactly! They have some rough edges from the life they have been living but they are smart. They know as we do that talking is only way out of our shared predicament."

I leaned over to fist bump with Jun. I reminded him to try it on his teenage children... a smile.

We gave Jun's team a lift to our house so they could avoid the traffic. Cars picked them up at ours for a short drive to their ministry offices. Handshakes.

Colonel Kraisee said he'd report to the General shortly. "Say hi from me." He gave me a salute and a smile.

Then we ran into the house to see the Twins! They were on the small Terrace off the playroom. We hugged and kissed them.

We were in time for their swimming period. Yea!

We took some time away from meetings and things for a few days. Just keeping in touch via email and texts. Our focus was on the Twins. Several days of fun!

We played, swam, ate, played games, ran the trains, tickled, rolled on the grass with them and Jaidee! We read many books, did the word games, had Amporn's wonderful food! Watched some videos of horses and dogs with the babies.

We worked on the train layout with Charlie and Chani. They wore the engineer hats, Cho showed them how to run a train! Chani helped me choose some little people and pets to put on the streets and back yards of the town. Charlie and Cho built some out buildings for Cho's farm.

Phailin and Dad came over often, Thoi and Kanda too! Anong and Rak brought Rak2 for play time. Tona and Suki came up from Singapore to visit the grandparents. So we had lots of babies running around!

Cho didn't even play golf.

We hosted a BBQ with Cho supervising Achara's doing the `special sauce' and grilling the food. Intira was given lessons too!

I had Thoi on one arm and Dad on the other. They had been thoroughly briefed on the Narathiwat meetings, they were very encouraged. Dad told us Kraisee's comments, he was impressed with the way we had handled it all. Thoi squeezing my arm saying `It was no surprise' to him.

We all knew there was a `long road' ahead but the willingness of the insurgents to trust the process made all the difference.

Dad kissed my cheek, "That is down to Cho and you! You earnestly desiring peace and Cho's humanity in his dealings with his workers and their families in the south set a pattern. Crucial!"

Dad squeezed my arm, he said, "It did go further than we hoped. New channels to communicate, the Army willing to pull back further, the insurgents openly discussing dumping their arms, all good things. The Prime Minister said he was pleased with Jun's handling of it all so he will remain the government's front man which we think is very good."

I gave them my thoughts, "Jun was calm, presented his points well and didn't try to BS. He was impressed with the insurgents, not just roughnecks. An eye-opener."

Dad's smile, "Jun is sharp, a prospect for higher position. His being chosen was a very astute move by the Prime Minister."

"Everybody knows we are going to step back from it... they also know we are invested so if we can do anything to help we will."

Both men smiling, Thoi laughed, "It is good you two are as baseball fans say `on deck' to help."

We three laughed some more heading back toward the wonderful smells of dinner!

One morning I changed up from swimming to fly to Don Mueang and drive to the stables. Some of the Protection Team had been going over to ride. Today Gaby, Ken, Tessa, Tara and I flew over.

I was on Roy. He was enjoying a good gallop with me. We all did the trails several times. Anonk had a class in a paddock as we walked to the stables. We waved to his pupils.

Jian! The AW139 dropped my girl on the dock!! HUGS!! KISSES!!

Cho gathered her into his arms! Smiling, we held hands walking to her suite.

"I am glad to be here! All the traveling... even in your wonderful planes... it wears me out."

"Was it worth it?"

"Yes! We have property in Mount Vernon Village area of Baltimore, the Castro neighborhood of San Francisco, in the Old Town section of Portland and in the South End part of Boston now with more coming I hope before the end of the year. I have all the info, we can sit whenever you want.

Also I heard from Mason the real estate guy in London. He has a colleague in Liverpool looking for us and so far three properties. Two near Stanley Street and one on Dale Street. There are two properties in Manchester in the Canal Street area that another colleague had found."

"Okay! For now relax."

I patted her butt and spoke a word...'bikini!' Her eyes lit up. She went digging in her armoire. I dashed to change!

Minutes later holding hands again running through the house across the grass to leap into the pool!! Laughing like crazy people! Wet... we shared a lounge. Francis and Ali came to swim. They'd arrived a few hours before Jian.

Now we had a good crowd!

We had a cocktails and nibbles get together! Lawan and Thang, Ni and Kavnu, Kamol and Sarge.

Thet and Reyna introduced us to Dao their surrogate and Paithoon her husband.

Amporn did some delicious snacks, Cho and Francis were the bartenders.

It was nice to spend time with my Crew! They were all doing well! Lawan well along with the Northanger Abbey translation, she was sending parts to me and Prasert each week. Nearly ninety percent done! Jane Austen translating was basically her full time job now. Cho didn't have as much work for her and her two assistants, after two years there was no backlog left! They dealt with each new job right away. When her assistants were free they helped with the Austen Project.

Thang was doing some `special' projects for Dad he said he couldn't talk about. Boy did I sympathize with that feeling!

Ni had made a trip to California to visit Winnie. Kavnu went too for his first time in America! He loved Los Angeles. They stayed in our Venice apartment, Dolores and Sarita took very good care of them.

Kavnu had done some wandering around Hollywood, `loads' of pictures taken.

Kamol smiling holding Sarge's arm, they had a cousin of Kamol's to donate eggs and a surrogate who agreed to carry a baby for them. The implantation was to be in three weeks. They were using ours and Reyna's doctor. Crossed fingers from us!

Sarge's mom in Los Angeles was over the moon for them!

Sarge let the Marines know he would be going for his discharge. Pressure had been discreetly applied but he wanted out. Twenty one years! He'd have to go to a Marine base in California for discharge then he would come back to Bangkok. This would happen in two weeks.

"I have always enjoyed training and teaching so now I can do it full time," he squeezed Kamol's waist. Smiles. A kiss for each.

They all were amazed by the Twins. Running around and talking so much. Chani remembered Ni's name maybe because it was short! When Ni arrived with Kavnu and his sons Chani stuck out her arms "Ni!" It floored Ni. Cho and I were surprised too! Ni was so very pleased to be remembered!!

I did talk to Ni several times each week about lots of things so Chani certainly heard my side of many conversations and saw Ni during FaceTimes. `Kav' smiling as the Twins shook hands. He liked his new name.

Kavnu and Ni's boys romped with their buddy Jaidee. We had a small size football in blue, white and red they kicked and nosed around! Laughter plus woofing.

A low key group of friends together. We were all still closely linked.

The wedding! We'd been on a run of weddings and babies!

Thayer and Sondra arrived with Janice, her best friend, Kiet would be here later today. His restaurant build-out was moving along nicely. Cho and I greeted them on the Terrace as the AW139 lifted away behind them. Hugs and kisses.

They would stay with us, Kiet at his parent's home.

The wedding was an Alia affair. She was using our usual caterers and the Kiet Restaurant for the food service and goodies.

It was to be a Buddhist ceremony done by Kamol's uncle and several of his fellow monks. An altar was down the lawn from the house, seating in front of the altar and an enclosure for the monks to the side. All set.

A sunny morning, clear, a very gentle breeze. Cho and I with the Twins in white to greet the monks.

They were smiling, pleased to join two souls together. We showed Chani and Charlie how to `wai' in advance, they did it beautifully. The monks smiling, greeting our babies. They were blessed by Kamol's uncle.

We settled the monks in their enclosure. Food, water, comfy seating and tea coming!

I had already spent some time with Sondra and Janice explaining how the ceremony would work. Thayer would walk Sondra to the altar area and put her hand in Kiet's, etc... I would help Janice with the gifts at the end.

My personal contribution was a square of delicate white lace for Sondra's head.

Tha had the Twins in the front row on Sondra's side. Cuties! They had on their floppy sun hats. Francis, Ali and Gil right behind.

The guests, a big group of Kiet's family, were in their seats.

We assembled all the actors. Kiet and his dad got hugs from me. Cho led them down into the garden. Thayer and Sondra were at the door of her suite. She looked beautiful. Her gown was a long straight dress with a scoop neckline and translucent cap sleeves flowing down to her ankles with a small train. Sondra and Janice were barefoot like Kiet and his dad.

Thayer smiling motioning to his bare feet. We grinned. Sondra laughed, "Dad it's Okay your feet are fine."

I didn't inquire about that.

I got them from the doorway to the terrace and scampered down to sit beside Cho on Sondra's side in the front row. Tha and the babies beside us. On a low table were the gifts.

The bride and father approached, we all stood up. The sun bathed the scene in a wonderful glow.

Thayer did the hand-off and sat next to Cho, Kiet's dad knelt next to Janice.

I helped Janice with the veil. Folded it quickly and placed on my lap.

The Monk began, prayers in normal Thai and Pali. The blessings and the white cord to bind them. The water gently sprayed the couple. The last prayers.

I moved forward to pass the gifts to Janice who gave them to Sondra. She handed them one at a time to Kamol's uncle, he blessed her and Kiet for each gift. The monks retired to their space.

Kiet and Sondra had a nice kiss. We all cheered and clapped. Charlie shouted a `Yea!' Hugs and kisses shared.

Mr. Kiet thanked Cho and I for helping and hosting.

"We have some special delights to eat." His wife with a smile nodding.

Taittinger's opened, glasses charged. Kiet's dad made a toast for the couple to love each other forever, raise children with love and enjoy life.

I had Chani in my arms so drinking was tough but I yelled my cheers!

We partied for a while then I helped Sondra to change. An AW139 was in-bound to pick them up.

Their bags on board. Everyone had a small paper cup of flower petals to throw over the newlyweds. They kissed and hugged their way to the helicopter. Up and away to the Forest Palace for three days.

Thayer smiling, "It was nice, simple and over!!"

Cho and I kidded him that it was hardly over for him. He'd be living with them.

He waved his hand, "That's easy! They are happy to be together so our house is pretty calm. Besides they are both doing things they love."

Thayer was staying with us for the three days the `kids' would at the Forest Palace. Jian said she'd show Thayer and Janice the sights, taking Francis and Ali along. Janice wanted to go back to some she'd seen the last time.

We boarded a Gulfstream with the Twins, Tha and Gil... Our Protectors... next stop Phuket. In two hours I was sitting in a bikini in the shallows of our little cove. Chani standing with her hand on my shoulder... a big grin on her face. Those goggles made her look funny and cute!

We watched Charlie fly up from his Dad's arms and splash down. He came up laughing yelling `More!' Chani had her turn first but wanted another go! Charlie splashed a few times... Chani dove or sort of belly flopped to swim to her Dad. Cho sent Charlie my way and scooped up Chani. Lots more splashing before Cho called it quits.

He laid out beside me Charlie climbed on him, Chani leaning on my legs.

"Sondy married..." a quizzical look on Chani's face, "... babies?"

I said they hope so.

"More friends?"

"You bet! They will live in `Toga! You will get to see them."

She was clapping. Charlie yelled out `Toga' several times with his fists in the air.

Pha fed us wonderfully the first night. She and Anodo were very happy being here. They had a relaxed life with the occasional guest. Ty was growing up very cute and would start school next year.

Cho and I closed the day on the beach holding hands.

The next day was beach... Beach... BEACH!!! Chani and Charlie loved it. We got them out the water before they `pruned too much'... several times! The cove was perfect for them to swim, no big waves.

Cho led the way in building sand castles. Jaidee did help knock down part of one... so I took him on a beach walk.

Tha took the Twins on strolls around the property doing the name game! A whole new set of words!

Our second dinner was at the Pier restaurant on Chalong Bay in downtown Phuket. They had baby seats for their chairs. We had a big table by the water's edge. PJ, Gaby, Rande and Rafe at a table next to ours.

The owners were very happy to see us again and meet the Twins. We ate well and enjoyed being out in public where fewer people had any idea who we were.

On the way back home Gil took a call... trouble in New Mexico. Simon calling. She put it on speaker.

"Mr. Cho, Miss Martin, we had a confrontation with the Immigration folks a short while ago this morning. ICE agents came to the gate, they said they wanted to enter to check the immigration status of our workers.

I asked via the front gate communication equipment if they had any kind of warrant. If so hold it up to the camera. They said they didn't and they didn't need one.

I pointblank refused. I know the law, they have to have a warrant. They weren't happy. We had a drone above and behind them watching. Some of them started to walk along the fence looking to see if they could penetrate.

I pointed out that we could see them and would not permit their entering. They conferenced up by a pickup truck.

Because of the ditch parallel to the highway they couldn't get a running start at any part of the fence to ram it besides the gate..." Simon laughed, "... Except for the replacement cost I almost wished they try break through into the `killing field.'

They kept talking, several tried making calls using their cellphones but we turned on the front gate's suppression device so they got no signal. That played on their minds... Two trucks drove away leaving one with three fellows. They stayed put. The drone watched the others go several miles down the road to get a cell signal and make their calls.

I had already called Alice-Anne the D.C. lawyer. She said stay firm and she'd be on it.

The two trucks came back after a bit, the leader tried to threaten us. I turned off the suppression system before they came back so they could get calls.

They were sort of working up to making a rush at the gate when the leader got a call. He walked away his free arm waving, he acted angry. When the call ended he rounded up his people and they drove away. He gave the gate rude hand gesture."

A laugh from me. The mark of impotence!

"Alice-Anne called and got our news. She had called the head of the Immigration Service and told him what his agents were doing in New Mexico. He right away said he sort it out. So the dogs were called off.

Alice-Anne said she'd find out the details and send them to me and Bangkok. She was absolute about not letting them on the property until we see a proper warrant.

So that was fun!"

We laughed at his ending and congratulated him.

Cho was clear in his instructions to Simon, "Follow Alice-Anne's advice she knows the immigration code inside and out which why we hired her. Your people are all documented and the papers filed with the government so this was some local blowhard flexing.

Good work! A big thank you to your team."

We expected more on this... all we had to do was wait. Cho wryly smiling when I said that.

We had some swimming in the morning before loading up for Bangkok. The Twins had gotten a lot of sun but Tha had them watched carefully, sun shades for their heads and cream. Happy kids romping with Jaidee on the aircraft.

Thayer and Janice were packed up. It had been a fun few days for them. Tourist sites and relaxing, Amporn's wonderful food! We kissed them goodbye as our AW139 took them to meet the newlyweds at Don Mueang. A Cho-Fay Air flight to Saratoga.

We had one more day here. A quiet dinner with Phailin and Dad. Dad said there had been messaging back and forth with the insurgent leaders talking and arranging another meeting in Narathiwat.

Dad's office was coordinating with Kavat for the helicopter pickups. It looked like we had a working process. We'd be available to grease the wheels if needed.

Stephanie welcomed us aboard, "We can taxi out whenever there's no traffic now."

We soared up shortly after with Charlie's "Woo Hoo!" His small arms up over his head! The kid loved to to do takeoffs and landings!

An early morning arrival at Chalgrove. A race at Ascot the next day. This time the Twins were coming. We had outfits for them like ours thanks to the talented fingers of Ellie and Lorraine.

Monaco was already in Ascot with Rando, his jockey Emanuel and groom Maylene.

Cho and I talked on the flight about Rando. We decided to continue to race him for several years. He was an excellent moneymaker and his stylish wins were superb publicity for our stables!

By then more of Asda's kids and grandkids would be around tracks all over and the name' would be OUT THERE! With four or five years of triumphs Rando's stud' value would be sky-high!

We were definitely considering sending SakChai to England to race. He's too old for the Triple Crown over here... We've won both races we entered at Ascot with our colts and now Rando would give it a go on the turf.

The sun rising as we touched down at Chalgrove.

Carter's smile as Charlie and Chani rushed at him from the Range Rovers yelling "Car!". Hugs!! Audra given the same treatment. In the Entryway we could hear `Car2' called out. The Twins loved big greetings!

Inside got Audra's wink and ran upstairs followed by Gil. Gaby, Tessa and Tara all called out they were `In!'

I stopped at Sunny's door after I dressed. A knock... A bit muffled, "Fay, is that you?"

I burst into the room and jumped on her bed.

"Wow! Someone's got energy!"

I tickled her and we laughed.

"Okay I'm awake!"

"I'm off to ride. See you at breakfast."

A hug.

I snuck up on Pamela and Roland's stalls... I put my hand with half an apple over her gate... waving up and down... I heard a horse clipping over... I stuck my head out... Pamela whinnied LOUDLY! She was hugged and kissed. Pamela kept rubbing her nose on me as I caressed her.

We moved to the paddock she shared with Roland.

She got the half apple and Roland the second part. They were doing well. Her baby bump was showing quite definitely now. I rubbed them a bit, a kiss for each.

Declan came in to saddle Roland for me.

I asked about his American trip...

"Miss, it was fun! Lots of new things to see. America is quite the place. It's so big! Flying all those hours to get to California!! Watching Sunny... she's really talented and works so hard."

"There's a lot of competition! I think she's up to it." Fist bump!

I walked out on Roland, my riding group all set. Down the grassy lane to the flats up the slope at a soft trot. At the lock the operator waved with a loud hello. We all returned it.

Roy was setting up, a handshake and my special hand wave over the water for good fishing! Everybody laughing at my `blessing.'

On the west side of the river we went east then north once we passed under the railway. Up into Lower Radley then around the big field to the wide path through the woods. Near the Industrial Estate we turned to the Thames Path and the small bridge. At the lock the fellow was working with a barge at the north end, we crossed and called out a `good morning,' he waved.

Mr. Hardy was going out for his walk. I slid down for a hug. He was great and working away. I already knew that given the pages he had been sending me.

Now for the last lap... I asked Roland and we were off! I aimed him to the riverside path and we rocked!! He was striding beautifully, breathing properly, digging in those driving back legs! Perfection in muscles. I let him run hard to the flats since none of Freddie's folks were out yet.

Fist bumps when my crowd caught up. We walked around a bit.

Gaby asked about Mr. Hardy. When we turned our horses over to the grooms I went on visits throughout the Stables, Gaby with me.

We sat on a hay bundle. I told her about my life saving' efforts and how we had found out some about each other. How Cho and I helped him get going on the book. I was reading pages he sent and making comments. How our friend Montaigan did reading' for him too.

"Montaigan? I met a General Montaigan once. He was retired but on our base for some function."

"It's certainly him." She was amazed to learn we owned his house on l'Ile de St. Louis. Our visit to Martinique and his being here for Christmas were added.

"Fay, he is famous in the Army for being brave and a great leader, a soldiers' general."

"You'll get to meet him again."

A thoughtful smile.


In the Breakfast Room everybody was eating away. Sunny finishing and rushing off to get in Prasert's car for school. I did a plate, parked my butt next to Cho who gave me a perfunctory kiss as he was engrossed in something in the Financial Times. He grinned when I asked for a better.

Charlie and Chani were eating their last bits. Lessons!! Cho took their hands and walked them to the stairs. I heard Chani say... "Popa let's go."

I walked down with Gil to the stables to see Imogene before she rode over to Denham School. We were in Plotline's stall rubbing the big guy.

"Fay, I've been working him along with Yvonne and Diana. He's had loads of time in the the arenas and over the cross-country course. There's a lot of power... " she patted his haunch, "... in this body much like Prince Sergey. He clears the jumps with room to spare... he's a dream going across country. The dressage is where he needs the most work. He's willing but sometimes his power is too much. I've had Diana increase his time in the dressage arena to work on that."

"Will he get it?"

"Yes! Lots of smarts. He's not been asked to `dial it back' before."

"I'll ask Sunny to take some time with him."

Fist bump.

Gil said she had some things for me. Ali chimed in too! I said the Library after we changed. Thumbs up.

Cho and Francis in the Office. Gil, Ali and I did miscellaneous things for several hours with tea breaks... cookies too!

Cho with Francis joined us briefly to talk about Alice-Anne's email. She had further information on the `visit' to the Lordsburg Ranch by the ICE people. It was a local thing based on the knowledge we had been hiring without ICE knowing anything about the staff and assuming there'd be undocumented people.

She had copies of all our staff employment documents in her office and provided them to the Immigration Director. It was faster than getting his agency to round them up.

He had them reviewed and his office's official position was they were all perfectly fine. He would pass that on to the New Mexico office with the order to stay away unless his office was notified IN ADVANCE the U.S. Attorney covering southern New Mexico had signed off on a warrant.

Alice-Anne said while this didn't mean the locals might not try something else. They like to think they are independent from Washington. Our reaction was a shot across their bows to be wary.

Cho raised an eyebrow, "The local ICE didn't know who owned the ranch... They tried to bulldoze their way in? Just to arrest a few people? Change definitely needed."

"Apparently they haven't a clue we own it. Either it is disguised enough or they're too lazy to look."

I added, "It's the whole Homeland Security' department thing. It is a big mess of agencies rammed together that don't fit and haven't assimilated. Simon's on alert, so we know ours will be watching. The comment about the killing zone' was interesting."

Cho laughed at Francis' face, "A bit graphic? What he means is once you are in that fenced section of the drive there's nowhere to go. At the front gate there are tyre rippers hidden in the road so we let an intruder get inside the narrow walled channel... there's another gate ahead. As they approach possibly to ram through it a second set of tyre rippers are raised to tear their tyres to shreds immobilising that vehicle.

If like the first group the other day there were several vehicles, as they pass the first pushed downed gate the hidden tyre rippers are raised so when they try to back up their other vehicles those tyres are torn apart immobilising that car.

The side fences are tall and flexible with a very small mesh, intentionally difficult to climb. So they are trapped retreating on foot to the road the only way out.

If they try to approach from the north or south through the desert... there is a simple fence but they would have by then set off sensors and Simon's team would react. There were a few traps' in place to cause trouble. From the east over the mountains there's no physical fence just the wall' of cameras and sensors. It is an extensive field giving our people plenty of warning. There are `booby' traps well hidden in the right places."

"Let's hope their being called off was enough to discourage them but our people will go into the towns where they could be harassed," Francis didn't sound optimistic.

"In that case we should make sure Simon drills them to use the Panic App before anything escalates to the point of ICE trying to take their phones."

Fist bump for Cho.

We all went into the Garden for drinks and kid play time. The Twins were in jumpers and wooly hats with the cooler air. Jaidee had fun chasing tennis balls from Charlie who only fell down once doing a toss. He plopped on his butt to an enormous shower of giggles. He was getting better at throwing.

He was still laughing as Jaidee dropped the ball at his feet. Ready to go again!

The morning was the same... a good long ride followed by work. Lunch and then it was time to dress for Ascot.

I was going quite differently. Chani and I had navy blue long sleeved silk frocks with white polka-dots. Me with navy stockings and heels, Chani in white socks and a new pair of navy blue Mary Janes. Red lips and nails for me with `Joy' and a dab for Chani which made her giggle. I added an over the shoulder leather navy bag with a gold chain to go with my gold jewellery.

We both had white cardigans in case. Gil and Tha were in spiffy navy frocks too!

The men in their cutaways. Cho in his cutaway... gorgeous! The silver gray vest! The top hat!

Charlie was the same. He looked so cute. The top hat was a big hit with him.

PJ and Rande in their cutaways, Tara and Ansara in black tailored cutaways like mine with a bit of extra room in the jacket.

We showed the Twins how to bow and curtsey.

It was British Champions Day at Ascot, the Queen would be there. Our AW139 dropped us across the Ascot High Street as before.

I carried Chani and Cho had Charlie as we walked over so they didn't get tired. An Ascot lady met us and guided our crowd around and up to the Owners and Trainers terrace again. Cho would go for drinks. We had time to wait.

Shawn saw us and came over. A hug.

I introduced Chani and Charlie. Shawn squatted down to shake hands, "I'm Shawn. It is nice to meet you. I've heard a great deal about you two."

"Pretty colour..." Chani's hand touching Shawn's sleeve.

"Thank you. It is nice. You and your mother look wonderful. Charlie you are very handsome in your tails. I like to see men dress up."

To me, "I almost didn't recognize you..." We laughed.

"I was always told not to be predictable."

"That is an excellent old saw to remember! That dress is lovely, the line suits you very well."

I liked her soft rose red dress, Shawn wore good clothes that suited her.

"Alexander will be along, he went to place a few wagers. Gee and Cecil are here..." she spun around, "... somewhere."

Alexander came out with Cho. We shook hands, "Miss Martin your clothes are very normal this time."

We all laughed. Alexander met the Twins, he bent way over to be close. Shaking hands, smiles!

I got my club soda and lime. Cho said he placed a bet! `On Rando's nose!'

Gee arrived towing Cecil. Greetings. Gee was in a forest green outfit, looking good. She adored my dress. I was surprised that Cecil was very good meeting the Twins. Right down to their level like Shawn.

I looked at Gee, she winked. Later she said he learned that when she was helping to run a day care in their village. It was the right thing to do!

We chatted about the races. Alexander had two horses running today, one had `placed' earlier and he had hopes for the second in the race after ours.

Cecil was pleased not to be running his best big fellow against Rando. That one would run later also.

"Now for the most part the bookies really do get it right but this 5-1 on yours... Once again because he's not run on turf before? Or this is his eighth race of the year? Silly. I happily put money on his nose."

He and Cho shook on it. "I did too!"

The post parade for the Qipco Champions Stakes was called. It was a G1 race of ten furlongs. This was Glaa's favoured distance, a mile and a quarter. Rando had run this distance so no problem for him. But as the bookies were `saying' with their odds... not on grass.

For Rando it was a huge step forward into the limelight. He had a fantastic year, he had run away from all of the Kentucky Derby field except his half-brother and sister. If he won here there was an automatic entry to the Breeder's Cup Classic Turf!

Monaco came down to us with a smile, "He's wired!" Cho gave him a hug. Cecil and Alexander gave him handshakes and `Good luck!'

I held Chani so she could see... I pointed out our colours on Emanuel and Rando's deep black. We watched them go to the left for the start. The loading went along easy.

Clang... they came out cleanly. Rando had his footing right away! He was with a pale gray on his left shoulder running rapidly up the straight. The two were opening three or four lengths sprinting side by side. The first turn coming, I watched in my glasses... Rando began to pull away.

Emanuel moved him closer to the rail, Rando switched leads easily even though the track was the reverse direction from all his experience. Some great training by Monaco. In the turn you could see Rando widening. He was roaring along with a big smooth stride.

Down the back straight he had an eight length margin. Cecil smiling, "No slack. Do any of yours ever tire?"

Cho laughed, turning with Charlie in his arms, "No. They love to run hard all day!"

Cecil shaking his head.

Alexander said look at the fractions... Rando was really moving! Emanuel took a look back as they neared the final turn... empty space... more than thirteen lengths of it!

Coming out of the turn I watched Emanuel urge Rando, it was a hand ride all the way but he asked for a bit more. It was obvious Rando wanted to respond... a surge.

His big black body flashing down the straight. He was storming home, an awesome display! It looked like a twenty length lead. The crowd was going quite wild watching our boy romp!

Rando powered over the finish in 1:59:01!! A new record for the stakes. A sub-two minute mile and a quarter, the first ever!! He took more than a full second from `New Approach's' record.

We celebrated! A "Yea!" from Charlie. Chani smiling and clapping as I gently bounced her.

Other owners and trainers on the terrace shouted out their congratulations. Cho and Monaco smiling saying our thanks! Me waving! We walked down to the turf. The crowd gave us a very nice reception.

Emanuel grinning as he walked Rando back. He waved to the crowd they responded with a huge swell of cheers and clapping.

We stepped up close, Chani softly stroked Rando's nose.

We moved back to let Maylene bathe his face. Monaco had the lead in his hand smiling.

"All the colts like this track! Running like the wind!"

We did a fist bump, me... Monaco... Chani!

We followed Rando through to the Parade Ring. Emanuel grinning as he dismounted, a hug!

"Miss Martin, he's such a great ride. So which race at the Breeder's Cup?"

"How about the Turf Classic? He's got a place in that now or up against Glaa?"

"As good as Rando is... Glaa is flat unbeatable! It can't be done not even SakChai will do it. The Classic will be his first loss."

I smiled leaning close, a finger beside my nose, "That's what we think."

An Ascot fellow came up to us, "Her Majesty is coming."


We watched the Queen as she entered the Parade Ring going straight to the Winner's Stand. William and Kate were behind her. I got a smile and a quick wave from Kate.

Today the Queen was all in orange, a pale shade for her dress and darker for her hat.

We were ushered up onto the stand. Cho and Charlie, Chani and me. Monaco and Emanuel.

"Hello we meet again!"

Cho bowed, Charlie holding his Dad's hand did too. I curtseyed with Chani.

Her Majesty was smiling as we introduced the Twins. She leaned forward to shake their small hands.

"You are very nicely dressed."

Chani grinned, "Mama and me the same."

"Indeed! Very pretty."

Charlie doffed his hat and bowed again.

"Young man you look handsome dressed like your father."

Will and Kate quietly applauding.

The Queen standing up looking at us, "Once more you bring a powerful colt. I saw his pedigree, your Asda as the sire. I would like to meet your super sire sometime."

Cho said she'd be welcome at Harcourt House for a visit any time to see Asda and Glaa's dam was there.

Will moved beside his grandmother, "We have visited them. A lovely house and excellent stables."

I offered, "Maybe in December... we have an extended Christmas celebration time?"

Will and Kate nodding.

We got a `perhaps' from Her Majesty.

On to business. Cho received the big silver bell `Champions Stakes' trophy. I received a large silver plate.

Monaco was greeted, "You Sir must have a magician's touch. Your trainees just run hard all day!"

"Your Majesty I am given the finest talent to work with."

A smaller silver plate went to him.

Emanuel bowed. You were quite good out there. You kept him to the task. I saw you asking' for a bit more! Quite the show!"

You could see he was thrilled to be told he had ridden a fine race. A smaller plate for him.

We were ready to leave when the Queen turned to William and Kate.

"Can you provide my equerry with the Harcourt House information?"

Will said he would straightaway.

We got a nice goodbye from the Queen.

As we left the stand a lot of applause, it lasted for several minutes.

Back behind the Winner's Stand, a kiss!!

Cho grinning, "So Miss Martin... are we up to a Royal Visit?"

"If we aren't I know Carter will be!"

"Absolutely! It would be nice for her to see Asda, Hathai, Secret Sea and the others. The Queen knows horses."

Emanuel went to change, he and Monaco coming to Harcourt House. We headed to the Grundy Bar again. It was terrific to see Monaco get congratulations from his peers. Smiles, handshakes and some whiskey!

Cho an inch of dark scotch.

Cecil walked in. He was smiling, "You folks got a nice bit of time with Her Majesty."

"Yes, she was nice and seemed to like meeting the Twins."

Charlie and Chani were getting ice cream with Tha and Gil, Tara and Ansara close by them.

We didn't stay long. More congratulations as we left.

The ice cream eaten... Cho and I carried the Twins across the road. The helicopter was rising shortly after for the short flight.

Carter with a big smile as the Twins ran across the Forecourt to him! Hugs and laughter!

He took the trophies, he'd `find a place for them.'

Eric, Malee and Anne had arrived! The Twins in the Great Room greeted their friend with hugs and kisses. Anne walking very well, looking cute in a red and white striped frock. Great to see Eric and Malee! Reg, Rona and MFA were on their way.

We'd have two days of fun then on to California.

Reg gave me a big hug, kisses for Rona and MFA was such a girl. A big ponytail!

"Aunt Fay!" SQUEEZE!

The Twins hugged and kissed her. Anne joined in!

"Come out back... ," Chani with MFA's hand.

The four ran out to use the new garden gizmo. A wooden play set had been built by Phillips team from a design of Teddy's. A two story house with a slide down one side, a swing on the other side. Steps up with strong handrails. A shingled roof, a playroom on the ground floor with a door and windows.

Tha was with them. They had promised they wouldn't slide or swing unless an adult was there.

Cho and I took the other `adults' to the north end to see the pool. It was very far along! Our contactor said we'd be able to swim during Christmas!!

I told everyone to pack a swimming costume every time they came!

The pool itself and all the buildings were done, landscaping and the inflatable roof were to come. Cho explained how the roof would look and work.

The surprise for me! Cho explained about the Endless Pool thing built-in the north end.

Gil squeezed my waist, "Fay, it's terrific! Laps!"

Drinks and kids before dinner. The Great Room with four kids running around!

Carla did baked turbot in a white wine sauce slightly piquant. A grilled squash casserole with a flaky crust top, a wild rice and mushroom dish and silky soft bread from Maxine.

2010 Lucien Le Moine Chevalier Montrachet was Carter's excellent contribution! Wonderful!

Dessert was strawberry tarts with vanilla ice cream. All the kids loved it! So did the grown-ups it appeared or rather it disappeared!

Afters on the Terrace, jumpers and macs on! Little heads covered in wooly hats, warm jackets on. Coffee a la grandfather as Kendall served, Amaretto! The men's noses in snifters of Remy Martel Louis XIII.

We talked kids, horses, our meeting the Queen again and her maybe coming here... Everybody excited for us. We had mentioned the possibility to Carter earlier, he smiled, `We will be ready!'

Cho and I hugged after that. Carter was nothing if not `cool!'

Chilly in the morning, some mist down by the river as we approached the lock from the north. The lock man waved, Roy just settling in. On our property across the river I led Tessa and Gaby on the track to pass by Archie's place.

Terry out with the cows, he waved. I called a `good morning.' We went around the east side passing Jerrold's quiet house to get on the path going north on to more of Harcourt House land. We stayed on the path as it entered the woods, a good hard ride through.

At the end of the path a Security Service Land Rover. Franco said hi, he was doing a patrol southward. Fist bump on the way by!

We went ahead on the river side of the tree line our `sharpshooter' had been camping in when Tara spotted him. I pointed out the spot. We turned into the yurt cottages area. A young woman in running clothes was stretching.

We said good morning, she waved. I told her about the Thames path. `Oh really, I'll try it. Thanks.' She sounded American.

We stopped at the Recording Studio. Celeste identified the woman as a singer in a band using a studio. Tab walked out of her office smiling, "Fay, we are booked solid until nearly the middle of next year."

I congratulated her and encouraged her to keep going. Grins!

It was quiet at Mr. Hardy's... he must be out walking, no matter he'd be up for dinner.

I asked Roland to run when his hooves touched grass. Off we went. I held him back a bit so the others could stay close.

A `hello' from Mr. Radley, I waved. Then I leaned down near Roland's neck... with a mile to go I asked him. We soared on the path by the river. My companions fell behind so I was rocking alone crossing the Fraser's land.

I didn't slow my guy until we'd reached the flats. Gaby and Tessa caught up, fist bumps! We walked our horses some then turned up the lane. Andy standing there smiling.

"Miss Martin, the scone was terrific this cold morning! It's lovely to be here!"

"I'm glad." I asked about the `to be assembled' furniture Audra bought.

"No trouble it's all together. Looks good too!"

A chilly gust of wind I did a `brrrr' "We're going in for coffee!"

Sunny, Cho, Eric and Reg in the Breakfast Room. Golf! Cho's first time out in a while. Rona and Malee were `lying in' for a bit. Tha was getting the Twins up, she would bring MFA and Anne down for breakfast.

Their mom's would join them.

Hugs for the golfers and Sunny as she headed for the car to school.

I slipped into my `Ancient' Munro tartan skirt. A yellow t-shirt and blue sleeveless jumper, both matching the colours in my skirt. Yellow tights. Black half boots. A black rough wool jacket with a big collar plus gloves.

I walked with Gil over to Harcourt Close. With a summer's growth in trees, shrubs and grass the whole street looked settled in!! Just as I had hoped.

Audra opened their front door with a big smile. Inside it was homey and comfy looking. The furniture was `modern' in a timeless way and the sofa quite comfortable. We got the whole tour.

"Fay, we love it. Lots of room, a terrific kitchen, the garden has been great to sit in after supper. Ellie and Prasert next door with Kas are fab. Sue and hers are going to move in across the road. Yone, around the curve," her arm making a swoosh motion, "walks over to say `hi' each evening. We're becoming a neighborhood!"

A hug!

Will, Eliza and Beth would move in soon. Carl and his family moving today! A reminder to Gil to check with Phillips about a floral display for them.

Benjamin and his wife to take one of the single floor two bedroom cottages next to Yone. We said we would enlarge it when needed for their family.

Time for work and phone calls. First I called Jun, another meeting at the compound was being arranged to talk in depth about the ceasefire being continued. Same conditions, Army in barracks, insurgents lay low. Then what was needed to make it permanent including Army drawdown of force and separatists dumping weapons.

The Prime Minister and Narong had spoken to Irish and Canadian ambassadors, their governments agreed in principle to be the weapons dumping monitors, the details to be worked out very soon and possible U.N. involvement was mooted. Still early days but the dialogue ongoing at least. A pickup of the speed of action.

I talked to Adam and Des on FaceTime. Things were humming along. Some good stuff coming. The Defense budget could get to be a problem for the Tories. Back benchers not completely happy with the bill, it could be used as a brexit busting bill. If it fails a vote of no confidence could follow... the fat in the fire!

No enthusiasm to go the polls from either side. Labour was letting down the country with their divisiveness. It was obvious Corbyn wasn't up to the job as leader.

No pressing News UK issues for me, Norma kept me up to date.

Charles was brought in by Stanton. He wanted to ask me for something. I pointed to a chair.

"Miss Martin, Winnie has sent me a commission for video and stills of two dozen London landmarks. Can I ask Prasert for a car?"

"Two dozen? That'll be more than a few hours work. Is there a completion date?"

Charles said he had a month.

"How about you go up to town with your mom on several weekends? You can stay at ours in Fulham, use the Tube or a car to get around."

"Wow! That would be so nice of you."

"Go ask your mom to come up for a few minutes."

Zoom... A rocketship! Gil and I laughed. To be young! We laughed even more when I said that!

Lucas! He had coffee and cookies! He received a big welcome.

The door opened behind him, Stanton reappeared, "Miss Martin, Carla and Charles."

A hug for Carla. "Did Charles tell you my idea?"

"Yes, it is very generous of you."

"Well you two have some fun together and get the work done!"

"Sue said they'd be fine without me... which doesn't sound good but I took it mean she'd cope."

Laughter. I said work out the details with Prasert and Gil because she'll know whenever anyone was going to be using the Fulham house. Gil winked to Carla.

Fist bump with Charles. He had sent me the nicest thank you note for equipping the office downstairs for him. He said it was a `dream' setup and he'd show me with great work. I had no doubts.

He dashed out.

Carla thanked me too, "Miss Martin, you supported Charles interest from the first. It is appreciated."

"He has talent, we saw it. It's terrific to encourage him!"

Fist bump.

Back to work. Arturo rang. He was quietly pleased by the first meeting of the insurgents and the government. My talking with Chakan was awesome.

"Fay, I think the `rumour' had a bit of effect. I spoke to one of the leaders in Kuala Terengganu, he mentioned the weakening of backing by the Malaysians. He is usually well informed..."

I had a smile Arturo couldn't see, "It was a low key method of sending some shade to them. If it made them feel less secure then it served its purpose."

He was taking time off visiting Family in Rome. I wished him a good time.

Jian calling! She was in Chiang Mai for the opening of a clinic. Phitsanulok's clinic, also in the northwest, would open the day after tomorrow. The second one in Korat was a month or so out.

"Ting and Andrea are here with Caroline. It is very festive evening! The local people are happy to see us."

She was excited which made my day. My buddy was enjoying her role in the Foundation. Her helping us make a difference!

Email from Costello at Harcourt Farm. Rodrigo and our two mares who had been at Roundell's were in residence. Both Grace of My Heart and Twilight Maiden were in foal to Rodrigo due in the late winter.

Robbie was sending two older racers to be trained for pleasure riding and one other to be our first retiree.

The Fam staff was nearly complete, he only lacked a few farm people.

It was very early in the day there... not at a horse farm, I rang him. Costello picked up right away. We discussed various things then I asked about community relations.

"Dickie hit the ground running! He's been to all the nearby towns to meet the folks in government and police. He made one trip to Frankfort to meet and greet with some state legislature members and the Governor's Chief of Staff.

He was welcomed and had good talks. The Governor's Chief of Staff was open to a visit soon.

We have hosted a school visit so some kids got to meet Rodrigo and the mares.

Most had never been up close to a horse before. They loved it. Victoria did the greeting and a Q&A. Some good questions and a few funny ones. The teachers were quite pleased. Everyone got a snack and a bit of walking around.

They left a happy crowd."

I loved it! Otherwise everything was great! Construction was nearly complete. The school was the last item. It would be ready by the new year as planned.

"One of Dickie's stops in Frankfort was to the state school authorities. They would allow the school to open and accept our workers children after they had our teacher's names and done a check on their accreditation.

I know it won't be a problem. The first woman I want to hire is in her late forties, fully accredited as a math and English teacher in elementary and secondary education. She had stopped working to care for her dying mother who has passed. Brianna, she's a dynamo!

The state education people put me onto two others, one is a science person, the other a reading and English as a Second Language teacher. Both fully accredited. They are nearby. The science fellow, Octavio, is older and retired but in excellent health. His references are glowing especially about him being well suited to teaching science to kids. He does science shows at fairs which have lots of hands-on displays.

The English slash reading and ESL teacher, Maya, is a native Spanish speaker, she is in her forties and enthusiastic.

Tilly has done the background checks and they are good to go!"

I put in, "Get them on the payroll now! Have them start doing their plans for the first term next year. Will all their accreditation work for middle and high school age students?"

"Yes! I mentioned the elementary angle because the state educations folks were very interested in that.

So we'll have a three room school with a play area and space for older ones to exercise. The location gives us room to expand. Lunches will come from the canteen. Our farm staff nutritionist will set the menu."

I was over the moon! This was exactly what what I wanted... an intimate education experience for the kids!! I could see Costello had real imagination and management skills. Cho and I should think about some sort of serious end of year bonus for him and Tilly.

Costello wanted to know what they should call the school... With brilliant insight and English logic I said `Farm School' which made him laugh!

"Miss Martin, it's great! Simple and to the point!"

We rang off laughing! Gil getting my end was giggling over the name.

Email from Francis' about the AW139's. I replied to come over. He joined us.

A smile, "AgustaWestland is increasing their production staff to turn out more AW139's. Their production manager has just been on to me. Since we have committed to another twenty aircraft they have to do it to keep up.

We now hold eleven and two thirds percent of Leonardo stock, the parent company, making us the largest owner other than the Italian government. The share value is down over five euros per in the last few months making it a nice buy.

Cho had wanted to go to twelve percent in the short term to be able to exert some pressure on production which has worked. We'll probably go to twenty percent or more given the weakness in the stock price.

We have priority. They are promising we'll get two of every three off the assembly line until they reach our twenty. Our AW139's were now having the defense systems of our choice factory installed plus advanced avionics!

We'll have to get Thet and Kavat's input on future requirements then negotiate new contracts."

Fist bump!

I asked about the used marketplace. Francis had investigated it finding not a good source for frontline units. "What I saw were helicopters that needed a lot of overhaul and upgrading... not cost effective. We'd probably have to tear them down to the air-frame which means creating a production line of our own."


Kent calling. "Fay, are you sitting down... Okay... a bit over-dramatic! We have a new Trump story... Yes... the Polish fellows. Joseph and Larry scored! They have several hours of video with two of the surviving workers. They have loads of documents and they called their attorney who worked for them against Trump. They told him to give it all to us. We will sit down with him in two days."

"Sounds marvelous! They recount the whole fiasco? The Bonwit-Teller part too?"

"Yes! Everything! They have tape of Trump speaking to them as a group and their lawyer has a conference call with Trump and one of his lawyers on tape. It's all legal!"

He laughed some more, "We are continuing to explore the pee tape actors. We have the prostitutes' names that Trump used and will try to get them on camera."

I urged him on! "Since the election he's hardly been out, holed up in his tower' whenever he's in the city feeling sorry for himself. The only time he goes to 21' is he is sure we aren't there!"

"Poor guy! Well he's spending more time in Florida... as a New Yorker my feeling is... good riddance!"

Another call finishing with laughter! I liked these calls!!

Emails binged in. Becky at the State Department, Theodore and Cheryl in New York. More folks getting to work early in America.

Becky had asked the American ambassador in Bangkok to visit with the Prime Minister after the meeting in Narathiwat. The Prime Minister had been very pleased with the start that had been made. The ambassador in his communications to the Secretary of State and Becky passed on the Prime Minister's positive feelings and the Thai government's intentions for the future.

I replied all parties had been open and willing so they found a way forward. I made sure she understood the role of General A-Wut had been crucial in being flexible and moving the Army high command to a `talk' rather than shoot mode.

I called Jack at the Foreign Office. He was good with coming come down the day after tomorrow with Corinna for luncheon and a talk about southern Thailand.

Cheryl's news was good! The Daily News offices in the Fox Tower were ready to start moving some of the operations. We'd be there to make an opening splash!

The `45th' was also ready to open!!! Another headline opening! A party planned, local friends and a few celebrities we'd gotten to know, a dignitary or two or three.

It would be a big day! Both events! California the next day for the Breeder's Cup weekend.

Theodore's email was informational. Yevgeny had done two days of talking with folks from the NSA. Theodore said the deeper insights into the thinking at FSB was quite valuable. The russians might change methods but the underlying philosophy wouldn't be transformed it was too deeply ingrained. Their KGB forefathers still having an impact.

He imagined Yevgeny would be released shortly after Christmas so he was slowly pushing the two russians they were using to create his cover into action. Going easy and subtle.

It was encouraging to hear about Yevgeny's getting to be with Mara again soon. We had an flat for them in another of our buildings on Minetta Street. Close but giving them some space for themselves.

It was across the street a half block down, protected by our Security. Six flats, all two bedroom with two baths, kitchen with dishwasher and washer/dryer, dining room, living room and a study. Two of our Security folks lived in the ground floor flat.

My afternoon ride was great. Rona, Gil, Tessa and Penny. We bounced around going north and a speed run home. Rebel gave me a terrific time! Fast!

I did a conference app call with Aston in Seattle and Marita in Los Angeles. The Seattle trapezoid building was nearly finished. All The Day's most important office spaces were in use! The newsroom was awesome with all the equipment they needed and the big screens!

Aston was booming right along, the newspaper up to twenty six pages today! They were selling out every day even after press runs had been raised multiple times. Downtown sold-out quickly! So a big increase in copies for there.

Covering Seattle's news like a blanket. Several scoops about action at City Hall!! Advertising revenue doubling every two to three weeks, taking business from the Seattle Times. Fist pump up and down!!!

Local delivery had expanded to Downtown, Magnolia, all of Queen Anne, Ballard, Phinney Ridge and the Cascade neighborhood. Looking at covering the last part of Capitol Hill, all of the Central District, Beacon Hill and University District.

Marita gave us a rundown on their new office. The staff loved the building, lots of room and the location great! Easy to get to a freeway!

Marita was two days from the first issue on the streets, the website was live. They had a big advertising boost from several large local businesses. There were two dozen feature stories of local interest for the first week.

The entertainment folks had interviews with filmmakers and recording artists ready to go. A four part series to start on day one in sports about horse racing. Local tracks, trainers, breeders, etc...

Magenta at LAhires had the staff ready to cover the downtown area, Venice, Century City, Santa Monica and Hollywood for the free giveaway editions, edging up into the Beverly Hills district. We would add Silver Lake, Echo Park and Westlake soon. Spreading out to new areas every two weeks as our distribution system gained experience.

Marita was set to sprint out of the starting gate.

Dinner was a Marandi buffet! Our neighbors loved coming to this. Indian/Pakistani food was popular in the United Kingdom, not many cooked it at home though. We had pakoras, samosas, phulouries to start then tandoori fish and shrimp, several paneers, savoury potatoes, biryani rice, lots of naan, Madras style lentils, mixed green salad, condiments. Chai or Kingfisher Ale.

A sweet rice pudding and banana ice cream at the end. Charlie dove into the `nana' ice cream!!!

I made a number of trips to the buffet! Mr. Hardy smiling as he got more biryani rice and lentils. The Thorns and Cottons! Rev. Lone and the Mrs. Our close neighbors, the Frasers and Radleys with the assorted youngsters!!

Reg, Rona and MFA, Eric, Malee and Anne! Charlie and Chani had a little bit of everything at the lower spice level as did Anne and MFA! Their little body systems doing well. Charlie liked pakoras with mint sauce! Sunny loved the spicy items, she went back several times to the food like me!

With outer wear we did afters on the Terrace. I was sitting with Ron Cotton and Mr. Thorn to talk about St. Thomas School. Our paying the fees for all the students had made a lot of happy local families! For some it had been a scrape to get the money, freed of that had made their lives just that little bit better.

Mr. Thorn had enlisted the Board of Governors, me included but not actively, to help him make decisions on eligibility of students. They had a few hard choices... they contacted me and I said we'd pay for those who were on the margin of the approved catchment area.

I was totally chuffed in the morning after Roland did me the honour of a spectacular ride! Tara and Penny with Rona had kept up going south over the river but after that Roland wanted to run! A very fast trip up to the Sandford lock then a roaring run along the Thames back to the stables.

My companions were way behind. I walked this handsome fellow waiting for them, rubbing his neck. He was nickering! A happy guy!!

Smiles and fist bumps all around! A hug from Rona! We walked up the lane. Andy with a big grin, "Fay, it was fabulous to watch you and Roland. He was moving! I'd not seen him do a morning run with you. He's into it!"

I slid down, a hug for him. I loved handing him a scone earlier... just like the old days!!

Okay I had several stops in the Midlands today! Gil, Tessa, Ken and Gaby coming with me.

A bit of a chill... black skinny jeans, a cut-off t-shirt in lime green, a black flannel shirt over. Black ankle boots and silver bits. `Joy' by Cho. A jacket on the AW139 in case.

Cho and Francis were going to London for part of the day to the City Investment Bank. Meetings with Cornell and his staff.

I got Rona to come with! Ulterior motives for me! Tha and Malee would take care of MFA.

The Cho-Fay Air AW139 lifted off going north then bending some to the northwest. In an hour and a quarter we were descending to the top of a multi-story car park. The northeast corner was blocked off for us.

Penn's work to get us permission to land included the city government, the bus station underneath and the Manchester Police. They had two PC's on the deck to watch over our helicopter. I shook their hands and thanked them for helping us. Smiles.

Tara, Gaby and Ken with Rona, me and Gil down the stairs to Bloom Street. We went over one block to Richmond Street. In the middle was an old warehouse, a delivery door for lorries and an office on the ground floor front.

Our London Estate Agent Mason's colleague, Alexis, was waiting. We shook hands.

"Miss Martin, a pleasure. I have the keys."

We entered through the office area. Large open spaces marked on the floor with numbers in the vast room. Four floors, the top two had been sub-divided into smaller store rooms. The roof had huge skylights flooding the top floor with light!

The biggest drawback was the lack of bathrooms, it only had two and those on the ground floor! No water pipes above the ground floor.

Out the door and a turn to the left down Richmond Street. The second location was smaller but much more to my liking!!

It had a good ground floor space for a meeting room and dining hall combined. The back corner would do very well for the kitchen with a delivery door from the car park which was part of the property.

An office that we could expand by moving the non-load bearing walls. A freight type lift that went up three floors, access to all floors by the staircase. A fire escape on the west side for all floors.

Upstairs there were bathrooms on each of the three floors, skylights and lots of windows. The top floor was a slightly smaller footprint than the second but had the same big windows facing south.

Looking at the floor layouts could see expanding the bathrooms would be easy compared to building entirely new ones. The lack of plumbing in the first location was a killer.

I gave Rona my thinking through both buildings, what I wanted and how to visualise the space. She was interested, I was leading up to something but not ready to let it go.

I gave Alexis the word to buy it and our `cash immediately' for a discount proposal method. She grinned and made the call. I kept wandering, Gil taking a few snaps for Cho and Jian.

Subdividing this into private sleeping rooms would be easy. Rona and I used Alexis' tape measure to get a quickie estimate of the rooms.

Alexis down to us on the first floor.

"It's a deal at two percent off!"

Fist bump! Gil and Francis would co-ordinate the bits and pieces of the deal's money.

We did a short walkabout. On Canal Street going north, going by restaurants and bars. Not much happening in the mid-morning but with all the seating, etc... you could easily imagine the crowds after dark along the canal-side!

We walked over the Chorlton Street bridge, past the Manchester Uni building, around the corner to Whitworth Street. In the Sackville Gardens I stopped in front of Alan Turing! An interesting seated figure monument.

A quiet moment to remember him and all he had done... and what was done to him! Not a shining time for my country, bigotry and stupidity combined into a total cock-up! It couldn't be fixed and memorials don't cut it!

At the roadside I could see an explanation was needed. I gave my companions a brief one. Rona and Gil knew a bit! Alexis knew some also, my protectors hadn't a clue. A bit of computer history thrown into their day.

We headed back to the AW139 after thanking Alexis for her excellent work. She said it had been a pleasure. I asked her to keep scouting for other premises for us. Fist bump.

We lifted off then turned west towards Liverpool. We landed on the top of another multi-story car park off Vernon Street. Once again Penn had done the job superbly! Two Liverpool PC's there to be our guardians. I walked over to thank them, hands shaken. The WPC grinning saying she was glad to get this duty assignment.

We walked down Vernon Street to Dale Street then right a half-block to Davies Street. It was a very narrow sort of alleyway street. Tillie, the Estate Agent, was at the Davies Street opening. We shook hands.

"Miss Martin, nice to meet you. I think the building down here may suit you well."

It was three floors, wide on the street but not deep. The northern half of the property extended over to Cumberland Street with a small car park and a single floor extension to the main building. The structure had been many things over its hundred plus years, warehouse, sewing businesses for big garment makers, tobacco wholesalers and more.

The interior was in good condition, large bathrooms on each floor, two sets of fire stairs out back. Not much sunlight on the front, the back had sun all morning and roof would get the sun well past midday all year `round. It was empty now like the Manchester building so we could get working immediately.

There were shops and frequent buses at the end of the block on both sides. It was something of a club district so lots of night-life which was good and bad. Job opportunities around!

There were several educational institutions nearby and government offices. Lime Street Station was a fifteen minute or so walk to the east.

I turned to Tillie, "What do the other locations have compared to this?"

"One is several miles away, the other nearby is a Nineteenth Century building with some structural issues. It has a possibly serious issue with the sewer and would also need a new roof..."

I stopped her there, "Buy this one. Call the representing agency, tell them we want immediate occupancy, we will pay by wire the asking price minus two percent today."

Her eyes were huge, Tillie stared for a second then whipped out her phone.

"Any questions Gil will stay with you. I'll be out back," to her as I moved with Rona towards the rear doors. Tara motioned to Gaby to remain with Gil.

The car park had room for eight cars, we could easily put up a fence for security. The one floor building looked like a good space for a kitchen, adequate plumbing in place, we could put in an exhaust scrubber and it had a large door opening to Cumberland Street for deliveries.

Cumberland Street was another narrow road, much wider than Davies Street so lorries wouldn't be a problem.

I had Rona's hand, "How about you come to work for us? The Foundation to be precise! As our European director."

I held up my other hand before she could open her mouth, "It would mean some travel across the UK and the EU."

She stared... I pushed on. "You would be in charge of the shelters, clinics and other Foundation operations. There will be managers reporting to you, you would interface with governments at city, regional and national levels and you'd have to boss some construction types doing work for us."

No head shaking, my hand squeezed, "I want to talk with Reg... but yes! I'd like to do it. Doing something to contribute in a meaningful way."

"MFA is welcome in any of our offices and locations!"

A hug! Tara and Ken grinning over Rona's shoulder at me. Arms around each other's waists we walked back.

Inside Tillie was still talking with Gil.

"Fay, Francis is ready to wire the money, we're waiting for bank information. Your `tactics' took the seller by surprise."

Tillie's phone went off, she scribbled some numbers on a pad and thanked the caller.

"I will be back to you shortly after I hear back on it."

A smile by Tillie, "I was bad... I asked for three percent off... just to test your method. They came back with two and we settled on two and half. I like this!!!"

Fist bump.

"Their knowing the money would be in hand in a few hours was the deal closer."

Gil laughed, "It does work!"

A hug for her. I suggested lunch... somewhere close.

Tillie asked... `Italian?' my thumbs up followed.

"There a good family style Italian restaurant across Stanley Street."


La Famiglia Liverpool was a few steps down from the street level, lots of polished wood! The bar had a warm gold front with detailed rosettes. It was good we were late for lunch we could sit anywhere. We took a rear table. Tara outside of me facing the door, Tillie opposite me between Ken and Gaby. Rona at my right elbow. Gil beside her.

I got a Negroni to start! Once everyone had drinks I toasted Rona joining our team! Gil smirking knowing what I had planned.!

Rona gave her a mock punch "Oh... secrets!" Laughter!

The bruschetta and calamari for the table in several batches. I asked if they could make me a Caprese Salad? It wasn't on the lunch menu but they'd do it! A big thank you from me. The Parmigiana Aubergine! A glass of Montepulciano!

Espresso and cheesecake at the end! I asked for eight servings of cheesecake in boxes to go! I did get a few looks...

Everything was wonderful! The calamari melted in your mouth! The aubergine was soft not mushy!!

Gil knew to leave a big tip. I stopped at the bar to thank one of the owners. He didn't know my face but his daughter did!!! I shook her hand and signed a menu for her. She was delighted!

She'd frame it and put it up!

I borrowed the Sharpie marker to sign two of the cheesecake boxes adding big `thank yous'. Everyone looking like what was up with all that cheesecake.

We said goodbye to Tillie. She'd be in touch with Gil on the closing later today. A couple of block walk to the helicopter.

I handed the inscribed boxes to our Liverpool PC's! They loved it.

"It's white chocolate and caramel!" We shook hands.

Home! Rona sitting next to me, "How long have you been thinking of me doing this?"

"After MFA was born. Cho and I had started work on the clinics in Thailand... it was always in my plan to expand to America and Europe. Ku coming on board was easy, she needed a challenge. You do too!

I know parenting MFA is huge, I'm not forgetting that but we want you!"

We laughed and hugged, a tough act in a seat belt!

The AW139 settled to the grass next to the forecourt. I was arm in arm with Rona going into the Great Room. Reg and Malee were there with Ali, Tha and all the kids! Hugs all around.

Rona scooped up MFA and took Reg to the Office at my suggestion.

Francis had texted Gil they were on the way while we were landing.

Eric was on his phone in the Library. Charlie on my lap, Chani on the settee next to me. They said they been doing so many fun things. Tha smiling said all the kids had been outdoors a lot dressed for the chill. Fun with Jaidee. The slide and swing. The little playroom in the new house had chairs now!

I told them we had new places for homeless teens to stay so they can be happy too.

Tha had them going up for a pre-dinner wash up. Malee grinning as she and Anne walked behind them.

Reg came out with MFA walking holding hands. Rona behind.

Laughing, "So now I know how Rak felt! You grabbing up all the great talent!"

A hug, "Well... you can't blame me can you?"

"No! It's a great idea."

Eric joined us looking around like what happened to everyone?

I laughed and pointed up. He squeezed my hand going by. Reg and MFA followed. I took Rona into the Library.

"So there's obviously lead time before we can open but not as much as you might think. We have several very good local contractors who have assured me they have excellent contractor colleagues in the Midlands. They'll pass along contact details soon.

The London construction folks know Jemina our local architect. She'll get all the interior information, do a site visit and do plans for the layouts.

I'll email you all the info on today's buildings and on the properties in Glasgow and Edinburgh we have had scouted. Brian is the Estate Agent in Scotland. He has two `prime' properties to look at. A building in Glasgow on Wilson St. in the Merchant City district and on Hart St. near Broughton St. in Edinburgh.

I've only seen snaps so that will be your first trip. Gil will get you all the contact details for Cho-Fay Air. You can ask for an aircraft to go anywhere... not the moon... yet!" A hug and a giggle, "Penn, who will be your main contact person, is a whiz at getting things done like Kavat the CEO.

Today's landing zones were her work. She'll recommend either fixed-wing or rotor depending on your destination. And she'll have cars waiting."

Fist bump.

Talking about today, "Neither would be possible to open before Christmas, too much work to be done. Certainly early in the new year. It may be possible to get the kitchens open earlier also temporary sleeping areas which would be good given the weather."

"The Scottish ones?"

"It depends on how much work needs to be done. As an example we already have a new shelter open in southern Hampstead off the Finchley Road. It was a sanatorium, the interior was ideal for us. Single rooms with sinks and large shared bathrooms with private showers. A big kitchen, dining hall and offices. We had to do almost no work."

I said we had the estate agents looking for like properties close to our target audience.

"The one in Glasgow is undergoing renovation it had been a block of flats so it could be very suitable. Edinburgh's was a hotel, it needs spiffing up otherwise terrific.

You saw how I like to play with the price. Cut a few points off for fast cash. To spend money you just have to call Francis, he'll do everything for you on the money side."

"I'm all in. Reg is good and MFA knows I might be away a day or so every now and then. She loves hanging out with Reg in his office."

We talked pay... what I proposed did surprise her, I reminded her the responsibilities would only grow... I mentioned Dublin, Belfast, Paris, Amsterdam, Hamburg and Munich. Gil joined us. I asked that Rona get all the estate agents names she had plus Jemina and the contractors.

I said she'll have it easy managing in London. Tony was a great manager, organized and thoughtful. They already knew each other so no worries there.

"For the time being it would probably be best to have the four locations in the Midlands and Scotland be directly under you, later with more shelters regional managers like Tony would be valuable."

"You should hire a PA. Get Andrea to help. Find someone, it doesn't have to be right away since the London shelters are our only active ones but soon. In the meantime... " a finger pressing on Gil's shoulder, "... we'll get Angela to help you since Denham School is up and running.

Consider other cities in the Midlands and the south coast. And Wales."

I leaned back, "Ku does our outreach to the LGBTQ communities in America. She's transitioning to being the American manager like you here. You two should get together. She's hiring a PA right now to be based in New York. She may have some good questions for interviews... Gil here would be good for that and Andrea always has excellent ideas."

Gil gave Rona a précis of our schedule for the balance of the year. We'd be gone to New York tomorrow then onto California. Bangkok after that for a few weeks then France and here for the holidays.

I shared the six cheese cake pieces around with the guys and kids. Everybody loved it!

A great morning ride with Rona, Gaby and Tessa. We went south to Denham School. Richard knew we were coming over early. We tied our horses to the fence at the back of his cottage.

We were waved in for coffee. We stood around sipping as Richard gave me his report on the school's progress. No issues. Classes going forward as planned.

I took his arm to walk in the garden for a few minutes.

"At the end of the term we are going to refund the half fees to everyone."

What a shocked face!

"We are going to operate it at half the current fee levels, we will charge for materials, other consumables and any food they have in the canteen that isn't part of something special Marianne is doing. Room and board for live-ins will be charged to cover our costs for that and could be free to those who qualify.

What will it mean for you... It will be more of a burden for you. Admissions will be more competitive... you will need to appoint some people to help go through the aspirants.

Also some mechanism for picking needy students will need to be devised.

We will need to create the criteria for decision-making so your staff knows the boundaries and can readily wade through all the possibles saving you from looking at every one."

"Fay... I know the fees weren't bringing much money... it was some though."

"The money isn't going to be enough to ever cover the expenses. So Cho and I will pay. We'll hire someone to go after money from the government and other institutions. That too won't be enough but if it is more of non-profit venture the government and foundations might be more generous.

So you'll need some very good paper shufflers. You should re-connect with Andrea at The Company. She knows a lot of folks who could help find the right people."

Richard's head was still shaking... I nudged him as we walked back in, "It will be best this way. Best not say anything for the time being."

Fist bump.

I thanked his wife for the coffee.

We turned to go back to the stables. I held Roland back so we stayed together in a good gallop home. They all came with me to visit our family in the Stables. It was fun to give out mints and crunchy things to our horses!

The Twins had porridge and toost for their breakfast! Porridge with lots of raisins and sultanas was a hit!! I wiped strawberry preserves from Charlie's nose.

Cho gave me a kiss when I told him Richard was in on the plan.

Before our luncheon guests arrived I sat with Rona to go over more things about the shelter/clinic system. That she could ask any question... anytime was reiterated. Our chain of command was simple, Jian was her day to day boss. That brought out a smile! I did some more on how we wanted her to lead and other bits.

She was working with Penn to arrange the Scotland trip for the day after tomorrow. She could take the train to Oxford, Prasert would get her picked up and taken to Chalgrove.

Jack and Corinna arrived in his Jaguar for luncheon. They got to meet the Twins. Charlie gob smacked them with his `Welcome to Harcourt House.' Cho and I grinned at their reaction.

Jack looking to me... I smiled. Corinna to me as we walked to the Library, "Miss Martin, they are sixteen months?"

"Yes, their minds are far in advance of their bodies."

She was shaking her head. A frequent occurrence around the Twins.

We gathered in the Library. Cho and I gave them a first-hand account of the meetings in Narathiwat. The insurgent's personalities were `fleshed out' for them as were the Government's representatives.

How the two groups had interacted, the topics covered and the decisions made were passed along.

We said the beach property would be made available with the helicopters for the foreseeable future.

I hadn't told them about the Malay forestry guy who Dad's Security Police were still holding. I did not want to explain Becky's slightly underhand withholding of information. I would tell Hillary at some point but not yet.

They were up to date. They had helped a little bit to move things along but I wanted them to ask the Foreign Minister to communicate with the Malay government and Thailand's Prime Minister to offer any assistance to keep the process going. Maybe they couldn't do much but even a friendly word of encouragement wouldn't go amiss.

Carla did a wonderful vegetarian French onion soup with toasted cheese bread. Grilled trout and veggies were awesome! Carter with a delightful French dry white wine from Burgundy. It was obvious Jack and Corinna enjoyed the food and wine!!

The dessert was aimed at the Twins, lovely vanilla ice cream with nut pieces and sprinkles! They didn't get a big serving... Whoosh it was gone!

We waved them down the drive. Cho's arm around my waist

"The Twins keep surprising people... us too sometimes. Maybe we should have them evaluated by some child doctors besides their pediatrician?"

"I'll ask Dr. Green if she knows some folks we could talk to about it. A few referrals and some interviews shouldn't be too hard. I'll get Gil to do a start. Have her aim for Christmas time."

A squeeze and kiss!

There was some packing to do but we had help. The Twins gave Car and Audi hugs before loading up for Chalgrove. Our people with HUGE smiles as we pulled out.

An evening arrival on Minetta Street. Alice on duty to welcome us ably assisted by Nina. Big smiles, Jaidee and Alice doing noses. The Twins to bed. The adults on the terrace with afters chatting a short while.

An orange frock, sort of mild sherbet colour, sleeveless, above mid-thigh, snug to my bits, gold jewellery and `Joy' Pink heels and leather bag. Orange nails and clear gloss lips. A dark orange cardigan to carry.

Cho in dark khaki green slacks, a pale blue shirt and a navy blazer, gold rayed stars at the cuffs!

Charlie in a white cotton shirt and navy shorts, navy trainers. Chani in an white dress with white socks and the Mary Jane's. She loved them so much she was on her third pair, getting bigger all the time!

I'd offered Charlie and Chani's out-grown clothes at Harcourt House to Ellie and Sylvia. They weren't going to get smaller so... They were happy, Audra would help them go through it all.

PJ, Tara and Tessa with me and the Twins in Pell's big limo. Rande and Rafe with Cho all loaded into Terrance's car. Gil had tasks to do for me. Francis and Ali had gone uptown this morning to visit overnight with Daria. They all come to dinner tomorrow.

Up in the Fox Tower we got a tour of the Daily News digs! They were moving in over the next few days.

Royce happy to be in new surroundings and able to hire more reporters to cover the city! The circulation numbers showed a big increase taking a lot of business from the New York Post, we saw that the New York Times showed lowered sales in the city. The Daily News was beginning to be what we wanted... the `Go To' city newspaper! They had momentum.

Cho and I did a funny ribbon cutting ceremony! The huge scissors we shared and a narrow ribbon. Everybody laughing as we closed in on the small target! The Twins beside us clapping as the ribbon fell.

In the big Newsroom we hosted TV, radio and other print reporters who were local New Yorkers and national. Reuters, BBC, AFP, CBC and many more represented the world's press. Our owning the Daily News had raised its profile globally.

Charlie surprised them saying aloud, "Fox TV!" He was pointing to a cameraman. Chani holding his hand giggling. The reporters startled by his words.

I saw a few looks between the news folk. It was the first time the Daily News people had seen the Twins. It was new for them too.

The Twins stayed with us for a bit as we moved around then into the Publisher's office for a drink, snack and rest.

The invited press folks looking around at the gleaming well-appointed offices.

They got to see a state of the art newspaper office. A separate fast internet pipe for them! The printing press office across the Hudson River in New Jersey had an upgraded internet link!

Royce beaming! Cho and I did visits around the offices! I dropped in on `The Red-Head,' Vernon looking out of place in a clean office.

He laughed, "It'll have more style in a few weeks."

Laughter! Fist bump.

Louise had a nice corner office, she was working on its decoration with a new staff member Laure. A slender, black haired woman about thirty, blue eyes. I was introduced... there was a slight accent.

I asked her how `elle est venue à travailler dans la mode à New York?' (she came to be working in fashion in New York).

Laure smiled saying in French back to me 'she'd heard my French was excellent' and people were wrong, `J'avais l'air d'un Parisien d'origine' (I sounded like a native Parisien)!'

Laure had studied at NYU for a year and liked Manhattan. She worked in several fashion houses but preferred writing about clothes and the people involved.

We talked clothes. They were both had been looking at winter styles seeing my overcoats, some cloche hats but spring shows were coming. Both has seen some previews... a number designers where showing the mid-calf dresses I'd been wearing also suits like mine.

Laure smiling, "I'm an Apple fan so I saw the orange suit you wore to the WWDC. It was great!"

Louise pointed to a pile of magazines, "Laure, I think the ICON issue I mentioned is in that lot... thick white edge."

Laure pulled it out, Louise waving her hand, "Right... page thirty."

I was laughing... Tessa took Laure's coffee cup.

Laure looking, "Miss Martin, that outfit is awesome!!!"

"Note where it came from."

Laure eyes on the page came up to mine, a smile and a nod. "I can see it. Grace Kelly... it fits!"

"Well... let's not go too far. I do like a few of Edith Head's designs. Clean and timeless to me."

Louise was routing around in a box near her desk, an `aha' she raised a loose leaf binder. Flipping through the first pages then she slapped a page... she held it up to us. It was a coloured drawing of a suit... nearly the same as my Edith Head copy.

"It's from a designer here in Manhattan. She's not really big but coming up. Her spring collection preview."

"Any notes? Anything to give credit to Edith Head?"

"No. Just an outfit number."

"Did you go to the preview?"

Louise shook her head no, "It was mailed... I think it came two weeks ago."

I looked at the binder. Some of the clothes I liked... original and interesting colours. Quite a few were derivative with no attribution. I asked if it was common to use another's ideas...

"The fashion scene can be quite symbiotic, sometimes almost cannibalistically feeding off one another. In this case they see you in a suit, it gets TV coverage at a sports event... They might try to find out where you got the outfit. I would imagine Mirabelle is well enough known... more now you patronize them, they probably also know they made the suit to your order.

Edith Head is long dead! There's no copyright involved so... full speed ahead. If they can get a step on others... more orders for them!"

I asked who the designer was... Charly Russe. It meant nothing to me... I was hardly one to know.

Gil got her name and location.

We got to see all the floors even going down the staircase I'd lobbied for before heading down to see Bill. Charlie and Chani walking into his office was a WOW! for him. He was out from behind his desk bending down to them. Chani stuck out her fist... bump! Charlie too.

"It is wonderful you all came to visit."

I told Bill we were going to invade Megan's space.

He laughed, "I'm sure Megan will welcome you."

Down the lift. Chani and I got off on the main news floor. I had Chani's hand, Charlie with his Popa got off on the Sports floor first. We walked towards Megan's desk. She was sending the viewers to another news desk for an update on a story.

We were off to the side when they cut away from Megan. We walked up to her, quite close before she looked up.

"Fay!" She popped up to hug me, then squatted down to greet Chani.

"Hello Chani... I'm Megan."

A grin, "Hi Megan. You look nice."

Megan was taken aback but kept her smile and cool. The royal blue dress did look great!

A director said she had thirty seconds... She got a rapid make-up check then back on air at her desk.

Chani watched Megan then walked forward... I was going to grab her but decided it was Chani's play.

Our baby girl walked on camera... looking at the red light grinned, and waved "Hi, I am Chani."

Megan definitely cool lifted her onto her lap.

"Ladies and gentlemen, his is Chani, the daughter of Miss Fay Martin and Mr. Cho, the CEO's of 21st Century Fox our parent company. This is her first visit to Fox News."

Chani waving, a huge smile.

The director laughing, I squeezed his arm as I walked onto the set.


I stood beside them holding Chani's hand.

I smiled for the camera, "Chani is a bit forward when the chance of meeting new friends arises."

I scooped her up into my arms.

Chani clapping as I thanked Megan and the viewers. We stepped out of the shot.

I heard Megan's voice behind us, "Bye Chani and Miss Martin. A cutie!"

Then she was back to business.

It hadn't been long but it got the news floor staff's attention. We had folks around us smiling and laughing.

Kent joined us, "Well quite the start in your TV career young lady!"

Chani was giggly happy!

Chani and I went up to the Sports floor. We spied Cho and Charlie with Donald watching something on a monitor.

Ah... It was Glaa's race at Ascot. We caught the last quarter mile. Chani in my arms looking over Charlie's head.

The awesome power of Glaa roaring down the short home stretch like a rocketship. Charlie calling out "Glaa!"

We could see ourselves walking onto to the track to meet Glaa and Mike. Chani clapping and then pointing "Mama! Popa!"

Charlie added a `Yea!'

Donald grinning, he motioned to a young fellow at the desk, "Run Rando at Ascot."

It was cued up quickly. We all watched Rando romp in the Qipco Champions Stakes. At the end the Twins spotted themselves walking out on the grass.

"Popa... Chani... me!"

"That's right Charlie. We all were there that day."

The video followed us to the Parade Ring then the Twins could see us meet the Queen.

"Mama Queen was nice." I agreed with Chani.

"She liked our frocks remember."

"Yes! She orange."

"Right you are! We were cute and Charlie looking like Popa."

Charlie let us know again he liked the top hat. Okay!

We headed home for a late lunch and a nap. It would be a late night.

The Twins went down easily for their nap. Cuddles and kisses. Raggedy Anne and Blue Dog right there to help with slumbers.

Email from Gregory... Dorene! A nice name. Their little girl was very cute. They had fussed about her name, the grandparents weighed in with "don't complicate it' as advice.

Cho grinned, "It will be `Doe' soon enough."

I laughed in agreement.

The 45th opening! We had invited a crowd to fill the restaurant. Friends, Fox folks, some city government types we'd met in one way or another, some horse racing colleagues, some `celebrities' we had been introduced to at events, some United nations people. An odd assortment.

We told everyone it was formal, black-tie for men, gowns for ladies.

Cho looked awesome in his tuxedo, a gold cummerbund. Shoes like mirrors!

Charlie in his little tuxedo looked so cute! A gold cummerbund too! He was excited to be dressed like his Dad again!

"See Mama we are same."

"Indeed! My two handsome men!"


Chani in a long silvery white dress, silver socks in white Mary Janes! A tiny bit of Baccarat Les Larmes Sacrees de Thebes for her.

"Mama very nice."

A kiss for her cheek.

I had Cho dab me with the Baccarat Les Larmes Sacrees de Thebes a few times as I dressed.

Tonight's dress was one Louise had in her Daily News piece on me. A white beaded low cut dress that went to my instep with slender shoulder straps. The beading was silvery on the white. It had a three quarter length sleeved jacket of the same white and silvery beads, an upright collar. I had on silver heels and carrying a silver clutch bag. Cho put on the ruby set necklace and bracelet. I did the ring and earrings.

Red lips and nails close to the jewels shade.

Francis and Ali looked quite chic in their `formal' clothes. A tuxedo looked good on Francis. Ali like Gil and Tha was in a white long dress. We certainly colour coordinated.

What a crowd. Our Protectors in tuxedos, men and women. They were all coming because the Twins were attending.

Terrence and Pell were downstairs. The entrance for the 45th was on West 48th Street. Our Security was there to check in all the guests and send them onto the lifts. At the lift our folks helped guests in and sent them off upward. Four lifts were available on express to the top... no stops.

The plan was for tonight we would use the bar to greet the arriving people then they'd be taken to their table. Once everyone was in... we'd go to our booth in the southwest corner.

This way we'd get to see each guest and we could avoid speeches. Cho said we could go around the room stopping to talk as the evening went on.

Benni at the lift door to greet us. She was in a tuxedo, her hair in a chignon. A big smile.

"We are set!" Fist bump!

Benni introduced Lois to us. She managed the dining room. She looked great in her tuxedo, she was slender so the double-breasted jacket was perfect.

"The wait staff look great in their clothes... they like the outfits."

The Men in jackets and short trousers like the men wore at our Bangkok weddings. In jackets a variety of colours to choose with a gold scarf for each. The scarves had clips to hold them firmly in place. Sandals with good support.

Our ladies had outfits similar to the wedding style, long white skirt to the the ankles with a narrow bit of tummy showing then a sleeveless top with a coloured scarf wrapping around the waist up over the shoulder hanging down the back to near the hem. They got to choose which colour for the scarf. Slightly sloped sandals for comfort and support.

We provided the clothes and cleaning so they would look great and not be burdened with the upkeep. Everything stored in their locker rooms on the floor below. They had a lounge, showers, etc...

Knun was in the kitchen directing things. A smile!

"We are ready to go!" He opened his arms motioning as he turned... raising his voice, " We are ready... right?"

There was a loud chorus of YES's' Chani and Charlie clapping like Cho and I. We got to meet Knun's two top deputies and the very important Red' who was the kitchen operations manager. Smiles! Knun had a happy team.

In the bar Benni brought Cosmo out. He was in tuxedo trousers but wearing a black vest rather than a jacket, a black tie. It was the dress for the bar staff. Cosmo had all of them come out to be introduced. Smiling faces.

We parked the Twins in a bar booth with Gil and Tha. Tara and Ro with them. Cosmo said he'd send over two Shirley Temples.

"We have two sippy cups for them!"

Cho laughed and thanked him. Cosmo pointed to Benni, "Benni's idea."

Fist bump for her.

Ali looked up from her iPhone... "The first guests are arriving."

Okay we were ready.

Our Fox folks were first. Bill and Tilly, Kent and Karen with Toby and Tonya. I told the two youngsters Cosmo made a mean Shirley Temple. Laughing they went to the bar.

Donald and his wife Em. Mary, the head of Human Resources, who helped finding our managers.

They liked the `look' of the place. They were escorted to a table not too far from ours.

There was big diagram board showing all the tables and who was where. It had little glowing dots put on the tables as their occupants arrived.

The city council members in whose districts our shelters were located came. Carolyn, the east side Congresswoman, smiling thanking me for the invite. I said the occupancy was about forty percent at the old Lafayette Street fire house. Since the weather had been good the numbers were low, we were looking for another location.

"Fay, have Gil connect with my PA. Maybe we can help with the search."

I thanked her saying I would.

Cho squeezed my waist. He had expressed his very favourable opinion of my outfit earlier... "You certainly are getting lots of compliments on your clothes."

I gave him one of my best smiles... Cho laughed, he kissed my ear saying he wasn't immune to my smiles yet. What a funny guy!

Mike and Cindy arrived... hugs and kisses. Cindy in midnight blue, very sleek! We giggling over our clothes.

Some business types and bankers I didn't know them...

Daria! In gold with her cane. Ali hugging her, Francis had a hand. Bright eyes!

"I'm glad we could coax you out for a few hours." Big hug! She had her arms around Cho.

"Don't worry I'm not going to steal him." Lots of laughs.

"The Twins are in a booth over there," motioning.

"Oh yes! I want to see them."

I think Gil did some coaching because as I greeted someone else I heard... "Daria" from my daughter. A wink to Cho who'd heard too.

Bennett! He had a young woman on his arm... We got to meet his daughter Barbara, she wasn't often in town so we hadn't met before. A pretty blonde in a nice blue gown. She was living in Los Angeles.

We chatted a bit. Babs' said she read The Day! It was awesome. She was in the music industry, the first articles showed our reporters `knew' what was happening.'

I thanked her. She could get delivered since she lived in Venice. Thumbs up!

I whispered what Babs had said to Cho, a grin, "Take-off..." A big arm swoosh upward.

Aimee, Francis' new auditing boss for the western hemisphere. She laughed when I said it that way.

"Sounds grandiose!"

I said accept the rank since there's no more money for the length of the title. She really laughed... Francis with a hands up and out... saying `sorry about that.'

Yea! Eve and Ku looking smashing in matching gown styles, Eve in silvery blue and red for Ku. Hugs and kisses! Cho after his hugs said the Twins were around over there. Okay! They went over.

Royce came up a few floors from the Daily News. He said hello to a New York Times reporter by the lift doors. We had a few news people in the lobby downstairs. We allowed them to talk to guests, if they wanted, before coming up in the lifts. Up here we asked they just observe, take video and snaps. They would leave once every guest was here.

Coral from Mirabelle in a very nice orange dress of many shades. I told her I had so many compliments of my outfit.

"I should have been handing out your card." We laughed.

"You have done that when you mention us when you are interviewed." She leaned close... "The lawyers are done with the agreement. They like it so I will sign tomorrow and we can do some planning."

"Good. We have some good real estate folks so I'll have Gil put them on it."

A hug and kiss. Cho smiling and a `We will make some money' comment. Our laughter continued.

I had managed a club soda and lime earlier but it seemed to have disappeared. A bartender with a red pixie cut smiling, a new drink in her hand. I thanked her, a broader smile. Nicolette on her name badge.

Jayne and Montana! Tuxedos for both, very sleek! Cho got to meet them! Jayne's whisper in my ear, "Honey, he's a dream boat!"

More laughter! A lot! Cho had seen Jayne's quarterly report to me, business was up. A cousin of her's living in San Francisco enquired about opening a `Big V' out there. We hadn't really sat down to consider it yet.

I asked her about coming over in the morning before we left. Okay.

Ring!! Huge hugs and kisses. A grin as he and Cho shook hands, a hug! They went to a corner to talk... I held the fort.

Yonno and Manat with their wives. It nice to see them again. They all were looking forward to the food! We laughed about comparison shopping. Their table was close to ours.

New York Times food writer was among the critics we invited. They were at various tables around the room. We did not tell the staff who they were so no special care was given them purposely.

Megan and Tai! More loads of kisses and hugs. They were like Eve and Ku, similar dresses in different colours. Terrific! I mentioned the gang who was here from Fox, Ku and Eve, Jayne with Montana.

Deborah and her husband plus Wythe. Our New York foundation people. Deborah said Wythe had several leads for new shelter buildings. Wythe smiling told me she'd email me tomorrow.

I told them Ku was here with Eve. I asked the escort they were assigned to find where Ku was sitting. She nodded.

Jenna came up. A terrific pale red gown. Her husband was a lawyer who was friends with Sam. It was great to meet them. I mentioned Ku and Deborah to their escort. Thumbs up.

Leif the NBC Today Show producer. He got to meet Cho and smiling, "I see you both have done a few interviews for Fox... any chance to get you back on our show?"

"Not this year. After this we are off to California then Bangkok and then eventually to Oxfordshire until January."

"I hope it's Okay to ask?"

"Of course. Fox doesn't need us on the air."

He laughed, "I should say not! They're kicking our butt regularly."

Louise from downstairs at the Daily News. A wonderful sleek gown with a small train. Sort of Morticia' in its slender look. She pleased to be asked. I said enjoy the clothes. She had come up with the Red-Head' who looked like he'd never worn a tuxedo before. It was a bit funny.

I said we were happy to see him. Cho was funny in commenting to the Red-Head' on the dress code' for tonight.

A grin. "I'll put in something in about it."

Petra walked up, a smile. I put out my hand, "Your folks are doing it right."

"Thanks. Gary is downstairs. We had a couple who tried to crash the party but did not fuss when our guys out front waved them off. Not even close."

We had a good laugh.

Callendar and his wife. It was great to see him again. His wife was sweet, looking lovely in a silvery dress. Jessica came with them. A hug. Her husband stayed home with a sick daughter.

We headed to our table... it took a while speaking to many people as we passed.

The room was low lit with small shaded lamps in the center of each table. So there were a pools of light all around the room. Each lamp was surrounded by a ring of flowers flown in from Thailand. The little lamps gave the diners plenty of light to see their food. I liked the look. Intimate... Circles.

Daria and the twins were already in the big booth. Gil grinning. Francis and Ali. Ring too.

Champagne! Taittingers! There was a `wine cellar' on the 44th floor. A storehouse of wine and beer. Singha and Chang beer direct from Bangkok!

Cho did a toast for our success! I happily sipped one arm around him. Chani clapping! Charlie raised his fists with a huge grin. Daria laughing at the twins.

I told Cho Chani and I were going `walkabout' he laughed.

"Charlie and I will too."

Chani was introduced to the Yonno the U.N. ambassador and Manat the consul and their wives. She was so cute saying hello to them all in Thai. More amazed people. The Twins rule!

At the Fox table Chani recognized the men she'd met earlier but Megan was different. A hug! Megan was good she knelt down to speak to Chani. Our girl leaned to kiss Megan's cheek. A massive smile on our `anchor' lady's face!

Cindy was blown away by Chani's verbal skills. She hadn't seen Chani since Christmas. Mike was shaking his head... `only sixteen months... amazing!'

Chani solemnly shook Bennett's hand saying it nice to see him. Another heart conquered! My girl!

Callendar hadn't seen the Twins before Chani really made an impression. I watched Jessica's face... pure delight to see this little lady charm people. She stood beside me as Chani talked to Callendar's wife.

"Fay, she's something special."

I grinned. Jessica laughed, "Boy you do know! I guess you two are going to enjoy this!"

"We plan to enjoy every damn minute!"

We laughed.

I saw one of the waitresses, "Could do me a favour and take this jacket to..."

"I know where Miss Martin. I'm glad to do it."

I thanked her, `Gladiola' on her name badge.

Leif smiling as he squatted to meet Chani. Another smart one.

"Chani you were great on TV. When you get bigger you can come and be on my show."

"Okay! I like TV. Do have pretties like Megan?"

Leif shook his head, a quick glance my way, "We do but you are prettier."

Chani giggled, "Not prettier than my Mama."

"No! Your Mama is the prettiest."

I had Chani's hand, "Fay, amazing."

I squeezed his arm.

"A quick question?"


"When you were on our show... you knew that soon you would be taking over Fox?"

I nodded, "The process was well advanced by then... actually inevitable at that point."

"You came on a rival network anyway?"

"Surely. The Today Show is important and Glaa was very important to us! He's a one in a million horse like Secretariat. We'd always promote our stables."

"It is nice to see you again and thank you for remembering."

I gave Leif a hug!

Coral. Chani said hello and extended her hand. She recognized Coral was different. I told Coral that I would be bringing Chani with me on a visit to her in the middle of the new year.

"Chani is growing quickly so lots of new clothes."

Coral leaned close to Chani, "We will make beautiful things for you too!"

Chani clapping!

"I want like Mama's!"

I squeezed her shoulder. Coral looking at me... a smile.

"You can have them."

I mentioned all the admiring comments about my outfit.

"Should we thank Princess Diana?"

We laughed.

I carried Chani to the food after "Gladiola' came back to say our dinner was coming out. Okay. A thank you for her.

Cho hugged me. He and Charlie had gone about... he had the same experience as Charlie's insouciance and verbalization bowled people over. Well we might find out far advanced they were in December when they'd get a visit by two doctors coming down from London.

FOOD! Appetizers... soup... several different main courses to share. It was a sumptuous meal! We knew in advance it would be less spicy because of the Twins but the flavours were right!

Cho nudged me, "Amporn would approve!" I smiled to agree.

The Twins were happily eating. They each had a bib with the `45th' on the front. Tha gave me a thumbs up. Daria's smile was cute, she was watching too.

We all enjoyed the food, the service was discreet and efficient!! Big kudos for Lois!

Dessert... always a big thing for the Twins. Tender Taro Root Cooked in Coconut Milk and fried bananas. Charlie really loved the extra sweet bananas!

At our request Knun came out. I liked he brought his under-chefs with him. They were loudly applauded. A few cheers and thank you's called out!

Chani and I did another walking tour. Jayne holding Chani on her lap talking. Montana looked up at me, "She's a cutie for sure. You better keep the bodyguards around her."

"We will!!"

A hug with Jayne when I said we'd see her in the morning.

Time to go. The Twins needed to get in bed. We walked through the room wishing everyone a goodnight.

Our Protectors had an easy night, grins when I said that in the lift. Our cars at the door and straight home.

We tucked the little ones in with hugs and kisses.

The adults on the terrace with the heaters on. Afters and talk about the 45th. They all approved of the food and atmosphere. Benni had told us they would be open for dinner tomorrow and then luncheon and dinner after that. Brunch/Luncheon only on Sunday and closed Mondays.

The morning newspapers had stories on the opening with pictures of us and our guests. The Daily News food critic waxed lyrical about several dishes and was complimentary to the service in what he said must have been a challenging evening.

`The staff were superb, well dressed, polite, attentive and delivered skilled table service.'

I liked that line! I emailed to Benni another big thanks! And to pass it on! Her reply was she would print and post my email. Okay!

The New York Times food person was fulsome in his praise of the food and service.

`It is rare for a restaurant opening night to be more than a collection of glitterati... the 45th Restaurant delivered cuisine fit for a king.'

Yes!! The others were much the same. The critics came and were WOW'd! My email to Knun was a big thank you for bringing his skills to New York! He replied it was great to be in this fabulous city and creating food for appreciative people.

A wonderful start for my day!

Gaby and Tara joined me for a Jaidee walk. We headed up to Fourth Street then east to Lafayette Street. We passed a bunch of bits of NYU on the way. A left turn to go north at Cooper Square. Tulia was surprised at our appearance.

Jaidee was Okay inside so we sat up front and had latte's and a puppuccino! Tulia was doing fine, business was good. Our tenants upstairs had used the outside seating and been good customers for her.

We stayed for a bit them walked over to the Lafayette Street shelter. We amazed Luna strolling up to the door. We were buzzed in.

A few guests in the big room got to meet Jaidee. He was his personable self, big tongue and waggy tail.

Luna's shelter looked great! Her smile told me she was well. Everyone here was involved in the shelter's activities, had doctor visits and some attorneys had been by for some legal issues. Several were enrolled in a high school program for youth with home or school problems. Good things.

Our walk back included a meeting with Pip and Peter. No entanglements today.

Bfast nearing the end for the Twins when I returned. Strawberry pancakes, veggie bacon and melon slices. It was quite popular with the younger ones. They were full and happy.

I got my share from Roslyn.

Time for Jayne. We sat in the living room to consider opening in other cities. San Francisco as her sister wanted or Los Angeles for the sheer size of the place. London! New Orleans. Seattle. Paris...

I said let's think U.S. for now. Jayne agreed. The west coast seemed to be obvious. Nothing against her sister's choice but Los Angeles... it was the 800 pound gorilla on the coast!

A grin on Jayne's face, "It's my choice. I really don't think there's a doubt."

Fist bump! I said I'd ask Carmen, our real estate person in Los Angeles, to look for a venue in several areas where we'd have an immediate base of support to draw on. Silver Lake/Echo Park and West Hollywood to start.

Now the money... Jayne was smiling when I said I'd put the money up.

"This won't alter our ownership deal. We'll create a mechanism to pay my `loan' back."

I texted Adonna, our Los Angeles real estate lawyer, about a meeting or call for tomorrow. Her comeback was it was possible depending on when. I replied I'd call when we got in later today. A thumbs up flashed in.

"Okay. Adonna knows I want to talk. I would think it would be best to buy the location so there's no whiny landlord or surprises. We'll see about costs... I will definitely finance this."

A hug and kiss! I walked her to the lift... a big hug!

Terrance and Pell dropped us at the heliport. Stephanie greeted us in Newburgh saying they were done with pre-flight. So off we went. Charlie with a `Whoo hoo' from his carrier.

In level flight Stephanie said we'd have a smooth trip so the Twins were released to play and do `lessons' with Tha.

I sat to work with Gil and Ali at the table. Cho and Francis in comfy lounge seats doing their thing. Email, texts, reports... the usual. We were making money all over. Our projects by The Company booming along. Railroad upgrades, the big install for GWNW and more proceeding without problems.

Our planning and expertise certainly made the business work!

The multiple water ventures in Africa, Asia, Europe and North America were on time. The Iranian job was deep in production of the parts by them and us. The software was ready. Taj emailed their progress to me and Jasmin and Eric.

The Iranians were gung-ho! I was certain this was going to be quite the deal for us. Moderately difficult terrain and a challenging political scene. Jasmin was on top of everything.

Jasmin was very pleased about my visit with General Soleimani. Her uncle told her the General was an honourable man but to remember Iran came first with him. My reply was I understood and planned on it. A smiley back.

After lunch there was a short nap. Chani and Charlie in the bed with us. Chani made a warm spot on my tummy. Jaidee wanted in so I had warm back spot. Cho's smiling face before I conked out too.

A soft kiss woke me. "We're nearing Santa Monica." Cho's soft words.

Okay! A nice easy landing and down the stairs. We were holding the Twins hands... one step at a time. Leslie and Camilla smiling at our progress.

Loaded up for Topanga. Dolores and Sora in the sun smiling. Chani running on the walk above the steps... "Dolo" "Sora" Charlie on her heels. Hugs and kisses for the Twins.

It was warm so the Twins got to go to the wading pool. Tha leaning back in her shorts and bikini top laughing as the water sprayed.

Dolores said everything was ready for the guests. Okay.

George and Gina, Dayton, Dari and Mari, Pedro, Lori, Shira and Letti for dinner. Riding first.

Dayton and his ladies were first then George and Gina.

My riding clothes got Gina's smile, "Fay it's a terrific look."

Crisp white cotton short sleeved shirt, black jodhpurs and tall boots. Black gloves and crop. My usual black hat.

Lori, Shira and Letti arrived in a pink Cadillac convertible, top down. They had on colourful scarves and wayfarers! They were laughing at our surprised looks.

"We bought it just for fun. We look great in it don't you think?"

Side by side, big grins! We cheered!

Pedro came down the drive in his classic Corvette with the top down too.

Dayton, hands on hips, "Damn these two makes a Jaguar look kinda staid!"

Hugs and kisses all around!

Mari, Dari, Gina and I with Tessa and Gaby walked over to the stables. Viv was ready. We had eight horses of ours here now. Four had been added, two geldings and two mares. Good solid riding horses, sure footed, none too large given the trails they'd be on. All thanks to John Glass and Shelia's family in Rialto.

We went west across the open ground then between the small hills to the first canyon. A left turn, across the now dry creek bed the trail rising immediately. Onward uphill the canyon bending to the southwest. We reached the crest... a great view to the south.

A crystal clear day... we could actually see Catalina Island. We laughed at the thought of the cliché coming true.

A coyote off the trail on a group of rocks... he watched us... and kept plenty of space between us. Mari did get a snap of him.

Vivienne waved as she played with the dogs. Nadine and Viv took the horses. My thanks.

We got washed and changed in time for the Hors d'oeuvre! Drinks!

Tomorrow I was going north and Cho playing golf... both subjects of conversation at dinner. The Day had been launched here to disdain by the LA Times and skepticism from other media. Our guests had questions about it.

Our folks on the streets had no trouble giving away The Day. The Fox TV station had done a piece on the project. I watched it courtesy of Gil, they said right up front they were owned by corporations that Cho and I controlled. Honesty!

The Fox reporter pointed out it had a local focus and was showing a very large amount of paying advertisements for a new venture. Hard hitting news and excellent cultural coverage. The TV piece followed up on The Day's scoop about our buying the property that was now Harcourt Ranch.

A big increase in traffic to the ranch afterwards. Our Security was prepared. The old entrance was gone, a solid fence replaced it. Gil had a couple of short clips from TV reports showing gawkers and the signs saying the ranch was under new ownership.

Some folks tried to get in via the new gate but were stopped by Claude's people. She moved up to the ranch from Leslie's Los Angeles force. Claudette was an interesting person, French-American dual citizenship, who loved the desert. Leslie in promoting her said to Sumate she was a natural leader. A plus for us!

Wade joined us watching Ted and Rayelle arrive in the AW139's. Francis, Ali, Gil with me and the Twins. Tha had the day off. Gil and I would do the Twins' bits.

We turned north, over Simi Valley we went west by north on a straight line to the ranch. Ted took us to the east so I could see the area of the old Laguna Ranch we acquired. It fitted to the east side of Harcourt Ranch and around to the north.

Francis had his topo maps out so we had a good look.

The last large ridge line before the Zaca Lake valley was the boundary. We actually ended up buying slightly over two thousand acres of the old Spanish land grant. So the Harcourt Ranch was over five thousand acres now.

Claude was near the landing grid waiting. She had a big smile.

"Nice to see you."

She got to meet the Twins. Great to see her in her Security uniform, white cotton short sleeved shirt, silver gray shorts and black desert boots squatting to talk with Charlie and Chani. A brown ponytail down her back and green eyes, Claude was attractive and athletic with an easy sense of authority with her team. A leader as Leslie said.

There was background noise of metal sounds and hammering. Claude said the metal noises was from the main house work.

We did a tour in golf carts. Charlie loved it! He waved his arms doing a "Whoo hoo!" Gil was holding on to him, Chani with me was giggling, enjoying herself.

All the old buildings except for some storage and workshops were gone. The remote guesthouses up away from the former house and the `entertainment' areas were back to dirt.

The small gauge railway we kept and expanded as a people mover. It was about four times longer than before and faster. The old brick station was being replaced by a new building going up for our Security with a stop on the railway. A curving walkway from the main house back road led up the slope to the new building.

New electric/diesel train engines which made a low `choo-choo' sound for safety sake so you could hear them coming when fully electric. The diesel part was very efficient, easy on fuel and low carbon emissions because of scrubbers on the exhaust. The new passenger cars had removable sides for the desert heat but would be closed in winter. There were flatbed cars for cargo.

Our workers would come in the gate and park in a large lot in the southwest corner of the property. They'd board the railroad to take them to the various parts of the estate to do their jobs. Right now it was construction workers later it would be our stable folks. If they live in our housing they would leave their cars in the big parking lot.

The old guest cottages were in use as construction and Security offices but would be replaced after the main work was done. The main house was a new foundation at this point with steel girders in place. It would be solidly build underneath the Spanish Mission style, safe from earthquakes.

The pool was a rectangle concrete shell waiting for the next steps. Beyond the pool was eight acres of grass for playing games, ball toss for Jaidee, football for Cho.

In the northern half of the valley floor Aguirre's building plans were being put up, stables, barns, paddocks, offices, several sawdust pits for the horses to roll in. An covered training space which was several acres so we could do indoor dressage or jumping. The steel grid for the roof was finished and the exterior walls going up.

There would be grass plots, Kentucky Blue Grass, for the horses to nibble on. A swimming pool for the veterinarians to use in physical therapy, a full hospital with treatment rooms, an X-Ray room and stalls to quarantine horses if necessary.

The staff dormitories were about halfway up the valley, Men's and Women's. Built like the `quads' at Harcourt House. Everyone had a private room, a shared sitting room with TV and games. A mini-kitchen, sink, refrigerator, microwave and storage.

A canteen serving three meals a day was directly connected to the two dorms. A recreation room, several quiet rooms, a library and a computer room were all linked to the covered walkways

A guest dormitory was being built nearby for event times.

The homes for our management families were being built on the east side of the valley, six to start. Single floor ranch style, three bedrooms with back gardens.

Solar panels on the roof of each and all the other buildings. Battery arrays at each building linked to the estate-wide electrical grid. A dedicated computer rack to manage the electrical system would be in the basement of the Security building in the computer farm.

High speed WiFi throughout the ranch, two channels. One for staff and one for management. MAC address registration was required. A separate WiFi for guests to use would be walled off by itself.

In the main house RJ-45 jacks in every room plus an entirely separate WiFi network. Our device's MAC addresses had to be registered before you could access the network, wired or WiFi.

The internet was very fast because we paid to have a huge pipe brought into Los Olivos then out to the ranch. In Los Olivos, the city government with our help created a wide-area WiFi network. Citizens could connect for free, all they had to do was register with the city using their water bill account to verify the address.

Of course it wouldn't make us any friends with the big internet providers. They weren't nice to folks... so who cares.

Wade was talking with the construction managers as Claude parked the cart. We climbed down... Charlie saw the lake. He wanted explore. I knelt down holding his hand.

"We will go to the lake in a few minutes. Mama has to do something first... Got it?"

A grin and a nod. He kissed my cheek. Holding hands we walked to the old guest cottage door. Wade who knew my feelings about these buildings came out with the others. I was introduced.

They gave gave me a report on what was happening. They were on schedule, no issues at all. The structural steel portion would be done in twenty days then the wood framing. Every subcontractor was ready, they had all been given a briefing by our Security Service. They knew they would be tossed if they violated the rules.

We walked the Twins to the lakeside. Charlie was excited. He knew we wouldn't be swimming but the thought of all this water thrilled him. Definitely born under a water zodiac sign! I took them to the stone bridge so they could see more.

"This place is all about horses. We will come here several times each year. Sunny will spend lots of time here. There will be a big pool over beyond the house where you can swim all you want. But..." I squeezed their hands, "... no swimming without an adult. Me, your Popa, Tha, Gil, Ali, Francis or PJ's team need to be with you for safety. Okay?"

Smiles and nods. Fist bumps and kisses!

We sat by the lake under a shady sycamore for a picnic! Sandwiches, crisps, fruit and juice.

Gil and Ali took over being with the Twins. PJ with me and Claude, we boarded the train at what would be the Security office stop. We stayed on until we reached the furthest stop. We were well past the stables construction area, beyond the arenas..

At the top of a ridge we could get a decent look at the property. Claude explained what was in each direction.

"Now the sensor net is at the original property boundary. We won't move those. We will add a new set out on the La Laguna Ranch extension using a new iteration. Reg sent us..." her hand motioned between us, "... the specs on yesterday."

"Okay, I read that. The new ones are more intuitive. Pretty soon we'll be to spot a fly at hundred meters."

We laughed!

"It will make our job easier. Identifying size, gait, direction, speed... Very nice."

"Claude, Reg has something to check for objects being carried...something like a rifle or other metallic object in the new version of sensors. It will be a huge help."

Claude did a hand fan... "That would be hot! Combine that with a camera net that is IR, FLIR and Hi-Res nothing will move out here without an operator getting data on it."

We sat on a large boulder.

"What I'm going to tell you is a closely held secret... not many know. You will see them fairly soon because of testing that will happen here and Lordsburg."

I had her attention. I could see PJ's smile in the corner of my eye. I leaned over to do a mock punch. He laughed outright! Claude smiling but wondering.

"Okay we are quite deep in developing a new series of drones. Prototypes are ready now. The first flight tests in a week. This ranch is an ideal location for them. They are larger with a new power plant.

They are turbojets."

Claude's eyes popped.

"Our engineering team that has developed small turbine engines. The power-plant weighs about fifty pounds, very quiet, they use JP4 jet fuel and are easy on gas.

The new drones are shaped like a flying wing, the ones we are building now have a twelve foot wingspan. They are designed for as much as six hours in the air depending on flight activity.

It is a stealth design. They are designed to appear on radar to be the size of chickadee.

They also have a very low heat signature because the exhaust is mixed with cold air and sent out through venturis. The venturis will allow them to hover and make some incredible turns.

They will have a 360degree camera pod on top and bottom."

PJ grinning nudged me... I knew what he meant.

"Claude... these drones can be armed."

That shocked her!

"With what?"

I shrugged, "Right now they will have good lifting capacity and will be very stable in flight so accurate aiming will be possible. What we have considered so far are some ways to fire smoke or marking munitions. Our enhanced bean bag weapons, possibly more."

I put my hand on her shoulder, "Also they are will be very fast! Our turbine engine has quick acceleration. The design makes it possible for them to exceed two hundred miles an hour. We'll see about that..."

I leaned back, "Our operators will have to go through all new training for the speed and maneuvering abilities."

"Fay, range for controlling them? We are able to cover the valley and the immediate hills now."

I smiled... a bit wicked... "Possibly twenty miles depending on terrain!"

"No shit!"

"We are asking the FAA for guidance on the out-of-sight flight characteristics we need. It is a commercial use so they are likely to be flexible.

Also one of the most important part of the test suite to be done here and New Mexico is the satellite linkage. We could possibly fly these drones hundreds of miles from their base."

Big wide eyes!

"Our current top-end drones can easily do extended out-of-sight flight. Have you heard the story of the Christmas bandit near Harcourt House?"

She hadn't.

"This fellow broke into a home bordering the estate, he was after a valuable coin collection. We offered the local police force some help by putting a few sensors and a camera on our property aimed at the burgled home to cover it because the family couldn't get back from a trip. Local police didn't have enough cops to station one there to protect it.

In the wee hours the burglar came back... a recon first to see if there were police then later to enter again. A drone was sent out, it was over the house when he came out and got into his car. We had already alerted the Thames Valley Police, they were enroute. The drone stayed over the fellow's car with the operator relaying position updates to the police. They nabbed him on the road going to his home, they recovered all the stolen items from both nights robberies.

The burgled house was about a mile and half from our base, he was arrested about two and a half miles away. Over the River Thames, several towns and a lot of woods. He never knew how he was caught."

I was laughing, "The operator had no problem flying the drone over the distance. It helped that the transmitter is on the roof of our house which is on a hill. If I hadn't gone riding Christmas morning and met the police it wouldn't have happened."

My arms spreading wide, "For it to work around here we have to use the high ground for relay stations. When we're done they be so many different types of electronic signals flying throughout the ranch. If you mapped it out it would be a Jackson Pollock canvas."

We had a laugh. Fist bumps. I gently lifted her sun hat and made a motion about something being under it... Claude got it. One thing about our Security Service... we keep our secrets.

We headed back.

Ted and Rayelle dropped us on the Topanga drive. Cho was just home arms open wide at the door. The Twins yelling "Popa" as they rushed him.

We put the the Twins down for a nap after a busy day. Cho and I lay on our bed kissing and talking. He got my day at the ranch, I got the tale of his golf round with Pedro, George and Dayton at the Riviera.

Cho with a grin, "I shot a 61! A good day! My companions played quite well. Pedro and Dayton two strokes over par and George was at seventy seven.

I got to meet a young amateur whose family has been members for three generations at the club. He finished fourth at the U.S. Amateur played there in August. The one I skipped."

A laugh, "He thanked me for not playing. We got a good laugh about that. He was even more glad when he was told my score today.

The Amateur format isn't just straight medal scoring but match play also. It wouldn't have mattered... no rounds were below 70.

It was warm in the morning when we turned our horses over to Viv and Nadine. Cho smiling, our arms linked. Penny and Tara behind us doing the same. Laughter!

It was a French `toost' Bfast! Charlie was up for that! We all were. Dolores laughing as she turned the warm bread out like a machine. Smiling faces, lips being licked.

There was racing later now the Twins went off for lessons with Tha. Gil and I did some work, Cho and Francis up to something in the office.

I talked with Adonna and Carmen about the Big `V' project. I wanted a stand-alone structure with parking in one of the two suggested locations. Carmen would find one that fit the bill, discreet and large enough. Adonna would make sure that the city wasn't going to mess with us.

After lunch we donned our race outfits. Me in a Calista black tapered suit. A single button on the narrow jacket with a silver bandeau top underneath. Slender cut pants down to black ankle boots. Silver bits and `Joy' A black Coach Charlie bag and red round sunglasses.

Cho in a black suit and lavender shirt, no tie. The Ruthenium Panthos sunglasses. Cool!

The Twins in black too. Chani in a short sleeved cotton top with black pants. White socks in her Mary Janes. Charlie had black trousers and a white cotton short sleeved shirt, his black brogues, a new pair!

They had their black wayfarers!!

Our Protectors in black... a few splashes of colour! We were ready! Breeders' Cup Day One.

Ted and Rayelle once again lifted us and turned south. Our route was to the south until past the Palos Verde Peninsula then southeast direct to Del Mar.

We came in low from the water to set down on the landing grid. As part of our taking over the security for the racetrack this grid was updated including enlargement and a suite of avionic guidance devices.

Golf carts to the barn. The first person we saw was Jack Glass, John and Julianne's son. Hellos and handshakes. Jack squatted down to meet the Twins.

John came out of the office, a big smile.

"Hey... Surprise!" He called to Julianne.

Cho stuck out his hand, "Congratulations on Alybesha being in the Mile!"

John was pleased his horse had been recognized. Julianne joined us, hugs and kisses.

They met the Twins in their new form. Charlie smiling with his hand out... "Hi!"

Chani stepped beside her brother.. "Hi!"

Julianne squatted down to shake, a huge smile. She took their hands, "Hi! It is nice to see you both."

The Twins said together... `Ronnie's mom?"

Julianne said yes.

They looked at each other "We like Ronnie."

Julianne was very surprised by that!

John had leaned down close to shake hands. He straightened up to look at us with a big question on his face.

Cho nudged me with a grin, he said sixteen months to John and Julianne. They were amazed like everyone.

I slipped my arm through hers, "They are going up so fast. Cute... right?"

"Oh Fay... cute isn't enough. Sixteen months? They speak more thirty six months."

"They're sharpies for sure. You guys are doing well?"

They were great. A good year of racing, a few good wins and lots of `in-the-money' races! AND Alybesha would retire to stud with bookings already signed up. Fist bump!

Monaco and Jackson plus Demetria, Mackenzie and Nathaniel came around the barn end. Hugs and kisses for them.

We mixed for a few minutes.

Ring arrived. A big hug! Two high pitched voices... Ring!' He squatted to say Hi' to the Twins. He was obviously pleased to be someone they knew.

Emanuel was recognized... `He got plate from Queen!' Charlie had it right. Emanuel knelt down to shake hands with our babies.

Mike, Marnie, Dom and Radha all were with us. Leoni and Renaldo were in the Jockey Room.

We visited with Aneka and Black Star. They were racing today. Everyone said they were ready. In Glaa's stall the Twins both gently caressing his nose. The golden fellow was racing one more time tomorrow then retirement.

We arrived at the west end of the clubhouse. The lift to the Seabiscuit Skyroom. Private and secure so the Twins could run around. There was a place for the twins to nap tomorrow since we'd be here all day.

The outside patio looked inviting in the sun, comfy chairs and tables with umbrellas for the Twins eating.

First, a meeting here with the Chairman of Del Mar's Board, two Board members and Connie. Tha had the twins outside for a bit.

The Del Mar folks were pleased with our Security Service and Connie. Our people were polite and professional, tough when needed. Their demeanor especially noted by the Board and Club members, no swagger just confidence. The various merchants appreciated the visibility and response when they called.

The installation of our sensors and cameras was complete. The control room fully operational. We had two drones here and trained operators for the Breeder's Cup Weekend.

Extra staff from Los Angeles and Seattle so we had the track grounds well covered for the big race meeting.

Construction on our new building was suspended until Monday so it wouldn't interfere. The steel framing was done, next the exterior.

The Del Mar folks wished us good luck in our racing the next two days. Cho smiling thanked them. The last fellow leaving whispered... `I don't think you need any luck.' A smile.

The Twins came running in when PJ opened the patio door.

"Mama" "Popa" Hugs for our babies.

Our lunch was being laid out on the sideboards.

I had Chani in my arms, "How about a nice sandwich and crisps with veggies and dipping sauce?"

She clapped and nodded. Okay. We setup to eat outside. Booster seats, Tha got them settled under an umbrella. Cho and I delivered the food.

Everyone smiling as we ate, talking horses, who would go where to race next year. It was going to be wrenching for some when Glaa retired. Eddie had his talk with Monaco, he would escort Glaa to Harcourt Farm and stay for two weeks gradually backing away. Then would have a vacation before coming back to Santa Anita.

SakChai would go to Florida for the Pegasus World Cup on the 27th of January. After that he would be in five or six races for four year olds and up. Likely following Glaa's path.

Rando would go to Harcourt House to race in England and France on grass, he liked the surface. He had been spectacular at Ascot. Tomorrow in the Turf Classic he'd have some more excellent competition so we'll really get another good look at him on turf.

IrishRainbow would race one more year depending on how he comes out of the Classic tomorrow.

We have five yearlings to prepare to race as two year olds coming to Santa Anita in a month. All Asda's babies. Jackson would have plenty of work this winter.

A call from James in New York. Kannika won the Tempted Stakes at Aqueduct! A nice wire to wire win for her. Kannika had won the G2 Pocahontas Stakes at Churchill Downs then at the Belmont she ran away from the field in a twelve length victory romp in the G1 Frizette Stakes.

Kannika was rolling! After her lost by a nose to Black Star in Saratoga she'd been on fire. I guess our daughter of Asda doesn't like to lose! Vanessa was on board a fine runner.

The Dirt Mile was up! Alybesha was running for Glass Racing! We sat with the Twins... Ronnie's Dad and mom's horse was how we explained our interest. They loaded easily. CLANG and they were off! Alybesha was right to the front on the short run to the first turn. In the turn Alybesha led by two, he was three paths out from the rail.

Onto the back straight Alybesha galloped along keeping the space. As the turn came up a chestnut closed to a length on the inside. Alybesha kept going coming out of the turn with a two length ahead. His jockey asked for more and Alybesha had it. He surged down the stretch pulling away by three and half. He carried that lead to the wire for a very nice win!

We cheered for him and our friends. Cho waved to Gil, "Please send John and Julianne our congratulations." A smiling salute.

A great victory for their stables! Alybesha would get more stud bookings after this!!

Okay! Our first race! The Juvenile Turf, Black Star our English boy was running! The post parade for the Juvenile Turf had the horses going down the track towards us. The race is G1 graded run at eight furlongs with a million dollar purse.

Black Star hadn't raced against any of the others.

He looked terrific on the track, Renaldo in our green and yellow aboard. The field walked to the gate, loading was fine. Our boy in the number two slot.

CLANG! They were released, a clean start. They rushed down the straight... Black Star and a gray on his right shoulder together at the front. Renaldo moved him to the rail for the turn.

In my glasses I saw his lead change... very smooth. Monaco's training for that was awesome. They gained every time.

On the back straight Black Star was now four lengths clear rolling along in a good gallop. He strode out beautifully on the grass. Watching him stride I saw him moving easily even though he was setting a fast pace. Renaldo making sure he stayed together.

In the second turn Black Star was widening... No horse was close. At the top of the lane Renaldo asked him after a second look over his shoulder. Black Star responded, quickening his speed.

Black Star came down the stretch fast adding to his lead. He crossed the finish in 1:32.95! A new Breeder's Cup Turf Mile record. He beat fellow `Brit' Outstrip's fine time of 1:33.20.

We cheered. The Twins in our arms clapping for our boy.

Monaco's smile, "Next year!" With a fist pump! We knew he meant the English Triple Crown!

A track official and one of our Security people were our escorts down to the track. Down the passageway to the lift above the tunnel. We walked carrying the Twins, PJ and Rande behind us.

We came out the tunnel to applause and cheers. Cho took Black Star's lead from Olive to walk him into the Winner's Circle. Trophy in hand Cho with Charlie, Monaco and Renaldo posed. Lots of snaps. Chani clapping.

We went back the way we came. Juice for the Twins, club soda and lime for me. The next and last race of the day was the Distaff. Fillies and mares who were three years or older in this G1 two million dollar race of one and an eighth miles.

Aneka was the clear favourite. The double Triple Tiara winner she'd won everything in sight. No filly had ever done such a sweep. A win today would put the finish on the finest performance by a filly in American racing history.

MacKenzie had our girl ready! She was creating history.

Leoni in the irons was definitely making a name for herself.

The gate below us, Aneka was in number four. The horses all going in easy.

CLANG... they came out clean with Aneka running well down the centre of the track. The field behind her straggling out. On the rail into the turn Aneka looked great, moving effortlessly. Onto the back straight she had a five length gap to the next filly.

A strong gallop down the straight brought her to the turn ahead by seven.

At the top of the home stretch she was clear by nine and roaring along. Leoni hand riding the whole way was now doing a bit of encouraging. Aneka's golden colour darkening to more red with her exertion.

She powered over the finish in 1:45.99 a new record for the Distaff! She beat the1:46.15 from 1995 by `Inside Information' a fine filly champion.

Lots of cheers from us all! The Twins clapping and grinning!

We made the long walk to the lift again. First person we saw was Corky holding Aneka's lead. Aneka quietly standing with Leoni on board. We shook hands with them. MacKenzie stroked Aneka's neck.

Cho walked our girl in... "You two do the trophy thing."

Aneka wearing her winner's blanket of purple and yellow flowers,

Okay! I took Chani in my arms. The Longines fellow and the Breeder's Cup folks smiling. We got a second big watch and the lovely Torrie Horse trophy again. Two in one day!

I got the microphone shoved in my face this time. Thanked our team members and Del Mar and the Longines Breeder's Cup people like I knew they all wanted. I did feel proper silly... Oh Well! I kept it short. I decided not to do questions by the TV man.

We headed to the barn. Everybody happy. Monaco got the news Sasithorn had a temperature! Not too high but above an acceptable level. He called the stewards. He was prepared to scratch her from the Juvenile Fillies race tomorrow.

All the others were normal. They'd all be checked again later then the decision would be made. The others would be checked in the morning.

Sasithorn would get a vet visit, Monaco did think it was anything serious she was showing no other issues. He'd call later.

Two nice wins and hopes for more tomorrow. Time to go home. Ted and Rayelle lifted off and put the pedal down for Topanga.

Our babies were a bit tired so they had a short nap before dinner. Tha closing the door, "They are asleep already." Fist bump!

We did drinks outside. Nice to be enjoying the day by sitting in shorts and t-shirt.

An email binged in from Royce. He had the latest circulation numbers for the top newspapers in the city. We had hints of good news...

The Daily News is number two in the city behind New York Times! We passed the Post!!! Our circulation was rising fast and we had the best rated city and sports pages!! Our movie and music reviews were excellent!

The Times sold 570,000 papers a day, we were at 420,000 and the Post on 210,000. We had blown by the Post in a huge way... eating their lunch as it were!

In hits on our webpage, we were in second place also. The Times 86,000,000 unique hits, we had 71,000,000, the Post 30,500,000. The Times ought to be worried about our rise! At this rate we could be level by early next year!!!

Royce added that the entire staff and all operations were in the Fox Tower now! And everybody loved the new space! Yes! Done!

We emailed our congratulations to him and the whole staff!! I said we hoped they enjoyed being uptown. Time to keep the foot down on the gas!

Monaco's call was sad. Sasithorn's temperature was still up so he scratched her. That left Toes Tapping alone in her race.

Time for a shortened ride in the morning. Fun though! Gil, Tessa and Penny!

Breakfast with the Twins! Scram, bacon and toost!! Cute little white teeth munching! Cho winking at me!

A long day at the track. Tha had lots to carry so Gil, Francis and Ali helped. Cho and I had the Twins.

The AW139's dropped us on the landing grid where our Security had carts. A short ride to the barn.

We visited all our horses even those not running today. Chani and I in with Glaa... I didn't cry but it was emotional... his last race! We petted him a lot then got out of Eddie's way.

Cho's smile, "I knew you would..." He hugged Chani and me. I knelt down to hug Charlie.

In Sasithorn's stall we petted her some. She was Okay but not racing today. All our others had normal temperatures. Monaco said the vet had no reason for the spike.

"Since she's Okay I will point her to Los Alamitos Futurity on December Ninth."

Cho said that was fine. "One last race... up against some colts."

Okay! We rode to the west end of the grandstand to go up to the Skyroom.

We relaxed for a bit, our first race would go off at noon. Lunch. After Hansa's race we'd put the Twins down in a screened off area with two cots and a comfy chair for Tha.

I got a call from Brian our Estate Agent in Scotland. Good news! He closed a secret deal I'd started as a gift for Cho. It was the purchase of Castle Munro in Alness on the River Averon, one hundred and fifty acres of land and for Cho a nearby top rated golf course.

I got a bit of my Munro family history out of the deal. I emailed Aunt Dee and Uncle Craig.

It was a four hundred year old house with eighteen bedrooms, not enough baths, a large drawing room with huge fireplaces. A big dining room and a quite large kitchen with a fireplace plus miscellaneous other rooms. It had been a hotel for some years, empty for a time... ours now.

There was a ten stall stable and out buildings. No horses had been there for years so it needed repair. I thought maybe the first graduates of EFT re-training or some re-homed ones could go there. Email to Cormac.

The River Averon split the property. Brian had worked with a solicitor to get planning permission for a one lane private bridge over the river. They agreed when they saw it would be a wooden bridge nothing modern looking or very large giving high clearance over the water.

It was one of my Christmas presents for Cho. A bit out of scale for our usual gifts... Hell who cares! Gil arranged for Cho to be a member of the Alness Golf Club before the sale was completed. They were reluctant to do it over the telephone but when Gil mentioned his name... they got it! We paid two year's dues up front.

Yes!!!!!!!! Gil grinning broadly... high fives and fist bumps! Chani and Charlie were close so we did bumps' with them! Cho was looking at something Francis had... he gave us a look... I said later.'

The post parade for the Juvenile Fillies was called. Toes Tapping looked good walking out. The race was a G1 grade with a two million dollar purse!

Marnie aboard, Toes Tapping walked easily to the gate below us. She was in the number four slot. They all acted like real `old pros' so the loading was smooth.

CLANG! They were off! A good start. Toes Tapping running to the front down the straight. She quickly had two lengths on everyone! She was sprinting strongly towards the first turn.

Marnie closed her to the rail and guided her around the curve. Toes Tapping rolled onto the back straight four lengths clear with no let up! Marnie had her in hand allowing our pretty gray girl to rock on.

Marnie gave a quick look back, as she approached the last turn the lead was six. No one was going to catch Toes Tapping. She hit the top of the home stretch leading by eight and putting the hammer down. Toes Tapping with Monaco's training had the stamina to up her game. She was striding like a queen down the straight to the finish... the champion she is!!

Wow! She was ten lengths clear crossing the line. A huge win for her and Marnie! We all cheered and applauded. Chani's smile and little hands clapping in my lap.

We carried the Twins down the long passage to the lift. Cho smiling going down, "You Ladies are up!"

Okay! Chani giggling.

The crowd gave us a warm applause and quite a few cheers. I had Chani so I asked Gus to walk Toes Tapping into the Winner's Circle. He was proud to do it.

The Longines and Breeder's Cup folks made Chani and me welcome! We got the watch and the nice horse trophy, lots of snaps. Marnie and Monaco with the gilt, they drew Gus in for more pictures.

We had time for lunch. A nicely done buffet like the day before. Today had a very smooth cool tomato bisque with warm flaky rolls. An assortment of cheese plus smoked salmon with cut vegetables for two types of dip. Fruit and lots of cookie choices.

The day was warm but not hot. The Twins in the shade of an umbrella munching. Sippy cups of soup and juice. Smiles on their faces.

Time for our beauty Hansa to run! Jackson had her ready to go in the Filly and Mare Turf Classic! Tomas in our green and yellow blocks and stripes aboard as the post parade took the entries to the start of this nine furlong race on grass.

We decided to enter Hansa in this race because of her last two times out were on grass AND she romped! Jackson thought this was her surface of choice. I remember my first sight of her golden red body in Pleasant Valley as we drove up. She was `flowing' across the front paddock grass!

The start was off to the left of us since the turf track was shorter than the dirt one. Hansa was in the number one slot. All in their places... CLANG!! A good clean start! Hansa came out roaring... sprinting down the straight she was several lengths ahead! As she entered the first turn the lead was widening.

The turf turns at Del Mar were tight... no problem for Hansa! Tomas kept her close to the rail, they spun around the curve. Hansa was still sprinting as she entered the back straight, her fractions fast.

Down the straight Tomas looked back... a lot of open space, eight lengths and more. The second turn much the same as the first, Hansa rolling along close to the rail switching leads with ease. She came to the top of the lane... Tomas' quick look over his shoulder... twelve was the gap now. Hansa put the pedal to the floor down the stretch!!!

Amazing to watch her raise her game!! The crowd cheering her on! Tomas did a hand ride the whole way! He powered over the finish line fifteen lengths clear a new record for the race!!

We whooped it up! Jackson took my out-stretched hand... "Miss Martin it has been an honour to train that beautiful girl!!"

I did a hug with him... Chani in my arms helping. He and Cho shook hands plus a hug! Monaco squeezed my hand.

"Fay, she's going to cause a lot of trouble next season!"

We knew IT! Hansa would race the entire year before retiring to have a few babies.

The long walk to the lift once more.

Cho had Chani and I do the honours! The Longines fellow smiling, "Well I think you will have quite the collection of watches by day's end."

I thanked him and the Breeder's Cup folks. The TV man got that I wasn't going to do much. I did answer whether Hansa would retire with a resounding NO!

I drew Reggie, Tomas and Jackson in for a group snap. They had stood with the trophy for the news people.

Upstairs it was time for a nap. The cots were comfy with lightweight blankets. Tha had a bag just for Raggedy Anne and Blu. Smiles as the Twins cuddled with their buddies. Tha had a book for herself. We closed the curtains and everyone moved around quietly.

Cho and I outside on the terrace... those strong arms holding me.

"So what was there for `later'?"

I laughed, "It's a Christmas thing so I can't tell."

A big squeeze and a kiss.

"I'll tell you about one other project which is closed... I bought a house in London... closer in and much larger than Basuto Road."

Cho smiled at my being naughty not telling him. I was kissed me with some passion.

"It's in the City of Westminster on Cowley Street three blocks from Parliament! A Georgian mansion of four floors in a deep lot with an addition, a small garden and terrace.

The ground floor has two large drawing rooms, a spacious library, a nice study, a lady's room, a sizeable dining room with a preparation pantry and wine room, two bathrooms for guests with small sitting areas.

The kitchen was below the Dining Room with capacious storage rooms. A big wine cellar! Lots of space for our Security too!

The master suite is the entire back of the first floor of the `addition' with 2 bay windows, dressing rooms for each of us and an enclosed curling wooden staircase to a roof sitting garden.

The roof garden is private and not overlooked by any building. There are two doors to the curling wooden staircase, one from the our suite, another from the passageway outside the suite.

There's a nifty pantry in the suite with a dumb-waiter, a small stove and refrigerator. We can put in a DeLonghi and tea things.

The nursey has a main room and three bedrooms off of it, one for Tha and the others for the Twins. A pantry in the nursery suite equipped like the master suite.

Lots of guest rooms on the second floor with another pantry for tea and coffee service.

Staff quarters on the attic floor of the original building and the addition are quite nice sized rooms. Big dormer windows in each.

No lifts so we'll all get our leg muscles worked on."

Cho was laughing by the end of all that.

"I am assuming you expect we will need space for entertaining? Well, I'm fine with it. Is it furnished?"

"Partly. The past owners did take some art works and furniture but it won't be hard to fill it up. I want to find period furniture for the ground floor but upstairs in the bedrooms I have mixed feelings. I'm going to want to see what the casual Late Georgian furniture looks like. I want us to be comfortable above all."

I leaned back against Cho, "Adrienne, one of the designers at Denham School, gave me names of two decorators in London she knows are excellent. One, in particular, is quite good at period furnishings. The other is fabulous' with windows as Daphne says. So my plan is to get the decorators in, let them get a look for some ideas to show me. The house doesn't have a name. It might have in the past, it's lost now. So how about we be original and called it Cowley House.' Okay?"

We laughed. Cho's grin, "Maybe Martin House?"

I shook my head, "No that doesn't work. Cowley House."

Cho shrugged an Okay.

Tha stepped out of the screened area to stick her head out to the terrace, a smile. "They are both asleep."

Fist bump!

"Do you have plans for your vacation?"

`Oh yes my family wants me home so they can spoil me. I keep telling them you spoil me now. Beautiful smart babies are always easy!"

"That's nice to hear!" We hugged.

The next race was up. The Juvenile Colts! Samir bringing his unbeaten streak against Stellar Black who was three wins to the good in three races. This was a G1 race with a purse of two million dollars! Eight and half furlongs, a mile and a sixteenth on dirt.

Samir's trainer Nathaniel up against his boss Monaco. Mike our Triple Crown winning rider for Glaa on board Samir. Renaldo, a young jockey, on Stellar Black. Monaco told us those two had a close bond from their time in Pleasant Valley and the summer season in Saratoga.

The post parade... we watched our boys walking out. Mike wearing the senior yellow beanie ball on his helmet cover. They looked relaxed walking down to the starting gate.

Loading was no problem. Samir in number three and Stellar Black in the seventh spot. The pause... all the colts were calm... CLANG!!

Out they came in a surge. Ours going to the front immediately. Down the straight Samir, a chestnut in-between them and Stellar Black were level. As the neared the first turn Stellar Black was easing forward. Samir and Stellar Black side by side in the turn, the chestnut faded.

On the back straight Stellar Black again improved his position to a one length lead. Lovely smooth strides by both our colts, a fast pace. At the start of the second turn Stellar Black was ahead by two running easily, Samir staying close. The closest others were seven lengths behind him.

Stellar Black came out of the turn to see the straight laid out in front of him... empty space, he accelerated. Samir did too but he didn't have the same power. Stellar Black widened to a four length lead rolling for home. Samir wasn't quitting, Mike was asking him for more with a bit of the whip.

Down the stretch Mike could see Stellar Black was running too powerfully so he went to a hand ride on Samir.

Stellar Black crossed the finish in full stride with Samir five lengths astern. NICE! We had the Win and Place!! Chani bouncing on my lap clapping away as we cheered.

We walked with our Protectors and trainers down the passageway. I took Nathaniel's hand, "He ran a great race... today Stellar Black had too much going!"

A smile, "More to work on over the winter."

I swung our hands up... "Yes! That's the right attitude!"

Chani giggling, kiss on my cheek. Charlie standing beside his Dad grinning... he did a `Whoo hoo' as the lift dropped.

The crowd gave us another very nice greeting. Cho and Charlie did the accepting for this one. Our little man clapping as Cho took the Horse trophy. Cho bent down for Charlie to touch the trophy horse's body. Cameras going off. The TV man didn't stick the microphone in Cho's face this time so he got a few more comments.

One of the Del Mar Board of Directors next to me, "Miss Martin, your stable is cleaning up!"

We shook hands, Chani stuck her hand, the fellow grinned and shook.

"You Security has been awesome. They are quiet and capable. They took a pickpocket an hour ago in the east food area. I was walking through with a friend, she pointed out the brief scuffle. I asked one of the uniformed women she told me the pickpocket had been spotted on video supplied by a drone. They surrounded him. Off he went."

"Connie is terrific. Her team was augmented for these two days so there's lots of bodies."

"I hope anything taken by that pickpocket gets returned," he said. I replied I didn't know their procedure but I was sure the attempt would be made as thoroughly as possible.

Back upstairs for drinks and a few cookies! Charlie and I were outside at the railing looking down at the crowd and the track. It was being dragged by the grounds crew. Charlie was watching them carefully then asked why.

"So it is smooth where the horses will run in the next race."

He looked at me then nodded, he turned back to watch some more. Smarty filing that bit away!

Time for Rando our not-so secret weapon! He was on turf again! He liked running at Ascot. Here with the smaller turns Monaco had a plan for our big guy to run. At 16.2 Hands Rando was tall and big bodied!

The post parade began, all the entries walking out to the back straight for the start on the shorter turf course. This is a G1 graded race of a mile and half on grass. The purse was four million dollars.

It was a long way over to the starting gate across the entire course to the furthest corner. I watched through my glasses. Chani on my lap again, giggling. She wanted to see through the glasses so I tried to aim them for her... it didn't work but she loved it.

The horses loaded without any trouble. A longish pause then CLANG!!! Rando burst out like a rocket from the number one post position!!! Down the turf back straight he was roaring along right off! He quickly opened a three length lead.

Emanuel eased him away from the rail to the third path out as the turn came up... Monaco's plan! Keeping Rando a bit away from the rail made his big body run easier through the tight turn. He came out onto the home straight for the first time six lengths clear and striding out! He looked awesome, dark black body in the sunshine.

Down the straightaway he was widening. I leaned close to Cho, "I bet the other owners feel like Cecil and Alexander right now."

Cho laughed remembering what he said back `there was no slack in our runners.'

Rando into the second turn still running like it was a day in the park, smooth and powerful. Emanuel had him out from the rail again, he galloped effortlessly through the turn. These turns were fine with our guys. Emanuel steering Rando, they were a team!

Down the back straight the second time looked like the first... Rando's huge strides gobbling up the grass! He widened to twelve lengths... then fourteen as he entered the final turn. He came out onto the home stretch putting his foot down on his accelerator... flying along!

The crowd was going a bit gaga over this show! I could understand! We were watching one of the finest shows ever on a track! Rando was a CHAMPION!

He soared down the open grass crossing the finish twenty lengths ahead making it look easy! A loud cheer from the stands for our black colt. What a three year old season he completed. Hugs and kisses all around the skybox! Charlie and Chani in our arms clapping and giggling!

Once more down the long passage to the lift. When we came out of the tunnel the crowd was cheering wildly, Maylene was putting the lead on Rando as Emanuel doffed his hat to more cheers. We were applauded going into the Winner's Circle.

Cho with Charlie got another Longines watch and the beautiful horse trophy. The Breeder's Cup folks were obviously thrilled to have us around. My Del Mar Board member beside me again... grinning.

"You are getting pretty comfortable in here."

I laughed, "True! Look at Monaco... he's proud of his runners and jockeys and support folks but humble at the same time."

A nod, "He's got that something extra. He raced here before joining your stable. He had wins but there was a lack of consistency in quality of horses so he hadn't shined until you two hired him. Your horses are top quality so he's proved himself."

We shook hands, Chani too which made the fellow's face become a huge smile.

"Your daughter is a doll."

A hug from me for Chani, "We are quite fortunate, our babies are terrific."

"Enjoy them. My late wife and I loved our two and the grandkids are awesome!"

Ceremony over. My Del Mar friend leaned close, "See you back here in an hour."

We laughed.

Upstairs we toasted Rando's spectacular effort. PJ grinning... I raised my eyebrows... he said he heard what the Del Mar fellow said at the end. We raised our glasses with a laugh.

Cho had a wonderful chuckle when I told him.

The Breeder's Cup Classic was up next. For the first time two Triple Crown winners would race against each other. Glaa and SakChai were in with IrishRainbow. Will the younger horse win out?

Tom Pender's EveryoneAndOne was in the field. He'd won all the `show' money in the Triple Crown races behind SakChai and Hansa. It had been the first time all three races had had the exact same top three finishers.

The Classic was a mile and a quarter G1 race with a six million dollar purse! It was Glaa's best distance!

Our three walked out in the post parade to huge applause! IrishRainbow's brown, SakChai's silvery white and the golden red of Glaa. Lots of `firsts' here. The first stable with more than one entry, the two Triple Crown winners! Between them they represented over fifteen victories this season.

They moved to the starting gate below us to our left, a quiet collection of mature racers! Each loaded without issue and waited for the starter.

CLANG!!! They were released. Glaa's last race... he made his statement immediately coming out of the number three post in a rush. Right to the front clear by length... IrishRainbow to his left and SakChai further right running close.

Glaa came down the straight sprinting at high speed. His half-brother and his stablemate staying near but the rest of the field were way back. The turn had Glaa on the rail, Mike moving him smoothly. SakChai and IrishRainbow following close together.

The back straight was swallowed up by their fast pace... it was like it took hardly was any time to cover the ground. Cho pointed to the toteboard... the fractions were very fast! Glaa running easily with his huge stride entering the second turn on a four length lead.

Our three came out onto the home stretch with Glaa on the rail five lengths clear, SakChai easing in front of IrishRainbow. They roared over the dirt in the short stretch to the crowd's swelling cheers.

IrishRainbow stayed on SakChai's shoulder running like the real class act he is! SakChai tried to gain ground but Glaa running with enormous power widened on his half-brother and IrishRainbow to seven lengths. They ran over the finish line in that order. 1:56.25 for Glaa, a new mile and a quarter record! SakChai ran his personal best as did IrishRainbow but to no avail against the awesome strength of Glaa!

EveryoneAndOne finished fourth well clear of the rest of the field.

The crowd went wild, cheering and yelling, clapping and jumping up and down.

Our box went really crazy! We were all kissing and hugging. Chani's laughing in my ear, "Mama horses fast!'

"Yes, baby very fast." Chani reached out to Monaco whose face was a wonder. A trainer who had just pulled off a gigantic coup... his three entries finishing...ONE Two Three in the biggest race of the year!

He gently squeezed Chani's small hand. What a smiling face!

Chani in Gil's arms so I could hold Cho. A kiss!

"We are lucky!"

I kissed him again saying, "We are also quite good at a few things."

A big grin and nod!!

The passageway to the lift was much shorter this time as we floated on air... we came into the sun light from the tunnel to thunderous cheers and applause from the very jazzed up crowd. We waved, Chani and Charlie waving too.

Cho with his son in the Winner's Circle holding Glaa's lead. Grins on them both.

The Longines man's face was a huge smile, "Mr. Cho it has been quite the day."

Cho thanked him.

The Breeder's Cup people handed Cho yet another of the beautiful Horse trophies. Cho picked up Charlie and they held it up for the crowd. A wave of noise swept over us!

I ran my hand over Glaa's neck... just like that first time in Bangkok... he was heated but not lathered. The muscles... the soft mane and his knowing eyes. A kiss for my Big Fast Man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Our CHAMPION!! Chani's small hand resting on Glaa's nose.. he nickered! Our little girl giggled, "Glaa happy Mama!"

`He loves to run Chani! It makes him feel good."

That made me cry thinking he wouldn't race again. Chani hugged me! PJ handed me a PJ-Fay handkerchief. A wink. I had to smile.

Cho was eloquent talking to the TV man.

"Glaa will retire! His life will be much different... he's truly earned his withdrawal from active training. There's a nice stall and big paddock waiting for him at Harcourt Farm in Kentucky. He will start a new existence as father to we hope will be a long line of champions like himself. If his sire Asda is any guide the racing world should be on their guard."

Laughter and cheers from the crowd around the Winner's Circle.

I said goodbye to my Del Mar board member, a thumbs up from him. Chani gave him one back to a big laugh.

We walked onto the track to a group of carts for a ride to the barn. All our jockeys, grooms, walkers and others gathered around. We thanked for their work these last few days and looked forward to the party tomorrow in Topanga. They cheered.

James, Jackson, Nathaniel, Demetria, MacKenzie and Monaco were hugged before they and our jockeys went to speak to the press. Cho spoke briefly then bowed out to Monaco.

We gathered up and went to the landing grid. Enroute home I had Cho's hand looking across to Tha and the Twins. She smiled and mouthed `another nap' which we both nodded to!

We carried the sleepy heads into their nursery, Tha took over to put them down for a bit.

Taittingers appeared! YES! We sipped bubbly and toasted our horses, trainers, jockeys and staff! I kidded everybody that they'd have to toast them in person again tomorrow... that was fine with them!!

There was a chilly wind so we ate for the first time in the dining room. The Twins giggly, happy to be with so many happy grown-ups! Dolores did some delicious grilled fish and vegetables. More wine from Cho so I was giggly too!

We bundled everyone up to have afters outside. A quiet end to an eventful day. Five winners today, two places and a show in five races plus two winners yesterday. Of the thirteen Breeder's Cup races, we entered seven and won them all!

Next year we might be in all races! A goal! A toast to the future!

My morning was begun on a horse romping across the flat heading towards the hills... Tara and Ken with me. We went up the canyons for a look out. A wonderful clear day!

The Twins grinning in the kitchen with their Popa. I looked then it hit me... they had forks!!! Tha brought out their baby forks! Terrific!

Cho hugged me, "Advancements!" A kiss!

Kisses for the Twins. Charlie giggling as he tried to avoid my lips... everybody laughing. Gil's comment `he's being such a boy' brought louder laughter!

Dolores said she and Sora had it all under control for this afternoon and dinner. Sarita would come up later to help serve. Fist bump!

I worked with Gil on several things and Ali had some 21st Century Fox items.

A walk to the stables for a talk with Viv. She and her's were doing well. The new horses were a lovely group, getting along with the others... no problem.

I sat with Vivienne, "Would you be interested in working at Harcourt Ranch? It's less than two hours' drive away, not off the planet."

Giggling response, "Actually yes. I know the work would be much the same but also different. And Mom? She would need another part-timer."

"We would have to find someone, there's time. The ranch won't be ready for operations for a few months."

Vivienne leaned over, "Ask Nadine... I think she'd rather like to be here more... she and Mom get along well."

I gave her a look..."It's about school I think."

Okay. I asked Viv when Nadine would be here again... `tomorrow.' Good.

Charlie and Chani with Cho and I on the front steps to welcome our Harcourt Racing folks. The shuttle buses came down the drive to the turn. They came up the steps to a happy welcome. Francis, Ali and Gil inside got them to the drinks and snacks on the terrace.

Monaco came up with Jonny. A hug for our French trainer, a very successful one too! Jonny had Francine and Rene our French jockeys. They had all flown in last night. Hugs and kisses!

Mike... I had his hand. A smile, "Yes...I know how you feel."

"Fay, I saw you had a few tears yesterday... I'm going with Eddie to take Glaa to Kentucky and stay a day or so. Donna coming too."

I was happy!

I found Eddie. "Did you want to take your wife and kids to Kentucky?"

A smile, "It sounds nice but the kids are in school..."

I said he was welcome to do it if he wanted we had a house for him with plenty of room. A hug.

Cho got everybody together on the terrace. Our sponsors had arrived as planned after our folks were greeted. Drinks in hand...

"We thanked you yesterday so not to go on... we... " Cho reached for my hand and gestured to Tha. She brought the Twins close, "... We are very pleased with the season's results and you all are responsible for the successes. We want you to relax some then get ready for next year. There will some amazing youngsters arriving for training, our current two year olds moving up. IrishRainbow will race next year, Rando, Aneka, Hansa and SakChai will all race for at least another year..." Cho motioned to Jonny, "... Jonny will have Satirical for another year plus Amira and Thaksin... and a few new ones! Lots of work ahead."

A squeeze of my hand, "Glaa's incredible gifts will be missed... partings are difficult but inevitable. The memories are ours to hold.

To our victors and the future of Harcourt Racing!"

Huzza!! Huzza!! Huzza!! The Taittinger's was delightful! Smiles all around this great crowd.

Our Levi's, Taittinger's and Apple representatives grinning, each got to say a few words which mirrored our thank yous. They said they were in for more years of sponsoring with us. A nice loud applause from our people.

We mingled people we loved and trusted.

Monaco beside me, "The trainer whose former groom kidnapped Rando came to the barn office to apologize again..."

I looked at him. "I told him we had no issue with him and he should put it out of his mind especially since no damage was done... I was a bit bad..."

I laughed, "How?"

"I mentioned Rando stomped on one of his horses in the Awesome Again Stakes a few weeks later."

I almost snorted with laughter, "You were bad, deliciously wicked!" We hugged!

Cho came up behind me, I took his arm and told him. He roared with laughter!! Fist bump for Monaco!

I wandered... Carlita and Marti sitting with Tha and the Twins giggling about something...

I captured Jonny and we walked in the garden.

"Fay, Thaksin has one race left. The Criterium Saint-Cloud. The farm will be ready to receive our three so we'll have the winter to get ready in a new home."

"So how does it feel to have won the Prix De L'Arc De Triomphe?"

A smile, "I rode in it twice... finished out of the money but still..."

I squeezed his arm, he knew I got it!

"Now you can keep trying to win it every year!" We laughed.

"Well your horses are definitely not under the radar any more. Lots of press interest so it was welcome to have Margeaux on hand."

"Good! We thought she'd be terrific. The whole AgencePromo team are very good like Margeaux."

We ended up by the overlook... Jonny got a look at the view of the ocean and Los Angeles on a brilliant day.

"Fay, it is amazing..."

"It is a visual representation of your future with us. We will send you some excellent runners, you'll have the best facilities and Monaco's leadership... time to conquer Europe!"

He smiled, "If that means we are to emulate Harcourt Racing's successes in America that is a wonderful prospect. You've left nothing unconquered here!"

"Amira did us proud, five G1 wins in a row. She raced against quality every time beating them all. Your team got her ready! Satirical was an excellent horse when we bought him, he was also five wins in five races and is healthy for another year of racing.

Thaksin will be better than them! Asda's bloodline... He's a doubly proven sire!"

"Send them, we will do our best to make them winners."

A smiling handshake and cheek kisses!

All our folks enjoyed the food from Dolores and Sora, relaxing with friends and co-workers, an easy pleasant evening. The Twins made over by everybody, they loved all the people around.

I was leaning back on Cho, "It is lovely to see all these different people mixing, enjoying themselves knowing how hard they worked all year."

Cho kissed my neck, "Monaco has forged a team in every sense of that word. Quiet leadership coming from supreme knowledge of his craft. We gave him Glaa and others, plus resources..." Cho's hand waving around the terrace, "...He gave us back a tight, motivated crew and highest levels of success."

I bumped my bum back on Cho, "I can hardly wait for our youngest to be ready! How many bookings do you have for Glaa?"

"Several of our mares, three from Roundell, another two from Robbie Robertson, Thayer and Sondra plus the Collingwood's two more each. I think we should fly our mares from Rabam rather than send Glaa it would get things going faster. I haven't looked today... probably fifty other mares."

"Gregory say we have seventy bookings for Asda if we pick up the options."

"Yes... I am not convinced about all of them."

I turned to kiss Cho.

"No need to worry about it now. You could spend time kissing me instead..."

A suggestion Cho chose to act on right away!

Our get together wound down. It had been low key and enjoyable. We hugged and kissed and shook a lot of hands. We waved the busses down the drive. Our sponsors said they'd be in touch with Monaco.

The Twins had gone in earlier, sound asleep!

Cho and I snuggled... my personal light was out quickly.

The Twins and Tha were eating breakfast when I walked in from my ride. Cho was on his phone on the terrace. I kissed some cheeks. Dolores said five minutes. Okay!

Cho waved to me. I joined him outside.

"Fay, the Prime Minister and Jun asked if we could be in Narathiwat for another meeting. They feel the talks are at a breakthrough point... we are being requested to push it personally over the hump to a real solution."


In four days was the answer.

"We're leaving tonight, flight time and a day or so to decompress then fly down. It's doable."

Cho's hand in mine pulling me close. Okay sealed with a kiss.

I went in to eat with Gil and Ali my riding companions.

I walked back to the stables after breakfast. Nadine was there working on Inky. A good brushing. I asked Viv about Nadine being fulltime since Vivienne wanted to move to Harcourt Ranch at least for a while...

"I'll ask... I think she'd be up for it. Something about school that she hasn't shared but it is annoying her."

"Okay! You work it out. Also we can leave the trailer here if she would like to live-in. Ask her about that too?"

Fist bump!

We lifted off from Santa Monica at ten that night, the Twins were asleep in their cabin as we bored holes in the night sky towards Bangkok.

Cho, Francis, Ali, Gil and I talked about what was to come while we were in Thailand. Francis and Ali would leave for England when we headed to France.

Then Christmas and a Royal visit! It was set for the week our tree went up so all the decorations would be in place. Carter said on a Conference App call the house would be ready!

We had a bunch of visits to do around the United Kingdom during our stay including a trip to Scotland. New property and `golf courses' to play!!

Loads of guests as always with time for them all in London to enjoy the city.

I was first up in the morning, an apple and coffee! Email, texts and the news! Still nothing in any newspaper about the southern Thailand meetings. I was pleased everybody was being quiet with the hopes it might succeed.

Gil had forwarded an email from Rafe's mom, she loved the Jane Austen App. She was re-reading Sense and Sensibility on it now.

Norma emailed her daughter Nicki was at EFT and enjoying herself. Cormac had already let me know Nicki was wonderful with the retirees. She was calm and gentle, two very good qualities. We'll see where it goes.

Also the two RSPCA rescue dogs were terrific. Energetic but they didn't annoy the horses. Quick response to commands from everyone. They loved to trail about with the staff seeing what was happening. Both healthy, they spend their nights with Cormac in his house.

Georgia, my PA at The Day in Los Angeles, emailed every day to Ali with reports and information. Items for decision were marked. The Day was selling out every morning edition. Marita was upping the press runs daily. We had crossed 100,000 copies being sold!!!!!!!!!!

Locals commenting had been very positive even laudatory. Marita's email told me the staff was working hard, digging deep and scooping their competitors often. An important piece on privacy legislation in Sacramento really set off some fireworks!

LA Times was discounting their advertising rates!!!!!!!!!! Yes!!

Beverly was keeping me up on the housing project at Pleasant Valley. Our families would be able to move in a week from tomorrow!! Only the landscaping and finishing the roads were left and they were almost done!

Her email gushed over how nice the houses were. If she was pleased then they were great! Twelve family homes... we weren't going to charge rent, they'd only have to pay for electricity.

I remember what Raoul had said... Miss Martin, you are making it possible to keep valued workers here year round. Safe and comfortable families are bedrock for us.'

I hoped so. I emailed Beverly about the play areas and the daycare. I know they had been started but she didn't mention them.

Kent's email marked with a star... The Moscow prostitutes who performed for Trump were in Berlin. They'd go on camera today. One has her old cellphone with video of Trump in the hotel room he didn't know was taken!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She was giving it to us. Our tech folks in New York would validate it and if it was good get it ready for TV.

He'd be on to me as soon as the interview was done! Also the Polish workers story was going ahead. The interviews with the men and their lawyers were `in the can' and being prepped for the piece. It would double checked and hopefully ready for a Christmas surprise for Trump and those republicans who still supported him.

Email from the head of HR at the Sun. They did a deep background check on the reporter who was asked to `hack' into the Cho-Fay Air systems. He hadn't any other issues in six years with the Sun and the editor in place at the time admitted to one of our investigative people he definitely asked the reporter to do the hack knowing he had good computer skills.

Our HR fellow wanted to hire him back as a Tech reporter. My answer was simple: `if you're satisfied... do it!'

Some snaps from Kiet! The interior of the restaurant! It looked grand! Tropical but not kitschy! No fake parrots or whatever!

The walls and much furniture like the old style restaurant Dad took me to across the road from his HQ.

Lovely warm wood everywhere, green plants, instead of steps... ramps like little wooden bridges, a cozy bar with lotus shaped lights hanging down. There were three levels, the rooms were sub-divided with walls of tall plants. The ceilings were high with a wood mosaic pattern. A fishing net suspended over the bar to allow growing vines to create a living canopy.

The seating was chosen for American bodies, it had chairs at normal height tables rather than a low sit near the floor arrangement. Some larger tables had large bench seats like elongated chairs to seat several people.

Candle lit lanterns on the tables, dim background light to emphasize the separateness of the tables.

I sent back my admiration for the look and layout! I forwarded Kiet's on to Cho's email.

Yobi grinning as she came in. "Breakfast in a jiffy!"

Jaidee's head came up, "Better make it for two!"

Yobi waved. I walked to punch the DeLonghi for Cho.

Mira said forty minutes to wheels down. The Twins finishing their `Bfast' with huge grins! Time for a cleanup and dressing. The bunny suits were right for the air-conditioned cabin but too much for Bangkok's weather.

Penn and Kavat at the bottom of the stairs. They waved as we came out the door. I saw a glint from Penn's left hand... closer inspection led me to believe something had happened. I slipped my arm through Penn's as we walked to the AW139.

I was right! Engaged! She hadn't told her parents yet. They knew she was happy here and seeing' Kavat... "Mom will be alright, dad... well I think all dads have trouble with the my little girl' business. We have a trip to England planned over the Christmas period."

"Good." I gave her two dates, the Open House days. She should come with her parents and Kavat.

Penn thought it great!

I gave Kavat a hug! He had a big smile. Cho got informed. A couple of pats on the back for Kavat and big handshake!

We dropped to the landing grid on the dock. I'd watched the house come into focus... it was beautiful to see.

Amporn, Niran, Achara and Intira on the terrace waiting! There were hug and kisses. Jian was in Korat but coming home in a few hours.

We headed to the pool with the Twins. Boy was this fun! Everyone wearing goggles... it was a hoot to watch Charlie and Chani swim! Arms and legs going a-mile-a-minute!! Big smiles!

Out of the water Tha asked if they wanted diapers... heads shaken... No! Okay!

A lovely sunny day, not blazing hot as the weather moved into the cooler season. Charlie and Chani would spend their days outside, here and on the little terrace off the Playroom. Cho and I to fly south tonight. Francis, Ali and Gil would stay here. Pool buddies for the Twins!

Tha would go on vacation when we returned. Sani, a temporary nurse, would take on Tha's role but with a lot of help. We'd all pitch in.

Sumate greeted us at the Narathiwat landing grid. PJ, Rande, Rafe and Ken with us. Ansara and Penny on vacation, family time. Rande and PJ had time off when we were done in the south.

No yacht this time, we took one of the houses. The cook staff had a late snack for us.

In the morning, Cho and the Protectors joined me in a swim in the ocean before breakfast. Nice!

Salapaos and fruit!! Coffee with Cho on the little terrace facing the ocean. Jun and his team arrived and joined us for coffee!

Jun grinning, "I did a fist bump with my son... he was shocked. I think I rose in his estimation."

We all laughed.

They were very up-beat! Cho squeezed my hand.

Email binged. Kent! They had the prostitutes on video saying more about Trump than before and their cellphone video vividly showed Trump asking for the disgusting little `pee play' on the bed. Well I certainly was Okay with keeping Trump as a target since he was such a liar and cheat. The Polish workers piece would finish him off as a public figure except as an object of derision.

The AW193's brought our insurgent guests. Cho and I greeted them. Smiles on their faces this time. They were surprised to see us. Chakan obviously pleased.

Down to business in the main house saloon.

The insurgents brought several proposals to go along with what Jun had but most importantly they had the consensus of their groups. A settlement was desired to end the warfare. Each side exchanged their suggestions and they broke to consider the documents.

Channarong, the surly one, whose name meant `experienced warrior' walked beside me.

"Miss, I have spoken to friends and several former professors about you. I had not ever met a woman like you, I asked their help in understanding. They said you were a woman as if naturally born and that mentally you most likely had always been so.

They introduced me to a kathoey living in Yala. She was beautiful as yourself and was nice enough to speak to me about her changes. I felt from her what I have from all the women I have known.

It is an experience outside of my life but I can see more now."

He bowed holding my hand. A smile and he hurried after his colleagues.

An amazing speech. Cho holding me.

"You see it is as I said to you... I fell in love with you... nothing else mattered."

Mucho kissing for that reminder!!!

After lunch there was a meeting for questions about their different proposals then back to their separate considerations. An after dinner meeting was planned.

The insurgents opened the evening meeting by accepting the principle of dumping arms for all their groups, a total cessation of operations based on the government's stated position of freedom of movement without limits.

Ireland and Canada as the supervisors of the weapons dumping were definitely acceptable. They would afford them the fullest access to anywhere they wanted to go.


For the government Jun said they had full faith in the honour and impartiality of the two countries. Every facility needed would be made available.

Cho said our helicopters would be made accessible to the inspection teams whenever necessary. We were erecting a building near the hangar at Narathiwat Airport where the Irish and Canadians could stay and have offices. A new landing grid for helicopters was nearly finished and would also be inside our Security's protected zone.

Jun already knew this, the faces of the insurgents showed they were glad we were very involved.

The meeting covered a lot of mechanisms for a permanent ceasefire then moved to each sides take on autonomy. The government's position was the local dialects would considered `official' languages for government activities, documents, etc... Courts would have multilingual staff and translators. The government would seek to appoint local people to jobs throughout the administration offices in the south.

The taking of oaths to serve The Kingdom of Thailand by anyone entering government service would be all languages. That led Jun to education. The government proposed allowing schools to teach in local dialects but mandatory Thai lessons for all students and proficiency testing had to follow. No student would be able to get their school leaving certificate without passing the proficiency test.

Jun was emotional saying the government wanted everyone to be able to speak, read and write Thai so no citizen would be left outside the national life. His passion really affected the insurgents. Chakan stood to reach across the table to shake his hand.

My hand was squeezed tightly by Cho.

The concept of autonomy as seen through the lens of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and the United Kingdom's Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland. The delegated powers were discussed.

Local government should be able to reflect the communities it served. Jun's exception was about religious laws. Everyone's religious feeling would need to be respected. Muslims would have to find ways to accept some attitudes, dress and customs they found distasteful just as the Buddhists would also.

This was inescapable logic... I could see Chakan's face not closing up. He got that to have his needs met, he'd have allow other's theirs.

Some further exchanges about the various proposals before ending. A morning meeting planned before everyone departed.

On the beach with Cho, a slow saunter on the firm sand. Arm in arm. I stopped us, Cho's face in my hands, a kiss and a thank you.

"Fay, it was you... you asked for us to try. I would have let it go on because it hadn't been a priority. You roused my attention."

I smiled in the moonlight, another kiss. All I said was one word `roused' it was enough. We hugged!

The morning sun was barely up when I swam with Ken. No one else around. Then I sat on the terrace outside the main house with a big plate of fruit, salapaos and coffee. Kraisee joined me, another early riser. Channarong was going towards the kitchen... I waved him over.

I was in slacks and a long sleeved shirt and low boots, no jewellery or not even my `Joy.' Deliberately so as to be the least feminine as possible for these few days.

A kitchen staff lady brought more cups and coffee. I shared my food, the lady said she would bring more. A big smile.

We talked weather and children. Channarong and his wife had three boys. They were cuties and in primary school. Kraisee's sons in high school. The Twins snaps were admired.

It was quiet and pleasant. The morning meeting upcoming, others waking and wandering in for the buffet breakfast broke up our get-together.

The meeting finalized where things were, outlined what each side would do and ended with a lot of hands being shaken. Our helicopters took the insurgents off and the rest of us boarded another for the Narathiwat Airport.

Jun had a Thai military aircraft so we said our goodbyes and zoomed off.

Cho pulled me into his lap when were in level flight.

"Fay I would not have ever been involved this sort of political activity without you. I can't say I want more but this has given me a good feeling of fulfillment."

A kiss!

My slender arms snaking around Cho, "It took others making steps but those steps seemed ordained somehow. A-Wut `had' to make his move because there was nothing else for him to do... no victory. The same for the insurgents. What we did was help them see that inevitability.

So you are right we fulfilled our intent... awakening them, bumping them off their perennial courses into new paths."

Tight hug! Kisses!

I leaned back in the crook of his strong arm... a grin... "Okay... what's next?"

A huge guffawing laugh!!

"No more for a while... PLEASE! We have enough going on!"

I said I couldn't promise anything but I wouldn't go looking... "Okay?"

Cho pulled closer... a quiet `fine' in my ear.

The Twins were in the pool with everybody as our AW139 landed on the dock grid. We waved, I yelled out we'd change. I got a kiss in on the wonderful penis before it was swallowed up in a yellow Speedo. My vagina was likewise kissed then Cho tied my sky blue with yellow polka-dots bikini on my hip!

Splash at the far end then under water to come up behind Jian after pinching her bum! Chani opened her arms... whoosh she was captured! A nice swim then our crowd then laying in the sun!

Tonight Phailin and Dad were coming over with Kanda and Thoi for dinner. We'd update them on the southern doings.

Beverly replied to my email query, the playground was done. She'd have someone take some snaps. The daycare building was completed and they were interviewing some of the wives operate it. She had Raoul's wife, one terrific lady, signed up to manage it.

I sent back lots of thumbs up!

Dad and Thoi knew what had happen in Narathiwat from Jun and Kraisee but they wanted our take on it. We made it plain that peace was at hand in the south.

It was possible for some rogue elements from either side could try to muck it up. So vigilance was needed.

Jun had spoken to A-Wut about any officers who might be a problem. Dad said Jun had made a funny face telling him... turns out A-Wut had anticipated the possibility and moved several mid-level officers to the north with the help from the high command in Bangkok.

A-Wut was so sold which was awesome! YEA!!!

On the insurgents side I was sure that Chakan and Channarong were also `sold' so they would do their best to keep everything on track. They didn't have a central command so... there was pressure on them. The third group at the meeting was the more political, they had already shown they wanted peace. They were ready to fight elections!

I went into Jian's suite in the morning... early. I snuggled with her in my bikini. Jian got the point. Bikini! We ran through the house out to ... SPLASH! Gil was walking over... she started laughing then jumped in. We did laps for about twenty minutes then FOOD!

Patongos with cream, salapaos and coffee! Plus sun!

At nine an AW139 fluttered in. Cho and I boarded in jeans and polo shirts, walking shoes. Black baseball caps that had Harcourt Racing on the right side and a silver Apple logo on the front.

Thirty minutes to Sari Buri Security Base camp. We were greeted by Thet, Savve and Soam. Shake for Savve and Soam, a hug for Thet. He had a big grin.

We headed over to a test site. Soam was excited.

"Miss Martin, we have it all ready."

We talked to several tech people at a trailer full of electronics. Out on a test pad was a dark gray wing on skids sitting quietly. Soam smiled at me, I nodded. He raised his hand.

The wing came to life, lights on the wing tips and the motor turned over. The exhaust was funneled straight then downward. The wing rose from the pad slowly to twenty five feet. It waggled it's itself like a sleeper waking.

It flew forward rising slowly to fifty feet, a slow circle of the five hectare open space. Cho squeezed my hand. The wing was quiet, the small turbine with its vectored exhaust was difficult to hear even in this forest enclosure.

I walked to the trailer.

"Do you feel confident?" The woman at the controls nodded. "Then give it some moves." I twitched my hips, she laughed, a salute.

I had a big grin walking back. The wing was over the concrete test pad hovering. The skids retracted flush into the wing body.

Whoosh it was gone straight ahead then UP! Around the trees it soared... we lost it the sun. You couldn't track by sound even in that clearing.

Behind there was a voice... "Miss Martin, Mr. Cho... We are over here."

We turned... there was the wing hovering.

"Could you come to the trailer to see some of the data on it?"

On a screen we could barely see it hovering over the test pad on a thermal scan device then it nearly disappeared.

"I changed the fresh air level in the exhaust."

She slowly returned it to where we could fully see it again. Soam and I did high fives!

With the wing flying above the end of the open space we got to see how stealthy it was. The radar in the next trailer registered it as the size of a Common Tailorbird like `Darzee' of Rikki-Tikki-Tavi fame, less than four inches.

We stood off to the side of the test pad to watch an acrobatic display. The wing could `turn on a dime' at speed, do rollovers, fly inverted, hover in different attitudes, fly backward and more.

We crowded around Soam's iPad to watch the video. Two camera pods, one on top, one underneath. Both had 360 degree viewing, they could 12x zoom straight ahead or directly to the rear. Soam switched to thermal imaging to look at us. Infrared and FLIR on board like our current drones.

At the trailer we watched a speed test over a fixed course in the open space. Two lasers setup at each end. The wing was flown from just above the tree tops starting several hundred yards beyond the test area.

We watched it on a monitor and its own camera feed. Starting from a hover it roared away in seconds it was crossing the field... a streak! Two hundred and forty miles an hour!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I was bouncing up and down patting Soam on his shoulder!!! A hug for Cho!!

The operator brought it back to the pad... a hover to a slow decent. The skids were lowered... it gently settled to the concrete. YEA!!!!!!!!!

I ran to the trailer where Soam had gone.

"Are the pods ready?"

He grinned, "Yes! We will attached them now."

I asked the operator Samorn to do `full auto' on the last target. She smiled with an Okay hand sign!

A flatbed truck rolled into the open space about forty five meters away. The men setup five targets.

A team was around the wing, in a few minutes they had added three under-wing pods. Samorn fired up the turbine and lifted to a hover. She moved it slowly toward the targets.

At ten meters in front of the targets we heard a loud `phut' sound... the right target flipped over crashing to the ground. The next was flattened but with less force after Samorn had backed away ten meters.

Samorn backed up a further twenty meters. The next target was quickly enveloped in dark smoke, the next had a white phosphorus explosion between its legs.

Samorn backed away further... we heard a sustained `BUZZZZ' the last target exploded into fragments... only the stand was left lying on the ground.

Samorn flew the wing back to the pad to a hover and a landing. Engine off. She joined us to walk to the targets.

Soam explained. The first two were our enhanced bean bag rounds then a smoke grenade and a white phosphorus canister.

"The last was the .223 caliber microgun. It holds two hundred rounds and can be fired as Samorn did on full automatic or semi-auto single shots.

It is a lightweight and very small gun designed and manufactured by us using over the counter parts and parts we created on 3D printers. General Electric created something like it in the 1960's for the U.S. Army but it was larger and a lot heavier."

I turned to Cho.. He was smiling, "You got this done in how long?"

I squeezed Soam's shoulder, "From my brain to today... ten and half months."

Fist bump!

"Soam has done a marvelous job. He did a lot of the CAD work himself, he setup a lab in the Security HQ and did the printing of parts. The wing is a built from 3D printed frames glued together, a few rivets with a special nylon fabric exterior so it is light and absorbs radar waves, the turbine only weights fifty pounds and is partially printed by Soam and the rest from parts we had made locally. The venturis are made by a company in Bangkok I want us to buy."

Thet was grinning, "So Cho what do you think of our tech wizards?"

I was hugged and kissed, "I like my wizard." He shook Soam's hand! "Both of them!"

Soam drew Samorn close, "We are wizards together. Samorn is my partner in this project and everything else." She and I did high fives!

Soam explained for Cho that this was one of two prototypes but we could build the staff up and turn them out at about four a month. Samorn could do the basic classroom training in Bangkok and bring operators out here for hands-on work.

I was smiling, "How about we plan a trip to the U.S. soon. A drone and one of your staff to each Harcourt Ranch and Lordsburg. Lots of open space and privacy. Cho-Fay Air can freight everything in. Get Benjamin and Shelby here for training right away," to Soam.

I did a fake secret look around, "You can test the other control system."

I had covered my mouth in an exaggerated cartoon manner. Cho smiling, "Okay give!" His right hand shaped liked a pistol. PJ stepped in front of me.

Soam and Samorn were laughing with me.

I reached out to grasp Cho's finger gun, "We need the open space to try out the satellite linkage so these turbine drones could fly a hundred miles from base or more... much more. They are large enough to carry the avionics necessary to make the link. We have lots of issues to work on like what satellite system, how to deal with latency, if the provider is having problems and we have to switch between satellites and more. Only testing will answer those questions. Also concealing the ground station dishes should be considered."

After all that we loaded up for home. Thet and the others had come up on their own flight. PJ and Rande had been in the background most of the day because the Sari Buri Camp was as safe as our home.

Cho gave me a hard time about the secrecy of the programme.

"Think of it as a birthday present... a bit late but well meant."

We all laughed!

"Well not many men get jet drones as gifts." More laughing!

In our suite I reminded Cho of our deal... I took one on his hands between my thighs... pressing it to my sex... We would only keep `good secrets' for each other. A smile... a firmer squeeze... a kiss.

That evening we had our whole Protection Team in the playroom at the big TV. Samorn sent me the server location for the videos from today. We had ground video done by one of Samorn's people on an iPad, the visuals from Samorn's station and onboard camera video.

I ran the videos without explanation. PJ and Rande smiling. I watched our folks' heads move with the video... some of the acrobatic moves could make you dizzy. Then the short weapons test really got them.

I gave them the story of the programme and what would happen in the next months. They knew a test suite for the entire package and the satellite link would be run in California and New Mexico. Different parameters in each test location to challenge the entire system. Our schedule was changed for visits.

Cho under me in bed, some droplets of my perspiration on his bare chest. A kiss. SEX! Whoever invented this was truly a god!

Cho gave me so much pleasure... what made my enjoyment so much better was seeing his! Cho in orgasm was spectacular! More kissing!! Fingers in all that dark soft hair... getting hands full of it... leaning down for the lips! I lowered my head to his shoulder.

Cho went for water and a treat for Jaidee, me to wash. Snuggles and delicious post-sex sleep.

`The king waved as his coach left our forecourt...'

I sort of shook awake! It was still dark... I saw Jaidee's eyes. I kissed his head.

A tank suit on I was in the water. Pool lights on. I asked a Security man to sit nearby because I was alone.

I swam and considered the cut-off dream. The King again... I had had that dream already. I couldn't dredge up any more than that last bit. I hadn't been successful in divinely the meaning of my dreams. Just a lot of vague guessing so I wouldn't spend time on it.

I thanked the Security fellow, he waved as I dried off walking in for coffee!

The sun coming up on my brief shorts and top over a full tummy of rose apple and salapaos. My third cup of coffee warm in my hand. The house waking behind me.

A kiss from Cho... he avoided my reach for his Speedo. Grins! He did laps, I watched. Intira re-upped my salapao plate. Cho nabbed one on the way in to dress for a trip to the Railroad office.

I had begun my day with email and texts as usual. Nothing amazing. I did replies where necessary.

Sunny and Charlotte were leaving at that moment for New Jersey to be in a U.S. Equestrian Team trial. Lynnette with Sunny. Lynnette was, a cute blonde from Essex, to be Sunny's protector whenever she travelled from now on. `Net' had two and half years with us now having started with our Security in England then moving to Protection. A new role for her.

Sunny's horses and tack were already in New Jersey with Declan.

Sunny had won every event she'd entered this year. Most recent had been a big win at a Loudon County Virginia trial before she went back to Harcourt House. The entrants weren't at the level of the Winterset Trials, Sunny had won all three events and the grand prize.

The trophies were getting to be a problem which she was happy about. To me in an email `I want to fall over them for a little while' was cute. Sunny also let me know that she and Bradley had done some riding together at Harcourt House. He was very involved in his first year at Oxford so hadn't had much time.

She liked him but `no romance' was the word.

Gregory had told us about Bradley riding saying he was a nice fellow and a good rider. He was appreciative of being granted privileges at our Stables.

Kevin's email was great! Construction at both ends of the SODO Tunnel!! Yes! The entry area by the BNSF Railway space being cleared and the buildings at the exit coming down. The boring machine was in production in Sweden. It would be ready by summer, the company had automated so much of their process and pre-built parts since the size we wanted was normal for a two lane vehicle tunnel.

The Colonel's email was good and the information expected. Our sharpshooter intruder at the Industrial Estate had been given a diagnosis of schizophrenia with associated delusions of grandeur. He would be confined at Broadmoor indefinitely. He would receive treatment, the Colonel didn't know what that would be.

Okay. Not much to say about that. I replied with our thanks and expectations of seeing him at Harcourt House during the holidays.

Francis came out in a nice pale gray suit, light blue shirt and a navy tie. Ali in a muted emerald green frock, cute look for her. Off to do interviews for the audit position in Asia. Aimee and Philippa were to arrive in a few days so they could have a big meeting. He was using an office at the Railroad.

Cho, Ali and Francis drove off to lots of waves from us girls. Jian soon after on her way to the Foundation office.

Amporn said she had the dinner planned. Phailin and Dad, Somsak and Tona had arrived in town with the cutie Suki! Udorn and Ubon and Mali Fay. Kavnu and Ni with the boys.

Gil and I were in the playroom with the Twins. Tha was with her family for ten days, her temporary replacement Sani was nice. She was going to handle the basics and we'd do all the teaching and entertaining.

We did reading, the body part game and they sat with me at the train layout. I ran some trains around with Charlie's help, Chani choose some cars and people for Gil to put out around our town. Chani wanted a `Jabee' with the kids in the playground.

Snack time for the Twins. Jaidee with me in the sun. There was chase the tennis fun for the Choco Boy. We lay in the grass... rest period. I rubbed his belly... that went over big!

Ali and Francis came home in the late afternoon pleased with their day. Francis had done six interviews. He liked two and would do second interviews tomorrow. Ali sat in with him adding her opinions to his own.

Cho joined in with kid fun!

We had lots of babies at the dinner table tonight plus Kavnu's sons. They were growing up, the oldest now ten going on eleven, the other newly nine.

After Amporn's wonderful food we went down to the play room. Fun to watch Dad walking with Charlie's hand in his. Phailin got a nudge from me. A big smile. Cho behind with Chani in those strong arms.

Chani stayed with her Popa over at the train layout. Charlie in a chair beside the billiard table. It was Dad and me. Dad broke... the cracking sounds got Charlie to clap and yell `Yea.'. Nothing fell. A rueful grin on Dad's face.

I ran the low balls down right to the eight which I punched into a corner pocket. Charlie doing a `Yea' at much more appropriate time.

Francis and Ali took the table. I had Dad's arm, we walked out on the small terrace to sit on a bench. I told him about the drone test, giving him a detailed description of the `wing's' capabilities. I let him know we will produce them.

"I expect them to be deployed at the Forest Palace to help defend the forest from poachers. Definitely at multiple places in America and in the UK. They will be flown from our Security Service HQ down river... " my hand motioning to the south, "... we will follow existing flight rules and regulations... but we want to fly them beyond the operators sight with satellite linkage.'

I leaned against Dad's shoulder looking up, I batted my eyelashes... "You wanna buy some nice drones from us..."

That warm chuckle I loved and a hug.

"I'll get you to do a demo for my tech guy and see what he see says. They sound good, excellent range and capabilities. They are really that quiet?"

"Only a tiny bit more noisy than our propeller models. Samorn snuck in behind us easily."

We'd set a date for the demo. I texted to Soam.

After my morning swim there was a flurry of texts and emails. Sunny had won the jumping part of the U.S. Equestrian Team trial and third in dressage. Cross-country was today. An email from Charlotte said Sunny was poised and concentrating not letting the high class competition faze her. Yes!

I was under an umbrella with the Twins. I had been doing email until Charlie wanted to play. I opened a new text doc and he typed on the keyboard... Nothing that made sense but he liked the keyboard. He used both hands... not pounding, pressing the keys as individual letters.

Chani did try it too. She like her brother `typed' on the keys delighted to see things appear on the screen like Charlie. Interesting they got the concept!

Later when I told Cho that smile, "They are sharp. They see you and I do it... so they get it."

Our Security Service managers from across the globe were landing at Don Mueang. AW139's would fly them to the Security HQ across the river, we'd join them shortly.

Cho on his phone while I dressed. A white outfit, silk top with short cap sleeves, small collar and a cotton tube skirt to mid-thigh. Black accessories and heels, a small black D&G bag, `Joy' and gold jewellery.

Cho got into a black suit, white shirt skipping a tie.

Francis going to the Railroad with Ali to do the two interviews and lunch after with his choice.

Gil with us boarding the smaller yacht. The Captain moved us down river smoothly. Thet and Savve greeted us at the dock. Everybody was gathering in the larger conference room.

We walked around shaking hands and kissing cheeks.

Thomas and Yone with Graham. Petra, Stella, Gilbert, Nina and Gary. Connie, Claude, Felipe, Alonzo, Camilla and Leslie. Nicolaus and Simon.

Preecha and Tanawat. Savve, Soam, Kora, Sumate and Thet. Samorn would do a briefing tomorrow.

Thet at the podium. He looked great, a happy fellow!

Thet welcomed them all back to HQ. We'd go over a few things now break for lunch then a tour of the facility. Several briefings later, settle at their rooms and dinner with us across the river. Tomorrow would be a tech and policy day.

The start was Sumate giving a general review of the past year, highlights of our expansion around the world. He mentioned a few of the events which involved locations or people we were charged with protecting.

This included miscellaneous bits like foiled break-ins at client properties to attempts to sneak in at the 45th Restaurant opening in New York. The challenge of armed robbers trying to enter our house grounds here in the city where one robber was killed, another wounded. The subsequent capture of the whole gang by the Security Police was icing on the cake.

Sumate made the point our people on the dock had not gotten rattled by the shots fired. The training kept them calm, their return fire was carefully aimed to deadly effect.

Yone gave a talk about the sharpshooter intruder at Harcourt House and how his failure was due to the sharpness of our Personal Protection Team who were all here with us. The penetration had caused a total review of all systems and a reduced reliance on cameras, more use of overlapping sensors.

He also got to tell the story of the Christmas burglar. Our sensors and a camera picked up the return of the thief. We were able to send a drone quickly. The local police were enroute as the drone watched the fellow then followed him leaving the house. The drone being used like that was a novelty for many.

Yone grinning, "Miss Martin sent us out on Christmas Morning to set the electronics and our present was a nifty apprehension of a criminal." Everybody laughed, I got a few looks.

Leslie and PJ did the tale of Rando's kidnapping. There was a lot admiring of the skill and élan of our Protection team. The clean and quick assault got lots of applause. The speedy guilty pleas were a terrific ending.

PJ stayed at the podium to tell them of the Phuket home invasion. The defenses at the road delaying the invaders long enough for a solid response. The automatic rifles overwhelming the attackers through disciplined fire. An attempt to outflank the defense was stopped and all the rest were wounded or dead.

PJ said the Security Police reaction team was there very quickly but they would have been too late.

I was laughing inside that PJ didn't mention my part. He did look over with a grin when he was done.

I wasn't on the printed programme but it was my time... I walked up to the podium. Smiling faces.

"No doubt you've heard about something our Protection Team took part in... there was an event at Hendon which is the Metropolitan Police training school in West London. Teams from various police forces competed in a special obstacle course.

It was a two person team competition, timed and graded. There were teams from the German Federal Police, the French Gendarmerie, Scotland Yard and the RCMP. The Security Service was the only private company invited.

Our pairs were Rande and PJ, Ro and Ansara, Tessa and Tara.

All scored a perfect routine. No errors, each perpetrator shot, no civilians hurt and they all completed the course below the time allotted.

Plus Rande and PJ set a new record time for the course!

The names of our people top the highest score board at the school."

I started clapping... everybody joined in. I asked the six to come up. I went down the line giving each a small box from Asprey's. I used the slide projector clicker to display a picture behind us. A Shikra, talons out, ready to grasp its prey.

Our folks opened their boxes to find a pin like the picture. The beautiful raptor had been wonderfully captured by Asprey's craftsmen. Loud applause for our awesome team!!!! Hugs and kisses before I rejoined Cho. I got a kiss from him!

Lunch here at the canteen for everyone. Cho and I told everybody dinner was a cook-out so dress was casual. If anyone wanted to swim bring their costumes we had places to change. A boat would be at the river dock to ferry them over.

Charlie and Chani in the pool!!! Splish... splash!! They stayed in the water until their toes pruned. Giggling daughter on a lounge with getting her hair dried. Cho and Charlie headed in to change, we'd follow shortly to give Sani a chance to work.

"Mama pool fun!"

A kiss for her, "We all love to swim so you will always be able to get in a pool with someone."


In the nursery Chani wanted shorts for the cook-out. Okay! Black shorts and a black and white striped sleeveless top. Black Puma trainers.

Chani on our bed as I dressed. Black cuffed short shorts, a white cutoff top with horizontal black lines, a sailor collar. Black high-top Chuck's All*Stars! Red nails and lips for me! `Joy' for us! Giggles.

A chair by the dock for Chani and me. We were the official greeters! Cho and Charlie on the terrace behind us. The smaller yacht was well loaded as it drifted up to the dock. Our folks filed off coming towards us. Chani stood on the chair my arm around her.

Handshakes and kisses for everybody. Happy faces.

Cho and Charlie guided our guests to the drinks and snacks. Tonight was a Kiet Restaurant affair, their wonderful food. Our usual caterers were working as servers and would do the take down and cleanup.

It was a night off for Amporn, Niran and our staff.

Chani was with Gaby and Tessa so I wandered talking to lots of our guests.

I saw Francis and Ali. I took them aside, "So did you decide on someone?"

"Yes! It's to be Prija. Both were excellent but Prija has more experience in auditing the way we operate. Going into new places and getting right to work is hard. We will help her get a staff together. We have an office for her in the building with the Foundation."

"Could the lady not chosen be used as a deputy? Would she want that? She could learn the process."

Francis' face said `considering.'

I added, "Ask Prija if it would be an issue for her, bring her in on the decision."

Fist bump. A grin as he reached into a pocket for his iPhone. I took Ali's hand, we headed to the bar. A Campari and some tofu satay for me.

It was a sit anywhere dinner, we had lots of extra tables around. I talked with Simon, he had been told about the new drones because Lordsburg's size, like Harcourt Ranch, it was a prime testing site.

I told him everybody would learn about them tomorrow.

"One of the reasons we bought Lordsburg was to get a big space for things like this."

He gave me a look, "This was in development before you bought Lordsburg?"

I nodded. He shook his head with a grin.

"I cannot reveal my sources but I have heard things about you."

I laughed loudly, "Well... I could have you tortured to find out..."

"Okay... I'll tell." More laughter. "I do mean things like the sensors... It was you who got these new units built to identify size, direction, bi or quadruped, metallic objects, etc..."

"The technology is an off-shoot of designs by The Company in London for tracking railroad freight cars and has been modified to sense vehicles on the roads. The Company manufacturers them in several factories it owns.

We started a subsidiary company for the Security Service to design and fabricate new sensors for us. It holds many patents now and produces thousands a month. New iterations coming with more capabilities."

"If I'm out of line tell me..." My Eyebrows raised! "... I heard you can very accurately fire a Glock 9mm."

"I might torture you myself to know your source on that." A `smile.'

"I have not repeated it since I learned of the event. I was working here, before going back to the U.S., on a project to find field report data to evaluate the weapons we have in the arsenal. I saw a report that was classified but within the level I had been authorized. It referred to the use of Heckler & Koch HK33KA3's at your beach house in Phuket."

I leaned back, Simon went on, "It was PJ's report. Much of which he spoke about today. The submachine guns were crucial to defeating the robbers, the firepower overwhelmed them. The users really made the difference. PJ and Tara worked together superbly to stop the robbers onward rush and drive them to ground blunting their attack."

He went on, "It described how they suppressed the robbers and fired targeted shots to wound them."

Simon watching me closely, "Your three shots made a big difference too."

I looked at him, "Tai fired those shots..."

A smile, "Of course how foolish of me."

Fist bump.

Simon more serious, "I know the Security Service existed before you and Cho came together but he growth since... WOW!"

I put down my drink, "We needed a professional, highly trained force with enough size to scale up as our interests grew. Thet worked long hours building it to start and Sumate coming in was so important for the large increase in staff. He's a wizard in finding qualified people and hiring them.

Every one of you here plus your deputies and staffs running things in your absence are our future... you all are from many backgrounds and countries. Our diversity means there is so much varied input into what we plan and how we execute.

You should see Benjamin roll around the office at Harcourt House in his wheel chair, he is a wizard with drones. We will send him to Lordsburg after he trains here. He'll be the lead on testing and training in Lordsburg.."

Simon was rubbing his hands, "We're gonna have fun with this!"

"I do hope so. You may also be the first to use them if your ICE `friends' come back. They won't come by the front door again."

"They'll love to be the first to fall into the traps!"

Fist bump!

Gil came by with something so I pardoned myself. The Senate Committee chairman emailed. Would I look at some proposed legislation and give them some feedback. Okay. Gil forwarded it on to me. Later for this but soon.

Sumate came close, "We didn't get to talk about Sari Buri. You and Soam have done a remarkable piece of work. Less than a year from concept to flight."

I slipped my arm through his and turned us away from the others.

"You and Thet leaving him alone to do his work was important. We have a fully functional device in leaving the prototype stage ready for manufacturing. I want one to go to Harcourt Ranch, another to Lordsburg. Send Benjamin to New Mexico after his being here so he can do rigorous testing of all systems.

Shelby to Harcourt Ranch.

In the California, the back area we added to the ranch will give plenty of space to test without coming close to the edges. Our current drones should be fine at both locations for now.

Lots of night flying too as it's the likely time for unpleasant people to be doing unpleasant things!"

Sumate's smile, "Claude and Simon are itching to see the `wing' in action. We will tell everybody about them but no demo for now. Just the video."

I knew that was a time thing, "I spoke with Soam about increasing the ammo for the microgun. He said the pod could be enlarged without any trouble. So the existing devices will go to site testing, new pods created and sent on later. I asked Soam to look into a jamming pod for radio frequencies and gave him some drawings of mine, He said `will do!'"

That smile again, "It is quite interesting to have a boss who is a tech-person. Reg told me about some of their gizmos you invented." He tapped his head.

We laughed.

"It's the same with Cho and me. I'm usually the `idea' person, he executes. Same with Reg and Soam. I'm lucky to have folks around with the talent to translate my ideas into real things!"

We had a good time! I enjoyed being casual with our folks. Smart, enthusiastic, motivated and level-headed! Just the combination we needed.

The Twins held court, everyone loved them. The little chatterboxes were such happy little ones talking to all the adults!

My first email of the morning was from Antoine. Snaps of the sensors and cameras on poles. Data flowing from them right now. Pictures from the SODO data center, offices, the solar panels on the roof and the Security around the building. The new bathrooms and loading docks. The works!

The SODO center was humming. All those Mac servers on racks in the big space! Antoine said they haven't had the building's heating system come on since the server farm powered up! Yes!!

Snaps of the first cameras output displayed on the big screen' was awesome. He sent pics of the various configurations it could have, live video in multiple windows' together with data. The one gigantic view... whole screen from one camera looking down a street to the west out over a shimmering Elliot Bay!! Amazing!!

All the hardware for the existing downtown Department of Transportation command center to switch over to our feed was nearly finished. When we were prepared it would be simple to flip them to the new feeds. They would see what we see and have a permanent open link to the control desk.

Outside there was the ground was broken for the new office building. So far just a hole...

Sunny won the cross-country portion of the U.S. Equestrian trial and was the overall winner!! She and Charlotte were stoked!! They'd leave for Harcourt House this evening New Jersey time with Declan plus Zephyr and Prince on a 767 horse transport.

Much more to follow!

Rona sent the particulars on the two Scottish properties she bought. In Glasgow on Wilson Street a six floor building that had been flats in rehabilitation. The developer was having money problems so we bought it.

Work needed to be completed. The existing contractor was willing to go ahead with us. Rona including laughing emoji's to preface her telling him to get on with it.' The contractor laughed with a Yes Ma'am!'

The building had five floors above the ground floor, single bedroom flats and bedsits. They would finish it as designed. It would be both a shelter and low cost housing. The ground floor had room for an office, kitchen and dining area, game room, computer room, meeting rooms and quiet spaces.

Outside there was a large level space that would be divided for parking and a play area for youngsters.

A sound building with many advantages in a good location.

The new building in Edinburgh's was excellent. An old hotel with poor business people as owners we scooped it up! It was a 19th Century structure with all the usual bits of modernization done in stages over the last hundred years.

We would need to repaint the interior completely and repair a portion of the roof otherwise it was Okay. An upgrade for the kitchen, no surprise about that. The ground floor was kitchen, dining room, lobby, offices and two sitting rooms. A good sized cellar. Upstairs four floors of average size hotel rooms the big plus was they had been made ensuite sixty five years before not long after the war!! Tiny bathrooms are better than none!

The neighborhood nearby was quiet with lots of retail, dining, hotels and clubs a few blocks away. Opportunities for employment.

Rona was pleased with both and she enjoyed the trip north on a Gulfstream. Colleen from the Security Service staff at Harcourt House went along as a bit of safety and Angela as someone who knew our business arrangements. Francis had done all the money bits when Brian the Estate Agent brought him in.

A successful first trip!! I was pleased, I knew Cho would be too. He was when I sat in his lap to tell him. We were both wet from the pool. Kiss!

Jian came out to swim. We lay together on a lounge, she got my news. Rona had sent the same email to her Jian hadn't read it yet, it was fun to talk about it. She'd go to all the new shelters at Christmas time.

Oh oh... Rona and Jian jetting around the UK???? Oh how we laughed!!!!

I rolled over to face Jian, "I think we should consider asking Angela to be Rona's PA too. She isn't doing that much for us... Some but not... a lot of work.

We could have Rona take my desk in the top floor office and Angela can stay where she is. Rona would be in the same building as Reg and they can bring MFA in to work.

I never use that office, Cho hardly does so we can share his desk."

Jian's eyes sparkled! Kiss!

I patted that cute butt, "That does make it easy all around!! Angela is very steady and smart so if she feels overwhelmed she'll say so."

I said I'd call her when the office opened in a few hours and make the suggestion to her. Rona had been all for it when I broached it to her via email.

Cho went off with Francis after both were given some kisses by their ladies.

I lay in the sun reading the Senate Committee's proposed legislation. After a first reading I made notes then read it again. It wasn't strong enough in several areas especially in flight routes. There was wiggle room for tour companies to fly their helicopters over residential areas.

I copied and pasted my notes into an email to Gil. She would whip it into shape and send it on to the chairman of the committee.

I made it clear flying over homes should be absolutely forbidden no exceptions permitted. Also that should apply to all commercial helicopters. News helicopters, corporate transport, privately owned or anybody. Military should be encouraged to fly safer routes but we should exempt the Coast Guard as their missions were life-saving.

Minimum altitudes had to be defined narrowly and maximum in some areas where there were overlapping airport zones.

Penalties were insufficient! No more than one warning before grounding of the offending tour companies aircraft. Set a number of days for them not to fly, be fair but make it hurt a good deal for cheating. Then taking away their licenses and seizing their equipment to follow with further offenses.

No point in coddling repeat offenders. They'll kill innocent people sooner or later.

I also included notes about the use of hobby aircraft and more importantly news helicopters. Another section was about transport helicopters like ours. We already made a major effort to avoid flying over housing and if so then at that an altitude allowed by air traffic controllers giving a successful autorotation a chance.

Also dual engined aircraft should be required. They'd be more expensive and need more maintenance... as if that should matter when lives were at stake!

I pointed out that none of these suggestions would be a problem for any reputable company. It was only the marginal ones who might balk at such restrictions but given their use of the air space above people going about their daily lives restricting their flying was for the public good. So they either fixed up their act or went away.

Maybe we should make a statement we'd buy any tour company that couldn't or wouldn't comply. We'd fix' them and go back to flying. Or maybe just watch and wait for ripe' companies to fall. Something to ask Cho!

Email from Viv. Nadine wanted to be full time. She needed to take a break from school... Viv didn't know why. Nadine hadn't made it clear and Viv said she didn't feel right about asking. Okay! It was up to Nadine. I replied she should hire another part-timer so they both could get some down time.

I wrote a short piece for Jun and Chakan about the prisoner issue. Cho and I had talked about several times so it was a distillation of those conversations.

We proposed, that like in Northern Ireland, the issue should be part of the final settlement and not tacked on afterwards. Being in the comprehensive plan it would put pressure on the southerners to keep to the bargain.

Our idea was they should be released in order of confinement, slowly, a few at a time. They should be placed on a good conduct parole which should be limited to weapons offences and terrorism acts since they hadn't been involved in ordinary criminal activity.

They would also have all their citizenship rights fully restored and no ongoing surveillance done on them.

The start date for releases to be one day after the first local elections. Those elections for a regional parliament would not permit anyone incarcerated to participate. A very deliberate ploy to keep the goaled insurgents off this first ballot. After that no limits.

Those who had yet to be put on trial should go through the system then be released under the terms of the settlement.

A side note said this should be thoroughly discussed at face to face meetings where each side could be heard since this is a volatile topic.

I sent it on to both men with a `please let me know how they felt' line in bold.

Okay time to call Angela. I led off with my thinking about our and Rona's needs. I said we needed a new person... Angela could choose to be either herself or the new role. That got a laugh.

"Either way someone has to be hired and we want you to be the lead on it with Andrea's help."

"Fay, I enjoyed helping get Denham School up and going. Fun and demanding so I think I'd like to go with Rona to do much the same. I can train a person to take my place in a short time and be available to help if necessary."

"Okay! I'm in favour of your choice! So prepare a training program of your activities for a new person and work with Andrea to hire someone. Sooner the better."

We rang off and I called Rona.

"She's in! Angela wants to work with you!"

A cheer in my ear. "I'm glad. She's very organized which I need! I'll call her when we're off!"

"Cho and I discussed office arrangements. You take my desk, the second desk out front will go to Angela. Her current desk to the new person. We can share the space since we're not there much... so settle in. Arthur can get you credentials, etc... for the building."

"I'm really happy I'm doing this!"

"Stay that way when all the hiring, working with construction companies and all the other things pile up. Also put in some play things or whatever's in the office for MFA!"

"I will. It will be great to be close to Reg again and not have to worry as much about child care."

"Go to it!"

An email from Kate... `If you hear that people are asking questions about you and Cho... it's regarding the visit next month. Prince Charles and Camilla will be coming with Her Majesty and we will be bringing the babies and I think Harry too. A crowd.'

Interesting! Well... they can ask all the questions they like.

I worked with Ali and Gil trying to get ahead because of the trip tomorrow to Vietnam.

Twins time in the playroom! They had new toys... one was a six foot by six foot picture puzzle. The pieces were big! The first one was a dog sitting upright. It was a colourful drawing. Tha sat with them and told them the `theory' of puzzles... build the outside then inside. They had the drawing from the box to help.

I sat at the train layout doing minor things keeping my eye on the Twins. They immediately started in on the thin black border... Chani looked at the picture holding two pieces... she hooked them together and placed them in the center... they made the dog's collar and ID tag. I smiled.

They worked steadily. Charlie found several pieces which made the nose then the eyes. Once he put them above the ID tag he added the the top of the head and ears very quickly.

After that they were placing pieces Wham Bam! I motioned to Tha... She leaned close, "They'll be done soon so how about having them undo it and mix the pieces up... then see how long it takes. They've been at it for about fifteen minutes..."

Charlie put in the last piece as Tha stood up. She went over over and gave the Twins the plan.

Chani clapped her hands, "Okay!"

They pulled it apart fairly quickly and laughed as they scrambled up the pieces. Tha moved them off to the side for the `start!' I set my iPhone as a stopwatch... Tha released them.

They went to it... then paused to talk... off again. They scanned the pieces... they assembled the dog first! Yes! The rest including the border followed pretty rapidly.

This time Chani stuck in the last piece... a corner. Eight and half minutes! They sat there clapping and laughing. Okay we'll need more puzzles. I could see this wasn't going to challenge them further. They didn't even bother with the drawing as a guide this time.

The second puzzle was a garden. A more complex drawing with many similar colour areas. They used the drawing and were done in nineteen minutes and nine seconds. Tha sitting crossed–legged next to them smiling over to me. We did air fist bumps!

Gil had come in as they were getting the pieces out of the box. She started taking snaps and some video.

The Twins had good visualization skills that was obvious!!!

"Tha do over?" Charlie smiling to his nurse.

"Okay! Let's all take it apart."

Soon the pieces were in a pile being mixed... all face up, the drawing nearby but unused again as the Twins ripped through the puzzle in ten minutes and thirty three seconds. They did a quick conference again! Good memory, good visualization and dexterity!

The second time Gil did a video of the whole thing. Cho was going to love to see this! I thought to use it next month when the Twins got to see a couple of psychologists at Harcourt House.

In bed with me snuggling close Cho holding my iPad watched the Twins. That cute smile!

"They are amazing! Their memories are excellent which is why the vocabulary skill building is so successful."

"The conference is important... planning! I think the doctors coming to Oxfordshire going to be surprised!"

Cho squeezed me in agreement.

He laughed I when told him about Kate's email, "If they want to know anything tell her to call."

A kiss!


Next: Chapter 66

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