
By A becker

Published on Jul 9, 2020



Dinner made better when Cho called... Tom had gone on a streak on the back nine at Royal Birkdale pulling away from all challengers to win the British Open by six strokes. Oh what a year he was having. He'd won three of the majors with only the PGA Championship to go in Charlotte.

Cho had talked with him before began his round today... he was a surprise for Tom, a good one which appeared to energize the fellow. He finished eight under today, the best round of the day!!

Cho and his buddies were halfway to Fortrose... hellos being called out around the helicopter cabin. I wished him fun playing tomorrow. They'd be back tomorrow evening.

The bedtime was a Poo! without Cho, Jaidee got quite the rubdown as his replacement!


After the morning ride with Penny and Tara again... no drama this time.

Received email overnight from Mary the VP of HR at 21st Century Fox in New York. She was informally helping to hire for the `45th' restaurant and had someone to run the whole show... and maybe more.

She was sending the person's CV along and she could setup a meeting. Okay!

We readied for going up to town.

I was in the yellow and white striped frock Adam had remembered' for the trip the city. Yellow heels and bag. Gold jewellery, Joy' And a white straw Spanish equestrian hat, a yellow ribbon around the crown and off the back. Gil, PJ and Tara with me in the AW139 from the lawn to the Wandsworth Heliport.

Erin met us at the heliport, all in Allyn's big car over the bridge to Clapham and on into Brixton. The first building to look at was an old market on Atlantic Road near the railroad tracks and ColdHarbour Lane. The big open ground floor would do fine. Enough room for several activity rooms and a dining area and kitchen. Upstairs four floors of bed-sit apartments, sixteen.

It wasn't large but the location was good. All the rest said it could work.

I could look it all over since the building was empty. A sink in every room and a large bathroom at the south end of each passage. Several private toilets and separate showers. This was great!

Erin said it would need roof repair and obviously a full re-painting inside but the price was fair. I said offer a few percent off the price for cash.

Erin smiling as I looked at her, "Yes... I know it's what we do... because it works."

She laughed, "No... I like this way it cuts through the BS. Most folks appreciate the money in hand right away."

Off to the East End, we crossed the river under the O2, north into East Ham. The building I stood opposite to wasn't going to work. No point going in. Too much exterior work, next to a school which might cause us community relations issues and not near any shops.

Onward into Newham.

This one was terrific! A post-war block of flats, well-built, looking its age style-wise but in good nick. Twenty nine flats all one bedroom except the manager's flat which had two. Two floors in an `L' shape with a courtyard off Prince Regent Lane.

There was a small car park and an enclosed play area. The community room was big enough for a kitchen and eating space. We could make it convert to a meeting room easily.

One block to shops, a bit of a hike to the Tube though but a quiet neighborhood.

I aimed a `thumbs up' towards Erin who nodded making a call.

Further northward to Stoke Newington off Brooke Road close to Cottage Walk. This was an old school, four levels above the ground floor, a play area we could use for gatherings, there was parking and four detached garages for storage.

Inside I could see we'd have to do some fixing to things like doorcases, window frames and a lot of paint... the upstairs classrooms could easily be subdivided into four separate rooms each. The bathrooms had enough wash basins and toilets but no showers... turn the `boys' into showers keeping the girls' that had private toilets as is!

Fist bump with Erin and Gil.

The school had a big kitchen and offices on the ground floor with basement storage, the dining hall was excellent. This was definitely a good choice.

Only a block from a busy area of shops, parks around, the only downside... not close to the Tube. It was in an area that had stations all around but none close. Odd.

Erin was on it right away! Calling as we walked about some more inside. I could hear her ask for a price drop for cash... she flashed a smile to me! DONE!

Okay now to Hampstead. The first wasn't suitable but the second off Finchley Road was awesome!! It had been several things since the World War II the last being a sanatorium.

Four floors, a big lobby, some treatment rooms so the doctors based at Stanhope Street could have a clinic annex here.

Private rooms, big bathrooms with large stall showers and tubs in private spaces. A dining hall and professional kitchen, offices, storage, parking, a walled garden with several big oaks.

Access from the road was an alley to the front car park so it was nearly invisible except when you knew it was there.

Erin seeing my reaction pointed to her phone, I nodded. She was off, dialing!!

I wanted this one regardless of price. We'd have to do almost no work to get open. It was diagonally across the road from the Tube!! Shops all up and down Finchley Road, cinema and bookstores, Sainsbury's down the street a short way.

Ideal inside and out!!

Hampstead Heath to the north, Primrose Hill southeast, a nice busy neighborhood.

Erin said it was a go! A hug for her. I was glad it was the last stop because it was so great! What a way to end the tour!

South to Fulham for the last stop. Lunch first at my favourite neighborhood Indian restaurant. Allyn parked the car in the drive of our new Security building, we all walked back to Parson's Green Lane to the restaurant.

The owner was there when we stepped in. He came forward then stopped... "Miss, you... you are the same one? The one who lives near here? But... "

I went to his rescue.

"Yes, I'm the same person. No real changes for me just some window dressings."

We shook hands. It wasn't very busy, we were late for lunch.

Chai! Pakoras! Biryani rice with coriander seed pods, Dal, spinach with paneer chunks, tandoori shrimp!

I enjoyed it all! Our host kept watch at a distance.

Allyn grinned across the table, "Miss Martin, I have eaten here before. They always have the best food."

We did an `air' fist bump!

Outside on the sidewalk Gil was smiling, "Fay, the owner was very pleased you remembered his place."

"I've had a lot of takeaways from him over the years!"

We headed back to the new building. Allyn to the car, the rest of us inside.

It was a plain jane building for sure on the outside but inside the walls were a riot of colour. I suppose they were trying to keep the employees awake?

Many of the interior walls weren't load-bearing so they could be ripped out easily. Nice big space to sub-divide for classrooms, offices, conference rooms, work rooms, etc... for the Security folks.

Up on the top floor there was staircase to the roof, it's opening was a square box on top so you could easily step onto the flat roof through a doorway. Some HVAC equipment behind the door thing but nearly three quarters of the space was open.

It was big! Solar panels and space for a drone base wouldn't be a problem. As we descended Erin got a call... She got me to stop at the bottom of the steps...

"Fay, a colleague... " pointing to her phone, " ... he says a house on Parthenia Road has gone on the market."

Okay let's go look. We closed up and told Allyn where we were off to, he'd come around to get us at the Basuto Road house. It wasn't far, just a few blocks walk.

It was a very nifty two story with a basement and back garden right on the corner. A tall brick wall was the border to Basuto Road with a garden door.

There were three bedrooms, a nice sitting room, dining room and a big kitchen with double doors to a tiled terrace. The garden faced west so afternoon sun. We could see it all on Gil's iPad.

Erin said we could move on it now it was listed as of one hour ago. Any properties in our neighborhood were on a tickler to let us know.

The outside was so well kept and the snaps of the inside showed the same care.

"Buy it!"

Erin made a call to the estate agent saying we'd pay the asking price immediately! She was smiling when she told him he could have the money today. Sold!

I asked Gil to call Francis to get the money started.

Gil looking across the street as Graham came out to join us.

"Graham, I just bought this house. Can we get it covered as soon as?"

Laughing, "Tonight... Okay?"

Fist bump. He said it wouldn't be a problem once we had possession.

Erin had a smile, "You see... they haven't a sale sign up yet."

We had been standing on the sidewalk outside the home and walking around a bit when an older woman came to the door.

"Hello... can I help?"

Erin said her house had been bought. That shocked the lady.

"It's just listed... I mean just now!"

"Yes, I'm an estate agent working with this lady..." I waved to her, " ... My office is tracking this neighborhood for any houses that go up for sale. We made an offer to your agent and he accepted it on your behalf."

"You are serious... for the asking price?"

"Yes ma'am."

I stepped to her front gate, "It's a lovely house. I hope you are pleased it's sold?"

"Why yes! I want to move to live with my sister in Yorkshire."

She came to the gate... she stopped abruptly staring at me... I think I was in focus now... "You're... you... you're Fay Martin? You bought my house?"

Smiling I said yes.

"Why would you... you don't want to live here? This little house? In this neighborhood?"

I laughed, "Actually my house is the white one with the navy trim right over there... " my hand extended, "... It's been in the family for a long time."

"But you don't live there?"

"When we're in the city... yes we do."

"Everyone will be amazed you bought my house."

"Well... it would be nice for the family that will live here if they aren't bothered by people... so if you don't mind we would rather you didn't tell many people."

"Oh... I see. Can I tell my sister?"

"Of course. One of our employees will live here, a nice family. So I'd be grateful to you."

We shook hands. I thanked her once more.

We all walked to my white house with navy trim.

Graham shaking his head, "Funny things."

That covered it. Inside I picked up several books I wanted and gave Erin the half-penny tour. Like nearly everyone stopped in front of the painting of me as a boy.

"Fay, your face is remarkably the same."

"I was cute wasn't I?"

"You were." We laughed!

Outside we climbed into Allyn's car and closed the big loop of the day at the Heliport. Erin got her car and we lifted off for Oxfordshire.

I texted Cho from the helicopter <I spend 45 £million or so> I got back <on clothes?> My reply <Yes gold dress and shoes, insured> that got me laughs and <properties that good?> he got then a <also a house1/2 block from ours in Fulham>

They were at the clubhouse Nineteenth Hole finishing some scotch before getting airborne. I sent love!

<we'll be home for dinner> I sent back kisses!

We walked across the Forecourt to a greeting by Carter2. He said his uncle was in the Great Room with Chani and Charlie.

Going in I heard... "Car... Mama!"

Her small arm pointing to me. They were sitting on one of the fireplace settees. Chani slid down running to greet me... "Mama!"

Charlie was at the far end with Tha, he ran to me! "Mama!"

I knelt down to gather the babies. Kisses and hugs. Such greetings really tugged at my heart.

I stood between them holding hands as `Car' came over, a huge grin!

"We were talking about you coming home and there you were."

We did a fist bump.

The Twins both stuck out their fists, sort of sideways but what does that matter. BUMPS!

Tha and I carried them up for a wash up before dinner. She was smiling as I helped disrobe Chani.

"Fay, they had a good time with the word game with Carter. I think he would have been a good father."

I agreed easily!

I let them get on and went to change.

Navy short shorts, white cut-off Polo shirt, white Adidas trainers.

I poked my head in the kitchen after looking at the room we were going to give to Charles for his video studio. It wasn't big, enough for large desk space plus room for a big colour laser printer and more. A solid wooden door to close if he needed to keep out background noise.

The equipment had been ordered by Gil with Francis' help. I was sure Charles would have what he needed. I insisted on his own big storage device so he'd have the fastest possible file load speed with big video files that would be important. He'd be backed up to the server room every night automatically.

Carla shooed me out of the kitchen saying I wasn't to see. Okay! Up to the Breakfast Room to the DeLonghi!!

Our friends would leave to go up to the city in the morning. Tomorrow afternoon it was Ascot for Glaa!

All the kids came back down, washed up ready for dinner! We had drinks in the Great Room `hanging out' with the babies. They were walking, crawling, talking and running around having fun. Jaidee adding some woofs and a waggy tail.

The children's dinner in the Breakfast Room! Everyone but Anne feeding themselves. Anne was watching though, taking in what her friends were doing. At my request Stanton went to the cutlery and dish storage to get one of the Twins' type spoon for Anne.

He was quite nice about bringing to her and bowing to present it. Anne had a big smile and took it. I put a big napkin around Malee's top. She looked a thanks to me. Anne made her first try, her aim would improve I was sure because the first load missed.

Malee worked with her to steady her hand and not turn it but lift. Closer! Anne didn't get frustrated which was key! After ten minutes of work couple of spoonful's went down properly, Anne had a monster grin.

Fist bump with Malee!

With the dinner faces cleaned up we went back to the Great Room, the men arrived! Hugs and Kisses for us ladies and all the babies. Cho greeted with `Dada's', Caroline rushing to Ting and MFA standing with her arms open so Reg could lift her for a hug! Anne leaning on her mom for Eric to lift her up.

The surprise was Charlie putting his fist out to Adam. That fellow was amazed and happy to `bump' with our son!

We sat to talk before Car' came in to the Twins announcing him. He got dual voices, "Car" so sweet. Caroline and MFA joined in! We had lots of Cars!'

The kids were headed upstairs, the adults to eat.

It was a casual dinner! Carla started us with tempura veggies and shrimp with a great dipping sauce. Then a bowl of flavourful miso soup. A stir-fry of red bell peppers, onions, water chestnuts, bamboo shoots, sliced carrots, shrimp and tofu squares marinated in a teriyaki sauce. Sticky white rice underneath.

Carter had warm sake at each place with the tiny cups and a wash bowl in between each of us. You poured for the person next to you, they drank and washed the cup then poured for you. After that you were on your own.

Fortune cookies were delivered... I was to meet a special friend' ?? Cho was to make a fortune' ?? Well bland fortunes were safe.

Then vanilla ice cream with a chocolate cookie embedded in the side!

Our talk through it all was the men's trip and my spending money.

Cho started with their arrival at the Royal Birkdale club and his meeting with a friend who was a senior member. The friend got Tom to come out before he teed off to meet with Cho.

"I said that he needed to go back to enjoying... relax, hit your shots, taking time to set his mind first but above all relish playing the game. I also gave him a big handshake and shoulder hug!"

Cho smiling, "We followed him loosely, not too close he might see but near. His swings looked relaxed, his walk and interaction with his caddie were calm, he smiled a lot."

"He was swinging easy I thought, " from Adam. The other men agreed.

`So he was hitting great shots just as he should, piling up the birdies, not a single bogey! It was great to watch, Cho smiling, "When he dropped his last putt I was near the walkway to the tent to sign their scorecard with the help of my friend again. Tom walked to see me and we hugged once more. He thanked me for the pep talk. I told him everyone can use a friend who believes."

I kissed my guy after that!!

I gave everyone a tutorial on how to spend forty five £millions in a day shopping. I tried a comic turn which had the table laughing but they got a good verbal view of each property and how we would change them. The sanatorium I saved to the end.

It was such a perfect place. All those private rooms with sinks, big bathrooms where we needed to so little, just a bit for more privacy. The kitchen and dining hall, those offices and the back garden, everything in excellent shape too. Close to the Tube and shops.

I told Cho later I asked Erin to be especially watchful for any other building of its type. Mason, the managing director of the Estate agency, had colleagues in Manchester, Liverpool, Glasgow and Edinburgh. He was going to ask them to do some scouting for us.

I followed with a description of the new Security building in London. We would be able to concentrate in it a lot of bits. It was to become our European Security HQ. I covered it from basement to roof. It was an easily adaptable space.

Part of the basement could become a small firing range. It was all concrete even the ceiling was a dozen solid inches. Add some venting, soundproofing on the walls and a new noise protected entry, it could work. The permits to do it weren't my area. I had put our solicitors on it.

We had off-street parking for a half dozen vehicles and a loading bay with a freight elevator. We'd bring in two huge pipes to the internet so we have maximum speed.

A drone base was very doable with space for an Anti-Drone device. Security would defend it to the upmost!

Last was the house in Fulham. Erin's boss Mason had called her with a heads up on it. I explained we'd asked for them to keep an eye houses in the neighborhood so we could buy some for staff to use.

This one went on the market less than an hour before Erin put our name on it. My interaction the older woman got laughs.

I told Cho I wanted to give Erin a bonus for her work on all these buildings. We did a fist bump. He said talk to Mason. Okay!

Afters in the Great Room once the children had received their goodnights.

Us ladies got the tale of the day's golf game in Fortrose. First the winds were relativity quiet even if Cho wasn't. He didn't break his own record... he tied it. Another `60' which had the other golfers talking in the clubhouse. That fourth hole was eagled again in much the same manner as before.

As Adam said `a beauty of a second shot' hit at the front of the green and rolled up to drop in. He laughed, "You should have seen the caddies go crazy, Cho did quite the show today. None of us could buy a scotch in the clubhouse afterwards."

A toast to the `drink maker' Cho!

They liked our house and Uncle Craig had met them all before so it was an friends thing. Aunt Dee had helped Freya cook last night and a red tin of shortbread was on our entry table!!

That merited a kiss which I delivered!

Cho and I took Jaidee out into the Garden for a bit. Arms around each other, more kisses.

"Well chairwoman of the board you are earning that huge salary!"

I said I wanted my wages to double... Okay I gave myself a raise to two £'s a year!! Cho was all for it.

In bed I sent a long email to Jian describing the properties, what we have to do to each and that the local contractor had already been advised. I did have some difficulty writing it as Cho kept playing with various bits of my anatomy. I had to carefully check the spelling and grammar afterwards.

Roland and I had a terrific run from Sandford to end our morning ride. He was so happy to roll on across the grass at speed. I rubbed his neck as Gil, Tessa and Penny caught up. Smiles!

Walking up to the house I said to Gil she should come today. Okay!

The Breakfast Room had a good crowd, everyone stoking up before the drive. Babies all fed, everything packed and loaded. Kisses and hugs. They knew when our trip to Ascot was done we'd be gone to California.

Everything was ready to go for when we returned. Kisses for the Twins.

My outfit was similar but different. Long pants to my instep, slender, close to my skin but not tight. A white long sleeved shirt with lacey cuffs, a yellow and green striped narrow tie and a black Bolero jacket. The lace peeking out at the jacket sleeve ends. A black Spanish Equestrian hat with a black braided leather strand around the crown and hanging off the back. Another loosely under my chin. Silver jewellery `Joy' and black tight leather gloves.

Cho in his cutaway looking like he was born to wear it. Gil in a black and white vertically striped frock, a nice shape for her. PJ and Rande in their black cutaways, very classy. The Glock accessory invisible.

We landed on the same helipad across the High Street from the racecourse. Since the Queen was here again no barn visit for us. A different woman greeted us. She obviously liked my clothes, a big smile. She led us to the Owners and Trainers level.

Cho went to get drinks and place a bet. PJ smiling and motioning up... I nodded. The smile broadened. Gil's eyebrows doing a question. I told her the Queen was in the Royal Box right above us. OH!

I saw Shawn, she was talking to someone but waved.

Shawn came my way with her friend. I was introduced to Lady Hawksmere, `Gee' short for Georgina, her husband Viscount Hawksmere, Cecil, had a well-known stable.

"Fay, I'm like Shawn a rider and other things, my husband does the racing bits. We do have one in the King George with yours... Yours is an American Triple Crown winner... right? Do we have any chance?"

I laughed, "I'm in the same position. Cho is much more in tune with the horses running in the races. I can say Glaa likes the turf so I suppose my answer would be he is awesome."

Gil and PJ doing a sort look away thing as I told my social white lie.

Gee squeezed my hand, "I hope our fellow runs well. I do like your clothes. I've seen a bunch of pictures of your outfits in the magazines. Your cutaway when you were here last was delightful. My daughter thinks you are... aaah... Yes... `The Bomb!' I assume it's good."

I smiled, "Thank her for me! Being someone's Bomb is very high praise. Your dress is very good. Shawn's has lovely colours. I really liked your coral one last time."

A smile on Shawn's face, "Alexander thinks my frocks need spicing up."

I shook my head no, "It was terrific. The colour right for you with a nice clean shape."

Gee's said one of the failings of men like their husband's was `they want wives to look like girlfriend's which of course we aren't!'

Funny. Cho came up with my club soda. I introduced him to Gee.

She shook her head, "We were talking clothes... I have to say no man of my experience ever wore a cutaway better than you. Gawd I wish Cecil could but he just can't." She was laughing.

Shawn winked with a grin. The husbands walked up. I got meet Cecil, he discreetly gave me the `eye.'

Alexander, Shawn's husband, had won one and had another in the race following ours.

Cecil said the odds on Glaa at 1-4 were amazing. Cho recounted Glaa's last race the Manhattan Handicap, a mile and quarter turf where he set the world's record for the distance on turf or dirt.

"I'm sure the bookies paid attention, they can't make any money on his nose. I think the odds are better than they should be."

Alexander fully agreed, "I've watched video of his last two races that have been on the grass, he has excelled."

Monaco came up to join us. Cho did the introductions. Cecil said to him `I've never seen such runners like the ones you've trained.' Monaco thanked him for the compliment but said it was Cho's foundation horses which made it happen.

We chatted a bit longer before the post parade began. The King George VI and Queen Elizabeth Stakes was a G1 race at nearly twelve furlongs, just yards short of a mile and a half. They'd start across the turn to the left and run all the way around to finish slightly to our left.

The field passed by us, many handsome horses. Glaa with Mike aboard glistened in the sun, his golden red shining like a light.

They loaded and ready... OFF!

They ran away from us down the long straight northward. Glaa was running freely on the lead right away. Damn he loves this! He was fully six lengths clear as the first turn came up, a big looping turn.

Mike closed him to one path out from the rail and Glaa sped around extending his lead.

Cecil leaned over to Cho, "He won't let up... will he?"

Cho smiling said `No!'

I squeezed his hand. In my glasses Glaa on the second straight roaring along, he was over twelve lengths in the lead and widening. He approached the last turn... no slack in him at all.

Cecil smiled ruefully.

Mike brought Glaa through the turn onto the final stretch, a hand ride all the way. I watched him do some urging now in the final section.

Glaa had well over twenty lengths space back to the number two horse. The crowd was stilled by Glaa's amazing performance. He increased his speed in the final furlong.

Monaco gripping my arm, "Fay, he's going faster than ever!"

That big golden red body roared over the finish!! 2:19:5!!!!!! A record time by five seconds!!

My big fast man!!!

We celebrated like last time nothing too wild, hugs and kisses. A hug knocked my hat down my back, I left it there.

Gil holding a hand, "Fay, it is amazing to watch him!" I kissed her cheek.

Monaco Said to Cho and I he thought it the fastest Glaa had ever raced. Nearly six seconds faster than his mile and half Belmont Stakes!!

Our companions were full of congratulations. We got to cheer for Cecil's horse as he won the `show' money!

Other owners and trainers called out their best wishes. The owner who won the `place' came over to shake hands.

"He won by nearly thirty lengths! I've never seen the like!"

We were escorted down to the track as Glaa walked back from the turn. Mike was smiling, waving to the crowd. There was loud clapping and cheering, it went up a bit when Mike and I did fist bumps.

We walked through the tunnel to the Parade Ring. We were gathered off to the side, we waited for the ceremony. Mike joined us. He got his phone from Monaco and texted to Donna about the win. He said she was bouncing off the walls.

We quieted down as the Queen slowly walked into the Parade Ring to the Winner's Stand. Cho whispered for me to put my hat back on. Okay.

Prince Harry was with the Queen. As we were announced he leaned over to say something to his grandmother. She nodded.

We were guided up to the stand... The Queen in blue, a lime green hat with a smile, her hand extended to Cho then me. We bowed as we shook her hand.

"It was quite the show your horse put on. The fastest race with the largest margin of victory. Quite something. Congratulations."

Cho bowed thanking her, I bowed beside him. The Queen had the trophy in hand Cho received it with one of those special smiles.

I took the big gold owners plate from Her Majesty.

"Miss Martin, congratulations. You two should be very proud of your horse. I don't think we have ever had an American Triple Crown winner here. It is fine of you to bring him over."

I said we were quite proud and that his running can be quite breathtaking sometimes.

She smiled, "I also want to say it was quite nice of you to lend your house to my grandson and his family. William and Kate were very tanned and happy on their return."

I could see a smile on Prince Harry's face, a wink.

Cho smiling, "It is a tranquil place, we're glad they enjoyed themselves."

Now for Monaco. He bowed to receive his golden plate, a bit smaller than ours.

Queen Elizabeth said to him she hadn't ever seen such power. "Was he really running faster at the end?"

"Indeed he was, your Majesty."

"Well you certainly know how to get a horse fit for a big race."

Mike in our green and yellow stripes and blocks stepped forward. He bowed to take his smaller yet version of the golden plate.

"Young man you ran a wonderful race, congratulations."

"Thank you your Majesty. Glaa is a special horse to ride, he knows his own mind and how he wants to run the race. I just kept him aimed."

The Queen smiled, "Well your aim was perfect today."

The Queen turned back to us, "You have a large stables south of Oxford? Are you breeding there?"

Cho smiling, "Yes your Majesty, near Nuneham Courtenay. In fact Glaa's sire and dam are there now. Hathai, his dam, has recently foaled another golden red chestnut colt. We have an American mare in foal to Asda, Glaa's sire. We have great hopes for the baby since the mare, Secret Sea, is the great great granddaughter on both sides to Secretariat."

"Well Mr. Cho I think we will see more of you here?"

"Yes your Majesty, this year and much more right here I hope. This year and next year."

She smiled, "It would be fine. Miss Martin, you are setting a trend with your outfits... Well it wouldn't suit me but you look very nice."

I thanked her saying this is quite like my regular riding clothes. We shook hands again.

The crowd around the Ring had been very warm in welcoming us and more as we stepped down.

We bowed and moved down off the stand. Behind it we hugged. My hat off again as I was kissed.

Hugs for Monaco and Mike. They were a bit WOW'd to have received their prizes from the Queen and been spoken to very nicely.

Mike went to change, he was coming down to Harcourt House later with Monaco. For a day or so.

We all moved toward the Grundy bar which was the Owners and Trainers bar. Monaco was well congratulated. We all shook a lot of hands.

I kissed Monaco's cheek, "See you in Saratoga!"

Cho, Gil, and I walked towards the West gate to cross the High Street. Several people came up to us but our Protectors blocked them. A policeman at the curb said hello, I smiled with a `Hi!'

He turned to the folks who had followed us, "Hold on there."

We crossed to the Helipad, the AW139 was winding up. In a few minutes we lifted off turning south away from the racecourse, east in a big loop then north to home.

I leaned back in the seat, "You know I never doubted Glaa being the winner but I hadn't considered the Queen being there."

Cho grinning, "You mean your clothes?"

"No... Yes! I had no intention of insulting anyone just nudging Ascot to be sensible about gender and apparel. She liked my outfit though or was too polite to say anything."

My hand squeezed, "She was very polite and honestly... I think she did like your look."

I squeezed back! A kiss!

Gil opposite me, "The Queen had a nice smile when she spoke to you so she seemed quite Okay with your clothes."

Well I hoped so but no matter it had been a very nice day! We got some very prestigious gilt and £650,000!

At the front door Carter was holding the trophy.

"I'll put on the Entry table for now."

Fist bump.

Carter knew Monaco and Mike would be here for the night at least. They'd spend time with Gregory and Freddie then hop a Cho-Fay Air Gulfstream to Los Angeles.

I went up to change for the flight. We assembled our throng, said our goodbyes and loaded up for Chalgrove. The Twins very cute giving `Car' hugs. That fellow loving it.

Stephanie said we're away. All of strapped in! Charlie yelled out "Go!"

Cho and I looked at each other and laughed.

In level flight Yobi and Ban went to work with Tha to make dinner for us all.

Cho and I played games with Charlie and Chani. Word games were popular! It was awesome to see them build their vocabularies!!

We ate together and the Twins got to exercise themselves and Jaidee afterwards then bedtime. I leaned over Chani her little arms reaching for me... kiss!

"Mama Chani happy."

A hug and another kiss for my girl.

Cho squeezed me outside their cabin door, "I heard that! A sweet child."

Indeed she is.

Gil and I worked for a while then called it a day and went to bed. Cho in bed reading some report from Kuva. He put it down.

"Sud, is going to have the easiest time taking over the investment side of the banks. Kuva is so organized and tuned in. She is preparing the way right now for him."

A kiss! Sleep.

`George waved to me from the gate as he and Jacob rode in. They were chums, Jacob was a steady smart pony who looked after George on their rides like Gwen had me.

A groom came to take Jacob, George said he be right in to care for him.

A hug for my son. At eight he was a horseman. Alice and I were proud of him.

He did all the chores to keep Jacob well and looking like a little prince. He had long ago given up digging in the garden to be with horses and especially with Jacob.

Another hug and I sent George on.

"Remember to give Gwen an apple."

He waved to me as he ran across the courtyard.

In the drawing room Alice was sitting with Beth. Beth was the image of her mother. A truly beautiful baby.

The little one slipped down from the settee standing with her open arms. Standing like that I flashed back Alice doing the same pose beside our bed on our wedding night.

Hug for my girl. I kept her in my arms as I leaned to kiss Alice.

She had one of her smiles.

"So how is our young cavalryman?"

`He's off to do his care of Jacob."

I sat down.

"Are we ready?"

"If you mean for the `visit'? Yes. You shouldn't have to ask. Mrs. H is quite capable of dealing with the King."

We laughed. Alice was right about our housekeeper, she could manage anything. In another life she was sure to have been a tough Army sergeant!

Ah... the very one came in.

"Sir, can I speak with you about the visit?"

I smiled, "We were discussing it. Please..." I motioned her on.

"We are prepared, everything is set and the menu is unchanged. I have acquired the candied fruit in town for the cake so there's no change there."

"Mrs. H, we're glad. You know the King isn't a fussy eater but you will entice him with wonderful things I'm sure."

A smile.

When Mrs. H had gone Alice asked why the King was coming.

"I do not know. He said he wanted stop so... He has been known to have his secrets."

I shrugged which made Alice laugh.

Beth giggled.


Wow! I was awake... fully awake in a flash. The first dream about Gwen in a long time. She was barely in it... What... meeting the Queen? It had been a singular event!

Jaidee's tail thumped. I slid out of bed to kiss his head. I let him out and washed up. Jeans and jumper, the cabin was chilly. Warm slippers!

Coffee! An apple and iPad. The news and email. There was a blizzard of snaps of us at Ascot with the Queen!! Speaking to her and receiving the trophy. Prince Harry over her shoulder smiling. Shaking hands.

The Sun had a big spread about that and how Glaa had destroyed the field and the records! They said the Queen had spent some time with us and appeared very pleased. Well that might be a bit much??

The Times had a quite complimentary piece saying Glaa was setting new standards in nearly every race. He had command of both racing surfaces and was a joy to watch. His victory at Ascot an overwhelming triumph and a display of power rarely seen these days!

The Guardian was very complimentary to us and a bit over the top on Glaa. He was the reigning `super horse' according to them.

The DailyMail gave the race result in a bland piece and no pictures of the presentation or the race. We're not their cup of tea for sure.

The Telegraph barely mentioned the race. They're so rightwing... why do I bother!

The DRF website splashed the race big! Glaa's triumph set them on their ears. His power over the long race and on turf... they were talking about his being the finest horse of his generation and beyond! Quite the write-up!

Even the New York Times managed to mention Glaa's success. Whatever.

Our own Daily News had a great piece by Nipsey. We said he'd not seen the power and stamina in a horse since Secretariat. To run away from a quality field the way Glaa did simply didn't happen often and it took a special horse to do it.

Lots of pictures of Glaa on the track and more of us with the Queen. All very nice!

I went to Fox Sports! Donald's folks did a great story on Ascot, the Queen being there, the races and a terrific piece on Glaa. They went into his pedigree and how Asda was going to be the sire of the year for Glaa, SakChai, Hansa, Rando and Aneka. Quick videos on Glaa's two year old season, last year winning everything then this year. How we kept him racing rather going straight to breeding which was great boost for all the tracks and races he ran in.

The Ascot race showed his power, speed and his love of running. Excellent work.

Email was its usual conglomeration, at least with our email server there was no spam.

My inbox had nothing of great importance. Quite a few really nice emails about Glaa's race from friends. A few quick replies.

I emailed to Lambert, Nipsey, Frank, Rolf and Donald our thanks for their work.

I made more coffee. The plane was still asleep... at least my part. I sat to review the Publisher's editorial I'd been working on. It would run on the front pages of all our papers, the Times, all editions of the Sun and the Daily News. Slightly different localized versions.

Time for a guaranteed wage base for everyone! No matter what work you did you would have a national salary' to count on if your earnings were below the threshold. What that lowest' amount of earnings should be needed to be properly arrived at but even with a minimum wage people, families needed help.

The American Federal minimum wage hasn't been raised for decades. I said do the math, forty hours a week times the that minimum in most places you would only be able to rent a hovel and eat so poorly that malnourishment was inevitable.

Then we'd have more calls on medical care and food assistance programmes which a guaranteed amount of money could prevent.

I pointed out the scheme in the United Kingdom was laughable and the Tories were only going to make it worse, mucking it up thoroughly.

I didn't go into details, the supporting articles would do that. I wanted to make it known our news media was behind the idea of a Universal Basic Income and wanted to see action by the United States and United Kingdom governments.

I attached this draft in emails to Adam, Des, Rolf in London plus Royce, Bill and Kent in New York. I asked for their input and the status of the supporting work.

An email from Becky binged in about the `Fact Finding' tour. General Shaw had spoken to the top Thai Army officers expressing the U.S. interest in assisting their efforts in the south. The Thai generals individually held the same basic view that the insurgents abilities had been eroded but they could still act in damaging ways. They could plant explosives, ambush small patrols or individual policemen but no major operations.

U.S. aid was always welcome but wouldn't change the facts on the ground.

Younger generals in the field in the southern provinces held similar views but they knew the insurgents could strike whenever they pleased because the Army didn't do enough with the detailed intelligence about the groups they received.

After ambushes the Thai troops sometimes took out their frustrations on nearby resident villagers which exacerbated the divide between the Buddhist `northerners' and the Muslim locals. The southern people had no reason to trust the Army.

Her email mentioned General Shaw hadn't met with General Keren yet.

Okay. I called Dad. He picked up and asked me to hold on... he didn't mute the phone...

"It's my younger daughter I will call her back. Please more coffee for General Shaw."

Laughing, "That's cute Dad. I just reviewed an email from the U.S. State department lady who sent Shaw out there. I'll wait for your call later. Love you!"

I got an `your mother and I love you very much' before the goodbye.

I sat back laughing.

Yobi came up as I pressed hang up. A big smile, "I knew you'd be up."

I said she was getting off easy since we were primed for French Toast a la Dolores.

More coffee.

I saw Jaidee's head come up... I told Yobi to punch the coffee for Cho.

Cho emerged a few minutes later a smile and a kiss for me!!

My coffee cup empty as Charlie came charging out, his sister in hot pursuit. Loud "Mama" "Dada" yells.

Big hugs and kisses. Tha behind them with a grin.

We swept them up into our arms! Yea!

Dad called back. I slipped into our cabin to talk.

"Fay, General Shaw seems to be playing it straight with our general's, he and I had a rather different discussion. He knows my people are on the front line as much as the Army. I made sure he understood we have better intelligence which we share with the Army but they do not make as much of as we do.

Since the American State Department knows we have the Malay forestry fellow I brought it up to Shaw. It was news to him which sadly means your contact did not tell him. I would want to know why not.

Our generals are not crying poverty or pounding desks about the insurgents for Shaw's benefit so he sees a softening position. If they are not bellicose the `level playing field' idea very possibly should be pushed harder. I will speak to the Prince in a while about that.

The problem now shifts to the insurgents. The eight we collected with the forestry man are high level operatives four of whom we have arrest warrants for and they will be charged. The other four we have found some interesting things about, two are linked to a bombing in a market which killed five people last year.

So we may have decapitated that group inside Thailand. Your man in our south will likely face vacuum trying to reach their leadership. Their confederates in Malaysia will probably have sent their top people back into our south to take control."

"If so that could shift the balance towards talking rather than shooting."

Dad said this was a wonderful turn of events.

I would immediately call to Yoshi and Arturo to pass it along.

I asked about Shaw.

"I had met him a few times when he was the military attaché so he was aware of me... he knows our reputation so it was easy to get started. I had a dossier prepared to update our information on him when you told me he was chosen.

He is competent and careful with a history of being a good leader, respected by those under him and above, he has done several high profile jobs so his name is well known outside the Pentagon in military circles."

I thanked Dad for that, "I have something for you... our Fox News man Yoshi... " I got a confirmatory noise from Dad, "... in his discussions some of the insurgents... they said they hated the Army for its brutality and destructiveness... but they feared the Security Police because your people were incorruptible... " a laugh from Dad, "... and implacable!"

An `aaaahhhh!' "I do hope we are! It is good to be thought of as relentless by your adversaries. Their fear makes them more cautious around my people which is good for us but not so good for the Army."

"Dad, is that why they attack the Army more ferociously? To get back at them? It would seem to be dangerous to let your emotions govern your tactics?"

"It is probably so. The Army is not as nimble as it should be. They need more training AND discipline. The younger officers in the south know this. What I hear from my people on the ground is the Army middle ranks are quite upset and have begun to speak up. So the pressure builds."

"Thanks again for information. We hope to be home in October for a bit then back in November for longer. You will love Chani and Charlie running around and talking!"

I could hear the smile in his voice, "Phailin and I will enjoy them as we enjoyed your siblings at that age."

We rang off with greetings for all and love.

I emailed Yoshi and Arturo what I gotten from Dad. I didn't have anything new from Becky or Jack and Corinna.

Cho was reading to the Twins I slid in next to Chani, she leaned back on me, one hand on my leg.

Stephanie back on the controls said thirty minutes to Santa Monica. Time to pack it up.

We were strapped in. Jaidee looking at Charlie's waving arms as touched down. A loud "Wooooo" from Charlie when the braking g-force grabbed us.

Leslie at the bottom of the stairs. He welcomed us to sunny Los Angeles. We headed up to Topanga. It was warm and dry in the canyon. I asked Leslie about fire danger.

"We're not there yet but no rain for six weeks."

Dolores at the front door to greet us. She was amazed by the Twins progress. Once up the steps they walked right up to her. Hugs!

Okay! I let her everyone was hungry! She was ready we all ran to the kitchen... whoosh the Twins were lifted into their highchairs. Big bright eyes!

Charlie didn't bang on his tray, Tha had gotten him not to but he say loudly, "French toost!"

We laughed, Cho ruffled his hair. Charlie giggled with our laughter!

Dolores had two frying pans and a griddle going! Slices of her delicious goodies came out. Tha and I cut it for the Twins and they dove in. All they'd had were some apple slices.

PJ was smiling as he chewed. Smiles all around. A great way to start the day.

I called Charlotte. They were going out to walk the Winterset Trials cross-country course. Sunny was scheduled in the Dressage this afternoon, the jumps tomorrow morning and middle of the afternoon for the cross-country the following day. There quite a few entrants, a lot of competition.

Sunny's family came in last night, all okay. The house was really nice, comfortable! Plenty of room.

Charlotte said that Gaby was very nice and knew horses quite well.

We'd see them later.

Ah... that Sumate! He always finds the best people! Gabrielle aka Gaby, was an a former member of the French 1er RPIMa, their equivalent of the SAS or Delta Force. She had been there for several years before a friend who already worked for us got her to talk to Sumate!

He got her on-board. She was next up with a fellow named Rafe to come our Protection Team. Thet wanted to add two because the Twins were mobile on their now.

Penn let us know Kotro would arrive the day after tomorrow for the shelter openings. Good, we'd be sure to get him onto Hollywood Boulevard!!

Gil, Francis and Ali were staying at the Topanga house while we flew north for a quick trip today they'd come tomorrow because we had a side trip after watching Sunny. Francis was finalizing the purchase of several more Fox affiliates. Miami, El Paso, Colorado Springs and San Antonio for now with several more possibles.

It was going to be quite warm. Some Mirabelle bits, short sleeved cotton shirt in a pale green, high waisted twill shorts, in light brown, not too short, the Time and Tides Sutro half boot, turned up broad toe with a wide heel, lace-up in a warm light brown. Lots of bare leg. Gold jewellery and `Joy' The round blue reflective sunglasses.

Ted's AW139 was flaring for landing on the drive. He picked us up, we turned northwest. A twenty minute flight to the Santa Ynez Airport. We had a car waiting.

A lovely view of the coast, near Santa Barbara we headed inland. The airport was tiny only for single engined aircraft and gliders. It was a five minute drive to the event grounds. Our driver Lex, who was on Leslie's staff, dropped us at the walk-in gate and parked the car.

We had tickets for all three days waiting, little badges to wear. There must have been some sort of note attached, the woman called someone. We had an event person come down.

He greeted us and thanked us for coming. He said they did flag our passes and hoped we didn't mind. They just wanted us to know how pleased they were we'd come to see the event and support our niece. Our passes gave us access to the stables area to visit our niece. If they could do anything for us please let them know.

Cho thanked him saying we appreciated the gesture and we were good.

PJ and Tessa with me, Rande and Penny with Cho, their role was explained to the event person. He got it and would tell their security.

We went to the stables to see Sunny and Charlotte. Smiles and hugs.

"Fay, there so many great riders here!"

A kiss, "Go get'm baby!"

We laughed.

We met Gaby. She did fist bumps with our Protection Team, smiles!

"Miss Martin, Mr. Cho, it's great to meet you."

We talked a bit, she spoke colloquial English with barely an accent. Blonde hair in a short pony tail a fresh face with a scar to the outside of her right eye. She been a rider from the age of ten, her family from Dordogne. Most still lived there, a cousin was the Prefect for the area now.

We said we'd see her around which got a laugh.

We found a spot to see the Dressage, Cho went for cool drinks. He brought me a lemonade which was tasty!

Sunny was up! She and Prince looking very good. Her black outfit terrific!

She saluted and entered the arena. Sunny looked every bit the a true equestrian she was becoming. The two working beautifully, sharp turns. Prince stepping proudly, crisscrossing the space with exactitude! Sunny's movements subtle and smooth. They were gorgeous! The final turn to exit. She stopped, another salute and out!

Wonderful! We waited to see her marks on the electronic board... an 8.9!!! Sunny did a great routine!

We met them back at the stall. Sunny was pumped! For this event with so many riders it was an excellent score. Right now she was tied for the top position. That would wake a few people.

We finally rendezvoused with her family at the stable. Hugs for Greg, Kay, Artie and my guy Sam. I was squatting next to him, his arm on my shoulder. We smiled at each other.

"So Sam... Sunny's pretty good... huh?"

"Aunt Fay she's terrific!"


I got to talk to Sunny about the cross-country course.

"Fay it's tough but good. Not as much vegetation as in Virginia. The course is more artificial."

She felt good about today and positive for the rest. I kidded her about the competition.

"Don't you think they need to worry about you? They should now."

A big hug!

Cho told her to relax and we'd go to their house tomorrow and we'd all come here together.

The AW139 dropped slowly to the Topanga drive. We thanked Ted for his work. Thumbs up from him. He'd back in the morning.

Charlie and Chani were in their wading pool. Tha was very wet but laughing! Charlie liked to splash! They got kissed but no hugs!

Dolores' dinner was served outside. The Twins in their highchairs having a delightful time.

After we walked in the garden with Charlie and Chani as darkness came we got some yawns... the little ones were carried to Tha. Hugs and kisses.

"Nite Mama" from them both then Cho got his "Nite Dada!"

After Ted dropped us again at the little airport we drove up to the rented house in Santa Ynez just after seven in the morning. The day was warming! My short white twill shorts and sleeveless blue Chambray shirt were light, just right for the day. Blue sunglasses on my nose.

The Seattle folks were all up and getting ready. Sunny and Charlotte were already at the stables.

We got a good spot to watch the jumping not far from the entrance and exit gate. In twenty minutes Sunny rode up. She waited the announcement: `Miss Sunny of Harcourt House'

Kay and Greg smiled over to me. I did a fist!

Sunny directing Prince with her usual verve and skill had that big guy flying over the circuit. He was leaping with such power, making good landings then excellent footwork to set up the next hurdle. They turned for the last... over and out! A clear round, not even a touch.

Big applause for Sunny and Prince. Quite loud!

Just outside the gate a careless event worker stepped in front of Prince. Sunny pulled him aside so it was a bump but not a hard collision. Declan was right there to calm Prince.

The worker picked himself up. An event person didn't yell but told him to pay attention and get the hell out of there.

We all walked with Sunny to the stable. She was fine but Declan leading Prince was concerned. He and Charlotte talked then he walked Prince up and down slowly... there was a catch in his step.

Declan kneeling beside his left foreleg, hands moving over the leg slowly.

"I think he's pulled a muscle! It's tightening. Time for ice!"

He went to office at end of the barn.

I turned to Sunny, "Go saddle Zephyr. Walk her a bit with the tack on then mount and walk some more."

She dashed off. Cho looking at me, he squeezed my arm and followed Sunny to help her.

I told Sunny's folks this would likely sideline Prince.

Declan returned with two bags of ice and he and I moved Prince into the stall. Declan wrapped the ice around the upper part of Prince's leg. I got the saddle off.

I called to Greg, "Greg, please find an event steward and ask them to come here. They have the yellow brassards."


Kay at the stall opening asked why.

"I don't know their rules but some events say you have to ride the same horse through all events. We need to know."

I stood back beside Declan, "How bad?"

He shook his head, "It was swelling right off. I don't think very bad but he shouldn't be ridden for several days at least, maybe longer if possible."

I patted his shoulder and thanked him.

Cho had Sunny out with Zephyr moving gently down the stable row warming her.

Greg returned with a steward. Charlotte asked the question.

The news was good, it wasn't hard and fast rule about one horse for these trials. Even it was he said because their employee caused the issue they would've waived it. Good!

He said they couldn't apologize enough after inquiring about Prince's leg prognosis. He would make the changes for Sunny's new horse in the event record.

Sunny was up on Zephyr walking out to an open area. She rode Zephyr all the time and did all the same routines and work with her. Charlotte leaned close.

"Zephyr and Sunny have been good together from the beginning at Harcourt House. She doesn't have the same power as Prince but she's light-footed and accelerates very quickly. Sunny will walk the course with me again so we can make adjustments to the way she'll ride."

We needed to go, we had an appointment. Leslie's driver, Lex, took us north and west to Los Olivos then north up Figueroa Mountain Road. Five miles up the canyon we turned off to the left to a cyclone wire fenced gate where a private security guard Jeep was waiting.

The guards closed the gate behind us. We followed them up a shallow rise to a more level road, it wound a bit, after a curve there was a big cluster of sycamore trees and stone bridge over a small lake. We stopped in front of a big house. Odd... it didn't fit the land! Sort of pretend Norman country house?

A man was waiting. He was a real estate sales representative at Coldwell Banker hired by Colony Capital, the owner. He welcomed us. Cho asked for some stats. 2,700 acres... he went on...

I wasn't listening. If we bought this property this house had to go! I turned to look behind us... small houses across the water. They were like the main house... they'd go also.

Cho said we wanted to see the property rather than the house. A group of golf carts took us up past the house. This part of the canyon had a wide flat area that ran about a mile and a half above the house. The real estate guy said there was good water and the electricity was on most of the time but in wind storms it could go out.

Cho asked about the land outside the ranch on all sides. Left and southern right long established ranches but to the northeast the property ran up to the Los Padres National Forest was unused. Narrow canyons, few roads, no structures up to the last ridge line that overlooked Zaca Lake which was in the national forest.

The ranch was a big `V' shape with the narrow end in the south pointing towards Los Olivos.

Back at the car we declined to go into the house which confused the agent.

Cho winked at me, "We'll give Twenty five million in cash."

That startled the Coldwell Banker guy, "The price is thirty one million..."

Cho said we were offering cash, up front plus whatever their fees were.

The fellow said he had to call. Cho said go ahead. We walked around the garden in front of the house and down the drive. No way we would go inside. PJ looked a question to me.

We stopped under a lovely sycamore, in a low voice, I said to him, "The house is tainted. Children were raped there."

PJ made a disgusted face. I nodded. Fist bump.

The agent came to us, "They accept."

Cho told him to call Francis and the money will be in their hands in a few hours. We wanted immediate possession. The fellow more than a bit stunned called the number Cho gave him. Cho called Dayton.

After greetings and saying where we were. "Do you know a California style architect who works quickly and a construction company that can do work near Los Olivos? We are buying the ranch but it needs a new house and associated structures. Also a company that can work in the same area that knows how to build stable and barns, etc...?"

He listened for a few minutes then gave Dayton Francis' number.

"Yes we're standing in front of it. Okay! Please do. We are paying twenty five! Cash. Francis will draw it from Bangkok."

Cho listened after he enquired about Dayton's ladies. He rang off.

"Fay I'll talk to the agent... please call Leslie and let him know. Also we'll come back tomorrow, he should come up too. Have him call Kavat to get at least another two helicopters laid on."

A kiss.

The agent said it was working, the paperwork was being readied at his office in Santa Barbara. Cho said our local attorney with a notary would be in their office at nine tomorrow.

"What about the security people?"

Cho got they lived on the grounds in a rotation basis. I called Leslie back with the contact details. He got it and would talk with them right away.

Cho told the agent we'd back tomorrow. He was amazed at our rapid action, he asked if he could know why we didn't want to see the house? Did we see pictures or?

Cho looked at me.

"We know the history of the house, we'll tear it down to the ground and build new."

His eyes got huge.

"There's no way we want to be any part of that."

He got it. Okay.

We thanked him for meeting us. He should be good with it, Coldwell Banker gets credit for the sale plus the fees money and Colony Capital gets rid of a white elephant.

Lex dropped us at the airport and we flew back to Topanga.

Dayton called on our flight, he had names for us. Cho invited him up for dinner. I called Dari, she and Mari would come too! I said come early and we can ride! Yes!

We flared for landing.

Dolores at the door. She watched me drag myself up the steps... dying of hunger... when she stopped laughing... she said she had the cure, five minutes. Okay.

Cho standing there laughing with our protectors. They benefitted from my performance, blue and white corn tortilla chips and Pico de Gallo with homemade spicy salsa beside it. Coffee!! I was saved!

Charlie and Chani in the wading pool again! They came over to try tortilla chips, we broke the pieces up small. There was some crunching going on! Sora brought out some soft tacos cut into small pieces so were able to get some of the tasty veggies on them.

Both kids liked the Pico de Gallo but not the spicier salsa. Well maybe later.

Francis' phone went off. The architect recommended by Dayton. He looked at us with the question about a meeting. Cho said have him come up if he can or be prepared to go out tomorrow to Los Olivos.

He answered he was fifteen minutes away from us at home. Come up in an hour or so. Gil called Security and setup her MacBook in the dining room with web pages about the ranch opened.

Dayton, Dari and Mari! Hugs and kisses on the front steps. They came through to see the Twins back in their wading pool with Tha. Charlie stood on the top step his hand out... Dayton was so big but he leaned right down to shake. Mari took off her shoes and sat down with Chani, feet in the water.

Great! Everyone getting to know each other. Dari joined up to get espresso then a slow walk out to the stables. Tessa with me. Viv had the horses ready. The stable dogs and Jaidee off bow wowing with Ro and Tara who had tennis balls.

We walked a bit working up to a good trot and a gallop around the flat areas. We stopped near the house out off the terrace to wave `Hi' to everybody and then galloped off. It was a fun but not strenuous ride.

At the terrace Mari said she was having fun with the twins. She was getting wet so I took her to the bikini stock room! She chose a blue and white polka dot one and went back to the wading pool. She and Tha did fist bumps!

I went to change and loaned Dari a crop top and shorts. The temperature was well up.

The architect was escorted down the drive. Wade looked good in slacks and a polo shirt! Late-thirties, married with a young teen daughter. Dayton did the introductions.

We explained we bought a ranch in Los Olivos and wanted to tear down the existing house and guest houses. We wanted a California Spanish Mission style house, an older style with modern things inside.

He sat down at Gil's computer, she pulled up the websites... Wade turned to us with a big eyed look...

"You want to get rid of this house? Well I can understand that!"

I did a thumbs up!

Gil had drawings of the house and the other structures, they'd been sent over from Coldwell Banker. Wade leaned over them on the dining table.

"Is there anything you want left?"

I was beside him, "No! Dig it all out. We don't need a tennis court or a formal garden but a regular rectangular pool..." I motioned over the odd shaped pool, outdoor seating and the tennis court, "... using part of this space... Yes."

A terrace to wrap around the back from the kitchen/dining room towards the master bedroom which should be connected by a path or such so it doesn't actually touch the terrace leaving some privacy. The terrace should abut the pool area but be separated by fencing. Steps down to a gate would be good.

Wade was nodding.

We talked about the outside first then what we wanted in the house. The drive was Okay. He got we wanted all the trees so he'd work around that.

We wanted the front doorway leading to a central hall, front to back, high ceiling.

On the ground floor one wing to have a library/office with the master bedroom connected by a separate passageway, above those to be the family bedrooms. A back staircase, maybe a spiral one, to link the master bedroom to the floor above. The Twins, their nanny, Gil and Francis and Ali, more ensuite rooms on that floor.

A connecting walkway above the front door to link the upper floor halves, like a balcony, open with a balustrade.

On the other side of the central hall on the ground floor, the sitting room, dining room, a game room which would double as a movie room.

The kitchen beyond that, large booth eating area at the window side. All the usual bits, ovens, range, sinks, etc... Pantries, storage. Several powder rooms around. Guest rooms above that wing to be all ensuite, several with sitting areas.

The basement for storage, Security, wine cellar, a small gym.

The staff quarters beyond the kitchen in a free-standing building of similar style. The rooms were also to be ensuite for privacy. The existing guesthouses to stay as offices for the construction until the main house is completed then they come down and are replaced by guest cottages in the style of the main house.

Wade had been looking up through most of that, a smile.

"I think I get the idea. You like having guests... Yes?"

"We have family and friends who we invite to be with us and use our houses even if we aren't around. The ranch is to become a working stables for us, for training and eventing. We are going to have equestrian eventing there so a large part of the canyon will have arenas for dressage and jumping and there will a cross-country course.

There will be plenty of guests for all that.

Stables, paddocks and a training track will be built. Housing for the stable staff with a kitchen and dining area. A recreation room too."

Wade scratched his chin slowly, "You want to erase the stain and create something entirely new. I can do the main house and cottages for you, I know a fellow who has experience doing stable and barns and the like. He's been at it for... I guess... nearly twenty years."

"Call him. Give him... " my hand on Gil's arm, " ... Gil's phone number. We'll be around for a few days more."

Gil gave him a card. She also handed Wade a printout of our ideas for the house, etc...

"I'm glad you were close. Sorry to keep you into dinner time."

"Don't worry we live up Old Topanga Canyon Road just a bit down from the top. I'm fifteen minutes away."

"Say hello to your family. This is a long term project with an emphasis on removal right away. We will connect you with the construction firm. Dayton has brought a few names with him. Maybe you should look at those to see what you think."

Dayton came in with Cho. Wade looked at the list, he pointed to two who operated up the coast and did quality work. We'll start with them.

I walked him out to his car thanking him again.

"I had no idea you lived in the canyon."

"We live here when we are here. We have a place in Venice on the beach. We have several things going on in town and our niece is in Santa Ynez at an equestrian event so we segued to the new ranch this afternoon. I'm glad you can go up tomorrow. Leslie will contact you with a departure time. Please don't burn the midnight oil on this... there's time."

We shook hands.

"I'd like to say it's been amazing to meet you, Cho and your family. My daughter is going to be insanely jealous."

I laughed, "We'll have you and yours over some time. Drive safely."

I waved him down the drive.

Food! Dolores' spread was delicious! We grazed and talked. Chani and Charlie laughing all through dinner until the ice cream then we had silence but big smiles!

Mari and the Twins got along fantastically. Dayton sitting with me watching them play the `body part' game with Tha.

"She's been taking French lessons for years... it's finally paying off."

We laughed. "She can come over anytime Chani and Charlie will teach her!"

Dayton's head shaking, "From the look of things you might be right. They are cute and amazing!"

"Smart critters for sure. That is a very nice thing too. Tha is wonderful with them. I'm hoping they become many multi-lingual like us."

"Keep at it because it's an important skill! My French is horrible but my Spanish is decent."

I asked him where he acquired the skill in Spanish. Dayton said through his school and having several friends who were native Spanish speakers.

"They worked on me by talking in Spanish around me to kid me into getting better. It worked!"

Cho came as we were speaking, he leaned over to ask in German how this began. Laughing I replied in Italian then we moved to Thai then French... Spanish... English... I stumped with them Farsi.

We were all laughing.

Dayton said it proved his point. Mari had joined at the end with Spanish which was pretty good.

"I have friends who speak Spanish all the time because it annoys several teachers, they helped my Spanish, I helped their French."

Jaidee sat on my foot with a woof! He stumped us all, no one else spoke `dog.'

A good evening, hugs and kisses at the door. Cho and I snuck a peek at the Twins... sound asleep holding a blue dog and a Raggedy Anne. Tha's light was out.

Snuggled in bed, warm arms snaking around my bod. I drew them tight.

`I've sent Francis on the quest to buy part of the La Laguna Ranch to the east and northeast of the Sycamore Valley place. It is a much different property, rugged and desolate. If we can buy it could be a North America training ground for our Security Service."

I thought it a great idea!

Cho was quiet but his hands weren't as he listened to my conversation with Dad. A squeeze, "You should follow up the email with calls to Yoshi and Arturo."

I said I planned to in the morning.

I kissed a strong forearm and went to sleep thinking I hadn't told Cho about my dream.

We got some help from the Winterset Trials folks to have a decent spot to watch the cross-country. Kay, Greg and the boys with us. Sunny and Zephyr were waiting their release in the Start Box. It was very hot at mid-day so no jacket. She looked very adult from a distance in her black jodhpurs and tall boots, crisp white shirt under black chest protector and Spanish Equestrian helmet. Her black gloved hands adjusted her timing watch once more...

Sunny and Zephyr quietly waiting. She was released. The pair moved off smoothly, we watched carefully as they cleared the first jumps. She was in sight for the first third or so of the course then into a shallow canyon. We waited for Sunny to re-appear... then in a flash of black hat and white horse they came up a slope...

Cho looked at his stopwatch... the course optimal time was set at 5:40... we couldn't tell exactly where Sunny was but Cho said he thought she was doing Okay.

Now we could see her as they leaped over jump after jump! Damn they looked wonderful!! I squeezed Kay's hand...

"She's doing very well!"

Kay squeezed back, a tight smile.

Now Sunny was in the last section... over... over... over...

Cho said her time was close... over the last and Sunny asked Zephyr to run for the the finish... Cho's hand up for us all to see... 5:38!!!!!!!!!!! Once again Sunny had ridden the course just the way it was meant to be done!!

Our crowd moved over to the cool-down space. Sunny's face was like a high wattage light!! She slid down to hug Zephyr! Charlotte there to get a hug and Declan mopped Zephyr's face and neck with cool water.

We got in hugs and kisses.

An event fellow came over to congratulate Sunny and give her her score.

"You have no marks against you. A very fine ride, young lady!"

A quiet cheer from us. Sunny hugging her family. Sam holding his sister's hand, "Sunny you look special."

She knelt to give Sam a big hug.

"Thank you buddy!"

Sunny standing in front of me and Cho... a cute smile, "I have to thank you for two very fine horses! Prince and Zephyr are awesome. Zephyr going in to replace Prince and performing perfectly... well she's a wonder."

I hugged Sunny again, "It's because Charlotte and you keep her fit and part of your team."

Declan looked over to me, a smile and a thumbs up.

We moved back to the stables. Declan did his things, we talked. I told them about the ranch we bought and what we would do there. Cho asked if they wanted to visit it with us. YES!

The Trials were winding down, the last riders had finished the cross-country course and the scoring was being finalized. Sunny had been in the top five before today... so had hopes to place.

All the competitors and their people gathered by the podium in front of the dressage arenas. The Winterset folks said they were very proud to have them all take part and the level of skill was impressive. Each year they saw more and more entrants of very high caliber. The riders went from forty two to fourteen, all riding with terrific proficiency...

The fellow paused... "You know I think one word would describe what I saw in you riders... it is Elan! You went right out with verve and pushed yourselves and your mounts. You should all be very proud! Thank you for participating in the Winterset trials!"

Big applause for his good words! I squeezed Sunny's shoulder, a smile.

The top scores were announced... a past member of the U.S. Equestrian Team was third, a young man from California second, `Miss Sunny from Harcourt House' was the Blue Ribbon winner!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We celebrated as Sunny walked to the podium and then up onto the Winner's Stand. She got handshakes from the two men, smiles. A red, white and blue sash and a very large Blue Ribbon and then a trophy.

The man giving out the prizes shook her hand leaning forward to say something to her.

A brilliant smile from Sunny amidst the loud cheering and clapping.

The fellow at the microphone waved Sunny over. He said she was the youngest entrant ever and the youngest winner. He congratulated her and her team for for their preparation and skill. He remarked because of an unfortunate incident Sunny had to change horses for the cross-country but that her replacement horse was terrific.

Sunny was a bit embarrassed to speak but said the change in horses showed she was part of a great team. She recognized Charlotte and Declan by name saying she was only a rider who relied on the their skill. Her horses were a gift from her aunt and uncle which was awesome and showed they knew horses.

She waved and thanked the Winterset people for a great event. Loud applause!

The Winterset announcer said he hoped she would be part of the U.S. Equestrian Team in the future! More clapping and a few cheers! Many from us!

Lots of hugs and kisses from everyone. Sam was holding the Blue Ribbon, it was almost as big as he was.

"See Sunny you are special," Sam said with a huge grin!

Sunny hugged Sam, a kiss on his cheek.

Other riders came by to congratulate Sunny which was wonderful. Such good comradeship.

Cleve, the U.S. Equestrian fellow we met in Upperville came over.

"Sunny you are terrific on a horse. Congratulations! This is a big win! The U.S. team would like to invite you to visit us in New Jersey when you have a chance."

Sunny introduced her parents and brothers. Cleve wasn't `phased' by Sunny now, happy for her and seeing her as a real prospect not a tyro. Good.

He said hello to us and thanked us for helping Sunny.

"You gave her some terrific mounts. Are they English bred?"

I said yes from Oxfordshire, two different breeders. She had another one built like Prince Sergey waiting at Harcourt House for her to get to know.

He was obvious happy for Sunny with my cynical mind I put it down to her riding for America. Ha!

We gathered everyone. Declan and Ronaldo would drive Prince and Zephyr down to Topanga. Declan said Prince's leg with the cold then warmth was doing better but he'd keep up the treatment.

We'd be at Topanga in a few hours.

The rest of us loaded into cars for the short drive to the new ranch. We turned off to the same gate, our two cars were let in by the security guard who had another person with him.

It was Dale who I recognized from the Venice Beach house. I Said `Hi' he grinned. We went up the drive. This entrance wasn't the usual one but we will have the old one sealed, this will be upgraded to become the only entry from the road.

We stopped in front of the old house. Wade was here looking around, Leslie had come up with him earlier in one of the AW139's.

We hadn't explained to our family and friends where we were. Suddenly Kay turned to look at me... I nodded. She whispered to Greg... his head snapped up and around to me. He saw my face.

Cho was with Wade so I went to Kay and Greg.

I told them we hadn't gone into the house, it and the guest places behind us would be torn down and carted away. They seemed much better. I asked if Sunny might know. Kay she'd know the name but not anything else.

I told Charlotte with the caveat not to spread it. I gave her the plan, she hadn't known where we were but definitely knew the story.

We got the golf carts to go up the canyon. We stopped in the middle of a large piece of paved ground. Three beautiful white AW139's were parked on it.

I told everyone what would happen out here, stables, barns, storage, walking area, paddocks and a training track.

I pointed further on and off to the right saying with a wink to Sunny, there'd be Dressage arenas, jumping arenas and a cross-country course. We rode further on.

I had Sunny and Charlotte's arms, "This is going to be built over the next year so not tomorrow."

They laughed. Sunny asked if we'd be in the big house?

I said yes but not that one. I described the new house in general terms. She gave me a funny look... I spun around to find place to sit... a low stone wall. She sat between Charlotte and I.

I told we weren't going into the house because of its past.

"This ranch used to be called Neverland."

Sunny's face went pinched... I nodded. She closed her eyes and turned away.

"Fay, I understand." Her hands tight together, she squeezed them, "I'd be willing to kill anyone who did that to my brothers."

I hugged her. I said we weren't broadcasting the story. A nod, "I won't tell anyone."

"So what we are doing is cleansing the place and changing it forever. Wade is going to design a Spanish Mission style house for us. We'll build it as the rest of the ranch is put together out here. In a year all the old will be gone. It will be Harcourt Ranch!"

We rejoined the others, Sunny went to tell her parents I'd told her. I said she should. They did thumbs up.

When I told Cho later he was glad saying she'd have found out sooner or later. Definitely.

Okay! They'd drive back to the house in Santa Ynez then drive to Topanga. Kisses and waves.

Leslie smiling, "So I do understand you are plowing this house down?"

I said yes... he stuck his fist out... BUMP!

"Hardly anything worse than a child rapist!"

Cho said the house and all the other buildings that had any associations from the past would go. Cauterize was Cho's word.

Leslie nodded. I wasn't going to ask but he had something...

By the helicopters with Leslie, Cho and I said we wanted the old gate sealed so it couldn't be opened. Also his people were remove the name and heavily post it as no trespassing. Bring the old sign up and toss it into the big house entry way. AND no one was to enter the house!

Cho told him Thet and Sumate knew all about the ranch and would send him a team to do the perimeter in our usual sensors and cameras scheme. Power generating equipment and everything else, they would use one of the old guest houses for now. There was going to be a lot of demolition.

Leslie said he'd have it covered. He had a team walking the area to get an eyeball view.

We shook hands. Our folks in a helicopter, up and away. Ted put the pedal down.

On our drive we thanked him for the three days of flying us. A big smile.

"Mama... Dada" loud little people rushing us as we stepped out on the terrace. They were wet from the wading pool. Damp hugs! Kisses too. Tha leaning back feet in the water, a grin.

I changed to short shorts and a crop top and joined in. Francis and Ali comfy on a lounge together. Cho walking with Jaidee towards the stables to check on the stalls for Sunny's horses. They were enroute from Santa Ynez.

Francis said he'd made a start on the La Laguna Ranch property. He contacted the owners, University of California at Santa Barbara. We wanted the piece to the northeast of our property up to the Los Padres National Forest boundary as much as fifteen hundred acres. Francis made it known we had no intention of developing the land and there would no permanent inhabitants. So we'll see. If not Okay we still had two thousand seven hundred acres.

Another AW139 landed out front delivering Wade. He had been picked up here. I got Gil to have him come in. At my suggestion he called his wife about joining us for food after Dolores had been asked if we could add a few people. A smile `no problem' came back.

I said to Wade casual dress, I was standing there in my short shorts and crop top waving arms towards myself. He laughed and passed it on.

Kay, Greg and the boys arrived. Hugs and a tour for them. On the terrace Charlie grinning said `Swim?' That caught them off-guard. Greg looked at me and Cho like he was on another planet. Kay said thank you, not now. Charlie stuck out his fist... Kay with a smile bumped!

Cho nudged Greg, "Yes, smart, growing pretty fast."

Kay leaning on me, "Fay, are you sure they're just thirteen months?"

I nodded and laughed. She shook her head. Greg's eyes were still big.

Artie asked to watch a TV show and Francis went in with him give the remote instructions. Sam stayed with us for a bit then to the TV room. Francis setup a movie for them, one of the Pirates of the Caribbean ones.

Kay changed to shorts. We grabbed some sun watching the Twins have fun!

Charlie was sitting on his bum splashing with both hands and feet. His floppy hat soaking wet. Chani on my lap, I was was getting quite wet as Gil brought Wade out to the terrace with a woman and a teenage girl.

I said Hi' with a wave. Chani did a Hi' with a smile. Charlie just threw water up in the air laughing his head off!

Wade introduced `Flix,' Felicia, his wife and Cicely their daughter. They did laugh with me about my seating arrangements. They were a bit reticent. I tried to make them at home as my son threw more water up in air.

I introduced Francis, Ali and especially Tha and the Twins. Kay and Greg were introduced with `there's two boys' in the TV room. Sunny was on her way.

I warned them about Charlie's splashing ability but considering my state it was redundant.

Cho came back with Jaidee, my guys got introduced two the newcomers. Jaidee familiar with Charlie's water skills gave him a wide berth.

I changed to dry shorts and crop top after carrying Chani in to get dried and changed with Charlie. Our little man didn't want to stop playing in the water but after a short fuss he was convinced by his dad. Cho was so good doing that!

Back on the terrace as Sora was laying out the nibbles. I parked in a comfy chair with a plate and Flix beside me.

Their house up the canyon was above a curve so they had a good view south, not a good as ours. She didn't know we were in the canyon too.

She taught history at Saint Bernardin High School in Calabasas, a Catholic school for girls.

"Does Cicely go there?"

"No, she'll be an eighth grader at HillTop School next term, a Catholic girls school with grades one through eight. She'll go to St. Bernardin's the following year. Since I'm a teacher we get reduced rates... so we can afford it... frankly the public schools nearby aren't that great. In the local district they have too many issues with student drug use and social misbehavior. A lot of teacher turn-over.

We are Catholic and go to church but we support a woman's choice of what to do with her body... we aren't conservative at all."

Fist bump!

"I've read about you... not rubbish, stuff by good journalists."

"So what do they say because I don't read any of it... I barely watch Fox News or read our own newspapers."

She laughed, "Why not?"

"Too much else... piles of reports from multiple corporations and non-profits, I get a news aggregation daily but it's mostly about security and PR concerns so we know what's happening where we are going to. Given free time I usually read a variety... well let's say my interests are eclectic selection of history books or Orwell, Jack London, Modiano, William Gibson, Raymond Chandler, Bradbury, Duras, H. G. Wells, Albert Camus. I like dystopias!"

"History... do you have a special subject?"

"I have a pretty good collection of books on several time periods... Vichy France, Weimar Germany, the dissidents in nazi Germany, the Holocaust, French Indochina... a good part of the middle third of the Twentieth Century. Unfortunately all my books are spread out. London, Harcourt House, Hampshire, here in our Venice place, Bangkok, New York. We bought a very old house in Paris with an excellent library... too many places with books!"

Flix leaned forward looking intense, "I'm working on my dissertation... Women in Post-War Germany."

I asked her if she been to Germany in German.

Her eyes smiled, "Ja, kurz im letzten Sommer. Es war nicht lang genug. Es gibt mehrere Frauen, die ich gefunden habe, um zu interviewen... Ich will sie nicht missen, keiner ist natürlich jung." (Yes, briefly last summer. It wasn't long enough. There are several women I have found to interview... I don't want to miss them, no one is young, of course.)

"Are they trummerfrau?"

"Yes, some served in the military, flak loaders and such. They all lost many family members."

"Würde eine kostenlose Flugfahrt nach Deutschland helfen." (Would a free plane ride to Germany help?)

Big eyes, "Und ein Stipendium für Unterkunft und Essen?" (And a stipend for Lodging and Food?)

"It would put me over the top... Seriously?"

"When can you leave?"

She did laugh, Flix said soon, Wade mostly worked out their home these days and Cicely was quite independent.

"Talk with them. We can have an aircraft in Santa Monica for a non-stop flight to any city you want to go to in Germany."

Flix grabbed my hand, thank you sincerely spoken. She went to Wade, he was talking with Francis. They moved onto a garden path then Wade stopped abruptly and turned to look at me. Flix moved him along holding his arm.

Sunny and Charlotte came in. Big hugs for them. I brought them out for introductions. Sunny's triumph was cheered! She was a happy kid!

A bonus for a good day was Chani standing by the wading pool, cute white shorts and a red crop top, little red and white trainers, arms open..."Sunny!"

It was splendid to see Sunny's face... a turn to Cho and I before hugging her cousin's small body!

Flix squeezed my hand saying they wanted to talk. Flix said she wanted to take advantage of my offer, Wade's arm around her. Smiles.

I motioned Gil over, she got what was happening and took Flix aside to give her what we needed to know.

"Fay, you are being very generous to Flix... if you knew what... " he was looking at me for a few seconds "... I think you do know... don't you?"

I nodded, "Cho and I revere education! It is the garden gate to new worlds. Spending some of our money on it is what we do all the time."

"Thank you! Flix is such a good teacher... I hope she keeps it up. We have pushed Cicely some about her school work... Flix has worked hard on her PHD, Cicely has seen her... she's a good example."

Flix left Gil to get Cicely and talk.

Gil got a text, Declan and Ronaldo were here with the horses. Sunny ran down to the stables, Charlotte walked! The guys would use the two bedroom trailer and Dolores would feed them again for a few days. They might stay longer depending on Prince's leg.

I checked on the Twins. They were in the living room with Tha, a game in progress. On into the kitchen. Sora grinning when I thanked her for the nibbles. Dolores said ten minutes.

I rounded up everyone for food! Gil sent a text to Sunny.

We got the Twins in their highchairs and Tha and I delivered their dinner. It was nearly the same as our in smaller pieces. Grilled fish, mashed potatoes, greens with black-eyed peas, deep-fried okra with a tomato dipping sauce, hush puppies with butter or some honey!

Seems like Dolores had been talking with Flo!

Part of the conversation during dinner we talked about Flix going to Germany. Cicely was amazed to hear we'd do that. Cho said there's nothing more important in life as education. We discussed that a classroom wasn't where you learned everything. Being with people or animals or in nature was equally valuable as sources to acquire knowledge.

Sunny gave them her story, how we made it possible for her to go from Zero to Sixty. Laughing I made sure they understood that Sunny was a natural on a horse, talented and Charlotte was an excellent coach!

Sunny waved, "Yes, Charlotte's great!" A squeeze for Charlotte's hand, "I love it but if you and Cho hadn't done what you did it wouldn't have mattered. I'd been just a good casual rider."

"You mean instead of being sought out by the U. S. Equestrian Team as a fourteen year old?"

Cho's laughter, "Sunny's on a good path right now!"

Sunny grinned, "I guess Cleve means it."

"He does, Cho spoke to him and the offer is very serious so when you head back to Upperville we'll have Kavat arrange for you two to make a trip."

Fist bump!

I told them about Teddy at Harcourt House. He was still in school then going to university to bring in techniques and ideas even though he knew' he wanted to work in gardens. How Phillips pushed him so he'd be an advanced' gardener for the future.

And Nicki, Norma's teenage daughter, hates being cooped up inside a classroom rather loving the outdoors and animals. She didn't yet know what she wanted. They'd been to our house in the country and seen the badgers! So who knows what Nicki will do.

You could see Cicely considering. A wink to Flix and a grin.

It was great! Everybody enjoyed the food!! I gave Dolores a hug and thanked her for experimenting.

"Well... " a finger aimed at Sora, "... this one said we should try something entirely new. I did some email with Flo, her recipes were straightforward so..."

"Keep it up... Not that we don't love your California cooking!"

Grin! "I'll not go too far from home."

We all laughed. A thumbs up from Cho!

It had been a big day for the Twins! The yawns came on... Tha and I carried the babies in for night time prep. I kissed them, "Dada and I will be back soon."

Cho leaning over to kiss Chani was terrific, those small arms reaching out were flatly adorable. Charlie's face disappearing in a big yawn. They were well kissed and hugged.

Afters outside. Flix let Cicely sip some Amaretto. A smile!

I mentioned she could get that taste in an almond latte. Wow! That was a winner.

I was knees up on a settee, Flix in a chair, Cicely beside me.

A shy smile from Cicely, "I was mad jealous when dad said he'd met you and Mr. Cho. I saw you at the Fox News press thing... it was awesome! You were so cool... up there with Mr. Cho and the other man. You two... in charge. It was amazing."

Fist bump.

"Many months before Mom said we should watch some Fox News to see what some people saw every day. The faces on people where terrible in their obvious hate. They said so many nasty things about Hillary who is the best!

Then that morning dad said the was some change happening so we turned on the TV to Fox and there you were starting the news thing in the big room with all those reporters around."

Flix smiling, "Fay, it was TV at its very finest! You and Cho right out there being honest and powerful."

"Let's not forget Bill, he's pretty important. We didn't and don't know much about the TV business except from above. He found the excellent managers who run the network divisions. We give it goals and ideals, Bill and his folks make it happen."

"We watch it now over the other news people as do many of our friends,' Flix added a smile to my `keep it up.'

I was grinning, "Thanks! Cho and I own a controlling share so its money in our pockets. Keep watching!"

Flix's `They would' after a laugh was good for me.

Sunny asked Cicely if she'd like to meet her horses? They went off.

"So does the name Perry Biddiscombe do anything for you?"

"Oh yes! I've read his books. You too?"

"Absolutely. Robert Gellately is also excellent! I have a Post-War story that isn't very pleasant but you would understand I think..."

Flix nodded. Kay and Greg joined us so I repeated my caveat. They were interested.

"I met a retired U. S. Army officer once in an airport waiting for a flight and we got to talk a bit. He was an older fellow probably well into his eighties. I had a book by Perry Biddiscombe on post-war Germany in my hands.

He had been a commandant of a POW prison in Kassel, Germany in 1945. He had U.S. Army officers and NCO's for managing it but the men doing the guarding were from a Polish Army unit that had fought with the British Army.

The German prisoners were all being held in segregation because they were on a `HOLD.' They were ex-members of the Waffen SS, all were officers. A few senior officers included.

This American officer interviewed the Germans, he was in the CIC, the Counter-Intelligence Corps, a trained expert interrogator. Fluent in German. He came away with the belief that none of the SS should be allowed out into society. They were murderers, rapists, racists and committed anti-Semites who could not change.

He recommended they be held indefinitely as dangers to the public. His bosses didn't disagree but knew it wouldn't fly with the higher levels. He did it for more than half a year then asked out. He came home, married a girl he'd known all his life, had kids and rose in rank to be a general before retiring.

Many years later he had been posted back to Germany in a different location and in a role unlike the earlier one. He did not do any research on what became of those SS, his job and family took all his time. In the course of his work he met one his former camp subordinates from back then who asked if he had heard what had occurred after he left. He hadn't.

The officer replacing him was younger and described as `wet behind the ears.' The Polish soldiers saw him as weak and took advantage of it. They knew the SS were going to be released... They began to take their revenge... for their families who were murdered by the SS, for the rapes, the beatings, the brutal deportation roundups!

The SS started to `slip on the soap' every day, many times a day. Broken bones, cuts, bruising and more became normal for all the Germans, several generals were battered daily. The new commander couldn't understand when the medical officer reported on those he treated in his daily report. The medical fellow knew what was happening... he was Polish.

Eventually all the SS were released, they left hating the the Poles which was nothing to how the Poles felt about them. Every one of the two hundred odd Germans took multiple injuries with them. The Poles left Germany for England to be discharged, none went back to Poland which was under the yoke of the Russians by then.

The Poles knew their Germans and the SS were like he'd had said `irredeemable' and useless to humanity."

I had leaned forward as I told the story, Flix watched my face. I sat back. I was tense everyone sensed that.

Flix saying to Kay and Greg, "The SS still had to go through denazification process, they all had the blackmark of their service which could make life difficult for them and their families."

Flix said she'd read a few thousand of the denazification fragebogen forms.

"Many of the documents were in poor condition. So many were falsely completed to hide a deep nazi past. Tens of thousands slipped through because of problems identifying them as nazi party members even with the party membership lists because of issues getting the records out to the field units."

She shook her head, "Our government gave up on the process much too soon. Handing it to the Germans was a huge error, the integrity of the methods became contaminated very quickly. Small wonder we had so many ex-SS concentration camp personnel over here after the war. We didn't know who was what."

I wrapped my arms around my knees when I drew them close.

"Yes, the Demjanjuk's! Far too many. Of course the CIC used some ex-soldiers even gestapo as spies and such. Klaus Barbie being the most famous."

Flix stretched, "It's a good thing we are still going after them. I don't mind seeing ninety year old murderers being sent to Germany to stand trial."

Fist bump.

"We have some in the United Kingdom. We need to grub them all out!"

"I'm researching ordinary women with a sprinkling of nazi party types included but not emphasized. Strangely enough nearly all the most horrible women who served at the concentration camps were punished immediately afterwards. Many executed. The Irma Grese's and Maria Mandel's and especially the Stutthof women. As a proportion of women served versus the men, the women paid a far higher price for their crimes. A double standard!"

My head tilted a bit, "Do you know of any research about the soldiers who returned... whether the ordinary Wehrmacht men did better or worse than the SS in terms of family and personal relationships. I know the SS had a leg up to some degree for jobs, etc... because they had a higher level of solidarity?"

Her head shook a `no,' "I'd like to know too so if I ever find something I'll let you know."

Fist bump.

"Fay, you are not at all what I would have expected... not that I know what my expectations should have been. Damn... I really said that didn't I?"

Kay nodded, "Fay is a bit of a mystery to us."

We were all laughing when our husbands turned up.

"We are rather ordinary in most respects except for Arnold Palmer here."

A nudge for Cho who parked beside me.

Wade made a golf swing motion before sitting so Flix understood.

She pointed, "I remember seeing something... you doing a big shock to golfers... it was in the news months back."

I nudged Cho again, "It's nice he's so modest. I'll tell Okay?"

Cho grinning, "Alright. I played in a professional golf tournament at the Bel-Air Golf Club..."

Flix snapped her fingers, "You blew their doors off... right?"

"Yep! Okay she knows so that's over."

A pushed at him with my bare foot, "Go for more..." waving my empty Amaretto glass.

Cho, Greg and Wade went for drinks.

I turned to see Sunny and Cicely coming back.

I laughed towards Flix, "Cho is being modest about his golf game. He is so good. That golf tournament was the lowest score by any golfer in a four day competition ever... by a wide margin. He loves the game!"

"Wade plays, he seems to like doing it. He's a member at the Vista Country Club, it's a golf only place so Cicely and I haven't been."

"I've only been to two clubs, the Bel-Air to see the last day's play and Winged Foot in suburban New York where Cho played in a Pro-Am tournament last year. They are pretty places, manicured but..." behind my hand in an exaggerated manner, "... dull!"

We ladies laughed. The guys returned with full glasses! Yea!

Sunny got a sip. It reminded her of the Le Champignon d'Or dinner. "Fay, that chocolate!"


Sunny giggled, "We were in Virginia, we went to restaurant in D.C. Dressed up a bit. I have a `little black dress' from Fay! Cho and Fay know the owners very well." She winked at Cicely, "I got my hand kissed!'

We all had a laugh.

"The food was awesome and at the end the dessert was a piece of white chocolate shaped like a tear drop. Fay gave me a tiny slice... I wondered why so small until it melted on my tongue..." A look of ecstasy on Sunny's face, "... Unbelievable! I got a sip of Amaretto too which made it even better!"

Francis and Ali with Gil had joined us with drinks.

"Fay, thank you for the chocolate gift! It lasted for a few days." I blew Ali a kiss!

I told the crowd what I'd done leaving out the Kama Sutra book for the parents of the teen's benefit.

Sunny turned to me, "Did the Clinton's get some chocolate?"

I sipped my drink, "Yes! They enjoyed it very much. The whole dinner was great. They said they'd go back so..."

I told the tale of the dinner out. Cicely staring at me.

"You slept at the White House?" Big eyes!

"Yes, a couple of times. In the Queen's Bedroom, it's quite nice. I'm on a committee advising Hillary. Bill took Cho to play golf..." I motioned to him.

"No golf stories. It was a nice round, Bill's a good golfer. That was the same day we took them to Le Champignon d'Or."

"Sunny can tell you the Clinton's came out to Upperville for a visit and lunch. They stayed over a weekend a couple weeks ago... just them and their staff."

A nice evening ending with hugs and kisses at the front door. Cho asked them to come back tomorrow we were having a small party here. They were all smiles agreeing to come.

Warm in bed wrapped up in Cho, I told him my dream

"You have jumped ahead a bit, it sounds positive though. A young horseman and a daughter! A meeting with the Monarch... I wonder."

We laughed.


Tara had a wild face as she pulled her helmet off, "Fay that was terrific!! What a ride!"

We'd been up several canyons then a wicked hard gallop to the stables. Inky and Trez had burst into speed right away well warmed by the heat and the ride to that point. We soared across the mile and half!

Fist bump with Tara! Viv's smile was big.

"You two looked great galloping in. I'm sure Trez and Inky enjoyed themselves!"

Some head nodding from them. Inky got a hug from me. Nadine `loaned' me a peppermint for him.

We were in high spirts walking to the house. Breakfast with the Twins was in progress. A piece of toast with strawberry preserves was in Charlie's mouth being crunched.

"Mama!' Chani was between bites on a veggie bacon strip. Charlie stuck out his arms for a cuddle, strawberry on my cheek. Cho gave me a wipe.

A big day in Los Angeles, clinics opening!

Sunny and her family going into town for some sight-seeing! They had Lex as driver and tour guide plus Gaby going along.

Charlie in white shorts and Polo shirt, Chani in a sweet white dress, Mary Jane's and white socks, black trainers and white socks for Charlie. Black baseball caps with a white horse on the front for them.

Their mom in a sleeveless white linen dress, mid-thigh, scoop neckline, narrow black belt. Black stockings and heels. Gold jewellery and `Joy' A black D&G clutch.

Dad in a black suit, white shirt and a black tie with shiny gold circles.

We looked cute!

Down into town to Hollywood but from the north. We up to the El Camino Real aka 101 and turned south through Cahuenga Pass, off onto Highland Avenue to Hollywood Boulevard, N. Fuller Avenue and a right on Hawthorn. There was a small crowd on the sidewalk at the garage entrance. Our Security helped us through.

We went in the back way.

Kotro was there smiling, "Miss Martin, this is very nice. I like seeing it finished."

Cho and I told him to wander and enjoy.

Astara looking a bit harried, smile. She was introduced all around. Rueben was the manager here, a forty-something Gay man who Astara said had been through the `wars.' I wasn't exactly sure what she meant other than he was experienced.

"The Congressman is coming with the mayor, they are enroute. The City Council members are here with our LGBTQ allies. All the press are out front."

I hugged her, "Relax! We'll have some fun...Okay?"

She nodded... not convinced. We got to meet Rueben's staff and the medical team. A quick tour for Cho and I upstairs. Tha kept the Twins with her.

It looked wonderful. The rooms sparkling, the bathrooms maximized privacy! Downstairs the various rooms had comfortable furniture and the kitchen staff grinning. They had a noon meal in preparation with available shortly. Fist bumps for all, the aroma delightful.

The Mayor and Congressman came in. They got to meet us and the Twins. The staff and Astara. They were visibly impressed with what they could see of the ground floor.

We did the ceremonial Red Ribbon cutting by the Mayor and Congressman! Cameras of all types working. Our local guests welcomed with the journalists. Members of Astara's staff did tours throughout the building for all our guests and the media.

The Mayor with me in the kitchen sampling their Vichyssoise. `Smooth and delicious' were his comments! Rueben's partner Ernesto was our chef, he introduced his staff several of whom had been homeless in the past. He would be teaching as they cooked, we were working on getting an accredited school to join in the teaching here and at the Echo Park shelter.

Cho was with the Congressman so I stayed with the Mayor. We went upstairs. He got a good look and was impressed the proportions of the rooms, not closet size. I explained the privacy in the bathrooms was for transgendered youth especially.

"You've thought things through which is speaks well for your overall approach."

We headed back to the kitchen for a cup of coffee and sat outside under the trees. The other guests were sampling the food. Ernesto looking happy at their positive comments!

"Miss Martin, you and Mr. Cho have been very busy under the radar. These shelters, bringing new business to the city. I understand you've purchased a good deal of property..."

I smiled, "We have bought a lot for our businesses. Several office buildings in Venice, a motel there we are remodeling as housing for our workers in Venice and another in Echo park for staff, several other apartment blocks also for our people. What we are doing is buying places close to our work sites we rent at low subsidized rates so our workers can live in the city avoiding long commutes, have more time for family and some security."

"The family style restaurant in Venice had the `best cinnamon rolls' in the city..." I was laughing saying that. The Mayor gave me a big smile.

I said we bought an old gas station in Venice for our car service. It is a limousine service with risk qualified drivers who are part of our Security Service.

The Security Service is protecting our property and that of many others. It is a highly trained force with ethical standards well above average. I motioned to PJ, introduced him to the Mayor.

"I did wonder when you were with us..." shaking PJ's hand, "... You don't look like the ordinary bodyguard type."

PJ explained the Security Service and Cho's view of their role.

The Mayor thanked PJ. Looking like he was thinking the Mayor smiled towards me.

"Well as the Mayor... we do welcome your investment in our community."

I gave him what else we were doing in the Los Angeles area. Our Security operating at Santa Anita and the apartments there for our racing and Security workers. A house in Topanga and a new ranch in Santa Barbara county.

"You live the canyon?"

"Sometimes, there is an apartment building on the beach in Venice that Cho bought many years ago. We have the top floor and many employees have units in the building. We split our time."

Tha came out with the Twins. Chani in my lap, Charlie sitting with the Mayor.

"Hi!" from Chani surprised the Mayor which she doubled down sticking out her fist. The Mayor's face opened into a huge grin, he bumped! Charlie got one too!

I told him we were heading over the Echo Park shelter. It was already open, a soft open. There ten young people there now. We had counsellors in the building with some city welfare people due to arrive tomorrow.

"Let us know how we can help! Our jobs folks should head over there!"

"That would be wonderful. A safe place and food is just a start."

"So you have done this is New York and London?"

"Yes, the New York shelters and Seattle will open soon."

"But you have not asked the city for money?"

"No, we thought it would all go much faster and easier if we spent the Foundation's money. The endowment is earning a terrific return on its investments. A division of the Cho Family Banks investment arm is handling our money. We have about three billion £'s in there now, it earned a bit over ten percent last year.

We are spending it!"

Cho and the Congressman came out with coffees!

The Congressman smiling, "This place is wondrous! Don't you think?"

The Mayor said he was truly awe-struck with how we had done all of it all on our own.

The Congressman laughed, "Cho said they were more nimble than government but once they were going they'd look for some help with services for the young people."

The Mayor told him we had some city folks coming in but the Federal government should have some programmes available.

I chimed in, "We know of several programmes and we will go after them. Getting up and running is more important. In all our target cities we wanted to be ready for autumn and winter. As nice as the weather is here it can be nasty in the winter."

They agreed.

A fellow stuck his head out of the door to say to Tha the snack was ready. Tha said the chef was putting something together for the Twins. We carried them inside to the kitchen table.

The staff had big aprons for Tha and me to wear as the Twins sat on our laps for their snack. Cut fruit and cheese, toasted bread with peanut butter. Someone had made Rice Krispy treats, they each got one. Sticky in the mouth... so sweet and good!

The Mayor and Congressman came in with Cho to sit. Charlie holding his bread up with a grin. Our guests grinning at Charlie's enthusiasm.

We kept talking about what the city and Federal governments could do. They both said they would get their staffs to look at it for us. I asked the Congressman to clue in the New York representatives for the 10th and 12th Districts on Manhattan where we would be operating in. We would contact them when the shelters there were closer to opening.

"Our Congress Lady in Seattle was at the Clinic opening so she knows about the shelter opening in the city."

Cho said the press had been very polite and they'd gotten good copy. The Mayor had spoken to a half dozen while we toured. I had given a couple of sound bites. They had video and snaps from all over building.

Astara and Rueben were closing up gradually. The press was gone. Our local LGBTQ folks in the main room with us. We thanked them for helping to get us started in Los Angeles and for making suggestions for staff. A big extra thank you for helping to get the word out on the streets.

Some local merchants we invited and community people all had gone. Astara was happy with them, `all positive comments' she said.

Everybody left in the room worked for us. Cho and I thanked them for today's event and especially the outreach they had begun and would continue under Rueben's direction. They were going to merchants, restaurants, public transport locations, streets and parks, etc... to post info about the shelter and talk to anyone.

We walked up one block to Hollywood Boulevard. I took some snaps of Kotro beside a road sign with the street name. We all laughed. He was thrilled.

Time to move on.

It wasn't a long drive on the 101 to N. Alvarado Street. This shelter already had ten youngsters living in.

Natal was at the door, a hug for her. We got the tour. It was a more compact location but lots of changes coming. The large empty lot directly behind this building was to have a four story building put up. It would be the dormitory with a manager's apartment, all private rooms, big bathrooms and a laundry room. The original space would eventually be re-done when the dormitory was completed with meeting rooms, offices, an enlarged kitchen and dining area and recreation plus quiet spaces.

The current office had a small sleeping area for the on-duty manager. Natal and her people would be doing the overnight shifts in a rotation for now. We bought a motel several blocks south, we would use part of the motel for our staff, the rest for ordinary customers. It wasn't fancy, clean, well-cared for and the location good for us. The manager knew her business so we kept her on.

Some of our staff already had rooms there.

The current residents were happy to be with us. A shy girl said to me as we walked to the kitchen she felt safe for the first time in a long while. I was pleased and hoped we could help her in other ways.

"Don't feel pressured to do things but we do want you to get the help you need to outgrow us."

I looked into her eyes... she got it, a smile.

"I am sometimes slow to reach out, being comfortable... well that's eases my mind."

Fist bump!

Natal's excitement over the building expansion had her bouncing, "So much more space, nicer rooms, more privacy and the laundry on site!!"

We had the city's permissions in hand, the blueprints approved and a contractor signed up. It would be noisy during day for a long time, we placed limits on the work times. No work on Saturday's until the building's shell was closed up. The construction company would have extra workers on site whenever it was appropriate to speed the project along.

The residents were cute with our Twins who always liked being around people. Definitely inquiring minds!! They sat with Tha and the crowd of admirers...

Cho and I walked down the road to the motel. It was a plain jane building, the rooms were nice. Decent size, good quality furniture and pleasant paint colours. The lady manager was surprised to see us and much more so to find the corporation which was on the paperwork was owned by us.

"That's something to tell my daughter! She she's a big fan of yours."

I was laughing, "You're one up on her now!" A loud laugh!

Okay a car ride to another property. We owned the Los Angeles Fox station as part of 21st Century Fox, the flagship west coast station. So onto the 110 to the 10 and off at Bundy Drive. We turned into the driveway and stepped out.

In the lobby Francis asked for the station general manager.

The desk person was confused as to why... I walked over, "Hello... could you get the general manager for us?"

Okay! She knew who I was! In a few minutes we had been escorted into the office area by their security.

The GM came out to greet us. He was surprised to see us, he knew we were in town because they covered the shelter opening. Cho said it wasn't meant to be anything big... just a hello.

He said they were jealous of the Seattle station for getting me on camera. Smiling I let him know it might happen here. Not today.

We spoke briefly and shook hands with the staff as we toured the facilities. Then we took off for Topanga.

Dolores knew we hadn't eaten, the Twins had snacks at both shelters but not us. Food! Her text back to Gil << she was ready! >>

Tuna melt sandwiches in the sun with Cho and the Twins!! Everybody grinning! Gil with holding big dill pickle! Ali popped a chubby black olive into her mouth with a grin!

A very cold Dr. Brown's Creame Soda!!!

Party tonight! Sunny's fourteenth, her family here with us making it perfect. Sunny had asked for Dolores to do Mexican-California for her birthday.

Dolores' menu was grilled green chile shrimp skewers, mini-chimichangas, Pico de Gallo with three kinds of corn tortillas for dipping to start. Huevos Rancheros, red beans and rice with queso fresco, guacamole on the side. Corona Beer, soft drinks and Francis was making Strawberry Margaritas. A virgin one for Sunny!

Sunny and Charlotte sat to talk horses with me. Declan's news on Prince's leg, it is now healing up nicely. Days of easy walking, massage, ice after then warmth at night. He'll be good to go in two weeks.

Sunny was going down to the Equestrian Center with Zephyr to work on the Dressage and jumping.

I was interrupted by a call from the Colonel.

"Fay, two things. The MOD fellow who did the file snooping and more has been charged with computer crimes. He has ID'd his contact and given all the information he has supposedly. The ID is worthless, the description too general, he says he only met him twice in dark spaces. The name he was given is false.

Based on this the CPS isn't inclined to go easy so he'll go down for quite a few years.

Your SAS captive is altogether different. He's had a psych exam, the doctors say he is in a word... barmy. He's obsessed with being a famous sharpshooter, killing celebrities was his chosen path to fame. You were on his list but so were Prince William and his family also several sports figures like David Beckham and others. Also people like Elton John so it wasn't a personal thing.

He's going to Broadmoor for an indefinite period. My unprofessional opinion is delusional psychopath. Not likely to see the light of day ever again. Have the police been back to you?"

"Not that I know of. I'll ask."

"No matter he's not going anywhere but down."

"Thank you for all that. We won't be back in England until the third week of the month. A family gathering at a big beach house we bought in Southwold. We'll be there for five days or so. Please pop over. We can send a helicopter... amazingly fast trip."

"I'll be in touch. Sand and sun might be a nice change."

"Bring golf clubs so Cho can take some money off you."

We ended in high laughter!

Folks started to arrive. Kevin and his date Karrie, a slender lady who looked nice in sheath dress. I pointed them to the terrace. Francis and Ali would be bartenders to start to get folks going.

Wade, Flix and Cicely. Flix had set a date with Penn, the details done! A hug for her. Cicely seemed a bit down.

"You'll miss your mom?"

"Yes! I'm envious too."

`Go with her..." I turned to her parents, "... Cicely could go... two isn't any more than one for an airplane."

"Could I? Mom? Dad? Please...?"

Flix looked at Wade and shrugged. Okay. HUGS! I got one too!

Cho grinning, "I wondered if it might occur to you."

Dari, Mari and Dayton came up the steps. Sunny was with me and Cho, she took Mari off to meet Cicely.

Dayton's grin, "So you bought a white elephant and you'll make it a jewel! Congrats!"

Going in I answered Dari's question about the ranch house, "We didn't and won't go in. It'll be knocked down straightaway and carted off before we return to the ranch. Our agreement with the construction company has in it a section on their salvaging of things like the kitchen equipment, wood and stone. BUT no selling any part as souvenirs!"

"That'll be a temptation for them," Dari was right but as I told them the construction company had signed a binding deal saying they'd have to pay back ten times what they or their people might receive for the sale of bits and pieces. They got the message. AND they wanted our business.

And no photography! Leslie's folks were instructed about this.

Francis had several of his people ready to do rolling reviews of the progress on-site and trace the remnants destination.

Lori and Shira with Letti. HUGS all around, kisses. They were all great. Shira had gone to Bangkok for a refresher course at our Security HQ just back last night. Grins!

Gina in a mini skirt and crop top, very sexy! Kiss and squeeze! George smiling, shaking Cho's hand. He said he'd heard a rumour about the Congressional Golf Club. Cho laughing... `Lies... all Lies!'

Pedro stepping out of his car, a new one! A classic Corvette! A 1956 in black looking like it just rolled off the assembly line. Pedro said it was great to drive, a true California car in every way.

"I like taking it out in the evening when the day just starts to cool off... coming up the Coast Highway just now was splendid!"

The guys all came out to see the car! Guys? I got the girls to join in.

Flix grinning behind the wheel, "I'm so ready for this!"

We all laughed at Wade's face, Cicely pumping her fist with a `Go Mom!'

Kay took over with a smile, "Don't worry Greg... I'm content with my car but this is cool!"

I told Pedro I wouldn't because everyone gives me funny looks when I drive. PJ chortled at that, a half laugh and a choke.

Out on the terrace everyone got drinks and we toasted Sunny's Fourteenth! She was a happy kid! Sam hugging her, Sunny knelt down to get a good hug! A kiss from Artie! Big squeezes from mom and dad!

We grazed Dolores' starters then sat for the Huevos Rancheros! Sunny called out a big `thank you' to Dolores! We all did the food was terrific! I sipped a Corona looking around the big table. Enjoyment!

Charlie and Chani had their eggs cooked firm so no runny yolk. Tha and I did the cutting, the Twins did the eating!

When things were cleared away I went into the kitchen where the cake had been hiding. I lit it up and carried it out to a big surprise for Sunny! Cheers and the birthday song! Candles successfully blown out! More cheers!

Sunny cut the cake, Sora had the ice cream! We had dessert! The Twins got cake and ice cream, not too much.

Kay and Greg and her brothers had presents for Sunny. Cho and I gave her the ones I bought at Hermes, nicely wrapped in gold paper by Gil. The Swing Shadbelly jacket was total shocker as was the black ladies `top hat' with a rolled brim and black ribbon made by Bollman. HUGS and Kisses.

Sunny holding up the jacket rushing off to a mirror with the hat. In a few minutes she was back smiling, the jacket fit very nicely and the top hat was very cute on her. A hit! I gave the last gift... the Hermes green Plume mini bag! OH Yes! Sunny hugged me some more, Cho a big one too!

In the morning after breakfast Mari drove up to ride with Sunny and I, Tessa and Penny with us going west towards the two small hills. In between them we turned left going up the path on the other side of the stream bed, practically no water now at the height of the summer.

Everything was dry so we stayed on the dirt trail up to the top of the last ridge line. The gorgeous view of the Pacific opened up. All that blue sky meeting the water turning it a darker hue of itself.

Sunny took snaps for her family, I sent a few to friends. Penny did a panoramic video. We worked our way down the same route then a lively gallop to the stables. Fun!

Viv standing with the dogs smiling, "Looks you had a good time!"

We all said Yes! Nadine took Cypress from me. Charlotte came out of Prince's stall with Declan. They said he was doing great. He'd had a walk while we were out, some ice for a bit now.

I stepped into the stall, Prince turned his head.

"Hey big guy!" My hand on that powerful neck, I stroked him softly. He nickered when Sunny joined me. A peppermint was chewed with gusto!

Our local attorneys handing the sponsorship deals were coming up the drive as I stood beside Cho. The principals Jillian and Carlos with Kaela who supervised our account. We sat outside in the sun, coffee and cookies.

They had been reviewing how it as working for us. Since we had kept a tight rein on the limits they thought we got our monies worth. Levis had lots of video and snaps of our staff members at the tracks wearing their jeans and jackets. Apple's logo on our horse's warming blankets were well represented, we had baseball caps with their Apple logo, shirts and more. Taittinger's had been thrilled with us racing in France displaying their name at the tracks there and in North America where they had received considerable notice. Roundell's warm vests, etc... were very well liked by our people. It's cold in the early mornings around a barn even in Florida or southern California!

They all had given us logo banners to display. Miscellaneous other bits our folks shared around. We had been careful to be even handed as possible in displaying the logo items.

Kaela had been in San Francisco two days ago to see Levis and Apple. They both wanted to continue with us next year. SakChai's success thrilled them. Each had expressed wanting to increase their participation in some TV and magazine advertising. Making video for sites like youtube to be on their channels was important.

Kaela said it wouldn't mean anything actually different or more invasive, just added exposure and they hoped a higher profile. Cho looked to me... I shrugged.

"If it doesn't involve us or the Twins then fine. Can it really make any difference? They are both pretty huge... to the point being paradigms for all products of their type."

Kaela grinned, "It's true... it's tough to be more jeans than Levis! It's part of the whole advertising system though... new things or at least new looks for established brands."

We agreed to the changes to begin in January.

Apple was already very happy with us. Our participation in WWDC had been so well attended, the meetings and workshops had been fully booked. The seminars had been standing room only.

They donated iMacs and other computer equipment to our shelters. Seattle, the two Los Angeles ones and the New York pair would have computer labs courtesy of Apple. In England they they were doing the same via Apple stores in London.

After discussing it... Well since it means nothing new for us they could start right away if they wanted. We are going to have maybe a thousand new staff around the world in our stables so Levis could send more clothes and Apple more horse apparel, hats, signage...

"I'm not sure we could drink anymore champagne but... " grinning to Cho, "... we could try!"

Laughter! Jillian winked at Carlos, "We could... help?"

We were laughing loudly. So we'd get more do-dads from our sponsors they'd get use the video and snaps more... sounded fine all the way around. We had already ordered more from Roundell's company for Harcourt Farm. He'd offered to send more to us for free but his company wasn't at the same scale as the others so if we got a good discount and paid it was fine!

All the talk didn't slow down the fun for Chani and Charlie! They had wading pool time... we sat out of Charlie's water splashing range. Then juice and a soft cookie under an umbrella, cute hats on! Tha did the body part game in three languages!

I watched Kaela watching them... her head turned towards me...

"Fay they are terrific at that! You said they were thirteen months?"

"Yes, June 26th."

"My son is eighteen months, we're trying to do that with him. He's doing really well not as good as yours."

"They're smart little ones."

The lawyers stayed for lunch. Dolores' meal was terrific! We waved them down the drive.

Kay, Sunny, Charlotte, Artie, Sam and Greg came back in the late afternoon from another sight-seeing jaunt. They liked Los Angeles especially Charlotte.

"I like the warmth," she laughed.

HhhhhMmmmm maybe we should transfer her to Harcourt Ranch?

We had a good dinner then loaded for the airport. Kay and Greg with the boys would stay another day before going back to Seattle. Sunny and Charlotte would fly back to Upperville. Then a side trip to the U.S. Equestrian training grounds in New Jersey.

Captain Mira was `ready' on the tannoy. We rushed down the runway and up into a big power turn to the north. Soon we came around to the east. Mira said she'd gotten a fast route because of our late departure time. We'd be on the ground close to six in the morning.

Tha had the Twins back asleep, us adults went in also.

Jaidee got a rub then lights out. Cho warm, close always made me sleep easy.

Terrance and Pell were waiting at the Westside Heliport to take us to Greenwich Village. Roslyn was prepared... breakfast! Piles of scrambled eggs, toast, veggie sausages and fruit! Charlie and Chani digging in! Eggs were terrific! Buttered toast in hand Charlie said `"Bfast good!"

We agreed laughing at the new word.

We had some game time then dressing for a horse race.

A warm day, yellow sleeveless dress to mid-thigh, a circle shape skirt, ring neckline. A green belt, green stockings and shoes. Gold bits and `Joy' One of the yellow straw Equestrian hats with a green ribbon.

Cho in a navy suit with a Harcourt Racing yellow tie.

Back at the heliport, Scott waved from the office as we climbed into an AW139. Due south!

PJ's smile with Tessa beside him, Rande and Penny. Cho and I holding hands. This was to be a quickie visit. We landed on the Greely Heliport grid, a car from Terrance straight down Oceanport Avenue around to the south entrance to the barns at Monmouth Race Track.

Monaco at the barn with SakChai. Carlita waved from the stall. The beautiful white colt was quiet but our brief visit was Okay, a few nickers.

Carlita smiling as she said he'd been quiet for a few hours, thinking about the race.

The race track folks had golf carts for a ride to the grandstand. A group of New Jersey gaming officials and Monmouth track folks met us at the big doorway. We talked for a bit then we were escorted up to grandstand box above where the Winners' Circle and finish line. People on either side said hello, waves.

As we settled in a nice woman got drinks for us. We sat back watching two races go off. Then the Haskell Stakes post parade wound its way out. The race was a mile and an eighth starting to our left.

The horses moved that way to the gate. SakChai's silvery white looked smashing in the sun.

They loaded with no issues... CLANG! They came out clean and running down the track. SakChai had a fast start like his older brother. He was three lengths clear as they passed below us. Marnie closed them to the rail from the fourth path out and held him close.

Around the turn SakChai wasn't letting up, the lead widened to six by the time he came out onto the back straight. Watching him in my glasses SakChai was smooth but so powerful. He was running freely, Marnie guiding him. As he reached the second turn the lead was ten. He was running away from the field.

At the top of the straight I could see Marnie hand riding, her whip put away as it had been all along. SakChai gave the appearance of just starting the race as he roared down the stretch. He was fifteen lengths ahead when he crossed the finish! 1:45:95!!! He almost tied his brother's record time. He was so close!!

The crowd were clapping and cheering him. They loved watching SakChai's performance even though the odds were hopeless to make any money at 1-14. We celebrated with a hugs. Monaco's smile.

"So what will happen at the Breeder's Cup?"

He shook his head, "It'll be a great race... unless something changes Glaa will beat him!"

Fist bump! I thought so as did Cho.

Down to the winner's circle. It was wonderful to see Marnie holding up the big circular mahogany trophy with the gold and silver arches and pennants. She was the first woman to do so!

Another big win for her, records smashed as SakChai's fifteen lengths was now the largest victory margin.

We headed to the barn.

Marnie had tears, "Fay, it is so wonderful to have so much fun riding SakChai for you. He's the best, he makes it look easy."

"Cho and I and many others know how much hard work goes into becoming a `pair' like you two are now. We thank you for the work! Keep it up there's lots of racing to come."

"So you won't retire him? He'll race next year?"

"That's the plan. Maybe you'll go to England for the summer... do a lot of racing there. We're thinking of it... nothing settled."

Another hug! We did our goodbyes, a kiss for SakChai!

Cho and I talked about next year for the Silver Streak during the flight. I suggested he go to try the United Kingdom version of the Triple Crown. The 2000 Guineas' in late April then Epsom Derby' on the1st of June and the St. Leger in September. He could train at Harcourt House, maybe cover a few ladies and enjoy life.

Cho laughing, "That last part would be good! My concern is about the time in-between the races. We'd have to find some more races to keep him fit."

"We can do... maybe it's a pipe-dream."

A kiss. `Keep dreaming' from my guy. A cheer from our Team!

I needed to squeeze in some business before dinner. Mary setup an interview with Benica, it was an `off' day for her. Rexie announced Benica's arrival and sent her up. I met her at the lift doors. My height, a bit curvy, beautiful light brown skin, lustrous dark hair in long smooth waves to her collar bone. A nice navy dress with white buttons on the front.

We shook hands and walked out onto the terrace. Cho was there, the Twins were in the Nursery.

The three of us sat under the shade of an umbrella. Gil and Ali nearby after I introduced them and explained their roles.

I asked about how much Mary had told her about the project. I used Benica...

"I'm Benni to everybody." Okay!

Benni gave us what Mary had said. I expanded on that... the position was to run the entire operation supervising four other managers, doing PR and advertising and customer relations.

"The working name is the 45th... for the floor number, that is subject to change. It is the entire floor. So a bar, dining room and kitchen in a building we own. It is a fairly straight forward restaurant management job... there are a few complications regarding security, nothing too horrible.

The cuisine is Thai, we have a Thai head chef and two under chefs on the payroll now. There is a freight aircraft for weekly deliveries of fresh ingredients from Bangkok so the food will be authentic. Construction is going ahead with the plan to open at the end of October or early November."

We had a dossier on Benni but like with our other close employees we liked to hear the story from them.

Benni grinned, "Let's start with Chad, my son, he's nineteen and half and a rising senior at Cornell in Electrical Engineering. I'm divorced and Chad and I live in our co-op on West 49th Street near Ninth Avenue.

I had done runway modeling from my middle teenage years, I stopped when I tired of the whole weight obsession thing. I wasn't going to pervert my body for that. I moved into working in the office of the modeling agency that represented me. I stayed there for a few years learning the business side and figuring out I had the skills for it.

New jobs in other industries, more learning and more responsibilities. I had met Chad III, we married and Chad IV came along. I was doing a lot of travel at one job, Chad III wasn't happy about it. I knew I needed to stay at it for a while longer but he wasn't willing to be patient.

I was not surprised by his willingness to move out... I sussed out a recent affair but let it go. After he was gone I sat with Chad to talk about his dad. He let on that he knew about his father's running around on me.

He asked why I put up with for so long.

I said I made the same mistake so many people do... trying to keep it together for him."

"So when I said `done and dusted' which got a big laugh from Chad. We're buddies. He's such a smart kid. Two years ahead of his class all through school now to graduate from Cornell at twenty next June. A computer whiz so much so he's done repairs and other support since he was twelve. I got our lawyers to create a limited liability company for him."

Cho laughed and pointed to me, "Fay's our resident expert!"

Benni smiling at me. As I asked the big question...

"So does running a restaurant appeal?"

"It does for several reasons. I don't want to travel any more. There's no pleasure in it. Downsizing my work is the right path for me."

"Well it won't be a small amount of time until it is up and running and through a break-in period."

Benni leaned back, "I get that and I'm willing to deal with that."

"Good! There should be some good help. Mary has two people she thinks will be excellent. The bar manager possibility is already at that level at a smaller three star restaurant. He wants to leave.

For the dining room manager we have a woman who already works for us at the Fox Tower running the employee canteen. Lois came to us via a recommendation by a restaurant owner who had known Lois for years. She runs the Charleston Café in Harlem."

"Mill? I know her!"

"I love her food. One of our Security folks' family live around the corner and have known Mill for decades."

"So if Lois is doing well now I'd be glad to have her."

I gave her a lot of information about what was happening inside now. Then I leaned over...

"Benni... in case you might be wondering about our management style... We do NOT micro-manage. Our method is to find the best person, pat them on the back and send them forth!

Well there's always help so it not quite as bad as it sounds."

She was laughing, "Well for a self-starter like me it is good!"

She delighted by what we planned on for salary and benefits. The health insurance was a surprise!

"Not a single one of my employers have ever even approached that kind of coverage."

We talked about her timing. She was in the last two weeks of a project that has been very time consuming. Merchandising, personnel training and store changes... now it was close to opening in multiple markets. Benni suggested that after the rollout she give two weeks' notice.

We were good with that. She'd go on salary and start to manage the project. We'd have Cheryl call her and then get together with Knun, Lois and the possible bar manager to talk.

We wound down and Francis with a grin offered a cocktail... Benni was great with a scotch and soda. We sipped and talked other things. She got that this apartment was our New York home... and semi-secret.

"Mums the word!"

I walked Benni to the lift. A hug, "Fay, I like this project!"

Charlie came out of the nursery as we spoke. He walked to us, a smile, he stuck out his hand, "Hi I'm Charlie!!"

Benni with a huge grin knelt down to shake his hand. A running daughter arrived, another `Hi!' I was kneeling beside her, "Chani, Charlie, this is Benni. Benni, our children, Chani and Charlie!"

Her hand came out. Shake! "It's very nice to meet you!"

Tha's smile, in French, "Come on you two we have to finish."

They yelled a `Au Revoir' as they ran off.

"Quite cute! French? How old?"

Her eyes got big at my fourteen months. I nodded, "Big for their age and they're working on being trilingual."

"Fay, that's amazing. Chad was advanced but not nearly as much at that age!"

I shrugged, "We lucky. They're healthy and smart!"

Another hug before the lift closed.

Cho's smile, "I like her. A varied life... always a plus!"

A kiss and hug!

I made quick call to Mary even though it was Saturday. Mary was thrilled we hired Benni...

"Fay, she's so smart and versatile. A winner!"

I wished her a good night!

We had time on the terrace with Chani and Charlie before dinner. Games for us all and Jaidee chasing Charlie's ball tosses... some of which didn't go very far.

Jaidee's walk was a family affair in the next morning. We hiked to Washington Square en famile. A sunny day on the grass watching Jaidee romp with the Twins! He had to stay on his lead but they had a good time.

They bumped and fell over, rolled onto Jaidee, hugs and kisses back and forth! Puppuccinos for our three `pups' on the way home!

A clean up and into green and yellow togs for it was a race day in Saratoga!

In the AW139 Charlie grinning, "Go `Toga!"

We all broke up... I gave the little guy a big hug!

"That's a good name! I turned around to everyone, "We go `Toga is it!"

At Thayer's front door Charlie did it again. "Thay Toga!" He stuck out his fist... Thayer with a monster grin bumped' with our cutie!

Sondra knelt beside Chani, she got a hug. She was `Sondy' which pleased her no end! Kiet was 'Kiet' which delighted him. Chani put out her hand Kiet squatted beside her, "H'lo Kiet." She got her cheek kissed!

Beverly and Sam arrived a flurry of hugs and kisses. A fist bump for Charlie from Sam. Beverly leaning over to say hi to Chani.

Today was a big one for Harcourt Racing. Our two year old filly Toes Tapping was in the Adirondack Stakes and Stellar Black in the second leg of the Saratoga Triple Crown for two year olds in the Saratoga Special Stakes.

Later today out west Sasithorn was in her maiden race at Del Mar in the Sorrento Stakes. Ringgold was there to represent us.

I took a call from Adam, "I'm happy with my part... the supporting stories?"

I could hear Adam's smile in his voice, "We're ready. Both pieces are well researched, lots of information and excellent quotes from individuals. We have links to position papers for multiple commissions, think-tanks and other groups. We have shared with Rolf's folks so they are on the same track as us.

His national reporting lead reporter got a wonderful quote from a former Tory cabinet minister saying `doing nothing about this will only make the UK fall further behind Europe and America' which is strong stuff."

I pumped my fist, "Great work! So for the Sunday edition... right?"

"Yes! On doorsteps and in front of every news agent's shop!"

I asked him to send along our thanks for the hard and successful work. Adam was just loving this!

Cho kissed the publisher after I told him! The publisher said one wasn't enough! Reward!!

We all loaded up the cars for the race course. It was short drive to the barn area. Monaco again! We laughed. He and Marnie had come up in a Cho-Fay Air AW139 late yesterday.

They and our grooms stayed in a house on Jefferson Street we bought earlier in the year when we took a barn for the whole season. A main house, a huge two story garage, a big yard and off-street parking. It was a ten minute walk to our barn.

It had four bedrooms in the main house, a big kitchen and large dining room and living room. The garage we remodeled into eight small bedrooms on both floors with a large bathroom and showers added at the back. Our grooms could stay there each having their own room.

We hired a local lady, Elena, to come to cook and clean, the grooms liked her... she was a great cook!!! AND she liked being up early so they went out before dawn to the barn with a hearty breakfast inside!! They loved her breakfasts!!!

We had a way to keep Elena even when there was no racing... she would become a prep cook for Kiet's restaurant. She'd come in the morning to prepare food in advance for the day like cutting vegetables and fruit, etc... whatever Kiet could find for her in the morning. Elena was thrilled and looking forward to it.

Demetria smiling as we asked about her boy, Stellar Black.

"He's ready, training very nicely." Fist bump!

We did a our pre-race visits, both horses quiet and happy.

We dropped things in Thayer's box. He was grinning saying a going to `show off' walk. Sondra, Beverly and Gil joined me, Tha and the Twins with PJ and Tara. We tried a fruit juice from a vendor for the Twins... Okay! We were good!

We strolled at the Twins pace some folks took pictures. Gil kept watch on the time... when the Adirondack was next but one we carried Chani and Charlie on the return trip. I didn't want to tire them out.

Toes Tapping was up. She looked great walking out to the back straight chute for the six and half furlong G2 race. It was a fillies only. She was the sole gray in a field of brown and chestnut horses.

They loaded just fine... CLANG! They were off... some bumping, nothing serious. Toes Tapping was at the front flanked by two rushing down the straight. Those three together several lengths ahead of the others... two thirds the way Toes Tapping began to pull away. Into the turn she was three clear, Marnie moved her to the rail.

Tight to the curve Toes Tapping widened on her pursuers... she came out five ahead. On the stretch Marnie asked for a bit, a slight amount hand riding urging. Toes Tapping running freely putting more space between her and the others. By the eighth pole she had opened seven lengths. Marnie's unused whip held high as they crossed the wire. 1:15:18!! Blazing fast, close to the record of 1:15:16 held since 2001 by `You.'

We bounced around inside the box, I was hopping up and down gently with Chani in my arms. A kiss from Cho who had to twist a bit holding Charlie. Monaco saying to me we had made a great decision to buy her. She can run and there were awesome genes inside her!!

Down to the Winner's Circle! We had already been here once this year. The Stakes people were happy and the Saratoga folks welcoming as always! Cho took Charlie with him to receive the trophy.

Cameras all around when Charlie stuck out his fist to his Dad, "'Toga!" He got a cheer and applause and a bump from Dad and Marnie!

Back in the box Tha had a snack and juice for the Twins. I got a glass of beer and huge order of chips with ketchup. I shared with the Twins and Cho, I got some of Cho's veggie burger. Shake Shack did good!

We were ready when the Saratoga Special Stakes bell was rung. The post parade took the field out to the chute again for another six and half furlong G2 race. This year it was all boys, no Hansa to scare the colts. Dom aboard in our green and yellow stripes and blocks.

Once more an easy loading... CLANG!

Stellar Black stumbled coming out... Dom kept him together and straightened him out to go down the dirt. He was a few lengths behind the field... He was running now... starting to get his stride.

We could relax that he was Okay but he had ground to make up. He was four lengths behind when he looked as if he was steady and sprinting. We watched him close up to the first horse about two thirds down the straight... Stellar Black didn't pause going by that one.

He kept moving to the next two at the turn he gobbled them up and swung around in pursuit of the last three. I watched my glasses he switched leads smoothly left then back to right as he hit the top of the stretch. Then he put the hammer down... WOW! This was first time we'd seen his real acceleration... he picked up speed rapidly... Dom hadn't used his whip except uncock it to wave near his left eye so he wouldn't drift in on the next horse.

Stellar Black's rush down the straight carried him level of the leader at the eighth pole... he roared on by that one to power over the finish three lengths clear. A wonderful come from off the pace victory! 1:15:55!!!! A new stakes record time. He erased Corfu's 2013 record of 1:15:57.

Our two year colt had guts and power. His acceleration was marvelous!

More bouncing in the box! Charlie gave a `Yea!' After we had cheered for our horse... time for the Winner's Circle!

It was very lovely to our son standing beside his Dad receiving the trophy. He did fist bumps with Dom! So many smiling faces! The crowd giving us and our horse a big applause! He was going to be on many people's to watch list from here on.

News folks going over-time taking snaps of Cho and Charlie! Cho picked him up, big smiles!

At the barn Dom came in to a big hug from Marnie! Me too! Demetria gave Stellar Black a good going over when he arrived. It must have been a bad spot on the track because he was fine.

We did our goodbyes at Thayer's. Our helicopter lifted off into late afternoon sky. One hour to Manhattan. We had play time going with the Twins... everyone joined in the body part game. Chani and Charlie loved this... they were getting pretty damned good!

Roslyn had dinner ready when we came up the lift. A change of clothes for everybody! The Twins in diapers, shorts and t-shirts in their highchairs by the big outside table.

Baked trout with a hunter's sauce, scalloped potatoes, grilled Italian green beans, little loaves from Mita!

Our son with spoon and a piece of buttered bread grinning! What a show!

Mita also did a lemon cake which got some creamy vanilla ice cream beside it! Boy did that go over with the Twins! We all enjoyed our dinner.

The Twins stayed with us for a little while then the yawns began. It had been a busy day. Cho and I carried them into bed. Tha was ready.

Charlie in his crib looking up at me... Man... he looked like his dad!!!! I leaned over to kiss him.

"Mama had fun!" I said me too. Cho kissed the little man.

Chani's arms up for a hug. A big one. "Sleep good Angel."

On the terrace Cho and I together on a lounge. Francis and Ali on a settee. Gil and Jaidee opposite us. Remy Martin, Amaretto and espresso.

Cho's phone... Ring calling from Del Mar. Cho did speaker...

"Hello folks! Your girl Sasithorn wired the field to win by eight! What runner she's going to be. James watched her carefully, he knows what to work on. She came through in tremendous shape! Radha did the job in fine style! She let Sasithorn run but kept her under control.

She was quite shock for some of the locals. They hadn't paid much attention. Her black colouring didn't make people think of Glaa or Asda."

Cho thanked Ring for being there for us. He was going stay in Los Angeles for a bit. We'd see him there in two weeks.

After Jaidee's early morning walk I curled up on the terrace in the sun with my iPad looking at The Sun website! Right there my piece and the ledes for the supporting stories. It looked good to see it.

The Times similar. Now to wait for the response. What would the feckless Tories do? I wanted to kick them in their hind parts! A universal basic income should be something everybody could count on.

Since the passage of the Medicare for All bill health insurance was no longer linked to work in America making the income issue the next necessary step.

The Daily News looked like the Sun, big and bold pushing the story into your face! Royce had done a great job. It was hard hitting and clearly written. Clement's name at the top with a half dozen contributors!

I did email to each editor sending my thanks down the line to everybody involved! I let them know we were proud of them!

Cho kissing me as I pressed send to Adam!

We went in to breakfast! The Twins were already eating. Some scrambled egg escaped his mouth as Charlie waved his spoon... Tha leaned over to say something to him. He put down his utensil and opened his arms... Cho and I hugged him. Chani more restrained got a kiss with a big grin!

Cho said he had an email from Jonny, Thaksin broke his maiden with a seven length win in the Prix Morny at Deauville. Jonny's email said he had run away from the field right from the gate, never challenged and broke the track and stakes record for the 1200meters, finishing in 1:07:05!!!! A track record for his first outing!

Jonny was very excited about his prospects. He guessed some of the punters in France hadn't figured out what it meant that Thaksin's sire was Asda because the odds had been 12-1. Some sharp bettors did VERY well with Thaksin!

Cho said to me we had three mores races in France lined-up for him.

We headed down to the Daily News offices. Royce smiling as we walked into his office.

"Well you liked our coverage! Thanks for the email. I forwarded to the team. Your piece was a great lead in! We've had very positive feedback from readers and other media."

Fist bumps. I told him I was going to Fox News shortly to do an interview for the subject to broadcast this evening linked to their stories on the universal basic income issue.

"I have Clement's team working the local folks to find more individuals to add to the story. To me it's tantamount to a sin for the Federal minimum wage to be so low. In Seattle there was a lot of whining when they voted in a fifteen dollar minimum hourly wage, by restaurants in particular, that they couldn't afford it and there'd be layoffs. Surprise. That didn't happen in fact quite the reverse... the whole restaurant scene grew, in already opened locations and entirely new businesses all are doing very well."

I laughed, "The history of naysayers is long and gloriously wrong!"

Fist bump!

I walked out to Clement's desk, he saw me coming... he ceremonially dusted off the chair beside him. I laughed, we shook hands.

"I looked at the Sun on Sunday and The Sunday Times work... very good. Their problem over there is different but it still smacks of government acting irresponsibly. My nephew working in a Starbucks gets their corporate fifteen dollars minimum and a man down the street supporting a family by working in a burger joint gets a bit more than half. It's disgraceful!"

"I'm hoping the Congress gets itself in gear soon. There's no reason to wait... the economy is doing quite nicely," I was shaking my head.

His team and several of the City beat people joined us in a conference room. I asked the city folks to give me a précis of what they had. I got they had two dozen on the record interviews with business people and workers in a variety of fields. The gist was what you'd expect whining from the business people and a real need for an adequate income for the workers.

I explained the United Kingdom approach which had failed. I gave them the contact details for several of Des' reporters so they could get more perspective. They were eager to share and try to understand why this shouldn't be WAY UP on a list of social priorities.

Their follow-ups would run tomorrow!

I dropped in on Louise. She was on her phone but told the other end her boss was here so... goodbye. I was laughing.

"You can't use that every time."

"Well you are the publisher!"

"Yes but hardly breathing down your neck."

We both giggled. She did like my black toreador pants and the white silk sleeveless top cut to my waist with a row of black buttons on the left shoulder. The black heels and red lips and nails... she said made it a classic look.

I told her top was new from Mirabelle, they also made the pants.

Louise was grinning, "I have an interview with Coral done and it will run Wednesday. Their sales in ready-to-wear are up two hundred and seventy percent since you started with them. Of course their tailor-made is up but nowhere near as much because of the pricing."

"I'm glad for them. Everything they've made for me has been excellent. Coral and Raphaela like my ideas so... we get along!"

We both burst out laughing. Tessa sitting beside me... fist bump!

I did another stop... `The Red-Head' Vernon was more relaxed this time. He cleared a chair for me.

Do you have any intel on the Big V' in SOHO?"

I got a look' and pause, "You mean the ladies' club?"


He acted cagey, "Okay let's hear it."

"I don't have much... just it's a bar that has a large lesbian clientele and is very successful with an excellent owner who knows her business. Some of the city's best-known lesbians go there to dine and dance."

"So you know... I go there! The food is excellent, the drinks well-made and it has great DJ's... Also I am a silent partner owning forty nine percent."

Big eyes!

"Now as you found out when you ran the blurb on Cho and I we don't interfere but I wanted you to know. Please don't assume from my investment anything other than I like to make money."

"Miss Martin, you can be assured I never assume. My bits are gossip and innuendo shared in a responsible way. The Daily News has never been sued because of something in my column."

"Okay. I'm serious about the food... it is terrific. And not over-priced. And the people are lovely!"

We shook hands.

I found Nipsey typing on his laptop. A big smile, "I hoped you might drop in. I doubt very many folks around the States pay attention to the races in Europe... I do. Your sire Asda has an unbelievable record! Thaksin blew the doors off the field yesterday at 12-1. I checked a bookie friend in London... he wasn't taking much action on Thaksin because of Asda. A French colleague of his lost a good deal by not knowing enough about Asda."

Fist bump!

"Our trainer was laughing about the 12-1 in an email. He said the French punters were wised up some now."

"Damn... I should hope so. It isn't like you are hiding your runners under a bush. I know it was Thaksin's maiden race but please!"

Nipsey said the odds for Sasithorn had only been 5-1 which is fine since it was her maiden race also.

I said `Kannika' Nipsey looking at me.

"She'll run on the turf in the With Anticipation Stakes in three weeks. It's her maiden but she'll be up against Black Star who is shipping in from England. He's got two wins under his belt."

Nipsey was writing a note to himself.

I told him they'd be in Pleasant Valley. If he ever wanted to go up there let us know and we'll smooth the way.

"I'd like to stop there on my way to Saratoga at the end of the month."

"Okay. I'll get Gil to tell Sam and Beverly. They won't have a problem. The horses will be going to Saratoga... I don't know what day. You may miss them but the whole farm is worth a look."

Gil came over after my text. She called Beverly. All set, just call before arrival so Security knows.

Cho went up to the heliport to fly to Winged Foot for a round with Sam and a couple of the club's Pros.

I stepped out on Sixth Avenue in front of the Fox Tower. Lovely sunshine! A few paparazzi took snaps! No big deal.

I went to Bill's office. He was in a good mood!

"Our numbers are still rising! For a few shows we could charge historic high ad rates. It's good we aren't but it makes it fun to be able to pick and choose advertisers based on their product's quality!"

A hug!

I changed in our office to a new Mirabelle frock, sleeveless navy blue dress, white buttons down the front, no collar, cut to my knee top in a circle shape. Navy stockings and Heels. Gold bits and a re-up of `Joy'

We rode down the lift to the News floor. Kent was there, a smile. He walked with me to one of the Sixth Avenue studios, comfortable swivel chairs in a semi-office setting.

Dorothy and Chris W. were ready. We shook hands and I sat opposite them. Cameras on three sides.

They said my piece which ran in the newspapers could be a graphic for the audience to read unless I wanted to record myself. I said I'd record after we were done but they should run it on screen somehow with my voice. They said good idea.

Dorothy said they would start with questions framed by my piece running at the start of the program.

`Why now' was the first. I said there were several reasons... The world's economic outlook is rising on every continent, all the industrial nations were increasingly prosperous but the wealth wasn't being distributed in an equitable manner. The rich getting richer, much of the middle class seeing salary stagnation and the poor losing ground everywhere.

"We aren't talking about huge sums for individuals but enough to rent a better place to live or buy more healthy food for the family or warmer clothes... these are basic things.

I'm not a socialist, in fact I'm in the one percent! But the world cannot expect for inequality to be the norm and it should not be the future. For progress to have a real affect we need everybody involved."

I smiled, "Another reason is Cho and I now have a `bully pulpit' to influence government policy. If we can give impetus to this idea so it is discussed, chewed over and debated so possibly sensible and sound legislation can be created it's well worth the effort."

"Those who might oppose the idea of a universal basic income don't get out much. For the vast number of the world's people it isn't a rosy existence."

We went on moving through their questions. There were some I couldn't answer...

"I can't speak for the members of Congress or the United Kingdom Parliament nor do I have an intimate knowledge of their finances but I see them spend money some very ridiculous things.

The military's in both nations are incredible wasters of money! Yes everyone has heard that before! It isn't getting better... worse in many ways.

The classic example in United Kingdom is the Trident submarine fleet. The programme is massively expensive and is totally dependent on the U.S. for the technology. Its stated purpose to exist is to act as the country's nuclear deterrent but there are so few of them I doubt the planners in any possible opponent forces takes it seriously. All they do is create a few more targets. Billions of £'s are thrown at the programme every year!

What it does do is rob the regular navy and army of funds they very much need and drain the Exchequer of usable funds.

In America there are a half dozen weapons system of various sorts which have cost billions of dollars and yet are not properly operational. Fighter planes that fall out of the sky, armoured vehicles that needed to have extra armour added to stop even basic anti-tank rockets. Transport aircraft with a very complicated rotor system that is prone to failure, it has killed dozens of highly trained personnel in test crashes.

And the possibly apocryphal fifteen hundred dollar toilet seats...

There more examples and I can already hear..." I put my hand up to my ear, "... the cries of defense contractors. Simply put... military spending is great for industrial companies but lousy for average Americans.

Cho and I think people are the foundation of any country's wealth... they need to be encouraged."

More questions, more answers, we wound down after about ninety minutes. Then a technician setup a teleprompter with my `piece' on it. I sat upright in the chair... I spoke right into the camera I didn't need the help I had it memorized.

When I was done they asked if I was happy with it. I said `Yes' right away. We watched the playback... I spoke every word clearly, showing some emotion where I really felt the words. It was just short of sixty seconds.

Dorothy and Chris were smiling, they said it was terrific and the best way to get it in. They would work with the editors. It will be on Dorothy's regular "National Newsmakers' Show tonight. They were already promoting it in between the current programming.

I thanked the crew! Fist bumps!

PJ with that smile. In the lift he said I was always terrific on camera. "You make a connection with the audience without ever acknowledging them. It is odd but very effective."

Fist bump!

We'd go to lunch at 21. I decided not to change. Gil made the arrangements. Pell dropped us out front. The paparazzi were there in big numbers but they didn't try to approach. I did pause at the door to wave to several young women who had cheered.

The manager's smile, "It is always nice to have you here Miss Martin."

I was thinking even it only meant Trump wouldn't be here. Ha!

Our server brought my Campari and soda right away. I choose to go `light', a big Caesar Salad with anchovies, an extra-large size plate of their big chunky fries/chips!

Right after my first sip a fellow stood up a couples of tables along the wall, he came towards me. PJ and Tessa watched but did nothing. It was a repeat, George Clooney.

"Miss Martin, when I first spoke to you a year ago I thought what you had done about Fox was marvelous... now I have to say it was much better than that and it goes much deeper. You and your husband are changing the way this country thinks."

We shook hands as I got up to thank him for the comment.

"And by the way, my wife and I read the Daily News now!"

I thanked him again! "I'm Fay."

A nice smile, "George."

I smiled, "We hope it is worth the time for everyone. By the way I just recorded a show to run tonight you might be interested in watching... on the National Newsmakers Show. Sorry I'm acting like a shill."

"If you are recommending it... I'll take a look. Enjoy your lunch."

Gil looking at me afterwards, "He gets better looking with age."

I asked her to pull up some snaps of him because I couldn't remember ever seeing him. Then I remembered I'd seen `O Brother, Where Art Thou?' and loved it.

She held up her iPad, he was very handsome at all ages. I liked his more mature look! His wife was the one Cho teased me with being beautiful and smart. They were a terrific looking couple like us! Ha!

"Fay, you think you're kidding but so many people say it... like EVERYBODY!"

I shrugged, "We are who and what we are. No changing!"

Lunch was tasty! I thanked the manager on the way out. The paparazzi got a few more shots. Now home.

The sun was warm on bare legs, I was lying beside my daughter. We were deep in a discussion about tummies... Ventre' or Phung kathi' We moved to Doigt' Xngkhuli' or Finger' It was fun to play with Chani, such a big smile! So I used that Yîm' `Sourire' as our last.

Ali had the Twins inside while Tha and I hid a few things on the terrace. Gil made prints of pictures of each item. Jaidee watching me carefully as I concealed a tennis ball. I asked him to not give it away... I had my doubts!

The twins walked out, we had the snaps. I handed one of a baseball cap to Charlie and one of a lipstick to Chani. They went off... so cute stalking the terrace for treasure.

Ha! The cap was found, Charlie got it on his head.

Chani had the smaller object but it wasn't deeply hidden. She walked to me, I opened it and put on a little... `Me!' Chani got a little, her first!

Charlie found the baseball glove, Chani the small pocketbook. A hair brush for Chani and the tennis ball for Charlie.

Jaidee hadn't given it away and now had fun chasing Charlie's throws. Chani and I back on a lounge. Tha brought her a floppy hat. Big grin! A sippy cup of juice. Francis brought me a Campari and soda. Cheers with Chani!

Cho walked out... he started laughing, we were all relaxing in the sun! Chani's "Dada!" got Charlie to turn around... "Dada!" They were hugged and kissed. I opened my arms, Cho laid over me... kiss. We didn't move for a bit.

Dinner outside was veggie burgers, lots of chips/fries, pickles, olives and celery with cream cheese. The Twins really loved chips with ketchup. The celery crunch brought out the giggles!

We had an early start so off to bed soon!

Tom on the tannoy said we were thirty minutes now from Aime Cesaire Airport in Fort-de-France. We floated down onto runway 10 and off to a parking area west of the terminal. There were several 4-wheel drive vehicles waiting for us.

Onto the A1 motorway which wound through Fort-de-France to become the D41, over to the coast road, the N2. The N2 took us north winding up and over a series of ridge lines which came down from the mountains towards the ocean. Switchbacks going through small towns, communities which straggled up the slope to the right or down to the water on our left.

There were several overlooks with huge vistas of the sea, we passed one right before Lafayette. It had been a twenty five minute drive. We turned off in a small valley, the drive dropped off gradually going west to the water.

We reached a graveled level space... there was the house! The white sides and red tile roof. Montaigan walking down the stairs to the white stone path.

Hugs and kisses for his cheeks! Charlie and Chani on the white pebbled footpath... Montaigan was amazed to see them walk to him. He knelt to hug and kiss them.

I said, "Do you remember Monsieur Montaigan from Christmas?"

"Montai" from Charlie which Chani took up immediately. `Montai' it is. He seemed very pleased with his new name.

We carried the Twins up the stairs to the first floor screened veranda. They got to walk around a bit. Tha stayed close since Montaigan's house wasn't `child-proofed' so they'd need supervision.

It was nicely warm so we changed to swim attire. The beach had lots of chairs and lounges. I took Chani in the water with me, Cho and Charlie together. There wasn't much of a swell to the water but they were used to pools. Our hands never left them.

Jaidee swam around happy to be in the water. Later Cho tossed his tennis ball with Charlie's help.

A short swim then juice and lunch. Montai's cook had a platters of local fruit and cheese with slender toasted buttered bread slices. Purple passion fruit, guava's, water apples, oranges, carambola start fruit, melon and papayas. Fresh, sweet and delicious.

Several cheeses, soft and firm were great with the bread. Everybody chowing down! The Twins really enjoyed the new fruit types. It looked like papaya was a big hit with Chani! Charlie gave the melon slices his full approval!

Montaigan was pleased we had come and quite shocked as to why. It bowled him over to have the the family history volume in his hands. I told him the story... he was emotional and thanked us many times.

Cho then handed him a small card... it said he was the proud owner of four bottles of Remy Martel Louis XIII cognac. Francis and Ali brought them out.

Montaigan clapped his hands! Charlie sitting nearby did too! So we joined in!

We sat to talk all sorts, Mr. Hardy's book for one.

"Miss Martin, he continues to send me wonderful pages. He writes well with verve but never forgets how serious a subject is he is engaged in covering."

"I enjoy reading the installments. I'm sure I will read the book when it comes out to get the whole work together."

Montaigan was nodding in agreement.

Dinner was delicious! The starter was Accra de Morue fritters made from salt fish. Several local vegetable dishes set around freshly caught local Dorade fish grilled after being marinated in lime juice, thyme, sea salt and freshly ground pepper.

We enjoyed it all. The dessert was a mango and coconut custard! YES!

A walk with Jaidee in the garden got funny when tried to chase a lizard who it turned out was a fast runner and even faster climber. Jaidee woofed at it, the fellow stuck his tongue out. So much for making friends.

We sat with Montaigan sipping afters. He was a happy fellow. He took a swim, read books and journals, played cards with a few friends, drove around the island, stopping to see things he'd hadn't spent time on before. It was a quiet life, the most noise was the sound of the surf.

Our showing up was wonderful and the gifts extra special.

He turned to me, "Miss Martin, your thinking of the book... amazing! A gesture of friendliness that is impossible for me to thank you enough. Hand delivery is beyond compare."

I leaned over him... hug!

Cho made it clear if he wanted to go somewhere all he needed to do was call. AND we wanted to remind him about his Christmas visit at Harcourt House. A smile, he said he looked forward to December!

He, Francis and Cho to play poker for a while. I helped Tha put the babies down. They had been hugged and kissed by everybody. "Nite Montai!" That was so cute!

Gil and Ali joined me for walk in the garden. Quiet in the half-dark was pleasant until the flying creatures sussed there was `fresh meat' available. In the screened porch sanctuary I nabbed the hammock, we chatted about the next few days.

We would leave here tomorrow evening to Charlotte, sleep over onboard. Cho would go to Quail Hollow Golf Course early to see Tom then watch the day's play. Gil would come with me to the clubhouse later to join Cho.

Right now it looked Tom was going to do something which hadn't ever occurred, win all four major titles in the same year. The Grand Slam!

He was leading by eight strokes at the end of the third day. Cho was excited for his friend. It was quite the feat of skill and determination. Tom had been on a tear since he played with Cho in the Concord Classic.

The morning was warm so we swam for a while. The Twins liked the ocean when they weren't swimming they were having fun in the sand. Cho helped Charlie make a castle, Chani and I made designs in the soft sand.

Our protection Team had fun too. A football came out from somewhere... it got booted around a lot.

No sightseeing this trip, we just had the pleasure of being around the house.

Luncheon was another delicious local feast! Crabe Farci, crevettes curried or `columbo' as it's called here, fresh vegetable side dishes and excellent bread the cook did every day. A fine dry white Bordeaux. A creamy vanilla ice cream with small coconut macaroons around the edge and chocolate drizzled on top!

Hugs and kisses for Montaigan. Charlie did a fist bump with `Montai' and a hug. Chani got a kiss! We waved as the vehicles climbed the slope back to road. At the airport we were away very quickly.

After we got to level flight we let the Twins play a bit before bedtime. Tha smiling as she dressed Charlie, he had a clean diaper courtesy of me. It was Chani's turn. Okay! Cho came in for goodnight kisses. Night-night!

At eleven we parked on the east side of Charlotte Douglas International. The local support company had its folks around us right away. Cho and I took Jaidee for a walk, Tara and Ro with us. There was a grass strip beside the taxiway, it was quiet that late.

Cho was out early. Rande and Ansara went with him. I'd go over in a few hours, Gil was coming with me, so was PJ and Tara.

I worked with Ali and Gil then some play time with Chani and Charlie. Lunch then dressed for the tournament.

A new frock from Mirabelle, bright yellow, cap short sleeves, a square shaped' bosom, wide pleats to mid-calf. A narrow chestnut brown belt with a gold clasp closing, gold jewellery, Joy' Pale red nails and lips. Chestnut brown heels, a matching brown leather bag from Coach.

The car turned onto curved tree-lined club drive, we stopped under the portico at the main door. A young fellow opened the door... I put out my hand... he helped me out. I stepped towards PJ who had come around the car. Gil got a hand too, she had her briefcase. Tara behind us.

Inside the foyer a club person greeted me. A handsome looking blonde woman of about forty or so.

"Miss Martin, we are pleased to welcome you to Quail Hollow Club. We have the room ready. This way please."

We moved off to the left crossing a big room to what was called the Dickson Room. It was a nice room, not too big. It looked out towards the course. My greeter said when the tournament was over the awards ceremony would in the grassy area right outside the double doors. All had to do was walk out it was behind a security line, an escort would be available once play was completed.

She introduced Sallie as our hostess, she would take care of us. I thanked her. It was very nice room, I said we would be comfortable.

I asked Sallie for coffee and some cookies. A grin, `Right away!'

I stopped Sallie, "Could you find someone who knows the standings for me?"

She nodded, "Yes, Miss."

A senior club officer knocked. "Miss Martin, it is wonderful of you to come. I'm Willard. The leaderboard hasn't changed much from the day's beginning and no movement at the top. Tom Angleten's lead is still eight. He's finished the front nine."

"Can you get a message to Tom Angleten's wife? I understand she's here."

"Of course. I believe she's in the scoring tent which is out this door here to the left and down the slope. Would you like me to get her come up here?"

"I think I should find out if she wants to. Could you walk with me and introduce us?"

"It would be my privilege to do so."

PJ was just behind me Tara a bit further back with Willard leading as we walked out and down a shallow grassy slope. Willard led me into a somewhat noisy tent with player's wives and girlfriends, some media and players who had finished.

All the leaders were still out on the course. Tom was in the last pair playing.

I got some stares and some fellow walked into another `Yeow!' as he looked at me and not where he was going! Willard's eyebrows went up. I smiled.

"Does that happen often around you?"

I laughed, "Yes... sometimes. I remember a potted plant taking out a businessman in New York."

He loved that!

Willard brought me to a slender brown haired woman about my height.

"Roxanne... " a lovely smile, "... this is Miss Fay Martin."

I extended my hand, she seemed a bit confused as we shook.

"It's nice to meet. Cho is out there somewhere but I'm sure you will get to see him at some point."

"I've met him, he was with us this morning before play started."

"Good. I've a room in the clubhouse... since Tom is still playing would you like to sit for a bit... until the play ends?"

She smiled and said yes. I thanked Willard for being kind enough to introduce us. He did a little bow. I shook his hand.

We all walked up to the Dickson Room. I introduced Roxanne to Gil. She had spread out on a table... work.

Sallie was with us, a coffee service and a nice plate of good-looking cookies.

I nabbed a sugar cookie! Roxanne and I in some comfortable chairs. We talked about being a `professional golf wife' which she said had the same sort of ups and downs in any marriage.

She traveled with Tom some, her job allowed work out of the office. She did PR projects for a company that worked mostly for environmental groups especially non-profits.

"There are some places Tom plays I just don't want to go to even if work allowed me the time. Last summer when Tom and Cho played the Winged Foot Pro-Am I planned to go but there was a mess at work so I couldn't go. I saw you there on TV. I saw you in Los Angeles... that is an awesome suit!"

"I like it a lot, I have several very similar. It's a look I wear well."

Roxanne, "I think you wear everything well judging by the pictures I've seen."

I thanked her for that.

I put a half dozen cookies on a plate... PJ laughed. Roxanne looked at me then PJ. Keeping with my usual custom I hadn't done any introducing. Since she was wondering... I did. She was surprised about their role.

"There have been a few incidents so we are being careful. And to explain PJ's laugh..."

Gil piped up, "Fay has a well-known passion for cookies! Tea time has to have a lot of treats so others can get a few."

Roxanne stared at me... I shook a leg, "Storage!"

Everybody laughed.

I got a call... Theodore. I excused myself and stepped outside the doors.

"Fay, the two Russians we chose are in!' They've agreed to review the files, we arranged them to get them. They don't know about each other doing this which fits the usual old Soviet pattern of not telling people the whole story, compartmentalizing. They will do what we want when we want... they know the consequences. We sweetened the pot with some assurances about they and their families getting special' treatment if they feel they need to leave Russia."

"Sounds like it's as good as it could get for now. It will be a while before they'll have to act... you'll jerk their chain I suppose?"

"Oh yes we will. Not often but certainly as Yevgeny's time in custody nears its end."

"What I have from New York is they have checked the servers at irregular times and days, nothing has changed. Data is added all the time meaning it still functions as a backup server."

Theodore was pleased with everything but naturally wary. I thanked him for his efforts.

Back inside Sallie poured more coffee and re-upped the cookie tray to some big smirky faces from my people. Roxanne smiling too since she was in on it now.

We talked more about things to do with golf. She was amazed by Cho's game and his being so nice to visit with Tom before he played. Those two did email and text also.

I asked what Christmas was like for the two of them.

"Mostly we stay home. Tom's parents are both dead, he does have a lot of cousins who he likes but not close to nor are they near where we live in Arizona. My mother is my only family now, she remarried after the divorce and had more kids. I'm not close with them."

"So come over to Merrie Old England, stay with us for a bit. We really do go all out for Christmas. Six weeks or more at Harcourt House."

Roxanne was interested, "I'll talk to Tom."

"We'll send an airplane to get you, our local base is only a ten minute drive from the house. So the travel part is easy. AND there's a golf course nearby where Cho plays."

She was looking at the ceiling... then down to me, laughing, "That last part will get Tom."

"You would have fun. Do you ride?"

"Yes, I did a lot as teen and some now, not often enough."

"Then the guys play golf, we ride."

Fist bump!

Willard returned to knock on the exterior door.

"Tom is finishing the Seventeenth... " A huge smile, "... he's ten strokes ahead! He's done what everyone said was impossible! And I can say we are very proud for him and the golf community!"

Roxanne turned to me, "Will you come down with me? Please!"

I said yes. PJ and Tara were up. We let Willard lead again. Inside the tent there was a crackling excitement! Tom was on the Eighteenth tee. We moved towards the tent opening that was above the Eighteenth green.

I thanked Willard for his generous help. A smile, "You are most welcome."

There were some comments... some new folks recognized me and some of the other golfers wives congratulating Roxanne. She was hugged and kissed as we made our way through the tent to the opening.

A PGA representative said we needed to stay beside him. He was wearing a headset.

"Ms. Angleten, Tom has hit his drive, a good one."

He pointed down the fairway to a group of men walking in the middle of the wide green space. They stopped, several moved aside. The PGA fellow softly gave a run of play commentary. When Tom walked to his ball Roxanne's hand found mine. I squeezed. Her face calm and focused on Tom.

Tom choose a club after a conference with his caddy. He moved to his ball, he had a look and moved to take his stance. Then the rapid movement... from a distance he looked really good.

I had no clue where the ball was then... it hit in front of the green and bounded up to stop about ten feet or so below the flag.

The crowd loved it they were clapping and cheering. I saw the other player's ball a bit further away on the same line. When Tom came to the green the crowd let go in a terrific roaring cheer and wild clapping. Tom doffed his cap and walked straight to his ball from the side. He marked it, a toss to his caddy who was smiling broadly.

Our PGA fellow it was a ten putt for Tom after the other man finished. Tom's playing partner was in second place by two shots so he needed to be careful but a par was no problem for him.

It was hushed now... the man leaned over his putter... he stroked it... rolled straight but stopped two inches short. He tapped it in to a big applause and cheers.

Now Tom... Cho told me later that the first putt gave Tom an idea of how the green was for his turn. Tom walked the area looking at the grass then stepped to his ball.. his head came up once then the stroke... his ball rolled right at the hole and dropped in!

The crowd went bananas! Roxanne and I hugged. Tom doffed his hat to the boisterous fans. The other player shook his hand, smiles! Tom retrieved his ball and gave it to his caddy. Those two hugged!!!

The crowd continued to be VERY noisy! They celebrated a unique sporting event! They'll have a good memory and a tale to tell!

Tom waved again to the crowd, he turned to come this way. Roxanne and I were allowed to step out. Ansara was there, CHO! We kissed.

Tom came up into Roxanne's arms, hug and kiss. I gave Tom's cheek a kiss. We moved out of the way so he could go in to fill out his scorecard and sign it.

Francis and Rande behind Cho, they were smiling. Fist bumps. I told Cho about the room we had. We decided to go there until things wound down.

I was behind Roxanne, I touched her shoulder... tears! I asked Cho for a handkerchief. I gave it to Roxanne. I let her know where we were going. She wiped her eyes, a hand squeeze.

I thanked the PGA fellow for his kindness. We shook hands, Cho thanked him.

"Mr. Cho your play at Bel-Air was unbelievable."

Cho smiling thanked him again. Another PGA person was recruited to guide us around the tent and back to the clubhouse. Gil was on her phone when we came in... I could see she was absorbed... I got her some quiet.

Sallie was there. I asked her for more coffee, some wanted sodas...

Gil motioned to me and Cho. Leaning close... she said there was a brush fire in the hills west of the Topanga Canyon ranch. Leslie raised the alert status at the ranch. He had a drone ready to go up if the fire's path moved toward our property. Right now people were doing everything normally and were being briefed on what the plans were at certain alert levels. Viv was ready to van all the horses out.

Cho's arm around my waist as Gil finished. Leslie was on top of it. Okay we know... not much for us to do.

I sipped my coffee and told Cho about asking Tom and Roxanne to Harcourt House. He was pleased I had. A kiss.

I asked about his day. He had spoken to Tom before the play began. Tom had been upbeat.

"We followed Tom loosely not getting close. He was intent but swinging in a relaxed way. He had a beautiful round, excellent shots, steady with his putter. He has become a premier golfer now. No one... not Arnold Palmer or Jack Nicklaus nor Tiger Woods. No Snead, Hogan or Watson... every great golfer you could name didn't win the Grand Slam. Bobby Jones in 1930 did something close as an amateur but the standard of competition was significantly lower then.

This is like Glaa and SakChai's Triple Crown wins. It is very hard to maintain the level of training and concentration. It's Monaco's ability to do that which is a huge part of our success."

Another kiss for my guy!

The awards ceremony was starting outside our door to the right. We stepped out and stayed right there. We were behind all the action and the security barrier. We could see but we were well out of the way.

Tom going up finally to get the PGA Cup. Damn it was big... maybe three feet high!! They keep adding to the silver bottom with new segments for the winner's names.

Roxanne went to share the limelight with Tom. Cameras going off, video and microphones all around. This was a signal event for golf! The sport had been on a slow decline with younger people not taking up the game. Maybe this was the `juice' it needed.

They couldn't ask for a nicer fellow to be their shining example. He and Roxanne made a terrific couple for it!

Tom would go to talk to the press. We went back inside, our cars were out front.

A knock on the outside doors. Tom and Roxanne! They got hugged and kissed. Tom thanked Cho for the morale boost.

"I saw you out there... it was great of you! Thanks."

Cho said he admired his play today, cool and not tentative.

Roxanne said she'd talk with Tom about Christmas as we hugged our goodbyes.

I got to thank Sallie as Gil paid our tab. `Willard' was in the foyer so I was able to also thank him. I introduced Cho, hands shaken.

`If we were ever nearby... Please come and play whenever you like.' Cho thanked him for that!

The cars dropped us at the foot of the 767 stairs. Tom said it was a short hop to Nashville.

He was right... we were on the ground and parked in less than an hour. We were on the tarmac south of the main terminal for an overnight stay then onward.

Lots of play time for the Twins and Jaidee. Work time too. Gil and Ali both had things for me. Yobi and Ban did a great dinner.

We talked with Ban afterwards. He was offered a ground position at Don Mueang so he'd be home when Soka's time came. He was happy! A young woman we'd seen a few times would join Yobi as our primary cabin staff. Lil. Lillian was living in Los Angeles by way of her family in Helsinki and San Francisco. She'd join us in California.

I told Cho about Theodore's call. A kiss, "I know you are on top of it!"

The cars were on time and we drove on several motorways before getting to the Fox 17 building on the far side of Nashville. The river behind the station was the Cumberland! Ah that brought some history to mind from the Civil War.

One of the western U.S. armies was named for the river, it was part of Grant's army when they threw the rebels off Missionary Ridge to avenge their defeat at Chickamauga. Then under Sherman they thrashed the rebels around Atlanta several times. The Cumberland's were part of the force that stomped on the last rebel army in the west right here in Nashville in December of 1864. Nifty bit of history going through my mind.

Out front we walked down this odd `V' shaped entry to the door, a guard inside watched us go to the reception desk. The young woman looked up...

I went ahead, "Hello... I'm Fay Martin and this Mr. Cho, we'd like to see the general manager."

Her eyes popped! She grabbed the telephone... "Mr. Thompson, please come out front right away!"

She looked like `don't ask' "Yessir but it's important!"

A fellow came through a door to our right... and froze when he saw us.

"Hi! I'm Fay Martin... This is Mr. Cho."

He shook our hands... he did get his voice to welcome us to Channel 17.

I asked for a quick tour. He escorted us throughout the building, we met staff everywhere shaking hands and talking. Out the rear there was a cluster of dish antennas, we walked out a gate after Brett opened it, up the grassy slope to the top of the river bank, actually a levee.

Standing up there in the sun and a slight breeze moving my skirt.

Brett was much less nervous now, I asked a few questions. He had answers, he didn't blurt them out which was good, he gave several some thought. He turned to his deputy GM for one, she gave us the answer.

I said we were making visits to the stations we acquired recently, "I like what I see... " turning to Cho.

He smiled, "Brett there's no negative significance to be placed on our being here. You are between Charlotte and Frankfort. We are working our way around to everyone."

Inside we met several other staff we'd missed. The sports boss found out we'd been at the PGA Championships yesterday and that Cho had been on the course all day. He asked Cho his impressions of Tom's success. It was such a huge event for professional golf.

Cho smiling walked with him.

I went along with Mae, the deputy GM, to their music reporters space. I asked about the music scene, how it was changing. It was good to hear from an old `pro' reporter. He felt that so many non-country music artists used the high quality recording facilities here it was healthy on that side and there were several terrific venues which attracted a wide range of genres.

"We actually have a wider variety of acts performing here than ever before."

We did our goodbyes, thanking everybody. Brett was Okay by now, we weren't trying for a gotcha... he finally got that. I made the point strongly to Mae and I saw her speak to Brett.

Tom on the 767 controls was ready to go, it was only thirty minutes or so to Frankfort. We did some hugging and tickling in flight.

The 767 parked at our new hangar at Capital City Airport. White with a hibiscus on the roof and big door.

Cars waiting, we drove north then east sort of around the main part of the city. We went out U.S. Route 460 into farmland then turned off to the north.

We entered a drive at a gate that opened remotely, Harcourt Farm sign to the right. It was almost a mile further to where we stopped near that old farm house we had flown in to meet the local officials.

Tilly and Costello were there, they were ready for us. Rooms for all of us. Dinner tonight was a cookout with all the Security folks joining us. The various construction companies main people would come.

The Twins loved the big grassy space behind the house where we had our meeting. Jaidee romping with a tennis ball. There were lots of chairs and tables, the grills and tables for the buffet food. Our people were smart, a temporary fence surrounded the grills to keep the Twins safe.

I got a glass of a nice dry white wine and parked. It was hot and humid so my short shorts and crop top were good, I skipped shoes for now.

I took a call from Dad. He'd had a meeting with the Prince and then they'd gone to see the Prime Minister. After they talked the Foreign Minister had brought in the Malaysian ambassador.

"We impressed upon our Malaysian colleague how dangerous their group of rogue intelligence officers actions were for peace at the border. I told them about your initiative without giving away your identity.

He was glad the effort was being made and he was sure his government would help further. First by cleaning out the little nest of scoundrels inside their government, applying pressure on the insurgents in whatever way would help and denying them the sense of a refuge in the border areas.

Now he says these things to us but he has to go back to Kuala Lumpur to his government make them happen.

He knows we are angry and not disposed to be lenient to the fellow we have unless we get something from them."

I said it sounded like the ambassador was onboard and would be an advocate. Dad agreed. We talked family things before ringing off. Cho sat beside me after a kiss to get my news.

Gil came out, "Fay, Cho, Leslie has just been back to me. The fire stalled in the calm air so the firefighters were able to contain it. Four hundred acres or so burned in the hills to the west, it hadn't approached our ranch."

Okay our first brush with fire ended well. The burned area will be a buffer for that part of Topanga Canyon for now.

The cooks were working on dinner! Good smells floating by. I got a couple of celery stalks that were stuffed with peanut butter for the Twins. Oh yes! A big hit! Also very entertaining to watch them eat. I got another one for Jaidee! He loved him some peanut butter, the celery was okay too.

Tha smiling beside me as Charlie and Chani finished the celery. They did quite well most of the celery and the peanut butter ended up inside. Tha did a quick wipe. Jaidee got one also courtesy of his tongue. Happy puppy.

Tilly came out with something new for the Twins... bubbles. She had one of those containers where you dipped a wand in then waved your arm to make soap bubbles! Charlie chasing them, Jaidee joining in. They mashed a few. I saw Chani trying to catch one in her hand. She did it! Well for a second then it popped. A delightful giggle... "More!"

Tilly's husband and kids came over for an introduction. Tilly was the Security boss here and for our properties in Louisville and the Capital City Airport. They were living in a house about three quarters of a mile to the west that was part of our land purchase. Clayton was working on the farm as a carpenter during the build out then he would be a supervisor on our building maintenance team.

Their kids joined Charlie and Chani chasing bubbles.

I asked Clayton how they were doing. He loved the work and the kids liked the space and were looking forward to the animals.

"Miss Martin, for me it isn't just pounding the nails... the prep to get to that is great fun, measuring and cutting and watching it fit is terrific.

When I was a boy I watched a house being built down the street. It was sad they took down a lovely little cottage to put up a monstrosity. What got me one day was seeing a fellow framing a window... he was trying to get a 2x4 to fit as the bottom of the frame... it was an inch too long... instead of going back to cut it properly... he wedged it in and pounded it down... forcing it in. He didn't give a damn! The people who bought the house would have trouble with it because the frame wasn't actually square the window wouldn't fit as it should."

I stuck out my fist, bump!

"You were offended by that fellow which is great! We're very glad you guys decided to move here."

"We don't have much experience around horses but we love animals... three dogs, all rescues live with us. Your Jaidee is awesome the way he plays with kids."

I was about to say how we loved him... A loud voice off to the side... Tilly and another Security person went that way... Francis looking... he got up and moved after them.

It was quiet... I looked at Cho, he winked, he hadn't moved a muscle. Later in bed... `We hire the best... so we let them do their jobs and all is good.'

Watched a half dozen folks in a huddle where the voice came from... construction folks, Francis, Tilly and a fellow we met earlier named `Jolly.' He was Francis' man on site for the build out of the Farm.

I liked Francis' description of Jolly... a soft southern drawl, a mind like a steel trap!

It looked like it was all Okay when Jolly and the other fellow shook hands.

We got the story from Francis. The construction guy got mad at Jolly who had called him on some of the work in the stables. It wasn't that the work was badly done but that the construction guy was cutting corners in the mistaken belief he was doing a good thing. Jolly tried to get him to understand we wanted the BEST job done not just a good job. We wanted the stables to last for a long time.

Saving money wasn't at the top of our priorities is sometimes tough to `get' when you work on many projects where money could be tight. Jolly wanted him to do the job the way we wanted, not being wasteful, just Grade A+!

The construction company's owner spoke to us.

"My fellow thought he was doing a good thing... he's not worked for clients like you. He's a good foreman."

Cho replied "If he's good then he'll get what we want. I would imagine he's never had a person like Jolly around on a job before."

"No. Your man knows construction I've seen that! I think it'd be good now."

Hands shaken.

I waved Costello over. He had given me a look when Tilly introduced us. I had said his name properly `Cos tel lo' as any Irishman would. He grinned shaking my hand. He'd been hired by Monaco to run the Farm.

He'd been in the business for over two decades as a jockey, trainer and more. Now he would oversee all the activities like breeding which one was of the major reasons Monaco choose him. Experience!

We would train for the track, have a veterinary hospital and retired horses... so a lot of variety.

Costello was so looking forward to it all. I asked him to stay around after dinner to talk. Okay.

Dinner! Grilled fish, two potato salads, cole slaw, three bean salad, crisps and dip. A big pile of pickles and olives! Drinks and a small table with an ice cream freezer, homemade!! Strawberry!!

The Twins in highchairs grinning! They loved it all! Me too. The ice cream was fantastic! Creamy, full of flavour, the strawberry taste was like you just bit into one. I watched Chani with her first spoonful... smile!

"Good cream!"

Everybody agreed. Turned out it was Clayton who made it. He'd learned from his dad, his and Tilly's kids were growing up on this stuff!! I said we'd be coming to the Farm often then. Clayton waved his empty bowl... `Anytime!'

Laughter, cheers and a `you're on!'

Cho and I walked and talked with Costello. We told him about our meeting here with the local folks and we laid it out that we were progressive employers. We hire the best regardless of age, gender, sexual orientation, race or creed.

Cho smiling , "We also told them we run things the same way up front and straight. Fay and I let them know we protective of our workers and property. And we do not tolerate interference... all that was nicely phrased and said. They know our Security will defend the farm to the upmost.

So you will have to find the best way to deal with the locals keeping our rules in mind."

A grin from him, "I understand. I've worked in England so my Irish accent is noted right away and..."

I nudged him, "Good. Be flexible up to the point where you think it's Okay... then squeeze."

We laughed when Costello said he had a fine pair of hands. He added Tilly was a great leader and he was sure they would work together well. As an aside, `Clayton is a damn fine carpenter!'

Fist bumps!

Fortunately the back porch was fully screened or we'd been eaten alive. The chairs were comfortable. We sat to talk for while with our close people. We got a bit about Jolly from Francis and how he was pleased that Jolly hadn't risen to a loud reply in the earlier event.

"He's sharp and level-headed. The construction company owner was right Jolly knows how things are built. He's done construction work himself so his knowledge is hands-on."

Francis was going to be sending Jolly around the world to our various projects including The Company ones.

"Jolly is from central Virginia west of Richmond, a rural county called Goochland. He's got what we would call a `First-Class' degree from the University of Virginia in history, worked his way through doing construction. He taught history in a Virginia high school. His summer's off work was with an accounting firm supporting their computers which got him more involved on the numbers side of things and they got him into auditing. We have him now."

Cho did a fist bump with him! Charlie was in Cho's lap... he stuck out a fist... bumps!

We carried the Twins up to bed, kisses and hugs. Tha was ready!

The morning for me was a walk with Jaidee around the property. Tessa smiling! It was a warm and humid day so our shorts and cut-off T's were good. We went over towards Elkhorn Creek Jaidee splashed in it, I called him out. We stayed back as he shook off the water, a big grin on his face!

Breakfast with the Twins! Their fav... scrambled eggs, toast and veggie bacon! The cook Tilly found was great! She'd do lunch for us before we flew west.

Cho and I in Jeans and boots to walk the construction sites with the builders. We had barn and stable experts, general contractors, roofers, electricians, plumbers, etc...

The fellow who had the dispute with Jolly was in a stable with a crew. He apologized for getting hot last night. He had spoken later with Jolly and got that our man knew what he was talking about. They were good. He wanted to do the best job for us. We thanked him for the apology and his willingness to get on.

Cho and I toured the whole Farm. It was looking good for moving some horses here soon. Costello would be ready, grain and hay storage was nearly finished, stables and paddocks close too!

We needed the dorms to be done so the houses we were using now could be rehabilitated for families.

Tilly gave us a briefing about the Security. They were using a house down the hill from ours. It was wired up to the entire surrounding grid of cameras and sensors.

"We are using the latest generation of The Company's multi-purpose sensors. Our cameras are also a new design, very small with hi-res and zoom but using very little power so the solar arrays to support them are small and easy to hide.

The solar layout beside the building can operate the whole system. We have extra size batteries included. And generators just in case.

A drone defense unit is on the way with a pair of the new updated drones. Thet is sending several teams, they'll do the setup, temporarily run the operation and do training.

So we're ready to defend the Farm."

I was sitting behind the wheel of the fire truck! It was high up. Tilly's people had been through their first classes in firefighting. They would all get hands-on with several Franklin County fire departments once their training was over. The fire house was completed, one of the first buildings.

All the contractors were ahead of our schedule, Tilly was ready, Costello was hiring locally and he'd done some interviewing based on ads run in Lexington and Louisville newspapers and Kentucky based equine websites. Sumate had sent two of his people to do the background checks, etc... on any new staff.

All upbeat!

We had a big day out and about the farm. The Twins came along for some, the crews liked meeting the little ones.

In the evening we drove off to Frankfort airport.

Tom and his crew welcomed us aboard the big jet. Straight to Santa Monica now! Play time for everybody. Games and tennis balls, reading for Chani and Charlie, a tug-a-war with Ro for Jaidee.

Our arrival in Los Angeles that evening was a bit of drama. Leslie at the bottom of the stairs.

"Rando has been kidnapped from the barn at Del Mar... A ransom note was left behind. The good part is they used one of the Harcourt Racing trailers that have the tracking device on top. We know where the trailer is and hope Rando is in the same place."

At the Venice apartment Leslie had some of his best folks and we had our Protection Team. A van with one of our drones was enroute to the location. A small ranch southwest of Ramona in San Diego County. It was near the local airport.

Our crew should be ready in thirty minutes, they would launch the drone and reconnoiter the location.

We got that Del Mar track officials wanted to bring in the Sheriff's office... We had Monaco call the track and ask if they did to please to tamp down the information. Monaco doing it would be normal and mean we weren't involved at least not yet.

Sarita did some grilled cheese sandwiches and chips for us all. The Twins enjoyed their `sandys,' chips with ketchup were always good with them. Tha had them in their room playing.

A call to Leslie from Camilla... The drone was up and had made a high altitude pass of the ranch. It was loitering out away from the property now. Dali brought up the feed on her iPad. The drone moved in from the west... a wide view showed no activity... down to quite low it crossed over the fence sliding left towards our trailer under a roofed area connected to the barn. The operator turned on the thermal scan... a large heat source inside the trailer... it moved... back on video.

The drone was behind the trailer looking in... Rando! It moved up beside the trailer... a shiny stripe on the ground... it hovered over it... a wire... the operator turned 180 to look under the trailer... where the hitch went under body there was a wad of something mashed into the frame with the cable connected to it... Leslie said plastic explosive.

The drone circled the house high and then low... the thermal scan showed three people... a small house with screen doors front and back and screened windows, all open... a pickup truck and a sedan sized car parked beside it.

Cho asked for the drone to back out and do a recon of the neighborhood. He asked Leslie and PJ to look it over and make a plan.

We stepped out on the terrace, Cho holding my hand, "Our want people to mount an rescue tomorrow night until then we'll pretend to do ask the kidnappers how they want to be paid. Leslie already has our people in Del Mar protecting IrishRainbow so we are good there."

"The note says one hundred thousand so... we respond via Monaco that he needs to get the money after we say Okay then we get their delivery instructions... string it out until the morning after tomorrow but tomorrow night the rescue."

A hug and kiss!!

Inside we huddled with our team. PJ gave us a quick overview of what he recommended to do. Leslie was ready to supply the equipment and do the ground support side. Cho smiled at me, then said, "Go!"

PJ, Rande, Tessa, Ken, Tara, Ro would be the team. Penny and Ansara would stay with us, we would be right here. Leslie had upped the number of our Security on duty in and around the building when he first got the message about the kidnapping.

James with the grooms Darryl and Maylene plus the jockeys Dom and Emanuel were in a motel in Del Mar with our Security protecting them. If we went ahead with the rescue I suggested taking Maylene in a vehicle with Leslie's folks to deal with Rando when the operation ended.

Leslie grinning... fist bump!

San Diego Sheriffs wanted to talk to Monaco since he was fronting this, nothing about us being in town.

The Del Mar people were shocked and very sorry it happened when Cho talked with them. Cho told them our Security was going to be on the scene from now until the races were completed. They should plan to see Rando running as normal... that did surprise them.

In the morning Leslie folks and PJ's Team went to our hangar at Santa Monica Airport to do a run through of the rescue.

Monaco talked with the San Diego Sheriffs telling them we were putting the money together. And that we planned to make the payment.

They had talked to James about the arrangements at the Del Mar barn, was any of our staff missing. Maylene was questioned about how she left Rando and if any unusual people had been around. The same for Darryl. Dom and Emanuel weren't in the barn area nearly as much but they talked with them too.

The kidnappers called the barn, Monaco and a sheriff were there. Monaco told them we'd have the money tomorrow morning by eight. They gave him a route to drive to a big Lowes store in downtown Escondido near the 15 freeway. They said they'd be watching him during the drive to Escondido. He was to go inside to the garden department's outdoor area and wait to be contacted. They knew what he looked like.

A tense day of waiting. There was work for us both to keep us from obsessing. We played and read to the Twins a lot to keep us all occupied. Tha did a bunch of housekeeping things for them while we were with Charlie and Chani.

PJ and Leslie reported they are ready.

Leslie and his team had left to drive to Ramona. A pickup truck to tow the trailer and three Land Rovers for the support folks and our team if necessary. Another car will meet them with Maylene.

We sat with PJ and Rande. They were upbeat given the location and layout of the property. The equipment they needed was provided by Leslie, checked and tested. Okay!

PJ and his folks go to Santa Monica with their equipment. Good luck! Hugs from us.

We would get a feed from the drone onto Dali's iPad. It had done several discreet checks of the ranch throughout the day, nothing had changed. Someone going out to the trailer to give Rando hay and water.

PJ running the operation would be on the air with us the whole time.

At dusk a decoy AW139 flies loudly above the Ramona Airport as our loaded one making a wide turn to approach from Ramona comes in low to land behind a treeline a five hundred feet north of the ranch.

PJ, Rande, Ro, Tessa, Ken and Tara move on foot across the flat ground beside a dry stream bed.

The drone is up and watching the house with its thermal scanner. The three suspects inside, going in and out of the kitchen, dinner time.

First thing... Rande goes to the trailer, he pulls the detonator out of the plastic explosive then he removes it and puts the explosive in a bag he lays by a fence. He reports Rando seems Okay, just standing in the trailer.

Leslie is in position one hundred yards down the road. PJ gives him the go ahead to call the San Diego Sheriffs and after a five minute pause the Ramona cops.

The drone reports two men at a table eating, one in the front room watching TV.

PJ gives the GO!

Flash and stun grenades are fired into the house from two sides by Rande and Ro... pandemonium inside... one fellow goes to the back door, it looks like he tries to detonate the explosive to no avail then he wildly fires a semi-automatic handgun through the screen door hitting nothing.

The TV watcher bolts through the front door... he's grabbed by Tessa, punched in the face and thrown down, cuffed and gagged. Tessa drags him behind a bush.

The third guy had ducked for cover but decides to follow the TV man out the front door... he gets there sees no one... hesitates... then Ken jerked him by his shirt out the door down the steps slamming him to the walkway, cuffs on, gag on!

Tessa's Glock aimed at the door covering Ken.

The shooter at the back empties a second clip then has to reload... Tara up on the tiny porch fires a bean bag round through the shredded screen door into his chest knocking him flat. Ro rushes in to cuff and gag him. Rande follows him to assist. OVER!

Leslie's team drives up into the yard when PJ says it's secure. Rande and Camilla escort Maylene to the trailer, she moves Rando out to walk him. He's a bit excited by the noises but is Okay. Camilla and Rande cleanout the trailer, put in fresh straw and water.

Our pickup truck is connected to the trailer, ready to go.

Rande retrieves the bag with the plastic explosive. In the light by the back door he and PJ take a look. Rande says it isn't C4 or Semtex but some homemade stuff. Back into the bag for the cops.

The two AW139's landed fifty yards away in the field to the east.

The first sirens...

The three fellows lying in the dirt in front of the house waiting. Trussed up!

Leslie was on point as the Ramona cops drive up.

The Sheriffs soon afterwards, they take control.

Leslie explains what happened. The shooter's gun is where he dropped it, other guns in the house weren't moved. Only Rande and Ro had been inside to secure the shooter and do a check just be sure there was no one else.

Our people were armed but had not fired their weapons, only Tessa drew her Glock to cover Ken because of the shooter at the back door.

Leslie had a folder with copies of the weapons permits, documentation from our Security about who were involved and contact information. The Sheriffs were impressed with our preparation and anticipation.

The drone was still up giving us a feed but not too close. The Sheriffs were told about it, docs in the folder.

Leslie told them he'd send video and stills to which ever person needed them in the morning. We would also make available anyone they needed to interview adding several of the participants would be leaving for England in three days.

The Sheriffs spoke to each of our people, brief recorded statements. The Sheriffs were a bit in awe! Our folks relaxed like a walk in the park.

The police were told the horse needed to go back to Del Mar. They had no problem with that so Rando went on his way. Camilla stayed with Leslie, the rest headed back here.

PJ's team boarded one of the AW139's and flew back to Santa Monica Airport.

Cho and I with Ansara and Penny gave them a big welcome. They came up the lift to hugs and kisses!! Fist bumps and high fives!!

Taittingers to toast our team!

Sarita had some snacks, we partied in a low-key way for a short time.

I asked Rande about his comment about the plastic explosive.

"It did not smell right and was much more stiff than the American made C4 or the East European made Semtex. Some home brewed stuff which may in fact not be explosive but merely window dressing."

PJ grinning took his hand out of his pants pocket and held out a small ball of the stuff. Ah!

"I wanted to get it tested. I will give it to Leslie in the morning." Fist bump!

They all got tomorrow off. We would move up to Topanga in the morning, they could sleep in and catch up later in the day. The day after we would all go to Del Mar for the racing.

We got a call from James, Rando was back in his stall. He'd been looked over carefully, no problems, not a scratch. He'd get a long walk in the morning and a brief turn on the track in the afternoon.

We started the day in the ocean! Charlie and Chani swimming with Cho and I, Tha supervising from the sand. Jaidee walking on his lead with Penny and one of Leslie's people. Ansara smiling from the sand away from Jaidee's digging.

We didn't stay long telling the Twins they'd get to sit in their wading pool.

Loaded up, the drive was easy. Going in the door Cho got a call from Leslie.

Breaking news! This was quick! I guess being trussed on the ground, one VERY sore chest and made to look like fools was enough.

The kidnappers all signed statements admitting to the crime. They were being charged with multiple felonies and the high value placed on Rando made it more serious. Since they caught red-handed, making a quick deal was their lawyer's advice. They'd see many years in prison. We were good with that.

One was groom for another trainer at Del Mar. He and his cousins dreamed up the plot. The Sheriffs did not tell them about the tracking device on the trailer at our request. No need to publicise our do-dads.

Dolores was happy for us that Rando wasn't hurt. Sora was making a cake for our Team!

I sat outside with Gil and Ali catching up on work, calls, texts and emails. Ali had the usual collection of 21st Century Fox things which plowed through first. Gil's were more varied but I worked steadily until lunch.

BLT's with veggie bacon, lots of crisps, pickles and olives. Carrots, the tiny baby ones, were crunched by Charlie and Chani our babies. They smiled showing those pearly white little teeth. Their BLT's were one layer but all the good stuff was inside.

PJ called, they would be up later... right now they were going to sit with Leslie and his folks for a postmortem. The San Diego Sheriffs called... no need for further statements at this time. If that changed they would be notified via Leslie. Okay!

Tha had the Twins in their wading pool, Cho and I went to ride with Penny. Jaidee got to socialize with Billie and Wonda.

We went south then north along several ridge lines then back down to the flats for a gallop home. It was fun. I was on Inky, he was great to ride. Viv, Vivian and Nadine took good care of our horses, all were happy and healthy.

Our Protection Team came up from Venice to rejoin us. We had a wonderful dinner with Sarita's cake which was green and yellow stripes around the sides and blocks on top with candles. PJ was the one to blow out the candles after some kidding.

Smiles from everyone as The Twins yelled out "PJ" as he did the big puff! It surprised us all! They copied us all saying his name! Smarties!

Charlie and Chani enjoyed their cake and ice cream shares!

Tessa and Tara rode with me in the early morning. Cool air in the hills, we worked our way to the top of a ridge to get the beautiful view of the ocean and the city. Some snaps. Going back saw some rabbits rush into the undergrowth. Interesting... we didn't often see much wildlife around here.

The Twins were freshly awake, hugs and kisses. Good morning started with a "Mama!" from each. Cho came into the nursery to "Dada!" Such a lovely way to begin a day.

Breakfast! French Toast to honour our Rando Rescuers! Delicious! Charlie got his chin wiped several times that syrup was great stuff.

Cho was doing some things with Francis, Ali and Gil with me. A couple of hours of that then we dressed for the track.

A sleeveless white frock, mid-thigh, round collar, shiny black buttons down to the waist, a slender black belt. Black stockings and heels, gold jewellery, `Joy' by Cho. Blue sunglasses.

Cho was in a black suit, blindingly white shirt and Harcourt Racing yellow tie.

The Twins would stay home today. Ken and Tara with me, Ro and Penny for Cho. We boarded the AW139 which lifted off turning toward the ocean. We crossed the coast high above Malibu going due south, once we were level with Palos Verdes Peninsula we turned southeast to fly like a ruler to Del Mar.

I asked Cho how TrueRating was faring. A smile from him.

"It is going great! We have well over nine thousand clients signed up! They are getting the information they need, we get information from them to build the database. Our growth is stronger than we anticipated so when we go to Saratoga Francis, and I hope Ali, will go to the city. He will get several things going.

We will give TrueRating the floor above their office in the Fox Tower and expand the computer centre. It will have almost a floor to itself, new connections to the internet backbone and a lot more staff. It will have its own HR group and an expanded technical team. It's not making any money but that was never the plan.

It's a service that is already changing the manner in which companies get information, the old `Big Three' rating services are in trouble."

A huge Cho grin at the last part!!

We flared for landing on the same area we had last year but it was cleaned up and marked now. Some electric carts for a ride to the barn.

Rando was was quiet in his stall,,, nickering softly as I hugged him.

"Okay big guy it's your day to have fun... blow their doors off... show'em!"

IrishRainbow whinnied when he saw us. He was stroking the floor with a foot... "You ready to go?"

A loud nicker! Cho's hand on the brown muscles, "Run them into the ground!"

Monaco and James grinning, "They do like being talked to and they know you both. When they see you it means time to RUN!"

Fist bumps.

Monaco said the trainer whose groom had been one of the kidnappers had come by to apologize.

"I told him it wasn't his fault, no need to apologize. He said he warned the groomer about his work... he supposed the fellow expected to be let go... so this was a money-making scheme hastily concocted."

Cho shrugged, "It still wasn't the trainer's fault. Getting Rando out of the barn area so easily is the problem. Our Security will be around from now on."

The carts took us around the track to the east side of the Grandstand. We were escorted to a meeting room to talk with the Del Mar management. They profusely apologized for Rando being taken and were very happy for us he hadn't been injured in any way.

Their general manager said in light of the event he had been calling other tracks in southern California, asking about their security arrangements. He got from Santa Anita what they did and was somewhat surprised.

He turned the others around the table, he got head nods, "We want your security company to send some of people here to give us an assessment and put together a proposal to operate as our security. Santa Anita sings the praises of what they have now, excellent coverage in all the public areas and the barns tightly guarded. All in one package."

Cho replied he would have our company contact the general manager Monday morning to arrange a day and time.

"I know we can offer the same arrangements to you as we have done Santa Anita. We will be looking for ways to have a project like this be a `package' as they say. One of the most beneficial takeaways from the Santa Anita model for us is to have our people live nearby, lower cost housing provided by us, no long commutes and security for their families.

We are willing to build if we cannot buy a suitable structure. It is something which could make a deal really be very attractive to us.

It could also mean we would here more often."

They liked the last a lot we could see. Our horses were popular, you couldn't win much money on them as a bettor but it made the others in a race good betting prospects.

We shook hands on it. We headed to the Clubhouse Box they reserved for us, it was on level 1. The sun was out, warming up fast! A young fellow was our server, drinks and some nibbles to eat.

We had to wait for two races to run before Rando's race, the Del Mar Handicap. It was a G2 with a purse of Five Hundred Thousand dollars. The post parade for this mile and three eighths race took the entrants off to the left towards the chute.

Rando's black body walking easy, Emanuel aboard in our green and yellow. Emanuel was having a good day so far a win and a place in two races for other trainers. Dom had two wins so our jockeys were doing well dominating the races. They had run on the track so had the `feel' of it.

Loading was fine... Clang!!

They came out cleanly rushing down the straight, Rando from the number two slot was leading by a length and a half as they ran past us. Emanuel closed to the rail in the turn as Rando's switching leads meant gaining ground.

He was three clear when he moved onto the back straight. Emanuel had him rolling along, I could see in my glasses his gait was smooth. Rando's big strides were gobbling up the track, putting distance between himself and the others. He went into the second turn seven lengths ahead.

Near the rail half way through the turn Emanuel gave a look back... ten lengths of open space!! Rando hit the stretch with a burst of speed without being asked. It was something in his sire Asda... they see the wide open track and... accelerate!

Rando widening at each stride was thirteen ahead by the eighth pole and not letting up. Emanuel wasn't doing anything, just riding along.

Rando cruised over the wire at 2:10:90!! A new record time for the mile and three eighths distance breaking Spring House's good time. He won by fifteen lengths.

We celebrated. Cho gave me a good kiss. The Clubhouse boxes and other nearby folks cheered loudly.

We went down with Monaco to the Winner's Circle. Loads of smiles as Cho got the trophy! Monaco and Emanuel holding it up. The press doing video and snaps.

I got in a hug for the horse and jockey.

A member of the track board next to me, "Well if your horse wins like this after his adventure I hesitate to imagine how he would have done if he hadn't."

"He beat all the horses who ran against SakChai except Hansa only because they've never raced together. The Risen Star stakes, Louisiana Derby, the Arkansas Derby he won them all. He was the third rated Kentucky Derby qualifier after his half-brother and sister."

"Your Asda must be the son of Pegasus to turn out all these fabulous runners."

I said three names to him Aneka, Sasithorn and Thaksin.

He was shaking his head, "At this rate he'll be the sire of the century."

I laughed, "There's a colt in England who is the full brother of Glaa and Hansa, half to Rando and SakChai. He's a only six months but looking terrific on his feet."

We shook hands, "Miss Martin, we do want to see more of you two."

We went back up to the box, one race then IrishRainbow was up. I got some more lime spiked club soda.

Cho smiling as he talked with Thet. Everybody there were doing well especially Dao!! Thet would get on to Sumate and Leslie to make arrangements for a visit to Del Mar. Thet would update Cho as soon as...

Okay time for the Pacific Classic, the big race of the day. It was a G1 event with a million dollar purse! It is a mile and quarter distance. In the post parade IrishRainbow looked wonderful, his deep brown was so glossy. He strode along quietly looking regal.

They worked their way to the far left in the chute. Our boy was in the fourth spot of twelve entries. They loaded without drama... a pause then CLANG!!

IrishRainbow came out fast like his buddy Glaa! Right down the center of the track in the lead immediately. We watched them come up the track our horse moving fast without strain. As they reached the first turn he was three lengths ahead... Dom closed him to the rail. I watched him silkily shift leads twice then keep the pace fast going down the back straight. His fractions were fast.

My glasses showed IrishRainbow striding out comfortably as he cruised along on a six length lead. The field was straggled out behind him as he entered the second turn. Dom kept him close to the rail around the turn, he came out on the stretch nine lengths clear and putting the pedal down.

Dom was hand riding and asking... IrishRainbow running powerfully extending his lead as the fractions stayed fast! He came down to the finish line like a Mack Truck... big and fast, really moving!

He crossed the wire ahead by thirteen... in a time of 1:58:90!!! A record time for the stakes and the first horse to run the mile and quarter in under 1:59:00 on this track.

Cho holding me tight said into my ear, "You were so right for this terrific boy to go solo!!"

Going down holding Monaco's hand, he had a huge smile, "I was thinking about you buying him from Robbie... it was quite the coup! He's won more money this year than nine hundred ninety nine of a thousand horses would in their entire career! He's set records, won four of four, every one G1 a rated race. On the turf and dirt."

Cho, Monaco and Dom in the Winner's Circle!! They looked great! May arrived from the Grandstand. She had gotten here late but managed to see the race. Dom got hugged and kissed!

Monaco walking with Cho and I out to the carts.

"Another trainer asked about Rando's adventure... so... do we have a PR thing I should be saying... I had forgotten to ask."

Cho shook his head, "No! You can tell the truth he was kidnapped, we got him back and the criminals were arrested. If someone wants details... like a reporter refer them to Leslie..." He laughed, "... I doubt they'll get much from him!"

We all laughed!

At the barn our horses got hugs from me. IrishRainbow just back was still wound up, nickering as I petted him. Dom and Emanuel gave each other big back slaps and handshakes!

We said our goodbyes and drove over to the Cho-Fay Air AW139. I thanked the cart driver, he tipped his hat, "You're very welcome Miss Martin!" I shook his hand before we boarded.

Up and away, our return was the reverse of the first flight. In thirty minutes we flared to land by the Topanga house. I held Cho's hand the whole way. Warm, comfortable.

The Twins had spent their day going between their wading pool, playing games, to vocabulary lessons with food stops! We got big greetings coming out to the terrace. Hug and kisses.

Tha let us know they were packed. Okay! We changed to travel clothes and mounted up for Santa Monica. Captain Kor at the cabin door, a smile, he welcomed us. Noon Arrival tomorrow. We laughed about that.

Strapped in and we were off. The big jet rolling down the taxiway... you could feel the engines whine change as we swung left onto the runway... the power rush. We were light very quickly then rising!

In level flight we got to talk to three newcomers! Lil was replacing Ban so he could be in Bangkok when Soka gave birth. This was his last flight with us for a while.

Lil was a slender Scandinavian blue-eyed blonde, a Finn by birth but an American citizen too. She had six years' experience with SAS on intercontinental flying.

She had been flying for us on other aircraft for a year. She was glad for Ban... but jazzed about working for us.


Gaby was with us now on the Protection Team. She was in my group. Rafe joined Cho's side. Rafe and Gaby sat with Cho, me and PJ.

We had a dossier on each but I always wanted to hear their history from the horse's mouth... as it were.

Gaby went first. She gave us her family history dating back to the Fifteenth Century in the Dordogne. Riding since age ten, did some limited local dressage competitions, mostly just enjoyed being with horses.

They like Montaigan had a long family history of being in the military, she had picked up the banner when her older brother turned out to be a great research bio-chemist.

"I enjoyed army life, when I received my commission there were obstacles to overcome with fellow officers' attitudes. I went ahead because I felt it needed to be done and I was motivated.

Joining 1er RPIMa was actually a step towards leaving since I looked upon it as a barrier breaker but also in my mind a last chance for the army to keep my interest."

The challenge was huge Gaby said, physically and mentally, after she was accepted the training was tough... the work after wasn't.

"We spent lots of hours wandering around the back ends of Mali getting into a few firefights with Islamic insurgents after tracking them, bringing in some bombers to make a lot of loud noises, going in afterwards to pick up the pieces.

It was dangerous and pointless... there's no shortage of guerillas and lots of space for them to hide. Part of my next stay at home involved a visit to Paris. I bumped into the cousin of an army friend who the last time I'd seen her was a Parisien cop, she had gone to work for your Security. First in Bangkok then in London. She was home when we saw each other at a book store on the Rive Gauche."

Gaby smiling, leaned back, "We sat at a café to talk. I got a lot of positives from her about working for your Security Service. Beyond the good pay and benefits... I heard how she felt respected and valued and... how there were many opportunities within the company. Lots of varied assignments around the world. AND a lot of training!

She got me an interview with Thomas who arrived in Paris after a stop in Frankfurt. We had lunch and spoke for several hours. I knew he was feeling me out on many levels... I liked that, he was serious and sincere! He liked my CV and set up interviews in Bangkok."

She laughed, "I went and now I'm here!"

Cho smiled, "Okay we can guess the rest."

We all laughed.

Her languages were French... Naturellement! Arabic with several South Sahel African dialects, Spanish, German and Dutch. Gaby said her Thai was coming along. PJ said they'd work her hard on it.

She fit in!

Cho turned to Rafe. Rafael was from San Antonio, a University of Texas in Austin diploma in Political Science with a University of Texas Law School degree too!

"My first job was in the Texas Attorney General's office working with the various county law enforcement departments then with the Texas Rangers as support for their training in gathering evidence so it would be fully admissible at trial. I did a few prosecutions when a friend of my dad's visited the family in San Antonio, he was FBI. We had several long talks over half a year then I applied for the Bureau.

They took me and I went through all the training. Because I speak Spanish I was sent to California for my first field work. Then I was bounced along the border and back again. I was pretty much told I was so good at the work it would be hard to get away from the border.

Too bad for the Bureau... I had gone to Quantico for a course and met a Secret Service agent. He recruited me to them and it was good. I liked going after counterfeiters and fraudsters, they do a lot of damage to ordinary people's lives.

I moved to the protection side which why I'm here, it's challenging with variety but the way the Secret Service works is asinine. Too much politics and asskissing! It was shameful how assignments were given."

Rafe grinned and motioned towards Ken, "We passed each other one day just before Ken left. We had in the past talked some, we had a common feeling... He told me he was going over to your Security Service. He said he'd keep in touch. Once he was with you he was happy. After a bit he told me I'd be comfortable with you so I applied and Sumate interviewed me in San Antonio during a family visit. I jumped ship!"

My question about languages brought beside Spanish with several patois common in South and Central America plus the Caribbean included, French, some German and the beginnings of Thai reading and writing. He had a decent vocabulary for conversational Thai.

Fist bumps.

Gaby leaned forward, "I know it will come up so... "she reached over to push on Rafe's arm, "... we know about not carrying things for you."

We all laughed. From me `I guess I made my impression on Thet!'

Rafe's pearly white teeth showing, "You did! As soon as we started working towards coming on board he pointed it out... and several times afterwards."

He and Gaby did high fives!

PJ shared a recent example... his lift ride with me at the Daily News' offices. Up from Starbucks with Harper and her Oh!' when I had told her he and Tessa were working.'

I thanked them for their telling us about themselves, "Also I hope you have swim kit because you're going to the beach for five days!"

Rafe did a thumbs up, Gaby only had one swimming costume.

"Don't worry we have a guest closet with choices."

After dinner we had games with the Twins before they went down. They were snuggled in when we did goodnights. All warm and cuddly. `Nite Mama's and Dada's' were so sweet!

Cho and I sitting in bed, we talked about our new people and the days to come. The Pro-Am at Winged Foot and `Toga for the racing!!!

Our Chalgrove staff smiling as we came down the stairs. The Twins grinning and waving from their carriers before going in the car to be strapped in.

Over the gravel to the door, Carter smiling. Fist bump.

Carter2 said lunch was ready whenever wanted to sit! YES!! FOOD!

Everyone laughing at my appetite! Vichyssoise, grilled vegetable sandwiches! Delicious!

It was terrific to see Chani with her sippy cup drinking the soup.


"Yes. It's good?"

"Yes... like soup!"

A hug for her. Charlie mouth full of a bite of sandwich! I looked at Cho... a big grin! We all loved our food!

Cho and I with the Twins in the Great Room playing games. Gil had the pictures ready for what we had hidden. Charlie and Chani roaming all around searching out the bits. When the last item was found... a tennis ball... we went to the Garden so Charlie could toss it for Jaidee!

We ran across the grass, rolled about happily, the Twins enjoying it all. Tha came out with floppy hats after a short while in the sun. She had them on a lounge for a book reading and some quiet time.

I gathered a few riders and sent Gaby to Go! Outdoors! for clothes. In black without a jacket, too warm. A crisp short sleeved white cotton shirt. Gil with Penny and Tara joined me. Rebel ready to roll! Nickering!

Down the grassy lane to the flats. Freddie working several younger ones with Ronnie. We trotted easily up the slope then over the railroad crossing. A security guard at the Sci Ctr waved, we called out hellos.

The afternoon lockman just gone on duty, a wave. Roy done fishing. We walked over to the west side and remounted. We stayed on Harcourt House property through the underpass then bearing north to follow the tracks into Lower Radley. We detoured around the housing clustered near the track to continue northward to the Industrial Estate.

Samuel waved from his office door. Tab came out of Lotte's coffee shop... fist bump.

"We're fully booked until the end of autumn."

I cheered her on.

Gil got a text as we dismounted to cross the river.

"The Gulfstream has departed Inverness."

Okay. Family on the way. Graeme would meet us in Southwold tomorrow, he was driving up from Merville Barracks in Colchester.

I knocked on Mr. Hardy's door. He was doing well, sending me pages every week. Montaigan had laughed during our brief trip about the `pages.'

"He is writing a great deal, all of it good. He is a marvel finding sources!"

I had agreed. A lot of detail and notes. Mr. Hardy was doing something I liked with notes. He was putting the text from a footnote at the bottom of the page and the detail about the source in endnotes with the same number. So you got the info right away and the source if you wanted to flip the pages.

I had over two hundred and eighty pages!

Mr. Hardy smiling, "I'll be sending you more tomorrow."

A hug. He gave me a leg up. I waved as we walked towards the south end of Sandford. At the grass Rebel wanted to run so... OFF!

I didn't just let him run... I asked him for more. Oh Yes! We were indeed flying! Rebel poured it on for me. My hat was blown onto my back... I didn't bother with it.

This was so delicious! The air flowing by... the movement of Rebel's muscles against mine... his breathing... rhythmical, deep! I finally slowed us as we crossed the property line. What a thrill!! One of the best rides with Rebel!

I rubbed his neck... I looked back, my companions hadn't crossed the property border. Freddie was waving... two thumbs up!

My folks caught up we walked some then up to the Stables. I told Pat that Rebel had run one of the fastest trips ever...

"Don't worry Miss, I'll walk him good."

I thanked Pat.

Inside Carter2 let me know Cho was in the Office and wished to see me. Fist bump!

`Fay, we've closed on the Seattle SODO block.' Great!

"Kevin's report on the soil with his engineering data is all in the proposal now so we can send it to the Seattle Transportation chief."

A kiss!

He got me to sit down, "The `rumour' has been delivered by Narong's fellow in Kuala Lumpur! When it appears in the newspaper it will part of a larger story on the border happenings as an unattributed statement. Arturo and Yoshi will be on their way so we need to make sure they hear."

Yea! Something might be built on this. One way to get the insurgents to move will be to undermine their `sanctuary' in Malaysia.

I went into the the Library to call Dad.

"That is good to hear. I have a bit of news for you. The generals in command in the south have asked for a strategy meeting. They are to meet with the Army chiefs at a base in the mountains east of Na Yong the day after tomorrow.

I spoke to the senior southern commander last evening. He told me about the meeting which was to be secret. He has come around to the `level playing field' idea. Too many soldiers killed and wounded to no purpose is quite the medicine for a change of mind.

He plans to tell the top brass that and no matter what our forces aren't going to bring a `victory' home."

"And they're going to do what? Just admit what he says is true?"

Dad gave me that chuckle, "No, they will argue. Getting to meet with the object of reviewing the actions in the south as the sole item on the agenda is a start. They are flying down knowing that..."

"Can we do anything to help? What about telling them what we are doing? Maybe getting Yoshi to go there?"

"It is appealing to send Yoshi but I do not think it a good idea. It would be better for them to hear it from a source that is not seen as an outsider."

`Dad, have you told your top man down there? What if you told the army commander in the south?"

"I told my senior commander there is a group from the outside working on the insurgents, urging them to consider talking and giving in on some of their demands to move the process. I said nothing about the Bangkok end.

Telling General A-Wut is a big step. He is strictly Army. He may feel he should disclose the information to his colleagues... it would be a natural thing for him to do so."

"Could you approach him with the idea that the action is at a sensitive point?"

"Of course but I cannot command his silence. There is a risk. He is a decent fellow, a good officer and he cares about his men... " Dad paused, "... do we risk it Daughter?"

I sent a text to Cho to join me. I gave him a précis of our talk... A hand on mine, eyes on mine...

"Keren I think it needs to be risked... " I squeezed his hand, "... We are aware of the danger but if no specifics are given..."

Dad was Okay with it. "I will call A-Wut right now. So how do you want me to categorize your part?"

Cho nudged me, "Dad, tell A-Wut it is us working through intermediaries. Say our people are willingly going to visit the insurgents on both sides of the border so there's danger all around."

"Daughter, A-Wut will get it. So do not tell him how they are working?"

"Not yet! We will have to do it at some point. What about asking him for a sign? Subtle, something he can do without threat to his force but that the insurgents will see?"

"I will suggest he stop doing some offensive actions in an area that has been active. I will tell him my people will watch the area carefully to see what occurs. He's very aware we have the best intelligence operation. He wouldn't be exposing much."

We rang off with love back and forth. They were all well in Bangkok.

Cho holding, "Now you call Yoshi and Arturo."

A kiss!

I dialed Yoshi. He was Okay with it...

"If the commander in the south knows will he slow down the Army's activities? They're out in the open so backing away even a bit will be obvious."

"Dad will suggest... it is all he can do."

Arturo was Okay with it.

"No specifics... means they won't know much so it isn't a significant danger. Just another bit to take note of. If A-Wut decides to play along it would be huge for us to know where he intends to `go slow' so we can point it out to the insurgents that we know and the process has legs."

"I'll pass that on!"

I called Dad back. He said it was a fair point and he would add it to his suggestion to A-Wut. The implication was a terrific selling point. It would not endanger A-Wut's people.

I entered the Office to a Cho with open arms. I got kissed and held close in a warm lap.

"Do you know A-Wut?"

"Nothing more than a meeting one time at some get together with Keren years ago."

"You have a different profile now."

"True... I am married to a powerful... " that was far as he got... the kiss was enjoyable for us both.

We laughed. Cho tickled me a bit, "A-Wut may turn out to be a pivotal figure. The Bangkok general staff put him there because they thought he would prosecute the war..."

I squeezed him, "Well... who would want to watch his men be hurt and do nothing? Especially if they had been doing the same things for years and getting nowhere."

Cho's `that's it!' was clear.

We headed outside for some Twins time before our Scots' aircraft arrived.

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Next: Chapter 64

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