Jian: Cast of Characers

By A becker

Published on May 9, 2020



The Twins were in the Great Room with Cho after their breakfast. The new plush toys right there! We had some fun as they both did much more walking... a few failures but no OW's. Lots of giggles! They could both now mostly stand without holding on but sometimes they needed an object to stand up. Charlie surprised us both by walking a short distance to Cho then he turned to walk to me holding `Blue' out for me.

Chani was up following her brother! They were getting it! It was so fast!

Sitting on the carpet, Charlie standing six feet away... a huge smile then his arms opened...

"Mama," he stepped to me! Oh my BOY!!

Chani did a short walk to Dada' Cho scooped her up for a flight' around the room. Charlie smiling, watching his sister laughing zooming about. As Cho came back to us Charlie opened those little arms... he was so cute standing there waiting. I took Chani and with a loud laugh Charlie was in flight with Dada!

Tha almost in tears as Chani walked to her. Chani stopped in front of her, a shy smile... `Tha' which got the tears to flow. I had Charlie again and Cho gave Tha a Cho-Fay handkerchief. Tha wiped her eyes holding Chani.

Charlie in my lap pointed to his nurse... `Tha,' keeping alive the whole sharing thing they had going.

Chani and Charlie went up to the Nursery for a bath. Cho carried one as Gil needed me for something.

"Fay, the Seattle City Council voted to give the final Okay for The Company's contract to manage the traffic city-wide. The contract was accepted as of the last version from the other day's revisions."

Fist bump.


I called Eric right away! He patched in Reg, I added Antoine. It was an expected decision; there had been no opposition only questions about parts of the contracts. We had already begun to prepare.

Okay so now we had to get the team fully ready to go! Reg was getting all the hardware and Eowyn was going to head the team going to Seattle.

She and Antoine would work together. We were putting her and the team managers in the Queen Anne house near Kay and Greg's place and the rest in a new apartment building we had purchased.

It was on Lower Queen Anne, all brick exterior, three floors, common spaces on the ground floor, thirty six apartments split between one and two bedroom units. No elevators, three floor walkups. A two large laundry rooms and some storage in the basement along with rooms for our Security. HVAC on the roof, some room for solar panels. Three and half blocks to a major Metro bus interchange. It was eighty percent occupied because the previous owner held back on letting to any new tenants.

We were adding high speed internet to every unit and our Security people doing their usual things. The current tenants would get a full briefing and learn what adjustments we were making.

Our team would be working for several years, so having vacations, etc... would have to be worked out with more people being rotated in to keep up to speed on the project. Andrea's folks were on it. To help them we bought an employment company in Seattle which had a focus on technology jobs of various types, they had connections in Oregon, Idaho, Montana, Utah, California and Vancouver, B.C. Andrea was going over to visit them with us.

In anticipation, we also bought two other companies in Seattle. CableTeam, a Seattle installer company, to do the wiring. The company did all sorts of cable installs from co-axial to copper to fiber.

They had nearly three thousand employees and two large warehouse depots in the city. They would need to add people.

Wayne, the general manager of CableTeam, wanted to stay on when the sale was being done. He told Francis he was the day to day boss but company direction, etc... hadn't been his job.

He had suggested when Francis finalized that deal we look at another smaller company and merge them for a fast pick up of trained staff.

WiringSpecialities was about one third the size of CableTeam with one large facility in the SODO area of the city not far from one of CableTeam's locations. They had a similar suite of skills. Their owner, Ralston or Ralls as he was known, agreed to stay with us on salary for the length of the system buildout.

Francis had made a trip there to complete the deals. Wayne and Ralls hadn't known we were involved since a corporation had done the buying. Francis took them to dinner together to explain what we were going to do.

He gave them quite the surprise; both had expressed delight in the project and being owned by us! He also told them that Cho and I would be in town to meet them and have a gathering of all the employees. We were working on hiring part of the convention building that was near the football stadium.

Cho and I did a Conference App call to Wayne and Ralls that Nicolas' folk's setup for them. They got that existing contracts would honored but no new ones taken unless they could fit around the `BIG Project.' They laughed at my words and finger gestures!

We knew once the full install was done maintenance of the infrastructure wouldn't require as many staff and possibly not all would be taken up by other work. We dropped hints to them that we anticipated doing other cities traffic work so moving people around would happen. All the `ins and outs' for that were down the line but they needed to know.

They would see us in a week or so.

Eric would work out contacts with the new Seattle companies for the different layers of activity. He and Reg would go to Seattle to meet the new people. Andrea, Eric and Reg on a Cho-Fay Air flight direct to Boeing Field.

We had a few more days of riding and baby fun.

I walked from the Nursery to the Great Room I put Chani down. She stood with a smile then Carter came to the doorway... she lifted her arms "Car!"

I thought the fellow would melt down right there! He picked her up as she walked up to him, big grins.

"Miss Chani you are so cute!"

Beside them my heart was full of love for my girl as she began to conquer hearts! Carter loved being Car' it was perfect as far as he felt. Chani kissed his cheek!! Car' had wet eyes at that! I took Chani, he wiped his eyes.

"Miss Martin, it is an honor to be a word she knows."

Fist bump! Chani watched us then stuck out her fist to `Car', sideways but it didn't matter. Car' bumped! Chani went into giggles.

Today we were all going for an overnight in Fortrose. Aunt Dee and Uncle Craig had bought some basic food things, adding fresh bread, eggs and other bits for breakfast. A DeLonghi was in place with lots of espresso beans. Cutlery, dishes, glasses, napkins, cooking things of every type. Linens, bath bits, a supply of the correct size of disposable diapers and a tightly sealed container!

The two ladies were in the cottage already working, one cooking and cleaning, the other the garden. Security was in the apartment above the garage, all set. The grounds covered by our usual array of defenses, more sensors in the mix. Signage was up and the local police knew who owned the house. They had been invited to see what we used to monitor the property.

We would go to the Fortrose café for lunch. The first meal out for the Twins. Aunt Dee had checked they had two highchairs which they promised for us.

Then we'd shop for dinner at home.

Two AW139's were on the lawn, next stop the grassy level area on the MacQuarrie House property. It was a two hour flight so we let the Twins get up. The cabin wasn't huge, they could move around a bit but only briefly.

Tha had a book about insects with the most gorgeous pictures. She sat with Charlie on one side and Chani on her other. Everybody strapped in. They each got some juice and looked at the pictures. Gil and I did some work; Cho had a small pile of reports of his own. `Banks' was what he said.

We bisected almost the whole of the United Kingdom south to north. At nine thousand feet we had some great views. I was just after eleven we were descending east of Inverness, crossing the Moray Firth. We swung around to the east of the golf club peninsula crossing the beach to land softly on the grass.

The Twins, Cho and I went first the front door, Izzy and Gilroy there to welcome us. We went into the kitchen and got the Twins out on their feet. Izzy knelt down to talk to them. She was `Iz' right away. They charmed her! Everyone around for the introductions.

Gilroy was happy to meet our Team, PJ, Rande, Ansara, Penny and Tara. It looked like some mild hero worship.

We sorted ourselves out for rooms and got prepared to walk over to Aunt Dee's. Uncle Craig was to come home early to have lunch with us and play golf with Cho.

The big wheeled pram was ready, the Twins sitting up looking all around. We rolled down to Ness Road then west to Deans Road, a short leg to Castle Street.

Aunt Dee at their front gate with her neighbor Jan. We said Hi! The Twins were admired. Charlie stuck out his hand; he'd seen a lot of that during the introductions at the house. Jan shook his hand, Chani not shy shook with Jan too.

You could see Jan loved it. In answer to her question, their first birthday was three days ago surprised her.

We made the one block walk to the café. Inside the owner had setup the left side for us again, the highchairs beside one table.

Coffee!!! We got some scrambled eggs and soft muffins for the Twins. I went with a cup of cream of roasted vegetable soup, smoked salmon and a cheese omelet, muffins also. Everybody had fun choosing from their excellent menu!

We got out the Twins Hermes mugs and Tha had their favourite juices. They sat in the highchairs quite happy to be the center of attention.

The owner and the servers made over them. Dee and Craig congratulated for the great-niece and nephew.

We had a wonderful meal. The Twins were good as gold, enjoying their food. Tha explained about no `Nana' Charlie looked disappointed. I kissed his cheek.

"Charlie we will get `Nanas' for home not everyone has them."

Our server overheard me and motioned to me.

She said they had bananas. She brought one out divided in half to Charlie's Yea! He and Chani got their `Nana' on schedule. I made sure Gil left a big gratuity for her.

We stopped at the Co-Op Grocery in the next block for various things like bananas then to the fishmongers close by. I was going to do the fish so I bought a lot of perch. They filleted them for me! We had enough for our whole group plus Dee and Craig.

At the house the golfers went off, Rande smiling as he pretended to have to drag Ansara. She was laughing about it. Ansara had plenty of golf experience by now. She'd told me once it was a pleasant way to spend some time.

The Twins got in a nap while I explored the house furnishings with Aunt Dee. She had done a spectacular job. The walls were great, the colours I wanted were just right! The furniture I picked out was comfortable and looked damned good in place!

The paintings were scenes of Scotland, mostly the Highlands around Inverness, Moray Firth and the area. They were a mix of older and newer artists a dealer in Inverness acquired for us. I asked they try to get similar scenes from different time periods to be beside each other. They managed eight pairs.

Over the mantel was a large painting of Fortrose from the late 19th Century looking from the Firth inland. It had a wonderful light in it.

It was sunny and warm so the Twins went out into the garden after their nap. Walking on grass took some more work but they got it! Charlie in navy shorts and a sea blue jumper, a colour that was awesome on his dad did the same for him! Chani in a navy skirt and a pale yellow jumper.

They were cute romping on the grass, investigating the shrubs and flowers. Tha stayed with them so their enthusiasm didn't wreck anything. Chani very cute with her nose in a flower then turned towards me, "Sweet... Mama."

I knelt beside her to sniff, "Yes it is very nice isn't?"

She nodded; I told her the flowers don't smell the same. We tried a half dozen lovely smells.

We had gathered on the terrace when the golfers returned. Gil cued up a video on her iPad Charles did on the Triple Crown Races for Dee and Craig. They adored seeing our two beauties go to it side by side. The brother and sister roaring along leaving the rest in their wake. Then to watch SakChai pull away in the stretch each time to edge out his sister... Smiles.

"Fay... "A bit of concern in her voice, "... are they all friends after this?"

"Yes, there's the disappointment of losing but Hansa ran such great races... no shame for her! SakChai is just that little bit better. The jockeys are competitive but we are close. It was awesome for Marnie to break through to be the first woman rider to win the Triple Crown. If we get her a good mount for next year or any other she'll do it again."

I smiled over to Cho who said, "SakChai will have a problem in the last race of the year. It's the Breeder's Cup at Del Mar; he'll be in against his older brother Glaa! The distance is a mile and quarter which Glaa loves. He owns all the records now. Each time this year he's run that distance he has set a new lower mark."

Uncle Craig's grin, "I guess I'll put money on his nose."


Gil had Glaa's race at the Belmont in the Manhattan Handicap on her iPad. Uncle Craig punched it. He watched it intently when Glaa finished... a fist pump!

"Fay Cho what happens now that Glaa has won so many races?"

Cho grinning, "He'll race a few more times then make babies... for years! Unlike some he won't be doing many times a day. I think that wastes a stallion. So often mares are brought to a stud if their owner can pay rather can a foal contribute to building strong horse gene lines.

Glaa's sire Asda in six years at stud has covered just over a hundred mares; in demand stallions do that easily in a year. Asda will be the `sire of the year' easily; he'll probably will be several years running until Glaa's babies go out on the track."

I added, "Secretariat retired to stud at the end of his third year. Of course the financial arrangements caused that. He stood at stud for more than a dozen years... I winked at Aunt Dee, "... he had over six hundred babies."

We laughed.

The Twins were doing a game with Tha so I walked outside to look at the kitchen garden. Moire's head was in the thyme... She leaned back with a smile when I said that. We talked about the entire property and the the herb plot.

She got my authorization to buy a medium sized device to dry herbs and flowers from the garden. We could have nice flower displays year `round and spices for the kitchen. I liked it. We strolled the grounds with Moire pointing out each plant that was there or would be put in.

She knew her stuff, easy to talk with. I thanked her for the tour.

Inside Freya and I worked on dinner with Aunt Dee and Gil helping. We got the fish breaded and spiced with several garden herbs, pans oiled. The potatoes peeled and ready to parboil. Broccoli cut with the carrots. In a roasting pan with olive oil and thyme, Rosemary and pepper. They'd awaited the potatoes.

Gil sliced the bread and got it ready for the oven. Aunt Dee said she had it easy, slicing the lemon meringue pies she made for us. I aimed her to Tha we was working on things for the Twins.

They were outside again with dad and great-uncle. I heard some yelling... a loud `Unc' I looked over to Dee she was laughing! A hug!

Our five Protection Team folks were relaxing on lounges outside; I'd chased them out to much laughing. Freya smiling when I came back, "I bet that isn't possible when you aren't indoors at trusted place."

I shook my head NO.

Dinner was great even if I had a big part in it. The breaded perch with the Parmesan and Romano cheese melted on top was terrific! The baked veggies with more cheese and hot bread!! The butter was local, delicious!

Aunt Dee's lemon meringue pies were so good!! The Twins got some too. The highchairs we got were perfect. I cut a banana; Charlie's face was a big smile, `Mama Nana!' He let us all know VERY clearly how he felt about it!

It got chilly so we lit the first fire. A pleasant evening talking about many things and having fun with the babies wandering around. At the appointed hour Unc' and Dee' carried them upstairs to Tha. Diapers checked, sleep clothing and lots of kisses and hugs! Raggedy Anne and "Blu' with them, sleepy time.

Cho and Craig had walked to the off-license for Amaretto and a bottle of Val d'Auge Calvados! We sipped, enjoyed the fire and Dee and Craig got our itinerary for the next few months... more or less. Lots of horse races then Sunny's Winterset Trails then they'd be with us in Southwold. Sun and sand! And golf!

Speaking of golf...Cho grinned at me when I brought it up. He had a decent day, a 62! Decent! Uncle Craig's friends had been dumbfounded by Cho's play. They had heard about his two other rounds at the course but seeing him hit shots was quite different. `Unc' shot a 76 which he was very happy with. They were going out in the morning to another club.

The Tain Golf Club in Tain was across Cromarty Firth and the peninsula beyond. They'll have one of the helicopters hop over from Inverness Airport then fly over. The folks in Tain had a spot northwest of the club house they could land. Okay.

My plans were easy, time with the Twins, work, time with the Twins and Dee, work, do a walk-about in town with the Twins. We'd all fly home in the late afternoon.

Tessa and I went out early to walk; we followed the path to the golf club then onto the beach. Bundled up, a good wind and chill. We went east towards Chanonry Point to circumnavigate the golf course. The view from the point was lovely, sunlight hitting the light stone of Fort George across the firth. A long look down the firth towards the hazy direction of Inverness. We stayed on the beach all the way around to St. Andres's Walk then into town towards Aunt Dee's house.

She offered tea but we wanted FOOD. A big laugh! She'd come over for lunch.

"Craig will be along to yours in a bit." A hug! And I reminded her we were OUT' of shortbread at Harcourt House! Laughing she threw her arms up with a we can't have that!'

Freya did great omelets, fruit, lots of toast and blackberry preserves from a local family. The Twins got scrambled eggs, soft toast and `Nana!'

Cho and Craig were kissed before they hopped aboard the AW139 with Rande and Ansara. Up and away! Charlie beside me with his arm up waving. Cutie!

Funny to walk back inside behind my son! Cute little trainers on, shorts and a jumper. They both wanted more fun in the sun! Tha smiling as they headed to the garden. Moire was digging so they had to help. Tha right with them a smile on her face.

Gil and I sat at the kitchen table with a few bits. I did email and made a few calls.

I read the proposal for the tunnel in Seattle; it was nearly ready to be finalized. We lacked bit of the engineering but we had soil samples from drilling along a generalized path. There wasn't going to be a lot of rock, loose alluvial soil that made up the area wouldn't be hard to drill through. Damn! I sounded I knew what I was talking about. Reg roared with laughter when I said that on our call.

We had an option to buy four buildings making up an entire city block in the SODO neighborhood in Seattle. They were all owned by one property company, warehouses and a garage. We were planning for the exit of the tunnel to come up there. Some road changes by the city would be needed but they shouldn't be much trouble, a couple of `one way' streets were we needed.

Kevin had everything we had collected and was going over it. So far he was very positive, the soil and other bits underground didn't present any major issue. He was going to Stockholm to visit a company that made the sort of boring tools we were considering.

He had been surprised when Penn called him with the info on the Cho-Fay Air Gulfstream that would be at Santa Monica Airfield. He would go non-stop to Bromma Airport which was close to Kristinberg part of the city where he would have his meeting. Car service would be waiting.

"Fay, that is a terrific perk!"

"Well... that's why we have them, move people as fast as possible. If there is another company to visit where face to face talk is best then call Penn. She'll get it laid on. The return trip... we'll be in Seattle they'll route the aircraft to our Boeing Field facility there and a car will be waiting."

Many thanks!

Aunt Dee joined us for food. Freya had soup and sandwiches prepared. Mushrooms in the soup from a plot at the back of the garden, a dark earth corner of no sun partly under the big hedge! Tha did the Twins soup in the blender so it was smooth. Chani grinning as she chewed some cheese. Charlie waving his bread as Tha worked with him not to do it. He does have a `thing' about waving food.

More garden time for everyone waiting for the men. The helicopter dropped them to a big reception out front.

Kids and ladies waving. Cho came across the grass to kneel between the Twins, hugging them at the same time. The hugged and kissed `Dada' a lot! I got some too from Dada.

Some sun on the terrace before both helicopters were back. Goodbyes to Unc' and Dee' with hugs. The AW139's lifted up to turn east then south gaining altitude. A nice easy flight home to Chalgrove. It was well lit and safer for a night landing. Prasert and Tom to carry us to the house.

The last day in England for a bit so I had a short trip planned. Two AW139's on the lawn at ten o'clock. Cho and the Twins with me, Gil and our protectors. I asked all the Protection Team to come.

A picnic lunch in the open air on a grassy hill with lots of sunshine. It was a very short flight, ten minutes and we were on the grass. Gil had arranged our landing spot with a local farmer. His sheep were often here but not today. We unloaded and walked to a gate, through going west to stop at the top of the slope down.

I got everyone to unload and step closer around me. Cho holding Charlie's hand, Chani with me.

"This is a national treasure! It dates from around 1,000 years B.C.E. in the Bronze Age period. It looks like a running horse but no one really knows, we have educated guesses. It is beautiful no matter what it is. It is usually called the Uffington White Horse."

I held up my iPad with an aerial shot so they could see the whole thing. I gave them a history of the hill and the surrounding other pieces which made this place special.

We walked around the horse, told Charlie it was a big `Ga' which got me a smile.

We carried the Twins up the hill to the Iron Age `fort' named Uffington castle. A classic basic fort where you dig the defensive ditch around throwing up the dirt to make the walls. It was worn down by the centuries and covered with grass now, lovely views all around the Vale of White Horse.

I had Chani in my arms pointing across the Vale, puffy white clouds in the blue sky floating away gently. It was a gorgeous day!

Cho and I holding hands walked down the slope to Dragon Hill. I told him the St. George story. He laughed about the bare spot being permanently clear because of the dragon's blood was split there. A smile on that face. I kissed my man on that small odd hill.

We sat on the south slope across from the `Horse' for our picnic. There was a small breeze which the hill blocked. Hot mushroom soup and bread. Cut fruit and cheeses. Tea from thermoses and bottled water.

The Twins beside us, Tha had their soup run though a blender so they could use a sippy cup. She was smiling over the edge of her soup mug. Plates for the Twins food all prepared. So good!

Our Protectors all enjoying this little outing in the English countryside mugs of tea and soup in hand. Looking at what is one of this country's very best views north over the Vale!

I gave everyone more history of this area, the story of the Ridgeway path beyond the castle and Wayland's Smithy down the hill to the west just off the Ridgeway. The Smithy was older than the White Horse; it is a Neolithic burial mound in a grove of beautiful trees.

I had been there on a summer's day ten years ago; the light was marvelous, a light breeze moving the trees branches. I had some amazing snaps. I think they were in Froyle... need to dig them out for the Twins and Cho.

This was a fine few hours! A sunlit lunch, more wandering in the grass before heading home.

The farmer who let us land came up to meet. Cho said we were very grateful for his kindness. He was a nice fellow and told us to call when we might want to return, he'd be happy to move the sheep if they were up here.

Handshakes and our thanks. He moved off to a safe distance as we took off. The Twins sitting in their carriers strapped to the seats smiling away. I told them we'd come back on another day later in the year. Clapping!

One more morning ride with Roland before we packed up and drove to Chalgrove. Ban and Yobi smiling as we climbed up. The Twins walked to their carriers and were strapped into seats with us in the cabin. Jaidee in his seat. They loved being out with us all and called out `Jabee' to him.

The 767 rushed down the tarmac, we got a loud `Yea' from our son when we went airborne. In level flight the Twins were released they were playing with Jaidee right off. Charlie rolled a tennis ball down the cabin carpet laughing as Jaidee pounced on it.

It was a `Wa' when our Choco Boy brought it back for more! They had fun for a while then Tha had their food, Yobi for us. Highchairs and some fruit, little broccoli pieces, bread, fish and milk. They were good.

Cho and I did a book on fishes then a nap for them. Jaidee on a couch beside Gil, her fingers working his back as she read something. Cho and I at the table spreading out our work piles. Coffee and snacks from Yobi. A long afternoon of work.

I stood to stretch, Cho drew me into his lap, kissing!! Tha had the Twins doing puzzles and learning games, blocks with letters and numbers.

Ban and Yobi did dinner as we droned into the darkening skies. Finally Mira let us know we had an hour to Santa Monica. We did our clean up and were belted in for the approach. The runways lights then the soft landing and g-force from the breaking.

Leslie smiling at the bottom of the stairs. Handshakes! We motored to Venice. The Twins in their carriers were half asleep going up the lift. Dolores' beaming face! She helped Tha get the Twins settled. We had some drinks then sleep!

Jaidee on his lead digging in the Venice Beach sand. The morning sun making his coat shine! An older fellow sitting twenty yards away was laughing and pretending to cover up from the flying sand! Ro brought along a small shovel to repair the beach afterwards.

"Your dog is a real digger!"

`Yes! He's been on a plane so he's letting off some energy."

A thumbs up from the man.

Inside the smell of French toast!!!! Everyone clustered in the kitchen. It was the first time for the Twins. Warm toasted bread in butter and sweet syrup! Tha cut it into tiny squares for them. No problem! I watched their faces as they got the first taste... it was a hit!! A major `Yea!' according to Charlie! They got their vegan bacon too!

I could see we'd have many happy breakfasts to come! Cho leaning over to kiss me... tasting of maple syrup!

A slow moving morning before a trip to Santa Anita to watch Rando. We hadn't seen him since the Arkansas Derby. He won the Gold Cup right here then had a lay-off.

A warm day, navy short sleeved frock, a bit above mid-thigh with navy thigh-highs, shoes belt and bag. The yellow straw Equestrian hat and navy ribbon. Gold bits, red nails and lips `Joy' and a smile!

Cho in navy and a Harcourt Racing tie!

We landed on the helicopter grid that our company had fixed up from the space the track allocated. It was simple, all we needed. Carts for a ride to the stables.

Rando a happy boy, so beautiful, shiny black.

Maylene smiling, "He's happy and ready to go!"

James said Monaco was still in New York. Sasithorn was here now, she'd race here and Del Mar the rest of the season. She was glossy black like Rando.

We visited her, she was chewing the peppermint I gave her. A nicker!

We walked to the Grandstand. I was behind my blue reflective round shades so people watching us didn't matter to me. Cho was awesome looking in his suit behind his Ruthenium Panthos sunglasses! He laughed when I whispered that to him.

In our box, a warm sun but I wanted coffee. Tessa and I went to the food area, Gil beside me smiling. Tara came too. We got drinks for everybody.

Sipping my latte watching a race go off... Julianne and John! Hugs and kisses. They were great, Ronnie loving being at Harcourt House was coming home next week for a bit. They had had a place in an earlier race and another runner in the race before the San Carlos Stakes which was Rando's.

We watched Alybesha walk out in the post parade. He looked terrific. The horses loaded fine and they were off. It was interesting to care who won but it wasn't one of ours. I cheered Alybesha on as he won by four lengths. A very nice G2 win for John Glass Racing! Congratulations for the Glass' group as they passed to go to the Winner's Circle.

Now it was Rando's turn. He walked onto the dirt looking like a million bucks! Emanuel on top. He was having a great season here. He'd ridden fifteen winners for us and other trainers. He was back to excellent form like before he broke his collar bone.

They loaded over in the chute for the seven furlong race. Clang... Rando came out cleanly and right to the front. The other seven were chasing him down the back straight. The sun on his dark skin and our silks looked splendid!

As they reached the turn Rando had four lengths and closed to the rail. Around the turn he extended his advantage to enter the stretch with six lengths clear. Down the straight he powered on with no slack for his pursuers to gain from. At the eighth pole he added two more lengths and roared over the finish! 1:19.90!! A new stakes record time.

Rando was such a powerhouse boy! We had our celebration. The Glass' stood up to cheer us! Going down to the Winner's Circle between Cho and James! I watched them get the bling with Emanuel! Smiles all around.

The track folks liked us! Our Security managing the complex was working out fine for them! As one fellow said `they never felt more secure.'

We walked to the barn. A bit more time for Sasithorn, pretty girl. Our horses and crew were happy campers here.

Felipe was smiling. He said we had no issues around the track or in the barns.

We said our goodbyes for now.

In Venice we changed to shorts and me a crop top. We took the Twins for their first beach visit. Jaidee with Cho, I put Charlie down on his feet... a huge grin. He squeezed his toes in the sand. We walked beside Chani and Tha to the water's edge... toes in the surf!

Jaidee next to us... he licked Chani's hand. She stroked his head as the very ends of the waves came up onto our feet. We did some minor splashing. I sat at the edge of the water with Charlie, he tossed some sand into the water... Jaidee went to look for it which got a `Ha!' from our son.

Chani was doing some digging. Tha went to the bag for their floppy hats and wayfarers. Tiny shovels. Damn they were cute sitting in the sand like that digging.

We didn't overdo the sun. I carried Charlie, Cho had Chani, we walked to the building. We let them stand in the lift holding hands. Their first time in a lift on their own!! It was a `Yea and a Wa!'

Tha took them to the Nursery for baths.

We sat for drinks and an email catch up. I had a bunch! Things for News UK and The Company. Cho was working on something with the Investment Bank for later in the week when we got to New York.

The Twins came all clean and cute in shorts and T-shirts. Trainers on their feet. Tha in the middle with a tiny hand in each of hers. Smiles! I got down on one knee they walked to me. Hugs and kisses. Cho got them from behind and lifted them up. Giggles. He sat on a sofa with the Twins on each side. Laughing!

Dinner was soon, Cho asked if he was hungry, Charlie agreed with a `OK.' New words. Cho ruffled his hair.

Dolores fed us well but the end was unusual... a dish of vanilla ice cream for the Twins! No `Nana!'

They loved it! They got multi-coloured sprinkles too! A big hit and a major `Yea good!' from Charlie!

We were all up early for a flight to Seattle. The 737 was great for the Twins! They loved rolling around on the soft carpet with Jaidee who delivered several big licks to the side of Chani's head. She was giggling and waving her arms trying to block him but Jaidee was too quick. Charlie put his arms around Jaidee's neck, a hug and a kiss on his head. No licking.

At Boeing Field we had a bunch of folks greeting us. Once down the stairs the the Twins were on their feet hand holding hands with Tha. The helicopter people all saying hi. Lots smiles by our little ones.

They walked into the Magnolia house to hugs by Martha. She saying how wonderful they were on their own. She added that the cabinets in the kitchen all had been child proofed! Fist bump.

Lunch was grilled cheese sandwiches and chips. Tha and I cut the sandwiches into bite size chunks. Martha was waving a banana!

Charlie grinned waving back, "Me nana!"

Okay! He's definitely getting the idea of putting words together!

Chani followed with a loud `Me OK' what she meant was clear!

Cho's face in a big smile! Kiss!

The sun was out, there was chill off the water so the Twins went out in jumpers and knit hats. We had fun on the lawn with Jaidee. Tennis balls and a twisted rope toy.

The kids went up for a nap, Gil and I to work in the Dining Room... close to the coffee!

We all greeted our dinner guests! The Twins on their feet was a wow! Pam, Abbey and Ken, Tricia and Jud, Allen and Annette loved being welcomed by us four! Hugs and kisses!

We did drinks and puppy playing outside. When the breeze picked up we moved our thing into the living room. I had Abbey in my arms on a settee, Chani joined me. She knelt looking at Abbey whose eyes were following Chani's moves.

"Babee Mama!"

I said `Abbey' Chani gave me a look then touched Abbey's arm, "Abee"

Okay! Fist bump which sent Chani into giggles. She bounced next to us. Pam sat behind Chani, our girl pointed... "Abee!"

Pam's face was a big smile, "Yes! Abbey."

Pam used one of the big chairs in the office to nurse Abbey. I brought her a club soda.

"We had some bumps in nursing in the beginning since then she been so good. Ken has a terrific way with her when he gives her a bottle."

We had a nice grilled halibut dinner. Lots of talk about boats, babies and Pam with me on horses. When her doctor said it was Okay she was going to ride in the park. She's be on our `preferred list' so there'd be no charge, Abbey and her nurse could stay in the manager's house to wait.

Andy was only going to be there for another month or two after the honeymoon. Then Dean would move in.

After all was over, in bed with Cho I finally pulled out the ICON Magazine to read the article. Cho pulled me close, we shared. Hilde wrote well, clearly she liked me! `Who wouldn't' from the guy beside me.

What I had to say was accurately written and in context! Hilde got what we are about and placed us in the front rank of people of importance doing positive things. Our charity, working to lower our carbon footprint, the way we run our businesses in regard to both our clients and our employees, demanding honest reporting from our news media.

How we had taken positions in the public sphere through media companies and how we had made changes to make those companies fairer in reporting and for the employees. She pointed out Fox News was now the most trusted name in news reporting across America and much of the world.

There was more, we read to the end. Hilde said it was rare for one or two people to have the impact we have had and it was something special and terrific to see. AND we were going forward so lookout for more!

I had warm lips on my neck, "See I was right to marry you. You're gonna make me famous, hunny!"

We laughed and kissed.

After a lovely romping ride around Discovery Park we dressed for an informal set of meetings.

Black skinny jeans, black cutoff T-shirt with a red and black small check cotton short-sleeve shirt over it, black Doc Martens half boots, silver bits and `Joy' Red lips and nails... RED!!!

Cho was in black too. Tight jeans and a soft cotton black shirt with small white polka-dots I got him on Rodeo Drive. Black Florsheim Toe Boots.

The Cho-Fay Air flight from Chalgrove was on the ground and our colleagues were in a car leaving Boeing Field!

We had Tilda find us an office building in a quiet area; she and Francis had completed the purchase two months ago. It was the building where our Seattle lawyers had their offices on Lower Queen Anne.

The tenants were moving out, more than dozen of them. Our lawyers would stay and move to an office that was larger. Our Security would move from the Annex building beside Greg's Conference App subsidiary that would open it up for expansion by his folks.

We would have offices for the Traffic Project and the SODO tunnel if it flies in there!

Tilda's real estate firm would move in too. They were now part of our group of companies and managing all the housing properties.

We were taking a top floor suite away from the street. It had a large private balcony where we could setup tables and work outside. All the exterior walls were floor to ceiling glass giving a wonderful panoramic view of Elliot Bay and the Olympic Mountains beyond.

Secure parking underneath was plentiful. The foyer was a big square giving Security lots of room to use.

Two major pipes to the internet for the whole building.

Gil had the floor plans for our space and had ordered furniture for it. Reception, a big conference room with a very large networked TV on the end wall. A small kitchen with all the usual appliances and a break room. The DeLonghi installed with supplies!!

The big corner office Cho and I are sharing. Table desks with credenzas behind.

Comfy big chairs for an arrangement at the windows near the sliding doors!!

The car stopped in front. A nice arcing entrance which would cover you in the rainy season. A Security woman at the front, we greeted her. She was grinning saying it was great to meet the big bosses.

We laughed, I said `you see we're just folks.'

Her laugh was nice, "Well. You aren't ordinary!"

I squeezed her hand again before getting in the lift. Up to the Fourth Floor and around to the left. A big glass wall with heavy door that swung inward very easily.

A slender woman behind a desk stood up, she was a few inches shorter than me, the same build, her dark complexion was gorgeous with very little makeup, long slightly wavy hair, brown with gold highlights all through it to her shoulders.

Gil stepped up to introduce herself and us.

"Hi I'm Geraldine, Geri! It's a pleasure to meet you."

Cho and I shook her hand. A pleasant voice!

Geri said the furnishings had been placed the way Gil had specified. She hoped it was correct.

I said not to worry its only furniture. We walked around. The look was comfortable and functional. The exterior sides were offices. Gil had one, Francis and Ali would share. The computer room and other bits were the inside areas. The colours varied but were all warm with some vibrancy in the fabrics.

Coffee! We fired up the DeLonghi! Little white espresso cups!

With coffee in hand we sat with Geri to go over how we saw her and this office fitting into our scheme of things. She'd been hired by Gil long distance and Francis up close. We tried to give her some background and tell her about the other `PA's' in our orbit.

She would be stationary like Sanjara. Her remit was Seattle.

The multiple projects in the city would keep her busy. She would be in the mix for local public relations which was a strength of her CV and why Francis and Gil wanted to hire her. The Fox TV station, the clinic, the shelter, Greg's Conference App company, the boat yard, the riding stables, the cable install companies, the employment firm and more to come. But especially for the traffic project and the tunnel.

I stood up and turned around, "This is our office dress code... whatever makes you comfortable. I do suggest you keep an outfit here for possible `dress-up' occasions."

Geri got it! A grin!

First up today were our meetings with new people.

More `new' people arrived. Eric, Reg and Andrea! Hugs and kisses. We introduced Geri, she'd be working with Reg and Andrea a good deal.

Our car service fellow would take their bags to the Queen Anne house.

I gave them the nickel tour ending at the DeLonghi!! Re-up of coffee for me! They got some and we sat in our office. I was smiling at these guys.

Reg laughed, "So you got us here..."

"Chill, more folks are coming."

My iPhone gave off the SciFi tone, Hillary. I excused myself and ducked into another office.

"Fay, I just finished a meeting with the head of the NSA. You've been holding out on me!" A laugh!

I said it was a work in progress. We discussed what we wanted and that the NSA would get their new toy when our part was done. Hillary... I could hear the smile in her voice... said she was fine with the goal.

"Yevgeny has done us a great service. His knowledge of the FSB and the GRU has broadened our thinking about how to deal with them. Now this little tidbit... well... it's really another order of magnitude further."

"He was holding onto this `tidbit' as you called it. When we talked he got we were serious about protecting him so he played his card. What a whopper it is."

Hillary agreed, "The NSA is helping your folks in New York with the false documents. We must make sure Yevgeny reviews them for verisimilitude. As you thought it is probably the best way to protect him and his daughter. Burying them in some obscure place is the last choice and a poor one."

A few more things and family news. The fully mobile Twins were cheered. I mentioned Tha was getting a much bigger work out than before.

Hillary laughing, "Get her some running shoes because they could go two different directions at any time."

We laughed and said goodbye.

Geri said Kevin was on the ground at Boeing Field and getting into a car. The cable company's bosses were here now waiting in the conference room; the employment firm's boss was enroute.

Okay. I gave Cho a kiss and whispered it had been about Yevgeny.

We joined the cable guys in the conference room. Ralls and Wayne were in slacks and shirts, no ties! We had told them we would be casual so please...

We did the introductions to our London folks.

We talked about their companies, the staff, equipment and facilities. They had a briefing from Antione, a visits to the current location in Fremont and to the new location in SODO. It was fairly close to two of their buildings.

Stephan was coming to town in a few days for a detailed meeting about the sensor and camera devices. Neither man thought their folks would need very much training on cameras since they all had experience with many types. Our sensors would be new to them. Ours, as described, were much more sophisticated than anything they'd seen or installed.

I did say that our equipment wasn't collecting license plates numbers if anyone should ask. Their first response to that were blank faces then they got it. Our role wasn't to help police the city just monitor vehicles moving.

Violet arrived just before we stopped so they were all introduced. Her employment firm `TechSkills' would help the cabling companies hire more folks.

She came with me for coffee. A nice navy dress and accessories looked good on her curvy figure. Her blonde hair in a ponytail, minimal makeup gave her a fresh look.

Antione came in the door to a big hello. He was introduced around, got some coffee and a seat!

We stayed in the conference room, Cho in another office on his phone. I explained that we would need hiring for the traffic project and for other things. We hoped she would tap the Pacific Northwest market for tech people who would be interested in working in other parts of America and around the world.

Eric gave her a brief rundown on The Company's global activities. Violet said Andrea had given her some background during their conversations. I asked if she had ever hired for the security industry.

"Miss Martin we haven't but I'm sure we could do it, at least the basics to begin with."

"Our Security division is based in Bangkok but is all over the place now. We protect our properties and a growing client list. The standards are very high and deep background checks are required. Every candidate goes through multiple interviews before they get close to being hired."

I went on about it so she could get the full sense of how much depth of background each Security applicant went through and how many failed to qualify.

"Miss Martin, I'm sure we can do the job for you."

Handshake! More coffee! She met Geri and Gil officially. Geri being described as our fulcrum in Seattle got a laugh from everyone. Cho came for coffee. He was introduced. I saw Violet's eyes looking towards me when Cho went to the DeLonghi. I grinned, thumbs up! A giggle which I explained to Cho later to a laugh from him.

Cho tugged my sleeve. Okay. I excused myself.

In our office, door closed I got a hug and kiss.

"We own the New York Daily News!! Tribune sold it in it's entirely, printing plants too!"

A more hugs! Our first American newspaper! For now the sale will be kept under wraps until tomorrow. We'll go to the offices on the Battery in the morning. Okay!

Cho said we'll talk on the plane... he wanted them to move to the Fox Tower. Give them several of the floors vacated by the News Corp folks. Great idea!

Francis and Ali came in! Hugs and kisses for the newlyweds. Introductions all around! Coffee!

I told them I was glad they had come here because Francis was so involved, we wanted him to be in on our company meeting. We would all leave together later.

Kevin arrived. We had more introductions. He'd need the skills of all those present for the tunnel project. Wayne and Ralls wiring in the tunnel, Violet to hire folks and Geri to help keep an eye on things and assist with PR.

Eric and Reg would become familiar faces.

I could see our new cable guys understanding why we bought them! We all walked across the street to Buckley's for lunch. Their left side room was good with us after they agreed to keep other guests a bit away, Gil worked with them. PJ, Tara, Rande and Ansara's roles were explained. They had no problem.

We ate and talked about our Seattle projects and other places. They got to hear how we manage, what our expectations were. They would receive briefings from Nicolas' team on our Security. Cho did make the point when it comes to who is in charge over a security matter our Security will be right every time...

They were also told Francis' team will be around to do audits on an irregular basis outside of the the twice yearly visits.

iPhones and iPads will be provided. Apps on the devices would be described and demos done for their staffs.

I was smiling, "Don't feel overwhelmed. It will all be gone over many times for you and your people.'

I leaned forward and had Cho's hand, "Cho and I want you to know we have a jealously guarded reputation for quality in our businesses and the highest ethical standards. We do not compromise on that ever. It is the same for The Company!"

Eric and Reg doing thumbs up!

They all got it. I said please pass it on! Fist bumps over the table.

Cho told them we'd be in and out of town. We don't publish a schedule but Geri will know if we are coming or if there is some special need.

We loaded up for a drive to the Seahawks Stadium Conference Center. Nearly four thousand folks had been arriving for an hour. Gil and Francis had arranged to rent of the space, hired local caterers to provide food and drink. Our Security was managing the meeting site.

All the CableTeam and WiringSpecialities staff were here, office and field people. They knew about their companies being bought by a corporation but they didn't know who or why yet.

Up on the stage we lined up everyone, Eric, Reg and Andrea, Violet, Kevin, Ralls and Wayne, Antoine, Nicholas, Francis, Ali, Gil and Geri. Cho and I at the microphone.

We could see the crowd in their chairs talking and pointing.

Cho winked at me, a kiss!

I smiled, "Good afternoon to you all. Welcome to a new future. I'm Fay Martin and this is Cho, one of our corporations now own your companies. Welcome..." my arms open! Then Cho and I clapped to them.

There was cheering and loud yells of hello!

Cho leaned to the mic, "We have plans for you all to be very busy doing what you have been... "a pause, "... and a whole lot more. We have signed a contract with the city of Seattle to create a city-wide traffic management system. It will include cameras, sensors and several years of preparation, installing and testing.

The contract is held by our London based The Company. Eric is the CEO or as he is known in England the Managing Director..." Eric stepped forward to wave, "Reg is a Deputy Managing Director, the chief technologist and the designer of the devices..." Reg joined Eric, "... you will see both of these fellows around over the next few years.

We are already managing the traffic flow around the draw bridges that cross the Ship Canal, Antoine..." He moved up beside Reg, "... is the manager of that project and will be the head of our new city-wide system." Cho clapping with me. Everybody around him smiling and clapping.

I introduced Ralls and Wayne to the members of the other company saying we are lucky to have them. "They will continue to be the day to day managers reporting to Antoine. The companies will not be `merged' at this point but you most likely be paired up with folks from either company for some of tasks.

We are adding more staff..." I turned to Andrea and Violet, "...Andrea is a Deputy Managing Director and head of HR for The Company and in overall charge of employee hiring, benefits, etc..."

I smiled towards Violet, "Violet is the manager of TechSkills, a local company that was brought into our group of companies. She will be handling the local hiring effort with the HR staffs at your current firms."

"Nicholas...' he moved up, "... is the manager of the local unit of our Security company. His force's role is to protect all our assets, human and property. The people who work for him are very highly trained and motivated, they have a difficult part to play... defending many people and places so please be aware how important they are."

I paused, smiling, taking Cho's hand, turning to Francis, "Francis is our personal representative..." he stepped forward with a smile for me, "... when he speaks it is with our voice..." I deliberately paused again, looking across the faces, they were looking at Francis, "...Francis also heads an auditing division whose personnel you will see from time to time.

Geri is our Personal Assistant at the Queen Anne office building. Geri will coordinate the many projects and be a PR representative for our Seattle businesses. She will be around job sites often.

Our last two important people are Gil and Ali..." they moved up beside Francis, "... they are our close Personal Assistants, second brains for Cho and I. If you see one we are certainly around somewhere."

I squeezed Cho's hand, Cho smiled then leaned over to kiss me, our workers made approval sounds and of `oooohhhh's.'.

Cho turned to them, "Now we aren't much on making noises for effect... we think of every employee as important in their own right, for their effort on behalf of the company and because of the value each of you brings to the job as a skilled worker and as a human.

You will not see little gifts to encourage morale... you WILL see us give a damn about you..." Cho's arm sweeping around the room, "... In return we want your best effort, we want your intelligence applied in doing the basics and to feel free to make recommendations to make things better.

All our companies regardless of what they do are operated in a highly ethical manner. We are honest and up front... we want you to be also. So if an error is made... own it, explain it then we fix it and move on.

This is a team effort, you will be building the world's first city traffic management scheme at this scale. There will tens of thousands of sensors and cameras in a network any momma spider would be proud to call her own. Field folks will be climbing a lot of poles putting in our devices and calibrating them.

We will see every car, motorcycle, bike, truck, bus that moves in the city.

If you should wonder where all the information we will gather goes... it goes to computers we control in a SODO office not to anyone else. We are not an arm of the police."

I spoke up as we continued to go back and forth like at other events.

"For you all personally what does this all mean... first you will all receive a five percent raise effective immediately..." cheers and pleased faces, "... second your 401K plans will get a boost from us with an higher amount of our contribution."

More positive noises, they were smiling talking to each other.

"Then because of the new Medicare For All Act your healthcare insurance options are much better and easier to manage. You will join our self-insured plan which our other American based companies belong to. That means there will be a fifteen dollar co-pay regardless of what doctor you see, there will be no deductible level you have to reach before the insurance pays and no lifetime maximum amount that is covered. We will make these additions even when Medicare For All is completely run by the government."

Loud noise now, clapping and cheers!

"We will open clinics at two locations, one at the CableTeam north Seattle depot and one at either the CableTeam depot in SODO or the WiringSpecialities location whichever is better suited.

These fully equipped clinics will have doctors and nurses who work for us to handle any on the job injury no matter how small and they will be open for your families to come to. Now if you already have a doctor or pediatrician you like... stay with them but know the clinics are available.

Nothing that is done there will ever cost you anything."

Very loud clapping and cheers.

I hugged Cho.

"Last... from me... Cho and I are believers in education as a foundation for making a better life.

If you have any college or technical school student debt we will pay it off right away for you..."

The cheers drown me out for a bit.

"You provide the documentation. We'll do the rest."

More cheering!

"You will hear more from us about education as we move forward. Once we know you all better we will have grant money for advanced learning.

Enough now. Please know we are happy you all are now part of our extended family. Thank you!"

Loud applause and cheers! Ralls and Wayne shook our hands with Eric and Reg, Andrea, Violet and Antione. Geri had a big grin. Francis with Gil and Ali smiling, he mouthed a `you've done it again!'

I did a thumbs up!

Eric and Reg would do a tour of the Seattle facilities, the new companies, the current traffic monitoring location and the new control office in the SODO neighborhood before heading back to London with Andrea. Eric would get to sit with Greg for some quality time. Reg and Antione would discuss the server farm to be built at the SODO building.

We had a meeting setup at the new offices for Reg and Eric to meet Logan, our Seattle architect, so they'll get a look at the building plans for expansion at the SODO location.

Our three guests were going to Greg's for dinner.

Andrea was going spend the extra days working with Violet, both looking at the two new cabling company's staffs.

At the house everything was ready to go to Boeing Field. A goodbye for Martha. She was so happy to have the Twins around. Her grandkids were doing quite well. They were `cuties' according to her and Lloyd.

We unloaded on the tarmac at Boeing Field.

Amarha was there this time, we did hugs! She was having fun flying, training and managing both businesses. Her number two's were great. The tours up almost eighty percent with the nicer (and safer) AW139's and new routes.

Aviation Supply had many new jobs on their books so all the staff and space was fully utilized. The new big hangar was already in use. The fellows from Kavat's team in Bangkok were settled in over there with more coming. A training scheme was being prepared. She had Violet's contact details.

The 737 was on the tarmac for us. Loaded and taxiing quickly. Captain Tan was the pilot with Joy as commander. She was a 737 expert who was also 767 qualified. Tan was finishing up his 737 qualifying.

In the air for Newburgh. Francis and Ali settled in with us.

In Newburgh we loaded up two AW139's. At the Westside Heliport Terrance and Pell were ready. We were soon at home with Roslyn.

It was late so the Twins went straight to bed. We sat up for a bit talking with Ali and Francis. We hadn't had a chance in Seattle. They had a wonderful time in Thailand. Ali said it was quite magical in many ways. Lots of snaps!

Many thanks for the trip and the money on the pillow was very special. The instructions to decorate the apartment... it might be a while before Ali could get to that.

"If you see something you like buy it and we have cargo space to Bangkok for it."

Fist bump.

My morning walk with Jaidee to the Hudson River dog walk was fun. Tara and Ro along armed with tennis balls! Our Choco Boy ran around a lot!

Mara going out the door as we returned. She was going to `blade' with Ricardo and a friend of his. Fist bump. She had money for a smoothie when I asked.

Breakfast with the Twins was great. They really liked scrambled eggs, veggie bacon, soft toast with a little bit of strawberry preserves. Sweeties.

After food Tha had them out in the sun with hats on playing games. I was inside with Cho, we could watch them walk and run around. It made me get emotional which Cho kissed away.

Ali and Francis joined us for a review of his `accounting' division. It had been growing in a sort of herky-jerky fashion. We wanted it to get proper structure and some managers below Francis so he didn't have to fuss with it.

Andrea and the Mary in HR at Fox had been interviewing for him. He'd do some final interviews for some staff at the Fox Tower in our suite, the one we'd put aside for him was still being fixed up.

Cho and I had another job this morning.

Black silk sleeveless dress, mid-thigh, black accessories and black St. Laurent heels. Silver jewellery and `Joy'

Cho in black with a red tie with silver lines running down. Yes!

PJ, Tessa, Rande and Penny with us. Gil with me. Francis going uptown. The car stopped on Water Street and we went in through the front doors. Gary had a team inside on the ground floor and more up on the floors The Daily News used.

We were doing this often but it was still fun. Royce, the editor in chief's reaction to seeing us was classic. He didn't exactly lose it but he was gobsmacked!

Cho suggested he sit for the news. Cho told him the Tribune Corporation had sold the New York Daily News to us. All the assets including the presses over in Jersey City.

Cho let him know he would be staying but the offices would move.

"We're moving you uptown to the Fox Tower. You will have four floors to start. That is more than twice the space you have now... if you get my drift."

Royce was looking expectant!

Cho gave him our plans, doubling the staff was a starting goal.

Cho said we need to speak to the whole office, "Will the Newsroom be large enough?"

Royce said everyone could crowd in they had done that about six months ago with more people then now.

He set about calling an `ALL' staff meeting right away. The reporters out working would be called and patched into the audio.

It took about half an hour, lots of rumours had been flying this morning according to the Royce's secretary.

Finally it was arranged including the off-site folks.

Cho and I climbed on a desk. Cho asked if the far back ones could hear. Okay!

We had the reporters in the field conferenced in on an iPhone one fellow was holding out towards us.

"We..." my hand in his, raised up, "... now own the Daily News! All of it!"

Cho might have gone on but there was clapping and cheering!! It was loud and sustained.

I leaned close to kiss his cheek which brought more cheering.

Cho did get to go on.

"We as a couple through a corporation own this newspaper outright. There are no partners, there is no debt. There is only going forward!"

More cheering!

"First, there will be no changes to anyone's position for now but changes will come. Good changes! Second, as we have done for other businesses we have taken over there are things you will need to know.

We intend to spend money on building up the newspaper. More staff, reporters, editorial, etc..."

Cheers were loud again!

"Our goal is that you become to the GoTo newspaper in New York!"


"You will cover international and national news but the city is to be your biggest beat! We want a New Yorker to buy this newspaper because their news is inside! City politics, business, culture of all types, recreation, special city job listings and sports.

We want every New York sports fan to go straight to the Daily News for baseball, football, soccer, boxing, Olympic sports, horse racing, hockey, college sports, all of it. They come to us because we will have the results and insights that matter.

Also the format will not change, it is a tabloid newspaper!"

More loud cheers.

I moved forward.

"For you all personally... everyone will receive a five percent pay rise immediately..."

The cheers were big, rising to very loud. Cho leaned to my ear.

"You see how starved these people are for good news."

I went on, "Regarding health insurance, Medicare For All changes many things, until it is fully run by the government you will be part of a self-insured group of our companies. All the premiums will be reduced across the board by as much as thirty percent through a new company... BUT..." my hand in the air, "... there will be NO pre-existing conditions limits of any kind.

We will end all `out of pocket' costs, there is no deductible you have to reach before the insurance starts to pay."

Lots of noise and full-throated cheers!

"There will a reduction to fifteen dollars for all co-pays. There will be no formulary lists of drugs, your doctor will be able to prescribe whatever they think is appropriate for you and your family.

There will be a clinic in the Fox Tower for you to go to. It is serving 21st Century Fox employees already. There will be no charge for anything at the clinic for you or once again your family."

Loud... very loud clapping and cheers! American health care was so weird and arcane so people had to fear a job change or a cheapskate employer.

"The amount the Daily News contributes to your 401K savings plans will go up at no cost to you. The amount of that is not yet fixed because we need more information but it will be higher than five percent.

Now you don't have to worry about making a trip to the health clinic at the Fox Tower... you all will be moving to floors near the top of the Fox Tower!"

Now there was jumping up and down, cheering and clapping!!

I told them there was a canteen in the Fox Tower with good hot foods, salads and simple sandwich fare too. It had subsidized prices so a hot lunch would be about three or four dollars.

Clapping and some yells of appreciation.

Royce up beside us now at Cho's urging. He was urged to speak loudly to everybody/

"You have brought a lot of good things and something more... hope. Many have felt ill-used by the former owners, a feeling they didn't appreciate all the hard work. Seeing fellow workers leaving... there has been a lot of down... not now!"

We shook hands.

Cho got everyone's attention.

"Some of what you have heard won't happen immediately but it will be soon. The move will take planning but the space is ready to be made to suit your needs. That may take a few months, not longer. Expect to be moved in by Christmas time."

Some cheers.

"The healthcare things Fay talked about will into effect in thirty days or less. We hope to make the insurance move as easy as possible.

The pay rise will show on your next paycheck!"


He told them we would be around in the coming day or so to personally talk to as many of them as possible.

Cho thanked everyone for a great welcome!

Royce hopped own and extended his hand to me, onto a chair then on the floor. PJ right there with a smile beside a grinning Tessa. Rande and Penny smiling beside them.

PJ said another `home run' for us. I got it! A surprising phrase from him. I kidded PJ about it later.

In Royce's office Gil gave him the contact details for the contractor and Cheryl the architect at the Fox Tower. We asked him to meet with them as soon as possible to give them his requirements for the space. We told him the News Corp folks had been in most of the floor space.

Cho mentioned my suggestion one floor be a huge open newsroom with offices all around the outside walls and a big opening to the floor above and below with a large staircase connecting to the editorial group above then to the other floors below. Editor's offices on the exterior walls like the floor below but larger and their support staff in open areas around the central core of lifts and mechanical spaces and the new staircase.

Royce liked that. Cho said it was `penciled' in so he could look at it.

With the help of Royce's secretary, Harper, I found the coffee. It wasn't particularly good. I asked about a coffee shop nearby that was good. A Starbucks downstairs!

I got her to accompany me, PJ and Tessa along. Coffee for them too! In the lift I introduced my Team to Harper. Harper was a young blonde, thirty I found out later, trim and neatly dressed. She'd been the paper two years.

In Starbucks we all got ours and one for Cho and Royce. Scones too! I flashed my iPhone on the little scanner. The young Starbucks guy's eyes jerked up to mine.

"Did... did... did you need your balance?"

I smiled, "Is it under five hundred yet?"

He gulped, "Yes... it's four hundred and seventy five..."

I thanked him. He was staring... I said...'Yes?'

"Are you really Fay Martin?"

I kept the smile, "Yes... most of the time."

I waved goodbye.

Harper was giggling right along with Tessa. PJ with his cute grin!

I had a tray with the coffees and the bag of scones. Harper said she'd take the bag. I said I was fine. She could see neither PJ or Tessa offered... She had an odd look. In the lift I told her they were working. PJ nodded his head.

Harper did an open mouthed `OH!'

The men were very appreciative of our efforts. I split a scone with Cho.

Royce asked a few things. A fellow came to the door. He was introduced as Stanley the senior business reporter. Cho motioned him to sit. They'd talk about how they wanted to show we now owned the paper in stories for tomorrow while I wandered.

Before I left I mentioned to Cho he ought to call Kent... Big eyes, "Yes! Right now!"

He pulled out his iPhone. A kiss for me.

My coffee in hand I set off for the international and national news desks. PJ and Tessa with me. I stopped at a desk and introduced myself. Zachary was the senior International News fellow.

I sat on the edge of his desk to talk for a few minutes about how he saw the state of the world.

"Miss Martin, since Hillary's election I would say the general situation is looking up. She's been tough on opponents and good with friends.

Your UK newspapers switching sides on brexit was quite the surprise. The Tories were shocked and dismayed their pet project was being so sliced and diced by leading newspapers other than the Guardian. The turnaround was so abrupt."

I laughed, "They did some complaining through back channels. One MP I talked with was amazed to find out Cho and I thought the Tories to be ridiculous."

"You said that to him?"

"Oh yes! It needed to be said."

"I think we`re going to be happy with you owning us!"

"I hope you all..." Several others had joined seeing us talking, "... are ready to take the fight to the `Post'? We want to plow them under."

They laughed, everyone said YES!

Zachary asked about Joseph. I finished my coffee and he took the cup, it dropped into his recycling basket.

I said Joseph had made the transition to TV quickly with the help of his producer Larry. The folks at Fox News were very professional.

Someone said it was extremely rare for one news organization to win two Polk Awards in the same year.

I smiled, "So you've got a goal for yourselves!"

They all laughed with me. I said watch the Emmy nominations, they'll be out this week.

I moved around more saying hello to lots of people, shaking hands, speaking for a few moments until I got to the National News space. There I introduced myself to Clement, the senior reporter.

"Miss Martin, I'd know you in a crowd. I was at the Fox Tower news conference a year ago. Mr. Cho answered my question about Fox profitability after the changes."

"I remember the answer... Cho said we expected a surge in advertising revenue which would bump up further when our viewing numbers rose. He was right."

Clement smiling, "He was dead on! The influence of Fox News has risen by several orders of magnitude. You've been causing wholesale changes on the other networks and in print."

"Funny how facts honestly reported actually mean something!"

Fist bump!

Clement leaned back in his chair, several of his National News colleagues had moved close to us.

"What about you two and the Clinton's? You seem close but I wouldn't want to presume."

"We like each other, we have similar positions about many issues."

"You met at the Democratic Convention? That was the first time?"

"Yes. A fellow investor in 21st Century Fox got us together. During the election campaign we corresponded some. We also gave the maximum amount allowed by law to her campaign fund and gave some to PAC's that reinforced typical Democratic causes and supported Hillary."

I gave them all a grin, "Hillary and Bill went to London to meet the Prime Minister then spent the night with us at Harcourt House. Hillary and I talked, Cho took Bill to play golf. They got to meet the Twins."

I made wave motion, "Hillary asked us to the Inaugural Balls and a night over. Cho and I love to dance so it was a good fit."

"You two were the big hit of the night. If Hillary and Bill weren't enough star power your wattage really boosted the evening," Clement smiling.

I laughed, "No brown-nosing!"

The collection of folks around all laughed. While Clement had a big grin!

Clement asked about our subsequent trips to the White House.

"I was asked to chair the TAG group and have made a few trips to the White House for that. Hillary and Bill came out to our place in the Virginia countryside for a day visit. Oh, Bill took Cho to play the Congressional golf course on one stay in D.C."

One of the other reporters said there had been comment about Cho setting that place on its ear with his round.

"Well... I don't play so if you want info on that you'll have to ask Cho."

Warm sounding laughter.

A woman reporter asked about our plans for the Daily News.

"We want as we said for you to be the GoTo newspaper in this town. To get you there we are willing to spend money and use our position to make it happen. There will be hiring..." Me showing a big smile, "... if only to fill in the big new space you are moving to."

A great deal more happy laughing.

Next to the `City' desk. Quinn was in charge. Gave me a look

"So... you want us to take over the city?"

"You bet! No prisoners. Bury the Post, WSJ and the Times. Squeeze the city for everything it has... get folks out there digging in every borough! I'm not saying to be chasing ambulances..."

"I do get it. We already have news we can't print but there's more."

"We want you to coordinate with sports, culture, etc... so you have an overall picture of the city each day. Also we'd like you to explore doing things with the folks at Fox News. They have a lot of resources to put in play."

Like at my earlier stops other reporters gathered around. They asked some questions with Quinn. I gave them what I knew.

A question or two about what we said regarding health insurance, etc... I made it plain we would have those things in place as soon as possible.

I wanted to do one more stop.

I stood up and asked who was the lead fashion reporter. Quinn said he'd introduce us.

We walked around to a corner office, Louise was a middle-aged redhead, slender and above average height in a nifty light cream coloured frock.

She was on the telephone as we appeared in her door.

"I've got to go my new boss is here."

She was waving us in. Quinn did the introductions. He thanked me for the visit to his shop. Hand shaken.

Louise asked me to sit. She smiled, "You're setting so many fashion trends... Black is the New Black because of you."

We laughed. I introduced PJ and Tessa. Louise moved a third chair over.

She said she liked Tessa's unstructured navy suit and violet shirt. Tessa thanked her saying the suit was comfortable and good for working in.

That brought a questioning look from Louise. Tessa stood up after a look to me, she opened the jacket to expose her Glock. Louise's eyes widened.

Louise shaking her head, "I don't think that accessory part of the outfit is going to catch on though."

We all grinned as I said I hoped not.

Louise lifted a copy of the Welt Am Sonntag ICON Sunday magazine from under a pile on her desk corner. She held it up.

"Can we get equal time?"

"Yes! We'll be here for a week or so..."

"I can have it set for any time you make available."

I texted Gil to join us if she could. She had parked in a corner doing something when I started walking about. I got Louise and Gil together.

We talked about the format of the interview and would she mind if Fox News had a reporter and camera people along. I saw her nose wrinkle...

"Okay no one else."

She smiled and thanked me. It was set for two days from now. Where? I turned to Gil, "Call the hotel about the the suite."

A thumbs up! I told Louise about the location, lots of light, a terrace and a very nicely decorated living room in an open plan suite. She said it sounded great.

Gil said it was set for the hotel. They had a guest coming in that evening but our using it in the morning was no problem. She gave Louise the address and the name of the manager to contact for information.

I said I'd have selection of summer outfits and evening dresses taken there. Louise was a happy camper.

We said our goodbyes and I re-joined Cho.

We told Royce Reginé would be over in two days to spend some time with the social media and website folks. She would get a team ready for an extended visit to pump the newspaper across the board.

I had an interview at Fox News about the helicopters later this afternoon. Cho was also doing an interview today with Frank about Harcourt Racing around the world. They were going on video for later broadcast. So we pushed off. Royce knew we'd be back to go around the offices more.

Gil had called `21' they were good for a visit. The paparazzi out front weren't ready for us so not too many snaps taken. The manager smiling inside the door, we shook hands and he guided us to our tables.

Inside the Bar Room on the right Whoopi was sitting with several ladies. She waved and I turned that way. We shook hands. She said we were doing good things. I thanked her.

Katie was sitting at her table, Cho was talking to her. I shook her hand as she said her work at Fox News had been great. Thumbs up!

We ordered and I leaned on Cho. I told him about my visits with Daily News folks and the interview. He had been talking with the editorial staff. We wanted New York's politics covered in depth. They had no problem with our desire to press politicians for accountability and honesty.

Cho said to the group if they knew of writers on other newspapers they liked and could fit in with us please tell Royce. We would spend money for a top quality newspaper delivered every day.

Our server got a tip about Stellar Black in the Sanford Stakes and Rando racing later today at Santa Anita. A big grin!

The manager on our way out said Trump had come for dinner only after a call was made to see if we were here. He smiled.

Terrance picked us up out front in a different car from the one Pell had driven us in. A bit of confusion for the press. Down Fifth Avenue to home.

Twins time! A quick change and out the door to the terrace. Tha was playing a game where they had to find things she'd hidden on the deck. They were walking and running around lots of giggles. When we came out loud `Mama's and Papa's' It was great to gobble up a cute little girl for a hug.

Once the hugs and kisses were done Tha got them back in the game. Cho and I hid a few things. Charlie found a tennis ball... he called out `Jabee' and that wonderful guy came running.

Charlie tossed it towards the living room... Jaidee was on it in a flash. Tail wagging he brought it right back. Charlie clapping and giggling. He tossed it again... same result. He and Jaidee had fun like that for ten minutes then Cho got Jaidee a chew treat for Charlie to give him.

Charlie sat down beside Jaidee watching him chomp on the treat. Chani had found a few things, she dropped next to the boys her hand on Jaidee's back rubbing. This was pretty good stuff for Jaidee.

Eventually we had to go uptown. I went in the same outfit from the morning. Black was good.

Bill was in the passageway outside our office. Hugs and hands shaken. He thought the Daily News thing was awesome. Cho said he'd liked to see some partnering if was possible. Bill said he'd bring it up to the division heads!

We went downstairs. Cho was going to be with Frank and Terry for horse racing so he got off the lift on the Sports floor. I was in with Gordon who is the Fox News transportation reporter.

We setup in studio where the windows faced out onto Sixth Avenue. It had couches and chairs. I had a mic attached to the collar of my dress, the transmitter on my back around to the left.

We reviewed what we wanted to cover. It was going to video for broadcast later after editing.

Gordon did the opening and the introduction of me. He started with Cho-Fay Air. I described our beginnings then the expansion of the last eighteen months. Who used our aircraft and what was our inventory. The 767's which was several different models including the horse transports. The 737's for our people and for the Security Company. The Gulfstream 650er's for a few people they had intercontinental reach. The AW139's our standard helicopter, good range and cabin size.

I segued to our concerns about adding to planetary carbon depletion and how we compensated with wind turbines, solar arrays, passive air systems and chimney scrubbers at our properties.

"We are on the positive side of carbon usage but it's not enough. We want to have a large positive presence around the world. We have ten current re-forestation projects running in Thailand on our properties and we sponsor more on other private land. We are working with the Thai Forestry Department to do more on public land. Also we have tree planting projects in several places in the U.S. and the United Kingdom. All of our companies are encouraged to be careful with resources and look for ways to keep us aware of climate change."

We went into how the infrastructure for servicing them had grown and what was our training for ground people and air staff was like. I went into how efficient our planning staff was; it is based in Bangkok. I noted that we are adding staff around the world in our centers in Seattle, Dulles in Northern Virginia, Bangkok, at Chalgrove in England and up the Hudson at Newburgh.

Gordon then asked about the helicopter flights over cities issue. I mentioned testifying before a Senate committee, giving them information from an owner's perspective and encouraging them to have many people from the industry in to testify.

"One Senator asked as owners of a helicopter tour company why we would want to increase the cost of doing business. I told them pilots and guests chose to fly but the people on the ground below the aircraft were being left out of consideration but stood to be injured or killed in a crash all to make money. They weren't getting to choose.

That is why when we bought the company in Seattle we changed the routes away from residential areas to pass over industrial zones and over water. We also quickly changed the helicopter models to larger and much more safe twin engine models. Single engine aircraft shouldn't be allowed over people's homes!

When a helicopter loses power but the main rotor isn't damaged it can do what is called an autorotation landing which means as it falls towards the ground the main rotor actually turns due to the gravitational pull forcing air under the rotor blades making them spin around. So if the pilot can find an open space there is what they politely call a controlled crash. Most of time the passengers aren't seriously injured.

This pre-supposes enough time to find an open space without objects on the ground like trees, cars, power lines, houses, etc... In residential areas that sort of room is VERY hard to find.

In a hard crash the fuel bladder could be damaged spewing volatile liquid fuel all over. The metal parts of the helicopter's engine get very hot which sets the flowing fuel alight... the consequences are horrible."

Gordon asked if Seattle was our only tour company and did we plan more. I said yes it was but we have helicopters in several other large cities where we avoid flying over homes or schools and the like. Also at higher altitudes to give pilots more room to maneuver and lessen the noise on the ground. And no! We have no plan for more tour companies. Certainly not in cities.

There was more about why we chose to invest a good deal of money in this part of our businesses and when if ever did we plan to stop expanding.

We wound it down. Gordon was very good. He asked good questions and when I had the bit between my teeth he let me run. When we were out I asked him.

"Well it will be edited to fit the time slot so some will not be used but where you were making the point about flying over residential areas I'm going to want to get all that. It's a good theme that should be developed by regulation."

We shook hands. I went up to the sports floor with Gil and Ken to see if Cho was done. He was still at it so we headed up to the office.

I sat to do email. Jasmin sending reports from her trip to past projects to see what was done and follow up with the companies. She was enjoying meeting all the locals. The projects were working as planned! She said it was great to see the engineers sitting at their desks controlling the water flows from a distance! Our clients were thrilled that it all worked as advertised and all expressed happiness with our software and hardware! Yes!

Reports from Jian about all the Thailand clinics. They had served thousands of folks. A second clinic was under construction in Korat, one each in Chiang Mai and Phitsanulok in the northwest. She had been to Ubon Ratchathani in the far east of the country, possibly two there in the suburbs.

I called Jian. I asked her to investigate putting clinics near the border with Laos. She had questions about our treating people who crossed the border from Laos, "They can't be part of the Thirty Baht scheme so... how do we charge them for care?"

"My idea is for non-residents we charge a flat fee plus five percent over our cost for medicines, X-Rays, bandages, etc... that way we can cover shipping costs. We choose a few places where there is significant border crossings now, busy markets... you know... then find good sites in those places. The planning should include the lack of power or water, take into consideration in siting the buildings because of the Mekong flooding and I guess a whole lot more.

So go ahead with it but there's no hurry, we want to do it but have no timeline for it."

I got a big kiss sent to me which I happily returned.

The Los Angeles shelters were on schedule for the end of July or first week of August.

The Seattle clinic was busy all day. They had a baby born there yesterday evening when a woman in for a checkup went into labor, a healthy baby boy, the mother is fine.

The shelter next door construction is moving quickly. Janesse said it was on time for its opening in forty days. All permits were in place, inspections done by the city and state health and welfare folks had been by several times. All good!

Tony's report on the shelters in London had me call Erin our estate agent.

"Erin where are we on more shelter buildings?"

"I have six buildings on a final list. I've gone to three today and three for tomorrow. Three are in East London; Stoke Newington, Newham and nearby in East Ham. They are real possibles. Another in Clapham, two in Hampstead."

I thanked her and reminded her we wanted to move on this. I got a `righto boss' which had us both laugh.

Tony's numbers showed we need the space to be ready for autumn and winter.

I put LGBTQ youth shelters in Oakland, San Francisco and Baltimore on the to-do list for Ku. We'd need to find good real estate agents in those cities. So Cho and I would have to work on it through friends and our existing agents. I emailed Ku to ask some of the Los Angeles folks about northern California, the same our New York LGBTQ friends for Baltimore.

I went up to the Computer Centre. Eve was in London for another day. I got Moses and Oleg together with Kelela. We talked about the Yevgeny project. They had scoped out the best place to put the documents and Theodore's people were reviewing the samples. We'd incorporate their ideas and I'd run it by Yevgeny.

Theodore had gotten his bosses to press the FBI to let me meet with Yevgeny without being recorded. The argument provided was what we would talk about was too secret for the FBI agents to hear, national security and all that.

So in three days I'd go up to 85th Street again or ? Yevgeny would see the documents and where we wanted to place them. We'd get his opinion.

On the FSB file server, they hadn't been in there much, just checkups. Nothing had changed. I did ask if was possible for another SuperUser account to exist hidden like the one we were using. Moses said they'd looked in every operating system space, it wasn't possible. Since we were to have privacy for our meeting I decided to ask Yevgeny about that.

I got a texts from Dad >call office #< >no emergency<

I dialed him. It was quick... he had info on the Malay `forestry person' who was helping one of the insurgent groups. He was an agent of Malay intelligence. No doubt! His boss reported to another fellow who reported to the head of their intelligence then he reported to the Malay prime minister in the chain of command. He was still investigating what the relationship was upwards in the chain of command and to the insurgents.

"So since the weapons cache raids went through the police hierarchy this fellow did not know so the groups were not warned. You can take steps to cover your people."

I thanked him big time.

"You are my daughter what is good for you is good for me."

Love passed along to him and Phailin!! I got lots back for us all. He was delighted the Twins were walking and running!!

I called Yoshi. He was on the last day of some vacation time and would be in New York in three days. We set a time to meet right here.

I called Adam for an update on the brexit mess. He said the Tories were wavering. Other news media had joined our campaign to end it. The pressure was on for a second vote at the very least, a total stop was what we wanted and were pressing for.

So far Cho and I weren't interested in calling politicians personally. We wanted the newspapers and TV to speak for us. On Fox News, which was back on Sky UK now, the American view was brexit equaled craziness.

The one thing which kept the brexit zombie going was the disarray of the Labour Party. There simply was no real opposition for voters to see. They badly needed strong leadership. The national leaders were woeful, the good MP's struggled to get traction. The party lurched around.

The barely veiled antisemitism by some disgusted me. The party needed to jettison those people and move on.

No way I was going to get into all that. I'd talked with Hélène, she was a Tory backer until brexit. Now she doesn't give any money and won't talk to her MP because he was a `leave' supporter. She'd put that fellow on notice, along with the local party people, he'd get NO help from them. If the Lib-Dems or Labour had a good candidate for the riding she could switch. For the Tories in Yorkshire it was a big blow!

Cho! A hug and kiss! He'd gone over time because he and Frank were having fun.

"They'll edit it down. I enjoyed myself."

More hugs! We got everyone and headed home. We got to see the Twins having a nap.

"They ran around so much I thought we should recharge their batteries."

I gave Tha a hug, it was so cute to see them sleeping.

I changed to short shorts and a cutoff T-shirt for sun on the terrace. Gil and Ali with me. Snacks and work. Good thing my MacBook screen is washable with the cheese bits I left on it.

Becky emailed she had a good candidate for the `fact finding' mission to Thailand. I decided to call her.

Pleasantries done Becky gave me a mini-bio of General Mike Shaw. Tough combat veteran, paratrooper and had been in Bangkok as military attaché years ago. He had worked in counter intelligence for the Army and recently done a stint with counter insurgency in the Southern Command. He knew many of the Thai generals personally.

"He knows of the planning for the mission but there's no date. Did you want to meet before he goes?"

I said no. I didn't see any good reason which would balance against him going and playing it straight.

I told Becky our two reporters were going back soon. We had nothing earthshaking for them to pass on but we felt the groups all needed to see we were still involved.

I decided to throw in... "Any luck finding out who the Malay forestry guy is?"

I suppose she had a bit of guilt about it... Silence.

Then a quiet, "You know?"

I let it hang for a few seconds, "Yes"

I turned it around, "Who knows on your side? The White House?"

"We have not informed the White House. We believe it's better below the horizon. What are you going to do?"

"I'm telling our pair because they need to know especially Arturo. He has to deal with the Iman's and the groups near the border."

Becky was quiet. I told her we would marginalize that fellow as much as possible and/or give information which would misdirect his efforts.

"If he had access to the police he would probably have tipped off the groups about the weapons raids and that we can't afford. He can't be allowed to play on two sides.

Do you know how far up the chain of command of Malay intelligence the knowledge of his activities goes?"

Becky said at least to his boss, past that she didn't know..

"We know he has crossed the border on many occasions. Just so you know that fellow's information about the southern Thai provinces has been used to do bombings and other attacks on Thai security forces. That has to stop!"

Becky said she `got it' and would pass it on to the U.S. Embassy in Kuala Lumpur to act on it with the Malays.

She would be back to me on any results of her comms to the Embassy. I thanked her.

I checked the time and called Dad. I gave him the whole conversation. That chuckle of his!.

"You are a good poker player. She might guest about your source but not know. The `forestry spook' will be watched very carefully if he crosses the border again. Any contacts will checked up on. I can say any overt acts by him and we will scoop him up."

I thanked my Dad for the help.

"Well we want the same thing... peace and prosperity in the south."


Dinner en famile!! Veggie burgers and chips! Pickles and olives. Ice cream with toppings. The Twins loved it. We cut their burgers to two bite pieces. They handled the `fast-food' style chips easily! We cut the big green olives in half and slender dill pickle spears.

Ketchup on hot chips... that was some good stuff! Charlie's face when he ate his first 'chip' was great, a smile! "Good Mama!"

We had fun, giggles through it all. Then the dessert! Vanilla bean with chocolate syrup, not too much. Rainbow sprinkles. Oh Yes! This went over big time!

We had games and Jaidee fun after dinner! When bed time came Charlie holding my hand as we walked down the passage to their room.

"Mama fun."

I knelt down to hug my little man. His arms on my neck, cheek to cheek! I felt Chani's hand on my arm her other in Cho's. Smiles!

Tha was ready. Washed, fresh diapers and loads of hugs and kisses. The yawns started. It had been a busy day. One more kiss for each.

Outside in Cho's arms, tight.

"They are wonderful. You are so good with them." He kissed me... very welcome.

We had news from Santa Anita, Rando had breezed five furlongs in 55:00! It would be a world's record for the distance taking 00:20 off the fastest time.

Next up for him was down the coast a bit, the Del Mar handicap in the middle of August.

Cho leaned on me, "He's won over three million dollars in purses and five races on the trot. He'll be great at Ascot in October. A big possible payday!" Fist bump.

In the dark, warm arms, a hard body against mine, Cho thanked me for being a terrific mom.

"I know we have a lot going on but you are always making time for them and getting involved."

A kiss on the back of my neck. I hugged his arms tightly against me.

"Tha is perfect! She loves them as we do and it shows. Her care is so complete."

Cho kissed my neck again in agreement.

The morning walk was a crowd. Jaidee proudly stepping out with Cho and I, The Twins in their pram with Tha, Tara, Ro and Gil. We did a tour of Washington Square then home.

Ali and Gil helped get the clothes into the van, we followed with Pell. The hotel staff got it all upstairs. I spoke to the Manager. He was good and the house was doing very well.

He knew we had several Daily News folks coming.

I fired up the DeLonghi, little espresso cups ready. I was in black leather pants, tight!! A cutoff red T-shirt and my Doc Martens.

I was sipping when Louise arrived. She grinned at my outfit.

"Did you want to start with this?"

I said we better not.

"I have two day dresses and three evening ones."

She asked me to start with a day outfit. Okay.

Ali was hostess, Gil with me. The Hugo Boss black dress was the beginner.

A square bodice and back, slightly off the shoulder and tight to a few inches below the knee with a slit at the back. Wide, soft ribbing fabric. Black stockings and heels, a small black D&G bag. Silver bits of Jewellery. Red lips.

The dress moulded to my slender frame.

I walked out to the living room. Louise looked up from some paper... her eyes widened!! The photographer began snapping, I ignored him like Joachim. I gave it a few turns then Ali handed me an espresso. I sat opposite Louise.

"Miss Martin, I doubt Hugo Boss could find a better model for that shape!"

I thanked her. "Please call me Fay."

She started asking about my life. Over the next two hours she asked I answered refusing only a few questions. Each outfit was examined and praised. I gave her some background for each.

The Louise Brooks dress she really liked. I said it was the first piece Mirabelle had done.

"After they did the Louise Brooks dress I knew they'd be good for my ideas. So I've really used them!"

Louise commented that Mirabelle `ready to wear' had really taken off in the last few months.

I told her the white strapless had been worn in the White House for the State Dinner for Angela Merkel.

The salmon sweater and skirt worn at a horse race at Oaklawn in Arkansas where we unveiled a big new portrait of Glaa in their Triple Crown Room.

The last dress was a white beaded low cut evening dress to the floor with slender shoulder straps. The beading was silvery on the white. It had a three quarter length sleeved jacket of the same white beads, an upright collar. I had on silver heels and carrying a silver clutch bag.

I let on this to Louise had yet to be worn.

The interview was winding up, I changed back to my black leather pants and cropped top. I skipped the shoes.

Outside on the terrace. The sun felt good on my bare tummy and feet.

Louise looked at me, "I don't know the protocol of this... I've never interviewed my boss before..."

I smiled, "Royce is your boss. I'm an owner not involved in the day to day. If you are wondering... I do not want to see anything in advance. I guess the short answer as to why is... I don't like censorship and I want to trust you will do a good piece."

She looked relieved, "I hope my writing skills are up to the challenge. You've given me a lot of information and... " she motioned to Dougie, "Dougie has a lot of shots."

Dougie grinning, "Miss Martin, you are so easy to shoot."

I thanked him.

More coffee! Louise and I talked about the suite.

"This is a beautiful setting, how did you you choose it?"

"We own the hotel and it had been Cho's Pied-à-terre in New York until we bought a building in Greenwich Village and rehabbed it. We have used it for different things over the last two years."

"It's a so handsomely appointed. So it's available to hire?"

"Yes in fact someone is coming today. We squeezed in."

We were done, a hug for Louise.

The hotel folks got all the dress bags down to the van.

I changed to the Hugo Boss dress. Gil called a new place for lunch. Pell was downstairs.

We crossed the lobby to some twisted necks as a few people knew my face. Red round glasses went on.

We went east on 46th Street to Madison then north, a left onto 55th Street. Pell stopped right at the restaurant door. The Polo Bar. PJ was out, I followed, Gil and Tessa.

Inside a fellow met us. Gil stepped up, "You have a booking for Miss Martin."

He was nonplussed as I removed my glasses.

"YES! We do. Indeed we do!" He extended is arm. "Please straight then to the left. You asked for a corner so we hope you'll like this space."

Warm wood, a leather banquette and tables in front. Cozy. Beside a fireplace. I said it was fine. Ali and I on the banquette Gil in a chair. PJ and Tessa at a table in front of us. A server was right there, I saw a whispered conversation with man who greeted us.

The young woman stepped close, "Good afternoon and welcome Miss Martin."

I smiled and thanked her. I asked for a Campari and soda, a twist of lemon. Gil and Ali got drinks. Gil did stand beside PJ and Tessa, her hand on PJ's shoulder, "We are all together."

The young woman nodded and got their drink choices.

I stepped out to take a quick look around, Tessa with me. It was a beautiful place. Craftsmanship was superb, lovely wood everywhere. I liked the big pillows on the banquettes.

Tessa smiling, "This is would be quite the place if I hadn't been to your homes."

I squeezed her hand. We headed back our drinks arrived with the menus. I did a quick scan, I asked the size of the shrimp cocktail... I ordered a double one and the veggie burger. Lots of fries!

A smile from our server's face. She got it all and we sat back. I pulled the pillow behind me.

Gil asked if I was happy about the interview.

"Well... I'm not happy about doing those things but I want to give the Daily News a kick-off scoop. A sort of welcome for them."

Ali looking at me, "Fay, that's tremendous and generous."

"We did buy it to make money so..."

They laughed.

My drink was good and I liked this place so far.

Gil said when she asked for two tables... "they didn't seem interested in accommodating us until I used your name then... it was different."

"What if you had been spoofing them?"

"I guess that was why the fellow was a bit odd until you took off your glasses then he got it."

Fist bump!

The shrimp were properly cooked, nice and big, tender. The sauce was spicy and flavourful.

The burger was good and the fries/chips big and chunky. Everyone enjoyed their food. I thanked the server when she brought the espresso.

"Miss Martin, it has been great to serve you."

More thanks from me. Gil smiling knew to leave a good gratuity.

Earlier at my request PJ had sent Pell to get lunch at Minetta Street, we'd wander a bit looking at the shops. First next door to Escada. I liked some dresses, I didn't see anything special enough to buy. Back to Fifth Avenue.

I skipped over D&G, Armani and more as we moved uptown. I didn't feel like the big names had what I was interested in right now. I tried Chloé again but I had the same feeling... their ready to wear was nice but derivative.

A turn east on 57th Street. Louis Vuitton, Dior, Burberry we went by. St. Laurent had shoes in their window. Inside I looked at a few on a display. Well... A pair of `sandals' that were really three inch or more heels with an narrow ankle strap and a small band just above the toes. They looked great on my feet and surprisingly comfortable. Okay! I took the unadorned black.

I added a pair of bright blood red pumps for jeans.

My sales lady knew who I was but was chill. Amex card confirmed me. She just kept smiling. I shook her hand and thanked her. Ali said she'd carry the bag. Okay.

We walked to Fifth at 57th Street to meet Pell. Downtown to the Coach store. Pell's driving great as always! Right to the door at 79 Fifth.

At the door I asked for Paola. She was thrilled to see me. A hug. She'd moved here from uptown, a younger crowd. I thanked her for helping Mara.

I didn't want to shop today, she asked if she could introduce her store manager. I repeated my thanks to that lady. She was nice and pleased I would stop to do it personally. My `I'll be back' was taken seriously.

Twins time!

A text from Rande, >golf over eating at Winged Foot< A big check sent back.

Ali and Francis going uptown from Minetta Street to see Daria and spend the night in Ali's old rooms. Daria asked she keep them so they could do a visit like this. They'd all come to us for dinner tomorrow.

I changed to shorts and a crop top. I slipped out our door to the sun light.

Tha and the Twins on the terrace. Floppy hats and chubby knees! "Mama!" So wonderful as they ran to me, I got hugs.

Jaidee came over for a hug too. Charlie had played fetch with Jaidee again! They loved it.

Amazing progress by Chani and Charlie! Once they started walking it was like BOOM! Walking... running... and now two or three words together!

I was told `Jabee love ball' by Charlie! Chani in my lap, pink sun hat, a grin! She put her arms around my neck, HUG! "Chani love Mama."

Okay I was a puddle after that. Chani giggling!

Cho came home to two kids rushing toward the lift door "Dada!" "Dada!"

You could see he was overwhelmed as I had been. Kneeling, his arms around each baby. His look was awesome!

Later I told told about my greeting. His eyes alight!

Dinner was a bit wild with the Twins talking in words and baby talk mixed in. They seemed to understand each other even if we didn't get it all.

There was still the call for `nana' but ice cream was BIG! Also a suitable replacement!!

Once the Twins were asleep we sat with Tha to review their progress. She said a sudden spurt wasn't unusual and for us it was very welcome. She would continue with all the `exercises' of reading, pictures, puzzles, games and speaking several languages.

"Fay, Cho, they are very advanced babies. They are thirteen months but act like eighteen months at least. They are bigger than average nearly wearing eighteen months clothes. Cognitively they are amazing and their playing off each other to learn words and things is remarkable."

They knew some Thai and French. Tha said their vocabulary very much like a two year old.

"They are trying to build sentences which is excellent."

All this was music to our ears.

Roslyn and Mara had offered to take over with us so Tha could have some time off. She said she would rather wait until we were in Bangkok. She could see family then without a long plane ride. We were good with that. We'd make the time, their grandparents would love to have time with the Twins.

I emailed Phailin and Kanda to see if they could find a nurse as a substitute for Tha when were back home there. I said we'd all be happy to do things but a real Professional would make it all go much smoother.

The morning started with a pleasant walk for Jaidee then got a bit more complicated.

I asked that the FBI bring Yevgeny to a neutral location where for sure we couldn't be overheard. I decided on the Riverfront Club. No one could conceal a mike in swim trunks.

There had been a lot of back and forth over the preceding days, I had Theodore's shop weigh in. I said I was going to talk to Yevgeny about his future and the process we would use to protect him and Mara involved what had been classified as a state secret which the FBI agents weren't qualified to hear.

Oh boy! What nice little dustup. The final deal was one of Theodore's people would join us at the club. We would all go swimming. The FBI and the NSA person too. We would be at the club during an adult exercise time.

Yevgeny and I would be able to speak with the agents at some distance but not too far. The NSA person acting as a sort of guarantor. They were told PJ and Ken would be with me. I didn't tell them Tara and Tessa would be in their tank suits nearby posing as club members. That was easy because they were!

It all went well. No problems from the FBI, they came in as my guests as did the NSA man.. We registered Yevgeny as our employee. Mara was already a member.

The FBI guys were cool. They swam just keeping a loose watch. The NSA guy had a terrific back stroke.

Yevgeny on a lounge next to me. We spoke in Russian and German. He got what we had been doing. I handed him some mocked up documents to review. Also a diagram of where in the file system we proposed to place them.

He made comments in the margins and liked our chosen file site.

"Fay this looks very good but it will matter a great who is picked to be the champion of my role. They have to be senior enough to be taken seriously but not so criminal so they can't be easily dismissed. More than one is good, corroboration."

He wrote three last names on the bottom of one page, who he thought were the best to try. The pages went into my bag.

Then I asked about the possibility of there being another SuperUser on the FSB system.

Yevgeny smiled, "No. I helped setup that server. I deliberately put myself in as an Admin with others after I created the account you are using."

"What about we or the NSA put in documents that would implicate someone we wanted to discredit? To make their life come under scrutiny."

Yevgeny wasn't sure, "It might work if the information is specific enough and there is a trail to follow and the person `finding' the info had a reason to go to that file location. Quite a few maybes..."

I thanked him for his thoughts.

We talked about Mara. They had a few meetings, he thanked us for our care of Mara.

I smiled, "We've put her to work helping our nurse with our babies. She's likes the Twins."

A nice chat we got back into the pool for some laps before splitting up. A hug for him in the entryway. My folks headed home. Tessa and Tara had swum and laid around. They had Glocks in their bags.

Lunch at home with the Twins, Cho arrived in time for `Nana!' And a club sandwich with veggie bacon!

I was in the Bel Air blue white and red skirt, a short sleeve white cotton blouse that stopped at my waist, red heels, `Joy' and red lips and nails. Gold jewellery!

Cho in a black Polo shirt and silver gray slacks, black loafers.

We drove to the heliport and lifted up right away. Flying northwest crossing the New Jersey suburbs, a large lake and a green mountain passed below. We descended to a grassy spot that was the club's driving range.

PJ and Rande with us.

The people meeting us were club officers and several fellow members who had managed the car maker's tournament for the cub which was ending. They gave us a tour of the entire establishment.

Two large ponds nearly surrounding the main building with quaint wooden bridges crossing in several places. Big beautiful trees surrounded the the buildings, old oaks and elms rising high. Hedges providing separation between portions of the grounds.

A nice big clubhouse, the barroom, a dining room, meeting rooms and a ballroom. It was well decorated in an English manor house style fitting the exterior. Warm wood with yellows and greens as paint choices. Something of an early 19th Century Regency look.

An Olympic sized main pool and a smaller one for younger bathers. The pool terrace dotted with tables and umbrellas. A group of tennis courts beyond, maybe eight or ten.

We sat outside with drinks around a big table. They had been sent a large packet of information about the foundation and we as a couple were now well known so that side wasn't a problem. They knew I was the chairperson of the board.

We told them that we wanted to raise money of course but we were also interested in promoting the Foundation's profile in America. I described the clinics and shelters and goal of service to underrepresented people.

I watched their faces, they didn't act like our clientele were a problem. I had expected some resistance out here in what could only be described as white bread suburbia. In probing that one fellow spoke up.

"Miss Martin, the current sponsor of the tournament hasn't... " he looked around at his colleagues, there were no happy faces, "... they haven't been the best... well... their attitudes... their executives were plainly put... bigoted. It's not like we are all stone age types or wide-eyed liberals on the other side. We do believe in those qualities that America is supposed to stand for."

He paused to glance at the others, "We would like to put that behind us and work with an organization like yours."

Cho and I stood up to lean over shaking hands.

"The information we sent to you gave some background for the Foundation. Like most people I loved my mother, losing her was a great heartache. So the Foundation helps me..." my hand squeezed, " my wife and our children keep her memory alive as a generous loving lady."

They looked pleased. I said we'd need all the expertise they had since we had not done anything remotely like this before. They made noises like it could be a great pairing.

I opened my arms, "Gentlemen, you have a wonderful setting. Cho hasn't played your course but we've looked at pictures and video. It looks quite handsome as is your clubhouse and grounds."

We talked TV and other media, parking, concessions, food and lodging. I asked about buses or other people moving mechanisms from nearby and New York. Since they had experience the answers came quickly. After several hours we knew they wanted us and were ready to put on a good show.

We did our goodbyes with smiles all around. One man asked a favour, could he hitch a ride to the city. Cho said yes. Paine climbed in with us. He looked at the cabin and out the windows.

We got that he worked on Wall Street, a wife and two sons. They lived in North Haledon.

Paine was one of fellows I thought was glad to have us.

"The last several years with the car company have been awkward at best. Our club has to move forward to avoid stagnation or being identified with that car company."

Cho pointed out again we're not the usual for northern New Jersey.

Paine shaking his head, "No but your cause is something we all should get behind especially folks like us who have more than the average. You yourselves are spending a great deal of money when your clients aren't your type either."

I said that was true to a point. The foundation seeks to follow the path of love that was trod by Cho's mother. My hand tightly squeezed.

A smile on Paine's face, "From what I read that you sent us she was a loving open-hearted woman I hope we can do her justice."

We shook hands as our ten minute flight flared over the Hudson dropping to a landing grid. We offered Paine a seat in our car which he was happy to accept. We left him off in front of his building at Bleecker and Perry Streets.

"It was very generous of you. Thanks again!"

We leaned back for the short bit to Minetta Street.

Cho grinning, "Well that didn't hurt us."

We laughed. I said I'd call Jian. Kiss.

Tomorrow we'd meet Yoshi at the Fox Tower then sit with the Fox management when the Emmy Awards were announced.

The sun bunnies were outside sitting on a settee with Tha. They had sippy cups of juice and listening to Tha read. We were a brief interruption for hugs and kisses then back to Babar the Elephant in the original French.

We had a dinner here but very casual.

I sat in the chair in our suite as I dialed Jian so I could watch the Twins. Jian was thrilled we had an agreement. The paperwork would follow.

"Okay boss!"

We laughed. She'd seen the same snaps and video of the club. I gave her my impression of the event people and they seemed very happy to work with a non-profit.

"I think we'll be good. I don't believe they are all enthusiastic... the majority are. We're a nicer look than the car company."

Jian laughed. I gave her the news from the Twins. I was warned to get my trainers on my feet to keep up with them.

Daria at the lift, a smile and a cane. After a hug and kiss she waved the cane like a sword.

"If anybody tries to mess with me..." She got lots of laughs.

Ali and Francis got hugs from us!

We had a terrific dinner. The Twins giggling and eating. They were adept with their spoons. Chani next to me, Tha on the other side of Charlie. Daria grinning at it all. She liked watching the Twins do things.

Dessert and afters outside on the terrace.

Daria squeezing my hand, her ankle was improving, waving the cane, "I can bear the weight and my housekeeper puts ice on me if I've been out and about. Then heat rub to keep it warm for sleeping. I should be back to normal in a week or so."

We talked 21st Century Fox with Cho for a while. Chani and Charlie had plenty of company with Mara, Ali and Francis.

"I'm pleased you two have a controlling share now. Those of us who remain are good with your lead so..." the cane waving, " ... forge ahead!"

Laughing Cho said we would. The two central elements of Fox News and Fox Entertainment were going great. Our ad rates at the top of the charts, competition for the best slots was intense.

We also had virtually no turnover in staff. Our people were loyal and happy. We had unleashed pent-up creativity and enthusiasm.

The two Polk Awards put a nice gloss on our efforts, we had the Emmy Awards nominations tomorrow. We will probably be decently represented.

Daria asked about the Daily News. We made the Tribune folks a fair offer for a struggling newspaper, we'll put some money and effort into it.

Cho tapped her forearm, "We gave them our plan for them. We want the Daily News to be the GoTo newspaper in the city. For all city news and sports, culture and entertainment people will look there first. The staff was really happy to hear from us."

Daria laughed, "I can bet they were! The News has been on a slide for a while now."

She was sure we could manage it. The Post was rightwing rubbish, the Wall Street Journal slipping down further as it ignored the city except for Wall Street and the New York Times out of touch with the city. Fist bumps!

Daria in the doorway as we helped put the Twins to bed. Such a smile on her face as she got hugs from the little ones!!

Daria got hugs from us big people at the lift. Ali and Francis went down with her then to their apartment two doors along Minetta Street.

Cho rubbing Jaidee as I finished my teeth. Cuddles and a sleep!

We did the Jaidee walk en famile as the Twins came along in their pram then they got to walk in Washington Square. Gil and Ro took Jaidee to the dog run. The rest of us around the Twins in the sun. They walked around the fountain wanting to go in but we said not today.

Charlie did some insisting. Cho sat on on the fountain edge with the little man in his arms, talking quietly to him. Charlie looking at his Dad intently then when Cho stuck his fist out they bumped!

Chani was running on the grass between Tha and me as I kept an eye on the guys.

I knelt down to Chani, she leaned close to kiss my cheek... quietly "Mama like park."

I tickled her tummy under the pink crop top, giggles as she tickled my bare tummy. We sat on the grass, Tha joined us. Cho and Charlie walked over, smiles!

Jaidee came up on his lead with Gil and Ro. They joined the sitting group.

Ricardo, Roslyn and Mara were `blading,' Rexie had come along, she had a smile. She said this was fun.

Ken and Tessa, Ansara and Rande all smiling. What a crowd.

A tight orange tube skirt with a pink short sleeve top with orange buttons cut to my waist. Pink heels and nails. I toned it down with just gloss on my lips. Ha! Gold bits! `Joy' A pink clutch.

Cho's slender cut black slacks and blinding white Polo shirt were sleek. The Piaget Navigator on his wrist.

PJ and Tara with me, Rande and Penny for Cho in the car. Gil, Francis and Ali all at the apartment working on other things for us. We dropped into the basement garage at the Fox Tower. Going up in the lift I hand a warm strong hand in mine. I was smiling looking at us all.

Yoshi came bouncing into our office.

"Hello bosses."

He was feeling good. He'd had time off and been greeted this morning by a WhatsApp message from one group, they wanted to talk.

We spent some time reviewing that group's stated positions and what we might expect from them.

I gave him the information on the Malay `forestry' man and what I asked Becky to do.

I didn't give Yoshi the source of our info but he could make a good guess. I did say there could be problems with that fellow if he tried to `spy' for the insurgents whenever he crossed into Thailand again.

Yoshi looking at me nodding, "I'm sure he's helped out our `friends' in Malaysia both ways, giving them info from Yala and Narathiwat provinces to plan attacks and bits from his superiors in Kuala Lumpur. A dangerous game."

"We'll have to take him into account from now on. We are going consult with our people in Bangkok, they may have their own ideas about how to deal with him."

I leaned over to squeeze Cho's arm, "We want to inject some misinformation into the mix."

His eyes snapped to mine, I raised my hand, "Not through you but in Kuala Lumpur and/or the Malay embassy in Bangkok. A very subtle item implying the Malay government was considering pushing the insurgents back into Thailand or collecting them if they wouldn't go."

Yoshi's smile saying a lot, "They are already feeling the effect of a changed Malay sense of... comradeship you might call it. Your idea percolating down would stir the pot. You intend to make it vague though... like it was just some part of the government thinking?"

"Exactly! Nothing definite more of a rumour but an unwelcome one. As a follow to the raids it doesn't have to be anything more than that."

Yoshi loved it. He knew Arturo had spoken to the forestry' fellow as part of his cover work on reforestation in Malaysia, Arturo had been left with the opinion the man didn't know much... now we know why. That man may now know of Arturo's contacts with the Iman's in Kuala Terengganu so the cover story would have to be extended to a quiet hunt for a news story about the insurgents. At least for the forestry' man's consumption.

I informed Yoshi of the `fact-finding' trip by the U.S. Army general and gave him the general's background in Thailand.

Smiling I said it was something like the raids in northern Malaysia being a nudge for the insurgents, this is a tweak for the Thai Army. Fist bumps!!

Bill's PA knocked, the Emmy Award thing was about to start. We headed to the larger conference room to join all the management team.

We sat as the various categories were announced, a room full of smiles. We got nominated in twenty news categories for thirty four stories so we had ourselves as competitors in many categories.

Fox News was nominated in: Hard News; Investigatory; Continuous Coverage; News Special; News Discussion; Live Interview; Edited Interview; Business, consumer and economic reporting; Current Affairs Documentary; Politics and Government Documentary; Social issues; Investigatory Documentary; Business and Economic Documentary; Best Story in a Newscast; Research; Video Journalism; Editing: News; Editing: Documentary; Regional News Story.

The Pee Tape story several times, the Concrete story many more, Bots on Social Media also, Bigots in the Republican Party and more! Our best pieces were nominated so many times! The economics show Gerald liked so much. Megan got her first nomination! What a load of nominees!!

The Fox Entertainment side had dozens of nominations also. The evening programming was stellar! Abbey was with us on the Conference App, a huge grin as the names of our shows kept piling up. As with the News division we were competing against our own shows in multiple categories.

Emmy Award night was going to be huge! I said to everyone to get out their tuxedo and ball gowns which brought laughter. We did a lot of hand shaking and cheek kissing. Now we wait until September 17th.

We did some corporate business while we were here then off to lunch. A new place, Le Beaumaris, a few blocks north of us on 52nd Street. Gil had arranged it. She said they have a big reputation for their food. Seafood specialists in the French style.

PJ was Okay with our walking. The six of us set out to walk using the Mid-Town pedestrian tunnel. We came out at 7th Avenue a half block from the restaurant. I liked to walk the tunnel.

At the restaurant door PJ stepped inside leading us. A fellow looked at our clothes, I guess we were too casual. They offered Cho a jacket, black, it was way too big and not very nice looking, dirty.

I looked at him, I wasn't wedded to this place... Cho turned to PJ asking him to call Aylesha for a fast pickup.

The maître d' wanted us to move outside... he pushed Cho's arm and shoulder... Rande stepped in his way and quietly told him to back off. The maître d' looked shocked.

I asked the fellow to call his boss... he moved to his little podium and made a call. We moved near the door, Aylesha said ten minutes or less. She would re-route a car.

A man appeared, the maître d' motioned to us and spoke to him. He came our way but PJ stopped him.

"You are on our premises I insist you leave."

Cho smiled, "We will as soon as our car arrives. Please do not get worked up as we do not want to be here any longer than necessary. For your sake please be calm."

"I'm calling the police!!"

"Fine but we stand better with them than you do so maybe patience is the best thing."

The man waved to the maître d' and asked what are booking name was.

I grinned, "Miss Fay Martin and Mr. Cho. I hope that helps."

He looked stricken... "We... I... I want to apologize... we had no idea who you were..."

Cho's smile was deadly, "That statement makes this worse. Everyone should be treated to a decent welcome regardless of their financial value. Shame on you. We are waiting for our car it will only be a few more minutes. Our Protection people do not want us waiting on the sidewalk."

PJ looked at me, I knew and nodded.

He said to the man quietly, "You should advise your staff...' motioning towards the weasel at his little podium, " ... not to touch guests. He could have been restrained and arrested if Mr. Cho so desired."

That brought a scared look to his face then anger as he turned to the maître d', "You touched them?"

That fellow's face fell to his feet. A nod.

The car pulled up so we walked out... the man followed but not close. Penny and Tara blocked him.

"Please return another day so we can host you for lunch... we'd be happy to do so for free."

We were at the car Cho did ask him a rhetorical question... if the restaurant really had a Michelin three star rating and how could that be so. We didn't wait for that fellow's answer as we stepped into the car.

Cho and I told our Team we were happy with the way they played it.

I leaned on him, "I won't but it would be nice to call the Daily News food person..."

Cho squeezed my hand, "You can't stop small-minded people from doing stupid acts, it happens all the time."

He smiled at me.

The driver dropped us at home. Roslyn had been alerted, she was getting lunch for us. `Nothing fancy' from me.

Twenty minutes later we had grilled cheese sandwiches, pickles, olives and a nice pile of potato crisps aka potato chips with a spicy chive dip! To hell with the elitists at Le Beaumaris!

Gil was upset at our reception and apologized about the not knowing about their jacket rule for men applied at lunch also. Cho smiled saying it made no matter.

"Places like that are running on ego more than quality after a while. Snob appeal!"

I had told Cho what a nice lunch we had at the Polo Lounge. He mentioned Ralph Lauren could teach the Le Beaumaris folks some lessons in curtesy and service. Fist bump.

I got Ali and Gil with me for work after some Twins time. Charlie and Chani had done a lot of running around so we sat with Cho and a book on African animals. Brilliant pictures! They both liked the lions and elephants the most. The hippos swimming were pretty good too!

They went in for a nap. Tha in between them walking to the nursery holding hands.

The sun felt great. Short shorts and crop top getting warmed down deep! Too bad I had to work. There was a bunch of things for News UK over our acquiring the printing assets. Lawyers stuff!

It was our crowd for dinner. Antipasto, Casarecce pasta mixed with artichoke hearts, tomatoes, shallots in a light olive oil, freshly grated parmesan. Crunchy loaves and a Montepulciano from L'Aquila!

Tha and I cut the tomatoes and artichokes into spoon sizes for the Twins. A piece of buttered bread in Charlie's hand, a monster grin on his face!! Those cute little teeth! Chani next to me with a smile as she chewed some pasta.


Chani grinning waving her spoon!

Ice cream after. They didn't ever get much but it went over big every time.

When the Twins went to bed we sat to watch our Fox TV talks. Cho's with Frank on our horse racing team and upcoming racing around the world was first on the recorder. Cho looked tremendous, relaxed and smiling. He talked history and the Triple Crown.

Harcourt Racing was the first stables to ever win back to back Triple Crowns. Although The Meadow Stable came close in 1972 and 1973. Riva Ridge won the Kentucky Derby and the Belmont in 1972. Secretariat did the business in 1973!

Lucien Laurin came close!

Monaco was in elite status as he first trainer to win it back to back and the third to win two. Wayne Lukas won six Triple Crown races but with four different horses over three years.

Cho smiling as he gave an overview of some of our prospects, yearlings and babies. We were racing in England and France along with Thailand and America.

There were established farms in Thailand, England and up the Hudson in Pleasant Valley where have a minority stake in a top rated training farm. We have a farm in Fauquier County in Virginia's horse country that has a long and excellent history back to Antebellum period.

We are starting a new farm in Kentucky that will be for stud, raising the young ones and training. We will also have space for retired horses.

Cho did say there was a ranch in California we are considering buying and we looked at a farm in the horse county of Aiken County, South Carolina.

Cho explained why and how EFT was begun in Oxfordshire. We had an opening with press and the Duchess of Cambridge, Kate, was our guest to cut the ribbon.

Frank asked how this explosion of racers and property buys started. I saw the Cho smile.

"It came from several sources. I had been in racing for many years in Thailand only. My wife's love of horses and riding bringing it to me every day to me. Fay wasn't on the racing side of things but when she had a taste of it with Glaa's first races in Bangkok she was hooked. Her enthusiasm came together with our meeting an American trainer in London at the home of a friend.

Ringgold really knows the American racing game. His knowledge is deep and wide. He was sure Glaa would do well as a two year old on North American tracks. So we gave him a go in Saratoga. Glaa proved the choice was right that year and certainly the next."

Frank laughed, "Are there any more mile and quarter races for him to break his record again?"

Laughter from Cho also, "Only one, he's in Oxfordshire right now getting ready for a race at Ascot on turf. It's the King George VI & Queen Elizabeth Stakes at eleven furlongs and change or almost one mile and a half. It's to be his second race on grass and his second at that distance. He ran away from everyone at the Woodford Reserve Classic at Churchill Downs for his first grass outing.

Then there's the Breeder's Cup Classic at Del Mar that is a mile and a quarter. He be up against his younger half-brother, SakChai. The first time the Classic will have had two Triple Crown winners running. IrishRainbow will be in again this year. Should be quite the show because SakChai is trying for the same sweep of all the major races in a year like Glaa did. IrishRainbow is an intense competitor so you can't forget him."

They ended. I hugged and kissed Cho. He had been awesome. Relaxed like he was sitting here.

Then my interview. I watched my self... thinking about my voice, face, mannerisms. The edit was well done. The points I wanted to emphasize were prominent and my words fitting.

When it was done Cho kissed me, "You did good. Gordon too. He kept it tight. Really fine editing! I think you will make a real impression."

I thought the audience wasn't large but influential. It was another stepping stone to build on. I asked Gil to contact Patty Murray to see what the reaction on Capitol Hill was. Thumbs up.

A lovely walk with Jaidee was a great start to my day. Ro and Tara with me to the Leroy Street Dog Run. We stopped to say hello at the Garage on our way back. The fellows all grinning and petting Jaidee.

We had some fun with Charlie and Chani before leaving for the heliport. A two hour flight to Toronto. Samir was running at Woodbine. We wanted to make a show of support for him and let the Canadian folks know of our interest in racing there. PJ and Tessa, Rande and Ansara with us.

I had some work and Cho was in some report from Thet and Sumate. When we had fifteen minutes to go Cho asked me to stop and told me the gist of the report. It covered our current operations and the plan for the expanding properties. Around the world the Security force would reach twenty thousand employees soon.

A huge payroll cost, equipment and development expenses! The good part is there's quite a lot coming in now. The Thai government was contracting with us for multiple services, many businesses are now customers of our Security at different levels of protection. Friends had hired our Security to be their shield at homes and businesses. Santa Anita Park was very happy with our taking over as their security.

Cho gave me a wink, his hand motioning around the cabin, "These guys get well paid but we work them so hard they don't have time to spend it so if we need a loan..."

A helicopter full of laughs.

We flared for landing on a space Woodbine had setup for us at the western end of the track well away from any horses. The AW139 would go to Pearson International to fuel up and wait for a call to return.

Woodbine had carts for us to go to the barn to visit Samir and then to the grandstand.

Samir was quiet, he made some nickers as we talked and stroked him. Marti smiling saying he was good. Nathaniel his trainer was pleased with his work, "He's sharp, ready to run."

Fist bump.

The carts took us around to the back of the grandstand. We walked past the Walking Ring which was busy up some stairs and into a meeting room where track officials and some Canadian government folks were waiting. We did a meet and greet. They were happy we were racing at Woodbine and hoped for more.

Cho told them most likely more this year and certainly more next year.

Brodie!! It was great to see the big fellow again. We got to meet Tina, his wife. She was the opposite of her man, petite, blonde and very cute! Now I don't mean Brodie's ugly!

We moved to the owner's box they reserved for us. We talked about my first meeting Brodie in Paris.

Tina said, "You made Brodie laugh so much. He loved your house and the Twins."

I was a `good' mother, I showed Tina some video shot of the Twins running around on the terrace. They were sweet in their shorts and floppy hats.

She was prepared! Snaps on her phone. Their two were early teens, cute girl and a good sized boy taking after his father. We had time to talk a good deal.

A server brought drinks and we relaxed before the race was called.

The post parade began, I pointed out our boy glossy black boy. Cho told them the jockey was Mike, Glaa's regular rider. A Triple Crown winning jock! He'd leave from here for Harcourt House and Ascot.

Nathaniel joined us and was introduced. He was smiling, feeling good about the boy!

The horses walked over to the first inside track to run on the Polytrack surface. They went around to the back chute for the start of this six furlong race.

They all loaded easily... a pause... CLANG! They came out fast and clean. Samir right to the front pouring on the power. He was three lengths ahead when they got to the turn. In my glasses I watched him change leads and keep the pace fast rounding the turn.

They came out onto the stretch Samir had six lengths and not slacking at all! Mike was hand riding with some of urging. Samir added to his lead and roared over the finish. 57:10!! He broke the track and stakes record of 57:20 held since 1981 by Deputy Minister!

We did celebrate. I got big hugs from Brodie and Tina! They were excited for us. Cho shaking Nathaniel's hand! I gave him a hug and congratulations.

Samir was three for three with three races to go.

A lady from Woodbine came to guide us downstairs to the Winner's Circle. Cho got the gilt and money. Mike got a hug when he slid down.

`Miss he really loves to run as much as Glaa. He's still young and getting better!" Fist bump!

We went back up to say our goodbyes to Tina and Brodie. They were going to come over to Saratoga for the last big weekend of the season. Hugs and kisses!

We lifted off quickly turning west away from the track and barns. Once up Cho said one of the Woodbine folks said we'd be welcome to land any time if they got some notice.

He would talk to Monaco about racing at Woodbine more this year.

Email from Jonny in flight, Satirical won today. He had a six length win in the Prix Maurice du Nieuil at St. Cloud. He led wire to wire, not seriously challenged.

We'd be at the Belmont tomorrow for Hansa. Her first race since the Triple Crown.

Dinner with the Twins and the rest of our family. Afters on the terrace. Play time for Charlie and Chani before bed. Nothing wild, the game about body parts. Arms, legs, toes, etc... in many languages!

Cho and I sat in the half dark with Gil, Ali and Francis talking over Francis' accounting group. It should become a separate company on its own with Francis as Chief Executive Officer.

We wanted to build it up so the staff could do audits around the world at our properties and sell it as a service to friends and other companies. To scale up Andrea in London, Mary of HR at 21st Century Fox and Violet on the west coast of the America would do recruiting and interviewing, leaving the final choices to Francis.

He wanted folks who were multi-lingual, free to travel, married was fine but be able to travel, grounded in solid accounting concepts, spreadsheet mavens and more. The `mavens' getting chuckles around the group.

They would also be used at the Cho Family Banks, at TrueRating they would be the watchdog for the other two audit companies.

I said we need to get a day to day manager so Francis would be free to do what he does for us. Thumbs up from him! It was agreed that would be a harder task.

By the time we loaded up for the Belmont it had been a full day! The Twins out for a dog walk got to meet Pip and Peter.

They were both doing fine. Jaidee and Pip did the obligatory sniffles, all Okay. The Twins got to pet Pip who wasn't sure about really small humans but held still for some rubs.

Charlie clapping as Jaidee peed on a streetlight pole. I mean Jaidee was good at peeing but applause? He didn't mind.

We stopped at Third Rail Coffee for puppuccinos, Jaidee got his, gone in a minute. Chani and Charlie got their cup of whipped cream too! Giggles as we walked towards Washington Square, whipped cream on cheeks, noses and some inside. Tha was ready to wipe cute faces.

The Twins with me outside the dog run watching Jaidee and a boxer girl run around. They had fun chasing tennis balls. The fellow who brought the boxer remarked the two got along wonderfully.

"Jaidee is an even tempered boy but tough when its required. Your girl is very good looking."

He said Kema was three, always full of energy when the lead came out. We chatted a bit before we needed to go home.

The Twins with us for breakfast! Scrambled eggs, toast with a smear of strawberry preserves. Little teeth digging in! A piece of veggie bacon in Charlie's hand disappearing in crunchy bites. A huge grin!!

Some games and reading time then off to the Belmont. My yellow sleeveless frock to mid-thigh, green accessories and a yellow straw roll brim hat with a green ribbon. Green leather bag and red nails and lips. Dabs of `Joy' by Cho, red round sunglasses.

Cho in black with a yellow tie. I rubbed some Terre on that handsome face. Grin!

After landing we went straight to the barn on the carts. Hansa was nickering as we stroked her neck, a kiss for our girl. Her first race since the Triple Crown.

Up in our box which the Belmont reserved for us. Francis, Ali and Gil. Ring was here with us, he's visiting his mother on the north shore. Our Security behind us.

We got some cheers and applause when we appeared. Still odd to wave to folks.

The Belmont Oaks Invitational Stakes was run on turf, a first for Hansa. Tomas said she liked grass and was comfortable. Reggie, her groom, smiling earlier said she'd been very bouncy, pleased with the surface. So... maybe more grass for her!

Monaco had watched her in training carefully, "She moves even better on grass."

I remember the first time seeing her at Pleasant Valley in the paddock by the drive. I thought she looked marvelous in the late winter sun `flowing' across the grass.

The post parade began for the mile and a quarter race for three year old fillies only. The field walking along quietly. Our Belmont stable pony `Alexander' flicking his long tail in big sweeps beside Hansa. The horses loaded without issue...

CLANG! They popped out getting their footing on the bright green track. Hansa went to the front immediately. Into the first turn she was already three lengths clear, really sprinting around the turn.

Onto her right lead on the back straight there was a five length gap now. Tomas had her close to the rail running freely. She looked tremendous on grass!

The lead widened to seven as Hansa moved into the second turn. Tight to the rail Hansa's smooth lead changes giving a greater spread from the rest of the field. At the top of the home stretch back on her right lead Tomas hand riding with slight urging Hansa upped her game roaring down the turf.

She was widening from the field, her fractions very fast. Tomas kept her on a straight line to the wire. She crossed the finish in full stride! 1:58:93!!!! Under 1:59:00 for the mile and a quarter!!! A new record for the stakes!! The first filly to run the distance under 1:59:00.

We did some jumping and hugging for our girl. Monaco's face! A big hug for him and a thank you for his hard work!

"Fay, you and Cho have given me the finest horses to work with so it's been easy!"

Ring grinning, "Cho she's a marvel. The fillies will all be running scared now!"

Walking down to the Winner's Circle a Belmont fellow said he thought the three race Triple Crown contest with her brother had sharpened Hansa!

I agreed with him. She had run with the enormous power and verve. One more race before the Breeder's Cup for her right here!

Cho getting the nice trophy, his smile brilliant! A hug for Tomas who was very pleased for his horse setting a new record and blowing away the field. A big payday for Tomas and us too, $600,000.00 to be split by Harcourt Racing and our staff!!!

We sat with Monaco for a visit in his barn office. Our horses had been great winners and some folks wondered about the sudden appearance of our success. The NYRA and the racing authorities in California, Kentucky and Florida had all done investigations.

We had opened our doors to them, we allowed them to be around at all times, view any video, speak to our staffs. The only limitation had been the primacy of our Security when safety and security were concerned. Our people never had to intervene.

The New York folks had given us a clean bill. No improper or illegal drugs or procedures were done to our horses. California's investigation showed the same result. Kentucky said we were where all racing stables should be...but often weren't. Florida was slower partly because we had no permanent facilities there.

We requested NYRA and the California Horse Racing Board share whatever they could legally with Florida or any other state board.

Knowing that banned or inappropriate drugs are given to horses to enhance their performance sickened Cho and I. To deliberately hurt your horse to get a win or even possibly a lost was abhorrent. Shortening their lives or possibly covering up an injury which could become fatal to the horse was depraved.

We had no fear of any investigation but they had do one because others cheated only proved something about people I had preferred not knowing.

A big hug for Monaco! He was going into the history books for training great horses to run even better honestly and decently.

He had spoken with state racing regulators whenever they wanted. No limitations. He passed on to them an open invitation to our facilities limited only by our Security accompanying their people. Not to restrict them or interact except for safety or security reasons.

Each state had been very complimentary to Monaco and our staff. For our people it was one of those things... no big deal since we had nothing to hide.

Lots of movement! Cho leaving for Bangkok, a big Cho Family Banks meeting. Callendar from here going with Cho, Francis too!

I was going to London, Gil with me. Ali staying here to work on researching more Fox affiliates to buy. Miami, Birmingham, El Paso, Colorado Springs, San Antonio, Las Vegas, Omaha were getting in-depth looks!

We flew together up to Newburgh. Kisses on the tarmac! Jaidee was staying in New York with the Twins and Tha. Ro and Tara too.

The sun just rising as we touched down at Chalgrove. My bags to Harcourt House in Tom's car, an AW139 warmed up for us. The fast flight to the News UK building on London Bridge Street. The Met Police stopped traffic briefly for me to land on Joiner Street. We were quickly out and the helicopter gone.

My email binged. Becky. Going up in the lift Becky's email said General Shaw was leaving for Bangkok tonight. I replied with an Okay and a thanks! I also emailed Dad about the departure. He was already in the loop from me and the General had Dad's name and contact details.

A warm day in London so I was dressed for it. A gray silk skirt to my ankles, white Guess sandals and a white silk sleeveless top over a tiny bra. Gold bits and `Joy' Blue round sunglasses. Looking casual sexy!

Straight to Adam's office... he was smiling! Hug and cheek kisses!! I said let me..." waving my bag.

In my office I dropped my bag and sunglasses. Norma pleased to see me. She handed me a envelope. It was a thank you card from her daughter Nicki. They'd had a weekend at the Froyle house and enjoyed themselves very much. Mr. Reed was kind enough to help them see the badgers. A real thrill!

I squeezed Norma's hand, "Good for you two. It's worth getting in place and waiting."

She had things for me `I'd be right back.'

Norma kept me up with the numbers for both newspapers, Adam had the latest weekend totals. The Sun on Sunday was now up 42 percent over last year and the Times on Sunday 34 percent! Big numbers for the weekend editions.

Reginé's team had spent some time with the News UK social media folks building a campaign to span all the major platforms. They emphasized the new owners, changes to the newspaper's focus, how some topics are now being portrayed, the culture of honesty and accuracy being the bedrock of News UK.

They also pushed that our websites would safe places because we are careful about advertisers and limited the `ad brokers' placing ads. All ads are scanned with anti-malware software we knew and approved.

There had been a lot of whinging by brokers but our logic was indisputable, if you don't check the ads a customer could get malware from one of our sites and that would end any relationship with the broker forever. Lots of hand-wringing and sweating but we stood firm.

What we were doing was moving away from outside brokers to building an ad network of our own. It would be shared across the News UK newspapers and we could allow others to pay to join. It will be protected from all malware since no ad will run without being checked several different ways.

The software will be available to 21st Century Fox and the Daily news in New York for their own advertisers and possible use by other news organizations for a fee.

Reginé's project had been running for two weeks and the spike in sales from it is still rising adding to the overall success. Online there was a gigantic surge of people coming to the websites.

At my desk I did all the things Norma had for me. Reading and signing a pile of things, I made notes for Norma.

A meeting with our PR senior staff. They laid out new promotional programmes, budgets and goals. Sponsorships for various worthy causes and sports were staples for PR.

I had asked they consider more women's activities, they had moved into sport and some school events. Women's rugby, football, golf, tennis and more were receiving money from News UK now.

The change of ownership and having a woman publisher had made many groups receptive to our interest in sponsoring them. Prior to our takeover the Sun had been too toxic for many groups to be allied with in any way.

I had Gil call Erin Lonsdale our London estate agent to see what other properties she might have found for shelters.

After that meeting and call I went on a walk-about. PJ and Ken stayed in my office, Tessa with me. Some stops on the management floor then to see Des. He was in the newsroom. Des was leaning over the shoulder of a woman typing. I tapped his arm, a quick head turn... big smile.

"Fay!" A hug.

"We've got a good story here in the city! A fellow in a local council taking money for helping developers get planning permission and land use changes. Some of it on land that has environmental issues which they want to hide. Some nasty stuff!"

I loved his enthusiasm! The woman reporter smiling as I gave her shoulder a squeeze, "Having fun?"

"Yes! These guys want to build a block of flats over a toxic waste dump site in the east end. Fumes from the muck would come up into the building."

I cheered them on!

Des pointed me to Hugo with one word... brexit. Okay. I kissed his cheek.

Hugo grinned across his desk, "Miss Martin, the government is in trouble over their pursuit of brexit. The country's news media has mostly followed our lead and support a new vote as the worst case. We are still pushing for all of brexit to stop because of the underlying criminal actions behind the referendum voting."

"We haven't seen any local TV so how are they covering it ... I mean besides the BBC?"

"They've lined up behind us. Your folks over at Sky UK have done some scathing reports about the sources of much of the money used to finance the `leave' campaign. The BBC is turning but it moves slowly these days and they of course worry about their fee being used against them. That old Thatcher threat still works."

I leaned back considering then stood up, "Hugo, come with me in a minute. I want to round up Des and Adam for a quick meeting. I want to go to the front page again with this. A kick in arse for the government."

He had a much bigger grin now!

I got all of us into Adam's office. I made my pitch to send the `wind up' the tory politicians. Once more. Yes! They were all good with it. Hugo would write a piece that reiterated our points about the dodgy referendum vote and that the EU would be happy to just forget the whole thing. Also reminding readers there was no time for the government to negotiate new trade deals or customs arrangements or policing relationships or travel provisions leaving only the possibly of chaos.

I would write several paragraphs re-emphasizing News UK's opposition to brexit. It was born from fascist ideals, pushed by foreign money that bought access to our country's media and the vote was corrupted by this wide-scale cheating and manipulation of the media.

"Okay! Let's go!" fist bumps all around.

I went down to the Times offices. Rolf was smiling as I told what was happening at the Sun.

"Yes! I'd like to do it. They need a reminder!"

I'd send on to him my short `from the Publisher' piece.

We shook hands!

I sat with Gil's help to get my part done. Two tight paragraphs said what I wanted. Good hard punches at the Tories waffling. The United Kingdom's future in the balance.

I walked it over to Adam's office. He had two folks but waved me in. One was the woman working on the toxic flats block in development. They were editing it, coming to a close.

Adam said she should re-write those three paragraphs and show them to Des.

Adam gave my piece a read. A smile on his face as he did.

"Here I thought I was the one with a bit of biting wit. This is terrific stuff. A swift arse kick! Well done!"

"I was inspired!"

"I'd say so!"

He used the intercom to get Des.

Adam leaning back in his chair as Des had my contribution. I watched Des... he almost laughed out loud.

"Fay it's great! It'll go very well with what Hugo has planned so far."

Fist bump!

I was on the sofa Adam across from me after Des left.

"I was thinking about a young woman who walked back into my life a few years ago."

He put a hand over his eyes, "White and Yellow striped frock, very feminine and summery. Right?"

I laughed, "Yes! It's a nice dress. I should wear it more."

"Well you've grow all out of proportion since then!"

"You wouldn't have me stagnate?"

"NO... but I would not have foreseen how far you might go."

I laughed, "You don't know a lot of the other things I've been up to lately. When... and if... I can say... you'll have a good laugh. A family thing, you know my parents... work."

I got a searching look, "It wouldn't surprise me... you get about a great deal... what you gave me from your travels was always quite good, detailed."

I shrugged, "I can't say more but you've the idea."

Fist bump.

Norma had a few more things for me then I went down to look at the clinic construction. The foreman said they were on schedule and they had no issues to worry about.

My three protectors and Gil walked with me a block north to the Barrowboy & Banker pub. We went upstairs to a corner table, The sunny day had the room looking bright and pleasant.

I left on my sunglasses to start. Our server had given me some looks... Okay.

I asked for a double prawn skewers order and a double hummus plate for the table. The Malt & barley fish pie with their triple cooked chips and the cheese board for Gil and I at the end. A Fuller's London Pride pint and coffee with the cheese board.

The food was good all around. Well done and presented. The server was a bit star-struck but got over it in his zeal to please. He did tell the manager I was in the pub and that person arrived. I thanked him for his interest in our welfare but our server was doing fine.

Gil left a good tip.

Back to the office. I read Hugo's piece for the Sun's front page! A nice kick in the hindquarters for the government. So that done I stepped into Allyn's car next stop the Vauxhall shelter. We got to Kennington Lane quickly. Going around the Elephant and Castle was something I hadn't done in a long while, I hadn't been south of the river much.

Gil had called Lydia to give her some warning. I walked up to the door to meet Lydia for the first time. Petite with lovely dreadlocks, a shining face in a multicoloured striped dress that was great! We shook hands.

"Miss Martin it is wonderful for you to be here."

I got a tour and met a bunch of our guests. A skinny dark-haired girl in jeans and T-shirt started to cry when I asked how she was doing. Lydia motioned to her office. I took the girl's hand to lead her in.

"Nona' wiped her eyes on a Cho-Fay handkerchief. Once again the story behind the lettering worked its magic. A smile.

We sat on the settee.

"Miss Martin, I couldn't make it on the streets any more... I'd run out of places to go. A nice older Asian man who'd given me some food and a coffee pushed a newspaper across the table to me. It had a story about you and the shelters. It didn't give an address... I was over in Deptford... I walked to Vauxhall Station to ask around. A lady in a chip shop told me where to go."

Lydia said they'd put up notices in public areas... and a few merchants let us have window space.

Well you can only do so much. Later I did ask Lydia to talk with the folks at Vauxhall Station and maybe ask to put up some posters there and around bus stops.

Nona said she had a nice room and felt safe...

I asked about school. She'd left last year without doing her exams, didn't seem to matter. Her school in Croydon didn't stop her getting abused because she was a lesbian.

"My dad is a shit, hitting my mum and me. Mum hated me being different. She blamed me for dad's abuse." A shrug.

Lydia's face pinched, she was looking at me, "We don't have time limits here."

Nona looking at me when I asked if she wanted to take her exams and go further in school.

"I would... " looking a bit lost.

"We will help in whatever way we can AND you want. Lydia can get you some tutoring and an exam location. What we want always has to be what you are willing work with... no one is going to impose anything on you."

I told her to rest and get to a good place in her mind then let Lydia know. We shook hands on it! A big smile now.

Lydia gave me a smile, "Miss Martin, you helped her just by talking."

"Yes but things now fall on your shoulders."

"I can handle it!" I laughed.

After we talked Lydia had no doubts about our willingness to help every guest in the same way. Tutors, some decent clothes weren't much. Lydia knew of a referral service for tutors who wanted to volunteer their time.

Good. I said we'd pay for their Tube or bus fares to and from our shelters.

A hug for her.

We headed to the SOHO shelter on Dean Street. Thomasina was at the door. I said I wanted to look at the building. We held hands on the sidewalk across the street. Black hair, dark eyes, curvy looking very nice in Jeans and red shirt.

I pointed to the white stone window surrounds, "I like the way they look. The brick is great but the white makes the building appear solid, strong. The effect is excellent, it looks like a place of calm."

She laughed, "Well not always but we try."

I got another tour and a half dozen guests in a meeting room to meet. Hands shaken.

I asked questions around the table. Although there were no tears it was plain Nona's experience was depressingly common as I had imagined.

It came to our basic idea, make them safe and give them options.

Thomasina said they had some tutoring happening, two of the young people said they would sit their exams and the help was great.

A jobs person from the local council was to be here later.

They all liked their rooms and the food was awesome! They'd had a medical checkup yesterday.

A hug with Thomasina.

We went further north to Stanhope Street. Tony and Isaac smiling at the door. It was bustling inside. It was `Doctor Day' here today! All the residents and walk-ins would be seen.

I met some of the residents, they acted pretty pleased to be here.

Tony and Isaac in the office were jazzed about how well it was going. Some bumps, nothing too bad and for the most part the folks staying here had been good on the rules.

One fellow had been bounced when he brought heroin in. He was upset to be put out but had gone without a struggle. He broke a major rule. Isaac got him into a drug rehabilitation programme, if he gets clean we'd work with him again. A tough addiction to beat.

It made me even prouder than ever for Des. He had hit his bottom, saw what his life had become and fought back up. Such drive I hoped our bounced guest had too!

A call from Moses. I went outside with PJ and Ken.

"Fay, the docs have been finalized with NSA and Yevgeny's ideas incorporated. We will place them later today in the wee hours Moscow time. The date and time stamps will match the locations. Now it's up to the NSA to get them `found' by the Russians when necessary."

"Good. I'll follow up with Theodore and give him your timing. Cheers!"

I called Theodore.

"Fay, we have chosen two of the names on the list that Yevgeny recommended. Both would be in a position to know' about a deep mole being sent to here and to receive any info he might send. They aren't close friends so a tête-à-tête' about what we are doing to them likely won't happen. Of course they both also have a lot to lose including their lives and injury to their families. Russia hasn't changed much since Stalin's day for the higher echelon people. Toe the line or it's the chop!"

"Good that it hasn't changed. Nothing like pressure and paranoia."

Theodore had a brief laugh.

We chatted about how the NSA would monitor the two.

"The CIA isn't involved but we might have to ask for some help. If so, we will limit what information we give them to protect an asset which is perfectly normal and they would understand."

He said we'd have to create docs for "Yevgeny' to send as reports from America. Much will depend on what he does and what access to info he appears to have. We probably won't do anything for a year or more so he is seemingly gaining the trust of our people.

Then he can report that the FBI is keeping him under surveillance for a while longer... sort of playing out a long string."

I said I got the idea. This wasn't a short term thing. I added we could get Yevgeny himself involved when the time was right. Theodore agreed.

We rang off.

Back inside I got quick sample of the cook's vegetable soup. Excellent, fresh veggies in a nice broth, lots of flavour! Big pieces of bread and butter. Fruit and cookies, homemade sugar ones!

Isaac praised her cooking, I could see why! She was easy with the residents, getting them to help without a squawk.

Home for me, Basuto Road! We rolled up, it was getting dark. A long day. No cooking for us.

A walk to the White Horse! PJ told Tessa and Ken they could have a beer, he would stay on duty. I thanked him, so did they.

We got a large table outside.

I chose a pint of Guinness, the grilled fish and starting with seared scallops.

A call with Chopin Polonaise ringtone, Kate! I got up, moving to Parson's Lane walking away from the pub. PJ with me. I crossed the street towards the `green.'

"Could we impose you on your offer of the beach house?"

"Of course! When?"

"Starting Monday for five days?"

"Yes. Here's what we'll do..." I was waving to Gil. She hopped up and joined us.

"You would go to the heliport you were at a few weeks ago, our helicopters will pick you two and the children plus any staff. A short flight to Chalgrove near our house in Oxfordshire, there a big jet will be ready. It has lots of sleeping cabins and big seats that convert to beds. A staff who will take care of everything including meals and drinks.

It will fly non-stop to Phuket, cars from our Security will meet the plane and drive you to the beach house. Everything you might need is there. Our Security is fully in place. There is an excellent cook who is also a Security officer."

Returning is just a flip side."

"Fay, thank you. The free time came up suddenly as an event was cancelled."

"Go... enjoy! Gil who you met will be in touch about times and any questions you have she can answer. Let me put her on..."

Gil spoke with Kate, exchanging emails and texts to be sure it was working between them.

I got my phone back to say goodbye. We headed back to food! Gil was emailing Penn as we walked. Penn's number two was right back with `no problems' it will be a done deal. Two AW139's and a 767 set aside for this. Gil sent Sumate a heads up for a call in the morning our time.

I called Sumate in the morning after a long talk with Cho. Cho said he was fine... I suggested he couldn't be... I wasn't there with him which got him laughing. We missed each other but business mattered even more now. We had a great many more employees to consider when we did things.

He was leaving tonight from Bangkok with a stop in Sydney to give a lunch time speech to a major Australian business group. Nearly five hundred folks were to be there! Then non-stop to New York.

I was going out to Harcourt House tonight then flying to New York tomorrow.

Sumate was briefed on who our guests would be, he would add staff and put a motorboat off-shore at the cove opening to the Andaman Sea. I did say to be low-key so they don't feel inhibited. He promised discretion. A FaceTime fist bump!

I was in white linen today. Sleeveless to mid-thigh, black accessories and heels. A black D&G bag, red lips and nails! `Joy' Red sunglasses on my nose. Graham waved as we loaded into cars.

Up the lift in the News UK building. I picked up a copy of the Sun in the lobby. The front page blast at the Tory government and my little piece... BOOM!

Adam waved me into his... TV on to the BBC morning show where a government minister was trying defend their approach to brexit and not doing so well against some sharp questions from the BBC folk! Yes!! Fist pump time!

Just what I wanted! Fist bumps with Adam and Des as he came in! Smiles all around as the minister kept digging in his hole.

"At your discretion, please repeat my short piece as often as you like," from me. They laughed.

Rolf grinning ear to ear when I walked into his office. The Times had run my bit and a story of their own on the front page above the fold.

"Damn I like this just fine!"

Fist bump.

We sat in his comfy chairs. Rolf's head shaking, "You always hope your chosen political party would make its efforts be good for all... sadly I cannot accept the Tories mean well anymore."

I had to agree, "I'm sorry they've become such liars and wastrels. My parents were consistent Tory backers... being part of the government and all... I doubt they'd vote Conservative if they were here."

"Fay, walking around the newsroom there is a different feeling... not of revolution... more evolution. We needed to move forward, stop being mired in the past. You and Cho are a terrific boost to everyone. Our numbers are up and still rising like our colleagues at the Sun."

He handed me a printout. The spreadsheet showed a steady rise in circulation, ad money and hits on the website.

"Your idea to take the firewall off the top news stories was right on target! We are getting attention from around the globe."

My iPhone ringtone, Beethoven's 5th, Dad! I asked Rolf where there was quiet safe place to take the call...

"Stay here I'll go out."


"Fay, we have a small event of unknown proportions. The `forestry' fellow, the Malay intelligence agent has been arrested by my force in Yala Province. He smuggling weapons in his vehicle. Have a you a few minutes?"

I said of course.

"One of my officers was at a Customs location at the border. We are watching all border points carefully. He's a sharp fellow, he recognized the man right away and luckily was in `mufti' so he could move close. The ordinary Customs folks did a search, not too rigorous and passed him on. My officer saw marks on the rear of the pickup truck showing some work had been done, mud was deliberately smeared over them.

We followed him at a distance with a drone as he drove north then west to Yala. Eight miles east of Yala he went into a farm yard and under cover. I had a reaction force readied as he drove. They surrounded the farm, moved in and scooped up our forestry' friend and eight other men. Four wanted by us and four new acquaintances.'

We brought the truck to one of our compounds and removed twenty four 9mm handguns and a lot of ammo for them. This played out only an hour ago and no news media has been informed.

So we have a problem of what to do with this fellow."

"If you are asking... treat him like any other person doing the same thing. He's not a diplomat so that doesn't apply. The Malay's will probably disown him publicly but privately they'll want him back.

If he's charged that makes it harder for the Malay intelligence people to have leverage with their government. He'll be seen as a criminal... not a good look for them."

Dad was right with me, "Good! We think alike on this. I do not want to give any favours to him and Malay intelligence needs a black eye over their helping the insurgents. Even if it is under `wraps' as the Americans say it will be known in their government.

Giving material aid to continue the instability along the border hurts them badly, undermining the Malay intelligence's credibility."

I told Dad I would share the info with my contacts right away. I blew him and Phailin a kiss!

A call to Corinna then Jack. We'd meet for a late lunch at the Two Chairmen in Dartmouth Street. Important news!

Becky was walking in the door of her office when I rang. I gave her the story. She wasn't happy about the agent being arrested but if this was some back alley freelancing then he should go to prison.

I said I was more worried about the Malay intelligence playing games. I could understand supporting their co-religionists but this was very different. Those weapons would have been used to kill Thai soldiers or police. If there was ANY official backing for this escapade the Malays are creating a problem where one hadn't existed.

Becky definitely got that! She would talk with her boss and be back to me.

I emailed to Hillary so she would know even if she let the State Department lead on it.

Allyn drove us over the Westminster Bridge to Storey's Gate, Tothill Street then up Carteret Street to Dartmouth Street. The pub was on the corner. We went in, up on the second floor.

Jack and Corinna arrived via the alley and back door, Gil motioned them up to us. Hands shaken. They sat with Gil and I, my protectors close by.

I ordered for the table their Halloumi platter, for me roasted tomato soup followed by the woodland mushroom & ale pie. I asked for a glass of the South African pinot noir.

Once ordering was done I started with the new event. Ken kept watch for the server returning.

I told them what Dad gave me and added my concern with the Malay's. Either this fellow is on his own or we have a bigger problem. They could see the issue. I let them know I'd spoken to my American contact and maybe it's time they all talked.

I pointed out while they knew of my contact in the State Department and vice-versa, names had not been exchanged. I will re-connect with the Americans to clear their talking directly about the Malay side of things.

Food delivery stopped us a several points, once we had everything Gil asked the server to leave us alone until we requested something. He was a bit wide-eyed but Okay.

We finished up. Jack smiling, "You and your husband have been quite busy. Newspapers! It's not like you are hiding out."

"If we're out in the open to some degree it disarms folks."

Gil talked with the server and paid. We did goodbyes.

Allyn arrived, over to King's road and the Wandsworth Heliport. Away to Harcourt House. Fifteen minutes later we flared for landing on the grassy side lawn.

I thanked our pilot and walked to the front where Carter was. Fist bump. Audra! Honeymoon over back to work. Andy was in Seattle for a little while longer. A hug!

Upstairs to change. Gil and Tessa with me mounting up. Rebel nickering!

I waved and called out a `hi ho Silver' which was lost on everyone but me. Explanations later.

We went south near to Kate's family then a turn east towards the woods. Phillips had made a narrow path through to the north end of the Garden Centre.

There was an open field about two thousand feet by three thousand right on the road. This was the proposed site for the Harcourt Racing Museum. We might take a slice of the woods but not much. Kotro was working on a design for us. We asked for uncluttered, easy to access, expandable and allowing a lot of light in.

Kotro had a good eye and didn't complicate things. The land was almost completely flat. It was fallow now. We weren't in a hurry so Kotro could work deliberately.

Sitting on Rebel looking at the site... something nice could be done here.

I turned us back the way we came so we could have a good run to the Stables. A detour to Harcourt Close.

Wow! Only three houses weren't completed. Landscapers were doing their part around the whole close. The big trees looking very fine around the houses. The elms and oaks made it look settled already. Phillips folks were doing the lawns, shrubs and roses. Some new trees, types common to England. Beech, aspen, silver birch, lots of Scots pine along the Oxford Road perimeter to increase the privacy. Black popular, ash, several kinds of cherry and rowans, a favourite of mine.

We walked our horses around the close slowly enjoying the place. The building foreman said Carter had done the inspections and signed off the completed houses so our folks could begin moving in.

My phone went off... Prasert, Ellie was in labor! They were going now to the hospital. Okay! I called my companions to ride hard for the Forecourt!

They were in a car, Ellie smiling.

"Fay, I'm fine. Contractions aren't really close yet."

I slid down to give her a kiss. They went off. Tom was driving.

More new life just in time to move into their new house.

I spent some time with our horses. Tessa and Gil carrying treats. Our youngsters happy go lucky in the paddock with their moms. Sweet little babies. Secret Sea in foal to Asda was nickering.

"Hey girl! You make us a champion!"

Thames had latched onto me as I walked around. He was such a sweet natured boy. A flashback to the muddy puppy who'd just lost his mom.

Pamela got my promise of a morning ride. Nothing very fast just a ride with a friend. Roland would come too.

In the paddock with Glaa. He came to me right away. I stroked our Big Fast Man! Nickering and Gil provided the treats! I told him to go and smash some English records at Ascot. We'd be there for him.

Did a change to a skirt and short sleeved top. Sitting with Gil in the Great Room sipping a Campari.

Damn this room was empty without Cho or Jaidee or the Twins. Carter came in to say dinner was ready. I had them lay it in the Breakfast Room so I wouldn't feel swallowed up by the Dining Room.

The news from Prasert... He had a son! Ellie was doing fine, `Kas' had every toe, finger, etc... good lungs and completely healthy!

Kasem was his full name. It meant the `feeling of pure happiness' which he certainly brought to his parents. Edward for Ellie's father as his middle name.

Carter came into the Great Room with a bottle of Taittinger's. He took a glass at my prompting... We toasted new baby Kasem and his healthy mom, Ellie! One for Prasert whose work begins now for sure.

I got to talk to Audra about her time in Paris.

"Fay your house is lovely, the cook... she was great. We talked a bit, she loves to cook. It shows!

We walked miles, rode the metro, shopped, sat in parks, ate lunch at the brassiere on the island you mentioned. A wonderful lunch.

We tried the restaurant you said Le Petit Pontoise! They were wonderful there, our dinner was so good then at the end they wouldn't let us pay... Andy turned to me... `It's Fay and Cho!'

We asked the chef, he said you asked to them to make it special and use a credit card Gil had called in to them for the bill. They had our names and that were newlyweds. Those folks really love you two! I guess I shouldn't be surprised! Thank you for that!"

We hugged.

We made it an early night. Alone in the bed talking to Cho as he flew east from Australia. Words of love after my giving him my news first hand. I'd emailed but speaking was always better. We chewed it over then kisses.

Pamela and Roland with Max were saddled for us. Down the grassy lane to the flats. No one out yet. We trotted gently, nothing fast. We headed to the lock saying hello to both men then returned to the Stables. A soft relaxing ride.

A carrot for the three. Visits all over the Stables!

Breakfast then clean up and off to Chalgrove. Straight to Newburgh. We'll be in New York City for lunch.

Once airborne Gil and I worked for hours with an apple snack and lots of coffee!

The AW139 touched down at the Westside Heliport. Pell was waiting. In minutes I was kissed by Cho at the Minetta Street lift. Babies! `Mama's' rang out! So amazing. Hugs and kisses for both.

A quick change to shorts, out into the sun on the terrace. The Twins with Tha were playing a ball game. Jaidee wanted in!

I sat leaning on Cho! I missed my guy and babies!

He gave me a rundown on the bank business. A squeeze by strong arms encircling me.

"The Cho Family Banks are now the worlds third largest and rising quickly. Our investment banking division under Kuva's leadership is the most profitable ever, it is built for further growth.

Sud who is Kuva's deputy will take over when Kuva moves up at the end of the year. He is as his name suggests a `tiger' but so disciplined. We are positioned on the investment banking side to grow at more than twenty five percent this year. It is an outrageous figure.

We have talented and committed people working for us."

A kiss.

We would do a toast at dinner for Kasem!

The houses on Harcourt Close being ready to move was huge too! Cho could see I was really pleased with the whole project.

I was in his lap, he turned me a bit, brushed hair aside... our mouths met for a passionate and loving kiss. It ended with my face buried in that strong warm neck.

Kate, William and kids going to Phuket was marvelous. Five days of sun and seclusion for them!

Cho emailed Anodo to have lots of Taittinger's from our stock there chilled and a note from us to `enjoy!'

My newspaper news had Cho laughing. My `arse' kicking the Tories was great! The circulation and ad space sales rising were awesome but my description of the demeanor of the people there was even better! Fist bump!

He read the copies I brought along, laughing!

We had happy, motivated news folks!!!!

The shelters visits! Cho wanted to hear everything. I gave it to him in detail. My interaction with Nona brought a big smile!

I held his face... a kiss. "I wasn't able to meet your mother but I think she would be proud to have her name on the work the foundation is doing! The buildings are great, the staff people are hard workers, generous and smart. They are doing what is necessary to meet a problem that is mostly overlooked."

The Twins played on with Jaidee a full partner. We lay back watching... it was amazing to see them play.

Cho got it quickly the `forestry' guy pissed me off. He was glad I played hardball with Becky, Corinna and Jack. Dad was right to make the move. He had to protect his officers and the Army people.

More pressure on the insurgents which didn't involve large-scale military operations was good. If they saw their positions north and south of the border being eroded without any possible gains to come then talking might be seen as a good' if we delivered on the level playing field' option.

I'd asked Dad to see where the Prince was in the process. I told Cho what Dad got from the Prince... the King had meetings with the senior generals and then a separate one with the field commanders. The Prince had been present at both, he said the all officers knew their efforts weren't making a dent in the insurgents' ability to act.

The King had carefully prompted the senior group for options. They didn't mention adding more forces which was good and talk about talking' did not set them off. The younger field commanders were generally in favour of talking' as long as there was a truce which would be honoured by ALL the insurgent groups.

They did not want their soldiers to stand down then get attacked.

The Prince was encouraged by all the officers' attitudes. There had been no fist pounding saying `we need to go after them' language!

Cho kissed me, "I will call the Prince in the morning to personally give him what you have."

The plan to nudge the insurgents a bit more by undermining their feeling of safety in Malaysia was in progress. The Thai Foreign Minister Narong was working on my idea to have one of his people at the Embassy in Kuala Lumpur do an off-the-record drop of the idea with a Malay journalist before he returned to Bangkok as his assignment in Malaysia was ending.

Quiet, quiet, quiet... just something he'd picked up... as part of a bigger interview prior leaving. The diplomat was a protégé of Narong, a careful, thoughtful fellow known to have excellent connections in Kuala Lumpur and Bangkok. It lent him some `authority' with the press.

We grinned at each as I spun it out for Cho.

Flight to Saratoga! The Twins going to their first race! Stellar Black going off in the Sandford Stakes. It was his maiden race so lots of `firsts' today!

Two AW139's warmed up... we were off immediately. They would drop us at Thayer's then go over to the local airport to wait.

Thayer, Sondra and Kiet at their front door. Hugs and kisses. They got to see the Twins standing beside us. Big hugs for them.

Thayer looked great! His hair growing back with that handsome steel gray look! He was enjoying being healthy, no cancer as of last week's testing. Cheers!

They'd been over to the race course to see Stellar Black, he was doing fine. We'd all go over to track shortly.

I had Kiet's hand, looking at him. He was a cutie and happy. No wedding date yet but they were blissful.

Noise out front. Beverly and Sam! More glad greetings! The Twins really shocked them with their sizes, walking and talking. They hadn't seen them since Christmas.

Since it was a racing day... they were yellow and green outfits, shorts for Charlie and a pinafore for Chani. Cho in a navy suit with a yellow tie. Me in a sleeveless Harcourt Racing green dress with yellow accessories. A bit of red at the nails and just gloss on my lips. I skipped the hat.

We motored over! Quite the crowd.

At the barn we visited Stellar Black. Chani in my arms stroking the dark nose, low happy sounds from the big guy. Charlie got a chance too.

Owen, Stellar's groom smiling at the Twins petting his horse, "Miss, this boy is primed!"

Fist bump!

We stepped out as a chestnut horse passed... "Glaa Mama!" Charlie's tiny finger pointing. I leaned down to kiss his cheek.

"Yes he is like Glaa. Our Glaa is somewhere else."

Cho smiling holding Chani's hand. They got to meet a few other horses.

Monaco here for Stellar Black's maiden looking pleased and confident. He introduced Demetria, Stellar's trainer. A halo of curly brown hair and bright green eyes.

"He's ready! His training has been so sharp!" Hand shake!

Dom was his jockey, he was over in the Jockey Room getting ready. Monaco said he ridden twice today, a win and a show!

We crowded into Thayer's box. I decided on a short walk since several races were ahead of ours. PJ and Tara plus Ken with me and the Twins walking around the back of the grandstand area with Beverly and Sondra.

Little floppy yellow hats with a green dog on the front. Damn they were adorable. We walked the Twins some and Beverly and I carried them some of the time. They got to try a lemonade which got screwed up faces from the tartness! Smiles from us.

We attracted some attention, the Twins were cute. My Protectors weren't phased but it was close to the post parade for the Sandford. So back we went.

We settled in with the Twins on our laps. The post parade came out they did their walk by then headed out to the back straight chute for the start. Six furlongs, one turn on dirt. This is only a G3 race but it figures big in the two year old group of races here and for Breeder's Cup qualifying. An old classic race.

Dom on top in my glasses, quiet like his horse. The loading went smoothly.

CLANG... they came out cleanly rushing down the straight. Stellar Black as at the front quickly pouring on the power, Dom hand riding him. A two length advantage by halfway down the back straight. The turn saw Dom move him to the rail since he was four lengths clear. I watched for the lead change... very easy. On his left Stellar Black was close to the rail, he widened on the others through the curve.

At the top of the stretch back on his right lead Stellar Black opened it up. Dom urging, his whip put away, never used. The hand ride was all our young colt needed as he added to his margin.

Crossing the finish eight lengths ahead... in 1:09:30!! Stellar Black set a new record time for the stakes!

It was hard to jump up to celebrate holding Chani but we did a little dance with the Twins who were giggling. I got kissed and hugged from behind by several people. Chani's arms on my neck her eyes very bright.

Cho said let's all go. So we carried the Twins down to the Winner's Circle. I held their hands as Cho got the trophy, our third in a row.

We posed with the Twins, Demetria and Monaco and Dom. The Twins sort of coming out party combined with Stellar Black breaking his maiden on his first try! A new stakes record time! A big day!

We spoke to some of the track people. They knew we'd back all summer. Harcourt Racing had its own barn this year. They were pleased with our continued support. Handshakes! Charlie stuck out his hand to the track general manager who leaned down to shake. A grin on Charlie's face.

We made a barn stop. I got to hug Dom.

"Fay, he is really a goer. It was a hand ride all the way. I urged in the stretch because Monaco wanted to see him run and WOW! He moved to a new gear!"

Demetria and Monaco were jazzed. They knew he was good but this performance out-classed the very classy Glaa at the same age. There was a long way to go though.

I asked if my impression of him... he was smoother than than the others. His speed was deceptive. He didn't seem to be going faster than Glaa or Hansa but the time said he was.

Dom said he told so too. "His striding is like velvet, soft and easy but he covers a lot of ground quickly."

Fist bump.

Demetria agreed he was smooth in his motion. He was certainly fast!

Our helicopters were at Thayer's. Goodbyes for now, they'd see plenty of us before the season was over.

Back to the city!

The twins went down for a short nap it had been a big day. Tha smiling, "Fay, they did very well I think."

Cho and I thought so. They were ready for the nap for sure. A short one before dinner.

We gathered everyone on the terrace for drinks and chat. Having the Twins at their first race was fun.

It looked like Stellar Black had a lot of engine, he'd go for the Saratoga Triple Crown like Hansa did last year! We'd be back in a week for Aneka's run at the second race in the New York Triple Tiara.

Dinner! The Twins came out fresh faced from a wash up, arms out for a hug! We delivered! A fun dinner with all our `family' and protectors. It was one of Roslyn's spectacular Mexican buffets!

We loaded plates for the Twins of easy to eat choices with a bit of cutting. Chani was into arroz y frijoles. Charlie like to munch his cut up chimichangas! It was all tasty and we ate heartily! I was `compelled' to go back several times before the flan was served.

Vanilla flan with some whipped cream on top! It was a real `good!' from our son!

The Twins played on the terrace with Jaidee, the old folks sat and talked.

In our dark bedroom I was plastered to Cho's back. We were slick with each other's perspiration after an hour of delicious sex. Cho was gently chewing on my left wrist... gnawing more like it. I asked if he needed salt or pepper... he said no I was better plain. I objected saying I was anything but plain!

We were bouncing now with the laughter. He turned over so we were face to face again. KISS! I rested my weary head on his chest. A neck rub... ooooohhh YES! I laid still receiving pleasure of a different sort this time. Cho had lit up my other pleasure zones already!

I had returned the favour! It was quite nice to have a husband who tasted so good in every way!

Cho went for water, me for a quick wash. He was a good guy bringing a treat for Jaidee. We eased into sleep.

My morning started with shitty news! The handguns Dad's people found in the forestry guy's truck came from Malay police stocks. They were Beretta Px4 models bought directly from Beretta in Milan. They were from a block of three hundred purchased last year as replacements and new issue.

Now we had to find out if they were stolen or lost or pretended to be stolen to be sent to the insurgents. Or whatever! Dad was angry now. His email said they were going to charge the forestry man with aiding terrorism, illegal gun possession and sales of guns. He wouldn't be offered bail.

This was upping the ante.

How can we benefit from this? I got Cho to sit with me outside to talk it over.

"That fellow's out of the information sharing game for now," Cho's face a study.

"Dad's drone video leaves no doubt he was a participant. So can our Foreign Office in Bangkok speak to the Malay ambassador... saying we `knew' he was actively helping the insurgents by suppling weapons and with information. And by playing a double game damaging any peaceful solution?"

"There would be no reason to disclose how our government got onto the fellow. It could hardly matter at this point," Cho holding my hand.

"We should suggest this was a good moment to give the peace process a boost by taking the Malay intelligence people out of the picture. Police mixing in around the border areas are expected but conniving undercover intelligence operatives are not wanted.

If the Malays agree maybe we should bring them properly into the mix. We've only used them so far and not as partners."

Cho would add that to his call to the Prince. Same for me to Dad. I'd get Becky, Jack and Corinna in the loop.

I stayed outside, Cho went to the office. Dad's voice was smiling which was good. I gave him what Cho and I were thinking.

"Would you release the forestry guy after we get some answers from the Malaysian government?"

"If he was part of some deal with the Malay's of course but we have a list of questions and demands. The guns... how and why? Have they done this before? Why was their intelligence service meddling? And what did they seek to gain keeping southern Thailand in a unruly state?

Probably more. This is very serious. So far I have kept the lid on it. The fellow is isolated in a holding cell at one of the Security Police compounds. The Prime Minister knows... also the Foreign Minister Narong."

He laughed ruefully, "Narong was incandescent when I told him! We talked for a bit, he was calmed but angry. He's calling in the Malay ambassador as soon as we have a plan."

I said Cho was talking with the Prince. Dad said good.

He followed with... "We have to have a guarantee of no further meddling and their help as an honest broker to assist in moving the insurgents to the negotiating table."

I agreed. I said I was going to call the folks in the U.S. and U.K. foreign affairs departments next.

I'd be back to him soon.

Jack and Corinna together on a conference call. I tried to convey Dad's anger and that the Thai government was discussing the events. No response yet but I made it plain the Malays would have to come clean. We had some time because the fellow was on ice.

They both said they would talk with their superiors immediately Then wait to see what the Thai government wanted to do.

Becky was shocked... speechless. I told her the same as the others, there was some time because Dad held the strings. The anger in Bangkok was understandable she said. I said we think this whole forestry guy thing smelled like a deliberate plot to wreck the chances for a solution.

I pointed out that the Thai government would demand an answer to that.

I added that I'd told the Foreign Office people they should hold their fire until I was back to them all with the word from Bangkok.

Another call coming in... Dad! I told Becky I'd call her back.

Dad said we might have an answer to this. His `contacts' inside the Malay government told him it was a rogue operation by several intelligence officers who supported the most extreme elements in the insurgent camp whose no compromise goal was total independence. By prolonging the insurgency they hoped to destabilize the Thai south for a long period undermining Bangkok's will to stay.

I said that was a pipe dream.

Dad's laugh! "Yes! They are not in touch with reality. Now we can act on this. The fellow will be formally charged under the terrorism and gun laws.

The Malay intelligence officers have been arrested by their internal security forces so it looks like it can be cauterized. Tell your folks it has become an ordinary criminal case now.

It was the guns which broke the case. They were stolen from the police stock, an investigation had already been started. It was moving along when I talked to my contact which created a link and the intelligence officers were arrested shortly afterwards because of the relationship with the forestry man going back to them."

He laughed again!

"Narong has called in the Malay ambassador for a `chat.'

Daughter, I will keep you closely informed."

"OH I would like to hear that chat."

More laughter, "Well Narong will give it all to me. Just so you know the Prime Minister has already been told, so to the Prince."

Dad said the American general was making the rounds of senior Thai officers so maybe we dodged a bullet and get some movement in the bargain.

We rang off with happier thoughts.

I went right to Cho with Dad's news! A kiss and he dialed the Prince back.

I sat for a moment... If we can use this... it will come down to Dad's Security Police competence! They've been intelligent, skilled and dedicated to Thailand.

I called Becky back with the news. She was obviously relieved. Informing some people was all she needed to do now. No big decisions.

The feelings were duplicated at the Foreign Office.

Cho and I came back together to talk. He was smiling broadly.

"I wonder if we should ask Keren who his `contacts' in Kuala Lumpur are?"

I squeezed his arm, "Dad has said he has an excellent relationship with the head of their MI5 equivalent. So Dad's inquiry really made a difference."

I shrugged. We could go forward. The insurgent group lost eight of their people in the roundup. The mess would probably be blamed on something foolish the forestry guy did. The insurgent group most likely didn't believe in co-incidence. If I was in their place I wouldn't.

I had emailed Hillary in the middle of all this after Dad's second call. She got back to me. She would talk to Becky and the Secretary of State. She was glad our operation wasn't disrupted and we were working on how to use it to the benefit of the process.

They were considering going to Upperville. I replied that Sunny was still there but would be leaving around the 20th.

Okay let's get out for a long walk. Jaidee and the Twins, Tha, Gil, Francis and Ali. Penny, Ansara, Ken and Tessa. Damn! When we said we'd head towards Washington Square Mara joined in with Ricardo. A sunny day warming up a lot.

Short shorts, trainers and a crop T-shirt all in white. Same for Chani! Cho and Charlie in navy shorts and sea-blue polo shirts!!

Clothes were much the same for everyone. Mara and Ricardo were leading us to the park. They went to blade. We walked around to the arch and entered from there to the fountain.

Cho had Charlie, Chani and I sat by the water, she put her hand in but unlike her brother didn't fling it about. Cho grinning was Charlie pretended to be a water fountain. He wasn't wetting anyone but Cho did get him to stop.

We short-circuited that by walking. Once on the grass they ran around, falling but getting right back up having a great time on a sunny day!

They got to watch Jaidee play in the dog run. A Pitbull girl and a Dalmatian boy romped with him. Ro did some tennis ball throwing for the three. Their `people' beside us laughing at the antics.

We headed to Third Rail Coffee for puppuccinos for our three `kids,' lattes for us. Mara went with a blackberry smoothie! We walked down Sullivan Street to knock at Sam and Sadie's. Out back we sat under their big tree.

Chani and Charlie wandering around, in and out of the house. Sam and Sadie's twins going with them so Tha got to relax.

Roslyn was ordering pizza from Numero 28 over on Carmine Street for lunch so everyone came over. Terrific New York pizza!! Lovely crust, fresh veggies and sauce. Neapolitan style!!!

Cho got out a smooth Chianti! Great to lunch at the big table outside in the sun.

The Twins in floppy hats, me in a plain white baseball cap. I went barefoot. So nice to bake my toes in the sun.

In a few hours we drove to the Riverfront Club to swim. The Twins loved being in water. Cho and I with Tha, Gil, Francis and Ali all around Charlie and Chani. They looked so cute in their goggles and swimsuits. Arms and legs going a mile-a-minute!

I was laying on a lounge with Charlie, all dry with a diaper, blue t-shirt and a smile. He had a sippy cup of juice.

"So swimming is good?"

He nodded, "Swim good!"

Cho leaned over fist out, Charlie with a star bright smile bumped with his dad!!!

Chani smiling, "Charlie good!"

We were all laughing and hugging with the Twins.

Since the babies were such good eaters had a `en famile' booking at Volare. They had high chairs and we promised if we got loud we'd leave rather than bother the diners. They appreciated that.

A very warm evening. Chani in a pink and yellow sundress with yellow cardigan, Charlie in a blue shirt and light khaki pants, blue jacket for him. We used the pram because it was a bit of a walk. Outside the restaurant they were on their feet to walk in.

Giovanni's face!! He knelt down to greet the Twins. Handshake for Charlie and a kiss to Chani's cheek. Chani giggling from Giovanni's big mustache.

Our table was big with all our people surrounding us. We got two antipasto platters, Tha cut up the bits for the kids.

Then minestrone soup. They did well using their spoons, the kitchen did a nice thing cutting the beans and veggies small for them. They got ravioli stuffed with spinach, easy to cut up, in a light red sauce. Bread which was always a hit with Charlie. They enjoyed themselves with a minimum of noise and mess. Their reward was spumoni!

OH YES!! Italian ice cream was a huge smash hit! Big grins and empty bowls!

They were well behaved and several people came over to say hello. The Twins giggling and waving.

Antonio da Abruzzi arrived. I motioned him over to us. A wide smile as he met Chani and Charlie.

"Miss Martin, they are beautiful! Mr. Cho your son is the image of you. Little Chani is much like you Miss. It is wonderful you have brought them here."

A hug. We got a glass, Cho poured for him. Cho asked Giovanni to give a glass of wine to all the diners, whatever they liked. We toasted the Twins and everyone's family in the restaurant!!


After we ate I sat with Antonio briefly. He was well, enjoying our gift of wine. A twinkle in his eyes!

A pensive look, "My son and daughter both live in Milan where our family began, we date back to near 1230 AD in the city. There are grandchildren and great-grandchildren. I go once a year. I like New York, I have been here since 1949. I met my wife here and raised our children. We decided we didn't want to go backward but our children sought out the past for their little ones."

He shrugged, a telling gesture. I squeezed his hand.

Walking home I told Cho about Antonio.

"Why Abruzzi if he's from Milan?"

"He said part was misdirection when he started to fight he was with a partisan group which was near L'Aquila in the mountains up the valley. So he took a name associated with the province rather than his home city.

His wife was also from the Milan area, they met here at a restaurant deeper in Greenwich Village that is gone now."

An arm around my shoulders, a cheek kiss. A nice evening!

Big yawns from the youngsters in the lift. Tha and I put them down. Cho and I got in some kisses.

In Cho's arms, darkness, warmth, kisses and pets. We turned to sleep after one more lingering kiss.

Jaidee's walk was a hike to the river. The sun warming quickly.

Breakfast was a big laugh as Charlie got a bigger piece of Nana and ate it to the end. Tiny white teeth munching down! Then his hands on the highchair tray... "Good nana!"

We laughed! I found a clean spot on a cheek to kiss.

Tha had them in the nursery! It was a vocabulary lesson in three languages.

Cho was going to Herald Square to visit a tailor then join me for lunch. I was going to Fox Tower.

A dark gray silk full skirt to my ankle tops, a soft pale gray sleeveless loose cable knit cutoff sweater, it was so light, leaving a bit of tummy showing. Silver bits including the anklet. Black heels and a black Coach bag. Red lips and nails. `Joy'

Gil, Ali, PJ and Tessa, we loaded into Pell's car. A long run up Sixth Avenue.

Going through the lobby saying `Hi' to our folks. The News Corp people were all gone now and the Daily News floors were being remodeled for their move in.

I went up to our shared office first then to Bill's. He was behind the desk watching the monitors on the side wall. Megan was doing an intro to a show. Bill had the sound off.

"Look at her... in only a year she's become the face of Fox News known world-wide! Add in Roberta in the evening and we have two of the most watched women ever."

Bill turned to me, "What did you see in Louisville?"

I laughed, "A young good-looking woman who had ambition that was being suppressed because of being in Louisville. All of her was suppressed."

Fist bump.

I sat on the comfy settee, "So what about Roberta?"

"She's the daughter of an old colleague from his second marriage, a second set of kids. I watched her grow up, she was poised and smart and like Megan a good-looking woman. Well educated with some worldliness. A great face for TV like Megan's!"

Bill moved to sit opposite me, "Did you know the same could be said for you. Every time I see you on video or in pictures I think the same."

Laughing I said it isn't going to happen!

Bill joined in my laughing, "I didn't think so but I liked the coverage of the news conference at the News UK take over... you have a presence on the screen. You speak well and answer questions intelligently. The one from that man who asked about you and Cho... you did nothing but look at him for a few seconds and moved on was terrific. Silence is under-rated."

I leaned over for another fist bump.

We talked about a few things. I made the point that now that Cho and I had a controlling stake in 21st Century Fox... nothing was going to change. Mac and Hélène were in with Ken, Pedro, Lori and us for the long haul. We had discussed it thoroughly, they liked being part of it and we were handling the job of running the corporation just right for them.

A grin from me, "The money is good too!"

We both laughed!!

I went up to the Computer Centre. A huge hug from Eve. Ku was in Los Angeles back in two days.

Everything here was good. No issues, the STS servers humming along. The GWNW switch-over was many months down the road, they were ready! Eve had new staff and a training programme in place.

Kelela and Moses joined us in a conference room. For Yevgeny the files were placed and they had been backed up in the normal process so they `fit in' perfectly.

I let them know the process to get the two russian individuals to do what we wanted was going. Theodore wasn't giving me step-by-step reports, just updates as needed. He felt certain this was going to work. Our targets had a lot to lose.

Moses wasn't going into the russian server often, a random check on it to see if the backup was working and if anyone had read the files. From his SuperUser `high ground' he could see it all. He knew from my meeting with Yevgeny there wasn't another SuperUser.

In Tai's office she had a copy of the Daily News with my interview and snaps. It looked good. Louise did a great job of getting me on paper. Dougie pictures made me look pretty damn good.

Tai smiling as she handed me another clipping from the Daily News. What power couple skipped lunch at Le Beaumaris, a famous mid-town west eatery, because their attire was too casual? Hey... it was lunch time... folks at Le Beaumaris. Never take your jacket' policy too far especially when your guests are one of the most famous couples in the world.'

"When was this?"

"Two days afterwards. The column is known for its odd bits of celebrity news from around the town."

"Was there anything else in other media?"

"Not that I have found. That copy is for you, I have one in my files and a digital copy too."

A hug!

A text from Jonny to us both. Amira had won the Prix Rothschild at Deauville. She wired the field to win by three. It was her third straight win running for us. All her races were G1 rated so she was facing top-rated talent.

She was healthy and would have a six week break before going off in the Prix du Moulin de Longchamp at Chantilly. Jonny was thrilled! So were we!

I rode the lift to the top to have a look at where we were going to have a restaurant. The whole floor was being prepared for it. This is something new for us.

Cheryl was new to us for this project and the Daily News floors below. She had been sent to us by Sam, Gary's folks vetted her so she was with us now. She would help with any of our New York or nearby projects as a resident architect.

We rode up together. Cheryl really liked my clothes. Her skirt and blouse in shades of blue was summery and very nice.

We talked layout and other basics. It would have the kitchen and serving areas around the central core services of the building. So water, power, etc... were easy. The freight elevator would open right beside the main food storage area.

The seating would be around the four exterior walls so there would be views for all. A variety of tables and arrangements.

A bar room in part of the area on the exterior wall on the north side diagonally opposite the lifts. It would have an access area for the dining room servers but be walled off from the diners. No TV's. Just a place to meet and have a cocktail. Or wait for your booking time.

Cheryl's preliminary drawings showed plenty of seating. We intended the décor to be modern American, comfortable without adornment.

The plans had a permanent booth for us in the southwest corner.

A name hadn't been settled on. I liked calling it 'The 45th' for the floor number but I was open to other names. The cuisine was to be Thai, Kiet's younger uncle, Knun, was to come be our head chef to start at least. He's in his middle thirties, unmarried and very talented.

We had some interesting things to make it work. The food would authentic because we had a new 767 being outfitted right now with coolers and freezers to transport food from Thailand to Newburgh then by truck to the city. A twice a week flight.

Kiet was going to open his restaurant in Saratoga so we'd share the aircraft capacity with him. Another truck would bring his supplies up to Saratoga.

The 767 would have twenty four sleeping seats in two columns of twelve, big bathrooms having two private showers each. A galley and dining area. So passengers could be accommodated.

Standing in the corner where our table would sit you could see down the Hudson to Ellis Island and the Statute of Liberty and west over the river to the low coast of New Jersey with sunsets thrown in. Okay!

This was a novel idea for Cho and me.. Without Kiet's uncle agreeing we probably wouldn't have gone forward, it needs a terrific chef! Knun was known as a good chef and teacher. We wanted him for both talents!

Several floors down were the new Daily News locations. The big connecting staircase was begun, a large hole going through the levels. Royce had been able to have his input to the layout. He was pleased.

Cheryl was enjoying herself doing this. A smile!

"Miss Martin, this a great project. Your idea for the big stair case is a terrific link between floors!"

I nudged Cheryl, "I'm Fay."

The smile broadened.

There were weeks of work to be done but the contractor said move–in before Christmas was on!

Cho was on his phone when I returned to our office. I grinned at him and pointed to my tummy. He made the same gesture.

His visit to his tailor had been good. He was having several suits made for colder weather, linings for a bit of warmth.

Once he was off we gathered everyone to walk a half a block over on 48th Street to Sean's Bar and Kitchen. Before we left he got to meet Cheryl, I was dragging her with us... no resistance.

I liked the look of Sean's. Dark wood, polished floors and bars. Gil arranged tables at the back. We were welcomed.

Pints of Guinness and pretzels with mustard. I added orders of mini-crab cakes for the tables. Greek Goddess salad followed by the walnut crusted salmon, sautéed green beans on the side for me!

Cho wanted to hear about my tour upstairs. First I handed him the press clipping. His eyes very bright.

"Well, they made it short and direct!"

We all laughed when Cho read it aloud for the others. Our server was there at the time and asked if he could see it.

"Could I show this to my manager?"

I said go on.

I gave Cho my thought about the floors in the Fox Tower remodeling. My description of the view from what would be our table got me a fist bump!

Sean's manager came over helping our server deliver food. He was pleased we were eating with them. He laughed saying Le Beaumaris certainly got hoisted on its own petard.

He was good enough to turn off a TV that was near us so the flickering image wasn't annoying.

The pint was excellent, a fine head and not too cold which infrequently happens in American bars serving European beers. The food was also very good. My salmon not over-cooked, tasty. I asked the server up front if it was wild-caught salmon. He said it was.

Everyone enjoyed themselves. On our way out Cho thanked the manager for the good service and food. He was quite happy to hear us praise Sean's. His `no jackets required' brought a laugh.

Back at Fox we sat with Yoshi and Arturo. We caught them up on the happenings. Arturo felt vindicated over his opinion of the forestry guy.

Now those Malay intelligence people were out of the picture he would work more on the group they were aiding. Yoshi would do the same over the border. They might much more likely to talk now that eight of their's were in a Security Police gaol and they were cut-off from an extra information source.

I expressed the hope that the more militant fellows had been gobbled up by Dad's forces. Yoshi had a smile. Arturo said it was likely if they were receiving weapons, the ones over the border in Malaysia were less rigid.

Yoshi leaning forward, "Fay, when I talk with the insurgents they hate the Army for being brutal and indiscriminate in doing damage but they fear the Security Police. They're seen as an incorruptible professional force. One of the higher ranked fellows said they were `implacable' which is a strong word to describe them."

I liked that, I stored it up for Dad.

They'd be off in a week, we hoped to have something from General Shaw's visit to share with them before they left. They would go to their areas, make contacts and exchange views and information then their camera crews would arrive to work on their cover assignments.

Arturo would keep working on the forestry story, for a country like Malaysia it's forest products were an important source of foreign exchange.

Yoshi would go further north to Songkhla then Trang to get more on his local collectives piece. He'd finish up driving to Phuket for a few days rest at our beach house where Arturo would join him via flights to Ho Chi Minh City then to Phuket. Then they'd fly out on one of our aircraft to Newburgh.

Home to the Twins! Sunny terrace with noises of kids and dog. We changed and joined in! A half an hour of running and playing! Finally they were worn down and we sat on lounges, Chani with me, Charlie on top of his dad.

We played the word game, `body parts' in English, French and Thai. We gave them the words associated with the body part then asked them to tell us. Smart kids did very well. It was good to exercise their minds after so much physical activity.

Tha gave us the high sign, we walked them to their nursery. A wash up before dinner.

Outside at the big table, we had Caprese tomato salads, Salade Niçoise with lovely small loaves of bread. Charlie holding a green bean, a grin as he BIT it. Giggling as the tiny teeth chomped it up!

They both loved their food! I cut his ahi tuna into bite-size pieces, Cho did Chani's. Charlie with a piece of buttered bread and a smile. He was so much fun to eat with, such gusto!

The ice cream with some sprinkles was `GOOD' from them both when I asked. I enjoyed it too!

We went out for a walk in a little while. Jaidee all tail-waggy when Pip and Peter showed up in Bleecker Street on our way back. Sniffing and some fake biting.

Peter asked if we had any good bets for him. Aneka was running in two days at Saratoga. Cho said the odds were poor but he could make some bets on the `place and show' horses. Cho gave him the names of the ones we thought were best. A grin from Peter.

Upstairs the twins were ready for bed. Yawns! Cho and I helped put them down. Diaper checks and sleeping clothes. Hugs and kisses. Nite Dada' and Nite Mama' very cute.

Francis had a task for tomorrow morning. Violet had found two local people for him to interview for the day-to-day manager of the auditing company. A man from New Jersey and a woman from Manhattan.

He would use his company's offices in the Fox Tower. They had been finished. A dozen private offices, a staff area that large cubicles, the usual bits like a work room, break room, copier and printer stations, meeting rooms of several sizes, etc... Francis had a good sized office with a smaller one connected for Ali with a station out front of them for a PA/secretary.

The first staffers were moving before going off to orientation and training!

We were going down to the Daily News this morning. A hot day! Cho in a tan suit with a pale blue shirt, no tie today. Me in an pale blue linen frock, sleeveless with circle skirt, a narrow black belt, black heels and silver bits. A black Coach bag. A Very Red on my lips and nails.

At Water Street we detoured to the Starbucks. Coffee for all. The young man was there again. He smiled as my phone flashed the money over. I gave him another wave.

I went straight to see Louise. She was pleased I was happy with the piece.

"You saw it yesterday?"

I let her know we hadn't gotten the Daily News delivered. our news agent hadn't been told to include it with the other papers yet.

Gil with me looked odd. "I didn't think of it, you know out of sight... but I did add it. I'll get on to them."

I did go walkabout for a while. PJ and Gil with me. I was directed to a small office at the end of a passage... books, magazine and newspapers in disordered piles and a middle–aged man behind the desk looking desperate for a smoke. Although his shirt showed he'd been out for a smoke already.

He saw me and jumped.

"Hi, I liked your brief bit on us."

My attitude seemed to calm him.

"I'm glad you're not upset but it was too good thing to pass on even if you own us now."

I leaned on the door frame... there wasn't any place to sit.

"Whether we own the paper or not... we don't interfere. You have a job and you should do it. Besides in jest I considered calling it in to you guys myself. The restaurant people were bores. So why the Red-Head as a nom de plume?"

"We wanted something which would `grab' that's it. Also I could never be linked to it." He made a motion towards himself.

"So without naming names... was your informant a worker at the restaurant or a guest?"

"A guest who recognized you right away when you entered. She watched the interplay and the sort of `creepy jacket' they brought out for Mr. Cho. Those were her words. She figured it wasn't going to go well when she saw your disapproving look."

"She was right! The Maitre d' was a snob and a fool. The manager tried to get us to stay."

"Yes she told me. Your husband said something outside she didn't hear but the manager was quite dismayed when he came back inside."

I laughed, "As well he should. Cho asked how they could merit a Michelin three star rating."

"Ouch! They are jealous about that."

I thanked him for the piece.

I found the Sports Department. Nipsey had covered horse racing for thirty years, we had met at the Belmont barn several times.

"Miss Martin, this quite the change."

"Yes, no smell of manure to add colour."

He laughed, "Yes but having you in my office rather then me visiting a barn... that's something."

We talked horses, ours in particular.

"Two years ago when your stable started racing in the U.S. no one had heard of you. Well... unless they paid attention to racing in Thailand where Mr. Cho was already a very successful owner and breeder.

Glaa stormed through the two year old Saratoga season surprising everyone... me included. As he started the Kentucky Derby prep races what I saw was you had no fear of running him against the toughest competition. That said a lot!

By Derby Day most writers were in your court and Glaa sweeping the Triple Crown no surprise."

I crossed my legs, leaning forward, "So now? How are we seen?"

A grin, "Miss Martin, you know the answer. Your stables are the envy of the horse racing world. And you've put Monaco into the Hall of Fame.

Not every pony is a Glaa but Monaco's training gets the most out of them. Rando is a perfect example. He's run against top level horses, beaten them all and yet he wasn't in the Triple Crown."

"Cho and Monaco felt he was better suited on another path. We are going to give him a chance to get a lot of notice... we're sending him to the Qipco Champion Stakes at Ascot in October."

Nipsey smiled, "On turf? You've moved several horses onto the grass with great success."

"We'll continue to do that. Glaa races at Ascot in a week, he loved the grass at Churchill Downs. Hansa's next race is the Joe Hirsch at the Belmont her second turf race."

Nipsey laughed, "You've got some great looking comers. I was at Saratoga to watch Stellar Black set that old course on fire. He's quite precocious."

"Indeed! Keep your eyes on Sasithorn out west!"

I did an exaggerated look around and leaned over with my left palm upright beside my cheek... "And I have a real `dark horse' for you who is pure white... her name is Kannika. She'll ship in from Bangkok and run in her maiden race at Saratoga the end of August."

Nipsey was grinning, "Miss Martin, how many more `dark horses' are there?"

I winked.

I said goodbye and I enjoyed talking.

"Miss Martin, I have good feelings about working for you and Mr. Cho. I hope we'll be like with your stables you put in the money and effort to succeed."

I shook hands, "It's our usual way of going."

I spoke to Nelson, the editor of the Sports department, he smiled when I said I'd spent some time with Nipsey.

"That fellow's an institution around here. I hope you were able to give him some tidbits?"

My yes made us both laugh. Nelson asked if Mr. Cho was going to play in any more golf tournaments this year. I gave him Cho's plans for the U.S. Amateur and the Charity Pro-Am at Winged Foot.

"He and Tom Angleten are a planned pair again this year for the Pro-Am."

Nelson shook his head, "Mr. Cho's game seem to have rubbed off on Angleten. The early results from the Royal Birkdale has him four shots ahead... " he leaned over to his monitor, "... with three to play. Quite a fine start!"

"Tom's a nice fellow and obviously a good golfer. He's my age so he could be around for a long while."

"I think he's showing that his game is adaptable to all sorts of courses which is so important for success. He also seems laid-back which definitely helps!"

"Actually that is something he may have gotten from Cho. Cho's attitude is go out to have fun, concentrate on shot-making but don't obsess."

Nelson had been a golf reporter for years and still kept his hand in. I told him about the Fortrose and Rosemarkie Golf Club.

"Cho says it's short but a good test. The breezes, he means, which coming down the firth are fickle."

I laughed at my description. "Well Cho set the course record the first time he played there, a 60. My uncle is a member and was astonished at Cho's play. Since then Cho joined the Club and we bought a house nearby so Cho can go up and play there and the many courses around there."

"It seems every course is good for Mr. Cho. I watched the last round of the Concord Cup... amazing to see him make terrific shots one after another. No doubters after those four days!"

"Funny for me... I'd never seen Cho play in person. On the last day I was in the clubhouse by a window over the Tenth Tee. Cho didn't know I was there. He was calm, chose a club, stepped up to swing... I was astounded to watch him go from stillness to rapid motion. Then the thing rolled in... the crowd went bananas for a bit."

Nelson laughing, "I was in my den watching that... it was a paradigm for his whole tournament! A smooth stroke sending his ball right where he wanted and that backspin was fabulous. Then to see Tom Angleten duplicate it... more incredible! You may know Cho's aside comment to Angleten that made him change club then knock it in also was noticed. That sort of behavior is in the highest traditions of sport."

He was still shaking his head, "Did Mr. Cho mind when Fox Sports ran some pieces on his play elsewhere after that tournament?"

"No. It was amusing that Douglas the head of Sports asked me too. Cho laughed about it."

Okay, Nelson said they'd keep an eye on Cho's play around the world.

I walked back to Royce's office to rejoin Cho, we said our goodbyes. Back home for lunch with the Twins.

Food! Then fun on the terrace. An early night for everyone, a day trip tomorrow.

Francis and Ali were going uptown to spend two days with Daria.

A visit in Virginia. Hot today! Something from Mirabelle. White cotton, sleeveless top for over a white silk softly pleated skirt to mid-calf, a white belt with a large round gold buckle. White pumps from Coach. Gold jewellery, red nails and lips. `Joy' A white Charlie bag also from Coach.

Cho in one of his delicious navy suits and a white shirt. No tie, too hot. Well Cho was always `hot' for me!

The Twins in white, Charlie had white shorts and T-shirt, blue trainers on with a blue baseball cap. Chani a white dress, red trainers and a red floppy hat.

It was early as we loaded two AW139's at the heliport. A turn south down the river to the bay then the pedals pushed to the metal.

We crossed over the center of New Jersey, split Delaware in half to reach the Chesapeake Bay. The Potomac River to our starboard then the descent began. We turned westward when the coast was close.

We flared for landing in the field beside the Peter's house. Folks coming out to find two helicopters. Emile out first then Cora and Emily, young Ken and another man behind them. Other family members came over.

We stepped out holding the Twins but put them down. Emile knelt down arms open, he got rushed by two little ones. Cora hugged me and Cho then Ken. We got to meet Markus, Emily's husband back from Syria.

Ken and Markus hugged tight! Ken linked arms with his brother-in-law motioning to me then turned him aside to talk. He had spoken to us and Sumate about getting Markus to work for us. He was a steady man and known for being a patient trainer. Could be good!

Cora's sister Cordelia and her husband, Burke were here from D.C. with their daughter, Collette. So many new faces.

Letting them know ahead of time of our visit got us new folks to meet.

Inside we got coffee and sugar cookies. The Twins smiling as they chewed. They were made over by everyone. Abrielle sitting on a sofa with Chani holding hands, their cookies going away fast.

I leaned on the kitchen counter beside Cora and Cordelia, opposite Collette smiling as we talked about clothes.

"Miss Martin, I was modeling a suit last week..." her smile became a big grin, "... it was celadon green suit like yours. Seems like you are going to have an impact!"

Fist bump!

Cordelia said she liked all my summer dresses she'd seen and my outfit today was awesome! I did a twirl. We all laughed.

"I found a wonderful place on Herald Square in New York called Mirabelle. They've made a lot of my requests over the last year including that suit. Some from movie wardrobe designer Edith head, that suit is one."

More coffee. We did a walk around the neighborhood. Chani with me. Charlie was sitting with men out back on the lawn furniture. We waved.

I got to see the cute twins again. They were growing up just fine. Chani got to hug them.

We had a good time visiting.

Then we mounted up to go to the school. We had an eleven o'clock meeting. The Principal and Mrs. West were there. This was their all-year-round job, no Summer's off.

David Putnam from the computer store in Rappahannock came down to meet us and discuss the computer lab.

Mrs. West gave me a big hug, "Good to see you again."

She did the introduction to David Putnam. A short fellow with white hair and mustache.

We gathered in the computer room, Putnam gave us tour of what he had done. iMac's with wired mice and keyboards.

"Miss Martin, Mrs. West said you suggested that so the devices wouldn't get mixed up. Terrific idea."

They had a gigabyte switch for the room, everything was wired. They had a dozen big screen iMac's, a mid-range colour laser printer and a high capacity monochrome laser printer. The iMac's had lots of memory and big hard drives.

Each had anti-virus, anti-ransomware and other protective software, they Apple's suite of office apps and programming tools. I had suggested Carbonite for backing up to a cloud storage location. It was running on all the computers.

There was a small balance left in the money for the school and what we set aside for Putnam's fees was empty.

I asked about the internet speed. Mr. Putnam said they got it through the school system, it varied between three and six mbps.

I turned the principal, "Are there rules about bringing internet into the building? Can another provider do it?"

"We have been allowed to bring other types of outside services when we need to so..."

"Mr. Putnam, my PA Gil... " I pulled her close, "... has done some research. We will pay for Atlantic Broadband to bring in their 100mbps service into the school. It will be for the lab and all the rest of the school."

I looked at the Principal and Mrs. West... they nodded with big smiles. Okay!

"We will pay for a year service up front. Will you please help get it all connected properly? Including a WiFi network for the staff to use, locking out others."

A Yes! He and Gil talked. She would raise the balance of both the accounts to cover this.

I turned back to Gil, "Make sure there's enough money to re-up the software licenses for the malware, backup, etc..."

A smile from her and a nod from Mr. Putnam.

Walking back to the office arm-in-arm with Mrs. West.

"Fay we can't thank you enough for your generosity. The kids will be so pleased to go fast, us too!"

I squeezed her arm, "Enjoy! If the school board folks above you two don't like it please have them get in touch with us. We'll be glad to explain and be an advocate."

Hugs and waves as we drove off for lunch. We picked up the Twins and Tha with Cora, Cordelia and Collette, Emily and Markus. Cutter's again. Cho wanted more of their she-crab soup!

Charlie got a grilled cheese sandwich, he loved those! Chani and I shared a double order of crab cakes. Cutter's lemonade was sweet, Chani slurped. We had a great lunch. It was good we came in late because we had about a third of their space.

The owner thanked us for coming back and bringing in friends. Emile laughing about that he could always come for a free lunch. Cora giving him a poke.

Our helicopters were back from Newport News Airport. We said our goodbyes and loaded. In ninety minutes we landed at the Westside Heliport. Terrance and Pell were waiting.

The Twins went in for a nap, they been up and going for a long time. Lots of walking and running!

The rest of us sat in the sun doing various bits of work. A quiet dinner, Roslyn did breakfast!! The Twins loved scrambled eggs! They were promised French Toast by Dolores in Los Angeles!

Cho was off early to Winged Foot. A round of golf and a meeting. They wanted him to be on the board... he had considered demurring but being the upfront guy he asked if it was for show or... the chairman emphatically said NO it was because he was a great businessman and they valued his opinions. So Cho was going ahead.

My black knife pleated mini skirt sat on slender hips topped by a silver gray cut-off Polo shirt. Black ankle boots. Some silver bits of jewellery and red lips and nails. `Joy' A black D&G bag.

I was off to Mirabelle then a tour of the shelters.

Coral and Raphaela greeted me at the door. They had lots things completed or `close to finished' outfits.

A short sleeved with narrow cuffs and buttoned pockets cotton shirt in a pale green to go with two pair of high waisted twill cuffed shorts, in a light brown and soft gray. The two colours looked great together, light shades but warm looking. Several copies of the shirt in a light khaki and pale blue.

A sleeveless navy blue dress, small white buttons down the front, round collar, cut to my knee top in a circle shape.

A bright yellow frock, cap sleeves, a square `shaped' bosom, wide pleats to mid-calf. A narrow brown belt with a gold clasp closing.

A washed-out gray dress, short sleeves, round open collar, matching cinch belt to tie around the waist, falling in an easy way to just below the knee.

A black halter sun dress in lightweight khaki cloth that had a circle skirt to mid-thigh.

A white pinstripe navy blue sleeveless dress to mid-calf, cotton, a navy tie for the waist.

Two suits cut like the celadon green, except the jackets more like a man's sport coat with narrow lapels, in a nice shade of soft pink and a buttercup yellow. Silk lined jackets. A magenta sleeveless silk top and a bluebell one to interchange with the suits.

A white silk sleeveless top cut to my waist with a row of black buttons on the left shoulder.

All of these were ready except for two and today's fitting solved any issues.

They were starting work on autumn and winter clothes.

Hugs and kisses... lots more thanks for putting them on the map. The Daily News piece had done another bump in sales for them. Their `ready-to-wear' production was going up! Cheers!

I asked Coral if she had considered opening other locations just for the ready-to-wear? She said no but now that it was going so well... I left it that I would be interested in participating so capital would be available and we should sit down to discuss it soon.

"Miss Martin, I am intrigued and will think on it." A hug!

I did look around the shop on my way out. It had quite a few shoppers! One woman about my age held a blue frock, short sleeves, mid-calf skirt up in front of herself looking in a mirror. She saw me in the mirror behind her... recognized me and turned... I said it looked good. A smile and a thank you.

Coral walking me to the door gave me some raised eyebrows and a big smile. Big handshake.

Off to West 35th Street. The work was zooming along. The foreman said they were on schedule! Kiko was happy, she was here a lot.

We walked around the block to West 36th Street to a garage that was directly behind our building. We'd made an offer on it which was accepted. The deal was closed.

We would use it for storage of furniture for all the shelters. Solar panels go on top with a connection to the shelter building. It was good that the garden area was still a mess so we could dig a trench down along the fence to bury some conduit for the electrical cable.

Inside the garage was open except for a small office and a bathroom with a shower and locker room. It was older but soundly built. All the garage car repair mechanical equipment was gone, concrete floor and walls had been deep cleaned throughout. Lots of space!

Lafayette Street was coming close to completion. The big square shape and reinforcing inside made it easier to convert. We were on track for early August. Likely we would do a soft opening and wait for 35th Street to ready for a big double show day.

Luna and her son would move in a week from now. All the furniture was being delivered to a warehouse for now.

Wythe came up the stairs looking cute in pink skirt and sleeveless orange top.

Wythe was a newbie, the Chanthira Foundation property manager for New York. We walked over a block east to Tulia's coffee shop on Cooper Square. Nice wood floors, pleasant seating areas. The staff were good and fast.

We sat in the front window seat with Tessa and Tara nearby. Gil and Luna with us.

The purchase of the building we were in on the ground floor had just closed three and half weeks ago. Four floors and a big basement. This coffee shop on the ground floor with basement storage for them.

Twelve flats, all two bedroom units, the basement for storage. One open flat, another emptying next month, they would be for our foundation workers. There is an outside sitting area under several oak trees shared by the tenants upstairs.

The coffee shop owner, Tulia, came over when she saw Wythe. They shook hands and I was introduced as the new building owner. It was a shock for the lady.

"Fay Martin owns the building???"

I laughed, "Yes. I'm Fay Martin but the Chanthira Foundation actually owns the building, I'm the chairwoman of the board."

Tulia was pleased to have a good quality owner not some money-grubber. That was an interesting term!

She said several people had looked the building over after the old man who'd had it for decades died.

"We had to be concerned because good space in this neighborhood isn't easy to come by."

"You're in luck... I love coffee and you have a very nice establishment so we want you to stay."

A big smile. I added her rent wasn't going up. A big lift for her day.

An email from Charlotte, they had all arrived in Topanga. They had all landed at Van Nuys Airport on a 767 horse carrier, the horses were in the stables. I replied to enjoy Dolores' cooking and the less humid weather. We'd be there in ten days.

Gil leaned over to look. She smiled and said French toast. Fist bump.

Wythe, Luna and Tulia looking at us. I smiled, "Our housekeeper in Los Angeles does the most wonderful French toast. I promised our Twins some when we go there in about ten days."

I let Tulia know our place in the city was just the other side of Washington Square so maybe we'll walk the dog this way. Okay.

A smile, "Please do!"

I asked if they did puppuccinos? They did!!

Lunch. Pell carried us over to Wooster Street, we walked through the passage to the Big V. Ex grinning as we filed in. She and Gil kissed. Cute.

Jayne gave me a hug, "Come see the new AC controls."

I said that was a terrible `pick-up' line. We all laughed.

It was a quite sophisticated panel. Montana gave me the tour; hot, cold or exhaust, different speeds, pre-sets and more.

I said I needed a drink after that. Campari and soda, a twist of lemon appeared.

I ordered a house salad and a veggie burger with the `works' and lots of chips, yes... fries!

I was answering some email. Hillary and Bill were going out to Upperville this weekend. Flo was ready, so was Gilbert.

Text from Cho <61> I sent back a <huh?> which got me a smiley with its tongue stuck out!

Gil joined us after a bit of fun with Ex in the Petting Room.

The food was great as always! When I was finished I hip bumped Tessa and we slid out. I went over to the bar where Jayne was speaking to a bartender. She turned to me but I said go ahead. I kept going towards the front door just looking.

Jayne joined me, "So you have a good relationship with the cops in the 1st Precinct? Past trouble bring them here?"

"About four years ago a divorced husband came in looking for his ex-wife. He wasn't nice, some yelling and pushing, insulting all us dykes' and such. Two of my staff corralled him and tossed him out. He tried to get back in, more loud noise about she was his bitch' etc... He shoved an innocent woman bystander knocking her down so we called the cops. They came as he was trying to get away and nabbed him.

The injured woman was seen by the policemen before the ambulance took her to hospital. A few cuts and a broken finger. I asked they charge the lout but they didn't want to because we were lesbians. Another guest called the precinct house to talk to the sergeant you met. They knew him. He came over. The guy was arrested and ended up pleading guilty to multiple charges. He went to Riker's Island for six months.

I watched the sergeant, he was PO'd that the cops would want to let the guy go. He didn't say anything to them around us. I went to the station house a few days later to speak to him. We talked a bit about `things.' His younger brother is gay so he gets it.

Later a different sergeant I met at the precinct said another sergeant had ribbed my fellow about being `fond' of faggots in the locker room... he got decked.

`I watched your new friend lean over him to tell that jerk it would happen every time until he wised up. The bosses never knew.'

Interestingly about five months or so later the sergeant was down the street for another reason but came in after that wrapped up. He sat at the far end of the bar and asked for a ginger ale. I served him myself. When I said it was a dime he laughed and left a dollar on the bar. We've gotten along fine ever since."

Fist bump! We linked arms going back to the booth.

We had time in the morning for new book reading. `Thunder the horse' whose owner was a teenage boy that loved to ride and have fun all day. They had lots of fun adventures.

Afterwards Cho said I should tell the Twins about my adventures' with Gwen. He had my hand... I got a bit tight but a kiss and you should tell them' got me over it. Maybe I should... it might help me too. It was too soon though. A hug for my guy!

Everything was packed up, we'd not be back after the race. Straight to Chalgrove.

Helicopters to Thayer's place! We had a bunch going to the race track again. The Twins in their yellow and green outfits, Chani in a cute round brimmed bonnet and Charlie in a baseball cap a horse on the front!

Today Aneka was going for the second crown in the New York Triple Tiara. At the barn Corky was bouncing around with a headset on cleaning around Aneka's stall. Our girl was calm, nickering as the Twins gently stroked her neck.

Charlie in Cho's arms looked at me, "A...ne...ka?"

I nodded. Then he petted her, "Aneka!"

Chani followed him, "Aneka!"

Terrific. We moved out so we didn't bother her any more but it was very sweet to see.

Mackenzie was shaking his head, "I guess they have horses in their blood."

We laughed and said we hoped so. Iris was waiting at Harcourt House for them to ride.

Aneka had trained well so Mackenzie was pleased.

Up in Thayer's box we crowded in again but happy to have our friends close. Beverly and Sam came in to a big welcome. Before she settled in we took the Twins out for a walk in the back area.

I got a call from Theodore so Tha took Chani's hand.

"Fay, the first moves have been made on the two Russians. They have both responded, one angry but fearful, the other wanting to talk. They both tried to find out what we know which is understandable but odd given their own histories of using blackmail material on their own targets.

Being a target is something new for them.

We will press our advantage. The CIA helped us with one so they are aware he's in the bull's eye for us. I'm working with one fellow over there at Langley, he's good, nosey but a real professional. If we're interested he's cognizant of how important it must be."

I let Theodore know I couldn't talk much but I was pleased It was started! We rang off.

We needed to get back so we carried the Twins to the box. The post parade was beginning.

Aneka glistening in the sun as she `strolled' down the track. So calm. Leoni on her back sitting upright our yellow and green shining.

They loaded slightly off to the left for the mile and an eighth race. The Coaching Club Oaks was first run one hundred years ago so lots of history.

All quiet for the start... CLANG! The gates opened... Aneka running well with the others. Down the straight she began to move ahead. The horse on her left was close as they neared the turn.

Around the turn the two stayed together until Aneka changed leads on the back straight then she moved away. She slowly pulled in front by three and half when the second turn came up. Changing leads twice smoothly gave her a five length lead at the top of the stretch.

Leoni asked her a bit and Aneka responded with a rush of power. Like her older brother Glaa she slammed the accelerator down. By the eighth pole it was a ten length lead and widening.

Aneka roared by the finish to a big whoop from us and the crowd. 1:45:00!! A new Oaks record.

We had the Twins in our arms as we celebrated. Charlie did a fist bump with his Dad!! Chani got a big kiss from me.

Down in the Winner's Circle Charlie stood beside his Dad to receive the trophy! Loads of snaps of that! Chani clapping with me. Giggles!

Hugs and goodbyes for Thayer, Sondra and Kiet, Beverly and Sam too. Thayer's cars took us over to the Saratoga Springs Airport. A 767 was waiting.

Some local plane-spotters were taking snaps. The big jet was VERY unusual!

Inside we got the Twins in their carriers strapped into seats. Tha grinning. It was the first time they'd out in the lounge with us.

Jaidee in his seat looking around. Chani laughing pointing towards him!

It was a slow taxi because of our size on the taxiways built for smaller aircraft. We turned onto runway 5, the engines wound up... then brakes release sent us rushing down the tarmac... we lifted into the air smoothly after a short run.

I could see Charlie's arms waving, giggles from Chani. Once in level flight they got to run a bit before dinner. The food slowed them down and the yawns began. Tha and I took them in for the night. Cho leaning over his daughter... her small arms reaching up. Sweet girl.

We all sat for a bit reviewing the next few days then to bed. An early arrival.

Carter at the door with a smile! Carter2 and Audra beside him, grins. Hugs and fist bumps!

In minutes I was going down the staircase in my riding clothes! Black and gray! Tall boots.

Tessa and Tara with Gil joined me at the Stables.

Roland nodding when I asked if he wanted to run! I'd kissed Pamela's nose, a big hug for her. Dr. Crawford2's email said she was doing great.

Max, Con and Scout were all ready so we went down the grassy lane and across the flat building up to a good warm up trot going up the slope. We picked up speed around the Sci Ctr to the track crossing then a gallop to the lock.

The regular fellow gave us a big hello and wave which we all returned. On the eyot Roy was smiling, "Miss, we're fine, it's great to see you.' In answer to my question he and Angie were well.

On the west side of the Thames we followed Barton Lane to the underpass. A passenger train going over head didn't bother the horses thankfully. We headed up through the woods towards Lower Radley and the back end of Archie's farm.

A wave to Terry and the cows then onto Hall Street going north. It was quiet at that hour. Jerrold was off for the summer so no early drive to school.

We stayed on the dirt road all through the trees to the south end of the Industrial Estate. We walked by the yurts, a camper and cars parked there. Onto the macadam road of the estate, Samuel called out a greeting, I waved.

Lotte saw us out her windows and gave us a hello. We crossed the west channel of the river and walked our horses over the lock gate. A warm hello from the lock man and we waved and called out.

Mr. Hardy was just going out for his morning walk. I slid down for a hug, he was great. I was getting pages from him regularly, very nice stuff. Real insight and beautifully written. I was looking forward to having a book in my hands. He laughed as I kidded him.

"Miss Martin, it's a ways out but I can see the approach to the tunnel from where I am now."

We had a laugh. I got a knee up. A wave.

On the grass again Roland wanted to run so I unleashed him. I could feel him surge! He was running freely with pleasure. He was reaching out grabbing at the grass.

It was quiet at the Radley's, a `good morning' from Dan Senior. I waved!

We were early, the training tracks were empty so we rode on to the flats. Walking to cool our horses. Smiles! We enjoyed this. Fist bumps.

Walking up to the house I kidded Gil about Ex.

"Fay, she's a sweetie and a great kisser!" We laughed.

"Invite her to Phuket if you want."

"Could I? I'd like that."

A hug.

The Breakfast Room folks were all laughing. Charlie said he liked eggs scram! Maybe not the exactly the whole word but pretty impressive. Everyone knew what he meant!

Ting and Caroline were on their way. Ting for golf and Caroline to play with ours. Andrea would be along for dinner. And a few days off in the country.

I went to visit Ellie and Kasem. Prasert was in London picking up Ting. Kasem was sleeping. Very cute! Ellie was fine, he was nursing well and she had plenty of support! Her parents and family were very happy to have a new member of the clan.

Ellie smiling, "It's all I can do to stop them them all spoiling him. We already have too many toys and clothes!"

A big hug.

"Fay, this so wonderful. Anika comes over every day for a while to be with me and help do little things. When Prasert holds Kasem... it's very special to see them. He's going to be a great dad."

We talked houses and moving.

I asked if she had the credit card with the £5,000 on it. She did and had done some looking at furniture online. We sat for a few minutes looking at her 'choices' as they were right now. A nice bedroom suite, the saloon picks were clean and neat, warm colours and a modern dining set that said `I'm comfortable!'

A nice boy's bedroom group with some nursey bits to start him off.

Nothing much would move from here. Prasert sort of `inherited' it from the previous occupant. We laughed.

"Take anything you like though."

We kissed cheeks. I said I'd be back to try to catch Kasem awake.

I came down all nice and clean. Munro Ancient tartan skirt, a white cut-off Polo shirt and black Doc Marten's. Silver thingies and `Joy'

The car with Ting and Caroline pulled in. Hugs and kisses on the Forecourt! Ting's clubs went the Land Rover, Rande and Ansara were ready. Off they went!

Caroline up to the Nursery for fun!

I went to the Library with Gil. Ali and Francis. Conrad would bring coffee.

Francis was up first, I wanted to hear about his interviews of possible managers for the audit company.

He hadn't made a choice but the fellow wasn't a good fit but the woman, Aimee was. Smart, talented and represented herself very well. The right education and work history.

"Andrea is coming out, she has some folks to interview. Would you mind if they came out here?"

"Not at all. We'll let you use whatever room you want. We have a few days... can you get it arranged?"

"Andrea says they are primed for this step... so!"


Francis said we closed on the Manhattan westside hotel. The Village Suites was a boutique hotel we would use for transient folks and still be open to the public. It had twenty suites on five floors above the lobby.

On the ground floor there's a coffee shop on one side and a hair salon on the other. Nice quiet businesses that wouldn't disturb guests.

A good location on Sixth Avenue near 14th Street close to a subway station. Easy to go uptown or down.

"Fay, it's a great property in excellent condition, well maintained."

Okay! Fist Bump.

Big hug for Andrea out front! She went up to see Caroline for a few minutes then back to us. Three files handed to Francis... I sent him off to the Office to study them.

From me, "Francis, Pick up the option on the property in Seattle that big SODO block."

Thumbs up!

Andrea grinning, "Everything is humming along nicely. We have lots of good folk in the pipeline, a full staff for Vietnam and we hired two Farsi speaking engineers in the last week. I was up front with them about our work in Iran. They were very interested. They know the political situation there from family. No secrets!"

Okay! I said she should make sure they or their families had no outstanding issues with the government. Jasmin's family had been revolutionary, escaped from the shah's Iran and made a new life. So she was good. Andrea replied she would ask both for a fuller account of that part of their family's history.

"Please be sure to emphasize we are only asking so they won't have any issues being in Iran. We don't want our people put in jeopardy. The situation there can be volatile."

Andrea's `got it' was enough.

After lunch we covered hiring for the London shelters she was helping with. I was going up to town soon to see Erin's new property possibles.

Eric, Malee and Anne with us on the weekend along with Reg, Rona and MFA. Daphne and Adam! A full house sort of... the guys were going with Cho to watch some golf and an overnight at the new house in Fortrose then play.

Francis and Andrea setup interviews, the candidates would come out on the train and be picked up in Oxford. They'd interview them together. I was going to do my things, no problem.

I changed to ride! Penny and Ken coming with me but first the Twins got to sit on Iris' back. A small saddle, me on one side, Diana on the other. Charlie really liked it, Chani wasn't as enthused but she liked Iris.

Chani sat with me on a hay bale, Iris stood in front of us nuzzling a happily giggling Chani. Charlie came over, I put him on my lap. Iris's nose against his face. Charlie's little arms reaching out for her.

I told them they would learn to ride, Iris was for them both. She was a gift from Aunt Daphne and Uncle Adam. They were stroking her nose, Chani leaned to kiss Iris. Iris made a little nicker I told Chani it meant she was happy. Chani was so chuffed and smiling.

They got to spend time with Jaidee and Thames. Sebastian and Tess kept their distance.

I rode with my two protectors northward. We stopped to chat several times with neighbors ending with the Lone's in Sandford. The return was a blazing fast romp by the river. Rebel leaving the others far behind.

Laughing Ken said it was hard to protect me when you run away like that.

"Well I guess we need to get you better horses."

The guys were sipping scotch in the Great Room, Tha and the Twins had just come down from a wash up. Hugs. Kisses!

Our other guests arrived in a big bunch. Hugs, kisses and fun on the Forecourt.

Dinner was informal. Grilled cheese sandwiches, your choice of cheese, piles of chips, pickles, olives!

Charlie gesturing with his sandwich. We were trying larger pieces of food and for this it worked. Cho did cringe once when the little man's loaded arm swung around in his direction but no accident.

Ice cream and toppings! Chani smiling with a mouthful of vanilla and red sprinkles waving her newly emptied spoon.

Carter had some dance tunes on the music so after dinner we `cut a rug' for a bit. Charlie and Chani dancing with us. They enjoyed themselves, we did too. It also ran their batteries down so the yawns came and we carried them up for the night.

In bed with Cho, lots of kissing! He was going away for two days... Poo!

Warm body on me... sleep.

Cho, Adam, Ting, Eric and Reg all loaded into the car for Chalgrove. They were flying to Southport to see the last day's play of the British Open golf tournament. Tom Angleten was leading by two after a so-so third round at the Royal Birkdale course in Southport north of Liverpool. They'd fly on to Fortrose later, golf the next morning.

They had been well kissed by us ladies. We waved them down the drive.

I went to change out of riding clothes then kids in the Great Room! We had so much fun with some puzzles and a book reading. Outside in the Garden lots of little ones in the grass!! Sunny skies, green grass, aromas of the flowers and shrubs was a terrific way to spend time!!!

Short shorts and crop top in black with my orange high-top All*Stars on my feet! I was going through the Great Room after getting my iPad in the Library when Carter2 escorted three people in. They were the interviewees. Two men and one woman. Carter2 said he was using the Library for them to wait.

I said Hi and welcomed them. I waved to myself saying this was an off day. The men seemed uncomfortable maybe too much skin for them, the woman smiled. I told them someone would bring in a tea tray.

Oh... the men were `tight' I hoped they'd relax.

Tha on a lounge taking it easy while the Twins romped around with me. Ellie came out with Kasem to sit under an umbrella. Those eyes weren't ready to focus yet but were beautiful.

The Twins got to meet him. He was a `babee Mama!' Charlie got that right!

He had his mom's face! Ellie said Prasert was quite fine with that! His family in Bangkok were very happy for Ellie and Prasert. They'd been sent a blizzard of snaps and video. Ellie was trying to get Prasert to ease up. In a few months they'd travel to Thailand so everyone there would get to see Kas.

We ate lunch outside, the babies in the shade of the big umbrellas. I wanted the sun!

After lunch the Twins and I did our name the body part in three languages. Caroline and MFA joined in. I could see Anne's big dark eyes taking it all in. Malee grinning over to me. Such fun!

Everyone went up for a nap since they had been so busy. Endearing to see Aunt Daphne leaning over to be hugged by Chani standing in her crib.

I was going to ride with Gil, Ali and Rona while Malee and Daphne chose a movie to watch. Kendall got them setup in the game room. A great indie movie `Letter to Brezhnev' which funny enough is set in Liverpool. A real little gem of a movie, I liked it the first time and have watched it several times. Quality!

Walking across the Flat as Rebel cooled down my friends and protectors caught up. I stroked Rebel's muscled neck, he had run like the wind. A lot smiling faces around me. We had taken easy going north but no way I'd miss a fast run home.

Penny and Tessa walking with me through the Stables visiting. They got to give out treats all over, I had a carrot for Pamela. I was nuzzled as I snapped it in half. CRUNCH! My girl was doing good!

A change back to my shorts and crop top. The kids were up and we went back outside. Our other ladies came out from the movie to join us. They really liked the flick and thanked me for the recommendation.

Andrea and Francis emerged from the Office to sit with us. They'd completed the interviews for the accounting company. All done with the three prospects. The three were on their way back to Oxford for the train.

The Twins playing with Jaidee and a tennis ball, Tha watching, so I sat to talk with our interviewers.

They had both liked the the middle person very much.

Francis smiling, "She is terrific on paper and in person." He looked to Andrea, "She's well spoken... " Andrea nodding, "... articulate when answering questions. It will a difficult choice between Aimee and Philippa."

I cleared my throat... eyes on Charlie with his arm over Jaidee's back in the sun... "Why not hire them both, one for America and one for Europe and look in Bangkok for another."

They stared at me... then it hit them I was on the right track.

"Well... you would have three people to supervise but they would all be closer to the action than one who would have to hire some lower level managers too... right?"

Fist bumps! Andrea squeezed my ankle, the closest part of me to her.

She turned to Francis, "See why she's the boss!"

We laughed.

"There would be a thinning of what I would need to see... which would be nice. It would also mean each manager wouldn't have as much travel and over a smaller area when they do. Fay... it's perfect."

"Talk to Sanjara about doing some looking and advertising for you. She can get the railroad HR department to find or recommend an employment agency for the beginning work, weeding out the obvious, narrow the field. You and Ali could work together on a smaller field of candidates.

Besides it would make the decision to accept a post easier for anyone to choose if they didn't have to move to another country... Yes?"

They were with me. Okay.

A call from Charles. He wanted to tell us the Clinton's had stayed for two nights... and left this morning very happy.

"I sort of played the host. They were pleased to kick back, they took some long walks. Flo fed them very well. The trailers from the equestrian event were great for some of their staff. A couple of them went riding.

Daniel had everything in hand. I'm sure you will be pleased with how it was handled."

I thanked Charles for his efforts. I called Daniel myself. He was happy the visit was a success from what he could see and hear the Clinton's left quite relaxed.

I called Gilbert. He was laughing, "I expected a call from someone. The visit went smoothly. The Secret Service folks liked seeing our operation. Some were somewhat amazed to learn we monitored parts of two airports, an apartment complex, a restaurant in Georgetown and this farm all from here.

I did a demo of the drone defense system for them and they got to briefly fly one of our drones. I played a trick on them... nothing bad. I got them outside as we launched a drone then had the operator circle around to come up behind them then got the group to turn to see the drone hovering close. The drones are so quiet they had no clue.

The boss was a woman, she said she had seen the Harcourt House setup. She wasn't the least surprised at our office. She told her people we were the best security company in the world. That was very nice to hear."

"That must be Lore."

"Yes, that was her name."

"She was with Hillary and Bill when they stayed with us before the inauguration. She got the whole tour here. I'm glad all is well. Thank your folks for us."

"Will do and thank you."

A text from Cho <Tom's game turned around he's burning up the course 4shot lead> I sent a thumbs up, a kiss and I got a kiss back!

It was great Tom was doing well!!

Cormac texted the RSPCA had come by today with two dogs for EFT on a trial basis. A Belgian Malinois that had been a police dog and a border collie. Two very active dogs but we had the space and a lot of workers and animals moving about to keep them interested.

Cormac knew some about border collies and wanted to give it a try. Okay! I asked him to stay in contact with the RSPCA on how they were doing. `Will do' From him.

The Twins had a blast outside eating dinner. Jaidee romps, and fun being in the sun! Caroline and MFA were growing up so nicely like ours. Cute and funny like their mom's.

It was wonderful to have a house full of friends and the kids. Malee on a lounge watching Anne crawl through the grass to jump on Jaidee who didn't mind a bit. Yells and laughs, shrieks of joy from running babies.

Dinner made better when Cho called... Tom had gone on a streak on the back nine at Royal Birkdale pulling away from all challengers to win the British Open by six strokes. Oh what a year he was having. He'd won three of the majors with only the PGA Championship to go in Charlotte.

Cho had talked with him before began his round today... he was a surprise for Tom, a good one which appeared to energize the fellow. He finished eight under today, the best round of the day!!

Cho and his buddies were halfway to Fortrose... hellos being called out around the helicopter cabin. I wished him fun playing tomorrow. They'd be back tomorrow evening.

The bedtime was a Poo! without Cho, Jaidee got quite the rubdown as his replacement!

Comments are always welcome!


Next: Chapter 63

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