
By A becker

Published on Apr 1, 2020



Walking to the terrace for lunch we were congratulated in person for SakChai's victory. Hillary had sent us an email Saturday, it was nice to get it in person!

The table was set under the trees so the sun wouldn't be too much. Flo who had been thrilled to meet the Clinton's served chilled smoked salmon, several cool salads, white corn muffins and butter with lots of cool things in relish trays. A variety of beverages. It was followed by a delicious sorbet of strawberries and lime. Sweet, tasty!

We had fun talking horses, golf, the News UK deal, children and grandchildren, Graeme's upcoming fun and some about the state of the world.

Walking with Hillary towards her helicopter I repeated our offer of them using the house. The Secret Service had been here looking things over for the visit and declared it a safe location.

Smiling Hillary said they might. "It is quiet area and off the beaten track."

The helicopter crew had been fed and were able to relax a bit with our staff. On duty now. Cho and I waved goodbye as they lifted off.

I ran back to the house yelling pool!' There was a rush to swimsuits! Big splashes! The Twins came out to swim! Cho and I underwater watching, scooping up the little swimmers! They had a good time! Lots of Wa!' from Charlie!


A call from Dr. Crawford2. He had done a check on Secret Sea after her being in the same paddock as Asda. She didn't appear to pregnant but now she is. Wow! Great news! We thanked him!

A lot of possibilities inside Secret Sea!

Pamela was doing fine, still exercising but a lower pace.

The first of the trailers full of horses began to arrive! We had our staff ready to welcome them. Daniel had several nice trailer living units for those who weren't close to us for an overnight stay.

Sunny and Charlotte with me greeting them. We had dressed appropriately no swimsuits. Ha!

I got Sunny and Charlotte to show the event locations to these riders. They got to turn their mounts into a nearby pasture.

The local group who was managing the event had been in and out over the last week. They came by to meet with us again. They said everything was ready. They thanked Daniel and Mykal for the big announcement board and all the extras like refreshment booths, portable bathrooms, shady spots to cool down in, etc...

The stable staff had rigged several cold water fountains for the horses in locations around the grounds.

Daniel had put up temporary fencing to block any approach to our housing area. Our Security would have uniformed and plain-clothes people in the crowd and watching the boundaries.

Cho and I didn't have to do anything but a welcome speech. Cho nominated me for that? Thanks!

A quiet night led to a busy morning. Flo and our baker had worked hard to produce breakfast things for the entrants and their people. It smelled pretty good as I walked out at sunrise to ride. Tessa with me. The same white and black outfit.

Mr. Sugar making noises again being with Tessa, a happy fellow as we rode out. The stables were fully awake expecting new arrivals. Ash wasn't demonstrative but she was bouncy.

I took us around the front again, some vans going by us, the people waving. We turned west past the cross country course all the way to the fence then turning back to gallop the last mile or so.

We walked into the crowd going to the stable. We got lots of looks. Some nice comments about our horses. I stopped to speak to a young woman who had snapped my picture. She was smiling when I asked to see it. I leaned down... It was good.

"You're Fay Martin?"

I said yes. She asked why I was here. I laughed.

"My husband and I own this farm."

Her head jerked back... She had no idea she said. My `you weren't supposed to know' was a surprise too.

Tessa laughed as we moved on, "What do folks think... you'd advertise owning something like this?"

I shrugged.

Our groom took the horses, fist bump. A grin.

After breakfast with the Twins, they were all cleaned up and in a pram Cho and I went out to see how things were going. I hadn't changed nor had Tessa beside me. Ro with Cho, Ansara and Ken with the twins as Tha pushed the pram.

We met event organizers managing the event again, they were full of praise for the grounds and our support staff. Okay but we haven't really got started.

They were thrilled with the software and iPads. Ni's shop had written an App that managed the event's schedules of appearances, scoring and tallying. It could keep track of each entrant from sign-in to the end. It would have even more features in future.

Each judge was given an iPad and a briefing. The App was very simple for the judge to pick the rider and horse and enter their score. The iPads were linked to a wide–area WiFi network that had each iPad and MacBook registered by MAC address so no other device could join the network.

MacBooks would be used by the senior officials to bring all the data together to determine the winning entrants. The data was stored on a Mac OS X Server in the Security office.

Now we're ready to begin. The entrants were gathered by the closest arena.

I welcomed them to the Upperville Farm event for what we hoped would be an annual affair. I gave them a general layout for the events and facilities. They had each been given written documentation including medic locations, rest areas and food booths in the stable area for entrants only. There would be no charge for their food.

If they needed anything I introduced Daniel as our property manager. Daniel said we'd glad to help in whatever way we could. If they found a piece of equipment they lacked just ask.

I wished them all luck and a safe event.

The ambulance from the local fire company was on hand, we had a golf cart ready for them so they could get around the Farm easily. The nearby hospital had us on their calendar. The veterinary staff we'd hired was equipped for all sorts backed up by an equine ambulance and a local veterinary hospital that handled horses was on alert.

Francis had a list of riders in what events and when so we could watch and video Sunny. She was in jumping first then dressage this afternoon. Everyone would do cross-country tomorrow.

Sunny was the youngest by almost four years. There some in their early forties including an ex-Olympian!

I was surprised at the number of folks who came to watch. We had a grassy space near the road for parking, quite a respectable amount of space was used. We weren't charging a fee for entry or parking. The entrants paid a small fee just for administration purposes to the organizing group.

We had a spot saved for us beside the jumping arena. Tha had taken the Twins inside the house to play. Gil and Penny were at different points to video Sunny. I had on my blue reflecting sunglasses with my hat down my back.

Tessa's quiet voice, "Lots of folks have been watching you. FYI"

I nodded.

We could see Sunny was next. Her Spanish Equestrian helmet standing out clearly. Then the loud speaker, `Miss Sunny of Harcourt House on Prince Sergey.'

It was great to hear it. Cho's shoulder bumping mine. A smile.

Sunny entered the arena and began... the first jump cleared easily then one after another she and Prince bounded over them. Each turn was efficient with impeccable foot work by Prince. Then a series... over smoothly. She turned for the last group... over... over... over!!! A clean round, NOT even a touch. She turned Prince for the gate and out.

AWESOME!! The crowd gave her a very warm applause, our part was loud.

Charlotte was beyond the gate. Sunny leaning over for her hand. We headed to the stable where Sunny was going. She slid down into my arms!

"Fay, it was so right!!"

She had a big hug for Prince who was nodding.

I stroked his neck leaning close to an ear, `Fine Work Big Guy.'

We had some time to wait. Charlotte and Sunny made sure Prince was looked after. They'd go to Flo for some food. Cho and I wandered for a bit.

I got a call from Moses! Cho's eyebrows going up! I made a turn toward the house terrace. I sat on a lounge to talk.

"Fay, the IP goes to a Russian server under the control of the FSB. We haven't tried to login yet just researching. I pinged it from an internet café location in St. Petersburg via a private VPN hosted by a server that didn't know it was hosting anything with my IP spoofed, that's as untraceable as can be. Their IP is active."

I asked some questions about the connection, I was satisfied.


He laughed, "Why am I not surprised. So unless something comes up we'll try it about three in the morning Moscow time."

We both laughed. We rang off.

Cho came out with a Newcastle. He got my news, I got his... Tom Angleten was the third day leader at the U.S. Open at Erin Hills in Wisconsin. He was up by six. We shared the beer in a toast to several potential successes!

In the living room we played some music while the Cho Air Express made flights around the whole first floor. Tha and I grinning at each other as a LOUD `Wa Dada!' come from the kitchen! Charlie flew in shortly thereafter to the landing pad of my lap. Chani was whisked away to giggles and a few Ba's Wa's and Dada's!

Gil kept watch on the time. We got out to the Dressage arena to a corner spot set aside. Our view was diagonally across the arena. Gil and Penny were posted.

Sunny was up. The announcement! I liked hearing it again. I hoped it was on the videos!

Sunny moved Prince to the entry. Salute. Off! Sunny was smooth as silk, Prince moving in perfect form stepping like the professional he is. Down the center, turning sharply, hitting the angles, side to side crossing the arena with precision and flair. Sunny showing poise and total control. The turn for the exit like a knife blade... straight on to the entry. Sunny stopped and saluted. She was out!

The crowd's response was warm and sustained! You could see her smile across the space! We went that way.

The crowd was bigger so PJ and Rande had joined us. They politely opened the way for us. Tessa and Ansara right behind.

Sunny hugging Prince! Charlotte hugged me, "Fay, she was so sharp!"

I agreed. Sunny's face buried in Cho's chest, hugging! I was next!

Declan took Prince to the stable for a bath and a feed followed by some down time.

When the events were over for the day the organizers gathered the riders. They went over how well it had gone today, a wonderful display of equestrian skill and excellent horses. Tomorrow's schedule was reviewed with a reminder to the riders to walk the cross country course again early in the morning. Many had gone out there right after the earlier events.

They announced the current standings after the two events today. One fellow with a nasally voice did that.

"The point leader is Miss Sunny of Harcourt House. She was the best in the jumping and second place marks in the dressage."

He went on to give all the riders point levels. I watched Sunny in a crowd of the younger riders getting congratulated.

One of the organizing board members was with Cho and I.

"Sunny is wonderful, balanced and strong. In the jumping she does have some weight advantage but I observed her closely. As she carried the jumps, the amount of room above the bars was quite large much more so than you'd expect simply because of her weight. She will be at a slight disadvantage tomorrow because of her size, the jumping will be up and down with quite different landings which bounce you around more."

He smiled, "She has a terrific horse, he can make it easier on her. Powerful!"

We shook hands after he said she was an awesome prospect for the Olympic Team in the future.

After dinner Cho and I rode to go over the cross country course with Sunny. We stayed out of the riders actual routes.

Other riders were going over the course on horseback, some were walking. Sunny would walk it tomorrow after dawn.

I thought it was well balanced. Easier jumps at the beginning to get the entrants warmed up then MORE difficult through the middle. The last quarter were trending down from a few hard ones to the upper end of intermediate then easier ones as the horse and rider tired.

Thirty jumps from simple fences of different construction to piles of logs or an entire tree laid on its side looking like it fell over. It was made so riders might see the challenges on a ride across ordinary countryside which was the goal.

There were shrubbery wall jumps, water before the jump, water as the landing spot, some jumps had you go upwards and some down, barrels and dirt berms, all sorts of obstacles. Changes in light between open spaces and wooded shadows.

Each jump had a red flag on the right side and a white one on the left. If there was a black bar across the red flag the jump could be bypassed by the rider without being penalized for skipping it. The jumps display a number in sequence for the rider.

What was important was there were NONE that were outrageously difficult or dangerous. They would be challenged not punished.

The organizers had admired the layout as it was being rebuilt during their planning visits. They knew it had been created by Charles decades ago and used in the past by the U.S. Olympic equestrian team for training many times.

There were designated areas for spectators along the course and they were held back from the riders line of travel so they wouldn't bother the horses. All our other farm animals were being kept far away too.

Sunny had ridden our main course at Harcourt House dozens and dozens of times. It was a combination of intermediate and advanced. She had used the novice jumps we setup at the beginning to learn but that didn't last long. The novice part would now be for the Denham School riders.

She had ridden both the courses at Sir Harry's stables east of Faringdon almost in Buckland. He had intermediate and very advanced jumps. He helped her be mindful of the whole course and what was ahead after each obstacle was cleared.

Sunny was prepared! Charlotte was more nervous than Sunny.

We had a quiet evening. Me rubbing Jaidee while Cho read to the Twins with support from Sunny and Graeme. The Twins breaking into simultaneous yawns made me laugh. I scooped Chani and Cho got Charlie for the walk upstairs. Our wonderful Tha right behind.

The sun wasn't up when I went out with Tessa. She was grinning.

"So do these things have headlights?"

We laughed. By the time Ash and Mr. Sugar were saddled light was coming up. The stables were awake, our overnight guests making their appearances.

Tessa and I went west we jogged the periphery of the cross country course then went further north to the boundary with Wally and Dolly. East to the center road and back to the stables.

As we turned south Moses called. "Fay, I entered the FSB server... it was a wow. The credentials Yevgeny gave you were for a super user. They'll never know I was there because the account was setup to mask the login from view and all accounting records of activity were erased on logout! Total control of the entire file system and operating system!"

He was excited. I got Tessa to stop with me.

"So do you need much time to finger out the file system?"

Moses gave a low whistle, "It's big but with caution I should be able to spend an hour or so a day to figure it out, Then I'll grab some docs that are like what we want to leave behind..." He was quiet, "..Fay can we talk to your contact at NSA? He may be able give us some help in creating docs plus we will need them make the FSB go looking."

I said I'd connect with him.

"There are several things for you have as cards up your sleeve... there was a file with Yevgeny's name but hidden from everyone but him. There several documents in there I copied back to me.

Moses quietly said, "There's blackmail info on two dozen top Russian government people, politicians and military. Crimes they have committed, money stolen, people killed, mistresses in russia and outside, bastard children! It's a bio file of their royalty's criminality. The main file is is about six megabytes of text. Maybe two thousand plus pages."

I very quietly asked, "What else?"

"There is a short list of agents in America which he labelled as `critical deep cover,' their real names and their assumed identities, where they work, etc... Twelve names."

"Moses, don't show that to anyone! Clear?"

He said Yes. "Right now only myself, Oleg and Kelela know about it."

"Good. The fewer the better. Eve is Okay but no one else."

We were both quiet. Tessa had edged away, I reached out my hand. She turned around on Mr. Sugar to come close. A squeeze of my hand.

"Fay there are other things. The file system gets backed up to another server in a different location. The link to that server is open to the SuperUser credentials we now have. I checked to see if I could go in there and boom! I was in. I backed out leaving that for maybe the folks at NSA.

As a systems operator I can see all the users, their names and ranks, job positions, etc... I could put a software trap on the accounts that send me their password as they type it so we wouldn't have to worry about encrypted passwords. Not that we need the passwords for this server since we can read everything but they be useful to the NSA on other systems.

Also it looks like Yevgeny wanted folks to know he was an admin, so he has a regular admin account in his own name as cover.

A lot more."

"Okay. Keep it close and I'll visit when we're next in New York. I'll contact the NSA this morning. I'll be back to you later today."

We rang off with Moses to keep me up to date daily. Verbally only! And my thanks!

I called Theodore.

"Fay, you're up early."

I laughed, "So are you. I'm on horse about sixty miles west of your place."

A pause, "Are you sitting down? Yes! Well you want to be. It's your lucky day!!"

A quiet `DAMN!'

"Okay, you know I talked with Yevgeny... What we want for him when he leaves FBI custody is to be able to live with his daughter wherever he desires. Right now he's interested in New York. But given the vindictiveness of the Russian secret police they will come to kill him at some point. They don't observe the niceties about doing their killing, collateral damage is not a concern.

So we want to plant documents inside their systems which say he's a double agent, he's `gone over' on purpose."

There was a deep intake of breath, "Fay that is very difficult, there are holes in the idea that documents alone would be enough to convince all of the FSB."

"We understand but we may have some aces in hand... Yevgeny gave me an IP and login credentials. Moses went in overnight... It's an FSB file server."

There was a soft but deeply felt `SHIT' spoken.

"What Moses found was the credentials gave him unlimited power to operate the entire system. He can go in and be invisible, completely! He is exploring the file system for what is there, how documents are structured so we could duplicate them and for good places to put our fake documents.

First, There's a text document Moses said was about six megabytes in size consisting of names of high ranking politicians and military people and their various criminal and secret personal actions detailed. A blackmail document Moses called it."

I was quiet, I could hear Theodore breathing.

Then there is a file that lists twelve names, Russian names and assumed American identities..." a loud goddamn this time, "... and where they work and live. The file is label `critical deep cover' and was carefully hidden."

"He has both on his computer in New York."

"Fay, I see where you're going with this. The documents for Yevgeny are planted so those with appropriate credentials could look them up and we blackmail someone in that list of criminals to validate them. It could work. A lot would be dependent on what person or persons are chosen."


"Can we see the documents? And when?"

"Would it bother you if I wanted to be there which means a three day wait?"

"No! We can be patient. I'm going to keep this to myself until I've seen the list. I will travel to New York. Just finalize a day and time for me."

I said I'd know in a few hours.

"Just so you now... I'm going to Tehran the day after tomorrow for a few hours of meetings and then leaving. I was going direct to Harcourt House but I go to New York instead. When I have an arrival time I will let you know. The same arrangement as before can be done if that is satisfactory and the hotel Okay."

"The hotel was very nice, that is fine."

"We'll put you on a helicopter for the return again, Okay?"

He was pleased. We ended there.

I called Kavat myself to give him my change in plans and my other needs. I got a `no problem' right away!

We moved on, I know I was distracted. Tessa moved a bit ahead to sort of remind me of our direction.

We walked into the stables to greetings from some riders who had just driven in.

By a stable fence several of the young women asked about my clothes and Sunny wearing the same. I let them examine the hat, they were surprised that it was an officially recognized helmet.

"The rule says the clothes should reflect a hunting outfit and in Spain and South America this does. With the helmet it's a look I've been using for years."

Sunny would not wear the bolero jacket today, it was too warm. She would have her chest protecting safety vest, her medical armband and her timing watch over a white cotton short sleeve shirt like I was wearing. Black jodhpurs, black gloves, the Spanish Equestrian hat and tall black boots like mine.

The riders all knew their start times and they began to assemble. Sunny in the middle of the starters. We walked out with her. We had a spot on small rise near the start box, we could see well over two thirds of the jumps clearly in our glasses.

The course optimal time was set at 5:20.

Riders were on the course, we could see them moving along. Sunny's turn came up. She was in the start box, checking her timer wrist watch, a stroke of Prince's neck. She was released! She moved out nicely the first jump... over easily, my glasses following her!

Cho had a stopwatch in one hand, glasses in the other.

I could see Sunny moving through the course looking relaxed. Prince lifting over the obstacles with ease. As the harder part of the course came up Sunny kept going like earlier... smooth and easy. She was moving in the saddle and stirrups with Prince's motion never too far over his neck or leaning back.

She was disciplined and concentrating! I was proud of her. I knew her parents would be. Ali, Gil, Francis, several of Security team and staff were out in the viewing areas getting video of Sunny as she passed them.

Far out on several of the toughest jumps going in and out of the wooded areas I watched at full magnification. Sunny and Prince burst out of the woods into the sun, it was very bright... it didn't seem to bother them.

Jump after jump in a very methodical way Sunny was conquering the course.

Cho leaned over, "She's right on time!"

That was an important point. She was moving through the course just as it should be ridden.

She cleared a triple combination which was one of the hardest spots on the course and turned for the last quarter of the run. One down... then a pair... one with a turn to get the angle on the next... over... One jump to go! They cleared it!!

From Cho, "She's very close on time."

He held the stopwatch up for us both to look at it and have Sunny in the background.

After the last jump she asked Prince to run they crossed the level ground to the end. They finished... 5:21!

Sunny had done a spectacular ride!!! Prince hadn't baulked at any jump. The powerful guy trusted Sunny implicitly and his bravery to make the leaps even when he wasn't sure of his landing was proof positive of his trust and loyalty. They were an awesome duo!!!

We went over to the area where the riders could dismount and rest, water their mounts.

Sunny's face... exultation! She hugged Prince! "Fay!!! Prince was perfect!!! He did everything I wanted!!!"

We hugged!! Cho surrounded us. Charlotte was pulled in!!

I reached to Prince's neck, my hand slowly moved. A nicker, "You should be proud of yourself!"

The lead organizer walked over to us.

"Sunny you did a clean ride, no penalties." He shook her hand! A beaming smile!

I could see he was hugely impressed and hopeful for her future in U.S. equestrian competition.

We gathered ourselves to clear the area for others. Declan had Prince's reins. He did fist bumps with Sunny! A big smile on that young Irishman's face.

I liked Declan, he loved horses, enjoyed riding and caring for them. He was obviously very happy for Sunny.

As we walked our video folks caught up to us. More hugs and kisses for Sunny.

When we had done our hugging PJ stepped close to kiss her cheek. Sunny slipped her arms around him. I found out later they had had a few conversations at Harcourt House about tricks on how to concentrate when you were in a stressful situation. PJ used the Hendon Police College competition as an example. He had to make quick decisions trusting totally in Rande behind him as she would have to do with Prince.

I hugged PJ when he told me, thanking him for being so good to Sunny.

He knew we were going into Georgetown tomorrow night so there'd be an exceptional dinner!! I also told him I was planning to wear a dress which could in some places get me arrested and certainly ogled. A big grin... he did an arm flex with `I'll be ready!'

A cheek kiss and hug!!!

Now we had to wait for all the riders to finish the course, it wouldn't be too much longer. We heard from one of the vets that there had been a spill which the medics had gone out to. No news on any injury. We got that the horse was Okay. Too bad it had to happen. While it was beautiful to watch there was plenty of danger for horse and rider.

Sunny went to be with some of the riders who'd finished. They hugged her, lots of smiles over there.

Francis came back from asking about the injury report. A broken arm from falling off over a jump, hitting the log with her arm underneath. A simple break not a compound one! Good! The young woman's arm is immobilized, she wanted to stay until the end.

Cho and I visited her in the medic's tent. Smiling, she was Okay. No real pain and happy her horse wasn't injured. One of our grooms on the course had brought him back, he was in a stall doing fine munching some honey sweetened oats.

The Chief Organizer came by, the riders were done and they were tallying the scores. The results would be announced shortly.

We had a podium and winner's stand setup on a grassy spot near the dressage arena. An area for the riders marked off.

We were off to the side with the Twins in their pram with the shade top up. Cuties in green and yellow shorts and T-shirts.

The organizing team on the podium calling for everyone's attention. They started with a big thank you to all the riders for competing. A huge applause for them. They were praised for their keenness and skills. Our one injury was noted, the young woman waving her `good' arm. Laughter.

They repeated what everybody knew of the results of the first day then said that the cross country had been very competitive. They named the third place rider then the second and then Sunny. After her cross country ride there had been no doubts about her winning.

The three stepped onto the winners stand. They each got a green and yellow sash, the appropriate Blue, Red and White ribbons and small plaques were presented. There was a VERY nice applause for them. The second and third were men in their late twenties. They were nice to Sunny, handshakes and a cheek kiss. She was looking radiant holding the big Blue Ribbon!

Each rider got a plaque with a green and yellow ribbon. The organizers stepped to the crowd of riders calling out names, each plaque was personalized.

We led the applause for them as the plaques were handed out.

The head of the organizing committee asked us to come up. We were thanked for hosting the competition and the wonderful condition of the event locations. They also thanked us for the facilities available to the riders and their mounts.

We got a very warm applause. I thanked them for the praise making sure everyone knew that our farm manager Daniel and his staff had done all the work we were being commended for. I waved Daniel over. He joined us to more applause.

I said we enjoyed hosting the event and would do it again next year in the same general time frame.

We shook hands with the organizing folks and went down to talk with the riders and their families. Everybody was very nice, happy to be here and glad we would do it again.

I saw our `video' folks recording it all for Sunny and the folks in Seattle and Bangkok!

Charlotte with us, we hugged and kissed Sunny! Other riders stopping by to congratulate her. She'd made some new friends among the local riders who were quite good. The fourth through eighth places were all young women from this area of Virginia!!

One of the rider's coaches came up to Charlotte, they'd met at an Olympic trial several years ago. Charlotte was praised for Sunny's performance. When she told him Sunny was not yet fourteen his jaw dropped!!!

His amazement was doubled to find she'd only been riding for a year and a half. His word for her was quite accurate: prodigy!

Sunny was with her new friends so she heard none of this. I wasn't worried about her, she was level-headed but I didn't want her to hear herself being discussed. Charlotte wasn't encouraging the fellow, he was just Gob Smacked as we say!

He was quite taken with our cross country course, "You have a challenging and sound course. Can we bring some riders here to train?'

Cho told him it would available by appointment with our farm manager, no charge except for stabling. The fellow was very pleased.

Cleve was a big name' in American equestrian circles and could help Sunny. I figured he'd probably settle down' about her especially if he saw her more. He was going to be in California at the Winterset Trials.

The event was unwinding. Several riders asked if they could stay one more night so they'd have a morning start for their drive home that was fine with us. The crowd was mostly gone, the support folks like the medics had left. We asked if the vet people could stay in case there were any issues with the horse's departure. Okay.

Trailers for the departing horses lined up to load.

Cho and I walked around saying hello's and thanking people for participating. They liked our farm and were glad we'd do it again.

We thought it had gone well enough so we were going to definitely plan on a yearly event. The organizing group was very happy with the venue and how we had supported them and the riders and horses. They wanted to sign on for next year. Okay.

We did tell them also the facilities would be maintained and riders could come to use them without charge. We did say that the use would have to be done by appointment with our Farm manager and if horses were stabled we would charge a fee for that.

They thought it wonderful to have a place locally to train. They asked if we would mind letting more people know about it.

Cho smiling, "No but please remind them of the appointment part."

They were sure to include that. Daniel had come over at my request to be part of this. He gave them the email address we setup for this and a telephone number to call.

Hands shaken all around.

Our people would take down the transient pieces like the scoring and bulletin boards and refreshment booths, etc... No hurry since nothing was going on.

Sunny was doing goodbyes and exchanging `digits' with her new friends.

Daniel said the equipment we loaned the organizers was collected, he would store it in a safe location inside his office. I said to get it out every now and then to charge up the batteries. We did a fist bump! `It's on my calendar!'

I added the team at Ni's would want them to get any upgrades that were created, the Security folks could do that. I said we would consider loaning the equipment to the Organizing Group for other events. In case he got a request we would have lawyers draw up a contract, no charge but they would have to accept liability for the equipment.

The Twins had gone in earlier, we joined them on the carpet for story time. Then `pool!' Everybody cheered!

In a pale blue bikini with yellow polka-dots I was dancing on the edge of the pool with Sunny. I leapt into the water Sunny coming along!

Cho and Sunny were on one side opposite Tha and I, the twins swam back and forth for a while. So much laughter, splashing and lots of Yea's! and Wa's!

Cho's phone went off! Tom Angleten won the U.S. Open by eight strokes! He was on a roll for sure. The first two of the Grand Slam tournaments! The next one was the British Open in late July in Southport north of Liverpool.

A nice quiet dinner outside if you overlooked Charlie's loud `want nana' when when his highchair tray was cleared! We sat around the table for a while discussing the day. Sunny gave us a retelling of her ride and how Prince had been such a champ.

"He responds immediately to my direction. With his quick acceleration we were able to build speed to make jumps go easier. It was his win more than mine!"

I liked her saying that. It echoed what the chief organizer had said about Prince. It reminded me to get Imogene to work Plotline in all three eventing disciplines. He was a big powerful fellow like Prince. Great to have him in reserve and up to speed.

I emailed to Adam about Sunny's win and how Prince had contributed!

In bed I gave Cho my conversations from early this morning, I'd given him a heads-up in the morning. He got the whole thing, Moses, and Theodore. My change in plans being set. The ETA for New York sent to Theodore and Eve. Moses was to have briefed Kelela and Eve this afternoon.

Warm brown arms around me as I sat leaning back on Cho. A soft kiss on my neck.

"You have become what should strike fear into the hearts of our enemies... a powerful person!" A big squeeze and fingers sliding up my belly to capture my breasts. Cupped and bounced gently.

`Hot stuff too' in my ear! We laughed, I turned around pushing Cho flat, lying over him... KISSING!!!!!

A good start!

The sun was hot already! Tara smiling over to me, we'd just finished a great gallop back to the stables! Fist bump!

Walking into the kitchen to see to hungry babies eating with their nurse and dad. Very cute scene. Flo over by the range waving a spatula, `You're up!' Okay!

Tara and I sat, we didn't to wait long for steaming omelets, toast and fried potatoes.

Today was a work at home then dinner out.

Gil and Ali with me spread out in the dining room, Cho and Francis in the office as usual, Tha and the Twins in the living room! We were in our places!

I had a bunch of things to do for 21st Century Fox and News UK. The Fox stuff was mostly Board related so I did that first. The News UK stuff was about the education plan for employees and the health club offering.

We would pay for advanced degrees for workers if it was associated to their current work or some other position in the company. What was relevant would be open for discussion on a case by case basis. I wanted to pay for anyone to complete a degree regardless of subject. The HR department was in the hiring process for an individual to be in charge of this programme.

The plan was for News UK would pay for half, I was considering one hundred percent, of any existing student loan debt for any employee. Having the debt weigh on someone was spirit crushing. As with other things there was to be no considerations about time of service or anything else.

We had no desire to tell people how to live their lives but we knew from many data sources that people who were physically active are healthier. We would pay one half of the fees for any health club, swimming club, bicycle group membership, etc... Employees would have to document their membership for Human Resources and we hoped they'd use it regularly.

I had talked it over with Cho and Adam. It would cost but our experience showed we were paid back quite nicely in many ways! They were on-board!

After that it was pool' time! A huge Yea' from Charlie and Chani! So we got wet, watched the Twins swim, Francis showed off from the diving board, Tara did some nifty dives too. We splashed about then sat down for lunch.

The Twins very cute in shorts and crop T-shirts after a good rub dry and diapers on! Their high chairs outside again, floppy hats and under an umbrella. They liked being with the `big' people.

More work then a ride with Cho, Ken and Tara. Penny was getting some lessons from one of the stable staff and Charlotte. She'd be a regular rider soon!

A great shower with Cho, petting and kissing. Washing too.

Dinner in Georgetown!

My little black dress was VERY little. It was the one I wore when I first met Mike and Bennett in New York! It was soft molding to my bits. Long sleeves, round the neck turtle neck collar holding it up as there was no back until near the top of my tush. No sides as it came down my front soft on my curves to upper thigh. A lot of skin showing. My nickers barely existed. Deep black thigh high stockings and glossy Jimmy Choo red heels. Lips and nail red like my shoes. Silver jewellery and Baccarat's Les Larmes Sacrees de Thebes!!

Cho was waving a hand towards his face... I was making him HOT!

He was HOT too! A lightweight black suit, unstructured, sort of clinging to that awesome physique!! A red tie with bold silver streaks running down. Silver horses on his cuffs! Terre!!

PJ and Rande grinning! I told Cho I'd given PJ a heads-up on the frock so he'd be ready! We all laughed climb into the cars. Sunny in the black dress we modified for her at Harcourt House, Ali and Gil looked sexy too in their little black dresses. Francis like Cho in black with a red tie. We were matching!

There were several couples waiting to go in at Le Champignon d'Or. PJ had us stay in the car until we could go inside. Rande did stop a pair with a polite `pardon me... would you please wait a moment.' We stepped out... I could see the fellow's eyes widen!! Cho with a chuckle beside me. I thanked the couple as we all passed by to the door.

A twosome waiting to be seated. Gerald came back up front to see us!! A huge smile! He picked up menus for the folks in front of us and led them to a table.

He returned with arms open... "Miss Martin!!!" A big hug! "Cho!!" Another hug! He had my hand so a turned around so he could get a good look at my frock.

"Always the classic sexy look! That is amazing!"

Sunny, Francis, Ali and Gil with PJ and Rande were behind us and in front of the other couple. There was a faintly audible `Fay Martin' back there. Sunny was introduced, Gerald took her hand, a kiss. Sunny was jazzed. Her first hand kiss!

Gerald grinning preceded us to the `Owners' booth.

I slid in to the back keeping Cho's hand in mine. Gil and Sunny beside Cho, Ali next to me then Francis. Ali was introduced to Gerald and Antonio when the latter arrived with the Taittinger's! Bubbles!

Cho asked if the house was full? Gerald laughed, Antonio grinning, "We have been full every night after you hosted both the President Clinton's here! We have bookings to fill the house every night for the next two months. We keep some tables for regulars."

Gerald shaking his head and a finger toward Cho, "See I told you it would re-pay us many times over! It already has!!"

He and Cho did fist bumps!

Caviar and fixings! I dug in!

We talked food and restaurants, Gerald said many places had come and gone since he opened here. A good French cuisine restaurant had been at the end of the block for years. "We had a friendly competition going, we liked each other. Then the owner had health issue and couldn't be the chef."

"Luckily he owned the property, he sold it, the location became retail. Poof!"

Lucky? He had to sell because the cost of his treatment! That wouldn't have happened now with the new `Medicare for All' scheme passed by Congress and signed by Hillary.

Gerald tipped his glass towards me when I brought it up.

Food! Gerald's menu was turbot baked in a white wine sauce, dill whipped potatoes, butter grilled asparagus, lovely round rolls, so soft!

A Chateau Haut-Brion Blanc from Pessac-Leognan in Bordeaux, a 1976 vintage!! Cho's face as he sipped!!!

Gerald laughed, "See you have paid for your dinner!"

We all laughed and thanked Cho!

When the Remy Martel Louis XIII and the Disaronno Amaretto were served a white chocolate teardrop appeared. I cut tiny piece for Sunny and Ali. They looked... what up? How come so small! Then it melted on their tongues. Sunny's eyes rose to meet mine... she got it.

"Fay... it's incredible!"

I cut small piece for each person, Sunny and Ali got a second. I sipped my Amaretto enjoying their faces. I handed over the knife. Gerald told them about the couple who makes it in a small place here in Georgetown. I gave them my first encounter with the chocolate and why I didn't eat the whole thing! Smiles!

At the door Gerald and Antonio gave us all hugs! I left a bit of my lipstick on their cheeks. Francis gave me a thumbs up when we were on the sidewalk. He delivered the money to Antonio for the staff.

I leaned on Cho during the drive home holding Sunny's hand. Jaidee greeted us. Cho said he'd change to take him out for a while.

The Twins were asleep, so was Tha. We all headed up to sleep. I was in bed when Cho joined me. Snuggles!

My morning ride over I was on the path to the kitchen with Tessa when Graeme came out of Charles' house.

"So when did you guys get home?"

Graeme smiled, "It was after eleven thirty. A long day but really great to see the battlefields in and around Petersburg. The Crater is still there!"

I asked when they were going to stay in Richmond. He said tomorrow. Today they were going to the Manassas Bull Run battlefields.

"Well enjoy! Sidney and Sylvia are wonderful folks."

Sidney's house had two free bedrooms he was sharing with them so they could stay for a few days to see the `Seven Days' battlefields, the Peninsula Battles and the area of Bermuda Hundred and Drewry's Bluff Battles. The Museum of the Confederacy in downtown Richmond and the Capitol grounds and the Tredegar Iron Works by the James River.

A busy few days. I'd like see some of it one day. I'd been close to the Tredegar Works when we were down by the Kanawha Canal.

Today was a transition day. I was leaving for Tehran in the afternoon, Cho and the Twins were off to Harcourt House.

The car with Jasmin came up the drive. Cho and I greeted her. Smiles.

"Fay, Cho, this is a lovely place."

I slipped my arm through hers, "I tell you about it on the flight."

She didn't have a swimsuit so I loaned her a black bikini from our stock. We got to swim with the Twins, be fed a good lunch and relax before flying.

The 767 waiting as we drove up. My Protection Team, Jasmin, Gil and Ali. We started to taxi right away to get into the takeoff queue.

Once we were in level flight crossing over the coast Gil reminded the ladies of the need for covering the head for women. I was wearing black so that was easy, I had a black silk scarf I would use. Gil had some headscarves in case. Jasmin had a lovely brown and gold scarf to match her pants suit. No problems.

Ban and Yobi were doing dinner so we worked. Ali had some bits from 21st Century Fox, just nibbles and we were up to date. The News UK took more time. Francis had sent to Gil more information on comparative pricing for health clubs, etc... We would keep tabs on the costs. Then there was an issue I would deal with when I arrived in two days. A problem with an sub-editor.

I sat with Jasmin and told her about our link with Beverly which got us Upperville Farm. Sunny's day of triumph was recounted. Jasmin said she had gone a few times to our stables in Bangkok but hadn't been in the city that much.

I snuggled in the bed... missing my warm guys.

The sun was just barely rising as we came in over runway 11L. A smooth touchdown and off . We taxied past the terminal to the west. There was a fellow I could see with hand lights as we turned. A group of men behind him.

A Mercedes limousine was waiting. PJ and Ken with me, Jasmin and Gil. We sat back. The driver lowered the wall behind him to say we were going to the military side of Mehrabad Airport. Mr. Vajadi arranged for a helicopter to the Energy Ministry.

We stepped into the Iranian Army helicopter. The pilots smiling said in English it was a ten minute flight. I thanked them in Farsi which got a huge smile from the left seater. Up and away.

It was a big city, a huge complex road net! We flew past the Milad Tower off to the port side. The convention buildings were large around to the north of the tower!

The Energy Ministry was easy to see, it stood tall by itself. We swung right to approach from the east. They had a portion of the parking area blocked off for us. A nice landing.

There were some men, dark suits no ties, to guide us. They gave my group a good looking over I supposed to check our clothing. They led us inside to the lobby so I assumed we passed their scrutiny.

I was in black slacks and a black bolero jacket, a white silk blouse w/ a small collar. My black linen gloves had gotten their attention, favorably I think. The `Joy' was lightly done, I wasn't going to be without it.

My black scarf draped over my head, the right side length drawn down my front, the left wrapped under my chin over my right shoulder.

The lift let us off on the twelfth floor, a large open space with spectacular view of the Alborz Mountains to the north. The snowcapped peaks glistened in the morning sun.

Mr. Vajadi and Mr. Montasser, my contacts, stepped to greet me. Hands shaken, all smiles! I thanked them for the helicopter, it had been wonderful to see the city that way.

Mr. Montasser said the city's traffic in the morning is quite a challenge.

They smiled broadly realizing I was speaking Farsi.

Mr. Vajadi took my hand, "Miss Martin, you surprise! Your accent... like you were born in the city."

I said I had some facility with languages.

I introduced Jasmin saying she had helped with my Farsi. They both got she was now the person directly responsible for the projects in Iran. They seemed impressed by her. I said I would be helping Jasmin and that would be my excuse for returning.

They shook hands with Jasmin, big smiles as she told them in her cool voice that it was a wonderful thing to be visiting Iran for the first time.

We were led to a comfy looking seating area near the north windows.

A man of my height stood and extended his hand. He was the Energy Minister. He thanked me for coming in English. I responded in Farsi that I was pleased to be back and especially so we could get our project started.

He gave me an amazed look.

"Miss Martin... you speak quite fluently and it is marvelous you should do so."

I thanked him and followed with my introducing Jasmin... there was a look in his eye when I said her name.

He kept her hand lightly in his, "You were born outside Iran?" Her nod. "Your father is Eshaq?"

Jasmin said yes.

The minister's face blossomed into a huge smile, "I knew him at university... we marched against the government side by side!"

Then a sadness lowered his eyes, "I am sorry I have not seen him for so long. A great and noble friend."

Jasmin voice trembled softly, "Maybe it is time for my parents to visit! Neither are young anymore."

The Minister brightened, "True, youth is gone but the feelings of friendship last. It would be good if they should consider it."

He turned to me, "Miss Martin, we are honoured to have you back in Iran. This is a good sign for the future of our relationship."

We sat and they asked if we would like tea. Yes.

I complimented them on their wonderful view saying I would find it difficult to concentrate on my work.

The Minister smiled, "That is true but it also affords me something to see when a larger view is necessary."

I smiled, "Yes, I understand."

He had an infectious smile, "I feel you do. There is great depth in you. Mr. Montasser and Mr. Vajadi were impressed on your last trip."

Some noises from those two gentlemen.

"Now do not be upset with me... you both should happy with your appraisal. I wish to be quite honest Miss Martin... we did do some researching into you and your company. Many questions were asked in many places. I am sure there is no need for me to apologize as I am sure you would have done the same."

I nodded, "No need at all. I welcome your being cautious about a project of this size. These are times when you must know a person's or company's bona fides when the welfare of your country is a stake."

I grinned, "I'm pleased that we are welcome here."

The Minister looked at his senior colleagues, "I do not wish to embarrass my friends but they were quite fulsome in their praise of you and your business attitude."

I smiled towards both men, "Well I was on my best behavior that day."

The Minister laughed out loud, "Good! Now do you need to know anything about me?"

Jasmin looked at me but I didn't let on.

"No, we had a comprehensive dossier prepared also." The Minister laughed. "I was also impressed. I know of Jasmin's family and how they were treated by the shah. You went to prison for a time with her father and suffered the brutal oppression of the government. Your persevering is a soul-warming story."

He thanked me for the kind words, "You too have persevered! We have both managed to go forward. So let us dig into this project and sign some papers!"

I clapped lightly. I said that I would ask their indulgence in speaking to my staff occasionally in another language since they did not speak Farsi. The Minister said it was perfectly understandable.

For several hours we went over our plan and they were able to say what portions of the equipment needed they would be able produce locally. It was a significant amount. I was very pleased they would contribute so much.

Our team from so many different countries and backgrounds would be welcome. The Interior Ministry had the same information about us as the Minister had seen, they had happily agreed to our using the best employees we had.

We had a timeline and a project status communications link. They were delighted Jasmin would be their direct contact and that this project was her first. My being closely involved in aiding her was the icing.

The tea was delicious and the cookies scrumptious! The Minister laughed when my history with cookies was relayed. He looked at me with a `where did I put it' look.

I laughed and preempted his asking.

"My legs are hollow for storing food."

A loud laugh, "Well, we have plenty of cookies to temp you!"

As we wound up I was by the window looking north as papers were gathered behind us. The Minister stepped beside me. We stood quietly enjoying the view.

Softly, "Miss Martin, you are now a world famous person, a person of influence with powerful media forces at your control... Iran is very happy to have you as a friendly partner."

I turned to him, my hand out, "Minister, thank you for the opportunity. We like projects like yours which can directly benefit people. Life can be so cruel so this is one of those moments to enjoy."

"Miss Martin, have you ever read our Persian poets? You make me think of several who had in their verse your way lyrical of speaking."

He held up his hand for me to wait and walked quickly to a desk... he returned with a slim volume.

"I hope your skill with our language extends to this."

He handed me the small book. It was a collection of several Persian poet's thoughts on living in their own time. It was a personal book he said he wanted me to have. I tried to say I shouldn't deprive him of it...

I was silenced with a squeeze of my hand.

"It would be an honour for me for you to have this. Wait... please."

He went to a nearby table and opened a pen. He wrote on the inside of the cover.

He brought it back. I opened and read the words. His inscription had the date and how he was pleased to have met me.

I asked if it would be improper to kiss his cheek... he was shyly smiling, a soft no! I wasn't wearing lipstick so no mark, his beard scratchy. One of those brief encounters.

We did our goodbyes. We were more formal then. The minister had given me his private cellphone number and Jasmin had direct numbers for Mr. Vajadi and Montasser. In the lift going down Gil was grinning. I knew what that was.

On board the 767 a short wait before takeoff. Jasmin thanked me for this trip. I said she'd be back plenty of times.

"When the Minister went to his desk... about halfway through, you remember?" I nodded.

"He wrote a note to my father including his address and telephone number."

I handed the poetry book to her. She read the inscription in Farsi. A smile.

"I think it was a good day for the Minister."

I agreed.

Gil made everyone laugh saying she had another `heart I'd taken' to report to Cho!

We strapped in. Ban and Yobi would feed us then a nap for me.

After we got to level flight I got everyone together.

"This New York stop was prompted by my visit to Mara's father. That isn't secret but it revolves around secrets. Tara once commented about you all being around me when I talk on a telephone. The subjects of my calls can be very sensitive and you will overhear my side... in a backward way I want you to hear. It means you are close... working! Cho and I and the Twins need you to be that close.

You have our absolute trust in all things. The other day while riding I took a call from New York Tessa moved to give me space... I gestured to her to come back. I don't want you ever feel we need privacy unless we directly ask for it."

I stood to embrace each of my folks.

"You are family to us!"

PJ handed me a white handkerchief for my two tears... it made me tear up some more... the PJ-Fay stitching in dark black in the corner. More hugs!

We landed in Newburgh and transferred to a Cho-Fay Air AW139 right away. Touchdown at the Westside Heliport and into Pell's car was quick. Uptown to the Fox Tower.

I stepped from the lift door on the Computer Centre level behind PJ, Ken trailing. Gil and Ali beside me. The reception Security fellow smiling buzzing us through the door. Eve! A kiss and hug!

"Your buddy Theodore is here." A laugh.

We went into a conference room, Kelela, Oleg and Moses smiling, Theodore stood up his hand out. A strong shake, I leaned close to kiss his cheek.

"I think we're getting to that point."

He smiled, "Thank you! Coming from you Fay, it is an honour to be thought so!"

"Flattery... more!"

Laughter which was a good start.

We sat to be serious! Moses gave Theodore the whole story of the penetrations. He said he'd brought Oleg in after getting my permission to be able to work faster. They were still going through the throve.

"We selected several dozen documents as exemplars for the possible fake documents. They're included in a separate marked folder. All the other docs are in folders just the way we found them under the main folder we created to hold them."

Moses pushed two 3.5" hard drives across the table. He said we had packaging ready for them.

"The drives are new, identical four terabyte Seagate units that are exact duplicates. There is three terabytes and six hundred and five gigabytes of data on each. Text files, pictures and some video.

There are ascii text files from us explaining the file system and pointing you several very special folders that have word processing documents. One has detailed info on two dozen top Russian figures, political and military. The info is personal in nature about their `activities' mostly criminal or immoral."

Moses slid a piece of paper to Theodore. I knew what it was... the names of Russian agents in America.

Theodore ran his finger down the list... there an almost imperceptible pause on one then to the bottom.

He looked up, "Who besides you..." his hand motioning to us, "... have seen this?"

Moses said `NO one!'

Theodore still looking at us, "I consider this a state secret document! You are to never reveal its existence to anyone."

We agreed! Moses had done a bit of research on each name and cued me in so I knew why Theodore was so concerned.

Kelela said the list was on the hard drives in the Yevgeny folder. Theodore nodded.

"Could you remove the file? And securely erase it? I don't want anyone else to see it."

Oleg said he'd do right now and took the drives into the work room. He'd package them afterward.

Moses did tell Theodore that the FSB server was running a Soviet era version of the Berkeley Unix operating system the Russians had stolen and copied.

"The system code is the original with a Russian character set used for some commands that the system `translates' for Unix. All the Berkeley Unix commands work as they should. Apparently their computer folks did not understand some of the features of Berkeley Unix but Yevgeny did. He was one of their top people in computers.

If you know Russian or Berkeley Unix you can sit down and get to work. This server is NOT addressed by any ordinary users but their data is copied to it. Several times a week Administrators login to do basic maintenance and to verify data is being received properly and check to see that the server is copying its data to another server.

We have included the info on that second server in the ascii text documents. We have authenticated the connection and the SuperUser credentials but not plumbed its depths.

We looked at the logs of the admin's actions, they aren't skilled Unix operators, they appear to be just basic managers probably assigned the maintenance tasks as part of their job."

There was more then we broke up the meeting. I asked to speak privately with Theodore. The others shook his hand as they left. Oleg brought in a cardboard box, he said the drives were separately bubble wrapped and more around them, tight in the box. Theodore thanked him, handshake.

Theodore looked at me, "Okay you have something more don't you?"

I pointed to the name his finger had done the faint pause on.

"He's a big problem, right?"

He nodded, "Huge actually! Boy am I going to have to watch out for you. You are very perceptive and careful. You ought to work for us."

I laughed, Theodore joined in. Then more serious...

"Anyone on the hierarchy of the FBI's Counter Intelligence unit knows an enormous amount of information we don't want ANY foreign government knowing. We will have to check so that this list isn't a setup! Check... double check... another turn of the pretzel... games within games...! I'm sure you know."

"Well I have no practical experience but I know I've seen the movie!"

We both laughed and I stuck my fist out... BUMP!

"Now..." He shook his head, "... I have a lot of work to do!"

I smiled, "And now you feel safe to tell your boss?"

"I will make you one promise that I will keep... Never to underestimate you! I also have to be ever more careful what I say and do around you."

"Now don't feel that way..." a grin, "... I didn't say anything until we were alone."

"Fay, I will never play poker with you."

"I'm not the one to worry about in a game of poker... it's Cho! He's awesome!"

I gave Theodore a hug this time, he needed one. I walked him to the lift. A blacked out SUV would take him to the heliport where a Cho-Fay Air AW139 was ready fly him to Fort Meade.

I sat with the team, they would keep reviewing what was on the FSB server. Moses and Oleg would create some possible documents following the FSB style and we would get Theodore's folks to review them. The step to get the documents authenticated by humans was Theodore's.

I leaned back, eyes on the ceiling, "Now if they are to be taken seriously they will have to be dated sometime in the past but they will also have to be placed' in that other server's catalog with older dates as if they had been copied in the normal course of operations. How many copies' of backups are there on the server?""

Moses grinned, "Boy you do get it! There are several. We can adjust creation dates for folders. Also looking at some docs they are methodical and hoarders. They keep proposed action's docs with information that follows building a trail. So we must do so."

Fist bump!

We wait.

I gave Eve a big kiss and squeeze. Ku was in town so they were having fun. Go!

I gathered my folks and followed Theodore to the heliport. He was gone. We went up river to the 767. Stephanie said over the tannoy we're off.

It was great to see the `green and pleasant land' out the window as the jet turned to line up on the Chalgrove runway. Down and taxiing I saw Cho and the Twins by the hangar. WOW! A greeting committee!

I didn't fall down the stairs! At the bottom Cho gobbled me up! Kiss! He walked me to the pram... I leaned in to kiss Chani and Charlie. I got a `Mama!' Very loud with Charlie's arms reaching up! The kid's lungs!

Chani too!

We loaded for home. I snuggled against Cho thanking him for the big welcome. I squeezed the Twins little hands. And I told him there were some fun things to discuss.

Carter at the front door with Jaidee. The Brown Flash dashing around me that cute butt wiggling!!

Fist bump for Carter.

Audra with a cute grin. I hugged her, "Soon!" I got a wider smile!

We had the Twins in the Great Room with Tha. They both were standing up grinning, taking steps in those cute little white shoes. Tha said they had been standing up a lot. Cho and I knelt arms out... Charlie walked to his dad and Chani to me. We cheered, they giggled. It was good stuff.

Everybody wanted to ride so... booted and dressed we met at the Stable Office. Gregory, "If you have time go see Sylvia when you are back." Okay.

A nice big group, me, Gil, Ali, Francis, Tessa, Tara and Ken. Penny was heading to Go Outdoors for clothes! No more blue jeans! Then some lessons from Diana and Yvonne.

Pamela had almost shrieked when my face appeared over the fence of the paddock she shared with Roland. She was hugged and kissed. My right arm over her withers, rubbing. My left on Roland's neck. They were doing great! Tessa had mints!! That made her popular!

Rebel was ready. We mounted, going down the grassy lane as a mob. Odd Sunny wasn't here.

We went north, a warm up then a good trot to the dirt road and the berm. Up to the church. Dr. Lone waved a hello. I walked over. Leaning down to shake hands.

"Miss Martin, it is always nice to see you here.

I returned it. "We'll be out and about for a while, lots of things planned."

"Everything ready for the wedding? Good!" My nod, "... Please stop often." A big smile!

I waved as I turned Rebel.

On the dirt track everybody knew what I was going to do. I waved them goodbye and urged Rebel! He jumped forward running freely over the dirt then onto the berm. As the berm end came up I asked Rebel for more, he responded. We hit the grassy area and turned towards the Thames. On the flat grass Rebel roared away like an express train.

We ran hard all the way to the property boundary. I eased Rebel there as Freddie had horses on the Training Tracks. We walked over to the fence where Freddie was, he had seen us come on.

"Fay, I did ride Rebel a few weeks ago. He's got the engine... NO doubt! Small wonder he was so successful on the track. It was a great ride!"

Fist bump.

My strays caught up, all smiling, happy. We walked a bit more then up the lane. Pat took Rebel, I said "Please walk him more." Pat with a grin nodded.

I toured the stables some more. Hathai and her colt in the paddock with Mahogany and her baby. The two little ones bouncing around, the moms moving slowly side by side watching, tails swishing. Asda was in the paddock next door just loping around.

IrishRainbow was alone in the next over paddock. I stepped in to a nicker from him. I asked Tessa to get some mints. I caressed this handsome brown boy. He looked great. James came down from the office.

"Miss Martin, this fellow has been doing fine in training. He's ready!"

Fist bump!

James laughed, "We have him in here with Rebel. They like each other. They run around playing chasing games. We're off to Ascot soon." Fist bump!

Okay! Two powerhouse runners, makes sense.

I walked with Gil up to Gregory and Sylvia's house. The mom-to-be smiling.

"Thank you for the baby's things. The room turned out really nice. Come up."

The nursery was several shades of pink, definitely for a girl but not frou-frou! Clean lines, pleasant. The mahogany furniture looked great!

Sylvia's tummy was getting big, three months to go. She was fine, happy. Her guys were helping out a lot. Alfred was pleased they decided to know the sex, he wanted a sister!

Gil got a text, Luce and Marie were in-bound from Paris. She said Prasert was at Chalgrove waiting. He and Ellie would go with the ladies to Chawton and other places like Winchester.

Ellie was sewing with Lorraine in the Staff Lounge. She was big with their baby but handling it. Prasert said she wouldn't be walking much while they were with our Parisien visitors.

Once they were in Froyle Cho and I would fly down for a few hours to do our visit in Chawton.

Gil and I with Ali in the Library. Comfy working. Email binged and Gil lit up!

"Fay, William and Kate will come. They'll stay the day with their children on Thursday."

Great! They can ride if they want or whatever. Maybe William will play golf with Cho. Dennis has had the boat out and it's all good. So that's another choice.

We offered and they accepted a Cho-Fay Air helicopter from Kensington Palace to here and back. It fast and private!

Gil texted Cho who stuck his head and one arm in the Library door... thumbs up! A big grin! I walked down to Carter's office.

He was sitting with a smile, "You don't have to worry. The House is ready!"

Fist Bump!

In the pre-dinner period... Luce and Marie got a tour of the house courtesy of our expert, Audra. She laughed when I described her that way. She knew all the corners for sure!

In the morning our guests would drive to Froyle then to Chawton the next day. Mrs. Pelletier had it ready, she would cook evening meals for them whenever they asked.

I was on my tummy, Chani laying on top giggling. Charlie had done a roll-over on Jaidee ending up-side-down, he burst into giggles! Cho turned him over laughing so we all joined in! The Twins had their dinner and were frisky! Cho did several `flights' and we settled down for a book reading.

They chilled out... then the yawns by the time the book was done. Tha smiling. She did the evening things and we sat to cuddle them before they went down. It was lovely.

In bed with my guys, hands roaming over Jaidee's bod! Cho's on me!

I gave Cho the tale of the New York stop.

"I do feel a bit bad for Theodore... that's a lot of pressure to tote around."

"Well he felt better when he read the list of names although there was a few really bad ones at least no one from his shop."

Cho got it all and we talked about parts of it. He laughed out loud about my `private' talk with Theodore.

Cho's `I can see his point though...' got him tickled.

His tickling back almost dumped me on the floor. He grabbed me before that happened. Jaidee was standing on the bed looking like `what the hell happened to my massage?' We drew him back for more.

Lights out!

The sun was just showing itself as Tessa and I went down the lane. Pamela a happy girl, Roland beside her. After the railroad tracks we had a good gallop to the lock. The usual lock man smiled and waved, on the eyot Roy was was doing his first cast. I wished him good fishing.

Over both bits of water we mounted again turning east beside Barton Lane towards the underpass. Once through we stayed on the track along the railroad then the bend to the east and up between the two fields we farmed to Lower Radley. We bent around the piece of town east of the railway station to reach the tracks north of Lower Radley then on the verge of the fields all the way to the Industrial Estate.

We stopped on the grassy area beside the yurts. Several cars, a motorcycle and a van parked near the entry for the yurts cluster. We walked behind Samuel's Addition and the Recording Studio to come out by the coffee shop.

We slid down and tied our horses to a pole. I waved to Lotte inside her shop. We entered the Recording Studio by the front. A young woman at the reception desk looked up. She was about to say something when she recognized me... she JUMPED UP and dashed down the passage behind her desk.

I looked at Tessa and shrugged.

"I don't look dangerous... do I?"

Tessa giggled then nudged me. Tab was coming down the passage smiling.

"Miss Martin, good to see you!"

I said Hi' and made a motion with my eyes toward the receptionist. Tab grinned, leaning closer said she was new' and wasn't sure about the telephones and intercom yet.

I went over to introduce myself. Celeste was tongue-tied. I tried to put her at her ease but I didn't have much luck.

Tab took us down the passage to one of the smaller studios. In the engineer's booth, we could see four musicians and another fellow in the recording space discussing something.

"They're a trio with an extra guitar..." a finger pointing toward the guy in a bright red flannel shirt, "he's their engineer slash producer. They've booked for four days now and more later. They're in the yurts for five nights. This the second day. They like it here."

We went back to the front.

"They said the sound is awesome! They're sure several of their buddies will want to come out."

Tab rubbed her hands, "We have bookings for several months out."

Fist bump.

Tessa and I walked through the connection to Lotte's coffee shop. We exchanged greetings. She was well and business was growing. I clapped.

We walked our horses over to the lock. The lock fellow waved a hello with a smile. We yelled out hellos back to him. Remounted we walked by Mr. Hardy's. Our clip-clop brought him to his door.

"I was about to go out for my morning walk. Everything is good with me... You and Mr. Cho and the Twins?"

I gave him a quick health assessment and we'd be here for a few weeks. A `game' was mooted? I said maybe, we'd talk tonight. Okay!

Our neighbors were coming for dinner and a catch up!

Tessa and I hit the grass at the south end of Sandford and were off at speed. Pamela rushing across the green stuff at a fast pace. I kept her back so Roland could stay with us. We were side by side along the river until the grave of our baby boy Thames mother. The grave marker looking lonely.

We jogged up to the Stables. I told Anthony the horses had had a breather so not much walking was needed. Fist bump!

The Breakfast Room was crowded! I filled a plate with eggs, tomatoes, potatoes and toast. Cho slid the strawberry preserves to me with a grin. He followed it up with a kiss.

Luce and Marie were ready to go. Smiling looking forward to seeing some English countryside.

We waved goodbye at the front door. I hugged Ellie before she slipped into the front seat. Fist bump for Prasert.

We'd see them in Chawton tomorrow for the Thai translation of Pride and Prejudice coming out party.

My Crew was arriving this afternoon! Lawan and Thang to come with us to Chawton!

Inside Gil, Ali and Francis clamoured for our attention. Donatella too. Lots of things so we all sat in the Library. Fin brought in a tray of coffee. A smile when I saw the plate of sugar cookies!

Donatella gave her report on the Domesday Book work to date. She was happy, "First I'm done with the basic gathering and entering of data. So we have a baseline. Second, every location will forward to me lists of new items that are relevant for their location. Third, I had a wonderful time doing this!"

"Oh... so we don't pay you?" Cho's suggestion brought general laughter.

Donatella's smile, "Well... maybe I was a bit strong. I can say all the people at your homes were terrific! They helped me catalogue everything we decided to include and took superb care of me."

I leaned over for a fist bump.

Cho still grinning, "Okay we will pay you but don't enjoy yourself so much in future."

Donatella crossed her heart to more laughter! She was kissed and hugged before she left.

Our three folks looked at each other... I proposed they draw straws to see who went first. Francis stood and bowed, "I give way to the ladies. They now must choose."

Ali giggling said she had the least...

Cho opted for the least.

Okay from Ali. We were presented the current situation on the Fox TV affiliates we were buying out. Added to the four we had completed were Corpus Christi and New Orleans. The transfers finalized, 21st Century Fox owned them now.

I put in we'd try to go to each later this summer. Richmond could be done easily from Upperville and linked to the canal project. Dallas links with the GWNW Railroad installation which is close enough to Corpus Christi to be a match. Nashville on the way to Harcourt Farm in Kentucky before Winterset Trials in California was good. Leaving Augusta and New Orleans to be worked out.

Cho gave me a look, the word Augusta had meaning. Oh right... golf! I said he needed to work that out himself I wasn't in the loop. HE STUCK HIS TONGUE OUT AT ME! Cho!

Everyone was laughing!

Ali had a few miscellaneous things for the Fox Board. Then an update.

"The Columbia student you met at the Democratic Convention last year who did some interning... Chloe, was hired by Kent. Kent said you'd remember her."

I did, her father is a producer at CBS News. Good!

Done! One more item... the wedding.

Smiles, Carter had everything ready for next week. Kavat had an aircraft for Daria scheduled. The dresses were ready except for me, Ellie or Lorraine would do any final fitting work. So it was good.

Fist bump!

Gil took the floor. The News UK personnel things were both a go. The HR department was ready, a new person who had experience in dealing with employee programmes like ours was in place. They only awaited my announcement to the workers which would happen the first of next week. Another big meeting in the Atrium was scheduled.

Gil segued to Scotland. Her hand out towards Cho.

"The Fortrose house furnishing is nearly done. The kitchen and bedrooms and nursery are complete. The two offices are mostly done and the living room also. Miscellaneous items for the passages and art throughout are in progress. So you could go up whenever you wanted to and stay comfortably with guests."

Cho did a thumbs up.

"Maybe I'll corral a couple of golfers."

I repeated my comment about the `loop' which got me more tongue and laughs.

Gil went on ignoring Cho, "This is from Angela, she passed it on to me. The St. Thomas Scholar Program is arranged. The parameters to qualify are set. Mr. Thorn is very pleased."

I laughed, "Well... Our paying for all students will of course have an impact on who applies. Mr. Thorn has the unenviable job of making sure about applicants."

Cho fist bump. We'd see Mr. Thorn tonight at dinner.

Francis was up. He started with Pleasant Valley. The housing for the staff being built between the Stone House and the stables was well on its way. Foundations all done and the framing done and all basic plumbing finished. It looked good for a move in around Christmas! Great. The holidays in a new home!!!

My iPhone binged. It was Dad. I slipped to the back so I didn't bother them.

"Fay, we have just arrested a fellow from China. He arrived a week ago, we spotted him at the airport. A tail was put on and he started to meet with the hanger-on's left over from Saul's group. He wanted to re-create some of their plans. We watched him, he very nicely led us to some new friends... " That chuckle I liked, "... So about an hour ago we picked him up after he bought some weapons. We also rounded up all his `friends,' a big bundle!"

I was laughing, "So the new friends going to lead you elsewhere?"

Dad thought they be willing to talk since the weapons offenses were serious gaol time. I congratulated him and thanked him.

"Daughter I'd do anything to protect Thailand and you."

My love was sent long distance. We rang off on that happy note.

I told the others what had occurred. We gave Ali the background. She was shocked but glad Dad was so good at this work. Me too!

Francis said it was a good time for one of this items.

"The Ministry of Defense insider who did the search for former squaddies who might attack the house has been identified. There had been three possible MOD people. No official investigation had been done at the time because our source couldn't initiate it. A more recent attempted breach did give the MOD the opportunity to investigate one of the three who turned out to be the same fellow who did the dirty work on us.

So he's been arrested and charged with the current offense and the other one. He's looking at multiple years in custody. The person I spoke to said the pressure to provide information on who paid him would be intense."

Francis shook his head, "They won't speculate on if he will give in. Everything about his life is being examined."

On to other topics, Francis had Kavat's report on new Cho-Fay Air equipment. Because the Security Division was expanding rapidly we decided to add aircraft which would be available for them. three Gulfstream 650ER's and a Boeing 737-800er. Plus more AW139's at several important centres.

Kavat's news included the hiring of new pilots for all aircraft and stepped up cross-training on all types. We had arrangements with the aircraft manufacturers for flight simulation time in the various models. Any current pilot who had sufficient qualifications could apply. We let them all know we'd happy for them to be qualified in everything in our inventory.

Francis said the 737 had more sleeping seats and showers in the cabin. The electronics and avionics different than stock 737's, much more sophisticated.

We also had retro-fitted on all the Cho-Fay aircraft with electronics to jam or confuse tracking systems. The installation of flare-firing anti-missile systems combined with infrared missile approach warning systems was completed throughout the fleet.

The effectiveness was well known, ours were quite sophisticated versions which had the flare heat matched to the engine exhaust of each aircraft to optimize the deception.

Chaff dispensers were also installed on all fixed wing aircraft.

All pilots had undergone training on their use and flight techniques to employ on the launch of the counter measures. An enhanced programme of flight testing of aircraft and personnel was in place.

Our only helicopter tour company based in Seattle had the same upgrades and training. Amarha had combat experience using the defensive equipment so she did some of the training herself.

We bought a significant minority stake in the Paris Heliport so our helicopters could be parked and serviced. We are building our position in France with the new farm and more horses. A hangar was leased at Le Bourget, facilities for a small staff included. Our Cho-Fay Air Equine 767's would use it.

Other things from Kavat. We were building a hangar at the Capital City Airport in Frankfort, Kentucky for all our aircraft to use. It was off to the southwest of the terminal with its own taxiway and apron. The Harcourt Racing traffic was going to have a huge ramp up when Harcourt Farm opened.

The hangar next to Aviation Supply at Boeing Field was purchased. We will now use the Seattle airfield as our North American major repair depot. The new building could accommodate an entire 767 which was terrific. Until now only the Don Mueang HQ hangars could do that.

It would mean a big ramp up of personnel. Amarha was ready!

A side note from Kavat: Penn had been promoted to higher responsibilities! Subtle.

I let everyone know what Penn told me in a call. She was very happy in Bangkok AND she and Kavat were an item. Smiles.

So the schedule. We'd fly down to Chawton tomorrow with Lawan and Thang and back. Then onto London for an overnight and business. Back for Willian and Kate the following day. The Twins would stay here. Their London buddies would be down on the weekend!

As we went into lunch Audra let me know Ellie had put the Ryles-Fay handkerchiefs on the desk in my Dressing Room. Fist bump.

I asked Gil to call Dr. Ryles to see if he'd be at the church this afternoon. She came back shortly with a `yes.'

"He figures you're going to visit, I didn't tell him why."

Tara, Penny and Ken rode with me after lunch. Rebel was striding beautifully as we passed Denham School to the Abingdon Road, over that beside Tolgate Road to the bridge. We went down All Saints Lane to the back gate. I walked to the side door to the church. Quiet inside. Dr. Ryles was putting out hymn lists in the pews.

He smiled when I made myself known. Outside Ken handed me the wrapped bundle.

Dr. Ryles had a questioning look. He undid the bow and paper to find the dozen handkerchiefs and a thank you note. A big smile.

"Miss Martin, this wasn't necessary. They are beautiful maybe too nice for my old nose."

"Reverend, that's why you should use them, they are very soft."

I shook his hand and delivered a cheek kiss.

"You should look at what you started," He had a big smile.

We all walked to the grave. Another dozen or so black stones had appeared. The metal sign catching the sun.

"Don't worry it's all quite manageable."

I thanked him for being Okay with it.

He laughed, "No one's out front of the church selling black stones... yet!"

We laughed with him on that.

He waved as we rode up the lane.

We re-traced our route to the school. In through the gate on the west side we could see the new stables were nearly finished. The Equestrian Ventures folks had the two arenas laid out and the sod was removed. The first sand layers had been laid.

We walked our horses to the Administration building.

Mr. Richards came out.

"Miss Martin, good to see you. We've been busy around here."

"Yes, I can see that."

"The kitchen work is well along and the maintenance of the Headmaster's house is almost completed. My family will be able to move in next week."

"The guest cottages are Okay too?"

"Oh yes! They are ready for the visiting faculty. The darkroom space work will begin in two weeks. Everything on schedule. The fellow from the Apple dealer in Oxford was by to look over our computer centre. He made suggestions and he spoke to Angela. She Okayed the work."

We shook hands, he gave me a knee-up. We took off for the Stables. A fast run in the last mile and a half. Rebel doing his thing!! Anthony got he need some more walking. Smiles.

Gil said the Crew was on the ground at Chalgrove. Great. I didn't change.

Cho and I at the door to greet our friends. I got a laugh from Lawan's first comment.

"Fay, I am not cold." HUG!

Thang's strong hand. Ni and Kavnu! Kisses and hugs.

JIAN! She popped out of the second car. We grabbed each other!

"Fay!! It is good to be here! I love being here with you. Like family."

"You are my family!" A kiss!

"Ting and Andrea will be down in a little while. Caroline too don't worry."

Smile! I kissed her again!

Sanjara and her family! Ren her husband and two young teens, a boy, Ren2 and a girl, Sai. I hadn't met them before. They were all looking at the house.

"Please go on in." I motioned to Fin. He came over, he smiled when I asked him to escort them to the Great Room.

The next car. Reyna and Thet! I held them tight.

"We have a surprise for you... Well it is for us but you will want to know. We have not told anyone."


"Inside altogether."

We gathered in the Great Room. Reyna and Thet sort of getting themselves ready.

"We... " Thet paused, taking Reyna's hand, "... we are going to have a baby!"

Everyone jumped up to hug and kiss.

"Wait... wait."

We settled down.

"Like Cho I made my contribution. Reyna's second cousin agreed to donate an egg and carry the baby for us. Her husband is happy they can do it. They have three already and wanted no more."

Reyna had tears, "Dao and I have always been close friends... we were estranged for a bit but now back to being very close. I asked Dao if she would donate eggs and without my asking volunteered to have the baby herself."

Now we jumped of hug and kiss some more. The pregnancy was now three months. When we were back in Bangkok they'd arrange a meeting.

Carter had been called and went smiling to get some Taittinger's to toast the new person!

We had a big HUZZA! And drank to their baby!

I had Thet's arm, he squeezed me, "Fay if you all had not been so forgiving of Reyna..."

I kissed his cheek, "We recognized she had pain as we did. We all suffered. There was no reason for more."

Reyna came to encircle us, "Two people I love very much!" Big squeeze.

Noises out front. Ting, Andrea and Caroline! More hugs and kisses! They came in to hear Thet and Reyna's news! They toasted with us.

Caroline went up with her nurse to be with the Twins. Ting and Jian and Andrea in a BIG hug!

Our neighbors, the Fraser's, the Radley's, the Thorn's, the Lone's and Mr. Hardy all arrived. We had a nice big crowd for drinks and dinner.

Carter let us know dinner was prepared. We walked in a happy boisterous crowd.

Carla had some lovely mahi-mahi tuna, grilled with a coating of grated Asiago cheese, a wild rice with mushrooms from a local seller, asparagus with Hollandaise, soft rolls and nice bowls of green and black olives!

Carter with a sharp white Bordeaux!

Dessert was a Northamptonshire Cheesecake with preserved cherries all around! Tasty!

Afters in the Great Room. Lawan and Thang with us tomorrow. There was to be a tour of Oxford and lunch out crowd of many of the rest. Reyna wanted to ride, Thet was going to have meetings with our local people on the technologies they were using, Thomas was here, freshly returned from Frankfurt!

Sanjara's family was getting a house tour so they'd be able to get around. Audra leading them upstairs after the ground floor was done.

I sat with Mr. Hardy to discuss a possible game and the pages of his book sent me. I said the chance of a game was dim. He sighed.

I cocked my head, "What about you and Jerrold?"

A smile, "We did get together to do that scenario of the river ford at Borodino. It was great! The mechanics of the game are dense so you don't very far very fast. We enjoyed ourselves."

Fist bump which made him laugh.

On the book pages he sent, I gave him my untutored opinion, "You write clearly and with feeling. I'm not an historian but you give the reader a sense of being present. What does Montaigan say?"

"He is enthusiastic and pleased that I'm not trying to do a hatchet job on the French. The warts are there I don't make more of them than I should to make some cheap point. He certainly knows how brutal war is and how it can corrupt people. He is very generous with his praise and time."

This made me feel wonderful for my friend. Hug and kiss at the door. He rode home with the Lone's. All our neighbors sent off with hugs!

I was rubbing Pamela's side while I talked with Gregory. She was cooled down after a hard ride. Dr. Crawford was due to examine her today. Pat took her for some loving care! A thumbs up!

Cho and I were ready, waiting with Lawan and Thang for the helicopter. Ah there it is. It settled to the grass and we loaded up. I didn't have to worry about my skirt being blown, too long and snug.

It was a white suit. A tube skirt to below my knees with a slit up the back of eight inches, the jacket was collarless with three quarter length sleeves, a big gold button in the front. A red sleeveless silk top, red Jimmy Choo heels and gold bits of jewellery. `Joy' Red nails and lips! The red Hermes Kelly bag!

In fifteen minutes we flared for landing on the cricket pitch once more. It had been dry like last time so walking over was easy. The Jane Austen Museum director gave us a warm welcome, so did the Board. Luce and Marie were here, Prasert with Ellie.

I introduced Lawan and Thang. Everyone happy to meet our translator and her guy. The museum folks were VERY pleased with the new translation. Prasert was presented as a collaborator and Ellie his wife.

We had shipped several dozen copies of the translation printed in Bangkok straight from digital. We let them know all they had to do was ask for more, we'd send them along. No charge!

We told them we were offering the same free editions in Thailand to any school or non-profit group.

Ni's website they adored because it was so simple and easy. She had English, French, German, Spanish, Dutch and many more versions of all of Jane Austen's novels inside. Ni was adding in other languages as she found them and checked them.

There was a nice simple celebration, drinks and eatables.

Lawan let them know she was working on Northanger Abbey! She said about forty five percent done. Lots of clapping!

The director had a chance to talk with Luce and Marie. She was amazed they hadn't been here before since Luce had taught Jane Austen in her classes at the Sorbonne for years.

We stayed for two hours or so then the four of us flew back to Harcourt House. Bags packed Cho and I took off for London.

We had a great view of the city before descending over the river to the Wandsworth heliport. Both platforms were working now. Our car went straight to The Company offices.

I had my badge, zip! We worked our way up to Eric's office saying hello, shaking hands and kissing cheeks. Jodie waved us in to Eric. Hugs and handshakes.

Reg came up. BIG hug! They were both coming out for the weekend with their `girls!' Eileen and Sue with baby Rosalie, we hadn't met her yet, would be there too.

We sat to go over things! To start the PAVN project. They had accepted our proposal after some back and forth. There were several parts which each stood on their own.

We would upgrade the PAVN's entire microwave communications net from the ground up! This was to our advantage as we would build a parallel net without disturbing the existing one. We would vastly increase their transmission speed and stability. Our discussions had Colonel Ba pleased with this aspect. No down time also.

It was a full year project once it kicked off. Conrad was to be the lead, he was happy about that he liked Vietnam.

The sensor project which started as proposed perimeter defense of PAVN bases had changed when I pointedly asked Colonel Ba if his government had some other idea in mind and the base thing was a precursor, a `test!'

Colonel Ba had laughed, "I told my superiors you would not be deceived. There will be much respect for you in their minds."

He said they had in mind what the Americans had tried, they `watched' the Ho Chi Minh Trail with much less sophisticated devices. Once we had it out in the open the problems inherent in creating such a sensor net were discussed. The large distances, unfavourable climatic conditions and extreme physical features meant we would have to create devices, that didn't exist, to work and survive in a harsh environment. We would also have to create a satellite linkage. Colonel Ba understood.

We had to decide where on their border to start, I assumed the Chinese portion, plus what kind of sensors and the density of coverage. New batteries fed by new solar panels, how to disguise the devices, the linkage method, etc...

We had an agreement for the development work with our costs to be met on a time and materials basis. The PAVN agreed that any devices we create were ours, we could sell them to others and that would downwardly affect the price we charge them once the project starts construction.

It was a big challenge for Reg. He and Stephen's team would be working full blast. It was good we decided, on my recommendation, to make the Water Division a separate unit not reporting to Reg any longer. Emory and Achmed were doing great! Eric leaned over for a fist bump on that!

Andrea was already working on hiring people to add to the team. Reg gave her what he wanted in the way of skills and experience, she was putting out the word to all her contacts.

Our Microwave division in Houston was adding staff for the Vietnam project and others. Conrad would have an strong group for Vietnam! We had the Iranian project that would use some microwave technology too!

We talked my travels. They liked how we were treated in Tehran. We had an excellent relationship which was enhanced by Jasmin's family connection. They gave me looks but Cho had already teased me about getting Jasmin into the position... `You never plan ahead' spoken! Laughing!

India, Japan, Vietnam, Atlanta and Dallas were on my schedule with Banff. Some exploratory, some confirming, some follow ups.

Michael had several trips to Africa planned, Eastern Europe for three possible water projects and a railroad one.

Alex in South America, to Dallas for GWNW, Banff with me and a one to Seattle to talk with the Seattle water folks.

Jasmin with me to India, Japan and Vietnam. Indonesia, Philippines, New Zealand and Madagascar on her own.

Gil took a call from Jeremy our solicitor. Cho went out with her iPhone.

We broke for me to make a loo visit and everyone to go get tea or coffee. Gil said she'd get coffee for us and motioned to Cho on a settee at the end of the passage.

Cho put out his hand, a squeeze. "Yes, we are good with him getting probation. Jeremy you understand our wishes. Thanks."

He grinned, "The reporter who tried to hack the Cho-Fay Air server. No point in too much punishment. The previous Sun management fired him as he was too toxic for them. A sop to us which was too little, too late."

I paused, "I'm going to call Des to ask him to check what fellow's personnel file says about him and ask his former colleagues what they thought of him. If he's good why not hire him back? He plead guilty after all."

Cho grinning!!! Fist bump.

Gil had nice hot lattes, Cho gave her iPhone back.

We covered some general management items before Cho and I went home. Our buddies across the road were at Harcourt House so we walked up to the pub. We three sat outside with Ro and Tara. The rest of the team ate nearby but were off duty.

Grilled salmon, nice mashed potatoes. I passed on the Brussels sprouts! Erg! I did take a Newcastle!

It was a pleasant evening, a quiet dinner. A few stops for breakfast things.

Cho brought up the TV, we watched `From Here To Eternity.' Deborah Kerr was terrific, looking great with Burt Lancaster in their scenes. They had a connection! Donna Reed and Frank Sinatra both earned their plaudits along with Montgomery Cliff. Lots more great acting by character actors which gave the whole film the kind of verisimilitude any director would die for. Suspending belief was easy!

My night ended with the Great Snuggler! Kissing and holding tight under the bedclothes. Nice!

A sunny morning, we ate outside. Bird's sounds like music. Scrambled eggs and hot buns! Sipping coffee, Cho's smile and Gil giggling.

"You two make love without touching!"

I liked that! Cho squeezing Gil's hand with a nod.

We had planned to meet with Angela and Daphne here in town but I had Gil invite them out to Harcourt House for the weekend.

A sunny day! My white silk, sleeveless dress with gold rose sprays was right! At mid-calf it was comfortable on a warm day. Gold heels and pale stockings. A Coach white Charlie' bag, gold jewellery and Joy' White linen gloves and pale red lips and nails.

First up, the opening of the new Chanthira Foundation shelters. We had a media thing prepared for the one on Stanhope Street since it was big and had the clinic inside. Cho and I stepped out of the car to a crowd of news folks and onlookers. It was just wave thing for us right now. This much attention wasn't just for the shelter but we had every intention to use our `friends' of the press to our advantage.

Inside Tony looked a bit nervous. Cho shook his hand with `Don't worry they're after us' which made him laugh! Good!

The celebrity guest, the Lord Mayor!! The MP for this area east of Regent's Park, city councilors, important members of the LGBTQ community who helped us find locations and had been involved in what services we should offer for our clients and some hiring all were here.

I was greeting and talking alongside Cho until the Mayor arrived. He came inside to get the lay of the land and meet us. Then we all went out the side door so the ribbon could fixed across the main entry.

Big scissors in hand the Mayor cut the ribbon! News folks doing snaps and video as we and the other guests spoke a few words. The Mayor was fulsome in praise of the Chanthira Foundation for doing this shelter and the others in SOHO and Vauxhall. He was very nice to say the Foundation had done all this on our own bat. He did say the city would be pleased to help in any constructive manner we needed.

He shook hands with Cho and I! A picture moment! Inside Tony and our manager showed the guests around. The clinic was of some considerable interest.

The MP asked about health services we were offering. The staff explained we would try to maintain our guests general health, address diagnosed issues and offer counselling and referrals. The local MP was surprised we had a list of professional psychologists and psychiatrists who will work with us in an on-call basis.

"Miss Martin, you seem to be a sort of magician!"

I laughed, "No! Our goals are sound so we are believed when we say we want to help. Other folks want to also."

We shook hands. He seemed a nice fellow.

I moved about smiling, talking. I did get some tea. I was happy to see Tony more relaxed. I nudged him, "It looks great! The builders did a fine job."

"Fay, I was impressed with them. I haven't had to deal with folks in their line of work before. Nice men. Several said we were doing a good thing.

One said his nephew was shoved out by his brother-in-law when he came out! Only fifteen. Our fellow took him in until he finished school."

I thought that admirable!

Tony grinned, "He said he gave the brother-in-law a piece of his mind and... a black-eye!"

We both laughed.

Tony said he had invited the fellow come today but hadn't seen him yet. I said `let me know if he shows.'

Fist bump! Unfortunately he didn't come before we had to go. Tony said he'd try to get in contact.

Lunch before the employee meeting at News UK. Gil booked the `Fruit & Veg' room at Alexander Hooper's. It was a couple of blocks west of the office in the Boro Market on Stoney Street. A small building, our room was upstairs.

Several dishes of olives and two kinds of bread with olive oil. Then cheeses, Beauvale Blue, and two different goat's milk choices.

I did the Seabream main course, new potatoes and a tomato salad. The Amaretti and Pear Ricotta Cheesecake at the end with espresso!

We wandered at my suggestion through part of the stalls. A turn on to Rochester Walk. Lively businesses, colourful and the call of some vendors. When we were under the railroad tracks it was like a nice bit of London from years ago.

We walked over the road to the News UK building.

Up the lift to Adam's office. He was on the telephone, waved us in. He grinned, a hug plus cheek kiss from me and a Cho handshake!

"It's good to see you folks! Things are definitely hopping here. We're up eleven and half percent! A nice rise in the face of doubt about `our direction' from some competitors! Bloody fools!"

Adam called to his secretary to buzz Desmond.

"So Publisher, you'll give the troops some sugar."

"Yes! Do they know the amount of the rise?"

"Some but all know sales are up. Tell them."

"Shouldn't sort of thing come from..."

"No! No! You're the publisher! It's big company news."

"Okay. Just to be sure eleven and half? Rounded or ?"

"Eleven and point five five."

Des came, Cho got his hand, me a hug, cheek kiss.

Okay! Time for an unpleasant task but I was the publisher! An under-editor in Sports had had two accusations placed against him by women reporters about sexually inappropriate behavior. It wasn't just language but touching. As if we had that many women reporters we could afford to lose any.

They brought it up after we took over because they felt they would receive decent treatment and be taken seriously. A good sign!

He was brought to my office. I told him about the accusations and Adam's investigation. He'd heard a whiff about it from a person who'd been interviewed who worked in his department.

He wanted to explain that he'd been misunderstood... I stopped him.

I told him he was fired because we have no place for someone who not only is sexually provocative but toward staff they supervise. His behavior was unconscionable.

Adam asked who told him about being questioned... he wouldn't say which was both decent and misguided. I said we were not seeking to punish the person but educate. He said no. Okay.

Security escorted him out. His desk would be cleared, anything that was personal would be sent to him.

Cho had stayed in the background when the fellow was gone I got a hug and kiss.

"Tough to do. You were great!"

"Adam and the others did the work making my part easy really."

Adam got a hug too... from me.

"Fay, there's the blabbermouth... what do you want to do? We could back track who was interviewed..."

I said no. I wanted to say something to the folks who worked for him before going downstairs.

Adam got them into a conference room. I gave them the news the editor was fired and why.

"There was an investigation, people were interviewed in confidence and the result was he needed to go. For the future if you are involved in any such events please keep the confidentiality of the process safe. We are serious about making this a safe and welcoming place for everyone. Thank you."

We went back to my office but it wasn't even five minutes before Norma's head appeared in the door.

"Miss Martin, someone says they need to tell you something... serious..."

Okay. A young man came, I welcomed him and pointed to a chair. I recognized him from the meeting we just left.

"Miss Martin, I was the one who tipped the editor to the investigation... I'm sorry... I was incredulous that he was being looked at because he'd always been very understanding with me. I know that's not an excuse for my action. I can only say how sorry I am."

I said what he did was understandable, "You're here now because you know it was wrong... that is a good step. Everyone has feet of clay at some point... over something... I am glad you told me. For us..." my hands gesturing to Adam, Des, Lambert and Cho, "... this ends it. Okay?"

He nodded. I thanked him. I shook his hand. Adam opened the door for him and shook his hand.

We looked at each other. I laughed, "That couldn't be better... could it?"

They smiled with me. Fist bumps.

Cho's voice behind me, "That happened because you went to speak to the staffers without that the young fellow would have remained mute." A kiss!

Back down the lift. Lambert smiling, "Fay, you didn't threaten anyone with thumbs screws?"

"No, I did the disappointed parent thing. I need the practice!"


Rolf joined us, shaking my hand with a nice smile.

"Good to see you!"

The atrium was full like last time. Up onto the podium straight to the microphone no waiting!

"Good afternoon!" There was some `Good afternoon's' back at me plus clapping and cheers!

"I have been given the latest numbers by Adam... thanks to you all we are eleven and half percent up on last years' circulation! Thank you!"

I clapped for them! More cheers!

"Some bits of news. We have concluded the deal that brings the entire printing establishment back into the News UK family. That is all the printing plants across the UK!"

Loud clapping and more cheers.

"So we are in control of the whole business, first where you are and last when the trucks deliver to news agents."

I had a big smile, "Now for some items promised earlier. You might have noticed the Health Clinic construction has begun, we are hoping for it to be open by the end of September. There will be doctors there every day, nurses and staff. They will be able to do anything your MD does but we don't want you ripped from a doctor you like.

The clinic here is meant to supplement your health care and help with anything you might require during the day. We have linked to several local doctor's offices for specialized care. Several are right over on St. Thomas Street.

There will be no charge to you for anything the clinic does.

You will hear more as opening day comes nearer."

I paused, someone yelled out `good on you' which started some general clapping and cheering.

"To go with that we have a plan that Human Resources will administer for News UK to pay one half of the fees for any health club or swimming club or bicycling group or healthy activity you want to join. We hope it will work simply for you. You can already be a member or a new activity, you bring in an invoice or bill and we will add the one half payment to your next salary check as a non-taxable item. That is one way, another is for you to setup a direct payment to the activity that we will make for you.

We want it to be flexible and easy."

More clapping and cheers which was odd but good they thought it worth giving me encouragement. Odd! This was the one item I felt would have the least participation.

"The last item is about education. Cho and I are big believers in learning, we try to boost all our employees education levels to where ever they want to go.

So News UK is going to pay ANY student debt ANY employee has outstanding!"

Wow! There were huge cheers and lots of clapping. Some feet stamping! It went on for a few minutes!

"You will have to provide complete documentation and we'll have your back. We don't want that sort of debt dragging at you while you are striving for success with us.

Second to that we will pay for anyone who is now or wants to go forward with completing their degree or is considering an advanced degree. We will pay one hundred percent for someone completing a degree regardless of major field. For advanced degrees we will pay one hundred percent for a subject field that has a direct connection to your work.

We will pay fifty percent of any other field."

Cheers again and sustained applause.

"The people who are administering this program will be instructed to be flexible about qualifying subject areas. So we think you will find negotiating room with them."

More applause, smiles and waving arms. They made a lot of noise. Good!

I smiled, "Now this going to cost a bit so you're just going to have to continue make eleven and half percent gains!"

They started to laugh. I raised my hands to clap to them. Cheering and applause that lasted for several minutes!

I wished them a good afternoon! Quite a few `same to you' came my way. More cheers! Cho's arm around me, a kiss!

Adam grinning, "Fay that was great! You do this very well!"

"Oh you mean give away money?"

We laughed!!

Rolf, Desmond and Lambert all shook my hand. Des giving me a look.

My `what' made him laugh.

"At school Fay couldn't have been less likely to stand in front of a crowd like this to speak."

"I wasn't a complete wallflower."

"No! You did get up but you had to be almost threatened to speak!"

Smiles at my expense which didn't bother me. If I can survive Cho's needling me there's not much I can't! One thing was sure without Cho I wouldn't be doing these things!

In the lift we told Adam more about Sunny's triumph and how well Prince had performed. Sunny loved the big guy!

Adam was pleased, "I liked him from when he was a colt, strong yes... smart too."

"Well he jumps with real power and trusts Sunny, so they're a formidable pair!"

Fist bump!

Upstairs my publisher's role secretary, Norma said she had a few things while I was in the building. Okay. I sat in a chair in the big office going through some items, signing some. I made a few piles.

I asked Norma to sit with me. She and Gil were in contact every day so we `knew' her but barely. She'd been here for seven years, single mother to a teenage girl

"Miss Martin she's a funny one. She loves animals more than most people except me..." A big smile, "... She and I get outside every chance we can to any park or the countryside. Walking or sitting watching and listening. That's why I have the bubbling water thing on my desk... it reminds me of a brook to sit down next to and relax."

In answer to my question `seventeen last month.'

"Does she have any idea for her future? Goals?"

Norma said `Nicki' has a vague notion of working with animals, maybe a vet but that's a lot of school.

"Nicki isn't comfortable in a classroom. She does love to read. She waiting on her exam results."

Boy I could understand that! I asked a bit more about their life.

"Right now Nicki is in Yorkshire for two weeks with her dad. It's part of our divorce settlement. She has mixed feelings about it every year but comes home Okay with it in the end. He's very good with her."

I leaned forward, "If you are interested we have a house in Froyle near Alton. It's an old family home where I grew up. We lend it to friends at The Company for a weekend place to get out of the city. You and Nicki would be welcome to go there. It's comfy, private with a lovely garden a local woman takes care of for us. There's lots of wandering space and friendly neighbors. A set of badgers too!"

She laughed, "Nicki would love to see those."

Gil smiling, "Norma, let me know if you'd like to go and I'll have the schedule checked." A `Gil' card was passed over.

Norma was a bit more than a name now! Yea!

A knock on the open door frame. A woman who said she was `Sophia' from Features. Could she have a few minutes. Gil's grin! Why... I found out later, Sophia had asked Gil to wangle her a few minutes.

I pointed to a chair.

"Miss Martin, I'm working on a piece about women's clothes. Styles that are popular. You being our new publisher we are planning to center the story around you. You are setting trends!"

Sophia had a pad and pen ready.

I laughed, "More correctly I'm wearing what I like. Some of my things are off the rack and some made by an excellent company in New York named Mirabelle. I commissioned them to make copies of clothes from an American designer who worked in Hollywood for decades, Edith Head. She did thousands of outfits for dozens and dozens of women actresses. They also have done original designs for me."

I stood and turned about. "This is from a Hitchcock movie, `Rear Window.' It was worn by Grace Kelly as she broke into a man's apartment searching for evidence of a murder."

I was grinning! "I hope I look as good as Ms. Kelly did."

Sophia wide-eyed! "Miss Martin, it's smashing. We have hundreds pictures of you in various outfits... You wear black a lot."

"I like black... don't any of you try to read anything into that! Psycho-analyze me at your peril."

I was smiling.

Sophia with shocked look said they had no intention to make comments about me. I smiled at her and waved her on.

"Well Miss Martin, it's just that many women shy away from black. It suits your colouring. There's snap of you leaving the Apple Store in New York in tight black jeans, cutoff top and a hoodie, ankle boots. Well... no name but one of the men said you were `hot as F...!"

I really laughed at that. "That's an endorsement of sorts!"

She asked a few more questions all easy to answer. She got the names of places where I bought clothes mixed in with other bits.

"I hope your piece turns out well. Make sure Norma knows when it runs so I'll see it."

Sophia thanked me for my time. I leaned back looking at Gil, a grin. She motioned to Norma.

"Fay usually only reads the political and business news."

An 'oh' from Norma.

We came back together saying our goodbyes. Allyn had cars downstairs. We went west on the A3 into Wandsworth over the bridge to the heliport. The Cho-Fay Air AW139 was airborne right away. It was a short flight to Harcourt House.

Cho went with Ting to play golf, I took Ken with me for a ride. Rebel was happy so we ran south to circumnavigate the Sci Ctr with a speedy trip back. We slowed to walk the horses Ken had a lovely smile as he looked around the setting.

"Fay, it's strange to be doing this as part of my work."

We smiled, fist bumped after my `I order you to ride a horse and enjoy it' line.

My Crew and Sanjara's crowd had a great time in Oxford seeing a lot. The weather was being quite agreeable and would be for a week or so. They'd go up to London for several days of touristy things. The bright sun making it fun to walk the city.

We had a cookout as dinner. Sitting around tables in the evening light. Jaidee loved it as he got to chase tennis balls. The Twins highchairs were brought out so they ate with us. It was a big hit!

The weekend would be a full house and some work meetings. Cho I know would skip some to play golf. He kissed me when I said that.

I was dressed in a khaki outfit with the dusky pink jodhpurs, light khaki shirt, dark khaki tie and dark khaki jacket with chestnut brown tall boots and the dark khaki `campaign' hat going down the lane with Tara, scones, sipping coffee. Jaidee bounding along in his herky-jerky fashion, one bit of grass or stone at a time.

Ethan had Roland ready for me, Max for Tara. Pamela was going to take it is easy on riding. Dr. Crawford2 examined her. He thought it best she wasn't ridden hard. She was over five months pregnant now.

Okay! Her guy Roland would take over for now. He seemed happy!

We trotted up slope going south down to the lock. The lock man smiling calling out Roy wasn't there, 'nephews.' Tara smiled, she knew what Roy said about those boys.

"Should we take a care package to him?"

Laughing I replied tomorrow. Over the river we galloped to the underpass and up behind Archie's. Terry waved as he worked with the cows. We kept a fast pace though Lower Radley into the woods to the north. When we got to the yurts Tara loved the way they looked.

"Sort of like a colony... you know what I mean?"

Yes! They fit in pretty well. The vehicles were still there. Tab had said the group signed up for four days.

This morning a boat was in the lock so we crossed at the north end. The lock man and I shook hands. Smiles. I introduced Tara.

Mounted we went by Mr. Hardy's... nothing today he must already be out walking. Roland was shown how I liked to ride the last stretch... Fast! He responded reaching out with his forelegs, his hind legs coming way underneath him to grab at the grass. We ran and it was lovely! I liked this big fellow.

At the Stables I let Anthony know Roland had been asked for a lot. He'd take care of the guy! Fist bump.

In the Breakfast Room there weren't many people. They had come and gone to get ready for London. Andrea, Jian and Ting were staying. The ladies were going to use the office or be upstairs with Caroline while our guests were here.

Out front we waved the cars down the drive. My Crew to `take' London! Cho laughing.

Cho asked Fin to steer me towards the Office. He was leaning back in a chair with today's edition of The Sun. "Guess who is the Page 3 girl?"

I shrugged. Cho turned paper to show... ME! It was a photo spread of the Stanhope Street shelter opening. The Mayor, MP's, the staff and the crowd which seemed bigger in pictures. A good snap of me shaking the Lord Mayor's hand.

The following page covered the opening, all about the shelter and clinic, who we sought to help.

There was a quote from the Mayor about hoping to end `rough sleeping' but that it was a difficult issue. He praised our efforts, he mentioned the other two shelters and that the Chanthira Foundation was paying for it all.

It was in fact a wonderful piece. The byline was a name from the day I spoken to the National reporters, I remembered her. I was pleased! It was great for our efforts.

I asked Gil to email the reporter to thank her for me saying I thought she'd covered it quite well. Thumbs up!

Yonne texted then came up. The ex-SAS man was being held without bond now because the police in searching his flat found explosives, lists and diagrams of buildings (which ones they did not disclose publically but privately told Yonne we were not on the lists) and other stolen military weapons. His car had thousands of rounds of ammo, knives, two 9mm handguns and lots of food.

He was a terror suspect now.


Yonne shaking his head, "Fay, Cho, it's possible he's mentally unstable and was doing his things without being prompted or paid. We will reserve judgement for now but I asked we be kept in the loop and reports about any changes. The Thames Valley inspector in charge said he will."

He added there were tidbits from the inspector that the intruder had an obsession with being a `famous' sharpshooter.

Yonne shaking his head as Carl knocked on the Office door. He gave us a some news.

"I spoke to several old SAS mates. One knew Hughes when left the Regiment. He was separated from the Service on medical grounds, psychiatric was the word used. He had some kind of breakdown and shot up several buildings on the base where he was at the time. It had been hushed up and he was booted out. My friend said he thought they tried to get him into a hospital but for some reason, he didn't know, it hadn't worked out."

Cho thanked Carl for his efforts. Carl he would try a few more pals. Thumbs up from us.

Yonne and Thomas were still reviewing the Estate's perimeter defense for other `holes' and give us a report as soon as possible. Also several sensors now overlapped the area where the intruder got in. Fist bump for Yonne. A smile.

We relaxed waiting for the AW139 to land. Yonne had Security on high alert status, a drone in the air, the anti-drone system doing its thing!

William and Cho with Ting would go play golf then things around the house for the afternoon. Kate was to ride with me then some touring the estate. Play time with our kids upstairs. All low key.

Yonne texted Gil the helicopter was in-bound, five minutes. We went out front as the AW139 settled onto the grass. Carter had Fin and Lucas out to help them.

We bowed to William. He shook Cho's hand, me a hug for Kate. Little George was beside her, I squatted down to say hello. I extended my hand, He grinned and shook! Their nurse had Charlotte. Cute!

The men loaded up for golf, we waved them away.

Inside Kate went up to the Nursery with me. George and Charlotte were introduced to the Twins and Caroline.

Tha had some special games, puzzles and books for George since he was older than the others. Kate smiling.

"It looks like things will be good here."

I showed her my dressing room to change.

"I'll be in the Great Room." Smile!

Kate came down in a nice conventional outfit.

"I'm a bit plain. I really like your colours and hat."

I showed her it was helmet. She tried it!

I said Gil would get my source info for her. I stuck out my fist... a pause then bump!

Smiling I gave Kate a brief tour of the Great Room and other parts of the ground floor before we walked down to the Stables.

Our folks had Pamela and Scout saddled. Down the lane talking horses, our racers and their successes in America. Add in babies, you have lots of things to chat about.

We had a nice ride northward. Tessa and Tara with us. Kate's security had been briefed on our Security. No problems. They could relax downstairs for a while.

We went toward the church and rectory. Dr. Lone was returning to his house as we rode up. He was surprised but obviously pleased to meet the Duchess. Mrs. Lone came out seeing us so I got to introduce her also. Smiles. Kate was very nice.

We waved to turn back. On the berm I told Kate what usually happens here but Pamela, my best girl, being pregnant was barred from power running.

"She makes my day start with a bang!"

Kate laughed, "Just being out like this every morning would be wonderful. We just don't get to do it."

"There are lots of days I don't either. So I walk with Jaidee or swim."

We crossed onto our property, the grave marker to our right. Kate saw it. I explained.

She smiled, "So the setter I saw is Thames?"

I said Yes. I brought up what had been mooted to William on his first trip, they could come here to stay, relax and ride if they wanted.

"Carter keeps a good track of our friends coming out so he'd be able to have the house empty for you."

I let her know that our Security is always working as if we were here.

She thanked me for the offer. She didn't know if it was possible but she would try to get Will onboard.

I was sitting beside Kate on the paddock fence giving a few mints to Asda on one side and Hathai on the other got some from Kate. Their colt was running around. Kate liked meeting our family. "Fay, Asda looks regal. He's so handsome."

I grinned, "Don't say it too loud... I don't want it to go to his head."

We laughed.

I saw Augusto from Security in the background, he made a motion to talk. I gave Kate some mints, `I'll be right back.'

Augusto said there were a dozen reporters at the gate. No problems, Yonne wanted me to know. They had been spoken to and warned not to block the drive. Yonne said there were no security issues anywhere else.


I gave Kate the news. She shook her head.

"They don't let up!"

"If you are here you don't have to worry. They won't get inside the estate."

We went upstairs before changing, the kids were all having fun. Loud happy sounds. At the door I saw Charlie standing beside Tha holding onto her chair with a monster grin.

"Hey Charlie... you like that?"

He opened his arms towards me... plop onto his butt.. the smile stayed on! I raised up my little guy! His arms on my neck a soft `Mama' I'm sure the sound of that has thrilled millions of mothers.

Kate next to George who was working an intriguing puzzle. Charlotte with her nurse were at the table with colouring stuff. Tha had Chani in her lap. We had smiles then giggles as Charlie's tummy got tickled. Caroline was using some crayons on pony picture.

They had all eaten lunch so Kate and I excused ourselves we could do the same. I dressed in our bedroom to give her privacy. Me in the modern Munro tartan skirt and a black short sleeve cotton shirt and black half boots with thick soles from Doc Marten's.

We sat in the Breakfast Room. Tomato bisque with small toasted cheese bread squares, fruit and cheeses, warm bread from Maxine with the great local butter and sugar cookies shaped like horses and dogs, iced in red, white and blue. Fun.

I gave Kate a house tour. She had a good look then we went to the Security office.

She watched a drone's eye view of part of the estate. She asked Benjamin few questions about flying it.

Yonne had the clip of the Russian chump who tried to get near the QC's house. Kate laughed as the fellow almost fell over when Shelby blew her whistle.

I gave Kate the background. I also gave her the result of the drugs trial the QC was prosecuting, the men got the maximum sentences with a minimum term of twenty years. A big ouch for them. They are also going to be tried for attempted murder, hiring a murder to be done and more. They were in deep for a lot more gaol since the rifleman' had as they say rolled over' on them!

"Our Security's part is to protect our people and property but it has knock-on effects. We guard several houses that are within our estate plus more. For our immediate neighbors, they are protected but not as densely."

We settled in the Great Room to await the men. They were heading our way. I got Andrea and Jian to come join us. Kate was happy to meet them. My friends and co-workers.

"Fay it has been a nice relaxing day. Thank you!"

I said anytime. "You like to sun... right?"

She said YES!

"We have a beach house on the Andaman Sea in Phuket. Very private, protected by our Security, a lovely beach and a comfy house. A terrific cook comes with it."

She laughed, "It's a long way!"

"True! We can get you there directly on one of our aircraft. It's about seventeen hours or so. The aircraft is a jazzed up Boeing 767 with private cabins, a staff who cooks wonderful meals, lots of space for the children if they go. Places for your staff."

Jian put in it was a terrific place to blot out things!

I could see that appealed to Kate!

The men appeared. Hugs and kisses. The three said they'd freshen up and change.

We explained the relationship of our friends to us and each other. Kate smiling when Andrea said there was to be a second child at some in the future.

"I think you have a very nice arrangement, it obviously works. Cheers!"

The men were back dressed casual like us, they sat to relax with the ladies and Jaidee. Our Choco Boy was enjoying being rubbed by William. Drinks and nibbles.

Cho smiling, "So a good day?"

Kate said YES quickly. She and Will shared a look.

Will had fun playing golf, "I'm not very good but I like to play. Cho is a wizard! Everything he hits goes where he wants it to go. Amazing!"

Cho's grin, "I had a good day."

Ting laughing, "Yes! A plain old `good' day which made the Pro weep."

I nudged my guy, "Okay a bit better than good. A 60."

I squeezed him! A kiss! Not a record but `awfully damned good' was spoken by Will.

The little ones came down to the Breakfast Room for their dinner. It was great to watch everybody. They all liked their food! Kate said theirs had been good eaters right off. Ours certainly were. Caroline too.

Before our meal everyone was in the Great Room, babies all over. Charlie was an amazingly fast crawler so Tha got some exercise keeping an eye on him. He was pulling himself up on furniture all the time, trying out his feet, doing quite well and some pratfalls. Chani was content to be with me. George with Will, Charlotte with her mom. Ting had Caroline, he was showing her some of the room's paintings.

The Twins did show off their new walking skills for our guests. They were cheered!

We all helped the nurses get the kids back upstairs.

We had an excellent and casual dinner. Carla's baked fish was great! Carter's wine choice perfect as always. The cake came in on a tray, one golfer, one horsewoman! Yellow cake, so soft, the icing creamy, your choice of ice cream on the side.

Afters in the Great Room. We talked a lots of subjects but the News UK takeover really interested Will. Cho and I gave him chapter and verse of the newspapers attempts to invade our privacy, how we thwarted them, had them arrested, sued them, insisted on criminal charges, the events in America and more.

We had video of their people, witnesses, we had captured screen video of the last try to attack via the VPN hack.

Our suit asked for an outrageous sum of money on purpose. The judge was incensed by their lawyers foolish attempts to cover for their clients. They'd been censured by the judge for falsely stating information. Ouch! That had hurt them.

By the end they had several dozen criminal charges going from reporters to the top editors and higher which Cho believed was what made the deal.

Will loved that we played hardball with them. He could only go so far within the `family' rules.

I gave them the EFT story and how we'd be open soon. The RSPCA was involved so if they rescued a horse or donkey anywhere we'd take them in. Our vet would check them out, any issues we'd treat them and get them healthy. We would re-home if possible, we would retrain racers for leisure riding and some for equestrian competition.

If they were too old or too sick they would just be taken care for the rest of their lives. Retirement in as good as an environment we could create.

Will looking at me during that... I smiled.

Kate asked about the shelters. Will turned with a quizzical look, "Shelters?"

I explained the Chanthira Foundation role in Thailand and the health system there. Then what we were doing in America in Seattle, Los Angeles and New York. As I was recounting our activities Cho retrieved The Sun.

They sat on a settee sharing the paper. I pointed we didn't have a special `opening' for the other two shelters just did some advertising by leaflet in clubs, stores and food shops and word of mouth in those neighborhoods. It was good that the news coverage, print and TV had mentioned the other ones.

I then gave them the numbers we had seen to date which now edging to fifty percent occupancy in Stanhope Street, the other two were close to thirty five percent filled.

Kate looked over, "That seems low but the weather for the last week has been fine."

I said that was our assessment too.

Will holding the newspaper, "You just did all this with the foundation money which you put in? You haven't done any fundraising?"

"No. We want to do some events, we are working on a golf tournament for next autumn near New York City."

He was shaking his head, "You have been doing a great deal in the last two years. Your horses are great for English horse racing, the News UK thing certainly helps to diminish the rude voice of the right here. You transformed the American political landscape by taking over the network in America... This horse retirement farm... Now these shelters and clinics... What the Mayor say he thanked you for doing this on your own and he would like to help. You really haven't asked any government for money... that's amazing."

Cho smiling, "There is a lot of money to spend. We could spend half of it all and still leave our children to be among the ten richest people in the world."

I could see it all had an effect on Will.

"The shelters... will you open more if they fill up?"

Our YES! Got him to reply, "Please ask Kate and I to help publicize the shelters and clinics. They are too valuable to go unknown. We need the very ones who are at risk to know."

Cho and I were pleased he'd suggest it, we said YES again! I mentioned the EFT open next month... Kate said she'd be happy to come out! I said we'd get a big red ribbon to cut which made her laugh.

Kate told Will of our offers to use our homes.

He smiled, "We may take you up on it. It would be nice to have a feeling isolation for a while."

Carter rounded up Kendal and Conrad to help load the helicopter. Golf clubs, riding gear and kids things.

Hugs and kisses all around. George gravelly shook Cho's hand, a smile. He got a cheek kiss from me.

Loaded, they lifted into the sky. They would land at our Wandsworth Bridge Heliport, it is safer for a night landing than the Kensington Palace lawn. Allyn had cars waiting for them.

Inside I was holding Cho. Ting had his ladies in a hug.

A hug for Carter and a big thank you. I went down to the kitchen where things were almost shutdown to thank everyone for the great food! Hugs!

Holding hands we all went up to see if the kids were awake for a goodnight kiss.

A soft kiss my little butt, a warm hand had followed. My teeth were occupying my attention. Cho smiling, just touching a few bits here and there. Once my mouth was rinsed and dried... whoosh I was airborne like the Twins to bed! It was a nice smooth landing with me on top. I was looking down into deep dark brown pools... the flecks of gold seemed to be dancing. KISSING! Always a favourite way to pass the time with Cho!

Roland nickering as I rubbed his neck, my gloved hand sliding over his muscles. We had finished a good gallop south from Sandford. Tara and Con nearby. Smiles from us both.

I sat on a bench to rub Tess, her man, Sebastian, was off in the stables somewhere. Gregory came up the lane with Thames and Jaidee, the dogs bumping each, doing dog laughs. Jaidee came up to the house with me.

It was play time after breakfast. Our two cuties and Caroline with a big pile of multi-coloured squishy soft blocks. We got them to arrange them by colour then size! Charlie launched a few laughing as they bounced.

So funny to see them walking around with Caroline!

We had story time! Two ducks in a pond and a farmer's daughter who plays with them. Cute.

Gil, Ali and me in the Library working. From Gil, everyone at News UK were informed the programs I outlined for them the other day would go `live' the first day of August. Des emailed her, he had lots of comments, very positive. The education part being the most talked about.

Good! We thought it was the most important item.

Interesting email from Norma to Gil. She had been asked by a friends what I was like up close. Norma said she told them Miss Martin was sharpie! I laughed at that!

Stuff from other things Gil was working on then Ali had 21st Century Fox bits. Nothing big. Nielsen Reports showing the Entertainment side rising steadily in multiple categories, we were on top in many nighttime time slots!

The Fox News side was even better!

Since the takeover dust had settled we had the highest rated daily news programming. Our girl Megan was simply unstoppable! Setting Nielsen records. The evening news and informational shows were leaders or close in nearly every time slot!

So telling the truth it turns out is a real moneymaker!! Our advertising revenue continued to rise, we were charging top dollar for ad time with long waiting lists for some shows.

A show which dealt with business and economics, the one Gerald liked to watch, was a runaway success. Plain talk about usually dull subjects by some of the world's most important experts every day moderated by smart journalists was a smash hit show! Who'd thought that possible!

Kent did! He was making all sorts of interesting things happen.

Gil said Reginé was on for tomorrow. Great!

Daria was in bound to Chalgrove minutes from landing. Ali smiling. Tomorrow, Saturday was her big day! I had been hugged tightly as thanks for getting the wedding laid on. I couldn't take much credit, I hadn't done anything that mattered.

All the preparations were done from flowers to dresses to food. All our Ali had to do was say `I do!'

Fun time!

Email from Becky at the State Department. It was her response to mine about a meeting that took place the previous day in Kota Bharu. A representative of the Malay government's Ministry of the Interior had spoken to one of the men that Arturo had met. Arturo arranged it at our urging. Very informal, they talked about what would it take to get the different resistance groups to have a common negotiating position.

Arturo, who was present, related the conversation to me. This particular separatist group would be willing to back off on some of their political goals to gain significant autonomy from Bangkok. They were willing to make concessions on a quid pro quo basis. They were not interested in the `ego games' and posturing by some of the other more politically rigid groups.

Arturo had relayed their attitude to us earlier but it was good for the Malay fellow to hear it. He was to speak to those further up the food chain in Kuala Lumpur then the plan was to speak to the Thai ambassador to have this passed on to Bangkok.

This would create an opening for the Thai Foreign Minister, an old friend to Dad and Thoi and an ally, to speak to the King. The Prince would be sure to be present and lobby for another talk with the heads of the military but have the King maintain informality so the generals wouldn't be spooked or feel cornered.

The generals would see that the Malays were acting even more after their raiding the weapon caches putting pressure on Thailand to respond.

Becky was pleased that we could get things moving on both sides of the border. Small moves but it had to be this way. She knew I had informed Jack and Corinna at the Foreign Office.

Cho came in to get my news. I got a kiss. A good exchange for meddling in politics.

Francis wasn't allowed in. No seeing the bride the day before. Carter had been funny when giving Francis an invite to eat in the Staff Lounge this evening. It was all very light-hearted. We were so happy for our friends!

After lunch Jian, Andrea and Ting returned from an Oxford shopping trip. New clothes, some books and baby things. They'd had a fun day, a good lunch and lots of sun.

Eileen and Sue and tiny Rosalie were on their way! Eric, Malee and Anne would come down with Reg, Rona and MFA for dinner.

There'd be golf tomorrow since Adam and Daphne would be here too.

Des and Rosanna were weekending at the Froyle house. A big inside smile for that!! It was the first days off for those two newspaper guys since the News UK takeover.

We were giving Mrs. Pelletier some work since Luce and Marie had stayed there for five days. They had showered us with thanks for the trip, our hospitality and Prasert's skilled driving. It had been memorable for them. Good!

Daria at the front door... a wheel chair? Carter and the fellows got her inside. Kendall wheeled her to the Great Room..

Roslyn, a hug! She was looking at the house.

"You've seen pictures?"

"Yes... it's a lot more in person."

It was good for her come. She and Ali liked each other, Ali had spent time doing things for me in our apartment so they talked. So Roslyn was to be a Bride's Maid!

Daria had a funny face, "It isn't serious... I turned my ankle... you can see it's still swollen... I think I should pass my Maid-of-Honour duties to Fay."

Carter had several frozen chemical ice packs brought up for Daria. We had an elastic bandage to wrap the ice packs to Daria's ankle.

"The wheel chair was for traveling but I admit it still hurts fiercely to stand on it."

Ali fluttered around Daria until told to sit and be still. That got a laugh from me.

Daria had Ali's hand, "Dear it's a sprain! I'm old so I don't bounce back from these sort of things quickly."

Roslyn patted Ali's shoulder, "Daria said you'd worry. She'll be Okay if she rests it."

Eileen and Sue! Hugs and a greeting for the young one. Rosalie was very cute looking like her mothers, a chin and eyes from one, hair and freckles from the other!

Inside she was introduced around. My arm around Eileen, "Fun huh?"

"Fay, I wasn't sure I'd ever get the chance! No matter what anyone says it is awesome! My mom and dad are over the moon!"

We hugged. A kiss! I waved Sue over. A group hug!

All the others arrived so we had a room full of people and kids. MFA walking in beside her dad, proud to be on her feet! I bundled her up into my arms, laughing and kisses. Little Anne in her mother's arms cute like her mom, a lot of reddish hair with brown-gold highlights.

The little ones were hugged and kissed then went up to the Nursery. Only Rosalie was new.

Daphne smiling, "Damn Fay you get better looking!" In my ear, "Adam's really enjoying himself." Squeeze! I got a hug from Adam.

"I guess you know where Des is?"

I nodded. A big grin from Adam, "Roseanna is a nice woman. Balanced, smart, hard working for sure with good goals and she likes Des a lot. They are good together."

I affirmed all that and they were among the regulars coming out here to ride.

Daphne holding my hand, leaning in "Letting friends come out here... It's terrific... you guys," louder for Cho to hear. My fella smiling, kissing her cheek. He pointed to me.

"Well if friends are riding then we don't need as many exercise riders, they can do other tasks."

A good room full of people. Kendall and Stanton were doing drinks and some nibbles appeared. We talked, caught each other up. I had an after dinner date with Adam, I was to show him how to jump a billiard ball.

Carla did delicious grilled breaded sole, whipped potatoes in small casseroles with a cheese top, Italian green beans grilled with fennel, small loaves of white bread from Maxine. Carter choose a dry white which was perfect.

Strawberry tarts with more strawberries and whipped creame on top!

Looking around the table... the dinner had disappeared into welcoming tummies!

As afters were served, the parents took the opportunity to go up to the Nursey before sleep overcame our little ones. Charlie arms open to his dad, Chani's soft cheek on mine, "Mama' very quiet. My girl was tired. I put her in the crib. Each nurse had a room and a crib for their charge. Little Rosalie's crib was in with Charlie and Chani so Tha could take care of her until her mom's went up.

We all trooped down from the now quiet floor. I got some espresso and Adam gave me a heads up. Okay!

I spent some time showing Adam how to hop a cue ball. We set it up dozens of times for him to try. He was getting it. My sage advice: practice... practice! He laughed.

We finally quit. Sitting on a settee I told him about going to Fortrose and my uncle sandbagging his friends. I gave him the news we bought a house up there near the golf course.

"You should talk with Cho about it. He says it an odd little course, he liked it and he played well. Lots of wind apparently, it's on a peninsula in the Moray Firth. My Aunt Dee helped manage the furnishing of the place which is nearly complete. Cho was thinking about flying up. Go talk to him."

In the Great Room Cho, Eric, Reg, Adam and Ting clustered. I kept an eye on that bunch. I smelled the sea air of Fortrose in their near future.

Eileen and Sue would come out for some weekends to ride now that Rosalie was old enough for some travel. Good. They could coordinate with Carter and maybe come out when Reg and Rona did.

A bright sunny morning, a clear warm day for Ali and Francis!

Roland stepping beautifully on the run from Sanford. He was loving this I could feel it! We walked on the flat with Max and Tessa, my hand caressing his neck and mane.

Anthony took him with a wink, "Miss Martin, he's been much brighter since you started riding him, he feels better!"

"Well he's showing he likes go fast! He hasn't been pushed much, now it's like his racing days! When we leave make sure his exercise rider pushes him."

Fist bump!

When I walked up from the Stables Phillips and his folks were moving the walkway sections up from storage.

"Miss, these are so easy to put in, it takes hardly any time."

He had the Garden looking superb! So much colour all around like last year for our joint weddings. Phillips was a wizard!

A nice crowd for breakfast! I loaded a plate, wiggling my butt next to Cho. He handed me the strawberry preserves with a smile and reminded everyone that there was more after I emptied the pot. He got a punch on his bicep! Laughter!

I changed clothes for some play time and I got to sit with Rosalie before Sue did a nursing session. She was sweet girl. A bubbly smile when Sue took her.

Malee's arm looped with mine going downstairs.

"Fay, Ba is engaged to her joiner!"

That was great. I asked if she was still helping around their house. Malee's smile as I got all the news. They had had a sit down with her and her joiner. They would all stay with them for now. Ba and her new husband with Pinky would keep the two rooms they had and use what was Eric's study which he never used as their sitting room. The joiner was happy with his work so that was great. Ba would do house work for them in return for the rooms and meals for them plus a small wage.

They would start married life with paying work, a safe place to live with a great addition, Eric and Malee would pay for Pinky's pre-school. I hugged her, it was a great plan.

Gil got my guys into the Library. Jian grinning! She seen the London newspapers reporting on the shelter openings! They laughed about Cho's Page 3 girl joke.

We started with the Foundation. Jian sharing the numbers on clinic visits in Thailand. They were rising steadily. We were dealing ordinary illnesses, simple wounds, broken bones of course but we also had been praised for helping people with stress and other psychological issues that were often dismissed. Our being a safe place for anyone questioning their sexual life or gender was acknowledged as unique to the neighborhoods where we were located.

A government health under-minister had toured several clinics with Jian and was impressed. He said the government would participate with some promotion and equipment.

Jian's face a thing of beauty, "He was very nice and obviously admiring of the clinics and our people. He asked if he could bring the Health Minister himself out. I was jumping for joy underneath and agreed we would be pleased to host him."

A kiss for my buddy! My `Go For It Honey!' brought laughter!

I already had Jian's news about the clinics in America. The Seattle one was booming! We were treating the usual assortment of injuries and illness but we kept an eye on the patients, did any qualify for the shelter next door or advice on a variety of illnesses.

We had a condom give-away program going coupled with an outreach to LGBTQ groups for seminars about STD's. Tana was the lead on that.

STD's were up in the LBGTQ community across America, we wanted to do our share in stopping it. Tana spoke to groups about `safe' sex wasn't just about HIV. We did free and private testing for all STD's and she made sure people knew that.

The shelter next door construction was moving along on schedule so when the weather got rainy we'd be open and hopefully had a break-in period. We only had data from the city about the numbers of LGBTQ youth who were homeless so two dozen rooms would probably not be enough.

Our local estate agent, Tilda, was looking for places nearby to add along with apartment buildings we could use for low cost housing.

The golf tournament was next. Kwang and Jian had been talking to lots of people. They developed a list of names of PGA people, potential sponsors and locations. A car maker had been sponsoring a tournament at a country club in New Jersey in September. They were going to end their sponsorship after this year, we found out via a friend of Tom Angleten's.

The country club had been contacted as well as the PGA. Cho made phone calls with some introductions from Tom. Not that Cho wasn't `known' after the Concord Fund Cup at Bel Air! The lowest score for a 72 hole tournament on record, Pro or amateur!

We would be in New York in a few weeks, Cho had meetings set for the PGA tournament committee and a trip out to the country club.

It looked good for next year. The country club liked the idea of helping a non-profit organization and they had lots of tournament experience.

I called a halt at that point so those in Ali's wedding could get lunch before the `show!' We'd meet after the wedding.

A FedEx delivery overnight from Germany. The ICON magazine issue with my interview and snaps. I flipped through quickly there wasn't time for more. The snaps were quite good, they made some good choices. The text for later. I dropped it on my desk in my Dressing Room.

I checked on all the arrangements knowing I didn't need to. Carter smiling as we fist bumped!

I had Ali in my Dressing Room with her gown, Daria and a few others. We helped her with her hair. The gown a simple sheath style was lovely, very nice embroidery on the bodice. Heels, her mother's bracelet and a square of lace from her Grandmother on her head.

Roslyn, Daria and I in pale rose versions of Ali's dress! Simple and neat!

Daria was looking at the ICON Magazine. "Fay, I used to have an outfit like your green suit. It looks marvelous on you!"

I thanked her for the compliment. She didn't read German and there was no time now.

Cho came to carry Daria down, Kendal had her wheel chair. He would take her out to sit.

Cho in a black suit, white shirt and a pale rose tie. He was best man and father of the bride. Ali shining beside him. Stanton brought her bouquet, pale red roses centered in a field of white roses.

Ali looked at me... "No tears! It's too late."

She laughed instead.

I'd take the bouquet in exchange for the ring she would give Francis.

Cho smiling, "This good practice for when Chani is ready to do it."

Smiles! Carter said everyone was in place and we're ready.

Cho took Ali's arm and they stepped into the sun. Her dress shone and shimmered as she walked with my guy. Me behind with Roslyn.

It wasn't a big crowd, our friends who met the couple through us were there. Francis was well liked and they knew how important he was to us. Staff people who had gotten to know Francis in the last year and a half were all smiling.

Tha and the Twins were at the back in their pram with the hood up in the warm sunshine.

All the heads turned to see the procession approach the altar and Dr. Lone. That fellow had spoken to both of the them as part of his usual marriage preparation, he said they seemed well matched.

Cho when placed Ali's hand in Francis' that was terrific! I had the flowers, Ali got the ring. Cho moved to be next to Francis, doing double duty!

Dr. Lone went to work. I liked his voice, a wonderful warm tonal quality.

I was thinking about last year right here... Dr. Lone speaking about sharing, being close and love!

I was brought back to the present when Francis lifted Ali's veil... a sweet kiss! Roslyn got the veil.

She moved down the walkway on her husband's arm. Me on Cho's. Carter stepped to offer his arm to Roslyn. Kendall moved Daria in our wake.

We had Taittinger's popping... the spray catching the sun making rainbows.

Cho on the terrace steps, smiling handsome man! My guy!

"Ladies ... Gentlemen... This is wonderful day. We have two friends and co-workers becoming a pair! You can tell I'm not Irish..." A few laughs, "... but this old saying always has struck me and many others as being appropriate for beginnings like this. So:

May the road rise up to meet you.

May the wind be always at your back.

May the sun shine warm upon your face;

the rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again,

may God hold you in the palm of His hand.

I heartily wish this true for Ali and Francis! Cheers!"

We all were loud in agreement! Cheers and clapping.

I kissed them both! Their eyes bright!

They were well hugged and kissed by everyone.

Ali sat beside Daria, smiles! Their hands together.

I slipped my arm through Francis' steering him to an open space.

"I know you love Tolkien's books so this quote is for you:

`Since the day when you rose before me out out of the green grass of the downs I have loved you, and that love shall not fail.'

I kissed his cheeks, a hug.

"Fay,.. you are amazing! Thank you! You have never failed me and I do not worry you will. I shall ever fail you and Cho!"

Cho joined us, a huge hug! Taking each other's hand, tight.

A kiss for Cho from me! We turned back to the fun. More toasts, food and music.

Dr. and Mrs. Lone with champagne, we toasted.

Mrs. Lone said she always liked that simple Irish saying. Dr. Lone it had been a prayer to start but it seemed better as wish rather than a prayer.

I squeezed his hand with a small laugh at his bon mot.

I moved around talking with everyone. Jian's arm encircling my waist, her eyes dark and shiny.

"Hey Buddy, you look pretty cute."

Jian in a red and white vertically striped dress, red belt and heels. A smile!

I turned us to face west with the wide open blue sky, a hand gesturing, "This was us a year ago... beginnings for us all. It's been a terrific time!"

We walked arm in arm to the far end of the garden to the stone wall.

Holding hands, looking those dark eyes again.

"I love you forever... I don't care how long that is... or how troubled the path... I would go with you on it. I would hold your hand with this..." I brought my left hand up to her cheek, "... in my right will be Cho's hand..." my right came to her other cheek, I leaned to kiss her.

"OH Fay..."

Jian wrapped me up! Hugged in the sun! There weren't any tears.

We stayed for a few minutes... we walked back holding hands. We saw Ting first... he hugged us.

"So ladies feeling a bit emotional?"

I said yes, we expressed some love.

"Good, you two are meant to be close."

I kissed his cheek for that!

Ting said the couple will need some help for the getaway. I took Jian and Gil with me to Francis' apartment, they'd been sharing. After a quick stop in my Dressing Room. Their bags were nearly ready. Our new pair came as we put in a few things. Toiletries and last minute things.

I put several gifts in secretly as Francis changed in the bathroom. Ali didn't notice... she was busy changing. We took care of her dress, I told her we could refrigerate her bouquet or have it dried. She said dried.

Kendall came down with Fin for their bags, smiling faces happy for the two! I walked back to the Terrace and rounded up everyone.

Out front they ran under a shower of rice to the car. Cho closed the door and tapped on the side. Tom pulled away easy across the gavel. To Chalgrove to a Gulfstream 650er non-stop to Korat.

Kavat through the Prince had arranged landing rights for our jet at the Royal Thai Air Force base there. They would unload their precious cargo and immediately depart for Don Mueang.

A Land Rover would pick up Ali and Francis for a stay at the Forest Palace. A few days there then helicopter would take them to Don Mueang and a flight to Phuket. Sun and sand! They would go to our house in Bangkok for a few days of sight-seeing or... not... then meet us in New York.

I changed to a skirt and light jumper, black. Something new... orange high top Converse All*Stars'. I bounced down the stairs...

I got Kendall to find Angela and Daphne, Gil and Andrea. Library. Stanton grinning at my shoes... `Cool' Fist bump! He'd get a tea tray and LOTS of cookies!

Cho was gathering the `golfers' to go to Oxford East. Hugs and kisses at the Library door. Our friends did the same. Adam, Ting, Reg, Eric with Cho to make a fivesome. Awkward word!

A hug from Jian, she and Malee were going up to the Nursery to play with the kids!

Rona to ride with Sue and Eileen. Sue had to take it easy for a while, they planned on going north.

My ladies came in like me all casual. My trainers, aka tennis shoes, were a hit! Brief talk about clothes then onto the Denham School.

I gave them the situation of the coding' classes. We had several for writing scripts to control an operating system, Mac OS via the terminal' and other methods also writing for Windows especially the server OS. Both for beginners and advanced to be taught by folks from The Company.

The courses in Objective C' and Swift' by some other of The Company's staff were ready to go.

Classes in Ruby' and Python' all set.

Also writing App's for iOS devices. Basic programming and innovative app development.

The class syllabuses were ready and the computer centre would provide the hands-on portion after class theory. The Company folk would vary but they were all Pros.

Angela next. The County Council was on hundred percent behind the project. They liked that were aiming at all sorts of folks from school age to adults. Although it is a private endeavor, being non-profit and community oriented they felt they could `bless' the school. They would help us with other government parts.

The Ministry of Education had a like view of us. They would provide financial support for students as they would for any other similar institution. We welcomed their inspectors to visit any time to see the physical layout, the curriculum, try our food, etc... That got a laugh from me.

"Did you say that?"

Angela giggling, "Well... yes but in a different way. The woman I was working with grinned too. She said it was nice to be told they could come any time. I guess they aren't look upon as a people you want to see. Which begs the question why not?"

I shrugged, "They can come whenever as far as I'm concerned. Richards knows how we want the place run, he's on board completely."

Back to Angela, "So the construction as you saw the other day is rolling along. Richards says there have been no major issues, a bit of plumbing here and part of roof there in the maintenance area. His house is finished and they'll move in a few days. All the instructors cabins are one hundred percent.

Physically we'll be ready. For the baking classes, the Oxford baker has presented her lesson plans. I'm not a baker but it seems clear and straight forward, achievable goals, all appear within the capability of the new kitchen."

Angela moved on, "Imogene and Charlotte had a plan laid out before Charlotte left for America. I looked it over, Imogene helped me and they seem ready. Imogene is working with Gregory on the horses to be used, a note to myself about possibly using horses from EFT? They wouldn't be overworked and only horses for any cross-country after they've been fully evaluated."

Tack, hay and grain supplies, etc...

I asked about mucking out... Imogene was clear the students would do that as part of their class work. Horse care was essential for them to appreciate their mounts and what it meant to own a horse! She didn't think any would be novices at it but it was part of the class.

Cheers for her and the folks helping!

Daphne stood up and bowed... `my turn' to laughter.

Her news was good! The two clothes designers had prepared lists of classroom things we'd need from cloth to sheers. The lists build around their lesson plans. We can add more fabric and other do-dads as needed.

So we have sewing machines and their accessories, a cutting table, stands for the bolts of cloth, loads of others bits for the student's projects. The ladies were pleased with the classroom spaces they were offered and loved the cottages where they would stay.

The photographers had their plans completed for the initial courses we were promoting and they were flexible about adding other skills to the syllabus. The dark room build-out would start soon, they had had a chance to make suggestions to it so they were happy.

For shooting outside, seeking nature they had a lot to choose from the river, towns, open countryside and people in the neighborhood. A studio for shooting anything inside would be ready, lights, backdrops, etc... from their suggestions were coming.

Andrea was last. She gave an overview of the staff at the school, who was who and did what. She let the others know the existing staff had been reviewed and the `professors' had been vetted. No problems discovered.

She wanted to be sure that everyone entering the grounds understood for the students and staff safety the entire complex was protected by our Security and what that means. The staff would get a course in security, be informed about the sensors and cameras and they would see our uniformed people on the grounds. Their name badges would give them access to the areas that were relevant to them and all the common spaces.

Both Angela and Daphne said they had informed the teaching folk that it was a secure location and there would be limits. None had objected.

We had good teachers, we are paying well and supporting them. Daphne's smile as she put in `the clothes designers had been pleased to be part of a Martin-Cho project.'

Angela agreed, "Your recent takeover of the News UK was mentioned by several. You've become a media powerhouse!"

I stood up, clasping my hands I raised them up and did a shimmy. Laughter, grins and a hug by Daphne!

Okay we looked very good. Angela through Gill would get media coverage for the school. Print and TV for a tour, interviews with instructors and opening day.

I got more tea and a few more cookies... we sat for a general chat before Reginé arrived.

They got that we were going to Ascot for one race then next day to Gloucestershire for Audra and Andy's wedding. I liked these kind of weddings, we didn't have to do much but show up.

Audra's school friends were doing her hen night this evening. I didn't know what Andy's guys had done but it had taken place in Oxford. No one got arrested so it must have been Okay.

Time for Reginé! She was personally introduced to Angela and Daphne after `meeting' online. She was to help them publicize Denham School through social media.

She was prepared, a team working on it had a campaign to start in two days. On her MacBook she showed the webpage Ni's folks had created, gorgeous! Simple and functional. Then a segue to twitter and facebook which we'll use but carefully. Nothing on facebook but information, the only active item was the link to the webpage.

On twitter we'd push the webpage with no reference to facebook. Angela was ready to do some AMA's on twitter and reddit answering questions about the school, classes, etc...

Smiling, "Not my favourite thing but I can do it. Typing is easy enough."

Reginé making a point, "Remember if you don't know the answer tell them you find out an put it up on the school's twitter account."

Angela with a salute!

Reginé went into some things for The Company, pointing to Andrea, that lovely lady smiling.

"We are doing hiring things for Andrea. Talking about job openings, skills needed, how to apply, etc... So far they have been pretty effective according to Andrea. Her folks have been more intent on asking candidates where they heard of the openings."

"My team looks for groups or hashtags we can connect to folks who might be looking. It's easy and free!"

"We have a team for News UK, they work with the people there like the Fox team does. If they want to do a big push on something we send folks from the team to help."

"Knowing you..." a finger my way, ".. you and Cho didn't see any of the buildup for the Stanhope Shelter opening." A look to me... I said `No. But we did see a nice size crowd outside and in.'

"We're doing some things for Regina in Seattle for the clinic, `Healthy Baby' and their STD outreach to the community. We'll do more for Tony here and the Los Angeles and New York shelters."

"The Fox folks in New York where very pleased I'm sure they'll have you back for more promotions." From me.

Fist bump.

Gil with a heads up, `the guys are coming home!'

I segued to Andrea's help hiring for the shelters in London. I hugged and kissed her. We had full staffs for all three shelters, the clinic was a doctor short but that wasn't surprising with many great doctors leaving with the unsolved brexit mess. We were paying much better than the NHS... still a finite supply.

We could run the shelters fully which is what mattered the most. We were now averaging about forty percent occupancy which I thought high with the good weather and our newness. We were working with the government's data so we figured theirs to be a low count.

I had Erin Lonsdale, our London estate agent, looking for more properties before our autumn weather arrived. She had a list of possibles, she would winnow that down. She was also looking for a decent sized building for our Security somewhere in the west end of the city. Nothing fancy. A place where we could have a massive pipe to the internet for a server farm, offices, training rooms, storage and a drone base.

I saw Cho's face at the end of that in the doorway.

I jumped up to dash into his arms! A broad smile as I raced across the Library to him. Kiss! Cheers from the folks behind me. Ting stepped in to hugs from Andrea!

Cho called Tha, she marshalled the crowd down to the Great Room before their dinner in the Breakfast Room. We had little ones all around! Charlie beside my chair upright holding on to my hand after a brief run to me! What a guy!

Chani sitting watching pulled herself up on a table, Cho was there to steady her! Wow! Standing babies, walking babies, running babies! We cheered and clapped. Charlie wanted to clap too, letting go became a big butt plop! He was grinning the whole time.

Then he stood up to step out again. Ready to keep trying. Hugs!

Cho held Chani's hand, huge smiles on both. A plop by Charlie but he got up again looking quite proud of himself!

Food! That word was known and greeted by loud Yea's! Okay! We headed to the food. Everybody got a high chair and the grub came out. Charlie was discouraged from banging his spoon on the tray. Tha was so good about these things.

I was beside Chani, she went right to work. Fish, carrot, some potato, mashed green beans. I'll have to say they loved it all! Then the `piece de resistance'... banana!! A nice big piece for all the kids. Smiles, big munches, it went away.

Charlie sitting, a big silly grin, his hands on the tray with a `I conquered' dinner look. We laughed, he giggled joining in. I wiped his face and pulled him into a hug.

Those little arms holding my head, `Mama' melting me. He and Chani were smart babies, we were so happy for them. Healthy and doing well!

As everybody finished up we went back to the Great Room for more fun. Sue had nursed Rosalie who did an admirable job sucking. They went up straightaway afterwards, a diaper change and some more rocking.

We had requested extra service for this week from the diaper company. They'd been by each day, new diapers in, soiled out!

The kids had fun roaming around the big room. I saw Charlie zooming behind the west wall settees, Tha not pursuing but watching. The doors were all closed so no escapes. She brought him back to us and put him on his feet. Big grin he took a bead on `Dada' and strode forward! Dada opened his arms collected him!

We had fun for a while then the procession upstairs, babies in arms. They were settled into the Nursery, their nurses doing the night time rituals. Lot of hugs and kisses for the babies!

The big people back in the Great Room for drinks before dinner. Reg, Eric with me talking about Iran. My connection the Energy Minister got me ribbed by Reg. `Using your girly wiles' on him. That got him an arm noogie, his pain received NO sympathy!

Eric smiling at us, "Well we know for sure our people will be welcome."

I brought a bit gloom, "Please keep in mind that the various Iranian factions do sometimes `war' with each other. Our people could be caught in the crossfire of one side trying to score points pretending to be more devout or in control. I think we need to have plan to protect them or get them out."

Their faces registered concern. "We need to ask Achmed to be onsite..." they were going say something I forestalled them, "... he will have to volunteer without any pressure. Why? He speaks Farsi. He doesn't advertise that but it's in his personnel file."

They didn't know, I had asked Andrea to scan the files for Farsi. Achmed was Palestinian which usually would be safe in places like Iran and a Shiite too. But there was NO way I would allow any pressure.

"A second reason is he is flexible and knows the water project business... COLD! We need to check the people of the Houston company to see if any has experience in Iran and do any speak Farsi."

I turned us around when Carter came in to announce dinner. An arm around each.

"My speaking and reading Farsi was a pleasant, unexpected revelation to the Iranians. They were pleased I'd taken the time to learn their language. So we need to tutor the team we choose in Farsi and some common customs so we can try to avoid issues."

We'd walked to where everyone was, Cho extended his hand. Reg and Rona, Eric and Malee, Eileen and Sue, Reginé, Angela, Adam and Daphne. Smiles!

Carla did her magic with baked salmon wrapped in parchment, a light teriyaki sauce, the sticky rice mixed with small vegetable pieces, little flaky pastry boats filled with grilled broccoli and pearl onions under a hunter's sauce, little cross buns from Maxine and our local butter.

Carter serving wine with a wink, he was going against the grain I could tell.

Illuminati Pieluni Teramane Riserva, from our trip to L'Aquila, was a spectacular Montepulciano! The red wine while not the most expensive was a taste winner. I looked around the table, noses in their glasses, a faraway look, everyone was enjoying.

Dear Sue with her water! I stood up and stepped to her, I leaned down to kiss her. Her face sparkling as I left a taste on her lips.

"Fay you are sweet!" I gave Sue a quick hug.

Laughter! Eric grinning, "That was smart and nice."

He raised his glass to me! I bowed, kissing Cho on the way by. Laughing eyes on my guy!

A fist bump with Carter as dinner ended! He was smiling broadly.

Going for afters in the Great Room we found out the poker players were ON! Okay, I turned to the ladies asking did they to sit or watch a flick? Yes's to a Movie!

We went into the Library to make a choice. I suggested a thriller with a plausible plot, they were good with that.

`The Taking of Pelham One Two Three' made in 1974. A terrific cast, a pulsing sound track and one gripping story line.

We got setup. I requested Kendall be our bartender, A smiling bow. I laughed.

More Amaretto and espresso a la Grandfather for me!

I started the movie. The music got me right away. The New York City subway! Martin Balsam in a funny mustache, Robert Shaw, damn he had charisma even as a bad guy. They plus two others hijacked a New York City subway train and held the passengers for ransom.

Walter Matthau, a Transit Police lieutenant, tries to figure out how they expect to escape from a tunnel under the city and capture them without having the passengers all murdered.

What a fine movie! Crisis, suspense, hard-boiled characters, plenty of danger. It was a hold onto the arms of your chair kind of ride! We loved it!

When the lights came up I saw Kendall at the back, he gave me a thumbs up! And a big smile.

We headed to the Great Room that was empty of men. More Amaretto!

Stanton came through on his way back to the Game Room. He said he thought the players were in for a long haul. Okay!

We hung out for a while before breaking up. On the landing, kisses and hugs, goodnights.

An email to Thet and Sumate about the Iranian question. Could we have a plan to get our folks out if our `welcome' situation changed. We would have to have it prepared before the work started and be flexible to make alterations as needed. It also had to be kept secret with some method of contacting our people when it was necessary to kick off.

I had Jaidee on our bed rubbing him. I turned out the light after he went to sleep in his.

Cho slipped in later. A kiss! Sleep.

Tessa alongside as we dismounted at the lock. The fellow there waving, we smiled and waved back as we walked over the top of the lock. He saw we had two bags, I called out `care package for Roy.' He was still laughing as we walked over the weir.

It was a short ride to Roy and Angie's. I knocked on their door, a young fellow answered. A grandnephew!

I said Hi could I speak to Roy or Angie. Roy came from behind...

"Miss Martin, come in. Hey boy show some manners. Right this way."

"We can't stay but we thought you might..." we laid the bags on their kitchen table, "... need a few extras."

Angie looked at the cookies and chocolate cake, her eyes big and round, her favourite!

"Miss Martin, you shouldn't have!"

`Well... Okay I know it isn't fish but..."

She was so pleased. A hug! Roy brought the boys in, he introduced them. Twelve and fourteen, nice looking, tow-headed. They stared at our treasures.

My admonition was not to eat too much too fast! They all tried one of our Sue's iced sugar cookies. I could see they were terrible... they lasted about two seconds for the nephews.

I gave Roy's hand a squeeze at the front door, `Enjoy.' Many thanks from him!

We turned east back to Barton Lane. We walked the verge of the road passing the Sophos offices. Nate W. came running out, he'd seen us from his desk. He was in early!

"Miss Martin, I wanted to tell you we have a OS X Server version in development. I know it's taken a while but as least it's started."

I said that was great. We'd be interested. We had created some tools for ourselves and were using some great Mac OS Apps made by Patrick Wardle. I asked if Nate knew of him. A `No.' Look him up was my advice. We waved.

Across the road to our grass through a gate that my iPhone app opened.

Tessa smiling, "Ni's people are far more nimble in responding to a need than that big company."

I agreed but they have a more varied clientele to service than we do. We're an Apple shop.

We turned toward the river going down a winding path to the Thames River Path. We trotted along the path the Carmichael's house to our left, quiet at this hour. We could see our house across the river.

We paused for a look. The house had happy appearance in the morning sun, gray but warm. The sun making sparkling lights of the windows. The Garden trees as a green edge underneath, the bigger ones on the sides. The Stables were mostly blocked by trees and bushes. The paddocks down the slope in their circlets of white fencing, bright green grass inside, were handsome.

The whole `scene' out of a pictorial history book. Tessa's face a bit rapt staring across the space.

We went on towards the Boat Yard. There were two Thames Valley Police vehicles in the road at the yard entrance. The PC smiled and let us go in. A man was in the back of his car.

Dennis was speaking with another PC and a sergeant, Neil from our Security was there with a colleague.

Neil came over to me, "Miss, a fellow broke into the office a few hours ago. We caught him inside, the police are taking him away."

Dennis came over, I leaned down to shake his hand.

"Miss Martin, the Security folks picked him up when he came down the lane. He broke a pane of glass in the door and went in but was nabbed right after that. No problem except for the glass."

I was happy no one was hurt. Neil said the fellow is `known' to the police, he was caught inside so it seems open and shut.

I thanked them both. Dennis said he probably thought we'd have cash with the boat rentals and all. A smash and grab didn't seem to me a smart technique for a robber. Well sounds like he's been there before.

The sergeant was new to me, a jolly face and a bit more stomach than he ought to have but a happy demeanor to go with the face. We shook hands.

"Your folks are right good, Ma'am. Make it easy."

Smiling I said we were glad not to have the police visit but we try to accommodate. He laughed.

Tessa and I pushed on. Just a morning nudge to remind us of the problems of life.

We moved away from the Path so we could run. Roland responded with a great gallop to the Industrial Estate, Max and Tessa a bit behind. Roland appeared to be getting back in racing form! The exercise riders would need to up their game when taking him out. I'd said something to Anthony so Gregory would know.

Over the lock into Sandford, all quiet, barely awake. Southward Roland was very willing to run hard again. We eased to walk at the property line, I watched Freddie with a couple of youngsters as we cooled down.

Freddie always smiling as he worked them on the grass track. One was Heather's yearling black colt. I got a thumbs up from Freddie when I said he looked good. Learning run properly.

I mentioned to Gregory my thought on Roland, he said Anthony had mentioned it, he'd tell them. I said Roland's work effort appeared to even more pronounced. Fist bump!

The Breakfast Room only had Rona and Sue. Sue had been up to nurse Rosalie. We were eating when a few more ladies came in, the men sleeping off their poker game. Cho came dressed for golf looking rested and terrific.

Malee laughed, "Cho appears like magic ready to go... where are your buddies?"

A shrug, "Some of us are made of sterner stuff."

He raised his arms to flex his biceps to great laughter! A hug and kiss from me.

As his golfing buddies dribbled in, Cho got the event at the Boat Yard info. As I finished Yonne came in. Cho pointed to the food... Yonne said he had his but he got coffee.

"The fellow we caught is as the Americans say a `three time loser' so I guess we can say he needs a new profession. He will most like end up with a custodial sentence for this caper given his past. A glazer will be out today to replace the broken pane."

Cho shook his head, "Did we have much cash there?"

Yonne smiled, "Practically nothing as Dennis or his number two take it to the bank in the late afternoon before the bank closes. They do so much credit card activity the cash hardly ever amounts to a hundred pounds. And it's in the safe. Our visitor was not the safe `cracking' type."

Cho shrugged, "Dennis is doing it right. Do you know if the insurance will pay for the glass?"

Yonne had learned a lot about the insurance recently said there was a hundred pound minimum and this wouldn't reach that. His turn to shrug.

I laughed. "You guys might be Frenchmen from last century with those shoulder actions."

Cho smiled, he had to tell Yonne who didn't know French mannerisms. Yonne grinned.

The golfers took off. One round, straight back because we had a trip for later in the afternoon. IrishRainbow was racing at Ascot. Quick trip by helicopter, twenty minutes or so.

I went to the Nursery for some fun! Charlie and Chani beside me with the other babies close with their moms. I read a story about horses on a farm. All those eyes watching, very cute.

A drawing of a chestnut horse got a `Ga' from Charlie and a quick explanation for the moms.

We had music, I got the Twins up to dance, they had puzzles, a soft cookie snack and juice!

I met Tara at the Stables. Rebel and Lu were ready. Penny was in a paddock with Yvonne learning! She waved, "I like this!"

A thumbs up from me.

We headed to Harcourt Close. The superintendent met me at the gate. It looked marvelous. Nice brick homes, garages, gardens, lots of trees around!

"Miss Martin, we are on schedule!" Fist bump which made him laugh. "I do that with my boys."

We were down to a few weeks or less to completion. Now we had to decide who will move in. Prasert and Ellie for sure, Audra and Andy, Ali and Francis, I wanted to ask Gil if she was interested. Then Will and Eliza with Beth. Anthony had his heart set on a local girl, very sweet and pretty, Theodora, `Teddie.'

I needed to talk to Yonne about one of the houses. A bachelor but we wanted the estate head of Security to have a house. Thomas' family was in the house we had put aside already. I wanted to consider some of Carla's staff, many were married living locally. I would consult with her and them.

We had to consider what else we would add locally like the museum. It had to have a full-time director. Richards was taken care of for housing right in the Denham School grounds. Dave and Ruby owned their own house in the village. Dennis and his family lived on the west side of Radley in an old family home. Archie and Margie in their farm house were very comfortable.

I turned us back to toward the Stables then south down the hill and up the slope to the left. We went past Katie's house heading for the Oxford Road. We followed the road eastward towards the Garden Centre. We turned in there.

Dave was alerted we had ridden in. He came out to shake hands. He and Ruby were fine. The business was doing very well... I slid down.

"I guess Carter keeps you up on that?"

"Yes I wanted to ask you about people you were considering for your role when you decide to go."

A rueful look, "Well... I blame Ruby..." smiling eyes came to mine, "... she says I have enjoyed going to work more since I'm on salary and not having to worry so much over the figures as an owner. So while I work with several good people I really haven't pushed them like I should."

I had laughed but stopped. "If you want to stay longer it's fine with us but I still want you to get some staff on a track for more responsibilities. It would make your holiday time easier wouldn't it?"

"Yes, I've been slacking. I've two good workers with real potential. I'll get off my arse!"

We were both laughing. Fist bump. Dave gave me a knee up. We waved goodbye going north along the Oxford Road on the verge. It was a couple of miles to our delivery drive, we turned up that and down to the Stables.

I let Ethan know we hadn't ridden too hard, they'd been walked a good deal.

Time to dress for Ascot. Cho was home and dressing. Me a quick wash and into my surprise outfit. I didn't know if I'd be welcome after this.

The slender shaped cutaway black jacket with tails, a white long sleeved shirt small wing collar and a narrow black bow tie. Slender cut black trousers that stopped above my ankles with a narrow satin stripe up the side. A black satin cummerbund. Black ankle strap high heels. Silver jewellery, silver hinged one inch band. Silver loops at my ears. Red nails and lips! A Harcourt Racing pin on my lapel.

Cho applied the `Joy' I opened the hatbox for the top hat! In the mirror I was sleek and skinny, very cute! Cho agreed!

I knew Ascot had a rule everyone was to dress appropriate to their gender which was silly. They wanted to regulate beyond their remit. I wanted to tweak them into changing. People should be able to dress however they we believe they are. They should `stay out' was what I wanted. So we'll see if I get booted.

Cho in his cutaway, gorgeous black! A silver gray vest! A top hat! He looked perfect!

PJ and Rande with us in cutaways too! Harcourt Racing green and yellow ties.

The helicopter arrived.

We lifted off gaining height going southeast. We approached from the west over the Ascot High Street, a looping turn to starboard to settle on the helipad just across the street from the Grandstand. We were out, walking towards the road crossing.

An Ascot guide met us at the sidewalk. She gave me a look... I thought she liked my outfit. Definitely nothing negative.

She escorted us through the West gate and down the staircase on the left. Around a corner and into the Parade Ring. On the circular road to the entrance, we went up to the Owners and Trainers Viewing level.

We walked through towards the track and stopped at the railing above the standing area. Our guide said she was glad we had come. A smile. I thanked her.

Cho went in for drinks as we had a short wait. PJ smiling, "So the Queen is... " one finger pointing up.

I said yes. I leaned close, "We won't bother her if she doesn't bother us." Grins!

I looked around, men in cutaways all over, the women's frocks were mild to wild. A riot of colour and design. Some tacky, some nice but I`d didn't care for most. Many sort of silly. I liked my clothes.

An older woman came over from a gaggle of badly dressed older ladies, "Are you a boy or a girl?"

I smiled, "I've often asked myself that very question. Today I'm partly boy."

She acted very huffy, fortunately she went back to her friends. A younger woman went over to them, leaning in she said something pointing to me. The old ladies' heads swung around to me. I could see them in the corner of my eye I was holding in my laughter.

Their interlocutor approached. She smiled, "Miss Martin? I am Lady Rosewood."

She extended her hand, we shook. "I must apologize for the ladies, they are how shall we say `out of touch."

She was wearing a very nice dress, one of the best, in coral with darker coral accessories.

"I like your suit. You have the figure for it! I'd rather be in jeans right now myself."

We laughed. "I'm quite good in jeans too! So what did they say when you told them who I was?"

A smile, "They didn't want to believe me."

I laughed. "I do have a question. What is the cellphone etiquette here? I'm waiting on a call from one of our businesses."

A finger pointing to herself, "Shawn. Yes, you can use your phone but the signal is usually poor. I think they do that on purpose." A shrug.

I said `Fay' we shook again. I said I see the ladies are talking to some official looking fellow.

Shawn said don't worry they might disapprove of your outfit but they won't say anything to you. "You're a different kind of celebrity, you own and race horses and around here that counts. You also win a lot!"

We laughed together as Cho returned. I did the introductions and how we met. Cho motioned to the `gaggle, "Is that them?'

I nodded. I got my club soda and lime, sipped. The official follow came over. He said his name which I missed but he welcomed us to Ascot.

"Miss Martin, Mr. Cho we are very pleased you have brought an entry, best of luck."

He took himself off. Shawn smiling, "See they wouldn't dare bother you."

Cho asked what horses she had entered.

"Well its more my husband. I like to ride and manage the estate, he's the racing enthusiast. We had one earlier and one in the last race. Yours is up next right?"

Cho said he was indeed. He smiled, "He was eighth at the Kentucky Derby last year and at the gathering afterwards Fay made his owner an offer and he was ours. He improved to third at the Preakness and second at the Belmont Stakes. He was racing against his stable mate Glaa."

"Oh yes! That one's a beauty!"

"Indeed! At Fay's suggestion they went into different races for the balance of the season until the last, the Breeder's Cup Classic. IrishRainbow was unbeaten. They were one and two again in the Classic. Glaa just has too much."

Lord Rosewood, Alexander, arrived and Shawn introduced us. He was a hale and hearty fellow and nice. I could see Shawn liked him plenty! We talked for a while then the Diamond Jubilee Stakes was called. The horses were walking to the start off to the right. My glasses brought our silks into focus. Dom on top.

James joined us, we introduced him. Alexander said to James "Your horse is a fine runner. Is it true this is his first turf race?"

James said yes, he had run and trained on grass in California.

Alexander nodding, "That's why the odds are at 14-1."

They were getting ready. James close by said IrishRainbow was keyed up.

They were off. It was a six furlong race so it was short for our horse. The crowd of horses came pounding down the straight turf track... in my glasses I saw Dom asking. IrishRainbow began to pull away half way down the track he was three lengths clear and pouring it on!!

He was under a hand ride but picking up the pace... five... six lengths... he was roaring along. They closed to the finish in a blazing style! Dom's whip in the air! A eight length win. 1:08:50! A new record time for the six furlongs at this race course!

Cho and I bounced a bit. Being discreet! A very nice victory for IrishRainbow and Dom.

Alexander's smile, "I didn't say before... I've two twenty £ win tickets on him."

Cho shook his hand. Shawn gave me a hug.

"Alexander's an astute bettor, he rarely has a losing day."

"Well, I liked his record! The Pegasus World Cup win was just plain awesome. You've raced him in top flight competition and he excelled. I've never thought going from dirt to turf was any big important thing."

Cho patted his shoulder, "Glaa raced at Churchill Downs in the race before this year's Kentucky Derby in his first outing on grass. He won and set a new record for the distance. So I think as you do."

I nudged Cho, "Did we wager on this?"

The cute smile, "I did while getting the drinks. A thousand £'s on his nose."

Alexander laughed, "Very nice!"

We exchanged addresses and telephone numbers. We'd try to meet sometime when we were at Harcourt House. They understood we travelled a lot.

We went down to the Parade Ring to the Winner's Circle. We walked out onto the grass as IrishRainbow came in. His brown skin was shiny and gorgeous!

The ceremony was brief, thanks yous for racing at Ascot and a wonderful horse. Dom was jazzed.

We moved to the unsaddling lawn. I hugged Dom and gave IrishRainbow a hug too with a kiss.

"Fay, you did such a good thing last year!"

Smiles, "Thanks! Here's something for you... IrishRainbow's biggest fan is Robbie Robertson. He is so pleased at your success, not the smallest bit of envy at all."

Dom said he could see that, "Robbie is a good owner. He just listened to that trainer too much."

He was going to Santa Anita, he is great jockey but unknown over here so he had only a ride for this race. Today's showing should change that! IrishRainbow will relax for a bit at Harcourt House. Cho shook his hand. A hug!

Our guide re-appeared. We thanked her. She hesitated, I motioned her to go ahead.

"Your clothes are smashing. One of my colleagues said you were the best dressed woman here today."

I thanked her, a handshake.

We crossed the road to our helicopter. PJ had given them a heads-up. In a few minutes we lifted up and swung wide to the south away from the racecourse then turned north.

Cho had the bling. He laughed, "We swept in, ran them over and made our getaway!" All in a mock John Wayne drawl. Hilarious! We were all laughing out loud!

Carter at the door admiring Cho's trophy.

Cho grinning, "Another one for storage."

I said we have the land why don't we get an architect to do something. Cho raised his arms. Okay! `Email Kotro!' I did five minutes later sitting in undies in my Dressing Room.

Gil came towards us waving her iPad, "Fay you made the news already!"

She swung it around to show the Sun's webpage, me on the Owners terrace PJ slightly behind. A short video of me looking around using my glasses then Shawn coming over. Voiceover commenting on my clothes the words: sleek' chic' `stylish' all used, they also said my boy clothes were against Ascot's dress policy. The end was there might be changes made if someone like me did this. YES!

The Daily Mail said I had flagrantly violated the Ascot dress policy while the Queen was there. More pictures on their website. That was quick! The pictures didn't do their fast-take on my clothes any good since I looked splendid!

Even the BBC got me up on their webpage pretty quick. They mentioned the dress code but said I looked very good in my clothes which were quite appropriate dress for attending. More snaps and a short video.

The Guardian had me in their Culture' section, a snap with a link to a video. Nice crisp video which if anything ought to prove I knew how to wear a cutaway properly! They said my look was stylish' and did no harm to decorum at Ascot.

Well lots of notice for for us, we'd only been there a bit over an hour! We didn't try to go to the barn because the security was ramped up with the Queen being attendance. Cho collected our wager winnings on the way out, our share of the $738,000 prize would be sent. A profitable hour for sure.

I changed and joined Cho and our friends in the Nursery! Babies!! Charlie on my lap clapping for Chani who was airborne with her dad! Charlie got his turn. MFA too! Then Cho did everyone. Tiny Rosalie's eyes wide when came in for a landing in my arms. Sue laughing squeezing Eileen.

Caroline wanted to go again so did Anne! Arms up reaching toward Cho. He obliged them and the Twins with a second go `round. Giggling babies filled the room. Their nurses and parents all clapping.

Dinner time for the crowd! Parents carried their little ones down after the nurses descended to prepare. In the Breakfast Room there was FOOD! Hungry campers!

They joined us in the Great Room before our dinner.

Gil got a call from Charlotte, she wanted to stay at Upperville until a week or so before the Winterset Trials. Continuity right now as Sunny was making some changes to her Dressage routine. Fine with us. The house in California was ready and the stabling set. Gil told her all she needed to do was to coordinate with Kavat and Leslie.

Sunny's family was going down to Santa Ynez a few days before the event.

Gil had a few News UK items which I looked at, made decisions and she sent them off. The publisher thing was important I needed to talk with Adam before they leave tonight to be sure I'm doing it justice.

After dinner I asked Daphne to lend' Adam to me for a bit. She laughed, a please return without dents' line was great. He and I walked away laughing. We sat in the Library.

I asked him the question I asked myself. He said publisher's need to see that the ship is going where they want it to go... not look into the boiler room to see how the engines were being operated. I got that.

"I just want to know if I'm giving the job enough time."

"If you are taking care of the business Norma sends to you then you're fine."

I was doing that thanks to Gil.

He smiled, "You did all the work, with help of course, for the clinic, the programme for the health clubs and the education financing. We didn't do anything for that but agree. Do you want us to scout around for a publisher right now?"

"NO! I want you guys to operate the ship as you have been and not waste time on that for now."

Fist bumps! Okay!

We sent our friends off in the evening, waving at the cars going towards the drive. The house was emptied. Just us. So we sat to talk in the Great Room's silence.

Cho nodding as I related my talk with Adam. "You're right for them to concentration on the job at hand. You are doing fine."

We'd both gotten emails and texts from Francis and Ali. Some great snaps! They were loving the big house. Do, our gardener at the Forest Palace, was to take them to the little cabin in the woods. I'd told Ali about my clothes there so she could borrow them for the hike. There were two cameras they could carry. It was something I wanted to do again!

Francis' comment on the book I snuck in his bag, redundant!' Cho looking me??? I fessed up to inserting a copy of the `Kama Sutra Made Easy.' That got a huge laugh out loud from Cho!

He also heard there was a teardrop of luscious white chocolate from Washington, D.C. in there too. Cho said he hoped they didn't eat it all at once!

He confessed to having Amporn place an envelope on the bed in the apartment they would use in Bangkok. We were giving them the former guest rooms underneath Gil's apartment as theirs. Okay... what was in the envelope... 160,000Bahts which is about $5,000 or £3,800 as spending money for their days in Bangkok. A kiss!

I giggled, "I sent an email to Niran to print and put in an envelope to Ali to decorate the place how she likes."

Cho pulled me into his lap, "I've done the same thing in Paris for Audra and Andy. An envelope on the bed in the guest suite with €5,000. Lucien and Augusta will do it plus a cold bottle of Taittinger's by the bed side!" KISSING!!!!

I held his face telling about my deal with Augusta and Lucien for champagne, strawberries and melted chocolate. We laughed together!

My morning ride ended in a hard run from Sandford, Tessa on Max and Tara on Lu. I held Roland back so we stayed together. Great to slow down to a walk, smiles, fist bumps!

A visit to Secret Sea. She was nickering, her tail moving in big swishes. The mint being chewed. Dr. Crawford2's note said she was healthy. She was ready to be a mom. Ronnie beside me.

"Fay, she's such a good girl. She is happy here... Me too.'

A hug.

"I'm glad. You two California girls stick together," I did a fist bump with her.

I decided to wear the Edith Head green suit to Audra's wedding. It was cloudy right now in Gloucestershire but it was to clear and warm up.

The green skirt with a narrow white belt. The jacket lined in white silk will be warm enough for early summer. The white silk halter top under. Nude stockings and black heels.

A string of pearls around my neck, a bracelet of pearls on my left wrist, the gold torque on my right. Round gold earrings.

White linen gloves and a low white pillbox hat with white netting that came down under my chin. A medium green-blue eye shadow, pale red lips and nails. `Joy' done by my guy! The celadon Hermes Kelly bag in my hand.

Cho in a navy suit, a great look, a Harcourt Racing yellow tie.

Tara and Ken with Ansara and Ro climbed into the AW139 with us. It was less than a thirty minute flight, we had to avoid two RAF bases enroute.

Longwick was south of Gloucester, a town of about two thousand five hundred. It was a market town that was quite old, founded by a Lord Morin, a knight in William the Conqueror's army. As his `payment' for assisting William he received a large holding that surrounded Longwick going west to the River Severn, north almost to Gloucester and east to near today's Cirencester. It had been broken into thousands pieces over time.

Saint Edwards Church was near the centre of town, close by was a bowling green where we were given permission to land. A lad, a cousin to Audra, was there to greet us. Audra's family home was seventy five yards down a lane.

At the door a man of middle height, graying hair, spectacles and a black suit with a pearl gray vest was smiling.

"Today I'm the father of the bride otherwise I'm Jim."

We shook hands. Inside a woman who had to be Audra's mother smiling, Jen, "Hello... you both are very welcome. Audra is nearly ready."

Her figure was a bit round but well-proportioned in a nice dark blue dress. A happy bouncy mother of the bride!

Three young women in peach dresses, nice simple frocks with dark peach accessories came bustling down the stairs and through.

"She's ready to go."

A younger teen girl in a peach dress like the others came down followed by Audra in a white straight lined dress. It had a scoop neckline, short sleeves and a short train. She looked wonderful!

"Fay, Mr. Cho! Thank you for coming!"

We hugged, Cho took her hand, lifting it, she smiled, "Audra you are picture perfect for a bride!"

She did a slight blush. A `Mr. Cho!'

The bridesmaids were looking at my clothes before Audra's mom got them moving.

Our young fellow was detailed to get us to the church and our seats. We walked in the sunshine in no big hurry since the family was well behind us. We were almost to the church door, Ken said they weren't in sight.

The lad walked us in to sit on the bride's side fairly close to the front. I found out later Andy and Audra had tossed a coin to see which side we would sit. Audra won! Our protectors were against the wall near our pew.

We'd been handed the program at the doorway. I scanned it, a few hymns being played by the organ master, a greeting by the Reverend Daily then the bride would enter. The ceremony and they would exit as a pair!

The reception in a town hall room five minutes' walk.

Andy's mom and dad came in. They stopped to say hello.

Cho holding his mom's hand, "I think you should talk to Fay when this is over. There's a nice surprise for the new couple."

She nodded. They were a pleasant couple we'd seen around the village and at our Open House days.

I sat back holding Cho's left hand, a grin from him.

He leaned closer, "Were getting practice at this."

I squeezed the hand.

The organ started up. It had a nice tone. Not my favourite musical instrument.

There was a large crowd. Seemed like Audra's family was well thought of hereabouts.

Anthony came in from the side. Seeing us he came over.

"Our groom is a bit nervous... he's a happy fellow though."

Cho Grinned, "Was the second men's night too much?"

Anthony smiled, "It didn't get out hand. I will say there was an enormous about of liquor, a lot left over."

Another grin, "I'll see if the `man' can come out."

He went to where he popped out from. In a minute Andy was coming our way. He looked good in a cutaway.

We stepped into the aisle. Cho gave him a big handshake and hug. I did a hug.

"Thank you for coming. It's wonderful for Audra."

The second hymn was ending. I squeezed his hand.

"She's the one!"

His face opened in a gigantic smile, he nodded and dashed off to the front.

The priest got things started with a blessing and greeting to all to witness two loving young people become a married pair.

The organ started up the wedding march, we all stood up.

All the heads turned to the back to watch Audra and her father come down the aisle.

The veil hid her features as they moved smoothly across the stone floor.

Jim placing his daughter's hand in Andy's gave me a tug, Cho's hand tightened in mine.

They turned to face the priest. As he intoned the words I drifted once more... I tried to remember where my parents had married. Family bits like that didn't matter to them. They had lived very much in the present.

It was in Scotland... not Fortrose... Edinburgh I think! I should look in the family bits at Basuto Road or call Aunt Dee.

I was jerked back to now Cho released my hand to applaud Audra and Andy. They were wed!

The organist began playing the exit. As they passed us Audra reached her hand I leaned over Cho to clasp it for a second. Andy smiling brightly.

They headed around back to do the signing of documents. Everyone streamed out into the sun. Audra's parents by us.

"Okay that's one down," from her dad. Jen shushed him, "Don't say that."

Audra had two younger sisters so her dad felt the pressure. And they were still at home!

Andy's mom and dad came alongside. We told them one of the three bedroom houses on Harcourt Close was for them.

"So they better make you grandparents straightaway!"

Lots of laughs and they were pleased the new couple would have their own place.

Small talk until we neared the village hall. Several of the bridesmaids came up to us. They asked if I was really Fay Martin. Andy's dad did an eye roll urging his wife on. She smiled and shook her head.

Okay. I didn't think I should kid them, they seemed too earnest, easy to hurt. One looked like Audra. I asked her, she said yes.

My mischievous nature couldn't be denied... "You don't think Audra would invite a fake Fay Martin.. do you?"

They did a pause on that looking at each other... then her sister grinned, "Okay! Miss Martin she talks about you a lot."

"Audra sees me every day, many times a day when were are at Harcourt House. We rely on her. So..."

The sister smiled, "Well you're tops in her book! Oh... should I have said that?"

My smile let them know it was okay.

They turned to go in the hall, "We love your clothes!"

I waved as they ran on. Cho with one of those little grins. I nudged him with an elbow. He took me his arms... Eyes on mine... I lifted my net veil... a KISS!

Someone going by said `lucky devil' loud enough to hear. Cho didn't let me go as he gave the fellow a thumbs up!

I was beaming after that kiss! I got out my mirror and lipstick, Cho used a Cho-Fay handkerchief to wipe his lips.

We went arm in arm to the reception hall. Inside we got glasses of white wine. I could see some folks looking our way. Too bad Fay! No sunglasses to hide behind.

Anthony as Best Man was gathering folks... he made a very fine short speech about friendship which he said he thought was the basis of a good marriage. He grinned broadly, by that standard Audra and Andy would have a wonderful marriage!

"Not to presume... I know several couples who are like that... "he looked our way with a smile then to Andy's parents, "... they enjoy each other's company thoroughly."

He wished health, wealth and happiness on the new couple. A rousing cheer for the newlyweds.

I could see Andy shake Anthony's hand, Audra kissed his cheek.

We stayed back so their friends and family could be close.

Two teenage girls approached, Ken watched, a smile on his face.

The blond with a ponytail, "Miss Martin, your clothes are terrific!"

I thanked her. She said she wished she could design clothes like that. I told her the design was from the 1950's done by a woman who did clothes for Hollywood movies.

"If you want to design you need to learn about fabric and how to use the different types. It isn't just sewing or drawing clothes."

A shy smile and a thank you. I said I was Fay... Lorena, the shy smile came back.

Cho's arm around my waist squeezed, a kiss on my neck.

Jen, Audra's mom, brought us fresh glasses of wine. She looked quite happy.

She and Jim had only met Andy a few times but Audra made it plain he was the man for her.

"When I was a girl we just got to the point of making those decisions for ourselves not that my father wasn't fussing about having to `meet' Jim."

We laughed, I said it was easier for Cho and I but we'd probably revert when it was our daughter Chani's turn. Jen laughed saying she understood. Cho thanked her for the wine.

I saw Lorena coming back with a woman. Cho's lips near my ear, `You started something.' I squeezed his hand.

"Miss Martin, this is my mum." We said hello.

Lorena asked if I knew a place where she could learn properly about designing.

"I do make clothes now for myself and friends." She opened her arms, a pirouette, "I did this two weeks ago."

It was a nice frock in navy with short sleeves and a boyish collar a few inches above the knee in an A line shape. Nice shiny black buttons down to the waist. A lovely simple shape with clean lines.

I could see her mum wasn't sold on the whole `designing' thing. Lorena was seventeen and a half, she had done her exams but didn't think university was for her.

I reached into my bag for two `Gil' cards. I asked Lorena for an email address. Cho offered her his Mont Blanc to write on the reverse of one card. I took that and handed her the other after I added the Denham School website address..

"This woman will send you an email with some information and there's the website for a school that will open in the autumn. There are designers from London who will teach courses on design, fabrics, sewing and more. You take a look and email her any questions you have. She's very good about replying."

She looked at the card. I leaned over, "Gil is my Personal Assistant." I gave her a hug. She was a bit glazed.

I stood beside her mum as Lorena went over to clutch of girls who looked to be her age.

I said, "Her dress is very good, simple and neat." She gave me a look, wondering...

I smiled, "The school is near our Oxfordshire estate. We are starting Denham School for young people like Lorena who have skills but universities don't have what they need. Or others who just want to learn for a job change or for pleasure. The first term will have computer programming, cooking, equestrian, photography and clothes design and creation classes."

I said sit with Lorena and look at the website. She seemed to have softened listening to me.

"Miss Martin, Lorena is a smart girl, friendly and hardworking... I really don't want her to be a checker or just minding babies."

I squeezed her hand, I leaned close, "That's good, she should be able to see what she can do."

I turned to Cho my hand out, "If she decides to try Denham School... " I held Cho's hand, "... she could receive a scholarship to pay her fees with room and board."

Big eyes! "Miss Martin, why that's amazing. Where... Who...?"

I smiled, "From us! If she tries the school for a term and it doesn't suit her that's Okay."

She called Lorena back, the teen's eyes were huge when her mum explained our offer. She was bouncing on her toes! I got hugged.

I held her hand, "Go look at the website and connect with Gil. Okay?"

She was nodding smiling bouncing and clapping silently all at once! I repeated she could come for one term to see if it was what she wanted. Boom she was gone telling her mum she was going to look online.

Her mum smiling, "You lit a fire."

"Well.. please be sure she thinks about it too."

We shook hands. We were thanked for being generous to Lorena. Cho's smile was all I needed!

In his arms, "My Dear... you can't keep making people happy... what will the poets and balladeers have to write about?"

A hug and we went to say goodbye to the new couple.

Audra cried in my arms, "Fay..."

I embraced her, "I remember the look on your face when I gave the flowers to you last year. I knew whomever put that loving look there was the person for you."

She was crying until Andy handed her an Andy-Fay handkerchief then it was a dazzling smile.

"You care for us which is so wonderful!" More hugging.

I gave Andy one too! Looking at him, "Right from my first leg up I thought you were a `good 'n' and Thames' mother's marker sealed it."

Smiles! "We have a small wedding gift for you two. The new house on Harcourt Close you know about AND five thousand £'s to buy furniture."

Audra jumped to embrace me, Andy and Cho shaking hands! They called their parents over to tell them. More hugs and handshakes.

Final kisses after I took off the veil. We wished them a good time in Paris. We had another surprise for them... in a backhanded deal with a friend of Andy's dad who did travel reservations their flight tickets had been dummied up. Fake tickets.

Cho and I holding their hands with parents grinning... Cho told them in about an hour another helicopter was going to land on the bowling green for them to fly to Paris direct. A car at the heliport to our house on Quai Bethune.

A cascade of hugs kisses and thank you's!! We waved from the doorway.

Out into the sun was nice, warm! A pleasant but short walk. The helicopter lifted us away turning east.

We walked from the lawn across the forecourt. Carter smiling, "So they've done it?"

I said yes and Audra was a beautiful bride. "I'm sure you'll see plenty of snaps!"

A quick change and into the Breakfast Room where the Twins were eating lunch. Kisses! We made it for the `Nana' phase! Charlie holding his showing those pearly white teeth. Munch!

Lunch for us. We hadn't eaten anything at the reception.

Erin Lonsdale called Gil after lunch with some real estate news. She found a building that might suit for our Security in Fulham. It was a half dozen blocks from our house on a side road. Four floors, non-descript, gray with a big flat roof.

Her interior description said it had the usual load bearing walls but the rest could we easily moved or replaced to re-configure the layout on each level. There was a basement that's was about seventy five percent the size of the ground floor, dry, concrete with big loading door and driveway.

Cho and I looked at the snaps, Thomas joined us. We asked him to go up to town and look it over. He knows what we have planned so... So if it suits... do it! Fist bump. He called Erin right away to set a time for tomorrow morning.

Gil sat with her iPad between Cho and I to watch the video of Sunny at the Upperville trials. One of Winnie's people had done a terrific job blending the various files from all our folks. There was music, clear audio and the Opening and Closing ceremonies as well as some establishing video of the farm.

Really well done!

Gil grinning, "I watched it earlier and sent a congrats to Winnie! Sunny has has it too." Yea!

Gil had already put it up on our file server so the grandparents in Bangkok and her family in Seattle could view it.

"In case Sunny hasn't emailed you... Bradley Blake and her have been texting and emailing. Sunny said it's all about horses, competitions and the like. Little personal stuff. Her comment to me was `Mom can read it all anytime she wants.' So Sunny is being up front."

I know I was smiling, "Well I can't advise her since I didn't have the adolescent girl phase experience."

We all laughed.

Gil said the conference call for this evening was set. It was a 21st Century Fox Board meeting. A video conference and for the first time everyone was going to be at their homes. It was the first anniversary of our takeover.

Cho said to me there'd probably be another member leaving, William.

"He joined as a favour to me and Pedro so one year was all we expected. We'll see see what he wants to do with his shares."

Dinner from Maxine! She planned it, organized it, cooked a good deal. It was easier for her since it was Cho, Gil and I. She did enough soup for the staff too.

A bouillabaisse with four kinds of fish and eel. Maxine had experience making this. Fish cakes from cod nicely grilled with a citrus white wine sauce, A dish of baked broccoli, new potatoes, carrots, and onions w/ fresh rosemary sprigs and cracked pepper, parmesan over the top, cross buns and butter!

A dessert of yellow pound cakes cut and shaped into a stable with a golden-brown icing, there were tiny horses of marzipan around. It was Sue's contribution.

Cho and I talked racers. Two year olds. Sasithorn was to move to Santa Anita from Pleasant Valley and race in two year old stakes at Del mar and Santa Anita. She looked good on the track.

Thaksin loves grass so he'll go to Jonny in France from Santa Anita. We have four or five races for him.

BlackStar had won twice already in two races, he was up for more at Ascot and other English tracks.

Kannika would ship from Bangkok to Pleasant Valley to train for her first start at Saratoga in the With Anticipation Stakes. We had five races for her, the first against all comers. Kannika, a glorious white filly, whose sire was Asda. Her dam was owned by another Thai breeder who brought his best dam to Asda, we bought her a few months back. She'd been in Rabam with Chek learning. Now she'll step up!

We sat together in the Office to do the conference app meeting. We did 21st Century Fox corporate business. Everyone knew we bought Bennett's shares which segued us to William. Neither Mac or Hélène wanted to add shares so the William's shares would be divided between the other five of us.

William would leave the board effective at the end of the next day after the shares had been transferred.

With our purchase of Bennett's shares we had a controlling interest now this new group just pushed it further. I was stuck now being out in front with Cho.

Everybody was happy with things as they worked out. Bennett's staying on the Board was good. William said he'd have stayed if he didn't have so much else going on which was fine with us.

We leaned back afterwards smiling, it had gone well no one upset with reordering of the Board or re-distribution of the shares. Ken called us directly afterwards saying he was pleased with our leadership. Lori and Pedro called later too. They were glad of the company's direction was in our hands.

Our U.S. West Coast crowd was solid!!

We looked in on the twins... asleep! Damn they are cute! Tha's light out. We retreated quietly.

Kate, Duchess of Cambridge, was coming this morning for the opening of EFT. We had the RSPCA, several rescue groups who would bring horses to us, local people from the Chalgrove neighborhood and a lot of news folks all attending. We have coffee, tea, soft drinks and water, cookies,

Kate arrived at Harcourt House, she joined Cho and I to drive over in our cars to the EFT front gate. There were news people setting up. We created a briefing guide that Kate got in an email so she would know the important bits.

We did a welcome for the media, local people and the animal welfare groups we'd invited.

Kate did the ribbon cutting. The big red bow I promised made her smile. The media folks getting their snaps.

We had several equine residents brought out by Cormac's crew to greet the guests and media. We explained that no horse would be turned away and we would give them complete care for the rest of their lives. An important portion of EFT's efforts was training ex-racers to be ordinary saddle horses for pleasure riding. Also we would screen the horses to see if they were candidates for training as equestrian mounts.

We would prepare likely horses to be re-homed to good families that had been vetted by ourselves and the RSPCA. Any horse leaving would be given a total physical exam, inoculations and any necessary medications.

There was an around the clock staff, medical care and security for the entire farm. Open paddocks and pastures for them to run and explore and trails through the woods. Brand new barns and stables, heating systems and acreage for growing vegetables for the horses and staff.

They got to see the Drs. Crawford offices and treatment rooms and attached hospital stables.

Back at the front before we broke for refreshments we made it plain that the horses living here were in our charge and we took that role very seriously.

Kate had been with us, speaking to the news folks. She said she had visited Harcourt House with Will and their children where she had a wonderful ride with me. She told them her visit to our stables was delightful, meeting so many beautiful horses. The stallions, mares and babies!

We got coffee and cookies while chatting with guests, news people and local folks we had invited. Our neighbors liked the idea of a low impact use of the land and they were welcome to come visit whenever they liked.

The news reps were being polite and staying within the rules we laid out in advance. The Sun and The Times had reporters here as well as Sky UK so our own media was well represented. I tried not to show any favouritism.

I was beside Kate getting more coffee. A smile, she said sotto voce, "Did you put the fear of god into the news people?"

I said we had informed them of the event and it would treated as an open gathering and expected that EVERYONE would be treated as a friend. Any breaches of decorum would be punished by ejection and banishment.

She laughed, "Did you say banishment?"

"No but it's modern media equivalent." We laughed!

A fellow who farmed nearby came for coffee, he thanked me for this meet and greet.

"Miss Martin, you've ridden across my fields a few times. I'm the other side of Chalgrove. My youngest goes to the Primary School. You are quite the hero for the new computers."

Smiling, "Thank you for that. And for not minding my riding on your land."

"No worries! You are welcome any time!"

I shook his hand. He was delighted to have been introduced to Kate. Quite amazed to meet the Duchess!

We excused ourselves. Kate looking at me, "You gave computers to the school?"

"Yes, we gave them three iMacs, a Windows 10 laptop and a colour printer. Their computers were older and running an obsolete version of Windows which left them vulnerable malware, viruses and such. We gave a colour printer and some tech help to St. Alban's, the Church of England school down the road in Chalgrove."

She leaned close, "You both are very generous with your money."

"As Cho said the other day, there's so much and we could spend half of it ourselves and leave Chani and Charlie in the top ten wealthiest people. So we can afford to to be open handed."

I moved us to a fence line out of the way.

"We recently decided to pay all the school fees for children going to St. Thomas Church of England School in our village."

I laughed, "We stuck the Headmaster with managing it though!"

A smile on her face, "Fay, I doubt there's anyone else like you and Cho in England."

I said we believe money brings rewards and responsibilities.

Fist bump!

The event was being wound down, the news people got there snaps and video and a lot of words. Our local friends did thank yous. The rescue groups were pleased we were open to them to bring horses in need. I did make the point that donkeys, burros or other large four legged animals were also quite welcome. The RSPCA group shook hands happy to have a new partner in protecting animals.

I did ask the RSPCA rep if they knew of two dogs who were buddies and friendly to humans and horses. We'd like to have a pair here. She said she'd find out right away when I said soon as you can. We shook on it!

When we got home Cho went to play golf.

Kate stayed for lunch at the house before her drive back to London. She let me know that a trip to Thailand would be very nice and asked what did she need to do. I pointed to Gil who giggled.

Gil made sure Kate had a her business card.

"All I would need is the date of departure. Our people would have an aircraft at Chalgrove to fly direct to Phuket. Cars at the airport waiting. They wouldn't have to worry about food. The house had everything you need. Our Security would provide protection and transportation to any place they wanted to go."

Kate had a wonderful smile as she stepped into her car.

Carter2 closed the door. I waved her down the drive.

Gil at the doorway, "Fay the bookstore in Paris has found a copy of the book you wanted. Here are the snaps they sent to see if it's Okay with you."

The book looked to be in excellent condition. Monsieur Verlaine's opinion was it hadn't ever been read as the binding was in perfect condition.

I asked Gil to get a Cho-Fay Air AW139 ready and call Paris to say I would pick the book up. Cho was still playing golf so Gil texted Rande with the news I was flying to Paris.

Prasert drove Gil, PJ and Tessa and I to Chalgrove. We lifted off right away. An hour and a quarter to the Paris heliport, a car would be waiting.

I was wearing the same clothes, a white cotton, sleeveless top for over a white silk softly pleated skirt, a white belt with a large round gold buckle. Red Jimmy Choo heels. Gold jewellery Joy' I had a white Coach Charlie' bag and my red round sunglasses!

We flared for landing. Smooth.

Inside the terminal the manager greeted me, happy to meet a part owner. He said they had a call about my car it was in an accident, no injuries but it was undriveable. They were sending a replacement.

I saw taxis out front.

To Gil, "Please call the car service to re-route the car to the bookstore we'll use a couple of taxis."

PJ with me in the back seat. He was grinning. I gave him an elbow, gently. He laughed.

The driver zipped along through the traffic very efficiently with a minimum of near-misses. I looked back... Tessa and Gil's taxi was close behind.

We pulled up outside the shop on Boulevard Saint-Germain, I paid the taxi fellow and gave him a big tip for the quick ride. A huge smile.

Monsieur Verlaine was amazed to see me come through his door.

"Miss Martin, you do surprise!"

We shook hands. In his office I looked at the book, perfect! M. Verlaine was smiling. I paid him with my American Express and many thanks!

"Miss Martin, I am honoured to have been able to provide this service."

I kissed his cheek at the door. A big smile.

The replacement car was outside and took us straight to Quai de Bethune. Gil had let Lucien know we'd there briefly. I took his hand at the door. Up the stairs quickly to the Library. I slipped the new volume in place of the old.

Lucien had some wrapping paper and a soft bag for me. A hug for Augusta and we were gone. Back to southwest Paris and off into the air. We had been in the city for about sixty minutes. The flight back to Harcourt House and a nice landing on the right side lawn.

Cho and Carter at the door. Hug, kiss for Cho and a fist bump for Carter. In the Great Room I gave Cho the story.

A headshake, "You are funny. I am glad you have it. We can ship it or... see if we make a detour to Martinique to deliver it."

I hopped into his lap, "I've never been there..."

"Me either! So let's see how things shake out."

My morning ride with Tara and Penny! We were out going down the lane as dawn was breaking. Penny had been working up to this for many weeks. We had a warmup then a good gallop down to the lock. A `Good Morning' with the lockman and Roy.

Roy had big thanks again for the `care' package! "The nephews really enjoyed it and Angie said to tell your cook the cake was marvelous."

I squeezed his shoulder, "I'll pass it along. Good luck."

After the water crossings we rode in a good trot towards the underpass. Penny on Con was doing fine. Con was a good steady fellow.

Up past Margie and Archie's place to Hall Street. Straight north a hard gallop which Roland was enjoying. He really was getting into these rides! We slowed to a stop near the yurts.

Tara got me to stop. Pointing down the lane and motioning to Penny. They were on alert now. She walked Rascal down the lane towards the treeline that was about one hundred and fifty feet from the river. We could see what looked like maybe a tent there under the trees.

Penny called the Security folks at the Industrial Estate Annex and stayed in front of me. I heard Tara's voice as as Angelique and Franco came running between the `Addition' and the Recording Studio. Penny and I moved off the lane as one of our cars came up behind us.

I was watching Tara, she was still on Rascal but her hands were full of Glock. Whoever was there had done something... our Security reached her and pulled a person out of the tent, face down in the grass.

I saw Tara put her weapon away so it must be Okay. We moved that way slowly. Penny put her Glock away.

The man was brought to his feet, hands cuffed behind his back. A black cloth bag went over his head, it reached to his mouth. They searched him, nothing of note until they got to his ankles... a small automatic in one sock and a knife in the other. Those dainty bits were bagged.

Angelique looking in his tent carefully handed out a rifle with a telescopic sight.

She stood up, "It was under his sleeping bag."

Marshall who had driven over said the Thames Valley Police knew and would be sending a car.

Angelique told him to inform them of his having weapons.

They handed his ID to me to see if I knew the name. I didn't but... I motioned to Angelique. She took the driving license, it seemed to have some discolouration along one edge.

"Miss Martin, it's probably a fake. The details and paper are good but it wasn't sealed very well."

She stepped close to the fellow, "You want to tell us your real name?"

He shook his head no. Okay! The Thames Valley folks can work on that.

His weapons had live ammunition and the knife was very sharp.

I motioned to Angelique, "He carries himself well like he feels secure. Maybe he's had practice. You should look for tattoos."

Her eyes bright! Fist bump!

Our people opened his shirt and pulled it down his arms. Several tattoos, one a favourite of SAS members. Our guest wasn't happy about it.

I waved Angelique close, I leaned down, "Take a snap of his face and send it to Carl on the off-chance he might recognize this bird. Also a shot of the tattoo in case it has some feature making it special." A big grin from her!

He was photographed and she sent the snaps off. Carl was on-duty and called her right away. Angelique and I moved from earshot down the lane so she could put it on speaker. I slipped down.

"Miss Martin, Angelique, I know him, not well but we did have several brief jobs together. His name is John Hughes, tell the Thames Valley people he was from a small town in Yorkshire originally. He was in the Regiment for several years I think. I don't know anything about his service record as I wasn't his superior."

I thanked Carl. Fist bump with Angelique. We stood beside Roland looking at Mr. Hughes, the bag back over his head and Marshall holding him lifting by the handcuffs. Another Security car rolled in. Yonne!

Our new friend was bundled in and driven away with Yonne and Marshall to the Annex. Franco took snaps of the whole scene as Angelique gathered his stuff. All went into the boot of the first car. I remounted and we moved to the café side of the Recording Studio to tie our horses.

Okay this ride is fouled up. Coffee from Lotte! Then we walked over to the Annex.

Our guest sitting in a holding cell with what only be seen as a disgusted look. Tara beside me.

"So John Hughes who were you looking to kill?"

His head jerked up with that. He was surprised to be found out so quickly it registered plainly.

I received a nasty glaring stare. It was wasted on me.

"Maybe me? My husband? Our children?"

A shake of the head.

Marshall had his effects on a table, "Miss Martin!"

He held up some pictures which had been hidden inside a panel of the rucksack. Cho, me and Chani and Charlie. They looked like news pictures or from a glossy magazine. Clear enough!

The Thames Valley Police arrived. An inspector with six men. We shook hands as introduction were done. They took a look at our new friend in the cell. His being ex-SAS was mentioned and that he'd been ID'd by one of our Security staff who'd served briefly with him.

I talked with the inspector saying we would like this tamped down as far as possible. He said they could say a man sleeping rough near Kennington had been apprehended, he had weapons and was being held on charges relating to those.

I told him there was an ongoing issue. He nodded when I gave him the name of the chief inspector we had dealings with earlier. I smiled my thanks as we shook hands.

He sat with Tara for a few minutes, he wanted a quick story then she'd have to attend the station in Oxford for a fuller statement.

Tara said the side of the tent was a straight line in the shrubbery making it stand out. We had all seen it once she pointed it out.

Tara said she approached the tent, the fellow looked out at the horse's hoof sounds.

"I asked him to step out and said he was trespassing. When he leaned down towards his ankle I put my weapon on him and assured him I would shoot him. He put his hands behind his neck as I asked and then our Security folks arrived. Once he was cuffed on the ground I put my weapon away."

"Did he say anything to you?"

"No he was silent,"

She was thanked. The inspector said the fellow's agenda will have to be brought out.

The CPS would have leverage with the weapons according to the inspector since the rifle was not a hunting weapon, it was military. The serial number on the handgun was obliterated to the naked eye.

Mr. John Hughes was put in the Thames Valley Police van with four officers. Hands shaken all around.

I did better... hugs for our folks!

We walked our horses to the lock and over. A wave for the lock operator. We moved through Sandford and onto the grass quickly. Then we warmed our horses and a gallop part of the way home. Anthony got the news we'd had a big break so no one had run the full way.

Cho looking at me as I told him about the incident. I let him know I hadn't gone close and Penny had been right there. Tara had done a great job of being aware and cautious.

"You did great with the snaps for Carl to see." Fist bump, hug and kiss!!

I told Cho about the fellow's reaction to my using his name!

"I was going to say something about `you-know-who' but decided not to."

"Just as well he didn't need to know what we `know.' Some secrets are good."

"The fellow surrendered easily enough. I'm sure Tara made it clear she'd shoot him..."

Carl came up. He really didn't know much more except he'd called a friend in the interim. They said Hughes had left the Regiment under a cloud of some kind.

I thanked him.

Cho called the Oxford solicitors, giving them the story and that the ex-SAS man's demeanor might mean he felt he had some sort of cover from people. They would visit the police station for a word with the commanders there. Cho said he was going to make contact with some folks in London.

He pointed to me, "Call the Colonel."

Fist bump!

I repeated the events to that fine fellow who was crisp in his `I'll make some calls' comment. He had the name and brief info from Carl.

A hug from Cho, "The Colonel is protective of you so if there's something he will be on it!"

Well it was an interesting way to start the Twins birthday! They had eaten while I had my fun. On the floor of the Nursery face to face with my girl. She was grinning I eased forward to kiss her forehead which was great fun. We giggled as Charlie flew around us. Chani had her flight to some loud Dada's!

We stayed for a story, a re-reading of a book about bees. Tha had Rimsky-Korsakov's `Flight of the Bumblebee' going! Such fun! They were both standing clapping at the end. Hugs and kisses!

Cho joined me for a shower! I got the `penis' for a brief bit of tactile play! Too brief.

Black skinny jeans, black crop top and a light black jumper with the orange high-top All*Stars! Cho was smiling going down stairs with my hand in his!

Carter said dinner for us and the Twins was going to be colourful and asked us not to go into the Dining Room. Okay! Smiles.

We sat in the Library with Yonne for an update. Our visitor apparently knew we owned and protected the Industrial Estate but was clever to avoid detection getting into place. He drove in a dark tinted window car and parked it anonymously at the far southeast part of the Estate in between other cars. His car had been carted off by the Thames Valley Police folks.

He waited until dark to move through an area of sheds to the treeline. Then down in the trees to where he camped. He didn't know in the dark his tent was viewable and it may have only been from our particular angle.

Yonne said he has helped us be more aware of the limits to our Security layout... so the whole thing will be reassessed. Less reliance on cameras, more sensors for movement, heat, sound and vibration.

The Thames Valley folks have checked the rifle, it was part of a collection of Army weapons awaiting shipment overseas. Stolen military sniper rifle which will probably be good for many years in prison. The knife wasn't illegal but the handgun was and is enroute to the Metropolitan Police lab to see if they can recover the serial number. The Oxford police thought so.

He hasn't said anything about his assignment or who hired him. The pictures of our family showed intent.

He would also be charged with trespass!

While we were at it Thomas returned from London and joined us. He got our news. He wasn't happy about the penetration. He would help Yonne reassess our protection.

His news was the building in Fulham was an excellent choice. Easy to remodel and it had a large flat roof. Plenty of space for solar panels and a drone operations platform. We could launch and recover them in a safe space. It was in Heathman's Road, a bit more than one block to Parson's Green Lane and two to the Parson's Green Tube station. Six from our house!

He had been there with Erin, she said if he liked it she would buy it. He did. She did! It would close in a few days and we could have it in thirty days since the tenants knew it was for sale and had been warned to look for new locations.

Newlywed news!

Email from Phuket! Ali and Francis loved the house and beach! Pha and Anodo where great! Ty was very cute. They had sent lots of emails about their stay at the Forest Palace. It was quite the place! They did go into the forest with Do. It was marvelous to see all the animal life! The colourful birds and they saw a mongoose and many lizards. Lots of pictures!

We'd had a lovely email from Audra and Andy thanking us for EVERYTHING!!! How special the house was, Lucien and Augusta were very nice. Cossette's cooking terrific!

Looks like we `scored twice!' High fives by us.

Later I went for a ride on Rebel with Tessa and Ken. They were laughing about Penny's first ride with me ends in some drama!

We went north into Sandford and back along the river at speed! Waves to our neighbors! Then a nice walk around to cool down and watch Freddie and Diana work with some runners on the track.

Freddie was stoked about our news, Glaa would visit next month for one race at Ascot. IrishRainbow was going to be here for a few weeks more. Several local breeders were bringing mares to him. A bit of money to be made and the first use of the Breeding Shed. Afterwards he'd fly to Santa Anita to train for the Pacific Classic at Del Mar. He'd race the same day as Rando's running in the Del Mar Handicap.

Cho and I gathered the presents for the Twins by the fireplace in the Great Room. The Hermes Adada cups and Poke Yok plush horses, new picture books, a larger Raggedy Anne doll for Chani, she was soft! A new blue dog plush toy for Charlie also larger. They got several matching outfits and more, the shoes were new trainers and more. Mary Jane's for Chani.

All nicely and loosely wrapped. We'd have our party after dinner.

They came down in the navy blue shorts and tops, white socks and navy trainers. Their highchairs in the Dining Room.

We were holding them by the hand as they stood at the doorway... Carter opened the doors to a pink and blue extravaganza!! Streamers around the doors and windows. The table with a white cloth and blue and pink napkins. The center was a big Happy Birthday in wooden blocks with a tall `1' made from blocks! The staff was all there clapping. The Twins clapped too. They were hugged and kissed.

We sat to eat, Tha and Gil to help us with the Twins food. We all had fish, green beans, mashed potatoes and bread. The Twins dinners nicely cut for them. They liked eating with us. They were good with their spoons! They ate everything!

Then their cake was brought in on a cart! It was angel food iced in white with blue and pink rosettes with a blue boy and a pink girl carved from marzipan on an icing square! Two candles shaped like the number `1' lit on each side.

We helped them blow out the candles to clapping and giggles! They got with a bit of cake with icing and a few tablespoons of vanilla ice cream! Good stuff! The little spoons worked hard on it!

A big thumbs up for Sue who made the cake!

Gil and Charles, Carla's son, took lots of snaps and video! I watched some video on Charles' camera.

As part of an ongoing discussion I told him we'd clear out a store room in the cellar for him to have as a studio. We were going to get appropriate furniture AND a Mac Pro, top of the line model, for his video work. Several screens, a good audio system and a NAS storage unit. Smiles!

He was bouncing. "It won't be tomorrow..."

He grinned, "I know but Ni liked my stuff. She said I could try doing doing a couple of small things for her as a trial... So maybe a real test for me."

Fist bump.

We moved to the Great Room. The Twins on the carpet with the gifts pulling at the wrappings! The Poke Yok ponies were a hit! Charlie holding his smiling was a picture perfect pose!

The Hermes tumblers were a success. The clothes less so but then they were a bit young to be style mavens. They did spend some time looking at and trying on shoes. They had several pairs of trainers, saddle oxfords to go with the Mary Jane's for Chani, brogues for Charlie. New socks too!

The bigger plush Blue Dog was a smash!! So was the Raggedy Anne!! They were hugged tight.

Charlie suddenly yelled Blue' as he cuddled his new buddy! Well it was Blue' alright! I sat beside our little man, my arm around him. He had a huge grin holding tight to the new Blue' dog. Charlie kissed my cheek, Mama!'

Chani stuck her hand out to rub Blue's foot... Charlie leaned forward so she could do more. Chani moved her Raggedy Anne closer so Charlie could touch her. Terrific... sharing!! Cho and I did a fist bump!

Charles did a thumbs up to show he got the scene.

Charlie standing beside me looking like he'd was having fun holding the new `Blue' close. Chani got up using Cho's arm to steady herself. They stepped together to hug! Cuties!

We carried the Twins up to the Nursery after lots of fun walking and dancing to music. They had their new buddies in their arms. Tha was ready. New diapers, sleep togs, kisses and hugs! A last kiss in their cribs with their new friends.

Sipping an Amaretto snuggled with Cho on a settee. I grinned over to Gil and Jaidee sharing another one. The Twins had a good First Birthday. Not overly flashy but fun. Carter2 and Eliza were well thanked for the wonderful Dining Room decorations. Fin and Kendall too!

We had good news from Ascot! Black Star blew everyone away in the Norfolk Stakes. He was a .10 of a second from tying the track record for the distance winning by six lengths! It was a short race at five furlongs but his acceleration is huge for a two year old! Freddie said he was going to win a lot next year.

He was going to race three more times this year. He had won three of three so far!

The morning ride was without drama even though Penny was with Tessa and me. She was laughing about it. Roland romping along southward, he walked over the water like Pamela looking at it but with a who cares attitude.

We used the Thames Path this morning. The Carmichael's was quiet as was the Boat Yard. We stayed on the Path until we were north of Lower Radley then turned left to run the rest of the way to the Industrial Estate. We walked by the yurts which had new vehicles parked, twenty or so in fact.

Inside the Recording Studio I walked to the Reception Desk. Today Celeste was Okay with me. She was more comfortable in intercom use and Tab appeared from her office. A big smile. Things were good! The main studio was in use by a movie company using a small orchestra to record music for a film. They were using all the yurts for three days.

One small studio was reserved for today and tomorrow. The artist should be here soon, a classical guitarist.

Fist bump.

We crossed the lock to a wave from the lock fellow as he worked with a barge. We exited from Sandford going south, I asked Roland. He surged forward... He was running full in a minute. A long stride, reaching with his forelegs, then the big power rear legs going underneath to grab the turf thrusting us mightily forward!

Such a good time. When we got to the property line Penny and Tessa were well behind. Roland running like his lady!! I stroked his neck, his breathing slowing while we walked to the Stables.

Anthony took Roland, "I got some snaps from Audra and Andy. Your house in Paris is beautiful. They are having a great time!"

Fist bump with my saying it seemed like they were.

I went to visit Pamela. We loved it up, hugs and kisses. She got a carrot and more hugs.

I made more stops around the Stables giving love and treats. Penny and Tessa helped, smiles for them. Ronnie sitting with Secret Sea when I got there. A hug for both.

The Twins were in the Great Room with Cho after their breakfast. The new plush toys right there! We had some fun as they both did much more walking... a few failures but no OW's. Lots of giggles! They could both now mostly stand without holding on but sometimes they needed an object to stand up. Charlie surprised us both by walking a short distance to Cho then he turned to walk to me holding `Blue' out for me.

Chani was up following her brother! They were getting it! It was so fast!

Sitting on the carpet, Charlie standing six feet away... a huge smile then his arms opened...

"Mama," he stepped to me! Oh my BOY!!

Chani did a short walk to Dada' Cho scooped her up for a flight' around the room. Charlie smiling, watching his sister laughing zooming about. As Cho came back to us Charlie opened those little arms... he was so cute standing there waiting. I took Chani and with a loud laugh Charlie was in flight with Dada!

Tha almost in tears as Chani walked to her. Chani stopped in front of her, a shy smile... `Tha' which got the tears to flow. I had Charlie again and Cho gave Tha a Cho-Fay handkerchief. Tha wiped her eyes holding Chani.

Charlie in my lap pointed to his nurse... `Tha,' keeping alive the whole sharing thing they had going.

Chani and Charlie went up to the Nursery for a bath. Cho carried one as Gil needed me for something.

"Fay, the Seattle City Council voted to give the final Okay for The Company's contract to manage the traffic city-wide. The contract was accepted as of the last version from the other day's revisions."

Fist bump.

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