
By A becker

Published on Feb 10, 2020



Upstairs we separately made visits to a half dozen lower ranking editors and top reporters. We found none who wanted to leave, several had wanted to do stories on the mess of Brexit. They had information and specific data... two in particular. I told them to talk with Desmond, he would want to hear from them.

I texted Des. He could meet them in fifteen minutes, `tell them to come up.' I shook their hands and sent them up.

Gil said the cars were on the way. Allyn and another driver, ETA ten minutes.

We checked Adam's office, he had four people at the meeting table. Cho let him know we'd be going home and back in the morning. A thumbs up!

Lambert was deep in the sports department so we left word with his PA who he'd brought over from the Guardian.

Des was ushering in the two reporters I sent up, kiss and handshake.

We walked through the south lobby to London Bridge Street. Allyn right there! To the A3 and Wandsworth bridge then Basuto Road. Ting had said to come over for drinks and dinner.


A quick change of clothes for all of us then across the road. Big hugs and kisses from Ting, Andrea, Catherine and Caroline. The little darling standing in the passage with a monster grin.

I swept her up to many giggles.

We had a good dinner with friends followed by Facetime with the Twins. Charlie and Chani sitting with Tha and Jaidee in the Upperville living room. Very cute in the onesies I bought in Paris.

No horses or Jaidee! I got Cho to go for a walk around the neighborhood. We took two of Graham's Security team so our guys could sleep in. We didn't go far, around the common and over to Harwood Road to a bakery and a news agents.

Hot rolls, scrambled eggs, tasty sweet creame-filled eclairs!! That bakery stop would be repeated!!!

It was trying to be spring but a chilly wind whipping about. I'd been bundled up for our walk so dressing for today was a wool suit. Black slacks, slender cut to the knee then they widened to small bell-bottoms with two inch cuffs. The jacket single breasted, narrow lapels over a white shirt, open collar and silver bits, red nails and lips with `Joy'

The Coach trench coat and black gloves. My colour patch was the Hermes French flag scarf.

Cho smiling as he applied `Joy' he could see my clothes waiting to go on. He was in black also with a blue, white and red tie. We matched. He was laughing as he did his tie.

We had all read the front pages of our new newspapers and the competition at breakfast.

We had another `coup' was the general drift of the reporting by our competition. Their editorial pages were somewhere between hopeful and gob smacked.

Our two had what we wanted, well written pieces. Cho had looked across at breakfast, a cute knowing look. A fist bump!

Allyn dropped us at the entrance on London Bridge Street. In the lift with our folks, smiles.

Upstairs Adam was in the passage with Des and several others talking. We waved and dropped our outer wear.

Des stuck his head in, "Okay?"

A hug and kiss. Cho a strong handshake! He got it! We were pleased.

Adam got us and the senior staff of both newspapers in a conference room to run some video from the early morning TV shows they recorded. They were amazed'... shocked' by the developments. A `coup' of huge proportions... more of the same which sounded a bit more silly as the videos rolled.

Adam smiling, "Yes, a good deal the same. Not very imaginative our TV friends."

The Sky UK people were different focusing on the possibly for real change to the Brexit mess and a positive new outlook from two national newspapers.

Cho squeezed my hand, "They get it. There's a smart team over there."

Des added, "They didn't know anything further than the others but have a more intelligent take on it. You've had an impact over there!"

Fist bump.

Okay! Cho and I did more separate visits around the offices. I looked for women especially which wasn't easy. When I asked a woman reporter who covered fashion I got 'they haven't valued women' and `it came from the top'.

I then went to Human Relations. The HR boss sitting across from me looked uncomfortable, so he should. I asked about their hiring processes, recruitment, head-hunting for both newspapers.

They had conditions imposed from the top floor and they were monitored as their compliance with the `informal' rules. Women, anyone with a disability, anybody who was or might be LGBTQ, etc... were a NO!

"Okay you get that those limits are gone?"

He did.

"Your remit now is to diversify the workforce. No white male can be hired for any position unless they are supremely and uniquely qualified AND another qualified candidate who isn't like them has turned down the post."

He appeared to relax some.

"Is that definite enough?"

"Yes Miss Martin and its welcome to have a clear statement. All the wading around in the mire was discouraging for my people."

He brightened when I gave him an idea of mine.

It was tight but the HR staff was in the conference room. I stood on a chair.

I repeated my order to them and I saw many smiles.

"If you know of individuals who may qualify for positions please contact them or someone who may have been denied a post... contact them."

I turned their boss, "I'll give you Andrea's contact info, she is the head of HR at The Company. She can give you guidelines we are using there for hiring..." Then for the benefit of all, "... The Company now has the most diverse workforces in all the UK. They..." A finger pointing to myself, " and me, have found that older workers are terrific, that gender means nothing, sexual orientation is private and has zero impact on a worker's skills. We know that having partners in the same company is NOT an issue nor are relatives." One finger raised again, "Except not as supervisors or in the same immediate department."

"The one overriding principle is to hire the VERY BEST person for the job. The Company has PROVED that to be absolutely correct!"

I spread my arms, "So go for it!"

Cheers! Clapping! I was helped down, hands shaken, cheeks kissed, I gave a few hugs. PJ by the door watching with a wry smile!!

Ken leading, PJ beside me, the smile broader, Tessa trailing we were going to meet with Des and the national reporters.

A room full of folks whose job it was to cover the country. We discussed Brexit, the coverage of the different political parties and leaders, the NHS, power generation, foreign ownership of important properties and businesses. So much!

I asked how they perceived Cho and I owning bits of the UK. They all said since I was English and part of my family traced back to before the Norman Conquest... we were local.

"Miss Martin, you're more English than many."

I laughed and said thanks. The young man blushed... cute and unusual.

Another young man said he had tried to interview some of our employees in different places, Nuneham Courtenay and in the city.

"Those few who said anything told us you were the best employer they'd ever had. I can say the bosses didn't like that but there wasn't any traction for a story without lying which they were chary of doing especially after your lawsuit was laid."

I know my smile must have been wicked, I could see they were all a trifle worried about me.

"Well I do hope trying to get snaps of us and bother our people is over. What is particularly odd to Cho and I was the unwillingness to ask for an interview. If you need information there will be contact info for you to use."

One of the few women asked what the secret was about our employees not talking or...

I did laugh out loud on that.

"Not much of secret... we treat employees as valued co-workers, pay them well, give them benefits above the norm and are loyal and protective towards them.

To us it's what an employers should do. What we do like... provide housing or education, clothing, etc... is considered paternalistic by some I suppose but we wouldn't ever hold anyone back who wanted move to another employer."

I leaned back, "In California at Santa Anita Park we bought and rehabilitated a group of cottage apartments. They are rented at steeply discounted rates to our race track workers. They can walk to work now. Before they lived as much as fifty miles east where there was affordable housing. We save the travel time, the cost of petrol for them, they save money, less pollution AND they have more time with their families. A huge win for us!"

The woman seemed a bit wide-eyed.

"Now no illusions... we do this so everything works better. We provide food at our businesses because hot fresh food, well made, gives people a lift. So they work better. It just so happens being a good employer gets you good employees. You might remember what it took for Scrooge find that out."

Lots of laughter!! Warm and happy sounding too.

Lunch! We walked out onto to Joiner Street and crossed the High Street to the Boro Bistro. We got a few tables together with two of their heating units. Wait staff got us setup and drinks to start.

Then I went for their Accras fish fritters, and artichoke hummus which I split with Gil. The crab cakes with roasted sweet potato and the Salade du Chef. A bottle of still Pellegrino water.

A lovely big tree overhead, we sat near the front end of the Southwark Cathedral, the train tracks over our shoulders. Cozy chairs, laid back atmosphere, it was nice. Their food was good!

Back inside the News UK building we continued to wander around talking with individuals, groups and departments so they could see and hear us up close.

It was very positive. The reporters, office support staff, editors all seemed to appreciate our coming to see them in person. I had short but good chats throughout the building.

A woman working for The Times asked if this did mean more women would be hired. I smiled and said you betcha!' She grinned, terrific we need more!'

That was fairly typical when I spoke to women and some men. One fellow in the Times international group pointed out there had been women's issue stories around the world which were important but ignored. I asked him to bring those forward they'll receive the attention they deserved now. We shook on it.

I got to talk to Angelique, she hadn't seen her cousin in almost a year. They had a catch up. She and the others would be going back to their regular posts tomorrow. Nicola was to host Angelique and Colleen tonight before their return to Harcourt House. Girls night out in the big city!

I told her to say hello to everyone at Harcourt House!

Cho and I sitting with Adam and Des before doing goodbyes. Adam had met Rolf before this started and thought him a true conservative without rigidity.

"He'll be very good, a fine mind and he seems happy to see the back of the previous owners. He said they'd been too over the top with their money grubbing, narrow-minded attitudes. What he was saying was they hadn't been real newspaper people. News media ownership was just a way to make money and gain power."

Des laughed, "Well you two aren't that way so Rolf should certainly be thrilled."

Fist bumps.

Lambert came up, a hug and thanks for joining us.

"Miss Martin..." `Fay' from me. "Fay, your changes at Fox News were an incentive to come over when Adam asked. This place needs exactly the same treatment."

We did a small celebration seeing other news outlets join in to our new Brexit crusade. Even the BBC did some interviews today with Tory MP's who showed signs of wavering from the party line.

Hugs and kisses, handshakes in our goodbyes. They knew we'd around again in June.

The Met Police stopped the traffic on Joiner Street for us once more. The white AW139 set down and we were on board in a minute. We went up then backed a bit to turn and go up river ascending as we went. A turn for Chalgrove above Covent Garden.

On the tarmac the 767 was shining in the early evening sun. On board, Kor's voice told us we were going right away. Our turn onto the runway with the engines wound way up had me lean over... the power rush as Kor sent us rapidly down the asphalt.

The transition to flight always giving me thoughts of past flying. As a boy in a big seat on a British Air 747 departing the city where I had been born to come to England to live... a biggie!

We had an excellent dinner from Ban and Yobi. Then afters with our `Team' to talk about any issues. PJ had had some time with Thomas to review how things went in Paris and new bits at several of our houses.

In the hierarchy of our Security Force PJ was an equal to Thomas. They got on very well as their different roles were understood and info shared easily. The way all the personnel mingled in an informal way really made our protection work despite the varied job assignments.

A chilly breeze at Dulles! We were in the AW139 and flying quickly! The house on the Upperville Farm looking very homey lit up! Tara and Ro AND Jaidee to welcome us.

Their report had the Twins asleep, Charles and Agatha in Charles' house all quiet. Through that I was rubbing Jaidee's wiggly body.

Flo had some hot chocolate with mini-marshmallows for us all!! Cookies!

Jaidee on the bed in-between us getting a rub! One happy puppy!

Sleep with Cho!

Ash was enjoying our run across the fields! Mr. Sugar close by, Tessa looking like she was having fun. We walked into the stables. I was rubbing Ash's neck as the groom got the reins. A hug for Ash!

Tha had the Twins eating when I walked in. I helped supervise. Chani and Charlie chowing down! They had scrambled eggs, peaches, lightly toasted bread and banana! A clean-up then they off to the living room for fun!

Flo had our eggs working and the potatoes smelled great! There was some toast under all the strawberry preserves on my plate! Cho kidding me `why don't you eat it out of the jar' after seeing my strawberry covered bread.

All very tasty and in my tummy.

Okay! Today was a catch-up day. I was behind! Gil and I in the dining room, we let Cho and Francis do their catch-up in the office. We were closer to the DeLonghi! Ha!

Charles came over with Agatha! She was obviously Angela's mother! We sat with coffee for a while. Charles was taking Agatha for a daylong drive around the spring Virginia countryside. They'd go over Ashby's Gap and come back through Snicker's Gap on State Route 7 and down the back roads.

If they were back in time they'd come over for dinner. Charles would let Flo know one way or the other.

Hugs sent them on their way!

Reports on new projects and what we were bidding on, project evaluations for those running and closed, where in the world all our people were, what our costs were on running projects, personnel items from Andrea, confidential financial info from Eric and Reg's reports on our hardware development and soooo many more!

Coffee! Lots more paperwork!

Flo served a very nice Fettuccini Bolognese at mid-day! No real meat, veggie products! Awesome!

Before dinner Cho and I sat together with the Twins and talked about the people we had spoken to at News UK. We exchanged bits on the ones we had both chatted with and others. It was good to share the views which were on the whole very positive!

We were sure about a couple of older reporters leaving but most everyone wanted to stay and do the job for us. As owners/leaders we had acquired quite a good reputation which preceded our taking over. Kisses at the end.

The Twins sat with us watching and listening. We switched between French, Thai, English and a bit of German. Both of them watched us closely, so cute. Bright little eyes!

My morning ride a happy affair of Cho, Tara, Ken and I romping westward to the property boundary then a hard run back! A bright sun, warming up to be a clear sunny spring day!

We met Agatha who was walking in the morning sun. She was amazed by my clothes, I slid down. Tara took both horses to the stable.

Agatha and I wandered along the lane heading west. She thanked us for her being a guest. I said this was still Charles' home and she was welcome anytime.

"Your airplane was very nice. I do hate travelling, it's the airports. They are so dreadful these days."

I said I hadn't liked them much but I didn't go near the terminals any more. I asked about their drive. She loved the countryside. All the trees coming to bloom and leaf.

They lunched in a home cooking place in Winchester. It was great. They headed up the Shenandoah Valley towards New Market then cut over east to Luray and back north. They went through Front Royal to come back over the mountains after going into Berryville.

"It was fun to see Charles driving. He's relaxed about it. When we left the last bit of dual carriageway at hamlet called Bluemont there was no main road. Charles knew all the roads so he brought us back to a little farm house restaurant in a place called Deer Pond.

We had a lovely ham and potato pie dinner! Greens and sweet soft cider! Quaint, clean and nice people there. It was a delightful day."

I squeezed her arm, "Sounds very pleasant."

I told Agatha we would be out tonight at a dinner in Washington, back late.

"It's a formal affair, me in a gown and Cho in white tie. It's a White House thing for Angela Merkel."

She was looking at me like I was from Mars.

I laughed, "We've been there before. A few times this year since Hillary came into office. I'm on a committee to give her advice on technology."

"Charles never said anything like that."

"He may not know. We don't broadcast what we do. We go to places, do things, then people find out afterwards most of the time."

We stopped to sit on a bench in the sun, "Have you seen any news lately? From the UK?"

She said they weren't watching TV and she hadn't seen a newspaper.

`We just came back from London. We had trouble with the Sun and other newspaper snoopers. We sued the Sun and its owners, they settled. We own it now."

Agatha's eyes bulging once more, "You own... what about the..."

"They caved in and gave it to us so they wouldn't have to pay damages. So we run the Sun and The Times now. We went over to take possession and put in some new leadership. It all went very well."

"Don't you have the TV network here?"

"Yes but that was a deal done with other investor friends. This was altogether separate. Cho and I own the News UK newspapers ourselves. Officially I'm the publisher."

I made a preening motion with my hands to my jacket... Agatha burst out laughing.

We smiled at each other.

"We hadn't been here often, more now since Hillary roped me into that committee. Our niece will be here in a month or so to use the equestrian layout. The Farm will host a two day event I hope we can be here for that."

I walked her to Charles' house, he stepped out say hi. A hug for both. Agatha said she'd give him our news.

Work this morning then time for another ride before going to the White House for the dinner.

Cho and I had loads of time with the Twins!! Reading, music, talking and some fun rolling around on the living room carpet!! So much laughter and more words from Chani and Charlie.

Cho was Da' now and me "Ma'! It was quite the emotional thing to have your baby in your lap saying Ma' at you. They were loving little ones and smart.

Tha smiling from a chair as Chani `flew' past on the Cho-Air Express. Charlie bouncing on me waiting his turn. Arms out-stretched as his Dad came for him.

Francis standing there with arms full of Chani, she was still giggling from her flight!

Gil and I got my bits ready for tonight.

We loaded up. Gil came with me to help, PJ and Rande had their evening clothes. Cho with a black clothing bag with his.

The Cho-Fay Air AW139 landed on the White House South Lawn very smoothly. Several aides and the Secret Service met us. Inside we were escorted to the Queen's Bedroom for dressing. We were getting used to this suite.

Dressing with Cho turned out to be very interesting... beside the lovely `penis' which I got to play with for a few minutes! Cho in his white tie! His body! I doubt any man ever wore white tie better!

My dress was a white strapless gown. Snug, almost corset like above the waist, pushing up to give me some décolletage. White chiffon with a criss-cross front, flowing down to the floor. At the back top where it closed two streamers went down to the hem. White strap heels, a tiny red button on the back of the heel.

A long piece of chiffon for a shawl, over my shoulders, wrapped around my arms hanging almost to the hem. I had silver jewellery laid out and the ruby pendant Cho gave me the night we stayed at the Watergate. I had him fasten it, before I reached for my other pieces Cho stopped me.

He had a flat rectangular velvet covered box. He opened it towards me... beautiful! Earrings, bracelet and ring in silver with rubies! The settings matched the pedant! He handed me the earrings one at a time, he closed the bracelet on my right wrist then knelt down taking my hand... the romantic man! He slid the ruby ring onto my right ring finger, smoothly. It fit very nicely!

An awesome kiss accompanied it! I almost cried but he held me tight saying `don't cry, never worry about my love' what a guy!

Gil in the background did tear up! Cho hugged her then me! I did my lips, red but not too red. My wrap and long white gloves.

Hillary said to wait for an aide to come before descending. We found out later she wanted the East Room to be full so we would make an `entrance' at the end of the reception time. She was being cute wanting everyone to see us be greeted by her and Bill. We laughed about it afterwards.

Ms. Merkel had been greeted at the Entrance Hall and had gone into the Blue Room to meet the main table guests. Hillary wanted us to miss this part. She led Ms. Merkel to the East Room reception.

Down the elevator to the Cross Hall which had aides and soldiers all around. We were escorted to the door... when we stepped in a fellow announced us... `Miss Fay Martin and Mr. Cho' it sounded quite grand!

Hillary grinning, our hands together and a cheek kiss, a kiss for Bill's cheek too. Angela Merkel beside Bill. We shook hands, smiles.

Tim Kaine and his wife Anne Holton, who we were introduced to. Ms. Holton admired my dress.

"You look like you're floating over the floor."

We laughed when I said it feels like it. I took a glass of white wine. The receiving line was over with us so mingling occurred. Ms. Merkel and I came together.

I was right away told her name was Angela' and I said Fay' then a funny... "Our friend Hillary seems to have stage managed your entrance."

We laughed as I said `it would appear so' but that I didn't know why.

"Well, you are the most glamorous couple here!"

I laughed again, "That can't be true... look at all the lovely people."

"Oh Fay, your dress is special and look... " her motioning towards Cho talking to Tim and Anne. He was smashing!

"... You see how dashing he looks!"

I said I thought so but... Angela said, "No buts he is very handsome and looking like he stepped out of an Edwardian novel."

I laughed at that reference.

Angela said an aide had told her about our bank and a division of the Commerzbank taking over the Wall Street investment bank. She had also read about the Green Investment Fund and thought it very good.

"Well... I'm not in' on much of the banking side of the businesses. I did visit the bank soon after and met the management people. They were quite happy to have been taken over. The previous owners' were too... how shall I say it.. reckless with bank's money and reputation."

Angela said she understood. She asked about the Cho Banks. I told her some of their history and close connections with the Thai Royal family and the other long established businesses in Bangkok.

"Now you own two of the largest newspapers in England."

"We set out to make those newspapers stop bothering us then a lawsuit to make it more public and cause a financial penalty for annoying us then because they wouldn't stop we went for much higher penalties. Going to their offices the other day was interesting, we found quite a few employees who were happy to see us. It shouldn't have surprised us because it was the same last year in New York when we did the takeover of 21st Century Fox."

Smiling at Angela's look, "I suppose they weren't very good employers. We value all of our employees."

`Fay, it is the same in government. There is no need to ever be a bad leader when the people working for you want you to succeed!"

I introduced Angela to fist bumps which was fun. Hillary joined us.

"I see Fay has taught you to fist bump! I do it with my granddaughter who giggles like crazy."

Hillary moved through the room with Angela. Cho's arm slipped around me. I told him about the complimentary things Angela had said. A kiss on my cheek.

"She's right! We are the hottest couple here!"

We laughed! Some folks did come over to introduce themselves, business folk and Washington government types, a few senators and representatives. We were introduced by Angela to the German ambassador and his wife. They were nice.

The Ambassador mentioned he and his wife knew Ludwig and Edda quite well. I said they had been with us in Paris for a banking conference a few weeks ago.

Laughing I said Edda joined me to spend some of Ludwig's money in the shops. They laughed along with me. The Ambassador said he understood we had done several recent banking deals together.

He and Cho started on that, I smiled and looped my arm with Berta. I said I had been warned by Hillary that she was a journalist. A big smile.

"Well... maybe I should have been warned about you! You own a lot of news media now!"

"True but I don't edit them."

We laughed, I added I was now the publisher of the News UK companies.

"See you do `work' in journalism."

My `eek I might be one of them' made her giggle.

I was asked about an interview for the ICON Magazine which was part of the `Welt am Sonntag.' I said it was an idea but when and where would matter.

"Well to get you... we will be flexible for both."

I said when all this was done she should meet my PA Gil and she'll be the contact. I said it in German! Her eyes widened!! My arm squeezed!

"I had no idea!"

We continued to speak in German before the round up to go into dinner.

Hillary and Angela leading. We walked down the Cross Hall to the State Dining Room. It glittered! A large main table and many round ones filled the room. Hillary's aide said we were beside Bill. Angela on the other side of Hillary, Tim Kaine and Anne beside her. The German Ambassador and Berta beside Cho.

Hillary and Angela did toasts to each other and their countries. The Press Corps were let in to do their snaps. When the toasts were over aides shooed the press out.

I sipped lightly as did Cho. Finger bowls? Now that is an almost lost tradition!

The menu card's calligraphy was marvelous! Our dinners were tailored to our preferences. Everything was very well prepared and served. A very formal service which was nice to watch but odd, a bit off-putting. Well, our dinners were scripted at Harcourt House by Carter but not like this.

I went with the flow. Bill leaned over with a `boring isn't it' comment. We discreetly did a fist bump. I could hear Cho chuckle over my shoulder.

When the dessert was consumed Hillary and Angela led another procession called the `recession' back to the East Room which had a rather good string foursome playing Braham's, Hayden, Beethoven and Mozart String quartets.

Everyone sort of paddled around. Hillary's aide came to us saying in ten minutes there would be music and dance space in the Entrance Hall. A Marine Corp band would be playing various dance style tunes.

It sounded like a challenge arranged by Hillary. Cho grinning saying `Let's!'

I had us go by Berta, she said I will remember Gil's email' after I said it aloud to her as we might get separated. Berta's smiling not to worry.'

We headed down the passageway again to the Entrance Hall. The tiled floor shiny and bright.

The Marine Corp Band saw us and started up a waltz! I slid into Cho's arms! We smoothly moved around the open space. A few others joined in. The press were alerted, some photographers were allowed in to take pictures.

Oh well, what the hell! We danced for about twenty minutes with maybe thirty others.

Fun, a bit stilted in a way being in the White House.

We went back to the others to say our goodbyes to Angela and Hillary. Berta said she got it.

Cho waved to an aide to escort us upstairs. He was also tasked with telling Hillary we were going to go home.

I changed to black jeans, crop top and jumper, black Doc Marten boots. We went down the elevator to the ground floor with Gil and our guys. Another aide led us out through the Diplomatic Reception Room to the lawn where our white AW139 was sitting, rotors moving slowly.

Loaded and we lifted off. Once over the Potomac the pilot put the pedal down and we were flared for landing in fifteen minutes.

It was late, so the Twins were down but we peeked in. Outside their room I got kissed by their dad!

I sent a thank you email to Hillary from under the bedclothes with Cho. A warm hand caressing my thigh as I typed.

My morning ride with Tessa got warm at the end. The days were now like early summer, a month early. Mykal said the pool was ready to go.

Email from Hillary thanking us for coming and she'd had had many comments about us. One was especially interesting, a diplomat from a European country had said how self-effacing we appeared to be. A smiley face followed by `you two don't advertise yourselves so that man's remark was true.'

Well we don't hide under a rock but what's the point of being more exposed? We'd be more of a target than we have been. Definitely no to that particularly with the Twins around.

The Twins came out in late morning when it had gotten quite warm for a swim. Tha, Cho and I in the pool having a fun time with the little swimmers. They really liked this! Under water my arms open Charlie swimming towards me was awesome! He looked so cute in his goggles!

Charles and Agatha joined us. Agatha on the pool steps holding Chani with a huge smile.

"Fay it has been a long time since I've done this."

She looked trim and sleek in her navy one-piece, a smile. Charles on a lounge beside Cho. Tha and Charlie joined us. Time for a rest for the babies.

Goggles removed. Dried off, diapered and in their seats, Tha gave them a cup of fruit juice. Big grins! They really loved their fruit juice!

This was a terrific break from the paperwork! Gil came out in a bikini finally. She did laps for a bit. The Protection Team got in for some laps and later a volley ball game.

Email from the Seattle Transportation head asking for us to work up a proposal for the relieving tunnel from northbound State Route 99 in to the SODO area. What I sent him was great and the City Council members wanted a firm plan before any action. Which is what we would do if they agreed to be serious. Politicians do like to cover their asses when elections loom up every few years!

We had several folks in London working on the plan supervised by Reg and Stephan.

Cho had agreed with my idea to go ahead. Reg and Andrea had already done a search for qualified engineer with some public relations ability. Two candidates were left after the winnowing process. Cho and I would do a Conference App interview with each of them in a few days when we get to Baltimore.

Flo served a great fish dinner with hush puppies! Agatha had her first, she liked them!

We ate outside by the pool, the Twins in their high chairs laughing and enjoying their food! After eating and a cleanup, they got their floppy hats back on. No sunburn for them!

The morning was loading up two AW139's for the trip to Baltimore. We'd taken the same house as last year with the additional trailers for staff. We lifted off turning north northeast for short way then nearly due east. At ten thousand feet we could see Washington on the starboard side.

We made a small loop to the north to approach the property over Lake Roland. All of Baltimore viewed out the windows.

We settled on the side lawn, unloaded moving to the house. The second helicopter landed and emptied out our folks and baggage. Both would return to the Rossen Aviation location at Dulles.

We settled the Twins in their room to start. Then we had a meeting with the staff. Most were the same as last year. We were warmly welcomed, no surprise after we had had such a good time they were well rewarded.

The weather heating up fast with humidity so we decided on being outside a lot. The staff would grill part of dinner by the pool and the crabs cooked inside!

Bikini time! I got wet with the Twins. Cho swimming with Charlie on his back giggling away! Our Protection folks enjoying the pool. Jaidee was allowed in for a little bit.

Gil and I did side by side lounges to do some work. The Twins next to me in their seats, all tired out and napping. Jaidee was all fluffy after Cho used a towel on him.

Francis in a chair by me, `Ali's on her way.' Fist bump!

"We have completed buying two Fox affiliates, Louisville and Seattle. Four more are works in progress. Ali has biographic information on six others."

He looked at me, "Do you have a number in mind? We've just gone ahead on the research for likely candidates."

"Cho and I talked about maybe ten but no definite number. We want to you two to find out those which are in good markets and might be available."

Francis handed me several printouts.

"This is the carbon offsets for Cho-Fay Air and other properties. You can see by using several sources we are flying without adding to the CO2. In fact everything combined means we are ahead."

"Yes, not enough though. We need to do more than just be ahead."

I saw the totaled solar panels contribution which was huge. We had them all over our properties. At every house, on top of business buildings, on stables and barns. Windmills in Thailand along with reforestation on the Railroad property. A tree planting programme being managed by Phillips and Archie at Harcourt House, also protecting the farm land there.

We planned windmills for the new farms in Kentucky and France plus more solar panels

We invested in carbon neutral companies, The Cho Family Banks had started the Green Investment Scheme, we used low pollution vehicles whenever possible and putting chimney smoke scrubbers up everywhere there were fireplaces.

Ken called Cho. Baby Abbey was wonderful. She was healthy, growing and doing the usual baby things, eat, sleep, poop, etc... Cho laughing as he told me.

"They are happy which so good. Pam is in excellent shape and producing enough milk for Abbey. Her nurse is terrific! A great report from them."

I liked it especially as I got a really good kiss!

We went inside to dress for the interviews. The two engineers were told we would be dressed casually so they could also.

They both had years of experience in construction projects especially tunnels. They were quite evenly matched in education and work history but the fellow from California was more animated. We were looking for someone who meet the public and city government officials, be our voice.

When we were out Cho smiling, "Okay by your body language you have made a choice."

I slid onto his lap, "You too! Kevin it is!" A hug!

Cho said he'd call the other fellow and I should call Kevin back. We would do a final background check but unless something came out of that Kevin would be it.

Kevin was very happy. He had a small firm in Santa Monica, we would buy it, they would keep that office and there'd be one in Seattle when the project got going... if it did of course. We would put Kevin to work on other projects maybe start building tunnels in other places!

I told him we'd meet when we were next in Los Angeles.

Ali dropped in from New York on a Cho-Fay AW139. A big hug and kiss with Francis for us to cheer about on the lawn. Made me think of Cho getting out of helicopter on the grass at the Froyle house.

The afternoon was a trip to the track.

It was casual, I choose some pieces from Massimo Dutti, the V-neck purl knit mulberry lightweight jumper and the long pleated skirt in silk to the top of my ankles in pale charcoal gray. Black sandals. A black clutch and `Joy'

Down North Charles Street to Northern Parkway way around the back of the track to Winner Avenue. At the barn Monaco smiling, hugs!

"All three have training hard and are ready. I can't choose between SakChai or Hansa. They look so good!"

In Aneka's stall she was nickering during our pet session. A half apple went away very nicely. Next door was Hansa looking gorgeous! A pair of mints disappeared! SakChai was bouncy and acting happy. He chewed his mints with gusto!

Monaco said everything was good here. The track security and ours watching carefully. No issues.

We walked from the barn to the Clubhouse. Pimlico and Preakness Stakes folks were there. They were very pleased to see us and that we had more horses running this year.

Cho smiling said next year there could twice as many which got their eyes open. We chatted about the races for a bit.

Tom Pender came in with Elinor. She was a bit shy again about seeing us and being with Tom. I took her aside to say she was fine with us and everyone should have their own life.

"We like Tom so all is well, Okay?"

She smiled, "Okay!"

We laughed. I asked about Frank... We hadn't spoken to him since the Derby day. He had been working and feeling a bit tired but able to work just fine.

"He's back to normal. Whatever he ate for lunch... looks like that did him in."

Tom and Cho joined us. I asked them to the BBQ tonight.

"You know Robbie and Sal, Roundell and Sasha, some other horse folks and our jockeys and trainers. Casual dress, it'll be a bikini for me with the day heating up. There's a nice big pool!"

They looked at each other, smile, they'd be happy to join us. I borrowed some paper and a pencil from a Pimlico fellow. Cho gave Tom a brief set of directions. Tom held up his iPhone with `we'll find you.'

Back at the house Roundell, Sasha, Robbie and Sal had arrived! Hugs! The staff got their bags in their rooms. I was running upstairs with Sasha yelling `bikini time to the others!'

I was in a tiny yellow one with black polka-dots flying down the stairs. Gil by the pool laughing her hand sticking out. We jumped in! Big splash! I lifted myself out near the Twins.

They were in floppy hats under an big umbrella, Tha reading a book about elephants. They got kissed and dripped on! I got lots of giggles!

Sal and Sasha jumped in!

One of the house staff said a car was coming up the drive. I hoped it would be Wally and Dolly, it was! I had toweled off so I wasn't soaking wet. Hugs! Their bags went in and I brought them to the pool for introductions. They went in to change.

Cho and the men were going to play some poker at a table on the upper terrace close to the house. It was being arranged as Tom and Elinor came up.

They had made a quick stop at their hotel for swimming attire!! I led Elinor up to our suite to change. A cute black and white striped bikini. Her athletic figure looked good in a skimpy suit. I could see her scarred knee.

I pulled her along to jump in with me. She was drying off when Tom stepped onto the diving board and did a very smooth swan dive. When his head came up we clapped. A big grin on him!

A Newcastle in hand, legs dangling in the water, black wayfarer sunglasses on my nose, chilling. Tara, Ro and Ken doing some diving, they were pretty good. Francis did some showing off for Ali! He was good but it wouldn't have mattered to her.

I leaned back looking for Tom... Elinor pointed up to the poker game. Sasha beside my right, Dolly in a cute two piece in red and blue on my left. Neither of my companions were showing yet but any day now.

With excellent timing Sydney and Sylvia's car pulled to a stop beside me on the drive. Hugs were light as I was damp. Sylvia grinning, "I won't be a minute my swimsuit is on top."

Sydney's eyes following my finger aimed at the poker players. Hands waving in his direction. They both came down quickly, I grabbed Sylvia's hand, smiling as we jumped in!

Monaco and James with Aneka's trainer Mackenzie drove up with Leoni her jockey, Tomas and Marnie our Triple Crown jockeys! Introductions all around.

The poker players came down to hear the lies our trainers and jockeys told this morning at the Alibi Breakfast! We were all laughing at their tales! It was an odd event... not so much more than singing the songs before the Triple Crown races.

The staff house did a great BBQ like last year! Great food, friends and the Twins! Elinor sitting with Chani in matching striped bikinis, she was looking good holding our little girl.

I moved through our crowd talking with everyone, a bit of catch up.

Tony calling from London, I picked up walking towards the lakeside dock. Everything was on schedule! He had a live-in manager for all three locations, six trained and licensed medical technicians for the clinic and visiting hours at the other two shelters.

There are on-call doctors and psychologists, Dr. Green had been terrific help with those. She herself would do a shift a week to get us started. I asked Tony to thank her for us.

The basic staff needed at each location was growing. We could open two shelters with who we had now and Andrea had many more in the pipeline.

The beds, armoires, etc... would delivered in two days at Stanhope Street and in SOHO. The Vauxhall location was about a week or ten days behind the others with its later start.

Jian was coming in soon Tony said. I said I knew, she'll be with him for five days then to New York, Seattle and Los Angeles.

Tony was a happy camper doing this work. I liked him and he understood its value.

Mara emailed from New York. She was thanking us for the things we sent to her dad. Yevgeny wasn't in a prison but he was being held in-communicado except for her.

We had several packages prepared. A DVD player and a selection of the best thirty or so Film-Noir movies. Mara had said he was a fan. Also a collection of various other big hit movies, old and new. A box of current magazines of all types and the complete works of Raymond Chandler and Cornell Woolrich since he liked their writings.

Yevgeny was thrilled with the packages and the FBI folks didn't have a problem after they had a look. In fact several FBI folks joined in watching the movies once they got the right cable to connect the player to the big screen TV. Success!!!

Email from Cormac. The fencing around the EFT was completed. One of the extra parcels of land we wanted had been acquired adding thirty more acres. The security fence was already going up to include it inside our perimeter.

Yone's people had started installing the sensors and cameras. The Security cottage had its roof on and the interior would be finished in a few days. It would go `live' before any horses became resident.

Stables, storage, etc... were all in progress. The Doctor's Crawford building was last on the schedule, it's foundation was done.

We had three retirees staying at Harcourt House for now, they'd be our first at EFT.

Walking back to the pool I leaned over Cho's shoulder for a kiss and a whispered news tidbit about Yevgeny and my other news. A smile!

I sat beside Gil, I asked her to send a special thank you note to Dr. Green for her assistance with the clinic medical staff and psychologists.

My morning was hilarious! `So to speak!' Tha had the Twins in their double big wheeled pram, I had Jaidee. Ro and Ken were with us. We walked a bit of the neighborhood then down toward the Lake Roland pier. Jaidee wanted to go close to the water, at the water's edge... a fish jumped... so did Jaidee INTO the water pulling me with him.

We made a big splash! I managed to get to my feet with no trouble, Jaidee close beside me. He was shaking the water off while I was laughing. Ro and Ken came down the slope, I told them not to get wet I was Okay. We walked up to the end of the dock where the Twins were.

I got Jaidee off to the side as he was still shaking the water off. Ken ran up to the pool for a towel. I dried myself a bit... my laughing had the others join in. Ro took Jaidee after I used the towel on him. I sent Tha on ahead. Ken with me grinning.

"Very graceful by the way."

I gave him a mock punch on the arm. Cho came out, a huge grin.

"A bit early for that don't you think?"

He backpedaled as my wet body approached. Me giggling with hands out... fingers flexing!!

I took off my soaking Nike's so I didn't leave wet marks inside. A housemaid said for me to give her the wet things. They had a warm spot in the basement for my shoes. Okay!

A dry crop top and shorts! Breakfast was a quiet affair... thankfully. The Twins giggling in between bites, Cho with a big grin. Everyone coming down got the news of my being dunked.

Our crowd relaxed before going over to Pimlico. Wally and Dolly went over early, they had a filly running in an undercard race.

Today was Black-Eyed Susan Day, a dress up day. Ladies especially were likely to go a bit over the top. Me in a sleeveless black silk dress, tiny buttons down to the waist, soft pleats to my knees. Black stockings attached to a teeny-tiny suspender belt. Shiny yellow heels, a slender yellow belt, yellow linen gloves. Gold jewellery and `Joy' A small black leather bag. A black straw Spanish Equestrian hat, a yellow ribbon around the crown and hanging off the back.

Cho kissed me before the pale red lipstick went on.

He was in black also with a Harcourt Racing yellow tie, horses in gold at his cuffs.

We stopped at the barn for Aneka. She was quiet but a low nicker when I whispered to her to `blow their socks off!'

At the Grandstand door a track official was there to escort us up into the room. We were at the front by the glass like last year. It was much different... no rain forecast for the whole weekend. Heat and dense humidity!! Our Thai born and bred's knew this sort of weather!

We said hello to people as we walked in. Tom Pender there already. Elinor was off working. Wally and Dolly joined us... big smiles. Their filly won her race the Miss Preakness Stakes. A good G3 win and a nice prize!!

Dolly hugged me, "Fay!"

I smiled, always nice to be hugged. She was in a black and yellow striped frock, she was glowing under her floppy hat.

Wally squeezed my hand, "I don't believe we've ever been happier." A cheek kiss!

A race had started which some activity around us. Tessa off to my right looking back over my shoulders raised her eyebrows... I turned to get my club soda. The young man's eyes were huge. I thanked him. I heard a faint giggle behind me. I came back around... Tessa's face!

"Another heart for your collection."

We laughed, "Well... I take them easier than you if you count the boy on the Champs-Élysées."

She said no he didn't count because their meeting wasn't amicable. We laughed.

The post parade for the Black-Eyed Susan was starting. At the glass wall my arm around Cho, a smile on his handsome face.

McKenzie came up after the saddling. He was a bit nervous, Cho shook his hand and thanked him for the fine work getting Aneka ready. That was enough balm to chill McKenzie for now.

We watched our golden red brown chestnut filly walk along with the other horses. She was calm. They loaded off to our left.

All in... CLANG! They came out cleanly rushing down the track towards us. Aneka from the number three position was pouring on the power into the turn. She moved to the rail three lengths clear.

Leoni had her running smoothly around the curve. On the back straight Aneka was five lengths ahead and galloping along easily. In my glasses I watched her body, while she was racing at speed there was no strain. The turn came up quickly Aneka tight to the rail swung around to burst onto the home stretch.

Her lead was eight as Leoni asked for more. Aneka became a streak! Her fractions were blazing fast! By the eighth pole there was eleven lengths between her and the nearest challenger. Aneka stormed over the finish line in 1:47:50!!

She broke a eighteen year old record held by Silverbulletday a terrific filly and a great champion!

We did a lot of cheering! Our golden girl had romped to victory!

Hugs and kisses! A track official came to lead us down. It was much nicer this year no mud! We crossed the track to the old cupola and the hedged winner's circle.

Leoni rode in, Corky had Aneka on a lead. We gathered for the presentation and snaps. Nice to see Leoni holding the trophy with McKenzie! Monaco behind them.

Our girls had two wins in the Distaff Triple Crown. Next month at the Belmont she try for the whole thing in the Acorn Stakes. She looked very strong, destroying the competition.

At the barn McKenzie's face, he was emotional, I hugged him.

"Terrific job with Aneka!"

His eyes were wet, I borrowed Cho's handkerchief. McKenzie was only twenty six, young... very young to be at this level. He was so skilled and calm at the track.

It was great to see him go out with Cho to talk to the press. Monaco winked, "One day he'll be at the top of this game!"

Fist bump!

With the heat Cho suggested we stay home tonight, have the staff cook and chill out by the pool. I was good with that, all our guests too.

So drinks, snacks by the water. Swimming with the Twins! So much fun to go under the water, watching their little arms and legs propelled them forward. So cute in their little goggles!!

When they came up into your arms they were so happy and giggling! Massive grins, splashing. Chani surprised us all with a `Mo' and splashes. I kissed her cheek and we went down together. Cho came under with Charlie!!

I got Tha to go to the end underwater and hold open her arms... Cho and I set the Twins going!! They paddled their way to her arms. When she had them... UP they popped!! Such laughter!! We gave them a rest and Tha had fruit juice for them after the drying off and diapers were on.

Tha got little blue shirts on them with ponies on the back. So sweet in floppy hats, sippy cups and bare feet sticking out of their chairs!

Sal, Dolly, Sasha and me wandering with drinks. We talked all sorts, babies, horses, favorite summer places and future plans. Our mother's to be so happy, their husband's past thrilled. Roundell was Cho's age, Wally forty eight, they were concerned about their age. I know Cho said what they needed was to be in the best shape they could be and think happy!

I had laughed when he told me that after they found out they were to be dad's. He was right, they didn't have to be supermen just take care of themselves.

Cho holding Chani watching me tickle Charlie's tummy on our bed. Not too much as it was near bedtime. Tha had them down soon... so many big yawns.

My morning Jaidee walk did not include a repeat of yesterday's impromptu swimming event! What was repeated was a delicious breakfast and cuddle time with the Twins.

Cho and I read them book that was kid's picture history of America. Jamestown, Pilgrim's, immigrants adding their cultures, people moving west into the mountains, the Revolutionary War and Independence is where we stopped today.

We shared the reading, they got to see the drawings of the events. George Washington was a `Wa!' from Charlie. An historian to be?

Today was a sleeveless white cotton frock, zipper on the side, softly pleated to mid-thigh, green heels, belt and stockings. Yellow straw bag. Gold jewellery and `Joy' I skipped a hat.

At the barn we visited with our two runners. Hansa outside glittering in the sun. She was `talking' to Reggie who talked right back. SakChai in his stall was quiet but nickered when I caressed that powerful neck.

Monaco smiling, he should, he has the two best three year olds in America! The odds-makers had SakChai at even odds and Hansa at 2-1. Close!

He showed us a text from James. IrishRainbow was blowing folks away as he trained for the Triple Bend Stakes at Santa Anita. It was next weekend.

We had all gotten the email from Freddie that our runners in England had won twice this weekend!

Jonny was said Satirical was ready for his next race, Amira had six weeks to wait for her's.

Glaa, Toes Tapping and Samir were in our barn at the Belmont training on the big track there. Rando in California readying to run in the Gold Cup at Santa Anita. Lots of activity now but a lot more as June approached.

Thaksin and Sasithorn in Pleasant Valley learning on the track how to race before running in two year old events.

We were back at our window spot in the clubhouse. Our guests all around looking happy and expectant. So which of our beauties will prevail today? I my mind I thought SakChai was the better horse but Hansa wouldn't ever stop trying so...

The Preakness post parade and more singing by the crowd, another song I hadn't a clue about the words. I just smiled.

Tom Pender wasn't singing, a big grin from him! His boy EveryoneAndOne was in again today with ours.

Tomas in our silks on Hansa, he had the green beanie on his helmet, Marnie's on SakChai yellow like in the Derby. The horses walked quietly to the start. Loading, no issues. SakChai in number four, Hansa two over in the sixth.

Quiet... CLANG!! Our two burst out running with the others down the track towards us. The White Streak began to open some space on all the others except his sister. Down the straight they came!! Two gorgeous horses running together into the Clubhouse turn clear of the rest by three and a half lengths.

They stayed close Hansa on SakChai's shoulder onto the back straight, they galloped along at a fast pace. Six lengths back was EveryoneAndOne, he had a good margin over the next horse.

No change as the turn came up, in my glasses I watched them both switch leads smoothly going in. Whirring around the turn then at the top of the stretch SakChai once again opened a small lead. They came down the track Hansa pouring the power only to have it matched by her brother.

At the eighth pole SakChai had a length and half gap and he was under a hand ride by Marnie. Hansa was game closing to one length but she didn't have enough to catch him. They flashed over the finish like that.

More like Affirmed and Alydar!

The White Streak at 1:54:05! That was the third fastest time ever behind his older brother Glaa who was tied with Canoñero II and the Immortal Secretariat, the record holder!

We went down after a lot of congratulations from the clubhouse folks. Tom Pender smiling his colt had `show' position again! Handshake and cheek kiss.

We crossed the track again to the Old Cupola! Carlita had the lead on SakChai, she handed it to Cho. Lots of pictures, the trophy given to us again. Marnie beside Monaco holding the Woodlawn vase up, huge smiles!

Unless Hansa has more in a longer race SakChai was looking like a possible Triple Crown winner. The Belmont at one and half miles is quite the test. SakChai wasn't greatly urged by Marnie, it had been a hand ride the whole way. She never uncocked her whip.

A Stakes person beside me as I crossed the track. He said our pair were quite beautiful up against each other. The gold and the silvery white.

"You may have the first white Triple Crown winner."

That was an interesting tidbit!

At the barn I asked about the fellow's comment. Monaco said he was right with a twinkle in his eye. Then he checked both horses before going out with Cho and Marnie and Tomas to talk to the press.

I had PJ with me in search of a cup of coffee! Ah! A food truck! They did espresso and lattes. I got a twelve ounce Americano!

Near the barn I saw Elinor with Cho and a cameraman. Tom leaning on a fence off to the side. I asked him how EveryoneAndOne came through. He said he was great and he was going to the Belmont. Fist bump.

I made a motion with my head towards Cho and Elinor... Tom smiled, "We like each other and she is easy company. Not demanding, talks well about things besides horses. Loves basketball!!!"

"Ah! Your other passion?"

"OH Yes!! I played in college and briefly in the Pros. My sons are involved, both played in college. One coaches at a high school, the other is an assistant at Maryland. In the blood."

I was shaking my head, "I don't do balls or sticks just horses!"

"Well I think Cho makes up for you both when he has a golf club in his hands! I never seen or heard of anyone who can play like he does. I watched the last day of the tournament in Los Angeles. What a show. I felt I was watching Wilt Chamberlain do his 100 point game... or Secretariat's Belmont win. It was incredible!!"

"That pretty much sums up Cho to me!"

Back at our rented house everything was ready for departure. We gathered the staff to say goodbye and Francis gave each an envelope like last year. Five hundred dollars to thank them for making our stay a happy one. They had been especially good with the Twins so Cho and I were quite grateful.

They all were thrilled again. A happy exit!

The two AW139's were here. Loaded and lifted off, next stop Manhattan!

In fifty minutes we flared for landing! Our Security there, Terrance and Pell with the transport! Hugs and fist bumps! Off to Minetta Street.

Nina and Alice at the door! Jaidee and Alice sniffed at bit, decided each other was an Okay memory!

Roslyn smiling, hug! Dinner almost ready.

Mara bounced into the passageway, huge smile!

"I get to see dad tomorrow!!!"

Big hug from me!

The FBI decided a visit by Mara would be good. Nina would go with her to represent us and be someone who Mara trusted.

I told Cho, fist bump for Mara!

The Twins in the living room as their dinner was readied. Mara and I on the carpet with the little crawlers. They whizzed around, Jaidee running about then he go over to the babies and give them a lick and take off. They laughed.

Cho and Ro took our Choco boy out to run him a bit. Tha had the food prepared so I sat with the Twins as they ate. I wiped a chin or cheek. They ate veggies, fish and fruit! All gone! Nana' at the end! Tiny white teeth sinking into the Nana' so cute. Big bright eyes, giggles.

Roslyn had us ready when Cho came back. Tha had the twins in their room.

We setup outside at the big table.

Grilled shrimp with a sweet and hot sauce to dip as a starter. Tortilla chips and Pico de Gallo freshly made!! Spicy sauce with tomato, peppers, mango and onion over nice cod steaks, red rice and beans. Small warm soft flour tortillas. Coronas or orange drinks.

Coffee-vanilla flan with strawberries on top! Espresso and Amaretto!

A busy few days! First a snuggle with Cho and Jaidee after the Twins were in bed. There was a dog rub-a-dub-dub then I got one! We ended with me lying on Cho's back relaxing in post-Cho rub mode!

The morning was sunny and nice! Jaidee got to run in George's Dog Run in Washington Square with Twist, Raphaela's pitbull. They did the whole fake biting, show your teeth silliness, cute to see them romp.

Raphaela was doing well. She and her boss were thrilled to get exposure when I wore the clothes they made for me. She knew the ICON Magazine!

"Do you need anything? We'll be glad to help."

I gave her the list of outfits I was going to wear for the interview and photo shoot.

Fist bumps and hugs as we got on with our days.

Cho and Francis were going downtown to the Wall Street bank, lunch there. Gil and I worked until lunch then my clothes were laid out.

I chose the green suit to start, I had it on when the ICON folks arrived. The `Welt am Sonntag' was an important newspaper in Germany. I stayed in our suite, Gil met them guiding them to the sunny terrace. Gil had them seated when I walked out in the suit a, hat, gloves. The whole deal.

I saw Berta bring her hand to her mouth, the woman beside Berta bounced in her seat. The photographer was snapping away!

I said hello, Berta introduced Hilde and the photographer Joachim.

Hilde first, "Miss Martin, that is a wonderful outfit! Classic!"

I gave the history of the Grace Kelly look giving Edith Head full credit but making sure they gave Mirabelle recognition for their work.

I decided to ignore Joachim unless he spoke.

I removed the pillbox hat and veil. Gloves too. Gil took them.

Berta was the facilitator and boss, Hilde was asking the questions so I concentrated on her. She had to work at it because one of my ground rules was no recording except by hand and still camera. There would be no snaps of the Twins or my staff or discussion of them

I stood up to remove the jacket. Hilde and Berta just stared. I heard Joachim's camera going.

I got a sense of Hilde. She had an important person to interview and she was treading carefully.

The 21st Century Fox takeover a biggie for her, many questions about it what's and whatever's. The news conference on the first day came up and my interchange with Joseph. Hilde did know what happened with Joseph and asked why I did it.

I explained I felt I had gone too far even though it was dramatic moment that typified the day. I recounted Joseph's story of being marginalized at the Post, I could sense his drive and made a decision.

Hilde inquired about the method we used to gobble up the company and followed by how was it to dismiss the old management of Fox News.

Joachim I'm sure caught my grin as I responded `Damned good!'

I went to change. Rosalyn had coffee and tea, some of her awesome peanut butter and white chocolate cookies!!!

I put on the black chiffon cocktail dress with the translucent cap short sleeves. Black stockings and heels. Silver jewellery. Darker red lips.

I stepped out of our suite to more Joachim's camera noise. He did ask me to stand in one of the old window openings. I reached up for the wrought iron lattice looking out. Ethereal! Ha!

Then I sat with Hilde again.

She asked about the Chanthira Foundation and its works. She was surprised that it was entirely our money.

"We will do some fund raising before this year is out and they'll be a ramp up next year."

I explained what the aim was in Thailand, to supplement available healthcare, bringing it closer to the people. In America to offer healthcare for LGBTQ young people who can't afford it and give them a stigma free place to go.

The shelters in London were to get young LGBTQ folk off the streets, make them safe, have them clothed and fed. Then offer them services which could keep them off the streets!

The same for the shelters in Seattle, Los Angeles and New York. The streets are death traps for anyone but extra deadly for younger LGBTQ folk. Young people have their whole lives ahead of them, we were trying to give them a better chance to succeed.

We were plowing all the gains from investing the endowment back into the programmes. I laughed when I gave them the reaction from Jian when I said `spend' the money!

I changed the last time to my Paris shopping outfit of black slacks, white top and beige coat. I let Joachim get some snaps then took of the coat and scarf, too hot! The sleeveless top and slacks were fine for a sunny warm spring day.

Hilde moved onto our life, in general terms, I gave her a view. Our travels for work and play, the Harcourt Racing side. Excitement and my love of horses together. How we were building the racing establishment. She asked some about how it was to be in pursuit of big sports prizes.

I gave an inside look at the Triple Crown spectacular that was Glaa. His wins and records, how he would be seen by history as second only to the greatest racer of all time... Secretariat. Then what it was like to watch two of our horses compete against one another. I said SakChai was staking his claim for racing immortality but his sister wouldn't ever stop trying to beat him.

What was it like to sleep over at the White House? Our friendship with the Clinton's. I was smiling as I said how funny it was to see Bill's take on Cho's golf game at the Congressional last week.

I described the `dinner out' with Hillary and Bill at Le Champignon d'Or.

"We'd just come in from London after doing the takeover of The Sun. It had been emotional but Cho and I had played it down purposefully. We wanted the newspapers staffs to know we would be open to them regardless of their work to intrude and spy on us. They would have to have had some fear we might retaliate, we wanted to show them the opposite of that.

When we landed at the White House I was still elated. I gave Hillary a hug in the upstairs passage telling her we owned The Sun!"

Berta asked about the State Dinner. Meeting Angela Merkel, herself and her husband at an important international event. I smiled, shaking my head.

"I was keyed up especially since Hillary had asked us to come down to the reception near the end of the `receiving Line.'

I tried to be on my best behavior besides I was in august company..."

I nodded towards Berta which had Hilde laugh.

Berta smiled, "You acted quite self-possessed at the dinner."

Hilde probed about what else we might be up to...

I had to say that `telling' would take some of the surprise out for her readers. Berta laughed out loud!

I did say we had a lot of horses running from now to the end of the year plus two large horse farms opening by the end of the summer. I mentioned EFT and Hilde wanted to know more. I gave her the idea of a retired horse `home' and the retraining of racers for pleasure riding and equestrian events.

A lot of business travel for me. Cho was to play at the U.S. Amateur Golf Championship in Los Angeles and a Pro-Am tournament at Winged Foot.

There'd be a celebration of our taking control of 21st Century Fox and big party for the Twins first birthday and more.

We wound down. We went off record and Joachim put away his cameras. He thanked me for me being such an easy model. That's when I told him I decided to ignore him unless he asked me to do something.

He cocked his head to the side looking at me, "A marvelous approach, I shall suggest I to others."

Fist bump!

They had stayed long enough to meet Cho. I could see Hilde was impressed!

Berta nudged her, "You should see Cho in `white tie.' Unbelievably handsome!"

We laughed. We gave them cocktails since they weren't driving. Francis made a pitcher of Martini's, dry, large olives! We sipped outside, relaxed.

Cho and Francis talked cameras with Joachim. Us girls chatted clothes and why Grace Kelly's look was high on my list. Gil gave Hilde Mirabelle's contact info.

Roslyn laid out some snacks and they took a second cocktail. I was arm in arm with Berta going toward the lift. Before they went down I reminded them to keep this address close. Berta and the other two assured us.

Mara came bursting from the lift door! Massive hug for me then Cho!

"Dad is great!!! He really wants you to know the dvd player and movies we really good for him! He said they and the books take him away!"

I kissed her cheek, "Good! If it helps pass the time! Tell him to let us know when he needs more. You can go to a video store or online to buy him new titles. Roslyn will help and pay."

She was wired which was terrific!

Mara and I fed or rather helped the Twins with their dinner. Lots of munching! They loved food and didn't dislike anything so far! `Nana!' Charlie waved his handful towards his dad but it stayed in the little hand!! He chomped it, it went away very quickly. A quick wash up then to the carpet in the living room. Jaidee was finished his dinner so our babies rolled around on the floor, chased Jaidee and had fun. We were right down there with them.

Hugs and kisses when Tha moved the Twins to their Nursery. We went in to our dinner. Grilled tuna, asparagus with Hollandaise, dill potatoes with shallots. Nice rolls and butter. A Cabernet-Sauvignon from Bordeaux!!

A big bowl of coffee ice cream with chocolate sprinkles!! Espresso and Amaretto outside! I was snuggled back on Cho. Ali and Francis tight together. Gil on a lounge Jaidee stretched out beside her, a hand slowly working on his back. We looked comfy!

Tha came out to occupy a chair with an Amaretto Francis got her. We were all smiling. I gave them the tale of my interview. Cho laughing behind me, a nice vibration!

The Twins were awake early so they joined the Jaidee walk group. We headed into Washington Square! Tha pushing the babies, Jaidee with me, Gil alongside. Ken and Tara with Ro, lots of happy faces! Mara and Ricardo leading.

I bought everyone lattes at Third Rail Coffee on the way over. The Twins got tiny paper cups of whipped cream just like Jaidee. His puppuccino disappeared very quickly!

Mara grinning whizzing around with her hot chocolate. She and Ricardo went towards the fountain, Tha took the Twins for a spin with Tara. Ken stayed with me and Ro in George's Dog Run tossing a ball for Jaidee.

Jaidee and Ro played with a handsome Alsatian whose owner was reading Variety. He recognized me under my baseball cap.

"Have you seen your Nielsen ratings?"

He showed me the numbers, the top ten news shows we had the nine of the positions, our regular daytime news was the top rated. When Megan was on-air she usually had a thirty percent rating with a fifty five percent share which was astounding.

The piece pointed out Megan had been holding this level for months, destroying the competition. She was the most watched woman on TV, in fact the most watched person period!!

The fellow smiled, "I watch your shows all the time. I never turned on Fox before you took over!"

I thanked him for sharing and watching. A nice day brightener!

When we got back for breakfast Gil had an email from Tai about the variety piece! Cho and I sat with the Twins as they ate.

Roslyn served us scrambled eggs with cheese melted on top, English muffins and fruit. We all chowed down!

I walked outside with Charlie in my arms. There a soft rug on the terrace for the Twins. They had knit hats and sweaters to start. Cho joined me for a storybook time! A book on squirrels.

I had an al fresco conference with the News UK editors on the conference App. It worked beautifully, I got sit under an umbrella on the sunny terrace.

They were pleased with the staff showing an excellent work ethic, willingness to follow our lead and very positive! They understood that our coming in meant the newspapers would have financial stability and the means to grow.

Adam let me know that several new Women's editors had been hired and they `got' their remit. They were to cover women's issues and help give guidance to the rest of the staff to be sensitive to the broader concerns of women.

Des said four national reporters had been grumbling about the new `regime' so he and Adam had a sit down with them individually.

Des laughing, "We told them to `shit or get off the pot!' Their choice is easy so there was no point to saying else especially since that's nearly word for word what you said."

All of us were laughing. Adam said three are gone and the one remaining is actually the only one he would keep. They thought he will come over to our outlook. He knows there's no time to waste.

I let them know we'd in England briefly to see Sunny compete then be back after the Belmont. I'd be at London Bridge Street then.

Black skinny jeans, a crop red T-shirt and a hoodie over, black Doc Marten boots. Silver bits. Off to Mirabelle to do clothes fittings. Raphaela and Coral smiling as we shook hands. Coral was very pleased with me for all the free publicity they had received.

"Miss Martin, our sales have gone up, many more visitors and older customers coming back for new things! Tu es incroyable!"

They had frock for me, no charge! White sleeveless with a small raised collar. Two small frogs holding the slit to the waist front closed, snug to my torso. Several narrow belts in navy, medium green, red and black. The skirt was a circle shape to just below the knee. Light and summery!

I liked it very much! I didn't say anything about paying trying to learn to accept!

A sleeveless gold silk dress to mid-calf, a shirt collar and buttons to the waist, a wide gold belt.

White cotton, sleeveless top for over a white silk softly pleated skirt, a white belt with a large round buckle.

A black crepe strapless dress to my instep, push up top but comfortable. No adornments.

A sapphire blue cotton suit! Three quarter length sleeves, round collar, cut to my waist. Two large sapphire buttons near the bottom as the front had a flap closure. The matching tube skirt to mid-calf with a slit in the back of ten inches. Light weight!

I had fun trying them on. With the seamstresses' and Raphaela's help I got in and out easily. They would be ready in a few days!! The black strapless would be picked up, the others to Venice. They got my many thanks!! Gil paid my bill.

I was out front with Tessa and Tara behind my red sunglasses watching folks on the sidewalk and the traffic. Herald Square was a busy place.

Pell pulled up and we went west to the 35th Street shelter location. On the opposite side of the street looking across to get a `view' of the whole building. Five floors, red brick with white stone window surrounds. Nice!

The construction superintendent had plastic hats for us all. I wandered up and down. They were working very hard at it. Out the back was a couple of oak trees and a maple. When the construction mess was gone there would be several sitting areas, in the summer it would completely shaded. A little paradise in the city!

The Lafayette Street building was more exotic, an old fire house. Two of the big bay doors were replaced by permanent walls, one could still roll up and had an insulation sleeve for the wintertime. The area where the fire trucks used to park would be a community room and dining room. Work rooms in the back of the ground level would be pantries and an enlarged kitchen.

The upstairs floors were being subdivided into bedsit apartments that had male and female floors and communal bathrooms with private shower stalls. A live-in manager would have a two bedroom apartment also an office space downstairs for business.

There was an office for a medical person if we decided to fill that role. I was thinking of a separate building for that.

A TV room and a quiet room for relaxing with a book or such. I suggested big comfy chairs!

The roof had a large area for taking the sun and outdoor parties. Solar panels were going up there on the rear half.

It was a busy neighborhood with lots of art, music and more, near Astor Place so public transportation was close.

These two were having more interior done than the other locations around the country so it would be the end of July at the earliest before they were ready.

Cho sitting opposite with Chani, me under Charlie. Were all laughing. Charlie had yelled out `Jabee' when the very same had wandered onto the terrace. Jaidee stuck his wet nose on Charlie's tummy causing more giggles.

When we settled down Cho went back to giving the news that Mike wanted to move on from the 21st Century Fox deal. Ken, Pedro and us would buy him out. We'd get fifty percent of his shares and the others spilt the rest in half.

We were edging toward holding forty five percent ourselves. Cho grinned, "I think we ultimately have the controlling interest. Bennett will probably also want to move on. I think William will soon also."

After dinner we all watched The Commitments' a good little movie. Lots of earnest acting by novices and real pros. Terrific music, soul' by white Irish kids!

Tunes from Wilson Pickett, Aretha Franklin, Al Green, The Marvelettes, Joe Tex, Sam Cooke, Mary Wells, Marvin Gaye, Sam and Dave and the incredible Otis Redding!!

We enjoyed it, bouncy, well done. It was an Alan Parker movie filmed in Dublin from a Roddy Doyle novel. It looked really good! A short on character development but it moved along so nicely.

The morning had a trip to the Fox Tower. Jeans, sleeveless crop top, leather motorcycle jacket and Doc Martens again, all in black.

Cho doing some more banking business taking the smiling Francis along. Ali was working on the Fox affiliates stuff in the apartment office.

Pell dropped us out front, the Security folks all smiles. Extra NYPD were around. I was told the Mayor was coming for an interview so the NYPD people were on alert.

For that Tara and Tessa just shrugged.

Upstairs a big hug for Bill.

The Peabody Awards were a huge thing for us. They put a real gloss on our takeover and Bill's leadership!!

Kent came up to join us. I told them that Cho and I would not go to the Peabody Awards. They were the ones who did the work so they should represent the company.

No way I wanted to steal any of their thunder!! Bill and Kent would go with Joseph and Larry.

Bill and Millie were going to Nantucket for a week. I wished them relaxation!

I went with downstairs with Kent. Hugs, cheek kisses and handshakes all around the news room! Smiles!! They felt really proud of being acknowledged as a great team!

Well, it showed in their demeanor!!

I was near Megan's on-air desk waiting for a commercial... when she was out I got a huge hug!!

"So `Miss Most Watched'... how does it feel?"

"Fay, it is fucking awesome!!! What I really love is we are giving people the straight news... blemishes where they belong! AND just by telling the truth we are the most trusted and more folks tune in than anywhere else!"

I kissed her cheeks, "Ah you got it!" We laughed, "That is exactly what Cho and I wanted!"

She got a make-up check and a hand squeeze before going back on-air.

Over toward Sixth Avenue I stood well off camera as the Mayor was interviewed. He was asked about the fallout from the `Stop and Frisk' lawsuits by individuals and groups. He wasn't happy to be asked since it had been done years before he was elected but ended up saying while it was to some degree out of his hands... he'd rather settle. Then ensure the changes in police department were properly done.

The Big V for lunch! Tara knocking at the door. EX opened it once more, a huge smile.

"Welcome Miss Martin!"

I squeezed her arm going by. Jayne saw us, we kissed cheeks. She had smiling eyes!

"Fay, it is great you came back!"

She motioned to Glo. Another smiling face.

I stood beside Jayne with a grin, I took a hand and turned to the Petting Room. Jayne's face lit up!

We parked ourselves near the back away from the other couples. The settee comfy, I leaned back, Jayne kept my hand.

"Jayne, I want you to know if you need capital for this..." I waved my free hand back towards the main room, "... I would be interested. Okay?"

She raised my hand to her lips.

"I should say it's a welcome offer! Is this the right time to make a suggestion?"

I waved her on.

"Well, we need to upgrade our air conditioning and heating system. I have bids..."

I leaned to kiss Jayne. Searching... a nice kiss!

"How about I buy forty nine percent ownership, you keep control and get money for that project and others?"

We were pressed close, "Fay, I would jump on that! Can you..."

My lips silenced her. We stayed locked for a few minutes.

"Let's get some lawyers involved. I put the money in right away once the bits are settled. You keep running the `V' as you have. I'll be a background owner. Actually it would be done through a corporation."

One terrific smile, "Fay, what would we need to do to have it work?"

"Make money!"

We laughed together!

I said we need to tell Montana how it works so she doesn't get bent. "Okay?"

Jayne nodded. I gently caressed her bare belly again this time she returned the favor.

"What about your husband?"

I smiled, "He loves me to have my girlfriends. We all take a trip our house on Phuket every late winter for sun, sand, food and sex! He and his buddies play golf a few miles away."

Glittering eyes, as my hand went under her short top to cup a nifty breast. A soft squeeze, a rock hard nipple between my fingers. A low moan as I leaned over to kiss her again.

Jayne leaned on me after the kiss. I patted her butt, "Come... I need food! I'll get Gil to call the lawyers. You call yours."

We walked out past the other couples... strange... no visible hands! Ha!

Jayne sent EX to get Montana from the office. I was beside our booth. I ordered their Salade Niçoise and a plate of chips with ketchup.

I asked Gil to get the lawyers and Francis started. A salute.

I sat to sip my Campari. Montana joined us. Tessa nodded a greeting receiving a smile in return. I put an arm around Montana's waist with Jayne's hand in mine. We walked towards the empty dance floor. I knew Tara was behind us.

We gave Montana the news. She looked into my eyes probing for a reason to be afraid of losing Jayne... she didn't find one. I squeezed her.

"I'm not around much and Jayne is still the boss. I'll be the classic `silent partner.' Now you two should think about coming out to Thailand next winter for the fun times on Phuket. It's ladies only, my friends and my Protection Team ladies."

I looked at Montana, "You wouldn't mind seeing Tessa`s bits?" Another squeeze.

I got a smile, "Miss..." From me, "Fay!" Her smile broadened, "Fay, no! It might be quite nice."

"I can assure you it is!"

We giggled, "Gil will put you in the loop. Okay food!"

I slid into the booth inside Tara to enjoy a fine salad! The tuna properly cooked, bright white and yellow egg pieces, tomatoes and crisp green beans and the tangy olives from which the salad gets its name. Wonderful! The chips/fries lovely like last time!

On the way out hugs from Jayne and Montana. Fist bumps!

Straight home! Pell was splendid! So efficient as a driver moving us from place to place.

The Twins on the carpet with me and Jaidee. We played and rolled, a book on clouds for which we moved outside. Mara had homework but joined us briefly. Cho came out in shorts from our suite to gobble up his son! Charlie was giggles and grins!

We finished the `clouds' and moved onto dinner for them. Cho and I beside them, wiping a chin here, a cheek there! One nose! They laughed and ate! A pretty good job too.

Roslyn said thirty minutes for ours.

Later we did our goodbyes at the front door. Then to the heliport. The big jet roared down the Newburgh runway into the darkness. A turn to starboard then onto Chalgrove. Mira's voice said our ETA was six o'clock.

Eating my eggs in the high altitude sunrise before we made our descent to Chalgrove, the Twins coming out for their breakfast. Charlie and Chani grinning at us. They were so cute in the bunny suits.

Breakfast over we got ready to land. The countryside around the airfield was green in its late spring colours.

Prasert's smiling face at the foot of the stairs, hug.

Ellie was doing very well!

At the door the solid Carter's smile was huge. Fist bumps!! Audra gave me her raised eyebrows... I squeezed her hand as I rushed by calling out for riding companions to get ready!

I stopped by Sunny's room. I sat on the bed next to her, she awakened with my coming in. I got a big hug from my sleepy-eyed niece! She and Charlotte with Declan and Ansara would be leaving for Hartpury in a few hours. Kissed cheeks!

Booted and in black I watched Gil whiz down the stairs giggling one boot on, one in hand.

"I'm going on... take your time."

Marigold got a hug as I passed through the kitchen. Jaidee with me going down the lane.

Thames came roaring out of the office when he heard his buddy's bark. Lots of woofing, butt sniffing and fake biting before they took off. Gregory's head sticking out of the office, a smile.

"My Sylvia's really pleased with the nursery furniture. Thanks again Fay!"

I kissed a cheek, "I'm happy she's happy!"

A loud whinny interrupted us... Pamela! She was saddled and READY!

Gregory said Dr. Crawford2 saw her two days earlier, tip-top shape!

Max. Lu, Con and Scout all ready for my `posse' Gil, Tara, Tessa and Ken. Penny was going to have lessons from Yvonne this morning!

Down the lane then a nice warm-up trot to the Sci Ctr. A gallop to the lock! The lockman gave us a loud hello! Roy setting up, a smile and a `firm' handshake! We laughed.

Remounted over the last bridge we took off at a good pace to the railway underpass then up the tree lined track to the back of Archie and Margy's place. The cows grazing after their milking. The chickens making enough noise to be heard and Algernon, the `head' gander, giving us the eye as we rode by at a slower speed.

Margy waved a hello, we'd see her and Archie tonight at the cookout. Up Hall Street, Jerrold coming out. He called out hello' which got him one back and a don't be tardy' too! Big smile and wave!

A fast run up through the property to the Industrial Estate. Samuel waved from the entry of the `Addition,' the name they used for the new repair building.

Jeffery was beside a part of the roadway opposite the Recording Studio looking at the macadam surface with a fellow in overalls.

They greeted us. Jeffery said some road repair after the heavy construction traffic.

The Studio was in final construction, due to open in less than thirty days. It already had bookings through the end of the year. Tabitha was a good promoter! The yurts were all completed, looking cute when we rode by.

Over the Sandford lock, the fellow there gave us a wave and hello. I turned us in his direction, I leaned down to shake his hand. A smile, `Good morning, miss.'

Mr. Hardy at his door ready for his morning walk. I slid down for a hug! He looked wonderful, trim, great colour in his face.

"Miss Martin, lovely to see you. Are you here long?"

"No, today for the cookout... you're coming?" A YES!

"Tomorrow over to Gloucestershire for an equestrian event for Sunny. Then to Los Angeles."

"Well we'll talk this evening?"


A wave and we headed south. On the grass my girl Pamela soared. She loved to run and being pregnant wasn't a bar to our enjoying ourselves I hoped! Waves to the Fraser men at work.

We walked a bit so I could look at the equestrian layout. We had a small and large Dressage arenas, a full size jumping arena and the cross-country course. All in excellent nick. We could host an `event' but without a lot of local accommodations... We'll see.

Breakfast number two was toast and coffee! Cho had his newspapers, he and Francis going over a Financial Times piece. They were being quite complementary to the Cho Family banking group.

Our banks were very profitable, very well run with exceptionally disciplined decision-making and expanding. The latter something for other banks to be concerned about!

Cho's face when he read out loud that last bit was so cute. To be `feared' for being good was so funny and odd.


I changed and Gil joined me for some work and a Conference App meeting with Adam, Desmond and Lambert to start, Rolf came in later.

We talked news coverage and circulation. Circulation was still in flux, we had some cancellations over the blunt words for Brexit but we gained even more for the same reason! Rolf was surprised by a very nice uptick in online subscriptions.

He was sure it wasn't a blip, "Miss Martin, we did some follow ups like Adam's crew. The new subscribers liked our changes, some had dropped us when we had advocated for Brexit."

Overall the numbers were up for both papers. The Sun on Sunday was up nearly twenty percent, a surprise for everyone.

The direction was good, the staff in general was happy to be working for us. A few folks had gone away especially in national reporting. We were good with that since they were creatures of the past. The Opinion pages had a better variety of voices, no more rightwing nuts allowed.

After we were done I called Des direct. He was sounding pretty chipper. He was candid about being with Roseanna, they were enjoying each other. She was away this week in Cyprus for some meetings with the Army communications folks there. He didn't ask or want to know, they had early come to an agreement on keeping work separate.

The use of the horses at Harcourt House was special for them. He'd thanked Graeme for including Roseanna.

"Graeme had laughed at that. He said Roseanna was quite the sharpie so beware. He's right she is smart, it works between us. The idea is we go on to see where it goes."

His voice said happy to me, I was thrilled!

A call from Sunny, they arrived. The horses were stabled and she and Charlotte were at the B&B after touring the event grounds and being introduced around. Dinner and an early night. She was ready!

Our `Cookout' was all the staff from every enterprise and our neighbors. The Fraser's, all four, no tie got Dan Jr.'s Okay! The Radley's grandma and granddad plus Tom, Lorraine and the cute Melonie. The Lone's came with Mr. Hardy. Kate and her parents and brother.

Tab and Lotte with Jeffery from the Industrial Estate. All of Archie's Farm folks. Dennis, May and Patrick, our Boat Yard family. All the Stables people with Cormac and his EFT crowd.

The Chalgrove Cho-Fay Air group. I asked Richard and his family so they could be introduced.

Our uniformed Security in `civvies' and the eight Protection Team members!

Carla and her Kitchen people would work in shifts so they could take part!

It was a big crowd!

I dressed to be warm as a chill came on. Jeans, T-shirt under a jumper and a mac. A glass of red wine and a veggie burger moving around.

I liked this, talking to everyone, many subjects, hugs, children and kisses. Tha had the Twins in a pram so they could get around better. Jaidee was being a good boy. He had his dinner already!

Mr. Hardy on the Terrace steps. His news was good. He had a publisher and an editor. Adam had made a suggestion to a publisher friend to look at Mr. Hardy's pages. The publisher was delighted and signed him up. Our solicitors helped with the contract.

The editor was very good with his comments. He was also big enough not to mind my feeble observations and Montaigan's much more valuable ones.

So it was going to be book! I laid my arm over his shoulders, I told him I felt like a younger sister, pleased and proud for him.

My other hand in his, a bit of emotion in his voice as `Miss Martin' was thanked for making this change in his life possible. It was funny he never called me Fay. Just like Carla. And Gerald!

Cho found us, his hand extended when Mr. Hardy gave him the same news. Grins on them both.

I wandered some more. I sat with Cormac for a while. He gave the latest on the construction at EFT. The stables were up and complete even the heating was in and working! The Security folks had the entire perimeter done and were on site full-time.

The office, lodging and the house for him all more than seventy percent finished. The Dr.'s Crawford office framing was done and their stable begun.

Cormac was buzzed. The first retirees from here would move next week!!

Archie's folks had been over to start the garden and others things.

"You'll laugh but Phillips folks will be putting in trees and shrubs including roses!"

I nudged him, "That was me. I asked him to make it pretty."

We laughed, "I'm fine with them as long I don't have to tend them because I'm totally lost with green-growing things."

I reassured him Phillips and Teddy would take care of it all.

It was a rather nice evening. Some of the younger ones did some footie on the side lawn around front. Talking and general relaxing by our folks.

Hugs and kisses closed out the night!

Cho and I were wound together under the bedclothes. I liked the taste of me on his lips. I was shivery delicious from several orgasms. Conversely the aroma of his cock was on my face, a load of warm wonderful Cho cum in my belly right where it belonged!

I went to to a wash and get water. Jaidee lolling in his bed being naturally cute. He got a kiss on his head!

After riding and breakfast and some fun with the Twins Prasert drove us over to Chalgrove. The AW139 ready to go. We lifted off going west. At seven thousand feet we had an excellent view of a very green England. Two RAF airfields off to port.

We descended to a large complex north of Hartpury. I could see several jumping and dressage arenas and two large covered arenas. Stabling, storage, etc... Extensive!

We landed on a grassy spot northeast of the buildings away from the stables. We had about one hundred and fifty yards to walk.

I was in jeans, a light jumper and Doc Martens. The Boss jacket over with gloves. All black so I had on some silver bling. Red round sunglasses. Cho in black also with the Ruthenium Panthos sunglasses. Looking deadly!

PJ and Rande with Tessa and Penny around as we walked into the venue. The owners had an aide meet us and we joined them beside a stable office. We got the layout and what was going on.

We let them know we intended to be as low key as possible. They were happy with that.

The lowest levels had completed their competition, the middle ones were finishing now the top level where Sunny was would begin. There were two dressage arenas going at once and the same for jumping.

We got the schedule for Sunny. She would begin in fifteen minutes in jumping. We found out where she was stabled and went over. A smile, a kiss for her.

She would jump outside in the lovely day rather indoors. Her assigned dressage arena was an indoors one.

We gave her a `break-a-leg' and moved away to find a spot to watch. A good location off to one side, an unobstructed view.

"Miss Sunny from Harcourt House' over the tannoy. She walked to the entrance... Off! Prince so handsome, Sunny her Spanish Equestrian outfit like mine looking rather grown up! The first jump the pair soared! One after another they moved around the layout jumping smoothly. Prince so powerful with tremendous spring in his haunches.

Every obstacle came and went without any problem... not even a touch as the last was cleared and Sunny moved to the exit. The crowd gave her a warm round of applause.

A clear round! What style too. We headed to the stable. Sunny and Charlotte had hugged and were discussing it.

Hugs and kisses. Sunny was jazzed! She about forty minutes before the dressage. We let her do her things.

We found a tea cart. Tea for six and a cookie for me! The tea was good! We moved off to the outside of the indoor arena where Sunny would go. A sunlit spot.

One of the organizers approached with a tweedy thirties looking woman. He hoped we wouldn't mind meeting a writer for Practical Horseman.

We said hello and answered some questions, basic to more involved. It came down to we were here to support our niece. She wasn't pushy so it went Okay. I said we needed to go inside. She thanked us.

The organizers had us a spot near the corner just inside a doorway. We had a good view across the arena, Sunny would enter from the far side.

After two riders had done their routines Sunny was announced. She was at the entrance, a salute. She moved Prince ahead. Sunny was on automatic. The pair stepped through the routine easily. So smooth... Sunny was poised, in command!

She turned for the exit, the routine looked excellent. A salute and she was out. A big applause from the full stands. We turned through the door for her stall.

She was with Charlotte and a few other riders. Sunny was being congratulated, a shining face. Her helmet down on her back where mine was after riding.

Most moved on as we held back. One blond fellow, medium height, cute, stayed to chat a bit.

Sunny saw us, big hugs! She introduced Bradley who was from Nash, west of Bletchley in Buckinghamshire. `My Aunt Fay and Uncle Cho' didn't seem to spark anything. Good.

I slid my glasses off. He then recognized me, a bit shy with me but shook hands firmly with Cho. He seemed nice, eighteen, going up to Oxford in the autumn.

Sunny looked at me `could Bradley ride at Harcourt House?' Cho's hand in mine gave a squeeze. I didn't let on.

"I don't see why not... " turning to Bradley, ".. we do charge excessively high rates to ride our horses..." He looked slightly deflated until, "... usually for free."

We grinned, and thanked me for the offer. He'd be busy starting school but he wanted to keep in practice.

"I'd like to get my folks if you don't mind?"

Cho patted his shoulder saying go ahead we'll be here waiting for the results.

In quick time Bradley was back with his parents and a sister. Introductions were done. They were Sir Morris Blake, his wife Cynda and daughter Phoebe.

They thought Sunny looked tremendous competing! Bradley obviously thought so too!

We talked horses, events and Sunny's upcoming activities. What Bradley was doing after his last term was over. And the summer.

An announcement that the judges were done and could we please go to the indoor dressage arena for the award ceremony. We came at an end doorway with the Blake's.

The award stand and small dais about fifty feet away. The Third Place winner was a young dark haired man, the Second Place another man, early twenties. First Place went to `Miss Sunny of Harcourt House.'

A gasp from Sunny, Charlotte had her left hand, my hands on her shoulders she covered her mouth. In her ear Well Done!' We urged her forward. Cho kissed her cheek and offered her his arm... the look from her was a Thank you' and love. Cho so handsome walked Sunny to the stand. Then stepped back away to us. My arms outstretched. HUG! Kiss!

The Blake family behind us clapping away. Bradley Blake applauding with a big smile.

Sunny got the Blue Ribbon, a plaque and a scroll. Her face a mix of joy, pride and humility. The crowd gave her a loud ovation. The organizers at the microphone said she was the youngest rider to ever place in the top echelon much less win the event.

The two young men were gracious to her, one escorted her back to us. Several young women cheered Sunny, she waved to them. We headed to the stable, Bradley offered his arm to Sunny. I was grinning. Cho was between Charlotte and me with both arms occupied.

Bradley's family followed us with our Protectors around all of us.

At the stable Cynda asked about them and was big-eyed when I told her who they were.

A bit of organization, we would leave shortly. Sunny would stay with Charlotte and her horses. Ansara was right there with them. They'd be returning to Harcourt House in a few hours.

Declan had been working. It was great to see Sunny hug and thank him for the hard work with Prince and Zephyr. A hand squeeze with Ansara.

Bradley had gone to help get his horse ready to go. The Blake's were going home together pulling Bradley's horse in a trailer. We wished them a good trip.

I gave Cynda my Harcourt House card. We told them we offered Bradley the use of our horses while he was in Oxford. They thanked us for the hospitality towards their son.

Cho and I walked them to Bradley's stall. Phoebe was beside me, being shy, she'd barely spoken. I asked how old she was, `fifteen' and no to my question, she rode but not like Bradley or Sunny. Just for fun.

"Me too!"

"Miss Martin, you're famous..."

I squeezed her hand, a bit of gratuitous advice, "You could be too. There is frequently a cost but go after your dreams!"

Shining eyes. I kissed her cheek.

We waved to them and turned for the helicopter. It was starting up as we approached, PJ's grin and he waved his iPhone.

We took off to the north away from the people and horses then a turn to starboard. I felt the pilot put a `foot down', we surged. In twenty minutes we flared to land next to the white Cho-Fay Air hangar.

Tom there with a car. We crunched over the Forecourt gravel! Carter!

He had a great smile when we told him Sunny had won the event. Fist bump!

At dinner Sunny thanked us for the videos. I'd asked Penny to come along to do the recording for us. She was very good with her iPhone camera. The two routines and the ceremony had been sent to Seattle after Sunny called her parents with the news. Kay thanked us for the videos.

"She looks great! I'm amazed my daughter is so poised and absorbed in the video."

"Kay, you and Greg must try go to California. We have a nice size house prepared and I hope a good competition."

We talked about dates for California. We'd provide transportation.

"We'll be ready. Greg will have to make time."

Oooohhhh! Well, he wouldn't miss seeing her so no biggie!

A big hug for Sunny at the entryway as we mounted up for Chalgrove on to Los Angeles. Captain Mira said a six o'clock arrival.

Cho and I conferred. We'd go straight to Topanga. The traffic would be minimal. Gil called Dolores, she was expecting it so no problem.

I worked, Cho read the Twins some Pride and Prejudice in Thai with some English. It was a quiet trip.

Leslie's folks waiting on the tarmac with a group of Range Rovers. Off to the hills!

I was tickling my daughter's tummy while she was strapped in, giggles.

Dolores at the door in Topanga. Smiles with hugs! There was some warm milk for the Twins before they went down for a nap. After breakfast, Cho and I in the garden at the far end looking at the blue, deep blue of Santa Monica Bay.

We talked about many things. He tickled me when I told him about the Big `V.'

"Sounds like it's a good investment, the lawyers will find out. And yes I'd like to visit."


Today I was going to look at the new properties for the foundation and the other businesses.

Cho was going to a meet and greet at Dayton's bank we had added to our banking group. He'd show the flag, have a chat with Dayton's management team and their board. No big changes for the bank.

The day was cool with an afternoon warmup. I went with the Mirabelle sapphire blue cotton suit! Three quarter length sleeves, round collar, cut to my waist. Two large sapphire buttons at the bottom closure. The matching tube skirt to mid-calf with a slit in the back. A white silk cutoff tank top underneath. Black heels and black D&G bag. Muted red lips and nails. `Joy'

PJ and Tessa with me and Gil.

Francis called as the car reached the Coast Highway, we had now taken over six Fox affiliates. The Louisville and Seattle were the first, now adding Dallas, Texas; Richmond, Virginia; Augusta, Georgia and Nashville, Tennessee.

He sounded pleased, "Looking hard at Corpus Christi, Texas and New Orleans, Louisiana. Ali has a lot more data on other locations, these two are the best for now."

"Tell Ali to keep researching. Cho and I will talk to the Board members about the numbers."

I liked the choices. We would visit each at some point this year. Dallas was easy since I was going there to meet with Duncan on the GWNW Railway installation. Richmond for the Kanawha Canal folks and Sydney and Sylvia. Nashville and Augusta a bit off our track but doable. Corpus Christi and New Orleans maybe together.

A quick stop in Venice to drop some clothing bits from my shopping. Sarita welcomed us! She was baking cookies for the staff. Wonderful smell!! I nabbed couple with her grinning and pretending to look away. We laughed.

First the office building on the Speedway. Our Security on the ground floor were settled in. We entered the lobby, about two dozen people siting, waiting to do an interview or a test to join our team. The man at the desk stood up to greet me! I said hi and motioned him to sit.

"Miss Martin, Camilla is in her office. It's number twelve."

I thanked him and he buzzed us through the barrier.

Camilla smiling, "Fay, nice to see you."

We talked about how the building was working out.

"I think we need the first floor. It just gets too jammed up here. Our lobby fills up every day. The first floor is already offices and conference rooms so no work needs to be done. Anyone going up would have a card like Winnie's folks to use the elevator.

The stairs we can easily bring inside our secure area barrier.

On the ground level we'll expand the sitting area and keep the initial interviews here. More intensive interviews and testing in the offices upstairs."

Fist bump. We walked the space briefly, offices and multi-purpose rooms already in place.

Leslie had said they would probably need the floor space so a big smile from me.

Upstairs Winnie hugged me. She was doing great! Her sister had come down for a few days and was on the Coast Starlight Amtrak train heading back to San Francisco. So the move had already paid off.

I got the tour' and met her staff. Young and eager with a couple of gray-haired guys. They were experts in video, Winnie said they were prize' catches! They commanded larger salaries but it was paying off with their wide knowledge and coding skills!!

Fist bump.

They had enough room for now! I watched her look at me.

"Okay! Meaning how long?"

She wasn't sure. I said I just gave Security permission to use the first floor. Winnie smiled.

"We're Okay for now. If the projects start growing at a faster clip then we'll have to re-consider."

"Keep a good eye out to the future. If we need to get more space then it'll happen but lead time is gold."

Winnie said she got it.

"I'll have the conversation with Ni later today. She's coming next month."

"Yes. She's stopping over on the way to Apple's WWDC to grab you."

Thumbs up by Winnie, a big grin, "I'm looking forward to it!".

PJ told the driver we'd meet at the car service shop. We walked in the sunshine to the other properties. Two and a half blocks. Enroute I stuck my nose, metaphorically, to the windows of two art galleries. Both were showing modern art, one had lovely bright colourful canvases. I liked looking but wasn't prepared to buy.

Strolling was what you could call it, I was moving along checking out the neighborhood behind my red round sunglasses. There was a nice breeze off the water so I wasn't getting warm walking.

Alonzo met me at the Car Service shop. He was the Security manager for the Venice properties. He was a two year man with us. He and Leslie had worked together and Leslie recruited him.

It had been a full service gas station back in the day. Pump gas, do repairs, car wash, etc... We upgraded all of the buildings and the pumps to meet California environmental laws and for earthquakes. There was a break room for the drivers, an office and a computer room along with the repair bays and storage.

The location was surrounded by our Security's fence and wired with our sensors and cameras. Secure parking for all our vehicles.

PJ let our driver know we were going to the apartment building and then walk back here. He had worked part of a night shift so he wouldn't be driving any more today. There'd be a new driver, Alanna. Okay.

Around the corner was the restaurant at the edge of the old motel lot. It was blocked off from the apartment building by a construction fence. Alonzo escorted us to the office. Hard hats, orange for visitors, we walked a bit. They had one done of each type of apartment as models. The supervisor had some plans with him to show me how they were making two rooms into one two bedroom apartment. He was smiling saying it was easy.

Two rooms made a square, they left the adjoining wall, put a doorway in the middle of it. No door. On the bedroom side an immediate left you went through a door into the front bedroom or straight via a door to the other. In the front, the bathroom was torn out to make way for a closet creating a decent sized room. The old door to outside was made into a window. The back room had the original large window and a closet off the short wall where the door was.

When you entered the apartment there was a short hall, a wall hanger for outer wear on the left, the bathroom was on the right then the rest of the room opened up. A kitchenette to the right with the sink along the bathroom wall to share the water plumbing then a small cooking range and oven, counter tops and cabinets above and below. A refrigerator under the counter.

A dining table and chairs then the sitting area with the large original window. Each apartment would have a large TV, cable and high speed internet. Sofas and chairs and occasional tables and lighting were to be available if needed.

The supervisor said the one bedroom units refurbishing was going along quickly. Clean up, paint, new window glass, upgraded AC and heat. A smaller version of the kitchenette that had a drop down eating counter with stools. There was a double size Murphy bed available with a fold down desk when the bed was closed up if the occupant wanted it to save space for a nice sized sitting area.

I stepped out for a call from Pam. She and Abbey were great! Ken too! A laugh.

"I wanted to check on you two coming up here."

"Cho and I will be there in two days for a few days. We want to meet Abbey and we have the clinic opening."

"KJ and Rachel and their kids will be with us! So lots of introductions."

We set a day and wished each other well!

I talked with our site supervisor about timing and the landscaping. Alonzo gave me the details about Security's plans.

We all walked over to the restaurant. It smelled of toast, eggs and coffee! And cinnamon?

They baked cinnamon rolls!! Big sugary delicious looking ones!! I bought a half dozen.

Glenda, the manager and chief cook, was proud of those! She put mine in a bag.

"Now Miss Martin, you be careful these are valuable. I'm glad you have these nice folks to protect you."

PJ and Tessa had a laugh over that! Tessa pulled out her `finger gun' to guard my bag. Laughter and my thanks to Glenda.

The place was busy! I could see several cinnamon rolls being devoured at that very moment!

A fellow sitting at the counter near us grinning as he put his arm protectively around his `roll!' More laughter! I mentioned that there was sugar glaze on his mustache so he must be biting deep!

He ceremoniously wiped his mouth and `tache' thanking me for the tip. He was regular that Glenda knew well. All smiles as we left.

At the Car Service Alanna became our driver for the rest of trip. First stop Silver Lake.

I asked Alanna to go via Sunset Boulevard so I could see a club. We did the 10' to the 110' and off on Sunset. She stopped opposite the Ricochet. The marquee had tonight's acts... The Draemings!!

I wanted to see them!! I crossed Sunset to the door, Alanna came too. She knew the owner slightly! Cool! He came to the front to greet her. Inside I was introduced to Bart.

He was amazed to have me in his club! He said the Draemings went on at eight. AND no problem getting us in! Okay!

I said it would be me, Cho, Gil, and two of my Security team. Alanna said Dali lives nearby,

"Have you met her?"

I said no. She called Dali, Dali would meet us here tonight. Bart added her to our list.

We did fives' and he was thanked for being lovely. He'd see us tonight!'

I was standing on the west side of Alvarado looking at the building. Astara next to me. She was the coordinator for our clinics and shelters in Los Angeles. She was a transwoman, thirty five, muscular ex-athlete, dark skin that glowed, amber eyes and terrific dreadlocks.

She had experience with shelter operations and an air of authority was would be so valuable.

"Fay, I love your shades!" That came right after we kissed cheeks and shook hands for the first time. A laugh.

Astara was already on the job supervising the build out of the two properties. This Alvarado location had closed later than the Hollywood one so was behind but Jian had given the contractor a target date to earn a bonus.

Astara said the roof would need some unexpected work at the back.

"Looking at it and Kotro's plans we'll need to do some remediation until the permits for the addition come in."

One floor, a former furniture store. We bought the building which included the lot behind where the `addition' would go. Also an empty house lot to the south. We would have that driveway for deliveries and parking.

I walked around to the back looking at the lot and space behind. It would easy to add on a structure to the back. We wanted three floors of bedsit apartments, an apartment for a live-in manager and a laundry room. When it was completed we would remodel the main building.

PJ knocked on the door of the house next to the lot. A middle-aged man answered his door. I explained we owned the property beside and behind him and what we were going to do. He seemed skeptical... like we might ruin the neighborhood. I told him we will build a wood fence as high as allowed to block him from noise, etc... When I said the empty house lot would be for staff parking only... he appeared to be happier.

Inside the old store, it had been a big show room with a storage area at the back, bathrooms and a break room. Kotro's plans had the kitchen in the back with an open dining area on the side wall next to it.

A sitting area by the big front windows which would be covered in glare film and curtained. A TV room and a quiet space and an office with a small sleeping room connected. Two dozen small private rooms and a large bathroom with private showers.

This location would start with managers working shifts until the addition was finished then we'd have an apartment for a live-in manager.

The only work done here so far was gutting the interior. The rest would begin in two days. We were working on the permits for the addition. The empty lot would be paved in two weeks.

On to Hollywood! Sunset Boulevard to Martel Avenue then north. The building was actually on Hawthorn Avenue. I liked the Spanish look!

Astara drove up to join us. She was using the living room here to do preliminary interviews for staff to be used at both locations. They could be rotated between the locations giving them a range of experience.

She and Camilla working together on the hiring. Ku and Jian were coming to town in a week to help Astara do more interviewing. Ku would fly from Seattle with Jian after the clinic opening.

Security were setup in a little cottage on the side by the garage. Another plastic hat. Inside the subdividing was well advanced. Several of the bathrooms were being enlarged with privacy features.

It was fully air-conditioned, there is a communal room, a big dining space and the kitchen was upgraded. A live-in manager's apartment with an office on the ground floor. A TV room, a computer room and a quiet area. Two meeting rooms.

There was a tree shaded sitting area, pleasant. Lots of furniture would be added outside.

This site's construction supervisor was pleased.

"We are ahead of schedule with nothing difficult to come so we should finish early. I've a good crew."

Astara and I talked some more about both sites and staffing. She was looking for to having Ku in town. Hugs and my congratulations for her for joining us and her work so far.

Okay Topanga! We crossed under the `405' and jogged over to San Vincente Boulevard then down to the Coast Highway. Up through the canyon with me doing some rubbernecking at the trees and rocky hillsides. Further up the houses started, scattered on the left then lots of them on both sides of the canyon. On our road, Old Topanga Canyon Road, there weren't many near us.

Cho had arrived minutes before. We joined forces to capture the Twins! On the sunny terrace, tiny wayfarer sunglasses on the babies with floppy hats. `Verrrri cute!!'

Cho and I shared our days. Dayton was happy his bank is together with ours.

Cho met with the bank's Board of Directors. A few weren't sold on the deal but the Board had approved it. Cho sat with them explaining once more how our Cho Family Bank was not going to micro-manage. Dayton and his folks were good bankers but for the bank to grow it needed capital

The deal would give the Los Angeles bank money for further expansion into real estate which had become a major profit centre.

Cho laughed, "I stood there telling everyone but especially the doubters we had no intention of sending in a horde of our folks to `change' the bank. We bought the bank because we liked the way it did business and it had a solid foundation.

I really shouldn't have to go over it but I felt one time more then `piss on them' was going to be my attitude."

We laughed, "Well... a few acted like it was some kind of mercenary attack. Childish!"

I kissed my banker, "You did right. Now Dayton can help you move out the dissenters."

Cho squeezed me, "Exactly! You'd be a good `board' manipulator!"

We both had a good laugh. Charlie in my lap and Chani in Cho's giggled!

He was going to skip tonight so he could get some work done and up early for golf with Pedro at the Riviera. Fist bumps when he said Alejandro was going to join him.

Dolores had awesome grilled tuna, a secret sauce?? She should talk with Cho! Big baked potatoes, green salads and crunchy crust bread. Cho opened a nice California merlot, smooth. Ice cream and sweet doo-dads on top!

Back tight jeans, low waisted, a big buckled belt, cut off T-shirt in black and white stripes, a black hoodie, ankle boots, silver jewellery and a gift from Cho... small round black lensed sunglasses, silver frames. Very nifty!! Big kiss.

I kept Alanna with us, she was very willing! No family in Los Angeles, on her own. She liked the Draemings too! She enjoyed the dinner!! I lent her some jeans and a crop top and a hoodie to replace her Security uniform.

A kiss from Cho, hugs and kisses for the Twins.

A Range Rover this time. Down the winding canyon up the hillside to the PCH, up on the 10', the 110' and then Sunset Boulevard. East to Echo Park. Bart had a deal with the gallery next door for after hour parking. Alanna eased us into a spot.

Bart's assistant met us at the back. Beside her... a slender, muscled dark-skinned woman... Dali. We hugged and shook hands.

"Hi boss!"

I laughed. She got to meet my folks. She said she was honored to meet my Protection pair of Tessa and Tara.

"You guys are famous in the Security Service!!!"

Dali was a good-looker! Tight jeans, crop tank top with a hoodie over. She fit in!

Inside we were asked if we wanted to meet the band... like YES!!

Chris, Thorson, Jess and Kimi were in a dressing room. Bart escorted us in. They were nice then realized who I was! Welcoming me in a big way! I told them I'd been following their sound since early 2016. `Like a Ghost' was the first tune I'd heard. They were like Wow!

I showed Kimi all their tunes and videos on my iPhone.

"Nice to have you as a fan! I'm your fan! I've seen and heard what you do! Awesome!"

She added , "We watch Fox now."

"Good! We like to make money." Fist bump! Laughing!

We let them get on.

Kimi said to come back after their set and before they go out front to meet and greet. Okay.

Bart at the door, he gave them the time and turned to lead us out. I stuck my new glasses back on my face. At the bar we got drinks then Bart had a place for us at the stage edge.

Gil grinning "Don't worry I'll get snaps!"

A hug. I turned to Tessa and Tara, smiles but working.

Texts from Sumate to Cho and I. Several people tried to enter our house grounds in Bangkok. They landed on the dock were moving toward the land. When challenged they open fire. Semi-automatic fire but unaimed, shooting wildly.

Our folks were concealed, returned fire, both intruders were hit. One killed, the other wounded. He'd live. Our Security were all Okay, no injuries.

Their on-boat accomplices abandoned them to escape down river. Our people had called in a drone from Security HQ a short way across and down the river. The drone was airborne in a minute because one was on stand-by all day.

The drone was vectored by our house guards and supplied with a description. It picked up the boat, the person flying it had contacted the Bangkok Police river unit when the drone lifted off.

It was overtaken downstream after a chase by a city police boat. Our drone flying without lights was above the boat when it stopped. The policemen told the occupants to hold up their hands with any weapons up by the barrel. Our drone turned on its lights so the police could see, a shock for the would-be robbers. When the police boat was close they turned on their big lights.

Two more in custody.

They were part of a gang looking for quick scores. The denouement was one of the boaters gave up their hideout. Dad's Security Police Commandos moved in to scoop all the rest about thirty minutes ago.

A full report in email for us in the morning our time. `Done and dusted' was Sumate's last comment.

The Draemings were still setting up so I called Cho. I could hear the smile in his voice.

"Well... it's a long way from nude wrestling in the kitchen."

I had to laugh at the memory, serio-comic now, deadly then. I could feel the crunch as I used the automatic pistol to hit our attacker. It was a long way!

I sent a kiss.

I held up my iPhone so Tessa and Tara, Alanna and Dali could read Sumate's texts. Tara's hand on my shoulder squeezed. Tessa leaning close, "We do have good people. They didn't get rattled, fired aimed shots!"

They'd get to see Sumate's report with PJ and the others in the morning. All for now as the Draemings were ready to go.

Kimi started it off with `Like a Ghost' saying it was for a special guest. Hot! I was ready.

I was bouncing right away. Teen Death machine' Sinking Ship' `Golden Girl' I was really warm so the hoodie came off, Gil wrapped it around her waist.

Animals in Disguise' Reno' Searchlight' 'Panaca' Dream of Me' `Eternal Lonesome'

At the start of `Battle Mountain' Kimi slipped down from the stage moving, singing next to me! I loved it. We were face to face dancing as she sang. She turned to dance with other folks nearby.

Then when they began `Area 51' she had one of my hands, we moved to together, bouncing and swinging. Chris above on the stage edge was grinning, urging us with his body motion. Thorson phlegmatic on his bass but bobbing his head.

Terrific. The crowd behind us really into it. They were dancing, moving with the beat! Cheers!

When `Area 51' finished... Kimi gave me a hug. Chris' hand pulled her up. They thanked the crowd for their energy and wished them all a great night. Lots cheers, whistles and clapping!! I think I was doing all three.

A young fellow on my right leaned over with his his hand out... I gave it a decent smack. Rotated mine so he could return it! He said Kimi and I were really hot!

Kimi leaned over to hand me her `set list' scribbled on piece of white cardboard. Huge smile!

The young guy gave me a thumbs up!

I was still light on my feet, feeling great! Bart was back.

"Miss Martin you were really into them! It was like WOW! You and Kimi... just sensational!"

I said I was very happy and thanked him for arranging this.

"If you give me an email address I'll keep you informed on all our shows."

I turned to Gil, she had a card out for him.

In the back the band thanked me for the support and signed the reverse of the set list.' Kimi handed me a black T-shirt DRAEMINGS' over quarter moons and a fierce cat face.

Gil at my request bought all my group t-shirts from the band's stock and one for Cho and the smallest for the Twins. No baby sizes.

I showed Kimi some snaps of them from yesterday. The little darlings! She asked if we were around for long.

"Until tomorrow then we go to Seattle in the evening. We have friends who just had a daughter so a first visit and we are opening a healthcare clinic aimed at the LGBTQ community and low-income folks. We'll open two shelters for LGBTQ youth in LA in a few months. One not far from here around on Alvarado. The other in Hollywood between Hollywood Boulevard and Sunset off Martell. We'll be back for those."

She was watching me, "You are really doing things, good things. You do horse racing, right?"

"Yes, that was Cho before we met. I got involved because I rode a lot when I was young. I love our horses, watching them compete is amazing! I ride now whenever I can. Did you ever ride?"

She had in Colorado but not here.

"Well.. If you want to torture your hind parts you can go up in Topanga Canyon. We have a ranch and four horses up there. There's tack and stable staff."

I leaned over to Gil. She gave Kimi her card with the address and the telephone numbers for Security and Viv on the reverse.

"Just call them to arrange a day and time. Drive up and have fun. Parts of the property are rugged but if you ask one of the staff they can show you around out there. The back areas aren't good for solo riding."

Hugs and thanks for the offer. I said it went for the whole band. Kimi smiled `not likely.'

"If you ever want a spot to play a gig in New York... I recently decided to buy into a club in SOHO. It's a bar, restaurant and venue called the Big `V' and yes it's a gay spot. The food is tremendous, it's busy at night, it has a great reputation with a loyal following."

Kimi said they'd give it a look and send it on to their management company.

More hugs and kisses in the goodbyes.

Cho was still awake, barely, sitting up in bed with several piles of report, etc... one done, one to be done. I was his `interruptus' demanding kisses. He got I had enjoyed myself. I gave him my night without going overboard.

A head kiss for Jaidee.

"So... you're a promoter now? There's no end to your talents."

That got him tickled... me tickled and a yell to stop before pee was released... that came from me! We laughed, kissed and rubbed some nakedness on each other!


My morning ride with Ken was great! He was really getting into horses. He wanted to try a western saddle. Viv had one so on another trip he'd give it a go.

Before breakfast I gave my golfer the extra special double-whammy good morning kiss!

It put a smile on his face! Hand in hand we walked through the house to the kitchen.

Tha was with the Twins who were chowing down!

I waved Cho down the drive, wishing him a good game!

I organized my crowd. Tha and the Twins to the Terrace, sun wear on! Gil to the Terrace with work stuff. Francis on FaceTime with Ali on the Fox affiliates info.

Me in short shorts and a light jumper in the sun, coffee and lots of reports, evaluations, plans for trips, etc... I also wanted some thinking time this afternoon so a ride by myself on the flat areas.

Sumate's report on the attempted intrusion at our house in Bangkok was thorough, the most important part was from the interviews with the criminals. They didn't know whose house it was but rich folks lived there. They had gone by on boats and had used a drone to go over the property. That didn't work out because it was spotted.

Sumate wanted to install one of our drone defense systems to cover the compound. I replied with a yes!

Viv called Gil, Mari was driving up to ride. Okay. I got Gil to call to find out what her timing was.

How about lunch then a ride? Gil turned to me with a thumbs up. I'd postpone my thinking session.

Mari drove up at one o'clock. We cleared away the terrace table. Dolores had a cold cuts buffet, cheeses, some sliced tomatoes and lettuce, several bread choices, condiments, fruit, cookies and cake! I grabbed an orange cream soda! A well piled plate, out to the sun.

Tha had the Twins under an umbrella with their lunch. I sat with them and Mari beside me. We helped the babies and talked horses.

Dressed for a ride, we walked over with Ro and Jaidee. He was to have a romp with Billie and Wonda. Ro the ball tosser!

Mari, Tara and I rode out to the west `heading for the hills' and the trails. We wound our way up to the southwest then back down on the reverse side of a ridge. Back in the shallow valley where the stream was lower now with the end of the winter/spring rains.

We came to the back end of Ned's property. He was sunning himself, Cat was with him. He was doing well and our dogs hadn't been anywhere that he could tell. All good.

I introduced Mari saying she would around occasionally. Ned waved, Cat sat up to give us a good looking over. Her head went back so I guess we were Okay or at least tolerable.

Mari laughed at that when I said it out loud on our way to the stables.

"Fay, it was a wonderful afternoon! Thanks!"

Fist bump.

I gave her a hug at her car, waves.

Text from Cho, on his way! Yea!

I cleaned up, back in short shorts an crop top in the warmed up day!

On the terrace when Cho came through. Kiss! Tha and the Twins were splashing in their wading pool. Cho knelt on the edge they wanted a kiss from Dad! Cho got a bit wet, laughing all the while.

I got him a Newcastle and we sat on lounges. He had a good day, enjoyable to play with Pedro. He was an excellent golfer, no messy around and wasn't chatty. They talked about shots, the course... not other things.

They had lunch at the club, Cho met quite a few other members.

I leaned over to poke his arm... eyebrows raised... Cho smiling.

"Okay but remember it's not all about the score...' A grin as he dragged it out. "... I shot a 60 today."

So calm. I laughed and climbed on him. We kissed.

"So how was Alejandro?"

"He has such a good eye for distance. A gift. He's also a quiet man on the course which is greatly appreciated. He'll caddy for me at the U.S. Amateur."

More kissing.

"I'm glad you like his work. Good folks can be incredible gems!"

Sotto voce from me, "Gil!"

Cho squeezed me. A prolonged kiss!!!

I spun up to sit back against him. Arms snaked around my waist. A warm cheek on my bicep. We watched the Twins tossing water around. Tha was getting pretty wet laughing through it!

Quiet voice, "Like Tha?"

I nodded, "Francis... everyone really."

A kiss on bare skin, "Yes. We have been both lucky and smart in our choices."

My finger slid through the dark hair, such a nice feeling. A kiss on his left temple.

"We both have a gift too. We can see a lot a about person when we meet even when in a few cases it wasn't necessarily a good beginning."

Dolores fed us very well. Hugs at the door and off to Santa Monica Airfield. Mira had us moving immediately. Cleared and off. A big power turn to the north. We'd be on the ground a bit after eight PM.

Our driver went up onto the Viaduct so we could see the bay at night. In two years the tunnel would be open and this massive concrete elevated highway will be torn down. I wanted to see more of the view before it was gone.

Martha had fresh from the oven cheddar cheese sticks! Mini-croissants with cheese or chocolate inside! Hot chocolate for everyone.

It was crazy to watch Charlie munch a cheese stick. They weren't hard so his little teeth could crunch down and not hurt his gums! They got sippy cups with warm... not hot chocolate. It was made with less sugar.

Oh Yes! This went over big. We sat on the carpet to play for a bit to run their bodies' batteries down. The yawns came and so to bed. Tha giggling behind Cho and I carrying the little treasures to dreamland.

Tessa, Tara, Ken and Gil walking with me to the Discovery Park Stables. Myrtle had been alerted with Megan's help they had five horses ready. Andy came out to see me. Hug!

He would be going to Harcourt House this afternoon for the wedding then a honeymoon. He and Audra would stay at the Quai Bethune house for week of Paris and environs exploration. They were excited!

Augusta and Lucien had my plan for their first night ready to go! Taittinger's, strawberries and warm chocolate for dipping!!

We had a rollicking ride, galloping across the old Parade Ground then down to the beach for more! I was watching Ken our newest rider, he clearly enjoyed himself and was comfortable. Fist bump as we walked our horses around the perimeter of the Lower Field.

Big grins around the kitchen coffee machine talking about the ride and what was coming up for us. Ro and Cho came in from a Jaidee neighborhood stroll. They got to meet Marauder again! He and our boy did the obligatory butt sniffings. All Okay!

A text from Penn, Jian's Cho-Fay Air 737 was landing at Boeing Field with Ku. Yea!

A kiss for Cho before he drove to play golf with Ken, Allen and Jud. They'd meet us at Ken's for lunch. I was heading there in an hour or so to visit with Pam and Abbey!! KJ and his family were there!!

A chilly spring day. Black jeans, crop black T-shirt, electric blue and black checked flannel shirt over with ankle boots. Silver bits and no `Joy' so it wouldn't bother Abbey.

A blizzard of hugs and kisses for Jian and Ku on the drive!! Gil's arms around Ku, big kiss! We got their bags inside. They did it all over again for the Twins!

They were amazed by the the Twins growth! We all laughed when Jian asked if they were enrolled in a college yet.

PJ and Tara with me and Gil, Jian and Ku. The Twins and Tha all going for a meet and greet with the newest baby in our circle.

Up through Ballard to Greenwood Avenue, on that to N. 145th Street where it ran beside the Seattle Country Club grounds then connected to Olympic Drive NW. That wound a bit to NW Cherry Loop.

Pam and Ken's home was a gray brick front, traditional looking nestled in the trees! We parked on their forecourt...

Pam! She looked terrific! Ken Junior aka KJ, with Rachel his wife and Rosemary, twelve, their daughter. K3, a handsome boy, their son Ken the Third. He was ten. Hugs and kisses.

Abbey was out back, Pam led us through the house, a quickie tour on the ground floor. On the terrace under an umbrella was a well wrapped up Abbey and her nurse.

Chani and Charlie in their carriers were held up so they could see the tiny Abbey. She had a cute face, her eyes popped open with the noise.

Chani smiling pointing to Abbey, "Babee."

Charlie laughing repeating `Babee' which is their little sharing trick.

Pam was shocked, "Fay... Wow! They're what... eleven months?"

"Yes! Three weeks until their birthday. They're smart little critters!"

"I'll say!" My cheek kissed.

Rosemary sat with Chani in her lap. Smiles. Rachel grinning, "She's a cutie. Much like you."

A compliment I willingly accepted. The babies hung out with their nurses as we wandered around.

Their terrace looked out over a swimming pool then a large green lawn that sloped very gently towards the Puget Sound. A nice panoramic view across the water to the Olympic Mountains!

We walked down... a play area at the bottom was being re-built, a slide, swings, sandbox and monkey bars. It had been setup years ago for Rachel and KJ's kids but was in need of a rehabilitation for Abbey.

K3 `tested' the re-done monkey bars. Okay!

Post holes for a fence that could be removed like the one at the end of our `Play Room' terrace in Bangkok.

There was a nice `kitchen' garden to one side, veggies and herbs. Neat and well cared for. As we walked back Pam described the house and the other bits. Their housekeeper cook and gardener/handy-man had separate apartments over the garage.

There was a putting green on the south side outside Ken's study, a grin.

"We both use it but as you can imagine my golf game has gone south recently."

We hugged and laughed. My crowd got an excursion through the upstairs, bedrooms and the attic rooms they had planned for Abbey.

"She could have some privacy when she's a teen."

It was a work in progress, a bedroom, a sitting room, a large bathroom and a HUGE closet! She have friends over without worrying too much about noise. Three big dormer windows facing the gorgeous Puget Sound.

There was a guest suite up there too facing the forecourt.

A nice solid, comfy house. The living room and other rooms furniture was comfortable and not ostentatious. They, like us, wanted to enjoy the rooms without fussy furnishings. I did like their breakfast nook in a curved room with floor to ceiling nicely framed windows. A door opened to the terrace.

Ken's study would delight Cho. I loved it!! Floor to ceiling built-in bookshelves with a rolling ladders attached to a steel pipe support system. A spiral staircase up to another room of bookshelves all around and a large square opening beside the stair with a balustrade all around. The spiral stairs were black steel like the ladder pipes with wooden steps. Some very comfy chairs for book browsing on the second level!

We walked all the way across the ground floor to the kitchen. Their housekeeper and her sister were working on our lunch. They were smiling. They enjoyed working together.

They had a chance to go out to see the Twins!

"Miss they are gorgeous babies! I hope we see them again."

Pam with a big smile looking towards my thumbs up, "You will I'm sure."

A text from Rande, `on our way'

We gathered on the terrace when the men arrived. Ken holding Abbey... a very proud daddy! Cho had Charlie, Jian squeezing Chani.

I asked about their golfing partners, they went to the boatyard to meet some suppliers over lunch.

After our delicious lunch we discussed what was to happen tomorrow at the clinic. Abbey would stay home with her nurse but Ken and Pam would come. The Twins were going with us.

Jian said we had the mayor and deputy mayor, several City Council members plus the new Congresswoman for the district and the Governor!! Whoa!

"When did this happen?"

Jian grinning, "Well I asked Regina for the names and Ku..." A small finger aimed towards the very one, "... got busy making calls and doing some explaining... and some cajoling."

Ku was laughing, "Well Fay, I used your name as leverage!"

She pumped her arm up and down!!

"The staff people were impressed that you and Cho would do this on your own. They wanted their bosses to see it and I jumped in with an invite to the opening. Both were very pleased! So... how's that for PR?"

Big hugs and kisses for them!!

Ken said he knew the Governor slightly, "This is great! We are glad `Healthy Baby' is part of it."

Fist bumps for everybody.

We ended the day on our sandy terrace sitting watching the sun go down behind the Olympic Mountains. Chani, Charlie with Cho and I and our household. Jaidee in between us. He had done some digging in the sand. Francis filled it in when we got him to stop.

A beautiful red, pink, orange and yellow extravaganza the sunset was! Oooohhhh's and aaaahhhh's from us all!!!

As night fell we carried the Twins up to their room, Tha ahead getting their nightclothes ready. Cho and I changed their diapers, night shirts... lots of kisses and hugs. Huge yawns!!

Outside their door I was SCOOPED up by Cho and toted to bed. We undressed each other kissing body parts, I threw in a few licks!!

We burrowed into the sheets after a Jaidee rub-a-dub! Sleep!

We walked over to the stables in the early light. Cool but no wind. Gil, Tessa and Ken with me. We rode down to the beach at West Point. Peaceful, only the surf made a sound. Then we thundered along the shore to the sign marking the limit for the horses and turned back for another gallop.

Terrific stuff. We walked up the hill to the Parade Ground for some galloping and a pause up on the hill top looking out on the Puget Sound. Lots of gray and green, the sun was breaking through. Ken asked about what we could see. I told him what I knew. A fast trot back to the stables.

Dean had arrived to join Myrtle. Andy was now in Nuneham Courtenay prepping for his wedding! These two were fine. `All shipshape!' Laughing I thanked them!

I chose the sapphire blue suit for the opening. I liked its cut and colour. Three quarter length sleeves, round collar, cut to my waist. Two large sapphire buttons near the bottom. A white sleeveless silk top under the jacket. The matching tube skirt to mid-calf! It was flattering to my shape. Nude stockings and red Jimmy Choo heels.

Cho's hug and kiss said he liked it too! Red lips and nails. `Joy' and the Hermes red alligator 32cm Kelly bag! Yes!

We gathered the crowd. Tha with the Twins and a pram, Tara and Penny to stay with them. PJ and Tessa with me, Rande and Ro with Cho. Francis and Gil. We loaded up in several cars.

Over to 15th Avenue then to Denny Way, past the Seattle Center over the freeway and up Capitol Hill to 12th Avenue then south. Our Security waved us into the covered parking.

The Seattle police were already here, no surprise their precinct was down the street. Inside Regina and Tana were a bit nervous with all the bigwigs coming.

I gave them each a hug, `Don't worry, it'll all be over soon' to encourage them. Jian and Ku got big hugs!

It looked great! We had a short tour! The offices in lovely warm shades of many colours, comfy chairs in the waiting room, sparkling treatment rooms, the double X-Ray rooms, the small surgery suite. The examining rooms with scales, those forbidding looking exam benches with the various parts that moved, the small wash basins, all well-lit and beautifully painted!

I looked out a northern window down onto the staff car park, two dozen spaces fenced and protected.

The staff were wearing big smiles. They loved meeting Cho and the Twins. We headed to the front. Outside the traffic lane close to the curb was closed and cars were going by on the center lane, lines of big orange cones and several police officers keeping watch.

Pam and Ken arrived! Hugs and a tour for them. Pam would come over next week with Abbey for a visit and a talk about Healthy Baby's participation going forward. We had signage for Healthy Baby up and their literature alongside ours.

I rounded up Regina and Tana with Jian and Ku for a quick meeting before the show kicked off.

Our local LGBTQ groups were welcomed, they were eager for us to open! They were really impressed when their tour brought them back out front.

The City Council member for this district I remembered from the meeting at the SODO building arrived. She had the local Congresswoman with her, she was glad to meet us. She liked my suit!

The Mayor arrived. We hadn't met, he was smiling big introducing his wife. Cheek kiss. His deputy who I had already met several times!

The Governor's car pulled to the curb. He climbed out, a tall fellow. Cho and I welcomed him. We spoke briefly about what would happen.

All the dignitaries were introduced to Jian and Ku then Regina and Tana. Their kids too!

We went to it. A small crowd from the neighborhood gathered. We had put out flyers explaining the clinic and the opening day. TV and radio folks with lots of print journalists clustered. Cho and I greeted everyone. Cho gave them a brief idea of what the clinic's remit was and what the Chanthira Foundation's role was.

The Governor, Mayor, Congresswoman and Councilwoman all had scissors to cut the big red ribbon. Snip! Applause from the crowd that had collected, aides and our people. Cho and I with Tha and the Twins, Jian and Ku escorted the dignitaries inside.

They were introduced to staff members who took each of the invited guests on a tour of the clinic. I saw Janesse and waved her over. Representative Jayapal stepped close at that moment. I introduced the two as I explained what Janesse's role was. Ms. Jayapal wanted a look.

We three with PJ and Tessa walked next door. The workers were putting up the framing and drywall for the sleeping rooms in the northern section. We smiled and waved. The supervisor came over.

"Janesse, did you want to see anything in particular?"

"No thank you. I was just showing Miss Martin and Ms. Jayapal the layout. We won't bother you."

We shook hands. He was a bit embarrassed by his dirty clothes.

"Well... be careful of the dust."

I thanked him and shook his hand again as did the Congresswoman. He was a bit bug-eyed.

We retreated to the front door. Janesse gave Ms. Jayapal the general plan and when we hoped to open.

On the sidewalk we faced the door.

"Miss Martin, this is all self-financed?"

"Yes! The Chanthira Foundation is endowed by Cho and I and named for his mother. She is dead now for many years but we are keeping her alive for us and our children this way."

I told her of the shelters and clinics in Los Angeles and New York and that we'd be doing openings in London for three shelters and a clinic later this month. I gave her our method, look in certain areas where homeless or in-need LGBTQ youth cluster, find an appropriate building, buy it, rehabilitate it for our needs, hire staff, train them and open up.

"When I say we buy a building, we pay cash for the best price. We purchase everything in cash, no financing costs. We have the money so we actually save a great deal paying up front. It also closes deals VERY quickly."

Janesse laid out what we will do for the young visitors, treat them as guests, protect them, feed them, give them a place to wash, get their clothes clean or get replacements and relax. Then a private room to sleep in and be a safe place for them and their belongings.

We would then talk with each, find out about them, try to get services for them from governments, legal help if needed and possible jobs.

I let Ms. Jayapal know were looking into some older apartment buildings to be fixed up as low-cost housing, something hard to come by in Seattle.

"This is costing a good deal I'm sure. There should be Federal and State monies available for some the costs."

I smiled, "Yes there must be but for now the Foundation is spending its own money. That gives us total control, many rules and regulations won't apply because there are no public funds involved. We can work much faster getting things going.

We have to meet all regulations about housing, food preparation, etc... " I smiled at her, "...I think we will exceed all their requirements. As you saw in the clinic we want the best and are willing to pay for the best."

"Seriously... you aren't interested in more money?"

"We're not trying be snooty... but if we can finance it ourselves it works better. We're a lot lighter on our feet than any government agency. The clinic building was bought in late winter and is now open... do you think a government funded, even partially funded, enterprise could be done as quickly?"

"Well no... I get the point."

I squeezed her hand, "Besides we have the money. It's not conceivable we would sit on it all just to leave it to the Twins. We're having too much fun!"

She gave me a grin, "A non-sequitur... I understand Fox owns the local Fox TV station and the company is buying more? Is there a plan?"

The construction guy came to ask Janesse something so I used it for a break. I steered us away from the clinic towards Café Argento nearby. "How about some coffee?"

She was up for some tea! PJ, Tessa and Gil with us. As we moved I did the introductions. Her eyes widened when I explained Gil's, PJ and Tessa's role in my life.

The café made us coffee, tea and lattes! We sat at a small table with PJ and Tessa behind us.

I gave Ms. Jayapal our philosophy about money and how we invest in people, technology and companies, that makes us stronger which in turn makes more money... recycle! Despite all our spending the money keeps getting larger.

"We have recently added two billion dollars to the Foundation's endowment and given the successes of the investment team it will GROW. This past year it had a ten percent growth on the eight hundred million we added so... ten percent or more of three billion..."

She got it, "Well I applaud your willingness to spend it on those who need help!"

Gil poked my arm, "Brock?"

I shook my head, "We are considering other cities for shelters and clinics. The four cities we've started with were in our comfort zone. We visit often and have homes there. AND there's a huge need!"

We headed back, sipping. I introduced Ms. Jayapal to the Twins. Tara and Penny grinning. Penny said they have been made over by everyone!

Ms. Jayapal nodding, "I can see why! Very sweet!"

The Governor with Regina came to see our `kids' too. He looked me and motioned about leaning over.

"Please... they love attention!"

He smiled and got a closer look. A loud `Wa' from Charlie!

I said it meant he was Okay. The Governor laughed saying his children were good with crowds at this age.

Pam and Ken came close for hugs. Ken shook the Governor's hand and had brief talk before he made his way out. Cho was outside with the city council members. I saw he and the Governor shake hands and speak for a few minutes.

I gathered Regina and Tana, kisses and hugs!

"You're a great pair! Now go and make medicine!"

We laughed! I got `Will Do's' from them! Hugs for Bailey, Bobby and Tora!

Cho and I thanked the police sergeant in charge for their help.

The Twins and Cho went on home with Francis.

A short stop for me before going home. We went down the hill on Denny Way and went north on Westlake to the KCPQ Fox TV studios. Kind of naughty... not much warning!

PJ leading, Gil behind me and Tessa at the back we walked to the front door. Gil had called as we drove, a security guard was at the doorway gate. He got a look at me and opened the gate.

I thanked him and asked him to please lead us in. He nodded and stuttered out a `Yes Ma'am.'

The reception desk had three people behind it staring at my approach.

"Hello... Sorry for the abrupt nature of my visit but I don't often get a chance to do calls on our local stations."

The man said he was the general manager, Noah. We shook hands, I did also for the receptionists and another staffer.

I asked for a short tour. The mid-day news was on in the main studio. We stood back in the dark as a woman did a lead-in for a piece on nasty warehouse fire. It looked bad, greasy looking black smoke billowing upwards. Carpets and paneling. The reporter on the scene made a point about the chemicals being discharged were noxious and dangerous for the firefighters.

It was under control and traffic around SODO location would be back to normal in an hour. I asked about the location, fortunately it wasn't near our `traffic' building. I mentioned that to the station general manager saying we would have them in with other news folks when it opened.

They went to a commercial... I pointed to me and the news lady... Noah smiled saying yes. We walked into the light up to her desk. She knew me right away and stood up. We shook hands. She was Nadia.

"I liked your delivery. The concern for the firefighters was on point!"

The staffer from up front brought out another reporter... I said to the on-air lady Nadia it was nice to meet her.

"You have a good look." She thanked me.

The general manager had an idea... "Can we do a short bit... live? It can be about the clinic. We will have piece on the evening news but of course it isn't ready yet."

I agreed and walked around the on-air desk to a stool they whizzed out. The Nadia back live and she did a quick introduction of me.

I focused on her to the exclusion of everything. She welcomed me and asked why I was in Seattle today.

I gave a brief rundown on the clinic and the Chanthira Foundation. I said the foundation was also doing other things in Los Angeles and New York and London. We were trying help an under-served part of the population that often had significant challenges dealing with the usual social services and law enforcement.

Nadia was sharp she didn't bother with today as much as the whole enchilada.

"Miss Martin, what else besides medical clinics?"

Good girl!!

I said we were opening shelters for LGBTQ youth who were homeless in greater proportion than any other group. Tossed off by their families for being gay, brutalized on the streets, isolated at school and frequently bullied. They had few options.

Nadia said they'd have full report on the clinic opening tonight. She thanked me for the visit. We shook hands on-air... then we were out. A commercial.

The station folks applauded.

Nadia said, "Miss Martin you are so relaxed in front of camera! You probably don't this often but WOW!"

A hug and a thank you from me for being cool herself and quick on the up-take!

I shook a few hands as we got out of the way. The GM was thrilled to get me on camera.

"Miss Martin thanks for the scoop!"

I laughed, "It wasn't much but we want people to know about the clinic so I'm pleased you all are so flexible."

He grinned, "I knew you'd be good. I saw the Today Show a year ago. You were incredible, so cool and had so much information at your fingertips."

I laughed, "Well that my first TV appearance. Even before the 21st Century Fox takeover."

He was wide-eyed, "Really? You were on one of the most watched shows on TV! And you did a `killer' interview!!""

I shrugged, "I think it is easier because I don't watch much TV. Maybe I don't appreciate the scale of it."

"What do you watch?"

I gave him my sketchy TV viewing, "Some news and we'd watched some of the shows on Fox News in the evening' is about it. Mostly I use a television to watch movies. I did do a Christmas thing for the BBC last year that turned out well. We recorded it to watch later because of we had guests."

"Well if you ever feel the urge to go on-air again please let us know!"

I smiled, "Well I only stopped in to get a tour today. See you got me on."

I got him one of Gil's cards as a contact. I met a few more station staff as I worked my way out.

Glenn was ready so off home. Around the north end of Queen Anne, back over 15th Avenue and down towards Fisherman's Terminal again. I asked Glenn to turn there please. We parked opposite of the Wild Salmon seafood store.

I walked towards the boats moored beyond the terminal building, mostly working fishing boats but also pleasure craft. A large moorage, dozens of boats. A monument in memorial to the many fishermen who had lost their lives fishing in the North Pacific Ocean. It was quiet, peaceful. The sun out making it nice!

Chinooks Restaurant? I called Cho, had he eaten... NO. How about a late lunch here? He was in! He and Francis would there in a few minutes. Inside Gil said there'd be ten. We had seen their outdoor area from the dock so Gil asked about that. Yes, they could accommodate us.

Gil did ask to speak to a manager. The fellow was with her right away. Gil introduced herself and me. I extended my hand to him. He was nonplussed.

Gil did say we wanted him to know that Cho and I would in his restaurant and we didn't want any fuss. I said my husband was on the way. He asked if we needed anything special.

I introduced PJ and Tessa as my protectors and we would appreciate a corner space if possible.

He escorted us personally to the outside space. It was ringed with a wall of glass to block the wind. He got some help to arrange a group of tables beside wall next to the dock. Nice!

Cho came out to a hug and kiss from me! We sat and shared a menu.

Great seafood fresh from the boats bobbing on the water beside us. Dungeness crab soup, Dungeness crab cakes! Peach ice cream!! All very good! Everyone enjoyed themselves.

In between my soup and crab cakes, a teenage girl came close slowly not rushing over. PJ was watching her, he made a gesture to Tessa. Tessa stood to speak to her then took her hand. Okay.

"Miss Martin, could I be rude and ask for your autograph? It's not for me... honest! My friend is too shy to ask but we both think you're great!"

Cho pulled out his Mont Blanc gift pen with a big grin!

I signed the card for her and got a copy of the fresh sheet' inside the Chinooks menu from the waitress. I signed it to Barbara the brave one!'

She was ecstatic! Many thank yous!!

Cho kissed my cheek, "That was very nice and clever of you!"

When we were finished going out I saw Barbara sitting at table with another teen and two adults. I detoured over there. Barbara saw me, huge smile. The man beside her stood up and extended hs hand.

"Thank you Miss Martin for being generous to the girls."

Barbara got her `friend' Claudia to stand. Hugs for both. Claudia's mother said I'd made their year! A handshake for her before we left. Cute teenagers, easy to be nice.

At home we gathered a crowd for a walk to `air' the Twins and Jaidee. A mile or so then over to the stables. Dean and Myrtle got to meet Cho, Jaidee and the Twins. I had Charlie with me in Chess' stall. The tiny hand on that big nose, softly stoking, it was terrific to hear Chess nicker. Big fellow with little fellow!

Cho came in with Chani, more nickers. We went over to see Guy. He was great with the babies. We stopped in every stall, Artis, Fury, Beltrane, Sara and the others all were so sweet to the Twins.

What a fun visit. Jaidee was greeted by Chess and Guy like an old friend.

Martha had hot chocolate for the late spring chilly breeze, a warm version for the twins with less sugar.

I was up before dawn dressing for a ride. Tessa at the door with a smile. We walked over quickly, there wasn't much time today. I was on Chess, Guy for her. We galloped out heading for the Parade Ground. Four romps around the grass then a FAST run back to the stables. We didn't see anyone but a lone distant jogger.

Cleaned up and ready to fly. We had a show to go to for a brief appearance. A new outfit! A pale orange suit. Tube skirt to mid-calf, jacket with three quarter length sleeves, a darker orange sleeveless top. Nude stockings and Jimmy Choo Orange Romy 100 pumps. Gold jewellery, `Joy' and orange nails. Just gloss on my lips. YES!

We landed at San Jose Airport and taxied to the corporate jet centre where two other Cho-Fay Air aircraft were parked. A Gulfstream 650er, a 767 and now this 737. One of the centre's staff grinning, shaking his head.

His response to my smiling question, "It's a convention."

On the tarmac hugs and kisses all around for Eric, Reg, Jared and Douglas from London. The Ni and Chun from Bangkok, they had picked up Winnie in Los Angeles on the way.

Our folks were to take part in the next few days in events at the Apple World-Wide Developers conference at the McEnery Convention Centre. They were to give talks and do workshops. We were here for a few hours.

Our people went to sign-in at the front, get their badges and info.

We entered with an Apple guide through the loading dock area off Almaden Boulevard. Up inside and to a room to wait until the end of Tim's wrap up new Apple things. There was a feed to the screen on the wall. The crowd was into the new stuff. Smiling, clapping with cheers. Mac's, software, new iOS, lots of stuff!

Our guide was back, I followed her with PJ. She gave me a look but my `PJ stays with me' settled the issue. She brought me to a space right behind a curtain near steps up to the stage. A young man would give me my prompt but I could hear everything being said. Another fellow fitted a mic on my jacket with the remote part on the waistband in the back.

Tim was on stage, he said there was a special guest who was the Co-CEO of The Company in London who was now the largest user of Apple Servers and a developer of software for tracking multiple types of equipment and shipments. We had senior staff here who were doing seminars and workshops in the next few days. Also the co-owner of a Bangkok based developer for the Apple Enterprise network and video creation shop which was also doing talks and workshops plus the Co-CEO of a media empire that uses Apple products at every level.

"Please welcome Miss Fay Martin!!"

I stepped out from behind the curtain and danced up the steps crossing to Tim's extended hand. Cheek kiss! The applause was loud, some whistles and cheers. It went on for a bit.

I stood there smiling and the crowd settled down. I thanked Tim for the warm welcome. I gave the crowd an introduction to what The Company did and how we had moved on from Windows. A few shouts about how smart we had been. I waved saying we still maintained many Windows installations.

I mentioned the sensors linking into our software, the iPad App and more. How we connected the Conference App into our software for on-site meetings, etc...

I explained how right now we're moving a huge railroad in America to our software running on two massive forests of Apple OS X servers and we were going to open a new data centre in Seattle soon.

I did a short bit about how Ni's shop made the Apple Enterprise network so efficient for us and we used it to the max. I gave them a many examples including that we had over thirty thousand employees linked through it.

The devices inside Seattle Metro buses, how they linked, our special compression algorithm, the server software.

On the Fox TV side, our folks used Mac's for graphics and video creation and in the field with our correspondents. Fox Entertainment used Mac's for video and audio editing and on their desks.

I added that all our staff world-wide were given an iPhone, many got iMacs or Mac Pro's, MacBooks and iPads depending on their work.

"I think you'll find the talks and workshops our teams are doing to be informative with many real-world applications for you. Thanks for listening."

Tim nearby, we hugged this time and I walked off waving to a very loud applause! PJ at the bottom of the steps with a big grin. Our guide had me in Cho's arms in a minute!

A whispered, `You were awesome!'

We headed back to the airport. The Cho-Fay Air 737 took off right away for Newburgh. I changed to jeans. Lis had a light lunch ready when were got to our cruising altitude. Tha had the Twins fed before takeoff so we got to play some!

Jaidee's nose on a bit of exposed back got Charlie to giggling, a wet nose will do that! He turned to give our Choco Boy a hug. So cute, a giggling baby boy and his dog!

The ride in from Newburgh was quick and we deplaned at the Cho-Fay Air Helipad, Terrance and Pell waiting for us. Fist bumps and some tummy rubs for the Twins. Nina and Alice was at the Minetta Street door, both smiling... well Alice was purring.

"Nice to see you back!"

Upstairs Roslyn and Mara got hugs and kisses. It was nearly local dinner time Roslyn pushing ours back a bit because of our time change.

We had the Twins in the living room for some story time! Charlie wanted Ga!' so Tha brought out a book on horses. We got to a chestnut horse and Ga!' was announced! Cho grinning saying `he'd be a horseman!'

It was warming up as we set out for Jaidee's morning walk. Tara and Ken along as I headed towards the Leroy Street Dog Run by the river. It was a good stretch of the legs' as Maureen O'Hara said in the Quiet Man!' Eight blocks but an easy walk. Jaidee enjoyed himself.

We got there as Paula and Claudia were leaving. Paula had to be at Bloomingdale's a bit early today. We did hellos and then goodbyes. I gave Jaidee a chance to run for a while chasing down the tennis ball from Tara.

On the way back we did a detour to Molly's for two dozen, mixed! I was proclaimed a queen when I arrived with those delicious cupcakes! Mara got Roslyn to put away two for her lunch.

Cho in a nifty black suit and a dove gray shirt, a black, gold and red striped tie. Very nice! A big kiss too! He was off to Wall Street for fun with bankers.

Monaco called before Cho left. He was at the Belmont with our crowd! We'd see him tomorrow.

I was going uptown to the Fox Tower. The Dutti red silk softly pleated skirt to my ankles, it rested on my hips, a St. Laurent cutoff ivory and black striped sailor jumper with buttons on the left collar bone, black Coach pumps. The onyx set from Cho `Joy' and red nails and lips! Some nice tummy showing for the sunny day.

Pell out front whizzed us up Sixth Avenue! No paparazzi out front... I guess they couldn't keep up with us.

Tara and Tessa with me and Gil.

I dropped the black cardigan and my bag in the office and looked in at Bill's. His PA said he was in a tele-conference with the newly purchased stations. I slipped into the conference room behind all the folks watching the big screen.

I waved over their heads, the remote people all waved back which confused everyone until a few hellos were sent to me. Bill stood up, a hug and cheek kiss!

The Seattle general manager said I'd been in their studios yesterday for a ten minute interview.

I said `isn't it early out there?' which got me a six o'clock. I followed with a take a nap later. Much laughter!

I told them to go back to their meeting I was roaming around.

I found Kent watching video from some war zone, it looked like the Middle East. A hug and fist bump! I said `Polk' which got a monster smile.

"Fay, it's one of those special things we all work toward... just like an Academy Award but more so."

"Well your news team earned them both!"

`Larry and Joseph are out for a few days chasing a Polish labourer who is supposed to be still alive living in eastern Pennsylvania."

"Oh one of those poor guys trump screwed over then they got their revenge?"

"The very same. We want him on camera if possible, we do have depositions but they had some new lead... so off they went."

We talked about other things for a while, his family was great, Karen was so ready for the kids both to be teenagers. I told him about the two Seattle teen girls from yesterday.

He laughed, "We don't have to worry about out Tonya, she's quite forthright! Sometimes painfully so."

I went back to wandering, saying hello to folks then going up to the Sports department. Donald waved hello and motioned me over. He was clustered with Frank, Elinor and several others talking about the Belmont racing this weekend.

I got Good luck's' from them all. I thanked them and said Hansa has one last chance and she's pretty tough so anything can happen. Neither has run a race at a mile and a half , the Test of Champions!'

As their meeting broke up I hugged Frank.

"I'm glad you're back at full strength."

He laughed, "Well that did wipe me out for much more than a week. I'll not go back to that restaurant!"

"Next year come and eat with us."


I sat beside Elinor's desk, my chin in a hand, I gave her a `come and tell me' look... That shy grin was back.

"Not much to tell so far except Tom and I get along. We love sports, there's a terrific jump shot he keeps hidden. He has a nice comfortable house at his farm and lots of nice horses. And a full size basketball court!"

"Good! Tom is nice! I like the way he competes, hard but friendly."

"Oh... have you seen the video of IrishRainbow in the Triple Bend Invitational Sunday?"

We hadn't, we knew he had run a spectacular race in winning by a dozen lengths. Monaco said he hadn't ever looked better.

Elinor cued it up on her desktop screen. That brown body in the Santa Anita sun looked great! Out to the back straight chute for the seven furlongs. The field loaded easily and the start was clean. IrishRainbow from the fourth spot pushed out quickly. Two others followed him, they all rushed down the straight.

IrishRainbow had three lengths when they entered the turn, he kept the pace fast. He shifted gears and burst on the stretch with a six length lead. It was terrific to see him put the pedal down, a huge spurt of speed sending him to a widening lead by the eighth pole. No let up as he roared over the finish twelve lengths clear! 1:19.50!! Very fast! Not a record but only .10 from Rich Cream's 1:19:40 world record time!

Our guy was awesome! Frank joined us as the video ended.

"Fay, that boy is a powerhouse," Frank shaking his head, "You have some terrific horses."

"Remember we bought him after he finished eighth at the Derby last year so he isn't from our bloodstock but he's going to start a whole new strain of his own. He's at Harcourt House now. He'll run in a month at Ascot! The Triple Bend set him up for the shorter distance of the Diamond Jubilee Stakes."

"Wow! That's great!"

"We'll let him have a break until later in the summer. Eat some English oats and be lazy. And maybe cover a few ladies?"

Fist bumps!

I went down to the News floor again. Megan was doing a lead-in for a show. She was done and out. She started talking with a producer then saw me. A quick hug for the producer and she almost jumped into my arms! Hugging and cheek kisses.

"Fay I want to talk but I need to pee and I have to check on several things."

"Go girl! I have to up to see your paramour anyway."

A kiss, "Give that to her!"

"Will do!"

I walked over by the Sixth Avenue sets, a collection of ten folks going in for an upcoming interview. A staffer gave me the scoop, they were part of the cast of the Broadway show `Hamilton.' Nice! A big hit show, making money and history!

I headed up to Tai's office. She got a big kiss which said I was relaying from some woman downstairs. Giggling! Hugs! She was doing great!

I said her output was really helping. I gave her one real world example.

"We kept Rolf on as editor–in-chief at The Times because of our reading and your information. The paper had a very conservative slant but they weren't pedaling lies"

Fist bump!

We talked about some upcoming events which were public and many that weren't. Tai had what we needed! She said PJ had the report already! Kiss!

Eve had her back turned leaning over a desk... Whoosh! I grabbed her in a hug from behind!

She yelped out a `Fay!'

"It had to be you."

I told Eve I'd held her beloved in my arms yesterday. A sad face, "I want to hold her!"

We giggled, "She'll be here in a few days."

"Yes then we've a crowd going to the Big `V' for a birthday party."

"Great! Make money for me!" A blank look. "Ah you wouldn't know yet. I've invested in the club, I'm a partner with Jayne now."

"Wow! That's cool."

"She needed some work done to the club, I offered to buy in so she needn't have to add debt to get it done. I think my money will be well spent, the club is popular."

"It is with our crowd."

"I'm going there for lunch. You want to join us?"

A big Yes! A hug!

Gil had the box from Asprey's so we headed to a meeting Eve arranged. The group who foiled the GRU was gathered around the table.

I told them once more how proud we are of them AND I had a gift for each that was a secret' gift. I went to each, Kelela, Moses, Oleg, Antra and the others giving them a box asking they not open it yet. Once the boxes were distributed I gave them the go' to open.

They loved the pins! A unique item for a special memory! I pinned Eve's on her. They all got hugs and more thank you's from me. A happy bunch!

I did remind them they'd have to be circumspect about explaining the pins, they nodded. I also told them my news from Theodore that the operation was ongoing and had been extremely valuable. No details but the Russians were being laid bare.

They cheered! More hugs and cheeks kissed as we ended the meeting!

Kelela was laughing about my visit to her parents, "Fay they loved having you. Dad really was thrilled to have an `old Mac' person to talk to."

Big grin to more serious, "Mom liked meeting Ken and Dave who had experienced the same things as my brother. A bit of hurt but she was happy they had come through."

"Your dad is funny and the `museum was great! Your mom's coffee..." two fingers to my lips and a salute, "... I got a second cup!"

"Mom knows how to cook. The table groans at family events with an array delicious dishes. Her coffee is worth the trip home every time!"

Kelela fingered the pin on her shirt, "Thanks! This is really a great idea!"


My group gathered Eve for the trip to SOHO. First stop was the Apple store on Prince Street. Pell stopped out front. Inside I got an iPad Pro, a basic case and a keyboard case for Mara. Thinking about it I added an Apple Pencil.

Eve looked at iPhones cases while I did my buying. On to lunch. Pell kept the new Apple things and my sweater.

Tessa knocked on the Big `V' door. EX with a smile opened it for us. As we walked in EX was cute, "Hi Boss!"

I laughed, "Only in the background... right?"

She nodded, I squeezed her shoulder. Jayne came over, she knew we were coming. HUG! Bright shining eyes. Montana right behind her. We were on the edge of the dance floor. A slow ballad was playing, three couples entwined moving gently with the music.

Jayne looking, "Fay, that outfit is wonderful! I love the skirt!"

I winked at Jayne. I took her hand smiling at Montana as I hip bumped her. A laugh! To Gil `Niçoise salad and fries, Campari' as I slid into Jayne's arms. We moved slowly, lazy circles around the floor. We got a about a minute before the tune ended.

Smiling, cheek kisses. We went over to the end of the bar where Montana was. The deal for my buying forty nine percent had completed and the money transferred to the club account. Jayne said the HVAC upgrade was in progress. She offered to show me the paperwork, I said not now.

Francis had gone over the books before the deal finalized. His report was they kept impeccable books so I wasn't going to worry.

I took their hands off to the `Petting Room.' Once they saw where I was going they were smiling. All the way to the back a nice settee. Me in the middle... I kissed each then slid my skirt up asking if they'd thought about Phuket... the dim light prevented a clear view unless you got close... Jayne's face showing some lust as she moved down. I pulled Montana close to kiss some more as Jayne tasted me.

Montana was eager to touch, her hand under my top. My nipple bars tugged... a jolt for me! I pulled Jayne up, Montana's eyes were glittery with passion, she went down. Jayne's lips on mine, my taste on her's. Montana knew how to eat pussy that was plain!

I let her go as I pulled up Jayne's top, beautiful titties, small pears. Perfect! Some quick kisses on them! I eased Montana back to the settee.

"Thank you both. You'll love Phuket!"

Big smiles.

Jayne leaned over to kiss her girlfriend, "It would seem we will."

My skirt down, one more kiss then we headed out. A couple was wrestling on a nearby sofa, Gil and EX. Two petite cuties! The three of us grinning!

The food was nearly ready, I sipped my Campari and soda. Tara and Tessa smiling. Eve with a very cute look!

I laughed, "We were working on the company books."

That got loud laughs and silly grins!

I said they'll be coming to Phuket which got thumbs up! Gil arrived a bit worse for wear in time for food. Like last time the salad was awesome and the fries/chips delicious! A Double Double Chocolate brownie for dessert! Espresso!

Jayne and Montana came to say goodbye. Cheek kisses! A `thank you' in my ear from Jayne. Gil and Ex kissed. I squeezed EX's hand, a huge smile. Gil looking a bit dreamy. My arm over her shoulders, "Nice?"

A nod and a classic shit-eating grin! Tessa giggled behind us which got Gil to giggle too. We all had big smiles as Pell picked us up.

We got home, Eve went back to the Fox Tower with Pell. We were there before Mara came home from school so with Roslyn's help I got the iPad and Pencil wrapped up in black tissue paper with a BIG gold bow! We snuck it into her room downstairs on the bed!

Alice followed us in, she sniffed the present and seemed to approve. Smart cat! She got a hug! So soft!

I got Jaidee for a walk, Ro came out with me. Down Minetta Street to Bleecker then a left. Another left at Sullivan Street, Sadie was home their twins walking in from school as we got there.

"Dinner... right?" A big Yes! She had made Tiramisu for our Italian dinner Roslyn was preparing! Fist bump. The kids got to have a taste she saved for them!!

We finished the walk going up to Third Street the left on McDougal to Minetta Lane then to our door. Rexie was there, Alice was in the apartment doorway. She and Jaidee did noses!

A teenage girl burst through the living room to hug me! I laughed and squeezed.

"Oh Fay it's splendid! So cool! Thank you... Thank you!"

"You're welcome! Use it in good health. Rexie can get you setup on the WiFi..." I turned to her, a smiling nod!

"Okay. Sam and Sadie and their twins over for dinner..."

She grinned, fist bump! Rexie with a bigger smile.

Cho was on the way home! I managed some of Roslyn's salsa and tortilla chips on the terrace, glasses ready for a Newcastles. Ali helped.

She admired my outfit, "Fay I love this summery look!"

Me too! I wondered what Cho would say...

Jaidee alerted us, he heard the lift. Eve often ate with Yi, Mara and Roslyn especially when Ku was away. They all were with me, Gil and Ali by the door, A row of cuties welcoming the guys home!

Laughs, hugs and kisses.

I lay across the bed as Cho changed telling him about my `visit' to the Petting Room. He was laughing, I got a kiss.

"You shouldn't tease."

"I wasn't! It was an appetizer for Phuket."

We laughed, Cho lay over me, kisses!!

I stood by the door, Cho looking, "You are very nicely dressed, Miss Martin!"

I bowed thanking him. A squeeze as we walked out.

Roslyn's Italian dinner was great! Sadie's tiramisu delicious! Her twins grinning with their second helping it today!

We opened bottles of the Emidio Pepe Trebbiano Montepulciano from the L'Aquila stop! It was tremendous, smooth and delicious, wonderful with the food.

The morning Jaidee walk took us to Washington Square. PJ smiling as we walked by the spot where the robbers got busted. Fist bump! Tessa looking at us... I gave her the story!

She smiled, "Another story under wraps! You amaze me."

`Well I don't seek publicity except on my own terms. The precinct commander was very nice about it and kept it quiet. He did later tell one of his shift commanders to make a point. No big deal."

The cars dropped us at the heliport for the trip to the Belmont. We landed in a blocked off part of the parking area south of the Grandstand. It was a short walk to our barn. We had taken it on a permanent basis. The summer and autumn meetings would have some of our younger runners taking part. Glaa liked it here.

Monaco, Ring, James, Jackson, Nathaniel, McKenzie were all here! We are using the Belmont to train some for Saratoga. The barn was very active with horses, grooms, walkers, etc... wandering around. I got to meet a new horse, Pablo, a quarter horse from Texas. He was twelve and was now a stable pony for us here. Brown with a white star, a soft mane and a sweet nature. I gave him a welcome hug!

We sat in the large office for a group chat. Jonny and Freddie joined us via the Conference App. Monaco brought us up to date with results. Rando had won the Gold Cup at Santa Anita by eight, an easy win against experienced competition. Jonny had more great wins from Amira and Satirical in the Prix d'Ispahan at Chantilly, another Longchamp race detoured by construction. Amira won the Prix du Jockey Club at Chantilly which home for the race.

Monaco grinning, "Jonny you are loving this! First year as a head trainer and four wins in four races. You will have four more horses to start racing as two year olds in the summer. you'll be busy! Is Jules is settling in?" Clapping for him.

Jonny said Jules was great, a former jockey, "He knows a lot. When the two year olds come he will work with them."

The new French farm construction is rolling along nicely. Jonny reported the contractor was moving it forward quickly. He been there several times to see, evaluate and talk with the company people.

Jackson was going to stay with Hansa but also spend more time in Pleasant Valley to work with the youngsters for Saratoga. McKenzie would be Aneka's trainer but take on some younger ones who were coming in from Thailand at Santa Anita.

Freddie had eight wins in ten races and a place so far this year. Clapping! He had several two year olds who hadn't raced yet. Not enough races there and if he wasn't happy with the race choices they would remain unraced or moved across the Channel to Jonny. Not an outcome we wanted... The horse comes first! We'll see.

Nathaniel with Samir and being at Upperville for the yearlings and young two year olds there.

James as Monaco's deputy would supervise and be the race day trainer when there was a scheduling conflict.

They all were metaphorically rubbing their hands at the thought of what horses we had coming in next year. Monaco's recitation almost had them drooling.

Everyone was upbeat and ready for a summer of racing!

We went to the stalls to visit everyone. Glaa saw my face in the stall opening, a big nicker. Hug for my Big Fast Man! SakChai a bit bouncy, happy and checked my jean pockets for mints. Carlita supplied me with two for him!

Hansa getting a rub down looking regal like her older brother. She slurped a mint like a vacuum cleaner!

Aneka quiet, she made soft nickers and Corky had a cutup apple for her. Her fav! A big hug for her.

Marti, Samir's groom, was grinning, "This boy is ready to rock and roll Friday!" Fist bump!

I visited with Toes Tapping. She wasn't racing here, this was a rest stop before running at Saratoga. After the Belmont weekend she would van up to Pleasant Valley to train.

We stopped by the clubhouse to say hello to the Belmont folks and the NYRA people. They liked us having a permanent barn it brought publicity and lots of fans. That was fine with us, we liked the location not far from Pleasant Valley. JFK Airport was close for flying horses here and there, the Belmont was good about our helicopter and we liked New York! All good.

On the sunny terrace I sat with Ali and Gil bringing in Angela and Sanjara on the Conference App. We talked about who would concentrate on what.

Angela would stay with the Harcourt Advance Fund and the St. Thomas School scholarship programme plus the Basuto Group who had published six papers in the last two months. Important ones on European economics with Brexit still a thing and one very well received paper by Miki and Shelia on the Pacific Ocean economies.

Angela was a core actor in the Denham School roll-out. She was the prime coordinator for the construction and enrollment plans. She worked well with Daphne on the classes and the instructors.

Angela had done terrific work helping Francis with our European property purchases so that was something she'd keep doing.

Sanjara would remain as Cho's top aide for the banking and Railroad business. She and Gil would continue managing our calendars!

Ali would be responsible for all the 21st Century Fox things; the Board, the Entertainment and News divisions would use her as their point of contact.

Gil would stay with The Company, the Chanthira Foundation, News UK, Harcourt Racing and my personal business.

We cheered at the end it had been light-hearted throughout. The news that Sanjara and her family would join us at Harcourt House with my Crew was great! She was looking forward to seeing England, her sons even more so!

Dinner was a trip to Volare! Giovanni's smile! A kiss for his cheek! We ordered, Cho and Giovanni did the wine.

I had a nice full glass ready for a toast to welcome Ali into our family! She blushed! Cute. Francis looking he won the jackpot! He did!

We were a happy table, enjoying the excellent food! Antonio da Abruzzi came in for his supper. He saw us, a huge smile. We were thanked for the gift of a mixed case of various wine from L'Aquila, he and Cho shook hands, I got a hug.

Giovanni looking at me quizzically. I told him what we had done, the smile! He shook our hands! I got a hug!

A great dinner!

After a nice morning walk with Cho and Jaidee we headed uptown to the Fox Tower. I had gifts!

Each of the department heads got one of the `On Air' ties from Hermes, little old style rounded radio microphones in various colours! They were a hit! I'd look for TV oriented ties for the future.

After lunch we mounted up for the Belmont. Samir was running today in the Tremont Stakes. It was one of the Belmont Stakes weekend starter races for two year olds. Ali with us for the first time.

We landed on the grassy spot to the southwest of the grandstands. The Nassau County police were there to stop any traffic so we could dash across the road on the carts the Belmont provided. A long ride behind the grandstands to the barn.

Samir was quiet, a slight nicker as he was visited for the first time by us before a race. He was officially a two year old although he'd broken his maiden with a win at the Remsen in December.

His groom Marti was confident, "He's ready!'

Monaco agreed with her. Ring joined us, a big smile.

"I heard about IrishRainbow's blow out in the Triple Bend. He keeps getting better!"

A hug for him. Cho nodding holding my arm up, "The lady who put him out there!"

We laughed as I swiveled my pale blue skirt around. I was blue today in a dress but not in my mood. Very upbeat. Chani and Charlie had both called me `Ma' when I went to see them this morning!! Unbelievable!

We walked as a group over to the east side of the grandstands. We had a Belmont guide up to the box seats we had last year, A20 and A19. We said hello to our neighbors who were owners of horses running today. The Tremont was called, the post parade began. It is a five and half furlong race, G3 rated with $150,000.00 dollar purse.

Today Mike was the jockey. They walked out to the chute for the start on the back straight. Samir's black coat shiny in the sun, Mike's white pants bright against him, his green and yellow silks very cheerful looking.

The loading was done without drama and they were ready... CLANG!! They came out fairly even rushing down the straight. Samir got his stride and began to move away from the rest. Halfway down the straight he was clear by two and stepping out beautifully.

As they approached the turn Samir had a four lengths lead looking strong. I watched in my glasses as he changed leads spinning around the big Belmont turn. When he hit the top of stretch the lead changed brought him back to his right and he was asked by Mike.

He accelerated nicely pouring on the power down the home straight. By the eighth pole he was seven lengths ahead and no one able to make a run at him! Mike guided him over the finish line eighth lengths ahead. The time was fast at 1:02:80 but short of `More Than Ready's' 1:02:56 record.

We celebrated. Hugs and kisses! Cho and I kissed! Tight hug!

I asked Gil to text Charles to tell him about the race. Samir was one of his bred colts. Fist bump!

We gathered in the Winner's Circle. Cho getting the trophy! I gave Samir a hug. Mike smiling. He said it was a great ride! Fist bump!

I took Monaco's hand, a kiss on his cheek, "Hey buddy, you do good work!"

He smiled thanking me, "You've me some terrific talent to work with!"

Cho's hand squeezing his, smiles!

That was all for us today. So after our barn visit we took the carts back to the AW139 for the trip to Manhattan. Tomorrow was a big day!

On the terrace in the twilight Cho's arms around from behind as we looked out over the neighborhood. The old window openings with the grill were great!

We'd had a fabulous Roslyn dinner, play time with the Twins. We put them down, Mara changed their diapers. She was so sweet around the Twins like a big sister.

Mara was growing too in many ways. She was academically curious, a few good school friends she could share things with, telephone calls and letters kept her connected to her dad. She could rollerblade with Roslyn and Ricardo in the vicinity for exercise. She and Yi often sat in their living room to talk. She'd had a few friends over to the apartment, teen girls having fun. They'd been invited upstairs for some treats with Roslyn. Some movies out and sightseeing. A ride on the Staten Island Ferry. A Cho-Fay Air helicopter ride around Manhattan over the Hudson River, the East River and Harlem River. A full life.

Cho and I discussed hiring Yevgeny when he was done with the FBI. We asked Thet and Sumate if he could be useful to them or I brought up maybe as a contributor to the Basuto Group.

The bigger question was where they could live safely. The Russians are well known to murder people they don't like especially anyone who turned on them. There was limit to protecting him, not money but simply if someone tried hard enough they would probably be able to succeed. The Russians were unscrupulous enough not to care about `collateral damage' in an attempt to murder Yevgeny. Mara or anyone else nearby just wouldn't matter.

It was clear living in England wasn't a good choice after what had been done to Russian folks there. Bangkok was a long way and would be hard on Mara.

I drew his hands to my breasts and covered them with mine.

"What if we sent, anonymously, a message to the Russians that any attempt on Yevgeny would draw a response directed at their leaders? Too vague? Or would they take it seriously?"

His hands squeezed me, "It would be of little use unless the threat came from a source they respected or feared. Anonymity would defeat the purpose. They could shrug it off as something any leader should expect."

A kiss on my neck, "We can't be in a `tit for tat' situation either. Killing a Russian after they kill Yevgeny would be pointless. What might be better would be to undermine them before Yevgeny is freed."

I turned to face Cho.

"Here's a how! Infiltrate their systems again! Leave behind some information or documents in a location they trust saying Yevgeny is DEEP undercover, a double agent?"

Cho kissed me, "That is an idea! Change their thinking about him from the inside! It might not work but it would sow doubt at least! Create hesitation because like every dictatorship the Russians are managed by multiple power strands, overlapping and competing!"

I said I'd work on it, "For a start I'm going to ask for a meeting with Yevgeny. I'll say I'm bringing him some new videos and I wanted to meet him to discuss his and Mara's future."

Cho liked it.

In the morning I sent an email to Theodore asking for the name and contact details of the best FBI person to ask for a meeting about the family's next steps. He surprised me, a quick reply. A name, email and telephone number and a hint to definitely frame it around the family's future. I sent a big thank you.

The FBI guy replied fairly soon with a qualified Okay dependent on day and time. A few emails back and forth had it for Monday morning. They would pick me up in the Fox Tower underground parking garage.

Cho smiling through all this. "I think Hillary was right... you are a natural conspirator!"

He was hugged and kissed!

We dressed for a big day at the Belmont. I was in a sleeveless yellow frock, mid-thigh in a soft circle shape with green accessories. Harcourt Racing colours! The black straw equestrian hat, a yellow ribbon, in hand as we boarded the AW139.

Mara, Gil, Francis and Ali with us. PJ and Tara, Rande and Ansara. The same landing place and arrangements had us in the barn quickly. Aneka head bobbing when I asked her to beat them all. SakChai and Hansa quiet but nickering gently. Glaa at the back of his stall thinking, a hug and stroke.

Monaco smiling, "Who knows what will happen. Aneka is very strong quite capable of running the mile and a half." A shrug.

We walked to the grandstands avoiding the saddling paddock, it was busy with other races. In our boxes we met Donna and her family. They were happy to be here once more to watch Mike race on Glaa.

We settled in. Aneka was up soon in the Acorn Stakes. Some called it the first of the `Triple Tiara' or the distaff Triple Crown but that was in dispute with the Kentucky Oaks and the Black-Eyed Susan Stakes which she had already won. Aneka would also race in the next two.

The post parade! Aneka with Leoni aboard was walking calmly towards the chute at the top of the back straight for this one mile race. The field was moving quietly along, the loading began right away. The fillies were composed.

Loaded... CLANG!! They came out cleanly. By halfway down the long back straight Aneka was at the front by two lengths. I watched her moving, she looked like Pamela, powerful strides. As the turn came up she was clear by four and not easing. Leoni like a rock on her back guiding her around the big turn changing leads twice by the top of the stretch.

Aneka was eight lengths ahead and upping her game. Leoni didn't bother to look back just doing a hand ride down the straight to the finish. Aneka was ten in the lead passing the eighth pole still galloping hard. She crossed the finish line in full stride.

1:33:55!! A new stakes record by half a second! She finally eased up deep into the clubhouse turn. The outrider met them and Leoni turned Aneka back to the Winner's Circle.

We had jumped up and down for a few minutes. Cho and Monaco were my escorts to receive the trophy. On the track a fist bump for Leoni and a hug for Aneka.

Cho gathered the bling. He looked awesome in black with his Harcourt Racing tie. A wonderful smile and a gracious manner. What a man!

In our box the excitement remained high... Glaa was racing!! The Manhattan Handicap was next! It was a mile and quarter! Glaa's favorite distance! He holds the record for dirt which he has repeated reset to faster times! The racing press was saying Paradise Creek's record for the handicap was in danger as Glaa had already run faster many times!

We watched our Big Fast Man walked proudly out in the post parade getting a very warm welcome back to the scene of his Triple Crown winning race. They walked up the track then back to the start off to our right.

The loading uneasy with a horse baulking but going in three spots from Glaa. Glaa was in the number two. All quiet... CLANG!! They all started Okay. Glaa was like his other recent races running to the front immediately!!!

They were in the turn quickly, Glaa four lengths clear was guided to the rail by Mike. He was roaring along the first furlong in twenty three flat! He kept the pace fast onto the back straight. The half mile in forty six flat! WOW!

He was running alone against the clock because no horse was even close as he entered the turn. It looked like twelve lengths back to the next entry. Mike had him running freely. At the top of the stretch I watched closely in my glasses.

I could see Glaa make his move to a new gear!!! Down the straightway he was going FAST!!! You could see the lead widen at each step. His huge strides gobbled up the track. In the final yards Mike was asking him with his hands urging Glaa on.

He blew past the finish like a freight train! 1:56:94!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Glaa was the first horse to run the distance below 1:57.00!! He owned the record for dirt or turf!

The crowd was letting go, wild applause and cheers! We had gone pretty crazy too! Our Big Fast Man wrote his name in racing history, few others at his level!

We got ourselves together to go down. The Handicap folks and the NYRA dignitaries were like one huge smile. Hands shaken, I kissed a few cheeks!! He put the Manhattan Handicap in the record books! The Handicap people were very happy with the boost for their race!

Glaa was second at this track only to Secretariat!! Quite the honor!

He got a hug from me, one more in a long line of hugs all the way back to Bangkok as a two year old. Mike's face showed he was thrilled to be riding our great stallion!!

We cleared the Winner's Circle! The Belmont Stakes was up!

In the box again everyone around us cheered and congratulated us! A hostess got me some club soda and lime! It was very welcome! We had a short break before the show went on.

The Belmont Stakes at a mile and a half was the longest of the Triple Crown races and one of the few at this distance run these days. There had been talk of a new race at a mile and five eighth's just to challenge Glaa. The record for that distance was the oldest in North American racing held by the great `Swaps'!!!

Glaa was a popular horse with the public so it might catch on. The question was who would run against him? We hadn't done anything about it.

The post parade for the main event of the day!! As the horses came out the singing of the `Sidewalks of New York' began. I held Cho's hand, squeeze just standing still listening.

The gate was below us. All the horses approached from the last turn where they had warmed up. It was a humid day nearing ninety degrees. SakChai and Hansa were born into this sort of climate.

They walked towards the gate. SakChai in number two, Hansa in number nine. The rest of the field our horses had already beaten this year. Tomas in our silks with the green beanie on his green helmet, Marnie had the yellow one.

All loaded! Clang!!!!!!!! A clean start! Our two as before went to the front! They were several lengths clear quickly. Tomas moved Hansa towards SakChai as our Silver Streak closed to the rail. They were side by side going into the clubhouse turn.

Through the turn it looked like the previous two races, matching strides. They wound around the big turn switching leads in identical fashion then onto the back straight. The long run of dirt shimmered in the heat in my glasses.

Both horses were running easily, fast but under control by the jockey's. Tom Pender's EveryoneAndOne was the closest, he was a eight lengths behind with five on the next horse.

We viewed the horses from the box at their greatest distance from us in our glasses. They entered the last turn still in sync. I tried to see if Marnie and Tomas were saying anything to each other but no go.

At the Quarter Pole they were level racing at a fast pace. Then SakChai started to edge forward, a head, a neck, half a length. Marnie was urging him but no whip. Tomas had to use his whip to touch Hansa to keep her from going off line. SakChai kept his lead crossing the eighth pole. A brilliant white streak, he powered on, no slacking.

Affirmed and Alydar!

Hansa couldn't gain any ground, her brother was just too strong. SakChai in full stride soared over the finish line! A champ and the thirteenth Triple Crown winner!!! The time was awesome! 2:25:10!! Close to his brother and now third to the great Secretariat!!

The Silver Streak indeed!! He was the first white horse to be a Triple Crown winner!!

We were even more crazy celebrating! Our neighbors wildly yelling and clapping. The crowd was bouncing around, waving their arms! Hands clapping!

I leaned over the rail to wave... I took off my hat and tossed it into the gesticulating arms below! Cho laughed at me! A kiss and hug! More cheers from all around.

Then tears from me... Cho's mouth on mine! A huge cheer from the crowd below!!!

Cho gently wiped my tears, a smile.

It took a bit of time to come down. Descending one more time there were cascading yells and cheers, continuous clapping. It went off the scale as SakChai and Marnie back up the track. Tomas had Hansa alongside holding Marnie's hand. When they were close Tomas raised Marnie's hand high, the crowd burst out in more cheering!

We got to see Governor Cuomo again. He was smiling broadly.

"It is nice to see you two again! Especially after such an exciting race! Congratulations to you!"

A cheek kiss and a handshake!

Cho received the August Belmont Trophy again! Then the Triple Crown trophy. The crowd loved it, big noise! Marnie and Monaco getting to lift them to loud acclaim.

Marnie the first woman jockey to win the Triple Crown!! She was going to be on a lot of magazine covers, TV shows! Wow! She said to a TV person she was so honoured to be like Julie Krone, a winner of the Belmont Stakes!

Two more races to be run so the celebrations had to end. I wrapped Marnie up in my arms, smiles!

"Don't stop, keep on going!!" A cheek kiss!

"Fay, it has been some fabulous time!"

She went to weighing, we headed to the barn. Carlita with SakChai.

Tomas was sad to be second but he had run a great race. There were plenty more chances to show how good Hansa was. She was already one of the finest fillies ever to have raced. Her times faster than most colts, she was a strong talented girl!!

We had gathering like last year. Taittinger's, Apple, Levi's and Kentucky Heat logos all proudly displayed at the barn. They had reps with us.

Cho with a full glass of champagne, his raised hand got silence.

"Our thanks to everyone of you, trainers, jockeys, grooms, hot walkers, EVERYONE!! This was made possible through your hard work. We appreciate it, the horses show they love you guys! Cheers to our success!!!"

We drank! Cheers from us all!

Cho thanked our sponsors who we hoped enjoyed our quality matching theirs. Cheers! Their reps smiling broadly! Raising their glasses!

Cho, Monaco and the other trainers with the jockeys went out to meet the press. I did not envy them.

Francis had done some research before the race, he told me it was the second time it had been won in back to back years, Seattle Slew and Affirmed in 1977 and 1978. Only Belair Stud and Calumet Farm had won twice. Marnie was the first woman to have done it and the first to have won more than one Triple Crown race. And yes SakChai was the first white horse to be a Triple Crown winner!

I hugged him as a thank you!

One of our Security people came up to me, she had someone with my hat down by our perimeter. Okay. I went down there, fellow standing there, neat casual dress. He said he brought me my hat.

I said he was welcome to keep it if he liked. He looked surprised then a smile.

"I would love to... could... would you autograph it for me?"

It was black so... "What if I sign on the ribbon?"

He was nodding and smiling. I told him I'd be right back. In the office I scrounged up a Sharpie black pen. I flattened the ribbon down the back and signed my name and a thank you to `Al' the young fellow.

I walked to give it to him. He saw what I did, a huge grin, "Miss Martin that's terrific of you. Thank you!!"

I shook his hand. Good luck!' I waved to him as I turned back. Another Thank You!' I rotated to wave again.

Our Security woman gave me a wink. Fist bump!

I mingled to shake hands and kiss cheeks thanking all the staff individually. Gil and Francis had arranged some wonderful food. Folks were grinning as they snacked!

I sat with more Taittinger's to talk with Eddie. His guy would retire after the Breeder's Cup.

"I'll miss being with him. Two years of nearly every day..."

"Eddie you could go with him to Harcourt Farm in Kentucky but I think you'd be bored. Monaco will pair you up with a newbie. We've a lovely crop of yearlings or you could mix and match. Maybe be in Kentucky for a while, a vacation... work with some of the younger grooms teaching... take time away from the race circuit.

We have foals from Asda in Thailand and some spectacular prospects in England for you to work with if you like."

Eddie was quiet, "Miss, I'll talk with Monaco. I like the idea of mixing it up until some youngsters are ready."

Fist bump!

Eddie had made some good money in the last few years from his share of Glaa's winnings. He bought two houses, one for his mom and one for his family.

Outside the barn I motioned to Rande, he got it! A word to Cho that handsome face pointed my way, smile. A thumbs up!

The caterer Gil hired would shut down and pack up in a while letting everybody have their fill. They'd leave the food behind for nibbling.

Quick goodbyes to our horses! They would be vanned to Pleasant Valley for some rest before the next races.

We disengaged for the ride to the helicopter. Airborne turning west Cho's hand in mine. A sweet kiss! A truly wonderful day.

We had an event tonight. First... Time for the Twins was paramount. We were sprawled on the carpet with puzzles and books. A new picture book on cats! Gorgeous drawings!! A very striking one of a ginger cat got a Ga!' from Charlie. Well he got' the whole colour thing but still having a problem with animals! We laughed.

Chani patted the page with a stunning Norwegian Forest Cat. She was a beauty, her ruff was so fluffy. Chani smiling, tiny fingers on the book. `Wa!' I could see her point a magical look on that cat face!

A wash up which was very disappointing... no time for cock play in the shower! Bah!

This was a Black tie thing tonight! The Thai United Nations Ambassador's party at a mid-town hotel.

I had a new outfit, bright yellow skirt that was layers of sheer chiffon flowing down from waist to the near the floor, underneath the modesty skirt was overlapping pieces of silk in the same yellow going down loosely to mid-thigh. The halter top vest in the same colour laid bare my shoulders and back, it closed with two gold buttons in the front at the belly! It swirled nicely as I turned about. Gold strap heels with nude stockings. I put on the Lapus Lazuli bracelet thinking back to my first night with Cho! I saw the recognition in his eyes! Cho fastened necklace he gave me of loops of slender gold chain down the décolletage! Baccarat Les Larmes Sacrees de Thebes applied by my man.

Cho held my hand as we looked in the big dressing room mirror, smiles.

"This is a lovely frock! A great colour I'll be proud to go anywhere with you in this!"


His tuxedo was in a word... crisp! He always was especially handsome in black! A Harcourt Racing cummerbund, two bands, yellow and green! Cute! I pretended to be blinded by the shine of his shoes. Laughing I was well kissed. Time for lipstick, a pale red.

I added a gold clutch purse and matching yellow opera length gloves of lightweight linen.

PJ and Rande with us in the car going to the Intercontinental Barclay Hotel on East 48th Street.

The doorman opened the car, Cho out to offer me his hand. PJ leading we crossed the lobby towards the ballroom. We were the late arrivals. The Ambassador, Mr. Yonno with his wife greeted us. Big smiles!

He thanked us for coming after our day at the races, he added his congratulations for our successes. We were introduced to a few other guests. Yonno's wife and I got champagne from a server's tray, she grinned and offered a toast to our horses. Cheers!

A waltz! Cho smiling offering me his hand. We swept out onto the floor. We grinned at each other swirling around lots of open space, few dancers. The more came on as they saw us. Cho leading moving us so smoothly. We approached the band leader, Cho leaned over to request another waltz. The band leader's head nodded, a smile!

The second waltz was well attended, the floor had many couples now! A foxtrot, a polka and we stayed for the tango. Surprisingly quite a few did also. It was so much fun to dance with Cho!

After five dances we took a break for champagne. We had seats at the Ambassador's table. A small crowd of people came by to be introduced.

The New York Thai consul Manat came over. I'd met him at the trade meeting in Mid-town about two years ago. He was pleased to be remembered.

We nibbled on some food but I wanted more dancing. Cho was up! Off we went!

Such fun! We hardly noticed the others when we danced or at least me. Cho as always let himself flow with the music, the perfect romantic partner. He knew where we were at all times like one of those virtuoso traffic police people standing in the middle on a busy intersection directing the cars.

I went to the loo, PJ at a discreet distance. Inside after leaving my champagne I checked my face. A bit of a flush from the wine and dancing, my hair just right... A woman in a silvery blue gown, a nice colour and it fit well.

"Miss Martin, you look wonderful! The dress is dreamy!"

`Dreamy' was an odd word but she was admiring. I said I loved her dress, a big plus for the colour! She smiled thanking me.

I realized she had been at the same meeting where I met Yonno and Manat. `Noreen.'

"So Noreen did you ever invest in Thailand?"

That startled her, some water splashed.

"You remember me?"

Like I was unable or...

"Well do you remember my belly?" I opened the buttons on my vest to expose a bit of tummy. A gold ring and a pearl dangling.

She was amazed, "You do remember! I'm flattered you would."


Her eyes huge, "You are a very important... a famous person. I'm nobody."

"I wasn't very well known when we met... Okay... so did you invest in Thailand?"

"Yes, we are building a plant in the Bangkok industrial neighborhood of Ban Wat Bang Fai. We are to open in five months."

"What kind of `organic' products are you making?"

My remembering that startled her once more. She said household cleaners that were totally green. For the kitchen, bathroom, etc...

We walked out, PJ smiling. I brought Noreen to our table to reintroduce her to Cho. Yonno knew her as he had helped her company with contacts in the government.

A polka... Cho excused us. I was flounced away! He had one of those cute wicked grins.

"I wanted you for myself!"

Okay! We whizzed around Cho keeping us clear of danger. As we moved I told him about Noreen's business venture. There was the cute sly smile. I got him to move us to the edge away from the other dancers.


Cho laughed, "I knew about it because they're on a piece of our property!"

"What? You never said."

"Well it isn't that important. She doesn't know because it is controlled by a corporation that handles other industrial and commercial property.

I bought that land... about eight hundred hectares in an area southwest of downtown across the river... It was more than twenty years ago. I got it for a song because it was considered waste ground. Since then I've leased most of it to industrial companies that don't pollute and do products that are environmentally safe. In fact that is in their lease... if they do put pollutants in the water or ground the lease is void and we take possession."

I was squeezed, "So far that hasn't happened."

This Cho guy does think ahead with real smarts!

I told him I loved him! He kissed my cheek holding me close.

"Let's not stay too much longer... Okay?"

I was good with that it had been a busy day!

We began to say our goodbyes. Yonno and his wife thanked us for coming.

I had my arm around his wife, "We enjoyed ourselves! It was wonderful of you to ask us."

Waves. We moved through the lobby at the door PJ stopped us. Our car hadn't arrived yet. We waited inside with our men watching. Finally Terrance drew up to the curb, he got out and opened the door... We went straight in. PJ stayed by the door until Terrance was under the wheel before joining us. Off.

Terrance apologized but some fool did something stupid with his car... Well it is a city.

It was late so we were extra quiet peeking in at the Twins. Sound asleep, so cute. Tha's light was out.

Naked on top of my Cho! Kissing, snuggles! A wink, we separated and called Jaidee up. Whoosh! We had the brown puppy between us rubbing his body! A lolling tongue told us he was happy. When he was `done' Cho shifted him to his bed.

Cho behind me, warm! Sleep!

Jaidee had fun on his walk, a long one to the river dog run. It was early. The run was empty. He romped with Tara throwing the tennis ball. Ken beside me sharing the morning sun.

Today was a catching up day! All the assorted bits that came to me needed to be addressed. The News UK publisher parts I tried to stay on top of every day. Gil, Ali and I worked outside, Cho and Francis in the office. I liked this arrangement!

Daria was coming to dinner with Bennett, we would talk 21st Century Fox business. Daria hinting Bennett might be the next board member to depart. Whether he would sell all his shares was an open question. Daria said he would! We'll see tonight.

Cho and I with others sat to watch some news coverage of the Belmont races. Marvelous to watch SakChai and Hansa race. A real match race!

When Glaa came on I was holding tight to Cho! Our Big Fast Man ripping up the Belmont track! As he came out of the last turn you could easily see how he upped his game. The acceleration was awesome! Glaa had raced eighteen times, winning all, holding speed records at many tracks only the Immortal Secretariat was better in the Triple Crown contests.

Hansa and SakChai were nearly as good but Glaa had more power! What a Breeder's Cup Classic race this year was going to be!!

The Twins sprawled on the living room carpet surrounded by their fan club and Jaidee! Mara took Chani in her lap to read a book, Charlie beside his dad doing a puzzle. Jaidee stretched out along my legs his head resting on my knee. Gil behind me leaning back. Ali and Francis propped up back to back each doing something on an iPad. Vivaldi in the background.

Roslyn and Mita at the door grinning, re-ups for coffee and cookies.

A minor bit of drama at dinner. Bennett said he wanted to leave the 21st Century Fox board as expected but he would sell his `class b' shares only to Cho and I. Daria grinning like a Cheshire cat having been proved right!

Cho said we were good with that but asked him to stay on the board for now and give us the benefit of his experience. He looked touched that Cho would want him and agreed! A kiss from me and a hearty handshake from Cho.

Afterwards with cordials in hand I walked with Bennett on the terrace.

"Fay it isn't time since it hasn't been that much but I need to move money around. I have an opportunity in a project in Germany which will take a lot of capital. You're agreeing to buy gives me much more liquidity at the right time."

I hugged him, "As Cho said we value your knowledge so if the Board activities aren't too much it's good."

He left later happy and excited! Cho was pleased and Daria chuffed!

She was kissed at the lift, holding her hand, a naughty grin on her face, "Now don't begrudge me my little bit of prescience. It doesn't happen often."

Cho laughed, "On the contrary I'm impressed and very pleased you were right!"

A hug and more cheek kisses!! She and Ali hugged tight.

At seven thirty in the morning I stepped with PJ into an FBI provided car in the underground garage of the Fox Tower. The agents were concerned about PJ but their boss had agreed for him to be with me.

I told them to call because I wasn't going without PJ. They called, it wasn't a happy call for the agent since it was obvious he got blessed-out.

We went uptown, they changed streets and did a `round-about of a block. Childish! West 85th Street. We pulled up in front of a tacky modern apartment building in the middle of the block surrounded by beautiful old buildings. I had a quick look to the east, Central Park. I wasn't an old New Yorker but I knew where we were.

On the third floor the door opened to several men, Yevgeny stepped forward with his hands out. Cheek kisses! He was slender about Cho's size but without the muscularity. We sat on a sofa. PJ sat in the dining area, the agents disappeared.

I said in Russia one of the cheek kisses was from Mara. He smiled.

His lips near my ear, "They are probably listening."

I shrugged. I handed him the bag the FBI had looked in already. It was full of videos, also inside was a tin of Caspian Sea sturgeon caviar. His eyes lit up when he found that! I got a huge thank you for all of it.

We leaned back to talk, I gave him our possible ideas for when he was done with the FBI which included Mara. Yevgeny was clear he welcomed our help but was unsure. He could write about security matters since it had a big part of his work for the FSB.

I described the Basuto group and that we'd be good with expanding its subject base. He could do research from home with the occasional trip.

As Yevgeny considered what to do he knew Mara really liked the school and the city. A large issue for him, he wanted his only child to be happy despite his issues. I assured him we would not go away until he asked us to do so. A big smile!

I stayed an hour. I liked Yevgeny, he was well spoken, a man with a lot of education and a deep love for his daughter.

Shortly before my departure I leaned close to speak quickly about my idea of deep planting documents marking him as a double agent. His eyes narrowed then danced as I hit the punch line.

He did go to the bathroom before we wound up the visit.

At the door a hug and handshake... something pressed into my hand. I easily disguised the exchange.

In the FBI car PJ was grinning. We didn't speak until we were in the lift up to the Fox administration floor. PJ had seen something being passed.

In our office I looked at the note. It had login credentials and an IP address. Also `very secret' in Russian.

I figured it was something deep we could use to help protect him and Mara. I had only briefly described my idea. Yevgeny's face told me a lot.

I went down to see Kelela and Moses. In Eve's office we sat to discuss my idea for securing Yevgeny and Mara's future. They liked it. When I brought out the note eyes widened.

Moses' grin, "Fay, do we tell anyone?"

"Yes, me! Or Cho! No one else. Only we..." My hand motioning to us around the table, "... should have the knowledge."

Kelela gave me a look, "NO! I don't think we trust this info outside us for now." She nodded. No NSA yet!

"If anything spectacular comes of it... but only if it won't mess with our plans. We will probably need some help but later."

Moses grinning bigger, rubbing his palms. He was up for it!

Eve stood, leaning over me to kiss. "Well, I love the idea!"

Fist bumps all around to seal the deal!

It was obvious that Yevgeny was `IN' and thought it a worthwhile plan. The note confirmed that!

Moses and Kelela would make a plan, isolate a computer behind as much protection as possible. There was no hurry so being methodical was good! They would see what the site was, how it was arranged and more important how any documents were formatted, etc...

Back to the house. Change to a frock, I decided on a summery light blue sleeveless dress with a full skirt to mid-calf. Navy accessories and heels, red nails and lips, `Joy' I took the Hermes red Kelly bag.

Pell waiting out front. We went over to Varick Street then downtown to number 50. A good sized place. We entered and went up. Spring Studio was a large space, looking very nice!

This was the Forbes Women Summit, Candace was speaking today. Gil had registered for two but only gave her name. The woman at the sign-in desk said she needed a name for the event badge.

Gil turned to look back to me... the lady saw me for the first time!! Big EYES!!!!

Tessa behind me giggled quietly, stifling it. Tara had a big grin.

I leaned forward, "Please just put `Fay' if you don't mind."

She stammered that was fine and waved her hand in a come over motion to her left where several women were standing together. One detached herself, the desk lady waved towards me. The new one took a look... more Big EYES!!!

I said hello with my hand out. Gob smacked covered it!

She got that I was there to see Candace, a personal friend, speak. She'd be on stage in fifteen minutes.

I said Tessa and Tara were with me, no name tags necessary. Okay.

She offered refreshments, Gil and I got coffee. We got seats at the very back.

I could see some of the other attendees looking back at us. The session was started by a moderator which got everyone to look forward.

Candace was presented. A very nice introduction, praise for her scholarship, tenured faculty at MIT and books, etc...

The room was nearly full, she got a wonderful welcome. There was a small group at the back who clapped loudly! Ha!

Candace gave an excellent talk of about forty minutes with a very good deck of slides. It was about decision-making and best results in a mixed gender group when you are a woman who knows as much or more than most of the rest of the folks!

It was obvious she had experienced being put down for her sex with no regard for her skills. She learned and approached meetings very differently now. I had a few good internal laughs at a some things she said.

When she wound up there loud applause. Me standing up and clapping.

She covered her eyes from the lights... she recognized me and waved. I waved back and walked toward the front by the side aisle. Tara and Gil stayed behind, Tessa right with me.

I danced up the steps into a hug. Candace shining eyes! She took my hand and drew me to the microphone.

"Ladies, here's someone who knows how to run a meeting!! Fay Martin!" She stepped back clapping, a big smile.

The crowd was applauding, a couple of cheers.

I leaned to the mic, "Thank you! I'm not on the programme, I'm here supporting Candace. I will say she made many points I can say are apt and timely."

I turned to her clapping enthusiastically then raising her left arm. Huge grin! The crowd loved it!

I waved, a kiss for Candace. She said `I'll meet you at the back.'

Down the stage steps, Tessa smiling, on to the back. The crowd was still clapping. I waved a bit, smiling!

Behind me Candace entertained questions.

The lead organizer alerted had come in as I went forward. When I reached Gil the organizer held out her hand and fortunately a smile! She was pleased I had come and even more so that I knew the speaker. My impromptu greeting of my friend was a hit.

"Could we temp you to speak next year?"

I slipped my arm around Gil telling the organizer she would need to be contact with Gil. Gil gave her a card.

"Closer to the time please connect with Gil and we'll see. What the topic might be will have to be discussed."

We shook on it. She was obviously thrilled at the possibility. Me not so sure? But it was a good woman's event if only for reaching those further up the food chain who could be influencers.

Candace joined us. A hug for me and Gil.

"I wasn't going stay any longer... You?"

I asked about dinner... she could!

She said she was free tonight, a morning flight home.

"Okay dinner with us... Maybe you could check out and join us at ours?"

Candace nodding as she pulled out her phone, dialing... "I've stayed with these folks a few times I think they'll bend the rules for me."

As Candace did her thing I asked Gil to call Roslyn. Thumbs up in seconds!

Candace smiling, "I'm good. I'll go an check out... then?"

"Where are you?"

The Hilton around the corner.

"We'll walk with you. Gil will tell Pell where to pick us up then to ours!"

Blue round reflective sunglasses on we went left outside, around the corner indeed! Inside Candace did her check out and we headed up in the lift. She was a light traveler so we were done quickly. She had the suitcase on wheels, I had her laptop bag.

Pell was at the curb, the doorman helped us. In the rear view mirror I saw Pell's smile. I laughed.

"Always a surprise."

He laughed outright!

At Minetta Street Rexie and Alice were on duty. Candace got a charge out of meeting Alice.

She loved the building in the nice secluded street. The lift was admired. In the apartment Candace was all wide-eyed. Ali and Roslyn were introduced. Jaidee came in from the terrace. Candace greeted him! We unloaded her in a guest room and went into the nursery. The Twins were reading a book with Tha.

Candace got a kiss and hug from our little ones. They remembered her.

A change of clothes. I lent Candace a pair of shorts and a top. Sitting in the sun, Newcastles and snacks!

We talked about the horse races. She had bet on SakChai to win, a nice hundred dollars or so to be taken from co-workers when she got home!

A Rande text to Gil... the guys on the way!

Cho hugging Candace! She got one from Francis too!

Candace sat with me when the Twins ate. We did the wash up after although it seemed less was missing the target these days!

We had a fun dinner with Roslyn doing grilled fish, some lovely white corn bread muffins and big Caesar salads, anchovies optional.

On the terrace with afters I gave the guys the tale of my visit to Candace's speech-making. Cho did his banking news so we were all caught up...

OKAY!! Time for a few hours of fun!! Hen Night for Ali and Guy's Night for Francis. Neither wanted too much which was their way, we were fine with whatever. No one in our group was much into binge drinking!

The guys had something setup in a cigar bar in Mid-Town, stogies and cognac!

Black jeans, painted on tight, cutoff T-shirt in Day-Glo orange, black jean jacket with a brown leather collar, silver bits `Joy' and spike heeled ankle boots laced-up the side. Everybody looked hot as Pell expertly drove the big car to SOHO.

Jayne was ready for us. Me, Ali, Gil, Candace, Yi, Roslyn, Tessa, Tara, Penny and Ansara. Megan and Tai were coming! Ansara and Tara had volunteered to be on duty so no drinking for them.

The Big `V' back door opened, EX there. I squeezed her hand as we passed through into the noise. She and Gil kissed... There was hot dance music going from a DJ in the booth. A big crowd!

Jayne smiling arms open, Montana over her shoulder waving. HUG!

We had a big booth right at the edge of the dance floor. I grabbed Ali, pulling her laughingly to dance. FUN! Feet moving, hips twisting, arms waving... so much pleasure to be had doing this!

I was beside Tessa and Yi, smiles! My folks dancing all around.

I handed Ali over to Gil, they hugged then whirled about!

I stepped to the booth, Tara standing there with a smile, working! Jayne came with our server and drinks and snacks. I sipped my Campari and soda. Jayne smiling snug against me, her arm around my waist.

Her lips on my ear, "Fay I'm so pleased partnering with you. We will be so good."

I kissed her cheek. Another sip then I led Jayne out to dance. She and I with several other couples, some of my people and others did a little line thing. Arms around waists, leg kicks, bowing down then kicks. It didn't last long but it was fun.

Jayne pulled at my hand... her eyes and head motioning to me... Okay. I signaled Tara.

Jayne and I entered the Petting Room. It was busy! We found a spot near the back. I sat and drew Jayne onto my lap and down to a kiss. It was comparatively quiet in here.

"Fay I just wanted to say we'd like to take you up on your invitation to Phuket."

A kiss.

"Good! It's a fun few days. Well worth the trip! Montana's Okay with you being with others because... " I cupped a nifty little pear, "You'll be a popular choice."

"Yes we talked it over. She's a bit insecure about us but I do love her. She gets it but... you know there are twinges of jealousy."

I smiled in the dim light, "Well... not to be crude but with a skilled tongue, not yours, working her sex she'll be a bit more tolerant don't you think?"

Jayne's laugh sounded loud in the room. I did see a head lift up from a rather large breast leaving a wet shiny nipple exposed. I saw rows of white teeth in a smile then disappear.

We kissed and walked out. Tara at the entrance, I pressed on her arm as we passed.

At the booth I got my drink and slid to the back. Some very tasty cheese things came my way!!

Ali moved close grinning to speak in the noise, "Fay I'm pooped! I need to exercise more."

I said this wasn't the place to worry about that as I pointed to the dancers.

A laugh from her, "Working for you is much more energetic than Daria."

"Don't worry you'll get down time."

At the open end of the booth there was a brief scuffle and someone was on the floor. Tara on top, knee in the back. Ansara had another person in hand. Montana there with another woman staffer. The two people, one woman and a man, were taken away after Tara got off the man's back. Tessa with me going to a back room used by the club's security.

It had only been a few seconds of activity with the music and other things going on not many people saw anything. The man was told to walk quietly one arm pinned behind his back or as Tara said so calmly `I'll break your arm' in his ear.

I got the story from Tara. The two working together had tried to take photos of me in the booth. The man with a camera using his accomplice as a shield had taken a swing at Tara when she stepped in front of his shot.

The man rubbing his arms looking fiercely stupid, the woman said they worked for the New York Post.

"We are working press doing a job."

Jayne voice crackling over her's, "You are in a public bar but the sign at the front says `no press photography allowed' as condition of entry. It is this club's long standing policy, nothing new! And YOU..." a finger pointing at the woman's chest, "... know it, you've been here before!"

Jayne turned to me, "What should we do with them?"

Ansara had the fellow's camera, I motioned to her. Ansara fired it up, she found a lot of snaps of me dancing, hugging and kissing cheeks.

I'm sure my face reflected my words, "Too cowardly to ask permission? Or do your bosses want some more punishment like in England?"

I asked Jayne to call the police so there'd be a record. In her office Jayne called the local precinct house. She asked for a particular policeman.

"Sergeant, It's Jayne at the Big `V' Yes hello... we have had an assault so we need some officers... yes I know but one person involved is an important media person... Yes everything is quite calm and the individuals are in our security office. Well if you come I'd happy to see you. Okay!"

Her eyebrows were up, "The sergeant himself will come which is good. He's polite... sort of old school."

Tessa grinned at the `old school' bit knowing some about that from her past experience with NYPD colleagues!

Montana took the memory card from the camera saying she'd copy it to the office system. She went back with a pair of handcuffs and put them on our journalist' friends who she said were none too happy about it. Montana's I don't give a fuck what you like' certainly was plain enough.

The police sergeant was escorted to Jayne's office, she greeted him and was about to introduce me...

"Oh shit!" He he waved his hand, "I'm sorry that slipped out Miss Martin."

I laughed and held out my hand, "Sergeant, I'm a big girl I know all those words."

I presented Tara. She right away showed him her credentials and that she was armed. She gave him the story, straight and clear.

"Jayne, I didn't look just now but your sign about the `press' taking pictures is still up?"

Jayne said it was.

"We'll take them off your hands and charge him. Since the woman didn't involve herself in the attack we'll take her also but release her at the station after taking a statement. Miss... " he turned to Tara, "... you and the other member of your team... " he looked at his notes, `...Ansara, will have to come make a statement. In the morning is good though."

I thanked the sergeant for coming out. Hands shaken. The New York Post fellow was now wearing NYPD cuffs, Montana's were returned. They were walked out quietly through the kitchen.

Montana smiling holding copies of their New York Post ID's! A fist bump for her, a good idea.

"Jayne, I put the pictures I copied from memory card into a folder in the `private' folder and the scans of these also." She waved the ID printouts. Another fist bump.

I rejoined my pals. Megan and Tai arrived in my absence.

Hugs and kisses. A bunch of us got up to dance! We boogied for an hour or so more then moved to leave. I had an arm through Ali's. She was shiny bright, "Fay, I had fun. I love to dance. It was what brought Francis and I together."

"The same for Cho and me!"

In the car I told and the others our first date' the sanitized version. I looked at the car full lovelies and said they'd all get to dance at the Ice Rink someday soon! I leaned over to Roslyn with a you too!'

In bed later I had one of Cho's hands as he got my evening's events. Then my morning's! The note from Yevgeny and my use of it made him smile.

"Well Yevgeny certainly liked your idea!! It will interesting to find out what's at the other end of that IP address!"

I squeezed the captive hand, Cho leaned over for a kiss. He grinned and turned to Jaidee who was watching us from his bed. Cho's hand motion caused an explosion of dog onto us!

Cho moved him in between us for our patented `dog multi-rub' which for some strange reason always was VERY well received!! We rubbed him into bliss.

Cho was pleased how Tara and Ansara handled the fracas at the Big V' tonight. Clean and simple' perfect as you get.

He said the guys night was quiet, a few snifters and a few cigars. Good talk!

Cho carried our no longer `little man to his bed.

I got some petting too! Then sleep.

Candace waved from the back of one of our cars taking her to LaGuardia for the flight to Boston. Pell and Terrance loaded us up for the heliport. Scott on the edge of the landing grid to say hello. He was doing well and business was booming! Cho smiling told him `pedal to the metal' laughing as Scott stamped his foot.

We had two helicopters, next stop Upperville! Off, up and away down the Hudson River. We got the birds-eye view of Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty!! A beautiful sunny morning!

We crossed over northwestern New Jersey, heavily wooded. Then south eastern Pennsylvania that was farmland heading into Maryland. Baltimore off to the port side. We'd been there a few weeks ago. We were angled away from the District as we flew over Virginia horse country. We flared for landing on the lawn.

Charles and Agatha were there. Greetings and hugs. Tha got the Twins inside, she'd get their lunch ready shortly. We changed clothes. It was hot and humid... Bikini time.

Tara and Ansara gave me their tale of giving statements to the NYPD this morning. Straight forward. The woman was released, the man will see a judge about bail this morning. We told the District Attorney's office `no bail' was fine with us.

We'd called the lawyers seeking advice on suing the New York Post and the parent News Corp. They were on it. A tech from their office will go to the Big 'V' to copy the files and snap the sign by the door. They'd call to make appointments to get statements from the staff.

Jumping into the pool and splashing was the plan for now!

We'd have Charles and Agatha, Wally and Dolly for dinner with us outside. Mykal would grill, Flo would do the salads, etc...

Charles was chipper waiting for the morning to see Sunny and Graeme again. They plus Charlotte were coming over for very different things. Graeme was staying overnight at Harcourt House then he'd join the ladies on a Gulfstream to Dulles. One of the Harcourt Racing 767's would bring Prince and Zephyr, they were escorted by Declan as their groom.

Sunny to compete here then train either here or at Topanga before the Winterset Trials.

Graeme at Charles invitation is taking some of his leave time to tour American Civil War battlefields. There were so many in a few hours car drive of Upperville. Charles knew the area so he'd be a semi-guide, Agatha wanted to go also. The weather would be warm to hot but likely to be nice and dry.

The first big battle of the war was just down the road at Manassas.

After lunch Cho and I went by car to the apartment complex in Mantua for a short visit. An easy drive down the John Mosby Highway.

Russell who was Gilbert's deputy met us. Definitely Scots heritage in him. Red hair, green eyes and freckles!

The manager for the company we had running the complex gave us a tour and answered our questions. At one point we were just outside the fenced pool. Kids were having a blast, a lifeguard watching, mothers and little ones in the wading pool, it looked like a lot of happy folks.

Russell beside me, Cho and the manager looking at something on the far side.

"Russell what is your impression of the management company? Please give it to me without the varnish."

He laughed at my expression, "They are good with people, careful about decision-making, good in caring for the physical aspects, repairs are done promptly and expertly.

I did worry they might become officious with the data from our security systems but once they found a few things that bothered them really didn't matter much they chilled out. Having a lot of data does unnerve some folks, they feel they need to act on it. Gilbert and I had sit down with the manager and her assistants, once we gave them some examples of odd human behavior that was benign they got it."

I cocked my head to look at him, he saw my question.

"There's one man who likes to walk late at night even in the rain. He does the complex perimeter several times, not fast, sauntering, relaxed. He didn't always go in the same direction and sometimes stayed out longer. It's his exercise. He never approached the buildings or tried to look in windows or do anything except walk. It made them anxious but we got them to see he was harmless if a bit eccentric."

"Did anyone speak to the man?"

"No, we convinced them it was both unnecessary and well... impolite... plus we don't want to advertise our systems capabilities."

Fist bump!

In the car Cho winked at me, "This is much better than I thought. The layout is good, plenty of play space, parking is good and it's pleasant to look at. The brick work is well done. You spent time with Russell about the managers?"

I gave Cho what I knew and how Gilbert and Russell had handled issues. A hand squeeze.

"They handled it just right! That is more validation of how good our Security has become. Sumate is awesome at the hiring process. Did you see his email about the eight from Louisville?"

I nodded, "A one hundred percent batting average! He's going back. The others doing interviewing have more folks ready to depart to Bangkok."

I half-turned to lean on Cho, arms slipped around me. We rode like that the rest of the way.

I got to ride with Tara and Ken for an hour. We went east to the road then north toward Wally's, around on the property line to the central road then south. Warm but it was fun!

Our guests rolled in to hugs and a look at Dolly's baby bump. Yes! She was blooming, Wally more besotted than ever! Dolly and I linked arms going upstairs so I could change. A quick shower and into short shorts and a crop top. I skipped shoes for now.

Dolly gave me her doctor's opinion as I dressed. She was carrying a healthy boy! HUG!

"Wally said if I came through this well... maybe try for a girl? Well I did jump on him! I said YES!!!"

We both laughed!

Dinner talk was a lot about horses. Charles was thrilled at Samir's success. Monaco called him, he expected Samir to run in a month at Woodbine in Canada then he'd go Pleasant Valley to train for the Saratoga season.

Wally was having his best season in twenty years, he thought since he'd taken over from his father. Eight wins, five places and four shows in eighteen races. Only once out of the money!! Twelve were graded races too! `Damn good' was his verdict.

We clapped!! I had been watching Dolly during this she was looking at her guy in such a loving manner! Wonderful! I hope I looked like that, I certainly felt the same!

The next morning was warm before the sun came up. As my riding group approached the stables the cars from Dulles came up the drive. Sunny came out running into my arms... HUG!! Charlotte smiling. Graeme got a big hug! Agatha was introduced.

They all said the flight was great, they were rested. Daniel joined us. He said the trailer was at Dulles with a crew to bring Sunny's pair here.

Sunny laughing, "Don't forget Declan!!"

Daniel smiling nodded, "Don't worry we'll get him too!"

I gave them a brief tour then into the house. Sunny and Charlotte would be here with us, Graeme to be in the second bedroom in Charles' house. Everyone would eat in the big house.

Sunny and Charlotte with me as the horses rolled in. Prince on his lead looking around stepping confidently, Zephyr was bouncing along. Well it looked like they didn't mind the flight!

Declan smiling, "Miss, the bunk on board was comfy."

Fist bump! Sunny walked Prince, Declan had Zephyr, they let them loosen up a bit in a paddock. Charlotte walked the jumping and dressage arenas.

"Fay, these are excellent."

I waved to Mykal. They were introduced and Charlotte got the story of the grounds. We mounted to ride out to the cross country course. Ash happy with me, Mr. Sugar nickering as he was saddled for Tessa and Malcolm for Charlotte.

She liked the layout, challenging but not over the top!

"Fay, I've seen courses which were so difficult riders went around obstacles rather injure their horses. One in northern Cambridgeshire was removed from approved list of events until they changed the course."

Sunny joined us on a gelded Palomino named Dusty, he was one of several new riding horses we bought via Wally for Upperville. He was six and a cutie. Malcolm was another.

I let Sunny and Charlotte ride the course, Tessa and I went to the far west of the property. We unlocked the gate to descend to the fence line. At the the gate, I unlocked it and we walked onto Ike's grass. He was at the far side of this large field waving us over.

There were maybe forty cows grazing, Holsteins. We shook hands. We talked cows for a bit. I told him ours at Harcourt House were Brown Swiss we bought from a local farmer as a package with his chickens which were Sussex's.

I laughed, "Not that I know much."

I could see Ike liked my knowing a bit about stock. I tried to dissuade him from seeing too much into my bare knowledge.

He laughed, "Well, most folks would have a hard time knowing what a dairy cow was."

Two teenagers were coming towards us on a tractor. Ike said they were his daughter, the blond, and her best friend who was staying with them. The friend's family was a mess so he offered to take in the girl until things settled.

"Her dad is in prison although if he was white he wouldn't have gone. She's a nice kid. The mom died year before last."

The girls were introduced, as Sharon his daughter and Denise her friend. They knew who I was and were excited to meet me.

"Golly you're famous! You live there... you don't do you?" an arm pointing to our farm.

"We are there frequently but we live in lots of places."

I introduced Tessa. I had seen Ike giving Tessa a good look. She looked terrific dressed like me in a white short-sleeve cotton shirt, black jodhpurs and boots and a helmet.

The girls were interested in anyone with me. I gave Tessa a lifted eyebrow which made her smile.

She explained her role to the three of them. Wide-eyes on all. Denise asked how she got the job. Tessa said she'd been a cop in New York for eight years.

Ike asked New York city?' which got a yes' from Tessa and `I was a sergeant on the SWAT Squad.'

It was clear Ike knew what that meant. Impressed!!

I smiled saying we needed to get back. "It was nice to meet you two."

We exchanged pleasantries, Tessa and I rode back across the grass to our gate. We locked up after ourselves and galloped to the stables.

Tessa said to my query "I saw him give a few looks" then "Isn't he married or something?"

I told her didn't know much but I understood he had been divorced for a few years.

Sunny said she'd be ready for the day after tomorrow. Fist bump!

I said `pool' to everyone as I ran up to climb into a black bikini! Sunny and Gil with me holding hands for the big splash. The folks were warned! Laughing we climbed out hugging.

Mykal was going to grill again. His and Flo's kids jumped in with me, Shondra growing up, showing her shape changing a lot from last summer. Rylee looking muscular like his dad, his eyes wide at all the cuties in skimpy bikinis.

Graeme had the same reaction when he arrived. He did the girls a world of good in return with his Speedo! Small wonder he looked so good in his khaki's!

A great dinner outside. Veggie hamburgers, mounds of fries/chips, a green salad, lots of pickles, dill and sweet. Black and green olives! I tried an A&W root beer!! Good!

I was next to Wally we talked SakChai. "Damn Fay I loved watching him run his race with his sister alongside. Your jockey is great! She held him to the task no mucking around! A tough job she did very well. I was impressed!"

We clinked bottles, beer and root beer!

"Your stables winning back to back Triple Crown's is unbelievable and to hear what you have coming... Well... nobody's ever won more than two!

"Having great horse is the foundation but you have to have luck and no injuries. AND a Monaco!"

Fist bump!

Later when Dolly and Wally had gone Cho and I gathered all the staff together outside by the stables. We told them a pair of very important visitors was coming to visit tomorrow. We asked them to please not speak of it beyond the staff and family. Until it was over.

The Clintons were coming! A loud buzz from our folks. Daniel gave the staff a look, "Miss Martin, Mr. Cho, we'll be honoured to help make the visit a success."

Cho shook his hand. Cho smiling said he didn't know what they might want to see so expect us everywhere. Laughter!

We had a good staff and Daniel had hired them so it was a fine reflection on him.

Sunny smiling, "So what are we wearing?"

I laughed, "Well shorts or jeans, probably not too much tummy."

We hugged laughing out loud. Cho captured us!

Ken was on duty with me in the warm sunrise. Well... being on duty meant being on a horse which wasn't tough work. Ken had really gotten into riding. When we have been at Harcourt House he was out every day with Yvonne or Diana or Freddie, if not with me, learning more about horsemanship. He was very comfortable which was so important!

We went east then south to the highway then around to the cross country course and west to the property boundary. We were all smiles after a great gallop back to the stables. A good long ride.

Breakfast for the Twins was beginning! Cho got a kiss. Charlie yelled out a `Wa!' which seemed to be his goto word for good things! He got kiss as did Chani. Tha standing behind the booth smiling, sipping her coffee. She'd been a total tea person but she's been converted!

We had a joint shower which was quite the tasty surprise for me! Cho let me have the `penis' and when it was nice and hard I wouldn't give it back. I got to finish the job and swallow Cho cum! Like it's my job! We both were laughing a lot after that!

I put on black cuffed shorts, short but not too! A black short sleeved Polo shirt tucked in and black and gold sandals. Gold bling and `Joy'!

Cho's slacks and polo shirt were awesome. Golf duds, he looked so good!

We were on the front porch when Marine One settled on the grass. A Marine stepped out and stood by the steps. We walked down as Hillary emerged then Bill. Hugs and kisses.

We did introductions for everybody inside out of the sun. Hillary remembered Sunny which was special for her. Charlotte was a new face. Francis was remembered as was Gil. Ali was new, huge smile when Francis introduced her as his fiancé.

Charles and Agatha. Graeme was a unusual one! Hillary was interested in his being a British Army officer and my cousin. She wished him a fun time doing his battlefield visits.

The Twins were held by Bill and Hillary. Giggles and some exposed tummy got tickled which caused an explosion of laughs!

We suggested a short tour before lunch. They got to meet many staffers in the stables, everyone was smiling! Charles and Daniel gave them a history of the farm. I got Mykal to tell the Clinton's about the eventing grounds he had rehabilitated and that tomorrow they'd be used for the first time.

Sunny with us grinning over that. They were introduced to Prince and Zephyr.

Walking to the terrace for lunch we were congratulated in person for SakChai's victory. Hillary had sent us an email Saturday, it was nice to get it in person!

The table was set under the trees so the sun wouldn't be too much. Flo who had been thrilled to meet the Clinton's served chilled smoked salmon, several cool salads, white corn muffins and butter with lots of cool things in relish trays. A variety of beverages. It was followed by a delicious sorbet of strawberries and lime. Sweet, tasty!

We had fun talking horses, golf, the News UK deal, children and grandchildren, Graeme's upcoming fun and some about the state of the world.

Walking with Hillary towards her helicopter I repeated our offer of them using the house. The Secret Service had been here looking things over for the visit and declared it a safe location.

Smiling Hillary said they might. "It is quiet area and off the beaten track."

The helicopter crew had been fed and were able to relax a bit with our staff. On duty now. Cho and I waved goodbye as they lifted off.

I ran back to the house yelling pool!' There was a rush to swimsuits! Big splashes! The Twins came out to swim! Cho and I underwater watching, scooping up the little swimmers! They had a good time! Lots of Wa!' from Charlie!

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Next: Chapter 61

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