
By A becker

Published on Jan 3, 2020



Leaving after a peasant while. As I turned to the door I saw the chef at far end holding the envelope Francis had given him. He blew a kiss towards us! I gave him my best mega-watt smile!

Cho holding my arm as we walked, "You my dear must have the finest collection of hearts in the entire universe!"

I squeezed the arm, "It's easy! I when I am pleased I let people know."

He stopped which almost had Tessa on top of me... a kiss! Our crowd applauded!

The Twins were asleep... little beauties!


In the saloon we did afters before our non-house guests walked around to the Hotel du Jeu de Palme on Rue Saint-Louis en l'Ile.

Cho grinning when I said Francis had got me setup to hear his speech. The last row all the way to Cho's left were to be reserved. Their security alerted. The balcony was closed, this was the best setup.

I did a heavy cotton navy blue dress, long sleeves, shirt collar and a loose circle skirt at mid-thigh. Navy accessories, gold jewellery, `Joy' Red nails and lips. The navy Coach trenchcoat and navy leather gloves. We all walked over to the meeting site.

Our bankers skipped part late morning events to sit as a bloc in a front row to see Cho. At the back the conference security met us. PJ asked for the roped area to be a bit rearranged and chairs for his team so he could position them. We surrendered most of the blocked off row because it was just Edda, Gil and I. The conference people were pleased since it looked like an overflow crowd. They added a few standing security personnel at the edges of our space.

Cho and the moderator came out to nice applause. The moderator's introduction was fulsome praise that was entirely deserved. All about the Cho Family Banks successful record of growth even through the 2008 recession. The latest acquisitions and the runaway success of the Green Investment Fund.

When Cho stood the crowd did also in a huge welcome! I was overwhelmed! Two hundred and fifty colleagues and competitors clapped, a few cheers. Cho with his enigmatic smile got them to sit.

"Well... I hope you feel the same way when I'm done!"

A big around the room laugh.

We had worked on this speech, there were parts from the Nagoya one but more focused on banking and its particularities. He gave an overview of the Cho Bank's philosophy on hiring and training new personnel right from the start to think and act ethically.

He spoke to how the Cho Banks maintained a high standard of training, paid well, excellent benefits and worked on building morale without trying to intrude on an individual's life. Cho went into some detail to build his point that any ethical management would do these sort of things to enhance their business.

"We place a strong emphasis on education! We pay all the fees for classes in government affairs, banking or finance any employees wanted to take, we at least partially or wholly paid for advanced degrees.

"We paid for one of our employees to get a degree in biochemistry. Chemistry was a personal passion. She is still our employee and serves as our corporate information source in her field."

Cho's smile, "She does get some off the wall questions which she has passed on to me. Quite humorous! She built a knowledge base for the whole banking system to search."

"Now when we do things in groups like travel or sport, it is kept as informal as possible. Relaxation is the goal.

No we don't do `jumping jacks' together... " a lot of laughter in the auditorium, "... the group participation activities are entirely voluntary."

Cho pointed out the Cho Banks used a lot of teams not because there was a lack of trust but for the multiple eyes on a deal. Cho gave examples of different eyes brought good and bad aspects of projects.

"We have had employees find crucial under-emphasized aspects that made deals even better than we hoped. In a deal in Kuala Lumpur, one team found the client had underestimated the return they could expect from the investments in their infrastructure. Their ROI was 1.5 percent less than we calculated. When we informed them of our numbers they went back, found the error and were very pleased because it meant a large savings in expenses for the project.

On the reverse, we have walked away from deals where clients hid important data.

One started in Bangkok on an fish aquaculture project proposed by a Chinese company. On the surface it looked very good. The numbers were excellent and the plan for the operation was solid.

One of our team members looked at the Chinese company's data, they had experience and listed other similar projects. He looked around the world at other like businesses and found several colossal failures. He researched them. One on the Puget Sound in Washington State released millions of immature Atlantic salmon into the local water where there are huge runs of wild salmon.

While it didn't do enormous damage because the farmed fish never learned how to fend for themselves being fed daily. They most all died from starvation or shock, some eaten by predators and caught by fishermen.

What his report showed was long term neglect of the infrastructure by the company. So the ocean literally beat the pens to pieces. Because the farming company didn't spend the money needed to do basic maintenance.

Now this caused the Washington State to shut all the pens owned by the farming company and ultimately end salmon fish farming in Washington State's Puget Sound.

A miserable failure and a fine example to be used in questioning the Chinese company. But our fellow didn't stop there he followed up on the ownership which led him from a Washington State corporation to an Alaska based corporation which was owned by the very Chinese company asking our bank to help them setup in Thailand.


I laughed at Cho using his hand to make a gun aimed at the ceiling! Terrific!

The crowd loved it.

"Well you can guess what happened to that deal. Poof!"

He pointed out the deal could have netted the bank huge fees and a substantial profit.

"It was so easy to forgo that sort of financial gain because it is tainted but not every bank has the resources we have. It shouldn't matter but it does.

Here is where the point of the spear begins to bite! The internet has leveled the playing field for many kinds of research but a good deal valuable information is still expensive to acquire for smaller institutions.

I want to make information more available to all bankers! Even the Chinese. If scoundrels like the Chinese aquaculture company can't shop for a financing at home there's the first warning light. That means the company is too toxic for the toxic Chinese banks.

Banks in China are in a deplorable state between government pressure to grants loans or new financing to garbage companies to having a billions of losses hidden in their books making them economic basket cases.

In practice that should say to any banker beware. You risk money and your reputation and all you get is some money back. That may seem a cavalier attitude from a large bank but big banks got to be big following sound banking fundamentals.

When they don't... you get Lehman Brothers or right now Deutsche Bank. Deutsche's problems are huge. America regulators are close to calling them `money launderers' which will probably end their business in the United States and the EU outside of Germany.

They are a big bank that has gone astray of its ethical balance in pursuit of money as if Deutsche wasn't doing well enough. A disreputable business person like Trump drags them into the mire with him.

A nasty web of family links and influence peddling within departments in the bank without ethics and little oversight. Sounds like Wall Street before 2008.

Washington Mutual Bank of Nevada is another classic example. They did a huge volume of home refinances but failed to do the paperwork. So many `ninja' loans; no income, no job! The Lehmann Brothers failure scared the pants off investors AND depositors. Huge sums were withdrawn from WaMu. Zip the bank's liquidity went away."

Cho paused...

"Who the hell would EVER..." a slap of the podium, "... Ever close a loan without verifying ALL the financial data? What kind of a fool does that?"

A pause as he looked over the audience.

"Well... we found out there are non-fiction foolish Gordon Gecko's out amongst us."

Cho waved his right arm to include the entire room, "We are a mixture of investment houses! We interact with each other constantly, we compete in a mostly orderly fashion. Sometimes we come together to help a client get what they need and share in the business

We need to share information better. If a business wants money to expand or for a specific project they seek out an investment banker. If they want to choose a smaller institution because of some connection or it is local or has a reputation for quality... that smaller bank shouldn't be at an information disadvantage."

Another pause...

"Today I want to announce the creation of a new bond rating company. It is to be called `TrueRating.' It will NOT be a publically traded company. It is wholly owned by a New York corporation which is controlled by our interests."

Noises from the crowd.

"Now how can we be fair if we own it? Because its books will be open to inspection, we will make the rating methodologies public and we will have two separate auditors, acting independently. Even the auditors will have a watchdog.

We will charge fees any bank can afford. Once an institution has opened an account they can search the ratings for free. There may need to be a limit on how many a day but we will see about that. An account will cost twelve thousand dollars a year which is in reach of even smaller banks. There are no additional fees.

There will be NO preferential treatment regardless of the size of the institution."

Cho was interrupted by a rising applause which became a standing ovation... Me too!

OH! My guy was hitting on all cylinders! He looked my way... I blew him a kiss.

Some folks looked back towards where Cho had. There I was.

He went on a bit about nuts and bolts for TrueRating and that there would be a display table out front with information. A full set of rules for users and how to get an account. He then moved on to finish.

"When any of us looks back on their time in banking I would hope they could see many clients helped to become prosperous and build stable strong companies.

I have children too young to consider what work they might do but I am going to leave for them a record of being an ethical businessman. No dents in my armour through stupidity or avarice.

I follow banking tenets started by my great great great Grandfather that each generation of Cho's have refined and added to as needed when times have changed. Those tenets have guided our banks in good times and bad always keeping us doing the right things for our clients and our banks."


"I guess they're Okay."

He stepped to the side and bowed to the room! Then a storm of applause, a few cheers and a nearly simultaneous rise to their feet. The ovation went on for some minutes before Cho waved and left the stage by the back.

Quite the show. Cho was very good at this!! Well... he was very good at a lot of things... actually everything!!!

We worked our way out to go back home to change before lunch and shopping. Cho was to go to the conference luncheon, come home to change with us later. We'd all go together to the cocktail party.

Black skin tight jeans, red cutoff T shirt, a lightweight black cropped jumper, ankle boots with a high narrow wood heel, silver bits and fresh Joy' The black sweater' jacket from Seattle. Blue round reflective sunglasses.

I left behind lots of kisses for the Twins and Jaidee. I was kissing Charlie's face all over he was giggling and trying to block me. We had a great laugh!

We walked over to Le Petit Pontoise. They were pleased to see us. The banquette table was ready. Right to food! The waiter was different but he must have been `briefed' about our dinner last night.

The artichoke and parmesan tatin, the scallops for a the start then the seabass. The blackcurrant sorbet at the end. The Maitre was again tasked to choose the wine for each. She had nice smile.

I sipped a crisp dry Bordeaux I tipped my glass to her across the room. Before the fish the chef came to say hello.

I asked him if remembered a chef named Gerald from many years ago who had gone to America. He did! I told him briefly about our friendship and he had recommended we stop in here. Last night had been a bit too busy which is why I returned today.

"Gerald talked warmly of working with you. He is doing very well in Washington. We have visited the city several this year already for engagements. We always go to Le Champignon d'Or. Gerald and Antonio have twice come to Bangkok to our homes for late winter sun."

"I remember him always finding a patch of sun to sit in."

He pressed his two index fingers together, "Gerald and Antonio like this?"

I said yes. He asked `marriage?'

I smiled, not yet but soon.

He had known of Gerald's preference but they never spoke about it, "I would not want to intrude. It was not my business. We never cared, he was so superb in the kitchen!"

Two fingers to his lips!! I laughed, "Well he cooks less and trains more."

Gil handed me her iPad with snaps from the restaurant. Our host smiled, "Very warm and welcoming. The colours and patterns a perfect blend. The bar is wonderful. Such an idea, charming!"

"The food is special... like here."

"Your generosity to my staff was quite unique! They all felt very proud at the end of the night. L'argent... " he made a gesture of fanning his face, "..you both are regarded as tres bon!"

I rested my hand on his, "I wanted them to know our great pleasure!"

He raised my hand to his lips. Smiling as he returned to work.

Gil with a grin, "I will report this new heart you've captured to Cho later."

We laughed! Fist bump! Edda got it was an ongoing thing!

A car out front.

I asked we be dropped on the Champs-Elysees at Bel Air. I had checked out their clothes online. We met a saleslady, she could see we above her ordinary. Edda looked terrific a jeans and loose cable knit jumper, crème colour with blue stitching at the neck and cuffs. A nice light trenchcoat and a flat cap. Gil in red hip huggers, low brown boots and a cutoff white sweatshirt. Tessa and Tara sleek and sporty!

I asked after a jacket in black cut like a man's suit coat with a wide belt and a big buckle. YES! They had it... size? I tried it on. It was great. A bit below my hips, sleeves right at the wrist break. Sold.

Then black straight leg trousers, pleated. They stopped at my ankles! Sold.

A bright coloured in red, white and blue calf length pleated skirt. It was polyester but I wanted it for banging around with a T shirt or light jumper. I like the crazy swirling splashes of colour. Sold.

The others had a few things. Edda two skirts and a top. Gil had some skirts and Tara and Tessa traded off shopping. Gil called our driver. The sales ladies helped carry things out. Into the boot.

We walked west staying on the north side. There was a big Zara-Home store but I couldn't quite figure why?

We passed a news kiosk. Edda nudging me over. My face on seven or eight covers.

She was grinning. "Oh, I bask in your light." With cute fluttering eyelashes.

We all laughed. A few folks looked at us standing there.

I was glad the sun was shining so my sunglasses were normal.

I stood for a moment looking at the face on those magazine covers... it was me but it didn't feel like me. I hadn't posed for any photos so I had not considered how I looked when they were taken. In those pictures I was captured extemporaneously just being out in public and that made it feel artificial although one could argue the reverse but I was the one inside.

Gil had laughed a few weeks earlier about the many requests by photographers for me to `sit' for them. I didn't know any of their names as it wasn't something on my radar.

I hadn't done any interviews. Tai helped us avoid the press, it was her remit!

I didn't feel I had anything special to impart. My `causes' were personal, we weren't asking for public input. The Chanthira Foundation was a very personal initiative, the clinics and shelters came from our hearts.

The Chanthira Foundation and its operations weren't on anyone's radar. We were just getting started. Or so I thought...

Harcourt Racing raised our profile with some parts of the public. Efforts like EFT were just beginning. We would give retired racers homes at our other farms for their lifetimes out of love of horses and admiration for their efforts on the tracks.

We hadn't even discussed soliciting money for those enterprises.

Oh... Well. We needed to move on.

Edda beside me, a smile, "Thinking about the covers? You do look quite good in most."

She held one that said under my face, `So talked about but unknown' which was perfect for my current feelings!

I laughed, "Maybe I can keep it that way?"

A hug after she replaced the glossy.

We made a short stop at Guerlain to sniff' some scents. The lady there got my Joy' with a smile. She pointed me to a few of theirs. I asked what she thought about Baccarat's Les Larmes Sacrees de Thebes?

Her face, "Mademoiselle, it is superb! A great cost also."

I didn't need to do any more `research' after that!

When asked I told her my husband bought my scents. I did like some of theirs. So...

Still going west crossing Rue Washington. Facing the Apple Store, it had a lovely pale stone exterior with really handsome detailing.

Inside was magical! The atrium ceiling like a kaleidoscope, light going every which way. The floors so open and wonderfully bright! Great displays! Too bad I didn't need anything. I got Gil to do some snaps for Cho.

Edda went to look at cases for her iPad. She said ten minutes... if she couldn't find something that amount of time...

I was going to kid her when my iPhone rung. Francis. I stepped outside with Tara and Tessa.

"So how is Cho doing? Lots of adulation?"

"Actually quite a bit but you already knew the answer."

We laughed.

"Yes, so what's up?"

"Property deals! I thought you'd want to know straightaway. An update on the London youth shelter sites first. Soho and Vauxhall all have the builders going full blast, they are within a day or so of schedule. Soho had started earlier so it's more advanced. The shelter and clinic site on Stanhope Street is slightly ahead of schedule. Tony is on site every day."

I added for him that Tony had begun hiring for all locations with support from Andrea. She had two managers, some clinicians and a several psychologists who were referred by Dr. Green, who put herself in to help.

"Good to hear! New York is great! The building on Lafayette Street in the East Village is in our hands. The West 35th Street building will close tomorrow.

Kotro will arrive there in the morning New York time. He was excited by the two locations in Los Angeles. He has all the building plans and loads of snaps.

You will find in your inbox the drawings for the Seattle shelter interiors he did.

He got a kick out being in Hollywood, a real tourist for a day. I'm sure you won't mind I let him know he'd be welcome to go back just for fun when we did the openings."

I was laughing by then, "Francis, I would want to be there just to see him standing on Hollywood Boulevard!"

We were both laughing!!

"Of course all of this is costing but since the Foundation earned more than eighty million dollars... well you said to Jian she should spend it."

"Definitely! Cho and I were thinking of adding a billion dollars... he talked with you didn't he?"

"Yes. That would cover much more than twenty times what we are spending!"

"Any other goodies?"

"One item. You know Ali and I want to get married while we are at Harcourt House in June. There's a lot going on that month but Carter called me. Cassandra had made a visit to sit down with him. They are going to use your wedding as the model so all they'll need are final guest lists. Food, flowers, etc. all `in the bag' in Carter's words."

My face felt like a huge smile, "Francis, that is perfect. You and Ali let those very competent folks wrap you two up in a bow."

"Fay, I..."

"Francis, don't! We are family!"

A slight choke, a throat cleared, "I... WE do love you two!"

"Good or there'll no cocktail party for you tonight!"

We were back to laughing which was the right way to end.

Bill called from New York with big news! The Peabody Awards announcements!

We had TWO!

An Institutional honour for Fox News as a unit which was so terrific for all their hard work and willingness to change! A huge reward for the series of pieces they did during the election campaign!

In the News category, they honoured Joseph & Larry for the `Concrete' story!!!

I was very proud of our people! They fully deserved these honours, this was recognition by their peers which should be that much more satisfying.

I was elated! I called Joseph, he was over the moon!

"Fay, a year ago I'd have just read about other people getting these awards now because of you I get to read about myself!"

I gave him Cho's and my biggest congratulations and a personal thank you for what he and Larry did. Their piece helped to defeat a scumball!!

Larry was very happy.

"Fay, it's a news person's Mt. Everest! You should have seen Kent when they announced the Fox News award. He jumped about four feet up!

"We'll be in the city in a few weeks so expect a visit."

We rang off! Such fun to share this! I'd emailed Kent since he was in a meeting.

I texted Cho and got back a big finger aimed at light brown haired girl and explosions after!

Gil and Edda had finished and were beside me. Next door was Massimo Dutti! Clothes for Cho. I told Edda about Berluti and the jackets I got for Cho. She typed into her `to-do' app.

Jumpers! Right away I got cashmere high collar lightweight ones for Cho. White, black, a gorgeous gray and reddish brown!! So soft!

A pale gray cotton weave, round collar. Lightweight. He'd look awesome in black slacks with this one.

A brown leather jacket, round upright collar, cut to the top of his hips!!

In Accessories, a checked scarf in two tones, black and gray. Another in brown wool with frayed edges. So soft!!!! A white silk pocket square with navy edging!

Now for Moi! Jumpers first again! Two big cable knit turtleneck ones, white and beige. The neck was large, easy to roll for thickness, nice pattern of weaving broad lines in the front. And a V-neck purl knit mulberry purple shade one, nice colour and light! A long sleeved black cutoff cashmere jumper.

A long pleated skirts in silk to sit on my hips and go to the instep. A pale charcoal gray and a second in brilliant rich red. Nothing fancy but good to go about in. They'd be awesome with a cut-off top!

Edda a large collection of boxes. Skirts, tops and several shirts and sweaters for Ludwig. Big grin!

"So do I sit on all these nice things for him..."

We laughed. I told Edda I was going to give Cho some today and hold the rest for his birthday and Christmas. Thumbs up from her.

Tessa and Tara had traded off and finished. Gil completed her buying and had called for a car just for our buying and another to pick us up at Hermes.

The last stop on this side of the street was Mont Blanc. I bought Cho two Meisterstuck Geometry Solitaire LeGrand pens, beautiful geometric silver finish! A rollerball version which Cho preferred. I added a dozen refill cartridges.

Now we stood on the street to look at the l'Etoile! The `Arc' was an inspiring sight! Funny it was the memory of the highs and lows of France's military. The overweening pride of Napoleon, the mess of the follow-on governments, the incredible stoutness and sacrifice of the Poilu in World War I and in World War II the Resistance and the smaller wars of the middle of the Twentieth Century. All wrapped up in the huge arch.

We walked across. I stood back from the flame just thinking about family. I'd felt the same standing near the Cenotaph. So many sacrifices to preserve a way of life that so many took for granted. Most families had no `military' service except in the two world wars. Odd how World War II had pushed so much of the population into uniform, men and women. It was something unlike any wartime before.

Both World Wars started by the extreme right in Germany, Italy and Japan. Anti-Democratic forces bound together to crush the individual and remove his voice in government.

Democracy is a tough act, you have to work at it constantly, it's always under threat from the `right' which prefers authoritarianism.

France had faced that several times, the United States also but to a lesser degree. The United Kingdom has had its moments too. Always the weight had shifted back to Democracy as the false prophets were exposed.

I turned to look back east towards Place de la Concorde, the obelisk clearly visible. The busy street looking so gay and prosperous. This was a view I'd always liked. It lightened my mood!

We got on, one stop left. Down Rue Marceau to Rue Christophe Colombo and the front door of Hermes. Gil had called to someone there and we were met at the door by a manager.

"Welcome Mademoiselle Martin. We are pleased to see you."

My hand kissed. He swept his arm to a lovely brown haired young woman impeccably dressed.

"This is Maury, she is to be with you to assist in any manner you need."

I shook hands with Maury, a very nice face.

She said right away they had the two bags I wanted and they would brought to me at my first stop.

Smiling I said scarves. A grin and her hand pointing ahead with a curve to the right.

Edda said she was off to shoes.

Looking at the displays, I gave Maury three colour choices. She called for a saleslady. A quick conference between the two, huge eyes on the saleslady. She went right at it pulling scarves.

A double-faced wool stole, navy blue one side, golden yellow the other with a fringe. Sold!

Maury looked up at me.

Gil giggled and leaned towards Maury, "Fay is always very fast making up her mind."

Maury smiled and nodded. An older man came up two brown paper wrapped packages. Maury undid the string ties.

A Hermes 32cm ostrich Kelly bag in celadon green!! Gil almost jumped.

"Fay the shade is perfect!"

I had to agree. It would match the Edith Head suit to a `T.'


The second was revealed... dark red crocodile Kelly bag! Same size! Done!

Tessa grinning, "Fay... " pointing towards Tara, "... if you are going to carry those we want a pay raise."

We burst out laughing. Maury looked confused. I patted her arm, "These two naughties help keep me safe."

Her mouth a BIG `O' she nodded.

The department saleslady laid another stole along with a dozen scarves. I put a finger on the stole, eyes to Maury's. She got it!

A muted red, black and a medium brown khaki with a fringe of all three. Soft, long and wide!!

I went through dozens of scarves!!! Fun to feel the silk slide across my hands. I choose probably forty different ones, not for me but gifts for friends. Geometrics, animals, spirals, a lovely horse for Reyna, a brilliant red for Jian, a luscious green for Sunny and so on.

Then a dozen horse scarves in green and yellow that was very nearly Harcourt Racing colours!! Gil handed a sample of our exact colours to Maury for some to be made to order.

The same older man wheeled in a cart to collect the boxed scarves and stoles. Brilliantined gray hair and a very handsome moustache! `Jacques' would be charge of collecting everything in a small room by the concierge's desk.

I shook his hand and thanked him. I admired his moustache, he said a quiet `Merci!' A twinkle in his eye!

Gil called for a separate car again. Maury asked for help from her boss. He sent a sweet faced young lady who looked North African with green eyes and a halo of light brown curls. Mitty. She was to assist in the accounting.

She and the scarf saleslady checked the boxed scarves against my piles on the table.

Off to bags!

I wasn't going to be in bags long. I got a Plume mini bag in green for Sunny.

Hats! A Vauban cap in blue-gray for me and Sunny. Four gold and four silver Cheval hat pins.

Equestrian next. I got Sunny a Swing Shadbelly jacket. It was dark blue, red details and tails. Just something different for her to try. A black ladies `top hat' with a rolled brim and black ribbon made by Bollman. A set for her birthday! She would look cute!

Baby gifts... I bought the Twins each an Adada tumbler then a Hermy Cheval Pixel rocking horse to share in the Paris house with a Poke Yok plush horse for each, pink and blue. More tumblers and toys for our friends and family babies.

A stop in fragrances. While the buying was Cho's domain I could do some suggesting. Hermes' 24 Faubourg had a lovely tropic scent. The saleslady sniffed out my `Joy' smiling saying it was wonderful.

Now for Cho! And some other guys! I scarves and gloves for Cho. A nice collection of scarves as gifts!! Wool, silk, gorgeous grays and blues!

I bought a large group of `On Air' ties in various colours for some of the Fox folks. Little old style rounded radio microphones!

I bought two handsome belts for Cho. Braided leather, casual. Black and a chestnut brown!

In men's fragrances, a nifty travel bottle of Terre' for Cho with a refill container. A some of the Terre' after shave balm creame.

Okay I was done! Maury did a pretend wiping of her brow which got us all laughing. She had done an excellent job steering me through the store.

Gil caught my look. One of her omnipresent note cards, wrote a thank you to Maury, Mitty, Jacques and the others. I signed it and slipped into the envelope. Maury' on the outside. Ten fifty € euro notes went in. In my ps. I asked Maury to distribute them with ton jugement approprie.'

Edda has spent time in various departments, loads of packages too. Tara and Tessa had shopped and I had shooed Gil off some time back.

The second car was stuffed and more with us. The manager with Maury at the door. I said we had a wonderful time and would be back as we were just starting to use a new Paris home.

The manager had Gil's contact details in case `things' might crop up. A hug for Maury, I handed her the envelope. She looked surprised.

We headed home.

Gil helped me put gifts in big soft bags with location labels. The Cho things which were for gifts hidden away but several I laid on the bed for him to have today.

I asked Tha to bring the Twins to our suite while Gil and I worked. The cuties crawling around the boxes and bags. They got to ride their new rocking horse with some assistance.

Charlie had a big grin and he rode into the sunset! Chani wasn't as `wild west' as her brother.

Gil leaned over, "It's from Maury."

I read the email. She was pleased I would write a note, she would post it for the employees to see. The money was a shock. She decided to give a note to each sales person who had helped me and one for Jacques. She and Mitty were salaried so they thought this was best.

I asked Gil to reply saying I was happy to reward with words and a bit of money people who had made my day better. I also asked Gil to write letters to the manager on how Maury and Mitty's efforts had been so very valuable and pleasant.

"Add whatever else you think would look good for them."

Fist bump.

Cho! He and the merry band of bankers arrived. It was late so we skipped drinks here.

Cho holding Charlie looking at his gifts on the bed. Chani in my lap on a settee by the fireplace. The belts, the white silk pocket square with navy edging and the Mont Blanc pens. He sniffed the travel bottle of `Terre.' Big eyes! He sat with Charlie beside us, KISS!

Time for the bankers' Cocktail Party.

I was wearing the Edith Head black short cap sleeved crepe dress. Translucent sleeves, V-neck, snug to my torso, loose from the waist in wide soft pleats to my ankles. Black heels and stockings hanging from a wispy little thing on my hips. A black chiffon wrap and silver jewellery. Baccarat Les Larmes Sacrees de Thebes by Cho. Red lips after a kiss, they matched my nails! RED!

Cho was in a navy suit, WHITE shirt and Harcourt Racing yellow tie. The new pocket square in the pocket!

Cars in the tunnel. We zoomed over to the Mutualité building. Going through a small crowd of hovering paparazzi who suddenly realized who we were and went a bit crazy. The event security held them back... one slipped through and ended up pinned against the door frame by Rande. An event person grabbed him and more or less tossed him into several others.

Rande grinning, "I could have done that!"

Fist bump with PJ. Cho squeezed my hand. I heard Erich's voice behind us say `nice throw.'

I gave my wrap to the cloakroom lady. A big smile as she handed the ticket to PJ.

As we entered the reception area for the theatre several men came to greet us. Cho introduced me and Ludwig did Edda.

Into the Theatre again. It had been transformed into a blue lit open space with several bars, standing tables, miscellaneous seating groups with tables and a dance floor. On stage was a DJ playing dance music, Pop, soft rock, light EDM, etc...

Folks wanted to meet us so I was shaking a lot of hands. Cho whispered he didn't know even half of them. He hadn't attended one of these events for many years. Mu had done it for him but this year the conference asked him to speak so...

I moved away with a smile towards one of the bars. A young woman in a gray dress and a name plate came forward before I could get close.

"Mademoiselle Martin, what can I get for you?"

I said club soda and lime. A smile, "I will bring it you."

PJ was beside me, I motioned to an open table nearby. I stood next to it looking around the room.

A woman about my height, steel gray hair trailed by a much younger woman was on course for me. I did a quick brain thrash... IMF!

"Mademoiselle Martin, I am Christine L********* from the IMF. Hello! Cho sent me over to meet you."

We shook hands and kissed cheeks.

"I so wanted to meet, I have known Cho for many years... we are not close but friendly."

We chatted, she knew a good deal about The Company.

"Yes, a sound company which suddenly exploded in growth. Acquisitions and global reach. Right after Cho got involved."

"Well after we became a couple for sure. Global was always true just on a smaller scale. Our moving into traffic and water management technologies we have spread out a good deal."

"Ah... Like Angola?"

"Definitely. Are they seeking financial help from your fund?"

"It is possible. They have done some preliminary moves. It certainly would be a terrific use of money."

"Do you have five minutes?"

She nodded. I told her we were involved so I would not speak to the project but if her people needed any information about The Company's part in it... please contact Reg. Her PA took his name and contact info.

"We want them to make the case for themselves, they have our proposal and their own numbers. So..."

She was smiling, "Thank you for the contact. If we become involved data will be our first mission."

Ms. L******* paused looking at me, "You and Cho really do... I... Well it is good that you both do mean what you say. Clumsy..."

I laughed, "Yes, we are for real. Business ethics count! As Cho said this morning it's baked in for us."

We moved to other topics, my dress was admired and she got the story. Her PA looked she wanted to say something so I extended my hand to her.

She took it, "I have read a good deal in the French and Italian press about your clothes. The Autumn/Winter collections will probably reflect that."

I laughed, "Well I do hope that they give proper credit to Edith Head. Many outfits, like this, are her designs from the late 1950's and early 1960's."

We parted as Cho had waved in my direction. Cheeks kissed, smiles. She was pleasant.

I smiled and nodded my way over to Cho. He had fellow with a wonderful beard!

Brodie was a Canadian of Scottish Highland descent whose family had gone to Canada in the early Nineteenth Century. A big fellow, built like Dayton.

He held my hand quite firmly but no grab.

"Miss Martin, I've read about you!"

I laughed, "Well according to some I'm everywhere!"

I lifted my arms up with my hands spread and opening and closing, red nails out front!

"I'm also a demon from the lower depths!"

We all laughed. Brodie had a good deep chuckle.

"Cho you didn't warn me she was such a character!"

"Oh, didn't you read I eat babies for breakfast?"

He was having trouble laughing and not stopping. I took his arm and did a turn back toward where I had been. The young lady in gray once again came up looking expectant. I repeated my previous drink request and turned to Brodie.

He said that was fine with him.

"Boy Brodie you are a cheap date."

That started him laughing again almost to tears. I got him in a chair beside me.

Cho had followed with another fellow. I was introduced to Florent from Societe Generale Bank. I motioned him to an empty seat.

Brodie smiling, "Florent is a good fellow but don't get him talking football. The evening isn't long enough."

Florent laughed and patted Brodie's big shoulder, "Do not worry I shall not get started. It would most likely bore Mademoiselle."

Cho leaned in, "Fay is a Fulham F.C. supporter. She takes me to ties at their home ground not far from our home in London."

Florent gave me an eye, "Fulham? They have not had it easy lately with ownership change."

"A change in an front office style does have an impact. Who do you follow?"

"Oh no, Fay has given him an opening, " Brodie laughing again slapping his huge thigh with a huge palm.

Florent smiling at his friend, "Paris Saint-Germain! We will leave it at that."

A laugh from Brodie but Florent was smiling too.

Drinks! We chatted about the conference and how Cho's speech was received.

Florent shaking his head, "Cho surprised everyone with the TrueRating idea. Our bank will support it! In 2008 when the Moody's, Fitch's and S&P were so concerned with their own profits they didn't do the barest research then lied about it and contributed to the recession we considered doing something. We talked it over but didn't move."

Brodie nudged Cho, "You have now made it possible for us to move away from those guys! Very important."

Francis leaned in from his seat, "The markets in America reacted afterwards. The big three rating agency's stocks took a big hit at the close of trading!"

He did a fist bump with Cho! Those two are getting up to lots of things!

Ludwig and Edda came our way, Mu and Kuva also. Erich waved as he crossed the floor in our direction. Cornell and Callendar moved towards us.

Cho invited Florent and Brodie to join all of us back at ours for a bit of light supper.

Our part-time cook, Cosette, was getting a hot soup and buffet ready. They liked the idea.

Cars out front, the paparazzi not so boisterous this time. We unloaded in the courtyard beyond the tunnel. Some folks in the lift, others walked up.

I pardoned myself to go up to see the Twins. They were just going down. I got sleepy kisses and hugs.

I slipped into black jeans and a cropped red long sleeve shirt with the white birds on the shoulders and arms. Black flats on my feet.

Gil had finished packing all the Hermes purchases! Hug!

Back to our guests. Tuva and Edda had changed at my suggestion. All the men's ties were gone and some jackets.

Cosette had a hearty potato leek soup, cut vegetables with several dips, five kinds of cheese, apples and pears nicely sliced. Bread, dark and light, butter. She cut and laid out three fruit tarts from the bakery around the block.

Cho opened several bottles of wine he thought appropriate, water, coffee, etc... We roved the sideboards then sat any o' which way. I was between Brodie and Edda. Cho across in-between Tuva and Florent. Francis and Florent went to talking right away about TrueRating.

I asked Brodie about the mountains west of Calgary where we may have a project. He gave me what he knew.

"I haven't spent a lot of time up in there, some fishing but doing that your head is down at the water's edge. Going west you leave the Province of Alberta pretty quick once you are in the hills, it's British Columbia from there to the coast. Nice country but not for me in the winter."

He asked what the project was, he was a bit surprised by what we were getting into.

"I dragged Cho with me for three stops before we came here. Luanda, L'Aquila and Clermont-Ferrand all for water ventures. I'll be going to Seattle for a big traffic project after the Kentucky Derby. We are biding to operate their entire city traffic system."

Brodie grinned, "You are a busy bee. Getting around the world! I'm in Toronto most of the time now. The bank is humming along very well right now."

Edda leaned over me a bit, "Brodie... ` pointing to his wedding ring, "... why didn't you bring your wife Tina? It would have been nice to see her."

"She would have been pleased to be here and it was planned but her mother is not well. The good part is she lives in a guest house on our property so we're close. Tina and the boys keep watch. Her mom has had one fall this year, not too bad but it really scared her. So Tina erred on the side of caution for now."

"Well at the end of August, first week of September we'll be in Saratoga for a long weekend of racing. Maybe you two could hop over? We'll have a place for you to stay."

Brodie stroked his bearded chin, "I'll see what Tina says."

I nudged Edda, "Edda and Ludwig, Mu and Tuva with Erich are coming with us to Chantilly for a day of racing tomorrow. It's out there in the country because Longchamps is being rehabilitated. We have two horses running."

Brodie was flying tomorrow. "I like the ponies, so does Tina. We go out to Woodbine with a group of friends a half dozen or so times a year."

A finger aimed my way, "You two have some fine horses. Your Glaa is magic."

A big smile on my face, "You should see his younger half-brother, same sire. Glaa like his sire and dam is a chestnut but SakChai is silvery white. He flows around the track. He's one of the favorites for the Kentucky Derby with his half-sister Hansa. She is Glaa's full sister, an exquisite red gold chestnut. It's going to be interesting."

We moved to the saloon for afters. Jaidee joined us! Warm puppy, he was petted and then parked by the fireplace.

I watched the men's noses in the cognac. Gil grinning over at me. I got Edda, Gil and Tuva to sit beside me and we watched. Cho knew right off, I could see him chuckling. The others got it from him. Cho stage managed another big bow. We all laughed.

Florent dropped next to me, "Fay, you and Cho..." two finger pressed together, "... Yes? I feel that way with Angelica. Comfortable, happy."

"So how long? Children?"

"This is our twentieth year! A boy fifteen, a girl twelve and two calico cats. I had to mention the cats, Angelica would be quite disappointed if I failed to do that."

I laughed, "Well Jaidee was our first little one. The Twins are terrific!"

We had already `shared' snaps of those lovely babies.

"Yours are very beautiful. They look very much like you two."

"A nice thing! You know I'm a transgender... Yes?"

"Mai Oui! But it is impossible to think of you other than a woman... Impossible!"

"You live in Paris?"

"Yes. It is an old family home on Rue de Thorigny in Le Marais. It is quite good for us, the family traditions. A pleasant garden. There is a bookstore on the ground floor. They are an excellent, quiet tenant. We have three floors for us and attic rooms for our cook and housekeeper."

A smile, "Nous suis content!"

Introduced Florent to a `fist bump.' We laughed. I told him to try it on his son. Okay!

The evening had been fun. New friends! We said goodbye to Brodie and Florent at the lift. We said goodnight also to Callendar and Cornell, they had the short walk to their hotel. Hugs and kisses for our guests.

Everyone left was reminded of tomorrow's events. Hugs!

Our AW139 fluttered down on the paved car park east of the main Chantilly grandstand. The race course had several electric carts for us for the trip to the barns on the opposite side of the grounds.

Jonny met us at the doors. He was very excited about our two horses. We met Satirical first. He was tall and strong, nice haunches. Black all over with a slender white nose stripe. He didn't mind us being there which was great.

Next door was Amira, a pale gray with a white mane and tail. A bit restive at first but she calmed down when I gently stroked her nose. A soft nicker.

Her groom smiling, "She has an even temperament. A lovely girl."

I hugged Jonny for luck. He laughed.

Some guests arrived at the barns, the Taittinger's vice president for marketing and his wife with his PA. They got to see their company name and logo on our horses blankets and stalls. His PA took a few snaps, smiling saying it looked good. We liked it!

We walked back towards the Grandstand with several Chantilly officials. The fellow beside me said their security and ours had spoken and they had something special setup they hoped would please us.

I slipped my arm through his, "Thank you! I'm sure it will good."

They guided us to a nifty pavilion on the grass next to the Tribune du Comite building in front of a tree. It was on a slight rise so we could see the track. A rope fence around it all. It was great!

We had chairs with small tables, some blankets in case. We were introduced to Paulina who would assist with food and drink.

Their security had one person to liaise with PJ and our team. He would remain with us all day.

The weather was dry and sunny! Perfect for running and viewing!

I was wearing a yellow silk sleeveless frock with bright blue accessories and heels. A straw Spanish Equestrian hat in white with a matching blue ribbon. A bright blue cardigan on for now.

Tuva in a nice pink frock, Gil in blue, Edda in red and white stripes. Very nice! The men looking quite sharp. Cho in one of his tailored navy suits with a Harcourt Racing tie.

We looked sporty and happy! Everyone with a Harcourt Racing pin!

First up for us the Prix Saint-Alary Stakes a G-1 race for fillies. Amira had been under Monaco's training for six months. She won one and placed second once in her four starts last year as a two year old. This would be a test for Monaco and Jonny's tutelage.

The jockey Rene we hadn't met yet. He had been in the Jockey Room when we arrived so we'd see him afterwards. Jonny was high on him, he had many wins at different French tracks this year and a terrific previous season!

Amira walked out of the saddling paddock going left then around the grassy walkway to the furthest starting chute by Rue de Reservoir for the start. I watched in my glasses, she moved very well, graceful and calm. The last odds were 11-1 for her.

They loaded the starting gate... Amira in number four... CLANG!! A good start racing into the long curve from the short back straight. Four horses abreast, Amira and two others close behind and several stragglers.

Into the turn they spread out, the two leaders and Amira about four lengths off them in the third path from the rail. As they ran around the big curve Amira was gaining ground.

I watched, she shifted leads easily. I leaned close to Jonny to mention that. He said Monaco had given him training drills for both horses to work on that. They'd worked hard.

At the top of the stretch Amira slid back to her left lead and Rene asked her. A surge brought her level with the leaders. She hung for a second then more power she pulled away.

The long stretch and its slight rise to the finish line didn't slow her.

In the last hundred meters she was running under a hand ride soaring over the grass.

Amira looked beautiful, showing a smooth stride and strength. Crossing the finish line five and half lengths clear. A quite a display.

We celebrated! Cho, Jonny and I went to the track to receive the prize. The crowd was generous with their applause. We got a nice trophy.

Rene was all smiles and glad to meet us. Cho said we'd talk at the barn after Satirical ran.

The Chantilly officials were smiling as we shook hands all around. One of the top fellows walked with us back to our little pavilion.

"Mademoiselle, we have heard that some property was purchased locally which could be used for a large farm... I wondered if it was your racing group?"

There was a cute cupid look on his face. I laughed.

"No secrets? Oh well... Yes we bought about four hundred hectares southwest of Montataire."

I squeezed his hand, "We are not making a show of it. It will be the headquarters and training ground for our French racing. We hope to have entries at all the major race courses within a few years."

He was delighted. "Bon... BON! We look forward to seeing you and Monsieur Cho again often!"

I kissed his cheeks! Cho joined us, they shook hands when I told Cho my Chantilly guy had sussed out our recent purchase.

"Monsieur, I hope the local people will also be happy. We will try not to disturb them. In fact were are to meet with some of the them after the racing today."

"Oh Monsieur Cho, excellent!"

We settled into chairs and drank some Taittinger's as the racing continued. The Taittinger's VP and his wife and PA had joined us.

Lots of sun, cold champagne! A lovely day!

We had a bit of a wait for our next race so I got Edda, Tuva and Gil to walk with me. PJ and Tessa came along smiling when I gave them my invitation. We laughed.

I put on my blue reflective sunglasses for some possible anonymity.

We looked at the `Old Weighing Room' which now a restaurant then turned around to go behind the Grandstand. We peeked in at the walking ring. We weaved in and out out of the crowds no problem.

A pleasant walk. Seeing the bits of the racing ground.

As we headed back on the walkway behind the Grandstand a blond teenage boy was running in our direction turning his head calling out to someone behind... he stumbled... Tessa was there to catch him. There would have been some nasty scrapes from the asphalt. He was Okay and thanked Tessa. He also got to see her... a WOW look on his face!

His friend came up to give him a mock arm punch then running yelling at him to follow. Our clumsy fellow bowed to Tessa, thanking her again and dashed off! We kidded Tessa, a new crush!

It was a happy day all smiles on us back at the pavilion. The other Team folks kidded Tessa when the story was told. Her grin wonderful.

My "Well you conquered a small part of France today." That got a laugh.

Alright, our colt was up! He was 9-1 before the start. Satirical walked over with the others to the inner chute by Rue du Reservoir. His glossy black shining in the bright sun. I was standing watching the loading through my glasses, no issues.

Then they were off! Satirical right to the front with a chestnut beside him. They were leaving the field behind quickly. As the long turn came up our guy was easing ahead with a smooth lead change he was on the rail three lengths ahead.

Coming around onto the long stretch and its uphill incline he looked very strong, striding out, a good wide leg spread. He wasn't tightening. Halfway home it was five lengths back to the chestnut and two others who soon gobbled that one up.

They made a run at Satirical but he wasn't slacking. He powered over the finish seven lengths clear looking terrific!! His big dark body flying along overrunning the finish another furlong so Jonny could get a time for a longer distance.

The two closers had a good fight for the place, both running very well.

We had hugs and kisses all around. My arm linked with Cho and Jonny going down the path to the track. Rene brought Satirical back up the grass to us. The horse was sweating but not lathered. His face was bathed and we went for the trophy presentation.

Nice gilt and money! Two very nice race wins!! Jonny was feeling pretty good as he should. A great start to our racing in France!! Two for two!

Back at the pavilion I got a fabulous kiss from Cho! A whisper, "I had Francis put some bets on our two to win. So we have a very nice `chunk of change' coming."

My `how much' got me...he put €10,000 on each. I squeezed him hard.

"Very nice score."

"We have shown that both were underrated. The odds based on their past without considering Monaco! That will change!"

We watched the last race. It was a good struggle between three colts, one managed to edge ahead in the last ten meters for the win. Lots of guts!

When the racing was done we walked up the track to the barn to see our winners! Rene smiling, he was glad to be part of our team. He looked forward to more racing!!

We visited with Amira and Satirical, both made happy sounds. Jonny said they came through in excellent shape. Back to the barn and training for their next races in a month or so right here.

Jonny was really jazzed about the new farm! Hugs for Jonny and Rene!

We got a lift in carts to our helicopter. We lifted up over the empty track away from the crowds heading northwest towards Montataire. We had arranged to meet representatives of the three local communes at a crossroads near the north end of our new property.

The AW139 settled to the grass and shutdown as the locals cars approached. We went over to meet them. We were away from the D12 roadway so there was no trouble with traffic.

Hands shaken, introductions all around. We faced south toward the property. It was close to seventy five percent in farm land and grass, the rest forest. No house on it only some scattered sheds and storage.

Francis gave them a general overview of what we intended. Using the forested area we would build under the trees, barns, stables, storage and housing for the staff. A guest house and a manager's home. The open areas would become paddocks and a training track would be built. We would grow vegetables like carrots for the horses and others for the staff.

Some hay and grain we would buy locally. We would hire local citizens who had the experience we needed and some novices who were willing to learn.

As for noise, we didn't think there'd be much except from delivery trucks and construction at the start. Then it would calm down. We would probably fly in on occasion but we would make steep descents to reduce the noise.

I was watching the locals, they were liking what they heard. We would spend money for the farm locally, our workers would likely shop close to the farm and we didn't want to bother anyone. Their faces showed they could see we'd be good for them.

The maire of Montataire acting as spokesman thanked us for asking them to meet. The three communes would be proud to have us. Any issues or needs our people could go directly to them.

Our being fluent French speakers made an impression. Francis' French had improved a good deal working for us, he was comfortable, it showed. For Cho and I speaking it was entirely natural.

They liked meeting our friends from other countries who also had excellent French skills. We had a good meeting. Handshakes and some cheeks kissed as we loaded for departure to Paris. Waving goodbye at the doorway.

In fifteen minutes were flared for landing at the city's southwest heliport and the cars took us off right away.

Cho was running up the stairs, I followed. First stop was the Nursery! Kids! Hugs and kisses! Chani's arms on my neck, our cheeks pressed together, we giggled. Cho had Charlie close to us, the Twins held hands. Laughter!

We changed to jeans and went back to the Nursery. Tha said dinner for them in thirty minutes so... downstairs to the saloon for meet and greet! Tuva and Edda took the Twins for a walkabout. I could hear Charlie's laugh from the passage!

Such good babies. Always laughing and smiling.

I was on the saloon carpet Charlie leaning back on me clapping as Chani was swept around the big room on the Cho Air Express! Her arms out she swooped down and then soared upward in Cho's hands.

Our friends laughing and joining in the clapping. I got my daughter as Charlie's flight took off. There were loud `Wa's Ba's Da's' Chani in my lap giggling and applauding her sibling's aerial fun!

Dinner! Two very loud `Ya's' when it was announced. Their highchairs in the kitchen, we sat to help the babies eat. Fish, potatoes, carrots, spinach and a banana piece. All went down. They really loved carrots, they wanted more!

Their use of the spoons was great. Charlie held his banana out to me. I kissed a clean spot on his cheek, "No Charlie that's yours! We will eat soon."

A wash up and out in the saloon for a while before it was dinner for our crowd. The Twins were hugged and kissed by everyone! They loved it! An assembly line of affection!

We had a booking at Les Fous l'Ile. It was a short walk around the block towards Pont Marie. The front left was arranged for us and a table for PJ and Rande.

We began with a collection of starters for the table to share. Lots of different tastes. For my entrée I choose the Burratina! It was soft and creamy, the fruits were roasted to the right degree, not overdone. The berries sweet!

The sommelier and Cho made the wine choices. I had a light red from the south of France, dry with a terrific fruity background. It was excellent with my cheese and fruit!!

Afterwards I went with the Mirabelle cake and the Kalamansi sorbet which added a tartness to the mix. Very nice!

We liked this small, cozy restaurant, the owners liked us. They were surprised we were `local.' A fine meal, good service!

We did afters at ours. More of Cho's Remy Martel disappeared, the ladies did damage to the Amaretto stock with lots of espresso!

The morning brought departures! The train for our German friends, rides to Le Bourget for our crowd and Tuva and Mu. The latter two boarded a Cho-Fay Air Gulfstream for their flight to Bangkok. We did the same aircraft type for a hop to Chalgrove.

Lots of kisses and hugs for everyone! Our German folks were to keep in mind coming over for Christmas!

During the flight we got a call from a barely awake New York. Gary had news!

A IMSI catcher was caught by the new iPad app outside the Fox Tower! Gary's people traced to a shop then to New York Post reporter who conned the merchant to put it in their store near Fox Tower saying it was being used to do a map of cell phones in the area for advertising. The merchant would get free service once the test was done. He could send out ads to nearby phones to boost his business.

The shop keeper gave a full statement and was unlikely to be charged. He had succeeded in making a fool of himself.

Gary left the device alone so we could take measures to expose the owner. Gary sent a warning to all his New York folks and had given the information to Bill to share with the management team of 21st Century Fox. He contacted the NYPD and FBI then connected with the FCC and FTC. He had this all prepared in case.

The New York Post reporter was arrested early this morning at his flat. Gary was getting all the information about the arrest and which NYPD precinct was handling it for the London solicitors. ASAP.

Fox News would break the story on it in an hour or so as part of the early shows. Megan would make the first announcement.

Gary was laughing when he told us about the arrest. The FBI and NYPD pounded on the reporter's apartment door waking up his neighbors so when they took him out in cuffs there was quite the audience.

Congratulations for Gary and his people!!

Cho called the solicitors to give them the news. The senior partner, Jeremy, said `This is it. They'll face a judge who might ask the CPS to look into pressing the local charges that had been contemplated for the editors and owners.'

I got a kiss from Cho, fist bumps all around!!

We stepped out of the cars on the forecourt to a big smile from Carter! Fist bumps! Jaidee bounding out running around Carter's legs. The Twins giggling as Carter pulled on some little feet.

Ellie's tummy sticking out pretty good now was all smiles greeting our babies.

Prasert told us on the drive Ellie was in tip-top shape. She wasn't going to be up in the Nursery as much now, too many stairs. Tha hugged her saying the Twins would come down more.

Audra grinning so I knew she had me ready! Tessa said `YES' to a ride. Clothed and booted we walked through the kitchen saying hello to everyone. Carter2 coming up from the cellar waved!

Jaidee and Thames running towards each other bumping and rubbing, sniffing butts! They took off like lightning bolts down a stable passage. Sebastien and Tess on a hay pile lookin quite relaxed, ignoring the dogs.

At Pamela's stall I got a huge whinny, she rushed over to me! Roland right behind her. I petted and kissed them. Something new today, I was aboard Pamela and Tessa on Roland!!

My girl pregnant and happy.

Anthony holding her as Pat gave me a knee up.

"She's doing fine, eats well and chases Roland around the paddock."

Fist bump.

Down the grassy lane, a short ride, a task for the afternoon. We warmed us up on the rise to the Sci Ctr then around to the Denham School. Richard's smile when he greeted us.

The school's last term was coming to a close soon. Our plans for the place were well advanced. Some construction had been done, more ongoing. The `maintenance' repairs were being done on weekends and after school hours, it would be finished before the term ended. Then the builders would concentrate on the new things.

Angela and Daphne had the whole `classes' thing in hand. We were advertising it in selective places, a video was made of the grounds and more! Winnie's team in Ni's company whipped it into a nice presentation.

They, especially Angela, were great keeping track of everything!

Richard got Gil's email and met us on the west side to look at the playfields. Equestrian Ventures sent their plan for the arenas, dressage and jumping, I had given the Okay.

The building we were changing for the stables had been emptied and the work inside was in progress. The foreman was pleased.

"Miss we're doing great! Most all of what is coming out is done and you can see the joiners already doing framing work on the extension."

The foreman said meeting the deadline wasn't going to be a problem! I shook his hand. I was happy we'd made a good start. The summer would very busy here!

We rode back at fast pace, Roland kept up but I think Pamela might run away from him. It was wonderful to be out in the open on a horse! Pamela nickering as we walked up the lane. She was bouncy!

Pat grinning, "Miss, she's been waiting for this!"

Fist Bump.

Pat paused, I sensed he wanted to say something so I walked with him to Pamela's stall.

"Miss, thank you for arranging for me to talk to a counselor. I did find it good because he agreed with me... My working here is what I need. The fellow said I could talk whenever I wanted but I don't think I will need to."

I gave Pat a hug, "I'm glad you like being here. You are the kind of person we want to be with our horses."

Fist Bump! With big smiles!

Ronnie got a hug by the office.

"Fay, I'm very happy here. Everyone works together so well, helping!"

"Marsha is coming in two weeks or so. She's not been exposed to a bunch of guys in a stable like you... so..."

"I get you. I'll keep an eye out for her. She's going to share in the Quad with me."

Fist bump and another hug.

Cho, at the office desk, broke into a big smile when I gave him Pat's thoughts.

"Another puppy for your collection."

I gave him a swat on the arm as he pulled me onto his lap, "Seriously, it was so good of you to give him a trial. He's earning his own way now."

Kiss! I told Cho of my ride and the school. Adam and Daphne were coming out in two days bringing Angela along. We'll have a good sit-down talk and see where we are.

I went to wash before lunch then the trip to Abbey Hill School. Public speaking? I still wasn't sure...

Tara and Ken with me in the Range Rover with Tom behind the wheel. It was a short drive to Abingdon. A office staff person led us into Mr. Horrock's room.

He was smiling, "So we have you here at last."

I laughed, "You do."

The day was chilly so I was wearing a gray wool dress with a scoop neckline, a slender black belt and black accessories, black Coach pumps. Cho's black onyx gifts everywhere. The black wool jacket with big buttons keeping me warm. It was spring but my body wasn't truly convinced yet.

We walked to the assembly hall, several hundred students in their school uniforms stood up as we walked onto the stage. They applauded our entry. Tara and Ken stayed by the door.

Mr. Horrock got the students seated and introduced me. I moved to the microphone stand and lifted the wireless mic free.

I said hello and was a bit surprised by a general big, loud hello back.

I knew my smile was big!

I said I wanted to to talk about `vision.' That for me it was a much more encompassing word than just eyesight.

"To me it means what you see, hear, taste, smell, feel, it is every input into your brain. Those inputs create thought which allows you to make sense of what is around you.

Several days ago I sat at the back of large auditorium watching my husband give a speech... it was much more relaxing than being up here!"

They laughed.

"I watched and listened to him and kept an eye on the audience's reaction to his words. Cho is a very clear speaker, excellent control and knows how to make a point. At one moment he slapped the podium top to emphasize his anger over some banks business practices which hurt so many people. Those banks were a major part of the economic problems nine years ago. The crowd did a sort of minor bounce in their seats.

They knew exactly what he was referring to but Cho wanted that extra little bit of emphasis to his point. It was the only time he did that. It stuck!

Cho knew about `vision' so he added the sound. He enriched the experience in a minor way but attendees mentioned it to him afterwards.

Watching it was great. We had worked on his speech together but he did the noise as he became somewhat emotional about the damage that had been done just to make a little amount more money for a bank."

I was getting worked up so I shed my jacket.

"Think about your last night's supper, bring up a taste in your mind... how does that taste make you feel... what was the food item and how did make the meal feel in your head?

You can do the same for everything. I ride a lot... I love the feel of my horse's muscles as they run. I talk back to them with my own muscles it is a unique sensation. Combine that with the smells of a barn, a mix of horses, people and even our dogs. Without that the `event' of riding would be a much less rich an experience.

You ride your bike or roller blades, the air flows by bringing sound, smell and the very feel of the air itself. The road surface adds more input, your friends with you or a neighbor you pass adds even more. It is a commonplace occurrence but it is layered, built up.

Your vision' of daily happenings becomes bunched together. I think you should consider it in its pieces. Now this does take some time for thought but if you try it there will become a reverse of the automatic acceptance of the input. Your vision' will open up.

It is something I do unconsciously now after a long time in a more structured way. I started when I was still in school like you. After classes I rode my horse out into the countryside with a bag over my shoulder. Inside was a book and two apples. I would climb down and cut one of the apples for my horse. When she was done crunching I sat on a low wall or under a tree with my book and apple. She would wander.

Sometimes I didn't open the book. I replayed my day. Yes it was the usual classes; maths, history, chemistry... you know."

There were a few laughs.

"A boy in chemistry was always such goof. One day by accident he mixed two chemicals which created a smoke cloud and a stink. If my school had masters using a cane he would as the saying goes `been thrashed within an inch of his life'..." Loud laughter, "... but our chemistry master was a decent sort. We aired out the room as he showed our smeller what not to do.

As I sat under the tree the smell came back vividly to me! I filed it away."

I went on about building experiences carefully NOT rashly. No need to do risky things for excitement or a dare.

Then using all of it to decide where you wanted to go in life. Sometimes a passion will just bowl you over. You are so sure it is what you want. At that point your age as well as education play a role in decision-making.

I told them I lost my parents in my first year at university though by that time I was deeply into maths and computers giving me goals to point for and I was pretty independent. I stayed on that road after graduation beginning my work life writing code and learning how computer networks operated.

I laughed, "Now only eight years later I don't write code or work directly with networks but rather help create strategies for their use. From the vantage point of today I try to see the future of technology.

I've moved into management which I will say was not ever a goal. It is odd to look back just a few years to see the change.

I do a lot of PR work to assist in growing my company's client base and information gathering that my company can use to create products and services for our clients.

All very different but within my `vision' of my life. I share my life with a man I love and respect, now enriched by two delightful children!

I still take time to replay my days. The habit of review has made it easier for me even though my days are so full.

Now to begin building your own `vision' don't be rigid about it. Don't try to set an hour of the day or time limits unless that works for you. Work it in when you can. If you do it doesn't have to be a big task maybe only fifteen minutes a day.

My advice is not to wait until you are in bed. Being tired and sleepy isn't a good time for thought.

The old adage about `learning from your errors' is fitting. Thinking about them to gain perspective is what I'm saying to you. But not as a flip remark... a life choice."

Then told them to enjoy their progress through life.

"There's no need to hurry, build a base by getting the best education you can from whatever source. The one part of a `vision' that will always give you choices is knowledge."

I said I hoped their teachers wouldn't smash them with a lot of work as end of term was approaching. Cheers from them for that!

I thanked them for attention. I turned to put the mic back. They began to clap which became loud applause. I waved to them and blew them a kiss. Sunny in the midst of a group of friends calling out a loud `thanks Aunt Fay.' I pointed to her and waved.

Mr. Horrock took my hand, leaning close said `you were terrific!' The kids were standing still applauding, I waved to them some more as we walked off the stage toward a group of teachers.

I shook hands with a line of them. Smiles and congratulations for my talk. In the Head's office we sat for a moment. Tara had squeezed my hand as we walked. Ken had his cute knowing smile.

"Miss Martin I can't thank you enough. Not just for an inspiring speech but you spoke to them at a level that was easy to grasp. It was like you were tuned directly to their wavelength."

We did fist bump. I said goodbye and promised to consider his request about coming again next term.

In the Range Rover, Ken leaned back across the seat from me. Like the day on the lane up to the house, "Fay, you do seem to be able to adjust to reach out to everyone, to get into their heads."

I smiled, "Like I told you it's Cho! He awakened all my super powers."

I laughed like Dad did in Pattaya! That broke them all up.

We had two days of riding, the Twins for hours all over the house. Audra laughing with an armload of linens watching Charlie make a break from the Nursery down the passage carpet. Damn he was a fast crawler!

I visited our neighbors by horse, got to see how close the Recording Studio was to completion! Tab was already signing up artists to use the new site.

Francis and Tab had gotten a company to put up the yurts. They were amazing. We started with two sleep groupings of four yurts each, in each yurt a basic room with a bed, a clothes rack, a table with a chair and one lounge chair. An electric heating panel would warm the yurts easily.

Each yurt was raised several feet off the ground and connected by walkways we could enclose with cloth sides in the winter. We were trying two types. One had all wood construction, the other had a wooden frame with cloth sides and a wood roof. The sides were made of cloth baffling, very dense. We would see if one was preferable over the other.

They connected to a central bathroom by the raised walkways; individual private shower stalls, lots of sinks and enclosed loos. By having only one plumbing location it simplified the construction process.

One larger yurt was setup as a common room with chairs and settees. A small food preparation area a compact stove/range with a half size refrigerator. A microwave.

So six yurts made one group. Two groups to begin with as we didn't know what the demand would be.

It all fit in the spot nicely, a clean simple look! Sort of cute too. Trees around the perimeter with shrubbery planted circling the yurts, an outside sitting area with chairs, tables and umbrellas.

The whole installation was fenced and inside our Security system.

We had our neighbors in for a Marandi Indian-Pakistani buffet! Always a big hit!

They were all doing well. Our farmers were having a great spring, planting done, St. Thomas' School rolling towards the end of their term. Third Form very happy in their big classroom, Ms. Jones too!

The Lone's were getting a sabbatical for a trip to Italy. Two months, they were pleased!

It was early. Waking down the lane on Pamela, Tessa with me on Roland. We'd gone out each morning like this. A warm up preceded a fast run to the lock. The lockman waving with his usual smile. Roy's face showing he quite pleased to see us. His wife doing fine.

We were going up to London so we made a speedy run north to the lock in Sandford. A wave to Mr. Hardy as he was going out for his morning walk.

A shouted hello for Mr. Radley! Then a sprint to the flat area below the stables. Pamela leaving her guy behind! She was fast and for the thousandth time I wondered what she could have done on a race track. No point, she was my companion not a racer.

Cho got a big kiss before we left for the city. He was leaving shortly for his own London business. Banks!

I had on the black toreador pants, sleeveless white silk blouse and a pale beige jacket and white silk scarf from my Paris shopping day. Black ankle boots, silver jewellery bits and `Joy'

Gil, Tara and Tessa in the car with Tom driving. Gil and I worked during the ride. Considering the days I'd been lazy about work there wasn't too much of a backlog of things to review.

I got a lot done. Gil was pleased with me. Ha!

We went straight to The Company building. Reg's hug was big! Rona and MFA were great! She was walking now... no stopping her. Only one bang so far.

We talked about some of what I'd just looked at. The progress reports from Dalat were good, minor issues only. The microwave setup done by Conrad operating as planned!

Conrad's email said Mr. Tran was very pleased! Good. Col. Ba had been back to us about our proposal with questions, Reg had responded now we waited on him.

My return to Tehran trip on the schedule.

I wandered a bit. Angela had her bag packed for her stay with us.

Eric was in Brazil meeting with a very high level government group on our bids for the northeast water projects. His emails gave us the feeling we'd get the work. A good four or five years completion time, lots of issues to cover over the sites and transportation.

I stepped out of the car at Stanhope Street. Tony in a hard hat, bright orange. A hug.

"Fay it is going like an express train! The builders are really good workers and flexible about working around issues. An inspector was here earlier and approved the plumbing work so we can close up the last open walls."

Tony was bouncing! I got a plastic hat and we did a quickie tour. The superintendent said they were on schedule. With plumbing out of the way there'd be able to really get a spurt on.

Hands shaken all around! Fist bump for Tony!

South to Soho. I thought the brick front with the white stone window surrounds looked great! Inside the builder's man said they were in the last days. He grinned saying it had been an easy job. I borrowed another hard hat to look at it. The rooms weren't big but adequate, the kitchen was gleaming!

The woman Tony hired to be the on-site manager was there. She was happy with the apartment for her.

"Miss Martin, I'll be cozy!"

A hug! She would move in in three days. Prasert had a lorry for her already lined up.


Now to New Bond Street. Asprey's for a few specially made gifts! The doorman opened the car door for me and helped me out. He opened the Asprey front door. I thanked him and admired the beautiful curved doors!

Gil had contacted them, I would come to pick up my gifts in person. The manger on duty was just inside the doors. Hand shake and he escorted me up the stairs to a very nice private room.

The fellow who had been given my commission brought in a box. Inside were ten smaller boxes. He opened one and offered it to me.

Perfect! Exactly what I had envisioned. Ten pins. A pair of black framed Wayfarer sunglasses from the front with a single ruby in the center of the nose bridge.

The dark lenses and frame contrasting with the red stone. I let Gil, Tessa and Tara have a look. I signaled to Gil I would accept them so she was ready to give them the balance of the money.

The fellow said he was glad they had executed my idea properly. He would have the pins packaged to go. Gil stayed to wait on the package, I went downstairs to wander around.

Tara and Tessa huddled, Tessa stayed with me. I nudged her, her smile, "Tara wants something special for gift..."

Okay! I was looking in Women's leather. Aaahh, it was right! A clutch bag in green grass crocodile. A simple clasp, clean shape! Tessa weighed in with `Fay it's perfect!'

A saleswoman fetched one for me. It was light but well made. Done!

I handed her a credit card. She looked at it... me... it...

"Are you really... I'm sorry that was wrong. I will have this wrapped for you."

She waved another woman over giving her the bag. Turning back to me handed me a slip to sign. I signed and told her... Yes!

There was going to be another apology but I stopped her.

"You're fine." I squeezed her hand.

"Miss Martin, may I say your look is special. Casual but so sleek."

I said look up Grace Kelly.

Gil had the box, Tara had a bag, me too. The car door held by their doorman, I thanked him again, a big smile!

South then west through Kensington to Fulham Road the Parson's Green and the loop back. Graham's number two waved from the Security house front gate.

Across the road up the lift into Andrea's arms!! Ting!! Catherine standing by the kitchen doorway pointing to Caroline standing by a table in the saloon, holding on with a huge grin! I swept her up, loud giggles. We swung around a few times, her arm on my neck. Such a happy girl.

I said I was heading back to Oxfordshire, `see you guys soon!'

Malee and Anne would ride out with them, another car carrying Adam, Daphne and Angela! We'd have guests before going to Kentucky.

In the car Cho called from The City Bank. TrueRating was live! Banks had already begun to sign up for the the service. There would be about one hundred thousand ratings in the system in the next sixty days.

He was leaving now.

I changed to jeans to join Cho for the Twins dinner. They fed themselves, much less mess now and they were in high spirts. We all laughed and had a great time!

Tha smiling, "Fay they love all the food! Each new thing like all the others goes right in! They had some ice cream, just a few tablespoons but you could see Chani was... really into it! It disappeared!"

I could understand that. They didn't get much sugar except from the foods themselves, like the bananas they loved. Okay we knew a special treat!

The cars arrived with our friends. Reg and Rona were going up to Northhamptonshire for wedding so we'd miss them. We met everyone in the Great Room for drinks. Anne and Caroline were up in the Nursery.

The guys talking golf. Cho hadn't played for a few weeks, he was ready! Adam shaking his head, he doubted it would make any difference.

Well we had these folks for two days then we'd be gone.

A nice grilled sole dinner, garlic whipped potatoes, braised asparagus with fennel, light and crunchy buns from Maxine! Carter made his first use of the wine Francis bought in L'Aquila. The Azienda Agricola Valentini Trebbiano was awesome !! It was a 2007 vintage, sharp, fruity, something like an in olive there and light!

What a good start for us from that buy!! Carter came over with the bottle to refill Cho's glass.

"I watched you watching us. It is very good!"

"Miss Martin, it is one of the best of its type I have ever tasted!"

High praise from Carter!

We ended with strawberry tarts and velvety vanilla ice cream! Yea!

Afters in the Great Room. Cognac and amaretto, espresso and the Nursery kids before they went to sleep.

They didn't stay long but were kissed and hugged. Caroline and Anne were so happy to be around everyone once again.

The guys decided to play poker for a bit so I got the ladies in the Library for a movie. They let me pick. "Narrow Margin' an older film noir. A cast of unknowns a few of whom got much better parts later. A taut drama of policemen trying to get a very important witness across America without them all being killed by gangsters.

A train ride from hell with several good and quite well disguised turn-abouts! It was a hard seventy minute ride all the way to Los Angeles! Some white knuckles by a few as they were riveted to the screen!

We had some hot chocolate afterwards to soothe us. Ha!

After my morning ride we waved goodbye to the golfers. I told Daphne, Andrea and Angela I'd change from riding clothes and meet them in the Library. I asked Lucas to get coffee for us. He grinned his Okay.

Let's see what to wear. A black pleated mini-skirt, cropped black T' and a red jumper, ankle boots and Joy'

I parked my butt in a big chair, smiles! Angela got us going with what was happening about various government agencies. We had support for the school through education programs, scholarships, grants and deferred payments. Their paperwork was annoying but when it was sent in there hadn't been any big issues.

She had more about local Oxfordshire's government bodies help in promoting it and assistance to students.

Daphne had two high level fashion designers deep in planning for several courses. Their outlines to this point showed they wanted to teach about fabrics and construction of garments as foundation classes then move more advanced areas like into putting the clothes together. They were emphasizing the basics of clothing over `design' which would come later.

Charlotte and Yvonne had equestrian classes all planned out. We weren't taking complete novices, so being comfortable in the saddle was assumed. Imogene would be here soon to join in.

They would do jumping and dressage right at the school, for cross-country they would use the Harcourt House layout. Insurance for this part of the school was separate and we required legal signatures on docs to say the risk was understood.

The Oxford baker, Marianne, was ready to teach baking at several levels with Maxine going up to assist. Our Maxine was stoked about it.

I got, `Miss, Marianne is wonderful, we get on! She knows so much!' when I asked her about the new school.

Daphne laughed, "That young lady is excited. Marianne has been in the business for over twenty years, she built the bakery from the ground up. Her experience in small business management will be golden in a classroom."

Fist bump. I'd thought that when we met, a solid, well-grounded woman!

Angela had notes about what our coders' would be doing. Since we had so many Apple' enthusiasts courses in Objective C' and Swift' by some of The Company's staff were ready to go. One of the Windows Server application programmers was all set to do a course on script writing in the `Windows' environment for system management.

Classes in Ruby' and Python' were being readied.

Two photographers had planned classes in various aspects of camerawork and one was to teach basic and advanced darkroom techniques. The latter had looked at our darkroom plans and made a few suggestions which were incorporated.

We will have a classroom layout for digital editing of snaps. A half dozen big screen iMacs so students could learn to do `magic' with their digital images.

Angela smiling, "Winnie's video for us is awesome! We have put on the website, YouTube and everywhere else we can. I spoke to her yesterday... she's says to tell you the new building in Venice is great! She said you know what that means."

I laughed, "That's wonderful! We bought a building in the Venice part of Los Angeles and are leasing about half to Ni's company as their U.S. offices."

"Winnie said she'd have something more to look at in three days."


Andrea had been quiet so far. Her part of it mostly done. She and a few of her folks had done the vetting of all our `teachers' so there wouldn't any surprises from them. They had also made a trip down to interview all the school employees who were going to work for us.

Richard had done well to keep almost all the office staff, they were accustomed to dealing with students and faculty. The grounds-keeping people all decided to stay which was terrific. Some kitchen staff would remain and nearly all the cleaning folks!

Andrea said they had already been vetted by the school, "Looking at their personnel files and talking to their HR staff I believe the workers remaining are fine."

She gave me a look, "When will you discuss pay, etc...? I know Richard told them that their pay would not go down but you've said they would be paid more?"

"Yes, we will give them all a rise, probably five or more percent, Angela is doing a survey of pay rates for comparable positions in Oxfordshire. If the school had paid below the average we'd bump them up to a level above that.

There will be a separate retirement package and we are likely to let them attend classes, when possible, for free. Their families will get a big discount or free depending on the class. The `when'... after the term ends and we are back here."

Fist bump!

Turning to Angela, "Also we want to have the cleaning and grounds keepers in uniforms. We will provide the clothes and do the washing on-site if they want.

And we have another instructor, Imogene, who will start at the beginning of June as the second equestrian instructor for when Charlotte travels with Sunny this summer."

I gave them a précis of the Security plan. We would monitor the camera and sensors from here. Yone's folks would also be on-site, in uniform and ordinary clothes.

Gil came in, "Got a moment?"

She said the vicar of `All Saint's' church in Sutton Courtenay called. There was something you should see there."

I guessed it would be about Orwell's grave but not the details.

"Up for a ride there?"

Thumbs up from her.

"Get Tara, Tessa and Ken. I'm sure they'd want to come too."

"Also Carter said Desmond called about coming out but didn't want to when he found out you were here. Carter said he thought you want him to come. He's coming with the Army captain."

A big smile from me, I kissed her cheek, "Good!"

She shot off to get the others in the know for the after lunch ride and call the Vicar back.

Des & Roseanna arrived right at lunch. My `good timing' got a laugh! Hugs and kisses followed by introductions.

We gathered for lunch in the Breakfast Room. Grilled cheese sandwiches with chips!! Pickles and olives! Fruit and cookies for after!

Des and Roseanna would join us for the ride. When I came down Des was amazed by my clothes. The black outfit and my hat.

"Damn Fay! That's quite the look!"

Laughing, "I take that as a compliment!"

Des shaking his head said it definitely was. We all laughed. We were a big crowd! Anthony giving me a leg up, "Miss is this one of those western cowboy posses?"

"No, we're just my mob out for some air."

Everyone liked that!

I turned to Tara, "You lead!"

She gave me a salute! Down the lane getting the horses warmed up trotting gently on the slope to the Sci Ctr. Around the west side to pass Denham School into Culham. Over the river, Tara led us right to All Saints Lane to the back gate.

All the riders except Des had been here with me before. Inside the cemetery we met the vicar, Dr. Ryles. He said he was pleased to meet me at last.

"You have been here quite often but we've never crossed paths."

We walked down the path by the yew trees to the grave. At the back where I had put my black stone was about three dozen black stones now. A small metal plaque on a shaft stuck in the earth. Text engraved into the smooth surface.

`These stones are in homage to a man and writer who loved his country and spoke his mind.'

At the bottom it said `This small memorial was started by Miss Fay Martin.'

I gave Dr. Ryles a look.

He held up his hands, "No, we haven't a clue, it just appeared the other day. That is why I called."

Standing there with a hand over my mouth... a tear rolled down my cheek. Dr. Ryles offered me his handkerchief, snowy white. I thanked him.

"Miss you really created something. When I saw your stone, I guessed it was you but said nothing. Now whoever did this is sending you a big thank you!"

My mob and I did fist bumps all around. Dr. Ryles smiling when I stuck my gloved fist his way. Bump!

"I was at first worried some people might remove your stone but what has happened is really heart-warming!"

"I am amazed! I hope everyone keeps it going but for your sake not too many so it becomes unmanageable."

The vicar smiled, "I don't think we need worry about that for a while."

I removed my glove to shake his hand and return his handkerchief with my thanks.

We headed back to our horses. The men doing knees up for us ladies. I led us back north of Appleford over the weir then the old bridge and into the west end of Clifton Hampden. Once across the the Abingdon Road on Harcourt House land I asked Rebel.

He roared off! We set the grass on fire! The mob trampled out the `fire' running in our wake. I leaned down to Rebel's neck, riding like this was the best! We barely slowed to pass through the tree lines then burst onto the grassy slope for the last mile.

I asked Rebel for more in that last run. I hadn't ridden that fast before. Rebel was out doing every blazing ride of the past! I finally eased him near the bottom of the slope.

Freddie was out with his trainees and Sunny was with Charlotte.

We came to a slow walk up to Sunny. Her eyes were shining.

"Fay that was so exciting to watch!"

Her hand gently caressed Rebel's neck. His breathing like mine was becoming more normal.

Sunny and Charlotte did fist bumps with me.

The mob caught up, a lot of shaken heads.

Tessa's smile, "Fay, I thought you were going airborne for a second!"

I laughed, "I think we did leave the ground."

We walked the horses a bit more before heading up the lane. Pat took Rebel, "Miss we watched you come down the grass like a bullet. Something to see!"

I thanked him.

"Pat, Rebel will need some more walking."

Thumbs up!

I made a stop in the staff lounge. Ellie sewing. I told her I needed a set of handkerchiefs with JR' and Fay. I paused, "Maybe it would be better if they were Dr. Ryles' a bit more formal. I only met the man today."

She said Okay. No time soon since we won't be back until June.

Her pregnancy was going along fairly smooth, she still had a good deal of energy. I said if she needed help she could ask Tom's wife Lorraine to come up. It would be fine to have her around and the little Melonie too!


Inside the golfers had returned, scotch being consumed. Some of the riders joined in. I got some sherry. Kendall serving with a big smile.

I asked later about it.

"Miss its always fun to have you in the house. Carter and Audra find too many things for us to clean." Tongue in cheek.

I laughed, "It is their goal you know... clean it even if doesn't look dirty... yet."

We both laughed.

Cho and I standing quietly at the Nursery door. The Twins were together working a colour and shape puzzle. It was a new one with animal shapes. They did it as a team in quick time!!

Tha smiling over to us, "They have started doing things like that, as a pair. They are quite remarkable."

We picked up the kids, hugs and kisses! Charlie gave his dad a huge ego boost with a Da!' Chani giggling, her cheek on mine Ma!'

Boy were we in heaven!

Malee came up with Anne who'd taken a nap with her. Andrea sitting in the no longer needed `nursing' rocking chair, Caroline on her lap clapping for us!

"I watched the Twins do several puzzles together. They are very cute working together."

Their dinner was happening soon so we stayed to play then carried them down to the Breakfast Room. Tha had it all ready. Spoons up and away they went! They liked to eat and were getting to be very good with their spoons. Not much missing the mouth!

Caroline doing the same, spooning in her grub! Anne still needed her nurse but it wouldn't be long for her.

We sat with them, Cho's arm around me. He softly told the tale of his game. It is clear a few weeks off doesn't hurt his game at all. Cho playing with Adam and Ting, the club Pro joined them.

"I was on target right away. A birdie on the first hole then three more on the front nine. After the turn a bunch of pars then five straight birdies to close the day. A 62! A very nice round. Everyone played well. Adam one under, Ting three over and the Pro was three under."

He laughed, "The Pro said I inspired them! There is something to that... when one is stroking the ball well it does seem to draw out the best in others."

A kiss and hug, tight!

I told Cho about the cemetery. A smile, those strong hands holding my face for a long kiss.

`Miss Martin, that is a nice tribute to Orwell and you. What I like is it is so simple. Black stones. So Dr. Ryles doesn't know who made the metal sign?"

"He says not." I shrugged, "I don't need to know. I'm pleased it's there."

The Twins were done, some clean up required. Not too bad though. We carried our little treasures upstairs.

Malee and Anne with Andrea and Caroline. Sat on the carpet with the kids roaming about. I asked Malee about Ba and her beau.

"Fay, they are sweet. He has completed the work for us but comes over to eat supper with Ba and Pinky. While Ba is doing something he sits and reads with Pinky or they watch TV up in Ba's room. A low key courtship. I think he will ask Ba to marry soon.

Since she does not nurse Anne any more Ba helps with the housework."

"Does she want to return to Bangkok? Does it come up?"

Malee shook her head, "Ba has not said anything or made any move. I know you are still paying her salary so we need to do something."

"Well bring it up with her. Find out what she wants to do. Does her fellow work for a contractor? Or for himself? Also don't worry about the salary or make a point of it with her."

Malee laughed, "I do not know about his work. I am sure Eric knows so when he is back we will have a sit down."

Fist bump.

We stayed until Tha came up. We kissed cheeks. The Twins were doing one of their puzzles.

"Miss they are so smart and very dexterous, well advanced in their age group."

Walking down with Cho's hand in mine, "It's thrilling to watch them grow up."

A squeeze, "We are very lucky."

At our door a kiss, we held tight. Sunny came up to change for dinner. She wrapped us in her arms.

"Hey guys... What's up?"

I pulled her into my dressing room.

I said I'd be quick.

"I haven't sat down with you and Charlotte. The trip to Virginia and on to California is prepared. Will the Seattle folks come down?"

"Yes, they've said they wouldn't miss it. Artie and Sam too!"

"Good! Lots of help clapping for you. I'll get onto your dad to call Kavat about a plane."

Sunny grinning, "Right now I'm getting ready for an event near Hartpury. It has multiple grades... well... Charlotte knows I want to try the senior category. She's wondering about it. If I'm going progress I think I should face tougher challenges."

A pause, "I know I might be `pushing it' but I know how I feel. I'm not over-confident."

I leaned back in the chair, one boot off, looking at her face. She was serious and very earnest.

"I think it should be you and Charlotte to decide. I'm not with you every day. I like what I see, I'm not an expert."

"Oh Fay, you are so smart and you knew right away how I was on a horse."

I pulled the other boot off, "I'm not one to take their foot off the gas when I have something good going! Go with your gut feeling!"

I got hugged and kissed! She whooped out the door with my a `nice dress' following her. Sunny turned to wave as I closed the door.

A quick shower, hair done.

I did new Dutti things, the charcoal gray silk skirt, it rested on my slender hips down to my ankles, a cutoff black jumper, long sleeved and showing some tummy. Black heels. Silver bits! `Joy'

Cho in black slacks and a red shirt and a black lightweight jumper over. He got my approval! Kiss! He stroked my bare skin... He liked.

In the Great Room Kendall was doing drinks and we all sat to talk before Carter came for us. Des and Roseanna sitting close, he saw my look. He smiled at me with his hand extended.

I pulled a chair close.

"Fay, we... " he looked at Roseanna's face, a smile, "...we will be in the same room tonight. I'm sure you won't mind but we wanted..." She squeezed his hand, "... you to know."

I put my hand on theirs, "We are fine. You are our guests and we do not have hall monitors."

They laughed at that. They thanked me. I said `enjoy' to them.

I stopped to speak to everyone before Carter called us to dinner. Cho's arm like a rock as I rested my hand there. Smiles.

My stomach full of Carla's wonderful dinner I walked arm in arm with Sunny. She had on the green dress from our Rodeo Drive trip, she looked very good! I said so which got a cute, shy smile.

"Just to `weigh in' a bit I'll talk to Charlotte tomorrow while you are at school. We'll be gone tomorrow night so you two will make your own decisions."

My arm squeezed. I asked about the anime work she and Maeve had going. They had two projects but they were secret... I laughed.

"Okay no more on that."

In the Great Room Kendall was filling glasses with Taittinger's. Our guests around us not knowing what was up.

Cho with his cute smile, "This is to toast to a small event of great importance to some. To me personally it was part a year of great happiness and fulfillment. The beginning a new phase of my life.

One year ago Fay became my wife!!"

We kissed and drank! Everyone was caught off guard because we'd said nothing. Secret... sort of.

We were cheered and kidded for not having said anything.

I laughed, "Well... it is a special and personal day. We are glad you all were part of it."

Some `we would have gotten a gift' comments were thanked but as Cho said we don't need gifts. Just kisses! Sunny grabbed Cho, cheeks together! The other ladies followed and the men got kisses from me.

We sipped champagne and chatted about our year. So much had happened!

Tessa grinning at me as we slowed our horses near the Training Tracks. The morning sun hitting our faces.

"Fay, you've made this `city girl' very happy!"

Fist bump!

I rounded up Charlotte after breakfast. She was laughing, "So Sunny talked to you?"

"Yes and I told her it was up you guys not me. My question to you is... if she doesn't do well is going to hurt her psychologically?"

I didn't think so but Charlotte needed say what she believed.

"NO! She she's very balanced. We've had several tête-à-tête about competition since the autumn. Her desire to try more difficult levels has been there all along. When we went over to Hampshire that time she decided to go up.

She's a terrific student, calm, patient like I never seen in a teenager. Or for that matter in very many other students. She's up there with the Olympians I've worked with. A very calm center. Sure she's still a teenager, she does teen things but her ability to focus on work puts her into a rather small group... of successful athletes."

I was pleased for Sunny, we found via Adam a woman who could bring out everything Sunny had to give!

Hug! "Go for it. In Virginia, our folks are working with two local equestrian groups for the `trials' at our farm. The staff has the grounds ready.

For the Winterset Trials in Santa Ynez, we will have rented a house near event grounds. Big enough for you guys and the groom. Rooms for Sunny's family too. Cho and I won't stay over, we'll fly up for the final day.

Sunny can enter in any category she wishes, you two figure it. Stabling is being arranged.

Our ranch in Topanga Canyon has stable room for a stopover afterwards to chill and see some of Los Angeles.

We'll fly the horses to Santa Maria which is the best local airport. It's small but can handle our 767's. If you go to Topanga Van Nuys Airfield is close."

Charlotte smiling, "Fay, she will rise to the occasion!"

We had a big send off from our friends. They'd stay the night be driven up to the city in the morning.

Captain Stephanie was on the tannoy, "We are ready to go as soon as everyone is in place." In a few minutes, Ban used the intercom to give her the `go!'

The big bird was rolling down the taxiway and `we won't be stopping' from the overhead speaker! The turn onto the runway was a rush of power then the short sprint down the asphalt. A big turn to port, next stop Louisville.

The Twins came out to play! Cho and I on the carpeted deck with our sweeties. Puzzles, a nice book on horses, it had beautiful colour drawings. Jaidee warm against my leg Charlie in my lap, Cho on my other side Chani in his arms. The horse book was a hit.

I showed them a gorgeous chestnut and called him Glaa. They liked that. "Ga' close enough for ten and a half months. We had fun.

Ro got out a tennis ball for Jaidee! He romped up and down. Charlie clapping and laughing! Chani in my lap in a chair. We had a conversation of sorts about body parts. Hand, fingers, arm... me in French, Thai and English. Chani mostly in `Chani.'

Dinner call by Tha! They knew that for sure. Sitting in their highchairs, spoons ready. Fish, potatoes, carrots and broccoli. Banana! Food was lovely stuff!

Ban and Yobi had our dinner ready in a short while. The Twins on a settee with Jaidee. Little hands rubbing the brown boy. Ah... that was so good clearly on Jaidee's face!

I worked with Gil after dinner. Sipping Amaretto and espresso made reading of my miscellaneous stuff seem much easier. After nearly two hours I called a halt. Gil grinning.

"You stuck it out longer than I thought!"

I gave her arm a mock punch. She wailed in mock pain for which she received mock sympathy! In the background... laughter!

Sleep! Cho sitting the edge of the bed his face on my bare belly, warm arms around. I ran fingers slowly through the thick dark hair. A bit of nail on his scalp, gently.

He lay back taking me along. I moved down to get to his lips. HHHHHMMMMM

So nice to kiss this guy! We enjoyed each other for a bit then invited Jaidee up. Dog rub time!! MY... My... that tummy got warmed up making a happy face! Tongue hanging loose! Cho carried him to his bed.

We snuggled, kisses then I was out.

My iPhone said six in the morning, it was eastern U.S. time. I slipped from the bed to let Jaidee out. Showered, in jeans and a big cardigan. Coffee and an apple. The morning news, all the usual collection of death, horror, stupidity and terrific stuff from Washington. The Congress passed a new healthcare bill based on Medicare for all.

There weren't enough details to satisfy me so I tried the Congressional site. The full text was there but it was big. So I looked in a few important sections.

It seemed clear every American would be covered with no preexisting conditions. None! It be jointly operated for the first few years in a partnership with insurance companies as the Federal government took control.

It also stated insurance company executives would be personally liable for abuses by their companies. Such abuses as denying claims or coverage would classed as felonies with mandated jail sentences attached. That sounded tough! Good! Hardball is what they would understand.

Small co-pays for some procedures but basic care would not have any fee. Every doctor would be included.

There was an investment portion for medical schools as an incentive to graduate general practice doctors at a higher rate.

Incentives for citizens to be healthier and for preventive care. Dental, eyes, hearing aids, etc... all covered.

Hillary was ready to sign once it hit her desk! A true triumph for average Americans. This was comprehensive and simple! I thought it bettered the NHS.

As I finished Yobi arrived. I was promised scrambled eggs, sausages, scones and fruit!! Sold!!

Email binged again. I had been ignoring it. A few things. One from Eric, he was leaving Brazil for home.

We had five major water projects in the northeast in the Amazon basin. It would be close to six years work. Not technically challenging but the Amazon Basin environment was going to be hard on men and machines.

He had voiced concern about heavier than usual amounts of water because of deforestation. The Brazilian team members were also worried so we would have make some changes to design. He would get folks in London on it first thing.

My reply said it sounded like he was being properly cautious. I asked if it would be a matter of the height and width of the dams or more than that.

Eric's reply was some of both at various locations. NO major changes.

Jian sent me the budgets for the different shelters and clinics across the U.S. and London. I emailed back I was glad she was spending money. That should get a laugh!

Sumate was in Louisville, he had arranged for us to meet with the fellow who Tai had shot last year. The Louisville Police Chief of Patrol had been very helpful.

Also the houses and apartments on South 1st Street had been secured by our Security. We had a full staff on duty. The same car company was working for us again this year. The caterers and cleaning folks were repeats too. The local security we used was in for part of the work.

He had a meeting with their owner for tomorrow.

We should be much the same as last year. We'd bought the old B&B and the two apartment buildings in the same block. We had upgraded all of it.

We cleared the asphalt space next door to the north for a helicopter pad. A big `H' painted on it. The two commercial buildings were vacant. I had Francis send the info and interior snaps to Kotro with an assessment of the buildings physical condition. They could be combined to become a clinic location. Decent size and parking in an underserved neighborhood.

The B&B now had central air-conditioning, our Security suite which included new fences, cameras and sensors. There were solar panels on the roof. The apartment buildings to the south had new big window air conditioners, new appliances, paint and security. Solar panels on the rooves and on the side of one building.

The rents remained the same and we threw in high speed internet. When we took over the tenants were concerned in a meeting Francis and Sumate had organized. They told them all we now owned the buildings and that we would fix them up without a rise in rent.

Sumate said you could see their relief.

We had negotiated a complex deal with the local security company for them to be responsible when we weren't in town with the sensors and cameras being monitored remotely by us. They'd patrol and communicate with us.

When we were in town they would have responsibility for a wide perimeter then close in after we leave. Sumate thought it a good deal and apparently so did the locals.

I emailed back a visual `fist bump!'

Food and Cho with his usual good timing. Yobi had some warning from as I saw Jaidee's head come up when Cho made getting up noises in the stateroom. We smiled over our food. Francis, Gil and the Team all dribbled in. Ban and Yobi handled it all.

Tom over the tannoy said thirty minutes to wheels down. I had ignored his first sixty minutes warning. Now rushing!!

The sun was out and so was the humidity. Not awful but I was glad I'd changed to a dress.

It was sleeveless white silk flowered print mid-calf dress. The flowers, roses, were gold on the white in sprays. It was form fitted to the narrow waist then wide softly shaped pleats. Gold heels and jewellery and `Joy' Red round sunglasses!

On the tarmac was Sumate, sunglasses and a bright blue and orange Hawaiian shirt! Hug for me and Gil. He and Cho shook hands and a back pat! Francis too!

The ride to house was short and we stepped out on the new parking area beside the driveway. The old house had been removed and replaced by a flat asphalt space partly covered by two trees. The trees acted like the house had bothered them and they spread out when it was gone.

Beyond the pool things were being setup for the media party. Monaco had laughed when we talked about it.

"Cho, Fay, last year you had the favorite but had no track record at the big races. This year your stables are dominating the race season. It WILL draw more folks!"

Cho and I had looked at each other... shrugs, it was all part of the show.

I had asked Megan if she was going to join us. She had been surprised, "Could I... we come? It would be very cool if we could."

"Come on girls. You better be sure your ass is covered with Kent."

So I'd received an email saying they' d be here tomorrow morning and leave Saturday after the race. Kavat had a Gulfstream for them at Teterboro Airport just a bunny hop by helicopter across the Hudson River.

We dropped bags and walked out onto South 1st Street and down a block to Jefferson House Health Services. The folks at the mental health clinic had agreed to host our meeting with Brock the camo dressed, rifle toting guy Tai had shot last year.

In an office Brock stood up when we came in. He wanted to apologize. I let him go ahead, he needed to say his piece. When he stopped I thanked him for the apology. Then I asked after his recovery from his wounds.

He was Okay, everything working. He said the doctors had been really great and the hospital treated him wonderfully. The physical therapy had really brought him back to normal.

He did say he was in a good treatment program here at the clinic and sticking to it. He had a job and was happy with it. He had an apartment that was comfortable.

We shook hands. Smiling he said it had been good meet us.

He was escorted out by a Jefferson House staffer. The clinic manager gave us a look and I made a come on gesture.

He seemed startled but asked if Brock knew who had paid for his treatment, recovery and all the rest.

I smiled, "Well I didn't tell him but you appear to know."

"I have wondered why you would pay after he threatened you."

"He needed help and we were capable of making a difference for him."

"Will you ever tell him?"

"I doubt we will ever meet again so No is the answer. It would serve no purpose and might make him feel he had a debt. That is the last thing I want."

He was shaking his head, "I don't yet understand but I'm glad you have been so generous. He needed it badly."

"That was obvious and exactly why it was done."

"I did some reading about you when your Security man came to visit with the police commander. I doubt I know very much... you have a reputation for charity. I'm glad to have met you. Thanks again for helping Brock."

We shook hands.

Walking back, Cho holding my hand. A kiss, "You are sensational! You are also good at keeping secrets!"

I squeezed his hand.

Next was a visit to the barn. Monaco and Ringgold!!! Hugs and kisses!!

Ring laughing, "Last year Glaa was on the cusp of greatness now you have the best two horses in the Derby, a great champion to wow the crowd one more time and a lady of enormous talent. Your horses' names are everyone's lips. The betting line for Glaa is ridiculous even though he's never raced on grass, this morning it's 1-25."

Monaco leaned over, "It's not even close to that, 1-40 is better!"

Fist bump!

First to see my Big Fast Man. Glaa nickering as I stroked that magnificent neck.

"Hey man, you gonna go a run away again?"

A head bob! He knows what he wants!

Hansa enjoyed her carrot, showing glowing good health.

SakChai shimmering in the sun, silvery white! My two mints didn't last long.

Aneka was quiet, she seemed pleased to see us again. I rubbed her nose softly, "Go out and make a name for yourself girl!"

Toes Tapping was quiet as we petted her. She gave me a head hug. Monaco said Jackson had spent time with her, she looked very good in training.

Monaco smiling, "Fay, I love watching you do this. They are wonderful horses; funny, affectionate and smart. This is quite the extended family."


Some reporters cottoned on to our being in the barns and descended on us. Cho and Monaco talking with a gaggle. Ring and I went in search of coffee in the office.

A reporter fellow tried to force his way into the office, PJ pressed him against the outside wall. The reporter squawked, PJ asked for credentials since he hadn't seen any. The reporter pulled out a valid set and waved them at PJ.

My guy simply told him to be polite or he'd stuff him in manure pile. That got the fellow's attention. I asked if he wanted something.

He did fire off a couple of questions not waiting for answers... I sipped my coffee looking at him. He did finally get the point and repeated one question.

I answered him and added, "See if you act properly you'll an response. Anything else?"

I let him ask two more questions then excused myself.

Cho, Monaco and I with PJ and Rande got rides on golf carts over to the Grandstand. The Churchill Downs folks were very welcoming. We sat to talk about our horses and their various race meetings.

Monaco told them we would be back during the summer with other horses and some two year olds later in the year. Smiles from them.

In the lobby we met Robbie and Sal! Hugs. They were coming over Friday after the races for our BBQ. They had horses in several races Friday and on the under-card Saturday.

Robbie waving his hand at his face like he was hot, "I watched Aneka the other day. Boy, she had been under-rated but after that workout... Well I'm sure you saw the odds change."

Cho laughed, "I saw the odds before I talked with... " a nudge to Monaco's arm, "before this guy called with his report on her workout. We laughed when I said I already knew her breeze must have great."

Monaco grinning, "The old Charlie Hatton quote about the `trees swayed' came to mind. Her breeze was better than most all of the colts except ours."

I hooked my arm with Sal. "Come over tonight if you want. The caterers are cooking out tonight too."

I added swimsuit time! She said they'd be happy to eat with us. Done.

Sal whispered, "Robbie is very proud of what IrishRainbow has done under Monaco. I'm proud of him, NOT an ounce of envy... just appreciating a successful horse."

Squeeze! I was glad about that. I had wondered a bit if it had bothered him. A kiss on her cheek.

Gil sent me a thumbs up, she had added the Robertson's to our guest list for tonight.

Back the house I yelled `bikini time' as I charged up the stairs. Black string one for me. Gil on one side Tessa on the other leaping into the pool!

Cho and the others had a good laugh at us. I got a club soda and lime, a lounge and Jaidee. Tha had the Twins in a stroller going out for a walk. Tara waving goodbye, she was going with them. Sumate had one of our uniformed Security women go along.

Sasha and Roundell arrived! Hugs after they changed clothes. They took Cho and I aside. Sasha's pregnancy moving along fine! A hint of `tummy.' Hugs, kisses, handshakes!! Roundell holding my hand delivering a cheek kiss.

"Fay, you hadn't done a bit of pushing it might not have happened."

All I could say was I made a suggestion.

Sasha grinning as we jumped in the pool together!

We shared a lounge, Roundell leaned over with his iPhone. Thayer had sent out a video of himself out and about on their farm with Sondra. I'd gotten mine but hadn't watched it.

Thayer told me he was feeling tip-top. He and Sondra had talked, they would share the running of the farm. Decisions would be a joint affair.

Kiet was fitting in nicely, he and Sondra talking about a late autumn marriage in Bangkok. The restaurant idea was looking like Saratoga would get Thai food.

Sal and Robbie. Sal brought her swimsuit this time.

We swam, talked horses and golf. Me too as I was asked about the tournament at Bel-Air, they'd seen me on TV.

I described watching Cho on the Tenth Hole with Tom Angleten hitting their holes-in-one! They laughed at my description of the crowd going bonkers for Cho then a repeat for Tom.

Sal said I had looked like a doll in my green suit. Cho gave away my secret of not wanting to go out to him, not feeling it was my place.

"Dayton stuck his arm out and Fay gave way."

Sasha squeezed my hand, "You two together were smashing. I can't tell how many times I've seen pictures of that. Some of our friends know we are friendly and ask lots of questions about you guys."

I said it was possible to ignore most of the news stuff. Our `office' of press attention was working to keep us informed on the news people and their doings. Our Tai would be here tomorrow.

I laughed, "You should have seen the news kiosks on Paris streets. My face staring out from magazine covers. Very odd."

Tha had the Twins inside for dinner as it was less `busy' so they wouldn't get distracted. Cho and I went in to be with them. Charlie's toothy smile when his banana piece was served.

The caterers were grilling at the back away from the pool and tables, veggie burgers included, they had big heated chaffing dishes of fries, chilled containers for the cool potato salad, tossed green salad and a three bean salad. Lots of drink choices. We fed ourselves well. It was all very good.

It was nice to have horse folks around. We let them in on a secret project that would be known after tomorrow.

We had purchased over four thousand acres of farm land and woods north, northeast of the state capital, Frankfort. There was a river winding through one part, some farm houses dotted around we planned to use for staff families, we would have to build some storage barns and stables since the land hadn't been used for horses. Housing for unmarried staff, kitchens and eating halls too!

Paddocks, some hay areas, gardens for carrots and other household vegetables, a dirt training track and a grass one. Since we wanted to use it as a stud farm, there'd be a servicing room and foaling stalls plus separate stabling and paddocks for mom's and their babies.

All of this had been in the works since last year's Derby. Francis doing it very quietly through local estate agents and a new holding corporation. We'd be thirty five minutes or so from Sasha and Roundell, forty five minutes from Sal and Robbie.

They loved it.

Then we gave them a bit more... Glaa would stand stud there next year! Hansa and SakChai would be there too when they stopped racing. Our horse friends were ecstatic!

"You'll shift the horse world a bit to the west," Roundell said he wanted to bring several of his mares to Glaa when he was available. Robbie too!

They and Cho did fist bumps. We'd move Rodrigo and the mares from Roundell's when the farm was ready.

It was to be called `Harcourt Farm.' Keeping it simple!

We had a good day which ended in a nice family walk, the Twins in their pram, Jaidee, Cho and I with our friends and Team. What a crowd strolling along South 1st Street. It was really fun to be altogether.

An early rise for us, a Jaidee walk by me, breakfast and dressed to meet some local folks around Harcourt Farm.

A yellow sleeveless dress, blue accessories and espadrilles with blue straps. `Joy' I had a cardigan in blue just in case.

The AW139 set down in a grassy field beside a farmhouse. I liked the house! The core was mid-nineteenth century with add-ons as the family grew and changed. The couple who had been living there were both over eighty, only using the ground floor. Their children were either dead or moved away. The land had barely been farmed in the last ten years.

We got them into an assisted living place in Frankfort, they needed some extra help but could still get around a bit. When Francis sat with to make the offer to buy and help them find another place to live, Francis had brought up the assisted living idea. Our being willing to help made the sale.

Behind the house was an open acre of grass surrounded by a dozen deciduous shade trees. Francis and Gil arranged, through a Frankfort company, a seating area with large tripods with boards for maps and tables for refreshments. Coffee, tea, water, a mix of sweet baked goods and cookies.

The guests started to arrive. Our uniformed Security guided them to the meeting area. Cho and I greeted them, offered refreshments and chatted. They were all white men which did surprise me some. Maybe it shouldn't have.

Local county officials from Scott and Franklin counties, mayors of several small towns, police from several jurisdictions, the State Police and firefighters from the local fire districts.

I got us started. I let them know we had purchased something over four thousand acres of bottom land, rolling farm and grass land and woods that reached up into the hills and valleys. On the map there was a red outline of what we owned.

I sketched out our plans and uses for the property. That caused a buzz. We intended for it to be either farm or paddock space. There would be training tracks. No vast buildings were planned. Everything in the normal scale of things for the neighborhood.

We would hire locally, purchase what we could locally and be happy to be part of the community.

All that went down quite well.

"I don't know how much you know about Harcourt Racing but we are progressively minded people. There are no gender, race, ethnic, religious or age barriers for us. We hire based on merit, we promote on the same basis."

I could see that this wasn't as good as the `plans' had been.

"We are quite serious about several things, our reputation for fairness and honesty to start. We are also very independent. We like our privacy."

A bit more they might not be happy about.

"We will protect the property with our own Security force."

I introduced Sumate. He gave them the history of our Security, an overview of the training regime and that our people were all fully trained and licensed to carry weapons.

He did a review of what would be installed at Harcourt Farm and how it would be used. He let them know that the perimeter of the Farm would be under constant watch by a multitude of methods. Cameras, sensors, human patrols and drones were spoken of without great detail.

Sumate did say that the equipment was state of the art and beyond. Some of which we designed and built.

"We know the river is public and we won't do anything to disturb users of the water, we will however be able to observe them and pay attention when anyone leaves the water for dry land. We will properly place signage so there will be public notice where the river crosses our property and along the banks at appropriate intervals. We will have designated areas of the river side for boaters to stop if they need to and we will provide the usual accommodations in several places."

He went on, "Our Security personnel are all highly trained in first aid with an emphasis on CPR and will have the equipment available that would ordinarily be found in an ambulance. We will have our own clinic for any injuries to staff and general health maintenance.

There will be a fire truck on site and our staff will be trained to operate it. In a public emergency we will be glad to help however we can. All the contact information for the Farm Security will be given to you once we have everything up and running."

That went over much better.

Sumate wound down and Cho stepped up.

"Let's take a break and ..." His armed waved towards the refreshments. They did move that way. Sumate, Cho and I mixed in. We did answer inquires. There were a few questions, Cho did say everyone should hear the answers to several 'would you please ask them when we start again' and a smile.

A county sheriff sipping coffee was pleased with us, "Miss Martin, part of the area your Farm covers is something of a black hole for our communications. We've never been able to convince the county to spend money on it."

"We will share as much as possible with your force. I think you will find our people very professional. We insist on the highest level of integrity, our hiring process rejects many more than we accept. Sumate can give you numbers, we operate on three continents and we are approaching fifteen thousand employees in the uniformed division."

His eyes got big!

"There's over a thousand on the technical side and about two hundred in the personal protection group."

I pointed out that our uniformed staff had greeted them. He looked over at a woman in our gray and black uniform, slender, middle height, short hair and a Glock on her hip. She appeared to be exactly what she was a professional.

He stroked his chin, considering.

I told him we would be protecting valuable property, his eyes came up to mine again when I told him Glaa was to stand stud here.

He motioned to another police officer. He was a lieutenant in the Kentucky State Police based in Frankfort near the airport. The sheriff told him about Glaa. The lieutenant smiled at that.

"Miss, I play the ponies in a small way. I made money last year betting on your horse."

We shook hands, "Well you can't do that now."

"No Ma'am! But it is swell to watch him. I've seen video of your two for this Derby. I'm going with your white horse."

"We can't tell who the winner will be. They've never raced against each other but together they have beaten all the other entries."

Cho gathered everyone back to their seats and he gave basic timeline for the Farm's construction. What was to be the order of things and when Security would go live. He said we'd be posting job openings at several places throughout the area.

Then he did a review of what had been said.

Cho thanked them again all for coming. We wanted them to know what was happening with the when and where. He said he didn't like surprises except those from me... which got a laugh... he didn't want them to be surprised.

Afterwards we were thanked for doing this. The county government folks were very pleased we would be contributing to the local economy.

One asked what kind of jobs... I said veterinarians and staff, grooms, kitchen and cleaning people, farming staff, managers, exercise riders, medical folk for the clinic like fully qualified EMT's, building construction and maintenance once were ready to go, etc...

The construction firms erecting many of the buildings, barns and such would be from the local Frankfort area. Several firms from Lexington were making bids on the stables and other equine specific buildings, as they were experienced in that type of work.

These fellows looked pleased. Jobs and money being spent! Life blood for politicians.

When they had gone Sumate introduced me to Tilly who the sheriff had seen. She was the supervisor of the uniformed crew that had come from Upperville. They would supervise the clean-up and be staying in the house for a few days. Sumate said a local security company was engaged to guard the property until we ramped up.

A hiring session would done in Frankfort and Lexington next week. Sumate had done nearly three dozen interviews in the last week in Louisville for the Security division. Petra and Nicolas would come to the area to do more interviews after the jobs were advertised. Leslie and Stella would come to do interviews in the following week.

"We have eight who passed my interview and the background check. They are getting ready to go to Bangkok. They'll go through all the usual beforehand things and if they get past those then the full training.

We have advertised the openings we expect throughout the company, we may get more possibles from that. I don't expect many though because this something of a backwater. You never know."

A smile, "I asked Tilly when she came in the other day if she would consider moving here to be our group leader for the Kentucky operations. She's going to speak to her family. I hope they want to move because Tilly is terrific."

We loaded up for Louisville. The helicopter lifted easily, a quick turn west and the pilot put his foot down. Fifteen minutes had us descending to the asphalt square beside the house. We walked around to the front door.

Ro and Jaidee opened it for us. Hug for Jaidee, waggy tail for us!

Jackson! We hugged, he shook Cho's hand. I was glad he was here, we wanted him to be able to talk to the news people. He needed some exposure as the man behind Hansa. It would be great for him since he was going to be training more of the younger ones in the next few years.

The media thing was to start in an hour so up to see the Twins. Tha had them on the carpet with a book on birds. Nice big colour pictures! Kisses!! We left Tha to go on.

Monaco got Cho and I together. Gan, a filly at the Rabam stables had delivered a colt overnight whose sire was Asda. Another golden red chestnut for our team. Gan was Rando's dam. She had raced in Bangkok seven times and won each one. Rando was just like his parents! Possibilities!!

Pensri, also at Rabam, was near to her term with an Asda baby boy. Pensri was SakChai's dam, silvery white!

A third mare in foal to Asda named Mayuree was Aneka's dam, a beautiful chestnut too! She was about three months from delivery of a filly. She was last mare Asda covered at Rabam before going to Harcourt House. Mayuree had raced six times, she won five and placed once.

Cho kissed me. Monaco's smile said what we thought... in three years???

Gil said she'd gotten a call from Tom Pender. I remembered he had AlwaystheOne' in the Preakness last year. He'd finished fourth. She said he wished us good luck for Friday and Saturday. His AlwaystheOne was running in the Woodford Reserve Turf Classic with Glaa. He had EveryoneAndOne' in the Derby.

I said to call him to come over for the media thing. Thumbs up.

Megan and Tai came out of the house! Hugs and kisses.

"Fay, I'm not making a big deal of this visit. We just want to see the race and you guys."

"So no `old beau' time?"

"No. I haven't told anyone I'm here."

I said people will see you... she shrugged, "I'm just a guest."

"Okay! Go up and see the Twins. They won't be down for this..." my arm motioning, "I'm sure they'd love to see you two."

Ringgold arrived. A hug!

"Fay, I do know a lot of these folks on the print side, a few TV people. So it'll be fun to mingle."

I said talk to Frank, he'd love it I was sure. Hug!

Doors open for the media. Cho and I smiling, answering questions. Monaco and a DRF fellow together right away. Several print reporters with me.

After a short break Cho and I sat together at a table for the TV folks, local and national. Frank and Elinor from Fox Sports and Kentucky Fox stations sports people were there.

One woman from the Louisville station we were buying in our affiliate acquisition scheme stayed to talk briefly. Marion said the whole station was buzzing knowing we were taking over.

"You have a stellar reputation! The Fox people in New York love you guys!"

Cho squeezed my hand. He said later he was glad I'd thought of doing the buying scheme if this lady and her station were examples!

A DRF.com fellow walked with Cho and I to the bar. Club soda and lime, he got a whiskey sour. We got some snacks and parked on a bench. He asked about what we had in the pipeline.

Cho wasn't answering in too great a detail but he got that we had a dozen two year olds in training in New York, Thailand and Harcourt House we thought were top drawer. Many more behind them!

I said we'd just learned of a newly foaled colt that Asda sired. Two more coming in Thailand plus the new one this spring at Harcourt House!

He was shaking his head, "I'm not sure pipeline is right, it sounds more like a flood!"

We laughed!

He thanked us for our time and hints! Hand shake.

A DRF photographer took our picture, he asked first which I thanked him for doing.

I met the Louisville Courier-Journal's top racing reporter. He had been with us last year. Some good questions I could answer, some I pointed him over to Monaco for answers.

"Miss Martin, your main sire is now in England? Will he still be servicing mares?"

"Oh Yes! Asda will cover some ladies in England until the new farm opens here. Then he and Hathai will move there. They are a close pair that we will not separate them. He will stand for many more years."

"That's good news for the local breeders. Some of finest horses in world who live here in Kentucky will be available to him and Glaa."

Fist bump! He got a charge out of that! Smile!

Megan came out to sit with me. Her entrance caused a bit of a flurry. She'd become a famous face and a local girl who made good. The reporter from her old TV station wanted to do an interview but she very politely demurred because this was our horse racing event.

A second Louisville Courier-Journal reporter came our way, we'd gotten fresh drinks and some chips and dip. He asked me a few questions but you could see he was more interested in Megan. She didn't answer any of his questions saying again she was just a guest. A private visit.

After that she and Tai retreated to the house which was off-limits for the press. Sad! I'd get to talk with them later.

Jackson at a table with two reporters. He was talking and gesturing. He looked relaxed!

I saw Cho with four or five reporters. Another TV person asked for some on-air time. I said yes but please be brief. Fortunately he got right to it and was nice so I gave him a few extra minutes.

He thanked me, "Miss Martin, I do appreciate your time. I know this must wearing."

I smiled, "Mostly it's the repetitious questions."

I did tell him he had been better than most. It was true and he believed me... I could see that. I shook his hand with a thank you.

Monaco came by, "How's it going?"

I gave him my take on some of the reporters. A grin for my comments. He said he was so dry after all the talking.

I pointed to Jackson with a different media person. We did fist bumps!

We headed to the bar. Club sodas and lime!

"I can't drink at these sort of events. I get headaches."

"Or they give you headaches and the booze doesn't help?"

We laughed.

Tessa had been with me and now Tara was replacing her.

My over the shoulder comment to Tara was `why don't I get a break?'

She squeezed my arm, "You're the big star."


A reporter from Los Angeles asked to speak with me. We sat at a table. He had some food, he ate and asked questions. His chewing and chatting wasn't very appealing. The questions were silly but bearable until he asked about Cho and I.

I thought the first questions were a smoke screen and he proved me right. I said we were done, I rose and left him there. I heard Tara say something. Once we were away I asked.

"He got up to follow... I told him to take his seat. He did."

Fist bump!

This was much the same as last year just a lot more traffic. Monaco's prediction quite accurate!

I tried to keep smiling. Elinor joined me. Her grin, it said I know you think this is shit.

I took it as that anyway. She said she'd sit with me for a while, I didn't have to say anything. I'd look occupied. Cute.

I laughed, "Thanks but it isn't that bad... yet!"

I saw Tom Pender, I waved him over. He was alone, I introduced him to Elinor.

"Now be careful she's with Fox Sports."

Tom laughed, "Thanks for the warning but I'm old enough to be careful."

I asked what he like to drink, scotch `neat.' At the bar I spoke to the catering manager, I wanted the best scotch they had available. He smiled saying they had some Glenlivet under the counter. Done!

I walked back with two inches of that. Tom smiled and tried a sip. His face said he liked. I stuck my fist out, he laughed, bump!

"My kids do that so I'm hip." We laughed!

Cho waved to me, I excused myself. Cho drew me close. He had a "'Racing Ahead' writer with him. `Racing Ahead' was the top United Kingdom racing magazine.

He asked some good questions I let Cho go on. I did some looking around. I kissed Cho's cheek and shook hands with the reporter. I corralled Gil in my arms when she gave me a sign to come over.

She said Frank from Fox was looking for me. I asked a few folks if they'd seen him, he was by the entrance. He was leaving, feeling unwell. Could we get Elinor back to the hotel. No problem.

I asked if he could drive, he thought so. It wasn't far. He squeezed my hand.

Back wandering, I gave Gil Frank's news and said she'd need to get a ride for Elinor.

I was back at the table where Tom and Elinor were still talking. I told her about Frank. Tom said he'd be glad to drive her where she needed to go. Elinor looked good with that. Problem solved.

It was winding down. Cho found me again. A hug and kiss. I went in to change. Bikini and another bbq dinner! The Twins were eating dinner in the kitchen, Tha supervising with an assist from Francis who looked quite natural. When I said that he got a look in his eyes.

I kissed his cheek, whispering, `I want to be an auntie!' He kissed my cheek, "Deal!"

I gathered the `girls,' we did a big jump into the pool!! I parked my butt on the edge with Sasha. The caterers had two teams, one taking down the media thing, another working on our dinner.

We talked races. Roundell had four horses running in the next two days. G1 and G2 races both days. Not against ours.

I waved Sal over. I was sandwiched by lovelies! Megan and Tai walked into the pool with drinks. They huddled against our knees joining in.

Before dinner Cho and I carried the Twins up to bed. Tha did the arranging after the kisses and hugs were over! Sweeties!

Afters around the pool. It was a warm, muggy night so the occasional dip was great with some Amaretto as a chaser.

The weather in the early morning was the same. Cho got a kiss when I was back with Jaidee. He and Roundell were to be Robbie's guests to play golf at Big Spring Country Club although Robbie wouldn't be there because of an early race. Roundell would go directly to the track for his first race.

It wasn't far just beyond the old airfield on the east side of the city. Cho was making a stop afterwards at Bowman Field to see the facilities and find out if they are ready to service our Gulfstreams and helicopters. Kavat already had a deal for us at Capital City Airport in Frankfort for all our aircraft.

Navy slacks and a sea-green polo shirt!! Yes! An extra kiss!

I sat out by the pool with the Twins and our guests. There was plenty of shade and they were so cute in their floppy hats. Sal came over to join us for a bit before their first race.

Frank was being taken care of by a doctor the hotel had called. He had some sort of stomach flu, a bout of vomiting and diarrhea which was over. The doctor saw him again this morning. He was weak but past the bad part. I told Frank we'd stop by later.

"Just relax. Elinor has help from the local Fox station so she'll be Okay."

He was worried but too tired to do anything.

Elinor was already at the track working in the barns, talking with trainers and staff.

`All good' she said.

I was watching Tha with Chani in the pool. Lots of splashing. Tha motioned me in. Underwater looking at my daughter swimming towards me! TERRIFIC!!! Her arms and legs working, she reached out for me! I pulled her close and stood up.

A bit of spray and giggles.

"You like this Chani?"

`Wa!' Those little arms hitting the water! Tha brought Charlie over. We held the babies side by side. Smiles, giggles and splashing. They both wanted to swim more so underwater watching babies! Such a fun thing. Chani in her first black bikini. They did get tired so a good rub with a towel, diapered and they parked in their carriers to rest. Fruit juice in a sippy-cup!

Gil had a few things for me. Then it was clean-up time. The Twins got lunch first then us. We were all nice and dressed for the track.

I was in a pale green sleeveless dress, darker green accessories and heels. A soft beige floppy brim hat with a dark green ribbon, the Hermes Kelly bag in celadon green which was a terrific colour for the frock. Blue tinted reflective sunglasses!

A visit to check on Frank. He was embarrassed to be in a bathrobe. He was okay, stable and drinking fluids. He had a sore stomach and was very tired. He said he'd work tomorrow in a reduced way. Elinor had been by early, she was Okay.

I only said to be careful not to overdo. We could get someone from New York overnight. He was sure he could work.

I gave him a light hug.

We headed off to the track. First stop the barn, I petted Aneka. Nickers and neck stroking. She was ready! Mackenzie and Monaco fist bumps with me! Corky, her groom, laughing!

"Yes Miss, she's roaring to go. She did some prancing on the grass out back this morning."

I visited with Toes Tapping our new gray! She was quiet and gave me some small nickers when I stroked her neck. Her first outing for us. `Go Girl!' Her groom Gus smiling at my comment.

A hug for Glaa, he was whinnying, Eddie said he could feel the excitement and wanted to get going. A half an apple went down well.

SakChai and Hansa were happy horses ready to roll! They were quite a lot alike except for colouring. Loving sweet natured horses like Glaa.

We climbed out of the cars under the portico at Gate 17. More or less straight on through to the owner's boxes. All us girls and Francis, Tara and Ken with me.

A race was running as we sat down, the horses were on the back stretch. It was a G2 race, Robbie had colt in it. His second runner of the day. Glasses out, Francis had the numbers. Robbie's boy was in second stalking the leader as they moved on the turn.

Robbie standing, watching, I was beside Sal.

"Fay, he's going to make his move."

I held her hand as their horse came out of the turn blowing right by the leader. Down the stretch he pulled away for a very nice win! Hugs and kisses for them!

A great start for the day.

Roundell had a filly in the G2 Eight Bells Stakes coming up. He was in the saddling paddock, Sasha with me as they announced the race. The post parade going on as Roundell joined us.

"She's a bit wired! Leoni is on board for us, she was smiling saying they were good. So..." Fingers crossed.

I watched their horse walking out. Leoni had a good hold and the stable pony was very calm. This was seven furlongs so they went out to the chute starting area. All the horses moving along fine. Roundell's must have chilled out some.

Loaded and waiting... They're off! Roundell's filly in a crowd then moving out on the shoulder of three leaders. Down the back straight like that until the turn, one horse moved ahead and Roundell's girl followed close now only a half-length away.

In the turn she drew level then passed the other at the top of the stretch. Her rival didn't give up and the jockey's whip brought her back level. Down the stretch they were head to head well clear of the the rest of the field.

Two fillies battling... they looked fantastic. In the last yards Leoni got Roundell's lady a half-length in front and crossed the finish line first. A real fine contest! Those ladies were fighters!

Hugs and kisses for my friend's success!! A last squeeze of Sasha before they went out to the Winner's Circle.

Cho! He came in with Robbie. Ro and Penny too. He got the results for our friends. Big smiles!

We settled to talk, one more race before the Kentucky Oaks.

Cho in navy with Harcourt Racing tie. It wasn't quite a uniform but a frequent choice.

Cho grinning, "I had a good morning too."

I gave him the swimming story. He kissed me saying maybe later for him. Fist bump.

At the country club, they had a foursome of he and Roundell with a club Pro and a local friend of Robbie's. The first hole was a long Par 5.

"I got all of the club on the ball, a good three hundred and forty some yards. My second was a two iron which bounced in front of the green and rolled on stopping fifteen feet below the pin. It was a pretty straight putt that dropped so an eagle to start.

A few pars and two birdies until number seven which is a Par 5 with a sharp dogleg to the right. My drive cleared the creek and trees to stop right above the second bend of the creek. A seven iron dropped the ball above the hole and it drew back to hit the flag and six inches away. Eagle number two."

A sip of his beer, "I split eight and nine, one birdie, one par. So seven under on the front. The Pro was shaking his head. On number ten, another Par 5, I slammed the ball over three hundred and forty yards once more just short of a pond, chipped onto the green six feet below the hole. Eagle! There were a bunch of short Par 4's which I birdied until the Sixteenth a Par 5. I almost had another eagle but just slid the putt by the hole. On seventeenth I hit the flag with my tee shot and birdied, Eighteenth, one more short Par 4. I had been dialing back my tee shots on some of these short 4's. This was only about three hundred yards leaving me a pitching wedge to the green. It landed beyond the flag and spun back to stop on the lip. I was laughing as we walked up. It just wouldn't fall in so I tapped in. I ended at fourteen under, a 58."

He leaned close to kiss me, "It's the new lowest score on the course."

I was grinning, "Is there some place where all your scores are being kept?"

Cho pointed to his head. A kiss on the gorgeous forehead.

Tom Pender came in with Elinor. A shy smile from her... shy, well that's different.

Elinor went to work. She spoke to several owners who had horses up in the next few races. A cameraman with a sound lady moving easily with her.

She came by to talk to Cho. He was smiling saying Aneka had the power and stamina of her sire Asda and the quick acceleration of her dam Mayuree. He felt Aneka had all the gifts to be the best.

Our opening race of the day was the Schuylerville Stakes, a G2 fillies race. Toes Tapping was up for us for the first time. Her gray body was marvelous looking like her sire Tapit. A beauty. She walked quietly out to the back straight chute for this 6 furlong race.

Marnie on board being the calm center for her.

The horses loaded easily, a pause... CLANG! They came out cleanly running down the straight. Toe Tapping with two others on the lead. A line abreast powering towards the turn.

In my glasses I watched Marnie's hands move... Toes Tapping made her move as the turn ended. On the stretch she quickly pulled away from the other two by four lengths. At the eighth pole Marnie stopped urging her since she had a six lengths lead.

It was an easy win! Very nice start for her with us. We were happy for her and Marnie! A short celebration then down to the Winners Circle across the track. Our first trip here this meet!

Nice bling and Cho's smile doing the acceptance.

Back in the Grandstand we were congratulated. Robbie said she was an unknown in Kentucky, `we snuck her in' with a laugh!

We sat to watch another race get prepared.

The latest race was over, the `Oaks' was up. We watched the post parade, Aneka walking quietly looking awesome. Her chestnut colour glowing. Proud and beautiful.

The Kentucky Oaks for fillies only was nine furlong or a mile and an eighth. Aneka had run this distance in another race so she was good.

Monaco joined us.

The start was off to our left, the horses all going in, no issues.

CLANG... they're off. A clean start with Aneka among the leaders. As the group went by us she was moving out. Into the clubhouse turn Aneka was a length clear running very well three paths out from the rail. Changing leads twice gave her a three length space going down the back straight which opened to five half way. Deep in the second turn she was eight lengths ahead and racing along easily.

At the top of the stretch she was ten clear and putting the hammer down. Her golden red body flying down the track no one close. There was no let up. Leoni hand riding Aneka with a slight bit of urging just to let her know she could run as hard as she wanted.

Looking at the infield timer... she was indeed flying. She crossed the finish line fourteen lengths in the lead. Her time was a spectacular 1:47:00, a new Kentucky Oaks record for the mile and an eighth!!!! What a girl!

We celebrated! Hugs and kisses!! Handshakes! A big win for this race meeting for us.

We walked across the track to the Winner's Circle horseshoe and old stand. Aneka looked regal with the lilies over her withers.

At the Winner's Circle, off to the side as Monaco and Leoni got the pictures taken Cho squeezed my waist.

"Look at Leoni, she has just stepped up to a new level. She will be more in demand by other owners and trainers. A lot more money and exposure for her."

I squeezed back, "Sounds really good for her. What about us? Should we be racing more? In the G2 and G3 races with other horses?"

"We will talk with Monaco. We have maybe twelve horses for next year that are this talented. In two year olds we will have even more when some are shipped in from Thailand."

A slight shrug, "There's no reason why not. Our jockeys can ride them. A lot of winners could be had," another Cho shrug.

I was giggling, kiss for his cheek. We were done at the Winner's Circle so we headed to the barn.

Monaco grinning, "Boy she was wound up. Leoni did a terrific job holding Aneka close then releasing her."

Leoni came in to us. Hug!


A huge smile, "Fay, it was awesome to let her go! Boy did she show off!"

"You'll see more horses in the next two race meetings. Folks will want to try her."

Fist bump!

"Aneka will be ready for them!"

Aneka came back from testing with Corky. Thumbs up.

We drove home in high spirts. Aneka was on her way for the Distaff Triple Crown with such an overwhelming win! Toes Tapping getting lots of new attention for herself! Tomorrow would be huge test for our two three year olds. AND... Glaa was racing!!

Tonight all the barn staff was coming to the house for a BBQ. The grooms, hot walkers, etc... to be here with the jockeys and trainers. Our owner friends too! I told everyone they could swim if they wanted.

The Twins were out to meet everyone. A new crowd of folks who became their devotees. SakChai's groom Carlita sitting with Chani, dreamy-eyed. I smiled telling her she could have one someday when she was ready.

She asked if I was right. I said you'll know when the person is the one for you.

"I drifted in my personal life until I met Cho. Yes, work was good but that was it. Cho made me whole... more than that Cho released a lot of things inside me."

She had damp eyes, a cheek kiss. She thanked me!

I moved around chatting with everyone. Our Protection team could stand down for tonight. The uniformed side had the perimeter with the local security people. Tara, Tessa, Penny and Ansara holding hands with me jumping into the pool! Big splash!

I got Donna and May, Leoni and Marnie together for a pool jump! They loved it!

I was sharing a lounge with Sal. She was so pleased with their wins today.

"Your taking on IrishRainbow was fantastic. He became the great horse he had in him and Robbie lost the pressure. The races he's entering are good but the weight is less on him. His expenses are down so the racing side is doing well financially."

Fist bumps!! Kiss!

I lay back, Sal turned to face me, "You know these folks are really a fine group. They are happy, well-mannered and... well... nice."

I thanked her for saying so.

"We try to reward them for being just that way! We have communicated to them that our horses are so important to us! They go the extra mile."

I laughed, "Being a groom or hot walker or whatever, your share from a winning horse is much larger... so it sort of sells itself."

"You and Cho really do think further ahead more than many in this game. I guess you do it all the time in everything you do like the Fox thing."

Smiling, `When Cho and I get together we are fabulous!" Laughing!

Jackson came by, I stuck a hand up, he took it. I introduced him to Sal. He congratulated Sal on their wins today.

"The black colt really ran a great race!"

Sal smiling, "Thanks! You're up tomorrow. Good luck!"

He thanked her. When I asked about the young ones in Pleasant Valley Jackson's face opened in a smile, "Fay, they are quite amazing. All are running freely under tack, learning about a track and how to behave. Raoul's folks are doing a great job!"

We talked for a few minutes before Monaco waved Jackson over pointing to Cho. A smile and he was gone.

"Damn Fay, you guys just have such an easy way about you. You literally have billions of dollars but everyone is so relaxed being with you."

I kissed her cheek, "For us the money is something we use to make life good for us and everybody around us. We pay better, give more benefits and act like all our people are friends. Yes there are different levels, we try to be as open as possible. We give trust and loyalty and get it back in big amounts!"

I poked her arm, "Hey, you and old whatshisname should come over at Christmas time. You could meet Asda and Hathai our super mom and dad. See the house at Christmas!!"

Laughing, "Maybe we can. Our kids have their own families and in-laws so time for something new."

"It's early days but have a talk. Roundell and Sasha came over this past holiday time. We are usually there for six to eight weeks or more."

We had a lovely time. Our folks enjoyed themselves! Big day tomorrow. Two races, three horses!

Goodnight kisses for the Twins. They were yawning, rubbing their faces. Tha smiling at me as we each carried a baby up to their room.

Cho and I with some others took Jaidee for a walk. It was dark but the street lights were Okay. On the way back we stopped across the street. I liked the two old buildings. Nothing fancy, well built, comfortable inside. Loads of room for family and friends.

The neighborhood was mixed commercial and residential with a lot of older buildings like ours.

I kissed Cho for buying it. He said including the two older apartment buildings and the commercial ones made a nice compound and better for security. We had the whole block which backed up to the freeway. The two commercial buildings had promise.

We had a deal with the apartment residents for them to use the pool when we weren't around. They'd have to get our Security to give them access and they'd be responsible for their own safety and sign an agreement but those weren't high bars.

In the morning we weren't in a hurry to get to the track. Glaa's race was the one before the Derby in the late afternoon. A nice leisurely walk with the Twins and Jaidee. Some neighborhood people were out, we said hello.

A woman with a small poodle named "Sloane' came over to let the dogs meet. She didn't know who we were.

"You are here for the race?"

Cho shook her hand, "Yes, for a few days before. We have a few horses running. We had media get together yesterday."

"Oh the cars... I wondered. You really live here?"

I answered her question and added about how much we might be around saying we might be back for some of the race meetings in the summer.

Jaidee and Sloane liked each other so all was good. Goodbyes.

Today it was yellow and green! A sleeveless bright yellow frock to mid-thigh, a softly pleated skirt, a V-neck with small buttons down the bodice to the waist. A narrow green belt, matching yellow stockings and green heels. Harcourt Racing colours! A green leather bag, red sunglasses. `Joy' and pale red nails and lips. On top, a pale yellow straw Spanish Equestrian hat with a matching green ribbon! My Uffington horse pin beside my Harcourt Racing pin.

Cho in a nifty navy suit, white shirt and a Harcourt Racing yellow silk tie. One of my finds!!

Francis and Gil in navy blue looking quite splendid with yellow and green bits!

PJ and Tessa, Rande and Ansara in navy also! Harcourt Racing pins!

Sasha and Roundell, Robbie and Sal were there already for their starts in several G2 races on the undercard.

Megan and Tai surprised us all in yellow and green dresses and hats!! They were a Wow! Laughing as they told us about getting their dresses ready in a flash when I invited them!

First stop the barn! Glaa was quiet, thinking about his work but gave us a nicker. Hansa and SakChai were pleased to see us. Hugs for our racers!

We walked in via Gate 17 again. We got lots of stares and some comments. Megan was recognized and some young ladies cheered for her! A smile and a wave, her `thanks' called out.

I kidded Tai who was grinning. "It happens in New York but by tourists not New Yorkers!"

I hugged Megan, "Gil said you have nearly twenty million Twitter followers. Hey famous one!"

She giggled, "It still seems out of this world. It has been a YEAR for me!"

In the box we watched a race get ready. They dashed off. It was about an hour before Glaa's start. Club soda and lime in hand I wandered some talking to other owners.

Robbie and Sal came in from their winning ceremony. An excellent meet for Robbie's stable, three winners and a place! He was jazzed. Sal gave me some raised eyebrows, I knew she meant our talk last evening.

Tom Pender came in looking very happy. I thanked him for running Elinor to her hotel the other night. He bowed, "It was an honour."

My eyebrows raised with that. He had a sweet, wicked grin.

Okay, I got it but it was unexpected. Tom was a gentleman.

I knew Elinor was busy and Frank, while not one hundred percent, was here working at a slow pace. I hadn't seen either yet.

The Woodford Reserve Classic was called. It was a mile and one eighth on the grass. The start on the inner turf course was off to the left, they'd go around past the start and finish opposite us.

Glaa's first race on grass. Tom Pender's `AlwaystheOne' was two slots away from Glaa who was on the rail.

The saddling done the post parade began. Monaco joined our crowd. A smile.

I felt calm! Glaa was a professional, he was ready to run. No worries.

Ringgold gave me a wink! Grin!

CLANG... the start was explosive for Glaa! He really wanted to race. He came down the straight to the clubhouse turn very quickly! He was three lengths ahead before the turn and roaring along.

In the turn there was no slacking off, speed! As he hit the back straight he was six lengths clear and running easy. Mike's jacket flashing our green and yellow in the bright sun, he was still as stone on Glaa's back.

Glaa acted like the grass was wonderful, his stride was huge as he gobbled up the straight. Going into the second turn he was ten lengths free. He wound around the curve smoothly, Mike took a look back, nobody close.

When Glaa entered the stretch he upped his game as usual. His fractions had been fast, you could see the burst of speed! The crowd did! They were yelling out for him to GO!

Mike hand riding wasn't urging Glaa, our boy wanted to fly! He passed in front the Winner's Circle in a rush to the finish!

Awesome! He bolted past the line and around the turn again in full stride. He was running like there should have been another eighth of a mile!

1:44:00!!! Glaa broke Simply Majestic's record mile and one eighth on turf by a full second. Damn! He should run more on the turf!

We celebrated! High fives, fist bumps and hugs!

Monaco smiling, "Fay, this was great! He's showing how complete a race horse he is. That record was from 1988."

I gave Ring a big hug! He had been Glaa's advocate from the `git go!'

Our track escort to the Winner's Circle congratulated Monaco and us. He loved watching our horses!

The track and Woodford Reserve folks were very pleased. Glaa's success was good for everybody!

Loads of cameras, news people and others around the big horseshoe! Quite a big group. I liked seeing Mike and Monaco hold up the trophy. I had gotten used to them doing that!

Okay! Next up was the Kentucky Derby! The other owner's well wishes for Glaa and several saying it was a terrific warm-up for the Derby!

Tom Pender smiling, "Your boy is just too much. He's getting better!"

A hug for him! AlwaystheOne had the place which was terrific for Tom's Maryland based stable.

The saddling was in progress for the Derby. Lots of `Firsts' in this race! The first time a stable had two runners who were also the favorites also brother and sister. Lots to think about.

If Asda only knew!

The post parade and the singing began. I watched Tomas guide Hansa to the starting gate, Marine on SakChai moving behind his sibling. Our jockeys were solid, mounted on the two of the best three years olds in America.

I squeezed Cho's hand as we listened. He leaned close, "Maybe we need to learn that tune?" A huge smile!!

The crowd quiet now as the loading began down the track to the left. I watched in my glasses, no issues, nineteen horses in.

CLANG... SakChai and Hansa both came out cleanly and running well. Side by side in the center of the track they rapidly moved away from the other horses. When they came by for the first time our pair were three lengths ahead, a nose apart.

In the turn they widened their lead running in tandem closing to the rail. It was a match race for our beauties. Red gold and silvery white! They looked gorgeous in the sun!

Down the back straight they were galloping a fast pace challenging each other. Stride after stride they matched perfectly. The rest of the field was seven lengths astern of them.

One the full-blooded sister to Glaa sharing Asda as their sire. SakChai's dam Pensri's gorgeous whiteness was amazing to watch.

Asda's power and speed in them both. Neither was giving an inch away!

The second turn changed nothing, Hansa on the rail, SakChai tight to her side.

I was thinking Affirmed and Alydar!

As they entered the stretch we were on our feet holding hands. A big squeeze from Cho as SakChai eased a head in front at the eighth pole. Hard as Hansa tried she couldn't close the gap.

SakChai crossed the finish line three quarters of a length in front. 1:59:7!! He tied his older half-brother's mark!!

DAMN... DAMN...DAMN... we were bouncing off the walls!

Monaco so happy, I took Jackson's hand. He was pleased that Hansa had run a terrific race. An incredible time! It took a special horse to beat her!

Both of them under two minutes!!

I saw Tom Pender over Cho's shoulder and waved him over. EveryoneAndOne had won the the `show' money! We hugged and Cho's smile as he congratulated Tom was wonderful... like Tom had won!

Ring behind me, hands on my shoulders, "Fay what a show! Nothing this good since 1978!!"

He knew I knew he was thinking of Affirmed and Alydar.

Down on the track SakChai and Hansa came up to the Winner's Circle. Hugs for our horses and handshakes for the jockeys. Tomas turned Hansa towards the barn with a salute to Marnie.

The blanket of roses over SakChai's withers looked special against his white. More pictures! Up on the little railed porch for more pictures. I was able to slip off to the side as Monaco and Marnie got to be the center of attention!

Marnie looking superb in our silks, now Kentucky Derby winning `jock!' She was the second woman to win a Triple Crown race and the first to win the Kentucky Derby!

A whole new world will open for her.

I planted a kiss on SakChai's nose before he went off for testing. Marnie got her saddle to go to weighing.

We stayed to talk for a few minutes but there were more races so we needed to get out of the way.

Monaco with us going to the barn. He mentioned Glaa's winning time.

"The record is a bit sweeter because Glaa was carrying twelve more pounds than Simply Majestic."

Monaco showing he was a student of the history of racing as well as the best trainer in the world.

I was arm in arm with Cho and Monaco. What a day for us. Glaa asserted his dominance and we watched the best Kentucky Derby struggle for the win since Affirmed prevailed in 1978! What a show!

Glaa was good according to his groom Eddie.

"Miss he's ready to run another race!"

I gave Eddie a big hug!

Mike and Donna holding hands with big grins.

"Fay, those two were unbelievable. I was thinking Affirmed and Alydar as they turned onto the stretch."

We fist bumped when I said me too. I added Ring was on our wave length!

Marnie came in to big hugs by everyone including Tomas.

"Fay, if I have to lose who better to be beaten by! BUT that doesn't mean Hansa and I won't try harder at Pimlico!"

I hugged them both!

Tomas was well known from riding in past years Triple Crown races but being on Hansa in such a marvelous race would raise his stock more.

Cho and I gathered everyone together to thank them for their hard work and excellent preparation. Cho said we'd see them all at Pimlico in a few weeks.

High fives and fist bumps mixed with hugs.

I had Marnie's hand, "You my dear ran a perfect race."

She tried to protest, "No! You held SakChai to the task. That is hard work."

A cheek kiss. I whispered a `Go Girl!'

She smiled, fist bump!

We got a ride to the Kentucky Derby Museum for the `after' business. Inside we met lots of people, friends and others. Robbie and Sal smiling, we were thinking back to last year. Robbie kissing my cheek, "Fay, it turned out to be a terrific moment!"

I told them after the Triple Bend Stakes at Santa Anita IrishRainbow was going to Harcourt House to prep for Diamond Jubilee Stakes at Ascot. Eyebrows up hearing that.

"It's a short race but it will be good for his stud career. He'll get to stay at Harcourt House for a while."

Fist bumps with Sal and Robbie. Cho said we'd give them a mating appointment every two years with him for free! Robbie's eyes lit up, a handshake and hug with Cho. Sal winked!

Cho and I moved around separately for a while before coming back together meeting the local racing people. The Derby and Churchill Downs folks were happy campers. They loved the fight between our two. Various folks had said it was good for racing.

I could see that' after Glaa's hot knife through butter' conquest of the Triple Crown last year!! His repeated new record times for the mile and a quarter had them talking but not betting on him!! It was for the more knowledgeable bettor to find a way to make money when Glaa raced.

Okay! Everybody to the house. I changed to jeans, my bags ready, I spent some time hugging and kissing the Twins. Big Jaidee hug! A monster one for Cho!

Gil, Francis and my Team with me to Bowman Field. We stepped out in front of the rather nice looking terminal building. Brick with a glass dome looking very Art Deco.

Through to the flight line beyond. The Cho-Fay Air 737 sitting there engines turning over. WOW! Great! My first trip in this beauty!

Up the stairs and inside I stood at the doorway looking around. The cabin had warm inviting brown and yellow colours, comfortable furniture, staterooms to the left and the galley on the right.

Derry at the flight deck door to welcome us. He said three hours to Seattle. Dinner time. Gil piped up with `Martha' knows. Lis smiling she had snacks ready for after we were in the air.

We found seats for takeoff. I was still looking around... Yes that's it! The colour scheme reminded me of Le Champignon d'Or!!! Warm browns and yellows!! Cho!

I called him, "So you're an aircraft interior designer now?"

He was laughing so hard, "They asked, I liked Gerald's colour scheme... So. Don't you like it?"

"I love it! You get extra points for choosing them!"

I send love down the line!!

We taxied out right away to the end of number 6 runway and made a power turn into the takeoff. Up and away with big turn to port.

Time for work! Ken pointed to towards the DeLonghi. My hand up! Coffee and paperwork... is there some symbiotic relationship? I can't do the paper part without the coffee!

Gil had lots of things for me so onward. My Protectors got to chill!

We used the big table to spread out. When Derry announced thirty minutes to wheels down Gil and I put it all in our cases. I was nearly caught up.

The daylight was going away as we taxied to the shared Aviation Supply and Helicopter flight line at Boeing Field. Our Aviation Supply staffers would service the aircraft for my departure tomorrow.

Our cars rolled up to the garage on Magnolia. I liked the hominess of this house.

Martha said dinner in twenty minutes. I called Cho. He was fine, the Twins too.

"Don't worry just get it done!"

We laughed!!!

Reg's number two Stephan was coming over with his team, Antoine and Corrie too for a review after dinner.

Martha fed us all with baked salmon with my Indian spice rub, garlic naan, dal, and aloo gobi! Great stuff! Lloyd said she'd been practising on him! Success!

We cleared away dinner so we could use the table to lay out all our stuff. Stephan and his two assistants, plus Antoine and Corrie had coffee and cake with us while we worked. We did a complete review of our presentation.

The location was set, several large boards were there so could pin up things and a projection screen with a table for a laptop. All the cables we needed.

Chairs for the guests and tables for coffee and cookies. Cookies from the Regent Bakery!! The bathroom remodel was complete so we were good there.

The morning was just walk around the neighborhood before breakfast and dressing. It was very chilly with a gusty wind. Everyone's things to go in the car. We weren't coming back after the meeting.

The black wool Theory split bodice dress, the black wool jacket with big buttons. Black accessories, black heels and silver bits. `Joy' and red lips!

At the SODO site we did the prep, the coffee and cookies where in place. Logan and Carlyle arrived to be observers. Logan had some new things about the building. We could see the steel frame had begun, the lower parts completed and cross connected. The framing for the walls around the buttress bases was done.

Mini-buses were at City Hall to pick up the deputy mayor and City Council and some staffers. It was a short ride to us.

Antoine greeted them at the door, they were guided inside. Jonathan leading them. I was in front of the semi-circle of chairs around small tables for their drinks. I welcomed them arms open. I shook hands and aimed them towards the coffee, tea service. They got drinks and found chairs.

Jonathan's smile, "Miss Martin, this is a great idea to bring them here." Fist bump!

We went through the same presentation as before with some detail added and refined financials. Antoine's part was great, he had the data and laid out for them what was already happening.

Corrie ran the video of the four bridges on quad split screen, they could see for themselves.

Stephan's team did the technical details, careful with terminology as this was definitely a non-technical audience. Good diagrams on the screen, clear and uncluttered.

Francis handled the financial aspects once more. He had some new numbers, mostly the same information with some refinements. As before they as politicians paid careful attention to his part. There was a bigger buzz this time.

I took over to give the operations side. How this building was to be the central office but there would be a full feed to the Transportation Department downtown and our current location which would become a backup site.

They knew we wanted to `share' which they had already gotten from the initial group of city folks we talked to previously. These guests were the ones who had to allocate the money and like the mayor take the political burden of decision.

I was smooth in bringing them along so by my close I felt they wanted to be a `team' with us working hard for a laudable goal.

When I did close, I asked for questions. They had some, I parceled them out according to subject to my group. We gave them good answers without going over the top.

I thanked them for the opportunity to put our case. Then more coffee and the chance for some close inspection of the big board exhibits. I had coffee and the councilwoman representing Magnolia stepped close.

She asked if it were true we had a house on Magnolia. I told her the street and how much I liked the house snuggling into the trees and the view northward.

"You don't really `live' there though... right?"

"We do when we are here. It is the same for all our properties. We take part in local things when we are around and support local businesses."

I told her about the Nuneham Courtenay Christmas events and a few other bits from other locations. And that I slept there last night.

"We are on the move a good deal because we have businesses all over the world."

She seemed skeptical of our commitment to Seattle. I was skeptical of her. So I moved on very shortly after.

Later I asked April in telephone call to Los Angeles about the council woman, I got `Shelly is useless! She doesn't return calls or emails, she doesn't go around the district, skips events. She's not going to be around long because some of our old friends are telling her to go because they won't support her anymore!'

That was enlightening about Shelly's character and work ethic. Best not to worry too much about someone like that, she would probably be an asskisser when it suits her.

The head of the Department of Transportation and I started to talk when getting coffee refills.

I asked about my idea of a second tunnel to bleed off traffic from the north bound Route 99 going toward the tunnel into the SODO area. Cars and trucks. I'd changed my mind about including trucks because it would too difficult separate them.

The new tunnel would have a toll... so the SODO tunnel would too in my mind.

I gave him some of the details about the off ramp, the tunnel and the exits north and south bound. He was interested.

I gave him the kicker Cho and I agreed on, we would pay for the engineering studies and put in Two Hundred Million Dollars if the city went ahead.

Boy he was INTERESTED now!

"Miss Martin, that is an unbelievable offer. We would like to look at it very closely. Do you have a prospectus or something?"

I said we'd send him a proposal in a day or so after I've had time to review what we have and get it a readable format.

"Can I share this this idea with the others? His hand motioning around.

I said of course. He could share the material I would send also. My hand was shaken vigorously. PJ told me in the car he thought he might have to move in to save me. Ha!

Antoine smiling, "Miss Martin, you know how to do a meeting!"

"I've had some practice lately," big grin!

I moved around, smiling and speaking to all before the City folk climbed into the mini-buses for their return to City Hall.

The Transportation chief had let them know of our offer, they were enthusiastic and interested in the details. The Shelly one from Magnolia looking at me like `wtf' which tickled me no end!

Cho laughed outright when he heard. His comment, `Interesting that folks still underestimate you!'

I had Logan and Carlyle standing at the door after the guests departed. I thanked Carlyle for the report about my idea for a roof over the parking covered with solar panels saying the city law permitted it. Good.

Logan asked if I had seen his email about the solar panels cost.

"Yes, I thought I replied."

I turned to Gil, she said she'd check the out box but we talked about `when we'd be back' while you were typing.

"No matter. Any update?"

His analysis was the only way it could be worthwhile was when the price of the densest solar panels came down approximately twenty percent, more would be better. He did not think the steel frame cost would change much in the next few years. The electricity generation from the structure would meet ROI in ten to twelve years at the lower panel cost.

His update was their calculations, preliminary, showed the power generated would run the possible new building and send some to the server farm.

Okay. One for the shelf. It was project we could do any time we wanted. I asked Logan to please monitor the solar panel pricing and keep Gil informed if they approached the target savings number.

Okay! Boeing Field time. We loaded and were there very quickly. Derry said he'd gotten a fast route from FAA. The 737 taxied out rapidly and a power turn at the top of the runaway and off!

I did a quick change to jeans and a jumper, relaxing with espresso and lots of cookies. I didn't feel really hungry... maybe because Cho had said two words when we spoke after the SODO meeting... `hush puppies!'

I picked up with Gil and we spent the time clearing up a lot of items. She checked on the email to Logan. It showed it had been sent so who knows. Just to be sure she asked him to double check on his system.

I called Regina. She was sorry not to see me, they were going full speed for their opening. The staff was complete and the training for everyone ongoing. They would be ready!

Next door at the LGBTQ teen shelter construction had started with some demo and prep. Janesse was hiring staff using Regina, Tana and Nicholas as sounding boards about her choices.

Janesse was making connections to city, county and state departments for assistance for the shelter guests.

Their clients problems might also involve the police so lawyers would need to be available either `pro bono' or we pay. Our Queen Anne attorneys were creating a list of criminal and domestic affairs colleagues since they specialized in real estate.

Sumate and Nicholas working on a security plan for the shelter separate from the clinic. The issues which drove the teens out of their homes won't go away when they stay with us. They scheduled a meeting with Seattle Police at the commander level to share what our policies would be and pass on all relevant information.

Sumate would emphasize our commitment to privacy and security we would make to the young people in our care. We would not permit police `visits' to the shelter that weren't official or didn't have a valid warrant signed by a judge.

Nor would we allow any `interviews' without an adult in the room and the youngster agreeing to speak.

Sumate had grinned at me on the facetime call, "I will ensure Nicholas' folks are well versed in the relevant Washington State law, we will give them training on techniques to diffuse situations and the knowledge that we would back them up!"

Fist bump on my iPhone!

I said sorry to Pam about being in town but not able to go up to see her.

She laughed, "Damn Fay! Don't worry about it there will plenty of time!"

Pam was deliriously happy!! Little Abigail was being so good! Nursing well! Looking very cute in the pink wooly suit Cho and I sent.

"Ken's face when he holds Abbey makes it all worthwhile! He is over the moon!"

I could understand that!! We were joyful for their new family member!

I wanted to see MINE!

On the ground at Dulles beside the Rossen hangar.

I walked from the 737 to one of the AW139's already warmed up. My folks smiling as we lifted off. In ten minutes we flared for landing. Cho and Jaidee on the lawn! Big hugs for my guys!

In the living room Tha was doing games with the Twins. Charlie saw me... huge smile, arms open wide!! How could I not want to hug a cutie like him!!! Chani's arms on me when her turn came, `Ma' in my ear was magic!

Cho's smile, he picked up Charlie, an arm around me! The four of us close! The Twins patted their hands, BIG grins!

Some quiet time with the Twins and Cho. Tha had their dinner ready so we supervised! It was awesome how they fed themselves. Some face washing after `nana!' Yea!

Flo had baked breaded local trout with a honey peanut sauce, mixed grilled veggies and the hush puppies! I was a piggy for those warm corn meal batter thingies!! Flo smiling as I munched another.

"Fay, you love your food! Damn girl how do you stay so skinny?"

I could only shrug and grin!

The morning was clear, the sun warming, not hot. Dressed in black for a ride. Tessa and Ken beside me heading west. I guided Ash through the cross country course going `around' the jumps not over!

We galloped to the property edge. I gave them the lay of the land and the mountains beyond Ike's farm. Ken knew the geography of his home state, his first time out here to see it.

We went back along the northern boundary then straight south to the stables when we reached the center road. A groom took the horses. A big smile.

In the kitchen we sat down to breakfast with Cho. The Twins were done and upstairs for a bath. We went for ours! A joint shower which didn't end in anything more than some quite nice kissing.

A White House visit combined with a Senate committee meeting then a dinner out.

I was in a sleeveless navy blue silk frock, mid-thigh. A matching jacket with three quarter length sleeves, cut to my waist, three big navy buttons on the front. Navy accessories, black Coach pumps, a black D&G bag and black linen gloves. Gold jewellery and `Joy'

The AW139 fluttered onto the lawn. Cho, Rande and Penny went aboard then me, PJ and Ken. Gil joined us. And the baggage. Lift off and a turn to the east. We flew in an arc south of Dulles then turned for the District. We crossed the Potomac above the Kennedy Centre. Then a turn to port to land on the White House South Lawn.

We walked with Hillary's aides into the White House. Cho went up to the Residence floor after a hug. I went left to the West Wing. I had a TAG meeting with just the staff and Tim Kaine. It would also be cover for a meet with Becky Simmons from the State Department.

Rosa & Eduardo were in an office on the second floor with Tim. We spent some time going over the schedule and getting things ready for the first meeting with remote connections.

Hillary wanted Tim to be brought into our South Thailand project. Becky was ready in the same office as before. We did a backgrounder for Tim, each giving our part. Then Becky and Tim got from me how the pressure on the Malaysian government had played out on the ground.

Dad's information and where Yoshi and Arturo had left it were last.

Tim rubbing his chin, "Hillary did give me the genesis. You and Cho are to be commended for starting this as private citizens. You do have unique advantages!"

I thanked Tim.

"We are nibbling around the edges. The weapons being seized did get their attention. The group inside Malaysia was perceptive about the limits of what had been done. No arrests was a `tell' and they got it!

We think they could be the group to work with at greater level. That's not to forget they have been militaristic and deadly. Arturo was impressed by the five men he has met. We won't leave out the other groups."

Becky asked if talking to the Thai Army generals would help.

"We could have our military attaché request some face to face with those in command in the south and senior officers in Bangkok."

I leaned back, "That might help if the attaché approached them as asking how we might help them rather than anything about our goal of sitting down to negotiate."

Becky and Tim got it. If the attaché was subtle it would give the generals the idea America was watching more closely.

"What if a political officer did it? They might have more skill as a diplomat. But would they have the same cache as a military person?"

They both thought not but Becky didn't know the military attaché in Bangkok. First on her list was to get background on him and some assessments.

Tim asked Becky if she knew a highly competent officer who could be detailed to go to Bangkok on a sort of `fact finding mission?'

She would give that some thought too. "There are several I have worked with in recent years, they could be good choices. They are generals which would give any visit more status. I'll work on that in parallel with getting info on the attaché."

Tim glanced at his watch, "What time are you going to the hearing?"

"I'm to be first after lunch."

I turned to Gil, she said one thirty right away. So we stopped. A hug for Becky.

Tim and I went to the Residence second floor dining room to meet Hillary. We sat to lunch. We gave her the gist of our meeting.

Hillary smiling, "I can see you're a natural conspirator!"

We laughed. Tim said he would on his guard which got another laugh.

Hugs downstairs as the car Hillary was loaning me pulled up to the North Portico. Now to the Russell Senate Office Building.

Hillary had a Secret Service fellow go with us just in case there was any issue with PJ and Ken being along and armed.

An aide to the chairman of the Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee met me at the west side door. My crowd was escorted to an office to wait.

It wasn't long before I was walking into a committee room. There was quite a group of press folks, I guess somebody read the committee's schedule of witnesses.

I stood behind the witness table hand up raised to swear to tell the truth. The press was allowed to come around and take snaps for a few minutes. I was a scrum and very strange. I'd been on a Paris street thinking about being photographed days ago.

The press were shooed off to the side.

I was welcomed by the chairman. He gave an overview of why I was there.

I began with a statement of our interest in the FAA more closely monitoring helicopter flights over cities. Then what Cho and I had done with our helicopter companies and what could be the outcome of flight emergencies.

I told them I wasn't a helicopter expert, I wasn't a pilot but an owner and user. That was my perspective. I covered why we had immediately changed to a NO-Fly over residential areas rule and how it had no impact on our operations. In Seattle, the clients had actually been happier with the new routes, better views, less flying low over rooftops.

I gave them my `layman's' explanation of what could happen in an emergency, how being over congested residential areas made a safe auto-rotation landing so much more difficult. Narrower streets, power lines, parked cars, etc... How higher elevation and slower speed gave the pilot more time to make decisions.

Commercial and industrial areas were more wide open, usually flatter terrain and fewer people to be hurt on the ground.

I emphasized that many innocent people could be hurt or killed in residential areas and in business areas there could still be terrible consequences. I told them about the Seattle news helicopter which failed to properly takeoff from a TV studio roof top landing pad plunging onto the street killing the occupants. A man sitting on the road in his pickup truck was horribly burned by the jet fuel being sprayed out from the crash and igniting from the hot metal of the helicopter. Literally a river of fire going down the street.

"There is risk that we believe can be reduced considerably by managing where and how helicopters fly. Also the type of helicopter makes a difference. When we bought the Seattle company they were flying single engined aircraft with piston power plants made by a manufacturer whose safety record wasn't very good.

We replaced the old aircraft with twin engined turbo powered models that have an excellent safety history. We know that a sweeping change of equipment isn't within the budget of every company but changing flight routes and elevations is!"

I added a comment about a study had been done ten years before for Congress and its recommendations had not been acted on. Then I wound it down.

I was thanked for my statement. The senators asked some questions. Most were fairly general like how the pilots reacted to the changes, maintenance staff levels, what aircraft we were using, etc... Several about emergency landings I couldn't answer because I just didn't know. I said they needed to get some pilots to testify who could give a description of what they experienced in flights over cities and any auto-rotations they had done after flight school in real world conditions.

One question I was glad to answer: why if we owned these helicopter companies did I want to make it more expensive to operate?

"Because of the people on the ground who are just living their lives could be killed by a company making money at their expense. The pilots and passengers choose to go up for a flight, they willingly chose the risk... not so for the people on the ground. We believe they should not be forgotten just because of money."

The crowd in the room behind me started to applaud, some cheers!

The chairman did ask for quiet and they settled down but I could see the spontaneous response had hit home for the committee members.

I was congratulated for taking the steps we had to increase safety and being aware of the risks. I was released after more thanks. The aide reappeared to escort me to the chairman's office for a brief meeting.

We shook hands.

The chairman had a wry smile, "Miss Martin, you do have the gift of gab like my Irish grandfather. A turn of phrase is worth a lot."

He said the committee would review the old report recommendations and have more testimony and get the FAA in. He was certain new regulations would come but I shouldn't expect it to be overnight.

I laughed, "Senator, I can be patient."

In the car Gil asked if I thought it would have an impact. I said yes but this wasn't the only thing I was going to do. Grins from my folks.

Our Secret Service person had been welcome but in the end he didn't have much to do. PJ said the Senate security folks had been fine. No issues about them being in the committee room.

A smile, "I think they did not mind not being fully responsible for you."

Fist bump!

We headed east for an appointment. We went around Lincoln Park to `A' Street SE, a quiet road, the trees bursting out in their spring green colours. We stepped out in front of a nice three story home with a large gold star in the front window.

I knocked and Kelela's mom opened the door with a big smile.

"Hello and welcome!"

Her dad right there too! Hands shaken, a cheek kissed. We sat in their living room for a few minutes for a bit of small talk then Kelela's dad laughed, "Okay time for the show."

We all laughed. Her mom asked if I'd like something to drink... coffee?

I gave a big Yes. Down the stairs to the basement. It was her dad's office and museum!

He was grinning when I said that was how Kelela had described it. The south wall, floor to ceiling, shelves with Macintoshes. He had fired them all up for me. I counted eleven different models, all working away.

`Old Number One' played an audio-visual hello from the introductory show Steve Jobs did in 1984. Terrific!

We sat in director's chairs just looking at the collection. It was fun to exchange old war stories' about dealing with Mac issues. My collection' in the basement at Basuto Road was in boxes.

I had many of the same sort of accessories even an AsantePrint device. We had fun remembering software that was long gone. He had a label printing application I had used to create floppy disk labels on sheets of pin-feed paper in an ImageWriter serial printer!! It was still working! For floppy disks that weren't `floppy'!

I sipped a very nice cup of coffee enjoying myself. We moved back upstairs to a homey kitchen table. Kelela's mom motioned towards the living room but I asked if I could have more coffee so we ended up sitting in the kitchen.

I'd introduced my folks and `Roury' the Secret Service fellow at the start. Now we all were together in the sunny room.

I found out Kelela had three brothers, two older, one younger. Her next oldest brother had been in the Green Berets and was killed in Afghanistan. He was the reason for the Gold Star.

I could see it hurt but they were dealing with his death two years ago. He had died doing what he wanted so they were Okay with his choice.

I motioned to Ken. He told them he'd been a Green Beret with service in Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria. Hands shaken strongly. Dave our Secret Service fellow had also been Green Beret. He'd been to some of the same places as Ken and their son.

Kelela's dad gave me a look... he said he was glad they'd made it home. I was holding Kelela's mom `s hand, a squeeze!

Her dad was interested in what I'd said to the Senators. I gave them a quickie review of the hearing.

"Did they get that they have an obligation to everyone including the folks underneath the helicopters?"

"I think I made a dent, the applause at the end did help by giving them a jolt. So maybe there's hope."

I said this wasn't the only time we'd bring up the subject. Patty Murray was on board, she was the second in command in the Senate.

I enjoyed meeting them and the basement was great fun seeing all those Macintoshes!! Thanks for the excellent coffee!

A nice goodbye.

I thanked `Roury' at the White House North Portico for being with us. He said it had been instructive and fun. Fist bump. He warmly shook hands with Ken.

Upstairs Cho and Bill were back from golf in the Yellow Oval Room. I looked at Bill, he got my look, a finger aimed towards Cho, "This guy RAISED some eyebrows! As if the Bel-Air tournament didn't."

I got a hug and kiss from each. We sat, Cho wanted to hear from me first which meant he had had a terrific day!

An aide came to say Hillary was on her way up. Okay!

We all sat together and I went first. I gave them a précis of my remarks, Cho had read them beforehand. I managed to recall their questions and my answers. The applause part made Hillary smile.

"Fay, what you said was right. I'm glad folks in the room were paying attention. I can see the committee being surprised by clapping at a hearing usually they're dull affairs."

Fist bump!

The chairman's comment about my `turn of phrase' getting a laugh from Bill. Cho's smile, he leaned over for a kiss!

"I think it went over Okay for a start. I'll be doing more on it."

I gave Cho and Bill a rundown on the meeting with Tim and Becky. Bill was nodding about encouraging the one group.

"If they are perceptive and willing to be flexible that may be the way to get a breakthrough."

"Becky thinks so too. Our fellow Arturo is going to work on them much more."

Fresh drinks then I asked for the tale of the game.

Bill's head shaking. Cho laughed.

"The Congressional is a nice course..."

Bill laughed, "I would hope you'd say that, what a day you had."

Cho grinning, "Well it's got good length and it's very wide open. Many of the holes are ideal for my game."

My guy was holding my hand, I could feel he was excited even if the rest of him was calm, "I was feeling good when we started. Bill's friends are good golfers so we had keen interest in shot-making.

The First is a short par four, there are a lot of those. I hit the flag with my second and it dropped two feet away. Birdie. A long par three followed, another birdie. Numbers Three and Four were par fours which I just missed birdies on. Five was birdie then the par five Sixth was an eagle. I was on the green six feet away in two. Seven and Eight were birdies and number Nine too although it should have been an eagle. My putt... the ball hung on the lip of the cup and wouldn't drop!"

Cho laughing, "I thought about jumping up and down but decided decorum was required."

Bill laughed too, "We all thought the same."

"So I was eight under at the turn. A club pro came out from the clubhouse to say hello to Bill as we waited to play at the Tenth tee. He was astounded. He asked if we minded him following along. I didn't mind, Bill..." a motion towards the same, "...said later the Pro probably wished afterwards he hadn't."

We all laughed.

"Well to end this... the Tenth is a par three over water. My shot hit the front of the green and rolled up to hit the flagpole and bounce off a few inches. Very nearly a hole-in-one! Everybody was watching it roll expecting it to drop."

Bill leaned over for a fist bump!

"A couple of pars on Eleven and Twelve, Thirteen, a par three, I knocked the ball into the hole. Another hole-in-one! I hit it above the flag and it drew back to slip in! Bill was doing some jumping up and down then!"

Bill laughing, "We did. It was amazing to see the ball just disappear. I've never seen a hole-in-one in person! But that wasn't all!"

Cho grinned, "Well I liked it. Bill means Fourteen. Another short, wide open par four. I was jazzed from the hole-in-one so I really whacked my drive, it carried more than three hundred and forty yards. The flag was near the center of the green so my second was a short iron which went straight into the hole not touching any grass. All air. I thought it might pop out because the holes aren't that deep. An eagle!

Sixteen was a birdie but very close to another eagle. Seventeen a birdie. Eighteen is a par four, a long one too. A big drive, three hundred and thirty or so, my second a long iron rolled past the hole just inches wide of hitting the flag. A birdie! So sixteen under, a 56! The lowest score ever!"

Bill and Cho did another fist bump.

"I may never be asked to play there again!"

A shaking head by Bill, "Yes, they'll want you back so they can charge a fee for folks to watch!"

We all laughed. I slid hard against Cho, hug, kiss!

"So dinner's on?"

Hillary and Bill said yes! We split up to dress. The Queen's Bedroom for us again. Our bags waiting. A shared shower which got the famous golfer's cock sucked a bit. HHHHHMMMMM It tasted the same... delicious!!

I did a repeat of the black dress I wore at the Investment Banker's cocktail party. Cho kissing me before the red lipstick.

"Fay, you look splendid! This perfect for your slender shape!"

"Well keep those compliments coming buddy!!"

Another kiss!

Gil knocked, "Fay!! Cho!! Jeremy, the solicitor on the line."

Her iPhone thrust out towards us. Cho winked at me.

"You fellows are working late. Well... we have an idea. Okay... hold on I want to put it on speaker... Okay go!"

"Cho, Miss Martin, the News UK folks have answered our last demand. The suit will be settled if you agree to the terms. They will sign over to you News UK newspapers in toto to end the action. That means The Sun and The Sun on Sunday, The Times and the Times on Sunday minus some debt which they will keep."

Cho gave me a cute look, "Jeremy, a question about the debt part. Are they keeping it for tax reasons?"

"Yes probably. It's about eighty million pounds altogether for all newspapers."

Cho grinning, "So if we take the debt..."

Jeremy, the staid solicitor, laughed out loud, "Well they'd probably have a whopping assessment for tax."

Cho squeezed me, "Say we'll take the debt and everything else!"

Jeremy almost barking, "I'll put it to them but they'll not demur. You two own yourselves some newspapers!"

We cheered, Gil joined in! We acquired the newspapers for free! Okay! Now we have to run them. I asked Jeremy when the deal might close.

"Tomorrow if you want. They want the lawsuit gone before you ask for more. I brought the recent attempts via that internet café and the other ones. The police report said the reporter was doing it at the direction of his editor who was aware he had some computer skills. The New York Post spy device was really the final straw I think. They may not have remembered starting that since you said it dated back to last year."

I looked at Cho, "Say to them you want it completed by the close of tomorrow but kept under wraps. I mean total silence! No one is to know. We'll come to the city and take it over ourselves."

He said `done!'

Cho kissed me, I had my phone out calling Adam. Cho behind me, arms squeezing gently.

"Adam! We own the Sun and The Times!"

You could hear the cheer. Daphne yelled out in the background when Adam told her.

"Will you be the editor in chief for a while at least? We'll hunt for more folks."

Adam was quiet then a `Yes!' That thrilled me!

"I'm to be the publisher, you the editor and what about Desmond as a senior editor? Maybe have him concentrate of national and political news?"

Adam chuckling, "I know he'll be happy to do it."

"We have a dinner to go to so I'll call in the morning. In the meantime think of others to fill in posts. Get Desmond's blue pencil sharpened!"

We all laughed!

Whoosh we headed down the corridor. Hillary and Bill coming out.

I rushed into Hillary's arms with a `We own The Sun and The Times!!!'

Cheeks kissed! Bill a big hug as we did a dance! This was going to be a great dinner!

Cars at the North Portico again! Off to Georgetown.

We pulled up in front of Le Champignon d'Or! Secret Service and our Protection folks around. At the maître d' desk a handsome smiling Gerald. He bowed to Hillary as I did introductions. He led us to the right towards the back.

There was a special arrangement for tonight. Several free standing screens blocked off the `owners' booth and part of the space in front of the bar from the rest of the restaurant. PJ and Ken with Rande and Penny and the Secret Service were at tables right inside the screens.

We slid into the booth, ladies going in first. Antonio there with the Taittinger's! He was introduced to the Clintons. The caviar and fixings arrived. A toast to owning newspapers.

Huzza! Lovely stuff, the Taittinger's and winning a lawsuit. A whole new challenge.

My nose enjoyed the tickling of the bubbles when Antonio refilled my glass.

I was Jazzed, wired! A thousand things running through my mind!

Hillary asked what's first. I said we will come out against Brexit the first day! Saying there are only two choices for the government; end Brexit, full stop or have a second vote. No other choice is viable.

Fist bump.

Hillary cheery, "Good, there has been enough indecisiveness for a lifetime. We want Britain to steady up and go forward. The EU needs it also."

I told them what Cho and I talked about. Promoting democracy, push to solve the climate crisis with real actions not more words, reform for elections, build up the NHS, provide excellent educational opportunities for everyone, care for the elderly members of society like each is our grandparent and so much more.

"I want the Sun and the Times to be leaders ethical and accurate journalism. It will become a beacon of the free press ideal."

I stopped, "Does this sound grandiose? Like I'm off my nut?"

Hillary's grin, "No! It sounds to me like you are enthusiastic with lofty goals! My advice is `go for it!' Make it happen but don't expect not to get a lump every now and then."

A kiss on her cheek for that!

Cho's hand on my thigh, a slight squeeze!

We munched on the caviar, so good, taut bursting with flavour! Really good with the Taittinger's.

A clear table, Antonio putting down the silverware. Gerald had been sitting with us. Now he was opening the wine. Domaine de la Romanee-Conti Montrachet! Aaahhh I could guess what was coming.

A creamy leek potato soup. Thick and delicious! Sole meunière! A Cho favorite!! New potatoes roasted with Rosemary, asparagus grilled in a light lemon sauce. Slices of light crust bread, buttered with a dusting of Romano and warmed.

The table looked terrific with the food around. Gerald sitting next to Cho. Hillary and Bill got the story of how I ended up here one night several years ago alone. My dinner memorable because of Gerald's generosity.

She was smiling hearing Gerald and Antonio had been out to Bangkok a few times for winter sun and Gerald had had the same experience on a golf course that Bill had today!

They did fist bumps over the table.

The News UK business was explained to Gerald. He was amazed! Gerald said they watched Fox all the time now. He had become addicted to several night time shows, one on politics and the other economics.

"If you had ever supposed I would like hearing about economics before I would have said you were mental."

Laughter! He pointed out the people were wonderful at explaining the concepts and context. "I recently learned about the roles of the World Bank and the IMF."

"Funny... I met the head of the IMF, Christine L****** in Paris a week ago. She seemed nice, smart."

Gerald smiling, "See I know what she does."

Hillary added Ms. L******* was sharp and had a good team. I mentioned the Angola job and the possible IMF interest.

We chatted about other bits. Hillary asked if we might be around in four days for a dinner at the White House. It was a State Dinner. White tie for the men, formal for ladies.

The German Federal Chancellor, Angela Merkel was going to be in town.

I let them know we were going to make a fast trip to London to do an in person takeover of News UK! We would be back before going to Baltimore for the Preakness.

Cho nodded to my touch on his hand.

"Okay! We're in. I'll have Carter send over my tails!"

He looked a question at me.

"No problem. There's two dresses at Mirabelle that are completed. I'll have them send the white one down here. A strapless one!"

I did a little `va va voom' motion with my body! Everyone laughed.

When I slid out to to the ladies PJ was waiting for me, I slipped my arm through his. He was Okay with it because this was a `safe' place.

I stopped the way back by the golden bar where Gerald was. I took Gerald's hand, I told him about eating at Le Petit Pontoise and meeting the Chef. He was pleased his old friend was well and happy. He nudged me when I told him I had shown the Chef our snaps of the restaurant and the Chef's admiration. A thank you. He might get in touch. Gerald was pleased as I hoped he would be. My cheek kissed.

A fabulous dinner! The staff in the kitchen outdid themselves! Bill and Hillary obviously enjoyed it. The end with the men's noses in their Remy Martel was fun.

We shared a teardrop of white chocolate. Hillary grinning when I said my first time was very hard because I wanted to gobble the whole thing. I didn't for fear I'd have been sick.

Cho and Gerald were by the mushroom bar talking. I knew what that was. Hillary beside me when I had Antonio's hand to put an envelope in it. He kissed my hand in return.

We made our way out. Our protectors around, the cars right out front. Hug and kisses for our hosts!

Hillary and Bill thanked us for the dinner out. They loved the food and the décor. The big golden mushroom was a hit! Gerald was fine fellow and excellent host. Antonio's service superb.

The best compliment... they would go back! Cheers!

At the White House, we changed to casual clothes and said our goodbyes. We would be back for the dinner.

More hugs and kisses when our AW139 landed on the grass. Up and away. The flight was short.

The Twins looking like angels in their cribs. Tha in a rocker with a book, smiles!

Francis had spoken to Gil so he knew about The Sun and The Times! Boy was he jazzed!!

I called Gerald to thank him again for the wonderful dinner and to pass along Hillary and Bill's comments. He was floating on air he said. Antonio in the background, `I've a good hold on him' was funny!

I was lying in a languid pose... no clothes... arms open...

In the dark bedroom Cho was warm on top of me... Cho was HOT inside me! My arms around his shoulders and head keeping his lips on mine. The pelvis doing delightful things to me.

A slow build up, a lot of kissing and now that gorgeous cock sliding in and out. My pussy wet and welcoming! We stayed like this for a while, Cho's body under control enjoying the movement in no rush to complete.

A kiss, "Miss Martin, I am going to properly fuck you now!"

No need for me to respond except to kiss him back.

Cho's cock all the way inside as he rose up to sit me astride him.

"Okay cowgirl!"

I love to ride! Cho grinning as I slid up and down his shaft. I set the tempo, fast!

Damn it felt good to do this. The little bars in my nipples in Cho's teeth ooooooooohhhhhhhhh

I bounced on him he tugged my titties! Shit it was nice. The burn in my pussy starting.

Cho's eyes glittery... he saw me getting excited with the pain/pleasure look.

He reached around with a single finger to rub my anus.

SHIT!! I orgasmed! The burning heat of my vagina spread up my torso bursting into my face!!!!

"Oh Cho!!"

"Don't stop baby... keep riding!"

I did after a slow down. Cho grinning, "Fuck yourself!"

He lay back flat I was sitting over him my hands on his shoulders working my pelvis back and forth... the nexus.. his prick!

Strong hands on my hips pulling me onto him... changing the pace slowing me... I was drawn to his lips, his knees up.

I rode in a walk then a trot... Cho laughing as I galloped him!

More kissing as my hips flicked backward then rushed towards him!

Rolled over Cho took over the pace... deep thrusts with long withdrawals!

His controlled movement brought me to orgasm again... he leaned over to push his tongue into my mouth. I had the head in my hands sucking the tongue for all I was worth as the fiery heat of my orgasm flooding me.

Then a cute grin and I knew he was ready for his turn.

The strokes deep... my vagina open wide for him.

A slow change from long strokes to faster hard thrusts! I pulled his nipples as he pounded me... his face exalted... a hard penetration... the cock shuddering inside me!!!

Several thrusts then Cho was rigid above me. A slow lowering of that wonderful body onto mine!

My arms and legs around him squeezing him tight!

I felt lips on my neck... a barely spoken `spectacular' in my ear!

My hands stroking Cho's back, sliding down to that firm tush for a squeeze.

There was quiet for a short while then a slow languid kiss!

I giggled that I was `properly fucked' now!

Cho gave me more kisses! Very welcome!

Some water for us and a few treats for Jaidee. The lights out!

I stopped Ash by one of the ponds in the morning light to answer my phone.

Jeremey's news, the transfer would close in one hour in his office. We would have News UK newspapers in their entirety, they agreed with us keeping the debt. The Sun, the Sun on Sunday, The Irish Sun and the Scottish Sun, The Times and the Times on Sunday.

Part of the deal had their printing establishments continue to print the newspapers we now owned at the current cost.

"Miss Martin, having spoken to their representatives... I think you could make an offer for the remainder of the News Corp UK assets and get them for a good price. I believe that because there doesn't seem to be any drive behind their solicitors... more like a `get it over with' attitude.

It was not discussed, no price spoken about, no asking for one either. There's no doubt their principles would be glad to be completely out of the newspaper business here."

I asked, "What if we gave them the debt to put toward the rest of the assets?"

I could hear Jeremy draw a breath, "That is interesting. Should I inquire?"

My Yes loud and clear. He laughed, "Done!"

I urged Ash forward, Tessa nearby.

"Miss Martin, a handsome bottle of Lagavulin is on my desk. Cho was especially generous to send the thirty year old!!! My partners and I will drink a toast after the deal is done to you and Cho."

My thanks and Cho's were passed along and an `ENJOY' too! I would mention his thought about the balance of the News Corp UK to Cho shortly.

Walking to the house I dialed Adam.

Desmond was `IN!' He had another fellow, Lambert, who works for The Guardian would come over to run Sports, and other bits to start.

Adam got we'd have it wrapped up in hours with NO one saying anything as part of the deal. Cho and I would be there in the morning. We'd go from Chalgrove straight to the News UK's offices on London Bridge Street.

Thomas was organizing a Security detail for the morning. We would arrive and go up to the management floor with Adam, Desmond and Lambert to take control. We'd meet Rolf from The Times who we wanted to stay on.

Then assemble the employees in the atrium on the ground floor. It would be for the newspapers staffers not management. A news conference to follow.

Inside Gil said Kavat had the flight for the evening laid on, the helicopter in the morning was ready. He and our Security were working on getting permission for a quick landing on the roadway beside the building. When we were done we'd use cars to go to Basuto Road. Stay overnight then back to News UK for the day then to the Wandsworth Heliport for a lift to Chalgrove and return to Upperville.

Cho and I hugging as I told him what was going on. A smile on that fine-looking face, a kiss!

He had news too! The Los Angeles bank Dayton was CEO of had agreed to be purchased by our Cho Family Bank of Bangkok. Their Board voted on it last night.

Dayton would stay right where he was, there'd be more work on the investment side and greater stability for the bank. Less worry for Dayton!

I liked that. Cho and Mu with Kuva had worked on it together in Paris. Dayton had been in favour of it from the start when Cho brought it up in Los Angeles.

I was squeezed, "You have a soft spot for Dayton don't you?"

"Yes, he was a terrific host at Bel-Air. A strong arm when I needed it!"

"Well you will see more of him now."

Fist bump!

We had some time with the Twins, games and reading. Then work to clear a few things out of the way before flying. Cho wanted a valuation of the remaining News UK assets. The Debt being included was inspired he said. He was all for it!

We'd have a big package of newspapers, and their printing establishments in a nice bundle.

At Dulles, Stephanie let us know we were next for takeoff. All buckled in. Ro and Tara were staying with the Twins and Jaidee. All the rest were smiling over at us!

Cho and I sat with Francis to talk about acquiring the printing parts of News UK. Giving the eighty million £ debt back to the previous owners and paying for the remainder was good.

We'd set the lawyers on it right away. Francis sent an email right then they'd see it first thing in the morning.

Afters on board since Flo had fed us well. Sipping some Amaretto before sleep. Curled up with Cho, missing Jaidee and the Twins!

I cuddled with Cho, warm under the bedclothes, "Did Gerald let you pay last night?"

Fingers stroking me, "No! He said the publicity of it would fill the restaurant countless nights so he would be many times paid."

We laughed after I said I knew what would happen when I saw them talking. Kiss!!

The sun up over England as we boarded the AW139 at Chalgrove. It was a fast trip we descended over the Thames, crossing above London Bridge then turning back south. The Shard... HUGE in front of us. We descended over the London Bridge rail station.

Police cars below with their blue lights flashing blocking Joiner Street. We settled to the pavement. All out and into the building. The helicopter lifted off once we were near the building. It was there for about thirty seconds.

Thomas was in the lobby, a smile. His Security detachment had control of the lobby and elevators. They were getting the atrium ready.

Upstairs Adam and Desmond with Lambert in an office. Hugs for the new editors and Adam introduced Lambert. They were all grinning.

Adam's face was a huge smile, "Well you two... it isn't every day you get some newspapers for free!"

We all laughed!

The solicitors for News UK were waiting with Jeremy and his group. We told them we wanted the printing bits. The lawyers all nodding their heads, ours and Francis had figured an offer price and passed it on. The previous owners lawyers seeing it as inevitable. None thought it would be a problem especially as we would pay cash.

They'd get it signed off as soon as possible.

They all joined us in a conference room to tell the editors, other managers what was going on.

The assembled group in the conference room of course knew about our lawsuit and some had made it worse directing reporters to do the foolish things. Cho and I believed they had their orders from the previous owners but they had set things in motion.

There was quite the collection of astonished looks seeing us come into the room!!!

THEN...hearing we owned the newspapers now!! One fellow later said he knew something strange was up when our helicopter was seen approaching CLOSE to the building but this...

The editor in chief of the Sun knew he was out! Several others. The Times editors were told they would evaluated as we went along. The administration folks were told we wanted them to stay but they would have to adapt to our management philosophy. Cho said we would be talking to them individually.

Thomas' people escorted the editor in chief out of the building. He had our promise his office would be packed up and placed in locked storage. He would have access tomorrow morning. We let him take whatever they wanted today as long as it was his property. The same for the others we discharged.

Thomas had a removal company coming in two hours and storage in Druid Street a half mile away prepared.

The remaining folks heard we acquired the newspapers as the lawsuit settlement and I introduced Adam as the new editor in chief. Many knew of him since he was a prominent conservative writer. He introduced Desmond and Lambert.

Adam went over some basics about the lines of authority.

He was grinning, "So you know... Miss Martin is now the publisher for all the newspapers! She's my boss!"

I gave him a hug.

"Also I have known her since she was a child, I knew her parents very well, we worked together. So here is a line of authority you can all appreciate.

Desmond is my principal deputy and will speak for me. He will directly supervise national news coverage especially political news and the opinion pages. As many of you know Lambert's expertise is in Sports but now he will oversee that and some other departments to start.

What we want is for you all to do your jobs, get the news, fact check it, write it and assemble it for printing. What will change is attitude. We three will watch over that carefully.

For tomorrow's front page in all newspapers there will three pieces. First about the new owners and second one saying these newspapers have been wrong about Brexit. We will state flatly Brexit is nonsense, there were illegal acts done to affect the vote and it should just stop immediately."

There was a buzz!

"The third, is a note by the publisher to the readers."

I stepped forward, "We will advocate for the government to declare the Brexit vote void because of the corrupt acts, we will also support a second vote if that is the way the citizens want to go."

Cho told the group that we will provide them a set of ethical guidelines to be employed at all times. If they had questions about a piece and needed further guidance then refer it upward.

He pointed out that we, his hand in mine, have ethical standards that we will not compromise on and now those standards applied to this company.

"Now to make that clearer... these newspapers are owned by us NOT 21st Century Fox in New York. So it is personal... which is why Fay is the publisher. We expect to name someone as publisher so she can step back, there is no date for that."

Adam outlined what we would say to the employees downstairs and that a press conference is scheduled for this afternoon in the atrium. He pointed to the business editor who raised a thumb up to show he would have it covered.

Announcements were being made for all employees to go down to the atrium for a company meeting. A dais in place with a loud speaker system. We will use it later also.

Going down in the lift, Cho whispered a question. I laughed, "No it isn't the same dress but similar."

Black wool frock with long sleeves to mid-thigh, a scoop neckline, black stockings and heels, Silver jewellery and `Joy' Red nails and lips.

As we walked around the crowd in the atrium to the dais a loud buzz began in the crowd. They certainly knew who we were as some of them had tried to dig dirt on us.

Cho looking gorgeous in a black suit with a Harcourt Racing tie stepped forward to the microphone.

"Good morning. I am sure we are a bit of of shock for you. I will explain. We..." Cho's hand out to me, I moved to take it, "... we decided to file a lawsuit against this company plus some highly placed individuals because you were invading our privacy, trespassing on our properties and assaulting our staff.

The previous owners and top editors did not know when to stop even though there had been no successes. Even when the consequences of their acts were plain.

We asked for a very large sum to deter attacks on us. When the weight of evidence made it plain we would prevail the previous owners did not think these newspapers were worth the money they would have to pay.

The accumulated transgressions finally broke the previous owners will to persevere. They settled our suit by signing over News UK newspapers to us."

Murmurs in the crowd rising to quite a hum.

"You know there will be changes. First..." Cho introduced Adam as the new editor in chief, Desmond as editor for national news and politics and opinion and Lambert for sports and other departments for now. Rolf for The Times was introduced as remaining with the company.

"They will be around to visit with each of you over the days to come."

Cho took my hand back, "In the publisher role providing overall policy guidance and executive decisions will be Miss Fay Martin."

There to my surprise was one cheer!

I was at the microphone, "Thank you whoever you are!'

That got a few laughs.

`What is going to happen from the big picture perspective... Let's cover you as individuals first. You will all receive a five percent salary rise immediately..."

More noises in the room! It is the sort of thing which gets people's attention.

"Next the contributions to company retirement programs will be increased. A third item, there will be a clinic in this building for basic healthcare open for all including families staffed by qualified doctors and nurses. We will be adding other items that positively impact you as employees in the near future.

Please understand we don't do these things to `buy' affection... we expect you to work hard and excel at your jobs! We do these things because we value our employees, we succeed when you do. Now that may sound like a tired old saying but we've found it to be only too true in all our other businesses.

Pay attention to what is happening in New York... Fox News profit is up seventy four percent over last year when it was owned by your recent former employer..."

A pause, "When we took over these same sort changes were made there. The entire news organization is working toward being the best and in America... Fox News is the top rated information source! Rated higher than the newspapers and all the other TV networks."

I could see the faces... and heads nodding, maybe they weren't sold but we were being believed. That's a start.

Adam took the microphone, "When you go back upstairs, some of you will find a new assignment. Tomorrows papers will announce the ownership change and state flatly Brexit is a fraud, foisted on the citizens by corrupt, venal politicians and businessmen. We will call for it to be stopped and our relationship with the EU maintained unchanged.

That will be the policy of the entire newspaper group."

A lot more head turning and noises but no demurs.

I went forward again, "There may be other new policies which you can't support... if so you will need to decide whether you should remain with us. We are not everyone's cup of tea, we don't try to be. We believe in people! We think that a positive forward message is the best encouragement anyone in a job can receive.

We think you all should be part of that, we hope you will want to. Thank you for you kind attention!"

There was loud applause and cheers from more than one this time. Many more.

The atrium cleared out slowly, people were talking amongst themselves which was a good sign. We wanted them to discuss and consider. They looked intrigued and lots of smiles.

A woman came towards us, Tessa spoke to her then led her over with a smile.

"Hello Miss Martin, my name is Nicola, I'm in national news."

I extended my hand.

A faint blush on her creamy skin, red hair and green eyes and a slight Yorkshire accent.

"I'm the solitary cheer from when you were named as publisher."

I laughed, "Well thanks! It helped to break the ice."

A nice smile, "My cousin Angelique is in your Security force at Harcourt House, she is always talking about how good it is to work for you."

"Well, if you want to talk to her she's upstairs today. She's here as part of a Security team."

"Really! Can I see her?"

"Sure, come up with us."

We headed as group back upstairs. Stepping out of the lift I saw Angelique down the passage a short way, I pointed Nicola towards her. They hugged!

I saw Thomas smiling, I said `cousins,' he was nodding.

Desmond was chatting to someone I didn't know so I joined them.

`Henley,' a reporter, was getting ready for the news conference this afternoon, he was running ideas past Desmond.

"Well if you have a hard question be sure to ask Cho or Adam."

They laughed, I was told Henley reported on UK business.

Henley shaking his head, "I've seen your previous press conference in New York in its entirety. I'm sure you are capable of `handling' any question."

I thanked him for the compliment. "You mean the New York Post fellow's question?"

He did and I followed with my standard question `did he know the rest of the story of that reporter?'

He did and he was very impressed with Joseph's work! The concrete' piece was famous even across the pond.'

"I wouldn't presume... but it seems to me we may be much better off now."

I replied we hoped so and the others would see it too.

There was a roundup of everyone going to lunch. The new `editors' would eating a sandwich at their desks today! Cho, Gil, Francis, me and our Protectors were it. We left the building out onto London Bridge Street, up to Borough High Street and to the Borough Market. Silka's entrance was on the High Street, down the stairs we went.

They had a group of tables together for us off to the right. Hungry! My thought echoed around the table!

Starters for all! Paneer Shashlick, Onion Bhajia, Samosas and Chilli Gobi! My main was the Jhinga Silka, prawns in coriander, Basel with coconut milk, curry and chilli with a side of Bombay Aloo. Rice and Naan for the table. Chai to drink for me, there was still work to be done.

Silka's wait staff was great! They were attentive and pleasant. We had a delicious meal and talked about the coming fun!

Walking back under the train tracks I looked at the front of Southwark Cathedral making a mental note to come back for a visit. I'd never been there.

Inside the west entrance Thomas said the atrium at the other end was full of press. They were out in force! The news of our takeover was whizzing around!

Upstairs to drop my jacket and bag.

Cho grinning, "Time for some fun!" He rubbed his palms!

Hugging as the lift took us back to the ground level. Thomas' team had an open walkway for us around the crowd. Lots of lights and camera flashes as we stepped up on the dais again. Adam, Desmond, Lambert and Rolf with us.

Cho kissed my cheek, his hand on my back... slight pressure. I grinned as I stepped forward.

"Good afternoon! I'm Fay Martin..." somebody yelled `No Kidding!'

Laughing, "For real! I know you didn't come to hear that! So onward! The changes taking place at News UK come as result of the previous owner's spiteful behavior which can only be described as malevolent.

We took control of their `pet' 21st Century Fox Corporation because it was corruptly presenting the news to millions. It wasn't just a business thing... it was something larger to us.

The Sun and other newspapers have done illegal acts in an attempt to get news items on our family and businesses in a retaliatory or exploitive manner. Those actions had us lay a lawsuit against News UK, its publishers and editors which caused them due to the weight of evidence and illegal acts to settle with us.

We.. " my hand reaching out for Cho's, "... now own News UK newspapers. This is important... it is NOTpart of 21st Century Fox Corporation.

What might come from this? There is a good deal of change coming. What that means I will let Adam explain in a moment.

Cho and I have some known personal attitudes I can say they will be reflected in the changes.

So you have the basics of who and what... I am now the publisher for all of News UK."

Loud sounds... a few Wow's and general talking amongst the reporters.

"Adam Declare is the editor in chief for The Sun papers. Rolf remains the editor in chief at The Times papers.

What I will say about the changes is... there will be NO illegal acts or ethically challenged behavior by ANY News UK newspapers' employee. Our ethics guidelines will be in the hands of all employees and they will agree to abide them or depart.

For more actual news..." I extended my hand to Adam, "Adam has a few words."

A hug for Adam.

"Good afternoon. First I want to introduce these fellows. Desmond is now the senior editor for national news, politics and opinion. Lambert is the senior editor at large but he will concentrate on sport. He you may know comes to us from The Guardian. Welcome!

Rolf will remain as editor in chief at The Times newspapers."

Adam glanced over to me and received an encouraging smile.

"On our front pages tomorrow you will see three prominent items. One, a piece on the change of ownership explaining why it occurred and how. Second, a flat statement that Brexit is rubbish and it should be stopped immediately."

Loud noises from the crowd of reporters.

"We will advocate for the government to go to Brussels and say it was an error to have ever started Brexit. Third, there will a short note from the Publisher to our readers."

The second had caused a bit of an uproar that Adam ignored until he was done.

"Now we fight against Brexit because it is born of corruption! The election was subverted by russian influence, the Leave campaign accepted illegal money and lied from the beginning about everything involved and the Conservative Party lied in essence about what would happen. That's for starters. Nothing more from me, read tomorrow's papers."

Desmond, Lambert and Rolf all spoke briefly.


I was beside Adam. We answered many after my saying the questions should be confined to the News UK business. The press folks wanted loads of bits. We held to our pre-arranged limits.

When some reporter tried to ask about Cho and I... I stopped with hands on my hips looking at the reporter... It was suddenly quiet... The fellow couldn't look me in the eye... I didn't say anything to him or anyone for many seconds... Then asked for another question.

After nearly forty five minutes I called a halt. I thanked them all for coming. Cho hugged me, Adam too.

"You're a tough one!"

I laughed at that. Rolf knew that one reporter.

"He's DailyMail."

Okay that explains it!

Upstairs Gil had the `Note to Readers' put together from what I'd suggested. Cho was reading it as I called Daria.

"Dear... could you spare Ali to do some things for me?"

"Of course! She's not doing anything to speak of for me. My lawyers are doing most things I want done."

No, she was fine `don't worry about me' came over loudly. We laughed!

Daria said she'd get Ali to call as soon as she came up from getting the mail. Okay!

A hand on my shoulder, holding the `note' for tomorrow, Cho's dark eyes on mine, "It is good! Simple, straightforward! Like you."

A kiss, I slipped my arms around him, cheek on his shoulder. Warm lips on my neck.

Cho's quiet voice, "I do think you couldn't have chosen anyone better than Adam for this. He's thoughtful, sharp and knows how to deal with people."

I squeezed as more of the soft voice entered my ear, "And Desmond is inspired. He will excel at this. He has the words!"

Smiling into Cho's face, up close, "I figure Desmond to takeover when Adam wants to leave."

Those brown eyes looking into mine, "Of course you don't ever think ahead."

I giggled and shook my head no. We both laughed.

We went down a few floors to visit with Rolf. We asked if he had any questions. Right away `why me?' I told him we'd read the Times and had a staff person doing it too.

"While we didn't like some pieces and thought some pandered to a certain `class' or tribalness... it was readable, honest and not looney like The Sun."

His smile, "Well our previous owner never quite understood the appeal."

We discussed where we wanted him to go. Move toward the middle, gradually, carefully. The new Brexit `line' might cause some readers to flee.

"Have one of your best people with words explain the basis of our new editorial policy is the corruption, the russians, the illegal monies, etc... Lean heavily on the Cambridge Analytica data fraud, show how individual's personal info was abused. Have all that lead into the criminal acts which don't support it being a fair election."

Rolf was fine with it, he had a person in mind, "She writes excellent copy, clear and to the point."

He called Athene to come in. Middle height, dark black hair and blue eyes, soft complexion. She was a bit reticent but seemed pleased to meet us personally.

Rolf laid out what we wanted, Athene looked down at her quiet hands, a thinking gesture I found out, then turned to us.

She gave us a few sentences which let me know there was a fine mind under that dark hair.

"Please go ahead, talk with Rolf, get something you can agree on."

I looked over to Rolf, "We don't micromanage. You know what we want, any questions call Adam."

We shook hands with both of them.

Upstairs we separately made visits to a half dozen lower ranking editors and top reporters. We found none who wanted to leave, several had wanted to do stories on the mess of Brexit. They had information and specific data... two in particular. I told them to talk with Desmond, he would want to hear from them.

I texted Des. He could meet them in fifteen minutes, `tell them to come up.' I shook their hands and sent them up.

Gil said the cars were on the way. Allyn and another driver said ETA ten minutes.

We checked Adam's office, he had four people at the meeting table. Cho let him know we'd be going home and back in the morning. A thumbs up!

Lambert was deep in the sports department so we left word with his PA who he'd brought over from the Guardian.

Des was ushering in the two reporters I sent up, kiss and handshake.

We walked through the south lobby to London Bridge Street. Allyn right there! To the A3 and Wandsworth bridge then Basuto Road. Ting had said to come over for drinks and dinner.

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Next: Chapter 60

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