
By A becker

Published on Jul 18, 2019



We were ready at the beach for Cho to come home! Rande tweeted Cho had another 61 so he was eighteen under for two days, the leader by eleven strokes. Whoooo! We gave him a big welcome! Kisses and hugs from me. We didn't go over the top because he still had a ways to go, two more days! He'd made `the cut' at his first tournament and also he was leading by a big margin!! We had a quiet dinner, a nice walk on the beach with Jaidee and a lovely snuggle in bed. Lights out with a kiss.

Cho was deep in a steaming omelet looking over the table to me, a smile gaining ground on his face, "Miss Martin, you are especially beautiful this morning!" Gawd! What a charmer! He got a huge kiss for that and more at the lift door before going off for more golf with Rande and Penny. Those two were smiling, thumbs up as the doors closed.


My crew lifted off from Santa Monica a few hours later for Arcadia and horse races. We had a car to drive to the Colorado Place cottages on the other side of the Park. We turned in the drive to splashes of aqua, orange and magenta pink, palm trees and yucca. It looked great, the rehabilitation was marvelous.

Felipe and Leticia met me at the office. I remembered Felipe from the Santa Anita Park barns, Leticia was curvy petite with wavy dark hair and a big smile. They gave me the tour of their cottage and few others. I got to meet some families, several young ones.

The playground was wasn't huge, it was nestled in a ring of trees with a lot of shade, a slide, swings, a merry-go-`round and a sandbox. All looking very nice. A good high fence around it.

The pool was fenced too, Leticia said they were very careful about it, no children allowed unescorted. At busy times they had a lifeguard on duty. There was a small wading pool for toddlers with an awning for shade beside it.

The colours were bright and the cottages pleasant, lots of shade trees. All new appliances and floors. I sat for a short while in the office with a few of the mother's, they were happy. Their men worked for our Security at the Park or for Monaco. One woman said although we paid much better than the other trainers without these cottages they would have had to live many miles away to the east for affordable housing. Their smiles told me we were on the right track!!!

There was a small office building adjacent to our property, two wings and parking. I walked over there to take some snaps. I sent them to Francis with a request to find out about it and buy it if possible. We could convert it to apartments with office space. He waved from across the parking area and called out he got it.

We rode into the barn area to see Monaco and Ringgold talking with Camilla at the Security line. Hugs for Ring and Monaco!!

A young woman had just tried to walk in looking like a groom but was stopped right away. She was detained and a hidden camera removed. The Arcadia Police were coming to take her away for trespassing. Camilla had wiped her camera memory at one of our workstations, no getting any of that back! No ID on her so we'll see what happens.

Santa Anita Park would ask her to be charged especially since it was our barn. After the New York Post reporters thing they had a zero tolerance policy in the entire stable area. Leslie's survey had been done and our Security's recommended plan was being evaluated.

I went in to see Aneka, she was quiet but made little noises of being happy to be petted. She was ready for her second race.

Glaa whinnied when a stuck my head in his stall! A hug and kiss for my Big Fast Man!! His first start of his four year old season. We weren't going to race him heavily maybe five races.

Eddie grinning, "He's the same Miss, ready to roll." Fist bump!

My crowd walked with me to the Grandstand. A Santa Anita Park official greeted us, a warm handshake. He asked about `Mr. Cho' I said he's playing in a charity golf tournament. We parked in the sun, warm but not hot.

My navy sleeveless frock with navy accessories and a white cardigan with navy trim looked good and I was comfortable. Gil and Francis did a food and drink run with Tara and Ken. PJ and Tessa kicked back.

A few horse owners came by to say `hi' including Julianne and John Glass. They got hugs! Ronnie's latest email was her riding Rebel which she said was like being in a race car. We laughed over that description.

They had a few runners today, none against ours though. One going off shortly. They got another hug for luck!

We chowed down and watched the racing. I wasn't even bothering to look at the odds on any horse except ours. The early morning line on Aneka had her at 8-1 going up against the boys and Glaa at 1-20. Well, the bettors had Glaa figured out!

John's filly won her race, a good stretch run carried her clear by three. I got John's hand as he went by, big grin! Kiss for Julianne! Congrats!

San Felipe Stakes up now! Glaa won this race last year!

Aneka going out at 9-1 odds. She walked calmly down the track with Whimsey the stable pony. She was a golden red brown chestnut filly looking like her sire Asda. Her jockey Leoni sitting quietly, she was solid.

This is a mile and a sixteenth open to all three year olds so Aneka would see all boys. She was the sole filly with a couple of pounds weight advantage.

She walked into the number four spot... CLANG and they were running. Aneka came out fast again moving ahead of the pack coming down the straight. She looked wonderful glowing bright! Our yellow and green silks being seen from behind!

At the turn Aneka had three lengths and closed to the rail. Shifting gears twice she burst onto the back straight going smoothly down the dirt in command by five lengths. The others jostled for position to make a run at her but they were falling further behind as Aneka hit the turn, she changed leads and spun around the turn onto the stretch with six lengths and without Leoni asking her there was acceleration. Aneka wanted to run! She blew by the finish ten lengths clear roaring along!

She overran the finish for another sixteenth so Corky could put a stopwatch on her. Monaco wanted to know her mile and an eighth time.

We celebrated! Aneka was a powerhouse of a girl. She would go onto the Kentucky Oaks trail after this.

Monaco and Ring got lots of hugs and kisses! They went with me, PJ behind. Down at the track I found myself leading Aneka into the Winner's Circle! This is new for me. The Santa Anita folks were a bit surprised but welcoming with huge smiles! Nice bling and a check!

A big hug for Leoni and Aneka! Off they went for their post-race business.

On my way back to the box I got lots of congratulations, smiles and handshakes.

PJ beside me as I stood up to acknowledge the people around us clapping and cheering. He looked like he was having fun.

We had a break so drinks and a bathroom trip. Tessa beside me at the sink. Tara at the door. A middle-aged woman came in, shocked to see me I think, stumbled but Tara caught her. Tessa had moved in front of me. The lady was Okay so we left. Tessa said as we sat she was making sure it wasn't a ploy. Tara grinned, she was prepared to shove the woman into anyone else who came through the door.

I was grinning inside at these thoughts. A nice day at the track with minor drama!

I sipped my club soda and lime! A text from Rande <four under on front nine!>

Cho was tearing up the course! I still wasn't sure where this would go but I wanted him to enjoy himself. My feeling was this wasn't what gave him the most thrills but as a means to test his skills it was terrific. I'll wait!

An email from Hillary, date and time for the White House meeting with the State Department lady! I replied with a big thumbs up and a grin! I got a grin and back!

Okay! Glaa was racing! As the post parade came out Glaa received a huge ovation when he was announced! Our guy looking like a million bucks in the sun!

The Santa Anita Handicap was a mile and a quarter which was Glaa's meat! He was up against some horses he'd beaten more than once and three new ones. He calmly walked to the left for the gate. The loading was slowed by one horse who wasn't convinced. He went in finally out on the end away from Glaa. Good!

They're off! A clean start with Glaa running from the number two place right to the front! He was continuing his running to the lead and saying `catch me' to the others. Down the straight Glaa was rocking. Clear by three lengths and heading for the turn he certainly looked unbeatable!

Mike moved him to the rail, they revolved around the turn in an easy fashion but with no let up! On the back straight watching Glaa through my glasses I could see his muscles play in each stride. Such power!

Mike was his usual unmoving self, guiding Glaa not asking him at all. The fractions were HOT! Glaa was going at the same pace as his Breeder's Cup record smashing run! The final turn came up and Mike looked back... there was a long empty space behind Glaa!

They came out of the turn sixteen lengths ahead! Glaa accelerated! Mike doing a hand ride but the horse wanted more. The crowd seeing the time cheered Glaa on! He was flying! A huge roar as he hit the finish line...1:57:65!!! He broke his own time for the mile and a quarter, another new world record!!!!

The grandstand was rocking! Our box exploded! I hugged Monaco, kissing his cheeks. Ring next to me, a hand squeezing my arm! Hugs all around! This was a Santa Anita Handicap that would be remembered for a long time!!!!

This trip to the Winner's Circle was more uproarious and louder than ever! The Park people's faces were giant grins! Our stables were really pushing up an already high standard for quality here.

After the presentations were done walking on the track to the gate to the barns with the Park general manager said requests for barn space were up over twenty five percent. `We were a big part of that' was nice to hear.

At the barn Leoni was sitting with Corky, they were back from testing and all was well. Monaco went to look Aneka over. Corky said she was fine.

One more race here for Aneka then to Kentucky. Monaco said she looked good! Her mile and an eighth time was 150.2, terrific!

Mike came in to lots of hugs and handshakes!

"Fay, when were turned onto the stretch I could feel Glaa power up. He wanted to open it up! I'd like to run him at longer distances, he'd be awesome!"

Fist bump!

"You'll have a new challenge in Kentucky... grass!"

"He'll be fine. I run him here on the grass track, he loves it! Stepping out!"

Monaco and I did some press talking together. Glaa's future, where was Aneka going etc... A DRF reporter asked about the two equine health projects we'd spoken about after the Breeder's Cup in the autumn.

I gave them an update, the money had been delivered to the four groups and each was using it to advance their basic research in colic and laminitis. No dramatic news since we were funding study into the diseases and finding a cure which was going to take time.

The Santa Anita Park Security director came to our barn. The young woman arrested was a newspaper reporter from Melbourne, Australia, she works for the Herald-Sun, a NewsCorp paper. She would be charged with trespass and resisting arrest. She took a swing at an Arcadia Police officer who was formally arresting her.

I had what I'm sure was a shit-eating grin! He asked why. I told him we had a lawsuit against the principal NewsCorp newspaper in England over privacy intrusions. This would be added to that. He had a good chuckle over that! He thanked us for being here! Our Security's plan looked good to him, he wanted it to be approved. We shook hands.

Goodbyes with Monaco and Ringgold, we'd see them together again at Churchill Downs. Hugs and kisses!!!

The short ride to the helicopter was enlivened by a Rande text <8 under w/ 2 to play>

Okay! We flew home, Leslie was at the airport. "I saw Mr. Cho on TV swinging! He looked pretty damned good!"

He knew about the reporter's arrest! Fist Bump!

I sat to email our solicitors doing the lawsuit against News UK. They'd enjoy the latest.

Dolores was ready to feed us the moment Cho arrived. We had the beer glasses out, snacks deployed, eagerly waiting...

Cho came through the lift doors to a huge hug!!!!!! `My golfer' ringing in his ears!

We poured him a Newcastle! He wanted to hear about the racing. Laughing when I said I was caught off guard about taking our horses into the Winner's Circle! He was ecstatic about our two wins! Aneka blowing away the boys who were all possible Kentucky Derby runners brought a smile, Glaa's record smashing race had his eyes bright! Kiss!

He was happy to hear they both came through in good order. He was sorry to have missed Ringgold.

The newspaper reporter being arrested made him laugh. I told him Leslie's folks were doing good. And what the Park security fellow had said. Thumbs up!

He laughed once more when I told him I'd already sent an email to the lawyers.

His day... he shot a 60 today, birdied the last two holes. He as at 182 for three days, twenty eight under par and leading by eighteen.

"I'm paired with Tom Angleten tomorrow. He's the closest at ten under! It should be a fun day. You don't have to come for the whole thing, being there at the final hole would be nice. And my tee time is the last one supposedly at one o'clock."

No way from me! Kiss!

"I'll be there! Gil has a car lined up to take our clothes to George and Gina's."

The Newcastle went away with the snacks. I got Cho another to sit down to grilled fish, wild rice and grilled pineapple, a Caesar salad with anchovies! A crusty loaf of bread and butter. Dolores made an ice cream run so we had a few flavour choices!

A chilly breeze drove us in so we hung around the inside fire sipping afters.

Jaidee had a long walk with plenty of digging when we came back from Arcadia, he was content to be rubbed. Cho had a sofa with the Twins. He was reading a story about a fish family. Chani and Charlie watching him closely. It was great to see that tableau!

I took lots of snaps!

We carried the kids to bed when Tha gave the high sign. Our little bunnies with a few yawns, they were kissed very well went to bed easy. Tha smiling!

Cho in my arms. "What a day for us all! You... playing an awesome round and reading to the babies! Terrific!"

Cho's smile looking at the snaps was a huge reward for taking them.

Kisses! A soft `love you' in my ear as those strong brown arms slipped about my body.

The morning had us both feeding little ones! They were such good eaters. They liked everything! Having a hunk of banana in hand was their preferred way to end a meal!

We got ready to go. Our evening clothes gone to George and Gina's.

Cho looking at me... "Fay, it's right for you!"

The green suit! Modeled after Edith Head's design for Grace Kelly in `Rear Window!' It was a celadon green shade. The top was a halter top, bare back, crisscrossed over my front in white silk. Nude stockings and black heels. The green skirt a straight tube to mid-calf, white belt. The jacket with upright collar, three quarter length sleeves, lined in white silk, no pockets. It reached to the top of my legs.

A string of pearls around my neck above the round collar of the halter. A bracelet of two strands of pearls on my left wrist, the gold torque on my right. Round gold earrings. A white Coach Charlie bag. White linen gloves and a low white pillbox hat with a wide weave of white netting that came down under my chin. Very little makeup just a bit of blush and pale gray eyeshadow, red nails and lips!

Our folks loved it! Leslie did a hand to heart! I said he was being nice but he demurred with a anyone else would do the same!' He surprised me with his next Grace Kelly would understand!' remark! A fist bump!

We drove to the Bel-Air Club in a couple of Range Rovers. A valet fellow at the club opened the door for me... Huge eyes as I slipped out to take his extended hand! Smiling I thanked him.

On Cho's arm for the walk inside. George was there!

"Fay!" from Gina as she came up on George's right. "The look is spectacular! Your shape is perfect for it!"

Silence from George. She nudged him, "Cat got your tongue?"

We laughed, George took my hand, "Fay, you too are going to be a star here today."

I gave Cho a hug before he went off to change then introduced my folks. A young woman was brought up to our group as someone we could use as a resource all day. She escorted us to a dining room that overlooked the tenth tee, the corner space had been re-arranged so a sofa was turned to face the window, the table in front and chairs on the sides. A table with several chairs blocking a direct approach.

Our escort said George had set this up for me. "Your waitress will be right here."

I thanked her. Her smile was nice. She leaned close, "Miss Martin, your outfit is awesome!"

I thanked her again!

A fresh faced blonde was our waitress, she got we needed coffee! A giggle and `Yes, Ma'am!'

That got me laughing!

Gil had brought her briefcase as did Francis knowing we had hours to go. They started to bring out work. PJ, Tara and Tessa had the table to the side. They had their iPads to use when they were on a break. Light duty today.

I stepped to the glass... some players were on the Tenth tee below us swinging their clubs waiting for the green ahead to clear. I watched as the two teed up their balls and hit their shots. Both men were on the green not especially close to the flag which was in the left front.

I hadn't understood they changed the pin placement every day until I asked Cho if it got easier each day knowing how to play a shot. It made sense to change but it hadn't crossed my mind.

I looked left to see the Eighteenth green down the hill a short way. It would end over there in a few hours. Cho and Tom would be the last pair.

Our coffee and menus arrived. Carly, our waitress, was told by Gil the separate table was us too. All together please, she got it.

I ordered a Caesar salad with anchovies, the grilled vegetable sandwich with `fries.'

Carly told us where the nearest ladies' was, Tessa came with me. Walking through the club house I could see the stares from men and women. I smiled towards Tessa, she had faint grin. In the ladies' business done as we say about Jaidee, hands washed, gloves in my hand. We walked out.

Several photographers were in the lobby now but no posing for me. They took some snaps, I waved my gloves. I was smiling thinking how silly it was.

The coffee was good, Carly said the food would be out in ten minutes. Gil showed me some email we needed to answer. We got involved in that and some things from Eric.

A call from Roslyn... I stood over by the window, Samara had gone out with Nina and another Security person for some sight-seeing around Manhattan.

"Fay, she likes the school! Apparently it has an eclectic student body so she isn't an oddity. She fits in well according to the Admissions lady who is very nice."

That made me feel better about her being in New York. She was getting and sending two letters a week to her dad with hopes of a telephone call soon. No isolation issue.

"Fay, she is a nice girl. Polite and funny, interested in politics and skating. Ice and roller blades. So I am going to take her to store for some blades' and she can come out with me. I hope one of the Security people like to blade' too."

Good news, cheered me up about Samara!

Food! I slipped off my hat. The salad was excellent and the sandwich quite tasty. The veggies weren't overcooked with a light olive oil and herb taste. Good chunky `fries'!

Gina came over to sit for a bit. We talked husbands who LIKE to golf, travel and clothes. She had on a nice white dress with a flowered pattern which was subtle and pleasant.

I told her about the decorators, she smiled.

"Well I see your point. Why not get what business you can and please an important client? Their loss. I'm glad you told me, I'll go slow with them."

I let her know I wasn't complaining about their work... Gina squeezed my hand.

"If they don't like competition they need another line of work in this town."

George joined us, "Cho is entering the elevator to come up for the Tenth hole."

I was at the big window, strange I could see him but he didn't know I was there. The first time for me to see him play. George's head shaking, "Fay, he's four under today making him thirty two under for the tournament. It's an outrageous score!"

I watched Cho and Tom talking, it looked perfectly normal. The players ahead were done. Cho placed his ball on the grass and stepped back, a look then he stepped up to `address' the ball. A pause then... WHOOSH! The swing was like a cobra... the sudden change from stillness to lightening quick action.

I turned to look at the green to see Cho's ball hit beyond the flag pole then slowly draw back rolling towards the hole and... drop in!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cho had a hole-in-one!!!!!!!!!!!

The crowd around the tee and near spaces went crazy! Folks were jumping up and down waving their arms. I could hear it through the thick glass. The people in the restaurant around us went nuts too.

Tom had Cho's hand, massive smile! A hug! Cho's caddie, Alejandro, took the club, his face a big smile. Fist bump with Cho! A hug!

Cho put up his hands waving the palms down saying something. George had grabbed my hand, Gina's arm around my waist. I asked George what Cho was doing.

"Tom has to hit his tee shot." Oh! Okay!

Cho and some tournament stewards got the crowd quiet. Cho leaned to say something to Tom. Tom looked at the green and stepped to his golf bag handing the club he had to his caddie, pulling out another one.

Tom setup to swing, hit his tee shot, I watched it hit above the hole like Cho's and draw back slowly going at the hole... OH Shit... it dropped in!!!!!!!

Tom had duplicated Cho's shot! Two holes-in-one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cho's hand out to him right away. They slapped each other's backs as the crowd went nuts AGAIN!

George had sucked in a deep breath as Tom's ball landed then as it fell in he blew it out in a WOW!

The crowd still cheering and bouncing about! Tom and Cho turned to walk over the suspension bridge to the green just like they'd hit ordinary shots as the crowd was still jazzed.

Drama! George looking at me, "Your fellow is awesome! That's all... Awesome! So is Tom!!"

I kissed his cheek. Gina grinning, "That is a WOW!"

I sat down... the very first time I see Cho hit a golf ball he does something magical! Well... I guess I really shouldn't be surprised... he's my magic man!

Leaning back into the sofa, Cho was good at so many things. I had a few talents, we made a good team. We had something now that few people ever see... power!

We could mold events, change lives... I wanted to talk with him about it again. We had before the election... which `cemented' the feeling between us... then I laughed inside for that was now a loaded word for us!

It was time for another conversation. We had done quite a bit already this year. I had giggled when reading an email from Theodore that I wasn't high on the FBI's hit parade. Mucking about with governments hadn't been planned.

Gina suggested we take a tour about the clubhouse. Tara came with me. Gina smiled at me, I leaned to say everything has a price. She squeezed my hand.

The tour was good. Folks stared but I was getting used to that now. Sort of... I browsed the shops... in the Pro Shop I asked Gina if she played ever... after a fellow offered to help us... NO!

I laughed telling her I didn't do any sports with a stick or ball. Unless throwing a tennis ball for Jaidee counted. She did that for her dog and was adamant it wasn't a sport except for the dog.

The tour used up some time. We met George on the way back, I was introduced to a few club members who like George were helping to manage the tournament.

I got a text from Rande <35 under on 15>

I told the men the news, lots of head shaking! I said it was just pent-up golf lust from his not playing at all in our first year together. They laughed. I suggested they... No... they would muddle along as they were. More laughs though.

Gina walked me back to the table. Gil had a few things for me, Gina said she'd be back when things were ending. I thanked her.

Fresh coffee from Carly! That always got me going. Gil handed me some notes... Francis at the table end grinning like a Cheshire cat, he wouldn't say but whatever it was pleased him.

"Cho will be pleased too," at my query on his face.

Rande <38 under on 18 tee> WOW!!! Even a big WOW didn't seem big enough as George and Gina came over. George grinning broadly.

"Fay, he's on the Eighteenth tee. We won't be able to see from here until he's on the green. Let's go down. I've got to do my tournament things."

I had put my hat back on. Gil helped, "Fay, you look so gorgeous. Today you are Grace Kelly!"

I squeezed her.

George leading, Gina with me, PJ behind. We came to a lower door to the outside where the closing ceremony would be on the putting green. We walked through the area where the players came in to sign their scorecards making their round official.

I was very nicely greeted by many men, I shook hands when I could as we moved forward to the sunlight.

One of the club fellows I met earlier, Dayton, "Miss Martin, Cho crushed his drive, easily over three hundred and thirty yards. He's playing like it's the first hole of the day. Fresh as a morning daisy."

I could see the admiration in his face and took his hand, a big squeeze.

It was getting crowded in this area but Dayton, a big broad shouldered man, led me over to near the suspension bridge so I could see Cho and Tom come up the fairway. PJ's hand on my shoulder letting me know.

I could see them. They stopped on the grass down the hill from the green. It looked like Tom was preparing to play his shot from near a group of trees. Cho moved off away behind giving Tom lots of room.

Tom stood over the ball taking a few looks then was ready... a nice swing... the ball lifted up high over the sand trap to hit towards the back of the green then drew back to stop about ten feet above the hole.

I could see Dayton thought it a good shot. Nice applause from the big crowd around the green and on the first fairway above just to the east. A LOT of people! A LOT! Several thousands!

Tom walked with Cho a bit further then he stepped away to the side. Cho was in the afternoon shade of several tall trees. Cho and Alejandro spoke briefly, a club was pulled out and handed over. Cho stood for a moment looking from behind his ball then he stepped up, set his feet, looked up once more then... the rapid motion of arms and body...

His ball lifted over the sand dropped quickly in front of the flag... two hops... rolling forward... Dink... it hit the flag pole and caromed off a few inches.

Then there was a huge cheering applause! Alejandro took the club, Cho and Tom walked up onto the green. The throng was roaring away... Cho and Tom both acknowledged the crowd... Tom doffed his hat... Cho with a wave.

Dayton leaned down, "Miss Martin, no one has ever roughed up this old golf course like Cho."

I squeezed his hand, "I'm Fay!"

A huge grin! "Okay Fay! We probably won't see another round like this until Cho plays again!"

We both laughed at that one.

Cho put something down and then picked up his ball. He flipped it to Alejandro, big smile on that face! I gave Dayton a quizzical look...

"Tom's ball is furthest away so he will putt first. As a courtesy other players mark their ball and remove it."

Ah! The subtleties! Tom moved around looking at the space between his ball and the hole. When he was ready his caddie lifted the flag pole and stepped away.

Dayton's voice soft in my ear, "This putt won't make difference in the order of finish. Tom is eighteen under par now ahead of the third place finisher by four strokes."

Tom was over his ball, a nice smooth stroke sent it rolling right of the hole but it eased towards the hole in a soft arc and dropped in! Very nice for Tom. He got a very generous cheer and applause from the people around the green. He doffed his hat again, lifted his ball out and tossed it to his caddie.

Dayton spoke a bit louder, "That fellow has quite a future in golf."

He laughed, "Cho only has a tap-in. Easy end."

Cho replaced his ball and leaned over for a quick putt of six inches. Plop! Done!

The mass of people really let go! A veritable storm of applause and cheering! It went on for a many minutes as Tom and Cho walked through a path in the crush of people up towards the clubhouse. Dayton led me back, his size made it possible to part the sea. PJ on my heels.

Cho reached the stone pathway... he looked up to see me... a huge smile!! The four of them came up, Cho into my arms for a monster hug! The crowd gave us a big cheer!

I shook Tom's hand, Cho said they'd do to their scorecards and he'd be back. Gina was next to me, I thanked Dayton for helping me see the end.

He grinned, "It was like being back in my college football days, shoulder down plowing away!"

I kissed his cheek after pulling the lace off my face. Gina whispered and helped me take off the hat. She said she'd hold it for me.

Cho came back for a kiss this time!!! A sip of water for him. The ceremony would start right away. George led Cho, Tom and the third place player, Dave, onto the putting green. A table on the edge and a microphone. The TV cameras from of all sorts of channels facing towards George and a TV reporter.

Dayton and other Bel-Air folks out there with some men from the Concord Fund. They did the usual `thanking' of numerous people, companies and groups who helped get the tournament going and worked each day to keep it on track.

They `thanked' all the players for their participation. Then the third got his trophy and check. A nice round of applause! Tom went out to get his awards to a much louder applause. Photographers snapping away.

Cho walked over to a monster ovation! Me included! Cheers and a steady clapping. George had his trophy, it was a big thing!

George cleared his throat, "Let me say I have not ever given a winner's trophy more earned than this one!"

Big clapping! "Cho you have humbled this fine old course with a fiery spectacle of power and accuracy the likes we've never seen. A 241 for 72 holes isn't just astonishing but absolutely outrageous! Thank you for playing these last few days!"

He handed Cho the trophy! Cho held it up to another massive storm of applause!

Cho stepped to the microphone... easing the trophy to one hand. George took it from him.

"I want to applaud the Concord Fund for their support of the children's hospitals and for their assistance to the less fortunate children who need care here in Los Angeles." He clapped his hands and the crowd responded.

"I'm an amateur and so I cannot accept the prize money..." some moans in the throng, "but we..." Cho extended his hand towards me, I hesitated, I wasn't sure if I should walk out there... Cho waved me forward, Dayton stepped to me and offered his arm, I smiled up at this big nice man, I was escorted to Cho to a huge rising applause.

Cho took my hand, squeeze.

"We will donate the equivalent dollar amount in equal portions to each of the six hospitals for support of the children's family's well-being while their young ones are in hospital!"

More loud cheering and applause!

"Thank you all for being a respectful and appreciative audience!" We clapped!

The crowd cheered. Cho closed with a kiss for me!!! The crowd loved it!!!!

We walked to the club door. Gina was grinning widely, "Terrific closing you Two!"

PJ and Rande ahead and behind as we entered. Cho would wait to shower until we got to George and Gina's. He changed shirts for now. We crossed out to a side door following George.

There was a crowd of sports news folk and a collection of mics and more TV cameras. George stepped up to start it...

As Cho moved to the mics he leaned over to George who smiled and went past us.... Gina stayed with me in the background.

Cho answered questions for a few minutes then Tom came out with the third place finisher and George. Cho put out his hand to the golfers, shaking and bringing them in.

"I kind of stole Tom's thunder... Don't overlook his tremendous tournament. Dave only a few strokes behind him. I played yesterday with Dave, a sweet swing and it was great to be paired with him."

Cho applauded.

"It was terrific playing with Tom again. We did a Pro-Am last year at Winged Foot which was a lot of fun. We won too!" Laughter!

Tom inclined his head to the mics... "I think I speak for the other tour Pros..." he looked over to Dave... "We're all glad Cho isn't turning pro!"

Dave nodding strongly and clapping... A big swell of laughter from the press folks!

It went on for a few minutes more... Cho thanked the press and waved. He took my hand, we walked back inside across the room to a doorway. Cho knocked and asked for Alejandro.

Alejandro came out. I got to meet him! Nice!

"Alejandro, I will be back tomorrow to see you. But as part of my payment to you for such excellent work please take my bag and clubs for your father."

Alejandro's eyes ran with tears, Cho hugged him and I handed over a Cho-Fay handkerchief.

"Mr. Cho it is too much..."

"No... you said he likes to play and hadn't been able to spent any money on good clubs... so here! You said he was nearly my height, it's perfect."

They hugged again! "Tomorrow afternoon... Okay?"

Alejandro nodding too choked up to talk yet. I squeezed his hand, a smile!

We walked up through the clubhouse, members and guests clapped and cheered for Cho. All our folks were out front at the cars. The lead driver knew where to go so we sat back. I had Cho's hand in mine, leaning on his shoulder. A soft kiss and `love you!'

Gina and George's was a modern house, not gigantic like many of their neighbors. Their sons were off in the world so they had downsized. A rectangular pool and big sun room beside it, a beautiful lawn stretching down to a tennis court. Room enough for some entertaining but a good size for basic living.

Gil would help me dress then she, Francis and Tara, Tessa and Ro would go to Venice. PJ and Rande would come with us to the Concord Classic Ball.

I changed to a bikini since it was warm enough and Gina said her pixie cut couldn't be easier to style... so we got wet! Gil sitting on a lounge laughing as we jumped in!

Their black border collie, Allo, jumped in with us! He loved the pool! He wasn't allowed in unless someone was out by the pool to watch him.

George and Cho with dark looking scotch, sitting, watching, relaxing. Grins!

Gina had a petite curvy body, looking good in a bikini! She was forty eight and looked thirty eight. We swam bit and played with Allo then laid next to each other, warm sun.

She met George while in college, he was adjunct faculty in Economics at Claremont McKenna College.

"We didn't date or anything but after I graduated I saw him at an economics symposium at USC. We talked and started to see each other some. He was divorced, she wasn't nasty or horrible but they weren't suited so they quit which I think is very smart!

I was twenty one, an early grad, and I moved in with George and got pregnant which thrilled us both! We married... that's it!'

I laughed, "Okay... so the rest is a secret?"

"No but I don't want to bore you."

"Go on I'm good!"

"Well, I think that is an understatement lady, you are terrific!"

Laughing I gave her a fake arm punch.

"We had two sons, sharp minds and good looking guys, I have one daughter-in-law who is quite a sweetie who wants to make me a grandma! Soon! That son followed his dad into banking. The other son will graduate in a month or so, early like his mom! He's got a job at a software company already."

I borrowed Gil's iPad to show Gina snaps of the Twins. She'd read about our having a surrogate and she knew why. "There's loads of stuff out on you two most I'm sure is rubbish. We watched your interview thing since Cho and George go back quite a few years. We were impressed!"

I smiled and said it needed to be done... so we did it.

"So how much riding do you do?"

Gil's `Ha!' over my shoulder got Gina to laugh.

"It must be a lot?"

I laughed now, "Yes a lot whenever I can! At Harcourt House twice a day for an hour or more each time... other places it varies. Now that we have the ranch here it might be twice a day here if I'm given the chance."

"I rode as a teen but sparsely since."

I told Gina to get her butt on a horse in Topanga! We laughed a good bit as she got the lay of the land. Gil emailed the numbers for Viv and Camilla to Gina's account.

"Just give them a call. The areas away from the grassy spaces up in the canyons you shouldn't go alone."

Gina got it and was interested, more so when I described the horses we had. Solid riding mounts.

We went into their kitchen for some snacks before dinner. George and Gina recommended eating with them and nibble at the ball.

We had plates of goodies walking back to the sun.

"Your people are great looking! They dress well and are quiet, serious."

I gave Gina some history and why their clothes are so good.

"Damn... Cho's smart! I wouldn't have thought of it."

I told her they are also tough and deadly. Smiling I told her about the dog in Washington Square Park.

"Tai? Is she with you?"

"No, she was wounded in another event and on sick leave when I found another use for some of her talents."

Tai's new position explained, we did fist bumps.

"You two really are quite the pair."

I said others has said so too. I gave her Ting's wedding toast, `They have many faults such as compassion, generosity, and a passion for making things better and today they join forces forever to annoy the world! I give you a very dangerous couple, Cho and Fay!'

Boy did Gina laugh! George and Cho looking over. Gina told George with some help from me, he and Cho did fist bumps!

"So you two have a first wedding anniversary coming up?"

A yes... right before the Kentucky Derby.

We had a nice informal buffet dinner. George and Gina's staff with ours, I put on jeans and a hoodie when the sun disappeared.

Dressing for the Concord Classic Ball, Gil helped with my hair and getting me into the dress. It was another copy of an Edith Head design for Grace Kelly in `Rear Window.'

The black fitted bodice, V neck front and back, off the shoulder with cap sleeves. The white skirt was full to my ankle tops, a series of chiffon and tulle layers with a black spray pattern of slender tree branches going down twelve inches from the hip all around, a narrow black belt. Black strap heels, nude stockings, a choker of pearls, round pearl earrings, bracelet of four rows of pearls on my left wrist. White elbow height gloves pushed down to bunch up on my forearms above the wrist. The white chiffon wrap once again with a small black clutch bag. A bit of pale gray eyeshadow, a tiny bit of blush, red nails and lips.

Gil took snaps like she'd done in the White House. And this morning.

I walked down the stairs to Cho and George standing with Gina. They loved it! Gina in black chiffon, a full skirt to her ankles, the bodice showing some décolletage!! Very cool! We hugged. Our men looking quite snazzy in black, George with an emerald green cummerbund, Cho's Harcourt Racing yellow! PJ and Rande in their tux's too!

We had two cars! Off to the Ball. It wasn't very far down to the canyon bottom on West Sunset Boulevard.

Under the portico of the Beverly Hills Hotel, as the doors were opened PJ stepped out to offer me his hand. Cho came up to my side, I took his strong arm. Gina beside George, we followed them along the red carpet to cross the lobby diagonally to the Crystal Ballroom. At the door we were greeted and then announced.

George urged Cho and I forward, there was a loud sustained applause. Cho was deserving of that!

The band started a waltz... My wrap and bag were taken by Gina.

Cho grinning as he took me off! We spun around moving as we had since our first night! There was more applause! It was lovely to do this. Other couples joined in at our urging... marvelous!

When the tune ended we could see PJ and Rande by a table. George and Gina were with us. Dayton came by with a very pretty teenage girl as his date! Mari was his daughter. They joined us.

"Miss Martin, your dress is fantastic. Your suit today was a real WOW! I saw you on the TV news at Bel-Air looking so cool. Dad walking you out to Mr. Cho was unbelievable!!"

I squeezed her hand, "It was very special of your dad to do that!"

I leaned over to do a fist bump with Dayton which thrilled Mari!

"Dad! I didn't know you'd know!"

"Honey I'm getting younger!"


Champagne! It wasn't Taittingers so I guess we shouldn't mention it.

Cho took me out to dance several more times, we enjoyed ourselves. The band was good; foxtrots, waltzes, polkas and more! I danced with George and Tom Angleten then a waltz with Dayton. He moved very well, it was quite nice. Such a big bear of a man.

I thanked him and he kissed my hand. I heard a gasp behind me, Mari amazed at her dad.

"Well, you are seeing a few things rarely displayed... please remember them!"

Mari hugged her dad, a big smile!

It was a good evening! I got to dance a lot with Cho, meet new folk and get loads of compliments on my dress. Some ladies recognized it as a Grace Kelly dress, others astonished said they would look her up at my suggestion.

In the Ladies with Gina, we giggled over it all. I liked her a lot, common sense, easy to talk with and no BS. Fist bumps before we headed back to the table. PJ was not far away.

"Does it bother you to have a shadow?"

`Funny enough... NO! They are discreet and quite remarkable! I'm as well protected as I can be and Cho is pleased, so I'm Okay with it."

Sitting down, Mari watched PJ follow me and sit.

"Fay, who is he?"

I told her which brought a hand to her mouth under big eyes!

"Really? Why would anyone want to hurt you?"

I showed her my forearm and quietly told her the very abbreviated story version.

"That is one event, there have been other things so Cho and I have accepted that we need these people to be close. They are very good and no problem to live with every day."

I asked about her, she is sixteen, junior in high school, into indie music and some Pop, loves to swim and ride horses. Her uncle, `dad's brother,' has a ranch east of Fallbrook where she rides a few times a month.

I said she could ride at Topanga if she wanted. Dayton was brought into our conversation by that! He thought splendid of me to offer! I said there were four good horses there now and room to ride. I added that some of the ranch was rough with trails into the hills so solo riding wouldn't be possible but we had staff there all the time who could ride along. Or Mari could take a friend.

She was bouncing in her chair holding her dad's hand looking up at him. He smiled and said they look into for her.

"Mari lives with her mother so... I can't be making any promises."

I got it saying we'll get the contact details for her. There would for the stable folks and our Security. Okay!

After Cho's long day we didn't stay late. We had a good time and wished everyone goodnight. I hugged Gina, big thanks for having us over.

"Fay, you guys weren't any trouble."

George got a hug! Dayton too! Tom Angleten came by smiling, handshake and hug for Cho! I smiled into his face he said take care of Cho' my reply no problem' got my hand squeezed.

Leslie's driver had been called by Rande and slid up to the main doors under the portico. We loaded and were headed home. At that late hour it was a quick trip.

We decided to take Jaidee out after sending PJ and Rande to bed. A quick change to shorts and a sweatshirt. We took two of Leslie's people with us for a short walk. Cho had Jaidee, I had Cho. The moon out leaving a brilliant glow on the ocean.

We sat on the sand for little bit with Jaidee beside us. My fingers working his fur. Quiet!

Inside lying on the bed holding the Championship penis much to Cho's amusement!

I gave it kisses, it deserved many kisses! Cho on top we squeezed tight! Sleep was needed, so it was ordained.

Dolores was putting plates down, steaming with piles of scrambled eggs, herbs and chives, sprinkled with a cheese mix. Lots of muffins! We went to work! Francis was nudged by me to give up the `guy's secret.' Cho laughing, "I only wanted him to wait until it was done... it is! So..." He waved Francis on.

"The Wall Street bank that had been interested in joining us and the Commerzbank's investment scheme..." he looked at me, a head nod... Okay, I got it!

"Well Cho, Ludwig and Erich considered what to do about the request then... we used the Bangkok bank that owns the `City' investment bank to buy the Wall Street bank!!"

I laughed, "Now you own one of those folks you don't like very much!"

Cho hugged me as he chewed, swallowed, "Yes but I can't look down my nose at myself! We own sixty percent, Eric and Ludwig's investment bank inside Commerzbank owns the other forty percent. So we have the controlling interest."

Kiss and more hugs.

"So now what?"

Cho grinning, "Well we make management changes, allow it to join in the green investment product, get the staff on our scheme of things and... make money!"

We all laughed! Cho added, "We'll go for a meeting after visiting the White House."

Francis' smile, "We have companies competing to get into our `green scheme' which is rather nifty!"

Fist bump!

I had a great walk-run-clean up with Jaidee. Then sat to do work, phone calls, etc... One was to Dayton at his office, a banker also when he wasn't doing other things. His bank was like George's one of the Concord Fund Charity Group.

I gave him Vivian's contact details and Camilla's too. All he need do was to decide on a day and time for Mari to go out to Topanga. All the tack was there. Dayton thanked me a lot, "It's a bit of a drive to my brother's place. This will mean she can ride much more often which is wonderful of you two!"

"Maybe this summer she could go to Harcourt House, meet our niece and ride twice a day! Also Christmas time we are there for six weeks or more. If I'm not being impertinent... how is your link with your former wife? Will she be Okay with this?"

"Dari and I split because although there was love we weren't right as a couple and we didn't want Mari to have to experience a negative relationship. We took time to consider... when it came to deciding we did the right thing. I gave her the Beverly Hills house and a good deal of money, more in trust for Mari. I get lots of time with Mari, Dari has been tremendous actually."

I liked the sound of that, "So if Dari were to be included in anything..."

Dayton laughed, "Well you need to ask her but I'm fine with it. She has never re-married nor as far as she has shared... been serious about anyone else. Sort of like me."

I hated the thought of Dayton lonely... but until I knew him better I wasn't going to push anything on him.

Camilla called, the decorators were bringing more furniture every day to Topanga and drapers and carpet people coming and going. The Security staff at the ranch were letting them get on with it, loosely monitoring. Pretty much the same as in Southwold, Po and Arc trusted the decorators and their folks bringing the furniture to know where it was to go and so left them alone.

They were keeping tabs on who the people were though. No one entered without being ID'd.

We drove to the Bel-Air Club to meet Alejandro. We walked out to the Tenth Tee, no one was allowed to play for a few days so they could clean-up from the tournament. Cho gave Alejandro an envelope, he had a big grin. Alejandro took out a check and a packet of cash.

"The check is for public knowledge what I paid you for being an excellent caddie. The cash is a bonus which the other caddies won't know about to show my appreciation for your work and skills."

Tears on Alejando's face but he was Okay!

"Mr. Cho, you have been so generous maybe too much."

"No, superior work deserves to be recognized! They aren't going to have a Hall of Fame for caddies so this is how I choose to reward you."

They hugged! Cho said he was going to play in the U.S. Amateur at the Riviera in August... Alejandro grinned saying he would love to be Cho's caddie. He had been on the course a few years back, Cho told Alejandro he was a member over there also and when we were back in town they'd go for a round! Thumbs up!!

What a happy guy! Cho smiling all the way back to Venice!

We split to do some work. Cho and Francis in Alex's office since he was in Dallas. Dusit typing away on something! Smile!

A tonne of email! The Company, the Foundation, TAG, friends... it took a while. I was caught up, fed and sitting on my tush with the Twins reading a book about cats, cute drawings!

Cho came in to join in after a conference app meeting with the principals in his latest takeover. He began reading while I held the babies. They paid attention to anyone reading enjoying the sound of the words.

Dolores did a scrumptious dinner, grilled fish, a big bowl of couscous with North African style veggies in rings on the top. A sweet semolina pudding at the end, raisins inside, drizzled with honey!


Hugs and kisses for Dolores as we mounted up for Santa Monica Airport. Captain Kor at the door, we are ready!' Strapped in and airborne. Dulles the next stop. Tha had the Twins on their schedule and I went in to sleep early. Cho slipped up behind me, half-awake I heard my name and love.'

Hours later it was still dark, I let Jaidee out to use his box, washed, with coffee, sweet white corn cakes from Dolores accompanied by the sound of Jaidee chewing on a toy. Checking the news. In sports, there was still lots of talk about Cho's tournament.

One pundit had said Cho was a `flash in the pan' then so many others ridiculing that by simply saying he had done it for four days, improving each day, stamina, power right to the end. Two writers especially noting Cho hit a three hundred and forty yard drive on the last hole.

Another said the `Pros' better hope he doesn't play frequently or turn Pro. Another pointed out Cho's success at Winged Foot including two holes-in-one and two 64's on a tough course.

There were some fabulous snaps and video of my guy doing the business! He really looked wonderful! The hole-in-one on the tenth was spectacular to watch it drop in and see the crowd go crazy! Then a re-do on Tom's hole-in-one!

Fox Sports ran several stories about Cho's play on other courses across the country. They had an exclusive one on Cho's name on the best score leader board at Doral's Blue Monster, Trump seeing it and going ballistic! Ordering it to come down but was stopped by a delegation of members. They said it was the best round, so it stays... unless he wanted trouble. He caved in!

I sent a congrats email to Donald, head of Fox Sports!

Yobi first up, started breakfast, Cho's head sticking out of the cabin making coffee sounds! Yobi laughing as she made him one. I delivered it. Ban joined Yobi letting Soka sleep in.

Yobi was doing very well, her cooking the breakfast was great, fluffy omelets!! Fruit!

We were twenty minutes out from Dulles. I changed to a beige skirt straight to mid-calf, brown belt, cream open collar blouse and light weight mottled long sleeved jumper in multiple brown shades with pale and navy blue mixed in. Gold jewellery including the locket with the Twins. Brown heels, the navy Coach trench coat and gloves.

It was chilly in the wind when we transferred to a AW139 at Rossen Aviation. Cho and Gil, Ken and PJ, Rande and Penny. A crowd. We lifted off for Deltaville, another no warning trip! Ken's grin was wide.

"After the last time I'll say nothing!"

I laughed! I got Ken to point out things to Cho after we turned east after passing Quantico. The Rappahannock River broadened then we could see well out over the coast as the sun was up, a big turn over the water to do the approach from the ocean.

Like last time folks came out of their houses as the helicopter flared for landing.

I kidded Ken that driving in some other time was going to be prosaic. He grinned and nodded.

He went out first this time to hug his mom. I shook Emile's hand and introduced Cho. Ken grabbed his dad and Cora and I hugged. Cho met her, big smiles. Emily and young Ken, Abrielle and her parents, others smiling around.

Cora smiled, "So is this a habit? I'll have to get up earlier."

"I did say I'd be back..."

"Yes but this is soon!"

In their kitchen we got coffee and oatmeal raisin cookies. Abrielle and Ken were told they'd get a ride to school again! Cheers!

As folks got started on their day Cho and I walked with Cora around the neighborhood with our coffee. We met a few folks I hadn't met last time, Cho got to meet those cute twins! Smiling from their basinets.

We used two cars this trip to the school. Walking into the office... they saw us coming. Mrs. West and the principal greeted us and I introduced Cho. Mrs. West gave me a wink!

Abrielle and Ken were sent to class. We sat in a conference room for a talk.

I got things going, "We have placed a credit line at the Tappahannock Bytes store for twenty five thousand dollars. It is a gift for the school..." I hardly got it out before Mrs. West's face went nuclear!

"You really mean..." She swiveled her head to the Principal who looked like he had come to a stop, "...but it's so much..."

I reached out for her hand, "A Mr. David Putnam will be in touch to setup an appointment to visit. He will tell you what he has to offer. He sells Windows computers and Apple Macintosh plus iPads. I recommend choosing the Apples.

Also he has a separate amount for billing his time for travel and work so the twenty five thousand is for actual equipment."

By the time I was done with all that Mrs. West was hugging me. Cho and the Principal shook hands. Mrs. West hugged Cho too! The Principal holding my hand, "Miss Martin, you both are very generous. You hardly know us."

"We know Ken."

The very same was being hugged by Mrs. West, Ken grinning, "But I didn't do anything! I didn't even know about this until an hour ago!"

Mrs. West waved her hand towards him, "Phooey! If you hadn't been born we wouldn't be here!"

We were all laughing! Gil gave the Principal David Putnam's contact info.

Mrs. West turned to me, "Where is that pretty Ex-Marine? Not that you are hard on the eyes Mr. PJ."

He bowed smiling. PJ told her the duties rotated, she and the other Team members were in Upperville with the Twins. I said PJ is the Team leader. Fist bump for my guy!

A tour! Cho got to see it as I had. The assistant Librarian was chill today but a huge smile! The cafeteria smelled delicious just as last time!

We stopped outside the classroom where Ken was. This time he was in math, the teacher let us come in we said it would be brief. Young Ken's face, a smile!

Abrielle in English, again a short stop. Going down a hallway I could see Cho looking around, I squeezed his hand. He made a similar comment to mine about the appearance of the building. I did a fist bump with Mrs. West.

We looked in at their computer lab. Six computers, Windows, older but working Okay. They had decent internet paid by the school system. Deltaville wasn't really on the internet fast lane.

"I would buy iMacs, get wired keyboards and mice so they don't get moved around and confused. I'll have Gil get you a list of good laser printers. I would also use network cabling rather than WiFi for the maximum speed."

Mrs. West asked how I knew these things. Cho laughed.

"I'm a computer geek from way back." I poked Cho's arm, "When I met this fellow I was doing a major install to the Railroad's network in Thailand, a scanning system to monitor all their freight cars, where they were and what was inside. It involved new devices in their rail yards and new servers to run it all. I was responsible for it all. Cho owned the Railroad."

I turned to him, "He married me so I would be around to keep the whole thing working."

I was gobbled up into those strong arms, for a squeeze!

"Well, if we have questions I'll pass them along to Cora to send to Ken then to you."

I waved to Gil to come over, "Gil can be your point of contact, she's like my second brain!" I kissed her cheek.

Out front I told Mrs. West I'd passed on to Hillary that she had big fans in Deltaville. I put my hand on Ken's arm, "I gave her the GPS coordinates for the grassy field beside your parent's house to use as a landing zone."

We all laughed, Ken saying `I don't want to know' several times.

When it was repeated for Cora, she was like "Okay, I'll be ready!"

We gathered everyone and went to Cutter's Restaurant again. It was delicious a second time. Cho enjoyed his lunch very much, especially the she crab soup.

Cora and Emile were pleased we'd help the school, all their families had passed through it.

"You really don't know us very well... but still want to help is amazing and confusing."

"We have done other things like this near our home in Oxfordshire. We gave computers and other equipment to several schools and pay the fees for our employees children to go the school of their choice. Trying to support education little bits at a time."

Cho leaned in, "Learning is central being able to earn a decent living and be a proper citizen. Here, everywhere. So we do these things to help a bit."

Fist bump with Cora.

She gave us a good send-off. Ken waving from the window. He sat back, looking over to us, "Thanks for helping the school, it's not like there is a huge amount of money floating around down here."

I squeezed his arm.

Yea! The Twins! Cho gathered our daughter, I lifted our son. Warm little babies in bunny suits with little feet too! Time for their nap so we carried them upstairs, Tha grinning as she followed. Their room was warm and cozy, they settled down right away. Tha had a book to read, I gave her a hug.

Gil had things for me to get done since tomorrow would be busy. Cho and Francis were in the office laughing about something when I called to them about it they came to the door.

"The fellow I met with on Wall Street, the investment banker, he's dismayed to find find we don't want him."

I asked about him, Cho shaking his head, "He's just a moneymaker not a builder. The bank has to increase its revenue but never at the expense of the future. His way is the path to a new Lehman Brothers. So he's out."

"It will be an interesting visit there!"

I got a kiss!

Tessa, Tara and I went out for a ride. It was chilly but not much of a breeze. Ash was ready! She was whinnying! We went west. Mykal was out with a crew finishing the cross country jumps.

"They'll be all done this week I hope. Daniel had asked several local riders to come over to run the course next week if we're done."

Okay! I thanked the crew for their work.

We had a good hard ride to the western edge and back! All the horses enjoyed the romp, Ash's eyes bright as I led her into the barn. A groom said she was stepping proudly.

"She should we had a terrific time. Extra treats!"

He smiled, "Yes Ma'am!"

We laughed, fist bump!

Cho was had the Twins on the rug by the fireplace reading in French about a lamb and her mother's day at the farm. A sweet story. I interrupted to slide next to Chani, she put out her arms... whoosh up into my lap. Cho went ahead. It was soothing to hear his voice.

Flo fed us veggie burgers, fries(chips), big dill pickles and strawberry shortcake with a huge pile of whipped cream!!!

After that we let it settle laying on the rug again with the Twins. This time it was puzzles and colour matching. They were pretty damn good at it too! No matter how we tried to mix things up they always got it right! Smart little ones!

Under the covers again holding the championship penis like it was a microphone, "So are you going to play more tournaments or just wait for the U.S. Amateur?"

The penis didn't say but Cho did, "I'm going to play for fun and not in tournaments. I liked the experience and may take up some of the Pro-Am offers like the one at Winged Foot but no more four day events until the Amateur."

The firmness of the penis led me to believe we should go forward so I did filling my mouth with it! Cho grinning!

He leaned over to stroke me as I got the delicious morsel nice and wet! Slippery and sloppy I eased the foreskin down to eat the hot head!!! I soft moan from my guy he was flat on his back now as I bobbed up and down!

The precum so SWEET slurped down eagerly, damn that stuff was great. I rubbed his cock on my face, mildly slapping my cheeks with the damp penis, kissing and sucking.

Such a lovely cock to suck! Warm, heavy balls in my hand needed some tongue too! I made them bounce on my tongue as a hand caressed the shaft. A wet finger on my left hand strayed downward...

AaaaAAAHHHhhhh... Cho felt its presence on the ribbed opening. I let it roll rib by rib around then press at the center! Boy did that get a reaction!! Cho's hips rose up!

I went back to sucking cock, gently cupping those hot balls and the finger doing its work. My personal trifecta! A win Win WIN for Cho! He let me know his horse was galloping now! A hand in my hair... rising hips... some soft but lovely noises!

I did what any young cocksucker would do... I worked the prick even harder!! Cho's body giving me positive reinforcement!! I went for a second knuckle inside his tight hole... some back and forth really got Cho going!!

My mouth went into overdrive, slurping the cock shaft with greater intensity, going for max suction! Cho's eyes were just slits now and there was a smile, "Go girl! I'm close!"

His encouragement sent my finger in deeper and mouth to a tight tunnel of wetness on the penis, friction in heat and wet pushed Cho over the edge! His first spurt in my mouth... I pressed forward so his next shots of cum went straight into my throat!

I kept up the pressure through each gush of semen Cho bouncing on the mattress. He held my face to his pubic mound for the last jet of cum! My nose pressed into his soft dark hair... I loved it!

When he was empty I was released but I didn't let him go. He laid back gasping, I suckled quietly on my treasure. An awesome grin on Cho's face, "Fay, you do that so well! I am always happy!"

I leaned down to take the whole softening penis in, nose to the dark hair again, my fingers walked up his muscled chest to capture his nipples. A soft tug, a little rub and a twist. Cho laughing.

I was laughing too making it hard to keep his cock! I eased off of it to kiss it all over, little licks and oh those balls which made the wonderful sauce I had been rewarded with so generously.

Cho pulled me upon that warm chest, some nipple sucking before he got my face in his neck! We stayed like that for a little while. Cho went for water, I washed and kissed Jaidee. We snuggled sharing the glass.

Going to sleep was easy for us both!

The morning was an early rise, the Twins got fed by us leaving Tha to round them up for a bath.

Black wool long sleeved dress, mid-thigh, scoop neckline, a narrow black belt, black stockings and heels. The black onyx set on me all over, `Joy' The black wool trench coat from Coach, leather gloves.

A red cloche hat with a rolled up brim in the front flattening out to the back, a black ribbon around the crown. My curled `wings' held close to my cheeks by the hat! Cute!

Cho in one of his black `suits' their cut showed his physique perfectly!! A pale dove gray shirt, cardinal red tie, gold running horses at his cuffs. His black trench coat added more sex to the outfit! Or maybe I had sex on the brain!

The AW139 was waiting on the lawn. Cho and I with PJ, Rande and Gil all boarded. Up and away quickly, these helicopters were nimble and fast! Quiet inside, comfy seats!

We made the same approach to the South Lawn as before. Once on the grass several staff came over to guide us to the right locations. Cho was going up to the Residence Second Floor to meet Bill.

We both entered through the Diplomatic Reception Room to the Center hall then Cho went up the stairs, I was escorted down the hall passing through the Palm Room to the West Wing. Tim Kaine was at the door of the Roosevelt Room, a big smile.

"Nice to have you here." We shook hands.

There were ten others in the room around the table in a few groups. I didn't actually know' any of them personally but knew' of them and what they knew.

Whoopee... enough knowing!

I had given a list of some folks I'd like to see in TAG to Hillary. They were computer security folks, hardware specialists, network and telecommunications experts, a physicist, etc...

Tim took me around doing introductions then coffee! We sat around and Tim gave them some background for the group, the why and what. We had two staff right now to get things organized, Rosa and Eduardo.

Rosa the geek said she had evaluated several remote conferencing apps and wanted to use the one from The Company's subsidiary in Seattle.

"It is the fastest and works on more kinds of hardware. Easy to use and is very stable." She looked to me and I nodded.

"Just so you know The Company is owned by our chairperson and her husband."

I smiled. A fellow to my right said his company used the Conference App and it was first rate. The others didn't seem to care as long as it worked. Rosa told them there was a site to go to download the app for all the devices they would be using. These folks didn't need help doing that. She would notify them when the purchase was completed. Okay.

I got us started by pointing to the schedule on paper and that it and all docs would be up on the group's website by the end of the day today. The schedule in an .ics format was included. Eduardo had logins for everyone.

Rosa did remind everyone, with no apologies, that they would need to protect the login so beware of where they logged in at.

I let them know that whatever devices or software or concept that we would concern ourselves with would be as well documented as possible and provided far enough in advance so there was time for each to access it and review.

"I know that some of the topics will be off your subject areas but the `fresh eyes' approach is what we are looking for here. There may be times when we should be in a room together when that is necessary Eduardo will be responsible for the arrangements. Also that doesn't necessarily mean it has to be in the White House. Where everyone is at the time and our availability will be used by Eduardo to make the plan."

We went on a bit about mechanisms, lines of communications and more. A woman who I hoped would be a leader on software asked me how `we', "I mean you and Mr. Cho communicate across your diverse holdings?"

I told them we used Apple's Enterprise Network with a lot of our own coding and the conference app. I gave a quickie overview of what Ni's coding shop did for us. I could see they were intrigued so I expanded on it.

"Ni is a personal friend who is a great coder, Cho and I invested in the creation of her company, we own forty nine percent. She has offices in Bangkok and soon in Los Angeles."

I continued about how her folks support our communications and other things for The Company. Also software like the stingray defense, the drone software... I had their attention for sure. Several asked if they could talk with her and I said Gil would have her contact info available.

That was a good time to introduce Gil who had been sitting away from the table. I made it clear her importance for me. The group could see PJ sitting there beside Gil and NOT being introduced. A few faces turned to me but I didn't explain.

Tim had to go, he leaned close as we shook hands, "I can see it's in good hands."

Fresh coffee on a break, Candace the security software person I had suggested, she was at the coffee too.

"Fay, it is good to meet you. I've heard so much about The Company in the last two years and wanted to meet."

She had been the first to ask for Ni's info. Candace spoke softly, "That fellow is a bodyguard?"

I nodded which opened her eyes.

Back at the table I gave the group a brief bio, the companies I was involved in, my roles, my charitable work and that I was part of the elaborate activities of Harcourt Racing.

At the end of that Hillary came in! She gave me a hug and slipped her arm through mine. I asked her later... she did it deliberately to show we were close.

I got each person to introduce themselves and their company or university affiliations. Hillary said she hoped we could be an active filter for her.

To me she said to stop across the hall afterwards.

We went back to business for a short time longer then I went to each person thank them for participating. A fellow who I knew as a hugely important fellow in WiFi and cellular communications technology asked for a few moments. He stepped towards Gil and PJ when I said I'd be right with him.

I had few minutes with Rosa and Eduardo. I had met them via phone calls and email. They were eager and seemed pretty sharp. I waved Gil over. They huddled and I turned to talk with Edgar.

`Fay, I'm going to a conference in Singapore in a week and could make time to stop in Bangkok if Ni was available. I'd really like to sit down with her face to face."

"Get Ni's info from Gil and call her. I'll have Gil give Ni a heads up."

"Thanks, I think we would have some good things to speak about."

"I'm sure she would welcome the interchange. If you do arrange a meeting contact Gil, she can setup a place to stay near Ni's offices with our Property management company. No charge for your stopover."

His eyes lit up, "Thanks, very generous of you." We shook hands.

"By the way do you know how my name was put up for this group? Just as a matter of interest."

I grinned, "It was me..." He was bug-eyed, "I know about your work and we have used it in the creation of devices for The Company."

I told Edgar about the traffic scanning equipment which got his interest, "So if you need to blame anyone it's me."

He was laughing, "No, no I've been a Hillary supporter for many years and want to see technology be used to its maximum in safe and proper ways so this is good for me."

I held out my fist... he cocked his head then `got it' we bumped!

He laughed, "Okay, today has been a good learning experience!"

PJ and Gil waited outside as I escorted into the Oval Office, Hillary waved to her aide so they joined me.

"I know how important these folks are to you."

She smiled as we sat, "The folks at Ft. Meade are thrilled at what they're getting from your little escapade! Nothing specific but it's become a true gold mine."

"Well I can see they might enjoy themselves!"

"How was it...' Her hand motioning across the hall, "they seemed interested."

"I think they are. It's good they are exposed to each other also, me too on that! You can become somewhat insular."

Hillary nodded, "I can believe that. I see it in myself."

I pointed a finger at my chest! Gil laughed, we turned to her.

"Well... maybe but you are doing so many diverse things seemingly at the same time..." She stopped, then... "Today is a perfect example!"

Hillary leaned back, a smile, "She has a point!"

We all laughed, PJ the quiet one reached out to Gil with a fist... BUMP!

Hillary changed gears, "Becky Simmons is one floor up in an office now. Go on up and meet her. I gave her only the barest of info hoping you would go through it all in your words."

A hug and cheeks kissed. She shook hands with Gil and PJ. An aide escorted us down the hall to stairs and up one level to an office that looked north towards Lafayette Park.

Becky Simmons was slender, my height, brown hair and green eyes, her hair in a low ponytail, a conservative cut navy dress, little jewellery.

We introduced ourselves and I did my two. We sat in the chairs by the fireplace. I told Becky what Hillary said about my giving her what we were up to.

"First I wanted to give you a brief bit about me if you don't mind?"

"Fine, please."

She had been in the Asia department when Hillary was the Secretary of State, briefing her on Asia frequently and had been tasked with several important assessments especially in the economics arena.

"Now I am the head of the Asia Department."

I gave her a thumbs up.

She has been reading Miki and Shelia's Basuto Group reports, she was impressed and agreed with them based on her own knowledge.

I told Becky there was a new ones from them coming, one of which was an update to their China report. She would look forward to it.

"I'm not married, thirty five, not much family I care about and I have two Burmese cats who are cousins, Yoli and To. I like to travel. And some `State Department' people think of me as an egghead." A laugh.

We smiled at each other. I begin, I gave her the background, how I fit in via my adoptive family, Cho's contacts in the government and the Royal Family. How I came to know more about the southern problem through my Dad, how it worried him and how he was upset with the Army's methods.

Once we had Fox News it made it possible to send people there who are dis-interested but smart, adaptable with good listening skills. They had a plausible cover.

I gave her what we got from Yoshi and Arturo and what the Prince had to say. Thoi had spoken with Kon and he was onboard with us as I knew he would be. Dad had spoken to several Army generals who he knew well. Old colleagues talking. Those two at least wanted something to change because what was happening was entirely pointless.

"So we have a start. Nothing sensational but Cho and I didn't expect that, we are in this for the long haul! Those in Bangkok on our side are also which is a huge strength. The King is new with the possibility of helping get a level playing field as an initial point for talks."

I leaned forward "But the men in the south are fragmented with political and personal differences which must be surmounted because the government in Bangkok won't deal with more than one voice."

Becky's eyes closed then opened to mine, "We may be able to help with that. I have a contact in Kuala Lumpur, he's in the Foreign Office there. He knows many of the `players!'"

Her finger making the quotes motion, "He talks to the Imams who are exiles while they aren't the military leaders they have a large influence. What is needed is someone pushing to get the parts thinking about what they could gain."

I tapped my palm, "That's why we want! The men in Bangkok have to get the government to agree to no pre-conditions for talks, no fighting, no offensive operations by the Army. Then the separatists in the south could believe the régime is serious and not trying to dominate them."

I made a hand motion like a flip over, "There can be no bombings or ambushes by the other side."

A big smile, I leaned forward with my fist out... Becky bumped! Smiles!

"Okay, I'll link up with my contact and find out what he can and will do. The Malay's don't want the discord on their northern border and they want good relations with Thailand. He'll be interested."

I leaned forward again, "We need to be distant from this. Our position should one of making Bangkok move and giving the men in the south an honest broker without their knowing it is Cho and I. Our role needs to be totally in the background."

"I agree for now but there might come a time when your power of personality is required to push it all over a hump. So be prepared for that."

I nodded, thinking about the Prince, he could be in the same spot.

"Fay, this is quite the undertaking for two individuals especially when you both are huge public figures."

I laughed, "Well when we first talked about this was election night when it was obvious Hillary had been elected. Cho said we wouldn't be able to do this in six months with a few billion dollars."

"OH... the Fox thing?"

"Yes, we started that after Christmas 2015, it ran into the middle of June so Cho was warning me right off."

"But you went ahead anyway! Terrific!"

We reiterated what we had covered and what we would do. I asked Gil to get Becky an email account in our Enterprise Network so we could communicate with guaranteed end to end encryption. Another fist bump.

Becky called Hillary's aide to walk us back down to the Roosevelt Room. We decided not to be seen together in any public location unless it was a crowd of some sort. The aide said Mr. Cho was upstairs in the Yellow Oval Room with Mr. Clinton. The President would be up shortly.

So we gathered. I gave Cho and Bill a rundown on my conversation with Becky. Bill was encouraging, "From what Cho has told me you have a beginning which is something... balanced against the nothing that was there before it."

Hillary came so we stayed for a buffet lunch in the Solarium. Sandwich makings, cheddar cheese soup, fruit and cake.

Sipping coffee on a sofa with Hillary she smiled, "You do look good! Do you have someone who helps with your `look' or...?"

I laughed, "I wing it!"

We both laughed! "When I shop I see things and decide if it suitable for work or play or whatever and if it feels right I buy it. Not scientific."

Hillary provided us with a car for a trip to the Russell Senate Office Building. Around from the North Portico to Pennsylvania Avenue onto Constitution Avenue to the building. The car brought us to a door on Delaware Avenue. At the door were several security officers and an aide to Senator Murray who we had an appointment with this afternoon.

The Senator was at her office door to welcome us. We had attracted some attention going down the halls, the Senate security was leading with PJ, Rande behind Gil. Once we were inside it was just her staff. We exchanged introductions.

We sat in her office, comfortable sofa. `Patty' understood we had a close relationship to Hillary and Bill...

I let her know we were friendly, had exchanged visits, we thought the same on many important issues but we wouldn't characterize the relationship as `close' yet!

"We're working on it." Cho and I smiling.

The Senator was having trouble placing us... we were enigmatic. We had money, position, power and weren't throwing it around. I could see her staffers seem to get it though.

Cho brought up the tour helicopter business. He made the point that helicopters flying low and fast had almost no chance of a successful autorotation emergency landing especially over densely used space like housing. The previous owners of our company in Seattle had used such flight profiles, they had operated cheap, underpowered aircraft with only one piston engine. A simple failure most assuredly meant death or horrible injury for crew and passengers and more importantly for innocent people on the ground. The individuals in the aircraft had decided to take the risk not so for the others.

He said we had immediately moved the flight patterns away from residential areas and purchased twin turbo engined helicopters.

"Now not every tour company has the financial ability to do that but having the Federal Aviation Administration order route changes and minimum altitudes would have a direct immediate effect as a safety measure."

He added we don't have any single engined helicopters in our inventory and recently the city of London had given our aviation company the go ahead for a small landing zone in the city, they were pleased that we said up front only twin engined aircraft would use the landing area. For operating over any populated space it was a minimum.

"So you want the Congress to mandate new rules for the FAA? Nationwide?"

I said yes! I mentioned there had been several fatal crashes in the Grand Canyon in the last year, a crash in a populated area in Arizona that killed a wealthy man and his family, a helicopter had crashed leaving a TV station in downtown Seattle killing the pilot and cameraman, severely burning a man who was just sitting in his pickup truck on the road.

"There are huge risks so if we can bring the risk factor down without great cost or effort wouldn't it be worthwhile?"

I think she finally worked us out, "Okay! I will contact the committee chair of the Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee on this. He may have something going or not. I'll ask for him to put some staff on it and get back to me."

I pointed out a study had been done years ago for a Congressional committee but never acted on. Patty asked a staffer to dig it out after I gave them the date and committee.

"You know this pretty well."

I smiled, "I don't want something to fall on our heads. We of course have some self-interest but it should concern everyone."

I asked Gil to give contact info to the Senator's staff. Cho said we didn't want to take too much of her time so we've given you that one item and we'll be back in town and could meet again.

"Good. I understand you have a home in Seattle? And Virginia?"

I smiled, "In Upperville. It's a horse farm, we have a few horses in training there and some breeding happening. We recently acquired some other properties in Virginia. In Seattle, we have two homes, several apartment buildings for our workers, a software company, a horse stable in Discovery Park, the helicopter company, aviation support business next door at Boeing Field and a boat yard in Ballard. So our footprint is growing around the country."

"I am pleased we met and had a visit! Do you have transport outside?"

"Hillary loaned us a car and driver, he's waiting to take us back to the White House for our helicopter to Upperville."

Her eyes were huge! Okay she didn't know about that... Well... you can't know everything!

I grinned, "Yes, we use helicopters a lot which makes us that much more concerned about their use."

We shook hands and walked behind their security to the door. There was a good deal of staring... like these people don't see interesting folk all the time?

Gil had given the Cho-Fay Air crew at Washington National the heads-up and our helicopter came fluttering down on the South Lawn. Goodbyes, hugs and kisses. No Press Corps this time. It was interesting to see the city from this height as we turned west. The memorials standing out and the Capital Building down the Mall. Amazing!

More amazing to hold Charlie in my arms after their nap time was over. I was staring into my son's eyes, face to face on the rug in front of the fireplace, toasty warm. Chani was beside me leaning on Jaidee, Cho reading from `The Little Engine that Could' in French then Thai.

Tha waved us in for their dinner. We sat beside their highchairs... FOOD! They both were ready... open wide... down the hatch! The Twins had this eating thing down pat! Veggies, fruit, various cereals all good! A piece of banana at the end!

Flashing smiles, cute little teeth, bright eyes. We went back to the fireplace until our dinner was ready. Cho put Rimsky-Korsakov's The `Flight of the Bumblebee' on repeat in the background as I read a story about bees making honey. Terrific! The Twins loved it! Their hands moving to the music.

So much fun being with them. They were sweet! We carried them up to their room, Tha had gone ahead getting ready. They went down on the carpet for a bit before bedtime, kisses, hugs and yawns.

Dolly and Wally Warburton arrived for dinner just in time to see the Twins before they went up! It was great to have them over. Dolly wanted to hear about staying over in the White House. I could hear Cho telling Wally about the Pegasus World Cup and a few other races.

Over the food we talked about all sorts including they might join our crowd in Baltimore for the Preakness. Cho said we had room.

Flo fed us well and we all sat by the fire with afters. Everything was good with them. Wally had sold several good colt prospects from his breeding, those sales and a few he intended to run himself would be good advertising for their farm.

Dolly and I upstairs for a minute, "I asked my doctor about the riding as you suggested... he had nothing definitive but there might be merit in it. So I have stopped riding altogether doing walking for exercise. Wally thinks I'm crackers!'

She waved her hand, "Even if I am `crackers' becoming pregnant will cure that!"

We giggled and hugged!!!

Off to New York in the morning.

I did black jeans, red crop T, red and blacked checked flannel shirt, ankle boots, silver bits and `Joy' The pea coat in the chilly air, gloves and red lips after a Cho kiss!

The two AW139's lifted off, heading north by east.

In flight we gently kidded Francis about Ali! He'd have a few days off after our visit to the Wall Street bank. He was grinning!

The Twins bundled up in blue and red! The small faces inside their hoodies, so cute. What little darlings! So good with travel.

The staff at the heliport were very efficient, Terrance and Pele smiling and we were off quickly. Nina and her deputy, little Alice, were at the door on Minetta Street! Alice was so sweet. So soft! Up the lift and Roslyn was there. Hug!

In the doorway to the living room was a cute black haired teen girl... I opened my arms... Samara smiled... rushed forward and hugged!

"Miss Martin..." I gave her a good squeeze.

"Fay... my name is Fay."

Cho beside us with a smile, Samara hugged him!

"Thank you both for getting us out! My father is very happy."

"Good! Next project is to get him away from the government so you can be together."

Her eyes were shining! Okay.

Samara got to meet everyone! Jaidee got a hug too! I took him for a walk. Samara wanted to come along. Tessa of course and Gil when I gave her a `cupcake' look! We both laughed.

Out the door and down to Bleecker across Sixth Avenue to Downing Street all the way to Varick, right turn to Carmine. At Bedford Street I took a snap of the bodega, `Cho's Grocery.' I stepped in the doorway... I backed out. There must be a cat because the litter box smell was right there!

Okay not for us. I couldn't remember being on Carmine Street in this block. In the next block I wanted to stop at Downing Street Playgroup.

The Director was able to meet with me briefly. I asked about our doing a donation... She was skeptical not knowing me or whether I was trying to gain an admissions advantage.

I told her we had twins who would when they were ready and in the city would go to the Little Red Schoolhouse. Until then they had a nurse/nanny so we weren't seeking to enroll in their program. We just wanted to support their effort.

She loosened up at that point. I asked if ten thousand dollars would help? As expected, that money without strings got her eyes open. I introduced Gil as the person who'd make it happen. She was very pleased with us now. I said I knew some of their history, I thought it wonderful the group had survived all through the years.

Her initial reaction must have come from years of people trying to join a successful and loving group with promises of money or such. I was glad she understood maybe I should have started with the where the Twins would go.

Back outside we rounded the corner at Bleecker, Molly's! Two dozen mixed my usual order! Samara eyes bright watching the boxes get filled up. She and Gil carried the treasure, Jaidee left a notice of appearance on a nearby tree and we headed home.

As we walked home Samara said she saw Mr. Cho on the telly playing golf, "Then you were there too. It was terrific to see you knowing what you did for us."


"Your clothes were so beautiful. The green colour and you looked so... so... sophisticated! That is right?"

"Yes the word is correct and thank you for the compliment! I do like that outfit!"

Roslyn grinning at the cupcake boxes. Tha had some last visit and gave us a thumbs up!

Cho and I got coffee as Tha and Roslyn got lunch ready for the Twins and us. Samara was on the carpet in the living room with Chani and Charlie.

Samara got acquainted with the best cupcakes in New York as she watched the Twins have lunch. Molly's were `terrific' said Samara.

The Twins said via their actions that their peas, carrots and apples were terrific too!

Cho and I with Gil and Francis sat down in the living room with Samara. She was smiling as she answered our questions about her staying here, her dad, the school, etc... She was comfortable with Roslyn, Yi was upstairs a lot and she liked to talk with her, little Alice was a cuddler!

`I am ready to move downstairs. I know Roslyn won't be around much, Yi is very quiet so it will be good. Roslyn has already said I would have my meals up here with her and Yi."

We told her she should do it only if she's ready, no pressure from us. Samara nodded, "I am good!"

Interesting she had almost no accent but like Cho she hadn't developed the use of contractions. In bed later I told Cho he should give lessons! I got tickled for that. He got a laugh about the Cho's Grocery and the smell!

I had a hot coffee watching Roslyn make me an omelet! Scallions and cheddar cheese! Jaidee had finished his breakfast sitting beside me so I could stroke that brown fur. Cho was envying my food, Roslyn laughing saying it was just a few minutes.

I offered a fork full of egg... He'd wait.

We looked at each other over the empty plates. I loved looking at him!

Wall Street! I resisted going in leather! A black long sleeved dress to mid-thigh, a small turtle neck collar, a narrow black patent leather belt, black stockings and heels. The big button wool jacket. The black wool Coach trench coat, Hermès French flag scarf and black gloves. I had `Joy' put on by Cho during my dressing process.

He was in black too! One of the Harcourt Racing yellow and green ties I got him. Gil and Francis in black also. PJ and Tara, Rande and Ansara all in black! Boy we were dour crowd with touches of colour.

The car slid up to the front door of the bank, sidewalk empty as the wind scoured the street. Inside the door PJ and Rande leading as a uniformed fellow tried to stop us going to the lifts. Cho's hand on my arm, we paused.

PJ asked him to move aside... the fellow didn't know us... Francis stepped forward, "This Mr. Cho and Miss Martin, they own the bank and building now."

The security man was hesitating... PJ asked him again... Gary, our New York Security manager came from behind us.

"Please let them by."

He eased the man aside, turning to us Gary said this fellow was a holdover from the old company and hadn't been in the morning briefing.

Rande held the lift, PJ remained between us and the man.

"We'll have our people all over building by tonight."

Cho leaned close to Gary, "Okay." They shook hands.

We went up to the thirty fifth floor. One of Gary's people was there, a smile. He and PJ did fist bumps. PJ told me later they'd talked football at the Fox Tower.

A slender woman in a simple navy dress escorted us to a large conference room. A dozen `suits' were there waiting. One stepped forward to introduce himself, Callendar, he was a vice-president. He was senior person here now as the men above him had been fired by Cho after Francis had done an assessment. He started the introductions after Cho asked each to please also give their title and role.

We sat, the discussion got moving. Cho's voice was well modulated because he didn't want to scare them but make it clear that the bank's culture would change. He said he wanted them to be part of the changes although they might find some of it difficult.

Cho stood up, he usually had no need to move but I could see he wanted them to concentrate on him. He moved around the table, heads turned to keep him their view.

"This is an investment' bank, we will act like we are one. You will be brought into several new investing schemes that our London City' Bank and the Commerzbank's GrunInvest have created also you will be encouraged to innovate. Underlying all of it will be sound banking policies, honesty and concern for the client. We will use the bank for projects in the Western Hemisphere while the parent bank in Bangkok will cover Asia and the London `City' Bank in Europe and Africa in partnership with the Commerzbank."

Cho stopped behind his chair, "You are in this room because we want you to be. We are placing our trust in you all but we verify. You have nothing to fear from that if you work within our framework."

Cho asked Francis to stand, "Francis will become a familiar face for you all, he goes with our confidence and will speak with our voice."

I watched the faces... they got it!

I stood beside Cho, "I'm NOT a banker!" Smiles! "My strengths lay elsewhere but I'm learning from Cho. We want you to succeed... we like to make money..." Laughter, one finger in the air, they were watching now, "We are jealous of our reputation for honesty and fairness... " I let a pause hang, "That's enough from me. We will depend on you to follow our lead."

I sat down, Cho's hand out to me, squeeze. Callendar rose to thank us, his arm swept over his folks, "We will follow your direction and ideals."

There was head nodding all around.

Cho rose up once again, "Don't be fooled to think it will all be plain sailing for you, we aren't. There will hard times to make changes in yourselves and the people under you. We respect authentic efforts!"

Then me again. "We want you all to know we recognize questions can be difficult to ask, we want you to have no fear about asking for help. Not requesting assistance is a sign of weakness not a strength."

Cho smiling, "Are there questions you have for us?"

They looked at each other, the lone woman raised her hand. Cho said to go ahead.

"I am Jessica, Human Resources. Will there be layoffs? And what numbers?"

Cho had a serious face, "Jessica, several things come from your question. First, there will be NO layoffs! We anticipate hiring because there will be more business coming in. Second, we know the office `rumor mill' concept. It will be the job of each of you to erase that pastime. We do not traffic in rumor only hard facts and tough decisions. Here is another area where asking questions comes into play."

My voice, "Please make use of your positions to help every staff member understand that old saying: the only `stupid' question is the one that isn't asked."

Heads nodding all around! A few smiles.

Cho, "This is a very brief beginning meeting. You will find us here on every trip of ours to the city. We will not micro-manage but will be involved in various ways. In case it isn't obvious Callendar is in charge. He knows it may not be permanent but until you hear differently he is the man.' Also for your information, there will be a big meeting here in a few weeks. The president of the Bangkok bank, the London City' bank, our Commerzbank partners and us, all together making plans for the future."

Cho smiling, "Just so you know we are not the kind of bankers who who obsess over individual quarter results. We think in years... decades... So blow that mindset out the window."

Cho thanked them all and that we would be around at some point to speak to them but not everyone today.

I hugged my guy! A whisper, "You did good with the last."

I kissed him! We did move around speaking lightly to each. I took Jessica aside.

"Are you the only woman at this level?"

"Yes, the bank has been... " she stopped, I encouraged her to go on pointing out this was the perfect time and place to say something, "They've been lax about promoting women. Human Resources is seen as more like Women's Work' so I got moved up as I think a token.'"

"Well there will be more tokens if I have anything to do with it. The bank in Thailand was like that until Cho went through a reform about fifteen years ago. Now half the board are women, top managers are almost fifty percent women and a woman is in line to be the next president."

Her eyes on mine, "Stay with it! Hiring for staff should reflect the society as a whole and with Cho and I around any new top managers will be the best regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation or age."

I squeezed her hand, "Here's a hint for you... We think Callendar is much more open to change than you might suspect."

She didn't look shocked but intrigued. "Setup a meeting with him and have a frank discussion about it."

I motioned Gil over. I introduced them and Gil knowing I wouldn't have done it for no reason gave Jessica an email address to use for a back channel link to me. Jessica's eyes widened, I nodded.

I asked about coffee? Jessica took us down the passage to a kitchen. It had a Keurig machine.

"Don't be put off, we have a client making these pods, they are awesome."

I punched it up and while I waited told her about the DeLonghi machines we use.

I sipped... it was good, much better than I expected. Gil made hers, we relocated down to Jessica's office a floor below with our drinks. She was wondering about PJ and Tara as I made no move until their coffee was done.

In her office I introduced us all properly.

"Before we go any further, I'm Fay, this is Gil my PA and these two who you will see around me are PJ, the head of our Personal Protection Team and Tara a team member."

Jessica and I sat with our coffees. As the senior woman in the bank I wanted her to fully understand the changes to the culture we would demand.

"I don't use the word `demand' lightly. Whatever the previous management might have espoused our way will be the only acceptable one."

I reviewed some of the conference and added some more.

"Now for you to know and share if you feel it necessary. I am a Board member of your new parent bank in Bangkok as well as on the board here. The Commerzbank partners are old colleagues AND friends to Cho and nice fellows.

There aren't going to be any draconian new rules or any changes that aren't explained.

Which is our part in ending rumors, we aren't shy about explanations."

Jessica was pleased I would take the time to talk.

"I realize it is all very general but clarity will come." She said she understood.

Her office will be happy to hire the best people regardless.

Smiling, "We have a former soldier in a wheelchair as a Security officer at our home in England. He's amazing operating the software that defends the estate."

Nodding, she got it, "We have turned down applicants for their physical disabilities using the excuse of their needing to go into the field but that was bogus. I argued with the past men in my position to no avail."

"Okay. Now you're in charge, make it happen!"

I got Jessica to give me a short tour of her domain. We went through the open work areas saying hello, shaking hands, talking briefly. There wasn't a large enough conference room on this floor so I climbed up on a desk, Jessica and her department managers got as many folks around as possible.

Like at Fox News I told the crowd they would all see a pay bump, better benefits right away and we expected their best efforts. I repeated my comment from the earlier meeting, the only stupid' question is the one that isn't asked' line.

They seemed enthused with very positive murmurings! PJ's hand extended to help me down. I pressed the flesh a bit longer working towards the lifts.

Cho and Callendar sitting in the latter's office. I gave them a rundown on my visiting. Callendar smiling when I said Jessica should sit down with him.

"Good. If she doesn't bring it up I will."

We did our goodbyes. In the lobby one of Gary's supervisors was there. He told us the man from earlier was taken off-duty and would be sent to an orientation then evaluated. Okay!

We went uptown together to the house. Cho was taking Sam and one of his partners out to Winged Foot. He had lunch with me. Winged Foot had given permission for a Cho-Fay Air helicopter to land on the drive to drop Cho then it would go to Westchester Airport to wait.

Francis was going off for a few days with Ali. He got a kiss and hug! He said they'd be in for dinner a couple of times.

I was going up to Fox Tower. Pele at the wheel. Black leather jeans, tight with the twin zippers on the sides like old navy pants, black crop tank top under a sleeveless black short shirt showing some tummy. Black ankle boots with a spike heel. Silver bits and `Joy' The Hugo Boss red sheepskin Moto jacket and black gloves.

Email from Malee. Cute! They were having some work done in the basement and the joiner doing the framing was a nice fellow. They gave him mid-day meals during the two weeks of his work, he got to meet Ba and Pinky as they all ate together. He and Ba really hit it off, the quiet worker from Catford and the young single mother from Bangkok.

Malee said they were going out now, very happy, so we'll see. Their housekeeper and cook Mrs. Bene was glad to babysit Pinky. It was nice. I was happy for Ba, she was a great mom and our Twins were in her debt!

Pele drove into the garage, we went up in the lift. Tessa and Ken with me today. On Bill's office floor I met him as he came out of a conference room.

"We have the `pee tape' story finalized. The lawyers will see it again today after the changes they suggested were made."

We hugged, "You know I think I'd rather be sued for saying too much rather then trim it however little."

I shrugged, "It is substantially the same right?"

"Yes, one little dig we took out but we then had to take out several references and have the lawyers see it a few times. Okay!"

Bill did swish back and forth of his hands, "Done!"

Kent came out with the `pee team' as everyone was calling them. They were grinning and laughing.

"Miss Martin, you're gonna love it."

Fist bumps all around.

Kent slipped his arm through mine as we walked down the hall, "Fay, Joseph is chasing new info on the Polish workers, working for Trump, who illegally tore down the façade of the old Bonwit-Teller building where the Trump Tower is. He has a line on two of them and several Polish-Americans groups who helped them. More badness from Trump to expose. We have records from the men, their now dead boss, the court cases that went on for fifteen years and settlement data showing what Trump paid although is supposed to be secret we got in a back door way through another court case's filings. Juicy!"

I loved the enthusiasm for the work! We ended downstairs on the News floor. Yoshi and Arturo were in an office together. They had some news. Yoshi had heard back from his contacts. The fellow he met at Yala Rajabhat University had passed on a WhatsApp address and a message his group would be ready to talk further.

"The second `tough' man has sent a WhatsApp contact, that person had replied my fellow was talking with his faction, they seemed interested but wanted another meeting.

The third man I missed got on to Aro who gave him another WhatsApp account. He messaged me a new meeting location and any changes I be messaged right away.

So we have progress, baby steps but something. I'm going back in ten days."

They did high fives!

Arturo heard from the two clerics in Kuala Terengganu. "The men in Kota Bharu had spoken to a wider group, those had agreed to meet again and sent me a new location. I'll meet them in a bookstore in the KB Mall which is just off the freeway a half mile south of the stadium we used last time. It's easy to find."

Okay! Now what we had for them. The Justice Minister, Kon, would go slow' on any new cases under his jurisdiction and speak to several carefully chosen cabinet colleagues about the government supporting no pre-conditions' as a starting point.

The Prince had spoken to his brother the King who was in favour of starting talks on the `level playing field' we wanted. The King would have some of the generals in who he was closest with to gently bring up the subject of how the Army was doing in the south.

Dad had talked with his local commanders in the south personally. He made a trip to do it and they wanted our ideas to be used. They saw the Army's failure up close.

Two Army generals he knew well had been with him to a restaurant on the river. They both were hardcore for the Army but could see that the current operations were achieving nothing. They were honest with Dad about that which I thought was very good.

Alternatives that didn't compromise the government's position would be welcome. I thought that very good since what we wanted to happen didn't infringe.

Thoi's efforts with civilian political leaders pleased and exasperated him. Mostly they were in favour of talks without pre-conditions but were chary of forcing the Army's hand.

Thoi had been PO'd on the phone with me, "Their attitude means no changes unless the Army is happy, which is tantamount to status quo!"

I soothed him with `early days' but he knew those folks were scared to challenge the Army.

Yoshi and Arturo could see that the talking in Bangkok wasn't startling but much more than had gone on.

"Fay, you and Cho have the right `friends' to move this. How should we frame to those we meet?"

"Yoshi, I think you both should say that some the men in power are fully behind what we want, some are on the fence but that none are obdurate. We and our friends will continue to push and pull, tell them that. We can't put words in anyone's mouth... it's fair to characterize the situation as fluid and there is some momentum towards a fair start to talks."

Okay! They go back to work their `stories' as well as do some visiting. Fist bumps.

I said Hi's to a lot of folks as I wandered stopping in a dark space near the News Desk where Megan was working.

She looked good! Boy was she popular in every way. Her social media ratings were huge, two million plus twitter followers, she was retweeted constantly. Her instagram was over half a million and growing. She put up lots of snaps of herself, friends, her work. A bunch from Bangkok but not Phuket!

She finished something and went to an advertisement, I got her attention. Huge hug!

"Fay, good to see you again!"

We chatted a bit then she had to go back on-air. A kiss! Then a makeup check, back in front of the camera.

The producer was beside me, "She's really one of best at this work I've seen. She has good balance and preparation. Terrific to work with daily."

Nice praise! We shook hands.

I strolled around with Tessa and Ken, they hadn't seen much of this TV stuff before. It really was organized chaos. I spoke to a few more folks before going up to the Sports floor.

Donald's PA saw me. He waved and pointed over to a desk. Donald bent over something, a photo. He looked up when his PA said a word to him. He extended his hand, "Fay, great to have you here."

I laughed when telling him where Cho was.

"Well after last week I would have thought he'd take a break."

"You got in your golf stories! Cho was laughing!"

"Good because I hate to think we pissed off the Chairman of the Board."

We were really laughing!

"Fay what Cho did to that poor course! Wow!"

"Donald, he's a member there!"

"No shit! Well, they'll be glad they invited him in!"

"Under your hat..." He looked serious, "... Cho's planning on playing in the U.S. Amateur in August in Los Angeles. It's to be held at the Riviera Country Club where he is also a member. They'll probably be happy when they know he's in there too."

"No doubt! He'll do a whopping job of advertising!"

We laughed.

I headed up to see Tai. Her recent bits on Cho's golfing had been great. I let her know where he was right now. We talked about the news and our schedule. She was one of the few to see it all.

"On the racing side, some of your horses are well enough known so someone could anticipate your being at a race track on a given day."

She looked to me, I nodded.

"Maybe we'll have to miss a few races... or just be aware and prepared."

She laughed, "I thought you'd choose that course! Maybe we can do some misdirection via social media by `planting' a few tidbits that are open to interpretation. No outright lying but shading..."

I told her to work up a few examples and email them to Reginé for opinion.

"She will know what will fly."

Eve's smile!! Kiss and hug! She was a bit lonely with Ku off touring with Jian. They were having fun introducing Jian to the various groups. They liked our new aircraft!

She and Ku were decorating their new apartment in our Minetta Street building.

"We're going modern casual whatever that means," her eyes rolling! She was coming out tonight with us.

Kelela and Moses came in to give me an update. The NSA hadn't been back to them for a while so it was over as far as they were concerned. I gave them what I knew from Hillary and Theodore. The NSA was snooping around networks all across Russia.

The NSA had found multiple new pathways from the original they had located. Theodore didn't want to get specific but they were in military, government and business systems all over the country. Our two laughing, pleased their work was paying off!

Here they had constructed an elaborate defense. They had sites within sites within sites within... Well you get it! Some were easy to get in, gave tantalizing hints to some juicy stuff but either petered out or locked you out. Other were tar babies, you got in but the further you went the slower it was!

All this and more done in virtual machines so if something happened you either repair or erase and create a new one. All of it completely separate from any production machines. Those were walled up and constantly monitored.

The team from London had left a few days ago, it was tough for them... all the excitement of being in a new computer centre in New York... back to the everyday grind in London. Oh so sad!

Well... they'd be no letting down of the guard here!

We loaded up downstairs for Minetta Street. A text from Rande You had to grin at that! Gil did when I showed her.

Pele dropped us out front. Rexie and Alice on watch. Rexie was a human, Alice the cat!

The Twins were just waking up so I took Jaidee out. Ken walking with us. We did a tour around the block towards Washington Square and back. Jaidee enjoyed doing his thing!

The Twins were ready for some play time. We had the carpet in the Nursery as our spot. Puzzles and books! A great time with my reading `The Little Engine That Could' half in English, half in French! They loved that one. Lots of clapping and happy noises when I did sound effects.

I had Chani in my lap as Charlie's diaper was changed. She was talking up a storm, on hand on my cheek... a full stop, her eyes on mine, `Ma' floored me! I kissed my girl! She was smiling patting my arm.

"Miss, that was wonderful," Tha shaking her head, "she's so smart!"

Charlie was swapped in so Chani's had her turn at the changing table! Charlie had his plastic blue dog, he was hardly without this one or the plush one. He was grinning, those little teeth... so cute! He hugged me me, what a sweet guy! I told him he was my best guy!

I was on the carpet when Cho arrived. He joined in right away! Chani going airborne on the Cho-Air express. Zooming around the room! Charlie sticking his arms out... Cho 'landed' Chani with me and took his son for a flight. More zooms!

Roslyn said their dinner was about fifteen minutes out. Tha told Cho about Chani's pronouncement of me which brought out a star burst smile. We sat side by side holding the babies, all smiles and laughter!

Food for them! Charlie slapping his high chair tray ready to go! We sat to feed! Carrots, broccoli (how could you tell?), peas, apples and a bit of cupcake at the end. Then the topper... banana!

So much fun! Most all of the food made it inside them. Their little hands holding the banana... pretty cute stuff! We did a clean-up and hauled them out to the living room until our dinner guests arrived.

Eve came up, she sat with the Twins for a while waiting for dinner. Samara's homework was done, hungry! Francis, Ali and Yi with all of our protectors. We walked up the few blocks to Volare. Giovanni smiling, a hug and cheek kiss. We had a big table towards the back.

Gil speaking with Giovanni about antipasti for everyone. A second waiter helped get us all settled, Giovanni leaned close to Cho about the wine. The other waiter went for the wine coming back with several bottles of Villa Gemma Montepulciano d'Abruzzo Riserva.

We did a toast to Cho's golf game, a 63 today on the East Course. He was pleased!

The older gentleman, Antonio da Abruzzi, came in for his dinner. He came over to say hello. I got my hand kissed with a smile. He and Cho shook hands. He sat one of the little booths on the side, like last time we sent him wine. Glasses raised, we shared a toast across the room.

Antipasti, soup, salad and fish! All wonderful! More than that scrumptious!

As we finished I took a wine bottle and sat with Antonio. I asked if would like another glass before pouring. He smiled, "It is the one indulgence of mine."

I told him Cho and I were going to l'Aquila for business in a month or so.

"Ah, it will be nice, early spring. Be prepared it will be quite cold overnight and in the dawn."

Thanked him for the advice.

"We are planning to buy wine while we are there."

He gave me several recommendations. I asked Francis to join us. He wrote down what Antonio suggested. I had a secret, I was going to add a case for Antonio!

Giovanni was so sweet as we prepared to leave. I left some lipstick on his cheek and Antonio's! It was always a great evening coming here!

Walking back my arm linked with Samara, "So how did you like your dinner?"

"Fay, it was delicious. Everything tasted so fresh, made with care like Roslyn's! She is such a good cook!"

"You and your dad should come out to Bangkok and taste Amporn's cooking she's a real wonder! And on that how are the telephone calls going?"

"It is going to be only once a week but it was great to hear his voice. He enjoyed hearing about my school and what I am learning."

"Well, you two will be together at some point and you can be a family again."

Hugs as we reached the door. Alice was on duty! Samara adored Alice. She liked to have animals around, so trusting and loving!

She came out with me and Jaidee. Tessa smiling at us as Jaidee did some business and I cleaned up. Upstairs, time for Samara to sleep but she asked about our protectors.

I showed her my scar and gave her some background, eyes wide!

"That is why Nina has a gun?"

"Yes, she's not just a building superintendent but the boss of our Security for Minetta Street. She has lots of training and is licensed to be a carrier of a weapon. You have met Gary?'

A nod. "He is Nina's boss as she's part of a much bigger company that goes around the world defending our properties and people. The Team around us is for our protection so they are close all the time."

I tucked her into bed.

"Fay, will it be Okay if I move downstairs with Yi? We get along and I would like to see more of Alice."

"You talk with Roslyn and Nina about it but you can move whenever you want."

I snuggled with Cho and Jaidee after a look in at the Twins. Little angels sleeping! Tha's light was out in her room with the door open to the nursery. We were very quiet.

I gave Cho the gist of my talk with Samara.

"Well she should be the decider, if she is ready then so be it."

Kisses and caresses, soft and loving for me and Jaidee. I loved watching Cho carry the little man, `little' no longer, to his bed, he liked it too. Such a sweet boy!

Okay! Proposal at breakfast... we do a day trip to Pleasant Valley! Load up everyone! Samara can meet some horses, Jaidee room to run and Jackson was there for a few days to meet Samir and check on the other two year olds!

Thumbs up from Cho! Everybody was enthusiastic! Done! Gil would call the Cho-Fay Air heliport.

Cho sat with me for a while, I got the golf from yesterday. He had a good time! Winged Foot was very nice about the helicopter. The East Course isn't rated as difficult as the West but has many interesting holes. Cho's 63 was the lowest score for many years. He thought he could go lower, he was close to three more birdies.

All the golf opportunities only made him play better! Cho said he was going to enjoy whenever he could and my reminding him about my horse riding obsession... Kiss!

Off to work with Gil. We took over the dining room for now, Cho in the office. Francis had sent him some things overnight... Why wasn't he concentrating on Ali not work?

Kelela emailed she had spoken to a computer centre person from a West Coast corporation about an attack they suffered late last year. They spent their time closing up their systems and building a deeper defense, no time was spared to go after the attacker. He did give Kelela some IP's they had been attacked from which were eastern European.

Kelela sent those to Theodore's team, she was informed last evening that the info was good.

"That means according to what we get from the NSA's vibes they hit paydirt!"

Terrific! "I may get more feedback from Theodore since we do email every now and then, I'll pass it to you and Moses."

Kelela was happy to be out of that but they were watching others trying it on with our systems. A few from Russia but nothing serious. Amateurs! We laughed!

Jian and Ku had been in Los Angeles, staying in Venice. Dolores taking care of them! They'd be coming to New York tonight. I asked them to go to Pleasant Valley for the day and they were up for it. Eve was in too!

Thayer called. "Fay, I am doing well! All clear so far and moving on! Kiet is still with us..." pause... " Sondra and Kiet are going to get married!"

WoW! I guessed they had a closer feeling for each other but this was news.


"I'm glad for them. They spent some time talking about it, coming to the conclusion their being close quickly in Bangkok was a real reflection of how they felt but it scared them. Time and distance allowed them to look at it with some detachment. So we're here now."

"Well, we're not ready to let Kiet go so Sondra will have to live in Bangkok... " I laughed, "Or wherever they decide."

"The good part for me is they want to live here!"

"That's terrific!"

"They have an idea for a restaurant in Saratoga, Thai food, which we don't have. I'm listening to their ideas and may provide some capital. Sondra has her own money from her grandparents, mine and her mother's. She has spoken to her mother, I don't know everything that was said but Sondra was displeased."

We went on a bit about horses, his, ours and the Twins. He'd get Sondra to call. I told him we'd be in Pleasant Valley for the day tomorrow, he would pass it on.

I texted Cho. He came in and got my news. He was very happy for the young couple. He was right they are very nice kids. Cho's we could stay overnight'... brought my too much fuss.'

Reg, Eric and I did a Conference App meeting. Miscellaneous things from personnel to hardware to software. They were updated over the fun Eve's team had and how it was playing out now.

The GWNW deal was moving forward and Duncan's team was getting ready. It was full of experienced folks. We had taken two floors of the Dallas Residence Inn on Commerce Street, two and half blocks from the railroad's Elm Street building. It had conference and meetings rooms and our Security was contracted to secure the two floors as part of the deal with the hotel.

We three would be there for visits over the work period which would be over a year with all their locations. Eve's Data Centre was live, her staff was getting all the server software up and running. It was online operating with the CTX folks. They'd be getting experience operating in advance of the GWNW setup.

An emailed report from Rosa of TAG. They were going ahead with the purchase of the Conference App. I replied with Greg's contact info and I sent one to him outling what would be needed. I ID'd Rosa and Eduardo for him.

Sondra did call, "I was going to call on Saturday. Thanks again for arranging the hotel for us, we had time to sit and talk about everything. There's no date or place for the wedding. Kiet and I were thinking Bangkok. Daddy said he it doesn't matter to him where. He's healthy and wants to walk me down the aisle."

"Your mother? Thayer said you two talked."

`She's out of it. Once it's done I'll let her know. Daddy laughed when I told him about the call saying he wasn't surprised."

"Well keep me up to date won't you?"

"You are on the top of my list!"

Sondra was happy, Kiet was happy, Thayer was happy... sounds like a good start!

Email from Gregory, Marsha from Fortrose and her mum will be at Harcourt House in a week for a visit. He'll interview her and find out how serious she is. My reply was short: Okay! His reply back was a smiley face!

Invasion! Jian, Ku and Eve! My buddy in my arms! Kisses, hugs for them all! Cho standing there with an arm around Eve and Ku as I hugged Jian some more!

Samara got to meet them, they were interested in her. They'd heard a small bit from me about her.

Roslyn had dinner ready so...

Cho and I talked after dinner, we'd go to Pleasant Valley without the Twins. A horse visit only.

Up early, Terrance driving us over to the heliport. The AW139 gaining altitude going up the Hudson River, we stayed over the river until north of Poughkeepsie then a turn to starboard. The helicopter settled down on the landing grid near the Stone House.

We all walked over to the barns. Sam and Raoul came over to the road to greet us, Beverly coming along from the house. Shakes, hugs and kisses. They all got to meet Samara, Ku and Eve. Sam and Beverly had met Jian at some races.

We went over to paddocks where our horses were. The black, Samir flashed by, he was running along the fence beside his buddy another two year old in the adjoining paddock, Stellar Black. They'd been buddies since their first meeting. The filly Sasithorn was on the other side of Stellar Black. Jackson waved from there.

A big hug for him. PJ and Rande did handshakes and shoulder pats with Jackson, smiles. He did have some suntan from Florida, laughing about that. He had spent time with each of these two year olds.

"Mr. Cho, Miss Martin, they are talented, hard workers too. Monaco and I have worked up a routine for them. Raoul going to train them with one of his sons. I'll be back often to take looks until the Triple Crown starts up."

Samara came with me into a paddock with some mints. She was laughing as Stellar Black slurped up his peppermint! It as `cool' to see them chew the mints. Samara was delighted to meet all the horses!

Sam was glad Jackson was doing so well, "Fay..." his arm through mine as we walked towards the house later, "Your generous gesture last year saved him from destruction. You have a skilled trainer and smart horseman doing great things!"

"Yes but if he hadn't come back to the race track the next day looking to apologize to Rande, we probably wouldn't have ever seen him again. So his own humanity made it possible."

Sam stopped to look at me, "Damn Fay! You're a sharpie!"

I laughed, "I don't know about that but I do observe."

Tessa liked meeting these horses. She was behind me, Sam said she could ride if ... Tessa thanked him but she wasn't dressed for it. PJ, Rande and Penny weren't going there! I kidded them, smiles. I think Penny might be wavering though.

Beverly's folks had lunch ready for everyone, it was their weekly cook-out for the staff. Hamburgers and big piles of chips/fries. She had veggie burgers for me and the others. Pickles of several types, olives, cut veggies and a nice spicy dip. Big bowls of crisps and salsa. Baked beans, veggie style!!

Great stuff, we ate hardy. Beverly was giving the newbies a house tour with their history. Me coffee in hand strolling through the stables, Samara staying close. Raoul giving me the details on some of the horses. They had runners destined for Saratoga and other tracks in early training. Afterwards they'd go to their regular trainers for the racing season.

Sam and Beverly had an excellent reputation for doing this, giving a horse the basic work and racing sense so before they faced competition they had been `schooled.'

It was good see Jackson was so high on our two year olds. They'd be racing in New York State all summer.

Sam and Beverly told us that Raymond and Valerie had a long term plan, once their two children were near done in college they would move to Pleasant Valley and get involved in the farm business. That was good! When Sam and Beverly wanted to step back their son and his wife would be ready to take it on! Terrific!

It was a short but excellent visit. We were back in the City for dinner.

Jaidee had a spirited walk during the day with Tara and Ro to Washington Square. He had met up with Twist, Raphaela's dog and they romped around. I was going up to see Raphaela Monday morning.

Sunday was very quiet. I sat with Gil for a while and then Jian, and Ku about the clinics. They had a meeting for tomorrow with local people, a working lunch at Avena just down Sixth Avenue a block or so.

The Twins got several books read to them and multiple Cho-Air flights around the apartment! The sweeties!

An evening Jaidee walk had a Peter and Pip meeting on Bleecker. They were both well and Peter grateful for a few horse tips!

Cho drove off to the Fox Tower right after breakfast, Jian joined Eve and Ku with him. I went up town to Herald Square. Coral and Raphaela greeted me at Mirabelle, smiles. My clothes were ready for try-ons.

We got started. A black silk organza dress to mid-calf with the skirt in narrow sharp pleats, the bodice snug from the small belted waist to a collar connected above each side around the neck in a loose cowl with translucent cap sleeves.

The second was a sleeveless white silk flowered print mid-calf dress. The flowers, roses, were gold on the white in sprays. It was form fitted to the narrow waist then wide softly shaped pleats.

A pair of black toreador pants cut at the top of my ankles, a sleeveless white blouse and a pale beige jacket with three quarter length sleeves, narrow shape down to mid-thigh, a white with slender black striped silk scarf long enough to loop around my neck and slip the ends through the loop.

A salmon skirt with soft pleats to mid-calf and a sleeveless sweater top in light wool of the same colour with white trim and small white curly-cues all over. Form fitting to my torso. A scarf of silk in a slightly lighter shade of salmon.

A navy suit with an a-line skirt to just below the knee, the jacket cut to the top of my hips, belted at the waist, a shirt collar and small cuffs at the wrists. It was silk, lined with white satin giving it more form. This had a flat brim pale gray felt hat, a small crown and a navy band. It had a pale gray wide mesh net to add on.

I liked all their work. Some were ready and would be sent to Minetta Street, the rest in a few days. So they would FedEx them to Harcourt House. Hugs for Raphaela and Coral and their head seamstress!!

Okay! Success. Lunch. I called Cho, he was goin to lunch with Bill and Kent. Eve working, Ku and Jian doing a lunch meeting back in the Village with a group of local LGBTQ folks to talk clinics.

I was in a navy blue heavy cotton dress with a white shirt collar and narrow white cuffs at my wrists, navy accessories and navy Coach Waverly pumps. The Twins locket on a shorter chain lose to my throat, gold bracelets and simple ring earrings. An off- white Coach Charlie bag. A navy blue lightweight cotton trench coat and gloves. Perfect for '21.'

Gil in black dress, a bit of bosom showing with a cameo necklace and a loud charm bracelet! I wonder who gave her that?

Tessa and Tara in their black suits looking stylish and sexy, deadly sexy with a Glock in the armpit and trench coat over.

The paparazzi at `21' were caught off-guard by Pele's plain dark windowed Lincoln Town car so we had our backs turned before they could react.

The Manager smiling as he escorted us to the tables. There was a buzz in the room as we walked to the corner. Katie C********** her hand out, "I start doing some interviews next month."

I said that was wonderful and I hoped she liked working for Fox News. Big smile!

Campari and soda, twist of lemon! Vichyssoise, grilled sole and very nice whipped garlic potatoes, steamed veggies under Hollandaise. Espresso and chocolate cake!

It was a quiet lunch until a man who was a bit wobbly approached our table... Tessa and Tara blocking him... he was making slurred comments... he called Tessa a nasty name and swung a fist at her face which missed badly! Tessa hit him once in his right ribs around on the side... a loud squeal... Tessa helped him flop slowly onto the floor. The 21 Club staff was there quickly as Tara and Tessa stood over him.

He was crying... whining about how much it hurt... the Manager directed his fellows to eject the man onto the sidewalk. He turned to me and bowed, "Miss Martin, we are very sorry this occurred. There are no injuries I hope?"

Tessa's grin gave him the answer. He spun around heading for the front. Because there were no tables close on that side no one else was bothered except by the noise. I leaned to apologize to an older couple at the next table. The woman, silver hair cut to a pixie which looked terrific, grinned, "We rather enjoyed your friend's way of ending that jackass' noises."

Tessa laughed, stood up and bowed to them. The other diners nearby gave her a brief applause! On our way out the Manager said the man was a local real estate developer friend of Trump's. I thought I heard him say something about that jerk in his rant.

"He won't be permitted back! And please don't feel you are solely responsible for that decision, he has been drunk and obnoxious before. The last straw today."

I thanked him for the information and the quick removal of the fellow. He bowed over my hand. Nice!

On the sidewalk the paparazzi took their pictures, none tried to get too close so the process went fine. In the car Pele was watching out the rear, when we turned south on Seventh Avenue he said no one was following. He did a circuitous route to be sure.

I changed to jeans for a Jaidee walk with Ken. Jian smiling joined us. She'd had a great lunch and liked the local folks. Fist bump.

Jian liked the city, she wanted to come back for a longer stay. She grinned when I said Roslyn would make her welcome. Hug.

We went east then south, west back to Sixth Avenue. Going north our timing was perfect as the Little Red Schoolhouse was ending classes for the day. We waited for Samara which made her smile. She introduced several friends, they were big eyed. Jaidee was admired and petted which was fine with him!

We had a group breakfast in the morning. Samara helped Cho feed Chani, I fed Charlie. Omelets, potatoes and toast from Roslyn for the big people.

We were flying in an hour so a goodbye for now for Samara! We liked her, she had a few tears which Cho's handkerchief took care of and the initials explained made her tear up some more. Hugs and kisses!

She told us last night she would move downstairs with Yi. It was good! She liked the school, was making friends and could talk to her dad!

Huge hug for Jian by me! She'd be here another few days then off to Bangkok. We'd see her there.

Terrance and Pele dropped us all at the heliport. In Newburgh Stephanie's voice told us we were a `go' for takeoff. We barreled down the runway and up, two hours to Lakefront Airport in New Orleans.

Yobi was smiling, her family knew she was coming home for a few hours. They'd be our guests in the Parterre Suite for the running of the Louisiana Derby. Rando's second race of the year.

On the ground we taxied to the same spot south of the terminal building. We put Yobi in a car to get her folks, we went to the barn to visit Rando.

We turned in again from Trafalgar Street into the barn area. James was here, he said the boy is ready. Maylene his groom stuck her head out of his stall to add a big YES to that.

We went in, Rando was quiet with a few soft whinny's. Emanuel had ridden two winners already and was dressing now in the Jockey Room. He was hot, a big demand for him by other trainers.

Up in the suite Yobi introduced her mom, dad and a younger sister. Some cheeks kissed and hands shaken.

Her parents were happy for their child who was so obviously having a fun time. Yobi in our uniform looked awesome, very trim and professional in silver gray slacks, crisp white cotton short-sleeve shirt, a narrow black tie and her wings. Black ankle boots.

A friend of Yobi's had the job of looking after us today so they had a reunion. Her former boss came up, Yobi did introductions. She was glad Yobi was enjoying her new job and sorry to have lost a good worker.

The Louisiana Derby was called, we gathered on the balcony. Rando and Emanuel in our colours walked quietly along with the others to the starting gate, he went in number four. They had a mile and an eighth to run.

CLANG! They came out cleanly, Rando and one other going right to the front. Those two came down the straight opening a two length lead quickly. The roan stayed on Rando's shoulder as he closed to the rail in the turn. One gear change then a second lead change when they hit the back straight gave Rando a length and half gap to his closest pursuer.

They galloped down the straight like that until the turn where Rando opened a three lengths space! Onto the stretch Rando was running under Emanuel's hand ride flying along easily. The second place horse flagged and was scooped up by two others but they couldn't catch Rando. He powered over the finish line six lengths clear!

A very nice win for him! Emanuel brought him back to the Winner's Circle, a huge grin! Cho went with the horse to get the gilt and money. One million dollars prize.

Horse and rider got hugs from me before going off for their post-race doings. We went back up to the Suite to say goodbye to Yobi's family. We wouldn't be back to the Fair Grounds Raceway this season unless we have a change of schedule.

I told Yobi to ride with her family home then the car will bring her to the airport. We had a visit from the Raceway and state gaming folks. They were happy we brought horses here and would very much like us to repeat it. We said we most likely will next winter. Handshakes all around.

We went straight to the airport. Yobi was with us soon after. She didn't want to `drag out the goodbyes' as she wasn't leaving the planet! Ha!

We strapped in, Stephanie had us airborne immediately, non-stop to Chalgrove! A pre-dawn arrival time.

Tha and the Twins were in their usual routine. We got some play time before their dinner. Cho put on some dance music, I had Charlie, Chani and Cho. We danced around, I got to lead! The Twins loved it. I was on my knees holding Charlie up on his legs at the end which was terrific from his reaction. Star-burst smile just like his dad! Cho did the same for Chani, she was bouncing and giggling!

Laughing and grinning, Charlie holding me, those cute little teeth showing from a brilliant smile!

Tha had tried two new things today onboard. She hid blue dog from Charlie. Nowhere really hard but he crawled around until he found it under a table!! Yea! Chani's Raggedy Anne's hat went missing, she found it!

The second was a biggie, a spoon! They each have one made for a baby's hand. Tha gave lessons, food was spilt but the process was fun and a bit frustrating which seemed to encourage both to try harder!! Meals weren't a game and they weren't bored!

The Twins were doing very well, growing and learning! They appeared to be very much on the leading edge of motor skills and language. Tha was giving them so much stimulation, verbal and physical, they soak it up!

Afters and talk. Francis and Ali didn't have a date but wanted to be married at Harcourt House in the Garden. Okay with us! I said to ask Phillips when the various flowers will be at their best over the summer.

I mentioned to Cho that Rando had enough points to qualify for the Kentucky Derby like SakChai and Hansa. He had his chin in a hand, eyes closed... I knew he'd say no so when he did I was grinning which made him laugh outright! Hugs.

"Two is enough and Rando will be the money maker... Okay?"

I kissed him, no words spoken but he knew.

We snuggled a short time before I was asleep.

Jaidee knew I was awake... thumper! A big kiss for him, I opened the cabin door so he could go to his box. Showered and into jeans and a bulky cable knit jumper! Warmed up with coffee and an apple.

Ban was first up. He started breakfast preparations, Yobi came up to do the cooking! Cho was out, Gil soon after. Poached eggs on toast, veggie sausage patties, fried potatoes, muffins! Strawberry preserves, more coffee! I enjoyed myself. We had daylight at thirty thousand feet but not on the ground.

We were over Chalgrove very soon, on the runway and rolling to a stop by our hangar. The sun just barely showing.

Prasert and Tom with the cars on the tarmac. A hug for Prasert. He grinned and gave us the Ellie report, her pregnancy was advancing beautifully. Six months gone now!

On the gravel of the Forecourt Carter was smiling! Fist bump! A handshake for Yone and a hug for Audra. Her eyebrows raised! I dashed inside with Gil, Tessa and Tara on my heels. Dressed in black and walking to Sunny's door.

I knocked, `come in', I stuck my head in. She swung her legs out, pajama bottoms and a tank top, her usual sleeping attire.

"We're back, I'm riding, see you at breakfast!"

Sunny came over for a hug, "Fay, I've a secret to tell so don't stay out too long. Okay?"

Oooooohhhhhh Okay!

Cho gave me a kiss in the entryway.


I walked quietly up to Pamela's stall, I looked around the corner she was in her paddock with Roland. They were about thirty feet away, Roland saw me in the stall and made a noise... Pamela turned... a big whinny!!! She came over to me for a hug and kiss!

My girl was happy to see me!

Declan came in to saddle her, she was nickering loudly... Ready!

I went down the stable row to the paddock where Mahogany and Hathai were. Their new colts, solid black and chestnut were running around together. I went in to see them. I was between the two ladies, the boys came over. I stroked them, they were good with me and happy. I patted their rumps and sent them off to play. A hug and kiss for each mom. Peppermints too!

Gil, Tessa and Tara mounted, I got a leg up from Anthony. He said he was to be Andy's best man which I thought terrific!

I led us down the grassy lane letting them know this was going to be an abbreviated ride so I could talk with Sunny before her school day.

We warmed up going south once over the tracks we galloped to the lock. I waved to the lock fellow, he said Roy hadn't come over yet. We turned to go up and around the Sci Ctr. Kate's dad Andrew waved as he drove out. We did a strong gallop back to the Stables.

Yvonne and Declan were there to take the horses. Cool down. I grabbed some coffee in the Breakfast Room and parked beside Sunny. Her pile of scrambled eggs going down!

"Easy... finish! I'm not going anywhere."

She grinned. Cho came in, a kiss! I got some eggs and toast.

"Fay... Don't be mad at me or Charlotte Okay?"

"That is a poor way to start especially when I'm not going to play the game."

I gave her a big smile.

"Alright. I went to a competition, an important intermediate one over in Berkshire near Bucklebury... I didn't want you to know in case I messed up..." Her face was glowing, "I won!"

Sunny pulled a blue ribbon from under her jacket on the banquette, it was big.

Hugs and a cheek kissed.

"Why the worry? You know we're behind you as far as you want to go!"

"Well... they were all much older and had been training far longer! I figured not to place."

"So tell all!"

Sunny bouncing, she had been really prepared. She and Prince went into the jump arena well warmed up!

"It was harder than Woodperry but Prince is a marvel. He was flying, only two slight touches!! Can you imagine... we were clear! It was awesome to walk out to applause... I'd almost forgotten there were people there."

She was grinning, "Charlotte gave me such a squeeze. Anthony took care of Prince, I had to sit. I felt wobbly."

She had a wait for the dressage arena, near to time Charlotte got her up to get warm and relax.

"It was like Woodperry and for the folks at Christmas! All I could see was the arena... it was gray outside. Prince stepped it all like a champ, always moving exactly the way we worked and responding perfectly. We turned to leave my heart started beating loudly like it hadn't done during the routine. I saluted and we were out! I felt it was right!"

Sunny laughed, "You should have seen Charlotte clapping crazy."

"I stood there with Charlotte and the other riders waiting for the results. I didn't know anyone. The third was called and second, I was sure I wasn't the best but they called me for the blue ribbon. I cried. Going to get the ribbon I had tears. One of other riders, he got second, a nice fellow handed me his handkerchief."

My arm around Sunny, tight hug, "We want to watch you compete but you get to decide."

"You were away... I didn't want to get my own hopes up."

Cho waved towards his watch.

"Yipes... gotta run!"

A kiss and hug! Whoosh she was gone Cho and I laughing. I held up the blue ribbon, Cho grinning.

"She's got it!"

I nodded! "Did you see the colts?"

He said he had, they were gorgeous! Crawford2 gave him the info, both babies and moms were in excellent health, no post-natal issues!

I was cleaned up and parked in a big comfy chair with my electronics! Working! Gil grinning at me from another chair. All the usual reports, emails, etc... with some new things from TAG. Schedule change, I'd go alone to Upperville and a TAG meeting then on to New York to watch SakChai in the Wood Memorial at Aqueduct.

Jian was heading to Bangkok after her American tour. She was so happy with what Ku had accomplished, all the connection building and the Seattle clinic. She had several sites in Los Angeles and New York to consider. When we're back the first week of April we'd look!

Jian really liked Regina and Tana! They made a real impression with their collaboration and managing the clinic buildout.

We were going to be all over the east coast of the U.S. for a while! Our horses going to many locations. We had acquired two 767's and had them setup as horse carriers. A dozen padded stalls, lots of storage for hay, feed and water. A sitting area for grooms and other staff flying along with the horses. Sleeping accommodations for six and a shower.

Our ponies would fly in comfort and we would allow friends and other owners to have their horses ride with us. The 767's were white with bars of Harcourt Racing green and yellow on either side behind the cockpit windows and the yellow hibiscus brilliant on the tail. We would get to see one in Florida during our trip to the Florida Derby.

Dad sent an email to Cho and I to call him about two o'clock our time. We sat together in the Library sharing a chair. Dad on facetime, a smile at us being cozy.

"I had a talk today with a very senior Army general over lunch. He is the fellow with direct command over operations in the south. At my urging he opened up about the activity of the Army, he is not a fool, he sees the reality on the ground. He wants to end the fighting because while there is a point to it all... the Army has not gotten any closer to that point with all their efforts."

The suggestion that talks could begin, serious talks, if there was the `level playing field,' he would support that. There was no blustering, just plain talk, I think he was being completely honest with me. He is an important part of making this happen.

Have you heard from the Prince?"

Cho told him 'not since we left' Cho would call him shortly. I'd let Dad know about Yoshi and Arturo's work right after we knew, he used it obliquely in his conversation with the Army general. I said I would pass it on to our folks with appropriate cautions.

I let him know we'd be in Bangkok in about three weeks. A big smile! We rang off.

Cho arms around me, "I will make that call." I handed him his iPhone and left him to it. Riding in a few minutes. Gil got a text from Yone, Marsha and her mum were arriving at Chalgrove.

Marsha would interview with Gregory and Anthony, have a look around, stay the night and fly back to Inverness with us in the morning. We were headed to the new house, Cho to play a round with Uncle Craig at the club.

I got Ken and Tara together to go with me after I greeted our guests. They were met by Finlay out front. Gregory and I were at the door, huge eyes on both of them. Introductions and Gregory escorted them down to the Stables office. Finlay had their bags.

We did some visits around the Stables first. Then Rebel was eager to run so we went north. I waved to Dan Senior then asked Rebel. Boy did he respond! It was a fast trip to the south end of Sandford. We gave the horses a break with a walk through town to the church. Mrs. Lone waved as we turned onto the dirt track. Rebel stepping like he was ready, he knew what was coming! I released him. The other two were far behind as we roared through the trees onto the grass at the Radley's.

Aiming along the river we were all about the speed. Blazing across the grass. I was so enjoying this. Rebel running feeling the pleasure of it too. We slowed near the training tracks. Freddie and Ronnie out working a few horses, shouted greetings! I waved to them as Ken and Tara caught up. Big smiles.

Fist bumps with them. Ken laughing when I reminded him it was better than a tractor.

I headed over to the arenas walking Rebel. Charlotte was watching Sunny going over the jumps. I told her Sunny had `confessed' about the trials in Berkshire.

"Well it wasn't meant to be a secret but she didn't let you know in advance. You two weren't at home... She was marvelous! The program we are working is really developing her! The riding of course but she does a workout in your exercise room three or four times a week, weights for her upper body and legs and there's school. She's disciplined and follows through. For a thirteen year old she is rare."

Charlotte grinning, "It isn't all work, we've gone up to London to shop, do some touristy things and see movies."

Fist bump!

"How about tomorrow? Want to see the new house in Fortrose?" That to Sunny as she rode up.

Big yes from Sunny. Okay.

"I'll be out early as usual then we fly to Inverness. Marsha and her mum going home."

I looked up the hill, "You haven't met Marsha?"

A head shake.

"They'll be with us for dinner and the flight. She's seventeen and probably going to join Gregory's staff."

Sunny would come out to ride with me in the morning.

We walked up the grassy lane to see Marsha and her mum emerge from Gregory's office.

Marsha's smile told me a lot. She would join our staff in a month. Her mum was Okay with it.

"She should have some experiences, every girl needs them. I think she'll be safe here."

I gave Marsha a hug, "Good! We'll take care of her!"

I introduced Sunny and Charlotte to them. They were chatting, Gregory motioned to me.

"Marsha is a nice young woman who I think will work out fine. She's interested, appears to love horses so we'll see. I did try to make sure she and her mum understood there was a certain amount of roughness' to a big stable and the men weren't choirboys. Her mum said they'd had a talk' about her being with a lot of young men on the flight down... so eyes are opened."

His Sylvia was doing fine getting big but no problems, not often sick, moving about well. Alfred was being wonderful helping his mom, wanting to know whether he'd have a sister or brother. They hadn't wanted to know but Alfred... He shrugged.

Sitting in the Great Room with a Campari and soda smiling at Cho stroking Jaidee's fur by the fire. We had just finished doing the Twins dinner. They were using their spoons with more skill! Help still needed but they were really into it!

Tha was behind them during dinner, a huge smile and a very quiet laugh when there was any big `boo boo's.' The Twins had grins and looks of concentration alternating.

Lots of teeth making their smiles so sweet! They were happy, healthy and loving babies. Tha was doing a spectacular job! We made it a point to tell her that often and give her extra time off from the work.

Charlie so outgoing, inquisitive, always trying to figure out things. Chani more chill, loves to be held and talked to about anything, enjoying our voices.

In the dawn I was up on Pamela, Sunny on Natasha and Tessa on Max going down the grassy lane to ride south. Warmed up we asked them after the railroad tracks. We swooped down on the lock, the fellow a bit surprised by our fast arrival.

Roy wasn't out yet as we crossed the river. Along Barton Lane on Harcourt House land we galloped up the dirt roads to Archie and Margy's place then on Hall Street through Lower Radley. We powered up the track northward towards the Industrial Estate covering the mile and half very quickly.

We slowed to a walk through the Estate, no one was around not even Samuel's folks were there yet. At the Sandford Lock the lock man waved calling out a `good morning' which we returned. In the town it was quiet. Once we were back on grass Pamela began to run away from the others.

When we approached our boundary Pamela and I were well ahead of Sunny and Tessa. I had Pamela run on to the Flats since no one was out this early on the Training Tracks. We walked our horses towards the cross country course.

"Fay, Charlotte has been very careful about this but I have enjoyed running it. Prince and Zephyr both do very well. They jump cleanly, they're not afraid when I'm directing them."

"Good! They trust you!" Fist bump.

"We have another horse for you coming the day after tomorrow from Sir Harry's stables. His name is Plotline, he's all black and eight years and some months old."

Sunny was clapping lightly.

"You can ride him after he gets some time to stretch his legs in a paddock."

A big grin!

We loaded up for Chalgrove. It would be chilly in the Highlands. Black skinny jeans, cut-off T in black, a short long sleeved jumper in black, black ankle boots, `Joy' A pea coat and gloves

Marsha smiling as she followed her mum into the Gulfstream. Derry over the tannoy, `We're taxiing for take-off.'

A quick taxi then the power! Fifty minutes in flight, cars waiting. One for Marsha and her mother straight home. The others carried us to Fortrose and the new house. Enroute I called Aunt Dee, they would walk over to join us.

We turned off the High Street in Fortrose onto Ness Road. A bit more than a half mile we entered the MacQuarrie House drive and stopped in front. Aunt Dee and Uncle Craig were smiling, HUGS!

The Estate Agent was at the door with keys, etc... We let Francis deal with him. I walked around the house with Sunny and Gil, the pale stone was weathered but looked quite nice, Slate roof. The cottage was built in the same manner.

The garden was large and completely private, the hedge was high and dense. The shade trees spreading out, nice oaks and a laburnum.

A flagged stone terrace had two large windows that let out onto it. Francis was inside, he opened one, we walked in. The sitting room was a nice size, a nice big marble fireplace, flanked by large floor to ceiling built-in shelves, oak.

The entryway had a large closet, the study/library was to the right, the sitting room straight ahead, a passageway on the right went past the study, a sitting room for ladies then the dining room. A powder room opposite the ladies sitting room. Another off the sitting room.

The kitchen beyond the dining room had a space for a good sized table near the south facing windows, a large grate done in brick. If we chose a smaller sized table we could have a few comfortable chairs near the fire.

The kitchen was reasonably modern in appearance, lots of cabinets. The appliances needed to be upgraded. There was a kitchen garden, herbs and space for some vegetables, right out the rear door in a sunny spot.

The stairs to the first floor went left, right, right to a passage that went front to back. The bathroom was at the top of the stairs, two bedrooms in the front, a nursery in the centre and two ensuite bedrooms were at the back.

Sunny wandering into all the rooms smiling, "This is a nice house. I want to see it when it's furnished."

"You'll be along with us on other trips."

Cho and Francis were out front looking at the roof. Solar panels might would work up there in several large arrays. Francis had a company coming from Inverness tomorrow to do an install in part of the pasture beside the house. So they'll have a look at the roof.

My unasked opinion was it would ruin the look of the house. They agreed. So no panels up there.

Aunt Dee had news! She had two people to live-in who she thought were good. They were a couple, a forty five year old woman to be cook and housekeeper partnered with a forty seven year old woman who was a gardener.

"Fay, Cho, they are very nice. They are living in Dingwall..." Dee motioned to the west, "... across the Cromarty Firth. Now they know there's probably not enough work here year round for a gardener so she could be inside helping with the housekeeping in between times."

Francis leaned in, "Thomas' folks are working on the vetting. Also he has a couple, husband and wife like Arc and Po to be the Security team here. They'd live in the apartment above the garage."

I liked the couple part but what about vacations, etc... was my comment to Francis. He said like at Southwold, another pair of officers would go over to give them time off together.

Fine. Fortrose wasn't nearby anything of ours... Okay neither was Southwold. I wasn't going to micro-manage for sure!

I liked the house, it wasn't flashy, just a solid basic home. Cho could come up with friends and stay, go out to many local golf courses that are in an easy drive. I could see Uncle Craig and Aunt Dee without getting underfoot. The Twins could be introduced to the Highlands and its unique culture.

Cho collected his gear and Uncle Craig for a round of golf. The clubhouse was an eighth of a mile walk. Cho carried a golf bag to leave in the caddie shack afterwards. He was to complete his membership business today!

Uncle Craig said they were very pleased he wanted to join. Cho's exploits at the Bel-Air Club hadn't gone unnoticed by golfers in Fortrose!

They both got a kiss from me and Dee. Fist bump for Rande.

We walked to Dee's since the new house had nothing inside it. Tea and cookies! Okay a start but I needed more. We decided to walk to the Fortrose Café on the High Street.

PJ smiling as we walked over there. PJ told Tara the food was excellent! Tara grinning, rubbing her hands, `hungry!' Sunny's face said the same.

The five of us moved as a group, there were some looks but I guessed it wasn't me just the crowd. In the café the waitress did know me but was cool. I slid off my coat... she gave my body a good look! She smiled, I nodded.

We settled in a table near the front, soup and a big plate of chips, mayo on the side. We all ate well, enjoyable place, good food and despite some stares we were left alone. Our waitress brought me a big piece of their Victoria Sponge cake!! Espresso! I was good!

The walk back to Dee's was without drama, I was introduced to a few of her neighbors. Dee looked over to me after I met her next door neighbor and I knew what she was thinking so I nodded.

"Fay and her husband bought the MacQuarrie House so they'll be around town occasionally."

The neighbor, Jan, was surprised, looking at me, "That's wonderful for Dee! It's a nice old home."

"Well, it's close to the golf course."

She laughed, "After what your husband did over there I'm not surprised. My husband was quite jealous."

We laughed.

"Well he's over there now and the wind seems to be up more today so we'll see."

Inside we relaxed on a sofa to look through their picture albums. Lots of snaps a Graeme and Donella during their growing up. The odd picture of me at the beginning then I disappeared.

There was one of me in shorts and a t-shirt on a beach in the bright sun. My face was clear, a bit of a squint from the light. Gil remarked that she had seen that look when we've been in the sunlight, me without my shades.

I smiled, "Well it is me, I'm just bigger."

Dee laughed, "Yes that's true but..." She squeezed my hand.

Okay! Some changes have occurred but I didn't think like that. In my mind I've always been a girl just unconsciously, deeply buried, now it's manifested.

I'm sitting in my Aunt's nice little parlour in Scotland, an odd memory image came to my inner eye... I was laying back on a sofa without my pants, Cynthia was sucking my cock as she loved to do, I was watching her from a great distance... it wasn't even my cock... it was just someone's cock, Cynthia was so enjoying herself... with me thinking it should be me...

It's like I had been in a cocoon...


Odd thoughts! Looking at the one picture where I could have been a boy or a girl brought that out?

Better get some tea. Dee and I did it, a plate of shortbread. She had a cute sly look... a red tin from a cabinet, "This is for you."

I peeked, shortbread!!

"There's two pounds there so when you eat it all send the tin for a refill." She was giggling!

We hugged! I wrapped my arms around the tin when Gil reached out towards it causing general laughter!

PJ warned Tara not to get between me and shortbread. He'd be forced to defend me!

We were laughing quite hard as a text from Rande came in. Cho and Craig had finished their round, lots of fireworks and a short stop at 19th Hole.

Aunt Dee with help got a light meal to go with tea ready. The guys walked in as we were finishing. Their eyes bright when they saw it on the table.

We got hugs and kisses. They'd a short' scotch at the bar and were hungry. We sat down to hear the game' results. Cho shot a 63 today.

"The winds were trickier this time. I figured them out well enough to enjoy myself. Jack Nicklaus here was following my lead."

They both laughed and did a fist bump. Francis who was biting into a cookie almost choked.

Cho patted his back with a big grin.

"I had a 76 which for me is quite good on that course with the winds up," Uncle Craig did a puffy chest to more laughs.

It was great to see them have fun together. I could see Cho coming up more than I might have imagined now that a house was available. I knew Uncle Craig would retire soon so would be ready to go golfing on short notice!

Aunt Dee volunteered to help on the furnishing of the house. She gave Gil the name of an excellent local interior painter and a draper. We could get some of the rooms re-painted right away.

I was charged by Cho with the `decorating' so I would get to make the decisions. I mentioned chintz curtains... the look of horror on his face... priceless.

Francis and Gil had measurements and snaps of all the rooms from various angles for me. Also Francis had several floorplans from the Estate Agent.

Dee would be my eyes on site for the painting and as the furniture arrived to be placed. I was going to buy from many sources, local and around Scotland. It would be shipped to the house, our Security on hand for the deliveries.

We did our goodbyes, hugs, kisses and my hands on a red tin! At Inverness airport we were away immediately. Derry had his foot down so it was as fast a flight as possible. Prasert delivered us to the door where Carter stood smiling.

He was happy, the Twins had been down to the Great Room for hours by the fireplace having fun. He had played with them, read a book about birds and Jaidee had contributed his warm soft body as a pillow.

Chani and Charlie were eating in the Nursery when we came through the door. Tha smiling as both of them waved their arms towards us. Tha let Sunny and I take over. Bibs for us like the kids! We had fun, the Twins laughing as they used their spoons with some assistance!

They were quite proud of themselves. I was thrilled, Tha smiling from behind them doing a thumbs up! Cho's face was marvelous. He leaned over to kiss me! Chani reached out... Cho kissed her forehead where there wasn't any food!

We went down to the stables to visit all around. The new colts were thriving, their mums were happy. Pamela and Roland nuzzling in her stall, bedside them Asda and Secret Sea doing the same. Mints were provided for everyone!

Too late to ride but I had a hug session with Rebel. I told him we were very proud of his new son. He nickered!

Before dinner we went up to help put down the Twins for the night. Hugs and kisses! They were so sweet, happy and doing great! It was fun to get to hold them while they yawned, ready for bed.

We backed out as Tha did her last things of the day. She came out with a grin, "Fay, Cho, it is wonderful being with your two. Such nice babies!"

I hugged her, "You are helping them be just that! Thank you!"

Tha waved her hand, "Maybe a little but they are like their parents!"

In the dark, warm, cuddled, Cho kissed my neck from behind, "Dear, they are sweet kids. They will be fine, they are growing up with so much love."

I kissed a hand, squeezing to agree. I drifted off thinking about Tha staying with us forever...

My morning began with Jaidee and Pamela then segued to a ride up to London. Cho beside me on his phone, me doing email on the iPad, Francis and Gil the same. Our Protectors with their electronics too. A day trip to the big city.

I brought up having Tha become the nanny after the nurse wasn't needed.

"She speaks English beautifully, her French is excellent. She's smart and adaptable..."

Cho's grin!!! He'd been thinking the same. The Twins loved her, they were bonded... why change that. Now all we needed to do was ask Tha. A finger aimed at me? Me...

"No! We do it together!"

Cho hugged me... a bit tough in a seatbelt!

After we did a short tour, I changed to the other car at the new apartment building on Fulham Palace Road. One of Graham's people met us, a walk through, we got to see several empty apartments being upgraded. The bed-sit's on the top floor were a good size with large dormer windows letting in lots of light.

Cho would go on to The Company then the solicitors. PJ and Ken with Gil and I headed to Harrods. Then Harvey Nichols. And later a lunch with Jack and Corinna.

My shopping wasn't too long, a few bits of accessories and shoes at Harrods, dresses and a meeting with a Roland Mouret representative at Harvey Nichols.

She had a duplicate of the midnight blue dress in white with a black bodice. It looked good! Done!

She said Roland was glad he could accommodate me.

I bought a few summer dresses. Mixed fabrics and styles. All to be delivered to Harcourt House after a few minor alterations.

Lunch in a private dining room at Kerridges, Jack and Corinna could enter through the front, I came in via the hotel. Gil had done all the setup, she chose Menu A.

We sat to eat and talk about anything but our topic. When we got to dessert and afters Gil asked that the wait staff leave us. Coffee was prepared so we could serve ourselves.

I gave them the news about our project which was current and hadn't been forwarded yet.

The King had spoken to two Army generals, softly... softly... about how to access the merits of the efforts the military were carrying out in the south. They had data and plans but thankfully the King didn't let them off with reciting those.

He asked a few questions given to him by his younger younger, the Prince. The generals did admit that the strength of the insurrection had not been seriously eroded and that needless citizens lives had been lost. The Army only controlled the ground they occupied and hit & run attacks occurred frequently.

Their only good news was the number of casualties among the civilians was down, that was due to the rebels being more careful after there had been severe blowback on them from the Muslim clerics and their supporters.

The King did not bring up any attempt to start negotiations at this meeting. The Prince said he was going slowly but seemed determined to move things along within the limits of monarchial power.

Corinna was amazed, "The King is the key. He may not have the historical `ruling' authority but the moral weight is tremendous."

I was smiling, "It is what we are counting on, his brother is doing everyone a huge favour working quietly behind the scenes. What my father wants is get more of his Army colleagues to admit the failure of the Army's methods and so seek a way out."

I looked at both of them, "What we need from you is pressure from the Malays on the insurgents to soften their position. They need to get to the place we are trying to get the Army... there is no battlefield victory for either."

Jack was about to say... I continued, "Inflexibility on their part means violence will go on and none of things they claim to be fighting for will happen."

Jack nodding, motioning to Corinna, "We believe the Malays will help much further. They have a few advantages, the rebels have been left alone for the most part because they've caused no problems on Malay soil. They are co-religionists who want to see the Muslims of Thailand treated decently and will pressure the Thai government to do that. Working both sides is good for your effort."

Corinna relayed a message from her Malay contact that their government has asked some of the insurgent principals to a meeting.

"They will convey the Malay position... peace in Thailand's south and equality for their Muslim brethren. But they will not permit the warfare to cross the border or give unqualified support for an open-ended guerilla war. So a big NO to any thought of `sanctuaries' south of the border."

Okay! Gil did the restaurant business as we said our goodbyes. We all went out the way we came in. My group walked to Northumberland Avenue to the car, down to the Embankment and west to Fulham.

A quick stop at Basuto Road, a dash over to see Caroline. She and Catherine were doing great! Ting and Andrea working.

I got the boxes of wargames from the basement into the car with some help. No Cho trying to undress me this time though!

Back to Harcourt House. Cho and I would exchange our day's fun later. Tom dropped us at the door to warm greeting from Carter. He had a `cute' grin... Graeme came out of the door! Hug! He and two friends had come down to ride but mixed up the date. They would drive back to town and come back next weekend.

Inside by the fire I was introduced to two other captains, Bentley and Roseanna. I told them it was fine to stay we were off tomorrow to Florida for a race.

I said get ready I was going up to change! Okay! They were happy. I said we'd meet out front.

My outfit caused a surprise! Me in black with Tara. She was introduced to the others by Graeme as one of my close protection team and a former U.S. Marine lieutenant. Big handshake by Roseanna.

Rebel was ready! I said I was going north, I had one short stop to make in Sandford. They were all happy to follow my lead. Neither of the new ones had been out here before with Graeme.

I set a moderate pace after some warm up. We rode by the Fraser's both Dan's out in a field working. Waves! A wave and yell from Deanna. We walked up to Mr. Hardy's door, I slipped down as he came out, a hug.

I told him I had brought the boxes of games from Fulham and he should go up to the basement room to see. He grinned, saying he would.

"Do it any time you want. We'll be gone tomorrow."

He was looking so healthy, trim with wonderful colour. He gave me a leg up for the first time. Cheers! We walked through Sandford around to the church. I pointed out the sights. Ha!

Dr. and Mrs. Lone were on their way out in the car, waves. We turned into the dirt lane...Rebel was ready. Tara smiling from Max, Graeme told the others to follow us.

At the berm I let Rebel go! Zoooomm! He tore along the dirt and grass track going fast, I knew there was yet another gear to shift into. We neared the opening to the grassy north of the Radley's Rebel accelerated! It was like Glaa when he turns for home... he recognizes that he's near the end and wants to get it done in style!

Rebel has the same sense! Tara was closest as I sped across the Radley's and onto the Fraser's leaning down close to Rebel's neck. Awesome! When we reached the property line I began to ease Rebel, Freddie was out with youngsters on the Training Tracks.

Rebel slowing to prance over the grass past Freddie's group's admiring gaze. A big wave. We walked up to the arenas as Sunny was working with Charlotte.

Tara and Graeme caught up, the other two were some ways back. Roseanna's face was flushed, eyes a bit wild, "Boy do you ride! I've never seen anyone on a horse like that."

"It's all Rebel, he loves to run!"

Graeme laughing, "Yes Rebel's a runner..." He stroked my big boy's muscled neck, "...but you are the one he runs for! I rode him once and he did run for me, not like this!"

My hand caressing Rebel's soft ears, down his mane... nickering.

"Miss Martin, this is very fine of you to offer your hospitality to us!"

"Bentley, I'm glad Graeme is taking advantage of our offer and including friends. Our equine friends need the exercise so we're good!"

We walked our horses up the lane after I got a hug from Sunny.

Anthony grinning, "Andy said you delivered scones a few times!"

"I did. Martha made them special for us and knowing I'd take some to him. His number two, Dean, got in on the act."

Fist bump!

As we walked up I gave our guests the protocol for a night at Harcourt House, drinks, dinner and afters. Not too dressy for clothes, ties were unnecessary. Smiles from the men.

Cho arrived, my open arms clasping him! Kiss. A `we have a lot to talk about' was repeated back to him, we stood there grinning. I let him know Graeme and two friends were with us. He was good with it.

I changed to a typical outfit, Munro Ancient tartan skirt, black crop T shirt under a short cut black long-sleeved light knit jumper and a blue wool jacket to match the blue in the skirt. Black tights and ankle boots. `Joy' and lots of silver bit from ankle to belly to neck and ears.

Cho in black slender slacks, a black long sleeved shirt, silver horses at the cuffs and slim cut jacket, low boots. `Terre' on his skin, so good to sniff!

I had a sherry on a sofa with Roseanna. She'd been in the Army for nearly ten years, overseas service in Germany, Afghanistan, Cyprus, an expert in communications.

No `man' in her life at the moment, she had ridden quite a lot as a girl, some equestrian events but not serious like Sunny. She was slender, my height, a bit more weight than me, she carried very well. Light brown hair, rose complexion, nice blue eyes.

Sunny sat with us, we talked horses. Roseanna had a brown horse as a teen, Danny, who was her buddy. Sunny told her about Prince and Zephyr.

Plotline would be delivered in the morning. A one day delay because of a problem with their van. Sir Harry had apologized, Cho had said to him it didn't matter we'd send a van. Gregory was sending Cormac and Ethan in the morning for the pickup.

Cho and I went up to the Nursey to help feed the Twins. They had the pony' bibs on, we did bibs too! They were getting the hang of their spoons! Errors' were made but it was very light-hearted. Charlie appeared to be more adept.

Going back down I stopped to change my jumper as Chani had given me an arm splatter. Our guests would get to meet the Twins after dinner.

Carla did a salmon in a teriyaki and ginger rub. Tasty. Afters in the Great Room with the Twins. Graeme holding Charlie, Roseanna beside me, her lap full of Chani. They won new hearts!

Roseanna saying she'd get around to this for sure as Chani smiled at me.

Cho and I carried them up for bedtime. Charlie looking so cute like his dad! Kisses and hugs for them.

I was back from my ride with Tessa and Pamela! A kiss for Sunny's cheek as she scooted out the door to Prasert's car. My breakfast over Cho and I walked down to see off Cormac and Ethan.

Driving the truck and van trailer it was about forty five minutes one way. So they'll be back in a couple of hours. Fist bumps!

Graeme and his friends went out to ride after breakfast. He was going to give them a tour of the estate. A easy entertaining ride.

Cho and I went up to the Nursery. The Twins were playing with puzzles, Tha gently supervising. We sat with them and asked Tha to stay with us as nanny.

Tha was very happy! Tears! Cho quick with a Cho-Fay handkerchief.

I squeezed her hand, "That's a Yes I guess?"

Tha nodding. We all laughed.

"I am happy it would have been very difficult to have gone away."

Hugs! I said it seemed to so simple and obvious and ... perfect!

I was flipping pages of a report in the Library, Gil was pushing another my way. Shit! This stuff doesn't die off! Washed, changed, coffee by my elbow and a pile of paper which was growing!

I was good, working my way through it all. The Company bits right on to 21st Century Fox ones. When Gregory texted the horse van was coming up the drive I had my excuse to escape!

I gathered Cho and Francis from the Office to join us. We walked down without coats, we had a breeze but it wasn't cold. I was mostly dressed in black with a black and white tartan pleated miniskirt.

Cormac led Plotline from the trailer. Damn he was handsome. His sire was Siberian Prince like our Prince Sergey! His dam as named Princess Tatiana, a distant cousin to Siberian Prince.

I'd asked Sir Harry once about the names, part of his mother's family had been White Russians who settled in London after the 1917 revolution. One of the original mares came from Russia so it became a thing.

Plotline was handsome and happy to be turned out into a paddock to run! We watched him, strong haunches.

I stayed down, Cho went to play a round at Oxford East with Graeme and Bentley after their ride. Roseanna wandered around our stables with me. I scooped up Tess for some fur rubbing which was fine.

Gil, Tara, Ken and Roseanna joined me for a ride. Rebel eager as always! We went south this time, a reverse of my normal. When I asked Tara to take me to Mr. Blair there were grins from knowing faces. Roseanna was wondering, Gil said let it be a surprise.

We had a good gallop to the railroad and on to Denham School. I had us walk by, just observing at it from a distance. It was in general good shape, some of the buildings quite nice looking.

Through Culham, there was a lineup for the bridge so we waited then did a soft canter on the asphalt roadway to the grass beyond when a lorry driver waved us ahead. Tara turned us off the Appleford Road onto All Saints Lane, two hundred yards down she led us right to the back gate.

Roseanna was baffled, smiling though. We tied up and walked along the path I'd been down so many times. My black glove on the weathered gray stone, she was still at sea.

Tara grinning motioning to Ken. He laughed, a good sound even in a somber place.

"It's George Orwell."

Roseanna's eyes widened, "Here? Why here?"

I told her, and "It's much to my benefit as I enjoy the ride over here."

I looked behind the headstone to check on my stone. WOW!!!! There were about ten black stones! My large one and a bunch of smaller sized companions of various shades and shapes. So cool other folks would join in!

I told them what I'd done months back... other visitors adding to mine was so brilliant! Inside I wanted to cry from happiness of the human connection being made anonymously! A shared honouring of a great writer.

Ken looking at me... like when he'd been new to the Team and wondering about me being prescient... I grinned. Fist bump!

Tara leading once more we retraced our route back to Harcourt House. Walking up to the house Roseanna thanked me for the ride and cemetery visit.

"I bet my afternoon was more interesting than the guys."

"Well they probably got a good show playing with Cho."

Roseanna wasn't into golf so Gil queued up a sports piece on Cho's Bel-Air adventure. I was fun to watch her watch the video... those eyes getting huge again... then it was at the awards part she started pointing to the iPad screen looking over at me in riding clothes...

"Fay, you were sensational looking!"

I bowed smiling, "I love that suit! Gil, the ball dress snaps."

Roseanna adored my ball gown. She hadn't ever seen `Rear Window' so the link was blank for her. Gil pointed her to a search with Safari for the movie and pictures. Roseanna got involved, we let her wander down the rabbit hole.

I met the golf Pro at the door, hug, kiss!

Graeme chuckling, "Seems like Cho didn't leave his game on the Bel-air course!!"

Bentley said he had thought he was a decent amateur golfer with a three handicap until this afternoon.

"Cho just keeps hitting great shots with every club! Awesome!"

My eyes shining holding my man!

"I did Okay, could have been better with the putter."

Cho shot a 64, eight birdies. He had missed several eagle putts which caused his comment.

We had a good dinner with our Army officers before we mounted up for Chalgrove. Our guests would leave after a morning ride. Hugs! Nice to meet friends of Graeme's.

An email pinged as I walked up the 767 stairs with Chani. I put her in their room with her brother and Tha.

It was Kent reminding us the `pee tape' story would run tonight on Fox News! I guess we should check out the news in the morning!

Some afters in the lounge once we were on level flight. Yobi's smile, she was going to be with us for now. She and Ban worked well together.

Ro and Tara were running Jaidee up and down the front of the cabin, he was loving it! He came over to flop on the deck beside Cho, a bit winded but a happy puppy. Cho grinning, rubbed him him good.

Sleep was easy, my warm soporific on my back.

We had daylight! I was reading overnight comments on the `pee tape' story. Disgust was the common denominator. The horror of ordinary people towards the republicans nominating such a perverse, twisted person for president was made plain. Across the political spectrum the feelings of revulsion were the norm.

I guess Trump wasn't going to come out of hiding any time soon.

The other networks were reporting on our story. Nothing new dug up yet because we had a huge scoop on a story they all dropped. Yevgeny's information made it a killer piece!

I had emailed and texted to Kent and the reporters first thing. They were thrilled at the response. Trump's people had issued a denial but took no questions or said anything to show the story to be wrong. Because it wasn't!

I emailed to Roslyn asking if Samara had seen the story and her reaction. I'd have to wait on an answer.

Yobi came up to find me with coffee and an apple. She promised eggs, veggie sausage, toast and more fruit! I'm in!

Cho with his usual excellent timing came out to breakfast being served to me. Yobi said I'd get a replacement piece of toast for the one Cho nabbed. Francis, Gil and the Security folks all appeared with the cooking scents drawing them.

I sat to work until we landed. I had about thirty minutes. Miami-Opa-Locka Airport out a starboard window as we went west to make our approach. On the ground we stretched our legs with Jaidee on a grassy area near our parking spot.

We had hours before the race so back to work and watching the news about the `pee tape.' All network news programs carried it on their morning shows including clips with the Fox News logo at the bottom!

Roslyn called, Samara was proud her dad gave the information to Fox News. She didn't like Trump! Roslyn had said Samara was a keen observer of political news.

She some other good news, Ricardo, one of the Security men on the Minetta Street detail was a `rollerblader' so he could go out with her and Samara. That was great!

I asked Roslyn to make sure any expenses were covered, like a latte or juice. She laughed and said Yes!

As I spoke with Roslyn Bill called Cho from Fox Tower, I was patched in. A lawyer for Trump called asking we stop showing the `pee tape' story and retract it because it was defamatory. Bill said he laughed at him, "most unprofessional but it was so silly of an attorney to even imagine it would happen. When I said he could sue if he wanted there was silence on the line. He sputtered out some nonsense and hung up."

Cho laughed with me, "If they sue Trump will have to take the witness stand because just doing a deposition will not satisfy us."

"Well he's phobic of open court rooms after a few disastrous visits."

Cho squeezed me, "He'll have to do it! Too bad!"

After lunch we dressed for the track. Me in a white dress with yellow swirling vertical lines varying in width, sleeveless, the belt in yellow, nude stockings and yellow heels. A yellow bag from Dolce and Gabbana and white gloves. A white cardigan.

Cho in a navy blue suit, white shirt and a Harcourt Racing yellow and green tie, one of my gifts! Gold horses on his cuffs. Another!

Gil and Francis looking spiffy, PJ and Tara, Rande and Penny all were very nicely dressed too. We looked very nifty!!

Over to Biscayne Boulevard then north into Hallandale Beach, a right onto Seabiscuit Trail to the barn entrance. The guards knew about us and we headed to the same barn where IrishRainbow had been quartered.

Jackson was smiling with a tanned face. He was laughing, "She's ready! Quite like a bow pulled back waiting for release. The boys are going to see a show today!"

I gave the big guy a hug before going in to see her. Hansa was nickering as we petted her. Reggie leaning against the stall door, a soft smile, "Miss she's been wound up all week. She's been wanting to race!"

Fist bump!

The car carried us over to Grandstand, got out under the portico, greeted as before by a race track person. She was nice and led us up to the same suite, the White Room.

We could look out over the race course and the crowd which was large. The Florida Derby was a big race, a G1 race with one million dollars at stake. Also a hundred points towards qualifying for the Kentucky Derby. Those points guaranteed a winning horse making it to the Derby.

The post parade was starting so we gathered on the balcony, sunny day, warming in the afternoon. Hansa looked terrific, her golden red colouring in the sun. Tomas' green and yellow reflecting the light. They gathered down below. Many Kentucky Derby hopefuls in the group.

It was a mile and an eighth race so the whole track was used. The starting gate filling up, all the horses going in easily. Hansa was in the number four slot. Loaded...

Clang!! They all burst out evenly, Hansa and three others abreast quickly going down the straight for the first time. As the four reached the turn they closed to the rail Hansa second out moving easy.

Tomas riding quietly. In my glasses I watched him made a subtle motion on the reins as they turned onto the back straightaway. Hansa switched leads and surged ahead. She took a two length lead down the back stretch keeping it until the turn. In the turn she doubled her advantage now tight to the rail.

Coming onto the stretch a quick lead change and a rush of power! Two of the others made their move pouring on the speed! Tomas took a fast look over his shoulder and began to ask Hansa. She responded with a kick... the two closest began to fade. Hansa's renewed speed pulled her away to a six length victory.

1:46:9!! Very fast!! Not a record but close. She showed power and stamina!

Jackson got a hug from me and Cho's big handshake!

Our girl came back up the track towards the Winner's Circle a beautiful sight. The nice race track woman guided us down. Our second race here and another win!

The crowds were very appreciative with their cheers and applause as Cho led Hansa into the Winners Circle. PJ and Rande beside me. Cho was his usual urbane, smiling self even the appearance of a large microphone didn't bother him.

He thanked the track and stakes folks and especially the crowd for supporting horse racing here. He added we'd be back to race here next year. A nice applause for that.

Tomas and Hansa got hugs from me before going for their usual post-race bits.

We walked north to the end of the Grandstand where the track had several golf carts to take us to the barn. We scooted over, Jackson was looking like a proud father!

He would take her to Santa Anita for a rest before going to Kentucky with the rest of our folks. Glaa, SakChai, Aneka and Hansa would all race at Churchill Downs in three different races.

We got to congratulate Tomas again and hug Hansa before heading to the airport. A Gulfstream and one of the new 767's for horses were there now. We did a tour.

It had twelve padded stalls, all facilities for feeding and watering plus removal of `waste.' It had a lounge for our staff and any grooms going with their horses. Sleeping places for six people accompanying the horses at a time and a large shower.

The deck was reinforced and it had much larger flight crew spaces, beds and a sitting area. Larger than normal fuel capacity and extra cabin venting.

They would pick up Hansa and several horses from other owners, make a stop in New Orleans to get Rando, carry him and others to Hot Springs then go to Ontario International near Santa Anita.

Now a short separation! The Gulfstream was here for me to go Upperville and a White House meeting. An overnight then to New York after my meeting. Cho, the Twins and Jaidee would go to New York. Cho had several important meetings at the new investment bank. Guests coming!

We'd go out to Aqueduct for the Wood Memorial race next weekend where SakChai would make his eastern debut. He'd run against a few other Kentucky Derby contenders.

A big kiss and hug for all my family. The Twins so cute, Jaidee's tail going a-mile-a-minute! Cho! A tight hold on me, kiss!

"Remember I'm at the bank all morning then at Winged Foot. Enjoy your Hillary visit."

Another kiss. A grin! I stepped into the jet, we closed up and were moving right away. Derry's voice `We're off!'

Gil and I worked for a bit more than an hour then I changed clothes. One of my new dresses. The black silk organza dress to mid-calf with the skirt in narrow pleats, the bodice snug from the small belted waist to a collar connected above each side around the neck in a loose cowl with translucent cap sleeves.

The black onyx jewellery on everywhere, black stockings and heels. A wrap of black chiffon around my shoulders completed my look.

We landed and taxied to the Rossen Aviation hangars. The ever skilled Kavat team had arranged a helicopter landing spot down the road from Le Champignon d'Or. We fluttered down onto the grassy space, a car of ours on the nearby road took us about eight blocks to the restaurant. It would stay to take us out to Upperville later.

At the doorway a couple was going in so PJ held the door, Tessa looking around. Gil behind me.

I waited for them to go in, the man thanked PJ and turned to me to motion me forward but I said he should go ahead with his companion. The woman turned back towards us... Oh... she knew who I was right off... a surprised look which startled her husband.

I decided to fix it, I extended my left hand to her and my right to him, "Hello, I'm Fay Martin. I hope you enjoy your dinner this is a favorite place of my husband and I."

They took my hands, the man was nice, his wife still a bit glazed. He thanked me urging his wife inside. PJ had a huge grin.

Gerald was at the maître d' desk, he greeted the couple.

"I will take you to your table in a moment."

I motioned to them, a smile, he picked up two menus after checking his desk and led them off to the right. He returned with a huge smile, "Miss Martin!!!"

I held open my arms! Hug! Antonio came up for a hug too!! They hugged Gil. They knew PJ and Tessa were working so a simple hello. Gerald led us to the table at the back.

There was some rubbernecking and some pointing by other diners. Easy to ignore.

We slipped into the big booth, Gerald seated PJ and Tessa and joined us.

Antonio was there at the table end with a bottle of Taittinger's. Thumbs up from me! Bubbles in my nose. He served caviar and the extras.

Gerald grinning, "Your dress is beautiful! So retro! Stylish!"

I told Gerald the origins and Gil pulled up a snap from `Rear Window' on her iPad.

"Oh Miss Martin, you could not have chosen a better guide for beauty and style."

I squeezed his hand.

I got into the caviar. Hungry but I didn't shovel it in. In between bites I told him why Cho wasn't with me and where we had been.

They were coming out to Bangkok in two weeks for part of their annual restaurant refurbishment closing vacation. A short trip to Phuket again! Antonio was looking forward to the sun!

Gerald had planned the dinner around a bit of sweetness. A slightly sweet pumpkin bisque to begin, smooth and tasty! A spinach, arugula salad with an orange vinaigrette dressing with pieces of orange and walnuts which were great together. A parchment wrapped salmon fillet that had a mild teriyaki flavour surrounded by big grilled shitake mushrooms and shallots in the same sauce, a flaky crust tart filled with carrot compote with currants, white corn flour wedges baked with a honey butter glaze.

I was smiling through this! Enjoying the mild sweetness in each dish. Gerald with a cute smile when I asked about the Frenchness of the meal.

"Well... being French I feel free to express myself."

We laughed. It had been fun to update each other on our doings. He got to see lots of snaps of the Twins. As he was a golfer, he'd had been astounded by Cho's play in Los Angeles. He laughed when I told him what Tom Angleten had said to the press afterwards.

"Well he should worry and the others! Cho has a wonderful swing and I watched him focus before each shot when we played. Quite amazing!"

I giggled telling him how there was no betting when Cho is playing with his friends. A shaken head `no doubt' for that.

Afters were a tiny glass of Remy Martin for me and thin slices of the white chocolate. A treat! Chocolate but no liqueurs to Tessa and PJ. Tessa's face!!!

Always tough to say goodbye to Gerald and Antonio but we'd see them soon again. Tessa had the car door open and we were off to Upperville.

At that time of night it was only an hour's drive. The house looked good all lit up for us. Flo was there to welcome my crowd. There was a chill so the hot chocolate was terrific before bed.

Cho and I talked on my drive. They were settled in on Minetta Street! I'd be there tomorrow afternoon.

I was up before the sun sipping coffee in the kitchen. Flo working on her family's breakfasts, baking bread and goodies for the staff. I walked out with Tara and Tessa for a ride. Ash whinnying as I got a leg up, we went out to the west.

The cross country course looked great. A group of locals had come over to see and ride over it. They had given it top marks! That was a credit to Daniel and Mykal's work and the original architect of the course which happened to be Charles.

The very same was planning to come back from London in a month. He was bringing Agatha with him! I thought it splendid!

Flo grinning, "I talked with him for the planning. He sounds so happy. Agatha must check off a lot of boxes on his Joyce list."

I said I hadn't met her, Angela really liked Charles so it was good.

Our ride turned north after viewing the course to the property line then east. Everything looked so lovely in the spring colours. Wild flowers, trees in their spring bright green nearly ready to flower. Pleasant to ride out in all the beauty.

Flo fed us well. I changed to appropriate attire. A new Mirabelle outfit.

A silk navy suit with an a-line skirt to just below the knee, the jacket cut to the top of my hips, belted at the waist, a shirt collar and small cuffs at the wrists. The silk jacket lined with white satin giving it more form. A sleeveless silk blouse in pale gray with tiny pearl buttons about eight inches down in the front. I added a flat brim pale gray felt hat, a small crown and a navy band. It had a pale gray wide mesh face net to add on.

Navy heels and stockings, a bit of light blush, light gray over my eyes, red nails and lips. `Joy' thinking of Cho!

We boarded an AW139 on the lawn, nonstop to the White House. The sun was bright on the buildings as we crossed the Potomac River. The marble whiteness of the monuments reflecting the light.

On the South Lawn there were a few aides to help us into the building. This time I walked through the Rose Garden to an entrance off the West Colonnade. Around to the stairs and up to the second floor. They had a nice conference room for us.

Most people had already arrived, talking, getting beverages.

I shook hands with Eduardo and a hug for Rosa. We frequently exchanged info, etc... most often via Gil who got hugged too. They had meeting agenda at each sitting place and everything else ready.

Edgar came over. A shake, he wanted to speak after about Bangkok. Okay.

Candace was smiling, "You know I agreed to be your Deputy but it is funny since I don't think you'll need one."

I laughed, "Well enjoy the title and the big paycheck then."

She almost barked with laughter, a hug!

I removed my hat, Gil took it.

Tim Kaine wasn't going to join in today so I got us started. Some general bits, a quick overview of the Conference App and then the primary reason we were together. Some folks from DARPA were here to give us some news from their shop.

It was a technical presentation but done well to smooth out the spiky points so our diverse group would get it. Their incredible communications ideas were the most important for this particular meeting. There was also a good section on robotics which had several of our members nodding.

So many of the 'inventions' we take for granted these days in communications, etc... started as a DARPA projects. There are some less savoury aspects but the Defense Department had its fair share of those in every division. A take the `bitter with the sour' thought came to mind.

What we got as a closing was an overview of DARPA's other projects outside the communications realm leaving aside any `black' programs. I, for one, didn't want to know about those.

They took an hour and a half, it was for the most part engrossing. We did get a `before and after' warning about sharing this information, I guess they felt it needed to be said. All members of TAG had passed security checks and signed off on pages of documents about secrecy. A mental shrug.

I thanked them and asked who should we direct any questions to? Eduardo got the contact details. But they weren't keen on going any further nor providing any documents.

As the DARPA folks were packing up one of Hillary's aides came in, she whispered something in Gil's ear. She smiled to me as she went out. Gil said Hillary asked me to stop downstairs to see her. Okay!

I spent a few moments with Rosa and Eduardo. Candace asked for a few minutes also.

Edgar first. He was bubbling over about his meetings in Bangkok.

"Your friend Ni is wonderful! We had a great talk, she had me over for dinner with the family. Kavnu and the boys are very nice... " He smiled broadly, "They love you! It shows!"

"Well it is reciprocated!"

"She understands my work thoroughly, more than anyone I've met in a long time. So our talking was an ego boost for me and an encouragement going forward. Some of my new ideas will be sent on to her, she said she would be very glad to give feedback."

What a gem Ni is! I thanked Edgar for stopping after Singapore and sharing.

"We support Ni's work completely."

He nodded, "She told me how you and your husband gave her the financial backing to get up and running. It is a very good investment I think!"

We shook hands with a `he'll be in touch' outside of these meetings.

Hillary's aide was back, she had an open period. I asked Gil to tell Candace I'll be back. PJ sent Tessa with me. In the corridor outside the Oval Office the aide paused to check... Hillary waved us in.

A big hug! Tessa was introduced, huge smile on her face!

We parked in chairs and I gave Hillary a fast précis of the meeting. She had two requests.

Would I please speak to the Press afterwards and the head of NSA asked if I could stop off there for a quick meeting. I looked quizzical I'm sure...

"Up at Fort Meade via helicopter?"

"Yes, your flight has clearance."

"Actually that's an easy one since I was going to use the helicopter to go all the way to New York."

"My aide has the info for contact with them."

The aide handed Gil a slip of paper.

We talked families, Cho's golf which made Bill quite envious in a happy way.

"He certainly enjoyed watching some on TV. We saw you with Cho at the end. Terrific stuff! Your outfit was really chic."

I gave Hillary the background which she loved. I stood and rotated, "This is somewhat taken from another outfit of Grace Kelly's after her marriage. You like?"

She did! I open the jacket to show the blouse. She liked it too! Warm goodbyes, hugs!

Upstairs I relayed the press meeting thing to PJ and Gil. Candace was sipping a coffee...

"Hey Deputy you want to come Meet the Press?"

Eyes were big! I said I'd do all the talking. She laughed at that and said she hold me to it! Okay!

So another Hillary aide led us back downstairs and around to the Press Briefing Room. About twenty or so reporters were there.

I said hello after a press aide did the introductions. One fellow said they could dispense with the intro's as I was well enough known. I laughed at that one and said I hoped they would include Candace in that.

"She's pretty important too! You all most likely use the product of her work every day."

I told them we had a meeting with some DARPA folks about communications projects but we couldn't share any more than that. Some questions about TAG in general such as our remit which were easy. A couple that were too intrusive for now about subjects under review I had to say no to answering.

There were other questions about various technology issues.

The reporters were polite. The Fox News woman from our meeting on the lawn at inaugural time asked if Mr. Cho was involved and I said he wasn't. One of the men quipped he was too busy beating the pants off all professional golfers.

Laughter over that was general and I said he busy taking over Wall Street. That got me a question about the Investment Bank.

I replied that as a banking company we looked for long term goals and prospects... "We don't get involved in a business for a quarter or a year or even five years for most. But you should be asking Cho... he doesn't let me around the banking side too much."

Smiling at their laughing I said goodbye. There were many called out thank you's.

Hillary's press aide's face was shining.

"Miss Martin, you have a knack for this."

I grinned, "Don't tell Hillary she might want more."

The Roosevelt Room was empty, the aide said it was fine sit in there for a few minutes.

Candace and I sat to talk. Her first words were a thank you for hooking her up with our Security people especially Kora.

"I really liked her, we got on very well. She knows her shit!! I'm going out to Bangkok for a tour and meetings with your folks."


"In two weeks."

"If you want you could fly with us. We will be in Hot Springs for the Arkansas Derby then non-stop to Bangkok. Where will you be?"

"At home in Massachusetts in Cambridgeport near M.I.T."

"Well if you can get yourself to Logan Airport we can have a connector flight for you."

I was grinning, she looked at me.

"Well we have aircraft of our own we use all the time. It's been almost two years since we've been on a commercial flight. You'll have a cabin to yourself for the long leg to Bangkok and can stay with us if you want or a short-stay hotel we own near our Security's offices."

"I'll be happy to take advantage of your generous offer."

I turned to Gil who had a HUGE grin, "I've texted to Kavat offices, Penn replied just needing the date and time and passenger data."

Looking back to Candace, "Would you like to watch a horse race with us?"

She was up for that so I gave a thumbs up to Gil.

Gil told Candace that someone named Penn would contact her about everything.

Then I went into tour guide mode, "You would meet the aircraft at a private aviation company at the airport, they'd fly you to Hot Springs, Arkansas to join us."

"You come with us to the track and watch the race then we'd fly out direct to Bangkok. So an outfit for the track, it may be warm then it's shorts or slacks or whatever. It's often cool on board so something to keep warm. Jumper... er... sweater or such. You'll have a sleeping cabin. Anything else we'll wing it!"

She was laughing, "I haven't been out to a horse race for years! Thanks for the chance!"

Fist bumps!

The AW139 was fluttering onto the lawn.

"Ah my ride! See you soon!" A hug!

On board the pilots said they had already made connection with the Fort Meade folks. Okay! Gil working on all cylinders.

We lifted off going back over the river via the Kennedy Centre and then north. It was a short flight, we descended steeply to a landing grid. There were several guards nearby.

I suggested Gil stay on board with PJ. He knew why, Tessa was an American citizen. No need to complicate things.

Theodore came up to take my hand, "Miss Martin, it is great to see you again."

He escorted us inside to a lift. We went up a few levels to the `Q' floor. This is Security and Counter-Intelligence, Theodore is the chief deputy here. We went in deep to an office. Tessa was asked to wait outside, she got my signal.

I was introduced to Theodore's boss Alf' who warmly welcomed me. He had a big' handshake, not crushing.

"Your team did a spectacular job! To identify, diagnose, block entry, prevent further action and turn to penetration is remarkable for a private organization. They are all to be congratulated. You as their employer should be proud."

We shook hands again.

We sat and I told them, "To explain how we got to the level where you see us is based in the profit motive. We've built up a powerful security apparatus to defend our clients data through protected storage and intensive safekeeping, strong encryption and special password protections. If someone logs into a client's system they are authenticated via our computers, if we store their data the process is even more dense. This was to assure all our customers their data was completely safe. Anything less would be... in our eyes... malpractice."

To add to that I told them the Security people involved had passed very rigorous tests of skills and background that were akin to those for our Personal Protection Team.

"Like Tessa sitting outside, we trust them with our lives and that of our children. So our reliance on them is gold."

We talked about Yevgeny. They both were surprised to know about Samara and she was now our ward until Yevgeny was done with the government agencies. I told them Hillary knows and she has approved of our unorthodox handling of Samara's arrival.

I let them know she was in a school under a different name and being taken care of by our staff.

Alf's was all hands up... "We're fine with what you are doing! She's way too young to be of any interest to us or the FBI. I'm pleased you have taken her under your wing. I doubt if there could have been a better outcome."

Theodore grinning, "I think Miss Martin plays her cards close to her vest as we do."

I leaned over with my fist out, we bumped. Theodore's grin a bit broader.

Alf laughed, "I guess my kids decided I didn't need to know about that."

Theodore's boys were teenagers.

On Yevgeny, they would speak to him in a few days. Two interrogators were to go to New York where he was being kept in secret.

"We will have a few days to start off then more later."

Alf grinned, "Just so you know... under your hat... the russians had a shit fit when he went missing. They tore apart St. Petersburg looking for him. The communications traffic went stellar which was a nice unexpected gift to us. The people in the GRU office were tasked to find out EVERYTHING they could!"

He laughed, "Which of course absolutely nothing. By your trick with the aircraft he was gone from all radar. A missing man."

He recounted that the GRU folks really went all out and in communicating with the FSB exposed multiple contacts there and several new network links to explore.

"So Yevgeny gave us a lot more than himself. He was senior enough to have really shaken their organization."

I was pleased to know these bits. I asked to be allowed to tell the team in New York. They were good with that.

"This is all pretty general. They saw a good deal more while running their Op."

We ended on that note. They said they were in our debt but there was no method of appreciation they could give in any public way. I got it... today was a thanks in person which in itself was very unusual.

Handshakes all around. Tessa and I were escorted by Theodore out to our Cho-Fay Aircraft. Theodore waved as we lifted off turning north to complete our journey.

In forty minutes we were on approach over the Hudson River. Pele was waiting, a smile from this taciturn fellow. Fist bump at the car door!

Nina and Alice at Minetta Street gave me a big `Welcome.' Not as big as Jaidee! His wiggly butt went on for quite a few minutes! The Twins were awake, kneeling to hug and kiss!

Okay. Into jeans and crop T with a soft wool jumper over. Gil held up her iPhone, a text from Rande, they were coming home! A lot of fireworks too!

Roslyn grinning! Samara texted from her room downstairs, she was back from school. Coming up! Roslyn was working on dinner but I needed something, no lunch, just a power bar in the helicopter.

Samara and I killed off several cupcakes each, mine with coffee. She had hot chocolate. Roslyn had the folks walking Jaidee to buy some at Molly's for me. Cheek kiss! Samara seconding that!

We talked dinner which was to be a Mexican buffet! Sam who'd been out with Cho, Sadie and their twins, Yi, our Protection Team, Samara and us! Yea!

I greeted my golfer at the lift! HUG!!! A very nice kiss! I whispered I had some spy shit to tell him. Flashing eyes!

A hug for Sam who moaned about being thrashed once again. I did a tiny violin with my fingers. He laughed.

In our suite I flopped on the bed while Cho changed. I gave him the short version of the NSA visit. He was laughing at some of what was said and my delivery which my parts were in a plummy British accent.

"Miss Martin, you are getting involved with spooks!"

"Well... it runs in the family!"

"Have you told them about your parents?"

I giggled saying no that was to come.

We hugged and laughed, in his arms I felt whole!

I received a very passionate kiss from my guy! MMMMMMMMMmmmmmmmmm

Dinner was an anticlimax after that kiss.

We had a good crowd, happy, talking. The Twins came out to us before they ate in the kitchen. They were welcomed in a big way. Everyone laughing, hugging and talking with them.

Tha and I helped them. I was amazed how good they were with their spoons.

Tha grinning, "Smart babies, they learn quickly! They watched each other."

I loved that!

We had a great dinner. We could use the terrace with the heaters blowing warm air. Afters with a jacket outside at the big table. Smiling faces.

Sam and Sadie's twins chatting with Samara about school, Roslyn and Sadie talked cooking with Ansara, Cho and Sam's conversation was golf! Yi and I did books joined in by Ken and Penny.

Then I was in horses with Tessa and Tara who got PJ, Rande and Ro involved. They wanted those guys to try riding! I couldn't observe any progress on their part but it was fun to watch.

I motioned Samara over, she had been out `blading' once with Roslyn and Ricardo. Huge smile, "It was so much fun! We were out for almost two hours all around Washington Square!"

Such excitement! I said the weather was going to get better quickly so going could be more often but please do what the Security people ask. And wear her protective bits! She nodded, a smile.

"I know they want to protect me like PJ does for you so I will be careful."

Fist bump!

Terrific dinner! Roslyn's wonderful food and it was fun to talk to everyone!

Cho and I were doing a major rub of Jaidee... who unsurprisingly wasn't resisting! We exchanged our day.

He had several meetings with the Wall Street bank staff in preparation for the day after tomorrow's big get-together! Mu, the Bangkok investment bank parent company's President and the senior Vice-President, Kuva, would arrive tomorrow afternoon on a Cho-Fay Air flight to Newburgh, a helicopter to Manhattan.

Erich and Ludwig's flight from Frankfort was due in at JFK also in the late afternoon. They would be escorted to a helipad and flown on one of our AW139's to the riverside heliport.

They would come to Minetta Street for drinks and dinner. Mu and Kuva would stay in the top floor suite in the 46th Street Hotel. Erich and Ludwig with us.

In the morning after their arrivals, a big meeting on Wall Street to review the new local bank integration plans and other changes Cho wanted discussed by all interested parties. They would have their pow-wow, lunch then back to it until late afternoon.

Dinner with us.

They'd have the following morning and afternoon to finish up. Then some rest and on Saturday we'd take them to Aqueduct for the Wood Memorial race. SakChai was racing!

Cho stroking my body under the bedclothes as well as Jaidee. He had a good day on the golf course too! He shot a 63 on the Winged Foot West Course. The score pleased him.

"I'm improving each time I play out there. The charity Pro-Am has invited me back to the August tournament. That will be a week after the Amateur."

A kiss for the golfer!

I gave him a brief rundown of the DARPA folks said.

"It was interesting but we got no documentation. My asking for some got a not at this time' response which was unhelpful. I got the impression they were doing a staged scene' so they could say they'd done it. Placating someone but not us TAG folks."

I shrugged, "Not being a Washington habitué I'm not up on their games. I wonder if I pressed them for documents they'd come across with them or stonewall me?"

Cho's fingers in my hair, a slight pressure from his nails giving me goosebumps! A kiss.

"Well you don't have anything to lose by asking and you'd up the ante. Don't forget to `CC' Tim Kaine's office!"

I was grinning at the idea and how Cho said it! He got it! Kiss!! Sleep!

Comments are welcome: abecker60@yahoo.co.uk

Next: Chapter 58

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