
By A becker

Published on Feb 3, 2019



We rounded up all of ours to drive back. Carla was ready when we had changed. Some very nice tomato bisque and warm bread. Some cheese and fruit. Lots of Christmas cookies! I happily bit off the heads of several red icing covered Father Christmas cookies.

Some afters by the Great Room fire with Jaidee and the children. Anne, Chani and Charlie would have lots of company soon!

Chani's eyes on mine as I played with her toes in the booties. Great fun! Charlie on Montaigan's lap waving his arms, laughing about something!

Chani went for a flight with her dad! Zooming around the room!

Anne bouncing on Malee.

They were all a bit worked up when Tha got them back to go to sleep. She could handle it!

Cho and I lazily rubbing Jaidee in bed. The Brown One upside down happy as can be!

Sleep comes easy with a warm husband holding you!


Tessa and I going down the lane, coffee and scones with Mr. Snooper checking to see if ANYTHING had changed from yesterday!

Anthony and Pat with our horses ready to go. I planned ahead, two scones. Anthony winked a thank you and Pat was amazed.

"Miss, I'm not sure I haven't gone to heaven."

I laughed, "It's a small perk for being the early ones!"

A nice easy trot to warm us all up. A deeper chill, big clouds of breath today. We pushed on south. I asked her to take me to Eric Blair. Tessa grinned and nodded.

She did fine, a good ride with some galloping before I touched the stone. Yea!

I showed Tessa another way back north of Appleford and Long Wittenham to use the small bridge over the Thames. We crossed the Abingdon Road west of Clifton Hampden. Back on Harcourt House land we opened it up.

Con willing to run hard like Pamela! A lovely ride cold air flowing by, a powerhouse beneath me! We slowed to cool them a bit walking around some to look at the training tracks. They were getting a lot of use and holding up very well. The grass was great. Phillips' staff did this, he'd hired a fellow to do this as part of his job.

Our mounts taken by Pat, Cormac going with him. A thumbs up from Anthony.

I found the Breakfast Room fill of men eating! I joined in! Eggs, tomatoes and nice fried potatoes! Toast and coffee! I was set.

We were saying goodbye to Montaigan for now. He would fly back to Paris and go on with his packing for his move to Martinique.

Cho winked at me, "Montaigan you'll find a few little gifts when you get back. All consumables, no worries about anything to pack."

Bright eyes, he rubbed his palms in anticipation, laughing!

Cho whispered to me that Remy Martin cognac and ice cream from Mr. Calvert was sent to the Quai Bethune house. A kiss. Cho said a bottle of the cognac was sent to Martinique also. I squeezed him. Good secrets!

Many hugs and kisses for him on the Forecourt. We really liked this fellow, dry humor, a fine mind and interesting to talk with on many subjects.

Shortly after Montaigan departed it was time for Millie and Chao. We were all close. Buddies. We had an open invite to theirs in Taipei with riding and golf built in! They had the locations of our homes with the welcome mat out whenever they wanted to go.

Tears in this farewell! Loads of hugs and kisses too. Waving goodbye as the car slid down the drive.

Not much time to think about it. We had the first Open House this afternoon! The next morning all the Family arrives! Everyone from London too!

After those tough departures we did get a good lift. Andy arrived! Thames went crazy!! He was all over Andy, barking, wiggling, bouncing around. A happy puppy.

Audra was very happy too! Huge smile. They would be with his family and us for a few days then go over to her family in Gloucestershire for Christmas.

It was obvious Andy liked being back here. I got him to come up to the House with Audra. In the Staff Lounge I gave him be-ribboned in red a dozen Andy-Fay handkerchiefs. He was thrilled. I winked at Audra her eyes flashing bright. Hugs for them.

Cho got an email from Thomas. He and his family were staying at the apartment building in Venice for the holidays. They were going to `do California' since none had ever been there. Dolores was taking good care of them and teaching them about Mexican and Southwest foods.

They were having a roaring fun time. Thomas also got to meet Leslie and talk about how Los Angeles affected his style of leadership and operations.

Thomas would be back for the transition in Paris after Montaigan had moved to Martinique.

I was in Carter's office smiling across the desk.

"Carter2 is doing well?"

He smiled back, "Yes. He has met with all of the outside business managers and staffs. He is spending a few hours each day at each one in succession. We've had time in the cellar and I've tasked him with part of the Open House preparations. So he's getting stuck in!"

Fist bump!

I was in the Great Room doorway scanning the room. The tree dominated it... the art from St. Thomas' students on the sideboards and a few tables, much more this year! Christmas trees, winter scenes and a foam snowman with a jaunty hat!

The tea things on many tables by the west side near the Lower Gallery. Lots of delicious looking food!

Carter had traditional and modern Christmas music playing, the fire going well... the room was ready!

Carter2 with a smile, "Well Miss, how does it look?"

"Perfect! Fine work by everyone. How are the Abingdon folks? Last year they were quite good."

"They are experienced workers, no newbies and a few from last year apparently."

"Excellent! See you soon."

Jaidee was on my heels as I ran upstairs. Cho was waiting for a joint shower!!! Yea!

We slip slid around soaping each other, rubbing, kissing, pressing against each other, a lot of laughing...

Terrific fun to do that! I did my hair and got Cho to do the `Joy' before I shooed him out so I could dress.

I chose a cutaway black jacket with tails, double row of silver buttons up the front and at the cuffs. It had a high collar. A white long sleeved shirt small wing collar and a narrow black bow tie. Slender cut black trousers with a narrow satin stripe up the side stopping just above my ankles. A wide satin black cummerbund. Black ankle strap high heels. Silver jewellery, Karla and Michael's torque and new piece from Cho, a silver hinged band, an inch wide with a small padlock at the hinge! Silver loops at my ears. Red nails and lips! The Uffington Horse on my lapel.

The mirror smiled at me!

I walked down the passageway to the top of the stairs... Cho was in the hall speaking to a small crowd... Charles was taking pics... I made my `entrance' slowly... Charles spun around to start snapping me which alerted Cho and the guests!!!

I saw the light in Cho's eyes... Yea! He was smiling broadly... He reached out a hand... I rested mine in his... The folks in the hall were quiet... I knew several of them and stepped to greet them. They smiled. The women liked my `look,' the men did a bit of staring! Cool!

I certainly wasn't `country gentry' but it didn't seem to matter... I was me!

I saw the Cotton's coming my way. Mary's eyes widened when she got a view.

"Fay, I like this!"

"You could wear this shape if you wanted to..."

She laughed, Ron beside us said she could.

"You have a good shape and the legs!"

He and I did fist bumps! Mary gave him a somewhat astonished gaze.

Ron not backing down, "Well you could!"

They hugged! I escorted them into the Great Room. They loved it.

A hand on my shoulder... Deanna Radley. Hug! Mr. Radley... damn I still didn't know his Christian name... in a blue suit but no tie! I kidded him gently which he smiled about.

"Well you did want me to loosen up some."

We all laughed at that.

Deanna in a frock of deep maroon, a very rich colour! They were well. Tom and his wife Lorraine were coming up. Their daughter Melonie had a neighbor sitting with her because she was a bit under the weather. Nothing serious, a sniffle.

We headed towards the food. I got a cup of tea and a several pieces of shortbread. I told them about my Aunt's prowess in baking and that they'd be here tomorrow.

"We'll have the house stuffed with family for a week or so."

They were going to the in-laws this year for the holiday. Deanna shooed me off to see other folks! A kiss!

I saw Cho across the room with the Thorns. Anika and Mel were walking in. We hugged. My outfit was praised! They were both in slacks with colourful jumpers. All was well with them. They were sorry to see Sunny and Maeve leave but it was the right thing to do!

"They're both excellent students with active lives inside and outside of school!"

We chatted a bit about the holidays and I aimed them towards the food.

I worked my way around. A catering person took my empty tea cup. The lady from the B&B was looking nice in a blue striped frock. She had a smile and was doing `superbly.'

"Your folks are keeping us busy which is very nice."

Kate's family, Andrew, Gloria and Pete arrived. They were glad to come! They were going to Virginia for the holidays leaving in a few days.

"You have someone looking after your horses but will they be on site?"

They had a friend and her boyfriend staying in as housesitters, they'd do the horses.

"Do they ride?"

No but they'd walk them. I said we could send some of our people to do rides every other day or so? Kate was pleased as Dragon was usually out for a ride every day.

"You've met Yvonne and Ronnie, right?'

She had. So I'd send them up. Kate was bouncing, hugging me.

Pete had found the food and was dragging his mom over. I squeezed Kate's hand. Big smile!

Adele from Toot Baldon with her daughter and her dad came. I liked seeing them come! I knelt beside the girl to tell her a secret... there were terrific cookies on the right table!

She looked up her mum who gave hand a squeeze, "Yes, we will go there."

I gave Adele's other hand a squeeze and sent them on.

Roy and Angie were here. I hugged them both. They were well, Roy dressing very warmly every day! Laughing Angie said she does a `check' before he goes out.

"I make sure there are no openings for cold air."

Roy gave me an eye roll which got him a tongue stuck out from Angie. And a laugh!

After some time I managed to reach Cho. I slipped my hand into his... Squeeze! He was talking golf with two men. I didn't know them and was intro'd.

Stanton came up to me. A whispered message. I nodded, `In a moment.'

I gave Cho's cheek a kiss and went out.

The pubkeeper from The White Ponies was in the entry. I smiled and welcomed Fidel and Fran, the barmaid who was his partner. He stumbled over his words but got out that he was very thankful about how Pat had been treated here.

I steered them off to the side.

"Pat is working out with us... our Stable Manager likes him and his work. It's likely Pat will be staying with us. He's seems a nice fellow and his colleagues appreciate his work ethic."

"Well Miss... he does have his down periods, the demons come upon him... He won't talk with me about it. I will say that when he is working steady it doesn't come on him as often."

"Good then we'll work him hard!"

I took their hands to lead them into the Great Room. They were flatly amazed! I pointed a few things and said for them to enjoy themselves. Thank yous!

I got another tea and some cookies this time. I moved about talking to folks. I saw Carter over by one of the sideboards. I joined him.

"Miss, have you looked at all these children's art work?"

"No, not very closely."

A grin, Carter pointed to a snowy scene painting... on the side there was a horse and rider, the rider's hat was a Spanish Equestrian style one. I laughed.

"Well, that's cute. I've been immortalized! I'll get Cho to come over afterwards."

"Miss, it was he who pointed it out to me."

Now I was laughing again... a secret!

The sweet lissome beauty from last year came again. No handsome boyfriend. He'd joined the army so she moved on because it wasn't what she wanted to be part of her life.

I told her to go ahead on her own path and deal with the peaks and valleys.

She smiled and said thanks, "I do love your outfit! I like dressing in boy clothes! You do look very sexy in that!"

I laughed, "I like the look. My husband likes it too!" A huge grin from me.

She grinned with me. As I asked what she was doing in her life...

"...And I'm Fay Martin. And you?"

Penelope Wright, working for a travel agent in Oxford doing groups tours and chartering of transport.

"Do you need to leave right away?" I saw her looking over at a couple preparing to go.

She walked over to the couple, her parents, to tell them she'd be along in short while. They both looked like late forties, a bit stiff. I couldn't remember talking with them.

Penn came back to me, I steered us towards the food. I hadn't eaten much. We both got tea and a plate sweet things. I parked us in a settee against the west wall.

I asked some more about her work which was a great deal of scheduling, being flexible and versatile in facing with clients and the various transport companies they worked with.

I sent an email to Kavat, he'd see it in the morning in Bangkok. I told Penn what I was thinking, she could go to Bangkok, learn about our Cho-Fay Air operations and see if she would fit in.

I said Kavat was amazing and we were growing. Her eyes widened as I went on about Boeing 767's, Gulfstreams and helicopters on three continents. Our various bases and leased facilities all around.

"Not to rush you but..." I pretended to look at a watch on a wrist with a silver torque, "There will be a 767 at Chalgrove tomorrow with family and friends from Bangkok. They will be here for a week or so and you could fly out with them."

I gave her a smile, I could see the dreamy look from last year but different. Her face turned towards me...

"Miss Martin, I want to say yes but I do like my boss..."

"You can give him a week's notice... or wait for another aircraft in about two more weeks."

"Could I talk with him tomorrow and see...?"

"Of course. I want you to go but not rip you from what you know by the roots. Talk to your boss maybe he'll let you have time to test the water but be open to your coming back."

"How can you be so sure I will fit in?"

"I'm not but... it is an opportunity to try. You said you are twenty?"

Penn nodded.

"Have you done any real `trying' like we mentioned last year?"

She shook her head. Eyes were a bit wet...

"Then here's a try... if you go and don't like it then you come home. You will be paid to test the waters... And if it doesn't work... No foul! Okay?"

Penn had tears now... I saw Cho and waved him over. I got a Cho-Fay handkerchief and a kiss. Penn took the brilliantly white cloth to wipe her eyes. Cho squeezed my shoulder before going off.

Penn looked at me, "Why do this for me? You've only seen me twice."

I smiled, "I have opportunities... I match folks up with those chances so they can have better lives and fill a need we have at the same time."

I was turned fully to Penn on the settee, "My husband and I have great wealth... We believe it should be used to better the world and we spend money creating things... Like Cho-Fay Air which benefits us but has many knock on effects. Do you understand?"

Penn nodded.

"We meet a lot of people in all sorts of situations... We're both pretty sharp... We don't sit on our hands, we do things... It all means we continually have ideas and try to do something with them. Yes, we make money then plow it into more projects that create jobs and opportunities."

Kendall came over to see if we needed anything, he said later Cho sent him. I asked if he would get us each an Amaretto. Smile!

We sipped. Penn was having a few new experiences this afternoon. A nice smile.

"I like this."

"It's a weakness of mine."

The handkerchief in her hand, initials facing up. Penn raised it...

I grinned. "A thank you gift to Cho for gallantly offering me his handkerchief when I was emotional and teared up."

"Miss M..."

"I'm Fay." A sweet face.

"Fay, if I choose to go what about the basics like a place to stay and the language difference and such?"

`Don't worry about details too soon... We aren't going to send you over the cliff."

Penn laughed at that, "Okay... I know I'm not anywhere near gone yet... but shouldn't I ask questions?"

"Please do. How about this... We pay you £1,500 to make the trip for three weeks or so, you get an apartment for yourself, a food allowance and transportation all paid outside the base amount. The language barrier isn't as big as you think since English is the language of international travel."

Penn was very quiet... a single tear... it fell... a choked voice, "Fay, I will go whether it's in a week or three...' stronger now, "I want to go!"

I squeezed her hand. "Good!"

I saw Kendall and asked for more Amaretto and espresso a la grandfather and could he find Cho and Gil. A grin, three yes's!

Watching Cho move towards us... unbelievable... I loved every inch of him. He picked up a chair like it was made of tissue and sat down next to us. I intro'd them and told him what I'd been doing. The smile, well remembered, it said he loved me.

"You'll like Bangkok, tropical, lovely and exotic sights and sounds and especially smells. Kavat is a terrific fellow, really knows his beans."

Carter2 came up, Cho had asked to be told when the Thorns were leaving.

"I'll be back."

I got a kiss!

Penn looking, "Fay, he's so gorgeous!"

She blushed a bit which I thought was quite cute.

I laughed, "All mine!"

We both laughed. Kendall delivered and Gil arrived. I intro'd them and asked Gil to get Penn's details and give her contact info for us. I sipped and texted Prasert for a car for Penn. I texted Francis... he was around somewhere...

Francis' smile was great... He'd been talking to Ali, she'd be here the day after tomorrow for two weeks! Fist bump!

"Ride with me tomorrow morning?"

He tilted his head... "No shit! Really?"

I nodded.

"I'll be there, what time?"

He winced a bit when I gave him my usual time... I did mention it was the same time as last year. Done!

I walked out with Penn, we hugged on the Forecourt. Stanton handed her into the car. We waved.

Brrrrrrr! I dashed back inside. Carter2 smiling, "Oh yes! We may have snow in a few days."

"Turn the heat up!"

We laughed!

Andy was here with Audra talking to some of his friends. He looked happy, Audra radiant. What was good about him being here was that Dean could be counted on to operate the Magnolia Stables at least temporarily! We'd talked with both Andy and Dean, there was confidence. Dean was good at asking questions which always gave me positive feelings!

Audra whispered in my ear as we hugged, "I gave him my Yes! He's very happy."

I asked if they had a plan... Audra said they'd see what her family had to say.

I was holding Andy's hand, "So Dean can do it... You'll be back here eating scones in the mornings."

We laughed, "I look forward to that."

Looking around I could see the crowd was thinning. Cho had moved near the front doing some goodbyes. I joined in as more folks gathered for their outer clothes.

It was getting dark and the temperature was dropping a good bit more. I helped our staff to put people in the coats. Hugs and kisses added.

I escaped from the cold breezy entryway, I made a beeline for the fireplace. Cho was close behind me. We stood side by side holding hands toasting our buns!

I let him know about my upcoming morning ride. I was kissed! We pressed together. Nice!

I whispered `food' which started a chuckle, we vibrated together laughing. Cho led me over to the tea tables, we grazed. I got a few of the salmon finger sandwiches and a pile of shortbread!

We ambled into the Library and had a surprise. A boy was asleep in one of the big chairs. Smiling Cho went to the door and got Conrad's attention. He didn't know of anyone missing a boy. This fellow couldn't be more than eight or so.

I knelt beside the chair to wake him... He sat up with a start! I reassured him he was Okay. Cute face, blond and blue eyed, in a blue suit with a striped tie.

"Hi! I'm Fay and you are...?"

He was Bill Ely.

"You came to our house, remember?"

"Yes, Bill I do. We should find your parents and Eleanor."

I took his hand, we went on a quest! They were all at the door wondering where Bill had gotten to. I shook hands with Bill and the other Ely's. Smiles and thank you's.

Eleanor loved my clothes, "Miss Martin, you always good so cool!"

I thanked her, hug.

I parked briefly in Cho's lap for a few delicious kisses then allowed him to eat. Sitting in a big chair grinning with a mouthful over at my guy! I wanted to laugh but spraying shortbread crumbs all over myself wasn't a good thing.

Carter found us, Cho urged him into a chair with a flippant and funny `take a load off.' We all laughed.

"Well, it seems to have been a success?"

Carter's face told the tale, smile!

"Yes. Some new faces which is quite good. I saw several from Chalgrove and Chiselhampton who didn't come last year. The food worked better bringing re-fills when needed in smaller amounts and doing it more often. Having someone do the coats on a rack was a big help."

We leaned over for a fist bump.

He stood up, "I'll go now and chivvy the team."

I gave Cho a look when we were alone... `What?'

"Another big bonus for Carter this year? And the others?"

"Well the House and Stable staffs have maintained their high quality of work, Phillips' people are just terrific! Archie has done wonderfully well, basically starting from scratch. Dennis had a very successful summer, plus the boat advice. Dave's sales are up ten percent since we bought the Garden Centre which is funny. I wonder what he thinks? So it is Yes to bonuses!"

"What about Jud? And the others like him?"

"We haven't gotten year end info but they all have performed well. I'm not sure we want to do bonuses for some of them but we can talk it through."

I had a big grin! Cho returned it.

"I have some info from our accounting firm in Bangkok. They are saying a `very preliminary' look at our numbers for this year show our valuation crossing forty five billion pounds. They added the number will probably go up."

I was rubbing my chin giving out a cogitating look. Cho laughed outright!

"Okay what do you want to buy?"

"Well I was thinking maybe... France?"

Cho threw open his arms I piled on! Hugs, kisses and a bit of petting. We heard the door so the latter halted.

Jaidee came roaring in! He'd been in the Stables office away from the crowd with Thames. Carter2 released him! I knelt to be showered in licks and woofs. Carter2 handed over a lead and we grabbed a couple macs to take him out to the Garden.

Our boy did some plant watering then romped about some. I held onto my heat source, tightly!

We had several hours upstairs with the Twins. I loved lying on the carpet at their eye level. We read to them in several languages about animals, trains and people. Kissed and caressed, our little ones were happy and laughing!

COLD morning! I had my `Kentucky Heat' bits on, the black scarf, heavier gloves and a smile as I made coffee for Francis and I. Jaidee did his bit and was munching breakfast. He was staying in for now.

Pamela was ready, Scout less sure but he was so sweet and he liked Francis. We headed out warming us all going up the slope. I led us around the Sci Ctr then a good run back north. I slowed and stopped opposite the woody corner where Francis' tent had caught my eye.

We sat side by side... I smiled...Fist Bump!

"I am amazed it's only been a year! So much has happened."

"More to come! We are very pleased you are in our family. You and Gil have made our lives so much better!'

I leaned over to kiss Francis' cheek. I handed him a small package. He opened the wrapping... a sterling silver disk the size and shape of a 50P coin but much thicker, one side the date from last year, the other an etching of the façade of Harcourt House.

Nothing fancy, just a keepsake. A paperweight... maybe. Francis' smile was nice.

"Fay, thank you."

He held it up, "Heavy!"

Laughing I suggested he not try to wear it around his neck. Fist Bump!

"Now it's time for you to get ready for Ali!"

A light in his eyes! Another Fist Bump!

Cho with the Guardian as we came in, Sunny waved her fork at me. I bent over behind Cho's paper... he slowly lowered it to expose my very kissable lips which I have to say he took immediate advantage of! Sweet!

I got eggs and potatoes, toast and COFFEE! Cho eased the raspberry preserves towards me. Sunny was off to St. Thomas' only a few days left.

I checked the time. We had Jack from the Foreign Office coming for a meeting and lunch. Rona, MFA and Reg coming down with Eric. Malee came into the Breakfast Room, hugs! Anne was doing fine. Her milk and Ba's and formula were great.

Michael and Jasmin would be along soon also. Karla needed to stay to get several things done... later for her to visit.

Ting and Andrea on the way, Jian was on the 767 from Bangkok with the mob!

Clean up time! Naked, sitting in my Dressing Room considering clothes. Red! Silk bra and panty set in Red! Red skinny jeans, white cutoff t-shirt under a white cable-knit jumper, a red moose on the front! Ankle boots, turned up broad toe with a wide heel, lace-up in a warm light brown from Tides and Pines in Seattle. Gold bits. Red lips and nails. `Joy'

Pizzazz! Yea!

MFA at the car window, smile! I had MFA in my arms. Hugs! `Fay' came out pretty good! A kiss reward! Cho took the little beauty! I got hugs from the grown-ups.

Ooohhh Rona looking very svelte in some grey flannel slacks and black jumper. Reg and Eric brought their golf clubs!

Ting and Andrea!! Mega-hugs and kisses. Caroline was so sweet in a red outfit. An elf!

We got everyone inside headed to the Great Room. They checked out the other ornaments that had been added since they'd been here. The table by tree had a big collection for the in-bound group!

Carter had the Library prepared for our meeting. Tea and coffee with some sweet baked nibbles.

Cho and I greeted Jack at the door after his Jaguar rumbled up the drive. He was casually dressed like all of us. We did a few intro's by the Great Room fire before going in. We were Eric, Reg, Andrea, Michael, Jasmin with Cho and me. Gil to take notes.

I had three topics of greatest importance, Iran, China and the PAVN. I pointed out for Jack that these three were all in Jasmin's part of the world but I'd be helping her.

Jack said he'd consulted with colleagues and up the chain of command in the Foreign Office and he drew in MI6.

The PAVN first. The consensus was if we had no involvement with weaponry or armed units and it was indeed just communications and property security there was no objection. Reg and I gave Jack a rundown on the water project, it being done by the rural development arms of several ministries of the Vietnamese government and how Col. Ba's presence during the meetings brought our microwave technology to his notice.

Jack did some notes as we spoke, he was good with it.

I looked over to Reg, he was on my wave length and nodded.

"Jack, I had a thought which I shared with Reg, Eric and Cho also know. This sensor request of Col. Ba's might be a prelude slash test for another use of the technology. I think they might be thinking bigger... their borders are all in difficult terrain with long histories of being porous... So..."

Jack's eyes on me as I went on, "The Americans tried to use sensor tools during the Vietnam War on the Ho Chi Minh Trail so they could interdict that pathway used for re-supply of PAVN units in South Vietnam. If the PAVN wanted to try something like that how would it sit at Whitehall?"

Jack shrugged his shoulders, "If your equipment does not fire any weapons it is still a passive use of the technology."

"We can use a sensor location as a homing site for drones to be vectored to now... Of course if they used it to aim say... a missile at the sensor location, it would be accurately guided but the sensor goes away in any explosion..."

I added that we did not have to include the `vectoring' in any hardware proposal we make to the PAVN because that feature isn't known outside The Company.

Jack didn't think Her Majesty's Government would place any barrier to such a project especially if the more advanced features are not included.

China was, according to Jack, a swamp. They encourage non-Chinese companies to setup in the industrial zones but block some areas from them. No financial services companies, all that has to run through existing Chinese institutions. Then once a company gets settled in the Chinese government starts to gradually change the `rules.'

"They say that you have to keep any data about Chinese operations on a Chinese site, later Chinese national's info on China based servers then they want to audit those servers then they want complete access... it goes on so that no company has hardly any freedom to operate outside the limits of the Chinese government."

Eric as MD, Cho as Chairman of the Board and me as Deputy MD and Board member were all on the same page, Reg also a Board member too!

"We have no intention of ever going to that point," Eric was emphatic.

He did let something go to Jack, as we agreed in advance, "We have had an analysis done. We found that Chinese attempts to do what we do in sensor technology and applying it have had mixed results and with some installs the failure rate has been enormous."

I dipped my oar in, "Their sensor devices are good but ours are much better, more sensitive and programmable. It's the software where they are especially lacking. They've tried to steal our code, indeed there was an attempt thwarted in Bangkok which I was involved in. Plus the Railroad's Security, bolstered by our Security, blocked another try earlier this year. Two Chinese nationals were taken into custody by the Thai Security Police, interrogated and are on trial now in Bangkok."

Cho said there had been pressure under the table on the Thai government to let them off but that had been brushed off when the men refused to admit to spying for China.

"If they had done that they would have been deported but it looks like a custodial sentence for both and adverse publicity about technology theft for China."

Jack was glad we would play `hardball' with the Chinese. "If you told me twenty years ago Rolls-Royce would be making jet engines in China and sharing technology I'd called you insane. Now it's old hat."

Iran was next. I reviewed my trip and the interchanges since. The Iranians had been forthcoming with their data and needs. We had a good contract in place which benefits us both. The Iranians also said they would not have any issues with our team members coming from nations with whom they had a past contentious relationship. Their Interior Ministry was totally onboard with it.

We would share info and plans with them, there was nothing secret. Some of what we will supply is proprietary, they have given us assurances about our rights. The code that goes into the hardware onsite is complex and compiled. We would not tell them how it was complied.

They were to build the small dams with as much equipment as they could locally manufacture and purchase the other parts from us. Our software would be `licensed,' we would have remote access for management, monitoring and updates, we would train their personnel.

Jack smiling, "Well... in contrast to some I think Iran is doing fine. They've lived up to the agreements as well as we expected. No country likes having outside folks poking around. The EU is satisfied too. The Americans under a new Clinton Administration will likely think the same. And it sounds like you have built a solid rapport with the principals. The Foreign Office would as we say `bless' this."

There was more on Brazil, some of our African business and a caution about Indonesia's various instabilities from physical to social.

We broke to relax and then have lunch. I took Jack on a walk in the close-in Garden. We grabbed coats and gloves to keep warm. What I wanted to tell him had been discussed with Eric and Cho already and I was designated to do the talking. Why I was so honoured...? The Parents!

"Jack, First before I go on... I'm going to tell you some very confidential info so Her majesty's Government will be in the know."

I squeezed his arm, "You should also know that we while valued you talking to us about other foreign activities this goes beyond that and that we did do a private vetting of you to be sure. Sorry if that might be upsetting."

"No, out of the ordinary perhaps but I'm not in the least upset. If you found something you didn't like I guess we wouldn't be here."

I kissed his cheek.

"We want you to know in confidence that some of your assets have helped us deep under the radar. We got some of the Chinese info from Adam Declare."

He gave me a look!

"Let me explain the background. My parents had both been MI6."

A pause for effect. Jack was very attentive now.

"They worked with Adam, who I have known all my life, mentoring him. We are very friendly, he and Cho play golf frequently and Daphne and Adam are often our guests here and in Thailand."

Jack was non-plussed. He had stopped walking. Looking at me.

I was smiling, "We are, despite the appearance of being just business folks, involved in some back-channel diplomacy too. Please keep this very close, only for the ears of those you REALLY..." my hand tightened on his arm, "...trust. We have just begun a private process to address the southern Thailand separatist movement issue. We are reaching out to Moslem business and religious leaders in the south and to the highest levels of the Thai government where we have quite good friends and family."

I turned us around a long hedge, "It will be a long slog but we have some unique assets to use to get the sides talking. We can offer them both our good offices and resources."

Jack said `family?'

I told him Cho's family had long connections with the Royal family, he'd shared tutors and gone to school with a Prince and that Prince had been at our wedding.

"My adoptive father is the head of the Security Police, their equivalent of MI5. The Minister of Justice was here ten days ago and a past one will be here.." iPhone check, "...In a few hours or so with my adoptive family."

"You two are dialed IN. We need to get you to talking to our folks. Fay, I will only tell one person. She is quite good and may be able to help. Should she connect via me or directly?"

"Let's go through you for now to keep you in the loop"

I turned us once again aiming for the Terrace.

"One more little thing... ears only too... Hillary and Bill Clinton will be here in eight days for a visit."

"Yes, she's coming to meet with the PM."

"No, I meant she will be here in this house."

Now I really brought him to a halt.

"I wasn't off the mark when I said you are dialed IN!"

"We have been in contact since the summer political conventions. We will get to know each other a bit more. Cho will take Bill to play golf and Hillary and I will talk a lot."

Jack smiling now, "I think our government has underestimated the import of your takeover of Fox. If you've no objections I want to raise your profile in the government."

"We don't object but there should be no expectations about us."

He nodded, "I assume you will go along and do what you think best for yourselves and your businesses. I mean that we should on occasion take you two into account before blundering off."

I laughed, "That would be nice!"

We laughed our way into the house. Lunch was ready!

Lovely mushroom soup, grilled fish and vegetables, fresh bread from Maxine!! An excellent white Bordeaux from Carter. The dessert... butterscotch flan with halved strawberries on top drizzled with a warm chocolate sauce!!!

I watched Jack through the meal he was obviously enjoying. He looked over to me then Cho, a smile.

"Mr. Cho, Miss Martin, is there any possibility you might adopt me?"

The whole table laughed. I said it looked like he might have other new siblings. Our hospitality and cuisine were popular.

We sat with coffee by the Great Room fire. Jack and his partner were headed to Cuba then Jamaica. The first was a bit of work, the second fun!

We wished him a good trip, hugs and handshakes on the Forecourt. We watched him fold himself into the Jaguar XKE and roll down the drive growling smoothly.

Cho hugged me inside the entryway, "I think that fellow likes us."

Mr. Understatement!

Cho, Eric, Reg and Ting were going golfing before the `Family' arrived. Francis and Michael were joining in to ride with us Girls! Jasmin had a date with Diana for a refresher course on horses.

First, the Nursery.

What a crowd! Chani and Charlie crawling on the carpet with Caroline and Anne, MFA in a little chair with part of a soft Christmas cookie. Suki and Rak2 would be here in a few hours.

Tha and Ba with the other nurses were watching them mill around. Smiles.

MFA offered me some cookie but I said it was for her. Kisses for Caroline and Anne. My little ones were happy campers!

We were down at the Stables, Rebel came out to me. Pat had him, he gave me a knee up. I leaned down when Pat said his room was very comfortable and Declan had introduced him to microwave popcorn! We laughed, I told him we glad he was getting some new experiences. He tipped his cap with a grin!

Down the grassy lane in a group. Charles doing his thing, getting snaps and video.

Freddie and Ronnie were on the track working several horses. We waved in passing going north. We got `hellos' from Dan Sr. and Jr. Mr. Radley too. We went to the right up the berm towards the church. We clustered in front of the Rectory. Dr. and Mrs. Lone came out to say hello. A few intro's. We turned to retrace our route.

As we neared the berm again I let everyone know that Rebel was going to `air it out!' He knew and leapt forward when asked. Speeding down the berm to burst through the trees onto the wide grass we were well ahead of the rest.

Rebel striding out giving me a wonderful ride. I heard Mr. Radley yell out `beautiful!' I waved. Onward with ever increasing distance from the others. We approached the training tracks decelerating, Rebel prancing knowing my pleasure in his work. I rubbed his strong neck, telling him how great he was.

The group caught up. Fist bumps, smiles and hugs! We walked the horses a bit. Charlotte was by the Arenas waiting for her students then Sunny.

Sunny was going to do her routine in the arena so her family could see it on Boxing Day. Two days more before the school term end then she'd start learning the cross-country part.

I took everybody to visit Asda and Hathai, Secret Sea and Mahogany next door. Tessa had the mints! She loved giving them away. I stopped to hug Mandy and Heather. Their little ones were gamboling around the paddock, the mom's just relaxing, watching. The babies were ten months!

I did some work with Gil. Email. Lots of email! Several reports from 21st Century Fox corporate I'd been studiously ignoring.

The 767's were in-bound close together, Bangkok and Seattle. Time to wash up. I took Rona with me. I handed her a big terrycloth robe and began to strip. She followed my lead. My hand in her's we went to the shower, washing up together. I started doing her back which went a bit lower... giggles... I turned her around... we did each other's front to much laughing! The drying was great, rubbing her all over and getting it in return. Sitting on the settee in my Dressing Room holding her around the waist and one hand, I told her about Phuket.

"Fay, you want me to join you?"

My Yes got me a kiss. I stroked her sex, a bit of a landing strip that lead to the lovely lips. Her shape back where it had been before MFA's birth. I had seen plenty of it in Bangkok! We sat crushed against each other feeling our pussies. When I mentioned it like that... we burst into laughter!

A kiss! Nice!

"Fay, it would terrific to make love with you. I have some experience but not recent. It's like a bicycle or a horse, right?"

More laughing until I brought my damp fingers to my lips... her smoldering eyes...


Rona did the same.

"Oh shit Fay I'm going to love Phuket."

I held her face, kiss. "You'll have to give me the details of your `experience' soon!"

Another kiss, "I'll be glad to share."

A big hug and kiss. She dashed over to their suite.

Red skinny jeans, the white jumper with the red moose again. Carter2 said both aircraft were on the ground at Chalgrove. The Gulfstream from Inverness halfway here.

The first car was Tona, Suki and Somsak. Suki was cute! Bundled against the chill. Hugs for them.

Dad and Phailin! We were in a triple hug!

The next car! My buddy!!! Jian gripped me very hard! I kissed her.

"Fay I miss seeing you!"

Ting and Andrea gobbled her up!

Thoi and Kanda hugs and Kanda whispering I looked great! So did she, slender cut slacks, low heel shoes and shirt and tapered jacket. A scarf wrapped around her throat.

Sunny had gone by me in a rush. Her dad and mom, Artie came over to me for a hug! Suchart standing the car... a smile as knelt beside him.

"Hey big guy!"

A sunburst smile then! We hugged tight. A sweet fellow!

Anong looking like a million bucks holding Rak2. Rak gave me and Cho big hugs. A big squeeze for Anong when Rak2 was passed to his dad. I had Anong's hand as we walked in following two Rak's and a Cho.

Everyone in the Great Room. Marveling at the tree and all the other bits. I was in between Kay and Greg, Suchart leaning back onto my legs my hand on his shoulder as Artie reached up to hang the family ornament with Sunny helping.

Dad and Phailin were next! Rak holding Rak2 in his arms as Anong put theirs on a limb.

After Tona and Somsak hung theirs they headed with Anong and Rak to put their little ones in the Nursery. For now Suchart got to stay with us.

I was holding Thoi around the waist as Kanda took their ornament, she stretched up. Stepping back a big smile.

Kendall came over, "Miss, your cousin is here."

In the entryway Conrad was relieving Graeme of his overcoat, gloves and beret. He looked terrific in his uniform. A hug and kiss.

"The Inverness mob is about a half an hour from being here."

He laughed, "They're in for a shock. I was."

In the Great Room I merged my family bits for the first time.

"Everyone, this is Graeme, he's my cousin on my mother's side."

His hand was shaken and cheeks kissed by the crowd. I kept up with the names for him. Everybody knew his parents and sister were almost here.

Stanton was getting drinks for folks and snacks were appearing on a sideboard.

Graeme said he'd like to change soon, "I came straight from the MOD."

"No problem but you look wonderful in uniform."

A grin, "It's well that I do."

We laughed, "I don't have a uniform. I get to wear what I want depending what I'm up to."

I told him about the headscarves and certain kinds of dresses for some locations.

"So you have a uniform but it's not limited to khaki."

Smiling I agreed.

"I was in the Officer's Mess reading room yesterday, there were a few piles of magazines and a number of them had your face. Now I know they were there earlier but I hadn't paid any attention. I really hadn't a clue. They jumped out at me yesterday!"

I told him about the magazine encounter in Fortrose, I paid with an autograph to escape. He grinned!

Conrad said the car from Chalgrove was coming up the drive.

Cho joined Graeme and I outside. Donella stepped out to take my hand, hug and cheek kiss. Graeme intro'd her to Cho as I hugged Aunt Dee and Uncle Craig. It was wonderful to see Cho and Aunt Dee hug.

I had Uncle Craig's hand as he looked at the house.

"Damn big thing!"

I laughed, "It's nice inside."

We all got out of the cold. Coats off I lead my aunt and uncle into the Great Room. I stopped to let them see the whole thing. Another `Damn' from Uncle Craig!

Donella with Cho behind us, "OH my! What a tree!"

I put out my hand to Dad and Phailin.

"Aunt Dee, Uncle Craig, Donella, this is my adoptive mom and dad, Phailin and Keren."

Hugs, shakes and kisses.

We worked are way around doing intro's. It was a room full of people. All our Bangkok family and friends, The Company people, Jian, Ting and Andrea!

I was smiling, "Okay... you guys are good for a marathon after that!"

Stanton got help from a new face in doing drinks all around. Carter2 intro'd me to Finlay, a new staffer. He said there was another one starting, his name was Lucas.

I welcomed `Fin' to Harcourt House and hoped he'd be happy. Sandy hair, blue eyes, nice smile when he thanked me.

I got to sit on a settee with Donella. She looked so much like her mother, a thinner frame but the face was the same. She was to receive her PHD in micro-biology in the spring. She'd had a few job interviews and an offer from the company she'd interned at over the last two summers.

I gave her one of my `smiles', "Just you go and get a lot of work experience from somewhere and then consider working for the Chanthira Foundation. We are in the early stages of creating a research laboratory. It's remit will be to work on auto-immune diseases in search of a cure and vaccine."

I could see she was interested and I reiterated it was early days.

iPhone beep Kavat texting >gulfstream to Santa Monica was on the ground<

I told Donella that some friends were being married in Los Angeles and they had arrived.

"They were in a Gulfstream like the one you came in."

"That was dreamy! When Mum said we were coming down here I was like... a long ride! Then she pointed to your email with the snap of the plane and I was... Wow!"

We chatted, she had very little memory of me which was no surprise as she was likely barely four the last time I'd been to see them.

"Mum and Dad said you and Cho were so nice. She was sorry not to have kept in touch."

"Well weren't seeing much of our other family bits long before my parents died. They were so taken up with their work. I was in Hampshire at school so I got rooted there."

I squeezed her arm, "Now we'll have a Christmas time together! New memories!"

We got up and moved about staying close as we spoke to nearly everyone before dinner.

The Dining Room was filled tonight! For this first night Carla had an Oriental buffet to make it simpler and very informal.

Vietnamese, Chinese, Japanese, Thai and Indonesian dishes. Several rice choices, noodles, spring rolls, veggies. Roti! Ice cream at the end when you could choose from numerous flavours and lots of things for toppings!

No seating arrangements. Aunt Dee beside Phailin and Kanda... heavens knows what comes from that! I was with Graeme and Donella with Sunny and Jasmin directly across. I surprised Jasmin with a question in Farsi.

She laughed and we tried to have a conversation.

"Fay, your accent is excellent. You've got it!"

I told everyone why I had gotten started and that going on to reading and writing was going to take some time.

Down the table a lot of golfers were together. Apparently they would go out in the morning to Oxford East. Cho suggested we all meet there for luncheon. I was good with that and I'd spread the news. Gil was to call them and give them our group size.

We had the St. Thomas School Christmas play tomorrow evening so a big lunch would work in well.

I went a few times for `seconds' before the ice cream was brought out. Sunny and I side by side waiting grinning at each other. She was glad to have her mum and dad and brothers here.

Back in the Great Room I watched everyone sit and talk in all sorts of groupings. I was on a settee on the west side with Graeme. I asked him if he had ever met Colonel T**************. He said he'd seen him at a conference and heard him speak but not intro'd.

"Well you'll be intro'd to him the day after tomorrow. He's coming down for a some riding and an overnight."

Graeme looking at me like I was some sort of divine being. I smiled.

"He worked with your aunt and uncle often, they were friends. He's been here a few times and we've met in London."

"Fay, he's a legend at MOD."

"Well you can go out riding with him."

"I'm still amazed with your life. You are famous... you know so many people... the Fox TV thing... the horses... this house..."

Graeme was shaking his head.

I squeezed his arm, "I'm also still just an ordinary person behind all that. Some extraordinary things have happened but Cho and I aren't changed by them."

Kendall came by with a new espresso a la grandfather. I thanked him!!

Donella joined us. We talked about some of their things, her degree work, Graeme's new job which he couldn't say too much about, a lovely holiday in Italy for Donella with two Uni girlfriends, a short stint of duty for Graeme at NATO HQ in Brussels.

I told them about the house on Basuto Road that could be `borrowed' if they were going to London.

I gave them some details of our homes where they'd be welcome and that there might be a trip to Bangkok for their parents in late January or early February. Raised eyebrows for that! Again when they were most certainly included!

We had a good time with everybody! Carter had Christmas music, the fireplace burning some big logs, the tree sparkling and shining faces. Artie and Sunny the first ones to go up. Suchart had gone up before dinner to the Nursery.

Cho and I took Jaidee out to the gardens. Macs on for sure, there was only a light wind but the cold was deep. Carter had reported the possibility of snow in three days. Well it was cold enough.

I steered Rona, Malee, Jian and Andrea into my Dressing Room. A big hug and the news Rona was coming to Phuket. Cheers! Hugs! Kisses!

Jaidee was on his back in his comfy bed getting a tummy rub from a naked me. Cho did his teeth then took over. Our little Christmas present was lolling back, zoned out.

Cho's arms around me, "Seems like everyone likes one another."

I agreed, "there was a lot of mixing. You golf guys were definitely a strong sub-group."

He laughed, "It will be nice to have them over there tomorrow."

"I'd pack some of those chemical hand warmers if I were you."

My tush was patted, "Good idea."


The morning was cold but no wind. Jaidee did his business rather quickly! His breakfast was disappearing as I got my bits together. Marigold smiling at us. Tessa had arrived and was provided with food before we three headed down the lane.

Anthony and Pat were there. Warm scones passed over. Pat's grin infectious.

"Miss, I have never been made so welcome as I have here."

I introduced him to fist bumps. Anthony kidded him about it, "Get used to it."

They knew it would be my usual morning route.

It was light enough but the clouds were quite thick. Con seemed eager to go as we got started. Pamela snorted out she was ready! Up the slope in a soft trot, we all got warm. After the railroad we ran hard for the lock. My friends there happy to see us.

Over the weir I turned us into the Abbey Meadow, I gave Tessa a look see. Not even a dog walker today. Over the second bridge we were on Harcourt House property jogging along moderately on the eastern side until the railroad walkover. We followed the Thames Path to near the first ugly house then a left turn towards the Wellans' place.

Sandra Wellans saw us as her daughter was going out to school early for project. She waved, I called out a `Good Morning' as we passed. We went up the lane to Archie and Margy's house. We continued up Hall Street and out the north end of Lower Radley.

I asked Pamela, she was going right away. The mile and half to the Industrial Estate was a terrific ride. Con was great really striding out for Tessa. We kept on to the lock and over. When we reached the southern edge of Sandford Pamela wanted to run again. We rushed across the Radley's and the Fraser's!

Slowing at the training tracks, empty right now. Up the lane we slid down, Tessa gave Con a big hug. Pamela nickering as I rubbed her neck. They'd get a good cool down from Pat and Declan.

A crowd of golfers in the Breakfast Room! Stoking up! Uncle Craig got a look at my riding clothes... big eyes. In the middle of a pirouette for him Aunt Dee came in. She loved my `look.'

Donella behind her, I hugged them. Smiles, they had slept well.

"Are you going out?"

"I was out at dawn, my usual time. Time for breakfast."

I dropped my hat and filled a plate with eggs, veggie sausages, tomatoes and a stack of toast. Those who didn't know my food habits were a bit amazed when I went back for more. I could see Cho's face, the cute smile. I leaned over to kiss it!

The golfers would be off soon. Extra warming clothes, hand warmers and hats from our `stocks' would be distributed. Cho had Uncle Craig and Graeme, Ting, Rak, Eric, Reg with Dad and Thoi! What a mob! Rande, Ro and Dad's bodyguard were along. I made sure they had plenty of chemical hand warmers in the cars for them!

I reminded them we'd be over for lunch!

There was a group going into Oxford for some tourist stops, Andrea was continuing her run as a guide. A big kiss for her. They had a lunch booking at the Old Parsonage.

Gil and I had to work for a while after a Nursery visit. Jasmin with me. Michael drove back to the city, he and Karla would come out after the New Year.

Francis was going up to London with Michael, he was to collect Ali at Heathrow then a few days in the city before Christmas.

Audra volunteered to give Aunt Dee and Donella a house tour. She knew all the nooks and crannies.

Mr. Hardy came up before my Nursery visit. A hug and cheeks kissed. A few intro's, Greg had met Mr. Hardy last year .Greg grinning, he was ready! I `escorted' the combatants to their lair. They got the tour about bathrooms, food and drinks!

I kissed them, wished then `Bon Chance!'

The Ancient Munro tartan miniskirt, white cutoff t-shirt, black flannel shirt, black tights and ankle boots. Silver jewellery all over and `Joy'

I sat on the carpet with loads of kids! MFA stood beside me her arm on my shoulder as Chani sat on me. Caroline and Charlie laughing as Tha played with some toes. Anne on her tummy gurgling waving her arms as Malee played with her toes. Little Suki in a double bassinet beside Rak2 waving her arms. Rak2 had blue banana??

What a lively crowd! Chani looked at me and melted my heart, "Ma!" Our eyes locked!

MFA giggling in my ear then she turned... lost it and plopped onto her bum! Still padded well with diaper so no injury! She never lost her smile! Her first birthday coming soon!

I slipped an arm around to pull her close, a kiss and hug!

Tha and the other nurses were starting up the arrangements for a Garden trip for all the kids. I gave a heads up to Carter when I went down. The prams were all in a storeroom off the main hall ready to roll!

Kendall brought a coffee tray to the Library for us three. Gil working on the schedule while Jasmin and I talked about several projects in Farsi. I was doing Okay. Jasmin adding to my vocabulary and working on my syntax!

A return trip to Tehran with her this time, a day trip to Dalat to introduce her to the Vietnamese government folks and for her to see the work and talk to Conrad and Kenneth.

We needed to have Jasmin and Alex meet now that she's had a `handover' meeting with Michael. Gil to arrange it.

Jasmin said Kei was settling in at the Railroad.

"She's smart and a fast learner. I could see she has a natural easy style of leadership. Kavnu liked her right away."

Fist Bump!

Audra brought Aunt Dee and Donella to join us at the end of their house tour. They loved the house. Audra had shown them the framed pictures of our wedding in the garden in the cloister hallway beside the Terrace.

"Fay, you looked wonderful and the setting beautiful."

"Well... I feel guilty now for not going up to see you all a year ago."

"No! We had been separated a long time before that. Bright side... we'll see each more now."

I told her a bit about our next few months. Horse racing, a wedding in Florida, trip to Phuket, New York, Paris `in the Springtime' and more. I gave her a few weeks' time space to see if Uncle Craig could arrange a vacation trip to Bangkok. Donella and Graeme too if they can wangle it!

We mounted up for luncheon at the golf club. Three Range Rovers on the move. We went the back way through Garsington which it made the first time for me not on a horse.

Cho and the guys were in the bar waiting for us. We made a large group but the lady managing the restaurant was prepared for us. I hugged each of the golfers all as we walked down to the restaurant.

Dad and Graeme talking about something... hush hush? Thoi alongside.

Aunt Dee next to me, Phailin on my other side, Donella and Malee across. Anong and Jian leaning close to talk. ?? Cho, Eric and Reg had Uncle Craig and Graeme with them. We were all gabbing away.

The food was great! Grilled Dover Sole, whipped potatoes that were very creamy, steamed veggies with Hollandaise sauce, nice crusty rolls. The dessert was the latest edition of their peach cobbler, mine with vanilla ice cream!

All very good! As was the service. I went over to the restaurant manager to commend her staff with a big thank you from us. She was pleased, it was our first meal with them, such a big success.

We filled up a bunch of Prasert vehicles to go home. The Oxford tourist group was on the way. Most folks would stay in tonight to watch movies while Cho and I with Dad and Phailin and Kay and Sunny would go to the St. Thomas School Christmas play.

A red long sleeved silk dress with an asymmetrical cut skirt to mid-calf and a shallow V-neck, narrow white cuffs on the sleeves, red tights and red heels, gold jewellery, `Joy' and a big smile after a Cho kiss. Red lipstick matching.

A black double breasted camels hair over coat cut straight to just below the knee, big lapels, four big buttons, black gloves and a new hat. A light gray cloche hat with the brim rolled up on the right and angled down on the left with a slender red band and small black feather attached to the band.

It looked terrific with my hair and the thick collar turned up! I could see Cho approved. He kissed my cheek avoiding the red lips!

His black black black suit cut to sculpt his torso, brilliant white shirt and a red tie with gold narrow stripes in the center. He had his black trench coat and gloves. PJ and Rande were all black too.

Phailin was shimmering in silver, black accessories and heels. Dad in a charcoal gray suit, pale blue shirt and shiny midnight blue tie.

Kay was in red too. A nice soft flowing frock, long sleeves and a bit of flounce in the skirt. Sunny had on her warm medium green wool dress from Theory with a split bodice and sleeveless to a few inches above the knee she got on Rodeo Drive. The birthday gift Gaspeite pieces and a silver grey bolero jacket borrowed from me and a black overcoat.

A nice looking crowd! Into the cars for the short drive. Mr. and Mrs. Thorn as greeters with Mary and Ron Cotton. We paid for everyone and a donation. We mingled talking to our neighbors, Sunny doing some intro's of friends and their families. She got raves about her clothes! Smile!

Anika and Mel Jones came up. Hugs and kisses. They were good. Gerry and Maeve joined us. She and Sunny holding hands as we worked our way to our seats. We were in a row to the right.

A slender fellow came out to do the introduction. He was dressed as stable boy, rough cloth hooded cloak, shoeless holding a scroll. He did a fine job.

The curtain opened on a stable scene, Joseph with Mary beside a crib filled with straw. The chorus' in two groups came out from opposite wings to sing Away in a Manger' then faded back off stage. The kids' voices were great!

Mary and Joseph holding their child. Speaking to him. Sharing and cuddling him. They were joined by some shepherds and their families, a few sheep and our girl Iris. She looked sweet.

Then the three wise men appeared from the East, A bright star up by the ceiling, they came on pointing then saw the crowd around the stable. They walked up to the young little family.

They did an obedience and offered their gifts. The two groups of the chorus again moved onto the stage from the wings singing "We Three Kings' then they went off. One boy as a `king' tripped on his big cloak and fell on his butt... You had to feel good for him because he got right up and went on! What a trooper.

The chorus' came back on from the wings to sing Do You Hear What I Hear?' The kings exclaimed their loyalty to Jesus, bowed out and went off stage as the chorus returned to sing `Joy to the World' a bit off key but good and loud!

A few more lambs came on with their young shepherds to visit the infant and our Iris with a colourful striped blanket was led close to the baby by one of the Cotton's boys. Then all the kids came back on to end it with `Silent Night' which came off very well.

They got a huge applause. Everyone got up clapping, cheers from older students!

Mary Cotton came out after the curtain closed. She thanked everyone for coming asked for the curtain to open again. The teachers with the cast. The kids were all smiles, the girl who been Mary had a couple of tears of joy. She was hugged, they all waved as the curtain closed once more.

A great success.

Phailin and Sunny beside me as we maneuvered through the throng. Sunny's friends hugging her wishing her well, some saying they'd see her at Abbey Hill School in the autumn term.

I got to meet the two teachers who'd done the play, they were on a high! I congratulated them and the kids. A hug for both!

Mr. Thorn corralled me, "You will be our star tomorrow."

I was glad he wasn't raising the pressure on me! I was to speak to the whole school, I had said about thirty minutes. It was last day of the term, I hoped the kids wouldn't be too distracted.

My morning had an interesting start. I came into the kitchen to see Tessa and Tara chatting with Graeme. They were booted and ready for the cold. They'd fixed this up between them last night.

Jaidee showed Graeme how he used his `box.' Proud puppy!

We got our horses warm up the slope. I gave Graeme some commentary about what was around us as we rode on. Once past the lock and on our property I steered us towards the big field beside the barrister's home.

I gave Graeme a quick précis of events and that the shooter was a former SAS soldier... Graeme was more interested now. We stopped next to the spinney. The Thames Valley Police had done their thing and the yellow tape was gone. We could look over to the house where some workmen were replacing the damaged window panes.

"So your Security picked him up coming onto the property..." his arm motioning to the west, "...tracked him over to here, surrounded him, closed in... got the family safe then captured him here."

I said yes and pointed to the the stream across the grass to the southeast, "There..." pointing, "... a team was going to shoot him if Franco and Angelique hadn't been able to jump him."

"A team effort!"

"It is a real strength for us. As Thomas, our Security head for Europe, said a `combined arms' team."

"Ah... Thomas must be an old Army man."

"We do have a few...' my thumb aimed at Tara, "...this is a former U.S. Marine."

Tara grinning and responding to Graeme's question, "Yes, I left as a First Lieutenant, two tours in Afghanistan, in combat and Intelligence."

Fist bumps!

We moved on, a wave to Sandra Wellans in passing their house. Up into Lower Radley, I kept up my comments. At the boat yard Dennis was driving in. Hellos, intro's and `we'll be over for tea tomorrow' from him.

I told Graeme about the open house as we rode north through the trees to the Industrial Estate. We did a quick walk through so he could see some of it then to Sandford Lock.

Mr. Hardy stuck his head out the door, "I'll be up soon! Greg and I are really having a great time. AND I'm about to begin a big counter-offensive which he expects but probably can't stop."

Laughing I wished him success.

Graeme got a bit of Mr. Hardy's story before we got to the grass at the south end of Sandford. I told him Pamela would be off and running!

My girl was ready as the ride so far had been easy. I was treated to a Pamela power show! She was rocking it! The others were soon left behind!

It was a wonderful bit of time... riding my favorite horse across the grass at high speed!! Pamela swiftly crossed our neighbors property heading for home. I gave her her head... we came up on the empty training tracks rapidly... I didn't rein her in until we reached the flat.

I turned her around to watch my companions close up to us. Pamela had outrun them by fifty yards. I stroking her neck telling her she was the bestest!

"Damn you like to go fast!" from Graeme.

A `you betcha' from me. Tessa and Tara laughing, fist bumps!

Pat took Pamela, "Miss, we were all watching you. Quite the show."

Fist bump!! I thanked Pat, "It was Pamela's show for sure."

Food! A cry familiar to my ladies... Graeme grinned. He'd seen me in action in the Breakfast Room.

A kiss for Cho and Uncle Craig, they were alone but not for long as a crowd developed. I got in just in time. Loaded and sitting next to my man!

Aunt Dee and Donella were coming down with me to St. Thomas' for my little speaking engagement.

The men were off to play golf once more. Sitting beside Uncle Craig he was shaking his head when yesterday was brought up.

"Fay, I've never seen a game like Cho's. He hits shots that just amaze! Huge drives... When he gets a short iron in his hand... Well it's magic."

I gave him a kiss, "Well... the Fox Sports and News folks are sitting on stories about him, they are itching to run with but..." I squeezed Cho's hand, "... it's up to Cho."

Smiling Cho said they needed to cover real sports rather than an amateur golfer who coincidentally is the company CEO. Laughter.

Upstairs in the shower holding a warm and soapy penis I reached up for a kiss. HhhhhhhhMmmmmmm! Cho held me close for a repeat.

A warm towel rubbing his back was such nice work, down over those firm butt cheeks, strong muscular legs, a pair of beautiful feet then up the front. Some delightful cock teasing! My mouth to do it. The taste of Cho from last night's tussle in the sheets was washed away and I wanted more!!

But not now... Poo!

I dressed in an outfit which I really liked and was appropriate for this morning. The beige wool calf length skirt, a narrow dark brown belt, a cream colour silk long sleeve blouse. A waist length cashmere jumper vest, shades of blues and browns mixed. Dark brown heels, gold jewellery, `Joy'

Cho liked this... KISS! My lipstick was a light beige matching my nails.

The golfers reaction to my transformation was great for my morale! They were ready to follow me to the school and skip the golf. I was laughing as Kendall helped me into the navy blue camels hair trench coat, I had the navy leather gloves. Another cloche hat, navy with a shallow curved brim on the right sloping away to the left, a round dome , a soft brown ribbon around the crown.

Aunt Dee in a navy blue dress looked great, Donella in a dark green skirt and a pale green jumper... good colours for her.

Tessa and Ken with us as we motored down to the end of the village. Mr. Thorn welcomed us. We stopped to shred our outer things and went to the auditorium. As I stepped up to the stage the kids started to clap... very sweet.

I said I hadn't done anything yet... they all laughed. I took the mic off its stand.

A simple start by thanking them for being awake on the last day of the term. More laughing.

I spoke to them about people being different. Different faces, skin colours, age, place of origin, sex and gender.

"I started life as an English boy born to parents who while they cared about me were engrossed with their work. By age nine I didn't see them for long periods as they were out of the country."

I told them about a horse who was my sole companion and how I loved and cared for her. She was my immediate family.

My voice quivered a few times but I didn't tear up.

I tried to make Gwen appear in the room for them without going on too long.

I worked my way back to the differences we all have from one another in how we grow up but those don't have to divide us.

"You need to learn from one another about lives beyond your own. You enrich yourself knowing what happens outside of your orbit. The knowledge lets you be an empathetic and caring human and when you are... another person's problems or joys are understandable. It is the path to wisdom and equality."

I gave a few examples from my life in the last few years.

"When I was injured by a fellow trying to kill me my friends closed around me. I felt safe because they were like family, they knew me, loved me. They had become part of me by our shared experiences."

Mr. Thorn had allowed one of Yone's men in to setup a pair of big monitors earlier this morning. I had a small remote in my hand and started up the Fox takeover press conference at the point where Joseph asked his question. I let it run until the applause was at its crescendo... They watched Cho take me in his arms.

Sunny was with some friends on the side... smiling.

"I think what I said was fair... although tough on the reporter to have it done in that public way. The next day he came over to the Fox News Building at my invitation and it was brave of him to come without knowing what I would say... I told him I was sorry for putting him on the spot but his question had been unfair. He said he was sorry too, it was grandstanding and unprofessional. We were good... and we talked a bit... I liked him... I hired him to work at Fox News right then and there."

I was interrupted by their applause which was huge, Sunny standing to clap! They all did!

When I got them back to their seats I told them about the concrete story Joseph did and how it exposed a dirty, cheating, thieving gangster world which should never be tolerated. AND how it contributed in its small way to shape the election in America.

"Joseph and I worked it out because we could see the other person as a valuable part of a just society. Whatever our differences in colour, education, life and all the other things we recognized in each other elemental humanity. Terrible things happen when we can't see that in each other."

I wound it up saying that your family doesn't necessarily have to be based in biology, love and caring are what bind families not just DNA. I said I was lucky to have a family made up of both sides of that... blood and love. I have the gift of love given to me every day and return it in full measure.

I thanked them for their warm welcome and attention then wished them all a `Happy Christmas!'

They once again applauded with vigour, standing with a few cheers!. Mr. Thorn came up to take my hand, a big smile.

I hugged Mel and Anika, Mrs. Thorn said she cried a bit. Aunt Dee and Donella had shining eyes.

"Fay, that was marvellous. Heartfelt and it came across!"

A huge hug from Dee! Donella grinning squeezed me tight. They knew I was speaking to them! I was glad.

We worked our way out talking to kids and teachers. Hugs and kisses. Sunny was going back to her class. Squeeze!

At home the men were all golfing so us non-golfers enjoyed an Indian-Pakistani buffet lunch! Pakoras, Samosas, biryani rice, mango paneer, dal, Bengali style red beans, potatoes in a Madras sauce, naan and a lovely sweet fruit compote! I got Marandi to come up to `take a bow' for her hard work.

I ate well since the second open house was later today and I usually didn't get much during those.

Mr. Hardy and Greg were cajoled out of their game room to join us. They were having fun. They finished a game and started on another, switching sides. Mr. Hardy as the Israelis had crushed the Syrians and Jordanians then turned on Egypt. Smashing the Egyptian armour, destroying SAM sites and crossing the Suez Canal before Greg had surrendered.

They'd see how the shoe fit on the other foot this go-round.

Gil and I sat for a while in Library going over things, email and a few calls. Kent emailed earlier he'd call about `you know what' today. Alex would meet with Jasmin in Bangkok to have their handover talk. Jasmin would travel with me a few times, she needed to hire an assistant. We had space in the same building as my old office so there'd be knowledgeable help around.

I stuck my head out to see what was happening with the Great Room prep for this afternoon. Busy! Nothing for me to do about it... so... Riding! I rounded up a few others.

Ken, Ronnie and Diana had been out, our ladies helping the new rider. He was enjoying riding `More fun than driving a tractor' had me laugh.

Yone texted they had the drone defense device setup! No Shit! I detoured to Security before going out.

Yone grinning, "I know you were sceptical about it all coming together easily but... VOILA!"

His hand sweeping toward a console in the centre of the big arced desk, multiple screens and input devices.

"We are calibrating and testing the equipment now and will do a `live' test using our drones later. You can see the video feed is excellent. We've tested the battery system and it is a go! Also the new model drones are going to be ready to test tomorrow."

Fist bumps and a cheer! They would have all sorts of new tools to play with to defend us!

Tara, Rona joined me for a short ride. Rebel was happy to go! We went south to circumnavigate the Sci Ctr. No issues today and we had a terrific hard run back north to the stables.

Charlotte was on DayDreaming walking the cross-country course. She would have Sunny out here today doing the same thing. Then sometime in the next few days going over the regular jumps to reinforce good technique and show her some new moves before trying the course.

"We will go slow and build up. I want to give her hints on tactics and how to take the jumps. Prince and Zephyr need to be shown the new obstacles up close so they aren't a surprise. She has all the skills and knowledge and poise but it is demanding so..."

We leaned close to hug.

I was going up to the stables when my iPhone told me the Colonel was arriving. I detoured up to the Forecourt.

The Colonel bounced out of the car smiling, "Miss Martin, you do look very fine on a horse."

I slid down to kiss his cheek. I took his arm and we went in. Carter2 grinning, "I texted the stables."

Fist bump!

"Later on we have an ornament for you to put up but as you see it's a bit hectic right now."

I walked upstairs with the Colonel to his room. I told him about Graeme, how well Will and his family were doing. I mentioned he might want to talk to Yone about our new toys.

"Lots of news. Good too!"

He'd freshen up and come down to the Office.

Text >golf over < a volcano!

I did a quick wash and change. Christmas feeling so... the long sleeved red frock, heavy cotton snug above the waist showing some bosom, full to mid-thigh, black tights and ankle boots. Gold jewelry, necklace with a sprig of gold holly with small rubies for the berries and `Joy' AND a secret!

I was in the Office with the Colonel when Cho arrived. Hug, kiss! For me! Handshake for the Colonel.

"I was going to take the Colonel to meet Aunt Dee and Donella, we can now add Uncle Craig and Graeme."

Cho squeezed me, "I will send them along after we change."

I did intro's in the Library. Aunt Dee and Donella, Uncle Craig and Graeme, Malee, Rona and Andrea, Anong, Kanda and Phailin. Tona was upstairs with Suki, she'd be down for the Open House.

The Colonel was very pleased to meet my family, both parts. He was especially pleased to meet my mother's side. He said they had known one another for many years as colleagues and friends. Graeme and the Colonel sat to chat in a corner of the Library. I sent Kendall over to see if they wanted anything.

Cho was with the Inverness and Bangkok folks ready for the Open House. I went up to change!!!

I decided to reprise one of last year's outfits. The Navy coloured Hussar jacket with the elaborate gold braided frog hooks on the bodice, a white shirt with wing collar and lace cuffs, sky blue pants with a yellow stripe on the outside seam and buttoned close to my ankles, black spike heeled ankle boots! `Joy' I took out the sapphire pieces Cho had given me. The necklace, bracelet and ring added their sparkle to the outfit!

I didn't let on about it. The red dress was meant to be a diversion. My secret!

The first people arrived. Then I went down. Sunny saw me first! A whoop and she came over to hug me.

"Fay, it's gorgeous! So cool and sexy!"

I caught Cho's eye as he spoke to some folks. I saw the smile! More later!

Carter2 almost backed into me then went big-eyed seeing my clothes.

"Miss Martin, that is splendid. It looks very good on you if you don't mind my saying so."

I squeezed his arm, "Compliments gratefully accepted."

I began to wander around, got a tea and a few pieces of shortbread.

Aunt Dee was with Dad when she saw me. A huge smile and a big hug!

"Fay that's terrific!"

Dad got a kiss for his `spectacular.'

Donella came up from behind, I got a reverse hug! Her eyes were big when she swung around to my front.

"Fay, that's something! I like it very much."

Donella was close to my size, "You should try it on later. You'll look good too."

The Chalgrove Aerodrome crowd. I thanked their manager for the book of the airfield's World War II history. They liked having our crew around the airfield, they livened things up.

Jerrold and his family came. I told him Mr. Hardy was playing a wargame in the basement with my brother-in-law. He laughed.

"He used several in our History classes. It was fun and he managed to sneak in us learning how to work together, make plans and execute them. I do it now myself."

I got Fin to take Jerrold downstairs to visit. Jerrold's wife and two kids met Artie. The three youngsters took off for the cookie sideboard with the mother smiling. I showed her the other food and got another cup of tea.

Artie said he didn't need to sleep under the tree this year. We were walking earlier and he was serious, he wasn't sure about Santa Claus but he fingered if he was true... Santa didn't need to be bothered since he had so much to do. What a guy! He did like going under our big tree! He was careful.

The White's whose dad worked for us at Chalgrove came in. I shook hands with them all and pointed Dan Junior towards Artie's group. The older Whites were amazed at the tree and pleased to visit us. I walked with them to the food.

I managed to get a tea re-fill and bumped into Dennis and May, I aimed their kids toward Artie's growing crowd. May smiling said they asked if Artie was to be here. Bingo!

Dennis had received his bonus, huge grin, "Miss, it was quite nice! Christmas is paid for and a trip to May's folks in a few weeks and more."

Fist Bump. May squeezed my arm.

I saw Scott and Sandra Wellans. They hadn't come up last year but this time they had a connection with us. Their daughter, Torri was over in the crowd with Sunny, Kate, Maeve and Anne... others and a few boys! A laugh about that.

What was so cool was to see Teddy come in. Last year he'd been diffident and quiet, not this year. He was dressed nicely, looking good AND Sunny who had got to know him called him over. I watched as he joined the young ladies... he was confident, it showed...they were interested and VERY friendly. He was speaking right away with a smile. Cheers for Teddy!

Teddy really loved being on Phillips team. It was a close knit group who'd taken to Teddy. He'd found something he could focus on and excel at and it had a future! Phillips still pointing him toward university for all the advanced knowledge and experiences he'd get. We were one hundred percent behind Phillips. The education trust we set up for Teddy was already working paying for his school in Oxford.

I'd seen Kate but not the rest of the family. I moved to get some more tea and heard Gloria's voice. She was louder than most but I'd found her to be a good mother. Pete and Kate were good kids, well-behaved and intelligent.

I didn't know where Andrew was but he'd show up sooner or later. They were flying out in a few hours but didn't want to miss being here again! Nice!

Elaine from Gaudy Paper had a plate of cookies and a tea. Also a big smile.

"Fay, this is nice. I've seen a few folk who don't often come into the store but order from us. Good to see them again."

We chatted. I told her we'd used a lot of the Christmas paper we bought. She said Ellie had been over to get more ribbon and little blank gift cards and other paper stock.

Chalgrove schools were represented when Mrs. Davies and Mr. Foote arrived. They drove over together. They explained over salmon finger sandwiches they often talked and shared. I liked that!

They were so pleased with the new computers, printers and network support. The Malware protection and some staff instruction was warmly appreciated.

Some other teachers from St. Thomas' came and Mr. Horrock from Abbey Hill School who I made a point of inviting. He saw some of his students and parents. The Frasers had been at the first Open House so only Anne came this second time to see her friends and some intro's for Maeve and Sunny. Sweet.

I got to see my Bangkok family talking to our neighbors some of whom they'd met last year. In the room there was a golf group, a collection of Mom's and some horse folk.

Artie and some of his bunch wanted to go to kick a football around. Impossible to round up all the parents for Okay's so I went with them toward the door.

I saw an unfamiliar face wearing our livery, "Lucas?"

"Yes Miss." He was surprised as we hadn't been introduced. I intro'd myself.

"Would you get one of the spare coats and keep an eye these kids for us? Their parents are inside somewhere." I motioned over my shoulder.

"No problem, Miss."

Artie dug a ball out of the big closet, hats, coats and gloves. They ran out onto the lawn. Lucas in their wake. Okay.

I met a couple of St. Thomas girl students, they said my talk had been great. I had really broken it down to some simple ways to look at being... well... a person. I liked that.

I found Cho sitting with Aunt Dee. I parked beside her.

"Fay, I have been telling Cho all about you as a... child."

I grinned, "It's Okay to say I was a boy, I do."

"Okay! He knows about your being parked with us at odd times for long periods then Dora put you in the Froyle house. She said it was so you could go to school where your dad did."

"I did and it was a tolerable school. I got the basics, a few teachers went out of their way to help and most of the kids were fine. I ditched everything to do with sports though," I was laughing, "Now I ride horses as much as possible and swim otherwise. No balls, sticks or nets."

Cho was laughing, "She won't let me teach her to play golf."

Shrugging I said `there's a ball.'

Dee liked many of our guests, "So you do this each year?"

"This the second year but we intend to keep it up. This time the Twins are here but we decided not to bring them down. It's not that they are shy but it is a good sized crowd."

I didn't mention security to Aunt Dee. Ours had been around in the crowd, low-key.

We sat and talked about the distant cousins in Scotland she knew about after Cho went to talk to some new arrivals.

I hadn't seen Graeme or the Colonel. Dee shook her head no when I asked. Still in the Library?

I saw Kendall and asked him.

"Miss, I took in a bottle of Mr. Cho's scotch and two glasses in an hour or so back at his request."

I grinned. Dee turned to me, "Graeme does like whiskey but like his dad he never goes overboard."

Fin asked `Mr. Cho wished you would join him at the doorway.' Phailin sat next to Dee as I left, kisses for them both. Cho was doing some goodbyes, I helped. Carter, Fin and Conrad were assisting folks into their outerwear. The twilight brought a deeper chill than the last few days.

I asked a fellow I knew farmed over by Marsh Baldon about snow as I helped his wife into her coat.

"Miss, the cold is there but it's too dry."

I thanked him.

There was the slow drawdown of guests. Lots of goodbyes, thank yous, you're welcomes spoken.

When the house was empty of Open House guests we gathered in the Great Room. Graeme and the Colonel emerged, Mr. Hardy and Greg came up to the surface, halfway through the second game. Artie inside after having a `blast' kicking the ball with his Harcourt House friends.

I had Cho's hand as we thanked them all for being with our guests. Phailin as `spokesperson' let us know they enjoyed it.

"Your neighbours are nice people."

Sunny said it was great to have some of her St. Thomas classmates here and meet new ones from Abbey Hill.

Mr. Cowley came by to be Father Christmas. The costume looked good! Nicely made, real faux fur. Ha! It was red velvet and fit him amazingly well. He had asked Carter if he could wear it tomorrow at a day-care/preschool in Berinsfield because their costume was not very nice.

Carter smiling at me said he Okay'd it, "Mr. Cowley is a nice fellow."

Tha and the other nurses brought the babies down. It was the first Christmas for all of them except Suchart. He'd been too young to take much in.

Mr. Cowley in a chair by the fire with each child for some snaps. The littles ones were all interested in the beard. Mr. Cowley's was the real deal. I sat on the carpet with Chani on my lap watching the others sit with Father Christmas. Suki, Rak2, MFA, Suchart, Caroline, Charlie, one after the other with Charles taking the snaps.

Chani had my hand in hers, smile. A loud `Jabee' when our boy came in with Carter2. Jaidee rubbed his nose on her cheek, wet and cool. Chani loved it and put an arm on his back and pressed her face on his neck. Jaidee stayed still liking her little hug.

Artie parked beside me, I slipped an arm around him, he leaned his head on my shoulder.

"Aunt Fay, I know he's not Santa Claus just someone who makes kids feel good ..." a shy smile, "...I'm thinking about it."

I gave him a kiss, "A nice way to say it."

Charles was doing his thing snapping us all until I shooed him over to get some food before it all was taken away.

Christmas Movie time! I kidded Somsak it was his request... last year. We gathered our big crowd in the Game Room, the space was filled! I sat on the floor on pillows with Sunny and Artie and Donella as Jimmy Stewart found Zuzu's petals and regained his sanity!

Loads of popcorn and bowls of assorted candy were consumed. What a good time. Artie asked about a few things and I whispered back. Everyone enjoyed the old black and white film. Tomorrow night after we did a bit of gift exchanging we would watch `Scrooge' and see the marvelous Alistair Sim.

Cho reminded me about the BBC thing. I asked Carter2 if he could setup the DVD recorder to get it while we did other stuff. A thumbs up!

The movie was a nice wind down from a busy day. Two successful Open House days! We were thrilled! Tomorrow was Christmas Eve, a big dinner, gifts and lots of family time.

I got Donella into my Dressing Room as I peeled off the bits of my outfit, she undressed for a try on. I stayed in my red silk undies. Her body was much like mine and the clothes looked very snappy.

"You look very nifty!"

I moved to her to the big mirrors. She had a smile peering at herself.

"Fay, it does look good. I should wear more trousers in my outfits I think."

I agreed. Donella turned around to look at the back, she saw my bare left arm.

"Fay..." pointing.

I told her I had been attacked by a criminal whose activities I had helped to stop. "He tried to avenge himself. I was stabbed, I bashed his head, and kicked him in the balls then he was shot by a bodyguard. He later hung himself in prison."

She was going WOW WOW WOW silently.

I smiled, "I've had a few adventures that are out of the ordinary and this is a reminder."

Donella's eyes on me, "Well I haven't had `adventures'... yet."

I hugged her, "Be careful of adventures, choose wisely."

We were laughing.

My iPhone pinged an email. It was from Raphaela at Mirabelle. Two snaps attached. I showed them to Donella. We were in bras and panties staring at the dress that was being made for me.

I liked it. They were following the Louise Brooks photo very well. The colours, two shades of champagne, were muted but I thought fit the look. Donella loved it. I told her about meeting Raphaela at the dog park in New York which had her laugh at the serendipity of it.

She was quite trim, swimming, helped at that, every day at the university's pool and at the leisure centre in Fortrose. I said I preferred riding but swimming was my number two. I showed her some snaps of the Phuket house and the lovely beach. I said she ought to come out to Bangkok for sure. A nice pool at the house and a trip to Phuket.

"Cho loves his golf and there are courses nearby in Phuket. He'll play there in February with friends when I'm at the beach.

"Is dad going out then?"

I didn't know but probably before. I had girlfriends at the beach hanging out and Cho had golf buddies in town as a group thing. No guys allowed at the beach house just my girlfriends...

I guess the way I phrased that...

Donella was quiet, still... I nudged her.

"Fay, I'm... I'm a lesbian."

"Have you shared with your family?"

She shook her head... a tear on her left cheek. I lifted a Cho-Fay handkerchief to wipe it away. I put her in a robe, pulled one on myself and texted to Kendall for Amaretto.

We sipped. I asked why she hadn't shared.

"Mom would understand and dad would too. They would be unhappy at the prospect of no grandchildren from me not that they'd say anything. It's a disappointment I don't want them to have."

"Well if Cho and I are any example you wouldn't have to deny them. Do you have a girlfriend?"

A head shake, "I've put everything into school right now. I'm close to the end. The next term will be my easiest though. I've done my dissertation and research, the oral defense has been done. My research will be published after the peer review so I only have a few courses to complete."

A smile, "I have a few mates in Edinburgh, we get together to chat, go clubbing and drink a bit and sometimes sex but always non-serious."

I laughed, "Well that's what happens at the Phuket beach house! All our guys `know' and approve. You have already met a few of last year's participants here. We have sun, sex and eat for two days while the men play golf then we all come together for a big dinner!"

I gave her a gentle elbow, "You should come but only if you are willing to see me naked and indulging in love-making with my friends. I hope you don't embarrass easily."

Now we had a big grin on her, "Fay, I'd like to do that. My friends don't get self-conscious easily either nor me. We've been open about taking pleasure!"

"Okay so when the folks from London come over you can come with them. Gil is the coordinator."

"Oh... does she go with you?"

My drawn out ...Y E S got her to laugh.

"Fay, she's hot! Have you..."

I gave her my ground rules... I was prepared for her next question, "I don't know! Many of the others are like sisters to me, we've been through a lot together but there's no blood. Let's say I'd think about it."

"Well, I've seen you now and you would rank very high on my list of hotties I'd go with any time!"

We hugged and I thanked her for the compliment.

Cho and I did a complete puppy massage in bed. We worked every inch of his bod! There was this soft gooey dark brown mass on the duvet in between us. We laughed, kissing over Jaidee. Cho carried him to his bed. His muzzle on the soft edge of the bed eyes closed.

Cho's warmth on my back delightful. Sleep.

`Murat covered the last half mile in a blistering run. I thought there might be sparks coming from his hooves.

Our housekeeper was at the front door waving frantically, "The baby is coming."

I jumped from Murat's back to the turf, a groom came running to take him.

At the door Mrs. H said she'd already sent a fellow to the doctor's. I skied up the stairs three at a time.

Alice in bed leaning back on many pillows a slight grimace, "My dear my time is on us."

I sat beside her taking a hand.

"I am alright, the pain is not bad and the spasms are not too close together."

She gave me a lop-sided smile.

"I know there is nothing for me to do but be with you. Mrs. H is gathering all the necessary things."

She nodded, "I am ready for this."

A hallboy came to the door but didn't enter saying Mrs. H was coming. I said that was fine and to go down.

I removed my coat, I sat to hold Alice gently. I bathed her brow with the cool water Mrs. H brought up. Smiles to thank me.

Mrs. H said the boy had ridden to the Doctor's almost an hour before my return.

We had little time to wait as the Doctor rode up with our boy. He came thumping up the stairs. Buff and thick, the Doctor was a competent fellow known for his honesty. He quickly took in the room and the three of us.

"Sir, do you wish to assist or go out to wait.?"

I said I will be here.

He smiled, "I wish more husbands did the same."

He asked me to remove some pillows and to continue with the cool compresses.

He did an exam.

"It is good. My Lady, your body is preparing itself very nicely."

He prepared some implements on a small table, Mrs. H had water boiling downstairs. She was making a small fire as the Doctor asked.

"We want it to be warm but not hot in the room."

I held my dear Alice, cooled her as her body continued to move as the baby wanted to come out.

Alice lurched with a contraction... gulping a few breaths before she calmed down. I kissed her cheek whispering to her I loved her. A smile, her eyes turned to me said the same.

She continued to respond to the little one's movements her lovely face tightening in pain my hand squeezed hard.

The Doctor came back to the bed to check her progress.

"My, we will be getting close now..."

Alice's body moved again with a big spasm... The Doctor bent over called out to her to push...

The next minutes were a blur of sound and motion... Alice groaning... the sound of pain in her voice... the Doctor working under the sheet... then there was red squirming thing in his hands! Mrs. H held the child as the doctor raised up the umbilical cord for a few moments... then tied it and severed the link.

Then a loud squealing. The Doctor was pleased.

I had Alice in my arms... she was limp, eyes shut.

The Doctor examined the child, Mrs. H washed him in the warm water, wrapped him a white cloth to bring back to Alice.

The Doctor had looked at Alice.

"No major bleeding or tears."

The heavy cloth layers under Alice absorbed the flows from her.

I held a son! He had all the proper parts, a good deal of light brown hair and green eyes. I gave him to Alice and put my arms around them both.

The Doctor dropped in a chair, "M'Lord, that is a fine looking boy and your wife is good. This is marvelous!"

Alice and I thanked him for his excellent work. We three rested on the bed.

Mrs. H leaned over to stroke his forehead, "My he does look sweet."

There was a nap for all of us. The Doctor in the chair dozed off too with the pleasant warmth of the room.

In the early afternoon we did move about some. The Doctor joined me for lunch after Alice ate some soup with some help from me.

"M'Lord, they appear to be quite healthy so I won't stay the night."

I agreed but I would have someone ready to ride with a saddled horse in case.

He nodded.

The Doctor departed several hours later after checking on mother and son. All was well. Our little one was nursing happily. An excellent sign. He would return tomorrow afternoon.

I shook his hand in the entryway.

I sent a groom to Alice's parents in town. Her mother was prepared to join us for a few weeks.

I leaned over the crib... a tiny face. I lay down beside Alice, her cool fingers caressed my face.

"My dear, this is a very happy day. We have a fine son and I am well, tired and sore but doing well."

We kissed. I was dimly aware of Mrs. H... turning down the lights and adding some wood to the fire... then sleep.'

My iPhone woke me! I captured it. Thump thump! Damn he was cute. I stuck my head up and chirped to him. I got a cool nose and a quiet woof.

Washing up I thought about the dream... It was the first in a long time... I couldn't think of anything I was giving birth to right now...Maybe it was catching me up?

Khaki shades on me this morning, a dark campaign hat. Jaidee sat watching me with his head cocked to the right. Endearing!

We clattered down the stairs. I started up the DeLonghi and scones. Jaidee was released to the Kitchen Garden. COLD! He didn't mess around, business done in a jiffy!!

I put his food down, a pause, expectation and he got the word. Woof and chow down. My scones warm, buttered, wrapped up! Tessa came in. She started on the same food choices as I started down the lane.

"I'll bring Jaidee."

I waved Okay.

I put down a deposit for two horses in scones. Anthony and Pat grinning!! Pamela and Con were ready. Tessa and Jaidee came down. Thames came out of the warm office to greet us. The puppies took off after Sebastian down a stable row. He would lead them astray!

We went down the lane seeing clouds of our breath. Going up the slope at a decent trot the darkness was lifting into a grey gloom. Some fog along the river, we crossed the railroad tracks and headed towards the lock.

We followed the Thames Path once on the west side. Just a slow trot as the path went along by the second ugly house. A woman came out to wave us, she called out something but it was lost in the dense air. I turned us towards her across their grass near a flagged terrace.

She was cold, a shiver, she said she was Marta Carmichael.

"I wanted to thank you for saving Sandra and Scott's family. They're good friends."

I told her our Security started tracking the fellow when he entered our property, it developed into something else. I suggested they call the house to speak to our Security people as the Wellans were doing.

Marta said thanks and she'd tell her husband. They had two children, boy and girls both away at university ordinarily but home now between terms.

A young fellow came out in an overcoat bringing a mac for his mother. He was intro'd as Basil, the daughter ran out, Lorene. Tessa was intro'd to them. Basil obviously thought Tessa was `something.'

We were a bit exotic I suppose. I pardoned us, we needed to be back at the house' and sorry they hadn't come to the Open House.' They'd up in London until late last night. Another time.

I waved as Tessa lead us back up the path. I kidded her about her impact on Basil. We laughed.

"Fay, I don't need any puppies." More laughter!

We rode hard after warming our horses. Pamela flinging dirt up behind her romping across the grass. We walked through Sandford swinging by Mr. Hardy's, he popped out, "I'll be up shortly."

I mentioned the coffee was always available. A smile.

The ride to the stables was at good speed, Con kept up with Pamela as I dialed her back some.

Gregory said the first transfers for the `cat exchange' had been done. Two of ours went to farmers on the other side of Nuneham Courtenay and we would get two when they were older. Some spayed by Drs. Crawford.

The Breakfast Room had a good crowd! No golf today. I told Greg Mr. Hardy was coming. Thumbs up.

He said he was preparing a huge counter-offensive starting against the Syrians and then the Egyptians. Were the Israelis just too good or was the game unbalanced? He tended to believe the latter. Me too. But their first game reflected the Yom Kippur War reality as this one was also to some degree so...

I cleaned up going back to the long sleeved heavy cotton red frock with white stars, black tights and ankle boots. Gold jewelry, the sprig of gold holly necklace with ruby red berries and `Joy'

Francis and Ali arrived! On the Forecourt we hugged, I had her hand... She was amazed by the house. "Fay, it's like from a story book."

I led her into the Great Room... I paused in the doorway when I heard a gasp from her.

"Nice isn't it?"

"Fay, I've never seen a room like this! The tree is awesome!"

I walked her over to the table where her ornament waited.

I put the box in her hands and she teared up. Francis had a `Francis-Fay' handkerchief out for her. He helped Ali put up her glass ball. A smile.

"Fay, this is rather wonderful. I haven't done much for the holidays in recent years. Daria's family is all gone so she avoids it. Mine is mostly gone or... I just don't like them."

"Well around here we do go whole hog. So dig in and enjoy!"


"Fay, it is Okay that I share with Francis?"

"Ali, you two are welcome to any arrangement you want."

Francis looking proud and a bit shy at the same time. Fist bump! Hugs with Ali.

Gil and I in the Library for a while. Andrea joined me to talk some personnel changes and that two other employees had been in to see her about possible gender re-alignment. They were somewhat recent hires I didn't know.

"I told them we would do what was necessary to support them, help with any medical issues and time off, etc... I gave them Doctor Green's contact info. So I wait."

I thanked her saying `whatever happened would have to be at their pace.'

We had a short family' meeting Cho and I with the Inverness team. We would host Aunt Dee and Uncle Craig in Bangkok in the first week of February for a few days, date not set. Donella would come out later in February for a beach' visit. Graeme would come out to Harcourt House for riding whenever he had the opportunity.

I saw Aunt Dee's face on the latter, she looked very happy.

I was walking with her, "Fay, you and Cho are being very nice letting Graeme come out to ride. He likes to a lot. The Army gave him a chance years ago and he jumped on it."

"It's good for us too. The horses need to be ridden. We have exercise riders and staff but as the numbers go up it gets harder for them. So any help they get is great. That is why we said to him he could bring friends also."

I squeezed her arm, "Tonight we will exchange one gift. Last year my one for Cho was Jaidee. He popped out of a box much to Cho's complete surprise!"

I did an arm pump which made Aunt Dee laugh out loud. Uncle Craig gave a us what's up look. Cho was beside him, I repeated my Jaidee bit and the arm pump! We all laughed!

Cho grinning, "He did pop up with a woof. It was wonderful!"

I was near the fire's warmth, Phailin and Kanda on either side, Anong, Tona, Donella and Dee opposite. There were a few stories about me which didn't do me any harm. Loving people happy to share. The `Saul thing' did come up, I slid my sleeve up so Aunt Dee could see.

"I showed it to Donella last night, it's my reminder that there are consequences."

I got in a story of mine own when I described Phailin getting Dad and Cho to wait on us on the terrace that night. Grins. A nudge to Phailin whose beautiful face was a big grin! Hug!

We had an invasion of cuties! Anne, MFA, Caroline, Rak2, Chani and Suchart, Charlie and Suki!! I was on the carpet looking into my daughter's eyes, one hand in mine. Donella beside me with the other tiny hand. Charlie on Aunt Dee's lap waving his blue dog!

All the little ones being held and loved! MFA came over from Andrea to lie on my back when I went prone! Cute! Chani sitting on Aunt Donella. That `Aunt' was thrilled to be one!

MFA now wanted to sit on my lap, a smile. "Fay!" She was triumphant getting it out! I was was proud to be a word she knew!

Phailin holding Suki, she was sweet bundle. Her grandmother with a huge grin! My little man Suchart stood next to me an arm on my shoulder, I looked at him... he leaned to kiss my cheek! He parked on the carpet leaning on me, I gripped him tightly.

Kay sat on the other side of her cute son after giving us a hug.

Little man Rak2 sitting on his `Aunt Jian's' lap looking like he was happy.

What a gathering! Love! We had lots!

The nurses began to collect their charges for their lunch. We kissed them all and waved as they went up.

Carter with the lunch is ready signal. We trooped in, some of the folks had gone out to ride and weren't in yet but no matter. The men came from the game room where billiards had been played. I wasn't invited for as Cho said `all the obvious reasons.' Which got quite the laugh from me.

I gave Aunt Dee and Donella the explanation. Something about `wiping the floor with them' or the like!

Uncle Craig said if I was all I was `cracked up to be' with a pool cue he'd love to have me in his local one evening! I said he was on! Laughter!

Carla had two soups, lots of bread and cheese!! Cheddar from Wales, Stilton blue, Wesleydale Red, a sharp Irish white cheddar, all tasty. Cut apples, pears, AND walnuts a la Mrs. Pelletier!! She shared her recipe with Carla!!!!!!! Curried sweet coating slightly warm... TOPS!

The sweet side was awesome. Stollen! Fruit cake from Texas! A big assortment of Christmas cookies!

The riders showed up, left helmets, gloves and coats by the door. Rona, Graeme, Francis, Ali and Gil all looking hungry!

I went down to thank Carla and Sue for the stollen. Maxine was brought out front, She had done most of the work.

"Miss, I got Max in right from the beginning. She'd never done a project like this," Carla grinning!

"So Maxine did you get tired folding it over and over?"

She smiled, "Once I got it going I was Okay. All the chopping and mixing was a bit much though."

I squeezed her hand, "I made it a few times when I was young helping our cook. A lot of work! You did good!"

Fist bump!

Cho and I went down to visit Yone. The anti-drone device was operational! It was tested with our current drone collection. Yone and others flew the drones around the property, singularly and in groups. The roof top device picked up each one no matter how it was flown, at height or near the ground, in behind trees or whatever. They were intercepted and disabled. Multiple targets were captured!

It did make for some exercise for the Security folks to go out and collect the forced down drones.

Then Yone flew one of the new drones. The defense system picked it up but because of the different frequency it could not interfere until the defense device frequencies were adjusted then it was downed.' When Yone flew it a second time after a setting modification on the drone, the anti-drone system tried to capture it but the frequency was changed on the fly' and the drone got away.

Yone was grinning as he told us about it all and showed the video the device had created. So it was now working, training would go ahead for the whole staff and the new drones would be run over all the property we owned.

"Can we put a laser on the new drones to `shoot down' other drones?" My grin showed it was said in jest.

Yone smiling back said `maybe' with laugh. Fist bump! We were all laughing!!

I had a chore to do with Cho. We sat in the Office with Dad and Thoi to tell them about our `Southern Project.' They agreed to be quiet about it for now until Cho had spoken to some others and the Prince. I gave them what we had done and how we were going to proceed.

"What we are looking for from the government is a willingness to have an open mind."

Especially on important issues, Cho mentioned language as a big one.

I said we would ask the Prince to speak to his brother the King to urge the government ministers to not set `pre-conditions' as they have before.

On the other side our contacts via Fox News people would seek out the opposition leaders, engage them, ask for starting points for discussion.

I looked over to Cho, "We know this is fraught with danger. The problems as each side sees them are very different, some would rather act than talk. Some in the military and in the insurgents."

Dad's tented' fingers opened, "You know that I do not like what we are doing. We are doing classic whack-a-mole' tactics getting the usual results. The Army has not ended the revolt or really diminished the rebels capabilities by any true measure partially because there is popular support for the rebels' cause."

He looked up, "The Army does it actions and my people have to pick up the pieces afterwards when there is retaliation. We are police not soldiers. My people have penetrated some of the groups and we have built up profiles of organizations and some leaders."

Dad gave us both a good look, "While I can not openly support you, I will do what I can. There are some individuals you should speak to that are deep in the rebel camp but known to us. Danger is everywhere on this. There are elements in the rebel groups who think there is a military solution for them. They will oppose any negotiations with violence!"

Thoi had been listening, "Keren is right about violent men being out there. Some of our military want to ramp up the offensive actions. More force is their solution..." his hand sweeping to include us all, "...We know that is rubbish but to them it is the truth. They have voices in the Army High Command."

"There are parts of both sides that want to fight to the finish so we must find a mechanism to go in between," I gave my men a look, "or it goes on with more dying, hurt, homeless."

Dad gave me a big hug, "I suppose this was you? Dragging..." his arm on Cho's shoulders, "... this poor unsuspecting fellow along."

We laughed about `unsuspecting' knowing it to be the opposite of reality.

Relaxing now. Thoi hugged me, "Keren and I will help where we can. Some of the most important individuals are our friends but we can not use that here. This will have to be approached as hard-headed power politics. `Doing what is good for Thailand' with personal considerations aside."

We walked out with smiles so no one would be too curious. Inside I had some fears about what we might get started but I had the resolve to go forward and try.

We arrived in the Great Room just after the `kid' invasion! Phailin and Kanda had Suchart they were laughing. Aunt Dee and Donella had Chani and Uncle Craig and Kay had Charlie. Rona walking with MFA, Tona lying on the carpet Suki and Somsak beside her, Ting and Jian had Andrea and Caroline surrounded! Malee with Anne in her lap on a settee leaning back on Eric. The lovely Anong in her two Rak's arms. Such big smiles!

Graeme and the Colonel watching them all. I went to them slipping in between to wrap my arms around them.

"So what have you two been up to?"

The Colonel said they were solving all of MOD's problems.

I laughed, "Good! Now what about the rest of Britain?"

I got two NO's! And more laughing!

Carter2 was setting up tea and a few cookie choices but with Christmas dinner in the offing... nothing heavy.

I loved watching all the baby action. Graeme got Charlie, they were grinning. Ah... Chani was airborne with her dad! She loved the flying. Cho set course for me... I put down my tea cup to take the little lady. Her arms around my neck our cheeks pressed together.

There was a quiet 'Ma' which almost made me cry. I felt Cho's hand on my arm, he heard. I peeked over Chani's hair to see his face... what an awesome smile. I stepped close, Chani in between us. We held her close.

The nurses rounded up all the little ones to go up for their dinner. I was at the Great Room door kneeling beside Suchart, his arms holding me. I kissed his cheeks. What a sweetie. He turned at the top of the first flight of stairs to wave!

Kay's arm on my waist, "Fay, my little man is in love with you."

"Well it's returned. I remember the small bundle you put in my lap in Seattle."

Hugs! Before going up to change we two headed to Greg and Mr. Hardy in the basement.

They we siting back talking about the game. The second round was done. Greg had won as the Israelis but it was a tough fight. They were going to try another game from the box of games I'd had brought out from Basuto Road. There was probably twenty or so to choose from.

I'd planned to come down to kibitz while they played but it hadn't worked out. I told them they'd find a copy of Bar-Lev in the box.

"So you know the game?" Greg looking.

"Yes, I've played it a few times. The Israelis always win."

Fist bump with Mr. Hardy.

I said to them if they knew Panzer Blitz I had some counters for a France 1940 variant. All the weapons are shorter ranged so it was a close-quarters fight. They said they'd check it out.

We left with the admonition about dressing for dinner. Mr. Hardy to go home for that, Prasert would get him a car.

This was a dress up dinner!

I answered my iPhone, Charles! He was well and would stay with Agatha for Christmas. Angela was to come to dinner tonight and tomorrow. So they would have a small celebration. Agatha was looking after him quite well, he'd found Samson to be welcoming making it all very cozy. Ah... Samson was an orange tabby Cheshire faced cat. The `guest room' was one of his hangouts but he'd been willing to share the bed at night. A new experience for Charles the dog owner.

Cho came to my Dressing Room in a robe to put on my `Joy'. He had a surprise and I wasn't to see it until I was downstairs! Fair play! He hadn't a clue what I was wearing! A huge hug and kiss! He didn't mind my fingers sliding through that luscious dark hair.

Tonight I was going 1920's for sure. The Harvey Nichols silk aquamarine halter top sheath dress snug down my body flaring slightly at the knees with the bronze mesh. The hem just below the knee in the front and the bottom of the calf at the back. Bronze thigh highs, a panty that was a wisp, bronze heels with a slender ankle strap, open toe. A narrow bronzed coloured headband. The long bronze gloves going all the way up to my biceps. Snug, they felt awesome! A twisted double strand of narrow bronze wire shaped as a torque around my neck, a small loop to catch the turned up end. Drop earrings of small bronze loops with a aquamarine ball on the bottom. My hair perfect, the wings jutting out forward moving softly against my cheeks.

The mirror was delighted in me! A knock... Jian. I let her in... she was floored with my look! She was gorgeous in white satin pencil leg slacks, glossy red spike heels, a red cotton and wool double-breasted blazer over. Nothing under the blazer. It was softly lined. She got it at Noi's!!

Hugs and we rubbed cheeks. Her lips RED! Mine bronze, a very light shade to match the eye shadow and compliment the aquamarine nails.

Holding hands we were at the top of the stairs... we grinned at each other and stepped off. A slow decorous walk down. Charles was there snapping us.

Cho and Ting in the hall outside the Great Room doorway waiting on us. Their looks!!!!!!!!!!! Jian and I squeezed hands as our men's faces showed how we bowled them over.

Their clothes were TERRIFIC!!!! Ting in a midnight blue suit that had a slight shine to the fabric, a white shirt and a shimmering steel gray tie.

Cho!! He was in white tie' and it was unbelievably chic! The suit with a classic look, tailored to fit his V' torso! Brilliant white starched shirt and a small white bow tie. A white Marcella waistcoat under the tailcoat jacket! The lapels shone in the lamplights! A narrow satin stripe on the trousers and the light dazzled from the shine of his shoes. On his left lapel were two small flowers, yellow and green! Harcourt Racing!

We four stood there very amazed at each other! Cho extended his arm as did Ting, we turned to the door. Kendal smiling as he open the doors for us... We made a `grand' entrance!!!

Our families and friends gave out a cheer to greet us. Monster smiles!!! Hugs and cheek kisses around the room!!!!! Everybody looked wonderful. Delicious dresses and some pants like Jian's. Colours and fabrics were varied. The men's suits were sharp with a wide selection of tie shapes and colours. Several wild pocket handkerchiefs!

The Colonel in his Mess Dress uniform! Black trousers and shoes, black vest and the scarlet short mess jacket. Decorations! A large row of them! Very handsome looking! A kiss for him.

Sunny was in a classic long sleeved `little black dress' I lent her. Ellie had shortened the hem to fit her a few inches above the knee. Black pumps from Coach, heels not too tall. Sunny had added a small jeweled pin I had given her in advance of Christmas. I was shaped like a Christmas tree, green cloisonné with a few small diamonds and rubies as the ornaments. She was also wearing a brilliant smile.

I could also see she was feeling very grown up tonight. Her long hair pulled back tight, a smooth lovely forehead! The dress showed a good deal of her back, we had giggled over it when I suggested it.

"Fay I want to look sophisticated."

"Well looking good doesn't mean you have to show a lot of skin but a bare back isn't bad. You have good muscle tone. You will Wow them all."

Carter2 had Lucas and Fin Assisting Stanton with trays full of glasses of Taittinger's! Carter2 made sure Sunny had a glass that was half full.

We raised our glasses in Cho's toast.

"To each and everyone one of you! You make our lives so full of joy and love. We honour and thank you!"

HUZZA'S rang out and we drank!! I was in Cho's arms, a tight squeeze, "I love you!"

Cho lit me up with that!

"Your outfit is off the scale, Miss Martin!"

No tears but my eyes were wet. "So is yours! You would make any English duke be envious!"

A grin, a kiss, a hug!

Leading for the others with their thanks Ting toasted us. Dad and Uncle Craig followed with heart-felt toasts to our families joining together! I thought both were splendid and thanked them with a kiss.

We mingled in the loving crowd of our families!

Graeme was very handsome in a black suit, white shirt and a maroon Parachute Regimental tie.

A kiss, "You look quite good in mufti!"

He laughed, "Well... I'm nothing compared to you!"

I gave him a terrific smile.

Kay was beside us and joined in Graeme's assessment of my outfit.

Kay squeezed me, "You and Sunny! A small conspiracy but no worries from us. She looks great, very much our young woman."

Graeme said she looked smashing, "I'm sorry I'm too old or she's too young!"

He got his cheek kissed by Kay.

"I thought it was a bit daring but not too far," as a way to explain the look.

"You were right. She is growing up as she should be. I don't want to hold her back."

A hug, "You and Greg have been very generous to her, giving her the chance to find her way."

"Yes but you and Cho have done it for her."

"We did the laying of the ground but she's done the work and you have sacrificed having her near you."

I got fresh glasses from Fin, Kay and I kissed and quietly toasted Sunny's success.

The very one slid alongside me, a hug.

"Everyone likes my dress!"

Sunny was to do her routine in the arena on Boxing Day. All the family would get to watch. She was excited, I said to her it should be treated like a competition. Prepare mentally as well physically just the same. Fist bump with her.

Donella had one hand, "Fay, you guys throw a party!"

We laughed, "It's nice especially nice since I don't have to clean up."

We were leaning on each other laughing as we gathered some caviar to nibble on. Little toast pieces, bits of hardboiled egg, slivers of green onion, tasty! It went so well with the wine. Taittinger's had sent us a few cases as a gift!

Jasmin in a shimmering gold and rose sheath dress showing her slender body. She had a smile, "Fay, this is a lovely night! Your look is marvelous. Very `20's!"


I moved between clusters of folks, I was kissed and hugged. I gave as good as I got! There was a stream of comment about my clothes. The ladies loved the look, the men did too for different reasons. As Reg said there wasn't much doubt about the shape underneath.

Graeme smiling, "I know what I was thinking about before. You look like Lady Mary Crawley except better looking!"

I laughed at that, "When we first arrived here some of our neighbors especially the farmers wondered about our role in the village since the previous owners had been shut-ins. They said the doings at the hall' could have a big impact locally. I had to laugh and think about Downton Abbey.' We reassured them that we would be part of the community. We started the Open House days purposely to make the point that we were here and involved. What was depressing was none of our neighbors had never been inside the house."

"Really? That is sad."

"We have broken the spell! We hire and purchase locally. Our local friends are often here and my riding around has spread the word of how we are different. Cho even goes to the pub every now and then for a pint."

Funny I was not cold even though bare shouldered. The long gloves keep my arms toasty warm. A few glasses of champagne didn't chill me at all.

I scanned the room... bright smiles, laughter, beautiful women and handsome men! What a collection. I waved Jian over, hug.

"So sexy momma how goes it?"

Those lovely eyes sparkling, "Well, Ku, Anong and I have been spending your money."

We laughed out loud! I said I was quite happy with that and there was more money to employ as the endowment investments had raised the value by almost eighty five million dollars. Thumbs up!!

Carter at the Great Room door... dinner. Cho's strong arm extended to me I lightly rested my hand on it! We led everyone to the Dining Room. I had stayed out of the room at Carter's request he wanted it to be surprise. Ellie had done most of it.

Oh shit! It was a winter wonderland!! White garlands around the pictures, doors and the big windows which had little snow covered trees, houses and stables on the wide sills! Snowy white tablecloth with rows of white roses interwoven with a red ones down the center of the table. The candelabras mounting large white candles surrounded and draped by holly with loads of red berries. Each chair was covered in the whitest white cloth. At each place there was a small sprig of evergreen giving off a wonderful smell. The silver and crystal glassware refracting the light from the big chandelier.

Cho and I side-by-side on the north center. The menu place cards were green with red calligraphy. More of Ellie's wonderful handiwork! Opposite us were Dad and Phailin beside Aunt Dee and Uncle Craig. To my right was Kay and Greg with Sunny beyond her Dad. Kanda and Thoi beside Cho. The table was full tonight.

Those who wanted the full Carla Christmas dinner got roast beef, mine and for a growing number of others was baked salmon with a fennel sauce. Oven roasted potatoes, several vegetables and Yorkshire Pudding. The gravy was vegetarian so I would get some on my pudding! Bowls of wrapped up slightly crusty rolls from Maxine and local butter. A small relish dish at each place.

Carter and Carter2 were pouring the wine, Bouchard Pere et Fils Chevalier Montrachet la Cabotte Grand Cru was awesome. It looked so good in the glass! Sunny grinning when she got some watered by two thirds.

Cho nudged me... Then he stood.

"Last year we anticipated a much larger family gathering for this year as there so many little ones to be born. We can toast their safe arrival AND our family from Inverness joining us..." Cho motioned towards Aunt Dee and Uncle Craig with Donella and Graeme beside them, he rested his hand on my shoulder, "...We are proud and pleased to have you all here. This is the season when such family connections are frequently mentioned in many places and in many ways... Here we have a powerful feeling of home and family. Thank you all for sharing with us and the Twins, we do love you all!"

He raised his glass everybody stood to drink!! Cheers and shouts of love. I turned to Cho, a kiss. That got a cheer!

Dad and Uncle Craig stood up together, big smiles. They turned each way with their glasses up. Each thanked us and said they were proud to be part of our family and know all our friends. We drank to their toast!

We sat to eat as the food was served. The soup was a Carla surprise, a pumpkin coconut bisque! The nutmeg, cloves and cinnamon wafted from the warm bowl.

Then main part! The salmon was delicious, the fennel light but distinctive. Everyone was paying attention to their food. I could see Uncle Craig enjoying, I caught Aunt Dee's eye and motioned to her left. She grinned and gently touched her husband. He looked up at me, big smile. A thanks! He got a `you're very welcome' from me.

As we all applied ourselves to food I couldn't help but think that the wine fit beautifully. I watched others appreciate it and Carter2 touring around with a carafe to do refills. I raised my glass to Carter. He smiled and bowed. We did `air' fist bumps.

Cho laughing, "You do know how to do simple things to reward our folks!" A kiss!

Food and conversation. Kay said she and Greg were anticipating Sunny's show on Boxing Day. They'd seen the videos but this was much different.

"I hope we don't make her nervous."

"Well... the first time we saw her `live' was at Waterperry and we know how that turned out."

Kay squeezed my hand.

Behind Cho Kanda asked about my dress, she got the `skinny.' I passed over one of my gloves from my lap so she could look.

I talked food, clothes, horses and babies. The Twins going onto solid food was a biggie. Another important event for Boxing Day!

The dinner was perfect! A wonderful delicious success for Carla and Carter!

One dessert was chosen for Artie. Cherries Jubilee! Artie was bouncing in his chair, grinning over at me! When the flame died he dug in! Me too! You could also have some vegetarian plum pudding and hunt for silver penny. Donella got the silver King George V this year from the pudding!

I got a glass of Amontillado Hidalgo Jeres-Xeres sherry to go with my cherries which Artie did not.

I gazed over the table seeing bright shining faces, a few reddened cheeks from the wine, smiles, hearing laughter and animated voices. Once again I had the sense of Ebenezer Scrooge on Christmas morning... did I deserve such happiness? Deserve? Maybe but at least I tried hard to make everyone happy.

It did give me a good feeling watching the faces! Cho leaned over, "Pensive look?"

A kiss, "I was just seeing everyone's face as the dinner moved along... I think it's a success in several ways. Our families mix well, they are having fun! The food and drink delightful... making me especially glad... we have such excellent staff who we can trust to do this without us worrying in the slightest."

Cho had my hand, "It makes me happy you think of such things and share them with me."

Another kiss with a bit more in it!!! A warm hand on my thigh, a gentle squeeze!

Cho rose to invite us to go to the Great Room. Time to give a few presents. Jaidee the Christmas puppy was waiting for us. Hugs!

The group broke into smaller units for the gift exchanging.

This year I had no BIG surprise for Cho. I was on a settee by the fire with two wrapped presents about the size of shoe boxes. Cho grinning saying Jaidee couldn't have a new sibling.

He began to open the first one... inside was another wrapped present... then again until he got to the gift. Russian doll gift wrapping! At the end he had two pairs of cufflinks, gold and silver, running horses! He looked up at me... I didn't cry but the look almost... A loving kiss.

I handed him a small box as a third gift. It was also cufflinks, a silver version of the gold rayed star pair I had given him that he so liked. He kissed me as he passed a gift to me.

It was intricately wrapped, hard to open. OH Yes! Sapphire earrings that matched the rest of the set!!!! I Grabbed Cho for a hug and thank you.

"Funny haven't you ever expected me to complete the set?"

My hand on a smooth cheek, our eyes locked... Damn I welled up quickly... a tear from each eye down my cheeks...Cho's smile as the Cho-Fay handkerchief made its appearance.

He dabbed my face softly, "No more, my love."

Jaidee moved against my leg looking up with gorgeous brown eyes!! His present was a new collar with his name on a brass plate. Cho fastened it on as Tha and Ellie led in the parade of babies.

Charlie and Chani on the settee with us. They each got a gift. Chani got a Raggedy Ann doll with red hair and freckles, soft and sweet. Charlie got a plush blue dog to be the brother of his plastic one. He gripped it tight!

Gil with us grinning. Cho had given her the gift from us, a gold horse pin. Very true to life appearance stretched out at full stride.

She was pleased. "Fay, Cho, it's so beautiful. Such a simple beautiful thing!" Hugs!

She would get a brand new MacBook in the morning!

I toured the room admiring the gifts that our family and friends had shared with each other. Tomorrow morning we would finish the exchanging.

Sunny had a necklace of a slender gold chain and gold rayed sun from her Mom and Dad. A hug for her and a wink for the parental units.

She opened a gift from Cho and I. Earrings that matched her birthday Gaspeite green stones! Same setting! Sunny jumped up to hold me tight. A big thank you!

Suchart sitting with a very handsome teddy bear! Lovely shades of brown and a cute face. I'd found it at Harrods, amazing me! I sat beside him, Kay on the other side. His eyes were bright! I got a hug from the little guy and a kiss! A big thumbs up from Kay!

I had a gift of Colonel-Fay handkerchiefs for the Colonel with a nice Union Jack pin on the top. He open the package... big smile. A hug and thank you! "Very nice you remembered."

A second small box with cufflinks of gold crossed sabers to come in the morning.

Francis and Ali close together on a settee, she had a new bracelet on a slender wrist. A gold torque! Lovely. Shining eyes. A kiss for each.

Ali liked to wear a barrette to holdback her hair on the right, we got a golden horse for her. Smiles! Francis had a box of several beautiful silk ties with a golden horse tie clasp.

Horses were a lovely theme! Well they are for me.

I shared hugs and kisses around the room. Kendall caught up to me with an espresso a la grandfather a twinkle in his eye!

I started to get those who wanted to watch the movie into the Game Room. Carter2 reminded me of the BBC show. He had recorded it. Hearing that we had everyone moving, they wanted to see.

We worked out the seating and Carter2 started up the show. I felt very detached watching, hard to believe it was me up on the screen. I looked at my clothes critically... I had a clean and sophisticated appearance, sleek, a very low intensity sexiness came across in my eyes.

Harcourt House was awesome! It was a star! Being in place you don't get the effect... the Great Room stunned you. No wonder everyone coming in had such a WOW'd first impression. The whole house gave the viewer a big wallop, beauty and style that were timeless in their Englishness.

Sunny smiling as she appeared briefly in her riding clothes, intro'd as our niece living with us, an equestrian in training.

The kitchen staff working and laughing. A short tour around the outside in the Gardens and out.

The whole talking by the fireplace part went right by me as I did my evaluation of me but the family and friends said it was wonderful. They cheered when it ended. I stood up to bow. Laughing!

Now the serious stuff... Alistair Sim as Scrooge!! One of filmmaking's very best acting jobs! Sprightly, comic and serious altogether. Okay so I'm a fan! I do think Charles Dickens would be pleased with the movie.

Candy and popcorn consumed!

Cho and I took Jaidee into the garden. Some snowflakes were dropping as we went out bundled up. Jaidee had a blast chasing a tennis ball. The snowfall picked up. It was really coming down as we went down the fast disappearing gravel walkway towards the Terrace.

Under cover we watched it come down, Jaidee wanted to run around but not me. I retreated to the Great Room after unbundling. The Bangkok folks watching it come down through the glass doors.

They were offered coats and gloves... No takers.

Donella liked to ski, Graeme too. Well fine, not this person! They laughed at my objections to snow... Cold and Wet!

Lots of hugs and kisses as we all headed for our beds. Artie smiling as we walked up together, he was sticking to his `leave Santa Claus alone' decision. Big hug!

I had another hug this one for Cho! We were naked... Big difference! We snuggled for a short time with Jaidee before lights out. Sleep,

Christmas morning was cold, no snow falling! Dressed WARMLY Jaidee and I did our morning things with Tessa. She liked snow but not too much. I had given her a Christmas hug, one for Marigold. Happy Christmas' ringing out.

Coffee equipped and sconed we went down the snowy lane. There was about two inches with mini-drifts. Fortunately the wind was calm or it'd be quite cold. Anthony and Cormac were up and had our horses ready. Pamela bouncing, Con nickering.

Warm scones handed over, a leg up and we were off into the dim morning. Foggy patches along the river and low lying areas as we headed south. Tessa grinning!

"So did you have a good dinner?"

I gave her a rundown on the events, food, and gifts. She laughed at how I made Cho work to get to his presents!

Going south in the gloom easy at first then a good run down to the locks. I had two warm scones in a bag for my morning men. The lock man was thrilled to get the little bundle, Happy Christmas. Roy heavily wrapped up was very surprised and glad to be remembered.

We pushed on over the bridges to our property south of Barton Lane. A good trot, not too fast so I could do some looking around. We needed to address the ponds, a cleanup and drainage check. Some further fence work. The Thames Path was mostly good but some grading to improve its stability in places.

A fox darting across the dirt road ahead of us before we crossed under the railroad. A new gate which a new app on my iPhone opened. A nifty new collaboration between Ni's coders and an English lockmaker!

We headed northeast through the wooded area south of Archie's place. The snow seemed less over here not much more than an inch. After connecting with the Wellans' and Carmichael's drive we reached Lower Radley where a Thames Valley Police car was sitting on the road. A PC was leaning against the door writing. He said there had been a burglary at the house behind him, his sergeant was inside. We didn't know the people, the house was large set back a bit from the road with a front garden.

The sergeant who emerged was the same we had met at the Wellans' the morning after their event. He smiled, "Do your Security folks have any coverage around here?"

I gave him Yone's name and telephone number. I said it was possible since our property was across the street and we also protected Archie and Margy's place diagonally over the road.

"You'd think Christmas night might be a bit sacred but no!" The sergeant was indignant over the robbers lack of respect which I thought quaint and very English.

The people burglarized were away. I asked if we could help when he said they couldn't sit on the house. He looked surprised but interested.

"Do call Yone, he knows what we can do. Maybe he could temporarily put a few cameras here with some sensors and run a patrol car by."

I waved turning north as the sergeant dialed Yone. He gave me a big `thanks.'

Tessa smiling, "You like to help."

"Well... having money and resources makes being generous pretty easy."

Fist bump!

A wave to Jerrold as he rolled out with his family to go visiting other relatives nearby. For us then a long hard run to the lock. We walked through Sandford, it was quiet, still early. Our hoof prints we the first marks of activity on the roads. Pamela ran away from Con when we hit the snowy grass. We didn't see a soul until reaching our Stables.

Pamela and Con would get some more walking and the whole crowd would get Christmas treats!

I stopped in the Stable Staff lounge. The tree lit up was very nice. Two of my family's ornaments on it, a small white glass star and a red metal Father Christmas. I got to hug Nan, her smile huge!

Staff sitting around, Cormac held up his feet in his wooly slippers, thanking us again for the idea. There also thanks for the fruit cakes which were fast disappearing!

Marigold was working on breakfasts, a big smile.

I asked if she minded working Christmas Day.

"No, I won't be here much longer and my family are doing a lie-in until I'm back."

A hug!

The Christmas tree here was beautiful also! The train lantern ornament and the long necked spiral painted bulb from my family on again this year.

Cho, Greg, Eric, Reg, Uncle Craig, Graeme and Dad were in the Breakfast Room. Greg had been up early to get Suchart and Artie's gifts under the tree. Success. The little men would be happy.

We walked upstairs together to their room. Greg gently woke them. Artie was sleeping in the Fulham jersey we gave him last Christmas. He slipped on a robe and Greg got Suchart in his. We all went to the Great Room.

They each had three presents waiting. Greg said we would open gifts after breakfast. Big smile! They came to the Breakfast Room with us. We all sat having eggs, tomatoes, veggie sausages and piles of toast! I had Suchart beside me. Big grin with strawberry preserves on his chin.

After food I changed to a light forest green dress with a white cardigan and brown ankle boots. We got ready for the gathering around the Christmas tree.

Fun to open gifts! Cho gave me some lovely things. More `Joy' always welcome and a new scent! Baccarat Les Larmes Sacrees de Thebes! The Sacred Tears of Thebes! An incredible crystal pyramid perfume bottle! An unusual scent, roses, jasmine, amber and the ancient myrrh and frankincense fragrances. Cho put some on me. I liked it... so did HE!

A gorgeous Hermes scarf, the colours and design of a French flag!

Something special Cho held back to make it the last gift. A cameo that he had made with Chani and Charlie's profiles. It was simple beautiful thing which brought out my tears! Cho was ready with a Cho-Fay handkerchief and a kiss and a hug!

The pin wasn't very large, the cameo on a silver backing. He put it on my sweater over my heart! What a guy!

He loved the ties, exclaiming over their colours, the golf shirts and the very handsome Coach wallet. We had a lovely gift giving time!! He was wearing the silver running horse cufflinks on his black shirt!

We moved around the room kissing and hugging, looking at the treasures others gave and received. Artie had an iPad from us! Huge hug! His parents had Okay'd it beforehand.

Sunny had two new bolero jackets, black and silver gray and a black Spanish Equestrian hat/helmet from us. I included some string ties in various colours and an Munro Ancient tartan tie.

I carried our gift for Jian over to her. I bowed from the waist offering the big flat box to her. Big smile. She opened the box that had Ellie's elegant touch in the wrapping. The red Red RED long sleeved flouncy Hugo Boss dress brought tears to Jian's eyes. Ting had a Ting-Fay handkerchief to help her.

I got a monster hug and kiss, "Fay, it is beautiful!!"

I held her tight, "Then it is you!"

Oh... more tears at that... Ting on the spot to dry her cheeks.

Andrea welcomed the big wool jumper coat for her chilly office and the cut-off bright yellow jumper with blue cuffs and collar. Ting hugged me for the cufflinks with a silver Caduceus. And a Coach wallet like Cho's.

I got some coffee from the sideboard and sat beside Mr. Hardy. He was thumbing through an atlas of Napoleonic Europe. Not about the battles but the political and social changes wrought by the conquests of Napoleon. The shifting borders, the new kingdoms' and principalities' created to pay-off the French generals and solidify French power. The changing demographics from the movements of armies and peoples.

"Miss, where ever did you find this? Most unusual!"

"Knowing you are widely read on the period I had to go further to find something to pique your interest."

"Thank you! I think it will be tremendous of assistance to keeping the non-military things in order for me. Such big changes across the continent."

"There's a section on the colonies too."

I got a kiss on my cheek.

Dad and Phailin weren't doing much exchanging between themselves as they felt being together was a gift. Especially after last February. They got hugs and kisses from me! And a few small gifts as tokens of our love for them. A flower pin and a silver frame with a portrait of the Twins. Angelic faces! Phailin teared up. HUGS!

The Nursery denizens arrived!!! Chani and Charlie beside us by the fireplace. They got to rip at some paper. Chani got a cute Raggedy Ann outfit to wear to match her doll and a faux fur lined zip-up gold hoodie! Charlie got a cute flat cap like golfers wear with a sleeveless jumper and a soft plush lorry to squeeze!

A bit after ten, all the House, Garden and Stables staff came in. We had Beats headsets or headphones for all staff, whichever they liked for their iPhones. Senior management each received an Apple Watch. Everyone got £100 iTunes cards. They went over big as we had a lot of music lovers!

For our successful management team they had already received their bonuses and personal big thank yous!

Lots of hugs and kisses. I stood in front of Pat, he had chosen a set of Bluetooth headphones, "Miss, these are great!"

"So the iPhone is good?"

"Oh damn... Sorry..." I waved away his worries about it, "when Gregory gave it to me I was shocked. He sat me down with Carl for my Security briefing... I got it then."

Fist bump.

"I really didn't know much about you and Mr. Cho. Head in the sand."

"You're with us now. How is your brother doing?"

"He's amazed and hopeful."

I squeezed his hand!

Yvonne had her Beats on trying them out with grin. "Miss, they sound great! I am going to enjoy mucking out more."

We laughed at that. She was happy working for us part time as she finished her course work at Oxford. She missed Ronnie.

"Her family was very nice."

I said we liked them a lot. `Good horse people.'

Yone and I smiling at each other, "Making work for me on a holiday?"

Laughing, "So what are you doing?"

He said they'd put up several temporary cameras and sensors. It was live and Thames Valley police knew it.

I thanked him. Fist bump!

Prasert and Ellie looking very happy. I had a butterfly pin in iridescent green for Ellie! A collection of leather bound H.G. Wells' novels went over BIG with Prasert. He thanked us for thinking about books for him!

Charles with his mum, Carla hugged me happy about her bonus and a nice pin of a yellow and black bumble bee with lacy shiny wings. Charles had a new iMac, 27' screen and lots of RAM so he could do his picture and movie editing for us off Carla's iMac. He was shy... a hug for thanks!

Sue loved birds so I got her two books, one a small pocket guide to English birds and a large encyclopedia of birds. It weighed a tonne!

I worked my way around the entire room loving every minute. So many wonderful friends enjoying themselves. We went at it for hours. Carter with Christmas music, tea or coffee, sweet treats.

Sunny and Maeve asked me to join them on a settee on the west side of the room. I was in the middle, Sunny put her iPad in my hands and started up a video. It was a several minute anime they had created!

It had a horse riding super hero woman who defeated a fascist type leader restoring freedom to the people. The hero looked like me! I liked the extra powers! It was cute and well done, very smooth to watch. They had done most of the work getting some technical help from some of our Security staff who were anime fans and creators themselves.

It rolled on through the credits and I was thrilled to be immortalized as a hero! Hugs and kisses for both! I praised their skills in the artwork and getting it all together!! Awesome stuff.

Maeve said the file is on a server downstairs so I could watch any time! I asked if they had watched it on a big screen... No. "We should get it up on the plasma TV!"

We ran to the Game Room. The HDMI adapter was in the drawer with a long cable. Hooked up by me. I sent Sunny to get Cho. He and I snuggled in a chair with the girls next to us in another. It looked great on the huge screen... I loved it even more and their artistry showed through.

Cho enjoyed it and applauded them both. I told them to bring their parents and Sunny's grandparents in to see it. They ran off to gather the folks!

I pulled Cho into the Library a quiet space. Kisses and a close embrace!

"Watch out I might zap you with my extra special powers!"

We were laughing.

"It was really well done. Can we get them something they might need to continue making videos?"

I said I'd ask. Maybe new larger screen iPads? With the Apple pencil for drawing. More kisses!

The `old folks' came out pleased with their daughter's creation! Gerry said he'd be careful around me from now on.

Dad and Phailin both laughing hard when I posed like the hero to aim my zapping powers their way.

"I have no doubt about your powers," Dad holding his hands up.

I sat with Eric and Malee who had little Anne on her lap, we shared a plate of cookies. A reindeer herd of several colours and with varied decorations was devoured. I got Anne, smiles. Moving around with her I left her in Jasmin's lap. More smiles!

Jasmin looking relaxed. We had given her a gold bracelet with charms representing some of the countries in her territory. It had room to add more. She was thrilled.

We were all happily hanging out, I thought to warm us up before luncheon. I scooped up MFA in a drive-by move. We hit the trail heading for Cho who held out his arms as we closed in. MFA giggling! Reg and Rona laughing behind us. Cho took the bundle as I kept going heading towards Suki.

I called out her name, Somsak made a `fake' attempt to stop me as I rushed in to gobble her up. Such fun! Suki waving her arms giggling loudly. Tona holding her sides from laughing. I swept on towards her Granddad. He was chuckling as he took delivery of one happy granddaughter.

I spun around to take aim on Suchart. He saw me and opened his arms. Kay burst into laughter, "He wants to be kidnapped!"

It happened! I set our course for Sunny by the fireplace. I called for Sunny to sound collision!' She was laughing when we nearly on her she yelled brace for impact!' We dumped ourselves on her. Suchart caught between two females! We tickled and kissed Suchart, he loved it! Kay came to `rescue' him but he didn't want to be saved.

We were all laughing so hard it hurt! I was leaning back on the settee Suchart beside me Kay dropped next to him. The little fellow thrilled to `kidnapped' by Auntie Fay as Kay put it!

I saw another victim, Chani watching us. I slipped to a spot beside her then in my arms giggling away we took off for Uncle Craig! He had plenty of warning and was ready! Chani flew into his arms grabbing for him! Uncle Craig laughing loudly. Such fun!

I dove between the `weak' wall of protectors around Caroline to engulf her in my arms. Loud giggling in my ear as together soared around to target Graeme! We made a perfect landing beside him. She was gathered in his strong arms completely happy.

Anong laughing held out Rak2 to be kidnapped. I scooped him up and spun about looking for Aunt Dee. AH HA! On a settee near the fireplace! I set my course for her as Rak `pretended' to slip and fall trying to stop me.

Aunt Dee had welcoming arms wide and little Man Rak2 gently cradled in.

My little man Charlie was in Granny Phailin's arms, so I kissed them both and parked myself beside them. Bushed from all my `work.'

I had scrambled up families! They loved it! A room full of laughing people as luncheon was announced by Carter. Cho pulled me up into his arms, a kiss!

"Funny girl! That was terrific! Everybody loved it! By the way... you smell fantastic!"

Another kiss, "I like it very much! I've never heard of it before today."

Cho with one of his `smiles', "It is somewhat rare but I think it is going to be worth it!"

I gave him a look but he wasn't inclined to go further. Okay!

All the little ones went up with their nurses. Suchart's hand in mine we walked to the Dining Room. We had a highchair for him. When saw it and that he'd be part of our luncheon there a star burst smile. I leaned down to hug him. Kay and I got him in place and she went to get food.

I told him it might not be every meal but we'd see. He was pleased to be with the big folks.

Carla had a buffet ready. Cream of white cheddar and celery soup, a bit of spice to it. Her vegetable soup! Lots of cheeses to grate over it! Sliced roast beef and cheeses with bread and condiments for sandwiches, cut cheeses with apples and pears. A warming tray with Mrs. Pelletier's recipe sweet curried walnuts, little paper cups in red and green to put the nuts in. Fruit cake from the talented folks in Corsicana, Texas, cookies in a wide assortment and a tray of dried figs and dates stuffed with nuts rolled in confectioners' sugar on the second sideboard.

Coffee, tea, sodas, water and beer choices for drinks. No seating arrangement. I was between Donella and Kay with Suchart beside his mom, Ali, Sunny and Kanda across the table. We talked clothes, my 1920's outfit from last night, Sunny happy to have her own Spanish Equestrian hat, a lovely golden bird pin Kanda had on from Thoi, lots to chat about!

Suchart was marvelous! Well behaved and hungry like us! He had buttered bread, cheeses, fruit, nuts and a small bits of all the sweets. I watched him chewing a small piece of fig, tough going to start then he was good.

Kay leaned over to kiss my cheek, "I'm glad you did this. He's going to love you even more!"

Fist bump!

After luncheon a few groups got together. There was a poker crowd, a movie one and some just going to chill out by the fire. My group was going riding! Sunny, Rona, Gil, Jasmin, Francis and Ali, Graeme, Tara and me. Dressed and ready, we headed down the lane. Anthony and others got horses saddled.

A leg up and we went down the grassy way to go north. We warmed up as the cold was deepening, no wind. Not much snow to worry about. I don't like the stuff though it was pretty... especially on FAR distant mountain tops.

We went to the northeast to meet the bermed track and on up to the church. Dr. and Mrs. Lone came out to say Happy Christmas! I shooed them back in out of the chilly air. We reversed ourselves on the ride home, I asked Rebel and he was ready to go.

Down the track to the berm then faster, we flew through the gap in the trees at the north end of the Radley's. Rebel knew the way, he stepped up the speed with barely any asking! My face was cold... My fingers too! I'd never trade-in these moments. So splendid to be out on a horse. The sun broke through as we crossed the Fraser's.

Naturally no one out on the training tracks or arenas I didn't slow Rebel! We roared right up to the bottom of the lane. He was scraping the ground wanting more.

I turned him south we went up the hill like a lightning bolt! Near the Sci Ctr fence we spun left towards Kate's home then back north to the Stables. I asked Rebel... It was awesome the way he ran! He was enjoying himself, running free across the snowy grass. It was a romp!

My companions waiting at the lane as we rushed down the sloping ground past the cross country jumps. They were all watching us, cheering as Rebel slowed to stop in front of them.

Sunny with both hands over her head clapping! Graeme looking awed! Ali's face flushed from the ride with a huge grin, "Fay, you look like the Lone Ranger!"

Fist bumps all around! At the Stable office Gregory gave me a look, "You two are unbelievable!"

For me it was fully real which was so lovely!

I led us on visits to all our horses. Treats were given, hugs and kisses applied.

Sunny stroking Prince's neck, "Fay, we're ready for tomorrow."

Fist bump!!!

Dressing in a less formal but still classy way for dinner. A black dress poured over me, soft wool and cotton, turtleneck collar, open shoulders, long sleeves and hemline at upper thigh. Deep black thigh high stockings and black Coach pumps. Black onyx jewellery at ears, wrists and fingers. Baccarat Les Larmes Sacrees de Thebes applied by Cho.

His black suit and ultra-white shirt, my Christmas gift Harcourt Racing yellow silk tie, gold running horse cufflinks and Hermes!!

Jian in our gift to her! The Hugo Boss RED Flounce dress. Long soft sleeves, hemline above the knee, the skirt flowing beautifully as she walked. Her face!!!

Andrea in grey wool looking sleek and chic. She leaned in, "Jian loves the dress!"

I said I could see it in her lovely face. Ting quite handsome in dark grey and a brilliant blue tie!

Everyone gathered in the Great Room. Our babies joined us. Charlie in Cho's lap and Chani with me. Suchart beside me with a terrific smile. Artie took Chani on his knees her little fingers pulling at his jacket sleeves, smile!

Jaidee lying by the fire looking rather sweet, a new collar, shining coat and the winning gaze! A blue rubber bone close to a paw for the occasional gnaw.

I moved about before parking beside Aunt Dee. She was having `a great visit' holding up her wrist to show the gold bracelet of three interwoven strands which was our gift to her. She got my thought behind it!!

"Fay, everyone is so nice. Phailin, Kanda and I had a wonderful talk by the fire earlier. They are both in your camp," a bit of a hug, "...Phailin told me about your saving Keren last year. Very brave, my girl."

Smiling, "I didn't have any choice really."

"No but you stood up tall. It is hard to see you with a gun though," big grin!

"No harder than for me."

I decided not to say anything about our `event' in Phuket. Dee might think I was gun happy. A big inside head shake!

As the babies were gathered to go up Suchart was looking at me... I put out my hand... He whooped and threw his arms around me! Kay and Greg with Sunny and Artie all hugged him. His dad walked with him into the Dining Room.

We stopped to speak with Tha. She knew Cho and I would be up in the morning for the Twins first solid food meal! A big day.

Dinner was a buffet of things from the big dinner last night, some cream of mushroom soup and lots of sweet bits added. Minimal work for the Kitchen. Afters in the Great Room, we would serve ourselves.

A poker group coalesced, I nudged Uncle Craig and said `billiards?' He was up! Graeme came with us. I corralled Dad which wasn't hard. He wanted to watch.

A quick draw for sides, Graeme and I. Uncle Craig said `our lady breaks' which got a short laugh/cough from Dad. Uncle Craig had been subtlety warned. I broke and dropped three, two high. The high balls didn't seem as exploitable so I went with the low's which surprised my uncle. Dad was shaking his head which I found endearing.

The six, seven, three and two rolled in one after the other with me moving around the table. I concentrated on the table but got in a couple of looks over to Uncle Craig. I powered the one into the side sending the cue down the table gently tap the eight away from the rail. I was setup on the four... BLAM! I punched it hard letting the cue sit. It was inches from the eight lined up for the opposite corner. I stroked it in.

Uncle Craig looked at Dad with a chuckle, "Shouldn't that cough have been bigger?"

We all were laughing when I asked if they were playing or not?

I was signed up for a night at Uncle Craig's local pub in Fortrose. Uncle Craig would line up some punters and we'd scalp them. He was chuckling again, "They'll be my friends so it'll just be for a few £'s."

Fist bump. Graeme broke the next game, he dropped one and went to work. He had a good stick and sank four more before missing. Uncle Craig stepped up. He worked his way up and down the table leaving two balls. He also cleverly left the cue stuck behind one of his.

I had a good angle to shoot and hopped the cue onto the five bumping it in a side pocket. The white ball kissed the six near the corner.

I took a look at Uncle Craig's shaking head and blew him a kiss. I rapped the six down and finished off with the eight across the table. I gave my uncle a hug.

"You DEFINITELY have to come up to play!"

Fist bump with Graeme. I racked the balls and Dad broke next. One fell and he dropped three more before yielding to Graeme. My cousin/partner slid in three then was hung up. Uncle Craig cleared the table. Nice!

The best of five ended with the next game. I broke sending two balls all high ones down! The five remaining ones I dropped and for the finale the cue ball up lined up for an easy eight ball side pocket.

I excused myself to wander recruiting Thoi to take my spot.

I looked in at the poker game, Cho had a very considerable collection of chips beside his elbow! I left them to it.

At the fireplace Jaidee was getting rubs from Sunny and Artie. Greg and Mr. Hardy were back at it downstairs since dinner. Kay patted the settee, I parked. Suchart seeing me sit down climbed up and was welcomed.

They all were relaxed, happy and we got lots of thank yous for the whole show. My reply was for them to put in it their calendars for next year! YES!

Cho's poker party didn't last very late so I got in a nice snuggle! Jaidee got a tremendous rubbing before lights out.

I was out early as usual in the morning, Boxing Day. Jaidee and I with Tessa and Tara on the lane going down as Marigold came up, fist bump.

Pamela, Max and Con saddled and eager. Cormac and Pat were all smiles in the semi-darkness, the hot scones might have helped that.

Walking down the grassy way the sun was showing itself over the hills to the southeast, a layer of clouds breaking enough to let it through. No further snow, too dry and not as cold. The run up the slope of the hill to the Sci Ctr got us all warmed up.

We ran hard to the lock. Wonderful! My friends were just coming themselves. After greetings we crossed over and remounted.

Going along beside Barton Lane on our property we stayed on the dirt road until the railroad underpass. Turning north to go parallel to the tracks all the way to the Radley train station, we rounded the edge of Radley which brought us northward. Past the town we hugged the tracks again on our left riding in the verge of the plowed fields until we met the grassy area behind the Industrial Estate. The new space for Samuel's business and the recording studio in full view.

I led us to the asphalt in front of the new auto repair building. All the work was inside now. It had been landscaped around the building, shrubs and trees planted.

Samuel waved from his office door, he walked over it was `on schedule for the first week of January.' He was pleased!

Tab and Webster were inside but came to the door. All was good and also on schedule. Tab had a more comprehensive report on local accommodations. I said come to the house before lunch. Thumbs up.

Lotte waved as she was taking out some trash.

After walking over the lock we headed south. The Lock man gave me a big smile today after a `hullo', I was getting to him. Ha!

Tara and Tessa knew what would happen when Pamela got to the grass... ZOOM! It was quiet, I only saw the Younger Dan Fraser during the run home. We waved.

Pamela thundered across the grass right to the bottom of the lane then I turned her to walkabout waiting for the others. We did a slow trot for a few minutes prior to going up. Pat took Pamela with my more walking' and he grinned saying right–oh.'

The Breakfast Room had a lot of guys already... golf! I gave them my impromptu weather report. And gathered up eggs, tomatoes, fruit and toast! Dad smiling moved over so I could park myself next to my man! MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM A kiss and food! I ate quickly so we could go up to the Nursery.

We had to say goodbye to the Colonel. On the Forecourt, hugs and kisses.

"Thank you for including me in your Christmas! It was enjoyable and enlightening. If possible I would be very glad to be asked back."

Another hug, "Put it on your calendar now!"

We waved him down the drive.

A kiss for Cho! We ran up to the third floor. Tha had everything ready! I sat with Chani, Cho had Charlie. Cereal! Oh Yes!! Chani wanted to eat!! The little spoon delivering the gruel as quickly as I could, she patting her hands on the high chair tray. Charlie looked over and tried it. Smile!

Yes the Twins liked solid food! The cereal was a big hit! Tha's grin very wide, "See they are such good babies!"

I wouldn't say anything definite until we found out how their bodies liked it. Tha would be the first to know!

They had seen MFA and Caroline eat solid food Tha said and were ready!

Malee came up to be with Anne. Ba had already fed her. Anong soon after, Rona and Andrea too. MFA loved her solid food so did Caroline. Rak2 nursing happily. Tona sitting one of the nursing rockers with Suki. Lots of different levels of food!

I thought it was pretty wonderful to have so much young life here. It was a busy place!

I headed back to the Breakfast Room for a coffee re-up. The golfers were out in the entryway getting bundled up. A goodbye kiss for Cho. They'd be back after luncheon and then Sunny's show!

I corralled Jasmin, Gil, Francis and Andrea in the Library. We did various business things for ninety minutes or so. The Company stuff was quick then some travel planning. Jasmin in Bangkok to meet with Alex.

Jasmin had gone over everything from Iran, plus our proposal and the contract we had in place... Mr. Monastir said there were only a few formalities left.

She was excited about her first trip to Iran. Her family had been out of favor with the Shah, an uncle jailed and ultimately killed by the savak, the secret police. After that they had slowly, deliberately, carefully moved assets and family members out of Iran over several years. No one in her extended family who escaped had returned after the Islamic Revolution their lives had changed too much.

I did a FaceTime with Angela and Daphne. I was getting them involved in the Denham School project. Angela to oversee the various bits and help recruit. Daphne to tap into friends and colleagues to teach some courses.

Reg had already agreed to teach as had Douglas and Karla on the coding side. One of the Windows Server folks was going to do a class on server management and automation through writing code with various scripting tools.

Daphne had professional photography friends who were also published authors she worked with all the time. They had name recognition, prizes and awards, some had experience teaching.

Daphne was talking to several London-based fashion designers who were in the top-flight levels, their shows during London Fashion Week were famous.

But we still had to bring the classes to the point of being completely relevant, coherently planned and properly presented. Then we had to attract students, plan levels of cost and payment details from the various government levels involved in education.

The school needed refurbishment in some areas and changes to suit our use. We had a contractor looking it over during the holiday closed period and expected a report in January. The Equestrian Ventures folks who did our arenas and cross-country course would look at the playing fields for arenas and jumping.

Charlotte had given Angela several names to follow up on for the equestrian side of the school. Angela would find out if they were interested and setup interviews.

Carla had an long-time friend who owned a bakery in Oxford, she had several retail locations and a main office where the big ovens were. She was coming over to talk with us the week after New Years' about teaching baking and small business management. Carla wanted Maxine involved. Okay.

The current under-headmaster Richard's CV looked good. Married with two daughters with local connections on both sides of the family. We scheduled an interview for the first week of January.

A limited opening for the autumn term sounded possible.

Tab came over with her accommodations list. There was the hotel and B&B in Sandford, nothing in Kennington other than the odd small `guest' house, no choices of value before downtown Abingdon and to the north you would have to go all the way to the Oxford city center. The B&B in Nuneham Courtenay was good but not that big and not very convenient.

None of the guest houses had more than a few rooms. The hotel in Sandford might not be a good choice for musicians as it was a bit stuffy.

Tab was prepared! She had gotten some figures for building `pads' for caravans to park and power and plumbing connections. She had an interesting idea about solid but not wholly permanent housing.

Yurts! Damn! They could be put up easily, water, sewage and power no more trouble than the caravan pads. They could be clustered to share, like a group together with four as sleeping areas and one as a sitting space with eating facilities. Maybe they could have canopies linking them or even enclosed walkways with canvas walls.

To make them easier we could limit windows, electric heat and they can be made of many types of construction from canvas to solid wood walls and canvas top or all wood. Separate toilets and showers in another yurt making plumbing even simpler. Yurts!

Well it would faster than putting up a proper building and removable if necessary. I emailed Tab's info to Francis.

We had a lively ladies luncheon. Francis had taken Ali into Oxford for some sightseeing and eating so they missed it. I asked Tab to stay, grin!

Suchart in his chair beside me was fun. He was so good. He got some potato soup in a cup, he really liked that!

Kay squeezing my hand as she thanked me, "He's so thrilled about it. Being grown up a bit."

"I hope I'm not causing you trouble."

Kay smiled, "He's growing up quickly. He talks much more than Sunny and Artie did at his age. So if he can handle it we're good!"


Sunny went up to change and meet with Charlotte before her `show.' Fist bump and a kiss from me.

The golfers returned, fed and happy! The warmer weather made them all more comfortable.

My riders changed to go out. We would cheer Sunny on from our horses. Then ride.

The wind was gone so folks could watch without it being too cold.

I joined Sunny and Charlotte in Prince's stall. He was quiet and Sunny was chill. She had on one of her new Bolero jackets and the new Spanish Equestrian hat we gave her. A kiss.

I mounted Rebel and we joined the other riders on the flats. The families all walked down to the slope above the arena so they had a bit of elevation to watch. Philips and crew put the stake walkways out to stand on off the cold ground.

Charlotte rode down with Sunny. Our girl rode over to the entrance and paused. Sitting upright and a salute towards Charlotte. Sunny moved Prince Sergey forward into their routine.

I watched her face... She had closed out the world... It was her and the horse in the rectangle. Their movements were precise and sharp, the turns perfect! Side to side, diagonal, down the center each move done with precision and ease. Sunny was in control, Prince her instrument.

The finish, she when down the center heading for the exit. Stopped saluted and was out!

I cheered her! Clapping! The families went a bit crazy with cheers and applause. Sunny rode over to fist bump with Charlotte and leaned over to hug me! Squeeze!

"Perfect... Awesome!"

"Fay, it felt right... all the way through!"

I shooed her over to her family. She bounced out of the saddle to hug her mom and Dad. Artie was next. Sunny went to one knee to hug Suchart. Then the Grandparents and everyone else. It was great to see her being praised and how happy she was to have her family here. Her new family from Inverness had cheered her loudly! Hugs for them!

Charlotte smiling, "Fay, she really focuses doesn't she?"

I told Charlotte what I saw.

Sunny was entered in an Intermediate level event for the end of February over near Chipping Norton. A step up!

Sunny walked back to where I was with the other riders. She wanted to come. Okay. Good for Prince to stretch his legs.

We waved and turned left to go around the training tracks northward. We trotted along at sedate pace. I'd let Rebel go later.

A wave from Dan Senior. It was quiet at the Radley's as they were still away at their daughter-in-law's family. A Harcourt Security Land Rover in the drive. A wave from Angelique, she was just checking to make sure it was all Okay.

We went up the bermed track to the church. A brief hello to the Lone's before turning back. I turned in my saddle to say goodbye and asked Rebel. Whoosh we were off! My man was rocking it right away! Pedal down even harder when the grass was under hoof.

I leaned down reveling in the speed and power. Rebel's engine was awesome! The air flowing by cold, bracing. I really felt alive. Today there was no slow down until we crossed the property line. I eased him back to a walk past the training tracks.

The others came up to us. They'd been left far behind. My hand on Rebel's neck slowly stroking the muscles. Everybody smiling and laughing, they loved the ride too.

The day had been a wonderful reminder of how our love had made huge changes for us and so many people. Sitting on Rebel looking around at the land... the sky... the people... in little more than two years a lot occurred. We moved people and things around for our uses never forgetting that humans, animals and the land itself deserve our respect.

I didn't tear up but I felt the heat rising inside. I wanted to hold Cho. I held it in as we handed our horses to the grooms. I said I needed to go up to the house. Would they visit the horses? I got loud `Yes's'

I found Cho in the Office and went straight into his arms. No tears, I needed his warmth. We didn't speak... I did hold tight. In a few minutes Cho began to kiss me... a long drawn out one to start, full of love. Then he was more playful and I giggled in between his lips pressing on mine. He broke the spell!

I told him my thoughts and got kissed some more... softly then more passionately. A quiet in my ear `later.'

Afters in the Great Room, we all mingled. The party would break up tomorrow so I moved about talking and hugging with everyone. Little Suchart going up first with his dad carrying a very sleepy fellow. No late night.

Jaidee off his lead romping a bit in the snow before bed. Cho holding me.

Under the bedclothes we kissed and caressed each other. Passion... in Cho's arms that was easy! We jointly decided to sleep tonight. Cho spooned me in his warmth.

The morning was clear and cold but bearable with little wind. Tessa smiling over at me. Con was bouncy. He was proving to be a very good horse, willing to run.

We crossed the river after `good mornings' at the lock and turned to go north. It was cold but the horses were well warmed and we had extra clothing so once past Lower Radley I asked Pamela. Her surge of power was awe-inspiring! My girl could run!

The second lock came up quickly for us. Tessa and Con not too far back. A hello from the Sandford lock fellow and a wave! We walked through town to the south end and Pamela was off again. I gave her the go and she did all the work.

When I eased her near the training tracks she was still energetic! No matter how hard Pamela ran she never got lathered, the same for Rebel. They loved being on the grass!

The Breakfast Room had the `golfers' in residence! They were going out early. Dad had an afternoon meeting with the head of MI5 then our party would break up. Hearty eating was occurring!

We waved them on their way. I changed to a pair of blue high-waisted Guess jeans that were like skin on me. A California Dreamin' long sleeve t-shirt under a red short-sleeved shirt with a big white ME' on the front. Brown ankle boots.

I parked in the Library for a bit of work. Keeping up to date with email and my pile of reports. Gil did a great snapshot report of our business activity, The Company, the banks information was included, the Ballard Nautical Yard info from Jud, he showed how the second and third in command were progressing in learning to `run' things.

I did appreciate Jud's honest assessments of the men, his thoughts were that we should consider another person who had a tested ability to lead. He had two possibles and would wait to hear what we wanted to do. I emailed a memo to Cho for us to talk and conference in Jud.

Kavnu sent along a short note on Kei. She was getting it all together, following the groundwork done by Jasmin with a few wrinkles of her own. Udorn and he were pleased she was able to run right away. I was thanked again for my choice.

All us girls in the Great Room hosting the Nursery kids! A warm fire, coffee and cookies, cute babies and happy family! Terrific time! The Twins continued to call out Jaidee's name in their own version. They were showing signs of being on the front edge of the development curve. Tha's description of their reaction to cereal was very encouraging. They ate it with gusto and their bodies chemistry was fine. They would go to fruits and veggies in a week or so if all continued to go well.

I was on my bum by the fire with Jaidee against a thigh and Chani in my lap. Suchart beside me. Kay running her fingers through his hair, hugging him. He loved the attention.

I wasn't sad that everyone was leaving. It had been an incredible week of fun and happy times! So sadness didn't play a part.

The golfers returned for lunch! They mingled with us for a while before Carter2 signaled luncheon was ready. A Mexican buffet! Little flags, small sombreros and some cute burros as decorations courtesy of Ellie. She also once again had cards to describe the various dishes on the sideboards.

We had a lively lunch. Golf stories! Lots of travel talk. Christmas gifts and fun times.

Dad was ready for his meeting. They were having it here as his counterpart was going to a country home north of Oxford for a few days. The head of MI5 arrived in a group of cars, we met him out front. The Library was prepared for them, coffee and tea with assorted cookies.

The London crowd was leaving first. Malee holding me tight with thanks for Ba. Pinky was ready for a new adventure, a cute grin under the pink hoodie! Ba happy! We kissed and hugged and then waved them down the drive.

Aunt Dee, Uncle Craig, Donella and Graeme were next. They'd all fly up to Inverness, we had a car ready for them there. We'd finalize their trips out to Bangkok. Huge hugs! Kisses galore! Prasert drove them over to Chalgrove.

Inside Cho holding me in the Entryway, "They are terrific! Too bad everyone's family isn't as nice!"

I had such good feelings having them back in my life! Marvelous how Cho had enjoyed their company too! We had both WOW'd Uncle Craig in two things he loved, billiards and golf!

In the Office we checked our email from the London estate agent who was doing the search for buildings to purchase for employees. He had one!

Off Maida Vale near Abercorn Place, brick, six floors, four apartments per floor, each was two bedrooms, there was basement storage, a superintendent's apartment, a mechanical room and an office for Security, it had a large laundry room, a glass sun room on the roof with outside seating, there was also extra space for a large solar array. It was one and half blocks from Maida Vale Tube station.

We looked at each other and said `buy it' out loud to much laughing! Cho sent that on to the estate agent to do it right away! They were still in pursuit of more buildings, we broadened their areas to look.

We had the new clinic in Seattle! The building deal was done and Kotro was working on interior layout changes based on the architectural plans and the construction company report. Ku had also sent along a lot of snaps to him.

Also in Seattle the Carolyn Downs Family Medical Center was interested in our idea to do some sharing. Ku and the lawyers would sit down with them to work things out. Ku was hot!

I got an email from Li in Los Angeles. She and Tarek were enjoying the beach which we had generously provided. They'd be returning to Bangkok the day after tomorrow but Los Angeles was a place she wanted to see again! My email back `I'm glad you like the beach it came with the building.'

She said Kamol and the Sarge's wedding had been lovely, his family was awesome! The newlyweds were in Palm Springs at an uncle of Sarge's. They had the house there to themselves for a few days. Then they'd all fly back to Bangkok.

Tonight it was a quiet dinner after many hours of the babies in the Great Room. Rak2 and Suki would leave just our Twins by themselves upstairs for a while. Everyone was packed up, extra bags for their `Christmas loot.'

Sunny was going with her folks to Seattle for a week.

It took some time to say goodbye. Many hugs and kisses. For me it was wonderful to be a part of this family, it wasn't going to replace the years without but made me feel good now. The Inverness folks really rounded it out for me. I knew Cho liked them all and that it was returned.

Tomorrow a big day. Hillary and Bill.

Cho and I with Jaidee walking in the COLD garden, the wind making it so. We didn't stay out for long even Jaidee wanted in.

Snuggling was much better! Jaidee in the middle as we rubbed him and talked about `things.'


It was cold but dry outside walking to the stables. Jaidee ahead of Tessa and I bounding along for once not sniffling everything. Cormac and Pat had Pamela and Con prepared. Scones for them!

Tessa smiling as we walked down the grassy lane, "Fay, when we go I'm really going to miss this!"

"I always do! We can ride at Upperville and Pleasant Valley and Seattle any time. Gil is looking into stables near Central Park, there's the north of Bangkok stables. In Los Angeles we can go out to Santa Anita but we have someone looking for a property out to the northwest near Malibu. Some acreage, barns possibly and a small house for staff. We wait."

A quick trip to the lock and over with the lock man laughing as we beat Roy again. We headed towards the railroad underpass then northeast towards Archie and Margy's.

A Thames Valley police car at the house that had been broken into. The PC said they'd caught someone after the burglar made a return visit which our Security picked up on late last night. Our folks got a vehicle description and registration with a drone, called it in and the car was pulled over on the road to Kennington. Busted! He was grinning.

Thumbs up! That was a nice addition to our ride. It was quiet as we passed on through Lower Radley.

I asked for speed, Con and Pamela running strongly to the lock. It was still early in Sandford so our clip-clops sounded very loud in the quiet. Pamela lunged forward on the grass. I kept her back to allow Con to stay with us. We rushed all the way to the property boundary.

A text from Yone that a party of Secret Service folks were coming up the drive. I detoured Tessa and I to the Forecourt. A dark sedan had three agents, two men and a woman.

I said hello as Conrad opened the car doors. The woman was the senior and greeted me. She intro'd the men and I did Tessa. I slid down, Tessa led Pamela to the Stables.

Cho was in the Entryway. A hug and kiss then I did intro's. We invited the Secret Service to join us for breakfast and coffee. We still had a few hours. I texted Yone to come up.

Lore, was the senior agent, she had been chosen by Hillary who she had known for years to head her security detail. We talked for short while then I dragged Cho upstairs for a joint shower!

Sitting on the bench with strong hands rubbing me with a towel was marvelous. I was wrapped up then he applied himself to my head... I was zoning out ... such lovely talented fingers! He stopped... shit! I got a terrific kiss! I did my styling, looking good!

The Munro tartan skirt, white cotton cutoff long sleeved shirt with the black wool jacket over. Black tights and spike heeled ankle boots, silver jewellery all around. Baccarat Les Larmes Sacrees de Thebes on wrists, neck and belly button beside the silver ring.

Cho's slacks close to those powerful legs... oooooooo! He was all in black, slacks, lightweight turtleneck sweater under a black, gray and white tweed jacket, low black boots. He had the delicious `Terre' on!! Love those folks at Hermès.

We grinned at each other. I kissed him him hard! Then I applied the red lipstick which matched my nails, red very red!

Holding hands we walked to the Breakfast Room for more coffee. Lore and her folks had gone down with Yone for a look.

Yone's preparation briefing for us said there would be a drone in the air all the time while the Clinton's were here. The prototype drones were working on nearly eight hours of flight time with two hours for a recharge. All his staff were doing shifts in the next forty eight hours.

I rounded up Gil for some work. Cho took the Office, I preferred the Library. Love the chairs! We did some things with the schedule, email, my delightful pile of reports, personnel evaluations passed on by Eric, a lot of FYI's from 21st Century Fox and notes from Fox News.

The state of the Trump investigations was still verbal only with Kent. They hadn't nailed down the Russian agent but they had closed in.

Kent passed on to me two names, Yoshi and Arturo. They were the reporters he was sending to Thailand and Malaysia. Experienced, Yoshi had reported from multiple locations in Asia and Bangkok for the Associated Press. Arturo had covered Southeast Asia for Le Monde and two Italian newspapers.

"Fay, they are working from New York right now. Each will make an exploratory trip in a few weeks and I hope they can meet you in Bangkok afterwards."

I gave Kent our intended date of return which would work out. He'd be sure they had contact info for us.

"They've experience with the region, though not up close to south Thailand, both know the dangers involved."

Okay! We've got a start on one side. We would get on with our part when we are back in Bangkok. Gil had arranged a meeting with the Prince a few days after our return. Dad and Thoi would start too.

A heads-up text from Cho. The Clintons had left 10 Downing Street. Their cars cleared the Westminster area. Okay. An hour or less to go.

Call from Sadie, they won't be coming with the others from New York. Their twins got some `head cold' like thing and they won't travel to us with that. I let her know we'd be here for a few more weeks if it worked out. Our thanks and Stars!!

Carla had luncheon ready, two soups, sandwich makings, lots of fruits and cheeses, A warming tray of Mrs. Pelltier's walnuts and plenty of sweet things!

After Hillary and I would talk, the guys to play golf. Today was a good bit warmer after a chilly start. No wind.

Cho and I sat with Yone. He gave a quick overview of our Security plans and what happened overnight. The burglar obviously had watched the house because he knew the Thames Valley force wasn't sitting on it. So he risked a return. He hadn't seen our folks put up their equipment or hadn't realized what they were doing since they did not go close to the house.

The `Middle Watch' crew picked him up doing a drive-by check and then going back at bit after two in the morning. They were onto to the police before he had taken two steps toward the house. A drone was launched, one of the prototype versions, it was over the house while he was inside.

When he emerged with more loot the drone followed him over the railroad into Radley and north on the Kennington Road. He was pulled over opposite the school. He had become enraged at being caught red-handed without knowing how it was done.

Yone grinning, "Boy are we `Top o' the Charts' at Thames Valley! They love us! A sergeant called earlier to tell us they'd recovered the other items the man had stolen at his home in Kennington. So a good result all around!

A fun side note from the Police about those two Sun reporters we last caught... they sat for three days in the cells because of some mix-up with their lawyers no one came to bail them."

He was laughing, we joined in. It was funny their own side let them down!

The Clinton's were coming up the drive. Cho and I waiting for them. Bill out first to shake hands. Hillary with a big smile. Hugs!

Grinning, "A nice country place."

I linked arms, "Come and see."

I intro'd Carter and he let them know if they needed anything to inquire with him. Cho and Bill talking golf. Bill's clubs didn't get past the Entryway. Hillary and I had to laugh at that.

They were ready to eat. So we trooped into the Dining Room. We grazed the buffet. I got vegetable soup with bread and then a plate of cheese, fruit and a cup of the walnuts. We sat around one end of the table, the four of us and all the PA's.

Hillary had followed me in the soup with the cheese on top. Smiling, praising the soup. The bread, lightly crusted mini-loaves from Maxine and the local butter! The mushroom soup was equally enjoyed. We talked food, travel, the Twins, grandkids, ours and their Christmases.

It was good, relaxed. The golfers were going over to Oxford East. They were kissed goodbye.

Hillary got a tour of downstairs before we settled by the fireplace in the Library. She liked the big chairs too. Gil and Hillary's Chief of Staff with a few others joined us.

We discussed the news media, her admiration for our takeover of 21st Century Fox was huge. My telling her how it began when she asked startled her.

"You mean Cho took your idea and made it happen?"

I choked up a bit at her phrasing, nodding. When I recovered, "It is one of the best facets of our relationship... Cho takes me seriously. It is a supremely wonderful thing."

I gave her a précis of the story, the creeping tender offer' methodology and the last bite' via a family member who we've protected. I added Will's story as an add-on event.

Hillary's eyes wide open on hearing that and a soft look when she found out Will was in the Basement working for us and his family safe under our wing.

Lore was sitting in the room, I saw her nodding and turned to her.

"You met him?"

"Yes and he's very proud to be here. Your Security folks are the best private force I ever heard of."

I gave them the Hendon Police College happenings with our Personal Protection Team.

Lore smiling, "Well I'd like to meet them if possible."

I asked Gil to call PJ.

We went about our families, her loving being a grandmother. Gil had also asked Tha whether it was a good time for the Twins to come down. Tha would visit us and then go into the garden.

PJ arrived first with our whole Team. They were intro'd. Hillary asked about Hendon. PJ was cute telling it in his understated way. She's smart, she got it and congratulated them all. She found out PJ had been with me for a year and half. And Ken had been Secret Service and knew one of her detail. Tara the ex-U.S. Marine, Tessa ex-NYPD sergeant, Penny in our Security for many years in various jobs. Ansara who'd worked in our Security eight years rising up. Rande and Ro with Cho and Bill.

We got up to move around some, the wedding snaps in the lower gallery were admired.

"Quite the setting," her motioning, "Out here?"

I said yes and the others were close friends. She heard about Eileen and I plus the Reed's. The Jane Austen House came in, my frequent stops and our giving them a donation. The money got a raised eyebrow and smile.

"You are generous."

The recent trip with Amedee and Kon brought out a look of respect.

"You've had quite holiday season so far."

I agreed and added her and Bill being here wasn't slowing us down which got her to laugh out loud.

My adoptive family was explained, Dad's position led me to talk about something more serious. We parked back in the Library with coffee and treats.

I gave Hillary the background of the southern Thailand business, the takeover by Thailand a hundred years ago and why it was a problem today. I gave her a briefing of what we had started. Her time as Secretary of State was a solid basis for understanding of what we were up to there.

Our methods were praised, she asked we keep her in the loop because she could help but wanted to keep it discreet.

"You are putting your own folks on the ground and at risk so I wouldn't want to add to their difficulties. I know a very good person at the State Department to use, she is smart and careful."

Fist bump which tickled her. She liked it!

The Twins came in with Tha. Hillary hugged them. They were all giggles and smiles.

"They're not shy?"

She got the Twins had been part of a large extended collection of family and friends from day one. They were alone upstairs for the first time since the beginning of the month. Two official cousins and lots of close buddies had been around until last night.

It was clear Chani had captured Hillary. They got on! Charlie in my lap wiggling as I played with a bit of tummy. We had some fun then Tha got them ready for their outing. I kissed them both before the pram rolled out.

I got more coffee and a piece of stollen.

"That is wonderful! Do you have a German baker?"

Her face as told Maxine's story... rapt.

"You are living quite the life! Excitement, involvement with others and some drama."

I explained that we and the house were of interest to the press.

"Some photographers and news folk have tried to get on the property but we intercept them. We have some high-tech bits as part of our protection scheme."

I gave her a quick rundown on the anti-drone device on the roof and the drones in the air right now.

"A family was burgled Christmas night. The police were there in the morning when I rode by. They didn't have the staff to sit on the place so our Security setup some cameras and sensors. The robber returned seeing no police robbed the house again as the family was still away for the holiday. Our team spotted the man in the wee hours, sent a drone over the house, followed the fellow giving the police the info. They caught him and recovered all the stolen items."

Lore smiling, "Like I said `the best' I've ever known. I heard about the attempt to kill the lawyer from Yone. Very skilled teamwork!"

I thanked her saying we were committed to doing the best for our family and friends.

Hillary and I walking in the Garden, bundled up. I told her about the Trump stories as an FYI. Then that we would back her legislative agenda with 21st Century Fox strength. I did add with a smile we wouldn't ever lie.

"I wouldn't want you to and I hope never to give you cause to have to decide. I will run as transparent an administration possible with all the usual caveats about national security and military activities. We see the need for several human goals to be reached.

First, individual rights must also be universal. We need laws for handicapped Americans, LGBTQ Americans, all minorities, and women that are national not a patchwork of individual states law. The same for voting rights, rights of the accused and children.

Second, healthcare has to become universal and not dependent on private insurance companies. They will have to find a way to fit in that contributes but isn't in control.

Third, we have to take massive action on the environment. Cutting back fossil fuels, adding meaningful subsidies for home owners and businesses to add solar power, cleaning up after ourselves on land and in the sea and changing the business culture to one of true `conservation' of resources rather than totally profit centric. Whether we do that with a stick or carrot it needs to be done.

Oh, there's so much more. I want my government to think about people first! American business has always done better with a Democrat in the White House, economic data prove it. They won't need to fear us rather if they work with us they'll make even more money. Restoring the power of unions will help rebuild the Middle Class which is where the economic power of America rests."

We turned to go back in, arms linked.

"Cho and I will do what we can. We will take a more public role. We have some speaking engagements for next year already arranged. Next month I'll speaking about inequality at a conference in London. Cho has a speech to a business group in Japan on the culture within the new business models of the future."

I squeezed her arm, "So if you have any ideas pass them along."

We stopped inside the glass doors above the Terrace.

"Will you two come to the Inaugural?"

"You mean sitting out in public?" I laughed, "Out in the cold?"

She laughed out loud, "Well if I have to be out there?"

"How about we wait for you indoors somewhere?"

Our laughter brought a few folks our way from the Great Room fireplace where they'd been sitting.

"You could wait in the White House... Be our first guests?"

"Well... that's better!"

We were still laughing.

She was serious though and I said I'd speak to Cho. The less public spot indoors appealed to me.

My iPhone buzzed. A text with the `Volcano'

I translated for Hillary and told her about the Fox Sports folks sitting on Cho's golf exploits.

"They've spoken to me but not much to Cho which makes us laugh."

The guys on the way so I asked Stanton for tea. We all parked in the Great Room waiting for the `golfers.' They came in looking happy. We got hugs and kisses.

"Well this fellow can play golf," Bill shaking his head.

Cho smiling at my raised eyebrows, "Okay! Today was good," he grinned, "A 62."

Fist bump! Hillary laughing.

"Fay told me about your `golf' stories under wraps at Fox Sports."

"Well Donald, the head of Sports, said they'd not do anything without letting me know. But I said he was in charge not me and if what they want to do something that isn't too invasive I was okay with it."

Gil lent Cho her iPad so he could show Bill his Pro-Am hole-in-one. Hillary looking over Bill's shoulder. I watched Bill, he sort of leaned into the action then a big smile as the ball rolled in. Hillary raised her eyes to mine with a woman's look of `guy stuff' all over it.

I had to giggle, she joined in. The `guys' glancing our way... well... looking like we were cracked.

Tea arrived and diverted us. Lots of baked treats! More stollen since Hillary liked it!

Bill got some of what we'd been chatting about. His eyes meeting mine on the southern Thailand initiative. I added for them both that we had a contact in the Foreign Office who was clued in. And that he had a person who would be able to possibly help.

I smiled, "As I told him our unique assets could mean we will make some progress on the government side right away so talking to the others in the south might gain some traction."

I sipped tea looking at our guests. Hillary clearly contemplating... my words I hoped. I chewed stollen making myself silent to see what came.

"So your journalists would be a conduit both ways to the Southerners?" Bill looking over at me.

I nodded with a mouthful Cho taking up the conversation, "Yes, they know that the answers to their questions will go to the highest levels of the Thai government. We will have a meeting with both reporters in Bangkok in a few weeks after they've made a recon trip through the area."

Swallowing, "This is a very long term project for us. Our goal is an autonomous area with control over religion, language, some parts of education and limited taxation power owing allegiance to the central government in Bangkok in all other aspects. Considering the cultural elements are crucial to the people in the south it's where Bangkok has to yield."

Hillary nodding, "Okay. I've a read on this."

She dictated a few notes to her PA.

The Twins breezed in! That broke the serious mood!! Kids!

They were in matching white pants and jumpers with Father Christmas faces on the front. Red booties. Little red caps. Bill and Hillary each got one. Big fun!

Jaidee by the fire had been lazy all day after Nestor had done his lessons in the morning. The most he'd done is roll over and back. I gave him a new chew thingee to work on.

Charlie in Bill's lap pointed... "Jabee!"

Nice and loud too! They both liked to yell out the name.

Bill shaking his head, we commiserated.

Tha spoke softly to me. Their little bodies were doing fine with cereal. No issues! Awesome! So we continue on to more foods soon.

The guys went up clean up and change. Hillary and I decided not to bother. Her pants suit looked great. She liked my tartan skirt, smiling to know it was a family pattern.

Carter had the table looking beautiful as always in a red white blue colour scheme with small flags of the Thailand, US and UK. Carla led off with a creamy potato soup then grilled Dover sole, new potatoes in dill butter, asparagus grilled in a lemon sauce, crunchy rolls from Maxine.

Carter2 poured the Domaine de la Romanee-Conti Montrachet Grand Cru from Cote de Beaune. A very fine vintage. I watched them all taste it. It was a Wow for sure.

Carter caught my look, an `air' fist bump! Hillary smiling at our interchange.

She raised her glass, "Carter, this is indeed wonderful."

He bowed and sent Carter2 to refill our glasses.

Our talk was golf, horses and travel. Bill was amazed at Cho's game and thought he ought to play in some amateur events to get the feel of competition.

I said I'd been worried about being married to a golf professional.

Cho laughing, "It's joke between us. Bill, you may have something though. I'd like to try it."

"Well if we can get a tournament off the ground for the foundation then...?"

Hillary asked which foundation. I gave them background and status of the Chanthira Foundation. They looked at each other and us at the Eight Hundred Million Dollars Cho had moved to the foundation and how that had earned with careful investment over eighty five million for the endowment.

"We have close committed friends running the clinic side and the LBGTQ outreach. They're out spending the money."

Laughing they heard me on the clinics open in Thailand and about the new building in Seattle and our plans for other clinics in America.

Hillary repeated the words of Governor Cuomo to keep her in the loop so federal resources might be made available. Will do!

Bill said maybe we could do a joint golf tourney? Their Clinton Foundation and the Chanthira Foundation working together? Cho looked at me, I nodded and asked that they give some contacts to Gil so she could work on it.

Afters in the Great Room were part of a further discussion of what we were doing around the world. First, they hung their Christmas ornament. Very pleased looks and a big thank you for being included.

The Clinton's had a surprise finding that The Company was doing multiple projects in Vietnam and a new one in Iran. Hillary had a small smile on hearing why we had no activity in China.

I wanted her to know the Foreign Office guidance and that we had tapped a back channel connection to MI6 to get information from inside China.

"It is a market we will explore further though we will not play their game. In Iran, we will install hardware and software, licensing deals in place but we are protecting the software and they willingly agreed to that. It is a completely different relationship."

"I get your point and it follows our thinking." Hillary looking pleased.

I said we were going to look at projects on offer in India for the first time because the stability was greatly improved, the civil discord had eased but still an undercurrent. The Company could be heavily involved very quickly. There were five important water projects that would be on a fast track given their need!

We talked about the Inaugural events. We opted not to go to the speech but rather we'd wait in the White House. She would have us admitted to the `family area' upstairs where we could watch the happenings on a TV.

We were good with that.

"You'll be our first house guests!"

Then go to Inaugural Balls! A few at least!

Hillary's transition team had spoken to several of Cho's suggested economic folks. Two agreed to join the Council of Economic Advisors, another was considering heading the Treasury Department. Cho smiling.

Hillary smiling too, "They were very complimentary about you and pleased you would think to recommend them."

She spoke to Cho, "I want your opinions on some issues too. Banking which I don't know anything about and other financial matters. So if you would be an informal advisor slash sounding board it will be greatly appreciated."

Cho smiling said he would.

Hillary asked me to be on a technology advisory board for her and would I consider `chairing' it.

Oh... I said joining a board... I could do that but chairing was a lot more. Hillary said there'd be a small staff...

"I need a voice that has the knowledge to evaluate information and I can believe will tell the truth without bias."

I was getting the hard sell which when I said it made her laugh.

"Well... it means I want you to do it because you're the sort of person I need! You deal with technology all the time and are a grounded person."

"So you're going to keep at me... right?"

More laughing, "Yes! Because I need to."

"Okay but the chairing part I will have to think about."

She was happy with that.

I got a text from Tha. Grinning I said that was enough `shop talk' which brought laughter from everyone, Cho, the Clinton's and our staff folks.

The Twins arrived! Jaidee jumped up to nose them. Chani and Charlie loved to pet him. `Jabee' spoken! So kids, pets and horses became our conversation topics.

They'd come down in the morning to visit our crowd in the Stables.

Going up with Hillary to their suite. I gave her the breakfast doings. A big hug!

Cho waiting under the bedclothes with a smile. I slid my `naked nubile form' beside him. Okay... that wasn't me, it was him. Some very nice kissing.

We peaked over the duvet towards Jaidee. He was watching, we grinned at each other. Cho gave him the `come-on-in' motion. The brown flash hopped up! We surrounded and abused his no longer puppy body. Warm brown fur! Well rubbed!

At lights out Cho's arms wrapping me up, a soft kiss on the back of my neck, "Sleep Princess!"


Tessa smiling as Jaidee plowed into his grub! We made our bits plus extra scones. Marigold smiling over at us as she worked on breakfast.

Down the lane, Mr. Snooper moving along pretty good. Maybe he learned it didn't change much overnight?

Pamela and Con ready, Anthony and Declan pleased to get scones. A leg up and off. The usual warmup then a hard run to the lock. The lock man waving as he helped an early-bird barge into the lock. Roy met us on the far side of the pedestrian bridge. He and Angie were fine, their great nephews were coming again for short visit before school started.

"You better catch a bunch of fish!"

He laughed remembering he'd told me about their appetites.

We followed the Thames Path until we crossed under the railway bridge then a northward stretch. We met the road from underpass in a turn to the northeast heading for the back end of Margy and Archie's place. Around them onto Hall Street.

Jerrold was at his door, a wave. The mile and a half to the Industrial Estate was a Pamela show. She was asked and roared off. Con kept up pretty well but it was her tail he saw. We walked into the Estate.

Samuel's new space was in the testing of the hydraulic lifts phase ready to go on time next week. I leaned down to shake his hand, he was delighted. Webster was in and had similar things to say. Their schedule had longer to go but was on time. Lotte waved from the door as we passed.

Over the lock and through Sandford, I let Pamela go again but holding her back somewhat. She didn't mind, she ran with Con alongside. A happy girl.

We had purchased a chestnut stallion named Roland from a fellow north of Oxford. He'd was a good runner in a brief racing career with a solid pedigree. We hoped he and Pamela might make us some wonderful riding horses. We'll see. He'd be here in a week.

Declan took our horses with a smile. Pat got Pamela from him. Pat grinning, he was happy with us. Gregory and Anthony said he hadn't done any drinking. They hadn't seen any issues. Okay so far which pleased me.

"Coffee!" As I walked into the Breakfast Room. Cho sitting with Bill, both laughing at me. Gil came in the other door, "I heard that."

I got my coffee and a plate of food! Bill commented on my `healthy' appetite. Cho let him know it was round one. Hillary joined us and we talked about the day. A visit to the stables by her and the guys would play golf again.

Bill grinning as round two happened. They were off.

We got Hillary a pair of wellies and we walked down. She got a short tour and met the staff before we ended up at Asda and Hathai's stalls. They were out in their paddock wearing their new Harcourt Racing blankets with the Taittinger's name, an Apple logo and ours.

I gave Hillary a quick take on our sponsors. She was shaking her head, "Seems like you attract quality."

I grinned, "Well... as a group they're not what you would call `naturals' to horse racing but they like us."

Asda came running, Hathai moving slowly. Secret Sea stuck her nose over the fence. Lore was with us, she'd been handed some mints by Cormac. She ridden when she was younger.

Hillary got to stroke some happy noses and give them mints. I was caressing Hathai's neck telling Hillary about her other children and how well they were doing. We had great hopes for the new one. Despite the successes of the siblings you didn't know what would happen.

Pamela and Rebel were intro'd and the beautiful Mahogany! Our hopes for her foal and how she and Rebel came together made Hillary smile.

We wandered by the Vet office, Dr. Crawford2 was examining a cat. She'd been spayed last week, a pretty brown tabby from over by Marsh Baldon. Gregory was with us and explained his cat-exchange program.

Hillary laughing with us about eligibility and trade values. She got to meet our First Pair, Sebastian and Tess.

We went up to the Gardens where Philips and Teddy had a group meeting going about several beds near the Terrace. A new plant assortment and layout.

Back inside I asked Kendall for coffee in the Library. Hillary liked my clothes.

"They have a certain flair which suits you quite well."

I got Gil to call up a snap of me at the Ball Room in the Roland Mouret blue dress.

"I do clean up well."

She was holding the iPad, "Yes, this is a lovely dress. You have the figure for it."

I told her about the first time we'd gone to dance there. How romantic an evening it was. We were learning about each other, dancing a real connection. The Ice Rink was described and how we boogied!

She gave me some of her history and meeting Bill, finding an intellectual equal and friend. I asked about how her politics changed over the years. We had a good exchange.

My parents being absent frequently for work with MI6 and my `parking' in Hampshire at the Froyle house. Gwen came in without my tears but Hillary saw what she meant to me. School and work for us both.

We covered a lot of ground in a short time. It was good. Hillary and I were separated by a generation but connected. She knew our stands on social issues were alike and how we were willing to help her achieve her goals.

Text from Rande, they would eat lunch at Oxford East. Okay.

We went for luncheon to a mild red curry soup with vegetables and noodles. Fish cakes in a hunters sauce, Caesar salad with anchovies if desired. YES! Hot cross rolls, butter and a relish tray at each place. There was Northampton raspberry tarts with vanilla ice cream at the end.

Hillary's staff enjoying themselves, it was obvious. Smiles and clean plates!

Coffee in the Great Room. There were a few questions from some of Hillary's staff about our businesses around the world. They got a lot about banks, Sky UK, Cho-Fay Air, The Railroad, The Company and more.

I let Hillary know if she wanted a quiet place to go near D.C. she could use Upperville. My niece and her equestrian instructor would be there at some point this coming summer and we would be in and out but otherwise it was a working horse farm.

I expected Charles to be spending a good deal of time in London, grinning as I explained why. He would use his house at Upperville as a base but be traveling more. Our Security being in place got a positive noise from Lore.

"So if you didn't want to go to the mountains..."

A smile when I said there was a big lawn out front for a helicopter which we would use in a few weeks.

Text from Rande, they were returning from Oxford East.

Bill went up to wash and change. We said our goodbyes. Hillary's staff would be in touch about the Inaugural.

Hugs and kisses beside their cars. A short visit but we had a deeper understanding of each other.

Cho had enjoyed playing with Bill, "He's a good golfer, not overly social while playing but an excellent conversationalist at the Nineteenth Hole."

I looked at him, cocked my head... then it hit me! A kiss and hug before the chill drove us inside.

Gil gave us the times for the inbound flights and Hélène and Mac. Time for a ride. Francis and Ali, Gil, Tara and Tessa. Ken had been out with Angelique and Yvonne, they had just returned. He was loving it! So was Angelique!

Gregory said Charlotte would be back on the second of January from some days off with her family in Hampshire. The Equestrian Ventures folks had made some changes to cross-country course Charlotte asked for, all good.

Rebel was snorting, Okay he was ready! We went north. A good ride up to the Rectory. The Fraser's, Dan and Sarah waving as we passed. Mr. Radley calling out an hello! Dr. Lone was out but Mrs. Lone pleased to see us. An intro for Ali.

The way back was as usual a brilliant run by Rebel! Stroking his neck as we waited for the others to catch up. His breathing slowing, we walked. Such a proud fellow! In a few months there'd be a foal, colt or filly they'll be welcome.

Gil got a text that Mac and Hélène were arriving so she came with me up to the Forecourt. Cho greeting them.

I called out `you're early' to a wave from Hélène.

"Well don't you look fine!" Mac approved of my clothes. I slid down and handed Rebel to Gil.

I got hugs from them both. A twinkle in Hélène's eyes.

"Very fancy duds, my dear!"

Holding hands we grinned at each other.

In the Great Room they loved the decorations. And were quite surprised to find they had their own ornaments.

Stanton did drinks. Mac with an inch or so of scotch on a settee.

"This is my limit so I'll nurse it."

"You look good! Something special going on?"

He told us a new doctor had made dietary changes, setup an exercise plan and reduced alcohol.

"I do feel much better. Food isn't any big deal mostly vastly reduced fatty meats. So my weight is down making my joints much happier! Me too!"

I let him know he'd be Okay here that we don't eat much meat. Our cook... Leaning over to Hélène to say she's the same one... laughing over her comment from their last visit... was a whiz with cooking light.

"I'm not running marathons but up and walking, nothing fast but consistent. The reduced scotch is a not as much of a hardship as I thought. I rather like feeling better and being able to enjoy the grandkids more."

I introduced Mac to `fist bumps' which he liked. I said for him to try it on the younger ones.

Hélène was trim and nicely dressed as usual. Not fancy but you could see the quality. Her husband was fine he just doesn't leave Yorkshire very much preferring to be on the estate. He was doing a reorganization of outside staff, a bit of eye rolling, she wasn't involved.

Jaidee by the fire looking sleek got petting from Mac. Gil and their PA's were nearby with drinks. Gil looking at her iPhone said the Cho-Fay Air 767 from New York was on the ground. The others within thirty minutes.

Cho and I on the Forecourt hugging and kissing! Mike and Cindy, Bennett and Daria! Ali smiling at her boss! Fin and Lucas got their luggage, Stanton the outerwear. Carter got them settled in the Great Room. Some intro's as Cindy had never met Mac or Hélène. Daria hadn't met Mac before. Drinks.

We were back out front for the other two Cho-Fay plane loads. Although I didn't say it aloud like that except to Cho who laughed.

Pedro gave me a big hug! Huge handshake for Cho! Lori and Shira! Hugs, kisses and warm welcomes. Pam and Ken! They were looking tanned! Two weeks in Hawaii!!

More intro's for our English members! All of us together except William. The crowd of PA's being welcomed by Gil and Francis.

I checked to see everyone had a drink of some kind. Grinning at Cho, a kiss.

"Everyone..." He raised his glass, "... Success!"

We cheered and drank! Some additional hugs and kisses! Then surprisingly Hélène got our attention.

"A special toast to Fay, our creator!"

A big cheer! I was embarrassed but pleased! "To all of you who saw the potential and put your money forward. Cheers to you!"

We were bouncing! It had been a hugely successful project, it was changing the news production landscape and making lots of money!!!

A side feature was that we'd taken over a big corporation without adding a penny to its debt to finance it.

Bennett nudged me, "There have been a few inquiries from some business and economic writers for interviews about the takeover. They want to get the details... you know the inside dope on it. I've told them I'm the wrong person so they may make the rounds of us all. Perhaps Cho should say something to the group in the conference in the morning?'

"Please talk with him. Maybe we should take the pulse of group this evening?"

Bennett said yes to both. He moved towards Cho right away. Good that he had no hesitation!

I sent an email to the PR lawyers in New York to query them about any contacts like Bennett described. The partner who was my contact came right back: he hadn't seen any but he'd get a tech to scan through the email. I thanked him.

Wow! I must be on his priority email list!!

We had room full of smiles which went nuclear as Tha brought in the Twins! They were made over big time! They were old campaigners now and handled it!! Everyone got to visit with them before Tha rounded them up for a Garden outing! I kissed them at the door.

Pam's tummy! Five months plus! Ken's arm around my shoulders, a hand resting lightly on the rounded belly, "Fay, this little lady has been so good. Growing as she should and not causing her mom too much trouble."

Pam's smile telling me it was so. Abigail was terrific! Pam also said there was no problem about going to Phuket!! Okay!

I collected Shira, Lori, Pam and Gil. "Please meet with me tomorrow after breakfast in my Dressing Room." All Yes's!

I let everyone know that we wouldn't change for dinner.

Conrad at my side, "Miss, Carl is in the hall and wishes to speak to you for a moment."

Carl was quick, "There's an unidentified drone over the Estate. Yone has initiated action with the new equipment."

I squeezed his shoulder, "I will tell Mr. Cho. Keep us informed."

He nodded and was off. I edged beside Cho, a kiss on his cheek and a whispered message. His eyes on mine, a grin, "Well... Yone is going to have fun. I hope the video capture works because I want to see what happens."

A hug, another kiss.

Carter announced dinner. I was mildly distracted by our new `visitor' and what might be happening. Cho grinned across the table at me several times with a wink.

The dinner was a sit anywhere buffet of Indian-Pakistani food. Marandi leading, it smelled so good! Ellie did her food cards so each dish was explained. I was loading a plate beside Hélène, she had a beaming face.

"Fay, I love Indian food! I don't get it very often so this is a treat!"

I gave her a gentle hip bump as our hands were very full!

It was popular! Many return trips! Gil and Francis made sure the PA's knew they should `go for it' including the Kingfisher Ale and other beer.

Sodas, juices and water also employed to cool tongues. A delicious fruit salad and vanilla rice pudding at the end. A warm tray of Mrs. Pelletier's walnuts too.

There was golf talk, horses... and babies. Pam wanted to ride but that was out!!! Business and technology with some Wall Street bits thrown in.

A lyrical description of the autumn trees in the valley behind Hélène's house in Yorkshire. She loved the house, we were invited up. Okay.

Once we had moved everyone back to the Great Room Cho and I excused ourselves for a short time. Yone had a shit-eating grin!

"Mr. Cho, Miss Martin, I would like to introduce you both to a new friend."

In a room, blindfolded and cuffed sat a fellow in camo. He was a Sun Newspaper person which had us laugh right away. He had tried to fly a drone onto the property, our defense device saw' it, Benjamin at the controls captured it and grounded the drone. During that Benjamin used the beta' software on the system to trace the source of the transmissions to the drone.

Yone sent a team and they scooped up our friend' in our construction site on Harcourt Close. So we had him and his drone. Our friend' ID'd himself as a reporter doing his `job' which he claimed was legal.

Yone said they had all laughed at him. Something of a shock for the `newsman's' ego.

Thames Valley Police were enroute.

Yone had asked the Oxford solicitors about what we could do if a drone was captured. We could impound it as part of a civil action against the owner. Okay. He'd already made the call to them leaving a message.

The Sun reporter said they'd heard that Bill Clinton was here and wanted some video. Yone had gotten that from him. Someone had called the newspaper tip line with a story that they had heard in a pub. Apparently a caddie at Oxford East told a friend over a pint about caddying for the Ex-President.

Cho shaking his head, "We didn't say anything to the staff about it being a secret so there's no blame to be laid. I'll get the Club Secretary to have a general talk about guests and especially ours being sensitive."

Yone and I did fist bumps.

"So it all works as advertised! Terrific!"

Yone rubbing his hands looking like he won the lottery!

"You should have a look at the video sometime... AND ... this guy..." his hands on Benjamin's shoulders, "is a marvel with the device controls!"

Tomorrow morning Benjamin would give us a run through with video. Fist bumps!

Cho holding my hand as we walked back up to the Great Room.

"You understand the tech depths much better but I am feeling the anti-drone device could really be something special."

"One thing is it's built on a lot of experience from others, second, it is built from generic parts which means it can be reproduced easily and cheaply, third, what really matters is the software. That is ours! There are competitors but our software puts us up in the front rank with the best for now."

Hug and kiss in the passage outside the Great Room. Back with our guests. I said to Cho we might have a serious talk with Ken and Pedro about the device. They both have extensive histories with electronics. Cho was thumbs up on that.

Kendall seeing me back brought me an Amaretto and espresso with a grin. I was with Pam and Ken. Ken gave me a look when Kendall had turned away.

I laughed, "He knows my habits."

Ken's smile, "You two inspire loyalty don't you?"

A small shrug, "We hire good folk and try to do well by them."

I asked Ken if he'd sit with me, Cho and Pedro for a few minutes later about a project. He was intrigued so I got a Yes. Cho across the room had spoken with Pedro, I got a smile.

I saw Daria and Ali having a heads close discussion and didn't want to interfere. I kept an eye on them for an opening... They sat back on the settee. Daria looked up when I stepped close, a hand reached out.

I mentioned they looked intense. Ali had a brilliant smile, "Well... Francis asked me to marry him."

Shit! I swiveled around to find him in the room, getting a drink with Mike's PA. He sensed my eyes, a terrific grin. He excused himself to join us. We knew they were VERY close and he hinted he might but...

Daria had my hand, Francis beside Ali. I knew I had a huge smile, "So you two going to tell Mama Fay?"

Francis that boyish `I've been bad' but to hell with it look. I was laughing making it a bit harder, "Well.. we'll be fine with it but Ali needs to know about the peripatetic lifestyle."

"Fay, I get what Francis does for you two and I'm proud for him... how you trust him. Right now I'm more worried about Daria."

"Fiddlesticks!" A clear opinion!

"You know that I'm winding down my life. Less and less for someone like you to do each year."

She squeezed my hand, "If it wasn't for your asking I would be sitting in my apartment right now reading a book rather joining the jet-set!"

I gave Daria a hug laughing, "Good! I pleased we were able to pry you out of New York for a few days."

I turned back to our lovebirds, "Let us know what's what and how we can help."

Ali reached out for my free hand, squeeze and thank you!

I asked Fin to let Cho know we needed him over here for a few minutes. Cho's eyes to mine at a distance, I gave a slight head nod toward Francis and Ali.

His face when he was told was amazing! It was like Francis was our son! They hugged! Ali's cheek kissed.

"Now tell us what you guys need and we'll help!"

Daria squeezed my hand, Ali's face a huge smile and tears. She had been close to tears but Cho put her over. Francis brought out a Francis-Fay handkerchief. Ali saw that... a few more tears.

Hugs for her! We walked to the Powder Room, Ali thanked us for caring for Francis so much, helping him rebuild his life.

"He adores you two," as she repaired her eyes.

"Francis is important to us! He has done some spectacular work for us, he's smart and adaptable," I laughed, "We've put him on the spot a few times and the results were awesome. He has a funny side I hope you have seen."

"Yes! A few pranks and lots of laughing."

"Did he tell you about the former girlfriend meetings?"

Ali laughed out loud, "YES! He was very droll about it! He loved your comment about being happy to be able to help when she saw him with you."

We hugged, "He was so... glad I'd been there because I was a huge impact on the Ex."

"Well Fay, you are famous."

I wasn't sure about that word yet.

"Well... she knew who I was anyway. Do you two have a plan?"

"No. We're going to work on it. There aren't many relatives for either of us. I don't care for mine."

"As we said let us know because you can get married from one of our houses if you like."

Hug and cheek kiss. It was easy to like Ali, energetic, sharp, loves spreadsheets and made a connection to Francis right away! Obviously loves him! A keeper.

Cho led Ken and Pedro to the office. We sat, I gave them a précis of the anti-drone device, how it was built, the OS and it capabilities. They were both interested. I said we'd put together report for them and could decide if they might to join in with us in manufacturing them.

We got everyone together to talk about the possible approaches by writers trying to get the back story of our takeover. They surprised us saying Cho and I should be the ones to do the talking.

I was like trying to say... Mike's voice carrying, "You guys need to do it."

No one wanted to sit down to be interviewed. They all laughed when Cho said we didn't either. He agreed when and if there was any `serious' interest. We wouldn't do it for just anyone asking.

Cho gave everyone the plan for tomorrow, how breakfast works and the two o'clock meeting so we can bring in William. After dinner those leaving would fly home through the night. Daria was staying with us until the New Year. Pam and Ken were going with Lori and Shira to Basuto Road for a few days. Tourist stuff with one of our friends as guide perhaps. Then back for New Year's Eve.

Goodnight hugs and kisses on the gallery. Cho got his at our suite door!!

Then I said I wanted to text Kavat and I'd be in shortly. My text query was about facilities in Washington, D.C. for our aircraft. I sent it to Francis also.

I walked in from my Dressing Room... starker's! A grinning Cho bowed and lifted the duvet. I dove in gliding onto my back... arms and legs wide open! Cho didn't jump on but slid over slowly... rubbing gently. Nothing like a warm handsome and becoming erect husband!

I took his weight wrapping him in my limbs. KISSING!

Warm breath on my ear, "Turn around."

Oh Yes! What a lovely start. Cho cock! I got it slobbery wet FAST! I wanted cockhead!

Cho's tongue had me spinning right off! DAMN that was wonderful!

Shit! Fuck! Damn! What a guy!

I tried to keep pace... wet and slippery the delicious head appeared! I bathed it up... down and sideways! Slick and hot... I ate it! Right down to the root nose in soft pubic hair!!!

Sucking cock! A terrific indoor sport everybody ought to try it! Gawd what silly shit goes through my brain when Cho is giving me shivers and the pre-cum is flowing!

CHO! He hit it right with that fabulous mouth my heat rising! Shit I was shaking as the flood of pleasure rose through by body slamming into my chest and face. I felt ten degrees hotter!

I tried to keep focused on my captive cock but it was hard! Once my orgasm eased I devoured the dick in hand! Cho was rampant and ready... I got him to reverse... a massive kiss!

On my back looking at the smile in his sex lust face! One long smooth stroke right down to the balls slapping on me! YES! I love that feeling!

That smile... Cho leaned down for a kiss. My hands holding his head softly as we connected. Easy then some tongue and suction! His hips doing the deed with no slack.

My man acting like he was mechanical, a piston. So hot So HOT! Each stroke giving me pleasure! My fingernails running down his back softly just barely touching, tingling!

The grin as he slowly rotated me to my side, straddling my leg he moved in deep! I could feel the heat of his body against my leg as he held it tightly to his skin... his pelvis on full! Stroke after stroke I was fucked in a spectacular fashion!!!

Another move onto my knees the fabulous cock didn't leave my body during the turn. Strong hands on my hips... The pace increased! Slowly those fingers worked my body and rose up to capture my breasts. A tug on my rings shot bolts of lightning into me!!

Cho's powerful physique gave us both pleasure as he used it. The penis wasn't huge but the operator knew what to do!!! I enjoyed the rotation of hips hips thrusting his cock at a variety of angles seeking out my second orgasm. It flooded me as before with waves of heat and the same feeling of separation from the earthly plane.

Shit! Cho kept on probing, penetrating me with exquisite pain! The burning gave me a third climax as I felt Cho nearing his.

SUDDENLY I was swung up and over in those strong arms... flat on my back the lusty grin came closer as he reentered me! Now he was working for his orgasm... I tried to squeeze him tight as my pussy was invaded repeatedly.

"Cho cum in me!"

"Fay..." as his short shoves began, quick stabbing thrusts! Amazing how Cho could control himself giving us more pleasure and bringing on one huge stroke to mash his pubic mound on mine. I gripped him tight!!!

"Oh shit YES Cho!"

I felt the spasms of his cock... that was awesome! Four times... four lovely spurts!! He was rigid above me... my hands on his shoulders then a long S L O W descent to press on me.

The weight of him was welcome!! Arms and legs surrounding my man!!!!!!

His lips on my neck! A slow slide of fingers through his dark hair. I got a handful of it for a gentle tug. Cho lifted his head... kiss! Soft, sweet, lightly probing.

Very quietly, "Can you wait a little while before we do this again?"

My laughing had us gently bouncing as I gave him the affirmative. We laughed together. I managed to hook the duvet with a foot so it could be drawn up. I was getting good at that!! Warm, snuggly not interested in moving was us!

A short dozing period spooned up with a warm Cho. I came awake and slid out to kiss and hug Jaidee! A wash, retrieve water and back to the warm bed. We sipped a bit then Cho invited our puppy to come up. No hesitation on Jaidee's part! Arm load of dog! We caressed the little guy for a while talking about horses and where they'd run next year. Then we were out.

I was feeling terrific in the morning... `well fucked' was a phrase that passed through my mind! I didn't say it to Cho when he pulled me back before I slid out. I got one great start-up the day kiss! That warmed me up no end!

Tessa smiling at me as we strode down to the Stables. Jaidee's latest habit of going right along was funny. We found Pamela and Con saddled and ready to run! Cormac and Pat happily taking the scones. I made a twirling motion. Thumbs up from Cormac.

Once over the river we headed along the Thames Path following it at a good trot. No one visible at the Carmichael's. Once we reached the Boat Yard I sent us over to Hall Street and north to the Industrial Estate. A good hard run for the horses!

Walking through the Estate, a wave to Samuel and a short stop at Lotte's when Webster came out with a coffee. Smiles! All was moving as planned! Fist bump and we went on. The Sandford lock man was my buddy now, a big smile and wave. Walking through town going south Tessa asked about him.

I said I think maybe he's figured out `I'm part of the landscape.' A grin.

We got up a gallop over the grass but I didn't let Pamela go so Con could keep up. We walked them over to Harcourt Close. Lots of folks starting the day. Roof work, interiors, garages, it was looking great!

Freddie and Yvonne we heading down to the track as we arrived. Fist bumps in passing!

The breakfast room had `golfers' who were about to depart. Cho asked me to meet with Yone and give it to him later. Okay! And the golfers would eat lunch at the club.

Kavat came back to me with the name and an evaluation our folks had given him. I liked he got those reports after every flight. Rossen Aircraft' was sent onto Francis to do some looking. I had one extra word buy.'

The ladies remembered my invite, all sitting in my Dressing Room. I gave them the rundown on Phuket, the newbies and who else would be there. My hand on Pam's tummy, "My oldest friend's wife will be about five months so two pregnant ladies!"

We chatted a bit, Lori and Shira were going to marry in June at this point and start a family! Wow! Shira would carry the baby from egg of hers and the sperm from Lori's younger brother. He was thrilled to help and wanted to be an uncle. He and his boyfriend were talking about marrying soon also... maybe a double wedding?

Francis' text I sent back stars smiles fireworks and thumbs up Then a text came in. A thumbs up went back.

I explained that we had just purchased an old ranch in the hills eight miles above Topanga Beach off the Old Topanga Canyon Road. A nice old style house with five bedrooms and a huge kitchen, a big separate garage with a large finished space overhead, stables for ten horses, paddocks, barns and nearly seventy acres of land surrounding it. It had a paved drive to the house and stables, lots of trees around the buildings. We had two offers out for adjoining properties, we wait on those.

I turned to Lori and Shira, "If we get it setup the way we want you could use it for your wedding..."

They looked at me with smiles, they'd think about it and I would send them snaps. They could drive up from Malibu to look at it.

I told them I hadn't been there yet but I liked the way it appeared. The pictures showed it had a nice garden with a view out over the Pacific.

I asked Gil to call John Glass to ask about some good retired racers as riding horses. Also call Sheila's cousins at their Rialto place if they knew about any of the same.

I texted to Kavat to ask Ted to check out the Ranch property for a landing zone. He replied with followed. Okay.

Yone was running the video of the drone capture for me. The rooftop device spotted it right away coming from the east, it came out of the trees south of Harcourt Close to cross the open space behind our manager's houses. As it neared the furthest south house it was taken over by Benjamin and grounded near the bottom of the grassy lane from the Stables.

Benjamin had run the beta software to trace the origin of the signal to the drone and two of our Security team were sent to the Close. They apprehended the operator hiding behind some brush on the edge of the construction area. He was quite unhappy and tried to run. They easily pinned him down, cuffed him and brought him in.

So we had the drone and controller, the reporter was in the Thames Valley cells overnight. He had a trespass charge, using a drone to spy charge and possibly more depending on the CPS. Yone said the police called saying a final decision on charges hadn't been made so he would be staying with them for now.

They towed his car, it had been illegally parked. No joy for him.

In the Great Room we had a gathering of all the non-golfers. Coffee or tea, lots of sweet things and talk about all sorts. They all got reports from 21st Century Fox so I didn't go into much there but rather informed them about the pending Trump items.

They knew it was very hush-hush, their PA's grinning, knowing how bad/nasty this was. There was some astonishment about the level of depravity. Fox News digging was going to get the whole story all we had to do was wait.

I held back on the south Thailand story until it had some real work done on it.

Carter2 announced luncheon. Crab bisque, grilled salmon on focaccia, mushroom risotto, steamed mixed vegetables under a cream sauce and a delicious white Burgundy. A vanilla custard topped with strawberries followed.

Good food and light chatter. Afterwards the golfers returned and cleaned up. We gathered in the Library to connect with William.

Comments are welcome! To: abecker60@yahoo.co.uk

Next: Chapter 55

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