
By A becker

Published on Feb 10, 2018



The six of us had a quiet dinner. Then there was packing. We boarded the helicopter on the dock after midnight.

At Don Mueang we walked up the stairs into the lounge, the engines already warmed up. The door was closed and we were rolling immediately. Stephanie's voice over the tannoy letting us know we'd be airborne right away. Strapped in, Jaidee in a cushioned holder that was belted in a seat. The roar of the engines as we rolled to the head of the runway in a big turn and no stopping just the power rush down the asphalt. Up with a slight turn to starboard. Over the pole for us.

We did a few things but everyone headed to bed fairly soon. Tara had run Jaidee up and down a bit, Cho scooped him up to carry him into bed. The little guy's chin on the edge of his bed watching us undress. I bent over him to kiss that chocolate head.

I bed with a warm Cho! We kissed for a while... a hand snaked around my hip to rest on my sex... a small squeeze as the lovely lips pressed onto my neck. I covered his hand with mine... pressing down. A few more kisses then lights out.


We had a nice relaxed breakfast before Stephanie who was back on the controls told us Westchester Airport had cleared us to land. We were in the seats already. We came in from the northwest onto runway 16. An easy landing and quick taxi off. We rolled to a stop beyond the terminal in front of a hangar.

Terrance's smiling face welcomed us as we descended to the tarmac. Fist bumps! One car with baggage Ansara, Ro and Tai straight to Minetta Street. Everyone else into cars to go to Winged Foot. The 767 would leave shortly for Newburgh.

A Gulfstream 650er was waiting for Francis to go on to London and then Paris for us. Some property deals for us! Hug for him!

We went out to I-684 from Airport Road and then south. The name changed to the Hutchinson River Parkway before we got off on Mamaroneck Road that became Old White Plains Road. Terrance turned right off onto the road to Winged Foot. A security guard was at a gate, he checked us and we were waved in.

A short drive brought us to a circle at the front of a handsome stone clubhouse, Terrance stopped under the portico. A club official met us there. He was pleased we were able to come.

The Pro-Am Tourney was a children's charity event which 21st Century Fox was one of the sponsors. So we received a nice welcome from the event people in the lobby of the clubhouse. They seemed to be nice, earnest folks. A PR person from Fox was on hand, she arranged a few snaps before Cho needed to go.

Cho got a kiss from me. He was smiling, he whispered, "Thinking of you!" A quick hug.

Cho went to the locker room with an attendant, Rande went with him.

I got the small bag I'd prepared after Gil had talked with the club folks. Gil and I with PJ and Tara walked down the road to the swimming pool. We changed. Me a black bikini and sandals. They provided towels and etcetera's.

They had a sunny spot put aside for us on the southeast side of the pool between two large trees. We wouldn't see Cho as his pair would play the West course.

Tara looking very sleek and sexy in her bikini, PJ `s well-toned but not bulky muscular physique glowed in the sun. Gil's dark blue bikini with white polka dots was tiny like mine. Behind my round red sunglasses I could see we got quite a few stares! Why not? We were hot!

A woman attendant got refreshments for us and we chilled out. Since no one was close I used my iPhone and iPad for some work calls. I stood up to give Jian-Andrea-Ting a panoramic view of where we were with the Conference App. All that green grass and leafy tree looking space.

The day was warming up a good deal with deeper humidity. We'd just come from the tropical Bangkok so this was light stuff for us. At mid-day we got a table at the pool restaurant for lunch. A big umbrella! Sandwiches for us.

A woman from the event group came down to say that the play was winding down, could I come up for the trophy presentation. In the changing room after a quickie shower I was in a pale yellow short sleeved cotton frock with a mild décolletage and mid-thigh length. Red lips and nails, red slope heel sandals. Gold bits all around and `Joy' for my winner.

The event lady had an electric cart but I said we were fine walking. Down the road with the clubhouse on our left. They were using the practice green for the presentation.

I saw Cho! He looked smashing in silver gray slacks and a black Polo shirt! I was escorted around to him. A hug and kiss. I was intro'd to his Professional partner Tom Angleten. He looked to be in his late twenties like me. Nice smile!

Cho and Tom were the winners! It was a match play scoring thing which I knew nothing about but they combined to play a 55! Cho gave it to me quickly. They rotated taking shots.

We gathered around the practice green, saying hello to folks nearby. Being recognized which was still a mixed thing to me. I wasn't always comfortable with the stares. Tough shit, Fay! Red sunglasses on so I could hide in plain sight!

The event chairperson started things off with a thank you to everyone who played and the sponsors supported the cause. He said the winning team had set a new record for the event at 55! And they were pleased that a Hole-in-one had been shot so the sponsors would pay a bonus for that. He had a plaque for the person who did it and called out Cho's name.

I looked at him, the big smile, a quick kiss before going out to get his trophy. There was nice applause for him. The event fellow said to Cho stay because he would get another prize for being in the winning pair!

Cho and Tom side by side holding a two foot tall cup! Cho smiling as the crowd and me again applauded. News folks were up close and also on the parameter. I saw Elinor across the green with a camera crew.

Beside me Gil said she was getting snaps. But all I could look at was my man! He was laughing with Tom and the event leaders. They did come over so I could get in a good kiss! I got a hand to hold.

We moved to the clubhouse so Cho could shower and change. On the steps we paused so Elinor could talk with Cho on camera, he kept Tom with him. Making sure he was intro'd on camera before they went in.

After that I asked Elinor if she knew anything about Tom. She said he was a rising star, he'd won a number of mid-level and a few top tier tournaments and been in the top five finishers at the Masters Tournament and U.S. Open this year.

In the car Cho said he wanted to play again with Tom, their games were similar which why they done so well today. Both hit well off the tee, good short game and hot with the putter. He'd given Tom an invite to Bangkok to play and Seattle if Ken could get them on his course.

Cho took an envelope out with the Winged Foot logo and put it in my hand. I opened it and read the letter. Cho was invited to join Winged Foot Club! It was an honour he intended to accept. I hugged him and climbed into his lap. I got very well kissed and then pushed back to my seat belt.

I knew he was jazzed about it, he was being low key for now. Later for that! I asked about his game today. He had been hot right away. He banged out perfect drive on the first hole which Tom had turned into an easy birdie putt with a great approach shot.

Each hole switching on the shots was an intriguing way to play. Cho had never done it before. On the tee at number ten they were already leading by four, it was Cho's honour to tee off. It's a par three about one hundred and ninety yards from the Championship tee.

Cho said he had not been comfortable with longer irons until his play had changed a few months back. Here he used a three iron, "I stepped up to the ball, no wind at all but the air was heavier as the day went on. I swung feeling good and made great contact! The ball went straight at the pin which was in the center right of the green, landed on the verge of the green took several hops and rolled right at the flag. I was watching it roll on thinking it was going to hit the flag pole and bounce away but it slowed to dink against the pole and drop in!"

Cho slapped his thigh, "Tom was jumping up and down! The other pair with us were too. We settled down, they nearly shook my hand off my arm. It seemed to energize Tom and I even more than the front nine success had. We birdied every hole after that!"

Cho had never had a hole-in-one before in his many years of golfing. A singular event! It was a good time too with lots of people around including Fox Sports. Elinor had been there as the colour person with their regular golf coverage team.

I had a left hand tight in my right, Cho was still excited, it was terrific to see him enjoy himself so much! He did ask what we'd done. I gave him our banal day compared to his.

Terrance dropped us on Minetta Street where Nina who now the Security officer in charge for the two buildings here met us. Going up in the cage lift leaning back on Cho, he had one arm around my waist. In our suite I tugged him against me.

"You made quite an impression on the folks in Mamaroneck!"

Cho grinning, holding the Winged Foot envelope, "Yes! The club President delivered this to me in the locker room. He was very gracious and said he loved my game."

Kissing my guy was so just the easiest thing ever!

Volare for dinner. We walked the few blocks. Rande up front, Ro at the rear with Tara. Ansara next to Cho and PJ next to me. Gil between Cho and me. We'd meet Sam and Sadie there. It was warm and humid evening so my yellow outfit was fine, the sandals easy to walk in.

Giovanni had a huge smile as we came in. He bowed over my hand, I kissed his cheek. He led us to our table. Several diners recognized us, a few stares but one older man, looking Italian, gave me a big smile and raised his wine glass to me. I thanked him.

As we sat I asked Giovanni to please offer that gentleman a glass of wine from us. A toothy grin and a head nod.

I loved various menu items I ordered before so I chose several once more. The Antipasto Caldo was large so I got Gil and Sam to share with me, Insalata Tricolore, Sogliola Piccante Pesce. Their fish had been spectacular in the past so it was easy to repeat!

Giovanni approved of my choices! Also the wine Cho wanted, several bottles of Villa Gemma Montepulciano d'Abruzzo Riserva! Such a wonderful bouquet of earth and fruit.

Once everyone's glass was filled I offered a toast to Cho for his magnificent round of golf today! Huzza!

Cho hugged me close! I was still waiting to ask him more about today.

Sam was thrilled to hear Cho had been invited to join Winged Foot. "I'll be able to play there more!"

Cho laughing, "Well I don't see why not but you need to work on your game."

We all laughed at that Sam included, he pleaded work as why he couldn't practice more. Cho grinning didn't let him off the hook.

We had a lovely dinner, the food tremendous! The wine excellent and Giovanni just superb!

The older Italian man came over to our table to thank us for the wine and said he was now watching Fox News. I stood to speak to him, he took my hand, raised it to his lips. Very nice.

"I'm an old anarchist so the fall of fascist capitalists always pleases me."

I hugged him! Cho leaned over to shake his hand, "You know we are capitalists too?"

"Yes," he said, "But there different varieties in every group."

He was Antonio da Abruzzi, it was a nom de guerre he adopted to be his real name. We said a hearty goodnight to him! Giovanni said Antonio was about ninety years old and as a young man had fought against the Nazis in Italy in the last years of World War II.

At the apartment we had espresso and afters on the terrace. I was at the wrought iron grill in the old window openings with an Amaretto looking out over the Greenwich Village bits in view lit by the street lights. Cho joined me. An arm around my waist, kiss my neck. We knew tomorrow was an important day.

We would go up to the 21 Century Fox offices and go on `record' about my being transgendered. We had been quietly working with ideas on what to say. We had the questions Dorothy wanted to ask, I suggested a few more. One I especially wanted about the Twins so we'd have an easy segue.

I reached up to kiss him. Contact! MMMMMMMMMmmmmmmmmm

I nudged him, "Winged Foot?"

In the half dark I could see his smile, "Well... It's a validation of sorts. Did you know Trump has been a member for many years? It's like they were acknowledging change which hard for institutions like Winged Foot."

I could see that but I felt it was really that Cho had money, power and a helleva golf game. He laughed at my description but he nodded, "You are right too!"

We walked out with Jaidee. PJ and Ansara came with us, Ro and Tara were walking Sam and Sadie home. Down Bleecker we encountered Pip and Peter. Pip and Jaidee did some nose bumping and butt sniffing and remembered each other's smells. Peter was doing fine, a grin, "I saw you on Fox News tonight. A hole-in-one is really something!"

We hadn't watched TV. "You should try to find it. It is great!"

Upstairs we called the Fox Sports office. They said it ran on the News channel's main news this evening. They put us hold to see if it would run again. Cho shaking his head... The Sports guy was back, it would run again on the Eleven O'clock News. Cho thanked him. We had ten minutes.

I got another Amaretto. We snuggled into one side of the middle sofa. Gil joined us. We watched the news, a real mix of crazy and stupid people around the world with the odd disaster thrown in. Then Roberta Chesney came on saying they had a piece from Megan Ames earlier.

Megan's face came on sitting at the newsroom desk looking very sophisticated.

Megan: "Today at a charity golf tournament in Mamaroneck, New York, an interesting event took place linked to Fox Broadcasting. Our Co-CEO Mr. Cho was playing in the Pro-Am charity event paired with the professional golfer Tom Angleten. They were four strokes in the lead starting the back nine at Winged Foot Golf Club. On the tee at number ten Mr. Cho teed off, here is a video of that."

The video showed Cho at the tee and a very smooth swing, the ball flew off! A camera tracked it as it hit on the edge on the green bounded and then rolled and rolled right at the flag pole... dink and in. The camera showed the crowd at the green go crazy and then back at the tee the folks around jumping up and down. Cho being congratulated, he had a big grin as he shook hands with many people.

Megan: "Congratulations to Mr. Cho and the charity which received a bonus donation for the hole-in-one."

I barely managed not spilling my Amaretto when the ball rolled even though I knew I would it, still astounding! Gil had jumped up! She hugged Cho! Even Jaidee got into the spirit jumping into Cho's lap!

Going to bed was anti-climactic.

The morning ride to the 21st Century Fox building was easy right up Sixth Avenue. Terrance smiling!

I chose a pale blue short sleeve dress, round collar, navy belt, stockings and shoes, a small navy leather bag. Gold jewelry all over and `Joy' applied by the expert! Cho in a navy suit, white shirt and muted red tie.

We sat in with Dorothy to do a recorded interview' for her evening National Newsmakers' show. We started by giving a bit of background on us. Things we like to do like Cho playing golf which got her to comment on his hole-in-one. Then me riding horses especially at Harcourt House and that I think about work projects while riding.

We said we recently became parents then some of our snaps of Chanthira and Chati were put up on screen. Chani in a sweet yellow dress, a yellow ribbon around her head and Charlie in a blue onesie with a blue knit hat.

I explained I couldn't have children myself so we used a surrogate, a close personal friend. Then I said I didn't have the requisite equipment for bearing children because I am a transgendered woman.

I followed with the fact that I am fully transitioned in every way from the physical changes of becoming a woman to the governments of the countries I claim as my own.

Dorothy saying I was one of the most attractive women she knew. I did a bit of a blush.

Cho smiling said when he met me he was instantly attracted to me and he soon found himself in love with me, the PERSON I was. I know I was squeezing Cho's hand through that, "Dorothy, I fell for Cho right away. He has so much energy, a strong intellect and a strong sense of honor and he's very upfront!"

I told of our first date' going to the Ballroom' in Bangkok. How we stayed late enjoying flying around the room to polkas, foxtrots, tangos and waltzes.

We showed pictures of both weddings, how our brief honeymoon was interrupted by the birth of one of our best friend's baby.

That our Twins first trip would be to Harcourt House for Christmas which is a special time for us! Family, friends and colleagues celebrating with us.

We talked about the horses we have entered in races around America and in England and Thailand and how we try to see as many as possible run. The pride we felt with Glaa's tremendous success!

Our traveling for business takes us around the world. We run multiple enterprises and charitable foundations.

We wound down. Dorothy did ask about our starting the process to buy 21st Century Fox. Cho said right off it was my idea which got her eyes open. I said I thought we should try to make the news less disreputable, more honest and worth watching. I gave Dorothy my parting bit, "It was Cho who put in all together! He knew the people who might be interested."

Cho finished it with, "Fay sold it though."

We were out and Dorothy was laughing, "That was great! Are you happy with it?"

I looked at Cho and nodded, "We told anyone watching what we needed to and we'll wait for the fallout."

"Fay, I don't think there'll be any real negativity. You two are so engaging and interesting AND you are so obviously feminine how could it matter. Not that some `haters' won't make noise but I believe it will be drowned out by the positives!"

Leaving the set we saw Bill. He had been watching from the wings. "You two are great in front of a camera! You totally ignore the whole idea of being on the air! It's great!"

Kent came over. He knew what we were up to of course. He seen it on a monitor with a few others. He was laughing, "We started talking about something but when you two came we all just shut up and watched. You had our attention. Very nice stuff!"

A cameraman grinning gave me a thumbs up! I leaned over to do a fist bump!

We went up to Bill's office. It was looking fine and comfy. "Bill. Tilly did a wonderful job, it looks like a study instead of some formal office."

He was grinning, "Yes, but I don't want to sit around here when I have a home to go to."

Cho smiling, "Yes please go home! You have great support here."

Kent came up with a producer and Joseph. We parked in the `study' to discuss the concrete story. It was advancing. The producer, Larry, had seen the originals of the documents our source had in his possession. He thought they were genuine but we'd continue to test them against other known information. The source did not want to be identified but we hoped to get him on camera at some point.

The analysis of the pricing data and invoices showed there was a huge over payment for concrete suppliers who had already been identified by the FBI as mafia owned or controlled. It was very solid backing for the story as some folks had gone to prison over it.

The mafia guy Joseph and Larry had met was willing to go on camera if he was disguised that would add more credibility as he had dealt with the concrete suppliers and Trump representatives. He had given Joseph names and dates and even times of the day to check on those person's whereabouts. He also provided documentary evidence of the payments.

I asked if all this could be traced back to our mafia fellow and get him in trouble. Joseph said the man was one of several involved and one of the others had been recently killed by his mafia brethren for snitching. Larry said we planned to cover him by saying we would not release the time frame of the recording of the disguised man implying it wasn't new as this a part of an ongoing investigation.

Bill was metaphorically rubbing his hands with a grin, "This is getting very juicy!"

Kent let us know that the people who knew about this were in the room except for our two staffers. Cho pointed a finger at Kent with a thumbs up to follow!

Terrance was downstairs to whisk us off to the 21 Club for lunch. Getting out there were a few paparazzi taking pictures. Interesting to be photographed just walking on a sidewalk.

We both got a charge from seeing the Harcourt Racing green and yellow blocks and stripes on a jockey out front! Smiling at each other.

Gil reserved tables 10 and 11. No problem! Our coming in was seen and we received applause again. That was stranger than the paparazzi. I thought I had a smile like a fool on my face but no matter.

We passed table 19 where Katie C********** was sitting. She smiled and stuck out a hand to me. We shook, she said Fox News incredible now. I thanked her. Cho shook her hand, a classic Cho smile!

PJ, Rande and Tara sat at number 11.

Our server had a twinkle in his eye as we ordered. When he returned with our cocktails, martini for Cho, Campari and soda for me, he said he didn't want to presume but he loved our Glaa! He made side bets and cleaned up.

Cho laughing told him to keep an eye on Hansa. The server grinned and thanked Cho.

We sipped our drinks sitting tight together. I whispered my best unkept secret... I loved him!

I got a kiss tasting of martini which was fine.

Before our food arrived a man got up to leave a few tables along the wall. He came our way, I could see PJ tracking him.as he approached our table. He stopped to say hello to us. Cho stood up to extend his hand.

The `I'm George C*********** ' probably would have been superfluous for anyone other than us. I knew the name but I wasn't sure about the face. I thought Cho hadn't a clue.

"I just want to thank you both for making such a huge change at Fox. Honest and fair news is so valuable to the public understanding and decision-making. As an American I'm grateful!"

Cho smiled and said we were glad it had turned out so well. And we appreciated his words. Smiles, we wished him a good day. He returned it to us.

Cho sat down shaking his head, "Well, this whole business has been quite an eye opener for a country boy from Bangkok."

I gave him a soft elbow in his ribs, "Some country boy!"

"Well I would not have recognized his face right off but the name I knew. I read about him marrying a `strong international lawyer' and understood how he might feel."

My subsequent elbowing was bit harder though Cho laughed it off. "Please no more you will give me a bruise and it will be bad for my golf game."

That set me off laughing. I was gathered up in those strong arms, "I wasn't kidding you know. I do know what it is to have a wife who is powerful personality in her own right."

A kiss. Then another which only ended when our lunch arrived. I realized how hungry I was as the aromas reached my nose. Grilled fish and all the attendants!

Terrance took us straight home. We packed and were off to the heliport soon after. Our Security folks, Jaidee and Gil with us all into one of the new larger Agusta helicopters. We lifted off for Saratoga. It was less than an hour to the grassy space in front of Thayer's house.

We hugged and kissed the very same and Sondra. He was doing everything the doctors wanted, Sondra being watchful without bugging him. Thayer was committed to the whole thing!

We had a nice dinner with them and a few other horse folks from nearby like the three Collingwood's. Jack and Ellice were great, Joanna said she was to go to Sweetbriar College this autumn, in a week. The school had worked out most of its money problems and was going on! I winked at Ellice as Joanna told me all this.

Sondra and I got up to ride in the morning. We had a nice ride around and two fast circuits of their track. I was on Best Boy again, a very nice palomino. Nothing like a good riding horse, they enjoy the ride like you.

Terrance had cars for us in Saratoga for the next week of being here and back and forth to the city. We headed to the barn to see Glaa. He was out grazing on grass as we walked up. A nicker as Cho and I caressed him. A carrot disappeared!

Monaco smiling, "Our boy looks good. American Pharoah lost here after winning the Triple Crown. I don't know if he was one hundred percent but Glaa is ready."

Mike had a few other rides this weekend and next. He stopped on his way, "Miss, Glaa has been working beautifully. He loves his gallop in the morning." Me too!

The Travers Stakes is a major race almost like another Triple Crown contest which is why it's called the "Mid-Summer Derby." The purse was amped up to $1,750,000 because Glaa was running so it had taken on more prestige. It is the BIG event of the Saratoga season for three year olds. Glaa!

At Thayer's we chilled out sitting outside in a big tree's shade. Thayer back from a treatment resting upstairs, Sondra out in the stables working. Cho was on his phone a lot, Gil and I did multiple things before I called London.

Jian-Andrea-Ting looking happy, Caroline waving her arms. All was well there. Jian would go back to Bangkok next month when Anong got close to her due day. Ting was asked to stay on at the hospital. He was popular and graded at the top as a professor. Ting and Andrea would be together, Jian going back and forth before the Christmas season.

Eric and Malee settling in at Cheyne Gardens. Malee had about a month to go, still not wanting to know their pumpkin's gender. It was going to be a beautiful baby no matter what.

Gil came out with her report on our LGBTQ shelter activity. We decided to donate money to various shelters that support homeless LGBTQ teens and adults in New York and elsewhere. We would not take any direct role but were willing to help fund raise. We were considering setting up Chanthira Foundation Clinics in New York, Seattle and Los Angeles to start. They would be located in areas where LGBTQ teens congregated and be aimed at them since they were unlikely to have any medical insurance and be reluctant to seek care in a hospital.

We wanted safe places and support for those whose lives were vulnerable but were so often overlooked.

Francis had arranged the first monies to be disbursed. We'd meet with some of the people when we were back in the City to talk about their programs and health care. Four groups as a beginning.

We went into Saratoga to Congress Park in the city centre. Jaidee was with us. We walked around the park which was in very nice condition. Lovely trees and open grassy areas. It was warming up but still pleasant. There was a public venue called Canfield Casino which started as a gambling house but had become the property of the city. Now it was used for public events and a lot of weddings. It was quite handsome inside something the city should be proud of having.

Jaidee stayed outside with Ansara and Tara. We couldn't let him off his lead but he enjoyed some grass rolling in the sun. It was great to see his lithe brown body wiggle as the bright sun made his coat shine!

After dinner Cho and I walked Jaidee around the grounds of Thayer's home. He had been out with Ro and Tara in the late afternoon for lots of ball chasing and chewing on same! So this was a nice pleasant stroll using some time to work on his commands. The little man was smart and eager to do good. He loved earning treats for the work! It had been a big day for Jaidee, out and about!

Sondra and I rode again in the morning. I loved doing this! Being outside, with an equine companion, seeing the day start was just so cool. It always set me up for the day!

We prepared for the race. I was in a bright yellow sleeveless frock, mid-thigh, black accessories, black ankle boots and Cho's black onyx gifts. `Joy' with the Harcourt Racing pin and my horse brooch!

Cho looked a treat in a lightweight black suit, pale gray shirt and a muted gold tie. Very sexy!

Gil looked terrific in a light blue sleeveless dress and navy stockings and shoes!

We had PJ and Rande with us, also Tara and Ro for the short drive to the racecourse. Straight to the barn. Glaa in his stall, quiet like always. He did nicker and give me a nudge as Cho and I talked with him and did a few caresses.

Then over to the stands. We entered from Frank Sullivan Place. The track officials had been notified of our arrival. We got an escort to Thayer's box above the Winner's Circle offset from the Finish Line.

It was warm and the humidity was rising. It was Glaa weather!

We sat in the sun sipping cool drinks as several races went off. Sam and Beverly made it. Hugs and kisses. Asda and Hathai were ready to ship to Harcourt House, they would go when Hansa came up to Saratoga before the Hopeful Stakes.

This was interesting! The odds on Glaa were at 1 to 3? Maybe it was caused by American Pharoah! He won the Triple Crown and came up here to race in the `Mid-Summer Derby,' finished second to Keen Ice. The Travers had a mild reputation for being the graveyard of Triple Crown winners. The last to win here was Whirlaway 1941 but then Secretariat and Seattle Slew didn't run here, Affirmed lost.

The bell for the race was rung. I was feeling the same as at the Haskell in Monmouth. Concern that the horse and rider would be okay but confident of Glaa's skills and Monaco's preparation!

They announced the attendance at 61,500. Not a record but Big!

The post-parade. The nine horses walking by going towards the east end of the straight. There were two horses in the field who Glaa hadn't raced against before. My guess they were entered because of the `Travers jinx' which I thought to be silly but whatever!

They were loading. Glaa was in number five in the middle. He liked that but he'd won from all starting positions. My glasses showed him being his usual self, quiet, business-like.

All in! The pause... Clang! They burst cleanly from the chutes. Glaa, like at the Haskell, came storming out. He was in full stride almost right away. I was watching closely in my glasses as they rushed down the straight for the first time. Glaa looked superb!

He was leading by two as they went by us. He looked awesome, beautiful long strides. Mike riding like usual, hardly moving at all. Glaa moved gradually to the rail as he went round the first turn, tight to the edge. When he reached the back straight he was five nearly six lengths in the lead. He was still sprinting, reaching out strongly with his forelegs!

I had Cho's hand in my left, my right with my glasses. We watched our boy roaring down the straight coming to the turn looking every bit the true champion. There would be no `Travers jinx' today.

I saw Glaa switch leads in the turn, Mike had looked back as they entered the turn, no one close! Glaa was easily a dozen lengths ahead. He went around the turn like he was on a string attached to the rail. As he emerged at the head of the home stretch I put down my glasses and gripped Monaco's sleeve. He put his hand over mine as Glaa accelerated!

Oh shit! Glaa had gone into over-drive! Mike not stirring aimed him right along the rail to home! It didn't seem possible, the lead widening at each stride. Nearly twenty now and Glaa wasn't letting up. Mike not urging him at all. This was all Glaa!!!

He was destroying the clock. I squeezed both men as Glaa soared past the finish line like a blur!

1:58:86!!! Glaa wiped the record away by more than a full second! A twenty length victory!! I was on my feet cheering our man, jumping up and down, discretely though. Ha!

Glaa had overrun the finish like he always does onto the back straight. Mike got him to stop and turn before the outrider could reach them.

This was Glaa's fastest mile and a quarter!! The announcer gave everyone the time and the official margin of victory was twenty four lengths!! Glaa erased Damascus' 1967 twenty two length win. Damn our boy was working on breaking records everywhere.

In the Triple Crown races he was second only to the immortal Secretariat. All his times would have beaten the previous records before Secretariat! Here in Saratoga Glaa owned the track now!

Glaa winning this race was called a `superfecta' he'd won the top four races for three year olds in America!

We got our shit together to go down to the Winner's Circle. Mike brought Glaa down the track to us. Eddie put the lead on and Cho led Glaa into the Winner's Circle. The crowd was jazzed and stood up to applaud him.

The red and white carnation blanket was draped over his withers. He looked quite regal. He was the king of Saratoga now.

We received the `Man o' War Cup.' Gold, designed by Tiffany eighty years ago from New York Governor Cuomo. It was a beautiful twenty inch high cup with a large gold bowl with the names of past winners engraved around it. Glaa would join them and we would get a replica bowl to keep!

It was all pretty amazing! Lots of cheers and clapping! Pictures being snapped and news cameras all around. This was the big day for a three year old at Saratoga, the height of the season. Glaa and Mike went to do their post-race things.

We got to speak with the Governor for a few minutes. We'd met before at the Belmont when Glaa won the Triple Crown winner. He was very complimentary about the Fox makeover. He asked about our connections to New York. Cho told him about some of the property we owned and I mentioned The Company's involvement with the state canal system. It was a brief talk, he said we should get together some time soon for a longer meeting. We told him we'd be back next weekend for two more horses running. If he had a place for a helicopter to set down we could stop on the way back to Saratoga.

The Governor said he'd we could meet at the Governor's mansion in Albany. There was an open field at the western end of the complex within the security fence, they used it for landings. We set it for one o'clock Thursday.

After that we headed to the barn. Cho and Monaco did the press thing. I stayed back. Maybe in the world of news Cho may not be on the radar of many folks even now but the horse racing press and race followers had seen his face. He was KNOWN!

Interestingly he was always intro'd as the owner of Glaa not Fox News. I saw Frank in the group around Monaco, another Fox Sports fellow, Terry, near Cho. I didn't see Elinor this time.

Monaco said Glaa was fine, no issues. Mike sitting there grinning, "He wanted to run off today. It was a nice ride on a sunny afternoon for me."

I hugged him, laughing, "Quoting Lucien Lauren to Ron Turcotte on Secretariat coming down the stretch at the Belmont `Ronnie just don't fall off.'"

We both laughed. Cho came up to me, leaning over, "Maybe it was just as well Turcotte didn't hear."

Glaa would get a rest. He was off to his favored stall in our barn at Santa Anita Park and lightly train until the Breeder's Cup in November right there.

In the pond in the centre of the racecourse, the Saratoga Canoe would be painted our Harcourt Racing green and yellow colours remaining on the water until next year.

We went to Thayer's and our ride to the city. Goodbyes for now with them, we'd be back in a week.

Jaidee climbing the short steps into the helicopter was cute. Tail wagging! We were up and away quickly. The pilot put his pedal down for Manhattan.

Cho did email and I chatted with Gil about the Thursday meeting. No problem. She had emailed Jian and Anong for their thoughts about clinics in America aimed at LGBTQ teens and adults. Their replies said we would need someone there to co-ordinate it. I agreed and I thought of a person to make that happen.

At the heliport Terrance was waiting. Straight to Minetta Street. Jaidee signaled a need so I took PJ and Tara with me for a walk. Gil came out after us.

I had a plan! We went south on Sixth Avenue to Bedford Street then west to Carmine Street. A right turn going northeast back to Bleecker Street. Molly's Cupcakes!! Two boxes, mixed!

Gil volunteered to carry them. Jaidee had done all his business so home.

Roslyn laughing seeing the cupcakes , "Miss that's one place you can't pass without stopping."

I completely agreed!

Francis had arrived from London. He joined us on the terrace for drinks before a late dinner. The new venture, a green company mutual fund product our investment bank in the City was making available was doing very well. Only companies in the mutual fund were ones who had a carbon neutral or negative footprint so they were not contributing to further erosion of the planet's livability.

The CPS had allowed our Windows Server scammers to plead out but at the highest charge. They did not seek long prison terms only a few years and full restitution! We thought it was a good deal. We didn't have to spend money suing them for what they stole. Eric was very happy about it all.

Francis was glad to be in the city for a few days. Ali had several days off so we sent Francis off too!

The morning was sunny and warm, short shorts and a cutoff sweatshirt to walk Jaidee. Tai and Ansara went with us over to the river dog run for a while then back. It was good long walk for us all!

Black G-Star skinny jeans, short sleeved black shirt cut off at my waist, black ankle boots, silver jewelry with Gil who was in black also up Sixth Avenue in a Terrance car.

Cho was going out to Winged Foot with Sam. He had completed the application process and was a full member now. I kissed him before leaving, "You don't need to be nice now. Go Tiger, rip it up!"

We burst out laughing! I got a lovely kiss and a gentle tush pat.

"I do love those jeans!" We laughed some more!

I walked through the front doors at 1211 Sixth Avenue, Tara in front, PJ holding the door. Security knew we were coming. Several folks from the News Corp. were passing through the lobby, they got all big-eyed. There I was the demon herself!

I was laughing about their faces going into the lift.

Gil was giggling, "I saw them!"

PJ was shaking his head, Tara hadn't seen them. I tried to explain but it was so funny I had to stop and start again. Tara looking like `can people really be like that' before shrugging.

Bill was on the phone but waved me in. He talked for two or three minutes before ending it.

"You should know right off we've signed two big car makers to multi-year advertising contracts, one should be around forty million and the other shorter but for more time at thirty million. We`re now at two hundred and twenty percent of our projections!"

Bill said they'd have the conversation next week about new ad rates after the holiday. The two car companies got good deals, there are rate increase clauses in both contracts. Fist bumps!

I'd already seen the Nielsen ratings, they were way up also! The Fox brand taking off! Damn if I could figure out where the redneck watchers had gone. Fist bumps again!

We leaned back and watched Megan. The sound up, she was polished but looking like an American sweetheart. Bill laughing saying she wears excellent clothes, great hair, sophisticated but still comes off as an ordinary woman. "It's an art."

I said I thought her voice was a big part of it, the soft Southern accent, barely there made her sound right. Bill agreed.

I went down to the news floor. Kent's PA pointed me out to him, a smile and a wave me over gesture.

Low voice, "You and Cho with Dorothy for Thursday evening."

Two Thumbs up!

I smiled. I said one word `Joseph.' Kent said in five, Okay? Done.

I walked over near Megan. She was finishing a show intro and was out. She jumped up to hug me.

"Fay, I saw your interview with Dot. You and Cho are killers on camera. I'd buy a bridge to Brooklyn from you guys."

We hugged again, "Well, it just so happens I have one to sell... cheap."

Laughing. "You did strike the right tone I thought. You are matter of fact about your transition like it was something inevitable which it ought to be for those who want or rather very much need to become whole."

I thanked her, "I'm that way because once I had made a change it was the path my feet were on although there were bumps in the road."

Kent's PA came over and I excused myself. In his office there was a huge grin before Joseph came in.

Big news! Another concrete supplier was on board. He had records of deliveries and invoices for them! They all showed the inflated pricing. This fellow had his own records of money paid to mafia cut-outs. He made them sign for the cash. He said he told the mobsters his partners were worried he was taking some off the top. They did sign! That was amazing! They felt invulnerable so it was like a joke for them!

His concrete business was closed up. He lived out of the country now and was well under the radar. Joseph was put on to him because our original concrete supplier source knew Trump did business with him. This new concrete man sent Joseph a key to a storage locker through ordinary untraceable mail.

Joseph went over with the producer, Larry. There were eight boxes of records marked for the years of his business with Trump. After a quick review they took those from the locker as arranged. So we had the originals.

They were still going through it all. A gold mine which could fully corroborate the first fellow. Very important to us.

Joseph smiling, "Miss Martin, I'm loving this!"

Fist bumps!

Kent and I alone, "You know Fay that young man is doing quite well. He's excited and a go-getter but he's also being careful. The are some evil folks out there. Many are dead and given what a jackass Trump is... probably some of the others wouldn't care about the information coming out. Those that went to prison are all out now. It's over for them."

I gave Kent a look which he got, "Yes, I'm trying to protect him. Larry has experience and is rock solid."

He leaned back in his chair, "You know you did good with your interview."

"We're happy with it. Dorothy did a good job!"

Kent smiled, "I think she's got the knack for interviewing. Her show does very well in the timeslot."

"If she needs a few folks to talk to who are interesting we know a couple."

Kent laughed, "Yes I imagine you two do. Ask her."

He glanced at his watch, "She'll be here in an hour or so."

Reginé emailed her daily report on Fox. The main Twitter accounts continued to gain followers in big numbers. Lots of re-tweets for Fox News and Sports. The youtube channels were also growing at a fast pace.

The various posted videos of the news conference were collectively the most watched in the last six months by far. The main one from Fox itself had been watched over five million times!

Her team was great! They kept watch, were respectful in replying but didn't give an inch on certain topics we had decided were core.

I was very happy with Reginé and her teams! The folks working on the Fox accounts were back in London now but had enjoyed being in New York for a few weeks!

Food! I was in with Donald our Sports head. He laughed and called in his PA. The PA, Henry, handed me a menu from Ponti Rossi, a food truck out on 49th Street. Okay!

Gil and I split two appetizers, O'Cuoppo e Mare (crispy shrimp, zucchini, calamari) and Truffle Fries. I got the pesto, she went for Frutti Di Mare in a light red sauce.

Donald did the truffle fries and the pesto. I had Henry get something for himself too! Gil gave him the money for it all. It smelled wonderful coming through the door. We sat at Donald's conference table, chowing down and talking sports.

Donald liked hearing about my riding. His wife Em had ridden growing up, their daughter was doing some now at her school in Connecticut. He found it somewhat strange I'd never played team sports.

I shrugged, "It was the way I was brought up. At school I didn't take part even when the sports director tried to pressure me. I was the only hold out. I wanted to go home and ride my horse not kick balls."

He laughed, "Being your own person is more important than kicking balls for sure."

"I did do debate at school but it wasn't the same as sport."

I remembered to ask about Elinor. Donald said she was at an WNBA event, "She played for three years as a point guard before an injury put her out. You gave her a great quote about Hansa after the Saratoga Special Stakes."

I grinned, "Hansa has handled the boys pretty well so far. Two more races this year, Monday in Saratoga then in Santa Anita. Her dad and mom are terrific! Her half-brother SakChai, he's also a two year old, is doing his running in California so they haven't competed against each other."

We talked about English Football which I didn't know much compared to the average teen English boy. I described Fulham's home ground, Craven Cottage, as cozy with the best fans in England. I hadn't made a game in several years, I was hoping for next month while we stayed for a few weeks as Malee's time came. Gil had gotten us a box in the Riverside seating area.

After lunch I wandered around the Sports department with Tara. I chatted with many folks. Frank was heading back to Saratoga for the long weekend of racing, it was the end of the season there.

"Miss Martin, have you seen the training times for IrishRainbow... He's hot!"

I said Monaco had sent them on to us and yes he was looking very good.

"Your girl is making a lot of boys jealous! Fast, smooth and gorgeous! Quite the filly."

Laughing I agreed. We had high hopes for her.

Dorothy had arrived and Kent texted me. We sat in her office to chat. I had Gil give her Mike's PA info, Lori and Pedro agreed to talk with her if it could be arranged so she got their names and data. I didn't suggest them to Dorothy just because they were board members but they all had interesting stories to tell. Mike certainly wouldn't be new to many people and definitely not to New Yorkers!

I had spoken to other friends who preferred to be less visible for now but would consider it later.

I used the office Cho and I had taken for ourselves to meet with a half dozen folks from several LGBTQ organizations who maintained shelters for young people. They had all gotten large contributions from us.

I said we would continue to do that and we were exploring opening health clinics. They could be stand-alone or in concert with their groups. I explained the Chanthira Foundation and the health system in Thailand. One clinic opened, I had some pictures in big sizes to show them.

I let them know we would have to make changes since there was no national health scheme here. BUT we were committed to serving those in need regardless of payment. They were wide awake hearing all this.

Questions and answers. They understood the Foundations goals and that I spoke for it as Chairperson and our money was the bedrock of the endowment.

They were excited about it. New York city would be the pioneer location in America. I asked them to forward to Gil the names of colleagues in Los Angeles and Seattle so we could get in touch with them.

In the car going south to Minetta Street I got a text from Cho... It was the erupting volcano! Okay it had to be good because Cho rarely gets upset... I replied with a car...arrow...home...arrow a light haired girl...a Union Jack... Stars and Stripes ...Thai Striped flag! I got back a set of ... eyes...arrow... big heart... `U'

Roslyn and Yi were in the kitchen, we sat to talk. There was a brown tabby girl living downstairs now named Alice. She was a rescue, three years old and very sweet. I went down to meet her.

Alice was affectionate, loud purrs and liked to hug! She was beautiful! Caramel colouring with dark chocolate brown fur between her toes! Gil got Jaidee for a meeting. He liked Sebastian and Tess, so... Jaidee and Alice did some sniffing and then she gave our boy a hug! We were good!

I was about to get in the lift when Cho got home. In the lobby I was scooped up for a hug!!! A kiss!!! Cho grinning ear to ear, "I'm hot!"

A contraction! We crowded into the lift. Jaidee got rubs from Cho.

Cho had played the west course at Winged Foot again with Sam. He birdied the first hole almost an eagle as his second rolled up to hit the flagpole and bounce off two feet away. After that he had enjoyed himself immensely swinging out going for shots because it really didn't matter so why not.

In our suite in Cho's arms, "Fay, the beauty for me is I can focus on each shot but not lose myself. I think about you, how good we are together, I relax. I look over the shot to be made, choose a club and concentrate on it. Everything is channeled into the moment... Boom... I hit the shot!"

My lips on his... tight! This sharing was special!

He hadn't said what his score was... A 64!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was the lowest round by a member in fifty years! Maybe ever! Cho said his caddy, Rollo, asked to caddy for him whenever because he had a great time. Cho smiling, "Rollo said it was the easiest round he had caddied for and a real honor to watch me play that round."

We had a lively dinner. Roslyn did ahi tuna grilled into a Salade Niçoise! The big plates looked like art! The boiled eggs vividly white and yellow, firm oval red Roma tomato slices, blanched green beans just barely crunchy, flavourful niçoise black olives, little round boiled red potato slices and a light olive oil dressing! Crusty sliced baguettes with butter. A white burgundy!

Delicious in a delicious setting on the terrace. A new table, old style metal with slender legs like the French garden type set out by the old windows. Wrought iron with curly-cue back matching chairs. Espresso and Amaretto afterwards as the sun settled into the welcoming arms of New Jersey!

I was in Cho's lap, together in one of the chairs in our suite. Some kissing!! Some petting!!

I was very proud of my golfer! He was indeed red hot with a golf club! Those fingers were making me red hot now. I suggested we move to the bed... naked!

Okay! I got Cho on his back, me on top! He cupped my little butt in those strong hands, a bit of bounce! Ha! Kissing and rubbing! I worked my way down across the firm chest and belly. Some pause at the navel, following his faint treasure trail through soft pubic hair to my goal. The cock!

It was doing the soft arc thing I loved! Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm I slurped it into a warm and ready mouth. I got it wet in my most loving manner which was rewarded by Cho's full throated approval!

I peeled back the foreskin slowly with my lips and tongue really driving Cho crazy!! I gave him my wickedest smile! There was no let up for Cho as I munched the cock and lightly caressed the rosebud around back. A wet finger did its thing causing a gasp as it sought entrance.

I was sucking balls, stroking penis and wiggling a finger around and in his backside. Damn this is fun! Cho was loving it all! He got his voice wanting us to share! I was good with that!

As we flipped the first stroke of his tongue on my sex... incredible. I was hot, Cho's wet tongue was only building the fire not soothing my heat! On my side sucking him, caressing those smooth warm balls and the finger back to work.

I had to concentrate with all the wonderful things Cho was doing distracting me. We worked hard on each other for some minutes when I called out to be fucked.

Cho laughing, "Yes, Madam... whatever Madam desires!"

On my back, a rampant Cho between my thighs salaciously grinning, "It's time!"

Pulling Cho forward he glided inside me... Oh Shit that felt good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Smiling Cho took his time easing out then back! A slow series of strokes giving me shivers from my toes to scalp! I drew him close for a kiss... Ah Nipples! His body jerked as I grasped them! But his cock didn't stop, one deep stroke after another.

The strength of his body! Cho had stamina which only meant my body was pleasured more. Many minutes of delightful motion was ended when I was rotated to my side, Cho straddled my slender thigh entering me from a new angle.

Ah yes! The burn was painfully nice! I reached around to grab some of his tight ass! Pulling him forward into me! Damn! Cho lips surrounded a nipple, teeth gently tugging the ring! Yeow! He moved me half over rubbing my back passage as the penis powered in and out.

I felt the heat of orgasm starting Cho saw it too. Grinning, he nodded, "Fay!" Oh, the express train of warmth rolled up my body slamming into my chest and face. Oh Shit! Cho didn't let up, more deep stroking kept my pleasure on a high! Several waves of the incredible heat swept up my torso.

My head was rolled back and forth, I slowly slid down from the pleasure crest. Cho leaned down for a kiss, one arm around his neck capturing him! The other on an expedition.

I worked my hand to his ass crack and slowly down to the rosebud! Aha! Contact! Cho's eyes narrowed, his lips a slit but the cock never wavered. A hiss of breath, "Fay, I'm close!

I worked my digits on his anal sphincter... His eyes closed, short shoves... I whispered for his cum! He arched his back, in me to his root... I could feel his prick spasm... two... three... four times!!

I wrapped arms and legs around him pulling hard against my body!! Cho's face on my shoulder as his body went limp. Oh I loved his weight on me! It was such a delicious feeling!

His lips on my neck, soft kisses, "Fay, you... you are so wonderful! This is magic!"

I could only agree! I was worn! We stayed like that for a while... Cho volunteered to get some water and treats for Jaidee. I washed myself and hugged our boy. He gobbled his treats as we lay on the bed watching. The chilled water felt so good going down my throat.

Snuggled with Cho! Warm skin on mine. Sleep.

We were ready for Terrance in the late morning. The heliport had a few flights working as we arrived. Our aircraft prepped so were airborne right away! A straight shot to Albany. The pilots had been briefed on the landing spot near the mansion and were in contact with the State Police.

We flared for landing in forty minutes. Across the grass, the rotor wash tried to lift my dress but I'm an old campaigner now! The navy blue short sleeved frock had a wide skirt but I handled it. Accessories in navy and gold jewelry! I looked a treat! Cho in a lovely tan suit with pale blue shirt and navy tie. I loved the brown shoes, like a chestnut horse glowing reddish gold.

An aide escorted us into the Governor's office. A nice greeting and seats. He wanted to talk about politics and business. We covered a lot of ground, coffee service hardly slowed us.

He got that we supported Hillary Clinton and would support the best candidates in state and local office races. We covered the canal work and how we intended to use the 1211 Sixth Avenue building. Adding staff and business activity in Mid-Town Manhattan. Our property in Pleasant Valley was a surprise to him and that we'd add to that when it was possible.

He got to see snaps of Chani and Charlie and that they'd be traveling with us and living in the City part of the year.

I said we had begun to support many shelters in New York City for homeless LGBTQ youth and adults. We would help existing organizations rather than start something new except we were investigating locations for Chanthira Health Clinics in the city.

I explained what the foundation was and how our system worked in Thailand. It would be much different here without a centralized health insurance plan. So we had a challenge. He was excited by that and asked we keep his office in the loop so some state resources could be made available wherever possible. Done.

As we wound down Gil texted the pilots. The rotors were spinning up as we left the Governor on the terrace and re-crossed the lawn. Up and away. On to Saratoga.

We swooped in on Thayer! He was on his terrace in the shade reading. I hugged and gave him a kiss. Sondra came out of the house. We chatted a bit before I changed to ride. Sondra smiling, "I'm glad you stay with us. It's so nice to have you both and your people around."

I was up on Best Boy, he nickered when I caressed his face before getting a leg up. We bounced around for an hour or so. Back at the stable we were met by Cho and Jaidee out for a stroll. We all walked back to clean up for dinner.

We sat to watch the interview with Dorothy. I was squeezing Cho's hand. At the point where I said `I would rue the loss of private invisibility and become something of a public personality by doing this but I needed to do so to help those who didn't have my advantages' I choked up. Cho's arm around me, warm lips on my cheek got me over.

'It was serious, funny, intelligent and moving!' So said Thayer! He turned to me, "When you quoted Lana Wachowski about the loss of privacy, I thought it particularly effective."

I was quietly pleased. I thought nothing about it would be good for the rightwing nuts but my life didn't intersect with them. Anyone who knew me... it wouldn't matter at all.

It was the best thing we could do so... it was done.

The morning sun on our faces as we walked through the racecourse stables. Jackson there with Hansa, she was back from an exercise gallop. Tomas slipped down, grinning, "The boys are going to be disappointed again on Monday!"

Fist bumps! Rande and Jackson went in search of coffee! PJ caught up with them after making sure Tara and Ro were good.

IrishRainbow had a notebook in his mouth and his groom Darryl wasn't having much luck getting it back for the reporter. Domingo finally got our rambunctious colt to surrender the notebook.

It was funny, the reporter was laughing too. He worked for DRF.com. He did manage to get Dom aside for a few minutes to talk about IrishRainbow and his chances tomorrow in the Woodward Stakes.

The coffee seekers returned loaded! Nice hot coffee in hand I was walking with Frank, our Fox Sports horse racing man. Tara was beside me working. We talked about racing in Bangkok but I made sure if he really needed in depth info to ask Cho or Monaco.

"No I was interested in the racing scene. How you found it and what kind of audience it had."

I gave him what I knew and experienced. I liked Frank ever since he interviewed us before the Belmont Stakes and the Fox takeover. He knew a lot and was quiet careful interviewer. We ended up back at IrishRainbow's stall. Cho was there in the post carrot delivery period. Smiling I handed Frank over to him.

I went into Hansa's stall, her hooves being worked on by Reggie. He was smiling, "Miss your lady is ready to run!"

Fist bumps! She was gorgeous to look at. I stroked her neck, a quiet nicker. I leaned on her, she gave me a little push back. I laid my arm over her withers, "Go out and run them off their feet, Baby!"

Reggie laughed out loud, "She'll do it!"

I sat on a hay bale leaning back looking around behind my round red sunglasses. Sipping my coffee. Black G-Star jeans, black short sleeved cutoff polo shirt and black ankle boots, silver doodads on. Looking good, some tanned tummy exposed to the sun.

In the corner of my eye I watched a groom go by looking at me ... he walked... Bam! ...into the back end of a hay cart and fell back. He got up slowly not looking my way now. I lowered my glasses down my nose looking straight at him with a smile. He stole a glance my direction and was caught by my eyes.

Behind me I could hear Tara laugh.

"Careful there." I waved him over, "Are you okay?"

He nodded, "I'm flattered but take care, please?"

He did smile saying he would. He went off slowly.

Tara waited until he was a ways off, "Sorry I laughed but..."

I shrugged.

"I can see you might have to keep bodyguards for the men walking around you."

I laughed at that.

Dinner out. We took Thayer and Sondra to eat at a place they liked, The Lively Stream Tavern. It was a few blocks from the downtown area of Saratoga Springs a small bubbling stream beside the terrace seating. Elevated pub grub like the White Horse in Fulham. Dark wood, horse racing memorabilia, relaxed sort of preppy crowd.

I chose a tiny black dress with minimal silver jewelry. Between my ankle boots and hem line was a lot of tanned skin! A deep scoop in the back displayed more! Cho smiling. He had slender silver gray slacks and the black shirt with tiny white polka dots I got him in Los Angeles, black half-boots. Very sexy!

Gil in tight gray slacks and red top, Francis in pale gray trousers and a white shirt, snug to his nice torso.

Tai and Ansara with us looking pretty damned good too. Sexy slacks on Tai and a short skirt and crop top on Ansara. They had nice coordinating bags for their weapons.

Sondra's red skirt was mid-thigh and a sleeveless white blouse, sexy but not too! Thayer was the most conventional, gray slacks and blue blazer over a white shirt. He did have a red scarf.

We had a big table in the back corner of the terrace after a brief wait in the bar with drinks. Campari for me! The owner came over when we asked to speak with him.

Cho said we were presuming but... I slipped out of a bag a framed black and white photo of Glaa passing the finish line at the Hopeful Stakes last year for their collection. Glaa looked superb as he won setting a new record time for the event.

He was amazed and thanked us. He said it was a very nice thing and they'd be glad to show it off.

Food!! The arugula salad for me to start. The Pan Seared Salmon was from Seattle, wild caught not farmed! That too! I asked for some of the vegetable risotto on the side. Done!

Cho looked at me and pointed to a spot on the wine list, Pinot Noir from the Willamette Valley. I nodded! I was a heretic I suppose but I liked a rich red wine with salmon! Gil, Francis and Sondra were more `correct' with a chardonnay for their fish.

We had a nice dinner. I was between Cho and Thayer, lovely companions! Horses, boats, Harcourt House and Bangkok for Thayer. Sondra was so up for a return trip to Bangkok. I wondered?

At the Thayer house later I cornered Sondra. She smiled, "Kiet and I have been writing. We like each other and we can both see our `event' as something teenagers do and just let it go."

I was glad it had resolved to mutual friendliness. She loved our houses there. I told her some about the Forest Palace which got her interest. So a maybe for that.

In the morning Cho had a date to play the Saratoga National golf course with a friend of Thayer's as his host. They went over for an early tee time.

I rode with Sondra, on Best Boy once more. She was so happy to hear how Artis was doing in Seattle. He certainly was popular because he was so well behaved and happy to go out running.

Gil and I worked until early afternoon when the `Pro' returned! Thayer's friend came in for lunch and was excited to tell us all about Cho's round. I'd gotten the basics in my ear during a terrific hug and kiss!

Cho had shot a 66, six under par! Thayer's friend had never seen anyone play like Cho. On a par five Cho had driven the green in two and almost a double eagle when his ball rolled four feet past the pin missing it by a few inches. The foursome just leaving the green had been shocked by the ball rolling up the green.

My `Pro' was pretty happy! Upstairs to dress for the Woodward Stakes he held me close, "Fay, I know this isn't a dream we're living but it has some aspects which make it seem so."

My hands around his face, kiss... "Yes but I think of it being... dreamy."

We had a good laugh! More kisses!!

A pale rose red dress, mid-thigh with a full skirt and scooped bodice. A few bits of gold jewelry, `Joy' and red heels. No hat, my hair was great but I was thinking more and more about a change. Cho still waved away my inquiries for his opinion, "Fay, it's your hair!"

I was counting the contractions but not mentioning them. Ha!

Cho's pale gray slacks, white shirt, dark gray tie with shiny green and yellow lines running vertically and a gorgeous black blazer were awesome!

Ringgold called. He was doing us the honour and favor of representing us at Del Mar today when SakChai ran in the Debutante Stakes. Ringgold was so well known and respected across America, he was a terrific person to do this.

He had seen SakChai train, the boy was ready. James doing a great job getting him prepared! He'd call when the race was over. Our thanks to him!

We arrived at the barn to a warm greeting by Monaco. May, Domingo's girl, was here, hugs! IrishRainbow was quiet in his stall but seemed pleased for us to visit. He got a mint from Cho, slurp! He let me give him a good luck kiss.

Today IrishRainbow was running against several horses from the Triple Crown series. A few new competitors. Our boy was ready!

Monaco said there was a new horse shipped in from Louisiana, a gray. He'd won a few good races on southern tracks and was entered in the Hopeful. Maybe try to beat our girl?

May came with us as Domingo was in the Jockey Rooms dressing. We all wandered a bit before Cho decided to place a few wagers on other races. Francis went along. Sondra, Gil and May stayed with me just walking, looking at the sights. A few gaudy but fun outfits on some ladies. One pair of shockingly ugly trousers on a man which the pink blazer did nothing to mitigate!

We got sodas as the afternoon warmed up. We peeked in as some of the horses for earlier races were saddled.

PJ and Tara were close as we strolled under trees at the back of the grounds. Cho texted we should come back. Sam and Beverly had arrived. We joined them all in Thayer's box.

We settled down as the Woodward Stakes post parade was going to start. A line of handsome horses passed by, glossy and colourful. Domingo in our green and yellow blocks and stripes astride IrishRainbow looking great!

The Woodward was a mile and an eighth, two turns, they would use the entire length of the track.

I had my same feeling of concern for horse and rider but IrishRainbow was a seasoned horse and strong. Domingo a very fine jockey so all the signs were positive.

They loaded down below us, all the horses went in quietly. Our boy was on the outside. Pause...

Clang and the gates opened. A clean start! IrishRainbow running well going towards the front with three others. Two moved ahead and IrishRainbow closed up on their outside shoulder. Into the turn the three moved to the rail with our boy in the third path out still on the shoulder of the two. They went around the turn like that. I had my glasses out watching as they went down the back straight. IrishRainbow changed leads easily and gained ground doing so. He took the front about two thirds the way down the straight.

As they neared the second turn he was two and half lengths clear on the rail now saving ground. The two were flagging as one other horse came up to them. Around the turn IrishRainbow looking strong had opened to almost five lengths. The comer passed the two and got set for a hard charging close down the home stretch. IrishRainbow was holding his own without Domingo asking him at all. The charging horse had closed the gap to three when Domingo let out some rein and our boy responded with a surge towards the finish. He powered across the finish line five lengths clear! Domingo's arm raised the whip he hadn't needed.

I jumped up to hug Cho and Monaco! Beverly's arms around me, big hug. She and Sam had gotten to know and like IrishRainbow during his stay with them. Gil smiling, a kiss. Francis grinning, he had put his first ever bet on IrishRainbow's nose! A nice win!

We went down to the Winner's Circle with some very nice applause. The Racecourse folks and the Stakes people were pleased. Our boy had finished in1:46:00, two hundredths of a second from the Stakes record!

IrishRainbow was sweating but prancing coming back up the track. Domingo's smile was HUGE! May beside me, I'd brought her along for a purpose. Cho led our winner in for the ceremony. We got a large cheer and loud clapping.

Domingo and May hugged and kissed. A cheer for them. Cho handed a small box to Dom. He knelt on one knee, opened the box, "May, will you marry me?"

HUGE cheer when she teared up and said YES! Dom slid the ring on her finger and got a big kiss!

Cho grinning with Monaco, he'd been in on it. Of course it played better in the Winner's Circle!

May hugged me. "You knew? Secrets!"

Yes, they do rear their head every now and then.

We headed over to the barn. Dom and IrishRainbow did their post-race things, all good.

IrishRainbow was walking with Darryl his groom, he looked good. His coat a glossy rich brown. Everything was good, he was healthy.

We had a loud and happy dinner at Thayer's. It was made better when Ringgold called from California. SakChai had won the Debutante Stakes at Del Mar! He led wire to wire through the seven furlongs! A very nice first G1 race win for him! He came out just fine!

Ring was excited, "SakChai really strides out beautifully! He looked gorgeous, a white streak! He's got a great future."

Thayer and I walking later, he was pleased for our newly engaged couple and our horses. "It was good to set IrishRainbow on his own path. He proved he was worthy of being in big races. You were absolutely correct, it gives him the chance to be a very good race horse in his own right!"

Sam and Beverly stayed over for the weekend to watch Hansa on Monday. After my morning ride with Sondra and some time with Gil, Cho joined me for our daily `conference' with Chani and Charlie.

Our friends came in to see the babies. They were doing all the proper baby things. Charlie was now enjoying being on his tummy, learning how to wiggle! Chani in a pale green dress looking smashing!

Tha was just the best woman for our Twins! Loving, caring and very good at doing all the many things they needed doing at nine weeks. Her future was still weighing on my mind. I needed to talk to Kanda.

Monaco came over. He was very happy with IrishRainbow, our boy came through in great shape! Hansa was ready for tomorrow. Glaa was back at Santa Anita. Asda and Hathai arrived safely at Harcourt House.

Freddie had taken several of our English horses to run over the last month. A two year old had placed second and two three year olds had won in their races. He had two out to run on the weekend.

A quiet night became a slightly foggy morning. Sondra and I riding came upon two rabbits sitting on the grass beside a stream. We didn't speak or approach. They nuzzled together then realized we were behind them. They weren't scared but did move into the brush. Cute to see them being affectionate.

I did some rubbing with Cho when I told him. We might have gone on except Gil knocked with a message from Kent. Covering our nude selves, I called her in. We spoke on speaker with Kent. Joseph had gotten another source, a former bookkeeper for the second concrete company. She was retired to the Mexican Pacific coast. She wouldn't come back but would go on camera if we went to her. Joseph and Larry would go Tuesday with a camera team. So they got an all-expenses paid trip to Cabo San Lucas!

We were laughing when Kent said if they come back with a suntan they would be fired. The story was growing!

We finally got dressed for the track. I went in yellow today, sleeveless so I added a white cardigan just in case. It was snug to my torso flaring out some in the skirt. Navy blue for the belt and accessories with gold jewelry. Of course "Joy' applied by the master applier.

We did as always go to the barn. Hansa was nickering as I petted her, Cho's hand on her neck slowly rubbing her. We did it for a few minutes then we left so the routine could be continued.

In Thayer's box Beverly leaned over my shoulder, "Where are you folks putting all the hardware you're collecting?"

I smiled, "It's all going to Harcourt House. If we continue like this we'll have to build a building to hold it all."

We laughed. Cho nudged me and spoke over my back for Beverly to hear, "We will build a museum won't we?"

I smiled at the thought we might need to and the contraction. I did raise my eyebrows... Cho got it and grinned. "You're a bad influence!"

More laughter as the bell for the Hopeful Stakes was rung.

The post parade started. Hansa walking alongside her stable pony glistening in the sun! They worked their way out to the chute on the back straight. My glasses showed her moving quietly into her number four position near the center of the starting gates.

Clang! They were going! Hansa was beside the gray horse that had recently shipped in. They stayed head to head down the straight several lengths clear of the rest of the field. It was a fast pace!

As they neared the turn I saw Tomas make a move with his hands. They went into the turn with Hansa a neck in front, she changed leads like liquid which gained her a half-length. She came out of the turn a length and half ahead. As she changed leads again the gray horse was no longer a threat. Tomas asked her and that was that! Hansa went into over-drive, it was the same as watching her brother. She was gaining at each stride, the gray was working hard but there was no slack in Hansa's effort.

At the eighth pole it was a six length lead and widening. She over-ran the finish like Glaa tearing around the turn before Tomas could ease her down, the outrider caught up.

Our box was pandemonium! Hansa! She finished in 1:22:3! Blazing fast! Glaa still owned this track though. We celebrated, hugs, kisses all around!

Sondra grinning was we squeezed, "Does this mean you'll be back next season?"

I nodded giving her cheek a big kiss.

As usual I had Cho and Monaco as escorts down to the Winner's Circle. This time the cheers were bigger. Outside the Circle Tomas brought our girl up. Reggie put on her lead, huge smile on his face.

The Racecourse and Stakes dignitaries welcomed us. We had won all the top races of the Saratoga Season! AND Hansa was the first filly to win the Saratoga Triple Crown; Sanford, Saratoga Special and Hopeful Stakes! She had set the boys on their ears!

More shiny hardware! Our second year in a row. We waved in response to the crowd's cheering and applause. Tomas got a big hug when he climbed off Hansa. She had her saddle removed and went off with Reggie to be tested. Tomas to weighing.

We went to the barn with Monaco to wait for them. Domingo and May were there. High fives and fist bumps. Quite the week! Glaa, IrishRainbow and now Hansa again!

We had sort of a tailgate party! Drinks and snacks courtesy of Gil's arrangements. Tomas and Hansa were fine. She would join her brother Glaa in Santa Anita. They would meet their half-brother SakChai in our barn there. He would race again in a month in the Frontrunner Stakes right there. IrishRainbow would go back to Pleasant Valley for a few weeks then to Belmont for the Jockey Club Gold Cup.

We would all be together in Santa Anita for the Breeder's Cup races in November. A whopping big day of racing!

Back at Thayer's we said goodbye until they came over to Harcourt House at Christmas. I had Sondra alone, "Please call if there is anything we can do to help! Okay?"

We kissed, she thanked me.

The helicopter lifted off for Newburgh. It wasn't a long flight and we were soon going up the stairs with Jaidee. Everyone onboard and seated for takeoff. Captain Kor was in command! We watched as the airport bits and pieces went by the cabin windows. Jaidee in his cushioned dog seat, tongue out staring through his window.

We ate the dinner Soka and Ban prepared and relaxed after with espresso and drinks before an early night to allow for the time change. Jaidee got Tara to play `ball' for a while. Cute guy!

We three snuggled in bed. The brown tummy got rubbed, legs akimbo! Such a funny little fellow! Cho's warmth behind felt wonderful, a soporific! Sleepy...

Waking to the alarum was easy! Off and I was up. Washed, dressed and making coffee when a text came in from Eric. Malee's water broke and she had gone fully into labour!! They were at the hospital... The doctor said it wouldn't be long she was so dilated! I texted back we were in the air coming in soon to Chalgrove.

Eric said he'd be back to us... I replied... good, we can come straight to town if you need us.

Coffee with strawberry and blueberry scones from a Saratoga bakery! I fed my little man, he went to his box beforehand. We were good.

Soka came with a breakfast offer I couldn't refuse. She served me as Cho emerged. Soka said soon for his food and I gave him Malee and Eric's news. We ate, Gil and Francis joined us. Food was devoured.

I went up front... Great view of the green Irish countryside ahead. Captain Kor said forty five minutes to wheels down. We got ready.

Eric was back on... Malee delivered a healthy, beautiful girl!! Anne Malee had brown hair and brown eyes, pale skin AND was gorgeous!!!!

I suggested we meet at their place in Cheyne Gardens tomorrow when she came home... Eric was happy with that... He had everything under control... Nurse was already in residence and Malee's mom was coming the day after tomorrow!

Okay! Malee didn't mess around! Pop like Eve! Gil sent flowers for immediate delivery. The nurse was ready and Mrs. Blatchly had found someone to `do for them' several days a week. I was going to be around to give Eric time off.

Chalgrove! The old bomber base was green and good looking from the air. Prasert waiting with cars. Hands shaken, fist bumps and grins! Carter notified we were on our way.

Crunching over the gravel... wonderful! Carter at the door with a big smile. Kendal right there to help me out with a smile. Audra inside the door with a grin... Okay!

I waved to Cho... he knew! Gil and Tara with me. They raced up to the third floor. I was changed in a flash heading down the stairs, I heard a commotion above... some dropping sounds... laughter... boots hitting the floor... bouncing down stairs... feet on the stairs hurrying down! Two half-dressed ladies!

"Better stop there and finish! I'll walk slow."

Out front Cho was with Jaidee on the sunny forecourt. We hugged. "I like this hat when it hangs down your back... It's sexy!"

I kissed him. A big grin, he looked in my eyes, laughing, "I did it again."

Another kiss then I was off. The girls caught up still giggling.

I crept up on Pamela's stall with a cut up apple. I held a piece in my hand and waved it in the opening, "Pamela!"

Damn... she nickered loudly, almost a yell! She gobbled the apple piece and pushed her face on mine. A softer nicker as we hugged. I gave her the rest of the apple as Cormac laughing started in to saddle her.

Max and Lu were readied for Gil and Tara. In a few minutes we were heading down the grassy lane to the flats. Sunny and Charlotte were working. Sunny finished going around the jumps before riding Prince over to me. We leaned over to hug.

She looked terrific. Lovely rosy cheeks, lithe, maybe taller and happy. She excited by school which starts tomorrow! She liked Ms. Jones and already met most all of her classmates.

"I have a proposal for you... If you're ready for a short break ..." Sunny was hanging on my words... "You come with us to the Breeder's Cup races then we go to Seattle, Okay?"

I laughed as she leaned to hug me and almost lost her seat!

"Yes Yes Yes!!!!"

"Okay then, you need to be good with school and Charlotte. We will have work on wardrobe so a trip to London will be on."

Sunny hugged me some more.

"Now go back to work, we want to ride."

A last hug! I turned Pamela, Gil and Tara grinning. I waved to Charlotte, she was smiling too.

Up the slope we went, warmed then I asked Pamela. She was ready... we soared down the long gentle slope to the lock. The lock man gave us a wave and a hello! I returned it!

On the eyot Roy fishing in his short sleeves. I kidded him about his eskimo past. "Well Miss, I'm healthy now!"

He had three fish! Angie would be pleased... I think she likes Roy to be out but that much fish must be wearing after a bit. I'd have to ask Angie.

Once over all the water we turned into the east end of Abbey Meadow so Gil and Tara could see. Elaine came out from behind a bush where her Springer spaniel Whisper had made a deposit she had cleaned up.

I did the intro's. I said we might be over. She'd like that. We waved goodbye.

I steered us along the river through the meadow. The outdoor pool folks were setting up for the day. We walked down around several buildings to a footbridge and over to Thames Street. We walked across the Abingdon Bridge. Not much traffic and it was only two hundred feet or so. We turned off right after the bridge end onto a path beside the other bank of the Thames.

We were back on the path we took down so a good gallop until the railroad tracks. Past those I asked Pamela, she was warm and burst forward! We were running freely across the grass of Harcourt House land. It was an exhilarating ride. A mile of speed.

I love the wind rushing pass my face, Pamela's muscles as she ran... She was a powerhouse! The others were a short ways behind as we slowed up down the slope to the flats.

Freddie had come down with several of the younger ones. The black yearling was filling out, handsome boy. Jet black with a small white star on his forehead.

I stopped to watch him, he was running a bit awkwardly but he had a beautiful body, terrific hindquarters with straight back legs. Once he had all the parts working together he could be quite something. We hadn't named him yet... Something with `Black' in it?

Gil and Tara beside me. We went over to the arenas. Sunny had just finished a run through, she and Charlotte were critiquing it. They were happy enough so they wanted to enter Sunny in a novice event on the weekend.

I said why not. Charlotte just needed to get with Gregory about horse trailers and Prasert for a car.

A big hug from Sunny, "Thanks, Aunt Fay!"

Oh Aunt Fay? Mayhap she was feeling a bit the young girl?

Up the slope to the stables. Gregory smiling as we walked to a paddock, Asda came running when I called. I was armed with mints! Hathai got the idea, she trotted over. I shared out my stash. Two absolutely beautiful animals! They looked like royalty, their children were proof they were!

They had this paddock to themselves and adjoining stalls close enough to nuzzle and walk out the back into the paddock. Hathai had six months to go with her pregnancy, she was showing but too not much.

Cho joined us for lunch. He and Carter had been going over house things. He gave me a précis. All was well, the physical parts had some work done readying us for the winter. It seemed a long way away with our current glorious weather but...

Francis came up from his office smiling, "The CPS just sent me a notice that the three defendants have all signed off on their deals. They have two years to serve but they could be given the full sentences if they don't produce the money."

After lunch Gil and I took over the library. I spread out some papers and two project timeline charts.

I was reading a report when Reginé called. "We've been following reaction to your interview from Thursday night. We have seen negative responses mostly in the you can't change sex slash gender or gay stereotyping or pervert name-calling type but... the positives are huge!"

She took a breath, "It has remained a big talking and tweeting point. The numbers of tweets is in the hundreds of thousands, comments on the various facebook pages are enormously supportive.

You and Cho have been lauded by celebrities, politicians, ordinary folk around the world."

I had to laugh inside myself! Cho and I don't have anything to do with social media so we hadn't seen anything about it except when some news site mentioned it. We weren't watching much TV right now not even Fox!

Reginé brought up an interesting point about America, this was the first work day after their Labour Day holiday weekend so there was surge in comments and tweets when people were back at work. Overwhelmingly positive!

She was laughing, "You want to run for political office? Now would be a good time!"

I was laughing but shit, who would really want that? I can see public service... but the cost to be a politician is so gigantic for someone personally, their family... coming out in the open as me is way far enough.

I walked to the office to tell Cho about Reginé's call. He grinned as I said the bit about being elected to something, "Damn, isn't life vtough enough without that!"

He got a kiss, because I wanted to and the contraction! Cho pulled me into his lap, more kissing!!!

"Remember we see Adam and Daphne in town tomorrow for dinner. Adam's taking me out to his home course for a game the next morning."

A kiss for Cho's nose! I bounced away back to work or...!

I grabbed Gil, PJ and Tara to go to Abingdon. I got a Range Rover out, all aboard. Through Clifton Hampden and Culham to the Abingdon Bridge then a hard left onto East St. Helen Street to Lombard Street. Looking for parking, a spot on West St. Helen Street. A block and half from Elaine's Gaudy Paper shop.

She was pleased to see us. I said I was looking for a large amount of high quality Christmas gift paper. Elaine had some but drew out several catalogs. She said I could take those, make my choices, let her know and she'd order and deliver. Okay!

These catalogs had good colour examples and usually described the weight of the paper too. I was good.

I setup an account so Ellie could come over for anything she needed, not just Christmas but all through the year. Elaine was good with that, she'd do a monthly invoice. Done!

Dinner was delightful grilled trout with a shrimp paella and baked veggie tarts! Sue's crust was so flaky! Afters on the terrace, Gil with me on the Amaretto and the two guys nose deep in snifters!

We all went down into the gardens with Jaidee. He was stopped from rooting around the plants by a brand new tennis ball bounding over the green lawn. I tossed it and he was off! Cho took over sending Jaidee running pursuing the `ball.'

We wore him out! Good! It was an early to bed night.

Snuggled with Cho I was looking at our boy asleep already. Me follow.

Prasert grinning as we loaded up in the morning darkness. Gil, Francis, PJ and Rande in with us. The others and the luggage in a Range Rover. We jogged over to the M40 through the countryside. Down to the M25 then the M4. The A4 was getting a bit crowded but the traffic flowed.

The Range Rover turned south for Basuto Road. We went North on Warwick Road then Holland Road, the roundabout to Holland Park Avenue. Straight on to the front door of The Company.

Cho went up to our office where Angela had some things for him. I stopped to talk to a few folks heading to Eric's office. Jodie grinning, "Hi Boss!"

We laughed! She had some bits for me. Sitting at Eric's desk was funny, I got to look at Malee's face! Cutie. Eric's text this morning said his girls were terrific! Going home late this afternoon!

There was a meeting with department heads which was started with me at the head of the table laughing as they piled in. We knew each other quite well so it was as if everything was normal.

Andrea's deputy, Tomasina, made us laugh with her joke about ladies taking over. Reg did his horrible New York mafia accent `da goils wannabe be in chuarge.' That hurt my ears!

We settled down to work and were done in forty five minutes. We had a luncheon booking at Angelus Restaurant for this crowd and Cho. We did take two cars because I had stop to make. Francis and Gil with us.

The restaurant was ready for us and we sat right away. Food! Steamed asparagus with hollandaise minus the poached egg to start. The cod main course. Tarte Tatin with vanilla ice cream and espresso after. We talked some shop, the Malee and Eric newborn, our babies, MFA's progress at standing and falling on her bum!

It was a great lunch. Gil, Francis and PJ stayed with me. We walked around the corner to Hyde Park Stables. Gil wanted jodhpurs and gloves. Francis a new helmet cover, gloves, jodhpurs and me... nothing particular maybe a gift for someone. I did buy several shirts I liked and a pair of gloves for Sunny.

Francis was riding a lot! He had the bug. Gil was going out with him as was Tara keeping to my suggestion he have company for now.

On the way out to Westbourne Street Francis's ex came out from the salon to say hello to him. I patted his shoulder as I passed him. PJ's eyes on mine, I shook my head. The car was waiting, we loaded our new things.

Francis came along shortly. He had an odd grin... again, shaking his head.

We were off to Basuto Road. I leaned back. I didn't think my being around to fill-in for Eric was going to be very much of a deal. They'd prepared well and with The Company's level of communication skills...

We crossed to Favart Road to see the family! Jian-Andrea-Ting!! I took a while to get all the hugs and kisses done! Caroline! What a beauty she was! Four months! She was waving her arms at me, I took the bundle. Gurgles, tongue sticking out, bright eyes! A happy baby! Her family were thrilled with her.

We ended up on the roof garden. I put Caroline in her shaded carrier. So cute.

Ting's parents had been here for a week. They adored Caroline!

I grabbed my buddy. She was sad to leave Caroline and Andrea but Anong was getting close to her time so... Bangkok. Ting had classes to teach for several months so they'd be apart. I told her to use a plane and come back several times before Christmas. I was kissed with many thank yous!

Back across the road I gave Francis a look of inquiry. He grinned, we went into the garden.

He started right in, "She's amazed by my new life AND jealous AND now sorry she tossed me aside... There's nothing there. She showed her true colours last year! AND before you ask... Ali and I are close, we enjoy each other's company fully knowing the difficulties of meeting."

I put my hand on Francis' arm, "If you two want to get together ask for some time and borrow a plane."

He smiled. "Also you can invite her along on trips I know Daria doesn't travel much these days."

"Thank you. I'll talk with Ali and see. Do you know if Daria will come to Harcourt House for Christmas?"

I said I didn't know if she was but he should ask Gil who was keeping score.

It was a warm evening so a little black frock! Sleeveless, above mid-thigh, deep plunging back, black thigh-highs, spike heel ankle boots, lots of silver jewelry, no `Joy' because we were going to meet Anne. I didn't want to introduce anything like that to her environment so soon. Black leather cut-off motorcycle jacket for later.

We parked out front. Eric at the door. Big hug! Right up to the first floor bedroom. Malee in bed with the bassinet beside her. Oh Yes! Anne Malee was a beauty, sleeping quietly.

I sat beside Malee for a hug and kiss. She was good, very glad the labour time wasn't long.

"My little dear wanted out!"

We chatted for a while but we kept it short so she could sleep before Anne woke up hungry. We'd be back!

Downstairs Eric said everything was great. Their nurse was terrific. Malee's mom was coming in tomorrow on one of our Gulfstream's and Prasert had a car `on' for her. So all that was done which Eric was very happy about. They had a nice ensuite room for her. A housekeeper slash cook coming every day, many thanks to Mrs. Blatchly!!

They were good. In the garden I told Eric I would be around but it didn't look I really needed to do much.

He laughed, "You just want to go off with Pamela don't you?"

"Yes!" We laughed!!

We got a quick tour of the house which I liked a lot. The garden was large with several beautiful trees at the bottom. Very nice for the summer. A spacious kitchen, large parlour and dining rooms. The bedrooms were good sized. They had a quite nice room on the third floor for the nurse and a study for Eric on the fourth with a balcony, large west facing windows opening onto it. Lots of light!

Malee was asleep so Eric got all the hugs and kisses.

It was a short drive down Cheyne Walk to Adam and Daphne's barge. A tight hug and kiss from Daphne. I hadn't seen her since Phuket! We walked across the road to the Painted Heron.

Yes! Daphne and I giggling about what we were going to eat! Cho shaking his head, Adam's smile, "Cho you think they'll have anything left for their later diners?"

Cho had his doubts which only made Daphne and me laugh more.

So we started in! The poppadum cart didn't get away easily. I got some of each chutney! A big pile of those crunchy things! Next soft shell crab frites, and a Punjabi samosa! The green chillie prawns, their mango paneer and Peshwari naan! A Strawberry Breeze cocktail!

Our men struggled to keep up! Daphne laughing with me. We did talk! Horses, Glaa, Hansa and SakChai. Adam smiling as we told them about IrishRainbow's blowout in the Woodward Stakes.

"Fay, you did a good thing there. Keeping him in the Triple Crown races was right and sending him out away from Glaa even better. He has raised his profile which is good for when you send him to stud."

Adam was looking at me as I gave them the story of Sunny. A slow grin, "Is this surrogate time for you?"

I had to smile at his thought although it was wrong.

"No I didn't have the kind of concentration to do dressage. The riding certainly but she is on a different path."

Adam did a description of the Wentworth Club where he was taking Cho in the morning. They were to play the West Course, the longest and most difficult of the three courses. A real golfing test and one I could see Cho relished. He wanted to test his game.

He said Adam and Daphne should come over to New York so he could take Adam up to Winged Foot. Adam rubbing his hands with the thought, it was one of those fabled courses a golfer wanted to play. I loved their passion and wanting to share their golf courses with each other.

My priority... dessert! Laughter! Chocolate molten pudding with coconut cream and macaroon crumbles!!!

When it was gone I did consider another but in the interest of decorum I had espresso. Adam said afters at theirs!

PJ and Rande were very happy with their dinner as both liked Indian food!

It was still warm enough for no jacket walking to theirs but went we up on the barge top deck and with the water close... Jacket.

Desmond and Sara came over for afters. They were staying on Lorena and Pam's barge. No, not a couple, separate rooms, just friends. Sara was doing work for Declare now alongside Desmond.

Lorena and Pam travelling in South America for a few months asked Desmond to stay as he had become their designated cat sitter!

I leaned on the railing with Des. He looked good, some tan and healthy. He was doing very well with Adam. Researching and writing, having fun doing it.

"I saw some raw notes Adam had after talking with you. You're very observant."

"I think it's more like I'm cute and disarming!"

Des laughed at that, "Cute is right!"

A slight bit of red in his cheeks when that came out. I looked away but he was honest, "Well, a man would have to be dead and buried for a decade or two not to think so!"

I thanked him for the compliment, "You know about my love life... And yours?"

He had gone out a few times with a few different women, dinner, movie, dancing, nothing big, friendly and nice. No one special.

"I'm thirty one and thinking about it."

"You should come out to Bangkok or Los Angeles or Seattle. See some of the world, meet some folk. We can put you up one place or another whether we're there or not, you know."

Des bowed over my hand, "Thank you, ma'am!"

We laughed at that until Adam came by with the Amaretto for a refill. Des went to get more espresso.

"I've told Des he needs to go out in the world some. I offered our houses as places to park same for you and Daphne."

"He should, WE should, " Adam nodding, "I've worked him pretty hard but he does produce wonderfully written stuff! I'll talk with Daphne and see if we can impose on you!'

Sara came up as Adam went back in. She was doing well, liking the research aspects of the work.

"I'm just nosey I guess."

She looked good too. She and Des liked to talk, "I've never had a male friend to just gab with about nearly anything. There's no sex in the way."

She looked awkward, "I don't mean anything about Des you know."

I laughed, "He appears to be healthy and capable." More laughing, "From my viewpoint I think any sex you go into voluntarily is good!"

I nudged her. A smile, "Yes... Daphne and I still enjoy ourselves."

We both laughed! The very one joined us and came straight to the point, "Is Phuket on?"

I said definitely. I told them about Lori and Shira getting married. No date yet.

At Basuto Road I stood naked arms open wide!! Cho grinning fully dressed encircled my body! Kissing!!! He laid me out on the bed then did a s l o w striptease! I was giggling as his bits and pieces came off.

Then leapt onto the bed catching himself on his hands and feet above me as I pretended to cringe for the crash! We laughed out! I was thoroughly and lovingly kissed! We settled in to sleep as he had an early rise to go out to Surrey with Adam.

I fed Cho an omelet and HOT crunchy rolls in the garden's early light. Coffee steaming, a handsome face grinning over the edge. I could see he was stoked to play today.

Big kiss at the front door when Prasert pulled up with Adam. A wave.

Warm day. Me in skinny gray jeans, cutoff red silk top and black ankle boots. I was showing some tanned tummy. Silver bits and a smile going out the door to walk to the Tube. Gil, PJ and Tara all smiling in the sun! A nice walk, up the stairs to the platform. A train coming in, we were in a small crowd. One open seat which I urged Gil into since her bag was heavier.

PJ's back to me as I held onto a pole, Tara close to my back. Behind my sunglasses I saw a fellow over PJ's shoulder giving us a look. He moved our way... I reached back to touch Tara's arm, a quiet voice behind me, "I see him."

Over my shoulder to PJ, "No one else moving..."

PJ nodded as he rolled his shoulders to loosen his muscles. The man was close now... He tried to move against me...

"OW! Why..." His noise was cut off...

PJ's voice, loud and clear, "Trying to molest a woman passenger... Not while I am around!"

The man shrunk back wide-eyed! Tara still behind me, I was in front of Gil, PJ's arm extended towards the man but not touching him.

"I didn't touch her... I... I..."

PJ's smile like a rictus, "No molesting women!"

A woman had stood up across from us, she identified herself as a police officer. She showed the man her credentials and asked him to get off at the next stop with her. He didn't argue.

It was Notting Hill Gate our stop so we all exited. On the platform the fellow said he didn't do anything. She looked at us, I said no damage done. She asked where he was going, he said "Queensway."

She looked his ID over, "Get on the next one!" he scuttled down the platform away from us.

She turned back, "Did he touch you?"

I smiled, taking off my sunglasses, "No. PJ is my bodyguard. He moved within inches his approach was quite deliberate though."

She looked at my face, "You're Fay Martin?"

I was surprised a police constable in the London Tube would recognize me. Weird days!

I agreed I was. She asked PJ why he spoke out so loudly.

He smiled, "It was crowded I did not want to use force because others might get hurt but my training says such people are easily shamed in a public place when they are called out for their actions. I couldn't let him get any closer. I did elbow him to call his attention."

She looked impressed, "I'll bring that up to our trainers. I like it. Where did you get your training?"

"Our Security force has all our training in-house. Before we go out to work we have a long period of classes, practical exercises, physical conditioning and psychological education. With frequent refresher courses."

He looked proud, "Miss Martin is our boss so we are very protective of her and Mr. Cho. It is an honor to be on her personal protection team!"

You could see it and hear it! I was proud to have them; smart, skilled and tough. The police constable was visibly impressed.

I thanked her, she laughed, "I don't think I did much except to save that pervert from some damage. Miss Martin, it was very nice to meet you."

I did do intro's so she knew Tara was also part of my security. She had two stops to go, laughing, "I'm going to be late."

At my suggestion Gil gave her iPhone number to the PC. "If your boss wants he could call, we'd be glad to tell him what went on."

I was thanked amidst the noise of a train coming in. We waved and then went up and out. We were all smiles again. Swiping in at The Company I tugged PJ aside with Tara, "You handled that perfectly. That fellow will be worried from now on."

Hug and kiss on his cheek! "Thank you for everything you do!"

We stopped for lattes in the cafeteria, on my account. The lady who was the boss there came out with a grin, "The Fortnum and Mason delivery arrived." We did fist bumps! Free cookies for everyone's tea!

Upstairs I sat at the Big Desk to do some work. Jodie grinning from the door, "You look natural."

We giggled and I got to work. A pile of reports! I plowed ahead. Lunch with Dr. Terry, she was coming over here. We got food in the cafeteria and sat in Eric's office.

She had been talking with Dr. Vanatonu about Will. They were professionally sharing and preparing for when Will and his family would return to England. No specifics but we did speak about getting him work within his current limits also work for Eliza. She was very upbeat about Will. Dr. Vanatonu's testing showed he had above average intelligence but his family background had reduced his life choices.

Joining the Army had been easy but never happy. I asked if they felt he could do detailed work such as managing security monitoring, learning to fly a drone but not (for now) serving as a line security officer. Dr. Terry believed it was possible and she would bring it up to Dr. Vanatonu to discuss with Will. If so we could offer him work at several locations in England and elsewhere. Dr. Terry thought it positive!

Several meetings. Reg with news about the microwave repeaters based on the "Fay" scanner pole. They were a go! We were going out to theirs for dinner so I'd get to see my `niece' MFA!

I got a text from Cho... all stars of one form or other, nothing but stars!!!! I sent him back... a girl... a heart... a golfer!

I'd have to wait for the story.

In the mid-afternoon Cho arrived. Another car took Gil back to Basuto Road and Adam to the Cheyne Walk barge. Prasert took Cho and I with Reg out to his in Ealing.

Cho smiling, squeezing me, "It was good!"

I squeezed back, "Tell me!"

More smiles, "I shot a 66! Damn it's a tough course but my game is up to it!"

He pulled me close, "Reg your game would work there. It's a long course. I was even par on the front which is 35. Going to the back nine Adam was six over, he's about a twelve handicap. Number ten is a par three and where I felt I was `getting' the course. I hit the flag pole with my tee shot, the ball bounced about fifteen feet away. A tough side hill putt almost went in. The next was also close to a birdie but on the twelfth it clicked.

It's a par five with a slight dogleg left. A big drive very near some fairway bunkers gave me a clear shot to the green. My caddy, Angus, yes I know but he was excellent, said I had very near two hundred yards to go. The green doesn't have a bunker in front so I used a three iron. The ball bounced on some firm ground rolled up onto the green to the right of the hole. Angus yelled out `FORE' as the ball was away, he saw I had a chance to reach the green.

The golfers ahead had finished but were still on the green and a bit shocked to see my ball rolling up. They moved off but did not go to the next tee.

I had a nasty curving path to the hole, I gave it a go and it dropped in!!! An eagle. Suddenly I was two under.

The other golfers gave me a cheer. They were a foursome and suggested we play through which was very polite. I inspired Adam, he birdied that hole. We were rolling!

Several pars then on sixteen, a short par four, my second hit above the hole and the backspin drew it down to hit the flag pole leaving me with a tap-in for birdie. The seventeenth the longest hole and a par five I had a huge drive, Angus said two hundred and thirty to the front of the green. No bunkers and a flat green. I had a good lie so I chose a four wood. A nice swing, good contact, I stood there watching that ball arc beautifully down to hit and bound up several times to roll up the green towards the pin. Adam was near me swearing, `go in fucker Go In!' It stopped two feet short slightly to the left.

Angus' face was a great. He slapped his thigh, `Damn Damn, that is a great shot! Well played, sir!'

Walking to the green was wonderful! I had a great chance for another eagle! The putt was a gentle uphill one. It went right in! I was five under!"

Cho was squeezing tight, I got him to ease up.

"Tell us the last!"

He grinned, "The eighteenth is another par five with a right dogleg. The green is protected by a stream in front. I had a great drive past the fairway bunkers and a good lie but the water was in the way. The flag was in the front third of the green. So I used a three iron aiming for the green. It was a good shot that hit the fringe and stopping about forty feet from the hole. My putt was good but lacked the last eight inches. I got a birdie, the last bit an easy roll in. A 66!"

He laughed, "When Adam and I got to my second, he had played a good shot up short of the stream, the foursome in front we still on the green. Angus did his `FORE' again so there wasn't a problem as I got ready, they moved off. We crossed the stream after Adam chipped onto the green.

There were about twenty folks beyond the green watching us. Adam finished first and when I rolled those last eight inches it felt terrific! The fellows asked my score as we looked like we knew what we were doing. Adam had an eighty, well below his usual and was quite happy. My 66 was cheered. Someone called the club pro to come out as we wrote out our final scores."

"So I was congratulated and offered lots of drinks. I did take a few inches of a very nice single malt whiskey. Mine is the lowest score of the year to date."

He had kept us wound up listening so we didn't realize the car was in front of Reg's place. I held Cho's face for a kiss! My golf pro!

Rona hugged me tight. MFA was standing beside a table in the hallway holding on. A huge grin. I scooped her up, giggles and smiles. Such a sweetie!

I sat in the kitchen and was enlisted to do a little with dinner. MFA and the guys had gone down to the train room.

Rona laughing, "She loves the trains! Reg sits her in a high chair real close and runs them around making noises and smoke! MFA cheers and claps!"

Dinner was some lovely grilled flounder, baked veggie pies, a dark bread she baked, butter from her Northhamptonshire friend! Yes! Dessert was strawberries and cream! Espresso and afters on their terrace after MFA was put down by the nurse.

MFA had dinner with us but it was quite a different menu! I was surprised how good she was eating. Rona said MFA had been like that all along.

Reg and Rona doing very well. MFA's nurse was terrific and our endless nappies gift was out of this world! So easy to do. Soiled in bin, bin picked up, new supply of nappies with a clean bin, the bins have a good seal not smelly and easy to clean up! A great system.

We had just gifted it to Eric and Malee also!

At home we sat for a while in the quiet garden with Jaidee. The Security folks had looked after him, lots of walks and ball tossing!

A text from Amarha! She said new Agusta AW119KXe's arrived. Pilots salivating over them.

That got us laughing via texts! I called her. She was laughing as she answered. "Fay, it's true. They were wandering around them, touching them. They've all been up in the Aw119 training model but the operational ones are much better equipped."

"Tell them they have to clean up if they get them messy!"

More laughing, "The restrictions about flight paths haven't been a problem. They appreciate why we are making the changes. They see it's safer for them and their passengers! We are also working on their skills in making water landings with the emergency floats we are including on each aircraft. Lots of work for them, busy as beavers!"

We talked a bit more. She was having no issues next door. Cassidy's position wasn't undermined by her being head of a joint company. Amarha said `your doing it that way made it easier for him'. All good.

We rang off. Cho holding me, "See I married a woman of power!"

"No, my marrying you made me a woman with power. And I like using it."

Cho pulled me very close, a kiss! "Please go ahead. You are doing a tip-top job so far."

Jodie knew I wouldn't be in today. We were all up early for a trip to the new coast house. Prasert dropped us at the London Heliport in Battersea. A white helicopter with a yellow hibiscus `Brilliant' on its tail sitting there.

It was an Agusta/Westland AW139. Handsome! Cho said it was one of two. Brand new! We boarded.

Cho and I, Gil and Francis and all six of our Security team. We had plenty of room inside. We lifted off, turning to go down river gaining altitude quickly.

After clearing the downtown area we were up to about six thousand feet turning northeast to cross East Anglia at speed. A direct course to go out over the North Sea above Aldeburgh and swing out to come into the new house from the east.

We were getting a bird's eye view of the flat countryside. There was LCD screen in the wall behind the pilot seats. We could see the track of our flight over a satellite map that showed the main roads and towns.

As we crossed a river between Ipswich and Felixstowe I nudged Cho and pointed down. In his ear, "The River Orwell."

He looked at me, I knew. "He chose the name from the river. His father retired from the Indian Civil Service to live in Southwold."

Cho kissed my cheek and squeezed a hand.

We were out over the North Sea in a big sweeping turn. To our left as we approached the coast there was a town with a pier and promenade, Southwold. We were descending now rapidly. A large house was ahead, we flared for landing in a field to the south of it. A nice landing.

PJ lowered the steps and we poured out onto the sunny grass. The large old gray stone house against the green trees and blue sky looked older than I thought. It seemed Eighteenth Century.

We walked to its sea side and up onto the terrace. It was a wide stone flagged space arcing around the house, narrow on the sides then opening at the front as the front steps passed through it to the drive under the Porte-cochère. A single car was parked there.

The Porte-cochère had domed roof and walkway to the door. We opened the outer doors and were greeted by a man and a woman who were the estate agents.

They welcomed us into our new home. To the right was a huge salon going from front to back, big windows, floor to ceiling windows opening onto the terrace at both ends. The central hall went front to back bisecting the main floor with doors to the terrace at the rear. The stairway was in the center of the hallway about halfway to the rear of the house once on the first floor you walked around the bottom of the stairs to the next floor to be able to walk up. On the floor above you did it again and so on.

A study and library to the left then a dining room which had large floor to ceiling windows facing north to the terrace. Double doors to the kitchen. I was surprised as it was quite modern, many newish, quality appliances. There were more of the big windows so you could walk onto the terrace.

And a big fireplace! There was a booth around a sturdy table in front of it. It radiated warm homeliness even without a fire lit!

The terrace encircled and sort of defined the house. Open access to the air and sea!

On the terrace looking east out over the restless water there was a slight chill even in the full sun. It is September after all. The woman estate agent came out to me. I asked about the temperature, she said it would warm up to be comfortable later. Okay.

I took off my shoes and bare footed down the chilly stone steps to the lawn. The grass warmed by the sun. I paused to enjoy that. On through a gate to a wooden walkway which passed over the dune to slope down to a few steps and the sand. Straight ahead to the water.

The tide was high, I let it wash over my feet. COLD!! Not sure bracing would fit, bit past that towards COLD!

I hopped up the steps back to the house. Gil found a towel. Shoes on I went upstairs with the woman estate agent. The first floor had three suites. The master one had two dressing rooms and a large sitting area and a fireplace. Big windows facing west with wide window seats. The bathroom had some modern fixtures and the tub on claw feet was setup with a ring shower attachment. The suite was half the the floor.

The other two suites were very nice with modern bathrooms. The next floor had three more bedrooms with baths and a nursery. A full bathroom and space for the washing basin for baby. A nice sized ensuite room for a nurse or nanny off the nursery. The third floor had rooms for servants, eight. They were paired with shared bathrooms. An unusual arrangement.

The floors throughout were a dark stained oak, highly polished. Glowing reddish black where the sun's rays landed.

The house was surrounded fifteen acres of open grass land and trees, a drive leading west where it joined a public road going south to Reydon and Southwold. A dirt road went south near the coast off the fenced drive.

Looking out from the master suite I saw a two cars coming up the drive. I went down.

Francis with Ro and Tai were going to Southwold. One of the cars had been a rental being delivered, they would use it to get food and drink.

In the salon beside a LARGE fireplace of dark stone, it was capable of handling huge logs, Cho and I met a woman from Ipswich, a decorator, Jane. A slender red-head, nice face.

Cho bowed and said it was my territory and headed to the beach. Jane and I walked around. I told her I wanted the furnishings to reflect the age and character of the house. I didn't want to `modernize' it.

We talked budgets and communications, Gil gave Jane her contact info. At the door I told her this was the first action so she would hear back from us after we saw her proposals.

Gil seemed to like her, I was Okay but not rushing anywhere. This is the first house we shared where it was a blank canvas inside.

I followed Cho to the beach. His hand in mine I told him about my ideas and Jane. There was another decorator coming this afternoon. We'll see.

Our food gathers returned. A small coffee maker and supplies for same. Bread, cheeses, fruit and nuts. A bottle of Calvados to warm the toes as Cho had requested, Val d'Auge!

Cho smiling, "Where did you find this?"

Francis said in an off-license near the Parade. He didn't know the name but the owner said it was from Normandy and very good.

Cho held the bottle, "Francis, you have stumbled upon the very best Calvados. Strange in this small town."

Francis bought a set of cordial glasses to go with it and a corkscrew. Cho poured. Fiery and smooth! It wasn't my thing like the Remy Martel Louis XIII cognac but it went down well! My toes were warmed up good!

We munched standing around the kitchen. I tried out the seating by the fireplace. It needed a cushion for my tiny backside.

A bottle of water and an apple, I wandered around the property's land side. There were some old oaks near the house further out it was just grass. A kitchen garden with raised boxes full of rich, dark soil brought in to replace the mixed loam and sand. There were wind breaks on the windward side protecting Rosemary, Thyme, Fennel, Dill, two types of Oregano and other spices and herbs I didn't know. Onions and carrots! Amazing! I crushed a few oregano leaves in my fingers... nice scent!

There was a garage like the house, gray stone, two stalls. It had an apartment above probably a carriage house modernized at some point. Access was up an outside stone staircase covered by the roof. A small mud room at the top. The apartment had a nice size sitting room, medium sized bedroom, the kitchen had an eat-in counter separating it from the sitting room. Good apartment type appliances. It was quite nice. It was furnished with good modern furniture, comfortable, not flashy. Sofa, chairs, tables all of the same style, a set?

The bed was solid with, I tested it, a firm but not excessively so, mattress. PJ laughing as I bounced.

The bathroom had a claw-foot tub with shower ring. The floor and two thirds up the walls it was small hexagonal white tiles in very good shape. The toilet looked new and the basin was wide and shallow with separate hot and cold taps. Storage built-in.

Plain but in good nick and comfortable.

Ah, right! We have a car! I got my bag and Cho, car keys from Francis, tugged PJ and Rande. I got behind the wheel with Cho grinning ear to ear making a BIG show of buckling his seatbelt! The guys in the back, PJ grinning. I turned us south on Lowestoft Road from our drive, went through the southeast corner of Reydon on southward. When it became Station Road in Southwold I was watching house numbers.

Yes! Number 26 High Street on our left. I made a hard right into York Road. Bingo! A parking space just opened as small van moved off. I urged everyone out. Taking Cho's hand I led us back the few steps to the High Street. Opposite was an old brick two storey with a blue door and white window frames.

I pulled out my iPhone for some snaps. Cho's eyes were good, he leaned over to kiss me. Arms around me from behind, chin on my shoulder.

"Funny girl!"

PJ and Rande weren't sure what was up until I pointed to the small plaque on the wall to the right of the door and up a bit. PJ smiled and nodded!

Rande read it out loud "The author... George Orwell... Eric Blair... 1903-1950... Lived in this house"

We went across the road I touched the door frame! Cho's hand squeezing mine.

I drove us back circling through town to the water. Up the parade into the car park and out on the dirt road that ran parallel to the beach. It intersected with our drive at a gate. Fortunately it wasn't locked or I'd have been a booby!

Cho looking me, like how did I know the where and how of this trip, "Well... I used my iPad for a scope of the neighborhood."

I got a big hug and soft kiss. Cho's seal of approval.

The decorator from Norwich had arrived, he turned out to be two. He and his partner did the business as a team. Cho met them and then headed for the beach... again! Me laughing.

I explained as I had with Jane earlier this house was our first unfurnished one as a couple. Ken and Madeline understood right away about my feeling for making the inside somewhat match the building itself.

I asked for the same `plan' to furnish the entire house I requested from Jane. A written description of the rooms as they saw them, pics even if they were just stock photos of the pieces they were considering, the carpets, drapes, lighting, etc.

I said `think Edwardian' they laughed saying they could do that.

I went room by room for the second time today giving them my ideas. They scribbled it down. Up in the master suite Madeline asked a question, her accent came out a bit more. I responded in French, her head jerked up. A smile, she replied in French. Then like a lightbulb had been turned on...

"Miss Martin... you are the one from the Fox News?"

I said I was. It seemed to floor them both. I got us to sit on the big sill in one of the front windows.

"You won't be put off? I mean maybe working for us?"

They looked at each other, Madeline took the initiative, "No...NO...Are you going to live here?" Incredulity!

"Not full-time, this is one of several houses we plan to use throughout the year."

"We would VERY much like to work on this house. We will submit our plan to ... Gil... as you requested."

Downstairs I thanked them for coming. They were nice, I liked Jane too. We'll see.

Interesting to be recognized in an English tube station and an coastal backwater! I didn't get a vibe from Jane she knew us. North Sea coast Suffolk? Well the internet... which reminded me to get Gil onto finding out about it for here.

Gil called the car hire place, they'd pick it up shorty but we didn't need to be there.

We loaded up the helicopter. The pilots thanked us for the grub. They had what we had minus the Calvados of course. We lifted off and re-traced our route back to the London Heliport. The flight was about forty minutes all together. Prasert had a car for us all.

At Basuto Road I asked our Security team to come in with us. Sitting outside in the garden I asked what they thought about the house in Southwold. They all liked the beach and the rooms they would use were pleasant although unfurnished right now.

What about protecting it?

Several started to talk but they deferred to PJ. "Fay, Cho, it is very open on every side which can be good from the spotting something sooner standpoint but it gives fewer points to defend from. All of the perimeter could be watched but the beach is the closest and most vulnerable. I think sensors and electronics installed obviously but it will require more humans on site."

"Then we will have to take more when we go there. I think we are unlikely to spend any time there beyond visits like today until it is furnished. I imagine that won't be finished until late spring. So..." turning to PJ, "... you and Thomas should think it over together soonish."

PJ nodded, he would call Thomas when we finished. A hug and kiss for each of the six! Cho smiling shaking hands!

Jaidee had been taken care of by Graham's staff. He had a good deal of ball toss in the garden. He was on his lead as we walked across the street to see Jian-Andrea-Ting and Caroline. They would come with us to Eric's to see Anne and mother Malee.

We descended on Cheyne Gardens! Eric welcoming us. Upstairs Malee had nursed Anne. The nurse was getting ready to put Anne down. We got to hold her briefly.

Malee's mom who we knew gave me a big hug. She was very happy! Anne was beautiful and healthy, the same for Malee. All good! I showed her some snaps of Chani and Charlie from this morning. She smiled, "Fay, you and Cho are so lucky, such beauties!"

Caroline got to meet her new friend! Fun to see them together. We didn't stay long not wanting to interfere with sleep!

Eric was doing very well too. Between Malee's mom, the nurse and Mrs. Bene, the housekeeper/cook Mrs. Blatchly sent them, they were well taken care of.

Eric was grinning, "Jodie said you weren't coming in for a few days."

I told him about the house at Southwold, `a summer place' in the Edwardian mode. "Maybe you three could sit in the sun on the sand? Wiggle toes in the water?"

Eric said they'd like that and Anne would be plenty old enough to enjoy it by summer.

At Basuto Road we shooed everyone to bed early as we had another trip planned for tomorrow with an sunrise departure.

I lightly rubbed my nakedness on Cho. His face! We laughed lying on the bed nude. Jaidee came to edge, brown eyes so cute. Cho called him up... Woof and he was against me. Cho got on the other side and we worked that body! Jaidee loved it! We settled down for sleep.

Prasert in the early light smiling. He took us to the heliport once more. The same Agusta was ready. Lift off! Down river gaining altitude until clear of the city and a big turn to starboard. We were going FAST to the south. This was another `day' trip.

Paris! In little more than an hour we were descending to another heliport this in southwest Paris. It was just south of the Boulevard Périphérique which our cars got on right away. We went east until the Avenué de la Porte d'Orléans. We headed north easing right on Avenué Général Leclerc then it was Denfert-Rochereau across the square to Boulevard Saint-Michel. A long stretch of the heart of Paris to Boulevard Saint-Germain as we turned onto Rue du Cardinal Lemoine there was in front of us Pont de la Tournelle connecting to Ile Saint Louis. Over the Seine to the first right. Quai de Bethune.

A few doors down, a typical Parisian building of pale stone with a double wooden door on the right. Built in the first half of the Seventeenth Century it had been rehabilitated many times without destroying its original form.

The concierge and his wife met us at the double door. Augusta and Lucien had been here for more than twenty years, Cho and I did our best to reassure them we had no plans for changing their situation. They were calmed by our good French and that we understood their role.

Monsieur Montaigan was upstairs. The lift was like Minetta Street! It reached up to the fourth floor but this trip was to the second.

Montaigan greeted us. A small man in his late seventies, he had lived his entire life in this house. A family home for a dozen generations back to when it was built.

We sat in the salon to talk first. He was pleased with us buying the building when he learned who we were.

"Miss Martin, I hope I do not go too far to say I am an admirer! I have seen you on TV and my computer. You at the Fox! Formidablé!!"

I was being defined by that! Well, I did it, so...

We had already told him we weren't planning any big changes and we had just let Lucien and Augusta in on that. He was happy his old retainers would be here for us.

He was moving permanently to a house on Martinique where he spent part of each year. He wanted the warmth! All the furniture he would leave for us.

Cho said we would pay him for it but Montaigan said no.

"If you do sell any of it please give the monies to charity. Yes?"

That was fine with us. He would take nick-knack's, some favoured art and family portraits only. All the other art would stay. Cho again offered to pay but he waved it away.

"I have no need for it!"

We toured the building. We were on the second floor. The salon, dining room, a study and large kitchen were on this floor with a small cook's apartment at the back. The salon faced west with three tall double windows leading to a balcony overlooking the river. A large fireplace of black marble! Opposite across the hall in the dining room, the dining table could seat twenty as is and eight more with the additions.

The study walls were all glass-fronted bookcases, filled! A large table desk, Louis XV style. Big armchairs and a quite comfortable sofa and another marble fireplace.

On the third floor was the master suite.

It had a big bedroom with a white marble fireplace and two nice sofas in front of it. The bed was the size of an American `queen' which was fine with us. Four beautiful armoires, inlaid doors that glowed reddish brown, two in each of the two dressing rooms with large matched bureaus.

And the BATH!

A big claw-foot tub and a separate shower, two sinks and built-in linen closets. A bidet which looked very new that had hand rails on each side. Montaigan said it was from last year to replace an older one. All in white with light blue accents around the windows, mirrors, cabinets and door interior.

There were two other bedrooms on this floor, all ensuite and large. Upstairs on the fourth floor six rooms with two shared bathrooms. They were large. Each room we had looked in had at least one beautiful armoire, some with two.

The fifth floor under the mansard roof had two apartments of one bedroom each. A sitting room, bath and small kitchen in each, large windows. They were currently rented to students. Their access was via a metal staircase at the back which doubled as a fire escape for the rest of the house.

On the first floor were two women who had rented from him the entire floor for... he thought for a moment... probably... at least twenty five years. They were already here when Lucien and Augusta came.

In an aside he said they were lesbians but very `gentle' and educated. Both at one point had been professors at the Sorbonne across the river. Retired now.

The concierge and his wife lived on the ground floor, there was a small office for their job, their private space had a large sitting room, kitchen, bath and two small bedrooms.

The front double doors led to the lift and stairs in the tunnel which opened to the parking in the courtyard at the rear. There was a converted carriage house at the far back. Two rented apartments above, each having a circular wrought-iron staircase up to a small balcony and their door. One occupied by an older couple, the woman an occasional cook for Montaigan. The other a young pair, one was a student, the other, the man, worked as a handyman for the house and in the neighbourhood.

Below parking for three cars with big wooden double folding doors and a small workshop.

Montaigan introduced us to Luce and Marie, the first floor ladies. They were in their late sixties, Luce, slender, medium height, beautiful blue eyes. Marie had full but shapely figure, a few inches shorter, brown hair and hazel eyes behind glasses.

They were wearing summery dresses and sandals. They showed us their home, many nice bits of furniture and some excellent paintings. The old study was now mostly a sewing room. They both enjoyed sewing, embroidery and knitting. An iMac stood on the desk, big screen looking somewhat like an alien.

They followed the news online as they had no TV, they searched for dress patterns and designs mostly, buying cloth and yarn online. They made clothing and other fabric items for themselves and family.

Luce had been looking at my face, I could see she was trying to place me...

I was in a black cotton short sleeved dress, all my accessories black from ears to wrists. Heels and a small black cloth clutch.

I smiled directly at Luce, she got that I knew she was struggling with my face.

Ah! There was a small ceramic Reynard on a shelf with a large bushy tail! I picked it up and stroked it near my face.

Bingo! Luce's face exploded in a massive smile!

"Miss, you are the lady from Fox TV in America!"

I gave her a shallow courtesy, smiling.

"Marie, it is the lady we have seen in the video."

Marie came close to take my hand, "Is it really you?"

I said I'm her. They said it was a proud moment for all women when you were on that stage.

Neither had seen the recent interview Cho and I did. More on that later I said to myself.

Montaigan suggested we have lunch at his favourite place, he could introduce us to the proprietors, they will take care of us. It was a four block walk to the west end of the island with a spectacular view of Notre Dame!

Brasserie de l'Isle Paris was your classic Parisian bistro! Family owned and operated with care. Montaigan had eaten there regularly for fifty years!! We were welcomed by the owners as new Parisiens! Monsieur Montaigan's blessing was top form for them.

Our French surprised and pleased them. We were seated on the banquette at the rear.

Menu in hand I smiled and rattled off what I wanted. The waiter knowing how we stood with his patron and Mon. Montaigan was attentive smiling at my quick decisions.

Mackerel marinated in white wine, omelette avec herbes, sole meunière, camembert to follow.

He winked at me. I showed him how to fist bump which got a laugh! I bounced up to go to the bar. One of the owners there smiling as I approached, I asked for a double espresso because I was flagging. He went to it and soon I had a lovely little white cup and saucer in hand.

He asked if we would be living here or visiting. I said we had business around the world and in France. One company based in London others in New York and Bangkok. I retrieved my iPhone to show him Chani and Charlie. He thought them quite beautiful. He had two daughters, a snap of two lovely dark haired girls. He was obviously proud.

I told him we'd be around at irregular times but as we didn't intend to have a permanent cook... He smiled saying in that case they would be pleased to cook for us.

I sipped my coffee through this, feeling perked up. I was going back to my family when a man and woman sitting near the bar looked at me and in American accents said `it is her' out loud. Not wanting to get involved I said a merci to our host and turned for the table.

The man had risen and started following me... ahead I could see Tara stand and come towards me.

"Fay, quickly!" In Thai so I knew she was disguising it. She went by me, PJ was moving past me by then. I reached Cho, he was standing, then I turned to look. Tara had intercepted the man, his wife had trailed behind him.

PJ and Tara were a wall. An owner was behind the couple. They were persuaded to return to their table and be calm.

I parked my butt on the banquette. Well I was awake now!

After that little bit of excitement Montaigan asked why those people should want to bother me. We explained that our corporate takeover of the Fox network was viewed as hostile by some and our changes caused a stir in the United States and that couple were Americans who recognized me.

I looked at Cho, he nodded. I started to explain about me when the first course of food arrived. I restarted. Montaigan was amazed at my story. He raised his wine glass, "Mademoiselle, you are beautiful and accomplished, my congratulations!"

I kissed the old dear's cheek leaving a small red spot. I wiped his cheek with a Cho-Fay handkerchief. He saw the needle work and I explained. He got a bit wet in the eyes.

His wife died ten years ago, he had been marking time since. Their son was a soldier, killed in combat more twenty years ago in a peace-keeping mission in Africa leading his parachute battalion. I was holding his hand, he covered mine with his other.

"I am ordinarily not maudlin about these things. Life can be harsh in many ways."

Smiling I asked if he would think of coming back to Paris and staying at Quai de Bethune whenever he wanted to. He raised my hand to his lips and thanked us, "I would do that."

We all attended our food so the mood lightened, fresh wine. The owner I had been talking with came down to pour from a new bottle he offered as a gift to us. He had a glass with us, "To old friends and new!"


I was eating my food with gusto. It was delicious, perfectly prepared and served. The sole was great, I shared a mouthful with Cho who loved it. It was a favourite of his.

Everyone had smiles as the food relaxed us all. Montaigan smiling, sipping espresso, "You two are a most interesting pair! Meeting you is good."

On the walk back we took a different route. Montaigan wanted to show us the shopping on Rue Saint Louis en Isle. Went past a news agents where Montaigan pointed to a rack on magazines. My face on two!

No wonder I'd received a few stares on our walk! They were both French glossies.

Cho laughing. We had smiled over the coverage of the Fox takeover, pictures and some incredibly silly reporting. The New York Times piece was lame. The New York Daily News did a terrific job. The Post barely mentioned the whole thing. So much other coverage but we weren't reading much of it.

Gil bought two of each. The lady behind the counter looked down to check the prices then up I could see her eyes widen. Sunglasses on, a 180 turn!

Montaigan was laughing with Cho, "It is always the women... " He laughed, making a preening motion, "...never the handsome man!"

We were laughing at that. I hugged him, "I'd be pleased to see Cho's face on one but I'd be jealous thinking about what all the women would be thinking!"

We all laughed more at my `thinking!'

The street had many shops, we were introduced by Montaigan to some shopkeepers. He said we bought his house, they were pleased to meet us as he was so obviously happy.

A boulangerie which was hard to go past it smelled so GOOD! Restaurants, upscale clothing and accessories, little bistros and an ICE CREAM shop!

Montaigan introduced us. He loved ice cream too! It is family owned and operated. I was offered a sample, Caramel au beurre sale, salted caramel !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I let everyone know I'd be staying right here. Monsieur Calvert said I was welcome to stay. Francis said he had an idea and would everyone please wait. He dashed off back up the street.

I was on his wave length and asked for several different flavours in litre containers. Francis returned with a cooler with ice. He saw the line-up of the containers on the counter. Smiling he bowed and presented me with the cooler open for loading.

Done! He was hugged and kissed. Gil was grinning as she paid. The owner had a big smile. Cho carried the cooler with a huge grin!

At the house we had to go. Montaigan would be packed and ready to go in three months. He didn't want to drag it out despite our offer to have him stay as long as he needed.

We clicked! He was a very nice fellow!

He said his home on Martinique was large enough for visitors and we would have a standing invitation to spend time there! Cho thanked him and let him know we had a few places around the world where he would be welcome. Cho asked Gil to prepare a list for Mon. Montaigan. She did a thumbs up!

I said we would be back before he left so this was just au revoir. Hugs and kissed cheeks!

The cars whisked us away to the heliport. Our `bird' was ready and we were away quickly.

I was holding Cho's hand as we crossed the English Channel, looking at his face. He nodded, a soft `later.'

We fluttered down beside the Thames. Prasert waiting. Our cars on the move right away.

Enroute I took a call from Alex. When he gave me his info I leaned close to Cho and went to speaker. GWNW Railroad said we were a finalist and would we please return for a Board meeting and presentation. Alex wanted me there! It was huge, Okay. When? Three days! I looked at Cho. He mouthed one word `Go!'

I passed that on. Alex would fly in on Southwest and meet our Cho-Fay aircraft at DAL. Its regular name was Love Field of John Kennedy memory. Of course I hadn't been born yet but anyone who reads would know a bit.

We'd all be on the 767 to go over things the night before.

Alex and Duncan would stay aboard with me, we'd go to the GWNW Building on Elm Street in the morning. The railroad wouldn't know I was coming, they would assume it was to be the same presenters.

Just `gaming' them a bit!

In bed later Cho squeezed me, "I wanted a big house in Paris so we could stay and entertain friends with the delights of the city. I love Paris for its culture, food and streets. I like to wander so we will."

Kisses, lots!

"I have good memories of the city and a few nice places to go. We can compare and share!"

Deal! More kissing! Sleep...

The next day we took a walk around noon. Going west towards the river we crossed under the Tube tracks to Fulham Palace Road, up to Bishop's Park Road and over to Stevenage Road. We made an interesting group. Gil, Francis, Cho and I with PJ, Rande, Ro and Tara.

All dressed casual. We got to the Reception entrance to Craven Cottage where Gil said they asked us to make our first visit. Gil had alerted them we would attend today's Fulham tie against Queens Park Rangers. The club Secretary greeted us and was pleased to hear I'd been a Cottager supporter for many years even if I hadn't been to a match recently.

They provided us an escort around the ground to our seats in the Riverside stands. Gil bought season tickets there so we could get a good sized box. We were parked near the mid-field line. Francis and Gil organized snacks and drinks.

We watched the teams warmup and got familiar with the names and numbers. The stadium filled up as start time came. A rousing cheer for the teams as they came on.

QPR had the ball first. There was some feeling each out time then a long period of end to end play. Both sides having opportunities on goal although not very dangerous. The goalies were not severely tested. As it neared half time Fulham was building the pressure on QPR's goal. Steady control and lots of ball movement.

Then there was an excellent through pass from the mid-fielder to the right wing... he was clear... a beautiful centering pass AND a decisive header into the corner. The goalie was just short with his hand.

Fulham went into the locker room at 1-0. There had been good play on both sides but Fulham done the work, it wasn't an easy goal.

There was a run for more refreshments and some stretching of legs. We smiled and nodded to those around us. The crowd was very good, behind Fulham but generous with their praise as a good play was a good play.

When they resumed play Fulham was pressing the QPR goal a lot. They were maintaining ball control, looking for an opening. There was a `break' by QPR but the defense was back and it fizzled out to a goal kick.

Then with fifteen minutes left Fulham swapped in two fresh players. They made an immediate impact driving Fulham forward. Several rapid passes then the right winger with quick feet beat the defender to the inside as the defense collapsed in the ball popped out to a mid-fielder on the right.

He struck a thunderous shot taking everyone by surprise on the QPR side. The goalie was partially blocked off, he was too late... the ball drove into the net high in the corner! What a strike!

That seemed to deflate the visitors while they didn't give up the verve was gone. It ended two nil to Fulham. An exciting tie and an excellent home win! Great for my return to the Cottage!

Cho had been engrossed from the start. I could see him move his body in response to action on the grass. He was smiling, A big hug!

I was kissed and thanked for thinking of this! Since the season had barely begun we should be able to come back for more.

The walk home was nice, still warm. Everybody had enjoyed themselves! We would keep an eye on the schedule for other London Derby's and the various Cup ties! Gil would make the seats available for our friends in our absence.

Prasert was ready so we rode out to Harcourt House. I would leave from Chalgrove for Texas tomorrow night.

We finished the day sitting on the terrace facing west watching the sun disappear in a golden-red extravaganza! We toasted its departure.

The sun barely awake in the morning as I walked down to the stables coffee and scones in hand. I gave the last crumb to Thames and the empty coffee cup would await my return.

Pamela nickering as she came out. She was ready too. Anthony gave me a leg up and we were off. Down the lane out to the south, all very quiet. A chilly September morning.

I let Pamela get warmed going up the slope at an easy pace, we crossed the railroad before I asked her for speed. She reached out. We were galloping wonderfully right down to the lock. Our favorite lock man waving and calling out a greeting. Walking over I could see Roy just arriving, "Miss you're early today."

I said I had to do a lot before a short trip. He and Angie were good!

Pamela her usual calm self in crossing the noisy water under the weir. Once over the short bridge she was asked again for speed. We rushed across the waste ground between the office park and the river, no slowing until the second railroad crossing. A slow trot through the fruit trees to open ground, our usual detour around the houses brought us back to Harcourt House land.

Pamela was ready to run once more. She was in full stride as the plowed fields passed by to our right. Her hooves threw up grass from the verge, the earth flying behind us. I leaned down close to her neck enjoying the thrill of being out with her. My girl gave me so much pleasure.

We passed through several treelines staying on the edge of the fields with the river on our right. We moved to the river's edge path picking up speed. No one in sight anywhere. None of the Fraser's or Radley's were out towards the river this morning.

We stayed on the path until the bridge to the lock then turned west to go to the Industrial Estate. We came in opposite from my usual way walking towards the construction areas. The recording studio had most of its framing done, looking like time for the roof.

The auto repair building was well advanced. I stopped outside it. The odd staring fellow was there again. He definitely didn't like me being there? I didn't want a fuss so I turned Pamela...

"What do you want snotty girl?"

Oh shit! What was his problem. I decided to keep going. He yelled out something else when a head stuck out of the office hut. The fellow dashed out, "What's up?"

The workman said he didn't like being looked at by a rich bitch like he wasn't anything that mattered.

The supervisor turned to me, "Miss Martin, I am deeply sorry! He simply doesn't know what he's saying."

I had turned Pamela around, "I think he is well aware! Is he like this all the time?"

The worker didn't like me ignoring him either and stepped forward. The supervisor moved between us, "You fool that's Miss Martin! You are being paid by her!"

The obstreperous worker was quiet now. He wasn't looking at me. I didn't move closer but raised my voice, "I get you don't like rich people but why pick on a woman, one who is alone?"

He waved his hand like he wanted me to go away.

Samuel from the Auto Repair company had come out I think because one his fellows had seen what was going on. I could see in the corner of my vision he had a spanner in hand. He stopped beside Pamela and I.

"Webster, take this fool into the shed. I will be in there in a minute. Miss Martin, Please let me deal with him."

"Samuel, you can't, he works for a company we contracted to do the work."

I slipped down and walked to the hut. Samuel wouldn't let me go alone. Okay.

I asked the young man his name, James. "Why pick on me? I hadn't been looking your way at all."

"Did once before with the other woman. You are posh like you were special."

It had been Tara who had challenged him with her returning his look.

"James, you do not want to pick fights with people you don't know anything about, it isn't good."

His head was down. "James, please look over here..."

He did, "Do you think I wish anything evil for you? Do you want this job?"

He was looking now, his eyes weren't hard or mean. A choked, No!' came out then a Yes!'

"How about you go back to work and we forget today? Okay?"

He nodded, "Thanks."

He was moving as I slipped off my glove and offered my hand. His eyes were a red now as he looked at me but he took my hand. I could feel the callouses.

He went to the door, Webster, the site supervisor, was going to say something but I shook my head. Samuel had stepped outside, James went past him to the building site.

Samuel gave me a smile, I said I'd see him at his.

"Webster, my question to you is... does he do his work?"

"Yes, Miss. He's a good joiner, he's works hard. Knows how to build properly. But ..."

I had him pause, "He hasn't given you any trouble?"

"No, not at all."

"Okay. As I said today didn't happen. He's has issues with people he thinks are looking down on him. Such inferiority problems we aren't equipped to heal. Please keep an eye out for other visitors while James is here. I guess he'll be finished his part soon?"

"Yes, he's got less than a week's work left to finish. I will watch out. Thanks for spending your time on this."

I shook Webster's hand. I gathered Pamela's reins, she had been standing quietly. At Samuel's I thanked him for coming over but I asked him to leave them to themselves.

"I don't want you to get hurt."

He smiled, "Well Miss, seems like you really didn't need me anyway."

I thanked him again and he was nice enough to give me a knee up. I waved and turned Pamela towards the lock. Once over we walked slowly through Sanford.

Seems like I'd been finding all sorts of men who had needs... emotional or psychological. Lots of pressures on people and men had to deal with their residual feelings of being the strong one,' the hunter, ' the `breadwinner' and I guess I pose problems for them.

Not for Cho! Always amazing to get the warm feeling inside thinking about him. I am a lucky girl!

What I did get was `event magnet' from Cho AND a big hug.

I did a wash up and got breakfast and Gil in the library to work. Francis came in with Cho.

OFCOM had contacted him, our proposal to take over the remainder of Sky UK was granted. They would stay in touch but were happy to agree. Okay.

The guys also had news from several brokers we used, the M*************'s had dropped a big block of their 21st Century Fox class `b' stock on the market and common shares too. We had standing orders to buy so they did ended up getting a lot before the price rose much. Our offer to the one family member who helped us would be honored at a lower price but we had bought so much at a depressed price before the takeover it left us way up on the plus side.

The share price was rising with the movement as folks wanted in to a good thing. We were making a huge amount just sitting still. Yea!

I talked with Sumate who was in New York after Seattle. He said Nicolas' team was nearly full strength with his short-term additions. Those folks would be moved as Nicolas' own new staffers completed training.

The Boeing Field businesses were now surrounded by our Security devices and had twenty-four hour protection. They were using two spare offices in the Aviation Supply building.

He was spending time with Petra on security issues and reviewing our plans for The Company data centre in the 1211 Sixth Avenue Building.

Dr. Vanatonu called about Will. He was progressing very well. He was dealing with his issues not hiding them. She had spoken with Dr. Terry, they felt that a job without heavy physical demands would be suitable provided he is given good supervision.

I explained the position at Harcourt House in the Security offices. She believed it would be appropriate even with possibility of some stress if there were to be an intruder, he would more of an observer rather having direct contact.

"He may be able to do more later but this is a good start."

I thanked her and let her know Will and Family would return to England in a week. Was that suitable?

She said Dr. Terry was prepared and they would continue to consult. Excellent!

In with Cho I gave him the gist of it and he said to call Penny. She could sit down with Eliza and Will to let them know. Done!

More in that vein I called the Colonel. He sounded pleased to hear from such a famous person.' I had to give him a laugh for that. He said I was doing a lot of good with the Fox thing.'

I gave him a précis of Will's situation and that they'd be coming back but under the radar. He let me know the Scotland Yard contact appreciated our giving them the weapon and video. They knew who the man was now and had him in their sights. The East End gangsters had profile already, it was different for them now though. They qualified as `terrorists' and were under closer surveillance.

The MOD fellow had helped to identify Will's recruiter and with the serial number on the scope they pinpointed where it had been stolen from which brought them back to the same man. A theft from the Army before that man left the service.

On a lighter subject the Colonel was `IN' for some time at Harcourt House during the Christmas season! Good news! He would very much like to ride with me when I broached the idea! Good!

Thomas and I sat with Cho to go over a few things. He and PJ had had a conversation about Southwold and Paris. He and small team would go to both in the next week. Monsieur Montaigan was fine with them going over the building.

Regards Will, Thomas believed he could be integrated into their staff without much trouble.

"We work in teams so there is support and that job is almost all monitoring sensors and cameras with some paperwork. It's repetitive and exacting but we do frequent breaks so there is downtime in every shift."

He asked about their living accommodations. I said I'd asked Carter about the basement apartment in his house. It had some storage items in it but it would be easy to get it ready. Two bedrooms, sitting room with a small kitchen and a good sized bathroom. It was only a few feet below ground with the slope of the land so it had many windows, most facing south giving plenty of light.

I had discussed Eliza's employment with Carter, Carla and Audra. They would wait to see where she might fit in and if she wanted to work for us. Beth could be enrolled at St. Thomas School, we'd pay the fees.

If we did these things Will and family would be completely out of sight behind our veil. It was good, so the investigations would probably never be known by the subjects or the people who started it all! That was what we wanted!

Upstairs to change. Francis and Gil were coming riding. Cho was going to the Oxford golf course to hit some practice balls, not too long.

Tara joined us walking down the grassy lane. Anthony and staff had gotten our horses ready so we were off right away. We stopped on the flat to watch Charlotte work with her pupils. Sunny was in school for a bit longer. She'd be rushing to get home I bet!

We turned north around the track. Freddie had five winners now with two seconds in seven races. An excellent record! He was working yearlings this afternoon with Diana. We waved and warmed up of horses with a soft trot.

The pace was raised as we crossed the Fraser's. Dan Senior called out to stop on our way back. I waved. Francis was doing fine, he'd a good seat. He was grinning looking over at me.

We eased to the right at the end of the Radley's to go up the berm towards Church Road. It was very pleasant to ride in the sun on green grass. Rebel was moving like the magnificent machine he was. Under control and striding comfortably.

At the Vicarage we stopped to say hello to Mrs. Lone. The vicar was out at a hospital doing some visits. A short chat and we turned to re-trace our steps. I did say I was going to run Rebel, he loved it and I did too!

Francis smiled and said he'd be glad to keep to a slower pace. Down the lane to the berm we trotted but Rebel knew where he was. I asked for speed when we reached the berm and he was gone! We sprinted along the dirt surface then exploded onto the grass at the Radley's!

Yes! We were rocking! Gil and Tara were behind us at least thirty yards back. As I turned more south near the river I asked for more from my man! He delivered with gusto! We might have gotten airborne except we were stopping at the Fraser's.

I curved around to trot between the fruit trees up to the garden gate. The others were following.

Dan asked if we could send someone over to care for Rosie and Boxer. They needed to go to Devon for a favored uncle's funeral. I said we would but, "Could we move them so they wouldn't be alone during the day?"

He was fine with that and it was nice of me to think about it. Done!

They hoped to be gone only two days but... I said no problem, just call when you are back.

At our stables I let Gregory know about the Fraser's horses. He sent several folks over right away so they didn't spend the night alone. Fist bumps!

I was back in the library with Gil to go over travel items. All my plans to visit the sites across my old territory were in disarray. Now to reassess and make new plans. I definitely wanted to go to Vietnam. The microwave communication part was new to us and I wanted to reassure Mr. Tran with our purchase of the Houston company we were at the forefront of the technology.

Papua New Guinea's south shore project was nearing completion the first phase so if a `Grand Opening' took place and we would fit, we'd try for that.

The mining operations in Western Australia were out. I already knew what Miki and Shelia would say in their latest Basuto Group essay. No point to a trip there.

The trip to Indonesia and going back to the Philippines also didn't make much sense now. They were Alex's meat. The various water and railroad jobs in Japan and Korea we well advanced in planning and parts acquisition, they didn't need me. I'll miss seeing many of the people I met in all those stops but for the rest of this year I needed to go to several spots in Europe, Africa and a possible one in Iran.

The last, a water project to deliver more water to Tehran through careful control in the mountains to the north. It was fast becoming extremely important for the city. The United Kingdom has a mixed diplomatic record with the Iranian government making the whole thing dubious but quite interesting. We've applied to the Iranian Embassy in London for travel VISAs with the local water board for Tehran as our sponsor. I had Gil contact Wattna about my using the diplomatic cover. We wait.

In America, I should go back to Atlanta to see the folks of STS Rail and assess our work. Did we need to learn anything more about that large project to make us more capable if we get the GWNW job.

I'd like to see the Kanawha Canal work and not just because Sidney was there. Or spoon bread!

I wanted to spend time in Seattle on the Metro-MAN video device test and the traffic control system. If Metro decided to fully adopt the video device we were in deep! Lots more sales to follow!

The traffic system was very important because of the sensors and the test types we were using. Same for the stables. Lots of real world testing.

Gil and I printed some over-sized monthly calendars and laid them out. We used colour coding by Post-It notes to block out possible trips. I was smiling as Gil added some pink ones. She looked over at me, "What?"

"It's funny to do it this way... so old-fashioned but I can't visualize the whole thing on a laptop screen."

Gil laughing, "Good thing we have Post-Its and marker pens. Also old-fashioned."

We giggled but kept at it. Cho came, a smile, "So computers don't solve all our problems."

Laughter all around. I got a big hug.

Dinner was an oriental buffet. Chinese, Vietnamese, Thai and Japanese. Everything from egg rolls to inari, pad Thai to Pho noodle soup. It was for all our Security people. They all came in, our personal Security and the uniformed ones. Only two left to do the monitoring, they got a tray of goodies.

We stood and sat munching, talking. Thomas beside me. "You know your `Europe' got bigger this afternoon?"

He gave me a questioning look.

"We bought a small building in Frankfurt for The Company. It will be our Central and East European offices. You know since the fools at Westminster are pursing Brexit."

Thomas nodding as I went on, "It's in the downtown core on Kaiserstrasse not far from the big Commerzbank Tower. The current tenants will remain. Six floors, we will use one half of the first floor at this point. the rest are various types offices. On the ground floor there is an entry with a security office and a coffee shop. There's no urgency as we won't open it until the new year. We may buy something in Paris for Western Europe soon."

Thomas grinning, "I love French cuisine."

I laughed, "Then we've given you an excuse to go Paris every now and then."

We both laughed!

At bedtime I was cozy with Cho, Jaidee in his bed. A roving hand made a few stops on my skin. Each stop was delicious! Eventually there were arms around me and we drifted off.

Pamela was ready, Tara was on Rascal. We were going out as the sun came up. Running up the slope it was very quiet just us. A good hard ride down to the lock and over Roy wasn't fishing. Maybe Angie's diet would get a fish break!

We reached Harcourt House land after the river crossing and started a good run. It was empty of humans over here too. There was car at the boat dock but no one visible. We went on through the long stretch of trees on the dirt road then eased over towards the railroad. We stayed parallel to that until we reached the Industrial Estate.

I had us walk down to the auto repair construction. There was James, he looked over to us. I walked us right up to him. His demeanor different, more relaxed. He said hello and I did too. I intro'd Tara and said she was a bodyguard which was why she had looked him over the other day.

James' head nodding, "I get it."

Tara said hello and opened her jacket at my prompting to show her shoulder holster. James' eyes widened a bit.

I smiled, "We are Okay, right? Tara was just doing her job."

He agreed and thanked me for the explanation it was appreciated. Tara smiled and did a little salute as we turned for the lock. Webster by the office did a thumbs up with a smile. I waved to him.

Over the lock I stopped by Mr. Hardy's. I let him know I would be back for a few days after a quick trip to Texas. He rubbed his hands, "Okay! I'm ready!"

I was still grinning about that as we reached the grass opening at the end of Church Road and Pamela took off. Rascal was good but Pamela had too much. He and Tara were a dozen yards astern as we crossed through the Fraser's then finally slowing at the track.

Freddie was coming down with a few horses to work on the track. Diana leading two also. They were doing great!

In the Breakfast Room Sunny was finishing her milk before going down the hill to St. Thomas' School. Huge grin, "Fay, I like the school so far. Ms. Jones is terrific!"

A hug and kiss!

Cho was in the office. He gratefully accepted a fresh coffee. I let him in on the James thing. He was happy the fellow was Okay with us. A kiss, "It is good you want people to understand not just accept but there are times..."

I got it!

I did a wash up and changed to a black cotton mini-skirt and white crop top, sandals as the day was warming a good deal. I walked out to see Phillips. His team was getting ready for the weekend. Prasert and Ellie would marry in the garden.

Anika was her sister's Best. Sunny and Maeve were flower girls!

Interesting that Gerry was Prasert's Best Man. They really get on, mutual like of mechanicals things and sharing their skills. They were nice men.

I sat with Carter to discuss Christmas! Last year was so spectacular I wanted to do it all over again. He was laughing, "Well we don't have a Wayback Machine but we will try to surpass it."

I pointed out that The Twins being here would change it some. Carter said we've gone from no children that young to five under one year. The nursery upstairs would be loaded!

We went on to trees and decorations, much the same there which was terrific for me. He had a tree chosen which looked the same, the company would wait until the last moment to cut it down. The same team from last year to put it up.

I said the plan was for my `Crew' to be here for the first lighting party again.

Open house this year would also repeat last year's success, two times. He was planning for New Year's outside all things being equal. Fist bumps!!

Carla made grilled cheese sandwiches and big piles of chips!! Lunch with Cho!

In the evening, Gil and I with PJ and Tara motored over to Chalgrove to fly to Dallas. It would be a quickie trip, one meeting and out.

The 767 zoomed up and we did a wing waggle over Harcourt House. Captain Mira came into the lounge for espresso. She sat with me for a while, Tom on the controls up front.

Mira and Kor and the other 767 crews were getting time in the Gulfstream's and vice versa. Paulette liked the big birds and welcomed the chance to learn to fly them. We had a contract with British Air and Thai Airways to use their simulators. It was all good.

One of the Gulfstreams was flying to Chalgrove with a few members of Prasert's family from Bangkok for the wedding. Will and family aboard.

Gil and I worked. Email from Amarha that all was well at Boeing Field. The staff at Aviation Supply were all good with our management arrangements. Amarha setup an office in their building for both companies. Matthew was doing just fine in his more limited role like Cassidy. They were good as middle managers.

Amarha and one of the pilots had done some of the sightseeing tours in the new Agusta's. Smooth flights, the new routes were a hit with the passengers especially rounding Magnolia over the Puget Sound and coming into Elliott Bay with Seattle's downtown and hills spread out in full view. The higher altitude wasn't an issue since they could see even more of the city.

Petra's email covered lots of territory. The 1211 Sixth Avenue building now known as The Fox Tower was now complete with our sensors and cameras. Since there was a steady stream of `important folk' passing through to do bits and interviews on Fox News, Entertainment and Sports she had setup an office for the NYPD to use for traffic control officers. They had bathrooms and coffee and comfortable seating.

The Eighth Floor was to be the new computer centre. All access was rigidly controlled. Dual and separate fiber optic connections were being put in and power upgraded. The Company was building it whether or not we got the GWNW contract. It would reduce the load on London.

Eve and Ku agreed to move to New York. Eve would open the centre and we'd find something for Ku to do. We had an apartment in our Minetta Street building for them. A tenant was leaving soon to retire to Miami Beach.

Ni and Lawan were having their SRS done in a week at Dr. Sanporam's clinic. Days later it would be Karla and Kamol. We would be there. I wanted to support my friends as they had me. Reyna was now one hundred percent so she and I were walking examples for them.

Kamol was going to Los Angeles for Christmas again this year. The Prince and our King's generosity made it possible for her to wed her Marine sergeant in his hometown in December. She and Li were close, Li was to be her Best. I had Kavat prepare the schedule so a Gulfstream was available for them all to fly to Los Angeles. Li and Tarek could stay in Venice at our building, have some time off before flying back.

Dennis' email was funny and he could report the rentals during the summer had been up thirty five percent from last year! They had maintained every boat on the water all summer! He was proud of that.

Mr. Thorn's message was about Sunny. She was fitting in very well. She had a wonderful open personality, engaging in activities and clearly having fun! She was off like a shot to ride after school!

The call I had made to Kay and Greg about Sunny staying on at Harcourt House had been fun and a few tears. Kay was up to date with Sunny's progress as Charlotte was very good at communicating.

Kay was missing her girl but she knew Seattle wasn't the place for Sunny to learn to ride like this. I said when you folks can arrange the time come over. I gave her Kavat's contact info, "Call him get a plane fixed up."

There were a few tears then, many thanks. "Come over stay a while yourself. You are always welcome here whether we're here or not, Sunny is."

Kay and Greg were happy Sunny would stay at Harcourt House. We paid her school fees at St. Thomas School. I did impress upon them that Sunny may turn out to be a bit more advanced than the Third Form she'd be placed in. If so the school in Abingdon that Anne Fraser went to would be where we'd place her. They were good with that.

Done! Sunny was happy, bouncing around like a yearling colt. Lots of hugs for me and Cho!!

At her first competition Sunny placed second overall.

Boy! Sunny had been jazzed about it! She sat with Charlotte and me to talk over her performance. She had been strong on the jumps, in the arena a bit loose in one part that got her marked down. It had been close though. In her maiden attempt in competition she'd come up trumps over some more experienced riders.

She was the only real newbie in the beginner's group. Charlotte had gotten some good feedback from folks and Sunny `s name was spoken around!

I'd called when they were back telling Kay we hadn't gone to watch because Sunny asked us not to. "Remember the first time she got up on a horse she didn't want you to see..."

Kay laughing, "Well I hope she's over that now!"

I went in to the cabin for a nap. A short snooze because I would be up `late' by Harcourt House time.

I was up and strapped in as we made our approach to Love Field. We floated in softly on 13R and were off and stopped very quickly in front of a hangar. The local support company's folks were out to service the 767 right away.

We would sit here overnight. Alex and Duncan were flying in from two separate places on Southwest. Love Field was a hub for Southwest so they wouldn't need to go far to get to me.

The door was open stepping out I felt the heat! September? It was over ninety degrees Fahrenheit. I got Ban to close the door. I'll pass on fresh air that hot for now.

Alex texted he had met up with Duncan and they were on the way. Good.

Soka was prepared to feed the lot of us. They both accepted a scotch to even out the day after flying around. We sat in the lounge talking on several things. The election in America for President for one. Hillary had a double digit lead which the first debate hadn't changed. Trump just isn't a smart fellow, unable to think on his feet.

Fox News had hammered him on his lies. Lying about nearly everything and Fox exposed each one. Kent sending email asking me to call.

I went into the bedroom before dinner.

"Fay, we've got the mafia man on video, disguised, telling about picking up the money from the second concrete contractor. Talking on how they enjoyed having Trump over a barrel! The bookkeeper we don't identify her location, her face disguised but she flatly says her old boss in the second concrete company was charging a high rate per cubic yard of product and passing the overage to mafia guys. She watched them sign and laugh about it.

All on video. That plus the documents show the up charge and that it was passed on in cash. We had the bank records that showed the differences.

All this is in a piece we are finalizing now. We want you and Cho to see it."

I told him I would stop in Newburgh to let Alex and Duncan off... So if he could get it on a flash drive or such it could be delivered there. No problem.

"Let me know when and I'll have Larry go up with it."

"Kent, a helicopter is picking up the guys to go to the city so have Larry ride up and they'll ride back to the city together."

Yes! I told him to call the helicopter service to get Larry on board. Done!

I emailed Cho. He'd see it in the morning.

I went back out to eat feeling a bit happier. Soka fed us very well! Ginger prawns, fried rice with tofu and veggies, spring rolls! I had a whole package of strawberry Pocky's after with espresso. Naughty!

Off to sleep. No Cho or Jaidee!!! Poo!

The alarm had me moving right off. Washed and in jeans and crop top for breakfast. Then a black silk long sleeved dress, oval neck, narrow belt, mid-thigh. It flowed nicely from the waist. Black stockings and heels. Gold jewelry and `Joy' for me this time!

The car was here and we all climbed in. Tara up front, Gil and PJ in the jump seats. Alex and Duncan beside me. We headed towards downtown. I did ask when we got on what was called `Riverfront Boulevard' where the river was I hadn't seen one. Our crowd didn't know either.

We turned onto Commerce Street going north, we passed through a plaza then into streets of tall buildings stopping near Browder and Elm. We walked across a small open area then a big lobby. Lift to the fortieth Floor.

Alex and Duncan were leading as they were known to the GWNW Chief Technologist who was to greet us. Gil was in front of me, PJ on my right and Tara behind. As we planned Alex didn't intro the rest of us and we all entered a large conference room.

The Board were standing around with coffees talking, all men. Our coming did get some motion going. They eased towards seats. The CEO came over to meet us.

Alex turned to me "Mr. Roberts this is Fay Martin, a Managing Director of The Company."

The fellow had his hand out but came to a halt... He did manage to keep his smile and shake my hand but I was a shock to him. He VERY clearly knew my face and name.

"Miss Martin, it is an honour to have you here. We didn't know..."

I thanked him and said not many people know of my connection to The Company.

There were now loud murmurings around the room. Several men came over to be introduced. Funny! I shook a number of hands before the Chairman, who had been one, called on everyone to sit and get started.

The CEO seemed at a lost who to ask of us to begin. Alex did what we decided and got up. He did some preliminary ground laying, the Duncan rose to add his part which covered some of the nuts and bolts of switching a huge enterprise to a new platform.

Gil plugged in my laptop with Ni's latest creation loaded up.

I stood up as Alex introduced me to the group as a Managing Director of The Company. I launched into an overview of how we would proceed. I had a clicker in my hand linked to the laptop so I could run the slides and gifs.

I opened with the creation of a new data centre here in Dallas, a nice map with Dallas lit up. Went on how the secondary centre in Seattle, one of GWNW's major hubs, would connect to Dallas and everything happening in Dallas would be duplicated there. A new slide with Seattle lit up and another with New York City lit.

Everything occurring in Dallas and also in Seattle would be on the computers in our data centre in Manhattan. If Dallas went down all traffic would be automatically routed to Seattle and if Seattle also went down our servers in New York would take over. They had double redundancy and each location would also have continuous backups taking place. At this point I had a gif up which pulsed bright lines crisscrossing America's western half linking all their locations.

Then I covered how their personnel would be trained to manage it all from mobile devices right down to individual box cars on the tracks.

I did about twenty five minutes of this before ending. Alex stood up as the Board members gave me a short period of applause. Smiling I thanked them.

Alex wrapped it up for us then asking if there were questions. Several were asked, Alex and Duncan did the responses as we planned last night. The questions stopped. The the CEO seemed to feel it was time to break so we were thanked for coming and our presentation.

We did stay for a short time talking informally with the CEO and their Chief Technologist. Several Board members did come up to be intro'd which I did find somewhat funny... I still don't have a `celebrity mode.'

The CEO did say the other finalist had had their turn already so they would be down to decision making right away. He leaned closer, "You folks did put on a much better show."

I refrained from asking if I passed the test as a dancing girl.

Their Board Chairman came up, "Miss Martin, you were a bit of a surprise for us."

I smiled, "So you know and let the others know, my husband and I are the majority stockholders of The Company. We are board members, he is the Chair. I'm also a Managing Director fully involved in the operations of The Company."

He was definitely surprised by that, I wasn't just someone brought `in' but deeply involved. I turned but extended my arm, he looped it with his. I led us away from the others.

"You know that STS has our complete system from server to trackside?"

He nodded, "I was the one who brought them into our software/hardware scheme. The Railroad in Thailand, have you heard of them?"

Once again he nodded, "They run run our full system and were the beta site for the new Apple OSX server software. Also so there are no misunderstandings my husband and I are the majority shareholders in The Railroad. He is the Chairman of the board on which I serve. So we know railroads."

He was visibly impressed.

"If you do have further questions please contact Alex, he will be happy to get you all the information you need."

He thanked me once more for the terrific presentation.

We headed out. In the lift I could see PJ's face, a grin. I raised my eyebrows, "Fay, it was an ambush! You ambushed the cowboys!"

We all laughed at that. Tara did fist bumps with PJ! Gil smiling, she leaned against me, "Good work Boss!"

In the car heading south I asked if we could make a stop. The barrier between us and the driver down, "Could you find a place to park for a few minutes so I can walk in Dealey Plaza?"

I got a yes. Luckily there was space near North Houston Street. We got out into the heat. Everyone walked with me across the street next to a red brick building.

Alex suddenly got it. "The book depository!"

I nodded and turned to walk along Elm Street under the trees then into the sun. My round red sunglasses allowed me to look back at the sunlit red brick building and up to the sixth floor. We were looking back up the path of the bullets.

We were all too young to know anything about John Kennedy's murder first hand but I knew about this place. I was holding Gil's hand feeling quite emotional. No tears just deep sadness that a young vital man was killed for no good reason. Not even the murderer could explain.

I wanted to be here but not to dwell. I asked if everyone was ready, I got a chorus of nods.

The driver was thanked. I asked Gil to give him a big tip also.

At Love Field we were ready to depart quickly. After takeoff I went in to change to jeans and a jumper, woolen socks.

Gil smiling, "Fay, the driver didn't want the money. He was glad that people wanted to see and remember especially in such a respectful way. But I did say you especially wanted him to have it and he said he would give it to his neighborhood's foodbank."

That made me happy!

We settled to relax as the 767 soared across the sky. In a few hours we were on approach to Newburgh.

We dropped Alex and Duncan off. Larry came aboard with a sealed envelope.

"Fay, please let me know what you think. We want to run it next week before the next debate."

We shook hands, he was gleeful so it must be dynamite.

A short stay and we were airborne again. Mira said gas pedal would be down for Chalgrove!!!

We floated down in the early morning, airfield lights had been turned on for us. Strange to know someone was there in the dark to do this.

Prasert was waiting, grinning, "Fay, it is close for me!"

I hugged him, "Yes, you both will be happy I'm sure."

I was happy to hear the gravel crunch and see Cho and Carter at the door in the lights waiting. Jaidee sitting so sweetly beside Cho.

Huge hug and kiss for Cho! Jaidee too! Fist bump for our wonderful Carter!

I went up to change, Cho kidding me that I wanted to spend more time with Pamela than him and Jaidee. My kisses and squeezes in between garment rearranging convinced him it wasn't so. Jaidee in between us got his share!

In the kitchen, Nan was smiling. Coffee and scones! Jaidee had been fed so he marched down the grassy lane with me. That tail going a mile-a-minute!

He and Thames woof their greetings. Nose rubbing and they took off to play.

I went to Asda and Hathai's paddock. They were both out wandering the grassy space. They came over to me! I got to caress them. So lovely a pair! The mints in my pocket did not go undiscovered!

Pamela READY! My usual exchange with Anthony of a scone for her reins! A leg up, gone!

We walked down the lane, no one else around at this hour. A warm up trot in the open grass of the slope. Off to the left I could see the cross-county jumps and obstacles that are near to completion. I'd look later.

We passed through the narrow tree lines, over the tracks and down VERY fast to the lock. The substitute lock man smiling, he said his compatriot was just off for a few days with the missus. Roy was just coming over the short bridge as we crossed the weir.

I wished him good fishing! He was happy to see me, hoped I'd have a good ride.

Pamela and I were like the wind alongside Barton Lane before turning closer to the river through some scrub land to a dirt road. We crossed the tracks turning more north than usual to ride adjacent to the railroad for a mile or so to the south end of Radley. We could see the train station with some folks waiting.

There were two large fields beside the tracks going towards the east. We were making an offer on them today. We skirted their northern edge to reach Lower Radley Road. We stayed on it seeing only two cars, their drivers looking at us, staring actually, until we got to Hall Street.

I waved to Jerrold as he drove out to school, he was smiling and gave us a shouted `Good Morning' which I returned. We headed north on the dirt track. This was all Harcourt House land now all the way to the Sanford Lock.

We came upon a Range Rover parked beside the road in the trees. It had the Harcourt House decal on the bumper. I slowed Pamela to a walk and checked my iPhone Security App. One incident right where I was!

Someone had come onto the property from the railroad tracks in the west, crossed a narrow bit of cultivated land into the woods. They had been seen on camera and tracked. They had a backpack and didn't appear to be a very large person.

I got all that sitting on Pamela. I heard someone walking my way, I turned us so we were facing to the side if we needed to move quickly.

A fellow came out in our Security uniform with a small person. They were walking side by side. The Security man saw us, "Miss Martin. This is our intruder, Maxim."

Maxim looked to be in his early teens, a bit disheveled with a sad smile. Caught!

"Miss, Maxim's decided to go off on his own, start a new life."

Franco, our man, spoke into his radio, giving a brief report. I motioned to Maxim. He was looking glum. I leaned down to say hello. In a voice which couldn't have been long from a soprano he returned my hello.

"Maxim, are you hungry?"

He nodded. Franco said he was going to take Maxim down to the Boat Yard. They'd row him over to the pier at the boat house and hand Maxim to someone on the House side of the Thames.

I put out my hand to Maxim, "Go along, they'll give you some breakfast and then you can talk."

Another nod. He got into the Range Rover. We went in opposite directions.

I asked Pamela after some trotting, whoosh... we covered the ground to the Industrial Estate quickly. We walked in from the road by the office going south. Down to the construction area. They were getting started. Webster came over to say hello. He said James had finished his work here and was at another job site near Abingdon town centre.

I asked if he had been Okay. Webster told me James had apologized to him for the trouble. He was a good worker, always on time, giving a full day for his pay.

I thanked him for the info. We rode on to cross into Sanford. I stopped by Mr. Hardy's to let him know I was back and we'd give the game a go Saturday afternoon. Thumbs up!

At the grass Pamela wanted to run so we did! We were really moving as I leaned down closer to her neck. I so enjoyed this, her body working letting me feel her muscles and strength. I eased her near the training track as Freddie had a few younger ones out to get some education.

"Miss, the black two year, BlackStar, will run Saturday."

I was pleased. He was a looker with a fine pedigree.

I walked Pamela over to the cross-country area. The Equestrian Ventures folks were working. I rode around the new things perfectly happy not to try jumping over them.

Charlotte was coming down to do a checkup. We discussed them and the completion date and how she would start Sunny using them. She was going to be cautious. It was a big step up for our youngster.

I handed Pamela to Ethan, a smile, "Yes, Miss, the very best."

I laughed and thanked him.

In Carla's domain I got coffee and was told Mr. Cho was still in the Breakfast Room. I started for FOOD on the sideboard saying... Hi... over my shoulder but the octopus grabbed me. Kisses! Hugs! I pleaded for food and was released after a few more kisses.

Sunny stuck her head to say good morning before running down the hill to school. A hug!

I got plate of eggs and tomatoes, a pile of muffins well buttered. I sat with Cho, he said the boy Maxim was a girl Maxine. Oh! She was fifteen and lived in Kennington to the north of our Industrial Estate.

Maxine asked to speak to the lady on the horse so I was nominated. Eat, wash, dress!

Black miniskirt, white cutoff polo shirt, Seattle black cutoff hoodie, ankle boots and silver bits. I wandered down to the Security offices.

They put Maxine in Francis' office with a plate of eggs and toast. She was curled up in the big chair.

"So you wanted to speak with me?"

"Miss, I'm sorry for being on your property but I do want to go on. Those others think I should be taken home... I can't... I won't go back there..."

She was crying and gasping. I got her to sit more upright, "GO slow... breathe... breathe slowly"

I stayed there holding her until her body quieted.

"You aren't going to be `taken' anywhere, Okay?"

She nodded. I asked her to remain here, did she need anything... she shook her head... No.

I walked to Thomas' office, he looked up, "Thomas, did anyone say they wanted to take her home?"

"Miss, I did say we should take her to the police but nothing about home."

"Okay thank you. Leave her alone for now. Do you have her full name and maybe an address?"

He did and they were doing a look up on it. Good.

"I'll be in the Breakfast Room or Office for a short while."

Cho shrugged when I told him, "We don't have to be in a hurry to do anything. Let us see what Thomas finds."

More coffee!! I leaned back on the banquette beside my guy! I got a kiss and smile.

"Francis is on his way back."

Cho looked at his watch... It was the Piaget I got him in Seattle. It was a beautiful thing on a beautiful wrist!

"He'll be here for dinner. Adam is coming over shortly. He's been in Faringdon at his stables. We're playing a round at Drayton Park Golf Course. A new place for us."

Carter joined us. Carla sent up a cup of tea for him.

The basement apartment in his house was ready to be occupied. Will and his family could come and go as they pleased since it had its own entryway. Linens were there and the kitchen had the basic equipment. Eliza could ask for anything else she needed. They would be welcome to eat in the staff lounge.

They would be arriving with Prasert's family on a Gulfstream in the morning.

Dr. Terry had a colleague with experience treating PTSD patients in Oxford. The fellow had an office near the Churchill Hospital so Will would be close.

He'd be able to use his own car to go over. Prasert and Gerry had gone over it, tune-up, a few other bits and it was washed.

It was fair to say Carter was a happy fellow! He had the resources to maintain the house, a fine staff and our full support. He was excited about Christmas. He had enjoyed himself last year and he knew this one would more so with our children here.

With other babies joining ours, he had asked a Mr. Cowley who lived in the village to be our Father Christmas. A white beard and a small plump stomach. Carter had the suitable clothing in storage unused last year.

I was grinning, so was Cho. Carter laughed, "Well, he will look the part and he's a jolly fellow usually."

We were all laughing with that.

Cho went to change as Adam said he was ten minutes away.

I greeted Adam with a big hug. Daphne was good and so was he. Jaidee was rubbed by a smiling Adam, "This is a lovely boy. He's just a year?"

"Yes, in a few weeks or so."

Cho was down and they were off. Cho's last words after a kiss were she's not a puppy.' Which got him a punch on his arm and I got a don't you'll ruin my game!'

Two contractions in one phrase! A new high! He was grinning broadly stepping into the Range Rover.

Kendal gave me a message from Thomas so I went down. I parked myself.

"Miss, Maxine does live in Kennington at the address she gave. What is odd... she said she left two days ago but there's no report of her being gone at Thames Valley Police. Her stepfather is at home, her mother is in hospital."

Thomas gave me a few more bits before I walked down to see her.

"Maxine, how did you leave it at home?"

She was looking down, "I had a yelling thing with Ralph my stepdad."


No eyes yet, "Mum's in hospital these last two weeks. She had gotten pregnant but in her tubes and nearly died. She and I haven't been close since my dad died three years ago. Ralph coming on only made that worse. He bullies her, he tries it on me but I'm not having it. So we yell!"

"Maxine... `

She did look up I made a come-on motion with my hands.

"If I don't do what he wants I get the belt and its not on anymore!!!!"

Maxine stood up and pulled her shirt up... there were welts on her torso some brown, a few red, none fresh. She hadn't been home for two days could account for that.

I did take some snaps with my iPhone showing the marks and her face to link it. They were mostly on her back, one or two on her upper arms.

"You've been in school? Anyone there to help?"

"I've been at Bagley Wood School, it's a council one but most of the people there are slags! They don't give a damn!"

"You did ask or not?"

"I did, they wanted to get Social Services in... it wasn't what I wanted. I decided to go... easier all around. Ralph will be happier I'm gone!"

I choose not to point out the obviousness of her age. I leaned back resting my chin in a hand and looking at Maxine's face.

"Maxim was a charade so everyone would think you're a boy and maybe leave you alone?"

"Yeah, a girl might get attacked going rough."

"Maxine..." I paused, she looked up, "I don't believe you can keep up the tough girl act so please stop."

"Miss, ..."

A hand up, my palm facing her, "How is Gately School? It appears nice on the outside."

She tried a hard stare but it had no effect on me. A smile, "Miss,... "

She stopped on her own this time.

"Tell me what is going on at home AND school."

`It is true about Ralph I didn't hit myself."

I nodded.

"School is... is... two boys who want to date me hate each other and I don't give a damn about either! They won't let me alone no matter what I say!! There's another girl who worships one of the boys, she gives me shit... she doesn't believe me when I try to tell her I don't give a shit about him... She tried to get me to fight but I'm not... Aargh!!!"

"And the school doesn't know or chose to do anything?"

"I tried with the Deputy head but she's clueless! One of the teachers broke up a shoving match between the two boys but didn't want to listen to me."

Maxine threw up her hands, "It just seemed easier to split."

"So where you going?"

"I was going to a friend's place this side of Chalgrove. She's out of school."

"Even walking on the roads it's only twelve miles or so. You didn't go far in two days. Why not stick to the roads?"

She shrugged, "I was going slow... Hiding out mostly...I guess a bit afraid of being in the open and not knowing for sure which road... I ate all my food, so I was moving..."

"Well crossing our land is impossible as you found out."

"That fellow found me quickly...Why?"

"We have sensors and cameras all around. This is Harcourt House."

"Really? Nobody said. No one here told where I was."

"They weren't interested in why you were here... Just that you were!"

"So am I arrested?"

I smiled, "No you are a guest for now. What happens next is up in the air. But if you want to leave we will drive you to the door of your friend's house."

I said I wanted a coffee did she want anything more... she was still hungry. Okay!

I led her through the basement to the kitchen. Carla in her office waved. Sue was working some dough. I went to the coffee machine, Maxine watched Sue. I could see Maxine was interested.

"Do you bake?"

Her mother ran a small café and bakery. That's where Ralph came in, he was the baker. Her dad was a bookkeeper who helped her mum start the businesses. Her mum did the café all day with Ralph making all the baked goods for it and for sale in the bakery side.

Maxine smiling, "I like to cook and bake. It feels good to make something that others enjoy."

"So you do it at home?"

She had been doing much of the meals at home for a year as her mother's business kept her there long hours. Part of her problem with Ralph came from that, he didn't like anything foreign, just chops, roasts and stews sort of meals. Her mulligatawny or anything interesting wasn't welcome.

Sue looking over Maxine's shoulder at me, I nodded.

"Why don't you wash up and take over here so I can get on making a sponge cake."

Maxine whirled around to me, "May I?"

The brown eyes were bright. I said yes. She rushed to the handwashing sink.

Sue grinning, "I'll keep her busy for a while."

Thumbs up from me.

I talked with Thomas.

"Miss, I have a car outside the café and bakery now."

"Ask them to go in low key, look it over and Ralph. Then call you, you get me."


I went upstairs. Carter was in the Great Room with Audra.

"Good! I wanted to talk with you both. Will and Eliza are returning..." I turned to Audra, "They'll live for now in the apartment under Carter's house... " To both, "I want to find something for Eliza to do here if possible. So wondered if you two might speak with her."

Carter smiling, "Of course. I believe Audra could find work for a dozen people if she was offered them."

Audra laughed, "I could but I would ask her if cleaning or such interests her. Not everyone fancies it."

It was time for Carter and I to laugh. He did say he thought Audra a good boss.

I gave her a hug.

"So have a talk with Eliza."

Audra said maybe she should go first. Carter bowed and swept his arm out. Audra lifted her dress a bit and curtsied. Both laughing!

At the stable I spent time with Asda and Hathai. They were so in love and easy going! It was relaxing just walking and talking with them. Gregory came by and waved, pointing over to the left. We went to a paddock and looked in. Alfred, his son, was riding Iris. She was doing a nice trot nothing crazy. Diana was with them talking to Alfred, giving him instruction and kudos for doing it right.

"Fay, he likes it. After school he gets Diana to help him for an hour or so."

I was glad for them both. Iris needed to be occupied and Alfred should learn the basics even if it doesn't become his life like his dad. Fist bumps. Diana came over watching the two as she did.

"Fay, they are having fun!"

It was fabulous!

Thomas texted me and I went down again passing the kitchen door. Maxine in a bib apron had her hands all over a mound of dough.

"Miss, the Ralph person is there. He's described as florid and a bit loud. The business appears to be doing fine, customers in both sides."

"Thomas, who of ours are there?"

"Carl is in charge."

"Ask him to inquire with the Ralph fellow about his step-daughter's whereabouts. Not to lie but imply they're from the Gately School."

Thomas grinned and passed it on. I sat down. Yone came in. I asked about his drones.

"Miss, we are modifying them a good deal. They have new better batteries for longer flight and much better cameras. The basic core drone construction works well with our changes."

I was about to ask more when Thomas' hand came up, "Yes, fine... go on out."

He was shaking his head, "Ralph said his step-daughter had run away, he didn't know where she was. Carl's question about a police report brought out a few expletives. A woman in the bakery told Ralph to shut his mouth as her child was there. Funny he seemed abashed by her comment."

I laughed out loud at that. "Thomas, thanks for sending them. I guess we know what we need."

Back at the kitchen door, Sue was leaning over Maxine's shoulder saying something with the girl's head nodding. Carla winked at me! A thumbs up!

I got more coffee and headed to Gil in the library. We worked on a few things, did email.

I talked with `Daddy' Eric. Malee and Anne were great both sleeping a lot. Her mom would go back to Bangkok with us in a few days.

Company business was all good. The first money from our thieves had reached the bank, the ex-board member. As we expected. So far so good.

Eve was holding the iPad so I could see Tha feeding Chani and Charlie. They were sort of helping to hold their bottles!

Eve was going back to the Railroad tomorrow for half days. Tono had done a wonderful job. Something which did please her and Kavnu was when Tono had a problem he didn't hesitate to ask for help!

To me also that was a big thing! It meant Tono knew his limits. Critical!

We all thought he'd do fine running the computer centre so we planned a trip for him to London when Eve was back. He'd get some extra training and something of a break after his hard work before taking over.

Eve and Ku would go to New York for The Company. We had an apartment opening coming up in our building so they would move in with us until that occurred! We liked having them at the house in Bangkok. They'd stay with us there until the Twins came to Harcourt House in December. During their Christmas visit Eve would go up to London to spend time with The Company folks.

Monaco had lots of good news. Our crowd all happy and training well. We had SakChai in two weeks then IrishRainbow at the Belmont six days later. Then they would be all in Santa Anita!

I called the Thames Valley Police inspector who had dealt with Diana's case. I gave him what we had on the Maxine business. I said she could stay here for now but I wanted her location on record. So short of her running off again they knew.

He said they'd contact the step-father and see about the mother being home or not.

"Once we have done that Social Services will be involved, we don't have a lot of discretion in cases with children..

He understood we weren't going to lock her up but she seems Okay for now. He should contact Carter as we were going to Bangkok. Carter had all the info I'd passed on to the police. All good.

Cho and Adam rolled in to a big greeting from me. Cho texted a highway of stars and fireworks when they left the golf club!!

Hugs for the golfers! I got the story in the Breakfast Room over tea or coffee and cakes!

Adam shaking his head, "I felt good, swinging well and finished one under!"

He grinned, "This fellow..." a finger aimed at Cho, "he was on another rampage!"

Cho smiled, squeezing my hand, "Well, it all started with... " tilting his head, "Are you sure you want to hear golf stories?"

I gave him a punch on the arm!

"Yeow! Adam, you see!"

Adam looked at the ceiling whistling without a sound which made me laugh! I rubbed the spot to make it better. Cho laughed out loud.

I got a nice kiss. "The first hole is a par four, three hundred and seventy yards. I hit a good drive leaving myself a chip to the green. So I do, it lands above the hole and draws back down a swale to hit the flagpole and drop in. BOOM! I am two under!"

Adam laughed, "The foursome in front of us had barely cleared the green. They went a bit nuts! I did par close to being a birdie. They said we should play through. Cho on the tee with an audience now slaps an eight iron on the green six feet from the hole and birdies it. The men behind us weren't duffers but Cho was on fire."

Cho laughing, "They stayed behind us. At the turn I was six under. The tenth is a very short par three. I hit the flagpole and the dropped to fifteen inches away. The twelfth is a short par five with a dogleg to the left. Ideal for me. A big drive left me with a short iron which dropped onto the green ten feet from the hole. I rolled that in for another eagle. I was nine under."

Cho leaned back, "Adam was indeed having a great day though. Hitting great shots! The course is short and wide open, the doglegs are shallow so my drives gobble up a lot of real estate. The sixteenth is a short par four, my drive hit in front of the green, bounced and rolled up to stop ... " Turning to Adam, "about ten inches short?"

Adam nodding, "Shocked the people in front of us no end. Cho's caddy yelled out Fore several times."

"Another eagle and Cho was fourteen under! The group behind cheering!"

I leaned against Cho, "Seventeenth a par three and I birdied that. So I was fifteen under on the tee at eighteenth a par four three hundred and eighty yards. A big drive and a wedge to the green. There was a small crowd, word got out I guess one of the foursome behind us. I stepped to the ball and stopped."

Cho kissed me, "I thought of you for a second. My Fay!" A kiss for him!!

"I addressed the ball fully focused, a good swing. It turned out to be my last. The ball landed where I wanted above the hole. The backspin drew it on a line to the hole and it slipped right in. One more eagle! I finished seventeen under! No one more astonished than me!"

Adam laughed, "It was a pleasure to shake Cho's hand after that last shot. I did a nice approach shot to ten feet. I dropped the putt for birdie for one under for the round! A fabulous day!"

They told me the club secretary had come out to meet them. They did a photo copy of Cho's scorecard.

Laughing Adam said, "When they figured out who he is... they almost fell over. It was a day Drayton Park Golf Course isn't going to forget anytime soon!"

Adam wanted to get back to town so we sent him on his way in a car with a coffee in hand!

I had Cho's hand in mine as we waved goodbye to Adam.

Walking in I got him to go down to the kitchen with me. On the way I gave him a synopsis of Maxine.

Cho laughed when I told him, "Well, if she's really fifteen we better watch out. I don't want the Labour Board bothering us."

In the door way we could see a loaf of bread had been cut and butter applied. Everyone was taste testing a loaf Maxine made. She saw me and came over with a piece on a plate. I sub-divided it to share with Cho. I intro'd Maxine. She had a cute shy smile.

The bread had slightly crunchy crust and tasted good. The kind of firm softness you want.

Maxine was proud of it. I took her hand. Upstairs in the Breakfast Room we talked. I told her that her Ralph hadn't told the police about her running away but she was too young to be wandering about.

"I'll be sixteen in a month!"

"Well, the police know you're here. They are going to talk to your mother and Ralph. Tomorrow they'll contact us. We have a room for you upstairs for tonight."

She was smiling, "Thank you! I'll get to help some more in the kitchen?"

My `Yes' got squeals of happiness!

I went down for a ride. Rebel and I ran north. We got to see many neighbors. On our return Freddie and Diana working away waved. Sunny was in the large arena with Prince. Charlotte discussing something with her. Sunny went to the entrance and out then turned to re-enter.

I stayed back. She worked her routine, very sharp! The turns were precise, Prince stepping properly. They looked terrific. When Sunny completed the routine and was out Charlotte called a `Brava!"

I was clapping. Sunny came over to me, a hug!

"Fay, I'm getting it!"

I reminded her that the trip to Seattle after the Santa Anita stop was on... So she needed to keep it up.

There was another competition looming so she'd be able to test herself again.

After dinner I talked with Carter. He said Maxine was polite and a bit talkative while eating with them. She appeared to be smart and certainly lively. Fist bump!

Francis and Gil with Cho and I sat to watch the `concrete' piece. Joseph looked good on camera, cool and collected doing the framing of the story. The interviews were well done, clear and damning for Trump. The snaps of contracts and the pricing revealed as vastly over stated.

Then the disguised interview with the mafia guy... that was tremendous. He even now laughed about signing' for the money. If the police and prosecutors could identify him or any of the others it wouldn't matter because any statute of limitations had been reached long ago. His mafia friends' wouldn't like a snitch but this was different. Who knows.

The story did make it plain Trump participated in a crime, had relations with the underworld of thugs and killers and lied about it. He was in fact not credible or honest.

It was a good tight story, lots of documentation and witness statements on camera. Boy there'd squeals from the republicans about this! Too bad! Maybe they should have nominated someone else? Someone who was honest and law-abiding?

We called Kent right away. He was jazzed about the piece and our enthusiastic review pleased him. Bill was there also with Larry and Joseph. This was a great conference app call. We got to see their faces and they got the full measure of our support for the story.

It would run two days before the next debate! Yes!

I did ask Kent while everyone was on if Larry and Joseph came back from Cabo San Lucas with sun tans? Everybody laughing! Kent said they did but it was because the old bookkeeper spoke to them on the patio of her house in the sun. That was a story itself.

She had been worried about being `secretly' recorded, catching her saying something she didn't want to be heard or might identify her location. So she asked they come prepared to be in swimsuits. So Larry and Joseph did the interview outside, in the sun, in swimsuits with their notebooks! They did get to put on shirts after she saw their bare chest with no wires so it would look professional on camera. The camerawoman in a tank swimsuit and her sound man in shorts laughing about it later.

We would disguise her face but not voice.

They'd have a helleva story to tell about getting the story!! It was good stuff though. Our cheers for them!

Everyone was ready for tomorrow. Ellie and Prasert's wedding. Late morning, sun predicted, everything all laid on by Phillips' crew.

I lent Ellie a piece of the same lace I wore. She did a very nice edging on it.

I checked with Carter on Maxine. "Audra has her all set upstairs. Night gown and toiletries. Carla said she would be with them all day." Fist bump!

Snuggled with Cho and Jaidee. Our little man spent most of day with Thames and Gregory. He had lots of fun in the stables. Gregory said he sat with Pamela for quite a while. Cute!

The sun wasn't up as Jaidee and I walked down the lane to the barns. I munched a scone, he snuffled! I finished my coffee and passed over a hot scone to Anthony. Pamela bright eyed!

When she was warm I asked, she responded. We soared over the grass slowed for the railroad walkover then off again. We headed east by south passing close to Denham School over the Abingdon Road towards the river. We cut off the big bend of the Thames crossing on the old Culham Bridge following Tolgate Road. We reached the Appleford Road as it entered Sutton Courtenay.

There was a good grassy verge we used for several hundred yards then turning onto Church Street. We stopped in front of the George and Dragon. No one about, too early.

I tied Pamela near the All Saints' Church yard gate. I walked down the path to the church past the door to the south side. I went slowly reaching the row of yew trees... I stopped in the half darkness of the trees. Light enough for my errand.

I touched the cold stone... just resting my fingers there. I didn't stay long. Thoughts of the past and future.

Pamela and I went south on Church Street to Churchmere Road as it went east. Going towards Appleford we detoured between the town and the river aiming for the weir to cross a stream that fed the Thames. Over that we re-crossed the river northward to Clifton Hampden. A lorry driver waved us across the Abingdon Road.

A short ride brought us to Harcourt House grass. We started running! The Sci Centre went by quickly as did Kate's house. We galloped hard for the barn. Pamela!! My girl gave me such pleasure. The wind passing chilly but fantastic. The house on the hill was looking majestic in the early sun.

We ran right up to the bottom of the lane. I turned Pamela aside to walk her a bit. We toured the cross-country area, looking very good. Around the arenas and jumps. Sunny was doing herself proud here.

Anthony took my friend. I said she should walked some more after her saddle came off. Thumbs up from him.

Coffee for me. I saw Maxine in the apron again with Sue. She was watching intently something I couldn't see, focused though.

In the Breakfast Room I got eggs and a pile of toast. Cho had his Guardian open. I got my cheek `pecked' which was funny. Sort of Downton Abbey Robert and Cora like.

I gave my man the tale of my ride. That brought the newspaper down so he could give me a look.

His inquiry about the length got me to say it wasn't really any longer than my usual ride just different. I said his arched eyebrows didn't do anything to discourage my repeating it.

My telling him that got a laugh and... "I wouldn't have expected it to."

Which got my butt in his lap for a great laugh for us both!! We'd never make proper English gentry!

I didn't mention the contractions coming fast and furious!

Wash up and into a nice long sleeved sailor collar navy blue frock with matching stockings and heels, some gold jewelry and my Patou master applied the `Joy'

The very same in a navy suit, WHITE shirt and very nice navy, black and pale orange flowered tie. Kissable!

I did then put on some red lipstick after that paired with my nails.

We waited in the Great Room for Ellie. Her mother and father came in. I hugged them both. Her mother was fussing with a bandage on her hand. She'd gotten a cut dealing with some roses in her garden. I offered some gloves. She didn't want to bother me.

Audra was there, I whispered to her. She was off like a flash! Before Ellie came down she was back. I handed the soft gray linen gloves to Ellie's mother. She was wearing a very nice dress in silver gray, black and white. The dove gray gloves looked right.

Her smile was all I needed.

We'd setup Ellie to dress upstairs. She came down the stairs with Kendal as her attendant. I had her bouquet, white and yellow roses bunched with ferns. She looked very lovely! A white dress with straight simple lines, a low comb holding her veil in place. I handed her the flowers, squeezed her hand and followed Cho out into the sun to sit on the groom's side.

It was their day!

There was a good crowd of local friends of Ellie and her family. Prasert's brother and his wife sitting on the groom's side. They looked very happy.

She was escorted by her dad, he looked very nice in his suit, good-looking silver gray colours. They walked down the elevated path to the altar where Prasert waited, Gerry looking so serious beside him. The music escorting them down the walkway.

Anika, her sister's Best, gave us a dazzling smile as she went by. The ladies looked splendid in dark peach pink toned dresses. Ellie had made them herself!

Dr. Lone was smiling as he did the ceremony. He and his wife were a wonderful couple, devout with an easy way and a commitment to be inclusive for all believers. They were the best advertisement the Church of England could ever have.

When the ceremony reached the end Prasert lifted Ellie's veil back over her head. Her face was beautiful... A lovely kiss!

On the terrace afterwards I got a kiss from Prasert and Cho did the bride. Cho did a toast, after the Best Man's, saying how glad and proud we were to have them as part of our family.

Ellie's mum was beside me her eyes shining, a hug. "Miss, it is so lovely here, thank you so much for allowing them to be married in your garden."

Smiling, "My husband said it all."

She thanked me again for the gloves.

Their reception in the late summer garden was very fine. Prasert looking like he won the lottery. They were good people and would be good for each other.

They were going to Thailand for their honeymoon. Ellie would meet Prasert's mother and other family. His brother and wife would fly back to Bangkok with the newlyweds on a Cho-Fay Gulfstream. Ellie and Prasert would have a few days in Phuket at our house there. Pha and Anodo would take care of them.

I changed to jeans and went down to Carter's house where Will, Eliza and Beth were settling in.

Will's arm in a small plastic cast now, he was doing fine. He said Dr. Vanatonu had been so helpful just getting him to think about things, to deal with them.

Eliza's eyes were wet as we hugged. I was thanked for everything.

"Look over the place and if you need something ask."

Eliza said she was going up to the house to talk with Audra. We walked up together. She said Prasert's brother and wife were nice and very happy to be able to come to see the wedding.

"You and Mr. Cho are so nice to everyone."

I squeezed her hand, "We won't be to those who put Will up to his adventure."

She squeezed back, "Good!"

I handed her off to Audra and they sat in Audra's workroom to chat about work.

After lunch I setup the game in the library. Mr. Hardy and I would try a World War II North Africa game. `Crusader' by SPI. I was to be the Germans under Rommel and he the British 8th Army with General Auchinleck. He was the attacker this time.

Kendal brought in a tea tray with cookies! Smiling he gave me a `Good Luck!' I grinned.

Stanton delivered Mr. Hardy. He had walked up, looking great. We hugged and sat to review the rules and my suggested changes which I had written down more than a dozen years ago. We agreed on those so...

He began his attack. I chose to hold firm at the Egyptian border and the escarpment pass. I moved to create a wall between the force advancing from Egypt and Tobruk interspersing my anti-tank battalions which reduced the power of the English armour.

Mr. Hardy's attacks bent my line but I used my armoured units to counterattack frequently blunting his gains. He was doing better at getting die rolls but I was hot when I created an opportunity for a big attack.

The 15th armoured division hit the flank of one of his attacking groups and rolled it up. I was able to open a wide gap and push tanks through. All my die rolls were terrific!

Mr. Hardy had to retreat to save a large part of his most important units, suffering some losses. When he tried to do a simultaneous `breakout' from Tobruk to pressure my rear he had shockingly bad luck with the dice and got nowhere.

At that point the game clock made it impossible for him to win in the allotted time so we ended it. He leaned back looking at me.

"Miss, you're rather good at this!" A huge grin!

I laughed saying he had been letdown by the dice again. The head shaking said no.

"No, you used your units very well and those counterattacks were sharp. General Rommel would have been proud of you. Auchinleck would have been confounded like there were two Rommel's."

We sipped our tea and I finished my pile of cookies.

"Miss Martin, I rather enjoyed being whipped again. Would you try another when we can?"

I agreed to another and reminded him that Greg would be here at Christmas.

"Oh we have been emailing. We want to play a more modern game called Bar-Lev. It's about the 1973 Yom Kippur War. He has a copy as do I. We have agreed on rules and I'm to be the Israeli's. We want to ask you to use this table for several days."

With the traffic the house was going to have at Christmas I suggested we set them up in a basement store room. It would be warm down there, we could put in any size table they wanted and chairs. There are plenty of lamps AND you would be close to the kitchen.

He was laughing at that, "You might note I didn't do much damage to the cookie plate."

"Well, I don't have that control. An unclaimed cookie is like a challenge!"

He laughed. It was good to hear. Mr. Hardy was researching, writing and appreciating life. I couldn't think of a better outcome!

Kendal came in to say that Malee's mother had arrived. Mr. Hardy said he would clean up. A kiss and hug! Funny me as Rommel kissing Auchinleck's cheek.

Malee's mom was eating dinner with us and flying to Bangkok tonight on our Cho-Fay 767. We were all going home.

The September night was chilly as we boarded the big jet. Jaidee going up the stairs so easily now. Big boy! We all strapped in for takeoff. Once we had leveled out I buried myself in bed with my men. Sleep!

We flared for landing on the dock. Jian, Eve and Ku waiting with Amporn and Niran. Hugs! I had Cho's hand at the nursery doorway. The Twins were asleep. Tha said they'd be up shortly.

We munched on some treats from Amporn before lunch. Crispy fish!!! I shared with Jian!

Tha rolled the Twins out in their pram. So sweet! We kissed and hugged them both. Chani holding my hand, looking right at me. Those green eyes!

They sat out under an umbrella. Sun and a bit of breeze off the water. They got bottles for their lunch, we got prawns and rice!

Jian came with me to Dr. Sanporam's clinic. Ni and Lawan were sharing a room. Kavnu and Thang with their girls. They would go into the adjoining operating rooms, Dr. Sanporam would do one and supervise the other. His chief assistant had been with him for many years, so his colleague was same as himself.

They'd be together all the way. Reyna arrived. Lots of hugs. Everyone was glad to see Jian!

She and I held hands as our friends were wheeled away. We sat and talked a bit then I took everyone over the road to the nice little restaurant. The owner and waiter remembered me. Outside under the tree again, we ate and talked about all sorts.

Good food, nice location and the waiter was great as he had been before. After a while we were sitting in the room waiting. The doctor's PA let us know everything was winding down. All good!

Thang looked very relived. I sat beside him with a look.

Quietly, "Fay, when you introduced us I was glad of her companionship you know why but we soon both found we liked many things the same. She makes me laugh which I hadn't done much of before... when she said she wanted to do this I told her that she was to think entirely of herself. I cared about her as she was. She cried. I was holding her, very quietly she said she needed to do it. I kept her close, I kissed her cheek and said I was there for her.'

I had his hand, squeezing, "She is a lucky girl!"

Across the room I could see Kavnu's face, he wasn't as worried. I was standing holding Reyna around her waist, "Guys, look at us! All will be well."

Dr. Sanporam came through the door at that, "True! Both of your ladies are fine. They are awake and you can go see them!"

Smiles, kisses and they were gone with the doctor's PA. He was smiling too, "Everything went as planned. They both should be as yourselves."

A hug for him from us. We'd be back in to see them and be here for other friends.

My phone rang. Cho, "We have a few things to discuss do you have a time for your return?"

I said I would see the girls and leave now.

Jian, Reyna and I went along to recovery. I kissed cheeks, "I need to go but I'll be back."

PJ and Tai with me and Jian in the car. I texted to Charlotte for video of Sunny at her event. A big check came back!

We dropped Jian at the foundation office. Kiss!

Cho and I in the office. "I wasn't trying to be melodramatic. First, Will is fine. He will begin his training in the morning. Eliza has decided to work for Audra. Beth will go to St. Thomas' so we are good there. From Thomas' contacts and the Colonel's the man who met with Will, we helped find, has been arrested by Scotland Yard for weapons offenses."

Cho laughed, "When they examined the weapon from Will they found a clear finger-mark of that fellow on the bottom of the sniper scope. He had been involved with the device going missing as part of a group while still on active service. He must have added it to the rifle at some point. There's no bail because they are charging as if he was arming terrorists. Which he might have for all we know."

I was glad about that part. It would make more difficult for anyone to use influence to get him out or get the charges reduced. Cho and I looked at each other, we reached the same point. He leaned over... fist bump!

Another smile, "The Sun is trying to get the no contact order lifted saying we were to give press conference they couldn't attend. Our solicitors had a laugh over that saying it was weak stuff to put in front of a judge with little hope."

I gave him the news about Ni and Lawan. He was pleased for them. I related what Thang had said.

"Ah the young man is in love with Lawan! Who wouldn't she's a beauty!"

I dropped into his lap batting my eyelashes. I was giggling, Cho laughing at me, "Don't worry she would have to be taller for me to be interested."

He got an swat on the arm and a kiss!

Francis came in. He had news. The building for a Western Europe office for The Company was purchased, the final papers filed. It was in the Rue des Bernardins just off the Boulevard Saint-Germain. It was about six blocks walk from the Quai de Bethune.

The ground floor was a chocolatier on one side and an optician on the other. Three quarters of the first floor was a law firm, Laurent & Morin. They did a good deal of business with our London City solicitors and we were put on to the building being available through them.

The last quarter of the floor would be our office.

The second floor was a family dentist in one half, the other was an architectural firm.

On three and four there were two apartments on each level. The top floor was attic storage.

A few doors down was an Italian delicatessen called da Zavola. I had gotten a few meals there once several years before my taking the assignment in Bangkok. The food was wonderful.

Francis said the Parisian law firm was pleased we bought the building. He had spoken with a few of the other tenants, he informed them all we contemplated no significant changes other than more security arrangements. They were not worried about that.

An email from Freddie gave us good news. BlackStar, the two year black colt with the white star on his forehead, had won his maiden race! He had stalked the leaders in opening straight but in the turn he had switched gears and ran away from the field. A five length victory. He overran the finish going very strong! Excellent news!

He had a cut from another horse's hoof in a tangle at the start, nothing serious. Freddie was praised and thanked in our reply.

Gil sent an order for Christmas paper to Elaine. We'd gone over it with Ellie before the wedding, she'd made some suggestions for `extras' she could use when wrapping gifts. It would probably be delivered after Ellie's honeymoon.

They were here in Bangkok with Prasert's family. We were hosting a cookout tomorrow night for them all. Kiet's family was doing most of the food. Amporn and Niran had done some but they had the day off.

The estate agent in Abingdon who was doing some things for us emailed that our offer for the farm land south and east of Radley train station had been accepted. Oh poor Lower Radley they were surrounded by us now.

Francis emailed Carter and Archie confirming the completed purchase. I had him add to Archie about hiring more staff??

Later when we both spoke to Carter. He said the manager at the company who occupied Chalgrove sent over a book for me, his history of the airfield. Strange! We'd talked about at Christmas time. It would be upstairs in my dressing room.

Reginé and I exchanged emails and texts. The various social media had been very supportive from the beginning to our interview about my being transgendered. Some nasty things but they had been shouted down by enormous numbers of others!

There were a few venomous facebook accounts saying things which were untrue and nasty but her team's protests to facebook got them suspended or deleted for violating the Terms Of Service. The quick reaction I presumed came from their actually having met me. Too bad others victimized by jackass commenters weren't treated the same.

Reginé had a team going to New York to spend time at Fox. They would sit with their counterparts to discuss strategy and methodology.

In the evening Cho, Jian and I went to Dr. Sanporam's clinic to see our friends. They were a bit groggy but happy. Their guys were good. Both had a few days off to spend with their loves. There was talk of a joint wedding early next year!! Good news!!! Count me in!!

On the terrace, Eve and Ku cuddled, me snuggled in Cho's lap holding Jian's hand. We talked about New York, their maybe marrying in America, our apartment building and lots more. It would be ALL new for Ku.

After a nice swim in the morning sun with Cho, I headed to the clinic. The girls were both feeling better. They had a good night's sleep. Smiling for me. Hugs and kisses. The guys had gone for coffee so we had some time to talk. I'd given them my account of after surgery doing's but some I repeated now.

I was so happy for them. When this was over they would be full Women of Thailand in every way... Indisputable!

I was going up the stairs at the Railroad with PJ and Tara after letting Jian off at her office. Ku at her desk doing things for the absent Kavnu, She gave me the best smile.

One floor up Kamol was the same! The day after tomorrow she would join Karla at Dr. Sanporam's! Udorn gave me a hug before we sat to talk. His little one, Mali Fay was terrific. Ubon enjoying being a mother to a youngster again! This time their circumstances were so much different. Udorn wasn't an up and coming young man now but the CEO. They had an excellent nurse and other staff to help them through it. My `It was good since neither was twenty years old now!' went over with a laugh.

Li in the outer office was ready to take on Kamol's role for the time being. There was a new young woman there to help her. Nice!

I wandered down to Jasmin's office. She was on the phone her assistant said. Okay. Jasmin saw me though the doorway and waved me in. She got off.

"Fay, it is so nice to see you."

"Jasmin, your Thai sounded quite good."

"I'm doing well with some rough patches." A big smile.

"Oh, my parents came over. They enjoyed their visit. I was able to take some time to go out around the city. They were worried a bit about my being so far and away from home so much more. My apartment is so comfortable and my settling in I think eased their minds."

"Good! We are glad you are here! Udorn and Kavnu are quite pleased with the switch over to Apple devices."

We rattled on about some tech stuff before I took myself off home. A stop for a Newcastle pick up on the way!

We got to meet Prasert's Bangkok family! He said Ellie had wowed the family. She was a sweetie! He had been teaching her Thai. His family were English speakers from work but not as fluent as Prasert.

His mother and I sat on the terrace with some appetizers chatting. She marveled at my Thai. I told her I had good help learning.

She thought us very nice to lend our house in Phuket to Ellie and Prasert AND the airplane to go there.

"We appreciate the work Prasert has put in to build the car service and because he performed his job so well. He's earned rewards."

That made her very happy and proud.

I walked Jian down to her suite, "You want to sleep with us?"

No, she missed her pals but she was good. Hug! I pushed some hair back holding her face... KISS!

In bed with my men I told Cho about my talking with Prasert's mother.

"I've already purchased his Christmas present. Six of what I consider are H.G. Wells' best novels. I thought I'd edge him into the Twentieth Century. He has all the Jane Austen novels in that nice leather and I don't know where he's got with Dickens, so..."

Cho squeezed me, "Well I rather like Wells. Are there many in the Harcourt library?"

I said I'd look it up in the morning! Gotta use that database! Cho laughing half rolled me over for some kissing which turned out to be `terrible' like it always was!!! I asked for more!!!

Gil and I swimming in the morning. We waved to Cho and Francis as they took off for meetings at two different banks. I think it funny that Cho kept me away from the banks.

He laughed at me this morning, "Come if you want but if you yawn halfway through you're out!"

I didn't turn a hair on my pretty little head about the contraction merely adding to my totals!

I waved to Jian as the car took her away to work. I'd gotten a hug first!

I pulled out my laptop and dug into the Harcourt library. There were seven H. G. Wells novels, none checked out. Hmmm I guess that shouldn't surprise me. Wells is out fashion despite being the bedrock of modern science fiction. I can tell Cho.

Gil came with me this morning to the clinic. Tai was going out to Don Mueang to pick up Karla and Michael. A Cho-Fay Gulfstream was bringing them from Chalgrove.

Ni and Lawan looked so much more lively today. They had another good night and there men were there! The doctors were coming in soon for checkups so I wouldn't stay too long. Reyna was coming at lunch time.

They knew Kamol and Karla would be in early tomorrow.

I went over to see Phailin. She had had a head cold and feeling generally `crabby' as she put it. She felt better this morning so I sat with her for a while. Somsak had just sent a new batch of snaps of his daughter, Suki. She was growing up to be very cute! Four months already!

Dad and Phailin were very happy to have so many new grandchildren. They'd be over for dinner and a visit in two days so I didn't wear out Phailin. I did leave a bag of throat lozenges for her cough. Honey and lemon.

Sitting on the terrace with Charlie and Chani. They were in shade, me in sun! I read to them, played with toes and generally had a great time. I did like reading aloud to them. Some of it was their children's books and some of my various reports just so they could hear my voice.

Karla and Michael landed on the dock. They got hugged and were intro'd to the Twins. Much making over the babies.

They were taken to the apartment building where we had them setup. Karla would go over to the clinic first thing in the morning. We had everything they might need waiting. Michael had an invitation to eat with us every day until Karla was released.

I was back at the clinic to see the girls. Lawan's swelling was bothering her some but the staff were taking good care of her. Ni was doing great. Like me her swelling wasn't too bad. They both were up walking with their men when I arrived.

I put my arm through Lawan's, we walked for a few minutes. She was happy, "Fay, it is annoying now for a better day later."

I couldn't improve on that!

Bill called, "We have three big stories rolling out. One a week in the next few weeks. The concrete' is aimed directly at Trump, the bot' piece will be on him as well as the Russians. The `bigot' story will go after Trump's supporters like they haven't seen until now."

He laughed, "We aren't going to be popular with a chunk of Americans."

"Who cares! We are doing journalism, that's what counts!"

Bill liked that. "It isn't like we had to make up any of it. They are criminals, cheaters and ignorant fools all on their own!!!"

I could tell Bill might get worked up over this. It was easy to do so!

My `Go For It!' at the end really made him laugh!

"Pedal to the metal," was Bill's final words on it.

I had a conference app talk with Antoine in Seattle. "Fay, since we took over the road signals the traffic has cleared out after a bridge open and close thirty percent faster. There have been no issues on the side roads that are included. The vehicles roll. We have tweaked it many times, it's good."

Antoine added that the rainy season is beginning so we'll gather more data. "The bridge doesn't open as much with lower sailboat traffic in the autumn and winter. We have that data from the the bridge history."

I let him know we were talking to the city about going on with the other two drawbridges. Just discussing right now.

The TV ad for the horse sanctuary was forwarded to us with the locations it would run, We liked it. It had Glaa and Hansa with Asda and Hathai in the paddock at Pleasant Valley. They loped around together, nuzzling and nickering. A beautiful golden red family.

The ad looked very good! Cho and I watched it with Francis and Gil. We had made our horses available for free and did a donation to the sanctuary. We allowed them to put a statement from us on the screen we had donated so older horses could live a full life when they stopped working.

It really looked good.

We had food in the apartment for Karla and Michael. Just heat and eat from Amporn! Karla had to watch her food timing! A car would be downstairs ready in the morning.

We had a nice dinner outside as the rain decided to go away to the east and north! Lovely stuff from our lady chef!! I sipped an Amaretto next to Cho, an arm around Jian's slender waist. I got cognac kissed which I'll have to say was very nice!

The morning lap swim with Gil was abbreviated so I could get to the clinic. Black miniskirt and white sleeveless cutoff top, black sandals and silver bits! Cho said I looked very nice. He was hugged and kissed then the RED lipstick went on!

Dr. Sanporam was at the door. Smiling I was greeted, "Miss Martin, you do look nice!"

Alright I got it!

Karla was in and as we spoke Kamol came through the door with her Sergeant! Hugs. She was escorted to her room. Since she didn't know Karla the doctor chose private rooms for them.

I hugged Karla and Michael then crossed to see Ni and Lawan. HUGS! They came out for a walk and met Karla and Michael. Reyna arrived before work. We were quite a crowd as Thang and Kavnu gave us a full house.

The doctors' nursing staff organized Kamol and Karla into gowns and to pre-op. They got their preliminary drugs and lots of hugs and kisses. I sat with their men as the operations began we talked a bit then I invited them to lunch across the road. I hosted them with Gil. PJ and Tara with us too.

The restaurant lady smiling, our waiter the same fellow. Michael hadn't ever had an operation so he had no real frame of reference except TV and movies. The Sergeant had been wounded on a tour in Afghanistan. Shrapnel in his leg, a full recovery but a scar.

The Sergeant and Tara had some shared U.S. Marine service things they could talk about. Michael and I talked shop. PJ smiling at me, I leaned over to him with an inquiring look.

"Fay, you just make me marvel how you know so much."

I laughed, all this Thai, "My mother said I had fly-paper brains. Somethings fly by and stick."

PJ got a chuckle over that!

We had a delicious lunch and a nice chat all around. I succeeded in occupying their thoughts for several hours. We strolled back, they were relaxed. We didn't sit long before Dr. Sanporam's PA let them know it was nearly over and all was well.

They did have some suspense but it didn't last as the doctors came with the good news that both were fine, more or less awake and could be seen. Off they went.

I went across the hallway to see Ni and Lawan. They had napped. Ni was doing very well probably to go home tomorrow. Lawan would too though she did have more swelling but the doctors said it was well within the norms. She just needed to pay attention to it and not overdo anything.

Thang was on medical leave arranged by my Dad, his boss! Kavnu too, Udorn had chased him out, "Go be with your girl!"

The Sergeant's commander knew his girl was having some sort of operation, he said `go spend time with her, take a few half days, no big deal.'

Michael's boss said `go be with her damn it!' Oops, I guess I was the one who said that!

I waited in the corridor for them to be wheeled back. Kisses and best wishes! I told them I'd be back later. We headed home.

Gil and I sat to watch some of the Fox channels programming, news and entertainment while we worked on building a few more buildings for the train layout.

I put together several little log cabins for the forested mountain slopes, cute little Faller kits. They were nestled in the trees with a few outdoorsy type folks and dogs around. Gil finished a project, a five floor department store in downtown. A big space nicely filled in! Stone façade with awnings for the ground floor front windows! It looked great! It made downtown more real.

I put Gil on more large buildings to go around it. She did arm pumps and making her muscles bulge! I just said `get on!' As we laughed!

Francis found some Soviet style East German apartment buildings in a catalog, he made a plea for a sort of `city project' area where we could put up ugly apartment blocks?

Me as a Senior city planner said he would not get `planning approval' for that!

We saw him sit with his MacBook pounding away over on the billiard banquette. He was grinning like a Cheshire Cat as he rushed down the hall. Francis came back with several sheets of paper.

He came over to me and bowed in handing me the papers. (The grin still on!)

Proposal for Low Income Housing:

Provide housing for the less fortunate in Faysville

This document went through a raft of silly bureaucrat speak to justify the need for the above named construction. Lots of it were just paragraphs from government docs with nothing to with the subject, cut and pasted in, their role was to occupy space, bulk it up.

I was laughing handing the pages one at a time to Gil. Francis sat beside me laughing, batting his eyelashes like I do to Cho.

The very same entered. Gil waved him over and began to pass on the pages. A grin filled that handsome face. Francis fit in with our playful ways.

I pretended to consider his application then... Gil got a red magic marker for me. She handed it to me like it was a ceremonial sword, I did a big REJECT on the first page. I turned and held it up like it was a great proclamation! Francis' hands went to his face and heart like a silent movie actor, exaggerated and dramatic!

Cho put pen to paper to draw a dagger and folded it to match the shape and laid it on his palm, extended the hilt towards Francis. Francis took the paper knife and crushed to his heart.

We were almost rolling on the floor with laughter.

Kiet was at the door. I whispered in his ear, big smile. He dashed off. He returned carrying a tray with six bowls of vanilla ice cream covered in caramel sauce and candy sprinkles. I got a big spoonful up with which I proposed a toast for Francis as `Prince of the Projects.'

We devoured our treat in honor of the `Prince.' Kiet and Achara joined in with a bowl each just to be nice... Yeah Sure!

Cho and I holding the Twins on the Playroom terrace. Tummies and toes got tickled, little arms waved, bright eyes and gurgles! We had fun until Chani put something into her diaper. I carried her to the nursery, changed her. Tha had been cleaning and putting away clean clothes.

I offered Chani to her with a laugh before I changed her. Tha smiling saying she didn't need any further education along those lines.

We were a happy house!

Jian, Cho and I welcomed Michael and Kamol's `Sarge' for dinner along with Thang and Kavnu. Karla and Kamol were fine. Groggy, sleepy. Ni and Lawan were great and would go home tomorrow.

Their guys had everything ready at their homes. We arranged for a few days of nurses to be around so the men wouldn't have to do all their care and have break time. Reyna, Jian and I would be visiting each and they could be collected to sit on our terrace or by the pool whenever they wanted.

Cho and I would be around for a few more days then Los Angeles, a big race for SakChai at Santa Anita. Monaco let us know the `White Streak' was ready, Glaa was relaxing and Hansa loved the track. She was romping around having fun!

Some shopping in downtown, nothing much an odd item or two for Christmas gifts. A gift of a vase for Nara and Aaron's wedding. Dark royal blue with silver etched long-tailed parakeets in flight. It was about three feet tall and heavy! I thought it quite beautiful. Cho gave me a kiss to signal his appreciation of my choice.

We weren't involved in Nara and Aaron's wedding. Her family had arranged everything beautifully. We just had to show up. They asked the guests to wear something yellow. My yellow gold long sleeved silk dress was comfy, scoop neckline and mid-thigh. Very light. Black accessories and jewelry.

Cho in a black suit, white shirt and yellow tie! He looked great in that suit! Well, in any of his suits but even better out of them!

We tried to stay out of the way. It was a day for their happiness. It was like ours a rather nice Buddhist ceremony.

I had my arm around Aaron's waist and planted a kiss on his cheek. They were one more of my matchmaking efforts. Yenta on steroids!

They loved the vase! Nara's mother thanked me for the gift. "Miss Martin, it is a lovely colour! And thank you for introducing them. Nara's father and I wondered when she would marry."

I had to laugh at that one. It would seem to me Nara was quite able to decide for herself. Families are such odd conglomerations of people!

We didn't stay long. An early night as Cho wanted to play golf tomorrow.

Jaidee sitting on Cho's foot on the terrace didn't appear interested in moving. I got a tennis ball... he romped around for a while Cho giving the ball a few long trips across the grass.

Cho went to play golf with Rak, Thoi and Dad. They were going to a club out beyond Suvarnabhumi Airport. Thai Country Club was a long course where Thoi had a membership. They lifted off from the dock, me on the terrace waving in the early morning sun.

Freddie emailed that BlackStar's cut was healing fine and he was entered in an important end of season race. Then we had to decide to race him in England or America next year.

I went to the clinic to visit before Ni and Lawan went home. I had Ni in my arms, Kavnu holding us both. She was doing spectacularly. I'd be over to see her tomorrow.

Lawan's swelling had reduced some so she was a lot more comfortable. Her smile! I walked to the car with her being wheeled out by Thang. Hugs and kisses.

Karla and Kamol were in second day sleepy mode but doing fine. They had their men around. Reyna would visit in the middle of the day and I'd return after their dinner.

I went to the Foundation offices. Hug for Jian outside in the sun. We sat with coffee and Kwang's delicious cookies!! Going over clinic business, openings and some nitty-gritty bits. Jian was on top of everything. Anong staying home the last few weeks and now she was VERY close!

Lunch with Kanda. We ate lots of spring rolls in a delicious sweet peanut sauce. Noodles and shrimp! We talked about all sorts until Cho texted a string of stars ... Big arrow...a golfer! I showed Kanda, a grin! My reply was many hearts in a different colours.

We headed to the house to greet the `sports men.' In the car I brought my concerns about Tha's future. Kanda said not to worry right now but she had many friends who might have the need for Tha's wonderful talents in a year or so!

In our nursery as my phone rang. Anong was in labour!! I told Rak's mother he and the others were enroute to our house. She would take Anong to the hospital, I said we'd put Rak in a car as soon as he arrived.

I was on the terrace as the white Agusta fluttered in. Rak was thrilled and was shoved into a car straightaway! We'd be waiting for news! I was kissed as he jumped in.

We sat together. Kanda leaning on Thoi with a big smile, "I do not envy Anong's current state but after..." She made a rocking motion with her arms.

As if on cue Tha wheeled out the Twins! Kanda gobbled up Chani, Charlie in my arms. Those dark eyes looking at me just like his dad!

With Anong's news and the babies coming out the golf results had been pushed back. I turned to my husband, "So how did it go?"

He grinned, "See she's such a good wife... stroking my ego..."

We all laughed at that!

Cho had beaten Tiger Woods score! A 65! "I nearly had three holes-in-one! On the sixth which is long I hit the flagpole with my tee shot it bounced up a swale and then rolled back to five inches away. I was two under on the front nine. Number ten sort of set the tone... It's a short par four, a good drive left me with a chip shot to a small rolling green. It hit above the hole and slid backwards right in!"

Smiling, "That felt nice! It's a wide open course, today it was a bit sloppy with the heavy overnight rain. On Eleven, a par three my ball landed on the front fringe and rolled to the hole stopping a foot short. Easy putt. The next few all pars. Sixteen was another near miss on a hole-in-one, my ball hit the pole and bounced off two feet. Seventeen I missed an eagle by an inch, the ball near the edge. So seven under."

Thoi laughed, "You make it sound almost normal for a man to shoot a 65!"

Cho smiled, "No not `normal' but I've been on a tear for several months now. I'm in a groove and nothing is pushing me out of that."

Dad laughed as he lifted Charlie up, "Well are glad you won't wager with us! I'd be bankrupt!"

Thoi grinned, "Fay, you should have seen the caddies. They were really excited. One must have called ahead for when we got to the eighteenth there was a crowd watching. When Cho's birdie putt just slipped past the hole there was a groan in the crowd. It was quite the show."

I stood beside Dad as he laughed at Thoi's last comment, I was looking the two of them, he and Charlie shared some features at this point. Handsome being one! My comment to that effect was well received! I got a kiss!

I was kissed by Cho when I said he was partially responsible.

They'd had a good day! It had been easy getting to the club as it had a heliport. Thoi said he was putting Cho's name in for membership, they'd want him. So another place to enjoy playing.

At dinner time we got the call... Anong had their little boy after six hours of labour! Rak2 had all the correct equipment in working order! Anong was tired but fine! I liked that he carried his father's name! If all is well we would see them at theirs in a day or so. They had plenty of support!!

The next few days were much the same. My round of visits at my friend's houses and the discharge of Karla and Kamol to their homes. Karla and Michael liked the apartment, it was near a cinema which showed a mixture of old movies and was famous for its often repeated `Rocky Horror Picture Show' Friday night screenings! They both loved that movie! But she'd have to be less involved in the on-screen action for a while.

I was sitting with Karla on the lanai of their apartment. The sun on my face felt great after a night's heavy rain. She was recovering very well. Her `packing' came out this morning. I gave her my sage advice about plastic penises "get your man involved' at all times.

We laughed about it. Michael was out with Francis and Reyna riding at the north Bangkok stables. They were doing quite well as a couple. She liked his family and they her. Their apartment wasn't huge but comfy. Michael was away a good deal so she had taken in a rescue kitten, Melody.

Laughing, "I was walking listening to music when I saw an animal rescue place. I looked in a window and there was this tuxedo cat sitting peacefully. I leaned close and she came over to put a paw on the glass. I called Michael right away, he was happy about a kitten, so... She came home with me the next day after we were vetted."

Her snaps showed an adorable little baby with white whiskers and a cute white mustache in her black face. Four white boots! A girlfriend from The Company was cat-sitting.

Karla said she was sweet, purrs a lot and was mostly a quiet sleeper, occasionally she snores. "You have to meet her."

I said I wanted to, we'd make a `date.'

On the morning of Anong's second day we went over. She looked good, blooming. She'd gotten a good night's sleep! Rak and Rak2 were in the nursery. Nice room done in shades of blue, he's a boy!

They had a good nurse who said the diaper service was terrific! She'd not seen them before but the whole system was going to be great for them!

Rak winked at us and thanked us for the gift. Hugs!

The afternoon was racing at the Royal Turf Club. We had two horses running, a colt named Rando, black and quite fast. A brown filly, Poki, who wasn't poky at all but very fleet of foot. They were both two year olds. They were from Asda's blood line. This was their third race each, they had won both of their previous starts.

A white cotton sleeveless dress with navy blue accessories and gold jewelry. Navy heels! Up in our box after our traditional pre-race visit. I had met these two but not seen them race. Poki up first in a distaff race, G2 rated. She loaded nice an easy with the six others.

OFF! Clean start for a seven furlong race. Poki was in the third path down the back straight alongside two others. Three together into the turn, in my glasses I watched Poki begin to pull away. She entered the stretch with a one length lead. Her jockey used his whip to wave next to her left eye to keep her from closing too much to the rail. She powered past the eighth pole three lengths clear and swept over the finish four lengths ahead. She looked very good doing it, smooth and poised for a two year old.

We went down to the Winner's Circle, a nice prize and a cool million Bahts.

There two more races before Rando went off. His was a G1 race with a handsome silver ewer prize and a grand title. Eight horses in the starting chutes, all quiet... CLANG! One mile to run! Rando came out striding. Running to the front he was three lengths clear at the first turn, sliding in to the rail. He kept that pace until half down the back straight, the jockey eased him. The others had to make their move soon. Through the curve Rando was in charge. As he came out to the straight a chestnut did make a run at him. Our jockey had looked over his shoulder seeing the charge. He let out some but keeping Rando well within himself! He slowly opened up space. He roared past the finish line three lengths free. He'd run the race on the lead wire to wire and won. There'd been only the one challenge.

Once more we went down to receive a prize! The 1,500,000.00 Bahts and the nice trophy were sweet!

A great day at the track. Saw some good races, picked up some bling and cash!! Cho got a laugh from that in the car!

We had to go to Los Angeles. SakChai was racing, an important G1 race. His biggest challenge.

Dinner on the terrace with Jian, Eve and Ku. Amporn smiling when I asked her to fatten up Jian while we were gone. Hug, kiss and I did a naughty pretend grope for Jian's thing. We held each other laughing!

It was dark as we climbed the stairs to the 767. Jaidee went galumphing across the lounge in search of one of his balls. Once we were level after takeoff we did after dinner drinks and espresso.

Gil sharing the Amaretto. Lloyd's `kits' had been installed by Kavat's men onto all the Cho-Fay Air DeLonghi machines. They worked perfectly.

Cho squeezed me into the corner of a sofa. I made a move to tickle him which gained me some space and a kiss. It does sometimes pay to be bad!

Tara and Ro were playing catch with Jaidee. He loved it. He was ready for bed when we were. He was so cute in his bed.

Snuggled with Cho I was asleep so quickly.

`Alice sitting quietly on her lovely gray Tremont beside me in the morning sun. We had ridden out from the house so she could see some more of my southern property. Murat was ready to run, I kept him restrained.

We moved southward to the last ridge then the vista of the English Channel from the top. A clear summer's day we could see the vagueness that was France and the shipping's white sails on the blue water. It was warm and the country was alive with birds and bees.

We trotted along the ridge crest for some distance before turning for the house. A very pleasant ride. At the stables we went into Gwen's stall. She hadn't as much excitement as in the past but we still went out for long hard rides. Alice's hand was small on Gwen's powerful neck, a soft nicker.

Gwen liked Alice right away. She sensed that I loved Alice as I loved her. My arm over Gwen's withers stroking her, Alice gently caressing her nose smiling a me, "You know I am very glad we get along as we both love you so."

I smiled, "I was thinking about that. Gwen knows how I feel about her is the same for you."

An apple for Gwen, nice crunching sound. A swishing tail.

We walked arm in arm to the house. Upstairs Alice turned to me, "I wanted to ride with you one more time..."

I looked the question... "I can't ride anymore it might disturb the child."

She was in my arms, bright eyes, "Yes... Now please a kiss."

Alice's wish my command.'

Oh yes! Short but sweet! I yawned and there was a the low thumping of a boy's tail. He knew I was awake. I stopped the alarum before it went off. I knelt beside our little man, hugs and kisses.

Washed and dressed, making Jaidee's breakfast. He was ready! He waited quite correctly then my Okay. He dove in!

Coffee and an apple for now. It was dark outside the windows the light in the distant east coming strongly though. I sat with my iPad to look at the news.

BOOM! The Fox News concrete story landed last night and America was reacting this morning. The was a tidal wave of disgust and loathing! Just as there should be.

Someone who pays mafia villains shouldn't be in public office anywhere! Trump did and lied about it. Our story was tight, accurate and documented including witnesses.

I checked the other networks, they were following our story. CBS had a man (they said was a convicted mafia man) on hidden camera footage talking to a fellow they identified as a Trump construction official.


More confirmation for our piece!! I called Joseph's cellphone. He was pleased and proud. He worked hard on this!

"Miss Martin, again thanks so much for rescuing me from the Post."

"Joseph, you made yourself valuable on your own. I was able to make things happen that's all."

"True but you recognized... You recognized something in me I wasn't sure of and let it out."

I said I couldn't take too much credit but what we did worked. I told him to dig more on the story and Trump. He was glad to do it.

I also told him if he gets requests for interviews and the like... to talk to Kent and get some advice. He said he would.

This was something I did feel very good about! We got a terrific story and Joseph found his voice!!

I worked my way through all the news sites... Our work was praised, its completeness and depth! The first BIG story of the new Fox News Network!!!

I talked with Bill. He was a very happy fellow, "Damn Fay I love this. A big stinking putrid jackass damaged by a good clean piece of journalism! Just marvelous... Yes, a bonus for Joseph. We will watch over him and I do want him to get whatever plaudits he deserves!"

Kent was revved up still. "All my colleagues here and in other news organizations have been calling and emailing. They know how big this is. The reaction has been positive to us but massively negative for Trump."

After we hung up I called Reginé. She was laughing, "I thought you might call. YES! It's been huge... well put it this way we are believed... No... the old Fox wouldn't have run it... No... even if it was as well done... the other networks are working the story... A newspaper friend said the New York Times might have had some of it a year ago... No... the Times didn't go ahead."

She said there was a tweet from an older newspaper writer saying that this story proves the importance of the take-over of 21st Century Fox. Seemed true to me.

Our numbers on Twitter were big and positive for the story and Fox. "You my dear are enormous popular, lots of folks want to know more and your being transgendered has only increased the interest."

Good we had gone out front on that! There was info out on the old me... The Company had scrubbed everything it had, all my other public activities were for the new me. Well if there are any really persistent snoopers they'll find bits and pieces. Too bad. Nothing to be done about that!

I slipped under the bed clothes to kiss the Cho cock! He slid his fingers onto my cheek. I licked my way north with stops in the soft hair, an inny belly button, two nice and now hard nipples leaving a hand around the Cho cock! I was kissed and cuddled.

I did give him a bounce, "Come on I have news!"

He shooed me out, "Make coffee!"

I had coffee when he emerged and Soka was making FOOD! We sipped and I gave him the news. At one point Cho was rubbing his hands together, "Terrific! It's down to you..." A finger aimed at me! "Well if you hadn't been the decent sort you are Joseph would still be laboring at a newspaper completely wasted."

Hugs and kisses as breakfast arrived! We ate smiling at each other. Gil and Francis showed up when the food smells wafted their way. I told them about how the `concrete' story was being received. Cheers from most people, wailing from the Trump camp.

The republicans could whine all they wanted but it was a well-researched and supported piece, plenty of documents and witnesses. Now other news outlets were finding bits to back us and expand the story. It was UGLY time for republicans!

We were on approach to Santa Monica, Mira let us drift down so smoothly. We parked in front of a hanger, all white with a yellow Hibiscus Brilliant on the side. A white Agusta139 with the same flower was sitting there. Cho smiling as we descended.

On the stairs Jaidee on his lead still slow going down. Cute kid learning going down the stairs is harder.

Leslie ready with cars and we did the short drive to Venice. Dolores in the entryway, big hug! She said there was lunch whenever we wanted.

Jaidee gets a walk first. Tara and Tai with us. I changed to black short shorts and a white crop top with the warm day. Vans on my feet, black wayfarers on my nose.

A big kiss for Cho. He was going to play golf with Pedro at the Riviera Country Club. Thumbs up!

Jaidee on his lead we headed to the sand across the boardwalk. I turned us north along water. We had deposited Jaidee's little plastic wrapped package in the trash and were striding along. We kept going a ways until I saw the California Love Shop, we headed over.

I bought all the girls long sleeved baseball shirts with the red collar. A second batch in yellow for friends! We were all close in size. Gil volunteered to do the carrying.

We stayed on the boardwalk for the return trip. A short way got us to N'ice Cream! Coffee, salted caramel and their vanilla all in half gallons. Given the heat we didn't dawdle after that. Zoom!

Ice cream made it safely into Dolores' freezer. I distributed the red shirts. Dolores gave me a squeeze for hers.

Lunch was chilled shrimp with two sauces, hot or not! A cold rice salad and a Caesar with anchovies!! Some very nice warm white corn cakes, sweet, I buttered them up! Newcastles! Cho missed out!

I sat in the kitchen booth so I could prop up my iPad to do Facetime with the girls' who were all post-op. I put together a Conference App call bringing us all on. They were doing very well. Lawan's swelling was down so walking was much easier and comfortable. Kamol had some swelling also but it was easing up. Ni and Karla hadn't much of that like me. Everyone's packing was out and the other halves were participating in the plastic penis ritual' happily. Cheers!!

Out on the terrace with Gil going through a batch of reports and miscellaneous do-dads that come my way these days!

The first was the Chanthira Foundation report on the first clinic. We'd served several hundred of patients from that first little boy's infected toe to rashes to pre-natal to broken bones. Also a number of gender questioning folks had been advised, given appropriate medication and given referrals to psychologists Dr. Vanatonu helped line-up.

Everyone taken care of successfully! Glitches were minor and we were getting the warehouse ready for more clinic openings!

Three more before the end of the year. Two in Bangkok and one in Korat.

Jian and I had talked about opening clinics in America for LGBTQ youth and adults. I was using my contacts to get started. New York to begin with in the spring of next year?

Lots of stuff from The Company and 21st Century Fox corporation and plenty of `chat' about stories from Fox News and Sports.

The New York PR law firm had a huge amount of requests for all sorts. People wanted us to sell this or that or donate or invest or whatever. They were doing a great job managing it, screening it and deleting almost all of it.

All the serious bits were sent to Gil and then she filtered it some more and finally I got them. Gil also received requests directly from our friends and close business colleagues. Cho had joined several corporate boards, I chose not to do that but joined a few charitable foundation boards.

Hélène got me on the board of a United Kingdom animal charity, I didn't really have to do anything... "Fay, there's nothing to it but we shamelessly desire your name to promote the cause."

I couldn't refuse such an honest request. We laughed about it.

Text from Cho, he was on the way home... Nothing about his game?? I sent back a smiley being low key like himself. Maybe his streak was over?? All streaks end.

Comments are welcome: abecker60@yahoo.co.uk

Next: Chapter 51

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