Jian: Cast of Characers

By A becker

Published on Aug 4, 2017



We waved from the drive as the Security Police aircraft lifted off! Cho and I standing in the sun, pressing hard, "Miss Martin, I will always use that name by the way, I need some kisses! I have not received one since the ceremony."

I rectified that omission right away! We walked back to the guests hand in hand. Gil was waiting in the central hallway, smiling, "All of us are ready to go except for a quick clothes change."

A kiss on her cheek. I was ready too. Cho and I plunged back into the crowd working our way around saying our goodbyes.


We'd kissed and hugged our way out the door, a final wave from the steps into the helicopter. Up and away!

I grinned at Cho keeping a warm hand in mine. Jian and Ting holding hands, I got one of her's! Gil's grin was huge! Sunny bouncing in the seat ready to go holding Jaidee's lead. I turned my head to see our Security folks and Francis. They all were smiley faces too! I guess it was just one of those days that caused mass delusions of happiness!

Cho-Fay Air rolling right away! Captain Kor hit the gas as we turned onto the runway... Up and gone! A big starboard roll and climb!

Me out of my seat as soon as possible jumping on Cho! KISSING!!

He was laughing, "It is only a ceremony, words spoken... "

"Yes but it feels right! To be linked!"

Jian and Ting beside us holding hands, still a bit amazed by our King's generosity! The Prince's efforts on their behalf... but he was right... we all are loyal subjects to the Kingdom and had sacrificed in many ways so it was appropriate to be rewarded!!

FOOD! Soka heard me, laughing, "Miss, come!"

I was fed! A tangy red curry coconut soup, fish cakes, fried rice with tofu and veggies!!

Filled up with a delicious meal on a sofa with the Brown Flash. Such a cutie! He was just a bundle of love, warm and happy!! I gave him a good rubbing. A doggie shiatsu! Lots of tongue hanging out!!

I got Sunny to take over so I could work for a while before bed. Emails, lots from all over. Get them looked at now so I don't fall too far behind!

Snuggled up between Cho and Jaidee, "Men, I love this!"

Cho laughing, "Well I will take on the role of spokesman for us men to say we rather love this too! Right Jaidee?"

A woof!

Cho's hand rubbing that warm brown belly!

"This has been quite the day! Alia said she would have the album done soon so we can have a different look at the day."

Big squeeze! Big kiss! Still amazed by it... I was a married woman! I softly slipped asleep with my boys!

"Murat was running like a strong wind as I aimed for town. Little traffic at that hour even though it was a market day. Crossing the second bridge we turned into the courtyard of the Sheriff's compound. A sentry stiffened as I rode past. I tied Murat and ran up the steps. The man at the desk jumped up as I said I was there to see the Sheriff. I walked down the hall my boots ringing with each step.

The Sheriff looked upset to see me. I asked for him to have his officers brought in. That didn't make him happier.

I stood with the windows to my back to read a document out loud.

"I, George Rex, am displeased with the manner in which the Sheriff of the ancient County of ******** has performed in his high office. It is by my command and order the Sheriff is removed from office! It is further ordered, Lord M**************** is appointed to the office of Sheriff of the County of ********."

There was more court language but it was done!! Low murmurs from the assembled officers. They quieted as I gave orders.

"First the former Sheriff will be given assistance in packing his possessions. You, Sir,..." I pointed to a young officer "are deputized by me to review any papers to make sure that none of the County's papers are included."

The former Sheriff in a somewhat strangled voice said he would not take any papers, only personal objects. Any papers that came forward as his own he would be grateful if we forwarded them on to him. Good!

I took the senior officers into an office across the hallway. I laid out what I needed from them. A training regime involving the restatement duties of the sheriff's force, a course of manners in how to act toward the people we are to protect, and more. I tasked another to create an ethics code was simple enough so it could be taught to the men and easily enforced.

A third was have in all the sergeants, make clear to them that if they fail to control their men they will be cashiered with haste and in egregious cases they will be charged. They are to be reminded they have rank and power, use it properly or pay the consequences for failure.

"All actions by sheriff's beyond basic daily tasks are suspended until the men have gone through re-training. In the west of the County my existing Patrol will temporarily act as sheriff's. Any assistance for tax collections is also suspended."

There was more but the officers weren't sulky which pleased me. I felt they had wanted something like this to happen. I ended with saying that the Sheriff's would be a `professional' force where it would be an honor to serve and wear the uniform.

They liked that I could see. I thanked them and returned to the former Sheriff.

He was downcast but said I'd warned him and he would go to live in Norfolk with his family there. I was glad of that for two reasons, he wouldn't be a focal point when the men found out what was going on and if any weren't happy and for him he wouldn't have to be further disturbed watching me change the force.

I sent a messenger to my home with a note to Marshall about my expectations for the Patrol and how it had played today. He had wanted to send men with me but I rejected that. I felt my presence would be enough and I didn't want the officers to think they were to be superseded by anyone.

Marshall was also to have Gwen moved from the hidden stable to the main one and taken care of there by my staff until my return. He was not to expose her stable or explain to the staff.

My housekeeper's note had her send clothes and accessories to the B********** home where I would stay for a few days. They were happy to have me as their guest. Alice, I hoped, would agree with her parents.

I sat with several officers to review what operations were planned and how to do them when the men returned from their training. I asked they review their tactics regarding the smugglers and review where and when their encounters had occurred to look for any pattern.

Then I went down to ride to the B********** home.

The young man from the other day I rewarded for paying attention to Murat was there again. He untied Murat and waited until I was mounted, "M'Lord, this is an honor."

The word spread quickly.

I thanked him and exited the compound going deeper into town.'

OH My! I was awake lying on my side Cho behind me. The vividness and how it linked to anticipated events once more stunned me!! It certainly was close to the edge of my consciousness!! Was I partly Gwen now?

The aircraft was cruising along, I felt it hum as I washed and dressed. Cho sleeping quietly but there a hungry boy tail thumping on the deck. Big hug!

Alone in the lounge with coffee, salapaos and fruit. Jaidee had been to his box and eaten his breakfast and was slowly destroying a chew treat.

Captain Kor came in. He congratulated us on our wedding and sat with a cup of coffee. We were about two hours out from Chalgrove. Clear and dry weather. The crews were going to a BA simulator to try out the Boeing 787. Cheers! Fun for them.

I snuck into the cabin to wake Cho. Under the covers I captured my penis of choice!! Sucking began immediately!! Cho moved a bit then I swallowed the WHOLE THING! That woke him!! Laughter at my sneak attack!

Cho pulled me up to kiss, "Thank you alarum cock for the improved wake method!"

We kissed and laughed, I told him about the time so he got moving. I said breakfast would be ready. We sat to eat with Sunny, Gil and Francis, Jian and Ting hadn't come out yet. Soft boiled eggs, snick... snick and the tops were off, a dab of butter and pepper!! Nice toast with strawberry preserves, fresh coffee! I was good! I didn't mention the earlier breakfast! I felt like a hobbit.

Jian came out to hug me and Cho. She had a gleam in her eyes, a whisper about a bit of morning buttering of her biscuit had me laughing. I pulled her into my lap for some toast. Jian munching when Ting emerged with a shit-eating grin too. We all cheered him and received a bow in return! Sunny had gotten the idea! She had a cute grin. She did a high five with Jian. Boy was she going to learn a lot hanging with us.

Dressed and ready for touchdown. Jaidee in Cho's lap as we eased down softly onto the tarmac at Chalgrove. It was a short taxi to our parking area. I could see Prasert waving!

No Cho at the steps this time but I got a hug and kiss from Prasert to congratulate me and Cho on our wedding. He handed me into the car and we drove off for Harcourt House.

Cho with Francis and Rande stepped aboard a helicopter for London. They were going to a board meeting of the `City' investment bank that one of our Bangkok banks had recently acquired. He wanted to set the tone for the bank management right at the top. Ethical investing in new technologies was to be the key!

Carter was waiting as we rolled over the graveled forecourt. Big smiles, fist bumps and a hug!

"Miss, welcome home! We are ready for the show to begin!"

Another fist bump!

"It was spectacular at the Forest Palace! I know it will be the same here with you and everybody working so hard!"

Audra was inside the front doors with a grin! I knew! We hugged and I dragged Sunny and Gil up the stairs. Gil yelled out `ready in a jiffy' as she climbed to the upper floor. My clothes laid out I jumped in a flash. Gil and Sunny's where readied by Audra too. Very sweet!!

Down to the kitchen where Jaidee was holding court with his admirers around. I hugged them all and rounded up Gil, Sunny and him. Down the lane with Jaidee leading woofing.

Thames came rushing out of the office to greet him. Many bow wows and tail wags! They ran off to do dog things in the stables. Gregory smiling, "Welcome home!"

Anthony lead out Pamela who was nickering, ready to go! Diana said Zephyr was a well behaved mare, easy to ride and enjoyed a gallop. Zephyr for Sunny! And Scout for Gil. Happiness all around!!

A leg up, I let them know we were going east to look at some property. Thumbs up!

Gil and Sunny followed my lead up the lane and out onto the grass beside the forecourt. We went down by Harcourt Close to see the work. Ground clearing was done all the beautiful trees would stay, several were partially wrapped to prevent damage as the houses were built.

Each house to be brick with multiple brick colours around the close. Mostly two stories with small basements and attached garages, nice garden sizes and the lovely trees! We hoped it would blend into the area right away to look part of Nuneham Courtney.

The Thorns, Fraser's, Radley's, some St. Thomas School board members like the Cotton's and the Vicar Dr. Lone and his wife had all been asked to review the plan and had heartily endorsed the it. The local planning authority had unanimously approved.

We trotted down to the A4074 to cross over at Baldon Lane. One hundred meters along that was a dirt road used by our farm people. We picked up the pace a bit going south. Pamela striding out comfortably with Scout alongside. Gil had a big grin! Sunny's smile a thing of beauty. Zephyr seemed very pleased.

Out of the trees we skirted the plowed field to the east heading towards Little Baldon and the property I wanted to see. We paused on the B4015, the road to Chiselhampton, to get a look over the first part.

Gently rolling farm land, a stream bisecting a portion of it. There were several spinney's in view, the first had a grove of tall oaks, very handsome.. We crossed a field going east to the stream, trees and shrubbery clustered along its banks. There was a ford with a sandy bottom we could wade across easily. Straight east to another spinney which had a small pond which had to be spring fed.

I asked Gil to add to her notes of this ride to find out if the water tested as potable. It was a lovely little oasis sending my thoughts to Gwen and our times using spinney's as hideouts and fortresses. Such a wonderful time we had together. I needed to be at her grave before the wedding day, an acknowledgement of her help in forming me.

I had tears, Gil saw but didn't say anything. I pulled out my iPhone and texted to Prasert. His reply was he was ready at any time. I looked Gil, a slight smile, "Ready for a drive?"

A big smile, "Whenever you want!" Sunny nodding!!

I told them we'd go when we returned to the house. Now southward from the big spinney towards Berinsfield, we closed up to it but turned west staying clear of its northern boundary. We crossed the Roman Road heading to the A4074. We went north along the road to near the Garden Centre then crossed before it become four lanes.

Staying south of the Oxford Road we worked up to a strong gallop for a mile or so then jumping over the road to our land north of Clifton Hampden. More galloping past the eastern side of the Sci Centre and the edge of Kate's family parcel.

Now we asked for more from our horses, they opened it up for another mile or so then we slowed going down the slope towards the training tracks. Freddie and Diana with some other stable folks were working several of the younger ones. We waved and called out a greeting as we ascended the lane to the stable.

Anthony took our friends, I let him know how far we'd gone. He'd check to see if they had any issues especially Scout who hadn't been asked for so much recently and Zephyr was new to us. Gil and I made some coffee to drink as we changed, Sunny got a hot chocolate. Prasert texted the car was at the door!

I asked Carter about Jian and Ting. He said they'd gone in a car to Oxford to see the college and grounds and shop a bit. Good!

Cho and Ting would go play golf tomorrow morning so we'd have some time for us girls in London! We would see Andrea and the new apartment, Sunny would see our Basuto Road house and maybe a stop at The Company office. An early start!

The weather was good so it was tight blue jeans, painted on, a crop T and a flannel blue and white checks shirt, big checks, brown ankle boots, a brown bomber jacket in case. I told the others.

Prasert knew the way so we sat back. He'd chosen a Range Rover so we had a good view. I texted to Cho what I was doing but didn't expect an immediate reply. He had said when they finished, they were going to grab food then stop at The Company before flying home. So I'd wait for an answer.

We made good time, a stop in Basingstoke to buy some fixings for lunch then arriving at the house. Neither Sunny, Gil nor PJ had been so I sent them on to look around as I made some sandwiches and cut fruit. Prasert aired out the carriage house and apartment.

I took Sunny and Gil out to Gwen's grave. I had a Cho-Fay handkerchief with me for I knew I would tear up. Wiping my eyes I told them some of my life and how Gwen had been such a huge part. Smiling about my thoughts at the spinney this morning. They were quiet through it each just slipping an arm around me to squeeze.

I was alright and glad we came.

We sat outside to eat. I saw the cardinal pair at the back of the garden doing their thing. I hoped they were the descendants of the gorgeous pair who I remembered from my youth. The garden borders were so beautiful thanks to Sybil it attracted many bees and butterflies.

Prasert and PJ volunteered to cleanup so I took Sunny and Gil with me to walk up hill to the Reed's. Rose was hanging out bed sheets as we approached, she saw us and called out for Matthew. His head stuck out of the barn and he came out running. Wow!

He hugged me tightly like never before and Rose joined in!! When I was released they both greeted Sunny and Gil with hugs. My intro simply said Gil was like another hand or brain to me. Sunny my niece and flower girl! She grinned at that! We sat at their table in the sun chatting. I told them about our wedding at the Forest Palace. I'd send on snaps when Alia was done putting it together.

They were ready for the Harcourt House version! Aileen and Sue would go first. Rose holding my hand, "You know about the baby don't you?"

I smiled, "Yes they shared with me. I think it's fabulous!"

They were very pleased with their children for arranging it. Their younger son's donation of sperm had them thinking about the group growing up.

"I guess we shouldn't have waited as long for the third child. It is working out now. The older boy has come down off his high horse some and has been asked to the wedding with his family. He has accepted, all good for now."

I was glad of that. I hadn't seen him in over fifteen years, he had already married and had kids of his own the last time I saw him. They lived in Portsmouth where he managed a small hotel chain.

We kissed goodbye for now. Just a couple of days to go.

Walking back Gil and Sunny loved the look of the thatched house on its little hill.

Back on the road PJ asked about the house, I gave him its history with my family and that I'd lived there longer than any place in fact for much of my growing up. I managed to say a bit about having a horse to ride ride around the neighborhood without tearing up.

I called Ms. Pelletier to let her know we'd been by and to thank her and Sybil for the garden looking so good. She said a couple had been down a month ago for a weekend, very nice with a little one on the way. Eric and Malee!

We crunched over the gravel to the big doors, Cho came out! Kiss and hug! We walked upstairs holding hands. In the suite I grabbed him into a BIG kiss!! Ah, no resistance!! We flopped on the bed laughing as Jaidee exploded into the room. All three on the bed hugging!

Cho was happy when I gave him the events of the day especially about Gwen and seeing the Reed's.

I said we should definitely buy the property I'd ridden over this morning. It was good land. About eight hundred acres to add to Harcourt House. Good for vegetables, hay and I hope adding fruit and nut tree groves.

Laughing I mentioned Archie would get a shock about the size. "He'll have to hire a few more workers!"

Since dinner was just us, Sunny, Jian and Ting and Gil and Francis there's no dress up. Okay!

My buddy came in the door with bags and packages! Ting with a wry grin on that handsome face! He and Cho had a laugh about Jian's shopping. I helped her upstairs with her loot and Gil and Sunny joined us for a showing.

Jian had found the TopShop! Oh Boy she'd gotten several nice things for the warm weather in Bangkok and for here when Andrea decided to have the Jian baby! Loads of easy to care for shirts and crop tops!

Some skirts and a couple of cardigan jumpers for here. A nice shopping bag with an embroidered cat, quite striking colours and design! Some shoes and tights! Go Girl!

I walked down to the stables with Sunny to visit with the new horses. Zephyr was acting very happy after her ride with Sunny earlier. I wanted a good look at Contrary and Rascal to see if they might suit for training in dressage and eventing. Both big and strong and at sixteen hands good height but would they be limber enough for jumping?

Sunny and I led them to a paddock. I got her to lead each one so I could see them walk looking at how they moved their legs. They seemed loose enough. We let them wander a bit and sat on the fence to talk.

I told her what her mother and I discussed in Seattle about her future with horses. Bright eyes on mine then a tear from each squeezing my hand tight!!!

"Fay it appeals like nothing else! I know I'm only thirteen but it feels right when I'm on a horse. I enjoy caring for them..." a grin, "I even like mucking out!"

I laughed at that, "Just as well because you will have to do plenty of that! I was serious about it...It can be very demanding when YOU get serious!"

I got my hand back somewhat smaller by compression, shaking it to make the blood flow again that had been happening a lot, "Beverly and Sam are coming over in a few days...You need to sit with them for a good talk. Beverly competed for many years and Sam just knows horses backwards and forwards. We'll get him to look at what we have here and maybe what he has in Pleasant Valley. We'll find you a couple of good rides."

I looped my arm around her neck as we collected the horses, "You'll have to leave home soon... Seattle isn't the place for this sort of training. If you commit, then many things can open in front of you. The National team, Olympics and more."

Sunny was bouncing by then, "Fay, I know I want to find out if it's me or not... then... GO!"

Okay! I wanted to give her the chance, she had such a natural seat. All the horses loved her like Zephyr had today giving Sunny a great ride!

We gathered in the Great Room for some aperitifs and canapes. Sherry and scotch poured by Stanton. Grinning over the edge of my glass at Jian in a new dress. Red and white cute little checks with a red belt and red tights and heels! My dear Jian was red! She was giggling! Damn I loved this girl!

We hugged tightly, my lips on hers, I said my love and it was returned!!!

Ting put his arms around us both, laughing that we were a pair! I thought that too. Linked like I was to Cho!

The dinner was funny! We laughed and joked all the way through. Ting gave us some of his infamous `doctor' stories which he delivered so well. I could see Carter smiling away at some!

Delicious fish from Carla topped at the end by Sue's angel food cake two sets of wedding couples on top! More laughter over that!

Espresso by Kendal a la `grandfather!' We sat talking for a while before I called time on myself. Jaidee came with me Cho said shortly. Outside Sunny's room she hugged me, I kissed her cheeks. She had a bit to digest.

I was up well before dawn, coffeed with a fed and tail wagging puppy heading down the lane. Diana was the early one today. She had Pamela ready! Jaidee and Thames stayed in the office by the fire.

Pamela was eager, me too. Down to the flat area opposite the training tracks, I walked Pamela over that section. It would be fine to create dressage arenas, we could get two in easily maybe three. Something to ask Gil to look up, who builds them?

Pamela carried me up the slope towards the Sci Ctr and over the rails. She stretched her legs on the way to the lock. My usual friends were there, I changed up to shorten my ride. Back over the lock, Pamela and I circled the Sci Ctr. Once over the eastern walkover I asked her!

In the chill air she responded we roared past Kate's house in full gallop through the tree lines bursting out of the last onto crown of the hill. We slowed to a trot going down the slope and a walk up the lane. Diana had a big smile waiting for us.

"Thanks again for the scone!"

I gathered Jaidee and headed up to the house. A coffee and a kiss from Cho in the Breakfast Room. I checked on the others, they were up, getting ready. Me a fast shower and dressing. Black skinny jeans, crop T and a bright blue crew neck cropped jumper, Nordstrom ankle boots, gold bits. Cho showed in time to fasten the chain around my belly. `Joy' and kisses!

Prasert had us moving! Over to the motorway and then speed! PJ sat up front, Tai with us girls! We chatted clothes, food, significant others, Shira finding love, horses and on!

Gil and Tai didn't have significant others because we kept them too busy? I wasn't having that but Tai did say she'd been emailing and texting with Nicole!! Ha! Sunny didn't want a boyfriend, just friends who hung out! She had a good mixed group, they did music and talk, watched TV shows, all just casual.

Gil grinning, "Well, I'm happy being single right now! Yes, work is great Fay!"

Laughing, "I know I keep you busy! Even after the wedding it will not slow down a bit."

We piled out onto the sidewalk at Basuto Road. Graham was waiting, "Miss Martin, good to see you again."

"Well same to you Graham it isn't going to be for long once more."

I escorted everyone inside. Sunny and Gil took a short tour with me. Then we went across the road to Favart Road. Jian led the way. Up the elevator to the fourth floor, she used her key card to send us up.

The door opened to a foyer then the main room straight ahead. Corridors branched from the foyer right to the bedrooms and office, left to the kitchen, wash room, dining room! The bedrooms had a nice size, built-in closets and vanities. The bathrooms had tub/shower combinations, very roomy!

The main room had a big skylight and stairs on one side going to the roof. A small room at the top of the stairs for storage that you passed through to the roof top. A lovely fenced and private sitting/play area with planters full of flowers and potted shrubs. A corner was an arbor with vines starting to climb up the wooden supports.

Every flat had new windows and appliances, the elevator was completely re-built and the heat system replaced entirely. The exterior was deep cleaned and all new landscaping done.

It looked like new! Not a handsome building but sound and comfy. The Common across the road had plenty of space for `airing' the child and nice play areas. Our Security had put in systems for the entire building linked to the house on Basuto which was a base for them beside my original house. The other tenants were given training in using the security systems, their part wasn't too difficult.

Andrea had been buying furniture. Nice dining room table and chairs and two sideboards! Lovely mahogany stuff! A round table for the kitchen, yellow and cornflower blue chairs to match! It fitted with the yellow kitchen.

A gift from Cho and I had been delivered. A suite of furniture for the baby's nursery. It was cherry, carved borders of small animals. Bureaus, changing table, and a bassinet that had a cherry frame on wheels with the sweetest little ducks on the inside of the hood! A cherry wood heavily padded gliding rocking chair for nursing mom's!

Andrea came home as planned. Huge hugs and kisses. It was her last day going in to work and her last trip out was our wedding. Big tummy! We made her some tea and helped pack her up for Harcourt House.

Across the road Sunny was standing by the portrait of me at seven years old. She had a sweet smile, "You look so innocent!"

I gave her a mock punch, "You mean I don't now?"

We laughed! PJ stuck his head in, the car was ready to go. The Company offices. Another car would bring Jian and Andrea to Nuneham Courtney later. Sunny got to see the HQ and meet Angela who had things for me to sign. Cho had done his yesterday.

She got a brief tour and met some folks. Then onto Hyde Park Stables in Bathurst Mews, shopping! We bought some new boots for her and jodhpurs, shirts and jackets, a new helmet, gloves and a crop. A few bits for me and Gil too!

I went outside to take a call from Seattle. PJ with me, Tai stayed inside.

The Seattle City Department of Transportation was IN! They would provide the access to miscellaneous physical public equipment so we could mount our devices. Their crews would assist ours and learn from us. GOOD!

I passed it onto Reg and Eric, they were pleased.

Reg would assemble the equipment and a team to go as soon as! Alright!! I let them know, after a look at my calendar, we'd be in Seattle at the end of May. Done!

Back inside Sunny beaming over the new stuff! We got it all in the car and Prasert aimed us home. Gil called ahead so when we were changed our horses would be ready.

Rebel flicking his tail in anticipation. Sunny on Contrary or Con as everyone was calling him and Gil on the big Rascal. Those two had been ridden by Diana, she said they moved well and were strong.

Down the lane passed the construction noise to the tracks, Freddie and Diana and others out with several of our younger bunch. Waves. Gil mentioned she'd found two companies that built dressage arenas and had them coming out for a look-see and bid making.

Sunny gave me a look, "We aren't preempting your decision but just looking."

A big grin by me matched by her lovely face! She knew Beverly and Sam would be here in two days with her Mom.

We rode south up the long slope, the newbies running easily as we skirted the Sci Ctr heading towards the lock. My fav lock man was off duty, the other I didn't know very well but my reputation precedes me now.

I wanted Rascal and Con to walk over the water. They took a look and followed Sunny and Gil over with only a bit of skittishness. The water under the weir was louder, they handled it. The narrow bridge beyond no big deal! Cheers! They trusted us!!

Remounted we followed my usual route, a big wave from Margy as we passed. Dennis flagged us down, the boat canopy makers would be over in the morning for a final fitting!! Yea! I thanked him! Fist bump!

We aimed towards the railroad tracks riding the grassy verge of the big plowed field. At the industrial estate I could see workman at the south end. They were putting in water and sewage and preparing for power where we were building a new structure for the auto repair company.

Samuel, the owner, needed more bays so we were having a new building put up, room for four repair bays with hydraulic lifts, storage, loos and a break room.

Not far away another structure was going to go up. It was a recording studio. It would have two large studios and three smaller ones, purpose built for music recording but any audio would fit. Some offices, instrument storage we could let musicians use as part of the fees, the usual offices for men and women, a conference room and a connected coffee stall that would have its own exterior door for other customers.

We had a woman friend of Eric's, Tabitha aka Tab, to run it, she had good contacts and some possible artists ready to try it out. A nice quiet area to work with few distractions with good security! We anticipated it could draw some artists in need of those qualities.

We turned towards the office but Jeffery was already heading our way.

"Miss Martin, nice to see you. I wanted to thank you for my being assigned here full-time."

I leaned down to shake hands, "Well, there looks to be enough to keep you busy! Who rented the old drug smuggler's building?"

Ah, another electronics company? Jeffery was laughing, "This time we have a different `to let' procedures so more checks are being done. They built and maintain networks so lots of cable spools and the like. They move in tomorrow."

We rode on to the Sandford lock. Over that we were on Church Road when we saw Mr. Hardy as he returned from a walk, he looked blooming. We were on for a game tomorrow right after lunch. The Battle of Nations at Leipzig. Site was our Game Room!

We'd been idling a bit so I asked Rebel for speed for the run to the stables. Boy he was ready! Sunny and Con weren't close, Gil and Rascal further back. They were built like hunters without Rebel's training or body that was for speed. He'd become quite good at cross-country running.

Rebel was what I wanted though. Wow! We really moved. At the training tracks I waited for them to catch up my hand stroking Rebel's neck, he nickered.

I called Declare, did he know anyone close who trained riders for dressage?

He emailed me a name and number, Charlotte, she lived north of Oxford. He said she had trained members of the national and Olympic teams. She was renting space up there at the moment. I rang her. She sounded nice and was free in the morning two days onward to come down to see me. I'd given a good pitch to interest her in Harcourt House and Sunny.

Gil would do the research on Charlotte.

Up at the stables I talked with Gregory about setting up some jumps on the flat opposite the tracks. He had some good ideas and thought we enough materials. He'd take a look now and he would put several fellows on it in the morning.

He said his son Alfred had been up on Iris. He was enjoying it. Gregory thought Iris was pleased to be working not just running in a paddock. Good all around.

Jian and Andrea were here! Upstairs. I wiggled in between them on the bed. We laughed and chatted. Andrea was feeling Okay due in a week or so. Ting's teaching position started Monday so the three of them would be together in their new big flat!

After dinner I sat down to read the Napoleon At War rules. More than ten years since I even opened one of those boxes. I hoped Mr. Hardy wanted to try being Napoleon, the Allied side would be easier to play. Well it was only a game so it didn't matter much.

Lying under the covers surrounded by my men!! These guys were great cuddlers!! We talked and caressed each other, I loved to pet them both. That brown furry tummy always so warm!

In the morning I popped out right after the alarum. Washed and dressed I took Jaidee with me. Nan was in the kitchen getting ready for the staff breakfast. Jaidee and I doing the kitchen garden thing. He was such a good puppy, smart! He ate, I made my bits. Walking down the lane munching on my scone watching the snooper check out everything.

Anthony had Pamela out, she was acting ready! I got a leg up, he got the second scone! Gregory's head popped out of the office, he had looked for pieces we could use to make jumps on the flat. Based on my drawing he said he believed he could make six. Two rows of three spaced properly as he'd looked up layouts. Excellent!

Jaidee and Thames woofing as I turned down the path. The construction was going ahead very well. The roof on the training circle, the barns nearly done with the double rows of stalls. A new hay barn was framed up. All looking good!

After my look at that I turned us towards Harcourt Close The first prep for the house foundations had started. I was excited thinking of how we'd be able to house more of our staff in well built, comfortable homes!!!

Pamela and I crossed the A4074 south of Baldon Lane, no traffic yet. Straight east crossing Harcourt land then turning north heading for the Green at Marsh Baldon. We passed between two buildings on to the Green near the Seven Stars. All quiet as we passed through going northeast out onto plowed fields. Aiming to circle around Toot Baldon we passed through tree lines and fields until north of there we hit a dirt road going south into the village. A nice trot down the road before it became paved.

We walked from end to end of Toot Baldon hardly seeing anyone until near the Mole Inn public house. A woman pushing a pram waved and said hello. She asked if I was from Harcourt House and was pleased to meet me. Her little girl was well wrapped against the chill but wanted to see Pamela. Adele lifted her up, Pamela was Okay with the tiny hands caressing her nose. The child loved it.

Adele thanked me, we rode on with a wave. Southwest across several fields skirting Marsh Baldon on the north heading west towards St. Thomas School. I rode around the school to the front gate. We attracted a few early arrival faces at the window like the first visit! I tied Pamela inside the gate and went down the corridor towards the offices. Still too early for all the children to be in. Mr. Thorn came out smiling.

"Miss Martin, so nice of you to visit us."

We chatted and he led me to the new classroom addition. Nearly done not many things to finish. He had used the money well! It was a big room with storage closets, big blackboards, a built-in white board, cork boards and two skylights! All the desks and a lot of supplies were covered. A new map device which held six pull-down maps and a group of eight laptops and a colour laser printer ready to go into little cubbies on the back wall!

The rising Third Form was going to move in when classes started in the new term. The current Third was sad it hadn't been completed for them. It's always the way. My school opened lovely new classrooms after I left.

Pamela and I completed our ride bouncing up the drive and over the hill and down to the flat area. Gregory had the materials ready and was marking out where to put each jump.' His folks waiting to start. He knew I wanted the crossbars to be light' since none of our horses were experienced.

Up at the house I rounded up Sunny. We took Diana along since she'd done some jumping. Rascal and Con were to try the jumps with Zephyr. I brought DayDreaming who we called DD or D², along to be out and about, she was easy going.

I had all the crossbars laid on the grass and rode Con around the jumps first. At the start I asked him to go aiming between the supports he did a little hop to avoid the bar in the grass at each jump. Good. He had no problem going between the supports.

The bars up, not very high, I sent him forward to the first one Con jumped it no problem, I steered around the second but went for the third. Over! Great! The second row I took him over each one this time he jumped easily and got his feet correct to take each one. I turned him at the end and started over. He cleared each jump one-two-three and the second row no hesitation. I was very pleased and praised him, hugs and rubs.

Diana on Rascal repeated what I had done, the bars down to start then up. Rascal was tentative at the first but cleared it with a slight hoof knock but the bar stayed up. He completed the same circuits in fine style.

I went over it all again with Zephyr! She was very light-footed clearing each bar with room to spare but they were low. She was quite bouncy. I got Gregory's folks to move the bars up to the last position.

I moved Zephyr to the start and we went over every bar, no bumps! She was a champ! Diana and Sunny said she was well clear of each crossbar.

Okay Sunny on Zephyr. The bars on the lowest level. We talked to her about how to move. Made sure her helmet was on snugly and let her try. Zephyr made it simple for Sunny sailing over the course! Sunny doing the right things like she'd done it all her life.

Zephyr was well behaved and eager. After several circuits we raised the bars and the result was the same the two of them sync'd beautifully. The last time around I had my iPhone to do a video. It came out great!

Sunny could see how she moved and we texted it on to her parents. Kay responded right away with praise and delight! They'd arrive tomorrow for the wedding!

Sunny rode Zephyr up to the sables, Diana and I led Rascal and Con. Diana was happy! Riding, learning from Freddie about training for the race course. She knew she could use the jumps but I interjected, "Please have someone there just in case ,Okay?"

Diana said yes, she understood. Sunny had already been warned. Injuries might happen but no one was to be alone!

Cho watched the Sunny video, "She does move well! See her hands right where they should be!"

Sunny was a natural! I sent the video on to Beverly. She got back to me that she really liked the form! Eager to be here!

I grabbed some fruit for lunch as I washed and changed. Kendal brought a tea tray into the Game Room as Mr. Hardy arrived with the game. We ceremoniously shook hands with big grins.

We laid the game board map on the bridge table and the pieces beside it. We rolled a die, high number chooses the side they want to play. Mr. Hardy rolled a six to my deuce. He decided to try the French. Okay, better for me I think.

We laid the historical scenario. He had forces north of Leipzig, and southeast. My Allied forces were opposite to his with a small force to his southwest cutting off his lines of communications. I expected his first attack to go there to clear it out.

He indeed tried over the next several turns to runoff my Germans blocking his supplies but some shockingly bad dice rolls in combat caused unexpected losses and my men were still there. Now he would have to use more troops from somewhere else.

While he was occupied there I attacked all across the northern area. Attack after attack pushing him back causing losses he couldn't sustain. My dice rolls were unbelievably good giving me a series of big tactical wins. In the real battle Napoleon struck in the southeast but Mr. Hardy's problems on his supply line had him move units there to clear my force away.

The north might have stabilized for him except for two attacks aimed by me directly at those units covering the city of Leipzig. With GREAT die rolls I spilt his front line in half reaching the city.

I followed that up with my newly arrived re-enforcements in a big southeast attack. His weakened lines crumbled and my units surged forward. I was in a position to encircle half of his force and the rest wouldn't be able to stop me.

As Mr. Hardy struggled to gain a good defensive position I kept attacking sometimes quite audaciously. Well, it was a game, nothing for me to lose!

With three attacks in the north a quarter of his army had disappeared and my Allied Army was poised to crush what was left of his northern force.

The southeast French units were in full retreat, several units left as a rearguard were easily overwhelmed. From re-enforcements, two Russian heavy cavalry units smashed into Mr. Hardy's exposed far right flank rolling it up.

At that point a sugar wafer in hand I rolled the die on an attack at the center of his badly bent lines. With a `1' I penetrated the center to split his army in half. No recovery from that as the right wing folded up completely.

With a wry grin Mr. Hardy asked Kendal for a tea towel to toss in. We laughed together! I commiserated over his terrible run of bad die rolls.

"Miss Martin, are you sure you haven't been playing secretly?"

Laughing, I said no but fortune, like with the Allied Army in the real battle, had been on my side. I'd been well above average with good die rolls! I explained my strategy of `just going for it' wouldn't be sustainable IRL! I agreed to a rematch with a different game we'd decide on later. Not too complex but it needn't be completed in one sitting.

Mr. Hardy was asked to stay to dinner. Yes! Good!

It was an Indian-Pakistani buffet dinner. Yea!! Marandi was the lead!! Samosas, pakoras, biryani rice, curried veggies, two paneer dishes, naan, a sweet rice pudding and fruit salad! Lovely!!

I cornered Carla and Sue downstairs to request they do it again soon!!!! I squeezed Marandi's hand, "You won't mind?"

I got lots of YES's and nods!

I got my ride with Pamela in the morning before Charlotte arrived. Carter texted she was at the door so I rode up to the forecourt to greet her. Trim, looking good in slacks and a cute blue jumper, she liked Pamela.

I slid down to shake hands, we walked down to the stables. She met Gregory, they realized they'd met before at a show. Charlotte was looking around at all our activity with big eyes. We strolled about so she could see everything. I wanted her to transfer herself here but I held my tongue to see what would happen today.

Diana was chaperoning Sunny doing jumps. Going slow and careful on Zephyr. Charlotte watched for a few minutes, "May I?"


She gave Sunny several bits of advice and that cutie did them. Sunny thanked Charlotte for the hints. Charlotte looked at me, "How long has she been in training?

She almost fell over when I said `since yesterday morning.'

"Charlotte, this is why I wanted you to see her. Everything she does is her being a natural born horse-woman. From the first time on a horse in a paddock..." I waved my hand up the hill, "...it's been like this. Her with Zephyr... a good match if the horse is up to it."

We talked horses, what we had... Charlotte eyes meeting mine... "you're willing to go forward for Sunny?"

I squeezed her shoulder, "As far as Sunny wants to go! She has to make the decisions on that."

"She's thirteen? It's not too young you know."

I gave Charlotte Sunny's particulars, our family ties, all about Seattle, her being here, Pleasant Valley, Upperville... I told her Beverly would be here tomorrow, I'd like them to meet.

Cho came down, intro's done Charlotte gave us her bio and current situation. She was renting space in a stable, this was a quiet time for her. Cho's smile, I knew he would ask her and I was ready for it.

"Why don't you transfer to here? Our construction will be done in a month. Your two horses can easily be accommodated and we have living space for you if you want."

I took over, "Sunny will return to Seattle to finish her school year then back here to spend the summer on her voyage of discovery. We can have two dressage arenas ready by then and proper jumping equipment in place.'

Charlotte was looking a bit glassy-eyed.

I laughed, taking her hand, "Don't let us push you into anything. We would be very glad to have you here even if was just to coach Sunny."

She smiled, "I'm a somewhat at a loss for words. It's a smashing offer!"

She turned to me, "Would I be able to have other students here?"

"Of course! We don't have unlimited room but they'd be welcome."

"Oh NO! It would only be maybe two to use my pair of horses."

We all headed up the hill. I took Charlotte on a tour. We were outside Mahogany's stall, I mentioned she was pregnant by Rebel.

I gave Charlotte the story of our equine romance. It was a love match. Rebel and Mahogany had been in adjoining paddocks, they'd talk, run the fences together, rub noses after a while. Gregory let them share a paddock in late winter.

"They just got along so well. When Mahogany showed signs of estrus he left them alone like we asked. They were happy being there together. A few times, when the days lengthened in early spring, they were seen coupling at the far end under the trees. We made no `organized' attempt to mate them it just was the two of them. So we have a little one on the way."

Charlotte loved that! I gave her Rebel's excellent pedigree and racing record. Mahogany's pedigree opened those blue eyes very WIDE!

"Miss Martin..." my hand on her arm, "Fay."

"Fay something special might come from them!"

We thought so, you never know though but the signs were good!

She got to see all of us before we sat to have some lunch in the Breakfast Room. Carla's wonderful veggie soup sprinkled with parmesan, grilled cheese sandwiches with vegetarian bacon stuffed inside and fruit were delightful.

I told her we served three meals a day to staff and she would have a flat if she wanted rent free. Tack and a clothing allowance was included.

Charlotte was reeling again, "Miss... Fay, it such an offer!"

I sipped an espresso, looking over my little cup, "You must realize we did some checking on you before you arrived. I guess you can imagine that we liked what ww found. So... the ball is in your court... sort of like it is for Sunny."

I added, "You need time to think, take your time please. I know it's been a bit much to throw at you."

We went into the Great Room to the fire. Kendal brought more espresso and I gave Charlotte a rundown on us. Where we both came from, our recent marriage in Thailand and the wedding here in three days. How we would be out and about doing our business work but here often. How the Pleasant Valley location and its ownership fit in and how we had just completed the purchase of the Upperville farm, describing both places. And that Upperville was Beverly's family place where she had grown up.

She had read a few things about Glaa, amazed we were his owners since the press hadn't mentioned names just Harcourt Racing which she hadn't know was related to Harcourt House.

"I guess I'm not really a news person. I read trade journals and such though."

I let her know after the wedding here we'd be going to the Kentucky Derby for Glaa's biggest test.

"Now, how would you fit in' here? Gregory is in charge of all of our stables and allied activity. He would be your immediate supervisor but only in the sense of what happens regarding our horses and facilities. Carter is our Chief of Staff' who you have to report to as our personal representative here. We believe in hiring good people and giving them their work and leaving them alone.

Meaning no one would look over your shoulder but be available to help you if needed."

She was looking in the distance, "Fay, I want to do the job for you. What do I need to do now?"

We talked salary, benefits and etcetera for a bit. At the door we hugged, Charlotte would be back tomorrow to do employment things and spend time getting her things ready for a move. She wanted to sit with Sunny too. Gregory would have a van available for her horses.

In the office Cho was pleased with me. "You organized that quickly!'

"Ah, Gil did the legwork and background with Adam's help. I was the closer."

We laughed over that. Cho had my hand, "You know in New York it will be the same role!"

I nodded!

My afternoon ride with Sunny took us north because of something Cho, Archie and I talked about. Sarah Fraser called a greeting and asked us to stop I waved we would as we galloped on.

At the Radley's we swung in to stop briefly. Would Mr. Radley and his Tom be able to talk when we rode back in a little while? Yes from Mr. Radley for both as Tom was out with sheep right now.

Sunny and I rode on across the grassy fields toward the berm and lane. At Church Road, we spoke with Mrs. Lone. The vicar was struggling with a sermon. Grins!

Our return was a wild wonderful ride. Rebel grabbing turf with DayDreaming carrying Sunny running quite well. We walked to the grass at the back of the Radley's where we slid down.

Mr. Radley with a broad smile, "So what's up?"

"We talked the other week about how Tom was so welcome to have home but you might run out of projects for him. Well we are going to buy that big parcel south and southeast of Little Baldon. And we are going to need more help. So... I wondered if Tom... " I leaned over rest my hand on his arm, "... might want to supervise some crews for us?"

Mr. Radley gave me an appraising look, "Miss you do think about things don't you?"

I grinned!

He and Tom shared glances then smiles, Tom spoke up, "Miss, I know there isn't work here for two fulltime so I'd like think about it. So I know, I would be in charge of men doing the work?"

"Yes, you would supervise them in their tasks . You and Archie would plan the work and get resources in place. Then ensure it all gets completed when you have planned."

I grinned, "There may be times, when like Archie has, you would have to pitch in to get things done."

Tom nodding, "Okay. I'm in!"

`Great!' popped out of me! We shook on it. I knew Archie would be pleased, he needed a good second in command. Tom was young but very much his own person growing up now with his first child. This would keep him here and be able to earn good money! And he was a farmer, close to the land.

Deanna came in from shopping to the news. She was elated! I got a huge hug and my cheeks kissed. Outside we talked before we re-mounted. She'd been worried about the work for him, not now!!

The men gave us knee-ups and we waved goodbye. We got our horses warmed up to a good trot before stopping at the Fraser's. Sarah smiling, "I know you and Cho didn't want gifts but this is different I think."

She handed me a big tin, "Now don't open it until you are ready. It's my ginger cookies you two like, several dozen."

I put the tin into Sunny's hands so I could hug Sarah, many thank yous! I said it was the perfect gift, consumable!

She said they were looking forward to the wedding even Dan Junior was happy to wear a tie. We laughed over that and my `tell him not too tight!'

Sunny had been smiling the whole way back. She linked her arm with mine walking up to the house, "Fay, thanks for including me. I feel like a grown up!"

I squeezed her, "Don't grow up too fast! Enjoy the journey!!"

I left the cookie tin with Carla. She promised not to raid it. A sneaky grin!

We were laughing entering the Breakfast Room to be greeted by Andrea eating a piece of cake. I sat beside her resting a hand on her swollen tummy. She was ready to have it over but anticipating the joy too!

Carter stuck his head, "Miss, Mr. Cho would like to see you. He's in the office.

We did fist bumps in passing!!

I was still grinning going into the office. Cho looked up THEN swept me up! WOW!! I was almost airborne! Cradled and kissed!!! Well that's my dramatic greeting for the week!

Cho sat in one of the big leather chairs with me on top, "So...?"

"All that for a So?" We kissed and hugged. I told him Tom was in. Another kiss!

"Tell Archie so they can get together tomorrow. We will have ownership of the new land in two days. The London and Oxford solicitors are doing their thing rapidly."

Archie was pleased, he liked Tom. Good!

Okay! Tomorrow would be busy! We had family and friends arriving, new hires. Cassandra and the caterers would be here too. Funny that sounds like a singing act, Cassandra and The Caterers! Cho got a laugh from it.

Rubbing my head, "Funny stuff from in here!"

I was in agreement. Well I was on the inside so...

Pulling on my half boots in my dressing room, sun wasn't up yet, whoa, I needed to check with Charles, Beverly's dad, about dressage arenas at Upperville Farm. She had trained there but where they still usable? An email later.

Going downstairs with Gil, Sunny and the Brown Flash, I asked Gil to do the email. Okay!

Sconed up, coffeed, Jaidee's business done and his breakfast gone we walked down the lane to ride. We were going for a short ride since guests were arriving. Pamela was ready as always! Scout with Gil and Mahogany for Sunny.

I saw Sunny's give me a look, "Yes, she's pregnant but there still has to be exercise. Mahogany needs it as much as the others. She'll just go along as normal until her last trimester then slow down to just walking unless there's a problem. She's healthy!"

Sunny bounced aboard with my knee up, huge smile. She was happy to ride Mahogany and appreciated my explanation!

Down the lane as the sun worked its way through some clouds. Up the slope at a moderate pace, we circumnavigated the Sci Ctr and after a hard run stopping on the crest of the slope looking at Harcourt House. The new stables and enclosed training area were all on the south slope nestled into the trees well below the house level so they didn't interrupt the view. From this angle a handsome old gray building with nice grounds!

It worked the other way too. The trees and gardens around the house blocked the view of the stables on the slope.

We rode up as Freddie and Diana went down with several of our trainee three year olds. Ah Dr. Crawford was here. He gave his approval to Mahogany's outing. I was intro'd to a good looking fellow in his early twenties, a nephew. He was finishing his veterinary studies at university in America. He would graduate soon and come home to practice. He would join Dr. Crawford's clinic. He had specialized in equine health.

I gave Dr. Crawford a look, he broke out a smile, "Yes your stables made it easier for him to choose and me to take him on. We are going to add some equipment too."

I said we'd have more room so he could possibly do a satellite office? He had a pensive face, "If you are willing we might just do that."

I said he should talk to Gregory about space, maybe we could add the office/treatment room for him on the end of a stable building. "Gregory's your man to talk to!"

We shook hands, the nephew was already Crawford2 in my mind. Terrible of me!

Cho texted... Cho-Fay Air from Bangkok was on approach to Chalgrove.

Zoom upstairs to clean up and change. Black toreador pants from St. Laurent with their sailor collar black and ivory jumper! Showing some tummy. The red Anja stilettos which were also St. Laurent, red nails all around, silver jewelry everywhere! `Joy' by Cho! Kisses by Cho too! Then red lips!

Cho and I with Sunny between us greeting our friends and family from Bangkok and Taipei! Jian and Ting right there with us. Andrea in between them.

Sunny hugging her Grandma Phailin was sweet!

Kanda smiling, "Dear, you are gorgeous!" Good for my ego this lady!

My Crew, we did mass hugs! Thet was the only partner who could make the trip.

Chou and Millie!! Lots of hugs and kisses for them! I was so pleased they were here again! She was ready to ride! Chou was going to play golf with Cho, Ting, Eric, Reg and Greg when everyone was here and fed.

Ting's parents! The five of them hugging, Andrea's big belly being held by Ting's mom. Cho and I got hugs too. Ting's dad looking at the house, I was holding his hand, "We'll do a tour, later Okay?"

He was up for that. His missus too.

Stanton was beside me, "Miss, a message from Mr. Carter, the other aircraft is on the ground now."

I thanked Stanton and did an `air' fist bump with Carter.

I told everyone FOOD in the Dining Room shortly. We were waiting for the others.

Cho and I with Sunny to greet the next group. Her parents and brother had flown across America in a Gulfstream G550 to Newburgh to pick up Beverly and Sam. Kay and Beverly would talk about Sunny on the way. Our lawyer Sam and wife Sadie had helicoptered up to Newburgh to join the group.

A car rolling in! Eric out first to help Malee and then Rona. Reg inside passed out the pumpkin. More hugs! I was getting well warmed up. Arms around Rona looking at Margret Fay Alexandra, such a cutie! Wonderful to have these people here again!

More cars full of friends! Kay and Greg with Artie. The little man came running over to hug me! Nice! Sunny peeled him off to kiss him. Artie took that pretty well for a boy!

Beverly and Sam! Hugs for both, they looked good! Sam said Sydney was doing well, anticipating our visit next month. He was going to bet on Glaa in the Derby but some others so he might make money. We laughed about that! Also Hansa was training very well, she'd be ready for Saratoga for sure!! Fist bumps for that!

Sam and Sadie hands in mine looking at the house. Cho had his arm on Sam's shoulder.

"Wow! Real English gentry you are now!" Sam's grin huge!

Sadie said it was majestic. Inside she was more impressed when she got to the door of the Great Room.

"Fay... it's gorgeous!"

I laughed, "You should visit Carla's domain."

Lots of intro's all around.

Our next group of guests would be here in a few hours onboard one of the Gulfstream G550's, Mike and Cindy from New York and Lori and Shira from Los Angeles.

We gathered everyone in the Great Room, Carter announced a luncheon buffet in the Dining Room...so... Carla's veggie soup with parmesan or asiago to sprinkle on top! Cheeses and some sliced meat for sandwiches, light and dark bread, smoked salmon, sliced apples and pears, cookies of many types!! Coffee, tea, soda and waters. All the bases covered.

Kendal brought Charlotte in when she arrived. I got her aimed at the food and some intro's followed.

After food we were going in many directions. My Crew with Jian, Malee, Tai and Ansara were going to Oxford for some shopping with Gil as tour director. Phailin and Kanda with Andrea were going to take care of MFA for Reg and Rona whilst sitting with Ellie to talk sewing as she did a few last minute alterations to wedding bits.

The guys were golfing. Cho had Chou, Eric, Ting, Sam, Greg, Reg with him. Rande too.

Artie was setup on the front lawn with PJ, Charlie and a football with a goal! Others would join in later.

Thet was meeting with Thomas and our Security team. They wanted to go over the entire security scheme for all of Harcourt House with the new additions we'd made. Sumate would be here later in the afternoon and join in.

Millie, Rona, Sadie and I would ride after spending some time at the jumps with Sunny. Kay and Beverly were going to watch as Charlotte worked with Sunny and the horses. They had the task to decide on whether these mounts were appropriate for Sunny.

Gregory had Sam with him to tour the stables and construction. Visit our tribe!

Ting's parents decided to sit and relax. A bit of jet lag. Stanton would keep an eye on their needs.

Rebel and I were standing watching Zephyr bouncing over our improvised jumps. Gregory folks had found a way to set the bar higher so we could get a better evaluation of the horses. Charlotte beside Sunny and Zephyr pointing and making suggestions.

Diana brought Rascal on a lead as she rode Con down to the jumps so Charlotte could look at them I said I thought Rascal might be the better eventing horse, so big and strong and he could jump. Zephyr had surprised me with her discipline and good foot work! So we'll see.

Millie on DayDreaming grinning at me, she had ridden over after watching Freddie work with the youngsters on the tracks. Rona on Scout beside me smiling too. Sadie was on Mahogany.

"Sunny looks relaxed doesn't she?"

I nodded, "She's made for horses!"

Sunny's form would be improved with coaching but as a novice it was amazing. We watched for a few more minutes before heading north. Rona looked relaxed on Scout, first time we'd ridden together. Millie's face was beaming! Sadie had ridden for years as a girl. So much fun!!

Waved to Freddie in passing the training tracks. We picked up the pace some but Rebel had too much engine so I kept him dialed down. We crossed the Fraser's and Radley's with lots of greetings! Turning east to the opening at the berm and along the dirt track to Church Road.

We crossed to the Rectory. Dr. Lone with gardening gloves and a trowel! He was working his potatoes and carrots! Rubbing his hands in anticipation of Saturday's events. He'd had several meetings with Aileen and Sue, not telling tales but he liked them and was honored to do their marriage! Nice!

The vicar and missus would be up to the House for dinner day after tomorrow, our wedding supper! `Looking forward to it!'

We headed back the way we came except I asked Rebel on the dirt track. Millie said they'd catch up with a big grin knowing me and Rebel!

Rebel sensed it and was ready. We took off!! Down the track onto the berm moving very fast at the grassy opening we burst from between the trees. Tom Radley was about fifty meters away with a shocked look then a cheer! I waved and yelled out our thanks! By the river we roared across the Radley's and Fraser's, no easing until we closed in on the training tracks. I didn't want to distract the newbies, I needed to be more mindful of that in my enjoyment of the ride nowadays!

DayDreaming carried Millie up to me and Rona and Sadie followed.

Rona was amazed, "Fay, he runs like the wind!"

I squeezed her hand, "Damn it's great too!"

We walked over to the jumps. Diana was taking Rascal through. Charlotte came over, "Fay, I have to say I'm surprised by Sunny. Her natural way of doing things is wonderful! Her hands and body... all of her!"

I slid down, we moved over to where Beverly and Kay were. Beverly's impression was the same as Charlotte's, Kay looked pleased. I looped my arm in Kay's, we gathered Sunny and strolled over the grass.

All our phone calls and emails were distilled into the conversation with Sunny. If she wanted... she would finish her school term in Seattle... come here for the summer to work with Charlotte... then she could stay here, go to school here at St. Thomas... holidays and birthdays at home, Christmas here with us and in Seattle... do some novice and juvenile events, etcetera... always remembering that it was up to her to do the work or stop if that was right for her.

Standing in the grass with Freddie working behind us and Diana jumping in front, a slow smile came over Sunny's face, she spread her arms wide... "this is what I want right now, it feels good... and I will be honest about how I feel with you both all the time. Okay?"


"Now, Cho and I will make you our ward while you are here or in transit so we could make decisions for you legally in case we have to, like for medical care... " Sunny was nodding,... "Also we can give you a good whipping when you're bad girl..."

We all burst out laughing, hugs and kisses. Sunny holding Kay's hand, "Mom, I'll do good!"

All smiling we walked back toward the jumps. We were all pleased! Charlotte too, "Fay, honestly I've never had a pupil as young as Sunny and as talented."

I said they'd both learn from it! A smile! "Oh, by the way I think your riding clothes are smashing!"

I thanked her, "I like the `look' it feels less restrictive. Could Sunny wear something similar in competition?"

"Yes, the rules say to wear what would qualify as `hunting dress' for dressage and show jumping, its more informal for cross-country. Is the hat a certified helmet?"

I said it met the United Kingdom standards and those of the EU. I explained that inside it was basically a jockey's helmet, a bit smaller.

Rona, Millie, Sadie and I walked our horses up to Anthony and other staffers, a big grin from him!

Dinner was a cookout! We were milling around the grills and heaters since a chill had come on. I was still warm though from Cho's greeting when the golfers came home. I was lifted and squeezed big time. Cho had broken par at the Oxford course!!

He was laughing, "Maybe my second career is as a golf pro? What do you think?"

I got my breath back and said he should follow his dream... tongue in cheek and ran for the bedroom! Cho came after me saying he was... I got it!! AND more hugging and kissing! Kind of nice to be someone's dream!!

Black skinny jeans, black crop T under a big checked blue and black flannel shirt, black ankle boots and silver jewelry bits. `Joy' for my man!

Cho was sex' in tight black jeans, gray shirt and a black jumper over that, black half-boots! I had something new for him... Terre' by Hermes! I picked it up on Rodeo Drive as a wedding treat! I loved the earthy smell.

Cho's eyes widened, "Nice! You are a great giver of these gifts! You want me to smell so good other women will be attracted to me?"

I gripped his shoulders, nose to nose, "I'll rip them apart!"

We hugged laughing loudly, kisses!! I had to repair my lipstick and wash his lips. Holding hands on the stairs as Sunny came running behind, she stuck herself between us arms around!

"Hey, I'm hungry! All the riding and jumping has me empty!"

We squeezed her between us, "OW! You guys are making me more empty!"

Okay, we rushed down to the terrace where there was starter food. Smoked salmon, cheeses, various crackers, veggie pâté, and celery, carrots and dip for them. Day after tomorrow's would rather more elaborate, our wedding dinner!

Sunny and I dove in. Cho smiling his hand on my shoulder pressing lightly, his lips on my ear, "She's going to be fun to have around!"

I got to munch some before doing duty as a cook on one grill, I cooked salmon on one side, bangers on the other. The bangers looked like the regular shape and colour but they were veggies ones! Carla nudged me before I started to let me in on it. She wanted to see if they would fly.

I cooked and sipped a glass of Willamette Valley pinot noir, a very nice red wine Carter had found. Nice bouquet! I served many folks, golfers, shoppers, horse riders and seamstresses! Carla was doing the burgers. We had big warming trays of chips, cold salads and various buns and bread. Cut fruit and a table of cakes and cookies!!

I got my release when the demand slowed. I loaded a plate and parked my bum beside Phailin. Kendal, good man, refilled my wine glass! Phailin was going to try half a banger on a roll split with Kanda. Some hot mustard and ... She liked it but the roll was a bit too much. I let her in on the secret, Phailin was good with that!

I got a hug, "What you are doing for Sunny is marvelous! She is quite excited!"

I said I wanted her to stay that way too! Phailin got it!

"When I was about ten years old I wanted a dog, we had never had a pet. After some fuss I was given the ground rules on the dog, I was in charge of everything!"

She smiled, "He was a miniature poodle, white and very cute. I decided not to get drastic haircuts just trims because I liked him fluffy like a ragamuffin. He was `Rags,' my boy. We grew up together, I did my chores for him because I had promised and I loved him. I made a commitment to Rags, that helped me keep my promise. Many times I was doing something but it was time for him to be walked or fed or groomed, I got up to do it."

Phailin smiled, "Right until he died in my arms of old age, I did it all. A tiny bit of his ashes are enclosed in a little bottle on my vanity to remind me of the importance of keeping your promises. My mother held me after he died telling me how proud she was of me for being there every day for Rags. He repaid me each day with his love so it was easy to make the choices to do my things for him."

Kendall found me again only half a glass this time.

"You told Sunny this, right? Before dinner?"

Phailin nodded, "I had never shared it before but she's at the beginning of something important...So..."

I squeezed her hand, "We'll see what she wants and how badly she wants it."

"I was Okay doing it?"

I smiled at my Mom, "Yes, it's a wonderful story, inspiring!"

Hugs and holding her close! "You two are going to spend a lot of money on this project?"

"We've hired Charlotte who can train Sunny and others here maybe starting a bit of a school? Who knows yet. We're buying some equipment that Sunny and Charlotte will use and laying out two dressage arenas. It isn't that much right now. It's enough to give Sunny a chance for a real experiment to give her the knowledge to make a decision."

Stanton leaned down, "Miss, Mr. Cho asked if you could come to the office for a moment?"

Phailin squeezed my arm, smiling, nudging me to go. I went up onto the terrace and along to the end to the office's exterior doors. Cho opened them.

"William has been on to me. Our provider of the last bite of voting stock wants to keep some so he will be able to profit when we take over..." Cho raised his hand, "... William has the signed contract that was created so we would get the shares but possibly not without a delay."

I sat down...pondering how to keep this working on schedule... "What if we added to the contract an addendum which allowed him to buy back shares at the same price after we take over still leaving us enough to have control?"

Cho eyes on mine, thumbs up! "And if the family wants to be out completely, we buy more shares from them he could buy from that at the lowest price offering?"

I jumped up plopping on Cho's lap, "Yes! That way he gets to make money and we keep total control!"

We kissed!! Cho said he'd fire off an email to the investor group and we'd see! And he'd call William right away.

I bounced up, grabbed him for another kiss and dashed out to our guests. Thinking I didn't like our over the hump stock seller waiting to ask this but he would be cut off from his family afterwards. Financial protection for his immediate family was a fair goal!

Behind Jian, arms s lipping around my buddy! She took my hands in hers holding on her tummy, "Fay, keep me warm!"

I was willing but I thought a mac would be better. We went in to the closet. I leaned in Jian pushed me into the darkness and followed. We hugged and kissed! Giggling as we played with each other's bits. Then a tight hug and kiss, "Fay, thank you for what the Prince did. I know it would not have happened without you.'

I gave her a soft kiss, "You are all my sisters, I'd do anything for you! Thanks for the thank you!"

We emerged laughing lightly as Kendall came into the hall, he smiled. We wandered back to the crowd with the macs on. Nice and warm!

In the kitchen garden darkness, hands full of Cho's warm fingers and Jaidee's lead. I let him off to wander and go to his box. Quiet together, my face against the front of his mac, hands rubbing my back slowly in circles. Quiet time.

In the kitchen were hunted up some treats for Jaidee before bed.

Lying under the bed clothes with Cho's warm hands going over me... MMMMMMMMM I half rolled backwards, an arm around his neck, those lips on mine... MMMMMMMMMMMM Fingers crossing my belly... We kissed for a while, easy to get addicted to those!

"Sleep Princess."

Okay! I did.

Pamela's beautiful head came around the end of the stable, ready to go! Anthony put down the warm scone long enough to give me a knee-up. We went south, Anthony got it!

Walking past the construction, it was moving along quickly. Good to be able to move. I had emailed Declare about other horses for possible dressage, he'd said he would van over two today from his west Oxfordshire stables. We'll see what Charlotte and Sunny say.

Pamela was warmed up so we picked up the pace galloping up the long slope around to the west of the Sci Ctr towards the lock. I eased her down as we approached. My favorite lock worker gave us a big `morning' which I returned. Roy was in his spot. He said one so far! I cheered him on and he was say hello to Angie! I squeezed his shoulder before leading Pamela over the weir. Back up the west side of the river we trotted along smartly, over the track and through the woods (ha!), we started galloping once we were on Harcourt House land.

Pamela, my dear, was soaring! We covered the space to the Sandford Lock in one long rush. She is so strong!! Walking over the little bridge then the lock top was a bit of ease. On Church Road we passed through the sleepy homes to the south end, Grass! Pamela was happy to take off again!

We ran hard all the way to the training tracks without seeing anyone. I walked her to cool down and I had a slow look around, the training tracks ready for work, the new stables, the covered training circle, new staff quarters and new sitting room slash dining room all surrounded by trees, hedges and grassy paddocks.

I had worried we were doing the Saruman thing, building and doing something that could turn out ugly but it looked good! I was pleased.

Anthony handed my girl off to a new fellow named Ethan. He'd known Ethan for five years, steady, willing to learn. Diana waved from Pamela's stall, she was training Ethan.

The Breakfast Room had lots of folks grazing the buffet and sitting around. I got the best seat in the house, Cho's lap!! I also got a nice kiss!!

I nabbed some eggs and tomatoes, smeared some tasty strawberry preserves on toast and chowed down beside Jian. She giggled, "It is so nice to sleep with Ting and Andrea. I am in the middle, so cozy!"

I kissed her cheek leaving a small strawberry bit. I wiped her soft cheek smiling into those eyes! What a happy girl! So proud of her!

Sunny came bouncing through with Artie and Jaidee. They were all off to the stables, Sunny dressed to ride. Kay said she be down shortly.

The men were golfing. On the forecourt I waved goodbye to the cars.

"Miss, are you going to try golf one day?" Carter smiling.

"No, I'm never been into games with balls or sticks but the outdoor part is good. I'd only cause my man endless grief trying to `teach' me the game. Best we do some things separately."

Carter laughed at me and the `air quotes' around teach remarking he'd never either. Fist bumps!

I stayed my riding clothes when the text from Declare announced the eminent arrival of the horse van. From the house front I saw it go up the road to the stables. Millie came out in her riding duds, a hug. We walked down the slope to the van.

Gregory was opening it with Adam's man. A handsome roan emerged first. Very solid looking, a bright eyes and flowing black mane and tail!

A palomino followed. A rarity! Another solid looker, gorgeous colours, a mare. Gregory waved some papers so we joined him. The roan was eight going on nine named Prince Sergey usually called Prince. The mare was Natasha. I stroked her face, she was good with it. Nice eyes, soft erect ears, the dark brown mane lustrous! I laid my arm over her withers as I ran my hand along her neck. She nudged into me, a hug!

On a lead I walked her to a paddock and let her run. Tail flying!

Prince was a bit restive after his drive but I did caress him a bit then into the paddock. He dashed off making a circle of the space. Then came back to me. I was just inside the gate as he came up. I rested my hand on his neck talking quietly. A soft nicker. I patted his rump and off he went.

I climbed the fence to sit, Gregory leaned in beside me as Millie joined me on top.

"They're both eight, Prince with be nine in five months and Natasha in nine months. Dr. Crawford, one and two..." a nudge to me, "...will be by in an hour or so for a look. Natasha had one foal, a colt but she had trouble in birth and can't have more."

Gregory kept reading but I was more focused on them running around together. They were friends, that's good!

Charlotte and Diana were wide eyed looking at our new friends. Sunny's head popped up next to me.

"Anthony, do you have some mints?"

"Yes Miss."

"Give a couple to Sunny. Sunny you go make a delivery."

A huge grin from her.

Anthony held the gate open for Sunny passing off a few mints. Sunny stepped in calling to Natasha who was closer. Natasha came up to her right away and sussed out the mints. Sunny held one out in each hand as she called Prince's name. He trotted over, sniffing the mint... whoosh it was gone!

Sunny stroked their noses lightly. Anthony delivered two more mints. Sunny was a queen now!

"Gregory, let them stretch their legs then get them saddled. Diana please bring them to the flats."

She gave me a salute! I had to laugh giving her a wave.

Sunny on Zephyr, me on Rascal, Charlotte on Con, Millie on Scout, Sadie joined us on Mahogany with we wandered down to the jumps. Charlotte set Sunny to do some work as Millie, Sadie and I watched a bit then rode off north. I found Rascal to be a good ride, he had good footing and was strong.

It was a relaxed ride along the river, we stopped at the Radley's for a short while and the Fraser's on the way back. We were walking south, Millie smiling, "You do have nice neighbors. Good people, ordinary folks. They do seem to really like you and Cho."

"We've been open to them. Making the first moves to bring the House back into the community. We talked about it when the sale was completed. The previous owners had walled themselves off, we couldn't live like that. We do have security system which is much more extensive than anything else around but isn't annoying. Our Security keeps them all in the know about anything important."

We paused by Thames' mother's grave, Millie and Sadie got the story and we were going to use this area a graveyard for our animal friends. Nice trees overhead and quiet.

We trotted over to the jumps. Sunny was on Prince going over the course. Charlotte said in the note sent over with Natasha and Prince they had done some jumping. So...

Huge smile on Sunny when she came over after completing her run.

"Fay, Prince likes this!"

Her gloved hand stroking the big neck, a loud nicker from the big guy! I winked at Charlotte, "Sunny take him for a run south to the Sci Ctr and back."

Her face lit up! OFF!! Millie pulled Scout around, "I am coming!" Sadie yelled `me too!'

The three of them galloping up the slope. Kay and Beverly coming down from the house.

Charlotte smiling, "Yes to the unasked question, Prince is quite the boy! He jumps effortlessly. Lots of power. So a good romp was in order. Sunny and Zephyr are very good together, she jumps well, springy legs. I think she quite smart so dressage will come with training. Prince is also quite intelligent. He went right ahead on the course, no issues at all."

Beverly smiling, "You have people coming to look?"

"Yes, soon I hope."

Looking at my phone as it went off, Carter saying a fellow was at the house about the dressage arena. Send him down.

Carter knew about the another man coming later. The first was from Hampshire, the second from north of Oxford. The fellow walked down the lane and over to us. I slipped down to shake his hand. He'd given me a good look.

We all walked the space with the fellow. He used his big measuring tape, made some notes. He said the area was amazingly level so little grading would be needed. We talked nuts and bolts briefly. He would email a proposal. Okay.

Sunny, Sadie and Millie returned looking red cheeked and happy! They'd met Kate and talked for a while. Sunny let her know she'd be here this summer which made Kate happy for a sometime riding buddy.

Diana came down to collect horses. She headed up the lane with two horses.

Beverly shaking her head, "Please tell Sydney about Mahogany when you're in Richmond. He'd love to know!"

I squeezed her hand, "We will!"

Sunny went to the stables on Prince leading Zephyr as Carter called about the second arena builders arrival. There were two coming down the lane, a man and a woman.

We let the horses wander a bit as Diana was coming back.

Intro's done we talked about our project. They did some measuring with a nifty laser device and aiming target. Charlotte talked surfaces with the man, I walked the area with the woman, Terri.

She admired my clothes, "We've heard a good deal of news about you as owners here and now Charlotte is working with you. Should we have expectations of important things?"

I said we started on this particular project for our niece but we are still primarily a racing organization. Charlotte would be training other riders here so the facilities will be used a good deal hence multiple arenas with different surfaces.

"Racing, here?"

"Yes this summer and autumn here, in the US now. Saturday the Seventh is the next race we will be in Kentucky so your proposal should be sent to me, Charlotte and Gregory and to Carter as it says on our form. You may have to wait for a decision."

Big eyes! "Kentucky? The Derby? You have a horse running there?"

Smiling, "Yes, our brave boy, Glaa is in the field."

She was non-plussed! "He's the favorite!"

"He is indeed! Our silks will be on display!"

"Oh my god! This is terrific! I've seen him on youtube! He's fantastic!!"

I thanked her, "He's healthy and leaving Santa Anita for Louisville tonight. So we'll be busy."

"Yes of course! Best of luck!"

We walked towards the others. Charlotte was happy when we took our leave of them.

"Fay, he said they could bid on cross-country jumps."

Okay. I told her we may have them back to do that when we were back in a few weeks. Fist bumps!

Food! My wail didn't bring any immediate relief from Carla. It was almost ready. She got a hug with a smile.

I dashed up to the main floor in search of my guests I'd been ignoring. The men were still golfing' said Carter. Some of the ladies had gone for a walk into town promising to return for luncheon. Andrea and Rona were napping together with MFA. Using the acronym bringing a grin to his face. There was an abbreviated film noir' festival in the Game Room. Mr. Thet was downstairs with Thomas and Sumate. Also Gil and Francis were working downstairs.

I was laughing easily by the end. Fist bumps! I asked about the inventory. Carter said it was on hold this week for obvious reasons but it was going as planned. Our staff supervising the folks we'd hired, taking pictures, printing barcode labels when appropriate and more. He was pleased which spoke clearly to all I needed to know.

We walked through the Great Room to the terrace. Workmen were laying walkways over the grass for the high traffic areas in the gardens.

Philips came up, "Miss, these things are great, they'll aerate the grass and protect it."

He got one fellow to bring a panel over, it had long spikes on the underneath. I got it. I congratulated Philips on finding them. He had a beaming face, "Miss it was Teddy! He found them online. He was searching, as a project from me, to learn how to resuscitate grass after heavy use. Boom! He came across these."

I gave his cheek a kiss, saying it was wonderful!

Sitting with Carter in his office, I know I had big grin on my mug. Carter laughed, "Miss, you love this place don't you?"

"I do! Staff like Philips and Teddy, Carla... well everyone! You manage it so carefully which is of such comfort to Cho and I when we are away! There will be a point when I won't have a 'job' and of all places I will want to be it will be here. Beware!"

I jumped at the last and gave him a hug and we did fist bumps! Carla called food, laughing I ran out with a wave.

The Breakfast Room smelled fabulous. Pea soup, thick and creamy! Hot with sour cream to dollop on. Bread and butter! Loads of cheeses to choose from and much fruit laid out. AND cake at the end! Yes! I dove in joined by my Crew and the men from the basement, Gil and Francis up the office below. Kanda and Phailin had corralled Andrea and Rona. I circulated with a mug of soup and handful of bread and cheese.

We laughed, talked and ate! Sunny came running in from her caring for her mounts! I was standing there with the kid wrapped around me, squeezing tightly. Beautiful brown eyes!

"Hungry? Dig in!"

My cheek kissed first then FOOD! I sat beside Kay, "Well she has the bug right good."

I laughed at that, "Well it is a wait and see but watching her ride and jump is amazing! Dressage is tougher, lots of discipline, so..."

I got a big piece of cake and returned. "I think she's going to stick it! Get prepared, Mom!"

We smiled at each other, I let her know something of our schedule and the end of June was going to be a bitch. Our Eve would be ready to give up the babies and we had a monster project. Cake gone I took Kay's hand and we walked out to the terrace.

The men were still laying the walkways but no one was close. I told her what project was to incredulous looks!

"Fay, can it be done?"

I gave her our plan and how we were holding an ace in the hole.

"We have six weeks until maturity then we'll have a big takeover! Then all hell will break out, Cho and I will be the spear point for our group. We will, with the new management team, be the face of the new corporation."

Kay hugged me, I hugged back! "Fay, some people will say very nasty things!"

"Yes, some may try to DO nasty things which why we have made so many security changes! When you are back in Seattle, Nicolas, our Security chief there, will come by to talk with you both. We want to include your house in our Security system but you and Greg must talk about it and agree."

Those dark eyes on mine, I got an Okay and a huge squeeze when I said for Greg's ears only!

Stanton found us, the golfers were back! Cho scooped me up in the Great Room! He'd had an unbelievable round!! We sat on a settee, "Fay I was one under par after the front nine then it was like I hit the groove and ... Damn it was fabulous! I was four under for the back nine. A sixty-seven!!! It was the best eighteen holes ever! Not a single bogey!"

Cho had my hand in his, "Fay, I understand when athletes say things like being in a groove or `other' state. Everything just flowed, it was all quite natural but supernatural."

I recovered a slightly crushed hand and surrounded him with arms! Kisses!! Eric sat across from us with Malee, "Fay, it was a thing of beauty to see! Cho was crushing every stroke! I've never seen anything like it!"

Reg, Ting and Chou chimed with similar praise. Chou laughing, "Fay, he must have felt it before we started because we didn't make any wagers at his suggestion. I am sure Millie will find a way to spend our savings!"

She laughed and nodded!

Lots more laughter! I took Cho out to see the walkways and gave him the story. A very wonderful smile on that handsome face,

Strong arms holding me, I gave Cho the skinny on our arena visitors and the new horses. "Sunny and Prince bonded right away, he has beautiful form!"

We walked holding hands down to the stables. Gregory was at his desk, Thames and Jaidee in front of the fire and the big chair filled with cats! Laughing we gave Gregory some kidding about having to expand the office soon.

I intro'd Cho to our newbies Natasha and Prince. They liked him! Who wouldn't? So we had three or four horses for Sunny to work with under Charlotte's direction. Seemed a good start to me! Cho agreed but only after a few kisses. I was Okay with that.

I stopped by Rebel's stall, Anthony and Ethan had him saddled. Cho Gave me a leg up. We walked out to the front where the others had gathered. Beverly, Rona, Millie, Sunny, Sadie and Charlotte, all mounted! Cho squeezed my hand. I pulled my hat up from my back and we headed out for a short ride.

Across the flats passing between the jumping area and the training tracks. Freddie was out with two youngsters. Waves from him and Diana!

I led our gaggle up the slope with a moderate pace. It was fun to have such a group! We circled the Sci Ctr with exclamations abt the wood walkovers, all I said was Cho had pull. Which got lots of laughs and woohoo's!

Around the east side we saw Kate coming out for her after school ride. She and Sunny rode side by side, Sunny asked to go with Kate for a bit. I reminded her of the dinner and she said she be clean and presentable on time which got a hoot from me!

I watched them go off to the west. Good! Only three years between them, close enough and with an interest in horses they could be pals!

We did a nice gallop back to the stables. Sliding down I handed the reins to Cormac, a new hire. He was from Donegal and Cork and had worked with horses his whole life. A big smile full of freckles under green eyes and red hair! Handsome brute!

"Yes Miss, I've been told... only the best!"

I laughed and thanked him.

Now for the clean up! I'd been in my riding clothes all day now for a hot shower! I had just got started when Cho climbed in!! Fun! I crushed myself against him...BIG KISS!!! I gave his cock a tug and wanted more but we didn't have the time... I did kneel down for a quick taste though... ah a well-remembered delicious taste!

Cho laughing, hugging me tight, a long wet kiss! After we managed to get clean, I was sitting on the wooden bench Cho drying my hair with a big towel. I did like that right from our first time together.

Black pencil skirt to my knees with a slit in the back up twelve inches or so. Soft lightweight wool! Alice + Olivia's Monika black open-back crepe top with a crisscrossed back, short sleeves!! Silver jewelry! `Joy' Hair curled just right to my chin! Red Anja stilettos from St. Laurent! They went with my red nails and lips! Yea!

Cho's dark silver gray suit cut to show his fabulous body!!!! Black French cuff shirt and a slender brilliant red tie! Yeah Momma! I wanted to smear red lipstick all over him!!

Shit! Having to resist that! Cho laughing so hard... it would have been impossible to kiss him anyway! We were laughing going down the hallway. Jian and Ting looking very snazzy, nice blue suit on Ting and a pale red long-sleeve dress for Jian. Good shade of her fav colour for her! What a doll!

Holding hands Jian and I led our men down. At the door of the Great Room we could see the big screen hanging where the Christmas tree had been. The videos from Alia of the Forest Palace wedding were going to be shown. We hadn't seen them yet.

There was a long one of the whole day, one of the ceremony from Dad and I emerging into the sun until we greeted our families and friends afterwards, then one was a collage of stills of the whole day. The latter two would run during our drinks time before dinner.

The Great Room had so many folks already, our friends from town, my Crew, Kanda and Phailin, Greg, Kay, Sunny and Artie. While greeting them I nabbed a champagne flute! Sipping and hugging!

Aileen and Sue popped up! Great! Aileen's mom Rose and dad Mathew would come down tomorrow morning with the rest of the family and Sue's people.

I wandered! I had my arm around Rona when Cho announced the start of the wedding video. Reg behind me his hand on my shoulder. Cho took my free hand. The lights dimmed a bit...

Oh Shit! There I was in the bright light a white pillar beside Dad! Dad looked so handsome! Blue and gold! We moved down the stairs slowly... Then Cho's face watching us... Amazing! Descending the grassy walkway my Crew behind us then Dad proudly putting my hand in Cho's! Yes!

We knelt, Jian stepped forward and neatly removed the tulle veil, she stepped back, folded it and knelt... (Jian turned away from the screen to look at us, Ting had his arms around her, huge smile) then the senior monk began. All the steps of the ceremony then the gifts were passed forward, a final blessing and the monks departed to their tent. Cho helped me up and we kissed. I love it!

We turned to Jian and Ting, hugs and kisses! The Prince and his wife! We worked our way through all our closest friends and family. Going back up the grassy path hugging and kissing our guests.

Then there was Ting on the table, toast! A kaleidoscope of guests shots... The Prince and wife leaving, us on the lawn saying goodbye and waving.

Eve and Tona sitting legs up, Dad and Phailin leaving. Thoi and Kanda with them, Somsak and Tona too. Cho and I seeing them off, more waving at a departing helicopter. Ting running down the steps to embrace me! (He turned to blow me a kiss!) Then our leaving with everyone doing the waving this time. The helicopter rising, turning away.

I loved it, lots of applause! Cho kissed me, I whispered in his ear, "I think Alia earned her bonus!"

He definitely agreed, the whole show had gone off perfectly. The Prince had topped it off spectacularly!

I waved to Cassandra, she came over with a big smile!

"Fay, we're ready!"

I squeezed her hand, "Aren't you glad we're not the brass band types!"

"Well, you have your own particular issues but Carter and Thomas are fabulous to work with!"

Cassandra went to tell me about different issues but they'd all been solved.

I liked hearing nice things about our people! I was proud of them!

I corralled my buddy, a kiss, "You look delicious! We will need some time for us!" I squeezed Jian's waist as I said that!

She kissed my cheek with an affirmative! Lots of giggling!

I got fresh champagne and went touring! Kay slipped her arm through mine and we curved over to Greg. He took a free hand to thank us for what we were doing for Sunny. I kissed his and Kay's cheeks, "She's the one on the spot now."

They knew but were concerned about our commitment and...

"Don't worry about that part, we like Charlotte, she needed some stability which we can offer."

I laughed, "Don't worry we make use of it all! But even though Sunny is young she's showing a lot of interest and putting in her time. So `A' for effort for now."

Carter was at my side, "Miss, some new arrivals!"

We got Cho and headed to the front door. Pietro and Muti! Hugs and shakes. Cho hadn't seen Pietro for several years! Nice!

Carter said Prasert at Chalgrove called, he was leaving. Great! I took Pietro and Muti in for drinks and intro's. Alex had come up a few hours earlier, he shook hands and was pleased to do more intro's for our Brazilian visitors!

Kendal took away my empty glass as we waited at the door. Cho behind me wrapping me up, "I like this outfit! Very sleek and sophisticated look!"

I leaned to the side so we could kiss.

Lori and Shira! Hugging on the Forecourt... Mike and Cindy!! We escorted them in. Outerwear handled by Kendal, Stanton had a drinks tray... we all got a champagne before entering the Great Room.

Mike with big grin in my ear, "Nice pile!"

I laughed at that! We toasted! Loads of intro's. Mike knew Pietro so they had a reunion. Lori and Mike too, they had apparently talked a blue streak on the flight across the Atlantic. Cindy had an arm around me, "Fay, this is a wonderful room."

I told her about the Christmas tree. We watched some of the still shots on the screen with a few brief comments by me. She, Lori and Shira all went up to change.

Mike and Cho with me for a brief pow-wow! Everything was good, William had gone with our proposal to the m************ family member and he bought it. So all was A-Okay!

Hey, Cindy was fast. Very nice navy blue long sleeved dress, a bit of décolletage and leg!! Pretty. Lori and Shira in long dresses of several shades of blue, sleek!

Carter came with the dinner announcement. The Dining Room was resplendent! The table had all of the space attachments for the first time, a beautiful white expanse with candelabras surrounded a variety of flowers. They had fun finding their seating with Ellie's place name markers done in wedding motifs with three couples together.

Cho and I side-by-side in the center on the north side. Phailin was next to me, Jian and Ting across the table with Aileen and Sue beside them, bright shining faces, smiles and laughter!

Carter had help from the Abingdon caterers for so many of us.

Sunny beside Kay got a half glass of wine with water added. Artie had his fav ginger ale! Glasses filled, wine or other, Cho stood up.

A wonderful smile on that handsome face, "Welcome! We are pleased to see you all here to share in our..." his hands extended across the table, "...happy day! We are very delighted you made the journey to be with us as we start our journeys. This Spring is quite the experience for Fay and myself, clustered with so many important events but we will thinking of these days as we go forward."

Cho raised his glass... "Thanks again for being here! Bon Appétit!"

I stood up beside him we drank and kissed. Everyone drank and cheered!

First course was vichyssoise, rich soup with delicious warm toasted bread slices beside each plate. Salmon in parchment, baked vegetables under a Hollandaise sauce and grilled new potatoes in dill butter. Small loaves of white bread at each place and little trays of an assortment of black and green olives! La Clarté de Haut-Brion, a spectacular white Bordeaux, was perfect for the fish and accompaniments!

Phailin's hand on my arm, "Fay, Kanda and I are very happy to be here for you two!" A kiss on my cheek.

Reg raising his glass towards me, saying he was ready to do the job tomorrow!

When things were cleared away the desserts came in...Cherries Jubilee! Matches alight, desserts flamed up! I looked over to Artie his eyes glued to his fiery dessert. He was a pro now though he knew it would burn out leaving tasty things behind!

We dug in and for those who desired the lovely Amontillado Hidalgo Jeres-Xeres sherry. We were well fed, Carter got my high sign and Carla and Sue came up for an intro! And praise.

As we rose from the table Mike asked, "So they the ones you were touting about when you suggested coming over at Christmas."

I said yes, what did he think now? He rubbed his hands, with Cindy alongside, she was nodding as Mike said `they're in.' Okay!

After's in the Great Room with the wedding snaps rolling. Kendal brought me an espresso a la Grandfather! I had Rona's arm as we walked and talked all around the room. She got intro's to new folks as we moved through the room.

I grabbed Greg and Mr. Hardy and we went into the Game Room. We talked wargames for a little while. Greg would be `up' for a game with Mr. Hardy. I left them to talk and plan a contest.

I got a re-up of espresso and slipped an arm around Lawan's slender waist. She was grinning, there'd been some time today with Prasert and Jane Austen! Lawan felt she doing justice to the original but glad for my input and Prasert's. Prasert had the all work done to date, about thirty percent of the novel. He was very enthusiastic with good comments! Nice!

Lawan wanted to do all the novels but it was a many year project. "New work from Cho has slowed, I am not caught up but I can see the end. Then I could work more on the novels."

She got lots of encouragement from me. And a few kisses and hugs!

Sunny came over towing Maeve who had a happy face. A nice flowered frock on Maeve, cute shoes but Sunny was in skinny shiny black slacks with a long-sleeved white shirt worn out, a green tie and black vest! Her Gaspeite pendant and ring on!

"Fay, I going to take Maeve up to my room to show her my comics. We won't be long. Okay?"

I gave her my `of course' and a kiss for their cheeks! Sunny loved anime and was quite good at drawing. She and friends did a series together on themselves at school as super-students! I wonder what two creative girls could get up to if they worked as a team?

I saw Dennis and May's boy Patrick with Artie. I'd suggested to Artie that maybe instead of going to another wedding he might like to play some footie with Patrick and Alfred, Gregory and Sylvia's son. I told him Cormac had stable duty during the wedding but I proposed they use one of the paddocks close in and Cormac could kick some and watch the horses.

Cheers! They went to find Alfred!

I captured Shira. She had a blissful look when I asked about Lori.

"Fay, we work well together. I learn from her and she enjoys hearing about Thailand."

"Remember we have places for you to stay if you want to take her there."

I got a hug and thank you. "You just have to let us know. Plenty of privacy at Phuket!"

The last said with a grin! She kissed my cheeks, slightly wet eyes.

I was laughing to myself as I went around organizing other people's fun! I managed another espresso from Kendal and Cho slid beside me.

"Hey, good-lookin'... What is cookin'...?" We hugged, kissed, doing silly grins! My `what's cookin...'made him laugh.

"I will get it one day."

Kendal delivered! Ah! I sipped as Cho squeezed gently. He taken Eric aside to fill him in The Project I was supposed to tell Reg. Cho turned my shoulders and aimed me. Odd to do it now but after tomorrow morning we'd be away for two days.

I looped Reg's arm and tugged. He laughed and excused himself. I led him out to the terrace. A few cigarettes and cigars were lit in the far corner been the screen. We walked along to the office. He gave me a `what' look so I plunged in. Those fatherly eyes got to be very wide.

"No shit! You two?"

I assured him it was true and mentioned that Lori and Mike were investors. He knew the two English ones even though they were hardly household names. I told him the general of action for next month. He knew about Glaa and of course about Eve.

"Cho wasn't kidding about spring being an experience for you two. WOW!"

I pointed out that we were telling certain people so they would understand why we would be involved elsewhere. With a smile, "You can tell Rona so don't worry about that."

Back to the gathering, it was getting late kids to bed... me to bed! Goodbyes and see you tomorrow mornings!

Ting held his forearm out, I rested my hand there. We walked up the stairs ... so genteel with Cho and Jian following the same way but at the top I broke into a sprint Ting in my wake as Cho's voice called out... Whoa!

Ting and I hugged inside our door as Cho came in with Jian on his back laughing so hard. Hugs and kisses!

I dashed to my Dressing Room, time for that black silk robe! I was in the doorway Cho's eyes came up from his shoes... I just did a shrug... the slippery sound of silk as my left shoulder was bared!

Cho's lips did a whistle... with a toss... the robe was history I leapt upon him! He carried me to the bed. We kissed and laughed rolled over Cho on top! I held his face, kissing as he tried to get the rest of his clothes off. I called a break and helped out!

Naked standing pressed together mmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmm a nice sweet long kiss! Cho's hand on my bum I bounced up into those strong arms, ankles crossed behind him. Two steps I was laid gently down again.

Cho didn't pause, down he went to my breasts, licking, sucking, teeth tugging the rings... Oh Yes!

He left a wet trail across my belly, a kiss for the hibiscuses and a tongue flick on the hood of my clit. A few minutes pleasure before I suggested mutuality! Agreement! Cho cock was slowly lowered to my tongue!

I licked it wet, tongue around and under the foreskin! Then a slow reveal... cockhead!!! Sucking began in earnest! All the way, balls on my nose, warm! I gave each lots of wetness, popping them into my mouth for suction POP they were released for more penis time.

I took that beauty in and used my hands to get Cho to move up and down! HHHHHHHMMMMMM Tongue swirled in soft pubic hair as he did pushups on me! A wet finger eased its way toward the little rosebud AAAAAAAAAAhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Contact!! I carefully massaged the ribbed opening whilst sucking the best cock in the world!!!!

OH Shit Yes! Cho's tongue so nice then I could feel his success rising... the heat coming... ayyyyyayayyyyy the orgasm so strong!! Cho bless him didn't stop he kept on pleasuring me!! Driving up the wall and over a second time!!

He was excited, rigid leaking pre-cum, delicious stuff, like a faucet. I released the penis, "Cho fuck me!"

He was indeed ready to do so! Quickly raised up and turned, we kissed as the hard prick found its way to the spot and slid in!! Damn Damn!!

I brought my legs up and around him, eyes on mine, the piston went to work!!! The friction was enjoyable on every stroke!

"Fay I will not be long you got me HOT!"

"Darling, fuck me as long as you want!"

Cho's powerful body working away! He fucked me good but without slamming even now he controlled his power so as not to hurt me. I thought I could take it, "Cho go fuck me! Give me your cock!"

That he did one stroke after another, he sent me over the edge again! I gripped him as hard as I could but he never slackened his strokes!! A few more minutes then his climax came! Oh Boy did it! Cho's cock buried in me pulsed five or six times my pussy squeezing him, holding him! His cock felt like it was twice as large!

Rigid, eyes tightly shut Cho finished and very slowly eased down on me. Arms and legs wrapping him! I felt light kisses on my shoulder, fingers in his hair! His face above me a wicked happy smile, "Miss Martin, spectacular! Just spectacular!"

We kissed and I was happily his mattress for a short while. Softly caressing every part of him I could reach! We lay side by side holding hands. Quiet, drifting. I rolled onto my side facing Cho, "Jaidee?"

We laughed, Jaidee had been down at the stable office because of the size of the crowd tonight.

"I'll go." Cho slipping on his beautiful blue-green robe and slippers. I got some cold water from the little icebox after washing.

"Jaidee" He jumped into my arms! Cho naked again squeezed on my back. We three cuddled for a while... I was sleepy now. Cho carried the little guy to his bed, last thing I remember is a kiss on my neck...

iPhone! Awake! Up! So far so good! A long day ahead! Quick wash up! Dressed to ride. Cho so cute mumbling to `enjoy.' Jaidee and I clumping down the stairs.

Kitchen was empty! Coffee machine on! Off to the kitchen garden! Jaidee did his snooper's way to his `box' all the plants checked out! Inside Jaidee's grub made and served then my scones! Heated and buttered, coffee! We went down the lane.

Thames came charging out to greet us! Happy boy. I sent them off to play! Anthony had Pamela ready and gratefully received the scone! I made a circle motion and got a thumbs up!

Pamela stepping out. We took it easy until we reached the rising slope then she eagerly responded. Damn it was so good to do this! Pamela reaching with her forelegs and snapping then her hind legs dug in with a huge thrust sent us on!

The air had slight chill. The space empty, we soared on in the stillness. Down to the lock quickly. The lock man waved, a smile! Roy was just setting up.

"Miss. You're early today! ... Oh today is the day!"

I patted his shoulder, "Yes, today is it! Angie and you will come up? Right?"

"Miss, yes indeed we'll be there!'

I laughed and wished him good fishing. Over the weir and short bridge before re-mounting. Then we rolled forward past the ugly houses then I asked Pamela once we crossed onto Harcourt property. She was off. I sat enjoying the cool air flowing past, the play of her muscles and mine in response.

This side was asleep too. The sun was up now but we didn't see anyone. Past Archie and Margy's, the boatyard, around the south end of the Industrial Estate to the Sandford lock. We walked past the pub to Church Road. Even here there was quiet.

Back on the grass Pamela's wings came out! There was no one until the Fraser's. Dan Senior called out from his garden, I waved and slowed. When I got to their fence Sarah had come out.

"Fay, getting warmed up?"

I laughed at that, "Yes, I'm ready now!"

She squeezed my hand, Dan patted Pamela's flank, "We'll be up for sure."

I said good!

The last bit was was a nice trot. Ah Freddie was out the black two year old. He said he needed to get some work in before the `interruption.'

We laughed, "See you soon."

I urged Pamela up the slope. Diana took her with Ethan, more training. Gregory said he'd gone up to the House and Jaidee had gone in. Okay.

In the kitchen Carla nabbed me for a big hug. I got more coffee and headed up to the Breakfast Room.

It was crowded today! I hugged and kissed my way through and down the back hallway to the office. I just knew Cho would be there. Bingo!! Kisses in his lap!

We went out to the garden, a whirlwind of activity. Phillips and Teddy had supervised the new walkways and with help put up some simple rope barriers to channel the traffic. The garden was full of colour. Flowers in the beds, flowering shrubs and there were dogwoods on part of the periphery making a dazzling white border.

It was a beautiful setting, lovely like the Forest Palace!

Carter sent Kendal to ask me to come to the front hallway. Mrs. Blatchly! She and her daughter had driven down from London! We hugged. Kendal was tasked with escorting them to a place in the garden. Old life, new life all mixed in!

The Crew, Kanda and Phailin and Kay with Sunny went up to dress. Cho said since he and Ting were each other's Best Man they'd swap rings and `don't worry we will get it right' made me giggle. Also some invading fingers added to that!

In the shower with Jian, we scrubbed up nice! We looked out the windows as the towels were put to use. The garden was getting occupied. Jian's wedding dress first. White with a Regency look. High bosom, straight with a bit of spread before reaching her feet. A narrow red ribbon band under her boobies. I slipped into the pale red long-sleeved copy. Red heels.

Audra with a message from Rose and Matthew. Okay. I was ready for Jian and Ting so I went down. In the hallway they were waiting with their sons and the eldest's family. I was re-introduced. The men were very surprised at my appearance. They knew I wasn't a boy anymore but... `amazed' would be quite the understatement!

The eldest's wife was cute and curvy, the kids nice looking. The younger brother knew I knew the secret and was a bit shy but I kissed his cheek whispering I thought it so cool. The whole crowd went through the Great Room to the terrace.

Rose said the brothers had met Sue and everything was so good. Rose and the others went to sit. Matthew would walk his daughter down the aisle from the terrace.

Aileen and Sue were upstairs finishing up. Their best friends from London were the Maids of Honor and Sue would escorted by a male cousin. I kissed their cheeks at the Great Room door and walked with them to Matthew and the cousin. Lovely young women in white. Long-sleeved scoop bodice dresses to the knee, white stockings and shoes with tiny red roses on the toes. At the door was Stanton, he gave each a bouquet I had had prepared of wild flowers. Aileen was going to cry, I said NO it's a love day! I was tightly hugged by both.

It was glorious to watch them go down the aisle side by side with their escorts. I stayed back a ways this was all them. Dr. Lone brought everyone to their feet when they got close. The speaker system brought his words to me.

Love was the theme. The sunlight made them in their bright white dresses stand out like angels. I watched until they kissed! It was done! Rose and Matthew hugged them. Aileen's brothers did too. The older one's wife had a huge smile, kissing each newlywed. A feel good moment for sure.

I greeted Hélène and MacDonald as they passed through the Great Room, I got Stanton to escort them to where Mike and Cindy were sitting.

Adam Declare and Daphne! Looking VERY good both of them! Sara and Desmond came up from behind me for hugs! They'd all delayed a trip to France to be with us! Desmond had a lovely navy suit, cut to fit him well. He had a relaxed appearance which made my day a bit better.

The Colonel arrived from the station with Angela. They chatted the whole trip! He was wearing his uniform, colonel's pips and quite a few medals. It fit him perfectly and I was honored he would think to do so!

Our Angela looking quite spiffy in a blue frock!! She suggested she stay with the Colonel which pleased me no end! A cute smile, "He's interesting and my granddad was VERY army too!"

Pietro and Muti in matching suits and ties! A rich deep blue with light blue shirts and blue and green ties. The light blue made their tanned skin look amazing! Hugs and kisses. Muti's `Go Girl!' in my ears as I went up.

Upstairs Jian was funny, "I am not nervous, I can hardly wait to get started."

Andrea had gone down, moving slowly, Audra accompanying her. Kendall got her seated up front between Kanda and Kay and Greg.

Jian's Regency style looked wonderful on her petite frame, she was almost doll-like. I was her Best' the Maid of Honor' I suddenly realized... who would escort her to Ting?

I spun around to her, there was a grin, "You finally thought of it? No worries! A surprise for you!"

It was time. Down the stairs, into the Great Room where Stanton bowed to offer Jan her bouquet... My surprise came first... Red and white roses with a small bit of soft green fern in a circle. It had a handle underneath.

Jian also almost teared up but my hug was enough. On the terrace waiting for her was Thet, a black suit, white shirt and red tie! I hugged him and followed them down the gravel path to the new walkway. Ting waiting. Ting looking like he won the lottery! He did!

Thet placed her hand in Ting's. Then retreated to sit with Reyna. Cho beside Ting. The registrar smiling, he began.

My first matchmaking job! What a success!

I barely heard the words but the actions I saw. Cho handing the ring to Ting. My turn, I laid the ring in Jian's small palm. I stepped back to look at Cho, he was beaming!

Then the kiss!! Jian came into my arms! Love!!! Then Ting!!!

Cho and I followed them down the walkway and back to the terrace where the Crew and others mobbed them both!

Now for us. I dashed upstairs, everything laid out. Gil and Phailin were there! I slipped into the dress, the same as the Forest Palace one, a bit longer. Then the strap heels, dark blue. The sapphire set again and the Lapus Lazuli bracelet. Checked my hair, `Joy' for my love.

No jacket as the day had warmed up. Looking in the mirror, I could see Gil's face, "Fay, you are a beautiful bride!"

A hug and kiss for her and Phailin, my mom! Fixed my lips!! YES!!!

Phailin and Gil helped me with the tulle lace square before they hurried downstairs. Done!

Outside my door was PJ. A black suit, white shirt and silver gray tie. Very handsome, his arm extended as in Thailand. He escorted me down the stairs, across the Great Room to the doors where Reg waited.

Stanton had my bouquet, white roses with one yellow one and one red in the center! A smile and a deep bow, "My lady!"

Very nice fellow!

Reg looking solemn. Black suit, white shirt and silver gray tie. Okay I got it!

PJ handed me off. Reg and I emerged from the house onto the terrace, out into the sun. Reg set a slow pace, I kidded him later about it `building the excitement' he said.

Onto the new walkways, Jian waiting. My Crew bouncing on their toes! Ting! Cho watching me again, his face... Oh Damn what a face!

Cho and Ting, black suits, white shirts and silver gray ties, of course!

I handed the bouquet to Sunny, big smile.

Reg stepped us to my place, gently laying my hand on Cho's!

This time my tulle square was removed by Reg, he handed it to Phailin.

We turned to face the Registrar.

Once again I barely took in the words but actions spurred me into motion. My hand raised for the ring, Cho's warm fingers slightly caressing mine. Jian at my side with the other ring, sliding it onto Cho's finger.

The kiss!!! We lingered just a bit. Our heads moved back to look into each other's eyes. It was right, the rightest thing I'd ever done!

Then I was aware of the cheering. All our family, friends and staff!

Dr. Lone came back to the podium. He was obviously pleased. He raised his hands and things got quiet.

"To close today's wonderful proceedings... Please join me in offering our blessings to these three couples whose love for each other brought us together today. In the brilliant sun we witness their commitment so let us all commit ourselves to aiding them to reach their highest bliss possible. To all of you here may the blessings of love and friendship always be present, I ask you join me in expressing our love to all!"

Jian squeezing me then Cho, Ting holding tight, "Fay, sister cousin!!"

I smiled at the thought and left a bit of lipstick on his cheek!

Phailin! Her arms around me, she whispered she was so proud of me!

Kay, Sunny, my Crew, hugs, kisses!!

Cho's hand leading back toward the house, I could hear cheers, people waving. On the terrace I got to look back at the scene...WOW! Look at all the people! I hadn't realised it the garden was so full of folks!

At the doorway was Carter. He looked he was ready to burst! I extended my hands, his big hands swallowed them up. A kiss for each cheek!

"Miss, very lovely!"

I saw Cassandra, she had a great grin. I thanked her for all the work.

"Fay, you're so beautiful!!"

Now we went with Jian and Ting to greet Aileen and Sue. Gorgeous faces.

Our staff went back to their duties. The Abingdon caterers were ready! Refreshments!

Cho put a glass of champagne in my hand and pointed over my shoulder. Reg was standing on the terrace top step calling for attention. A microphone on a stand.

"A toast to all the happy couples! May you always have luck, love and prosperity! In bad times think of the good times, in good times share with others! Never forget what brought you here today! To Love!"

Huzza! Huzza! Huzza! We drank our arms entwined!

We moved around talking to everyone. Dr. Crawford and Crawford2. All our new friends from the village. Mr. Hardy! My Crew! Our senior staff. The entire horse staff except Cormac who was minding the store. All The Company people, Eric and Malee, Douglas, Arthur, Jared and their partners, Karla and Michael, Charlotte.

Kanda and Phailin, my arms around them. They had tears! I was touched deeply! Two wonderful ladies.

Greg and Kay with Sunny. She gave me my bouquet back so I could do the toss later. Smile! Oh, I had a secret on that.

I saw Francis standing with a drink, he was in a nice black suit, white shirt and silver gray tie. Damn! Must be catching. I was glad he had joined in with Cho!

He was looking very good though. He'd put on a few pounds but in a good way. Hair well-trimmed, looking relaxed and happy. He was looking across the garden so I had a profile view as I walked over.

"Fay, you looked amazing going out with Reg."

I thanked him, "You are looking quite good yourself! It's been a busy six months or so for you."

He still looked reflective, nodding, "Yes, I can say fairly it's been the best time of my adult life."

I squeezed his arm, telling him Cho and I appreciated the talents he brought to the job and we were pleased with his willingness to be our 'fixer!'

He laughed, "Well there's a lot of learning and challenges which has also been fun!"

I leaned in, "Hang around with us and we'll keep you in challenges! We'll see you in Louisville! Safe trip."

Francis bowed with a huge grin, "Fay, I'm looking forward to the Kentucky Derby!"

Cho and I stayed together most of the time, greeting and talking. Not much drinking for us! The music was a good mix of tunes, we hadn't planned on any dancing but a few couples moving around.

After some time in the garden I was tiring and we wanted to go soon.

Stanton had his eyes open for my signal. He brought out to me a tray of roses. One white, one yellow, one red, a bit fern, tied with a green satin ribbon. White for me, red for Jian and yellow for Aileen and Sue, a memento from us of the day.

He came with me as I gave each of my Crew one, Andrea, Karla, Sunny, Maeve, Rose, Phailin, Kanda, Sarah and Anne Fraser, Deanna Radley and her daughter-in-law and all the other women. Stanton accompanied me to the staff lounge. I hugged and kissed the ladies and gave each a set of roses.

Ellie had tears, smiling at my "Your time is soon!"

Audra had a nice little smile, "Thinking of someone?"

She was a bit flustered... she nodded!

I squeezed her hand, "Good!"

I was worn out. Stanton had done so well! So I went up, I asked for a coffee.

I flopped into the big chair in my Dressing Room, glad to get off my feet! I eased the heels off and rubbed my feet. Tough to walk in the grass and gravel in heels. Two bags were by the door, Audra had taken care of me.

Stanton delivered my pick-me-up coffee. My many thanks!

I put the wedding dress in the first closet. My going away' clothes were laid out. Wide leg slacks, bright yellow, a cut-off cornflower blue long sleeved jumper and red Joyride Guess logo sandals. Gold jewelry all around! A re-do of Joy'

Jian came in, a sweet kiss. They'd be leaving after us heading to Favart Road. Andrea was due soon so... Ting would settle in to teach and Jian would work with Anong over the internet!

Gil came in to say goodbye before we left. She was going to stay at Basuto Road while we were away, do some shopping and see a few friends then we'd all go to Kentucky.

Cho stuck his head, he was changed and ready to go. Kendal came in to collect my bags. Down the stairs with Cho, we walked out to the terrace. We wished everyone well and took our leave. Hugs for Aileen and Sue, they were off to Greece for two weeks! Enjoy!!

All the girls loved my outfit!

Out front I hugged Carter, "So many thanks for your part in today's success."

"Oh, Miss, I think your success was when you two first met."

A cute smile, we did fist bumps and he handed me into the car. Tai and Rande were already in. Prasert driving with Ellie up front. Cho and Jaidee dropped in!

I leaned back on Cho, those strong arms encircled me. Jaidee dropped his head on my thigh. My fingers worked his neck and shoulders.

We drove south, one stop in Basingstoke for food and then we went up the drive of Hampshire house. Mrs. Pelletier had opened the house. She was still there with her daughter Sybil in the coach house opening it. It had been many years since actually met. She was pleased to see me and meet Cho. We chatted for a few moments. We thanked her. I was laughing inside, she hadn't seen me for those years but didn't turn a hair at my new self! Aplomb! Sybil's eyes were huge but she was very friendly. I thanked her for the work on the garden. I loved the lush borders. She actually blushed. Cute!

Cho and I walked to Gwen's grave. No tears but I was quiet thinking about my friend. Cho held me from behind, snug and warm. We stayed for a while, "Cho when we have to burying any of our horses please let's do them like Gwen. Altogether."

He knew what I meant, a kiss sealed the deal.

Ellie came to the house, "Miss, the apartment is cute and a comfortable size." We decided to share the cooking tonight!

Baked salmon! Grilled veggies with potatoes. Ellie did that, I pointed her the herbs growing in the garden. Tai wasn't a cook but she helped chop things and did some of the washing up. Cho cut the bread and with Rande started a fire as there was a chill. Prasert filled the petrol tank of the car before we went out tomorrow.

We all sat at the kitchen table, good bottles of Bordeaux from the cellar! A quiet, pleasant plain dinner. There was ice cream after, I added coffee and Amaretto.

Ellie tried the liqueur, a smile, she liked the almond taste. She and I walked in the garden with some macs over our shoulders. We talked about her coming marriage, how surprised she was by Prasert's tenderness, she hadn't much experience with dating and how he had been worried for her parents reaction to them wanting to marry. She thought she knew her folks which turned out to be right! Prasert had praised her after the parental units were very good with match! Go girl!

In bed with my men! A brand new bed for Jaidee! He loved the garden, romping around before dark fell. Cho snugly behind me shared in the Jaidee rubbing then moved the little man to his bed. We kissed, there was a comment `that's done!' by one of us I think it was me...


The morning was glorious! Not many email or texts. Few people knew where we were! Jaidee being a snooper in the garden as I sipped coffee, rolls warming. Butter out. I cut some fruit. The others straggled down. Ellie and Prasert were quiet.

Cho and I put on wellies and took Jaidee up the hill towards the Reed's. Matthew saw us coming, an amazed look on his face, calling out to Rose. Hugs! We sat in the sun at their table, tea was prepared.

Jaidee bowwowed around with their dogs, happy puppies running about.

Aileen and Sue were safely away! The sons back at their homes... so it had gone very well for all the previous drama. We told them we were going down to Chawton to give the Jane Austen House a visit and leave some money. Cho was talking with Matthew, I leaned close to Rose and told her how much... eyes got huge, palms to her cheeks... "Fay that's unbelievable! So much! They'll love you two forever!!"

We stayed to talk for a while then hugs and Rose holding my hand as we headed to the fence, "You two take care!'

I assured her now we had been doubly linked to each other we wanted to be eternal!

In the car heading to Chawton my back on Cho, a hand in mine. Gil had arranged a meeting with the director of the Jane Austen House Museum. The Director knew of my visits over the years and how I brought my friends along.

I wanted to look a bit old school, short-sleeved mid-thigh checked dress, small black and white checks, Cho's black onyx jewelry pieces, black stockings and heels. A small purse with our gifts inside.

We asked her to a lunch slash tea across the street at Cassandra's Cup. The three of us sat outside in the sun with our people at the next table. We discussed our plan to donate some money to the Museum, some for any project and some for the endowment.

She seemed pleased with our wanting to help.

I took out a cheque telling her this was a gift with no strings, `spend it in any way you like.' Her eyes were big when she read the total, £50,000!

"This is so wonderful! We can do many things with this! Thank you so so much!"

I took out the second cheque, "This is for your endowment. We hope you will find some First Editions of Jane's novels to buy and display. And plan for the future, maybe invest in some nearby property and some money to spend on the employees. There are no strings attached here either!"

I handed her the second cheque, £950,000! Tears! Cho produced a Cho-Fay handkerchief for her. A trembling hand held the cheque. She was VERY quiet!

Good, the tea arrived. I poured her a cup right away!

"Miss Martin, Mr. Cho! We have never had such funds before... we've never dreamed... I promise we will use the money wisely! I know the board would like to thank you in person. Can we arrange a meeting?"

We told her we'd out of the country most the summer, business trips and important family things in Bangkok. I gave her one of Gil's cards so she could connect with us and we would work out a meeting.

The sandwiches and cakes were served. We ate telling her a bit about us, the wedding yesterday and about the house in Froyle which had been in my family for many generations where I spent most of my childhood.

I could see that Tai and Rande were getting some schooling from Ellie about an English tea. Smiling by Prasert who had been exposed for some years! Their `tea' going very well.

We told the director about the translation project, who was doing it. I was helping and Prasert, a Jane Austen devotee, was also. She thought it a fabulous thing. I said we planned to make `Pride and Prejudice' in Thai free in digital form for anyone. Available on all the popular download sites.

We were going to setup a print on demand site at one of the printing plants that serviced the newspapers we owned in Bangkok. So trade paper sized copies would be printed for any school in Thailand or elsewhere for free.

She was still dazed as we walked across the road to the museum. The staff were introduced, one I remembered. The two cheques displayed astounded them. They were very pleased, amazed, gob smacked!! More than a bit shook too!

I went into the store so I could get a few things for Lawan as little Jane Austen stimulation gifts. The director excused herself to make a phone call.

I made my purchases and we all sat on the benches in the garden. Sunny, light breeze, birds and butterflies. Peaceful and quiet.

I guess the Director called Beryl, the museum lady who I knew best, she came into the garden running over to us.

We hugged, she was so happy. I teased her, "So how many frequent flyer miles do I get now?"

We all laughed remembering that! `Too many to count!,' was all Beryl could say.

We stopped at the fishmonger in Alton and then back to the house. As I made dinner Jaidee had a ball toss going with Cho and Rande, he was worn down some but his dinner disappeared!

Cho poured Newcastle's for any taker, I used some for the fish batter. Grilled beer battered cod, baked potatoes, a tossed green salad and a fruit salad! More Newcastle's! Dessert was strawberry shortcake on angel food cake squares and LOTS of whipped cream!!

A tasty meal! Good beer! A nice fire, coffee and Amaretto as dark came on. Cosy with Cho.

First thing in the morning after food Cho and I walked around the whole property. "Do you want to restore the stables to good order?"

I said yes but no hurry. It was the only part that wasn't in excellent condition. Make it like when Gwen lived there. Funny memories flooding in... I'd often slept out there with Gwen, rolled up in a blanket in the straw. No tears, tight throat though. Cho's knew, a hand on my shoulder, gentle pressure.

We were in the side yard near the new well. "Remember when you flew in and I was outside... I was looking at the new well... So even that is in great shape!"

I said we should get Angela to manage a schedule of visits by The Company's senior staff. She could arrange it all so the house would get used, some nice `country' time for our people. Mrs. Pelletier and Sybil would have more work but we'd pay them a good increase!

Cho loved the idea! Kisses!!! I enjoyed that!!!

A Jian call, "Andrea's in labour, we are going to the hospital right now. Ting says she's gotten VERY dilated VERY fast so..."

I said GO! We'd come up. As I hung Prasert came running out of the Carriage House waving his phone, "Miss, Miss Andrea..."

We said we'd heard so let's get packed up and head to St. Mary's Hospital in Paddington. He was ready!

We got our bags in the car, a last few things to do then on the road. Through Alton then passing Aldershot to the M3, straight on to southwest London, A4 to north Fulham on through Kensington to Paddington.

We'd called Graham, he had a Security staffer at the door of the Lindo Wing of St. Mary's. She directed us to the birthing section. It was over! Andrea had popped out the little girl pretty quickly! Both were doing fine, lovely mom and perfect child!

We got to have a brief visit. Caroline Jian was cute in that wrinkly red way. A bit of pale hair and brown eyes, looks like she would get Andrea's determined chin for now.

Hugs and kisses all around. Jian and Ting had been in the room with the mid-wife. Andrea was SO ready she barely had much labour after arrival.

I sat beside Andrea as Cho held Caroline, "So Mom... you did good!"

Andrea's smile was bright but we knew she needed to rest. If all things were good she could go home tomorrow evening! Holding Caroline, I peered down on that cute sleeping face, peaceful. Back to her bassinet. I hugged Jian, "Okay Mom now comes your part!"

Jian said she was ready! Ting holding my hand in the corridor, huge grin, "Andrea said give her a year or so and she be prepared to do this again for us."

I kissed him, so happy for the three of them! We'd headed to Basuto Road for tonight and a welcome home tomorrow. We were to fly to Louisville on Wednesday morning early.

Gil opened the door to us. We showed her the snaps we took of Caroline and Andrea. Ooohs and Aaahs!

We walked to the White Horse for lunch. We got an outside table for all of us. We grabbed Graham to come along. I thanked him for getting the Prasert car and the Security person at the hospital.

I got a ploughman's plate minus the meat with added fruit. A Newcastle! I pointed out to Cho the fellow who'd looked me over so closely that first night when I came to `show off' my new self. We got a laugh from it!

We had a lively lunch with a toast to the arrival of Caroline Jian!! A detour to Bayley and Sage on the King's Road. Fish, veggies, cheese and bakery for tonight and tomorrow morning.

In the garden after dinner, much email and other work with Gil. Cho came out to join us. Cho's arms gripping tight, "A beautiful baby! Did you see Eve's email? She's funny!"

Eve said her's would be more beautiful with a BIG tongue in cheek! I kissed his hand, "Well they'll have your genes so..."

Cho played with Jaidee across the enlarged garden, I sat with Jian and Ting, Gil joined Cho. They were very happy. Jian still amazed with being a mother but she had everything ready across the road. Ting gave me a wink!

They took off for another visit at St. Mary's.

I went over in the morning to see if I could anything for them. Our unlimited nappies gift got me loads of hugs! We put together the pram or should I say Cho did while I supervised.

Cho and I waited in the early evening for the homecoming. Little Caroline Jian sleeping her mother's arms as the elevator doors opened.

She looked like a little princess in the new wooden bassinet. Soon it was feeding time, the new gliding rocking chair worked a treat. Caroline latched onto to a nipple and went to town. Thumbs up!

We kissed and hugged our friends before heading back to Harcourt House. In an hour we stepped out to Carter's greeting. He enjoyed the snaps of Caroline Jian, she was pronounced `beautiful' again!

Jaidee dove into his breakfast as I did my usual morning coffee and scones. Nan grinning as we left. Down the lane to be greeted by Thames and Anthony. Jaidee and his buddy went to do dog things for a while. Pamela and I went down to the flat easy then a trot to a gallop up the long slope to the Sci Ctr. At the lock a wave and cheery `morning,' Roy was arriving. We shook hands smiling.

Across all the water Pamela wanted to run I let her go! We saw Archie coming out, waving he called to enjoy! We ran on hard until the boatyard when Dennis waved us in.

"Miss, the canvas top is lovely, the fit is excellent. Only a bit of reinforcing work and it will be ready."

Great! We'd try it when we were back but would he please run it about, testing it. They would for sure!

Pamela and I stopped briefly to talk with Mr. Hardy, "Miss, I thought you the most lovely bride!"

I thanked him. He said he and Greg had talked a good deal about wargaming, he really enjoyed it!

The last run by Pamela was so brilliant! She galloped across the grass like the queen she was. Diana took her at the stables with a huge smile!

Time to go! The house was empty with all our guests gone... so now us. At Chalgrove, Mira let us know we we ready. A short taxi then g-forces as she put the hammer down! Whoosh we were airborne! A soft roll to port then had a wing waggle passing over Harcourt House. Non-stop to Louisville International Airport.

Jaidee and Cho had a blast with new rope toy! Tug-a-war! The three of us napped after a few hours. Good for five time zone changes.

The sun was bright and there was some humidity when the door opened. Francis in sunglasses and a sportshirt waiting for us with a similarly attired Sumate beside him. Big grins! The drive to the house we leased was short. It was an old B&B that closed, it was for sale but we leased it for a week. Lots of room for Thayer, Roundell and Sasha and Ringgold to share with us and our staffers. We had a pool and lots of parking next door that we leased too. Standing beside the pool I had a smile on my face, "Dip?"

Lots of Yeses! I put on a black string bikini and jumped in! The temperature was above eighty five Fahrenheit so it felt good! Laying out with Gil when Cho and Francis dove in. Tai in a sleek tank suit showed good form doing some laps. PJ looked VERY fit in a yellow Speedo I watched Gil track him. We giggled when I said something. Sumate in a boxer style suit had a European sophisticated appearance.

Jaidee on the pool edge woofing about us in the water! We wanted him to swim but not in chlorine water.

Francis arranged caterers for us after some vetting by Sumate. They'd do dinner tonight, manage the press party tomorrow and have folks here as house staff. We got drinks and sunned! Francis looked quite handsome but Cho in a Speedo... Nothing more to say!

Francis gave us his report on his New York visit. First, Petra was a big thumbs up! We grinned at that. Second, everyone got home safely. Third, he'd scouted the Target building with a Security woman from Petra's staff. Back way in no problem, we could send in a team to secure the elevators. He has the name of the company who manages the elevator system. Our Security and Sam will do a further investigation!

We had a nice quiet dinner and were in bed early. Jaidee had a big blanket folded up as his spot. He looked cute sprawled across it!

First thing in the morning we went to Churchill Downs to see Glaa. He was happy and his training times were excellent! He was ready for this big step. Many of the field had already been victims of his powerhouse running style!

Monaco's face must be hurting from all the smiling into cameras. Cho was briefly enlisted while we were there.

Ringgold called, he was just arriving. I said we'd see him at the house. Thayer coming in soon and Sasha and Roundell driving over from Lexington were to arrive in soon also. They all knew where the house was so they'd be taken care of by the staffers.

A press party! It promised to be a royal pain but Monaco and Roundell advised us to do it so... It was to be a cook out, BBQ, etc... The caterers had it all planned so we could could just deal with the reporters.

I chose a new dress, sky blue backless short sleeved sun dress, mid-thigh with rich yellow sleeve cuffs. Bare legs and dark blue heels. Gold jewelry, `Joy' and a smile! My red round sunglasses!

Cho was wearing the gorgeous rich navy blue with green undertones Hugo Boss polo shirt from my Rodeo Drive trip over white slacks! Yes, he'd look in just anything but shirt colour was delicious!

There were large tent fly's shading the dining tables and the bar had a big high ceiling one. Big fans moving the air helped.

The first folks showed. Local TV types. Ringgold was beside me when the woman reporter approached he bailed with smile.

She and I chatted a bit. No camera just us. Her name was Megan, nice looking, slender, overdressed for a get together like this but the `professional' TV look. No paisley scarf tie at least! Cho had company as did Monaco. Just talk! I got to the bar for a club soda and lime.

The caterers were cooking, the scents wafting over the grounds. Steaks and chicken smell wasn't making me sick but I was avoiding it if possible. There was a portable fence around the pool I skirted that to go inside for a minute. A security fellow smiled and moved aside. Good, he was watching. All of our people were wearing one of the Harcourt Racing pins!

Upstairs I checked on Jaidee. He was good. A nice walk before this started, I promised him some ball time later.

I walked out to see the TV lady looking around I thought for the potty. I guided her to a trailer. A nice thing I'd looked at when it was setup. One for the men and one for ladies. They were like an arena bathrooms, closed stalls and multiple wash basins. At least in the ladies. A nice genteel way of doing things.

I got another club soda and a Louisville Courier-Journal reporter. At the back of the bar tent we sat. He asked horse questions. We stayed there for a bit, I walked him to the food. I got a piece of pecan pie. I nibbled and talked.

He wasn't going hard and taking the odd note. He got some info on Glaa and Hansa, their dam and sire who would be in England shortly. Their dam carrying another in early development. Roundell came over, he knew the reporter. We segued into Roundell and Sasha being our guest, etc... After a few minutes I excused myself.

Sasha looking good in a green dress! We moved to the food. A CNN Sports guy had a full plate which I managed to dodge. He put it down to intro himself. Sasha got me a small plate of fruit while I spoke to the CNN fellow. We covered the same ground as the others but I was resigned to that.

I excused myself saying I'd let him eat. Sasha linked arms with me, "Girl, you smooth talker! Saying almost nothing!"

I laughed, "Well I'm on rewind and repeat now."

We giggled going towards the bar. Monaco was sitting with several folks. I found myself beside a Daily Racing Form person. We got drinks and moved to chairs near the pool. I asked him if Barbara the DRF photographer was coming. He was sure she would. More of my canned speech but a few good questions which I was glad to answer. For some I had to send him to Monaco but he seemed pleased with me.

I was finding this all quite odd. I got to hold Cho for a few minutes, we laughed about this process. A Louisville Courier-Journal photographer snapped us. It was ok.

The local TV lady asked for brief on camera time. I asked about what but with a hand up saying I didn't need to know questions. I only wanted to know if it was to be about Glaa or personal. She smiled, "I understand. A few about Glaa and your going to his races and one about you and Mr. Cho. Okay?"

I agreed, the lights were bright and added a lot of warmth. I recounted going to see Glaa race in Bangkok and how he had bravely moved between horses to burst into the lead and run away from the field in the stretch. Watching him get mugged at the gate at Santa Anita but recover surge forward to set a new stakes record! Just saying that he lived his name, Glaa the Brave. She loved it.

I was asked about being here so soon after our wedding. I said we'd had a two day honeymoon in the English countryside but we'd never miss Glaa racing.

Off camera she asked about my dress, I said it was from a small dress shop in Bangkok. The owner has an eclectic collection of dresses, accessories and excellent seamstresses. She really liked it saying off duty she loved to have one like it but for the camera showing any skin wasn't acceptable.

I said too bad she seemed well put together, I motioned to the engagement ring. Blushing, she said for two months. We were alone, "Why the blushing?"

She looked down, "Well I like your dress and you're so good-looking... I'm attracted."

She looked up as if to see someone looking at her. I led us to the bar, I got another club soda, her too. We sat at the back of the grounds on a bench under a big spreading tree.

"You're a southern girl, right?"

She nodded. "Then you've faced a good deal of social pressure to conform, plenty of bible thrown in I'm sure and you have squashed your natural inquisitiveness about sex."

There I said the word. She nodded again. "Well I can't tell you much and you're a reporter but..."

Her head jerked up, "I'd never... this is personal!"

"Okay. Come with me."

I took her upstairs to our suite, Megan got to meet Jaidee before I took off my dress. Her eyes were huge. I stood there smiling, "Taste me Megan."

She willing knelt, her first touch was tentative but I gently encouraged her. Soon a nice tongue was caressing my sex, slipping inside for my warmth. She feasted on my wetness! We were both moaning.

I eased her back to lean down for a kiss. "Naked!"

She had much more to remove. Blazer, blouse, bra, panties, skirt, panty hose, so much in this humidity! I moved her to the bed on her back, my legs straddled her head in reverse and pressed down for tongue. She supplied it. I sat on her face for a few minutes playing with some very nice breasts and hard nipples!

My hands moved down her body stroking all her bits, parting the outer labia. Ah, she was quite moist! I speared her sex with my tongue! Her body convulsed under me, loud moan! I went to work on a nicely trimmed pussy, plump labia, small inner ones, a nifty clit under a snug hood!

I worked her to the point of orgasm quickly. She had stopped doing me as her body felt the wave of pleasure. I didn't pause, going full speed ahead. Megan shook with climaxes several more times before her mouth returned to work my vagina.

My caress of her little ribbed hole drove her crazy! She was bucking under as I worked her clit, anus and vagina passage. I took pity on her after three more orgasms. I rose up to turn and lay on her. I kissed all over her flushed face, there were tears and soft thank yous.

"Did you like my taste?"

She nodded, she'd only tasted herself before this. I kissed her, "Now don't take this as... I came so much that I must be a lesbian, Okay?"

A quiet yes. "I love Cho, his cock is superb. He gives me orgasms through the roof with it. I love to suck him for long periods, his taste is intoxicating. This I love too. He knows it! He gives me the freedom to enjoy."

I asked about her fiancé. He was a real estate developer, handsome, good body... a grin... a very nice cock... but a southern boy not likely to be as broadminded as Cho who was worldly.

"I do fit into my role with him. Being on the TV means I couldn't do this easily."

"Is it a role you want? Or are you conditioned to it? AND I'm not doing a recruiting drive just asking."

A nice smile, "I question my place and think I should go beyond my comfort zone."

"I have a suggestion worth as much as you care to believe it is. Carefully consider your position... "

I paused, "... we are working on a project in media and you could fit in. It would be on camera in New York... AND you would have to talk to our project leader. He's an old veteran TV person who has our trust."

She smiled, "I'll think about it."

We did a wash up. I lent her some makeup. I gave her one of Gil's cards. "You will meet her in a moment. She is my right hand so any contact with her is same as me, Okay?"

She got it. We went down to the gathering. I found Gil and steered the three of us aside. Holding their hands, I told Gil Megan was considering an offer I made and had her contact info. I looked into Megan's eyes, "Megan and I just spent a few minutes together, she has lovely orgasms!"

Megan eyes never left mine, her tight in my hand, a slow grin.

Gil kissed her cheek, "Oh my I'm sorry I wasn't invited."

Our grinning faces close. Gil went to get club sodas, "I keep some distance with Gil, we've caressed but no actual sex."

Megan said she understood but that Gil looked quite lovely, hard to resist.

Megan said she needed to go for time reasons only. She was on the air later and work the video up. We sipped our drinks and talked more about clothes, etc... Gil got her cell phone number so Bill could call to talk. Just Bill' for now as the last name was a huge tell.'

We hugged goodbye. She said a short bit would probably be on the late local news, a longer segment on the morning show she hosted as part of the Today Show' broadcast. I invited her as a regular person' to another cookout tomorrow which was friends and family.

She seemed very pleased.

I managed to pry Cho free for a few minutes, "Fay, it is boring but going well. And you?"

He squeezed me tight when I told him. "So she is coming tomorrow... Good! We can talk more then. Megan is good-looking for TV so that is good."

Barbara the DRF photographer arrived. We were intro'd by the DRF folks already here. She did some snaps before getting a drink and some food. I told her I loved the Instamatic shot of Secretariat training at Saratoga she'd shared on Twitter.

She said it was a treasure!

She'd taken some shots of Glaa at Santa Anita I'd seen. Mostly morning training pics with mountain backdrop, very beautiful.

Barbara said the latest odds were 3-2 for Glaa. She smiled, "they might change but he looks solid."

Nice to chat with such a professional! She stayed for a bit then left to send out her pics with a `see ya at CD.'

The whole thing was winding down. Probably forty five to fifty journalists and photographers had been here. We hadn't advertised it, just doing word of mouth as the press talked with Monaco. He was pleased.

"Fay, they were polite and interested with me. And you?"

I had a similar experience I said, the local TV woman spoke about tonight and the morning. He'd get it recorded.

Cho hugged me, he had good experiences too.

The caterers were doing everything to clear away the party. We had a booking at the River House Restaurant on the shore of the Ohio River. We gathered our party of fourteen.

Thayer had been absent from the press party, upstairs in his room worrying about a mare with persistent colic who was having surgery. He fretted waiting the call... as everything was breaking up he came down, "Fay, it was a successful surgery, now we wait on recovery."

She was only seven and had a wonderful future as a mother if she came through well. Great pedigree and she was a sweetie! The good news brought a smile to his face.

Into the cars! It was a short ten minute drive. Gil arranged for us to have the center of the Garden area. FOOD!

Cho wanted oysters, I went for the phyllo-encrusted brie! The crispy fried avocado salad then the blackened Hawaiian ahi! Cho did the grilled portabellas after oysters skipping a salad. He joined me in ahi! Cakebread Cellars had a very nice Napa Valley cabernet sauvignon for us to share!

Gil and Francis, Thayer, Sasha and Roundell, Monaco, Ringgold and our Security folks led by Sumate all digging in to the good food! It was a seafood night!

We were lively but not too loud. A few toasts! A general feeling of confidence in Glaa's ability!

Coffee and ice cream back at the house around the pool. It was still quite warm so I switched to a bikini and jumped in. Gil joined me as did Ansara. Tai demurred. Thayer was relaxed enough now and came in for a while.

I sat on a lounge with Jaidee, rubbing the little man!

The morning was warm and humid! A walk with Jaidee, Tai and PJ joined us. Short shorts and a crop top and trainers on my feet. We headed out south on 1st Street on our side of the road, we crossed East Kentucky Street going on straight. At East St. Catherine Street we turned west for a block to 2nd Street then a right to head back towards our start.

Jaidee was having fun snooping, doing his business too. There was a wide alley that would take us back to 1st Street across the road from the house. We came abreast of a tree and shrubbery filled lot, very dense. A man in camouflage jumped out... he had an automatic rifle... the barrel was down... Tai was in front, PJ trailing. Tai drew her weapon quickly sliding directly in front of me.

Tai's hands holding the Glock were steady, aimed at the cammo man's chest, he froze, his weapon half raised.

Tai's voice harsh and strong giving orders, he had 5 seconds to lower the weapon to the ground and step back away from it

I looked in his eyes, he blinked, then made a move down... then...the barrel started to rise quickly... BOOM ... BOOM he was lifted up and tossed backwards onto the asphalt.

Tai, a statue, no other threat PJ called out. He was close behind me facing away.

I called 911, shots fired, we need an ambulance, gunshot wounds and I called Cho. We were quite close, less than 200 feet!

Tai closed up to the inert man, checked his breathing, ok.

Tai got his rifle, big knife and a second smaller knife from his right sock. She piled the weapons further down the alley away from him.

He'll need help eating for a while, both shoulders hit. Tai cut up his shirt and undershirt for compresses and we applied them. PJ on guard!

The high wail of multiple sirens closing in!

Running feet had me look up... Cho, Ansara and Rande, the latter two had guns out. PJ said we were secure. Ansara and Rande blocked the alley on each side. Cho beside me, a hand on my shoulder. He didn't have to ask about me. Jaidee was sitting a few feet away, his lead under my knee. Cho took it.

The few sight-seers at that time of the morning stayed back but one approached to look at the blonde bearded fellow on the roadway.

"It's Brock! That crazy dumbass has done it now."

Cho asked him to stay for the cops if he knew him. The guy said `sure, nowhere else to go.'

The Louisville cops arrived in droves. All our folks had guns away by then. The ambulance crew took over from Tai and I. We stepped away as they worked.

A police sergeant said he had something to safely wash the blood with in his car trunk. Tai and I got the detergent and cleaned up.

An officer asked to speak to me, another to Tai. PJ was already talking off to one side. I told the young man what we did when we turned into the alley which was as wide as any road. I pointed to where the cammo guy had jumped from the bushes. His gun aimed at us up barrel down. I repeated what Tai had said to him and his movements. I added what we did after the shots.

He thanked me. I went over to Cho, PJ joined us. Tai had surrendered her Glock. The sergeant came over, we needed to come down to police headquarters to make statements. Cho said we would change and go down directly. That was fine with him.

He looked at the officers reports with our names, "Wait... I know your names... you have a horse in the Derby?"

Cho said yes, "His name is Glaa."

"No shit! Miss, sorry about that."

I laughed saying I know them all too.

"Pardon me a moment."

He did some radioing as he stepped back. All our people with us now. The cammo man was gone in the ambulance. The medics said we stopped the bleeding, he'll be okay but one shoulder was bad.

The sergeant came back, giving Cho a business card, "Please come down soon but there isn't a rush. Ask for the Chief of Patrol."

We thanked him. The guy who ID'd the cammo man was getting into a police cruiser.

I said food! Which broke everyone up.

We had breakfast, cleaned up and dressed. A sleeveless navy mid-thigh scoop front dress, navy stockings and black ankle boots. Silver jewelry. Simple but sexy in an understated way. Grin!

We drove downtown to Jefferson Street, past an old Greek Revival style city hall, huge columns and an ugly court building. At the Public Safety building we were escorted upstairs to the office of the chief of patrol. Tai's weapon was returned to her. They made copies of our Security folks credentials.

We three gave statements separately to a detective on camera. Just repeating it over again.

The patrol chief said `Brock' was a known problem but he had gone further than before. He had never shown a firearm previously. He'd been in the service but had not been in action according to their records. He was an out-patient at a nearby mental health facility and a semi-regular visitor to police stations around the city for various offences usually to do with alcohol and drugs. A few violent encounters with other street people.

From what the man who ID'd him said the camouflage was something recent but he hadn't seen a gun. The gun was illegally purchased, stolen in the past year. So the patrol chief said cammo man was looking at some years behind bars one way or another. He looked up to say he meant prison or mental health confinement.

He smiled to ask Tai if she was okay. Tai returned his smile, "Yes, I am good with it. I was working."

The chief nodded, enough said for him.

He did say that `Brock' was HIV- so we didn't have that to worry about. I hadn't considered that.

He thanked us and said if there was any need he would contact us. Sumate gave him his card to be the contact. We were good!

We headed to Glaa's barn for a visit. Monaco and Ringgold were there talking with Mike, Glaa's jockey. We got hugs! The morning's events were kept on the lowdown by us. No news people had shown up in the alley but who knows.

Glaa was frisky and happy. My offered mint disappeared fast! Monaco laughing, "Count the fingers!"

Glaa had a roll around in sawdust time earlier, he was loose and easy-going! He was ready.

We talked with a few press types who came by, not for long though.

Back at the house my bikini was on quick! Laying out with Gil under an umbrella doing some work. Reg had a team and scanners ready to depart for Seattle. They'd stay at the Queen Anne house, a catering firm was hired to feed and clean during their stay. Nicholas arranged it after checking out local firms and laying out ground rules..

Email and field reports, Eric sent along some financials. Sam and Petra's information on The Target's building was great, we could take over the elevators with no fuss. Captain Kerns, the Greenwich Village NYPD precinct commander, had spoken with Sam on a `hypothetical' situation. He could loop in the right persons to get assistance around the building for the likely media scrum and gawkers. I emailed Mike about that since Kerns was his friend.

Rande and PJ came out to swim, Speedos! Their tight bodies like Cho's!! Sasha in her small bikini sat beside me, Roundell in shorts and a T-shirt with horse in a vest on it. I asked the obvious.

One of Roundell's businesses made outer and under wear for horse folks. Keep warm and dry! A slogan.

"I'll send you a vest and jacket to try."

I showed some snaps of me with Pamela. "Damn Fay, I love your outfit. Is that a helmet?"

I gave then skinny on my clothes and what they were made of. Roundell said I'd love his underwear vests, warm and not bulky. I was interested to try them. He'd get the address to send them to Harcourt House from Gil.

Sumate walked by in his swim suit, Sasha gave me a look! I was laughing, "Wait `til you see Cho! All mine!"

Sumate wanted to say something about today but I let him know it wasn't a secret from Sasha or Roundell.

The Chief of Patrol had called him with an update. The cammo man was doing Okay. One hit was a through & through flesh wound, the other had broken bone but it was fixed and he'd probably heal fine. With the info from the man who ID'd him, Brock's history was reviewed.

The violent episodes came from a personal quirk, he liked to sneak up on people from behind or jump out to frightened them. He'd done it to a few folks who decided to beat him up for scaring them. The most recent was a month ago so the police believe he bought the automatic rifle to stop being attacked after one of his pranks.

A side note his weapon was fully loaded with live ammunition! More ammo in his car not far away which he sometimes slept in and stored all his possessions. The police hoped he'd tell them who sold him the rifle so they could get a real criminal off the streets.

He tried to scare the wrong people. He probably wouldn't learn from it given his history.

Megan called Gil to say she had to do more prep for the evening so she couldn't come. Too bad but good since anyone talking about this morning might have tipped her off.

Cho had been inside working with Francis, they came out to swim. I heard an intake of breath beside me, Sasha had got a look. Her head rotated towards me, her mouth moved no sound... `Oh girl!' We giggled!

There lots of Derby parties happening around Louisville, we had invites to many because of Glaa. We weren't inclined to go. I asked Ringgold and Roundell whether folks would be upset.

Ringgold shaking his head, "Fay, there are quite a few owners who never go to any of them. You do need to go with Monaco and Mike to the one at the Derby Museum if you win."

Our little dinner party of our friends and a few locals we'd met was quiet and nice. The caterers fed us good! Grilled trout almandine! Many salad choices, corn on the cob, a rarity for me and Cho. He eaten it on trips to the US over the years. Dessert came out! Strawberry shortcake with lots of whipped cream!!

Later we watched to see if anything about our morning's event had made the TV news. It hadn't. The Chief of Patrol said our name's would be withheld pending an interview with `Brock' which for medical reasons wouldn't happen until Monday or Tuesday. We'd be gone by then! Good!

Saturday morning's walk was uneventful! We went the opposite direction into a commercial area with a lot of open parking areas and inexpensive apartments. Very quiet at our walking hour. Some churches of various types sprinkled in an area of few single family homes.

Emails during breakfast. Caroline Jian was doing very well! She was nursing as she should. Andrea was getting sleep with all her helpers around. Jian and Ting, the doting parents, Caroline's nurse and their housekeeper lady surrounding the mother and child. Andrea's sister would arrive tomorrow.

We weren't going to the track to watch other races but we wanted to visit Glaa before he went to the saddling paddock. We prepared for the day with a lot of kissing and caressing during our shower!! Cho's cock got lots of kissing!!

I chose a vertically striped white short sleeved mini-dress that was close above the waist, blue slender stripes, a matching blue belt. Stockings of the same blue and darker blue heels. A white wide brim straw hat with a narrow blue ribbon of the same shade as my stripes around the crown with some hanging out the back! Gold jewelry and a dark blue bag the same as the shoes with a gold clasp closing. Dark blue linen gloves. I looked a treat according to Cho!

He was in blue too! The navy suit was smashing, pale blue shirt and navy tie with tiny green and yellow horses. Our crowd wearing the Harcourt Racing pins proudly!

At Glaa's barn he was at the back of his stall, quiet as he usually is before the race. He knew what he had to do! Smart boy! We said our hellos, he gave me a sweet low nicker!

We headed to the Twin Spires so as not to mess with Glaa's routine. Gil, Francis, Thayer, Ringgold, Sasha and Roundell already there with Tai and Ansara. PJ and Rande had been with us. The box was near the finish line with a good view.

There was a race going off, I hadn't paid attention. I felt a few flutters! This was a huge thing and I had been pushing it aside in my mind. Now at the point of it happening... Damn who would thought! A kid who loved a horse in Hampshire was sitting at one of the holy's of international sport as a participant! Well, sort of...

Cho sensed it, a low voice in my ear, "It is amazing! I know we belong at this place!"

My hand squeezed his, his eyes were dark and gorgeous! I smiled, big and wide.

We sat quietly waiting. The saddling was taking place in the paddock behind grandstand we chose not to go watch, Monaco had it under control. There was a rise in noise... the post parade was beginning. The time was close. Monaco joined us. He looked tight! He sat beside me, I put out my gloved hand. He grabbed it! That made me smile, I squeezed him and he gave me a smile back! Okay!

If Glaa won it would be tremendous but a safe trip and a healthy boy at the end more important!

"My Old Kentucky Home' blared out and the singing, weird but a tradition.

Way off to the left at the beginning of the home straight they were loading the horses... the announcer saying the name as the horse went in. Glaa was number ten. A pause by the starter... at the last... then CLANG... they were off. A good start although Glaa seemed hesitant... like he didn't like the track... trying to grip. The others were moving along. Mike steered him closer to the rail... as Glaa passed us he seemed to be getting his feet!!

Mike had a good hold as he neared the clubhouse turn. He moved Glaa outside the horse immediately in front of him... OH MY... Glaa liked that! You could see him accelerate... the horses ahead of him in several groups of two's and three's were gobbled up by the end of the turn!! Down the back straight Glaa pushed past a bay into fifth position. Ahead now were four horses, the co-leaders closing on the turn and two others in their wake.

Glaa quickly narrowed the gap as he reached the turn... In my glasses I could see him accelerate again... numbers three and four were passed as he swooped around the outside. A black horse had the lead as they moved towards the the top of the stretch. Glaa was second and nearly on the heels of the leader... THEN he opened it up!!!! Mike sitting quietly as Glaa put on a show...

Oh My!!! The speed... Glaa was pulling away... By the eighth pole he was four lengths clear and widening further... the crowd was amazingly quiet... the black horse was trying hard but ended eight lengths short as Glaa roared past the finish line! It was staggering!!! 1:59:7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Glaa had broken two minutes!! Only the Great One... Secretariat had run faster! Our boy going into the history books... BIG!

We were all standing. I got a kiss from Cho and a big hug from Monaco! Sasha's hands on my shoulders, "Fay!! What a champ!!!"

Our box was rocking!!! Ringgold holding my arm, leaning in. "Fay, right from the start I knew he could do it."

I pulled him close, "You've been his champion! You're great!"

We celebrated, received congratulations from everyone around us. Monaco brought us back to earth and chivvied us out to go down to the winner's circle. My arms through Cho's on one side and Monaco's on the other. We crossed the track and the turf course beyond.

Cameras all around, people calling out, cheers flowing down. Eddie, Glaa's groom, hooked a lead on him and drew him forward to the big horseshoe in the grass. I gave Glaa a kiss, he snorted bobbing his beautiful head. He knew he earned it! Mike grinning ear to ear. Glaa with the roses draped over his withers seemed to enjoy himself, he kept looking at the cameras. Funny guy!

TV people had cameras and microphones in our faces then we did the posing in front of the podium thing with Glaa and Mike aboard. Then we were all up on the podium and the trophy was presented! We met the Governor of Kentucky and the man in charge of Churchill Downs as they handed us the gold trophy! Cho and I held it up for the snaps and TV. Monaco did too. Mike followed.

Up on the podium stage thing, I gave Mike a hug, "Great ride!"

"Miss, he was upset at the start... like he had a hoof wrong but he got synced and when I moved him outside he knew what to do. I didn't have to do or say anything after that. Damn what a ride down the stretch!"

"Mike it was spectacular to watch! Each acceleration, I could see it!"

"No jinx, Miss, but none of these horses can beat him... NONE!"

Glaa went to do his after race 'official' testing duties and Mike to get weighed. On the grassy space, TV people and reporters encircled us. I had a firm grip on Cho's hand thinking I'd better get used to some of this.

We gave them some time but they had to clear away the track. A steward said the tests and weighing were done and we were good. Officially official!

We walked back through the twin spires building and down and out the rear. We were escorted to a courtyard beside the Kentucky Derby Museum. There was a reception here in a short while. Monaco had gone to the barn with Glaa for a checkup, Mike was changing, they'd join us shortly. We sat to relax and it felt good!

The post-race party got started with all our people together. I got to meet Donna, Mike's wife. She was a petite blonde with striking blue eyes a few inches taller than him in heels. She had been in the stands with his parents and a clutch of aunts and uncles. She showed she was proud of him! We were too!

We moved around meeting people I wouldn't remember. Other owners were very complimentary about Glaa. I was with Gil off to the side of the bar getting a club soda and lime. Tai behind us working. Rande, Ansara and PJ not far away.

Megan came into the room, she saw us. Smiling Megan was WOW'd by Glaa's performance.

She asked if we saw her morning piece. I said we had a little problem so we missed it.

She seemed sad we hadn't seen it. I saw the ring was gone from her left hand.

Tai leaned in to whisper about Monaco waving and pointing to someone with him. I waved back.

Back to Megan, I intro'd her to Tai. She looked, "T-A-I ? I saw a police report with that name about a shooting quite near your house yesterday morning...?"

I drew her with me and Tai back away from the room crowd, "That was our little problem... Before I go on have you made a decision about New York?" And I pointed to her left hand.

She smiled, "Yes, I talked with Bill yesterday, I get why you were cagey about his name, MY god I found myself on the phone with a legend!!! We talked...Boy was he cagey too!!... but I got what the job would be and I decided to go!!"

I hugged her, "Fay, we spoke about salary and benefits... I was floored by his offer. I know New York costs a lot more to live but I hadn't ever imagined..."

I pointed to the missing ring again, "We talked, I told him I loved him but I wanted to take the New York offer knowing he would never leave here. He's a big guy in this small pond... He doesn't want it to be a final thing, I know in here it is..." Her small hand over her heart.

"Okay, when will you give notice?"

"Bill wants me to do it Monday and be in New York in two weeks."

"How about a small scoop for your news editor when you give your notice?"

Eyes bright, I asked Tai to give Megan the story. I said she could go on camera but no face to protect her anonymity. It wouldn't matter to us as we'd be gone tomorrow so... If the national news folks picked it up they'd be hard pressed to find us. When we got to Pimlico the story probably would have died.

I joined Monaco, he was talking with Mike and another jockey, Tomas. Tomas had ridden the fourth place finisher today. The horse had come up with a leg problem afterwards and was out of the Preakness for sure, possibly the Belmont Stakes too.

I was intro'd by Monaco with grin, "Tomas is Freddie's youngest brother."

"Ah, good to meet you."

"I'm the youngest of all, two brothers and a sister in between Freddie and me.

I gave Monaco a look, his smile broadened, a nod, "Tomas come work for us. We don't have another runner in the Triple Crown but we have a nice group of two and three year olds to run in other races, especially at Saratoga."

Tomas rubbed his hands, "I'd like that!"

"Do you have a passport? Up to date? Good!"

I turned to Gil, "Let's get Tomas to Harcourt House." I got a mock salute, Gil drew Tomas with her going towards a table.

I called out to have her check with Kavat about where the Gulfstream's were. Thumbs up!

I was going to ask Donna where she was living while Mike travelled... there was a bit of a dust up, I saw Robbie Robertson, an owner I'd met, a jockey and another man I didn't know. They were arguing, not horribly loud but noticeably.

Monaco said other fellow was the trainer for `IrishRainbow' who finished eighth today. The jockey threw up his hands and walked away towards the outside wall. I saw a redheaded woman follow the jockey. Robbie turned away and walked in our general direction.

I put out my hand, "Robbie, anything wrong?"

Robbie said the jockey had quit the horse, fed up with the trainer, he was too.

"Can we help?"

He shook his head in a resigned way. Mike looked at me, "The horse is good!"

I laughed inside, gave a look to Monaco, he nodded, "Robbie, sell us IrishRainbow."

He stared, "You're serious?"

"Yes, we'll put him with Monaco. We'll find out if he's got it for more or not."

I put out my hand, "Shake on it and we'll work on the price later."

Robbie had this astonished but not unhappy face. We shook.

I asked Mike if he would go corral Cho for me. He grinned, "Yes, Miss, glad to!"

Robbie still a bit amazed, "You do make up your mind quickly."

Laughing, "It's a signature feature for me."

Monaco's hand on my shoulder squeezed a bit. Cho's face when he came up, one of his cute smiles, "So I leave you alone and you start spending money?"

We laughed and hugged. He got the story and shook with Robbie himself. He asked Monaco to see IrishRainbow in the barn with Glaa tonight. Monaco did fist bumps with me!

"Robbie do you think your jockey would ride IrishRainbow for us?"

He laughed, "Fay, I think he'd do anything you want!"

Mike called out to Domingo. `Dom" came over with the very pretty redhead. Dom was intro'd to us and we met May, his girl. Dom was overjoyed to find Monaco was taking over IrishRainbow's training and to find we now owned the horse. AND that we wanted him aboard... he crossed himself... A big smile!

Yes! Yes! He would love to ride for us! Good. Settled!

Dom had some rides here next weekend after that he would back out and work with Monaco and IrishRainbow exclusively before the Preakness. Monaco told him that IrishRainbow would have to work hard to be ready and if he wasn't where Monaco wanted he'd be scratched.

I was standing beside Donna, I asked what kind of work she did in Pasadena while Mike travelled. Now she was being a sort of secretary at a private school, boring and it didn't make her happy.

I looked over at Monaco... He looked back but there was wariness, justified! I asked about Donna working for us at Santa Anita? Actually Monaco smiled, "It would be good to have someone to do multiple things so my assistant trainers and I didn't have to like arranging travel and hotels, expenses, lots of paperwork, etc... It might be boring too though."

He looked at Donna who jumped at it! She said she was detail oriented and knew how to find things to do! We laughed at the last bit. The idea of a ten minute commute... heaven! She loved horses so being around them all day!!! Done!

I was such a busy bee! I got to meet Sal who was Robbie's wife. Gorgeous silver hair short with a lift in front. Cool! She liked mine! We asked them back to our house for afters and food! YES!

We done a bit of ceremony mixed in the the other fun and now headed out. At the pool side I said there were a few extra bathing suits around... Sal said yes right away. I saw Tai and Megan talking... quite close actually. Gil loaned suits to May and Donna, Sal got one of mine. She liked a black string bikini.

I found myself naked with a woman I'd known an hour changing clothes. We laughed and did fist bumps after I told her my thought! The black one fit her svelte body just right! We ran downstairs to jump in holding hands! Cheers!!

I was standing with a club soda and lime talking with Robbie and Sal. Robbie was happy to be out of the Triple Crown races. "I'm going to concentrate on our home terrain in Lexington and here at Churchill Downs. Maybe some in Arkansas and Louisiana. There are plenty of good G-2 and G-3 races hereabouts."

I could understand that. We now had some TV and other press folks outside our place on the street. They'd been told there would be no interviews but...

Sumate had extended the parameter that the local security company patrolled and one of our people was on duty now at all times.

I watched Megan climb out of the pool... she looked happy. Tai came over to me, she had an odd expression on her face. "Fay... " a pause, I squeezed her hand, "... Can Megan stay with me tonight?"

I slipped my arm through hers and steered us away from the pool. "You are good to ask but you're both adults and you know your duty shift so..."

A gigantic smile! "Did I get something started getting you together over the story?"

She nodded, "As I talked and she listened and the camera guy filming over my shoulder we both felt a connection."

I said go girl! I got a hug and kiss before she bounded off! I laughed.

We had a nice time with friends, quiet before more action.

I was sitting at the breakfast table with Gil and Sumate when Tai and Megan came down tousled and happy looking. I gave them a grin as did Gil. Megan grinned back my grin holding onto Tai's hand. Sumate shook his head saying something about `a cat that got the mouse' which made me laugh, I raised my coffee cup in salute.

The local security folks brought a dark tinted window car around to take Megan home as we started to leave. Roundell and Sasha were off home it wasn't a long drive, a few hours. Thayer leaving in a few hours on flight to Newark. Ringgold left earlier for California.

The local security company owner came by as we wanted to thank him for the excellent work his folks did, the same for the caterers. We were pleased and would recommend them and use them again. Lots of smiles all around.

Jaidee next to me in the car getting rubbed on the short drive to the Cho-Fay aircraft. Tomas was with us, he'd be picked up in Richmond by a Gulfstream which would non-stop to Chalgrove.

Captain Kor's announcement of our being cleared to taxi got folks headed to strap-in! Cho called to Jaidee who eagerly hopped into his lap for take-off! The big rush down the runway...we powered into the air with a climbing turn to starboard, Richmond here we come.

It was warm and humid as we deplaned down the stairs at our parking place north of the main terminal. Tomas would stay aboard as the Gulfstream was in-bound now, twenty minutes from wheels down. Ansara and Tai had the guard duty.

There were cars waiting! Mattie! My driver from my first visit! I gave her a hug. She had my suggestion for the drive into the city.

Out of the airport we turned onto the old Williamsburg Road aka U.S. Route 60. It started as residential but closer in became commercial and residential mixed. Older buildings vied with new ones before we parked along what was now named Main Street.

The Poe Museum staff were very nice. We paid for everyone to come in and left them a donation of $10,000.00. We got a short tour and met the two black cats who live at the museum, Edgar and Pluto! Nice boys!

I loved the model of Old Richmond, all the memorabilia from his life and his family. The first editions and other rare prints so wonderful to be seen and preserved.

The `Enchanted Garden' was delightful, so like Jane Austen's, a calm place! The staffer with us enjoyed hearing about the Chawton house and our irregular visits. There were many similarities.

Cho and I sat for a while on a bench enjoying the sunny and warm late spring day. Our folks spent some money on mementos, I chose to store it all upstairs in the ole noggin except for a small raven statue I had Gil buy for me.

On the move, we stayed on Main Street until the Jefferson Hotel came up on our right. Checked in, Gil asked about our dinner booking... Yes!

On the bed looking up into lovely brown eyes until they were too close to see... Kissing!!!! I do love a naked Cho on top! We kissed and petted for a while, very pleasant! We had to dress...!

I chose a pale gray silk short sleeved dress, mid-thigh with a V-neck front and back, wide black leather belt, black stockings and heels, deep red nails and lips. Silver jewelry on hands , wrists, neck and ears! `Joy' applied by Cho!

He was in a pale gray suit over a soft cotton black shirt and a slender black and light gold lamé tie! I'd bought both for him at St. Laurent on Rodeo Drive. Very nice!!

Down to the Mezzanine Restaurant.

Sydney! A big hug and kiss!! He was still so excited about Glaa's win!

Sam and Beverly had sent a few snaps from our Harcourt House wedding. "You all looked gorgeous! The setting... all those beautiful flowers and the sunny day!!"

I intro'd Gil, Francis, Sumate and PJ and Rande. The latter two were seated at another table so they could work. He asked about a bigger table, I said the combination of our work and Glaa... Sydney `got it' but was sad it had to be.

"Campari and soda?"

I said yes! For once Cho joined me. He laughed when I gave him a look. "One does have to be a bit unpredictable."

The five of us sipped our drinks and scanned the menu! I chose a romaine salad with `lots of anchovies,' I caught the slight smile again from Sydney. A Chesapeake Bay crab cakes with wasabi aioli and the grilled rainbow trout for my main course.

"Of course, Miss, I will have spoon bread for everyone!"

I squeezed his hand with a big smile.

We had a great dinner! Sydney was just the best. He moved so smoothly, so graciously, I loved watching him. Well fed and happy, all of us! The restaurant owner also the chief chef came out to meet us.

His florid face and big body made him seem almost Dickensian in a white chef's top and gray pants. Some wild hair out from under his chef's hat.

He enjoyed our compliments about his food and Sydney. We were thanked for our patronage and invited to attend one of his special evenings for particular clients.

Cho thanked him saying we would when possible. A few more pleasantries before the chef had to go back to work.

We decided to go to Joseph's for night-caps, Sydney was in! I got a black soft wool cardigan out just in case. We walked over to the bar. We sat in the booth where I'd had a few with Sydney the first time.

The man himself arrived shortly after as Sylvia was pushing her errant lock of blonde hair back back over her ear. She was smiling at my return visit. We ordered and I went along to the Ladies. I passed Sylvia at the end of the bar, she smiled.

I pounced, "You really like Sydney don't you?"

She was a slender petite woman about fifty years old, nice shape and an aged but lovely face. She smiled some more, "Yes, I do! But I couldn't intrude on him to say anything. He's a respectable man and I admire his gracious way."

I said he's coming up to Pimlico in two weeks to watch our horse in the Preakness... Sylvia shook her head, "I want to... I want to spend time with him away from here but... It's not me to..."

I had her hand, "How about I invite you and you two travel up together? Some time during the trip to talk? He's staying with us at a house we're renting, we have room."

She was looking a bit wistful before refocusing on me, "Miss, I'd like that but can you please ask Sydney first?"

I said yes. I walked towards the booth, I waved to Sydney. He slid out, we sat at an empty table nearby. I told him I'd invited Sylvia to Baltimore. His eyes widened, "Fay, are you matchmaking?"

I grinned and said YES! He laughed, "I like Sylvia for her excellent service and easy personality. I do miss being with a women for just every day interactions."

"Travel up to Pimlico with her, get to know her a bit more, Okay?"

"You're sure about this? Are you sure about her?"

I hugged him, "Yes!"

Back at the booth, I whispered to Cho about inviting Sylvia which got a me `what the hell' look which went away when Sydney asked Sylvia to go up to Baltimore with him. All smiles! YES!!!

We toasted that!

We headed back to the hotel for a Jaidee walk! Our crowd wandering the streets in the dark must have looked funny. We walked and talked escorting our pup who had a whole new city to be snoopy in. Business done!

In the room, I was slowly stripped... Yow! Carried to bed by a naked man, we cuddled. Jaidee on a folded blanket watched Cho petted me some more, soft and sweet. I returned the pleasures... We drifted off to sleep, easily.

Downstairs for breakfast! Sumate off to Baltimore then New York.

Alex wandered in. He'd arrived late last night! Hugs!! We ate in a group at several tables brought together in the back corner.

A big omelet, goat cheese and onions with crab. Rye toast and grits! Coffee and OJ! I was good!

Packed ready for the Kanawha Canal Company.

Elaine met us at their door, Cho and Alex were intro'd. Alex's role was explained, lots had changed since I was here before. She had good news too.

A lot of dredging had been completed and the water levels in the canal west of downtown Richmond were rising. Lighter craft could go out to Sabot in Goochland County and then enter the James River through a lock there. There were five locks functioning for part of each day but because they had to be manned it kept the hours very limited.

We went down to the Canal Walk, this was a City of Richmond project. It was a nice walking area but a bit bland despite a few good historical displays. We drove out to the PumpHouse Park at the bottom of William Byrd Park about five miles. It had the Eighteenth Century locks, original to the canal, a gatekeeper's house and other bits. The PumpHouse was from 1901 for the city water supply and was being rehabilitated.

Alex and I had a good look and took snaps for Reg. He'd be able to disguise our equipment in older style housings. Jean-Pierre, Elaine's tech guy, gave us an update on the networking, cable connections from Shockoe Slip to here and other sites very soon.

We were able to put them on the schedule for August with Alex as their primary contact. Elaine was a happy lady!

We took off from Richmond for the short hop to Dulles International. Captain Kor parked us on the east side of the airport at a private jet company. Cars were waiting, we left the terminal area by Sully Road down a short ways to the Lee-Jackson Memorial Highway.

Lots of history around us in road names if nothing else. This stretch of asphalt became the John Mosby Highway as it left commercial and residential areas behind to become farm land all around in softly rolling hills. We turned north before Upperville winding along until white fences appeared on our left. A drive lined with trees curved towards a shallow hill and a large house. The drive was a half circle at the front of the house.

Charles was on the porch waiting. We hugged and kissed. He was so happy to meet us after all he'd heard from Sam and Beverly. We gave him greetings from Sydney! He was glad we'd enjoyed ourselves in Richmond he needed to make a visit there soon it'd been a long time.

He intro'd Daniel, his farm manager, who medium height, slender, a bit of gray at the temples, a handsome black man! I said he'd gotten quite the buildup via Charles and Beverly.

He smiled, "Well, nice to hear!"

He gave Charles a mock punch on the arm. Charles laughing, "Okay, so I lied a bit!" Holding up two fingers close together.

They got to meet our folks and Jaidee! We let Jaidee off his lead as the house was fenced all around. Zoom! He was running on the grass around the trees and shrubs tongue flying out...

Charles didn't have a dog now, his retriever had died in the winter and he was loath to go looking.

We got a tour of the downstairs and out to the kitchen where we met Flora aka Flo and her husband Mykal. They lived in a house out to the side next to Daniel's. Flo was his niece, his sister's girl, she and Mykal had two teenagers, a girl and boy.

Flo was making dinner so we gave her a list of us and our dietary limits. No problem! Upstairs Charles told us he'd moved out to the Guest Cottage for his living space. We needed to talk about things in the house, this or that could go or stay. But I asked about the pool... Ready to go. Okay.

I changed to a bikini as did Gil and our security ladies. Cho in a Speedo... ah!

I jumped in holding Gil's hand with Charles on a lounge laughing! Mykal came with a list of drinks... I got unsweetened ice tea. I went in to get it. Flo smiling as her son, Rylee, fifteen, gave me a look as he went out with drinks for the others.

"Don't worry he'll get over it. He's only seen his sister, Shondra, in a swimsuit... You know there's no thrill in that..."

I sipped my cold tea, "Well, we're in good weather so he'll have other chances!"

We had a good laugh. We chatted a bit about Cho and I and her family. Her mother lived in D.C. with another sister. Daniel's son was a student at Howard University in D.C., he lived with his mom in Alexandria, she worked for the U.S. treasury.

`We're pretty easygoing. Charles is a good boss. His younger grandson was here a few weeks ago in between trips for Médecins Sans Frontières. He's a handsome fellow, I'm trying to matchmake with my sister's oldest!"

I told her about my matchmaking with Sylvia and Sydney. She laughed, "Sydney has been here a few times. A very nice man, sad though."

Flo understood why I was meddling and supported me. Charles had come in during that and rolled his eyes. Flo said Sydney had more than a few years to go so he should not bottle up his happiness in memories only.

Charles got it. Flo had been after him too but he had fewer chances. I told him he should travel some now, "Come out to Bangkok or to Harcourt House or LA or even New York. We'll find some trouble for you!"

He laughed, he'd have to take me up on that! `Do!' was my only response.

After a tasty dinner of grilled fish with hush puppies, because they were a Charles favorite we took a walk around the close in part of the farm. Everything was in fabulous shape, "Daniel knows his business!"

There were chickens for eggs, a few ducks and the odd goose, mostly transients.

In the stables I met Mr. Sugar, a nice chestnut gelding and Ash, a pale gray mare, very pretty and strong according to Charles. You could see it in her haunches. The others I would meet later. Mr. Sugar had been mostly ridden with a western saddle, Ash an English one.

Charles had six mares breeding now and two stallions in the main barn. Their offspring ready to go to sales were housed nearby, yearlings and young two year olds included. We had to make the decisions now but Charles and Daniel would be our guides.

We looked at the dressage arenas, a bit worse for wear but usable with repairs. They hadn't been used for almost ten years since a local group had done training there. I gave Charles the Sunny story, he was intrigued.

"She's that much of natural? Then you're doing a good thing!"

"We hope so but the burden is on her, so we'll see."

I liked the farm, it was well run, handsome to look at and had lots of space to do things here. Daniel had joined us. In answer to my query, all the jumping equipment was still here in storage. He would get it out and see what needs done. The steeplechase course was of course gone but it wouldn't be hard to re-create as the layout topo maps were in the office.

Great! Daniel sounded like he was good with it altogether! He'd start several folks moving it out and doing any rehab work. Fist bumps! And grins!

I got a text from Gil... need 2 talk... on my way

She'd gotten a message from the New York County prosecutor's office about our friends in the park and their dog. The men were pleading guilty and forfeiting their dog. The dog would go to a canine rehabilitation centre for re-training as it was only two years old. They would in a phrase would `go upstate' for a few years. Done!

Before bed we sat for a while doing things together sipping a very nice sherry! We got caught up on a lot and our calendar updated for personal and business. Gil let me know Tomas was at Harcourt House and working already.

Emails from Monaco to Cho and I, he was pleased with Glaa, he was going easy for a few days then back to working out. He had put IrishRainbow through some post-race mild work, the horse responded very well. We'll see!

Reg's team for Seattle would depart tomorrow with the hardware to follow, they'd get settled and go out to the roads to look and mark install locations. Seattle DOT was being very helpful probably due to Jonathan. He'd sent a CV and was interested but didn't want to make a move until this test was done. He was well educated and had good experience. Only twenty seven! I wanted him to be a part of our roadway sensor technology. Okay!

The Chief of Patrol for Louisville police had been on to Sumate. He called from New York, "The fellow Brock' was interviewed and while a bit out of it' had confirmed what we had said. He was sorry about it all which was what his friend had said. `Brock' was always sorry after scaring folks.

He was going to make a full physical recovery, the right shoulder no problem, the left after physical therapy.

Cuddled with the `men!' Cho smiling down at me from behind, "Are you getting enough stimulation, my dear?"

I was giggling gently bouncing the three of us, "Yes, my days are full of fun stuff!"

My morning got a bounce too with a big four egg omelet from Flo. Onions and cheese, big slices of toast and fruit. Flo watched me eat, "Dear, you are so slender... where are you putting it?"

She was sure about making it whether I could eat it all, no doubts at the end. I also stuck a leg in the air to show my secret storage location. That broke up everyone who was up that early.

I had gone walking with Jaidee at sunrise, we'd toured around and met some of the other horses and staff. Lovely way to start a day!

With food done Gil and I did some more and I did phone calls on the front porch for some time. Alex had gone to New York with Sumate but he was now in Albany with the state canal folks. All good.

Eric was with Michael in Sweden at a water project site. He loved the countryside there. A challenging task which would give us good experience! Malee was doing great!

After lunch in my jeans, I took Ash out for a ride. We went around the paddocks and the tracks letting me see it all. Ash was a fine horse, easy to ride and responsive. I could see we'd get along. She seemed pleased and devoured a carrot I cut for her.

Gil had gotten on to the folks at Go Outdoors in Oxford earlier. They would ship out today two full sets of clothing, boots, etc... for me and Gil to Upperville for DHL overnight delivery.

The afternoon warmed up so into the pool. Wet and in the sun as Flo's two teenagers came home from school. They got the Okay to swim before homework this time! Shondra had demure two piece in yellow, for thirteen she had a slender developing body. She sat with me to chat a bit.

There was a history project to do as her last big thing for the school year. A visual thing on the 1970's in America, she was moaning that there was SO much going on... where to start. I was grinning thinking about school which made me think about Des, I needed to catch up with him. He'd been at our Harcourt House wedding but we hadn't the time to talk.

I said to Shondra she ought to narrow it to a single topic for which there was lots of snaps and video.

"What about how the surge in music affected the younger folks in fashions and outlook? There were so many musicians and singers who dressed in such stylish ways they led the youth of the world"

Her eyes lit up, "There has to be tons on the web!'

I said yes, pics and video! She was off! I went for a drink Flo was grinning saying I'd lit a fire. We laughed!

They didn't have a computer but for school work they could use the one in Charles office if it was free. Okay, we can fix that! I rounded up Gil and PJ, Tai wanted to come to look for a new iPhone case. Off to Fairfax Fair Oaks Mall to the Apple store!

Dressed for the warming weather, black short shorts, a short black and ivory striped sailor collared top with three buttons on the left collar bone from St. Laurent and the Celine red leather ankle boots with stretchy uppers and high heel, zipper at the back. Silver jewelry!

Cho asked me to look what they had in Beats headsets! We were off! An easy drive right down the way we came in past Dulles Airport to the mall. We parked outside the Cheesecake Factory as the webpage suggested and we were right there. Starbucks! We stopped there for lattes!!

In the Apple Store I got Gil to get four iMacs, big screens, a Time Capsule for WiFi and backups, a couple of WiFi range extenders and a network color printer. I looked at the Beats selection. I added a pair in black for Cho to our total.

The store manager arranged for a dolly to take it all out to the Suburban. She loved us!

At the Farm, I connected the Time Capsule in bridging mode with a fixed IP. Hooked it to the Verizon box, all good. The kids got an iMac for their use, Daniel got one in his office and so did Flo in her desk cubby in the kitchen. The color laser printer fit in the office just fine and everyone was connected.

The fourth was for Charles, he was delighted. He had a desk in the new Charles House aka Guest House. So I set it up and connected it to the network and ran the Migration Assistant. It sucked all his Windows stuff over and we had a few things to fix but all good in short order. The old computer was put aside for now.

Charles loved the big screen iMac!!

We talked iPhones for staff and Charles. The staff would get credit cards from Sanjara in a day or so then they should get the iPhones and call Chun at Ni's APP shop in Bangkok to get the Harcourt House App. They'd be in a group called Upperville Farm and joined to all Harcourt activities!

In the morning, Jaidee was ready for some time chasing one of his tennis balls. We had a blast on the wide front lawn, running, chasing and rolling around. I got a cleanup by a warm tongue! Such a guy!!

Flo made waffles! Butter and syrup! Delicious! I was naughty, I ate two big waffles! Flo laughing happy to feed me.

Gil and I sat to work in the dining room. Comfy chairs and a short walk for coffee, room to spread out. I laid out some project timelines I'd just printed on the new printer! Airprint works great!

Cho sat with us for a while so could talk about several projects and personnel issues. Angela sent over some docs for us to sign. Gil had a pickup set for today.

DHL came! They delivered Go Outdoors order and the credit cards for Daniel and Flo. Some more docs too. Big delivery! They took away two sets of signed papers!

Dressed for a ride! Black jodhpurs, black half boots, white shirt, red bow tie, black bolero jacket and a new Spanish Equestrian helmet hat. I was pulling on black gloves as Charles saw me... a hand to his heart... "Fay, that is fabulous!"

I got my hand kissed! Daniel's eyes rolled when we got to the stable, "Miss, that is some outfit! I've never seen anything like it."

I said `get used to it' which got us all laughing! I got a leg up onto Ash, Gil on Mr. Sugar. I told the groom we'd head to the west to look at the property out there. He gave me a salute. I waved a gloved hand.

We trotted down past the rest of the stables, a few looks from the other workers and `hellos' back and forth.

We passed a group of paddocks and the big pasture where the old cross-country course had been setup. It looked good, several small hills and a stream bisecting it. We kept going westward along dirt tracks between large grassy fields, hay in big roll bails drying.

We rode towards the Blue Ridge Mountains, a long line of forested hills, on a small rise we could see how they dwindled as you looked northwest. The Farm property ran to within a mile of the mountains rise from the lowlands like the hills were squeezed up out of the ground abruptly.

We came to a gate, locked. Gil called Daniel. He said go left side, there is a lockbox like real estate sellers use, combination 6 9 4 1. We opened the gate and rode through. Daniel described where the Farm property line was. We could see that, in the field beyond a man in a baseball cap was harvesting hay with a big machine, making the round bails.

We rode down to the fence which was the boundary, the man waved. He shutdown his machine... nice... it was loud and climbed off to walk over. I leaned towards him to shake hands and intro'd Gil and myself.

`Ike" had heard Charles had sold the farm. His was a dairy, cows and goats, a family farm. He from his dad who got it from his dad and on... back to Antebellum Virginia. His was the oldest by far in this part of the state.

We chatted a for a short while before Gil and I turned back to the house, locking up behind us. Ike found out we were horse people like Charles which was fine with him.

The fences were in excellent shape, the land cared for carefully, Charles was right! Daniel knew his business. We could leave it in his care!

Since we had helmets today we had a good gallop back giving both horses a workout. I told the groom that so he could watch to see if they had any issues. Big smile!

In the dark on the porch swing with Cho. Pretty cozy! Talking quietly about the Farm. He'd spent time with Charles and Daniel visiting all the horses and every building. We exchanged info, me the land and Ike, Cho the other bits. Warm strong arms holding me... aaaahhhh kissing! I was up for some!! Sweet to have the embrace and those nice lips grazing on mine!

I was in no hurry to stop... Finally we paused, Cho's head in my lap... I caressed him, fingers in his lush hair! His eyes closed letting me do my thing! He took my left hand to his lips then rested it on his chest... inside his shirt my fingers wandered slowly... Shit YES! I liked this!

Cho's eyes were closed but the smile told me... a slow turn over... arms under me... oops I was nearly airborne... A call to Jaidee... A slow walk up the stairs... three steps... landing... turn left up the long flight of stairs... landing... turn left more stairs... straight down the hallway to the master bedroom... I was gently laid out on the bed.

Jaidee parked on his new doggy bed.

Cho stepped back and undressed, I watched the show... he was almost fully hard when he approached the bed... I was on my side open mouthed... ready! Cock inserted!!!!

I got down to work getting that beauty wet sloppy wet and VERY slowly eased the foreskin back... YES! Cockhead... pink, glossy and delightful to lick and kiss! I sucked that prick, Cho worked on what little I was wearing. Short shorts... gone, bikini panties... gone, crop top up... fingers softly tugging on my nipple rings... oooooooooooo YES!!

My cock sucking interrupted as my top came off I rotated to hang my head off the bed Cho slid forward entering my mouth to his root!! Soft pubic on my chin balls hanging against my eyes and nose... I loved Cho's musk!!!!!

He leaned over to caress my body working his way down to my sex as I happily sucked his.

OH shit! Cho's tongue went to work... Damn the man he knows how to eat pussy!!!!! My body was squirming I gripped his ass cheeks to keep the cock in my mouth. Cho lifted up, "Come up here."

On my back... legs gaping... a lust face on my husband... a hard wet cock his his hand rubbing through my labia... up and down... caressing my clit driving me crazy like his tongue... a smooth stroke delivered the dick to me!! All the way in in one motion his pubic mashed on my bare sex mound!!

A kiss and my entreaty for him to FUCK Me! NOW! A sly grin, "Are you sure about that?"

Oh Gawd!! The torment of the desired cock... Cho kissed me, "Of course I will!"

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Yes he slowly entered and withdrew repeatedly building up the pace... then he'd stop to soak inside my wetness... kissing, hands all over me like mine on him!!

A quietly whispered `turn over' got me in a doggie position Cho's hands on my hips as he stroked into me. Strong firm cock thumps made lovely slapping sounds and drove me wild when Cho's hand cupped my breasts I started my first orgasm. Those fingers on my nipples drove me over... the heat rising from my belly up through my torso flooding my bosom and face... I nearly cried as Cho's penis kept on moving... it gave me me no slack... more waves of heat flowing through me... it wasn't a second orgasm just more of the first like it hadn't ended Cho making it last... I did have tears... of pure pleasure!!!

Cho's body machine like... Damn Damn it hurt so good!! Face down ass up Cho maneuvered me but never stopped!!! I could feel my heat rising again Cho's words near my ear "I... coming!"

With the intense passion of his strokes my body orgasmed again as his cock spasmed inside me... so many times... I wasn't able to tell as my pussy was out of my control... Cho's rigidity of body and cock lasted for an unknowable time... then his weight lowered onto me I was flattened to the mattress... a slick chest on my heated back... arms wrapping my shoulders... kisses on bare skin... my hands reaching back to caress his torso... a soft murmur "Fay... wonderful!"

I felt paralyzed! I lay under Cho doing a slow assessment of my flesh! I tingled in my pussy with those fabulous burning pleasurable feelings!! Cho's body made me feel great just laying over me not moving!

So still for a while. Cho suggested I turn over... he raised himself... I was sorry to lose the cock from inside me... I got his weight back and those lips!!! We kissed... a lot!!!

I croaked out, "Water" Cho wanted some too. He covered that gorgeous body in a robe and went downstairs. I got water and a bowl of grapes! Jaidee got a chewy treat! We shared grapes and water listening to Jaidee gnaw on his thing. I got petted some more our legs intertwined Cho's soft sex on mine our bellies pressed together!

Looking into dark eyes looking right back... LOVE... that's it folks!

After that sleep...

I was up early, washed, dressed with Jaidee in the kitchen. I sipped coffee, he massacred his breakfast. We were the only ones around. We walked out to the stables, a groom saddled Ash for me. He would watch Jaidee until the house woke up. I thanked him and told him I was going north and then east.

I went easy as we passed some paddocks then into open fields. We trotted along the edge of the lake but I didn't go close not knowing the ground. It was spring fed then feeding the stream and two ponds. I could see the relationship on the folded topo map I pulled from my jacket pocket.

I passed through a wide tree line to see several open fields ahead the one to the right had probably forty turkey vultures on the fences and grass. Just sitting in the sun their wings spread out.

I didn't approach. No point to it they weren't doing anything. No feeding so nothing dead over there. I crossed the more western field reaching our property boundary where Daniel said it would be. I circled back around the birds to go east. A few sort of grunted at me but since I wasn't closing in that was it.

Ash and I followed a tree line before turning north again. Most of this land had been used for hay, fairly level with a bit of rolling on the northern parts. At the eastern edge I looked into someone else's grassy grounds, no one around anywhere today. We rode along the boundary heading south by southeast until we hit a road. It was the property edge all the way down nearly to the highway, the John S. Mosby.

We galloped through a grassy but recently cut field. A car came down the road from behind, a man called out... I eased Ash and turned close to the fence. Mr. Warburton intro'd himself leaning over the fence to shake hands.

"Damn Miss Martin, you look very fine in that Spanish outfit."

I thanked him. We chatted about the area, what Charles would be doing, would we be living here. The last got him a few bits about us, business people, horse breeding (we should fit in here then), Harcourt Racing at that his eyes bounced...

"Miss you mean you and Mr. Cho are Glaa's owners?"

I gave a definite yes! That moved us from possible dilettantes to top league players. If we had horses like Glaa we weren't fooling around!

I gave him a tease... "Well Glaa has a full sister who shows enormous promise, she's at a farm in New York training right now."

I coaxed some info from him, a family horse breeding and training place up the road we were on. Four generations back, not as far back as Charles though. Some good stakes race winners from their barns.

I suggested he come and meet Cho, "I'm on an errand for the missus to Middleburg."

"Then bring her along this afternoon for a drink and snacks. Yes?"

Ah, I was irresistible!! They would come over. I said we would be pleased.

He took off I continued my ride around working my way back to the stables. The whole place was awake now. I was starving making piteous sounds to Flo. She could hardly reply with all her laughter.

I got a four egg omelet with fried potatoes and big pieces of fresh white bread covered in butter and boysenberry preserves!!! I dove in. Cho smiling, drinking coffee, he was already fed.

I gave him the news of my trip and the Warburton's coming over later.

"Good girl! Make nice with the locals."

I said it was his recognizing Harcourt Racing so he knows that part of us. Charles came to sit. Smiling when I told him about Warburton, "He's somewhat old school but he'll see a point when it's made. He's had a few good runners with excellent records in the G2 and G3 stakes races. Also he's a nice fellow who knows EVERYONE around here. Also his wife is a sweetie."

We laughed at that. Stuffed I washed up, into short shorts and crop top with Gil working until early afternoon. Flo had brought us some grilled cheese sandwiches and crisps!! A big dill pickle!!

Now bikini time rang out from my mouth. Gil and I with Tai and Ansara up the stairs!! Black string bikini got wet straight away! Big splash.

Charles and Cho walking up from the stables watching us, laughing! We lay out on lounges, Charles beside me.

"So you have some extra fun in Louisville?"

We hadn't seen any news today but Megan broke the story about the early morning events last Friday. She'd called last night to say it was a go but she wasn't sure it would run this morning or ... I guess sometime this morning. Well just a bit more fun.

The good part was no one knew where we were now. So no news folks looking for comment or more info. They tried Monaco, he said he knew nothing but what was in the news report.

Gil said she'd gotten messages from a few people, no news types yet. I got my iPhone... OH yes a few texts, emails and VM's. Okay... I sat to return emails and texts, calls to only a few people. Cho talked to Mike and some other investors, I called Lori, Hélène, MacDonald and Bill. They had been called by us already as had all the other investors so it wasn't news but apparently some press folks were making it a bit more lurid.

Our family, close advisors, friends were informed so no surprises but still it being on the news... Well we could do without it but it had to come out sooner or later. I knew Megan would be right about it but with the press who knows. Anything to make a dollar, ethics for sale.

We had told Charles a bit but he had seen a news report which dramatised it. I told him the story of our encounter in Washington Square with the dog and the two men. During my recitation Cho sat with us, the `event magnet' appellation was repeated. That gave Charles a chuckle.

"You seem to come out of these `events' Okay."

I was telling him about Francis who he hadn't met as he was in New York now. Cho kidded me "Go on.."

He had me tell about Mr. Hardy and the drug dealers at our industrial estate property. At the end of that the Warburton's arrived. I was still in my bikini...

Charles took over the intro's after I met `Dolly' Warburton and Mr. Warburton's eyes returned to normal seeing me in my bikini! Dolly aka Carol was younger than her husband, curvy with a freckly sweet face. I said I would change.

Dolly came with me. She sat on the chair by the window as I slipped into short shorts and a long sleeved crop top jumper as some clouds had rolled in. We talked through the bathroom door. I did a quick hair fix-up. Dolly liked my top but said she couldn't wear anything like that.

"Why? You have a nice figure."

"Well you know I've a few unneeded pounds..."

"Don't let anyone tell you that! You are just built differently, I'm one way you're another and the next person is different yet."

A smile, "Well there's still the problem of the people around here and their ... how shall I say `old fashioned' ways."

"They better watch out while I'm around! I trend to tight jeans and short skirts!"

We laughed! "So you are a ten or twelve?"

Dolly said depending on the clothes... yes. Okay.

Back downstairs she and I delivered drinks and Flo the snacks! We talked horses! Dolly loved to ride, Mr. Warburton told her about my riding clothes. She looked intrigued. Back upstairs to show her. I told Dolly I had a source for the helmets if she wanted.

"Fay how often will you two be around?"

I gave her a précis of the next few months. My story about Eve and Ku had her eyes wide.

"So Eve loves Ku but you too? And she's doing this for you and Cho from love of you? I wish I had friends like that!"

The sweet face looking wistful, "Wally and I are together so much and we only have our farm folks nearby..."

"You and Wally should travel more. You must have staff you can trust to get things done?"

A yes but... "Wally and I haven't had any children which I'm sorry about... so... we get along very well, never argue but there's the unspoken thing about kids..."

I explored whether they had sought medical advice... No! Wally just felt it was his fault because of all his riding and an injury when he was young. I sat beside Dolly and told her I was transgendered which our reason. She was gobsmacked!!!

I said it was a secret for now , Okay? Nodding, Dolly squeezed my hands.

Changing the subject I asked her and Wally to Harcourt House for Christmas!

"Really? I think I'd like to see some of England. Oh, please ask Wally, he'd be proud to be asked as I am."

Funny roles we all play! I hugged Dolly before going down again. A plan to buy Dolly a few bits... working in my mind!

We were all around a few tables I did ask Wally and Dolly to come over for Christmas. Charles had agreed to come knowing Sam and Beverly were going to come this year maybe with their sons and family. So they'd consider working together to schedule the trip. Good.

The Warburton's stayed for dinner. Flo had sent Mykal to the store so we had hamburgers on the grill, veggie ones too. All the fixings, a cool Italian pasta salad with lots of veggies, potato salad German style, warm! Green salad also! A nice informal spread!

I was sitting with Charles later when it was over, "I've never seen Wally Warburton be so... I guess loose is the right word. He's always been a bit stiff. I put it down to you my dear."

I shrugged, "I don't see how. I spoke over a fence for a few minutes then here..."

"I think he worried I'd sell to somebody who wasn't a horse person but you two may not be `Old Virginia' but you're certainly horse people."

"He seemed jazzed by Glaa being one of ours."

Charles nodding, "Around here owning a horse like him, bringing him up not just `buying in' makes a difference."

He grinned, "You asked Dolly upstairs about England first didn't you?"

I said true but didn't he think she covered herself well?

A laugh, "Dolly has Wally's number. She loves him and I'm sure do anything for him."

He went a bit quiet at that, memories. Beverly told me about how her mom and dad had loved each other, her passing was a real hurt for Charles.

I took his hand as we sat on the sofa, quiet. He looked up at me, "Fay, I sense you and Cho must have the same as Joyce and I, a deeply running river of love."

I kissed his cheek, a beautiful way to say it!!

In the morning, Jaidee and I were again the only ones up. He stayed in the yard as I walked to the stables. The overnight groom had Ash ready. I thanked him, "I'm not going far today."

He smiled and nodded.

Ash warmed up going past the training tracks... then I asked. She was happy to open it up. Nice long strides as we gobbled up the big pasture! Several times around the last circuit at high speed. We trotted back to the barn, she was stepping out! A fine ride!

Flo was getting ready for the others but I got mine first! Omelet, grits and toast. Fruit and coffee! I was good all around! Upstairs I left the riding clothes out for cleaning and packed up.

The cars were ready. I had a nice goodbye hug from Charles, we'd gotten close quickly. He admitted to being surprised about it last night, "Fay, I think I'm ready to get out more. You're such a lively thing I'm encouraged!"

Cheeks kissed!! Cho and Charles a shake and hug! We were on our way to Dulles Airport.

Cho-Fay Air was ready as we pulled up to the stairs, engines humming! We were closed up and strapped in. Captain Kor let us know we had a take-off slot and started us rolling. We worked our way down the row of jets along the taxi way. The warning `we were next' and the rush down the runway and up!! A big climbing roll to starboard, Newburgh here we come!

Ni and I talked during the flight, she had a new app for part of our network, it would ID any apparatus trying to have our wireless devices attach to it so our IMSI numbers could be tracked. The APP would alert the user and allow them to refuse to connect the false equipment.

Our Security chief, Thet had asked her to look at the problem because we were going to be spending more time in the U.S. where many police forces and criminals use the so-called stingray' trackers. He also worried that news organizations who preyed on celebrities' might obtain the equipment.

Thet wanted us to be immunized from the tracking and interception of our communications.

Ni had asked me for advice on the subject. I didn't know much but suggested she ask Dad Keren. As a policeman he might know or have someone who did. It was inspired!

The Security Police used them in the south to monitor certain members fanatical groups, tracking and disrupting their communications.

Dad allowed Ni to talk to a few of his techs which gave Ni a big leg up on the equipment. She followed several ideas of her own to where she was able to ID the `stingray' signal as a fake cell site!

The APP would sound an alert or vibrate then the user could shut-down the tracker. Ni said she was working on a version which would allow the user to send a signal to some ISMI catcher/tracker models that they didn't expect, confuse it and possibly create a situation to force it to shutdown. I liked that! We laughed about it but she was serious, saying it was technically possible. Go girl!

The app was ready now on our site for download. I did it right away advising Cho and our staff to do so. They were all in the group who could reach the download.

I called Dad to tell him about Ni's coup. I said it was for our internal use and we would not be sharing with anyone. Our iPhones were protected against loss and only a VERY limited number of people would be told about the App or permitted to download it. He asked us to provide the details to his tech team, we agreed.

This was a bringing me back to a tasks ahead moment! Glaa already had us on TV shows well not exactly us but Harcourt Racing. I'd reminded Carter about the possible attentions from the press. He and Thomas had discussed it and our security.

Thomas had been on to the companies doing construction work at the House. They were VERY aware and promised discretion. Thomas had increased our coverage at the stables.

Thomas had two drones for aerial surveillance when something hit our systems. Yone had learned to fly them quite well according to Thomas. They'd had several mock exercises, one at night. The FLIR was excellent!

They were getting ready.

Jaidee was tugging Cho as we walked across the tarmac in Newburgh towards the helicopter. I knew I was grinning at the sight. Cho stopped him, made Jaidee sit and collect himself. Cho saw my face he flashed me a huge grin over his shoulder!

An easy short flight to the heliport and Terrance's big smile. Fist bumps and hugs!

At the Minetta Street door in minutes! Petra right there! Upstairs where Roslyn welcomed us happily. She said it was great to see us. It meant lots of cooking for us!

In black tights and a floppy shirt and ankle boots I took Jaidee for a walk. PJ smiling as we went back down the elevator. Out the door we headed west on Bleecker. Jaidee did some business and kept going. The was an orange and white tabby sitting on a stoop. Jaidee wanted to say hello but I held him so he could only approach so close. A woman came to the door, smiling she said hello and it was okay as Robespierre liked dogs. I let Jaidee inch forward, some sniffing and all was good.

A few blocks over was a small dark wood building front with an emerald green shamrock in glass above the door. A coffee house with an open door and a small outdoor sitting area. Inside was a Great Dane lying beside a table so we went in. Jaidee met Wilbur! A happy dog out with his father figure.

At the order counter PJ and I got lattes and me a scone! Blueberry!

Then Captain Kerns appeared in uniform with another officer. We shook hands, he nodded to PJ remembering him. I was intro'd to a lieutenant who was one of Kerns' watch commanders. I asked them to let me buy them whatever coffees they liked, Okay!

We sat outside. Kerns turned to his lieutenant, "Do you remember those two thugs with the dog who were attacking folks in the parks?"

He got a yes, Kerns made a motion with his head, "This lady and gentleman AND Jaidee here," stroking Jaidee's head, "Were the ones who stopped them."

The lieutenant gave us both a new look! "They were a nasty pair."

Kerns smiling in his tough guy way, "These guys put the hurt on them big time! They've both pled guilty!"

I was smiling, "Well we're..." I gestured to PJ sitting beside me, "...and Tai my other companion, would have gladly forgone the experience but at least no one got hurt."

Kerns nodding, "Yes even the dog is going to be alright. He's in rehab to de-program and re-train him for a useful life."

We parted with handshakes. The lieutenant certainly was seeing us in a different light. I guess Kerns was making a point to his deputy and we were by chance useful. I didn't begrudge him.

The walk back was quiet and Jaidee was happy. Cho did get a chuckle out of my interpretation of Kerns motive. I just shrugged.

Roslyn had lunch ready. A scone only went so far! After my feeding... Roslyn sat with me in the kitchen our hands around coffee cups talking more food! Dinner tonight was to be a Mexican buffet again for Mike and Cindy were coming with Bill and his wife, Tilly. Sam and Sadie. Daria and her PA Ali too! Bennett our other New York investor was out of town.

We had tables with umbrellas on the terrace and fans that pushed air across the floor, they doubled as our heaters. Pretty quiet but moved a lot of air!

Everyone was told informal! Me in black cuffed short shorts, a white off the shoulder cut-off peasant blouse and Joyride Guess white logo sandals. Gold bits and `Joy'

Cho in the Ralph Lauren sea green polo shirt and khaki shorts. I rubbed some `Terre' by Hermes on those gorgeous cheeks, the face ones!

Daria was first, a very nice striped dress, rainbow colours but muted! Ali had shorts and a red crop T with a big white `ME' on the front. Gil and Francis both looking relaxed in shorts and colourful shirts.

Roslyn had her sister and two cousins working with her tonight. They put a big galvanized metal tub on the terrace full of ice with Corona and Newcastle beers, sodas and water bottles. Salsa and nachos and fried calamari with dipping sauces on the tables when Mike and Bill arrived.

I got to meet Tilly Bill's wife. She had beautiful silver hair and a fabulous smile! She split a Newcastle with me. I put her a nice head on it when I poured her half. We sipped and talked. She liked that Bill had a job he believed in so much. "TV is too important to be left to the likes of `those people' with their money-grubbing and rightwing nonsense!"

I laughed, had to love that! We had some good laughs before Cindy joined us. A good anecdote about that fool Giuliani and his enormous but mal-educated ego! The call to dinner stopped our laughter.

The dining room sideboards groaned with delicious looking AND smelling food! Shrimp in a spicy verde sauce, fluffy red rice with beans, little burritos and quesadillas and a zesty tomato, mushroom and cheese casserole!

Loaded up we headed back outside. It was warm but not hot. The umbrellas cast big shadows. I ate with my usual gusto chatting alongside Daria and Bill. A second trip inside for more shrimp and rice! I did hip and fist bumps with Roslyn, huge smiles!

My next trip was for a dish of vanilla flan with a sweet and tart citrus sauce. Then espresso and Amaretto. Tilly was with Daria as I went back out. Daria's hand on my arm, she motioned with her chin towards the outer wall. There in one of the old window openings up against the wrought iron grill were Ali and Francis.

Daria smiling, "Your British fellow seems to be doing rather well with my Ali. I like that."

I nudged Daria, grinning at Tilly, "Well he's quite the charmer these days. Finding his feet and doing many good things for us."

Bill and Tilly were first to go, early day for grandkids! Mike and Cindy off soon.

Daria with me in the living room. The beaming look on her face, "Well Ali so rarely goes out!"

This after Ali let her know she was going to go out clubbing with Francis for a little while if Daria didn't mind. Daria almost choked on her Amaretto with that!

I managed to stifle a laugh but Daria caught it and burst out laughing after the pair had gone.

Cho came over to check on her but also laughed with the news. "Francis is coming out of his shell!"

Jaidee's morning walk was without drama. We went into Washington Square, PJ and Tai with us. Jaidee chased a stick, he had loads of energy. We met a nice fluffy white poodle named Felice, they ran around a bit. Felice's mom was an English professor at NYU, we chatted some as the `kids' bow-wowed nearby.

We detoured over Sixth Avenue to Molly's Cupcakes for two dozen assorted. Delicious! They disappeared quickly! Roslyn with chocolate icing on her nose grinning!

Work! Gil and I outside, I reviewed various project reports, notes from Alex, Kenneth, the water devices team fellow who was going to travel with Alex and I to Papua New Guinea and Vietnam, Conrad from Houston whose company had done microwave projects was in for those trips too. Reg's team in Seattle getting going with the traffic test. The London one was going great! Loads of usable data and an excellent assessment trial for the hardware.

Cho sent along a status report from Jasmin on the new iPhones and iPads integration at The Railroad. Everybody loved them and the specialised Apps Ni and her team created.

Ni's little programming shop now had two floors of the office building under my office! Our seed money gave her quite the boost! Her staff was still growing with the team for our Apps being the biggest. Cho advised her to hire an office manager sometime back and Ni was reaping the rewards of that now. She could code! Without help it would be impossible.

I suggested to her that each programmer have a private office so they could focus but create big work rooms where could use white boards and big screens to collaborate. Ni went with it telling me she saw really high levels of productivity and interaction.

Worked for hours, lunch and more work. Tonight we go to Yi's graduation at Columbia.

A light snack and we got ready to go. Navy blue sleeveless dress with white polka-dots, mid-thigh, navy stockings and heels. A Dolce and Gabbana navy leather bag, silver jewelry all around. `Joy' A white roll-up brim straw hat with a navy ribbon band, a few inches dangling over the back.

Cho in a pale gray suit, white shirt and dark gray with red polka dots tie. Scrumptious!

Tai and Rande accompanied us looking very sleek both in black!

Terrance was out front, he bowed over my hand, "Miss Martin!!"

We hugged and laughed, he and Cho had a shake and shoulder bump hug! We zipped up town on 12th Avenue to Riverside Drive to West 114th Street. We were dropped in front of the Butler Library. Using Yi's map we entered through Carmen gate to the plaza area. Lots of people, colourful crowd. Our note from Yi said to sit in the General Seating. We found a place quite near College Walk.

The degree candidates were milling some but being chivvied into seats. I saw Yi as she turned to look over the crowd, my arm shot up to wave. She got it! She texted we could meet off to the west side near the theatre then go to the reception in Avery Plaza. Done!

Since this was the PHD Convocation there weren't so many folks around and fewer graduates. It got going as we settled in. The speaker was good and also not long-winded. Then the names were called out as each doctoral student crossed the stage to shake hands. No diplomas? Cho pointed out in Yi's note they would be mailed. So this went fairly quickly. We applauded when she walked over!

After we hugged beside the Miller Theatre. She was blooming in her light blue gown and hat! She was so glad to have us with her. We walked around the big Low Library building to get to the plaza behind the Avery Library. Refreshments and we were intro'd to several of Yi's favorite faculty members and her Dean.

The dean apparently really was fond of Yi, she was a bright student and worked hard. Her dissertation was well received and quite widely read. The dean mentioned Yi had a good chance to have it published.

We wandered some then whisked Yi away to Amsterdam Avenue where Terrance awaited! Downtown! We have a booking at Volare to celebrate.

A table at the rear for us all. Giovanni smiling behind that lush mustache welcomed us. He had antipasto ready with several bottles of Tatinger's prepared for opening! Bubbles on my upper lip after we toasted Yi's success.

Lovely food! Fabulous service! Good company! A nice evening! Giovanni gave my hand a kiss at we rose to leave. Lovely gesture! He got a big thank you from me!

Yi came up to ours for a night cap! I did a change to short shorts and crop top! I laid out the same for her as she close to my size. She was reluctant not wanting to bother us but went ahead with a bit of urging.

More comfy we talked and sipped my Favs! Espresso and Amaretto! Her chance at publishing her work was huge for her. Her family in China was stuck, there was some money but her father was in too deep with the government for him to leave. His position too sensitive for any opportunity to sneak out with any money.

Cho said he knew a few folks in publishing and she could get some advice from them. Having an agent was important and we would help with that. Yi was shaking her head, I squeezed her hand, "We had a chance meeting, a good discussion about literature and we have the ability to help... so"

Yi smiled and thanked us. Cho grinning, "I enjoyed your dissertation, fun to read about male egos being poked at!"

We laughed. Francis and Gil came out with Ali. They'd been out together to a few clubs but made it a shorter night than yesterday. A lot of dancing so they flopped on sofas for a brief time before Francis arranged a car to take Ali home. He went to escort her.

Gil said she made it a threesome because Ali asked her. "It was fun. We danced together the three of us!"

Gil went to her apartment. Yi joined me and Tai and two of Petra's security team for a late night Jaidee walk. She was still on a high from today. Yes, she had known her PHD was done but the gown and ceremony just sealed the deal and was cathartic.

We went down to Sixth Avenue and up north a few blocks. Mr. Snooper doing his thing in all categories! Yi arm in arm with me. She wanted a pet, a cat was easier but the whole student thing made it too much fuss but now! She was in a place off Riverside Drive sharing with two other students.

I said Gil had moved from downstairs in the shared apartment to one of her own in a building we recently bought half a block away. Yi could share the ground floor apartment... pause for effect... no charge!

She stared... I said she'd share with Roslyn our house manager cook and a Security person who wouldn't be around much. She was up for it. She liked the Village area. It didn't have to be any big deal she could stay as long as it worked for her. If it was good for Roslyn a pet was good with us.

It was late so we bundled her into a car to go home. "Come back down tomorrow for a look see and meet Roslyn. Come for lunch."

I waved as the car pulled out. Cho's arm around my waist, a neck kiss... and a whispered `stray puppy' which got a snort from me. We broke into laughter hugging! Kissing in the elevator cage as we rose up.

Naked cuddled later... there had been some very nice oral pleasuring going on we shared quite nicely!!! When we were quiet Jaidee hopped up with us for the cuddle! I drifted off soon after that.

The morning was sunny with a breeze so no shorts, trackies time. Jaidee was ready to go! The sun barely up as we headed east on Bleecker Street. PJ and Ansara, Gil and I were Jaidee's attendants. We passed the closed shops and restaurants, coffee houses opening, some markets alive for early shoppers. Sidewalks occupied by lots of dogs and walkers. We got our business done and hiked back.

We had a meeting via the conference App with Eric and all the deputy MD's and Alex. They all heard from Eric that Alex was being moved up to my position and would be based in Los Angeles. We would give him the two offices in our apartment. Dusit was going to move to LA to run Alex's office. Kwang was going to run the Bangkok office for now but would move over to the Chanthira Foundation to support Jian and Anong. Everyone was happy, Kwang could stay with her partner and Dusit would be let loose on Los Angeles!!

I would still be a deputy MD but for Strategic Plans and Acquisitions. Cute title! Also I was to be considered Eric's direct deputy, the number two. I would travel to sites around the world now.

Malee was to give birth in September so Eric would have time off for that! I'd be in England for that.

We were getting ready for next month and all its many events.

Yi came for lunch! A soup and sandwich on the terrace. A cool tomato bisque with spicy hints. Very tasty grilled veggies in soft poppy seed buns. Crisps and sweet gherkin pickles! Cho, Gil and Francis all with us. Cho had called a publisher friend, he was able to give Yi two agents names to call with the reference and Sam's number to act as her attorney temporarily until Sam could get her connected to a good author's lawyer.

I took Yi to tour the first floor apartment. She liked it. I explained Roslyn would be upstairs most of the day and when we weren't here she spent her days off at her mother and sister's place. The other bedroom would be used occasionally by a Security woman. She have a lot of time alone to work. And her own bathroom.

She said Yes! Good! I gave her Terrance's number to arrange moving her things when she was ready.

Yi didn't drive so no worry about a car. I intro'd her to Petra and Calvin, her second-in-command, they'd give Yi the security basics and the contact info.

We were in town for another day and a half before flying out to Baltimore.

I had some lawyers over to the apartment. Cho ducked out with my whole hearted agreement to play golf with Sam at a club in New jersey which had hosted many major championships. He was testing himself. I loved that he wanted to!

The lawyers were from a firm of trademark and copyright attorneys highly recommended by Sam and Mike. We sat outside on the terrace. I greeted them in slacks and a short sleeved blouse but it wasn't long before I got the itch to have less on and push their buttons. Dark suits!

I went in through the big glass door to our suite and returned in white short shorts and a cut off navy t-shirt with gold sandals. I could see the looks, I went straight up to the senior partner extending my hand. He rose and I politely helped him remove his jacket. He had small grin, I made motions like loosening a tie and opening a collar, he mimicked me. I went to each attorney, helping them all remove their jackets. After the senior opened his shirt they all followed suit with no further motions from me.

I asked them what their preferred warm day cold beverage was when they're not driving mentioning I was going to get a beer. Gil and Francis who were in shorts now came back with Newcastles all around. We toasted the reason for our meeting... Glaa.

Their firm was to manage the protection of Glaa's image from chiselers and sleazeballs. No one would be permitted to use his name, image or anything else to make money. We would consider charitable requests on a case by case basis and only after a thorough scrutinising was done.

They would liaise with Gil on any request that might have social merit. I was frank with them, "We don't need the money any endorsements might bring. We have a five year plan for Harcourt Racing to make a profit by itself without any outside money and we will stick to it."

We discussed litigation strategies, where the line was for them to act without having to come to us. They knew they could reachout to Gil or Francis, best to both, any time. When they left they knew certain things I wanted and that they had certain power. They had received their retainer and fully understood that Francis would periodically review all billing and if he were to ask for information he would be speaking for us. They appeared to be pleased we chose them. We were good.

Gil and Francis sitting with me afterwards had shit-eating grins! I asked, they said I acted like I had been doing this sort of thing my entire life. I trolled them with a `what makes you think I haven't' line.

We laughed a lot. "Well I haven't but I know what Cho and I want so I feel confident."

Fist bumps! I point one level finger at Francis... His face became a big smile, he got it! Gil too!

I asked about Ali. Francis looked happy, "We like each other, we like to dance, we like to talk and we love spreadsheets and databases!"

That broke me up! He said a lot of time talking at dinner the other day was about spreadsheets.

"We're a couple of geeks really!"

He volunteered to get another round of Newcastle's! With the sun on full I changed again to a bikini this time, Gil joined me and Francis exposed his masculine geeky chest to the rays also. Roslyn came out to sit with us for a while, Francis got her a Newcastle. We did toasts to all sorts!

Cho came home with Sam. I knew he had played well right off! A two under par round on a tough course. Francis made a beer run while Sam called Sadie to come over. Another toast this to Cho's round!

Leaning into his chest by the outer wall, grinning, "I remember your kidding about being a `pro'... well?"

Cho beamed, "It feels good to be this consistent but we have too much going on for me to keep my concentration. I do love it though!!"

I kissed my "pro' hard! I told about the meeting, boy did he laugh about my tactics! We knew they were a quality law firm so our interests would be properly watched.

"You are a funny and creative thing, much loved by yours truly!'

I was good with that!! Kisses!!!

Sam and Sadie stayed for dinner, Their kids came with Sadie. She gave the night off to their nanny. We had fun, Jaidee and the kids got on so all around it was a nice night.

A short flight to Martin State Airport east of Baltimore.

We came in over the water onto runway 33R, Captain Kor had us off on to a taxiway quickly. The airport was was small but there lots of activity. Cars waiting on the tarmac.

We were through Middle River and on the 695 motorway looping around Baltimore on the north side. At N. Charles Street we exited going south on a tree lined and curvy dual carriage way which ended near where we turned off. Woodbrook lane ran west towards Lake Roland, our leased house was at the end.

Ringgold knew the owners, they leased it to us for Preakness week, their staff had agreed to work for us! eight bedrooms, lots of space outside and a big pool. Thayer and Ringgold would be with us shortly. We had two air-conditioned sleeping trailers brought in, each had three small bedrooms and a shower equipped bathroom. One for PJ and Rande who'd be joined by a new man. The other for Tai and Ansara , they would welcome a third woman. The two new ones were also trained bodyguards not new to our service but new to our close protection team.

Our newbies were standing at the entrance with bags when we drove up. Their car from BWI Airport had just let them off.

Ro was ex-Thai Army police, he'd done six years there before coming over to us two years ago, he looked muscular in a slender man's way. Tara was a trim blonde with green eyes, an ex-U.S. Marine lieutenant with combat experience and spoke several languages including Arabic with several dialects.

We had a get together of our folks at a cookout on the terrace beside the pool. Bathing suits were the dress code. We were very relaxed and well taken care of by the house staff!

I had a Campari and soda in hand, feet in the pool when I motioned to Tara. A pale green bikini looked good on her. She had a beer when sitting beside me.

I asked about her, a smile, "Thet said you would."

I laughed, "He's aware of my faults."

A brief head shake, "He said you want to have some background so you could make decisions."

I didn't laugh this time, "He's aware of my faults... and methods."

Tara grinned and launched into a short bio with as she said an anecdote. Born on Long Island, not that there was any New York accent, local schools and a degree at Hofstra University. Joined the U.S. Marine Reserve during college, they helped pay for school. Four years active duty and two in Reserves. She'd been in Thailand at the U.S. Embassy as part of the Marine Guard as a first lieutenant after two tours in Afghanistan.

She met a fellow who was a bodyguard to an Embassy guest, they chatted work subjects. When her tour in Bangkok was up she asked him about work, she liked the city and Thailand. He recommended she speak to Thet and so...

I was getting up to get another drink but a staffer came right over to do it. I dropped back on my tush. Tara said Thet wanted me to know one of her latest job. All ears...

Janine, I was very tuned in now, had had some trouble with her ex stalking her, wanting to get back together, "You know... he missed her, he wanted her' big mistake by him' stuff that gets said without meaning... just the power trip talking."

From Janine's description it was easy to understand. Tara said he'd be outside Janine's apartment building trying to talk to her, sending mail, etc... Janine asked Thet if he could discourage the fellow, the attempt was made but no change in behavior.

"Thet devised a sting. I would pose as Janine, my partner pretended to be my boyfriend waiting for me in his car. We did a few runs to get the ex's nose open then with a pair of colleagues posing as a couple outside as support we set the trap. Janine made herself conspicuous in the apartment windows as if she was getting ready to go out on a rainy night. I then descended in her place... the ex... waiting, frustrated and on edge, pounced on me as l left the entrance in her rain coat and hat. I let him get his hands on me, tear at my clothes then kneed him in the balls and punched his face. My partner jumped on him with handcuffs and the colleagues called the police. He was arrested for assault and attempted rape!"

Tara had a satisfied look on her face. I nudged her, "Any blowback from the police about it?"

"No they took our statements as if it was a straight crime... But..." she paused, "here's why Thet wanted you to know... He got a call from the Security Police, in fact from General Keren's office and was `asked' over to meet the man."

I was laughing now to myself as Tara continued, "The General asked uncomfortable questions and Thet laid out the plan for him. Afterwards Thet talked to the four of us, we were to keep quiet except when the prosecutors interrogated us. The truth for them when we were asked. They charged him with assault, he pled guilty and we didn't have to expose the sting."

I leaned back on my palms, "Do you know why Thet asked you to tell me?"

"I just assume because Janine works for you and you're our boss."

I giggled, squeezing her arm, "That is right but General Keren is my father... " Big eyes! "I was adopted by his wife and himself."

Tara was wearing an amazed face, "There's a lot behind it all but the General and I are close as Thet very well knows."

Tara was laughing now, "Oh I see it now! Thet with schemes and a bit of a joke added in!"

Cho waved from across the pool pointing to his iPhone. I excused myself to go around to my iPhone. Cho conferenced me in on the beta' of the Conference App for the iPhone. Small pics but the audio was good. Carter and Thomas. We'd talked earlier about an incident at Harcourt House. Some reporters' from `The Sun' had driven up the drive and jumped out to take pictures. One was heading across the forecourt when Security intercepted them. One tried to run but easily caught and handcuffed. Too bad... it was a slightly muddy spot he ended up lying in. Their electronic devices and cameras were taken to Security to be reviewed. Two cameras, a buttonhole camera and and eyeglass cam. The latter two had no usable pics, the former had hurried snaps of the building front and two of our Security people.

The people pics were erased. Thames Valley Police had been called and had a good laugh at seeing the two sitting handcuffed to the steering wheel of their car with the keys on the bonnet. The `reporters' were whinging about freedom of the press, etc... but the police sergeant had a laugh, "You two passed through the looking glass at the bottom of the drive, right past the signs telling you to stay out."

Carter was on now that they had been formally charged and their editor had called the House phone number to ask we not press the charges. Carter smiling, "I told him only one of you could do that. He asked for a number to call you and was thoroughly put out when I said he have to write to you. `Write' as if the man had never done that before."

We all were laughing. Thomas said he'd email on the Thames Valley Police sergeant's contact info. The sergeant had mentioned the CPS would mostly likely go ahead unless we asked them not to. Cho smiling, "We will think about it. Do you think there's a lesson in this or not?"

Both men thought it could go both ways, a warning but also a challenge. Merit in that. We'd talk and let them know.

We sat down on a lounge eyes still laughing, I leaned back on him, "Fay, I am inclined to let them go. Especially since they were so quickly stopped."

Me nodding, "I don't think they'll learn a lesson from a charge and see it was a badge of honor. So let's not encourage them."

We did upside-down fist bumps. Cho called Carter and Thomas back to tell them. We were good.

But so it begins!

Sitting there I told Cho Tara's little escapade. He was bouncing me with his laughter at Thet being cute.

"Reyna's been good for him, he would never had done that before."

I reminded Cho that Reyna's surgery was coming up soon. After the Preakness we would go to Seattle and then Bangkok. We needed to keep to the schedule so I could be there for her.

The bed was comfy! Jaidee was tired! Tara, a dog person, had worn him out with a tennis ball. He was asleep in his new travel bed! Lushly padded, dark royal blue.

Cho's arms around me, warm skin against my back, a soft cock on the under-side of my little tush. Sleep!

In the morning house staff had a nice buffet of food for all of us. Eggs and tomatoes in English style, toast and a very nice raspberry marmalade. Good coffee!

Green skinny jeans, pale gray silk crop top t-shirt, black undies and black ankle boots. We were off to Pimlico Race Course. Down N. Charles Street to the Northern Parkway, an easy drive. We followed Monaco's map to our barn. The man himself waiting. Hugs!

Glaa was happy to get hugged by me and a kiss. A crunchy carrot was good too! I went to see IrishRainbow. He looked good and seemed relaxed with me in his stall. I petted him and doled out a couple of mints!

Monaco at the entrance, "He's IN! A good worker and genuinely appears happy to be with us. Dom said he never seen him work this hard and have such an even temper!"

Something new, two horses in the same race. The press had been noting the changes in IrishRainbow too. Monaco getting lots of publicity! Good for us. If he ran well... We'd look like miracle workers! Yes!

As if they were listening to my thoughts several reporters from DRF showed up. We talked for a few minutes, they were nice. We had seen them in Louisville at our press party. We were asked about Megan's report... We said since it was a random thing so we weren't too fussed about it.

A follow-up question was as I had been so calm about it had I ever faced anything like it before. I didn't say anything about my adventures in Bangkok or elsewhere! I just said I trusted our security people to be able to handle any event.

The reporters could see that we weren't alone at the barn and could draw their own conclusions. Gil, Francis and our six Security folks were around us but they didn't look stereotypical bodyguards so...

We left it at that. The reporters were okay.

We said our goodbyes. Monaco and Mike and Dom were to come over to the Woodbrook Lane house for dinner. We went over to the clubhouse to meet informally with some of the Pimlico people. They gave us the impression of being very thrilled to have us in the race. Glaa was now a big draw and IrishRainbow had raced as a two year at Pimlico.

We stayed for an hour or so. We let them know that we would be around tomorrow for Black-Eyed Susan Day for a while.

We had a sit down dinner with all our horse people as Thayer and Ringgold had arrived. Still relaxed as ties and jackets had been banned! We got the story about the Alibi Breakfast from Monaco, Mike and Dom. They told their appropriate lies! Funny!

A rich creamy vichyssoise, Chesapeake Bay soft-shell crab cakes with a tangy pepper aioli, grilled asparagus in butter with tiny potatoes, white corn bread cakes! A very nice white Bordeaux from their cellar!

The house staff did a great job.

With the heat easing off we sat outside for afters. I collected Dom for a get to know walk.

He was half Venezuelan and half Costa Rican, born and raised in the U.S. His father started as a hot-walker working his way up to groom at a big trainers barn. He handled a few Triple Crown contenders but no winners. Dom had begun riding at the lesser tracks and had quite a few victories. He got noticed and was given a chance in California. He rode a lot at Delmar, Hollywood and Santa Anita bringing in wins. Robbie brought him into the higher level last year. He had several horses in all the Derby preps and last year was his first ride in a Triple Crown race here at Pimlico. He finished fourth out of the money but it was the best possible result for that horse.

This year the trainer had been all wrong so he had the bust up at Louisville. I let him know we were pleased with his efforts on IrishRainbow. We talked horses, he got kick out of my riding Glaa at Santa Anita. I told Dom about Glaa's sire and dam being moved to Harcourt House and she was in foal again. He learned about Hansa looking at bit rapt as I described her running in training at Pleasant Valley.

It was a pleasant walk, slow pace and Dom was a good talker. He got more Amaretto for me. Cho grinning! I knew!

In the dark later by the lake edge we kissed for a while. Such marvelous work! Cho kidded me about the new heart I conquered. I said I know from the source he loves that cute redhead, May but now whether she'll marry him... A very independent woman was how he styled her.

Jaidee was sitting on my bare foot through most of this which had Cho laughing, "That will be great in the winter!"

The morning was bright and clear, we did work outside by the pool for hours before dressing to go to the Pimlico Old Clubhouse. It was Black-Eyed Susan Day. I had a black short-sleeved dress mid-thigh in silk with a bit of flounce in the skirt, matching stockings and heels. I added the wide leather belt in white from Noi's. The hat was black straw with a white band made like a big brim fedora.

Cho shaking his magnificent head as I dressed. He had surprise outfit for tomorrow Preakness day, today a navy blue blazer, dark green khaki slacks, pale blue shirt with my gift of rayed star cufflinks and a navy blue tie. Light brown lace up shoes. Very nice!

We entered the clubhouse with our escort from the Pimlico staff... there was noise from the crowd of well-dressed folk. A tannoy announced that Glaa's owners had arrived. We were surprised by that but kept following the Pimlico fellow. There was a pause then many faces turned our way and applause broke out. It became quite loud! We acknowledged them with waves and smiles. I felt like the Queen waving! Gawd!

As it settled down we were intro'd to various folk, I ended up with Tara and a club soda by the big windows looking down at the track. A race was being readied. Tara was positioned so she could look over my shoulders at the room, we talked about that sort of positioning thing. A motion from her eyes showed me someone was coming.

I turned to meet a a tall slender man with a shock of white hair and a narrow mustache. He reminded me of Sydney, dark face with the white but also the shape of his face. Tom Pender. He owned `AlwaystheOne' who would be in the Preakness tomorrow.

"It is a pleasure to meet you Miss Martin. Your husband sent me over."

We talked horses, he was full of admiration for Glaa. His horse hadn't run in the Kentucky Derby and will make his Triple Crown debut here. We went for a bit before a Pimlico official brought over some more folk for intro's.

Tom bowed out with a smile. I thanked him for coming over and good luck tomorrow. His `we'll need it' was nice.

I knew I wouldn't be able to do this too much more. Cho gave me a `anywhere but here' look. At that I went right over to claim him from the people around, smiling... thanking them... I pried Cho loose!

We said our goodbyes to a few Pimlico folk and headed for the door. Thayer and Ringgold had come over after us and would stay.

Thayer! A blue blazer and light blue shirt with a paisley cravat! His slender, gray/ white hair dark tan look could carry it off. I whispered `a tease' to him. Big grin. Jaunty walk!

At the house, Sydney and Sylvia!!! Hugs!! I showed them to their rooms. I said we were all going to do swimwear and park by the pool. I'd given them the heads up about attire so they said they were prepared.

Damn I was glad to be in a bikini drying from a dip with a Campari and soda in hand. Cho did some laps before flopping on a lounge beside mine. Big toothy grin!

"The weather forecast says thunder storms for tomorrow afternoon."

"Has Glaa run in the rain?"

The grin, "Yes, his second race. Rained all day, sloppy track, he went out and ran away from the field finishing six lengths clear in a five furlong race. He finished only a second from the course record for the distance... in the mud!"

Mmmmm My big fast man likes the mud! Well I'd rather not get rained on but it would curtail the festivities I'll have to endure.

Sylvia looked great in a red and blue suit. She dove in and joined me. Sydney chose not to swim but was relaxed in a nice polo shirt and shorts. We sipped drinks, Sydney and Sylvia walked around the grounds chatting. I liked that.

We had another nice dinner outside, all very easy going. Jaidee had a marvelous time with Tara again with PJ joining in!

Standing by the bed looking at our boy in his bed... worn out once more. Cho pulled me under the bed covers for some kissing!!! Very pleasant!! Sleep came quickly.

Preakness Day!

Up early to walk around the neighborhood. Ro and PJ with me as Jaidee browsed. Business done and cleaned up we headed back.

Food! Work with Gil, meet on the Conference App with Reg about Seattle. The installation was moving along fine. He was pleased, Rona and Margaret Fay Alexandra joined us. Cute! Happy! Growing!

I used the App again for my daily talk with Jian, Ting and Andrea. They were all fine! Caroline cooperating very well in all categories. She was a good `nurser' which pleased Andrea no end. Andrea was getting rest as the baby's nurse did so much during the day.

Ting was enjoying teaching! It was really his métier!

Jian and Anong had the Chanthira Foundation clinic program humming along! `Boxes' was delivering the first module units and the construction company was readying the next sites! We were about three months from a grand opening.

My dress was a floral print in white with red, yellow and orange hibiscuses with slender green shoots as support. Cho had a good laugh over that knowing it was my little joke. Soft orange nails and lips! The Jimmy Choo Romy 100 orange pumps with pale orange stockings. Gold jewelry including the Lapus Lazuli set! `Joy' White linen gloves.

Then the hat! Pale straw with the typical floppy brim, an orange band ribbon that hung several inches off the left side in a cascade of slender strains.

I did a spin for Cho who gave me a `10'

Cho standing there in his outfit! Dark dark green khaki jacket, slender cut to that `physique,' a pale khaki shirt with a khaki tie the was several shades darker than the shirt. His slacks, trim cut were a dark dusky pink, a luscious colour. Pale khaki socks in medium brown half boots. No Shit he looked great! No... fantastic!!

Side by side holding hands looking in the big mirror... Dazzling!!

At the front door our crowd assembled. Everyone looked wonderful. Lovely dresses, cute hats from floppy to Robin Hood. Lots of colour! The men in their trim suits, plenty of colour around their necks!

Francis gave each a Harcourt Racing green and yellow pin. Ready to WOW!

Racing had started before we drove up to the barn. The weather was holding off for now, the dark clouds were closing in. Some distant rumbles.

Glaa was quiet in the back of his stall, he gave me a low nicker when I kissed his nose. Cho's hand sliding along those powerful neck muscles. He was ready.

Next door IrishRainbow seemed pleased to be visited. He was easy about our gently touching him. We left so the staff could do their things.

Dropped off behind the Clubhouse and up inside. The rain began as we arrived, not too much yet. A Pimlico official led us to our sitting area. We looked slightly left down to the finish line. The rain was coming on now. Thunder not close, no visible lightning. Oh Shit the rain was here!

A downpour! The track was sloppy quickly! The race before the Preakness ended in mud! The gray closed in!

The rain came in sheets to strike the big windows in front of us. I just leaned back, totally relaxed... I couldn't do anything about the weather and Glaa had a good history with rain...SO...

The saddling was done so Monaco would be here soon. Cho and I decided not to bet. The odds now were 1-4. No way to make money on Glaa now and other than IrishRainbow I didn't know the horses very well.

The rain wasn't letting up! You could barely see the starting gate at the end of the straight.

Monaco smiling as he joined us, "Damn, you wouldn't believe it but I think Glaa likes this!"

Cho grinning, "Like the monsoons of his youth."

We were all loose. Then some quieting down as the start was imminent. We could see the gates open but heard nothing. The track announcer giving the news.

My glasses caught Glaa steaming along the rail from the number one post. Halfway down the straight for the first time he was already two lengths clear! Monaco told us because Glaa was in the number one Mike would hustle him on so he couldn't be trapped on the rail by any fast starters.

Coming by us into the Clubhouse turn Glaa was three lengths ahead, his stride said to me `I'm comfortable.' His forelegs snapping into the ooze as those big back legs heaved him forward. Around the turn on the rail like one of those stuffed fake electric bunnies at a dog racing track, zipping along.

The rain was letting up, I could see in my glasses how relaxed Glaa was on four and half length lead. He switched to the right lead at the start of the back straight and didn't look back. As he neared the turn he was stepping through the slop like it was dry land.

Into the turn the only race was between the three horses close to him. IrishRainbow had stalked the the other two but on the turn he moved into third. The number two horse was running well as they hit the home stretch with our new boy coming hard on his heels.

Glaa came out of the turn striding out, Mike had him move towards the center of the track. He could see some standing water by the rail ahead. Glaa was ten lengths clear powering down the straight he was being held close by Mike, no need to really open it up. The rain was mere drizzle as Glaa flashed past the finish line. Mike up in the irons but Glaa kept motoring along. Mike slowed him around the turn but it took the help of the outrider to get Glaa to stop.

I was cheering like the others but watching IrishRainbow as he fought with the number two horse, battling to the wire. He couldn't overtake the other losing the 'place' finish by a nose. But got the `show' which was a huge gain on his last outing in the Derby!

I was proud of the horse, the jockey Dom and Monaco! Our team did hard work and it showed!!

I hugged Cho close and said all that into his ear. A kiss, a GOOD kiss!

I looked for Glaa's time. 1:54:00!! In the mud!!! Secretariat owned the track with his 1:53:00 but Glaa had tied Canoñero II's past record of 1:54:00!! In the mud!

Our boy was fantastic!! Everyone was celebrating around me... I was quiet thinking of the effort he'd put out to do that! What a stunning thing to have done!

Sydney had my hand, "Thanks for having us! It is special to see your fellow run!"

Big hug for him and Sylvia!

We had to go done to the winner's circle. A temporary wooden bridge was placed over the muddy track, umbrellas provided by Pimlico, we crossed to the grassy turf track in between the flower boxes to the circled hedge. Glaa walked in with Eddie holding the lead, grinning under a rain hat.

I stroked Glaa's wet face, I got a low nicker. The blanket of black-eyed susan's over his withers didn't bother him. Photos taken then up the stairs to receive the Woodlawn Vase in front of the Old Clubhouse cupola. The rain had quit by then but threatening more. So it was over, we had more silver!

They'd give us a copy to keep as the original vase was a museum piece. The painting of the weather vane would have to wait until the rain was done. It was going to be very wonderful to see our green and yellow colours up there.

We heading back indoors as the rain picked up some once more and there was another race to run so the track had to be cleared. I wasn't very wet except my shoes from the grass. We stayed until the last race then drove to the barn. Mike was there with Donna. Dom had a mount in the last race. Everyone was coming over to our place.

The rain was done. One of the grooms said they'd climbed up to do the weather vane. I pulled out my glasses. Our green and yellow blocks on the shirt and the same colours in stripes on the sleeves. Very nice! A honor for us!

Glaa came through in fine shape! At the entrance to IrishRainbow's stall I was just standing, he came over I stroked his nose and neck. I told him we were proud of him! Cho's chin on my shoulder, one hand resting on IrishRainbow's neck.

"You did a good thing!"

Lips on my neck!

We got out of the way so the horses could continue their routine.

I gave Mike a big hug, then Monaco. I thanked him for his work with both of our big boys. A grin a mile wide. We'd see them soon.

As the cars got out onto Northern parkway the sun came out. Over my shoulder to the west was all blue sky! The sun was heating up the wet wet everything when we got to the house. Humidity!!

I ran up the stairs yelling `I'm swimming!' Dark blue bikini with little white stars all over, tiny!! Gil in black we were down the staircases running to the pool... Holding hands... jumping!

We were on a lounge as the men and our Security folks came down. The house staff got drinks and were readying the barbeque for dinner!

Monaco, Mike and Donna, Dom and May arrived. I took the ladies with Gil upstairs. We each had a bikini laid out! May was ready! She went right to stripping off. Donna with Gil. They came out looking good! I grabbed May's hand we did a repeat of Gil and I, running and jumping into the water!

Loud cheers greeted us as we came up. Their men got into swimsuits too! We all sat around or swam, some diving took place without me as my top was too skimpy to survive in place, very unsure about the bottom.

I talked with Sylvia, she and Sydney had spent time in the train exchanging info about each other. Her marriage lasted twenty years before she lost her man to cancer. A longtime smoker he had clung to life, it was so painful for him and her. She understood Sydney's loss completely.

Sylvia smiled, "I told Sydney without your prompting I probably couldn't have brought myself to ask him about spending time together."

I smiled back, telling her about his `matchmaking' question. We laughed as I gave some of my credentials in that category. Then we did fist bumps which she'd never done but loved it!

A nice meal from the grill, lobster tails and shrimp, the BBQ sauce was great! Salads, fruit, we were good!

I walked with Francis towards Lake Roland shore at the back of the property, a small dock jutted out. We sat for a while, we needed to talk. Much about business but I wanted to hear about him. He looked good! His attitude was positive!

"Fay, to sum it up... I'm happier than I've ever been. I love doing the many things I do for you and Cho, so much variety..." He went silent, he looked up right at me, "What has meant the most to me personally has been the trust you both have given me."

I put out my hand, he gripped it, "What did you see in my messed up self that day in the grass?"

I smiled, "I would I saw it when you finally chose to speak to Cho and I. You were down but I sensed you weren't by any means ready to quit but you were tired and given some respite then you'd make a comeback!"

I squeezed his hand, "Here's a funny for you. Cho asked me to change from riding clothes to look more `normal' when we went to talk with you, he didn't want you to be bothered by my outfit."

Francis grinned, "Really? Cho is so considerate. You both are! If you weren't like you are we wouldn't be here talking. I was in awe of you that first day! You were so poised on Pamela."

I laughed, "Well I think it's fair to say I felt she gave me a huge edge! I kidded Cho about giving you those files to review. We have this thing going about people we meet. I heard the wheels grinding in his head when you told us about your work the London bank."

We were both laughing, "Now how about Ali? She's a doll!"

"Actually she is! So nice, open and a great dancer. I missed doing that so I let go and so did she... it was brilliant! Gil joining us was terrific!"

"Well you and Gil will get to dance in Bangkok. I want to go to The Ballroom and the Ice Rink! You guys will enjoy that!"

Walking back slowly we chatted the next few weeks. Seattle, Bangkok, New York for weeks. I nudged him and mouthed ...Ali... which got a big grin! When we got close to the pool I grabbed his hand, his eyes said YES! We jumped!

Cho laughing as he pulled me from the water then Francis. We got a `10' score for it!

One of the house staff looked over at me, I said beer. She came over with a Newcastle!! I thanked her, `had she ever tried it?' No, I handed it back with a motion to raise it up. She smiled and sipped. She liked it.

"It's something we English do well!"

Smile! The house staff had been terrific! Excellent cooking and their service impeccable! Francis had been to American Express for dollars. I wanted to leave cash bonuses for each staffer.

In the front hallway the next morning I gave each an envelope with five hundred dollars and a thank you note. They were thrilled! I said we were so pleased with them and grateful for their care. Hugs all around!

We motored back to Martin State Airport. The big bird sitting there in the sun as we crossed the tarmac. Loaded and Captain Kor said we were off. Rolling to the head of the number 15 runway, he hit the gas and everything flashed by then just sky. We headed east climbing then a looping turn to port we passed between Baltimore and Philadelphia. Non-stop to Seattle.

Comments are always welcome.

Next: Chapter 48

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