
By A becker

Published on May 26, 2017



Sipping coffee as we crossed the coast above Plymouth. Salapaos inside with fruit! Gil grinning over her cup I'd told her we ride first thing. It was still dark as we closed in on Chalgrove.

I was in black! A cute pleated mini-skirt with black tights under. A black crop t-shirt, a big checked black and red shirt and a black leather motorcycle jacket. Black ankle boots and black gloves ready! Silver jewelry. The heavy silver chain around my waist, I liked the feel of it there.

On Approach, strapped in thinking about Pamela being surprised to hear my voice in a few minutes.

An easy landing, soft then the big brakes taking over! Another jet parked near where our hanger was being built. It was a white Gulfstream as we turned to stop I saw the markings, a Cho-Fay Air plane!

What was going on? The stairs were wheeled to the side of the 767. On the top step I looked down at the crew who rolled it over ...



I rushed down, managing not to fall on my face, into those arms!! KISS!!

"I wanted to surprise you!"

Mr. Understatement strikes again! I clung to my man tightly. It took him a while pry me lose. Rande was there too! AND Jaidee!! A hug for him!

Prasert with a big grin handed me into the car after a hug. Cho said the Gulfstream would depart in a few hours to fly to Los Angeles for some modifications. He would go the rest of the way with me!!

Jaidee on the seat beside me, hugs and rubs for the Brown Flash!

Cho said Dad was doing very well, no issues except he wasn't at the office. The mountain had come to Mohammed though which made me laugh.

He and Eric were very pleased with my Brazil trip and he thought my invite to Pietro to the wedding was very sweet! Gil had already added Pietro and Muti with Cassandra.

Carter was at the door! Fist bumps right off! He looked very happy to see us. Thomas' welcome was warm, Carla with a huge grin! Jaidee was welcomed, made over is more like it. He loved it!

Carter said Francis arrived early this morning from town and was sleeping now. Good we needed to talk!

At my first chance I ran upstairs with Gil to change. I found my riding clothes laid out in the dressing room!! Audra! Dressed rapidly, down in the staff room thanking Audra. She was laughing, "Miss as soon as heard you would be here in the morning...well... I knew you would want to ride."

Hugs! Gil and I headed to the barns. Gregory and Anthony! It was so good to see them. Anthony had a shit-eating grin...Pamela saddled came around the end of the barn led by Diana.

She saw me and nickered loudly!! Hugs for her and Diana! Chess was ready too! Gil and I got a leg up! Off! I pointed north, waves from them.

We trotted down the grassy lane past the new barns and training room construction and around the training tracks all sparkly new looking! We warmed up our mounts then asked them. A wave and shout from Dan Senior and another from Mr. Radley as we roared past.

Damn it was good to be here, the cold air rushing by, Pamela biting chunks of the ground! We reached the south end of Sandford quickly slowing to walk along Church street. We stopped at Mr. Hardy's door, he opened it before my knock.

"Miss Martin what a pleasure! Please come in!"

"A nice greeting! Same to you! We can't stay long but please come up for dinner tonight!"

Mr. Hardy bowed, "Again my pleasure."

He looked good! Colour in his cheeks, definitely lower weight, moving easily! He was quite delighted at my mentioning it.

"I have been walking a lot and eating properly. Mr. Carter has me up to the House for meals often which I can say is very welcome."

A hug as we remounted. Waving as we walked along the street towards the church. Dr. Lone saw us coming from the rectory window, he and his wife came out to say hello. I slipped down to take his hand and a squeeze for her. We chatted a bit. I asked them to dinner also! They were in!

Gil and I on the dirt track smiling!


A big yes! We urged our horses forward, Pamela needed little encouragement she knew. Boom! Speed along the track then onto the berm racing at a swift pace we debouched into the open green grass. We were really moving dirt flying from the hooves until we came level with the Radley's. I turned us to see them.

Deanna and Mr. Radley were all smiles, "Miss it's wonderful to see you back! For a short time? Or?"

"Ah, just a few days then off but I will make the most of it."

I got to see their son and wife and the newborn. A sweet faced girl named Melonie! Congrats to them.

Rubbing Pamela's neck with my gloved hand.

"Please come up to dinner! Can she travel too?"

A yes but breastfeeding... I said don't worry we're in favor of that!

They readily agreed then. I said the Lone's, Mr. Hardy and the Fraser's too I hoped.

We dismounted at the Fraser's gate. Sarah wiping her hands, bread making! Hugs for them both and a big yes to my invite! The children too but no tie to Dan Junior's look. Smile!

Gil and I passed by the House to go south up the slope towards the Science Center.

"You just don't want to get off do you?"

"No!" I patted Pamela, "You don't want to stop do you girl?"

Pamela shook her head and nickered which I accepted as a no! Heading back we detoured around to the east of the house to see what had been done at Harcourt Close. Surveying stakes all over the ground, coloured ribbons wafting in the light breeze. Ground clearing equipment waiting on the side.

We trotted back to the stables to be greeted by Thames. I slid down to capture him! Warm and wiggling he was growing up fine. A handsome boy beloved by all. Gregory and he were nearly inseparable during the day. I'd thought of the day I found him as we passed his mother's grave.

I was still excited to be here! Bouncing up the lane to the house. Standing with my arm around Carla's waist as I gave the total of the invited. Our neighbors and the Thorn's too I hoped. Gil was on that... Tomorrow would be dinner for the senior staff and then a cookout for every one of the Harcourt House family the following evening.

I was washed and in my black outfit again with Cho in the office. Parked in his lap, kissed and squeezed!! Pretty good! He was smiling at my happiness!

"Food!" My trampoline action on Cho's lap got me ejected.

"Go! You know where the food is! I will be along in a minute."

"Okay! How about a quick trip to see Margaret Fay Alexandra?"

Cho was in! I called Prasert as I walked towards the food! Tomorrow mid-morning departure with a visits to a few other places then back here. No problem.

I was at the kitchen entrance, when Rona answered, "Hey buddy you two slash three up for a short visit tomorrow by Uncle Cho and Auntie Fay?"

"WOW! Yes! Where are you?"

I said we'd flown in from two different places this morning and would be around for a few days. She was definitely ready to see us. The monster was doing wonderfully, Margaret Fay Alexandra too. Giggles from us both. About eleven was my guess! She was good with that.

Carla and Sue smiling when I asked for something hot but not much fuss. Grilled cheese sandwiches and chips. "We have ketchup or mayonnaise. Okay for frozen chips?"

Of course! I didn't want a fuss. In a short while Cho looking at me, me a mouthful of sandwich, "We'll stop at the office then Basuto Road Okay?"

I nodded, we needed to see Angela as well as the folks at The Company. Eric and Malee agreed to an overnight!! They'd come back with us. I wanted to get one of my old wargames for Mr. Hardy from the Fulham house.

Francis came into the office. He looked good! We shook hands. He'd spent so much time with lawyers and police people he wanted to cry! Laughing though, "The case is rock solid against all three. The ex-Board member thought he might be able to slip off the hook but..." he grinned and did a mock puffing of his chest..."I found two emails which nailed his coffin shut!"

We did fist bumps! The CPS was planning to go to trial on them all! Their solicitors wanted them to plead guilty for reduced charges but the CPS said no. Reduced prison time yes but the charges would remain. More fist bumps!

"It's been a slog but successful."

"Well you missed some partying in Bangkok! Lovely food, sexy women and booze!"

He was laughing, "Damn!"

"Don't worry it'll all happen again soon!"

Fist bumps! I told him I was very pleased he'd stayed to make it happen. He was up to date on The Project via Gil. He had made some changes to the spreadsheet for her and added some calculation `what if' books to it.

He was ready to go with us to New York and on.

Bundled up I met Phillips and Teddy in the gardens. We talked about the wedding location, what the garden would look like then and about the possibility in the future of other weddings taking place here. Phillips was easy to talk to in a fatherly way. I really liked this fellow.

Teddy was so animated about the colours in May for the events. A shining face I was pleased he had found something to love. Phillips was making sure he stuck to his school work and gently pushed him to go to university. Teddy grinning, "Phillips says it's the twenty first century after all. Lots to learn about soil care, etc..."

I laughed arm in arm with these two fellows heading back to the House. Cho stepped out of the office holding his arms open, Jaidee next to his leg, as we reached the steps. I rushed into the embrace!

He unbundled me, Cho said he'd talked with Mike, we'd have dinner at ours when we got to the city. Cho smiled, "Mike was rubbing his hands with the thought of the success of The Project so far. Funny how the ************'s have made enemies of people who might have been allies. Mike's no flaming liberal!"

I called Gil, "Can you get on to Bill see if he can come to dinner with us and Mike at ours."

I got a will do!

I took Jaidee for a walk down to the stables then the construction site. Our new babies were up and frisky. The black colt was handsome little fellow romping around the paddock, his mom Heather standing with me watching him tear around, leaping and dashing. Mandy's filly had the reddish gold chestnut colour which I loved and hoped stayed that way. She was a sweet thing bouncing around like the colt, happy to be alive.

Gregory smiling as we leaned on the gate, "Miss they are healthy which is a solid start. The colt is a fine-looking devil isn't he!"

It was easy to agree, seeing them bounding around was great! We did a visit to everyone. Scout, Chess and Guy were happy to see me, Mahogany seemed pleased in her quiet way but Rebel understood it meant RUNNING! He was nickering and hoof scraping.

"Okay big man, we'll go out later!"

Iris rubbed her nose on me as I stroked her neck, such a sweet girl, calm and easy. She was perfect for kids.

"Gregory, your boy is seven? Put him on Iris if you want. She needs to have exercise, we can't ride her."

"Well I'd like to but have held off..."

"No put him up! It'll be good for them both. You know what to do to train him so go to it. And get Diana to help!"

We did fist bumps! He said his wife would help some training him. He paused, shy but obviously happy, "We have a second one on the way now."

I gave him a big hug, "That's good news. Sylvia said she wanted another. I'm glad for you both. You've room in the house. Did you keep the baby furniture? No? Okay then plan on us giving you a room full as our baby gift!"

Gregory was all smiles!

I walked with Jaidee up the lane to his house, Sylvia answered the door, "Ah I see Gregory's spilled the beans."

We hugged, talked babies a bit and she was also thrilled with my offer. "You and I will sit down so you can choose what you'd like and we'll order it."

As my little guy and I walked up to the House I could see the construction men were busy working now on the stables and training rink, we had set restricted hours for work so the horses could have their normal activities completed before any noises came. It might take longer even with the extra crews but I was all `who cares'.

We'd a good look, the contractor was tipped that we arrived at the House so he showed up. We talked briefly.

He knew his business so we would stay out of his way. Gregory was on top of it totally!

Jaidee and Thames had got to bow wow around some. Sebastian and Tess were Okay with the brown one! And I was still on their Okay list. Rubs and purrs.

Gil texted the Thorns were in for dinner! Also she had contacted Gladys, Teddy's foster mom, as I requested, she was feeling a bit under the weather but was very pleased we asked. I let Carla know as we passed through for a coffee stop. Jaidee got some treats from his Nestor stash !

Me in the library curled up in a big chair, MacBook, iPhone and iPad! I was all Apple! Gil texted that she emailed Bill and would wait on the answer.

Eric called, the STS server switchover was complete! They were running totally on our software with Apple MAC OX Servers! The team headed by Duncan had done a marvelous job. Hard work and there had been very few glitches. One big issue with an accidently wiped task database was easily saved by a cloud backup!

Duncan would get time off then go back to lead the team that would replace the sensors throughout the STS system. They were going to use "Fay" stake sensors in some new locations to save adding wiring.

Email from Alex. He had a good meeting with the National Water Agency in Brasilia. They had looked at our info and videos, they were very interested in having us bid on any of the projects! He'd copied Eric so I went to the office to tell Cho all my news.

He motioned me over, pulling me on to his lap. "I will start it over."

We watched a youtube video of the Hopeful. It was cool to watch Glaa storm around the track. It had been viewed over thirty thousand times!! That seemed like a lot to me for a horse race but what do I know. Cho queued up the Breeder's Cup race. Wow! It felt so special to see Glaa run again! The power unleashed in the last turn was amazing to see again. After he had stalked the leaders to see him go into a new gear racing away from them, the acceleration down the straight seemed other worldly.

I leaned back on Cho those strong arms came up around me. Light kisses on my neck, "Fay, it could be an incredible spring. Weddings, Glaa possibly storming through the Triple Crown and the The Project's climax..."

Boy did I know what he meant. Wall to wall excitement and travel then Eve was due in the first part of the summer. Damn!

Gil stuck her head in, "I've let Sam and Sadie know we'll be in the city in a four days. Terrance too. Sumate emailed he would be there in three days to review all Security operations in the city and Pleasant Valley. Roslyn has a plan for the dinner with Mike and Bill says he's in."

Thumbs up from us. Lips nuzzling my neck again, "Fay she's good you know!"

I slid to the side so I could have those lips on mine! A nice nibbling kiss, we warmed up to a very fine passionate kiss! My face in Cho's warm neck, gripping him tightly!

In a few minutes at the door I winked, "See you later big guy and I deal with that then."

A finger pointing to a slightly aroused penis in those pants! Cho guffawed, a loud and happy sound!

I dashed upstairs to change. Riding clothes on striding down to the stables. Anthony had my man Rebel ready when I got there. A leg up and a motion to the south. A walk down the hill past the construction, a fellow with a barrow stopped to raise his hat, "Hullo Miss."

I smiled and returned his hello and gave him a wave. We picked up the pace at the training tracks. A good trot turned to a full on gallop up the slope and around the west side of the Sci Ctr. Over the tracks on the wood walkover then off again. Soaring past the serpentine BMX race course towards the lock.

My favorite lock man was there at the end of his shift. A big smile and hello! I gave him a shout as I dismounted. We walked over to the eyot, no Roy. It was too late in the day for him. Rebel was unruffled by the water as we crossed over the weir and the narrow bridge beyond. Back up I asked him again. Rebel reaching out with his forelegs those powerful hind legs grabbing the ground under us to propel us forward mightily. We gobbled up big chunks of land quickly. The second wood walkover came and went.

We passed through a narrow band of trees into the open and a long stretch of grass. Cruising we curved around those two houses then bent back to reach Harcourt House land. On the grassy verge of a plowed field Rebel responded to my urging by going into a new gear. We travelled like the wind sweeping along until we were level with Archie and Margy's place. I eased him down.

With Rebel slowed to a trot we made our way down back a bit to Hall Street and the farm. Margy saw us and waved, calling out for Archie. At their front door we shook hands and hugged. They were well, Archie busy readying for late winter-spring planting, Margy happy doing her house and cooking.

"Miss you should see the afghans I've done! I won a prize at a crafts show in Abingdon."

I did like several designs and colour schemes. Margy did sell them and I asked for her to hold two for me. She tried to give them to me but I said she would have had the money otherwise and it was entirely fair for me to pay. Margy finally accepted my money with Archie stifling a few laughs.

Archie said we would be up at the House tomorrow morning and he'd drop them. I reminded them we expected them to dinner tomorrow! Yes, they were looking forward to it. I got a leg up after the blanket came off Rebel. A wave and we trotted away.

Once again I asked Rebel and we galloped northward after clearing Lower Radley running parallel to the railroad off to the west. We slowed to a trot at the tree line south of the industrial estate onto the road then up to the gate. Jeffery came out from the office, "Hello Miss Martin."

We chatted a bit before I aimed us towards the Sandford lock. In town we exited the south end onto grass which had Rebel ready to run!

We were close to the stables so I asked him for a lot and Rebel had it. I waved to the Radley's and Fraser's as we covered the ground to the house faster than ever. My head down near that strong neck, Rebel's muscles flexing under my legs it was a fabulous run.

As we slowed by the training ovals Cho and Jaidee appeared in the lane. My boys! I slipped down for a hug, one each for them and Rebel. We walked up to the stable where I handed Rebel to Diana.

"He really worked today!"

She grinned, "Okay the special treatment then!"

We laughed, another hug for Rebel! I was glad `special treatment' was the norm!

I sat with Gregory before we visited all the new horses. Four horses for pleasure riding, one Zephyr caught my eye right away. She was a dappled silver gray, very beautiful with a lovely form. Rascal was a bay gelding, tall and strong, bright eyes giving me a look over as I did him!

Contrary, a chestnut gelding built like a hunter, lots of power in the haunches and DayDreaming, a spritely brown mare, both had good looks and were in fine shape.

Eight racers! Six colts and two fillies. Six were two year olds to be trained for their first racing season. Monaco had been here a few weeks earlier and I met Freddie who was the first new trainer hired.

Freddie was an ex-jockey who looked like he could still ride. He was an American Monaco had brought over especially for the two years olds. Most would race here on grass but two we're going to train on dirt also to run in America.

We talked about what he had done so far and how he saw the prospects. He liked our crowd especially three of the colts and both fillies. He said the other three colts were immature right now and he would bring them along more slowly.

I liked him, he spoke well with a very slight sound of a Mexican accent.

"Miss, my parents were both immigrants but I was born in California's Central Valley. I barely knew any English until school so I've a bit of Mexico left in my voice."

I said we hoped our climate wouldn't be too bad a change for him.

"I dress warmly and take vitamins!"

We laughed as we walked up to the office. Cho texted me to come up there's some news, bring Diana.

In the office Cho had the Thames Valley Police inspector who'd handled the case of Diana's father trying to do something here at Harcourt House with a gun. Her father got eight to twelve years but he'd be starting with psychological testing and treatment. The inspector had a note for her from the team investigating the sexual abuse charges.

She looked at me, `Open it when you are ready. There's no need for us to know unless you feel the need to share something."

A shy smile, Diana opened it, "He says the case is continuing. They have developed new information which corroborates my statement? He doesn't explain that but says he will later."

"Well it means they are taking you seriously which is very good."

The inspector said he wasn't involved but that the team as quite good at their job. He also said "confidentially' they had excellent computer skills. Ah!

We left it at that.

I called Jack, the Foreign Service fellow Michael and I had met with concerning our relations overseas. He picked up, I gave him a summary of our Brazilian experience. He wanted a more detailed report. I said I'd put it on paper and meet with him but I was only in country for a few days. I would be in London for a few hours tomorrow or he could come out to Harcourt House the following day. Lunch? Okay. He'd drive. I said get to Nuneham Courtney then he'd see the house or ask anyone. He was good with that.

I called Eric to tell him. He and Malee would be with us so he'd join us discussing my report.

I emailed Reg about us getting into traffic monitoring with our sensor technology. It was a new and growing market that wouldn't require much modification of our equipment to make work. I sent along a few ideas. I CC'd Eric and Cho.

Me upstairs to clean up for our dinner guests. The black mini-skirt again with tights and ankle boots. A white long sleeved heavy cotton blouse under a red jumper and silver bits of jewelry.

I sat to watch Cho dress. Black ankle boots! Black skinny jeans, a white shirt and red pullover jumper. As he pulled it all on I was giggling, "I've got `Joy' on you want some?"

I was tickled and handed the Hanne Mori `HM'. I squeezed a dab on my palms and slowly caressed his face leaving the lovely scent behind. I was also very nicely kissed!!! Yes!!!

We were in the foyer as our friends began arriving. Carter greeting each and sending them on to us. Hugs and handshakes! In the Great Room we started with apéritifs and canapes. The fire warming us.

I told Mr. Hardy we were going to see our `niece' tomorrow and a stop at the Fulham house. I was going to bring him another game. He shook his head, "Miss, the Borodino one is such a monster...'

I squeezed his hand, "Don't worry I'm bringing one that is quite different!"

Mr. Thorn had been thrilled with my joining the St. Thomas School board meeting from Bangkok. The tech Thomas sent to the school had set it up so I could interact with them all. It worked perfectly.

Ron Cotton had been elected Chairman. We discussed many topics, got a report on the construction work on the new classroom and I fielded a few questions about the Harcourt Advance Fund we created. The Board was excited about the idea and congratulated us for thinking about future education for local children. The fact that we intended the money to be `grants' not loans brought out cheers and clapping. I was a bit embarrassed but pleased.

Mrs. Thorn, her hand on my arm, "Mr. Thorn is over the moon that you two want to take part in the education of village children in such a public manner."

"We love this place so it's natural."

Carter came in to round us up. There were place cards with small winter scenes done by Ellie. Were mixed and matched all around the big table. I was between the Vicar Dr. Lone and Mr. Thorn, across the table were Deanna Radley and Dan Senior.

We talked of religion and education together and how evolution wasn't anti-Christian. That St. Thomas' curriculum didn't include sex education for all of the ages but the higher grades did have it as a regular part of the school work. Deanna put in that country children were exposed the the sex lives of the family animals which made a difference. True.

I explained how Cho and I were creating our family because I couldn't have a child and that we would be sure to tell our children as soon as they could understand the circumstances of their birth. No secrets!

They all thought it was right thing! Nice!

Afters in the Great Room...AMARETTO and ESPRESSO!

Warming my buns at the fire talking to Sarah and Deanna's daughter in law, Deanna had the baby. The new mom smiling thanked me for getting her out. She'd been busy with baby! I told them we were visiting the `niece' tomorrow about the same age in London. She felt lucky to have the chance to live in the country. She'd grown up on a farm and wanted that for her kids.

I mentioned that they certainly wouldn't isolated with all the connections to the world. Sarah with a grin, "My two use the internet so much I can hardly remember when it didn't exist."

We laughed, I told the new mom we don't know what her's will be using! More laughing!

We liked our neighbors! They were kind, generous folks involved in their community in many ways. We wanted to be like them.

There were lots of hugs and kisses as they left. They'd enjoyed dinner, we enjoyed them being here.

By the big fire with Cho. Carter had put a music after dinner now there was a nice band doing a relaxed foxtrot tune. Cho's smile, arms open. I stepped to him. We danced close and slow. HHHHMMMM

My head on Cho's shoulder, a slow circuit of the carpet in front of the fireplace. I was warm and happy! Pretty damn good!!

My man scooped me up carrying me to bed. Jaidee reluctantly left the fire but pleased to find the a fire going in our bedroom. Naked under the covers, Jaidee on top of the duvet snuggled, Cho behind. Sweet!

We talked lightly for a while about our neighbors and the village. A big piece of my heart was here! Cho approved.

Sleepy Jaidee was carried to his bed. We kissed and I was asleep quickly.

Cho holding an ankle the other foot on the floor, "No don't go!"

We were laughing but begged him to let go I was getting cold. "Not so tough, huh?"

I finally got free after my comment about peeing as his fingers slid up my leg. Peeing done, dressed to ride. Cho's naked body holding me at the door, Jaidee woofing, I was kissed. My tush squeezed! Like a too small trout I was released!

The Chocolate Flash and I running downstairs. Nan the early staffer had fired up the DeLonghi, I punched it and took Jaidee to his box area in the kitchen garden. Lots of sniffing and rooting around but job done. We `shook' on it!

Inside it was scone time, two strawberry and coffee. Jaidee demolished his breakfast!

We walked down the lane, chilly but not frigid, to be greeted by Thames. Some sniffing and rubbing and woofing. Anthony grinned as I offered him a scone.

"Miss I'll be happy to take over this part of Andy's job!"

We laughed. Pamela scrapping a hoof, wagging her head. A `come on let's run' attitude. Okay!

A leg up and a `going around' wave! Pamela nickering as we walked down the slope past the construction then across the flat, the pace was raised at the rise.

Pamela effortlessly accelerated up the incline, the Sci Ctr came in view quickly. As we went by the fence a security guard waved. I called out a `good morning' and got one back. Over the walkover, more speed past the BMX track and like an arrow towards the lock.

The lock man exchanged greetings with us. On the eyot Roy's line was in the water. I patted his shoulder, he and the missus were good. I answered I'd be around just a few days.

"I hope to see you again tomorrow morning."

Roy smiled, "I'll be here Miss."

We pushed on, over the water onto the west bank of the river. SPEED SPEED Pamela soared around the ugly houses back to Harcourt land then more. We flew past Archie with a wave a whoop from him. Turning north through a tree line there was a farm machine at the end of the field with the `hood' up and legs sticking out. Comical.

We slowed as Gerry appeared and stood on the big beast. We shook hands laughing as I described my view. He and Maeve were doing spectacularly. Her school work smashing! He had loads of projects really enjoying working for Harcourt House.

"Miss, Carter and Gregory have given me some space for mucking about on my `inventions,' a good work area!"

I was pleased with that along with the news from Carter that they both frequently ate their evening meal with us. I loved the `family' feel to it all!

A `see you tomorrow at the cookout!' Then I asked Pamela for more which she let go! A wave from Dennis as we flew past. We ran all the way to the lock in Sandford. Tremendous!!

A wave to Mr. Hardy and that I was the rabbit' which brought a big laugh and go, go down the hole!'

When Pamela reached the grass no urging needed she sprang forward digging her hooves in. Mr. Radley and his son were waves and good mornings.' At the Fraser's Dan Junior called out an awesome' I signaled our appreciation!

No slowing today until we were at the bottom of the grassy lane. I walked Pamela a bit near the training tracks as Freddie came down with one of the two year old colts. He was black with a blaze and two white front stockings.

"Miss we were watching you two it was wonderful to see! Pamela really goes!"

I was stroking her neck, "Yes. My girl loves a run. So what about this fellow?"

Freddie said he had great promise, a bit awkward but just as you would expect from a youngster. I walked Pamela around the pair. I liked the colt's shape, very straight hind legs, a good size rump. Not too long in the body, lovely neck, good eyes!

I gave a thumbs up and urged Pamela up the lane. The construction guys just arriving.

More coffee and kiss from Cho in the breakfast room. A short park in his lap then off to clean up for our drive up to town. Squeaky clean in a black pleated wool skirt, mid-thigh with red tights! Warm! A white cotton shirt cut at my waist, red heavy cotton long sleeved shirt over that and black heels. Silver jewelry including Karla and Michael's torque and the nice heavy silver belly chain from Cho! `Joy'

Black pea coat! I was ready!

Prasert had us moving! PJ and Rande smiling at us from the jump seats. PJ rubbing his hands.

I cocked my head... looking at PJ... He reached into a pocket and pulled out my black gloves. I did a fist bump for Thanks! Huge grin!

Prasert put his foot down while possible, we stayed on the M40 until it became the A40 then a few miles to Argyle Road, going south through North Ealing on nice suburban streets to Blakesley Avenue.

We unloaded ourselves. Rande said he get the packages. Reg opened the door! Huge hugs and kisses, handshakes and a big welcome. Rona in the saloon with the little mite beside the fire. She put me in a chair gave me the bundle, "Get used to it!"

We were all laughing. Margaret Fay Alexandra slept on! What a beauty!

Cho presented our gifts. A warm cotton and wool bunny suit and hat with ears. Pink! A lovely pale yellow set, cuddly jacket, pants, booties and cap all edged in white.

Ah's and ooohhh's! Rona's mom and dad arranged tea for all. I kept the pumpkin. She warm and quiet. The quiet, her dad made known was not a given. MFA had a good set of lungs when so inspired to yell!

Rona reclaimed the child and I got a cup of tea. I chatted with her folks in the kitchen. They loved our house in Fulham, may thanks for its use. I told them any time they wanted they were welcome to contact Mrs. Blatchly about using it. We weren't in town much.

Alone with Rona's mum, "Fay, those two really love you and Cho!"

I smiled and squeezed her hand, "It's returned. My father can't come to the wedding at Harcourt House so Reg is going to give me away!"

I laughed, "I think there have been times he'd liked to have for real."

We laughed, she was amazed that Reg was to be my surrogate dad. I gave her a bit of our history.

Cho and I sat on a sofa to share MFA again. Her eyes popped opened looking at me, "Hi baby!"

She broke into a huge wet grin! Cho's fingers on her tummy were magic, arms and legs wiggling, we got bubbles and gurgles! Terrific! We had fun for a while then the odor of something in the nappy got her swept away for a change.

Grandma had the child, Rona and Reg hugs at the door. I said we'd be in and out until the end of April then around for two weeks or so. May 1 the date not to be missed. Rona said they'd all be there!

The dress for her would be coming shortly based on how the white one of mine she'd borrowed had fit. Kisses and we were off.

Prasert stopped in front of the house on Basuto Road. I was standing on the sidewalk looking at it. Several folks came out of the house to the west and down to us. They were our Security people. We were introduced. Graham came into the house with us to give us a brief overview of the security setup.

I was in the basement head first in a box, Cho's fingers trying to get under my jumper and blouse. He wasn't making it easy to get the game out. Finally!

I found myself holding the game and a warm hand on my bare belly. Cho with a shiteating grin sliding up to capture a boobie! My free hand grabbed his neck pulling him in to kiss. We ended arms wrapped around each other kissing in the basement! Laughing about it going up the stairs.

We didn't stay long, off to The Company offices.

I swiped my ID and we pushed up to the management floor. Eric hugged me and Cho. Malee was sitting there with a laptop but she jumped into my arms! I rested my hand on her belly whish seemed to be pushing out a bit more quickly. She was so petite it wouldn't take much. She showed me an email from her parents.

It was video of them singing and laughing being happy about becoming grandparents. Cute!

We had a short meeting with the other Deputy MD's who were there. Nothing much just a meet and greet! And a quickie overview of the Brazilian business.

Andrea's bump growing big! She was giggling, "Fay I love my belly! Jian and Ting had a long Facetime last night! We're happy and the new apartment on Favart Road is big but cozy. The breakfast room beside the kitchen is so bright in the mornings. Mrs. Blatchly found us a really nice lady to clean for us!"

Hugs and kisses! They were decorating together long distance. I told her Jian and Ting would be coming to town soon.

YEA! From her!! So they could do some joint furniture buying!!

Upstairs Cho and I sat in our shared space with Angela. She was wearing jeans and bright green jumper, good! No dresses! She grinned at me over that!

She was doing very well keeping disparate bits under her hand. She was managing the Basuto Group projects. She'd been helping Francis and completing the build-out of the office. Doing things for Andy's move. She had some property stuff for Cho as I did email.

A funny email from Jian, she was missing me so she sent a pic of us with me blurry! Dad sent love and Phailin and he were doing fine! An important one from Cassandra forwarded on by Gil about the wedding, over eighty percent of the invitees had responded, all coming! Wow! It would be a full house. Of course we had been careful creating the list.

Angela was reminded to get her passport renewed as we might want her to travel soon.

The Basuto Group had contracted with several economists for papers on Brexit and the EU's future. We hoped to have them in thirty days or so. Dr. Joseph Stiglitz and Dr. Paul Krugman were contributing!

We had a good deal of anticipation built up in the narrow world of serious economic scholarship!!

Angela was coordinating that and other papers with Shelia and Miki! The website was up which she mostly designed.

Home! Prasert had us on the road. Eric and Malee sitting with us. We gabbed the whole way, The Company, babies and how cute MFA was, golf which was the guys and clothes by us girls! We covered a lot of ground...

I had called Mr. Hardy asking him up to dinner, he was in. I had the game for him.

Tonight we had all our senior staff in for dinner. Carter to sit with us, Gregory and Sylvia, Prasert and Ellie, Archie and Margy, Phillips and his wife Lynn, Carla and Charlie, Sue was doing the cooking when she could hustle Carla out!

Dave, the Garden Centre fellow and his wife Ruby, Gerry and Maeve, Dennis and May, Audra, Mr. Hardy. Eric and Malee. Ellie again made place markers with little winter scenes of trees, we scattered people around the table. Gil beside me, sotto voce, "Fay, everyone is so nice!"

I squeezed her waist, `We have been lucky and careful with all our people."

I was between Sylvia and Carter with Maeve and Malee opposite. Talk about expecting mothers, school, vacations, horses featuring Glaa as he would run in a matter of days and his sister Hansa in New York, wine and stamp collecting which was Carter's hobby.

Sue served poached fish, a tasty risotto, braised broccoli with tiny onions under a hollandaise sauce, a soft and flavourful dark bread with dill butter. Carter had chosen a lovely white burgundy.

Sue brought in apple pie with whipped cream or cheddar cheese. We had coffee and afters in the Great Room. AND Jaidee! He and Maeve cuddled by the fire! She thrilled to see her Thames River watercolour on the wall of my dressing room.

I had an espresso from Kendal with a twist of lemon peel and an amaretto! I moved around chatting to everybody by evenings end. I talked with Phillips about the plantings for Harcourt Close, Lynn suggesting some roses for every house. Maybe a different variety in each garden? Okay!

Thanks for Ellie, her place cards were so beautiful. They all went home with the named people!

Carla was ready for our `cookout' tomorrow. Carter had the heaters out and the grills freshly cleaned. Smiling, "Miss we'll have a little of everything for any taste!"

A big hug. I'd given up on having her call me Fay, if she did she did, if not, not!

Mr. Hardy and I in the library. I opened the game I'd managed to get at Basuto Road despite Cho's tactile interference. It was SPI's Napoleon at war Quad Game. It had four of Napoleon's battles: Wagram, Marengo, Jena-Auerstadt, and Leipzig. The format was larger scale units than the big Borodino I'd given Mr. Hardy also the game mechanics were MUCH simpler so you could setup and play in a few hours.

We laid out the maps and I showed him the unit counters. A nice clean and basic game series which was quite playable.

"Miss could you be coaxed into a game?"

I agreed to photocopy the rules and read them. I hadn't played any game since I was about eighteen eleven years back. He seemed pleased I'd consider it.

Saying goodnight to all by the fire was nice! Then we had Eric and Malee with us, more amaretto! Malee and I talked clothes and the Nara-Aaron thing, the guys more golf. They would go tomorrow morning before we met with the Foreign Office fellow.

MMMMMMMMMM Warm puppy and Cho! One snug on my back, skin to skin, the other top top of duvet pressed against me! Pretty good deal!

As soon as Jaidee woofed a greeting to Thames Pamela nickered loudly! My girl was ready!!

Anthony was missing Andy but a warm scone well buttered made him smile. He gave me a leg up, "Miss I'll keep Jaidee busy."

I laughed, "Ok Anthony but beware it may be the other way `round."

Laughing I turned Pamela to head down the lane. It was quiet as the sun cleared the hills to the east. Anthony knew we would ride `around the horn.'

We warmed up crossing the lower flat area then faster up the long slope to the first tree line. Past it Pamela was asked and she delivered. No let up until the crossover then a thunderous run to the lock kicking out clods of dirt. So lovely!!

A wave and greeting for the lock man! He had a big smile as always. Roy fishing, we chatted for a few minutes then I moved over the water to the west bank. A left turn today into Abbey Meadow.

We trotted around the perimeter seeing the play areas and tennis courts, all the amenities empty at that hour. A Springer spaniel and a young woman were walking, a hello. She intro'd Whisper her dog and she met Pamela.

"You're from Harcourt House?"

I was. "I've lived my whole life in Abingdon and rarely heard of any doings at the House but now all sorts of folks talk about it."

"Good I hope?"

"Why yes! They talk about your buying land but keeping it the same and how you've hired local people, your giving to the school and about you and your riding around the area."

I reached down, "I'm Fay Martin."

She was Elaine, she owned a stationary slash paper goods slash party shop on the High Street. We chatted a bit more about Abingdon. We both had to get on so we parted happy to have met.

Pamela and I walked over the bridge at the west side of the meadow after a warm up we hit speed until the rail walkover. Then I asked! We flew!

Every pleasure of riding was given to me by my best girl. The wind in its passing was delightful, the play of Pamela's muscles under mine, my own in response, her silky mane, sounds of her breathing and the thunderous hoof beats on the earth beneath us. My memories of Gwen flooding in...

There was no stopping us today! We had the longest unbroken run. This beautiful filly and I ran from the water to the forested space south of the industrial estate. Only then did we ease up. We slowed to a trot to a walk as we reached the road west of the little office. Jeffery stuck his head out the door, "Hullo...!"

He said the police had finally released the building where the drug dealers had been and he had a specialized cleaning firm in there to eradicate any trace of drugs. There would be a drug sniffer dog brought to test it after the cleaning folks said it was done. All good!

Over the lock we stopped at Mr. Hardy's. He'd asked me to. He welcomed us and handed me the blanket for Pamela and a carrot. Cute!

He had the Napoleon at War, Wagram game laid out. "Miss the game system is simple but quite effective. Your notes in the box about how you'd change a few things are excellent!"

I forgotten about the notes they must have been under something. I did notes for every game I owned. He was enthusiastic which made me happy. We talked for a few minutes before I departed. I left him with the "maybe" of a game when we were back near the end of April.

A wave and Pamela carried me away. On the grass she was ready but I didn't ask for more than a moderate effort after our tremendous run earlier. Still it was nice to gallop along over the grass. Pamela was enjoying herself!

Anthony took her with a twinkle in his eye, "Don't worry Miss I'll give her the best!"

I squeezed his shoulder. Gregory with a broad grin! We visited all our equine friends together. Dr. Crawford had a big smile coming out of Mahogany's stall.

"It's definite she's pregnant!"

I cheered and went in to hug her. She seemed very happy. I thought when they arrived that combining her with Rebel would be quite a wonderful combination! Great news!

In Cho's lap at his desk I held that face and told him. The smile was a thing of beauty. KISS! And HUG!

"Well we have to wait a while but it is a start. Glaa's parents will be here in three months or so. She's carrying now due in probably nine months."

A quick change into my black wool pleated miniskirt, black tights, black ankle boots, White cotton shirt cut at the waist under red cotton sleeveless pullover jumper that was cutoff too. Silver jewelry, waist chain from Cho peeking out. Black pea coat and gloves.

Malee in blue top to bottom! Cute jean jacket!

PJ had a Range Rover at the door with Ansara. Shopping in Abingdon. A visit to Elaine's shop and more.

I drove after a kiss from Cho and a grin from PJ. Malee and Ansara got the joke from PJ. I found a parking spot on West Saint Helen Street only a block and a half from the High Street near the Salvation Army store.

We did some window shopping as the sun decided to show itself making pleasant to wander. Shoe shop but nothing grabbed me. Sports shops, a news agents, banks then Black Inc. I bought some more tights and a black and red checked scarf which I put on. Malee bought some gloves and a dandy little black bag!

Fat Face Ltd. at Market Place had leggings! Black, red, pale gray and white. A black leather bag with a narrow over the shoulder strap, zip closing top. Two cotton cut-off tops, white sailor neck with horizontal stripes in black and one in red.

Malee came out of a dressing room in a sweet frock. Slender shoulder straps holding up a flowered mid-thigh beauty. Cream background with green leaves and spring flowers. The colours were vibrant without going over the top! Plenty of room for her tummy to grow for a few months.

We back tracked to the car to drop our new things to go down to Stratton Way to Seeney's for Jaidee's treats. Then onto `Gaudy Paper' which was Elaine's shop. She didn't recognize me until, "Hello..." my hand extended, "...I'm Fay Martin."

She was quite surprised! "You don't dress like country gentry."

I laughed, "Well that's easy I'm not! I like wool.."

She smiled at that!

I intro'd Malee, then Ansara and PJ. We wandered a nice selection of party items from `gaudy' to normal. Reams of many kinds, weights and colours of paper covered a wall. I asked about stationary. I ordered writing paper and envelopes in a very nice pale silver gray linen. My name and the Harcourt House address. Elaine said about three days for the stationary. I ordered more sets, one to each home and gave her the addresses.

She asked if I wanted the Harcourt House address on all, YES!

I bought a case of 20weight bond paper for the house printers. I couldn't carry it so I said I'd bring the car around. PJ looked at Ansara, she nodded and he offered to carry it the short distance.

Well that confused Elaine. I gave PJ the keys and said we wait here. Ansara scanned the store, only two other people were inside, teen age girls in the party area.

"Elaine, Ansara and PJ are part of our Security team."

The light dawned. "Oh, I've never..." A solemn look, "You need..."

I nodded, "Yes at times!"

We shook hands. PJ drove home, as we came abreast of the Garden Centre where the Oxford Road joined the A4074 I saw Dave the manager out with someone by a delivery truck.

PJ turned in upon my asking. I slipped out. Dave smiling, "Ah Miss Martin, thanks again for dinner it was quite good!"

I asked about Ruby's cats. She bred Bengals and I was interested in getting maybe two for Harcourt House. Dave said Ruby was at her sister's today but home in a few hours. I asked if Ruby could talk after the cookout. He said he couldn't say for sure but he would call her straightaway. I squeezed his hand.

Kendal retrieved the case of paper from the Range Rover. And my purchases were taken up for me. There was a Jaguar XKE coupé on the forecourt. It was shiny and beautiful, black, so sleek. Like new!

We went in search of Cho! In the Great Room we found him and the Foreign Service fellow Jack sipping sherry with Eric. Carter with a grin handed me mine after Malee.

Jack had made excellent time. I told Jack I loved his car, the way it looked retro but with real style!

He smiled, "I bought after it had most of the restoration done. My partner and I did the interior work."

Neither Cho or I were `into' cars but it was a thing of beauty AND obviously a prized possession!

Lunch! A bouillabaisse to start, grilled crab cakes and veggies under a hunter's sauce, and nice cross buns. Northhamptonshire cheese tarts too! A very nice Soave wine from a small winery in Monteforte d'Alpone. I'd heard about it and Carter had done the work of finding some. Out of fashion nowadays but fine dry white, good fruity taste!

My Brazil report, the reason for this fun, was delivered by the fire with coffee. Jack laughed out loud several times at my recitation of the events. My Mata Hari pretensions mixed into the story had Cho and the others laughing too!

Jack listened carefully though and asked some good questions. My last bit about Alex's subsequent contacts with the National Water Agency had Jack nodding. Eric said he had The Company look back at other jobs in Brazil and Romeo's name never came up.

"Please keep me up to date on your further contacts but I believe you handled it quite well. Your friend Pietro has good information and friends. Would he give assistance to us in the future?"

Cho would ask saying he most likely would but he couldn't speak for Pietro. Jack hadn't gotten any other feedback about Brazil but they would work back on recent interactions by other UK companies and query them. He didn't believe this was the first time.

"This is well worth the trip and an excellent lunch too. Please thank your staff for a job well done."

Always nice to have them praised!! We walked Jack out to his Jaguar to see the inside. Shiny, supple leather, lovely to look at like the exterior. A nice growl as he drove out.

At the fire I toasted my hind parts with Cho's body pressed against the other side. Kissing!!!! Eric and Malee doing the same!

I changed to ride taking Cho and Jaidee to the stables with me and Gil. There was construction noise but the horses doing Okay. Freddie had several on the track with Diana. Thames sitting with Gregory by the office fire, he woofed to Jaidee. They went out for some dog time, nibbling and fake biting down a stable passageway. Sebastien and Tess didn't do more than raise their heads in the big chair. Ho Hum.

Rebel was saddled for me. I stopped by Pamela to tell her we were leaving tonight. So nice to caress her face and hear the crunch of a carrot!! Scout was ready for Gil.

Rebel and I headed out down the lane ahead of Gil.. The construction guys working away, it was growing quickly!

On the level by the training tracks we paused to watch the Freddie work with the black colt and a chestnut filly. Diana nearby watching, we waved and then loped up the lower slope before picking up the pace.

We flashed through the trees and around the Sci Ctr fence to the walkover then more speed circling the whole old airfield complex.

Tossing up clouds of dirt as we galloped along. Scout trying to keep up but Rebel had too much so I dialed him back. Past the eastern walkover I could see a rider ahead, our speed closed the distance rapidly. Kate and Dragon just going out.

We slowed to a walk beside them. I caressed Dragon's nose with a gloved hand. He staring at me remembering a shared experience.

Kate was just home after school to ride. She was going to take Dragon by the water as she often did to make him at ease with it. Good!

I called out an `enjoy' as Rebel and I roared off across the grassy hill Gil urged Scout to follow. We passed the tree lines bursting through the last at full speed down the slope heading home.

We were like the wind! I saw Freddie and Diana watching us approach they held tight to the youngsters as Rebel eased up out from the encircling fence. Freddie had a big grin, "Miss that was a fine sight to see!"

He stroked Rebel's nose, "Rebel was a racer but a ligament stopped him. He loves to open it up!"

I was patting his neck. "Freddie ride him some when I'm away. He likes to be in the open country happy to be free of the track. He's very sure footed!"

"I will, it would be an honor."

We shook on it. Diana's smile told me she knew the pleasure of one of Rebel's runs. Diana's slender hand on Scout's nose, he was pushing against it. A sweet boy!

They knew we were off tonight after the cookout. More riding for Diana.

Jaidee came with us back to the House. Jaidee and I dashed upstairs to see Cho, Audra said he'd gone up a few minutes before. We caught him in the bathroom ready to shower. Jaidee parked on the nice rug, I ripped off my clothes to join him. Giggling I washed him and got me done. Laughing, tickling and soaping worked pretty good!

I sat for a nice bit of head rubbing with a towel. I did my business with the hair dryer, "I'm thinking about changing my hair, any problems?"

A warm hand on my tush, a light squeeze, "No except I will not want you if you are bald!"

"No fear of losing you then!"

I pulled on a pair of black leggings over a wispy thong, the red and black big checked flannel shirt over a black cut off T', ankle boots and Joy' Silver bits of jewelry! A big black Mac over that to keep warm!

Cho in skinny blue jeans and yellow shirt. Damn he looked so hot! I caressed his face with some Hanne Mori HIM. Three of us going down the stairs to meet Eric and Malee in the Great Room. A bit more sherry then out to the cookout!!

Eric and Malee would go home this evening in a Prasert car before we left for Chalgrove.

I was beside Carla cooking on a grill. My remit was the fish! We chatted about food, what I had cooked in Froyle and Fulham AND my grilled cheese sandwiches and chips in Bangkok! She laughed at my descriptions. When we were here again I'd come down to make a meal.

All our people around us, Cho telling them about a few new things going on, what Harcourt Close might mean, that we had positions open and more. Wandering through garden munching on a small plate of goodies, talking, laughing, trying to talk with each employee.

I talked horses, clothes, flowers but with ears open covering my ignorance, the new boat with Dennis and games with the various kids. I kept bundled up after leaving the warm grill but it getting was colder. The heaters around created clusters of folks but no one was retreating.

Cho had my hand in his as did a short discussion with Carter about the wedding. He was connected with Cassandra so the event would be well managed!

A big smile, "We've not had a wedding here in my tenure. So I'm pleased to be part of this."

We did fist bumps when I said three in a day!

I moved around after corralling Malee. We had fun talking to everyone, munching on various bits, I had a Newcastle but didn't get to the bottom of it.

Eric and I sat under a heater to talk some. He asked about the traffic `thing' I'd brought up to Reg.

"We think that a sensor we can create, could look across a road of any width, `see' the cars, etc... in their lanes going by, to count them, check their speed between sensors and more. Then feed that to a system which could regulate the flow with managed traffic signals, on ramps to motorways, bridges...

Then at intersections, especially in America, sensors could check on traffic and adjust the light signals for the flow , no automatic or programmed times or turn lane signals when there's no one wanting to turn.

Now it may not work for some locations but in a city it should be effective. Reg was going to do some research on existing systems then..."

Eric was happy with all that. We'd be getting experience with 4g and photo-electric cells so more would come from that!

I managed to corner Ruby about Bengals. We talked about having them in the house mostly but going out too. How would that work, our stable cat friends and them, the dogs, etc... We ended up sitting inside in the Breakfast Room.

I could see it was going to be more than just wanting them around, it would need a good deal of managing their environment to start. I told Ruby we'd have to think more on this. She smiled, "Come over and visit my crowd whenever you like! They're all cuddle bunnies!"

As the cookout wound down I was saying goodbyes for now. We'd be back before Glaa went off in the Santa Anita Derby. Hugging and kissing Eric and Malee on the forecourt beside the car. They'd be in Bangkok for our wedding!

We were packed and ready a few hours later. Going up the stairs into the Cho-Fay Air 767. Jaidee could do the steps by himself now. Proud boy!

Gil and Francis with us! Rande, Ansara and PJ too. Also Tai! She'd been brought in from Heathrow by a Prasert car. She was fresh from Bangkok and a new training course. Her first time with us although she was a veteran of our Security force . Sweet face which I was sure had to disarm people!

Captain Mira let us know we were ready to go. Buckled in by Cho! Kissed!

The warm engines went to deeper growling as we taxied out. A pause at the top of the runway then whoosh! Rising quickly the noise of the wheels retracting then just the normal sounds of the big aircraft gaining altitude. We turned to starboard, eight hours or so to go. Mira said we'd have headwinds most of the way.

We talked with Francis and Gil, I wondered why I hadn't seen much of either. They'd been working on new spreadsheets to help with the stock purchases. A new one took all the data and broke it down by day and time and broker and country then cross referenced with the calls made by people from our Target.

It showed they called after large blocks were sold by institutional investors. Interesting. Now that we were close to the needed number of voting shares and slowing our buying...nothing. Good!

They'd both be watching and listening, making contacts with brokers. Francis was going on point now. Fist bumps!

Jaidee had a blast with his tennis ball up and down the cabin. He got some treats and did some `business' as we prepared for bed. Warm guys in bed with me!! Two cuddlers!!

I was almost out when Cho carried the sleepy Jaidee to his bed. Snug against me once more, an almost not there `Good Night, Princess.'

After the alarm I was up right away. Showered and dressed in black tights under a red black gray tartan wool skirt, white long sleeved blouse and a black pullover V-neck jumper, silver jewelry and `Joy' Black ankle boots from Nordstrom's.

On the sofa with coffee and warm buttered scones thanks to Ban who was up early too. Jaidee had demolished his breakfast!! iPad for news and email.

It was dark out, Mira came in looking so trim in her uniform. Stephanie at the controls, we were on autopilot. One hour out from Newburgh.

I gave Jaidee some time running up and back for his toy before waking Cho. I laid on him fingers in his lovely hair, "Dear, time to waky waky..."

The strong brown arm rose from the depths to encircle me...Ack... I was trapped by the monster...It began to devour me...I fought back with slender fingers on exposed flesh...WOW the monster exploded...I was dumped on my butt...laughing out loud!! The monster grabbed me and propelled me out of the cabin!

Back to the sofa and my coffee! In a short while Cho emerged looking like SEX! Brown ankle boots, `tight' blue jeans, light blue chambray shirt and a smile. A kiss told me Hanne Mori had been applied after shaving!!

He got coffee. We could hear the engine pitch change as Stephanie said we were on approach to Newburgh. Still black out until we turned east to line up on the runway, a slender streak of light on the horizon.

We dropped to the runway and off quickly. A short taxi to park and stairs alongside. We went down Jaidee found going down a bit more fuss but made it Okay. Chilly with some wind but we weren't out long. The helicopter was ready and we lifted off quite soon. Once up the sunrise streak had widened a good deal.

I was holding Cho's hand stroking the the fingers, palm, tracing the veins on the back, my head on his shoulder. We flared for landing the grid lights strobe flashing.

Terrance waiting! A hug and handshakes, brief intro's and we were heading downtown. Petra was at the door waiting. We asked her to come up in a short while for a report on the Security plan for the Target.

We sat in the living room, coffees, etc... Roslyn baked cookies so I was up for a few!

Petra knew what was to happen but not the exact Target. We told her we wanted her to run some mock run-through's over the next few months as the plan ripened. We gave her a second half of June as the time. We asked she make them realistic in dealing with obstreperous individuals but please no one getting hurt. Real but not too real. She laughed saying they'd find the fine line which made us all laugh!

She'd get reinforcements from all of our branches so enough staff would be here. A local company was being vetted for security around the building the day of the show!!

A hostile takeover that the upper management would understand but some `celebrity' people below might not. Her folks would have to seal offices and floors. Petra said she was going to create several special squads who would receive the most training and they would be the spear point. Good!

Mike and Bill and a few of the folks Bill was hiring all in for dinner tonight. Seafood was the word from Roslyn!

PJ and Tai were with Jaidee and I for a walk. Bundled up, some snow around but not much now. Jaidee hit the fire hydrant with a mostly raised leg. Good man!

We headed west on Bleecker after crossing Sixth Avenue. Most places were still sleeping but Molly's Cupcakes was opening on our way back. I got two dozen assorted. Tai was going to take the box but I shook my head.

We paused as Jaidee was sniffing at lamp pole opposite Our Lady of Pompeii Church, PJ quietly spoke to Tai. She seemed chastised, I smiled, "Don't worry! It takes time to get the rhythm."

Tai gave me a warm return smile. Jaidee decided to make a deposit in the park beside Father Demo Square. Scoop! Okay home!

The cupcakes were a hit again! I certainly consumed several! Cho got to lick some chocolate from my cheek! I also got a kiss!

I sat with Rande, Ansara, PJ and Tai. We talked through why I kept the cupcakes and Tai understood she wasn't to be a bearer unless... We gave her the example of PJ carrying the case of paper the other day, he had Ansara to be on watch while he did it and it was impromptu and fast. She understood her role: protection.

A clean up with Cho! I love washing him! Stroking and caressing his WHOLE body. I get to kneel and lick some of the bits too! A tasty cock, gently peeled to enjoy the head bare of skin, balls popped in and out of my mouth. A small wrinkled hole I could munch on! Oh Yes! Cho is a feast of delights!! I chowed down!

We laughed, kissed and played! My pussy was lovingly licked, kissed and caressed. My titties and tush too! We used lots of water! Finally dry I did my hair. It was a meet Sadie for a trip to MaJa Salon around the block on Bleecker.

Jaidee was wagging his butt as I hooked the leash. Tai and Ansara were with me. Gil and Francis were deep in something in the office. We met Sadie at Sullivan Street and crossed to MaJa. I sat with Janice again. Just a trim and a conversation about a change. My description got a `wait I have a pic' and a dash to the office. She came back with a book of black and white snaps of famous women, page open to who I mentioned.

"It will be no problem and it's easy to care for. You've plenty of hair to do it. When?"

I said it was an idea for the summer. She was all for it. Sadie leaned over, "Damn it would look hot! You've got the face for it!"

Well I left it there at least my thinking was validated!! Cho wasn't indifferent but it was my head.

We headed out around onto Thompson Street checking out more of the neighborhood. Tomoe Sushi looked promising! Sadie said they'd eaten there and it was good! Okay!

We passed Carbone and ZZ `s Clam Bar, Sadie liked them both. Over Houston we aimed at The Pet Bar.

I found the reward treats that Nestor recommended. The staff loved meeting Jaidee. He got a treat and loads of petting. A rock star!

Down on Prince Street I window shopped the Sean Store. HHHHHMMMMM got to come back here when they're open! So many nice things that would look fabulous on Cho!!! I had all his sizes in my iPhone!

At the corner of Sixth Avenue there was Souen, a vegetarian restaurant. Sadie didn't know it but I had it on my radar now. Across the road was a wine merchant I peeked in the front, another one to return to later.

The Little Red School House kids were making noise playing. I stopped at Sadie's recommendation both of their's go here. The Director of Admissions kindly gave me a few minutes to explain our coming parentage and our interest based on Sadie's love of their program. They had students who were enrolled but traveled due to family circumstances. She liked we lived just across Bleecker. A friend was one of our tenants and had spoken highly of the new owners. Good!

I left it as we would want to enroll in the Nursery program in a few years. She took our info. She said they'd be pleased to have us. Fist bumps with Sadie. The Admissions lady loved that!

We peeped in at her little ones in class, everyone doing some drawing. Very focused.

Sadie came up for coffee and maybe stay for lunch. Cho came out of the office, I got a big hug and kiss!

Gil and Francis were doing things with the data to show different relationships by the sellers to the target whether they were believers in the company or just holders for profit. The research by Francis about the folks who sold to us was fascinating although it didn't in the end matter much. The stock was being sold because its value continued to fall against what should have happened to my mind the reason was The Target had an investor confidence problem. The musings wouldn't get us over the top without William's contact in the family!

It was good to see how Francis worked with Gil and how he did research. Good to know for the future.

I got a heater working and sat outside with Jaidee. Called Reg, the girls were great! Margaret Fay Alexandra sleeping good these days!! Our diaper service gift was tremendous!

"We'll keep'm coming until you don't need them!"

He thanked me big! The traffic sensor idea was a work in progress, he'd put two folks on the idea. Eric asked the Lord Mayor of London, a friend, about a test when we were ready and got a conditional Okay. We'd have to pay though. I didn't see anything wrong in that if we were allowed access to city infrastructure like light poles, etc... Onward! Reg laughing.

Gregory had toured the construction work this morning with the contractors, they were ahead of schedule at this point. He was happy!

Carter was pleased with the iMac I bought for his office. He would begin an inventory of the whole house, room by room everything would be put in a database that Francis had put together. It would be on its own Apple OS X Server in the Security office rack space then backed up to a cloud server.

Our staff directing an outside company we hired would do the work. Once completed it would require they do the input, Carter would contract with a computer rental place in Oxford for the equipment so it would be done at Harcourt House. We did not want the data leaving our control.

An art historian and curator would do all the art works, provide Carter with a current list and do a re-valuation on each item. A London art dealer had our commission to buy pieces to fill in the walls of the Great Room and hallways with appropriate subjects where the previous owner had decided to keep certain paintings.

Everything single item from linens, to tableware to curtains to refuse bins, all the art work and the Library. For the Library I asked for a book cataloging company to be hired. They would review the existing catalog, revise and prepare it for data input in a separate database created by Francis' nimble brain. Thousands of books!!

When the house was completed then the stables, Phillips garden equipment, the farm and Dennis' boat yard. Every item would get a barcode, we bought portable hand scanners.

Every item would be searchable by item name, barcode #, description, date of acquisition, location, on and on...

Carter would be able to sit at his iMac and pull up any room or item or list right on his screen. New items added when they arrived and retired items marked as such but retained in a dead file for our records. Carter could know if a painting was out for restoration or if Mr. Hardy borrowed a book. YES!!

Out on the terrace with Cho, Sadie went to talk with Roslyn, we were bundled up looking over city towards the Hudson River to the west. Cho had done a bit of phoning and emailing and gone down to the exercise room in the basement while Jaidee and I had toured around.

He was interested in the Little Red School House. I told him what I knew and he should ask Sadie at lunch.

Ah... Lunch! Fish tacos, arroz con frijoles rojo and a lovely vanilla flan! Sadie smiling with a mouthful of flan. She happily talked about the school. Their's had been there since nursery school age, they loved it. She and Sam liked it was walking distance and were both involved in activities around fund raising and programs. Cho was intrigued, we'd look closer when the babies were near old enough.

After lunch I parked on a sofa with my electronics keeping up with my business, email, texts and calls. Chanthira Foundation now had Jian as the general manager for the clinics! She was going to use my office for the time being with Anong. They would begin hiring staff for the first four clinics to open in Bangkok. They would begin the process to create the standing rules for the clinics, security regulations, employee duties and more.

Kotro had finalized designs with the RDS Construction. The chosen sites were being cleared and prepped. Jian and Anong had toured the sites with RDS managers, everything was on time for the first clinics!! The Boxes people said less than three months to have the modules on site!

Andrea emailed Nu had flown to London for training after the Vietnamese Interior Ministry gave him a release. I know he'll be a good one!

I needed to schedule a return trip to Manila and the north of Luzon, our project started tomorrow. Ramon was up in the north on site with our people. The hardware had arrived and the Philippine National Water Resources Board folks had completed the networking upgrades. All go now.

For tonight I decided on a VERY little black dress, soft molding to my bits. Long sleeves, round the neck turtle neck collar holding it up as there was no back until near the top of my tush. No sides as it came down my front soft on my curves to upper thigh. So much skin showing, my back and sides glowing in the light of the dressing room. Deep black thigh high stocking and spike heel ankle boots. Silver bracelets and a new thing from Cho, a slender silver anklet! A small disk with `Cho'! Oh shit, I liked it! Hair done just right!

Cho came, eyes POPPED! "Fay...truly gorgeous!"

Kiss, hug, more kissing!!

Cho in a slender suit in dark navy suit, pale gray shirt!! Damn he looked like I felt, tip top!

Mike arrived first. Nice hug and smile. His partner was wearing a sleek pantsuit in navy with lovely broach of a peacock on her lapel, Cindy was nice I liked her right away. Raised eyebrows she asked about my dress, `Barneys.' Cindy said she'd maybe not dare it, "You're built for it!"

She was slender a lot like me, I laughed, "Once you're in you won't think about it!"

We laughed about that!

Drinks in hand, heaters on full power we talked outside until Bill and his team arrived.

I got a big hug from Bill, "It is wonderful to meet you two! My goodness you look fabulous!"

I did a mock curtesy! He did the intros for his group. I took the HR person by the hand, "Mary, later I want you to meet Petra our New York Security person. She has been planning for the takeover day. You'll want to have more time together but meet tonight."

Mary was good with that. I asked for a brief bio, she had been HR for an insurance corporation and had earlier in her career been in broadcasting which is how she knows Bill. We were on the edge of the heat looking south from one of the old windows on the terrace.

"Fay, this deal could be a huge game changer for American politics! Would it be prying to ask why?"

I told her my feelings about the gutter press in the United Kingdom and finding it the same in New York was so depressing. The lies, evasions for favored politicians, downright disgusting reporting on immigration, the misogyny and bigotry was too much for me. So I asked Cho if we could do something...so here we are.

Mary's smile, "Well we are somewhere and it could be a thing of beauty!"

A quick hug. Cho and Bill deep in talk when I slipped in. A strong arm around my waist! I could see Gil chatting with Bill and Mike's PA's then doing fist bumps! I'd wait to hear about that.

Sadie and Sam arrived, they were hugged and kissed. Sadie knew the menu, "Fay, everyone is going to be delighted!"

Dinner! Roslyn served as a start a creamy oyster bisque! MMMMMMM Then an apple, walnut, golden raisin salad with a warm honey dressing! Tasty!! Grilled ahi with a side of sweet wasabi aioli, dill sautéed potatoes beside asparagus under a hollandaise sauce! Soft flaky buns almost biscuits.

Several bottles of Chateau Cheval Blanc '89 were on the table and ready!

Looking around everyone was digging in!! Bill beside me was grinning, "Can I borrow your cook when you're not in town?"

We laughed, "You should come over to Harcourt House and dine with us. Carla and Sue are amazing too!"

I gave Bill a description of Sue's vegetable pastry fortress, flag and all! And Carter's management of our wines! Tonight's wine was Carter's suggestion from across the pond!

"Invite me any time!"

"You should prepare yourself for a stay at Christmas time! We were there for month and a half and this coming holiday I want more! Family and friends in all the time."

Bill looked over, "Bring yourselves over for a few days! Actually any time we're there you'd be welcome!"

He squeezed my hand, "Thank you! We might after Christmas Day when we have the family at ours!"

Fist bumps! Bill loved it! I told him about my talk with Mary and Petra would be up later.

Dessert was a meringue covered key lime pie! Several inches of meringue, soft and flavourful over the tangy pie!!!! Espresso and liqueurs in the living room. Cho was generous with the Remy Martel Louis XIII cognac!!

Petra came up. Holding her hand I intro'd her to everyone, she and Mary huddled for a while.

I had an espresso and amaretto parked between Bill and Mike. We talked about The Project, my American connections and horse racing. Mike liked a wager every now and then. I got my iPhone to show some snaps of Glaa and Hansa. Glaa's first race of the year in the San Felipe on Saturday was discussed.

Mike's eyes on me, "This is going to be an interesting spring for you two, weddings, horses and..."

I squeezed his hand, "Busy and we hope very rewarding!"

I told them both about Eve and Mike now learned all he needed on my particulars. He leaned back to look shaking his head, "Fay, impossible without your saying so."

I let them both know how we would play the inevitable spread of my status. Cho and I decided to have a press conference soon after The Project takeover day. We wanted to be ahead of curve giving our story our `spin' which got a laugh from both men.

It was good to meet Bill's team, they seemed like solid management folks with excellent experience. Bill let drop a group of names of journalists, electronic and print he was interested in offering positions to. Some well-known names with a number of younger people who had promise.

A really good evening! Gil had a few new share purchases to add in and made a good contact with Bill's PA! Petra and Mary would meet again in two days for a longer time and go over their plans.

And Bill had become closer to us. He could relate to our thinking. Mike being onboard with my sexuality was good! They knew I'd let all the investors know. He and Daria along with Lori and Hélène were in the picture now. The rest would know long before The Project matured.

Gil said the fist bumps with the other PA's was all about the fun they were having being part of the conspiracy! Nifty thrills! Gil said they know what it could mean so `it has more impact for them.'

We changed for a late night Jaidee walk. He'd been intro'd to everyone spending most of his time with Tai and PJ in the media room. Jeans and coats, gloves! Rande and Ansara watched over Sam and Sadie walking home then joined us on southern side of Washington Square.

Jaidee did some business, happy guy! The walk home slowed by Jaidee's nose! Damn he was cute but such a snooper!

I was lying on the bed looking at Jaidee in his bed, nose on the padded edge watching Cho put away a few things. Brown eyes locked on! I watched him track Cho as he climbed onto me. Our eyes came together, he paused then a woof! I woofed back which got him to shake his head. Cho put out a hand Jaidee jumped up in a few strides leaped onto the bed beside us. We got under the duvet pulling Mr. Wiggly in between us. Hands roaming over the soft brown body. Jaidee was all wavy ears and legs with the tongue lolling out pink against brown!

He loved it! We quieted down he was sprawled out in the valley created by the bedclothes. Gentle rubbing! We wound down, Cho carried the little man to his bed and we spooned up. Kisses on my neck, "You wowed the men tonight!"

"Yes, I think I made an impression!"

Cho snorted, "Just a bit!"

A big squeeze, lips on my ear, "You were quite entirely seductive tonight!"

Neck nuzzling! Sleep.

Early rising for the little fellow! I was woofed before my alarum! Cho patted my behind and gave me a muffled `enjoy.'

Tai and PJ and me. Gil came out, "I've been lazy so I'm ready!"

We gathered ourselves, bundled up and out the door. Going towards Washington Square. Jaidee snuffling, leaving some pee!

In the southwest corner of the park Jaidee made the decision do the main business. Scooped and deposited we moved forward.

PJ had us stop as a doberman was off-leash about seventy five meters away with two big fellows. The dog saw us and approached.

"Fay hold Jaidee TIGHT, Gil behind Fay back to back! Tai!"

She nodded. PJ was on my right at an angle behind Tai as the dog came closer a growling Jaidee responding! PJ motioned, I called out to the men to get their dog on the leash. No response they were following the dog coming closer.

I could see the doberman's fangs now, he was getting near. Jaidee was on alert, growling and pulling on the lead. Deeper growls from Jaidee, fangs bared! Now the doberman rushed forward aiming at Jaidee.


Tai's foot struck the dog's ribcage slamming him HARD into a tree. He was down, not moving!

The men were near...Tai was beside the inert dog her foot on its muzzle not hard, he couldn't move without her feeling it ...knives out the men were yelling about their dog... PJ had moved in front of me his Glock came up level which froze the men!

Jaidee pulling and growling watching the men not the splayed out dog.

"Drop your knives to the ground...step back six paces and kneel... facing away from each other... Hands on your neck, interlace the fingers, cross your ankles!" PJ words were clipped and loud!

The men did as they were told, Tai's Glock was aimed at the doberman.

I dialed 911 and Cho.

PJ kicked the knives back towards me, I stood on them talking to 911. They got the info and my request for animal control.

I got Gil to stand over the knives, to the men, "You have a leash?"

The blond said yes in a pocket. PJ moved right making sure Tai had a clear view and shot if necessary.

"Take out the leash very slowly, toss it towards your dog softly or you will be shot. Got it?"

He nodded, his hand went down very gradually, the leash came out and landed short of were the dog was lying. I stepped over to hand it to Tai, she secured it on the collar. The dog was breathing with a rasp but alive. The leash tight in Tai's hand now.

Jaidee was calmer, some low growling sounds. I stroked his neck, he looked up. I thanked him for being brave.

Sirens! I could hear running feet! A quick look over my shoulder, Cho, Petra, Rande and Ansara! The latter three had their weapons out! Cho behind me, the others created a perimeter.

The New York City cops arrived. Cho and I stepped to them. We explained who the armed folks were and I gave a brief account of events. They cuffed the men and put them into two separate cars. A sergeant was enroute and some one for the dog also.

Our folks stood down, weapons away. The knives were bagged by the police. The sergeant arrived, huddled with his officers.

"Bellamy is my name." I repeated my brief run of events his eyes on me. It was interrupted by the dog coming around, he was wobbly but quiet, the collar TIGHT in Tai's hand. Jaidee was silent close to my leg.

Animal control arrived taking the doberman to a van, a slow walk. I asked to speak to the officer afterwards he said he would return.

Bellamy had a look at PJ and Tai's credentials. They were licensed properly by New York state and city. Bellamy didn't seem happy about it though mumbling about guns everywhere.

I rolled my eyes at Cho, he whispered, "Just go with it now."

I was chilled by then and Jaidee was calm but like me cold and needed to be indoors. I asked Bellamy since they had our address and phone could we go home now. He didn't respond.

I took a call turning away from him, "Hi Mike, I'm glad you did! Yes, Bill and his folks do seem to have a good plan. In Washington Square, we had a dust-up with a loose dog and some guys with knives. Our Security dealt with it. No shots fired just controlled the events with drawn weapons. We're waiting. A sergeant is grumbling about our people being armed. 6th Precinct. Sure! Thanks!"

I walked back to Cho and the still unhappy sergeant who was again conferring with his two officers. I told Cho about my call from Mike.

I got to talk to the animal control officer, the dog was dazed, breathing okay and eyes were reactive correctly. Ribs bruised but he didn't think any were broken but they'd check. He said the lady can kick because the doberman was a larger than usual.

The sergeant got a call on his radio, he turned it down moving away. The conversation didn't appear to make his disposition any nicer but after he said we could leave now. We did right away.

At our elevator Mike called again. He'd spoken to the precinct commander and that fellow apparently radioed the sergeant. Mike said he suggested holding us there wasn't worthwhile as we lived such a short distance away and in the precinct. I thanked him for doing that.

"Well a few folks remember me."

I laughed at that, "Mike more than a few! Thanks again!"

Petra was with us and answered the house line when it chirped. Handing it to me, "A police captain, Kerns?"

He intro'd himself and said he radioed the sergeant to send us home... "yes Mike called, he said you were good people...Yes I would like to speak to you... half a dozen blocks...thanks I'll be over shortly."

Cho was grinning, "I think I will go out for a while."

I jumped at him, "No...don't leave me!"

I held on as we laughed loudly. A kiss, "Tell Roslyn so she will have something ready." I did.

In ten minutes Petra escorted a NYPD captain in his blue uniform into the suite. We shook hands and lead him into the living room. Kerns looked like he'd seen some years of service but was still spry.

We explained our knowing Mike and that we owned several properties in this precinct. He'd heard about the multi-floor parking garage and its new partial occupant. He liked we painted over the dull mud concrete color. And we told him it was paired with the repair space on Leroy Street.

Down to cases I repeated my recital of events, he was intro'd to PJ and Tai. They told him their versions which included their individual movements. Kerns got it! They were professionals!

Kerns told us the men were `shakedown' artists. They used their dog as a threat to extort money from people in parks. They were being sought but hard to catch as they moved around to different parks throughout Manhattan.

Today Jaidee's presence and that he didn't run away from their dog made it different. He was very happy the men were in custody. Several dogs and owners had been bitten, several seriously. We were thanked profusely! Jaidee too!

Coffee and a nice assortment of cookies and we talked about things in his precinct. I could see he had the rough edges filed down by years of service but suspected he could be hard when needed. He'd known Mike for twenty five years or more since he'd come on the force.

"Well folks, it is nice to have you both here in Greenwich Village. I don't know what the District Attorney will make of those two hoodlums, we'll keep in touch."

Cho let him know we'd be in California for a horse race then in Bangkok.

"If you need anything or for us to be here we will."

Hands shaken and a thanks for the coffee and sweets things.

He was grinning, "I'm a sucker for a sugar cookie!"

Kneeling with Jaidee in my arms, a look up at Cho, "Our little guy does have `good heart' he stuck by me! Willing to meet the challenge! My brave man!"

Many kisses for Jaidee! And for Cho! "You guys were an attractive target they figured you for someone who would pay after being intimidated. Maybe we should put an advertisement in the Times to warn other criminals that you are a tough cookie?"

Laughing was easy even after the mornings events. I was well protected and had influential friends! Keeping my balance in this new life was hard but I was being given plenty of practice. At least lately it had been all non-personal. I had an internal grin at that thought!

In the shower with Cho, hot water, suds and fingers roaming!!

`Event magnet' in my ear which got the speaker a tug on his cock! The water flowing over me as I cupped Cho's delightful ball sac and tugged some more! Kisses and several fingers going to intimate places on me! We kissed, played and washed.

Black leggings with a tiny black thong under, a black cutoff T that I put on under an unbuttoned bright blue and black big checked flannel shirt. Shiny black spike heels, silver jewelry, the silver heavy belly chain I loved. Cho fastened the anklet for me. Black pea coat and gloves! `Joy" naturally!

`Tight' blue jeans with blue and white checked shirt, brown ankle boots! I loved how Cho looked!! He threw a brown bomber jacket over with gloves!

Gil and Francis both looking good joined us with Tai and Rande for a walk west on Bleecker to Baker & Co. for an Italian lunch. We were in the double booth in the back. Two orders of calamari for the table to start.

I went for the kale & endive salad, I adore gorgonzola! Then the crab Eggs Benedict! Mimosa!

I got a cappuccino afterwards and a mouthful of Gil's Caramel Budino gelato! I was good to go!

We did some shop window looking and stopped in Oliver & Co. I bought some orange blossom honey and chocolate covered almonds. Snacks and for breakfast!

Across Bleecker at Murray's Cheese I bought a half pound of Shropshire Blue and their French Double Crème brie! A few tastes of others too. Cho really liked the Colston Basset stilton. So a half pound of that came home too.

We walked back down Bleecker, Cho got a quick look at the Little Red School House. Smiles!

Gil got a confirmation call from Terrance about the drive to Pleasant Valley tomorrow. Beverly and Sam knew we were coming.

AND flight details for Gerald and Antonio to Bangkok! We'd host them for a few days or so then lend the Phuket house for some alone time in the sun for them.

I was outside with heaters and coffee and plate of the cheeses, working. Cho in the living room, Gil and Francis in the office doing Project stuff. Francis came running out calling to me, Cho too! "They found Glover's stashed money! It's in an account under his father's name! The account had been dormant after his father's death but became active again several years ago in a Guernsey bank. A Met detective working in financial crimes found it. There's nearly two million pounds!"

High fives and fist bumps!! The Company should be able to recover it but it will take some time and fuss. Still good that Glover wouldn't have it!

In the foyer with Rande and Tai waiting for Cho. Cocktails and chat at Wattna trade group thing in a Mid-Town hotel. We were going to mingle only, no speaking. The Thai UN ambassador and the local consul for New York City would be there too.

Informal, so I choose the Herno tweed sequin jacket and the Nehru collared long sleeved silk shirt, the Armani sleek black slacks, spike heels and silver bits everywhere. My tummy peeking out when the jacket was open. A black leather car coat and gloves. A small black leather shoulder bag, a thin strap, silver star on the flap closure.

Cho came out, a black slender cut suit, pale gray shirt, French cuffs. A narrow dark silver gray tie with slender short red vertical stripes cascading down. Yum!

Tai in black also, a pants suit, tapered slacks and a narrow lapel jacket with a light lavender blouse. Ankle boots. Rande in a dark gray suit, white shirt and pale red tie.

We looked great!

Off with Terrance. He was smiling big! We zoomed uptown. The Club Quarters Hotel on W. 51st Street. They had a separate meeting room setup as a cocktail party and buffet space where we met Manat, the consul, he was representing Wattna. The UN ambassador Yonno had met Cho before, I was intro'd. I got nice bows from the men.

Yonno smiling, "I had heard from a friend at home that a beautiful young woman had captured Cho's heart. It is a pleasure to meet that woman."

I was laughing, "I do think we both were throwing ropes over the other at the same time."

He laughed, "I hope you are quite happy. You look quite good together. Well I assume our guests are ready to relax after several hours of having trade and economics thrown at them."

I agreed as the doors to the neighboring meeting room opened and the crowd nearly all men came in looking like they were desperate for refreshment. I laughed as I gave that description to Yonno. He laughed also as a fellow came up to him.

I was intro'd to him, he was a United States Department of Commerce representative. Mr. Rottman gave me a good looking over and I excused myself rapidly. Yonno had an ironic smile as I said I would catch up with him later.

I plunged into the crowd near the bar, it was a scrum. I was going to hold off when a waitress asked what I wanted. Cute, nice smile "Nicole' on her name tag, she got me a club soda and lime and a coke for Tai. So I bypassed the mob. I thanked her, another smile.

I asked if she worked these things for the hotel or a caterer? She was temping with a caterer while out of school. I thanked her again. Tai was nearby, Nicole gave several sidelong glances at Tai. MMMMMMMM

I started to wander saying hellos to various men since being one of the few women we all drew the masculine attention. I edged in at the buffet looking for something easy thinking Cho was going to have to get me lots of food later!

A fellow stepped back nearly on my foot, Tai's hand on my arm steadied me when I hopped back as her other kept the man from moving. He was surprised and a bit taken aback by her strength as she sort of pinned him to a table. I moved aside and she released him. He mumbled an apology, I smiled. Tai stepped back to let him move. I winked at her which brought out that lovely smile, little fist bumps!

I could see Nicole wide-eyed close by. I'd spilled some of my drink, fortunately not on me. Nicole went for a new one. Back in a flash she took the old one giving me AND Tai a huge grin. I nudged Tai and thanked Nicole as I moved over to where Cho was.

I had a strong arm around my waist, a smile from the woman who was talking with Cho and a another fellow. She said to me it looked dangerous over at the food.

I agreed. She was with a chemical company, only organic products she hastened to mention. We chatted, I gave her some insights on the work force that might be available pointing out several computer hard drive makers had been in Thailand for decades. And the educational standards were very good.

I let her know I had first-hand knowledge of what I was saying as The Company had recently completed a huge upgrade of The Railroad computer systems and trackside equipment.

"You were involved how? Sorry I don't mean to be rude but.. well you haven't the look of an engineer."

I explained I was an network engineer during part of the project later I had been promoted. I was now a deputy MD for The Company based in Bangkok.

She looked over at Cho, I forestalled questions. "Yes, were are together."

I held up my hand. Her eyes popped at the big pearl! I felt naughty and she was quite good looking, about forty, slender, nice shape in a woman's business suit. I hated those things. Not flattering!

So I said I was hot and opened the Herno jacket, slipping it off. Several inches of my tummy were now display, the silver chain through my belly ring with two somewhat firm nipples poking at the soft silk. My companion choked a bit on her drink!

Cho gave me a `what are you up to" look, I sweetly smiled which I think made him wonder more but...

I excused myself to try for food again. She thanked me for my insights on Thailand. HhhhhMmmmm that was nice of her. Noreen, chemical, organic...filed!

Tai came along side with a smile, I asked about Nicole.

I got a sunburst smile, "She's nice, studying for a masters' degree in child welfare and..."

She stopped, Tai was new to this detail, my hand on her arm looking into her eyes. She got it, "She's gay like me."

The last was said with pride, a cheek kiss for her, "Good! Although you won't get many chances to date when you are with us."

She understood, "but I have Nicole's email and cell number!"

"Fast worker, you!"

We giggled, I slipped the jacket back on, "I was having fun with someone, showing off my bits but there's a chill in here."

More giggles. She had seen the woman's reaction.

As we approached the food again Nicole came over with fresh drinks, "Thank you, Nicole!"

I raised my eyebrows with a grin. She giggled, "You two talk I'll try the food once more."

A sassy-haired cute young woman helped me get a small plate of cheeses and some delicious looking dark bread. She aimed me away from the sushi and salmon with a no no' in her brown eyes. Keisha' also got me some black olives and tiny carrots.

She adored my clothes. I opened the jacket, her eyes widened!!!

"Miss that's hot! I love the chain!"

I told her my fiancé likes buying jewelry, I held up left hand. Those brown eyes almost popped out of their sockets!

"Miss your fiancé is a man of real taste!"

Cho slid his arm around my waist, I got a kiss! Keisha did a hand fan of her face with a woohoo smile.

Cho liberated some of my cheese and bread, I said dinner somewhere. I got a definite YES!

I saw Noreen across the room, in Cho's ear, "Did you speak with her long? What did she say?"

"She had approached me as I started talking to the other fellow and got in a question about shipping of liquefied materials. I don't know much about that but gave her a contact in the Bangkok Port office."

Cho's eyes on mine, "And you?

I gave him my short-lived conversation rundown. Cho asked about the jacket thing. I laughed, "I gave her a brief view of my bits."

I was giggling Cho squeezed me and kissed me again! We wandered talking to various folks until I saw Manat. We spoke for a few minutes, he said the Ambassador had left after meeting us, he'd given a short talk to the attendees.

Manat thought Wattna would be pleased with the gathering. A good sized crowd who seemed to be attentive. So we mingled a bit more staying together with Rande and Tai in a distant hover.

Manat sent a few people our way to ask questions. Basic and complicated, we did our best to answer them all. I saw Noreen again she was preparing to leave.

"So was this what you expected or needed?"

She smiled, "Yes, I got some good info to go along with research we'd already done. I think we'll be interested in Bangkok. AND... Well... your part was unexpected but the highlight of the evening!"

We had a good laugh at that! We said our goodbyes.

Cho surrounded me, "Gil got us a booking at Jane Restaurant so it is food time!"

YES! We were off as soon as Terrance slid up to the door.

Jane is on Houston Street four blocks or so from our place. Terrance got a hug as we were dropped out front of the restaurant. We planned to get some air and walk home.

We had a booth/banquette thing at the rear, Tai and Rande at a table next to us. FOOD!!!

Mushroom soup!! Seafood cobb salad hold the bacon! Grilled snapper! We went for a California Russian River chardonnay, nice, good fruity-earthy taste.

I dove in head first! It was nearly nine so my tanks were empty! Cho laughing but doing a good job of eating his too! Espresso for after.

Tai and Rande enjoyed themselves! I watched a tiramisu disappear from in front of Tai!!

Outside we walked west on Houston to Sixth Avenue. Then a right up to Minetta Street. A nice walk, not too cold or windy. We got Jaidee and went out again, Gil too. Mr. Snooper gave Minetta Street his Okay after a complete check! He also managed to do his business which made more smells for some other dog!

In bed wrapped up by Cho seeing Jaidee snuggled in his. I pushed my tush back...ooooohhhhh nipple rings gently tugged. A kiss on my neck, a squeeze!

Looking out from the back of the kitchen booth at Roslyn working. The space was big, she moved around easily laying out a tray of breakfast eats for the Security staff. Petra and Tony came up to claim it! Big smiles over the warm pastries and fruit!

I really liked that we provided food for all our employees at our homes. It was good to have them fed and it was a wonderful bonding thing! Paternalistic maybe... but it fit with us.

Terrance's smile was huge as he handed me into the car, "Nice day for a drive!"

We laughed! I snuggled back against Cho, those arms slipping around me.

There had been a wonderful shower earlier I cornered him and demanded Cho cum! He surrendered to my demands! I got to suck the finest cock! Warm cockhead unveiled! I nursed it into a full blown hardon then devoured it!

My reward...delicious Cho cum and some splendid kissing! Also a nice rubdown with a big towel after!

Red leggings, white cutoff T, black long sleeve big pullover jumper, black Nordstrom ankle boots. Silver jewelry, `Joy' Red lips and nails!! Cho behind in the mirror cupping one ass cheek, gently bouncing the little thing.

"Damn I like this!" My grin then arms around me. Off downstairs.

Terrance's driving seemed effortless, so smooth. Anticipating what was ahead. PJ and Ansara so calm but working in the jump seats and up front. We zoomed north to Sam and Beverly's. We were out of the city faster than I remembered or maybe it was Cho's warm body holding me...the brown puppy on the seat against my thigh.

Sam welcomed us. Beverly was in town, back soon. Sam had us go down to the track. Jackson was working Hansa.

Jaidee on his lead got to meet the stable dogs, a golden retriever and a cute Staffordshire terrier. Both cute happy puppies!. I held him close, so much going on. Some ducks and a goose wandering by he wanted to meet. Later maybe.

The sun on Hansa's beautiful body... damn she glowed as her muscles played under the jockey's urging. So smooth!

Jackson leaned on the fence beside us, "Miss she's like liquid flowing! Monaco was here a week ago saying she runs nearly as gracefully as Glaa. I've seen some video of him and WOW!"

He said she had no problem working, giving a good effort. Smart, learning fast! He knew we were aiming her towards the distaff races at Saratoga in the summer.

"She'll be ready! The weather's improving and she hasn't shown any problem with the chillier climate."

Fist bumps! She was fabulous to watch. We stayed for lunch with Sam and Beverly, munching we talked about Hansa and the horses they got for Seattle.

Andy would come in with the horse transport aircraft bringing Guy and Chess, pick up the six here. Five from them and Artis from Thayer. I'd asked about him selling Artis to us but we decided on a loan.

Andy would go on to Kentucky to get two horses from Roundell and Sasha. Last stop Seattle. Ten to start and see what might be available locally after we size up the demand.

Kay had emailed that she was being Andy's `decorator' getting furniture and all the usual linens, kitchen stuff, etc... for his house on the stable property. The Security folks at our house on Queen Anne were doing the last of the install at the Magnolia site. There'd be a control at the stable and on Queen Anne in a new office we were opening in annex to Greg's conferencing software company building.

The building would have links to the Queen Anne house and Magnolia, video and sensors all hooked in with a twenty four hour staff.

Cho beside me as we watch Hansa roam around the paddock, I hip bumped him, "Should make an offer on the Seattle house? We like it."

He nodded, "I'll give the lawyer a call tomorrow to discuss an offer. No reason to wait. There's another house about half a mile from the stables I am interested in. It looks out over the Puget Sound northward from Magnolia. It somewhat odd layout but interior pictures show it to be comfortable and a bit old-fashioned. It has a dock. I will show you on an iPad later." We did a nice kiss!

Dinner at the Stone House in the kitchen beside the fireplace! Gil and I grilled trout, whipped potatoes, baked veggies with tons of cheese on top. Pugliese style loaves and butter. Strawberry tarts with creame sauce. We bought the tarts, too much work! Francis helped us and Cho did the fire.

Espresso and afters! We all sitting around the warmth... chilling out!

Our Security folks, Terrance and his second driver all went into town for pizza! The place was recommended by Sam and Beverly. They said it was great! We'd try it on another trip.

Cho showed me the pictures for the other Seattle house he mentioned as we snuggled in bed with Jaidee. It looked like it belonged in the English countryside. The main building had three bedrooms on the second floor, the master suite had a fireplace. All the bedrooms had private bathrooms! Big dormer windows in the main house and the staff cottage bedrooms.

The main floor had a large sitting room with a media room to the north which had floor to ceiling windows like the sitting room which let you go out onto the lawn. They both had fireplaces. The dining room let out on a terrace with access to the lawn and views as with the other rooms northward over the Puget Sound and the entrance to the Ship Canal and Ballard Locks.

The kitchen was connected by a short hallway, large airy room, excellent work spaces, new appliances and two pantries. One right in the room, another in the cellar which was also the wine cellar. There was a dumb waiter connecting to the basement pantry. An eating area with a large table seating ten next to a huge west facing window.

Cho grinned, "Yes we could put in a booth. No fireplace though."

Down an enclosed hallway was a cottage setup as an office, further along that hallway was the garage, room for four cars, a work space and storage. It had doors of wood with glass panels that opened outward and could fold back away from the entry. A small apartment at the back which had been the chauffeur's in the past.

At the end of that long enclosed hallway was a cottage for staff. Two apartments with small efficiency kitchens and full bathrooms one above the other with one front door and a side door to the garage giving covered access to the long hallway.

The linking hallway had windows to open in summer, heated in winter. The lawn surrounding the house looked soft and was fenced all around and gated at the end of the drive. The north end had a terrace overlooking the Puget Sound with steps down to a dock extending out some seventy five feet or more. The terrace was supported by concrete covered with ivy, deep sand covered ground. A beach play place for Jaidee!

Inside the fencing were tall thick hedges so the neighbors couldn't be seen at all. Cozy, private, handsome place. Nearly two acres of land, some very nice older trees and nice flower and shrub planted areas. Cho wanted it for us! Okay!

Sun just barely showing when we rolled up to the big 767. The bright white glistening in the dawn light. Off right away, pressed back in the chair as the jet rushed down the runway. Light and then up quickly! A big hard starboard turn straight on towards Santa Monica.

Glaa racing tomorrow in the San Felipe Stakes. Now as a three year old every race would be watched closely even by those who didn't care much about racing but were just news junkies. We would be in the limelight if Glaa continued his success. Monaco was certain he had the right training and good health he'd be spectacular!

I curled up with electronics on a sofa. Email, reports, proposals and texts! I checked in with all my daily correspondents, baby news, horses, staff on jobsites, my Jian!

She was doing fine organizing the clinic staffs, following up with the construction folks from Kotro to Boxes to the site preparation company. She and Anong doing interviews, ordering equipment and supplies. They were sharing my office for now but we needed to get them somewhere to settle into, the back of a clinic idea was too far off.

Cho said for Jian to call the property agent, there may be suitable space in the same building. Yes! I fired off an email!

We'd see Alex in Venice. He had moved down from Seattle to our building and was between trips. Nell from New York had moved in also. She was happy about being in Los Angeles.

The day went by quickly as I worked. Coffees were separated by FOOD! Lis and Tan had the duty. They were attentive, unobtrusive and had learned about my quirky food intake!

Mira let us know we were on approach to Santa Monica. The big bird glided to touchdown softly, Mira had the touch. After we parked I found out it was Stephanie at the controls. I did fist bumps for the landing. Laughing Stephanie said she was learning it from Mira!

Leslie was on the tarmac with the vehicles, he gathered us up. Francis was doing some rubbernecking looking at the new place as we zoomed down Ocean Park Boulevard.

Cho said he was playing a round of golf with Pedro at the Riviera Country Club course. Pedro was a member and had a tee time for two o'clock. He was taking Rande and meeting Pedro at his place on Amalfi Drive about five blocks from the club.

I changed to canary yellow short shorts and a bright blue cutoff long sleeved pullover jumper. Brown ankle boots with zip sides, gold bits and sun glasses. Gil and Francis joined me and Tai for a Jaidee jaunt down the boardwalk.

I got a Cho kiss! He looked great in navy slacks and a pale blue polo shirt. Muscles! MMMMMMMMM

Sunny, the breeze had a slight chill off the water but it felt great! We headed south so we could wander the shops along the boardwalk. Jaidee did the same fire hydrant as last time over again!

We went down the beach Jaidee loved the sand. He was quite talented at digging! Finally all his business done we reached the boardwalk.

Francis got us all lattes and we browsed the shops.

I dove into `Boardwalk Vintage' offerings! I got a "Lee" jean jacket, just plain no frills. Red cutoff jean shorts! They started life as hip huggers, snug to my slim build resting low on my hips!! A white cutoff peasant blouse with long flowing sleeves, white on white embroidery on the bodice.

OOOOO a Hawaiian shirt in blue with white and yellow hibiscuses! The colour would be great for Cho. His size!!! I was feeling great!!

Gil bought two shirts for herself, Hawaiian and a tank top. Tai bought three muscle shirts in several colours. She modelled one, HOT body!

We headed home. A stop at `Small World' Books. I went looking for some Orwell. I got one of each of his in hardback! Mostly excellent condition too. Gil helped haul them home.

Dolores served a lovely creamy tomato soup, spicy! Veggie burgers and chips aka in America as French fries! We three sat outside.

"Francis do you play golf?"

No, he wasn't much on sports. Always hated games at school. He laughed, "I fell over a lot, just not coordinated at that age."

I told about my games hell times. Francis gave me a look I suddenly realized he hadn't been let in on my `secret!'

I remedied that right away. Incredulity on his face, like Mike the other night, he would have called me a liar except it was me telling him.

"I'm unsure about knowing because it doesn't actually matter. You are you, Fay is Fay, there just isn't anyone else."

I laughed, arms wide, "That is surely true!" We did fist bumps!

Me on the terrace under a blanket as the sun decided to hide doing work. Cho came bounding out to hug me, spreading himself all over me!

He played `par' at the Riviera! "The course is right for my game, two birdies and two bogeys the rest straight par!"

Pedro said he could play whenever he liked! They enjoyed their game time! My guy was elated with his play I could see he wasn't coming down from the high soon! Kisses!

"So you interested in being a member?"

"No, at least not now. I will see how often we are around and whether Pedro need be with me. We played together, just us but I think the club knows about him so no pressure to make a foursome."

I ran my fingers through that lush dark hair, "Well, we'll be keeping a barn at Santa Anita right? So..."

Cho shrugged. We went in to dinner.

Dolores served a nice broiled halibut, very creamy dill potatoes, asparagus in a butter sauce, soft rolls with spice infused butter! Yummy! Coffee ice cream in a wafer bowl lightly drizzled with a white chocolate sauce, I ate the whole thing bowl included, well... you were supposed to.

Afters around the inside fireplace, warm and cozy curled up with Cho on a sofa with espresso and amaretto! Francis and Gil giving us some reports on The Project. The Target was quiet, there were now few outstanding shares left out. Petra and Mary were going to do a practice run-through of take-over day next week.

We took Jaidee out for a walk. It was a nice evening, mild. Sitting on the sand with Cho's arm over my shoulders watching the surf and Jaidee on the lead digging a hole. Gil and Francis going down the beach a bit, Rande and Ansara walking with them.

PJ helping Jaidee? Well...maybe... but he seems quite capable of digging to China alone. Tai behind us with one of Leslie's people.

Up early, sunny day. Coffee and on the phone right away. Eight hours difference between us and London. Reg had some test sensors ready to install on several roads in the city. Ten blocks on each, 4G signal to a test server at The Company. Interval timing, ID vehicles, speed, etc... We'd capture a lot of data quickly!

Douglas had a team completing a trial APP so in a week the data would flow. BIG distance hugs!

Rona and Margaret Fay Alexandria both spectacular!! The little lady sleeping so well, Rona's parents going home after the weekend. Good luck for Glaa! He was going to put a wager down at a bookie just for MFA, any winnings would go to new socks!

I called Washington, D.C., Gerald and Antonio were ready to fly! Gerald emailed their flight info to Gil to arrange a pick-up. The plan was to stay with us for a few days then go to Phuket to burn in the sun. Some alone time except for Anodo and Pha and of course Ty.

Cho and I talked about a property in South Carolina, horse country in Aiken County. Four hundred and fifty acres with possibly more in woods adjacent. Older house in a grove of live oaks, remodeled with five bedrooms, two ensuite. Large main room , dining room, den/office and a media room with fiber optic link. Large kitchen with an alcove that was mostly a big booth with doors to the porch. Covered porch all around main level and large balcony off master suite. Hardwood floors and stone fireplaces in main room and master suite.

Garage for three cars, two separate one bedroom apartments above with kitchenettes. A stone terrace that wrapped around the pool and spa.

Center aisle barn for thirty horses and twenty stall summer barn, three training ovals and two tracks. Lots of storage and equipment! Twelve paddocks with water and four pastures for hay and grazing. Room to build more housing and plant vegetables.

It was six or seven miles east of Aiken city limits, twenty five or so northeast of Augusta. Very hot humid summers, mild winters so training could go on through the winter. I asked if it was needed as we have barns at Santa Anita Park where winters were mild if a bit wet sometimes. Why not in Kentucky? Came back from Cho.

I wasn't happy about buying property anywhere in America's South. California just seemed a better place.

We continued as we dressed for the San Felipe Stakes. A slight chill. I chose a long sleeved navy blue mid-thigh tight frock with a scoop bodice and matching belt. A wispy black lace garter belt holding navy stockings up, black lace undies and bra. Navy heels. A short navy blue wool jacket with three large round silver buttons, navy blue leather gloves. Deep red nails and lips. Cho applied `Joy' as I dressed and helped with the silver jewelry all around my body!

I had his hand looking in the big mirror, we were smashing! Cho was in navy blue also, the suit cut perfectly for him, very white shirt, navy and black flowered tie! We grinned at each other. A discreet kiss, no mussy.

Tai and Rande were handsomely dressed also one in blue the other in black. Tai's black suit cut to be stylish but giving some room to move and cover her weapon.

A kiss for Jaidee. Gil and Francis joined us. Gil in a very nice royal blue dress and jacket, Francis in a black suit with a tie I liked, red and green but muted colours.

I had little gift boxes for each. They were little crest shaped pins in the Harcourt Racing colours, green with a yellow bar diagonally from top left to bottom right. They were lapel pin size. I was smiling as Cho pinned mine on. Everyone smiling. PJ and Ansara were seeing us off and wearing theirs. They would go out with Dolores and Jaidee while we were gone.

Leslie was ready! Off! Cho and I picked up the conversation about property buying. The Aiken County area was well known horse territory but I was reserved about the state of race relations in South Carolina. The white bigot boy had killed the Charleston church goers less than a year ago and despite all media coverage I didn't think the racists change. I remembered what Beverly had said about what it meant to fall in love with a black man in the South. It had stuck with me, she knew about no-no's!

Cho didn't try to minimize my doubts, he understood that on our land our word was law but off was different. I did say that Beverly's father hadn't been racist but rather a snob and he got over that.

We left off when the cars rolled up to the barn. We made a brief visit with Glaa! He seemed pleased to see us. Monaco had been thrilled with Glaa's training so was confident. Mike, his jockey, was riding another mount in a race going off shortly so we'd wait to talk later.

A hand on my arm, RING! We hugged, Cho had his hand.

"You didn't think I'd miss this fellow's first race as a three year old did you?"

Ringgold had a huge grin! He'd seen the training times, "He's done everything Monaco asks and more. No horse is more ready."

Our group drove over to the grandstand. Monaco would come up after Glaa was saddled. We had a box almost on the finish line.

I felt happy, Glaa was good! Cho leaned over asking about bets or... I took his hand, "I don't know anything about any horses here so I won't bet except on Glaa, Okay?"

My hand was squeezed, a smile, "How much?" The odds were steady at 3-1 for Glaa. I said five thousand. A kiss!

Francis and Rande went with Cho, us ladies sat together with Ringgold. I got out my glasses to look around the park. The finish line opposite, The start off to the left. The track is a one mile and the Grade II San Felipe stakes set at one mile and a sixteenth. The winner's circle was at track level directly below us.

I lent my glasses to Gil. Ring and I chatted about other prep races for the Kentucky Derby. He said he heard lots of talk about Glaa, many folks not knowing much.

Tai smiling behind her sunglasses but she was working. The fellows returned after a while.

I got a white wine and a collection of win tickets for Glaa in the San Felipe! We sat back and watched the doings. Several good races with spirited fights to the finish!

I was relaxed when the thought hit me, "Cho, maybe we should consider asking Beverly if her father would sell his Virginia place to us. We'd keep it as a going concern and he would be free to do other things."

Cho's eyes on mine, "Damn Fay that is quite a thought!"

I stood up, "I'm going out to the back to make the call!"

Cho hugged me, "Go Girl!"

Tai was up and we went up the aisle, out through the betting area. Beverly picked up. I gave her my idea. She thought it was fabulous. Her dad had a good man doing the day to day so we wouldn't have to worry about that to start. She was certain he would like the idea of horse people taking over.

"He wouldn't have to move out any time soon because we can't be there much this year."

We left it she would call him to let him know of our interest, get him thinking about the idea. And she would send an email with everything about the farm.

We were both happy!

Cho standing arms open. I delivered a big kiss and the details. We would leave it like that for now.

Our man was up shortly. The saddling was going on now, post parade set to go. We watched the horses come out. Glaa glistening in the sun, moving calmly like always. I watched through the warm ups, he looked ready. Loading...my hand in Cho's...CLANG...they were off!

Glaa went straight to the front accelerating to the turn the other eight straggling behind. In my glasses Glaa moved around the turn smoothly and on the first part of the back straight I could see him change leads, so automatic.

Halfway down the back straight he was five lengths clear gliding along, no straining, easy. As he approached the second turn Mike was sitting quiet, a statue on Glaa's back. I saw Glaa begin to pick up the pace, maybe a chirp from Mike , no pressure from the other horses. He decided it was time.

I put down the glasses so I could see it all. Glaa's stride lengthened, driving hard with his back legs as the forelegs snapped out at the track you could see the lead widen rapidly. At the head of the stretch he was eight lengths free then his speed really kicked in.

The Eighth pole went by with more than eleven lengths separating him from the field. Mike hand riding, still as stone in the irons. Glaa blew past the finish line all alone by fourteen lengths in a time of 1:38:03!

More than two seconds below the stakes record!

Glaa had simply run just a spectacular race. The crowd was going wild, cheering and clapping! Our box was jumping up and down, hugs, kisses, and fist bumps all around!

I was held tight by Cho's hand and an arm around Monaco still bouncing! We had to go down. Monaco led the way. The track and stakes folks were all smiles! We shook a lot of hands before Glaa made his way to the winner's circle.

Eddie, the groom, had a lead shank on Glaa. I stroked that handsome face. "My big fast man!"

Glaa nodded his head. Mike has grinning ear to ear. The ceremony done I stood aside with Ringgold, "Fay, all he has to do is stay healthy, there's not another three year old to touch him!"

I squeezed his hand! We watched Glaa walk away for his testing and return to the barn. My arm around Mike, "So is it easier to ride him?"

"Miss, it is because I trust him and he trusts me. Over the winter we worked hard together! He knows I will do my bit keeping him clear of trouble and he runs the way he wants. I've never ridden a smarter horse."

No more races for today for us. We headed to the barn. Gil and Francis stayed to watch some more. News folks gathered with Cho and Monaco to talk today's race and the future. The Santa Anita Derby next month for sure!

Two couples came up the barn entrance where Leslie's folks stopped them. They asked to see me saying they were Sheila's family. I shook hands with them. I was congratulated over Glaa's win.

They were her aunt and uncle and first cousin and her husband. We talked about Glaa and Sheila and Alex, they had raved about the trip to Bangkok. And how wonderful it was to spend time in England.

They were breeding on a ranch ten miles east of Santa Anita Park, one of theirs won earlier in the day. He was owned by a local racing family who'd bought several from them in the last few years. They had good success in the last ten years making good money at the sales. Winners galore.

Gil called, we had to sign for our winnings. I said we come back to get her and Francis and do the signing.

I said goodbye to Sheila's folks saying maybe we'd visit next time we were in LA. The aunt gave me a business card with their info. Cheers!

We had a very happy dinner celebrating Glaa's win. Dolores fed us and we did some drinking of champagne on the terrace. I got to snuggle with Cho beside the fireplace under a clear night sky. Jaidee keeping my legs warm lying over me.

A sunny morning got me out with Jaidee and Gil! PJ and Ansara with us running on the sand. Not many folks around. Jaidee did what he needed to do and had some digging time. We didn't stay out long because Dolores promised French toast!!

Everyone in the big booth or on the outer edge chowing down! French toast was something new for our Thai bodyguards but the sweetness and buttery goodness brought out smiles! I'd have to give Amporn lessons on this!

Work for a while as we were taking off for Bangkok tonight after dinner. Lori and Shira were coming down from Malibu!

It was great to see them both and Letti. Hugs and kisses. I had Lori alongside me on the terrace, "So..."

I was smiling waiting for the report.

Lori kissed my cheek, "Well...we are good together! Sex is daily and orgasmic! We teach each other things in and out of bed. Shira worries about money in that she doesn't want to be `kept!' I understand..." An arm slipped around me, "Damn I don't want her to leave!"

"You have a problem. I don't have the experience to help you. I wasn't worth billions but I had valuable property and a fairly good salary when I met Cho. We also knew we wanted to be together forever...AND you?"

A smile, "I'm at the point where I could feel like you two but Shira is younger, less worldly... I don't know more willing to be footloose?"

I put my hands on Lori's shoulders, looking into her eyes, "Have you asked?"


"Maybe you should! It would mean your relationship could take on a new look as perhaps a `sharing' one?"

Lori's face was sweet, "Thanks big sister!'

A kiss and hug. I was giggling over her shoulder setting her off too making us vibrate.

Dolores did grilled fish with lemon almond rice, tasty veggie assortment with lots of spices and asiago baked on. Little wheat muffins, slightly sweet and butter. Dessert was vanilla bean ice cream with a variety of toppings you could add yourself!! Newcastle beer!!

Afters in the main room around the fire. Lori had Shira's hand leading her outside... I leaned back on Cho whispering what I'd said to Lori. I was squeezed! A light neck kiss.

I kept my eyes on the doors to the terrace those two came with radiant faces! In front of Cho and I holding hands Lori smiled, "Can you release this employee from her work? She wants to stay with me!"

Cho said no! "At least not until we were married in Thailand to ensure..." a finger pointing to Lori... "you come to the wedding together!"

YES! Yes! Yes! Okay! Problem solved. Shira knelt down beside me, kiss and hug, in my ear, "Fay, thank you for talking with Lori!"

I held her beautiful face, grinning, "You won't have to work at the wedding, you're a guest now."

We kissed cheeks! Toast with Amaretto and brandies! "To Lori and Shira!" Huzza!!

Shira was hugged and kissed by her colleagues! She would see them again whenever we came to LA.

After they had left we finished packing, Leslie had cars downstairs. We were hauled off to Santa Monica Airport. Stephanie waiting in the cabin, "We're ready to go!"

Baggage onboard and parked in chairs, strapped in. Engines whining and we were moving. A short taxi, Mira on the tannoy, "We are off."

The surge as the 767 turned onto the head of the runaway, we rolled onward lights flashing by and up! Steep climb and roll to port. Turn completed, we powered into the dark sky!

Lis and Tan in the cabin for us. Espresso and amaretto for me, same for Gil. I watched Francis nose in a snifter of the Remy Martel Louis XIII, eyes closed. Cho smiling up at me as I parked beside him. Jaidee was chasing a tennis ball with PJ. Nice, peaceful!

Sleep came easy with my men. Cho snug against me, Jaidee looking so cute in his bed, brown against the dusky rose tinted cover.

"Gwen was breathing heavily, clouds of cold air from her nostrils as we stopped in the forest, listening. The sheriffs men thundered by on the road, a dozen men on horseback. In the dark they hadn't seen our turn to the right on a narrow path. They might not know I'd turned off for some time until after the ridge that was several miles or so ahead of them.

I wanted to double back but I waited. Being patient was its own reward when a few minutes later three riders came along the road. They weren't moving quickly. I couldn't see them but they weren't quiet enough. Gwen's breathing was soft now. One came to investigate the path opening and started to enter the wood.

A pistol cocked and aimed at the turn of the path we were hiding around. One of the others called him back. They went on.

We slowly moved towards the road, silence. I didn't need to go far on the road before reaching a turning to the west. Gwen eased onto the road, more silence. A slow trot on the dry surface to an opening in the trees and a hard right, over a small berm and through a hedge.

We galloped along the southern edge of the forest for some miles then north before turning south to the hidden stable. No one followed us.

I pulled my tack from Gwen's back, covered her with two blankets. I wrapped her legs with woolen strips and added lots of straw to the stall. Food and water, good oats and a full hay rack. As she ate I gave her a good brush and combing. Later she crunched the apple halves happily.

By six I was at home beside the fire in the drawing room with tea waiting for my breakfast. Housekeeper showed in two uniformed men, hats in hand, one a sergeant asked if they could speak to me.

There had been an attack on the sheriffs doing their duty arresting smugglers of contraband up the River Arun canal. Three men had been wounded by gunfire and a boat burned. Did my Patrol know of anyone crossing my property from the east?

I replied I didn't know.

I sent for the Patrol commander. Marshall came in shortly and I waved to the sergeant. He repeated his request which Marshall promptly answered in the negative. He and I were thanked and the sheriffs disappeared.

I motioned to Marshall and he sank into a chair with a big smile, long legs extending in relaxation.

"Sir, you drew those fellows off like flies to honey. We all withdrew easily after that. No causalities!"

I was pleased. My little Patrol's dual purpose suited me right down to the ground. Marshall has served in my regiment on the continent for several years and had done an excellent bit of recruiting. Our first foray a total success.

I was especially pleased by my `discussions' with the smuggler's leader. He knew it wasn't altruism on my part to drive off the sheriffs, he would be expected to bring in amongst his goods items that ordinary folk needed and could buy at a low price. He had winced but understood my position. I gave him the name of a vicar who would have a list of needed products.

Marshall went out to see to the men as I went into breakfast...

Alarum!! I nabbed the iPhone. Cho slept on but there was a tail wagging. I slid out to kneel next to the Brown Flash, I whispered things about tennis balls in the grass of home. More tail wagging!

While showering I worked on the dream. I wasn't creating a protection force or was I? My Crew? Was I protecting them? Was I helping people or...? Shit! Did Glaa's run fit in somehow? The vividness of the dream got me as they always did.

Dressed for a warm day in Bangkok. White pleated mini-skirt, navy blue cut off short sleeve top and white sandals. Various gold bits, red lips and nails! A white sweater for now in the aircraft air-conditioning.

I sipped coffee watching Jaidee plow into his food! Lis was making scrambled eggs, toast and fruit for me as Cho's head emerged from the cabin door, "Same for me!"

Lis smiling and nodding. I took coffee to the Man! I received a nice kiss as the razor buzzed.

Nicely fed, a few more kisses and I bounced a tennis ball Jaidee laser-locked on it. We went up and down the open space the little guy so happy with that green slightly gooey thing in his mouth. He rested with me on a sofa, he kept the ball I got coffee courtesy of Tan.

Stephanie on the intercom, we'd on the ground in forty minutes. Pack up done in a chair with water and an apple watching the ground come up to us. Nice smooth landing and a long taxi back to the north end of Don Mueang Airport. We transferred to a helicopter and lifted off quickly into the brilliant sun.

Amporn and Niran on the terrace waiting! Hugs!! Jian at work and Ting teaching. Cho was going to the Railroad, me to the office. A kiss before I got out of the car with Gil and PJ at my building entrance.

Jian! BIG hug and kiss!! Same for Kwang and Dusit!! Anong came next!!

Coffee on the terrace all together. We talked about miscellaneous things and Glaa. Later at my desk doing all sorts grinning over at Jian and Anong on their MacBooks using the rattan furniture and Sakda's tables as their office. Email, etc... then I joined them for an update to the clinic building.

Three sites were prepared, the base with plumbing and electricity almost in, the Boxes pods would be ready in two months! They had staffs of doctors, nurses and clerical ready for the first one. They were being trained on the software and clinic basic policies we created and assorted human resource issues.

More interviewing going on with a new person joining, Tala their new assistant for human resources. I got to meet her; petite, lovely face. She was doing background checks using a contract service the Railroad owned. Since the Chanthira Foundation clinics were organized as a healthcare non-profit, the contract service, via Cho and I, was donating its time by billing with zero costs but tracking the time used.

Equipment ordered and some in a warehouse the Foundation purchased which would become the distribution center for all stocked items. Delivery vans had been bought and marked. Drivers hired and were in a training program.

Jian very organized by nature was outdoing herself! Fist bumps and celebratory coffees.

Janine called she was to be in Bangkok tomorrow and wondered where we were. Laughing I told her we'd gotten in from California this morning. "Call when you're in and we'll get together." YES!

Gil had the folks at Suvarnabhumi Airport ready for Gerald and Antonio's arrival tomorrow morning. Kavat was also ready with one of the Gulfstream G550's for their trip to Phuket at some point this week.

We went downstairs one floor to look at the suite where Ni had first moved into but had out grown as starting place for the foundation. Modern furniture, very airy with many windows and a small terrace. It would need some more furniture and office equipment.

We got Tu and drove over to La Villa Mall and the iStudio Store! Bin hadn't seen us for a while so our invasion was all the more... titillating? Me, Jian, Anong, Gil and Tala rushed in and surrounded him. He was up to the challenge in every way even inside those tight pants!

Several 27" iMacs, a 3tb Time capsule, a Brother color workgroup printer, an iPhone for Tala and more! A nice big sale for the harassed by females Bin. I shook his hand thanking him for all his help! The larger items we would have picked up shortly, a car on the way.

Phailin called, Dad was being annoying so she sent him to the office. We laughed about that! He'd been eager to go back there from the first day! He was Okay, he'd get tired a bit faster but moving without pain. Happy to be at his desk!

Next stop the Market on Soi Sirijulasawake Silom for Newcastles, ten cases! Gil had a car coming for that and other things I bought. Ice cream a big item!

Tu dropped Gil and I at home before going back to the office with the three Foundation ladies. I declared bikini time! Gil was into it! We split up to change.

Navy blue with gold stars, pretty small, looking in the mirror, thumbs up! Out into the sun! Hot! Nice!

Niran made us mango lassi's! Sweet, tasty and cool!

A call from Alia, my local wedding planner, I conferenced in Gil. She was very happy! Invitations were being finalized, most everyone had answered in the positive! She was working with the Forest Palace staff and the caterers and Sumate about everything!

Alia mentioned that our request for donations to several charities we had in the invitations rather than gifts was being very favorable commented on. Good! We didn't need gifts but the charities could always use funds. The Chanthira Foundation wasn't in the list for obvious reasons.

"I have something quite important which prompted this call. The Prince and his wife have accepted the invitation!!"

Wow! I know Cho will be as pleased as me! The Prince had been so accepting of me and I thought genuinely interested.

Alia said his aide wanted to talk to Security about flying in with a helicopter, she gave the aide Sumate's contact info. Great! She also had re-arranged the guest positions to move the royal couple up to the front.

I called Cho, he wasn't vocal but I sensed he was pleased. I know he and the Prince had been friends quietly for some time.

Beverly called about her father's place in Upperville, Virginia. He was very interested especially as he knew about Harcourt Racing and Glaa. We were `horse people' which counted for a lot. I told Beverly to tell him to get a valuation done, a good one, no hurry! We would be in Virginia after the Kentucky Derby. Definitely in Richmond and Washington, D.C. We could go out to see him then. Beverly was so thrilled at my idea, she wanted him to spend more time in New York with her and the family. So she will keep in touch and pass on contact info for her father to use of he had any questions.

Good news today! Cho came home to a BIG hug and kiss. Later in bed we talked about both bits of news. The Upperville farm suited us well. Cooler summers, not a deep winter and a large piece of property to do many things. A highly trained staff with an experienced manager Beverly's father trusted! We wanted it!

The Prince. Cho said as a child he had been friends with him as their families had known each other for a century and more. In business and service to Thailand, they had mixed together. An aunt almost married into the royal family but had become a Buddhist nun, she had always been very devout.

"We played games and hung out, sharing tutors and family. His brother was not as easy to know and older so we were together a lot as a pair. Higher education separated us but we have remained in contact."

I snuggled close with Cho, Jaidee against my belly outside the bedclothes. My fingers playing over the warm brown body, his eyes closed some tongue hanging out. Funny guy!

Going up the outdoor steps to the Thai Airways wing at Suvarnabhumi Airport with PJ. Black leggings, a canary yellow cropped long sleeve polo shirt, black spike heels and silver jewelry. Blood red nails and lips! PJ had given me a wordless WOW! when I came out to the helicopter.

The Foreign Service officer's eyes popped, his youth showing. The Security policeman, older but a cough and a grin! We laughed and headed to coffee. PJ got his and kept watch on the gate.

I found out the policeman had a daughter at university, very proud! Studying computer science! Fourth year! I filed that away.

PJ with the high sign. We were prepared. The two of them came out of the jet way and were eased aside by the policeman then I pounced on Gerald! Laughing they were pleased, hugs and kisses. Gerald holding my hand up, "Miss Martin! Oh My!"

More laughing as their passports were done and we were off. They found themselves sitting in the electric cart whizzing across the tarmac following my pointing finger aimed at the helicopter. I got incredulous looks! Boarded and loaded we lifted off, spinning and rising rapidly. I was able to identify some landmarks that we'd visit.

At the dock Cho was there! Hugs and handshakes! They were in time for lunch! I said swimsuits, eat on the terrace and sun! I was a tease with the `dangerous' white bikini, Cho in his usual Speedo. The guys had Speedos too. Nice bodies, they took care of themselves!

Antonio holding his hand over his eyes, "Miss Martin, too much! I might have to re-consider this whole gay thing!"

Laughing, "Well, I'm taken but there are other fish in the sea."

"No, Miss, if I can't have you it must be Gerald."

He got a poke on his arm and a hug from Gerald!

Our guests were intro'd to Gil and Francis and Newcastle Beer! AND Jaidee! They liked them all!

Food from Amporn, grilled shrimp, little dumplings, baked marinated tofu squares with a honey peanut dipping sauce and a cool green curry soup! The restauranteurs were enjoying this!

We had a lively lunch, good food and friends. I led Amporn out to be praised. She got her hand kissed!

I had Antonio with me playing toss with Jaidee, so much fun watching the little guy dash around. We ended sitting on the brilliant sunlit grass with the Brown Flash taking a rest.

Antonio said they always closed the restaurant sometime after the holidays for three weeks or so to do a major cleanup and repair. The staff received pay but could earn more by helping with the work. There were always changes to the paint, this year the primary yellow was being changed to a softer warmer tone of the same basic colour. The carpeting would be deep cleaned, etc...

"We reopen with a party of invited people who are long time clients, they pay a set amount for a seat and we do the menu and wines."

I told Antonio we'd be in Virginia and D.C. in May after the Kentucky Derby. And we had a deal in progress to acquire a property on the eastern end of Upperville towards Middleburg. We'd be around some more when that happened.

"Good! We would enjoy seeing more of you...after today I suppose that might be impossible..."

We laughed out loud at that bon mot! We headed to the terrace for drinks! Cho was on his phone and Gil doing something on her iPad. She said Francis had Gerald in the office showing him an idea for a spreadsheet for the restaurant.

Antonio shaking his head, "Gerald likes his Excel spreadsheets to keep track of things. It seems to work as we have controlled our costs a good deal in the last few years."

Kiet brought us new beers, Antonio and I toasted. I gave him our plan for dinner at the Kiet family restaurant across the river on their terrace under the fairy lights in the trees! Amporn and Niran had the night off!

Tight blue jeans, a long flowing sleeves white cutoff peasant blouse off my shoulders, brown ankle boots, red lips and `Joy' I was ready for dinner. I liked the blouse I bought at Boardwalk Vintage!

Jian and Ting had met our guests and we all piled into cars for the short trip. Mr. Kiet took my hand, in Thai, "Miss Martin, it is good to see you."

He grinned when I replied in Thai. We chatted. It was fun to use my language skills!! Dinner was a groaning table of many delights. We sampled, shared, laughed. Gerald and Antonio obviously enjoyed themselves. We had our afters on the lantern lit terrace. Achara and Kiet taking care of us.

Walking around the grounds with Gerald and Jaidee. I asked if they were would take advantage of the new freedom to marry anyone you liked in America. A smile, "We will! Antonio is already my heir but have to think about family rights in case of illness or accident. I don't want him to be denied access to decisions about anything to do with my healthcare if I'm incapacitated or the reverse for him."

Arm in arm walked down the dock to the end looking over the water. Gerald could see the cameras and sensors, I got an uplifted eyebrow. As we turned back to the terrace I stopped us under a lamp and pointed to my arm below the raised sleeve.

"We've had a few issues and things we are doing will raise our profile a good deal so we are trying to be proactive."

I hugged him, "It's something we accept as part of a changing life."

Sipping more espresso and Amaretto, Cho sharing his Remy Martel Louis XIII cognac with our guests who put me onto to it!

Ting grinning as he looked at his iPhone. He'd applied for and had been accepted for a teaching position at University College Hospital in London. It was short term during the time when Andrea was expected to have the Jian child and after, about six months altogether. High fives for him! We raised our glasses! Smart planning!

I took Gerald and Antonio to the Grand Place in the morning. We took our time going over the entire grounds seeing things even I hadn't seen before. A bit footsore by day's end but it was a fabulous experience. My Thai was spot-on throughout our touring. I surprised several folks with my speaking so well. My language `ear' worked beautifully.

We ended by the pool! Tonight it was to be an Amporn feast! Phailin and Dad were coming over with Thoi and Kanda!

Crispy fish! Yea! The terrace tables were happy spots! We enjoyed Amporn's delicious dinner, good beer and wine. Our family meeting new friends from D.C.! Lots of laughter and fun!

Golf? Gerald liked to play so Cho and Ting took him in the morning! Dad wanted to play but not yet! He was doing so well, laughing he said he'd be with me at the wedding!

Antonio laid out in the sun! He'd missed his summer baking this past year `I will get a start on this year' I told him we had plenty of beer or try Niran's lassi's!

I was looking out over the city from my office terrace, a voice, "Fay, it's good to see you!"

Janine! Big hug! She looked great, a nice pale blue sleeveless dress, dark blue accessories. We got coffee and chatted. She was enjoying the work! I had her on the schedule to work on the New York State canal project! She was eager, it would start in two months. In between Janine would tour the Railroad with Kavnu and go to a job in France for Michael doing a sensor upgrade. Travel and lots of on the job training!!! She was Blooming!

Janine was still using the temporary apartment but moving to a new one soon. A furnished modern place in a building Cho and I owned. A sixth floor apartment. It had a main area opened to a sunny terrace with a kitchen/dining room alongside. A loft for sleeping, a big bathroom slash dressing room. She'd not have to worry about furniture, etc... as it was ready to go. Janine had been able to choose and was thrilled.

Janine had one dark spot in her new life, the ex! He wanted her to return the engagement ring since they divorced. He was being an ass especially as the ring wasn't a family heirloom. I'd gotten Thoi to help. He put her onto a good lawyer so it was a work in progress.

The new apartment was in a secure building and the tenants were encouraged to take their responsibilities seriously so she could feel safe there. She knew she could call our Security folks if need be.

Jian and Anong were out at one of the clinic sites watching the work on the foundation. Next the first modules would be placed and then `hooked up' to the plumbing and electrical. I missed her being in the office but this was all good! For her and the Foundation!!

I was waiting on the dock ready to board the helicopter to go Don Mueang. I was escorting Gerald and Antonio to the Cho-Fay Air facility. They were flying to Phuket for some days alone in the sun. Pha and Anodo would take care of their food, etc... needs but would give them plenty of privacy. Lots of hugs and thank yous beside the Gulfstream.

PJ drove me over to the stables. I took Roy out for a ride, my first time. We went easy to start but I asked for more down the exterior trail and he responded! We had a good ride, he enjoyed it you could tell.

An apple went over well afterwards. I spent some time with Carmen, talking and caressing with a brush and comb. She was a sweet girl.

The next week was all work with several days going to the stables to ride both horses. On the way back I collected our browned boys from Phuket. All toasted and happy! They stayed overnight then off back to America! We told them we'd be in D.C. in May so expect us!

They were so grateful for the time in Phuket. I told them my last visit there had been a three day girl's only sun, sand and ... holiday! They had a standing invite to come back whenever!

I got an invitation to Yi's graduation at Columbia. A surprise! She wrote that her family couldn't come from China. She was to be Doctor Yi! She was very grateful for the several pages of commentary on her thesis I'd sent along. I emailed that we might be able as it was between two of Glaa's possible races. Her response was great! She'd be thrilled! So we plan.

On our horse quest in a few days. Back to LA for the Santa Anita Derby. Glaa was ready Monaco said. He loved to run so much, always over-achieving his goals!

Andy was back in Seattle with the horses! That was to be our first stop, houses and horses. I would follow up with Metro on the bus video systems but everything had been going as planned.

Up the stairs with Jaidee and Cho into the big 767! Stephanie's voice, `Ready for taxi!' We belted in. I had to grin at Cho with arms full of Jaidee. He was so casual, tongue lolling out, gazing around. We felt the surge as the aircraft turned onto the runway and accelerated. Everything flashing by! A big climbing starboard turn.

Snacks from Tan and Lis, they were our cabin crew this trip. Captain Kor and Stephanie, Tom and Mira, we had a top tier crew! Arrival in fourteen hours in the morning.

Cho and Francis were doing something, Gil with me going over a big list of things.

"Fay there's been some new shares purchased but the market is nearly `tapped out' as Francis likes to say. So we sit?"

"Yes, let The Target feel comfy, they'll not see any action and there isn't any stockholder's meeting scheduled until late summer by then we'll made our move."

Fist bumps!

After dinner Jaidee was romping, the ball took a carom off a chair and ended in Cho's lap so did Jaidee! Cho tickled and rubbed that cute brown body, tongue flopping around as he loved the attack! Our little guy was a happy camper!

Bed time. Cuddling with the boys! Set the alarum and away! A warm Cho, a nice kiss!

We were on approach but it didn't look like Seattle? Too small, a tiny downtown even from many miles away! Farming land too close to the city. I was going to go forward to the cockpit when Cho slipped his arms around me, "We are making a detour. It is especially for you but me too. What is today?"

I had to pull out my iPhone, March 30th! Puzzled, I turned to Cho then it hit me. "Are you taking me to a small shed in Doswell?"

A massive grin, I was scooped up, "Yes my dear! A car is going to meet us."

Cho said the weather wasn't cold but a bit blustery and possible rain.

Black tights under a black wool mini-skirt, white cut-off long sleeve polo shirt and a big cable knit red jumper over that. Nordstrom ankle boots and silver bits. Black pea coat and gloves.

The wind was strong over the airport tarmac at Richmond Byrd International. Two cars, loaded and we were off. It was about a forty minute drive to Doswell. The turn-off I remembered, Mattie, my driver, had been a bit surprised then understood.

We turned on Meadow Farm Road and parked. First I stood beside the car to take a look then holding Cho I rested my right hand on the old wooden building. Forty six years ago... A long time for me but not for everyone.

The wind was searching, chilling... Cho stood behind me wrapping me in his strong arms, "Fay, I knew this would be a good thing to do."

I cried! It had been a while... Cho thinking of me... doing this!! I pressed hard against him he squeezed me tight! Then a Cho Fay handkerchief appeared! My guy!!

As Glaa made his move for the Triple Crown title it was lovely to remember the greatest holder of that honor... Secretariat, the gold standard!!!!!!!

We stayed for a little while longer, Secretariat's three record shattering races replayed in my mind. I sat in the warm car to call Sam and Beverly, Sam was amazed when I told him where we were and why.

"Fay that's wonderful! I`m glad they keep the foaling shed."

I had to tell Sydney we wouldn't see him this trip but in May we will.

We were on approach to an big airport, SeaTac this time! Lots of airplanes around, busy! On the ground we had a short taxi to the parking area. Our local Security had cars for us and we were off to Queen Anne. We went up onto the viaduct along the waterfront. The tunnel machine Bertha was under us boring a new location for the road we were on. Strange!

Jaidee off leash in the yard with Cho and I snuffling his way around, checking things out. He found a spot and made a deposit. I had the little plastic bag! The space wasn't big enough to really play. Cho said we'd go over to Magnolia in a while.

I took Jaidee and Gil and PJ for a walk to Kay and Greg's two blocks away. A big welcome! The kids were home, no school for some reason. Huge hugs from Sunny!! Kay took my arm and we walked together. They were all coming to Bangkok in a few weeks for Dad's birthday party and our wedding.

Kay grinning about Andy, "It's been fun having him around, that Andy can eat! He's great with the kids, Sunny adores him!"

They'd drive over when we did to see the horses.

Little Samuel came in with his nurse. Green corduroy pants, cute white polo shirt. She put him down and damn if the little man didn't pull himself up to walk. Kay was smiling, "Yes, he's giving a try! No major bumps yet."

I put out my hands... tentative steps... boom to his knees and a rapid crawl over! I scooped him up, "Hey Samuel!"

Small hands holding me tight, a hug for the handsome fellow! Bright shining eyes. Kay still smiling, "He's a ladies man! Just like his dad and granddad! Greg's dad too!"

The sun was out so we headed to the terrace, Samuel holding me and me him! It wasn't warm so back inside. Sunny and Kay would meet us at the stables.

Driving over Cho said we would go to the Magnolia house afterwards for a look. The owners had invited us. They knew Ken and Pam, our Seattle Project investors, who'd put Cho onto the house as it wasn't actually on the market.

Andy! Hugs and a cheek kiss! I said I was sorry but no scone! We laughed big, he didn't mind Anthony getting them instead of himself.

Kay and Sunny arrived. Sunny had changed to jodhpurs and jacket carrying her helmet. Good!

We toured the barns! Very nice. I stopped to see Guy and Chess. They were a bit excited and pleased. Artis appeared to remember me although we hadn't spent much time together.

"Miss, the packages are over at my digs. It's unlocked." A hand squeeze!

Gil and I went over. Go Outdoors boxes sitting in the entryway. We choose a bedroom which didn't look used and changed into riding clothes. Going out caused a stir with Cho.

"Just a short ride!'

Cho grinning, "I might have known when Andy suddenly started saddling horses. They got excited."

Andy led them out. My gloved hand on Chess' face, eyes twinkling! Cho gave me a leg up, Andy for Gil on Artis and Guy for Sunny! Andy handed me a topo map showing roads, trails ,etc...

We waved and trotted away. We crossed a paved road, no cars and entered a large grassy area with a parking on one side. We headed west over the grass picking up the pace some but still a trot. Through a large gap in the surrounding trees to an oval open area where we could see a large one story building with arms stretching out down a short slope and the Puget Sound beyond.

We walked down and around the building. The sign said "Daybreak Star Indian Cultural Center.' A man was sitting in the sun.

"Is it Okay for us to ride around the edge?"

He stood up, "Yes we welcome all visitors no matter how they arrive. I'm Jack Black Wing."

I leaned over pulling off my glove, "I'm Fay Martin, this is Gil and Sunny. We are from the new stables on the old military space." My arm gestured back the way we had come.

He knew about the stables. I slid down sending Sunny and Gil on to see the water view.

"Jack, I'm a co-owner and we'd love to see your centre but I can't today."

He told me the hours they were open. I said we were living on Queen Anne for now. He was stroking Chess' nose, I gave him a brief bio of Chess and Guy and Artis. He was pleased we kept the two fellows together. After that he was even more friendly.

I let him know we'd have a `poop patrol' even though it was a natural substance not everyone would appreciate horse dung.

"Oh Miss Martin we would gladly help and use it on our plants!"

We shook hands grinning! Jack said he wanted me to meet someone, he'd be right back. The girls came back saying the view was terrific!

Jack and a woman walked towards us. Jane was the deputy chairperson for the "United Indians' organization which operated the center and all the programs for multiple tribes around the Northwest. Intro's out of the way Jane and I talked about us and the center. Jack took Gil and Sunny inside after they tied up the horses.

Jane gave me a brief idea of their work. I told her some about us and Harcourt Racing which owned the new stables. She got to meet Guy and Chess as rescue horses, former racers.

She said she was a Makah Indian, an ancient coastal fishing tribe and their other member tribes were diverse and scattered. I said if they had fund-raising auctions we would put in rides as an item but we weren't in a position to do lessons now. Any tribal members who might like to ride would be welcomed at very reduced rates. Jane said some of the inland tribes had long horse traditions so she would spread the word to them for when they came to the Centre.

Sunny came running out, "Fay it's very nice! I'm going to get Mom to bring Artie and me over here soon for longer!"

Jack was kind to help us re-mount. I leaned down to Jane I was pleased to know her and this place. We trotted off west up a shallow slope to a trail Jack pointed out. A wave and we were under the trees then a long open space was before us and I asked Chess! He was ready, we galloped away, the others following. We had a good run then the map said the road to the left would start us back to the barn. We went down a paved road for a hundred meters, through a treed tunnel to the long grassy area with the parking lot.

Some folks were there kicking a football(soccer) ball and a Frisbee was in the air. Funny, no one had been there thirty minutes before. We went down the edge of the trees with stares from the bemused onlookers!

At the stables I slid down into Cho's arms, I wanted to chatter about the ride but there was a man he'd been talking to with Kay. He was from the Seattle Parks Department. I joined them as Gil and Sunny led the horses off to Andy. I waved Andy over.

The Parks man was nice and pleased about the horses being in Discovery Park. He laughed about the `poop patrol,' "Jack has the right idea. It's good stuff, leave it as it lies unless it's near children's play areas."

I changed back to my black and red tartan wool skirt, black tights, white cotton blouse and red jumper and ankle boots. We hung up our riding clothes in the spare bedroom. Gil emailed the folks at Go Outdoors for more sets of riding clothes for us both to be sent over right away. Andy had plenty of tack recently purchased locally.

We drove over to the house by the water Ken and Pam put us onto to.

The owners were a couple in their seventies, in good health but wanted to move while they were easily capable to their daughter's home in LA. They welcomed us and I went with April on a woman's tour of the entire place. Cho and Fred off on their own. Having seen the pictures it impressed me more up close.

We went outside at the staff house end as the finale of the showing, we walked towards the water across the lawn. I knew Jaidee would love this! Pepper their setter joined us. She was loping around like I could see Jaidee doing. We went down the steps to the sandy area.

April said they'd lived here their entire married life and were loath to leave. They'd have a nice bungalow on the grounds of the daughter's place in Brentwood. I gave her the skinny on our building in Venice and that we were heading there for Glaa's next race.

Arm in arm, we went to the dock through the gate and the steps down. April asked about my silent companion, PJ. I told her, her eyes opened wide and her mouth made an `O' I said it was a precaution based on a few events.

I changed the mood when I could see Ray's Boathouse Restaurant across the water. Hey we could ride the waves over for food! April laughed at that, "We have!"

The men joined us on the sandy platform. We stood looking at each other, then Cho "We would very much like to purchase and live in your beautiful home."

Okay! Hugs and kisses! We would buy any furniture they wanted to leave which it turned was most everything as their new place was furnished to their taste already. I liked the furniture and furnishings, comfortable, not ornate or sickly sweet! Much was like what was in the Froyle house which I especially liked, comfy and having an eternal sort of country-side style.

Turns out they had considered a booth in the kitchen but never did it. We would pay cash directly to them so there'd be no lingering about. We asked about an inspection team coming over, April and Fred said they were quite happy with that. There were no issues about the entire property that they hadn't addressed.

Thet would send the Security folks over for an assessment. They would be mostly concerned with the outdoor areas to start.

Hugs at our cars, we'd close the deal in days. They were VERY happy! The price they asked was good with us.

We stopped at Kay and Greg's. They would all come out to dinner with us. They suggested Italian in Belltown, La Vita é Bella. Greg got a booking with a big table and some others for our Security. It was casual so I went with what I was wearing.

Antipasto, bruschetta, lentil soup followed by a nice delicious spaghetti al poro, tomatoes, artichoke hearts and linguini in a very light olive oil. A Montepulciano that was quite nice, fruity, full bodied to drink. We talked houses and horses.

Sunny was over the moon about having Guy here. I gave them the news about the Upperville farm. Beverly's dad would sell to us! So we had more horses and places to ride. I asked if Sunny could come to Harcourt House early before her duties as flower girl at our wedding to ride. They were good with that. I was smothered in hugs and kisses by Sunny.

On their terrace in a borrowed coat talking with Kay about Sunny. "If she really wants this you know there is a future in horses for her. Riding – yes! Competition if she shows the discipline, about that she should talk to Beverly who did it as a teenager. Beverly will be at Harcourt House for the wedding. Teaching, training, being part of Harcourt Racing. All that is up to her."

Kay slipped her arms around me, "You two would be her patrons?"

"Yes! BUT it'll be on her shoulders because there's a lot of work."

The email describing the Upperville Farm from Beverly was long. Acreage in grassy paddocks and hay, two tracks, one dirt, one grass. Barns, stables, equipment, living quarters for the staff, the house was Eighteenth Century. It had been added to of course as family needs changed but the core was recently updated with floors re-stained and new paint last year. The bedrooms didn't have closets but they were large so armoires easily fit in and there was a huge basement and an attic for storage of non-seasonal clothes in several special closets.

The kitchen was large with a big fireplace (she had me!) and modern appliances. Lots of big cypress and laburnum trees around the house so the worse of the summer afternoon sun didn't hit the house much at all. A stone terrace to the west and an in-ground pool beside that. An acre of grass surrounded the house with the white picket fencing all around. The farm had the classic white post and rail fencing that everyone thinks of when horses and farms are mentioned.

It was set back from the road about two hundred meters with a winding tree lined drive, there was a separate drive for the barns and deliveries.

Cho was reading over my shoulder, I'd waved him over. A cute grin, "Fireplace in the kitchen... It is over!"

We laughed and hugged.

"So should we say we own enough houses?"

Cho laughed at that, "Yes but they all have a good purpose. For each of the farms there is a size limit so we will not be able to grow much. So having several to be training grounds is sound."

"I understand Dear...' my arms slinking around Cho, "just a lot has happened."

"True, we have had quite a year! More to come!"

Cho pulled me into his lap, kissing!!!

"If Glaa does as well in the Santa Anita Stakes he will be the odds on favorite for the Derby. But I do not want us to change our plans in any way. Any press interest will be sent to Monaco, he is ready! He has been waiting for some time to have a horse like Glaa and he is showing his skill by getting him prepared."

More kisses were demanded and delivered! Gawd it was hard work kissing with Cho! I burned some calories!!

After a nice long walk with Jaidee the three of us upstairs in bed, Jaidee's Seattle bed had red inside which made his brown fur look lustrous!

Cho starting to read something when I made my move... spelunking! I found him quite ready to toss aside his reading material join in a delightful sixty-nine!!

HHHHHHHMMMMMMM Delicious Cho cock! I was giggling as his tongue and fingers did nice things to me I slurped and slobbered on his penis. I worked the wet foreskin back slowly... Ah the head pink and tasty with precum flowing!

I was soon bobbing on the cock sticking my nose in his balls. Holding it all in my mouth I lifted his balls, rubbing them with my nose, his scent intoxicating! A wet finger did circles on the tiny ribbed hole!!

More wetness applied, penetration! There were moans! Very appropriate too! I was sucking cock, fingering ass and snuffling balls! A trifecta of fun!

We pleasured each other for a while when I heard a call for my vagina! I was ready!

Cho moved me over onto my knees, he leaned in to kiss my nether lips... a last swipe of his tongue... ooohhh!

I had the incredible sensation of his entering me! Oh I loved that feeling! A slow slide until those balls were against my skin... a pause... then withdrawal! All the way out and back in!! So nice! Cho kept that up for a few minutes warming me up for the stroking cock to do more!

His hands roamed my body as the penis slid in and out. OH yes! His hips moving around steering the cock inside me. I felt the burn of pleasure rising in me as Cho fingers caressed my sex as he moved in. A hand holding one breast... Yes the nipple gently manipulated sending shock waves through me.

Stroke followed stroke, my pussy giving me signals there was something going to happen... Cho's cock plunging into set off my first orgasm! The heat flooded my chest and face! I felt like I could pass out but that would mean I couldn't feel the pleasure!

OH Shit!! It really hit me! I could hear Cho from a distance calling my name telling me how good this was!!

Each moment was pleasure. The connection via his cock made me light up! Spiking my desire for more Cho cock! He was more than willing, stroking into me giving me the prick all the way until the slap of balls against me!!

He didn't let up! I was rolled onto my back with legs up over his shoulders. My hands gliding onto his chest. Plucking at his tiny nipples, tugging with a bit of twist.

He gave me a wicked grin, some fingers gripping my clit... DAMN!! I was orgasming again in a rush of blood to my face... the heat... my head thrashing side to side!! Passion kissing! I gripped him tight for more!

On and on Cho went! He rolled me up so he straddled me, knees near my ears. Down down the cock plunged! DAMN! Cho rode me like that for a time then eased back so we were missionary.

Cho's penis, rigid, never slacking worked me. He leaned down for some more kisses. My hands on the back of his neck, holding him close, MORE. His strokes were rapid... then shortening...His face exalted as he climaxed inside me. My legs around him heels on his buttocks!! I held on as he spasmed inside me three... four times!!

My hands on his face I knew I had a big smile Cho eased down to kiss me! MMMMM He rested his face on my shoulder his chest still heaving but slowing... my limbs wrapped around him tightly!!

I kissed Cho's neck, "Lovely!!!"

I felt his lips on my skin, "Yes very lovely!!"

We were quiet for a while just caressing each other gently. Cho slowly rolled us over my face on his chest aaaaaahhhhh I kissed the taut skin... licking here and there I worked my way down his belly paying attention the little button. I followed his faint treasure trail to the soft pubic hair and my prize!!

I lifted the penis with my tongue making it go up and down... Cho laughed, "Weighing it? Thinking of buying?"

I kissed it and press it to my cheek, "Buying no... renting ... No... I think I already own it!"

As he laughed I slurped it in for some clean up sucking! I didn't consider it nourishing but it was tasty! For a time I held it up and licked it like an ice cream cone! Cho started to laugh quite hard, "The mental image of that will remain for some time!!"

I laid the cock down resting my face on it and those fabulous balls!! I could still feel them slapping on me! The delightful sound they made!!

Cho croaked out water! A big cock kiss! I grabbed a robe to get some water. A chilled bottle for each, I ran back upstairs. We cuddled, sipped water. I invited Jaidee up from his bed for a while. He readily joined in the cuddling.

At some point I drifted off. Waking later Jaidee was against my belly Cho behind. I fell asleep again.

There sun in the morning for our breakfast time. I was taking Gil and PJ with me to King County Metro offices to visit with Karl, the deputy head. He had talked with Helmut only two days earlier and Stephan from Reg's office had been in town ten days ago. The test was going very well. One or two issues and Metro's tech folks made some suggestions which Reg was evaluating.

Karl had very nice things to say about our techs and Helmut's crew for their knowledge and patience. He wanted the devices to be in every bus in their system. He did want to wait for the next iteration or so before a major buy in which was understandable. We talked for an hour before riding over to the bus barn south of downtown.

The 4G server and our OS X Server humming along. From Reg's reports I knew that more hardware would have to be added but the dozen test vehicles weren't taxing the system at all, loads of capacity.

We dropped Karl back on Jackson Street with his thanks!

My next stop was at Seattle's Department of Transportation. I had an appointment with the chief deputy, Janice. She seemed a bit shocked at seeing me, I thought right away I look too young.

My wool jersey dress had a sailor collar, long sleeves, mid-thigh and was a nice pale gray. Black stockings and heels with Cho's various black onyx pieces around my bod. Black leather car coat and gloves. I certainly wasn't too flashy!

So it had to be she didn't think I knew what I was doing... just a pretty sales face. Well I won't let it show I was a bit peeved with the attitude.

We sat at her conference table with her two aides, Gil and PJ, to discuss traffic senor technology. In five minutes I knew she hadn't much of a clue about the technology. I wanted to pitch to the DOT because in driving around Seattle and reading about the miserable traffic problems you could see it wasn't being managed very well.

I'd read pieces in the online Seattle Times and P-I newspapers with politicians in the past boasting about signal timing to sync lights to move things along but had seen for myself on Fourth Avenue as the car moved two or three green lights easily then a red which stopped the flow. This was repeated over a long stretch of the avenue and then on a dozen more streets we used. Our proposal was to, at our cost, install sensors on Fifteenth Avenue West and Northwest, before and after the Ballard Bridge.

When the drawbridge opened a large backup occurred as you would expect but the lights to the north of the bridge failed to accommodate the huge surge in vehicles upon the bridge span closing after the ship passed under. The next intersections became a disaster for twenty minutes.

Our scheme was to setup sensors, record traffic around the clock, every day then collate it by day of the week, hours, holidays, weather, etc... into flow patterns. Then use the data to adjust the light signals at several succeeding intersections to prioritize the clearing of the traffic surge after the bridge re-opened to vehicles.

We needed to use existing city infrastructure, poles, bridge structure, etc... to install sensors. We would pay for the installation, share the data and be able to run a test program for proof of concept.

Janice was lost back at the beginning but one of the aides, Jonathan, I saw `got it!' He was carefully verbally nudging her.

I described our test senor as a pole with a small photo-electric grid on top, sensors on the shaft connected to a box which housed the cpu and a 4G transmitter. I handed them photos of the device with ruled scales to show size. They could be attached to existing structures easily and quickly calibrated, minimal install time.

Jonathan told Janice they should allow the test as it would cost nothing and they'd get data. Permitting our folks to control the intersections under test conditions made sense. Win-Win!

She said she'd recommend it to her boss. Since it would be done in stages we could keep them updated as we went along. I said we'd install and evaluate the data we got then go to full on traffic flow data collection. Then go the final step to a live test after data evaluation.

Okay! Jonathan was waiting in the hall when we came out. "Miss Martin, can we speak for a moment?"

Gil and PJ with me, we crossed to an empty office. Jonathan thanked me for the presentation and said he really wanted this sort of control.

"We can't build mass transit any faster and by the time the next big jump in people moving equipment comes online it will be only a drop in a bucket. We've missed the boat about forty years ago and have been swimming against the current ever since."

He smiled, "I'm going to push this! We aren't going to be able to build more roads so we HAVE to manage those we have better!"

He looked down, "You know your shit!"

A hand covered his mouth, "Sorry about that!"

I was already laughing before the apology! I stuck out a fist, we bumped.

"I did see it right away! You weren't a sales person like Janice thought but you know the technology."

I told Jonathan that it was based on a device we were now using to read barcodes on railroad cars, a stake to put it in place with the electronics on it. I opened my iPad to show him a snap from Tarek's rail yard.

"That was a test setup in Bangkok. We'd completed a big computer and sensor upgrade for The Railroad there."

"Yes, I've done some research on The Company. You have been doing a lot of business around the world. You went through a buyout last year? You went private?"

I grinned, "Yes, my fiancé and I are the owners of eighty percent of the The Company stock so nearly private."

Jonathan's eyes were bulging at that! I could hear Gil behind me make a slight coughing sound.

I smiled, "There have been changes, quite a few actually. We have expanded the products and services The Company offers. Like this 4G device on a pole. We are testing a video device with Man Vehicles in King County Metro buses right now. It sends a live feed via 4G to a server and monitors, Hi-Res with a proprietary compression algorithm."

I paused, "You have my card, consider sending me a CV."

He looked quizzical, "A resume?"

I nodded and reached out with my hand. We shook and PJ led the way to the elevator. Jonathan stood there as the doors closed looking a bit faraway.

I stopped at the Annex where our Security folks were sited beside Greg's location on the waterfront. Gary, our Seattle lead, gave me a rundown on our Security position here. The West Comstock Street Queen Anne house was completely setup, the stables also and a team was at the Magnolia property of April and Fred doing a survey right now. Yes!!

Cho pulled me close when I returned. Big hug and KISS!! We exchanged our day's events. My great re-cap with Karl of Metro! He laughed at my description of Janice's attitude and my finding the badly fitting shoe was her's not mine! A small admonition about poaching all the good folks from clients `who would be left to work with us' got a laugh from me.

Cho had done a lot of calling to our investors, touching base, getting feedback. He was pleased and they were too!!!

One of our Bangkok banks was buying a London `City' investment house. Cho was going there on our next trip meet with the management team. He was smiling, "I will keep my hand in on the banking side for a while before passing it on."

I had to laugh at that since he'd kept me away saying they were deadly dull.

We drove over to Magnolia. I used the spare room at Andy's place to change with Gil. Cho was wandering the stables getting to know our new group. Chess and Artis were ready for a run.

We walked out across the the road and trotted away to the west. At the oval clearing we turned south along a paved road which through the trees. I recognized the opening to a clearing had ridden through the other day we crossed the edge of that trotting under some big leafed maples.

We went over a disused street to an open area where there had been houses reduced to foundations only then headed eastward towards an open area of grass with some kind of radar dome. Up a slope to a curved road and many acres of flat grass. Houses up another slope to the side of the radar thing on big blue steel stilts. There were old wooden buildings to our left from when this was all an U.S. Army post.

To our right was an old wood structure that had to be a church. We did a good gallop across the grassy field and rode up to it. There had been scattered people walking and biking we'd waved to and said hello. At what proved to be the chapel we were asked by a family of four about our horses.

I slid down to talk, Chess let his nose be petted by two girls in their early teens. Artis was caressed gently too. The parents were surprised to hear of a stables in the park. I did some PR work!

The girls were very interested. I said to look up DiscoveryParkStables.com. The site was newly created by one of Ni's crew, nice snaps and list of services and rates and hours. The father was very nice to give us a knee up, we waved goodbye heading towards the radar dome. The was a track along the top of the slope we reached a flagpole. A plaque said the park's creation from the old Army base had the work of Washington's U.S. Senator Scoop Jackson.

I pulled out my topo map, we could return by going east to Illinois Avenue then along that to the stables. Andy had a big smile when we came through the gate. A young fellow named Edward took the horses after a hug for my boy Chess.

Andy and Cho had discussed employees, Edward was the first and full time. He'd worked with various livestock but preferred horses. Another full timer was Megan, she'd be in tomorrow. More hires when the business merited it.

Reg and Ni created a barcode scanning system for tack and the horses. Each rider would be given a wristband with the related barcode based on verified information they provided liked to the tack and horse. The staff had iPhones with the APP loaded, scan into the system for rider and horse then scan out on return. A printer for the barcodes was in the office attached to the stables. We tested it ourselves today. Simple to be scanned!

Tonight was a bit different. We had tickets arranged by Greg for a concert! `The Naked and Famous' at the SODO Showbox! Dinner first at an Indian restaurant in Belltown. Tandoori fish and veggies, garlic naan, Bengali lentils and Jodhpur dal on the side! The food was excellent! Flavourful and the fish tender! We shared a big Kingfisher beer!

Tai and Rande were with us as we got our seats Greg arranged in the Showbox. We had a front row table in a reserved section that jutted out into the main room. We could also go into the Pit area if we wanted but no alcohol there. No biggie! I took a willing Tai with me out there. Cho said he could sit very nicely. Rande nodded to that.

I tugged Tai along. My black leggings, ankle boots and cutoff black Seattle hoodie, some silver bits and my belly chain fit in fine. Tai had skinny jeans and a cutoff T and a plaid shirt over that. She wasn't armed, our Security fellows who drove us, now waiting outside had her Glock for now.

We worked our way close to the stage. The opening act had finished and there was turnover in the crowd. TNAF started their set with `Punching in a Dream' and I was on my toes! Bouncing to each tune! Tai was with me! Tune after tune, hits and new music, Lovely!

We stayed there the whole set. We were in front of Alisa, she was beautiful and talented. Her voice so clear and sharp! I was enjoying myself tremendously! Cho texted hearts and that he really liked their music!!

I'd been waiting... Their encore was `Young Blood' Oh yes!! I was rolling with it! Too sad when it was over. They took their bows to wild cheering!! Jesse tossed some drums sticks, Thom a set list, Alisa tossed her set list and I grabbed it!! She waved and I threw a kiss!! Big smile from her!!

A nice ending! Tai and I made our way to the table to rejoin Cho. I was pulled into his lap. Lips on my ear, "The manager is a friend of Greg's and we have an invite out back to meet the band!"

WOW! I was acting all groupie! We were escorted out through the stage to an outside area next to the building where the group's tour buses were parked. It was a thrill to meet them all. Alisa recognized me and autographed the set list. Thom, Aaron, David and Jesse did too.

Alisa and I chatted a bit, I told her I'd been in New Zealand six weeks ago to review The Company projects I setup. Just the North Island that trip though. We were heading to LA tomorrow to see a horse run at Santa Anita on Saturday.

She was sweet but I said we'd leave, let them relax. Alisa said they loved to perform, it was always easy to come down from the high of the stage. Alisa's eyes flicked on Tai and Rande in the background and back to me. I said our `Security.' High eyebrows, I explained we travel a good deal with business interests... I slid my left sleeve up... I gave her the briefest of brief particulars. She said it didn't mar my beauty at all! Nice from a very beautiful woman!

I gave her my telephone number, `if we're ever in the same place' let's meet and a warm hug. I shook hands with the men as Cho did.

Snuggled with my men! It had been a full day. I was asleep before Cho carried Jaidee to his bed.

The sun was out but the wind was cold! My coffee helped keep me warm, I was driven inside by a few new gusts! Cho smiling, he'd told me so! Nice he didn't repeat it! Hot rolls, honey and butter, Jaidee fresh from his walk was tearing into his bowl! Domestic times!

I choose the little library to work in leaving Cho the office. Reports from everywhere about everything, scheduling jobs and assigning staff, data from Reg on the London traffic sensor test, it was working away! Reg was pleased with the data, the APP was being tested against the data. Looking good so far!!

Gil working with Dusit on a trip to Manila and northern Luzon after all the basic construction had been completed, a nut and bolts visit to Papua New Guinea for the current project and a look see on the northern coast, the freight yards in Melbourne, Japan and Vietnam visits soon.

Alex would be in LA so we could sit and talk before his next trip to South America and the Caribbean. Nell was there in from training and her move from New York and her first overseas trip.

Email from Elaine of the Kanawha Canal Co., they were going great guns on the dredging and lock door repairs. I let her know we'd be there the second week in May. Her return email said she would look forward to it.

I'd already had Gil make a booking for rooms in the Jefferson and a dinner in the Mezzanine Restaurant. Sydney knew we were coming. The car service promised Mattie to be our driver!

I emailed with Beverly, her dad, Charles, was ready to do the deal. We'd had inspectors around the farm and their reports were very positive! We'd be Fed-Ex'ing closing docs back and forth over the next few days.

Cho texted across the room...We closed on the four floor red brick building three doors up from our place on Minetta Street. Eight two bedroom apartments to be used by staff members and the Security detail. A roof top sitting area, redone interiors and some parking.

I sent back thumbs up!! It was a good purchase! On top of the Upperville Farm and the Magnolia and Queen Anne homes we'd bought a lot of real estate in a month!! All of it good buys with a purpose!

After lunch Cho and I drove over to Magnolia. We stopped at April and Fred's to say we were pleased to purchase their home! It would be a home for us, not rented or taken down, we liked it as it was with a bit of expansion at the garage end. They knew there was no hurry to leave. We wouldn't be back for six weeks and could stay on Queen Anne for the time being.

April and I with Pepper walked the lawn. She gave me a synopsis of the neighborhood, human, animal and issues. Nothing much in the issues area really. They'd been comfortable and safe for so many years, time for a bit of change. And see the grandkids a lot!

I said my goodbyes to Guy and Chess and Andy at the stables. We'd be back after the Preakness.

It was our first nighttime landing at Santa Monica Airport. Los Angeles!! The whole thing lit up!

Leslie was waiting and we were soon on the terrace hugging looking at the ocean. Tomorrow a trip to Santa Anita Park for the Derby. It would be Glaa's last race before the Kentucky Derby!

I was up with the sun for some reason but the coffee was good and the bagel warm with a smear of cream cheese melting on top. I was outside looking east towards downtown LA. Funny how it sort of popped up there. Time for some LA history maybe?

The Derby was near the end of the schedule for racing today so we were leisurely about going over. We stopped to see Glaa and Monaco at the barn. Glaa was happy but getting his `game' face on so we didn't stay long.

We watched a few races from the same box as before, Cho smiled when I said only a thousand on Glaa. The odds were interesting, he was 1-2 on the morning line. No money to be made but it was indicative of his rising stature.

Santa Anita Derby was next. The odds were now 1-4?? Oh shit... maybe somebody realized Glaa's history finally!

The post parade showed Glaa his normal cool self. Mike steady on his back, Whimsy, the new stable pony, alongside. Monaco joined us with a big smile, "The boy is ready. He's such a relaxed fellow until he knows were going out to race then he becomes quiet. Sort of holding it all in then... Boom!"

I hugged Monaco! His description matched my feeling about Glaa. I lent Gil my glasses so she could get a close look at each horse. She like the gray, #2.

The loading went smoothly...CLANG they were released. WHAT!!!!! The gray side swiped Glaa bouncing him to the side... Mike straightened him but he nearly stumbled... He got his feet under him and took off after the others! There'd been a groan from the stands then quiet as Glaa's stride showed he was Okay.

Monaco's hands on the chair arms were white. I put my hand on his arm...his right hand closed over my fingers gripping tightly...as Glaa recovered and powered away he relaxed... his face eased... my hand stayed under his. Cho had my left, tight too. Glaa's pace got us all to chill a bit, he was fine!

Mike, firmly sitting, had Glaa moving! He had some space to make up but by the turn the strides were long and smooth. He began to pick off the other horses one by one down the back straight. The two leaders were left as they approached the turn. Glaa accelerated into the turn gobbling up track the leaders were caught by mid-turn and at the top of the stretch Glaa was free of them. Mike immobile on his back, whip put away, holding on as Glaa put the pedal down!!!

Glorious to see his chestnut red glowing in the sun roaring down the straight!! Each stride widened the lead, front legs snapping, back digging in powerfully, dirt flying he had an seven length spread by the eight pole. No stopping him, Mike's hand ride perfect.

Glaa's stretch run had the crowd going wild! I watched our boy, flying like Pegasus, cross the finish line, 1:46.1! A new record for the Santa Anita Derby! Smashing time to add to the others!

We all jumped up at the finish, hugging and kissing. My face in Cho's chest holding him. His hands being shaken, left and right. Monaco's hands on my shoulders as he leaned in to say to Cho how amazed he was. Glaa had been `brave' indeed. Mugged at the gate, his recovery and the race were amazing!

We worked our way down to the Winning Circle, congratulations from all sides. My big fast man came up on the lead with Mike and the groom Eddie, grinning. I delivered a hug to Glaa, he nickered loudly!! A happy boy!!

I took Mike's hand, "You did great! Your strength steadied Glaa when he was bashed! Great work, Mike!

A big hug and kiss. I left some red lipstick on his cheek!

His eyes bright, "Damn I thought he might lose his footing but Glaa is strong! The next strides told me he was Okay! Then I steered him up the track. His competitive instincts took over after that!!"

After a lot of pictures I was beside Monaco, "Miss Martin, I have only one regret about today... Glaa's record does move the name of a glorious horse off the Derby record holder's space... Sham had been a co-holder of that 1:47:00 record."

Monaco! He was a great trainer and lover of the sport, deeply imbued with the history and traditions. Sham had set his mark in 1973, the same year as his failed attempt in the Triple Crown. Hard luck for a very fine horse to have Secretariat as your competition.

Monaco was to have Glaa given a good looking over but he'd come through in good order that we could see.

We saw Sheila's family, cousins and aunts, we talked for a while outside the barn as Cho and Monaco did their press thing. A winner from their stable today and a place. Good! I told them we were keeping a full-time presence here at Santa Anita Park and we'd visit them out at Rialto on another trip. They were all smiles!

I was leaning back on Cho in the car, "Two weeks!"

Strong arms squeezing, "I know, counting the days too!!"

Dolores had been advised about Glaa's success... a bottle of Tattinger's was cold and ready! We toasted Glaa and Monaco, although neither was present! While Dolores cooked Cho and I were out on the upper terrace looking at the setting sun. We raised our glasses again to Glaa!

A slight chill in the wind but Cho wrapped his arms around me!!! Kisses on my neck really gave me shivers!!! Back on the lower terrace Cho started the fire, we had a warm happy dinner outside, a blanket draped over me was great!

We gathered a team for a Jaidee walk! Gil and Francis with us, Ansara out front, PJ at the rear with several of Leslie's folks trailing. Jaidee had a great time. We ran about, tossing a tennis ball, digging and rolling in the sand. What sport!!

We met Alex in the lobby as he arrived. He came up for a night cap, I called Nell to join us. She looked snazzy in a short black skirt and cutoff white and black checked top. We talked clothes, LA, the training and travel. Espresso and Amaretto! Gil and Nell were with me. The men were doing some cognac from Normandy Pedro had sent Cho. Golf tomorrow for Cho! Me... my first trip to Rodeo Drive!

Tai and I were with Jaidee on the beach in the morning. A bit overcast and cool but we warmed up running around. A bit winded we parked on the sand Jaidee half in my lap watching the waves with me.

I recognized the fellow PJ had given the fiver to when he asked about Jaidee. He was near the tide line, smiling he tipped a beat-up Dodger cap to us. I waved.

It was going to warm up so I went with a soft, clingy black mini-dress, sleeve-less, mid-thigh, scoop neckline, tight over tiny black thong. Black thigh highs and black heels, red nails and lips, silver jewelry! My very short leather motorcycle jacket and round red shades!

PJ and Tai escorted Gil and I. One of Leslie's people was the driver so we wouldn't have to worry about a car.

We stepped out in front of Saint Laurent. Inside a woman came up to me right away. She was sleek and polished as you would expect. Shoes! Red Anja stilettos, done! Slacks! Black toreador pants and black leather pants, tight all over, double zipper flap front like old navy bell-bottoms! Soft Gray tweed pants, low waisted flowing down but close to the skin, narrow button cuffs above the ankle.

A short black and ivory striped sailor jumper with three buttons on the left collar bone.

A black and white polka dot long sleeved shirt for Cho. Also a plain black shirt and a black and gold lamé tie, skinny!

PJ called the car. We loaded my things and some shoes Gil bought, light brown ankle boots with a wraparound strap.

Across the street into Brooks Brothers. Soft cotton socks for Cho, blue, various shades.

Next to Ralph Lauren for polo shirts for Cho, sea green and a lovely blue that was between royal and navy.

Giorgio Armani! Two VERY white French cuff shirts for Cho.

Through the atrium to Hermes. A black and silver scarf! So Soft and light it was like not wearing anything at all. A silver leather belt, slender.

We stopped briefly at Vera Wang but my wedding dresses were done and I liked my look so there was no need to linger here.

Across Rodeo Drive to Guess. I bought a Gibson Ribbed dress, horizontal blue and white stripes, zipper from upper thigh to neck, long sleeves. Snug to all my bits and short. YES!

A pair of Joyride Guess logo sandals, light brown and white. Lightweight. Tai bought a pair of Cildi D'Orsay espadrilles and Gil got a pair of Leigha heel-plated sandals in black! Nice!

Next door was something new to me G-Star. Jeans! I got a pair of 3301 skinny low waist jeans in blue. I poured myself into them and looked in the mirror with a simple cutoff T in a soft ribbed cotton..

The sales lady's eyes were glowing.

"They were made for your body for sure. I've never seen them fit better! Maybe you should model for us."

I laughed and decided to get them in gray and black too. Tai and Gil each got a pair after trying them on.

PJ was being very cool letting Tai do some shopping as he worked.

Next block over was Hugo Boss after we loaded things into the car again and the shoe was on the other foot. Tai worked, PJ looked.

I bought Cho three Boss polo shirts, black, white and a very nice blue which I knew would be tremendous on him!

PJ bought some slacks and dress shirts. Black and white.

Across Beverly Drive was Alice and Oliva! Tops for my friends. Weaved tank tops, some handkerchief tops, several cami's and long sleeved crop tops. Loads of great colours. Gifts!!

The sales woman really liked me. More than a dozen tops for gifts and I bought myself two off-the-shoulder cotton tops. I bought Gil and Tai each a top of their choice!

I got a Coley crew neck A-line dress in bright yellow! Well above mid-thigh, showing off my legs. A man waiting for his wife, I guess, went bug-eyed when I came out of the dressing room!

Also a Hayden short sleeved fitted striped dress, different shades of blue, yellow, pink, and coral, very snug to my body and short too!

Lunch! We walked back west to the Grill on the Alley after another car drop off. Gil sent the driver to get his lunch.

Gil had us in a booth at the rear. She and I inside of PJ and Tai. I ordered some bits as starters for us to share. Their Jumbo onion rings with a delightful bleu cheese dip and seared Ahi Tuna. For the main I went for the lobster bisque and a big Caesar salad with anchovies, lots of them!

I'm not driving so an Absolut martini to start. Gil got a Planter's Punch, light on the fruit.

We enjoyed ourselves and the waitress was friendly and a good server! I had Gil leave her a big tip. Smiles!

We wandered in Versace but I found nothing to appeal to me so on to Jimmy Choo. Orange Romy 100 pumps! And a pair of Nickel Flats in black.

We skipped the jewelry stores. Cho was my buyer for that!

Dolce and Gabbana had me right away with high waisted slacks in black with a sleeveless collared blouse in white and a flower decorated lapel three quarter length sleeve bolero jacket. Nice.

A slender black scoop bodice dress to below the knee, cute and quite snug.

Tom Ford had some nice things but they didn't grab me because it seemed to be mostly evening wear. The sales lady liked my outfit though. The cut off motorcycle jacket especially.

"Have you ever modelled?"

My no got her to call the store general manager. She was glossy and looked very good.

"Miss we don't often ask customers but you have a svelte look with sass. If you would like we could take your measurements and perhaps call you to join us for a show and maybe walk for us?"

"I'm not a resident of LA and not often at our home here. We travel for work and pleasure frequently. I'm habitually going between London, New York and Bangkok."

"Well we do have stores around the world."

I begged off but thanked her for the interest.

Across Rodeo Drive to Balenciaga. I liked a lot of their colours and combinations but the big shoulder look wasn't for me.

At Celine the sales woman liked my outfit but their clothes weren't me at all. Shoes better.

I bought a pair of red leather ankle boots with stretchy uppers and high heel, zipper at the back. Best thing in the whole store!

At Greiner's Men's Clothing I ordered four shirts for Cho. They had an Airprint enabled printer so I printed his measurements, very detailed which surprised the salesman.

"We've never had a woman client with such information to hand."

I loved buying for Cho so his whole body was in my iPhone!! Ready in four weeks or so, they would hold them for a final fitting until the next time we were here!

I choose colours and a very soft fine grained cotton fabric. There was a tie I liked and took it with me. Pale gray with red polka dots. Nicely wrapped too.

After this I called it a day. We'd walked a good deal and shopped!! I'd done some damage! Felt good too!

Back in Venice I sat on the terrace in the sun. Cut off jean shorts from Guess and a white cotton crop T! Gil had a halter top and short shorts both in white. We gathered some of Leslie's troops and Ansara to go to the beach with Jaidee.

He made a few stops before the sand then off and running with me!! Shoes off we gamboled in the shallow surf edges. Splashing, Jaidee having a blast chasing his tatty tennis ball! I had Gil bring a towel along so I spent time drying off Jaidee's legs, tummy and head. He enjoyed the rubdown like I did when Cho did it for me!

We wandered down the Boardwalk for a while Jaidee on his lead. California Love! Nice old fashioned Cali clothes! Good quality cotton! Great colours. I bought some `onesie' for babies, bigger sized for Margaret Fay Alexandra and as stock for the future little ones coming!! Eve, of course, Ubon, Andrea, Anong, Malee, Tona, Sylvia, et al...

I did email and a few calls and looked over the info Mr. Awabo sent on the North Shore possibilities. There'd have to be a lot more ground work done for this. No existing pipeline or riverside facilities. Much more off the beaten path locations in some fearsome terrain.

I remember an older Australian colleague/friend of my father had been in New Guinea during the war fighting Japanese AND the terrain! He said they both were deadly enemies!

We could learn a lot about microwaves and satellite communications doing this and the project west of Dalat, Vietnam. I emailed Reg about the New Guinea info, I'd call tomorrow.

He'd updated me on the London traffic test. The data captured was easily broken down by time, conditions, day, etc... then he did a test in a computer contained model of the streets under our control versus their current controls. Our system had the traffic moving much better right away. Of course it was a small test and the knock on effects in both direction, upstream and down from the test could only be inferred.

A test in Seattle should yield the same and be used to control signals without much trouble. Boy, a fun project. I hoped to hear from Seattle DOT soon!

Alex and Nell came up to chat business on a sunny late Sunday afternoon. We had warm rays and cool beers. I said Nell should go with Alex for part of his swing through Central America and the Caribbean. She could see how projects were begun and get some understanding of client relationships. Okay!

Cho returned from golf with Pedro! I could see him coming he was very happy, another great score I guessed. I stood up for a hug which became a HUG!! A KISS!!

He had broken par at the Riviera! Two under!! Pedro had roped in one of the club pros to play with them. That fellow really liked Cho's game and had made a suggestion about Cho's swing when he was teeing off. It felt good and he got more yardage. It would take work to bring it into his swing regularly but it added power.

I was let go finally. Alex congratulated Cho! Nell wasn't a sportster but appreciated the effort needed to play well. I got Cho a Newcastle so we could toast his success!

We left LA late that night non-stop to Bangkok. Twelve days to the wedding at the Forest Palace!!

Not much for us to do, Gil and mostly Alia doing the work. A final dressing fitting but that was a formality. No shoes just choose jewelry and a walk through at our Bangkok house. Dad was ready! He'd kept me up to date with his rehabilitation. We were a GO!

Beside the pool the next day, a small bikini, a coconut lassi and a salapao!! Okay!!

Reg and I talked about the traffic tests, MFA and Rona, the office, cranky London weather and they were going out to Harcourt House on the weekend. Rona would try riding since her doctor had given her the Okay. MFA would meet Ellie, who would be helping Rona any time they stayed over.

Each day ground along. Work, sun, food, sleep. Fun with Jaidee! Hugs and kisses mixed some spectacular sex with Cho! Then another day.

I did spend time each day working on buildings for the train layout! I make our industrial district and started on downtown. Gil came in to do buildings for the farms at the far end of the table. They were all placed on the layout but not secured or powered up, that would come later.

We had a shoe factory, warehouses, a tool and die company, a gasometer, a pallet factory, an electrical transformer station, a nice re-cycling plant, and a fire station! Some apartment buildings, cute `shoppes', diner, miscellaneous stores, an auto repair garage and more.

Then our version of a Hen Party at the Ice Rink. We closed it to the public, just our guests!

Tona and Somsak up from Singapore. Kay, Greg and Sunny even Artie wanted to come. All my Crew and their partners! Kamol and her Marine sergeant. The older folks came too. Thoi and Kanda, Dad and Phailin. Udorn and Ubon, no dancing for her though too close to baby time.

The music was to be Disco, rock and roll, dance tunes with a light show spectacular at the close. Out on the floor Cho and I with Jian and Ting welcomed everyone. Cho said we hoped they danced the night away.

The first tune was a waltz, I was swept away by Cho. Whirling, whirling I loved this! We went around the whole floor with Cho bringing us back to the booth as the tune ended!

Jian and I hugged, tight!

"My love, I'm so happy to be here with you! You must dance with me, Ting will wait...right?" My arm reaching out to him.

"Yes, go!"

I drew Jian out for a Donna Summer tune and we boogied! Smashing to dance with Jian. We tried to sync with spoken cues...arms raised, sweep down, swing out, hips together, heel to toe, spin, come together holding hands, swing out and around! I did the leading!! We had a blast!

Laughing and hugging we went to sit. A Cosmo!! We clinked glasses! Our men returned from dancing! Sunny had been with Cho, she was glowing. Sunny got a sip of Cosmo. Eyes bright, "That I like!"

We giggled! Kay at the booth entry, Greg's arms around her. There was a light Mother's watching look which got Sunny and I to giggle some more.

Dad wasn't dancing but he was moving around very well.

"Daughter, there will be no problem taking you to Cho. I am fit and ready for duty!"

We laughed and kissed. Ting went by with Phailin, big smiles as a waltz played. I motioned to Artie. I took him out and showed him how to waltz. He loved it, a natural!

I used the intercom to the DJ booth to ask for another waltz. Artie and I went to it. He was very adept, a quick learner!

We got a group together to do some disco sync'ing. We weren't very successful but who cared! I was watching Thang and Lawan, they were laughing and dancing so easily. So into each other!

Some arms encircled my waist with a squeeze! Ni! We kissed. We talked and emailed a lot, we were close, she was next only to Jian to me. We were in contact on The Company business and our private iOS app almost every day. The latest was the iOS app being ported to the Mac OS. She and Kavnu were very happy, his boys were here tonight. They got to meet up with Artie again. They were into skateboarding too so they talked together a lot.

I slowly turned seeing all my friends, they were enjoying themselves. Kamol and her Marine were boogieing! He could dance and she was keeping up! They waved, I was clapping with my hands over my head. He managed a bow while he danced!

I sat with Ubon, "Fay, I want to dance!"

A hug, I said she would be given many other opportunities. She was doing Okay, ready for the little one to make her entrance. Their sons were well and the daughter-in-law was going to have a girl. A shy smile, "Fay, Udorn is so happy in his job! Cho has..."

There was a tear! I hugged her again, "Ubon, I love you two and I very pleased to see you both so joyful and full of life."

Udorn saw and came over, he pulled a Udorn-Fay handkerchief out for his wife.

"Tears of joy, Udorn, joy!"

I hugged him too. Kisses on each cheek! Ah, a foxtrot tune. I bowed and asked for the dance. Huge smile, Ubon giggling, "Go you two!"

In each other's arms we stepped out. Gliding along a gigantic smile on his face! A pleasure to dance!

A kiss after when as Cho reclaimed me for a Kool and the Gang tune! Oh Yes! Hips moving, fast feet, arms sweeping! Damn!! I was having a great time!!

I went onto the floor with as many different partners as possible. Doing a waltz with Thoi!! He was quite light and funny! He kissed my hand at the end. Kanda was laughing and applauding!!

I did the Funky Chicken with Sunny! Bobbing my head forward, bent arms flapping and lifting my feet backward and up high. Sunny loved learning that! We got some others to join in!! Kay, Ni and Jian right away!!

I took a break for a new Cosmo the first had gone warm. My arm around Jian as she leaned back on me in the booth entryway. We sipped and watched our friends dancing. Anong and Ting waltzing by, huge smile on her face. I saw Rak watching, I tipped my glass to him. I got a kiss blown back!

I had Cho once again with a Viennese waltz playing. We swirled in circles, round and round, Jian and Ting following us. Then more couples joined in. we had a conga line of waltzing pairs like a huge snake. The DJ's got it and strung several waltzes together! What a blast!

The room went dark after a warning and the light show started. WOW!! Lasers projecting all around. They bounced of the mirrored ball above the floor into a thousand stars! Spinning spinning a whirling coloured show. All to several ABBA tunes! Then on the back wall words began to appear... Best Wishes for Your wedding Day Cho and Fay!!!

Nice!! It was Ting!! We knew he had the show prepared but the ending was a surprise!! Hugs and kisses!!!!

A last waltz!! Cho took me out! I was ready to go! Lots of energy left. Cho, Mr. Smoothie, led me as if it were the first dance of the night. Huge wide and swirling!! A lovely romantic dance!

When the music finally stopped Cho and I held our hands up high to applaud our friends for joining us! They all returned it to us!!

Artie and Kavnu's boys were sitting together in the second booth drowsy now. Cute!

We rounded everyone up to thank them for coming and tell them we would see them in three days at the Forest Palace.

Hugging and kissing!! We had a happy crowd. Seeing them off, waving and calling out more thank yous!

The four of us in the car like we had been many times before, Jian and I holding tight. On the terrace in robes we had some lassi's Niran had made earlier and put away chilled for us.

A nice evening coming to a quiet, relaxed end. Jaidee curled up beside Cho and I on the seat.

The next day was all work. Getting things done before the wedding and sitting with Jian and Anong for Chanthira Foundation business.

In the afternoon onto the evening we all gathered at Dad and Phailin's for Dad's birthday! Tona and Somsak kidded Dad about advancing age but he was so fit how could you tell. His recovery was terrific! Kay, Greg, Sunny, Artie and little Suchart had fun at granddad's birthday party. Cake, ice cream, little poppers to make noise when the brightly lit cake came out.

The late evening was Jian, Gil, Malee, Lori, Shira and I on the terrace hanging out, chatting. The men were out at the cigar bar were they had taken Eric before his and Malee's ceremony. They'd come home smelling of smoke and expensive cognac!

We were packed for the wedding and the trips after. Much had been sent over to Don Mueang to the 767. We boarded a helicopter on the dock to fly to the Forest Palace.

Funny to see Jaidee in a seat looking out a window. In half an hour we were making the approach to the Palace. Fluttering down on grass south of the house. I was helped out by PJ, a big smile on his face.

His family had originally been from Khon Buri, a village about fifteen miles east of here. They had been for several generations in Bangkok with only a few cousins left in the town. We'd suggested he borrow a car tomorrow and drive over for a visit. Smile!

We walked across the driveway, one hand held by Cho the other by Jian. She was grinning, "A big step for you!"


That evening after a wonderful dinner we talked about our hike tomorrow. We are to walk in the forest to the little cabin for the day. Cho wanted to go early so we could sit quietly and watch the fauna get used to us, they'd go back to their normal activity. We would get to see each be themselves.

Hiking boots, thick socks, loose pants with elastic at the ankles, long sleeved shirt, slouch hat, water bottle and snacks in a small pack, camera around my neck, ready. I passed muster by Cho. Jian and Ting dressed like us. Our gardener Do was to be our resource about all the fauna and flora we would see.

Down the path the forest closed about us quickly, the light heavily filtered. After a few hundred meters the ground began to rise slowly. Our gardener stopped us to show some of the plants, there were many beautiful orchids growing in profusion. He said a thousand different orchids were native to Thailand.

There little clearings full of flowers, bees. Swarms of various insects swirling in the light.

The gardener said he walked down to the cabin twice a month with a Security person to check the security equipment installed in the cabin and on the trails and to maintain the path. We stopped climbing and came to a level area that was quite dense then a clearing. A small two story house of a unique design.

The ground floor was a square with heavily screened windows and door. There were wood platforms inside for resting on the first floor and chairs. The upper floor was round with a peaked roof. You climb up a ladder in the center of the room into the round upper floor. As you step off the ladder you have a panoramic view of the entire clearing through the all-around windows. It was like a hunter's blind, it was part of the clearing although being a human creation.

Cho had us take off our boots, in stocking feet we could move quietly.

Around the opening for the ladder was a circular bench. You could see out easily when sitting. The windows were hinged at the top so could be lifted and latched, they were very quiet when opened. The roof had air vents with heavy screening over the openings.

Cho pointed out the various features of the clearing, including a stream which he said would draw many creatures.

We all got into whisper mode. We had two pairs of binoculars and our cameras, two had 400mm lenses.

We sat and waited for the forest to forget about us.

The birds were first to re-appear. A pair of Red-Bearded Bee-eaters came soaring in to eat at a swirl of insects in a shaft of sunlight. Red fronts with green backs and wings they made a showy start to our viewing.

Cho and the gardener were whispering, Cho motioned me over. He pointed towards a tree lying on the forest floor, a lizard was moving slowly in a spot of light. In my ear, "It is an Emma Gray's lizard, immature not very large."

I could see it, maybe nine or ten inches, mottled brown with a few small horns on its neck. It was looking around... WOOSH ... a bird grabbed it in its talons and rose into the trees.

WOW!! I had my hand over my mouth so I didn't yell!! The lizard didn't see that coming. Cho said it was a Crested Serpent Eagle! Brown shades in its feathers, I'd seen the white banding on its tail and wings as it scooped up the lizard.

What an amazing thing that was. The eagle had been entirely silent and swift. Our gardener had a smile. He said there were some pairs of eagles in this area, since so few people were around here many creatures felt safe.

Jian beside me had only seen the eagle rise after the capture, her eyes were bright. "Fay, this is so amazing!"

Jian was a city girl, she'd never been in the woods like this. I had to ask her to ease up on my hand so the blood could flow. We giggled quietly.

There had been silence in the area after the eagle had struck but motion came back. Two parakeets settled on a branch forty feet away. Their heads were red, iridescent green backs, a long slender green tail and chests were paler green. Very pretty sitting there. I got some good snaps, the big lens doing its work.

The parakeets sat for a while then flew off over the cabin.

We sat to eat a bit and drink talking about the eagle! Boy was that something. Too fast for me to get snaps. I leaned on Cho, an arm encircled my waist. MMMMMMM In the jungle with my man! Strange but wonderful.

After a while nudge from Cho, I followed the pointing finger towards the stream. The binoculars showed a dark rounded tail sticking up a bit from the foliage. We waited... a dark mammal moved into the dappled light to drink.

A Small Asian Mongoose, dark mottled fur and that long tail. I got close ups with the 400mm lens. He drank for a while then moved through some bright areas which gave me more photo ops. I saw him slip under some branches and not re-appear. He'd moved off I thought deliberately, turning to Cho and the gardener I was going to ask...

I could see Cho was excited, his hand waving me over. On the clearing side away from the water there was stealthy movement in the undergrowth, minor motion by the brush showing the passage of something large.

"I caught a glimpse of fur, light brown. We will see if I am right but I think it is an Asian Golden Cat. Do does too!"

Our gardener, Do, moved over so I could get to the window for taking snaps. Do's hand aimed at a point where a small tree lay on the ground.

"Seua Fai!"

Fire Tiger? He whispered it was a name given the Golden Cat as many people thought they warded off larger cats from villages and were so... revered.

The cat's head poked through some leaves... I got a straight on pic of a striped face like but more dramatic than a tabby cat, short ears. He moved, slipping along the edge of the clearing heading towards the water.

Now that he was in the open the glade was silent. I knew now why the mongoose had decided to go. This guy exuded power in his walk, muscled, gorgeous tawny body.

The cat slowed as he approached the stream his head moving back and forth. Did he smell the mongoose? At the stream edge he gave a good look around before drinking.

I was getting great photos! They showed him off well against the foliage when he was in the light. He had a long drink and sat to groom some. Like any cat he looked very well kept. We could see he was male and in fine shape.

Cho whispered there weren't any predators in this forest area to make him fearful so the display by the stream wasn't a risk. I could see that as he lay on his side looking around. He leisurely pushed off in the general direction the mongoose had gone after a prolonged rest.

Some one new joined us, a Red-headed Trogon. Pretty bird! Red head (naturally) and chest, nice rich red colour! A mustard yellow back, black wings. He scoped the clearing for a bit posing for our cameras then darted off.

We were starting to pack up when Do pointed to a limb across the clearing. A newbie!

"Not often seen, a few times a year."

Cho said it was a Long-tailed Broadbill. Well he certainly fit the description! A long shiny blue tail, slender and pointed. Iridescent green body, his head was yellow and black. There was indeed a broadbill. Cho voice in my ear, "They do not often come here. We are at the edge of their range from the coastal woods. Many species do make it here because of the tranquility offered."

I got snaps and I was on him when he took off further into the trees. Good pics of his wings spread and the tail opened a bit.

Cho, Ting and Do with Jian and I did a good look around. We finished packing up and closed up the cabin. No lock but a handle impossible for an animal to open.

We hiked back to the Forest Palace. Coming out of the trees to see it sitting on the rise... reddish-brown, the sun making it look so warm! The towers against the blue sky... spectacular!!

We raced upstairs, me yelling FOOD! Into the big wooden shower my voice rising calling to Ting and Jian to join us! Four wet soapy bodies! We caressed each other, washed, laughed, tickled, squeezed a few bits, having a great time!!! The drying off so much fun too. Jian and I sitting on the wood bench our men drying our hair as we held hands. Giggling!

White denim short shorts and sky blue crop top, white sandals! Gold things on my wrists, neck, ears and belly! `Joy' I dabbed some on Jian! Her bright pink crop top and orange shorts looked fab! The guys in shorts and polo shirts. Cho wearing the sea green Ralph Lauren one I bought on Rodeo Drive. It was perfect for him!

On the terrace outside the Main Room we had drinks and Hors d'oeuvres. Satays of tofu and veggies, tod mun fish cakes with a honey sauce! FOOD! I had a Cosmo made by Ting, very nice too, and a fish cake in hand leaning on the railing looking down to the oval pool past the upper garden. Day after tomorrow I would walk down there to be wed to Cho!

The only sign that anything would happen was a golden altar just setup today while we were at the cabin. Some guests would arrive tomorrow and the rest on the day! Alia was in Korat finishing up with the caterers, some of the pre-made food stored in the refrigerators here, more coming.

We hadn't done much after the guest list, Alia was a wizard!! A bonus for her if nothing went amiss. The weather was supposed to co-operate but a canopy for the altar area and our wedding party was here ready to be put up if needed.

Last report from Cassandra back in England she was on the same trajectory as Alia!! She had worked with the Abingdon caterers and Carter perfectly. They had it ready, we were only ten days out from that one!

After dinner with my fav Amaretto and espresso combo I sat beside Jian rubbing shoulders on a seat in the Game Room below the Main Room. I had beaten Cho and then Ting on the billiard table so I was kicking back with Gil and Jian watching them play.

Jian grinning, "You are too good for them all the time."

We giggled hugging. We made some music choices and got the guys to dance with us. Jaidee was a tail wagging dancer too.

We kept swapping partners back and forth laughing our heads off. I swapped out to grab Jian and we danced leaving the men standing... then Cho had Gil away they went. It was great to do this!!

I managed to pick up Jaidee, though it was getting hard, we swung around until Cho joined us. We supported the puppy who was enjoying himself. Gil, Jian and Ting as a threesome in a funny foxtrot.

We ended in a pile on a sofa laughing and squeezing each other. Jaidee adding his voice and a wet tongue!

I was on the turret terrace as the sun came up! Coffee and salapaos, email and texts. My last work for a day or so. We would be married tomorrow, have the reception and helicopter to Don Mueang for our trip to Harcourt House.

I worked for four more hours, bikini on the terrace! Jian had been doing Foundation things but decided I was right, donned a bikini and we sunned together. Gil came out in a tiny navy blue bikini with some info on the stock buying. The Target was quiet as we were. We guessed they were preparing for the stock holders meeting later in the summer and not concerned about the wider spread of share ownership.

Cho forwarded to me some emails then he and Ting drove to Korat to play golf.

We heard the helicopter approach, it had returned to Bangkok to get Eric and Malee and my `Crew'. The Crew would have the west tower, Eric and Malee next to Jian and Ting. They'd stay tonight and return to Bangkok late tomorrow whenever the reception wound down or stay over another night up to them.

We went down to the lawn to greet everyone. Hugs and kisses all around. Ni and Kavnu and his boys! Jaidee gave them hugs and they ran off to play with him.

Lawan and Thang! Reyna and Thet! He was grinning, "It is an honour to be a guest here!"

My arms around him, "You aren't a guest but family!"

Reyna wrapped herself about us both.

Eric and Malee! Her tummy showing good now, all was well with the `child' whose sex they remained unknowing.

Lunch was loud and happy! My Crew in bikinis on the terrace afterwards chatting about all sorts. Reyna smiling as I laid on her, "Fay, the Red Cross has promoted me! I am to work with a regional disaster relief team as the deputy!"

A big kiss! Then a whisper as we held each other, "They will wait until my surgery is completely done to send me traveling. Kanda and the other leaders are very supportive!"

Good news for Reyna no wonder Thet had such a big grin!

An arm on Lawan's shoulders leaning back against the railing, "Fay I have a private project. It is a translation of a novel from English to Thai and I wanted you to help me. I need to know if I am getting the `feel' of the author."

"Can't you ask them?"

"No she is dead. It is `Pride and Prejudice!'

I squeezed her, I was going to ask who... Cho! She looked into my eyes and nodded. We didn't even need to say his name! I told her she should get in touch with Prasert as he'd become a huge Jane Austen fan re-reading all her novels several times intermixed with Dickens and now H.G. Wells. He might have some insights she could use and I would of course be glad to help.

I was spending some time with each of my friends finding out how they and theirs were doing. Ni laying on her tummy I draped myself over her. There was giggling, hands coming backwards to squeeze my hips.

She and I had the most contact of the Crew other than Jian. Her coding team working for The Company and Harcourt House and me personally assured we spoke frequently.

She and Kavnu were great! His boys were so much fun, they played games all the time with their feet and computers. Her team had written a variant of the old game `Adventure' was started on main-frames, moved to mini-computers and finally to desktop units.

It started as a text only game they'd redone it with some graphics and aids for the younger ages. Still not that visual requiring the players to remember details and consider their options before acting. Good stuff.

They made it available on several sites for free.

I went in for a drink with Jaidee following Malee's cute butt! We hugged at the refrigerator holding water bottles. She'd had some morning sickness, not too bad so far. Trips to France and Italy had been done to see new fashions and she planned a few more but reducing them to none soon.

They had looked at a few bigger houses to buy in their neighborhood one was especially inviting and they had made an offer. The estate agent emailed today, he thought they would get it.

Four bedrooms each ensuite, big salon and separate family/TV room, eat-in kitchen with very professional appliances that was open to the dining area. A wash room that had lots of space, a mud room outside the back door. A large garden with a wide lawn and several old elm trees for shade.

Malee was almost bouncing telling me, she WANTED that house! Eric's place would sell easily and bring a high price. The location was desirable and the house well cared for and lovely.

We linked arms going back to the terrace sun spot!

Sumate came out of the house smiling, "Miss, we are ready for tomorrow."

I gave him a hug and thanks!

Dinner was restrained considering our crowd! Our cook did us proud as usual! Delicious red curry soup, grilled fish and loads of veggies. Roti so soft! I stuck to lassi's to drink avoiding alcohol not that I'd need to think much tomorrow... I Do! was easy to remember! But wait ... I don't even have to say that!

On my back looking into gold flecked brown eyes, a wide smile under those. I leaned up to kiss the lips, "Fuck me you!"

Cho burst out laughing, a kiss, "As madam wishes!"

We were laughing so hard but there was something stirring against my leg. I got Cho to lift up so I could slide down for that!

MMMMMMMM Nice semi-soft cock! I bathed it with my tongue, soaking the foreskin, digging around inside that to feel the heat of the head. Slowly slipping it aside...YES! I kissed the beautiful smooth thing!

Sucking commenced, nose to the soft dark pubic hair, I let my tongue slip out to tease the hanging orbs. A nice moan and an even nicer request, "Turn around with me!"

Cho's mouth over my sex, a probing tongue doing such nice things. Flicking through my labia to get to the CLIT... Wow that felt great!

I had a fully hard cock in my mouth now and I did my best blowjob! Sucking, licking, I loved Cho's pissslit, tiny little hole. I massaged his smooth balls carefully as his hips responded pumping prick into my throat. It was nice to be the cock holster for him.

Damn he was doing fabulous things to my pussy Yikes... a single digit pressing my back passageway! He lifted his tongue out of me, "Fay time for more..."

On my back again looking up, legs akimbo Cho stroking my sex with his cock, rubbing the lips, spreading them a bit... then a bit more... easing in! Our eyes locked as he entered slowly down to the root of his penis, he leaned over for a kiss, smiles!

He withdrew to tease my pussy some more but he was encouraged to get on by my heels against his buttocks! Grinning Cho filled meeee... Stroking slowly but to the bottom every time now. YES! SHIT!! It was good!

"Cho , so nice!"

Anything more was cut off my those desirable lips on mine. Tongues swirling lips squeezing cock thrusting... I was good! Laughing inside until Cho picked up the pace... the burning pleasure of the prick rubbing at each stroke I moaned out his name many times.

I reached out for Cho's chest running my hands over the hot flesh tweaking the nipples rock hard like my own! A grin of sex pleasure on Cho's face, "Fay are you being fucked Okay?"

We laughed but he didn't let let up for a second pounding away at my opening. My hips were rising to meet him I loved the impact sounds Cho looking down between us watching his prick disappearing inside me. Damn what a sight to see his muscular body suspended over me doing that lovely motion.

Cho paused to half roll me onto my left and raise the right leg to his chest, straddling over the left he went right back to fucking the ever living shit out of me!!!! The burn was hot then the flash of the heat flooding upwards across my belly to hit me in the face...orgasm!! Terrific, overpowering, I nearly went limp with the force of it.

Cho smiled at me, "Fay you look so special when you cum!"

I didn't know what it could be but the feeling inside didn't care! Cho laughing saying he had a ways to go so hang on! I was good with that cock doing its thing!!!!!

On my belly Cho doing pushups driving in with firm deep thrusts... a new and wonderful angle! More pleasure for me... Deep strokes, as Cho rotated himself above me taking new directions each time! He was really working, small drops of perspiration told me how hard he was going...

Cho said in a semi-strangulated voice it had really brought him closer.

"Oh Cho cum in me!" My second orgasm swept up blasting more heat to my breasts and face.

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH it carried me away for some seconds and drove Cho over the top. He climaxed hard in me! Two three four five times his prick pulsed in my hot pussy!!! Very special to feel his cock do that!!

Cho was rigid above then slowly gave me his weight, that was heavenly! I so loved him on me afterwards!!! Our sweat mingled and cooled gradually but we didn't move. Soft lips on my neck, warm hands caressing down my sides to upper thigh.

OH, Cho slipped out leaving me wanting him back in but it would have to wait. Then the gentle oozing of sperm which always made me so happy. I'd been FUCKED! Two years ago it was inconceivable now my great desire! So far in such a short time!

"Cho let me turn over."

Again on my back with his weight upon me my arms and legs encased him!!! Cho managed to grab the bedclothes and cover us. Warm, cuddled, Oh YES just the best!

We stayed wrapped together for some time but I needed to pee so we both went into the bathroom. I sat on the toilet pulling Cho with me. I took his cock in my mouth to suck gently as the pee streamed from my nicely fucked pussy! Our tastes blended on that marvelous penis were like an Amporn dinner!

Quick wash!

Kisses for Jaidee then back in Cho's arms, spooned. I asked about the Lawan `Pride and Prejudice' project. Cho said he wanted all her books done but this was a start. He laughed that I'd suggested Prasert as a colleague for Lawan, "I knew you would get around to roping him in! He will enjoy that I am sure!"

Me too! Prasert was quite the reader now. I was going to buy the collected essays of George Orwell for him. Such good non-fiction writing, it would be a formidable beginning.

We talked for a while about tomorrow before easing off to sleep.

`Gwen nickered quietly as we stood in the darkness under the eave of the forest. The road was empty and silent in the deep cold. Our breath flowing in clouds! We crossed heading north within twenty minutes of easy going we approached her barn.

In the stall I brushed and combed my friend. She happily plowed into her oats and honey. The hay rack filled, water barrel topped up. A double warm blanket and leg wraps on. An apple crunched! I sat down to wait for a bit.

Two of the sheriff's men had refused my orders to stop stealing horses from a farmer's barn. I shot them both. A leg and an arm. Neither likely to cause the loss of the limb, minor wounds. I didn't like doing that but it needed doing!

I bandaged them, put them up on their horses, hands tied and urged the horses off with some slaps to their rumps. I called out to them not to stop before the town, I'd be watching out.

Unpleasant task! The Sherriff was a waste of time to speak to now but the effort needed to be made. He'd lost control of his men, more decisive action was required.

It was still very dark when I entered my home through the kitchen. I changed clothes as the house stirred for the day. Tea and buttered bread was enough breakfast for today. Murat was ready for a run. OFF!

We flew down the drive to the east road into the rising sun. Vapor hovering over ponds and the stream to the south of the road as we roared along. Crossing the second bridge into the center of town Murat stepped as if he was pleased with himself, so he ought to be I'd ever made that trip faster!

At the Sheriff's headquarters a guard looked dismayed to see me as my anger hadn't gone away and was on my face I was sure. He ran off to the the Sheriff's office. A man I didn't know returned striding forward but he was taken aback by seeing me. He knew who I was.


"The Sheriff?"

`Yes M'Lord this way."

The Sheriff didn't seem pleased to see me this early in his day.

"M'Lord what can I do..."

"You can discipline your men so they're not horse thieves! A farmer reported to my Patrol of the activities at his farm late last night. This is unacceptable behavior. Your men were injured by another man and deservedly so if they act as robbers they should expect more of the same."

The Sheriff sputtered about the King's Men being attacked but I cut him off!

"What do you think the King would say if he knew you had thieves acting in his name?"

Silence, he sensed the danger!

"I am going to expand my Patrol's area and staff. The western area of your district from the edge of town outward will be watched from now on. My men will accompany your deputies on any official errand as watchdogs. Do not send your men westward without advance notice. If they enter the now proscribed area without an escort they will be waylaid and turned back."

My hand raised palm facing him, "I know you are appointed to represent the King but you are doing it poorly. I am doing what any man with my responsibilities would do, acting in the interest of those who are in my care. I will take this this up with His Majesty's Government. I can not remove you but you will not survive in this station with my disapprobation."

As I prepared to leave, "Do not act foolishly. Rein in your men, train them to respect the citizenry and perform their roles appropriately. Those are requirements of your position in case you have forgotten.'

I left the office going down the hall it was interesting to see the men I passed showing they knew my anger, shrinking away. Odd feeling.

A young deputy was holding Murat, "M'Lord he was pulling at his reins I did not want him to get free."

I thanked him but said it was unnecessary as Murat would never leave. I did give him half a crown which brought a shocked look to his face. He stammered out it was unneeded... "It is a token for you for having been attentive and doing what you thought right."

At home I sat to write to an equerry of the King, an old friend. I outlined the latest events and reviewed what I had already sent on to him. His last letter said the King thanked me and would appreciate further reports of the county.

Now I asked for action on the Sheriff as my talks with Colonel Packenham had succeeded in a reformation in his units and correct behavior! I did not hide my being somewhat high-handed with the creation of my Patrol or my recent fiat to the Sheriff.

My message to Marshall brought him to my sitting room. We discussed my night and the Patrol's part in blocking off any other deputies. My threat to the Sheriff caused a smile to broaden his face, "Sir, we will have to post watchers and have a flying squad ready."

"True, I hope you will organize those. Also we can ignore much of the west of my land and concentrate on the eastern portion near to the city. I will write to Niles the innkeeper at the Three Bells to let him know you will be using the barn a good deal more as a base. He's a good fellow and has worked for me for a long time. Please position a man for that and move tack and other supplies there."

He was nodding still smiling, "Sir, we should plan to have space for the men to shelter at least overnight?"

"In this cold weather they should be able to sleep after hours in the main bar room there with the fireplace. If we still need to do this in the spring canvas will work."

"Also send more firewood to the Three Bells for the overnight use."

He nodded and departed.

The housekeeper sent in a boy to build up the fire as I sat back to consider my actions. Yes I had been high-handed and admitted it but was there an alternative path? At least I had confronted the Sheriff, he was on notice of my intentions. No surprises there. Before I did anything I should wait on a response from London.

I was suddenly quite hungry... Tea and bread many hours ago...'

There was a quiet woof... I slid over to the edge of the bed... brown eyes! Jaidee was awake the iPhone said five thirty five. I knew I was going to stay awake...

I slipped out to pee. Jaidee's tail going a mile a minute. White denim short shorts, navy blue crop top, down the stairs to the kitchen. I fired up the espresso machine and let Jaidee out into the kitchen garden. He wandered sniffing found his `boxed' spot, did some business and we ran around on the grass for a bit.

Inside I did his food which he dove into as my coffee dripped and I dug out some salapaos and patongos! On the terrace I watched the garden wake up, birds and bees doing their things.

The house started waking up behind me. I heard kitchen folks, they greeted me with smiles and wai's which I returned when I went for more coffee!

Cho! I was encased in strong brown arms, squeeze!!! I held his hands on my belly the top of my head kissed. We sat at the terrace table sharing coffee and eats.

The weather looked to be good, no rain forecast for the day. It would get hot but our ceremony would be over by noon.

Our staff put up a canopy over the resting area for the monks in the garden and a cloth wall privacy screen. The caterers arrived! They would help rearrange the rooms furniture to open up floor space.

A quick brush up and a pale yellow sleeveless dress to meet the monks when their van arrived from Korat. Cho and I thanked them for coming and escorted them to the pavilion in the garden. Low seats, piles of cushions and small tables with refreshments. The open tent had a nice breeze passing through to keep it cool.

They were pleased and settled in. Cho and I went in to begin dressing. Cho would be the welcome committee with Ting for Dad and Phailin, The Thoi's and the Prince and his wife.

Kavnu, Thet and Thang as `family' would be helping as greeters for our other guests.

My Crew was ready. Lori and Shira had arrived they joined us. I showered with Jian. We splashed and had fun. I made successful grab for her boyclit which sent us into gales of laughter!!

I settled down, did my hair as usual, the arc hanging down to my chin and a little bit of make-up. All my nails a `barely there' blue to match the jewelry. The Crew assembled, dressed already to help me. Sunny had arrived with her family. She came bouncing in, ready to go! Hug and kiss.

My ladies were all wearing white cotton skirts, low on their hips to the ankles. A white sleeveless cotton top showing some belly, buttoned down the front with embroidery that colour matched the wrap-around scarf each wore.

Jian in her favorite red, the scarf went around her belly once then over the shoulder and down to act as a short train. Lawan had chosen pink, Ni in navy blue and Reyna looking great in orange. Sunny had her favorite green, it was iridescent. Eve and Ku in identical sky blue scarves. Cute together as ever. Eve's belly was getting huge but she had energy and happiness! Gil had chosen a rich magenta for herself. It looked fabulous with her colouring.

My dress white, unadorned, narrow shoulder straps, scoop bodice and back, fitted to my torso then falling straight to my feet. A cotton base covered in very fine tulle stopped on my instep, arcing up slightly then curving backward to a train of three feet. It was soft and easy to wear.

Cho's gift of Sapphire jewelry, the blue stones on my bosom, wrist and right ring finger. The Lapus Lazuli bracelet, Cho's first gift to me, on my left with the pearl ring. I had a one meter square of the very fine same tulle to cover my head and shoulders.

It was time! My Crew preceded me to the stairs. At the top PJ waited looking quite handsome in his white pants, orange jacket and the gold scarf over his shoulder. Bare feet and calves like all of the men, he took his arm as my escort down the winding stairs.

At the foot of the stairway was Dad. He was looking rather proud I thought. The navy blue jacket over the white pants smashing together with the gold scarf. I rested my hand on his arm as we walked through the central hallway towards the sunlight.

Our staff was there to wish me well, I thanked them all. The Crew gathered the presents for the monks and fell in behind Dad and I at the doorway. Lori and Shira went out by the dining room door. Eve and Ku were escorted by PJ so there was a strong arm in case Eve needed it. They were to sit with dad and Phailin.

Dad started us forwarded at a slow pace as we reached the door the sun touching my face I saw the all the assembled guests down the grassy path, in the garden and gathering at the oval pool. Then for the first time I felt nervous. Dad sensed it, his left hand came over to cover mine with a squeeze.

Beside us as we moved to the stairs was Sumate, he had a huge smile and made a deep bow. Ansara, Tai and Rande with him. Rande bowed and made a subtle thumbs up sign which cheered me no end.

Our bare feet on the sun warmed wood, each step very deliberate by Dad. When my toes touched the grass my nerves were calmed. We paused then went forward between the guests.

I could focus on Cho now! White pants, a pale golden jacket with the darker gold scarf over his shoulder like the other men. Ting the same except like Jian his jacket was red.

Cho's face was calm, his eyes focused on me during our approach. The five monks had emerged in their orange robes. Their chief sat on the cushion closest to where we would be. The others behind him.

I could smell the incense now, the golden Buddha on the gold altar behind the monks shining brightly in the sunlight. Our stage was set!

Dad walked me to the cushions placing my hand in Cho's! A warm hand, a steady hand! We did wai's to the monks and knelt close together.

Jian stepped forward to lift the veil from my head, so neatly done!

The prayers that begin the ceremony bestowed blessings on us. The opening prayers were in Päli, the ancient language of Buddhism in Thailand. We had been given translations beforehand.

The next were prayers for our families and friends here today so they would aid us in being good and just throughout our lives. It was in everyday Thai we all could understand.

The third again in Päli asking for God to bless us with healthy children and for us to be caring and loving parents.

The chief monk draped a sacred white cotton string around our heads and linking us to symbolize our commitment to one another. A prayer in ordinary Thai asking a blessing on us as a couple and soulmates. A monk was passed forward a banyan tree branch that was wet with holy water, the chief monk sprinkled us lightly.

A final prayer for us together to be loving in all things, to cherish each other and our families, the world we live in and all its living things small or large.

I bowed over my knees in a wai! Then Jian and my Crew began to pass forward to me our gifts and donations for the monks and their community. I bowed forward offering each one, they were accepted and I was given a short prayer each time of thankfulness.

At the end of that the monks stood and withdrew to the pavilion. Cho's hand raised me up against him.

I was kissed! Deeply with passion to loud cheering from our guests! I'd almost forgotten they were here they'd been so silent.

Now the cheers swept over us! Cho's eyes on mine! I felt exalted... I was a married woman... married to a man I loved and respected... I was so past lucky!

Jian and Ting around us, we kissed them both. Inside I so wished them the same as us!

Cho took my hand as we stepped away from the altar toward our loved ones.

I hugged and thanked each of my Crew with Sunny as associate member! Phailin had tears as we held each other. Dad crushed me tightly, "Daughter, it was quite fine to see you like this." He didn't say anything about our little adventure in front of the Security Police building but I knew he was thinking of it, me too!

The Prince took my hand, smiling he drew me into a hug saying over my shoulder to Cho `he was a lucky fellow.' "Fay, I think you two were fated to be here together! You both have my affection."

His wife had tears too. She said she was moved knowing of our tribulations. We kissed cheeks!

Eve and Ku were on both sides of me, kisses and hugs. Cho held each closely whispering our thanks!

Thang holding the stunning Lawan, gave me a kiss and hug, smiling, "A long way you have come."

True for all of us.

Kavnu, Ni and his boys! Hugs all around! Kavnu exuded a jolly happiness, his boys and Ni making his life supremely joyful.

Thet and Reyna! Thet held my hand, "Fay, lovely!" As always a man of few words. He was sporting a big grin a hand in Reyna's, her face beautiful and her spirt renewed by his caring for her. I felt very pleased they had found each other.

Kay and Greg gave us big hugs and lots of kisses. Artie looking solemn. "Auntie Fay, you are so beautiful! I hope may find someone as beautiful as you to marry!"

I wrapped him in my arms, big hug and thank you, saying I was sure he would find the right one.

Tona smiling, "Fay, it was lovely!"

Somsak squeezed me, "Sister, I am very happy for you both! You deserve all the happiness in the world!"

Kissing his cheeks I thanked him, "Tona, looks so exquisite as a mother–to-be. Your child is going to be dazzling!"

His eyes were bright looking at his bride, I squeezed his hand hard!

Gil and Francis together. Smiles, they knew what this meant, they KNEW!

Eric and Malee!!! Hugs and kisses! Malee's eyes were wet, Eric looking like he had given me away! So good to have them here!

Thoi and Kanda! Hugs and kisses! I thanked the old fox for all he had done to make my new life possible but he wouldn't hear any of it.

"You Miss Martin, are strong and intelligent enough to make your own way, now with Cho the world better look out!"

I had a laugh to myself thinking about what would be said if the big gamble of The Project came off!

We kept greeting our friends as we worked our way to the terrace.

Kamol and her American man! Hugs and her smiling face with tear tracks. A handkerchief squeezed in her hand.

Lori and Shira! They were going to try marriage later in the year! I wished them to be as happy as we were. Lori grinning, "Well that certainly is a lot to live up to, Fay!"

Laughing we hugged some more, a whispered thank you from Lori for being so generous to Shira!

Anong and Rak!! Anong's baby bump sticking out, she looked almost like a Madonna, so healthy and happy!

Udorn got a monstrous hug! Ubon couldn't travel but I told him we'd be by to see her as soon as we were back! I remembered his passion with me and how the two of them re-kindled their passion afterwards!

Amporn and Niran!! She had cried for us. She was the secret devotee of our love from the first day I was at the house and the inspiration for my working so hard to learn Thai!

Lek and Siri! He and I had shared danger and intimacy, now the best of friends. Siri held her fingers tight! Good, they were still close.

Alice and Tadeo had driven from Korat that morning. She was pregnant with their first, radiant! I could see Tadeo was devoted to her! Wonderful, from love to pain to cherished love! Like Cho and I!

Amedee and her husband the Justice Minister. She had a broad smile, "Well you look perfect! It is so wonderful to see you and Cho together!

Mr. Nu, the Chanthira Foundation lawyer, "Fay, I am deeply envious of Cho!"

Aside in a whisper, "His mother would be very proud!"

My tears came then, Mr. Nu's handkerchief came out for me. We hugged and I was going to thank him for the kind words...

"Fay I knew her well enough to be confident or I would not have said it."

Another hug and a promise to return his handkerchief. Smiles!

Alex looking very dapper in a white suit and two hues of orange in his shirt! Grinning he said it was beautiful to see but he hadn't clue what was said. I told him I'd give him a translation sometime!

Dr. Sanporam! He held my hand looking quite pleased. I had a Frankenstein thought! I hugged him laughing at myself!

Mr. Wattna and other government people I barely knew were acknowledged. Some of Cho's business friends and colleagues looking at me, more mental silliness, like they'd like a copy for themselves! Ha!

Janine and Jasmin! Girl power! They also asked what had been said, I gave them a précis. They loved it!

Dr. Vanatonu behind her dark rimmed glasses seemed misty eyed. Yes, she said it was beautiful ceremony. We were close together, her hand on my arm, "Fay, I was married many years ago... No I will not say anything more today."

I hugged her, "Dr. Vanatonu you can say it... go on."

She told me of losing her husband to fatal car crash and her mourning him all the years since.

I kissed her cheek, "If that were to happen to us we would respond the same. There isn't anyone else for us!"

On the terrace I managed a glass of Tatinger's! My mouth so dry!

Ting standing on a table?? He demanded attention!

"Everyone! Cho and Fay! I have the honour of offering the first toast to the married couple, the finest people I know! They have many faults such as compassion, generosity, and a passion for making things better and today they join forces forever to annoy the world! I give you a very dangerous couple, Cho and Fay!"

Loud cheers! Clinking glasses! Cho's eyes on mine! Pressed together we wound arms and sipped. More cheers when we kissed afterwards!

We moved around talking to our guests. I saw the Prince go toward the stairs with Cho, his aide came to me.

"Miss, the Prince would like to speak privately with you."

PJ escorted me as we mounted the stars to top. Gil came in response to my wave.

Out on the circular balcony the Prince reached out his hand, an arm on Cho's shoulders, "I have a special wedding present from my father. He has granted your heartfelt request for your friends. Jian, Ni, Lawan, Reyna and Kamol will have their birth certificates changed to show their new gender. All they need do is make a formal request."

I threw protocol to the winds and hugged him tightly. Cho's hand on my back stroking me. Tears, lots of tears! The Prince gallantly offered his handkerchief, pure white!

I stood up there looking out over the forest Cho's arm around me, the Prince's hand in mine. I thought I could fly off that high place to swoop down to tell my friends the news!

The Prince smiling, "My family is honoured to have you and your friends as a loyal citizens of Thailand. We hope you and Cho have every happiness!"

More hugs before he descended with the aide. Cho said he'd round up the Crew and send them up.

Huge kiss from him! He held my face in those warm hands, eye to eye, we smiled, "Yes, it is real Fay!"

Laughing I told him about my flying thought, "I understand but we will be a bit more conventional if you do not mind!"

I was good with that. He took Gil's hand, they would get the Crew.

I sat on one of the seats gazing outward waiting. PJ beside me smiling, "Fay, this is a very fine day, is it not?"

I hugged this man who looked after me in such a quiet, expert way I could almost forget why.

The Crew came running up. I could hear the bare feet on the steps. Gil made sure Kamol too! PJ withdrew.

I got them to stand in a arc holding hands, I stepped to close the circle.

I told them of going to the Prince after Dad was wounded and asking his help... They were totally silent at my words... then uproar!! Kisses and hugs! A cascade of thanks!

Jian pressed on me, her eyes full of tears, I opened my arms, we all crushed together.


Nothing more need be said. There was a stop in the bathroom for a few repairs before we all went down. I told them if they wanted privacy to tell their men to use their bedrooms in the West Tower. I did point out that it couldn't be widely announced as the King had gone out of his way for them.

Everyone got it. I told Kamol she could use our bedroom. Bright shiny eyes again!

Downstairs celebrations were going on as our guests mingled and refreshed themselves. On the lawn out front Cho and I said our goodbyes to the Prince and his wife. We waved as their helicopter lifted off.

We turned to go back as Ting burst out of the doorway and ran almost stumbling down the stairs to grab me up!

"Thank You Thank You Thank You"

I steadied us as Jian crushed against Cho.

"Whatever do you mean?"

Ting was crying now, Jian's hand in his, "You have made us so happy! We will be together forever like you two!"

Ting stood there in the bright sun, grass blades between his toes, arms spread wide, "It is perfect, we can be a married couple here in Thailand that I love! My parents will be overjoyed!"

We walked into the central corridor to a smiling Kavnu and Ni, Thang and Lawan coming up behind them.

I hugged and kissed them all. Cho's hand held me tight so I didn't fly away!

PJ came close to us, a whispered request. I left to go up to our bedroom. Kamol was sitting in a chair by the window, her muscular U.S. Marine holding a hand. He turned to the door a titanic smile, "Miss Martin, you've done a wonderful thing! My Kamol..."

He looked down to her, "She is overwhelmed... you know what it means for us and we will be forever in your debt!"

I kissed each, "There I'm paid off!"

I swept off my feet in a big hug, many thanks repeated!

Laughing as I got back on my feet, "You two can make more plans now... But come downstairs and sip some champagne with us."

Kamol pointed towards the bathroom, I smiled and nodded. "Anything you need."

In the sun again, a glass of Tatinger's going down easy. I had Thet's hand in mine, Reyna's arm around my waist, she'd been crying too.

"Fay, he asked me to marry!"

I looked in Thet's eyes, such a good quiet man. I knew his intensity but this side was so sweet. Reyna's cheek on my shoulder, no more tears just a shyly happy smile.

I went in search of Alia! I found Eve sitting at the terrace table outside the dining room, she was tired and hungry. Ku had gone to get some food, Eve put her legs up. A kiss from me! I went downstairs to the kitchen.

Ah Alia! I got three lassi's made and hugged Alia.

I told her it was spectacular! She'd done a bang-up job!! She was very happy for my words and praised our staff and the caterers! They'd all worked hard!

I said it showed. She asked if I'd seen the photographers? I had to think... Yes I'd seen two different ones... briefly... just glimpses... were they her's?

Yes! She was pleased they hadn't intruded on me! She would get all the pics and work on the album but keep ALL the pics regardless of whether they were used or not.

I kissed her cheeks! So happy I'd found her via Malee!!

I took the lassi's up to Ku and Eve and parked beside them to sip mine. Coconut!!

Eve grinning, "This... " she stroked her belly, "... is amazing! I never really paid attention to my body until we started this... now everything revolves around that consideration."

I squeezed her hand.

"Oh by the way, we haven't spoken much about it but work is still a wonderful challenge! I find new things about the OS and the applications every week!"

I had a big grin inside and out! I knew she'd be right for it! A big challenge for her and she's risen to it wonderfully.

Cho captured me! Tona was worn out like Eve. So Phailin, Dad, Somsak and Tona would use Dad's helicopter to return to Bangkok. We had a second one of ours here now for my Crew and Kay and Greg's family to fly back.

One for us to go straight to Don Mueang, Jian and Ting would come with us, Sunny also. They were flying to Chalgrove for the shared wedding day in a week at Harcourt House.

We'd have one 767, the other would bring my Crew minus Eve and Ku, Phailin, Kay and Greg and the boys in a few days. Kanda too. There'd be a stop in Taipei for Millie and Chou then on to Chalgrove.

We waved from the drive as the Security Police aircraft lifted off! Cho and I standing in the sun, pressing hard, "Miss Martin, I will always use that name by the way, I need some kisses! I have hardly received any since the ceremony."

I rectified that omission right away! We walked back to the guests hand in hand. Gil was waiting in the central hallway, smiling, "All of us are ready to go except for a quick clothes change."

A kiss on her cheek. I was ready too. Cho and I plunged back into the crowd working our way around saying our goodbyes.

(Comments always welcome!)

Next: Chapter 47

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