Jian: Cast of Characers

By A becker

Published on Oct 22, 2016



Sad my family leaving but it had been an unbelievable week! Packing done, bags down to the front. Carter and his crew getting it all together. Prasert had the cars ready.

Kisses, hugs and a few tears!

My buddy holding me tight, SQUEEZE! Looking in Jian's eyes seeing what I see in Cho's eyes I cried. Ting handed me a Ting-Fay handkerchief with a smile. A huge hug for him!

Thoi's hand in mine as Kanda clasped me tightly.

Tona and Somsak, he kissed my cheek, "Fay this was a wonderful week. Next year we will be three!"

Tona and I kissed cheeks! Smiling, "Take care of you three!" She nodded!

Thet and Reyna, he had a broad grin, "Thank you Fay, we so enjoyed ourselves!" She whispered she was ready for Phuket. Me too!

Kay and Greg saying goodbye to Sunny, very sweet, their first time away from one another for more than a day or so!

Phailin and Dad! I held them tightly! We didn't speak for a few minutes then I was softly kissed, `be well' quietly spoken.

Everyone was a bit emotional. It had been one of the best times of my life, so brilliant to have them all around Cho and me!

As the cars rolled out Sunny hugged me tight! Cho's arm around my waist. We waved a lot!

Sunny and I changed for a ride. Down by the Fraser's returning from a good gallop up to Sandford we saw the big 767 waggle its wings as it passed overhead.


Before going up to sleep I corralled Rose; I asked if they were doing Okay. My dreams weighing on me I explained it all to her. A lovely smile, "Love, we are fine. A bad patch about ten years back when it was so wet the crops were all half drowned but these days everything is good!"

She gave me a kiss and hug! It didn't answer my question about why I was having such vivid dreams involving their name though.

Sunny joined me for an early morning ride. She handled the scones, me the coffee and Jaidee. He came with us to the stables to spend time with Thames and the cats. Sebastian had investigated Jaidee and apparently decided he was Okay. Tess followed her buddy's lead so all was good.

Diana was at the stables but was going into Oxford to visit the Thames Valley police for an interview. Prasert driving and a security man was going along. I had insisted Diana had eventually smiled her agreement.

Andy gave us a leg up and smiled when I pointed south. Sunny on Guy had a gigantic grin, so happy! We loped along to start then opened up. Pamela's muscles moving under my thighs were awesome as her stride lengthened. So wonderful to be out riding. We pulled up at the railroad track crossing to walk over, "Sunny I'm going to take you on your longest ride today!

I aimed us along the river past the serpentine track down to the lock. My river lock friend waved, a big smile, "Good morning ladies!"

We waved back as we walked over the lock. Roy, my fisherman, was perched on his stool, "Miss, your friend's lure is just the best. I never saw trout bite like this. I've two already in twenty minutes!"

I squeezed his shoulder, "Don't catch all the fish. Say hello to your wife for me."

We ambled over the weir and stayed on foot until we crossed the narrow bridge. We did a nice trot until the new walkover then through the fruit trees, off... We rode hard around the two houses then onto Harcourt land. Side by side across the big field to the boatyard, waves to Dennis and crew and onto to Sandford.

A short walk to Mr. Hardy's place, lights on. He opened the door to us, "Miss Martin and Miss Sunny! Please come in!"

I told him we would like for him to come up for dinner, I'd send a car near to six? Casual! He was in!

Sunny saw a game laid out on his dining table, "Oh my dad does this!"

It was a military wargame, no surprise it was Napoleonic Wars period. Sunny said Greg had a room upstairs where she and Artie weren't allowed without her dad. "Mom says it's his way to unwind."

Mr. Hardy laughed, "You think about things as you play the game often against yourself. I don't have a friend to play with now."

I decided to give up a secret, "I played when I was younger because I was alone a lot. I still have some games at my houses in Froyle and Fulham. They're buried somewhere."

Mr. Hardy gave me a look like a girl playing wargames? I decided one secret was enough!

We were on our way both horses galloping strongly crossing the Radley's and roaring on when I saw Anne waving. Sunny to my right got my hand signal; we curled around to the sleeping fruit trees trotting between them to the Fraser's house.

Anne led us to the kitchen and its lovely smells! She and Sunny sat chattering right away I stood beside Sarah at the kettle. Sarah took my hand, "Fay, you and Cho are a bit sneaky!"

I laughed, "Mr. Thorn has given us away already?"

"Yes but don't be mad at him he was so excited."

We'd asked Mr. Thorn to help with several others to help us create and manage a scholarship fund for village children for further education. They could apply for grants for a trade school or university or other education projects. A small committee would make the decisions but Cho and I had made it plain we'd be inclined to allow all. It would be for the Nuneham Courtney and the surrounding villages only. Five million pounds were placed in a trust to be invested. We called it the Harcourt Advance Fund. Dull but to the point.

Sarah hugged me, "Fay, it's a special thing!"

I told Sarah and Dan Senior who'd joined us it was meant to create opportunities. They would be strictly grants not loans.

"Sara, have you done anything undoable for dinner? Come up to ours? Very casual!"

Anne was up for it so too her parents, Younger Dan also when he found out `no tie' required!

I turned to Sunny, "Ride back to the Radley's and ask them too!"

Young Dan gave her a leg up; she was off like a shot. Anne got me to visit Boxer and Rosie. I found myself with an arm on Rose's withers, my cheek on hers and fingers gently rubbing Boxer's nose.

We heard Sunny return; the Radley's would come up. Anne called her in. Sunny with a big smile stroking Boxer's nose, Rosie giving her little pushes in the back. Anne marveling on how Rosie was enjoying the visit!

"I guess I shouldn't be Rosie has fallen for you!"

Sunny and I stopped to talk with the crew chief of the training track grading folks. It would be ready for the fencing in two weeks. The big oval surrounded by a white wood fence, then the inside fence around the dirt track the same and another fence around the whole area keeping it closed except at gates. A long covered stall building down the side closest to the House.

Andy said to look in the office... Jaidee was in the cat chair sound asleep with Tess lying half over him. A quick draw of my iPhone for pics! I didn't disturb them. Cho loved the pics!

I congratulated Sunny on her longest ride and the new challenges. I told her to call Kay later!

Rose and Matthew in the Breakfast Room with Mrs. Blatchly. Coffee and fruit cake, I shared with Sunny. We talked about Christmas, family, Bangkok with Matthew laughingly telling us about his parsnips! Yeech, I never liked them!

I asked Mrs. Blatchly to ferret out one wargame for me. She'd have it ready to pick up by Monday. I took her out into the garden all bundled up with Phillips as an escort. She and he talked about flowers, etc... leaving me in the dark. Not hard to do! She gave me a big smile when I asked her to return for our wedding!! A hand squeeze!

I was warming my backside in the Great Room with Rose and Aileen. Rose was thrilled with the idea of her daughter getting married in a few months out in the garden. Aileen didn't tell her mother that she and Sue were going to start a family; I wondered but kept my mouth shut!

That had been the subject of a conversation we'd had a few weeks earlier. Aileen had approached her younger brother without the older one around he was quite sympathetic to the idea of donating sperm to go with a Sue egg! Aileen wanted to have the marriage done and the sperm collected before telling Rose. I could see the point to defuse the other brother.

After a big hot lunch we said our goodbyes to our guests. A car took Aileen and Mrs. Blatchly up to London, Matthew and Rose drove home to Froyle.

A call from a Cho-Fay Air Ops man that the aircraft was an hour out from Chalgrove. Prasert had cars in ready to go.

Sunny and I rushed to change and ride for that hour! Rebel was ready! Chess too! We went south again not planning on going too far. Diana wasn't back yet. We zoomed up the slope to the Sci Centre then over the track around the south of the Centre back over the tracks. Passing Kate's place we met her on Dragon.

Kate rode with us for a while but we had to go back to meet the new guests. Cho called, the cars had left Chalgrove. We said goodbye to Kate and rode around the stables and paddocks coming up to the forecourt from the south. We walked slowly towards the cars as they eased across the graveled space.

Sheila was first out coming to us as we dismounted. Big hug! I intro'd Sunny. Alex, Nara, Aaron, Tony and Angie! Inmura and Miki!

I did all the introductions to Cho as Carter marshalled his men to collect the baggage. He winked; I knew the doors to the Great Room were closed!

Sheila whispered, "Damn Fay, you look great! Love the hat!"

We sent them to their rooms to to settle a bit then for an early tea in the Great Room. We collected them at the doors; Carter opened them to the splendor of the Great Room. Gasps and cheers! Carter had their glass ornaments ready on a table. Each received theirs and hung it. Kisses and hugs! They all really loved the idea.

Video by Charlie with his new camera as he continued to document our Holiday Season!

Carla and crew had a nice spread. Very tasty finger sandwiches, especially the cucumber and smoked salmon. Sweet treats! Strawberry tarts, little muffins and stollen! Yum!!!

I told Sheila we'd have her on a horse shortly! With the clear weather Cho mentioned golf? He'd added some more clubs for the House so... Tony and Aaron were in; Alex too! Inmura hesitated feeling the chill until Cho let him know we had plenty of outer wear. He was in!

Nara, Miki and Angie came down to the stables to see. They had ridden when they were youngsters. I encouraged them to consider it as we had some well-behaved boys and girls for them. After meeting our equine crowd they decided to try.

PJ drove us over to Go Outdoors! We got jodhpurs, helmets and gloves. We had warm Macs they could wear on top. Later we had a fashion show for their significant others. Well received.

Each enjoyed being up on a horse again but it was Sheila who was really stoked. On Chess she stayed with Rebel and me until I asked him then... BOOM!

When I circled back to collect everyone Sheila was shaking her head, "Oh Fay, Chess is lovely but your boy there is something special."

We gathered on top the slope down a bit from the Sci Ctr. I gave them the geography of Harcourt House they could see and a bit of what we planned.

We did a nice moderate gallop back.

I called my Colonel friend from the tube. He was well and would very much like to visit us but he did need to be back for Tuesday morning. My `Would he like to ride' was answered with a big yes. He had his togs so no problem. Prasert would pick him up Saturday morning and return him Monday afternoon. Good!

I had Diana come up to the office so we could hear about her trip to Thames Valley police. She had met a chief inspector and several constables who worked sexual offenses. "I told them everything, it was recorded. They were very nice, asked me questions and pushed me to explain my answers. It felt good to tell someone everything. Of course I don't have anyone to corroborate any of it. I gave them my teacher's name that recognized I was having problems so she can tell what she knows."

Diana shrugged, "It's out there now."

I was pleased she had taken the opportunity to `go on the record' now the police and CPS were up! Hugs!

Dinner was a non-dress-up. Me in black skinny jeans, a red jumper and black ankle boots. `Joy' applied by my perfume buyer! Black onyx jewelry, wrist, finger and ears with a new piece; a necklace of small square onyx bits on a gold chain. Yes!

Cho in black also, tight slacks (OH!) a black dress shirt!!!

Everybody looked relaxed. Sunny had on black jeans with a long sleeved silk t-shirt in a shade of pale gray which made her Gaspeite pendant jump out. She loved the shirt a gift from us.

The Radley's came sort of casual, Mr. Radley in a very nice blue jumper but with a tie on under. The Fraser's more in spirit, jeans and simple but nice pleated skirts on the ladies.

Mr. Hardy in black slacks and a nice red jumper.

The others were jeans like Cho and me. Easy going dinner.

Carla and Sue! There was a bouillabaisse to start with small triangles of cheese toasted bread. Big poached fish steaks covered in a delightful Hollandaise, grilled mixed veggies baked into a pastry Sue made to resemble a fort with a Union Jack flag sticking up. The flag courtesy of Ellie's magic fingers! Lots of cheers for Sue!

Carter carefully broke down the walls of the pastry so we each got veggies mounded on top of a piece of the flaky fort wall stuff! There were tiny loaves of dill infused bread for each of us. The fine white Le Montrachet Grand Chu went well with everything.

Dessert arrived... butterscotch flan with strawberries covered in a warm cream sauce! The Tuscan Vin Santo Blanco dell'Empolese very nice with the sweet course!

Afters served in the games room for the movie. `Stagecoach' one of the best Westerns ever! Personal conflicts, ladies with problems, gunfights and Indians all together in a wham bam action-packed hour and a half. John Wayne before he became huge, the sensational Claire Trevor, Andy Devine, Thomas Mitchell, John Carradine and more. John Ford directing. Great script, taut with good dialogue, strong direction. Watchable at any time.

Everybody really got into it! It might be more famous if it didn't come out the same year as Gone with the Wind' and The Wizard of Oz,' talk about competition!

Miki and Inmura would go up to London Thursday to stay overnight at the Basuto Road house so she could visit the London School of Economics her alma mater. Shopping was whispered in my ear. Ah! They'd be back for News Years night.

Sheila was up for a daybreak ride with Sunny and I, then Angie and Nara again in the afternoon.

I met Sheila in the hallway fresh from a whopper of a kiss from Cho! We were making coffee and scones when Sunny bounced in with a big HEY! Jaidee woofed back at her. We walked down to the stables I had to urge Jaidee on from each blade of grass. What a snooper he is.

Pamela nickering, ready! Chess for Sheila and Sunny on Guy. He'd become her favorite. Andy waved when he saw my `south' gesture.

There was a strong wind pushing the temperature down, we warmed up everyone then did a strong gallop up to the Sci Centre. I gave Sheila the lowdown as we walked over the tracks towards the lock. My usual greetings for both the men there. We turned back to keep this ride shorter.

We were rocking it north I saw a Range Rover parked on the west side of a spinney on our route home. Doors open, a fellow with a rifle going into the spinney. My iPhone beeped the tone for the Panic App. I pulled it out and answered the call from Security.

"Miss please turn towards the river and go down around the paddocks to the north to return to the stables. Right away! We have an intruder in the east woods we are tracking and a team is approaching him."

I told the others and we headed west.

"Ride hard follow me to the river now!"

We heard a gunshot well behind us off to the east.

I turned us hard west down the slope to the flat area beside the water. The slope blocked us from the woods to the east where the shot had come from.

Sheila and Sunny followed me closely. We wound around the northern fences to reach the central paddock road and turned left up to the stables.

Andy, Anthony and Gregory were waiting with an armed Security man. We handed over our horses and went up to the House. Cho had gathered everyone in the Great Room.

"Someone entered the security zone and was tracked. A team was sent to investigate. They made contact, a shot was fired which wounded one of our men. A very minor graze and the intruder is captured. He is being held for the Thames Valley police to arrive."

He looked at me squeezing my hand, "It is William F., Diana's father, one of our employees. He had a handgun looking to do something. Our men approached quietly from two directions. He was nervous it appears and a noise prompted him to fire his weapon. He probably had no idea what he was shooting at."

We sat next to the fireplace, Cho explained in simple terms our security zone and that he could not have approached the house. He had been tracked since he entered the woods by our sensors and cameras.

"Now we wait for more information. Since he was alone and most likely acting on his own personal motives there is no reason to consider any further threat."

Thomas and Carter entered from the hall. Thomas explained William F. was in the hands of the Thames Valley police, he will be charged with weapons offences and other acts. The police inspector would be up here shortly to give an explanation of that.

Carter brought in a tea cart as we waited. "Miss..." I stepped over to the side, "Miss, Diana is not doing well with this. Could you talk to her?"

I squeezed his hand and waved to Cho, pointing downstairs. He smiled and gave me a thumbs up!

Diana was in a chair in the staff room by the fire. Carla whispered Diana had been crying and didn't want to talk. I hugged her, "I'll see if I can help."

I sat in the chair beside Diana, the fire going well, warm. I didn't say anything, she looked up. I handed her a Cho-Fay handkerchief. She looked into my eyes, "Fay, I love being here...everyone is so good...how can I stay if... if I put I put people in danger?"

I put out my hand, hers was hot, "We aren't in danger now...and we won't be any more. Your father is going to prison...probably for a long time. This won't be repeated."

Her eyes were closed tightly, "Can you be sure?"

"Yes, he's done too much this time. Having and using the pistol really does him in."

Diana nodded. I told her we were all going down for a ride shortly as soon as the police inspector came up to brief us.

"Can I be there?" Then an odd face, "Should I call my stepmother?"

`Yes and no. It's fine for you to hear what the police say but let them be the ones to contact your stepmother."

She agreed. Stanton came in, "Miss, the police have arrived."

I thanked him and took Diana upstairs. We sat in the office with Cho and Thomas and Carter.

Inspector Halliwell had been here with his chief superintendent when they came to talk security with Cho, Thet and the Culham Sci Centre head of security.

Halliwell said he spoken with his superiors and the CPS. William F. would not be allowed bail and would undergo a psychiatric exam in the coming days. He would be charged with multiple weapons offenses, trespass and a few others. A custodial sentence was definite, most likely for many years. When he had more he would contact us.

Thomas was making sure his staff was ready to be interviewed and all the video and sensor data was being copied to give to the police.

We walked out with inspector, "This is of little help but we wanted William F. to have a psychiatric evaluation when he was with us the first time but we were overruled. That decision will be reviewed."

We will still be waiting for info but going on. The men went to play golf. The ladies had a nice ride with me and Diana who was doing better after hearing what the inspector had to say.

Miki and Inmura left for London in a Prasert car. They'd return tomorrow in the evening.

We had a lively buffet dinner as Marandi led the staff in creating Indian and Pakistani food. Some spicy grilled fish, pakoras, roti, veggies and paneers. Fresh fruit and green salads.

Ellie made some decorations and we had regional music. Great fun and tasty too!

Everyone was saying goodnights at the stairs; I was hugging Cho, a whisper, "Lean back on my arm."

Cho swept me up and charged up the steps everybody laughing as we disappeared down the gallery. I was laid on the bed; Cho stepped back and began to slowly disrobe. Each piece of clothing laid on one of the chairs very lightly. I lay watching this show and started to undo...Cho signaled for me to stop.

When the bikinis dropped I could enjoy the sight of his body and that wonderful cock in a soft arc. I knelt to kiss it. My tongue gently caressed the sex, up the shaft, around the foreskin shrouded head. I played with the border of the foreskin and piss slit. He was slowly engorging giving me more to work with.

Sucking commenced with the tongue prying up the edges of skin hiding the cock head. I gradually slid back the skin MMMMM that cockhead emerged!!

Cho stopped me; I was lifted up, a finger on my lips after a lick.

Cho began to undress me as slowly as he'd done. Each garment on the other chair, very lightly. He didn't touch me except to remove each item.

Naked I was crushed against him, lips locked, his hands eased down my back to cup my little ass. Whoops I was raised up, we took two steps, I leaned back to sweep the duvet aside, the cool sheets on my skin.

Cho released me kissing his way down my torso, I was licked and petted. The hibiscus pecked by warm lips oooooohhhhhh he reached my sex. Cho rubbed with his nose then inserted that magical tongue. I was wet and highly aroused but this gave me shivers! Oh so nice to have that warm tongue doing things! He hands slipped up to tug my nipple rings sending lightning bolts through me.

Cho lifted up I could see his hardon, very stiff, the cock tip parting my labia. YES! He eased in!!! A long slow stroke until those balls were against my skin!

"Cho... Cho..."

He needed little encouragement! All the way out then all the way in... fabulous!! Heel to toe fucking! I had my legs around him pulling his face to mine. He had such a wonderful rhythm going! I wanted to hear and feel those balls bounce on me!

Cho smile above, "Ah my dear this is nice, yes?"

We both laughed as he kept the rhythm! Feeling each stroke!

"Hey horse lady time for a ride?"

I nodded, "Yes lets!"

Cho rolled us over I was astride him holding his cock inside me looking down into those brown eyes, "Ready?"

I got a huge smile! Off! I was bouncing on him in a smooth ride! Those strong hands moving over my thighs belly OH those thumbs on my nipples!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I leaned back riding Cho as if he was Rebel! The sheer delight of sex...sex with Cho...Strange thoughts of the passionate couplings I'd been in with other men, Jian, the girls...Nothing like this! I rode like a wild thing!!!!!

My legs on either side of him tight to his! Damn it felt so fine! His hard muscles let me bounce easily. He rose to meet my riding, deep he was DEEP!

I leaned over him hands to his shoulders RIDING RIDING... OH SHIT a torrent of heat flooded my belly rising upwards flooding my face I tried to keep going as two more orgasms swept over me Cho gripped my thighs holding me down on him that lovely prick was spasming inside me I squeezed as hard as I could I wanted to feel it!!!!!

Cho's body was arcing up lifting me with my weight that cock stayed in tight as he eased me down onto his chest then slowly lowering us both. Arms around me holding me snug to his heaving chest our sweat mingled. Kissing!!!!!

"Cho..." I wanted to say more but I had no breath...His fingers in my hair gently rubbing my scalp was nice...he lifted my chin for a kiss..."lovely!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

We melted for a short while; I hooked the covers with my foot and worked them over us MMMMMM in a cave with Cho! Not bad! Warmly snuggled...quiet...resting...dozing...

I slipped out for a wash, little Jaidee followed me. He was kissed and petted. He is always so warm; he curled up in his bed again by the fire as I added some wood and stirred it. Brrrrrrr I slid into the sheets then encased in Cho's warm arms to sleep.

`I was up on Murat, my big black hunter, talking to a tenant of mine when the constable and two deputies came down the road from the forest. Jenks gave me a look, I told him to go home I would see him later. He walked away rather quickly.

The constable never went anywhere alone now. An inner smile! He was going towards the coast so we exchanged a few words before going our separate ways. He seems to have lost some swagger. Good!

Early that morning Gwen had saved me from capture by his deputies with her bravery and strength. After I burned a wagon of spirits the deputies had taken from a smuggler I was pursued down a road heading to the woods beyond a low ridge. Some other deputies tried to cut us off but Gwen went on running ever faster as we neared a collusion point.

Straight on Gwen dashed passed before them into the forest! The road ran on like a taut string for a short distance but the pursuit was in vain, Gwen was too fast and strong.

We outdistanced them rapidly and they gave up pursuit; when the road bent to the right we turned into a hidden path I knew which curled back towards the way we came. About fifty yards in we stopped and waited. Quiet!

Patience was our long suit. We waited soundlessly for some time then slowly and very softly walked down a fork in the path that led to the north. We exited the woods going along the edge to a gentle ridge. Behind a screen of shrubbery I listened...silence...

On the road for a short space then out on the moor...we were alone travelling towards our hideout at the back of my estate. Gwen's courage carried us through.

I gave her loving care, made her warm and she got the best oats with some honey. A large crisp apple for dessert.

I rode Murat hard across the moor he cleared each hedge and obstacle easily. I slowed as the burned wagon came in view. Two deputies were there.

They both saluted me and told me the tale. The constable had been fit to be tied by the destruction. I knew why, he re-sold the captured spirits and pocketed the money. A shame I said.

The ride home was a good trot and I handed Murat over to the groom. My housekeeper had a broad smile, her `breakfast, Sir?' was greeted with a definite yes!'

I was awake, Cho warm against me! Still dark, iPhone said not yet five. More Gwen dreams...I still didn't know where it was coming from since the Reeds were okay.

I washed and dressed thinking about Gwen no tears, tightness in my stomach though. So many years of play, so many good times riding in all weathers, frequently my day began and ended in her stall. She was such a happy girl!

I walked down to kitchen all those thoughts in my head I suddenly jerked to a stop, my Gwen dreams started after everything in Bangkok had been settled. What did that mean?

It bounced in my head like a pinball. Jaidee snuffing around the kitchen garden, tail up! Damn he was cute! Jolly little man, so adoring to Cho! Easy to understand that!!

Coffee! I was early; the others wouldn't be down to ride for an hour. I built up the fire in the staff room and parked myself there. Trying to figure out the `why' of the dreams...

I was quite still for a time then a noise...it was Nan the early kitchen one. She came in to start the breakfast. I made a noise to alert her without scaring her. She a big smile, we chatted, I got more coffee and got the scones ready for five.

I asked if she'd met all the staff yet. Nan said she had finally met Prasert when he began to eat in the staff room regularly. Huh? I asked when was that? Nan said abt two weeks ago or so.

News to me! Well maybe he tired of cooking for himself. It was good for him to mingle. He'd relaxed and become a fun person to have with us.

An early morning email from the Colonel, his old sergeant-major had a bad turn so he'd not come down. I asked him if there was anything we could do to help. No, a nice thanks for thinking of him.

I was sorry not to see him and sorry for the bad time his friend was having.

Sunny and Shelia arrived. We did coffee and scones. I delivered one to Andy as usual and Diana got one too. Mounted we took off. `South' to Andy, a wave!

I took them all on my `round the Horn ride. Mahogany wasn't real sure about the bridges but Diana talked and walked her over the first ones so when we did get to the west side of the Sandford lock she was ok with it. We ended with a glorious four horse romp past the Radley's and Fraser's! The men working on the training track gave us a cheer as we eased up nearby. So much fun.

I was standing beside Pamela an arm over her withers watching Cho stroking her nose. A big smile, "I saw you lot roaring through Fraser's, I had to come down!"

Hugs! For Cho and Pamela!

Food and coffee!

Tonight would be our first News Years night at Harcourt. Our guests and folks from town with an unknown surprise from Carter.

Everybody had spent the day out and about! Riding, golfing and shopping! Dinner was to be an Italian from Carla. Antipasto, a barley, bean and garlic soup, breaded fish baked in a wonderful tomato citrus sauce, very light olive oil sauce over plum tomatoes and artichoke hearts tossed in linguini, warm Pugliese style loaves of bread.

Carter brought out the Masciarelli Villa Gemma Montepulciano d'Abruzzo! So good! I enjoyed the little whiffs of cocoa, vanilla, sweet berries that came to my nose.

Manchester tarts and vanilla ice cream with strawberries was dessert!!

Coffee and afters in the Games Room for a movie. `Twelve O'clock High' because I was thinking about Chalgrove. World War two actioner with a deeper story. Gregory Peck in a tremendous performance as a general who leads but pays a price. A superb supporting cast, Hugh Marlowe, Gary Merrill, Millard Mitchell and Dean Jagger. American flyers bombing France and Germany from B-17's like those based at Chalgrove, dangerous work in the early years of U.S. Army Air Forces action in Europe.

Beautiful black and white film with excellent sound!

I thought of another movie I wanted to see again `The Gunfighter' which would team Peck and a co-star Millard Mitchell as quick draw outlaw on the run and a lawman who was his friend!!!!

`Twelve O'clock High' with its positive ending was a good jump off for the News Years night.

Carter got us into coats, gloves and hats. It was cold but clear. There was a large white panel at the edge of the forecourt's north side with a projector and Charlie.

We were treated to a multimedia show done by Charlie of his work capturing our first Christmas. Stills, video and music flashed on the panel. Creative, funny, whimsical and loving portrayal of the last few weeks. Cho and I mixed with our guests doing some identifying of folks on the screen. The whole staff was there to see it, all of them included somewhere.

Jaidee with us watching the images flash onto the screen. We loved the little guy popping out of his box!! Charlie made his snaps into gif video!!!

It lasted ten minutes then a laser light show that Carter arranged. The many coloured beams spiraling, flashing, bouncing off the house front, a Happy New Years' splashed across the big panel! We all cheered as it came to a close!

Double fist bumps for Carter and a hug!! A great secret! A hug for Charlie!! "Miss I will add the newest pictures and video to it so it will represent the whole holidays!"

Another hug!!

We all trooped over to a table where Kendal was pouring champagne as midnight approached. Cho and I counted down to the magic hour!

Cheers!!! A nice bit of champagne and we then held hands to sing Old Lang Syne. One chorus only then inside for heat!

Hugs and kisses as we broke up for bedtime. Sunny a big hug, she got a half a glass of champagne. A cheek kiss, "Thanks for everything!"

Cho holding me close in my dressing room.

HHHHHHMMMMM A very nice kiss!! Jaidee came in to sit on our feet. Such a cutie!

Warm and naked with Cho. A New Year!

Awake, up and going! Dressed and down the stairs with Jaidee. Started my eats as we walked in the kitchen garden. Ah! Jaidee my man doing his business!!!

Nan was there to fix his grub; I took mine as a takeaway. Andy smiling as we traded a warm scone for Pamela's reins!! I pointed south. He nodded.

Down the grassy road we walked breathing the cold air, clouds of breath. We cantered up the long shallow slope to the Sci Ctr. All quiet, no one to be seen anywhere. Over the wooden walkover along the river to the lock, our friend smiling. A Happy New Year which I returned!

Roy wasn't there fishing, a hangover? I smiled at the thought. My head was clear.

Across all the water Pamela and rode hard beside the water then over the tracks and through the fruit trees. Our usual course and detour then back to our property. It was quiet at the boatyard. Everyone off until Monday.

The Sandford lock behind us we walked down Church Street to the church. Silence.

We turned down the dirt road southwards slowly picking up speed. Pamela was ready to run!

I asked, she delivered. We roared down the berm then into the open field going all out. Pamela's strides reaching out for the ground, grabbing the soft earth, flinging it behind us. The Radley's and Fraser's were a blur for us this morning. We eased up at the new tracks to a soft trot then a fast walk up the slope to the barns.

Gregory shaking his head, "Andy called me out to see you two flying. Beautiful."

Andy popped out from a stall, "Miss that was great to see!!"

I slipped down my arm over Pamela's withers, "My girl! It was a tremendous ride! Andy all your best for her!"

I got two thumbs up!!!

After a coffee stop I stuck my head in the Breakfast Room. Some shining faces! Carter said Cho was in the office and wanted to see me.


"Fay the deal is closed for the land over the river. Now, we..." I laughed and was kissed..."we are going to buy the house next to the Basuto Road place. It's to the left as you look at the front door. When we first stayed there I had the solicitors make enquires about houses nearby, I thought about a few that came on the market but passed. I suggested the solicitors ask the next door ones.

No one wanted to sell at that point but the couple in the one we are getting have health issues and can't use the stairs very well. We... are making them a good offer and an agent the solicitors hired has a nice sunny one level ground floor flat they can buy and have a good amount of money left over.

So we can have a bigger garden and space for staff and security year round!"

More hugs and kisses, "I'm good with that. I don't know the couple very well with not being around much but they are pleasant. Is the flat close?"

Only half a mile just off the Peterborough Road. They are happy!

"Have any news from Bangkok? Jian and my office are doing fine."

We talked about the property additions around the house there and the layouts of the new houses. I asked about part of the one to the south being used by my PA when hired. Cho said the master suite was large and on the second floor by itself with an office. It had a large balcony that was private with the trees around it but still sunny looking out over the river to the west. Good!!

He had pics of the model train layout the club members had been working on for us. A mountain at one end that sloped down to a lake and to a flat area where we'd put up the town and rail yard. The tracks went under the mountain in a tunnel which had two exits, one toward the flat area, and the other towards the other end of the table. The switch was in the tunnel for us to control. We'd run track around a small hill down there which would complete a circle of the table. There was plenty of room down at the end for possibilities!!

The club fellows had done a really wonderful job! The mountain had a craggy top that gradually changed to wooded areas and an alpine meadow above the lake. Damn it looked pretty real in the pics!!

Cho was very pleased! "I think we should pay two years rent for them, Okay?"

A big yes from me! I went back through the pics again. It was very real looking. These guys were GOOD!

We had a sit down with Shelia and Miki about their collaboration. Cho and I said we'd setup a non-profit education foundation based in London. We would endow it and the money from investments would be used to fund research into economics, politics and allied subjects. We would sell access to the reports and allow commissions for subjects. In turn we would hire folks like them to to do the research and writing.

First up a report on short term economic effects of a United Kingdom exit from the EU and a second on long term effects. Another on how UK companies like The Company would function across the EU if it took place and were subsidiaries an option or...?

They were excited! Cho said they needed to decide on what form their collaborative business efforts should take and where to base it. Their solicitors at home could advise them about taxes, etc...

Hugs and kisses!

I gave Sheila a FCUK hat. Sunny got one too but with the caveat she had to get her parents approval to go the door with it on. Miki choose a FCUK t-shirt. Same for Angie and Nara.

We had a great time with everyone; I went around helping the packing. Early Sunday afternoon departure allowed Sunny and Sheila one more ride in the morning.

We got ready...coffee, scones and Jaidee! The little guy romping with Thames as us riders went down the hill. The four of us rode south taking it easy to start then some speed up past the Sci Ctr. At the lock there was no Roy again. I called out to the lock man, he said he didn't know why but gave me Roy's address in Abingdon on Old Farm Close.

As we crossed over I told the others I wanted to stop to check on Roy. Okay!

His little semi-detached wasn't far from Sophos, so we went down their side lane and past the leisure centre onto Audlett Drive, a turn left we were right there.

I slipped down and knocked. It was early but he'd always been out early. His missus Angie was surprised to see me. Roy had gotten a cold which wouldn't go away, now a cough so he was staying in for a few days. Warm and taken care of nicely he said. He was touched I'd bother.

His wife was sweet, they were fine not needing anything, `except for some trout' from me which got a laugh out of them both. We waved then retraced our way back to Barton Lane and off.

We made our way north to the silent boatyard, a detour onto a dirt road that came out of the north end of Lower Radley. We jogged along it as it was now part of Harcourt House.

It went through woods and some open space then we came up to the industrial estate. Just a quick look then on to Sandford. We walked down to the church, Mrs. Lone waved as she moved flowers into the church. A turn on the dirt lane and everybody now knew what that meant.

Big smiles! Pamela with a nicker she knew too. We charged off. Guy, Chess, Scout and Pamela all running hard, their manes flowing in the cold air. We all exchanged grins. Riding abreast we crossed the Radley's and Fraser's rapidly, I kept the pace up until we reached the training tracks. Then we slowed walking around a bit then up to the stables.

Sunny and Diana joined Andy in taking care of our friends. Sheila joined me for more coffee and greetings to the others in the Breakfast Room. The men were off to golf shortly, they'd be back for lunch before Cho-Fay Air carted them away! Poo!

It had been so much fun to have Sunny around, a smart child and growing up! We made a last shopping trip to Go Outdoors for a few more bits of equipment and to encourage her I bought some to store at Harcourt House for her. She gave me a big hug for that thought!

I said we might stop in Seattle on the way from New York to Los Angeles. Secret grin for that was a certainty. We had surprises for her!

The goodbyes were done, Cho and I on the gravel out front waving as Prasert's cars took everyone over to Chalgrove. We went riding to the north stopping at the pub so Cho could have a pint, me fizzy water. Out by the lock with our drinks the 767 came over Harcourt House; it waggled its wings and soared off.

An old-timer with a pint of bitter asked about it. Cho explained it the fellow seemed a bit put back. I told him we were from Harcourt House which changed his mind. "My granddaughter met you at St. Thomas; it was all she talked about for several days."

He raised his pint to us, we returned the salute!

I called Michael, he and Karla would love to come down for a visit. They'd take the train Friday after work. We'd get them back to Oxford Sunday afternoon for their return.

Gladys, Teddy's foster mom called. She was having a medical issue related to her upcoming surgery. The doctor wanted her in the hospital for tests so could we host Teddy overnight? Of course. Have him pack a bag and we'd send a car right away. She held on as I called Prasert, no problem, Tom would go over right away. I told Gladys the driver would be Tom and he was leaving now.

Carter sent Audra to prepare one of the upper floor rooms for Teddy and they would host him downstairs for meals.

The dining room was so empty! I asked Carla if she would make omelets. No problem! Light and fluffy, fine herbs only. Fried potatoes with dill, a nice loaf of dark bread. A platter of fruit cut to bite size!! Yes!!!

The evening ended with me in Cho's lap looking at some of the cartoon books comfy in a big chair in the library. I gave him a tutorial on Krazy Kat! He loved the stylised landscapes and Krazy's wild abandoned love for that mean mouse. Fun!

Teddy was in the Game Room watching a movie I setup for him. `The Enemy Below' a terrific World War Two movie about a U-boat on a mission and a very dogged US Navy skipper hunting it. Curt Jürgens and Robert Mitchum as the commanders. Very well done in all respects with a fine supporting cast.

He wanted an action film and when it was over he thanked me.

"Miss it was really good. I felt like I was right there!" Well you can't do better than that!

I told him we were very informal about getting up in the morning but the folks at the stables were out early working. He was welcome to wander around. There were wellies and mac's and warm gloves he could borrow. Smiles!

I scrabbled around trying to capture my iPhone in the dark, every time I reached I seemed to push it away. Damn! I was up. Cho managed to sleep through that.

Dressed and heading down with Jaidee. After his walk he was face first in a food bowl while I did coffee and scones. We ambled is the best way to describe our trip to the stables, it sure was fun watch him meet up with Thames. Woofs and barks, they rubbed and chatted. Andy would keep Jaidee close until I was back.

Pamela trotting along nicely as we we passed the training tracks needed little encouragement to raise the pace. We streaked up the slope to the Sci Centre then over the tracks a fast run to the lock. The number two man was working today we greeted each other. Roy wasn't fishing like I guessed; the bag over my shoulder had scones, muffins and some chocolate cake for him and the missus.

I knocked on the door, there was Roy bundled up but looking better.

"I'm past the worst now but Angie says I have to go out to fish like an Eskimo from now on."

We laughed. I hit a sweet spot with her; she loved chocolate cake or anything chocolate!

I waved goodbye turning Pamela to cross Audlett Drive and pass by the leisure place to get back to Barton Lane. We went left after crossing the tracks following them until an open field south of Radley. I urged her to speed the crossing was quick, over a dirt path then a paved road. It connected Lower Radley to the world and is the southern end of the new property. Over that we were in a big field bordered on the west by the railroad double lines and on the east the dirt track we'd ridden yesterday. We picked up the pace going near the tracks all the way to near the small industrial estate where there was a narrow road on its west side.

I followed a curve to walk into the industrial estate. Going slowly looking about I stopped at the rear of one building where men were loading an electronic console into a van. I smiled but they seemed nervous, "Can we help you Miss?"

"No, just looking around." That didn't make them happier.

"If you need help ask at the office out by the gate."

I thought to explain but felt it unnecessary so I turned around and walked off. We headed around a corner in front of me were numerous cars with tags on the windscreens. I saw a building with many bays each with a car being worked on by one or two men, all very busy. We wandered up closer.

I fellow came out wiping his hands on a rag, a rag so dirty I doubted it would be effective. As I was asked again if I needed help another man came out of an office.

"Hello Miss! We don't work on those," a big smile on his face.

Laughing I told him this model was in excellent shape. I slipped off a glove and extended my hand, "Hello I'm Fay Martin." He was Samuel the repair shop owner.

"Oh you're the lady from Harcourt House, right?"

I admitted to that and asked if he'd gotten a letter from a solicitor's. He gave me an odd look `like how did I know' then wham...

"You're the new owner?"

I said Harcourt House was indeed the new owner and I was just wandering looking about.

"Well Miss come any time, we're here long hours. We run two shifts to keep up. My nephew is here evenings."

He said Jeffery was the rental agent's fellow on site. I walked Pamela over to the little office by the front gate and slipped down to knock. The door opened before I could do anything, "Hello you must from Harcourt House?"

Laughing at the start, "Yes I'm Fay Martin. You are Jeffery?"

He was around during the week to check on buildings and tenants a few hours each day. I told him to reassure tenants there was not to be any changes, certainly not rental increases. He was pleased.

I did ask about the medical equipment folks. He said they did rental equipment and no not very friendly.

Remounted I told Jeffery that I'd wander around some more. He asked me to let him know if anything was amiss.

I steered Pamela towards the bridge to the lock. I left a note in Mr. Hardy's post slot asking if he'd be around in the morning so I could visit. Then Pamela was ready to run! We flashed through the Radley's and Fraser's but pulled up at the training track. The men were out working on it. I waved to big fellow as we trotted by.

Andy pointed to the stable office, I peeked in. Jaidee and Thames curled together near the fire with the cats in the overstuffed chair. Cute! I got Jaidee to come with me after taking some snaps.

Coffee and a treat for my little man from Nan. Cho with the newspaper welcomed us. Jaidee got well rubbed, those soft ears especially!

Wash up and into a skirt, tights, ankle boots all black, dusky rose blouse and white cardigan. Parked in the library, I went to work. Trip planning for follow up visits to completed projects and North and South America. Sent draft report for Mr. Awabo in Papua New Guinea to Eric, review current projects and ones to start this quarter.

Cho had websites for me to look at furniture for the new place in Greenwich Village. I texted I wanted it all to be comfortable and not for show. Smileys back! I started going to some. The walls were a pale khaki and light olive green. A rug we had bought, twenty four by twenty foot Persian, had the wall colours and dark blue, red, pink, gold and dark olive green. I sent some choices for the living room to the printer in the office and a text to Cho. Smiley back!

In the bedroom a warm medium cherry seemed to be a good colour in the pale blue and navy scheme. Queen bed with headboard we could sit back against, a big wide drawer under each side. The bureaus were long and low both with large mirrors above. Two white speckled with small navy squares overstuffed chairs and a small table for near the doors to the terrace. A good floor lamp! High intensity lamps on goose necks for each side of the bed, bedside tables and several duvets with the blues as primary colours.

Cho laughing at the door to the library after my flood of print jobs, he was waving some, "Fay how do you make up your mind so quickly?"

I shrugged, "Usually my choices when agonized over aren't any better so..."

I got a kiss! Good! More I implored which was successful except when Cho climbed into the chair on top!!! I went nuclear early, tickling!!! Yes! Cho popped up but sought his revenge...I nearly peed in the chair. My pleas were finally listened to and I was released. I straightened my clothes.

Cho picked up the scattered pages, "Just keep it up, interior decoration is not my strong suit."

I got another kiss!!

Email from Eric liking my final draft for Awabo also my suggestion to make Alex my number two. Alex would take over South and Central America and Caribbean right away. I'd setup a meeting in New York if Eric approved and pass on all my plans for those countries. He was good to go on that!!!

Alex replied he could meet in three weeks if that worked for me. Yes but I'd finalize the day VERY soon! He was good. I didn't say anything about job change, Eric said do it face to face. Okay.

I emailed Jian to have Dusit make a comprehensive list of contacts, jobs and appointment dates for me to hand over to Alex and keep it updated as we go forward to when I hand over. Cho was pleased!

"More time for me!" A big hug!

A Prasert car delivered two things!! Yes!! Mr. Hardy was going to be surprised!!

After dinner in the Great Room I called the Colonel find out about his sergeant-major. He was stable but back in the hospital. They didn't think he'd go home again. Did he want to try again for a visit? Yes, so we'd arrange the car at Oxford station.

Weekend with a few folks. Michael and Karla and the Colonel. Teddy was staying another night but he was being well looked after. He'd spent the day with Andy and Anthony. He said it was terrific to be around the horses, they were all so nice. I did tell him some horses have tempers like humans but ours were mostly chill.

Tuesday morning, not so early, Cho and I ready to ride. Pamela and Chess saddled and ready. Andy got a scone, later than usual but welcome!

We headed out north. The men were working on the training tracks we stopped to talk then trotted away. Faster passing through the Fraser's, a wave and exchanged greetings with the two Dan's. Deanna Radley waved and pointed to their house, Cho called out an Okay! At the south end of Sandford we slowed to a walk. Through the streets to Mr. Hardy's.

He was at the door, "I heard the clip clops."

Shaking hands, we stepped inside. I could smell coffee, "I just made a pot."

He handed me blankets for our friends. They got covered and kissed.

He poured and we sat. I told him we had a few things for him. I pulled the big heavy ziploc bag from my messenger case. I put it in his hands...a look of surprise and wonderment!! Yea!

It was an almost perfect copy of `La Bataille de Moskowa' by Martial Enterprises. The massive wargame of the Battle of Borodino in the fall of 1812.

"Miss...How...Where...," he sputtered to stop.

I laughed lightly, "I told you I used to play. I'll say I never used this much it's so big! I only ever played some of the scenarios."

I opened the bag and pulled out the maps. The four were all as big as any ordinary game's one, there wasn't enough space, "Miss on the bed maybe?"

His bedroom was quite neat, the bed a double. We laid them out. I put the clear bags of the unit pieces out so Mr. Hardy could see how detailed and colourful they were.

Cho smiling as I told Mr. Hardy some about the game, Cho willingly got my case. I pulled a notebook out. "This is a notebook I kept, it is the run of play for several scenarios, errata and changes to the rules I would have made."

"Miss I can't..."

"Yes you can. This is the first time I've touched this in about fourteen years. There's no reason for it to be wasted."

I led him back to his lounge; Cho pulled a flat white box from his bag, a single silver slightly notched apple on the top. I handed it to Mr. Hardy, "You said you wanted to write a book about the Napoleonic Wars maybe this will help."

I lifted the lid, an Apple MacBook! Eyes wide, we opened it together. "You can type in a word processor, do research online and surf the web. A tech from a company we use will be by tomorrow to install a high speed internet connection for you."

Mr. Hardy sat down, his head shaking, "Miss it's too much to think about."

I lowered myself beside him, "I'm being pushy I know...you can tell me to take the piss but...I want you to have some stimulation and maybe a chance for me to read your book."

He looked at me, a big smile on my face, "Miss you can be dangerous..."

I acknowledged that, "But Cho and I like to share with friends. We're going to pay the internet bill as part of the gift."

Cho poured more coffee; Mr. Hardy seemed resigned to my meddling, a smile, "I guess I have to write that damned book now!"

We laughed, "Please call the House if you want to use the library, Prasert can get a car for you and if you need to go to the British Museum or Library, we can get you dropped and picked up at the Oxford Station."

As we walked out Mr. Hardy took our hands, the thank yous were from his heart. He knew we wanted him to get on... to be healthy and active.

"Now if you have questions about the MacBook you can call on us. The folks in our security office are all Apple users of long standing and will be happy to help."

We waved as we rode south, Cho said it was best we didn't linger. I thought so too, my `meddling' wasn't intended to embarrass.

We stopped at the Radley's. The daughter-in-law had gone into labour so Deanna was heading to the hospital with her husband. Cheers! And break a leg to her daughter.

We warmed up the horses then asked them to run, we flew past the training tracks and on up the slope towards the Sci Ctr. Great! We patted our friend's necks, huge grins on our faces!! A soft gallop back north to the stables.

Andy grinning, "Zoom!"

We were laughing, it was a zoom!

Pack a bag for a London overnight. Prasert was ready. Interviews for my PA position and the Business Conference at Earls Court.

Gladys had picked up Teddy. Carter said she was doing ok and her surgery would go forward in a few days so Teddy would be back.

Kendal brought out our bags, "Have a good drive."

I squeezed his shoulder and smiled. Cho handed me in, PJ and Rande and Ansara were with us. Ansara was new to Harcourt House, she'd come over from Bangkok on New Year's Eve. A bit of time off to a acclimatise herself and get the low down from PJ and Rande.

Prasert put his foot down when we got to the M40. I was leaning on Cho, "So everyone over to the White Horse?"

A big Okay from him, PJ and Rande said yes! Ansara laughed she was in.

After dropping us Prasert went south of the river to his home base, it had been awhile he said. We'd see him early tomorrow.

The five of us walked to the White Horse. Cho and I in a booth snuggled, our protectors at a nearby table. Newcastle and salmon! They go well together!! Nice bread! A stop for breakfast things and then to bed.

I was pulled by Cho out to the garden. "We will remove the fence..." a finger pointing west to house next door, "do some gardening to open things up and a walkway."

Brrrrrrr I drew him inside!! A kiss in the kitchen, a whispered, "Love you!"

We shared the shower in the morning, rub a dub was fun but we had to get on! Dark blue dress long sleeved, mid-thigh, A-line, matching tights and heels. The group of gold rings on the left arm, Triple intertwined bracelet on the right, big gold loops in my ears, a simple single strand gold necklace, a black bag I could put my iPad in. Dark blue pea coat and gloves! Still Brrrrrrr outside.

At Earls Court we were met by a woman who showed me the office suite Jian had booked down the hallway from the conference rooms for the Business meetings. Desk, conference table and chairs and a sofa with tables a chair.

Ansara acted as majordomo and ushered in the first person to be interviewed. Gillian W.

She was in her middle twenties, slender, shorter than me, nicely dressed and looking professional without a hard BUSINESS edge. Good! Light brown hair almost at shoulder length, green eyes!

We tried the table but the chairs were uncomfortable, I parked on the couch with my iPad open to Gillian's CV. Generalities to start then some questions about the CV listings and her current employment.

How long had she been in England, family, etc...?

Gil! Is what everyone called her. She was well spoken and poised. My questions in French, German, Italian and Spanish were answered in the same. I surprised her a bit with the Thai question. No problem. Her mother was Thai, Cambodian-French, her dad English and American.

More questions to bring out some attitudes and feelings, trying to be subtle. She was relaxed and responsive. I like her!

After fifty minutes or so I wound it down telling her I wanted to meet her again for a second interview. Would she take the train to Oxford to meet at Harcourt House? I told her she would be picked by car at the station and we would reimburse her for the train ticket cost. Yes!

At the door holding her hand, "How about bring an overnight bag? Can you get off tomorrow?"

She could easily. I said we had robes and slippers and hair dryers so she could save the weight.

There was a big smile as she left.

I went down the corridor with Ansara and PJ to the Business Conference rooms.

Cho was with a few men and waved me over. One of Wattna's men and our Ambassador for me to meet.

We worked our way around the room until Wattna's fellow, Kao got our attention. We started with his welcome, he intro'd the Consul who intro'd the Ambassador. He spoke briefly then Kao took over to intro Cho and I. We would go first providing some overview.

Cho gave the attendees his view of the Thai business climate and where it was going with mentions about different industries and worker skills. He delivered in his usual style, clear and thoughtful making his points and a good summary. Smiles from me!!

My turn! I was all about how The Company did our business in Thailand, what was the regulatory environment like, local labour skills in technology and language proficiency. What was the infrastructure for transportation, etc...

After that we hit the refreshments, coffee!! A plate of cookies!! There was a nifty PowerPoint show and a video of Bangkok from the air showing the transportation links and various areas of the city.

We mingled with the attendees greeting and answering queries. Cho was next to me when a woman leaned close to me, making a motion with her head, "Are you two...?"

Not subtle but I was even tempered about it and said we were engaged. She apologized, "It was just that...you two look like you should be together. Sorry."

I smiled my Okay. After that I slipped out with PJ and Ansara to go back to the suite. The second candidate interview while the others had lunch. He was on time, nice looking, good clothes, and relaxed appearance.

He was the least likely choice given his CV. No experience that was comparable but the agency suggested him because he had succeeded at a variety of jobs giving the impression of flexibility and the ability to learn.

I went through my questions tailoring them to his CV. He was glib but after twenty minutes I knew it wasn't a fit. Shallow, not what I was looking for.

Back to the conference. Rande had eaten so I sent the others off for food. I nibbled on cookies and coffee.

There was more of the same in the second session. Cho teased me about not falling asleep.

The attendees got all the audio-visual on a DVD and thumb drives of the data.

At the end I slipped off to do two more interviews. The man who was number three was interesting but he didn't really have what I was looking for especially as his languages were not as well developed as I wanted.

The last a woman of considerable beauty. Angela's CV was very good. She had the right experience, thirty years old, nicely dressed in the conservative business woman's manner.

She had the language skills, seemed to be a self-starter which I had liked in Gil. Her poise under my questions was solid.

I asked her for a second interview tomorrow. Could she travel to Oxfordshire? Yes. I told her the same arrangements as for Gil but something held me back from extending the overnight. She'd be first in the morning.

Cho came down to collect me. We decided to skip dinner in town and go straight home. Prasert at the door scooped us up. We were at the tail end of the commute but we both did calls and email the whole trip.

Carla had for us some of her wonderful veggie soup and grilled cheese sandwiches!! YEA! We chilled out in the Breakfast Room talking about the day and my interviews and the overnight for one. Cho looked at me..."I know but Gil and I made a connection! I have to put it to the test!!"

He got it!

Carter came in, he had a few things. He and Gregory had interviewed Nick the young farmer who'd worked some at the Garden Centre; Dave the owner had suggested him. He was a nice young man but he didn't have enough experience to lead the farm. I asked would he be good as a second in command or such? Carter said yes if we found a strong manager slash leader Nick could learn from.

Okay we'll look for that person.

Also the Thames Valley Police had been on; Diana's father is still in custody undergoing a psychiatric exam. Bail, if offered, will be very high beyond his price range. His wife is Okay. I smiled at that, I'd asked Carter to inquire about her, did she need anything. Diana is up to date on her father.

Dennis had called the new boat has been ordered and the awning fabric I wanted. Yes!! Carter said Dennis had a company in Abingdon to sew the awning after he had the boat so they could do the measurements themselves.

I slipped on some wellies with Cho to walk to the stables. Anthony finishing up working with Diana. First stop was to Pamela. Cheek to cheek!! A low sweet nicker! My girl!

We visited everyone! Rebel looked ready to go!

Walking back my iPhone went off with the ringtone for Reg! Rona had started labor; they were with her parents in the car on the way to St. Mary's Hospital in Paddington. They are on the A40 clear sailing! Reg said it's just beginning so... don't worry they had lots of support. He'd keep us up to date.

Hoo boy they were going to have fun!

Bedtime with Cho! We lay facing touching lightly, no sex just the warmth of knowing our love! Sleep with my man!

Checked the iPhone after killing the alarm, a text from Reg. Rona was still at it but it was getting close. That was about thirty minutes ago! I replied with a break a leg' which got me a... that'd be easier' Loads of Smileys and love to Rona!!

Dressed and booted walking down the stairs with Jaidee. Mr. Bouncy Puppy! Funny watching him nose deep in the grass edge of the walkway through the kitchen garden, tail up!

Nan did his breakfast, I did mine. He stayed in today. At the stables Andy smiling, "Your girl is ready!"

A leg up and we walked down the grassy road to the training track. No one there yet but it was looking great!

Southward we loped up the slope towards the Sci Ctr around to the right heading to the lock. Good gallop to the lock, a wave and greeting for the lock fellow. Roy was fishing, Eskimo man. He laughed said it good to be out and he'd do what was necessary to appease his missus! Good to be careful!

After crossing the river we ran hard until the track walkover then north around the two houses onto Harcourt property a turn left onto Hall Street in Lower Radley. A fellow came out of a nice brick house with a briefcase heading towards his car, I said good morning. He stopped, "Hello! You are the lady from Harcourt House?"

I was, he said he wanted to thank me for helping Mr. Hardy. He had seen an old friend, Gerry, Maeve's dad, at a store and got the story. They both had Mr. Hardy as their history teacher.

"I'm Jerrold."

I slipped off my glove and leaned down to shake hands. "Fay Martin."

Jerrold waved his briefcase, "I'm on my way to work at the school where Mr. Hardy taught, I'm a history teacher there. He inspired me to take up the work!"

Damn, a wonderful tribute, "Does Mr. Hardy know?"

Jerrold said he hadn't seen him since he went to university. Many years back now.

"I'm heading his way now to check on an install of internet for him, would it be appropriate for me to tell him or... Maybe it should be you?"

"I'd like to see him again."

I gave Jerrold Mr. Hardy's address, we shook hands again, "Don't be tardy!"

Laughing, "It would be my first if so!"

I turned Pamela north again. Text from Reg, Margaret Fay Alexandra was born. Six and three quarter's pounds. All the right number of things and healthy lungs. Rona and child doing superbly. Pics to follow.

Cheers back to him. They would go home tomorrow in the morning.

I said we'd meet them at theirs in the afternoon. I texted the news to Cho.

Speed across the new property we were almost to the industrial estate when Cho called.

He thought maybe a good choice for the Farm Manager might be the fellow we bought the land that was southeast from Lower Radley, south of the boatyard. He wanted to retire but possibly he could be the person to run it for two years or so and train younger folks to take over. Cho had gotten info on him when we bought the property, his was a soundly run farm.

I agreed, "What about my going to his house now?"

Cho chuckled, "Well Miss Martin do not scare him off Okay?"

Ha! I turned Pamela around and asked for for her to run. We retraced ourselves quickly. Down Hall St. south this time. We turned into the drive of a house that had been added onto for many years, expanding by demand.

A white haired man came out, big but solid, "Hello... I'm Fay Martin."

I slipped down; pulling off a glove extended my hand. He had a tremendous smile, "Miss come in out of the cold. I'm Archie. Terry..." A loud shout, a blonde head appeared out of a shed, "Get a blanket for Miss Martin's horse."

A kiss for Pamela.

He led me into a warm kitchen with breakfast smells. A pink cheeked lady, round build but spry from the way she danced over to us.

"Miss, my wife Margy."

We held hands, "Nice to meet you Margy."

She smiled, "Miss we've seen you go by. Tea?"

Yes to that and a raspberry scone, `our berries' made it a done deal!

A few minutes of talk then..."Archie, Cho and I wondered if you might be interested in a position with Harcourt House we are just now creating? It is as our Farm Manager. You'd manage a team to grow a variety of grains, fruit and vegetables for our use and a herd of cows and maybe more. Plus train some younger folks on how to run the enterprise. Possibly for two or more years?"

I held up a hand with a smile, "There's no hurry for an answer."

He leaned back, looked over at Margy, "Miss we still have work here, the animals... cows and pigs..."

Margy was going to say something...then Archie...Margy spoke, "Archie you're going to be bored and you know it."

He was shaking his head, "'Tis the truth! The animals are easy for the most part, routine. So I'd get to farm some of the land we sold you?"

Laughing, "Yes! But also the land north and east of Lower Radley and Radley we have added to Harcourt House plus land on the other side of the Oxford Road in Nuneham Courtney. We want to be self-sustaining for all our horses."

I sipped my tea looking over at Archie, "Also we are building new barns, training areas, a breeding shed and housing for staff. There will possibly be as many as thirty horses living at Harcourt this time next year."

His eyes were wide open! "Miss you mean to feed them all?"

"Oh yes that's point! You would be working with Gregory our stable master and the trainer to meet their needs. The current garden staff will do what they are doing now, not involved in the farm portion."

More tea and a bite of a very delicious scone. A big smile for Margy!

"First if you agree with us on terms we would want you to work with Carter our butler and Gregory to hire staff. Carter speaks for us and is the executive in charge operations. You would report to him. Once you have Gregory's needs you assess the property and decide where and what."

I sipped my tea; Margy was looking at her husband, Archie looking at the ceiling then slowly down to me.

"Miss I haven't had a regular job so to speak in over forty years. I don't know..." He came to a halt but I had a feeling...

"Archie, the managers of the different departments of our property are expected to exercise their judgement not be micro-managed. Carter wouldn't be leaning over your shoulder. You would have achievable goals that are worked out with Carter and Gregory, a budget and the power to make decisions within your sphere. Does that cover your thinking?"

"What about this place? Could I still do work here?"

"Of course! We can discuss Harcourt House buying your animals as a beginning for our livestock if you like. Any of your workers if they like could be considered when you start hiring."

I smiled, "I assume you are interested?"

Archie looked over at Margy I didn't need to turn my head to see her nod of assent.

"Yes Miss I'm interested." Big grin!

I stuck out my hand; the huge hand surrounded mine but no crushing squeeze.

"Good! We will put together an offer for you on salary and etcetera's. We have some special benefits for all employees in the medical and health areas. We will provide an iPhone so you can be on our private network and have a Panic App our security provides also a laptop for managing and ordering."

He and Margy had a kiss! Nice! I carried my tea cup and plate to the sink behind Margy. I got a sweet smile, "Good, he won't be in my hair!"

We both burst out laughing, Margy gave him another kiss. Archie grinned, "I bet she's glad to not have me under foot!"

Mixed metaphors but they were nice folks.

Archie gave me a leg up; I waved heading south going the rest of the way in reverse for the first time. Pamela was good, Terry, Archie's nephew had given her a carrot and a warm blanket. We passed backwards at the lock much to the surprise of the lock man and Roy. A few laughs.

After the track crossing I asked and Pamela went!! We zoomed across the grass! She has high stepping! Clumps of earth flying into the air behind us. So much pleasure to ride like this. A wonderful companion, clear air and a sea of grass!! Up the slope to the stables we were met by Andy. He'd watched us from the Sci Ctr.

Only one word but it was perfect, "Poetry!"

I was on a huge high striding up to the House. iPhone said I had an hour before Angela. More coffee and hugs with Cho!! Pretty good!!

He was pleased with my interview with Archie. "He'll be steady, now what we have to do is get good folks to support him and learn."

Cleaned up, black skirt, white cotton long sleeved blouse, red cardigan and black ankle boots. Silver jewelry. Simple & neat!

I had discussed Angela with Cho thinking she might be who we needed to be an office manager for the office at The Company building. She'd help manage some of our new initiatives. Her language limitations wouldn't be an issue if she was based in London. No experience with Thailand or the language was countered by her speaking and writing six European languages fluently with familiarity with eight more.

Cho said if I thought she could be the one go on! Kiss!

Angela was delivered on time by a car. We sat in the office with coffee and cookies. I asked a lot of leading questions, her answers brought up more questions. We got on well. She was smart, aware and being open with me.

I asked if she'd accept a different position, one centered in London at an office we were opening. Some travel but mostly dealing with various bits of our diverse interests around the United Kingdom and Europe. Angela seemed almost relieved and happy about it.

"I wasn't sure about the travel and I knew my not knowing any Thai would hurt my chances. This sounds quite good to me."

Good! I told her what we proposed to pay and the other benefits which she said was generous and welcome! I texted Cho. We stood beside each other making the offer official.

Angela had tears so I borrowed a Cho-Fay handkerchief for her. The tears stopped when I told her the story.

She would give notice and take another day off to meet us at The Company building tomorrow since we were going up to London to meet the new `niece!'

We hugged at the car taking her the Oxford station; it would collect Gil right after. Standing with Cho by the Great Room fire, "I feel good about that! She's organized and smart!"

I got a few kisses! I slipped hard against him, "Are we spending a lot of money?"

Laughing, "Yes but there's a lot to spend! The Bangkok accountants sent an email with 2015 preliminary figures... Even with spending more we are worth something more than four billion more than 2014."

Damn! "Is it that old adage, which I always thought suspect, `you have to have money to make money?'"

A squeeze, "Maybe but all the businesses are sound and well positioned. Thinking of the future! None of the investments are wild and crazy but VERY steady earners! The stock markets are all up a good deal. The value of the properties has increased everywhere! Harcourt House itself is now valued at almost a million £'s above what was paid."

I sat in his lap by the fire, a bit of kissing...

"The future...Adam and I are going to do some horse buying next week. Do you want more to ride?"

I said Yes especially if there were retirees or others who need a home we could take a few. If they were good and steady like the ones we have then they'd be fine for training younger ones.

"Well that is fine. Hansa will ship to Sam and Beverly's next week; she will have a bit of different weather to get used to before Jackson starts. There are five others that will ship but to here. We will talk it out with Monaco next week before he goes buying with us."

My iPhone said the car with Gil had left Oxford. I slipped off that warm comfy lap, kissed my man. We waited there until Gil was escorted in. I shook her hand and intro'd Cho.

She was in a nice dress but... "How about a change to jeans and meet back here?"

Smiling, she was good with that. We walked upstairs; I led her to her room.

Green skinny jeans, same white blouse and a pale gray cardigan, same boots. Carter arranged coffee and cookies in the library. I parked in one of the big leather chairs, Gil in another in bright blue skinny jeans and purple jumper..

For forty five minutes I asked a tonne of questions, responded to her answers and answered a few questions for her. I had my chin on top of my drawn up legs, arms wrapped around, "Gil, we are going to have our profile raised by a horse."

I told her about Glaa and how he was positioned. What it might mean for us and Harcourt House Racing. She looked at me, "I can easily say NO!"

The right answer to my unspoken question!

Okay but now I made her the offer which got me a YES! I was pleased but kept it low key.

I gave her the proposed salary and benefits also she wouldn't have to pay for living space or food. There'd be a clothing allowance; I told her we did that for the security folks.

"So the woman and man yesterday were security?"

"Yes, bodyguards who are always around. I travel with PJ; he's very good like the others of being close but discreet. The clothing allowance gets them dressed well, looking like they belong with us. Not the tacky suits you see on so many bodyguards."

"Since you will be traveling a lot having clothes in several places will help. AND mentioning travel are you ready to go in a few weeks' time?"

Gil sat up, "Yes! But a few questions about my things. I'm sharing with a friend near Shephard's Bush, it's her place and I pay rent. We've been doing month to month for me as I've looked around for a different job and living space. I don't have any furniture."

"Okay this is my plan to this point. Here we have a nice big room on the top floor here on a corner. Two dormer windows, double bed, bureau and a big armoire, comfy chair and small desk and a several tables. It has its own bathroom. It was the butler's in the House's past but Carter has a house out to the south like the other managers. It's airy with good light!

We have storage for anything you won't need right away.

In Bangkok we bought a house adjacent to ours. It will be a guest house but there is an apartment on the second floor. Bedroom, sitting room, tiny kitchen and a big bathroom. Also a smaller room we can fix up as an office or whatever. A balcony which is private but sunny. We could have stairs added on to give you a separate entrance.

In New York, there is a three bedroom apartment on the ground floor which you would share with the housekeeper and a female security agent. The bedrooms are ensuite so you would only share kitchen, dining room and sitting room.

Now you will have access to me any time you need, you will maintain my calendar..." laughing... "making sure I know what's on it!" We both laughed.

"I'm on the board of Directors of The Company and The Chanthira Foundation, chairperson there. Cho and I run the Harcourt House Racing establishment and more. I will be on the board of St. Thomas School in the village here. Plus we have two non-profit organizations just starting up, a think tank and an educational fund for local youth. Cho and I will be sharing those and Angela who you meet tomorrow will be directly involved in them.

We run other businesses, OH all my contacts, family...on and on! No point in going there for now. We'll talk it all out over time. NOW FOOD!"

I jumped up Gil was giggling as I did we hugged, "You'll get hang of it all as all my things are growing!'

We didn't find Cho in the office so we ran to the kitchen. I piteously called out `FOOD' as we entered. Carla crossed her arms over her chest, "NO! Mr. Cho said I wasn't to feed you!"

We all burst out laughing, Sue giggling, "We have your favorite veggie soup and veggie hamburgers!"

OKAY!!!! I intro'd Gil to them and the other ladies. "She's my new PA!"

"Oh Gil, another thing I don't eat mammals, reptiles or birds but yes to fish!"

Gil hardly ever ate meat now-a-days.

Carla said they'd be ready to serve in ten minutes or so!! They'd seen Cho with Jaidee about a quarter of an hour ago in the kitchen garden.

We went looking. They were down at the far end Jaidee's nose in a bush. Cho was pleased about Gil, a big smile, he got Jaidee's attention. His tongue came out to lick Gil's face as she squatted down to him.

We talked and walked back to the kitchen slowly. Eating, Gil had a good appetite like me seconds of soup!

I asked if she rode... not for many years. No money for that after leaving home. That was one area where I had asked subtle questions; Gil's parents weren't high on her list! Well, been there, done that!

I grabbed PJ to drive us to Go Outdoors! We got lots of clothes for Gil and a few things for me! I got two complete sets of clothes, my helmet type included to be shipped. One to Sam and Beverly's and one for California. I texted Cho about an address there. Sent back an address on Ocean front walk in Venice? I asked??? He sent I'd find out! Secrets!!!

We were up front looking at a display of freeze dried hiking food? The picture on the package I knew could never come from that plastic bag thingy. Gil was shaking her head; PJ leaned in between us, "No Way!"

Well that sealed that!

I spun around to go back to the manager we'd just left, I asked for two sets of the clothes we bought for Gil to be sent to the same addresses and a third to our Bangkok address. Done!

A stop at St. Thomas School served two purposes. Mr. Thorn had news about the fund raising efforts, they had £9,145.00. We hugged, "Then we'll bring in an even £10,000.00."

Cheers!! He'd start with the builders right away, getting them ready. The board had their meeting; they wanted us to join for a two year term. I said Cho and I discussed it and one of us would join. I was happy to go first.

So we could communicate one of the security techs at the House would bring down an iPad and accessories to link up to a TV so I could conference into board meetings from anywhere!

I introduced Gil, I told him she would be the point of contact but if he needed to speak to me he'd be able to and I would still visit whenever we were at the House. He was smiling broadly as we left!

I took Gil upstairs to the top floor. I opened the door to the southwest corner room. She smiled, "Light all day!! Nice!"

She liked the bathroom with a skylight that she could open. I said I didn't know how hot it got since we hadn't been through a summer. She asked about a smaller bed so she could have more space.

I texted Carter, he'd be up shortly. I pointed out he was The Man when it came to things about the house.

The very same said the bed wasn't a problem and asked what kind of mattress, firm, extra firm or rock.

Gil laughing said plain old firm was great. Carter told us the previous room occupant had a large fan in the west window to help vent the room. Gil was fine with that. She liked the room! I told her she could have it repainted to whatever she liked. Smiles!!!

We dressed for a ride. She was amazed by my outfit, "Fay, I love that!"

Jaidee came with us to spend time with Thames and our cat friends. Gil got to meet them and Gregory, Andy, Anthony and Diana.

Andy had Rebel ready for a run and Scout for Gil. A leg up, a slow walk down the grassy roadway letting Gil get used to being up again. I showed her the training track; the men were at the far end. We loped slowing up the slope after a tree line she could see the Sci Ctr; I gave her a run down on them. We crossed the tracks as I did a running commentary about Harcourt House.

I told her Cho and I would sit down with Francis after our ride to talk about some Company things she should go downstairs to Security. Sign her employment forms, a non-disclosure form, have her ID made, get an iPhone 6S and an iPad and a MacBook. Talk to Thomas about House security procedures.

I showed her the southern limits of the property. "Are you Okay on Scout?"

Smile! She had forgotten how lovely this could be! We picked up the pace some swinging around the Sci Ctr. I pointed out Kate's place and a bit about her watery event. We galloped across to the little road under the trees. I gave her an abridged version as we stood on the re-routed path section. Back up on top of the slope looking north we could see Cho and Diana riding by the training tracks.

I gave Gil more of our history being a bit sparse with the details more on what would be going on over the next few months. Weddings, trips for the racing and business, meetings and friends. Tomorrow's trip to see the `niece' and The Company offices.

Smiling, "There's a lot going on even if it seems remote at the moment. Jian will deal with the business side regards The Company but you will have to share maintaining my calendar with her. Also Sanjara, Cho's PA, will need your attention to our overlapping connections. You'll like both of them, sweet and smart."

I squeezed her shoulder, "I don't want to overwhelm you. We'll work our way in. Now, what about your moving from London? What will be needed in the way to help and how soon?

Gil said with no furniture, it was only clothes and six or so boxes of personal things. "I haven't really unpacked there."

I texted Prasert about a small van for Gil tomorrow. He was back quickly...when & where? I handed my iPhone to Gil to fill him in.

I told Gil I wanted to exercise Rebel so I'd meet her down at the track. Zoom! Rebel was happy to be asked! We turned south over the tracks again soaring around the Sci Ctr again then a blazing straight line to the training track!

The others could see us come, me leaning down to Rebel's neck. DAMN! DAMN! This is great!!!

I pulled him up to a walk beside the track. Cho's face beaming, "Damn Girl that was fabulous!"

I could see Diana's smile, "Miss he really loves to run!"

I said she'd have to do this for him which got me a raised fist...YES! From her! Gil and I went up the stables while the other two rode for a time to the north. I sent Gil to do her things at Security I did a shower cleanup all new and clean thing.

Black skinny jeans, black t-shirt cutoff with my black Seattle cutoff hoodie sweatshirt, black boots! I dabbed some `Joy' for Cho!!

Coffee! Cho and I sat with Francis. He'd been up to town yesterday meeting with forensic computer specialist in The Company office.

The tech had done a retrieval of all the docs in a hidden folder created by Glover as well as the two Word docs with the metadata he'd found. The whole process was videoed and all the work the tech would be recorded. The evidence chain completely chronicled.

Francis had found that hidden folder doing remote access that Jared had arranged it was on an old server everyone thought had been decommissioned. More proof of guilt by Glover and the fellow in purchasing. In the trove were docs showing a Board member had received money from the scheme.

The Company solicitors yesterday said they had enough to seek restitution by various means and CPS and police needed to make their own decisions but the evidence was damning! We wait on this but the wheels are rolling!

Fist bumps with Francis. "You do good work!"

Cho was pleased and let him know we wanted him to go up to town again tomorrow. Francis smiling with thumbs up!

Carla's dinner was a Chinese-Thai buffet, we asked for something we could share. Carla and Charlie were to join us with Carter, Sue, Gregory and his missus, Phillips and his wife, Prasert, Ellie, Thomas from Security and his #2 Yone and Dennis and May. Francis and Audra, who was now the lead on the cleaning staff. Archie and Margy were introduced. A big welcome for them and another for Gil when she was introduced!

Great little dumplings and egg rolls and shrimp spring rolls!!! Fried rice with big chunks of egg and sweet tasting marinated shrimp, noodles of several types and red curry soup!! Newcastle's or fruit drinks!

Chopsticks! Giving lessons to Gregory, laughing a bit as the food falls back onto the plate, he opts for the fork. Prasert leaning close to Ellie showing her, they seemed easy with each other. HHHHHMMMMM!!

Carter having no issues with his chopsticks, "I've been in the Orient with the Royal Navy a century or so ago."

It was a lot of fun, everybody enjoying the food and being happy with the company.

In the dark and chilly garden, Cho holding onto Jaidee as he explored, me shivering even in a mac.

Cho pulled me close, "Thinking of Margaret Fay Alexandra, we're not too far out you know."

I said yes but we are prepared, the nurse via Kanda, the rooms here and Bangkok, the other places will be ready, the doctors and hospital, etc...

We'd drive up to London early to meet with Eric. Sitting around a conference table me thinking boring but unavoidable...I drifted into strange thoughts...

Okay the lawyers are going after Glover & his buddies for the money skimmed in Windows Server sales, CPS wants EVERYTHING...

Angela arrived so Gil got me out of the meeting. In Eric's office I intro'd the two, it was good! Angela happy to be taking on the role of office manager and Gil was in the right place.

Angela signed a bunch of docs after which they both laughed when I said it was time for the small cuts to sign in blood. I did have the confidentiality' talk since Cho and I were still going to be as private' as we could be with all the expected hubbub from Glaa et al.

One of the items on Angela's CV which attracted me was some experience with the news media, she'd worked for a `redtop' newspaper for a year in public relations. Some of my interview questions had been about that.

"Fay, I get it. We need to manage the news, right?"

Laughing I said yes then Gil interjected, "I can say NO!"

That made me laugh more, "Well there will be some inquiries which we hope will wither on the vine."

We went upstairs to the top floor where Cho and I were having our new office built out. The plans on a table and a walk around gave Angela the layout. We had the southeast corner, Cho and I would share a big space, table desks side by side facing the big windows. Guests towards us with a sitting area to the north side. A conference room with a big screen, a workspace, small kitchen and the usual facilities. Angela would be in a space between the front desk area and us. Room for another person in there.

Gil went off with one of Prasert's drivers to get her `stuff' and go back to Harcourt House to settle in. Angela was going to move too, closer to Notting Hill Gate.

We discussed lots of things about the job growing out as we did and basics like how to dress. Her `business woman's' outfit was fine but over the top for our office.

I stood up, black skinny jeans; a cutoff white `T' under red cotton long sleeved unbuttoned shirt, ankle boots, my arms wide, "Unless a prince of some sort shows up..."

Angela laughed, "Okay! I'll keep a `business' outfit in the closet..." pointing towards a space where the wall studs were visible..."that will be built there!"

We had some tasks for Angela to get started on; the folks at The Company would help her get setup in the office, ID's, etc...

Ansara got her ID so we were good.

I called PJ, would he get a car for a trip to the Apple Store and join us. Covent Garden here we come!

I found myself looking up through the glass atrium at the gray sky as an Apple person asked if he could help. I smiled, "Well I have a shopping list."

An iPad and case for Angela. Some iTunes cards for music and apps. Extra cables and charger connectors. A 3tb Time Capsule router for the new office. Some flash drives and two 4tb backup drives for the future. We would buy the desktop Mac's when the office was ready in a few weeks or so. Angela was going to have a small area in Michael's office since he was on the road a good deal.

Now off to Currys PC World store on Kensington High Street. I bought a Brother colour laser printer/scanner that will work with all our wireless devices. A short run up Kensington Church Street to Notting Hill Gate and The Company HQ.

We off loaded and picked up Cho. Now out to see our new niece in Ealing.

A huge hug for Reg at the door! Intro's to the new grand-parental units, both sets! Then upstairs to see the ladies. "Rona...Damn childbirth becomes you!!"

She looked `peachy' a cherubic smile with the pumpkin in her arms. "Go on take her for a minute."

I stood there with the pink little beauty! She was cute as a newborn could be. I looked up Reg was melting in the doorway, "Hey Dad, you guys do good work!"

I handed Margaret Fay Alexandra to Cho and sat beside Rona, "All is good?"

"We came through with flags flying after the extended labour. Our little dear was in no hurry. But it's all good now!"

We hugged, "Now when you are ready..." a hand squeeze..."remember there are some very nice horses to ride at Harcourt. And Ellie is great with kids so..."

Rona grinning, "Oh I won't forget! I want to get in shape!"

We let her rest with the cutie-pie!

We spent a sometime talking with the grandparents, they were all squeezing in there; we told them some could stay at ours in Fulham. They would consider it. I left them with Mrs. Blatchly's number when they decided.

Back at home we were ready for Karla and Michael for the weekend with the Colonel.

Teddy was to arrive soon a car had been sent. His foster mom Gladys was getting a lift from us to the Churchill Hospital for her surgery. We'd take Teddy over to visit when she was ready for visitors.

I dressed for a ride while waiting. Cho made it take longer as his hands kept getting in the way of me putting clothes on. He was laughing so hard he almost fell over which got me laughing but tugging as much on as possible in the break! We ended up sitting on the floor laughing and kissing, "Okay, I'll let you take it all off later!"

He was satisfied, for now!

Prasert's car rolled up the driveway on the forecourt that nice crunching sound. Michael handing out Karla, the Colonel hopping out looking spry! Hugs for everyone. The Colonel holding hand looking my clothes, "My Dear, you look wonderful!"

A cheek kiss for that!

Going upstairs with Karla, "Fay it seems odd to be here with the big bosses!"

I laughed at that characterization of us, "Well, dear you need to know we have a dungeon for those who cause trouble!"

She giggled, "I've never gone to a `weekend in the country' before."

"Ah, then you're in for a treat. We have several Range Rovers to roast over open flames for dinner."

She laughed, "Something to look forward to."

Karla stopped dead still in the doorway, "Fay, it's beautiful. The blue and yellow! The bed..."

"It isn't too big I hope? I don't want you to lose Michael in it."

She hugged me, "Thanks for inviting us!"

A kiss on a rosy cheek, "Why don't you change to something jeans or such and wander down to find us."

Michael on the stairs was pointed towards the room, my hand squeezed, "It's nice to be back!"

Cho and the Colonel were by the Great Room fire. A scotch in hand!

"Gentlemen, I'm going for a ride soon any takers?"

Laughing they both gave me a bow, almost in sync, "Madam we'd be honored!"

I did a mock curtesy, "I see you have started something so I will let you gallant men off the hook!"

I was toasted. I asked them to send Karla to the stables when she came down with the caveat about wellies and a mac.

Intro'd Karla to our stable folks biped & quad. We talked as we walked around, she and Michael living together now and happy about it. Her experience at work was like mine everyone had been terrific! The solicitors had done all the paperwork to change her to Karla, all done. So was Toni who was in the travel department. The solicitors had been so wonderful!

She was seeing Dr. Terry for counseling and the hormones were working with few issues so life was good. They'd had a nice Christmas with Michael's family, she liked them all. Not out to them but she would be but just not at Christmas.

I saddled Rebel for a ride in the close in paddock as the gloom was setting in as the light faded. Karla sat on the fence and we kept talking. Her second cousin in New York kept telling her about the election over there with the racist homophobic candidates who called themselves republicans. With the entire Fox TV network owned by Murdoch working to elect republicans rather than being neutral and reporting fairly. Too much like the whole Brexit thing here with rightwing nuts screaming about immigrants. White men who wanted to be in charge forever even as the world changed.

In England, the redtop newspapers were full of BS and semi-fascist nonsense. It was depressing to go to a news agents and see all that hate on display.

I rode around for a while giving Rebel some exercise without the speed. He got a big hug as Anthony took him. Inside the men ended up in the Games Room playing cards? So much for their exercise!

My iPhone woke me in the dark room, Cho wasn't disturbed. Jaidee scooted down the stairs with me. A trip to the kitchen garden for his business! Yay! Done quickly!

I got my usual's and Nan did his. Pamela was nickering as I got a knee up from Andy. We headed south warming up to a strong gallop up the slope to the Sci Ctr. Going over tracks was so easy now. I slipped down at the lock, a smile and good morning for the lock man! Roy was fishing looking like Nanook of the North still. We laughed but he was Okay and glad to be out fishing.

Over the water and on north I stopped by Archie and Margy's farm. They were feeding the ducks. Margy smiling thanking us for the dinner, they'd enjoyed meeting everyone. I waved goodbye with Archie saying he'd be over later for the paperwork!

I went up along the dual railroad tracks to the small industrial estate we bought. Samuel the auto guy was opening up, they worked six days a week. I walked around going east past the medical equipment place which had a loading bay open a fellow looking at me. Then he backed up quickly closing the doors. Odd!

I knew the office wasn't open on weekends so I walked us back to the auto repair place. I slipped down, tying Pamela I went into the tiny office. Samuel gave me a look when I asked about the medical equipment folks.

"Miss, I don't want to speak about others but in general they always give the appearance of being concerned about anyone being around their building. So..."

I thanked him. Back riding where I should be, we crossed into Sandford. I slid off Pamela and knocked at Mr. Hardy's door. He loved the MacBook and speedy internet.

"Miss, I've been searching around for information on Borodino, I found some wonderful places and some new things about the battle."

I could see on his game table the map for the northern part of the La Bataille de Moskowa and the fight for the river ford. Mr. Hardy showed me some online maps and how he was going to walk the scenario through the actual fighting.

He was very animated, smiling and voluble. I was happy seeing him like this! Yes!

Cho hugged me when I told him, "You were right."

I asked Gil to order a Brother colour laser printer with scanner for Mr. Hardy.

The Colonel, Cho, Michael and I rode Saturday and Sunday. The Colonel got to meet our neighbors which was nice. I got Karla up on Scout for a while both days. She was fine but not sure so I didn't press her. It was for Michael to go further with her.

It was a good weekend; they were all nice to have around. The Colonel told a few `stories' but wasn't carried away with it. Cool! He enjoyed the horses and the offer to come out whenever he wanted.

He and I sat in the Great Room on a settee near the glass doors, "I wanted to tell you something I doubt you know, it might explain your parents a bit. Your mother was an agent for MI6 also. She and your father worked together. As a team they were quite successful, disarming people being a couple. I have been a bit disingenuous more by nature than intent. I knew them both very well. I admired their skills and determination but I can see they lacked the talent to parent. I never married partly because of work and that I wouldn't be a good partner for a woman or a good father.

I would assume it's hard to learn about your parents from someone else and I hope I've done the right thing here."

I hugged him, "Yes you are good with me. I see why they were away together so much. There were times I felt very unloved by my mother, she would rather be with my dad..."

Tears started, I didn't want to but... The Colonel handed me his handkerchief! I had to smile then...He looked quizzical, it was a pleasure to tell him the handkerchief saga. I got my hand squeezed, "Damn if you aren't something!"

They all had decided to leave Sunday evening so the Monday morning would be mostly normal. So we fed them well and helped to pack. Hugs and kisses on the forecourt. More emotional for me with the Colonel.

Cho and I sitting in the Great Room by the fire smiling at each other! Then I giggled out VERY low, "Fuck me!"

Cho stood up and offered me his hand, we walked upstairs slowly at first increasing speed to a RUN down the gallery. Cho shut the door quietly turning towards the bed to see me standing on it stripping down as fast as possible!

He threw his clothes at a chair and missed, naked pressed together flat on the bed covers. Kissing we laughed, hugged and kissed some more!

The duvet flung down the bed, me holding the cock of my desire. HHHHHMMMMM

Sucking the beauty! Tongue work on his cockhead edging around the foreskin easing it back sloppy wet OH my the cockhead emerges!!! Cho laughing, "I am glad you enjoy that I surely do!"

My increased attention gave proof to that. I buried my nose in pubic hair with a mouthful of not yet firm cock! I love the semi-firm arc of flesh on my tongue aiming to throat! Sucking slowly slowly! My head bobbed up and down in a smooth piston like way snug to the cock. Lots of wetness!!

"Swing around Fay," Cho almost choking as the penis turned rock hard. I twisted opening my legs to Cho's eager mouth. We sucked, licked, kissed, tongued each other.

Finally I eased up on him, "Fuck me!"

On my back legs akimbo a hard body, hard cocked man in between them. Bright shining eyes, my ankles in his grip, Cho leaned down to lick me me more. He gradually slid up to enter me!! OH shit! SHIT!

One long stroke all the way in to those balls were against me!!!

CHO! CHO! I called out for his cock! He began our dance. I was bent doubled as he moved up over me legs let loose wrapped around his waist. A kiss! HOT tongue!

Cho's pelvis like a powerful machine, stroke after stroke...burning so good. Looking up at his face taut eyes closed, intent...eyes pop open, "Turn on your right..."

My left thigh in his hands tight to his chest aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa the new angle so nice! I ran my hands up his torso pulling at his skin then nipples...a whoosh of breath drawn in a BIG Grin eyes on mine, "Fay..."

Cho leaned down to take a nipple ring in his teeth, a gentle tug and then a twist...OH SHIT! I felt my head flop from side to side as Cho softly pulled.

The penis never let up..."Cho I'm cumming..."

It blasted up up body flooding heat into my chest and face, waves crashing...

"Fay I am close"

I griped his ass urging him on...I called out for his cum as another orgasm swept me then Cho's face was tight eyes and bared teeth... an enormous climax...his fingers holding me so hard... the penis pulsing cum... I could feel the twitching shaft...I squeezed hard as I could... wrapping my upright leg around him... pulling Cho onto my chest!!!!!!!!!!

OH SHIT! I held on tightly...our chests heaving in concert...kissing the warm neck arms around him!!

Very quiet, "I love you" filtered into my ear!!!! I wanted to yell it out...more kissing of every part I could reach.

Slowly Cho moved beside me, I turned to press against him!! Fingers in his hair kissing those lips!!!

Cho sat up to get the bed clothes. We snuggled, warm, coming down, easing...Cho lifted my left leg over him I pressed it hard to him, the fingers found the little rings again whooooooooo there was a wicked grin then a few more tugs my eyes rolled up, chin up, a suctioning set of lips on my neck!!!

I pulled the sucker up to kiss him. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM

We were breathing more or less normally before I spoke, "Thank you for the loving!"

Bright dark eyes, "With you it is always loving of the best kind."

We dozed a bit then a big kiss. "Turn around."

Those strong arms slipped around me, his firm body against my back...sleep.

iPhone noise! A small woof! Jaidee's paws on the bed that cute face looking up at me, sweet boy! I leaned to kiss his head. Dash to wash and dress then the two of us going down. My usual's started, Jaidee and me in the kitchen garden. He nosed around so did I, looking at the winter veggies and weather protected herbs and spices.

Business done. Nan with Jaidee's breakfast! Charge! I sipped coffee watching the little fellow enjoy his food. We were greeted at the stables by Thames. He and Jaidee did their hello woofs!

I told Andy it would be my usual route. Cheers!

Pamela nickering as I got a knee up. We walked down the grassy road to the training track almost done with the grading and leveling, fences soon.

A nice trot to a full gallop up the southern slope easing as we reached the railroad line, then faster towards the lock. My friends there with morning greetings, Roy still well bundled up.

Over the water then off at speed, another rail track walk over through the fruit trees around the ugly houses to the first Harcourt field. Then GO! Pamela stretching out gobbling up the ground in big chunks we were flying, me leaning down towards her neck.

I waved to Archie, a faint `go girls' in the air. Over the hedge at the north end we were near the boat yard and past in a flash. We steered to the west to the dirt road then off again. Over a mile of gallop before I eased Pamela back to a walk as we came up to the industrial estate. I walked Pamela down the lane to the west side around to the office. Jeffery wasn't in yet. I wanted info on the medical equipment folks.

I walked us around to their building, the loading dock was open. I sat on Pamela just looking as a fellow I hadn't seen before came out and was startled to see me or maybe anyone. He had a look at me, said nothing went back inside.

Now, perhaps it was Okay but why would I be considered a threat. I walked Pamela back to the office, no Jeffery yet. I called Cho and added Thomas in on conference. Cho said they drive to the lock and come over on foot faster than driving around through Abingdon but a car would be sent too.

I said I'd wait at the office. I moved away from the doorway off to the side on the grass. I kept my iPhone out to watch for any messages.

In about ten minutes a closed mid-sized lorry came whizzing in from Sandford Lane, around the curved driveway much too fast scraped a metal fence but kept going. Alpha Medical equipment on the side.

Now I knew I wasn't going back to their building. I didn't know if the driver saw me in his haste. I moved further onto the grass beside a dense clump of bushes outside the office.

I was looking in the direction of the truck but Pamela raised her head to the right. Two men emerged at the back of the office. They stepped out with some kind of bars in their hands. The bushes made them come straight towards me... I pulled Pamela's head up... she reared up her hooves flailing... the men paused afraid of her...I saw their resolution drain out!

"STAND STILL!" the command was loud and clear...the men turned...I brought Pamela down and backed away... Cho and Thomas standing there...

"Don't move or you will be shot!" Cho's voice boomed it out!

One of the men lunged only to scream in agony as the sound of a weapon firing cracked in the air. Gripping his arm he sank to his knees his companion tried to turn and run only to be grabbed by two of our Security team from behind and tossed to the grass. Cuffed hand and foot.

Thomas stepped up to the first attacker and cuffed him. His yells of pain were disregarded. No blood?

I slipped down to be hugged by Cho as Thomas took several other Security men who arrived by car around to the medical equipment folks building to secure it and round up any others there. The two men on their stomachs trussed up were passive but whinging abt the cuffs and arm pain.

I asked Cho about the gun shot; he picked a small bag from the grass, "A bean bag round. Really hurts on impact, can stun you but only leaves a bruise. The noise is meant to sound somewhat like a regular weapon on purpose to confuse."

Thomas texted they had one more on hold and had called the Thames Valley Police.

I told Cho about the three times I'd gone by the medical equipment folks building. Never approaching just sitting on Pamela, all in the early morning.

Text from Thomas looks like dope smuggling' we are staying away from it'

Cho texted back `good let the police deal w/ it'

We could hear the sirens now, sounded like several vehicles approaching. Three police cars came under the railroad tracks on Sandford Lane. Yone stepped out to flag them down, he leaned over to the door of the first and pointed down the road and then over to the two prone figures in the grass. A sergeant climbed out calling instructions to the third car the drove on. A police van arrived at the end of the driveway. Our two thugs were loaded in after the leg straps were cut off.

The two coppers were smirking at the thugs, laughing how we made their job easier. Thomas and our Security people came up the road.

"Sir, it looks like many kilos of heroin in the back of the medical equipment van and more possibly in a large closet. Busy bees!"

The police sergeant came up, he needed statements. Cho suggested we meet at Harcourt House so I could get my horse in stables and Yone could get the electronic data together for them. The sergeant was good with that.

Cho gave me a knee up Pamela and we walked over to the bridge then I led her across the lock into Sandford. I knocked at Mr. Hardy's door, I gave him a quick account of my event but did check on his internet which was `tremendous' in his words. I'd be back tomorrow.

As we hit the grass Pamela nickered! I warmed her up crossing the Radley's at a trot then we opened it up slashing through the Fraser's at high speed only slowing beside the new track. The workmen cheering us on!

I stood beside Pamela a huge hug for my heroine, she saved me today!! I told Andy the BEST for her, we laughed because it was what she got every day! Fist bumps!

I ran up to the House to change, red long sleeved dress with white birds on my boobies. White tights and red heels, nails and lips! `Joy'

Gil was in the breakfast Room, I filled her in on the morning so far! Her eyes were SO big!

She had a printer for Mr. Hardy to be delivered today.

The same sergeant and an inspector we had met arrived. Thomas joined us in the Great Room. He told the policemen about Yone's task and the other Security men would be available if their statements were needed.

I gave them my part, Cho the Harcourt Security response to my call, Thomas much the same as Cho but then the part about the drugs. They asked if I had seen anything...I said no just the back door and defensive behavior.

The drugs unit inspector said there wouldn't be an appearance for bail until tomorrow afternoon. We would need to do a formal ID of the men in the morning at the station by then they'd have a better idea of the all the drugs found in the building and have searched the homes so the charges would be laid.

We'd be there!

After we were alone I sat in Cho's lap, kiss! Then I leaned close to his ear whispering an idea. He stiffened at one point but it wasn't bad just a surprise because those strong arm snaked around me, tight!

When I was done, "Fay, sit facing me."

I straddled his legs his hands on my hips, dark eyes on mine. "It could work but who we get to go in with us will matter. There is a saying `money talks to money across boundaries' in this case I think it will!"

He looked at his watch, "I have time to make some calls. Let me up to use the office."

I did but extracted several kisses, I was being a toll taker. Cho paused me, a long look in my eyes, I knew he wanted to know why.

I said I looked at the newspapers we had delivered, the Guardian, Telegraph and an assortment of others we let the news agent choose. Often the Daily Mail was included, it was shit. Often it was so skewed as to make their news almost unrecognizable from the truth. And more especially the news here and the US on TV from Murdoch owned media being so often totally false.

He nodded with a but...look... "I am shocked they could peddle that swill and make money!"

A smile, he squeezes me tight before going off the the office.

Carter came, he had some items.

"Sit and tell me."

He and Gregory had their first meeting with Archie. A smile, "As you said he was uncomfortable about the aspect of reporting' to someone. So I told him I wasn't a farmer, Gregory held his hands up adding a me neither.' We were good after that. He is going to make a survey of all the land for the farm with an eye towards what Gregory believes he will need. We will help him get the word out about farm workers we need after his survey. I told him about Nick from over past Marsh Baldon so we can get him back in to interview again. He asked about his nephew Terry, I told him the hiring was his, if he likes the young man's work then go for it."

"So you know we told Archie if he thought it Okay we would consider buying his cows as a start to our herd but no decision on that yet."

I told him about my morning event in detail. I didn't think they come after me but I had been watching down the road to their building. They snuck around hoping to catch me off guard but Pamela was smarter than them and brave! Cho and Thomas finished it off!

Thomas was putting sensors and cameras in the industrial estate tomorrow. I asked him to speak to the management company about their `space for hire' application follow ups. He had a grim smile, "Yes, I'll be glad to do that. Drug dealers? Lovely!"

I decided to be open about me right now! "I have something which you need to know because of things going on away from Harcourt House. The other things will bring attention to the House. Security will keep it safe but you or our people being outside could cause meetings with the `press.'

I am a transwoman. Born male but now entirely a woman..." Carter was perfectly cool...butter won't melt in his mouth look..."I am female to the world in every way."

"Miss, there could never be a doubt about that!"

Nice man! Fist bumps! Then a tear from my right eye rolled down. I was offered a brilliantly white handkerchief. Must tell Ellie to add Carter to the list!

I told Carter my story without some of the details, mostly the sex stuff. He was focused on my face which was fine by me. I told him about my work then meeting Cho. My kidnapping without the sex again. Back to Cho then onto other events...I rolled up my left sleeve. Carter could see the damage but it being healed was obvious. "I have full use of the arm, so I gained a memory and a scar. It is one reason why Security means so much to us."

Carter sat back a bit as I fixed the sleeve. "Miss, being possession of money brings out all sorts! I'm glad Thomas is so good at his work."

I told him who knows about me and asked if I needed to tell the other department heads. His advice was to wait until events created a build up to the point where the `press' would seek us out here.

I said Okay but I didn't want them surprised and shocked by some fool coming up to them with questions. He nodded. "We'll keep an eye on it here."

My phone interrupted us, Prasert; he had Monaco on board and was enroute from Heathrow. Good! He'd be here for dinner.

Fist bumps with Carter!!

Declare would be down tomorrow to meet with Cho and Monaco, then they'd all go on a short buying trip.

I texted Thomas did he have time for a quick meeting. He'd be up in five minutes. I was going to dash down for a coffee but Carter said he bring it to me. One for Thomas? Done!

I asked Thomas if he thought we should deploy drones over our property. He had looked into the law and potential equipment recently.

"We can't use them to patrol because none have enough flight time. We'd be launching and landing so much it wouldn't ever be a benefit. But for an `event' it would work." Launching for a precise mission made sense for added information, video and maybe Flir. He saw I got the Flir bit. He would update the research and make a proposal.

I said he should talk to Archie and Phillips about aerial snaps of their projects. Thomas grinned, we did fist bumps!

I got a big thanks for the coffee!

I stuck my head in the office, Cho talking but waved me in.

"Mike we'll be in the city in a few weeks, I will update you." He rang off. A big smile!

"Well my little idea woman...I have four people interested, two or three we will see in New York. We will meet them probably in the new apartment."

We went out front to meet Monaco. He gazed at the house, smiling, "Well it seems appropriate!"

We all laughed. He was well AND so was Glaa. Our boy had done some growing up but he hadn't lost anything on the track! Fast times in training! Hansa would ship to New York next week.

At dinner we got news of several other horses who looked very good, they would ship to Harcourt next week. Monaco was our training boss as well Glaa's trainer. He had been to Bangkok to see everything and had spent time with Sam and Beverly.

Gil had settled in upstairs, she could see the stables and down to the south and wide view to the west across the River Thames. At lunch she asked Monaco about Glaa.

He smiled, "I've never had a horse who works as hard as he does. You ask him to do something he just does it almost without effort. So much power I feel we haven't tapped yet."

We all walked down to the stables after Monaco had a look at the plans. We were at the fence with Rebel, "He's flashy for sure, a fine record and good breeding. Mahogany doesn't have a long race history but a few fine wins, fabulous pedigree. I'd bring them together for sure!"

In the semi-dark garden after dinner, a mac on, Cho's arm around me watching Jaidee dig under a bush. Cho was going to talk about my idea but we couldn't have a serious discussion with Jaidee's butt waggling in our faces. Cho got him out of there before Phillips' work was undone.

Cho tried again in my dressing room but this time it was my naked butt wiggling in his face. A soft pat...whoosh I was up in the air in his arms, toted to bed. I lay there under the covers watching that magnificent body become exposed. I cheered as the bikini underwear fell to his ankles!!

I held my man's warm body close, kissing kissing kissing!! So much fun!

Jaidee and I in the kitchen garden, the sun not up, cold! His business was done quickly thank goodness! We retreated to the warmth of the kitchen. No one around yet, I made his breakfast as the coffee and scones were working. He gave me hugs and then dove in.

Nan came smiling as she always does, laughing about Jaidee's table manners.

Gil arrived pulling on her jacket, "Sorry! The bed is comfy! I didn't want to leave."

We gave Andy his scone and rode south. Pamela swinging her head, I stroked her neck. Gil on Guy was smiling, "Fay, she's pretty happy I think."

I thought so too. We got loosened up then a good gallop up to the tracks; walk over and on to the lock. Greetings to both men, Roy still looking like the Eskimo his wife Angie wanted. Over all the water we rode hard until we reached Archie and Margy's farm, she waved us over. Margy handed me a bag, raspberry scones!!! Wonderful!!

Gil and I crossed the property northward until the industrial estate. Pamela knew where she was and stepping out proudly now. Samuel saw us, "Miss, I'm so sorry you were attacked yesterday. Glad those fellows are gone. The coppers are still over there. Did they get the guy who hired the space?"

I told him I didn't know. I steered Pamela around to the back of the medical equipment place. Men were loading a small van with boxes. A PC was on guard, he smiled, "Are you the one who caused all this?"

I laughed, "Well I'm the reason you fellows are here but caused...No, they caused it."

I showed Gil the rest of the west bank part of my ride; we walked over the lock and onto Mr. Hardy's. He was up, `on the web,' laughing. He was amazed at how much good research was available. I asked him up to dinner. I wanted him to talk with Declare, maybe Adam knew some folks at the British Library and British Museum so Mr. Hardy could get access. He be ready at six like I suggested.

I shared Margy's scones with him.

From the south edge of Sandford to the training tracks I asked Pamela and she gave me her best. Speed the whole way. Gil on Guy were behind us. Pamela!!!

Andy's grin was huge, he saw us from the Radley's onward watching with binoculars. "Some show Miss! Pamela is such a beauty when she runs!"

I slipped down, huge hug for Pamela!!! Another for Guy. They made me so happy!

It was to be another day at school for Jaidee! Nestor from Oxford was a dog trainer; he was coming five days a week to work with our boy. I was to stay out of the way to start then in for joint work. Cho too.

Cho and I sat down to have the serious talk in the office. He knew I hadn't done anything to provoke the thugs yesterday it was their paranoia BUT...

I said I'd leave in a similar situation in the future. Good! Me being the Warrior Princess didn't make me invulnerable was pointed out! I got it!

The Security parameter would soon include the industrial estate and the farm land on the west side and the boatyard. My talk with Thomas about drones was passed along with a thumbs up from Cho.

`The Project' as my whispered idea had been named by Cho had more interested parties. Two I'd get to meet in Los Angeles. The idea of getting ten to twelve investors seemed very possible. Cho thought it would need maybe as much as forty billion dollars and patience. The strategy was to nibble like a mouse until we were in position for the last mouthful after that we would make it all public.

I laughed and said we should name it the `Mouse That Roared.' Cho chuckled but thought his name was better being more generic and obscure.

I sat down to write to Yi about her dissertation. I told her she made her points very skillfully and with considerable detail, excellent footnotes. She wasn't shrill or over the top in her criticisms and quite pungent in some comments. She put a big dent in the pseudo-masculinity of Hemmingway! Go Girl! Keep in touch!

Declare arrived! A big hug! We chatted a bit before Monaco and Cho showed up. Desmond was doing very well, producing good ideas and sharp writing. He was living on Pam and Lenora's barge with the cats. They were on a three and half month skiing trip through Scandinavia. He has a small place but the barge is nice. "We get to see a lot of him which is fine! Good conversationalist, inquiring mind. Also he is VERY steady! So no worry on that side, Okay?"

I was pleased for him especially about being clean. Drugs like alcohol are tough opponents. I'd had some email and texts but it was good to get Adam's appraisal knowing it would crystal clear.

Adam walked with me to the stables. He gave me a leg up onto Rebel as I headed out he called out, "No adventures today!" He had given me some `daddy' looks when I told him about the drug dealers.

I waved my hand at him laughing! I turned north around the training track the men were finishing it up. They had done a fine job!

A slow gallop in passing our Thames' mom resting place. A silent thank you for our little man! Then I asked Rebel! We were off! Dan Senior yelled out a greeting! Soaring along...a cold crisp afternoon, clear and wonderful to ride. I eased Rebel back at the south end of Sandford we walked through the town to the church.

Mrs. Lone waved her arms full of blooms to become one of her fine arrangements. A big smile, "Lovely day!"

I heartily agreed.

Turning my handsome man south on the dirt road then unleashing him once again! I was in heaven as that muscular body romped over the grass. Rebel had a huge stride eating up the ground through the Radley's and Fraser's! We kept it up until the training track slowing to a walk up the grassy road to the stables.

Thames and Jaidee came running out! Woofs galore!

Cho arms wide greeted me with a big hug and kiss! "Well good ride?"

HHHHHMMMMM nice way to be met! "Great! We chewed up some ground!"

I almost danced up to the house I felt so good. A nice Cho and I shower! Terrific rub down drying off!

Long sleeved dark blue dress, matching tights and shoes, gold jewelry and `Joy' applied by Cho!

A silky bra and panties set in pink that Cho loved, I suggested I just wear it. No! He didn't want to risk the cardiac health of our guests.

Gil had been working with Jian and Dusit on my schedule they were doing well together. They knew that Alex would be taking over a big chunk and were ready to help him. She said Sanjara was quite funny, they got on!

Mr. Hardy arrived; I had spoken to Declare about him. They sat in the Great Room near the fire chatting. Mr. Hardy looked quite dapper in a black sleeveless jumper, white shirt and silver tie with some red polka dots and black slacks. Certainly made me feel good to see him with us!

Dinner was a veggie stew with fake beef cubes, not that I could tell and Carla didn't tell the others until after! Rich brown stew big potato chunks, carrots, celery and onions. Lovely dark bread, soft inside with a slight crusty crunch. Crispy cheese tarts, tangy with local sharp cheddar. An apple pie with crumbly cinnamon bits on top with vanilla ice cream. More!

Afters in the Great Room, I had Kendal's great grandfather's lemon peel espresso! He smiled when I asked for it like that! Mr. Hardy and Declare kept up their Napoleonic Wars conversation. Seems Adam had an `in' at the British Library so Mr. Hardy could go to do research in documents not ordinarily open to the public. Just what I hoped for!

Adam got a kiss and hug for that! "Fay, he knows his stuff and is quite easy to listen to about it. If he can do that on the printed page a history from him will be well received."

I wasn't jumping up and down except inside!!!

We had a good evening. I walked Mr. Hardy out to the car. He was moving much better, gaining strength!

I was going to be sad for a few days as the guys were to leave in the morning for their horse buying trip.

My iPhone went off, captured it to avoid waking Cho. Fail! His arms around me, a kiss on my neck, "Don't worry. I need to get going. We want to leave in an hour or so. A short ride Okay?"

I agreed! Dressed and downstairs. Jaidee stayed up with Cho to come down soon.

I made my scone delivery to Andy and received Pamela!! She was ready too! Off to run!

At the training track we picked up the pace going south up the slope to the Sci Ctr. Pamela showing her speed as we rounded the Sci Ctr going along the railroad back to the east to circumnavigate the whole complex. We walked over the roads then the railroad again down by Kate's we saw no activity. A pause my hand stroking Pamela's neck and then go! We galloped back around to the west down the path to the river out onto open ground in the flats by the water. A fast trip through there to the northern entrance of the connecting road between the paddocks. We pranced up to the stables after that!

Gregory smiling, "You two are fine to watch. She loves it!"

I slipped down an arm over her withers, my face in her neck! A low happy nicker!

Andy and Diana took her for some loving care! Gregory walked up to the house with me. We got coffee talking about the construction of the fences by the track. In the Breakfast Room the guys were up. I got greetings from all but a kiss from Cho!

I was alone on the forecourt watching the Range Rover go down the graveled drive. Poo!

After a change I parked in the office to work. Mr. Awabo from New Guinea had responded positively so I needed to make a trip there. Dusit was on it, Gil along for the ride to learn about things!

The Philippines' water job on the schedule, Korea, two in Japan, Hong Kong! Lots of work, one project after another for the install teams. Good we bought the install company. Achmed and Emory both emailed they had the teams ready, parts being shipped, they would start in Japan. Some new hires going as observers to learn. Great!

Cho texted from the car he'd heard from Mike in New York we had eight investors for The Project and Sam's law firm acting as agent had created a corporate holding company named MTR Inc.

I was about to ask when a mouse emoji showed up! Shit! I loved it! Cho! I filled my text with hearts and kisses!

Wow! It was taking off! Well, we'll see if it can go the distance.

After lunch I dressed to ride. I told Anthony I was going a bit further afield because I was home alone. He got it, I was going east by way of south.

Rebel and I took it easy up the Sci Ctr slope on Kate's house side, circling that we went east towards the Oxford Road. We passed south of the garden Centre crossing the A4074 where it was two lanes. We stayed south of the Clifton Hampton Road going more or less straight east Little Baldon on our left.

The road bent some to the north but we headed on a line to the outer edge of Chiselhampton. Before the town we turned south on a dirt road moving along at a good pace crossing through a tree line I steered to the right going west parallel with another road. I could see Berinsfield to the south but we bypassed it. The A4074 again, crossed it easily westward this time with Burcot to the south.

A good gallop brought us to near Kate's drive and the Oxford Road. Then a turn north for a good mile of speed. Rebel reaching out snapping his forelegs the rear ones digging in thrusting us forward a beautiful creature! I leaned down as we flew across the grass down the slope to the training track only then did I ease him. A damn fine run!

Rebel showed his stamina and power! I hugged this wonderful fellow pressing my face to his. He gave me a happy nicker. He wasn't confined to a track anymore and seemed very happy about it! More!!

Boy I was wound up, practically bouncing up to the house. I had given the kitchen folks the night off for me. I had a booking at the Old Parsonage in Oxford.

Pj had a nice smile as I came down the stairs after a cleanup. Black Herno sequined tweed jacket, a black sheath skirt to my knees spilt up the front to mid-thigh, under was a short garter belt with black stockings and black heels. A white long sleeved blouse with a tiny collar. Gold bracelets, necklace and earrings!

HHHHHMMMMM a slender cut black suit and pale blue shirt! PJ was looking good! We did fist bumps! Gil joined us in a black pants outfit, very nice cut to the jacket, snug to her slender body!

Black pea coat and gloves for me! PJ drove.

A quiet table, the owners getting used to seeing us. A nice meal! A sweet dessert with espresso! We wandered around the streets looking in windows for a bit, chilly but no wind. Saw a few things to come back for a closer look!

Cho on the phone as I snuggled in bed. We talked for an hour about everything!! The Project had nine firm investors and one had an `in' to get the final bit for the mouse to eat!

I told him how well Jaidee was doing with Nestor.

Rona had called they were great! The little one doing everything she was supposed to do! The grandparents really doing the job! They were going to use our place in Fulham for R&R nights. Go for it! Mrs. Blatchly would take care of them!

Gil is good, already taking on some important things with the Chanthira Foundation! Scheduling a board meeting and working with Kotro on clinic design choices.

Love and kisses as we got sleepy. Cho's last text a kiss!! Many back!!

Awake! iPhone noises cut off! Jaidee woofed from the floor nearby, he was awake too. He came over to me, woofing at me like... where's Cho. I petted his soft head, "I miss him too!"

I did a wash and dressed quickly. We trotted down, Nan was working already! "Miss go for his walk I'll get your things ready too!"

Okay! Jaidee off the lead romping around the garden but minding when I said no! OH Yes! Business done!

Nan had me prepared, a big thanks! Jaidee plowed into his. Nan said she walk him down to the stables when he was finished. Fist bumps!

Gil came running in, a smile, "Can I come?"

She was half dressed dragging a boot, jacket and helmet. Laughing I said yes. She got her clothes on Nan helped me make her a coffee and scone.

Andy got Guy saddled quickly. Fist bumps! Jaidee romping with Thames, some ear gnawing going on. Sebastian and Tess keeping clear.

Gil and I heading south, Andy waved. Pamela was stepping, she was a happy girl. Guy had snorted loudly when Andy brought him out, hoof stroking the dirt. Ready fellow!

After warmed up a nice gallop up to the railroad tracks, over then past the BMX bike course to the lock. My `regular' lock fellow shouted out a greeting as he worked the machinery for a barge. Roy wasn't there, he and Angie had their grandnephews in for a visit.

We tied up the horses and sat on the low stone wall over the water.

I spent some time telling Gil about some things for the Chanthira Foundation. Gil had a great memory and I kept it light.

For the Board meeting in Bangkok we didn't have to do much since so many things had been passed along already. We needed pics of the locations and geo-economic data for each. Kotro would have a model of the design to view.

The modular design was just as we'd wanted. He had done a great job. We'd be able to expand horizontally and vertically!!

A company Cho and I had an interest in named `Boxes' they had given a bid for the construction of the modules which was provisionally accepted by Cho and I and Mr. Nu for the Board. Everyone knew about our part ownership.

Now Gil had to arrange the meeting, getting everyone to the Railroad conference room on the top floor. Amedee, Phailin, Kanda, Dr. Vanatonu, Mr. Nu and us. The other older men had been eased out only Nu was left.

Gil was to ask each of them to assemble a list of possible advisors or providers to join the network.

It was chilly but no wind, we were warm enough so I went on.

"I want to give you some more background so you will be able to understand some things coming up. First about Glaa, he's the leading Kentucky Derby entrant at the moment. He will race twice at Santa Anita in California this spring. If he wins those then he'll surely be in the Derby field. It's the most talked about horse race in America maybe the world and that will mean we will be in the public eye. It will be stressful for us and our employees. The press will be around and they aren't our friends, they just want a story."

I paused, I saw I had her attention big eyes looking at me. I squeezed her hand, "Remember you said you could say NO!"

We laughed, "I can and will!"

"Well when we're on our property Security will protect us. Anyone trying to enter our properties anywhere will be captured and removed. Prosecuted if it's appropriate. We have been building towards this for months now accelerating the growth of Security."

A hand squeeze, "Something else about the clinics. We are creating a separate Security division for them. Sumate who you've talked to is building it but he will remain our number two for the whole Security force. Someone else will operate the clinic Security."

I wiggled my butt on the cold stone, "Almost done. There is an underlying secret which isn't such a secret to many people. Some here and quite a few in Bangkok..." deep breath, "I'm a transwoman..."

A gasp from Gil.

"Fay..." I had her hand tightly!

"Only Carter knows here other than some friends. As preparation for the possibility of further success by Glaa I will tell our department heads soon but you first."

"Fay I know you're serious but...there is no way anyone could ever guess!"

"Maybe not but things have have a way of coming out. People with knowledge can divulge the information by accident or sell it or some computer is hacked...on and on! Cho and I have no fear of it being known but we have our own reasons for controlling the `when.' And that isn't right now."

I tugged her up, "Let's move on. We'll talk about this forever."

We walked onto the weir; water rushing by was only a curiosity to Pamela and Guy. Steady kids!

Back up and moving north we steered into Archie's farmyard. Margy called out `fresh scones' I looked at Gil, "Raspberry, terrific!"

We pulled in. A loud `Terry bring two blankets' came from the side of the house then Archie came around with a big grin, "Ladies please go in."

Margy's big smile and a hug. Steaming tea mug and a luscious scone on a plate! We talked weather then animals.

"Miss, are you still interested in buying our animals?"

"Archie, it's up to you. We want to make a start. Are you pleased with their production? If so talk to Carter to make the sale. BUT they'll have to stay here because we don't have shelter for them now."

He'd go over. A kiss on a rosy cheek for Margy as we headed out to finish our ride with big thanks from us both for the scones.

Northward. I got us going at speed once we we on Harcourt land again. We veered towards the rail line then up the road beside the Industrial Estate. Jeffery waved as we walked in.

"Miss the police have sealed the building and can't say when we will be able to clean it out."

I shrugged, "We wait, nothing else to do."

We stopped at Mr. Hardy's, he handed me a folder with a half dozen pages and a note: `Please read when you have a moment and send comments.'

I looked at him, a smile, "Can you humour me?"

I agreed. I stuck the folder in part way of the back of my jodhpurs under my jacket. We walked around towards the church near the dirt road my iPhone rang. The Colonel, "Fay, my sergeant-major has passed away."

I could hear the sorrow in his voice, after my condolences, "What can we do to help?"

The Colonel said there wasn't any close family beyond a favored niece, not much money...he ran down and was quiet. I waited.

"There a few things I have to do to get the MoD moving and find a cemetery. He didn't plan that part. He's from Sheffield but hadn't been there in decades, no relations anywhere close."

"Where are you now?"

He was at the hospital. "Can I send a car to take you to the various places you need to go?"

He was grateful for the offer, "Hold on and I will get an ETA for you."

Prasert picked up right away, he could have a car there in thirty minutes or so. Done. A young fellow named Allyn would be the driver, black Jaguar saloon car.

I told the Colonel, the pickup at the hospital main entrance. Many thanks!

I steered us back to the church. Dismounted we found Dr. Lone in the garden gloved with a spade, digging.

He willingly paused and listened to me. A smile, "Miss Martin, I do remember the Colonel AND if I'm ever in trouble will you be my advocate?"

I returned the smile, "Gladly! Can it be done?"

"Yes, if the sergeant-major is Church of England. Can you find out?"

I stepped back to call the Colonel, he said that Allyn called him and said he'd be there in twenty minutes. Yes, the sergeant-major was CofE, "I filled in enough forms about him over the years. What are you up to young lady?"

I told him which got me a long pause, "Thank you! You are just a wonderful person! He loved the countryside it'd be especially fine for him to be there. It is good with Dr. Lone?"

A work in progress but hold on.

Dr. Lone took my free hand, "Yes, there is a nice spot along the hedge with sun most of the day, good?"

Done, he would set things in motion. The Colonel very pleased for his friend. We rang off. I said to Dr. Lone to let me know what I needed to do. I said Cho and I would be responsible for any costs. We shook hands, cheek kiss.

Gil squeezed my hand before we remounted. Bright eyes, a bit damp. I smiled, "Now what's that about?"

"Fay, you do things so easily but..."

"Gil money does wonderful things. Cho has been teaching me."

"Well I'm new but you probably don't need much teaching."

I kissed her cheek. We laughed.

Back up we jogged a bit then at the end of the berm released our mounts. Whoosh...we were running! The sun was peeking out making the green grass glisten as we rode over it. A great thundering gallop ending at the training track. Men were unloading a large amount of wood. The fences!

Andy gave me a look. I squeezed his shoulder, "just a few things going on."

We plopped down in the office with fresh coffee. Gil wrote down my info and requests for the Foundation stuff. I texted Cho, got back `in fifteen.'

So I dashed up to wash and change. One foot in a pair of tiny panties when Cho texted. I almost fell on my tush to get the iPhone. I offered pics but he texted his imagination was up to the task of imagining me on floor naked with a pair of scanty panties hanging off one foot. Smileys!!!

I sent on the sad info about the Sergeant-Major and that we were helping the Colonel. He was glad I was on top of it.

Their plan was to be home for dinner tomorrow, I'd be updated. LOVE!!!!! He'd call tonight.

Gil and I spent time on a bunch of things for the Foundation clinics. Getting staff for the front desks, nurses, doctors who'd be staff or consult. Lots ordinary bits and pieces. Gil would be working hard when we get to Bangkok.

From the geo-economic data we could ask local doctors if they wanted to `come in' with us or work part-time or if they were specialists we could refer to them. Ask Dr. Sanporam about doctors in general and for possible gender dysphoric patients, Kanda might be able to help too.

Get possible dentists we could refer patients to, etc... Psychologists from Dr. Vanatonu.

We need an accounting firm for any billing and staff for record keeping.

We need to explain how our clinics fit into the `Thirty Baht' scheme; localization in under-served areas, basic immunizations, offering treatment for gender dysphoria not met by many hospitals, support the family planning work so successful in Thailand, etc...

I gave Gil so much stuff I feared brain overload but she smiled, "I'm fine! I've got it!" A grin as she patted her MacBook.

I sat up, Teddy! I texted Carter, he was right back that Teddy was fine and had been spending time with Phillips. A fine thing for me not to have keeping better track of Teddy.

In a few minutes Carter stuck his head into the office, "Just so you know I sent Teddy along to Phillips the other day when he was first here. Something outdoors but not very physical. At dinner he'd said how he enjoyed it, so..."

We did `air' fist bumps.

I gave Gil the Teddy story. I called Gladys' cell phone, had to leave a message. I hoped we could visit soon. I still felt bad about not keeping up with Teddy.

Getting more coffee I found Carter in his office, "Miss don't worry! He's been so happy. He gets off to school after breakfast when he's back he does his assigned class work then goes out to find Phillips. We've gotten him a Mac and wellies to fit and warm gloves, Phillips put him in some overalls. We actually only see him at meals and when he sits in the staff room for school work."

I didn't feel much better...I definitely couldn't play surrogate mom; he was too old for that.

I emailed Sheila and Miki about the proposed Brexit' reports. Just a nudge. I wanted Eric and Michael to see their research and thinking given the possibility the public might fall for the yes to exit' con job.

Andrea had my emails with Jian on the ads we'd placed in the U.S. They were working with Kwang and Dusit on a schedule of meeting days in New York, Seattle and Los Angeles. There had been a huge response to the ads so we had divided up the possibles between Bangkok and London. Andrea's PA and Team Bangkok sifting the CV's and preparing lists of interview locations. We wanted to do a day or so... in each city. If the numbers of top quality candidates was impossible to narrow further maybe more days had to be added and more cities.

Eric was coming out for the weekend; on Thursday Malee was going to Milan then Paris. We'd feed him good!

Okay take bull by the horns! I texted Gil to come up to my dressing room.

I sat her down, "Next month I'm hosting a beach party in Phuket at our place. Ladies only! All the men will be with Cho a few miles away at a house on a golf course. They'll play golf, we swim and sun.

Now right out front, there will sex between some of us, probably most of us. These are my closest friends; we've been through some bad times. We survived and came out good on the other side.

Most of us were lovers before the bad times. They are cis-women and transwomen. A few will be new to our group. The Security detail will be all women.

Now we are sisters, close, loving but open. Declare's significant other Daphne and her lover Sara will join us as will Aileen, a girl now woman from my youth and her fiancée Sue.

You are welcome but if you don't want to come I can understand that..." Gil was waving her hands.

"Fay..." she stopped, "I'm bi-sexual. Not always popular with the other two sides being in the middle but..."

"Now Gil, my friends will probably assume you are Okay with the sex because you are there...'

"I will be Okay with it really! I love being with women! For me the sex has always been better!"

"These are smart, sexy women who know that they are being invited to share intimacy. I plan on being naked as much as I can. It's a very private place with guards!"

I laughed, "Just to keep people out! Pha and Anodo live there full time guarding the estate. They have a three year old son named Ty, he will be the only male allowed.

Jian is a transwoman and my closest friend. Ting her fiancé and Cho are cousins and close! They know we are lovers and we have shared with them. Three others are also transwomen in various stages of transition.

Eve who is carrying our children and her girlfriend Ku will be with us.

Andrea will be there too. She's Jian's baby-mother. Yes, I know it's getting complicated. We have a baby shower planned for Eve and Andrea as part of our fun.

Also there are five bedrooms in the house and the Security house where Pha lives. I'm sure Pha will join in but she has Ty but he'll be spoiled by us all imagine. So we'll be sharing beds!"

I was smiling, "Given your outburst on the pleasures of Sapphic love..."

I began to undress, no seductive moves just pulling off the jacket, shirt, boots and jodhpurs, socks and undies. Gil was staring intently throughout this process.

Naked! "Fay, you have a beautiful body. The flowers are tremendous!"

I told her they were Cho's choice and they covered earlier tattoos.

"Nothing I see says anything other than a beautiful woman."

I bowed smiling! I reached for my panties when Gil stood up, she started to strip.

I sat to watch. Right down to naked! Gil was lovely and I told her so. Slender hips, long legs, small feet, cute pears on her chest with small pale aureoles and nipples. Nice neck and shoulders. Her vagina was facing a bit forward, gorgeous outer labia, smooth mons.

I laughed, "Well we got that out of the way."

We giggled, I grabbed some black jeans, cutoff t-shirt and the cutoff Seattle hoodie. Gil sipped into jodhpurs and shirt to go up to change.

I called out `food' to her retreating back.

Lunch then again in the office we spent time going over things. Gil with MacBook Air on her lap typing away and watching the calendar populating from the one Jian maintained and from Sanjara's for Cho. She saw a reference to The Project and asked about it. I told her she'd be in the know after we had some meetings to see if it will float. We'd find out if it was going to happen or not. It could just be a chimera.

Rona called, she was doing great! Margaret Fay Alexandra was a pip! She was sleeping for hours at a time, nursing well! Reg came on; the grandparents had used my Basuto Road house as a night away place and were very grateful. Both sets had had good time off.

"What about you? Do you want to come out for a night here? No problem."

He knew Eric was coming for the weekend, "How about I come out Saturday morning and return with Eric on Sunday?"

Good for us! We'd get him picked up in Oxford. I murmured a word...Newcastle! A loud YES!

I saw Phillips through the big office windows; I opened one and stepped out. Brrrrrrr! He came over but eased me back in, "Miss it won't do any good to get a chill!"

I asked about Teddy, his eyes lit up, "Miss, he's quite interested. I've had him on his knees grubbing around, he smiles the whole time. He's a quick learner too!"

We talked about allowing him to come up to `intern' if you will, when he moves back to his foster mother's. We'd arrange a bike for him if he didn't have one. Phillips seemed pleased.

I sat in the desk chair knees up chin on top. Gil found me like that, she made a noise, "It's a rumination pose, no problem with interrupting."

Laughter, "Anything I can help with?"

I said lots of things. But I was still thinking of Teddy. He was such a nice boy I wanted to give him some help for the next few years before he became an `adult.'

A few things around the house, St. Thomas School endowment and board meeting, the Harcourt Advance Fund...I told her Angela would the responsible party on those but she was to `liaise' to keep me informed.

I spun around to her, "How's the room?"

"Great, the new bed is comfy and I have more space for yoga, the view is great and there's loads of hot water."

I laughed at that!

"Well my roommate seemed to use most of it so my washing up was always in tepid water."

Dr. Lone called, could we talk. I said I'd ride that way in an hour or so. Okay!

Knowing what that would be about I called the Colonel. He was very grateful to have Allyn driving, all the Sergeant-Major's things had been organized, he had been to the funeral home, the niece was coming up from Devon. The Colonel would get her with Allyn's help and she'd make a choice of coffin.

I asked what the MoD would cover and told him we'd be responsible for anything needed and that a service at the Church in Sanford was being set. He said there were a few other soldiers from his units around, he would keep them informed.

I looked up the class `b' voting stock price of a company on the New York Stock Exchange...HhhhhMmmmm Trending down! Good!

Gil and I dressed to ride taking Jaidee down to the stables with us. Little mister did some woofing with Thames! They ran down the covered stables way. Anthony stuck his head out of a stall laughing, "I'll keep an eye on them!"

I waved. Rebel was eager so was Chess!

I steered us north. The fence company was working away, post hole diggers rooting around in the ground. After we crossed into the Fraser's we picked up the pace to a good gallop. Flashing through the Radley's we turned toward the dirt road that wound up to the church. We raced down the berm Rebel easily pulling away until we reached the stretch between the houses where we slowed to a walk. We clip clopped across the street to the Rectory.

Mrs. Lone waved and called us to come in. Tying our boys off to the side we stepped inside. Cozy front room Dr. lone invited us to his office. We accepted tea.

He had the grave diggers ready to go tomorrow. I said the Colonel had rounded up some old friends so there maybe six to eight. Cho and I also. He had recommended a good stone mason in southern Oxford; I had given them the commission with the personal data from the Colonel. Plus an epitaph `A Soldier' nothing else. I guess from their point of view it was all that was needed.

Dr. Lone was looking at my face as I gave him the brief history of me and the Colonel. "Yes it's an odd situation. My Dad was so committed to his work..."

I left it at that.

There would be a brief service and the Colonel would speak then out to the grave. Dr. Lone would have four men to carry the coffin given the age of the Sergeant-Major's friends. Done! We were set for Monday morning.

After the ride back Gil asked about my Dad. I told her he'd been in the Army but moved to MI6. I'd been born in Washington, D.C. when he was assigned there. My mother I'd just found out had also been an MI6 person. They hadn't been around much.

I asked about suitcases, a shopping trip was in order for those and other bits. I rounded up Ansara and we drove up to Oxford. Debenhams on Magdalen Street had a decent selection; Gil got several with wheels and two soft side ones for over the shoulder. All in basic black, I kidded her about the ones in polyester with flowers.

We crossed Magdalen St. to a big Next Store. Gil bought some things as I wandered with Ansara. She found some gloves in dark blue leather. And a beret in the same colour which matched her coat. Done!

"I do not have enough clothes for the cold yet."

We warmed up at Boswell's, lattes and cookies. A bit more wandering then down the Abingdon Road to the roundabout. The A423 and off at the next roundabout onto the Oxford Road. It narrowed to two lanes we rolled into Nuneham Courtney. I saw a few folks to wave to before turning up the Harcourt Drive.

I had Carter serve dinner to Gil and I in the Breakfast Room. We had out our iPads to do email and texting. Lovely flavourful fish and chips from Carla!! Heresy but I used a fork! No sticky fingers on the iPad.

Carter had a chuckle over that. Sue made trifle! Yes! Delicious! I did say she'd have to do it again when Cho returned. A pleasure she said!

Sitting by the fire in the Great Room with espresso a la Kendal's grandfather and Amaretto. Jaidee curled near the warmth looking shiny. He'd had his lesson from Nestor and I had taken part. Smart boy! He got a brushing and something to gnaw lightly on.

Gil gave me some of her issues with her parents. Like mine they were self-absorbed and distant. Her father was a researcher in tropical insects which repelled her which he couldn't understand. Gawd!

Her mother was a social butterfly and semi-professional do-gooder who didn't think her daughter important enough to worry about. Gil felt like a prop sometimes being with her mother at `events' so she would hide out when it was time to leave for something.

She didn't want for anything material and she had a wonderful housekeeper as surrogate mother. She rode a lot and sat in the woods with a dog ignoring everyone.

I shared a bit about Gwen just a little though.

I remembered the folder from Mr. Hardy, I got it and parked my tush in a chair in the library. Damn! It was two outlines, one a general one and the second a detailed plan. Some notes at the end saying things would most likely change based on research but the thrust of the work he felt would remain the same.

It was impressive since it had only been a few days. Boy, what he had in his head! Adam was right, if he could get it down on paper...

Sitting in bed with Jaidee curled up beside me warm against my legs talking with Cho. He was happy! He'd bought a few horses he really liked, yearlings and two year olds. Declare had gotten a couple too. Monaco was high on them, good breeding and healthy.

They had one more stop, the plan to be home tomorrow in the late afternoon was on! I said my plan was to jump on him when he got out of the car. Laughing, "You're forewarned!"

"I think I can handle that, bring it on girl!"

We were laughing so hard, Jaidee added some woofs. I told Cho I'd allowed him on the bed until lights out then he'd go to his bed by the fire. He didn't sound convinced.

Lots of kisses down the line. Jaidee got the hugs, he sacked out in his bed, I stirred up the fire. Snuggled warm thinking of Cho!

iPhone alarum! Jaidee was next! Okay I'm up! Cold! We dashed into the bathroom, I washed he got petted. Riding clothes with extra under things, scarf. I tied my red tie looking down at Jaidee's cocked head. "Yes, a tie!"

Off to kitchen, we loped alongside each other, ears flapping, his.

Nan laughing at our running in, "Miss you walk the little guy I've got the goodies."

I walked with Mr. Snooper; at least he found an appropriate spot to do business without dragging it out. Too cold for that! Nestor said he would start training Jaidee in a boxed area to get him ready to fly long distances. I wasn't so sure but...

I headed out Jaidee staying in for now. Andy was ready, Pamela nickering, she was ready too!

"My usual route."

A wave from Andy.

At the bottom of the grassy road we stopped to look at rows of upright poles looking like Easter Island figures sticking out of the grass. A lot had been done!

Southward at a rising speed Pamela stretched out we only slowed to walk over the lovely wood beams on the railroad tracks then off again towards the river and lock. A greeting for the lock man and Roy, the fisherman was back. "Did you have a nice visit with the grandnephews?"

They had, sweet boys, smart, well behaved. Boy did they eat! He laughed they couldn't keep them without being eaten out of house and home!

Pamela and I walked side by side to the second bridge she led me across! A hug before getting up again! We rode around the bog close to Barton Lane. After getting back onto to Harcourt land we soared.

I loved giving a look over my shoulder seeing the clumps of dirt flying off her hooves! The whole feeling of being so close with Pamela...knowing she enjoyed herself was magic. My Gwen had given me the same emotion! Oh so close! My stomach tight. A few tears blown away by the wind of our passing.

So I was dry eyed when we walked over the river at Sandford. Mr. Hardy had coffee going for me and a blanket for Pamela. I smiled at that as I draped it over her. I gave her a kiss and hug!

He and I talked about the outlines he'd given me. I gave him my opinion and borrowed some from Declare about getting it down on paper the way he talked.

"Miss, I'm sure to write it plainly that was the way I taught. I'll have to rein in my penchant for classroom pontificating though."

We laughed at that, "You speak very well. Go for it and remember if you need a lift use the Harcourt APP to call Prasert he'll get you picked up."

Good coffee, I sipped looking at him. He looked healthy, almost blooming! He sensed my gaze, "Yes, I feel good. My legs are steady so I've been taking walks around town."

He was quiet, "I've wrestled with thoughts about drinking but now my desire to write is helping me push it aside. You've given me my life back and some tools...It's time I stepped up to do it."

At the door Mr. Hardy took my hand, "Miss...Thank you!" I gave him a hug. Pamela nickered when we came out. I returned the blanket and got up. Smiling with a wave as we turned for home.

At the hedge opening I asked for a trot to warm up but once the grass was under foot Pamela wanted to run so I gave her her head! Once more we were a streak across the farm land of the Radley's and Fraser's along the river. I slowed us to see the fence workmen. They were very busy. The dirt track surround posts were all in and a second team had started on the fence boards.

I collected Jaidee at the stables he had been brought out by Stanton. "The little man needed out, did some business and we met Thames and Gregory. He said Jaidee could stay down with them."

I thanked Stanton for paying attention to our boy. Jaidee romping around my legs as I got more coffee. Up to change, black mini skirt, white long sleeved cotton blouse and red cardigan, black ankle boots with black tights. Various gold bits and `Joy'

Gil and I wandering around the house with Jaidee, her taking notes about things as they came to me. Downstairs I checked in with Francis. Cho had several items going about possible acquisitions and he'd made trips to London to work with The Company solicitors on the Glover & accomplices business.

"Miss, the solicitors will place a lawsuit in two weeks or so after the CPS and Scotland Yard file charges. The police have kept us in the loop, they expect multiple charges for Glover and the software manager and at least one for the former Board member."

"Eric and Reg will be here this weekend so expect more talk on this."

We did fist bumps. He was pleased at my recognition of his work and how I'd seen the import right off.

In the Great Room with coffee I gave Gil the history of Francis. I also told her of the `stray puppies' thing Cho and I had going. How Thames came to be with us. About Jackson and Janine!

Text from Cho on the way home soon' me back smileys with kisses'

Cassandra sent her ideas for the Harcourt House garden wedding! I read through and then forwarded it to Cho and Gil. She'd kept it simple as I asked. Aileen and Sue would go first with Dr. Lone doing the ceremony then Jian and Ting with us standing up for them with a registrar. Cho and me last! Each part wasn't too last very long. Aileen and Sue had prepared their vows which were brief. Damn we hadn't considered it yet!

We had already gotten Alia's proposal for the Forest House ceremony. She had our ideas worked out! The arrangement for all the guests to travel up to Sikhio by a special train then by road to the the Forest House. Our cook would have help from her family and a caterer's in Korat would provide staff to serve and clean up. Solid!

iPhone ringing brought me back to today. Malee! `Hello!' She went silent then..."I am pregnant!"

WOW! Nine weeks and terrific! She had told her family in Bangkok earlier, they were thrilled! She'd felt odd and had gone to the doctor, doctor said right off what it could be and did the test. Bingo!

Eric had gone crazy with happiness. No movie antics like getting her to sit or any of that just pure joy! Now things would be changing. For them!

Malee was still heading off to Milan and Paris, Eric was coming down Friday after work.

Carla and I sat to chat about staff. She had seen the plans for the new living quarters for the additional folks we were going to hire. A new kitchen in the housing unit would be built to serve meals to the outside staff. They'd have their own staff room slash dining room built to be accepting for their outdoor work styles.

Carla was to be in charge of it, setting menus, etc... She would begin looking for staff and choose a supervisor for the new kitchen. She'd be able to train in the House kitchen since we would be gone for a while. Everything would be in place to go as soon as the new kitchen was ready.

Gregory and Archie had joined Cho and me to review the new construction and other things before Cho's trip. The housing would be given based on seniority and whether the staffer was fulltime or not. We had twenty new rooms being built. Each room was the size of a dorm room set in quad groups. They'd share a sitting room with a simple kitchen for snack making and a large bathroom. Five quads to be built. The new kitchen attached with the staff lounge slash dining room beside it. There'd be storage under the rooms for the workers.

Gregory would have many new buildings. We asked Archie for a long term lease on parts of his buildings for the farm. Sheds for the equipment and storage. He was to sell his cows and pigs to us as starter herds. Terry, the nephew would be charge of them. Good!

Archie had made his first tour of all the property allotted to the Farm. He was working on a report to Carter, Gregory and us on how he would recommend we use it all. Then we'd get the tools he would require and hire workers.

There would probably be a daycare location soon. Young people building families, we needed to have a facility for their little ones.

Email from Elaine in Richmond. They had received several large donations and had been successful in getting grants to cover the canal project. Money for dredging and our part the remote controlled lock equipment. They could be ready in early summer? I replied it was great to hear of her accomplishment and I would see how her timing fit with ours.

I passed it on to Eric adding I would contact Achmed at the install company about the timing. I fired off an email to Achmed right away.

Cho called they were an hour or so away. Time to ride! I grabbed Gil. Dressed and off to the stables!

Rebel was ready, Scout was acting eager too. Down the hill we paused at the training track. These fencing folks were humming along. The dirt track center fence done the outer fence all posts in and a team more than halfway completed the boards. The post hole diggers buzzing away!

I took Gil north; we stopped briefly to chat with the two Dan's then picked up the pace. Galloping across the Radley's to the south end of Sandford. Walking slowly to Mr. Hardy's.

He stood in his sitting room holding the small white box I had handed him.

"It's the last of my meddling. It has our APPs on it and you can connect with Carter or Prasert with just a few touches."

He smiled and thanked me. He held the black iPhone 6S, weighing it in his hand. "Solid feeling!"

"Yes, it feels good!" I said we'd be gone soon so I wouldn't be around to annoy him.

Mr. Hardy's head shaking, "Miss there isn't a thing you could do that would annoy me. Not ever!"

I hugged him.

Gil and I back up waved goodbye turning onto Church St. back the way we came. At the hedge we trotted off going easy then asking the boys. I kept Rebel in check so Scout could easily stay with us. I eased up near the training track as my iPhone gave out the Sci-Fi tone Cho!

They were coming up the drive! Damn! We rode hard around the southern paddocks to the grassy rise to the forecourt the Range Rover was stopping as we reached the gravel. I dropped down giving Rebel's reins to Gil and ran!

Cho standing by the door with open arms as I leaped. I was an easy catch! Lips! Strong arms! Hard chest! Yays from the others!

I made the kiss last! Cho did put me on my feet. A cute grin on my face, "I delivered!"

He laughed, "Yes I was warned. All fair!"

Gil holding both horses, "I'll walk the boys down."

I thanked her as Carter opened the front door for a scrambling brown flash! Jaidee made a beeline for Cho. Woofing, wagging his tail, squirming that little body. Cho scooped him up for a hug and got a licking!

We trooped inside; I did a fist bump at the door with Carter for letting Jaidee out. Carla had a sweet tea setup in the Breakfast Room. I grabbed a piece of stolen and called out I was changing. I charged up the stairs. Stripped to nothing in my dressing room when Cho slipped in... OW Wow cold hands!

I was pressed against Cho's chest arms around but hands not on my bare skin thankfully. He got another kiss! I parked him and put on all the usual, bra and panty set, black tights, red, white and black tartan miniskirt, white long sleeved cotton shirt and a black cardigan. Cho got to apply `Joy' before the clothes went on. I sat to pull on some black ankle boots. Then silver jewelry. Cho closed the clasp on his diamond patterned bracelet with the chains to the ring. Karla and Michael's torque. He put on the double strand silver necklace. I'd put in the silver belly ring with the black flower! Ta Da! My arms outstretched!

We went back to the food hand in hand.

The guys were very pleased with the horses they'd bought. They'd ship in soon. Three `retirees' two stallions and a gelding. They were five, seven and seven years old. Good racers but no longer competitive.

Cho took me to the office, "Fay, trouble-maker..." my wide open mouth was softly covered with a hand then lips, "we have ten backers for The Project!"

Cho's eyes were bright, "It looks like we can make it go. Many things can go wrong but the notion has backing. We have forty billion dollars committed now!"

WooHoo! So like Cho to make an idea come alive!

"Talk to Gil about it, I had the talk with Sanjara! Secrecy makes this work so..."

"And we'll have a conference call with everyone and our two in London will come down for the day."

PJ was driving Teddy and I to see his foster mother Gladys in the hospital. She doing Okay now, had a bit of a bad spot after surgery. She was sitting up looking cute and sort of fluffy and pink cheeked. Pain meds on board but happy to see Teddy. He wanted to tell her about his gardening so I backed out with PJ. The flowers we brought were put in a pitcher by a nurse. I put it on the windowsill in her room, she and Teddy chatting away.

I left word at the nurse's desk we'd be downstairs. I gave PJ a short rundown on what we'd be doing in the next few weeks so he had more info than just a calendar item.

Teddy found us, Gladys was tired. We'd come back whenever he wanted. Smiles.

In the morning I was getting coffee and scones ready when Monaco came in. Freshly awake I could see, I showed him how to work the espresso machine. He was going to be with Cho and Gregory for a few hours before his flight.

Pamela was a ready girl as I got a leg up. Andy with a mouthful of scone acknowledged my `south' with an arm sweep gesture as I rode off. We walked down the hill, chilly with some fog and the sun trying to break through.

The lock man waved and smiled as we walked over, Roy the Eskimo was doing fine. Two fish caught already on Gregory's lure!

Pamela was throwing up dirt as we soared along the river's west side after the detour around the ugly houses. We got waves from Dennis and some of his crew. At the Industrial Estate I walked Pamela slowly over to the building where the drug guys had been. Crime scene notices on the doors. I turned Pamela eastward toward the Sandford lock over that we stopped by the Rectory.

Dr. Lone was ready for Monday; his missus would put up some flower displays for the Sergeant-Major. The grave was dug and the headstone was to be delivered today. I thanked him.

Pamela trotted down the dirt lane to the berm section clearly itching to run so I asked her to. Yes! My girl reached out for the ground, deep pushes from her hind legs and snapping forelegs!! I leaned over her neck thrilled to feel the power of every stride. Such a magnificent creature built by nature to run like this. I had my tears blown away again...Pamela...Gwen, my friends and companions. Cho my love, how lucky I was! Jian...all the others, friends, lovers, mates in a whole new life I'd entered.

Nothing prepared me for this sudden out pouring of emotion...I let Pamela run on she knew where to go! I got a grip as we passed through the Fraser's, I was calm at the stables Andy did give me a look of concern. I patted his shoulder.

I went in to find Cho. He was in the office on the phone but waved me in. I curled up in his lap he was talking with Thet which ended. I slid my arms around his neck hugging close whispering. He gripped me tight then he lifted my face to kiss. Tender but I pressed he responded with passion HHHHHMMMMM I held him snugly and warm.

He cut right to it, "We all die, trite but correct. We have something together so we must make it the best we can."

A big kiss, I caressed his smooth cheeks smiling...a few kisses dark eyes on mine. Cho laughed, "You have not said too much I know you are jazzed about The Project!"

"Yes, probably I'm chill about it because it's going to take time and I'm such a `right now gratify me' bitch."

Cho laughed out loud at that, "No, you are capable of playing the long game! Do not pretend you thought it would be a simple thing, no way I would accept that."

I snuggled more just being warm and close. Those strong arms wrapping me up. We stayed that way for a while.

Cho gave me a squeeze, an almost not there `Adam' in my ear. I slowly unwound sitting up. Declare smiling in the doorway, "I'm off."

We walked him out to the forecourt, a big hug, "Take care you two. Daphne and I will see you in a few weeks in Bangkok."

I kissed his cheeks. He and Cho shook hands and half hugged arms on each other's shoulders. A Prasert car slipped down the drive as we waved. Monaco would go to Heathrow soon.

At dinner just the two of us. Afters in the Great Room by the fire. Little Jaidee warming his bum looking almost regal in his glossy rich brown coat! Peering over my espresso cup at Cho whose nose was at the rim of his snifter. Smiling I knew what he was inhaling, lovely bouquet. The Remy Martel! Those dark eyes caught me, a slow smile, a hand out...I slipped next to him. He held the snifter so I could breathe in the rich aroma. Nice to be kissed after he sipped.

I eased around my back against him; we sat like that for some time just warming from the fire, our drinks and ourselves.

Eric would arrive this afternoon but it was all prepared so I went riding as usual. I stopped at Archie and Margy's, a scone with tea. We did the deal for his farm animals and signed the lease for the sheds and equipment. He was going to walk over the land on the east side of the Oxford Road with Gregory. They had maps and aerial shots so a plan could be worked out for all the property we were going to devote to the Farm.

After we were walking towards the river, "Miss, I..." my hand on his arm, "Fay...please" He smiled, "Maybe but it will be hard. Well...the land is in good condition and there is enough so we will be able to rotate crops around. Yields should be fine every year. We're working on the basis of forty mouths to feed."

We chatted about it more before I got a leg up on Pamela. Margy stuck her head to wish me a good ride. Pamela was happy, she'd a carrot and a blanket!

We trotted off up Hall Street through lower Radley passing Jerrold's house, his car gone already. Not tardy!

I asked Pamela for pace, she turned on her speed for a marvelous run all the way to the Industrial Estate. We eased back to walk over to Sandford. We made a stop at the Rectory. I told Dr. Lone we expected eight formers soldier friends of the Sergeant-Major, the Colonel and ourselves. He was prepared.

Pamela kicked into high gear again on the berm road we exploded out of the end of it onto Radley's flat riverside land. Speed! My girl kept it up until the training track.

A few workmen were starting as we walked up to the stable. Andy smiling took Pamela for more cool down.

Cho waved me into the Breakfast Room.

"We should host the New Yorkers in on The Project at our new place. Dinner, etc... Okay?"

I was all for it. I said I'd call Roslyn to set it up. Fist bumps before kisses.

I got some coffee as Francis came in. A big smile, "Scotland Yard called. They've arrested Glover, the warehouseman and the ex-Board member. The inspector I've been in contact with said he was sure they'd be bailed after interrogation, probably police bail and surrender of passports."

More fist bumps and handshakes! We asked him to inform Eric, copy Reg and the other DM's. Done!

Eric arrived before dinner. We were still in riding clothes from a great time. Cho, Gil and me romping around the south end. Rebel, Scout and Chess running happily over the grass!

A big greeting for the father to be! Eric was very happy Malee had conceived, "Well I'm forty two and I do want to be able to be active as they grow up."

Cho gave him a punch on the arm, "Do not go there I'm forty five!"

We were all laughing.

We decided to wait for Reg in the morning before talking business. After dinner was a movie, `Remember.' Pretty new, interesting plot but many holes. Atom Egoyan directed but the real joy was seeing Christopher Plummer! He was great joined by Martin Landau, Jürgen Prochnow and Bruno Ganz, really fine stuff from them all!

A supposed Auschwitz survivor hunts former a camp guard although he has dementia and he is `programmed' by another survivor. Good twists in a slow moving film.

Standing naked beside Cho, rubbing my hip on his, smiles as we looked in my dressing room mirror. Our skin pressed close, a cute but devilish grin on his face...Whoosh! I was scooped up and hauled off to bed. We snuggled, I called Jaidee to join us. Woofs as the little fellow plopped down on us. We gave him a double rub, ears and tongue wagging in time with the tail!

We settled to sleep after Jaidee went to his bed and Cho added some wood to the fire. HHHHHMMMMM Warm and cuddly!

I took Gil riding with me in the morning. Pamela and Guy. Down by the river we stopped so I could tell her about The Project. Gil was amazed! I told her it seemed to be the right time but it would take a while to mature. She'd be on the frontline in our communications with the investors.

We'd have a one possibly two guests on Monday down from London. They were among our investors. We would have a meeting in the Library she was to attend to take notes during the conference call.

I steered us along the river up the path where Kate had her fall, the new path was solid. We picked up the pace going around the Sci Centre towards Clifton Hampden then an arc back towards the north. We ran hard for a mile or so then eased off for the last half mile to the training track. Up the slope to be greeted by Thames.

I gave him a good rubbing. Coffee! We walked up to the house with Gregory and Thames..

Eric was eating as we entered the Breakfast Room. I kissed a cheek and dropped onto the banquette.

"Francis is ready to give us an update on Glover and the others when Reg gets here."

A thumbs up from Eric. We chatted about Malee's trip. She'd been sending me lots of texts and pics. Some of the Milan clothes were wonderful!

I left him to eat.

A kiss for Cho, "Gil knows everything and what we want her to do at each meeting."

More kissing!!!

The red heavy cotton dress with white birds on my bosom and a white cardigan all over white tights and black ankle boots. Gold jewelry with `Joy'

Reg texted he was in the car at Oxford Station. We met him at the door, hugs, kisses and "I've loads of baby snaps to share! First, Rona and Margaret Fay Alexandria are both very well! The grandparents have been bricks! Then, thanks for the overnights for them and me tonight!"

Another hug! Food! That went over well! Carla delivered one of her veggie soups! Winter veggies, potatoes and small little flour dumplings bobbing in the soup!! Asiago to sprinkle over it! Warm dark bread! Fruit! All good!!

So we sat in the Library, big chairs and sofas. Gil and Francis joined us.

Francis gave us the latest about Glover et al. They'd been interviewed, charged with multiple crimes and bailed. The Scotland Yard inspector felt the CPS would try to use the warehouse supervisor against Glover and the ex-Board member. He was pleased with what we had made available in the way of data, communications between the three and attempts to hide the activity.

Eric gave us the rundown on our solicitors' efforts. They would lay suit this coming week seeking the money they stole and penalties. Their general feeling was the ex-board member had enough money to to be made to pay but not Glover or the other fellow. The search for assets was continuing especially regards Glover.

We did go around discussing it but we weren't actors in the play now. Eric, Reg and I had no supervisory role over Glover or the warehouse man. All the theft had occurred before Eric took over. The three had stopped maybe to figure a new way to steal under the new management.

Cho was pleased with the efforts so far, he had discussed a bonus for Francis with me. Francis was surprised and happy. I thought he seemed genuinely glad to have found the theft and been part of the fix. Somehow redeeming himself in his own eyes! Good! A morale booster!

I was off to ride; Cho was going to the pub with Eric and Reg for a pint. He liked showing the flag. Gil was with me. Rebel and Chess were ready to go. Diana was already out on Mahogany to the north according to Anthony.

I aimed us down Harcourt House drive a bit then south across the fields. I stopped at the top of a shallow ridge line, "Down in this area we are going to build housing for some of our workers and their families. Two and three bedroom detached houses with back gardens. We have two architects. One for the landscape, one for the houses. The plan in general is to create a close that's a circle. Houses in the center will have the gardens back up against each other. On the periphery the houses face the road with the back gardens like a fan spreading out to the end towards the woods. All detached with parking the front and on the road."

I pointed out that the most trees would be saved as the elms and oaks were lovely. The close would connect to Harcourt House drive to go down to Oxford Road. Pathways up to the house. It was tentatively called Harcourt Close.

We walked the horses further south Gil said she and Sanjara had talked about the Chanthira Foundation meeting. It was set for the big conference room at the Railroad. Everyone would be there. Good!

We talked about what Jian had tentatively setup a schedule for my trips around the South Pacific projects with a stop in Port Moresby. Dusit and Kwang working on flights for us and PJ.

"Gil, please call Kavat, our ops manager at Dom Mueang. Find out if he can arrange for us to use a Cho-Fay 767 for the trips. We could stay aboard so no hotels, no worry about meeting flights, sleep when we want. We'll only needs cars which we would anyway."

Okay! Cho was in favor of the idea if only as a trial to see if it was useful way to do it.

Dinner was fun! We had an Indian/Pakistani buffet. Grilled fish, pakoras, dal, rice, aloo gobi, Bombay style potatoes, naan, salads. Fruit and tapioca. Newcastles! Lovely stuff! Marandi being the lead. The staff had the same which they enjoyed as much as us.

By the big fire in the Great Room with afters we talked lots of things but babies were at the top of the list. Little Margaret Fay Alexandria, our twins and Malee!

Eve and Ku emailed lots, frequent texts all saying Eve was healthy and happy. Every doctors visit info was passed along, all glowing. We were excited but keeping it light.

After my morning ride with Pamela we all sat in the Breakfast Room, I was on the banquette in riding clothes looking at everyone. They were in various stages of eating.

I started to giggle...it got their attention. Smiles at me, Cho with a raised eyebrow.

"Sorry but I was looking at all of us and we seemed pretty happy for similar reasons and..." I rocked my joined arms back and forth.

They laughed at that, Reg giving me a gentle elbow, "I guess we are! Lots of reason too!"

Cho grinned at me, "Well I for one am enjoying my happiness in advance of that change for us!"

He held his arms open I jumped in! Laughter, Eric patted my back, "Looks like we're all going to do some enjoying!"

We four met in the Library after I changed with Gil. We went over where The Company was, near term actions, further out and many years on. Gil typing away as the thoughts, comments, and musings poured forth. We were good together, using each other as foils and bouncing ideas about.

In the close-in garden later Cho and I walking Jaidee we discussed the meeting. We liked many of the ideas and those that might be shared and implemented would have fertile ground.

It was chilly but Jaidee was doing his best nosing every bit of grass and plant. Cho eased him out from under a shrub with dirt on all paws and nose. The little man loved to dig!

Gratefully he also did his business! We could go in via the mud room by the kitchen to get him cleaned up.

I went down by the Staff Room to see Carter in his office. Prasert and Ellie sitting by the fire on the settee >close< HHHHHMMMMM Carter smiled when I asked. "They've been `a bit thick' for a few weeks. I don't know what started it but it's nice. I am watching so if they have a falling out we can keep everything easy."

Fist bumps! I gave him the signed contracts for our buying Archie's machinery and herds. He'd get a check ready for Archie.

"I think he's going to do well. This is responsibility of a different sort for him. Margy is very nice. She brought over some of her raspberry scones..." Carter put on a satisfied grin.

I agreed! We spent some time on the Harcourt Close project he'd have to manage in our absence and my idea for a day care center.

Teddy was doing well. I'd spoken to Gladys; she hoped to be going home in five to seven days after intensive physical therapy. She asked if Teddy could stay a bit more so there'd be time for her to ease back into a routine. Done! Gladys was thrilled by what Teddy told her in his visits about working with Phillips.

"He loves being outside so, he would sit and fret on the bad rainy days."

Cho and I had the solicitors arranging a trust for his education. Gladys knew and swore not to say anything.

We fed the guys before they left with Prasert. He asked if Ellie could ride up to town with him. I kissed a cheek grinning and said yes. He had a shy smile, I squeezed his hand. He'd be back tomorrow in the afternoon with Shira. She was flying back from time off in Bangkok.

We prepared for the big conference call tomorrow about The Project. All the investors would speak for the first time. MacDonald and Hélène would drive down to Harcourt House to sit with us. I'd get to meet them and the others soon enough. Cho said we should expect the group to make a few decisions about methods and leadership.

I hadn't been sure of what he meant about 'leadership' BOY was I ever to find out!

I was breathing heavily lying on top of naked man who had the cutest smile on his face.

"Delicious! Just delicious, Fay"

I giggled leaning down to kiss resting my breasts on his chest. Warm skin, breathing like mine, slowing but pumping!

It started with a remark I wanted to suck cock' which was accepted as a challenge to show what you got honey.'

Beside our bed down went Cho's pants followed by underwear and the capture of the aforementioned cock!

MMMMMMMMMMM Sucking commenced with a great deal of tongue work to wet the cock so the creature's head could emerge! aaaaAAAHHHhhhh YES! He comes out to play! Kissing as Cho moaned!

I took the head in my lips, suction and tongue Cho was grabbing bedclothes!!

I slid down to the root of the cock burying my little nose in soft fur! The naughty tongue slipping slowly out to bathe the balls! Warm soft smooth balls! I began to bob on the penis eating it whole with every stroke down.

Cho's body was ready for my next attack. He failed to anticipate my tactics. I rose quickly to straddle him holding the cock sliding my hand up and down. His eyes popped open as I sat on the shaft!

Yeah! Cowgirl was on her bucking bronco! Off and running.

My thighs strong from riding gripped him, my nails pressing on his chest; I raised my body only to sink back onto the upright cock! And again and again!

Cho's face half pain and half smile as my pussy held the treasure. Slippery with our juices I easily bounced in the saddle galloping! Cho arched his back upwards as his hands twisted in the sheets.

I kept riding my man as the first warmth of an orgasm began in my guts. More, more I rode heading for the climax which made me hesitate but I rode on! Cho's face was a huge smile knowing I'd cum.

"Go on Fay keep riding!"

He brought his knees up behind me, "Lean back!"

I did as his pelvis lifted to drive the prick into me. I reached down for his hips helping the lift so I could get more cock! Cho was incredibly strong like a machine pistoning me to a second orgasm.

I squeezed my vagina around him, more friction. Sitting upright I held his hands on my thighs riding slower, longer strokes up and down. I used every millimeter of cock, from nearly exiting me to deeply buried. Mashing our pubic mounds but in a slow tempo. Giggling as we moved in an unhurried trot. Those hands slipped up to my breasts, caressing, holding, then gently working the nipple rings. Even going slow they sent lightning bolts through me.

I rose over him once more to ride leaning over him now. I set the rhythm, hands gripping those muscular shoulders.

I RODE! I rode like all hell was after me! I knew he was close so I let it all go bounding up and down on the magnificent prick upright inside me.

Cho's hands gripping my thighs as he orgasmed. I squeezed tight to feel the pulse of the shaft. So good a sensation. I kept moving but slower a tight hold by my pussy.

Cho was twitching, grinning, all teeth almost in rictus as the pleasure and pain mixed. So nice to watch him ease off as I kept the cock snug! I moved my hips slowly up and down, caressing Cho's cock with my pussy. Then I let I slip out resting my vagina lips on him and resumed the gentle caress of hip stroking.

"Delicious! Just delicious, Fay"

We lay quiet under the bed covers, I did some neck nuzzling. No hickeys!

Washed and tired we spooned and slept.

I had a wonderful ride in the morning with Gil touring around the south end. Sunny but cold with frost on everything looking so beautiful.

I was in a long-sleeved black dress demure neckline, black tights and heels. Black pea coat, beret and gloves holding Cho's arm outside the church as we met the Colonel, the Sergeant-Major's niece and the S-M's friends. Inside at the back Mrs. Lone gave everyone a funeral leaflet. I looked down the aisle at the dark wooden coffin a spray of lilies on top beside a velvet cloth covered with his decorations. A small stand nearby with a bowl of poppies.

We sat on the right and shortly after Dr. Lone began. A hymn, two Psalms the deceased had liked before the Colonel rose to speak. He gave a brief précis of the Sergeant-Major's career and his honors. Several anecdotes from the times in combat together a humorous one and one with death and sacrifice. The six men who had served with the Sergeant-Major nodded their heads as the second one spun out.

It was about a young private in Malaya during the `Emergency' how he'd done something foolish in barracks but the S-M got him off charges. In the field weeks later he had attacked a machine gun nest that had pinned down the company by himself, threw a brace of grenades which destroyed the enemy position but he was shot by a sniper. The S-M had gone out under fire to help him, carried the boy back to safety and done first-aid. The private died later that evening. The Colonel had done two things: ripped the S-M for exposing himself to fire without preparing the move through firepower and recommended the S-M and private for a decoration.

"It's a contradiction every soldier faces in battle and you make your choices."

It was very quiet. Cho had given me a Cho-Fay handkerchief for my tears.

Dr. Lone resumed his place and brought us to our feet for the closing hymn. Beside the grave he gave a blessing to the Sergeant-Major after the Colonel read Rupert Brooke's poem `The Soldier' which gave me a chill and more tears.

We hosted everyone in the Great Room for tea and a light snack. I spoke with each old soldier and the niece. She thanked me for helping arrange it all and especially the church and cemetery.

I ended up standing next to the fire with the Colonel. He put his arm over my shoulders, "Thank you for today and for the use of Allyn and the car. I wouldn't have gotten it done otherwise."

He paused, "You did a very nice thing. It might seem strange you'd go through the effort but I knew your parents well enough not be surprised by your actions."

I gave him a big hug before he got into the car to go up to town with a promise of seeing him again soon.

In the kitchen Carla gave me the menu for lunch with MacDonald and Hélène. Vichyssoise, Grilled sole with garlic potatoes and broccoli with Hollandaise. Small personal Italian loaves. Carter had a fine white burgundy ready. Vanilla ice cream beside a Northhamptonshire curd tart.

Cho hinted jeans wouldn't right...Duh! I teased him by coming out of my Dressing Room in jeans. He rolled his eyes; I re-emerged in a sleeveless dark blue dress, matching tights and shoes. Gold jewelry and a demure white cardigan. He was sitting in one of the chairs in the bedroom his eyes met mine. I had to re-apply my lipstick and wipe his lips. Wow!

MacDonald arrived first. I was introduced at the door, "Call me Mac all my friends do."

Okay not M'Lord! Cool! A handsome fellow but carrying some weight.

Hélène's coming was soon after. A cool blonde, hair pulled back, slender, pale with very bright eyes!

We shook hands, a firm grip, "Well I've always wondered who might catch Cho. Very nice indeed!"

We linked arms, "Fay, I've know that fellow for over ten years. We like each other but no sparks. My husband wouldn't approve of my taking a lover."

Laughing we strolled into the Great Room. Carter was ready at the drinks cart, a bit of sherry for Hélène and I, scotch for the men. Their assistants hovered but could see Gil bringing them over to Carter. Good!

We chatted about miscellaneous things, Mac brought up Glaa. Hélène wasn't a horse person but was intrigued by the drama of it. She saw my snaps of him, "Fay you and Cho are building a racing stable here?"

I gave her the rundown, "Wonderful, I like the idea of you creating jobs and helping the countryside. We live most of the year in Derbyshire. I love walking around the estate, into the woods in all weathers. My husband fears me getting sick but I'm quite the opposite. I know I look thin but I can stride out."

We were laughing when Mac leaned over to add that his walking was restricted but he enjoyed the countryside too.

Carla's lunch went down a treat! Hélène smiling, "Keep your eye on your cook! It isn't easy to find one who's eclectic and skilled!"

We repaired to the Library where Thomas had setup a conference call device on a table. Coffees and good chairs we were ready. Gil began to assemble everyone online.

Mike, Bennett and Daria in New York, William in Omaha, Ken in Seattle, Pedro and Lori in Los Angeles. We all did the hellos and intros around the world. As we were doing that I smiled at Cho who was the link between us, a tightness in my guts came with that return smile.

We spent time deciding on the mechanisms of share buying, spreading it out over many companies around the world. Each holding their purchases until we were ready for the final bite. Then it would all be moved to MTR, Inc. Only Class B voting shares in the target.

Then the `leadership' thing came up. Everyone wanted Cho and I to be the public face of MTR, Inc. When the final bite was taken we would be the ones to make the announcements, to talk to the various management teams at the target company.

BOY! I was so unsure of myself when the `leadership' discussion began but I realized Cho would be with me and the investors would have our back! I went with the flow.

After the conference call was done Mac squeezed my hand, "I thought you went a bit white when you got the idea we were pushing you out front. Don't worry we'll support you both!"

I had to laugh, "Well I'm getting my just deserts."

Cho's arms around me, "We'll face it together!"

Hélène's smile, "When and if you need us we'll be there don't worry. We're behind The Project!"

After they left I was by the Great Room fire warming my buns, "Gil, you're going to have a lot on this flowing in. Best plan now how to manage the email and texts, make a spreadsheet for the shares purchased, ask Francis for help on that he's a wizard, get as much info on each sale as possible. Beyond date and time and the number of shares also get which entity, which broker..."

Gil was making notes and nodding her head.

I needed a ride! Cho came in as I changed. HUG!

"It will be fine. We will have the excitement around Glaa to prepare us."

A nice kiss, "Since it was my idea I'm fine with being out front. Other than Sanjara and Gil no one else right?"

"Yes, it has to be that way."

"Oooooohhhhhh I feel all Mata Hari and everything."

Cho hugged me, "Go ride! I have some work. I need to read and sign some things and there are a few for you too."

Black jodhpurs, white shirt, silk under-warmers, red tie, silver gray bolero jacket and black hat! Scarf and gloves! Off to the stables.

Rebel was ready, some hoof scraping. Diana was already out on Chess. Scout and Mahogany had been ridden by her today.

Gregory gave me a leg up, "Miss, Diana is a gem. She loves to ride and is very happy to do all the tasks of a stable."

We did fist bumps!

I stopped at the training track to see the progress. The men working were steadily completing the fence around the inner track. The posthole diggers occupied on the next ring.

I headed down westward towards the river. Near the bank I could see two people walking holding hands. Prasert and Ellie! I steered Rebel more southerly to give them space.

On the path where Kate had her event I met her again. She was on Dragon standing still looking at the water. We spoke; it was the first time she'd brought Dragon here since the accident. He seemed calm, a good sign. I backed Rebel to give them a clear path and turned waving. She called out a `thank you.'

I turned further south and east heading towards the north end of Clifton Hampden. Harcourt House partially surrounded the hamlet now. I approached but turned more east to past south of Kate's house aiming to go north in the direction of the Garden Centre. Rebel was able to stretch his legs on a good run of over a mile as we slowly curved north.

After a tree line I stopped on the top of the Sci Centre rise to look at Harcourt House sitting on its hill. The sun was fading but bouncing off the windows in shiny sprays. The gray building had an air of distinction, the gardens to the west; I could see part of the graveled drive rising to the forecourt. It appeared to be a picture postcard. A nice thought as I rode home.

Packing! Audra helped get me ready for tomorrow's flight to New York. My wardrobes had filled with many new clothes; I was leaving a good deal including all my riding clothes. Some cold weather things and evening things would definitely go with me.

Andrea was coming up tomorrow for dinner and the flight. We have dozens of interviews scheduled New York, Seattle and Los Angeles. Team Bangkok and Andrea's folks in London worked hard to winnow the candidate list and get us ready.

Before dinner Cho and I met with Francis. He was going to stay behind for a few days to work with the solicitors and several projects including The Project! Francis made the spreadsheet for Gil to tabulate The Project share buys so she was set!

The sun came out for my last ride with Pamela this trip. We headed out on our usual run south over the river. I said so long for now to Roy and the lock man. A brief stop to do the same at Archie and Margy's farm. We rocked it going north to the lock.

At Mr. Hardy's we stayed a bit. He was doing well, writing with forty pages done.

"Now don't think of it as a real forty because it'll be edited and changed but it feels good! I'll in your Library next week and up to the city to meet with the librarian at the British Museum. I'm good!"

A big hug. He promised to keep in touch. Me too.

I made yet another stop at the Radley's; Deanna fed me a raisin muffin! Mr. Radley hugged me before giving me a leg up.

Sarah Fraser was sad to see us go, "It's been nice to know you were up there. A house we finally got to know a bit. You two have really made a difference.'

I told her and Dan Senior when he came in that Carter knew us fairly well and we'd be touch so what we had set to motion would continue. Hugs!!

Handing Pamela over brought me to tears today. Andy was sweet handing me his handkerchief, a clean white one. Someone new to get embroidered handkerchiefs for besides the Colonel. Ah, did Ellie do that?

I asked after her, she was upstairs measuring a window for new curtains. Yes she did embroidery. A big smile, "Miss I'd love to do it."

I gave her the lowdown which brought out another big smile. I gave her one of Cho's as the pattern. I told her to get good quality linen. A thumbs up!

I had a little gift in my Inbox, two reports from the Sheila/Miki team. Yes!

Short term if Brexit passed they expected considerable handwringing and whinging, some stock market volatility and a dive in the £. Bank of England would probably lower the interest rate to .25. Some corporate earnings might rise but only in a few sectors and it's unlikely to be sustained. Not likely to be any real damage to the economy.

Long term companies should prepare for resistance to them in the EU. Setting up subsidiaries in the various countries, run locally should satisfy EU regulations. A business expense. The £ would slip vs. the dollar and euro, new lows to be seen; leveling finally but remain weak. Probably weak for a sustained period and never regain its former exchange levels meaning exports might do well but ...

There was much more in each report but we didn't spend time today on it. I forwarded on both reports to Eric, Michael, Reg and the other deputy MD's. Also to Angela, Sanjara and Gil. Everyone got our admonition not to share outside the company until we gave a release.

Rebel and I had a great romp in the afternoon with Cho and Gil. We had a tremendous gallop up past and around the Sci Ctr over the tracks on Cho's wood walkways and back north home. Rebel easily outrunning Chess and Guy but it was a glorious last ride! I gave Rebel a big hug afterwards, same for all the horses. I visited with each one before heading up to change.

I spent the most time with Pamela bringing Diana alongside me. Telling my best girl that Diana would taking my place for a little while. Hearing her crunch the carrot was music to my ears!

"Miss, I'll give her a good ride every day!"

I hugged Diana. She was happy these days since her father was permanently out of the picture. He'd pled guilty to multiple charges, CPS asked for custodial sentence with treatment.

I sat down with Cho to talk to Carter and Gregory. There was to be a lot of construction happening we were sure they would manage it and keep us informed. 'Lots of snaps' from me got laughs!

We had excellent plans and a well-regarded construction companies to build it all.

Gregory was told that Glaa's father Kla and mother Knor would move in after the construction was complete and everything ready. He seemed eager to host them!

Nestor's training would be tested on our flight to New York. He had setup in a corner of the kitchen garden a boxed area with a low wall for Jaidee. He trained us and Jaidee to use that space for his business. It was working! Cho had a walled space with dirt created on board the 767 so we'd find out!

The little guy was so cute and happy. He loved being with Cho around the house. He enjoyed the fireplaces! He was very fond of digging!

We had a lively dinner with Andrea. Her tummy with Jian's little boy was getting bigger and bigger. This trip and the one to Phuket would be last for her.

After dinner I had a chat with Gladys Teddy's foster mother. She was doing well and was so glad Teddy was welcome in our house. Her recovery was going well now after the bump and she was on track to go home in less than a week. She knew we were going but that Teddy would be well cared for by Carter and the staff.

Carter had our bags loaded for Chalgrove. I walked out with my hand on his arm, a cheek kissed. He knew he had our trust. A fist bump as he handed me into the Prasert car.

I looked around smiling faces and Jaidee with his head cocked...wondering.

At Chalgrove the Cho-Fay bird was ready. Everything and everybody on board. A wave to Prasert as we taxied away. On the runway in a sweeping turn and no pause the engines roaring we hurtled down the tarmac and floated up into the darkness.

Jaidee in Cho's lap wasn't fazed just looking around tongue hanging out a bit. I grinned at Cho, I got one of those thousand suns smile back! We unbuckled I went in search of Soka for a snack before sleep.

She and Ban did some fruit and cheese for us. A platter of cookies from Sue!!

We spilt up to sleep. PJ and Rande to share the twin bed cabin, Ansara and Shira each got a cabin. Andrea and Gil next to each other beside the Master Suite. Soka and Ban got a cabin since there was one open.

This was the newest 767 so there were accommodations downstairs for men and women. Separate sleeping and washing, a common sitting area.

Cho walked Jaidee up and down for a while then to his little `pen of dirt' where after a bit of digging the sweet little man did his business! So proud!

Jaidee in his bed by ours, naked with Cho against my back! Bliss! Sleep as the 767 flew west in the night.

iPhone going off. I had a brief confusion where the hell I was then turned off the thing! Up! A kiss for Jaidee! He climbed on the bed next to Cho and cuddled. Cho gave me a look, sweet as he closed his arms around Jaidee.

Washed and ready for FOOD! Ban laughing at me. I made coffee, he got out breakfast things. Fruit, scones from the bakery in Abingdon, big sugar cookies from Sue with icing! Yea!

We all sat around the lounge munching. It wasn't long before Mira, who was in command on this flight, in her clear voice over the loudspeaker told us we were on approach to Newburgh. Jaidee did some walking and business!

We got ready to deplane. Mira said it was cold and clear, thirty five degrees. The sun just coming up. The big aircraft slowed and made a sweeping turn to starboard. We could see the field as we came around. Wheels down in New York.

There was a cart for the baggage; we walked a short distance to a helicopter. All aboard. Something new for Jaidee. He was a brick though. Sniffing every item in reach! Lift off, we swung around and rose in the air quickly. This helicopter was bigger, quiet inside, comfy seats!

We turned east then south following the Hudson River, we were moving! Pilot said we're ready for landing in about twenty minutes. We flared over the water and eased onto the pad in Midtown. Some fellows grabbed our bags...Terrance by the cars. Fist bumps and hugs. Huge smile on his face!

I did the intros for Andrea and Gil. All in with Pj and Shira. Baggage in another car with Rande and Ansara. We stopped at a parking garage on Houston Street near Seventh Avenue. Six stories up and two below grade. The Car Service would move its HQ there after the construction was done.

New ventilation systems, an office for Aylesha and staff and another for Security on the main level with our cars on the basement levels and street level. The rest would still be for regular parkers but they'd be walled off from our part. Two entries, ours and theirs, new sensors and cameras throughout, twenty four hour security.

It wasn't pretty outside but soundly built, it suited our purposes. Maybe we paint the thing some unusual colours! Aylesha got have the offices built to her specs! Smiles about that!

I got to meet Ben again, her son. Cute with a terrific smile. Ben got to meet Jaidee, they liked each other! We talked about the business; demand was very strong because of our quality! I asked about uber or Lyft, Aylesha said they were popular but not to our type of client.

Off to Minetta Street! Rande and Ansara were waiting, our bags upstairs. Petra met us at the door. She was the head of our Security in New York. Blonde with a few curves, she gave off a look that said `competent' and was pleased to meet us. Up the lift I liked so much. The entry, one door to the left to the kitchen side the double doors to the main hall.

The hall opened to the living room a big rectangle, one wall was glass, floor to ceiling facing the new terrace we carved out of the area of the roof that had been removed. Two tall doors the full height of the glass let you out to the terrace. They were heavy but swung so easily.

From the hall a left took you past the media room to the dining room on to the kitchen and eating area there. Two huge skylights flooded the kitchen with the morning sun. Both could open upwards for the spring and fall air.

Going right in the hall took you first to the office then our suite then the smaller bedrooms which would be guest rooms and then children's room and their nurse/nanny. Fire escapes front and back.

On the terrace there were several couches and chairs in a seating arrangement with tables and propane heaters. Awnings on electric runners would slide out above the glass walls in the living room and our suite which also faced the terrace. Our suite had a wall of glass with one of those huge double glass doors like the living room.

The furniture looked good. I knew I would tinker around with it but for now fine. The living room had sectional pieces, setup to face the glass wall. Couches, chairs, some arcing floor lamps, a drinks bar against the wall near the doorway and two large built-in bookcases on the back wall, space for many books and knickknacks, etc... Nothing hanging on the walls yet, there wasn't that much wall area with the glass and bookcases.

The dining room could seat twenty, the kitchen eating space about ten. Roslyn, our housekeeper and cook was all smiles. Coffee made and a selection of baked things to nibble.

Her mother Rosa was an immigrant from Mexico, her father a Brooklyn Irishman. They named her for her mother and his mother Lynn. Nice! Her specialties were naturally Mexican and generalized American but fish and veggie! Yeah man!

Cho and I in our suite, the blues were right! The walls and the duvet > perfect! The bathroom and dressing room pale greens, a big skylight making the rooms bright even with the weak winter sun!

We would host three of our Project investors tonight for dinner, informal. Roslyn was making a Mexican buffet; small burritos, tomato rice with beans, shrimp in verde sauce, cheese chimichangas, flan and fruit for the sweet side. Different water flavours and soft drinks, Corona beer, etc...

I called Sadie, she and Sam were coming tonight. She was going for a haircut. "Oh, could I tag along for a trim?"

She would call and get back to me.

I spent some time with Roslyn talking food and more. She was funny and sharp. She liked the kitchen layout, made a few suggestions. I told her about my morning habits. Walking would replace riding. Jaidee and I out early. She would be up from the first floor apartment; she loved the space. Yea!

Text from Sadie, we were on! Meet on Bleecker Street at MacDougal Street! Jaidee could come!

Black skinny jeans, cutoff white t-shirt, Seattle cutoff hoodie, black ankle boots, Silver jewelry! Black pea coat, gloves and beret. Shira, Andrea and Jaidee in the entry. Cho gave me a kiss, "You folks have fun!"

I had a small black bag and a hold of Jaidee. Shira put in elevator code, silky smooth ride down. Petra knew we were going out, she had a smile and mentioned the wind had died down some but still quite chilly.

We made a left out the door heading towards Bleecker our progress slowed by Jaidee's nose. All new things for him to snuffle over. A pee on a lamppost and my plastic bag came out for his first poop in New York! Cheers little guy! A friendly trash can at Bleecker got it. Andrea laughing!

We went left on Bleecker, MacDougal was the next block. A waving Sadie! Hugs and introductions to Andrea, Gil, Shira and Jaidee. We walked down the block and crossed Bleecker to MaJa's Hair. Sadie had been going there for years.

I met Maggie and Janice, the owners. They sat us side by side. Andrea and Shira smiling as they sat with the little man. He didn't need a trim, all glossy brown and sweet. MaJa gave him some loving before starting on us. Janice really liked my look and suggested just trimming some from the big curve and thinning a wee bit on top so it would lie down better. Go!

Sadie and I chatted about tonight but we didn't mention names. I gave her the buffet menu which got a thumbs up! Janice did a great job! My curve was just above the chin again, good! The top of me was smoother! I was pleased. I asked Andrea and Shira if they wanted anything done, not now. Shira said she was going to let it grow out a bit more.

Janice took a look and said `come back and see me,' we were good.

Jaidee got rubbed some more before we left. We walked around the neighborhood for a while Jaidee pulling some so I had to correct him. All fine!

I got to see shops of all kinds, Sadie pointing her fav's. A good delicatessen, what we would call a news agent, chemists as in Boots, coffee houses, green grocer, leather, dry cleaning, etc... Lots of nice shops close at hand. We turned south to Houston Street. And that's `Howston Street.'

Many more shopping choices. I just let it flow knowing I'd have to come back to get it all in. We'd wandered on a bit I had my iPhone out. The SoHo Apple store was only a block and a half away so we turned south.

I liked they used an older building giving it a face lift and a huge skylight. Jaidee was gold, being a cute magnet. He took it in his stride. The Apple folks were sweet with him.

Shira wanted a new case for her iPhone 6S and a few thoughts hit me. I called Aylesha for a car for the return trip. I bought an Apple TV for the media room, an iMac 27" for Cho's office and for Roslyn. I wanted a printer but something sort of like a workgroup type. No joy there.

We got it in the car with help. Pell, the driver said there was a computer and electronics shop on Sixth Avenue near Prince Street. So we went. They had a Brother colour laser printer I liked. Nice output, fast, network ready but not Airprint. No problem! We'd buy another license for Printopia, I'd put it on the office iMac it'd do the job just fine! Done!

At home Jaidee and I met Alma and Chet's daughter in the lobby. She thanked me and Cho for arranging the move and everything for her parents. They were quite happy and comfy! Yea for us! She tries to come over once a week from Jersey. Petra and crew know her face now. Cho came down to meet her; she was so pleased to have bumped into me. Chet was napping but Alma came out for a hug. She had a glowing smile.

I helped Roslyn get the iMac setup at her alcove desk. She was comfortable with a Mac! I plugged into the wall for internet. Gil and I setup the printer in the office; I setup the iMac in there and got the Printopia printer software running on it so we could all print from our iPads and iPhones. Like Magic!

Cho came to hug me...Zowie he was cold..."I was checking the propane heaters if we are going out there tonight."

Good idea but warm up some before hugging. He laughed, "But I thought you would want to do that."

Cho was sitting in the dressing room watching me choose what to wear for our `informal' dinner. He had on a dark blue suit and white shirt, open collar.

So I pulled out a dark blue long sleeved dress, mid-thigh, snug scoop neck bodice. Matching tights and heels...No! I put on black ankle boots from Nordstrom's.

A smile from him! Gold jewellery. Some `Joy' in a few places of his choosing.

Roslyn was ready! The sideboards had chaffing dish heaters prepared, utensils, etc... I was intro'd to her sister, Mita; she was helping tonight and maybe the future. Fine! They looked very much alike.

I slipped my arm around Andrea's waist steering her into our suite. We sat by the glass wall in the comfy overstuffed white with blue checks chairs.

"Tonight you may hear talk about The Project. It is something we are doing that is very secret..."

I gave her a brief synopsis of what was going on, Andrea got it, "No problem about my mouth."

I laughed at that; we kissed, she said, "I can't wait for it to happen!"

"Me either!"

Mike and his PA were the first to arrive. Nice handshake, a kiss on the cheek. He was gregarious and funny in a droll way. Cho was being bartender offering a sherry or Glenlivet or Lagavulin?

Gil was seeing to Mike's PA. She was good at being a hostess for them without having to be asked!!

We sat and chatted briefly before Bennett and Daria arrived at the same time. It was good to put faces to voices.

We went outside, the heaters effectively beating back the cold especially appreciated was the one blowing warm air across the floor!

Sadie was wearing a baseball cap I'd just given her, smiling and proud to have FCUK on it! I laughed as she had to explain it.

Jaidee joined us, he was quite the charmer! Daria and I scratched his soft ears together. It was good to see all the PA's getting on. Daria's was a gorgeous redhead, Daria leaned over, "So many men I know would ask her out if it wasn't for me. They won't dare to get on my bad side! But Ali doesn't mind, she a very independent minded person, she's choosy about dates."

Everyone loved the Roslyn buffet! The food was excellent, the Corona cold! The flan was very tasty!! We grazed the buffet and sat in a haphazard way around the table. I was between Bennett and Ali.

Bennett smiling asked why now about The Project. I couldn't give him a definite reason but it seemed that with the U.S. election and Brexit it had passed any line of decency. He patted my arm, agreeing, "Which is why Cho had little difficulty getting us to join in."

Ali said Daria had wondered aloud after we started this why we hadn't done something before. Well we were off now. The first shares had been purchased and toted up in Gil's spreadsheet.

Actually a fast start. A number of institutional holders were glad to sell as the share price was very soft. There wasn't much for a watcher to be alarumed about, the buys were spread around the globe and from all appearances not connected. In fact someone following the sales from the target would be glad to have the shares spread out rather than in a few but large holders who might try combine to make a move on management.

It was a good night! So nice to meet everyone and find out a bit about them. They knew us better so we had a broader understanding of each other. Mike teased me about the silence on the conference call when the `leadership' thing came up. I admitted to everyone I hadn't planned on that role but since I was the genesis I was glad to do my part.

Cho and I in the new bed for the first time. It was warm and comfy. Jaidee had a new bed too. We had taken a walk after everyone had left. The little man did his business. PJ and Rande bundled up as the wind had come back strongly. So the warm bed was quite welcome. A warm Cho too!

Snuggled and well kissed! NICE! We were asleep quickly it had been a long day!

I was up early as usual but no Pamela! Dressed in jeans and a down jacket, knit hat, scarf and gloves to face the cold. Jaidee was ready. Coffee in a travel mug! Yes! PJ was with us. Our personal Security folks knew my mornings and were to rotate getting up with me.

We headed down Minetta Street to Sixth Avenue to cross over to a little park. Some serious sniffling by Jaidee before he got to meet a miniature poodle named Sassy. She was white with a red jacket and was nice. They did some nosing of each other, Okay! Some weather chat with Sassy's mom before we went different directions.

I got got see loads of shops and small restaurants along Sixth. We stopped at Molly's Cupcakes as they were opening. Two dozen mixed cupcakes to go! We turned up Sixth for two blocks then back to the east side and down to Minetta Lane to our street.

Petra was at the door, she doesn't sleep! She was happy to get a cupcake! Upstairs the box emptied quickly. I wiped some pink icing off Andrea's cheek. "Good? Mine was delish!"

A nodded head with a mouthful from her!

Headed up to the Midtown hotel suite we were using to do interviews. Gil had arranged one of the small bedrooms to be cleared out and setup as a conference room. Andrea would be in there I was using the living room seating area.

Ansara and PJ would manage the people coming and going. Gil keeping track of our notes, decisions and further contact with those we chose. We each had six to interview. Jian emailed that one who had problem coming today said she could now make it, could we fit her in? I had Gil contact her, if she came we'd try but she might have to wait. Her response back QUICK that was fine.

Gil had the hotel put up a coffee urn of regular and one of decaf, hot water for an assortment of teas. Baked goods and some fruit, not a lot but something which might calm a nerve.

The first people were arriving so we got to work. After three interviews I had one I liked enough to say we'd be in touch for a further interview. A break period but our off/on person had come and was waiting quietly. I spoke to Andrea, we agreed to skip lunch and talk to her together with some of the pastries and coffee.

Arnell was a good-looking, slender blonde with green eyes and freckles. An excellent academic record and a solid work history although she was only twenty eight. Networking and using optical readers for data capture were her specialities. Yes!

We were very informal to relax her; she'd been waiting for two hours. `Nell' munching on a big sugar cookie with lemon icing just like mine! I had a grin on my face.

Andrea and I both asking questions with Gil nearby. Smiling at Andrea knowing this one was a keeper. I walked with Arnell to the elevator, thanking her and asking about meeting again. She was good with it. Ansara sent her down.

Andrea and I finished about the same time in the afternoon. We sat with Gil reviewing the last interviews and the day. Andrea hadn't liked any of hers enough for a second interview. Some were marginal but wanted to keep our standards so... Two was good.

I had another piece of business: Alex. He had arrived as were finishing our review. A car picked him up at Newark. I was to ask him about taking over part of my area as a "deputy deputy Managing Director." Andrea had a laugh over that earlier. He was coming down to Minetta St. for dinner with us but I wanted him to know what was up before that.

I intro'd Gil and Ansara to Alex. He'd met PJ in Bangkok.

We sat in the living room space with Andrea. She was in on the whole thing as head of personnel. When I asked Alex about taking South America, Central America and the Caribbean he looked a bit dazed. Then a big !YES! came out!

I laughed; Andrea had her hand over her mouth laughing too. After a bon mot by me about working on sunny beaches... We discussed what would happen, lines of authority, etc... I asked if he wanted to know the effective date? He nodded, I pretended to look at a watch which I don't wear..."How about we say `yesterday?'

We were all laughing now. I told him that the Bangkok office would be his home base but he could live anywhere he wanted. Yes, he was still a bachelor with light baggage.

Dusit and Kwang with Jian's supervision would support him in any way needed. Travel and everything that involved they could handle. They had an itinerary with meetings lined up for railroad clients and water projects across his whole territory. He would have to do some work to get into the water jobs as he had not done anything with those yet.

I proposed he come with me on a follow up trip so he could see several water projects first hand and talk to clients. Yes! I asked Gil to get on to Jian to set it up. Okay!

Andrea gave him a hug, "You'll do fine after a couple years." A tongue in cheek comment which brought more laughter. I showed him around the suite as he was staying here tonight. Dinner with us and we could talk more about anything questions he might have.

We motored south. At the apartment Cho gave Alex a big handshake and welcome! Drinks and toast to Alex! The heaters on full we hung out on the terrace.

Gil came to whisper to me and I went in with her. She had gotten to update The Project spreadsheet. WOW! We were ahead of our planned first quarter buy plans in just a few days. It looked like big institutional holders wanted to dump the stock. The price continued to fall not precipitously but steadily. HHHHHMMMMM Good for us.

She'd talked to a broker of ours in Bangkok who'd gotten a query from someone on Wall Street about his buys. He gave them our planned response that it was bought for a private account of a wealthy investor who liked media stocks. Good!

I pulled Cho aside to tell him, his eyes caught the light, the smile was classic Cho! I got a very nice kiss too! I was pressed hard against him, a quiet voice, "I am enjoying this!"

Inside we sat for a Roslyn dinner. Grilled ahi with a red pepper aioli, wonderful mashed potatoes with light garlic, candied carrots and steamed broccoli with a hunter's sauce, cross buns burning hot!

A white burgundy, dry and crisp, went well! I smiled at Cho in mid sip which almost made me dribble on myself. He grinned.

I was beside Alex, we talked water projects, and he found out that it was my idea about remote controlling water devices had inspired the Dutch install which had been pushed by Reg. I gave him a rundown on the completed projects that we would see and what was in progress and planned. How the Install Company was purchased and that Achmed and Emory would be reporting to him and me.

He asked about my thoughts on where to live. He was in Seattle but that would add many hours of travel time to any trip south. I suggested either Miami or Los Angeles since they both had many south bound flights every day on different airlines. Maybe Texas but the weather there wasn't a draw for him.

A big grin, Cho leaned over to say Los Angeles, "More on that later!"

In the living room with `afters,' Andrea was talking Downton Abbey with Alex. It was over in the UK and about to start here. I was leaning back on Cho. One hand was lightly rubbing my bare belly. The cut-off warm yellow sweater had long sleeves, over my bright blue jeans. I snuggled in closer. I missed the fireplaces! Cho was to be my heating unit!

Up early to go walking with Jaidee. He was ready so was Gil! Rande to be my escort had a big grin! Bundled up we headed west up Bleecker looking around. Restaurants, pizza, yoghurt, HhhhhMmmmm the JPress store had some nice men's clothing in the window I made a note of it!

Cafebene was a stop. Lattes! Then we crossed Bleecker to Parsley Sage news agents. They had the Guardian; I got a DailyNews to see it and a NY Review of Books. Cho had NYTimes and Wall Street Journal delivered.

On our return down Bleecker passing a gallery, beauty products, gelato then Father Demo Square where Jaidee left his mark.

We sat in the kitchen sharing the newspapers, coffee and hot biscuits with honey! The DailyNews doesn't like Trump, well seems right to me! Guardian all about Brexit! Gawd I hope voters in UK know that to leave the EU would be a disaster!

A shopping trip! Gil, Andrea, Shira and Ansara joined me! Barneys, Bloomingdales and Saks with a few small boutiques. Miscellaneous dresses, skirts, tops, some undies and stockings. Some interesting things! Sexy!

Andrea got two sexy naughty nighties! "Who are you tempting Jian or Ting?"

We laughed over her, "Both!"

Dinner at Volare tonight! Alex was coming with us! He'd spent the day texting, emailing and talking to Eric, Jian and Team Bangkok! Ready to take a break!

I put on a new outfit. An electric blue sharkskin suit with a double breasted jacket that was cut-off showing my tummy. The trousers hanging on my hips straight leg to my ankles, black ankle strapped spike heels. Gold bracelets and choker! Dangling gold balls at my ears! A gift from Cho, a slender gold chain around my waist that slipped through the belly ring to settle above my hips.

A new coat, black leather mid-thigh length, very warm. I added gloves and turned the collar up. We walked the three blocks. A nice group of us. Cho and I, Andrea and Alex, Gil and our four protectors with Sam and Sadie and Terrance!

They had a table booked for us at the rear. Behind that full moustache was Giovanni from our first visit. He had a smile peeking out. He saw my outfit, several fingers to his lips and a wave to me.

They had several platters of vegetarian antipasti ready for us, different cheeses, tomatoes, artichoke hearts and peppers! I decided to repeat part of my last meal, Insalata Tricolore, lentil soup, Sogliola Piccante Pesce. The fish had been so delicious! More!

We also asked Giovanni to repeat the wine if he thought it would be appropriate. Yes! Villa Gemma Montepulciano d'Abruzzo Riserva. Tremendous bouquet, you could taste the earth and fruit in its deep redness.

I winked at Cho, standing I offered a toast to Alex for his new job and Andrea for the little one inside her, Gil who was becoming my alter ego and our friends! Huzza! We drank! I motioned to Giovanni and told him I was healthy this time and extended my glass. Big smile now as he refilled it!

We had a great meal. Lots of talk, a few more toasts, almost a song but we decided to play nice. It was late when we left. Giovanni helped me into my coat, I kissed his cheek.

The walk home was boisterous but not loud. Rande and Shira went on with Sam and Sadie to theirs since it was after midnight. Going up in the elevator with Cho wrapped around me from behind holding Andrea's hand. Alex in a car going back to the hotel suite.

Kissing Andrea goodnight, hugging Gil. Cho was next! Beside the bed a big kiss he scooped me up laying me out then climbing on! Snuggles!

Jaidee making sounds woke me. His paws on the bed, big eyes near mine. Sweet boy! I got dressed for a walk. PJ and Gil came too. We turned right to Minetta Lane then left up MacDougal towards Washington Square. We crossed into the park, Jaidee wanted to do business right away! Fine! Plastic bag out, clean up done. A wagging tail!

We walked towards the fountain and arch. Standing there in the cold bright morning looking at the arch from the south, through it up the long straight asphalt of Fifth Avenue. The arch was basically a simple thing, a bit ornate at the top with George Washington on the north side.

South on Thompson Street to West Third, back to MacDougal and Minetta Lane. Quiet streets not much commercial activity. Jaidee snuffling things all the way, tail up happy puppy!

Roslyn got a big hug and thank you. She was testing out cleaning services for our apartment and the building common spaces. The other furniture would be in the back bedrooms and nursery soon.

Dressed skinny blue jeans and red long-sleeved heavy cotton top with the white birds, brown ankle boots and `Joy' and a few jewelry bits. We were packed and ready to go north. Up through the city on the west side into Yonkers on the Saw Mill River Parkway to the Cross County to the 87 then over east again to the Sprain Brook which becomes the Taconic State Parkway. Then foot down to Pleasant Valley and Sam and Beverly's place.

We all did some business on our devices during the drive. Eric glad Alex excited about the job and I was planning a trip with him to see water projects. Angela had been working with Francis and the solicitors on the Glover thing and finishing the office construction. The bank info for the Harcourt Advance Fund and the non-profit research group we were calling the Basuto Group were routed to her at The Company building. She would be in there tomorrow as her part was completed! Cheers!

Carter called Cho; Teddy's foster mom had a fall at home. She was back in hospital, Okay but shaken. Teddy would stay at Harcourt House for now. I took Cho's hand, "Should we legalize Teddy being with us? Guardians permanently?"

We talked it back and forth. Cho called the solicitors with questions. What did we need to do? Where were we on trust for Teddy's education? And more.

I tried Gladys' cellphone, she picked up. "Oh Fay, I was frightened but not really hurt... Please ask Teddy... I would miss him but he needs stability...Thank you I will wait on him but knowing I'd be welcome any time is wonderful!"

I called Carter holding Cho's hand, "Carter can you please talk to Teddy, ask if he would like to stay at Harcourt with us as his guardians."

Carter was happy to do it for us. Everyone liked the boy and Phillips praised his learning and he obviously was enjoying gardening.

As we turned into Sam and Beverly's I saw a gorgeous chestnut filly running along the white fence of the front paddock. I turned to Cho, "Hansa?"

A smile, "Yes! She is wonderful to look at!"

We stopped and went to the fence. Cho called and Hansa glided over. So smooth were her movements like water flowing over worn rocks!

We talked to her, stroked that lovely face. A call from the house from Beverly, we waved.

A hug from Beverly and Sam. They were doing very well. We walked through to the stables to a training ring. Jackson was working with a coal black colt, easy work getting him started. A bit gawky but a handsome boy.

Jackson paused to come greet us, big handshakes and a shake and hug for Rande. Smiles, he was especially well.

I was with Sam looking down to the paddock where Hansa was loping around, "She has acclimatized rapidly. Of course we haven't had much snow or deep cold since she arrived. She's a happy horse, smart and willful right now but Jackson is getting her focused on work."

Our plans for her to run this summer at Saratoga were on schedule. Monaco had left them a complete training and work out plan which Jackson was implementing.

We'd come back for dinner but now to the Stone House. The property we added to Sam and Beverly's had a farm house which was built of local stone and wood. Two big fireplaces, one in the big eat-in kitchen.

I stayed in my travel clothes, comfy jeans! We walked around; the backyard was flat with really nice grass and fenced. Some lovely trees circled the house and yard so there would be a great deal of shade for summer.

A lot of hay would be grown and several acres of veggies among other things for the horses and tables. One newly hired worker was to be responsible for the veggies and hay mowing. Two new training tracks, one grass, one dirt were to be built this spring on the level area that was close to the property boundary to Sam and Beverly's place.

A sandwich lunch at the Village Restaurant in Pleasant Valley. Grilled cheese and fries with a vanilla milk shake! Good diner food!

At the Stone House I dressed for a ride, Gil was coming. We took an electric cart over to the stables. One of Sam's fellows had saddled two for us. Beverly wide eyed over my usual riding clothes that had come over from GoOutdoors!

"Fay, you look smashing!"

A hug and thanks! Gil and I steered our horses back towards the Stone House to ride over the property we had acquired and added to Sam and Beverly's. Open fields and fenced acreage, good for hay and corn and more.

It felt good to ride; my mare was a bouncy gray fun to ride. We had a few good gallops and wandered over a lot of the property. A nice stream ran diagonally through some steep banks and pools but plenty of places to ford. There small bridges in place for equipment to cross and several locked storage places dotted around.

Heading back to the stables Gil and I had a good hard run along the dirt road connecting the two properties. Our mounts were great with it! The groom who took them said they hadn't been that hard a ride for a while. The stable manager gave us thumbs up!

Dinner at the big house was good for lots of laughs. I'd called Sydney, he was sorry to have missed us but he was doing fine. I told him I may stop by to look at the the canal work so... He hoped so!

Afterwards we sat in their front room; I was with Jackson talking about Hansa.

"Miss, she's got power under that smooth stride. She'll be ready to run at Saratoga!" I held up my fist he paused and smiled, fist bump!

Lying on my side facing Cho stroking his face. I love to do that. Moving my fingers through his dark hair, over his eyebrows, down his cheeks, Mmmmmm strong neck. A slight smile on those lovely lips I leaned in for a kiss! So nice pressing my nakedness on his warm body!!!

We touched and kissed for a while a pleasant way to wind down to sleep. I was turned around the warm skin on me again with strong arms holding me. Couldn't be better.

Beverly was in her kitchen when Gil and I drove in the cart to ride. We had a quick cup of coffee and off. We headed back to the Stone House side to ride the rest of the land. Towards the southwest there were some small hills as the ground rose up from the lower stream drained area. Up on top of the taller hill we had a nice view around. Sam and Beverly's to the north, barns, paddocks and grass. To the west our property sloping down and away. Eastward low ridge lines with higher areas northeast. Even in the winter lots of green. Pleasant land!

We ate lunch on our feet with their workers as they had a cook out once a week. Hot dogs, burgers and fish on the grill. Beans bubbling, corn bread and green salad. Lots of fruit!

We got to meet their workers, a few of more than twenty years' service. Raoul had come as a teenager now was their senior foreman and trainer of employees; he'd married and raised his boys' right here. One in college now the other would go in the fall. He stayed because he loved horses and respected Sam's knowledge.

Sam and Beverly had taken care of all of them. Now Jackson was doing so well. I had seen him and Rande talking then a handshake and hug! Rande said they had been talking about Jackson's son whose going to prison had set him off in Saratoga. The boy's lawyer, who Jackson was able to hire with Sam's help, had gotten an appeals court to reduce his sentence and prosecutors hadn't objected. He'd be out in a few months!

Later at the Stone House I was in the kitchen beside that big fireplace enjoying the heat in a comfy chair. Cho looking over at me reading through the latest share buying report. Gil had sent it with smileys!

"Yes it is hard to believe there has been that much movement. We should see if any other brokers have been contacted."

I called Gil in from the dining room where she was spread out. She would make a few calls and email the other PA's for the same. Someone must be intrigued since the shares are all `class B voting' type.

We'll see!

Terrance stayed over with us again at the Stone House as we wanted an early departure.

Sun just barely showing as we rolled into Newburgh. Our goodbyes with Terrance!

Captain Mira had everything ready to go. We loaded up. Andrea, Gil, Cho and me in the white lounge chairs, buckled in. The big 767 rolled onto a taxi way, Mira said we were cleared for take-off. She swung around to starboard we could look down the asphalt almost due east. We didn't slow just the whine and rush forward. Watching buildings go by then we were `light' and UP! The transition was so quick! This baby had power!

We went through a big starboard turn the ground receded rapidly we climbed to head west. Jaidee in Cho's arms was looking out the window, I wonder what he thought. We were up and about soon with Jaidee zooming down the aisle towards Soka and a snack. Soka took care of him then got coffee and a tray with a variety of cookies, croissants and bagels for us. Another of fruit was deposited by Ban! I was good!!

I sat to do work on a couch, spreading out some papers. Cho leaned over for a kiss! MMMMMMMMM

An email from Helmut of Man Vehicles, he would meet me in Seattle to talk to King County Metro about the video devices in mass transit vehicles. We could talk a real-world test. We'd connect tomorrow.

Gil gave out an exclamation, "A broker in South Africa doing some buying for Daria got a call from a corporate VP of our target!"

She read out the email. The broker had spoken to the VP, he was told it was for a buyer working for an institutional fund. That explanation seemed to make the VP happy.

Cho and I looking at each other, I had to say it might be harder than we thought to conceal this. We had nearly thirty percent of our first goal in a week's time. So fast because the shareholders were interested in dumping the stock. Our buying depressed the price which is opposite of what should happen but it had been held in large blocks may be the reason.

We asked Gil to communicate with everyone to find out how they thought about our fast start. Any feelers from the target and any changes we might make. Perhaps a slowing of the buying? The price was in our favor though!

I went into our suite for a nap. Once in bed I was joined by a naked Cho! Alright! I went spelunking for a cock!

MMMMMM Found it!! Munch! Cho was laughing but it soon turned to a very hard cock in my mouth as my efforts paid off! Sucking and slurping to get him very wet. I eased my tongue tip under the foreskin, sliding it around to push saliva beneath the sheath. Oh yes I gently moved the scabbard back from the sword!

The cockhead!!! Sucking commenced on the hot exposed head tongue bathing and then I ate the whole thing! I buried my nose in soft pubic hair rubbing it in the curls.

Cho loved it too! Arcing his back to push more in me! I was greedy for dick. I reached back to caress myself...wet so I rose up over him...a giant grin as he supported me lowering onto that marvelous penis!!! I began to ride my pony! Cho's hands on my thighs squeezing out the rhythm I bounced up and down...swung my hips forward and back giving his cock my pussy.

"Yes Fay like that!" I smiled down at him and kept going!

I leaned over him hands on the strong shoulders gripping as I rode the cock hard. Shit yes! My pussy burned so good! Cho hands released my legs to go roaming...my nipples Oh SHIT! He tugged urging me to come down to his mouth KISS hungry for his lips we chewed exchanging tongue my hips working giving his cock a workout.

"I am close Fay..." Yeah! I picked up the pace I wanted Cho cum! Faster tighter squeeze on that rock hard shaft inside me me!! MMMMMMMMM Every stroke was delicious Cho's cock an instrument of pleasure for me as my own orgasm began...sweeping up from my belly over my chest roaring into my face and head!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

CHO! I wanted to yell but muffled it! My hips stayed in riding mode giving my pussy to Cho totally. One set of my fingers began to work a nipple...

His climax came right away as my muscles tightened on the cock! His hips lifting I ground my pussy on him as I collapsed on him, his taut brown chest supporting me easily!

Surrounded by arms and legs, pinned to Cho's heaving chest or was it mine...? Lip locked passionately.

I rested on Cho so happy! My man! It was a deliciously painful feeling in my pussy! He pushed some hair away from my face for another kiss. You bet!! SMOOCH!!!

MMMMMM I didn't want to move. Cho caressed my back saying we did not have to go anywhere! Okay!

We dozed a while nice to be warm in Cho's arms!

A knock and scratch...Jaidee wanted in. Okay! I slipped out to open the cabin door a crack Whoosh Jaidee was in on the bed on top of Cho! I jumped on too. We had the little brown wiggler between us. Yea! I ducked under the covers again. Jaidee parked in the middle. We had a three-way cuddle and snooze.

We had a nice nap with Jaidee then up and washed. The shower too small for two to wash in...Poo! Dressed in gray skinny jeans, black ankle boots and a red jumper over a white cotton shirt. Gold bits and dabs of `Joy'

We were thirty minutes out from SeaTac Airport.

Gil said she'd done some checking and no other member of the investor group had had a contact with the target's people. Good but she wasn't going to rest with that! Her share reporting spreadsheet had grown.

We were on approach now, buckled up. Jaidee had done some business in his sand box! What a puppy! Well rewarded for it too! We were ready!

On the ground we taxied to a hangar at the north end of the field. Damn SeaTac was big from this view! Down the staircase to several waiting cars. PJ, Rande, Ansara and Shira looking around some at this new place but the chill breeze across the tarmac bit hard. We ducked into the cars.

We motored north up onto the Viaduct, what a view for a rider. It was being replaced by a tunnel that was in the boring stage. A huge machine eating dirt under the city! Weird and intriguing.

Kay and Sunny was our greeting committee! Hugs! Artie was at school, Suchart asleep in nap land. Greg down the hill at the offices of the conference app company. Lunch? You know me and my eating. We decided to go out. I asked about trying the Mecca? Okay.

Down the hill in cars we unloaded on Queen Anne Avenue. The back of the bar section was open we piled in. A big curving booth with tables nearby, a rock-a-billy tune on the jukebox. Coffee, I remembered theirs was strong! I ordered a bowl of veggie soup and the Tuna Melt!

Soup thick and tasty, the sandwich hot, cheese nicely melted! Boy did I dig in. Nice big fries too! Cho grinning with a mouthful a burger, Kay had an omelet and Sunny was attacking a pile of pancakes! Gil had eggs and pancakes. Andrea had the biggest waffle I'd ever seen! Added bacon and eggs to that! WoW!

She grinned, "Eating for two!" The laughter was loud!

The conversation really died!

An early Stones tune running now. Good sounds, Paint It Black' then 19th Nervous Breakdown' A fan was over there at the bar!

We did get back to talking as the plates began to clear. Gil got a call and went out front Ansara went along. She came quickly bouncing, leaning in between Cho and I, whispering, "We`ve closed a large buy via Bangkok which cleans out one seller. It means we have one hundred percent of our target for this quarter."

Fist bumps! Big smiles!

I said sorry about the whispering to Kay and Sunny but it was a particularly sensitive business thing.

I asked Sunny about her riding. They found a stable in Newcastle which is on the east side of Lake Washington. In Seattle traffic quite a drive. It's not far from a golf course in a gentle rolling area with trails in the woods and fields. Sunny was `renting' a horse, a six year old mare named Major Belle or Belle. She had some get up and go but not like Guy.

Cho and I sprung a surprise on her. We negotiated a deal for a large piece of a US Army Reserve facility that was being decommissioned. We would build stables and our riders would be allowed to use an adjacent big city park. There was to be a limit of twenty horses to start, more depending.

Sunny and Kay were staring, then a "Where?" popped out of Sunny.

I said on Magnolia next to Discovery Park. Whoops of joy from Sunny. She jumped to give Cho and I kisses. Kay squeezed my hand, "So when?"

Cho looked at me, a nudge, "We got possession two weeks ago and have a contractor already working on the site."

Wow and more kisses! Smiling, "Greg helped us with the deal and hiring of a contractor who knows stable construction. We have asphalt parking areas to rip out so we can have dirt under hoof, security to install but there's excellent fencing in place. A building for offices, etc... is there, parking and a good structure to convert to a living space for a twenty four hour care worker slash security person or persons."

Kay giving me a look, "Yes Greg was sworn to secrecy so it'd be a surprise for Sunny! He was cute though I told him he could let you in on the secret but he decided no. Maybe he's hiding out now?"

We were laughing; she said she'd get him though! So the bottom line was the stable could be ready for the summer which made Sunny so happy. I said we had another little surprise...Big eyes...We would ship Guy to Seattle for her!

Huge joyful shout! Sunny jumped into my lap to hug and kiss. Cho was grabbed for a kiss!

My hand was being crushed by her two, "We are also sending Chess. They have been together for some time and are buddies, we won't separate them. They'll stay for a year or two so you can ride and have time to find horses of your own."

I finally got my hand back somewhat worse for wear.

At their house Greg was hugged by Sunny and Kay held him tight, "Wasn't it a nice surprise for you too?"

Kay said yes!

Helmut called; he was in town at the Inn At The Market. "Hold for a moment...Kay, can we invite an important work colleague up to visit?...Great!...Helmut, ..." I gave him the address, he'd get a cab.

Kay enlisted me to help with dinner. Roast salmon, a huge king salmon fillet. I suggested my Indian spice coating, Okay! We'd stopped for Newcastle's so the beer side was covered. There was a nearby Indian restaurant that did take-away. Kay grinning, "Well that was easy!" We did fist bumps!!

I made the spice mixture, she did the ordering. Cho and Greg did the beer, so tough!

Helmut arrived. Sunny got the door; Helmut was a tall slender fellow, moustache and a mop of gray hair. We sat for a few minutes after the intros and a beer handed over. He liked the Newcastle!

He had the test equipment ready; we had a morning appointment to talk with Metro management. If they liked our proposal Helmut would supervise the first install the day after while I did interviews with Andrea. We had exchanged a lot of email and he'd sent loads of video so I was completely up to speed. We were good!

A great dinner! The fish turned out wonderfully and the take-away was quite good! Newcastle's went down just fine.

I was sitting in a rocker with Suchart and those dark gorgeous eyes! He enjoyed my fingers playing with his tummy just as he had in Bangkok. He was becoming quite the little man. I put him on the carpet face to face with Jaidee. They looked at each other then started rubbing with Suchart babbling out in his own personal vocabulary and Jaidee licking him! Artie ended holding Jaidee in his lap as Greg bounced Suchart gently until a diaper was filled. The nurse swooped in, we all waved goodbye to Suchart.

Kay laughing, "Now we know the secret! Greg you bounce Suchart before we go out from now on. We can get him emptied out!"

Coffee and Amaretto! Yes! Then Cho and I sprung another surprise! This time not even Greg knew. All bundled up we took a walk east along West Comstock Street to near Sixth Avenue. A nice brick house on the south side up the brick front steps key in the lock... One and half blocks from their house.

Kay holding my hand, "We leased this furnished when we made the deal for the stables."

Cho lead Greg and Artie around, the girls with me. Big basement with two car garage, the entry level was a living room with a big fireplace, dining room, a nicely laid out kitchen with all the fixings. Big glass doors let out from the dining area to a wide stone patio with a view from Capitol Hill to the east around over downtown Seattle, Mount Rainier, the harbour and West Seattle then out over Puget Sound to the Bainbridge Island and finishing west to look at Magnolia's north end.

Three bedrooms on second level, the master suite with big bathroom. At the top was an office with French doors and the TV room beside an alcove which was lined with bookshelves built-in and two comfy looking leather chairs, footstools!

"We're going to be in and out for the stable and if the device we're hoping to test with King County Metro takes off more for that. This way we're close but won't interfere with your lives."

Hugs and kisses. Greg asked how we found it.

Cho laughed, "We used the same law firm you put us onto for the stables deal. They know the city and real estate. We have a two year lease with an option to buy. The owners wanted to leave all the furniture but I asked them to remove any antiques they were fond of. They know Jaidee will be here."

We would move over tomorrow in the afternoon when Security had nearly finished doing its stuff. I was in the kitchen, nice countertops and the finest appliances, a grocery run tomorrow too! Kay and Sunny volunteered to go! Rummaging around got me to the pantry, some staple items and the insides of the doors were top to bottom spice racks, full too! Okay!

Silverware, china, glasses, all nice quality, simple patterns. We were good to go!

The basement and garage would be taken over by Security for their office and a sleeping area.

Back at Greg and Kay's Cho helped me do a training session with Jaidee. He's such a smart puppy. He does it right most of the time, rewarding him is fun! The reward treats smell funny to me but he loves them! Nestor says they're perfect for puppies!

In bed with my lover! Nuzzling into that neck! Warm body encompassing me! Sleep so needed!

I was dressed for a walk with the little prince. Red collar around that gorgeous brown fur!! Shira, Gil and Andrea! I had to smile at Andrea, "I need to move about and tomorrow we'll be cooped up inside all day."

We walked over to the new house so Jaidee could get to know the garden. He was quick to approve which was appreciated. I dropped his offering in the dustbin.

We went east a few blocks then south one to Kerry Park which had a great view of downtown. Several photographers were setup with tripods taking snaps of the view, gray, so many shades of gray and the usual glass buildings beyond the Space Needle.

Back at Kay's to change for the King County Metro meeting. Long sleeved dark blue dress with matching tights and heels. Gold jewelry! The dark blue pea coat and gloves, iPad and a dark blue leather bag.

Big kiss from Cho, a glint in his eyes, "Break a leg!"

We stopped to pick up Helmut at his hotel. We motored to South Jackson Street, the King County Office building. Pj was with me as we walked into the office of Karl, the deputy manager of Metro. He knew Helmut to talk to on the phone. We sat around a table, good chairs!

Right to it with my giving a description of what we felt was a need to feed high quality video out of transit vehicles to a central point. Minimal size, not appearing to be what it is, tie in to vehicle's electronic systems and low cost!

Helmut on with test data through the iterations, my iPad showing video captured by one of the German test buses in Munich. Then Helmut connected his iPad to a live feed from Man's computer center of a bus rolling down a street in downtown Munich then switching over to one on a suburban run.

Wow! Karl was impressed! I told him about the algorithm we had written to compress the data. His eyes wide as he heard that the software we used on the iPads was ours since The Company owned the Seattle company that designed it. It would run on iPads, Mac's and PC's. He could see we had a comprehensive "product" not just an idea.

Helmut gave him a suggested plan for testing. Some installs should be just the device others tied to vehicle's electronics.

Karl said he wanted to go ahead right away. Helmut told him he had a dozen devices with him and could train a tech to install quickly so they could get the job going. He could do all the installs that would tie to the electronics.

They did the details as I texted to Reg...He was glad...he'd tell Eric! The Apple OS X Server would be overnighted. I gave him the new address.

Margaret Fay Alexandria was terrific so was Mom! Many smileys!!! The grandparents were still around but easing up. Doing things around London during the day.

PJ came over with his iPhone, a video feed from our house in Fulham from the new security cams! Very HD! Our Security was settled in next door, spreading out. They would integrate the Jian-Ting-Andrea building next week.

Karl and Helmut were set. Helmut would start tomorrow morning!!

In the car Helmut's smile was broad, "Very fine job! He was interested but the actual video feed...that did it!"

"Yes the live feed kicked butt! Especially when we told him a driver could signal trouble with a simple button and someone could view the device's output right away!" We did fist bumps!

It was a good partnership. I told him the Apple server would arrive tomorrow. More celebration!

He called his boss in Munich to pass on the news.

I called Jian! She was such a tremendous friend and so happy with Andrea and Ting. Still heavy daily back and forth between them. She was talking every day with Alex and wanted to assign Kwang to be dedicated to Alex. Go for it from me.

First thing from Gil's mouth when we got back was, "It's official we have reached our first quarter our goal in one week!" Hugs! Cho waved me over while he talked on the phone. A kiss and hug, he handed me his iPhone, "Hello William! Yes, we're in a great position now! Truly remarkable, just shows how little faith their stockholders had in the company. Cheers!"

I sat down beside Cho, arms around his body, cheek on the hard bicep. "So how does it feel to have begun your first big deal?"

I squeezed him. "We have to come out soon won't we?"

"Oh yes! What we want to do will bring a white hot light on the day!"

"I need to call Eric."

A kiss, "Yes. We are all one but he has to know that you will be able to give The Company full time in the short run but after we move on it your profile is going to be huge. It is good you thought of moving Alex up!"

We moved over to the new house. A run over to the new stables in an hour or so with Kay and Sunny. Cho met with the Security staff, local and our four protectors. He said he'd call Petra in New York to start preparing a Security detail for when we are ready for The Project to come out.

I dialed Eric's iPhone, he picked right away.

Eric I have something to talk about can you listen for ten minutes?"

At his assent I went into The Project. There were several gasps as the info spun out. "We wanted you to know for several reasons; first our ownership of The Company will probably become public although we won't do anything to make it so. Second, I will be the public face of the investor group with Cho so there'll be heat from that which means it'll gobble my time but not for some months to come though.

My moving Alex up is more important now but I thought maybe either Emory or Achmed should more directly supervise the water projects coming in the US or those that are signed after Alex makes the trip through the southern half of this hemisphere."

Eric was all for that. I made it plain I liked my new role and would continue as much as possible but I didn't want The Company to suffer at all.

"Also when we make the move to take over The Project there's going to be BIG changes which will make enormous noise, a lot of attacks will take place from pissed-off nuts!"

We talked it back and forth before ringing off. His report on Malee was great! She was so happy! They'd find out the sex of their creation if they wanted to know soon...No decision on whether it would happen. Cheers to them both!!!!

I called Reg. The conversation went much the same except he was more surprised. Eric had said to me he could see that I'd grown a good deal and expected bigger things!

Rona and the `kid' were wonderful. The grandparents were still around doing a lot. He laughed, "I still love her folks even with being together so much! Maybe more than mine."

We ended with a lot of laughter.

My daily phone call to Eve and Ku was filled with happy news! I'd see them soon! The beach!

Jian listened to me on The Project quietly. "Fay you are coming home, right?"

I told her YES! But later things would change. We laughed about other news we exchanged.

Andrea cuddled with me in a chair sharing an Amaretto, her sips tiny. "Hunnybun are you going to take over the world?"

"Yes, well at least we're going to try to change it a bit! Maybe we'll have some fun but I think it's likely to be a trudge for a while."

Cho and I picked up Sunny and Kay at theirs for the short run over to the Magnolia neighborhood site for the stables. It is the hill to the west of Queen Anne, one of the seven hills of Seattle. One was topped to make it easier to get into downtown about a hundred years ago. Magnolia has water on three sides only connected to the city by bridges.

We would be allowed to use Discovery Park to ride in. A huge mostly wild park which had been Fort Lawton for a long time. A US Army base through many wars finally closed and given back to the city. We worked out rules with the city for sharing the huge space with dogs, walkers, kids, bikes and joggers.

We got out inside the high wire fence which surrounded the whole area. It was noisy as backhoe things were peeling up some of the asphalt parking area. Construction would begin next week after the ground was prepared. Twenty stalls to start, there was plenty of space to expand.

The stables would have centrally controlled heat under a peaked roof that would provide ventilation in the summer. Ten stalls on a side opening into a wide central corridor, doors at each end. The stables themselves would be inside a wood fence with walking areas, store rooms, tack rooms and work spaces.

We walked and talked about it all. I was brought to a stop by an idea...turning to Cho..."Could we ask Andy to come over to act as stable manager? For at least a while to get staff squared away and make our start faster? We can fix up that ..." finger pointing towards one building we were planning for a live-in staffer..."make it nice for him?"

Cho slipped his arms around me, squeeze, "Yes, we can ask. It would be a lot of change for him. I don't know what we could do to make it an easier transition. We don't want him isolated or lonely."

A kiss! "Can I call him and Gregory?"

"Yes but Gregory first."

I whipped out my iPhone, Gregory thought my idea was good, a learning experience for Andy. Yes, Andy had potential to lead.

There was silence on the line when I asked Andy..."Miss, it sounds...I'm interested, can I think about it and talk to my folks?"

I said he could have all the time necessary. I gave him our plans for the stable, the accommodations, the location; we'd provide a car and high speed internet. We'd pay for trips back to the UK for visits.

"Oh Miss you're making it hard to resist."

I laughed, "Andy, we'd like you to take the position but you have to decide."

He'd talk with his parents tonight. Good!

I gave Cho a briefing. I got a kiss!

We walked around some of the park and met a Seattle Parks Department official at their office a short drive south in the Discovery Park. He liked our being part of the park. We discussed some mechanisms for resolving problems and our negotiated limits. We were good with him!

Back on Queen Anne making dinner! We stopped at Wild Salmon Seafood in the Fisherman's Terminal area between Magnolia and Queen Anne. Fresh seafood from the docks out behind the store. Petrale sole from Oregon breaded and baked. Little potatoes fried with shallots and rosemary cut from a plant in a patio box. Cesar salad with anchovies! Warmed up little Kaiser rolls. Fruit salad. We were trying a Washington merlot.

Cho texted...come upstairs please...my reply was a thumbs up from me.

Cho looking out the big window towards downtown Seattle opened his arms, "We have Mike calling soon with what his email says is a big deal for The Project."

"A hint?"

"No but he was quite serious!"

Then Cho's iPhone rang, Mike! On speakerphone stood there together.

"Fay and Cho I have a phone number for you to call. We need an experienced hand to run The Project after we take over. They have to be tough enough to make decisions and stick to their guns with us behind them. So...' His text arrived on my iPhone..."He's ready to talk, I've primed him. He's expecting you two to call."

We rang off with the news that William was thrilled with the progress. I told Mike we'd meet with Ken here tomorrow evening for dinner.

We sat on the couch in a dim lit room, Cho dialed. "Hello Bill? This Cho and Fay calling from Seattle. Good. Mike said he primed you but left it hanging...Our Project is the takeover of......

Next: Chapter 45

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