
By A becker

Published on Aug 12, 2016



We had passed the high point and I could see the crowd had thinned. Cho joined me by the fireplace, we warmed our backsides. Rubbing shoulders, "Miss Martin that is one hell of an outfit!"

I giggled, "I've been waiting!"

My butt was toasty, hands too. Cho warmed up the front of me with a big hug and a kiss. Not long but sweet.

I heard a `who wouldn't' in the background which did make us both laugh. We spent some time at the door saying goodbyes. Mr. Thorn said he'd seen most of the locals. "You've struck a new chord with the village."

His wife kissed my cheek, thanking us saying it was an awesome beginning!

Carter joined us; he thought the numbers had been very good. I told him what Mr. Thorn said. A success! A start!

Carter went to dismantling everything with the caterers. He and I did fist bumps!! "Miss these few hours puts to shame the previous owners!"

Okay Cho and I were gods!! Well maybe just ordinary folk... Who liked to share!

Cho seconded it when I whispered in his ear whilst snuggled together in a chair in the library. By ourselves for the first time today. It had been a long eventful day.


A cold morning, I thanked Cho silently again for the runners in the bathroom!! Into pale gray jodhpurs, white shirt, red tie, black bolero jacket, good warming silk top and leggings under. Ankle height boots, warm gloves and my equestrian hat. An addition, a black cashmere scarf.

Espresso machine dripped as the scones warmed, butter and a napkin wrap. The sun was peeking over the distant hills, my breath flowing in a dense cloud. Andy with his usual smile, Pamela ready. I gave the last of my scone, a nubbin to Thames. Andy gave me a leg up, thanks for the warm buttery scone. I waved to the south, he got it.

Damn it was nice to be out riding with Pamela. We worked down the road and across where the training track would begin to take shape next week. A nice trot up the gentle rise towards the south end of the property and the Culham Sci Centre. I slight detour to check the path to the river, still blocked but some construction equipment was there. The new path had been started! Good!

Around the Sci Centre to the west near the river we crossed the railroad on foot, remounted I urged Pamela. She was willing we had a good gallop past the dirt track and on to the canal lock. The same fellow was there working, he doffed his hat with a smile, I waved. Pamela and I walked over to the eyot. Once again the fisherman was there. No luck yet but it was early. I stood beside him holding Pamela.

"It's peaceful here, Miss. Sometime I go for hours talking to no one. Tis nice you stop."

I patted his shoulder and wished him luck. We walked over the weir and the narrow bridge beyond. Now on the west side I remounted, no pausing today a swift gallop along Barton Lane going eastwards. Another crossing of the railroad and then a stretch of open ground, skirting several houses we bent back to the river onto an open field we owned. Pamela showing her fleet feet crossed it rapidly to the boat yard.

I was going to go on but Dennis saw us and waved. Pamela walked into the yard. Dennis pointed to the cutter up on chocks; they were going over the hull. Small things so far. I thanked him and we sped away heading for Sandford.

It was something over a mile and a half which we covered very quickly. Pamela reaching out in her stride. I eased her back as we passed under the high tension lines. At the lock we walked over to the pub side, we paused in a bit of sun. I caressed her face her eyes were bright, happy I thought! Me too!

An older man was sitting at a bench near the pub, he couldn't be waiting...it was way too early...he didn't look good, sort of gray...

"Sir Do you need any help?"

He looked up at me and Pamela almost wincing at the sun, he waved his hand, more fluttered, mumbled something. A fellow came by walking from the lock, not slowing speaking as he strode by, "He's a rummy, most days he sits for the pub to open for hours."

I hadn't seen him before, damn his breathing was bad. I looked in the pub window, someone was moving about. I was going to knock when I heard sort of gasp...I turned back to the old man...no movement and a bit blue in the face...I pounded on the window making a waving motion...I dialed 999...I pulled the man onto his back on the stone walkway... the phone tucked into my neck...ambulance...location...not breathing...I grasped his shoulders shaking him hard and yelling for him to wake up...nothing...opened his clothes...I began compression by my hands on his chest...pushing...pushing...pushing...

The lady from the pub came out I told her three nines had been called... pushing...pushing...pushing...after 30 I gave him two breaths...sour stale mouth, unshaven, body odor...pushing...pushing...pushing...I could hear a siren now, the pub lady went to the road to direct them.

Pushing...pushing...pushing...after another 30 I gave him two breaths...more pushing. Repeating this! Ugh! Hard work! More pushing!!! Breaths!!! Pushing!!!

Pushing...two more breaths...pushing...pushing...tiring work...siren VERY LOUD...pushing...pushing...counting to thirty...two breaths...Medics were here!!! They took over!!

I sat on my butt getting my breath, Pamela standing calmly looking at me. Smart girl!

The medics working on him, the pub lady just staring. I got up, taking Pamela's reins we moved away from the action. I sat on a bench watching the medics give the old man several defibrillation shocks. They seemed satisfied with the result, some fussing and preparations for transporting him.

I climbed aboard Pamela from the bench, we moved off slowly down Church Road south towards home. This trip was more leisurely as I was worn out but we did get to a nice trot before slowing for the road up to the stables. Pamela was taken by Anthony for a cool down and a bath later.

Thames came with me to the House, he was rewarded by Carla!

I went straight upstairs, stripped off my things and drew a bath. That big bath tub thing took a bit of time to fill but finally I parked myself in. Cho came in, I told him about my ride. I didn't know if the old fellow was going to make it or not. I'd had CPR training but never used it before. Not a nice experience either.

I got my back scrubbed and a quite nifty neck rub! The drying off was the best, rubbed all over!

Gray skinny jeans, blue jumper, black ankle boots, some gold bits on me and `Joy' applied by Cho. That effort was new and appreciated!!

Coffee with my man in the office looking at an email from the architect Kotro when Carter and Thomas came to the door. "Miss there are two police officers at the door to see you. They asked for the lady who rides from the House."

I looked at Cho, shrugged and when out with Carter Cho's hand in mine. I had Carter bring them to the Great Room. Thomas said they had been spotted at the beginning of the drive, he alerted Carter.

We sat near the fireplace. We asked them to sit.

A young woman Police Constable and a sergeant, "Miss you helped an old man by the Kings Arms this morning?"

"Yes, he stopped breathing. The medics took him away."

"He's in hospital, alive at this point at Churchill Hospital. We need some information from you since you left the scene."

I said there hadn't been any police at the location so I came home. He understood but...

I gave them the complete story which wasn't much. They took notes, seemed ordinary to me.

The sergeant smiled, "We had to find out who you were but it was easy since you have become a bit of celebrity with the locals because your riding around. Everyone pointed us to Harcourt House. Did you know the man?"

"No, I had crossed the canal with my horse and I saw him at the pub. A man had come behind us saying he was a rummy waiting for the pub to open. He looked bad, gray..."

The sergeant thanked me for the info and Cho introduced Thomas to them so they would know him. Thomas walked them out.

When he came back I asked if all the Security folks knew CPR. Thomas said they did with advanced first aid. He and his number two, Yone, were CPR trainers.

"Would you please ask the staff if any know CPR and if not would they wish to learn."

He'd get on it.

I leaned back into the sofa beside my prince an arm around me.

"You are an event magnet!"

Shit what was that?

"Why did you stop to check on the old man? He seemed in immediate distress? You could have just got back on Pamela and continued your ride."

Cho kissed me, "You have a presence' people are attracted to you so things happen around you, you don't go about looking down, you see' and respond to stimuli. I love this part of you! You question, look for answers and share! It makes you the splendid person you are!"

A big hug, "AND you are my `Warrior Princess'!"

I was laughing, hugging him back. I buried my face in his chest a warm strong hand rubbing my back.

He was going down to talk with Dan Fraser about the survey; Dan had been plowing very nearly one acre of Harcourt House property for over eleven years. He'd never gotten any answers from the previous owners. The suggestion was to either deed the property over or ask for some cabbages. We laughed, "Fay I am going to pay the lawyers to fix the boundary in his favor and get it done."

I was good with that!

Aileen and Sue came in from a ride, "Boy Fay you are up and out EARLY! And busy, we heard about you when we went by the pub."

Cho told them police had just left so they were Okay...Aileen laughed holding Sue's hand swinging it, "Damn I need to be arrested for something!"

My `forget it girl all that is legal now' has us all laughing! They were heading out to Froyle in a few hours for the weekend with Rose and Matthew. Packing, washing and feeding.

Food! There was a buffet of cheese, fruit, bread and soup! Carla's vegetable soup!!!

Filled up I pulled out my electronic tools to work. Presentations in the coming months, which install teams were going where, email... I sent Michael the interview questions I created with Andrea's help.

Then I settled in to phone the folks in Australia and Inmura. First to Nara to see if she'd like to to meet Aaron again and come to England. Her voice mail said she was on vacation so I got the phone system to send me to an operator. I asked to speak with Rak, the operator knew my name. Rak was delighted to hear from me, we hadn't spoken since his wedding and honeymoon.

He and Anong were great, settling in at his house and getting comfy!

I found out Nara was on vacation in Sydney visiting Aaron! I called him getting two birds with one stone. Lots of laughter on that call, they liked each other, spending time to find out how much. They'd love to come to Harcourt House on a Cho-Fay Air flight! Arrangements to follow.

Next to Sheila...WOW! She was happy, they could come! Both looking forward to it!!!

I rang up Tony, Aaron's boss, would he and Angie like a few days in Merrie Ole England? He would! "Hold the line I'll ask her...I sipped coffee but the wait was SHORT..."We're in!"

I told him Aaron was coming too and some other friends from Melbourne and we would pick them up at Sydney International on one of our aircraft. The flight would stop in Osaka then direct to Chalgrove near Harcourt House. He was thrilled. Our Operations Manager would contact him. I left him with a reminder about the weather in England.

"Damn, gotta break out the ski gear!" We ended laughing.

Inmura said Miki was so looking forward to the trip. Meeting Sheila and seeing London again!

Next call was to Cho-Fay Air in Bangkok. The operations manager Kavat would do all the arranging and with my list make contact with each guest for the schedule and flight departure locations at the two airports. And make sure Nara was on board in Bangkok. Done!

Cho smiled over his newspaper when I gave him the low down, "Good, now we know you can maybe run an airline!"

OW! He ought to know my skill set by now! I tried to give him a butt whop which got me captured and kissed! This is too nice I made another attempt to whop but Cho scooped me up for a kiss..."I will kiss you any time no need to whop me!"

Our laughter echoing brought Carter into the breakfast room, a wonderful smile. "There was a call from the police about the man you helped this morning. They say he is going to be fine."

Good news! I asked Carter to inquire with the police if the old fellow needed anything at the hospital. A fist bump.

Prasert called, Chao and Millie were on the way! We'd get an update.

Time for Aileen and Sue to go. Their car was packed, we kissed and hugged. I'd be in touch about the Phuket trip since they wanted IN! Now they were off for the weekend in Froyle. I waved a lot!

Chao and Millie twenty minutes out. Carla was doing a snack sort of thing for now and dinner tonight. A BIG tea tomorrow before the school choral event and light eats after.

Heads up for us. Cho and I at the door to greet Chao and Millie. Hug from both, I introduced Cho. Smiles all around. Their things upstairs. We ushered them into the Great Room. Big AaaaaHhhhh's over the tree. It was spectacular came from both!

They could eat so we sat in the breakfast room for a fruit, cheese, warm bread and butter, cookie, fruit cake spread. Tea or coffee or cider?

Munching away, their flight was long but no problems. Cho took Chao on a house tour, Millie and I put on wellies for a walk to the stables.

She took my left hand touching the ring, "When?"

I shrugged, "We're planning two. One in Thailand first, a Buddhist one and another here, registry clerk or maybe more but not religious. Pointing towards late May for here and the other end of April."

I intro'd our staff and then our equine friends. Millie loved them! We were by the pregnant mares when I told her of my morning's event. She was so happy the fellow was alive and proud of me! "You are a special one! More now than when you were Phil."

I looked at her, "Can you explain because Cho says the same things?"

She closed her eyes, "When you were Phil, you were a sweet wonderful fellow! Invariably polite with the nicest manners always concerned about people. Do you remember old fellow who sat near Chao's building everyday appearing ill, unable to care for himself...?"

I did, a sad old man I tried to be nice to because no one else seemed to care walking on by busy with their day.

"You were around a lot when you did the switch over for the railroad's computers, every day you stopped to speak to him in your fractured Chinese..." a big smile from us both, "...Chao said the old fellow came to look forward to your visits. You cheered him up so that he finally got off that rickety chair and did a few things for himself, regaining some feeling for life."

I was teared up by then remembering a small porcelain cat in white and red on a bookshelf at Basuto Road. He had left that for me when he died; Chao and Millie held it for me until I returned to Taipei.

"You do still have it I can see that." We hugged, "That little `lucky cat' you have it somewhere you can see it don't you?"

I nodded, crying without a handkerchief. As if on signal Cho and Chao arrived. I was hugged, kissed and given a Cho- Fay handkerchief. Millie explained to Cho, he nodded, "I like that little cat, sweet face round belly. You know it's over on a shelf by the big window..."

"Yes beside the Krazy Kat books of my Dad's."

Cho was laughing now, pulling me close. He looked at his watch, "Are you two going to ride?"

Millie needed some things first after a bit face cooling PJ drove us to Go Outdoors! Jodhpurs, a helmet, socks, a crop and a jacket. She had boots in her luggage.

Millie got a short tourist view of the area during the drive. I pointed out the school mentioning the choral show tomorrow. She was up for it. Good!

Black jodhpurs, white shirt, silver gray jacket, red tie, gloves and one of the cashmere scarfs. Ready! I wandered down to Millie with an extra scarf. She looked cute. She welcomed the scarf and the silk warming under shirt. My hat was a hit!

The men were talking in the office, we displayed out finery. Wows!

"We won't be out too long." At Cho's inquiring eyebrow.

Rebel was itching to go, we had Scout out for Millie. A leg up and we walked down the hill towards the west. We kept the pace easy so Millie could find her seat.

We went south walking then trotting as Millie said she was comfortable. She looked great. I steered us down towards the river. We stopped so she could have a look up and down stream, "Fay its lovely country. So much space for riding."

I told her the locals had gotten used to me riding around so after the event this morning the police knew where to come. We laughed over that. Sitting there on Rebel beside Millie was great; even though she'd known me for so long... now I was Fay; Phil was just a photo in a mind memory album.

We moved off further south at a mild canter relishing being on a horse in the chill air, room to ride with a friend. I showed Millie the Sci Centre; we rode near Kate's place. She came to wave and was intro'd to Millie. Afterwards we picked up the pace, "I'm fine Fay!"

I urged Rebel yelling out `see ya!' He hit the gas and we were >>> gone! We barely paused crossing a tree line before pulling up on the rise above where the training track would go.

Millie caught up, a huge grin, "Fay he really goes!" I gave her his history and that of Chess and Guy as we walked up to the stables.

"If you think you're good then tomorrow let's get you up on one of them. Okay?"

Millie was good with that. We did high fives and fist bumps!!

Anthony smiling at us as he took the horses away. Rebel got a big hug first!

Chao pulled Millie into his lap for the riding report, I parked on Cho. Millie was very happy being up on a horse again!!

Upstairs to change, we met in the hallway. I took her on a tour, up to the third floor, staying away from where our live-in staff had rooms but showing her the nursery and nanny rooms. The the other suites and down to the ground level. All the rooms and down to the kitchen where she met Carla and Sue.

We got coffee and a plate of cookies and fruit cake. Everyone was raving about the fruit cake, The Collin Street Bakery folks should move to England!

Carter had lit the fireplace in the Great Room so we parked on a sofa there. Chatting, laughing, sharing info. Their two kids were so GONE from the house now. All their things had been taken to their own homes.

"That's when I took my son's bedroom as an office for the view towards the ocean. Chao keeps saying he's going to use our daughter's room for a train layout but nothing gets done."

We giggled, I told her about the big empty table in Bangkok. The men came by to warm some cute backsides, I said something liking mine rare which got me picked up and my hind end eased close to the fire but not too close.

Cho mentioned he liked his marshmallows lightly browned. We were all laughing hard. I dropped down on a sofa next to him, Mr. Octopus' arms sliding around me. Millie and Chao hugging smiling at us.

Dinner! Dress up! Fun! Me in a dark blue off the shoulders frock, long sleeves, near the knee length, dark blue tights and shoes. The sapphire ring and gold bracelets. `Joy' in certain spots.

Damn Cho looked so sexy in his tailored black suits! A pale gray shirt, the starburst cufflinks! HHHHHMMMMM my suggestion we detour to the bed was nixed, he was hungry for food and me but right now...

Chao and Millie looked great!!! A wonderful red dress, clingy to her slender body and shoes! Chao in a navy suit with a whiter than white shirt!

Apéritifs in the Great Room! Sipping sherry linked arms with Chao looking at the paintings and the tree. Cho with Millie by the fire. I took their gift off a sideboard. They loved the glass ball with their names! It was so charming to see them hang it.

It seemed like a door closing for me, there was no Phil for them!

I voiced it later to Cho, he held me tight, "You can not be anyone but my Warrior Princess!" I giggled away in his arms.

Carla's dinner was a Catalan Surprise. An escudella del mar, her variant with fish balls! Shrimp paella, spicy! Tomato bread with an escalivada of eggplant, red bell peppers and onion.

I watched the gourmand Chao, he was smelling and tasting to obvious delight! The olive oil in the escalivada was barely there, a hint in the background allowing the roasted vegetables to shine!

Carter rounded it off with Dominio de Pingus, a superb Spanish red. Aged in oak. I tipped my glass to him to add this to our please repeat list. A large smile!

The Creama Catalana was like crème brûlée with a strawberry slightly buried in the centre! Tasty! The Amontillado Hidalgo Jeres-Xeres was again the perfect dessert sherry for such a sweet confection!

Millie's eyes looking at her husband were fascinating to see. We locked and then giggled. Chao looked at us with a `what's up' face. We said we were watching him enjoy himself.

"Damn Ladies, I would have to be already dead not to have done!"

Laughter all around. I squeezed his hand, "No shame to have pleasure in food for sure. You always gave me plenty when you cooked!"

Cho remarked that my description of the Italian feast he laid out on my latest visit to Taipei had been richly detailed told with relish! Chao kissed my hand in thanks!

We sat in the Great Room by the fire, full and happy. Millie expected to be a bit leg sore since she hadn't used those muscles for a long while but felt fine right now.

"We'll have you up tomorrow to get them worked out! How about a day up in London on Monday? Spend some of Chao's hard earned money?"

Thumbs up from Mille, mock groans from Chao! We'd drive up and back with Prasert.

We talked of many things before retiring. Hugs and kisses at their door.

I entered our bedroom in the black silk dressing gown, black fuzzy mules. One shoulder bared, a sensual smile...Cho took one look and whistled. Laughing we jumped on the bed! My few clothing bits went flying!

On my back, legs up and spread I gazed at a naked, rampant Cho leaning down to lick me! His tongue caressing my new sex inside and out. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA he found my clit! That man did me proud, slurping my sex, his nose rubbing my clitoris with the tongue inside! Damn Shit Fuck I was cumming already! Cho didn't let off, I was twisting, my hips squirming, he held on to give me another orgasm before entering me!

A long slide in to the root of his cock! Those heavenly balls slapping on my skin!

Yes! I called out to be fucked!

Cho rose to my challenge, driving his cock into me, long deep strokes, hips moving, rotating giving my pussy a workout. My legs over his shoulders, he leaned down for a kiss! I looped my arms around his neck to keep him close as `the machine cock' did me!

I was kissed and those lips were wonderful was they worked their way to my nipples. I reached for Cho's, a low gasp when I captured them.

Oh! I was rotated to my side Cho deep in me lying over, his pelvis an instrument of pleasure. Stroking inside me, stroke after stroke burning so good! He lip-locked me. No getting away this time my arms all around his neck holding tight!

Oh Shit "Cho! Cho!" I orgasmed still no let up!

On my back again I was `missionaried' So Good! My hands gripping Cho's ass he was close I wanted to feel it, "Cho cum in me!"

His pace was rapid, increasing intensity in his face, close!

Then a deep thrust and YES! Orgasm! Cho shot four times the pulses feeling so marvelous inside me! I squeezed him hard against my body!

Kissing Kissing Kissing "Fay it was so good! Such feeling!"

I wrapped myself around him reaching for the tangled bed covers. We got them over us. In the cave more kissing as we lay side by side. My fingers going through his dark hair, lips connecting.

"I love your back passage but your pussy is so magnificent!" My lips on his neck the racing artery slowing. So lovely to lie warm and freshly fucked. Cho laughed at that!

"Miss Martin it is quite good to be in bed with you always but post-coitus is especially fine!" Spoken in a plummy British accent! We laughed so much. It seemed impossible I could be so glad to be in someone's arms!

MMMMMMMMMM More kisses.

A wash up of me after I washed Cho with my mouth. Sucking our tastes on a warm cock!!

I slipped into his arms and kissed. Cuddling in a spoon, delightful!

Millie joined me for a morning ride, EARLY! She was fine, Chao moaned about the time. We stopped in the kitchen for my usual's which were great for her too Millie said!

Pamela and Guy ready for us! Andy smiling giving us a leg up. The first time anyone had gone out with me for a daybreak ride. I pointed north. Andy thumbs up.

We walked down the sloping road turning north in the lane between the paddocks. A gentle start to warm us then we picked up the pace crossing the Fraser's farm. Dan Senior gave us a wave we returned. Then more speed, thundering across the Radley's near the river on to the south end of Sandford.

We walked in the early morning mist along the river, I pointed to the place outside the pub where I helped the man twenty fours earlier. Down Church St. to the church, very quiet. We sat looking at it from the playground next door.

Retracing our steps to the dirt lane I told Millie I was going to ask Pamela and what the lay of the land was like. I got a thumbs up!

Starting slowly but when the berm came in view I urged Pamela, she responded eagerly! We were off! I leaned over, her strides lengthening, the track flashing by then the opening to the south and we were crossing the grassy area north of the Radley's very quickly. A glance back, Millie and Guy were ten yards astern running powerfully.

Pamela was nearly in full flight as the Radley's house came went. All quiet there. As we traversed the upper end of the Fraser's I saw Anne waving. I slowed Pamela, Millie follow suit. We came abreast of their house and stopped near Anne.

"That was something to watch, you two flying along!"

I intro'd Millie. Anne said they'd been at a school function so not able to come to tea but they would next time. Good!

I said we'd come over to her school Christmas faire. Tonight down at St. Thomas for the choral thing.

Millie and I jogged over to ours. Anthony took our equine friends off to care for them after some hugs. We sat on the bench and Tess appeared, leapt onto my lap. Ear and neck rubbing ensued, purring followed. She was a sweet thing, Millie joined in Tess' purr mechanism went into overdrive.

That lasted a few minutes until Thames showed up, he wanted attention too. Tess decamped to a fence post. We gave Thames some body work. I gathered coffee cups.

Fresh coffee obtained we joined the men. The newspapers were exhausted so our ride was the subject of discussion. Our men happy with us! We were going to ride again but for a short time.

Washed up and in the red and black tartan skirt, white cotton long sleeved shirt and a black cardigan. Black stockings and ankle boots.

I was going to drive over to the Churchill Hospital to check on the old fellow. Millie was coming too. Then a bit of shopping. I added the black pea coat and gloves.

PJ drove; it wasn't far just the other side of Cowley. At the hospital info desk I asked about him, they didn't want to tell me anything. I politely requested a security man and a hospital supervisor be summoned. I got both. I explained we just wanted to see how he was doing since I was instrumental in his being here rather than the morgue.

The hospital fellow got it. He called to the nurse's station and asked about visitors. We were Okayed to go. The security man escorted us.

I was amazed at the old man; he looked so much better, shaven, clean and alert. He thanked me for what I'd done which I replied I was glad to have helped.

"Miss I'm a drunk no other way to say it, not excusing. I do appreciate you giving me a chance. Thanks again."

I shook his hand asking if he needed anything. `Something to read from the hospital library like a good history book'

What was his preference in historical subjects got me `the Napoleonic Wars.' I said I'll see what I can find.

I had a plan.

Pj drove us over to the Clarendon Centre in Oxford. I wanted to go to Paperchase to order stationary for the House. Nothing fancy just the name and address and main telephone number with envelopes. A light khaki colour, deep black raised lettering. That done we wandered around the centre window shopping for the most part. I did stop at the French Connection UK store to buy some gag gifts, a dozen FCUK American baseball style caps and a few t-shirts. Millie got a laugh about my plans to give them away.

She found some pants to buy and at Topshop several multi-purpose tops.

Some white chocolate at Thornton's then north to Broad St. to Waterstones. I asked at the desk for the Napoleon war section. It was flush with titles. I bought a general history and one more specific on the Spanish portion of the fighting and their gallant resistance to the French invaders.

We got lattes at Boswell's and wandered some more. Found Arcadia Bookstore! Nice little place, I scooped up a Penguin copy of `George Orwell, a Life in Letters' used but excellent condition!!

Millie found some Bronte and Shelly in fine shape. PJ was browsing in the Orwell area, we talked about him and I bought him a very fine condition Nineteen Eighty Four.

We backed tracked to the hospital. The supervisor had given me his number, I called ahead. He was pleased we had done something for the old fellow. Hardy was his name, first time I'd heard it. Funny we had talked and we didn't use names. Maybe our first meeting was too short or too intimate for it to matter.

Hardy was asleep so we didn't bother him. I left the books on his bedside table with a short note to be well.

Pj driving kept looking in the mirror at me, "What?"

"Miss, you are generous with your time and money. It is nice."

Millie squeezed my hand and smiled!

Was it some big deal? I didn't think so just sort of doing the right thing. Oh Well!

Separately the men watched as we dressed for a ride. Not too long as tea was going to be BIG! Cho got the story of my trip to the hospital and stores. I got a very nice kiss for buying the books for Mr. Hardy.

Millie was going to ride Chess, me on Rebel. Waved goodbye to Andy, we walked south down past the training track with its cute pink plastic ribbons fluttering from short poles.

We warmed up the boys then asked for speed! We flew up the rise towards the Sci Centre swinging around to the left and looping back towards the river swiftly. So much fun to up on a fast horse that loved to run. Rebel clearly had much more power but Chess kept up pretty well.

I waved to one of the Centre's security men. He showed us our Panic App on his phone, he liked it!

We rode over to the path of Kate's experience. The ropes and signs up but more signs work had been done. We walked down to see, grading for the new path was done, shoring up the hillside too. I gave Millie the story. I was hugged!

"See I told you so!" Okay...

Back up we toured along the river, I told her of my idea for a `folly' on the little island and Cho's rolled eyes. We laughed as we rode back to the stables both of us asking for speed before slowing at the end of the road.

Thames gave us a greeting. We slid down, "Anthony, they both ran hard today."

He winked, "Got it!"

Millie and I attacked Thames, we wore him out. Sebastian and Tess watched from distance the torture of their dog friend. We held hands walking up to the House. Cho called they were hungry so skip changing, "You will have to again for the choral thing."

Okay fine! We dug into the spread Carla laid out. Smoked salmon pâté sandwiches to start, tomato on buttered bread, tea, a short hop to the sweets for me. Stollen, sugar cookies half dipped in chocolate and tiny strawberry tarts!!! Warm soft cider!! Yes!!

Sitting by the fireplace in the Great Room stuffed! A big smile on my face I shared some of the Thornton's white chocolate with everyone. It was good but the teardrop at Gerald's Le Champignon D'Or was a high standard not eclipsed by Thornton's. I told Chao and Millie the history of the two visits and how Gerald had refused payment both times. I said I'd given Antonio money for the staff as a thank you; Cho gave me a look, "Hadn't I told you? Oh! That was the night at the Watergate..."

Cho smiled remembering my first orgasm with him after the surgery! His face was cute with the cherished memory.

We didn't elaborate but Millie squeezed my hand, a sweet smile!

Okay we were off to dress. Something nice but not too much for the school.

Red silk brocade long sleeved top with a single white rose on my right breast on top of a matching red mid-thigh full skirt. Black tights and heels. Wide black leather belt. A long black duster coat and gloves. Gold jewelry. `Joy' for Cho!

Cho put on a splendid pale gray suit and black shirt! At our door I pointed to him me and the bed. A smile, "Not now."

Millie a white long sleeved dress snug to her petite body with gold accents and gold shoes. Very snazzy! Chao a black suit and soft gray shirt and a nice dark gray tie with pale red dots.

We all looked happy!

We drove down to the brightly lit school auditorium. Some of the school board members Dr. Lone and Mr. Radley were with Mr. Thorn near the door. We were happily welcomed! We paid the entry cost and left a donation for the choir.

They had seats for us in the front row on the right end. The men on the ends, Millie and me the middle. PJ and Rande were standing against the wall beside us.

The curtain up, the stage with risers was full of young sweet faces! All dressed in red and gold. The pianist got it started. Their repertory included classic Christmas carols from many countries, comic and religious ones. There were solos from boys and girls, fine voices which might become quite good with training.

The finale was a rousing `Adeste Fideles' which was marvelous. They got a huge well-earned applause!

We stayed to talk with folks. Mr. Thorn spoke to Millie about her spending time with the students on Tuesday. Millie was ready!

I saw Anika, big smile, "Mr. Carter has my sister Ellie up at the House sewing!"

I squeezed her hand, "Good! That's a start."

At home Carla had prepared a late night snack of various cheeses with warm bread and fruit and cookies! Yes! I was ready! The four of us sitting in the library, munching and talking.

Cho got a few stories about me; they came from folks who cared so no damage done! We were good together. Chao was kidded about the phantom model train layout; he shrugged, "Maybe when I give up the real thing!"

We all laughed. Cho stroked my hand, "I've a confession about our train layout...Some of the men from the Railroad model train club are working on it."

He held my hand, "Do not worry! They volunteered to do the basic build up from the plan we discussed. They will make the hills and lake and other land forms. Do the tunnel with the track inside. We will do the rest!"

I was Okay with that. Cho been to their train club house and told them what we were doing and they offered to do the basic work. So nice.

"What can we do for them?"

He was going to pay the rent on their building for a year so they could spend their dues on equipment! Great! We did fist bumps!!

After a few yawns it was up to bed for us all. Millie hugged me; she was ready for another morning ride!

We were laughing by the espresso machine, it was cold again, gray and light rain. More things under our clothes! The warm scone was appreciated by Andy. Pamela didn't mind the wet Scout wasn't sure about it all. We went north slow so we all warmed then some speed when passing the Radley's, Deanna waved pointing to the house I waved back.

We let up after the berm ran out into the dirt track we crossed Church Road to say hello to Dr. Lone before his early service. We took off back the way we came and only eased at the Radley's garden gate.

Deanna had tea and her great raisin muffins! Warm kitchen! Mr. Radley came in from doing something. Boots off, big feet! They'd met Millie last night and now got some more info about her and Chao being old friends of mine.

Neither of them had ever been abroad so Millie's descriptions of Taiwan and Taipei were exotic. They were good listeners! We pushed off, warmed up. Pamela and Scout had been under the tractor shed's roof, dry with blankets over them courtesy of Mr. Radley. Many thanks!

A slow build up to a nice canter while crossing the Fraser's right up the hill to the stables. Andy took over after Pamela and Scout got hugs. TLC coming!

Our feline friends were in the stable office making use of the heat, Thames was off with Gregory.

More coffee before joining the men. Cho was working the Sunday newspaper, Chao borrowed a MacBook to do email and check systems back home. Huang, his computer guru, let him know that last month's numbers were in and checked. They had three months of increase freight activity! One quarter was good but sustained was better!

Eric and Malee came down to visit. Eric had met Chao and Millie in Taipei when he had helped me on a project not long after I started with The Company. In those day if they thought you had your shit together they threw you in the pool. Not now! Good!

We had enjoyed being friendly with each other. They had spoken of Eric often afterwards. Now they met the woman who got his heart! My matchmaking was applauded!

We had coffee and cakes before the Medieval Faire at Anne's school in Abingdon.

All cleaned up, dressed for the chill, we drove over to the school. Black skinny jeans, white silk shirt with a warm red jumper over top, ankle boots and the black pea coat and gloves. A wool beret just in case.

The faire was inside and out, tents with displays and goodies to eat and buy. Costumed students as hosts. Anne dressed as a lady from the King's court. Puffy sleeved elaborate gown in deep blue and green. She looked lovely with her hair off the face covered by her Tudor gable headdress.

Sarah and Anne had worked on the costume with a friend who was the same size. They shared it for the faire, today was Anne's turn.

We got some warm spiced cider! Cinnamon and cloves! A huge sweet bun I split with Millie and Malee! We wandered about bumping into some other people from Nuneham Courtney. The Fraser's were there too.

Dan Senior a happy fellow with the property boundary issue solved, everything set right by Cho! He was beaming! Sarah nudged me, "Thank you and Cho! Dan is over the moon with your generosity!"

I squeezed her arm, "Sarah, we're happy too. No point to let little things annoying neighbors!"

We'd seen it all and eaten and played, we said goodbye to Anne.

I suggested a detour, we went south through Culham to Sutton Courtney. A short walk in the churchyard for Chao and Millie and Eric and Malee with us. They got it! No Cho-Fay handkerchief needed!

Then a late lunch at the George & Dragon. The pub keeper remembered us! We ate in their conservatory looking out at the garden. Chao went all English, bangers and mash! Salmon and a couple of fish and chips for the rest of us.

We took a different route back through Appleford and Long Wittenham and Clifton Hampden even in winter it was beautiful to see the country.

Millie and I were going to ride; the guys decided it was warming up enough to play golf?? Upstairs after changing Cho hugged me, "I found out Chao likes to play and we are close in height, so can use one of my sets of clubs. Eric brought his at my suggestion. We are driving over to the Oxford course."

Okay with me. Malee was going to do some work preparing for a trip to Milan for several designer meetings. Millie grinning as we walked to the stables, "Chao loves to play, he tried to get me involved but it isn't my thing!" We laughed.

Rebel and Chess wide open roaring across the grassy stretches south bound, it was a beautiful run! We pulled up near the railroad tracks smiling, stroking our boy's necks. Rebel had outrun Chess easily. Millie exclaimed she hadn't ridden like this for twenty years!

"You'll just have to come over here or New York to ride with me!"

A huge YES!

I laughed, "There're golf courses all over so we can get Chao on one while we do this." Fist bumps!

We looped around the Sci Centre and set off for home. Each colt trying their best but Rebel had too much. Walking up the road Andy had a big grin.

"You were really going! They have a need for speed for sure!"

Charlie, Carla's teenager, said he'd sent a video of the `Four Horsemen' to Cho's email. A cute smile, "I added some things in but I still have original video."

That sounded like he had been `clever' according to his lights so we'd have to wait to view it. I gave Millie the back story as we got some tea in the kitchen. Carla and crew working on dinner! Carla laughed, "You should see our computer screen, covered in video folders and picture files!"

Charlie was really taking Cho seriously about a photo record of our Christmas.

The men returned from golf stood warming body parts in front of the Great Room fireplace. It hadn't been bad playing conditions but they were chilled. I poured scotch, a couple of fingers each. I got kisses. Nice!

"Okay Millie next round is on you." Laughter!

We watched the video Charlie made of Aileen and Sue with us. There were titles, Four Horse Persons of Harcourt', music from various Clint Eastwood man with no name' spaghetti westerns. Then the shot of our butts riding down the hill away to the south as a closing. Funny! Charlie was clever! I said we needed to get him a good camera. Cho winked at me.

Carla's dinner was poached fish with a white sauce, pan browned potatoes and steamed broccoli with Hollandaise. Dark bread, sliced, covered in local cheddar cheese and baked. Tasty!

Afters in the library with a movie. Audrey Hepburn and Gregory Peck in `Roman Holiday' a great flic. Hepburn was so lovely and innocent appearing. Her chaste but mildly risqué moments with Peck were so endearing. She made the perfect princess. Eddie Albert provided the comedy! Rome looked romantically wonderful in its post-war guise. Archetypal intelligent Hollywood, so rare nowadays.

I slipped into the black silk dressing gown, standing beside our bed looking at the naked prone man with light golden brown skin, the penis slightly plump. Cho opened the robe, stroking my skin, "No pajamas for you!"

I lay over him kissing, snuggled in! Facing each other arms around pressed full length, lips and tongues working!

"When will you two be back?"

Don't worry, I said we'd be back for tea if all goes well. I was spooned and hugged!

Black slacks, white cotton long sleeved shirt, red jumper, shirt cuffs folded back over jumper cuffs. Gold jewelry, red nails and lips with black spike heeled ankle boots. Black trench coat, a black trilby and gloves.

Millie in a silver gray pants suit and lilac shirt. Dark gray over-coat and gloves.

Prasert driving, PJ up front, they were talking. We left before seven o'clock with Prasert keeping his foot down. We four were comfy in the back. Eric and I talked some shop. Straight to The Company offices to drop Eric then to Basuto Road so Millie could see the house. We offered it to her and Chao whenever they wanted.

Mrs. Blatchly had it in tip-top shape as always. Millie loved it. She stood in front of the painting of me at seven, "Fay you were a cute child. You grew up even more so." Hugs!!

We let Malee off at theirs in Christchurch Street. Off to Knightsbridge! Harrods for a while, some toiletries and some silk bra and panty sets. A pair of RayBan's for Cho, tear drop oval! Into the Christmas store!!! Millie bought some gifts too and two nice frocks, a few alterations. They would be ready in two hours.

In the cheese department we were browsing when I saw Cynthia. We had dated many years ago, no sparks but she did like to suck cock! Quite enthusiastic! I'd heard she married some `lord' with a grand title and no money. For her sake I hoped he had a big dick!

I pointed her out to Millie with a brief dossier. We didn't stare but did observe. There wasn't a chance she'd recognize me.

Her clothes were ordinary, some jewelry that looked cheap. Oh how catty of me. Why bother since I was the one to end our relationship, just being sucked didn't do much for me. I wonder why! I laughed and told Millie she was giggling over that for a while. PJ's smile was funny, he hadn't heard but he sensed I was being naughty.

I never asked PJ to carry anything it hadn't occurred to me. He was working! It was both easy and hard to maintain our relationship. It had to be maintained though.

On to other stores, Harvey Nichols especially!! Here I wanted a dress for the Ballroom. Big and full to the floor. Millie pulled my arm pointing. A midnight blue gown! Roland Mouret!

Off the shoulders, a white band around the upper arms bodice and open to show my smooth back. Narrow at the waist then gradually spreading, down to my ankles. Lightweight petticoats to give it shape and a swirling look!

Yes, done! A seamstress did some measuring and marking. They could send it in a day.

Whoa! A hot jacket! Black sequin-embellished tweed jacket by Herno! Round neckline no collar, three quarter length sleeves, zipper asymmetric to the left, tight to my body. Done!

Armani black stretch wool trousers, upper ankle length, slim legs!!!!

Alice + Olivia!! Monika black open-back crisscrossed straps crepe top, short sleeves!! A black crepe mid-calf skirt with a split in the front to mid-thigh.

I was on a roll!! Millie and I were offered coffee, lattes!! PJ with a black coffee.

Millie scored a gorgeous brilliant blue dress, mid-thigh by Vince!

Back in Alice + Oliva I bought a white jumper with three colourful dancers for Jian, a Lyla laser-cut cotton blend top for Ni, for Lawan a Colby floral-print silk blouse. Reyna a crepe blouse in a lovely blue almost navy with a small stylised horse on the right breast. More nice tops for friends, doing some size guessing. Jewelry for other gifts!!

I was going to be doing gift wrapping with Ellie, Anika's sister. She was good with her hands in many ways not just sewing, very artsy craftsy! I'd bought a ton of Christmas wrapping papers and ribbon at Harrods.

Prasert at the door as the porters brought purchases down. We made a quick cheese trip to Fortnum and Mason, a half dozen choices in multiple pound weights! Loads of cookies and little fruit candies.

We were delivered home by Prasert in time for tea!! We showed off our buys for the men. They loved our choices for gifts too. They didn't get a hint of theirs though! Millie and I doing fist bumps!

Dinner out at the Old Parsonage north of downtown Oxford. British food but especially seafood. Fish cakes to start, sole meuniere, sweet little potatoes grilled with broccoli and fines herbes. A type of biscuit, warm and soft with local farm made butter! A crisp apple tart and espresso! Mine was fabulous!

Cho and Millie had trout almandine, it looked very good! Chao a steak and kidney pie. Not for me but he said it was the best!

PJ and Rande had enjoyed theirs and thumbs up for Old Parsonage from them!

Millie and I were up early, the air between us made visible with the cold. We had enough clothes on we hoped.

Pamela was ready! Scout for Millie we weren't going for a speed ride. Down southward after a scone delivery for Andy. Smile!

We rode across the grassy acres happy to be up in the sun. Even Mr. Sun seemed chilled today though. We passed the Sci Centre, a security fellow waved I returned it!

On my path towards the other side of the river. Two riders for the canal man to smile about. The fisherman had no luck so far but as it warmed up...

Scout was good about walking over the water on the narrow bridges. On the west side mounted I told Millie about stopping at Sophos laughing that it had made a stir. We galloped along the river turning away from the two ugly houses then sweeping back around to the property that belonged to Harcourt House. We asked our mounts in the long field Pamela easily outran Scout. It was fun to ride hard!

At the boat yard I intro'd Millie to Dennis, he said they were nearly done with the cutter but..."Miss, there are better shaped and sized boats for the river. Can I make some suggestions?"

I said he would be welcome to do so. "Please call the House and we will set up a meeting."

We shook on it grinning! Millie urged Scout when got onto grass Pamela easily kept pace until we got to the west side of the Sandford Lock. Once through the town we went to speed both were doing well. A wave to Mr. Radley and on onto the training track area where the first grading had begun. The fellow in charge was a big guy, florid, very jolly demeanor. We chatted for a few minutes.

Anthony was holding Tess when we rode up, "Miss this one loves rubbing." I took over with Millie's help. Tess was purring to beat the band! Thames came running up along with Gregory. Millie abused his little body, the wiggly one.

More coffee we checked on the men, gone golfing again! Carter gave me a grin, "They've been gone for about thirty minutes so it will be a while before they return." A fist bump!

No problem Millie and I were going to wander in the garden and annoy Phillips. Malee joined us in a big mac!

Cassandra was delivered by Prasert from the Oxford train station. She joined us in the garden as we looked for Phillips. Cassandra with our solicitors help had gotten Harcourt House setup as an approved marriage venue!

Coffee in our hands we found that fellow leaning over an empty flower bed. Ah, Not empty just asleep! We talked about May in the garden; I was in favor of then for the wedding. I had Millie's hand, "Can you two come over?"

She'd co-ordinate with Chao but they had nothing planned...Ooops... `We do now!' Hugs!

I showed Cassandra around the House. She loved it, "You have a lot of space to work with."

She stood with Millie and me looking at the Christmas tree. "That's the largest I've ever seen indoors! A beauty!"

I pointed out some of the glass ornaments which brought a smile to her face, "What a wonderful idea! Do you mind if I use it?"

I encouraged her and gave her the name of the very nice folks who'd made them for me. Cassandra had taken more snaps and would have something ready in a week. She knew we wanted to have it simple and tasteful, no crazy! She laughed with us at that.

A Prasert car delivered her back to Oxford train station.

Time for a visit to St. Thomas School. Millie and I were greeted by Mr. Thorn and escorted to the auditorium. PJ sat with me on the side in the first row. The First, Second and Third Formers were there. She gave a lovely talk about Taiwan, history, culture and how she loved Taipei! The children were enthralled.

We stayed so they could ask questions, lots of questions. Mr. Thorn standing with me, "Miss Martin, this is lovely! They don't get much contact with folks outside their daily lives except by the telly which is so remote."

I told him the week of Christmas would be a bonanza, my adoptive parents, and brother and sister and their families, close friends from Bangkok too. He rubbed his hands, "This is time well spent!"

I helped Millie pack for the next day's departure; everything she had altered by Harvey Nichols had been delivered with mine! We were going to store her riding clothes for their next trip. She was going to start riding at home so more clothes and.... a trip to Go Outdoors!

Dinner was happy and sad! Millie and I got some hilarious bits from the day's golf. Two water adventures by Chao, not too much said about that though or asked! Some giggling by us!

We had fun but Chao and Millie leaving...POOO! We wouldn't have any time to think about though as Thayer and Sondra and the three Collingwood's arrival was late morning tomorrow. Prasert would be taking Chao and Millie away near to when the other cars would come in.

That crowd would be here until Sunday. Tuesday my family would be here for eight days!!! So Cho and I had one day together!

One more early morning ride with Millie. We went south a good hard ride on Pamela and Guy. Down past the Sci Centre around by Kate's, we waved to Andrew. Then speed all the way back, we were neck and neck. Pamela could run! She wasn't track trained, she did everything right though.

We handed them over to Andy, he knew we had gone for speed, they were a bit sweaty and Guy lathered. TLC for both.

At the House the men were sitting over coffee. I winked at Millie, we both jumped into their laps for a kiss! Granted!! Chao had agreed to come back for the wedding so we'd see them again in a few months.

Black skinny jeans and a red jumper, black ankle boots hugging Millie and Chao goodbye! Sad! We'd had a great visit. They loved Cho! Chao and Cho were buddies, shared interests in railroads and golf!

Cho holding my hand the other waving goodbye, "This was special! Like so many of your BF friends your changes simply do not matter. "A huge smile, "Like me, I fell in love with you! Not the peripherals!"

Massive hug and kiss in the sunlight! There were some giggles too about the peripherals!

We heard cars on the gravel. Thayer big hug! Sondra was still a wee bit embarrassed but I told her to be easy. The Collingwood's, Jack, Ellice and Joanna! They stared at the House, Cho laughed, "Well the front is a bit much but its good inside."

Carla asked if she could do a Mexican buffet. I hadn't a clue what that would mean but told her to `go for it!' It was tremendous!

Warm corn or flour taco shells, veggie beef cooked with SPICES, tomatoes, onions in a heated chaffing dish, chopped tomatoes, green chiles with a cute warning note, sour cream, grated cheese and sauces of different hotness all marked clearly. Tomatoy rice and veggie re-fried beans, Newcastle's and various water flavours and fruit juices.

Carla had it laid out in the dining room with tiny paper Mexican sombreros and little Mexican flags courtesy of Ellie! She was grinning away by the door as we ushered our guests in. They were quite surprised and hungry! Everyone could just fill a plate as they wished!

Carter with me, "Miss, Carla is really enjoying this!"

We did fist bumps! Thayer saw us, he had a big smile.

We sat together, "Fay your cook is interesting! One would expect the big English beef dish."

I told him Carla was awesome, she loved being eclectic and we gave her leave to explore!

"Sondra was worried on the flight..."

I put my hand on his, "She needn't have, there was no reason. The two of them looking for some intimacy but not off the scale. Teenagers...I barely remember that period although I'm only twenty eight going on twenty nine."

"Well she apologized to me for making a fuss. She said she wrote to Kiet but I haven't heard anything further."

"If she did and it arrived before we left he decided to keep it to himself which is fine. She's Okay by us both."

I told him about our equine family, they all were going down to the stables with me after lunch.

I got a call from Beverly, so I excused myself. She said she could call back, it wasn't earth shaking. No it was good to hear from her. We chatted mostly about Jackson. "Fay he's been so steady, no drinking. We've watched him work with the two youngsters. He's patient and easy with them. They show him a lot of affection!"

Wonderful news! "Beverly we want to ship Hansa to you in early February. She's Glaa's full sister. We want to point her to the Saratoga distaff races. What about Jackson with her?"

"Oh Fay, I really feel he'd rise to the challenge! A full sister, well if she's anything like Glaa..."

"Well we need to find out, right?"

We rang off with Christmas wishes.

Everyone came down and joined me at the large close-in paddock looking where Rebel was exercising himself, Thayer shaking his head, "Damn he's something to look at. Nine wins in fifteen races is very nice."

I told him he'd `placed' in the other six. "He's a splendid ride. We've had fun roaming around. I've earned a reputation in these parts for my riding around."

I explained how the previous owners here had kept to themselves, almost no interaction with the people here abouts. They all were like Cho and I not able to understand that attitude. Our `open house' and our guests and other contacts were breaking down barriers which they thought tremendous!

Mahogany was an eye opener for them, her pedigree too! Our thought to bring Rebel and her together sounded good to them.

I was going to ride, Thayer's hip meant he couldn't until the summer but Sondra and Joanna would join me. They had brought their riding togs as I suggested so we could go right to it. They were waiting by the Great Room watching me come down, "Fay..." Joanna's hand covered her mouth, "...that's a terrific outfit!" We hugged.

Rebel was ready for me, since they were experienced riders Guy and Chess were saddled for them. Cho said he was going to take the `oldsters' to the King's Arms we could meet there. Okay!

We warmed up our horses trotting northward crossing the Fraser's. I saw Anne and waved we'd be back in an hour or so. Okay!

I asked Rebel, they followed, we thundered across the Radley's Deanna came out to wave. I headed us towards the fields separated by the berm. I eased back near dirt track to Church Road. Rebel had easily outrun them both!

I could feel the chill in my cheeks, they looked exhilarated, a few tendrils of hair loosen by the wind. We laughed, "Good?"

Nodding, smiling!

We walked along Church Rd. towards the pub. Thayer, Jack and Ellice with Cho leaning on the railing above the water. Rande nearby grinning as we walked up to the pub. I hugged Cho. The girls talking about how much fun the ride had been to just turn on the jets!

I said we were going to make brief stops at the Radley's and Fraser's on the way back. Ellice gave me a wink and a cheek kiss. She seemed quite happy.

Jack and Cho gave us a leg up. We steered through the south end of Sandford towards the hedge opening then I urged Rebel. We ran at high speed straight to Deanna's garden gate. She was introduced to Sondra and Joanna and Rebel.

"Fay he's a handsome one. I can see he has the speed you like." A wide grin.

I squeezed her, "Yes, a mover for sure!"

We rode onto the Fraser's at a good trot dismounting near their kitchen. Anne looking sweet in her school uniform greeted the two American teenagers, happy to meet some folks her age from the U.S. They started chatting.

I got a call from Jian would I speak to a Government Minister from Papua New Guinea, he was in Port Moresby. Mr. Awabo was Minister for Lands and Physical Planning; he was heading a sub-cabinet group on water conservation.

After we finished our ride I parked in the office to make my call. Mr. Awabo was very interested in what we could contribute to managing water flow from reservoirs in place and others to be built. He'd gotten my name from the Water Board folks in Sydney.

He would email me drawings and maps and some technical papers. He said they weren't secret but sensitive. I said I would review them and create a paper for him outlining what we could offer. If it was of interest then plan a visit. I would be going to Australia and New Zealand in the spring. He was pleased!

That evening I surprised both families with their named glass ornaments! They loved the idea!

We had a good time over the next few days riding, getting to know one another more, doing things around the House, trips to shop and eat in Oxford. Cho was liberal with his Remy Martell Louis XIII in the evenings. By Sunday's departure we'd become close, Sondra had relaxed about the Bangkok events and Joanna in one private conversation laughing mentioned lusting over Rande. She'd been quite taken by him when we had the Jackson issue in Saratoga. Seeing him again...well she loved his looks and body.

I let her lust away since there was no way to disabuse her of that.

With their cars taking them away, our waving goodbye, Cho and I holding hands smiling one full day for us. Then the big bomb of guests!! Cho-Fay Air would deliver Tuesday and Prasert had his list!

We sat down with Carter, Gregory and Carla to talk staffing over tea and cakes! Gregory was doing fine now; more horses would be arriving over the next several months, he would hire before then to get any newbies ready. Good!

Carla will keep three local ladies full-time for staff cooking and help when we are around including our lady from Lucknow so we would have more Indian food!!!

Carter's staff would rise and some more would live-in with our being around and friends using guest rooms when we weren't. The House as a wedding venue probably won't start until later in the summer but local cleaning staff would be made permanent. The local fellows who came up each day for multiple jobs would be put on full-time too. They had many skills Carter was using but dealing with our guests' luggage, helping with the cleaning throughout the House and general House duties they were incredibly valuable!! Skills like the leather repair fellow Conrad!

Ellie was going to be full-time for sewing and repairs and doing things for me. She said she'd love to help with any children who visited. Sold!

Gerry, Maeve's dad, also full-time since Carter and Gregory had enough work for him with Prasert. Done!

Cho was holding me from behind as we watched Anthony saddle Rebel and Chess, quietly in my ear, "We are digging deep! This feels good to me like the house in Bangkok...home!"

He got a kiss, a nice one too! "I feel it too! I sense permanence!"

We rode north; waving to the two Dan's who were working on a tractor together. We paused, Cho mentioned that Gerry was working for us, so if they needed some help...

Dan Senior said if the damned thing didn't come around he would call! We all laughed.

Mr. Radley smiling with one of his collies, Edgar, they were working his small flock of sheep. Edgar doing his job quite well. We didn't stay long but it was great to see Edgar work!

We went on to the church, Dr. Lone was there, we got to meet his wife. Nice lady, shy, she did really fine flower decorations for the altar and several memorials on the walls. They'd been here for five years now; it was a nice parish, good people.

I liked that he didn't pry into our faith or how we might practice religion. I did ask about whether the congregation was welcoming to same-sex couples.

"Miss Martin, we believe in God and believe in those who have faith in God, we think Jesus is open to all people of faith."

Nicely put! I felt his sincerity; I held his hand and asked if he would consider marrying an old friend of mine and her girlfriend? They were the pair who he had met here with Cho and I during a ride. They were Church of England. He would but he would have to talk with them first as any other couple. I said they wanted to be wed at Harcourt House in the garden. He liked that!

Cho and I headed back via the dirt track, him with a cute smile, knowing I wanted to RUN and the Aileen and Sue thing. Near the berm I grinned and asked Rebel, a surge of power! We were off at speed. Chess with Cho aboard couldn't keep pace by the time we crossed the Radley's he was some distance astern.

When I finally eased Rebel near the training track Cho was still on the Fraser's land. Rebel and I waited; he was fine, I was smiling! Cho kissed me, "Damn Fay he has an engine, it is special to see you to go!"

"He was well trained no wonder he has been so successful!"

At dinner we discussed what to do tomorrow since we had the day clear. I wanted to work; I hadn't much time for my travel preparation. I also wanted to see where Francis had gotten after those first few bits of analysis; he'd been in the basement office grinding away.

Cho planned a video conference via Greg's conferencing app with Udorn and Kavnu and Jasmin part of the time. I said take the office, I'd spread out in the library. High fives!

I was solo for my morning ride. Pamela happy to see me so we took off south. We had a good hard ride all the way to near Kate's house then easing up to follow the Oxford Road a ways. We crossed it turning north a gallop until I could see the Garden Centre. We passed it going along until the Oxford Road was back to two lanes we crossed over to the east side. We moved more east around a woods to reach the Baldon Lane, it was a short ride to St. Thomas School from there.

I tied Pamela out front, a hug for her. Inside Mr. Thorn and I sat to talk about fund raising events. He was quite happy with the results so far. Baking and craft making were staples; Dan Fraser was going to have a hay ride with Boxer and Rosie pulling the wagon and more.

I got a cup of tea and a small pile of ginger cookies! I looked in on several classes; Anika's were doing some math problems, algebra. I slipped in, she smiled, she leaned close speaking quietly, "Fay nice to see you.'

I mentioned how I loved maths. We talked briefly then a young fellow had a question which Anika got him to re-ask so the whole class could hear. I got what his issue was right away; Anika could see it on my face, "Miss Martin would you like to answer?"

I did giving them a good clear explanation. Out of the corner of my eye I noticed Anika nodding all the way through.

"Thank you Miss Martin that was a fine response. Arthur, did that answer your question?"

He was shyly nodding a bit abashed that I would answer his question. Anika patted his shoulder, "A good question!"

I said my goodbyes, a big wave from the class. Mr. Thorn had been in the hallway, "Miss Martin, you are a woman of many parts! Excellent clarification for Arthur!"

Pamela and I crossed the Oxford Road in a traffic gap and headed south, we turned up the Harcourt House drive. We galloped around to the right circling the house by its north side to reach the road up to the stables via the connecting road between the paddocks.

I did a wash up and was in a black wool skirt, a dusky rose long sleeved cotton shirt, white cardigan, black tights and ankle boots. A tray of coffee and cookies and stollen, I was parked in the library working. Tap tap tap on my MacBook, iPad alongside with headphones: Grimes, Zella Day, So Below, Broods, Janelle Monae, Chvrches, Luna Shadows and more in my ears.

Tentative travel plans via Kwang and Dusit for South Pacific follow ups and South America. The stuff from Awabo in Port Moresby I planned to look at over the next few day despite visitors. I emailed Dusit to figure out a possible detour to Papua New Guinea.

Ramon from Manila called, "Fay, it was great to see the two projects. We are in! Send us some contracts!" Okay! I emailed it to Eric and The Company lawyers.

Cho stuck his head, "The solicitors are here."

We decided to do wills even though they'd be changed after we marry. Just a precaution we'd put off many times. We were to leave everything to each other with some special bequests. Should we die together it got a lot more complicated. The property Cho bought here was in both of our names; my property had been changed to us both too. Bangkok was mostly done but there were many companies and property it was taking some time. We were each other's executors. Carter and Carla acted witnesses for us. Done!

I had a Christmas gift for the solicitors; they were surprised by the bottle of Remy Martel Louis XIII. They enjoyed Carla's lunch with us. Grilled veggies with grated asiago, salmon cakes lightly browned, and little boiled potatoes in a butter parsley sauce. A slightly crunchy Italian loaf.

Cho and I did a tour on Chess and Rebel; I wanted to try them crossing the canal and bridges. They were a bit nervous but we steadied them, we all passed over successfully. Once that hurdle was cleared we urged our boys, a lot of ground was covered quickly. The usual detour around the ugly houses brought us to the big field now part of Harcourt House.

I smiled at Cho and asked Rebel, he leapt forward. I heard Cho urging Chess. Rebel had a clear advantage in speed it was more uneven with Cho's greater weight. We eased up at the boat yard. I intro'd Cho to Dennis. I asked if he was ready to meet tomorrow morning, Yes! Okay about ten.

We had another run up to Sandford. Walking over water again was better, they had us with them! Short stops at the Radley's and Fraser's. Dan Senior was head down in a truck engine with Gerry. We laughed, Dan was happier. The tractor issue was fixed thanks to Gerry!

A long talk with Jian about everything! We laughed, giggled knowing she'd be here in less than a day!

A big tea, a movie with snacks later! Cho grinning as he wiped some powdered sugar from my upper lip! Stollen!

More time on work which ended with Cho climbing on my lap crushing me! I tickled him, my nuclear option. He bounced up but got me back. We ended in another big chair cuddled, "Jasmin is settling in, we have a budget for her and some people are being transferred to her department. Progress!"

It was good, I was certain she would be a good manager!

Movie time!

`Murderers Among Us' was probably the first film made in Germany after World War II. Mostly shot in the eastern sector with input on the story by the cautious Russians. Hildegarde Knef starred, beautiful with a wonderful throaty voice, as a concentration camp survivor who returns to Berlin to find a wreck of a former soldier (Ernst Wilhelm Borchert) in her half-destroyed apartment. They learn about each other and some of those who did the mass killing in their midst. Great film unknown today.

The second was "Decision Before Dawn' also made in immediate post war Europe. Americans recruit captured Germans to spy on the Nazi armies across the Rhine after the Normandy Invasion forces traversed France. Oscar Werner is excellent as a young German soldier who thinks helping the Americans will end the destructive war. Richard Basehart, Gary Merrill and again Hildegarde Knef. Ms. Knef is downright gorgeous as a woman adrift in the mess that was Germany as the end of the Third Reich neared. Tension is high! The acting is excellent from a fine supporting cast!

Stuffed with popcorn! Cho warm beside me. Most the last part of `Decision Before Dawn' I was in his lap. Snuggly! I got a free ride upstairs! A big kiss. I stripped off in my dressing room, black silk robe...slinking to the bedroom door...

Cho smiling in bed already held the covers up for me with a low whistle; I slipped next to him warm skin on skin! Kissing! Giggling! Strong arms around me from behind, "Now `the crowd' comes!"

Like it was a tsunami of family and friends! Funny! Sleep.

I handed Andy his scone with a smile, he laughing. I got a leg up on Pamela, she was nickering, a sweet sound. We went down the road to the south. We rode hard until the Sci Centre then tailed off to a trot I turned her towards the woods path to the river where Kate had her problem. Still blocked, I walked down. The new path was almost done, solidly built away from the bank!

A large aircraft passed over low while I walked the path under the trees. Pamela and I looped around the Sci Centre crossing the railroad tracks and down towards the river lock. The fellow working there took off his hat to me. I gave him one of my patented smiles and a wave.

The fisherman had three already, `I'm going for four, two dinners!' I patted his shoulder encouraging him to come to the open house. We walked over to the west side then galloped northeast along the river until the two ugly houses came in view. Our usual circle to avoid them and back to Harcourt House property. We trotted across the big field to visit Dennis. He was ready to meet at ten!

At the Sandford lock Cho called, Cho-Fay Air was on the ground earlier than planned, unloaded and everyone was about to leave Chalgrove. I asked Cho to call Dennis to ask for later today for our meeting. Okay!

Pamela and I through the streets then on grass I asked her. Boom we were off!

Pamela throwing chunks of earth in our wake we roared across the Radley's and a wave to Dan the younger. I rode around the paddocks on the connecting road and up the southern slope to the level ground beside the house. Prasert's cars were rolling in.

I walked Pamela towards the cars, Cho waved me over. Dad was out first, a huge smile helping Phailin step out. Cho had called Andy, he came up for Pamela.

I slid down from Pamela to hug Dad and Phailin then Somsak and Tona, Kay and Greg! Sunny a big squeeze, she wanted to see Pamela, I pointed her over. Suchart all bundled up and Artie! Jian and Ting!! Thet and Reyna!! Thoi and Kanda made it!!

Dad holding my hand, I twirled around, he was looking at Cho, "My my what have we here?"

We were all laughing! I spread my arms wide waggling my hips!

"Fay you look fabulous! Color in your cheeks!" Phailin was squeezing me hard. Dad gave me a bear hug!

Hugs and kisses all around. I went over to Pamela where Sunny was gently stroking her face. I hugged Pamela, "Let Andy take her for a cleanup we rode hard today." Sunny smiled, "Fay she's so beautiful! Will I get to ride?"

My arm over her shoulders, "Yes we will get you up if your mom and dad say it's Okay!"

Smiles, she dashed off towards them running like a colt herself.

My buddy put her lips to mine, we missed each other! Ting holding my hand, giving me a kiss.

Thoi and Kanda! I was so glad they came.

"Fay you do look like an English gentlewoman! I am amazed by your many guises!"

I hugged the old fox, Kanda squeezing my hand.

"This is quite the place! I almost expect Carson to walk out!"

I laughed, "There is Carter..." finger pointing..."he's our Carson. Funny the man who portrays the television Carson's real name is Carter."

Kanda liked that.

Reyna's hug was tight; she was ready for more riding! Good! Thet and Cho were talking aside, something up?

I rounded everyone up to go in and up to their rooms. To change or drop their coats. Carter had the luggage situation in hand. Carter smiled when I asked about the doors to the Great Room, "As you wanted, Miss." Fist bumps!

I asked them all to come down to the breakfast room when they were done upstairs. Carla had a buffet lunch prepared, a great spread. Potato leek soup, sliced meat and cheese, fixings for sandwiches, lots of fruit and cookies. Fruit cake!

Folks straggled in; I pulled Cho close for a kiss, "What's up?"

"A few things but none urgent. I will tell all later." Another kiss! Okay!

Food being consumed. I went for a bowl of soup, delicious stuff!

I told Artie he might get a pickup game of footie with some of our staff, they'd played against some guests once before. Big eyes! "Fay can we? Please?"

"Ask Uncle Cho, he might arrange it." Zoom! Heat-seeking missile to Cho.

Sunny and Kay parked next to me, "Fay, Sunny has a bee in her bonnet about riding. Can she?"

I said yes, we need a few things first, some proper clothes...AND some patience from you..." My finger aimed at Sunny! "You will have to follow instructions at all times...No getting away from that! Okay?"

I got a sworn oath to be good about everything. Kay rolled her eyes! I said road trip to `Go Outdoors' in a little while.

I could see Greg grinning, "Well you asked for it!"

"Well she'd show me soon enough if it appeals to her then you have a problem!"

He hadn't thought that far, I saw the `Oh Shit' look, "Yes you got it!"

"We can't say no now."

I said it will be alright, if she has an aptitude then they'd work it out.

I took Dad and Phailin out to the terrace to see the gardens, explaining about our wedding plans as they were now. Kisses from both.

Back at the food, I went for fruit cake, sharing some with Cho. Kanda tried it, "So sweet and sticky but flavourful. Texas?" I told her it seemed impossible but true.

Once everybody had been fed I gathered them in the big hallway. I told them about the the paper garland going up the stairs, they liked! Carter was ready. All clustered by the doors then the big opening!

WOWS! Cho and I, Jian and Ting led them in! The big tree glittering amazed them! All the other decorations even the St. Thomas School kids' Christmas tree drawings and a few other things Ellie and I had done! Near the tree Carter had setup a small table with the glass balls for each family. Christmas music in the background!

I gave each a box to open. They all loved the idea! Dad and Phailin led off hanging theirs. Kay and Greg, Sunny had her own as did Artie and Suchart. Kanda and Thoi too. Somsak and Tona! They got to see the other balls of friends hanging. Reyna showed them hers and Thet's.

Hugs and kisses abounded. Carter next to me gave me some news. I asked him to tell everyone. They greeted the weather report with smiles; we might have snow in two days. Cho arms squeezing me from behind, "You planned this, your magic powers have done this!"

I was giggling, "Yes and we will be frozen in so no one can go anywhere! A whole month!"

OW! My butt was lightly pinched, "That is too much! Dial it back! A few days is Okay!" We were all laughing hard!

I explained to all that there would be an open house for our neighbors on the eve of Christmas Eve! Laughs!

Dad and Phailin, Kanda and Thoi were going down to St. Thomas School tomorrow to visit and speak to the older kids about life in other places. Should be fun! Kay, Greg and Sunny the next day.

Cho and Artie were organizing a football match, Ting was in, so too Thet. Andy was arranging the staff.

I gave Dad a hug, talking about celebrations this our first, "Fay when is your birthday? It is soon?"

I said February 24th, "Birthday lunch with me?" I said I'd love to! A very good place near the Security Police HQ. Done!

In green skinny jeans, white shirt, pale gray jumper, black ankle boots, black pea coat and gloves PJ drove Sunny, Reyna and I off to `Go Outdoors' in Oxford. The staff welcomed us. I sent Sunny off to the women's department. The manager asked to speak to me. Okay.

He had a young woman, a fine horsewoman; she worked part-time but needed more income. Did we have any work at Harcourt House? I asked if she was working today. Yes.

I met Diana in the manager's office. A lithe, good-looking girl, light brown hair like mine and hazel eyes like mine. We actually looked quite alike! Almost the same height and weight. She'd been riding since childhood, gotten good school marks, done her a-levels, had a place at Cambridge but the recession destroyed her father's business. No money! She was Okay with working, she wanted to move out of her father's house. He'd remarried; she had the unpleasant stepmother thing going on. More income needed to do it.

I called Gregory. When we leave an exercise rider to replace my daily rides would be needed. He was in favor of that. Andy and Anthony would have plenty of other work to do. I said I'd send him Diana to interview. Good!

I asked her back into the office. I gave her his name and number to call to set a day and time. He'd be the one to do the hiring. Diana was excited at the opportunity. I told her I was sure he would expect her to show some of her skills so go dressed to ride. Big smile! Call now.

We got some basic things for Sunny she'd be able to use even if the whole `horse' thing didn't take off. Gray jodhpurs, cotton shirts, warm under things, a black jacket, a pair of low black boots, a helmet and gloves. She was glowing looking at herself dressed up in the large mirror.

Reyna's arm around my waist, "She looks like a rider." We laughed hugging.

PJ with his usual `shopping' grin, I kidded him about it. He was comfortable with me which was so important! He could do his work but not be treated as a servant! He also looked hot in black skinny jeans, a red jumper with a short black leather jacket! I also kidded him about that.

"Fay, I'm just trying to keep up with you!" We laughed our heads off!!

At home Sunny modeled for her folks, they liked the look. I said it was part of her Christmas from Cho and I. Kay hugged me, "Thanks Fay! We'll see how far it goes. It takes discipline to learn it well; maybe she'll get it, right?"

"Yes, Sunny has to decide!"

Greg squeezed my shoulder, "You mind if we watch some?" I didn't but I thought they should ask Sunny. If she felt self-conscious... They'd ask.

Dennis came up to the House for our rescheduled meeting. We met in the office, he advised us the cutter was in very good condition now but we'd find it cumbersome even with a strong outboard engine to maneuver in the river. Not that canal boats weren't bigger but they didn't usually want to go up and down as pleasure craft did. Any replacement didn't have to be a high powered boat but something that could carry a number of passengers we might consider normal in comfort. He handed us a list of choices characterized for size, power and easy maneuvering. He'd been on the pier and recommended a rehab of it. Also make it more accessible from the land side.

We asked a few questions about the list after a rapid scan of it and the pier. Cho asked if he would try to make it to our next `open house' so folks could meet him. Dennis had a big smile, saying he be delighted and would bring the family? A big YES from us.

I changed back to riding clothes. Gray jodhpurs, and black bolero jacket and my `hat'! Reyna joined us walking down. Sunny asked her parents to give her a first time without their watching. Okay!

Reyna was on Scout and our newbie on Pamela in the close-in paddock. Even before we mounted I spent time going over a lot. Reyna contributed some of her recent experiences. Andy gave Sunny a leg up after she watched Reyna mount.

I had the lead; I walked her around talking about how to do all the basics of just staying on. She had a wonderful look on her sweet face. She was getting it. Sunny watched Reyna ride, looking at the movements. Trying them herself in slow motion.

Andy brought out Rebel for me. He was ready to run but quite calm, being a nice mature man. Pamela was a jewel! She was pleased to have Sunny aboard. She was easy to lead at a slow trot to allow Sunny to find her `seat.'

Reyna had a big smile, "Sunny you are doing better than me."

Nice encouragement! Sunny seemed very comfortable. We took a break, "Sunny let's allow your folks down to see you." She nodded Okay! Smile! Andy said he'd call the House.

Kay and Greg brought Artie. He sat on the fence after a lift by Greg. Sunny and Pamela on the lead following me at a slow trot. She was moving right, a natural easy going `seat'! Her parents holding hands watching, big smiles.

I picked up the pace still being cautious but Sunny was a natural! Some cheering, Artie being vocal for his big sister! Cute!

We walked over; Pamela let Artie stroke her nose as Sunny rubbed her neck. Kay and Greg very pleased!

We worked more on how to maneuver, urge your mount and stop properly. Then in Pamela's stall for grooming with Andy. Outside Kay hugged me, "Fay you were wonderful! Such a patient teacher."

I took Kay and Greg to meet Iris in the small paddock. She came over right away, big hug! I told them about her as a gift from Declare and Daphne who they'd meet in a few days. A little bit about Gwen that she'd come from Declare too and had been my childhood friend.

Kay gave me a look; I hoped not to have given away too much.

Reyna stayed on Scout a little more in the paddock as the grownups went back to the house. Artie sat to watch Sunny and Andy care for Pamela.

Everybody was easing in! I changed back to my shopping clothes and parked my cute bum next to Phailin. Hugged and kissed. "Fay, Cho gave us a tour, very nice! Little Suchart on the third floor with his nurse in a sweet, brightly coloured room your little ones will enjoy!"

"I hope so! Eve is doing so well, Ku taking very good care of her. Her doctors are always pleased so we are happy with lots of anticipation."

Dad leaned over us, a kiss for us, "Is there some tea?"

Thoi seconded that so I went looking.

Carla was ahead of me! She had a sweet layout for us. Piles of shortbread, wafers, sugar cookies, stollen, fruit cake and warm little waffles you could put sweet stewed blackberries on and cover with powdered sugar! Yum!

A minor stampede when Reyna and the kids came up! Cho's hand stroking my back, smiling as I ate the piece of stollen I'd captured.

All the folks had wandered around seeing the house and close-in gardens. A bit chilly for any extended outside trips without warm clothing. I'd had Kanda, Phailin and Kay in my dressing room to show them some clothes I'd bought and tell them how much fun Millie and I had at Harvey Nichols.

The blue and white Roland Mouret gown really WOW'd them! I put it on to model for them. Oh boy did it fit right! I told them it was for The Ballroom!

Back in my jeans we all talked about my weddings. Who we should invite even if they wouldn't come but it would be proper to ask. Other weighty topics.

Cho winkled us out for the first football match on the lawn. Pea coat, gloves and a beret!

Artie, Cho, Ting, Thet and PJ on one side opposed by Andy, Anthony, Francis, Gregory and Charlie. It was to be short on purpose. Lots of action, some even like football. Anthony in goal for the House stuffed every shot. Thet wasn't as successful as Gregory had two goals! Quite the foot!

Artie was a great ball handler for a six year old; he could really move with the ball on his foot and pass quite well. Twice he setup Ting but Anthony was there to stop it. Lots of cold people cheering.

We ran for the door when time was called. Carter anticipating the need had fresh tea, hot chocolate and liqueurs ready! Fist bump!

Sunny and I sharing a big leather chair in the library with a Krazy Kat book on our laps. She was amazed by Herriman's artwork and that the cartoon had run in daily newspapers for decades. The idea that a gender fluid cat would be read by ordinary folks over their breakfast was hard to grasp.

"There's a student at school who is Trans, she is nice and smart. We're buddies, mom and dad like her and her mother has been over to our house a few times. One kid tried to bully her but a friend of ours took him to the boy's bathroom and promised to visit on him anything the bully tried with her. End of story. I still don't understand why that bully boy acted that way, she wasn't threatening him. She ignored him."

I smiled looking like I asked a question, Sunny cocked her head, "Could that be it? She ignored him? Did he want her to like him when she paid no attention..."

A hug, "Tough to know but many boys and men are unnerved by folks who don't conform. It makes them wonder about things which can be uncomfortable. They don't like the feeling! But if she is nice and smart what is he?"

"He's not stupid; we're all in the advanced group."

"If he's confused about his himself she poses a problem for him. If he fancies `her' but knows..."

"I get it! He's never been a bully before...I guess he's messed up!"

"Was anything said to a teacher or counselor?"

She shook her head, "No! After my friend challenged the bully it was over for us. He stays away."

"I was only thinking the boy may need help and support he can't get at home."

Sunny was quiet, "I see that but who to talk to?"

"Only you guys would know who you can trust also your Trans girlfriend should be in with you."

Sunny gave me a kiss, "Thanks, Fay...great to talk with you...like an adult...you know...a girlfriend!"

A hug, "Any time. Calling is hard with the times being so different but email or text works!"

Kay found us, "Dinner soon!" OKAY! Action!

As I dressed Cho told me about the properties we'd bought next to our house in Bangkok. They would give us a larger perimeter for Security and a guest house for friends to use.

Black off the shoulders dress mid-thigh, snug waist, black tights and heels, Red nails and lips, dark eye shadow. Gold hinged bracelet, triple intertwined gold bracelet, sapphire ring, spun gold double strand resting on my bosom, long gold strands hanging from ears! Cho standing beside me in my dressing room mirror, "Fay, gorgeous!"

He applied `Joy' in a few places he liked!

We walked down with Ting and Jian. Ting in a tailored black suit like Cho, VERY white shirts for both. Jian also in black, off one shoulder dress tight to her body to the knee with a slit up the front. Gold bracelets too!

Carter laid on apéritifs in the Great Room. Ah everyone looked wonderful. Beautiful dresses on the ladies and handsome men. Sunny in her favorite green, a glistening emerald long sleeved frock to above her knee. The colour looked tremendous with her skin tone. The Gaspeite green birthday pendant around her neck, the ring on her hand.

Kanda in a red cocktail dress showing some décolletage, Phailin in dark blue doing the same. Two beautiful mature sexy women looking GREAT! I told them so. Phailin in my ear, "I can't wear this out in Bangkok, too many tongues would wag now."

A laughing Kanda, `We get dressed up sexy for your parties!"

A group hug! Okay more parties then!!

Tona in a maternity dress but it hardly looked like one. Gold and red showing her growing bosom, warm skin with a slender gold necklace resting between her breasts. She was so happy! A healthy baby boy inside!

Reyna in a slinky blue dress, a gradient of blues tight to her slender body to her ankles, slits to the knee and three inch heels! I remember it was the one she bought at Noi's.

Artie popped out from under the Christmas tree running over to hug me, "Auntie Fay it's so big I can sit under it!"

A black suit, white shirt and red bow tie. He was cute! Sunny put arm around him, leaning over, "Tomorrow you take me for a tour under, Okay?"

Artie smiling and nodding, looking up at me, "Is it Okay?"

"Yes but no swinging from the branches, right?"

I got another hug! I liked the `Auntie Fay!' And Cho delivered a sherry! With a nod from Greg, Sunny got a sip...a smile..." This is better than beer!" Laughter!

The dining room shone with light as we sat. Crab bisque, tangy and smooth. Grilled sole with Choron sauce, mushroom risotto, and broiled asparagus in butter. Tiny individual white bread loaves with dill butter. Carter was pouring a white wine, Le Montrachet Grand Cru adding its spectacular bouquet to our dinner!

Cho stood for a toast, "Family! Tonight were are gathered as family in our home..." Cho offered me his hand, I stood..."soon there will be more..." he gestured to Tona..."and Eve and Andrea..." a gesture to Jian and Ting..."next Christmas will be much larger! To Family!"

We all cheered and drank! Dad rose, "To our hostess and host..." he looked around..."a big Family thank you for gathering us all together! And we wish all our new members coming... health throughout life!"

More cheers! Cho thanked Dad and everyone else! Smiles, bright shining faces!

Dessert! Sue and Carla repeated the Cherries Jubilee which had such a success! Artie loved that his dessert was on fire!

This time the tart had a caramel centre under the vanilla ice cream! They disappeared quickly!

Amontillado Hidalgo Jeres-Xeres sherry for the adults who desired it. A nice ending to dinner.

In the Great Room Cho was liberal with Remy Martel Louis XIII, I went with my fav, espresso and Amaretto! A few cigars were lit on the terrace away from the glass doors but behind a windscreen Carter had setup!

The fireplace was well attended. My buddy shared a loveseat with me, "Fay, it really is like a magic trip being at home then overnight here for all this!"

Her smile was big, an arm around me squeezing which was returned. Jian rested her cheek on my bare shoulder, "Can we marry here in the garden?"

"Yes but it will probably be May if that's Okay?"

"Tomorrow or a month or a year as long as you are with me."

My eyes were wet; I kissed her cheek, "Same for me! Okay so tell me what's going on at the house?"

She said Amporn misses me not she hasn't been busy with doing so many things around the house. She has chased Kiet and Achara around cleaning everything in sight. Niran has been getting a lot of work arranged.

The Model Railroad club had been busy as bees in the playroom. "Fay it looks so real even up close!"

All the house construction is done. The extension of the Security office is done and a guiding beacon, she thought that was the name, was added for the helicopter pilots. "Niran and Sumate have been going around the properties next door; I do not know what that is about."

"Ah, Cho bought two pieces of land beside us. To the south the house on the river will be a guest house and the one to the east will be a Security office and possible guest house. They add a buffer zone to the house so the Security people will be even less visible to us."

More Amaretto from Carter, that esteemed fellow had a pleased look on his face.

"Miss it makes me feel proud for the House to see you and Mr. Cho having such fine guests and dinner parties. The `open houses' for the neighbors... The staff has worked hard because you show your appreciation in so many ways."

Fist bumps! Smiles! "Carter very nice to hear!"

"Also Miss, Dr. Crawford left a message for you late today. Your request has been fulfilled successfully and delivery is set for Christmas Eve to me."

I hugged Carter! Great news!

Cho sitting a chair in my dressing room watching me undress. Naked he pulled me into his lap, kissing!! I got on my knees to open his pants...AH the cock! Licking around the edge of his foreskin, wetting that beauty! More licking, tongue tip playing with his piss slit. That started the pre-cum...YAY!!!

Sweet nectar encouraged me to greater efforts. A sloppy wet cock was skinned so I could suck the head. Hot with a honeyed sauce of pre-cum. My nose eased into Cho's soft pubic hair as my mouth engulfed the whole thing!

Sucking deeply at each head movement, all the way down then my hand gripped the shaft to stroke as I worked the cockhead! Then again! I was bobbing happily, delicious dick warm balls in my hand. I ran my tongue down the skin to bottom of the shaft then slid over to the right testicle. Yum! I slurped it good. Popping in and out with cute little slurp sounds. HHHHHMMMMM Then the other one, just as tasty! When they were thoroughly wet I retraced my route back to the cockhead. One hand massaged those wet balls the other helped me with the very engorged prick! Sucking it down and down and down, mashing my nose against Cho's pubic mound!

Cho was twitching now, a hand full of hair and a grip on the chair arm! I increased the suction wanting cum! He was rising from the seat holding on tight...close! More sucking and ball work!

"Fay it is coming!"

MMMMMMMMM Cho's cum the best...spurted onto my tongue, he had my head, I had his ass! Joined we were locked tight and rigid for a few seconds. My mouth full slid down to my tummy! Happy cocksucker!

Cho relaxed back I moved forward to keep the cock. His fingers gently sliding through my hair, "Fay, I can not ever let you stop doing this!"

I was giggling with my mouth closed on Cho's special penis! We stayed like that for a few minutes then Cho lifted my chin I had to give up my feeding tube. I was kissed, "Just spectacular!"

I sat back on my heels licking my lips like the cat that had a bowl of cream! "Cho you always taste so good! More?"

He laughed, "Not right now Dear. I'm tapped out."

We laughed, hugged, more kissing!

After a quick wash, I was pressing my nakedness on his, warm under the bed clothes we kissed and slept.

Darkness and cold but I was ready. The local constable riding alone. I swooped down on him guns drawn. You beware I'm a king's officer!' I smiled under the cloth mask, `I know that well, Sir. I'll take that folio from you. Toss it to the ground softly. Now ride back the way you came and right quickly before my pistol decides to hurry you!' The bundle of papers made a thud on the soft grass. He turned his horse saying he'd get me but my pistol shot into the air scared him and he was off like an arrow.

I jumped down from the saddle, grabbing the folio and riding off towards the near woods on Gwen. We then doubled back along the edge of the trees towards the road. No sounds when we stopped. A spurt of speed brought us to a farmhouse with smoke showing from the chimney. I knocked and the wary farmer asked who it was. I said I was a man with some papers to burn.

He peeked out. My face covered still made him pause. His missus said let him in, I knelt by the fire putting the contents of the folio, tax and foreclosure papers, slowly on the fire. They were consumed. I warned them to stir the ashes well. I left half a crown in small change, easier to spend.

Gwen carried me across the moor to the north, dawn not yet breaking as we entered our hideout. My lovely girl was happy as she was brushed and covered with a warm blanket. Sweet nickering. Her feed bucket filled. I curled up in another blanket in a corner. I slept for a short while. Gwen gobbled an apple. It was so nice to see her crunch it!

I walked across the sunlight yard to the door of my house, Mrs. Blaine met me in the entryway, "An early ride again, Sir?'

`Yes, it was beautiful on the moor as the sun rose.'

There were horses in the yard and a knock. She opened the door. I was in the drawing room my backside warming at the fire. "Ah Partridge, what brings you out so early?"

"Sir was you out this morning? I know it is a custom of yours.'

`I was down on the moor to the south. A fine morning.'

"Did you see anyone? A rider? Perhaps not close, he would probably have been alone.'

`Not this morning I was quite alone as far as people are concerned. Is there trouble?'

"The constable was robbed late in the evening ten miles away near the main road to the south. A lone brigand!'

`He is unhurt I hope?'

`Yes but angry so we are covering as much ground as a rider might from that point during the night.'

`Is there any description for us to be aware of?'

`Very little because of the darkness.'

`Well please let me know when you might have further information and I can have my people on the lookout.'

`Thank you Sir, your servant.'

Mrs. Blaine showed him out and the horses left the yard in a hurry.

`Tea and a big breakfast, Sir?'

`Yes Mrs. Blaine, I've earned it.'

Her smile a thing of beauty.'

I was suddenly awake, dark room, warm bed, warm Cho! My iPhone was two minutes until alarm. I brushed my teeth looking in the mirror...Fay staring out at me...but I could see young Phillip, too! In the dressing room mirror my nudity gave no hint to any previous being, it was pure Fay!

Dressed, booted I entered the kitchen to see Francis getting coffee.

"Miss, I've been up all night chasing somethings in the data from The Company. I'm sure the Board will want to see right away."

"Are you at a stopping point? Yes. Then sleep for a few hours and we will meet after lunch. Cho, Kanda and I to start then more depending. Okay?"

He was fine with that. "Skip the coffee then. I will speak with Cho and Kanda to get things going."

Sipping my coffee and munching a scone as Andy saddled Pamela. I sent emails as a way to get their attention without waking them.

I pointed south to Andy, he smiled. A slow trot until Pamela was warm then some speed we passed the path to the river open now as the new route was complete. Over the railroad turning south doing a big circuit of the Sci Centre, crossing the Abingdon Road and the railroad tracks again. I was heading in the direction of Clifton Hampden before getting into the hamlet we re-crossed the Abingdon Road going north now.

Not much traffic, few people about. It was cold, no sun, a leaden sky. Ah maybe Carter's snow would come. Nothing stirring at Kate's house as we passed. Speed called for from Pamela and delivered. A strong gallop over a mile then easing down to a walk at the foot of the hill where the road to the stables began.

Andy with a big smile, "Miss you two look pleased."

Grinning I gladly handed Pamela over to his care. Thames got some rubbing; Andy mentioned that Sebastian and Tess had good sense to have stayed in the warm office.

Gregory popped out of the office, "Miss, Diana will be here in an hour for her interview. Do you want to sit in with me or do you have any questions you need asked?"

"She's meeting you here? ...Okay, I will walk down. Get her up on Guy, he's lively."

He smiled, "Fine!"

Our Thames came with me towards the House; Carla came out with a treat for him.

More coffee, Cho had answered my email; my text about coffee was a yes! My bum in a chair, "I didn't ask for details so he wouldn't have to go over it too many times."

A buzz from email, Kanda got it. Text about being in the office. We three sat briefly and my `after lunch' to meet with Francis was good since the St. Thomas School outing was this morning.

I snuck into Jian and Ting's suite, he was downstairs, she was lying in. Boots off by the door, quiet...she was mostly covered by bed clothes...I stripped silently...naked I eased under the covers...there was a murmur about `you coming back' when I slid against her.

"Fay!" Kissing and my hand `accidently' took hold of her boyclit. I stroked it, sliding the foreskin gently. Her tiny hand cupped my pussy. Kisses, lots of kisses! We caressed each other softly and agreed to sixty nine.

We lay on our sides kissing licking each other's sex. Jian's cute boyclit all wet and sloppy. Her foreskin peeled back sucking commenced. Her fingers and tongue doing wonderful things to my pussy. I bent my top leg to give her more access MMMMMMMMM Nice mouth!

She was moaning as my fingers fondled each testicle and a wet forefinger roamed around the little ribbed hole!

"OH Fay that is nice! More!"

Love too! Sucking her cockette, strong suction, wet balls, finger in her boypussy! I was doing the whole thing! Her hips were bucking as mine were! She gave me a wonderful orgasm but didn't stop with one. Jian kept eating me tenderly and then fiercely. A stray finger playing over my back passage as I did hers. I had another orgasm! Splendidly painful and erotic, sending shivers through me as the heat flushed my chest and face!

We didn't slow licking sucking pushing digits into one another and Jian finally gave me her cum. Tasty cum, my first variety and always welcome! I swallowed HHHHHHHHHHHHHMMMMMMMMMMMM!

We nuzzled into each's other sex for a few minutes, warm, sticky, happy! Turning I planted a big kiss on Jian's mouth! We rubbed our smooth bodies together giggling!

"Fay you taste so good!"

I returned the compliment! "You always have been so sweet to suck!"

I dressed again Jian smiling, "It has been rare I have watched you put on clothes." We laughed! I sat on the bed next to my buddy, leaning over for a kiss, "You know we've been speaking Thai through all the sex!"

A big smile, "Ah yes you know all the sexy words don't you!" More laughter!!!

I was Cho'd in the shower. Strong hands washing my bits, laughing about my sneak attack on Jian, getting me squeaky clean and rubbed warm and dry. I was kneeling kissing his cock as I dried his legs.

A black and red tartan mini-skirt, black tights and the ankle boots with the solid sole, white long sleeved cotton shirt and a red cardigan. Silver jewelry except the Pearl! Red nails and lips! Cho dabbed me with `Joy' in a few places of his choosing.

I sipped another coffee walking down to Gregory's office. Diana had arrived, Gregory had her saddle Guy herself. Quick, efficient, done right! He gave her a leg up and sent her to the near paddock. Gregory asked her to do some different things. Once she and Guy were Okay I made a motion to Gregory, he smiled and opened the gate, "Diana take Guy out to that small spinney on the slope and back. And let him run!"

She had a huge grin and urged him. Guy responded, trotting briskly but soon galloping down the grassy road and up the slope on a direct line to the spinney. Diana rode him around the clump of trees then urged Guy more on the return trip. He was flying! She throttled him back near the new training track. They walked up the hill both looking happy.

We sat to talk, she gave Gregory her CV and I asked about why now if the stepmother had been around for more than a year.

"I guess I'm fed up with her. She's gotten shriller and a bit nasty. I contribute money every week to the household, I'm not mooching. By accident I overheard them talking about having kids, she's ten younger than my dad. He won't back me against her so it's time to go. Well, he and I... we don't get on. When my mother died he tried but..."

"What about University?"

"I want to go but it's impossible right now."

A bit more from me then I had to go to the St. Thomas thing. A quick word with Gregory outside, "I like her and she has a good seat..."

"Yes, I want to hire her, I'll get Thomas to do the background checks?"

"Yes, tell him to please do it as a priority!" Done!

Dad and Phailin with Thoi and Kanda, Cho and I were driven by Prasert to the school. Mr. Thorn at the door. I did all the intros in the office area. He spilt them into two groups. Cho went with Thoi and Kanda. In Ms. Jones class I made the introductions, Dad's job as a top cop and Phailin as a lawyer.

The children listened to them describe Thailand and several cities, how the rhythm of life was different and some on Buddhism. Some about being a policeman and Phailin talking about her taking cases on women's rights. The students asked some good questions, they all applauded and shook hands with Dad and Phailin.

We moved to a Third form class, again I did the introductions. Much the same from Dad and Phailin but they asked about my being adopted. Dad said they had met me, cared for me, my parents had died, they wanted to have me in their family. I saw one boy, blonde, cute, slender, he seemed to withdraw when my being orphaned was brought out.

I eased out to find Mr. Thorn, he had a big smile, "Mr. Cho is quite funny, he had all the kids laughing so hard. ...Yes, I know who you mean, that's Teddy. A really nice and intelligent boy who is living with a foster mother in Marsh Baldon. His parents were killed in a motorway accident a bit over a year ago. Things have been emotional and difficult for him sometimes this year."

He agreed to bring Teddy to his office so I could speak to him directly. Teddy was reticent but did give me a smile. I found out he loved being in the woods and fields, seeing the plants growing and the animals going on with their lives. He'd seen me on Pamela several times, he thought her quite beautiful, "Not that you're not also!"

I laughed at that! Kidding him about being forward which he seemed to like the idea. He relaxed as we spoke.

His foster mom was nice and did many really fine things for him but it wasn't going to be permanent. He was in a sort of limbo, too young to be on his own and old enough to make an adoption unlikely.

I asked if she would mind him coming up to the House to visit our animals, he was sure it'd be Okay with her. He would ask.

I told Teddy I'd just started university when my parents died, it had been difficult to concentrate. I'd cared for them but if they were gone and I only had myself then I had to get on because there was no one else.

I peeked in on Cho with the Thoi's, lots of laughing. Kanda so articulate and passionate about the Red Cross, what an advocate and representative. It was obvious that the Red Cross was known to the kids but it was a `background' thing, Kanda brought it to life with her descriptions of the work they do not just for disasters but year round for folks who lost their home in a fire, etc... Big eyes watching her. Rapt.

Thoi being in government and a lawyer was different but just as absorbing with his low key delivery but his intensity for justice came through.

All the First through Third Forms classes had been visited! Mr. Thorn clearly pleased! We had tea and cakes with him and some of the staff as the students went to eat. The teachers very pleased their students asking good questions. One said that the guests had been so clear and interesting the students had lots of ideas for questions.

Out by the cars PJ asked why I didn't ride Pamela down, tongue in cheek! We laughed!

Tomorrow would be U.S. Day with Kay, Greg and Sunny speaking. Sunny was stoked about the whole thing! She asked what to talk about, I said your school and classes and what's on offer for a teenager in a big American city. Music, art, sports, shopping... Sunny got the idea.

We were riding after lunch and we had the meeting with Francis. YAY!

Kanda and I holding hands going downstairs, "I feel so important being a board member!"

I laughed, "I think it will wear off soon enough!" Much laughter!

Francis had several charts on the walls and the MacBook we got him open. He gave us a preface about the data then main point The Company had been overcharged for its Windows Server software purchases for many years. The selling of each unit of software created a loss each time. Over course of many years of sales Francis estimated as much as four million pounds had been lost. Difficult to be exact without more data.

The overcharging had been deliberately hidden in the number of software units purchased on invoices versus actual inventory. It should have been caught earlier but the audits needed to discover it hadn't been done or done properly. He didn't have anything yet to show why not or who might have made that decision.

Cho asked if I knew who might have overseen the purchasing. Since I was in the field all the time and there were several management shuffles I hadn't a clue. I called Reg; he said there could be maybe four people. He'd ask Andrea, she had the files. I suggested he tell Eric but otherwise not to ask around or tell Andrea why at this point. No problem!

Cho looked at me, "I do not like asking...You are sure Reg and Eric were not involved in that area?"

Yes, I said they had been in technical and operations which had no purchasing power on Windows Server software stock. I gave him a kiss, "I know that was hard to ask."

Kanda hugged us, "That was not boring!"

"Francis, thank you! We have to work on it but please prepare a report for the Board with your supporting info and can you reduce this graph and this chart to letter size but keep it readable?" I pointed at two.

"Yes Miss, it will be small but clear enough."

We all shook his hand.

Four million pounds...it had to be deliberate. Someone would have to be made accountable. It all took place before Eric took over. It hurt my head to think about it.

I was going to clear my head with a ride! Dressed!! I collected Reyna and the eager Sunny. Cho said he would come down later.

Dad slipped his arm through mine; he told me he would be in London for part of the day Tuesday to meet with the head of MI-5. A courtesy visit since he was in country and the new boy on the job! He would helicopter down to the Consulate. Oooooohhhhhh! Oooooohhhhhh! He laughed with me! I got a hug!

Sunny on Scout, Reyna on Guy and Rebel for me! In the big close-in paddock working on skills, I set them several tasks and gave Rebel some speed work around the inside of the fence. Back to them they were all smiles. Reyna was greatly improved but Sunny was a natural. She did the right things by instinct!

"Come let's walk down the hill."

I lead them out slowly on the road to the level area where the track construction was. We walked around on the level ground then a soft trot up the gentle slope going south. Sunny was loving it. She was doing splendidly, riding easy, in control. Reyna's smile and gesturing towards Sunny.

It was cold but we were getting warm! I told them to keep going at that pace to the spinney ahead. I needed to let Rebel run. At my urging we were off like a shot! Guy nickered, he wanted to run too. Rebel quickly extended himself, reaching out for the grass lengthening his stride. We were gobbling up ground quickly flashing past the spinney nearing the Sci Centre. I slowed him and turned left for a short space then back towards the girls.

I asked him again we went as if launched I kept a straight line for the north end of the spinney. I pulled Rebel up close to them but not so as to make a stir. Sunny was laughing, "Oh Fay it was so hot to see you two go! I hope to do that soon."

"You will I'm sure."

As I changed Cho grabbed me! Okay! We kissed my naked bod squished on him! He cupped by butt cheeks squeezing then bouncing which stopped the kissing with laughter. Cho held my left breast, a warm hand... "Fay, just beautiful!"

A big kiss!

I managed finally to get into some black skinny jeans with a black cutoff sleeve-less top under a long sleeved heavy cotton button-down bright yellow shirt I left unbuttoned. Black ankle boots and gold thingies!

I held up the cutoff top so Cho could dab `Joy' near my nipples!

Big tea today and a movie tonight!

We got the games room ready, seating set, bowls of candy and plates of cookies! Carla had big bowls of popcorn! Cho and I on a sofa with Sunny and Artie for a comedy, `How To Murder Your Wife' with a great cast: Jack Lemmon, Virna Lisi, Claire Trevor and Terry-Thomas.

A suave bachelor cartoonist who does an action hero' strip acts out the plots before he draws them falls for a gorgeous woman who disrupts his perfect bachelor' life! He puts the whole thing in his cartoons but decides to kill off the cartoon wife...

Great fun, some almost slapstick comedic parts! When Artie or Sunny seemed lost I whispered some hints! We laughed a lot! Artie loved the fake private eye stuff!

Tomorrow the Seattle folks would go to school and the afternoon would be the second `open house' tea. Busy day!

Once again Andy and I got together in a cold early morning. A deep damp chill, low gray sky. Andy expected snow in the late afternoon. I was handed Pamela's reins, he got a warm buttered scone, strawberry! He gave me a leg up, I said east towards Marsh Baldon. Okay!

Down the drive to the Oxford Road, no traffic at that hour. We passed by an auto shop into the fields beyond. A bit north then east we galloped across fields under power lines then into a large oblong grassy field. Then into the north end of Marsh Baldon. On the road heading south we passed the Three Horseshoes pub then onto what was their common. Marsh Baldon Church of England Primary School on the north edge quiet but not for long.

Crossing southward I saw a sign for another pub, the Seven Stars. It looked old fashioned from the road; we walked up to the windows to take a look. Modern inside.

Turning south again we walked down a dirt road to an open field that we galloped across turning west parallel with Baldon Lane. At the lane I saw the cottage where Gerry and Maeve lived. Snug, small, cute. It looked quite inviting from the road nestled in the trees and shrubs.

I turned Pamela west along Baldon Lane back to the Oxford Road. We crossed again with ease. I urged her Pamela we sped up the slope running on the verge of the drive around the north side of the House down the back side of the hill to the connecting road between the paddocks. Up the road to the waiting Andy. Pamela got a hug.

We hadn't seen anyone to speak to, very quiet. When galloping Pamela's hoof sounds were dulled in the lead gray day. Gregory walked up to the House with me. We got coffee and went to see Thomas in the Security office.

Diana was cleared. So Gregory could offer her the position, "Since one of her needs is to escape where she's living tell her one of the efficiency apartments is hers. She can move in whenever." We did fist bumps! My last words were for him to tell Carter!

I passed back through the staff dining room and sitting room. Ellie was sewing by the fire; it was a curtain repair for Carter. She was using a big curved needle in the heavy cloth. I got a big smile and `Good morning!'

Their Christmas tree was lit and had many beautiful ornaments. A petite angel on top. Cute little thing.

Carter smiling as he showed me the closet. There were many of my gifts for Cho nicely wrapped by Ellie. She has a wonderful touch! The secret gift would be stored by Carter until Christmas Eve.

Coffee for Cho got me a kiss! He'd talked to Eric who was very disturbed by what Francis had found because he'd asked for audits when he took over as MD. We would talk more over the weekend; Eric and Malee were coming for Christmas with Reg and Rona, her last outing before baby.

Washed dressed in a royal blue mid-thigh dress, soft, molded to my slender body, a narrow black leather belt, long sleeves and a small collar. Black stockings and heels. Pea coat and gloves, black.

Kay in a rose red dress a few inches above the knee, nice colour for her. Greg in a dark blue suit without a tie. Sunny a forest green long sleeved blouse over pale green skinny jeans, brown half boots, a brown leather jacket and a nifty newsboy cap! The Gaspeite pendant front and centre. She touched it when we saw each other, A Big Hug and smile!

Prasert drove us the short distance to St. Thomas School. Mr. Thorn welcomed us and we split into pairs Kay and Sunny, Greg with me. We talked to the Third Form about technology, work, innovation and lifestyles for university and jobs. Many were on the cusp of higher education.

Kay and Sunny with the First and Second Forms talking about their lives and how things were different in other countries, not always like television or the internet portrayed them. Trying to get the schoolkids involved in discussions. Sunny was so outgoing like Kay so they had fun and it was lively.

After we had them all in the auditorium for snacks and tea where could talk to them in smaller groups or one-on-one. It was great to chat.

Teddy came over to me, his foster mom would let him come up to the House after school, she did ask I call her to confirm. I stepped into the corridor to call right then, Gladys was pleased I would allow him to visit. She didn't want him to be a bother. I told her there was a lot going on around Harcourt House so he wouldn't be any trouble; we would give him a snack and some tea.

She said he might have to go back into `care' because she was having an operation and would in hospital for possibly seven days. Then she'd be unable to provide the usual food, clean clothes, etc... except with home health care assistance when she was discharged.

I asked when her surgery was... in two and a half weeks. I said we'd look into hosting Teddy at Harcourt House. We have staff that can supervise him, do meals, etc... She sounded pleased that he'd not have to have more upset in his life. I said we'd look into it right away so she would know soon as!

I called the Solicitors; they'd be back to me with the answers! Soon!

I told Teddy he had the Okay from his foster mom, he knew about her surgery but hoped he could just stay her house. I said I didn't know if it was possible but not to get his hopes up...I'd suggested he stay at Harcourt House until she was well enough to do the normal things around the house.

Huge smile! I made it clear it was a `maybe' only at this point. He was cheered up nonetheless!

I texted Cho I needed to see him. We met in Mr. Thorn's office, which he offered. I told Cho what I had done. Kiss!

"I think Carter and Carla and Gregory can handle a teenager for a few weeks." He tapped my heart and kissed me again!

Sunny came running, throwing her arms around me, "Fay it was so dope! We connected. I got some emails and texts to keep in touch!"

Kay hugged me, "This was great! I loved it, Sunny certainly did but the kids had fun too, lots of questions"

Mrs. Thorn had a big grin, "Fay, this is wonderful! Real live people not on a screen!"

Her husband had my hand, "Let's Please do this again. The kids were very animated both days; some fine questions too, not foolish ones."

Cho's arm squeezed me; I knew he liked the idea. I told the Thorn's that we had a Japanese couple and a bunch of Aussies coming after Christmas if the kids were back in classes. Thumbs up!

"Open House' All the family was ready!

Time to unveil some Harvey Nichols things! Black sequin-embellished tweed jacket by Herno! Round neckline, no collar, three quarter length sleeves, zipper asymmetric to the left, snug to my body. A pale white silk top with a V-neck, long sleeves. Armani black stretch wool trousers, upper ankle length, slim to the legs!!!! Black shiny pumps with ankle strap! Silver jewelry, the Karla-Michael torque, Cho's diamond pattern bracelet with the slender chains connecting to a ring, a silver choker and teardrop earrings. I applied `Joy' before dressing!!

Cho in a jet black suit with a pale lilac shirt!! Damn! Those rayed star cufflinks peeking out. Hot stuff!!

We looked into the Great Room, all sparkling, lit from the many Christmas tree lights! Carter with a happy face, we did fist bumps. I mentioned there might be a bigger crowd because of the success of the first `open house' and no school after today for Christmas!

We gathered the family, they were excited! Cho and I wished they would enjoy meeting the many different folks.

I was doing some greeting, Dad beside me. I loved introducing him as my Dad! The Fraser's came early! Dan Senior shaking my hand, "I said you were a good'n, I've never been in this house." I took his hand, Dad took Sarah's arm we escorted them to the Great Room doorway.

Aaaahhhh's and Oooohhhh's. Sarah smiling holding her hands to her cheeks, "Fay it's stupendous!" Dan the younger and Anne looked a bit glassy eyed. I steered them all towards Carter who they knew for food!

Dad took my arm, "It is strange that people who have lived so near this house have never been inside before."

I shrugged; it baffled me from the beginning.

"What is so nice about you and Cho is you enjoy having family and friends around but make time for yourselves!"

I saw Dennis and his family, his wife, a boy and girl. May was quite pretty, petite nice navy blue dress. The kids were a bit shy; they were close to Artie's age. I leaned over, in a sort of whisper, "Artie, my nephew is under the Christmas tree, you can join him but be careful, Okay?"

I put out my hands, they did fives with me and looked to May for approval. Her smile and nod sent them off. She laughed, "That was nice! They can be shy in company."

I walked with them to the food tables, I got tea and cookies, recommending the shortbread and sugar cookies!

I saw some of the St. Thomas School crowd, teachers and students. Teddy introduced his foster mom, Gladys. She was well over fifty, not moving fast but seemed nice. She took my hand to thank me for being nice to Teddy, "He hasn't had much nice in the last year. Sad because he's such a sweet boy."

He was with Sunny and a clutch of other teens. "Looks like he'll be with them for a while." I helped Gladys get some tea and a plate of goodies, Carter got a seat for her near the fire.

I was glad to see the Radley's had come again and the Thorn's. I asked about the weather. Mr. Radley said he felt the snow, maybe overnight but it wasn't very damp which left the question of how much unanswered.

I saw Francis, I waved him over. I intro'd him to the Thorn's and Radley's. Kanda was speaking to several women, Sarah I knew but not the others. Greg and Kay and Thoi were involved in conversations with adults with a few schoolkids around.

Kate came with her family, Gloria and Andrew and her brother Tom. She'd been up on Dragon but keeping it close. He seemed to be fine; she said he would be stretched more each day.

I had Phailin's hand; she looked smashing in a dark green dress cut like a man's shirt very stylish and a bit sexy as it showed some leg! I kidded her, she loved my outfit, and I'd many compliments!

We were near the fire, a towheaded boy came up to say it was nice the way we used the school paper garlands. I shook his hand with a smile. His father joined us; we shook hands, "The kids are so proud that you used their garland like that!"

I found Diana and Ellie and intro'd them to Phailin. Ellie remarked on how the colour and shape of Phailin's dress suited her so well. "I should make one like it for me."

They talked about sewing as I took Diana to the food. She was quite partial to shortbread, "When I was small I was a fanatic about it, eating it whenever I could. I made myself sick once."

I munched a little salmon pâté sandwich; Diana looked at me, "Thank you for hiring me. I know I will work for Gregory but I feel you were the inspiration. And the apartment is wonderful. I've moved in!"

"That was fast!"

"Well I don't have much, mostly clothes, some personal items; a lot was mislaid when my father lost the house. A friend got it all in her car and dropped me this afternoon."

"If you need anything for the job, clothes, boots, or other etcetera's there's the account at `Go Outdoors.' Gregory can tell you about it. You know what is there. We can get you a cash advance if you need other things.'

Her eyes were wet, I steered her to an unoccupied sofa near the glass doors. A Cho-Fay handkerchief came out. "Stay here."

I got some water, "I'm sorry!"

"Diana, don't worry that bit of cloth is a testament to my tearing up in emotional moments."

I explained the embroidery, a lovely smile, "See it makes people smile!"

We laughed; I told her I'd given a dozen to each man who'd been gallant enough to have offered their handkerchiefs to me when I cried. Their initials and my name.

"Are you an early riser? ...Good, six? Come up for coffee. Done!"

I excused myself when Gerry and Maeve arrived. Hug for her! Gerry had my hand, "Miss I heard what you did for Mr. Hardy! Wonderful, wonderful!"

He had been a history teacher at the school in Abingdon Gerry had attended for several years. Yes Mr. Hardy was a drinker on a downslide then because he'd been in an auto accident which killed his wife and son. Hardy had a long painful rehabilitation and was sad all the time.

Hardy had taught at a posh public school when the accident occurred. Gerry liked him, a good teacher who made history come alive. "I'd always hated it, you know why bother with the past but he convinced me we build on the past."

Maeve had joined the crowd where Sunny was, Teddy still there his face with a smile.

Gerry and I got food! He knew where Hardy lived in a small apartment not far from the Sandford Lock.

"I've seen him around and done a few things for him but he's less interested in people these days."

Gerry put the address in my iPhone. He liked the phone, `slick and simple' admirable traits!

Dr. Lone and his wife came with some folks from Sandford I hadn't met. Several couples and a few kids. Carter told me there was a younger kids thing going on in the library, all very correct not crazy. I mentioned that to the newcomers and where the food was, cookies and shortbread' got their attention. Off they went. The parents smiling thanked me for having the open house' there were many people here they hadn't seen for a long time. Go...talk...eat... from me!

I had called the Churchill Hospital supervisor, Hardy had been discharged to home. He had home health care looking after him.

Ah, my lock fisherman and his wife. They did some gawking at the room and the tree. She laughed when I asked about how much trout she cooked. "Miss they taste so good, I try to do it differently each time. Roy loves his fishing."

I escorted them to the tea service recommending several things.

Carter sent Stanton to find Cho and I, the Chalgrove folks were here. We greeted them in the hall. The two primary company officers their wives and two senior engineers. They seemed pleased to be asked to join us. I asked the company MD if he knew much of the history of Chalgrove's war years. We got tea and food and sat on a settee.

There had been a reunion of Eighth Air Force men some twenty years back and they had opened the airfield for a visit. He learned a great deal from those old flying veterans and he had written a history of Chalgrove. He'd be glad to share it with me. We talked for a while before his wife came to claim him to make some rounds with her. She squeezed my hand, "A small bowl is best, he can get started." A wink.

I bumped into Cho! Literally as I turned around near the Great Room doors. Smile, kiss! More! The crowd was bigger this day than the first; I said we had many repeaters! Hug, Kiss!

PJ and Rande were around but in the background, Thomas had men working too. All very low key.

I got another tea and a small plate of shortbread only. Ms. Jones and Anika saw me. I asked Ms. Jones what her name was, "Melody I go by Mel."

Neither married or had a boyfriend, sharing a house in Dorchester. Two cats and a toucan! I told them about our acquired crew of Thames, Sebastian and Tess.

I surmised they were a couple but not out because of the school. It was the way they were with each other intimate but trying not to show it. I kissed their cheeks and sent them off to the food. I let them know the Thorns were here somewhere.

I checked in on the library crowd. Carter had gotten out some games and cards from some deep crevasse I hadn't reached yet! Laughter and high spirits! I told them the food was still out there!

I went out through the glass doors to the terrace. A few smokers behind the windbreak, nearly dark with the time and gloom. Cold! A snowflake! A few random ones nothing much so far.

Back inside I wandered between groups finding Dad, a hug!

"You two host a nice party!"

The tide began to go out. I spent time with folks as they prepared to leave. It was cold, light snow, not much yet, dry. Lots of thank yous! Many hugs and hands shaken. We had a lot of nice neighbors.

Artie came down with a heavy jacket and a hat. We walked out onto the forecourt. He'd rarely seen snow in Seattle.

Sunny was goodnighting with her new friends, waving and kissing cheeks. She bounded over, "Fay, so much fun! I've met a bunch of new friends!" Hugs!!

Kay and Greg came out with the Fraser's. They said the hayrides this weekend were on if the snow allowed! Great!

Brrrrrrr!! I shivered Cho encircled me, "Go in!"

Teddy was putting on his coat as Carter helped his foster mom Gladys into hers. We'd exchanged telephone numbers so any news would be passed along. I walked out with them my arm on Teddy's shoulders. Goodnight, drive safely.

Carter started directing the caterers on the takedown and food storage. He said they'd work on the cleaning tonight and tomorrow morning. It would be done by noon. Fist bumps! Smiles!

I thanked the caterers as they worked and our staffers each got a hug.

Carter in an aside to me said the surprise gift would be at his house around midday. YAY!

Cho pulled me into the office, a quiet spot. My face in those warm strong hands, kiss! "Miss Martin this has been a spectacular idea!"

Another kiss before I could say that Carter had made it happen. "Yes I know and he will be rewarded but you had the idea of doing something so wonderful. You set the tone for us! Now we are part of the community." More kisses!! Good stuff keep'm coming!

We rounded up the family, "We're so grateful for all the time you spent with our neighbors and friends. Cho and I are as he says `digging in deep here' and all the guests today are going to be part of our life here. Thank you!"

I was tearing up by the end, Cho's arms squeezing me. Dad stepped up to offer a Keren-Fay handkerchief, more tears!

I was sitting beside the big fireplace on the blue sofa, Artie popped down with me.

"Aunt Fay, it was fun to meet some new kids! We were careful under the tree. Mr. Carter has a sleeping bag for me so I can spend the night under tomorrow night. I want to see Santa Claus."

Charming! I said we had plenty of cookies for Father Christmas and Carla would make a thermos of tea for him. Artie was clapping his hands. He kissed my cheek and dashed over to his mom and dad to tell them.

Carter smiling, we did `air' fist bumps from a distance! Greg and Kay with thumbs up!

Tona sat with me getting warm; she'd been cold all afternoon. Somsak had taken her upstairs to change into jeans and a jumper and UGG's. She had a shawl from me around her shoulders. She was smiling though, "I'm obviously not used to this cold but the snow is beautiful as it falls."

I got her up to toast our buns, boy did she laugh over that. Somsak advised he didn't want them over done! Giggles!

A movie. My suggestion, `Scrooge' starring Alastair Sim. Simply the best! Lively, well-acted, excellent b&w version! It didn't follow Dickens' story too closely but in spirit it did. I'd always liked Marley's Ghost!! Mrs. Dilber is a classic movie role.

It was a delight to watch Sim work! Talented with an expressive manner! An actor working at the top of his game!

Most of the family hadn't seen it before but enjoyed it. I was in-between Jian and Sunny with Tona on a sofa, they loved it! We also enjoyed one of Carla's assistants making all that popcorn!!

Afterwards I had Kay and Somsak's arms walking through to the Great Room, he asked if we had a copy of that movie with George Bailey. I said `It's a Wonderful Life' "Yes that is the one! Do you?"

I had to say no but we could find it online I was sure. I'd give it a try. Good!

Naked in my dressing room, Cho holding my hand just a naked as me! The mirror was wonderful! It showed us looking happy, sexy, we were good!

Cho bent over I jumped onto his back for a ride to bed! Laughing we piled on the top kissing. Under the covers pressed together. Cho's body was always warm even in a snow storm!

A long day, a successful day, a family day. The next two even more for family.

My iPhone woke me, I stifled it quick. Cho squeezed me, "Have a good ride." He got kissed.

Gray jodhpurs, white shirt, red tie, black bolero jacket AND warm undies! I was in the kitchen with Diana. She'd had come up from her apartment in time for this!

The snow was light and fluffy, not even two inches. It was blown into tiny drifts around walls and fences. The paddock grass sticking through the white! We walked down to the stables. Pamela and Scout were ready. Andy grinning as I handed over his hot scone.

"We're going south."

We walked our horses and talked. I told Diana what I liked to to do in the mornings with Pamela, how she didn't mind the wet, she was sure-footed and smart.

I showed her the new training tracks. A good start had been done before the holiday. At the bottom of the long gentle slope up going south we picked up the pace. The ground was firm and the snow scattered by the wind overnight. I was glad the breeze was light now.

I asked Pamela, Diana followed on Scout. We had a good gallop up the rise to the Sci Centre. I gave her the low-down on it and how Harcourt House property wrapped around its northern end. We walked over the railroad tracks urged our horses racing past the winding dirt course towards the lock. I spoke to the canal man, he greeted Diana.

My fisherman was surprised to see two of me, "Pardon me Miss but except for the clothes you look much alike." He thanked me for the Open House. "The food was wonderful!" I wished him good fishing!

Today we walked back the way we came; I explained how I would normally ride over to our property on the west side then cross back in Sandford. I wanted to show Diana more the land on this side. I took her back by the Sci Centre to show her the path to Kate's spot, she got the abbreviated story. Diana gave me a wide-eyed look, "No it wasn't anything but a reaction. Dragon was in distress. Anyone would do the same!"

"Yes, Miss but still..."

I waved my hand. Then we circled across the south end towards Kate's house.

It was quiet but Diana got to see it. Then we turned on the jets for the return trip. Pamela had the speed to leave Scout but he was game enough. Walking up the back road Diana said it had been marvelous.

"I want you to have marvelous every day!"

Andy took our equine friends for TLC. Diana said she loved to care for horses, combing and currying gave her time to think.

We sat in the office with the cats. Gregory had Thames with him going out as we went in. He was smiling, "Dr. Crawford's been on, we are to expect him about three."

I squeezed his hand; he was in on my secret gift for Cho.

"Well Gregory will put you to work don't worry but riding for exercise is to be your primary task. More horses will be coming and when our ladies give birth even more care will be needed. So this spring is going to be busy!

This afternoon we'll be taking out my niece and a friend. You should be up on Chess. He's a former racer like Guy and Rebel. All three are well trained to run but are good boys, responding well to command. My niece is a real newbie but has a natural seat. I start them in the paddock for some training time then a gentle ride. I go mostly south like this morning fewer obstacles."

My more coffee brought a big smile. We left the cats snuggled in a chair.

Carla's crew was humming already. The big `English' dinner was a work in progress. Diana got her coffee and went back to the stables. I found Cho in the breakfast room with the newspaper and Dad and Thoi.

Thoi stood up taking my hand, I twirled. He was laughing, "Cho you are a lucky fellow no doubt about it."

We all laughed as I disturbed the paper reading with my butt on Cho's lap. "Yes, Thoi there are moments I admit but..." I squeaked as my tush was pinched, I bounced up! "Let me read this!"

I tossed my hat to him and sat in Dad's lap with a `just like in Pattaya' as more laughter rang out.

I left the men going out through the main hall. The Great Room was cleared of the `open house' and Audra was doing the last of the vacuuming. She gave me a smile and wave. I passed Ting, Thet and Somsak on the stairs, kisses.

Ah! I detoured to Reyna. She was snuggled in bed still, my knock had gotten a come in. Her eyes were big was I climbed on the bed and rummaged under the bed clothes. I found warm flesh. I backed up, stripped completely. A cute evil grin as I dove in. We kissed pressed HARD onto each other.

"We can't do this long."

She pushed some of hair away from my mouth, a kiss! "Fay..." A tear rolling down..."Sorry..."

I kissed the tear away, "I know...me too!' Another kiss! "We all have such a connection that I sometimes cry thinking about all of you."

I held her flaccid cock, a gentle squeeze. "Thet has left all decisions about my body to me."

Her hand on my pussy, tenderly. "When I was fucking men like John I never felt I was anything but a girl. Like having two things in my head that were opposites but believing both."

Strange thoughts often just come, I thought of Orwell's `doublethink' immediately. Shit he was a clever man!

We lay holding each other, kissing lightly, "When we go to Phuket for the girls' weekend I want to lick you all over like before."

Reyna giggled, "You will be welcome and I will do the same! I think of poor Jian how her boyclit is going to be used so much!"

We laughed loudly at that thought!

I dressed and headed to shower with a brief stop with Jian where I passed on Reyna's doom of Jian's cockette. My buddy giggled as I pulled softly on it, "You remind me, Andrea's coming soon!"

Kisses and I dashed. Showered and dressed. A red frock, long sleeved, heavy cotton snug above the waist showing some bosom, full to mid-thigh, black tights and ankle boots. Gold jewelry and `Joy' on.

Coffee and a plate of fruit cake, stollen and shortbread!!! Parked in the library at a table spread out work, Chanthira Foundation business and wedding plans.

Wedding in Thailand for the third week in April then here at Harcourt House for the first week of May. I convinced Cho if we used our staff and others to get on with it then it won't be too stressful for us. We had ourselves already so this was an exercise for the world and governments that we didn't require of each other. So we should be laid back about it.

The logistics we could handle, nearly four months should be fine for that. Now it was getting all those people important to us together! That was task ONE for Cassandra and Alia. Everything else could be delegated! I emailed both with our authorizations, contacts for getting things done and the start of the guest lists. More to follow. Alia had the extra of dealing with guests we would invite for form' not expecting them to join us, The Prince and his wife' to start.

Cho kissed me, happy we had a plan! Thailand wedding after the Santa Anita Derby for Glaa and here before the Kentucky Derby.

Work was looking crowded. I had twenty five possible stops through South America and Mexico and the western United States. More could come. It needed to be divided up. The trip to review south pacific projects was on too. Busy!

Chanthira Foundation would be warming up too! We needed to decide on the building design, the land purchases were going ahead and we had to meet with government regulators. A board meeting first.

An interesting way to spend time on Christmas Eve! Well things don't stop!

Cho joined me with a few news bits. The building in New York was nearing completion. All exterior was finished; the kitchen and staff areas were done. The master suite too. The other bedrooms almost. The living room flooring and a second paint coat to be done right after Christmas. WOW!

Terrance was having a fine time with the car service. They were going great guns, busy every day. Aylesha kept them organized; she had a handle on the maintenance and other expenses. Twelve cars, two more the first week of January! We needed more space, Sam was on it!

Udorn had emailed about Jasmin. She hit the ground running. She had assembled a basic staff, done a lot of visiting around the country to important yards and comm locations. There was a preliminary plan for new cellphones and carrier. iPhones and iPads!!

After lunch Sunny, Reyna and I dressed to ride. Jian wanted to see us but Andrea was coming. I could see sex in her eyes! Giggles!

Rona pooped out quickly now, she went up to nap as did Tona. Kanda, Phailin and Kay sat to watch a movie. I suggested an Italian comedy, `Agata e la tempesta' I loved it. Funny, lots of sight gags and a fine cast!

Reg, Ting, Thoi, Greg and Dad sat to play cards! Poker but everyone got an equal amount of chips; they total up after to see who won the most chips. Artie was with PJ and Rande kicking a football around on the grass. The snow didn't bother them. Dressed warmly enough they had fun, Charlie joined them.

Thet was in the basement with Thomas doing some review and talking about some new hardware that was to be installed.

Diana was ready. I did the intros. Sunny on Scout as he was so well behaved. Reyna on Guy and Diana on Mahogany. She needed a good run. I was stroking Rebel's neck, "Ready?" He gave me a loud nicker! Alright!

We went south because I'd been over the land with the snow; we'd had no more today. A slow walk moved to a gentle trot, me watching Sunny and Diana's eye on Reyna.

Cho texted he'd follow on Chess soon! Smiley's back to him!!

Up the slow rise, the snow wasn't much but with the cold and no sun it wasn't going to melt any time soon either. We trotted along up to the Sci Centre then around to the west by the railroad tracks. Everyone was warmed up so I asked Diana to supervise while Rebel had some speed work. They waved as he took off.

We roared around the Sci Centre parameter going east, Rebel lengthened his stride streaking over to near the Oxford road. Even then I didn't check him just steered him in a wide arc to return towards the others. They had gone back towards the House.

Cho riding out to meet us on Chess reached the group.

Rebel and I collared them rapidly swinging wide around the group to come up from behind in a slow trot. Rebel loved it. I could see Diana eyes taking in his sleek body.

"Miss, he's a true runner. He has a stylish stride."

I explained he was a retired racer, well trained. We moved off at a faster trot. Testing! Sunny had Scout under control, doing it easily. Reyna had more horse with Guy but no problems. Mahogany seemed pleased to be out in the fields. More for her.

Diana said she ran well, measured breathing as she was trained to do. Good muscles!

Cho riding easy on Chess, a lot of horsepower there too. He and I galloped together back up the rise around the edge of the Sci Centre in a loop. We waved to Kate and her dad Andrew, and wished them a Happy Christmas! Then at speed back to our companions.

Cho and I stayed down at the training track site to talk about it. I saw Dan Senior so we galloped over there. We stopped briefly with him and Sarah, the kids were visiting friends. Happy Christmas' all around!

A good gallop back to the road up to the stables both the boys were prancing. Anthony took them from us. Thames was woofing and wiggly that cute bod. Cho gave him some rubbing while I visited with Sebastian and Tess indoors. They had this winter thing figured out, stay inside whenever possible!

Andy had Reyna and Sunny helping with their horses, Diana was doing Mahogany. Cho holding my hand as we walked to the House. "Did you get a video camera for Charlie?"

I said Yes! It was delivered yesterday, Ellie had it wrapped, ready to go. A kiss!

Andrea was here! She was upstairs. Eric and Malee had come down in the car with her. Hugs! Kisses!

Malee had some dress drawings she wanted to share with us and get some feedback. Rona, Kay, Phailin and Tona joined her in the library.

Cho, Reg, Kanda, Eric and I met in the office with Francis. Andrea had brought personnel info which narrowed the possible people who could have quashed audits and been in a position to possible to do fraud and bleed the money off from fraudulent Windows Server sales.

The two top names became more likely when we all sat down to talk it over. I had an odd conversation with the fellow who ran the warehouse about Server install codes once when on a job in France three years ago. He smoothed it out with a new code number but it stuck in memory.

Eric looking at the info was sure Glover was the person who axed the audits. There was no reason to have done so except to hide transactions. Glover had control of that area as head of Administration.

Our decision was to gather all information, make the case and bring in Scotland Yard and CPS. Also The Company's solicitors would start a civil action to recover monies. It would probably be ugly but we found the problem and are trying to remedy the situation. The remaining stockholders other than Cho and I would be informed. The stock might take a hit but transparency was needed.

Any stockholder who wanted to sell would be offered an option to sell at the price as of any day in the past year they chose. Cho said we had seventy one percent of the stock now.

Cho and I changed out of riding clothes for tea; it was going to be short so there would be good hunger for Carla's dinner! Big Christmas dinner tonight, leftovers and easy add-ons tomorrow tonight. Shorter prep for kitchen staff, everyone would have the evening off.

Carter gave me a sign, "Your gift is downstairs!" YAY!!! I went down, just what I wanted!!!

The plan was us all to open one gift chosen by family giver after dinner!!!!!!

Adam and Daphne arrived. They'd been delayed at an auction where a portrait Declare wanted had been up. He'd been the highest bidder! It was a small work done by Andrea Solario in Renaissance Italy of a nobleman's daughter, dark eyes staring out over your shoulder as you viewed it. Declare was very pleased! He got my congratulations and a hug as did Daphne.

Naked in my dressing room Cho chose where to put the `Joy' whispering in my ear he'd kiss them later!

Red slacks that buttoned at my ankles, the white silk jumper with red cuffs and neckline, black ankle boots and gold jewelry. Red nails and lips, RED to match the pants! Christmas outfit redux!

Cho had on black slacks with tailored black vest and a pale gray shirt, my cufflink gift of rayed stars again!

Aperitifs in the Great Room with everyone looking beautiful, sexy and happy. Jian hugged me with Andrea, who had a cute smile and bright eyes. Her lips by my ear, "When it comes time for our second child..." her hand resting on her baby bulge..."we found out the old fashioned way will work..."

I laughed, "You naughty girl, you got laid today...Marvelous! Strange that of the younger men in our Bangkok orbit only Ting hasn't fucked me." We laughed hugging each other.

Ting was looking cute; he knew Andrea had spilled the beans! I hugged him, "It is wonderful! I actually hoped you three would be that close!"

Holding a sherry and Dad's hand, "So I have the week of each of your weddings put aside but do not hate me if the one here becomes impossible." Hug!

"No I understand! You've moved into a position where it pulls you more than before and getting out of the country is hard..." I waved to Reg..."Reg is my backstop, I have tentatively asked." I told Reg while holding his hand.

"You know I'd be honored!" He and Dad laughed and shook hands!

Carter appeared `Dinner,' Cho took my arm. Everyone gathered and we went into the dining room. We filled the table tonight with a bit of clever spacing by Carter. At each place setting there was a Christmas cracker which when popped pushed out a crown in one of many colours to wear. We all crossed arms and joined in a big table of pops! I had a purple crown and a packet of candied fruit. All our crackers had sweets rather than gifts.

An English dinner as before. A potato leek soup, smooth and thick! For many roast beef, Yorkshire pudding, gravy, little roasted potatoes, green beans with parmesan baked on, lovely crunchy cross buns and local butter. For me and a few others crab cakes with a wasabi based sauce to replace the beef.

Carter was pouring Chateaux de Chambrun, Lalande de Pomerol, Bordeaux like last time! Superb wine!

It was so nice to look down the length of the table seeing our family and friends enjoying themselves. Laughter, conversation and some individual toasts before Cho rose.

A mock serious face, he told an anecdote of John F. Kennedy at a dinner in the White House dining room with many of America's Nobel Prize winners. Kennedy remarked that this was the finest collection of minds that had ever dined there with the exception of when Thomas Jefferson dined alone.

It got a big laugh from us! "But while we haven't a Nobel Prize winner amongst us... YET! Nor a Jefferson, what we do have is a fine collection of family and friends as any couple could ask for. Thank you all for being that family and friends!"

A huge cheer! Everyone within reach of Cho and myself clinked glasses with us!!! We looked down the table to each other and raised our glasses. An unspoken `I love you' passed between us.

Dinner was delicious! Dessert time brought choices: a somewhat traditional vegetarian plum pudding with a chance to find the George V silver six pence hidden inside or mince pie with clotted cream. Or both!

Coffee or espresso and the fantastic Amontillado Hidalgo Jeres-Xeres sherry.

Ah Sunny had the six pence! No broken teeth either!

I had as my immediate dinner partners Declare and Thoi with Sunny and Phailin next over. I got a few details about the auctioned portrait from Declare, Thoi was interested. He collected Thai Buddhist statues, Dvaravati and Rattanokosin periods. Declare knew a bit so they had some common ground. Me, well art had never been something I could afford. Cho had spoken of adding some to Harcourt House. We'll see.

Afters in the Great Room in anticipation of some gift giving. I asked for more of that fine sherry! And an espresso with a small piece of lemon peel. Kendal, one of the local men working for Carter, brought it to me.

"Miss, my great grandfather liked his nighttime espresso this way." I thanked him and hoped the man had a good life. He smiled, "Oh yes Miss, died a few years back surrounded by us all. He went at peace with the world." I thanked Kendal again! Touched!

I was standing by the Christmas tree; it dwarfed me, "Everyone we asked that you consider sharing a gift tonight with an immediate family member, so I will start this new tradition."

Carter watching showed in Stanton, one of his men, with a large box. He carried it to me, a big smile on his face.

"Cho, Happy Christmas from me!"

I was kissed; he knelt to lift the separate box lid. A WOOF which surprised him and two paws landed on the edge of the box! Cho found himself looking into two dark brown eyes surrounded by a chocolate Labrador retriever. From the red ribbon collar hung a card. Cho was gobsmacked!!!!! YAY!!!!

The card said I'm Jaidee and my good heart' is yours'. Cho lifted the little man free of the box; he rubbed against Cho's leg looking up. Cho lifted him again to his chest caressing the soft ears and happy puppy face. I stepped beside him arms around both! I got a big lick! And also a kiss! Nice!

Everyone was clapping! Sunny and Artie came over to meet Jaidee. He was petted and kissed.

Everything settled down as others exchanged a few gifts! Some happy Ooooo's and Aaaahhhh's!

I sat beside Cho on a sofa; Jaidee was parked on Cho's right foot. He took my face in his hands for a lingering kiss. "A true surprise! A wonderful surprise!"

I snuggled against him, "He's a special dog! Dr. Crawford helped so much! Jaidee is a purebred but the breeder does out-cross genetics. Jaidee should have fewer health issues and I hope live a full long life with us. He is microchipped and has his PETS passport so he can travel with us."

Another kiss! Artie came back over to sit with Jaidee. Those cute ears got rubbed gently and hugs provided which our little fellow enjoyed. Artie showed us his new shin guards from his Granddad!

Cho had a small box for me! A gold bracelet, links of ovals with inset sapphires to match my ring! So handsome on my wrist!! Big hug soft kiss!

I got up to go around seeing everyone's presents. Nice things! Jian and Andrea both had a simple gold necklace from Ting. It had a pendant of three gold strands intertwined around a ruby, a sapphire, and an agate! A trio of stones! Nice! Ting had put Love thoughts into the gift!

Rona had a single gold strand with one pearl. It was to become their daughter's, they would add a pearl on her birthday each year. Reg! Very nice idea! Rona had tears of happiness!

The whole room was a filled with warm feelings.

Daphne had a ring, a big black round onyx in an antique silver setting! She was looking pleased! She and Sara were IN for the Phuket trip. The guys would be there but at house a few miles away near two golf courses they were going to play on while we used the beach house!

I thanked Carter for his handling of Jaidee for me. The surprise had been total! He said he'd loved it when the little guy popped up, a great moment. A hug and fist bumps! He said it had started snowing again, not heavily.

Charlie leaned over, "Miss, I got it! The whole thing from Mr. Cho kneeling to you three hugging!"

A big hug for Charlie!!

Some tea and hot chocolate and several trays of beautiful Christmas cookies appeared. Father Christmas figures, Christmas trees, stars, reindeer and snowmen. Colourful icing! We munched admiring the gifts we'd exchanged.

Jaidee was staying close to Cho, very cute. Good he's housebroken!

Carter had Christmas carols playing in the background from various artists and styles. The fireplace going, the tree, all our family and friends, it was sort of magical.

Each family group had a table to hold their unopened gifts until morning. The area under the tree was left clear for Father Christmas or as Artie knew him Santa Claus to make use of when he arrived. Sunny leaning over my back whispered, "Artie is still really into it."

"That's why we`re doing it. He probably doesn't have too many years left to believe it."

She squeezed my shoulders, "Very nice!"

We all heading upstairs finally. I was walking with Artie, "You get into your pajamas and I will come get you settled under the tree."

Bright shining eyes

He had on cute Spiderman pajamas and a red robe and slippers when I collected him from Kay and Greg. I had on red skinny jeans, a bulky white jumper and brown ankle boots and a red knit hat with the point sticking up!

I took Artie's hand and we walked downstairs. A small table was near the tree, a plate of cookies and a mug with a thermos filled with sweet tea. Carter had a piece of foam under the tree with the sleeping bag on top, a mug of warm milk and two cookies on a tray beside it. Kay, Greg and Sunny kissed him goodnight. His grandma and granddad did too.

Then I tucked him as his Uncle Cho made sure the fire in the big fireplace was out so Father Christmas could come down safely. At the door we all waved, we could just see his arm moving. The room lights were off but a table lamp stayed on.

Upstairs lots of hugging and a decision to gather about eight in the morning. Carla's staff was to lay out pastries and other baked things for us.

The staff would join us in the Great Room about eleven for the gift giving for them. We decided to have them be with us Christmas Day rather than do Boxing Day.

In my dressing room Cho gathered me close. Kisses!! My little butt was squeezed!! We laughed!

It had been a very fine day. Jaidee was in the bedroom in a comfy dog bed I'd snuck in. In case he had a need to pee there were puppy pads around it but done his business before we came up. It was our first walk with him in the garden; Cho had put on the collar and a lead I'd bought. It was cold and with the snow falling lightly a nice first time out, Jaidee enjoyed himself.

Now to bed! A warm Cho body against me. I was asleep in seconds.

Christmas morning! It was dark outside as I did a quick wash and dress. Gray jodhpurs, white shirt, red tie, black bolero jacket, warm undie things. Boots in my hands. I went by Kay and Greg's room. He was ready.

We snuck into the Great Room, a soundless approach to the tree. Artie was sound asleep. Greg positioned several gifts for him under the tree as if Father Christmas had delivered them. We liberated two cookies and poured some tea. A few sips! We exited just as quietly!

Greg hugged me, "Thanks! He'll be thrilled!"

In the kitchen my usual but this time Jaidee was with me. He'd had his morning walk and was doing a fine job on his breakfast. I brought him back upstairs.

Down the road to the stables there were a few new inches of drifted snow but mostly clear.

When I got to the stable door the sun peeked over the distant hills. Andy welcomed the hot scone. Pamela nickering.

"Happy Christmas Andy! I hope you have a good day!"

"Thank you Miss! A Happy Christmas to you!"

I rode north passing by Thames mother's grave so glad we had him. It was quiet at the Fraser's and Radley's. Pamela ran hard for me until we got to Church Road then we walked to the church. Silence at that hour, we stood in the gate not a sound. We walked back through Sandford. I stopped at Mr. Hardy's door. I slipped a card through the letterbox. Silence there too. Back up on Pamela I turned when his door opened.


I said I didn't want to disturb him, "Happy Christmas!"

A smile spread across his face, "Thank you very much. The same for you I hope! Can you stop a moment..."

"I need to get back for our guests. Please read the card and let me know."

He opened it immediately, "OH Miss... I don't know if...I'm not really..."

"Mr. Hardy, it would please me if you came. You don't have to stay long. I will send a car for you about nine thirty?"

He was quiet then he looked in my face, "Miss I would be honored to visit your house."

"It's a date then!" I waved as Pamela turned we trotted away. At the hedge opening a higher gear for her we were rocking, soon crossing the Radley's and Fraser's again at speed.

It was so wonderful to be up on Pamela as she strode so boldly, muscles working in perfect harmony her breath steamy like my own. Up the road Andy grinning, he took her for TLC. Treats for all our equine friends today!

More coffee! There were a few folks in the breakfast room, hugs shared! I kissed Kay, Greg told her about our trip into the Great Room. She hugged me tight! We went there. We made some noise so Artie would hear us. He crawled out, rubbed his eyes, "WOW!"

Greg knelt down to hug his son, "Sorry you went to sleep but Santa Claus didn't!"

Sweet! He was told he'd have to wait to open presents until everyone was here but it wouldn't be long. He was willing to wait especially if there was hot chocolate and goodies.

I got more coffee and a plate that was exclusively for stollen! HhhhhMmmmm I was Cho'd from behind but there'd been a warning of the approach of my octopus. Hug, kiss on my neck! I told him I'd asked Mr. Hardy to come up to join us with the staff. I had a book for him.

I got my butt patted, "Change!" Okay got it!

I sat in my dressing room nibbling, a knock, JIAN! We embraced, kiss! My fingers found naked flesh under her robe! Ah, A cockette! Kissing we caressed each other.

"Buddy!" We laughed, she dashed out to dress. The red dress with the white stars embroidered on the bodice, white tights and red heels. Sapphire ring and my new sapphire bracelet!!

I was sitting near the tree as Artie plowed into his pile of gifts. It was fun to watch. Declare came to kiss me, a thank you for the bottle of Remy Martin Louis XIII! Lots of hugs and exclamations around the room as gifts were opened.

Jian loved the blouse with the colourful dancers from Alice + Oliva! Phailin kissed my cheeks, the red and white striped silk top, she loved it!

It was a special morning! We did get some order to things by ten o'clock. With Kendal and Stanton's help all the gifts for the staff were arranged.

They came in to a big welcome! Cho thanked them all for their excellent work! Each staffer got a new iPhone 6S. Our Apps already installed. Harcourt House would pay for their monthly service but the phone was theirs.

Carter thanked us for the staff. Privately we had given him a £2,500.00 bonus to go with the iPhone, the same to Carla and Gregory. Prasert too. He was standing back until I drew him close for a hug! I lifted my gift for him. He opened it right away...the rest of Jane Austen's novels in the same leather binding to matching my earlier gift. Big smiles! We did high fives!!

Mr. Hardy arrived in one of Prasert's cars. I greeted him as a guest of the House. He was placed on a sofa. I gave him a wrapped gift, `With Napoleon in Russia' by one of his generals, Gen. de Caulaincourt, Duke of Vicenza. It is perhaps the greatest memoir of any general. Well written by a real daily observer of the events he was with Napoleon each day, each mile of his disastrous campaign in Russia.

Mr. Hardy hands trembled slightly as he opened the pages "Miss this is a first edition!"

"I hope you read it with pleasure!"

Carter got him a seat on a sofa and some tea. Carter looked over at me, a smile and an `air' fist bump!

Gerry sat with his old teacher, both pleased to see one another again. Being introduced to Maeve made Mr. Hardy's eyes wet. It was an emotional day for him. I asked Carter if he would please host Mr. Hardy to dinner downstairs. He said it would be done! Fist bumps!

I spent some time with my iPad doing texts and emails of Happy Christmas around the world.

The solicitors had sent one yesterday I showed to Cho. They had arranged with Social Services for us to be temporary guardians to Teddy while his foster mom had her surgery and recovery. I called Gladys for a Happy Christmas and the news. She was so delighted for Teddy! Many thanks! Teddy was over the moon!!

Via email, Kavat, Cho-Fay Air ops manager let me know all the pickups for next week had been arranged!

Great! I was looking forward to our next guests.

I dragged Reg into the office. "I have an idea for a hardware device you have to tell me if it's possible."

I got a set of rolled eyes, "Damn Reg I know it's Christmas! It's in my head I want to get it out, I want to tell you. You don't have to do anything but think!"

We were laughing by then. I described a scanner device on a metal stake that could be easily setup or moved if necessary. 3G/4G connectivity, battery, solar panel on top.

I did a drawing for him. He leaned over arm across my shoulders a grin! I fleshed out the drawing a bit and listed what I thought about the components.

"Fay I think it's great! About install, we could make a simple tripod that would sit on the roadbed to simulate the positioning of a barcode on a rail car to calibrate the scanner. Then do a test. The hardware is possible. Throw money at a quality re-chargeable battery, the 3G/4G is no sweat! We can do the basics on a tiny motherboard. The solar panel should be attached to the component box. Making it all-weather is no problem!"

He sat down staring the tech geek turned off for a moment, "Damn, where do these things come from?"

I laughed, "I'd been thinking about this one on my morning rides."

I stepped out to find Eric. He was talking with Cho by the fireplace. I got a few hugs and kisses on the way over there!!

They sat down in the office; Reg with a grin gave them the idea. I had two sets of eyes looking at me. Cho's smile spread across his face.

Eric's no wires!! was priceless. Reg said he'd get a prototype started next week, "We probably have all the basics to hand locally, no metal stakes though but we need to find something that will last! And we might use it as part of the antenna."

We all walked out to lunch. Carla had veggie chili! Corn cakes, fruit salads and cookies! Nice stuff!

Artie sat with me thrilled about his gifts!

From Cho and me he had three football jerseys: Manchester United, Liverpool and Fulham. I told him the last were my local team in London! He had a new top quality football and a picture of a new skate board that awaited him at home in Seattle!

Sunny had her riding clothes plus a few other bits of equipment from us and a pair of lapis lazuli earrings. One of Cho's gifts for me was a set of earrings to match the bracelet which had been his first present to me and the ring. Sunny liked the idea we had something the same!

Kanda had kidded Thoi about one of his presents from us, a pair of shorts and a sports shirt. He was laughing, "When you are back at home throw a BBQ and I will come dressed up!"

A loud "deal' from Cho!

I gathered my riders; we dressed for a cold ride. Temperature was down but the sun decided to show. Reyna was wearing new jodhpurs from us and a jacket and warm scarf I bought for Thet to give her with gloves and a crop! She was delighted!

Cho was coming too! We walked down with Jaidee on his lead. He got to meet Thames; they liked each other right off. Young boys! Sebastian and Tess decided to reserve judgment. They'd Ok'd Thames but the new one? Cho walked Jaidee around a bit before heading back to drop him off. Cho laughing about the dog walking but the little guy did his business!

Diana on Chess, Sunny on Scout, Reyna on Mahogany, Cho on Guy, Rebel for me. We went north. I set a slow pace until we were passing from the Fraser's to the Radley's. I asked Rebel, we were going! Chess wanted to follow but I'd asked Diana to stay with our newbies. Cho and Guy came with me.

Rebel outpaced Guy, so much fun to fly along! Mr. Radley waved; I heard a stop by later! Cho waved assent. We finally slowed near Church Road opposite the church. The others caught up. Smiles!

We clattered over to the Rectory. Dr. and Mrs. Lone came out. We wished them a Happy Christmas! We waved goodbye heading back to the dirt track. I told Diana to send Chess I'd stay with the newbies. Huge smile!

She urged him and like a shot he was off. Cho was grinning, "She's nice! A good hire!"

We picked up the pace riding to the Radley's getting Sunny into her first good gallop. She handled it very well, Scout is a good ride.

All the horses in the Radley's grass! We wished them a happy holiday. Their sons and families were there so we were introduced. The farmer son from the far side of Oxford, his wife was a blonde with lots of freckles; they had two cute towhead kids. The London son and his pregnant wife were moving back to this house after the New Year.

We chatted for a short while before heading off home. Anthony took our horses; Diana led Sunny and Reyna into the stables for some horse care training. Gregory wasn't the office nor was Thames. The cats were they got their ears scratched.

I sat beside Kay and Phailin by the big fireplace I gave them the tale of the ride and Sunny's first real full out gallop. Smiles! "Greg has been searching for stables near us in Seattle."

Dinner was a buffet of the roast beef or baked cod! Veggies and etcetera! A wonderful dark bread with several cheeses baked on. Sue had made a chocolate three level cake with red icing and snowflakes around the top surrounding a reindeer! Smashing! It tasted great too!

Afterwards I spoke with Mr. Hardy, he had been fed well downstairs. Everyone had been so welcoming. Carter had Prasert ready to drive him home. I shook his hand. "I hope you enjoy the book. And please contact Carter if you would like to make use of the library even whenever we aren't around."

I was thanked with a huge smile as he held my hand. I was thanked for his life. I hugged him! Stanton helped him into the car. I waved.

We gathered to watch "It's a Wonderful Life' in the games room. I streamed it to the TV via my iPad.

Jimmy Stewart is great, skillfully being George Bailey! Earnest and fatherly. Again the talented Gloria Grahame and a host of great actors. Lionel Barrymore, Thomas Mitchell, Donna Reed, Henry Travers and Beulah Bondi.

A tight story which manages to not fall into being maudlin! Rightfully a Hollywood classic. I think everyone should have something like Zuzu's petals to ground them in reality.

Everybody enjoyed it. Lots of candy and popcorn eaten too!

By the fireplace Cho and I kissed all our family and friends, embracing each one!

Artie was still stoked about his presents but he would sleep upstairs tonight. I walked up the staircase with Sunny, "Fay, I've gotten the bug! It's more horses for me!"

I laughed, "Talk to your dad. He's done some looking on the web for stables."

A kiss, she dashed off in pursuit of her parents.

Very naked but nicely warm with a Cho on top of me. Kissing! I wrapped me around him! I was thanked for all his gifts but especially for the little guy asleep beside the fireplace. Jaidee was so cute, lovable, a good puppy.

I in turn thanked him for mine. Jewelry and a pair of deep red Beats headphones and more! I got a wealth of kisses too!!!

Cho against my back was like a sleeping pill. Gone...

`Gwen was restive down the slope behind me as I watched the group of sheriff's men spilt up on the road below. Two headed west towards the Reed's farm. Old man Reed had been sick for months; he and his missus weren't able to run their farm well enough to make the money needed to pay their increased taxes.

I followed those two. The snow was light, the temperature falling. A heavier sky closing in.

The two went straight to the Reed's. They were pounding on the door when I tied Gwen behind an out building. Both pistols, primed and ready I moved quietly in the shadows as the sheriff's men burst open the door. I covered my lower face with my scarf. They were trying to arrest Reed when I stepped through the doorway.

At my command to desist they turned towards my leveled weapons. They didn't want to give way but each had a barrel aimed at their guts. I ordered them to remove their boots then forced them outside. They were whinging about the cold but my cold steel pistols had the answer if they wanted to try anything.

"March towards the coast road and turn south. Keep moving you'll stay warm enough to reach the posthouse. Your horses will be there."

More grumbling...the blast of one pistol close over their heads ended that. They scurried off quickly.

I turned to the Reed's; I reached into my pocket for a small cloth bag. It jingled.

"Please take this for your tax payments, there's enough for you to have some leftover."

"Sir the men will be back...there'll be trouble."

"No if you pay it will end it for them with you. They will be after me."

I went to Gwen taking the sheriff's men's horses their boots tied to the saddles. I waved goodbye and rode off in the same direction as the two men...but I shortly turned east. I made a nice trail in the snow until I reached the coast road miles from where the sheriff's men would. I rode hard, Gwen my stalwart friend, carried me the long way trailing the horses.

Gwen's hoof prints were mingled with so many others as I approached the town. Going through several back streets I came out behind the sheriff's barracks surreptitiously. On foot I led the two horses to a side gate. I tied them there and knocked on the window of the guard room calling out `Guard... Guard.'

A quick sprint brought me to Gwen and we were off through the dark streets to the north, once in the country we turned west in the trees on a hidden path. Beyond the belt of trees we rode hard again south.

We crossed onto my property and into the hidden stable. Gwen was cared for in my best manner. I loved brushing her coat, she nickered her appreciation. Warm under her heavy blanket and wraps for her legs. A good feed and a nice apple. She was set.

In the main stable I saddled Murat, my flashy black stallion. We rode south out of the front gate down over the moors. I left a trail along the southern edge of my land before turning back to the house. Last miles a good gallop stretching Murat's long legs.

My stableman was awake when I returned and he took Murat who was a bit lathered.

In the kitchen Mrs. Blaine was smiling, "Breakfast Sir?"

"Yes! I'll change and be down."

"Sir, will we have company?"

"I expect so. The Sheriff seems to believe me a staunch supporter and knowledgeable about these parts."

A brief cough for which I smiled.

I was at the table when indeed there was a knock. Mrs. Blaine ushered in two of the Sheriff's fellows I didn't know.

They stood ill at ease holding their hats, "Ah men what can we do for you?"

"Sir, several sheriffs doing their duty were attacked at a nearby farmhouse last night. An armed man stole their horses and forced them into the snow without boots."

That last part seemed to stick in his throat. My questions about the man's appearance and mount brought no valuable description.

I sighed, "Well if you can provide a description my people will keep an eye out this fellow."

They were sorry to have disturbed me. I was calling for more tea as they left.'

I woke up thinking I was being called. Cho sort of mumbled, "Fay you called out, are you alright?"

A kiss and a whispered, "I was dreaming. Sleep."

I sat stunned in my dressing room pondering the dream. It had been so real! More than any Gwen dream had ever been. So involved, detailed. Where was this going? Where the Reed's in trouble? Aileen hadn't said anything.

I wanted time to consider but I needed to get on. I'd call Rose later.

I dressed for the cold day, silk warming undies beneath the usual outfit.

The kitchen quiet! Coffee and scones! Jaidee did his business and one of Carla's people, Nan did his breakfast. He'd stay with her.

It was clear, the snow negligible. Andy had Pamela ready. He said Thames and the cats were in the office keeping warm. Smart.

I had a gift for the fisherman. Gregory gave me a lure for river trout. He didn't sit and fish anymore. His `You keep me too busy Miss Martin' got him a mock swat on the arm. So I had it in an envelope with a Christmas tree drawn on by Ellie.

South! Slow to warm us up then into a canter up the slope to the Sci Centre. I waved to one of their security guards as I passed. A faster trot after the railroad tracks to the river lock.

A Happy Christmas to the lock man. The fisherman was sitting in his usual place. I gave him the envelope, he opened it carefully, "Miss the drawing is so beautiful."

The lure was a surprise. I told him its provenance. Many thanks! He said he'd try it later. I wished him good luck!

We walked across to the west bank of the Thames then I asked Pamela, she responded as always!! We dashed between the road and the mere going hard until the railroad. Once over that and through the orchard speed again! We skirted the two ugly big houses then onto Harcourt property running hard until we got to the boatyard.

I eased Pamela down to walk into the yard. Dennis saw us and came over. I slipped down.

"Dennis its Boxing Day! Here this is yours!"

I handed him an iPhone 6S in its nifty white box. "It's your property but Harcourt House is paying the fees. Our apps are already installed. You can get help learning them online, there's a link in the app. The Panic App is simple."

I gave him a few tips about our private APP. "It's a closed system only those we allow can be on the network the APP creates. You can call or text using the shared contact list. You are in the Harcourt House group."

He powered up the iPhone, "Miss this is great!"

"Cho and I will decide on one of your suggested boats soon. We will want to you to get it and customize for us. You do need to go over to the House to fill-in some forms for a company credit card."

He'd go over this afternoon.

Pamela and I were heading north to Sandford. At the lock a boat was just leaving to go downstream. We walked over the north end. Mounted I rode by Mr. Hardy's place. It was dark so I went on. We were in full flight crossing through the Radley's and the Fraser's. Pamela was really rocking it. We only slowed by the training track. The men would return Monday to work on it.

Thames woofing as I rode up. I slipped down bending over rubbing his back. Andy took Pamela with a smile, "I saw you two crossing Fraser's, moving!"

"Pamela aired it out today!"

Gregory smiling at the office door, he leaned back so could see the big chair fully occupied by cat bodies. "No one gets to use that chair very much these days. I'll say they both do their job though. We've no mouse problem!"

"Bonuses for them!" He laughed at that.

In the breakfast room there were folks in various stages of waking up. Cho pulled me into his lap Jaidee sitting by his foot. Dad was deep in the newspaper. I got kissed!!

Reg said he'd VPN'd into the The Company system. We had inventory for most all parts he thought might be needed except for the small photo-electric panels with battery and mini-motherboards, he had a supplier for those in Southwark. Thumbs up from Eric and me!

Declare smiling, pointing to Cho, "He's asked me to join the Board." We did high fives!

I ran upstairs to his and Daphne's, a knock, come in was muffled. I sat on the bed, she was snuggled. I undressed and slid in, "I can't stay but..." My hand slipped between her thighs which opened in welcome! Mine too. A slow caress my fingers doing the same nice things to her I was receiving. We kissed, my tongue doing some manoeuvres. Ah she liked. We stroked each other and kissed for a few minutes.

"Are you just teasing me?"

"No waking you up so you can get ready for Phuket!"

We laughed, "Fay not to be crude but I'm going to bury my face in your sex as soon as possible there!"

More laughing, "Good but you have a considerable height to scale as Cho is a master at licking my pussy!"

"Good I love a challenge!"

We kissed and licked our fingers with very wicked grins.

I popped out, dressed fast and waved a kiss from the door. A wash up and into black skinny jeans, a white cotton long sleeved cutoff top and the cutoff Seattle black hoodie. Black ankle boots, `Joy' and silver jewelry.

I zipped down to Francis' office after his call. He was there on his laptop, "Miss I've some more info which can pinpoint the actions that were taken to avoid an audit. The fellow Glover left some odd notes in the metadata of two Microsoft Word docs. My interpretation might be coloured by what I know."

He showed me the text; it read to me like Glover killed the audits on his own authority and made a fake one for Eric. After I was done reading I asked Francis for his interpretation. It matched mine. I texted Eric, Cho and Kanda.

"Francis, set it up so they can read it like I did and we'll see." I dialed Declare's phone, "Adam, could you come downstairs to the basement to Francis' office for a few minutes? ... Down the centre hall towards the rear of the house I'll be in the hall so you can see me."

I let Francis explain to them what I wanted about reading the text but not speaking their thoughts out loud. Adam went last, when he was done I asked him say what he thought it might mean. He wasn't as familiar with the info but he believed it said what Francis and I thought.

The others agreed. Eric was shaking his head, "I always thought Glover was a pompous ass but this..."

Cho said he wanted The Company solicitors to have this right away. They were already working on putting things together for the police and CPS. Francis said we'd need to arrange for a forensic computer specialist to see the files on the server in The Company's office and make controlled copies of the Word docs.

I did a fist bump with Francis! Cho was more conventional in shaking hands.

Thomas came out of the Security office we headed upstairs. "There's a man at the door asking to speak to Diana. He says he's her father. He gave my man the impression of being agitated."

Cho said to have him brought to the Great Room and have PJ or Rande whichever was on duty join us.

We stood by the fire when the fellow was brought in. "Where's my daughter? Why are you keeping her here? Why can't I see her?" Some arm waving went along with this.

PJ was close, Cho took a half step forward blocking him from me, "Can you identify yourself please?"

More arm waving, "I'm her father that's enough for me! I want her back... Back home ..."

A very even tone from Cho, "If you do not identify yourself you will be asked to leave."

Oh he didn't like that, the man moved forward yelling about she was his...his daughter...she should be at home...

Cho's body shifted, a subtle defensive posture.

He swung at Cho! Cho blocked it, PJ pinned his arms, lifted him and lowered him face down to the carpet. Diana's father was sputtering out curses, calling us all sorts of names.

Cho told Thomas to dial the police. The other Security men brought out handcuffs.

Cho leaned over the prone man, "Calm down. You are not going to hurt anyone or have any demands listened to until you are quiet."

More cursing, he was almost foaming at the mouth. PJ and the Security men carried him out and down to their office. Thomas said the police were on their way.

We sat by the fire. I dialed Gregory, "Where is Diana? Send her up to the House right away."

I turned to Thomas, "Please have her brought here."

I looked at Cho, he said he wasn't hurt. He said it was easy to parry the blow. I said there's a big problem here, we need to know more.

"Cho it may be easier for Diana to talk with me alone."

He nodded, "That is fine but first we ask her a few questions together."

I squeezed his hand.

Diana came in with Thomas, looking expectant. Cho started it off, "Diana a man saying he is your father was just in this room."

She looked horrified, "What... Oh NO!" Her face covered by her hands.

Cho squeezed my shoulder he didn't need any more; he gently moved Diana onto the sofa beside me and left with Thomas.

I handed her a Cho-Fay handkerchief for her tears.

"He's downstairs. He tried to hit Cho..." Diana jumped, "... Cho blocked him, PJ pinned him to the floor and he was handcuffed and taken to Security."

She was crying, "I'm so sorry...I'd hoped he would leave me alone finally..."

Carter came in with some water for her, I thanked him. Diana calmed down some.

"I think you need to tell me some about this so we can deal with the problem before it gets worse."

Her head was down, I tapped her forearm. Diana looked up, red eyes, streaked face.

"Social Services know some but not all. My dad abused me after my mother died. He's possessive of me, he's says he loves and wants to protect me..."

She dried her eyes, "Social Services became involved because I had a period of depression because of his abuse. He backed off touching me; he became verbally abusive which my stepmother picked up on. She doesn't like me, hasn't from our first meeting. I'm a holdover from my father's life before her."

"Does he hit you... "a firm nod of her head..."So he doesn't attempt anything sexual now that he's remarried?"

"No, I didn't tell Social Services about the abuse just that I was depressed about my mom dying. A teacher at school saw my actions and symptoms, she got it started. I couldn't say anything..."

"What about now? It would be taken seriously especially after his antics here today."

"It's messy and he would say I made it up to get back at him... or something. We were alone, no one was around... I don't want to see him anymore..."

"We can get a Non-Molestation Order right away based on his acts. You will be protected one hundred percent by our Security while you are on our property but outside is different. For what he did today a custodial sentence is certainly possible."

Carter entered, "Miss the police are here. A woman constable wishes to interview you."

"Please ask her to join us here. Can we have tea for three?"

A large smile. The WPC joined us. I introduced myself and Diana. "You are here ask questions about William F., this is Diana his daughter and his reason for coming to Harcourt House today."

I asked Diana to sit by the Christmas tree and wait for me.

Following the prompting of the WPC I gave her a statement of what occurred with William F. She took notes. It didn't take long. A few questions after.

I waved Diana back over. She sat beside me, nervous but Okay.

What I said did her pause, "Please remember as the PC will tell you, when you have told her something it can't be unsaid. "

Diana nodded and thanked me.

She said she wanted to give an account of her relationship with her father which caused today's events.

Diana straightened her shoulders and began. Her mother's death was the start. Her father began to be sexually abuse her within months, it started slowly but built up over the first year to penetration. It continued on a more or less weekly basis until her school teacher asked for Social Services to assist Diana with her depression. After that he hadn't touched sexually again. He had slapped her on a few occasions and we verbally abusive regularly. Her stepmother also.

It wasn't a detailed statement, the WPC took notes. She gently asked a few questions.

She wanted her sergeant to hear this. I had Stanton inform them downstairs the WPC wanted to speak to her superior.

The tea arrived; Carter had four cups and four small plates with a cookie assortment. I smiled my thanks!

The sergeant arrived. I poured tea for us. He thanked me it'd been a busy day, not much of break for them. He looked through the WPC's notes as they both munched a half chocolate dipped shortbread. A big smile from her.

I anticipated her, "One of our staff makes them. Good?" More smiles! I passed my plate over to them.

The sergeant asked the big question, how far was she prepared to go. He said she'd qualify for a Non-Molestation Order easily. "We can't predict what the CPS might do but it will involve greater detailed statement from you."

I turned to Diana, "As I mentioned you have to decide. You are fine with us."

I gave Diana a huge smile and a hand squeeze. Diana said she would go forward.

The sergeant said they'd pass the info upwards at the station and she could expect contact from an investigator. I gave him the House phone number to use as I didn't want her new iPhone number in the record.

A Thames Valley police wagon arrived for William F. The sergeant told Cho and I we could apply for a non-molestation Order also since Diana was going to be on our property. Diana's father would most likely be given police bail.

"Sir, you can of course take your own legal action against him. Our record will be available to your solicitors. Miss, thank you again for the tea we needed it."

Cho was holding my hand on the forecourt as the police vehicles rolled out. He was shaking his head, "Families can become so destructive. He wanted to show his power over Diana but what I can not grasp is why? She is his daughter, too young to leave home, dependent financially, he already had all the power. A fear of losing her should not have been there."

I squeezed his hand, "She was growing up may be he was frightened by that. She may have shown independence he couldn't handle."

Cho squeezed my hand, "There are a few new property deals to tell you about, some other acquisitions and we need to talk about some horses. Ah, the cows and sheep! After your ride, Okay?"

My kiss was assent.

I dressed for a ride with Reyna and Sunny. I talked with Diana, she wanted to go. Okay! We went south where there was open space to do manoeuvring. Skills day in the open!

I worked everyone to get warm then our newbies with Diana's help went through lots of riding tricks and traps. We went by the river where Kate had her problem making sure they understood to always keep some distance from the edge of any fresh water if you don't know the land because the ground could be undermined and you may not know.

Sunny was so happy jogging beside me south towards the Sci Centre. "Fay this is the best! Scout is such a nice boy to ride! Dad said he found several places in Seattle for me ride, we'd check'm out!"

She really had a beautiful seat! I watched her carefully as we loped across the grass; Diana kept an eye on Reyna. We had a fun ride.

I handed Rebel over to Andy with a smile, "What Miss?"

"Nothing except I like doing this!"

He got it; I'd been able to ride and enjoyed it! Today it helped to push Diana's father issue away.

We three walked up to the house holding hands.

Food! Carla and soup! Cheese bread toasted! Fruit and cookies and stollen!

I sat in Cho's lap at the big desk, smiles!! Jaidee lying by the fire looking almost regal with his glossy deep brown coat.

"We added property here. All the land south to the Sci Centre and down to and around the north end of Clifton Hampden and east to the Oxford Road then north to the south edge of Nuneham Courtney we own. Andrew and Gloria's place is an island with permanent access to the Oxford road.

The woods south of Baldon Lane on the east side of the Oxford Road are ours as is the large field south of that to the B4015. We are going to hire more staff and a farm manager to grow crops for us, hay, veggies, fruit and more. It would be too much for Phillips to take on.

We bought the garden centre that is on the Oxford Road. The owner will come up Monday to talk about the future. I want to offer him about £2000.00 over what he takes home now to run the place with a relativity free hand with our chartered accountants doing the books. I hope it will temp him to stay and help train new managers.

On the west side of the river we have bought the farm land north of Radley and Lower Radley that is east of the railroad tracks and up nearly to the Sandford Locks. There's a small industrial estate north of that we bought too.

You know that bridge before the locks? Well it would end there. Here are the documents to sign and fax back to the solicitors ."

WOW!! Cho was really digging deep.

"Dear, I want Harcourt House to have what it needs so we can build a racing establishment here. New barns, a breeding barn and paddocks, good housing for the increased staff and more..."

Kisses!! "Have you spoken to Gregory?"

A cute smile, "No we will together. Did you see Dennis?"

I had and he has the iPhone and was to come over to sign for the credit card. "Let's look at the boats now!"

We spent time looking and decided to try a forty foot rounded bow flat bottom one with an awning frame, lots of seating, an aft wheel house, loo below opposite a tiny galley. An inboard engine which would get up to ten knots, slower loaded. Plenty!

I called the security office; I asked them to send Dennis up to us after he signed the forms.

I dropped my tush in a chair in the library to do email. No offers to extend my penis! I didn't miss them! The new email server was screwed down tight!

Kwang and Dusit were working away at the office, trip details and more inquiries about The Company's offerings from referrals! Yes!!

Confirmations on the employment ads that were to run right after New Year's! Team Bangkok knew it'd get busy.

Text from Cho...model train stores? London? Oxford? Me back...I'd look

I was in the kitchen with Carla when Maeve popped in. Smiling, holding something behind her back. "Miss, this is for you." She drew out a watercolour from a big envelope. It was a water scene near one of the locks. The water shimmered and the grasses seemed to wave in a breeze. Very nicely done!

I was pleased and hugged her, "Maeve it's beautiful. Come let's find Carter, maybe he has a frame worthy of it."

We went in search of him holding hands. He was found exiting a store room. The inquiry was rewarded, "Miss, there quite a few choices in the the store room opposite Francis' office."

I texted Ellie... could she meet us? I got ...in five minutes.

Maeve and I started looking, Ellie at the door approved of one I had. It was several inches larger than the watercolour with cross-hatch pattern around the outside edges.

"Let me see. There's blue and green so we could use a softer tone of either as a matte, it would look fine."

Agreement. Ellie said she'd get on it! Maeve was thrilled!

Carla did a plate of cookies and tea for Maeve while she waited for her dad to complete work.

I bumped into Dennis; he was on the way up. We went together. Cho and I presented our boat choice. He was very much in favor of it. We could runabout with friends, easy to operate and maintain. A simple engine and other mechanicals. Okay! He'd order the boat now so he could customize it a bit and have an awning made. I was to choose the colors. We were pleased!!

We asked Carter, Carla, Phillips and Gregory to meet with us Monday to discuss the additional land acquired for farm use, a farm manager position and Gregory's needs for the stables and Carla's for the house. Eleven o'clock in the library. Carla emailed she'd have tea ready. Okay!!

Rose and Matthew were coming down late Tuesday morning, Mrs. Blatchly too. They'd just stay overnight but I was pleased the three could meet since they'd taken good care of me at different times in my life. Aileen hoped to get away for the night also. They'd all get to meet my new `family.'

I got an email from Yi, the graduate student in New York I'd met in Starbucks in Mid-Town! She attached a copy of her dissertation asking me to give it a read. I felt honoured! I replied I would and did she have a deadline. No pressure as she was still revising and would send on the changes. She was interested in an `overall' feel from me. Was she setting the right tone, etc...?

I replied I was happy to do it. Many smiley faces returned!

Boxing Day was dinner out for us! The Kitchen folks had the night off after feeding the staff! We had a booking at the Old Parsonage in Oxford. A big festive table. Lots of `English' food consumed. I had a very nice Dover sole with lovely whipped potatoes and scallions. Cheese and fruit after this time! The staff was marvelous.

We gathered in the Great Room for afters around the fireplace as a light snow fell. Cho and Artie playing with Jaidee. The three went out for a walk before bedtime. Jaidee was so full of fun! I watched him chase some snowflakes through the glass doors.

Sunday morning, washed, dressed, coffeed and sconed! I walked through the chill to the stables. Andy and Thames had Pamela ready. I was about to leave when Diana came running, "Miss, can I come?"

My smile told her it was Okay! She chose Mahogany and saddled her quickly but properly. We walked down the hill going south. Andy waved.

Down by the training track we picked up the pace slightly, Diana followed my lead. A soft trot then more and going up the slope to the Sci Centre we started a full gallop all the way to the railroad tracks. Slower after the walk over to the lock.

A big smile from the lock man as we crossed to the eyot. Roy, the angler, was beaming. "Please thank your friend for the lure. The fish are biting it hard. I've three already!"

We cheered him on!

Today I was taking Diana on the circle route. Mahogany was quiet crossing the water all three times. Sweet! We picked up the pace passing Sophos until the railroad tracks. There was a group of markers where the walk-over would be installed! YES!

Cho had `pull' and I was glad!

After looping around the ugly houses Diana and I rode hard until the boatyard. It was quiet, no work on a winter's Sunday but in the summer...We continued on to Sandford. Walking over the water was fine for Mahogany, we were good!

It was early and Mr. Hardy's lights weren't on so we didn't stop. Diana got one of Deanna Radley's raisin muffins! Big smile! The London son's wife chatted with us. She was looking forward to moving in. They were to use her husband's old room and the brother's would be for the baby on the way.

Deanna all smiles about a new grandchild. She had the rooms ready!

Diana and I finished up with a a nice run to the training track and a walk up to a waiting Andy. He took Pamela and Diana took Mahogany to her stall for for some TLC.

Coffee! The breakfast room had only the men? Jaidee wagging his tail!

I went in search of the females. Jian snuggled but welcoming to my nakedness! We petted, kissed... "Fay, a wedding dress for me?"

I pointed her to the Mongkut seamstress lady Satang who was doing my design. Satang had done Malee's; Jian had liked that semi-traditional dress. Okay!!

I rubbed our smooth bodies gently, "You will get your chance to play with Daphne's cute titties, she and Sara are coming to Phuket!!"

Thumbs up from Jian!

Big smile! We kissed, I jumped out to dress. I checked in on everyone even if just to kiss a cheek!

I promised to help pack for Andrea, Rona and Malee as they were all going back to London in the morning. Family folks were leaving Tuesday evening. Rose and Matthew and Mrs. Blatchly were arriving Tuesday so they could meet the Family before the departure.

Sunny sitting on her parent's bed, Kay's arm around my waist, "Sunny wants to stay longer, we're ok with it if you guys are?"

"Fine with us! I guess more time with horses?"

Sunny jumped up to hug me, "Yes, I want to learn more!"

I told them our next set of guests would depart late next Sunday evening. We could add a drop off in Seattle on their return trip. Kay was good with that, Sunny too. It would give her five extra days with us.

I pulled out my iPhone and texted Kavat, our operations manager. He was back quickly...No Problem!

Sunny was bouncing around the room!! Artie came in, his mom offered him the same with my permission but he wanted to be home. New things to play with! Friends!

Cho was chuckling about Sunny, "I saw it coming when the two of them were huddling last night. Greg leaned but he got an earful and shrugged."

I was pulled into an welcoming lap and kissed, "She's no trouble."

I agreed, "I've already setup the Seattle stop on the return trip of Cho-Fay Air to Osaka."

He laughed, "Smarty-pants!"

I ran upstairs for a wash up and clothes changes. Black skirt, white blouse, red cardigan and black ankle boots and `Joy' I headed down for some food!

Carla has a smooth potato soup with big chunks bread and butter, many kinds of cheese some from my last run to Fortnum and Mason, lots of fresh cut fruit, dried figs and dried dates rolled lightly in powdered sugar. Cider and bottled water. And Christmas cookies!

Kanda and Phailin sat with me. They were going into Oxford with others for some shopping with Andrea as the guide. We chatted on whether they would travel with Cho and me to some of Glaa's races. They wanted to, the husbands needed to be worked on. Laughs!

I corralled Reg and Eric, "Tomorrow when you see Douglas ask him about a comment he made to me about the lack of interest by the previous management team of going to Mac OS versus making more Windows Server sales. He said it to me saying it was driving Jared and himself crazy."

They got it, "Fay you were in the field, Reg was your supervisor, doing all Windows work but there was a lot of tension about the move to Mac OS. The tech folks all knew it was where we needed to go but if others besides the two we suspect were involved or at least profited..."

We did fist bumps!!! "I'll get someone looking at disbursements to Board members."

Big afternoon...Hay Ride in the village! Green skinny jeans, white long sleeve blouse, deep brown jumper, brown ankle boots. A brown mac and the thrift shop brown trilby, brown gloves. I got thumbs up from the men!

Dan Fraser with Boxer and Rosie pulling a big hay cart were on the Oxford Road. A £ for a ride up and back through the village. Sunny, Kay, Jian, Andrea and Reyna were with me ready to ride the hay. The guys were going to the pub. Dad and Phailin with Thoi and Kanda were heading to Oxford to browse shops and eat at The Parsonage. Rona and Tona were staying in; maybe watch a movie or nap.

I put a one£ coin in everyone's hand, "Live it up!" Laughing!!

PJ was with me. We paid Sarah, got our hands stamped and climbed aboard. Anne was acting as the hall monitor and Young Dan helping his dad. A woman sat beside me on the back end legs dangling, "Hi I'm Mary Cotton. That there's my husband, Ron. We were at your first Open House, so nice to see your home!"

We shook hands and I waved to Ron. She was glad we were participating in village events and helping with the fundraising for St. Thomas School. Ron was on the Board.

"He's been worried about the finances since the recession hit the endowment. You should talk to him."

I could see him walking behind the slow moving cart near PJ. Anne waved and laughed, "Yes we'll let you back on, don't rub off the stamp."

I slid down at a stop and introduced myself again to Ron. We talked about the School money issues. The endowment had taken a big hit in the 2008 recession, it was coming back gradually. The new investment managers were cautious so growth was slow. They hoped to be back to near pre-recession levels this winter.

We talked long term plans and the Board membership being refreshed. "Would you or Mr. Cho take a seat on the Board? We like to rotate folks so new ideas and voices come in."

I told him we weren't full time at the House. We travelled a lot for business and our primary home was still in Bangkok but... "If the Board would allow us to introduce some technology for conferencing which we can provide, long distance participation would be possible."

"Miss Martin..."I stopped him, "Fay please!" ..."Fay I will approach the Board at the Tuesday evening meeting. New Board members usually are voted on after the first of the calendar year."

We had come to the turnaround spot for the hay ride. Dan Senior walked Boxer and Rosie in a wide U-turn ready to go back down the Oxford Road southward. Ron's family slipped off to go home. I took Mary's hand for a squeeze and smile. More people paid Sarah to make a good load.

PJ and I stayed at the back with Sarah. I could see Sunny chatting with other teens near the top of the hay pile. Jian had a piece of hay sticking out of her mouth like a country girl from Bangkok. I teased her. Big grin!

When we reached a stop at the Nuneham Arms we dropped off. Inside the men made us welcome with soft cider and some crisps. I discouraged too much eating as our lady from Lucknow was the lead on dinner!

We walked up the hill to the House, chilly now the sun going away rapidly. An informal buffet dinner. HHHHMMMM Pakoras, dal, naan, aloo gobi, two kinds of paneer dishes, fruit salad, tapioca and more! We dug in. Kingfisher ale for those who wanted it and strawberry lassi's were available! Great stuff!

I hugged Marandi, our Lucknow lady, thanking her for the wonderful food. Carla had a big smile, "Everyone down here loved it too!"

I helped with Audra and other staff our Monday departing friends with their packing. Reg and Rona, Malee and Eric would leave in the morning with Andrea, back to work!

Dad would use the helicopter to fly up to London for his meeting with the head of MI5 planning to be back for tea. He didn't have a bodyguard with him so Cho suggested Rande go with him. Dad was going to say no but agreed. He whispered to me that these days one just didn't know!

Tearful goodbyes, hugs, kisses as Prasert's cars rolled out from the forecourt. Rona was due in ten days or so! She was house bound now; her mother was coming to town in a week. Reg was surprisingly calm, he's `what am I supposed to do?' made us all laugh.

I was holding Jian from behind, chin on her shoulder, "Fay we fit with Andrea so nicely."

Cute! They did!

Another departure as the quiet helicopter lifted off, we were waving to Dad. Rande had done fist bumps with PJ before boarding. They were a great team! I draped my arm around Thet and said that to him. Smile.

"Fay, we have many great people working for us! We will have a few changes after you are back in Bangkok."

I hugged him as Reyna came up. Nice smile. We kissed.

I helped Kay to start packing. Tomorrow we'd have a big dinner before everyone left on Cho-Fay Air. Mrs. Blatchly and Rose and Matthew should be here by lunch time.

Dave the owner of the Garden Centre came up. We sat to talk about us wanting him to stay on for a while to run it and do training. Cho's offer of £2000. over what he was taking home was `generous' and he'd be happy to stay on but not indefinitely. Maybe two years? Okay by us.

We discussed the new farm manager role, Dave suggested we consider a young man he knew, Nick. He was the youngest of three boys on a farm east of Marsh Baldon that couldn't support the parents and three other families. He'd worked part-time for Dave, good worker, knowledgeable and good with others. Former Army man but he didn't know about his abilities as a leader. He left us a telephone number.

We asked him to stay on for the meeting with our staff senior managers.

At eleven, Carter, Carla, Phillips and Gregory joined us. We talked about the Christmas season going so well, their department needs and the future. Phillips seemed relieved there would be a `farm manager' Cho laughed, "We want you to stay with beauty but the kitchen garden will remain yours!'

He laughed, smiling. Phillips mentioned he'd met Nick at the Garden Centre when his name came up, seemed to know about plants.

We were going to add staff in each department and advertise for the farm position. The new manager with Phillips, Gregory and Carter's help would hire staff.

For the racing establishment, new training staff, new barns and support staff. A breeding barn and foaling barn. A covered training ring. Construction would begin in April. Gregory's input had been invaluable, he was pleased with everything we planned.

Sunny and Reyna joined me for a ride. Diana too. Cho said he would be down at the training track later.

Rebel was ready for a run! As we walked down the hill I asked Diana to shepherd Sunny and Reyna as I wanted to run Rebel. At the beginning of the rise southward rise I asked him > BOOM we were off! Rebel loved this, his strides lengthened, the grass flashing beneath us! I slowed at the railroad crossing; we walked over the tracks on the wood for the first time. Easy, Rebel was surefooted. Then we galloped away around the the Sci Centre and the small businesses that were nearby, a sweeping curve to the east. We re-crossed the railroad tracks on the second wood walkover then soared towards the the others who were running along the fence line. We met a collection of smiling faces. Rebel was high stepping a happy boy!

Sunny's grin was huge, "Fay this is so much fun! We watched you two disappear like a rocket!"

I laughed, "It was a wonderful moment! Rebel is right for me."

I could see Diana envied my run. I patted her shoulder, "You'll have plenty of chances to do the same!"

A beaming face with that thought. We did a moderate gallop back to the stables. Reyna and Sunny both quite comfortable, moving well! They went with Andy and Diana for more learning time on grooming and care of their mounts.

Mail brought briefing papers for Cho and me for the business conference at Earl's Court. We were asked for half a day or so next Wednesday. Francis' passport. Carter handing us our part showing me the bills, "Miss it's a pleasure to spend your money!"

Big laughs!

We walked in the garden, bundled up. Jaidee snuffling EVERYTHING!

We talked about something I had been thinking on and finally working on...a Personal Assistant for me. The Chanthira Foundation and The Company Board, my regular work, the racing establishment which I wanted to be deeply involved, etc...

Ron had called about being on the Board of St. Thomas School. The other members were in favor of it. Cho wanted me to be the one now maybe later he would take it on.

I'd asked Jian do some preliminary work to find a PA. They would need to be fluent in several languages, a working knowledge of others, presentable, organized, a self-starter and willing to take on responsibility. AND be companionable to me. Jian had a list of four from an agency up in London. As we were going next week to the Earls Court Business Conference; I was going to take out some time for interviews at several points in the day. Jian booked an office suite in Earl's Court near the Business Conference for me.

Cho squeezed my hand, "Take your time, the fit is important. Sanjara had worked for the Railroad, rose up in the ranks of the support staff so was deeply imbued with the culture but wanted more. I recognized it much to my benefit."

A kiss! Jaidee had stopped nosing around long enough to do his business so we could go in.

Dad's helicopter descended onto the lawn. Phailin, Kay and I met him at the door. He was pleased with the meeting but he had some food for thought. I got him some tea and parked him in the office for some quiet contemplation time.

After dinner we had talk time in the Great Room for the ladies, the men went for cards. I was parked near the fire with Kay and Kanda. They pumped me for the meagre info I had on wedding plans. They would both be at the Forest Palace nuptials. Jian was to be my Best in Thailand and Ting Cho's Best in both as he was to do the same for Ting. Rona would take the job as my Best here and Reg to give me away. Ting and Jian to be wed with us here.

Sunny was nominated as flower girl for the Thai wedding and maybe here, big hug and smile! Fist bumps! I passed on to her some new tunes. So Below, Tei Shi, Grimes, FKA Twigs, St. Beauty Band, Broods...

Warm, snuggled with Cho I slid into sleep quickly.

`My housekeeper said there was a boy who had a message from the Reed's. She brought him to the sitting room where the fire was burning brightly.

Sir, I ran cause Mr. Reed said it's important. Mr. Reed said to tell you he paid the taxes but two soldiers want money for themselves. The same two.'

"Mrs. H. please let the boy rest and eat. I will be going out.'

Mounted on Murat I covered the land between between my home and the farm quickly. One of the soldiers' was slapping Mr. Reed outside his front door, the other holding his wife. She was crying, begging them to stop!

`Stop this minute!' My voice showing my anger boomed. Shocked, the men released the Reed's, the wife rushed to help her husband.

I walked Murat between the men and the huddled couple, `Back away now!'

The soldiers retreated from my fury and Murat's hooves.

`By what right do you have to abuse lawful citizens? The Sherriff will not be pleased with this and Colonel Packenham will be informed he has rogue soldiers in his command. Leave now.'

I waved my riding crop in a dismissive arc at them. They mounted sulkily giving me dark looks which I could easily ignore.

`Go!' My tone harder!

They moved off. Riding down the lane towards the coast road. I watched for a short time then dismounted. Fortunately the Reed's hadn't been much hurt, bruises and small cuts from being knocked down.

I built up their kitchen fire and put water on to boil. Mrs. Reed bathed a cut on his scalp, not bad.

I left them some money and told them the boy would be back with a message from me.

I urged Murat; we swept down the lane and turned towards town. I didn't see the soldiers.

I asked Murat for speed! We flew down the roads towards town like the wind. We roared across the the first bridge folks stepping quickly to avoid our speed I only slowed at the close-in bridge. The regiment's quarters and HQ on the right near the river. The guard didn't know me but Murat and my arrival caused a stir and my peremptory tone had him send word to the offices. The Colonel's adjutant strode up the passageway, he knew me.

`Sir, how can we be of assistance?'

My precis of the events had him ask me to accompany him to the Colonel's office.

Charles Packenham was a long time professional soldier, many European wars and years of colonial fighting behind him. We shook hands having met socially some time back.

The adjutant repeated my account and Packenham asked me a few questions. His face got quite red; several clear and concise instructions were issued. The adjutant rushed off to perform them.

"Sir, the only good thing I see is the men responded to your commands. This ruffian nonsense can't be stood. We have to have the support of the citizens to do our job properly. I apologize to you and your tenant.'

We sat by his fire although early a brandy was welcome after the cold ride. The adjutant returned with a young lieutenant and a subaltern. I walked over to the window turning my back as Packenham read them the riot act. They were dismissed.

I was thanked for my trouble. He asked if Mr. Reed was literate. I said somewhat. Packenham penned a brief note of apology and a second that clearly stated the Reeds were to be left alone. He affixed his personal seal to that.

I thanked him and suggested dinner in town sometime soon. We parted with smiles.

My ride home was speedy but only so Murat could stretch his legs more.

The boy was sleeping in a corner near the kitchen fire. When he woke I sent him on to the Reed's with the Colonel's two notes and a word to Reed to come see me soon. I asked cook for'

Cho nudged me, "Fay you were talking..."

I sat up... Brrrrrrr... I slid back under the warm bed clothes! Another dream as real as waking life! I had to ask the Reed's today if they had trouble...

I dashed through a wash and dressing. Down the stairs to the kitchen with Jaidee. I started the coffee and scone heating before we went out for a walk. Jaidee was so good, he did his morning poop and pee quite soon but we wandered the kitchen garden a bit so he could smell it out.

Nan was in the kitchen making Jaidee's breakfast when we returned. The little guy happy to tuck into his grub! Nan said she'd take care of him until Mr. Cho came down. Good!

Tuesday, heavy rain came overnight, it backed off by dawn. Pamela didn't care nor did I.

Andy and Pamela were under the edge of the barn waiting. A scone transferred and a leg up! I had a satchel over my shoulder today as we headed north. A book of maps of the Napoleonic Wars for Mr. Hardy inside.

A gentle trot changed to a full on gallop as we passed from the Fraser's to the Radley's. We didn't let up until we reached the opening in the hedge at the south end of Sandford. A short walk on Church Street brought us to Mr. Hardy's door; a light was on so I knocked.

He opened the door smiling, "Please Miss come in."

I couldn't stay long with Pamela outside. I gave him the book. WOW! He was very excited. On his dining table he opened it to a random page. There was the Battle of Wagram, diagrammed, order of battle, chronology, etc...

"Miss this is so handsome!"

I patted his shoulder, "I hope you get plenty of enjoyment from it!"

"Did you inscribe it?"

"Yes we did!"

He flipped to the front, `To Mr. Hardy From Cho and Fay 2015 Holiday Season Our best wishes!"

He squeezed my hand, "I will treasure this! Thank you Thank you!!!"

He waved as Pamela and I turned south. I warmed us up then asked her and was rewarded with a burst of speed.

The rain was letting up, a bit of sun peeking out! It was delightful to feel Pamela move beneath me. We were on the same wave length. We trotted up the back road to the stables a smiling Andy under a sou'wester.

Big hug for Pamela! Gregory at his desk, a chair full of cats near the heater, he said Cho had the latest buildings plans now. Okay! Thames leaning against my legs got a good rub.

Coffee and a piece of the last stollen! Some folks up for breakfast. Eggs, tomatoes, toast and sweet things on the buffet.

Cho laid out the stable and barn plans. Gregory joined us. New paddocks down the hill to the training track, foaling shed, stable rows and barns, breeding house, covered training oval. I could see Gregory's eyes almost rolling!

I squeezed his hand, "Remember Monaco is coming over in ten days." He nodded.

Prasert called, Mrs. Blatchly was fifteen minutes out. I decided not to change. Cho and I walked out to the front, looking out through the outer glass doors as the car glided in. A big hug from us. She marveled at the House as we led her in. We mentioned the other folks soon to arrive and said lunch would be soon.

She went up to her room with Stanton who had her bag.

Matthew and Rose came up the drive. Rose's hug was HUGE, "Fay, you look wonderful, so amazing!"

She hugged Cho, it was quite the moment.

Matthew had my hand, "Miss, it is quite something to see you now!"

I hugged him, "Please call me Fay." He nodded he would. Aileen squeezed me, "Damn Fay! You do look even more scrumptious!"

`Ah, so you left Sue up in the city?"

We laughed holding onto each other.

We gathered everyone in the Great Room so the newbies could be introduced to the family and they could see the tree and hang their glass ornaments. They were very pleased to be included!

My `FOOD' was greeted with acclaim! Carla had her incredible veggie soup, grated cheese ready! Hot bread, cheeses, fruit and sweet baked things of many types. We all dug in!

I was so happy that many of the people I held dear could meet. Rose sat with Phailin and Kanda I could only wonder at what was being said. Cho had Matthew, Thoi and Keren together. Mrs. Blatchly got the guided tour from me, Sunny, my buddy, came along.

At the nursery Mrs. Blatchly turned to me as I told her how Cho and I were building a family. She stopped, quiet for a moment then, "Miss Martin, let me know if ever you need a baby sitter!"

I gave her a big hug, `Thank you! We will be in London so maybe!"

I told her about Andrea, Jian and Ting buying the building on Favart St. and their beginning a family.

Smiling, "I think you all are right to have children, mine have been such a wonder and delight to me. I just wished my husband had stayed around to see how wonderful they are."

I hugged her this time remembering how hard it had been for her when cancer took him. She smiled again, "I've never forgotten how good you were then, you are golden to me."

Sunny of course hadn't a clue but was so sweet later when riding with me as the story came out about my paying many expenses for Mrs. Blatchly. After our ride Sunny hugged me tight and wished she had a friend like me when she was ever in need. I told her to `just call!'

We had an early dinner with Carla doing a grilled trout for everyone, luscious pureed garlic potatoes, and braised asparagus in a butter sauce by Sue. Lovely bread! The cake for dessert was chocolate; we cut it at the table so everyone could see the little brown horses leaping over tiny white fences! Marvelous work from Sue! Big HUG!

Sad my family leaving but it had been an unbelievable week! Packing done, bags down to the front. Carter and his crew getting it all together. Prasert had the cars ready.

Kisses, hugs and a few tears!

My buddy holding me tight, SQUEEZE! Looking in Jian's eyes seeing what I see in Cho's eyes I cried. Ting handed me a Ting-Fay handkerchief with a smile. A huge hug for him!

Thoi's hand in mine as Kanda clasped me tightly.

Tona and Somsak, he kissed my cheek, "Fay this was a wonderful week. Next year we will be three!"

Tona and I kissed cheeks! Smiling, "Take care of you three!" She nodded!

Thet and Reyna, he had a broad grin, "Thank you Fay, we so enjoyed ourselves!" She whispered she was ready for Phuket. Me too!

Kay and Greg saying goodbye to Sunny, very sweet, their first time away from one another for more than a day or so!

Phailin and Dad! I held them tightly! We didn't speak for a few minutes then I was softly kissed, `be well' quietly spoken.

Everyone was a bit emotional. It had been one of the best times of my life, so brilliant to have them all around Cho and me!

As the cars rolled out Sunny hugged me tight! Cho's arm around my waist. We waved a lot!

Sunny and I changed for a ride. Down by the Fraser's returning from a good gallop up to Sandford we saw the big 767 waggle its wings as it passed overhead.

Next: Chapter 44

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