Jian: Cast of Characers

By A becker

Published on Jan 9, 2016



In our bedroom Cho pulled me close, sweet kisses in his strong arms. "Remember your schedule!"

Yes, I could eat dinner now but nothing after that except some water in the early morning when I do my bowel cleaning. YUCK!! I'd had to stop my hormones already.


I had my first real awareness in my hospital bed. Nothing about how I got there.

The drive to the hospital, I remember Cho's arms around me, the staff helping me get ready, the gurney ride to the operating room but nothing after that. The rest was missing.

I had a feeling of needing to pee but I knew it was the catheter. The other prevailing sensation of bowel pressure was false too; it was the packing inside me. What was good was I didn't have any real pain!

The best part of waking was seeing Cho's face. He lit me up! I got kissed, a lot!

Dr. Sanporam was smiling, "Miss Martin, we have a great success! No skin grafts needed!"

I could see his pleasure. I told him how I felt which had him nodding, "Excellent! You remember the feelings. Just relax now. We will have you sitting up in the morning. Anything you need press the button."

Cho said he would stay a while until I went to sleep and then go home. We passed a milestone today that made us both happy.

Sun up had me awake. I'd a good night, no pain that needed extra drugs. I was still on IV but sitting up. Coffee and breakfast? I decided on dry toast as I wasn't really hungry but wanted something. Coffee was good.

The day got better with Cho's arrival! He was so happy. I got things: iPad & iPhone. A new book, `The Lost Orwell', which Peter Davison had edited! Goody!!

I got a Cho news bulletin; house construction had advanced a good deal. Ting and Jian would be able to move to their new suite when they returned in a few days. The second suite was done too.

The big playroom was also finished with only the terrace and some interior work to be done. We could start planning the train layout. Cho wanted us to make a design but leave it somewhat open for serendipity.

I had to choose a billiard table! I told I didn't want to put a lot of money in it, just get a good one.

We talked house for a while but I got drowsy, Cho kissed me, "I'll be back."

I was able to sleep for several hours then my IV was removed. I was started back on my hormones and provided oral meds for pain relief.

Dinner was special! Cho was allowed to bring food from Amporn made to suit Dr. Sanporam's criteria. Fish, soup, roti. Not very spicy and soft. It tasted great! Even the Doctor loved it!

More sleep. I was glad to be comfortable enough to rest well. A nurse helped the Dr. Sanporam remove the dressing in the morning. I was pronounced `very nice!'

A nurse got me up after breakfast for a bit more walking before Cho arrived. I felt a bit dizzy but that went away. Cho was able to help me do a SLOW walk about. I stopped to hold him for a few minutes, a sweet kiss too.

I did some email and a short talk with Eric. He was happy for me.

In the evening Dr. Sanporam said I could go home tomorrow but the limits of activity had to be observed. Cho was excited, "Do not worry she is going to behave!" Looking sternly at me. I had to laugh knowing he'd be `tough,' HA!

More walking before bed and also some nice kissing with Cho lying on the bed with me.

I shooed him out, "Come back ready tomorrow."

I was treated like royalty my entire stay! Nice people and gentle. They wheel chaired me out. Thet and JP were at the door for me. Cho helped me into the back of the big Mercedes. A smooth ride for my sore parts.

I chose to get in shorts and bikini top to sit out in the sun on the terrace for a bit. Achara brought out one of Niran's mango lassi's. MMMMMM it tasted wonderful. Sunglasses, Orwell and sweet drink! I got everyone to stop hovering.

Cho took me for a short walking tour of all the construction. Standing in the double doors to the playroom oooooohhhhhh it was big! Skylights, windows and the big doors to the terrace let in so much light. The tile was being put down outside. We talked trains, Cho was really excited!

Jian and Ting's suite was gorgeous! They were going to be pleased. I went out with Amporn, Kiet along as escort to see the work done on their house. New paint, and terrace but the balcony out from their second floor bedroom really made it nice. She and Niran could see the river traffic and lights at night. I got a big hug.

We walked back by the water side, the big yacht was having some work done in a dock, the smaller one had men doing things all over. I waved to the Captain; he said it was a general cleanup.

I was pooped so nap time. Cho joined me to start but after I was asleep he left. I woke to guests. Lawan kneeling beside the bed smiling then Ni and Ku and Eve and Reyna popped up laughing. I got kissed, asked a bunch of questions and waited on hand and foot. Literally... foot rubs, manicure and pedicure. New RED nail polish.

They stayed for dinner, Cho had invited them. Thet and Thang and Kavnu too! We ate Amporn's wonderful fish and sweet curry veggies outside. It was merry! I loved it. So nice to have my sisters around. Jian and Ting were home Sunday evening.

I was stroking Cho's face as he lay against me, "Big visit to doc's tomorrow!" He nodded pulling me closer for a lingering kiss. I was asleep soon with his warm body close.

I had the vaginal packing removed. Ooohhh glad I don't do that every day! Dr. Sanporam said all was well, minimal swelling. The chief nurse came in to give me dilation instructions and my `set' of dilators! Also a talk about drainage that would occur be prepared!

Great, fucking myself with plastic. I asked about using the real thing. She gave me a cute smile, "It is not recommended because the partner may not be able to control their urges." Sweetly put!

Parked in the sun with a lassi, books, iPhone and iPad. Ok I can do this!

Cho had a catalog of billiard tables, another one for HO gauge buildings and accessories and railroad engines and cars, I was to mark up my choices. Gawd! Isn't there a store? Cho looked at me, "You know I do not know." We both laughed! I looked it up online; there were several stores for both north and east of us in the city. We made a plan for my first outing!

We showered, Cho ever so gently washing me! Nice! MORE!

Black mini skirt, white cutoff polo shirt and sandals. I looked cute! At least Cho said so!

We went off with PJ driving us, Sumate wanted to come too, he loved model trains.

First to Sense of Scale in Soi Pholyotin. Good selection, we took some snaps and talked to the owner. Cho got catalogs?

"Dear, let's just get an idea of what's available here so we can plan. OK? Stop with the catalogs!" We were laughing.

Thailand Model Railroad Shop was next just off Soi Chok Chai Ruam Mit. More fun stuff, it looked like we'd be able to pick up whatever we wanted locally without doing mail order. The last shop Big Boy Toys was excellent too. OK we know now where to go, three good places.

Next stop was Ball in Hand billiard supplies. We looked at tables and what they could order as dealers for multiple lines. Cho wanted to get a good quality table that we would have for years. After some looking I showed him a Brunswick table I liked in a catalog. Gawd!

`Treviso' had a modern look which appealed to me. Dark hard wood, Brunswick green stain resistant cloth, a dozen cues and stand, all etcetera's... and a Centennial cue for me. All ordered and to be delivered when available.

I was worn out so home for us. I went straight to bed to nap. I was warm and fuzzy later, happy to get up for food before Jian and Ting arrived.

They were tired from their trip. We kissed them and sent them bed with some snacks from Amporn. They were fine in the morning, Jian and I on the terrace in the sun. Kwang and Dusit still running the office just dandy!

Cho was off to his office. Sanjara, his PA, had done a great job of giving him time for me but Cho had to do some things.

Ting joined us to slurp Niran's lassi's and get some rays! So far I'd been lucky, minimal swelling, no pain, just some stiffness walking but it felt good to do it. We three walked around the grounds, checked in on construction which was nearing the end! Amazing!

Some interior work and terraces left.

Jian and Ting with a tiny bit of help from me mostly pointless advice and more from Kiet, Achara and Niran moved to their new suite. All the heavy lifting by a crew sent by Thet with his `they are security checked.'

Jian was happy, "Fay, it is so roomy in my new closets and the vanity is wonderful." I got hugged although I hadn't done anything. Oh well hugging with Jian is always fun!

In bed again with Cho, lights out, a few wandering fingers. He kissed my neck with hands making little soft gestures on my skin, "Fay, you are doing so well." More kisses! MMMMmmmm

Morning was fine! Sun and salapaos on the terrace with Cho. He had meetings and was gone soon. Poo! Jian was off to the office. A red skirt, white sleeveless blouse, red shoes! She looked great! Ting had an early class to teach. Poo again! All alone!

Worked on my presentations to clients in the upcoming trip, bringing in new data. Sending emails to London, waiting until they woke up to hear back.

Alex from Melbourne's Freight Railroad emailed about coming in to see our system running at the Railroad. I said any time from November 10th to 27th would work. He emailed OK and would make plans.

Kanda and Phailin came over for lunch! Great to see them. We gabbed about so many things. Phailin's daughter Kamon/Kay would be in town in little more than three weeks to donate eggs for Cho and me. The whole Seattle family was coming, the little Suchart who his grandparents hadn't seen yet too.

They wanted to know if I was up to giving my home computer security talk to the ladies group next week. I said yes! It would be good to be out and I was ready. They laughed, Phailin, "Ready? For what?"

"Anything! No, I'm doing fine. In touch with the world even shopping with Cho yesterday. We bought a billiard table so Mom warn Dad he wouldn't be able to avoid a game. I'll only use one hand."

She hugged me, "Good, he needs a thrashing at a game. He's usually too good."

As I waved goodbye Kiet handed me my iPhone, a missed call from Andrea. I rang back, "What? You beauty! That was fast, what a fecund bitch you are! Call Jian right now!" I hung up. Damn, Andrea already pregnant! I got Cho, he was excited for them!

As I got off from him Eric was on the line, "Fay, the New York State Canals has just been on, they've the money to go ahead in five months! Reg's is going to have a lot less hair between you and Rona!"

Laughing, "Damn it's great! They did leave me the impression they'd more flexibility that the Corps of Engineers! Oh by the way, go talk to Andrea!"

He tried to get more info but I didn't budge. "Okay I'll go see her."

Cho sat with me in the sun; we had people coming in an hour for a conference about the Family Health Centers. "I want us both on the board also Phailin for her legal side; Kanda with her Red Cross experience would be perfect."

He agreed but I continued, "I want some ordinary Thais who aren't in government, etc... What about folks who don't currently live here like Kay? She's smart and quick! AND a woman which I want to see as the majority of the board."

Cho squeezed my hand, "They are good choices. We need to work on that but other things to start. Contact them as a heads up to see if they will be interested."

Text from Eric, No shit! In the dark me!' Me back, under ur nose ;-)'

We gathered in the living room, comfy but serious. I got to meet the lawyer for the Chanthira Foundation, Mr. Nu. He gave off a scholarly vibe but his advice was plain and sound. Some other lawyers, a banker and a government official all had their ideas but Cho let them talk having given me a heads up on how he wanted to play it. I listened also but being the only woman in the room I wanted to jump in. I could see Cho being chill so I leaned back, he saw me relax, I got a winning smile.

I was amazed that my Thai wasn't leaving me on the sideline. Thanks Kiet!!!

At a break Mr. Nu approached, "Miss Martin surely you have a woman's viewpoint? Please let us hear it."

I smiled, "For now I want to listen it is `early days' as the saying goes."

Amporn gave me a sign; I went to her as Cho was talking across the room.

My phone, text from Andrea `confirmed not just pissing on a chem stick'

Txt back `so happy take care of U!'

Clusters of emojs with LOVE being central!

I showed it to Cho before we started again, His arm around my shoulders, leaning close, "Now tell them what your ideas are and why. Then we will have them do what we want because they do not have a clue. Their own mouths have shown that!"

We sat; one of the lawyers began... I stepped in metaphorically, "What we need are clinics that can help families and single people with basic medical care. We must have links with hospitals of course but this is NOT intended as a profit making enterprise. There is no goal to charge the `going rate' for services since so many we want to help can't pay it."

I had switched to English at some point when my Thai couldn't keep up with my tongue. I knew they got it with a few open mouths as proof.

"There's only one point here... good healthcare for all comers. The Chanthira Foundation will build clinics, staff them AND manage its endowment to be able to plow the money earned back into the clinics. Also we do not want limits on what kind of care, if women need contraception they should have it, people who question their gender must be cared for every way possible, prenatal care, all common childhood diseases, there is so much but it is possible."

There was more talk from me and Cho but they got the point.

Mr. Nu approached me afterwards, "Miss Martin, I do believe I have been sandbagged by Cho again." He was smiling, "I have known Cho for thirty odd years enough to know he revered his mother and nothing would ever be allowed to diminish her memory. So you two allowed the old men to talk and then let us have it. No, NO, I am not upset at all. It is amusing to have you as Cho's foil or may be a rapier instead?"

We laughed, I asked him to stay. Cho joined us, "So Nu you figured it out right?"

"Yes but too late again!" They had a good chuckle and I was let in on the joke about another board meeting about twenty five years ago when Cho took control of the Railroad when his father could no longer do it. He came in meek then roared like a lion and the board was knocked back and Cho was the MAN!

"Today you Miss Martin had that role. It is splendid to meet you. I hope we get along well and do great things." My hand was lightly kissed before Mr. Nu took off.

I was surrounded from behind by Cho's strong arms, "Fay, I loved it!"

I was kissed in the sun, warmly embraced, carefully picked up and carried to bed. On our sides facing we kissed, I slid close holding my man. We did nap for a while until awakened by the return of the `new' parent! Jian was gentle this time about climbing on the bed for kisses.

Amporn put on a feast of many delights; there were toasts which we sent to Andrea via FaceTime and kisses, lots. Sitting in Cho's lap sipping my lassi a few fingers playing with my parts smiling at Jian curled up with Ting, NICE!

Standing on the dock with Cho's arm over my shoulders hugging close, "I have some news about the trip to Saratoga but it will keep until morning. Now Miss Martin, I need more kisses from you!"

"Well big guy you can have your way with me but there has to be another fun time with my plastic friend."

"Ah, can I watch or participate?"

"If you can control yourself? YES!"

Once again I was scooped up for the trip to bed.

I had an email from Sondra Thayer in the morning, she was working on her dad about the trip to Bangkok, he might get in touch. My reply reminded her we would be in Saratoga for the Hopeful Stakes. She returned a smiley!

Reg and Helmut from MAN sent some info on the test of the bus 4g video, etc... connection device. Tests looked very good; cameras were basic but did as asked. Higher RES ones in `real world' test units. Let's talk about a joint approach with MAN to Seattle/King County METRO.

I sent a follow up email to Dr. Sanporam,' I'm doing well, going slow and when could I ride?'

Jared had Anthony ready to do an Apple OSX Server install onto the house network when he came out to training for newbies in Eve's shop at the Railroad. He would bill us for it all.

I spent time with one of Thet's security guys on how to secure WiFi using MAC Addresses. No problem he got it one time through. We would have to fuss a bit for regular house users but only once. All visitors would be sent over to the limited separate guest network.

Sitting in the sun in a black bikini felt GOOD! Amporn parked a plate of fruit and salapaos near me, maybe too near because I swept it clean. Coffee.

??? A call from a US area code 202? "Andrew good to hear from you. How important are these two Congress people? OK! The first week in September? Thursday. OK I'll make it work. Meet at yours. Any changes let me know."

I called Cho first, "I need to see two US congress folks about the Corps of Engineers canal thing in D.C. you want to meet Gerald?" We laughed, he was in.

"I have a secret that I can unveil sooner than planned but no problem." As usual for Cho no amount of wheedling got me any further info. He liked my attempts though!!

"Eric, the Corps of Engineers has setup a meeting with two US Congress people about the Intercoastal Waterway project... Andrew is convinced they could accelerate the program... It's set for the Thursday before we were going to watch Glaa run in the Hopeful Stakes in New York. Fits perfectly... I'll talk to Andrew again to get some idea of what we need to prepare. Cheers!"

The trip to the US with an England stop would work fine as Kay & Greg and kids would be here right after.

Dr. Sanporam's reply email let me know it would three months or more before he would clear me to ride. Poo! Otherwise he was pleased. I replied with `English saddle.' He came back right away with three months maybe less depending on an exam. Yea!!

I had a secret for Cho that arrived, a bottle of Remy Martin Louis XIII cognac. One here, one delivered to Harcourt House and one to New York hotel to give to Thayer to thank him for hosting us. A fourth was delivered to DeClare today. Let's see what I hear!

Dinner was the four of us ending in my secret being released. Jian and I walked out to our men each with a snifter of the Remy Martin being warmed in our hands! Looks exchanged when they got their noses in, "Fay, this is what Gerald served isn't it?"

I had a BIG smile, nodding as the first sip took place. YES! We could see it hit them. So nice to watch them enjoy it. Jian hugged me, "Ah another triumph for you!" We did fist bumps!

The guys indulged, we watched. Kiet got Jian an Amaretto and me an espresso.

In the morning I felt good so I boldly headed out to the office. Black jeans, cutoff polo shirt, Nordstrom ankle boots and two new bracelets, one a two inch wide gold band with a self- locking hinge. MMMMM The other was a cloisonné with bright green parrots on a white background mounted on a gold band. Cho! He got kissed!

Standing on the terrace with a coffee with Kay on the line. They were READY! "I've barely gotten your gift off Sunny. She's slept in them... I'm so glad your operation has gone so well. Mom told me about your lunch..."

Greg hopped on to tell me there's an update for the conference app. Go get it! Aye Aye!

I sat to throw something together for my Ladies Club talk. Home security? Well don't turn the damned thing on! Ack! Get serious Fay! Let's do anti-virus software...

A quick call to Phailin, "The Ladies Club is at yours right? What about a white board or something... You do? How very prepared of you! OK, Mom! I'll be good."

...Malware software, ad blockers... Jian parked herself in a guest chair, "So Boss I think Kwang and Dusit have got it on travel arrangements. Yes...I know there'll be changes" She came around to look at my little info handout for the Ladies. "So no problem, we have some nice heavier weight paper you can use in the colour printer. They will look nice!"

She sat down beside me butt bumping me out; my ideas and graphics became a nicely organized and clear handout. I paid in kisses! And a fresh cup of coffee.

We called Wo for a lunch delivery. The four of us sat like beached whales on the terrace. It included something new a vegetable curry soup that was spicy but so smooth! All of it was Wo's usual wonderful work!

I made some calls to other possible stops on my next trip. Then pulled up a list of possibles in South and Central America. This was at least spring of next year. Ah YES! Maybe the end of summer in some parts there heading towards autumn!!

In the car with Jian I got a text with grateful thanks from DeClare. I rang him, "So..."

Laughter, "That is a very nice treat you sent! I'm lucky Daphne isn't a cognac person so I don't have to share." More laughter from us both.

"Cho has the same luck here! We'll be back in town for a few days late the night of the seventh after the Hopeful Stakes. Dinner? Good! I'll get back to you!"

Cho laughed when I told him, "He would have to be dead not to love that cognac."

I did everything the Doctor wanted and mostly in slow motion. I had some stiffness and I began to loathe the dilators but in an abstract kind of manner. Hard plastic isn't much of a substitute!

At least I could do hot showers and Tuesday I corralled Cho. He was smiling as I leaned forward on my knees to kiss his cock! I licked it top to bottom, sliding down to those lovely testicles. So warm, smooth and tasty!! He knew I had as much pent up need as him.

The cockhead!! Oh what a cockhead hidden from me until I got him wet enough to come out! A gasp from Cho as I leaned over to engulf the WHOLE thing!

Sucking backwards slowly with a lot of tongue work. Just holding the head with a naughty tongue tip in his piss slit. MMMMMMM

I cupped those balls I'd made wet slurping the cock in until my nose was in Cho's soft pubic hair, up and back down again! And again! And Again! Bobbing slowly at first I picked up the pace and suction.

Cho's back was on the smooth wood wall of the shower as I slid one hand up for a nipple. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA I think he liked it ? I know he liked my mouth! The other nipple was a rock like the first.

"Fay, yes yes... There was more but it didn't sound as if he wanted me to stop so I doubled down on everything.

Cho was now incoherent gripping my head I never slowed down sliding up and down I knew the friction was great but when my finger gently rubbing his tight rosebud...

"Damn Fay Damn..." He held tight as that delightful cock began to twitch in my mouth. He spurted a big clump of delicious cum followed by four more each followed the first down to my eager stomach.

He let me go his hands pressing onto the wood behind him my mouth kept up slurping his penis. His legs quivered a bit but his eyes were riveted on mine. My love!

I was reluctant to give him his cock back but it was inevitable. Warm strong arms around me, my face in his neck, "Fay you are amazing! Every time you are amazing!" We leaned on the wall for a few minutes kissing and me getting my pussy lightly stroked.

Yes there was a shower and more than a few kisses and hugs.

What to wear? I decided on a sleeveless white linen dress about mid-thigh. Black stockings attached to a small lace garter belt. Black heels! A wide black belt. Cho's onyx gifts and my new wide gold hinged bracelet for my left arm. A small black bag with the big question mark and RED lips to go with the RED nails the girls did for me.

I felt a bit wicked looking so good and Cho's cum in my belly. PJ had his eyes opened but it hardly showed such a professional.

At Phailin's she stood inside the door holding my hand, "Oh my! Fay you look gorgeous!" Several women I didn't know yet agreed! I was introduced around by Phailin holding my hand, I was her daughter. Kanda came breezing in a bright yellow dress looking great. I got a big hug. OK it was show time.

Phailin started things off with an intro including my career computer/network work, my being her and Keren's adopted daughter and Cho's fiancé which got me a few wide eyed looks.

I passed out my handouts and used the white board Phailin setup. I gave them a good going over about usage, erasing things like cookies, installing anti-virus software and which were good choices. On malware and how it worked in a general sense and some software to get.

I tried for a general overview of how to be aware of the issues in web surfing and email. They we very attentive, looking at the handout when I mentioned items on it. Their questions were were easy on me. I got a nice round of applause and many thanks afterwards during the drinks and snacks period.

Phailin had her arm around me, "Did you see a few reactions to my introduction?"

"Yes you were a bit naughty there." We both were laughing when a petite lady came over, Phailin extended her hand. "Fay meet Amedee, her husband is in the government."

She had a lovely smile, "Yes I have heard a small amount about you from him. He is currently the Justice Minister."

Ah! "Yes we did meet a month's back over the possible prosecution of some criminals who wanted to steal secrets. It was a brief meeting."

"He was quite taken with your nerve though and spoke admiringly of watching you intimidate a room of lawyers."

We ended up talking a while, Amedee was nice and she intimated, after I told her my English background and being orphaned, her growing up had been a bit difficult but she had worked to get a good education. She met a young lawyer, love and family. "You know how it goes after that."

"I'm sure there is more than that but I understand. I am still amazed about being with Cho."

"Well I have heard from Kanda and Phailin he is besotted so don't worry." We were laughing then about her observation and the magic of it all.

Finally it was just Phailin and me sitting in shady alcove at the back of her garden, "Mom... "She knew it would be something emotional when I used that... "Thanks for having me; I liked several of the ladies I talked to very much. I didn't get to talk much with Amedee but I think there are some interesting things about her."

My hand squeezed, "Fay you were wonderful almost professorial!" We laughed, "Amedee is a self-made woman even though she married well. A lot of hard work went into family and education. I could lend you one of her books..."

I agreed when I found out she wrote literary criticism which included a book on Jane Austen. It was a slim volume nicely bound in a rich red fabric. `Jane Austen's World of Manners' HHHHMMMM!

In the car a text from Andy at Harcourt House Pamela doing well' all newbies settling in' `Thames growing nicely & no news on mother'

At the office Jian got a hug and kiss, "Has it sunk in yet Mother to be?"

We giggled, "It is strange Fay, I am excited! Andrea is so happy! Ting too quite taken with the idea. His parents are thrilled."

I worked on the next trip details for several of the projects we might be involved in.

Anong called, they had a date, November 17th. A few weeks after I'd be back from Hong Kong and America! She was so happy. I'd get the colours she was using in a day or so, could I meet her and brides' maids for a lunch? Most definitely! Right after we came back from the Glaa race trip.

Before going home I got PJ to take me to Mongkut. Hugs with Malee. Her family was working on the details but Anong's date was earlier in the month than they had tentatively set. Good!

Nara had new boots to show, light brown above the ankle height lace up with a zipper side and low heel. Surprising light! Yes get me a pair! Nara laughing, "You are good for me! Approving my choices."

"It's easy you have good taste in shoes!" Hugs!!

Bikini, lassi, salapaos, sun!! That was me when Cho found me by the pool! Achara pointed in my direction. He knelt beside my lounge, KISS! He stroked my belly, "Fay take out the ring."

MMMMMMMM The gold ring was put aside replaced by a silver one with a black and silver flower dangling. Nice! Silver and black! KISS!

"Just something different since you like to wear black." More kisses!

We were hosting the girls and their partners Saturday. Cho was having it catered by the Kiet's giving Amporn and Niran a few days off to go to visit some family in Pattaya. Niran had been our man-on-the-spot during the construction. He had done well!

I chilled out, worked more hours each day by Saturday I was ready for some folks to be around. I was feeling good. No pain except for the time used to fuck myself with plastic and that was just a minor annoyance. Cho joined me one day.

I did the dilation while sucking his cock gently. HHHHMMMM Sweet precum! Warm delightful balls! I was careful with my pussy but thoroughly enjoyed having a mouthful. Going slow turned out to be fun when I got several loads of Cho sperm down my throat. He was happy and gentle the whole time allowing me to work the plastic thingee at my pace. I lay back with open arms and thighs, he slowly lowered himself I loved the weight of him on me. I wrapped myself around him. KISSING commenced!!!

Dr. Vanatonu had called to see if I would speak with her again. She was talked into coming to the house. We sat on the terrace with lassi's and snacks.

We started off slow but she was working around to asking how I had moved from a `man' to being feminine so quickly and apparently easily? No years of feeling out of place?

"I think I had successfully suppressed it all thinking it was unacceptable and unEnglish AND wrong. It wasn't like like I was some `jock' going overboard to compensate but just down deep I had the whole... well my times with women were never easy, I was reticent and shy certainly no risk taker. Funny to find out that I was admired by several women for the way I was, it came as a shock. I just felt out of place though but not physically dysphoric. There wasn't shame just confusion"

I let her know I hadn't ever been in love with anyone really and there had been no feeling gay or I'd never been with a man. I gave her an abbreviated version of my first time with Jian, how it felt to receive her penis. The other men I glossed over who they were and how I met them. Meeting Cho and how that completely changed everything was my highlight.

I didn't ever `dress up' but I loved seeing women looking nice in their clothes.

I tried to give her the sense that I liked women's attire in an abstract way maybe if I had been more artistic myself I might have been in fashion somehow. But when I was given the `opportunity' to make a change it seemed quite natural. No regrets, which I had to say was made easier by my new friends, Jian and Cho's love and The Company's total acceptance and support. I stepped through the closet door to a new world ready for my change.

She said I was quite unusual in my transition... I had to say `LUCKY' which got a big smile. "Yes fate did give me some significant help!"

I told her about the Family Health Centers we were planning, how gender questioning people would be made welcome and given support for whatever path they wished to take. I asked if she would consider being on the foundation board with me and Cho and others. She seemed quite pleased to be asked.

"It may be a bit of work to start as plans were open right now and advice would be eagerly sought but as the process moves forward we won't be asking for too much time."

Dr. Vanatonu was willing, "I would enjoy exchanging ideas and contributing." Done!

Cho was happy I'd added her and she would get a formal letter from the foundation. I got some nice kisses, "You do make decisions easily when you feel you are on solid ground. I have always liked this!"

The party on Saturday was fun. The rain which came didn't last and the caterers were prepared.

I had a Kiet grilled shrimp in my mouth when Thet and Reyna came over, "Fay, thank you again for the flat! It so was so needed and generous of you and Cho but now I am moving in with this fellow." She kissed Thet's cheek. I hugged them both trying to swallow my shrimp.

"Wonderful news! If you ever have trouble with this guy you let me know!"

They smiled, I kissed their cheeks. Looking into Thet's eyes I saw there wouldn't be a need to worry, a solid man not prone to rash decisions.

Reyna went to get a drink, "Fay you made it possible the way you treated Reyna when she was released. A true warm person you were showing Reyna she had your love."

He had my hand tightly, "I am in your debt for opening my eyes to the possibilities of love."

I was amazed at this speech but so happy for them. He got another cheek kissed and my best wishes and ENJOY!

Cho greeted the news by taking Thet off to talk, later he told me he asked Thet to give more work to Sumate so he could have time for Reyna. KISS!

Monday at my desk I got a call from Helmut of MAN, they had received the new G4 connection device prototype! It was great, the new cameras gave hi-res video that streamed easily and the compression algorithm worked very well. I told him I would work on a meeting with Seattle/King County METRO, when did he have time available? We discussed several dates and left it open until I could work on it. Possibly near the end of January.

I called Reg, "Yes I thought you and Helmut should talk after his report on the new prototype. Eric wants to let Man continue to test and we work on a meeting."

Rona was great, over four months now but not getting much larger after that spurt. I told him we were stopping after the Hopeful Stakes first Monday next month.

Cho pulled me up out of the lounge gently to a hug, "Carter called. The kitchen is back to working and Carla is trying to bring order to it. We can stay overnight, OK? Good! The heating issue will not be a problem yet and will be done in a few weeks. Blankets and you will provide the warmth!!"

On the terrace that evening I asked about airline reservations Cho just smiled! A secret? In bed after a preliminary question with no answer my mouth tried to coax more info but Cho didn't budge although he grew! Very nicely too!!!

My thrice daily plastic fuckings were now shared experience often ending in a mouthful of Cho cum. Yum!

Tuesday I had a packing party, Jian and Malee helped me get it done. Malee stayed over! They waved goodbye as we got aboard the helicopter. Off! We turned around and headed up river then angled to the northeast? Was this a different approach to Suvarnabhumi Airport?

I wasn't long before I saw a different airport, Don Mueang. We touched down on a pad at the north end. Our bags were loaded on a cart for a fifty meter run across the tarmac to a big jet. All white with its numeric signature on the fuselage.

On the tail a yellow with red center hibiscus `Brilliant.'

Up the stairs into a dimly lit cabin. Cho held me just inside the doorway, "Fay welcome aboard Cho-Fay Air!" He was laughing holding me tight so I was being vibrated. I was led forward to a lounge past rows of big seats.

"I made a deal for an existing company with a base here at Don Mueang. We have one long range aircraft right now, this Boeing 767 300er XL. It is modified for extra range and..." He took me to a door, a suite! A nice bed with a table and chairs by the windows and a bathroom with a shower!!

There was a connecting door to another suite a bit smaller. Both in soft rose and khaki colours. A door the other side of the suite went to an office, a desk and chairs, "We can share." Big grin!

Back to the lounge I saw the seats again more than a dozen Cho said were like First Class sleepers further back were others that were the same First Class type but not sleepers. A full kitchen at the rear and the bar in the lounge completed my tour of our area. The bathrooms at the rear were huge, one had a shower. Up front there was a spiral staircase to the lower deck for the Crew. A lounge, bathroom and bunk room so they could relax and rest during a long flight.

"We can fly 9,500 nautical miles so reaching America or England is within our range. Also we can use smaller airports because of the modifications that give us what they call STOL' which means short take-off and landing.' There's an airfield near Harcourt House about fifteen minutes away which we have negotiated a deal to allow our use which is an old World War II US Army Air Force base now closed to the public at Chalgrove. So we can get there without going through London."

I sat on a bar stool trying to take in the whole idea as PJ had the crew bring up our bags. Another fellow was with PJ, Rande. He was going to join PJ as close security mainly being with Cho. Rande was muscular, nice looking with a nice suit, open collar. I do like that they have good clothes; I'd asked Thet one day about it. He said `We need to look like we belong to be around you. Cho insists on a clothing allowance for personal protection staff. It is a very good business and security decision.'

Cho had brought up security a few days earlier, "We are going to be more public with Glaa's success and other horses coming plus the actions of the Chanthira Foundation and your travel. I want PJ to travel with you, No not in your back pocket but close. We may not have anything to fear from Saul's cohorts but there are other dangers out in the world. AND I do not want to go overboard but be careful." He was holding my face gently but I could feel the intensity in his fingers.

Kiss, "I will make it work."

The pilots and cabin crew came in to meet us. Three flight deck officers, I'd have to ask for names again and two stewards. Flight officers were all men, one male and one female cabin crew. Ban and Soka were pleasant, nice looking and a wrinkle they were a married couple! We talked for a few minutes, together for five years; they liked the idea of working as a team the same cabin.

The flight officers were all pilots of long standing with over a thousand hours in 767's. They all had flown this plane before so they knew all about the special features. Time to go, we all shook hands.

Soka helped me get out a few things from my bags. I told her I would probably sleep a lot.

I joined Cho in the lounge for take-off. We buckled into nice comfy chairs that swiveled and could tilt back but bolted to the deck! We were side by side holding hands. "It is sixteen hours flight time so we will arrive around 4:30 PM. I guess you want to sleep, I am working. There is WiFi on board so lots of work time." He drew my hand up for a kiss.

"Actually I'm going to stay awake for a while and sleep later. A bit of prep for whatever the Congress persons want to throw out there."

Pre-flight had been done before we boarded now just running up the engines.

Oh! I called Le Champignon D'Or, "Yes may I speak to Gerald this Fay Martin... Gerald I am calling to arrange the completion of our deal... Yes we are about to leave and should be in D.C. tomorrow four o'clock your time... Wonderful...Thank you!"

"Ok dinner tomorrow on me!"

Cho was laughing, "That is if he allows you to pay!" We squeezed hands and the plane began to move.

"Just you know we will leave Thursday after your meeting and fly to New York and use Terrance to go to Saratoga so we can talk with him. Sam found two places for us to look at for the car service base. I want Terrance to see them and we will speak about drivers and crew and other things."

I did two thumbs up!! Cho called Sam as I sent email to Eric, Reg, Andrea and Jodie. I wanted to be sure Jodie had sent the final number of folks going to the Railroad to Thet's assistant and Cho's property manager.

I called Jian and told her about Cho's latest secret! She was amazed I told her there was lots of room so we might try taking `the crew' on a trip! Hooray!! Cho gave me a thumbs up back!

We were taxiing; the Captain announced we were turning on to the runway 21 L for take-off. He hit the gas; the first flight of Cho-Fay Air roared down the runway and lifted off so smoothly. A fast climb and turn to starboard coming around to head north. We were doing an over the pole track.

Soka brought me my iPad and it connected to the WiFi right off! Did a map of us! Then back to working on things for Thursday. Some email from Alex and Sheila. They would be in on November 15th, send flight info so we can get you picked up, done!

I went with Soka and Ban to check out the FOOD! Oh yes! Fruit! Misc. snack things in boxes which had no appeal for me. Soka had a surprise, two meals in the refrigerator to be reheated courtesy of Amporn!!! Fish, veggies in pineapple curry and tomato sauces!!! Soup, rice dishes!! Roti!! Yea!!

I took an apple and a plate of salapaos! Coffee being brewed. Cho took half my apple when offered! The salapaos on the table between us were punished severely and re-filled by Ban who had a big smile.

I worked for a few hours then we ate one of the Amporn meals! Fish, veggies, roti and soup!! Wonderful even reheated!

I headed to bed. Cho held tight, stroked my hair from the side of my face, kisses on my neck. Naked, one last kiss, I slid into the sheets. Set my iPhone for six hours sleep.

Cho was beside me later a soft kiss, more sleep. Eight hours onward I was awake Cho sleeping quietly. I showered and dressed in black pencil leg slacks, a white short-sleeve blouse with big black polka dots, black sandals.

Coffee! Soka said she'd slept; now Ban was. I walked to the back for more coffee he was curled up in one of the chairs. Back in the lounge, "Soka you should use one of the sleeping seats when free from now on, OK." A big smile! "Good!"

PJ and Rande were asleep too but in the sleeping seats. A mental note for Cho, get sleeping accommodations for the cabin crew and security folks put in somehow since it wouldn't be right for any ladies to sleep in the bunk room downstairs.

It was just after noon in D.C. five in London. I tried Reg's office line, nothing! I tried his cell, "Hello...Walking to the Tube... Sure I'll get the mother–to-be to call. Have fun with Congress persons!"

Gregory said all the horses were doing well, settling in. I called Carter, "Miss Martin nice to hear from you. Yes Mr. Cho did give me a heads up. The security folks are still putting in sensors but their explanations of how it all works needs some refining. Yes if it is to be effective. Most certainly! Thank you." Ah something for Cho!

I went forward and used the intercom to the flight deck. Captain Kor came to let me in, "Miss Martin, I am off the controls right now. Please..." I got a short tour, I didn't want to bother them but get a look out from of the aircraft. Quite a view, good clear skies over Canada. We were making excellent time should be on the ground in two and a half hours.

Captain Kor said he liked flying this plane with all the power of the added features and lighter weight made it very pleasant to control. I thanked him for the cockpit view.

In bed I lay over Cho, soft kisses, fingers though his hair, light scalp massage, more kisses. "No No No more kisses... I can not stand it... I surrender!" We were laughing so hard! I got my butt patted, "Out while I wash and dress!"

Soka got me fresh coffee. She had hot rolls and butter! MMMMMM some cheese and fruit! Munch!!! Cho came in and got his share before I ate it all.

Captain Kor announced they were in contact with DCA tower and we expect to be on the ground in thirty minutes. Soka helped me put away some things I was leaving on board and ready my bags to go to the Watergate for overnight. Then strapped in.

I watched the Washington Monument go by a window WOW we were LOW on approach going down river. We landed almost immediately after that and taxied to a hanger. Some customs folks met us and stamped our Thai diplomatic passports after checking our regular passports. They said we wouldn't have to do this again we'd be in their database of security checked fliers.

We'd be here overnight before going onto New York.

PJ and Rande joined us in the limo to the Watergate. The suite was very nice, much bigger than my first with a great view of the Potomac River across from Arlington Cemetery. I didn't make the arrangements but someone was impressed with us because the duty manager was quite obsequious towards us. Cho was polite but cut him off.

PJ and Rande had the second room.

We sat for a while looking at each other smiling, "You are rested? OK for tonight?"

"I wouldn't miss it for the world."

I had to get out my dilator for a session; Cho petted me gently as I did my task.

"Your pussy is quite beautiful! I adore it!" His fingers very softly touched me, my eyes closed warm lips kissing my neck. Oh so much more just dilating!!!

Andrea called, "Honey you are going to New York, right? ...Can you interview two candidates in the City? ...Good, I'll contact them and give them your day/time choices and go from there! No, I'm fine! Not a bit of morning sickness but the Doc said it could come any time...Yuck! But Hey!"

Getting ready I shooed Cho out. Silver white dress close to my body with slender shoulder straps with modest décolletage, ankle length with slits on each side to lower-thigh, white lace garter belt holding white stockings and black strap 3' heels. Cho's narrow diamond pattern silver bracelet with slender chains crossing the back of my hand to a ring on my right and Thang's beautiful teardrop on the left. A black satin bolero jacket and a black wide brim Spanish Equestrian hat. Red lips, RED! Matching nails!

Cho gave me a mock swoon onto the sofa. I gave him my hand which he kissed, "Fay you are provocative and damned gorgeous!"

Cho asked me to close my eyes; he was behind me putting something around my neck.

"You may look now!"

A low single silver strand holding an oval ruby pendant in my cleavage. I almost cried but Cho wouldn't let me, "It is beautiful like you. Perfect for this dress!"


"Thank you! It is so lovely! AND you Sir...You look pretty tasty too!"

A slender cut black suit, pale gray shirt with French cuffs bearing a pair of cufflinks I bought, golden rayed stars and a slender black tie with narrow red lines going vertical. Oh MY!

PJ and Rande with us as we were dropped off at the front door of Le Champignon D'Or to be greeted by Gerald. His eyes bright holding my hand, "Miss Martin!!!" The exclamation had a few heads turn. It was a very nice moment when I was able to introduce Cho. A warm handshake and hug, "Monsieur you are very welcome!"

At the house booth I got to hug Antonio before sliding in, he took my hat and jacket.

"Miss, your look is stunning! A Campari?" I smiled a yes but Gerald suggested we share a bottle of Tattinger's to start, Cho seconded that rubbing his hands to which I added my vote. Antonio made a shallow bow with a huge smile.

Gerald seated PJ and Rande nearby treating them also as valued guests before joining us for the wine. I sipped cautiously my first alcohol since...

A slender tray of slender lightly toasted bread slices and a silver bowl of shiny black-red caviar appeared. MMMMMMM Mildly salty bursting with flavor! With the champagne very nice!

Gerald had planned the DINNER! In white like me! Some small Chesapeake Bay crab cakes with a sweet wasabi sauce to start! Grilled flounder, white asparagus with several varieties of mushrooms lightly browned in butter and small potato rounds grilled with dill and thyme. Some slightly crusty slender bread slices toasted with butter and rosemary.

A VERY nice Pouilly-Fumé Loire Valley Sauvignon Blanc.

So many tastes done so well! Such good food simply prepared and displayed. Served by Antonio with verve and obvious delight!

Afters... Just espresso for me but the Remy Martel Louis XIII for the men. I did get a nose full from Cho's snifter that was enough for me.

Then a small dish appeared in front of me with a white chocolate tear drop. OOOOOOHHHHHH! I went slow! It was wonderful with espresso also. I guess it's just wonderful!! Cho tried a piece but said NO More! Like me and Antonio he would pounce and gobble. Such restraint!

We talked about why I had returned so soon, the race Glaa was going to run Monday and how he'd done in the Sanford earlier, Harcourt House, Gerald and Antonio thinking about a vacation which got Cho to invite them to Bangkok.

"Stay with us for a few days then go see some countryside, beaches, you know the whole thing. We can put you up and you might be around when we go to Aao Khamoht for the phosphorescent lights. Maybe a trip to a forest house up in the northeast."

I interjected the word `palace,' which brought a smile from Gerald.

Antonio had been waved over when Cho mentioned their traveling to Thailand. He had been to Indonesia, great beaches and good times! Gerald was interested, "You don't have to plan very far in advance for us we can make room for you two any time, so think and look around on the internet."

Antonio could sit for a few minutes, "I like to lie on hot sand being baked." He had a slightly swarthy complexion but didn't seemed have gotten that much this summer, "No, working and a long trip to Spain for my uncle's funeral and family business. Sad but cancer a deadly thing." He had to stay over a month to help his aunt deal with the financial

issues from the estate.

They would talk about Bangkok and let us know. Gerald would not let us pay. Cho did work at it manfully but no way. I was helped in my jacket by Antonio, "Please take this and share it as tip money, OK?"

He nodded, taking the five one hundred dollar bills, "I understand it will be a bonus for the kitchen, yes?""Perfect!" I left a bit of red lipstick on his cheek. A big hug from Gerald.

PJ and Rande had the car out front, waves and I blew a few kisses.

I was looking those two in the jump seats, "How was your dinner?"

They both had the grilled trout almandine on my recommendation, it was pronounced EXCELLENT!

On the suite balcony in the dark wearing the big fluffy robe from the hotel with dark strong arms around me. Neck kissed as the hands began to explore some. HhhhhMmmmm I chose not to defend, I let Cho roam where he wanted, it felt so good! Gentle caresses of my pussy... Oh Shit... Cho found my clit... Oh Shit... Aaaaaahhhhhh! Shit Shit He knew I was wobbly, gathering me tightly, "Cho you made me cum! My first time!"

Our robes open, skin to skin, "Fay I am so happy for you! Now more."

On the bed he opened my legs and tasted me for the first time. His caresses were soft, a warm tongue... I orgasmed again but Cho didn't let up... OHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhh Finally, "Cho please stop please!"

He kissed and licked his way to my lips. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM "Cho it was wonderful!"

"Fay you were shivering! So intense!!!!"

I was wrapped around him, "Cho I'm so glad! I was worried that may be I wouldn't be..."

Cho kissed me, "Over now! We know!" More kisses under the covers Cho's hand on my back stroking the hibiscus.

Wham! Shit! It hit me! "You put that hibiscus on the plane!"

He was laughing softly, "It is beautiful like you!"

Damn the man, he knew how to do things for me!

"Sleep, a long day tomorrow!"

Room service coffee and French bread toasted with butter on the balcony the sun up but not very far. Cho's arms around my waist as another couple came onto their balcony across from us; I raised my coffee cup they waved back.

I mentioned Carter's issue with the security folk's explanations which got Cho to text to Thet. He'd wait for an answer...but a reply came in right away that he'd be on it.

I suggested the cabin crew of the Cho-Fay Air 767 and our security folks have some sleeping accommodation, maybe just a few `sleeping seats' put in just for them? Cho said yes, "Good! They need it. You are right about no ladies downstairs unless we have a woman pilot and make changes there." He emailed Sanjara to contact Thet and the office at Don Mueang to arrange it when the aircraft returned.

Warm and sticky in D.C. so I went with a dark blue sleeveless dress with matching stockings and shoes. My bag was the same. Cho's parrot bracelet for color and the three gold intertwined rings on my left. A single unadorned gold strand around my neck.

Andrew at Corps of Engineers said we'd have about an hour meeting so Cho decided to wait and do email and calls from the car. We picked up Andrew and drove to the Rayburn Office Building. In a conference room I met the two Congress persons. A woman from New York and a man from Virginia.

We talked about the project, I showed them an updated video from Reg and brought the man himself in on the conference App. Reg was such a great person to lead our new developments team, sharp, into the tech side and very deliberate in methods but with a wonderful way when speaking to groups.

The Congress persons were obviously impressed. After Reg was out they had questions for Andrew about locations, the inevitable ones about local manufacture and installation. Andrew had the info from me about US parts, etc...

The lady, "If we can fast track to replace some of the more obviously aged equipment, how soon can your company respond?"

I said the only to hold us back to start immediately will be actually having the hardware in hand, everything is ready to go. We are hiring more staff...

They both said there was a real chance of getting something in an appropriations bill in a manner of days which would fund the project start. Good news! Andrew was all smiles. It ended on that high note.

Back a Corps of Engineers Andrew told his number two who gave out a whoop! They would keep in touch more closely as it went forward.

At the Cho-Fay Air plane I changed to black jeans, crop top in yellow with black polka dots and black ankle boots. Jewelry changed to Cho's onyx gifts!!!

We were off right away, the big jet roaring down the runway and zipping upwards. We came around to the starboard hard and kept climbing but this bird could do it easy. You could feel the power under control not struggling!

Terrance would meet us at JRA heliport at West 30th St. after we fly in from SWF in Newburgh. We would go to the hotel later after looking at the proposed car service buildings with Sam and Sadie.

Looking down Leroy St. from the Hudson River this was clearly the better location. Eight blocks from our new home in Greenwich Village, just off West St., easy to get to 7th and 6th Avenues and Houston St. It'd been a repair shop at one point, single story, decent sized office, work bays, big power lifts and repair wells; good break room with big south facing window and skylight with kitchen and the locker room and showers off the break room.

Sam said it needed some structural work but not so much to disbar a purchase. Mostly to do with one part of the roof. Terrance had been wandering; we'd heard some machinery noises. Rande had been with him, "The machinery isn't new but well maintained." We did fist bumps!

"The lifts work, it's pretty clean and the plumbing is OK."

"Can it support ten cars?" Cho looking over at him.

"Sure, some in the outside parking inside the fence and room in here for six easy... On street too, it's pretty empty out there." He was looking at his watch and motioning.

PJ said the street parking had been very open when we arrived and was thinner now.

"Sam, make them an offer a bit under their asking price but tell them we will pay cash immediately." Cho was smiling at me. A quick kiss.

Sam had a wicked lawyer smile and two thumbs up! Sadie was laughing holding him around the waist.

Going to Volare on West 4th Street. Italian! We had a big table at the back. A Campari in hand going down the menu, "OK folks, " the waiter, handle bar mustache, an Old World look, leaned over. "Me, the Antipasto Caldo per 2, Insalata Tricolore, lentil soup, Sogliola Piccante Pesce." I stopped my run to look around for who'd join me in the antipasto?

Sadie had a huge grin and shot her arm up. We had a happy table. Giovanni smiling under that big mustache. Drinks, starters filled the table; I elbowed Terrance to try the antipasto. Oh Yes! He was up for more, I waved him on.

The sole was magnificence on a plate, beautiful but not so I didn't dig in. Villa Gemma Montepulciano d'Abruzzo Riserva was right! Good earthy, fruity flavours, deep rich red filled glass in my hand! I stood to make a toast, looking at Cho.

"This from Cho and I, `To new friends... new places... and Love!'"

Giovanni re-filled my glass but understood not too much. I thanked him for recommending the wine and I loved all the wine from Abruzzo!

I told him we had bought a building two blocks away so he'd see us again! I got another nice smile under that mustache with a little bow.

Terrance dropped us all off, Sam and Sadie first then us in Mid-town. I was embraced on the balcony. "I am so glad you are my girl. You have gotten through the operation, done what you needed, I saw tonight like last night you enjoy yourself and are well. I am very proud!" MMMMMMM Kisses! OH! More!!

"Damn I can't ride for months!"

Another kiss, he was holding my face in his warm hands, "Fay will ride!"

I was scooped up for bed time. In the dark Cho's arms around me! YES!!

I used the hotel suite to do the two interviews Andrea had arranged. With the first I used the dining table sitting along the same side so to not create a barrier.

Justin was an NYU grad in computer science, a local New York fellow, dark brooding looks, addicted to movies and cosplay. He knew networks; he was articulate and not a bit shy. My `conservative' skirt and blouse look grabbed his attention and being the naughty girl I am crossed my legs a few times just to watch his Adam's apple bob. Seriously, he had the knowledge but never applied it before or so my report to Andrea would read. As the French say he had capacité.

On the other hand there was Jasmin. We sat in the living room area a less structured locale.

Wow! She was Iranian-American, thirty, beautiful, slender, well dressed in a blue pants suit that had nice lines and a muted yellow blouse. She had real world networking and command and control experience at several companies but she gave me the impression she was looking for more. University of Virginia and some graduate work at George Washington in D.C. There was a coiled spring quality to Jasmin. We talked about the technical aspects of what our network engineers had to face and problem solving. I tried to delve into how she would be with client relationships.

I managed to get an anecdote of one event from her about how a client had misunderstood some instructions which caused a system shutdown. She had to patiently over the phone work him through doing a series of steps to undo the error and successfully bring his system back online.

It was what I had wanted, insight to her ability to work with people who weren't very technical but were valuable clients.

I made coffee, we sipped on the balcony. The suite and her being escorted up had impressed her. It had been somewhat sensational for Justin also.

They both had wondered silently about PJ using a laptop at the small table in the kitchenette since I acted like he wasn't there. Some mystery is good.

I let her ask about me a bit and how I got to where I was. I was younger than her but only two years, no graduate work and engaged. The pearl was obvious. I had told her up front why it was me doing the interview and my position in The Company which left her amazed but not awestruck. Good!

I also wanted to feel her out about extensive travel, Justin had relished the idea.

Jasmin had done some travel, enough to know some of the pitfalls and pleasures. Being single like Justin mobility wasn't an issue. Justin didn't have a passport something he'd have to remedy immediately if he expected to be considered further. For Jasmin it wasn't an issue.

For both I gave them some examples of projects they might experience, our Company ethos and management style.

I felt they could be good employees; Justin would need more training and smoothing out. Jasmin would fit in much faster.

In the sun on the balcony I could see Jasmin relax some, it was good. Cho returned about then and I waved him over for an introduction. She was visibly impressed. I got a quick kiss; he and Rande sat at the dining table to do something.

Jasmin was pleased I'd taken the time, extra time, with her. At the elevator we shook hands and PJ used his card to send it down. I emailed Andrea about the interviews with as much detail as possible.

Terrance had us moving towards Pleasant Valley in Dutchess County. He didn't need a map, up the Henry Hudson Parkway; jog over to Saw Mill Parkway and onto the Taconic State Parkway for the rest. Smooth!

Sam and Beverly's place had white fenced bordered approach road between paddocks with some beauties loping around. A solid two story house at the end of the road with all the stables, barns, etc... spread out behind.

We got hugged and kissed. Terrance greeted like an old friend. They had guest rooms for us tonight then we'd be on to Saratoga.

Cho had news for them. Sam had called before we left Bankok; the property next to their place was purchased!! It would add nearly five hundred acres for training areas, paddocks, grass and some new stables.

Out back we hugged and toasted with fresh iced tea and sodas. Beverly gave me a wink, we talked later. Sam had a brief spell of drinking many years ago and had beaten it. She had a wine every now and then but it didn't matter to her. He was stone cold sober.

Cho and I each got an email from Mr. Nu, the lawyer, fundamental paperwork done for the government. He could see no objections for the charity going forward the way we wanted. YES! Cho was holding tight, a kiss on my ear, quietly, "I want you to be the board chair. I am sure it will be good for everyone."

I leaned back to look into his eyes, he was smiling, "Yes, you!"

I started to demur..."No I am right about this!" A big kiss!!

"It is your idea and you will lead with your heart and brains! Done!"

"OK, OK! But I will need help."

Cho squeezed me, "I will be there and Nu and the others on the board. Be easy about this. There is no deep end I want to toss you into."

I leaned against him, hugging.

Beverly gave me a house tour and out to the stables where I got to meet her special `girls.' Four mares in foal in the same paddock because they were friends, hanging out nibbling some grass. Beauties.

We parked on a bench in the sun near the older stables, "This was it besides the house when we moved in. My dad wouldn't talk to me for years. I'd thrown him over' for a black man who didn't know his place. I did laugh about because Sam is no wild-eyed radical, pretty conservative; you have to be to protect the horses. We raised our boys to stand up and be counted on social issues. So we have an NAACP lawyer and a Doctors Without Borders' physician we don't get to see very often." Beverly was shaking her head, "They do love horses always coming home to ride. Our lawyer son is engaged to a nice young woman. So I have hope for a few grandkids."

Beverly had a big smile, "My dad has become a proud grandfather. He does fund raising for Doctors Without Borders every year. He sat with me here a few years ago long after we reconciled saying how happy he was I had gone off on my own. Sam and I had built a wonderful place with an excellent reputation despite him! He was laughing at himself which happens more these days. His farm is still operating fortunately he found an excellent fellow to do the day to day so he can ease off."

Her kitchen was big with two stoves, "We make two meals for our folks with Audrey doing most of that. Hot food is important, keeps them going."

More workers? She allowed they might have to expand the cook area or build a real cookhouse. Other changes would come but Cho being involved was good for them.

After dinner in our room Cho `assisted' me dilating myself but he played more than helped. I was over a month out from surgery feeling fine!

Big egg and potato breakfast me with a piece of buttered toast looking out the door at the activity in the stable area. Folks doing all the daily tasks it takes to keep the place going.

We sat in the front room with Sam and Beverly discussing the new property and how to change it. The farm house could become a staff residence. It was too far for to use as a cooking facility. Four bedrooms and other rooms which could bedrooms. A solid building well cared for, a nice yard with many quite handsome trees surrounding.

Beverly made noises we should keep it for ourselves. Cho looked at me, "Let's give it a look."

We went over with Sam driving. Three quarters of a mile between the house and Sam and Beverly's stables. A nice stone house, a large covered back porch facing west, big maple and elm trees, a flat grassy, fenced backyard. It was in good nick with two fireplaces, the main room and kitchen. Damn I'm a sucker for a kitchen fireplace with a sitting area.

We decided not to decide but I was leaning towards keeping it as ours and as a guest house.

We were on the road after lunch up the Taconic Parkway to I-90 then through Albany and on to Saratoga. Terrance took us straight to the stables to see Glaa.

He was happy to see us. Bouncing about a bit enjoying some hugs and a few mints. I told him we'd be back tomorrow.

Outside we gathered to talk with Glaa's trainer Monaco who was smiling ear to ear, "I've never trained a horse who likes to run like Glaa. Hard work is his norm."

There was some yelling behind us, we turned to see a big disheveled guy wildly gesturing. PJ and Rande were between us and him. The guy was drunk he moved in close to Rande still swinging his arms roaring about his son I thought. He took a swing at Rande who leaned back but still got hit. The drunk was off balance. Rande looked at Cho who moved his hand. Rande struck the man once in his side. The big guy promptly fell over onto his butt. Screaming, holding the impact point.

Rande stepped back and PJ moved up. A crowd gathered as the attacker sat there crying, streaks of tears down his dirty face. No fight in him now.

Cho went over to them. Rande said he was OK but would have a sore jaw. One of the grooms from next door ran off, "I'll get some ice!" He was back in a flash with two plastic bags of cracked ice. Rande pressed one to his face. PJ helped the drunk to hold the other to his side.

A deputy sheriff showed up, "Jackson." He looked sad, turning to Rande asked if he was ok and suggested he might want to get it looked at.

Another owner came up to us, "There's a doctor down the path on the left." Cho sent Rande down there as the deputy squatted beside the deflated attacker.

Jack Collingwood introduced himself, "We met briefly at Thayer's. Jackson here is a mess but usually only dangerous to himself."

The deputy allowed this was a bit more from Jackson than usual, a drunk tank habitué. "He's off the rails; his son got into some trouble and was sentenced to five years in prison yesterday. This is assault and we will charge him if that fellow presses it."

Cho said it was up to Rande probably depending upon any damage caused. The deputy nodded, "I'm taking Jackson to the jail for now." PJ helped him get the man up.

We walked down to the doctor's, Rande was ok. He'll have a sore jaw but the ice pack will keep the swelling down. At least he had a chemical one now, no drips.

He said there was no need to charge the fellow. I put my arm around his shoulders going back to the stall, "Rande you did good. I'm proud of your response."

I got a slightly lopsided smile. PJ did fist bumps with him.

A pretty freckly redhead in a summer frock introduced herself as Jack Collingwood's daughter Joanna. "I heard about the trouble with Jackson. He's a sad case. He was a very good trainer five years ago, I was a kid but he had good horses in his barn. He was away at a race when his wife died. She died in her garden from a seizure of some kind. It destroyed him. He went into a whiskey bottle. He lost his business through neglect. Yes I known I sound more `adult' than I look but my dad had work hard to keep my mom from the same problem when my brother was killed."

I had her hand, "I've dealt with it better than the family. I loved Jack Jr. but there was no denying he died doing what he thoroughly believed in. Afghanistan, Special Forces."

She sighed, "Jackson was less prepared for his loss."

Her dad and Cho joined us, "I'd like to ask for you all to come to our place for dinner. We'll do a buffet in the garden."

Cho's smile was my cue. Good.

Sondra and Thayer and other horse folk were there too. Sondra put her arm around me, "Dad's agreed but he's going to `talk' to Cho."

I laughed, "Well Cho knows how I feel so..."

Joanna laughed, "So what's up?"

Sondra launched into the `plan' about her coming out to Bangkok to see some of the world. Joanna was immediately interested. I said two was as easy as one. OK! She'd talk to her dad.

I got to meet Ellice, her mother, Joanna was a carbon copy, "I saw your Glaa in the Sanford. Quite a show. Does he expect to do it again?" We laughed.

I said he seems fully prepared to. Ellice said she'd put money on his nose this time. Joanna brought up her possible trip. Ellice gave me the eyeball with a big smile Joanna couldn't see, "You want to take on hosting this wildcat?"

"Mom! Please don't tell tales."

`Well Fay it isn't up to us she's of age and has her own money. AND not enrolled in college!"

Oh I could see a continuing family discussion, "In England, it's common to have a gap year after secondary school."

Joanna doing a `see Mom it's not so bad' look. Ellice did another nice smile, "I'm serious though you can make your own decisions. I want you to."

"I will go to Sweetbriar Mom. I'm not going to let you down over that!"

Scrimmage over we foraged the buffet. Ellice was happier knowing that Sondra would probably go to. Together better than alone.

Saturday morning Terrance took us over to Ballston Spa for breakfast at Good Morning Café again. Yea! Veggie hash again!! We were establishing something of a routine on restaurants. PJ and Rande would get their own table near us and do their work with some exceptions.

Glaa had galloped lightly, had a wash and food before we arrived. I loved giving him hugs, such a happy boy! Jack and Joanna were there, I got to meet some of their horses.

One a real beauty of a dappled gray named Pale Lady Jane! Wow! She'd been the winner of the distaff stakes race before the Stanford that has been so exciting to watch as two ladies scorched the track right to the wire.

We wandered a bit then a hand on my shoulder, Ringgold. "Ring have you stopped by Glaa? He's READY!"

"Yes, I got an earful of his training times!"

Back outside Glaa's stall the big guy Jackson was there, he stepped towards Rande slowly, you could see the wince of his face. He stuck out a big hand, big wince, "Please accept my apology for yesterday. I'm deeply sorry."

Rande shook his hand with a smile.

"I lost myself, no should have been hurt. I hope your jaw is ok?"

Rande spoke softly as he does telling Jackson he was fine. Pointing to Jackson's side, "And you?"

"Man you can punch; I'll remember it for a while."

I leaned against Cho, "What about seeing if a job with horses and chance to rebuild interests him? At Sam and Beverly's?"

Cho slipped his arms around me, looking deep, "You are SO good but the management is theirs. I do not want to upset their operations."

"Please call to find out it is possible."

He pulled out his phone right then. Turned out Sam and Beverly knew Jackson from the past and his history. If Jackson was willing to re-locate and do what they needed, they would give it a try.

Cho and I sent PJ to bring Jackson back as he was slowly walking away. We introduced ourselves; he started to apologize about Rande over again when he learned he worked for us. Cho simply said he didn't need to any more as Rande was satisfied.

He was floored by our offer. Cho made it clear he would have to do what Sam and Beverly needed. He remembered them. "Sam knows horses as well as any man I ever met."

I suggested he call them to talk directly. Rande pulled out his phone and handed it to Jackson. A wince passed the big man's face not just of pain of reaching out but memory of his foolishness that was forgiven. Cho gave him the number.

We moved back to give him some space. I talked to Cho about Joanna. He laughed, "Well two is hardly more fuss than one." HhhhhMmmmm Almost my words!!

Jackson finished his call, handing phone back to Rande, "Thank you man!" Turning to us, "I'm not ... I want ..." Cho helped by extending his hand. Jackson didn't cry but eyes were wet. "It's been a while since people would go out of their way to do things for me ... You know giving me a hand ... I want to go down there and do my best ..."

Cho smiled, Jackson took my extended hand, "You will have some hard days but the best advice I can give is to talk. Talk to Sam and Beverly, they'll understand."

"Have you got transportation?" Jackson nodded, an older truck it was ok. "And money?" He had some, more than enough to get there and he could sell a few things he didn't need. OK!

An emotional afternoon. We wound down at Thayer's for a quiet dinner until Sondra's trip came up. Thayer was wavering until Joanna's possibly joining in was voiced. Like Ellice it put a different colour to it. He agreed when he knew they'd both be under our roof.

Later in bed Cho holding me tight after my session with the plastic dick, "I am keeping you any from stray cats and puppies or we will be overrun." Kisses.

I was ok with that It did make me think about poor little Thames. Latest news was he was a precocious one.

The weather man vacillated on rain. It was warm and humid. Oh Shit. It was Bangkok weather. Glaa loved that!

I had on a white silk dress with a modest décolletage, mid-thigh, black stockings and the spike heeled ankle boots. A slender braided black tie belt knotted on my right side with ends hanging. No hat this time. Sam and Beverly came up again with an add-on, Sydney! Nice. I'd invited him but he hadn't been sure.

Hugs and kisses. Sydney smiling, "Fay you look so good." Cheek kiss for that!

Beverly and I arm in arm around the back of the stands at the raceway, "Fay, We've discussed Jackson some and decided to put him on a couple of youngsters who are good prospects. We'll see but he can't have forgotten what made him so good in the past."

We wandered a bit but ended up in the box for the race. Strange I was nervous this time. Everything pointed to Glaa's doing well...

I stayed like that, Cho asked what was up. I couldn't articulate it. I just felt something big was going to happen... but whether it was good or bad...

The horses were loading moments from a start I was twisting my hands. My thoughts were for Glaa to come through safely, if he won great but be well.

Clang they're off. I watched Cho's red and yellow silks, no holding back today Glaa went straight to the front. Oh My, down the back stretch Glaa had an easy lead of four lengths but in the turn it changed.

The jockey was just sitting there as Glaa came off the turn into the stretch and he stepped it up. No urging from the jockey. He was on a different racetrack than the others. Like a blur Glaa powered down the track in front of us extending his lead with every stride fully nine lengths clear by the Eighth Pole. He was indeed like a locomotive all his actions a picture perfect combination of movements. His stride lengthened as the finish line came and went. The others were twelve lengths astern now. The jockey was able to slow him down earlier today but he was still a good part the way down the back straight again.

1:21:00 Glaa owned the track. A new record by nearly a second. There was pandemonium in the stands, yelling, clapping. I was standing with Cho his arms around me, KISS! Bright happy eyes. Oh shit! Breeders Cup Juvenile here we come!

Thayer's hand in Cho's, Sydney almost jumping, a kiss from Beverly and Sam, Sondra hugged me. The Collingwood's on the steps down had huge smiles. Ellice whispered, "I had money on his nose the time!"

Hand in hand we went down to the Winner's Circle. Congratulations ringing in our ears. Our Big Fast Man was walking up. He was wired but under control. I stroked his face getting a LOUD nicker.

"Glaa you are wonderful."

After the presentation, Cho and the trainer Monaco did the press thing. More than last time. A semi-circle around Cho and another with Monaco.

Everyone in our crowd had wagered on Glaa, handsome rewards coming but the odds this time weren't as generous at 2-1. He'd started the day at 1-2 but it slipped by start time. Like he was still the outsider, not a `local' boy. We'd all put money on him anyway. Terrance, Sam and Sydney had other bets this time to cover the lower odds. Seems like they did well with those too. I had Cho put £5,000 on his nose again. So I still won nicely.

At the stall I said goodbye to him as Cho continued with the press. Sydney, Sam, Beverly and Ringgold. I did my goodbyes with them. Thayer's hand in mine, "Thank you for the cognac. It has been a pleasure to have you two around. Please come back with more talented ponies!"

Sondra gave me a hug, she'd be touch about coming out to Bangkok.

Jack Collingwood and Ellice, more hugs and Joanna a kiss, "I'll co-ordinate with Sondra." Big smile.

At the car Terrance and PJ did fist bumps. They'd both bet on Glaa and another horse who was second. Making money on each.

Rande just smiling, "No Miss, I never do any wagering. I do not want to take those risks but maybe with Glaa is not a risk?" I squeezed his hand.

I had to sign again for my winnings.

Terrance drove us to SWF in Newburgh. He would go on to the city, give notice to his company and start doing some hiring for us. He'd hear about the Leroy Street garage spot as soon as we did.

On board I changed to slacks and top, barefoot for now. The Captain had been alerted as we drove down from Saratoga, pre-flight done, ready to go. Taxiing quickly, cleared for take-off and zoom. Non-stop to Chalgrove. Carter had notified Prasert for us.

We ate the last meal Amporn had sent on, delicious! Ban and Soka would have a car to do a stock up. Lots of fruit, scones, butter, rolls, lots of baked things. Soka said she could cook, the kitchen was well equipped, so they would buy some things to make a meal or two for us. OK! But plan for everyone.

I slipped into bed with my plastic friend and Cho. He teased me with it gently but did it properly after all. I went to sleep with his warm body pressed to mine. As we rocketed through the night eastward.

My iPhone alarum went off! I kissed Cho and dashed for the shower. Drying and styling as Cho's went by naked heading for the shower just out of reach. He stuck his tongue out me!!!!

Black skinny jeans, white cutoff polo top, black ankle boots. Cho's black flower on my belly and onyx everywhere else!

Coffee, the last of the salapaos, belted in as we made our approach to Chalgrove Airfield. We got a short aerial look at Harcourt House. An easy landing in this bird, taxiing back gave me a look at the airfield. Strange to think of US airmen in B-17's rolling down the tarmac to go bomb Germany. Dangerous way to live. Heroes all!

Prasert was waiting with a smile. We were warming him up not nearly so taciturn these days.

There were several folks from the management of the airfield company. They talked with Cho and me with Captain Kor. I slipped off to call Andrea.

"Yowee! Good you're here. Talk later rushing to get out the door."

Off to the house, Cho said it was a good meet and greet with the company controlling the airfield. All good!

Carter seemed pleased we were there. He and Cho went into `conference' about the construction work, I went to the stables.

Pamela came into my arms! Sweet girl! Hugs and Andy slipped me a cut apple which went down a treat! I visited all the horses. Petting and talking and treating. Little Thames followed me. He started on solid food and was blooming.

Gregory and I talked after my tour. All the members of our horse family were good. They seemed happy, enjoying being able to run. The black yearling he had already started working. Nothing too much just basics.

He and Andy loved hearing about Glaa's success. His speed and versatility impressed them. We laughed as told them I felt down the stretch in both races the jockey was holding on for dear life.

Andy grinning, "Well I can appreciate that feeling having been on one rambunctious colt a few years back."

Thames came with me as I went to Carla's domain. We talked about meals and snack foods. She was very pleased with the re-modeled kitchen. I could see as we stood in the middle of it that she valued being given a chance for her input throughout.

All the store rooms and pantries looked great. Carla and Carter's offices comfy especially s with new lighting they could adjust since the basement windows weren't very large. The big new gas stove got an A-plus from Carla. Her first meals for us today. Soon!

We started with coffee from the new DeLonghi espresso maker like the one in my office in Bangkok. Dial-up your brew!

I brought coffee to Cho; Carter preferred tea which Carla was doing. They were very happy with the construction progress. All the painting was completed, Mr. Niles turned out a wizard. Our bedroom was ready for us. Carter put in a space heater in case since the fireplace needed sweeping before winter. His `it does get chilly at night' didn't account for our generating warmth.

The other suites and rooms had some furniture and more coming soon. The bathrooms were done. The Fiber optic cabling by the ISP was to go live tomorrow with all the hardware installed waiting the signal.

Thet had a `talk' with the security folks doing the install but he wasn't satisfied and was arriving tomorrow with Reyna. Great! They could see some of the country with us and fly back on Cho-Fay Air.

I went to the game room, uncovered the billiard table and racked it. I rolled the cues until I found the best one. I borrowed Cho's pen knife to put my initials on it. FOM!

I broke and worked my way around going by the numbers running the table out. It felt good! My game was a bit rusty but still steady. I re-covered it.

Food! Carla had a nice potato leek soup thick and yummy. Big hunks of bread and butter. Plates of cut apples and pears with local cheddar.

The vet Dr. Crawford showed up for some vaccinations and willing joined us. As did Mr. Niles when he came for a walk through. "Let's eat then walk, ok?" He was happy with my plan.

As we moved from room to room we checked it all. A good job! A few minor bits and I got him to plan a bit of plaster repair near two doors on the third floor and then paint the main corridor there a lighter blue.

Cho motioned me over, he was on his phone. Smile!! "Well some news for us. The Leroy Street garage is ours!" High fives!! "And Thayer is going to the Breeders Cup next month and has a place for us to stay." More high fives!!

Something I needed to do hit me. I called the `City' lawyers; yes they did have my new driver's license and had forgotten to include it with other docs. On its way today, to? I probably wouldn't need it in Bangkok so I gave them the Harcourt House address. They needed to add it as another local address. Done!

Eric was laughing, "Well the wedding has passed two hundred guests but not all at the ceremony. Think I dodged a bullet?"

I was laughing too, "No because you'll have to see them all anyway. Toughen up your right arm for all the handshaking and lips for cheek kissing. I bet Malee would help you with the latter." More laughter as we rang off.

I was going to The Company office in the morning with Prasert and he would pick up Thet and Reyna. Carter had the day staff prepare a suite for them.

Prior to dinner I took Pamela for a walk. On the lead we wandered around a big paddock before I let her go. It was so much fun to watch her gallop about. She would go to the opposite end then turn and run towards me very fast only to brake nearby to put her nose against my face or shoulder. Happy girl!

Dinner was almost a cliché. The dining room was setup, big table, sideboards, candelabras, THE whole thing. Carter said the table would sit twenty six as is and extension tables were stored downstairs. Chandelier had been cleaned suspended over us. Cho and I eating at that huge table just us. Cliché.

Carla's first dinner in the new kitchen was great. A poached fish, lovely `new potatoes' in a dill sauce, glazed carrots, a creamy sweet pea casserole, hot cross buns with butter. Something Cho had never eaten, trifle. Carla's was light, sweet currants all plump with the moisture, the custard soft and her own sponge cake. A light hand with the sherry. We had talked about it and she did me proud! Cho loved it.

We sat in the library to go over things about the house. The add-on medical benefit plan would include faster access to all doctors; medicines even over the counter remedies would be free, extra dental care and special injury care for the stable and farm workers. There was room in the basement for a small gym to be used by all employees.

Gregory would start looking for more stable help; local folks who had skills would get priority. For now Carter would use local daily help in the house for cleaning, etc...but when we were around for longer periods some live-ins.

Our first night in bed, we didn't need the heater. I did my third go around of the day with my plastic dick. Cho enlivened it, the `real thing' for me too. He was very careful as I felt his penis inside me. He had a sweet face, "Fay we are going to enjoy ourselves soon. Thank you for letting me in."

He was all wet from my mouth, it was nice. His weight on me, inside me. I surrounded him with my limbs, kissing, "Cho you are always welcome inside me."

His wet cock against my little butt arms holding me, sleep was easy.

Up early for the drive to London. Black short sleeved dress scoop front tight to my body mid-thigh, black stockings and ankle boots. Silver diamond patterned bracelet with chains over the back of my hand to a ring. Silver torque gift from Michael and Karla. Double strand heavy silver necklace which was a new Cho piece, simple, beautiful.

In the kitchen, Prasert had a grin, "the apartment above the garage is very nice, Miss. It has a view over the stables. I watched you play with Pamela, she was happy looking."

Sipping coffee, holding a warm buttered cross bun, I said she was a playful girl. We got on the road right after, waving goodbye to Cho as he stood on the graveled forecourt. We crunched out slowly.

We talked a bit over the barrier as the car rolled south. He was still driving as before but the pay was better and benefits too. He was settling up for a car to remain at Harcourt House and with the equipped garage no problem about maintenance. AND Mr. Dickens was fun to read but he'd gotten a book about the Industrial Revolution in Great Britain so he could understand the background. Oh I've started something!!

Andrea called, Yes I was coming right now. OK! And her yes to lunch.

I called the Churchill for a table for twelve as we drove up to town. We were going to surprise Andrea with a little get together for the `mom to be'. Reg, Rona, Eric, Jared, Douglas, Arthur, Michael, Karla, and Charlotte.

Prasert had the flight info for Thet and Reyna. He'd get them and then me this afternoon. Swipe, the ID card, Fay Martin! Yes! I loved it.

Reg gave me a bear hug! "Damn you look great. Call my pregnant one!"

Rona wanted to know if anyone had gotten a gift. I said it was just a little getting together as a sort of warm up. BUT I had some tiny wooly socks and two all-in-one suits nicely gift wrapped from a QUICK stop at Bloomingdale's in New York. It was to be from us all! A big Cheers from her!

All the Deputy MD's sat down with Eric. I let them know that New York State Canals was in starting for February and the Corps of Engineers had emailed there was a rider in a DHS appropriation bill for a certain number of installs where the hardware needed it the most. A good chance of passage with it in there.

My other news was after several talks and emails the Water Company on New Zealand's north island was in for a nice little project of remote controls on water sluices down from several dams. A complicated install I thought but a good model.

I pressed my fingers on Reg's top hair, "There may be less of this by summer."

He laughed, "My dad, the old Army duffer, still has a full head! So there!"

We were all laughing. Michael had just come back from Sweden with two water projects a canal upgrade and water controls on a dam and a good possible rail yard upgrade.

Everyone slipped out of the office quietly to the restaurant, I grabbed Andrea. We walked around to the Churchill to the Conservatory side when we neared the table they all jumped out! She loved it! We had a great lunch with all the Bangkok visitors comparing food.

Walking back I was with Eric, "Are you staying with us before the wedding?"

"If you can put up with me I'd like to." I warned him was going to be a wild month or two.

"We have to be in Kentucky at the end of October for the Breeder's Cup. Glaa's win on Monday gave him an automatic entry. Oh Eric he ran his own race wired the field, set a new record. It was a thing of beauty."

I stopped outside to take a call from DeClare. "Hey your boy made the horse news over here! What a show. I saw a video on DRF.com. He looked great."

"Yes he's quite the boy."

"Yes, drinks Thursday with us. I told Cho he could have some of the cognac if he kept it quiet." We laughed, "I want you to know that is one of your most endearing qualities now my dear, your laugh. It wonderful to hear especially since it was so seldom heard before."

"Thanks! You better give Cho some because he's why I laugh so much!"

Prasert texted Thet and Reyna were in the car. Me back: `come get me'

Out front Thet helped me in. Nice! He got a hug. So did Reyna in the back seat. They were looking very happy. I was so pleased for them.

As Prasert whisked us home we talked about Harcourt House. The security folks were our employees which made Thet's visit a high profile one especially since they didn't know he was coming.

"We've a nice suite for you two. Freshly fixed up."

I asked him about my request for sleeping accommodations for the aircraft. Thet smiled and pulled out his iPad, "Here is a proposed change the drawings give a good idea. I hope it is close to what you want."

I said I didn't have specifics. This was good. Four sleeping First Class seats in the back row near the kitchen with stowable curtains on runners. They would surround all the seats making the four into a two `rooms,' giving privacy. It was a simple solution.

I gave Thet's cheek a kiss, "Ideal! More than I thought. Good work."

What I liked even more was Thet's saying it had been Sumate's concept. True leadership, giving credit where it is due never undermines the leader.

He laughed, "Sumate was upset to tell me you had lost' them in Virginia. Your explanation fit so perfectly and made him think more about our protection' schemes. There will be changes from it."

We did fist bumps. Thet really liked that I wanted to! We were smiling Reyna had a good hold on his hand. I told him how I thought PJ and Rande were working out with us how to be close without being too close. They participated and their behavior was very professional. He was especially interested in the kerfuffle at the Saratoga stables. I couldn't but praise Rande's actions highly.

"But you and Cho were sending out a message which they got. And your dealings with the fellow after..." he held up his hand with a thumbs up.

As we wheeled onto the forecourt, Cho warned by me came out with Carter. Warm handshake between Thet and Cho, Reyna got her cheek kissed and I got a big hug and kiss! Carter happy to meet Thet.

Thet and Carter went off to talk with Cho as Reyna got a brief tour, Standing in the suite they would share she looked at me, "Fay would you pinch me? I need to know if I am dreaming."

OUCH! "That good enough?"

She swatted my hand, "More than I needed!

"I felt I had license!" We hugged and laughed out loud.

"It is a long way from that club!"

We kissed cheeks, "Come on let me show you some more!"

We wandered around outside then grabbed some wellies to go to the stables. Pamela liked Reyna and Thames was so animated. Reyna squatted down to give him a petting workout as I described how he got here. I put a lead on Pamela, we walked around the stables Thames sticking with Reyna.

I was introduced by Gregory to a new hire, Anthony. He was a local boy that Andy knew who'd worked horses before. He seemed nice and Gregory was pleased with his work.

Reyna hadn't ever been close to horses before but liked them. In our suite I tried on my new riding duds, "Maybe you should try riding?"

She sounded interested, no clothes, my jodhpurs were to leg short for her.

"Hey we'll go to Oxford tomorrow morning. Get some jodhpurs, nothing fancy. I'll have a look around too." We checked online, `Go Outdoors' was only ten minutes away! Done! Reyna was excited; Thet was surprised but clearly happy for her to try anything.

At dinner Cho said if she liked riding we could arrange something in Bangkok especially as I was going to do it soon.

We all walked in the garden afterwards, Cho said we should talk a bit about security and Thet's visit. The people on the ground would know Thet was here tomorrow at a meeting before they start work. They would have some re-training about client needs and how the system was actually intended to be more transparent to the staff that'd be using it.

Upstairs time for plastic fuckings. Ooooohhhhh! Cho's fingers and tongue were doing such nice things to my body! He delighted in making love inverted with me. The plastic thingee in his hands became a pleasure device particularly coupled with his other activities.

After we'd both cum he was on top inside! I kissed him a lot seemed only to make him harder in me but Cho was SOOOO careful. When he was out I slid down under the covers for more suckings.

HhhhhMmmmm Slurping a warm tasty cock. The foreskin moved back very easily so ready from all my preliminary work. I dove down! Such a wonderful cock to suck. My nose in soft pubic hair I slid out a talented tongue to swipe those scrumptious balls. So much fun to work his cock watching hands come down to hold my head, glad to be held to my task! I worked the prick hard. He'd come once I wanted more CUM!

Once Cho began thrashing some so I brought in the nuclear option, one wet finger to his tiny rosebud! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA "Fay so good more!"

I willingly obliged the finger slowly entering as my mouth upped its game! One hand grabbing sheets the other holding my shoulder when he started to cum. I pushed further in, sucking harder, tighter!

"Oh shit Fay..." The cum splashed onto my busy tongue!!!! Warm mildly salty clumpy lovely stuff slid down my throat to my tummy where it was welcome! Cho slowly relaxed, I did a few naughty things which brought loud aaaahhhh's and some twitching.

"Fay come up here!" I took my time leaving that sweet cock, licking a hot firm belly, two cute nipples, kisses to his throat. I could feel the pulse bounding along but easing back.

We kissed, snuggled. Peaceful!

Later I slid out to wash my plastic cock. Returning, the covers were held up for me, naked to naked there was a long kiss!

As he turned me to sleep, a wet cock on my ass, my neck got many soft kisses. Sleep in Cho's arms.

Dressed in black jeans, white cutoff top with big red vertical stripes, ankle boots, a warm buttered roll in one hand the other holding a HOT coffee! I was standing next to Carla as she smiled, "Miss, tonight I want to prepare something without your knowing, is that ok?"

"Sure you know what I don't eat so go to it! I'll stay out whenever you say ok?"

An even bigger smile. Reyna grinned at me. In the car going the Go Outdoors she grinned again, "You are such a leader! We all felt at the apartment house and club. It is just you, something magnetic or... "a huge grin now, "magical!"

We both laughed as I made a gesture like putting a spell on her. We hugged!

The store had some basic jodhpurs which fit Reyna nicely, a pair of solid ankle boots too. A long sleeved shirt and jacket too. I did insist on headgear since she was a novice. I found something I would wear!! It was a Spanish style equestrian flat brim helmet like my black hat!!! A strap for my chin it looked really good and sexy, not like an odd rounded derby sort of thing. The brim would collapse leaving the helmet part to do its job! GREAT find!

I bought some long socks; some silken warming undershirt tops and another pair of gloves and some for Reyna. They would ship so I bought another helmet and other things to be shipped to Bangkok. That opened some eyes. When they heard I was from Harcourt House they were WIDE opened! I told the manager he had good staff and I was very pleased with what I bought.

He wanted to setup an account. OK but often I would just pay. He said any way I liked. I gave him Cho's name and Gregory as approved purchasers on the account. Smiles all around as we left.

Prasert got it all in.

Reyna was laughing as she dressed, "Fay what if all I do is fall off?"

"Don't worry everyone falls off sooner or later. When Thet goes to New York for the new building security and then security at Sam and Beverly's we can ride also!"

Reyna dressed for riding got a hand up from Anthony on to Pamela. I had the lead, we talked about how to sit, use her body and hands before I walked into the nearest paddock. All we did was walk around so Reyna could get the feel of it all. There were one or two queasy moments but all in all she did fine and liked it.

She was so cute telling Thet at lunch, her eyes were bright and a big smile to go with them!

Cho said Thet had surprised the team leader who ended up being quite chastened by the criticism he received. Thet did it in private so as not to undermine the fellow with the others. Thet worked with him to be sure he was capable of properly instructing our staff on the new security hardware and protocols.

That evening Thet said he was satisfied so far but when it went completely live problems would be more costly so he had plans for more training for the team leader and others tomorrow. Their office in the basement was good and the sensors and other hardware installed were done well. The data and video were excellent.

Carla's secret dinner was Mexican! We had Newcastle's (not Mexican but...) some very tasty shrimp in a chile verde sauce, fluffy red rice with beans, everyone had a huge enchilada filled with a veggie ground beef, tomatoes, onions, and cheese covered with another kind of green chile sauce, much hotter and a layer of cheese baked together in a flour burrito wrap. Spicy but yummy! For dessert she made a flan dish with a sweet cream citrus sauce!!

The dinner was a success!! Thet and Reyna had never had any Mexican food, they really liked it. I had some experience; Carla's was very GOOD for my taste anyway! Cho who had been to California and Mexico agreed with me. Carla was very happy.

We told her to feel free to repeat it. She had done the same for the staff and it was a hit with them!!! Cheers!

Cho and I were up early to go to London; we'd stay over two days then back to Harcourt House before flying out from Chalgrove. The air crew had been staying at a guest house but we wanted them to stay at the house in the future. The pilots would have separate rooms on the third floor and Soka and Ban would a room to themselves. They'd come over for a visit and loved it! Sold!

Prasert motored south with us in the back. I talked to Jian, I was missed!!! She and Andrea talked and email and texted every day. She said it was mostly just chat AND she wasn't obsessing! I laughed over that with Cho leaning over to my phone to speak to her, "Yeah Sure!" Giggling followed that.

I got dropped at the office with PJ. Andrea had an ID card made for him as a contractor. Rona called for a girl's lunch! Oh Yes!

Reg told me in his office the water folks in Sydney were ready and the consultant group had been in Holland for ten days and now off to Australia. "So we'll hear the news right away."

Rona and I at Geales Fish restaurant with big plates of fish and chips. She was smiling, "Damn you Fay! You get better looking every time I see you!"

"OK I'll get a scar on my cheek to go with this one." Waving my left arm a it stuck out of a short sleeved yellow dress, navy blue stockings and heels. Cho's gifts dangling from all parts of me.

"Oh God don't even think of it. I'm serious you are looking so good. Sexy thing!"

I told her what the Goth girl at the White Horse said. "Well she's right you are a hot sexy bitch." We broke up in laughter between stuffing ourselves with delicious chips and cod.

She was healthy, active still doing three days a week. I patted her tummy, "seems bigger there."

It was but not by much. Her doc was pleased though. All signs were excellent!

We talked travel, the Boeing 767, Harcourt House, Bangkok, the forest palace' which I so wanted them to see, the weddings we had to go to, ours not going anywhere at this point, their readiness for the pumpkin', nearly everything!!

Rona wagged a finger at me, "Get a wedding planner, give them the info and what you want and send them off. If you don't like what they come up with then make them do it again or change to another. Get some help and stop pushing it aside."

All that's good but I wanted her there so the pumpkin...

"Don't go there! We have a million grandparents, family and friends to take care of the kid so we could be away for a few days."

I nodded but Rona grabbed a hand, "You guys were made for each other. You've had your relationship tested by pain and danger and it's stronger each day. I want to watch you go down the aisle!"

"Please be there as my best OK?"

I saw Rona tear up, I offered a Cho and Fay initialed handkerchief which got us both laughing, "I haven't had to use one much but shared with others. So funny!"

Holding her hand, "Yes I'd be very proud to be your maid of honour but what about Andrea?"

"Well I'd sort of hope she'd be one the maids with Jian and the other girls." Hugs after lunch, I walked Rona to her work, kisses.

Pj sitting in Michael's office had a big grin on that handsome face. "So PJ are you familiar with the saying `you look like the cat that ate the canary?'"

He laughed outright, "Yes Miss, I am. And yes, that lunch was my first `English' food. It was wonderful! I will always remember my first fish and chips!"

We did fist bumps!

Reg was on the phone as I went up to Andrea. I was grabbed tightly, "Of course I'd love to be there for you!"

I patted her tummy, "We'll be there for your monster's arrival too!!"

Reg waved me into his, "You got Rona all teary!"

I agreed but I had a handkerchief for her. We sat laughing and looking at each other, "If it wasn't for Dad Keren I'd of asked you to take me to Cho!"

"I'd been honored, kid!"

Cho and I shared an Indian takeaway with PJ and Rande out at the White Horse for their dinner; I had elbows on the table holding my face in my hands looking at him. He gave me a wary smile, "OK what are you up to? That face is one to watch out for!"

"Me!?!?!? I'm not up to anything!"

"Well you are sizing me up for something!"

"Well... I was considering how dessert from your cock would be..."

A mock serious look, "I'm saving myself for Kay's eggs!"

That broke me up! I sat in his lap, KISSING!

With dinner cleaned up I was toted upstairs to bed! "Sleep!"

"Aye Aye, Sir!"

A few wandering warm fingers made me feel good. Always nice to fall asleep with Cho.

PJ and Rande were up first. I showed them how to make coffee so they had that going when I arrived. Warm scones and butter were quite satisfactory!

I had a bunch of meetings and no idea what Cho was up to but we had a drinks thing at DeClare's. I hoped to talk with Desmond.

It was still warm in the city so... I had a dark blue sheath dress, tight and clingy to my ankles, décolletage filled with a necklace of iridescent orange stones in three cascading rows, my lapis lazuli set on the right and the triple gold braided bracelet on the other. A pair of gold sandals with a low heel. Comfy! A white Levi's jean jacket sleeves rolled up over it all.

Cho's tailored light gray suit looked great with a blue chambray shirt open at the neck. Oooohhhh I wanted to kiss that neck. He laughed, "Any time!"

Prasert dropped us at DeClare's barge; Daphne at the door had me do a slow whirl around, "Girl I like your clothes!" Hugs. Adam whispered I was the belle of the ball tonight! Good for my ego even though it was BS.

Desmond was already in; we hugged, me laughing, "So you don't mind hugging ex-school mates?"

"No not if they look like you! Smashing!"

I eased him aside, "I was watching you watch me when Madeline made her suggestion. What gives?"

"What I know is she works for a different group than I do at DeClare's consulting company. She's interested in news and info from overseas mostly Asia but past that I don't know because we are employed on separate projects. It seemed a bit ham-fisted to me but Madeline had said she would ask you. So..."

"Nothing to it in the end. So is what you're doing OK? Having fun?" He was! Finalizing the pro-EU thing and another on end of nuclear power here and in the EU on tap.

Des did ask about the two fellows at the door. I told him they were our bodyguards. I pointed to my scar exposed after I had taken off the jean jacket, "Someone did this and more so Cho decided we need to be more cautious. We are doing things which will have us in the `public eye' so...

"I see why Madeline's little gaucherie became a bit more of a thing."

We talked about Bangkok and Harcourt House, "You should come out to Thailand. We have a comfy home and there are loads of things to do. You know... beaches, etc..."

Des was laughing, "Well... I can talk with Adam about some time off soon."

We talked for a while before Sara grabbed me. Des smiling waved goodbye. Sara led me to Adam and Daphne's bedroom. "OK girl let's see!"

I laughed, she was the first. I lifted my hem and eased down my tiny thong panties. Sara knelt to look, "Fay it's beautiful! I love the flowers too." Cool fingers caressed me we smiled at each other as the tip of her tongue slid along my labia. Then a soft kiss, "Fay any time I be very pleased to do much more!"

Clothes fixed, "Sara, I would imagine Cho would want to be involved."

Sara nodded, "I would expect that and I would be willing."

"No, he won't do anything with you but with me."

"Oh I thought because..."

"No he admired you but it's me he wants. I get to play he doesn't want to. I'm his all. Sweet right?"

We kissed, "Fay you really are adorable and SO sexy!"

Holding hands we sidled up to Cho out on the barge deck, he was talking with a couple but pardoned himself so I could whisper Sara's proposal in his ear. He had a big smile and squeezed our hands. Sara's eyes were huge as we went looking for Daphne.

"Oh Fay you were so right!"

I was giggling as we sighted our hostess. In a corner Sara let out the news which set Daphne to chortling, "Well my beauties! I want to see too!"

I did another unveiling, Daphne loved my pussy, I was kissed again on both of my lips. My hibiscus stroked.

"Fay, your next trip we need to have some girl time. Also to be fair..." She winked at Sara, They both lifted hems to show their pussies. I petted each lightly. We giggled, hugging!

I agreed to some time together and said there may be some of my friends along who are a mixed bunch. That added to the ladies desire. We'd plan something.

DeClare and I talked for a while up on the deck, he wanted me to be sure about sending on info from my travels. He didn't want me to do anything but express to him my impressions of people and places I went. "I gave Madeline an earful after her gauche conversation with you. She was MI6 until recently and eager to please. You were very right about her. Over now!"

"Just as well, I doubt I could take her seriously. I'll pass on my thoughts but they may be inchoate."

"That's fine because it will be synthesized with other info. It really isn't any big thing Madeline's error has us talking more about it than is necessary."

We all did some hugging and kissing at the door, Cho said we will be back soon. Prasert dropped us on Basuto Road and would be back for the trip to Harcourt House.

It was early here but time enough before bed in Bangkok to conference App chat with Jian and Ting. They were doing great; Jian had emailed my next trip details to me. I said I was pleased with Kwang and Dusit's arranging my travel work. All good!

Prasert was reading David Copperfield now after doing some reading about nineteenth century England, "It makes sense to me!"

Thet and Reyna met us at the door! Reyna had been riding with Andy's assistance, nothing much but up each day. Thet and Cho talked, the issues had been fixed and Harcourt House staff understood the security system. Thet's team that would be around full time were both English and Thai, he hoped they would learn from each other.

PJ and Rande spent some time learning the setup so they would be in the picture.

As I walked to the stables Carla asked me to come down to the kitchen on my way back. I was mobbed by Thames at the stable office. He was growing nicely, very cute and sweet natured. He followed me to see Pamela who put up with the fluffy little guy around her hooves. I stroked her neck, telling her I would be able to ride soon.

I checked in with Gregory. The other horses were doing well. The jet black yearling taking to the basic training very well. "He's a smart boy and well-coordinated for a yearling." Positive!

Anthony came out of a stall with his pitchfork; I gave him a wry smile, "Ah! In one end..."

He smiled back, "Yes. Sure makes for job security!"

I laughed at that!

In the kitchen Carla wanted me to meet Sue, her new assistant. "Sue knows there's a lot of basic cooking work but I hope to have her doing sauces and desserts for you soon. AND the big dishwasher for pots and pans is wonderful, a bit noisy but cleans very well. It's a great help!"

I was glad I had brought it up to Carter the first day since scullery maids were out of style. I would ask about possible sound baffling for them.

Carter was getting ready for winter even as autumn was starting like a lamb. Firewood, checking drains and gutters, all the lovely things around a home. The heating system upgrade was nearly done and all windows and doors checked, repaired or replaced. We hoped to be snug as possible!

A smashing tea! Scones and cream filled éclairs heading my list but I didn't ignore Carla's very nice little sandwiches! Holding Cho's hand in the garden outside the terrace a filled up tummy, "Everything about the house is going well!" He was happy, big smiles, nice kiss!

"All our friends in the stable are also good. Gregory is pleased."

Thet and Reyna sat with us to watch `To Have and Have Not' seeing Bogart and Bacall in love and making movies. Leaning back on Cho in a comfy sofa, warm and happy made the movie more pleasurable than ever. As it ended we were kissing.

Upstairs I was naked in bed, "Hey Steve do you know how to whistle?"

"Yes Slim I do and I know you will come!"

Laughing we got down to fucking me with plastic, Cho doing most of the work now adding a few flourishes of his own. Shit it felt good to be licked OOOOOOHHHHHH he could make me cum every time. I shivered burying my face in a pillow.

I wanted his cock so a sixty-nine was arranged. MMMMMMMM Cho cock delicious as always! I loved my nose in his balls and a mouthful of penis. I got him very wet so the foreskin slid back easily. SLURP!

Sucking down on him so delightful. His tongue distracting me OOOOOHHHHH Damn!

I got him to just use the plastic so I could get him going. I didn't need to do much work as his rigid cock found the back of my mouth popping the cockhead into my throat. Faster I bobbed on him with gentle wet caresses of the tiny tight hole. Cho was pushing forward more urgently now, I increased the actions of mouth and finger.

One hand on my head as his climax came. I slurped the cock, swallowing four very nice and tasty spurts. HHHHHMMMMM down to my belly!

His tongue came back to me as he came down from his high. He had me squirming right away. I hadn't let go of the penis and applied suction on a soft and tender cock. We both wiggled a bit, I had another orgasm!

Face to face kissing, "Cho you make me feel so good! I've never felt like this! Even my funny orgasms from before weren't as intense as this!!"

So sweet to lie there warm, cuddly and deliriously happy. Sleep slid over us as we spooned.

I was leaving some more clothes at Harcourt House as I packed up. Prasert motored us over to Chalgrove Airfield. Cho-Fay Air was ready to go. Soka and Ban happy to see us. Captain Kor smiled and gave us a salute, "Ready for departure!"

We put things always as the crew got the last things done. Thet and Reyna would inaugurate the second suite.

We taxied out, turning onto the runway, no pause just roaring down the concrete into the air smoothly. We gathered in the lounge, Soka brought us some starters. Little spring rolls and fish cakes. A great honey peanut sauce. She had made soup and veggies, rice and a coconut fish! She had done it right on board. Oh we were going to be looked after quite well.

Stuffed I sat in Reyna's lap, she gave out an ooof but it wasn't convincing. We laughed. Cho saved her pulling me gently up into his arms, "Well folks it has been a good trip."

He reached out with his hand to Thet, "You did fine! Your efforts made a big difference for Carter's peace of mind and mine!"

When we retired to sleep I felt really good! We had many things going well, things that made me happy. My body had responded quite well to the operation, Cho was pleased and I feel whole. This was at the top of my list!

Snuggled in his arms I repeated it aloud and was passionately kissed. WOW! "Should I bring it up every day?"

"Yes, not that we need any excuse to..." Another WOW kiss!

Cho turned me around, "Sleep with me."

My iPhone went off! I managed to touch it silent. Cho didn't wake. Showered, hair and face done, sipping coffee in the lounge with a plate of warmed buttered scones! They were going away when Reyna came out.

We kissed, "Fay the bed is very nice! I slept well." Ban who was on duty as Soka rested in one of the sleeping seats delivered coffee as more scones were called for, "We got them yesterday at a nice bakery in Abingdon."

I had my MacBook open for email and other work, Reyna leaned back, "Fay, the Red Cross is good for me. It is demanding but people are being helped, it is wonderful to be part of that."

We squeezed hands, "Thank you for helping me."

"Reyna when you asked for help finding something to do that would be more than ordinary work I immediately had Kanda in mind. The rest is you and her."

"Fay I would have never gotten there without that thought in your head so..." I was kissed!

Cho came out smiling, "Thanks for letting me sleep it is good."

Mmmmmmmmmm I got a hug and kiss for doing nothing!!!

We were about an hour out from Don Mueang Airport. Finishing off my scones and getting things together.

PJ and Rande lead us off, down the stairs into sunny and clear weather. The helicopter dropped us on the dock. Hugs for Reyna and Thet before they took off. Jian and Ting on the terrace were all smiles with kisses.

I got into a bikini and corralled Jian. First a kiss and tickle on a lounge then Rona's idea of a wedding planner for Cho and I and Ting and her? Maybe together?

Ting's lawyer said they couldn't be married in Thailand or have it recognized. I knew from Cho it would go like that but maybe some changes for domestic partners soon. Since I had citizenship outside Thailand and was considered a woman by all my countries I didn't face the same dilemma. Even my Thai passport said I was female.

"How about Cho and I get married here and again with you two in England?"

They could marry in England and use one of our houses as their address. Cho and Ting came out as we lay there talking about the problem.

"Well we have some news for you," a finger aimed at me, "Ting and Jian are buying a place in London!"

WOW! Cho had his lawyers, same as mine, get a property company looking when the whole making babies plan was started. They found a place.

Cho pulled me into his lap, arms around me, "It is a small block of flats on Favart Road." His eyes on mine watching me get it.

"No shit? The one the Common?"

His smiled nodded, "My idea is they redo the top floor like us in Greenwich Village and keep letting the lower flats."

He squeezed me as Ting spoke up, "I have asked Andrea to share with us, so we three will be owners."

Jian gave me a cute grin, "I couldn't say anything! Ting and Cho made me promise!"

Shit! They'd only be seventy yards away from my house on Basuto Road. Cho bounced me a bit, "You will be pushing prams to the Common to air the kids together."

I swung around in his lap to slide astride him leaning in for a big kiss.

Ting picked up the tale, "Andrea will sell her place in Hounslow so we will be a family together. Cho brought it up when we were in London; we looked the place over before you came up from Harcourt House. The deal just finalized. Cho bought the block of flats outright and we have bought it from him."

I was crying my face in my Cho's neck getting his collar wet. His hands stroking my back, soothing me.

Jian came to kiss me, "Fay it will be good. Andrea will have her suite next to ours, rooms for the kids and a nurse/nanny. A play room, a big main room... Come in and see the drawings."

I was tugged along with a stop for a handkerchief. On the desk in their suite plans were laid out. Lovely! Plenty of room, sunny! So close!

They had kept this secret very well. I gave Jian a love pinch on that sweet bum, "OW! No more! I would have gotten worse from Ting and Cho if I had talked. Andrea promised to tickle me until I peed all over myself."

I folded her against me, "I love you and this is so wonderful! We can all be in London without falling over each other."

"Yes and Ting and Cho also have a plan to fix up the whole building."

We kissed; it went beyond sweet to being quite passionate. I felt her getting hard in the tiny bikini bottom, "Come!"

I led her to their bedroom. Whisking away those interfering bits of cloth I dove down on her cockette! Slurping the whole thing! My tongue slipping out to bathe her balls! Jian was moaning as I eased onto her butt on the end of the bed.

I sucked thinking about the first time under table at the Club! So sweet she was and how I was swept off my feet literally in lust for her.

MMMMMMMMM Delicious as ever! Her hands were alternating gripping me and the duvet. Big crunches of fabric in those small hands. Sucking cock! Jian had shown me how wonderful it was! My virginities were hers!

"Oh Fay you make me cum soon!"

Boy did I want that! I redoubled my efforts! Sucking speeded up and a wandering wet finger found her tiny rosebud.

"Aaaeeeee Fay!" My finger entered her hot back passageway as her cockette twitched her first spurt of cum. MORE! I wanted MORE!

Jian provided it. Three nice clumps of her cum! I swallowed them happily! I didn't let up on her though. She was squirming as my finger probed inside that hot spot. Her cock was shrinking but it wasn't free of my clutches!! I kept up my mouth at work until she was crying and begging me to stop!

I licked up around her sex and eased my finger out. Resting my chin on her pubic mound giving Jian my wickedest bad girl just swallowed cum smile!

We started laughing! Jian sat up to get a kiss, "Fay you suck like no one else!"

A quick wash and we ran out to the pool! Jumping in with the men laughing. We put arms up on the pool edge looking at them, all smiles.

Cho turned to Ting, "When they do that it means sex has occurred! It is a signature!"

We kissed and climbed out to hug our guys all wet. Lying on Cho getting him wet only got me plenty of kisses and no complaint!

I jumped up, "How about I do dinner tonight?" I rushed off with Jian in my wake heading for the kitchen; Cho's loud OK in the background. It was early enough so Amporn hadn't gotten going very far. She was good with it as I invited Niran and her!

Shopping! Shorts and tops, tennis shoes and a clutch purse with money and cards! Jian my able assistant. PJ and Rande had the day off so I grabbed their backup Shira. We got a driver, ready to go.

I wanted some place that catered to Westerners. Our driver knew where to go.

I got cheddar cheese, soft white bread, frozen French fried potatoes, butter, ketchup and several flavours of ice cream. AND two cases of Newcastle's.

Jian was at a loss so I kept my secrets!

I got some help from Amporn but did most myself. French fries in the oven, four trays of them. Buttered bread, I sliced the cheddar thinly. It got hot leaning over the cooktop. Achara was watching and got the idea about their browning. She kept her eye on the food as I did a quick wash up.

Everyone was to be on the terrace sitting waiting for my food!

Kiet helped deliver with me and Achara. Then we all went to it.

Grilled cheese sandwiches and fries with ketchup. Everyone had two sandwiches with a small mountain of hot fries! Ketchup applied!

Surprisingly they all loved the hot sandwiches and the fries were a big hit!

Bowls of creamy ice cream were re-filled! Some three times!!! Kiet was the three portion man. He adored ice cream!

Even Amporn liked my treat! In the kitchen cleaning up we laughed and talked. Kiet had won my heart with his shaping up my Thai so could have a real connection to her. She had been my ally from the first time I came to this house!

We were leaning back against the kitchen island after the clean-up. Holding hands I asked her about it, she told me what she saw on Cho's face that first morning.

"I saw real affection which he had never shown to anyone like that before. He had guests overnight; you were different, like you belonged to be with him. That was why. He needed someone to come into his life. He had been alone too much."

I told her it had been the same for me, alone, just working not enjoying life very much. I kissed her cheek, `We let each other go that first night with our dancing!" A warm hug!!

Snuggled with Cho later we did some very nice kissing and petting. My last go around of the day with my plastic dick was lovingly supplemented by Cho's fingers and tongue ending with him inside me again for a short while. It felt SOOOOO good!

In his arms, "Another busy week!" I nodded close to sleep, pressing against his body.

Kay, Greg and kids would be here Tuesday. Then Wednesday was the big day of harvesting eggs! Kay had done meds to stimulate her egg creation and had an ultrasound to check whether she was ready. Excellent results. Once the eggs were out they'd be fertilized with Cho's sperm and transferred to Eve with the ones prepared with her eggs. Then... a week or two and we'll know.

Sitting on my office terrace with Jian, Dusit and Kwang in conference if the laughter didn't count. Dusit and Kwang would share the work of preparing any candidates for jobs with The Company generated by our ads and word of mouth. They would do the interview scheduling based on my availability, background checks and other screening.

Jian and I would do the interviews right here so security would need to be brought up to date. We really didn't know what level of skill we would find in any applicant. Completely open minds going in.

Cho and I flew over to Suvarnabhumi Airport to get Kay's family with Phailin and Dad. Loads of hugs and kisses and a few whoops of joy. We all headed to the helicopter leaving some of Thet's security men to get the baggage and transport it to the Keren's house.

Jian and Ting were on the terrace as we all climbed out. Ting knew Kay and made all the intros of Jian. Ku and Eve arrived, cute as always. Yellow tops black shorts! I introduced them to Kay's family.

Drinks by Kiet and snacks by Amporn, the kids got Niran's marvelous lassi's. We had a big lively dinner outside with the grandparents doting the whole time on little Suchart. He still had big eyes but they now focused on you intensely.

Sunny gave me so many hugs for her gift, I tried to slow her down, "Sunny you are making it hard to buy you another present. I'd have to go a long way to top this."

Her smile was so sweet, "Well for the last time, thank you! It's my first grown-up gift!"

Phailin and I on the dock, "Fay, you and Cho are making Keren and I so happy by sharing like this."

I squeezed her hand, "Well we are complicating the family arrangements a bit too!"

We laughed, Phailin's smile in the dock lights, "We can deal with that easily!"

Wednesday was busy! Phailin and I took Kay to the clinic. We sat together waiting for her, "Mom what Kay and Eve are doing..."

She hugged me, "No one is more deserving than you and Cho! You both have been so giving!"

I leaned back against her. I know I had a big smile, I giggled, "It's funny to think we have been talking in Thai, it is becoming automatic for me now."

I got hugged again, "You are doing so well it is natural for me to just start going without thinking."

We went to lunch after Kay was done. A quiet little place Phailin liked near the river, good food, low key. We sat inside; Shira was just outside the door. Phailin went to the Ladies, "Fay will Shira be around all the time?"

I told her Cho wanted it and so far it worked out ok. I said my normal fellow PJ was enjoying a few days of rest after the trip. Since we were going to have a much larger presence because of the Chanthira Foundation's activities and Glaa's continuing success Cho wanted to protect us more. I told her Shira would become Eve and Ku's protector and driver.

Phailin came back at the end of the discussion, "Fay, Cho is right. Keren has a bodyguard now, we have a Security Police car come by several times each day, things have changed here somewhat and not for the best."

I dropped them at Phailin's; everyone would be over tonight for a gathering at ours. Amporn had been cooking and would get some help from the Kiet's restaurant. Our usual caterers would be there with our Kiet running the show. Such a great kid. Ooops probably shouldn't use the `kid' as he was acting quite adult.

Saturday night we would all go to the Ice Rink for some fun! Somsak and Tona were coming up from Singapore, Alice and Tadeo were in town too! Cho wrangled me down onto the bed, "Here is a secret for you. The booth at the Ice Rink has been made even bigger with several openings to the dance floor. So many friends we needed the room."

He was kissed, my arms and legs wrapped around him. Two naked folks playing with a plastic dick! A marvelous sixty-nine! Cho seemed happy playing with my bits, what of him I had was excited enough to give a lovely load of Cho cum!

I had worked that cock and warm delicious balls for all I was worth my concentration only broken by several incredible orgasms. Gawd! Cho could really make me cum! My pussy seemed a source of fascination and delight for him! Yea!!!!

We ended with him inside me in a doggie pose, nice hands roaming over my breasts, sides, thighs and belly! We slowly slid down flat as he exited my new sex. His weight welcome as always.

We stayed piled up for a while petting and kissing after I was turned over. A wash up with naked kissing before we had to dress. Jian and Ting came in seems they had the same idea as us! Fun!

White jeans, black top with white polka dots, black sandals, gold rings and lapis lazuli set. My hair's curve nudging under my chin! Red lips to match my nails!!!

The four of us greeting our friends. The Keren's all came in a big car! Sunny and I leading Artie to get lassi's from Niran. Folks crowding around Kay and Greg who had Suchart.

Funny to watch Artie kick a football around with Kavnu's boys while they all had lassi's in one hand.

Wow! Kanda in a brilliant red dress, "Fay you have inspired me!" Hugs! Thoi had a smile, "My clothes don't seem to be keeping pace with Kanda's."

We laughed as she twirled around, "Thoi buy some sport shirts, relax!"

I hugged them both again and pointed Thoi towards Cho to get wardrobe help.

I worked around to everyone. Lawan's beautiful face so full of happiness, "Fay, Thang makes me happy! My work makes me happy."

I hugged her, "Then Lawan is happy!" We laughed as the `big lug' joined us. I told him I had the rundown on Lawan's happiness which got him smiling.

"Ah, yes, she is so happy except for my being away all next week."

I squeezed her, "Come stay with us. I'll get you in some trouble, OK?"

Thang encouraged her which kept us laughing until Achara took my hand to tell me I was summoned.

I was dragged off to Eve and Ku with Cho. Eve slipped her arm around me, "OK Mom you are ready right?"

I told them I would pick them up at nine o'clock as planned. And reminding her she would be going home to rest. Eve hugged me, "Yes MOM!"

Cho had his arm over Ku's shoulders, they were laughing at us.

Went looking for a drink, whoa! I went to the kitchen, "Niran can have a lassi?"

He chuckled, "Yes Miss! I have lassi's for all the children." Amporn was giggling!

I stuck my tongue out laughing. Oh yes the lassi was delicious. A hug for Niran.

I bumped into Anong and Malee. They were talking weddings. I told Anong I was in for lunch on Saturday! Meeting the other ladies in her wedding party. Malee was setting up something for Her's but no date yet.

Hmmmmm Ah, my lassi lost a bit to test sips so I pointed them toward the kitchen.

Kiet got me a plate of shrimp and crispy fish! Good man! Reyna sat beside me on the water end of the terrace. I shared with her as she brought some nice dumplings and sauce to the mix.

We talked horses. I told her I was going to get a few riding horses here soon. They'd be kept at a riding stable about a mile and a half north of Don Mueang Airport that Cho owned for some of his horses. A track, dressage area, riding trails and instruction.

Her eyes were bright, "Fay, you have given me the bug!" I got a kiss!

"There'll be a horse for you to ride when you want and if you decide it's something you really like we'll find barn space for any horse you get."

Smiles! Thet sat with us; Reyna told him all I'd said his eyes on me. I saw he was happy! I kissed his cheek.

I wanted to hold Cho, some warmth. I found him talking shop with Kavnu. So I gathered Ni and Kavnu's boys and we invaded them. A cute girl on your lap inhibits talk about work at a party! An old maxim? If not, I said it!

I got hugged and kissed. Kavnu's sons joined me in asking Niran for more lassi's. Smiles.

Udorn and Ubon arrived. She was radiant with her belly sticking out a good bit. Hugs and kisses! Udorn spotted Cho and took off. Business?? It's a party! From me followed his back, he smiled and waved at me. Ubon joined my wandering. She was healthy and preparing the room for their little girl. We stopped where Kay was talking with Eve about pregnancies as Phailin gently bounced Suchart on her lap. I kissed each one and ended up with Suchart.

Those big eyes, we stared at each other, I stuck my tongue out at him which caused the biggest smile and gurgle to erupt. He reached out those tiny arms I pulled him close. He pulled on my curving hair, not hard; he did have a good grip. We were face to face laughing; he was doing the gurgling not me. I lifted him up arms and legs spread, wiggling. Then back down against me vibrating with happiness. I found an opening in his clothes and send a few fingers in. Tickling that little tummy was just the greatest according to Suchart, laughing and bouncing in my arms.

I had him up cheek to cheek going to find his dad. I found my `dad' with Suchart's talking with Ting. They welcomed us. Dad Keren took the little man in those strong arms, I got a hug from Greg, "So you want to borrow the guy for a few months? To sort of break yourself in?"

We laughed before I could answer some slender arms encircled my waist, Sunny! "Come Fay!"

I waved goodbye to the men as I was pulled along. Sunny brought me to her mom, Kay smiling, "Fay, I know you are going to be busy for weeks but what about Christmas?"

I told them we were considering opening Harcourt House to everyone and having a big Christmas there. Sunny was up for that!

"Well it really isn't set but the idea was we would be `in residence' for a few weeks and folks would come down there sort of in waves. You could come before the holiday and be back in Seattle for the day or come after... as I said it isn't actually planned out BUT I want to be there so I can ride."

"Oh yes, I want to learn to ride, Fay..." popped out of Sunny. Kay gave me a `look' she didn't say no either.

Loads of hugs and kisses as our family and friends took their leave.

Jian and Ting with us in the playroom as Cho paced off what space he wanted for the train layout. It was easier now that the billiard table was here. A big bastard it was. Lovely surface, comfortable to lean over but I hadn't taken a shot yet. Dad had agreed to play to inaugurate it!

Brilliant sunshine on the terrace warmed me in a bikini but so did the coffee. A big pile of patongos! With cream sauce! Jian climbed on top of me to share one.

The stream of texts emails and calls from Andrea continued. For me too but Jian "mom to be' was very happy to get every word still amazed by the whole thing.

I had to get going. White pencil leg slacks, a yellow sleeveless blouse and black ankle boots. Cho's onyx gifts and the triple intertwined gold bracelet.

Shira up front with PJ driving, I stood beside the car as Eve and Ku came out. Smiles, I kissed each one. They knew that an apartment on their floor had been rented for Shira who be their bodyguard for the next nine months. She would drive them to and from work, shopping, over to be with us, doctor visits, everywhere.

At the clinic Eve was taken to the back with a last kiss, "Fay, all my thoughts are for you and Cho!" Big hug!

I sat with Ku; we talked about the many months ahead. She knew we'd do anything needed and all Eve's medical bills we would pay. Eve was taking two days off but would be better going back to work after that. She didn't do any strenuous exercising so that wasn't a worry. AND she was happy!

The nurse came out, all done! Eve would rest for an hour or so then she could go home. We went in to kiss her and promised to bring her ice cream.

Ku and I went to Wo's for a short lunch she caught me up on Railroad gossip. A lot of laughing. A new soup, some coconut prawns and lovely tomato rice!! We stopped for Eve's ice cream. She sat up to get into a nice container of Häagen Dazs coffee!

After I dropped them at their place Shira and I talked. She was proud to have the assignment to ensure their safety; her relief was Pennanolovo, Penny for short. I liked Penny also; she seemed competent and confident like Shira. I felt Thet had done well.

Pj said he'd worked with both, they were good! I patted his shoulder over the barrier and thanked him.

Now we all had to wait to ten days or more to find out if Eve was pregnant. The doctor had put in one of Cho and Kay and one of Eve and Cho. Fingers crossed.

All the Keren's and the Seattle side were out for a few days on Cho's larger boat. Somsak and Tona arrived in time!

Alice and Tadeo were shopping in the big city but would join us at the Ice Rink Saturday evening.

At my desk looking at the MacBook Air screen... I was adding some screenshots for my presentations, Reg and Jared had sent plenty. I wanted a few of certain menus to show how to maneuver in the application.

Jian parked her butt in a guest chair, "Fay, ah... we have received over one hundred responses to the ads up to this morning. How do I decide who..." with raised arms palms up.

I laughed, "Get Dusit and Kwang to go through each CV and other bits they have sent. If anything is incomplete or left out of the stated requirements, put them aside for further checking. Then you work on the ones that qualify."

I got a kiss, "Coffee?"

Yes! I went with Jian so I could play with her body as she played with the machine. She gave out a few cute squeaks as I hit a target. Those nifty titties were easy!

Saturday started out with sun and salapaos, then I got to meet Anong's family and friends, well the female side anyway. She held a lunch at her aunt's house in a sprawling garden. The aunt was very sweet holding my hand saying nice things about me giving Anong a push to release some feelings and open up to Rak.

I tried to minimize it but she sat me down in a rose arbor, the sweetness surrounding us.

"Fay, Anong is like my daughter. She has told me everything about what you said and did." My hand patted gently with the nice smile.

I got to meet family and friends, the others wedding maids. They seemed a happy group and pleased for Anong and Rak.

Anong had her arm around me later after all the introductions were done.

"Auntie said she thanked you..." a squeeze, "I was raised in this house from the age of eleven there is no one closer to me than her."

Anong's mother had been killed by her father after years of abuse which had included Anong. The abuser went to prison for many years but he was released and showed up here to speak to Anong. He tried to take her away, she struggled until overpowered. In trying to force her into a car he broke her arm. "My screams brought neighbors, they beat him and police took him away. More prison where he died almost two years ago."

I kissed her cheek and hugged her. We sat for a while, "I haven't been close with men not feeling safe. I dated Cho for a short time; he was the nicest man I knew. He knows my auntie well so we tried going out but it did not work. I guess we were two solitary people who could not break through that. You made me see that if I was to have a relationship with a man I had to risk saying and doing things."

A big hug! We kissed cheeks and squeezed, "I met Rak years ago here at a party of my auntie's. We met again two years ago and started seeing each other, nothing was really happening. We very much liked each other but I was reserved. Now we talk about everything, I knew he cared but we did not know how to get closer. It was you!"

No tears just hugs.

A small bird flew down to sit beside us; it fluttered a bit and then stared at us with that funny turning twisting its neck thing birds do. We laughed; the little fellow twitched its tail then zoomed off, Anong squeezed my hand, "Like me! Looking around and taking off! Come we must go to the others."

Dinner by Amporn on the terrace, a cold mango soup, grilled fish and veggies in pineapple curry sauce, warm soft roti!!!! The four of us finished off the ice cream too!

Skin tight but soft slacks, black, the silver halter top which was a piece of silver shimmery cloth with a loop around my neck and another above the waist NO back at all, the dark silver strapped heels. Cho's gift, slender diamond pattern silver bracelet with chains going to a ring. Cho's silver ring with the black flower on my belly. The silver torque from Karla and Michael. Black with silver tips nails, black and silver eye shadow and black lips. A fold over black leather purse with silver clasp like a thunderbolt.

Cho came into our room and stopped dead! "I cannot take you out looking like that! I will never get you home again!"

He gave me a big hug lifting me off my feet. He wiped some black lipstick off a cheek while fixed my lips. Cho was going in tight gray slacks and a beautiful red polo shirt. A shiny pair of slip-on `mod' boots. I'd asked for the colors so I could give him a lightweight black leather jacket cut at his waist. I found it in a store and got it altered by Noi. It was a secret I unveiled much to his pleasure.

"Fay it is fabulous! Fits perfectly."

It did, he looked so SEXY! "Maybe I won't be able to get you home either!"

Hand in hand we waited for Jian and Ting. Jian in a red cocktail dress with gold sleeves and gold heels! Ting in a black slender cut suit, open collared dove gray shirt.

We all hugged, we looked great!!

PJ with Rande driving escorted us to the Ice Rink. Mr. Electric Blue Suit welcomed us at the door. He knew we had many friends coming.

Inside I looked at the enlarged booth, WoW!! It needed three doors now!

Pointer Sisters, `I'm So Excited' started up I tossed my bag to a laughing PJ as Cho swept me out onto the floor. We danced!!! Michael Jackson, Bee Gees all sent our feet flashing. Cho eased us back to the booth, "I do not want you to overdo." A kiss!

We sat for a while watching. Jian and Ting went by, she was smiling so broadly. Ah, it was the first time here since the cast was kicked off. Somsak and Tona came over to thank us as a Rick James tune caught their attention. Off!

Gloria Gaynor, Earth, Wind & Fire and the O"Jay's.

Then Kool & the Gang, the first chords of `YMCA' by the Village People grabbed us, we dashed out to join in. We came close to Rak and Anong; we hugged as everyone moved around us to the music.

Kavnu and Ni with Thang and Lawan. The men getting into this, hips moving, smiles!

Alice and Tadeo seemed quite at home dancing, they waved to us going by.

ABBA and Blondie had us going then Cho declared a break for me again. We sat it out for a longer period only a Donna Summer tune got us up for one more dance.

Cho had shed the black leather jacket early; he looked so handsome in that red shirt showing off his muscled torso. I was mashed against him at one of the openings to the booth. I reached out a hand to Eve; she slipped her arms around us both. She said to look left, Ku went by with Lek. Siri had an assignment and couldn't come. Eve couldn't dance so it was good!

I was pooped; I hadn't recovered all my stamina YET! Cho told Ting he'd sent a car for them. In Jian's ear, "Enjoy Mom to be!"

I got a sweet kiss and hug.

Leaning back in the seat against Cho was nice. Strong arms holding me, a few unsolicited but welcome kisses. We cuddled.

"I had fun! Thanks again for having such a nice place to go boogie with friends."

I got a very nice kiss!

It was good to get out because the next two weeks would be planes, trains, cars, hotels, meetings in many countries and climes. I would be worn down when it was over.

Then onto Lexington for the Breeder's Cup races. Glaa would be on the biggest stage of his life.

In bed with Cho just holding him tight. I would be gone tomorrow evening. Poo!

On Sunday night Philippine Airways was something new. Their First Class was comfortable but it was under four hours so not much of a test. Manila! A new city for me. The car service was good straight to the hotel. A nice suite, not too big with a view over the harbor.

PJ liked flying with me, I wasn't any trouble. No wandering off. Ha!

Yellow! Yellow and white vertical striped dress just above the knee with paler stockings and shoes. Black belt and Cho's onyx!

My reason for being here, Philippine National Water Resources Board in Quezon City. I met with Ramon who is the Deputy Executive Director of the board.

We discussed possible projects where we could help them manage water flows on Luzon and several other islands. He said they were concerned with keeping reservoirs levels under control. Drought in many areas was a real threat if they couldn't capture and maintain rainfall. El Nino this year was the worst they'd seen for scattering the rainfall.

In his conference room I put down my overlays on the maps he'd sent me. We spent time marking up each with possibilities. I let him know we had one project in the northeast mountains in Thailand was under way. The Australian and New Zealand projects starting also.

I had cleared with the Water Board in Sydney for a visit if Ramon wanted to see their project. Same for the water folks in Thailand. He was interested. I gave him their contact info.

Sitting with coffee he asked quite a few questions which I dealt with. A couple I emailed to Reg and his staff in London.

We got on well and I sensed he wanted our hardware and software! Near the end of our time he slipped out putting a finger beside his nose and smiling. When he returned he had the Director Mr. Santos. I could see Mr. Santos giving me a look over but discreetly which I appreciated. Ramon gave a précis of our time together and his comments about the north Luzon watershed brought Santos' eyes up sharply.

I honed in on that right away. I had his attention and not for my `look!' My gut told we could have a good project building here.

Later Ramon and I on his balcony looking out toward Manila, "Fay I saw you when you got Santos' attention."

He was laughing, "You moved from the looking to a new level with him and you knew. I am pleased because this could be a very important project for us..." a serious tone... "you know we do not have much water margin to work with even though we are a `tropical' country."

We shook hands and he walked down to my car with me. "Fay I will work on this end. I may have questions and will send them along."

"Ramon, when London answers the first group of questions they will surely cause more."

PJ handed me into the car, I waved to Ramon. Off to Ninoy Aquino Airport again and another Philippine Airlines flight. On time departure for Narita. Four hours once more. At Tokyo we had a short layover for my flight to Sapporo. ANA was a bit late but no matter the hotel knew I was flying in.

The car service fellow in Sapporo was a big guy scooping all my bags. All PJ had to do was watch me. It was a short trip to the hotel. A sweet faced woman checked us in. I liked the room with a mountain view.

Cho was so loving on the phone! We talked for some time as I waited for some room service, no desire to go out tonight.

Gray skirt under a red long sleeved sweater with darker gray stockings and black heels. There was a good chill in the morning. I had a nice new pea coat from Mongkut. Double breasted in black with a long zipper and big lapels. Black leather gloves!!

Mr. Migita at the Sapporo City Water Board and I met at his office. What followed was great! He was funny, a real personality! We laughed together as I went over our proposal. He made it plain they wanted a new approach and automating as much as possible was paramount for him.

In three hours we broke for lunch.

I was treated to a great meal at a seafood restaurant a few blocks away. Sushi! He gave me a fabulous tour of the food and good advice for a newbie. Just a tiny bit of sake, he looked concerned when I told him I was recovering from some surgery and taking it easy with alcohol.

The food tremendous! Migita was like Ting, a man of many funny stories. Walking back we linked arms. We DID do some work afterwards. Migita was pleased, "Fay we will do this! The board will follow my lead. No one is doing what you are doing with software controls."

At my car Migita gave me a small box, "Thank you! I have never enjoyed any business meeting as much!"

He got a cheek kissed and a firm handshake! I handed the box to PJ.

ANA hauled me back to Narita. The car service unloaded us at the train to Nagano. The high speed trip was welcome to get the travel over with!

At the hotel, checked in and flat on my back on the bed. Shit! I'll sleep well tonight!

Ah! Migita's gift. Inside the beautiful little box was a pin. It was a Harlequin Duck. Handsome black and white angled stripes over the brown body and the brown stripes on the head with black and white. A very nice pin. Sweet!

I sent him a thank you email! It was a nice day!

Cho called!! He voice always getting me deep inside! Light-hearted talk. I tried to repeat a few of Migita's stories but I just didn't have the savoir faire to carry them off.

Nagano Water Board was led by Mr. Shitoki; we met at his office downtown. They managed water resources in the city and surrounding areas. They wanted automation so that's where we started.

I had a new video Reg had sent the link overnight. We sat to watch it. New stuff on the New Zealand, Australian and Thai projects with interviews. Afterwards talking he asked about a number of issues I was able to respond to directly and a couple I sent email to Reg and his staff in London.

Reg had sent answers for Ramon to him cc'ing me overnight too.

On the high speed train back to Tokyo PJ asked how I was doing. "I get tried but so far sleeping very well. On these hops I haven't napped."

A big meeting at the JR Freight head office in the morning. They handle all the freight throughout Japan.

Short sleeved black dress mid-thigh, black stockings attached to the cutest little garter belt in black lace, black ankle boots and black purse. Cho's onyx gifts getting a workout with the dozen gold rings for my left.

Mr. Murkanmuri was tall and slender, gray hair cut short and a very nice black suit, cut well with a white shirt and pale red tie. We got on especially well since he was a technically minded fellow. He asked lots of detailed questions which got me really into some good explanations.

Tea on his balcony. He was looking over the top of his cup, "Miss Martin, I have never...please pardon me if I perhaps go too far...I have never met a woman with such grasp of the technical details of networking and supporting software."

"Thank you. I'm the first woman engineer in The Company. I'm no longer alone; we are hiring many new people quite a few are women. The Company is trying to diversify the staff by opening positions to a wider assortment of individuals. The by-product is we aren't having as much difficulty getting staff."

"Ah, you are expanding?"

"Yes, there have been changes to The Company in the last year as we have broadened our product line and made acquisitions. We need staff and want the best."

After two more hours Mr. Murkanmuri knew we had a great scanning system and asked for contracts to be sent for review.

"We need this upgrade. I am so glad you came to see me today."

We shook hands gladly and in a most friendly manner.

He did give me an appraising look, "Often after deals are concluded we have drinks and food. I do not know if you know the custom or..."

I smiled, "I would be glad to join you for a brief time as I have an early morning flight to Osaka and then onto Hiroshima."

We used my car service to go about one mile to a `businessman's' bar, we went upstairs to a private room. We shed our shoes and relaxed as a lovely young woman brought drinks and food. She stayed in the background as we talked about many things, family, work, the future of moving goods and more.

Pj quietly sat near the door sipping a coke.

Mr. Murkanmuri had three sons and a daughter and a wife he loved very much. He was addicted to baseball especially the Tokyo Yakult Swallows he'd followed for over thirty years. His Mrs. had been a competitive dressage and event rider for many years until their first son was born. I told him of my love of riding as a youngster and now as my fiancé has made it possible again.

He got my news of Glaa and admired his photos on my iPhone. Glaa's recent triumphs whetted his interest, maybe a few entertaining wagers with friends on the Breeder's Cup and next year's Triple Crown. I kidded him about not betting the family jewels. He found that quite funny.

He sipped scotch and me Campari. Some very nice dumplings with a sweet sauce, skewers of fish and tofu when found out about my eating habits. His family didn't eat much red meat but fish was very important.

It was a nice way to end our day of explanations and negotiations. My car dropped him back at the JR Freight office. We exchanges thank yous and he hoped to meet again!

The hotel wasn't far, good! I was wiped out by the travel and a few Campari's. The staff was friendly and got me quickly into my room. I stripped, grabbed my iPhone and dove into bed, dialing Cho as my head hit the pillow.

Oh MY! That voice! Cho! It was almost a high! We talked about many things as I did my bit with the plastic dick wishing it was Cho! He helped me along with a few suggestions. Sleep.

ANA again, too early, now to Osaka. PJ had a warm jacket over his suit mentioning the temperature. As the weather was changing, a navy cardigan was over my navy blue short sleeved dress, navy stockings and shoes and bag. The silver bracelet of Thang's tear and Karla and Michael's torque. Two meetings today before yet another travel leg.

First at the Osaka Water Board. Mr. Inmura's board managed the municipal watershed, they needed to upgrade and have more automation and remote control. I went over our offerings, showed him and his staff several videos from Reg.

I let them play with my iPad on the demo server in London. That made an impression, the power and simplicity of the app and server software.

Mr. Inmura hosted me for lunch at his home. Miki, his wife was a great cook. They lived in a condo near the Water Board, only a five minute walk. He went home for lunch every day. Lucky fellow with Miki's cooking! PJ was welcomed as part of my family.

Their kids were at college so they were doing the `empty nest' thing. It was a phrase they hadn't heard but loved it.

Miki was a free-lance writer on economic issues with a degree from the London School of Economics. Her office would be a major distraction for me with its great view over the harbour. A 27" iMac and assorted accessories!

When we were alone, "Fay, are things as dangerous as all that?" Miki was concerned about PJ having to be around. I briefly gave her why and how our lives were evolving. She had a spectacular smile when I said I was loved.

Nice people and great food! I spoke to Inmura about seeing the Thai water project or going to one of the others. He was interested. I said he and Miki would be welcome anytime. I did mention as we had tea my fiancé...I waved my left hand...one of his companies was running it, so...

They laughed, Inmura looking at Miki, "We might be interested. We need a trip."

She was nodding vigorously. He had my contacts, "You can reach my office or me."

I hugged with Miki and a firm handshake from Inmura. I got into the car service to go to the Regional Freight Railway offices.

Antonnuri, `Tony' was the president. We met in an ultra-modern conference room; it had projection screens as walls. I was able to plug in my iPad to give him and a few others demo of our scanning software and hardware. Connect to the London server on another screen and bring in Kavnu as arranged with the conference app. The staffers played with my MacBook on the server as Tony and I talked with Kavnu. I could see Tony's eyes taking it all in as he got a landscape view of Tarek's rail yard via the same app. A window for Kavnu beside Tarek's, Tony was salivating over the possibilities. Tarek amazed me with some Japanese as he panned the iPad around his rail yard.

After all the hubbub, Tony was a self-confessed tech junkie, we laughed about it. "You have me hooked!"

Asoka, his tech manager stayed in with us to talk about infrastructure. Their current network wouldn't need much change so it came down to a sensor upgrade and servers. Tony and Asoka both wanted to move to Mac OS Server platform, we were the only company offering anything for that now.

Tony's legal folks joined us to talk `turkey' as Tony said which had me laughing. They were ready so I sent emails to London about contracts.

Tony asked me to toast our relationship's beginning. Very nice sake! Warm down my throat. Just one, he understood about my recent surgery and travel. PJ and Asoka both had Orangina's.

Off to Hiroshima on the bullet train, only ninety odd minutes. The hotel over-looked the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park I got a look as darkness descended. Pj and I ate in the hotel restaurant, western oriented food but well done.

Mr. Yamashta was the Managing Director of the Hiroshima Water Board. We met in his office in the morning. My white linen dress with black accessories and a black cardigan gained his approval I could see.

We sat with his principal deputy, Hiro, to talk remote control devices. They saw my videos and specs; a number of questions were asked and answered. Tea was served with some very nice ginger cookies which I praised.

I let both dig into the London demo server, one connection via iPad and the other my MacBook. They tried them but they both loved the iPad app. As it had everyone, the power and simplicity really gets your attention.

I showed a link to a new demo website that had remote control access coupled with animated screens of what was happening out at the water locations. I sent thanks to Ni and her cohorts for getting it up!

Yamashta with Hiro were the decision makers. They wanted it all! More email to The Company for contracts to be sent for review.

Yamashta had a luncheon previously setup so Hiro took me to very simple but wonderful little noodle restaurant. "I hope you will not be disappointed by the looks of the place, the food is surpassingly good."

It looked fine to me, all aged wood walls and floors, comfy booths AND great food! A ceramic nabe filled with udon, tofu, hakusai/cabbage and green onions to start. Then grilled amajake/salmon with Kabocha no Nimono/simmered pumpkin. For my sweet tooth lunch was ended with Tokoroten, lovely sweet agar noodles.

We talked shop all through the food and with Hiro's help it had been great! Hiro understood PJ's role but wanted him to have a good meal and asked if he could sit with us. I liked that very much. So Pj shared all of those wonderful dishes!

I told Hiro I wanted to walk in the Peace memorial Park before our late evening flight to Seoul. He suggested himself as our guide which I gladly accepted.

We left the restaurant to walk over the river to the park. It was quiet despite being in the center of a busy city.

I told Hiro one of my grandfathers had fought in Burma under General Bill Slim in the Fourteenth Army. Hiro was shaking his head, "My father's father was killed by fascist militarists for opposing the war. My other grandfather was lost in the Philippines fighting against the Americans. It is so sad I never knew them. So much loss and nothing gained. This park symbolizes it for me. The bomb helped to end the war but the world has had so little peace."

I took his hand, "Humans don't learn lessons from wars except how to fight more."

It was a nice sunny afternoon to be there. Three of us walking the paths some school children going past on a tour. We stopped to sit near the river in the north end.

"Fay, it has been a rare pleasure to meet an Englishwoman who is so sophisticated and well-spoken. I have mostly met American women in business who are not as much so."

I laughed and kidded him, "Well I was born in Washington, D.C."

He laughed too.

"But yes I'm British by family and upbringing but now I'm American and British and Thai."

Pj and I were sorry to leave that quiet spot. Hiro had been excellent company. He said if I came back for any reason he wanted to have me come to his home to meet his family. His wife was a teacher and their sons were in college locally and a daughter in high school. His mother lived in a small cottage on their property. They were a happy bunch.

"Hiro I would be honoured to meet them. I will make it happen when possible."

I let him know how we appreciated his hosting us this afternoon and that it was a highlight of my trip.

The evening flight to Seoul on Asiana was on time and again around four hours. I worked, PJ napped. The hotel thankfully wasn't too far from the Seoul Area Water Control Board offices where I had to be in the morning.

They managed the resources of the Han River and its tributaries and many dams.

Mr. Chung was the executive director; they wanted what everyone else desired, remote control. His assistant, Kwon had seen one of the earlier videos I'd sent. They both watched the newest and Kwon spent some time on the new website seeing the commands and the animated action on the screen side by side.

He liked it! "Miss Martin, you have pleased me! This is the level of control we need." We discussed costs, timing and contracts. More email to London for contracts to be reviewed.

Pj and I barely caught our flight to Busan as the traffic was so bad. I emailed during the flight to Eric and Reg to update them on the last few days and to Cho. Damn I was missing him, talking in the evening wasn't enough. Poo!

Mr. Park was the freight railroad manager in Busan; he wanted to see if we could do a sensor and software update. They were running our Windows Server version; we do have an update that is part of their service contract. No problem. The sensors were from a Korean company, we would replace them in the Busan rail yard.

He was happy, their systems manager was too. All he had to do was download the software, do a backup and then upgrade. I helped him login to the demo Windows server in London to see the changes. Ah, he liked the new views and reports!!

I gave them a rundown on what was happening with the Windows version over the next few years and on the Mac OS Server software. They were interested in the Mac OS but didn't have the money in the budget to change now. They were happy that Windows Server would be fully supported and improved for many years.

Sold! Done!

At the airport waiting for the flight to Taipei Cho called. Gawd, good that I was sitting...once again the voice grabbed my guts! His love through the air was a warm hug! Just a few more days I'd be in his arms!

Korean Air dropped us at Taipei on time and the hotel was in town so we had a long drive in from Taoyuan. I flopped onto the bed; PJ came in from the adjoining room. "Fay can I help do anything?"

I sat up smiling, "No, at least it isn't an early start tomorrow. Let's sleep in and get lunch ok?"

He was good with that. I stripped to zero, climbed under the covers with my plastic dick thinking about Cho's!!! I dialed him. He answered on the second ring. I got some long distance help with my plastic dick!

It was good to go slow in the morning. We brunched at a `pub' nearby, funny but they did do a nice grilled salmon with veggies.

The afternoon meeting with freight department of the national railways was with Mr. Chao. We knew each other from past work for The Company I had done. As I entered his outer office, Hua, his assistant greeted me.

"Oh you look wonderful!" We hugged.

A white and blue vertically striped dress, mid-thigh, white stockings and black heels. A wide blue belt and Cho's wide gold hinged bracelet and triple twisted gold bracelet and a small blue bag.

Chao came out with Hua's exclamation; standing in the doorway he was amazed.

"Fay, please..."

He took my hand; I slowly spun around giving him the 360 degree look. It ended with my kissing his cheek.

"OK?" With my arms out-stretched.

Hua was silently clapping as Chao gave me a bow. PJ was smiling as he had been let in on the scene in the car.

Hua got him some tea as Chao and I sat down on his balcony in the sun.

"Fay, it seems quite natural. I know Millie is excited to see the new you."

We talked about me for a little while but got on with business since I was dining at theirs tonight.

He was a bit sad with continuing fall of his freight business. We talked about a Windows upgrade especially about moving to new servers or not. Huang, their computer centre director, joined us to discuss the current state of their servers and if they would support the upgrade of our software. Looking at their specs and hard drive space available we decided not to change out servers now. This would have to be re-visited in less than a year when Microsoft stopped stopping the server software version.

Huang and I also knew each other. He hadn't been told by Chao about me so when he came for the meeting it was a shock. Chao stood up to introduce me like I was an unknown to Huang. Huang extended his hand then realized ... He was dazed!!!

I put my hand and he grabbed it like a life-preserver. I smiled, "Chao you should have told..."

Chao jumped in, "Yes but I was having a bit of fun. You are ok Huang?"

Huang's head was shaking, a common phenomenon around me it seems, "Yes, surprised AND I will... "laughing with Chao and I, "get you back!"

Chao laughing more, "OK! I will deserve it!"

This was a layover night done so I could visit with Chao who I liked very much. Sitting on his terrace with a glass of Abruzzi red leaning back into a lounge laughing with Millie his wife. Chao was inside cooking! He was quite the chef; it ran in his family of restauranteurs. Tonight was Italian!!

Millie and Chao had been some of the few folks who knew me BF and I had contacted before my trip to tell them of my changes. When PJ and I arrived she answered the door, one hand flew to her mouth.

"Oh MY!! Fay!!!'

Black pencil leg tight slacks, red cutoff long sleeve blouse with tiny white birds up the arms and across the shoulders, red heels, red nails and lips! Lapis lazuli set on my right and the dozen gold rings on my left with the Pearl.

Millie and I hugged, cheek kissed. She took my hand and led us to Chao in the kitchen. He gave me his off-key wolf whistle which broke us all up. I got my wine and Millie pulled me out to the terrace for a `tell all.'

Millie and Chao got my story in the abridged cleaned up version. I showed them the snaps of Cho, Millie's big eyes rolling at me, a slow WOW! I told them about Glaa and Millie had a distant look. I knew she was thinking about her `horse days.'

Chao excused himself to cook, PJ sat with him having a rare glass of wine. Millie asked about PJ nodding at my explanation, "If you become more public things could happen. It is well Cho thinks about it and you get used to the idea."

"Yes but sad to be a bit less spontaneous. I'm lucky; PJ is very good at being there but not."

"Damn if you are not the sexy one too. Chao's whistle was done as friendship but others?"

Laughing I told Millie about the Goth girl in Fulham calling me a `hot sexy bitch' she laughed too. Millie understood the men looking as she would given how slender sexy she was.

"You two should come to Harcourt House. The men can hang out and you and I ride. We are planning a month there over the Christmas period. I'll be able to ride by then."

Her face told me YES but... "Let's ask Chao over dinner."

I smiled my agreement. Millie wanted more on Cho, my changes, how business was with my new self, and more... I shared lots of snaps of Cho, my `family' and my travels. We kept at until the call to eat. Funny PJ had helped by setting their big terrace table, wine glasses renewed, a very tasty antipasto with many kinds of olives, marinated artichoke hearts and pickled goat cheese. Followed by a very fine fettucine with white clam sauce, buttered bread slices grilled with asiago and parmesan. Delicious stuff. I was a piggy asking for more fettucine. The sauce was rich but light.

Millie pulled me back to the lounge area as the men cleared away.

"Do not worry about the clean-up, we have someone coming shortly. It is nice; they have a business of going to people's houses to do the after dinner cleaning. We have them over a few times a week when Chao `gets into the kitchen' because he hates cleaning!"

We giggled about that, "Making the mess but no fix up. Nice if you can get away with it."

The men arrived with a tray of espresso's YEA!! The plate of biscotti caught my eye but I restrained myself somewhat.

I gave them my trip details, Hong Kong next and LAST! Then the trip to Kentucky to watch Glaa at the Breeder's Cup. Home again for guests, two weddings and the Christmas thing at Harcourt House.

Over dinner it was brought up to Chao to join us in England. He was in favor of it. I told them we'd have a suite at the house for them. Maybe a London overnight at the Fulham place, who knows. And they get to see Eric who they hadn't seen in many years. The BIG BOSS now got laughs!

Millie was bouncing in her chair. Chao leaned to kiss her, "OK we will!" Done!

"Just tell me when but with some notice, any time between the first week of December and the the second week of January."

Smiling, "There'll be a fair number of folks about. Our friends and family in Bangkok, some of closest co-workers." I explained that Cho and I were orphans but now had an extended family.

We sat in the gathering dark talking, I told them about Keren and being adopted and how Cho and I were building our family. They loved it. PJ was finding out a few things he'd never known.

Just before Chao went to see the cleaners I got a text from Cho. I called him right away.

I stood against the railing, "Fay sit down..." I could hear the suppressed excitement in those words, "Eve is pregnant with twins." Yowee!!!!

Cho said Eve was so happy, crying there at the house telling him with Ku holding her. Yes it had been possible but this was spectacular. Just the best outcome!!

I told him about inviting Chao and Millie. He knew I really liked them and they were so happy for me with my changes. I said I call him again later.

A tremendous night!! Millie jumped to hug me! Chao did too when he came back. He rushed back inside calling Millie to help him.

PJ smiling, "Fay it is quite wonderful!"

I held his hand tightly, "Thank you. You're going to be part of it all too so beware!"

He laughed out loud, the first time I could remember hearing him laugh like that.

Chao and Millie came back with a bottle of champagne and glasses. We toasted the newly pregnant Eve and our luck.

At the hotel I crawled into bed, dialed my man. He pickup right away. We were so happy. We briefly discussed the next steps we wanted before ringing off with much love!

The trip on Cathy Pacific left bang on time and we were in Hong Hong by noon. The much longer ride in from the new airport was something I'd forgotten. The traffic as bad as I remembered though especially at the tunnel.

Mr. Miller and Mr. Chen greeted me at the office of the city water board. We talked remote controls, automation and new hardware. Their chief tech fellow sat in front of my MacBook logged in to the demo server loving it all. I showed them the new website so the commands and animation were both on the screen. They were riveted by Reg's latest video of the Dutch installation and construction in New Zealand and Thailand.

They needed close control of all water throughout the city and territory with nature giving less rainfall. The monsoon had been shorter and capturing, storing and releasing that water was now life or death for the city.

I told them about Ramon's issues in the Philippines, they nodded along with my telling. They were interested in seeing similar systems at work so I gave them the contact details for the project leader in Thailand and Albert in Christchurch and the folk in Sydney.

We left it there but I sensed their intensity of interest. PJ was smiling at me in the car to the hotel.

My `what'... Only got me a bigger grin, "Fay, am I correct that you worked your way through the presentation so they were elevated at each stage to new excitement?"

He kept grinning as I responded, "Yes I did plan it so we went from their issues to what we can do and brought in our products."

"You impressed me while I watched it."

"Well thank you Sir! I'm getting better at this."

He shook his head, "I think you are very good right now."

The last few stops had been the first time I had asked him into the presentation, trying to bring him as more of an assistant than just a bodyguard I hoped without compromising that role. I thought he mustn't be allowed to be bored.

PJ and I were in a restaurant later for dinner. It was an older one buried in a small area of Wan Chai not developed yet. I had been there before they had the best dim sum!!!

I was a piggy again, so many choices! The shrimp were my favs. PJ loved them too.

Snuggled in bed, Cho iPhone sexed me through a session with my plastic dick knowing I'd be home tomorrow!

Next: Chapter 41

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