Jian: Cast of Characers

By A becker

Published on Oct 25, 2015



Malee and Eric joined us all in a walk about. We trod over lots of acreage with a stop for tea at the Reed's. Rose liked meeting everyone especially Cho who she had a brief aside conversation with for a few minutes. Then she went inside.

I was leaning on the fence beside Aileen with Rona against my back. We talked about growing up here and my parents. Aileen knew them as much as anyone could; we'd been close since her brothers weren't friends to me or have much to do with her. Taking my hand, "Fay let's keep in touch now. I know you're off soon but..." I squeezed that hand, "You and Sue should come out to Bangkok!"

Rona seconded that, "We had a great time. Lovely house, fun city and the nighttime entertainment!" Aileen moved close, "I'll ask Sue. I would like to get away soon! A far trip sounds good." We exchanged emails and phone numbers!

After a late lunch spread we did some cleaning and closing up. I gave Mrs. Pelletier's number to Eric and Reg so they could come out to the house when they wanted.

Prasert made all the stops depositing folks around west London as it got dark.


"What was Rose up to?" He drew me tightly against him, two naked people. I got a very nice kiss, "She told me you had been a solitary soul in your youth like Aileen. You were close with Aileen because of her sons had been too much older and generally not friendly. She said you came to her when Gwen died, inconsolable. She held you for several hours finally bringing you back to your house and put you to bed. She was heart-broken for you." By that point I was crying, Cho lifted me onto the bed pulling the covers over us. He held me gently, "Rose had tears telling me." That's why she went off. I felt bad for not having gone up to see her before.

I had Cho's hands caressing my back, "You were a lucky child in some ways and not in others. We can't choose our parents; it is regrettable people send their kids off to a school or leave them to be cared for by others. Not for us! If we have a family they will be with us. We have to find the balance point of giving them a full life and prepare them to be without us." I wound my arms around him, warm, safe. Cho my man!

He kissed me, "Turn around." We spooned and slept.

We had a wet morning; I wore a light blue short-sleeve dress, mid-thigh, dark blue stockings and heels. My dark blue cardigan felt good with the chill. Dark blue bag and my MacBook Air. A small black brolly! I tiptoed through the raindrops to the Tube!

I was holding my umbrella down in the Tube; I felt something tug at it. A man, I thought about thirty five or so, begged my pardon, "Miss I think I dropped my latch key into your brolly." It was too crowded to do much, "I get off at Notting Hill."

He smiled, "I'm off at the next stop also so can we try there please? I can wait but please don't forget."

At Notting Hill Gate station we rescued his key. He thanked me; I got the first good look at him, familiar?? He liked what he saw without ogling me. He was dressed in older clothes that looked clean but edging toward shabby. The face, especially the green eyes puzzled me. "Desmond?" It popped out.

His head jerked! "Do I know you?" Like it would be impossible. It was Desmond Heaney! He'd been a star pupil and sportster at my school. Went up to Cambridge!

"Desmond you won't remember me, we were at school together for a few years. I was a bookish one." I dove in as he looked quizzical being our school was boys only, "I was a boy but I'm not now." Lame!

"Damn I would say you're right there!" He gave my face a look, "You're Martin, right?" I nodded, "you always destroyed the curve in History and calculus?" I nodded again.

"I guess asking how all this," his hand motioning towards me, "happened wouldn't be a short answer." A second gesture towards my arm.

"No very involved and you?" He tugged at his cuffs looking uncertain, despondent. I rested my hand on his arm, "Coffee?" We went to a Starbucks; I got an almond latte, `just a regular coffee' for him. I used my iPhone App to pay. In two big chairs by the window we were silent. I reached out with my hand, "Hi! I'm Fay Martin." He laughed.

"Damn if you aren't!" I told him I worked nearby. He wanted the time but no watch, me either but I pulled out my iPhone. "Do you have time?" Smiling I said yes and him? "I have time, it's one thing I do have." The downcast look was back. His face had far more age than it should he was only a year or two older than me.

"The short story is drugs. I'm past it finally at the bottom looking up."

"What did you train for? How far? Did you have a job?' I felt ridiculous asking the questions and put up my hand palm out, "Don't mind me just stupid."

"No you're ok! It's what I have to be thinking of myself. My brain is working clearly these days but I have been on the sideline for a while." He was silent once more.

I gave him a bit of space busy with my thoughts. Then, "Say when you wrote for the school newspaper and school literary book you were funny and satirical!"

He smiled which was still nice, "Yes, I had a way with words at that age."

"And now?"

"One gets out of practice quickly."

"Yes but that implies one could get some practice to get back in?"


"Well ... I have impertinent ideas! Can you give me a contact number or address?"

"I don't have a permanent address right now or a phone."

"Grab your coffee. Come on!" The rain had quit, I got Desmond along to the BT store across the road. He watched as I got an iPhone and a pay-as-you-go account, £50 on tap. He tried to get me to stop but I turned to him, "Desmond, I want to do this."

In the corner of the shop, I exchanged our numbers. "Desmond, ..." he waved his hand `Des." "Des, I know someone who lives on words and lives well. He has tonnes of contacts and a brilliant brain. I want to get you two talking."

`Martin... Fay..." "Des I want to at least give you an opportunity. It can't be wrong to do that, right?" His head was down shaking a bit but no demur.

"Come on." Back outside Starbucks I called Michael to tell him I was helping a friend and would be along shortly, he was fine.

It was just short of nine, Adam DeClare would be up. "Adam can I impose a bit?" I could almost hear the smile, an easy `surely' came down the wire. Des went to pee, good.

"I have an old friend down on his luck but has a fine mind and glib tongue and pen. Would you talk with him? To see if he can find something, some place to use his dormant talents?"

"Dormant or burned out?"

I gasped at that, "You're too sharp! He's had drugs issues, is my age and needs a fresh start."

Quiet, "Can he come see me today? This morning? Right now?"

"He isn't really ready to be seen..."

"I don't care if he isn't Saville Row. He wouldn't any use to me if he was just slick like the others. Send him over. I'm still drinking my morning coffee. Daphne will make another pot." We rang off.

Des was standing there. I told him, he was skeptical. I told him I'd know Adam since I was a boy, a grin at that! "OK more on that later!" I pulled out £40. Pointed to the taxi rank, "Go now. They'll be fresh coffee at his!" I took him to the cab, "Call me after."

"My clothes..." I told him what I said to DeClare and his response. I took his hand, squeeze, "Go!"

I gave the cabbie the address. Des looked out the window, I could see something was coming but forestalled it, "Later!"

Sitting in my cleaned out office leaning back, no worries about sending Des to Adam. Adam was up to most any challenge.

Michael and I with a few others who were in the supply train talked about hardware availability, shipping, repairs, etc... until lunch when Eric reminded us of the field folks meeting Wednesday afternoon.

Michael and Karla joined me in the short walk to The Churchill. I had suggested what to eat as a shared table full of goodies arrived. As we ate I got the latest on this hot' romance. Dining, walking, dancing and some smooching which Karla wasn't shy about. Michael seemed quite taken. No sex yet I learned in the girls' fixing our faces.

The afternoon started with a trip to a psychologist's office, Dr. Terry. She had a long established practice and a significant history with transgendered folk. We talked for more than an hour back and forth. "Fay you certainly look the part and your thought processes appear to be properly aligned. You are well adjusted from what I know from today and the biographic info you sent. I will send Dr. Sanporam a letter with my opinion." She asked if I would speak to a group at some point about my experiences with whatever limits I needed to apply. I agreed.

On my walk back down Notting Hill Gate Dad Keren called, "Fay, Can Phailin and I borrow your house there for a week or so next month?" I was pleased he asked, I told him I'd send a bunch of pics so they could see the layout. "You won't to bring anything but your clothes. There's everything you might need. Mrs. Blatchly does the cleaning and can do cooking if you want." We chatted until I was almost at The Company door. As we rang off I nearly hung up on Adam DeClare.

"Got a minute?" I went to my old office, parked myself, "Go!"

He laughed, "Well I like Desmond. We had a good talk and a bite to eat. Daphne's radar was on, she liked him too. I've project that he will get stuck into, it's a good trial thing. He's going to stay at Lorena and Pam's barge since their leaving now for France for two weeks or so. He'll take care of the cats and house sit."

"My, you've been busy!"

"Well, he made a good impression!"

"Your radar is very good too! I'm glad! Odd he remembered my name today although it's been ten years."

"He explained your meeting today AND ears only dear; he had admired your brains at school. You made yourself memorable most likely without his ever letting you know!" I said he certainly hadn't let on but recalling my name had been a shock for me.

"I'm about to call Cho on a deal we were talking about. Drinks tomorrow?" He was on, his place. There'd be a few others but a small group.

I hadn't called Desmond on purpose waiting for him to call. Shit! Silly, just do it. I did. He answered right away, "Sorry but I didn't want to disturb you at work. Your friend is dangerous!"

I laughed, "Yes in more ways than you know yet but he does have a dangerous charm. What has he got you into?"

Laughing, "Fortunately nothing illegal. He wants some ideas on a PR thing about the possible, oft promised and reneged on vote about EU status. His brand of Tories are the sensible lot that know we have to stay in."

"Well that can't be too dangerous. He'll pick your brain."

"He told you about the house sitting? Well it's nice; I've gotten my bags and heading over there."

I told him we'd be there for a drinks thing Wednesday. Adam had asked him too.

At home in the garden with my Cho I gave him the rundown on Desmond. Funny, Cho wasn't surprised I'd be remembered, "You underestimate your charm."

Cho said an American horse trainer would be at DeClare's Wednesday; Adam wanted them to talk about Glaa and racing in the US.

It was dry Tuesday morning, my black miniskirt topped with a sleeveless emerald green blouse, black spike heels and black cardigan looked sexy but still office-like.

Today Michael and I finished up our part of the planning; we reviewed some things Eric wanted. We were sitting in his office which he was keeping, mine gone. He had his phone and was texting. Shortly after, Karla came in, radiant, looking hot in a nice blue frock and heels carrying a small box. They stood side by side handing me the box. A gift! It was a silver torque bracelet, slender with small globes as ends. Tiny etching of the continents!

"It's a thank you for helping me and for getting us together!" I tried to dismiss my contributions. That didn't fly. Hugs! Kisses!

Michael smiling, "The globes are about our new jobs!" It was a nice touch!!

Michael and I caught the Tube to Whitehall for lunch with the Foreign Service fellow. "I'd like to say a bit first then forget about work."

He did say that her Majesty's Government was watching more on how UK businesses interacted with the host companies and countries. "We are under pressure from the Americans to do as they say `bust some chops' on bribery of any kind. So don't be surprised if you bump into some nosy person." We thanked him for the warning and reassured him we hadn't ever and wouldn't do illegal things to get a contract.

After that we had a good time, he was quite funny away from `official' surroundings. He and his boyfriend were off to St. Tropez, a family place to burn in the sun! Play time!

Michael and Karla joined Andrea, Reg and Rona with Malee and Eric at ours for a dinner thingy. Arthur had to cancel as Andee, his wife was sick, so he had to deal with the kids. I did the Indian spiced salmon, had our favorite Indian takeaway people bring various vegetable dishes, lots of garlic naan, several dishes with their homemade paneer. We had cool fruit salads for our spicy tongues and Newcastle's! The fellow who delivered was a co-owner, short-staffed, he asked about my salmon. I gave him the recipe from my head; he didn't need to write it out.

Upstairs with Karla she told me how much she liked Michael, "Even though he knew me well from work I'm a woman in every way to him! It's so cool!" We were laughing when Rona arrived. She appreciated Karla's view, telling her how she and Reg felt about me.

Hugs and kisses at the door as everyone went on home knowing we'd be gone mid-day Thursday. And Wednesday was going to be busy!

Up with the birds holding Cho in my arms in the sun, "When we get to come back summer will be advanced and then I want to be back before the winter."

"I don't mind the cold or rain, Fay. I have a few coats." We laughed.

On my walk to the Tube I called the Colonel from the tube. He did do email after his son helped set him up, I sent him my private email address. I asked after his sergeant major, doing a bit better but prognosis was poor. I told him we should meet for lunch when I returned. A yes!

I was sharing offices for one more day with Michael, he was late today. Up in the Mac App area I gave them a short report on some ideas for the local manager's App.

Karla was late too. Ah!

When Michael arrived I waved as I was going up to personnel. Andrea smiling behind her desk, "I'm so ready to go! I have ten days!" All I needed were her flight details; she emailed it all right then!

I went by Karla's desk, she was in now. I got a stunning smile mixed with wryness! I pulled a chair up to her, "Well ... we did it and he's is just the best! Loving, sweet, tender, passionate and insatiable!"

I laughed, "That last part can be useful!" Her lovely face told me I was right. We hugged, I pointed out the obvious `enjoy!'

I parked my bum in a chair in Michael's office, his demeanor was that of the boy caught with his hand in the cookie jar but intensely proud of it. I went with that, "I'm happy you two are having fun getting to know each other."

Michael grinned, "She's quite fun and exciting!" I reminded him of the meeting today.

Reg came in to take me down to the cafeteria? I saw why, a big thank you note with dozens of scribbled names just inside the doorway for the Fortnum and Mason cookies. Sweet! The staff had held back several tins to make them last. Reg bought lattes.

Jodie, Eric's PA rounded us up for a meeting, budgets, lines of authority and communication, expenses, etc... all the mundane stuff that matters to business at some point. Eric said he was going to buy Greg's iPad visual collaboration software for our use. All the field people would get it and select London staff. We'd be getting it soon!

After lunch every field person in-country or nearby would be here for the big meeting, the rest had to do tele-conference if possible. They were told of all the changes, how it would affect them, what to expect, the new lines of command, etc...! They were a diverse lot except they were all men. They were assigned jobs across the world based on skills, languages, etc... So Michael and I both would see them on jobs in our areas crossing back and forth.

Eric led off with introducing each new Deputy managing Director and their role. I'm sure the rumor mill had let everyone know about me but there was a buzz and a surprising applause that ended in everyone standing. I was embarrassed, trying to cover myself I got all the MD's to stand with me. Andrea on the podium too applauding with a huge smile.

After it all settled down Eric gave them news, info and hints at other things The Company was involved in which made the changes necessary. He also told them that we would be hiring and The Company would be doing its best to diversify its workforce.

Several network engineers came up to me after; they wanted to know about whether partners would be acceptable candidates? Women, gay, foreign nationals? One had an older friend but quite a good tech person, would age be a barrier? I sent them along to Andrea but said I was the poster child for inclusiveness. So...

I was sitting with Eric and the other deputy MD's, a last few things. Michael and I got a list of upcoming projects in our areas and potentials to consider and investigate. He said Jodie had tried to give a priority rating but...

Eric looked at the pics Jian had sent of the office. I told him Cho and I bought the furniture and furnishings but the computers, etc... would be on my budget. He loved the rent! "I can't make Cho take money; we will pay for the phones and internet." Eric laughingly, "Well I can't say you don't look for bargains!" We both had a good chuckle over that.

Reg gave us a review of the waterway joint project in Holland. Software and video cams working perfectly together, mechanical devices from the Dutch company had no failures or even a serious issue up to now! He asked Michael and me to look for other possible test sites and other industries or infrastructure ideas.

I did my goodbyes for now. I gave Reg a hug and kiss. He was cute! Eric too with one of each for Malee.

For drinks at DeClare's I had a backless long sleeved black dress above mid-thigh, stockings with a wide band of tanned skin showing below the hem, black heels and a cute black leather jacket, short, cut just under my bosom. The silver torque bracelet from Karla and Michael and a new gift from Cho. OH! OH! He got me a slender silver bracelet in a diamond pattern with slender chains going down across the back of my hand to a ring.

Daphne stuck a Campari in my left hand as she looked over Cho's gift. Adam's aside to me, "Fay the ladies are going to be jealous!" Daphne laughed, "Too right!"

Desmond came over from Pam and Lenora's barge, big eyes when he saw me. I got my hand kissed and he was introduced to Cho. We talked about his DeClare project which was going ok. He was thinking more doing less worrying about essentials. Good. He would pay me for the phone and etc... I made it clear I wasn't in a hurry. He had on a dark suit, white shirt, open collar which was looked fine. He seemed relaxed.

Daphne corralled me for some introductions and I mingled with her for a while. I watched from a distance as Cho and Desmond chatted, Adam joined them at some point. Then the American `horse' person Ringgold, Adam wanted Cho to meet, came in.

It was warm so I went downstairs to drop my jacket. Daphne loved the dress. We sat in their bedroom for a few minutes. One of the ladies upstairs was Daphne's lover, Adam was cool with it. The blonde in short hair and nice midnight blue frock! I could see it; she was quite sexy and slender. We joined the blonde holding hands; Sara had very nice green eyes too. Daphne was pulled away; Sara leaned over, "She spilled the beans I bet? You're her sort too you know."

I was laughing; I gave the skinny on me which opened those green eyes WIDE. "No shit! You are quite the one! Your fellow Cho is so ...well... delectable! I'd jump him any time!" We laughed loudly. I saw Cho look over and waved to him. When our laughter was explained, he took Sara's hand, holding her at length, "You would do fine!" That really broke me up; Sara was both pleased and a bit embarrassed. Cho's smile melted her misgivings, "My dear I do love beautiful things, you must allow me to admire you even though my love is here!"

My waist encircled by a strong arm, my cheek on his shoulder, "OK?" Sara nodded with a grin, "It's nice to be admired but your frankness took me aback. Most men around here wouldn't have."

"Too bad, you should be reminded, when appropriate, how lovely you are!"

Daphne chortled when Sara told her, taking Cho's hand, "Good on you! She needs encouragement!"

A server came by with food, I stocked up. Sara looking at me, "I only wish I could do that. This is so much work," motioning to her figure.

Cho laughingly told her I had the proverbial hollow leg. Apparently like Daphne Sara blurted out!

Sara leaned against the rail beside me, "I'm sorry if I was silly about Cho's compliment."

I hip bumped her, "You would have to do more to discourage Cho. I'm just glad he's mine!" Waving my Pearl!

"AH! I like that!" We chatted about men, women, sex, love, penises! On the latter Sara, "Oh I would enjoy having one of those for a little while."

"I'll be better without," made her laugh.

I sat with Desmond on a loveseat in their saloon, "So are the words coming?" He grinned, "Yes, not too much writing has been needed so far more thinking about the words."

All I asked was for him not to sell soap which made him guffaw, "You're safe there."

I gave him a brief idea of what I did and that I'd be in and out of the country a good deal. We agreed to meet so we could do a bit of history exchanging. Des leaned back sipping a cola, "I can see why Adam likes you and Cho; he's very stuck on who he perceives as smart or slash `clever' in better ways."

"And the same could be said of you?" We smiled, "Des, you've my number and email, you want to talk or... use them."

As the crowd thinned Cho and I said our goodbyes. We'd be back soon if Glaa was to ship in to race.

Prasert dropped us and would be back for the airport trip tomorrow. I'd partially packed so finishing was easy. Cho was ready.

We lay in the dark, he told me about a deal for a property not far from my Hampshire house over in southern Oxfordshire. Built for horses with all that implies. It had been on the market for a while in a low key way. He was seriously considering it but more research was being done. It was a big piece of land.

We drifted off after that, I had a short dream about Gwen, I hadn't for many years. It was good; we were crossing green English fields together. Sunlight, fluffy clouds marching off into the distance.

I was happy in the morning, Cho liked my dream. We had a sun lit breakfast. I left a note for Mrs. Blatchly with thanks and that friends might in for a week or two next month.

Prasert and Klahan came on time, so we were ably `assisted' to and through Heathrow. They had our thanks, Cho gave Klahan a bottle of scotch which raised his eyebrows and delivered a wide smile. I gave Prasert two Jane Austen novels leather bound, he loved the feel, "I will read the others and keep these safe."

The Thai Airways people were very nice, the senior steward escorting us aboard. Cho giving me one of his cutest smiles as we stood beside my suite seat. He lifted my arm and gently ran a finger down the scar. It was still pinkish but no pain and seemed to be smaller, narrower.

"Ah the doctor is correct."

I laughed, "It is funny no one mentions it. I'm not trying to hide it."

That smile, "The rest of you dazzles them!" Boy did he get a kiss for that.

The big Boeing leaped into the air and we were off! I was getting good at the transitions, not suffering from jetlag. Cho also seemed immune.

PJ and Thet were at Suvarnabhumi Airport for us. The helicopter made an easy landing on the dock and we were in Jian and Ting's arms!

At home there was construction! Cho led me to his office to show me, we were having additions. There was to be a new set of guest suites, complete like the current ones with a sitting room, bedroom and big bathroom-dressing rooms. Each would have a small terrace beyond large French doors. The biggest one was for Jian and Ting; they got to choose how it looks. Secrets!

The old guest suite they were in now would be the nursery and the one beyond would the nurse/nanny rooms. Amporn and Niran's house out back was getting a make-over and a new terrace.

The security systems were being upgraded and an office for security was being added to the dock house. A new WiFi system was in and Thet's people wanted to talk to me about securing it.

Then beyond Cho's office was a new room, it looked BIG with floor to ceiling doors to a small terrace. Cho's face was cute, "It's the train room and playroom. The terrace will have a fence so little ones can't wander off but made so it could be easily removed later."

His arms around me, his body pressed against my back, slowly his hands cupped my breasts, "Our rooms and the other guest rooms will be re-done too but later." I looked over the plans surprisingly I wasn't miffed about not being consulted. It was Cho, I trusted him. And it was great! He turned me around; I encircled his neck with my arms, kissing my man!

Ting and Jian came in. I gave her some shit about secrets but since it was for me she wouldn't be sorry. She slipped into my arms, "Fay, Cho had to have his surprise!" Ting kissed my damp cheek, "It is nice isn't it?"

I could only agree. Wiping tears with Cho's handkerchief. Skylights, big windows and doors, the same high ceilings, it would be so wonderful. A big playroom! Cho had one of his smiles, shit what else? "There's room enough for a billiard table! So maybe you can finally get Keren to play!" I stepped close to kiss him laughing, laughing so I couldn't pucker up for the kiss.

Cho lifted off my feet carrying me to bed. I waved to Jian and Ting, smiles. Curled up in a spoon with him, in the dark I was gently petted. I had only good thoughts as sleep came!

At the office Jian showed me the conference room furniture, she had gotten lighter wood because it was an interior room. Repainted walls too. One wall dusky pink, two others a light brown khaki and one darker khaki green all of which matched the various colours in the fabric.

She had a list of possible receptionist/assistants to interview and had done an update to the calendar with the stuff I sent. So organized!

We sat outside with freshly made coffees and looked over the reception/assistant choices. We had eight to interview. Six women and two men but Jian thought one of the women was transgendered because of her CV. It surely wouldn't matter to us or The Company who'd be paying the salary!

She got on to making appointment times. I looked over the business prospects from Eric. I'd need to make contact, arrange meetings, etc...then have Jian make plane reservations and hotels plans.

In the morning I sat looking out over the Palace grounds towards the river, tranquil scene. After three hours on the phone my head was tired. I pulled out the Bluetooth headpiece, rubbing my ear. Jian stuck her head in, "Coffee?" Magic words!

I pulled her into a hug and kiss, "We need to have some time for us soon!"

Jian's smile! "Yes I miss being naked with you." I gave her a big squeeze from behind cupping those nifty titties. She squealed as the nipples were captured. We laughed and kissed.

Coffees in hand I gave her a rundown on my possible travel schedule. We have our first interviews this afternoon so I went back to work to get more things done. Jian had Wo's send up some food which we dove into outside. The sun blocked by the big umbrella we gabbed about clothes and my new shoes which had been delivered from the shoe buyer at Mongkut.

I got a call from Dr. Sanporam, I was on his schedule. We discussed what I would need to prepare after my trips. I told him I had a meeting scheduled with the local psychologist he recommended, my last step.

We had four interviews one after another with a fifteen minute break in between. The two men and two women. They were well spoken in Thai and English, one also in French, another in Japanese. They had appropriate work experience and computer skills. I liked them all but would only consider hiring one of the men. He seemed very `together' when answering our questions.

Jian and I reviewed, we were of like mind. It brought a smile to my face. Tomorrow for the other four possibles.

JP was ready, we motored home.

We decided it was bikini time! Wet after a swim we lay together on a lounge, some tickling and panty invasions took place. I captured Jian's little thing, gave her a few tugs. We were laughing out loud when Cho joined us. We got kissed then he did laps, we snuggled in the sun. Cho patted my pussycheeks, "I have a surprise for the weekend! AND do not forget the races Sunday!" Ah!

The next day was busy with the interviews and more calls to prospective clients. By late afternoon Jian and I were on the the office terrace considering who to hire. The one fellow from yesterday or one of today's interviewees the one we believed was transgendered. They were both good candidates, young, good-looking, well spoken, office skills. Shit! I wanted them both, a call to Eric was needed!

Also a third one, a woman from today's group, she was very good but we didn't need a third. I called Ku, she was interested. Jian would talk with our candidate and see if the Railroad might be okay to pass her name on to.

I called Eric. He and Malee were going to my country house for the weekend. Good! I let him know I had thirty client visits lined up at this point. Thirty! His voice rising, nice! He liked that there would be more added as I worked my lists further!

I told Eric I wanted to hire two support people not that there'd a full load right now for them but... He agreed, "You don't have the The Company office folks to draw on like Michael does and if you have a higher volume of activity then you'll need them. Do it!"

We chatted about miscellaneous other bits. Then one more thing... Boom! He and Malee were coming to Bangkok so he could meet her family and get their `approval' of them getting married. Great News! Malee being in London with Eric made the difference for her. "She's going to call you later!"

When Malee did call she was very emotional, staying together at Eric's made her appreciate being close with him. They were well matched, "We are not the same but we complement each other. Fay, he is so nice to me and for me. I want to wake up every day beside him. Did I mention I love him?" I said she'd done so already! I was asked to be her Maid of Honor! My second, Anong wanted me when she married Rak. They were planning to be married in Bangkok with Malee's big family around if all went well.

Jian asked the two top candidates to come in and meet with us. She done the background checking and they were solid. So good news for them I hope in the morning. We worked on arranging a travel schedule for me so I could make appointments. World-wind travel!

First to Australia, both New South Wales and Victoria. Then New Zealand, possibles on each island. Back home for two weeks to be with Andrea then the U.S. and I wanted to go on to London to meet Cho. More time in America if Glaa did well on the weekend and shipped there.

Thet and PJ were at the office door with another person. Thet introduced Sumate; he was Thet's new second in command. Taller than me, slender with considerable muscularity that defied his suit's structure. Nice smile, bright brown green eyes. Almost Oxford accented English which I found was from several years going to college in London. He had been in Korat in charge of the northeast Thailand security division there. He asked if it would be convenient for me if he shadowed PJ for a few days to get an idea of my needs. No problem. I liked him right away.

PJ and Sumate drove me to Mrs. Vanatonu, the psychologist. She was nice, a petite lady in her forties, heavy glasses in a book-lined office. We spoke for far over an hour about all sorts of things. I knew she was evaluating my responses but she was pleasant to talk with. I was my customary self regardless, a bit late to be anyone else. She laughed out loud once at something I said, there appeared some red on her cheeks but I couldn't see any reason for embarrassment.

At the end I got the requisite `are there any questions' question I know I surprised her when I said I'd have asked them already. We walked to the door she placed her hand on my forearm on the scar which my sleeveless dress left exposed, "How does this affect you?"

I smiled, "It reminds me of the past and there are consequences for our actions even if they are disproportionate." She cocked her head to the right which I had already seen as a cogitating mannerism, after a brief pause we parted.

Kwang and Dusit sat with Jian and me on the terrace. We explained that both were hired and we wanted them to start soonest so Jian could begin training and organizing. Kwang had come in first early to speak to us. She was worried about that she was a kathoey and how it might affect her job. We told her about us, she was astounded. It was a nice complement for us both. Just as we finished that Dusit arrived, he was early too. His concern was different and the same. Dusit said he was gay...I gently stopped him, "It doesn't matter. We want you to work for us." I looked at Jian; she nodded, so I told him about us. There was a huge jaw drop. Nice to know Jian and I were doing our own version of Janet Mock's `Redefining Realness!'

I heard from Dr. Sanporam the following day. "Ms. Martin you made quite the impression on Mrs. Vanatonu. She called me before even writing the required letter. I would guess she will contact you to ask for a further talk which of course will not be necessary for our purposes but something of her own. You are not obligated to go forward with anything more. I will send you a packet of info and the schedule choices we have for your time window. Thank you my dear."

Saturday all the girls and their guys were over for a gathering. We ate and drank; swimming and diving, someone brought a Frisbee? Cho with Ting did those lovely kebobs which went so well with Amporn's rice and vegetable dishes.

I was healthy so I could swim and did a few non-complicated dives. My skimpy bikini wasn't up to it so I sat out diving! I curled up on a lounge with Lawan exchanging news. Her news was good; work was busy but enjoyable to work with words. She and Thang were great! He was turning out to be a romantic! Little gifts and flowers, passionate nights! Cheers! And a big hug! "You knew us separately but had the impression that we could be good together! You were so right!" It was a sweet kiss!

I was holding hands with Ku and Eve as we walked over to the dock; they were excited by the idea of being pregnant for Cho and me. Our kids were going to have so many aunties and uncles!

Eve kissed me, "I'm not doing the `pie in the sky' thing, I know I'll have some shit days and be more than ready to have it end but doing this for you means a lot to me."

Ku went to grab drinks, "Eve, it will be most special thing in my life other than Cho! I'm so happy you are willing. We made a connection immediately when we met, in the most delightful way too." We giggled remembering the heated sex in a booth at the Brother's club...the memory of being used/abused by Saul in the same booth came to us both. I looked in her eyes I saw it coming back to Eve too. We squeezed hands but didn't speak his name.

Ku had Kiet with her carrying drinks and food! I thanked our guy, he had helped me so much with my Thai, I had returned the favor.

I munched on some shrimp, spicy and lemon tangy, it went well with Campari. I leaned back on Ku's shoulder, Eve's head in her lap. We were comfortable in the twilight dark.

Jian joined us. She was a bit frisky, she did a bit of invading my bikini bottom which made us all laugh. Eve reached up to release Ku's breasts from her top, doing some nibbling. Ku and I kissed as Jian pulled a hand of mine into her bottoms to a semi-hard gurl clit.

We were twittering with laughter. Eve's hand in my bikini top tugging a ring as her lips continued playing with Ku. I could see Ku's bright white teeth in the weak light as she drew a gasping breath. I saw why, Eve's other hand had disappeared into her bottoms.

Jian hadn't been idle my pussy was caressed as I yanked gently on her clit, she took my free nipple ring...ooooohhhhh yes I was being pleasured. Ku kissed, "Fay..." she eased my lips to her other breast. I wiggled my right hand into Eve's shorts, commando! Her vagina rings were pulled, I felt her wetness, sliding in a bit, her hips surged forward on my fingers. We were a sexy quartet.

We played for some minutes before Ni joined us, we kissed. Only Ku hand a free hand which she put to work on Ni's bikini top. Ni leaned close; she whispered to me Cho was looking for me, he had something planned. Oh shit!

We reluctantly stopped; Ku said we ought to jump in the pool before going back. Good idea!

We grabbed towels, drying as we walked. Achara took the towels from us. Cho motioned us to the terrace. There was a couple in casual shorts with him. The lady was petite, slender maybe thirty. The man about the same age, good-looking, slender, a nice face.

"Everyone, these folks work for me in Korat and are down for a weekend. Alice and Tadeo." Cho's out-stretched hand aimed at me; he drew me close and close to Alice. She and I kissed cheeks and stepped back... something, she was looking at my face.

Cho's arm around me, "You have met before," pause "in a dark place."

ALICE from Korat, the whorehouse dungeon where we were tortured by the Thai version of Truman Capote! I stepped into her arms, a big hug! Cho had this secret, a big one.

We sat down; she had been released when Dad Keren's Security Police raided the house but had been afraid and gone underground. Cho had put his men on finding her and helping get her life together. She worked as the head bookkeeper at a large warehouse and shipping company Cho owned in Korat. Tadeo, her husband, was a supervisor there.

Cho told us he had arranged the jobs and a place to live as part of it. Alice holding my hand through Cho's short tale. She had happily reconnected to her boyfriend Tadeo and they had married in a nice family ceremony a few months ago.

"It was such a short time but I have remembered you clearly as you were."

She smiled, "Yes it is a clear memory but we didn't look like much. You are beautiful!"

I ducked my head a bit and thanked her as I made a dismissive wave of my hand. Alice asked about my scar on being told it was Saul she covered her face with trembling hands. I drew them down, "Saul is dead. He killed himself a few months ago in prison."

I saw the horror in her eyes as I pulled her close, whispering, "He can do no more harm. He chose death over prison." Alice looked into my eyes and saw I believed that, she accepted.

I got to talk to Tadeo; he was a very happy man. Alice had returned to him, hurt but alive. She wanted him, their passion hadn't died. He knew that Saul being dead would bring Alice a measure of quiet, an ending for her. I said me too. He squeezed my hand firmly.

Alice loved her work and Cho offering them a trip to Bangkok was wonderful. Tadeo had spoken with Cho. Cho had asked if the Alice would want to meet me and hear how we had both survived. Tadeo was certain it would be good and had kept the secret. They had taken the train and were in a very nice hotel at Cho's expense.

Alice was introduced to each of the girls, hearing a bit of their stories of survival. She kissed my cheek, thanking me for making the events come together so she could get it all behind her. I smiled, "It was Cho! He..." I choked up a moment, "he is so good, thinking of others, thinking of me." I told of our engagement. The ring!

It was an emotional night! The girls joined me in changing into shorts and tops. Our return to the terrace was the occasion for a toast to all women in every form everywhere! We all agreed it was deserved.

Alice and Tadeo were going to do lots of tourist things; Cho's PA Sanjara had arranged a few stops for them. We hugged, Cho said we'd be in Korat at some point and we could get together again.

Flat on my back, naked in the dark, Cho on top, warm. What a night. Cho's penchant for surprises was on a run.

I kissed him, "Love, turn over I want to taste you."

I knelt between those muscular thighs, dipping my head down to the flaccid sex. I ran my tongue around the cockhead, toying with the piss slit, wetting the foreskin in anticipation of sliding it down so I could have the head. The shaft damp in my hand, slurping under the foreskin, easing it back. Cho was arcing up nicely, semi-hard the way I liked so much. Open mouthed sliding onto the shaft, down until my nose smashed into his soft pubic hair.

Ah the pre-cum, sweet nectar, good enough for any god! Cho was getting hard with his foreskin peeled back the hot lovely cockhead was MINE! I devoured it! Rigid, sticking upward, I wet myself as I slurped him. He had a wicked grin, "Ride!"

I was a wanton cock rider. I lowered myself taking that beauty inside. Cho took my nipples sending jolts into me. I rose and sank down slowly at first but I wanted it a lot. I went faster quickly feeling the burn of his cock.

Shit it felt great! Cho's face showed his concentration his hands on my thighs encouraging me. He sent signals on how he wanted me to gallop on that spectacular penis. I changed pace, thrust my pelvis back and forth, resting my hands on his firm smooth chest. Rock hard nipples under my fingers which gave him the jolts this time.

I began to sweat with the effort, tiny drops landing on him. He scooped up one to his lips with a smile then one for me. I leaned down to kiss him, "Fay fast now!"

I did as requested but it wasn't one sided. My burning pussyass started one of my orgasms the heat rising through my body exploding up to my neck. Cho saw it lifting his hips to shorten my strokes as I pounded down. Gawd I wanted his cum.

I rode hard squeezing at each rise opening for each thrust down. Cho's time arrived I sat hard on him squeezing tight flicking my hips around as he shot off. He gripped my thighs holding me in place my boy twat milked his prick, my muscles clutching that glorious shaft inside me.

Cho drew me down for a kiss MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Our heaving chests mashed together we slowly came down. Our sweat cooled, Cho got us under the covers. I slid down to kiss and suck his wonderful cock. I got some body jerks as my mouth did things to him. We cuddled, "Fay it is so sweet being with you after." I nestled my face in his neck drawing his warmth to my skin.

Bright sunlight in the kitchen, I gathered Jian in my arms, our robes open, soft smooth flesh pressed. We kissed, "Fay, sex soon ok?" I nodded and kissed her. Our warm up the last night had ended too quickly.

Today we laid in the sun in our itty bitty bikinis; the afternoon would be at the track for the racing. Glaa was going out to run!

We were ready! Jian in red and black big checked dress, black heels. A cute red Robin Hood hat! With a black feather! Me in black ankle boots, black sheath dress cut low in the back, tight to my slender bod and long sleeved. It was so soft and clingy. I had a cute small pillbox hat with a rayed star in silver on the side and mesh over my face. Thang's silver tear drop and the silver torque from Karla and Michael. We were HOT!

The guys were more casual in suits and open collars. PJ and Sumate drove us over to the track. We mingled, made a few bets, nothing much. Then I put £1,000 on Glaa to win! Odds were 3 to1.

It was a Grade 1 stakes race, 1 1/4 mile. The longest Glaa had run. We were in the box with binoculars ready. They were off!

Glaa was hanging back, last of eight as they went by us for the first time. In the clubhouse turn he began to move. He picked off the others slowly up the back straight until he was third by the middle of the turn for home. Then his jockey gave him the go. Glaa accelerated! WOW the move was amazing he powered past the leaders at the head of the stretch and really turned on the gas. Glaa was six lengths clear by the 16th pole and roared past the finish pulling away by 10 lengths. I looked at the board, 1:59.9. Glaa was still accelerating as he crossed the finish line!!! I turned to Cho, his face showed what I thought AMAZING!

Jian and Ting were excited; our neighbors in the stands were cheering Glaa and us. We went down to the Winners Circle; the trainer said something to Cho as we gathered. The Cup was a beautiful silver pitcher, not ornate, just a handsome stylish trophy.

Glaa was perspiring but he seemed pleased with himself as he should be. I stroked his warm face, gave me a low nicker. "Sweet fast man!"

Cho in my ear, "He set a new track record for the 1 ¼!" There had been several announcements which I hadn't quite got with my Thai, they had said it. The trainer had told Cho Glaa was the first horse at that track ever to do the distance under two minutes. The trainer said it was true of the whole country.

At the stable I gave Glaa a hug, I told him he was marvelous, he did several nods in agreement!

Cho's trainer was talking excitedly with Cho. Glaa would ship to America to try his skills there. They would go soon to acclimatize Glaa; Cho was going to make a decision about the southern Oxfordshire horse property he'd been considering. I would meet him in New York after my upcoming travels.

At home on the terrace Cho called DeClare who was very excited with the news about Glaa and Cho's sending him to America to race. They would meet about the property Thursday. I swung around, Cho's hand was extended. He pulled me close as he finished with DeClare.

"Yes, I know but I need to decide and want to do it right. Only for a few days. You'll be going off to Sydney." He held me tight, "We have to get prepared for separation." I didn't tear up but I could feel the heat of emotion rising. The fact Cho was right didn't mean much at the thought of being apart even if it was of my own doing.

Sydney in two days. It was going to be busy. I got help from Jian in packing. A few light sweaters! Winter in July but not like England.

I downloaded my copy of Greg's video conferencing software. Eric, Michael and I played around a bit. Easy to use and very slick! I emailed Greg how good it was to finally be able to use it.

I was beside the pool with Jian when Thet and Sumate arrived. They sat looking tight. "Miss Martin..." Thet stopped when I made a face, he went on with a smile, "Fay, we have received a possible threat warning. We do not know if it is one of Saul's confederates or something new."

"Why would a Saul ally want to do something? Revenge? Were they paid?"

Thet didn't have answers but we needed to know and the security level would rise. "I have sent one of my men to each of your friends to explain and ask for their forbearance as we try to protect them as we investigate."

As we spoke a car came through the front gate, Dad Keren. I walked over the lawn to him and his people. Lek!

"Fay, was everything too calm?" We laughed and hugged. I hugged Lek, kissing cheeks.

Ting joined us; Cho was on his way back. We got all the news there was at that point. It was an underworld rumor of weapon purchases, `cold guns.' Saul's name had been heard at some point.

Dad walked with me, "You are going out of town as is Cho for the next week or so, we will work to find any information. Your security will be in charge of protection, we continue to develop leads. And act when we have an opportunity!"

Cho wasn't happy and grilled Thet and Keren. At the gate Dad kissed me, I was going to soothe over Cho's anger, "No Fay actually he is right. We should have pursued it all further." In his arms, "Don't worry this time I will be sure to grind it down very small!"

I said goodbye to Thet and to Sumate, "You have arrived just in time."

He smiled, "I hope so!"

That evening on the the terrace we could see the shadows of Thet's men, trying to stay out of the way of us but on the job.

I'd had a long talk with Kay in Seattle about her coming to donate an egg for us. Eve had already put some hers in donation and had been fertilized with Cho's sperm and frozen. Kay's whole family would come to Bangkok; the grandparents would get to see the newest, little Suchart.

All planned for three months hence. My first travel would be done, Glaa in America, my SRS would be done just doing the post-op part and worst part of our construction be passed. Boy were they working like beavers on the additions. Security was present at all points there and all workers had been screened.

I did my best to ignore it until the helicopter lifted me off from the dock late Monday night for my trip to Sydney. This time we said our goodbyes at home inside. Hard but no crying!

The Royal Thai airlines folks were getting used to seeing me now. A bit of pampering before takeoff was nice. Nine hours to Sydney. Sleeping in my little compartment nearly all the way. Terminal 1 in Sydney was made easier by the limo driver, Diggs. The suite at the Westin was nice, a bit glitzy but comfy enough. Clothes change from skinny jeans and crop top to dark blue short sleeved dress, snug, mid-thigh, matching color stockings and heels. Sweater in white with tiny dark blue diamonds.

Diggs eyes popped a little!

First stop a meeting with two fellows from the Australian water board about remote managing sluices, locks, etc... on rivers and canals across New South Wales. They were nice; they'd reviewed the info about the Dutch trial I'd sent and wanted to do the same here. We talked timing, places, technical contacts for both sides, money and support. Very professional fellows! Contracts sent to the lawyers on both sides for approval of various bits. I knew Eric and Reg would be happy.

Cho was tender on a call after but it hurt to talk without touching. We kept it short.

After lunch I met Aaron Jonas of the Freight Company. Skinny fellow with wavy blonde hair and freckles. Solid chin with a blonde fu-manchu aiming down at it. He gave me a good look but was subtle about it. Nice suit! Not a cheap one either.

They run large scale freight train activity throughout New South Wales, south to Victoria and west to South Australia. We had put together an upgrade proposal for the track side networking and bar code scanning. He had plenty of questions I popped out my iPad, fired up the video conferencing App and got one of Jared's guys who was on the over-night watch in the computer center online. Aaron beside me was able to ask more questions. He sat back afterwards, "That was impressive!"

Aaron got insight into our new Apple OSX server offering that way and was very curious. He owned an Apple MacBook for home. We went back and forth over the servers, he asked a colleague in. I re-connected to London and Jared's fellow helped me give them a through view. Aaron was bright eyed and VERY ready!

We talked a bit more, "How about a beer?" I was up for that. Nice old pub a few blocks away, they had Newcastle's!! In a snug booth we talked more. He was a bachelor in a two bedroom condo on Ozone Street just up the hill from Cronulla Beach in southern Sydney. Working hard, playing hard when he got the chance.

I gave him the skinny on how we were using the video conferencing App and that the Railroad in Bangkok had gone there for management and yard managers. I laughed in telling him my sister's husband owned video conferencing App company. I got Kavnu on the App as a test right there in the pub. He didn't mind a bit and Aaron got to see again how simple the App was to operate. I gave Kavnu a BIG thanks! He was glad to meet another railroad guy. Kavnu extended an invite to Aaron to come see for himself. I could see it was an attractive offer. I let Aaron know my fiancé could get a place for him to stay for free for a couple of nights at an apartment hotel he owned. Ah!

Good reminder from my iPad calendar, Sunny's birthday was coming, a niece to buy a gift for now. I asked Aaron if he knew of a jewelry store nearby or near my hotel that sold items made of local semi-precious stones. `Packenson's' he said was quite close to the Westin. He drew me a quick map on a coaster.

We parted with a good feeling and my possibility stopping in for a further meeting with several fellows maybe on my way back through from New Zealand. With enough notice I said no problem.

Jian and I talked about many things. She saw what I added to the calendar. Kwang and Dusit were being shown how to do calendaring, to do tasks, printing fact sheets, etc...and how to maintain orders and part lists for the different jobs. Jian had gotten a second desk out front and computer. They'd done all their employment paperwork for Andrea in London.

Jian was doing research for me about other uses for our expanding product line in Southeast Asia. She had some interesting prospects in Cambodia and especially Vietnam!

We both said we were missing each other.

I found Packenson's, a nice woman assisted me. I chose a Gaspeite pendant and ring. Lovely green stone, green was Sunny's favorite color, which wasn't uncommon here in Australia but rarer outside. Bright, iridescent stone. Both were oval with silver mountings. I got a matching chain for the pendant. The ring size was a guess but as I explained who I was buying it for the saleswoman related her daughter's size as a slender twelve year old, I went with that. I spent almost a £1,000 but Sunny was becoming a young woman needing some sophisticated accessories and she'd be able wear the pendant her whole life.

Texting with a lot of emoji's to Cho. He laughed at my constructs.

On a Virgin flight to Melbourne, good that it was short! The Langham Hotel was well recommended but an overnight didn't matter. The Freight Railroad's offices were in a tall glass thing on Elizabeth Street. The car service dropped me and took my bags to the Langham.

Funny, they wanted the scanning upgrade badly and we made the deal in a few hours' time. Ken, their CEO, came in half way through to meet me. He'd had a call from Adam DeClare, school buddies from way back. Adam doing some PR work for me! His greeting was warm, if I had DeClare's good word no worries. Contracts signed after some review.

Alex, the fellow running the infrastructure division and I went for a drink. Alex was well built without being muscle bound, `hard work on the family farm.' Well spoken, handsome face, he was a nice package. Good pub, Newcastle in my hand, we talked. He was hot for Greg's video conferencing App. MMMM Maybe I should get a commission? Ha!

Alex lived on the edge of the city with his partner and six border collies. He called home and I got an invite to relax that evening at theirs. He drove me to the hotel, red skinny jeans, black cutoff top and black ankle boots. Alex's eyes were bugging out.

"How do YOU do!" He was shaking his head.

I was grinning, "Don't worry you'll get over me when we get to yours." A stop for beer, I bought us Newcastle's!

He put up with my texting more fun things to Cho on the drive out to his. Laughing out loud at a few!

Cho was off to London, he'd see about the property and Glaa was shipping and would stable probably with Ringgold, DeClare's friend in New York. The last text was my love!

Shelia was a very sexy blonde with a dash of freckles across her cheeks and nose. Short shorts, very sleek body, tremendous legs! She was full of energy. High spirits pervaded the night. The dogs were a happy crowd, glad to show off and good cuddlers.

Sheila was a very good cook; trout her brother brought over fresh from a stream was the main course. Creamy mashed potatoes with garlic. Nice grilled vegetables with parmesan cheese. Sheila does her own bread; the loaf was a flavorful dark rye. Ice cream with fruit. They liked the Newcastle's!

In the dark on their patio beside a fire, nice and comfy! We liked each other a lot. Sheila gave me a big eyed look when she saw a few snaps of Cho on my iPhone, "Oh oh you corralled a one!" We laughed when I gave her my impression of Alex and his of me after my clothes change. We were giggling after I told her how Cho looked in a Speedo! One of my pics made it obvious. Sheila said they go skinny dipping at a hot spring so if I was back here with some time we should go.

They both wanted horses around but didn't have the land. Some of Sheila's family were in racing in America based in California. They bred thoroughbreds at a place near Santa Anita. Sheila loved my Glaa snaps and that he was shipping to America to race. "1:59:9 for one mile & ¼?" Shelia marveled, "Do you know that Secretariat ran a 1:59:4 for the same distance as a three year old in his Kentucky Derby win?" MMMM!! Glaa's turn of speed seemed even more amazing! He seemed more physically mature than a two year old.

I mentioned that the Railroad in Bangkok would enjoy hosting them if Alex wanted to come take a look at our scanning system in action. His eyes opened up, "Are you sure?"

I could hardly contain myself, "Well I have an `in' with the owner, it's Cho!" Sheila had her hand over her mouth, big eyes! Alex smacked his leg, "Shit! Friends in high places."

We all laughed when I said `friends in bed.'

It was late when Alex dropped me back at the Langham. He was keen for them to make the trip to Bangkok. I told him we'd put them up somewhere for free if it helped to make it work for him. We hugged; he'd try it on about the trip.

Quantas was an on time departure for Auckland. More sleeping. I had to laugh, when I was still Phil I often had insomnia but Fay never had. I conked out easy now. One more reason to love Fay! No bad headaches either! A few different pains though.

On the ground in Auckland Aaron Jonas in Sydney called, asking for that supplemental meeting on my way back through. "My CEO wants to meet and ask a few questions. Very informal." No problem.

New Zealand was to be a whirlwind visit. The Freightways folks in Auckland wanted our system and wanted to go big. They were very pleased with new Mac OS server lineup. They didn't have a huge system but needed to wring more info from it to be able to plan more carefully and maximize revenue. They had some questions I wanted to pass on to London. I didn't think the overnight person in London should answer. They understood the time issue. They'd get the answers as soon as I did.

I flew on down to Christchurch on the southern island. The Heritage Christchurch was a snug hotel. I slept like a log. Coffee and nice crunchy rolls in the sunny breakfast room. A gray short sleeved dress mid-thigh, wide red belt and shoes, red sweater and black bag and my MacBook. Email still a pain but no more penis enlargement spam! The new email server was screwed down tight.

Albert joined me. He was the local water board hardware man, in his forties but in fine shape with a shock of white hair and a regimental mustache. "Living my life outdoors and on the move!" His family had a sheep station that his brothers ran now. He'd been more mechanically minded. He loved making things work.

We talked remote controls! He had a mandate to make changes and he wanted to automate and centralize as many functions as possible. "Money up front but over the long haul we'll save!"

I got up to pee several times as I was awash in coffee. I apologized but he laughed, "I've been going too. I wait until you're gone then rush off to do it." I raised my eyebrows, he apologized, "I just didn't want to miss any time with you."

"I'll take that as a compliment then." He was a bit red in the face. I patted the back of his hand, "Albert, thanks!"

He had to get the board to agree but I had given him the information he needed to get a meeting going and he believed there'd be a positive vote. I emailed him files to use to explain what the systems could do and what they couldn't in plain language.

I got my questions answered by London and passed them along to the Freightways folks in Auckland.

Jian called with info and the news that Dad Keren's security police had arrested a fellow and were interrogating him. Nothing more but Thet hadn't lowered the threat level. PJ and Sumate would be at the airport Sunday afternoon.

Cho texted he was leaving London tomorrow on an overnight flight arriving Sunday morning. LOVE!

Flight day, the short one, Christchurch to Auckland, then the longer haul to Sydney. Quantas service was good but I wanted to sleep. Another Airbus! A big tub that rattled like all the other ones! Shit folks, buy good aircraft!

Aaron called me before takeoff; he'd pick me up and I could stay at his in Cronulla. His boss lived two kilometers north near Wanda Beach and his golf club. Since it was Saturday we could meet at his or the boss'.

`Did I have a bikini?' Laughing, "As it happens I do!"

Aaron was at baggage claim, he manfully toted my bags. It was a short drive to his place. Handsome high rise building with a great view out over the Tasman Sea and Cronulla Beach. Nice bedroom, "My sister comes over from South Australia a lot, so she fixed it up to suit herself."

Friday night! Black skinny jeans, cutoff blood-red sleeveless silk top, black Nordstrom ankle boots. Point of my hair near my chin, dark eyeliner, RED lips and nails! When I came out of the bedroom Aaron had a mock heart attack.

We headed down to Jupiter, a dance club a short walk away, a block from the beach. Hard pumping electro-pop, Aaron had good moves. I enjoyed the dancing, "I'll poop out early! I hope you won't mind."

Aaron shook his head, "It feels good to do this but I understand you've been on the move."

About eleven we were on the outside deck sipping drinks, he held up his phone to show a text, "My boss suggested we go up to his for the afternoon. He's playing golf in the morning. We can get some sun since it supposed to be around 28c or so tomorrow."

Walking back to his we linked arms, "I've never had fun with a vendor before."

I was laughing as we stepped into the elevator, "It was great to stretch my legs!"

In his kitchen, Aaron pointed out the coffee, tea, bread, etc... "Whatever you like for breakfast then down to the sand, OK?" Fine by me.

I looked around, "Hey no Vegemite?"

"Shit Fay! You really want some???"

"No but I thought ALL Australian homes had to have some. Like it was a law or something?"

We laughed together, one finger on his lips, "Secret! Right?"

I agreed.

The bed was nice, I was asleep quickly, all my thoughts aimed around the world to Cho. I hoped he got a laugh from my last texts about my evening.

I was first up, coffee, buttered toast and an apple on the big balcony with the sun. Aaron's copy of the Morning Herald open to the world news. Aaron made his appearance tousled in a robe while I was washed and in my "dangerous" white thong bikini. I mentioned that he should probably walk ahead of me to the beach. Eyebrows shot up!

He handed me a big beach towel, I borrowed his sister's beach sandals, not a bad fit. I wrapped the towel around me with a cheeky smile to Aaron. He laughed, "Well I can wait."

The temperature had risen with a cloudless sky, the beach was being populated. We setup, Aaron got his peek which caused some loud air intake, "Shit Fay that's a dangerous bikini!"

"I know, I went into a big department store a friend owns in Bangkok and asked a girlfriend who's a clothes buyer for just that `a dangerous bikini' this is what I got. It threw some eyes out of their sockets on a boat trip in Bangkok!"

We laughed, "You fill out that Speedo fine! I doubt you lack female accompaniment!" I dashed into the water, it was warm. We swam for a while and lay out after. Talking shop!

We ate salads at a small local restaurant that Aaron liked. He made it clear that I was the `cock of the walk' today! We piled into his car dressed the same as his boss said it would be a pool party.

Anthony, "Tony' was a handsome fellow, big hairy chest, gray white hair. Angie his wife was a tanned petite stunner. Small bikini, trim figure, athletic blonde with freckles, she was funny. We got on!

Angie loved my bikini and Tony's reaction, "He's got good eyes but that's all."

I pointed out with her looks he shouldn't need to even look! Angie squeezed my arm, "Thanks but the years..."

I told her to forget that. I helped get drinks out. My first Cooper's Pale Ale. Nice!

Tony, Aaron and I talked about their needs, how a server upgrade would produce more data and faster. How the data could affect decisions which don't appear to be related. How personnel could be used and how they might automate some tasks. Timely info for decision making really got to them. Aaron knew the costs from me and Tony I could see was doing the math in his head.

We were hard at for several hours before Angie broke it up with the call of the barbie! Tony was the chef.

My phone went off. Albert from Christchurch, "Fay, and yes I know it's Saturday but I had been speaking to a colleague at the Water Power Company on the North Island. He'd like to talk to you about a few of the same things we are discussing." "Albert can you email his contact info and I will get on to him Monday." Done! "Enjoy your weekend!"

Aaron was sitting by the pool, Tony working at the barbie, me with Angie, "So..." as she hip bumped me, "no days off?"

"Oh I have time for a love life if that's part of the question?"

We giggled; I opened the Photos on my iPhone and gave her a look at Cho. "Damn Fay! He's one!" The speedo pics and us side by side on the bigger boat fantail, "You guys look great!"

No wedding date but probably in the fall. I told her about Cho being the owner of a company I had done work with and we hit it off because of dancing. I gave Angie a rundown about last night's dancing with Aaron. She and Tony had done some ballroom competitions but finally stopped because too many people were `taking the piss'. "If we couldn't enjoy ourselves there was no point."

I helped with the salads, etc... Tony's specialty was fish and he was damn good at it. Lovely, flaky, good sauce, a secret' we laughed over that. I told them about Cho's kabobs and his secret sauce' "All you guys need to share!"

It was a nice dinner, Tony appreciated my stopping to meet, Aaron was sad I wasn't available, Angie and me were good! Hugs and kisses as Aaron took me back to his for another night.

Up early, black skinny jeans, bright yellow short sleeved cutoff top, black heels, nail polish matched my jeans.

At the airport in the morning Aaron said he wanted to take me up on a place to stay in Bangkok.

Good! We'd email to settle the details.

Tony called as I waited to board, "I've talked with most of the Board. Send me the contracts Love, we're in."

I called Greg in Seattle, I gave him the details for the people I'd spoken to he could pass it on to his local reps. We discussed me getting a list for his reps across my area. Laughing, he wanted to pay a finder's fee but I refused. "You're my brother-in-law!"

He paused, "I've been talking with Eric and we'll have news soon but you didn't hear it from me!" No more, no cajoling would move him.

Royal Thai First Class lounge folks were extra nice and I saw why, the captain was the one who commanded our last flight to London. He gave me a warm welcome. He was just starting on this route.

After takeoff there was a lunch which I pecked at, I went into sleep mode. Awake in a bit more than five hours or so I walked some, got coffee and Disaronno from a cute stewardess! She had great eyes, built like Jian. Oooohhhh I missed her! Cho, my stomach told me how much I missed him, churning feeling now that I was on the way home!

I hunkered down with music on the iPad and a William Gibson book, `Idoru.' Time passed.

PJ and Sumate were there for me. We rode over to the helicopter. I put on a head set to talk to the pilots. I asked about the dock as a landing pad since we were using it a lot. They said in a strong crosswind it might be tricky. What would they like to see? A section of the dock widened for the touch down then there was more space to work with. OK!

Cho! He was waiting with open arms which I threw myself in! A long sweet kiss as we pressed hard together. On the terrace I got an armful of Jian and then Ting.

In a bikini I hugged Amporn; she cooked a wonderful dinner for us. She knew Andrea was coming and told me what meals she planned. My mouth watered!

On the dock with Cho behind me holding tight to his body. I told him about my talk with the helicopter pilots and my concerns since our use of the helicopters had grown. The road traffic to Suvarnabhumi Airport or Don Muang was terrible. He would have a contractor here tomorrow to look.

Cho kissed me quite a lot, not bad! He bought the Oxfordshire property and would give me the details tomorrow. Glaa had shipped to America and was in DeClare's friend's barn ten miles from Saratoga. He'd meet his new jockey and local trainer soon!

Warm, snuggly in bed I slipped under the covers spelunking for my favorite food, Cho cock! Ah Ha! Found it.

I nuzzled into the soft penis happy to be there. Tongue wetting the foreskin, slipping inside a bit then further. It was ready; I slowly worked the foreskin back plenty of tongue action copious fluids. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM Hot cockhead! Cho arcing his back to push into my mouth wanting my warm hole around him. I took it all, nose to pubic mound. Slurping up and down, lots of wetness and friction, he was fully erect!

I knelt under the covers head bobbing for a while but the lure of the balls was too much. I pinned Cho's cock on his belly diving for those hot orbs. I sucked them into my mouth, wet, slippery, I licked and sucked them. Happy camper! Very wet balls in one hand mouth full of dick, could it be better?

Not for Cho he was grabbing sheets as I picked up the tempo of the blow job. Thumb on the underside of his prick moving in sync with my downward slide filling my mouth.

His pre-cum sweet nectar was gone, sadly, replaced by stronger tasting juice as he neared orgasm. I was a mouth cylinder to his piston, pumping cock into my hole. Cho squirmed as one finger danced around his ribbed hole, "Fayyyyyy..." the cum spurted onto my tongue! Heavenly Cho sperm! Five big globs plus a few little ones filled my mouth. I savored it. My man's juices!

I pushed my finger into his dark space as he orgasmed moving gently in his afterglow. He threw back the covers, "I want to see you!"

I smiled a belly full of cum, a mouth full of softening penis, a slow stirring finger in his heated hole. Ah just the way it should be!

I licked my way to a nipple which made Cho twitch, "Not too much Fay!" I happily ignored him to suck at both hard nipples. He pulled me up away from my little game my face in his hot neck. Strong hands caressing all of me he could reach.

"Welcome home to both of us!" He laughed, "Yes a nice welcome!" We stayed tight for a bit, "Turn around Fay."

We spooned to sleep. Damn nice to be home!

Over coffee Cho gave me the details of the Oxfordshire property. WOW! Almost 500 acres, very modern barns and out buildings. Excellent equipment. Staff housing that had been remodeled a few years ago. All the fencing was tip top around the paddocks and grazing land. Lots of acreage in hay, self-supporting there. Several acres in mixed vegetables, for the staff and house. Lots of carrots for the four-legged friends!

Its western edge was the Thames in a shallow loop. A big house, a remodeled 16th Century with an added Palladium front, a huge master suite with dual dressing rooms and a double size clawfoot tub in a big bathroom, two other suites with private baths and nice sized sitting rooms and three bedrooms, lots of bath rooms, library, great room, big but old kitchen, etc... Servant's houses connected by a covered walk, big garage and wide lawns and a formal garden and large floral areas. The house needed a lot of work, the staff's quarters were in better shape!

Cho said he had contactors looking it over, preparing bids. He figured plumbing, adding a shower to the master bathroom and some piping; the kitchen would be modernized and the heating redone for living to be possible. He'd paid and owned it out right now! A big purchase but he got a good price for his willingness to pay cash.

He was happy about the decision to move Glaa to Saratoga, New York which offered several important 2 y/o races, the Sanford and the Hopeful. If Glaa was successful he'd go to Breeder's Cup Juvenile Turf at Keeneland in Kentucky. There weren't enough races for two year olds in England. With a few wins he could be in the hunt for a place in Kentucky Derby!

DeClare's friend, Ringgold in New York had stable space so Glaa will be well looked after. Glaa would get an American trainer who knew the tracks and an American jockey. I was going to change my schedule to meet Cho in Saratoga then go on to London. The Sanford was July 25th.

Sleeveless pink mini-dress, white heels and bag, MacBook and Jian pretty in pink, a snug dress showing her bod. Ready to go to work!

PJ and Sumate in the front Jian and I in the back the trip to the office in the morning sun was almost a dream. I'd get used to the travel, no jetlag though which made it easier.

Kwang and Dusit were at their desks. Some messages and too much email. I waded through it like treacle. Such a nice invention which had become an overused, abused utility.

Eric's overnight email was ecstatic about my trip. I'd given him a précis in an email from the airplane. He wanted to talk and emailed he would call early afternoon my time.

Thet had installed a security office down the hall from my office suite, PJ and Sumate used it to monitor the entrances and elevators and stairways. I was leaning over the shoulder of one of their guys looking at the multiple screens. Thet had added cameras around the building.

Cho's PA Sanjara sent me an email that a contractor was on the house dock looking at its alteration. No grass under Cho's feet!

I called Mongkut, Malee at her desk was joyful I was back, could we have lunch? I suggested we eat here with Wo sending over food. Great!

I gathered her in my arms at noon. We sat on my terrace, "Fay, Eric is coming for the family meeting next week." We gabbed for a while waiting for the food. All was well but no decision on what she would after they married. Work or ...?

I gave the pendant and ring I bought for Sunny to Malee to deliver to the gift wrapping people at Mongkut. They were to make it `smashing' for a young woman! I told her Sunny's favorite colours and suggested something fairy like.

Jian, Dusit and Kwang joined us for FOOD! Wo sent two fish dishes and vegetables. Wow! The fish was new to me and tremendous. I called Wo afterwards to thank him in my improving Thai, he was especially pleased I thought.

Eric! Sitting under the umbrella we did FaceTime! He had a big bit of news, he and Greg had been talking AND The Company was going to buy Greg's video conferencing business. Keep it in Seattle, Greg would run it as a subsidiary. He would have independence but it would become an offering for us which could add incredible value. He was flying to Seattle do a meet and greet before coming to Bangkok. Greg and Kay were putting him up. He was clearly excited!

We spent time on my trip, the Freight Company in Sydney wanting the `whole enchilada' was a huge thing. "Damn if you're not putting the pressure on. Andrea and the Deputy MD's here are going to howl for staff."

My `I thought that was good' was laughed at, "Yes but finding qualified folks isn't easy. Though it's gotten easier with our push for diversity. I want to send some new hires out to you for exposure, time with Eve and some touring about with Kavnu if possible."

"Kavnu would be willing and he has Rokson and Tarek who know so much to help. Now that all the yards have completed install and are connected it is quite the tourist stop for Railroad Board members. No problem about accommodations. So send them on."

Now a new idea for Eric, "What about hiring out here in the provinces?" He was all for it, local knowledge, language but for those he'd want them in London for basic training. I told him I'd put Jian on the job. Cheers!

I was to take a call from the Water Power guy on the North Island in New Zealand shortly; we had setup a time via email. The water board in Christchurch had agreed so it was contract review time and a signing.

Freightways was in! Both freight companies in Australia had signed and the water people in Sydney too! I was 100% with add-ons possibly!

Jodie, his PA, was sending an updated list of potentials. "Fay you've proved the value of my choice already!"

I laughed, "I will endeavor to make you look good!" We both laughed!

I texted Greg to congratulate him on being part of The Company and for some docs and any video he might have so I could pass them on. He replied right away, it would be done in a minute or so. Love that! More love to him, Kay and the kids.

Right after we left off from texting the New Zealand Water Power company guy called bang on time! Lewis, `Lew', asked lots of questions. Eric had given a heads up to Reg and I conferenced him in. Lew's questions were dealt with quickly, his voice gave me the impression he liked what he heard. Reg and I emailed him some docs and a video Reg had made from the Dutch trials. We'd be back in touch. He was mildly awestruck the board of the Christchurch water company decided so rapidly.

Reg stayed on after Lew hung up, we did some business then I got on to Rona. Her text was so happy about the pending monster, Reg was the same, "She is healthy, happy and has some paint under her nails. The nursery is done awaiting the pumpkin's coming!" Cheers for them!

I told him I was going to the States, east coast for several stops , the last one Albany for the New York State government which is close to Saratoga then to see Glaa race and on to London, I'd be in the office for a few days. Jian would put it on the calendar soon as.

I got Kwang to assemble some more info and a spec sheet on the video conferencing App from Greg for Lew in New Zealand and email it.

Sakda called he was ready to deliver Cho's new tables! We decided on Wednesday morning. I was excited about my gift.

Dad Keren called, could he come to the house for a bit of news. Of course, what about Phailin too? Dinner? A big yes if it was ok with Phailin, he'd be right back to me.

Jian leaning on my terrace railing beside me, "Fay..." a pause, "I love you!" My face cracked wide open in a smile with tears.

I pulled her into a hug and kiss.

"I love you! I have from the first moment in the booth at the Club. It was your eyes." Holding Jian in the sun, I stroked her cheek, "So sweet and loving!"

We did do some work before going home. Bikinis on the terrace, Phailin called they were coming. I sent her a selfie of Jian and me saying dress code! She loved it, "OK!"

She and Dad arrived in shorts but Phailin shed hers right away.

Dad explained the capture of one fellow and his interrogation; he had been an ally of Saul and involved with some of his business. He told a tale of revenge as a sign of friendship and submission. This criminal had submitted to Saul's sexual desires similar to those he had forced on us but it hadn't repelled him, it drew him. He had become Saul's toy.

The threat from him was real but he wasn't going anywhere. He is a repeat felon in possession of a weapon so no bail and guaranteed prison time. His friends don't know where he is since he was in the Security Police holding jail. He made threats to get those who killed Saul but he is unused to making decisions and plans, unfocused. The continued interrogation was to discover if others were to make any moves on us.

"I believe we can relax somewhat but not entirely AND we will continue to pursue leads generated by interrogation. We have a few other individuals we will speak to based on what he has said." Now that was said Dad accepted a Newcastle and we chilled out!

Dinner on the terrace was fun! We laughed a lot and did toasts. Cho gave a brief explanation of the new horse property in Nuneham Courtney and Glaa's racing. I was arm in arm with Phailin walking along the riverside, "Fay, we are going to London on Monday, thank you for the use of your home!" Kissed, nice!

I described what Mrs. Blatchly did for me and how she could help them. I would get them the keys. "I'll email you some things about the neighborhood."

We were planning a BBQ for Saturday with our usual crowd and railroad people and my new staffers and queen of the ball, Andrea. The Keren's and Thoi's were coming, The Udorn's, I had to see Ubon and her tummy.

Andrea was arriving in the morning. I was going to Suvarnabhumi Airport to fetch her. Cho gathered me in his arms beside our bed, "Fay why do I have to be in the Railroad office Wednesday morning?"

"A secret!" He smiled, `OK' was all I got before the kiss. No hint of Sakda's work! His warm soft cock against my pussycheeks felt nice as I drifted to sleep.

White sleeveless mini-dress with small yellow and blue flowers, thigh-high blue stockings and heels, matching bag. Cho's silver diamond patterned bracelet ring set and the silver torque from Karla and Jared. Showing lots of tanned skin!

The helicopter fluttered in, PJ helped me on board. Swoosh! We lifted off, swung around and darted off gaining altitude quickly. Another turn, I could see Suvarnabhumi Airport in the distance as we bee-lined towards it. Smooth landing, the covered cart and two airport security men at the steps. I was introduced to an officer of the Security Police. He bowed over my hand, "It is an honor to assist General Keren's daughter! Allow me to introduce..." he gave me the Foreign Affairs fellow's name which I didn't get and extended my hand to him asking for his name. He seemed nervous; I thanked him for his help today. His face was reddening, he bobbed his head.

I decided to make them both feel more at ease, "PJ, please check on the arrival while we get a coffee.' I linked arms with them. At the Starbucks I got a double espresso shot and bought drinks for them. We had fifteen to twenty minutes. PJ smiled as I handed him my iPhone to get himself a drink.

We stood by a window overlooking all the usual airport activity sipping our drinks. They were both based here at Suvarnabhumi Airport but usually at the arrivals/customs area. I knew Dad had asked for some assistance so we'd be near the helipad. They seemed nice, modest men; they were to deal with Andrea's visa and tourist registration.

PJ gave me the high sign, plane at the gate. We all walked over, the security man stepped to the gate attendants and said something. They all nodded, and then the first folks deplaned. Andrea!

I took her in my arms. BIG HUG!

She gave her passport to the Foreign Affairs fellow he did the visa, the airport security fellows were at the baggage port as the first bags were removed from the plane. Andrea's were toted to the cart, passport returned. I thanked them for helping us. We scooted over to the helicopter, Andrea's eyes widening. I kissed her cheek, "Just the usual service we provide!" We both laughed.

Tucked in with PJ we rose and darted away. Andrea hugged me, yelling, "Love this!"

On the dock we clambered out, Sumate there to assist and Cho on the edge of the terrace. They hugged. I led her to her rooms as the baggage was set down. "Got a bikini that's easy to get to? No, I'll grab one of mine!"

I changed to my white `dangerous' bikini and took a blue string thong one for her. She was getting naked when I returned; I stood behind her as she looked at her body in the large mirror. My hands reached around to cup her breasts, "Nice little pears, Andrea!" Nipples rigid right away.

Andrea turned around I placed my hand on her hairless sex, she pressed against me. We kissed. My fingers weren't idle, my other hand had an ass cheek she had both of my nearly bare ones. We kissed passionately as her sex warmed and the fingers slipped into her wetness. Low moans.

"Shit Fay! Yes it feels so good!" My thumb rested against her clit, gently rubbing. Andrea's hips were churning, grinding on my hand. My left departed from a cute ass to slide up her back resting on her neck pulling her into another kiss.

Andrea's hips were moving rapidly as the fingers softly probed her vagina. I moved her to the bed, legs open I leaned to kiss and lick her sex.

"Fay! Fay! I need it!"

Kneeling, my mouth went to work, tongue and fingers delving in her wet pussy. As I captured her clit Andrea orgasmed. I didn't let up. She was trashing as I wrenched several more orgasms from her. My tongue flicked her clit as she moaned for me to stop which I ignored. I rubbed her clit licking my way down through her labia to a cute little ribbed opening. Yes Andrea's body was so nice! I kept my mouth working.

"Oh god Fay!" I delighted in this. Andrea orgasmed again and again before I eased up. I rested my face on her belly the fingers very softly playing with her bits.

"Fay please come up here!"

She pulled my top off to suck my titties a hand sliding down to my bikini bottom pushing it aside stroking over my old sex to my pussyass. She fingered me as I returned my hand to her vagina. Andrea moved her tongue down my body leaving a wet trail. My bottoms yanked off her face in my crotch mine back in hers. We licked, sucked, kissed each other's parts for several minutes.

We paused to go face to face, "Shit we could done this years ago!"

"Yes Andrea but it wouldn't have been the same!" We kissed hard!

"Fay I like you so much, I like you so much as you are! I can't even remember the before..."

She kissed me, "I really needed someone's touch! I'm happy it was you who got me started. It's been a long time between lovers, even more between good ones!"

We slipped into the bikinis, dashed to the pool and jumped in holding hands. Cho sitting on the terrace laughing at us. I dried her hair as we sat in the sun.

"No suntan lotion yet! I want to just lie here." I patted her butt cheeks on either side of the thong. Cho gave me a raised eyebrow, I waved him a kiss.

I stood inside the kitchen doors in Cho's arms; I told him what had happened. I got a sweet kiss, "Being nice to our guests is your duty as host!" We laughed hugging.

Lying out beside Andrea thinking, I loved what we had done, I loved being with Jian. Ah, the three of us would be great! She gave me a wicked look when I proposed a get together.

Andrea got up to lie on me, "Oh thanks for the sneaky seat change! First Class was dreamy!" My arms around her, "I wanted you to be pampered and sleep well!"

My eyes closed, just considering my sexual needs and limits. Cho's cock was the only one I wanted! Jian's cockette was a clit to me and Cho didn't care he knew how we felt about each other. Andrea and I had history although we never had sex before we'd petted some. This was like a consummation. We rolled over to face each other again, "Fay I like your flowers! Were they done here?"

I told her the story of the hibiscus, she loved that Cho had made it happen and my tossing the chains overboard as the first part of erasing some ugly bits of history. She was thrilled with the idea of the boat trip Sunday to Aao Khamoht for the phosphorescent lights.

On my back sunning, reviewing the week ahead, a couple of days off to be with Andrea. Lots of phone time settings some things up for the future, plan a trip to Japan, Korea, Philippines and Taiwan. Indonesia and maybe China before the year was out. China would be possibly big but many caveats. We weren't about to transfer technology to them, Eric was dead set against that, me too!

The US trip was an east coast thing, the US Army Corps of Engineers, the Intracoastal Waterway people in Washington, D.C., New York State canals in Albany and Virginia for an old canal and locks they were considering re-opening for tourists. And STS railroad in Atlanta, Georgia which would be the big deal!

Dozing, Jian snuck up on me. Woof! My little buddy on top of me! I fought back with tickling which drove her to jump up and run. I went after her calling for Andrea. We caught up at the door of her and Ting's suite. Laughing we ended in a pile on the bed.

I gave Andrea a wink and dove under Jian's skirt. Jian squeaked loudly, even more when the panties were whisked away and the two of us captured her bits!

"Fay!" We ignored her laughing protestations, Andrea popped up to say `Hi! I'm Andrea," while stroking Jian's cockette. I had a wet finger playing with the cute little pussyass. I pulled the skirt off my head, Andrea was sucking. I helped Jian get rid of her top and bra so I could suck titties and kiss. As we got the skirt off Andrea tossed her bikini, mine was gone already.

We moved up on the bed Andrea sucking, I moved behind her to lick that sweet sex again! Jian was thrashing about in thrall to Andrea's mouth. At a pause Jian managed to get out, "Andrea lay up here."

I licked Andrea while caressing Jian's boyclit, my hand under Jian's tush urged her over Andrea. A huge naughty smile on Andrea's face, "Fuck me Jian!" They kissed as I helped get the hard cockette inside Andrea. There were deep moans from both! I lay next to them kissing and caressing every bit I could reach.

Andrea tugged me close, "I want to suck these," her hand on my breasts. They got a nipple each, aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!! Nice, gentle teeth pulling on my rings, tongues playing! I loved watching Jian's tush pumping up and down, so cute! Jian's strokes were rapid, she wasn't going to last and she came inside Andrea fairly quickly. She had been SOOO worked up by our attack. Fingers making little strokes on various bits. Jian kissed us, I smiled, "Welcome home." We all laughed a sticky pile of happy girls.

Bikini'd we made a big splash in the pool again! Cho and the newly arrived Ting toasted our efforts. Wet and giggling we were offered Newcastle's. Cheers!

Amporn did us proud! Several types of fish, mmmmm crispy and delightful. Some coconut vegetables that were sweet and peppery. Tomatoy rice and peas. Lovely stuff! Andrea asked how to say `wonderful' in Thai!

Cho's arms had Andrea and me around our waists down by the river's edge. The light playing on the restless water. A breeze was coming in across us. Cho kissed Andrea's cheek, "I hope you enjoy yourself!" She gave us each a squeeze saying it had been fabulous so far!

I could see that some work had been done already on the dock and the new security office was finished. Cho was willing to spend money to make everything better for us.

Flat on my back, naked with Cho's weight on me I was passionately kissed. I wrapped myself around him giving it back to him! I told him about the second bit of sex for Andrea as those strong fingers did things to my bits! He was laughing, "I don't think she planned on your greeting but it sounds like a small emotional dam needed to be broken!"

I agreed, giving our history and laughing at our day of pleasure we never managed before.

Wednesday morning Jian went to our office, Andrea came with me to Cho's Railroad office for Sakda's delivery.

We looked HOT! Me in a short black pleated miniskirt, black ankle boots and a shiny gold sleeveless blouse cutoff a few inches below my bosom. Andrea had a hot pink short sleeve top orange mini and pink heels. We were showing some skin!

Cho was inside as the tables were brought in the freight elevator with Sakda supervising. Cho's PA Sanjara distracted him as we removed the old tables and put in the new ones.

Sakda had made art! The mix of wood colours and shapes so delicately done. The side tables were sun bursts and the large central coffee table had a sun with orbiting planets! I hugged him and expressed my delight. I took Cho's hand and led him out. He loved the gift! I got kissed!! Sakda got the praise!

I took some snaps of them and Cho and Sakda. Out front with Sakda I could see he noticed Pj and Sumate being close. I told him a friend of the brothers had tried to kill me motioning to my scar, he remembered the bandage "Miss Fay it is terrible what people do for more money than they could ever spend." I hugged him affectionately and as a thank you for his beautiful tables. He had started on the set for my office.

Andrea loved Cho's tables and my office when we got there. "Damn girl this is a nice view. Not like my box!" We made coffee with Jian and sipped in the sun. So relaxed.

On to Mongkut for Shopping! We barged in on Malee! She was laughing, glad to see Andrea again! The shoe buyer got my thanks for the sandals and boots. Rak came in after my call. We hugged and I intro'd Andrea. Rak said Anong would be getting in touch about the wedding plans. It most likely was going to get big, "families all want to have their say about it!"

I let him know I am on the move more but I would make time for her.

Andrea and I spent many hours going from one department to another. I bought clothes, shoes, makeup, fragrance, gifts for many people and went to pick up Sunny's birthday gift of jewelry that Mongkut was wrapping.

Oh Shit! They had done a wonderful thing. It looked like a fairy princess' palace in pink and several shades of green. A tower where the ring was suspended behind a little window down to the main part of the castle that held the pendant and chain hanging so you could see it through a doorway. Stupendous! They put it in a shipping box so carefully packaged they promised it would arrived ok! I took loads of snaps from every angle. Sunny's birthday was in two weeks so I had it sent air freight with a gold star carrier so there'd be no issues.

PJ got us back home in time for a bikini period by the pool. Andrea bought a new one, thong with tiny yellow flowers on a sky blue background. It was tiny showing off her great bod! We giggled, drank Campari's and petted a bit. Cho waved as he arrived going straight in to check on the construction. He came out with a Newcastle and Speedo! Andrea did a fake swoon over his bod! I grabbed him pretending to fend off her advances.

Ting and Jian were having dinner with some of his hospital folks so it was us three. We had another of Amporn's wonderful fish dinners, delectable shrimp and coconut curry veggies! A great meal!

I was a piggy but Andrea was close. She was coming into the office to work tomorrow.

In the bathroom Cho cupped my breasts from behind, "Sweet thing! I like these." MMMMMM

I was pressed hard against him under the covers nuzzling his neck, "I like this!" kissing until he turned me over to spoon and sleep. Quiet thank yous for the beautiful new tables.

Cho had a text in the morning. Glaa had galloped for the first time since shipping. He was in great form, happy, eating well! Trainers very pleased. He would gallop a few more days and then a breeze the Monday before the Sanford.

Andrea sitting on the sofa in my office typing away on email for London, smiling across the room. I suggested a clear case for her MacBook Air like mine. I got a thumbs up! Dusit brought us fresh coffees.

I was working the phones making contact calls to companies in Taiwan, Philippines' and Japan. I was laying the groundwork for an early fall trip. A trip to mainland China would have to be separate and later. Jodie, Eric's PA emailed me a possible in Hong Kong which might work for this earlier trip.

Friday's planned get together at ours was big. The Railroad folks, my office people, all the Girls and their guys, the Thoi's and Keren's, our Mongkut friends and Eric and Malee. Aaron from Sydney should here too. And the belle of the ball Andrea! A few folks over on Thursday evening, I lost track of Jian and Andrea for a while then spotted them by the kitchen doors. "So..." which was I needed to say since they looked they'd swallowed the canary! We hugged giggling, Andrea kissing me, "So good! It is so much fun fucking again!" Jian laughing, "It has been too long for me to fuck Fay so Andrea my girl!" I got in a pinch for her throwing me over which made us laugh so much more, three way hugging.

Hours later I was sitting in a Starbucks at Suvarnabhumi Airport with PJ waiting for Eric's Thai Airways flight, Aaron from Sydney was going to land on a Quantas flight soon after. Malee had called and said Nara, the shoe buyer, was up to be a `date' for Aaron tonight and show him some sights over the weekend before he got to tour The Railroad's facilities with Kavnu next week.

Malee and Eric had the "Family" meetings starting Sunday later in the afternoon. They were going with us up to Aao Khamoht but we'd be back in the late morning.

I had two signs made, one for Eric, I knew he'd love it and also Aaron. My little gag!

I saw Eric's red hair first. We hugged, he was still laughing about the sign, it was purposely misspelled! With Aaron I played it more straight. We all bundled into the helicopter with baggage. Not much talking with the noise.

I looked down on the construction work being done on the house and pier as we came in on approach. Roofs, terraces laid out, windows on the new house sections already! Gawd they were really going to town. Cho said he was paying to have maximum crews at work. The pier had new pilings sunk and partially framed.

Malee was waiting with Nara on the terrace with Cho, Ting, Jian and Andrea. Sweet seeing Eric kissing her! Nara was shy but she was impressed with Aaron who being an Aussie was nice and open. We sent Aaron on to the the Apt Hotel to get changed for the party. A car would get Nara and him later. Malee and Eric were staying with us!

Cho and I greeting guests later, Cho comfy in Tommy shorts and a gray/yellow Hawaiian floral, me in SKINNY black slacks, new snap over ankle boots and yellow silk long sleeve blouse showing some tummy gold bangles on my left and Cho's black onyx on the right. Kiet and Achara leading them to the bar and Amporn's appetizers.

Ubon looked so good! Her pregnancy had made her so happy, it SHOWED! She whispered their sons were planning a party for them. We hugged. Udorn was holding my hand, "Fay I am sorry not to see you as often. We must have lunch soon and maybe another dinner party at our house, Yes?" I agreed kissing them both.

Lek and Siri, his colleague, were holding hands. I got hugged. Siri gave me a wink which was amazing but my antenna was ON! I got it! She had a huge smile. And she was looking quite slinky in a close to the body spaghetti strap sheath dress in dark royal purple.

The Thoi's and Keren's came together again. Lots of kisses and hugs. The men relaxed in slacks and sport shirts but Phailin and Kanda looked HOT. Phailin's black cocktail dress looked quite normal from the front BUT there wasn't much back! Scooped deeply close to her butt crack. She gave me a kiss, "Sexy feeling!" Kanda was the reverse, deep décolletage so her belly button was on display. "Girls we look right TONIGHT!" We laughed.

Malee got out of the car all in black, ankle boots, tight jeans and a long sleeved cutoff cotton top. Ah, a new gold chain around those slender hips! Eric in black too! We kissed. Eric nudged me, "We should sit down for a few minutes on the boat tomorrow." I gave him a thumbs up!

Dusit & Kwang came with significant others. It was great to see them away from the office and dressed casually.

All of my sisters! Lawan and Thang looking so contented. She squeezed me hard, "I am so happy!"

Ni and Kavnu with his sons! It was nice to meet them. I was introduced as a good friend and work colleague. I got Achara to let Amporn know the boys were here and if she had some special treat for them maybe. Some of Niran's wonderful lassi drinks?

Eve and Ku! Red short shorts, white crop tops and white tennis shoes! I loved they liked to dress alike. Eve held my hand to her bare belly, "It's ready for you!" I hugged and kissed them both. Whispered into Eve's ear that we were ready too.

Jian slipped up beside me as I stood on the lawn looking at the many folks I loved, cared about so much. She squeezed my hand. Wow! ORANGE! A cotton sheath dress, snug to that cute body with matching earrings and white sandals. We walked hand in hand to get a drink. Andrea in white short shorts and a midnight blue halter top held open her arms and we crowded in. Laughing and kissing!

We had a great time. Everyone being happy, chatting, mingling! Thet and Reyna arrived late. She was just back from from a Red Cross trip. Reyna looked very good, almost filled out to her old weight, blooming in fact! Thet holding her hand seemed natural. We walked up to the terrace arms around each other. She whispered, "I am on hormones now and we will see about more." Big hug. It was Thet's support of her!

Dad Keren took my arm, "Can we talk for a minute?" I gathered Cho.

Down the long hall to Cho's office. "We developed some more leads and arrested several more men. They weren't part of Saul's group but gun sellers and smugglers. They led us to one more fellow who we scooped up about three hours ago. A Chinese who had come here to try to salvage Saul's enterprises. He's going to tell us a lot of things!" There was a sinister look on his face as he looked out the window then turning to me, "We have a good deal of info on him so we have leverage to pry him open. There is no good future for him in China. We will let a few items out so he will know we have a lot on him."

I shifted in my chair and Dad focused back to us, "Sorry, I do dislike these people! I know we can ease up on security more. There are no murmurs of any other activity."

"Can I ask you about something else? Something old?" He nodded. "When you brought me to Bangkok from Pattaya how did all my things from there end up in our room here?"

Cho had one of his grins!

Dad had his warm smile on now, "When I visited your room, I saw your things. I didn't know what mattered so I had one of my men gather it all. It was in the car with us and the bag Thang was holding for you. It was all put in the helicopter. It was handed out to a driver to bring here. Cho called Amporn and she put it in your room."

Attention to detail! Key to success!

I gave him one of my now patented BIG hugs. No tears. Dad knew!

I went to our key case to give Dad a key to the Basuto Road house in London for their trip next week. They loved the pictures of it I'd sent. Gave him Mrs. Blatchly's phone number too.

Phailin and Kanda squeezed me between them, "We have a `ladies club' meeting coming up are you in town?"

I was roped into doing a talk about home computers and security. Oooof!

Cho's neck was warm when I kissed it from behind my slinky arms around him. He was talking with Ting and Eric and Thoi but took my hands to keep me against his back. That got him some more kisses which didn't do him any harm!

It was another nice evening with friends! We fed, drank and played. The morning brought preparations to go to the phosphorescent bay. We were using the larger boat. Malee and Eric. Jian and Ting. Us two. Nara and Aaron. Siri and Lek. Andrea.

Shove Off time! I had on a pale yellow string thong bikini sitting on the bench seat on the fantail with Siri. Her golden yellow bikini showed her tight body off very well.

"Fay, Lek has told me about you two being together when you had no attachments. He wanted me to know he enjoyed it but it was not ongoing."

I squeezed her hand, "We had a fling. Very nice it was. I got to see his lovely house. And the garden where he said he was made by his parents."

Laughing, we hugged, "He was funny about that. He said the sex was great also!"

I slipped my arm around her slender waist, "It was indeed! And you two are doing better I wager?"

Giggling, "I do love sex! We have fun in bed!" She mentioned that Lek had told her confidence about my body `not that anyone could tell' and she certainly understood the attraction!

One of the stewards brought us tall glasses of orange juice but a sip said mimosa! Cho sent them. We sipped carefully.

Siri was sweet, sexy and spoke well. I found out she had a college degree in literature hardly an entrée to police work' but gave her a different perspective. She'd had an American lover for several years, assistant attaché at the embassy, who was ultimately transferred. After that she'd dated' a few times but really got into her job. She had gone undercover for six months working on a smuggling gang that was rounded up. Scary but incredible!

Eric came by to grab me for a talk just as Lek had joined us. Kisses for them both.

We talked about business, how Greg's video conferencing software was going to be a real enhancement for us in communications and a very nice add-on in sales. Greg got a good deal with the basic purchase price but he was in for more depending on sales. We'd signed a multi-year deal with the Dutch company for partnering on the waterway devices, they were ready to go! And Eve. "Is she ready for some client folks to come around for training? She wouldn't be alone our guys would be there but ..."

"Eve is stoked! She is positively enjoying herself! You should talk to Jared, he gets comms from her every day of the week about improvements or fixes or just info!"

We had walked about with me gently steering to where I knew Malee was lying out. I saw his face when he glimpsed her. Oh my Eric had found love! I left them to it.

A steward gave me a message from Jian to come to her cabin. She and Andrea were waiting. Ah! Sex! We hugged and kissed but the lure of Jian's boyclit got us going. I started us off with sucking her as Andrea stripped and then got our bikinis off. On the bunk she took over the Jian cockette and I went to work to get her wet for fucking.

Jian was moaning and thrashing about. I looked; Andrea had two fingers in her asspussy and an eager mouth working the cock. I didn't have much to do Andrea was very wet in anticipation!

I moved her up onto her back with a few last licks and some sucking of Jian before they were joined. They looked so hot as Jian fucked Andrea passionately, her hips moving that cute butt.

I was mostly a spectator until, "Fay let us suck your titties!" from Andrea. I obliged MMMMMMMM It felt so good to have both worked on at the same time, lick, sucks, nibbles and ring tugs! Andrea's right hand did nice things between my thighs!

Jain was enjoying herself, strong thrusts. A leg moved up over her as Andrea sought deeper penetration! I slid a hand down Andrea's belly to play with her clit. AAAAAHHHHH!!!!!! Andrea orgasmed, I kept it up! Andrea calling out to Jian to breed her! I was surprised by that and Jian fairly soon orgasmed inside her. Jian was holding Andrea tightly, "Andrea..."

Her face had a sweet smile, her legs locked behind Jian's back, "I just had a feeling that it might be right for me but you have to agree!"

Jian pushed some of Andrea's hair back, "You do mean it?"

Andrea's eyes opened slowly, "Yes! It was a flash from my insides. I do want to have kids but men have been a problem." She kissed Jian, "You sweetie are a nice fit!" Her heels rubbing Jian's back keeping them connected.

I was lying beside them arms around each, "Andrea, what you want is Jian's baby to raise in England?"

She nodded, `I'm not asking for a wham bam but a connection! We'd be parents, you could be involved as much as you want, sharing. I would live in London but travel here. You and Ting would always be welcome."

Jian was quiet, "I have never thought about being a parent. You have only known me a few days..."

"Ah but I know Fay loves you and that's the best endorsement I could ask for!"

"I need to speak to Ting. We are together and share."

Andrea caressed Jian's beautiful face, a soft kiss, "Yes, you must consider it but don't think it is something that has just come to me. I have been thinking about a child for a while now and signed up at a sperm bank but hadn't gone forward."

Andrea had cute wicked grin, "This way has got to be more fun too!"

We all burst out laughing! We hugged and kissed.

"We need to get up on deck."

Through the connecting door to Cho's and my stateroom to the big shower. Tight fit for three but we had a blast washing each other. Back in bikinis we casually went along the passageway to the saloon for a drink.

On the big fantail seat we cuddled up Andrea in the middle, I was holding Jian's hand behind Andrea. She kissed us, "I'm going to find Ting and ask him."

"Fay this has been in my heart and head for a few years. I almost asked you once to contribute some sperm but I held off because we work together. Too close!"

I squeezed her waist, "I couldn't tell you if I would have agreed or not! I would have felt honored to have been asked though."

Andrea saw my wry smile, "Damn, not asking is one of my personal regrets!"

We hugged, "Do overs just don't ever happen! Jian and I are as close as two unrelated people can be."

"That's what I meant when I said she would be good because you loved her."

Cho came over with a 'what devilry are you getting into' look, "Drinks, ladies?" A pause, "What is Jian up to?"

We laughed and Andrea launched into her explanation. Cho's eyes on my face, I was innocent this time. He knelt between us an arm around each, "Well, you don't have small requests!" It was up to Ting and Jian now.

I circulated finding Aaron and Nara in the bows, Nara pointing places on the shore she knew. She was a local girl, her father had become an academic after military service and her mother's family had been merchants plying these same waters. Aaron was attentive following her words and gestures. They were engrossed.

Cho had joined Eric and Malee they were talking on the deck above the fantail. A steward told me that Jian wanted me in her cabin. Andrea was waiting for me at the door. Ting was standing next to Jian with his arm over her shoulder, quiet descended on us. Ting smiled, "Andrea, you have made a big request of Jian," her hand went up to his, "Us! We have a request of you." A look between them, "Would you also have a child from my body? A second pregnancy?

Andrea's hand in mine tightened, she went to them, kissing each, "Yes it would make me happy! We would have a double family! Oh god the amount of nappies we're going to have!"

We all burst out laughing at that. Hugs, kisses!

Ting did say that the second would be created in a different way than the first though. Andrea kissed his cheek, "I'm glad you brought that up. We may not succeed with the current method right away." More laughter when Jian said she was willing to try harder and more often!

Shit a lot of babies were being made and planned around us.

I sent a steward to bring Cho down. He was delighted! Ting was his cousin and oldest friend whose happiness was dear to him like ours.

We had a light dinner before our arrival so the swimming would be ok. No general announcements of the latest news but a few toasts were drunk. My arm linked with Andrea, her eyes sparkling!

As the boat came near the shore I could see lights all along the water's edge. Each house was bright. I turned to Cho, he kissed me, "Yes we powered all the houses, the school and community buildings when the net workshop went onto the electric grid."

I stood against him holding tight, "What about the lantern fuel I brought?"

"They can hold it for emergencies or we can return it to Rak."

We loaded the row boat with the fuel, the sewing thread and cloth I bought for Kure and the boy doll for Tani.

Hugging Tani I explained the new doll could be the brother or a friend. I loved being able to speak directly with her thanks to Kiet's patient help with my Thai.

Ban, her father, said the fuel would be stored just in case. He liked the new lights but had some skepticism.

All the guys went off to kick the football around some before dark and the bay lights came up. The ladies sat with Kure and Tani. The new boy doll was made welcome as a brother. Her face was glowing!

Outside there wasn't the same darkness as before but Jian kissed me, "Fay, shall we swim back?"

Free of her cast finally, we raced to the shore opposite the ship and dove in. I was an otter many lengths ahead as we reached the stern. I hopped aboard turning to pull my buddy up. Wet, we pressed together for a sweet kiss.

Tonight we all donned fins and snorkels to do lazy circles watching the bay lights and the fish. Aaron and Nara jumped in together holding hands; she seemed right at home in the water. They seemed very happy in each other's company.

I was right, Siri had a swimmers build, she had raced in school for years. She and Lek were CLOSE as they swam about.

Curled up later with Andrea and Jian on a bench in the saloon we quietly toasted each other and the little ones to come!

I was in Cho's arms in the dark bow. We kissed some; petted some then he pressed me hard against him, "This has been a boat trip of developments! Ting did surprise me!"

Laughing, "Me too! I wonder what Jian said to him about Andrea? Got him thinking."

Whoops! I was scooped up, over a Cho shoulder and he was off, "I am thinking it time for some sex!"

My kinda thoughts! I deposited on our bed, Cho stepped back and swept his clothes away, "You need to be naked!"

I struggled but was quickly stripped. We laughed as I found myself pinned to the bed with his cock slowly descended to my eager mouth. Half hard, I licked it as it came in range. Balls in my eyes. My thighs spread, Cho lifting my hips to get me wet.

MMMMmmmm! Nice penis, the foreskin sloppy, slippery pushed back to give me that lovely cockhead! Damn, this dick was made to order for my mouth. Cho did push-ups over me letting me have the whole thing then taking it away only to return!

He decided my pussyass was ready! Lying on me we kissed as my legs were brought up and that now very hard wet cock found my passageway.

Aaaaahhhhh YES! Cho eased into me. We were lip locked. I held onto his shoulders as that stiff prick reached maximum depth. Oh I loved the feeling on Cho's balls against my skin.

My boy pussy resisted his withdrawal but opened to welcome the return of the cock.

Cho worked his cock slowly, steadily fucking me as his pace increased. I felt the burn in my ass that was so wonderful.

He plunged into me with cock and tongue. I sucked his invading tongue, gripping him tight to me.

He slowed to rotate me a partial turn to the left pinning my slender thigh on his chest! YES!!!

I ran my hands over Cho's torso, sliding up to pull at his nipples. Aaaaaahhhhhh he liked that!!

He returned the favor tugging at my ringed flesh with his left hand as the right kept my leg tight to his body. Cho cupped a breast his thumb rubbing over the aureole. I squirmed in pleasure.

My scarred left reached to grip his ass. The firm flesh squeezed I encouraged his motion each thrust burned but my body responded.

Ooohhh I could feel my belly get hot, the heat expanding up my chest to explode through my neck reddening my face. My strange orgasms!

Cho leaned over to kiss me, "Roll over Fay."

Face down ass up! His athletic body behind and above pounded my pussyass. That cock!!

Cho made sure each stroke slammed his cock in deep, balls slapping on my body!

He moved me flat doing push-ups again bouncing off my asscheeks making me shiver.

OH! I was flipped over! My legs over his shoulders. A wicked grin!

He was close, his rhythm speeding up, shorter strokes!

I so wanted his cum, "Cho it's so good, cum inside me!"

My man's face tight as he did as I asked!

Three, four times he pulsed his orgasm into me! I squeezed him tightly, "Aaaaahhhhh YES!"

Cho was rigid fully inside me then slowly he lowered down. I took his weight wrapping myself around his hot body.

Our sweat bonded us.

Ooooohhhhh I was made for this man!

Cho's lips found mine, eagerly I replied. One hand in his hair stroking, one around his back holding.


I smiled, "Cho..."

We laughed. My neck was kissed and nuzzled, I liked!

Getting up in the morning was easy; there was no Cho cock to tease me. He was up.

In my `dangerous' white bikini I found him in the sun on the after deck speaking to Eric and Malee lower down on the fantail. I slipped my arms around him caressing that taut brown chest.

"Ah Fay has arrived... I hope!"

I laughed against his back, "You'd better not hope for anyone else," accompanied by some tickling. He spun about, scooping me up we headed towards the saloon. I waved those folks on the fantail. Malee gaily yelled something which sounded like `enjoy.'

The good part after a sweet morning kiss was food! Coffee, fruit and toasted buttered French bread.

At the dock we wished Eric and Malee good luck with family visiting. I was sure he would WOW her people.

Nara hugged me, "Thank you Fay. I had fun! Aaron is nice."

Her cheeks got kissed, "He is a nice man." The very one joined us, "Dinner tonight?" Nara's smile told me it'll be a yes.

"Kavnu's picking me up in the AM to go out to his old rail yard and then to the office." I hoped Aaron would see all he wanted.

Lek and Siri were at his car, "You two take care of each other!' Siri slid up against me, quietly, "We are getting serious!" I kissed a soft cheek and wished her joy.

Now I had to get ready for my next trip. USA! Land of my birth. But first some touristy things with Andrea.

Next: Chapter 39

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