Jian: Cast of Characers

By A becker

Published on Apr 19, 2015



I jerked around to Cho, he had a glowing face, "Yes, I looked in to it and made a few things happen." I threw my dignity to the winds grabbing him, kissing him holding on tightly.

"I found a small manufacturing company specializing in products for the fishing industry, it was for sale. It had a division that makes parts for large fishing nets, and accessories which could be re-located. I have a new plant building under construction a ½ mile from here along the river. 6-8 local men will be hired for fulltime work maybe 4 more for part-time. We run the materials up river do the work; send the finished pieces down the river. Easy, no trucks and small haulage boat firms will get work from us."

I started crying Cho's arm around me Tani holding one hand Jian the other. Ban holding Kure, everyone happy with the new changes. Cho was my prince charming making my dreams come true. Tani walked us back to the row boat. I got a kiss from her and gave a hug to her and her dolls.

On the deck Jian squeezed me, "Fay, you were right to want to go forward. A good thing."

Naked with Cho's weight on me crying like a child being kissed lovingly, "I'm so happy! You take me seriously like no one ever has. You make good things happen around me like magic but I know you are a realist, you find a way to make good occur and make money! It is an art!"

"Nothing I have done would have occurred without you as the catalyst! We are a team, a perfect pair. You are the inspiration, I am the doer. Perfect!"


All our ship board guests were talking about the phosphorescent light show in the morning as we sailed home. Jian was holding my hand on the upper deck, "Next time we can go too!" Ting was doing fist pumps in agreement. Her cast would be gone soon and probably my bandage. I'll have a scar! So it'll be my remembrance!

Reyna and Thet came up, she looked so much better, the bikini was red and cute on her. She had a firm hold on Thet's hand, he didn't seem to mind at all. We hugged and made our way to the food!

I had Cho wrapped around me talking with Rona who was comfortably parked on Reg's lap; we were going to see some touristy places this week before they headed home. We made plans!

The embassy ladies thanked us for a great trip and a night of dancing; they all chorused `please ask us again!'

The tech guys from The Company were off to pack; they'd be bussed to the airport later. All the girls and others dispersed leaving the eight of us on the terrace. Cho said Amporn would feed us tonight, a quiet dinner, work day tomorrow.

Naked beside Cho his hands roaming, I leaned close to kiss his shoulder, "fuck me!" He picked me up so easily, I was deposited in the middle of our bed. Cho lay over me skin to skin kissing. He rubbed his body all over mine gently sliding using his mouth to tantalize bits of me.

He rose up to lower his cock to my mouth, soft but rising. MMMMMMM!!!!

Slowly he pirouetted above me, the cock at a different angle, balls in my eyes. He lifted one leg to give him access to my pussyass. OH Shit! His tongue was great! I wanted it not to end, feeling so good. Tongue inside me as I ate his penis. He was fully engorged quickly moving those slender hips up and down on my face.

Oh The Cock went away replaced his tongue, kissing my man. A thigh was raised, I could feel the hard cock against me then he lined it up. Aaaaaahhhhhh YES! It had been so long! A long slow stroke in me. I welcomed the opening of me. I pressed towards him wanting in all the way. His soft hair touched me then the firmness of his pubic bone.

My lips against an ear, "love you!" His mouth found mine as his strokes began to expand me more. My arms around his neck, the lips then tongue. His hips doing wonderful things. I was burning in my mind as well as my pussyass!

We both needed this; each thrust went to his root those lovely balls bouncing off me. I held on with one arm around his neck the other went exploring. A nipple, rigid, easy to play with a couple of fingers, rolling it, pulling it.

Ah's from Cho as that wonderful prick buried itself in me repeatedly. He half rolled me, lifting my leg against his hot chest pinning it. Those hips piston action burning so good! I looked into his dark eyes; I saw lust, love, a smile, "Is this a good fuck?" Speechless all I could do was nod.

He delighted making my boytwat expand; I delighted in closing it as he drew back. His face with pleasure across it dark eyes on mine. I let my fingers do their walking all over him, caressing his warm skin as a sheen of sweat developed.

I was feeling the heat rising from my guts, I was cumming. Cho saw it. I couldn't speak as it rushed up across my chest smacking into me ecstasy. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!

Cho kept up his marvelous work, the burn was ecstasy poured on ecstasy! I was gripping his torso; I leaned up to kiss him one hand on the back of his neck holding on as the best orgasm of my life flooded me with warmth.

Cho didn't stop, thrust, thrust, each a delight spreading me open for more.

Cho kissed my scarred arm as he rolled me again. On my belly his cock still moving me he strong hands elevated my hips, the first thrust smacking me was like a gun shot. My hips pinched by those powerful fingers, slap followed slap. Cho was building to his orgasm faster shorter plunges in my pussyass.

"Ah Cho cum in me, give me your cum!" It was nearly a yell.

He was rigid holding me tight; each pulse was felt through my small frame. His cock spurted it all into me, two, three, four, five times his cock spasmed in my back channel. I was pressing up and back to keep him in me. His sweat dripping on me was welcomed. Cho slowly lowered himself down onto my back as I slid flat on my belly. He stayed inside; I squeezed that delightful pleasure instrument as hard as I could the burn not stopping!

A long soft sigh by us both as I took his weight. "Fay,...my love!" I pulled his hand to my mouth kissing it all over, pressing my cheek to the hot palm. His kisses on my neck, the nose rubbing up through my hair, we petted lightly for some time.

On my back, arms around his neck, "Guess your arm is ok for more?" A wicked smile and flashing brown eyes. Lips touching, my tongue going over his then we mashed together, my legs crossed heels behind his back.

"We were overdue! My pussy feels like it should, burning, happy, pleasured. Thanks for doing as I asked."

Cho laughed, "Well you said it in such a lady-like manner!"

Cuddling now was pure joy. A warm man giving me his weight, his flaccid cock on my skin, the burn of my requested fuck reminding me of how it felt. Cho's mouth on mine, searching almost consuming me. His hand sought my left, he gently tugged on the pearl, "I am ready!"

Quiet in each other's arms, flesh cooling, we slipped under the bed covers to sleep quickly. I woke in a few hours, I slipped out to pee. I stood beside the bed for some minutes watching Cho sleep. So handsome. Such a beautiful man inside and out. I was the luckiest girl!

I slid back next to him, down to the cock. I kissed ever so softly.

Cho woke me; he was under the covers with me. We kissed, "Love!" More kissing as I clung to him.

We wandered out, my short robe, Cho in a speedo. He did some laps as the coffee was made. Amporn came into the kitchen; I welcomed her using my improving Thai. Her sunny face, happy that I was radiant this morning. I got it!

We cut fruit together and made a platter of salapaos and patongos. I was hugged from behind some one's fingers in my robe. I turned to hug, squeezing Jian hard until she squeaked. We laughed; Amporn said we made cute sisters.

We grabbed coffee, I had two, handing one off to Cho as he toweled dry on the terrace. Malee and Rona were next, coffee in one hand holding on to each other's hand with the other. We were great, sun, food, friends! The guys came out more slowly.

I had my arm around Cho's waist, leaning in, my pussy giving me twinges to remind me of the night! I looked up to his eyes; I saw he felt like me.

More coffee! Rona too. I slipped my arm through hers, "Fay, it's really comfortable here. Our room is wonderful as is the bed!" Her eyebrows rose. I hip bumped her, "Did Rona get laid? Fay did!" We giggled and tickled each other. A big Yes! I patted her bum, "Well you could try for twins?" still laughing about it when Reg wanted more coffee. He gave us a look `what was up' we kept giggling. He poured coffee with a glance towards me, "Who put me to bed the other night after the BBQ?"

I slowly raised my hand with a shit-eating grin. "I did you both." He shook his head, "Well at least you left my nickers!" Which set me to giggling again, his fingers tickling made me squirm. Rona tried to rescue me by flashing her goodies with an open robe. Reg stopped and threw back his head laughing, "Rona has anyone not seen your goods lately?"

A voice behind, "Well, I hadn't until now." Eric laughing with Ting smiling with a face that was considering, "Well Rona as a doctor I would say you have a fine healthy body."

Amporn got what was going on from me, I think. Her smile was broad.

Rona was covered now with a big grin, "Ok floor show over."

"Too bad, I could go for an encore!" Cho standing there leaning at the big doors to the terrace.

Rona giggled, "You've seen me twice!"

Cho began to applaud slowly, quietly with a big grin! Malee and Jian popped in beside him, they giggled when all was explained. We all took up applauding like Cho! Rona was staring at us, Reg had joined in. She made a face with a stuck out tongue then snatched open the robe, a pause and closed it, "Done! Any more will have to be from someone else."

I had my arm around her as we went back to the lounge with coffee. We had to stop, Kiet had come in, he was too young for that, he brought out the food. We laughed, Rona leaning on me, "Hunny bunny, you've a great bod next it's you!" She got a nice kiss, "OK but later, you know."

Rona nodded smiling, she got it.

I asked Malee if they had any immediate plans for sharing homes or her going to England or ? She was planning on a trip to London soon but no date set. Eric wanted to be sure he'd be in town for an extended period. I told her they could use my country place on weekends, nice area not too far from London. She gave me a big blown kiss across Jian's cute bod.

Ting called Jian, they huddled beside the terrace. Their backs were to us but a BIG kiss was easy to see! Jian's face against his chest, arms wrapped around each other. I went over, they had tears, Jian held up her hand, a diamond ring. Whoop! I kissed her hard and hugged Ting. My noise brought Rona and Malee. Hugs and kisses galore. I stood with Ting holding his hand we smiled at each other, "I couldn't wait! There is no one else who has captured my heart!" Cho, Eric and Reg joined us. Ting got pounded on the back so he nearly fell over.

Our dinner that night was especially happy with their news. Toasts! On the terrace I sat with Ting, his family had met Jian and liked her knowing full well about her sexuality. She was accepted, he's sister had given him a serious talk about the relationship and he had decided to ask Jian afterwards. I kissed him, "Ting you two are a great pair, I'm so glad."

"We have to plan about the wedding, if Jian has changes then she can be a she for Thailand's laws or we have to go elsewhere. Not decided yet."

In the next few days, Eric, Kavnu and Udorn toured rail yards, sometimes with Cho and I, the managers who had the installation done were very happy. They could see the flow through their yards like never before. The others were eager! Cho and I were sitting at Tarek's yard down the line a short way on a couple of old cable wheels. He was smiling, "Udorn is so happy these days I am almost afraid he will give away the store." I laughed, "Well my Company and Kavnu have done him proud!"

"Yes, if I didn't love you already I would have for this!" I stood and bowed. He took my hand pulling me into his lap surrounding me with arms. I got kissed which was always welcome from Cho. I smoothed my black mini skirt down over the bare legs; the black ankle boots from Nordstrom's a bit dusty from the yard. Sleeveless bright yellow cutoff top showing a band of my tanned belly.

We sitting like that when the crowd came back our way, Eric laughing "Can't be nepotism, can it?"

"I told Fay weeks ago when she married Cho, she would be my boss," Udorn's smiling face saying he was okay with that.

Everyone laughed at the thought of little Fay in charge! Me especially! BUT times they are a changin'!

It was sad to see my friends leave. The Mac App folks would be around for a while but Eric, Reg, Rona, Jared all had to go. Malee was working on her London trip, Eric said he'd count the days and hours!

Within hours of being back in London Eric called, "The Regional offices are a go! The board has agreed in principal! You'll need to come here for a week or so, we need to make a formal presentation to the Board. I want you to be in on everything and not disjointed via email or time zones, etc..."

Cho would come with me; he'd done all his immediate things at the Railroad anything else he could deal with remotely and he could make use of the time in London on property deals.

Sakda called, he told me three weeks more would be right to have the tables done! I thanked him.

I was sitting on the terrace as night fell with Cho, snuggled into his lap, Jian and Ting next to us the same. My iPhone went off, it was Kay in Seattle. She said she had tried to discuss something with Cho and wanted to speak to me.

"Fay, I had an idea, it is a bit wild. Cho won't talk to me about it until I talk to you." All this sounded weird but I encouraged her to go on. Kay was quiet, then, "I want to donate some of my eggs to you two so you can if you want to start a family. There I have said it."

I know I tensed up in Cho's lap, he reacted by holding me close.

"Kay I don't..." She spoke, "Please do not decide right away. But you were so good with Sunny and our sweet boys, Artie and Sam...well...I asked Greg and he told me to be careful, so I am trying to be."

"Kay it is very generous and loving thing to offer but isn't that just the start, many other people have to be part of it." We talked a bit more and I told her we would seriously consider it.

I was a totally limp when we hung up, leaning back on Cho, he kissed me. "Do you know? Did she get very far with you?"

He said, "No, after Kay mentioned eggs I stopped her. It is for us to consider before anything happens in that direction."

I'd curled up tight on his lap, he kissed me once more, "Please don't think about it now! We will discuss this!"

That pretty much ended the day.

The morning was rainy which fit my mood, gray out the windows. I wasn't upset with Kay, it was just... something I hadn't anticipated for me. Jian parked beside me in the big kitchen booth. She leaned over, I got a sweet kiss. We sipped coffee, gobbled Amporn's wonderful patongos and salapaos. Sugary and tasty which boosted my mood! The sun started to appear I felt my spirits raise further.

When Cho came in I got to hug him, kissing commenced which was duplicated by Jian upon the arrival of Ting. After Cho drank his coffee he picked me up over his shoulder to get a shower. I had to go to the doctor then the Railroad Building.

Red short sleeve blouse, it had a tabby cat face on the back in black, black skinny jeans and red pumps! Red nails and lips and a clutch purse of red leather in my hand. Black bag with my MacBook Air. Red!

I sat at the doctors as he removed the bandage, it was ugly! Pink! He sat down, "Fay, it is a work in progress. It is fully closed and healed but the scar will change a good amount. It will narrow as the pinkness disappears. You should after a few months have a slender line with a small star shaped mark where the knife went deepest which is also the first point of contact. With time and sun it will most likely become a slim white line with the small star."

I thanked him for all he'd done for me. I poked the pink, "It's still tender." He said I would have to be patient. Ha!

Lek drove me to the Railroad Building; we sat there as he said we needed to talk. He was probably going to be re-assigned soon as the threat appeared to be over. I told him I knew but that we had a friendship too so I wouldn't want that to be changed. He squeezed my hand assuring me I was unforgettable! I went in with his handkerchief for my eyes. Ku hugged me when I explained.

I fixed my face and went up to meet with Kavnu and Udorn. Rokson and Tarek were out doing rail yards but doing a conference call with us. They were just moving on down the list of yard installations. Both happy with their teams and the great progress. This made the three of us in Bangkok very pleased.

In the late afternoon Eric called to ask I be in London by the end of next week. OK! I was to meet with the board for the first time on Monday afternoon as well as the other things.

Cho sat with me on the dock; we discussed the `family' thing. I leaned on him an arm around that hard lovely body, "I would like for you to have kids, I don't know if I can be a good mother but I'm sure you'd be a great dad."

I got a sweet kiss, "Fay you have always been so generous to everyone even those you should dislike. That is a basic part of your nature and essential to parenthood. But that is not clouding my judgment we would have to have a staff devoted to helping us at every turn. We like working; it is also part of us. It is complicated but it has to begin with a commitment to be parents by us then we build from there."

We were quiet for a short while, "I want to..." Cho chimed in, "Me too!" We laughed! He held my face for a lingering kiss, "Fay we are one on this but a lot has still to be done." My mind flashed on a big maybe, a person to carry our child, maybe, if she would want the task.

I was in Cho's lap when I told him, he smiled, "She is a wonderful person and would add a Fay like dimension to it." I made an additional suggestion that we use an egg from Kay and my possible choice so we would have both East and West. We decided to wait on saying anything to anyone until I spoke to her.

I asked Cho for office space for my new role. He smiled, "I have put aside a suite for you. We can visit tomorrow." I hopped back into his lap, managing not to spill anything, for a kiss.

We planned a dinner at home for The crew' before we went to London, Amporn would cook and Kiet would take care of us with some help. He introduced a friend, Achara, she was indeed a pretty angel' Kiet went to school with her brothers and she worked the restaurant. We were entertaining much more than Cho had ever done on his own, so more help was needed. Achara was nice, well-spoken in English also, my interview had a lot of laughter making me glad to hire her. A dinner party for a half dozen of his business friends was in two days. We wanted to host a Railroad group and Cho mentioned some horse friends, so...Achara was to be like Kiet almost fulltime.

Our `Crew' get together was fun all the girls and their guys. Reyna came, looking radiant, with Thet. I linked arms with them at the car; we walked up to the terrace. Reyna was taken away by Ni; I turned to Thet, "Miss..." I stopped him, "I'm Fay, just ordinary Fay." He smiled, "Reyna and I are becoming good friends and she is spending much time with me at my house." I squeezed his hand, kissing a cheek.

Later Reyna told me they were lovers, "I am enjoying the feminine role like I never had before. We are good together." I repeated my thoughts about her body and what she could do. BUT I said for her `to go for it!'

Thang hugged me, he and Lawan were very happy. He had a lull in travel, they were finding out things about each other mostly good, going places, seeing Bangkok like neither had ever done. Lots of movies that they both loved. Lawan came over, mashed herself on me, "Fay I like this `big lug' that is right?" I broke up with that, yes big lug as I elbowed Thang's hard belly. We were still laughing as Kavnu and Ni joined us.

Ni whispered, Reyna and Thet were quite close. I squeezed her, saying I knew just how close which got her giggling.

My big task had to be done, I slipped my arms through Ku and Eve's, pulling them away towards the dock. I sat them down; I built up to ask Eve to carry one of Kay eggs and hopefully offer one of her's to be fertilized by Cho's sperm and give birth to a set of twins for us. She was silent looking in my eyes, I saw her hand close tighter on Ku's, a quick gaze between them..."Yes I would love to do that for you!" We three hugged and I tried to give her some idea of what..."Fay it doesn't matter about anything, I would gladly do it regardless. You have been such a warm, generous friend to me since we first met! It would make me and Ku very happy to see Cho and you with a family!"

I was crying without a man to offer a handkerchief. Hugs, kisses! Cho had seen us go and waited until he saw us all hug to come over. His handkerchief rescued me. Ku and Eve gave him hugs and kisses.

Sitting with Cho afterwards we called Kay in Seattle. She was overjoyed that we would go ahead. We told her we would set things moving and be in touch. I heard Sunny in the background cheering about being a sister and auntie!

Sitting at my desk in the Railroad Building in the early morning I called Dad Keren. He didn't know about Kay's offer but was positively joyful that we would deepen our family connections. I was tasked to call Phailin right away. I reached her at home, my news had her crying and so did I. She told me she WAS coming over to go to lunch today, `We had to talk' about things. OK!

Cho walked with me and Lek to the building where Ni had her office two blocks away. On the top floor there was a suite, with a reception area, PA office and an inner office. Spectacular views of the river and Palace quarter. A conference room, a small dining area with a small kitchen and two bathrooms. The inner office had a terrace wrapping around two sides and a private bath with shower. It was BIG, plenty of room for a desk and guest chairs and a sitting area too. The lobby had a guarded entrance. The building offered fully equipped meeting rooms, fiber optic cabling and cable TV/networking connections.

Cho offered it at modest rent, Cho's idea of a joke, zero! I took some pics, emailing them to Eric with Cho's offer. We'd wait `til he got up.

Cho's PA Sanjara had booked us on a Wednesday flight to London, First Class, adjoining little suites. Dad Keren said Prasert would be available but Cho insisted on paying so he would be for us only. Done!

Another email for Eric's wake up. I emailed Mrs. Batchly on when we would arrive.

Phailin had Kanda with her, hugs and a short walk to a small; make that tiny, French restaurant. We had a table by a big window which opened to the road. Crepes for all. They got to see my ring, Phailin smiling, "It is very much like Cho a handsome old style piece but given to a not old style person who has `class'." I was embarrassed but Kanda wouldn't let me be, "Dear, you are sweet and lovely, the ring shows you can wear good things in many styles well!"

I gave them the intended family plan which they thought marvelous. Phailin so pleased our blood would mingle now too. Also good that Kay would come home for a visit to do it. We talked babies, etc... They were so enthusiastic! Twins! Phailin had news from Singapore; she was to be a grandmother again. Somsak and his wife Tona had the test done, their first on the way! Now with my news she'd have a small army of grandkids! Wonderful to have grandparents so ready, I'd never met mine they were all dead before I was born. The World War had seen to several.

Kanda said Reyna was settling in as a program leader's assistant. She's working hard for a good woman, learning new ways of doing things in the disaster relief group. She'd be going to do field work soon.

I had my back to the office looking out from the balcony, Ku called to me. Thet had arrived; he had another man with him. We stood in the sun; JP was slender, about my height in my heels, strongly built though his unstructured jacket covered his torso. Ah, he was armed. It was the way he held himself.

We shook hands, he was part of Thet's security team and he was to replace Lek. Driver and bodyguard. I had considered asking Lek to leave the Security Police but in the end I didn't want to place him in the awkward position of choosing. I would miss him!

JP was warm, a nice smile and Thet recommended him for me. JP has a long-term employee of Cho's security; he knew everyone and all the routines and methods. I tried to give him an idea of a week of my life as it was now. Upcoming trip to London, activities at the house, the new office, etc... He listened with a patient demeanor which I appreciated. He would shadow Lek for a few days. Good! I introduced them; they'd seen each other around. Lek was uncomfortable. We talked.

"You can't be sad! Please, it's good for your life, moving on in the Security Police. Changing roles, learning new things is good." I had his hand, "We have memories..." laughing out loud, "some not so good, some exceptional but it's all part of our relationship. Time for you to grow!" We hugged.

"Fay, you will always have my best wishes and love!" I had tears but so did he. "Lek ..." He gave me his handkerchief which I used to stop a larger flow.

"Take me to Mongkut please, Lek." I called Rak from the car, odd to have two guys up front. We met in Men's furnishings, "Rak I need handkerchiefs. Lots of them. The best linen, soft, plain white. And I need 10 dozen with monograms, different initial sets." He gave me a quizzical look; I explained which brought a huge smile.

"We would be honored to arrange it all including the delivery. How long can we have to do it?" I told him we would be leaving for London on Wednesday, gone for at least a week. Rak took my hand, "Fine, about two weeks. All I need are the initials and addresses." The info would be emailed; Rak sent me a text with his email. Done!

I hugged Malee at her desk; her officemate the shoe buyer showed me some new things. I liked a pair of lightweight gold sandals with a low heel, nice black ankle boots, strap to snap closing and narrow spike heel and open toe! I could buy them in a few weeks. She had my size and would order them. Yeah!

Malee told me she was taking vacation time to go to London. Our visits would overlap! Good. I'd be a tour guide! Her smile was special!

Lek and JP took me to my last visit to the tattoo men. Flowers finished! The result was marvelous. I got my belly ring removed and replaced with one I could take out to exchange for other jewelry.

I showed it to Cho in bed, he liked the idea he could buy things for my belly.

We had a great time hosting some of his business friends and their partners. Some of the women were like Los Angeles trophy wives but two were particularly nice. I asked them back for a lunch. Nica and Selema were petite sexy babes who worked and had experienced life far more than the `trophy wives' had or were likely to. We could talk about many things. Jian liked them both also; we ended up around the pool. We got them in bikinis from a now permanent stock for guests. Cho came by with his gentlemanly way of admiring us which gave Nica and Selema a thrill.

I was giggling later holding Cho's cock against my cheek, "You were so nice to Nica and Selema today, they probably had wet panties after your compliments!" I stuck that beauty in my mouth. Cho laughed, "Well they are lovely to look at and I do still admire well put together ladies, I just have you in my mind and all others pale in comparison." I bit ever so lightly at that but Cho knew I didn't mean it. He found his place on top deep in my pussy but had no aversion to me sitting on top for a wild pony ride to finish. The end result was a fine load of Cho cum in my belly and a warm tasty cock to suck.

The horse racing crowd we had over for drinks and snacks were all moneyed or trainers working for them. Nice enough group, not loud. A nephew of one fellow came, slender, hair on his shoulders, sweet face, not very tall. Jian nudged me, "I think he came to see me once many many months ago. I fucked him. He was nice!"

I re-introduced them, Manni, the young man was embarrassed, he remembered Jian although she didn't say anything until she took his hand, "Nice to see you," very low, "do not be afraid I no longer do that." He managed a weak smile; Jian led him to the bar.

I started talking with Cho's trainer, he spoke well, we talked about Glaa's next race. It was a mile and ¼, Glaa was looking very strong. I told him we'd be there! Another trainer came up and I said `see ya later' and went to find Cho.

He was talking horse buying so I left him alone. I wandered inside to the `ladies' Jian went by with Manni. I got, "I will find you shortly!"

In the kitchen, Amporn and Niran were busy so I went back out, got a Campari from Kiet and drifted to the dock bench. Just looking at the water, light bouncing in the remnants of a passing wake. Rak had replied to my list of initials with a funny, he was sorry that he wasn't on the list but glad I hadn't needed to cry because of him. He and Anong were hosting their `families' which didn't sound like he was anticipating any fun with that!

Achara found me there, "Jian asked for you to come to her room."

Ah! What's the secret? Jian opened the door; there was a petite girl with her. "Oh Manni, very nice!" A nice simple black frock, stockings and heels, her hair in some nice waves, very light makeup. She was shy but obviously pleased. She was close to Jian's size!

We talked, she had been furtively `dressing' for years. Her family wouldn't approve at all. Jian gave me look which I understood so I said to Manni she could come over some to dress and be around our house. Big smile from Jian! Manni started to cry, we hugged her. Jian said they would stay for a short while then change her clothes back. I would keep an eye on her uncle to see if he was making for the exit.

Jian found out Manni went to girls like her to be fucked as safer than trying to find a boyfriend. She had her own money, a good job at the family owned bank and brokerage, it was her outlet.

We explained to Cho about Manni later on, he was ok with it as long as it wasn't too often or for too long. "She needs to deal with her family or have a warped life forever which doesn't sound right." I said I wanted her to have a safe place to dress so she could arrive at some decisions for herself." I got kissed, "You are so generous and she is welcome."

Wednesday was coming quickly.

I got furniture in the new office, locally made in a dark, richly reddish wood in a modern style, clean lines and highly polished. Comfortable chairs for me and my guests. The seating area was rattan with soft cotton covers in muted reds and greens, very comfy chairs and sofa. Temp tables, I called Sakda and sent him a snap of the wood color so he could eventually make me some tables. He said he could do it, what pattern. I said his beautiful stars or something else he might suggest.

An all-weather table and chairs for the terrace of a hard wood I didn't know but was amazing light. A gay blue and yellow umbrella, huge!

Quite a few plants for inside and out.

We got a matching suite of furniture for Jian's office and reception. A good table and comfy chairs of rattan with navy blue cushions for the dining area and loaded the kitchen with assorted bits including an espresso machine from Italy. You could `dial' your choice of strength and amount for individual servings!

The network was in with very high-speed service with a tightly secured WiFi. I showed Jian how to give access to someone with a mobile device, all our phones and laptops were programmed in. Jian got a 27" iMac for her desk and another one for reception. A simple 2line phone system since we used our cells so much. Several printers on the network, a big color laser and a production b/w workgroup model laser.

Jian was going to work on the conference room while I was gone. She was to take snaps of all and send them to Eric. Jian began a shared calendar, all of me and the office so even the folks in London could see. We would do interviews for the reception position when I returned from London. She was going to do some preliminary work on that, doing the ad and making enquiries. I knew having her with me was going to be good. So organized and with it and good on computers!

"Fay should we bother with a fax thing?" We were standing by her desk my arms around her from behind, "No I haven't sent a fax in years!"

I called Dr. Sanporam. He understood about my requesting a date and would tentatively set it up. I told him I was to see a psychologist in London and one he recommended when I returned. He laughed, "Miss Martin, you will be well prepared I am sure. We will do our best for you." He tut-tutted my thanks, saying I was nearly the perfect patient.

Malee was my suitcase packing buddy again. I got it but it was always fine to have her around. We fed her well and made plans for a trip to my country place and tourist stops around London. "Make a list of things you `have to see' we'll get it done!"

This time the helicopter that landed on our dock was arranged by Cho's PA, we were met at Suvarnabhumi Airport by covered cart in the light rain. The Thai Airways First Class lounge folks remembered me which I thought was nice and good customer service. Also that Dad Keren had "pull!"

We left on time, the big Boeing 747 zooming into the sky. Our seats side by side in row 2, we could hold hands over the console. 13 hours to go.

We ate, talked, snoozed, and walked about. The Captain came by Cho's seat. He reached over to take my hand, "Miss Martin, General Keren mentioned you would be flying with us again. It is an honor to have you and Mr. Cho on board. We do enjoy to have our Board members travel on our flights." After he left I cocked my head with Cho looking at me, "Yes I am on the Board of Directors."

I laughed, "It is an honor to be travelling with such an august personage." Given with a clumsy bow from the sitting position. He laughed back, "Me with the daughter of General Keren!" We laughed a lot holding hands. Dad Keren still watching over me! Nice warm feeling.

I slept a fair amount as usual; Cho was getting to know his MacBook Air. It was loaded by his tech group with software to follow his investments, his calendar and mine and other good junk; I put on the software to see the Railroad network and its activity. He had a few games of interest too! Strategy type!

We did get up to stroll, no DVT for us! The stewardess' were lovely and so willingly to help. I got a Campari; Cho's scotch was so DARK it smelled like earth. There was a couple he knew somewhat, we chatted briefly. The woman gave me the once over more than once. My skinny green jeans, brown ankle boots and cutoff white blouse with long flowing sleeves caught her eye. Cho's gifts of lapis lazuli shown from my right and a dozen slender gold bands encircled my left wrist and forearm. A new gift from Cho hung in my open collar, a gold ankh. We walked on Cho's arm around my waist, "He's in banking, very proper! The wife I have only seen once but it seems enough!"

My giggle got him laughing, "Ah it is difficult to guard one's tongue with ridiculous people like her. Did she leave you any clothes?"

"If she wanted to have sex with me I'd be nude. Is the husband ok?" Cho said he preferred his banking businessmen to be boring, they were safer, he was. Which got a `HA!' from me.

We decided not to eat dinner just snack and walk down to The White Horse after we arrived. Some very nice little dumplings fit the bill and a few other bits.

Standing at the arrival gate was Klahan. He smiled and shook our hands, "The General thought I might assist you through all this." Klahan was very good at assisting; we were in the car behind Prasert in 30 minutes. The A4 streaming along, Prasert doing it so easily. I thanked Klahan for being so good at `assisting' he laughed, "Well I am glad to assist you and Mr. Cho any time."

Cho asked Prasert to come around about 9AM, I was taking the Tube.

With our suitcases upstairs, we grabbed some shopping bags and strolled out to The White Horse. Cho had put our local SIM cards in, I called Reg. "Drink a Dog for me," was I got. Eric was glad we were in town. He was anxiously waiting for Malee!

We ate outside, salmon and Newcastle's! Some shopping and a quiet walk home. We did a bit of unpacking; Mrs. Blatchly had done her usual great job of keeping house so we didn't need to do anything.

A warm embrace by Cho under the covers, a lingering kiss and sleep. What could be better?

I went casual to The Company offices since I didn't have to meet the Board of Directors until Monday. Red skinny jeans, black ankle boots, black and white striped sleeveless top and my black onyx jewelry. I got a seat courtesy of an older man with a white regimental mustache; he looked a bit frail and I started to decline. He insisted so I did sit, thankfully a much younger fellow gave up his seat. The regimental mustache got off with me at Notting Hill Gate station. We walked out, he gave me a bow. I rested my hand on his arm, "May I buy you a coffee or tea?"

He said yes. We went into Caffè Nero. We both ordered a cappuccino. Nicely done in the Italian manner, warm and cozy place. He was ex-Army, Colonel of infantry and intelligence. He was interested in my dad's being a former MI-6 fellow. It was a pleasant just to chat, my way of thanking him for being so gallant in the Tube. He was off to see his ex-sergeant major who was in hospital; sadly it looked like terminal cancer. We shook hands at the door and exchanged cards. "Fay Martin, oh was your dad Philip Martin?" I said he was, they had met over an important job in the 1970's regarding Lebanon. Another time on something in Eastern Europe later.

"Your father was very professional, top quality work. I hope you know he was amongst the best I ever worked with outside the Army." I thanked him, it felt good. Maybe we would meet another time. I told him I was based in Bangkok now only here for a week but who knew given our off chance meeting today. He approved of me I could see, "Young lady, you are a stunner I'm certain your parents would have agreed!" Another hug and we parted. What an excellent way to start my day!

Reg hung up as I walked in. I told him about the Colonel knowing his dad had been Army too. He gave me a look, "You know there so many ways that Fay is so like Phil and not. Damn if you're not a nice person. Even kind to old Army duffers." We both laughed, "My folks are over the moon about the kid' their first grandchild. Rona warned me just yesterday that her parents and mine have to be on a short leash or the kid' going to be spoiled rotten!"

"You better put Auntie Fay and Uncle Cho on that list too." We did `fives!'

Andrea hugged me after her PA ushered me in, "Is your offer of housing in Bangkok still good?"

"Of course, just come whenever you want we have room. Sun screen! Are you ok on boats?" Good, no Dramamine needed!"

Reg, Rona and Andrea were coming to the country house for the weekend. We would leave after work Friday, return Sunday late afternoon. Prasert was quite happy about it. He had read all the Jane Austen novels and watched the movie of Sense and Sensibility. He was starting over on the books.

Eric, Reg and I with a few others sat in a conference for the next few hours going over all the aspects of the Regional Plan. At several important but sticky points I was reminded it had been my idea. Laughingly I turned to Eric who had to admit some ownership. We all worked forward knowing we had a Monday meeting with the Board. AND I was to be the `fall guy' I mean the presenter.

Cho was to be in after lunch to add his thoughts. I sat in the cafeteria with Tony and Karla, two very happy people. They had fully transitioned within The Company which gave them the assurance to take it further to their families. Each had met some resistance but overall it was positive. Karla's parents hadn't many illusions about their son, being Karla was a big step but they were able to take it. Her mother had been shocked finding Karla in bed with a boy but had decided to just get on, her dad, although a bit stiff, had told her she had to find her own way and if this was it so-be-it.

Tony's Dad was dead but her mom had wanted Grandkids. Tony tried to keep it chill and her mom was going with it now. Siblings were mixed but mostly good.

The Company had done them proud which was so important!

The afternoon meeting with Cho gave the Regional team an owner's perspective. What was in it for them? What were the risks? Who pays for the time local staff might contribute? And the use of the local resources, i.e. servers and other Computers. So much more, he had given it considerable thought.

The fact we had talked about it over coffee and buttered rolls this morning in my sunlit kitchen wasn't mentioned but Eric and Reg knew.

The comebacks were greater knowledge by local staffs, newest software and hardware levels, chance to influence development, local adaptions, etc... all of which Cho was more than willing to acknowledge had tremendous worth. The back and forth helped to refine goals, limits and methods in a jargon free discussion! The best!

I'd made a booking for dinner at Le Colombier in Chelsea. Ah yes from Cho. The maître d' remembered us because of Cho's marriage proposal. We had drinks and a good meal, excellent trout for me and a game hen for Cho. We relaxed, held hands with the arrival of the Disaronno and espresso.

We discussed Jian and Ting issues, would a marriage outside Thailand be workable at home? Cho had sent Ting to one of his lawyers so we would see but they're a pair forever for me. A smile from him, "Shall we all live together?" I said for my part YES but there were three other votes to be counted. Cho laughed, "My vote is YES also. It is fun to have them in the house. I know you love Jian! Ting and I go back to our boyhoods, quite young, very often living together."

As the morning sun streamed into my kitchen I wrapped myself around Cho saying our kitchen. The kiss was NICE! We melted against each other.

Slightly burned fingers getting the rolls out of the oven, they were licked and smooched as first aid. I was standing in the doorway to the garden listening to the birds do their morning drill, coffee and buttered roll as the arms snaked around. A chin on my shoulder, "Fay we have to come here frequently. It makes me feel you a bit differently, pieces of your past fitting in but not changing the you I love." He didn't let me turn around until he rained kisses on my neck and a bared shoulder. He got some butter on a brown cheek when I did.

Black heels, white skinny jeans, red with black polka dots short sleeved blouse, black accessories and Cho's onyx jewelry. I was holding a strap in the Tube behind black wayfarers looking at the people. A matronly lady got a seat from a middle aged working man who ended up next to me. I thanked him for being nice, "Dearie it just ain't right not to!"

`Fay Martin' on the door security read-out still made me laugh. Reg and I and some support staffers worked over the previous day's stuff putting it together in a draft. After a lunch with Rona and Reg at the Churchill Arms, I paid more attention to the food than the first time. It was very good! Amporn was better!!!!

The draft was ready; we worked it on our computers, doing markups and changes, sharing so we could see each other's ideas. We would work on it over the weekend. Eric gave it a quick review, made a few minor suggestions but was happy.

Prasert picked all of us up, our bags in the boot, off we go. We were chatterboxes all the way to the house. Prasert did his thing with the usual skill. The grocery stop added a weight to the car.

In the garden with a `Dog' and Cho, simply one of life's pleasures. The birds, a few butterflies and two squirrels all of us minding our own business.

Andrea and Rona were doing the cooking we were shooed out. Reg joined Cho and I for a walk around my property, wellies on. At Gwen's grave he got to see a bit more of me that Cho found out last trip. Prasert waved me into the garage apartment to taste his dinner, he was a good cook. Light rice and vegetables with a baked fish.

I threw on a hoodie as the evening chill arrived; Reg got the kitchen fire started. We sipped beer and ate a great vegetable casserole, cheese soufflé, good dark bread and grilled sole. Rona and Andrea were cheered and hugged for the fabulous meal. The coffee and Disaronno in front of the fire, good friends and Cho!

I had Cho flat on his back, naked oooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhh I rubbed my nakedness all over him, kissing and nuzzling all the good parts, ending in his arms kissing those lovely lips. Snuggled up under the covers, warm.

I watched the cardinal pair in the sunlight in the garden fitted with a hot coffee and a big chunk of bread and honey. Rona's arm around my waist, "Gawd aren't you cold." She shivered. My light robe and mules weren't much but it felt fine to be there!

Reg built the fire; we all sat there looking tousled and happy! Cho had trackies on and a knit hat, I teased him gently.

Reg and I got to work on the Regional plan; the others were driven by Prasert to Alton to shop. The plan was for a trip to Jane Austen's house then high tea at Cassandra's Cup across the road. Hopefully the sun would agree to attend so we could sit on their outdoor area.

I made a big pot of black tea to fuel Reg and me with a BIG pile of nutmeg cookies. The garden was bright, smelled so good with the borders alive in flowers. Ms. Pelletier's daughter, Sybil did a great job, it was a mild distraction for me.

Cho called, they would grab a bit of food in Alton but were sure to be back to go to Chawton. I heard the car in the drive as a background thing, Cho's arms around over the back of the bench made me JUMP! My MacBook would have flown but for his quick hands. A kiss mended me!

It had warmed up so... short shorts for the girls at least. Beryl, the nice lady at the Jane Austen house was glad to see me again. I paid and did my usual donation. I couldn't buy a novel for Prasert, he had them all now!

Their garden was so quiet! Sitting in the sun with Cho's hand in mine, quite nice. Andrea on my other side holding the other. A Small Copper butterfly lighted on my knee, he batted his wings a bit then just parked. Reg got a good snap of him and a few more when left to go to a flower in the border.

The staff at Cassandra's Cup welcomed us. We sat around the table in the sun, sipping tea, the wonderful scones, cakes and more. Cakeholes' opening, sweet things shoved in!

After our feeding a walk was proposed by me to help shift our new weight. The sheep grazing beside the cricket pitch weren't moving any faster than us. The fence didn't seem to be as much a deterrent as the very well rolled surface leaving little grass standing up to nibble. Reg took snaps of several thatched houses nearby including some of a fellow doing repairs. He was willing to tell us about how he learned the craft. His family had been doing it in the neighborhood for generations. I got his name and laughed, "You do my place in Lower Froyle." He had been there two years ago for a patch after a tree had gone down. "Yes, it was a nice old elm which gave out." Chance meetings seemed to be the theme of this visit home.

I was cook with help tonight. Baked salmon with new potatoes, braised broccoli with hollandaise, the great local bread, vanilla ice cream with strawberries. Coffee in the garden with Disaronno ended a really nice relaxing day despite the work.

I was the early riser on Sunday, coffee on, oven warming. Not as chilly but it warmed up when Andrea joined me hugging. "You know you might have gotten `lucky' with me once or twice if you weren't so nice!" I wasn't sure where to go with that bit of info. I didn't get the chance, "I would have been quite willing!"

"Shit Andrea now's a fine time to tell!" We laughed, "I was bound up inside and totally confused. Not about geography of a girl but not connected with my feelings very well." We hugged again, "I do like this iteration of you by the way!" More laughing as the rolls came out the smell of which had attracted a crowd. Good thing I'd put a bunch in, second batch. Coffee too!

Dressed for walking, wellies on, we wandered the neighborhood. Found a badger sett in the woods up the hill from my property. Mr. Reed, the farmer, kept his dogs away as we talked. He liked badgers and wouldn't let anyone on his property to disturb them. A couple of biologists had done some study in the area, they had been by but that's it.

Mr. Reed well remembered me with Gwen; he mentioned it as we walked a bit. "Miss Martin, you have made big changes, I do hope you are happy. You were a minor terror riding about as a kid. I lost a quite a few apples to you!"

I laughed, "Yes I'm happy," I pulled Cho along, "Cho and I are engaged!" I was thrilled with his hearty congratulations. He stopped, taking my hand, "My youngest, Aileen, you might recall her, is home with her girlfriend. They're an extremely happy couple!" Ah, it really hits home when it is at home!

"I'll mention meeting you to her." I said we're going back to town late this afternoon but I'd like to see her again.

He called his dogs, "I'll tell her."

We were in the garden when two riders approached the back fence. I went over to greet Aileen and her friend. She saw long legs coming out of my short shorts and a swath of brown tummy.

"Hi I was looking for Phil Martin?" I laughed, "You dad played a small trick on you. Hi! I'm Fay Martin." Aileen stared but took my hand. "No shit, I'll have to get dad back for this. This' Sue, my girlfriend." We shook too. "Your dad and I talked for a while," she waved her hand. "He's just in a prankster mood; he got us as soon as we came in the door saying he had to rush out the horses had got loose. We dashed to the barn and Clovis was staring at me from his stall right where he should be."

They joined us in the garden, intros all around. In the kitchen Cho poured Newcastle's for them, I told them we were engaged. They loved my Pearl! Aileen shook her head looking at Sue, "Dad said your fiancé was here but...well I thought you were her at first," we laughed again.

Aileen said she remembered my roaming about on Gwen; "Dad always liked seeing you enjoy the countryside. You were pretending doing things?" Yes, I said I only had Gwen to be with when you weren't around. We had been somewhat close; she knew how I was on my own at the house with a cook and cleaning lady most of the time. I would go up the hill to the private school; she would go the other way to the local school.

"My brothers weren't much fun! Too old. When you come down again go over to see mom I know she'd like to see you and know how you turned out which I have to say is pretty scrumptious."

I broke up, Sue gave her a pinch, Cho pointed out out I was taken but he understood! Aileen and I hugged chuckling, I pulled Sue in. They stayed for a bit of lunch. Horses came up again; I was offered the chance to ride whenever which was generous. Standing in field next to Clovis, Aileen's colt, was nice. He was quiet and friendly. "You always were good with animals." Cho held me as they rode off, "Nice people!" I nodded as his hands slid up under my top to cup my breasts, "But I'm not!" as I was tweaked! My squirming was to no avail as Cho held me tight. His lips on my neck, a soft `love!'

Prasert delivered us all to our doors in his usual superb style that evening. Parting words from Reg, "early, ok?" I did a thumbs up behind Rona's back as we hugged.

We walked to the White Horse instead of cooking. Newcastle's and fish and chips hit the spot!

Cho spooning behind me, so warm, nice to feel his cock on my skin!

I had to look good today for the Board of Directors. A summer frock, white sleeveless black checked dress, mid-thigh with black stockings and heels and accessories. Cho's onyx gifts and the dozen gold bands on my left wrist and forearm. And one big pearl! A black cardigan sweater with white piping on the edges all around. My black briefcase gift from Jian and Ting and a black leather purse, I had quite a few stares on the Tube and got a seat offered right away. I had on my black wayfarers so I could observe quietly.

Reg and I worked the presentation into final form. I got to do a run-through twice. Good! I prepared for questions.

A light lunch at Mazi around on Hillgate Street. Reg and I together as Eric was with the Board. Greek food, so we decided on a collection of tapas to share. The aubergine `jar' is the best, good bread. Walking back a fellow coming towards us tripped watching my legs not his steps. I had to help him up if only to make his discomfiture a bit less. Reg was laughing telling Jared at the front door. All Jared said was he could see why. I gave him a big smile.

Going into the board room I was dead calm. I was prepared, good text, good visuals and a good idea that co-incidentally was approved in principal already. I hadn't been at a level to hob nob with the board before. They were all men, older than Eric by a few years but willing to listen to a good argument for a project. They liked profits.

I went to it! It flowed as I had practiced, each bit fully explained and shortcomings clearly laid out. Cho's input explained. Costs, responsibilities and negotiation points! Benefits for all sides.

There were only a few questions which I handled except for one about something on sharing our software with the clients. Eric took that one.

After I was asked to stay. The board chairman made a very nice speech about me; I was betting Eric fed it to him. I was praised to the clouds and thanked in equal measure. At the end I found myself a deputy Managing Director with responsibility for half the planet. Eric had a shit-eating grin on his face. I was congratulated by the board members, got my hand kissed gallantly by several who must have been carried away forgetting I had been a different person once. No matter I was a success all around.

Sherry was produced and a few toasts were drunk! When it all broke up Eric hooked my arm, "I just had to do it!" Certainly not an apology. He was gloating on my surprise. Secrets!

In his office Eric explained the new products were quickly moving forward meant a shifting of responsibilities. Reg popped in, he was going to take over the new products and supervise the in house software development and hardware also as a deputy MD. The Regional jobs were now deputy MD's, me and Michael Robeson reporting to Eric. I liked Michael, he was due in but his flight was caught up in a wildcat strike by pilots in France. He had gotten on the Chunnel train and should be here soon. He was sure to have heard about me but we hadn't met for over two years.

The fourth deputy MD was Arthur as head of all Operations which including Personnel which Andrea was boss of now, the physical facilities which was the office buildings, warehouses, etc..., the supply train et al.

Reg took me aside, "Your idea about the waterways was great. We partnered with a Dutch hardware firm and the trial is going beautifully. They want to make a deal for global co-operation. Eric is ready!"

Michael came bounding in full of energy since he'd been sitting in planes and trains. He gave me a WOW! My hand in his as I did a 360 turn like the one at Suvarnabhumi Airport I'd done for Eric. He spun around to Eric, "Please hire more like Fay!" We all laughed.

The five of us sitting at the conference table looking happy. Eric gave us some paper but mostly verbally briefed us on the structural changes. Michael would do Europe, Africa and Southwest Asia. I had Asia from India over including Australia/New Zealand and the Western Hemisphere. We supervise all field workers, all installations, sales and relations with local companies and governments.

Later I sat with Eric and explained about my SRS and what it involved. Malee was due tomorrow morning. We made plans for a weekend trip to my country place with them and the usual crowd.

Reg had asked in the morning about dinner at his, Cho would pick us up. We were downstairs waiting, "So Miss Martin are you pleased?" I laughed out loud, "Yes but it's only a beginning," I raised my fists up, "someday I will have all the power!" We were hugging and laughing as Prasert drove up with Cho. He joined in when Reg told him.

My new `job' and Reg's were the topics of discussion throughout a delicious Rona dinner. Moist, luscious cod cakes in a creamy mushroom sauce braised vegetables and a simple but tasty fruit salad. Bread she'd baked with butter from a friend's farm in Northhamptonshire.

Her tummy had begun to show' quite a bit rather quickly. Her doc was pleased with her. We did the cleanup and yakked while the guys' played in the basement with the trains.

"I've been working ¾ time and may cut back more. I do like to have a job and riding in with Reg on the Tube is great but it can't last." We hugged and grabbed four glasses and the Disaronno. In the train room we shared our prize. I was over by the town which I had been partly responsible for building, Cho's arm around my waist, "I am going to start a train layout at our place. Will you help like you did for Reg?" I squirmed my butt back on him, "Yes it will be interesting to see if you can run your little trains on time like your big railroad." I squeaked after the slight pinch on my bum.

Rona and Reg were happy we were looking into being parents, "I'd lend you an egg but I'm out of that business for a while." She got a blown kiss.

At the front door, hugs kisses! Prasert smiling as we pulled away, we had surprised him when he was eating with a DVD of "Pride and Prejudice" done with Kiera Knightley. All I said was it's was more romantic than other versions.

At the cafeteria espresso bar on a break in the morning, Michael and I continued our discussion about the new jobs. Karla came by in some tight slacks and ankle boots and a sleeveless cutoff top. Sensational! Michael's eyes rotated in their sockets. I nudged him about paying since he said `my treat.' I teased him that she wasn't attached. Karla had told me last week that she was playing the field, a few dates but going easy. Michael stopped me on the stairs as I said that, "You mean it?" I affirmed it.

"Well excuse me for a few minutes." I laughed and fist bumps with him. Reg did some more of that nearly patented head shaking at the news. "At least you two will be Eric's problem now!" "OW! Cast off quickly when things get hot!" We both roared with laughter.

Michael came bouncing in, "I've got a dinner date for tonight! No scrounging in the fridge for me!" Our laughter continued.

"I best go and see Karla, give her a few tips."

"No, please let her find out all my foibles on her own! It will be a learning thing!"

Reg bailed at that. Michael sat looking at me; he was tall, very nice looking and had the fun air of being a decent fellow. "What?"

I smiled, "Was I staring?"

"You were and it was uncomfortable."

"Ah just sizing you up so I could give Karla a rating on the 1-10 scale to start with." He looked crestfallen, "I'm kidding, Michael! She's plenty sharp enough to do it without my kibitzing."

He smiled, "I remember when she was Karl. I'm not doing it on looks which happen to be incredible but that we had worked together once and the competence and professionalism was appreciated."

I let my miniskirt show some leg he laughed, "I would but I heard your fellow looked a bit tough." We chuckled, "I really like Karla, she's the lead of her team now! So be nice or I'll go for Turkey!" We were laughing now, his response was, "What is this a game of Risk?"

"Yeah! Or Diplomacy!" Eric came in on that note looking quizzical; I told him we were doing deals on parts of the world. All he said was play nice!

My comment `could we help with Malee tomorrow morning' brought his head up. I knew he had been busy so I had already asked Prasert to pick her up and Klahan would assist her. Eric looked like I was his savior but my mischievous side took over, looking at Michael, "That'll be Turkey and Greece!" Eric's PA Jodie stuck her head in at the noise our laughter made, Eric said it was alright we were re-oriented the world.

We got a software demo from Rodger who was Kay's husband Greg's European sales manager of their video conferencing App. It looked good to Eric and Michael; I told them The Railroad in Bangkok was going to implement it across their rail yard management teams. We, with our big spaces to cover, could make good use of it.

That evening we were having drinks on Adam DeClare's barge deck on the Thames. He was an old friend of my family, fifty, suave, sophisticated, so razor sharp folks hardly knew he'd scalped them because it was so cleanly done. He made his living getting Tories elected but only the ones he respected. It made him in demand but disliked by the scumballs he rejected. He couldn't care less.

His partner Daphne was so chill, she did the soothing afterwards. She could move between groups of people like a wisp of smoke, swirling. We sipped as the barge bobbed in somebodies wake. Then we crossed Cheyne Walk to The Painted Heron for dinner. Indian food at its finest. Daphne and I were piggies on their homemade paneer cheese with mango! Yes! Cho proposed they get a few staffers to carry us back over the road. DeClare's comment that the food intake didn't appear to have a material effect on us made us laugh. Daphne was thin as me. We linked arms to go back to theirs for after dinner drinks and the men to smoke cigars outside. Another couple from the next barge joined us, Lorena and Pam. Us girls chatted trying to stay up wind from the cigars.

Watching Cho and DeClare I had to wonder what they might cook up, a pair of sharpies like them.

I'd called DeClare after I had come back to the city the first time to re-introduce me. He'd a meeting near the Marble Arch and we met for lunch at Angelus Restaurant just off the Bayswater Road. He made the booking, the maître d' seemed to approve of my summer frock, sleeveless, white with yellow stripes, mid-thigh, yellow heels and bag.

As I approached the table DeClare looked up in passing interest but did a double take. He knew it was me and stood to welcome me. I took his hand, "Well so you remember old Fay Martin?" Just to get my name out. He smiled, "Unforgettable!"

We sat looking at each other, he was unflappable like my dad, they'd worked together. "I say, you are quite something to see! Can I get the condensed version over lunch ..."

I did give DeClare the sharply abridged story. He was rapt, "Fay, it all seems very romantic, dangerous and compelling. You going to write a book?" My reaction to that seen on his face was classic. My expletive spoken sotto voce gave him a huge smile! "Good, god knows we don't need another tell-all autobiography although yours would have greater currency."

He wanted to meet Cho so dinner was arranged this trip. Daphne had been briefed about me since it even longer between meetings by us. She was quite happy for me, loved my sleek black dress and accessories. Cho's onyx bangles delighted her, Daphne was so into big jewelry.

Us girls up wind leaning on the rail, talked miscellaneous topics, Pam and I got into old b/w movies. We both loved the style of the women in the noir movies, wonderful clothes, sleek bodies. She was astounded I wasn't a cis-woman and grabbed Lorena's arm. Daphne smiled slipping against me, "So is Fay ok?" They admired my looks and Pam being the more forward suggested sex any time which had us all laughing out loud, Lorena almost barking. The guys gave us questioning looks, Daphne merely asked for more liquor all around.

In the car Cho mentioned he was meeting DeClare tomorrow for lunch, I gave him my `what's up' look, he smiled and said horses. Ah, DeClare was a breeder and racer; he owned a good deal of blood stock and property. My Gwen had come from him so many years ago. Thinking of her shut me down until Cho's hand enveloped mine, I told him. He kissed me, "Then we have to get a sweet mare from him for our family." I was wet eyed for the remainder of the trip home.

We were up early to wait for Malee. Klahan and Prasert would deliver her to my place as Eric had an EARLY start at meeting in Cambridge. The plan was Eric would come to dinner and pick her up.

It was to be a fine warm day so I was in black short shorts and a daisy yellow cutoff top and black ankle boots from Nordstrom's to wait for Malee, Cho had taxied to his solicitors. I got a text from Klahan and met Malee at the curb. She had a huge smile as Klahan handed her out. Big hug! Her bags in the entryway.

"So how do you feel? Up to going out?" She had sleep a lot on the flight so was ready to do things. She changed into short shorts and a cute top with iridescent hummingbirds with some tummy showing too.

We decided to go SHOPPING! Prasert dropped us on the Brompton Road outside of Harrods. A good place to start! I wanted food but would wait. Malee had a professionals' attitude about the store and its various offerings. We wandered going into all the woman's clothes shops. I called Prasert to get something to eat as we headed to Harrods Tea Room. Nice little sandwiches, tasty sweet things, we packed away a good deal. Our server was a nice lady, a brief chat, 30 years there.

We went across to a Burberry shop, Malee enjoying just looking at the store and furnishings. Prasert took us on to Fortnum & Mason.

Serious food buying here. Fish, cheeses, crackers, spices, tea, cookies. I got a dozen tins of their wonderful cookies to be delivered to the The Company for tea time. Some for us too.

Several boxes of soft-center chocolates. Some for me, a nice assortment box of dark chocolates to be delivered to Daphne as a thank you. She loved them! NO to chocolate covered insects though. A yeech from Malee. Understandable!

We got it all in Prasert's car. Cho called to see how we were doing. We picked him on the way home with a quick stop at the greengrocer's.

Poached fish, grilled vegetables, bread and butter, with several cheeses and fruit for after's. Eric's arrival was great! They had a lovely kiss in the entryway. Drinks, dinner and sitting in the garden. Coffee, liqueurs and a few chocolates. Mrs. Blatchly had come over for the clean-up so we could have time with Malee and Eric.

I bought Prasert a new book, pictures of Jane Austen places across Southern England. He ate dinner flipping through it. Mrs. Blatchly looking after him.

Eric and Malee were delivered to his place by Prasert before he headed south of the river to home. Cho was using him in the morning.

Cho's lunch with Adam DeClare had been enjoyable. They met at a private club not far from `the Spectator's' office in Old Queen Street, DeClare did some writing for them. DeClare had a membership, excellent food and a good wine. Quiet, they talked horses. Cho would consider shipping Glaa to England for racing if he came out of his next race well. DeClare offered to host in his barns with staff. He liked that Glaa had a fine turn of speed and courageous to fight his way forward. DeClare mentioned he had several top-notch jockeys around.

I could see Cho was intrigued with idea of expanding on Glaa's success but he'd have to consider how the weather might affect the horse before deciding. Adam had put a bee in his bonnet about shipping to America next year; Glaa was only 2 years old. He might race enough to earn sufficient points to qualify for the Kentucky Derby which I could see had wheels turning Cho's head. Quite an amazing thought I had to agree. Would be nice to see it happen!

I got Cho to drop me at Eric's in the morning. Malee and I used the Tube to visit some touristy places, the Tower, Trafalgar Square and parts of the National Gallery.

Cloudy so I dressed in washed-out blue skinny jeans, white men's style t-shirt and a "Lee" jean jacket, brown ankle boots and my brown belt with the big `X' buckle. Malee was in tight blue jeans, long sleeved white shirt and a red vest.

We had lunch at The Clarence on Whitehall at Great Scotland Yard. Lots of suits from government offices around. We got plenty of looks which Malee had a laugh at, "We are standing out! Maybe we need to wear old fussy dresses?"

Me laughing, "I don't own any!" We bumped fists as our waiter come up; I explained it and was surprised by his saying we were a beautiful change of pace! Cheers! We left a nice tip!

Hand in hand we wandered down Whitehall to Downing Street. The red-coated guard was being snapped by some tourists. The baleful policemen at the black gate entrance to Downing Street, machine guns at the ready were definitely not touristy. Malee loved the Palace of Westminster in all its gothic glory. We did several hours in Westminster Abbey; Malee loved the centuries of history confined there.

The sun was weakly shining as we strolled towards the Thames. Eric was taking her out tonight location unknown but that it was a bit fancy. Got a black cab to his place on Christchurch Street.

I called him to ask where; I wouldn't tell Malee but to help her dress. Medlar's on the King's Road in Chelsea. OK, nice frock but not too fancy. She had a midnight blue mid-thigh sleeveless dress with a swath of tiny pearls across the bodice. Black pumps and bag. Nice silver dangling earrings and a bracelet.

As she dressed Cho agreed to a takeaway from our local Indian restaurant, we had the beer!

Eric came home, me on the settee with a Campari. He laughed, "Well how was the day?" I gave him a précis. Malee came out looking fine! Eric lit up! They kissed!

My cab came, a kiss and hug and good wishes. A reminder about the weekend and tomorrow's car pickup.

I was in Cho's lap in the garden after our takeaway was consumed. I was lightly kissed and petted! We closed up and I found myself over Cho's shoulder on the way upstairs! Put down next to the bed, slowly stripped. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM Kissed on all my skin.

I returned the favor. Kneeling with a mouthful of cock! What a way to end the day. As Cho firmed up his fingers gave me a nice scalp massage. Hard dick! I enjoyed it. On my back Cho spreading me open, SHIT it felt good. Those balls against my skin always gave me a shiver. I was stuffed! His gentle beginnings opening me to his prick made the strong thrusts later be good for us both.

I was rolled onto my side Cho had my right leg against his chest stroking into me, hips flashing hard on me. He gradually moved me to my belly. Laying over me cock buried in my pussyass, he did power pushups. As he came closer to cumming he was driving hard taking my breath away. He stopped, lifting my hips he straddled me, driving straight down his balls slapping on my skin like pistol shots. OOOOOOOOHHHHHHHH yes! I burned! It was wonderful receiving his cock! Sweat drops hitting my back like rain as my orgasm swept up my stomach, my face flushed with the heat Cho yelling out! "FAY FAY FAY!!!!!!"

He was rigid deep inside me my muscles tensed to grip him! He stayed for a minute then slowly lowered himself as I slid flat. I squirmed under him my pussyass trying to squeeze his last drops out!

Cho's wet heaving chest against me was so enjoyable, knowing he'd fucked me good and pleasured himself! We wound down for a while. Quiet but getting a chill, we got under the covers, my face in his neck pressed full length together. Sleep in Cho's arms, sweet!

We kissed over the newspaper and crumbs from the rolls. Cho was off to look at two properties, me on the Tube. Skinny blue jeans, sleeveless white top with tummy showing, brown ankle boots and brown bag. My weekend things in the boot of Prasert's biggest car with Cho's.

At Parson's Green Tube station an older fellow doffed his hat to me. I blew him a kiss. Got a smile in return. Crowded but easier without the arm issue.

Arthur was going in the front door of The Company office with me, "We've not had anyone else seeking to make changes. Is three our number or...?"

"Well it may be since we three have been made welcome with no reservations so no barriers. People have to feel the need and safe! With me I didn't have a choice. Oh, I think Andrea is a smashing pick! Good on you!"

Arthur smiled, "It was easy, she has got a great mind and attitude for the work."

Michael and I met with Eric right away. He gave us some guidelines on dealing with local companies. We were to have the Foreign Office briefing at 1030 as planned. The fellow they sent was dark suited, pin stripes, slicked back hair. I thought 1960's! Fortunately he was sensible and full of info we could use. Foreign governments like their local companies building infrastructure but many of the rail systems are state monopolies so it changes the dynamic, the same for other industries. With newer technologies there's always a push to have technology transfers to the host country but her Majesty's Govt. wasn't in favor of that without a complete review of the strategic and political implications.

He was good. We had a tea/coffee break. In the cafeteria we got lattes and sat. I asked about the clothes since what I wore had become so important to me. He said he looked upon it as a uniform, worn to be part of the whole and fit in. His wallet came out from the jacket pocket and showed me a snap of two guys' arms around each other in Speedos. HOT! He and his partner. They were down low to some degree because of the job and his bosses, some of who were gay too but still Quiet about it! The word he said was politics. Got it!

He gave us resources to use here in the city and contacts at each embassy overseas. Huge list but it was also a DOCfile he'd send. Michael and I thanked him and asked about a lunch next week which he was good with as long as we could do it somewhere near his office in Whitehall. I mentioned eating at The Clarence; he said that would be fine. Tuesday 1'ish.

Eric got the short version later from us. I took Michael around the corner to The Churchill for Thai. He enjoyed himself, "I like to be out with pretty girls." "Speaking of that how was..." He smiled, "We had a blast! Eating Greek then a movie. That was a failure though, we tried the Hobbit by Jackson but it was dreadful. Fake looking CGI graphics and he changed the story again which was silly. We had enough after thirty minutes or so. We went to Raffles; I'm a member' and danced. She's quite good. Great times!" We did fives' laughing!

After lunch I went up to the Mac APP folks to swap my iPad for a newer one to keep. I slipped onto the edge of Karla's desk; she gave me an up from under look, "Yes?" I smiled. She giggled, "We had fun! He's nice and quite the gentleman. I got kissed but it was chaste but warm. We're going out tonight!"

I kissed her cheek, "Raffles?" "Oh he spilled the beans did he? Well it wasn't planned but terrific!"

We planned lunch next week while Michael and I were still in town.

Cho came into my old office; I was cleaning it out so someone else could take it. Not much I needed, the historical paper stuff would be checked against the digital files and recycled if redundant.

I got kissed which was nice. We gathered Andrea, Reg and Eric. Malee was waiting; she'd been picked up at Eric's. Rona popped around from her work. Loaded and off!

It was a big car but Prasert handled it like a Mini. We made good time, shopping in Alton then to my house. Cho was going to do his kebabs; the other bits came from Rona with Malee. Eric and Reg did the fire and opened the Newcastle's.

It had been dry so I went as I was across the fields to the Reed's farm. Rose, the missus, watched me come from a chair outside her kitchen. I got a terrific hug, "Damn if old Reed wasn't right about you!" She held me at arm's length, I spun slowly. "Fay is it? Well, you're welcome again here! Quite a bit of change in a year or so! Aileen and Sue will be down too." We chatted some about my folks but more on me. I gave her the condensed version, more romance less intrigue. I told her I'd bring Cho up so she could meet' him. It was like Rose wanted to approve. My heart had a deep warm spot for her. Many things she had done for me in a kind unassuming way. Aileen and Sue arrived as I was going, hugs and a come down for a drink' was spoken.

Ah, the wafting of delicious smells told me dinner was well in progress when I got back. Newcastle in hand sitting with Reg in the garden, we toasted. He nudged me, "Talk to Rona about the kid when you get a chance, ok?" I nodded and shrugged when he wouldn't tell what was up.

After all the feeding, smashing food as usual, I hooked Rona's arm and pulled her out to the front steps. She said it wasn't some deep thing; just they wanted me to be a godmother of a sort without the ceremony and give their girl `Fay' as part of her name. We kissed, "Yes, an ultrasound this morning. All is well!"

Well, I'm certainly spreading the name around! Not bad for a lady who was loved by a hairy guy only 36 inches high.

Saturday morning after breakfast I walked over to the Reed's. Aileen and I went out for a ride. Nothing strenuous, just a gentle ramble around visiting places from our youth. She was so happy with Sue; they were planning to get married in the fall. Her brothers weren't keen but her dad `spoken' to them!

We had a nice ride, her mare Molly was sweet and gentle and a nice horse. We brushed them, a bit of combing and she had a few apples which went over big. She and Sue would come for drinks before dinner.

Prasert had the car ready, we drove to Chawton. Eric had never been, Malee had read Pride and Prejudice and loved the idea of being in Jane Austen's home. Beryl's face was funny; she mentioned that they should be giving me frequent flier miles or something. I hugged her and bought a copy of Northanger Abbey for Malee.

In the bright sunlight on a bench Cho's arm over my shoulders, "Fay I like this visit to Jane each time. Peaceful and lovely." I snuggled against him, warm, happy and contented.

We went home via the fishmonger's in Alton, several pounds of Dover sole heavier! I did the fish, dredged, breaded, ready for baking. Andrea did veggies; I made a simple mixed fruit salad. Cho cut the bread, Eric kibitzing to make the slices big.

During all this Aileen and Sue came over. They sat watching sipping Newcastle's learning everyone's jobs and such. Rona's being with child caught their interest. They were considering kids. They had to go back home, family dinner.

We were all piggies, the fish turned out wonderfully under a light béarnaise sauce, it all disappeared. The following coffee, sweet tidbits of cake and ice cream and Disaronno filled in the empty corners!

At bed time I was sitting with Andrea on the fold out couch, "Fay..." she slipped her arm around my waist, we cuddled, "will me arriving in two weeks or so be ok?" I kissed her, "You bet!" hugs, I tucked her in.

On my side naked in Cho's arms, lots of kisses, "I have a surprise for you at home. I am telling you now to build the excitement before we return on Thursday." I tickled, cajoled, begged, sucked cock but to no avail. No more info! Shit! Cho rolled me over on my belly laying on me, his wet cock in my pussycrack. We fell asleep like that as our matched breathing acted as a soporific. I awoke in the dark, Cho half over me, warm and comfy sleep came back soon. The morning light got me up, Cho on his side. He must have stirred at some point as he left a small piece of paper on my robe with just a smile drawn on it.

I left it on the kitchen counter as I did the coffee and heated the oven. Andrea came in in her t-shirt and panties sleepwear, she shivered. I wrapped her in my arms but her fingers got inside my little robe. Her fingers were COLD on my skin and she did some exploring of my nakedness. "Oh Fay you have such nice skin, soft and smooth! These rings are cute." AAAAHHHH as the nipples responded! I tried to escape but we were too entangled, my defense became offense. Her slender bod was groped back. We giggled and were about to call a truce when Rona showed up. She laughed out loud as she threw open her robe and joined in. We squealed, laughed, giggled and squirmed about as Malee stuck her head in, we rushed her and the cute little robe I given her was no defense at all. We ended up hugged in a foursome, panting, tears running down our faces, mostly naked and deliriously happy.

We had to straighten up as we heard men moving about. Cho came in on the last of it though laughing his head off. He gallantly pickup up Andrea's lost panties and offered them to her with a bow. She was hiding behind me giggling. I handed them over my shoulder; she wiggled in and dashed off. Malee was sitting in Rona's lap, me on Cho as Eric and Reg arrived wanting coffee.

I poured and places were exchanged, rolls finally in the oven. The rest of breakfast was more decorous but filled with laughter as Cho described our morning start. With the sun out we piled into the garden gobbling buttered rolls, fruit and coffee.

Malee and Eric joined us all in a walk about. We trod over lots of acreage with a stop for tea at the Reed's. Rose liked meeting everyone especially Cho who she had a brief aside conversation with him for a few minutes. Then she went inside.

I was leaning on the fence beside Aileen with Rona against my back. We talked about growing up here and my parents. Aileen knew them as much as anyone could; we'd been close since her brothers weren't friends to me or have much to do with her. Taking my hand, "Fay let's keep in touch now. I know you're off soon but..." I squeezed that hand, "You and Sue should come out to Bangkok!"

Rona seconded that, "We had a great time. Lovely house, fun city, boating and the nighttime entertainment!" Aileen moved close, "I'll ask Sue. I would like to get away soon! A far trip sounds good." We exchanged emails and phone numbers!

After a late lunch spread we did some cleaning and closing up. I gave Mrs. Pelletier's number to Eric and Reg so they could come out to the house when they wanted.

Prasert made all the stops depositing folks around west London as it got dark.

Comments welcome: abecker60@yahoo.co.uk

Next: Chapter 38

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