
By A becker

Published on Feb 3, 2015


We motored the short way up through Upper Froyle and Lower Froyle to my house. White stucco two floor with thatched roof sitting on a small rise above grassy fields, a few out buildings and the carriage house that has a slate roof. Quaint, cozy house with some family knick-knacks. We unloaded; Prasert opened the apartment to air it. He came over to me, "Miss Martin, it is quite nice with a fine bed."

Good, he's taken care of! The others dumped their stuff and began to organize lunch. I went to the side to look at my new well. I could hear the fluttering's of a helicopter not too common but it wasn't loud. As I turned back it was much noisier. It was over the woods to the east and coming on a straight line to pass overhead. Then it slowed, a half turn and it closed up to the house flaring for landing in the nearest field.

What the hell! The door opened and a man stepped out. Cho!


I heard myself yell out his name. I flung my body into his arms, the kiss!! I clung to his lips. He finally disengaged me to get his bags and say something to the pilot. We walked towards the house, Prasert had come around to see the helicopter, and the others were at the front door.

I proudly made the introductions with a squeeze of my hand by Andrea with her eyes big! Reg and Rona grabbed Cho's bags. We all ended up in the kitchen which was my favorite room in the house. Big floor to ceiling windows which opened out to the garden and a large fireplace made for huge logs.

Surprises! Secrets! Cho said he had planned it all along, ticketed and helicopter hired.

We bustled around making sandwiches and extras. With the sun we all sat around in the garden and I gave Cho a freshly poured glass of Newcastle Brown with a nice head on it. A sip and a pause, then half went down. We had a new `Dog' lover!

We munched, Cho gave me the news from Bangkok that everyone was fine, Jian missing me.

We talked about my reception by the Company and my friends. He loved Reg being gob smacked and Rona seeing my demeanor as a different. Andrea's having me spin around so she could get a look at me.

Cho being the man he is receives a fine welcome by my old friends. We chatted in the sun for quite a while. I gave Cho a tour of the house, his bags in my room. He found the house comfortable and handsome to look at. That it was thatched fed his English country life fantasies.

We sat on the window seat in the front room, "I had to come, first you were here and I knew I would miss you too much. AND it has been a while since my last trip here."

"But if you missed me that much how will we do if I travel for work?"

"I will get prepared, now I have only had you back for too short a time." I could see his point. I sat in his lap, my fingers ruffling his dark hair looking into eyes that looked back at me with love and devotion. I slid my good arm around his neck leaning to kiss! Lingering over those lovely lips. He enjoyed mine.

"You like my house? I hope so!"

"I do! It's homey and comfy. I like the kitchen especially!"

"Me, too! Would you go with me for a short drive?"

The others wanted to come when I proposed a visit to Chawton. It's a favorite spot of mine; I always go there when I'm at the country house. After the short drive we climbed out across the street from the old brick building; I took Cho's hand as we walked to the little entry room. I proudly paid for us all plus a donation.

"Jane Austen lived here?" Cho marveled at the thought. We stood looking at her little work table my thoughts always going back to the pleasures I received from her novels when I was young. They fed my English history fantasies!

Rona's hand on my shoulder, "Nice! I always like coming to visit this house with you. You really connect don't you?"

Smiling, I nodded. "Ever since I was a kid!"

We wandered through the rooms and finally out to the sunny garden. I sat with Cho, Prasert came out last, "Miss Martin, do you know if she has been translated into Thai?"

I didn't know but we went in to ask. They knew of none. Too bad. Prasert's spoken English was very good but his reading may not be up to the nuances of Jane Austen. I did buy him a copy of `Sense and Sensibility' to make a start.

We were all holding hands in the sun, smiling friends!

A stop at a fishmonger in Alton got us a nice big salmon. I was to be the cook tonight!

Standing at my front door with Cho, we both had Browns and the view down the green fields was soothing before the bustle in the kitchen. Andrea was my assistant in charge of the vegetables. Rona was the fruit person with Reg on bread. Cho got to kick back and watch it all.

We served outside, roasted salmon with a caper butter, sautéed potatoes, carrots, onions, broccoli in olive oil and snips of rosemary from the garden. Local dark bread with butter. Fruit sliced into a sweet plain yoghurt sauce. We had a nice white French Bordeaux from the cellar.

Aaaaaahhhhhh! A lovely evening! When it got chilly we lit a fire in the kitchen, coffee aroma filled the room, my stock of Amaretto took a considerable hit!

Naked on my back holding Cho's body a lot of kissing took place. I murmured in his ear my love and affection with some downright lust in there too. We kissed for a while then Cho happily propped me up and slid in close on the other side. Sleeping sweetly with my man's warmth.

It was like an enchantment to stand in my sunny garden in a silk kimono robe with coffee and a big hunk of buttered bread listening to the bird's conversations. Andrea was the first to come out steam rising from her mug, "Fay it's a bit of a dream isn't it?"

My smile told her how I felt, "Yes, I've given up pinching myself though."

Reg popped his head out, "Fay I remember Eric on the phone saying Fay once then changing it to Phil."

"He did, too bad it didn't have a bigger impression on you or maybe you wouldn't have been so gob smacked!"

Rona came up at that, "Well I was bowled over too."

My prince came out, "Ah, I have the advantage of you all, I've never know her in any other guise."

I stuck my face in Cho's warm neck as we hugged. General chatting took place as we fed ourselves and wandered about. There was still a pair of cardinals living in the birdhouse back out by the old oak.

Washed up and in a pair of my white short shorts with a pale blue short-sleeve cutoff blouse and dark blue sling scarf as the day was going to be warm. Rona gave my legs a thumbs up. Andrea said something about seeing them before with a few light hairs.

Cho and I tramped around my demesne in wellies. Showed him places where I had played as a boy. We stopped at the somewhat bedraggled stables unused for so many years. I'd had a quiet wonderfully intelligent mare named Gwen who'd carried me on a boy's imaginary expeditions far and wide over the neighboring countryside. She'd been smart enough to keep me out of trouble. I cried at 16 when Gwen died. I was closer to her than any other living creature. We stood beside where she was buried, he held me very tight, "Do you come over here every time also?"

I nodded, closely clasped against him, "Then remember her and I will keep you in my arms."

At that I cried, Cho's personal warmth like a balm giving me license to release some of my pain.

He offered his handkerchief, "I have damaged a few of these lately. Thank you! It's the first time I've shared this spot. The others don't know about Gwen."

We walked back to find lunch had been thrown together, I went to fix my face. Andrea stuck her head in, "Fay, you ok?"

"Yes just a bit emotional about being here this time. And Cho!"

I made an effort to be merry at lunch in the sun; we did sink a few Newcastle's as we weren't driving. Prasert had checked the car and filled the petrol tank. We all fumbled around cleaning and closing up. I left a note for Mrs. Pelletier thanking her for taking care of the place and that I may be back before going out of the country again.

Standing by the car in the late afternoon light just looking at the house Cho beside me, "I'm part of two countries' but I feel more together as one person than I have felt for a long while. Thank you!" We kissed, then cheek to cheek.

We all seemed to have private thoughts during the drive back, talk was desultory. I thanked Prasert for his excellent driving and hoped he hadn't been too bored. He had walked a bit, seen some English country which unusual for him but nice and the Austen book was very good so far. He didn't like the older brother or his wife though!

That got a big smile from me.

I opened the door for us and led my man into my second home. I kissed him in the entry and took his hand giving him another tour. We stopped at various places when Cho asked about something or a painting. We paused for a while in front of a portrait of me at 7. I was amazed how much like me it was considering the tediousness of sitting for it. Cho kissed my cheek, "A fine face even then!"

We decided to eat at The White Horse. We took an easy stroll around my neighborhood, Eel Brook Common to the east then down nearby streets to the pub, a very nice 30 minutes. I grabbed a table outside, Cho got Newcastle's, we sipped considering what to eat. We both had their grilled flounder in a sherry sauce, tasty. No cute server this time. We shopped for breakfast, rolls and fruit.

I knelt naked beside the bed holding that wonderful cock against my cheek, nuzzling. So warm, soft full of sexual promise. I went to work to awaken it. I wanted to be fucked but the arm made that too difficult so my mouth did its part lovingly.

Wet cock stroked, foreskin slipped back to let me have the cockhead! I enjoyed the heated crown then caressed it with my thumb lightly on the frenum as those delightful balls were sucked, made slick by my tongue I popped them in and out with gusto enjoying the sound they made. Cho's balls such a perfect size for my mouth. They are so warm it's like taking Cho's temperature to suck at the heated orbs.

Deep throating Cho's penis was MMMMmmmm; I liked rubbing my nose in his soft pubic hair with a mouthful. I cupped his ass with my good hand, feeding myself his sex! Cho thrashed around as I hoovered his cock, the duvet was punished by his grip.

I got him to turn over, kissing that cute taut ass then sliding my tongue down the crack to the rosebud. Happy noises from Cho as I applied myself to the tiny ribbed button. Wet and softened, one finger went in! On my back under him I sucked his cock finger fucking him throughout.

He was almost bouncing now my suction rapidly brought him to climax. His first orgasmic shot was big splashing onto my tongue but sliding down my throat immediately. The next wads followed the same course.

My finger wasn't letting up nor was my mouth. In his cumming I nearly got my bad arm crushed but avoided it. Cho was loudly calling out my name but what came after was incoherent but unmistakable! I let Cho down easy rolling him over keeping the cock. I gave him my wickedest cock in the mouth grin! The finger came loose.

Cho lay back I nuzzled into his crotch, kissing and licking all over him. His fingers in my hair tugged until I stopped. My face buried against the soft sex murmuring my happiness.

It was a while before I was pulled up to lie over him. Warm cuddling!

On top of him looking down I stroked his hair back, looking into those brown eyes, "Today when we were at Gwen's grave ... it was the most intimate moment I have shared with anyone since I was young. Thank you so much for coming! I needed you to be there with me!"

Cho kissed me, it seemed like we had indeed moved to a new plane, a place where I'd never been before. I had found love! The real kind! The everlasting!

My face against his, his strong arms holding me. We stayed like that until the evening chill moved us.

I washed and slipped into a nightie, Cho propped my arm with pillows, sleep came tenderly.

We sat in my kitchen smiling at each other chomping on warm buttered hard rolls. Sunny room, sweet fruit, strong hot coffee everything delightful.

"Fay I'm using Prasert to go do some business stops. Would it work to pick you up in the afternoon?"

I told him it was possible depending on when Reg and I finished meeting with the OS X Server folks.

I got kissed goodbye at the door. "You look great!" Red skinny jeans with big brown belt and a gold `X' for a buckle, green short sleeved blouse, brown ankle boots, red scarf sling that had gold beads.

I got a seat on the tube from a very hot looking middle aged fellow, built so well a suit couldn't hide it! I stopped at a Waterstones' for another Jane Austen book for Prasert, this time `Pride and Prejudice.'

The ID swipe showed me as `Fay Martin' CHEERS! Reg waved me over as he talked on his phone, he mouthed out Eric. I waited, then he thrust the phone at me...

"Eric, Hi! Yes, everything is great! Cho? You knew? More secrets! Yes. I'm more than OK with it! Yes, I'll help as long as I'm here. The iPad App looks great and I'm testing it some more today. Fine, here's Reg." Dropping things in my office I went up to the Mac App folks.

Karla was standing beside a desk looking quite cute. Summer dress, yellow and blue, blue heels, very light makeup, she'd never need much. She was talking in a very animated way with the fellow at the desk until she saw me. Then a quick pat on his shoulder before coming over to me.

I twirled my hand; she smiled spinning around, "So how do I look?"

I told her how good! Her lady friend helped all weekend to get ready to unveil herself. Everyone had been so good. Douglas had sent her to Personnel right away for a new ID. A fellow in the admin dept. had given her a short quiet wolf whistle before he did her ID picture. Nothing bad just a boost!

We chatted for a few minutes until a coworker interrupted to ask Karla a User Interface question. I hugged her and went downstairs. Reg waved at me again, no phone this time.

The OS X Server people asked that I try to login some more. I spent the next several hours probing the test site, doing my best to ask it to do too much! It stuck its digital tongue out at my efforts and kept on going. Jared sitting with me was pleased but wary. Not enough data yet. I called Kavnu, he would setup an FTP data drive to allow us to suck some of the test stuff over.

Kavnu said he and Ni were great! The BangBamru job was nearly over, all OK! He was letting Tarek and Rokson lead it today. Good, if they really needed help he wasn't on the moon.

I was about to pick up the iPad again when my iPhone rang. The solicitors in The City with news! The US lawyers had finished their part, my birth certificate was changed! I'm a woman to the world. They said it would be a few days to complete their business then a wait for a new passport. The land registrations would take a few weeks but would only be a matter of bureaucracy. They congratulated me. Any papers I needed to sign they will be ready tomorrow and anything required by property changes could be faxed or mailed.

I planned for a morning visit which was fine with them. 10 AM.

Reg gave me a hug and took me to Clarke's Restaurant down Kensington Church St. to celebrate. Sea bass with new potatoes and nice Loire Valley chardonnay.

We stopped at the Cupcake Company on the way back. I bought five dozen mixed cupcakes for folks at the office. I went around with Karla helping handing out the cupcakes. Lots of smiles and Karla got to be seen alongside me so everyone would know. A great success!

Arthur took me aside laughing, "Fay, what a fabulous idea. Maybe you should be working in Personnel!"

Funny how so many people like me and my ideas AND think I should be working with them! Something must be wired right upstairs after all!

The OS X Server folks were happy I couldn't `break' the test server and my idea to grab data from Kavnu added a lot to the test. Kavnu had been marking every bit of rolling stock that came through his yard for weeks, printing labels like a fiend. Tarek had all staff members participating.

We went on about what training I might need which didn't seem to be much, what kind of team to send to Bangkok. What had to be ready for the server installs: a prepared room, power requirements, internet and physical security, etc...?

We took a tea break, Jared buying me a latte downstairs, "I gather you have been proposed as the Asia region head?" I said yes, "Well it means to us someone around some of the time who's got Mac knowhow. An important consideration!"

I told him I thought it much better to have several Railroad people completely trained rather than rely on my being around. Travel? He got it, "We have to decide which persons get trained and how it is to be paid!" I let him know that I had several possible candidates in Bangkok. He liked that!

My idea was simple, The Company pays for the training as a cost of doing business, the home company would pay for lodging and food, travel, etc... for the trainees. We could, after the buildup, have remote sites for trainees to go, like say Bangkok once the dust settled and the local companies agree to host.

We talked for a while longer, Cho called about picking me up. I said yes. But didn't say anything about the Washington news! Secrets!

I asked about a good nearby French restaurant Reg suggested Le Colombier in Chelsea. I got a booking for an outside table.

Prasert pulled up out front right on time, he waited as I told Cho about my dinner idea. Cho loved French food so it was an easy sell. Prasert knew the area so we were off. The Maître d' was welcoming; our table as I asked was in a corner. Cho had a sherry and I a Campari and soda. We relaxed and I waited on my news.

We shared a baked brie pastry, flaky! We decided on dinner, I was the Dover sole meunière and a bit unusual Cho chose a filet mignon. It was over the cheese and fruit that I took his hand, looking into those eyes, "Dear Cho, if you don't mind, I am now a woman in the eyes of the government of the United States of America!"

A huge smile, he pulled me up with him for a sweet kiss! The waiter came over thinking we needed something, "No we are fine. We are going to get married!" The poor man was astounded by Cho's declaration.

"It's fine! Good news you think?" Our waiter broke into a grin; he got it and congratulated us. He went over to the maître d'.

Before that fellow came to us, Cho had a sort of lop-sided grin, "It is ok with you?"

Tears now, all I could do was nod and smile.

The maître d' was happy for us and we chose to do it here. The next table raised their wine glasses in a toast to us. We settled down, coffee and amaretto served. Lots of smiles all around.

Prasert was very happy for us. He'd be back in the morning to pick me up.

We sat in the dark in the garden holding each other, we no longer needed to talk. We were one!

Too late to call people but the morning would be busy.

I fell asleep in his arms.

Starting my day with a mouthful of buttered roll in the garden with Cho! Pretty good!

Even better when I told Mr. Keren about the U.S. and us! I asked if he would give me away whenever we managed to get the marriage thing to happen. There was a bit of silence which had me worried for a moment then I knew he would, "Fay I would be honored to take you to Cho to be married." I think I really gob smacked him for once.

Cho sitting there hearing my end was shaking his head, "There is something about you Fay, some magic, it is lovely to be around." I sat in his lap, kiss kiss!

Jian started crying with my news, we talked for a while about all sorts of things but she was still mopping her eyes when we rang off.

White linen sleeveless dress, wide black belt, black stockings in black heels. Cho's black onyx bracelet and ring. Hair with the point well down my cheek now left eye playing peek-a-boo. Jian and Ting's briefcase gift and black purse with big gold question mark as clasp deposited at the solicitors by Prasert.

The secretary giving me a warmer welcome this time with a compliment about my outfit and tea. The lawyers saying it was all about time now. Paper copies of my new birth certificate will here later today. They will deed poll change my name which could be as long as two weeks for the properties paperwork. I signed a `gender recognition certificate' so it would go with Dr. Thannet's documents and the deed poll to Her Majesty's Passport office. Voila!

I told the lawyers they may have another lady to assist but it was up to her. They both said at the same time it was fine and that they'd do it for the same arrangement with Mr. Thoi. Good for Karla if she wants.

US lawyers have a new pic of me and signed form, so the passport will be along whenever the wheels turn.

Phillip Osborne Martin will be Fay Osborne Martin.

Prasert let me off opposite the office. I stood there looking at the building, up and down the street, so familiar. My working life tied up in it.

I dumped my things on my desk when Mr. Thoi called, "Fay, you and Cho are to be congratulated. Keren called." I thanked him for both of us. I told him about my asking the lawyers to help Karla; they said they would do it for the same service exchange with him. He promised to thank them in a special way, the word `Lagavulin' came up. I had to ask Cho later what it meant. His reply was a single word: scotch!

I spoke to Andrea and Arthur about Karla. Everything was going well, no issues with co-workers that Karla herself hadn't dealt with on her own. She was under consideration to be a `lead programmer' before her coming out and that hadn't changed. The guys who would be on her team were knew how good she was and had no problems.

I called Eve, "Do you want to become a Mac OS X Server guru?"

I got a huh! I explained what it meant, what it entailed and how it would work.

I knew Eve was sharp and quick and she needed to be challenged. The pause was appropriate then she asked a few questions which got her honest answers.

"It would mean I'd be working for the Railroad though? Right here?"

"Absolutely! Just in a different office from Ku. We'd be working together a good deal and there'd be lots of responsibilities. Big load at startup then a gradual decline to steady maintenance but plenty of support. And probably a high profile with the Railroad being a `beta' site. Also there's no pressure from me but I think you know why I'm asking."

We went back and forth for a while. I let her know a trip to London would have to be made right away if she was interested. Her computing experience had been Windows I told her it wasn't a disability.

"When do you need to know?" Big question! I told her I was walking up to another floor to ask. Jared said he'd like to have a candidate for a week of intensive training and SOON for the `beta' roll out.

I left it with Eve to talk to Ku and I was calling Udorn right away. Udorn liked Eve and the idea of getting someone good on-site who knew me and I recommended added something to the idea. We talked salary, benefits, etc... for her. I told him the only cost in London would be food and tube fare because she could use my house. Done!

I called Eve back and outlined what I got from Udorn. She was crying, "Fay meeting you in that bar..."

Well we didn't get far after that. She was IN. Ku was excited for Eve but not ready a separation. Well, I knew about that.

I called Udorn again, "Put her on a plane, she can get settled in at my place now. I've plenty of room. The folks here are ready to train her ASAP!"

Ku said she'd get Eve out tomorrow. I called the iStudio store at La Villa Mall, Bin was working. He must not sleep. He would deliver a MacBook Air to Eve with apps installed right away. I do love credit cards. `With love from Fay and Cho!' on the card.

Jared was boggled by my speed in getting it done. He sat down with his team to get a schedule of training setup for Eve. Ku texted while I was with him, "Eve will be on Thai Airways 910 business Class arriving Thursday at 0620."

Jared's head was reeling now. "Ok we'll be ready. And the Mac App folks?" I was going down there now.

Douglas peered over his reading glasses at me, "Aren't you the busy bee!" He smiled, "Does Eric have a clue about you, does he? You've really changed from the `Phil' you know!"

I laughed, "He has some idea!"

Douglas called in Karla; she was ready to give Eve the works!

I grabbed Karla for a girl's lunch at Geales Fish Restaurant around the corner on Farmer St. We both had the fish & chips which at Geales is way beyond the norm. Mmmmmmmmmm!

We talked about me mostly, what had happened, the how's, the when's, all that stuff. She was excited to be able to talk to the lawyers and for free, the price was right. I could see in her what happened with me, she was more assured and confident as Karla. It's nice to know when it all fits!

We did some window shopping on the walk back; there was a pair of shoes I was going to return to get. Black ankle boots, zipper up the front with solid heel going under the instep. Big smile, Karla said she'd wait. I tried them, comfy! They looked great! Sold! The shop lady said I had a great foot to fit!

Reg laughed at me coming in with `shopping' but decided not to press his limited advantage after a look from Karla. We all laughed.

I called Eve, "Babe you're set at this end. Cho and I will arrange transport for you to my house. Get you settled in for 5 minutes then up here to get started. So Sleep on the plane! Also the weather here is warm but not like Bangkok."

I called Klahan, could he help pick up Eve at Heathrow? I explained who she was. He'd be honored to assist a friend of mine and General Keren. I said he should check with Mr. Keren but I didn't have any doubts.

Reg sat in my `guest' chair, "Kid (an old nickname which was now an endearment) you wanna take over da joint?" He broke me up!

"I guess you heard about my moves? Slick, Huh?" I loved trading repartee with Reg.

"I'll stand back when you're working a fellow could get burnt from the heat of the action!" More head shaking I couldn't see why his was still connected since I arrived.

"How about you and Cho coming to dinner? Rona suggested it this morning and I totally spaced out on it. I don't have a clue what she'll serve." MMMMMM! Rona's a great cook.

I called Cho; he was half undressed by his tailor. It was cool with him; he'd pick us all up since he had Prasert.

Rona was ready, "Don't worry about the grub, Ok."

Prasert scooped the four of us up and buzzed us out to Ealing. They had a nice house on Blakesley Avenue, big, lots of room. Reg and Cho were in the basement mucking around with the monster HO model train setup. Reg built the whole thing, towns, rails, roads, mountains, etc... I'd helped some. I was a landscape person in HO gauge size. Oh, a carpenter too. I'd built many a `Faller' house.

Rona and I in the kitchen, I was the skivvy. Huge apron! Two ovens both going full blast in less than 30 minutes. Pastry stuffed with assorted veggies for dinner and cheese pastries for starters. Smoked salmon from Scotland, a smooth horseradish sauce and oysters baked in butter sauce, good dark bread and coffee ice cream.

We finally got the guys out of the train room and into the garden. Newcastle's and the cheese things, very tasty. I filled in Cho on the Eve addition to the house, Rona was watching me. Back inside to get the dinner, "Fay you are really in command mode! I love this side of you."

We laughed about it all and fed ourselves very well. During clean up Rona slipped her arms around me, "You do good work with 1 ½ arms."

I leaned against the counter beside her, "I'm officially a woman according to the United States of America." She hugged me tightly.

"I'm so glad! The USA is a pretty good reference!"

"I'm also engaged!"

Her face was like a thousand suns, "Fay I can't know what it means for you except that Reg asking me was everything to me so if it's like that I get it."

I nodded, tears coming. We held each other, I mopped up my eyes. A quick fix up.

I kissed her cheek and paused, "Okay give hunny! I know you've been thinking about something besides dinner!"

"That's new too! You didn't used to pay such attention. I'm pregnant!"

Boom! I was on her gripping as hard as I could with 1 ½ arms, "Rona, superb!"

There'd been talk over the years but it had died down, now this. "Two months, just confirmed this afternoon." "You haven't told Reg have you?" A quiet no, she was waiting, she wanted to get the dinner done. "Don't wait, go tell him now!"

Reg was bad, Rona told him while holding my hand. He played it cool like it was the same as the ice cream was ready. Then JUMPED UP and engulfed her, "WOW! I'm ready!"

Cho pounded his back, I got kissed, and at our noise a neighbor stuck her head over the fence giving Rona cheers! I was nominated as Aunt and Cho as Uncle! The ice cream was an anti-climax.

I finally got to tell Reg about Cho and I. He held my hand, looking into my face, "Kid, I'm proud of you. You've done so much changing and mostly on your own. Cheers to you both!"

Cho got his back pounded and hand shaken. Rona hugged him and whispered something.

Prasert motored us home; he'd had a big plate of food from Rona and ice cream. His thank you was sweet. He was happy driving us. The A405 and A4 were a breeze at that hour. "So what was the whisper?"

"Rona said to take good care of you, you are special! I told her I knew and would do so!"

In the garden Cho held me tight, then gently took my bad hand, "Close your eyes please."

The finger, "Open!" A pearl, a HUGE pearl! "It is official you are engaged to be my wife! No going back now!"

"Gawd, who wants to go back? Kiss me!"

Sealed with a kiss! Classic!

I held my hand up admiring his choice! A gorgeous ring. The pearl was iridescent, lustrous, nearly perfectly round. An antique setting, gold claws gripping The Pearl!

Upstairs, I stood pressed hard on Cho's naked body, "Please make love to me!"

Those dark eyes boring into mine, he gently lifted me onto the bed spreading me out. His weight felt so nice, kissing, caressing, "I will wait. I want you but no more injuries, heal and I will make you climb walls, ok?"

Tears rolling down the sides of my face, "I can wait."

I wrapped myself around him. "So love, what did the tailor do today?"

We talked about our day gradually snuggling deeper into the bed. Cho arranged the pillows for me; I was encased with his warm nakedness against me.

I loved breakfast in the garden with Cho, like the terrace at home in Bangkok! Munching on warm buttered rolls or salapaos it didn't matter just seeing his face in the sun!

I was going to the office; Cho was meeting some people for a business thing, something to do with property in here.

A white and sunflower yellow striped frock, blue belt and shoes, lapis lazuli bracelet and ring, white bag and MacBook Air. Blue cardigan in case. Blue scarf/sling. A beautiful new ring on my left hand!

The open air walk to the tube was fine but it was crowded down below. A man with a box whacked me on my sling OW! OW! I flinched and stumbled into a short stocky man who caught me. He got another fellow to give me his seat. The stocky guy berated the box man who was oblivious to the damage done. I stopped the stocky man, smiling, thanked him but I was ok. He asked what my stop was; he somewhat roughly moved the box man aside at Notting Hill Gate to help me out. I thanked him again.

My arm was throbbing as I put my things down on the desk. Good part was I had the pain meds but I was concerned if the cut might be opened. Arthur had a doctor who did work for us around in Uxbridge St. He made the call; the fellow said if I came around at 1130 he could see me.

Andrea came down to my office when she heard I'd been hit. I let her know I was ok but concerned. I also, after a brief wave of my hand to attract her attention, like in the movies but with a sling, I got a big hug and cheers. Her eyes shone and then I got a second big hug.

Reg got me tea and told me to chill until the appointment. Doctor Flancheur opened the bandage, everything was fine. I must have taken a direct hit to the wound which is why it hurt so much. He put on a new bandage with a bit of padding along the cut. He said it looked good and that the work was very well done. He also believed the scar would be small. It was STILL ugly!

Everyone seemed ready for Eve so I left early; the tube was easy on the way home. Mrs. Blatchly was there for her weekly visit, it was good so I could talk to her. She was amazed at me but very friendly, a cousin was transgendered female to male. We talked a bit then I moved to the garden with the iPad and MacBook to work and be out of the way. I logged into the test server and tried to screw it up but it remained defiantly running.

Dinner at home, Indian take away that Cho picked up.

We aimed for an early bed time so we'd be up and ready for Eve.

Cho wrapped his arms around me from behind in the garden, "I have something to talk about. You may have remembered this but I want to make it unmistakable." I was going to turn about but he held me tight, kiss on my neck, "If you recall I told you my family had owned railroads?" I nodded; Cho kissed my neck again, "Well I still do. I own the controlling interest in the Railroad. Just so you know I left the Board of Directors after we met. Thoi is in my place as Chairman. I didn't want anything to appear like my interest in you would crossover to the Railroad. I am reminding you now because I will be going back to the Board Chairmanship because we have several projects coming on to make decisions on that I started and Thoi wants me there to be in charge rather than him. Your Company's position is clear, contacts finalized and there will not be conflicts."

He let me turn my arm slinking around his neck one long lingering kiss. "I fell in love with you, not the kathoey or woman, YOU! You as the person you are. I adore your body no mistaking that but you the person is IT for me." Quite the speech, he was rewarded happily. I didn't cry I just was overwhelmed by my own passion for this man. Kissing went on for some time, all through the house to the bed. Cho packaged me in between the pillows and himself. He leaned over me for a goodnight kiss, my fingers gliding through his hair. OOOOOHHHHH Yes!

Smiling at Cho across my coffee cup, "Would you look at my `BF' clothes to see if there's anything that might interest you. The rest I'm going to donate to a men's shelter." He would but I was too slender his body was more muscular so... Ha!

Black SKINNY slacks, yellow short sleeved cut off blouse showing some tanned belly, the new black ankle boots, Cho's black onyx jewelry and black scarf/sling. The Pearl! READY!

Klahan called, Eve was in the car on the way. Mrs. Blatchly had done a guest room, we were prepared.

Klahan gave us a heads up so we were at the curb to greet Eve. HUGS and KISSES! I thanked Klahan and Prasert. Cho was going to borrow the car again so I asked the men in for coffee. Cho hosted them, I went up with Eve. Holding her close, a good kiss.

"Fay, it's so wonderful to be here." We sat on the bed; she looked good in a dark blue dress and gray heels. I was kissed and thanked for the MacBook. She had played with it on the flight and liked OS X a lot. Dead easy! She saw the ring and knew, "Oh Fay, you two are perfect!"

Cho was off with the car, Eve and I walked to the tube. Showing her the ropes. It wasn't as crowded!

We got her a guest ID; Andrea hugged me, whisper, "Arthur has basically told me I'm running Personnel for now and maybe going forward. What do you think?"

I told her she'd be great at the job. She held me at length, "Nice look!"

I took Eve to Jared's team. They welcomed her and got right to work.

I spoke to Udorn; the Railroad was in for the `beta' all the way. They approved his proposed pay package for Eve and extra money for an expanded office to site the Mac OS X servers near their computer room. I told Reg, Douglas, Jared and Arthur at a short meeting.

Eve, Reg and I went for lunch, talking work. She called Ku again from my office.

We sat for a few minutes, "Fay, Ku is ok but our first separation ..."

Hugs, I kissed her, "Tell her to call Jian, they can get together and keep company while we're gone."

She smiled, "Great idea!"

I called Jian, "Go see Ku. Take over helping her since Eve won't be back doing it. You're going to work for me though!" She laughed, she'd call Ku straightaway. My love for her filtered over the airwaves!

Reg said Eric called, "He'll be here tomorrow morning!"

At my desk the iPhone rang, Eric! "Hi! Yes at my desk, Eve is with the OS X Servers guys. Yes I'm happy the Railroad is going the whole way! Tonight? Sure we'll have a car at Heathrow. What time? 6PM Sure! To? Christchurch St., Chelsea. Fine. Do you want to stop at ours for some dinner it's on the way? Great! Ring us when you clear Heathrow. Happy? Right! You probably didn't have to ask!"

I asked Andrea about dinner at ours; ah ...she was cooking for a sister who's visiting. Karla, she said yes! Cho allowed himself to be nominated as bartender, tough work pouring Newcastle's! Eve was would study on her MacBook. I would cook but I planned to get some help from the Indian Take Away folks.

Prasert delivered Eric, he came up the stairs, I got hugged and Cho greeted like an old friend. Karla greeted the boss with us. Eric spun her around like I had him do me at the Suvarnabhumi Airport. He complimented her on the nice frock. Eve was in the garden working but suspended it.

We shared a toast with Newcastle's to us all!

I baked a salmon with coriander, cloves, cayenne, ground anise seed, butter, cardamom, sugar, lemon and cinnamon made into a thick sauce coating the fish. The take away was garlic naan, biryani rice, several vegetable dishes and a nice fruit filled tapioca pudding. We plowed in buffet style. More Newcastle's to cool tongues! Prasert sat to eat in the kitchen watching me; I gave him the Pride and Prejudice. Sense and Sensibility was going well. He was certain about the couples coming together at the end. He dropped Eric off after Karla who had a flat near Earl's Court.

I tucked Eve in; I kissed her sitting on the bedside. "Fay, you are the best thing that's ever happened to me. Like a guardian angel."

I turned away my tears came quickly, Eve gathered me in her arms tightly, whispered so low I almost thought she didn't say it, "Only Ku means more to me."

Cho must have heard me; he knelt between my legs, kissing me and Eve, "Oh Fay, my love!" Eve squeezed me, Cho lifted me up.

Lying next to his warm body, my face on his chest, one hand gently stroking my back, "Love, you have been giving so much."

I slowly kissed my way down that hard brown torso; I lifted the cock to kiss it. HHHHMMMM tastes so good. Cho realized I wanted to nurse on it for a while; he pulled the covers over me and relaxed. I suckled like a babe; he remained flaccid with a bit of yummy precum. In a little while he eased me up, "You can't sleep like that yet."

The morning sun brilliant in the kitchen, we all standing there with coffee and buttered rolls and I laughed, "Eve should I pack a school lunch for you, an apple for the teacher?" That set us all off in gales of laughter; we calmed down out in the garden watching the birds do their morning things accompanied by song, we sipped and chewed away.

Cho going to The City for lawyers and a deal of his. Eve in pencil leg black slacks and white blouse, black heels. Me wearing a pale green sleeveless sundress, the brown ankle boots, brown over the shoulder bag. I lent Eve a slender briefcase for her papers and MacBook Air. We were off. The tube was crowded but Eve ran interference for me.

The OS X Server guys took Eve off to their dark lair with my blessing and her winning smile.

I setup a conference call with Udorn and Kavnu we went over several things, shipping equipment for the next three rail yards. After Kavnu rang off Udorn and I talked about a bunch of things, Eve was doing very well really getting it and enjoying the Mac OS X. The server location room was ready for the racks which were enroute, the managed switch and cabling already in. The UPS devices were with the racks so all would be up and set. The Mac OS X Servers will ship with the install team in 10 days or so.

I went to personal mode, I let him know my gender had changed he was happy for me. But my news about Cho and I really got him going. "Fay you don't know how hard it has been to keep how do you say ... mum! That is right?" I asked about what, "You know do not tease me, Cho is an old friend as well as my boss." I told him Cho had told me about owning railroads but it didn't sink in with all the other things going on. "But if you marry, you will be my boss!"

Whoa, I told Udorn my relationship with him was as a business client and personal and I wouldn't let it change. "I can keep it separate, I'm sure you can too."

He laughed; "I do so like you Fay, I hope we will be friends!" I reminded him he owed me a dinner at his house! More of that happy laughter, yes, he remembered and his Mrs. would be proud to have us.

Reg and I met with Eric who was very chirpy. The Bangkok `beta' was the first discussion. All good. Jared joined us; Eve was great, picking it up fast. More goodness. My working with the iPad app brought Douglas in happy to report I hadn't been able to break anything yet! Eric smiling at that. Then just he and I. Everyone except Glover had been tremendous to me. Arthur sat in; I had made a wonderful impact. Karla and I going around with cupcakes as an intro for us both was a great idea. Andrea was with someone but would come down soon.

Eric told Arthur how happy he was with the entire staff but I was a troublemaker and they need to deal with me. I did my best mock' distress and oh you couldn't be talking about me face.'

Andrea came in on that, "I said that the other day!" I was content to be labeled. She said two others had spoken to her about making a change but weren't as sure as Karla had been. All Eric said was "be their advocate."

We then discussed getting a team to Bangkok to do the install of the hardware and interface with the Railroad's existing data. Udorn had the space ready; power, internet, etc...done!

Eric said Udorn moves quickly. I told him he had a mandate from the Board to modernize the Railroad and he WAS going to get it completed.

I told them living accommodations our people doing the OS X Server installs and support would be provided for them at no charge by Cho's property management group. Eric looked at me, "That's quite an expense!" We talked of other bits and pieces.

Afterwards Eric and I were alone, I knew Cho would want me explain to Eric so I went ahead, "Cho has an interest in the success of all of this. No it's not our relationship; he owns the controlling interest in the Railroad. He was the Board Chairman until he met me then he stepped down. He has taken no part in any decision-making since. In fact he hasn't brought it up in any way even to the point of asking the Railroad folks to be quiet about it. Not lie to me but just be as Udorn said to me - be mum."

Eric leaned back, "You do have a strange effect on people. I was thinking about you a lot on the flight to Japan and during the rest of the trip. A lot of folks have fallen in various stages of love with you, even me. No, of course not like Cho but you have some special people skills. Your girls coalesced around you. Thang. I know there's deeper, darker things that went on you haven't spoken of and I'm not prying. General Keren and Mr. Thoi, their wives, Udorn is a prime example. How you worked magic for Rak and Anong. Now with Karla, she gained so much strength just talking to you. And also Malee. She thinks you're the best!"

Head shaking, "I don't think the Company ever realized that you have this gift. Yes, you have always been a top field person but somehow that success hadn't translated into what I see now until you made your changes."

I told him what Cho and Rona had verbalized about the transformation in my manner. "I must have been aware without it being a thought process because I offered you the Regional job so soon after meeting the new you." I opened my arms wide. He laughed.

"You have been good for me and bad. I miss Malee; she told me on a call yesterday she felt the same. I had pushed that side of life away HARD but you..." Finger wagging as I smiled. "You must know it will be difficult to be objective about you anymore!"

I was standing by the window facing away, no holding the tears back this time. Eric offered a blue striped handkerchief. I took it, "I just want you to know I prefer white ones."

That broke him up, "Oh, you're just spoiled." We were still laughing when a staffer stuck his head in about a call for Eric.

I told him I'd wait that I had two things left to tell. His eyebrows rose. I watched some starlings mucking about in the tree out back. Eric returned quickly looking expectant.

"First, according to the United States I'm female now! Soon to change here." I got a hug, I waved my sling hand, Eric saw The Pearl, "and Cho and I are engaged!" He kissed my cheeks, big smile!

"Very good news! Lunch today with me. We have to have a toast!"

"How about we postpone the toast? I tell you why in a second. Could I buy everyone pizza and/or other Italian eating things for lunch from Giuseppe's? We could have it brought in; the canteen folks can manage it and join in. We can acknowledge the Mac OS X Server deal for Bangkok, intro Eve as the first of many client OS X server support folks who will be visiting and congratulate Arthur and say to everyone thanks for doing so well."

Reg came in just as I started and Eric had given me a sideways look about halfway through all that, "Ya see Eric da broad wants ta take over da joint!"

I was giggling at Reg's horrible Brooklyn Mafia accent, Eric shaking his head (a lot of that going on), laughing, "Damn if I'm not getting it from all sides!"

I leaned against Reg both of us looking at Eric, "Sure, OKAY! What was the why I am waiting for?"

"Well, I wanted to ask you over to ours for a barbeque on Saturday to celebrate something else where a toast would be in order." I dug my elbow into Reg's ribs. He got it.

"Rona is with child!" Eric clapped him on the back, "Wonderful news! And yes a barbeque at yours would be great. When and what should I bring?"

After Reg left, Eric and I got the who's going to bring what all settled. Eric's PA Jodie called for the pizzas and trimmings, I handed her my credit card. Eric wanted The Company to pay but I took his arm, steering him aside, "I like these people, they have been great and there's been some big changes and I just want to do this. OK?"

He nodded, I followed up, "It's not like they aren't going to be under some extra pressure in the next weeks and months in dealing with Bangkok and I helped caused that."

"Fay you can't take any blame, besides I pushed the Mac OS X Server issue."

Jodie gave me thumbs up on the pizza delivery. Eric got her to let all the team leaders know and send out an office-wide email.

Cho called, I sat at my desk happy to hear his voice. "Fay would you like to detour on the trip home and go to Seattle to visit Keren and Phailin's daughter Kamon and her family. She has just made them grandparents again, number three. I have not seen her or the kids for several years."

I was up for that. He didn't think The Keren's would be there but...! He would work with a travel agent to get it arranged when I had a day set to return.

The pizza party was a big hit. Arthur corralled me, "Would you speak to Toni? She's the blond in Administration who does travel."

Toni came by after the pizza. Tall, slender, pixie blond hair, lovely blue eyes. She had lots of questions, I tried my best but in some cases I couldn't help her with all the issues of becoming him. I did emphasize that The Company would help and Eric had been a real strength for me. Andrea had some outside resources that had wide-ranging support mechanisms. He was happy though, "Fay thanks! I'd almost despaired of ever making a change; I've been hiding for so long." I gave him the solicitors name and he was to tell them I sent him. They'd earn their special scotch!

My ride home on the Tube with Eve was enlivened by an off-key singer trying to do Jim Morrison and `Wishful Sinful!' We laughed about it on the walk home. Cho got the idea but didn't quite remember how the tune went so some of the comedy was lost. It must have been the violins!! I got a fine kiss though!

Eve made omelets for us! Thyme, dill, pepper, dusted with grated cheese! Yum! She toasted bread, strawberry preserves. Juicy oranges nicely peeled and sectioned and CRISP apple slices! Breakfast for dinner! Nice! Coffee and Amaretto in the garden snuggled between Cho and Eve.

Cho was to be the cook for the barbeque, kebabs! He had his own special sauce! Secret! Shrimp or steak, onions, peppers and mushrooms. I made a cold tomato taboule salad and a tossed green salad with blue cheese dressing with golden raisins and cubed papaya. French bread, sliced buttered and toasted by Eve. Eric brought several white wines and ice cream, vanilla and coffee. Karla had a tray of mixed fruit, nicely arranged with a honey sweet yoghurt dip.

Reg and Rona were surprised by the many folks and food! Andrea came with Charlotte, Jared and his partner, Douglas and his, so we had a nice Saturday evening gathering. Eve and I found a shop, Tykes Duds on Kings Road. We got two cute jumpsuits for newborns, Pale green and yellow, we had nice wrapping done at the shop. Not a baby shower but just a little something.

Sunday cleanup!

Sunday in the post late breakfast/newspapers period, we all spent time on our computers, Cho used my big iMac in the little upstairs office, Eve and I on laptops and me with the iPad mucking around in the test server. Eve looking over at me, "Fay I've never done anything this serious with computers before. I'm anticipating the pressure with dread and excitement."

I gave her a kiss, "Good, they mix well together! You'll find the excitement overwhelming the dread when you know what to do!"

We all took a walk around Eel Brook Common, nice sunny day! Then some window shopping on King's Road before turning up Parson's Green lane to The White Horse. Outside we lined up a few different beers to try. I liked some but a Newcastle's is where I'll put my money. We shared a big cheese and fruit plate, good bread!

On the landing upstairs that night I pulled Eve and Cho against me, "Lovelies, it was a nice day. Thanks!"

I got a sweet kiss from Eve, she was missing Ku. Talking on the phone wasn't enough. I understood that!

Cho went in; I led Eve to her bed. A naked Eve was kissed and caressed, "Sleep good Dear Eve! In a few days Ku will be in your arms!" A big hug.

Cho was naked too. Scrumptious! I tore my clothes off, flinging them to the corners of the room, diving for that cock! I went for those delicious balls first, slurping, licking, and getting them sloppy damp. My ball popping sounds were loud, Cho laughing! I held the COCK! I rained kisses all over it, tongue lashing at the head. Slipping my tongue inside the foreskin, wetting it so the head could come out to play. MMMMMMMM! Warm cockhead ought to be on a menu somewhere it's so good! I buried my nose in the dark pubic hair, rubbing against the firm mound. I looked up at Cho; he was smiling reaching for my head.

We shared making sounds! Cho was on his back as I knelt bobbing up and down on that prick! Lust! We shared like that until Cho was close, egged on by a finger easing its way inside him. Oh he made happy noises as I worked up inside him. I loved the heat from him!

I went into a piston like motion on the penis, up and down with lots of wetness, tight on each withdrawal, teeth lightly on the frenum. So nice to suck cock, this cock for sure! How did I get through 26 years without what was now an essential food group? I put more pressure hard up inside Cho! He was flopping back and forth.

Cho, his back arched up CUM spurting into my mouth, three times. I captured it on my tongue briefly then down my eager throat. I slurped on him. Enjoying his warmth and taste, happy to have his cum in my belly.

Waking was nice I kissed Cho's body from lips to toes. I stopped on my way back to hover over his sex. Nuzzling into the soft cock and balls, so nice!

In the morning on the tube with Eve she smiled, "You guys made some noise last night, I was jealous."

I leaned on her, "Eve, you'll be home with Ku soon! You both will make up for lost time I'm sure!" I gave her my wickedest grin!! We laughed and laughed but managed not to miss the Notting Hill Gate Station.

Eric, Arthur, Jared, Douglas, Reg and I met to decide on a team for Bangkok. Each dept. put up a few folks; I was Reg's choice, easy. We got a list then we had to talk to those selected to see if they wanted and/or could make the trip. It was a long day talking to everyone and filling in the final names. It was a good group, young and talented.

Eric was going, naturally but Jared, Douglas and Reg were also, at least for a few days. You know the lure of exotic locales!

I called Cho. He said he'd call back in a few. I pulled the iPad over and logged into the test server. I asked for some multiple data sets and BOOM it crashed. Jared was unhappy with me but with my help he understood what happened and they fixed it.

"Fay, I knew you would break it! I'm glad we found that bit now! Thanks for that!"

I mentioned I had been rarely thanked for screwing up! We both laughed, "Yes but this is what we need. Keep at it."

Cho rang back, I told him about the folks going to Bangkok. He gave me the man's name at the property management group to contact for housing for the team. He'd already tasked him to help. I passed it to Eric's PA get the numbers prepared. Eric would be with us at the house and Reg too.

"Can Rona get some time off?" Reg tilted his head, "Shit, great idea!"

I left him to work on that, the solicitors were happy to speak to Tony if he wanted some assistance. Karla had an appointment this week. The deed poll name change was in progress, they had everything else ready to go.

I told Eric that I would return to Bangkok on Friday via Seattle with Cho. All was well from his point of view. Eve would stay for a few days more. He put his arm around my shoulders, "Fay, would you be willing to be an ambassador for The Company for certain special occasions? I'm not trying to play on you or your changes but you are articulate and funny which comes across easily."

I nudged him with an elbow, "Don't be defensive, I wouldn't suspect you of ulterior motives. And Yes, I'd be willing."

"Also would you meet with Alex in Seattle and fill him in on all our Company news in person? You know him, right?"

I would be glad to do it and let Eric know that I'd known Alex for several years from a distance. We had shared info and ideas but met only once in London 18 months or so ago. Seattle was a sort of family trip but no problem. I liked Alex, sharp guy! I suggested he might be someone to go to Bangkok for a few days to see what's happening.

Eric gave me a light punch on the shoulder, "Right! I email him now to plan on the trip! Thanks!"

I pried Eve from the grasp of the OS X Server folks for a girl's lunch. We nibbled and talked all the people from the office here in Bangkok would add to the pressure on her role but I hastened to add they were experts too. Useful people to have around! She got it!

Cho's local travel guy had us set on a British Air flight to Seattle for Friday so I needed to get stuff done. Jared and I had a meeting late in the day; Kavnu's data helped a lot. We talked install and other things. "Fay you've been great to have here. Eric was smart to send you along. We've made some big advances."

Walking home from the Tube with Eve, we stopped to shop, fish, fruit, bread and news agents. Cho was in the garden with a Newcastle's, he helped us unpack and opened a couple for us! Good man!

We were very domestic, Eve was happy Mrs. Blatchly would be in to clean since she hated to do it.

Cho gathered me into his arms beside the bed, "Dear I will be making more trips here as there are several projects which I will want to be very involved in closely.'

He cupped my butt cheeks mushing my nakedness against his, kissing, "I am going to make a lot of money with property purchases and rehabilitating some of the buildings! We have to find ways to spend it." I was giggling at the thought of us bare ass as Cho talked business and good old capital gains.

Wham! An idea hit me! I pulled Cho down onto the bed, "Can you start or move a business near the Kure and Tani's village so the father doesn't have to stay away from home to earn a decent living? He can't make enough fishing!" Cho stroked my hair aside to kiss me, "You are so sweet and thoughtful. It is an idea; leave it with me to look into."

Cho was up early on his phone, brought out coffee to him. I got paid with kisses. Eve smiling, "That's a deal I like!"

"You and Ku should start up one!" We did hip bumps!

I called Mrs. Pelletier to let her know I wouldn't be back to the country house but I would be allowing some friends to use it. No big crowds or anything wild, just quiet weekends.

The next few days were much alike, going in to work with the Mac OS X Server team and the Mac App folks. We got a lot done and fixes applied. Everyone seemed happy with the Bangkok install plan.

Rona was able to go with Reg to Bangkok. I told her she'd at our place, a nice guest suite which really got her smiling! The install teams would be in an apartment hotel that Cho owned not too far from the Railroad Building with lots of amenities, entertainment was close.

Eve helped me pack; I was leaving some things in London now that my closets were emptied of my BF things. Mrs. Blatchly took a few items. The men's shelter was over the moon when they picked up my BF clothes. Lots good quality things that would help men look good for job hunting. Something else good from my changes.

Klahan and Prasert escorted us to British Airways in Terminal 5 at Heathrow. I gave Prasert two more Jane Austen novels as a thank you. He was thrilled. Klahan was smiling as I took his hand, "Thank you for your help. We are grateful. I know Eve will be taken care of!" He gave me a bow over my hand, "It is an honor to have assisted General Keren's daughter!"

I laughed, Klahan had a big smile.

Cho and I settled into our little suite, we held hands as the Boeing 777 zoomed into the sky like it was happy to be returning to where it had been built. Nine hours to go. Sleepy, the steward made my bed and I slipped into the pj's they supplied. A kiss from Cho as he borrowed my MacBook Air, I was out quickly. A few hours' sleep, a good lunch and I was ready to land.

Kamon and Greg would waiting at home, we told them we'd get a car service so they wouldn't have to make the trip. A TSA agent was at the gate for an expedited move through SeaTac airport, customs was only signing some forms. The car was at the baggage claim level, we cuddled in the broad seat.

Brilliant late afternoon sunshine, the drive wasn't very long, a bit of motorway then an industrial area and onto the elevated highway along the waterfront. They are tunneling underneath to make a replacement, too bad the view across the bay was spectacular from the car! Kamon and Greg's house was on 7th Avenue on top of Queen Anne Hill.

They met us under the Porchere. Hugs and cheeks kissed. Kamon looked very much like Phailin, petite beauty. Greg, middle height, dark blond, nice blue eyes. Their children waited inside, Sunan who was called Sunny, a blond, brown eyed 12 year old, slender beautiful girl. Artie or Arthit in Thai, 6 and a handsome young fellow looking like his dad. Samuel or Suchart was 2 weeks old, looking like his mom so far.

A nanny took Samuel as we went into the family room. Kamon and Cho went to talking, catching up with Cho having Artie in his lap. Greg, Sunny and I got drinks; we sat in a padded booth in the corner. Greg runs a software company so we chatted about that as Sunny opened her iPad. We exchanged iMessage addresses, she loved that. Sunny had lots of questions about my clothes, black skinny jeans, red cotton short sleeved cutoff top, black ankle boots and a black scarf/sling.

Greg had a wry smile, as Sunny jumped up to get her phone, "Like Lady GaGa?"

I laughed out loud, "Far from, for starters I can't carry a tune!" We had a good chuckle, "So tell me about your company."

We went back and forth about our work; his company did video conferencing software that put 6 or more feeds on your screen simultaneously from just about any source, phone, tablet, camera, pc, whatever. I asked for a demo before we leave, fist bumps!

"I figured I'd never get a sister-cousin-friend-in-law the way Cho played the field. Not like there were so many the Keren's told us about but no one serious!"

I explained I'd been the same until Cho. Sunny texted me to come up to her room, Dad laughed, "Beware it can get dangerous in there."

I found myself sitting cross-legged on the floor listening to music with Sunny. I gifted her some of my recent fav's via iTunes: Tove Lo, Sabrina Antoinette, MAJORLove, Ellie Goulding, Empathy Test and Tove Styrke. I had to be sure they were PG.

"Oh, I know all the words but Mom and Dad don't know I know them. Yet!" She gave me a good I'm so wicked grin. We stayed at it for a while until curfew was called.

I was outside on their terrace facing the bay, glossy in the moon light. A beetle like thing with lights was crawling across the water going out of the harbor, "It's a ferry crossing to Bainbridge Island. We have lots of ferries. It's a great way to see downtown. We can't use the power boat, engine issues. So maybe we'll try the ferry.

I got an amaretto! Kamon, or Kay and I chatted, "You've made a big impression on my dad and mom. I've heard plenty!"

She looked a bit gob smacked when I told her Mr. Keren was going to give me away to Cho whenever we got the whole marriage business arranged. And how her dad had done so many nice things unasked. She laughed at the idea of her dad and Cho waiting on Phailin and me the night I was attacked by Saul.

We leaned on the railing looking out into the night, comfortable sensing a link. "My parents are so happy with each other secure in their love the way I feel about Greg. Cho and I have been close for a while..." she went quiet, "I think Cho feels the same about you!" I couldn't talk, my throat closed, Kay's hand lay over mine, "I thought so! I'm glad for you both." We hugged tightly.

Cho was heading to bed; my napping on plane was holding me up. Kay and I went on exchanging bits of info. My job, houses in England, living with Cho, our delight in each other's surprises, my arm, the Railroad, the honor given us for helping the police, much more. We parted late in the hallway outside the guest suite, kiss and hug.

My silk kimono robe was just fine as they were informal in the morning. Greg in workout clothes, Kay in big terrycloth robe, Sunny lounging in pj pants and tank top, Cho in shorts and T-shirt, we were a motley group. Artie was out with friends at soccer practice for a couple of hours.

I was holding Samuel in a kitchen chair the sun beaming warmth in. He was cute, quiet with big eyes! Funny to see him look at me. Kay leaned over my shoulder, "Don't you want a ½ dozen?"

I almost choked! She was laughing, "No, I didn't think so! I wouldn't have had more than one without a nanny. And three's my limit."

Kay, Sunny and I went downtown to look and shop. Warm bright day perfect for wandering around. White short shorts, pale blue cutoff polo shirt, blue scarf/sling, blue and white boat shoes. When Sunny saw me she dashed back upstairs, coming back dressed close to my outfit. Kay wasn't so happy about the bare midriff but let it go. She was dressed similar to me so Sunny got a pass today.

We hit Nordstrom's first, the home store was glittery and the shoes!! They had made their bones first in shoes decades ago; it had remained a core category. Tried a bunch and chose two. Black zip up both sides ankle boots with polished wood heels and a pair of dark silver heels, open sides, strap, closed toe. They both loved them.

We got a Starbucks outside by a city park. Wandering along window shopping, I saw a watch in the jeweler, Ben Bridge's window. Beautiful dark blue navigator style watch, Piaget, which I bought for Cho. Not too complicated but handsome!

Lunch at Blueacre Seafood restaurant! Yum!

Sunny dragged us into Old Navy which ended up quite good as I added green and gray skinny jeans to my collection with a long-sleeved cutoff black `Seattle' hoodie, it would show lots of tummy. Sunny got a pair of red jeans like mine she had liked when they came out of the suitcase last night. Kay waffled over a pair of bright blue jeans, "Oh Mom you'll look hot," she spun around to me, "don't you think she has a great bod?"

I was laughing at the Mom's discomfiture but said Yes! The jeans were bought.

Downtown Seattle was crowded! Kay said said it was always like this, Christmas was full wall to wall people. Yes there are malls but Seattle bucked the trend of dying downtown's businesses across America. We went into a kitchen shop, Kay wanted a new whisk.

Sunny was being my package bearer, happy smiling girl. Kay smiling at me as Sunny ran ahead to look at a window.

"You've got a buddy!"

I slipped my good arm around her, "She's great! You and Greg must be proud of her!"

We drove back to Queen Anne to main avenue on the top of the hill to wander some more. Small shops, a nice variety but tough to cross the road without getting run down. We called it a day after a stop to see if Newcastle's was available at the grocery. Hurrah!

The men had a run around the crown of the hill and then parked in the sun with the boys. Samuel so cute in his little carrier under the umbrella. Artie was trying to get Cho up to kick about a soccer ball. Soccer, what a name, its football!

My offer of a beer was answered by Cho with an extended hand when he saw what I was holding, "Greg I just tried this at Fay's country house, delicious!"

Greg gave two thumbs up after his first taste. Kay and I shared one before we started on dinner. Sunny wanted a sip; Kay being a sensible mom let her. She didn't like it much, "So there's more for us," from Greg.

Outside in the dark later Greg and I talked a lot about his software. We decided to go down to the office tomorrow. There'd be a few folks around but doing their own things, Sundays were dead. It wasn't far just down the hill.

We left the others reading the Sunday newspapers! New green skinny jeans, cutoff white blouse, new black ankle boots and black scarf/sling; I was quite an eyeful for the security guys at Greg's company front door. He was laughing, "It'll be on grapevine tomorrow I'm sure!"

I was impressed with the ability of the video conferencing software to bring in a various clients so easily. Very slick, all the power under simple controls. Available for Windows, Linux and Mac OS X and iOS. We tried on an iPad – WIZARD!

He had a European rep; I got the name and details. "Let me contact Eric, I'm sure he'd want to see a demo."

After the demo we repaired to a hole in the wall bar on Queen Anne Avenue. The Mecca was an old style bar with diner food. It smelled good. We sat in a big booth at the back of the bar which was mostly empty. Weird combination of tunes on the juke box.

Strong coffee and Bailey's for me! Talk about work, kids, travel, and local politics. Seattle has a gay mayor and a socialist on city council! He met Kay at UC Berkeley political event after which they sat in a bar chewing over liberal causes they believed in. Moving here was good, Seattle is a progressive place with a good business climate for innovators. Of course there're downsides to any place like rain and fog in Seattle but more positives ones here.

I said good talent was mobile look at London with the same weather, it draws folks from across the UK and Europe.

Back on top of Queen Anne Hill, it was so warm I dug out a bikini. A demure little blue one that had Greg's eyes bulge anyway. Sunny laid out with me in a cute two piece, she was giggling over her dad's reaction, "Mom looks so good in a bikini, you wowed him!" We were laughing as Kay joined us in a tiny black bikini which was hot!

Sunny looked at me when Kay asked about the laughter, she got a go on from me. "Well dad's eyes sort of went big when he saw Fay in her bikini, that's all." Kay smiled; we did high fives over Sunny!

Standing by the railing of the terrace Kay hip bumped me, "I'd be disappointed if Greg hadn't reacted, you look great." I told her about my `dangerous' white thong one, "I'm glad you didn't wear that or I might have had to call an ambulance for Greg!" We laughed together!

The three guys had gone over a few blocks to a park; they were kicking a football (ok, soccer) ball around.

Upstairs I did a brief fashion display for Kay and Sunny, they loved my choices!

In bed with Cho we cuddled, just quiet talk and kissing!

I called Alex in the morning after talking to Jian and Ku in Bangkok at 6AM my time. He had talked to Eric and wanted to meet but had to go to Vancouver. He did say Eric wanted him in Bangkok for two days so I'd see him then.

Cho and I visited Greg at his office with Kay and the kids. Cho got to play around with video conferencing software which he really liked. Greg probably had a nice sale!

Dinner at Ray's Boathouse, we watched the fish jump and bald eagles soar! Quite a spectacular sunset watching boats go in and out of the shipping locks around the corner.

We left that beautiful city the following evening via Hong Kong to Bangkok. A nice cabin with Cho and a soft bed. I did the sleep thing for a long time, eating didn't ever work for me on planes. Cho looked so peaceful in his bed, sound asleep. 20 hours later we were at Suvarnabhumi Airport with Lek and security waiting.

Jian and Ting at the front door, I held her for a long time. Oh, a new inflatable plastic cast.

"We have to get you something besides gray though!" Jian giggled over that.

In our bed, warm, wrapped around each other, happy to be home. That's how I felt about it now!

Comments welcome, send to: abecker60@yahoo.co.uk

Next: Chapter 35

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