
By A becker

Published on Jan 9, 2015



After the Prince left a thinning out began. Cho collected me once Mr. Keren and Phailin departed.

"You look smashing with your medal around your neck the gold and red are right for you. How about we host a gathering on Saturday at home for all these nice people?"

Home! Said so casually! It warmed my heart!

I told my love I'd enjoy being a hostess. "Do we need to hire more help if we are going to entertain? I'd like to hire Kiet at least part-time."

I got a kiss and..."You share with me. That entitles us both suggest anything and we can talk about it. We are a couple, a pair! Talk to Kiet, he might be happy with us."

No crying! Before we all separated, I asked them to set Saturday aside and got a chorus of Yesses! I'd see some the next day at the Railroad and the others I told I would call with details.


Sitting at my desk, it seemed surreal I was now two different people on paper. An American passport and the British one beside it said I was Phillip Martin; on the desk next to them was a Thai passport, so new it squeaked, saying I am Fay Martin. I choose to believe the latter but it's all going to be a tangle. All my property in England was in the Phil Martin name so...I called Mr. Thoi. He had a law firm in `The City' that would get to work on it and one in Washington, D.C. on my birth certificate.

DHL delivered the parts for the next rail yard install at BangBamru. Eve called Rokson since he volunteered to deliver them along with the PVC pipes and Category 5 cabling.

He seems to have a crush on me so I was absent when he picked up the equipment. Eve was smiling when I returned, "Rokson really missed you!"

I shrugged nothing I could do about it except keep my distance.

We got to work on a presentation for the Railroad Board to keep them up to date. Eve and Ku were doing a PowerPoint slide series with a few handouts.

They were handling it so I called Lek to take me to La Villa Mall. That cutie Bin was working at the iStudio store, does he go home?

I did a bit of mild tease with Bin after giving him a hug for saving my data and apps from the ruined MacBook Air. The process of getting Cho a Bluetooth head set for his iPhone was easy. Lek watched with his knowing smile as Bin helped me decide. I got a good one in midnight blue. Then I also bought one for Jian to give Ting. They didn't gift wrap but there was Mongkut. Bin definitely had a much bigger chubby bulge in the tight slacks when I left.

At Mongkut I bought several scarves to serve as slings, dark blue, silver threads in black, warm red with gold beads, I got the head sets wrapped and sipped some sherry with Rak.

"Fay I wanted to talk to you. Anong and I have had a few talks after the dancing the other night. She is really trying to be more open and giving AND it is all due to your efforts."

I tried to say it wasn't me but Rak would have none of that.

"Anong told me what you had said to her, she sees you as an eye-opener for her. I want her to tell you but she didn't have a good childhood so she was reluctant to do and say something's to me or indeed anyone."

He took my good hand, "Fay I adore her and want us to be a married but we have had this distance which thanks to you is being narrowed."

He kissed my hand. Looking into Rak's eyes I could see earnestness of his feeling. I kissed his cheek, "Can I have more sherry to toast you and Anong?"

We ended up on his balcony each talking to our beloved. I gave Cho the skinny on them; he wanted to include them in our party for Saturday which I was very much in favor of. I added they should go to The Ice Rink with us. I got a soft `LOVE' which I returned.

I asked Rak about Saturday and Sunday while he had Anong on the line, they could come! Set!

It was going to be a big gathering. Cho had many folks he wanted to meet me. I had to consider Eric Brotherton's visit, he would need to be asked at least if I was still employed.

Lek hauled me home. Good to sit on the terrace in the sun with Jian now that the `ceremony' was behind us we could just get on with things. I asked Jian if she wanted to work for me at on Railroad project if Eric Brotherton kept me on. She slid onto my belly bringing her warmth and a kiss for a yes.

Cho loved the Bluetooth thingy, always the tech enthusiast. He wouldn't buy these things for himself but enjoyed my doing it. Jian loved my thinking of her and Ting and I got full credit when she gave it to him.

I changed to a dark blue pleated mini-skirt with a cut-off white polo shirt, blue and white sandals and a dark blue scarf/sling in anticipation of an informal dinner out. Amporn and her husband Niran had the day off, so we all piled into the back of a Merc and went to Kiet's family restaurant across the river for dinner. His father and Uncle took care of us wonderfully. There was a nice outdoor area under several Acacia trees decorated with lights.

I took Kiet aside, he was shy but when I asked him to work for us his face exploded in smiles. I told him we had to speak to his father about it he took my hand and off we went to the kitchen.

I explained what my plans were as far as I knew them and that we wouldn't try monopolize Kiet's time. We sat in a tiny office, "He is young and needs to learn more. Will you help him learn more about life as well as work?"

I told him I was hoping Kiet would help me learn to speak Thai as well as helping Amporn and Niran run our home. I would in turn help his spoken English, written as well. We agreed! Kiet was happy!

At the table we toasted Kiet's joining our `family!'

We had another toast when Ting told us that he decided to take a teaching position at a Bangkok hospital.

Secrets! He and Cho had spoken because of the living arrangements. Ting and Jian would stay with us for the time being in the Momma suite where they already were, provided... Jian and I agreed! Like we wouldn't?

Cho liked to give me surprises but they all were considered `safe' by him not likely to cause upset. He whispered in my ear, "If it had been others I would have asked you before but I liked my little surprise."

I reminded him that a secret surprise of the `good' kind would always be welcome.

Stuffed with the Kiet's fabulous food we dropped into chairs on the terrace. Jian and I kidded the men about the `surprise' but naturally they didn't mind. We are a happy foursome.

Tomorrow would be a big decider of my future. Acceptance or rejection?

I had time now consider some things which had been put out of my mind for want of the emotional energy to deal with them. Jian and I sat on a lounge together.

"Cho in gathering all my things from the apartment building included Hiro's phone number." I looked at her face, she looked right back at me, "Fay, he was nice but you never planned to move to Tokyo did you?"

"No, that wasn't my future but shouldn't I contact him? He won't find anything to locate me if he returns."

"It is natural for you to be concerned because you are such a good person. Hiro didn't contact you after your last call? No! He was going to talk to a lawyer but he never called after that? I think he got bad news."

I was still fretting about it; Jian kissed me, "Fay you could call anytime."

I resolved to call the next morning.

Sitting on the edge of the bed holding Cho's cock in my mouth I looked into his eyes. I saw his love and lust for me!

I smiled around it then giggled that set off Cho laughing. He lifted me up to lay me back flat on the bed and slid up from my feet caressing my body with his. Ending in a kiss. I wrapped him up with my legs and one good arm.

"Fay..." That's all he said the rest was just kissing.

In the morning the spray of the shower splashing making a crinkling sound on my plastic wrapped arm, kneeling with Cho in my mouth again. We didn't go far just me enjoying his taste.

Jian helped me dress, a new black dress with a sheer back, scoop front sleeveless top with full mid-thigh skirt, black stockings with narrow vertical lines running up my legs under the skirt to a garter belt, black open toe pumps around my red toenails. Red nails and lips, black bag over my wrist. The black scarf with gold birds as my sling again. Zoowie! Woowie!

On the terrace Cho asked me to close my eyes, I felt his taking my good hand...

"Open your eyes!"

The bracelet was black onyx rounded squares banded in gold, heavy but so beautiful.

He smiled as he slid a ring on my right ring finger, slender gold band with another black onyx square. Fit perfectly!

He gave me a sweet smile, "Don't cry! I am so happy just looking at you in the morning light."

My eyes welled up with tears but didn't overflow.

Jian and Ting hugged me, Jian, "Go on you are a knockout!"

Lek standing by the car was mesmerized, "Fay you look so wonderful!"

He got his cheek kissed as I stepped into the back seat.

The guards at the railroad building were being more careful but they didn't bother with my ID today!!!

Ku and Eve were funny staring too. They simultaneously started to say something, we laughed.

"Fay you always look so smart and sexy but you have outdone yourself today," Eve was holding my good hand. She and Ku admired Cho's gifts.

They had checked on Eric's flight, on time!

Lek and I went up to Udorn's when he said he was free.

We talked about everything current, I was trying to be subtle about what might happen but Udorn didn't let me get away with it, "Fay you will be working on this period! I canvassed the board, they won't accept a replacement!"

I gave him a hug, "Yes, maybe but it won't fly if my company doesn't want me."

He refused to worry any further, "You are going to be fine! No one would be that stupid."

Lek looked me as we walked back down, "Fay, you do not believe they will not want you? How could they not want you?"

I took his hand as we stopped on a landing, "Lek, there so many different kinds of people. Some accept what they see, others wait for more before deciding, and still others see want they want to see regardless and some won't ever see. I don't know where my boss fits. Yet!"

"Do we need to leave soon?"

I had a few jobs for Ku and Eve before I left for the airport. They were to call everyone about the party at our house on Saturday. I made sure they had all the numbers. Kisses!!

At my request Cho had several security men already in place, my plan was they would usher us through Suvarnabhumi Airport.

I settled back into the seat, nervous, fidgeting. My phone went off, Mr. Keren!

"Hello Fay. I have a few things to discuss, OK?"

I let him know where I was, he laughed, "I am aware, more than you might suspect." That warm laugh I been introduced to in Pattaya.

"Just to make your day better I hope, I am at Suvarnabhumi Airport waiting for you. Lek knows what to do, he was briefed earlier. Your boss will be able to bypass Customs today."

I tried to say something but more laughter, "Lek will bring you to me so relax. See you shortly!"

I smacked Lek's shoulder, "Secrets! Damn if you don't have a good poker face!"

He was laughing now, "General Keren would have roasted me if I had broken my word to him!"

"Okay, I accept your motives..." I paused, "Who else knows about this?"

Much more laughter from the front seat, "Only a few dozen security policemen who work for The General. A few pilots..."

At that Lek promptly shut up. He seemed embarrassed now.

I decided not to pounce on that, Mr. Keren wanted to surprise me so I was going to let it slide.

At the airport we were waved to space by the main entrance, my door was opened and a hand was extended to help me out. At the door Lek took the lead but there men ahead and behind. I paused to check the arrivals board with one of security guys colliding with me.

He looked crushed. I put my hand on his arm and smiled, "I'm fine. Are you okay?"

On Time arrival in 10 minutes!

Lek got me moving again with a laugh, "You do not think a plane would keep General Keren waiting do you?"

If I was nervous that killed it, my laughter was contagious as all these serious men had big smiles.

At the international arrivals Mr. Keren took my good hand smiling, "Fay you do make me feel younger!" He admired me and Cho's gifts, "The plan is for you to greet your boss and we go out that exit," his hand pointing, "to an open electric cart, over about 100 meters to a helicopter that deposit you on the lawn of his hotel. I have car waiting there to take you wherever."

"Is there somewhere we can talk about..."I waved my hand over me.

Mr. Keren gave me that smile, "Right here is a lounge that we have taken over giving you complete privacy."

"Can I go up near the gate to attract his attention?"

He motioned to one of his men I was handed a cardboard piece with `Eric Brotherton' printed on it. I looked at Mr. Keren and burst out laughing as did he.

I hugged this man, "Phailin had better watch out!"

He countered with, "So had Cho!"

More laughter until one of his men mentioned the doors were open at the jetway. I stepped forward holding up my sign in my good hand.

The first passengers came out, I could see Eric. Red hair neatly cut, sports coat over an open collared shirt, small briefcase.

He looked at my sign then me, "You are here for me? Where is Phil Martin?"

I told that Mr. Martin was waiting in a lounge just over here; I motioned him towards where Mr. Keren stood. He hadn't `really' looked at me yet. In the lounge, I waited for him to NOT see Phil Martin.

He did not get impatient which I thought was good.

"Eric, I'm Fay Martin." I put out my good hand. He reached but paused...

"Fay? Phil...?"

I smiled, "Eric something's have changed."

It was my turn to pause, "I know you have questions. Please ask me anything!"

He took my hand, I started to turn around he went with it as I raised my arm spinning about slowly. Back facing him, big eyed but obviously not put off.

I smiled, "It's a lot to take in."

He shook his head, "That's an understatement! I certainly had no idea. And this?" he motioned to my arm.

"It, I hope is part of the end of the beginning!" I smiled moving my purse to my right hand.

"We all share the amazement even inside the story, it wasn't something planned but it's all tied in with the entire experience that I need to tell you about."

I took a deep breath, he wasn't rejecting me! I turned to the door Mr. Keren looking through the glass, he knew his cue.

"Eric, this General Keren. Mr. Keren, Eric Brotherton my boss."

They shook hands, "I am sure there is considerable surprise on your part. I have arranged a few things, first no customs, second we will walk across the hall and down to a cart then to a helicopter. Then to your hotel."

I told him the sauna and massage was set, he waved it away, "I'd rather talk about all of this so I can get my head around it properly."

I looked at Mr. Keren, "Is our dock ok for a landing?"

He smiled and nodded; turning to one of his men he issued some orders.

I told Eric that we would go to my home, the house where I lived with my partner. We could talk as long as he needed. It wasn't far from his hotel. I let him know that Mr. Keren was a senior general in Thailand's Security Police and my friend. That he had arranged all this.

Mr. Keren leaned in, "We can go out; the pilots have been informed of the change."

I called Cho; he was ready, food and drinks! He said someone would call the hotel putting off the sauna and massage but ensuring the room.

Mr. Keren led us down to the electric cart; we scooted across the tarmac to the helicopter whose rotors were spinning in a lazy fashion. Eric's bags went aboard behind us. Some chatter up front, then we lifted off, we were able to look out as the trip seemed to have an arrow trajectory to the city center.

Since talking would be difficult we had time for our own thoughts. At least there had been no horror or distaste just wonderment and questions. It was a good start.

I got to see the city from above in daylight, Mr. Keren did point out a few things to us both. Eric did some looking at me too. He seemed ok!

We were descending, the pilots made a smooth landing on the dock. Cho's security men helped us out and got the luggage. We went across the lawn to the terrace.

Cho standing there, his beautiful warm smile, a brilliant greeting. He and Eric shook hands firmly, Eric joining in with the smiles. After the helicopter lifted off we could speak in normal tones.

Cho asked if Eric would like to change into casual clothes and he welcomed the opportunity. I escorted him to a guest room, his bags deposited and I asked if there was anything he needed just call out. I said I was changing myself and would see him shortly.

I slipped into a pink cutoff polo shirt and white cuffed short shorts and white sandals. I added the blue and white small checked scarf as a sling. Jian clumped around helping me. Quick kiss and we headed to the terrace.

Eric was sitting in shorts with a frosty beer talking to Ting with a relaxed looking Mr. Keren, minus his coat and tie.

Kiet came out with a tray. He had a huge smile. I squeezed his arm. His first day!

I got Jian introduced and seated. Cho was being bartender and I was waitress.

When everyone was fed and watered I sat beside Eric.

We all looked at each other at a pause in the conversation.

I laughed, "I suppose I should get started."

I gave my narrative of events, not detailed but hitting the main points. Eric was visibly angered in the part about the industrial spying.

"I'm very sorry that the management of our company was in any way responsible for you being put into jeopardy! It won't happen again."

I reached over to him with my good hand, "Eric I'm sure you will be a leader on that but there's no regret about my outcomes. I have changed or more properly, I have been released. Jian..." I looked over at my friend/lover/sidekick, "well, she knows how I feel. Cho..." I didn't cry but had a catch in my throat, "is forever! These things are beautiful flowers that rose from a morass. So I can say that I have gained in every way."

I could see that Mr. Keren was watching me closely; I suppose he was evaluating how I might do when having to testify to these same things. I didn't let on!

I went on, giving some details but leaving out the whoring which was really not so important except as as a single strand of many. I let him know that my own security consciousness had been the beginning of the whole thing and he could thank Reg for keeping it in my mind.

When I got to the abduction business Mr. Keren took part. Telling where the investigation had gotten to via several national governments and agencies of the Thai administration. I mentioned Alice who I had met in the dungeon in Korat, looking towards Mr. Keren. He recounted following up on my information about Alice being a prisoner in Korat but that so far he had been unable to trace her. He recounted the finding of Tore's body after questioning of that sleazy little half-baked Truman Capote lookalike; a murder charge had been added to his troubles as well as to Rai and others. She had been killed the same night we tried to escape and had been buried under a road.

Mr. Keren was giving Eric some idea of how serious these criminals had been. I followed quickly with our rescues and then to the latest events. I explained my bandage and with all of the sleaze balls in gaol the danger of further attacks was unlikely. Mr. Keren and Cho both said that security would be maintained in case Saul had other plots in train before he himself acted. But other arrests of his confederates had occurred.

Eric had gone through a couple of beers in the telling and was looking at me, "So what I see is an end product?"

I smiled, "I expect to evolve further but This is me!" I stood up and spun around. I couldn't help but laugh.

To my surprise Eric stood and took my hand, "Fay, I'm glad to meet you! Not that I didn't like Phil but ..."

I kissed his cheek, "I sometimes miss Phil although I'm rather more free and happy now."

Kiet came out with some munchies from the wonderful Amporn. We dug in.

Amporn was making dinner for us all. Mr. Keren at my suggestion called Phailin, she was glad to join us.

We made a happy dinner party around the big dining room table. I was a bit wet eyed watching Eric, he clearly was enjoying himself. I asked Cho if we could put him in a guest room. He leaned over my shoulder to kiss me, "Done already!"

Eric across the table laughed, "Cho asked earlier, I'm quite happy about it."

In the half dark on the terrace Eric and I talked. We went over the whole project, where we were, what was next, the next few months of roll-out. What were our relations with the Railroad and Thai government.

We got around to me finally, "Fay, I don't feel there is any issue as far as the company is concerned. Your sex has nothing to do with the quality of your work. You will be our first woman network engineer. But what about travelling? Your documentation?"

I told him about my Thai citizenship, medal and honorarium. I had a new passport and that the government through the Prince and Mr. Thoi pledged to support me.

Eric said he would make the changes of ID with the company took place but it wouldn't satisfy Her Majesty's government.

I told him I'd been born in Washington, D.C. when my father was working there so I already held two passports and Mr. Thoi was working through a law firm there to get my birth certificate changed. When that was done my passports can be changed too.

We discussed what might be the issues my changes would have at the London office. He concluded that he would be able to manage anything that would come up there. He wanted me to travel to London soon to meet with Personnel and acquaint my colleagues with Fay, so all would be in the open.

I commented Reg was in for a big surprise. Eric laughed it couldn't any larger than his!

I gave Udorn a call, his Mrs. answered, happy to hear from me. Udorn was thrilled with my news that I was aces with my boss. I told him we'd be in the office first thing in morning.

Mr. Keren and I were standing by the dock in the dim light, "Do I get some time with you ask some questions?"

The warm chuckle I had come to love, "Any time dear Fay. I want you to know it all."

"How did you get the information about what Nkhon did to me in Pattaya?"

"That one is simple, we had the place under observation, Nkhon came out drunk, I had him picked up. I spoke to him myself in a local police station. I told him I needed to know everything he had seen and done in the club. He was scared; we were not the local police boys on the beat he was used to dealing with. He had gotten through life without meeting the Security Police and when I pressed him he admitted being drunk and to attacking what he said was a farang girl. I had him describe the girl; it could only have been you. I knew you were alive and functioning and time to act had to be soon."

He gave me his sinister laugh, "I informed him that his life would be in danger from me personally if he ever spoke about that night. He blubbered out an apology. He was taken away smelling of urine."

I was holding his hand; he was almost vibrating with anger. "By then I knew a lot about you. Cho and I had a meeting so I could learn as much as possible. He clearly loved you beyond any bounds. We had already stopped him trying to take revenge on the Brothers."

Mr. Keren smiled, "Thang wanted to take you out, I am sorry but I had to wait because of the other strands of the investigation even though my heart wanted to get you free."

I hugged him, crying now, "Oh Keren, thank you so much!"

We sat on a bench at the water's edge, the whiter than white handkerchief reappeared which set me off some more.

"Fay, I do not know or see the future but you do have part of my heart."

We sat side by side my head on his shoulder until Phailin joined us, her slender arm slipped around me. Dark eyes catching the light, "Daughter!"

I didn't cry, just melted and then giggled, "Ma & Pa!"

That broke us all up, we were laughing when Cho stood there. Mr. Keren got up and put his arm around Cho's shoulder as Phailin told him what I had said.

He shook that fine head, "This getting more complicated!"

We all laughed, I pressed myself against him. I held Phailin's hand as were walked back to the house.

The others were on the terrace with Jian standing on one good leg describing breaking her ankle to Eric but giving it a comic turn.

I went to fix my face, Cho's hands resting on my hips, "Fay, you and Eric are all right, Yes?"

I looked into his handsome face in the mirror, "Yes, he's got it!"

"Since he is with us should we find an escort for the party? Does he have a partner? Does he dance?"

"Whoa, I can't answer all that. We have to ask."

Eric's good looking face was spilt with a grin when I tried to ask, "Fay! No, I don't have a partner and I do dance but don't expect me to do a lot crazy steps."

Cho slipped Amaretto Disaronno's into our hands, "We have a dance contest Sunday night at a local club called "The Ice Rink" where we will be judges. Disco!"

Eric's eyes widened at that, "I can do that! You know I'm old so I remember!"

I hip bumped him, "Old! Come on Eric!"

That sealed it he was in! Then I asked about a local lady as a dance partner. He was fine with it but `no one too exotic.' I laughed, "Was that erotic or exotic?"

After we had said the goodbyes to the Keren's and goodnights to all Cho and I lay pressed together. I ran my fingers over that face and hair, enjoying the feel of him. He slid my leg over his hip, pulling me so tight, "I checked into a reputable place to get your tattoos changed. I showed them the pictures I took and they did a proposal. Are you ready to see?"

I nodded; he leaned back to the bedside table. A color drawing. They were beautiful flowers, hibiscus, that encompass the old into the new. No trace of the old would be seen.

I kissed him in agreement, it was lovely, delicate!

I decided to bring up another change, SRS! Cho stroked my face, "I leave that decision entirely up to you. Our lovemaking is perfect now but for your completion to a new life you feel it is necessary, you have my whole-hearted support."

I hadn't expected anything less but IT was so lovely to hear!

I was propped with pillows on one side and Cho on the other and soon asleep.

Showered, sitting on the terrace in the sun all fluffy in a big robe with a cup of coffee, Cho beside me on his iPhone. Eric came out with coffee in a silk paisley dressing gown with bare feet sticking out. We laughed about the domesticity of it all.

Lek picked us up, me in a white and sunflower yellow backless sleeved sundress, white stockings and yellow pumps and bag. Eric looking very nice in navy blue suit with navy and black tie over a very white shirt. Quite distinguished.

Udorn was all smiles greeting Eric, glad to put a face to the voice he'd spoken to during my troubles. We sat for a while reviewing and then some important talk about the server integration of data from all sources. This was the core of what had been so interesting to the thieving Brothers. They hadn't gotten it because I'd successfully hidden it from them.

The Railroad was buying the servers from us and the last bits of negotiation we finished over tea and cakes on my office terrace with Udorn being quite pleased with the deal and Ku's assortment of sweet cakes!

Eric standing beside me looking out after Udorn had gone back upstairs, "Fay you were great! We have a good deal in place! We'll make money and the Railroad will have a system ready to go with a future built-in."

Nice to hear! His look changed to something more pensive, "Fay, throughout this trip and actually long before, I have been mulling some structural and personnel changes for the Company. Our board has given me quite a boost of confidence with their strong mandate for change."

Eric paused, looking at me, "I'm planning to create regional offices with strong managers who would be both managers and sales leaders. They'd have a small staff with all the hardware kept at the London depot on call for shipment. Now all of this is just planning, OK? But I'd want you to run the Asian office. It will be more or less everything from east of Turkey across the Pacific region stopping before Hawaii. What do you think?"

I looked at the sky then Eric, "I'd love to! BUT, I don't have much managerial experience. I've mostly been a field guy...Ooops person," I know my smile at that had to be wry.

Eric didn't let me off though, "Fay flatly that doesn't matter so much in this kind of position. You know the technical side cold; you have the right personality for sales which you have been doing on the side really. What will be your learning bit is how to get the most from the engineers in the field who are always the point of the spear for us. They'll need you for training, support and sales skills."

We were facing each other in the sun, Eric put a finger to his lips before speaking, "We are moving into more software areas that don't have a direct bearing on our current work. We are developing command and control packages for in place and especially remote management of industrial devices. We will be able to control CNC machines, robots, etc... and the networks that support them."

I closed my eyes for a moment, "Can that include waterways like dams with powered sluices and canal locks that operate by machine?"

A smile filled Eric's face, "Fay you have just made my argument for me about wanting you in the job. We need just that, thinking freely."

Smiling, "Eric, let me make a quick call, the free thinking just sent me to another idea."

I grabbed my iPhone and dialed Mongkut. "Yes, good morning, may I speak to Malee in buying, this is Fay Martin."

I was nervous but "Malee, this is Fay. I just wanted to ask...I'm being forward I hope it won't disturb you."

She reassured me, "Fay go on it is fine to ask anything."

"Do you like to dance?" "Great, how about ballroom and disco?" "Lovely, do you have a date for Saturday night?"

I stuttered a bit, "Well my boss from London is in town and my group of friends; well we have a party Saturday and dancing at The Ice Rink on Sunday for a dance contest and thought you might like to join us...as his partner? A word though, Rak and Anong will be at the party and the dancing."

"Fay I would enjoy that, I do not think there will be an issue with Rak but I have not danced for a while so I may be somewhat awkward."

"Well I don't think Eric has done much lately either but he seems to like doing it. We would send a car to pick you up both nights. I will get back to you on the times. Dinner with us too, OK?"

I gave her a rundown on Eric, looks and him as my Company's CEO. No, she had no steady fellow at this point in a rather happy and less complicated life working hard at Mongkut. Done!

Eric was on a call when I returned but he waved me over, "Yes fine Reg, send it out to Fay...Phil. Wait a moment." He muted the iPhone, "Fay what about going to London sooner? You could give some input to the Mac App and OS X Server teams and do the other things in one go!"

I was ok with it; I could travel as Fay Martin just fine.

"Reg, Phil will be making a trip home very shortly. He can meet with the Mac App and OS X Server teams and do some personal things. Yes, good. Later, go home!"

He was smiling, "You need to do this if only so I can get my pronouns and names right!"

We laughed, "I have a date' for you for both nights. A local lady who is beautiful and has fluent English and a spritely confident manner but might be somewhat rusty' on the dance floor!"

"Boy we have a lot going on. She sounds nice; I hope it'll be fun! Now, the new job isn't a done deal and you will have to be silent about for now. AND Cho doesn't count there since you won't want to keep secrets. Reg does know much of my thinking as do the other department heads since they have been involved long before the management changes were done."

"Also, we are moving toward being a complete Apple shop. The servers we will be using in the future will Mac OS X Servers. We think they will give us the most flexibility and OS power. And our planned switch will be easy from Windows to Mac OS even at the client end. So you'll have some training to do."

I was happy about it, "I'm up for it. Windows has been good but it just isn't advancing any more it's like moving side-ways. I'm glad not to be dead-ended."

I segued, "So Tuesday we start at BangBamru, the only thing new is the boring through berms. The Railroad has everything needed. Kavnu is sharp and has a good foreman for the install teams. The head of construction will be there for whole process adding another fully involved individual. I will be reduced to an observer quite soon."

"See I know that you are right for the regional manager slot by the way all this has taken off given your indisposition. You laid the ground work physically and with the people. That's what is needed."

We went to lunch with Udorn and several board members, Eric was a charmer for sure. I stepped out to call Cho, "Love, can you talk? I got Malee from Rak's store to be Eric's `date,' she's perfect. Gorgeous, smart, lively and likes to dance!"

I gave a short version of everything, the proposed new job would mean travel but Cho sounded very enthusiastic about it.

After lunch Eric and I sat down at our MacBook's to wrestle with email. I told him I wanted to forward all my penis enhancement offers to him. I got a No Thanks! He said the email server was going to be changed and new more effective filters would be in place.

Lek took us over to Kavnu's yard. Eric got to meet him and Tarek. He enjoyed the tour of the yard, Tarek acting as host. I could only smile as we walked past one of the work buildings where he and I had sex. Seemed years ago now.

Eric could see the job had been done expertly; Kavnu was a good manager and Tarek an energetic foreman, a good team. We used the data on my MacBook to review what would happen Tuesday at BangBamru.

In the car on the way back to the Railroad Building, "Fay you see what I mean about your being good for the regional job, all this work shows that you are a leader. Case closed you're in!"

I laughed, "Thanks for asking!"

He smiled, "You're what we need, no shame in telling you so. I just can't put a date on it yet. I will though. So how about you're going to London before the end of the week? Let's get it done!"

I agreed, "I'll get Ku to get me a seat on flight for Thursday. We will know what's what at BangBamru by then."

"Fay, fly Business Class or First Class and non-stop if you can. I know it costs but I don't want you to land tired or lagged out. We need you to hit the ground running when you get there! Meet with everyone, talk to the Mac App and OS X Server folks, and satisfy personnel."

I put Ku on it when we got back. Eve had delivered all the updates for the board members. We went up to meet again with Udorn. He was pleased with the praise of his men at the rail yard and how we were set for Tuesday.

Eric sipping some tea with me on the balcony, "Eric I know a programmer who is Thai but fluent in English and French, knows all the `C' variants, Ruby, Python, etc... Think she can be of use for localizations?"

"And to be up front, she is Kavnu's girl, Ni. You will meet her tomorrow."

"She is one of your group?"

I gave him a mini bio of Ni. I suggested that if she had some code we could look at I'd ask her to bring some over tomorrow for him to go thru. I remembered Eric was a programmer and it might peak his interest.

I also told about Lawan language skills, especially the part about her technical background. She was in house for Cho but I was sure an arrangement would be easy to get since I had an `in' with the owner. Eric laughed, "I will meet her Saturday?"

"Yes and you can ask Cho why he hired her. She may be very valuable in making some points clearer in documentation."

Cho called to let us know we'd be going to the Kiet's restaurant again so Amporn could get everything ready for the party, food, the house and go over things with the caterer. We wanted to be out of her hair.

I called Malee, "Can you join us for dinner out tonight?" She said yes, so we'd be 6.

I told Eric, I got a grin, "Trying to fix me up huh?"

I called Ni to give her a heads up on the job and so she could get some 'samples' ready. As a guide I let her know Eric had been a programmer.

Malee arrived at the house via one of Cho's cars and we all got into a larger one for the trip across river to Kiet's place.

Eric seemed quite taken with Malee's looks, she's good company.

Casual dress had me in SKINNY dark blue Levis and a short white vest and blue scarf as sling and those brown ankle boots with tall heels. Midnight blue nails done by Jian! Dark blue purse. Jian had cute white shorts and a red vest; we were both showing a good bit of tummy. Malee looked really sweet in cutoff peasant blouse and mini skirt on her narrow hips and low heels. There a nice swath of her brown tummy showing too. Sexy!

Dinner was fun, great food and companions. Kiet's family took good care of us.

Afterwards sitting on the terrace we talked in general, Cho being bartender again, "Not tomorrow, too many people!"

Eric walked Malee to the car, coming back, "She's very nice! We get on well. Looking forward to trying my old bones at disco Sunday. Malee said she's ready."

"Old!" From me!

I could see Eric was winding down a bit from the bustle of travel before he had to go on to Tokyo on Friday. Good!

In the morning I built up the courage to call Hiro. Number no longer in service??? I didn't have another. What now? I had to file it away for now.

Jian got me out of the funk and into a bikini. Lying out in the morning sun, sipping coffee, catching rays in our bikinis. Eric joined us. His eyes bugged out at first getting a look at me but he calmed down, no obvious bulge. Mmmm, maybe? No, it wouldn't feel right to do it to him.

We talked business with me drawing in Jian as potential office person for the proposed regional office. Eric liked her office background and skills, Jian could be counted on which means plenty. A definite `you will be doing the hiring' if it all worked out, meantime she was going to help me at the Railroad.

The evening started early in the shower, miss plastic wrapped arm and miss plastic wrapped leg having fun with our men. Lots of splashing and giggling but we did manage to get clean finally. Cho dried my hair as I sat on the bench, kiss on my neck, "Fay there will be some older types you know."

I got the message, not too daring in my clothing. I chose another Malee dress, midnight blue sleeveless sheer back but shorter hem than the black one tighter to the body too. Matching stockings and shoes. The Cho's beautiful gift, the lapis lazuli bracelet and the teardrop from Thang added color at my wrists with the new dark blue scarf as sling. I was ready when Cho stopped me in the hall with Jian and Ting, "Here, a small thing."

He took my hand and slid a ring on my finger. I was a lapis lazuli mate to his bracelet. So simple but striking! A small thing???

"No crying! I found it the other day when I rode with you to the Railroad building."

My arms around Cho with Jian and Ting hugging us together. I didn't cry but promised something for later.

Things got going quickly, the road busy with traffic as folks arrived. Cho holding me around the waist we greeted our guests, I'd met so many people my mind was spinning I lost track of names and faces. Cho whispered, "Don't worry those that count you will be able to remember."

Eve and Ku arrived in cute slacks outfits with black sleeveless bolero jackets over satin white pants. Ku brought me back to the present, "Fay, you are booked on Thai Airways International on Thursday afternoon, non-stop to Heathrow, First Class. Return booked but can be changed."

Cho kissed my cheek, softly, "You will be missed." I really didn't want to go, I could see why but leaving him was going to hurt. Best to push it away for now.

Lawan gave me a big hug, "Cho put me in a temporary office with an assistant! But also a mountain of paper!" Thang gave me a big smile when he saw the teardrop on my wrist, we had a brief `never forget' moment.

Kavnu brought Ni up so I could introduce her to Eric. She gave him a thumb drive and some papers to look over as her CV. Eric scanned the docs and looked up with new interest. He would look at the drive tomorrow.

Mr. Thoi and his wife, Kanda arrived with the Keren's. Phailin took my hand and Kanda's and led us off to the side.

"Kanda, Fay is my daughter!" I was surprised with that introduction but Kanda had what I would call a `knowing' smile.

We hugged, "Phailin never jokes about serious things like that. Thoi has told me quite a lot about you as has Phailin. All good by the way!"

Our men were looking over at us. The older couple I had met twice at The Ballroom had just arrived. The lady said something to the four men and came over to us.

"You three are getting the men nervous, I don't mind my husband, he never worries me anymore."

She gave me quite a squeeze, "I think we should form a ...what is it called...ah, a mob!"

We all laughed, Phailin said, "Malai, you have it. We are a ladies mob. That should make the men laugh a bit. Let's tell them and let them off the hook. That's the right phrase Fay?"

I told her Yes! But I wasn't sure we should let them know too much.

Kanda agreed, "Too much information is not good for them."

Our men had mock serious faces, seemed like they had done some conspiring too.

Cho swept me off my feet in a big hug, "Let us party!"

We led the way to the terrace where Amporn's delights were spread out. Oh the smells!!!

She had done so much cooking but we were rewarded. Everyone was enjoying! The caterers handled the serving and the bar and the clean up!

I mingled with a Campari and soda in my bandaged hand that I had to transfer to my good one to drink. Oh well, that'll slow me down. I sat beside Jian, "Fay, so many people." I nodded, "We'll be fewer soon. I'm booked on a flight for Thursday, gone for a week." A quick kiss, "I'll be missing everyone!"

"I hope your new job becomes something, I would like to work for you!"

I laughed, "I'm a tough boss!" All that got me was a gentle swat and cute pouty look. I patted her arm as Mr. Thoi made a `come over' motion to me.

"This is social but you might want to know the firm in Washington says if your doctor provides documentation it will be a mere formality to get the birth certificate changed. Then the English will go forward with no trouble."

I hugged him, "Thank you so much!"

He smiled, "I told you I would do anything to help you!"

At that point Kanda relieved her husband of me.

I liked Kanda, smart, witty and endearing, we got on! She wanted to meet my friends, gracious and interested, she asked some piercing questions but softly in a way you wanted to answer. My old mob was going to meld with the new mob.

Kanda and I were alone by the dock, "Fay, no secret probably but Thoi thinks you are really something. Right from the beginning before the badness and your eventual success overcoming your tribulations. He was amazed at the flair you brought to the old Railroad Building. He was laughing that you might kick it into the 21st Century."

She squeezed my hand, "And Cho, he has since he was a young man always impressed me. Lively mind, not hidebound by business thinking which limited his father, always going and going. He has a gift in making money but not so strangely no one gets hurt in the process. Many women set their sights on him but he has never been serious like he is now."

Phailin joined us, "Ah Cho! Let us talk behind his back!" We laughed and linked arms, "Our daughter was interested for a time but she has a more settling kind of personality. She was smart enough to recognize their differences. What came of it is that they are good friends. She's in Seattle with her family, happy in that chilly climate with two of our grandchildren."

Smiling in the light from the dock, "I've never been very serious about anyone before either. We connected immediately."

I turned my head away as I felt a tightness inside, Kanda squeezed my arm, "Young lady it is obvious to all about you two. Malai told me about seeing you at The Ballroom, she was certain of you as a couple."

Kiet came running up to us, "Excuse me, Miss Fay, Mr. Cho wants you to come to the terrace please."

Most everyone was gathered around, Mr. Keren and Cho standing side by side. I walked up with my eyebrows raised at Cho; he was smiling taking my good hand pulling me close. Mr. Keren was up to something, "Ladies, Gentlemen, a toast to the young women who help the government defeat a dangerous insidious corrupt enemy! Cheers to Jian, Lawan, Ni, Eve and Fay, our heroines!" We got cheers from all!

I stepped forward getting the girls with me, "We thank Mr. Keren for a gallant toast and you all for joining. Dark day's gone bright ones ahead! Cheers and thank you for coming tonight!"

Eric was beside me, "I'm glad that your sacrifices are recognized. It's a good and proper thing to do!"

Udorn smiling, "Fay that is a lesson I learned from you. Praising deserving ones is good for all." We hugged, his Mrs. clasped my good hand, "Fay, Udorn is so happy these days I am working hard to keep up."

I took Mr. Keren aside, "Fox, but thanks! The girls are all doing well and we will always be grateful!"

His face split by a big grin, "We decided to do this when you ladies went into your conference earlier. Too good to pass up!"

The whole Ebenezer Scrooge `Christmas morning after a terrifying night' feeling was coming over me again. Did I really deserve to be so happy? Damn it felt so fine!

There was a small commotion on the other side of the terrace. Rak and Anong had just arrived. With all the new faces swirling around in my head I had not missed them. Rak had a crestfallen face, "Fay we are so sorry to be late. Please forgive us."

I got a hug from the both of them, "We had been boating and waterskiing when the engine quit and we had to call for a tow but it all took so long."

"It's easy to forgive if you take us next time!"

It was a date. I wanted them to meet Eric but I couldn't find him. No one seemed to have seen him since the toast.

I went to pee bumping into Jian and Ting coming out, Ting piggy-backing her, they were giggling. "Fay we just saw some kissing going on!"

Ting laughed, "More like what you English call having a good snog! Eric and Malee!"

I shooed them out and did my business. Eric was coming down the hallway from his room, big smile. "So how is the party going?"

I know I had a big smile, "Great and you?"

"Yes very much! I've asked Malee if she would like to stay over if that is alright with you and Cho."

"No problem for us. We have plenty of room and can provide anything she needs." We both chuckled.

I squeezed his hand as we passed one entry to the kitchen. I pulled him in and grabbed Kiet. I kissed his cheek, thanking him for his work. He helped me give compliments to Amporn for her excellent food and telling her how well it had been received by all. She was pleased. Eric joining in with my comments.

Later as the Thoi's and Keren's were leaving it was decided that we'd have a girl's lunch when I got back from London. I was looking forward to it!

The evening slowly came to a close, we saying goodbye at the front gate to one and all.

Malee took my arm, "Fay thank you for putting me up."

I squeezed her, leaning close, "Do you want a room near Eric?"

She smiled, "He IS rather nice. I don't want you to think anything bad about me."

"Malee I live in a glass house. Eric is nice. Enjoy before he leaves! Should you need anything let me know." I kissed her cheek. "Come by our room, I'll get a night gown out for you."

She smiled in thanks.

The six of us stopped briefly on the terrace before heading off to bed. Amporn and Niran were closing up with Kiet.

I loaned Malee one of my silk tank top nighties. She gave me a look, all I said was `it is what it is.' I added a short silk robe with red lapels and a palm tree on the back. That got a cute giggle and a kiss.

Cho helped me undress, caressing my parts as he exposed them. Mmmmm nice lips!

I knelt holding him in my mouth again. This time I smiled but got on with the delayed blow job.

I got him very wet and sliding the foreskin back bared that beautiful cockhead. So warm and happy to see me! My good hand pistoned the wet shaft as I sucked and tongued the head. Each testicle got my special bath and slurp as the penis was was gently stroked.

Cho lay back on the bed as I worked his cock letting me enjoy his sex taste and feel. Damn I liked sucking him.

I worked the shaft hard and dove on his balls again, popping them in and out, slurping happily. I applied my lower front teeth under the cockhead gently; Cho's body rose up pushing the penis further in! Mmmmmmmmmm!!! I really worked under the cockhead with my thumb! Results: excellent!!

I kept my mouth sucking up and down as my good hand extended one finger to caress Cho's little round ribbed opening! I wet two fingers sending them back there getting loud murmurs of pleasure and assurance I was on the right path! One damp finger made its entrance. Hot and tight and oh so much fun.

Cho was nearly incoherent was he held my head to the work and began to fuck my face in short stabbing thrusts.

CLOSE! I sucked harder my lone finger wiggling inside him. His orgasm came hard! I got a big load in the first spurt and several very nice clumps more as he finished still rigid with pleasure.

I sent his lovely cum down my throat where it belonged keeping the cock tight gently moving my finger in that sexy ass. Cho relaxed back but small jerks told me my mouth was still having an effect. He did not ask to be freed I just got to continue loving his cock!

I slowed to a stop just being a cock holder smiling up at my love.

"Fay you do make me feel so wonderful! Come up here."

I laid over him my face on his shoulder, "Cho's cum is so tasty!"

We snuggled, warm, comfortable holding each other. We eased under the covers cuddling naked. Cho pulled pillows over to prop my arm. Drifting nicely to sleep. Warm! Happy!

Comments to: amybecker60@yahoo.co.uk

Next: Chapter 33

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