
By A becker

Published on Aug 14, 2005


Note: the following is copyrighted material. You may post on other systems but full credit given and no changes made in any way.

While I would be thrilled for this to be true it isn't.

Jian 3 < or My Bangkok Days 3 >

"Remove your panties and hand them to me!"

I had trouble getting them down my legs I didn't want to let go of Ang's cock. Finally! The sandals had been hard to get past. I held them up for Ang. He laid them on the table, "pull our skirt over your back."

I was exposed now but not uncomfortable. Whatever the relaxing pills were they did their job. I was lightheaded and warm.

I knew that I was way over edge but it didn't matter. I liked this... all of it. Why was it all so easy?

Someone walked out onto the deck and spoke to Ang. They talked for a few minutes before I felt the hand on my ass. It stroked both cheeks and slid down my crack. My balls and cock were caressed gently as the man continued his conversation with Ang. He patted my left cheek and moved away.

"Look up at me."

I tilted my head back, Ang was smiling. He motioned me to sit beside him. I was going to put his cock away but Ang waved me not to.

"Food is coming now."

As I sat down the waitress delivered the food. Steaming vegetables and noodles and fried rice with big chunks of egg and shrimp. Ang handed me a pair of chopsticks.

"Enjoy the best food in Bangkok!"

The smell was rapturous.

"Beware of the red peppers they are very strong," Ang warned me, "Not like you get in England."

The noodles were HOT but sauce was so good. Ginger, lime, even coconut. I ate with appetite for many minutes. Ang stroked my left cheek.

"Here try the rice," his chopsticks near my mouth. I opened and he fed me the rice with a large piece of the egg. Garlic, pepper, cardamom. It was a bounty of taste and smell.

I became full faster than I would have imagined. I cooled my burning tongue with the fruit juice.

I looked over at Mr. Kang. His companion was in the same position. He smiled.

There was excited talk in the doorway and Jian came onto the deck. She sat next to me and we hugged.

"Here is a purse for you, Pheel. All the makeup that you are wearing and your pillbox."

It was a small navy blue cloth clutch with a thin gold handle dangling from the clasp.

Ang tapped the purse, "Your pills!"

I took a red with yellow stripe and a green one as the box said.

Jian's hip pressed into mine. She saw my panties on the table and Ang's cock outside his pants. Jian slipped her right hand into my top and covered my left areola. She glided her fingers over the nipple and pulled. Jian kissed my cheek and looked over at Ang. He nodded.

"Go with Jian and do as she asks. I will see you at the apartments."

Jian opened my purse, "Fix your lips."

I leaned over Ang's lap and kissed his cock. He held me there briefly.

I used the small compact mirror and succeeded in touching up the damage from eating and cock.

Jian took my hand and we got up to go. I bowed to Ang and turned to Mr. Kang. He gave me another smile as I bowed to him. Jian pulled at my arm and we were off through the restaurant.

She led me down the road past the apartment house and toward the local high street. As we neared the bar where we met I squeezed her hand. Jian held my hand tightly.

"Pheel, I hope you are doing well?"

"Jian, I am happy. You have opened a new world for me. I feel like there are many more new things out there for me."

I knew it was true and I wasn't afraid of the changes that I had undergone so far. I was 28, single; some money tucked away, small house and land in Hampshire from my parents. Maybe a good job still, who knew? But more than anything I felt free to have this experience. I wanted this and I had no inhibitions about it.

The only thing was where it would go.

Jian kept going; we had long past the bar when she turned into a narrow dark alley. I stumbled but caught myself as we came out the dark into a small brightly lit courtyard. We went past a pool with a darting silver wisp in the sunshine and lush plants with red flowers.

"This is Mr. That's."

We entered a small shop on the far side. A muscular Thai man was tattooing the shoulder of a man on one side. He grunted and motioned with his head to a doorway on the right. Jian took me into the next room.

There was a grotesque barber chair in the middle with several tables covered with cloths. Near the window sat an elderly man reading in the sunlight. He looked up and pointed to the chair.

"Pheel you need to undress and sit in the chair."

I removed my clothes as the old man moved a table near to the chair. I sat in the chair without embarrassment. The man lifted my legs into padded stirrups and began to lower the back. As my head became parallel with the floor I saw that Jian had removed her skirt and panties. She smiled at me and stepped up on a platform behind my head.

Jian leaned over and I met her eyes directly above me.

Jian lowered herself down so her cock was on my lips. I received it into my mouth and her soft sleek thighs wrapped around the sides of my head.

The elder rubbed some cream on my nipples, belly button, and cock head and back behind my testicles; it burned slightly but didn't hurt.

Jian's cock felt wonderful soaking in me. I was her cock holder. What a great job.

The man said something to Jian, she squeezed me with her legs as a sharp but brief pain went through my left nipple. The right followed soon after. Then my belly. I sensed his care handling my clit-stick. The pain there was more intense but short.

Jian moved her cock in and out of my mouth pressing her balls onto my nose and eyes.

The last pain came slower but was sharp at the end.

Jian lifted her hips and pulled her cock out of my mouth. She rubbed it over my face.

The old man continued his work going back to each location. I could hear small clicks until he was between my legs. A loud snick and a pinch on my skin ended it all.

He talked with Jian and she pushed her cock back into my mouth.

"Pheel, there is more. Are you OK?"

I nodded and said yes around her cock. She squeezed my head.

The noise of the stool and a warm firm hand on my right thigh let me know someone new had arrived.

He washed by pussy mound and dried it. His fingers were stretching the skin above my clit-stick. His marking the flesh excited me. I liked his strong firm touch.

As Jian soaked her cock in me he worked quickly. The buzzing sound and pin pricks started another departure for me. I was being marked. I didn't how it would look.

I zoned out, sucking cock and the noise of the tattoo, allowing me to drift.

Jian woke me as she climbed down. The tattoo artist raised the seat back and lifted my legs from the stirrups. He rubbed the back of them as he spoke to Jian. He helped me stand his hands on my hips turned me around. Jian sat in the seat with her legs open.

"Pheel, you need to kneel on the foot thing."

The tattoo man flipped the foot rest over to the padded side and urged me onto it.

Jian put her hand on my cheek and guided my mouth onto to her cock again. As I knelt the top of my ass crack was washed and dried. Once more he worked on my skin.

I got to hold Jian's delicious sex.

When the tattooing was done Jian led me to a large mirror in the front room. My body sported gold rings. They gleamed in the light. I touched them all lightly as the man said something to Jian.

"Pheel, the old man has cream for you."

The tattoos were covered with plasters. Jian said they were the letters of Ang and Heng but I would have to wait to see them until after the ink set.

The elderly man came in and gave me a small glass jar with a cork stopper.

"Pheel, this is the cream to make your piercings heal faster. It is Mr. That's secret. I will show you how to use it." The younger man cupped my left ass cheek in his hand and spoke to Jian.

"Pheel, he wants to fuck you but I told him that he would have to ask Ang. Lets go now, dress ok?"

I got my clothes but the tattoo man would not let me dress. More talking with Jian and groping me.

"Pheel suck his cock, OK? Then we can go." Jian took my clothes. Tattoo man opened his shorts as I knelt before him. His cock was a straight uncut 6" and he pulled me onto it. He had a strong musky smell and a slight bitter salty taste. I worked the penis sucking and stroking. Tongue on his balls and up and down the shaft. He was eager and breathing fast right away. He pressed into the top of my throat surprisingly I didn't gag. The pressure only heightened my enjoyment. I did love cock!

I increased the suction and my finger motion on the shaft. He was thrusting toward me and gripped my neck from behind. His forcing the cock into my mouth became more rapid and he went into short shoves. The first ejaculation hit my uvula and slid into my throat, the others shot onto my tongue. I swallowed it all as he relaxed. He held my head against his sex mound my mouth full of him. Jian spoke to him and he withdrew the cock. Taking it into his right hand he stroked across my lips. I looked up; he smiled and gently slapped my cheek with the soft wet cock. Jian translated his comments, "He thanked you. You have a great mouth."

Well complements will get you somewhere. I leaned forward and kissed his cock circling the cock head with my tongue.

Jian pulled at my arm, "Lets go Pheel."

I dressed quickly and Jian told me to wash my face. "Fix your makeup."

The young man stroked Jian's ass she wiggled away. She said something to him and he shrugged.

We left retracing our way back to the high street with all its bustle and smells. Jian took me into a shop across the street. She spoke to the owner and he opened a beautiful teak cabinet filled with small drawers. A small wooden box was offered to Jian. She slid the lid back and held it up to me face. Jasmine! It was a paste that glowed in the light.

"Pheel, this is a gift from Heng for you. He wants you to put this on your breasts and pussy."

I loved the smell. I was going to do it but Jian smiled at me and took my hand.

"Let's go Pheel, not here! Silly." The shop owner, his face was lined with age but noble, was transformed with a look of pleasure at my bow to him.

Jian tugged me out the door, "You like to bow?"

I laughed, "No but I want to show my respect. I can't suck everyone's cock you know." She stared at me but then kissed me.

"Pheel, there is much to you I do not know yet."

Yet had a good sound! I loved being with her, especially sucking her cock.

Back at the apartments Ang was at the top of the stairs, "Got to my office Phil and wait. Jian you will have a visitor shortly."

Ang checked my body he seemed very pleased.

"Do you have That's cream?"

I handed it to him.

"This cream will heal and toughen the skin around your piercing much faster than normal. You rub some on the skin around the pierce and some on the ring and work the ring into the pierced skin spreading the cream inside. OK?"

I nodded.

"Put the first cream on in an hour or so."


"Go to your room I will be there in a short time."

I collected my clothes and went down the hallway. On the bed in "my room" were several packages.

"Open them and try them on," Ang said as he entered the room. I pulled the string loose on the larger package. It was a black and white plaid skirt, very small with pleats all around and black short-sleeved blouse with shiny black buttons cut to stop above the waist.

"They are the same size as the ones you were wearing. Open the other."

Two baby doll nighties and a bra and panty set. One of the nighties was white with pale yellow lace bodice the other black with white lace.

"No panties?"

Ang laughed, "You do not need panties for sleeping."

I could see his point. The black panties and bra were small, bikini style very soft cotton.

Ang brought out from behind his back another small package.

I removed the wrapper it was a pair of mules in black with white puffs on the instep. They fit. The heel was 1.5 inches. I was a bit unsteady on them but excited. This was wonderful all these nice presents.

I stepped over to Ang and threw my arms around him. He had a broad smile we kissed.

"Put on the white nightie and show me."

I slipped my arms into it and Ang tied the yellow ribbon at the neckline. He moved back and looked me over.

"Very nice very sexy."

I stood there with a short nightie that left me naked below the hips in high heels.

"Can I go look in Jian's mirror?"

"See if she has a visitor if not OK.

Her door was closed so I had to make do with the small mirror over my sink. I liked it I really liked that I was so smooth across my belly and legs. The mules gave my legs more definition.

Ang stroked my ass his caress was exciting to me.

"There will be a visitor to see you in an hour or so. Clean up in here, fix your hair and face and wait!"

I looked at him in the mirror his warm hand still holding my ass. I nodded and smiled at his reflection. And patted me and went down the hall.

I put away all my new things and washed my face and pussy. I worked on my hair and face.

The straight-backed chair I moved to the middle of the room and sat on it. I waited.

A visitor meant what? Someone to look at me or like the tattoo man to fuck me?

I thought about the job that brought me to Thailand. Could I still setup a network of scanners for the railroad company? Could I go and work "normally" after this? Would the railroad want me? I needed to talk to Ang. I stood up to go to his room when a man stepped into the doorway.

Mr. Kang! I was shocked but smiled a greeting. He smiled and moved toward me. His extended hand captured mine. He lifted my arm and turned me around looking me over.

He said something in Thai but when he began to undress I closed the door. I laid his clothes over the back of the chair. When Mr. Kang was naked I faced him. He placed his right hand on my shoulder and pressed down lightly.

I knelt down. His cock was rising and had a nice curve to it. No pre-cum yet.

MMMmmm warm soft musky but very pleasant. I filled my mouth. OH yes I liked this I loved this. Warm cock and lots of it.

He began to leak juice and slurped it up. Up and down his cock I went. He hardened beautifully a firm 6" with generous foreskin. I slipped the skin back and forth generating more juice. He moaned and his hands crossed over on the back of my head.

I bobbed up and down for a few minutes before he pointed to the bed. I lay on my back. Mr. Kang moved between my thighs lifting them out and outward. His cock was rigid and aimed at me. He smiled and pressed the head of his cock to my pussy.

Slowly he slid into me he drew back and spit on our union. His cock was so nice I was opening for him. His strokes were smooth. He was pulling all the way out and reentering me deeply at each stroke.

He held my legs firmly and I used my fingers on his nipples and gripping his waist. He had a strong body and very nice legs that were powerful. His thrusts were deeper now more searching in my pussy. He rotated his hips moving his cock around inside me. Sliding it in at angles and withdrawing pressing down on my anal rim or up. This man knew how to fuck a girl I wanted more of this. He looked at me smiling talking to me in Thai picking up the pace of his penis.

Faster now much more friction burning my pussy he pounded into me. The thrusts were shorter my fingers groped at his anus rubbing the wrinkled hole. He moaned his face screwed up in ecstasy as his first load jetted in my pussy. He pumped me more and shot again he thrust one last time and laid on me. I folded my arms and legs around his back holding this wonderful man.

I held Mr. Kang tightly our mutual perspiration slick on the skin. He whispered something an endearment maybe because it was so soft and gently spoken. He kissed my neck and pushed upward my limbs released him. Eyes closed he broke our connection and stood up unsteadily. I reached out and stroked his firm thigh he took my hand drawing me to the edge of the bed.

I sat there looking straight at the cock that had pleasured me. Golden soft inviting. I leaned forward and tongued the head running my lips up the soft slick cock. Mr. Kang pulled me onto my knees and fed me the object of my desire.

MMMmmm this is great warm from my pussy my taste and his. He tilted my head back looked into my eyes. His words were a caress I knew what he meant.

He said something and drew back reaching for his clothes. I stopped him sucking his cock again pointing to the sink. He nodded and stood still as I licked and sucked him clean.

I helped him dress kissing the cock before closing his trousers over it.

"When will be you back?"

He didn't understand. His hands stroked me.

At the door he stopped his hand went to his pocket leaving some money on the small table next to the lamp.

He smiled and turned left out the door.

Comments to: abecker60@yahoo.co.uk

Next: Chapter 4

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