
By A becker

Published on Apr 22, 2014


I told them I knew nothing about the ceremony that was planned or even when but that I trusted Mr. Keren so it would work out.

I waved to Kiet; he brought the boxes I had entrusted to him. I handed one each of my girlfriends, new cell phones. "I put our numbers in and they are yours to keep. Cho has paid for the first year of service already!" Lots of cheers for Cho for that!

There wasn't much drinking going on. Too high from the last twenty four hours. We all appeared to be headed for our beds early. Lots of kissing hugging as part of the goodbyes.

Jian and Ting headed inside.

Cho had his arm around me I leaned my head on him, "It was very nice, low-key. A good way to ease into a new phase of life."

I agreed, we had needed some talk time to relax. Get comfortable without a lot of hoopla.

I gathered Jian in my arms at her door, "Tomorrow come with me to the railroad for a while, OK?"

She kissed me, "Yes I want to see Fay at work."

"Around nine thirty, alright?"

She nodded slowly; Ting kissed me and scooped up Jian.


Cho took my hand as we wandered to our rooms, "Fay, how about we take everyone up river? As long as it is a day trip there will be no worries about beds since there are only 4 cabins."

He got a hug from me at our door, "That's lovely, we can sun and swim. The bay will light up and we can party on the way back."

I drew his face to mine, the sweetest kiss turned into passion as I found myself nearly airborne when he lifted me up toward the bed.

There was pent up sexual need that Cho acted upon!

"Now young lady time for some sex!"

We were naked fast, on my back I pulled him up so I could have that warm beautiful cock in my mouth. Mmmmm gawd he tasted so good, I gave Cho the preferred customer blowjob and he enhanced it with some push-ups on my face. I'll never tire of this cock!

Cho smiling down at my efforts, "Fay roll over, time for a trampoline fuck of that fabulous pussy!" I flipped over happily anticipating my coming fuck!

"Ooohhh yes'" was squeezed out of me as he got me wet, the shaft entered.

Cho moved slowly warming up my back channel then built speed and power. Thrusting down hard making my body bounce off the firm mattress toward his next down stroke Cho and I rebounded into each other. The trampoline was working as he fucked me, his stamina and my lust for that cock combined for an athletic experience. My pussy was burning with that feeling of pain but much pleasure. If this is my future then fine with me!

My nipple rings were tugged sending sharp lovely bolts of sexual pain through me. The power Cho's cock was met with my desire.

I could feel one of my strange ass-pussy orgasms coming, the heat rising from my cunt through my belly exploding across my breasts.

"Oh Cho, I'm coming! Coming!" It hit me like a truck; fortunately Cho didn't stop, making it more intense.

Cho slowed and lowered me flat, then picked up the pace again. His cock kept me on a high as he neared the edge.

"Fay I'm coming now!"

"Come in me my man!"

My pussy muscles held him tight as he spurted into me. I loved the feeling of the cock swelling in me. Three, four times his orgasm pumped his lovely cum.

Cho lay over me, sweat from us mingled, his heart thumping against my back, "Fay this is what I have been waiting for a wonderful loving partner!"

That was all he could get out for a few minutes; he didn't need to say anything more. I loved being a mattress for Cho!!! Warmly embraced! We moved under the covers with me facing up, kisses and snuggling together.

His heartbeat slowed, his breathing matched mine, we dozed off.

A quiet dream of swimming, warm water. I came out of that to Cho's kisses, "I want a drink how about you?"

I nodded, one more kiss. Cho padded down the hall to the kitchen.

I lay there happy that all things had fixed themselves finally. Dozing...CRASH!

Something breaking loudly, I jumped up dashing towards the kitchen.

Naked, Cho was struggling with a masked black suited man whose arm was straight up with a gun pointing towards the ceiling. The attacker was startled by my appearance. Suddenly Cho's knee flashed into the man's crotch. He partially blocked it but his gun flipped away sliding on the tile floor towards me.

I picked it up, Cho was gripping him tightly! I held it, thinking why don't they leave us alone, I slammed it into the side of the intruder's skull.

There was a nasty crack sound and he went limp.

Cho took the gun, unloaded it. He checked the man, "Breathing, you knocked him out!"

"Watch out for the broken glass on the other side of the counter!"

He dialed a number, "In the house, on the kitchen floor, one gunman neutralized but maybe others! The girls will be in the master bedroom!"

"Go get Ting then you and Jian go to our bedroom, lock the door! Now!"

A quick kiss and I was gone. They were awake wondering, a few words made it clear. Jian hobbled down the hall with me as her crutch. I locked the door. I got on a robe and gave one to her.

I told her what happened.

"Fay, you and Cho very brave!"

"Or maybe we've had enough of their crap!"

I called Mr. Keren's number. It was a short call, he sounded very angry.

We cuddled on the bed.

Probably fifteen minutes later a knock on the door made us both jump.

"Fay its Cho and Ting."

I unlocked and got an armful of Cho, "We are guarded now inside the house."

He dressed and they went out again, "Stay put please."

We sat there holding hands waiting, "It's Saul's work!"

She squeezed my hand, "He will be problem, so nasty!"

I could only nod. We stayed together holding each other.

Another knock, just as the noise of a fluttering helicopter over the house came up. I opened the door to our men.

"The grounds are secure."

"I called Mr. Keren."

"Ah yes, the boats and the helicopter must be his. Amporn is in the kitchen with her husband. You can come out now."

A smile, "You better put on some clothes though."

I flashed them, "Isn't this enough?"

Cho took me in his arms, "It is enough for me but we have guests now."

A firm ass-pussy pat sent me to the armoire. Ting carried Jian to their rooms.

White short shorts, navy blue halter top, white sandals with navy blue straps, fixed my hair a bit.

Standing with a cup of coffee that a smiling Amporn pushed into my hands. Warm, strong and welcome! She got a big smile!

Cho was on his cell, the words were Emphatic!

Mr. Keren came in through the French doors with a scowl on his handsome face, "Fay you do like to live dangerously."

My pout was wasted on him, "I'm looking for a quiet life, no more troubles, please!"

"The assassin is enroute to the hospital; he probably has a fractured skull. Remind me NOT to get you angry at me."

That got him a hug and kiss on the cheek. Amporn stuck a cup of milky coffee in his hand which earned her a big smile.

"We cannot talk to him for a while but surely it will have to be..."

"Saul!" Jian popped it out and we all turned her way. She was leaning back in Ting's arms, almost spilling coffee with her Vigorous naming of the suspect we knew.

"Yes, finding that man has risen up in my priorities. Well young lady you will have to put up tighter security until he is found."

The finger pointing at me I took into my hand, "I said I wanted no more trouble and so won't make any for you."

He kissed my hand and gave it back, "I suppose sleeping is out for tonight. Captain?"

A cammo clothed young office stepped forward, "For tonight... or what is left, I have a platoon on the grounds and will work with Mr. Cho's security later to create a plan for the future. Please come to me if you have any questions. We have two fastboats at the dock as our HQ."

Cho stepped from behind me his handsome features hard, "My security will be boosted for around the clock at all our sites even those that have no involvement with my immediate family. Dr. Ting has agreed to take on some of my security until the matter is resolved. Also I have sent security to the hotel where the others are staying. They are on duty now and will accompany all from now on. I have sent security to where Eve is staying so she is aware and be protected just in case."

"Mr. Thet from my security is coming here shortly to work with you Captain."

Mr. Keren was smiling now, "Please may I have more coffee since the basics have been covered."

Cho waved him over to the counter, Amporn filled his cup and offered cream and sugar.

Mr. Keren looked at his watch, "It is 0430 now. You can go outside; our people are searching the few buildings that overlook your grounds. It will not take long. No problems at this point."

I was holding Cho's hand, slipping my arm around Mr. Keren, "Thank you! We're grateful!"

I rested my head against his shoulder, he kissed my cheek, "My pleasure, but let us not do this too often, OK?"

We agreed that another excuse should be found to meet.

Amporn filled my cup, Cho led me out to the terrace. Jian was in Ting's arms with Amporn's husband following with their coffee. We all sat in the lantern light relaxing.

Mr. Keren joined us after a brief talk with the Captain, "Thoi will meet Fay after breakfast at the railroad office. He said he needed his sleep."

Laughing, Cho said, "Well, we may not need as much beauty sleep as Mr. Thoi! How about eating?"

I said yes right away! Cho smiled, "You have the proverbial hollow leg!"

The others wanted food too. I went to the kitchen with Cho to ask Amporn. She suggested fruit, she said she would make Patongos and there were cream Salapaos already made.

Cho wrapped his arms around me, "Patongos are Thai donuts," looking up at Amporn he asked about custard sauce, she nodded no problem. "Salapaos are little bread buns filled with various things; Amporn loves to make them with cream inside." He asked her a question, Amporn opened a cabinet, and there was a big clear box of the little buns.

"She is prepared."

"Can I help with the fruit?"

Cho asked for me and got a big smile! Amporn opened a drawer and tied a sweet bib apron around me. Coconut palms on the front, big bow at the back. Amporn's husband did the napkins, etc... Cho made more coffee and I chopped away on bananas, mangoes, pineapple, papayas, watermelon and something new for me "rose apple". Cho told me how to cut it, a small tidbit for the carver had me gobble half of one before he stopped me, "Hey, wait for us!"

Amporn brought over several platters, gave me a smile and hug, saying something I had to turn to Cho for translation.

"She said you will be handy to have in the kitchen."

I happily hugged her back. I set to work making the platters into an appetizing display.

Everyone was ready by the time it was prepared. It was welcome to have the heaters on also! I loved cream filled Salapaos, very tasty. More coffee.

Amporn came out with freshly made Patongos. Warm, crunchy, sweet custard sauce for dipping. My first didn't last long enough for dipping.

"Fay, why are you not fat the way you eat," Ting was shaking his head.

Cho mentioned something about exercise, trailing off as I punched his bicep. We ate by the light of the lanterns, some soldier shadows in the distance. We were all were cheerful now; food and soldiers on guard set us at our ease.

"Mr. Keren, can we get some food for your men?" He told me they were prepared to take care of themselves.

"What about bathrooms?"

"Are you done filling the hollow leg?" I nodded finishing a salapao.

"Come with me for a tour."

He offered his arm, "We will do everything in our power to protect you all. We owe you for what you did and suffered AND," his arm tensed, "we want those men convicted. They have to spend the rest of their days in prison. This means we have an important task and your participation is necessary."

I for one wanted to testify against the brothers and Rai and the weasel Thai version of Truman Capote. Too bad for the smaller fish.

Mr. Keren and I stood on the dock, "I will be there for the prosecutions no matter what goes on. You have treated me like a precious commodity and it is appreciated. You do know that my reputation may take a beating with all the sex stuff that is bound to come out and it may not be good for the cases but I'm not backing away!"

He squeezed my arm, "I do not suppose tonight's events will make you better disposed to them?"

My laugh had a rough edge, his fist tight, "Good that is what I wanted to hear! Hardness!"

"What about Saul? Is there any info on him?"

"We will re-interview the brothers and Fung..."

"How about Yai? He didn't seem as hardcore as Fung."

"Mmmm, yes may be."

"I should talk to him, he was nice to me. At least, he may have a few ideas of who might help Saul and... "

Mr. Keren took his time with an appraising look, patted my hand, "Ok but there will be limits."

From my time with Yai, I had felt he was in over his head and he wouldn't hurt me. Mr. Keren's approval would give me a chance in the dénouement.

Breakfast had been demolished and cleared away. Cho was on his cell. Jian was cuddled up in Ting's lap.

Mr. Keren left me beside Cho, "Get some rest. I will setup the meeting with Yai and call you."

He strode away towards the front gate, several men in suits following.

Cho leaned over his arms slipping around me, "I told Mr. Keren that I would talk to Yai to get info on Saul. He's going to call me."

Cho's eyes were eating into mine, "Are you sure?"

I made my case for ending this; he kissed me as a sign of agreement.

"I will be going in an hour or so."

He lead me inside saying nothing until the bedroom door was closed behind us, "I love you. You were wonderful in your naked anger!"

I pulled Cho onto the bed, "I know you want to get going but lay on me for a minute."

Holding him close, I told Cho that if all this went to trial all my activities would be made public and be embarrassing for him to be associated with me.

"You are willing to testify against them, yes?"

I nodded, "You are willing to expose yourself, yes?"

I agreed, "Then the risk has to be borne to finish the job!"

I was crying now, no one ever offered themselves to me as Cho had, no limits, taking my back completely.

"No point in crying, we are together. This night has proven that!"

He rose with me as a dead weight around his neck, "Come shower with me."

Naked, wet, I washed my man, and he returned the favor. I restrained myself, only a little play with delightful cock. Cho was laughing as he dried my back right down to my pussy-ass, "SO sweet!"

I did my hair Jian wandered in, "Are we still going to the railroad office?"

I said absolutely but she could come later, "I'll send a car for you, OK?"

"One hour alright?" She yawned a yes.

I needed clothes, SHOPPING I yelled at her retreating back, "Yea!"

Black skirt, white short blouse with the big gold buttons, black thigh highs and black pumps, wicked red lipstick, hair just right, the point resting on my cheekbone. I grabbed my phone and small black purse with gold clasp. Smashing girl staring out at me from the mirror!

Cho kissed me at the door as we went to separate cars, "I called the "Ice Rink", the manager will put out the ads for the contest today!"

I sat back, Lek looking over his shoulder, "Well Fay, you look great! Off to work for you."

He deposited me at the door of the Railroad, holding the car door; I was going to kid him for that... "I am going to be out of the car and watching every time now!"

I squeezed his arm and dashed up the stairs.

I stopped in at Udorn's office, he and his missus were on the way out to a luncheon, "I don't want to hold you, please call when you are back." I kissed her cheek, "Good to see you!"

Ku jumped up, "Fay, you OK? You sounded stressed when you called earlier."

I took her hand; we sat on the big couch. She was horrified at my news, "Please don't tell anyone. I'll tell those I want to know."

My man answered right away, "Cho do you have a car for Jian? I could send Lek over." he said no, he'd call his security man Thet to make sure there were cars with body guards ready around the clock.

I called Reg in London, the workaholic answered right away, "Don't worry, everything is on the way."

"Reg, were you serious about the change in management? And who is taking over?"

I got the whole rundown, the clod with no sense of how to manage was gone and a fellow I knew and liked was taking the reins.

"He thinks the department heads are ok and is going to do some traveling to new locations to help build business. You're on the list!"

"Shit! I'm glad, it means he trusts you! When would he be here?"

"Unknown but since you've just gotten started and had the stealing secrets fuss and the kidnapping, he wants to meet you soon!"

After hanging up I sat back, a new problem and a stressor. Can't be helped.

"Hey Ku, what about the yard managers meeting?"

She stuck her head in the door, "It is on for Tuesday morning."

Good, time for lots of checking, install new hardware and software at Kavnu's yard. He said he was ready; his team had already started to review all construction. Good man!

I did some email. My English property agent: you need a new well on the Hampshire property. That's enough to bring me down to earth. I emailed back to do it.

A few of the inevitable sex ads, new cars and extended warranties, etc... that clogged everyone's inbox. Fuck'em! I quickly dumped them all.

Mr. Thoi walked in. Ku lead him into my office, "You had some entertainment? Maybe more than you wanted?"

I held his hand, he went on, "Keren told me you are committed to seeing it all through. I was sure you would. I have known Keren for over forty years, he is COMMITTED to the law and loathes criminals like the Brothers and their type. He will chase them all until they are caught or dead."

We sat sat down in the corner chairs. He smiled, "You do bring excitement and glamor with you. I do not remember any woman dressing like you here, ever! I will not keep you but when you speak to Yai... He is a follower, keep it in mind and perhaps dominate him subtly."

He kissed my cheek at the door, "You are level-headed and smart, qualities that endear you to me!"

He invited me to lunch, "Maybe in a few days, alright?"

I nodded, squeezed his hand.

I was staring out over the city from the balcony, "Fay, you want tea?"

"Ku, make it for four with some biscuits. Wait, lots of biscuits!" She gave a BIG grin!

A call front the front desk, Jian was here. I dashed down the stairs resisting the temptation from my youth to slide down the banisters. The guard was chatting with Jian, giving her a real look over!

I could see why, red sleeveless blouse, white pleated skirt on her hips leaving a nice space of her flat brown tummy showing, red pumps with tiny white bows, red and white glossy bag, hair swept back. I grabbed her, "Come on tea is ready!" I was hungry!

She met Ku and Eve came down from doing all her employee stuff in personnel, lots of hugs. I took Eve aside to tell her about last night, she shook her head, "From the way Saul fucked me nothing would surprise me! So mean and nasty even when it wasn't necessary!"

"I just wanted to let you know so you two might take a few precautions when you leave today!" Eve hugged me, "We will! Thanks!"

We all sat down to tea. Mmmm, Scottish shortbread, wafers with cream or chocolate, hot sweet tea! I skipped talking for a few minutes. Little Ms. Piggy!

"Jian, I have to meet with Udorn in a little while will you camp out here?"

She was licking her lower lip clean of some wafer crumbs, "Yes, I will talk as they work."

I tore myself away from the food to grab my ringing cellphone, "Fay, if you still want to talk to Yai, I set it up for two hours from now. I know it is soon but best to do it to see if it can help."

I agreed three o'clock. "Does Lek know where to go?"

"I will call him," Mr. Keren rang off.

I told the girls and called Cho. Be careful he said. I planned on it. Udorn came in as I hung up from Cho.

I lead him onto the terrace outside my office. I gave him the story of last night and where I was going in two hours. I had his unqualified support even after my comments about the salacious bits that would appear as the result on any trial of the shits.

I brought Udorn up to date on the new hardware and software coming and that Kavnu was getting the yard people ready. He was happy!

Quick call, `Lek, how long will it take to get to the prison?"

Thirty minutes, not much time left. "OK I'll be down shortly."

The prison looked stark from the outside, drab inside. I waited in an office with Mr. Keren, "Just so you know the assassin is going to be ok. You did crack his skull. You will be alone with Yai, he will have been searched very carefully and dressed in prison clothes. We will be watching and the door will not be closed. If he does anything foolish like threatening you it will be over."

I nodded, "What I'm planning is a straight appeal to him to help in finding Saul. I am willing lie to trick him though. Is there anything I can put on the table besides his enjoying the sex he had with me?"

"Only the obvious, that his help will make us better disposed towards him, he already knows we have the evidence to convict him of his participation with Fung in a long series of crimes. At this point he knows that the rest of his life will be like it is now."

"Have you told that I'm here? I was hoping for surprise."

Keren smiled, "I have been thinking like you so he is ignorant. This is a security services prison, nothing leaks from here."

I squeezed his hand. "By the way I wanted to tell you that I seduced Lek before I was abducted. No surprises ok?"

He laughed that warm laugh, "I was not certain but it does not shock me. You would be hard to resist."

We had a good laugh as a very handsome officer came to the door, "Sir, we are ready."

He escorted me down the hall, I paused, "Can he see out of the room?"

He told me that the there was no way he could see me until the door was opened.

I asked him to open the door so I could enter quickly to make a "dramatic" entrance. He smiled, "I understand, `shock the monkey'!"

"Perfect! Then leave us alone, OK"

He started to say something, "Please do it my way!"

From Yai's view I sort of exploded into the room, he jumped up, backing away, "You?"

I stood still looking into his eyes, "Yai, I need your help."

He licked his lips, eyes down now.

"You have plenty of troubles and I can't do a thing about those but you can. Saul hired an assassin to kill me, he tried last night. He failed."

I paused, "I want you to help me put an end to Saul. If you do it you could save some of your life." He slumped into the chair, staring down at the table top, "Fay I would never be a party to hurting you, please believe me."

"Then help protect me now!"

He rubbed his face, sitting back, "Are they listening?"

"Of course what do you think?"

He shuddered; I sensed it was time to give him a push.

I opened the door, "Officer we need someone to take down some information directly."

He called out, leaving the door open but filling the space with his large bulk.

I could see Mr. Keren leaning by a doorway down the hall as two officers entered the room.

"Yai, go on now."

He kept his head down, muttering.

I stepped in strongly, "Yai!"

His head jerked up, "Don't fool around with this. Speak clearly and loudly! After last night I don't feel like playing about!"

He slumped down but his voice was clear. He gave a list of places in Bangkok that Saul might go and three names of possible contacts.

When he was done I stood across the table offering my hand, "Thank you Yai! I do appreciate your helping me."

He was crying, "Fay, I am ashamed for my part in the robberies and other things. I let Fung pull me along."

I squeezed his hand, "Yai, if this information helps I will speak on your behalf to any court."

He sat his head in his hands as I left.

Mr. Keren was smiling as I joined him, "Not bad, good tactics. Maybe you should be working for us."

I demurred, "He has been alone since I was abducted?" I got a nod.

Solitary was working on his mind more than me.

Lek took me back to the Railroad building, "I'll be ready to leave in about an hour. Then to Mongkut! Shopping!!

Next: Chapter 30

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