
By A becker

Published on Feb 12, 2013


I slept for a while when Thang was close to me, holding me in the dark, whispering, "Fay someone tried the door but have gone."

I was awake now, "When? Any idea who it was?"

"A few minutes ago, I waited for them to go. Do not know who, the chair and me too heavy to move!"

I didn't want to think who it might have been. Thang was back in the chair very awake! I drifted off.

Thang had pulled the curtains open, his weight on me, "Fay need to get up." He didn't leave it at that though some wandering fingers made their presence known on my body. He teased my bits as I was stuck under him, "Thang don't play give me your cock!"

"No not now, we eat, a bit of planning, OK?"

He had waited to go out for breakfast until he got me up, "No sleeping when I not here. Be careful now."

I made it plain that his cock was enough for my morning meal but he wasn't going for that.

"I will get food, you get up and wash could be a long day."

He was gone! Shit I wanted his dick! I want Cho's too and Jian's and ... All that was going to have to wait.


I did my body washing, inside outside all around, climbed into one of the fluffy terrycloth robes with a towel on my head and waited for breakfast in the big chair. Thang brought a big jug of coffee with toasted bread and fruit, we munched sitting on the bed.

"Mr. Keren wanted you to know about the door behind the curtains in the pool table room, it leads to alley that isn't blocked. He said that some of his men would come through there."

He said he would give it a look if there was no one around. I told him I was keeping it a secret and was going to ask him to take me out that way but Mr. Keren's arrival has stopped it.

Thang shook his head, "You have been bad." I felt no qualms about it and offered to show him how `bad' I could be by opening the robe exposing myself, "Do want to experience my badness?"

A firm NO was all I got and no amount of pouting or jiggling my tits made any difference. Even my best smile had no effect and he kept his cock under control. Worse luck!

I rolled up in the big robe across the bed, "At least lay down here and listen, OK"

He lay beside me as I told him all the information that Mr. Keren had given me and roughly when to expect the raid. He held my hand, kissed it, "Fay I know that we will be separated after all this happens..." he paused with his eyes closed, "I know to you have a life that did not include me..." He ran out of gas then.

I pressed myself against his body trying to give him a feeling of how important what I was going to say was, "Thang, you have been my protector and lover, two roles I needed very badly. I have had have sex with many men but I have made love' to very few. You have been one. Yes, I needed you to want me so I could have hope which was so desperately important to me but I had passion for you. I think you know that from the way we were together. My teasing you just now for sex is part of my love' not only of your body {big squeeze from me} but wanting to be really close with you." I was crying, now trying to use the sleeve to wipe away the tears didn't work Thang was holding me too tight.

"I don't think we were meant to be a couple but I am so glad, happy, about all of it, that we have been intimate. You gave me pleasure, I know you got some in return. I hope you can forgive my seducing you for my needs."

I couldn't go on, my face buried in his chest, sobbing. He was strong for us, holding me until I had calmed down, rubbing my back gently. He was going to say something but I stopped him, "Thang, I know you were assigned the job of getting into the house in Korat and then being with me daily, the trip added to the worry, you have been wonderful."

I get him a big smile, "I'm glad you couldn't resist me also!"

That got me a grin but also his fingers went searching for some skin to tickle, "OH Thang don't! I tickle you back!"

He quit, a kiss and hug ensued. "We will be friends? Yes?"

I hoped so and told him what Mr. Keren said when I confessed to seducing him and how Keren had admired me when he has seen a picture. It made Thang feel better about that part of our little drama.

We cleaned up from breakfast, he took the tray back and was going to try for a scouting trip of the hidden doorway. I curled up in the big robe in the big chair to read. I didn't get much chance as Kha came in, "Fay can I talk?" She looked cute in very short skirt and crop top in the same shade of pink matching her toes and nails. When I said yes she closed the door, "I am sorry for giving Nkhon the opportunity to fuck you. He gave me money. He said he want to fuck you real bad and wanted to not bother Nowat. Please forgive me."

I gave her a hug, "Kha it's ok I expected him to come sooner or later the way he was pawing me at the party. He just surprised me and hurt some."

I felt that she was sincere and kissed her cheek and gently patted her pussycheeks, "You ok back there from Puy?" I got a lop-sided grin, "Yes, may be I never get used to her size."

She gave me a squeeze, "Did Nowat fuck you? I think he came here for that."

I had both pussycheeks now as we ground a bit together, "Yes I sucked him in his office and later he fucked me right here. He has a nice cock!"

She stepped back and opened my robe, "Fay you are so sexy so real looking." My nipples were rocks under her fingers and I returned the caress under her top. Her skirt was tenting in the front, "Kha you are getting warmed up!" Her hand was between my legs stroking from my pubic mound back to my pussy, "Fay let us have sex! I would like to very much!"

I told we have to be quick as I knelt lifting her hem to find a nice cut cock hard with no panties to worry about. I sucked her, she tasted good, a bit of vanilla. Her hands were in my hair, "Fay you suck good."

I didn't want to disappoint her so I went to work, my gas pedal to the floor, sucking slurping her balls which were small, acorn-sized, smooth, my fingers dancing along her cock shaft. A thumb nail under her frenum flicking back and forth made her almost hop up. I went back to the cock tonguing the piss slit, suck the penis head, bottom teeth grazing under her cock head.

"Fay can I fuck you?"

I kept sucking as I wet my pussy, "No I do that."

I knelt on the bed, her tongue slid right into my cunt, "OH yes Kha eat my pussy!"

She did with considerable zest and skill for a few minutes before climbing up behind me aiming her cock for my hole and pressing in. Kha fucked me hard driving fast gripping my hips.

"Fay I cum very soon!" And she did, not even five minutes in my pussy was needed to bring her off, shot her cum on my pussycheeks and back with some loud Thai being spoken. She rested her cock on me, "Fay I never come so quick. You like?"

I told Kha I had enjoyed her prick, I got her on her back, sucked her clean and licked my lips.

"Let's wash up, OK" Kha agreed, we dashed across to the wash room, me naked.

Puy was there, straddled over a farang fucking him VERY hard at the edge of the shower, "Yes you love my big dick! You love my fucking!" All we could hear were murmurs that sounded like agreement but it didn't matter Puy kept driving that monster cock into him.

Kha and I washed up, I stood at the door wrapped in a towel Kha behind me, Puy had pulled out of the farang's ass, gawd it was stretched open, and was feeding it to him holding his head by the ears. She managed to get a good piece in before he gagged, she didn't seem to care and went for more.

I kissed Kha in my room, "You better go, thanks for fucking me." She kissed me hard, "Can we do it again?"

I said yes, I would look forward to it. I pulled the robe on again and sat in the big chair. I didn't need to fuck Kha but I enjoyed the sex but just didn't make anything of it like I told Thang.

Thuy wandered by a little bit later, "Did you see what Puy is doing?" I told I had seen her fucking that farang at both ends.

"She fisting him now in bathroom, boy he be very sore!"

An anonymous sex victim? NO, he knew what to expect I'm sure. He paid and is still paying from the sound of it. No big deal. After Thuy left I wasn't settling down with a book. Too much at stake. Nervous! I trusted Mr. Keren and Mr. Thoi even more but I was here, now, not free.

I sat in the big chair deciding if anything here, anything material, mattered to me. All of it was bought by someone else and all I needed was some clothing in the short run. I went down to Thang's room he wasn't there but I found a plastic shopping bag rolled up and grabbed it for my getaway kit.

Looked in at the room where Greg had been taking Ni's cock, no lock like the others, the door was quiet as I opened it a tiny crack. Ni was kneeling behind Greg fucking away, he was grunting as he slammed his cock into the ass. Whatever he was saying I couldn't understand but Greg looked OK in the pink nightie. Another man came from out of my view, a big curved cock that was stuffed into Greg's mouth. Gagging, choking by Greg didn't have any impact on that fellow he kept trying to get it all in, "You like big dick farang? Yes, you like mine your pussy loved it!"

Greg seemed to be getting what he wanted.

I put panties, shorts, heeled sandals, crop top, a lipstick in the bag, it fit sort of but as long as I could handle it. I put it the back of the armoire.

I went down the corridor to find out the time, no answer at Nowat's door so I went towards the bar, the doors were open and I peeked around the corner. No clients, Nowat leaning back on the bar with a beer watching Sha on her side on a table being fucked by what looked a young boy. He was slender, no body hair with what appeared to be a good sized cock which he was vigorously using in Sha's pussy. None of them saw me or I backed away heading back to my room.

Some folks were going at it. The washroom door was being held open by a girl I didn't remember, she was looking in at something. I stopped, "Puy is really working this farang's ass."

I went on not caring to see it. Still had no idea what time it was. Sat in the chair, bored, nervous, anxious. Nothing to eat or drink. Getting really pissy with the waiting. Jumped up tried Thang's room, empty.

Turned back when Ni brought Greg out, "Come bitch you get cleanup." He saw me, big grin on that ugly face, naked wet dick, pink nightie on Greg with Ni's hand on his neck. Greg saw me but kept his eyes down, Ni was laughing. They went past the girl at the door of the washroom, I heard Ni's harsh voice, "farangs getting fucked today!"

I tried the area by the lanai looking for drink or food. Empty!

I decided on a try at the bar regardless of Sha's position. She was kneeling facing away with the boy's big penis flashing in and out of her twat. Nowat hadn't moved but he saw me this time. I told him I needed a drink, "Fay go back to my office I be there in a minute."

I leaned on the wall beside his door waiting.

He was smiling as he unlocked the door, "Come in."

He got a juice from a small fridge, "Here Fay. You see Sha getting it?" I said I had.

"He's my nephew having first piece of pussy. Only thirteen but got a big dick? You look?"

I told him the scene had been hard to miss, he guffawed, "I let him have Sha no charge. She doesn't get fucked much."

I thanked him for the juice and found out it was after five o'clock, going for the door he stopped me.

"Fay, that rich man tomorrow very important you give the best, OK? He could a steady client for you!" I smiled, "So I should fuck him like I did for you? That was good wasn't it?"

He agreed, "Yes, do him like that and he not leave soon! Good for you and me!"

"True but there would be less time for you to fuck me."

He was opening the front of my shorts at that point, he slipped his hand in at the back heading for my pussy, "For you Fay I will make time. Come give me the drink I put it back so it's cold, you suck me."

Fingers at my pussy, a hand cupped my right titty, "I want to be naked, OK?" He vigorously nodded and let me go.

I stripped, his hands came back, "No girl here ever had such nice skin, you are perfect ladyboy, Fay!" I was opening his pants as a phone rang, it was a cell in his pants. He got it out to answer as I went to lower his pants. He waved me to be quiet and spoke in Thai. I decided to go ahead, kneeling I got him undressed from waist down. I leaned in to take his cock in my mouth when he pushed me back, he was very nervous waving at me to go. He tried to get his pants up, I helped him. Odd, I don't remember doing that often almost always getting them down.

I dressed, grabbed the juice and went back to my room. No way to deny I enjoyed sucking cock and wanted to do it. Even characters like Nowat had a certain power to draw me to their penis. I knew the cock I wished to devote my time to pleasuring belonged to Cho. He was the object of my real desire, all the others were sex, some better, many worse.

Parked my bum in the chair again, I did feel less nervous. Picked up Orwell to finish the Whale!

In a few hours the clients would be coming into the bar, we girls would go over for the nightly follies. My last night...!!!! Fingers firmly crossed. I lost myself in the reading, going away, time didn't matter neither did the place.

Thang reappeared a serious look on his face, he came and knelt beside me. He scared me, tonight wasn't going to happen!

He took my right hand, "close your eyes." He laid my arm out on the padded chair armrest, he let me go and fumbled about my wrist. "OK open."

A slender chain of silver with one teardrop in luminous green, it was a beautiful simple thing. He was confused by my burst of tears but he needn't have worried. My tear streaked smile exploded any anxiety he had, we clasped each other, his strong arms lifted me from the chair. I was laid on the bed not in sexual need but just so we could be close.

He had understood what I had said about becoming separated and that I loved him. He quietly spoke the warm lips against my ear, "Fay, this is the tear I give to you now to show I will always be sad no matter how happy I become."

Strange intense passionate man so bottled up and them BOOM! Would I ever learn his history?

I kissed him holding his face, my tears still coming. I spoke very softly, "Thang, there is only one other man who will ever mean as much to me as you."

I held him close caressing him tenderly, his face, strong arms, firm body, powerful thighs. It was my way of placing him in my memory, recording. It was a powerful intimate feeling. It was fleeting as Thang's new leash rang, he answered and was tight right away, motioning me to be quiet. Rapid speaking in Thai ended with a disgusted look on his face, "The police in Phuket have jumped the start time. Mr. Keren with chop them down when he knows."

It had been Rai, he ordered extra vigilance. More guards and I was to be kept close.

"He does not suspect more or did not want to tell me that he thought it was more than routine police roundup in prostitution drive. I think he would have me move you if he did think so."

I was still on the bed Thang by the vanity when Nowat came in without knocking, "You get call from Rai?"

Thang told him what Rai wanted from him, Nowat nodded, "Fay you will have to have the chain on tonight when you sleep. Rai has ordered you watched close. Thang will stay with you from now on. You may come to bar but leave early. If you have a client then he must either not stay `long time' or put up with chain. No choice!' the last added as I looked up.

"If all is OK no chain in morning, your client comes tomorrow later in afternoon for a `long time' he will not see chain."

All said he left motioning to Thang. I moved back to the chair, tensed up once more but still hopeful, more so since Thang was ordered close.

"He is nervous, makes sure I guard good," Thang had a big grin, "I will do my job well!"

He sat on my lap, gawd he weighed more than I thought, "Thang you are crushing me!"

He laughed, "Less to guard." Laughing until I started to tickle then jumped up, "Fay you devil." He grabbed one hand flipped me over his shoulder spun around and deposited me on the bed, not before I got some tickling in, "Fay..." the rest was lost in a kiss his weight wasn't so bad full length on my body.

"Well you have the close part down pat! If you put your cock in me then it's complete." My attempts to get his shirt off failed, he pinned me down, "This is all tonight. I want to be ready."

I got another kiss that had some `enough's enough' in it.

I told Thang about my take flight bag, he pulled it out, "I will put in ladies that is through the drapes, OK?"

I nodded, "I will do it now before bar gets going. You need to get ready."

In the washroom I joined Thuy in the shower after some inside cleaning, "Fay your body is so nice. Hormones have done your skin?"

I let her know that I had been lucky to always have had great skin, never needing to do anything special, "My pills have just made the skin better but my hips have stayed slender. I haven't put on weight and I eat well."

"You very lucky! A girl who worked here put on fifteen kilos in a few months on hormones. They let her go, too fat."

"Some men like curving girls!"

"Yes but not Nowat."

We dried each other's hair chatting about Thuy's red-headed farang who had such a big dick. She had been with him often, "He loves to suck me and I get to fuck him. When he is in me like big stick but he is nice to me."

"Is it the sex or...?"

"He is polite and kind and generous, I'm a lady with him."

"Then he believes you are a lady and that could be enough for more you know."

We walked hand in hand back to her room, it was a dazzling white with multicoloured fans and masks on the walls and cloth draped over the window and furniture. Thuy squeezed my hand, "May be you spend the night with me if we don't have `long time' clients?"

I said yes, it was simpler.

I was back in my room looking at Thang lying on the bed, "Fay your bag is in place and I have seen the way down to the alley."

At the vanity, I put my face on as Thang watched, "You don't use a lot like other girls who wear much on their faces."

I decided to wear the blue backless sundress, it was sexy enough, showing my legs and back. The heeled sandals too. Thang smiled, "You showed off for me in that. Fay you have the nicest legs."

I looked at myself in the big mirror, I did have a something; slender, sexy, good legs, a tiny butt, cute small bust, fine facial features, great eyes. I was a really good package!

The blue dress enhanced my green eyes, the arc of my hair over my left side the point stopping on my cheekbone, red lips...ooo la la! I was ready to vamp the world for a few hours more.

Thang gave me a kiss and went off, "I will be around even if you don't see me."

I was in the corridor when Thuy came out looking fine in a scoop necked black dress with a beautiful parrot down the front. We went hand in hand to the bar. Puy was in front of us in another impossibly short dress, she smiled but no more talk about fucking me. Good, I didn't need that.

It was nearly eight thirty I could feel my body tensing up with anticipation. Sha waved me over to the bar, she had a mango juice in her hand, "Please enjoy."

I gave her my thanks and a big smile. She was looking OK so I guess the boy fucking her hadn't been too bad. The girls were talking to a small group of farangs around two tables and a couple of Thai men were at the bar. No Nowat. I turned back to Sha, `Where is Nowat?"

She shook her head with a who knows gesture. I went towards the pool table room, the guards at the front doors eyed me but nothing was said. They gave the impression of nerves so I kept on going. I racked the tables, chalked the cue I preferred and broke a rack. A three, six and twelve dropped. I pushed the balls around shooting by the numbers. Found myself blocked, tried to jump the cue ball this time with spectacular success! There were four balls left when there was a terrific bang! A bright flash!

The noise reverberated shocking me, I ducked behind the table. Scream, shouts and loud commands spoken. Thang was on me, pulling my arm, "Fay it is now!" He escorted me through the drapes, the door, "Wait outside!"

I jumped clear as the outside door burst open a dozen hooded armed men flooded past me into the club, dark clothes, boots, gloves, guns! I stayed against the wall beside the door until they were gone, Thang had my bag. An officer came in, Thang stood upright, answered a query in Thai.

"Miss, please go with Officer Thang now."

He held the door open, we went down the stairs then right along the alley wall to the road. A large black dark windowed SUV stood there. Mr. Keren stepped out with another officer who was talking on a radio.

Mr. Keren held the door, "Please Fay climb and wait for a few moments." I sat in the back with Thang, he was squeezing my hand hard, "Thang it needs to have blood." He smiled, eased off but didn't let me go.

The road was blocked by police and military vehicles, I could hear a helicopter overhead. The younger officer leaned in, "I am closing the doors now. Please wait here."

Mr. Keren was at the end of the alley looking up at the roof of where I thought the club was. I was close to the window, looking I saw a man running along the edge of the roof. He tried to jump down to a lower level but before he could his legs were whipped out from under him and he went flat like a sack of rocks partially over the rim of the roof. Dark shaped figures swarmed over him pulling the limp body back. It was Nowat.

I told Thang, he nodded, "He is alive but will not be happy if Rai isn't caught."

I felt OK in the midst of Mr. Keren, Thang and a large group of men in military uniforms. I watched men come and go as darkness came on. The young officer opened the door as Mr. Keren approached, he sat in the front seat, the driver who had been like a statue turned on the headlights. The vehicles in the road were moving and in a convoy we left the narrow street for a broader way behind sirens and lights.

"Fay, we are going to an army base nearby then fly to Bangkok tonight. The drive is about forty-five minutes to U-Tapao."

The police were clearing the road with their cars, I could see the buildings thin out. The Route 3 signs appeared regularly in the headlights, along the road there were only houses and small shops.

I leaned my head on Thang's shoulder keeping my eyes on Mr. Keren, waiting. He seemed quite up to the task of not telling me anything so I had to start, "Please can you tell me about what happened?"

He smiled, "It all went as planned except for Nowat getting onto the roof. He had a hidden way out but was seen and captured. He will be held for prosecution. The bar patrons are being screened for any criminals and will be released if clean. The girls are still there but guarded, they will be checked for criminal records. Then each will be released, we will help them with find somewhere to live and move their possessions. They may need assistance beyond that but we will see."

I expressed my gratitude to him for the girls being given such consideration, "Some may be innocent victims but we will see. They do need to change their lives."

Our speed had picked up, the houses were flashing by now, the big SUV smoothing out the ride. Thang was still holding my hand, he wasn't squeezing the blood out at least. After a short while we turned to the left I glimpsed a sign in the light Route 332. The whole convoy was on a smaller road but the speed still high, lights blinking and sirens howling but lower like they were further away.

Mr. Keren answered his cell, a short talk and what I thought was some emphatic orders.

"Fay you will be happy to know that Rai is in custody in Korat. His local criminals also and the people working there are safe. Your strange Saul person is the only one unaccounted for at this point but we will get him."

"Mr. Keren, what about my friends who were kidnapped with me? Jian, Lawan, Ni, Eve, and Reyna."

He told me that Jian was safe but had a broken ankle so she was in Pattaya hospital until tomorrow, she will be flown to Bangkok then. Lawan and Ni were in a Phuket house working like yourself. They were freed earlier as I told you the police there made an error. Eve hasn't been traced yet, there is no word of her being held anywhere. A mystery!"

"And Reyna, what of her?"

"Interesting case, she is in prison."

He saw my look, "Reyna setup you all up. She did it out of fear which may get her a reduced sentence. Ang and Heng thought something was going as some of their operatives been to disappear. Reyna's sexual organs got you kidnapped. The brothers told her they would be forfeited if she didn't tell them all she knew."

The no-show at the lunch meeting, Reyna. What a shit. I'd cut off her cock now given the chance.

Keren was observing me closely, "No she is a victim also but must pay something."

Meanwhile, Ang, Heng, the Chinese criminals and many others were in jail without any bail. The loose ends were coming together Keren said, soon it will a complete package.

All the girls would be in Bangkok in a few days but now we had to find Eve.

I leaned back pondering all the news. Thang's shoulder was a good support. I was dozing and was jostled awake when we made a turn onto the brightly lit tarmac of an airfield, drove right up to a large military helicopter, the rotors were turning slowly. Mr. Keren said something to Thang as he got out, "Fay I have to say goodbye here."

I was going to be bad I knew it, before I got started the driver left closing all the doors.

Alone, tears running, I told Thang that my love was good and he'd be in my thoughts. I wasn't the love'm and leave'm type but that I had pledged myself to Cho. I was crying hard by then.

He held me tight, we kissed, "Fay you have opened my eyes, about Kathoey's and love and suffering. I see I can be a different person this way. We may meet again. You have my love!"

I didn't want to let go Thang pried me away, kissed my hands, "Go, love! It is time."

He pointed to the silver bracelet, "My tear!"

He leaned over me opened the door, gave my bum a shove, "Go Fay! You have to go!"

A last squeeze of his hand and I was standing on the tarmac. Mr. Keren was by the steps of the chopper his hand extended. He helped me in, "Fay choose a seat and I will buckle you in." A young Thai Army fellow showed me to a seat.

I sat on the side of helicopter away from the cars, Mr. Keren closed the seat belt around me. He patted my shoulder and sat opposite me. Some things were brought on behind me when I realized my getaway bag was in the SUV. I was going to get up, "Fay we have everything is on board do not worry."

The engine whine grew louder then was muffled by the door closing in short order we were moving then suddenly off. The ground receded and we turned right around and gained height. The clattering sound became a background noise, Mr. Keren had to speak loudly, "We are less than one hour away from landing. Just relax now, we can do all the talking you need when we are at our ease in Bangkok."

We droned on into the black sky, my ass vibrated even though the seat was soft. I dozed off again.

Mr. Keren's face above as he gently awaken me, `Fay we are on the ground in Bangkok, please come now to the car."

Dazed I managed not to fall down the steps, another dark big car. I sat in the back with Keren.

"We are stopping first at the Defense Ministry."

I was too tired to even ask why. I wanted to see Cho.

Five minutes later Mr. Keren and I were going up some steps into a big dark building. A smartly dressed good-looking officer led us to an elevator, whisked up very fast, we were deposited in a marble hallway. The good-looking fellow opened some tall double doors into a wide room that was mostly glass but black with night now.

Mr. Thoi came to me, "Fay..." He spread his arms and I nearly fell into him.

"There is so much to talk about..." He sensed I was going limp.


He swept me into those remembered strong brown arms, my face was covered in kisses. He rained them down on me until Mr. Thoi came to us, "Dear Fay, Cho, we will let you go in a few minutes."

I was introduced to several government ministers and a Prince. The Prince was the spokesman, "Miss Martin, we all deeply appreciate what you started to unravel, how you helped move the investigation forward and how you have suffered. You have the grateful thanks of Thailand and our government. This to be short meeting, just a first thank you for you. We want you to be able wind down from all the tumult so go now with our good friend Cho. But we will want you to return for a ceremony in a few days."

Cho was half holding me up as each man took my hand for a kiss.

In the elevator Cho's voice in my ear told me of his love and intention to devote his time to me.

This time the big dark black car was welcome. We rolled out of the gates into the traffic Cho holding both my hands.

The Defense Ministry wasn't far from Cho's riverside house we arrived quickly. The lovely couple who took care of Cho and had been so nice before were beaming at my return to the house.

Cho took me straight through to terrace, pointing to the boat, "We will gone soon, OK"

I agreed with everything. Cho led me to bed. There was the bag I had used from Korat to Pattaya. Everything from my room, all put away in a separate Armoire. The Orwell and London books on the bedside table.

Cho threw open the armoire, all my clothes from the whorehouse, my dresses, outfits, shoes. He had a huge smile, "I rescued this to keep you alive in my heart and head. So I could welcome you home."

His arms around, "This is your home now."

I became a waterworks again but Cho understood. He didn't stop kissing me until I was naked beside him in that wonderful comfortable bed. He opened the table drawer, I couldn't see what he was up to, "Fay don't move for a minute."

Cho cut the chains from my body! He was going to throw them away, "No don't I want to drop them in the river, OK?"

I got a kiss as answer.

"Please don't forget, I have to call Udorn tomorrow!"

"Fay you can make all the calls you want. I hope we hear of your friends arrival."

"What of Ting? Does he know? Does he know Jian is safe?"

Cho kissed my lips eyes chin cheeks, "Yes he is coming down tomorrow. Sleep now, hold me."

That was the end of my long day. So sweet to be in Cho's arms.

Next: Chapter 28

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