
By A becker

Published on Jun 17, 2012


I gave him a megaWatt smile, "Thank you Nowat! I hope I can work and get along with everyone. If you ever break your rule I will pleased to be the one." Flattery is quite a weapon!

He smiled but looked down, then looking up, "You might be the one who gets me to break it. I enjoy your quiet speaking as well as your body. You should dress now so I am not tempted to go further."

Impulsively I stood in front of him took his hands drew him up and put my arms around him, "Be my uncle?" He returned the hug, there was a faint stirring in his crotch but I broke the embrace before he was compromised tonight.

I quickly dressed and he opened the door for me, squeezing my shoulder as I passed him. I went back to my room, a big standing fan was sweeping the room. Thang was asleep in the big chair, it had been a long day. I put away my things got into bed naked. I was a sleep in seconds.


I was awakened by Thang. It was close to noon. He was sitting on the bed next to me stroking my arm. "Time for you to get up Nowat says you have someone at one o'clock. You sleep quietly."

"Were you in that chair all night?"

He shook his head no, "I went to bed many hours ago, I am fine. You want to eat?"

"Do I smell coffee?"

He gave me a big grin and leaned back so I could see the bureau with a laden tray resting on the top. "Coffee for me, what else?"

I was served in bed, good coffee, long strips of French loaf buttered and baked, mango and papaya. Thang sat with me and joined in although he admitted to an earlier breakfast.

"I like to see you eat naked," a huge smile.

"Why don't you undress also?"

He jumped almost upset the tray, stripped and dove under the covers with me. He had energy today! Breakfast was dispatched and I went spelunking for his cock. Eureka! It was the sweet part of my meal. He was hard in an instant but stopped me, "the tray!" We avoided a mess and after a short tussle I was flat on my back with Thang between my legs all warmed up. He got me wet and entered. For twenty minutes we made love in several positions upside-down scissor doggy but the important thing was his cock inside me all the time. Fast stroking to Sooo slow it was agony for him but I made him. When he came it was a big eruption with his lovely prick giving me spasms in my pussy and the hot flashes of one of my strange new internal orgasms. I was on my belly supporting his weight, "Fay you have a one o'clock."

Not a reminder I wanted but... I threw on a robe and went to wash as he cleaned up my room. I had seen lots of supplies in the big washroom the night before. I did some business in a cubicle, washed outside and in. I was sitting at the vanity finishing my face when Nowat put his head the open door, "Fay, Mr. Plon is in the big room now."

"Nowat, what would Mr. Plon like me to wear? I have a nice negligee that ties at the neck... "

I tossed the robe and took the sheer gown from the armoire I slipped it on and turned Nowat.

His face was a study but I knew he wanted me couldn't be clearer. "Yes wear that please," it came out a bit choked.

Thang wasn't there to lock me so I made sure the chain was under the bed. Did a check of my hair and face as Nowat went to bring Mr. Plon in. I waited standing near the bed. I let my arms stay at my side. Little mules that were black and white like the negligee on my feet. Mr. Plon was Non-plussed at seeing me, "My dear, you quite take me aback."

I stepped forward to take his hand and reached out to close the door.

My back was to the door as Plon's hands cupped my breasts, "You are more beautiful than I imagined. Fay, your body is exquisite the skin Oh..."

He was a gentle imaginative lover, my body was caressed all over fingers tongue cock. He was also not in a hurry so we both enjoyed the sex and the talk. I glossed over what had brought me to Pattaya but told him about the railroad in passing I thought. He had a strange look when I spoke, "Did you finish the work?"

I told him no. I could see that it made some kind of difference so I tried to distract him with my mouth. He did rise to the occasion and the second fuck lasted longer his orgasm was much more intense. I laid my head on his thigh with my lips brushing the soft wet sex, brown uncut about seven inches Very Nice.

His fingers stroked my scalp in a tender lazy manner, "Fay you should finish the railroad work, it is a contract."

I did my best to somehow get around the subject and he did leave it. My own curiosity was aroused but I decided not to pursue it now. We agreed on a shower instead.

I got a robe from the washroom for Plon and wore my pink one with flowers. We shared the washing he was just as gentle doing as he was in bed. Afterwards I sat on the big bench near the showers he dried my hair, "Fay I will return to visit you again. You have been good company for sex and in every other way. Would you object to a regular appointment?"

I assured him that I would welcome his visits for all the same reasons.

"Fay I will recommend you to a few select friends if you do not mind. No one will be uncultured or without the appreciation of your unique sexuality."

I stood and buried my face in the soft terrycloth robe my arms around his slender body, "You and anyone you think might like me will always get a warm welcome."

I didn't want to do anything in the washroom so I led him back to my room. Behind the closed door I knelt opened the robe and took his cock in my mouth. I lightly pressed my forehead to his pubic hair. He caressed my hair like before, "Yes Fay please just like that."

I massaged his cock with my tongue and lips getting his testicles wet with the occasional lick. I loved this, a nice cock quietly enjoyed! If only it was Cho's cock then it would all fit together properly for me. There wasn't much to hope for in that direction right now so I enjoyed the man I was with. Plon held my head as he moved to the bed my head in his lap between the spread thighs offered some new angles he laid back on his elbows and watched. I looked up into his eyes, they were bright with intensity and desire, "You see how much I am appreciating your skills?"

I smiled around the cock shaft but my nodding was lost in the increasing action of my mouth on him. I got myself lost in the blowjob, the foreskin slid back and forth in the wetness the straight erection finding the back of my mouth. He seemed to be very excited quickly.

Aaaahhhh his hips were really moving now rising up to meet my downward motion. There was going to be some cum to swallow soon! Plon's eyes were shut now as his body arced up into my mouth each spurt of cum landed on my tongue briefly I slurped it all down. As he relaxed I rested against his crotch without giving up his penis. Just sucking his soft member. He was flat on the bed now one hand moving slowly over my right shoulder, "I have not cum like this for so many years. You have gotten me quite eager to repeat these pleasures."

He let me stay kneeling with his cock for a while then I got a warm wet washcloth and towel to clean his cock. "You hardly need that the way you licked me." I laughed as he stood bringing me with him, "Your body is wonderful your mouth..." he kissed me and held me close to his bare chest.

I sat cross-legged on the bed watching him dress, "Fay I am a widower my children are grown and married. I will be by to see you often, OK"

I once again knelt in front of Plon I opened his pants lifted out that nice prick and kissed it, "You and he, I hope to see soon." He had a good laugh kissed my hand before he left some money was placed on the edge of the vanity. A big grin on his face as he strode away.

I put the terrycloth robe on to feel the last of his warmth and took the money with me. I knocked on Nowat's office door and went in after he answered. I proffered the Bahts to him. He counted it, "You have made some good money for books today Fay!"

"Can Thang go and buy some for me?"

"Yes, make a list, let me view it before he goes."

I was at the door, "Fay you will have another client at five today, then you will join the others in the bar bullpen to help with the customers." I nodded. I made a quick stop in the washroom scrubbed my face and suddenly thought, a client five I don't have any idea what time it was.

I went to Thang's room but he wasn't there. Puy came out of the doorway next to mine naked and smiling, "Fay come touch my cock."

She opened my robe put my right hand on that huge penis and stroked my old sex while tweaking a nipple ring. I barely got my fingers around that monster. She backed me into my room and pushed me down, "Open wide!"

The foreskin was pushed back by the sides of my mouth I could taste sperm and butt tang. One hand on my neck the other under my chin she began a slow face fuck. I gagged a bit but Puy didn't give me any slack, "I am top girl here you take cock in mouth and pussy!"

Puy went at my face for ten or fifteen minutes choking me several times she seemed satisfied with that and backed up, "I just fuck that stupid Kha she take money from Nkhon to bring you to him last night, I saw her. She be plenty sore tonight."

Puy had a meanness so I didn't want to find out what else she had in mind. A slap by that monster cock on my face and she was gone.

I wiped up my saliva put Plon's robe on and curled up in the chair with some paper to write a list of books. I needed some titles that were short mmmmm the shop was run by an Englishman. Orwell's essays and articles, beautiful gems of English prose, they were perfect as a start! Jack London short stories?

While I slipped away into thought Thang's head appeared, "Fay you look very nice like that!" WOW from nearly mute to this in a few days, the power of pussy! Never underestimate it!

"Come over here give me a taste of you," I waved.

I got a nice kiss but he danced away from my grabbing hands, "No not now I have to get a phone so Rai can call me. Nowat spoke to him today." A new leash.

"I had to get keys made for Nowat to your chain." I must have looked crushed by the mention of that thing, "Nowat said I did not have to lock you except at night. He said you work in bar at end of this floor tonight."

I reached out for his hand and pulled him down over me for a kiss and grope but he avoided me, "bye back later."

"What time is it and can you buy these? Nowat has some money for me."

"Half past three, that gave me some time. Thang promised about the books.

I saw Kha go by bent over a bit, tear-streaked face. I didn't know if Puy would tell the truth but Kha had been given a pain nonetheless.

I went to Nowat's office he was at the door speaking to a short round dark man. He gave me quite a stare before leaving and Nowat guiding me in. I saw myself in a reflection off the glass of some framed print on the wall, cute tousled look in big fluffy robe.

"Nowat did Thang show you my book list?"

The negative response upset me, "I will have him show you the books, will that be OK?"

His answer was to open my robe and caress me, breasts, old sex, pussycheeks. The suction on my nipple his teeth pulling on the ring fingers probing my pussy I let my hands rest lightly on his shoulders.

"Kneel here Fay."

He fumbled with the zipper I helped moving his hands aside, not big but nice foreskin, narrow at the end, called for lots of wetness to get the head to emerge. He moaned as I applied myself to his cock, slurping around inside the foreskin got it ready for some slippy sliding. His hips jerked as the cockhead came out I bathed it sucked it caressed it, not bad tasting growing into respectable size. He pinched my shoulders as I worked that cock, my heading bobbing was showing signs that he wasn't going to last long. Less than ten minutes work brought a gush of cum onto my tongue which was followed by more spurts all promptly disappeared into my belly but I didn't let up on his prick keeping busy working the shaft and foreskin together. He stumbled back against his desk, no escape from my vacuum mouth as I followed him and captured the penis easily.

All his words and other sounds had died out, now he was just lowly moaning.

I finally leaned back still holding the cock, "Nowat you had a lot of cum!"

He was breathing so hard no response came for several minutes except to get his twitching cock back from me, "Fay never before like that."

That was I could get out of him for several more minutes. He dropped into a chair I moved over lowered my mouth to his cock just holding it. He didn't stop me.

"Fay it is true I have never cum in such a way with so much orgasm." A warm hand rested on my neck allowing me to stay kneeling, "You have remarkable talents. No wonder Plon left you so much money as tip."

I did nothing but remained still as a cock holster, naked, hands on my thighs.

After a short while he lifted my head, "Fay have you fucked with Thang?"

"No, he gets blowjobs as Rai let me understand I should do. Should I do more?" I rather naively sweetly asked. He shook his head, "Your pussy is to be for clients use please."

"Nowat won't you please fuck me?" More sweet innocence. Boy I could lay it on thick.

"NO this is more than I have done but you are so beautiful nice and submissive. You must not tell the others, OK?"

I swore to be silent, he sent me on to wash for my five o'clock client, telling me to wear short nightie for this one.

Washed dressed waiting by five the door opened to a dark chubby man about my height in heeled mules. He paused to give me a good look closed the door and his first words were, "Blowjob!"

I got the small cock out of some gaudy flowered underwear and earned my money. He came standing there shooting a large wad on my face. He used the cock as a paint brush smearing his cum all over my face.

Jamming it into my ears nostrils eyes, "Open!" He smashed my face onto his pubic mound grinding me on his skin trying to reach my throat but came several inches short in that category.

Another small cock big ego chump but went at my mouth for a while, "On bed naked!"

He wasn't a word waster, I ditched the slippers and nightie as he gripped my hips spinning me around pushing me flat on the bed. He promptly mounted my pussy with his wet dick jamming it in. Not happy with that he pried my pussycheeks open climbed up over me and flopped down his cock missing my hole. Another try the same finally he got in my cheeks hurting. He fucked me hard and thankfully shot another load after a few minutes pounding at me.

He was puffing hard behind me, enjoyed himself by whacking my pussycheeks hard laughing as the redness grew.

"Nice cunt you have whore!" the punctuation was several more hard slaps.

He moved around to my face, "Suck!" He grabbed some hair to emphasize his point I tried to suck but he wanted more face fucking so I waited until he had worn himself out.

He stood over the bed slapping my pussycheeks with the occasional cuff on my face. He was laughing hard all through this, funny giggles I thought he going to choke, on his own spit I hoped. He couldn't leave fast enough for me, no tip, what a surprise!

I took a cold shower but his blows hurt anyway. I was on my way back to the room when Thang came from Nowat's office. He saw my red face and was mad but before he could go anywhere I grabbed the belt on his trousers, "No! Remember what I said about business?" He nodded, "Then this will pass soon. You have to trust me on these things I am ok just a bit sore. OK?" I jerked him for emphasis.

He gathered me in his arms his lips at my ear, "Fay I understand but do not like. I will trust you on this."

I kissed his cheek, "Nowat had me leave your books with him. He wants you."

I squeezed his ass before going down the hall.

Nowat had the books on his desk, "Can you explain about these please? I do not know enough English."

I gave him a short bit about the London short stories and the Orwell essays. I told him they had nothing to do with business or Thailand or anything bad. He was wary but let me have them all.

I laid on my stomach, ouch, looking through them. "On the "Road" just what I needed some escapism, Orwell on the other hand wrote the best essays about life and people and ideas, they were mixed with the finest book reviews. He was clever and wrote so clearly. I was deep in the belly of the Whale when Puy came by.

"Fay it is nine we have to go to bar soon," she had on a shimmering dress that barely covered her crotch, gawd where did she put that monster cock?

"Puy are shorts OK?" She said yes but show some skin.

Blue shorts White crop top with "I Love Bangkok" on the front in red, who bought that. The heeled sandals. The shorts hung on my hips so my belly chain was fully exposed. The titty chain was covered.

Puy sat on my bed watching me do my makeup, she seemed surprised at how little I used. "You have nice skin. Do you do anything special for it?"

I told her no I was born with good skin never had any pimples or the like.

"Men in bar are many farangs but few Thai on nights like this. Weekend are more Thai. You like old Plon?"

I said yes, he was gentle and how that wasn't common. It didn't mean much to her I could see.

She leaned over me, "I give you best big fuck soon!" The whiskey breath told me a lot she probably couldn't go the extra mile, pound the shit out of one time only. But with her cock size it would probably be enough any mortal ass!

We met Thuy and Kha and two girls whose names I hadn't a clue about in the corridor. Kha's slender hips were moving stiffly and Puy made it worse by grab-assing her which let out a shriek!

Puy laughed about that, for the rest of the night she pretended to go for Kha's ass just to scare her. Puy found my mouth easy to use but her cruelty wasn't my style. I hoped Thang would be around when she tried to go further.

I was in new territory now past the big room from last night in a low lit room with a bar along the right, tables, booths opposite to bar, a small stage at the back that was brightly illuminated. Two dancing poles on little raised platforms. Around to the left had a group of male guards clustered in front of a double door. There a dozen or so farangs who whooped as we came in and a few girls were scooped up immediately. Only two Thai men, they were at the bar.

Nowat gathered me around the waist steering me toward the double doors guard crowd, "I am going to show you to them and remind them that the girls don't get to go out and you for sure. Sorry but this must be done."

I shrugged not like there was anything I could do about it.

"Also Fay if a client wants to take you to room, send him to me for price and he give me money, OK?" I said I understood.

"When you are here long you will be allowed just to go to room but you a special girl. Rai has interest in you so I have to be careful, OK"

"Nowat, I told you I won't cause trouble so just tell me what I'm to do and how to behave."

He held me and launched into how girls are taken to rooms, they to charge what they can, man pays the bar a fine to take girl out. He went on for a while but I lost the thread. A number of men went past, mostly farangs.

Inspection and talk done I saw a side room where there were two pool tables, "Nowat can I play?" pointing. He said yes, many men English and French like that.

I went into the room Nowat stopped at the door, "Do you want a drink?" He smiled at my fruit juice saying he would return.

The tables were racked I found a good cue chalked up, Nowat brought me my juice surreptitiously patted my ass and left.

I broke the rack saw two balls drop both low numbers, "Do you want some competition?"

I turned to see a slender farang English by sound who was startled to see I wasn't Thai.

"Who are you?" he paused "Sorry. Actually I'm not a yob. I haven't seen or heard of a Western girl working here."

I smiled, "I would like to play with someone. I'm Fay and yes this is my first night."

Took my outstretched hand, "I'm Greg from London."

"Oh what part?"

"Do you know London? Ooops, sorry! I'm from Fulham in the Southwest area."

"Do you support Fulham FC or Chelsea?"

He lifted his jaw up and closed his mouth, "I'm for the Fulham Cottagers."

I pointed him to the cue stand, "I've always been a Fulham supporter."

We shook on that and I looked over the table deciding on my next shot, "You know I have you two balls down already?"

He said he'd watched the break and would play the high numbers no problem. I went at it with a will, happy to focus on a task that needed strict attention. Greg was nice not to be a talker only giving a few "Good shots" as I ran the table right through the eight ball.

"Well I'm glad there wasn't any money on that. I'm also forewarned about your stick handling."

I assured him it was luck because I hadn't played in some time and that I wasn't Fast Eddie Felson! He got a good laugh from that, "I must have seen that movie ten times."

I racked and he broke, nothing dropped and he said he was in trouble now. I dropped six before being stymied, my attempt at jumping the cue ball over the block was a failure, it looked good though and got applause from Greg. I sketched a bow and he took over only failing to drop the eight through an odd bank off a side cushion which had to be bad. As I watched him move about the table I knew he was very good, hard to take being screwed by a cushion. I commiserated but rolled in the remaining balls.

"I'll buy drinks. What's yours?" The fruit juice brought a smile and "any problems or...?"

"I'm just not much of a drinker."

We played several more games some other folks came in to use the other table, they were noisy and the fun went out of it. I excused myself to use the toilet and started for the main bar room, Greg said there were toilets behind the curtains. He held them back for me, "Right outside that door."

It went through to a corridor, Men's and Women's and another door. I tried that, it opened to a set of stairs that were outside leading down. I leaned to look, in the early dusk I could they went down to an alley that was open at the end in a road with cars going by.

Oh yes!

I peed and went back to the room where Greg waited.

"I really enjoyed playing with you Fay. Play again sometime?" I had finished ahead by two games and loved it.

"Yes Greg I would be pleased to play another time."

We back to main bar Thuy was doing karaoke to a terrible tune that Greg said it was a recent Madonna piece. No surprise, everything I had heard had been shit since her first few albums.

He parked me in an empty booth and got more drinks. I saw one of the girls I didn't know giving me evil looks from a few tables over.

I asked Greg when he returned, "I don't have to look it has to be Jen. I went with her a few times in the past. They can be jealous. Ooops I did it again."

"No I'm new here so I don't know who's who yet..."

He wanted to ask about me but he didn't which was fine for me. I was afraid he might want to take me to the room. It would feel funny after playing pool together. Not that I would have a choice.

We talked for a while about places in London and southern England. I liked him.

It was comfortable, pleasant until Jen got up enough steam and came over. She started yelling at Greg then me waving her arms all around her volume was going up she leaned over brought her arm back but as she swung forward at me a flash from my right knocked her to the floor. Thang stood beside me in a guarding posture as Jen looked up. She tried to get up but Thang made a warning gesture and said something in Thai, Jen had a stricken look on her face.

Nowat came over Thang moved back and Jen was helped up. She was escorted out.

Greg was shocked by Jen's attack and more so by Thang's response, I made a motion to him to wait. I stood up close to Thang, "Thank you!" my lips so close to his ear, "You are wonderful to be so brave and protective. I think you have made an impression on all the girls and clients. I have to go back to work, OK"

Thang responded quietly, "Fay I will be close but far." He squeezed my hand and faded back.

I went to the bar and got a new drink for Greg as Jen had spilled his. The girl behind the bar I didn't know but she put it on the bar quickly with a smile, said it was ok when I told her I didn't have any money.

Greg took a big swallow of the beer, "Who was that?" I explained that he was a bouncer who was only supposed to get involved if things went too far.

He seemed to accept that but the mood was broken. "Well I'm off the wander the streets for a while. My hotel is across the street," he gestured with his thumb over his shoulder.

"I may stop back before hitting the bed. See you later Fay it was nice."

He pecked my cheek and was gone.

Nowat was at the end of the bar, he motioned to me.

"Fay just so you know I told Jen Thang was your guard and he would not hurt her if there was no threat to you." We walked out of the bar his arm steered me to the lanai, "It is not bad that this happened and more so that Jen is not hurt only a bruise or two. I think Puy has ideas of fucking you often, she thinks of herself was a queen, she wants to dominate the all girls. I know this but there has been no complaint the girls accept it. A good warning!"

Fine with me I didn't need to be "aired" out by Puy's monster dick.

I headed back to the bar, Thuy passed with a big potbellied red-haired man, she gave me a wink and smile.

There were a lot more men there and the girls working the crowd one by one and Kha was dancing on one of the poles.

The German Gus waved to me, "Please remember that I would be glad to lick you clean after you have sex, OK?"

I told him I'd keep it in mind. Not that would ever let him touch!

One of a few Thai men at the bar motioned to me, "Hello you sit to talk?" I gave him a big smile, put my bum on a stool beside him, "Hi I'm Fay. You?"

Kran's English was halting but he got his point across which wasn't for much talking. I sent him to Nowat to negotiate. I watched from my stool, he acted a bit taken aback by whatever Nowat said. He came back shaking his head, "You expensive!"

I let him know that I had no idea at what Nowat set the price and if he really wanted me I would try to lower the fee.

"I have never had white girl. I have nice cock and want to go with you."

I slid off the stool, "How much do you want to pay, top price?"

With that I went to Nowat, he knew what was coming but played along. His fingers hooked into the waist of my shorts, "Fay I set price high. You are unusual."

I told him Kran's top price his face didn't change, "Way too low! You are a real special flower."

I asked him if he really wanted me to make money, he laughed, "Yes but you are not, how is it said, bargain basement?"

He pulled me between his legs up close, "Tonight I want to break my rule. You go to your room and wait for me. What you wore for Plon please."

I looked into those dark eyes I didn't see pain so I left the bar. I went to Thang's room because I hadn't seen him the bar but it was empty.

I undressed put on the negligee and slippers made sure the room was neat. The door was open when Nowat showed up, "You are the most beautiful girl who ever worked here. Near six years now and before in Phuket I never have anyone like you."

He stepped close slipping his left hand between my legs, warm and soft but also moist, nerves about me? He took my left nipple ring gave it a few turns pulled me closer with it. Now he had my pussycheeks and nipple He was pressing hard against me, "Fay you suck me again OK? You are good!"

He untied the ribbon holding the negligee it fluttered down behind me.

I slid down staying pressed on him I opened his pants lowered them with his underwear that nice uncut seven incher was rising in a nice arc. I wanted to skin it, so I wet it from root to tip, taking the foreskin on each side I opened it and let my tongue slide around inside. Nowat loved that his hips jerked when I applied suction to the end of his prick, "Aaaahhhh Fay good!"

I went to bobbing on it pressing my nose his pubic hair holding it, I lifted his balls slipped my tongue out wagging it over them. His hands came up then keeping me buried on his cock. I was breathing ok through my nose as I reached for his ass. Wiggling my head right and left brought several sustained moans from Nowat.

I pressed backwards a bit he got the signal and I went back to slurping up and down his dick shaft. I sucked each ball in then both with my thumb at his frenum flipping it slowly using a bit of nail. He screeched at that, "Fay I do not want to come soon you must stop."

I let up on him leaning back on my heels keeping the cock captive slippery stroking, "OK Nowat that means you have to give me a good fuck!"

I had a handful of balls and another of cock as I pulled him onto the bed on top of me, I let go and opened my legs he came down on me our faces close, "Fay I need to undress!"

I rolled us over so I was on top, "I always wanted to do this, " I grabbed the front on his shirt and ripped it open several buttons went flying like in the movies!

I pressed my breasts on his stomach taking the left nipple in my lips I gave it a gentle teeth tug he really moaned. His cock was upright between my thighs I gave it a squeeze before sliding back to kneel. I stripped off the shoes pants underwear he meanwhile got rid of the shirt and I kissed my way up to the vertical penis. SLURP right down to my nose against his pubic mound, I loved eating dick.

He was ready, I got my pussy wet with a few wipes of saliva climbed up over Nowat sat onto that cock, "Aaaahhhh yes It's nice Nowat!"

He was speechless as I began bounced on him my little pear breasts bobbed a little as I really got into playing cowgirl! Nowat eyes were very bright he reached for my nipples, "Oh Fay that is good please ride me hard!"

I didn't need any encouragement, I made like a girl on a racehorse if I had spurs I would have used them. His hands clasped my old sex and one nipple he wanted a faster pace so I sped up, the sound of each slap of my pussycheeks on him were closer and closer together.

"Fay fuck me ! Ooohhh..." there were some things said in Thai, I no clue.

Then suddenly I stopped! Nowat stared up but before he could speak, "Fuck me from behind!" I jumped off onto all fours my pussy sticking up, "Come Nowat give it to me right now!"

His hands were first on my hips then the prick sliding in until the balls were against me.

"Yes fuck me!" He was the one who needed no encouragement now, he bounced on me I went up and down as he pounded me. I loved those balls slapping on my pussycheeks. He began to sweat the droplets landed on my back, "Fuck harder! Fuck me!" He was the one in a frenzied state ramming himself into me then he slowed the pace to a halt sliding hands over my skin taking my nipples, "Now we go slow OK?" I was OK with that. He played with my breasts moving the cock around side to side letting my pussy feel it.

I could sense one of my orgasms coming I pressed back on him, "Nowat fuck me hard for a minute!" He cut loose with a rapid-fire series of cock ramming's which sent me over the edge I could feel the heat rising in my chest and face. I stuck my face in the covers, "Nowat I'm cumming!" He kept up the pace so I would have the pleasure I reached back to stroke his legs to let him know I had cum, "Thank you Nowat!"

I flopped on my belly he followed inserting his penis again it felt great.

"Fay I want to fuck you on your back I want to see your face!"

He rolled me over got my thighs spread and lifted I reached for that nice cock guiding him in, "Aaaahhhh Fay so fine fucking you!"

He put my legs over his shoulders, arms around the outside and went to work on my cunt powering in very quickly we locked eyes, I saw passion, I felt his passion in my pussy.

It didn't take long for him to be close I pinched his nipples with one hand the other I reached for his ass pulling him at each stroke in hard squeezing my fucked twat around him. His head went back I could see the straining muscles in his neck the prick fully engorged pulsed it's cum into me. I clasped his cock as hard as I could loving the spasms three , four times he shot into me. He yelled something. His arms loosen my legs spread then I brought then around him as his knees slid backward and his weight rested on me. The wet chest mashed to mine I caressed his back, "Nowat that was fine!"

We didn't come down for some minutes, lying like that we just enjoyed our glow.

Slowly he got his breath back, "Fay I never fuck white girl before it was made good by you! You wanted my cock? You..."

I pressed several fingers to his lips, "Yes I loved it you gave me a very nice orgasm. And I did want your cock inside me." Little lies didn't hurt, I did enjoy his fucking me! Why not, one thing I had learned was my body was desirable and I could have pleasure from a decent man regardless who he was!

"Please do not tell the others, OK?" I assured him I didn't know them well enough to confide anything to them.

"Wait, I will get something to clean you with." I got a warm wet towel and a dry one. I spent some time washing Nowat's cock and balls with my mouth first then the towel.

As I licked him he laid back in a very contented manner, "Fay you are excellent. I will tell many about you and you will have many Thai men visit!"

"Will I be chained again? The girls told me about another girl who came on a chain named JiJi. Was she popular? Was she Rai's slave too?'

"No for now we will leave you unchained. JiJi was here for a few weeks then she moved on. She was sad so clients did not take to her."

"JiJi is a strange name?"

He nodded, "She was from Bangkok her name was really Jian. She works at another place now off Walking Street."

I helped him dress, at the door I knelt lifted his cock out and bringing it to my mouth for a kiss, "Thank you Nowat for fucking me," I planted a big kiss on his cockhead, "I will look forward to another time!"

I carefully replaced the penis, squeezed his bulge, "Fay I will put on your account some money for this."

"No please don't I enjoyed your breaking your No Fuck rule inside me."

"Fay I will because you may need things and you are special."

He checked the corridor, the torn shirt tucked in to cover the lost buttons, he slipped out after telling me to come back to the bar in a little while.

I'm so glad I didn't shake when I heard Jian's name. She had been here! She was still in Pattaya somewhere. Nowat didn't know our connection I guess, the Brothers and Rai trusted him only so far. Things seemed brighter even in the gloom. I went back to the washroom did a quickie clean and dressed as I had been. I stripped the bed, remade it from the supplies.

Going back to the bar seemed anticlimactic.

The Thai men at the bar were different, Kran was gone. I asked the bar lady for a fruit juice. She gave it to me with a smile. I didn't see Nowat. I wandered across the room until a farang stopped me, "Are you slumming baby?"

He was about fifty, pot-belly skinny arms, American sounding, big moustache. His right hand reached out for my hip, "No matter sit down and talk some!"

He was alone but one of the girls arrived in a few seconds fire in her eyes but she didn't do anything. She must have seen Thang's bit.

"So you just seeing the sights or what?"

I let him know I worked at the bar but he already had company and I went to move but he gripped my arm, "Don't be unfriendly then, sit with me."

I was worried Thang would crush him but when I resisted he looked at the girl, she was shaking her head. He gave up and I went into the room with the pool tables.

Mercifully empty. I didn't need to look behind the curtain I knew it was a way out but timing is everything. I just sat quietly sipping my juice.

"Want another game?" Greg had returned, a bit worse for wear too. He wasn't slurring words but there was a tilt and swaying thing going on. A fresh beer in hand.

"Sure, I will rack a table."

We chose cues, he broke. Nothing fell and I dropped a few before he put his arm around my waist, "Fay I haven't gone short-time with any girls, thinking about you. You go with me to a room?"

He leaned his cue on the table freeing up a hand which he put to use feeling me up. He was halted by the nipple chain, "You are unusual for a ladyboy hereabouts."

I held onto the table as he roamed around my body, one hand finding my old sex, he paused, then back to my breasts he took hold of one ring toying with it, "Come Fay let's go."

I told him we had to see Nowat before anything further, "Good good come on!" He pulled me around, one arm around me the dropping my cue.

"My bag!" He grabbed it, his beer and me.

He steered me back to the bar his eyes searching. I saw Nowat at the end of the bar, "Greg he's at the bar."

He dragged me over there, "I have to see you about her?"

Nowat was calmly standing, "Yes she is special and has a special price." Nowat quoted it to Greg, who promptly pulled a wad of Bahts. He slapped it down, "Count it out!"

The frown on Nowat's face deepened but he was a merchant. He handed Greg back the balance, "That is a short time price."

Cleared, we left the bar. I don't think that my appearance, Thang's antics or Nowat's control was having a salutary effect on the girls or regular patrons.

In the room, Greg swigged his beer, I sat on the bed, "well what are you interested in?"

The slurring started, "I want it all!" He up-ended the beer, dropped the bottle, "Let's see what you got!"

He grabbed at my top trying to remove it I put my arms up to make it easier. He swept the top off swayed back, staggering against the vanity, "Shit you got great little tits." He lunged at me I rolled to the right he landed face down half on the bed sputtering, "Come on bitch."

I stood up took off my shorts and shoes as he bumped onto his butt beside the bed.

He reached for my leg, missing fell onto his face, not moving after that. I checked his breathing, boozy, a bit laboured but steady, pulse ok, drunk!

I walked to Thang's room, empty. He was in the hall outside my door when I turned back. He could see the state of Greg.

"He ok?"

"Yes dead drunk now. Help me put him in the bed."

We stripped him, big dick, even soft it was more than six inches, stuck him under the covers. I put on the negligee and slippers.

"Thang I'm going to tell Nowat."

"Not like that Fay!"

"Yes I am going to do a bit of advertising."

Thang shook his head against the idea.

I walked down the corridor, Thuy's red head came out of her room, stared at me, I smiled. Thuy giggled at his reaction, frozen. At the bar door a farang was coming out with a girl named Slo, he too was frozen into immobility. I slipped past squeezing Slo's hand, "Just pull him." She giggled also.

Someone beside Nowat had seen me and gestured to him, "Fay what are you doing?"

I took his hand leading him behind the bar, the bar lady had a big grin, "You want juice?"

I had to laugh at that, "No thank you."

Nowat was trying to keep his body between me and the rest of the bar, "Fay please go back to your room."

"Dead drunk, passed out in my bed," I said, low no one could hear, "Now what?"

I think he was grinding his teeth, he took my arm spun me around and we marched out to applause from the Thai guys at the bar. "Fay I thought you were not going to be trouble?"

"Nowat..." instead of going on I aimed us toward the lanai. Ooops one of the girls was blowing a farang out there, neither noticed our arrival or quick departure.

Nowat decided to go to his office a certain amount of key fumbling then we were inside, "Fay where is farang? What happened?"

"Like I said he's out, dead drunk but ok, in my bed naked. What do you want to do with him."

"Did Thang do anything?"

"Yes he helped me put him in the bed I couldn't get him up from the floor by myself. He's just drunk. But I can't use my bed for other clients."

Nowat sat down I took advantage to park myself in his lap. That didn't make him more comfortable, "Fay..."

I kissed his cheek, "You could put him in an empty room or a closet." The latter got a big frown, "He is client for years. Drunk often yes but pays properly no trouble, no closet."

His arm circled my waist I leaned on him opened the negligee offering my right nipple. His lips were inches away and he gave in, kissing it licking sucking. I let him graze for a few minutes, "Nowat I want your cock again but let's deal with the drunk, OK"

His eyes were a bit glazed but he snapped into place. "Fay go get Thang to your room I will be there in a few minutes."

Thang was sitting in the chair waiting Greg was snoring not too bad though, "Nowat's coming."

Thang stood by me his hand caressing my pussycheeks, "We sleep together tonight." Flat statement.

Nowat came with another fellow who had been behind the bar some, with Thang they carried the naked Greg out down the hall to the last door opposite Thang's room, I followed with the clothes. He was dumped on the bed blanket thrown over him lights out door shut. Nowat told the other man something in Thai. He nodded.

"Fay get dressed as before and return to the bar to me."

I nodded also. In my room I threw off the gown, opened Thang's pants sucked his cock for a few minutes then leaned over the bed, "Fuck me!" I felt his fingers then the wet sex entered me.

"Fuck me Thang, hard fast!"

His fingers pinched my hips as he thrust rapidly, rotating his cock around inside me. I squeezed on the cock, "Yes really give it to me Thang FUCK ME!"

He went at it, pounding away ferociously slapping his balls on my cheeks. I knew he would be leaving bruises on my skin where he held me. So be it!

My cunt was burning, Thang's prick was like a pile-driver slamming away in me relentlessly. Gawd, I loved being fucked. How did get to enjoy all these men sticking their cocks in me. I hadn't been that long a journey, only months from Jian's lovely penis to Thang's rough fabulously erotic fucking.

"Cum in me Thang shoot your cum," I squeezed hard on him he was close. His shoves were coming faster harder shorter, `FAY! FAY! Fuck!"

My titties bounced, my chains jiggled, his fingers digging into my flesh, Thang's orgasm was tremendous. He yelled some things in Thai as the cock spasmed shooting his load in my cunt, his last thrust drove us onto the bed me under him. His chest was thumping on my back as we slowly came down. I brought my legs up pressing my calves on the back of his hard thighs, "Thang you fucked me good!"

We laid there for a few minutes, "Let me suck you."

He rolled off I dove for the dick warm wet from inside me. I slurped it he twitched as I worked the tender beautiful prick, "Fay not too much!"

I ignored him until he lifted me off that delicious member, "Fay that enough!"

I lay back smiling at him, "I enjoyed you."

We remained still for a few minutes then together we began to get moving. He straightened the bed, I went to wash bringing a warm wet towel for his cock. Thang let me kiss it and softly clean him with my tongue and the towel. I put on the top and shorts again. He left to go do whatever. I fixed my face and picked up my small bag again ready to go back to the bar.

I looked in on Greg he was on his side the Thai man from the bar was facing away from me fucking him hard up his chute. He was driving hard into the limp body. I heard a moan from Greg and Ni saying, "You love my dick !" Greg mumbled like yes. I left them to it.

At the bar, "Nowat, why is that fellow fucking the farang Greg?"

He laughed, "He has fucked him before nothing new. Greg first came here about five years ago. He got drunk, took girls to back almost always got himself fucked. Ni likes to fuck farangs took him to room fucked him many times. Greg comes back next year, gets drunk, goes with girls they fuck him, goes to Ni asks for fucking so Ni does." He shrugged. "Greg comes back every year, same same." To Nowat Greg wanted to be fucked and so got fucked no big deal.

"Why did he want to go with me? He knew I couldn't do anything like that."

Another shrug, "Maybe he think to break out of his being bottom boy only."

"He does have a big dick."

That got a laugh from Nowat, "Yes big dick but it is all his brains in there you know." He cackled with what he thought was a great wit.

"What should I do? You have priced my ass out of local men's reach. Farangs don't come the Land of Smiles for white pussy."

"You walk around, play pool, drink juice, do one thing all the time...look beautiful, OK"

His arm around my waist slipped to my pussycheeks, caressing, "Fay you are most beautiful ladyboy in Pattaya! Just show off."

He called to the bar lady, "Sha get juice for Fay." She brought it over, "Thank you Sha." I gave her a little bow which got a shy smile from her.

Nowat leaned over, "Sha GG you know," my blank look made him go on, "she real girl. Used to sell herself in bars, got into drugs. When she cleaned up I put her here."

I couldn't see Nowat as a humanitarian.

I took myself off to the pool table room. I wanted to establish my presence in there as normal. I racked both tables and worked on my shot, getting the feel of the odd caroms.

An older Thai man came, he sat, watched me for a while, I offered to play, he declined with a shake of his head. He was taller and thinner than most, full head of hair that was without gray, very dark eyes. I worked my around the table enjoying the feel of the shot making.

"You are called Fay is that right?" He spoke clear wonderful English.

I gave him a small bow, "Yes I am. Are you sure you wouldn't like to play?"

That got a laugh, low and warm sounding, "No and certainly not after watching you for twenty minutes..."

He stood up and came over to the table, "My name Keren. I have news of someone you know, a Mr. Nkhon." I made a face, his smile looked a bit more dangerous now, "Mr. Nkhon made the mistake of telling me of his brief time with you. After a short conversation he was persuaded to beg your forgiveness for his boorish behavior. He wanted to add that he disgraced himself and would never return to disturb you."

Magnificently spoken with sinister undertones I felt a chill.

He held my hand, "A great and wonderful friend also asked to be remembered to you, Mr. Thoi."

I almost fainted, Mr. Keren held me around the waist and led me to a chair. He brought my juice glass over, sitting beside he spoke in a low tone, "He is very sorry about the indignities that you have suffered and he will attempt to repay you. He is coordinating a huge government and business operation to crush the whoremongers, drug dealers, arms merchants and spies. You were traced to Korat but moved before we could do what we wanted. When you arrived here the plan congealed. You are protected now so we go ahead."


"Yes he works for me."

"I seduced him."

His warm laugh came again, "Yes we know, he was distraught about it. He thought he should be replaced. I told him he was to stay and not to worry. By then I had seen photos of you and saw why he succumbed to your charms."

"I made an effort to win him over so I could use him to get away."

Mr. Keren's smile was very big now, "I had some difficulty convincing him to stay and not whisk you away."

I looked him in the eye, "How long do I have to keep going at this? First, know I do not speak from bitterness but simply I need to be in another's arms."

He patted my hand, "A day or so at most. Thang will know and move you to safety. We want to hit them all at once across Thailand, Vietnam, Hong Kong and China. We have been busy since you uncovered some of the ends in Bangkok. It is not difficult to have a great admiration for what you have done and suffered. The Kingdom is deeply in your debt."

"Mr. Keren please pretend to hire me and go to my room so I can ask more questions. Does Nowat know you? Or what you do?"

"Fay I realize that you have this need but not now. I will only tell you one more thing before we have to return to this current reality. I have had the pleasure and honor of knowing Cho and his family for decades. He has been an enormous help to us. Mr. Thoi had to prevent him from killing the scurrilous Brothers. I, for one wouldn't want that on his conscience and Mr. Thoi most surely didn't want his happiness to suffer from guilt because of those scum. One more thing let Thang do his job, don't make it any more complicated for him."

I hugged Mr. Keren, kissing both his cheeks, tears in my eyes, I couldn't find the words.

He stood up offering me a whiter than white handkerchief, it made me cry more. I was lifted up, "Dry your eyes and play some more while I watch you move about. You are like a dancer when you play."

That didn't help my eyes but I knew I still had to make like a ladyboy whore for a little while longer.

"Just so you know I am a rich Bangkok fellow down for a few days with relatives. Nowat is good at seeing Bahts. Play again I will get another juice for you."

Mr. Keren handed me by little bag, I wiped my eyes and fixed my face.

I picked up my cue and chalked it leaning on the table, so it's going to end soon! Not fast enough but Keren and Thoi want my patience. Another day or so...

Mr. Keren came with two glasses and a big smile, "I told Nowat that you had charmed me and once my family business was over I would come back for a long time with you. I gave him 5000 Bahts for the day after tomorrow reserving your time." He was nearly laughing out loud.

We toasted with the juice, I gave him a hug, "Shall I play?"

He sat down with a nod, "Yes little dancer go ahead."

So I pirouetted, did small jumps and pointed my toes, smiling all the while I played.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Nowat peek in at one point, I was shooting and Mr. Keren was quietly watching. As I moved he ducked away.

I whispered to Mr. Keren that Nowat had been looking and I sat on his lap. He was flustered for a second but put an arm around me, "Just for a minute Fay, I do want him to believe in the ruse."

I lay my arm on his shoulders, "I'm not going to seduce you," He laughed at that, such a warm chuckling sound.

"My wife will get enjoyment when I tell her about you. We have been married for 34 years."

I kissed his cheek and bounced up, "Do you still want me to play?"

"Yes, it is a way for us to continue the deception and keep you away from customers." I wanted to jump on him for that, I hadn't considered it. I settled for giving him my best smile.

It was sometime before we were disturbed again, two Thai men came in and made a show of playing pool. Mr. Keren patted the chair beside him, in a low voice, "Fay those men work for me. Acting as bodyguards tonight and they have looked the place over."

I leaned against his arm, "Mr. Keren, behind those drapes is a door to a corridor where are a men's and women's bathrooms but a third door is unmarked. It opens onto a stairway that leads to an alley that opens right into a busy road. I found it earlier, Nowat doesn't know I was shown that door. I was going to get Thang to take me out that way. Maybe you can use it."

He made a gesture with his right hand, one of the men went behind the drapes. I stepped over to the other, "Want to shoot with me? No betting though," I got a grin for that and a negative response but with a nice bit, "You would distract me from the game."

Mr. Keren cleared his throat and the fellow straightened up and I gave a pout to him, "I don't want to seduce everyone!" Even Mr. Keren grinned at that.

The bodyguard came back, said something to Mr. Keren as he passed by. I kept playing since it meant a reprieve and I was enjoying myself. I was lightheaded with the thought of freedom and simply wasn't going to not be happy.

Jen came in with a short dark farang, he was English and wanted to play. Jen was apprehensive but I spoke to her to show I had no problem with her, "Jen, I have played enough please use this table."

She smiled to thank me, I could see why she was popular, lovely face. Her client gave me a long appraising look but did thank me. I put my little butt in the chair next to Mr. Keren and leaned on his shoulder. He was prepared this time, he quickly encircled my waist. We sat watching the others play, the farang did shoot some and grab-assed Jen the rest.

It was after two in the morning when Mr. Keren suggested he walk me to my room. We passed through the bar arm in arm, Nowat smiling and nodding his head. Many in the crowd looked our way because of the excitement earlier. Kha was in an embrace with a farang by the door, I patted her arm and smiled. As we walked I saw some heeled shoes sticking out from behind a potted plant, the toes buried in the carpet and a vague shape standing.

Mr. Keren squeezed my arm, "We don't oppose prostitution but there should be protection for girls and safety. Cleaning out places like this where girls are financially exploited will be good."

At my door he was going to stop but I persuaded him to come in as a sign to Nowat that we were on close terms. He sat in the big chair as I perched on the vanity stool. We stared at each other before I got the idea and motioned to my ear giving a shake to my head. "No I don't think so."

"Well I prefer to know I'm sure you understand."

I took a piece of paper and wrote, "I will go out for a moment to see if Thang is in his room. I will then change to sleepwear and you can be seen leaving, ok?"

He read and nodded.

Thang was lying on his bed, he leapt up, looking at my smiling face, "You are ok?"

"Mr. Keren is sitting in my room, he told me a lot. I want you in my room tonight. Do you think the rooms have listening devices?" He said no devices, he had checked.

Mr. Keren was standing when I returned with Thang, with the assurance of privacy, "Thang sleep in here tonight. I hope to make the action take place in the early evening when activities are just getting going here. It will be much later in China and Vietnam but that is fine with them. Fay tell Thang about the door, my man said that some of our men will come in that way to prevent any departures."

I quickly disrobed and put on a baby doll nightie. Thang and his boss looked the other way which I thought was quaint and cute.

At my door, Mr. Keren kissed my hand, "Thank you Fay and I look forward to talking to you elsewhere soon."

He didn't avert his eyes and was calm despite my nudity.

When he was gone, "Fay I am going to be in the chair against the door tonight. I have to make sure you are safe because it is close to end."

I decided not to point out he would be more comfortable and closer to protect me if he was lying on top of me in the bed. He seemed to be in work mode and Mr. Keren had asked me not to distract him. Too bad one more go around with hard body and cock wouldn't hurt me. He moved the chair and settled in.

"Thang, I would like to read, would you like me to read aloud to you?"

He appeared to be puzzled, "I think it is a nice thing to do between friends and it is intimate to hear another person's voice."

He was quiet so with only the bedside lamp I began with a Jack London piece called `Road-kids and Gay-cats'

"Every once in a while, in newspapers, magazines, and biographical dictionaries, I run upon sketches of my life, wherein, delicately phrased, I learn that it was in order to study sociology that I became a tramp. This nice and thoughtful of the biographers, but it is inaccurate. I became a tramp-well because of the life that was in me, of the wanderlust in my blood that would not let me rest. Sociology was merely incidental; it came afterward, in the same manner that a wet skin follows a ducking. I went on the `Road' because I couldn't keep away from it; because I hadn't the price of a railroad fare in my jeans..."

I kept up for a while longer, Thang's chin was in his chest, eyes closed, my eyes were now heavy and I put the book aside. I slept for a while when Thang was close to me, holding me in the dark, whispering, "Fay someone tried the door but have gone."

I was awake now, "When? Any idea who it was?"

"A few minutes ago, I waited for them to go. Do not know who, the chair and me too heavy to move!"

I didn't want to think who it might have been. Thang was back in the chair very awake! I drifted off.

Thang had pulled the curtains open, his weight on me, "Fay need to get up." He didn't leave it at that though some wandering fingers made their presence known on my body. He teased my bits as I was stuck under him, "Thang don't play give me your cock!"

"No not now, we eat, a bit of planning, OK?"

He had waited to go out for breakfast until he got me up, "No sleeping when I not here. Be careful now."

I made it plain that his cock was enough for my morning meal but he wasn't going for that.

"I will get food, you get up and wash could be a long day."

He was gone! Shit I wanted his dick! I want Cho's too and Jian's and ... All that was going to have to wait.

Next: Chapter 27

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