
By A becker

Published on May 24, 2012


Note: the following is copyrighted material. You may post on other systems but full credit given and no changes made in any way.


As I helped him dress he turned to me, "May I hold you once more?"

I opened my arms he gathered me in a nice soft kiss on my neck, "Very sweet very nice. I hope to return when I have much more time."

"I would be honored and pleased if you did."

"Thank you Fay."

I held his hand at the door he smiled and was gone.

TING ! There was hope! Best not to get excited I don't want anything to show.

My gaoler came in, "You have sometime before next client, all in evening. You wear nightie, OK? Also Rai will be here later to see you."

Oh just what I needed. First hope then despair enters.


I washed quickly donned my nightie fixed my face and sat waiting. Ting had to come see me. He HAD To! Would he be cool though...

The door opened my new guest entered. He was shorter than average height thick with a quiet round face. I stood up as he stepped past my gaoler.

He had a cautious smile, "Please what is your name?"

"My name is Fay."

He took my hand lifted it up and twirled me around slowly. When I came back to face him the smile was broader, "Very nice! Would you please bend over and place your hands on the bed."

I didn't look over my shoulder as his hands cupped by pussyass cheeks. Warm and soft fingers slipped up my back and down between my cheeks. Light caress of my pussy. He moved down behind me... Ooohhh a warm tongue tasting me! Gentle movements around my pussy opening up and down my slit. He pressed his thumbs near my pussy spreading me open as his tongue entered my warm little hole! Yes that was nice my twat is so tender so ready for stimulation.

"MMMmmm you are doing nice things to me. Please go on!"

The only response was deeper thrusts by his tongue. I shivered as he spread the wetness up and down my slit. He gave my chain a slight tug. A nose pressed against my pussy the tongue swiped over my rings. Gawd I liked this guy!

"Please move up on the bed on your knees," came from behind me. "Please put your pussy up high."

I complied, the tongue came back to work! YES I can go for some guests like this!!! It must have a further 20 minutes of this lovely treatment before he quit flopping down beside me.

"You were so nice to me!"

He smiled, "I looked at you and knew you would taste fine. I enjoyed it!"

I leaned over and kissed him. "Thanks! Do you do this often?"

"Never before, you are just so beautiful and your backside is so lovely! I had to try it!"

His left hand stoked up my leg over the thigh to my pussycheeks, softly petted me! Very nice!

"You have done nicely for me! What can I do for you?" as I reached for his crotch. As I found a semi-hardon he leaned over for another kiss, "Nothing my dear, I came in my underwear!" "Oh please let me clean you up, ok?"

I opened his pants, slid down to investigate, nice uncut sticky cock! MMMmmm good taste, nice cum, loose foreskin. I wiped up his orgasm with pleasure his fingers on my shoulders caressing me. "Oh Fay that is nice, please continue!" No trouble I was in my element...a cock in my mouth! A nice man connected to it that enjoyed my work. He pulled me up so our faces were level, kissed me, I felt his tongue, opened my mouth as he moved in. Strong insistent kiss trying to reach my tonsils. His arms went around me pinning me to his chest. "I have had many ladyboys, you are the most beautiful. Lovely body, skin so nice to touch."

"Have you done this for them, what you did for me?"

The smile was back, "They never inspired me like your body does."

Flattery as the saying goes will get you everywhere. I slid down to that nice cock seeking a load of cum. He rolled onto his back as I went to work! MMMmmm I was getting a warm welcome firming up nicely I began to give him one of my best blowjobs. He was very responsive his hands on my head holding me without grabbing but insistent. Yes the precum was flowing, astoundingly sweet I work his foreskin to add friction probing his piss slit sucking for more sweetness. He was mumbling things as his temperature rose, the penis was engorged, fat, happy! Oh yes the hips were rising now I increased my suction pumping up and down, he's close! Whoosh the cum spurted into my mouth and I gave it a fast ride to my belly. I kept the suction on full, slurping out all the juice I could get. His grip was firmly holding my face against his sex mound my nose in the sparse but soft pubes.

"YES yes yes," came out in a rush and he slumped back on the bed. Spent now!

Nice! I rested my cheek on his heaving chest, I gave him my best cat's purr voice, "You taste so good! Is there any more?"

He laughed and choked, "Not today I'm worn out! An hour with you is all any man could stand I am sure."

I wrapped my hand around his cock handling it gently, stroking its softness slippery still from me. Brinng Brinng his cell phone was loudly squawking. He pried it out of a side pocket the text msg. squawked again Brinng Brinng.

"Dear Fay I have to go. Patient leaving operating room."

"Did Rai tell you about me?" Hoping for another link to Ting.

"Yes he mentioned you yesterday. He said you were a beauty. He knows I like Kathoey's."

"Rai said he was talking to another doctor named Ting about me. Do you know him?"

"Ah yes, he's in a different specialty but we do see each. Nice fellow."

"Would you quietly mention me to Ting?"

"Why quietly if I may ask?"

"I don't know if he would approve of it, we only met once away from here."

"I don't mind doing that you have been so much pleasure to me. I hope you would be glad to see my return."

He started to close his zipper but I stopped him, I leaned in to slurp his cock into my mouth caressing it licking his balls. He placed his hand on the back of my head with a slight squeeze. It was nice to hold the cock.

He eased me back, "Fay I must go but I see that I am to be welcome to return. Thank you!"

"I like your cock very much and you have such sweet cum I'd be glad to taste much more of it!"

He gave me a kiss at the door, "Thank you!"

"Oh please tell me your name."

"It's long but everyone calls me Sav," he pressed something into my hand as he turned to go.

My gaoler was outside as Sav left. I held out the Bahts to him. He tried to glare but I could see it wasn't sincere. After a blustery "You have time to clean and rest!" He took me to pee and shower. As before he sat holding my chain as I washed. I didn't go out of my way to entice him, I could see he liked what he saw. I decided to hold that in reserve for now.

"Rai said he is coming at 6 o'clock. You are to be naked just wearing black heels. I will give you notice of time so you can be ready."

Snick the lock was closed again. He bumped into me as he stood up I pretended to fall back he caught me easily in his hard muscled arms. Our faces were close. He did nothing but slowly lowered me to the bed. I let my hands slide down his arms. He straightened up looking into my face. I held back any come-on, "Thanks for catching me, I'm sorry to have bumped you."

He stepped back but the facial muscles weren't tight, "I was at fault, you are all right?"

I nodded, "I'm glad you are strong enough to catch me."

He gave a head bob before retreating out the door. Oh maybe there's something I can work with!

I laid down for some rest but it was short lived as my tough guy gaoler came back with a tray of food, steaming noodles piled high with lots of vegetables and shrimp. He put it on the bed, "Eat now then rest."

He held out the fruit juice, "Take pills!" No charmer, YET! He left me to eat and I did! I ate it down to the plate. I moved the tray and lay down since I had about 3 hours until I had to deal with Rai! No trouble sleeping, warm cozy until tough guy shook me awake. No dreams, I felt better for the 3 hours of downtime.

"Rai will be here soon. Just shoes!"

I smiled, "Yes heels."

Quick wash face fixed I went to closet for shoes, bent over as the door opened. My gaoler stared at me as I slowly straightened up. He seemed glazed over, "Rai on the way."

I stood beside the bed waiting, Rai popped in he stepped up to me his right hand a blur Whack! I took the blow falling back so it wasn't so bad but it stung.

"You get ready to move to new place right now!" He spun out yelling something in Thai to my gaoler.

A bag was brought, "Put your things in here, wear dress and heels for your trip!"

I was still sitting naked on the bed head spinning, leaving just as might have been able to reach Ting.

"Where am I going?" brought me a storm of abuse all in Thai. Suddenly he stopped, "I do not know yet am sorry to yell."

"Are you going?"

"Yes but my family is here I do not want to go away."

I opened the bag next to me, "How much time do I have, do you know?"

"He wants you to leave in 10 minutes, please pack!"

I picked out a light blue short sleeved backless sundress, tiny dark blue thong and wedge-heeled sandals and packed the shorts tops skirts nighties and all the rest into the wide stubby bag. I fixed my face, all red on the left side.

I was standing holding a small handbag when Rai returned, "Good! You will be on airplane shortly. Do not cause trouble I will sedate you if that happens."

I shook my head no.

"OK let us go now.," my gaoler unlocked me and took the chain in his strong dark hand.

I followed him down the stairs, the Truman Capote lookalike sneered at me as I passed him, "Good riddance!"

A black windowed van took us to a small airfield not far from the whorehouse, twin-engined Beechcraft was already turning over. My gaoler led me on, 6 six seater, "You will be good or Thang will make you, understand?"

I nodded! Thang, so that's my tough guy's name. I sat down buckled up when the pilot told us over his shoulder.

Thang did not like this he was sweating and squirming, "I have flown many times don't worry. What I always do is remember that the pilot wants to arrive safely also."

He gave me a sour look but seemed to ease up some.

We taxied out and were airborne in seconds. Thang was still uncomfortable in the plane, "Look how beautiful everything is from here. No dirt or bad things."

I squeezed my left hand on his right, he didn't move it away. I could see the knuckles on his left holding my chain were white, "Thang, I can't go anywhere now so please be easy." He jerked up and looked me in the eyes when I used his name.

I reached over to stroke his left, "Please Thang, its ok."

The cabin noise was very loud, "You have to be careful, Rai is a bad man!"

I nodded in agreement, I opened his hand and let the chain fall to the cabin deck.

The pilot yelled, "There is drink and food on front seat here for you. Two hours flying time."

I looked at Thang, he was leaning back in the seat now. I smiled and went forward to see what was on offer. I wasn't hungry after my big feed but a drink would be nice.

The cooler had food wrapped up and bottles of Coke and fruit juice. I held them up for Thang he pointed to Coke I grabbed a juice. He rapidly shook his head No to the food. I had a good drink and leaned back in the seat and turned so I could see him. Thang was holding the Coke pretty tight but half was gone, "You OK now?"

He didn't look at me but waved his hand. I crossed my legs somewhat grandly letting the soft fabric ride up my thigh very high my eyes on his the whole time. He tracked my legs carefully I didn't let him see me watching and pointed out the big airport off to our right. He leaned over to look and I switched my legs with another flash of thigh. His Adam's apple seemed to pop up and down. HhhMmm Funny, he shows more acknowledgement of my body when I'm dressed than all the times he watched me shower naked as a jaybird. I gave him a few more quick looks at my legs before sitting back nap time. The plane droned on I slipped into doze mode.

A sharp drop jerked me awake Thang's instinctive reaction was to put his hand out it landed on my thigh as the aircraft recovered. Warm rough palm firmly restrained me. The pilot yelled, "Down draft all OK!"

Thang's hand hadn't moved I put mine on his arm, "Thanks for holding me." I gave him my best megawatt smile. He didn't pull it away as if embarrassed nor did I. He wasn't making eye contact but the fingers did contract some.

"That does happen sometimes when the air is flowing with a different temperature from nearby clouds." I pointed the big cumulus ones just off to the left. The warm palm remained still as I leaned back and moved my hand to his shoulder.

"I'm sorry you have to go with me away from your family."

He shook his head as the hand slowly slid along my soft skin up and then down.

"It is OK I earn money to help my family. Rai said he would double my pay."

Even with the dreaded Rai word spoken the hand remained. I covered it and leaned back to relax. I had become used to the touch of men and often really enjoyed it.

"I won't cause you trouble Thang as long as I am OK, alright?"

"I will not hurt you and not let others."

I lifted his hand which he gave me easily and kissed the back also the palm. I rested it on my belly laying mine over it and closed my eyes. I could feel his muscles ease up and sensed his tension flow out.

Thang woke me, "Fay we are near."

His hand was still on my stomach under mine.

"When we land you both stay on plane until I check in and return," the pilot yelled over the prop noise which seemed much higher. We were losing altitude rapidly. I checked my safety belt and Thang's. He was apprehensive again but I stroked his hard hand, he might have wanted it back, no go on that. The landing was smooth we were off the runway on taxiway quickly. The pilot swung the aircraft off to the side of a small hanger. Pattaya Airpark the sign said.

"Remember stay on."

I undid my belt letting Thang have his hand back. He was reluctant but no eyes toward me.

A big dark Merc pulled up the pilot motioned to us. I went ahead Thang took the chain lightly and followed. I was in the back with him. Boot was closed the driver pulled away no words spoken. I felt Thang being tense again but didn't do or say anything. We were driving through countryside that merged into built up areas then dense with apartment buildings. Heavy traffic as the light was fading. Motorbikes pickup trucks full of people lots of Westerners.

We turned into a crowded street stopped by traffic the driver had said nothing Thang tense rubbing his right hand on his trouser leg. I reached out resting my hand on his. He stopped. We inched along then turned into dark narrow alley.

When we stopped the driver spoke his first words, told us to stay in the car. He went into a small recessed door. Minutes later he returned with a slender man who was going bald with rimless glasses. He opened the door put out his hand, "Fay, I am Nowat. Please come with me." He led me by the hand into the doorway Thang behind still holding my chain. We went up a narrow stairway two flights where Nowat unlocked a door. We were in a corridor with several doors on each of side walls. The whole thing was painted in a riot of colour. Nowat led to the third right hand door, "this will your room while you are here."

The room was good sized maybe 20' by the same a window with narrow bars and curtains gave no clue about the outside. A full-size platform bed an armoire a nice vanity with stool a beautiful large oval mirror a chest of drawers all in a shiny dark wood with muted colours on the wall it was serene. A big comfortable looking overstuffed chair and a ladder-back one to the side.

"You may with permission make changes. Please unpack, if you need anything please ask." Nowat stepped motioning to Thang he came forward looked at the bed and locked me to outer leg. Nowat turned to me, "This arrangement can change it is up to you and how you behave."

He stopped at the door, "You will not be required for work until tomorrow evening. Rest and eat."

He left but Thang stood by the door he was embarrassed, I took his hand planted a kiss on the top and palm. "I know how things are and what I am to do. Please try to protect me from any more, OK?"

He nodded before leaving closing the door behind him. I put away my things. Sitting at the vanity I looked at myself I was attractive good body everything seemed to point to using those to survive and get away. Now I'm in Pattaya no Jian no Cho no word on my girlfriends I wasn't even sure of what day it was much less which month, hell I didn't know what time it was. I opened the door looking to see Thang was leaning on the wall I jumped and he stepped forward, "You are OK?"

I nodded, "I need to go to the bathroom."

He unlocked me and we found the bathroom to be huge with clean bright tile, large sinks, showers, private toilet stalls. A skylight let in plenty of light. I did my business and while washing a slender ladyboy came in. Reddish hair nice face narrow hips a gigantic thick cock lots of foreskin. She smiled grabbed a towel from the pile, "I am Puy."

I introduced myself, Thang's look said no more, so I smiled and left with him.

"Fay do not name me please. I want to do just Rai has told, OK?"

Standing next to my new bed as Thang bent to lock me again I touched his left hand he straightened up, "Thang..."

I stepped against him my arms circling his waist my face on his shoulder.

"I will do whatever you want you only have to tell me."

He dropped the chain and squeezed me tightly. Very tightly!

"Thang, please not so hard!"

He jumped, if I hadn't held on I probably would have flown, as it was we ended up on the bed. My face was close to his, my smile I knew was playful, "It's OK but not So hard!"

I kissed him pulling him close once more. He pressed on me returning my kiss keeping a good grip. I freed one arm wrapping it around his neck our tongues doing a lot of work. I felt his erection on my thigh I pressed on it.

A big gulp of air, "Thang please make love with me!"

His hands were roaming me I pulled at his shirt, pushing my right leg over him opening my pelvis he crushed his swollen prick on me. A warm rough palm on the skin of my backless dress. I got my hands on his chest taut smooth very warm skin small aureoles tiny nipples very hard under my fingers. His breathing was shallow. I left his chest going for the pants he leaned away a bit letting me get to his belt and zipper. My dress was open the callused left hand rubbed my breasts capturing my right nipple.

"Yes just like that Thang!" I pressed my lips to his again as the metallic sound of the zipper rent the air.

I reached inside for his cock, Nice! Nearly fully erect I caressed it, HOT! I lifted it clear of his pants sliding my fingers to the base and down to cup a very nice set of balls.

He moaned into my ear, "Fay dress off!"

I raised my arms he slid it over my head and tossed it aside. Both of my hands went for the cock he had a nipple and a full grip on my crotch. My thong was ripped as Thang lifted my leg higher over him bringing his prick to my opening, "Wait let me wet you!"

I slid down for my first close look, beautiful cock firm nicely shaped, wet with the application of my tongue. I moved the foreskin back and forth sucking licking going further for his balls egg-sized hairless lovely man smell. I eagerly slurped them!

"Fay I want to fuck!" Such a nice thought, a last lick to that ready dick I wet my fingers wiping them on my pussy several times I laid back with open legs Thang moved over plunging his tongue into my mouth as he guided that cock to my opening and entered.

"Aaahhh Yes Thang fuck me !"

He went to work sliding in until those big balls flopped against me up went my legs and hips. I looked up as his fierce face eyes shut hovered over me. He drew back all the way out Ooohhh he stroked in to bounce those balls off me once again. Thang was in the groove balls smacking on me, cock spreading my pussy, his face taut, eyes tightly shut until I gripped his nipples. They popped open and a toothy grin spread across his face.

"Yes Fay you are good to fuck! Soooo nice!"

"Please Thang keep going like that I love your cock!"

He didn't need much encouragement from me the power in that strong body was behind each of his strokes. The slap of his balls seemed to be loud like gun shots. He pounded away, moved above me further so he fucked straight down, the bed responding to his thrusts bouncing me up for more. Thang's stamina my lust for his cock we were a fucking two backed machine.

"Turn me over Thang please fuck me from behind!"

No added persuasion was required. He drove in all the way gripped my right leg eased back stepped over my left and scissored me. Holding on to a pussycheek and a leg he went back to pounding away. The new angle burned my pussy soooo good!

"Gawd that's so nice Thang!," I looped an arm around his neck as a grabbed for some duvet with the other.

He kept at that for a while then finished the flip without pulling out took my hips lifted and drew me back against his belly. His balls slapped onto my old sex as if they were an affirmation of my changes. Again and again he drove forward as he pulled me back. His hands left my hips taking my nipple rings. He pulled and twisted but not to hurt but to stimulate me if that was needed any longer. He fucked me mostly silent except for his breathing which was much more shallow and low moans of pleasure which blended well with mine.

"Fay coming soon!"

"Thang come inside me please please!"

He rotated his hips giving wonderful pain/pleasure pangs all through my pussy I tried to tighten for more friction but was unnecessary as his short shoves slammed into me.

"Coming Fay I give you cum," he voice raspy now with short breaths.

I felt his grip on my hips and the spasm of his cock, "Come hard Thang! Come my man!"

His orgasmic spurts were lovely to feel as I pressed back to keep him in me as he came down from the high. He stayed firmly pressed to me. My face in the duvet I reached back for his thighs, "Thang lay on me."

I eased forward bringing him along with me his weight rested comfortably. I squeezed my pussy giving his cock a last milking as his heaving sweat wet chest squished on my bare skin. He brought his arms up around my shoulders resting his face on the back of my neck.

We didn't speak just let our bodies melt together and slow down. What a wonderful fuck! Thang pounded one out but it wasn't brutal like Rai or Saul et al. They rode you for their pleasure and your pain deliberately inflicted which seem to add to their enjoyment. Not since being in Cho's arms had I felt this good after sex.

Thang's lips caressed my neck, "Fay you give me much happiness never before have I fucked a kathoey. I thought it would not be good just boom boom and feel nothing. I was very wrong."

Such a speech from my quiet gaoler. My twat really awakened his voice.

"Thank you so much Thang you gave me great enjoyment! I feel very good now!"

He squeezed me with those strong thighs and arms, "Can we rest for some time. I am no longer having strength."

I told him he was making a joke but that I was happy lying like this. Our breathing returned to normal slowly. I reached to stroke Thang's side tried for his ass he wiggled and pinned my arms, "No tickle!"

"Oh you are ticklish? That could be fun!"

He was not amused, "No tickle I do not like that!"

"What about I use my tongue? Would that be ok?"

He snorted as a reply but kept my hands away.

"Thang I want to suck you. Please let me. Please! You know I'm clean you have watched!"

"Yes not now I am fine like this," I felt his lips on my neck he released my hands so he could caress me.

I placed my hands on his hips just flat feeling the warmth of his skin. He lifted his weight slightly, "Fay I want to feel your breasts please be on your elbows."

I like his rough thumbs rubbing my nipples rolling them tugging gently on my rings and the chain that linked them. He cupped my little pears and I could sense his cock swelling in me.

"Do you want me again?" I tightened my pussy around him.

"Yes also food and walk to wake up legs. You hungry?"

I was but what would be better another load of Thang's cum or more ordinary food?

"Can you fuck me and have food?"

He laughed a low chuckle I felt in my pussy. One hand left my breasts slid under to hold my crotch, a soft bite on my neck, "I eat you OK as we fuck."

Well two birds with one stone but I wanted to survive so I made a counter offer, "How about I suck you clean you get food we eat then you fuck me?"

I pressed up from my hips and wiggled, "So...?"

Thang withdrew, a lovely slurping sound at disconnection I dove for the dick. One hand cupped his balls a fine weight the other grabbed some ass as the target disappeared into my mouth.

Thang would jump a mile if he get free of me. I ate that cock to the root max suction greedy sounds before pulling back to the tip and some peephole play. Thang was bucking but my grip held.

"FAY stop now..." he did pry himself partially free until I raked my nails along the side of his torso.

"No please no tickle NO!" I stopped that but kept the cock. Smiling up at him he pretended to hit me and settled for a loud whack on my pussycheeks.

"Ouch," popped out around his dick I faked pain he paused I took advantage to put my hands on his ass and hold on.

Thang flopped back on the bed surrendering to the suction I was applying. "Fay please stop now maybe no more fucking!"

I knew it was an empty threat but let his cock slip out of my mouth onto his leg. Then I showered it with kisses and licks.

"Thang I'll be good now so I can be bad later. OK?" He gave me a don't screw around look, I countered by nuzzling into the soft warm balls and cock.

Somewhat muffled, "Yes Thang! I'm going to stop." I watched his eyes as I lifted the cock to kiss the head.

"Do you need bathroom before I get food?" I shook my head for negative, I let him pull his clothes back on I sat on the bed edge. When he was ready I put out my hands he rested his on mine, "Thang some noodles and crispy fish?"

He raised my hands kissed the back of each.

I missed my gaoler as soon as the door closed. I'm a slut and a whore ricocheted in my head.

I threw away the ripped thong unpacked some panties white shorts and a pink crop top. I hung all my clothes and put the others in the chest of drawers. My makeup on the vanity. There was a knock on the door and called out to come in expecting Nowat.

It certainly wasn't him but a slender pale red haired petite girl. Shorts halter flip-flops, cute and sexy.

"Hi I am Thuy you are Fay?"

I smiled my agreement, "Thuy you are cute."

She had tinkling laugh, "Nowat said we would have big competition from you. I think he tried to make worry, I am worry now!"

I stood up from the vanity stool to extend my hands and she saw the chain, "Fay...?"

"Thuy it's OK I ..." I wasn't sure where to go with so "I caused some trouble and I am restricted in my movements for now."

"OH here when we displease, Nowat gives a beating and other things."

We held hands, "I'm OK it's just something to put up with for a while."

The disk between my breasts was exposed by my top and Thuy read it, "Yes Rai can be mean when wants. None of us like when he visits. Never nice to have him."

"Does he come often?"

"No never would be best. He was here a few weeks ago fucked me several times very great pain. I didn't work for a few days."

We chatted about the work the girls, who was fixed and not, She undid her halter to show me her bolt-ons. They felt very good and looked better than any I had seen. She gave me a big smile and thanks. I could see they were central to her female feelings. She winked and dropped her shorts a very nice cock with narrow pointed foreskin cute little marble sized balls. I gave her a stroke and dropped my shorts and panties. She knelt, "Oh Fay it is so sexy like that." I got felt up and a soft kiss on my old sex.

"Maybe we have fun sometime? Yes?" We hugged pressing our flesh together I wiggled against her cock, "Yes I would like that." We pulled everything back into place she kissed my cheek, "I will see you I need to get ready for tonight. We having a party for Puy it is her birthday. You come and meet all?"

"I don't know. If you see Nowat would you ask him to please come to me?"

She waved goodbye nodding that she would.

I curled up in the big chair. I needed something to read.

That was put aside by Thang's return with bags and a delicious aroma. We tucked into some lovely rice and vegetables, noodles with tofu and a spicy crusty fish. I stuffed myself finding that I was very hungry once stimulated by the smells.

I had a mouthful of fish when Nowat came by. I asked about the party, books, condoms, lube... Nowat was understanding with all my requests, "You may come to party since it is in the big room here, no further." He motioned to Thang at that point who gave a grave nod.

"Books are different, if you know then Thang or one of my men can get. There is a bookstore run by Englishman a few blocks away. Supplies for your job will be brought tomorrow. OK?"

I rose and bowed to him. His face was still but seemed to like the courtesy.

"One other thing about books, I have no money."

"You only need to make your request and they will be purchased for you and your tip money will be applied. You understand that you will not have money here, OK?"

I nodded I'm sure my face was sad. "I have no reason not to trust you but I have orders."

"I will not cause trouble."

After his departure Thang stood beside me, "I will be glad to get books, anything for you."

I did feel sad but I knelt down and pressed my face to Thang's crotch he lightly caressed my neck and we stayed like that for several minutes.

"Fay let us finish eating while it is warm." That broke the mood and I chatted to him about Thuy. He wagged a finger, "You are forward!"

I had to laugh at that quaint way of phrasing, "Thang, how does your cock feel? Good?"

He flicked a grain of rice at me with a big grin.

After a cleanup and to clear out of room air I tried the window, it opened but only view in the dark was another wall a few feet away, the bars looked strong. OH, there's a lock on the far right behind the curtain a small padlock. Back away no attention drawn.

"Thang do you think there is a fan? Maybe can borrow one?"

He would look into it. "If I am to go to the party will you unlock me?" Thang paused. "Thang I will not cause you trouble or embarrass you. I promised you that earlier and in my own way I`m a person of honor. I keep my promises." I stepped close and took his right hand pressing it around me onto my back as I leaned on him, en sotto voce "Thang I do not want to be Rai's property but I have made a promise to YOU!" His eyes searched my face, I could feel the weight of the chain hanging over both of us, "Yes Fay I will unlock you now." His hand went to a pocket, he brought out a small ring of keys I hadn't seen before, "Lower your clothes." What? He was going to remove the chain? I was rooted to the spot as the lock between my legs snicked, Thang's hand covered my old sex, I put my lips on his. It was a kiss of passion and promise. I heard the chain and lock thump on the floor as his arms came up around me. We kissed for several minutes, the strong arms slid down my back to cup my pussycheeks holding me very hard against his muscled body.

Softly Thang's voice in my ear, "I trust you Fay." Almost like a light breeze.

He broke the embrace, "I will find a fan." I pulled my clothes up and turned away to wipe my tears. His hard warm hand came onto my bare belly from behind, I could feel the heat and the grip. A quick kiss, "I understand."

He opened the door as two of the girls arrived.

I greeted Puy and Thuy at the door, "Come now we are starting."

"I should change into a dress Yes? You both look very nice." They had SHORT dresses in a soft fabric, Thuy's had a deeply scooped back Puy's more like a large camisole.

"Yes what do you have Fay?" Thuy seemed anxious to dress me.

She pulled out a halter dress in black silk, "This is nice. Wear this one." Puy gave me a look like where have you been but agreed with Thuy.

I stripped to panties got out some lace top thigh high hose and black pumps. Thuy slipped her arm around my waist pulling my panties down in the front, "Look Puy she is like that girl JiJi who was here for short time." My crotch was on display, Puy cupped me, gave me a soft squeeze. And pulled on the rings. She looked down at the chain and lock on the floor then at me, "JiJi was locked up most of the time."

I felt something in the back of my mind but it was pushed aside by the girls wanting to go. I dressed and did my face quickly. I caught another look from Puy, she seemed to think I was too sophisticated for this place. Maybe I was over-analyzing.

I looked myself in the big oval mirror, the black silk fitted well, short hem, a bit of my skin showing above the tops of the stockings, glossy black pumps and my spike of hair was now long enough the reach over the cheek bone, red lips, not too red. I looked pretty good given the last month or so. I used the last of my juice for my pills.

We held hands going down the corridor past the bathroom which is far as I had gotten. There was a turn more doors then a large open room with a lanai. Lots of plants strung with tiny coloured lights, disco music, smells of grilled food and a dozen girls in various dress types and colours. A some men, older mostly, Thai and white men, farangs.

Nowat came over to me taking my hand, he led me around introducing me to one and all. No way to get all the faces and names straight. I asked for a fruit juice which Nowat approved of, "Too much alcohol is not good for girls but not possible to stop them at party."

"I'm not much of a drinker Nowat. Juice is fine."

"Do you need anything? You are doing hormones all the time?"

"Yes the lady in Korat gave me more than a month's worth of all of them. My guard is getting me a fan."

"Yes he asked me, there several on the lower floor so he will bring what is best for you."

An older Thai man came over to me, "Would you like to eat something? I have brought a cook from my restaurant. It is good!"

I told him of my meal earlier after a long day but thanked him, "Please what is your name, I'm not good with names." Which I concluded with a wide but demure smile.

"I am Thun. My restaurant is best in city." He took my hand and we toured the food, it all smelled wonderful and the presentation excellent. He tried to tempt me but I said later. The cook eye–balling me from hair to toes.

A short black haired beauty with a small bosom narrow hips and gorgeous eyes came over taking my hand, "Thun I have to borrow Fay." She wheeled me around and out on the lanai, "Who are you?"

She laughed, "I knew the way Nowat was pulling you around you could never remember all of the people. I am Shon. I have been in Pattaya for a year from my home in Issan." She was soooo cute in a short emerald green dress and green and white shoes. I could see she was a "personality." "How long you be here with us?" I had to tell her I didn't have any idea. She mentioned JiJi who had come for a while, "Because I heard you also had chain like her. She was sad." "Did she have any other name? Maybe?" No other according the Shon.

"Why did you want to talk to me?" She was considering having either the orichetomy or SRS but was unsure and wanted to ask me questions. "I only know what I have but you will have to take hormones forever either way. I think it depends on how you feel about you. Do you think of yourself as always having been a woman?"

We went on for a short while before Puy claimed me against Shon's objections I was half towed to spot where I could see Thuy on the knee of a white guy being gently pawed.

"Shon always talking about being cut you do not have to listen." Her arm was around my waist she softly spoke, "I want to fuck you soon. You are first white ladyboy I have seen." Her breath was whiskey and warm, her cupping my pussycheeks came as a mild surprise, a TOP ladyboy. "And you are so good looking!" Her teeth on my ear weren't going to leave marks but I felt them plainly enough. I remembered the size of her cock and knew I'd remember that after a fuck.

Thuy pulled me away from Puy and over to three girls who were with an older but good-looking farang (foreigner) dark hair with white temples, tanned but not overdone, hairy chest medium build.

"Fay this is Gus he's from Germany." Gus gave me his hand smiling, "Fay? Very nice where did you popup from?' I chatted about coming from the north he was Very interested I could see. Nice older man but a bit too hearty & bluff for me. One of the other girls, Kha, who was a long legged stunner with green eyes and beautiful hands, took me over to meet a short dark but handsome older Thai man who I didn't remember.

"Uncle, did you meet the new girl?"

"No Dear, who is this?" I was introduced to Nkhon, his hand was smooth and soft, well cared for nails.

He slipped his arm through mine and led me towards the food, "Hungry?" I told him about my meal earlier. "You have to eat something or Thun will think you don't like his food." He gave be nice smile which I returned.

"I will try but I don't have any appetite. Can you suggest something that is light?"

I threw the decision into his corner knowing some men appreciate that, "You could try these fish balls, they are deep fried but are quite light." He took a plate for me and went along putting little bits on it. "Here try these with that sauce and the two of these together." He reached for a fork as I picked up some chopsticks, smooth black lacquered with small fish on the sides. He liked that! He encircled my waist and steered me to a small table with two chairs, "What do you drink?" He gave a look of surprise but came back with a fresh glass of fruit juice, mango. As I nibbled the food, Thun waved and smiled as saw me eating. Nkhon let me know in a round-about fashion he was a big buddy with Rai and didn't endear himself to me with that. He chatted on about Pattaya, etc... I lost track but ate a bit and smiled trying to give the impression I was a bit dim.

He advanced the conversation to fondling my legs which he approved of especially the bare skin above the stockings. That attracted his roving fingers which didn't stop there but wandered up to panty play. I squirmed and dislodged him but he had stamina and kept coming back. I nearly (on purpose) upset my juice glass fending him off from my crotch he backed off a bit, guess didn't want to get his nice suit messy. Nowat came to my rescue, "My I borrow Fay someone she should meet."

I took the proffered arm and slid away, "Thanks his hands were roaming too much for me now." He smiled, "You have him visit soon enough, then you have to put up with him. He fucks all the new girls and if he likes you he comes back often. Rai has him on special rate they are friends."

We stopped opposite a door behind some of the plants with blinking coloured lights, "Fay you are very good looking and I expect you to be popular with our Thai clients. Don't be too upset if the farangs fail to choose you. They do love our beautiful ladyboys." I put my hand over Nowat's, "I'm not concerned about that. I just want to do what I have to and no fuss." I looked in his face, he seemed like an older uncle but then Rai was his boss. "Where will my guard sleep? I want to see he is taken care of well." Nowat squeezed my hand, "He is to have the end room near the door you came in. It is small but quiet. You might notice that your door can not be locked so he will be able to enter at will. I will tell you but it is not to be repeated even to him." He put an arm around me keeping hold of my hand, "Rai has told me not to interfere with his job of guarding you that he has the say on what happens. Please do not have him get in the way of you doing your work, OK?" I assured him that it would be like he says.

We walked over to a small group of girls and farangs who had just arrived. Puy was popular so many people were going to attend. An Englishman started a conversation with Nowat about boats and I slipped off to pee. I hadn't peed alone for some time so it was a novelty. I wiped washed and about to leave when Puy came in with a tall blond man, she winked and motioned me not to go. The man knelt at the edge of the shower area Puy pulled up her dress and brought out that huge cock, rested on his extended tongue. Her stream of pee was strong his hands came but she murmured something and they fell down by his sides. I watched him drink a good deal before leaving. What a cock!

I was going to go to my room to see Thang when Nkhon grabbed me, up against the wall I had no room to maneuver. My panties were down his hands groping me his breathing very shallow, "Nice I love to fuck fixed girls! Come now!" He spun me around and pushed me to my knees with a shove. Ouch that hurt! He was behind me an arm holding me as he freed his cock my dress flipped over my back I felt the prick against my pussy. He pressed forward missing my entrance, "I'm not wet please don't hurt me!" He wiped his fingers on his tongue smeared my pussy spit on me and tried again. His aim was better and the head was in me. Then I expected the rest, nothing more his cock was tiny! He fucked away but hardly any penetration. He seemed to enjoy it and came in a few minutes. "Suck me!" It didn't seem worthwhile to resist but it was sooo small it didn't seem worthwhile to bother. I sucked it with his hands on my head holding me to his crotch. Mercifully he backed off closed his pants, "I will come back to fuck you properly." Great a second go around probably wouldn't be any better.

He left me there and I used the wall to help get up, right stocking torn. I turned to go my room to take them off when I saw Thang at the end of the corridor staring. I smiled he didn't. In the room I knew he would make a scene and I had a time convincing him that when I'm with I want him and enjoyed him but I was Rai's property and a whore as a result. He still appeared to have a fear of Rai that I didn't want to get to the bottom of then. I took off the stockings put the pumps back on, "I will wash and be right back please wait, OK?" He nodded. When I returned I held his face in my hands, "Thang, we made love, we didn't just fuck today. I wanted you. Wanted! I felt you wanted me. That goes past any of this." I waved my hands gesturing around the room. "This place is no different than Korat. There will be trouble for you and me if you can't remember that. OK?" I took him in my arms pressing full length against him. He hesitated but bear hugged me lifting me off the floor. "Ooof Thang too tight!" He got it but only slowly let me down, "Do I come to sleep with you after all are gone?" I told him that I didn't know but that Nowat would be watching for sure. I suggested we be very careful until we understood this place better. I got a tender kiss with passionate undertones. "I'm going back to party and try to be nice with everyone."

Thuy was the first person I saw on my way to the party. "Fay where you go?" I told her I had a run in the stockings, "Too bad they were VERY sexy!"

We stopped to chat with two farangs that obviously were a bit worse for drink and knew Thuy in the biblical sense. She did well dealing with octopus arms as I slid off.

Gus, the German was sitting alone in a chair with a beer, he patted the chair arm, "Come sit with me." I lowered my pussycheeks down, his arm went around me, "I am shit-faced." He pronounced it so clearly but slowly. I told him "Er sollte jetzt Trinken aufhören und ruhen" (he should stop drinking now and rest). He stared up at me gobsmacked! He sputtered a bit then the obvious questions about my German and dove in rattling along. He was pleased. "Fay, Puy told me you are partially fixed, is that right?" I looked around and stood up lifting my dress, pulling my panties down so he could see. He gently stroked me, "Too bad! You are beautiful but I love to suck and get fucked!" I told him I was happy with it. I sat down again. He launched into his history in Thailand, I zoned it out knowing he wouldn't be a client.

Thuy came by none the worse for the double pawing, "Fay come dance with me." She led me close to the big Wurlitzer jukebox that was still playing disco, she did something after picking some tunes and suddenly there a romantic ballad that we did a slow foxtrot to across the parquet flooring. She was leading. My chin was at her forehead the reddish hair showed a few roots but I thought it suited her very well. Her little titties pressed on me below my own, she held me tight. "I saw you show Gus your parts. He is a bottom, loves cocks." "Yes he told me and seemed disappointed I had nothing for him." "He will eat your pussy especially if he knows you have been fucked. He is here every day and can be a pest. Nowat's brother sometimes comes to fuck him and makes him pay." I didn't really want to know all that but I had to find out where I would fit in at least for a while.

Thuy said she had been fucked by Puy this morning and that Puy would be wanting me. I had gotten that message already. We danced four songs before the disco came back courtesy of a drunken farang with his hand up the dress of a tall dark slender girl. Her panties were hanging from his back pocket and they danced holding each other's cocks.

Thuy said it would probably get a bit crazy now that many were drunk.

I saw Nowat and signaled him. Thuy was grabbed by a tall red-haired farang. "Yes Fay?" I told him of my "encounter" with Nkhon in the corridor, He did not seem pleased, "I am glad you handled him as you did. As a friend of Rai he believes it gives him freedom to go far." I added that my guard had seen and was warned about interfering with my work. "Did Nkhon pay you?" "No he just left, he was drunk I think." He told me to leave it with him and thanked me for my help with my guard. He was definitely wary of Thang's role.

I went out on the lanai, it looked down on the alley which was mostly dark. There were a few smells I'd rather not get into but the sense of being outdoors was nice. I didn't make any attempt to lean over the balustrade or draw any attention. A young farang came out to smoke, "Which way is the breeze blowing I don't want to bother you?" I pointed to the right he moved to the corner of the railing and lit up. Blond, slender light hair on chest and legs sloppy shorts sandals that would have been new for a Roman legionnaire and a t-shirt saying he supported Manchester United. Not my team!

"You're new?" I told him I was starting tomorrow.

He motioned me closer and had me turn around. "You'll be a big hit with that body. What have you got between your thighs?" I told him and he was disappointed like Gus. I asked him if most farangs preferred to bottom or flip-flop. He was plain about loving cocks and getting fucked and it appeared to him his fellow westerners came to the Land of Smiles for that experience.

He had been a LongTime with Puy the other day, "I do it every time I come to Pattaya the first night if possible. I love her big cock up my ass and she loves to fuck more than get it." He went on about being fucked on the beach last night by a freelance ladyboy with a huge dick, "She put it to me hard. Great fuck!" I wasn't sure what I had to offer would be much appreciated here and I'd just be left with the Nkhon's of Pattaya. Dismal thought!

I went back in a girl with wide hips was holding a bucket for a man to puke in she looked up with a disgusted face.

I hadn't seen Nkhon again, Good! Nowat introduced me to a nicely built Thai man with light grey hair, Plon was older but was well spoken and we talked for a while. He was a local banker and old friend of Nowat's. He found out my crotch status, "Fay I hope you would not be disturbed if I returned another time to visit with you." I made it clear he would be welcomed. "Nkhon made a boast before leaving about you. Do not judge us by his filthy boorish ways. He is an exception." I made a little bow and he took my hand stroking it lightly, "You are one of a very few western ladyboys to have ever been in Pattaya to work. I am sure that you will attract a large following. Would you be available in the early afternoon tomorrow for a visit?" I let him know that Nowat would be right person to ask but I would be glad to see him. We let it go at that and he left after kissing my hand gallantly. I saw him speak to Nowat.

No surprise that Nowat came over, "Plon has asked for your first time tomorrow. He is well respected here, wealthy and is known in many high circles in Bangkok."

He stopped as if considering, "Please come with me Fay."

He took me to a door with a deadbolt lock inside was a neat office with a sitting area and a skylight. He sat in an upright padded chair, "Fay please undress for me."

He did an exam of me, turning up the lights to a bright level. "You have a desirable body Fay. Please sit. I hope that your early customers will spread the news of your arrival. I will be honest in that I would have sex with you often but as the boss I never do with the girls here. It is no way a reflection on your physical beauty." I gave him a megaWatt smile, "Thank you Nowat! I hope I can work and get along with everyone. If you ever break your rule I will pleased to be the one." Flattery is quite a weapon!

He smiled but looked down, then looking up, "You might be the one who gets me to break it. I enjoy your quiet speaking as well as your body. You should dress now so I am not tempted to go further." Impulsively I stood in front of him took his hands drew him up and put my arms around him, "Be my uncle?" He returned the hug, there was a faint stirring in his crotch but I broke the embrace before he was compromised tonight.

I quickly dressed and he opened the door for me, squeezing my shoulder as I passed him. I went back to my room, a big standing fan was sweeping the room. Thang was asleep in the big chair, it had been a long day. I put away my things got into bed naked. I was a sleep in seconds.

Thanks for reading! Comments are appreciated! Send to: abecker60@yahoo.co.uk

Next: Chapter 26

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