
By A becker

Published on Aug 23, 2007


Note: the following is copyrighted material. You may post on other systems but full credit given and no changes made in any way.

While I would be thrilled for this to be true it isn't.

Jian 24 < or My Bangkok Days 24 >

I curled up with Tung we slept for several hours Tore woke me gently, "I must speak with you."

She unlocked me we went to the showers empty at this time of day Tore held my hands, "Do you want to leave here?"

I let her know how much she told me that it might be possible if I was to help her afterwards to do something else with her life besides being an ex-whore.

She explained the general layout of the building what parts she could take me without any questions being asked how we might be able to use one exit to the garden to escape.

"When can we try?"

Tore said that Sunday night was the slowest maybe that would be good so we could go out between clients or Wednesday seemed to end earlier we wouldn't be missed for a longer time. This was Thursday her ideas meant waiting a few days at least. I could do the clients I better keep telling myself that hope that Rai or Mr. Saul would stay away.

The days pass slowly. I was fucked by many men cummed on cummed in slapped my pussycheeks paddled by several clients turned into a pretzel on my bed. I was locked unlocked relocked led around by my chain to wash eat go to the bathroom Tore acted her part of gaoler well.

Saturday came I was ready to go anytime many clients during the day they seemed to merge into one giant dick. They used me and were forgotten.

When I went to wash up after a client Tung's mouth was being stretched open in the shower by two men, they were laughing as their cocks vied to go in the deepest. Tung gagged tried to back away but she was held to it by them. They were yelling at her I didn't understand but their intent was clear her small body was unable to resist so she was abused.

I was going to help Tore pulled on my chain, "Do not bother them, they paid!"

That was the bottom line here money over everything else I guess that lesson should have been learned by me already!

"Tore when do we leave tomorrow," I whispered.

She shook her head, "You must wait I will come for you tomorrow after dark when it is quiet."

That Saturday evening Rai showed. He was my third client, two blowjobs had been easy he made up for it.

"Suck me bitch!"

What a charmer! He hooked my head guided his prick in thrusting for the back of my mouth. His zipper rasped against my cheeks as he crammed my face into his crotch, "Good suck me deep!"

Ten minutes of face-fucking followed hard cock grinding in me verbal abuse Rai was enjoying himself. I knelt beside the bed he straddled my body pushing his cock straight down my throat as he leaned my head backwards. He bounced up and down for several minutes laughing, "You are a slut^ÅI could do this to you even if I was not paying!"

He didn't appear to be close to cumming when the cock was pulled out. Rai grabbed the intercom, "Tore get in here!"

When she opened the door Rai took her arm jerked her to the bed, "Strip Now!"

She looked apprehensive slowly undressing a slap to the face sped her movements.

Naked Tore was beautiful very tense Rai gloated over her discomfort he reached between those slender thighs, "Nice^Å up on the bed kneeling."

"Hand me your lube Fay."

Rai squeezed lube into Tore's ass and on his fingers, "Suck me while I work this ass."

I took the cock in my mouth sliding all the way to the pubic mound tongue wetting his balls back up the shaft down again. I set a rhythmic motion on the prick as Tore gasped his probing going deeper.

Rai's left hand rested on my neck changing the speed of my sucking faster bringing my lips to the root of his cock every time. Tore cried out as he pressed four fingers in her ass, "Yes you are getting there I like the heat from your body."

Rai added some lube and a finger she was opening wide OH gawd he was going to fist her!

Tore was crying her body shaking as his hand disappeared into her Rai reached for her left nipple capturing it between his thumb nail and first finger.

Tore bucked at the new indignity I thought Rai would tear her skin the way he pulled on it.

"Get up next to her on your knees."

His cock slid into my pussyass he fucked me hard for a short while then concentrated on Tore's ass withdrawing his hand only to replace it in one thrust. Tore's breathing was short and choppy tears flowed down her cheeks the sobbing was heart rending but Rai was only encouraged.

He worked on her leaving the cock in me he made loud slurping sounds pulling the anus wider driving his hand into her harder and harder.

"Put your face in the sheets ass up high."

Tore then received his prick in her cunt he pushed his hand in further directly downward like a piston. I watched him he loved inflicting her pain each manifestation was a joy to him when she began to beg for relief a terrible sneer took over his face.

I thought he could kill her for the sport of it. I never felt more vulnerable than right then.

Rai tortured her for while longer he then drew the cock out, "Suck me more!"

I leaned in right away tasting their mingled juices slurping down the shaft and up quickly.

Rai took his hand out of her Tore cried out he put his foot between her legs and shoved hard. Tore fell forward sliding off the bed to the floor Rai laughed, "Wash my hand!"

I went to the sink ran the warm water soaped his hand rinsed dried he turned to Tore's supine form. She was crying as he rubbed his foot on her vagina, "Get up suck me off!"

Tore's tear stained face opened for his prick Rai sat on my bed as she performed the blowjob. I was watching again he motioned me over to knee beside her I joined in the sucking and we received his cum splashed across our faces.

"Aaaahhhh good I enjoyed you both."

Tore was ordered out she got up grabbed her clothes and stumbled through the doorway.

"You lay up here on your belly."

I was scared as he laid over me prying my thighs wide resting his cock in my pussyass crack, "There that's comfortable. Be my mattress for a while."

He got me up on my elbows and played with my nipples, "I like the rings you look very hot with your chains."

Rai rubbed his prick in my crack giving my breasts a squeeze, "You are a fine fuck and properly submissive, well trained. I hope to bring more like you here."

He rested his head between my shoulder blades and went quiet. He was going to sleep on me!

I lowered myself flat Rai didn't stir I propped my head on my forearms and tried to wind down.

Poor Tore she was going to be very sore I wanted to go help her but Rai wasn't going anywhere. I dozed under him he snored slightly.

I awoke it was very dark no clocks Rai was gone. I dragged myself to the intercom Tore answered she would come to let me pee since I was alone.

She obviously had been crying I hugged her carefully, "Can I help you somehow?"

"No I put some cream on it and it feels better I'm glad he is gone."

"Yes but he will come back you know that."

She nodded unlocked I walked behind her to the bathroom to do my business afterwards we talked, "What about leaving Tore? Are you going to take me out tomorrow?"

"Yes we will try for sure I do not want more of this!"

I told her I was ready for the risk too.

I kissed her as she relocked me to my bed, no more clients since Rai was the last one. I looked in the mirror not too good used! I took my pills.

I slept alone a rare occurrence!

Sunday morning always a busy time with men coming before going to church and others arriving while they were.

A half a dozen clients mostly blowjobs but one new man who gave me a good fuck with a very nice sized uncut cock. Big foreskin that I played with for sometime and a rounded shiny head that popped into my pussyass so nicely.

He had stamina and gave me a big load of cum tasty too!

Tore let me go to wash about four o'clock, after I dressed in a pair of dark shorts and a navy blue sleeveless blouse. My tip money crammed in a pocket.

No more clients were scheduled I waited in my room for Tore and darkness.

I tried to be calm but started pacing that jerked my chain and I didn't want the reminder so I sat.

Too nervous to eat I skipped dinner.

Tore's face at the door, "Are you ready?"

"Yes, when?"

"In a few minutes the others are all back from eating and going to their rooms."

She closed the door I turned off all but one light.

It was quiet the others settled in relaxing without men around.

Tore silently opened my door she was tense I was unlocked, "You have to carry your chain I do not have key for lock on the rings."

Shit I hadn't expected that I wound it around my waist tying it with a piece of a silk scarf. It was going to make noise I was sure.

Tore took my hand, "We are going down stairs to a door I know that leads to the garden once we are outside we have to be very quiet there are guards around. Then we cross over the lawn between flowerbeds to the fence. I know a place where it is low behind the hedge. Over that and we are on a road. We will have to walk about a kilometer to a main street to get a cab."

"Where then?"

Tore squeezed my hand, "Trains run in this evening to Bangkok."

"Do you have enough money for two, I don't have much just some tips."

"Yes enough!"

The corridor was silent we walked with shoes off to the head of the stairs, all quiet. At the bottom we turned right then right again into a dark hallway. I stumbled on some steps down Tore held me my chain made some noise but we didn't hear anything.

The door creaked a little but gave way and we were on the edge of the garden not much light trees made dark pools on the lawn. We replaced our shoes.

Tore led me down along the side of a gravel path we kept to the grass moving noiselessly gliding it seemed across the open space to the first flower bed.

Tore pulled me down beside a large shrub, "We have to go to that wall over there," her hand barely visible in shadow gesturing ahead.

There was a large area of lawn to cross quite exposed if any eyes were watching.

I clutched her hand she stood up we moved off slowly at the verge of the dimness a pause then we dashed out. Across the lawn quick and neat we slipped among the branches of the hedge my chain was slipping from all the running but I kept going to the fence beyond.

Tore was climbing the iron railing I reached for the lower bars pulling myself up the chain fell loose clanking on the metal fence. I kept going up and over the chain trailing behind me making more noise.

Gawd sounds like thunder my feet were down I tried to pull the rest of the chain NO NO it was caught on something. I was standing there as the lights came on in the garden and the voices of many men shouting came towards me. I tugged as hard as possible Tore ran back pulling with me.

No it wouldn't budge I was locked against the fence.

"Tore go! I will not tell them it was you!"

"They will know when I am missing."

She tried pulling more but it didn't more. The men were close some outside the fence closing on us.

"Go don't wait any more," I shoved her.

Tore ran off to the right towards some houses across the road.

I leaned back on the iron bars waiting. Tore was gone into the dark.

Well the price for this would be high!

All the excitement of getting out over the fence drained from me. I stood numb.

Several men came up to me with flashlights aimed at my face yammering something I didn't understand I stood still covering my eyes. They grabbed me the chain clanked on the wall the lights went to the sound then followed it to me and over the fence. They started laughing one held me fiercely tight by my arms another freed the chain from a stump in the hedge.

I was led to the back gate by my nemesis. The Thai Truman Capote waited there.

He motioned to one of my escort my face was slapped once then backhanded the other way HARD I felt the sting but at that moment it didn't matter.

I was marched back into the house to Capote's office dumped into the leather chair again and told to sit still.

Orders were shouted about men went running upstairs Capote sat eyes closed hands on the neat blotter in a small pool of light. The hard looking fellow who slapped me came in whispered to him and disappeared with some new order.

I sat looking down at my chain as it lay on the carpet hating it.

The little weasel made a few telephone calls he seemed very satisfied with himself after the last one.

He looked over at me, "Tore will not be your friend or supervisor any more.

She in fact will not be with us any further."

I took it for what it meant his smirking made it clear I had interpreted it correctly. Poor Tore dead! Her crime was to want to leave and to help me. What she paid^Å

A slender muscled man in a singlet and shorts came when Capote called he took my chain and led me back to my room locked me down. He looked at me standing beside the bed he stepped close his open handed smack knocked me flat he leaned over and spat out, "Do not try things with me!"

He left me lying there I rolled onto my side the tears flowed for a while Tore me Jian Lawan the others we all were paying a towering price for putting the brothers empire at risk.

I washed my face in the basin cooling my cheeks and a puffy eye very sore to the touch. I was going to have a black eye.

I lay on the bed fully dressed shivering crying a mess.

Sleep crept in.


I found myself on the floor arms up to protect my head, "Get up you!"

The tough guy stood over he pulled me partially up by my hair he held the chain and tugged, "Come!"

As if I had a choice. That chain!

He dragged me to the shower room told me to wash quickly he sat on one of the benches watching me disrobe. Toughie just stared as I washed he then tossed me a towel. As I dried he clutched the chain like I would bolt for the door if he weren't careful.

Naked I walked behind him downstairs we went past Capote's door a darkened passageway led to a door at the top of steep steps. Stonewalls dampness the steps were smooth clean as if swept often another door.

Gawd it was medieval! The room dim at the entrance but brightly lit at the far end. A woman hanging upside down by her ankles was bloody moaning then jerking as another blow struck her. The walls held various tools of torture. Shit!

My heart dropped to the floor as she took another blow I saw my face in hers.

My escort was holding me tight by chain and arm he could feel my reaction as each subsequent blow was delivered each shake and twitch.

"This for you^Å.." he whispered his lips touching my ear.

I was shaking his grip tightened the woman must have past out no sound came from her the blows stopped.

The man with the gory whip came close a mask covered his face the mouth was a grimace, something in Thai my toughie replied. They both laughed.

I was taken to a wooden contraption leaned over onto a leather covered pad my ankles clamped my wrists pulled forward over and attached.

That chain was wound around my waist tightly.

My guard moved a lever my arms were lowered I was being stretched bent in the middle then something moved my legs apart.

The mask put a gag in my mouth shaped like a fat short cock. Why me and not the woman? Did they like her screams?

Fingers slid into my pussycrack I was caressed gently stroked WHACK!

The lash hit my pussycheek as the hand remained WHACK! Then again every time on the right pussycheeks one beside the next moving from close in towards my hip. A dozen strokes a pause WHACK! On the left working their way outward again very accurate spreading the pain as fingers dug into my sex.

My face was sloppy from my tears and snot running from my nose muscles tense waiting for the next strike. The fingers probing up further they were talking "You want my cock?" the voice a sneer.

I tried to wiggle my ass to deflect them more laughter WHACK! On inner thigh burned as each stroke walked upwards like before no two blows hitting in the same place.

There were now four fingers inside me digging in relentlessly the fiery lashings marched up my other leg. All I could do was cry no room to move no way to escape just the pain humiliation shame.

Where were they going next? I cringed as the fingers played inside me again a pause then nothing^Å my pussyass was emptied no whip.

I heard them talking as they walked away from me I was left wrapped over that thing.

I sensed rather than heard some one close suddenly there was slack in my body I was released and pulled upright. I couldn't stand my guard put his arms around me lifting upwards carried me to a low bed in the dim end of the room. He lay me on my belly, "Do not move!"

The gag was taken out a wet rag scrubbed my face, "Stay still do not roll over."

Some kind of smelly salve was smeared on my wounds. I lay quiet the mattress smelled of sweat the cover rough on my skin my cuts stopped burning.

There was activity behind me chains clanking some kind of winch rotating each tooth in some sprocket grated and ground as it moved. The woman from the torture rack was laid face down next to me she was unconscious breathing with a deep rasping sound. She was washed and salve applied I had not seen her face. The two Thais were talking I was lifted in the middle and my chain unwound I heard the lock snap shut nearby.

"Do not change how you lie!"

Then there was silence a draught of air hit my wounds not painful but the bruised flesh was sensitive.

Some talking in the distance leather shoes approached slapping on the stones, "You have been reprieved and you will return to work upstairs for the time being," the squeaky voice of Capote behind me.

"Lie still until you are carried up. Do not try anything else."

I didn't have the strength to care what he said I followed his steps up the stairs when the door closed a tug on my chain, "Turn your head."

A glass with cool water came to my lips I spilt as much as I drank it felt so good going down my throat. I drank it to the bottom; "Sleep now more cream for you later."

He pulled on my chain gave a short snicker I barely cared what he did now except to put me back on that thing.

The woman was silent her breathing had become regular the distress was gone.

Sleep drifted over me.

As I tried to move in my sleep the forming scabs tore open the pain awoke me I groaned it was dark and stuffy in the room. The musty smell was more pronounced the faint tang of blood came to my nose. My companion was quiet customary sleeping sounds I squirmed around trying to get comfortable, finding a position sleep overcame me once more.

A bright light woke me a hand began smearing the smelly salve again the woman was looking at me her body shiny and slick like mine.

I looked over my shoulder at my toughie guard he stared, "Do not speak stay still!"

When he finished the lights went down to dim there were voices behind us after a short discussion quiet reigned again.

Her eyes traveled over my face, "I am Fay."

Her headed nodded slowly, "Alice."

I could see she was oriental but I wasn't sure from where.

Her face looked Chinese, "I'm English and you?"

A faint smile, "English from Hong Kong."

A chair scraped the floor in the distance footsteps came close we lay still nothing happened.

Fearing that he hadn't gone far we said nothing further.

In the dimness we both fell asleep dozing without knowing how long I opened my eyes she was looking at me, "Did you work for Saul?"

I was shocked at the name, "No he used me and is friends with my owners. What did you do?"

"I kept track of his businesses' money and what he had to sell."

"Did you have sex with him?" I had to ask.

She nodded, "Once I do not think he enjoyed me. I suppose I was more valuable as a bookkeeper."

"He came to me several times not pleasantly. Do you know Ang or Heng?

"No I never met them but I kept track of deals they were in and talked to them on the telephone."

We continued to whisper for some time exchanging information, she knew a lot.

"Why are you here?" I asked.

"He thought I was cheating him putting money aside for myself. Actually it was probably one of the Chinese he does business with that were deceitful."

"They were trying to make you confess or what?"

`No they want to know where the money is. I do not know it so I can not give them anything. I already told them about the Chinese."

Her eyes filled with tears but I couldn't hold her with all her cuts I tried to put in my voice how sorry I was.

I got a weak smile, "What about you?"

I related my story from arrival in Bangkok to now I lifted myself up so she could see between my legs. Real surprise on her face that I wasn't a woman in all respects, "I would never been in any doubt just talking to you."

I smiled, "Thanks I have tried but I believe that today has been a setback."

Laughing was hard spikes of pain for both of us. I was glad that we could.

"What will happen now?"

I told her what Capote said about me, "Back to whoring."

"Well Saul will not have me back I am sure."

The draught of cold air swept across us we laid flat and quiet.

I was unlocked, "Get up!"

Sore stiff I swayed on my feet my guard took my arm turning me around aimed for the stairs. He propelled me forward half carrying me up the steps along the dark corridor we reached the wood flooring a turn toward Capote's office.

I was presented there Capote behind his desk and a short fat man relaxing in the leather chair. Standing in front of the man I was turned so he could see all of me a long conversation in Thai ensued toughie held my arm firmly not hurting. Hah, he's going soft on me! My head was swimming now from the exertion of the trip up I was giddy and weak.

The fat man hooked his fingers in my rings pulling very close, he told me I smelled bad which I could shrug off.

"Suck my cock!"

My guard helped me kneel the man opened his pants and drew my mouth to his sex. Short and fat like him. I did my duty. I sucked him trying with all my strength to complete the task without throwing up in his lap.

His hands held my head tight to him the hips rising to meet me making it harder to keep my stomach in check. His grunts were like a pig in a sty several hard thrusts downward and I began to puke. He was lucky that I had only water in my belly.

It enraged him I was slapped I fell on my side tearing open the wounds. He might have done more except my guard stepped in blocking him from me.

Toughie picked me up over his shoulder and we departed as the fat guy continued to rage with Capote squeaking to him.

Up the staircase he carried me like a bag of rice gawd he is strong. I was deposited on my belly in my old room.

"Stay there I will be back."

He returned shortly with the cream which was applied with the admonition, "Do not get the manager mad, he wanted to get rid of you but was overruled by the owner."

"Who owns this place?"

"Do not ask to know much is bad."

I lay still he finished, "Keep your legs open for a time."

I was alone.

Sleeping was all there was to do which I did as long as he let me.

The sun was bright in the room my guard was sitting in the customer chair looking at me, "Time to get up you must eat. Then you will have some changes made."

My asking what changes received a "shut your mouth" so I did.

He set a tray of food on the bed I dove into it first a large glass of juice, "The doctor said for you to take an extra pill for what you missed."

I ate my fill the juice was gone he unlocked me we went back downstairs to a room near Capote's office. It was like a clinic clean well lit examining tables a man in white. A short conversation in Thai between them I was asked to lean over the end of one of the tables. My wounds were examined more talk then in perfect English, "You may have some scaring but it will be slight. The cream that has been applied is very fine for these injuries."

Injuries^Å like I hurt myself^ÅOh Yes.

My lovely guard was doing something between my thighs the doctor was looking in my mouth, "Say Aaaahhhh^Å"

He looked down my throat felt my neck, "Your eye will heal quickly the bruise is slight."

What was he doing to my crotch, "Stand up and turn around!"

Toughie connected my nipples with a slender gold chain he closed the ends with pliers and he removed the disk at my belly.

"As condition of your staying here our owner is now yours, you carry his marks. He makes all decisions regarding you."

He then hung a disk between my breasts, "Do not deceive him, serve him properly and you will be fine."

Fine by his standards, fine for me would be with Cho.

My chain was tugged a tinkling sound came out I looked down to see a disk hanging there, "My owner?"

I read it RAI what! That bastard owned me now. Tears started toughie pulled out into the hallway, "Do not say anything."

Back in my room I cried toughie sat down after locking me, "You have to learn you do not control yourself any more you are completely under Rai's hand."

Trying to sit was a big mistake I ended up face down with a pillow under my tits, "How long will Rai want me here?"

"That is up to him, you make money he will be happy."

He opened the chest of drawers handed me a pair of shorts and cut-off polo shirt, "Wear these it should be ok for you."

As I dressed he watched, "You have beauty but it will not be enough if more things happen."

He stopped at the doorway; "I will be back for more cream later."

I looked in the mirror nasty lacerations the pain was low the stiffness remained whatever the cream was it smelled but worked.

A knock at the door, well it couldn't be anyone that wanted to hurt me they would never do that.

Tung came she looked very sweet in a polka-dot dress I got a hug and a questioning eye.

"I am ok a misunderstanding but it is all over now."

She sat in the chair and told me about her clients and her father's change he was pleased. She said Mr. Saul will come back soon to check on them.

The next few days passed in boredom no clients just lying around healing more applications of the cream until the scabs had disappeared. My guard did bring me some magazines and Tung visited, she was always so happy.

The following Monday I was to return to work clients had been arranged. Rai had been promoting my beauty and skill among his friends and co-workers. That I was Western increased my desirability.

I had been treated well by my guard he seemed to take a filial interest after a fashion.

Sunday afternoon bored shitless my guard told me to go to the shower room when he unlocked me.

A woman I didn't know, a doctor, was there she gave me an exam both sexes old and new and breasts, "You are developing very nicely many men will be in to see you in the future. You pills are enough supply?"

I nodded she turned me around pointing to a wooden stool in the shower area, "Please sit there."

A much older wizened lady came in she gave me an enema holding a bucket for me after a rinse the doctor asked me to kneel on the stool. I was lubed lightly a speculum inserted and my exam was concluded with a "You are in fine shape."

She smiled, "There will be almost no scarring just some fine lines at worst. You are very lucky."

I was able to take a long hot shower after all that my guard just sat watching as he done so many times before. Funny he seemed to admire my body but had never by word or deed sought to use it. Well I don't want to be fucked by everyone!

Monday morning I was taken down to breakfast for the first time since my escape some of the girls were familiar Tung gave me a hug she was looking sexier each time I saw her.

Locked back in the room my guard told me I had two noontime clients, "You are to wear skirt and blouse for first, nightie for second."

I put on a dark blue pleated skirt resting the waist on my hips and a white polo shirt that stopped just below my breasts.

The belly chain rode above the skirt and the nipple links just showed below the top.

My gaoler came to the door looking at me he motioned me to turn around, "Good now be ready."

The first man was older but had a cell phone and pager he was connected to something at his request I undressed. He gave me a looking over then asked for a blowjob I gave him a good suck swallowed his cum licked him very clean. It seemed clinical but he was happy, "Good I enjoyed it. When I have more time I will return to sample your other parts."

He left some money on the table by the door on the way out. My gaoler came, "Next one in ten minutes."

He swept up the money into his pocket, "You will not receive tips until costs of your error have been paid."

I cleaned up right away put away the outfit pulled on a black nightie that had lovely lace borders.

The next man looked thirty or so he took me in his arms then kissed me!

"Your beauty has been under reported!"

I was the same height looking into those brown eyes I could see that he loved his sex time strong fingers caressed my back under the nightie, "Let us get rid of this."

He untied it slid the nightie off my shoulders tossed it to the chair I began to undress him. Slowly undoing the buttons on his loose yellow shirt strong chest no hair nice nipples I sucked each as the belt was undone.

When the pants hit the floor I knelt easing the tidy whitey briefs downward a half hard uncut cock mmmmm five inches already.

One hand drew the briefs off the other held some nice warm hairless balls my lips encircled the cockhead tongue playing with the foreskin. I spent some time licking the shaft wetting it completely then dove onto the hardening prick all the way down nose to the sparse pubic hair.

He groaned loudly even more when my tongue slipped over his balls then a tight upward stroke to the head sucking strongly. I pulled the foreskin down slurped the cockhead some more flicking my tongue around then back and forth under the crown.

I gripped his thighs hard strong muscles.

He was almost dancing it didn't last long, "Go to the bed little one."

He positioned me on my knees he spit on my pussy several times using his prick to wet the hole then pressing for entry. Oh so slow he eased in widening my channel I loved it.

I knew I needed to be fucked. It was necessary!

I could only hope for more partners like this man. He built up the pace leisurely long strokes down to his balls rotating the hips moving that fine prick around in me. He pulled on my nipple rings, "Does this hurt?"

"No please go ahead I like that."

He tugged gently giving them some twist, "These are nice, you have lovely tits!"

We bounced together every time he bottomed out those balls slapping me so nice! He knew how to fuck short periods of intense action then slower deeper penetration. He wasn't hurrying.

His cock rubbed my insides I was very turned on my first fucking in some time especially with a good partner. He leaned over my back holding my shoulders the speed of his fucking rose small drops of sweat fell on me I pressed back wanting the cock. Then he slowed down again pulling his cock out altogether a long slow stroke returning in to the max.

He looped his arm around my hip cupping my crotch in one hand holding me firmly as his short shoves began hard strokes pounding my pussyass.

"Cum in me shoot ^Åfill me up!"

I wanted his cum I wanted him to have a great orgasm I squeezed my pussy tightening around that fine prick. His first explosion the balls slammed against me his cock pulsed in my pussy a second just as hard the rest slowly diminishing. His heaving chest pressed onto my back I liked the weight.

Soft kiss on my neck, "You are wonderful! I have enjoyed myself greatly."

"I'm so glad! Can I suck you?"

"Are you sure?"

"Yes I'm very clean I want to taste you."

He waited a bit as his breathing calmed. On his back I moved between those strong legs cupping his balls and lifting the cock with my tongue. I slid down over him kneeling to pay my respects.

As I sucked he checked his watch, "I have to be back at the hospital soon. Let us wash, OK?"

I didn't want to give up the warm cock but leaned back off a nice long slurp.

He laughed, "Very nice!"

I rained kisses on the cock shaft and balls, he was laughing more, "You have to give it back."

I let him get up we went to the sink I washed his body in cool water and carefully cleaned that fine prick.

"Where did you hear about me? From Rai?"

"Yes he has privileges at our hospital."

"Do you know a doctor named Ting?"

"Yes I work with him often. He has been away in Bangkok some family problem but he is back here in Korat now."

"Would you tell him about me, very quietly, tell him I would like to have him as a client. My name is Fay."

"Of course, after today it will be my pleasure."

As I helped him dress he turned to me, "May I hold you once more?"

I opened my arms he gathered me in a nice soft kiss on my neck, "Very sweet very nice. I hope to return when I have much more time."

"I would be honored and pleased if you did."

"Thank you Fay."

I held his hand at the door he smiled and was gone.

TING ! There was hope! Best not to get excited I don't want anything to show.

My gaoler came in, "You have sometime before next client, all in evening. You wear nightie, OK? Also Rai will be here later to see you."

Oh just what I needed. First hope then despair enters.

Comments to: abecker60@yahoo.co.uk

Next: Chapter 25

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