
By A becker

Published on Aug 27, 2006


Note: the following is copyrighted material. You may post on other systems but full credit given and no changes made in any way.

Notes about Jian:

Several readers have mentioned that while they like Jian it is somewhat difficult to read. I can understand how they feel but there are reasons for it to be like it is.

It is a modified stream of consciousness, where the thoughts in anyone's head don't have punctuation they flow. This is especially true in the English language, whether you use the King's English or that of the former colonies.

In English you don't have to know where you are going when you start a sentence just how to finish up. I have adapted that trait allowing Fay/Phil Martin to have a stream of thoughts not bound by punctuation or many grammar rules.

I hope the style won't keep anyone from reading and enjoying Jian.

As always comments to: abecker60@yahoo.co.uk

Note: the following is copyrighted material. You may post on other systems but full credit given and no changes made in any way.

While I would be thrilled for this to be true it isn't.

Jian 23 < or My Bangkok Days 23 >

We broke up the meeting without an answer outside there were a lot of vans crowding the road we started to go between when the rear doors open BLAM many men burst out grabbing me Jian the others I couldn't see a smelly hand covered my mouth I was tossed into one of the vans it was in motion right away.

I tried to twist around to free my arms a needle prick in my thigh nooooo

Blackness I nearly rose to the top before I was stuck again sinking back no time no light no movement

I drifted back from the black slowly I could move light striking my face a spinning fan above me nausea a bucket someone knew nothing to throw up my belly twisted in pain kneeling on a concrete floor.

I sat back against the bed post exhausted I was out for a while then carefully looking around going very slow I needed some water a sink I used the edge to pull myself up wavering I leaned to scoop water from the tap.

I splashed my face naked body dirty a chain between my legs I was linked to the bed by my rings. Locked to the bed!

I staggered back looking at the chain yes no breaking it without tools I lay back on the bed wiped out drifted off once more.

How long I lay there ^Å a small window above the bed showed daylight the room began to heat up my stomach hurt from the nausea attacks I managed to stand get to the sink for more water stomach ok. The bare room dirty the toilet disgusting just the mattress on a spring frame I laid down opening my legs the examination only depressed me further a solid lock held the chain to my rings the one at the foot of the bed was even bigger I could walk the perimeter of the room no farther.

The door was solid no give at all standing beside the bed arms wrapped around myself waiting for who knows what when how I guess it would be what they wanted.

I lay on the bed going over what they would be seeking from me or Jian or ^Å I awoke the room heat roused me eyes sticky horrible headache the door crashed open slamming against the wall a large man wearing only ratty shorts filled the entrance two steps toward me I retreated to the other side of the bed. From behind the monster came a neat looking man suit tie shined shoes round eyeglasses unctuous smile he made a hand motion to the beast which came forward I tried to keep the bed between us he moved the bed cornered me one hand gripping my neck all my flailing was pointless.

I was moved to the door the little man unlocked the chain at the bed some command to the beast we went down a dark passageway a bathroom, "Wash yourself wear one of those robes my friend will keep you company," he had a high pitched thin voice.

His English was very correct so neat clean prim a twisted Thai Truman Capote he took a last look then left through the far door the chain now a leash in the monster's meaty hand.

The growls told me to get on with it Hot Water soap I stared at it for a minute Ivory Soap in this hellhole I made good use of it washing all of me several times heaven to feel my skin clean.

The monster handed me a towel soft cotton dried I picked a midnight blue robe silk mid-thigh pink roses on the back I was led by my chain through the door to another passageway carpet industrial clean muted grays.

The neat little man sitting behind an executive style desk leather chairs I was dropped into one big windows blinds closed bright light beyond better carpet nice dark wood library lamp on the desk illuminating the blotter.

"We have work for you here," he squeaked making a tent of his hands like a priest, "You will whore for us, we will direct your life until some point in the future when you can be trusted or of no value to us."

I looked at him he avoided my eyes, "You will be watched, checked, controlled, we have a use for you but a low tolerance for trouble. You understand?"

I nodded not wanting to speak.

"You do what is asked no fuss you will receive twenty five percent paid into a postal savings account in your name, you keep the tips, and the rest we take profit and expenses. You are a captive, a whore but we want you to do well for our clients."

He gave me a quick look, "Our clients are men who enjoy prostitutes, they are willing to pay well, and they expect commensurate service."

He closed his tented fingers, "There will limited interaction with the other workers, and again you will be observed. Any questions?"

I shook my head he seemed pleased I was making no scene no yelling.

"If you have any requests for cosmetics, clothes or other like items you are to inform your supervisor, they will pass it along for approval."

He made a motion the monster jerked on the chain not hard I stood to follow him, "Excuse me? May I still ask a question?"

He waved at me, "I need my hormones will they be available?"

"They are waiting in your room."

I followed the beast out through another door to a wood floored room a beautiful Thai woman rose from a lounge as I approached, "I am Tore, your supervisor."

She held out her hand the chain was carefully placed into it I followed her now into a staircase up one floor along a hall with numbered doors on each side around a corner door number eighteen.

"This is your room, keep it presentable for clients, sloppiness is not allowed. In your medicine cabinet are your pills, some nightwear in the bureau with panties, shorts and t-shirts. Correct sizes will be supplied after you are measured tomorrow, cosmetics there on the vanity. The bathroom is down the passage, showers also."

She looked me over, "Remove the robe."

I was inspected top to bottom her fingers soft gentle she smiled at me when examining my locked back clitstick, "You are the first I have seen like this. I think it is excellent, such a blend of the old male and new female. Very lovely body, you will be popular I am sure. Tonight you will have a client for the night. He likes to meet the new girls and spend time with them, he is an old friend of the owner."

I nodded, "Is there anything special he will require?"

She laughed, "Only your obedience."

At the door she turned, "You have two hours to prepare, wear a nightgown."

The window was barred low bed lamps were small a sink vanity table with lighted mirror bright colors on the walls.

The beast came through the door he took the end of the chain she had left over a chair locking me to the bed he grunted I stood there alone shaky I sat on the bed all that I had held back washed over me I cried for a long time. Jian Eve Lawan Ni what happened to them I wished for their escape OH My what about Cho he must be going crazy tears ran down my face for my friends I cared more for them rather than me.

A rap at my door Tore's voice, "One hour!"

I looked in the mirror red eyes swollen tangled hair tired face I began to pull some of it together keeping a small hope deep inside building myself up to face whatever. Black short nightie with white lace edging fit well no panties.

My client came through the door without knocking.

Oh Shit ^Å Saul that nasty Russian asshole was my all-nighter he was leering, "Fay you remember me right baby?"

"I thought you had gone south?"

Laughing, "I usually say one thing and do another."

He opened my nightie cupping my crotch he held my right breast thumbing the nipple roughly, "You have filled out nicely let's get to it."

He pressed me down, "Open me up, blow me!"

Saul didn't want a repeat of our last meeting where I gave pleasure he loved it now the cock was shoved in fat short rigid insistent. Hard jabs tight grip on my head arms dropped limp at my sides eyes closed I surrendered my mouth to him.

For now I would go along.

Saul's grunts increased as he face-fucked me short strokes fat dick he was sweating, "Ah yes great fucking mouth just a bit more I'm gonna cum in you!"

Rammed bruised lips hurting please finish you shit faster very short strokes Saul pinched the skin on my head as he came, "Yaaaaa so good!"

He shot several times on my tongue a blast into my throat he groaned. "You are a great little bitch."

He leaned my back against the bed pressing my head back down straddling my head his knees on the mattress pushing down grinding my face.

Saul grabbed his cell phone, "Thorak? Come over to the house now there is a new bitch I'm sure you will like her bring the kid too. It's time for his cherry to be busted."

"You will like Thorak and his son nice but small cocks. The kid sucks good I'm gonna fuck his young ass!"

Saul continued to ride my face he took his prick out rubbing on my skin pressing his anus to my lips, "You like to eat ass go to it!"

He kept it up for some time a knock at the door, "Come in! Hey Thorak. Kid you ready for Uncle Saul to fuck that cute ass?"

I heard a high voice answer, "Yes," Saul lifted off me, "Get up here on your hands and knees bitch!"

He jerked my chain, "See this bitch has been locked to her bed! You can use her any way you like."

Saul slid into me gripping my hips the older Thai stuck his cock in my mouth small slender maybe two inches.

Behind me Saul laughed, "Not much of a cock huh? Well he prefers my dick anyway. Tung come over here!"

The boy was still unseen by me his hands caressed my side tweaking my left nipple pulling the chain slightly, "She's nice? You can fuck her later. Kiss me!"

Saul wasn't moving in me just soaking his penis in my pussyass I sucked the cock of the father his sparse pubic hair was so soft on my nose tiny balls how did this guy ever get a woman pregnant. The boy kept his hand on my chain gently pulling fingers sliding upward to caress my clitstick.

"Tung baby get the lube from my pants. Yeah get yourself wet you have been waiting long enough for my dick. Today I'm gonna open you after you can fuck this bitch or your dad Ha! Maybe both! You want to fuck your old man?"

"Yes I will be glad to be in him."

Saul withdrew from me, "Thorak lay back hold your son for me. Fay lay beside us give us some petting."

Saul positioned the boy on his knees hugging his father he looked maybe fourteen moving between those slender thighs Saul fingered the hole put some lube on himself lined up pressed forward.

I whispered to the boy to pretend to shit, "Squeeze backward it will be easier."

Saul stroked my left breast smiling down at me, "Good bitch listen she knows how to take cock."

The penis at the gate Saul eased in the boy jerked his father held him tight, "Tung Mr. Saul opened me many years ago it is good for him to take you the pain will go away soon."

The nasty Russian worked his cockhead at the boy's hole easing in some rubbing it around the little hole popping in then out sliding his fingers in stretching him open.

Saul's fat cock was half in now he backed out working it in again he kept it up until his balls caressed Tung's legs.

"Tung you are going to have my cum in you. Relax now!"

He began to stroke in a slow rhythm all in then out his hands kneaded the boy's legs hips waist reaching up to pull the nipples sweat dripping from Saul splashed on Tung's brown back.

I played with the boy's cock soft no firmness at all I couldn't get under to suck it. His groans at Saul's progress up his ass changed from pain to moans of pleasure as his flower got used to the abuse.

Now Saul got going faster he wanted to finish the strokes were shorter much more friction I tried to get the boy the to squeeze when Saul withdrew be open for the down thrust. The fucking heated up the boy he was responding pressing backwards pussyass hungry for the prick Saul rolled his hips giving the small ass some sideways enlarging.

Saul whacked his pussycheeks loud slaps the boy's breathing was shallow Saul gasping in air as he was near.

Tung was getting reamed for sure one sore ass coming up. Saul was in short shoves very rapid his pudgy body slamming into the small one below him, "Yeah take my cock! You're gonna love my cum in your pussy."

Saul began to shoot into Tung his spasms jerking the boy the father kissing his son holding him. He kept pumping for several minutes twisting the kid's nipples giving him a few more whacks for good measure.

Saul pulled out flopping onto his back, "That was great! You are a good fuck like your dad. You have a future taking cock."

Tung rolled off his father towards me I leaned in to capture his cock it was no bigger than the father tiny balls I sucked him in tongue sliding over the balls fingers probed the freshly fucked pussyass. He moaned as I worked Saul whacked my pussycheeks, "Go for it girl blow the little guy!"

"Hey Thorak get a cloth to clean me then suck me for a while."

Saul laid back on the pillows Thorak washed him sucked him I was making good progress with the boy's dick hard still small, "Tung you want to fuck her?"

The boy said yes Saul got up he rung for Tore she came in quickly, "I need another room for tonight."

"Sir room twenty two is open."

Saul took Thorak by the neck, "Let's go you're going be with me Tung you can fuck her any way you like."

His laughter trailed down the hall my mouth remained on the boy's cock he smiled at me, "You are very pretty have you know Mr. Saul for long time?"

I shook my head no slurping that little dick wiping the balls with every down stroke he put his hands in my hair urging me on.

"I want to fuck you OK?"

He let go, "Yes whatever you want."

I was rolled over Tung moved between my legs bringing his cock to my pussy I guided him into me so small he began to move it felt nice not much friction though I squeezed hard on him he smiled I didn't how long he would last being young.

His jabbing picked up speed the nice face squinted eyes closed he was close so quickly fast hard fuck strokes I reached for his waist my legs almost straight up from my knees.

We moved together I pressed hard down toward him he rammed that small thing straight in we rocked back and forth.

He came in me several shots then he collapsed I wrapped him with my limbs holding his slender body he slowed down breathing even not ragged he rested quietly on me.

We lay there for a while before he was able to talk, "That was so good I like to fuck you."

I smiled up at him, "Good let's go wash now, OK?"

He nodded, "You have to call to get me unlocked the phone is there." He dialed the number on the wall beside the phone; "Please can you unlock this nice lady so we can wash?"

He hung up, "She will be in."

Tore unlocked me, "I will have to come also to watch you," her hand holding the chain. We walked to the bath the showers were hot strong spray Tung washed me I returned the favor, "Mr. Saul often stays with us I wash him all time I suck him while I do his lower parts."

I knelt taking Tung's small cock in my mouth I washed his legs feet began working on his ass when he stopped me, "It is sore me better do that."

Tore laughed, "Tung your pussy is going to be more than hurting you are to be a rental here soon I am sure Mr. Saul told me to get a room assigned to you."

She undressed lovely body slender small but full breasts she stood beside my kneeling form, "Taste me!"

I slipped tongue into her pussy very nice small outer labia tender inner flesh opened for me her voice low, "Good suck me."

Her right hand masturbated Tung my sideways glance caught the slack open mouth closed eyes Tore's eyes tight too her left hand at the nape of my neck, "Ooohhh yes lick ^Å lick more."

My fingers pried her open wide I sucked at her insides as deeply as possible one thumb flicking her clit I pressed one into her wet it worked her anus with it.

I began to penetrate her ass one finger two three using her pussy juices it was easy she was moaning very loudly squirming around. She kept jerking on Tung's little cock almost bouncing as I ground my face on her sex my right hand pistoning her ass.

Tore pulled my mouth off she yanked Tung close her fist a blur on his dick he exploded across her stomach she turned me onto his cock for the last bits as my fingers jammed further up her ass.

Tore cried out as the orgasm swept through her, "Oh yes suck me!"

I left Tung slipping my tongue back in her slurping at that sweet hole she leaned back against the wall pulling my fingers from she let out a loud groan.

I grabbed Tung to help lick his cum from her belly we slurped it all as Tore wilted to the tilted floor.

Tung showered with me again after drying we met Saul leading his father on a leash, "Tung you go to the manager tell him you are to work here by my request he will take care of it. Your father is going to have some changes done," Saul yelled, "Tore get out here lock this bitch back to her bed!"

Tore came running naked, "Yes Mr. Saul."

Saul groped her pussy, "Mmmm Remind me to fuck you soon!"

I was fastened again Tore thanked me for the tonguing Tung gathered his clothes I took his hand in mine, "Tung thanks you are nice."

"What did Mr. Saul mean about changes?"

"I guess he means ^Å" I placed his hand between my thighs.

Tung's yes widened, "Oh do you think so ^Å really," as I nodded. He squeezed me.

"My father he will be surprised maybe happy he has been with Mr. Saul for so long."

"Tung if you work here maybe we can take care of each other, OK?"

He hugged me, "Yes it would be good to do that."

He kissed me after dressing I saw his smile disappear out the door as Tore returned.

"You have many clients coming this afternoon and evening. Nightgown only please. I will give you warnings before they arrive."

I sat at the vanity staring into my face a cliché crossing my mind `one day at a time.'

Tore prompted me six times only one even took off any clothes it was just suck me time number five was the exception his name was Rai. Slender dark handsome he closed the door smiling at me I stood up to his searching look, "Very pretty! Ah, chained I like this! We will have some fun together."

His English was excellent, "Oh I went to medical school at UCLA."

I stepped forward helping him undress fine smooth chest a faint hairline from belly button to a soft sparse pubic thatch I knelt to taste him six inches very fast hard-on uncut good width. I licked him tongued some very warm tasty balls mmmmm heavy his fingers slid through my hair moans growing louder, "Very good suck me in."

I moved down the shaft taking it to my throat opening popping the arrowhead in he gripped me tighter, "Yes that's fine!"

He took me over the cock sliding along my tongue entering the narrow hole slipping back then forward he didn't rest constant motion I knelt relaxing my body giving my mouth to him.

Rai was really enjoying himself complete control of my mouth he moved his cock around exploring testing my limits he crushed my nose to his pubis holding it then slowly withdrawing smiling down.

"You have good muscle discipline I like being in you I am sure your pussy will please me. Get up on the bed now on your back."

I rose Rai's hand assisting me he caressed my crotch nodding, "Very interesting."

He opened my nightie stroking my skin admiring my flat stomach pulling the nipple rings gently reading my belly disk he moved between my thighs aiming for my pussyass. One smooth stroke he was in balls resting against me.

"You are the best looking kathoey I have seen sexy feminine."

"Have you known many?"

He smiled moving that nice prick around in me, "Yes I have enjoyed kathoeys here and in many other countries especially the US. While I was in Los Angeles I had several as lovers including one in my med school class, she was deep in the closet though.

He took his time my pussy was open wet happy to have him in slowly he built up speed using his hips to aid the investigation of my interior.

"Please tell me about her."

"She was a cute blonde green eyes petite figure when I met her she had her body hair and was too shy to go out. I helped her get confidence to dress more taking her dancing going to clubs. My cock really opened doors for her, she wanted it so much I traded cum for control of her."

His grin told me he was enjoying the memory as his cock stirred around in my guts, "She became very submissive we lived together, at home strictly female, at school female under male, at play all female. I considered feminizing her further but decided against it since I knew for certain I would be returning home after graduation and she was not dealing with it all."

The prick was doing nice things inside me Rai's enjoyment was plain, "It good to go slow, Yes?"

I nodded pulling on his nipples, "Tell me more about your friend."

"You are better at this than her. The more I fucked her the more feminine I wanted her the more she was scared. She was afraid of going past a certain point maybe she couldn't say no anymore.

So I fucked the daylights out of her as often as possible then dropped her after graduation.

I did my residency at San Francisco General; I had several lovers from both sides of the divide. I have a kid in Nevada from a nurse and left behind a

big-titted castrated girlfriend who lives in Miami now."

He was turned on even more by telling me about them as he fucked my pussyass his cock was swelling further as he pounded me.

He was getting close faster pace sweat spraying reddening face the cock was much fatter lots of friction on my pussy I squeezed him tighter.

Rai's cum splashed into me knees banging against the sides of my head groans very loud, "Cum hard Rai shoot it all!"

The swollen cock twitching my pussy gripping him I yanked on his nips aaahhh yes lots of sperm four or five wads he was rigid fully inside arms around my neck.

We stayed tight for a few minutes before he relaxed lowering my legs he laid out over me his face in my neck my arms stroking his back.

I stroked his back slowly a light massage, "You are some good fuck! I will be back to see you often."

He sat on the bed edge, "Come suck me some more."

I crawled off onto the floor moving between his legs taking the soft wet cock on my tongue I slid forward receiving it all, "Just hold for a while."

He smiled down at me, "My old Tgirl friend now in Miami loved to suck after sex. She could never get enough cock in her mouth. That's how I met her. She was blowing a guy in a club in the Castro slinky dress very high heels. When the cocksucking was over I asked her to try mine. She did me right then we went back to her place I fucked her pussyass hard by morning she was limp wet and submissive to my dick."

He pressed my face to his pelvis lifting up I got the whole cock lots of hair in my nose.

"I fucked her for a few months taking her mouth out of circulation, then I told her I wanted to fem her. She was for it until I let her know how far I wished to go then she was scared. I got a colleague to do her tits and I did the orchidectomy. It was good practice for both of us he is doing plastic surgery for big bucks in L.A. Once I had her balls off she was tamed I shared her with friends that appreciated your kind of girl. She is doing exotic dancing now stripping with a bang at the end for those who don't know."

Rai liked to talk about all the boys girls men women he had used he also liked the sound of his own voice more stories came out pieces of old sex domination his many special perversions. He mentioned that he would like to try some on me, "Maybe later tonight?"

He slipped out of my mouth going to the intercom, "Tore what other appointments does Fay have tonight?"

He smiled down at me, "Good book me for the night."

As he hung up he motioned me back onto his cock, "I will come back after your last client to spend the night fucking you. We will have fun I do not work tomorrow."

I was washing myself when Tore came in, "Your next is an old client Be Good! Then you will have Rai back. Did he leave you any money yet?"

I shook my head, "He is a very close friend of the manager, he knows all the local medical people, many are clients now because of him. He can bring lots of business your way."

I gave her a smile that was only my mouth everything behind my face was anger I was frustrated I could whore I knew that I was able to distance myself not chained kidnapped missing my lover my friends I had to find a way out.

The old man at the door was slender dark skinned as he closed the door I was motioned to my knees he inserted his cock took hold of my head fucking my skull. He didn't want the caress of my mouth just a wet tunnel to fuck hard insistent jamming of cock ten minutes some gagging continuous movement he shot two shots of cum into me. The hands let me go one held his cock stroking it over my face rubbing it into my eyes ears up down along my nose roughly slapping. He gave me a nasty smile then packed up leaving some folded money he departed silently as he had come.

I washed up slowly I wasn't happy about Rai coming back at least he was a doctor maybe he knew Ting, Cho's cousin who was so enamored of Jian.

The door opened suddenly Rai barged in, "Ready for some of my dick? I have a good load of cum waiting for you."

I started to help him undress, "No baby get that nightie off and lay on the bed on your back."

He tossed his clothes on the chair climbed on the bed onto my face in reverse pulling at my nipples he was hard already, "Open wide time for your gagging!"

He pushed in pressing hard down on my tongue the curve of his cock aiming into my throat balls in my eyes he bounced on my lips.

He rode me, "Yea you are my horse tonight!"

The next twenty minutes were painful as Rai fucked my throat slapped pinched pulled any part of me he could reach the constant pressure on my tongue began to lock my jaw muscles.

Rai was laughing as the shot his cum across my face hair bed titties, "You look good wearing my juice. I have to do this more."

He turned me over whacking my pussycheeks hard as the pain increased the heat rose he was getting into to it when his cell phone rang something like the Ride of the Valkyries. He grabbed it, "Yeah, no not now shit your being a pain ^Å yes I am coming."

The cursing ran on for several minutes after he rang off, "Bitch you sleep alone tonight but I will return for some more of that ass."

He dressed left me some money out the door like a flash.

I thanked whatever trouble had him called away I called Tore asking to be allowed to go take a shower.

She unlocked me, "Oh your cheeks are red!"

I ran a cold shower it stung then soothed gradual warming I washed myself carefully Tore left me alone.

Tung came in wearing a pretty nightie with a slender light skinned man they seemed affectionate I got a big hug. The man smiled he was Tung's overnight client they came in to relax in a warm shower before going back to bed. Tung's happiness was obvious we talked as the man started the water, "I am fine it has been good many nice clients," he leaned close, "this man very sweet sucked me too."

I kissed his cheek, "How about your father?"

I was told that Thorak had been castrated and was at home with Mr. Saul resting he would be at work here soon.

I hugged Tung he joined his client they were kissing as I left at my room I put on a nightie crawled into bed deep sleep almost immediately.

Tore woke me in the morning, "You should have called me to relock you last night."

"I couldn't have cared less about anything then I am hungry now."

I took my pills with a sip from a bottle of water Tore told me to dress then we would go for food.

"Where? Out of the building?"

"No downstairs we eat in the big kitchen."

I slipped into a robe which I left open some high heeled mules Tore led me down the staircase then right to a large bright kitchen a huge table surrounded by chairs that held a half dozen other "girls" I was introduced. They gathered around me to see my body these six all had their equipment they had heard about me from Tore. I was touched gently tugged we all laughed their English was fair bad poor worse no matter. Tore locked me to the chair. A pretty one with light hair sat beside me we could talk she spoke the best, "You are very beautiful many men will come for you. I am Sally."

We chatted as the food was laid out my several kitchen servants I ate lots of fruit some fried cakes tea sweet strong I filled my empty belly. Sally had been there for eight months others longer they had been very busy she was happy to see us working better for everyone. Sally's lover had brought her here to stay while he was in France he should return in two months she told me.

Tore came in unlocked me, "The manager wants you."

The twisted Thai Truman Capote sat behind that desk looking at me then motioned to the big ape who opened a door a short chubby man entered, "Kneel! Caress his sex and swallow!"

The penis was tiny my whole face inside his zipper opening to get at it so hard to suck it finally grew to two inches with some work. He stood there breathing loudly wavering on his stumpy legs then suddenly he came shooting two small loads in my mouth so little for the effort. I swallowed closed up his pants leaning back on my ankles I looked at Truman he told Tore to take me out and to wait.

We sat on a bench in the hallway, "Who was that geezer?"

He is the Mayor's chief assistant."

"I paid some political bill for the business?"

"Yes he comes for sex once a week. He used to come more he used many times in the past."

The door opened Truman called Tore in I was left for a moment then the ape came out to watch me I sat for some time before Tore emerged. She was disheveled frowning as my chain was grabbed we went upstairs when she was relocking me, "Tore are you OK? What happened?"

She sat down on the bed crying I held her as her body shuddered slowly she calmed I stroked her hair, "I had to do what you did."

"The same man?"

"Yes, when he was hard he fucked my ass."

"Why so soon didn't like my mouth?"

"Unfortunately yes he liked you he will be back to see you again. He always cums several times on each visit. I thought I wouldn't have to do him again he always likes to hurt me!"

I kissed her cheek, "Why didn't he fuck me for the second?"

"No he always uses two girls."

I hugged her, "What is going on today?"

Tore showed me her schedule for all the girls I had nine clients already on the list the others were busy too. I didn't see Mr. Saul or Rai that was good at least.

Tore asked if I needed to go to the bathroom before she locked me again then she left I sat thinking about possibilities of using her to escape maybe Ting would come if I got Rai involved somehow also Tung or even his father.

I had a few hours before my first client so I lay down for a nap I was barely awake when the door opened Tung climbed onto the bed with me.

"I have seen my father he is to work tonight he is happy Mr. Saul has placed him here for a few months so he will be broken in as a Tgirl. Then Mr. Saul will take him home as his own."

I told Tung I hoped Thorak would be content, "What about you will you work here for long?"

"Mr. Saul has said he will find a man for me."

I curled up with Tung we slept for several hours Tore woke me gently, "I must speak with you."

She unlocked me we went to the showers empty at this time of day Tore held my hands, "Do you want to leave here?"

I let her know how much she told me that it might be possible if I was to help her afterwards to do something else with her life besides being an ex-whore.

She explained the general layout of the building what parts she could take me without any questions being asked how we might be able to use one exit to the garden to escape.

"When can we try?"

Tore said that Sunday night was the slowest maybe that would be good so we could go out between clients or Wednesday seemed to end earlier we wouldn't be missed for a longer time. This was Thursday her ideas meant waiting a few days at least. I could do the clients I better keep telling myself that hope that Rai or Mr. Saul would stay away.

Comments to: abecker60@yahoo.co.uk

Next: Chapter 24

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