
By A becker

Published on Feb 25, 2006


Cho pulled me close for a kiss mmmmm nice tongue he held me tight I laid my right hand on his bulge it jumped he snorted laughing, "You do not plan on wasting time?"

"No I want you," I was opening his trousers with the black windows the driver barrier up we were very much alone I undid him spreading his clothes reaching in to lift that fine cock free.

I closed my mouth on it warm delicious the right thing for an afternoon treat sucking cock for dessert the main course whatever it's the best food.

Cho stroked my back pulling the tank top up running his fingers up and down he was responding well hard leaking his sweet pre-cum I was enjoying this. I moved between his legs drawing his trousers all the way down my head bobbed up and down nose to the pubic hair at each stroke. Cho's hips were lifting up to meet me I took advantage of that to work one finger into his little ribbed hole I liked his warmth he groaned as I wiggled it around.

Cho's body was soooo nice I loved playing with the bits he was really hard close to cumming I took him in my hand sucked his balls stroking that cock for all I was worth.

I slowed the pace wanting to keep the cock longer I let my fingers work the shaft gently less pressure his balls were very wet I sucked each one letting the tongue swirl around flicking across the bulge it made in my mouth bouncing them lightly on my tongue. He groaned deep in his chest it did my heart good to see him enjoy my mouth.

"Fay I am cumming soon please suck me!"

Glad to oblige I returned the dick to my mouth going for the gold now deep sucking lots of suction, "Aaaahhhh yes Fay yes!!"

He shot a big load I slurped it down then several smaller ones which I enjoyed the same way tasty cum wonderful cock he softened soaking in my mouth laying on my tongue.

"Fay we are near my house. You should get up now."

I shook my head keeping the cock, "Not yet!," I mumbled around it.

Cho tried to get me up I wanted the cock kneeling in the backseat holding him I felt great I didn't want to let go.

The car stopped, "Fay we are at the gate please sit up!"

I lifted off sorry to see it go back into Cho's pants he was relieved we drove toward the rear of his house. Near the dock we got out I had quickly fixed my face Cho was walking a little funny I giggled he gave me a look to cool it the boat was a beauty sixty feet long easily so sleek.

I got a tour big seating area at the fantail large lush saloon glowing dark reddish wood brocade seating big cushions pillows the staterooms were gorgeous one in shades of blue the other green. I found my little bag on the bed in the blue room, "This is my cabin do you want to change into a swimsuit?"

I started to strip right away naked I turned to Cho he had gotten down to underwear I stepped close pressed my body to his we kissed I felt my effect on him immediately nice hard-on to squeeze against.

Nice kiss searching tongues soft lips very sensual I rubbed my pelvis on the rising cock mmmmm I could do this for a long time.

Cho broke the lip lock he pressed my cheek to his my hands around his back stroking the warm smooth skin, "Fay get up on the bed."

He kissed my neck turning me I climbed up face down pussy high Cho joined me on the bed his cock at my door some spit rubbed on the prick pressed forward.

"Aaahhh yes fuck me Cho! Please ^Å!"

Cho took me at my word sliding in until I could feel his balls against my locked back clitstick YES! This was fine!

I gripped the duvet as Cho worked his cock around my guts so good to be here he reached under me took my titties in hand, "Fay you are the woman for me!"

Aaahhh my breasts were tender but Cho didn't stay there long holding my hips he worked his cock about roaming in my pussy rotating thrusting generally making me feel good.

I could sense my body's rising heat I felt the flush in my stomach flowing through me the warmth hitting my face HOT yes my insides were churning Cho was fucking me to orgasm. Gawd I liked this my pussy was burning his prick powering into me I tried to squeeze as he withdrew I wanted his cum!

He was very excited now jamming my pussyass hard deep strokes gripping my hips firmly, "Fay this is so good ^Å the best!"

Stroke after stroke Cho penetrated me he was moving faster shorter jabs, "Fay I love your pussy!"

"Cho cum in me shoot it all ^Å cum!"

I was still shaking from my orgasm when he exploded a huge splash into my rectum his cock swollen spurted several more loads he leaned over me wrapping my body in his.

"Fay never better! You give me the finest orgasms!"

I slid down flat Cho laid full out over me we fit together nicely his soft cock nestled in my pussy crack, "Cho you made me cum again!"

I kissed his hands the strong fingers that had held me tight he kissed my neck nuzzling against me, "You are fabulous I have never had such a good lover!"

We lay quiet for a while just a little gentle petting, "Let's wash drink some champagne on deck in the sun!"

I was for that we showered together the stall was plenty big enough he so tenderly washed my pussy we sprayed some water around laughing drying each other, "Fay there's a hair dryer in there and other stuff."

I quick dried my hair just a little makeup white bikini got a big thumbs up from Cho he took my hand we walked out down the companionway to the sunny fantail.

The steward poured the champagne Cho pointed out the sights as we cruised up river it was a bright beautiful afternoon warm sun a breeze from the water sitting on the big padded bench seat Cho next to me it was lovely.

"Where are we going?"

"There is a small bay further up that is phosphorescent at night many shades of blue white yellow wonderful to snorkel about ^Å you snorkel?"

"Yes I did some in the West Indies I liked it relaxing."

"You will see some fine things tonight!"

He took my hand, "Bring your drink."

I was led to the bow we stood together his arm around my waist, "That temple has been there for a thousand years!"

"Cho stand in front of me OK?"

I snaked my arms around him I whispered my whole story to him he tensed several times when I told him something unpleasant about the brothers he didn't say anything I told him about even the secret stuff. He held my hands against his chest as I wound down I kissed his neck softly, "So what now?"

He turned pulling me onto him as he leaned on the railing, "Now we make sure your protected from harm and the law ^Å you know if anything goes wrong they will look for a scapegoat they will not own up to error. I have worked with these people mistakes are not allowed they are all military or ex-military. Once we are sure you are okay then plan for the future."

"I don't have a future in England my job is going to go away I like it here very much. The railroad knows all about me they don't care they want me to work for them but the job is one that has to end when the project is finished. So how to make a living after that?"

Cho kissed me, "For today let's have some food fun ^Å MORE CHAMPANGE!"

I loved his mood I knew he was making light of everything I knew he cared!

He took my glass slipped an arm about me we danced along the deck to the champagne the steward filled us up, "To Fay the most beautiful!"

We drank to the bottom a table was spread with little things to eat lovely fat little dumplings MMMMM tod mun my favorite fish cakes also deep fried batter dipped vegetables. We dibbled talked the sun was going down in front of us then to the side as we motored up the river gorgeous red streaked sky.

The captain came down to tell Cho that we were ten minutes out from anchoring, "Fay we will stop in the bay it is not large the village has not many people we can swim in from the boat."

He helped me up as a crewman came to get the snorkeling things ready he opened the railing lowered a platform got out the fins snorkels masks he also prepared the dinghy Cho said no more wine.

I tried the mask tight good seal adjusted the fins Cho held me from behind, "Stay close to me any problems yell out."

The ship slowed the anchor went over the breeze disappeared in the little bay darkness had arrived the water had a luminous quality that seemed to rise from the depths as the light failed above us. Marvelous blue pale yellow sea green it was pulsing with the waves Cho held my hand we stepped onto the platform then slipped into the water.

It was warm caressing the lights from below were strange to be backlit like that Cho tugged me along then we swam side by side small fishes darted about a few rubbed my legs. We moved around in a big circle watching that wonderful world the colours were exquisite our circle brought us near the shore Cho captured my hand easing me to the shallows.

We sat on the packed sand I couldn't describe it Cho was all smiles, "You like this?"

I leaned over kissing him leaving my arm around his neck, "Yes it is very fine a fairyland down there."

"Yes I always think of spirits when I am here not god but fun little creatures with the power to banish the evils of the world ^Å a safe place."

A few children came down at the sound of our voices several boys who seemed to know Cho a small girl big eyes reflecting the water she stood next to me her tiny hand touching my shoulder.

Cho said here came here to fish the people were poor good simple folk the little girl took my hand pulling on me she said something, "Go on she just wants you to meet her mother."

I was led to a small house a lantern on the table a woman doing her sewing she looked older when she raised her face I bowed the girl ran to a room on the left. She held out a little doll in her arms the mother motioned me to sit I held the doll gentle smiling features wooden body a shy smile a dark hand holding mine.

The woman gave me a very nice look of a mother who deeply loves her child I squeezed the tiny hand the doll went back to her bed we walked back to the beach Cho was kicking a football around with the boys.

He was athletic good with his feet the boys enjoyed it gawd the ball was a mess all tatty scuffed must be a hundred years old. Cho came over to me kissed me gently my hand was a prisoner of the little one he stooped to speak to her I knelt beside her she had such a peaceful face he told her we had to go but we would return soon. I got a kiss on my cheek fumbled my way into the fins in the water Cho hugged me, "I adore you!"

My tears were washed away by a wave he bumped my hip motioned me to get my mask on we made our way back to the ship.

I stood on the fantail, "Cho can I buy her a gift?"

He gave me a little shove, "Forward we have to wash."

In the shower I asked again, "Yes I will get the boys a new ball or two you get a new doll ... OK?"

"How about a better lantern for her mother?"

"Sure I know just the right kind you go shopping for the doll tomorrow."

He was drying my hair we dressed sitting in the saloon dinner was laid out the air filled with spices light saffron rice several kinds of vegetables big shrimp very spicy a cool beer to cool me off we shared fed each other laughed had a tremendous time. On the fantail we had coffee a glass of amaretto a great weakness of mine the light from the water shimmering all around Cho leaned over, "Fay will you live with me?"

I always thought I would say that to someone one fine day now it was perfect from Cho. He looked expectantly at me I flashed on many scenes of life nothing like this, "YES!"

I wrapped myself around him burying my face in his neck I was shaking he kissed my shoulder affectionately rubbing my back he whispered a tender thank you.

My life was upside down first a man now a woman or close a working girl two jobs yet now was I to be a concubine or ^Å?

Cho lifted my chin, "Fay we have many things to work out ^Å I want you!"

I kissed this lovely man, "Cho we need to go slow so it will all be good."

He nodded kissing my nose, "I meant it earlier when I told you we had to make you safe ok?"

We moved into the saloon some nice blues playing in the background the steward set down another amaretto Cho had a whiskey we cuddled in one of the big sofas.

Cho held me close his lips near my ear he began the story of his family his voice so low it flowed over me like I wasn't hearing it at all.

His family had owned ships for many generations branched out to trading in many goods controlled railroads fishing boats all sorts of buildings made pots of money. They were careful with the money kept close relationships with powerful politicians stayed behind the scenes married well all the things you did to gain influence not exposing yourself.

Cho had been schooled in England and France college was Ivy League UCLA graduate school into the family businesses taking control of all before he was thirty.

He doubled the value of their wealth in the next ten years he worked hard traveled making deals rarely for pleasure had sexual relationships none lasting.

He had avoided any deals with the devil always clean business up front no posturing just for ego he owned up to taking making opponents heads swim using misdirection but never cheating anyone, "Everyone always made money with me!"

Funny ^Å music often came into the story he had loved dancing throughout his life he had quick feet on the dance floor such graceful moves like Fred Astaire. He is a strong partner he led with style flamboyant moves that made a waltz so romantic a polka raised your heartbeat aaahhh the tango sharp deadly powerful.

If we could make it together I saw a full life we had been completely honest willing to share happy in each other's company.

He nudged me, "Your thinking of what?"

"Life what we might have where we could go with it."

"Does it seem good to you?"

I leaned back against him, "Yes it feels very good!"

We agreed to make a go of it each trying their best, "Loving and living together are very different," Cho said shaking his head.

"Why the head shaking?"

"I lived with a woman in Los Angeles while at UCLA she was a bright lady she made films very sexy she could never make the effort necessary to share our lives."

I wiggled my bum back against him got a nice kiss on the neck, "After that I was not interested in trying the live-in route."


He turned my head kissing me lingering mmmmm, "You are different ^Å " he laughed, "I mean your personality your feelings I feel close to you."

I dug my elbow into his side at the start of that he began to tickle me ooohhh noooo, "Cho don't I'm so ticklish!"

He kept it up briefly then had pity on my squirming body not before I slid to the deck with a soft plop.

I looked back at him he leaned over kissed me sweetly, "Fay come back up here."

We kissed for a few minutes, "I have to talk to the captain go on to bed I will be there soon."

I put on the nightie a spot of the jasmine paste between my breasts back of my neck turned the bed down I climbed on sitting in the dim light cross legged waiting.

Cho came in stopped short at the door big smile he stripped quickly naked he knelt in front of me our knees touching I reached for his sex, "Fay you are beautiful!"

I lowered my head kissing the cock rubbing my cheek across the enlarging head I cupped it against my face, "Cho I love your cock please put it me."

He laid me back sliding over me, "Open dear."

I lifted my thighs spread them Cho guided himself to my opening he was quite rigid at my hole he paused, "Fay tonight we become a couple."

Aaaahhhh a long stroke finished with his body pressed hard on my pelvis fully inserted he took my mouth my arms around him we made love.

He had such strong legs stroke after stroke plunged into me his slender hips moving to search out my pussy's secrets I adored the cock giving me the burning sensation filling me I hated the empty feeling then given new pleasure with the next thrust.

On my side Cho reached the greatest depth he scissored me such power in his body using me so good twice he sent waves of heat surging through me my peculiar orgasms. I clung to Cho's arm wanting the cock wanting him.

I was burning up I tried to keep up with him tightening my muscles giving him some resistance as he withdrew he smiled down, "You have a fine pussy give me more!"

I gave it all lifted to his strokes holding onto the sheet as he romped me he was getting close his body was wet with sweat it dripped on me I gripped his nipples then he suddenly turned me over pulling my hips back to him.

I gasped as the cock smashed into me again from a new angle Cho was driving toward a great climax he rode me now with complete abandon.

"Cho fuck me yes fuck your pussy!"

He was jamming me quickly the short shoves upon him he grabbed my waist drove in deep exploded aaaahhhh yes I loved this so much.

Cho groaned loudly almost a growl as the sperm spurted into me half a dozen shots sprayed my insides I squeezed as hard as I could his body twitched the spasms in my pussy felt great.

Cho wrapped me up his heaving chest wet against my back we both slowly came down from an exquisite high I gradually lay flat Cho using me as a mattress.

It was quiet neither wanted to break the silence Cho did kiss my shoulders neck going down my back he straddled my waist ooohhh a back rub YES he knew how to do it I was transported to a soft cloud drifting.

"Cho you'd better stop I'll go to sleep."

His laughter was low full throated I could feel it through his legs, "Fay no sleep for you yet."

He lifted up, "Turn over."

I looked up at him he sat astride my thighs those talented fingers worked me over some more he halted at Ang's initials on my pubic mound, "I want to make changes here and around back Yes?"

I nodded running my hands lightly along his legs he leaned down kissed me, "Your turn."

I knelt beside him I worked his back top to bottom down there I kissed his cheeks my tongue explored the crack I wiggled it down to his ribbed little hole more exploring musky hot tight Cho moaned very low. I really leaned into him my face pressed to him tongue working overtime the moans louder his hips rising upward.

He finally stopped me, "Rub my back Fay."

I sat on his cute little ass working his muscles strong taut Cho was made so fine the nice V shape so much power in him.

I pressed my body onto his, "Drink?"

"Let's go get some champagne."

Cho opened a closet pulled out several big terry cloth robes he held my hand we went to the saloon the steward popped up from below, "Sir?"

"Please a bottle of champagne."

I knelt on a sofa looking out at the water, "Can we drink it outside?"

Cho directed the steward to put it on a table in bow we followed glasses full we toasted ourselves with intertwined arms I spilt a little down my chin Cho kissed it.

Standing at the railing the water lit our faces we sipped the cool wine cuddled marveled at our extraordinary good fortune to have found each other.

We finished the champagne in bed Cho kissed me good night after he helped me back into my nightie he had pulled off unceremoniously earlier the light out I slid under the sheets took his cock in my mouth.

Cho let me suck for a few minutes, "Fay we need to sleep," he pulled me up kissed me rolled me over spooning against my back.

I lay there a blizzard of thoughts Gawd I'll never get to sleep ^Å Cho was kissing me I could feel deep vibrations we were moving.

"Wake up sleepy."

His face was close I reached out for him we kissed, "You need wash then come to the saloon breakfast? Yes?"

Cho popped his head in the bathroom I was finishing my hair, "Come on Fay time for food."

Fresh fruit coffee toasted bread butter strawberry marmalade Cho wiped some of that from my cheek, "Tonight dinner dancing?"

I nodded with a mouth full of toast I was going to say I needed to shop Cho put his hand over my mouth a huge grin on that handsome face, "Fay do not spray me with crumbs tell me later."

I gave him a thump on the arm while trying to chew, "Is that all you have that weak punch? You will have to build yourself up."

I thought he would bust open laughing I choked my toast took another swing at him he grabbed my hand tilted me back kissing me.

He started to tickle me, "Cho don't ^Å no!"

He held me close another kiss we stayed like that the steward cleared his throat we were near the dock, "Fay call your driver come back here tonight for dinner."

Lek was ready Cho came back into the saloon shaking his head, "Families can be a pain."

"What's up?"

"A cousin one I like is in town can you manage tonight with a third person?"

I was just about to call Jian, "How about I get him a date?"

"One of your friends at the apartment?"

"Yes Jian she's the one ^Å"

Cho immediately took me in his arms, "Perfect I want to meet her anyway you said she's sexy good-looking my cousin is handsome very smart I am sure he will love the idea."

"Jian do you want to go dancing tonight? Cho has a cousin ^Å Yes he will know all about if you want ^Å Ang forget him he will do what Cho wants ^Å I'll be at Noi's by four meet me there ^Å See ya."

Cho was smiling, "Seems your friend is ready for a night out?"

"Yes we will do some shopping it was ok to use your name about Ang?"

"Yes I mean to call the brothers today I will let them know about wanting Jian it will be good."

We were on the fantail as the boat docked I waved goodbye to the captain walking up the road to the house warm sun Cho's arm around me it all seemed natural.

Lek was waiting, "The railroad office ok."

As we drove I looked back towards Cho he blew me a kiss I sat back I felt so close to him my stomach was tight never before not even Hiro made me feel like this. Hiro ^Å I would have to deal with him soon long distance wasn't the way I wanted to do it.

Seemed stupid to ask Lek had been such a good source of information before, "Lek do you know a good store for young girls dolls?"

"Yes a department store I have been there for my nieces it is the Mongkut store very good things."

When I walked into the office Kulap's smile was brilliant, "How is Eve I can see you're doing fine."

Ku hugged me, "Everything is ok we fit good so far," she kissed my cheek whispering, "I love her body so nice I like the rings she wants me to have some!"

I pressed my hand on hers, "I am glad Eve is a very nice person."

"You want some tea?"

"Oh yes love a cup."

Ku busied herself with that I checked email nothing much there Reg speculating about management changes other gossip a nice lot of offers to enhance my sex organ boy are they barking up the wrong tree now.

I called Ni she was ready to come to my office to meet Kavnu, "How about one o'clock? ^Å Good see you then."

Kavnu was alerted he was hot to trot, "At your office one o'clock Yea!"

I rang up Lawan to get everyone to a meeting Sunday afternoon she said she would talk to the group.

John called, "Got a few minutes?"

"Yes what's up? Do you want to use this line?"

"It's safe enough on my end no way they are tapping lines there."

"That wishful thinking or do you know? Smarty pants!"

He laughed, "You are just liking the Jane Bond stuff right?"

"No I want it to be over."

"It will be soon the security police are almost done following up on all the leads the ones in custody have coughed up then I guess they will trap the brothers. That one guy the semi-Russian he is gone for now."

"John that's great Saul could be a real problem he seems to be in at the bottom of it all."

"Well he appears to have gotten over the border into Malaysia and they are unlikely to return him if they catch him."

"The brothers have been low key do they know anything?"

"They haven't done much a few deals nothing that amounts to much."

"So what else you didn't call to tell me all this?"

"No I want you to come over for dinner and ^Å"

"I can't please tell your beautiful lady I will miss her dumplings ^Å all of them."

John rang off after a few more quips I liked his cock funny I liked a lot of cocks though all the cocks hadn't done for me what Cho had.

Ku brought in the tea I sensed she wanted to say more about Eve, "Come on Ku tell me."

Ku smiled, "Fay being with Eve is everything I thought it could be I have enjoyed her body I knew a woman was what I wanted Eve is funny she is so gentle so sweet with me I feel close to her more then with my family."

I caressed Ku's hair kissed her cheek, "Love her find out if she is the ONE then hold on."

Me giving love advise Ha! I never thought anything about it now I was feeling like a matchmaker it felt good though I like all these people.

I went up to Udorn's office Kamol was at her desk looking very pretty I got a big hug, "You look great Kamol how does it feel?"

She was so excited told me all about her nerves the delight at having those things her boyfriend did not like gone he was very happy she could dress as a female Udorn being so good to her ^Å on and on. I didn't have to worry about Kamol she was going to be a fine woman.

"Do I ever get to meet your man?"

"He will be here to take me to lunch today he off duty at the embassy for a few days I will bring him down to see you OK?"

I kissed her cheek before going in to see Udorn, "Hello Boss!"

He looked up gave me a big smile, "Fay how are you?"

We talked for twenty minutes about the equipment test coming up in Kavnu's rail yard he was quite pleased with it all, "You did not wait long before bringing in the other yard workers very good they will need much help."

He was going to bring a few board members out to see the test, "They will want to play with the system some more will it be possible?"

"Oh yes it is going to be setup for the workers to try it out so the board members can join in."

Back at my desk I called Lek, "Will you be able to drive me to the store in about an hour?"

"Anytime I am only here for you."

"Oh but just parts of you are off limits," I teased him.

"Yes it for my benefit as well as yours I like my job I do it better when I am not in bed with you."

"But you are closest to me then," he laughed this time, "Lek I do appreciate you thanks."

He mumbled something we rang off I called Ang, "You know I am going out with Cho again?"

"Yes he told me he wants Jian for a cousin you are not working money not as good must work more very soon."

"I will make it up to you I guess Cho will tire of me."

Smoke screen hope I didn't overdo it.

Ni arrived early she was nervous, "What if we don't make couple?"

"Ni just have lunch talk with him if you don't click you have only spent a little time OK?"

She nodded, "I have to pee."

I steered her to my powder room called Lek, "Can you see the back entrance from where you are?"

"Yes down the street also."

"Look for the rail yard manager Kavnu call me if you see him coming."

I got some tea for Ni oh maybe good for her nerves not her bladder we sat on the sofa, "Ni he just a nice guy enjoy yourself."

I tickled her she grinned, "Okay Fay I try to calm."

Kamol came in with her black American Marine sergeant he was really built muscular handsome face piercing eyes his first words were to thank me for helping Kamol, "She is everything to me she is so happy now."

I tried to minimize my role he wouldn't hear of that he told me she admired me and that I gave her the strength to go forward. They held hands I kissed their cheeks, "Please come back again."

I did some work my cell rang, "It is Lek the man on the way in."

I told Ni she ran to check her perfect face I got her back to the sofa sitting when Ku brought in Kavnu she was smiling very big giving me a look I did the intros told them to make themselves at home I had to go shopping.

Lek drove me to Mongkut's it was big, "Lek I don't know how long I will be."

A very pretty woman helped me find the toy department they had many dolls I was looking for one that near the size of the little girl's that had changeable clothes.

Bingo it was cute very close in size had a beautiful wrap dress with gold and blue threads there were several outfits I chose two dresses to go with the doll.

"Can these be gift wrapped?"

I was informed that the store was famous for it's decorative gift-wrapping the sales lady said she would take them down herself. I called Cho, "Dear have you gotten the soccer balls yet? I am Mongkut's now should I do it? Fine any type you want? Can you hold on while I go there? Yes I talked to Jian it is all arranged Ang was grumpy about it he said you called him ^Å yes I talked to John he said soon ^Å I am there ok I see them two balls ^Å just the right number no I'm not talking loudly ^Å ok see you at your house bye ^Å I love you ^Å I know you don't have to say anything bye."

"Hi can you show me soccer balls."

He brought several to the counter that I pointed to, "Can I get two of those soccer balls?"

The young man was about to say something when a gentleman spoke to me, "Hello I am Rak are you Fay?"

"Yes ^Å."

"My old friend Cho called me just now told me to come to the sports department to meet you. He said you might need some assistance with a soccer ball."

"Thank you I hope I got what Cho wanted," I pointed to my choice on the counter.

"Yes excellent they are fine ones good durability. I saw you with Cho at the dance hall the other night my date was jealous."

"Not of me?"

"Oh yes she had gone out with Cho a few times pardon me but Cho has always had good taste."

I blushed, "Your date was good looking then?"

"Ah yes what you may call a heart breaker."

Rak asked if he could show me anything else when he heard of my gift buying he called down to the gift-wrapping department to make it special.

"Would you like to join me in my office for some tea while waiting?"

I thanked him we rode up the elevator several floors his office had a fine view of the city soft sofa, "Tea or ^Å a cocktail maybe too early?"

"Mmmm some sherry?"

"Yes I will go along with you."

We sipped very delicate quite nice meanwhile Rak had given me an discrete appraisal, "Will you be dancing tonight?"

"Yes Cho is taking me."

He smiled, "That is why they have announced extended hours already."

His phone buzzed, "Your packages are ready we will take them wherever you need do you have a car?"

"I have a driver somewhere close just a call away."

I expressed a desire to look at shoes Rak escorted me down to ladies shoes the top sales lady was assigned to help me Rak bowed over my hand, "until the dancing tonight."

Rak turned to the lady, "Anything she chooses is to be placed on Mr. Cho's account."

I looked at him he smiled, "Just something Cho wanted ok?"

I nodded to him the sales lady made an interesting face like my shit couldn't stink she knew her shoes though I got two pair of heels very sleek one with an ankle strap. I guess she wanted me to get more not today dear.

I rang up Lek he was ready I told him about the packages we met at the main door he was acting like he thought a chauffeur was supposed to stiff formal very silly.

The car purred back to the office I asked Ku if Kavnu and Ni were still around, "No they went out to eat sometime back."

Cho had a big grin in his voice when I called, "Well did Rak treat you well?"

"You snuck that in on me he saw me at the dance hall."

"Yes when I called him he tried to pump me about you did he do any better with you?"

"No he does have very good sherry though."

Cho laughed, "I will have to try it out you get everything you wanted?"

I told him yes, "When will we go to the village?"

"Tomorrow is Saturday so dance `til dawn sail up river in the morning while we sleep then afternoon in the village."

"And making love to me?"

"That will be all the time!"

I blew a kiss down the line before turning to finish some work on the layouts of the next rail yard to be wired.

It was nearly time for me to go meet Jian when Ni and Kavnu came in holding hands very good they had a great lunch and a walk in the public garden a block over. Ni was relaxed showing her pleasure on that pretty face Kavnu seemed proud to be with her ^Å good start!

I left them sitting on the sofa some cuddling going on a big thumbs up from me Lek drove me to Noi's dress shop Jian was just coming around the corner we hugged, "Lek we have to be at Cho's by six o'clock ok?"

"I will be out front of the apartment ready to go."

We went through Noi's each finding an outfit Jian picked a white dress that had a beautiful colourful parrot on the front sleeveless tight top flared skirt a few inches above the knee the embroidered beaded parrot shimmered in the light.

I hit the jackpot a bolero jacket in black satin that left some of my tummy exposed it had two big silver buttons the skirt was a silvery white low on my hips a slit up the left side a few inches short of the waistline.

We were excited with our choices Noi was bouncing around checking the fit she wanted to take in the jacket at the back Jian thought about shortening the hem of her skirt. Noi said that it could be done in an hour we hugged kissed she was wonderful, "Come back for a fitting."

Jian took my hand, "Coffee?"

We sat in front of a little café sipping iced coffee I gave Jian a rundown of all I knew she kept shaking her head, "The brothers are being stupid they should see it is all going away no friends."

"The regular police have been silent the security police have made noises like a double^Öcross confusion and greed are keeping them here."

I held her hand stroking the slender fingers, "Jian I'm falling for Cho he feels the same he asked me to move in with him,"

Jian jumped up to hug me, "Fay that is so good!"

"We won't be across the hall from one another any more," I could feel I was near tears.

She smiled, "We don't have to be near to be close."

Jian leaned over kissed my tears, "Besides we will be together when we want after the brothers go away."

She grabbed my hand, "Come we will do some shopping!"

We wandered down the road through a few turns stopping to windows shop I saw Sakda's furniture shop I pulled Jian over she loved his work. We went in a boy greeted us Jian translated, "My uncle is away for a little while."

Jian asked to look around he smiled nodding I showed her several of the type pieces I had admired so much such craftsmanship it was still a wonder to me.

We needed to go back to Noi's Sakda had not returned so we left a message with the boy that we would come another time.

Noi had everything ready we did a fitting the jacket was a much better fit Jian was very pleased with the hemline we paid Noi she wrapped the clothes we walked to the apartment.

We had less than an hour to get set before our date a quick shower I tried to suck Jian she kept telling me no until I gave up blow dried hair my curve of hair hung well down my cheek now makeup red lipstick not too bright same for nails I waved them around.

Jian stuck her head in my room, "Would you zip me Fay?"

It was tough with wet nails.

I slipped into the skirt mmmmm so sexy my stockings were sheer black heels with ankle strap the jacket fit perfectly thanks to Noi Jian stood beside me we looked in her mirror Whoa Baby we were hot!

I took my pills made up my small bag with overnight things clothes to lounge in swimming suits were on the boat Jian was ready a cute little case in one hand.

It was five thirty Lek was waiting he put our things in the boot Reyna came up as we stood next to the car she kissed us, "You look very fine!"

"Reyna will we see you Sunday? Good, we will meet at the restaurant across the bridge."

"Yes when you called Lawan she told me we will be there."

Lek handed us into the back he pulled away I held Jian's hand tightly she gave me a big grin, "We are going to have fun!"

The gate at Cho's swung open as we pulled up we stepped out at the front door Cho helped us his cousin came out to meet us, "Fay this is Ting my cousin Ting please meet Fay."

He extended his hand we shook, "Cho Ting this is Jian!"

Cho stepped forward took her hand smiling, "I am glad you could come."

Jian gave him a little bow I was watching Ting he was concentrating on Jian obviously impressed.

"Jian it is a pleasure to meet you," Ting was looking like he won the lottery.

We were herded in by Cho right on through to the terrace, "Everyone we will eat here then go to a club then the dance hall OK?"

We all agreed Cho asked what we wanted to drink he took my hand led me inside the drink requests were given to the ship's steward he worked everywhere for Cho.

Cho pulled me along to his bed room he gathered me in his arms the kiss was fantastic we both put a lot into it, "I missed you all day!"

He smiled, "Me too! We should go back I wanted that moment with you."

"Ting is very handsome he seems taken with Jian."

"If I was not stuck on you I would be too."

I playfully punched his shoulder, "After that kiss I'm not going to worry!"

"You have nothing to worry about, " he stopped me in the hall we kissed again just as wonderful.

"I need to fix my face you need to wipe your lips,"

Cho gave me a grin we ducked into the bathroom by the kitchen did repairs then joined Jian and Ting they were chatting away we toasted each other Cho's housekeeper brought out some canapés. We munched I was hungry no lunch I told Jian about the beautiful grounds around the house Cho offered to give her a brief tour.

Ting sat opposite from me, "You two are very close."

"Cho or Jian?"

He blushed what a nice thing for a man to do in this day and age, "I meant Jian."

"Yes we are like sisters we talk about everything give advise and support to each other."

"And Cho?"

"Much the same but different."

He looked across the lawn to where Jian was with Cho, "Do you come to Bangkok often? Is your family close to Cho's?"

Ting told me of there early years spent together living side by side school in Europe, "College was where we separated I went to medical school Cho towards liberal arts."

"Where do you practice?"

"In Nakon Ratchasima it is known as Korat also. It is a very lovely city much smaller than Bangkok most of my family is living there now."

Jian and Cho returned as a new wave of hors d'oeuvres were carried out Cho sat beside me he stuffed a very tasty fish paste thing in my mouth followed with a kiss.

He leaned back we were touching from shoulder to knee I liked his being open about us, "Is the sherry as good as Rak's?"

I swallowed, "Better it is very smooth not too sweet."

Cho told us about the club he wanted to go to after dinner a throwback to Disco glitzy lots of lights big dance floor.

The dinner outside was fun lots of talk a wonderful crispy fish garlic red pepper coated vegetables some very tasty white wine Johannesburg Riesling.

The sunset sending waves of red and gold floating above us the lantern glowing Ting with Jian they looked superb together laughing chatting Cho sharing food wine kisses with me.

The evening closed in around us we sat in the golden circle of the light enjoying ourselves Ting had many funny doctor stories he told them with pretend accents several about Londoners when he did his residence at University College Hospital. He had us all holding our sides from laughing so much Jian almost slipped off her seat.

"Hey all ^Å we should get ready to go," Cho broke in before Ting could start another story, "Ladies to the back guest room Ting with me."

Once we were alone Jian kissed me, "Fay he is so nice we are having fun."

We hugged I started to fix my face Jian touched my breasts, "Fay they are showing very nice are they yet tender?"

"Oh yes I am used to it I rather like the touch it reminds me I am still changing."

In the mirror I saw a sexy slim girl light brown hair green eyes the outfit giving me sleek sophisticated look Phil Martin was long gone now!

We met the men at the door Cho's beautiful black car ready we sped away toward this new club a long night ahead.

Next: Chapter 22

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