
By A becker

Published on Feb 5, 2006


Note: the following is copyrighted material. You may post on other systems but full credit given and no changes made in any way.

While I would be thrilled for this to be true it isn't.

Jian 20 < or My Bangkok Days 20 >

The bandleader took the microphone, "Ladies and Gentlemen by permission of the owner we will remain open for several more hours for your enjoyment."

His announcement stirred interest several people raised their glasses toward Cho he bowed from his seat no mean feat swept me onto the floor in a Viennese waltz.

Round and round we flew I had the sensation of such lightness that I might have soared off if Cho hadn't held me firmly. At the table Cho put his arm around me kissed my cheek, "Fay have you enjoyed this night?"

I had damp eyes that threatened my mascara he soothed me, "Do not cry even in happiness I have had the best evening in many years you have given me much pleasure," he hugged my waist, "in bed you are wonderful you dance like a ballerina look like a model a very fine night!"

It was nearly five o'clock when we left many of Cho's friends stopped at our table to thank him got a good look at me quite a few got pretty close up. I rested my head on his shoulder the drive to his house was quiet he kissed me several times the wall was up behind the driver the hands made some explorations very successful since there was no resistance.

Cho led me through his house to the kitchen, "Hungry? I am a good cook I will make omelettes."

He held me close kissing my cheeks neck lips nose, "First you come this way, he pulled me to a large changing room with a shower at the end just like Lek's the big walk-in style.

"There are robes here you can be more comfortable."

I undressed chose a white silk robe with magenta flowers short I wrapped it around me tying it loose.

"Fay please pour some orange juice for us."

Cho was bare to the waist getting the eggs ready the coffee smell wafted through the room, "Fay choose some fruit I will cut it up in a minute."

"Cho go and change I'll cut the fruit."

He smiled grabbed his clothes, "Be right back."

I cut the pit out of a mango cut up a papaya scraped out the seeds Cho came back wearing a sarong he looked very sexy. He gave me a mock salute for my nice fruit arrangement got the heat going for the eggs.

"Let's eat outside the utensils napkins placemats are there it will be chilly until the sun comes up the lantern there is automatic on turn the dial."

I started on the table Cho slipped out behind me moving a big metal umbrella thing near he bent over opened a door some noises then a whoosh. A heater I felt it right away a pat on my pussycheeks as he ran back to the stove. I moved a padded bench to the table set the fruit down poured the coffee got it all ready Cho came barreling out with the steaming omelettes.

"Ha ^Å a feast! Let us devour it."

We both applied ourselves the eggs were so light mmmmm green onions seasoned with dill I ate steadily I realized it had been except for snacks twelve or more hours since a meal.

The coffee was very aromatic juice squeezed fresh fruit sweet all the tastes were exaggerated in my delight. The sun was just coming up we destroyed the food Cho pulled me close we sipped our coffee he put out the lantern. As we watched the sky change I began to try invading his sarong Cho followed Sun Tzu a good defense is a good offense. He was offending better than me my mouth was covered by his my body open to invasion I finally grasped my goal it was firming up.

He was going to tell me something when I slipped down to gather his sex in my mouth, "Oh Fay you have the right idea!"

I sucked Cho deep the soft cock was better than his omelettes this was a good breakfast it got hard quickly his bottom rose off the bench when I sucked down hard. Tongue wiping the very nice warm balls letting the cockhead pop past the throat opening.

I wet one finger opened his thighs glided it across the ridged hole he gasped the finger made it's entrance the hips lifted I got in two knuckles deep.

My blowjob skills went into high gear slurping that fabulous cock fingering him we rocked in passion Cho was close I wanted the direct feeding I missed last night. He was squirming about the whole finger doing its job.

"FAY Fay, " his cum shot out in a blast into my throat heavy globs first then smaller it was very good eating.

His body gave a heave settling back on the cushions with a loud groan.

"Fay you are so good so naughty."

I liked both descriptions it was light enough for him to see my smiling cock-holding face his hands circled my head pressing me down on the cock.

"Aaahhh this was very fine."

He lifted my chin, "Fay my house staff will be awake soon we should straighten up."

I climbed up next to him he took my face kissed me hard lots of tongue I dropped my head in his lap kissing the cock. He got me to sit up then trying to close his sarong, "Let me help Cho."

I held the cloth open leaning over taking the cock back in, "Fay please!"

I sucked him until he was able to pry me off wrapping the cloth around himself for protection from me.

I gave him a pout, "Now Fay do not do that I do not want them to see you doing that."

I pressed my face against his chest the strong arms encircled my body, "Will you make love to me before I have to go?"

"We can have a short nap then my driver will take you."

I rubbed his cock through the light cotton, "I don't want to sleep."

He laughed, "Well whatever we do it will be in my bedroom not out here," he turned my head to the river with the light I could see all the boat traffic.

"Ah I see well where is this bedroom?"

"Drink your coffee Fay."

The were two people in the kitchen behind us a small slender woman came out she spoke to Cho in Thai, "Fay this is my housekeeper and cook, her husband is around he does many things here."

I smiled up at her she had a lovely face lined with dignity. Her man came out shortly he bowed to us, "They have been with me and my family for many years I am well looked after."

He said it with such affection I cuddled against his chest some more I really liked this man he could not be doing bad things.

"Come let us go to bed!"

I was all for that he led me through the house it was big with high ceilings one floor beautiful wood the bedroom had French doors to the lawn looking out on the river. Huge bed I jumped on it, "Catch me Cho!"

He dove on had me pinned quickly we kissed, "Let me suck you again."

He lay back I stripped the sarong tossing it aside with my robe I reached for the cock the smile spread across his face when it disappeared.

Sucking cock what a great way to start the day warm soft flesh he rose rapidly, "Can I sit on you?"

He nodded I slid over him aimed the prick sat on it happily, "Ooohhh yes Cho you feel so good in me."

I rode him for many minutes he rolled me over straddling my hips sliding into me parting my pussycheeks for more room. The pushups were great deep stroking then I was scissored my left leg up in the air the thigh clamped to his chest Cho was getting in even deeper aaahhh this was so good.

"Fay do you want to taste me once more?"

"Oh yes please cum in my mouth Cho."

He wasn't done with my pussy yet he was drawing breath quickly fast strokes in me aaahhh my pussy was burning so good I really liked that little bit of pain.

Cho was close gawd he could fuck, "Yes Cho fuck me!"

It popped out well he knows I love it he gave me a grimace smile, "Soon!"

Faster shorter strokes I was ready to get a mouthful, "Fay move this way!"

He pulled out grabbed his cock stroked it into my mouth exploding as the head passed my lips I closed down on him sucking hard.

"Ooohhh Fay suck me take it all!"

He gripped my head the pulsing cum shot sprayed my mouth I slurped the dick driving my nose into his soft pubic hair groaning he went slack dropped onto the bed next to me.

I leaned over engulfed the cock sucking it loving it he caressed my hair, "Fay you tire me out."

I looked up at his face wet with sweat the cock sticking out of my mouth a big smiling cock face he was laughing me too.

He pulled me up against his chest we kissed cuddled Cho drew the sheet over us my face in his neck.

"Cho you didn't pay for me did you?"

"No dear not like you may be used to I did something for the brothers as I have before small favors for old friends. I have had several of the girls but you are an exception from the first I did not think of you like that."

"Did something?

"They have problems I have friends I ask questions my friends could not help but they owed me anyway. The brothers do many shady or plainly illegal things I have never given them any help in that direction I do not like that part of them. I have known them a long time."

I rubbed his chest, "They can be very mean not that they have really hurt me but I think it could happen if they thought it would be good for them."

He kissed me gentle loving caressing my face, "You have great beauty you should be taken care of."

I didn't want to go there I encircled his cock my hand holding the sex I knew I would never tire of that.

We dozed for a little while warm happy tired I lay in his arms feeling safe.

Mmmm Cho woke me with his cock rubbing across my lips, "Fay its eight o'clock you said you had to go to the rail yard."

I smiled up at Cho opened my mouth slid forward as he moved in taking all the half hard cock. A great new style alarum clock.

He laughed, "I am not going any further young lady no more cum for you!"

I laughed choked he pulled his dick out Cho gave me a ten second paddling on both pussycheeks.

I couldn't stop laughing Cho rolled me over on my back laid full length, "Fay kiss me!"

I slowed down put arms around his neck drew those nice lips to mine mmmmmmmmmm!

A long sweet kiss we parted, "Fay come shower now!"

He led me to the big bath started the water we washed each other he was so tender with my pussy I wanted his cock he kept it away ugh.

As I fixed my hair Cho went out I was half dressed one stocking on he stood above me, "Fay would you please accept a small gift."

He latched a bracelet on my left wrist Lapis Lazuli set in gold sockets the iridescent blue stones sparkled like fairy lights.

"Cho no please this is too nice!"

"Fay Lapis is the stone of friendship I want us to be friends for a long time lovers maybe too but certainly friends. The blue is a wonderful color for you rich against your warm skin. Please ^Å "

Cho knelt between my legs we kissed his arms around my waist tears GAWD I'm so emotional these days hormones new life so much.

"Cho I will be proud to wear it I will have it to remind me of you this wonderful night!"

He stood behind me caressing my back and belly as I fixed my face, "Do want my man to drive you?"

"No the company driver is on call I will get him now."

Lek answered my call right away, "Lek can you pick me up?"

"Fay I am four hundred meters down the road but let us say at nine o'clock Okay?"

Yes by nine that's good."

Cho walked me around outside the lawns were so smooth beautiful flowering plants trees everywhere I kept looking at the bracelet Cho held my hand as we moved to the gate, "Fay it is perfect for you two lovely things together!"

I left him my cell number Lek zoomed off right away, "Lek you are keeping up with me pretty close."

"Yes closer now I have my orders."

He dropped me at the cabstand, "I will be here."

I looked in on Jian her door was open wet toe nails, "Fay kiss me tell me all!"

I gave her a big kiss all the details followed her open robe made it easy to catch her cock I licked it sucked the head, "Fay I owe you a pussy eating remember the bet."

I sucked deeper the cock that turned me around kneeling I was going for the gold Jian wrapped her legs around me hands on my head I gave it my all tongue lashing her balls on each down stroke. Jian's moans attracted Ni she got behind me pulled my panties down ate my pussy yesssss what a great morning. Jian came several big bursts a few dribbles softness her legs relaxed Ni kept eating her tongue doing lovely things she kissed my little hole pussycheeks then my lips we hugged.

Ni ran out, "I will see you tonight!"

"Fay you are a very fine cocksucker," Jian laid back damp cock sweat on her belly.

Jian sat with me as I dressed for the rail yard, "Jian walk with me to the car we can talk you can tell the others."

She went up to Eve's room for me Eve came down stretching, "Eve remember I told you about Kulap?"

She nodded sleepily, "Well can you come to the railroad office this afternoon I want you two to meet."

"Setting me up a blind date?"

"Yes she is my staffer very sexy shy very nice I think you both would be great together."

"Leave me the address."

"Better yet I will send a car for you."

I put my hand between her thighs cupping a naked warm pussy, "You need this tenderly cared for ^Å be ready by two o'clock OK?"

Eve smiled pressed my hand harder to her sex, "I'll be ready!"

Jian came back dressed we walked down the street I gave her all my news at the cab stand we kissed Lek pulled away smoothly, "Lek can you be back here at two to pickup up someone?"

"Sure if you are at the office by then."

I leaned back into the soft interior thinking about the heavy bracelet on my wrist ^Å Cho ^Å he was so sexy great dancer lovely cock fine body that had some unexplored regions. I should try to work on that maybe tonight the brothers might not mind if they think Cho is trying for them still.

I better call Cho ask him oh yes call Hiro John too.

I got a big hug from Kavnu hard squeeze, "let's get going on this then talk, OK?"

Kavnu was ready to work we went through a lot in a few hours the last of the rail yard sensors and cabling was being done right then by Tarek and his crew they had workers from other yards observing like I wanted.

"Tarek has been very good much work has completed I have had to go to the yard where problems came often Tarek has done most work," Kavnu was pleased that he could commend his foreman.

I called Lek, "In an hour OK?"

"Yes Fay."

I took Kavnu hand led him to the low sofa we had used for sex, "I think I know someone for you she is like me very sweet sexy nice looking smart ^Å have I left anything out?"

He laughed, "You like her that much?"

"Yes she's a good one!"

"When can we meet? Soon?"

"I will talk to her later today let have your cell number I'll call you."

We planned another test this time for the other yard managers Kavnu would make the calls I would setup the computers and data at the main office downtown.

"What about next Wednesday in the afternoon ^Å say two o'clock?"

Kavnu thought it would work he would have enough time to get them all ready Lek drove up I kissed Kavnu settled into the back of the car.

At the office Kulap made tea we talked about some office things she was excited when I told her to expect Eve today.

"Fay you should have warned me I look a mess."

I held her hand, "Ku you are very pretty cute little bod that dress flatters your figure ^Å RELAX!"

She dashed out to check her face I called Hiro he was busy he reminded me that his cock was idle waiting for his return I giggled at that told him to spank his monkey we ended in laughter.

John wanted to meet at a restaurant Wo's not to far according to John, "one thirty tell Wo your name."

Ni answered her cell gave her the low-down on Kavnu letting her know we had fucked how much I thought of him I was beginning to think I had a future as a matchmaker.

"Ku I am going to eat something be back in an hour."

She stuck her head out of the Ladies, "Yes Fay will you be here when ^Å?"

"Yes Kulap I will be."

Let's see ^Å out the rear exit cross the road go left turn right at corner two blocks over middle of the block Wo's well I didn't get lost. Mr. Wo was five feet tall four feet across strange flat smile, "Ah this way."

He led me upstairs eight private rooms the one with the chicken on the door Mr. Wo bowed I worried he would fall over.

He knocked John opened the door took my hand led me in pulled me close looking down at me grinning kissed me. I kissed him then pushed back he laughed, "I know you're not my woman can't blame a guy for wanting."

I patted his cheek, "So what's going on?"

John gave me a run-down on the evidence that proved the case against Fung, Yai, Saul, Officer Goran's bank records of his bribes, Ang and Heng's involvement in all the crimes plus more than a dozen others around the world that took part in the technology robberies. Chou and Jintao's receiving the stolen information and documentation and drawings were the end of the conspiracy at least thirty-five different major patent violations traced to them with other industrial spying. The Chinese government was showing some interest since piracy was such a public issue now.

Brain overload on all the crimes thefts ^Å "John can we eat I'm really hungry I've had nothing since about six this morning."

"Wo is getting it I ordered he will bring it up when you press the buzzer over there," he gestured toward the door.

Wo's cooking was marvelous the table groaned with the weight of the food I looked at John he laughed, "You'll lose that svelte figure quickly like this."

I tried the Jasmine rice very tender prawns as big as my fist the sticky rice with garlic sauce vegetables a crusty fish all savory. Wo showed up again after twenty minutes, "You like?"

My mouth full of food for a change I nodded, "You want take-away some?"

I swallowed, "Yes Wo it is very good please I would love to have some later."

John smiled, "Wo never tires of being told his food is good do you Wo?"

Huge grin on the round face he yelled something over his shoulder bowed and left a younger man slender like a whippet put the leftovers in containers.

"Fay you take the food we are out to dinner tonight."

"Now John I have a question ^Å what about Cho I am sure you know who he is what he is to the brothers what he is to me ^Å so?"

John looked like a little kid who did something he shouldn't have, "Oh come on John I know you're listening and watching Gawd Lek is nearly in my panties everyday."

"Yes we know a lot about him well ^Å he is clean he has known them for more than thirty years but he is a legitimate businessman."

"And ^Å?"

"He has never done anything wrong that we can find the security forces have actually used him for several projects."

"What about favors he may have done for the brothers?"

"He has helped them with access and sent them some business but all above board."

"So if I want to see him again it wouldn't be a problem?"

"No ^Å" he looked like that kid again, "we think you may be doing us all some good the brothers should think he is still trying to help."

I sipped my tea nodding, "You spooks don't ever give much away unless ^Å"

"I'm not a spook just a trade specialist that has many contacts."

"Piffle John I got some info on you from London you're a spook ^Å don't worry I'm not a blabbermouth."

"Now Fay don't talk like that it could cause problems ^Å" agitated now John waved a finger toward me.

"John cool off I just want you to know what I know the info came from someone who has much to loose it stops here. Besides if this place was a problem we wouldn't be here ^Å right?"

He threw up his hands, "Ok we're even we both know more than we need to."

I kissed his cheek as I sat in his lap, "Your cock was very enjoyable maybe sometime I can have more," I wiggled my bum with a wicked grin.

John burst out laughing arms around me we had a good chuckle over it all.

Loaded with food packages I walked back to the office Ku was sitting at her desk like there were hot coals under her butt, "Fay where have you been?"

"Ku I'm here now no one has shown right?"

She nodded, "So relax!"

Not ten minutes later Eve entered the outer office I could see through the open door as Ku looked up. Eve's good looks grabbed Kulap right away I went to the door Eve gave me a hug I did the introductions.

"I'm going up to see Udorn use my office."

Ku gave me a big thanks look Eve squeezed my hand I walked up to Udorn's office he was on the phone he waved me into a chair.

A new picture of his wife was on the desk she had a beautiful smile seemed satisfied contented he hung up I pointed to the frame.

"Yes new she brought in today as a surprise."

"Very lucky man!"

Udorn did his best to blush without doing it, "Fay you should meet maybe you come to dinner soon?"

"Udorn it would make me very happy."

"I will talk to her tonight."

We did get into a technical discussion about the other Bangkok rail yards their staff the acreage amount of traffic since they were to be the next part of the project.

I asked about Kamol, "He ^Å She is doing well I told her to stay home one day," he laughed, "It will give her a chance to go shopping."

I had to laugh at that, "She will do fine."

Back at my office the girls were drinking tea talking about each other Ku had never been more than a hundred miles from Bangkok Eve hadn't long in any one place.

Their faces showed my instinct was right they were involved they could enrich each other. They saw me lots of smiles greeted me I got some tea joining them we all chatted about here and there.

I gave them some more room grabbing my cell phone I went out onto the terrace to call Cho, "Fay I have been waiting for your call ^Å tonight?"

"Love to do anything at all as long as it's with you."

Cho paused, "You need to be around more it is good for my ego."

"My pleasure Sir since I believe the return to me will be greater."

"You like to talk that way it would be affected in some one else."

"That proves my point we should be together tonight since you read me and speak your mind."

"I hope I did not do it too well."

"No you said the best possible thing I feel different as a woman though plain talk still wins with me. What are we going to do night?"

"Do you have a swimming suit? Do you like to swim and go on boats maybe water-ski?"

"I haven't tried any of those since my changes ^Å yet I want to ^Å you offering to take me up river?"

His smile came over the airways clearly like he was next to me, "Yes up river then down pick you up at Six at the apartment?"

"Yes at this point what about the brothers?"

"I will call Ang tell him you are going with me!"

"So strong and powerful," my laughter was infectious Cho snorted he told me to be ready, "Get a swimsuit."

I stood thinking for a while Hiro was on my mind best put that in its place the girls were still chatting away dinner that night was a done deal they would share all the massive goodies I brought from Wo's. Ku was in the loo Eve told me she would be AWOL tonight if it all went well I kissed her, "I don't know that much about Ku's experiences I guess all negative."

Eve nodded, "KU told me some already I think she was testing my reactions we are OK together right now wide open possibilities."

"Well I'm going shopping I have to have a swimsuit for tonight."

"Can I stay here with Ku I'll keep out of the way?"

"Sure I won't be back sit here talk there isn't too much going on today."

I called Lek he was ready at once we drove to a shopping district near the hotels, "There many shops they will be more expensive but have western styles."

The first stop was very Euro slick nice bikinis though the saleslady made a few suggestions that I took to the changing rooms mmmm French-cut showed my legs the plain black string suit tied low on my skinny hips was smash hit my old sex locked back wasn't a problem. The saleslady came in with another white one that had gold piping all around small little rings on each side between my breasts she said it was the best for me. I had to agree I bought the black one too. Great start two right away across the street I found a pair of spike-heeled sandals a sheer beach top in black and white checks.

A real cute shop had a lovely one piece tank style in navy plain sexy shape showed off my cute rounded butt fit like skin got a matching white top navy pockets.

All this in just two hours found a coffee bar had an espresso just relaxing with Vogue nice dress good lines for me maybe Noi's had something like it.

Lek was ready to go he was silent until the cabstand, "Fay what about tonight?"

"I am going boating with Cho so you get the night off OK."

He nodded I knew he would be around somewhere.

Noi's dress shop had a simple halter-top cocktail dress gold top no back to it white pleated skirt bottom I liked the loop around the neck that held it up. Sold!

I stopped to get more pills at Dr. Thannet's Kaki was all smiles she told me that Kamol had been easy although nervous her looks at me told me that I was looking good. I twirled around for her we kissed my box of pills paid for I headed to the apartment.

Jian's door was closed "open wider" came muffled through the wood talk to her later.

I laid out all my purchases on the bed deciding what to wear white bikini for sure slipping out of my clothes wondering about the boat trip I was showering Ang made an appearance stripping he joined me, "Suck me!"

I knelt to do his bidding he rose quickly straight out I licked his balls on the down stroke fingering his anus to increase the pressure he gripped my head, "UUHH good yes suck more."

I increased my action I took him deeper half the finger inside him wiggling stronger suction on his cock. His hips jerked forward sticking the dick in to the max holding my head firmly nose rubbed into the sparse pubic hair. Ang's knees were shaking after ten minutes, "More I cum soon!"

The whole finger wormed itself in his butt rubbing at the prostate I reached up for a nipple pulling hard he couldn't take any more shooting cum into my throat on my tongue he almost fell over.

I steadied him he sat on the wooden bench my finger still in cock in he softened rapidly he twitched as my sucking worked over his tender prick.

"Ah Fay you suck so good when you come back tonight I fuck you."

He motioned me off his cock, "Get ready for Cho."

I went back to the running water washing more carefully toweling off later thinking about Ang's cock it had been my second prick now I didn't want it any more I was determined to stay the night with Cho.

Black bikini panties pleated black skirt plain white cotton tank top sandals my idea of a sporty outfit white bikini with the checked top spike heeled sandals makeup pills all in small bag ready to go.

Jian's door opened a man I didn't know came out he gave me a look then was gone I stuck my head in her room Jian was filing a nail, "Look I broke a nail holding onto my bed!"

I kissed it better she smiled, "How are you Fay?"

"I'm very good Cho will be here soon I am going boating."

"OOHH so chic ^Å boating!"

We clutched each other laughing, "He's nice very nice Jian."

She held my face I got kisses then serious, "THAT nice?"

I nodded she smiled when I told her about my "Cho" talk with John, "I am glad someone can know them without being ^Å how you say corrupted ^Å right?"

"Yes like Goran and others in the police."

I slipped my hand under her robe she giggled as I grabbed her clitstick I stroked it for a few minutes her eyes closed I leaned in to suck.

"MMMMmmmm Fay you suck the best," she laid back let me work her body.

So much pleasure to lick slurp caress her slender figure the lovely prick sticking up was a great bonus for me I pressed my lips onto her pubic mound tongue slipped out to tease her balls. Jian's moans were so cute she thrashed back and forth my mouth suctioning her hardness I pressed a finger into her pussyass it was well opened by her departed visitor.

She arched her back as the second then third finger slid in, "Ooohhh Fay fuck me!"

I went at it faster driving into her sucking down she was grabbing at the bed clothes the fourth finger did it she came in my mouth several big shots of her delicious cum splattered my tongue. Jian collapsed flat on her back my fingers still in her a few deep sighs as she came down from the high I kissed her cock along the softening shaft the base her balls belly I moved up to her breasts.

I suckled each nipple her eyes closed the slender arms encircled me as I removed the fingers slowly, "Oh Fay Fay so good!"

"You want some more," I teased?

"No could not stand it!"

We locked lips holding tight she pushed my hair back kissing all over my face a gentle loving creature.

What was going to happen to all of us I wanted all the girls to be together safe from the evils enjoying each other I knew there had to be a way to get through.

I clung to Jian we kissed nuzzled petted, "Fay you are my best lover do not ever go away."

We were on the same wavelength, "Never we meant to be a pair."

I saw her clock, "Oh I have to get ready its nearly six."

Jian kissed me once more, "Come to my room while I get dressed."

I pulled her up dragging her across the hallway I wet my hair then styled it Jian did the final bits as I did my makeup I dove into my clothes. I grabbed my little bag Jian patted my pussyass, "Go have fun!"

I walked down the stairs as Cho's big black Mercedes glided up the driver helped me in my bag went to the boot the car moved off so effortlessly.

Comments to: abecker60@yahoo.co.uk

Next: Chapter 21

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