
By A becker

Published on Aug 12, 2005


Note: the following is copyrighted material. You may post on other systems but full credit given and no changes madr in any way.

While I would be thrilled for this to be true it isn't.

Jian 2 < or My Bangkok Days 2 >

The room had a huge tiled bath and a shower. There was a curtained area that I would learn about later. The crone was stirring a large bowl of white creamy stuff. She came over to me and made motions for me to stand. My robe was removed and she began to spread the cream all over me. She covered me completely except for my eyes and hair. When she was done I was motioned to remain where I was standing upright. The old woman went behind the curtain and I heard water running.

I stood still for 10 or 15 minutes. The old woman came back to me with several washcloths and led me to the shower. The water was warm not hot. The woman began to rub me all over with soft cloths. I was zoning out as she stroked me. I opened my eyes as she washed my cock and balls. I looked down and my hair was going down the drain. I was denuded of pubic hair. She was kneeling now washing my legs. The fine hair that had been there was gone too. I was rinsed off and brought behind the curtain. I was urged to sit on the odd toilet that was there. The crone lifted my legs into the padded stirrups and eased me forward so my ass was available. I saw the enema bag and knew what was next. She cleaned my insides three times before leading me back to the shower.

She went into the corner and returned with a glass of fruit juice. Her motions to drink were clear and it was sweet and refreshingly cool. Then into the hot bath with me. The wizened old woman handed me a soft cloth and motioned to me that I was to stay in the bath.

It was hot and scented with spices, pungently vanilla. I drifted and soaked. There was a shelf below the water at one end. I parked myself on it and leaned back. I felt dizzy from the warmth and overwhelmed by my emotions. What was happening and why was I so willingly surrendering to all of this. I could not gather my thoughts and my stomach gave me a twitching feeling. I liked being fucked... there its said and I didn't shrink from the truth of it. Jian didn't have to work hard at seducing me. Ang's invasion was abrupt but he hadn't hurt me. He knew I gave into it and appreciated my action for what it was. I liked it!

After sometime the door opened opposite and Heng entered. He smiled and dropped his robe. His cock was soft but looked like it would be much bigger than his brother's. He had little hair on his body his muscles were taut. Heng walked into the bath and waded over to me.

When he neared me his arms came up and opened, offering. His firm body pressed against me, I was enfolded by his strong limbs. "Are you feeling relaxed?" Heng asked.

My smile gave him the answer. My arms circled around his neck and he leaned down to kiss me. I felt desire for his touch like I had for Jian and Ang. I had never experienced this passion with any woman. How come?

Heng lifted my legs up, sliding my ankles over his shoulders. Our lips touched as he pressed his sex to my pussy. "oooohhh, " I oozed out just as slowly as his cock entered me. I truly enjoyed the penetration. Damn, this is so nice.

Heng smiled at me, "you like this very much?"

"Oh YES, I have never had these feelings before."

"No one ever treated you like a lover?" Heng's face showed his enjoyment of my tight pussy. He stroked in deep and withdrew so smoothly.

"The bath has softened you very well. Ang said you had a sweet body."

"Please, please ....go in a farther it feels so good, I want you in me," I choked with emotion as Heng's cock seemed to widen in my body. My head whirled with the passion of the sex. My desire for the cock not to stop swept me onward.

"Fuck me, please fuck me!" Heng pace quickened. His face was taut as he powered into me with a feverish tempo. All of me was focused on his cock strokes. I gripped his neck and buried my face against him.

"Aaahhh, you are so tight, your pussy.... squeeze me more," Heng yelled out something else in Thai and began to cum inside me. I was so hot, hurting from being bent double, crushed against the tile but wanting him to fuck me.

"Oh gawd, cum ...cum...aahhh," I was willing him to finish. Heng's orgasm came with a roar from his lips and a vise like hold on me. I could feel the pulsing of his cock; it seemed to be a foot wide.

He was talking in Thai but I knew what he meant.

Heng finally blurted out, "You are a fine fuck. What a pussy!"

I loved that simple statement! Who wouldn't want to be rated that way? For the first time in my life I was a fine fuck. Heng leaned my head back and kissed me. It was slow, loving and sweet.

His cock was still inside me, his pelvis pressed hard into mine.

Heng grinned, "Well, you like this fucking do you not? Want more?"

I was still breathing rapidly, "Yes, I like. YES, I want more."

Heng slipped out of me and put his hands in my armpits. He lifted me up onto the edge of the bath. I was surprised by his strength. He stood on the submerged shelf and climbed out. His cock was soft and wet, shiny and his skin glowed.

He leaned over and kissed me again. His body straddled me bringing his cock to my face. Heng pressed his penis to my lips. "Mmmmmm," I murmured and opened my mouth. The warm sex slid into me, I tasted his cum and my pussy tang. I sucked a lover's cock warm from my pussy. What else was I going to do? What new things was I going to experience?

Heng straightened up and withdrew from my mouth. He picked up his robe as he walked out of the far door saying, "wait for Jian, she well be here soon."

His abrupt departure confused me. I knew he enjoyed the sex and even liked me. I knew it. But why leave like that?

As I sat on the edge of the bath tears welled up in my eyes. I was a fine fuck. Now I knew what that meant. A fuck!

Jian came in and got a small cloth. She knelt and dipped it into the warm bath. Jian kissed my cheek smiling, "Heng liked you."

How could she say that? "He just walked out, what does that mean," my voice breaking.

Jian wiped my face and cleaned my pussy. "Do not expect much from Heng, he is different from other men," she tired to reassure me.

I didn't understand why it should have meant so much to me; Ang had fucked me but somehow it did. Jian ran her fingers through my wet hair, "let's dry you off and eat."

Food, well I had been missing something. Jian's smile grabbed me like it had last night. Yes, only last night.

"Food sounds good," I stood up and Jian took my hand. She handed me a towel.

Dried and robed we walked across to the apartment house. Jian led me into the small shop under the apartments. The old lady sitting there looked up as Jian rattled off a string of sentences. She gave me a gaped tooth smile and nodded to whatever Jian had said.

"What was all that," I asked Jian as we went upstairs.

"I told her you were moving in with me and not to cheat you when you bought anything." The grip on my hand tightened as she said moving in. I was keen on being part of Jian's life and thrilled to hear that she wanted it also.

Before we reached Jian's room Ang called out for us to come to him in his office. He was sitting in his boxer shorts at a table littered with papers and a calculator. He motioned to several boxes on another table. Jian led me over to them. She gave a squeal, "look what Ang has for you!" She pulled out a short navy blue pleated skirt, several tops, and shoes. It was like a birthday.

"Pheel, take off the robe. Try this skirt and top."

I dropped the robe and stepped into the skirt. The waist was too big.

"Mmm, I guess I have to fatten up."

"No, silly one."

Jian settled the skirt on my slim hips.

"There like that, sexy belly that way!"

Jian lifted a halter top out of the box and held it against my chest. It was a white shimmering fabric that fell in folds across my front.

"It is a good size and the folds will hide the size of your titties," she smiled and gave me a kiss.

I hooked it behind my neck and Jian hooked the single hook on my back.

"Jian, can I use your mirror?"

"Sure, silly one."

I dashed into her room. I looked at myself in this new guise. I loved it. The skirt had pleats in the front and showed my legs off. The top left a lot of my belly exposed. Lucky it is flat but not muscled.

"Pheel, come back!"

I could hardly pull myself away from the new me.

"Pheel, try these shoes," Jian handed me a pair of sandals that were navy blue with white straps. I slid into them. They were close, just pinching a bit on the sides. Jian held up a white sleeveless blouse with collar and gold buttons but only two buttonholes near the bottom.

"Try this!"

I got out of the halter and Jian held the blouse for me. It was short; my stomach was even more exposed. The two buttons closed it only at the bottom you could easily slide your hand in.

Before I ran off to the mirror again Ang put out his hand. I placed my hand in his and was pulled onto his lap. His dark eyes scanned my face.

"You are pleased, yes?

"Oh yes, very pleased. I is wonderful," I was gushing. Gawd what a silly cow. Ang's left hand pressed against my neck and we kissed. He kissed my neck and placed his right hand inside the blouse over my left areola. His fingers stroked me and pulled gently on the nipple. Jian help to slide me off Ang's lap to my knees.

"Take me into your mouth"

I reached into his boxers and lifted the warm sex. My mouth closed down over it. I began to suck but Ang stopped me.

"Hold me, no sucking!"

I knelt, cock in mouth, feeling that I crossed a divide. Now I was different. Everything inside me yelled out that I was in love with this new life.

Was the network engineer gone? How was I going to make a living? I didn't think my company back in London would smile on my dressing female.

I was light-headed and my stomach had had the flutters all day. Ang stroked my hair. He told me to sit back. I looked into his eyes he wanted me!

"Its time for your to take your pills," Ang said as he reached into the table drawer. He opened a box that had many pills of different colors.

"Take a blue one and 2 red ones," he handed me a bottle of water. I gulped them down.

"They will relax you and you will feel better," Ang smiled. He handed me the box.

"Take them when it says on the top."

I smiled up at him and nodded. I quickly kissed his cock.

He laughed, "Jian, you have a visitor coming. I will take Pheel to eat. Get dressed to go with me. Wear that top. Jian, come to the restaurant when you are done."

I jumped up and hugged Jian.

"You can use the room opposite Jian's for yourself, put the clothes in there. I will be ready soon. Show her how to put on her panties."

I gathered my new clothes and Jian showed me the room. It was smaller than hers with a balcony. It had a basin screened off with a closet and a narrow bed make up as a sofa, lots of pillows. It was all reds and yellows with small bird pictures on the walls. The birds all seemed to smile down on me. Jian bumped her hip against mine, "this was my first room. Come on let's fix your hair and face for Ang." Jian knew I liked him and wanted to please him.

"Step into your panties pull them up to your knees." Jian showed me how to massage my balls up into me, press my clit-stick tight over them and pull my panties up snugly.

"Ok, you know now?" I nodded. It was quite comfortable under my panties and I was smooth looking.

"Wet your hair a little," Jian got out her hair dryer and brushes. She quickly whipped my light brown collar length locks into a sleek look that when up over my forehead and curved down to my left eye. It was sexy and startling. She did my eye lids and lips showing me how to do it.

"You have to learn to do yourself," she kissed my cheek.

"Oh Jian, I would never have imagined this, you are so good!"

"I will bring you a small purse with goodies to the restaurant."

Ang stood in the doorway a not so handsome man but with a tremendous presence. His khaki pants and blue shirt suited him well.

"Let us go!"

I dashed over to "my room" and slipped on the blue and white sandals.

Ang took my hand and led me out into the street.

We walked slowly to the right away from the main road. He was silent firmly holding my hand in his.

Ang entered a small restaurant on the right. We passed through the seating area and the kitchen. I got looks from the cooks. MMMmmm.

We came out onto a deck that looked out over the river. It was completely shaded by a huge tamarind tree. There were 3 tables with cushioned benches; an older man occupied one. He was drinking tea and a small girl was kneeling before him sucking his cock. Her skirt was over her back and I could see her clit-stick was drawn back between her thighs. Hooked back by several rings joined together. Her panties were on the table.

Ang and I sat opposite them he slipped his right arm around my waist. A waitress brought a beer for Ang and fruit juice for me. Ang fired off some instructions and she darted off to the kitchen.

"My brother and I own this place. I eat here everyday."

I couldn't help but look over at the old man and his girl.

"Do you want to go and see?"

"Yes, may I?"

Ang nudged me with his hip and released my waist. I stood up and stepped over to them. Ang spoke to the old man and I bowed to him.

"This is Mr. Kang, he is an old friend. Our families have known each for many years in the time of our great great grandfathers. I told him your name and that you wanted to see Ni's rings."

I bowed again and knelt behind her. The clit-stick was pierced under the cock head with a golden ring. That was connected to a ring in her flesh between the pussy and where her testicles should have been with a third ring. I gently stroked her bent back clit-stick and she pressed her bottom against my fingers. The rings overlapped with no way to disconnect them.

Ang cleared his throat and I returned to him after bowing to Mr. Kang in thanks.

Before I sat down, "take me into your mouth like her!"

I dropped to my knees, leaned over his crotch and lowered his fly. I lifted the warm golden cock out, kissed it and took into my mouth.

"Remove your panties and hand them to me!"

I had trouble getting them down my legs I didn't want to let go of Ang's cock. Finally! The sandals had been hard to get past. I held them up for Ang. He laid them on the table, "pull our skirt over your back."

I was exposed now but not uncomfortable. Whatever the relaxing pills were they did their job. I was lightheaded and warm.

I knew that I was way over edge but it didn't matter. I liked this... all of it.

Why was it all so easy?

Comments to: abecker60@yahoo.co.uk

Next: Chapter 3

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