Jian: Cast of Characers

By A becker

Published on Oct 16, 2005


Note: the following is copyrighted material. You may post on other systems but full credit given and no changes made in any way.

While I would be thrilled for this to be true it isn't.

Jian 15 < or My Bangkok Days 15 >

Kavnu's translation brought forth a toothy grin he bowed I did too a torrent of words Kavnu put his arm around my waist, "He says you are prettiest white woman he ever see."

"Please thank him."

We walked back to the building Kavnu took me in his arms kissing me deeply I responded our kiss lasted for some time, "You are finest person I have known."

My chin was down I couldn't say anything to that he cupped my face, "I can love you I know you have many thoughts now you do not have to say anything."

More tears no spicy soup this time he held me close I wrapped my arms around him, "I need to fix my face again."

He laughed patted my bottom, "Go I get projector started."

Back to work I prepared the graphics we tested it all, "Kavnu the board members they are all Thai?"

"Yes but from many parts there are Muslims from the south big landowners in the North most from Bangkok in business here."

"What about my doing it in English?"

"They speak English some more than others."

Before seven they began to arrive talking amongst themselves in small groups Udorn moved between the clusters easily chatting getting a laugh they all seemed friendly, "Are they always like this?"

Kavnu nodded, "They have been on the board many years few changes."

Udorn waved me over to one group he introduced me one man smaller than the rest took my arm he led me towards the windows, "Miss Martin may I call you Fay?"

"Please I would like that."

"I am Thoi Udorn has asked me to help you in your changed situation especially dealing with your company. I am a solicitor slash barrister I have tried cases in London and I have many friends there. Udorn assures me that you are the one to lead our project oh do not worry we will approve Udorn was very forthcoming about the tests very excited."

"I want to do it I hope it can all be worked out."

"I am sure it will be so and may I say you are the most beautiful kathoey I have seen," I turned away, "please do not be upset I have a brother who is also kathoey we love her through her I have met many of her friends."

He held my arm, "I am sorry to disturb you before the meeting Udorn is gathering everyone please take my arm I will be happy to escort you in."

I walked in my hand on his arm Thoi smiling like he picked the best girl to dance with and was lording it over the others. They seemed very happy loose bunch it was my turn to go after Udorn gave a short intro.

My part was a short series of graphics with my explaining the issues how to make the different sections of technology come together and a basic outline of the scanning process then on to the demo. They loved searching for things in the mythical boxcars Udorn gave me thumbs up and Thoi sat with me as the others played with the software, "Fay it was very good you see they will be in favor of the project so prepare to be here for a while."

He kissed my hand, "Thank you we need this kind of technological jump."

Udorn hugged me, "You and Kavnu did a great job no doubts they want the project."

I shook hands with all of the board they were all smiles got some good looks from some, "Please call me tomorrow," Udorn said as he left.

"Kavnu I need to make a call be right back to help take it down," he gave me a quick kiss.

First get a hold of Yai, "I'm still at the railroad building can we meet at my room later?"

"Fay that is ok I will be hot for you."

"Yai you were hot earlier even hotter would be great about eleven?'

"I will be waiting."

"John you want to pick me up or should I get a cab?"

"I will be there in ten."

"Kavnu I will be going to see a friend in a few minutes is there anything else we need to do?"

He gathered me in his arms those brown eyes very nice, "No I will finish will you be the rail yard tomorrow?"

"I think I will be here for some of the day good night thanks again for all your help."

He kissed me for a few minutes finally letting me go, "Fay please call me at the yard OK?"

I nodded grabbed my purse and laptop dashed down the stairs John squealed to a stop I popped in he roared off, "Gawd how you drive!"

"Don't be a sissy about it."

"I'm a sissy what can I do?"

His laughter filled the car we zoomed around at his house so fast, "Fay this is Jasmin my lady."

She was a beautiful slender woman five four dark smooth skin luminous green eyes, "John has spoken of you welcome."

We hugged she was strong I thought of willowy having strength flexibility, "Are you hungry?"

"Oh yes I've had nothing for a few hours."

"We will be three the children are in bed."

We all sat on the terrace she brought lovely treats fish balls tiny dumplings salads it was all so nice to look at she knew how to make it taste and look fabulous.

I loved the dumplings shameless devouring Jasmin laughing, "Go ahead I love them too I make that recipe all the time."

Jasmin and I cleared the food in the kitchen, "Would you like to see our babies?"

"Yes I don't want to wake them."

"Not to worry they sleep like little logs."

The girl looked like Jasmin angelic face, "She's twelve," the boy thirteen a miniature John.

I gave Jasmin a hug, "They are gorgeous."

She took my hand back on the terrace John was waiting laying on the sofa naked, "Thought I would get comfortable."

Jasmin giggles nudging me, "John said he wanted you I believed him I guess I didn't how much."

He was stroking that big cock it was half hard head peeking out Jasmin helped me undress when I opened her blouse oh my her breasts were lovely pears jutting out so proud the dark skin like satin golden rings intertwined by fine chain.

I sucked the right was tempted by the left gobbled it tugged the nipple ring lightly she placed my hand on her pussy hairless pierced clit and labia big rings at the base of her sex large disk hung there I went for a closer look.

Her clit had a bar with rings on each end the fine gold chain started at the right wound around her body through her belly ring over her shoulder to the left nipple across to the right then back about her to the left clit ring. Soooo sexy two rings at the base of her pussy were connected by a larger one the disk proclaiming her love and obedience to John hung there I was blown away I licked her it was sweet nectar slurping through her sex was a treat. John was lubing me his erection slapped against my pussycheeks long fingers probing my sex, "Fay you are sex!"

Jasmin's breath was short her hips flipping forward pressing for more tongue John's entrance moved me tighter to Jasmin pussy, "Oh yes keep eating me Fay you are good ... aaahhh I love that mouth!"

John's cock powered in deep balls banged on me he was going so fast hard right away I stuck out my tongue letting him fuck Jasmin with it. Her body was shaking several orgasms swept through she flopped on a chair John moved me forward that fat dick grinding my pussy we shuffled until my mouth could graze Jasmin's pussy once more.

John's stamina was amazing he had been pounding me all the time never slacking hard fast terrific fuck strokes he explored my pussy finding its secrets with my tongue glued to Jasmin he increased the pace looking for his own climax. Thump after thump his legs slapped the backs of my thighs the sound seemed to reverberate in the garden faster no single one now just a megafuck stroke so intense I was burning my pussy ring my legs. The orgasm blasted out of his prick he held it rigid unmoving in my pussy like it was stuck there his fingers gripped me spasmodically they were hot on my skin Jasmin's hand on my neck my last strength used to suck her pierced clit.

John withdrew collapsed beside me I lay on my back Jasmin crawled over me kissing her way to my lips then stopped gently easing herself down.

"Fay you are a wonderful lover isn't she John?"

He turn towards us slid against us, "This equal to any sex I have ever had... Fay ... Jasmin we must do it again a thousand times."

I just lay there exhausted Jasmin began to kiss me slowly gradually she got to my pussy her tongue cooled my burning John straddled my chest offering that fine cock to my lips I suckled it licking tasting my pussy on it. Jasmin's work was great John rose up over my head his eyes bright, "Fay I want to go in all the way!"

I nodded my head his cock sticking out of my mouth bobbing with me he maneuvered further over me so his cock pointed somewhat backward he then began to push it down my throat. As he opened me I tried to breathe on his upstroke the cockhead passed my uvula his foreskin sliding exposing the slippery glans so it eased in further.

Jasmin's fingers played inside me her hot breath flowing over my skin she sucked my locked back clitstick tongue sliding under it back and forth my hips were jerking as she drove me crazy holding me firmly.

John's exploration continued I gagged some he was a master of control taking the time to adjust his angle for more penetration easing my need to reject him automatically.

The three of us moved like inter-connected machines separate but working toward the same end Jasmin`s efforts gave me my first climax the great heat spread throughout my body the flush across my chest and face crimson.

John's cum spurted into my esophagus he pulled back ejaculated the rest in my mouth I choked a bit, "Fay swallow it will go down."

John left his cock in my mouth Jasmin came stuck her tongue in her husband's arse, "Aahh Jas that's so great please deeper!"

His cock jerked as she licked him I sucked it pulling further in we both served him then lay quiet worn out for now.

John lay with his cock on my face wet soft inert it stretched across my nose and eyes a damp snake Jas rested her face against my old sex her breathing warming my skin.

John sat up, "Let's get in the whirlpool."

He brought some Singha beer we let the warm water swirl around our tired muscle relaxing I leaned back looked up at the stars, "Thanks for tonight spectacular sex," I reached for their hands, "Friends!"

They kissed me we hugged the water getting us loose, "Fay time for talk Jasmin helped me put together some of it."

"Chou and Jintao work for a Shanghai company that is wholly owned by the government it has a poor reputation for quality and clearly has benefited from illicit technology transfers. From what Jasmin found out Chou is a committed homosexual Jintao is new but from what you know has enjoyed being a bottom to Jian."

"Fung was in Shanghai two weeks ago he has been traveling there regularly for five years he stays in government housing consorts with government agents according to Toby he was in South Africa last year near the time when there was a theft of information in Cape Town."

"We have a picture of missing info concurrent travel burglaries and some violence that can be linked to Fung his contacts here and sources of information are Ang and Heng. It appears they have some Chinese ancestry."

"That Saul the Russian we believe he is working for PLA the Peoples Liberation Army the Red Chinese military there are numerous connections between them they also meet in a series of tangential business slash military deals we are still following one in particular is for optical tracking devices that the CIA may have had a hand in providing Saul with specs for a device that cannot work it is a pretty black area."

Jasmin sat in my lap we kissed, "Don't distract Fay honey."

I took John's cock in hand squeezing it pulling it he yelped when I gave it a hard tug, "Watch out it's still connected."

"Since we know these things since we have some hard evidence we should involve the Thai police not the criminal but the secret side. You will have to talk to them it will only come into focus if you are the pivot point."

"I will talk to anyone you trust I have a lot more dummy data on my laptop now courtesy of the London office it all has forensic codes embedded to prove ownership and creation date all my real info is completely hidden so they can look around and steal the fake stuff."

"Good this is Monday night I hope to contact certain members of the police tomorrow setup a meeting for maybe Thursday I know a location that you can get into by four or five ways to give us the best chance to avoid prying eyes."

"Can you make during the afternoon?"

"I will try."

"Jasmin can I shower?"

"Sure we will together John you soak more."

He laughed, "My head too?"

Jasmin `s shower was a big tiled area with drains you walked into no tub a giant stall no curtain necessary hot water nice soap vanilla we washed each other, "I love your chains winding around you do you have them on all the time?"

"No but often I feel very sexy naughty when I do though yours are also very sensual the curve on your hips the disks your Ang and Heng have a good eye for femininity."

We dried Jasmin lent me her hairdryer I fixed my face she kissed me, "you are very sexy."

John drove at less than his usual frenetic pace he dropped me at a cab stand a mile from the club, "Call my number tomorrow afternoon from the railroad office lines there should be free of listening pests."

He tilted my head up we kissed, "It was the best straight sex I've had in years only excepting Jasmin thanks for coming."

I pressed my lips to his slipped out waved as he took off I stopped a shop for some tissues then grabbed a cab to the club it was just eleven as I climbed the stairs to my room.

Yai fully dressed was asleep on my bed I put on my yellow nightie slid under the sheet beside him he moaned turned a bit I put my arms around him sleep came quickly.

It was dark Yai's cock rubbed my lips he slid in welcome slow suckling no hurry he caressed my hair, "Fay just suck for a bit OK?"

I nodded stroking his belly we both drifted off when the sun came up that nice dick was wrapped around my nose slipped my tongue out licked at the head it twitched rising Yai's fingers let me know I was on the right track.

Cocksucking what a fine way to start the day he hardened quickly I got a mouthful slick pre-cum on my tongue softly I engulfed the whole cock before it was hard I had fallen in love with cock. I enjoyed them hard soft especially at that in between stage a gentle arc of flesh so much potential pliable not bendable leaking some sweet juice.

I took Yai's penis rubbed the slickness on my lips he hardened rapidly after that on my knees the blowjob began taking all of it tickling my nose on his pubic hair sliding out the tongue onto the smooth balls.

Yai lifted his hips toward me I went down we met at the entrance of my throat the head popping in I moved back and forth running it through the narrow opening many times, "Aaahhh Fay so good please ... more!"

I loved the applause sucking this cock was pure pleasure good taste a man enjoying my mouth receiving pleasure making all my effort worthwhile.

Three fingers on his shaft wet with saliva pre-cum sliding up and down in time with my lips one finger on the other hand invading Yai's ass the other ones stroking the ribbed opening. He was fast loosing control hips bucking up moans loud enough to wake the house his ass clear of the bed as he exploded in me delicious!

I didn't make it easy for him suction continued he jerked those slender hips up and down, "Fay stop stop ... please stop!"

I had him three fingers digging in his anus probing he was out of my mouth I pulled his cock up onto his belly slurping his balls I withdrew my fingers all at once he gasped then my tongue replaced them, "Oooohhhh no Fay."

He half turned making it easier to eat him he groaned for me to stop I wouldn't hear he was flat on his stomach I pried him open slurping the crack pressing my nose up his ass then tongue fingers too.

I took mercy on him kissing up his back laying full length upon his smooth skin licking at his sweat beads, "Good morning Yai."

He had recovered enough to laugh, "Yes good morning Fay you are devil."

"Yai will you fuck me?"

"Aahh you will have to wait I am no condition to fuck now."

"Turn over Yai," he rolled I moved to his cock holding it carefully kissing its soft shaft, "It feels so nice like this."

He lay quietly as I kissed licked nuzzled caressed made slow love to the cock delighting in all its parts tasting every bit a deep sigh from Yai when I took it all in. This time the pace was glacial up and down the shaft so leisurely it was to be savored I tongued all around the tube of flesh my unhurried tempo began to excite Yai.

Despite the recent orgasm he rose firmed up surprising himself he looked down at me a brilliant smile, "You want to be fucked?"

I nodded cock stuffed, "Are you wet?"

I shook my head, "Where is your lube?"

I pointed to the drawer he struggled to get it open grabbing the tube, "Fay on your back."

He was gentle I was slick his aim was perfect hard-on deep in one thrust I thought he would be able to fuck for some time he set a fast speed riding my pussy hard. We fucked romping on my bed he tried several positions but found himself unable to hold back shooting into me after twenty minutes lovely tough screwing. He was astride my pussycheeks hands tight on my waist, "You are too much Fay I enjoy you."

I looked over my shoulder, "Yai that was really good can you stay for more?"

He shook his head, "I have to go places what about tonight?"

"I think I will be at the club will you come there?'

I wanted him there but no Fung.

"Yes at the club."

He pulled that cock from me, "Wash ok?"

We showered he shampooed me nice fingers a massage with soap I was almost mewing like a cat when he was done. Kneeling I dried him taking that cock I carefully dabbed at it with the towel tenderly, "Yai after the club will you come home with me?"

He lifted me up kissing my lips cheeks eyes chin back to my mouth, "Yes I sleep with you again."

He dressed I watched from the bed roles reversed today I stood in my door kissing him goodbye Jian smiled at us Yai said hello to her on his way out.

"What have you been up to Fay? That guy is Fung's man."

"I know he fucks so nice his cock is lovely. I also want him to trust me. We need to talk let's go for some breakfast."

Jian came back dressed white short shorts blue bikini top with white polka dots, "Fay wear the black vest."

I did a sleeve-less cotton vest one button white mini-skirt sandals we strolled to Junky's Mr. Kang was there fucking Ni's pussy as she knelt on the seat he looked over gave us a shit eating grin. I whispered to Jian about his last fuck of me she nodded I took my pills with the juice the waitress brought we both attacked the toasted bread pineapple and papaya.

Mr. Kang had Ni finish him with her mouth he roared out at climax she slurped him clean he came over to us his cock sticking out of his fly he bent me down to it I kissed the wet cock.

He left laughing I helped Ni up brought her over to us we all ate together she pulled her skirt on drank some coffee, "He is getting worse!"

"I agree he has special privileges though Ang and Heng do much business with him," Jian bit into another piece of fruit.

The waitress came over said something to Jian she looked up at me, "The cooks want to fuck you they will pay."

I didn't let my face give away my thoughts, "Jian I don't want to do you think I can avoid it?"

"Yes I can tell her that Ang makes that decision that will make them ask him they will not do this."

"Fine tell her that ok?"

She went away to the kitchen we walked after her going slowly through the cook's eyes following us on the street we decided to go across the river again "Do you know where Lawan and Reyna are?" I asked Jian she shook her head Ni also.

We sat in the shade I gave them a rundown on what I knew from John they understood why I was dealing with Yai in such a friendly loving way he had to be neutralized.

"Fay are we going to have trouble with Ang and Heng," Ni didn't appear too worried but cautious.

"Maybe I hope they will be kept in the dark until something can be done with them."

"Ang fucked me last night at the club for some time he did not tire of me until late," Jian was shaking her head, "I do not like his cock in me now."

"You can't give anything away Jian!"

"I will not no worry just there is no enjoy for me."

Ni leaned over to kiss Jian's cheek, "He is not so bad Mr. Kang I not like."

On the way back home we looked in shop windows I bought a scarf with green winged butterflies Heng was talking with Officer Goran at the door of the bath house, "Ladies come in."

He directed me to the main bath the old lady was checking Reyna's pussy for hair Chou was sucking someone in the bath. The washroom woman motioned me over she examined me for hair washed my insides behind the curtain gave me a fruit drink I joined Reyna. We stood watching Chou he had been moved to the tile floor beside the bath kneeling he was being fucked vigorously by Mr. Annut another man came in from the side door naked he lifted Chou's face to his cock. He was one of my early visitors the short man with a very fat four inch cock his hips were driving forward feeding cock to Chou quite hard.

Reyna took our glasses back to the old woman we sat in the bath Chou's fucking continued Heng entered he sat on the edge of the bath at his urging I moved between his legs, "Suck me some."

I took the sex warm soft in my hand I kissed the shaft licking the underside then his smooth ball sac sucking each testicle nuzzling into his crotch Reyna opened my pussycheeks, "Fuck her," from Heng.

Reyna's erection glided right in she cupped my titties her pelvis banging against me Heng's hard-on filling my other end. Reyna's motion my reaction sent waves splashing against the side of the bath good hard strokes her nice big prick filling me. I worked on Heng's cock with both hands he lay back propped on his elbows we locked eyes as I popped the cockhead into my throat, "Ah Fay you learn fast do that more!"

I sucked him into my throat his head passing the narrow point many times he was turned on by the friction Reyna slammed her cock into my pussy pushing me forward.

I felt wonderful two cocks Reyna nibbling my neck kissing whispered, "Fay you are so sexy such a good pussy!"

Heng's hips were rising to meet my down stroke on the cock grunting he was close Reyna was jabbed me hard fast short strokes close also I knew I was in for some good cumloads.

Heng lay back flat his cock like steel he moaned something gushes of cum blasted into my mouth I tried to swallow it all half gagging there was so much Reyna's cock encouraged by my pussy's contractions exploded sperm lining my pussy she held me tight around the waist. We stayed together cock soaking Reyna kissing my shoulders neck face. "So nice to fuck you!"

Heng up on his elbows, "Reyna come up here lie down."

I climbed out Reyna's cock slipped from me Reyna on her back looking up at Heng, "Fay sixty-nine with her."

I straddled her head leaning over to suck the cock warm from my pussy her tongue slurping my bent back clitstick Heng moved behind me his cock on my pussycheeks. Reyna's mouth moved off me I heard sucking sounds, "Ah good."

Reyna gobbled Heng I laid her cock to the side sticking my mouth on her balls licking the sac sucking each testicle nice I worked my way down to her pussy her hips jerked up tongue sliding in hot tight channel.

Reyna made Heng hard enough he slid into me she went back to my clitstick giving such loving attention it's softness permanent she enjoyed herself I departed her pussy for cock as I worked it Jian knelt between Reyna's thighs.

"Fay suck me, " simple request my pleasure Jian's penis Gawd I really adored her my mouth open giving her the whole space to play in.

The four of us made quite a scene sucking fucking licking Jian lifted Reyna's cock aimed it at my hole beside hers guided me onto both. Two dicks at one end one at the other I wanted them and more, "Fay's getting it good today," Heng's voice was a bit strangled with his effort fucking me so soon.

He wasn't slacking hard deep thrusts pulling out pushing in Reyna's mouth Jian's cock made an invasion of Reyna's pussy my mouth full of cock I stared down at their meeting. Cocks going in pussy or in a mouth back and forth warm hard it was really fucking nice.

Heng moved into Reyna's mouth whack whack he laid into my pussycheeks with his open palm he paddled me hard my skin burning under the impact, "Ah yes Fay loves fucking."

He slammed back in me Jian's cock beside Reyna's she began to orgasm the twitching of her organ set off Reyna they flooded my mouth with cum so much it dribbled out around the shafts. Heng's body slapped hard onto mine he shot off in me gripping my sides so tight squeezing hard he pulled out Reyna sucked him clean as his cum dripped onto her face from me.

Heng slapped her face and my pussycheeks with his limp dick, "You girls are good."

He stood up put on his robe and left I turned around to face Reyna Jian lay next to us big smiles I kissed them both, "Shower?"

We got up slowly Reyna walked like me a bit bow-legged the hot water eased my stiffness my knees hurt from the tile, "You going to railroad today Fay?"

I hugged Jian, "To the office downtown Heng said we are working the club tonight."

Short black pleated skirt white sleeveless blouse with collar and gold buttons near the bottom black heels I looked smart sexy ready to go to the office Jian walked with me to the cab stand, "See you later too sexy for work!"

We laughed kissed a cab whisked me to the railroad offices Udorn was busy his assistant said that the front office I had used before was now mine.

I was about to ask, "The board made its decision your project is going forward they voted to also provide you with some extras an assistant and you can hire a car and driver since you don't know the city."

I thanked her asked how to pay for these things, "You are to bring any expenses to me I will take care of them Oh I am Kamol."

We shook hands a slender handsome face attached to a body that could be described in the same way, "Your English is excellent."

"I spent some time in Chicago working as an intern for a railroad just so there will be no questions I know you are a kathoey."

He undid his belt lowered the pressed khaki trousers tiny lace edged pink panties appeared he smiled it exploded across that fine face, "I am close."

I hugged him his pants down kissed his soft lips, "Can I?"

He nodded I knelt sliding those cute panties down he moved a leg I reached in drew the cockette out from it's tucked position maybe two inches gentle kisses tongue over the circumcised head.

He moaned I began to suck it harder there was firmness the size didn't change all of it the balls too in my mouth hips moving forward, "that is nice ... please do more!"

I didn't mind he tasted like vanilla cinnamon pre-cum very sweet sucking the little cock was pleasant I could eat it all he couldn't hold back very shortly shot two small loads in me.

His breathing was labored I eased him into a chair opened his shirt kneeling between those slender thighs I massaged his chest to soothe him slow him down he gave me a another spectacular smile.

"You really cum hard Kamol."

He nodded, "You gave me a wonderful orgasm I have rarely ever felt like that thank you," we kissed his tongue trying to scoop any cum leftover.

I helped back into those sexy panties, "You have a lover?"

He told me that his lover was an American marine from the embassy guard a big muscled black man from Alabama he turned around showed me the "Sarge" tattooed at the top of his pussycrack.

We stood there kissing holding each other I gave him a tour of my body he was thrilled for me went he saw my changed sex, "You are so beautiful I hope Sarge does that for me one day."

"Does Udorn know?"

`Yes he is a good boss he has not tried to take advantage."

"I like him does it matter whom I hire for assistant do you have people here?"

"We have a few that may be interested it would be better for administrative reasons."

"Good can you send them in for me to talk to? Maybe I can get it done today."

"They will eager to work for a foreigner it would be status for them."

I interviewed four three men and one very nice younger woman I chose her Kamol came to my office, "I want Kulap she seems a good fit for now her English is excellent OK?"

"Yes I know her is very hard working sweet tempered I will get her transferred right away."

"Will she be able to use the outer office do you have a computer for her?"

"I will get it all setup if you tell me what you need Udorn has made pleasing you a priority for me."

Kulap came in half an hour later I kissed her cheek, "I hope you will enjoy this do you know Microsoft Project?"

She did all the Microsoft software I told her Kamol will get what she needs for the desk ask me for anything.

She had lovely skin a reddish tint in it some red in her hair I mentioned it she blushed, "Kulap is Thai for rose."

Damn she's cute.

I fired up my laptop going for the London office Exchange Server, "Miss Martin we will need to let the building operators know about you."

"Kulap I'm Fay just Fay," she smiled as I kissed her cheek.

I was working through email Kulap came in with a package it was from Tokyo the cell phone Hiro promised it was active, "Hiro thanks!"

"Fay I dreamed we were married last night what do you think?"

"Well you can't have two I know that bad boy."

"Got to go meeting I will ring you later OK?"

"You be good loverboy I love you Hiro!"

"It is returned fully Fay bye."

I called John gave him the cell number, "Fay can you met someone today? Say in an hour?"

"Yes as long as it's not too far."

John told me how to get this building that had shops on it's exterior apartments above and a courtyard there were more shops and a restaurant, "That's where you go the owner is an old friend ask for him tell him who you are he will set you up in a safe place to meet the contact."

I took a cab to go the two miles I went in at the north side like John said I saw that there were three other ways in and out good spy stuff arrive separately leave the same way.

Comments to: abecker60@yahoo.co.uk

Next: Chapter 16

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