
By A becker

Published on Oct 10, 2005


Note: the following is copyrighted material. You may post on other systems but full credit given and no changes made in any way.

While I would be thrilled for this to be true it isn't.

Jian 14 < or My Bangkok Days 14 >

"I am more than cultural attache suffice to say I have close contacts with our security services they will want to be in on this. You will have to talk to some of them soon if we are to get anywhere you have a possible link to several tracks of investigation. I know Toby Mbkime he is capable and can get information I will call him myself."

He paused looking at me, "More juice?"

"Ok what about me the girls what should we do?"

"I think you need to be as you are now don't try to change Ang and Heng will be aware of it if you do."

We sat in the dim light, "You are beautiful Fay I have never seen a kathoey look as good as you slim sexy very hot."

"You coming on to me John?"

"What do I look like a statue you have an affect on any man would I like to go to bed with you YES!"

I laughed I needed to change the subject, "What will you do about all this?"

"I will do some checking about the elements of your story talk to colleagues and ask a few discreet questions for now that will be a start. And you?"

"I will complete the rail yard demo setup expanding it to cover the tracks in that yard I am going to ask my boss in London for help regarding the dummy info I am placing on my laptop."

I drank some juice my voice going, " I have to work out what to do about London and my current gender state."

"What are your plans?"

"I'm in the market for some I don't have a clue except to fly back let them get a look."

"Maybe I can help you there my group does have some important people who could be induced to assist you."

"You mean they talk to my boss?"

"Yes especially if all this becomes something larger."

He was stroking his cock through the shorts I looked at the motion, "You're not referring to that," I aimed a finger at his crotch.

That broke him up, "You will keep the men going I can see I could be larger you have already felt me I haven't had the reverse privilege."

"John you are great looking I would like that big dick sometime can you save some for me."

He leaned over kissed me, "Want to go home?"

I nodded, "Thanks I will make it up to you."

John drove expertly smooth flowing around the roads dropped me at the cab stand opposite the club I kissed his cheek he squeezed my left leg, "Goodnight Fay."

I started down the street to the apartment house about halfway I saw someone struggling with suitcases, "Eve let me help!" I ran up to her we kissed hugged together we dragged those heavy bags to the third floor. No one was around Lawan and Reyna had their doors closed visitors inside for sure. I gave Eve a hand putting her things away I grabbed her wrist, "Let's take a shower to cool off OK?"

Eve was all for it we scampered down to the bathroom naked giggling scrubbing each other my fingers giving her some thrills getting some in return I stood behind her drying her hair, "Eve we thought you were going to be here earlier?"

"I wanted to be but I had to get my stuff from the place I was at so my man couldn't grab it then hide it with a friend turn some tricks for Ang I think he was testing me."


"At the Hilton International downtown a couple of Americans and a Japanese guy they were easy half and half's then I had to avoid my man."

I led her to my room she had a very nice sky blue robe with parrots we lounged on my bed I put lotion on my legs and hers I let my fingers walk up her thigh those blue eyes closed wet sex hard little button so I leaned in to lick. She let out a big sigh her legs opened a highway to love my tongue worked its way in deep swirling around her hot channel fingers exploring the folds. I licked around her rings sucked at the man's name on her sex mound "Ron" I hooked a finger in her clithood ring pulled upwards the fat little clit popped out so cute. Eve's hips were moving rising rotating my whole mouth clamped down on her pussy her juice ran down my chin I dove in deeper trying to lose my tongue she was heating up to boiling.

"Oohh Fay that's so good please don't stop."

I reached up for a nipple ring gently tugging twisting new level of moans the areola tight little bumps on bumps.

One finger in her hole two then three fucking away as I sucked her clit lots of suction she bounced up and down pushing her crotch hard against my hand I loved it sweat flying off her as her body lifted high in orgasm I didn't stop wrenching four or five climaxes from her.

She collapsed back on the pillows, "Fay thanks it was great."

I opened my robe lay full length on Eve we kissed, "My pussy tastes good on your lips."

I rubbed her body slowly with mine gentle soft kisses on my face neck breasts leisurely sucking the nipples like a summer afternoon's nap in the shade nice slow sex. Eve tried to return my affection but I drifted lower licking her abdomen tickling her belly digging into the button with my tongue back to her pussy, "Fay no more please," I captured her clit her hips moved spasmodically.

Her hands gripped my head I worked her sex over she was crying, "Oh Fay soooo gooood."

I pulled a few more orgasms out of her she was drenched in sweat licked some slid onto her again kissing my way up her lovely slender body pulling on her rings as I went sticking the tongue in her mouth.

We lay for some time quiet kissing softly, "Fay you can do that to me anytime."

I smiled down at her kissed her began to slide down she grabbed me, "Not tonight!"

I laughed, "Maybe you should take what you can get," kissing her lips lightly, "I can wait."

"What about you dear roll over I want to lick you now."

Eve's mouth was fabulous she ate me like a tiger sucking licking kissing fingering my pussy, "You have the best pussyass I like this can we sleep together?"

"Sure maybe sixty-nine?"

"NO not for awhile you wore me out."

I was on my stomach her mouth glued to my pussy that tongue gave me the best licking hips pulled up she sucked my clitstick sliding under it along the skin pulling on my chains I was moaning Eve smacked my pussycheeks, "Lover turn back this way."

I rolled sat up looking at her wet lips I kissed her we lay side by side holding each other, "You are the best sex I've had in a long while. Can we do this often will the brothers mind?"

"They haven't shown any problem we had a good eat out and fuck this morning."


"Eve how did you get to Bangkok? Why?"

She told me that a boy friend traveled to Asia asked her to join him in Hong Kong she flew in then they went to Jakarta where he was arrested on some burglary charge. She was also suspected held at a police station the officer in doing the investigation said she would be detained no bail.

"I sat in a cell crying feeling hopeless in the morning a different policeman took me to a room sat me down told me my boyfriend was officially charged I was to be let go. He ushered me to the door of the station told me my bags were in a holding area at the hotel."

Eve got to the hotel by walking she had no money the man at the desk sent her to the manager he told her that the bill had to be paid. Eve knew she had no money in her bags the boyfriend's bags at the police station were out of bounds.

"I left no money no bags I went to several restaurants and nightclubs nearby maybe I could waitress one club wanted me as a dancer "No Touchy just dance" so I did. The other girls were all Indonesians I hoped my looks wouldn't get me in trouble with them if men paid more attention to me."

Eve said she was right there was tension the local men flocked to her area left many tips at a break a girl slapped her she hit back the owner took her to his office.

"I had only some bikini panties on my face hurt I cried the owner let me stay there he brought me a whiskey I calmed down. He sent me to another club the man there put me in a room he started to undress, "I asked what the fuck he was doing he smiled stood there naked began to stroke his cock in my face."

Eve tried to leave he threw her back hit her a few times mounted her screwed her pussy and mouth, "I lay on his couch wet from the fucks he patted my face I pushed his hand away he laughed dressed left I heard the lock hopeless."

"Later two other guys came in they undressed I couldn't keep them off many slaps later I was fucked up the ass to go with their deposits in my mouth and pussy."

"I was tied and gagged moved to a house in the early morning left on the floor in a dark closet no way out laying there I was terrified no one knew me no cared about me."

Eve shivered at the recollection, "Some one opened the door looked in closed the door I was alone again then two men came in they picked me up took to a bed took out the gag and let me loose. One of them as me if I wanted something to drink I nodded he gave me some juice I went to sleep right away. I woke up naked on another bed my arm sore I looked at it puncture marks a young man came in nude large cock for a smallish guy he sat with explained that I was sold to his family I would have to do as they asked I knew I was lost."

Her face was screwed down hard, "His name was Aole he told me to blow him I knelt sucked for all I was worth swallowed he stayed to ass fuck me after a another blowjob to get him up. Over the next few weeks Aole and the men in his family fucked me many a times a day he slept in my mouth several nights a week he put his cock in tied a silk scarf around his hips and my neck. I know he liked me but I was sold again he said for a huge amount I was moved here to Thailand to Pattaya on the coast. A police raid on the whorehouse where I was freed me six months later I wasn't charged I had some money this time came to Bangkok. Tried dancing met my last man he put me to work lots of tricks kept me working everyday now here I am."

"Who marked you?"

"A man I knew in LA I lived with him for 3 years from seventeen to twenty he owned my soul so he marked my body Ron was an eleven inch beer can cock the biggest ever he opened me up so wide cumming pints my life was everything about his prick how to please it warm it blow it take it up my ass. He wanted everybody to recognize his control of me he was my first pimp all my tricks had to fuck me seeing Ron's name back and front."

A low knock, "Come in."

Jian stuck her head in, "Glad you are awake can I join?"

I threw my arm out in welcome Jian lay over us we all kissed, "Jian lick Eve's pussy it's great! Eve you lick me I'll suck Jian."

Slurping sucking began loud noises as we all enjoyed each other Eve took her tongue out, "Jian please fuck me!"

"Oh yes Jian cum in her then I'll get to taste your juices mixed with Eve's."

Jian slid into Eve's wet pussy I lubed a finger worked it up Jian's pussy she moaned wiggled her tush, "Fay that's nice please more!"

They were fucking good I added another finger Jian's hips up and down Eve smiling at me, "Oh Fay I can not last your fingers...."

She shot her sperm into Eve those slender legs wrapped around Jian's narrow waist pushing up for more of the cock, "Aaahhh Jian so nice!"

They kissed Jian pulled me down for some we all had big shit-eating grins, "Jian let Eve suck you while I eat her."

I dined on Eve's gooey pussy eating my favorite girl's cum from a very nice pierced tattooed slit tugging her open by the labia rings easy to eat deep.

We kissed licked caressed for a time Jian had to go back to Jintao, "Fay I will tell you in the morning what I know from him."

Eve slept with me that night she was warm quiet cuddly I woke once she snored very delicately just as the sun showed itself I looked at her face very peaceful I checked Jian's room she was stretching those slender arms up Jintao was washing at the basin. He was guilty looking I gave Jian my raised eyebrows she returned a smile, "Jintao you like Jian's cock?"

He was flustered dressed fast ran out, "Can't he decide not to be embarrassed or what? Didn't he enjoy it?"

"He did he came buckets of cum all over himself I have to change the sheets you want to eat? Where Eve?"

"Still sleeping YES! Eats soon!"

"Me too I'm not asleep any more, " Eve piped up behind me, "I'm starved!"

"Showers let's go!"

I ran off down the hall we splashed washed played took turns drying each other dressed quick I waited on the stairs Jian's arms around me we watched Eve come down her little gold ringed nipples on display, "Do you have a clean top I can borrow?"

I had white short shorts blue sleeve-less blouse that stopped below my nipples I lent Eve the blue and yellow halter-top, "Nice soft Thanks Fay."

Jian had a pair of impossibly small shorts elastic gripping every square inch a cutoff t-shirt that was having a hard time covering her small pears. We were traffic stoppers the walk was nice it was cool the promise of a warm day sun glinting off a pagoda roof at Junky's we found out where Chou was. Dear Mr. Chou was a naked statue of a well-fucked man holding his hearts desire in his mouth. Reyna was holding court Chou her abject slave her smile was radiant, "Well pretty girls come in."

We leaned over Chou to kiss her cheek then clustered around a table the waitress brought toasted bread coffee juice we fed our bellies, "All night?" I asked Reyna gesturing towards Chou.

She nodded, "Heng had him at the bathhouse many friends of Heng fucked him."

"Jintao is looking for him although not to hard last night if you get me," I pointed to Jian.

Reyna laughed, "And now?"

"Well I scared him away from Jian a little while ago like a rabbit he ran."

Reyna stood up pushed her cock into Chou all the way, "Chou we need to go you have to be somewhere I will fuck you more later."

Reyna slid into her skirt Chou was wrapped in a sarong and led off.

We giggled at his total submission to Reyna, "He is going to have a hard time leaving her," I knew he was mixed in all this somehow yeah right HOW?

"Hey girls I have to work on my demo for the railroad guys this evening but we could shop some first ok?"

Eve nudged my ribs, "You are really becoming a girl shop first always!"

The three of us holding hands strolled down the street looking shops buying fruit Eve got some toiletries I found a cute bag Ang was waiting he told me I had a visitor Jian too Eve he patted her crotch, "Let us know each other more."

I had a shock Yai, Fung's shadow was sitting on my bed, "I told you would see me again."

He gave one of his nasty smiles I cringed he took my things put them aside closed the door he came up behind me reached around undid my top put it on the chair he seemed to be moving in slow motion I waited for him to do something that would hurt.

He turned me about the smile was different now it lost its edge he opened my shorts slid them down so I could step free my panties went next he pulled them down slowly they slid ever so unhurriedly a long drawn out movement. He took each nipple ring in hand pulled gently rolled them a bit, "Do they hurt?"

I shook my head he moved his hands to my sides they slid down my skin to the belly chain a slight tug he held the disk, "You like this?"

I nodded his fingers played over my belly resting on my hip bones he looked me in the eyes, "Do not be afraid."

Now his smile was almost friendly had to be on my guard for sure he pulled me close kissing my lips lightly small darting peeks then a long deep one his arms at my waist mine around his neck.

That kiss lasted we reluctantly broke, "Fay lay down."

I watched him undress he leaned over me kissing me, "Open your legs."

He laid his slender body on mine cock rigid between us rubbing it on my belly through the chain pre-cum lubing my skin, "Nice belly I like this."

His voice was loving gentle we kissed he raised my legs slid down tongue entered my pussy ooohhh he had a talented tongue he looked up at me bright eyes his hips came up cock on target glided in.

"Fay hot pussy I fuck you now."

No kidding he fucked me alright hard long strokes prick all out then all in rotating the cock rolling around inside me he mashed his lips on mine.

Yai's prick was swollen it seemed to fill my pussy completely his use of it stretched me very wide he kept going side to side rolling it I moaned out loud he turned me over moving between my legs splitting them scissoring me.

He straddled my right leg drove that fat cock in holding my left up one hand on the left the other stroking my belly breasts crotch he pistoned my pussy hard thumping against me. We worked together his erection like an iron bar balls swaying he paused looking down at me, "You like my cock now?"

"Oh yes I adore it!"

Yai turned me once more lancing into my kneeling body hands on my hips pulling me backwards as he drove ahead we mashed together testicles rebounding slapping flesh he was going very fast driving for his orgasm, "Oh Yai .....yes its good!"

He grunted at each plunge into me I was ready to scream when I felt my belly turn over my own orgasm swept me Yai's climax exploded cum lots of cum in my pussy.

He collapsed on my back I lowered myself flat he lay inert he made sounds of enjoyment began to gently pet me, "Fay I like this fuck better."

"Yai why didn't you do this before?"

"Could not show softness strong tough for Fung."

"Why do you care about that with Fung?"

"He is my boss I want to be rough man for him business you know."

Macho toughie stuff well who was I to say I was guilty of some of that, "Yai let me turn over."

He raised up I was on my back open legs he used me as a mattress we stared into each other's eyes, "Yai you steal for a living?"

"Yes much stealing I have hurt people no killing bad for business Fung he is not so careful I know... you kill police take big interest I want to getaway no be caught."

"Many things you can do police not worry much they let it go that is what I want no danger."

I caressed his face, "You won't hurt me any more?"

"Maybe if Fung around I have to but I like you I want to come back and sleep all night OK?"

I couldn't ask for more I just needed to avoid Fung could I use Yai or was this nice fuck just a way to use me maybe they knew I was checking them out. Oh sure the double cross I was getting paranoid just be cool.

"Yai I have to get ready for a meeting downtown you want to shower with me?"

We walked his arm around my hips I washed him slowly caressing as much as cleaning he was gentle fingers doing nice things in my pussy I sat on a bench as he dried me I smiled he gave me a brilliant one in return.

He watched me dress propped on my pillows black short sleeve blouse stopped above my chain black and white tartan skirt settled on my hips black heels small purse laptop Yai slipped on his clothes, "Can I drive you?"

I put on some of the jasmine paste, "I would like that."

"Fay about tonight is it ok do you have some one else?"

"Not that I know I very much want you."

As he drove I sat close he kissed me at stops he parked near the railroad building he held my face kissed me very gently, "Fay call me for a ride back ok?"

"I will if you want unless they have plans I don't know about."

He wrote down his cell number I leaned in the driver's window kissed him walked toward the office building I looked back several times trying to puzzle where I stood with him now really different or...?"

It was just three o'clock I had several hours to work with before Kavnu arrived for our session to get ready for the railroad board meeting I used the same corner office hooked up the laptop checked email. My boss agreed to sent some dummy files warning me to be careful with the real info we exchanged emails he was reassured. I gave him a complete rundown on the project he was prepared to send out staff when the railroad board decided he told me I was to be the lead employee.

I left it at that no big disclosures now later after we had the contract tied up I setup more fake data for the snoopers the inter-connection concept looked more viable with the junk London made up and sent on.

I was Mata Hari slinky spy sex object what an item for a resume I called John the Englishman's number, "Hi you know my voice?"

"Yes are you at the meeting site?"


"Meet me at the coffeehouse across the street twenty minutes."


Toby wasn't in I left a message, "Please contact the computer girl tonight."

Code words sneaky message quiet meetings childish feeding the fantasies Joan Bond maybe time to get a gun more maybe time to make Yai roll over on Fung use him to find out all of this. Fung had to be worker at the point he was rough ruthless if Yai were separated....

I got the coffeehouse as John sat down I ordered big smile on his face I could see across the room slid into the old wooden booth next to him, "Glad to see you," he kissed my cheek, "Looking good you go to business meetings dressed like that?"

"Well it seemed conservative black and white you know," I was laughing he rested a hand on my right thigh.

"I have news your brothers are involved in moving information and technology to certain companies in mainland China ah, proving to a court will not be simple there are many layers but I have worked my way through a few."

John told about the transfers of info also of contacts Ang and Heng had people in and out of their businesses his hand caressed my leg stopping when my coffee arrived we sat there for half an hour I looked around the cafe as he spoke low into my ear, "Be careful around Fung he has killed."

"What about his shadow Souvom?"

"He is a techie and courier known criminal associations no violence unlike Fung although he and Fung have done things together he has never been arrested."

John's eyebrows shot up when I let him in on my relationship with Yai Souvom then I changed the subject I reviewed my fake networking scheme and London's help, "Have you talked with Toby?"

John avoided that, "How much more dummy stuff can you fix I want them to be hooked into wanting more draw them down the garden path."

"I will ask for more do you think they will try to do something to me?"

"No you are the source now they will want to leave that pipe open watch out for Souvom he will likely see that Fung is a big cash cow for him."

"OK now what about Toby don't dodge."

"I called him we met he is hot to bust these guys feather in his cap a South African computer company got zapped by them last year. He can be a bull charging stomping on things not under control so I am wary."

His fingers were investigating my panties; "My wife and kids are back come over for dinner later like nine o'clock."

"I have the board meeting at seven I don't know how long it will take."

"Come over anyway I will give you the latest here's the address."

His hand was in my crotch one finger stroking my pussy palm pressing on my locked back clit, "So nice I want to be in you!"

He kissed me stuck that lucky finger in his mouth, "MMMmmm you are sweet."

Udorn came in my temporary office, "You keep this room OK?"

I hugged him; "Thanks at this point London says I'm to be the project leader if your board Okays it."

"Not to worry they will love it Kavnu called he is on the way I have three laptops for you can you connection them?"

"Yes Kavnu will help me while we review everything."

Udorn's arm around my waist gave me a squeeze, "Can I tell you story?"

I looked at his face he was happy, "Yes please."

Udorn went home after our sex still excited he made love to his wife first time in several years she responded they had great passion, "I told her that we had sex described you and the sex she held my cock I was hard we did it again she said that she missed me inside her and that you had awaken my need."

I was stumped for a moment Udorn face was all smiles, "I'm glad she wasn't mad at you or me is she still ok with it?"

"Yes we have had sex everyday."

Udorn kissed me I returned it happy for having done something good by having gotten an easy virtue with my changes, "Udorn you are a lucky man!"

We parted I sat down Kavnu came in he shook hands with Udorn I got a kissed cheek, "Good to see you Fay!"

Udorn told us if we needed anything call him I held Kavnu's hand he stroked my belly those brown eyes on mine, "Kavnu before we get started...."

I stroked his cock now rising in his pants he nodded I knelt took it out delicious dick I devoured sucking his cock was soooo nice his face showed the enjoyment he felt lots of pre-cum sweet slippery I bobbed up and down. Kavnu slipped back sat down with a thump my lips didn't lose the prize a first class blowjob delivered slurping the shaft feeling it twitch I pressed my tongue on the blood vessels the pulsing was very erotic.

I opened my blouse pulled a hand to my titties nibbling along the side of that nice dick I worked down to the balls struggling to get his pants out of the way his moans grew louder as those cum producers got my full treatment.

Licking balls very pleasant work warm soft outer hard center his musky scent I couldn't get to his anus those damn pants wet a finger worked it over the tight ring more wetness digging it in back to the cock deep throating nose in his sparse pubic hair tongue flicked out to the balls up then in to the max.

He was lifting up now jerky hips rock cock ready to cum I gobbled it completely held on as he climaxed three four five good loads several small aftershocks my forehead pressed to his belly. He had been holding onto the chair arms so tightly his knuckles were white he relaxed slowly I kept the cock it had been one of my best, "Oh Fay you are so good please kiss me."

I climbed into his lap we kissed he tasted himself smiling, "I hope you like my taste."

"I do you are sweet you gave me lots of cum."

"I have not touched myself waiting for this."

That was exceptionally polite a man foregoing pleasure to have even more later, "Kavnu tomorrow at the rail yard we have to fuck I want your cock in my pussy."

"I will be ready for you."

"Now we have to get going on this presentation."

I used the bathroom cleaned up new face we began with connecting the laptops to mine for the board members to try the searching themselves easy done quick Kavnu got the cables and a switch all sharing setup.

We then did some data tweaking to make it faster a borrowed printer got some info and layouts for each board member, "We should be good now I'm going to make a few calls and check email then maybe we get something to drink?"

Kavnu was in favor of that I got several new fake data files from London Toby was in, "Can we meet?"

He said not tonight, "Tomorrow afternoon at Choy's do you know it?"

"No where?"

"Choy's is an Hawaiian restaurant I know the people you ask for me it is on

Witthayu Road near the US embassy good food and they have the only supply of Kona's Big Wave Ale."

"Always the stomach Toby?"

"I have done without before why should I now?"

"You're right sorry!"

"No harm late lunch say one o'clock or so."


Kavnu suggested a small cafe behind the building we on stools he was known there the owner put some hot broth down it smelt wonderful, "You like this good to get you going."

I could taste the cumin pepper cloves also sweet maybe nutmeg slender noodles onions it went down as fast as the heat would allow I had some tears Kavnu's handkerchief was offered I dabbed my eyes.

"Good yes?"

I croaked out a yes iced tea came to save my throat he smiled some small dumplings arrived, "Shrimp ok?"

I nodded they were delicately browned chopstick size savory insides I munched a few down giving the old man behind the counter a big smile. "Tell him his food is wonderful."

Kavnu's translation brought forth a toothy grin he bowed I did too a torrent of words Kavnu put his arm around my waist, "He says you are prettiest white woman he ever see."

"Please thank him."

We walked back to the building Kavnu took me in his arms kissing me deeply I responded our kiss lasted for some time, "You are finest person I have known."

My chin was down I couldn't say anything to that he cupped my face, "I can love you I know you have many thoughts now you do not have to say anything."

More tears no spicy soup this time he held me close I wrapped my arms around him, "I need to fix my face again."

He laughed patted my bottom, "Go I get projector started."

Comments to: abecker60@yahoo.co.uk

Next: Chapter 15

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