
By A becker

Published on Sep 28, 2005


Note: the following is copyrighted material. You may post on other systems but full credit given and no changes made in any way.

While I would be thrilled for this to be true it isn't.

Jian 12 < or My Bangkok Days 12 >

Lawan gave me my purse we strolled as lovers down the street I sniffed the air good smells exotic humid air cooling off scent of the river I was a young thing being escorted home on an island paradise promise of love.

In my room Hiro took me in his arms, "Kiss me beautiful."

I did.

"Slim you want to love me now?"

"Oh yes Steve undress me."

Naked we lay quiet his heart beating against my chest I stroked his hair sliding my fingers through the soft dark strands.

"Fay I will back in two months will you consider leaving with me?"

A ton of bricks landed knowing that Hiro liked me was a long way to this my job up in the air a new life just beginning did I want to be Hiro's paramour what about his wife kids oh trouble.

"Hiro you don't know much about me or I you. How would I live? Where? Too fast! I love being with you your cock gives me pleasure I want more of it but where to go..."

Hiro covered my mouth with his kissing deeply passion swelling a hard cock poked me, "Fay roll over!"

I opened my legs Hiro moved his penis right to my pussy a long slow stroke he was in balls hanging next to me tongues tangled his strong fingers caressing me holding me tight his pelvis mashing me down.

"Take my prick take it deep Fay open wide!"

I did that cock was masterful rigid swollen to a huge size his friction setting my pussy alight I was burning up for this man stroke after stroke he overpowered me taking my guts. When he withdrew I had that empty feeling made better by the firm down thrust Hiro's pre-cum made me so slick I lifted my legs opening more, "Oh Hiro fuck me I'm your bitch fuck...."

He plowed every inch of me sucked my nipples kissed me his hips were like a machine rhythmically driving a metronome thumping out his tune in my pussy.

His groans grew louder the thrusts shorter jabbing me hard quick his spasms began I was flushed heat soaring through me, "Oh my man cum cum for me Hiro in me!!"

The orgasm he blasted into me was his best five powerful shots hard jams then he gave me more slower softer he buried his face in my neck my arms encircled that head holding my lover firmly.

His cock softened my ankles were crossed behind his back gripping he kissed my neck I licked some sweat from his, "Hiro I'm for you!"

We were quiet for a while getting our breath hearts slowing I lowered my legs dropping my ankles over his kissing him slowly lightly, "Fay I do not know how it would work out I want to be around you."

"I want you! I hope we can be together I need to do things before I can make any decisions you have to deal with your family I don't want to be a housewife....Oh I don't know there's a lot..."

I ran out of gas there were many more things it was too soon I hadn't explored my new life SHIT!!

Hiro was silent now just holding me he could feel my tension kissing my neck softly, "Fay I am sorry I must not push I just want you so."

I petted him gently tried to quiet myself, "Hiro it's late."

I slid down pulled the sheet up took his sex kissed it caressed the warm head licked the soft shaft laid my head on a pillow engulfed him. He rested a hand on my neck we lay peacefully drifted off I woke still dark put him in my mouth again went back to sleep.

The light was coming up Ang's face was near mine he whispered, "Fay wakeup. I want you to come with me."

He eased the sheet back I crawled out slowly Hiro slept on Ang took my hand I knelt in the bathroom it was quiet, "Lick my ass!"

I parted his cheeks leaned in tongue working the entire crack then buried in the hot tight hole, "MMMMMM eat my ass enjoy!"

My tongue wormed its way in very hot a bit of grit musky tang Ang's muscles tensed, "Eat me Fay taste me!"

I slobbered his anus, "Turn around Fay time to drink!"

Ang's piss flowed in when he was done I was dick slapped for a few minutes, "No club for you tonight many visitors."

I showered after that washing my mouth carefully I felt he was warming up to something worse.

Ang called me into his room he was nude, "Take me in."

I knelt again sucked his cock, "Now go wake your lover kiss him with my cock taste I will drive you to your meeting after you eat with him."

I wiped my mouth before kissing Hiro obedient not slimy he woke easily lips to dick licking like a lollipop, "We have to get going you need a shave and some breakfast."

Hiro ran his fingers through my hair mouth playing peek-a-boo with cockhead tongue flicking across peeslit, "Ok Slim wash up time."

We dashed to the bathroom lathering his back was nice I licked that cute little butt we were squeaky clean kissing rubbing towels on each other Hiro opened a guest pack used the razor I styled my hair put on demure makeup

White short-sleeved blouse tucked in a black pleated skirt white-strapped sandals little black purse.

He smiled as he dressed, "You look very nice but sexy you can not help yourself."

Lovely thought I grabbed my laptop we walked to Junky's a small surprise Reyna was sitting legs open no skirt Chou sucking her cock very naked she waved, "Good morning."

"Have you two been at it all night?"

`Yes Chou is an excellent cocksucker we slept a little."

She pointed to Chou's crotch soft fat cock I gave her a hug whispering, "What are you going to do with him?"

"I am going to sleep soon he will keep my cock warm," she gave me a wicked grin.

Hiro started on the toasted bread I took my pills the orange juice was so pleasant we munched Reyna got up put her skirt on wrapped a sarong on Chou kissed my cheek led him off.

"She fucked him all night now to sleep in his mouth."

Hiro hugged me, "Like us."

"Almost when is your plane?"

"Noon I will pack and be off I have your address your email I will send you a cell phone pre-paid for us do not mentioned it to Ang."

He held my face, "What I brought up last night let us take time to work on it I know you want me we just have to prepare the ground."

"Well farmer Hiro you need to plow my field more sow more seed," I broke him up we laughed holding each other ending it all with a long kiss.

"You know Father's old fashioned you will have to ask him for my hand," Hiro almost spit out his coffee.

The waitress came over pointed towards the street, "I guess Ang is here."

We dropped Hiro at the cabstand for a second time we kissed he pressed something in the front of my skirt, "I will call you tonight."

Ang didn't know he was leaving I sat alongside him the drive was longer through city traffic I ran up the stairs Ang told me to call for him the offices were in a modern building glass nothing well it was air conditioned.

Kavnu rose when I approached, "We have a few minutes to review OK?"

"I need the girls room."

In the stall I looked at what Hiro pushed into my skirt a wad of bahts and a name telephone number of a trusted friend the note said "in case."

Right at ten we were ushered in the three board members and Udorn were at a long table I hooked the laptop to a projector I began giving them an overview going into the scheme on the ground then showing them the demo data they quickly learned how to do searches for specific items. They were like kids trying find difficult items it all went well I waited in Udorn's office at the window he came over, "You did very well they were impressed with you as much as your demo."

I smiled, "I hope they like the system more."

"No they like the whole package they want you to do it one more time for the entire board Monday evening can you?"

"Yes what time? The same room?"

"Yes the room is the same there will be twelve in all at seven o'clock."

"Ok I want to refine the data can we have another computer so they could all try the demo?"

Udorn told me to make a list of needs he held my hand, "I want to take you to lunch OK?"

I agreed Kavnu had to go to the yard he begged off I hugged him, "Team we did good! Can we meet Monday before the meeting? Here? Can you give me your number I may have questions."

At five o'clock it was set he left with a kiss Udorn called down for his car we drove to a western restaurant in the Hilton steaks chops etc I had a salad boring stupid people all around Udorn seemed to think it was status I guess I was being shown off.

"Fay the board members wanted to know if you would be the one to run the entire project?"

"That's not up to me I would have the most local knowledge but there are more senior engineers they might like to do it. Also there is the question whether they will keep me on."

I asked if I could use an office to do some work Udorn put me in a nice corner space view of the river I did email cleaned up some of the data checked on my hunch that my laptop had been played with there was a trail for me to follow few people would know about.

Files had been accessed some copying also attempts to cover the tracks all info about the networking had been looked at well now do I encrypt or make a false trail for them to follow oh let's have fun twenty minutes later juicy junk info was now available the real good stuff very well hidden.

If Ang or .... wants the rail networking stuff then what else it had limited use for most everyone. I kicked back rewinding the last week Hiro sold computers Ronnie worked for IBM Ni programmed for Cisco Reyna did Telco work Jian did government contract audits.

Can all this be connected? It's not the same related yes... did it have to be interrelated or just general technology perhaps then there was that asshole Saul a weirdo sadist with his buddy Fung did they fit in they did business with Ang and Heng were they criminals then where did Chou fit in from Shanghai with his idiot assistant.

I wasn't fond of this all confusion but there was a definite act my laptop had been messed with twice. A talk with Jian was a start five o'clock where would she be I called the club she was expected at eight.

A taxi dropped me at the stand opposite the club I walked to the apartment Jian was napping I put on my robe took the money from Hiro hid it under the edge of the sink wedged in the porcelain with all the rest I lay beside her she rolled close nudged me with her chin sleepy, "Kiss me Fay."

My pleasure light little pecks, "Jian can we talk?"

She opened those brown eyes looked my face over, "Something wrong dear?"

I asked her about her work she audited contracts for government communication projects I told her about my laptop tried to make sense of the other stuff she sat up her eyes latched onto me, "Saul he asked me a lot about that he is a shit always wanting to know how it was done."

We got nervous Jian checked on Ang we sat on her balcony I told her about my fake info a pretend new project for interconnecting different systems supposedly I downloaded it from the London office.

"They are stealing? Who do they sell to?"

I told her I didn't have the answer, "I can't talk to the others tonight I am doing visitors."

"Tomorrow you do go to railroad?"

"No maybe we can compare our ideas with the others will they tell Ang?"

"They are not fond of him."

"I was he was my first man nice to me," I coughed choking a bit.

Jian kissed me, "Strange can there be much money?"

"Oh yes industrial spying stealing secrets a lot of money we are always being briefed on other companies failures in security."

I lay back on the lounge Jian used me as her mattress I cupped her tiny pussycheeks, "Is there anything to this or am I getting in a twist for nothing?"

"You have made me think also. Let us talk to the others then maybe we know when I worked many contracts had great detail much information available. "

Jian slid up her cock slipped into my mouth, "MMMmmm!"

"Fay let us move to the bed."

I knelt before my goddess sucking her Jian slowly laid back I followed her penis right on down tastes so good.

"Oh that is nice Fay let me fuck you now!"

I was on my belly that divine dick moving in Jian romped my pussy riding me hard fast, "Fay so good pussy hot!"

I was burning up wanting her cum to put out my fire, "Fuck me Jian hard I need you!"

Small drops of sweat landed on my back Jian gripped my waist plunging her cock in fully at each stroke I tried to use my pussy hole to give her more pleasure squeezing releasing her hips moved right left up down angling into me I adored her my first cock.

"Fay I cum now!" Her cock short jabbed into me a big deep thrust her cum shot off my pussy enjoyed it Jian laid over my back her little pears pressed against me.

"So good Jian stay on me."

She kissed my neck shoulders back rubbing my muscles, "You feel good Fay smooth nice skin your pussy you very good."

I loved Jian I looked over my shoulder, "Jian let me turn over."

She laid back down on me we kissed for a long time enjoying our lips the sensual feel of our mouths so pleasant she sucked my tongue licked my teeth moaned when I slipped two wet fingers into her pussy.

She stiffened as I explored her pussy her kissing became more passionate we clung to each other cock firm on my belly she rubbed it over my mound, "Fay lift your legs."

I felt the thrill her sex glided right in linked to my love we were matched Jian's cock my pussy, "Fay I love you!"

My kisses answered that covering her face neck arms her cock moving slowly exploring me her small ball sack lightly touching nipples stroking my skin.

Jian fondled my pussy inside out her cock gave me several orgasms they swept over me my body heat spiking up like hot embers in my belly she stayed hard a long time giving us both much pleasure, "Oh Fay I am close."

"Jian let me suck you please please I want your cum!"

She climbed over my head lowered into me strong suction she jerked up I gripped her hips pulling her back down she fucked my mouth her back arched cum spurted sweet cream I gobbled it all letting it slide into my stomach.

Jian fell over me exhausted shaking I wrapped myself around her, "Jian I love you!"

Her arms squeezed me we lingered melting into one the best.

The room was warm we cooled dozing close suddenly I wanted us to be a pair forever I kissed her cheek we went to sleep.

Jain was awake cuddled closer her hipbones digging into mine, "Fay you are skinnier sex is good for you."

I giggled pinching her cute bottom, "Ow Fay! Come shower with me."

We ran silly laughing to the bathroom mutual washing began clean dry ready for primping we walked hand in hand to our rooms me to prepare for visitors Jian to the club. She stuck her head in my door, "Do we have time to eat?"

Ang wasn't around I threw on black short shorts white sleeve-less blouse I was showing a lot of skin we strolled to Junky's good spicy noodles mango juice my pills, "Fay I have to tell you I put pills Ang gave me in your drinks first night he told me to I did not know what they would do..."

She started to cry my heart opened my love for this beautiful woman never-ending, "Jian it's ok I have known that I could leave I wanted my life to change Ang and Heng were an excuse for me I wouldn't alter what has happened we are sisters lovers that is the most important thing."

I kissed away Jian's tears her cheeks red I pressed close, "Jian we will be together!"

Arms around each other's waist we walked home in my room she kissed me, "I will talk with the others tonight."

Ang called me he was speaking to some one in Thai waving his hand he started yelling down the phone a final bit he hung up, "You have visitor coming soon be ready."

I put on my white with yellow lace nightie fixed my face a knock the man was slender hard-looking dark skin maybe not Thai he closed the door I waited he started to undress I went to help he waved me away pointed to the bed I sat nude he played with his cock near my mouth. I watched him masturbate in five minutes I wore his cum he slapped me with the cock washed himself left no words at all I washed and waited.

Mr. Do the jeweler who made my ownership disks was at my door he pushed it closed small dark a bit bent over he opened my nightie stroked my crotch smiling something in Thai he pulled the ribbon at the neck it slid off he motioned to me to undress him unbuttoning the shirt he twisted my nipples kneeling his shoes came off pants underwear short cock narrow small balls almost no hair.

I sucked on that little dick he liked it breath was short right away hips bouncing forward put me face down cock up my ass fucked by this tiny cock he didn't last long squirting a slight amount in me his heaving chest on my back.

He was slow to recover no washing clothes on left some bahts out the door no one was hanging around tonight.

It was more than an hour before the next five foot six muscular nice face, "You look nice."

Halting but clear, "Please help me undress."

He had fine skin sparse hair I took a fat six incher inside good plump head wide peeslit tongue going in there musky taste an all-day taste he sat on the bed my head in his lap. He stroked my hair pulled me onto the bed that fine cock rigid on my back legs sticking up he plowed right in hard fucking straight to the point.

He could fuck lots of stamina after ten minutes of continual stroking he moved me to the scissors slamming into me harder he held my left leg up pistoning my pussy what muscles hard thighs driving that prick like an engine over I went on my belly he lifted my hips shoved some pillows in there fucking down. He ground me down plunging repeatedly at last GAWD the thrusts were shorter more urgent I was holding the bed edge for dear life he came. Six or more blasts followed by a brief rapid stroking in me well he got his moneys worth.

"Can I wash you?"

He waved me off I lay there watching him wash and dress sorry to see the muscles go sore pussy though he left a nice tip said he would return big smile.

I cleaned up fixed the bedclothes ready for more Ang asked about Hiro I told him he couldn't come tonight.

Ang came back after a while took off my nightie led me to the sink pushed me down, "Open up!"

He peed for a long time filling my stomach wet dick slapped against my cheeks Ang pushed me over the side of the bed fucked me brutally for ten minutes wiped his cock on my face he turned at the door, "Sleep tonight!"

Washed him off me then stood on the balcony smelling the night air, "Fay are you here?"

I turned Lawan was at the door I walked over we kissed, "Jian said I should talk to you."

I pulled her to the bed door shut, "What is it?"

"Jian talked with the others I listened told her what I did she said tell you everything."

Lawan spoke French worked at the embassy as a secretary, "I needed money to buy house for my parents we were so poor a friend told me about a club rich foreigners came to have sex with Thai boys girls kathoey."

She went there had sex with several Americans they paid well got grabbed by cops passed on by them to Ang he put her to work at his club she stayed workdays for the French. Ang wanted information about embassy layout and more Lawan told him the money was important.

"I am ashamed now but then... I left the French after embassy was robbed I could not be there any more that Fung was around a lot always with Ang or Heng then gone for a long time."

I held her hand, "It's ok you didn't know what to do family is important."

I pulled her clothes off her clitstick locked back soft nearly flat I kissed her we lay side by side kissing touching, "You have not been with me I want you OK?"

I was great for me I sucked her nipples very small bars pierced in cute titties mmmmm nice to lick lots of tongue action Lawan's head was arched back enjoying I traced my tongue down her lightly muscled belly Heng's initial on her sex mound. I lifted her legs moved in licking her pussy tongue rimming that lovely little hole I slurped her clitstick running my tongue under it back and forth sucking at the ringed head.

She moaned as I buried my face in her crack slurping top to bottom forcing my tongue in digging in her deep as possible her musk was so delicate slight vanilla flavor.

Lawan let me eat her for a long time gradually her legs came down she turned her body we sixty-nined her taste so nice she loved eating me I could feel her pleasure the way the tongue and fingers worked on me. My mouth was getting tired, "Fay come kiss me."

We slid together her beautiful face close we held on tight, "Lawan you are so nice I like this."

We lay alongside one another petting gently little kisses caresses I stroked her from shoulder to knee soft skin so smooth under my hand.

We dozed off entwined lovers I woke in the dark a low voice, "Fay wake up."

Jian whispered to come to the balcony, "I found some one who may help."

She spent some time with the black man from South Africa he was a cop of sorts she said he worked at their embassy on crime stuff, "He will be in club tonight."

Jian got a big hug and kiss, "Good you tell him anything?"

"No just asking questions bought him some drinks big hands under my skirt," she winked.

She joined me in bed with Lawan we spooned we drifted off quickly I woke first the sun up the room bright my lovely guests stirred Heng was at the door motioning to me. He hooked fingers in my belly chain drew close, "Get robe on go to bathhouse you have morning visitor."

Pink robe black heeled mules I clunked across the street at the counter in the front room the policeman Goran waited for me we went to the shower area.

He had a big body largest Thai man I had seen four inches of soft uncut cock belly jutted out huge thighs he pulled me in the shower with soaping me I returned the favor he groped my pussy fat fingers. We got in the bath hot fragrant, "Sit on the edge."

My legs dangled in the water he moved between them gripping my ankles lifting up he leaned in sucking my pussy licking me thoroughly he held both my ankles in one hand fingered my pussy slurping my crack tonguing my clitstick he raised his head, "You are nice good taste."

He moved up against me seven inch hard-on bounding up and down he took it in his hand aimed it at me popped the head in oohh nice fat head fat cock the shaft followed slowly he was in fully.

He smiled down at me, "We fuck long time."

He didn't lie great stamina that prick roamed about my pussy after fifteen minutes or so he rolled me on my side ramming home hard fast still no hurry to cum. One hand on my side the other steadied my legs he heaved that cock in to its max at every stroke his balls rebounded from my left pussycheeks, "You good fuck good cunt!"

His breath was getting short after thirty five minutes my sex was wide open sore ready for his juice the cock was jabbing me now shorter and shorter thumps against me. His left pinched at my waist the prick was at max splitting me open gushing cum flooding my pussy rigid cock jammed in hard holding like a vise.

He yelled out something in Thai then laid over me chest smushing me heavy belly he took a while to come down he gave me pats and slowly spoke, "You best fuck work for Heng long time I fuck you often."

He seemed proud to be able to offer me his dick like I couldn't get a better offer well guys do have ego problems when they think they just made a girl's day by giving a sloppy pussy and sore muscles.

Goran told me he had to go on duty quick washed his cock dressed I soaked in the bath watching him he waved me over to the edge kissed me and split.

Reyna came in with Chou she pointed him over to the old woman she de-haired him sent to the enema seat Reyna showered climbed in the bath with me I washed her back played with her pussy from behind reached around for her cock Heng walked in.

He dropped his robe motioning for Chou to come to him Heng took his time probing Chou's mouth Reyna whispered that she had been fucking him a lot he was submissive Heng put him on his belly mounted him. Heng was taking no prisoners in Chou's ass pounding away Reyna sat on the edge of the bath I sucked her cock enjoying its size I heard Heng speak to some one a splash hands on my hips hot breath hard cock moving in. Reyna's hand kept my head down the man fucking me had a good grip strong legs he made little waves driving in parking his dick staying for a bit then pulling out briefly.

My unknown fucker had powerful strokes I could feel they were shortening up though he was close hard jabs hurting my hips digging into my flesh OH yes he was cumming several strong blasts he was done leaned on me.

Reyna tasted good nice filling for my mouth her cream was so sweet she fucked a lot that made for good sweet cream her hand released me I didn't take my mouth off her too fine. My partner in back pulled out splashed away from me after two sharp whacks on my pussycheeks.

I turned Mr. Kang had enjoyed me again he had big smile Reyna's arms around my shoulders she kissed my head, "Thank you Fay you suck so good."

I pressed back onto her we cuddled Mr. Kang washed himself showered wrapped a towel around his mid-section departed. Heng had finished in Chou he lowered himself into the bath Chou followed Heng washed left us said something to Reyna in Thai.

"Chou when you are clean Heng wants you to go to his office behind the front counter OK?"

Chou nodded "Chou you never got to put that fat cock in me too late now?"

He gave me a shy smile I didn't get him he had wanted me bad now was a sperm dump I tilted my head back looking up into Reyna's eyes her lips had a sly curve to them. She spoke into my ear, "He never had a cock before me I think he is amazed."

Chou dried himself Reyna told him were to go we finished up too rubbed each other dry I was feeling good hungry, "Breakfast?"

"Yes should check on the others?"

We strolled across the road Jian was brushing her hair Lawan sitting on Jian's bed chatting, "Eat?"

A chorus of yeses we dressed short shorts little tops Reyna's shorts were bigger than mine this time we giggled about it, "Has anyone seen Eve?"

Jian said she thought Ang sent to a trick in a hotel last night, "He told me she is to move in today up next to Reyna."

Holding hands the group wandered to Junky's they cooked us eggs we laughed gossiped generally had a good time we took our pills on the way back we turned left crossed the river to a little park sitting on the grass we had privacy.

Reyna told us that John her special friend might be able to advise us he had a important job at his embassy Jian let them know about Toby the South African I would talk to him tonight Reyna would call John to come to the club.

Comments to: abecker60@yahoo.co.uk

Next: Chapter 13

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