
By A becker

Published on Sep 22, 2005


Note: the following is copyrighted material. You may post on other systems but full credit given and no changes made in any way.

While I would be thrilled for this to be true it isn't.

Jian 11 < or My Bangkok Days 11 >

He fell over on the floor beside me chest heaving choking for breath I rubbed his belly to slow down the gasping I laid on him gently kissing his face arms neck chest he slowly calmed down he had been yelling in Thai incoherently he recovered enough to croak out, "I sorry too much."

I kissed him, "It's ok everything is ok."

I moved my mouth to his cock took it in lovingly suckled it a treasure nice warm tasty very filling.

Fifteen minutes later it seemed like it never happened except for the pain in my pussy clean fixed up we departed the shed to go to the office VP Udorn was coming for the test.

As we walked my pussy burned some I was getting laid a lot I liked it no one seemed to mind, "Tarek I will not be here tomorrow there is a meeting I have to be at."

"I understand I will miss your sex."

We were in the open he didn't touch me whispering; "I want fuck you again now."

I appreciated the sentiments, "Next week I will be here."

Udorn was with Kavnu we all sat down around my laptop Kavnu described what we had done I detailed what the demo would show with the mock data Kavnu and Tarek went out to the sensor site with the test barcodes.

"We will be able to read the barcodes and with the test shipping lists see where different items are."

Udorn sat close looking at the screen the cell phone chirped, "We are ready Fay."

"Start scanning the batch I will call when we are ready for the others."

The data began to flow into the software Udorn watched carefully, "Oh I do not have my glasses."

"Lean in closer I will brighten the screen."

Udorn's breath was on my cheek warm cinnamon his arm was over the back of the chair we watched the data come in I showed him how to bring up the shipping containers contents how they would be able to track each shipment. He was excited, "Fay this is very good I know the board will be happy."

He kissed my cheek the arm was around my shoulders the right hand rested on my skin near my skirt hem, "You smell very nice."

That right hand moved between my thighs he opened my legs held my crotch rubbing me fingers through my panty waist warm hand cupping me, "Fay you are so sexy."

The cell phone went off I told Kavnu it was working great to start sending the other three batches so we would have a large sample to use for the demo. Udorn's left held my head his kisses on my cheek neck he was removing my panties he went under my skirt to look at my old sex the tongue was a shocker he licked me from sex mound to pussy lifting my legs he pulled me forward that lovely tongue entered me, "OOHH Udorn you shouldn't let me..."

I gasped two fingers were in tongue circling he knew what to do, "Udorn please let me suck you."

He didn't respond except with deeper fingers more tongue he ate me for five minutes he sat back on his haunches, "You taste very nice please undress so I can see all."

I stood nude he knelt kissing licking my legs bent back clitstick nibbling my pussycheeks sucking my ringed nipples tongue explored my navel back of my knees, "Fay I like your body turn around bend over."

He buried that tongue in me once more hands gripping my cheeks spreading me wide open up down my crack stopping to slurp my pussy I heard the zipper he pulled me down he was in.

"Udorn your cock is nice oh oh..."

He slammed me with it hard-on rapidly in and out his hold on my hips was tight fucked again I shouldn't bother to wear panties these Thai men were so hot all of them I wanted their dicks.

Udorn pounded away his hands moved up to my shoulders now he was really putting it to me my sore pussy was going to be raw after this he thrusts were shorter times up he spurted several globs groaning muttering in Thai his head rested on my back he slipped out the wetness against my thigh.

"Udorn you fucked me good thank you!"

He kissed my back through the cotton blouse, "Fay this was special you are special."

I agreed with him, "Udorn please sit I want to suck you."

He readily did so my mouth drove him nuts sucking that used cock he bounced around in the chair so sensitive was he, "Oh Fay please not too much!"

I did not take pity on him I gave him a nice post-fuck blow job gentle suckling lots of tongue ball licking kissing I would have rimmed him if his pants weren't in the way, "We must get up now Fay."

I looked at the laptop the data was in Kavnu would be coming back, "Udorn please help me up."

He lifted me I kissed him the passion was dimmed but still strong, "I will wash you watch for Kavnu OK?"

Udorn nodded sticking in his shirt closing his pants.

We played with the data making several searches before Kavnu appeared Tarek was on the terrace he bowed to Udorn, "Tarek you have done well thank you."

Udorn had learned from the other day he knew praising the work was cheap but effective Tarek bowed again red in the face he took off for the yard Kavnu smiled at me behind Udorn's back seeing my coaching Udorn bring fruit.

"Kavnu you have again proved my good judgment in placing you here please accept a whole-hearted thank you."

Kavnu was embarrassed he knew that Udorn meant what he said it wasn't just a ploy he smiled, "Thank you Mr. Udorn."

We talked about the setup where to meet tomorrow for the test results to be shown to the three board members what to emphasize how to explain what was next.

The Mercedes rolled into the yard Kavnu nudged me I nodded, "Mr. Udorn I need to leave now I will see you in the morning."

He shook my hand Kavnu's grip was tight tender look in his eyes Udorn looked out at the car, "Is that Heng?"

"Most likely his brother Ang."

Udorn walked me out the door opened Heng got out I was surprised to see him Udorn walked fast up to him they embraced shook hands a lot of glad to see you's Udorn was invited to meet Heng for dinner they agreed on a time as we left the rail yard, "Fay take me into your mouth."

I soaked cock all the way home he was erect but showed no interest in cumming I got some sweet pre-cum we stopped at a traffic light a comment was made behind me, "He said I was very lucky."

I felt I was fifth cock of the day for me Hiro Kavnu Tarek Udorn Heng all very nice cocks all in my mouth my pussy had done well I hoped for more.

"Change come over to the bathhouse."

Heng dropped me at the door of the apartment building I put on the little pink robe and puffy topped slippers Heng was at the desk he pointed to the door to the bath, "Go in wash and wait for me."

The old woman checked my skin no hair had grown she nodded me to the enema toilet cleaned me out handed me a washcloth steered me to the bath I soaked washed Heng came in.

"Come to me," he sat nude on the edge of tiled bath He beckoned me close I stood in waist deep water between his thighs a long exam of my piercings tattoos I climbed out when my lower portions where checked I knelt face on my hands pussy high. Heng's fingers searched me thoroughly pulling twisting gently probing, "You have become a very fine woman I can see you have enjoyed the changes men are attracted to you strongly I can see we need to widen your life."

It sounded strange to me widen well if he meant my pussy it is well on the way his cock was hard it struck my pussycheeks he pressed it in aahh yes Heng entered me completely balls softly swinging against my cheeks.

"I am not going to fuck you now just enjoying you I want you to work at the club there will be a man tonight who will tell you a joke about dogs when you hear it do what he says after understand?"

I murmured yes he stroked that nice cock in for a few minutes then sat on the edge of the bath, "Fay come over here suck me clean."

I climbed back into the bath sucked his cock when he was satisfied he stood up walked out.

The old woman called me over gave me a glass of orange liquid made motions about washing my mouth smiled went out the far door.

I showered in the lobby Heng called me over to the counter he opened my robe showing a small dark man my body they discussed me the man's hands were calloused rough between my legs he laughed when I drew back, "Allow him to touch you as he likes!"

Heng was clear his hand on my neck held me his friend felt me up, "Go dress for the club wait outside the house for Sakda."

I looked for Jian her room was closed I went to pee as I sat down she came in with an older man she smiled at me knelt in the shower drank his pee he briefly fucked her mouth washed and left I wiped Jian washed her mouth hugged me, "I will be at the club tonight with you."

A quick kiss she ran down the hall I was ready face had different eye shadow darker redder lipstick blood red nails both sets a silver top that was just a piece of cloth with straps around my neck and below my breasts black pleated miniskirt black thigh high stockings that showed completely below my hem black heels black leather clutch.

Went to get some money oh my there was an enormous wad of bahts Hiro must have put them there more than the other night he.... I didn't want to be his whore with him it had been different. Nothing to do now I checked Jian's room again she was dressing. "I see you later."

She waved I met Ni coming up we kissed she was also going to be at the club, "Reyna too."

Sakda the small dark man was waiting he took my hand hard skin up the street away from the apartment he made several turns a small restaurant we sat on a bench near the water a man brought food and drinks without Sakda ordering.

Sakda smiled at me, "Eat it is fish with black bean sauce."

I was floored he spoke very well he had a big smile, "I do not tell many people I am very private."

We were the only ones there the fish was fabulous light spicy tender I had a mango drink smooth sweet the rice was savory green beans sautéed with garlic a little crunchy.

I enjoyed it all Sakda talked about his parents they worked for the Americans he had spent time with soldiers they liked him taught how to speak, "I work now making furniture chairs tables chests."

"Does it make you happy?"

He nodded, "Yes I like creating each piece."

"Could I see some?"

He looked me over searching for something I meant it I wanted to see he finally settled his own internal debate, "OK we can after."

His shop was near there a small table in his window I stood there, "Sakda it is beautiful so delicate."

He was obviously proud I squeezed his hand he opened the door the shop had many exquisite pieces fine tracery no nails all fitted perfectly real craftsmanship I was almost bouncing each chair table was like art.

We sat down on a bench made from a dark wood that glowed I held one of those rough hands from these came beauty, "Sakda you are a real artist!"

I kissed his hands hard capable skilled he looked up at me, "I hired you for sex did Heng say so?"

"No he said I should wait for you."

"My wife died two years ago we were happy contented bad illness she was gone I have been alone."

I hugged him, "Sakda I will do what you want."

I knew my head was down he lifted my chin kissed me, "Now I want only to hold you."

I cuddled against him he was strong hard body muscled I snaked an arm around him we sat quiet.

He led me to the back a narrow staircase two rooms a wide low bed we lay together I rested my head on his chest his hard fingers stroking my hair we dozed he awoke with a start I jumped, "Are you OK?"

He smiled, "I slept then something I waked I am fine."

He made tea we sat a small table that was stunning the wood was light a star pattern of darker wood inlayed, "I feel like an honored guest."

"You are I hope you will return sometime."

He pointed to the clock nearly six, "I am to take you back by six."

We walked together I had connected with Sakda the artist maybe I will with Sakda the lover. He kissed my cheek at the apartment house I squeezed his hand he returned home I went on to the club.

The noise was a wall Jian was at the bar she pointed to a front booth, "the blonde asked for you."

She was alone halter dress white with diagonal black lines fit her well, "Hello I'm glad you came."

She smiled, "Can we talk now?"

I towed her towards the back, "Jian can I have a juice and..., " I pointed to her glass we sank into a booth a quick kiss, "Ang is going to be here in a short while I want you to meet him."

"He owns or runs the club? He lets girls pickup here?"

"He owns it with his brother Heng Well.. pickups.. sorta like last night with you."

She laughed, "You have a real nice pussy I'm ready now for more."

Her grin was lecherous I kissed her, "My turn! Lay back Girl!"

We got her dress off nothing under she was pierced tattooed her sex wet slick lips once I got down there I opened her tonguing her slit top down bottom up the clit was fat long hard I sucked that little cock her hips were rising to met me fingers digging I wet her anus one finger all the way in, "OOHH that's nice you are good I'm hot!"

The bar in her clit ring against my teeth I pulled the hood back with her ring gobbling her cunt sticking my tongue in twisting it as I reamed her with two fingers her ass was bouncing now she was gasping for breath hand to mouth to stifle the orgasmic noise. I kept working her pussy she came several times before collapsing back on the seat she was babbling, "OH that's so nice you are a great cuntlapper!"

I stripped laid on her we kissed, "You taste good do you like your own taste on my lips?"

She nodded, "Oh yes very fine my name is Eve."

We kissed some more, "I know yours Fay.. right.. the other girl told me. Fay I want to eat you now."

Ang slid in, "That can wait I want to meet you first."

"Ang this is Eve she wonderful!"

Eve smiled up at him Ang kissed her nipple rings tugged breasts caressed high tight each a lovely handful, "Fay let Eve talk with me OK?"

I slid out gathered my clothes dashed to the back bathroom Ang's pants were opening as I left.

Dressed I stood by the booth Eve was on her belly Ang over her he was disappearing into her pussy, "AH Fay you got her very wet."

Jian hugged me, "Eve nice yes?"

"Very she tastes good Ang is on her now."

"He will fuck her for a while Ni said he was with her before they came here."

We worked the bar I checked on Eve several times Ang moved her around he was really putting it to her Jian giggled, "I told you Heng is upstairs go on ask him about drinks."

Heng was sitting with several men I got their drink requests at the top of the stairs Heng stopped me, "I saw you with the blonde you like pussy you eat others? We have some ladies."

"I do like pussy."

I left it at that Heng's fingers played with my belly, "You are good girl."

Jian helped me with the drinks I delivered, "Fay take my penis in your mouth."

I knelt in front of Heng opened his pants lifted his cock from the underwear sucking him in I soaked it he spoke to the men then, "Fay I told them you are very nice submissive girl they see you do this good for business put me away and go."

Jian raised her eyebrows when I told her, "They are not nice men Fay gangsters."

Chou came in with Jintao Jian "bought" Jintao a drink I put a Chivas in Chou's hand we talked he had had a bad day long meetings Jintao lost a report had to be sent again from Shanghai room was hot the second Chivas cooled him very nicely.

Ang came by. "Go help Eve she's in the back."

I patted Chou's arm Eve was sitting on the edge of the booth head down she looked beat, "Come Eve I will clean you up."

We walked to the bathroom I put a cold cloth on her forehead she was tender as I washed her sex, "He fucked me good I'll be sore for days is he always like that?"

"No he had been with another girl a little before coming here."

"Well his cock was like iron.. ouch !! I'm raw back there."

"Ang make good use of you did he offer anything?"

"I can work out of here or another club they own no restrictions have to give my pussy and twenty-five percent that's low my pimp now takes sixty percent. He has a room for me at apartment building near here I can use no charge."

"Will you?"

"My man is an asshole Yes I want to erase him."

"Any problem if he finds out?"

"Ang knows him he said he would have his balls in a jar if he makes trouble."

"Come out to the bar I will buy you a drink the hair dryer and things are in that cabinet."

Jian and Jintao were in a booth I smiled at her I couldn't see his face.

Reyna was kissing with Chou big bulge in his pants Reyna gave me a thumbs up I returned it she whispered something they walked toward the back booths.

Lawan elbowed me, "Reyna saw him said she wanted to fuck him."

I kissed her cheek, "We'll see."

It got busy making drinks Eve sat at the end Lawan was talking to her I gave Ni some drinks, "Eve what will you have?"

"Orange juice double Stoli OK?"

"Ang left with Heng he asked you to wait for him."

She nodded winced, "My ass is tender he really went after it."

"Drink up baby."

Lawan put her arm around my waist I kissed her, "Well kid how are you tonight?"

She giggled, "I am fine," she lowered her voice, "Eve likes you much."

I hugged her, "She is nice I hope she works with us."

Two men sat at the bar one the ugliest man scars twisted skin pockmarks


I was going to ask Lawan said, "Singha beer."

I served them no tip ugly leaned in finger motioning me over, "You hear joke about ugly dog?"

"No what is it?"

"So ugly owner made him walk backward."

He didn't laugh nor I, "We speak upstairs."

He took the beer walked around the bar up the passageway his partner followed me Ugly stood by the back table his shadow sat down, "I am Fung suck my cock!"

I knelt in the dim light opened the dark pants they puddled at his feet topped by boxers the cock was half hard nice curve straight slender nearly seven inches I sucked the covered head getting it wet slurping the shaft his blood was pulsing strongly. I filled my mouth he opened the short-sleeved shirt stared down as I did a good blow job lots of wetness licking his balls sucking each deep sucking the head easing into my throat his breath was short hip reflex jutting forward my hands resting on the back of his thighs hard muscled.

"Turn around!"

He grabbed my panties pulling them down flipped my skirt up fingers dug into my waist cock slammed in all the way one plunge time and again Fung withdrew then rammed his prick in so hard balls rebounding off my pussycheeks I felt the pain he was so strong holding like a vise the cock unrelenting.

He spoke to his shadow Fung pulled out of me stepped to my face, "Suck me off!"

My mouth was invaded by a hot wet cock his shadow pressed a shorter fat cock into me it was hard his grip was no less tight he fucked me with abandon driving me further onto his boss's cock. They fucked me hard fast I ate Fung's loads his shadow came in my mouth too after reaming my pussy for fifteen minutes.

Kneeling there I knew how to serve and submit no questions perform as required my face was spermy my pussy was sore these were the conditions of my work.

"You can go now! Send up more beer!"

I struggled to get my panties up standing at the top of the stairs the shadow came over felt up my titties laughed squeezed my crotch walked away.

Lawan watched me, "You OK?"

I shook my head pointed to the back she nodded I croaked out, "Beers," aimed my thumb back upstairs Lawan gave me the okay.

I fixed myself up Jian led Jintao in she was smiling I could see cum on his face he seemed embarrassed not upset, "Fay Jintao did good blow job!"

He acted proud of that I patted his naked shoulder Reyna had Chou at the back of the booth stroking her fine dick into him Eve reached out for my hand, "You have a rough one?"

"Yes I'm ok."

"Ang called he is coming I'm to wait for him."

"Lawan who is Fung?"

"Nasty bad man criminal steals beats people up works for Ang and Heng many years."

She whispered, "He maybe steals from embassies I heard he nearly got caught by Frenchmen."

Oh a bad man all around from my perspective.

Lawan leaned over tapped my hip, "Look!"

Hiro was making his way through the crowd Lawan smiled, "See all better."

We kissed my arms around him I leaned into him hard, "Hiro this is Eve."

He extended his hand Eve took it Hiro playfully tugged her laugh was nice she had been down after Ang fucked her.

A big Dewar's appeared I looked my thanks to Lawan, "Cheers to all!"

Hiro belted it back I turned to get him another Lawan handed it to me she giggled kissed me I bowed to Hiro as I offered it to him he graciously accepted it. I stood beside him my arms snaking about his body I could see that he was tired his eyes were red, "Staying with me tonight?"

An immediate, "You bet! Do we have to get up early?"

"No trip to the rail yard I have a meeting at ten."

"Good I want some time to be with you and we need a talk."

Sounded serious well fine I liked to talk.

Ang came up to the bar end, "Eve ..." he held out his hand.

"Ang can I speak to you real fast?"

He motioned me over I whispered into his ear, "Eve is real nice we all like her," my hand on his arm he put his over mine.

"I like her also she is sexy good sex you are concerned?"

"Well I feel good about her... I'm sorry."

He kissed my cheek fingers pulling my belly chain, "I want her to join us a good property like you."

He waved to Eve they left his arm around her waist hand on the slender hip Lawan took my hand, "Fay you big sister?"

Laughing eyes I gave her a wet kiss she pretended to be drowning we all broke up Hiro held me between his legs my back against him Ni fixed another Dewar's we all chilled out.

Jian brought Jintao over, "Jintao cocksucker now."

He smiled shyly not a bit upset at his new description, "Chou he getting it bad by Reyna."

"Are you jealous?" I kidded him.

He sent me a big smile that said it all, "Jian you better take Jintao back to the booth fuck his brains out."

She looked at him made a motion with her head he responded with a timid look, "oh boy I started something."

Jian slapped my pussycheeks Jintao bashfully standing there we all chanted, "Jintao needs a fuck."

Jian tried to cover my mouth the others hugged Jintao Jian came around the bar embraced him, "Later we sleep together tonight."

Jintao's face told it all.

Hiro put away his last drink held my hand, "Time for us to go to bed."

Lawan gave me my purse we strolled as lovers down the street I sniffed the air good smells exotic humid air cooling off scent of the river I was a young thing being escorted home on an island paradise promise of love.

In my room Hiro took me in his arms, "Kiss me beautiful."

I did.

"Slim you want to love me now?"

"Oh yes Steve undress me."

Naked we lay quiet his heart beating against my chest I stroked his hair sliding my fingers through the soft dark strands.

"Fay I will back in two months will you consider leaving with me?"

Comments to: abecker60@yahoo.co.uk

Next: Chapter 12

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