Jett Haskins and the Lights in the Sky

By moc.loa@1kwahymmoT

Published on Jun 28, 2015



By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


Conclusion: Never the End

"Ejin!" Jett yelped and stepped over with hand outstretched.

So did Smith, a big smile on that normally impassive face. "It is very good to see you!" he said.

"And it is good to see you." Ejin said. "But we must go now."

"Great! How!" Jett interjected.

"Like this." Ejin said and the entire world turned white and featureless.

Jett, understandably enough, recognized this as a lot like the prison they'd been held in so recently. "What is this? Where are we?"

"Do not be afraid. Think of this as a conveyance, much like one of your own lifts."

"Lifts?" Smith asked.

"Elevators." Ejin supplied to him. "I learned your language from our base in England.

"Ah. Yes." Smith said.

"It is taking us to one of our bases here on Earth." Ejin supplied. "When we are there, we can remove those devices from your bodies and allow you to return to your normal lives here on Earth."

"You mean," Jett paused, trying to drink it in, "this is over now? Really, truly over."

"It is really, truly over." Ejin assured him.

"Oh, thank God! Thank God!" Jett practically sobbed in relief.

"I wish it were over." Smith put in.

"What do you mean?" Jett couldn't read Smith's face.

"You're forgetting that the entire combined U.S. military is searching for us. Add in the San Agostan forces locally and, between them, we're not going to have many places in the world to hide."

"I'll take that chance." Jett said emphatically. "It beats hanging out wherever the hell we were, being fucked on a regular basis by various whatzits with whatever they had they could stick into us."

"True." agreed Smith. "But the fact remains that we're going to be in regular trouble on a regular basis."

"I'll still take it." Jett declared.

"Of course. So will I." Smith agreed.

"And we are here." Ejin told him. There was the gentlest of bumps and the white featureless container they had been in vanished.

Jungle, they were still in the jungles of Central America, and Jett looked up at.... "A temple?"

For they were looking up at a gigantic, time-worn pyramid with a squarish building at the apex, an artificial mountain.

"Of course." Ejin said. "We built all of these buildings in your own substantially distant past. How else could we hide a large base in the very midst of your peoples without some sort of camouflage?"

Jett looked up the huge structure. "I'd always wondered how those things got built."

"We also built a few cities for ourselves, usually high in your mountains, but had to abandon all of those some time ago." Ejin went on. "Your people became too advanced and your record keeping grew to be a danger, future generations might discern the truth even yet."

"Do We have to climb all those steps?" Smith asked.

"Of course not. That building is misdirection, to let the natives perform their own rituals up there, so your scientists will believe they built it. We can enter our area through here." He indicated a panel that was rising up. A flat platform of that featureless white was there; stepping on it caused the panel to close again behind them, and when it closed another panel opened and they were within the pyramid itself.

Smith looked up at the gigantic interior. "What happens if someone chips away at the stones on you?"

"The stone facing is enough to prevent cursory attempts from penetrating it." Ejin explained. "Then we have agents that would raise a public outcry to stop the work on the basis of architectural or cultural desecration as needed."

"Enough of this." Jett jibbered anxiously. "Let's get it over with!"

They were taken to one of the smaller inner buildings and waiting there were some rather familiar-looking tables. "Not one of those again!" Jett cringed. He'd been impaled on such a table when the Gremlins had first implanted him!

"This time it is to help you." Ejin said and with that, Jett let himself be placed on the table once again. Smith lay on a table not far away and Jett was again reminded of that unpleasant first night of captivity.

Smith was tended to by another of Ejin's people first and the procedure seemed simple enough, a smallish probe inserted into Smith's anus was soon withdrawn again, with a small device at its tip, and the "doctor" nodded at Smith who got off the table. "Well, that went smoothly enough."

"Now me, hurry, please."

The "doctor" inserted the probe into Jett's ass and hesitated. "Very odd." he said.

"Don't tell me that, please don't tell me that."

"It's not one of their standard devices." the "doctor" told Jett and Smith. "I must run a few tests."

The smallish probe was removed and another, larger probe was inserted while the "doctor" watched a display that flashed into the air near him. "Oh, dear. This isn't good."

"What is it? What is it?" Jett asked, now more frightened than anything else. "Don't tell me you can't take it out!"

"We can't deactivate it." the "doctor" explained. "Until it's deactivated, we can't disconnect it from your body. The disconnection would send a huge rush of static electricity into your brain, it would kill you."

"So what can we do?" Smith said.

"All of these devices have a limited use life." the "doctor" said. "They have to be replaced every so often to continue their effectiveness."

"So what can we do?"

"We will need to overload it, discharge its power entirely and then we can remove it."

"How do we do that?" Jett asked, then answered himself and went on, "No! No way!"

"We will do what we can do to make you comfortable." the "doctor" explained to him inexorably.

"How do you make being fucked over and over comfortable?" Jett asked.

"We can do that." Ejin said. "And we have representatives from several worlds here that can...."

"No!" Jett nearly screamed. To be captive and fucked by aliens was one thing, to do it on your home turf when you're free is intolerable. "No more aliens, no tentacles, no multiple dongs, none of that!"

"But the number of encounters you will need would be prohibitively large to use humans."

"I don't care!" Jett declared. "I'm not going to take another weird inhuman prick up my ass and that's final!"

"He does have a point." Smith said sympathetically. "I could help him out, I suppose."

"Without the implant, your sexual abilities have diminished to what they were before the implants." the doctor said. "You can couple with him once, maybe twice, but no more, and he needs help on the order of thousands."

"Thousands?" Jett yelped.

"We can make that number tolerable." Ejin told him.


"It is best if they are as close together as possible." the "doctor" told Ejin.

"I'll make the arrangements." Ejin said.

"Thousands?" Jett asked again.

"You should begin your assistance." the "doctor" told Smith.

"Sorry you have to go through this, mate." Smith said as he clambered on top of Jett. "Really unfair, I must agree."

"Ohhhhh!" Jett groaned, "Just get to fucking me and let's get it over with. Thousands! Jesus H. Christ!"

The "doctor" squirted some sort of lubrication up Jett's ass and then Smith was levering his dong inside. The human prong went into Jett's butthole like an old friend visiting after an invasion of strangers...lots of big, ugly, nasty strangers who had held a raunchy party that had wrecked the place! But it filled Jett's innards comfortably full and when the head touched Jett's glans (and presumably that implant up there as well), Jett could only moan softly.

"Oh, yeah, that's nice, real nice." he told Smith. "Now, fuck me nice and gentle, make it last."

"Like this?" Smith said and began to hunch gently at Jett's ass. The thick dong slid back and forth easily, that lube the doctor had inserted was more than ample for this. But of course, anything the aliens would have would be far superior to human's, Jett supposed. He just enjoyed it, the slow stroking motion sent light sensations, more erotic than ecstatic, into Jett's brain, slowly churning his sexual nerves into action, and Jett stroked Smith's muscled back with his fingers, feeling how the strong man who had been through so much with him was still so very much alive and so very much masculine and so very much attentive to him.

"Faster now." he told Smith in a hoarse whisper in one ear. "Just a little faster."

Smith complied and Jett moaned again. He was definitely getting turned on now, whether from that alien implant or just the loving feel of a hot, hard man dong in his butt. "Yeah, yeah, that's it." he grunted as Smith began to fuck him even faster even without being urged. "Oh, yeah, uh-uh-uh-uh-uh!" he groaned as he was shaken by the force of his friend's frantic fuck. "Oh, man, uh-huh-uh-huh-uh!"

"Oh, God!" Smith groaned. "I don't...I don't know what's...happening to me!"

"We are enhancing the sexual experience for your friend and anyone who is his companion." the doctor said. "The effects will be quite powerful, and we are integrating it slowly."

"Oh, God, oh, God!" Smith moaned. "I be...gentle, but...oh, God! I can't...hold...back...UH-UH-HUH-UH-HUHHHHHHHHHHH!"

Smith arced his back and thrust in deep and Jett felt the hot spunk rushing into his bowels.

And as always, that implant turned the white flood into immediate sexual pleasure for him, he groaned himself and convulsed, sprayed Smith hard with the jets from his own dong, and the splatters dripped down onto his own body, while Smith groaned and thrashed above him.

When Smith finished, the doctor said, "We have increased your ability to handle sexual excitement about twelve-fold. That should make you able to deal with what is to come."

"And what is that?" Jett asked as Smith groggily got off of Jett's body and then Jett saw. "Oh, no!"

A row of men were waiting at the foot of the bed for Jett, the first one was a big, husky San Agosto soldier (the entire row was composed of such, in fact) and his cock was out and hard, and he was breathing heavily.

"What are you going to do to me?"

"We must short that implant out if we are to remove it. That requires we overheat the device as much as possible. We are bringing in companions for you, human, as you requested."

The San Agostan soldier climbed onto Jett's bare body, his own clothing simply unfastened at the fly and no more, that dong was shoved into Jett's ass and the soldier groaned, thrust at Jett's butt imperiously.

Jett found his body was suddenly as if he hadn't had sex for hours and hours. His passion rose up rapidly, the soldier's moans were suddenly at crescendo and he thrust into Jett in a rude imitation of Smith's own impassioned plunge, and he creamed into Jett's bowels. Jett found himself with a renewed sexual excitement, he again creamed, though his load was a fraction of what it had been before, and merely dribbled down his shaft stickily.

The soldier climbed off and another soldier got onto Jett in his place. That dong which this second soldier shoved into Jett squelched in the hot male jizz already in Jett's ass, and that just seemed to excite the young man, he said something in Spanish that sounded obscene (and probably was) and groaned, squirted his wad into Jett, and Jett found himself again locked in passion.

Jett came down from that third orgasm in less than five minutes and looked again at the long roster of men waiting to mount his body. Thousands, they'd said, they were going to send thousands of men into his ass, and he was going to cream with every one of them.

The loads of spunk in Jett's ass flowed freely over the table and got well up his body from the contortions of the men who mounted Jett, and after a time Jett saw the puddle of jizz creeping across the floor.

The men were endless. When the aliens ran out of San Agostan soldiers, Jett saw that he was now being serviced by American sailors, a row of white uniforms covered the bodies of the healthy studs that anxiously climbed onto him, rammed him hard and then creamed heavily into his body. And with each one, Jett convulsed with pleasures as new as the first. His body was shaking from the power of the repeated orgasms. The sailors were then replaced with Oriental men, then with Indians (the country, not American-born), then with Turkish soldiers, then with Italian sailors, then British and then Brazilian. Jett vaguely wondered how the aliens were gathering these men, every source seemed to be one where men would be gathered together in close quarters, maybe they were scooping them up with gigantic scoops and bringing them to Jett, ready to plunge their cocks into Jett and ejaculate and pull out, to be replaced by their comrades.

Jett lost all track of time and space. His only sensations were of pleasure, and it went on and on and on, hour upon hour upon hour.

Smith joined in a few more times, mixing in among the uniforms and taking Jett anew. "Almost done." he told Jett the fourth time he stuck it into Jett's ass. "Just another two hundred to go."

Jett could only mumble. He was lost in the endless orgasm that was his life. Hard, horny men came on and on and on, an endless, eternal joy punctuated each new dong that slid into his ass, each climax squirted into his bowels again wracked him anew with orgasmic bliss.

Then, without preamble, it was over. The last man squirted into him, and then the doctor came up to Jett, inserted the probe, there was a clicking feeling, and then the doctor pulled out the device that had ravaged Jett so utterly.

Jett rose up groggily. "Oh, man!" He groaned. "I don't ever want to have sex again, ever!"

"I couldn't blame you if I wanted to." Smith agreed. "Careful when you try to get up, the table and floor's got about three tubfuls of human jizz all over and around it. It'll be slippery. I know."

"Thanks." Jett staggered to his feet. His ass felt like hamburger, and he suspected it would have been but for alien intervention. It ached a lot, but nothing worse. Not even any blood adorned the table, he could see. Some lubrication they'd given him! He said to Smith, wavering on his feet. "Just take me home." He wavered some more. "On second thought, take me to a bed where I can sleep for a week or so first."

Smith must have, for Jett fainted and when he awoke, he was in a hotel room in San Agosto. Smith was there, waiting for him. "You've slept for about thirty-six hours." he told Jett. "Not surprising, since you were busy getting fucked for about that long."

"Is that how long it took?"

"Would have been a lot longer, but they had this way of priming the men to the brink just before they got to you. Every time they stuck it in you, they were about to squirt even without your ass. A few strokes, and they were done, every time."

"Don't I know it! Me, too!" Jett groaned. "Man, I'm starving!"

"I'll call down for food." Smith did so, and said, "Good news is, with that ship available, the military has lost all interest in you and me. I gave them an interview, but then they turned me loose, less than three hours."

"So now what happens?"

"We go on and live our lives." Smith said.

"I mean, about the aliens?"

"Oh, that." Smith shrugged. "Well, we can't do anything much about them. Near as I can tell, the government is going to pretend they don't exist. The only evidence will be people like you and me, captured by the aliens and enduring experiences so bizarre nobody will ever believe them."

"I can tell everyone!" Jett surged upwards, felt woozy, and laid back again. "I'll write stories that will tell everyone in the world!"

Smith shook his head. "Sorry, but your editors won't get a bit of confirmation from official sources on this."

"But..." Jett trailed off. Every editor confirms a story before publication, except a few unscrupulous rags that would publish nonsense. "But what else can we do?"

"Go back to our lives." Smith told him. "And hope that they don't come looking for us."

"Not very much of a happy ending, is it?" Jett griped.

"No." Smith said. "But then, life rarely wraps itself up into a neat ball, does it?"

"I guess not." Jett agreed. "So...when's dinner?"


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E-mail the Author at Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


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