Jett Haskins and the Lights in the Sky

By moc.loa@1kwahymmoT

Published on Jun 21, 2015



By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


Chapter Seven: A Friend in Need

Jett came to a bit later, as Smith was heaving him up onto his back. Jett had to figure this out from the sensations of being picked up, hoisted by his legs, and the feel of Smith's skin against his. He caught hold with his legs and arms and Smith said, "Mph! Ah, you're awake! Good! Can you hold on?"

Jett still felt woozy but said, "Yeah, I think so."

Suddenly, he could see, there were lights springing up here and there, from no discernable source, just like the very air decided to become transparent rather than opaque. He could see they were in an area out of doors, surrounded by various cylindrical, milky-colored buildings. There appeared to be no rhyme or reason to their setting, and the grounds between them were the same milky-like material. The grounds were white, the sky was black with the stars now washed into invisibility. But they could see!

"You will remain still until you are retrieved. Failure to remain still will be severely punished." the voice that had guided them to the octodiscs now recited in the same dispassionate tone.

"That's one thing we won't do!" Smith said. "Hold on tight!" And he broke into a creditable trot with Jett bouncing on his back! "And look for a place we can hide!"

Jett did what he could, but his brain was still addled from being knocked silly when he'd run into that wall. And all he could see were the buildings which he decided had to be the outside of those "cells" which had held him and Smith, and later the octodiscs, captive.

And there came the "Gremlins," the same beings which had captured Jett and Smith that first night in the wheatfield! And what they were carrying looked very much like weapons! "Smith! We're being chased!" Smith turned at a sharp angle! "Not this way!" For now they were headed closer to the Gremlins!

"Two more groups on this side!" was Smith's panted explanation.

Jett felt him slowly down. "Let me down! I think I can walk now!"

Smith dropped him without comment and Jett began to pound along with Smith. He was a bit unsteady on his feet, but as someone once said, nothing makes you feel livelier than the prospect of being hung in the morning. And those weapons could turn "morning" into any second now!

They made it to and around one of the buildings and that got them somewhat away from the Gremlins. "Got to hide!" He gasped. But there was no place to hide, just more of the buildings, other groups of Gremlins were heading his way but they weren't close. Nowhere to run, though!

And then around their building from ahead of them came another creature.

Imagine a being the same basic shape as a Tarantula. Now stretch those legs out and up until the spider is as tenuously articulated as a Daddy-longlegs. Cover all of this body with a fine, soft fur. Put the head with two faceted eyes like a fly's, but a mouth that was practically human. And this mouth spoke to them, in English!

"Me with you come! You I help will!"

"Uh? Sure!"

"Back my on climb!" the creature offered. "I you carry will!"

It was like he had all the words of English and knew what they meant, but no clue as to how to arrange them. If your brain could shuffle the words around (and it did surprisingly easily), then the being made sense! And it proved it by squatting down, folding its legs double to move its body case down to the ground.

"Up on his back, and hurry!" Smith ordered. But Jett was already doing so, two of the legs moved down to give him something to hold onto, and soon he was sitting on the round but comfortable abdomen like a mahout sat astride an elephant's back.

Smith plopped beside him and said, "Go! Go!"

"Tight on please hold!" the creature said. "Fast I go will!"

Jett did what he could to oblige the request, but there weren't exactly handholds on this being.

Then two legs came up and Jett grabbed hold of one and Smith the other, and Jett saw to his embarrassment that these tentacular limbs he and Smith had hold of had a tip that looked very, very familiar indeed! They were holding onto the creature's penises, and it had two of them!

But the speed made decorum preposterous and the speed the creature made now they were safely on its back was nothing short of impressive. And they were out of the area of the milky buildings and into the Gremlins' city proper.

A chaos of creatures moving about, in vehicles and on foot, but these Gremlins were noncombatants and swerved and ran to avoid them rather than attempt to intercept them. "We're out of the zoo!" he crowed.

"But for how long?" Smith agreed.

"Here near we go!" the "spider" told them. "Ship here they have!"

Jett had to puzzle over that a while. Who were "they?" Then he saw it up ahead, lit by the first visible floodlights he'd seen on this crazy planet. "A flying saucer?"

"Saucer flying a yes it is!" the spider agreed.

"But we can't get away in one of their craft!" Jett protested.

"We can try!" Smith countered.

"We don't know how to fly it!"

"Flying fly saucer to how I know." the spider said. "How to you I fly tell."

Jett considered this bit but it defeated him. "I don't understand."

"I think he's saying he knows how to fly it, but can't do it. He needs us to do the flying for him."

"Yes, yes!" was the spider's thankfully short and clear answer.

"But how do we get in?" Jett asked for they were up against the side of the ship, no visible doors, nothing of any sort of markings except for some small holes here and there around the ship, no bigger around than a finger.

"In holes fingers put!" the creature told them. "This, this, this, this!" He indicated four holes in what seemed to be random order.

"Too far apart for one man." Smith said. "You take two, I'll take two."

Jett took the two holes to the left as Smith did the right. As he pushed his fingers in, he had a horrid thought. What if the spider were a "shill?" What if these holes would clamp down on them, imprisoning them or even amputating their fingers? The holes were deep enough to make him push more than halfway down his fingers' lengths to the bottom.

Nothing happened until Smith had done the same to the other two holes, then both of Jett's fingertips felt movement, a slight move, as if pushing a button.

And there was a door opening on the ship.

And the Gremlins were behind them and coming in fast. "Inside we fast go!" the spider said urgently.

"Fine with me!" And Jett followed the spider into the ship, with Smith behind them.

But the Gremlins were hot on their tail! Smith responded by grabbing some angular bars hanging up nearby and as the Gremlins tried to enter, he swung and connected with one of them, his swing hard enough to send the smaller Gremlin flying through the air and outside!

"Get that door closed!" Smith called.

"How?" Jett wanted to know.

"Here over come!" the spider called.

Jett went over. More holes on the wall. "Which ones do I push?" he asked.

"This, this and this." the spider indicated three holes.

Two of them were far enough apart to make him stretch as far as he could. This left him with the third hole, lower down but centered, out of reach of either hand. "I can't get all three of them!" He told the spider. "Can you push that one?"

"Too too big small palps my hole the are." the spider told him.

Jett figured that out. Smith had two of the Gremlins busy, holding them at bay by swinging at them alternately, and the tactic was keeping any more from coming into play. Up to Jett alone then. How could he work that third hole? It was larger than the other two, nearly two inches across, almost big enough to... "Oh, hell!" he groaned.

"Hurry up, mate!" Smith told him. He was losing ground, Jett saw.

Nothing else for it. Jett reached down and pumped his pud hard as he could. "Come on, get hard, get hard!" he told his cock. It wanted to crawl up into his belly instead and he didn't blame it a bit!

"I help will!" the spider offered and Jett suddenly had the spider's cock/tentacles brushing his cock and his ass at the same time. Shit! Get into it, he told his body, get it up, get it hard, this is a friend and a friend in need is a friend indeed! He's helping you with a great deal of personal risk and he's your only chance to get home. Get hard now, damn it!

And between the spider's rubbing on his cock with those furry cocks (the hair on them extended all the way out to the hairless nub/glans, and these were boasting a light purple liquid on them. Alien precome!), and his realization of their situation, his cock rose to the challenge. He had it hard and then said, "Okay, enough! Out of my way!"

The spider moved its cock out of his way and he jammed it into that central lower hole and felt the head hit bottom, and his other hands fumbled for the holes. He just could stretch, just...!

There! There was the familiar motion under his cocktip and fingertips and the door Smith was guarding began to close. Smith had one Gremlin that had made it inside but as the door closed, he reared back and raised one foot high and thrust it out at the Gremlin! Thunk! The foot hit the Gremlin's chest and it fell back outside and the door finished closing!

"Pushing keep!" the spider warned him. "Pushing keep! Closed door stay!"

Long as he could keep it up, in other words, the door would remain shut. "I got you!" Jett panted. "Find the control room!"

And he was left alone with his fingers in two holes and his cock in a third! Shit, and he was worn out from the run and the sex which had preceded it and... How was he going to stay hard in this situation?

He did the only thing he could, he began to fuck the hole he had his cock in. It wasn't that snug a fit, but better than nothing. He felt the buttons under his fingertips release every time his cock withdrew slightly. Damn it, he needed to jam it in deep and keep it there! But how!

"You I help will!" came a familiar voice to his back. The spider was back!

He couldn't look around, he just panted. "Help me stay hard! I got to keep the pressure on!"

"You I help will!" the spider said.

And Jett felt a furry cock begin to slide into his buttocks. Oh, God! How many different aliens were going to fuck his ass before he got home at this rate?

But he was in no position to be fussy. "I got to stay all the way inside this thing to keep the door shut!" He gasped. "If you're going to fuck me, keep me plastered against this wall, tight!

"You I help will!" the spider said again and the furry cock found and shoved itself into his anus. Still slicked with the octodiscs' spunk, the spider's prick had no problem gaining access.

"Worry not do, very well you I fuck will." the spider assured him.

"Less talking, more fucking." growled Jett.

The spider was good at fucking him, despite his vertical splayed out position. It had a conscious control of its cock that didn't seem to need it to move any other way. It...he, Jett decided he'd be better off thinking he was being fucked by a male of whatever variety here, rather than a neutral "it." The spider's dong was really pushing his internal buttons, both natural and alien-implanted. "Aw, yeah, fuck me harder, harder!" he growled.

"Harder I fuck will!" the spider agreed and began to ram him even harder.

Aw, shit, that alien technology they'd stuck up his ass was really beginning to count! Jett moaned and closed his eyes. He wondered how his spunk might muck up the gizmo that operated the door, he'd hate to be breathing vaccuum if they were in space...or captured if they were still on the ground!

Speaking of that... "How is Smith going to fly this without your help?" He asked.

"Help him me, help you me." the spider replied.

"No, no, how can you...oh, God!" Jett groaned. He was getting rapidly closer to his climax. That alien implant must have cranked his hormone production up to astronomic levels to let him come this much! He was getting near again! He tried again, "How can you help Smith if you're down here?"

"Here me you help, there him me help." the spider said again.

Jett didn't understand but then the saucer gave a lurch and was suddenly, undeniably moving! Whether it was up, sideways or burrowing underground, he didn't know but it was moving!

He could, and did, pull his cock out of the hole and the spider's cock was shoved deeper up his ass when he did it. Jett howled and leaned forward, this time to brace himself against the wall. "Oh, hell, yeah, fuck me harder, come on, fuck me harder!"

The spider obliged and the speed of that cock ramming into his ass was enough to cause friction heat in his butt. Jett raised his head up and he howled again, this time the howl went on and on and he was coming, spraying his jizz against that wall. "Oh, oh, ah, ah, ahhhhhhhhh!" he cried out when the long, wordless howl was done. "Oh, God, oh, God, oh, God!"

"Too now I come!" the spider informed him and Jett felt the stinging heat of the spunk in his ass. It wasn't acid burn, but it was like having hot soup spooned into his asshole!

"Ow, ow, owwowwww!" Jett yelped and the cock followed him down as he writhed onto the floor and only the spider's conclusion of its fucking saved his ass from being parboiled from the alien hot jizz!

"Oh, God, oh, God, oh, oh, oh!"

"Good, yes, good good yes yes." the alien agreed.

The saucer lurched again, enough to cause them to slide along the floor. "We'd better get up to the control room!" Jett said. "I think Smith's in trouble!"

"Way this it is!" the spider said and led the way.

It wasn't far and Jett stopped when he saw the sights when he got inside. The alien control room was loaded with fascinating equipment, nothing familiar but all of it complicated and flashing in various colors and groups.

And in the middle of it was Smith, working a central panel that apparently flew the ship with another spider hovering over him, the spider had its cock up Smith's butt and was fucking him with gusto. Smith was moaning as the spider fucked him and his erratic hand motions were apparently causing the saucer to wobble.

"Need some help?" Jett asked.

"Hell, yes, get over here and fly this bloody thing for me!"

"I don't know how." but Jett went over.

"Just put your hands here and here and move them. You can see the display up there."

Jett didn't see a thing until he got next to Smith and then he did. Ahead of them was Earth, big, blue, beautiful Earth! "We're going home!" he crowed.

"Not very soon. Another couple of hours. That's an expanded view. Just keep it centered on the screen and we'll be there no problem."

"Can do. Enjoy your ride." Jett said.

He looked at the second spider and said, "Where did you come from?" Now he had the two to compare, he could see that the spider that had come to his "rescue" was different from the one which had given him and Smith a ride.

"Here was I." the spider said. "Back for to mate back come wait. You with back he come."

Jett figured this out, this second spider had been aboard waiting for the second, which had arrived with company. "Why was your mate outside if you were already aboard ship?"

"To the ship fly help we needed." the spider informed him. "You he find, ship to fly."

Jett held back his answer, Smith had reached his own climax and was also experiencing the hot spider spunk boiling his ass, his howls drowned out all conversation.

"So you needed us to fly the ship." Jett said when the howls died down. "Good thing we were free to help you, you might not have found you."

"For you did not we look, others for we looked, you their building out of came. Mate you out walk saw, followed he you. Not you we for looked were, fine you do would. Yes?"

"Yes." Jett realized that the spiders had not been looking for him and Smith, but the octodiscs. Those long eight slender pricks would have fit into the holes very easily!

The spider realized his chagrin. "Need you we. Need you us. Friends we are. Yes?"

"Sure." Jett agreed. "After all, a friend in need is a friend indeed."

He looked back at the Earth. It was just as small as before, but just knowing they were going there was a lot of help, made him feel much better!


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E-mail the Author at Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


Next: Chapter 8

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