Jett Haskins and the Lights in the Sky

By moc.loa@1kwahymmoT

Published on Jun 15, 2015



By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


Chapter Six: First Rule of Survival

Jett and Smith were left alone for several hours, long enough to be fed a second time, in fact. This time, the things they had rejected in revulsion were not present, things they relished were present in greater amounts. "Looks like they're learning our tastes." was Smith's observation at this.

Jett just shuddered, it reiterated one fact to him. "They're going to keep us here. They're going to keep us and those, those things are going to come in and fuck us over and over again!" Would he keep enjoying that forcible sexual alien contact over and over, or would it become something more and more horrifying than it already was?

"Let's not jump to conclusions." Smith soothed him. "We don't know very much yet. Let's get more information, meanwhile, we'll also look for a way out of this."

"Not very likely."

"Wait and see." Smith said. "If I have a talent, it's in getting out of bad situations when I have to. And I'll take you with me when I do, I promise."

"Okay." Jett steadied down.

After eating, they were permitted a chance to bathe by the same indirect method, a part of the floor along one wall turned itself into a basin which then filled with warm water by some unclear source. Jett was more than ready not to ask too many questions, he got into the bath along with Smith and found it to be soapy as well, he rubbed himself all over, and then the water drained itself and a sprinkler of some kind gave him an ample opportunity to rinse himself completely. Jett only wished for one thing, "I could use a comb on this." he said as he fought his hair back from his face and ears. "Or get a haircut."

"Don't give them ideas." Smith said as he did the same. "We're going to get out of here before we need a haircut, focus on that."

"How?" Jett demanded. "We're stuck in a room and there's not even a door to get out of here."

"What about the door those two megagorillas came out of?"

"Mega--, oh, I called them neo-apes." Jett nodded. "I thought about that. I don't want to go that way. Do you?"

"Not unless it was also a way out." Smith said. "I can take it up the ass one more time for a chance to escape. Can't you?"

"That's not the point." Jett said in lieu of "Hell, yeah!" "Do you really think that way would lead to a way out? Wouldn't it likely just lead to a room like this, only meant to oufit the neo-apes?"

"We won't know until we see it, will we?"

When Jett was silent, Smith continued, "Survival is a matter of having the right state of mind. You can't ever give up, no matter what. If you give up, you lose. If you don't give up, you keep a chance to win going, no matter how slim, no matter how bad it is." When the silence continued, he said, "I mean, think about that nasty business with Hitler and how he treated people he didn't like. Where are the ones who gave up? In the ground, that's where. Only those who didn't give up are still alive."

"Yeah, but at least they had hope, they knew there'd be an end to it if they could just get through it. I mean, they heard the bombs and so on. We got nothing like that, won't ever get American and British bombers flying overhead. Where are our American bombers?"

A soft ding-dong sound came, followed by a voice neither quite mechanical nor human, rather androgynous in tone. "You will follow the green line. Failure to follow the green line will result in a punishment. Follow the green line."

"What green line?" Jett asked and was answered when the door, the same one the neo-apes had entered, opened again. This time, instead of the neo-apes, there was a single bit of light, a green line glowing on the floor.

"You wanted a way out of this room." Smith told him. "We'd better go."

"Lead the way." Jett told him, squaring his shoulders as best he could. Smith was right, first rule of survival is to never give up hope. And he'd see more than he could inside this room, at least.

The place outside the room was dark, very dark. Only the green light lit things and that was barely enough to let Jett see where to go. "Are you getting a good look around?" he asked Smith after they'd gone some fifty or more feet. "I know I am."

"Careful, now." Smith said. "We have a decision to make, it seems."

The green line branched out to several directions. "Which green line do we take?" Jett asked.

He'd spoke to Smith, but the "voice" answered. "Choose a direction this time. You must take each direction once, after that, you will be allowed to choose for yourselves."

There were seven lines. Smith seemed to be waiting for Jett to choose. "The one on the left." Jett sighed and decided for them.

"A good choice." Smith said after they'd gone a bit further.

"What? Why?"

"Look up."

Jett looked up...and saw the stars. "We're outdoors?"

"Able to see the stars at least. And I, for one, am very reassured by them."


"There's Orion. And there's Pegasus. And look over there."

"What?" Jett looked. "Oh, the Big Dipper." He knew those stars, at least, most people did. "We'd better get on down that line. But why does the sight of the stars reassure you?"

"If we weren't on Earth or near to it, we'd never see those constellations as constellations. They'd be twisted around and mushed out of shape on us. As it is, we must still be close to Earth."

Smith looked around. "This might be Mars, perhaps, or Venus."

"So getting home is not impossible, just insurmountably difficult." Jett said when he digested this. It was reassuring, somehow.

"All we have to figure out is how to hitch a ride on a friendly alien spaceship."

Ejin, thought Jett, but didn't dare speak the name out loud. "That's what we need to do, all right. Only where and how?"

"Later." Smith said. For the green light had vanished and there before them was opening a lighted square. "I think we're in the position of the megagorillas this time."

"Huh?" Jett followed Smith into the room that was waiting. "Oh."

Facing them were smallish, octopus-shaped beings, resting on four of their tentacles while four more were waving above them. The head/body, though, was a circular flattish disc perhaps a foot in diameter, turned their way, rather like a car's hubcap with eight long thickish limbs. "You mean we're supposed to...bleah!"

The beings facing Jett were...trembling.

"Look, we're not going to hurt you." Jett said to them. "God knows what the others around here have done to you, but we're not going to hurt you. I promise."

The beings, still quivering, moved toward the two men with a rather liquid grace. "I wonder if they understood me." Jett said to Smith. He decided to treat them like children, they were about the height of a child but not shaped remotely like children, of course. He knelt down and held out his hands for the, uh, call it an octodisc. The octodisc moved into his embrace, though it moved in a way that flipped it and put the back of itself against Jett's chest/stomach (too low down for one, too high up for the other, call it his midriff, then) and the tentacles began to wrap themselves around him while they eyes looked into his trustfully.

"Don't worry." Jett said into those eyes. "We're prisoners here just like you and we won't...uh?" That last was because those tentacles were doing more than holding that disc to his body, in fact, they were moving in a way that made him think the disc-part of the octodisc had attached to him somehow. For the eight arms and legs of the octodisc were...doing things to him.

The one capturing the most attention for him, right now, was the one encircling his cock. That tentacle was stroking, enraging his penis until it was rock hard. There was another one that was busily probing its way toward his anus. The others were busily circling his arms and legs, while another one stroked its way across his back. He could see the one around his right arm, the head of it... "Oh, God!" He breathed. The head of the tentacle was shaped exactly like a cockhead! The octodisc was better called an octodick, because it had eight of them and one was heading for... "Shit, my ass! It's going for my ass!"

"Figured that out, did you?" Smith asked unhelpfully. Jett looked toward him, to see that Smith was far more entrapped than he. The thing had not one but two of its tentacles rammed up Smith's ass, while others were slowly bearing him down, the octodisc was riding his back like a backpack.

"This is what I get for thinking anything in this place has anything but sex on its mind!" Jett moaned. "What are we going to do?"

"Same plan as before." Smith got out before a tentacle-cock shoved its way into his mouth.

Lie back and enjoy it! Jett sighed, and squatted enough to open the way for the tentacle-dick headed for his ass. The thing slid inside like his butt had been lubricated for it...or by it. Another one hovered before his face like a cobra waiting to strike. "I guess I know what you want, then." Jett grunted and opened his mouth. The tentacle-prong went into it and the one around Jett's cock and the one in his ass both began to move in high gear. The ones on his arms, leg and back began a slow stroking that heightened his pleasure and Jett looked down into those eyes again. Trustfully, his ass! That thing was beaming out pure horniness, no doubt about it.

The thing was a pure sex machine, though. Every touch of it seemed to ignite lustful feelings in Jett's body and the stroking of his cock got faster the harder he breathed. The cock in his mouth was fucking his face and the one in his ass seemed determined to rub his prostate into raw hamburger it was touching it so much and so fully. Felt damned good, though!

Jett grunted and decided he was going to do more than lie here and take it, God damn it! If this octodisc wanted a good fuck out of him, he was going to give this creature the best fuck it'd ever had! He sucked on the prong, moving instead of being moved upon, bobbing his head back and forth to suck that prick like the best he'd ever had or ever would!

A low moaning sound emanated from the octodisc on his midriff, and Jett looked into those eyes and beamed his thoughts at it, Yeah, that's right, you thought you'd be in charge of this sex, didn't you? Well, you're not, because I'm the one doing all the sucking here!

His own prick was throbbing angrily now, the jerking it was gettting from that tentacle was driving him mad! He'd never been this turned on from simple touch, there had to be more to it, some chemical it was leaching into his body or into his nostrils (his nose didn't tell him anything beyond he was getting sweaty enough to stink), but he was so fucking turned on right now, he didn't mind one bit how much that cock in his ass was swelling up as it got warmer and warmer!

Smith was moaning as well, he'd rolled onto his back, the octodisc underneath him, so that he was lying on a bed of tentacle-cocks and they were playing over his body like eight cobras ringing a sleeping man, waiting for him to awaken before they struck. He still had one cock in his mouth, and another in his ass, but the others were...waiting their turn.

He watched, lust glazing his view, but he saw enough to see one of those cocks erupt into Smith's mouth and the second blowing jizz into his ass, spurts spraying out all around. Watched as those cocks, spent, withdrew and were replaced by fresh ones that began to fuck him afresh.

Jett saw that and all the spunk dripping still from those pricks, and felt his own climax assault his brain. Fuck, it had sneaked up on him! He wasn't in control here! He wasn't in control at all!

In that frustrated, angry state of mind, his orgasm overwhelmed him and he ejaculated up and splattered the octodisc on his midriff with heavy wads of jizz. The octodisc moaned louder and the cock in Jett's ass burst its load into his butt with the same furious spray of the one in Smith's, he felt it pelting his innards, spurting out around the cock and burning his sphincter as it flew out, and then the one in his mouth blew!

Jett's mouth quickly filled with hot alien spunk, the come was human enough, though it had a bit of a flavor he could only call that of a copper coin with it, and he gulped and swallowed it, and more flowed in to be swallowed, and then the cocks were pulling out of him.

Jett sank down onto his back, the octocock back there pulling away and it then dove for Jett's mouth and another shoved its way into Jett's ass, and then he understood what had happened to Smith. Once you come, the octodisc decides that he's done his part to pleasure you, and is entitled to take his own at his leisure.

Two by two, the eight dicks on the octodisc fucked his mouth and ass, and then the first two (or was it the first two?) came back for more. Shit, these creatures had more stamina than humans, a hell of a lot more!

All he could do was endure it. His own cock came back for more and was promptly engulfed by another tentacle and stroked to completion again, beyond that, he guessed that every tentacle-cock hit his mouth or ass about three or four times each. Finally, finally they were done, and left the two exhausted, panting, sweat-drenched, come-dripping humans alone.

Jett staggered to his feet. He felt dirty beyond dirty. "What do we do now?"

"Time for us to leave." Smith guessed.

"Yeah, I guess so." Jett groaned. "Man, my ass is hamburger! Weak little things, my ass! When do we get to be on top in this place!"

"They put the things in our ass, mate, so I'm guessing never." Smith said. "We'd better get out of here before they come back for sloppy seconds."

"Sloppy sevenths is more like it." But Jett limped after Smith. God, even that room was looking good to him right now.

He followed Smith out that door and started to say as much to Smith when he heard Smith say, "Now!"

"Now what?"

But Smith was gone! Running away in the darkness.

"Smith? Where did you go? Where did you go?"

"This way!" Smith's voice called.

Jett ran the way that voice had come from. Or had it? He was running in full darkness, he'd have to hope he'd picked the right direction! All he could hear was the sounds of his bare feet. He couldn't see anything, smell anything, feel anything. And at this speed in this darkness, he was likely going to trip and fall down or, worse, he might....

When he slammed head-on into the wall, it wasn't really a surprise at all. Still hurt like hell, though! And after that, the blackness of unconsciousness, deeper than darkness ever was or ever could be.


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E-mail the Author at Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


Next: Chapter 7

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