Jett Haskins and the Lights in the Sky

By moc.loa@1kwahymmoT

Published on Jun 15, 2015



By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


Chapter Five: Escape and Captivity

Jett and Smith dressed in frantic haste. Jett wasn't watching when it happened, being busy with his shoes, but there was a slight flash of light and when Jett looked up, Ejin was gone.

"Where's Ejin?" He asked.

"Vanished into thin air." Smith said. "Just wish he'd taken us with him!"

"John Smith, Jett Haskins!" came the inexorable voice, this time coupled with the sounds of many feet entering the inn all at once. "We don't wish to make this any more difficult on you than we must, but you need to show yourselves at once!"

"What are we going to do?" Jett moaned. "They get us locked up in their laboratories, they'll never turn us loose!"

"Then let's make sure they never catch us!" Smith said.

"Huh?" Jett asked. "How are we going to do that?" But Smith was opening a cabinet and when Jett saw it he went on, "The dumb waiter?"

"You have a better idea?" Smith grasped the ropes that held it, the waiter itself wasn't on their level.

"I'm bound to, sooner or later." Jett said, as Smith jumped inside the dumb waiter and began sliding down the ropes. "But until one comes along, I'll go with you."

He found sliding down those ropes to be a sticky procedure, someone had greased them rather liberally lately. But it did make the ride down quick and smooth on his hands. He ended up alongside Smith on top of the dumbwaiter on the bottom of the shaft.

And no way out. This dumbwaiter was devoted to Smith's suite of rooms exclusively, so the only openings were above and below them. Jett looked around at the bare walls around them with sounds of soldiers on the other side, and said, "Okay, now what?"

"You'll see." Smith said. "There's a reason I chose to get a room in this particular inn, and you'd know it too if you studied history."

"Really?" Jett looked at Smith. "Then how...?"

Then the dumbwaiter gave a sort of jerk, and then lowered itself another dumbwaiter's-height and they were then looking out into the inn's kitchen.

"Ah, Antonio." Smith said, taking the hand of the undeniably handsome Italian waiter who'd released them, and stepping out into the kitchen proper. "Right on schedule."

"We have to stop meeting like this." Antonio beamed at Smith, then saw that he wasn't alone and that smile fell from his face almost visibly to plop in a slimy mess on the floor!

"And who is this?"

"Jett Haskins." Jett had learned long ago how to handle such a lack of enthusiasm on the part of the help wherever he went which was, pretend not to notice! "Thank you so much for your help. Now, what do we do now?" This last part to Smith more than Antonio, even though he was shaking Antonio's hand hard while he did it.

"Now you learn a bit of history." Smith said. "What do you know about this inn?"

"Only that it's been in business for over a hundred years." Jett said, his knowledge borne from a simple source, a plaque under the name on the front of tghe building. He followed Smith who was following Antonio through the kitchen.

"Well, that's a start, anyhow." Smith said tolerantly after the pause. "This inn was here during evil times just before the Civil War. It was owned by a husband and wife who were abolishinists."

"And this helps us how?"

"They had a side hobby in addition to running a business, they worked to help slaves escape to the north."

"The Underground Railroad!" Jett exclaimed.

"Ah, you've heard of it."

"Yes, but what good is hiding here going to do?"

"No reason to just hide." Smith said as Antonio opened a panel in one wall. An escape tunnel.

"A tunnel?" Jett asked stupidly, staring at the hole. Antonio flipped a switch and lights came on inside the tunnel, lighting the way.

"It'll take us to another house well down the street from here." Smith said. "We can get away from there."

"Oh." Jett went down the tunnel with Smith a fair distance before he realized. "But what about Jones?"

But Smith was running ahead of him and Jett had to try to keep up as best he could. The tunnel indeed ended up in a basement of a house and it had stairs up to the outside from there. Jett had wondered about the tenants of this house (for the basement showed undeniable signs of usage) but that didn't involve them in this brief passage, they got up and out and there was Jones, waiting for them with the car!

They tore out of there and Jett slumped back into the seat. "Okay, now we're on the run, not only from the government, but also from some bad-ass aliens that want to fuck our asses."

"Hey, at least it's not boring." Smith responded.

Jett had to grin about that. "You're right, but what do we do now?"

"We'll need Ejin's help to get these things out of us." Smith pointed out. "We wait for nightfall and try to re-establish contact with him if he hasn't found us by then."

"So where are we going?"

"I'd like to know that myself." Jones threw in.

"The only place we know where he's been." Smith said.

"You mean...?"

"The same field where we were last night." Smith affirmed. "But for now, we just need to vanish."

Jones took care of that, and they ended up on a small side-road well into the woods. Jett got his sleep, such as it was, in the back of that car, lying up against Smith on the back seat. Jones stretched out on the front seat, lucky stiff. But Smith didn't complain about the accommodations and it was better than the ground outside.

Jett kept dozing off and waking up and by the time dusk arrived, he was ravenously hungry and craving coffee even more. Getting moving wasn't as good as food and proper sleep, but it was better than nothing.

He was a reporter, after all, he'd thrown off the worst of this by the time they arrived back at the field. Trouble was, they couldn't get very close, because the scientists and military were still encamped there. They settled instead on another side road where they could see the field (somewhat) but were invisible to the men in the field. "After all, they abducted two humans here." Smith commented when Jett mentioned it. "That's more contact with aliens than anybody's ever had."

"So how will we make contact with Ejin?" Jett nearly whined. "He's not going to dare show up here."

"Then we'll keep coming back each night until he does." was Smith's only response to that. Jett realized he was being whiney and he shut up. Smith was doing the best he could here with limited information. And this plan was better than nothing.

The hours passed slowly. Sometime well after midnight, Jett settled back in the seat. "I don't think they're...coming back here...tonight." he murmured unintelligibly. Smith was asleep, though. So was Jones. Jett gave up and settled back himself. His stomach gurgled hungrily, he told it to shut up and he'd feed it tomorrow and his fatigue took care of the rest of it; he fell sound asleep.

It was a sound sleep he had, full of odd dreams, strange noises and sights, none of which he remembered clearly, and those he did slightly, he lost as he was awakened by a loud hooting sound.

It wasn't a horn. It was for that. But the sound was much like that a horn would make, "Hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hooh!" it went and Jett scrambled to his feet.

Naked. He was completely stark naked. So was Smith who was getting to his feet not far away. "Smith! Where are we?"

"Beats me." was Smith's laconic comment. "I'm more concerned with what that is."


"What is it?"

"Beats me."

"Quit saying that!" Jett shivered. "Where are we?" he asked again, not expecting an answer.

"That is a good question." Smith said. "Notice the walls. Do they look familiar?"

Jett looked at the walls, understandable that he hadn't noticed them before, they were a featureless gray color. Like your eyes couldn't quite...allocate them. But that was enough.

"We're on that ship again."

"I wish I thought that." Smith answered. "If this were the ship, we'd be sure to be returned to Earth again soon."

"So where are we?"

"I think...we're somewhere else entirely."


"And whatever that is, it's getting closer."

"Hoohoo-hoohoo-hoohoo-hoohoo-hoo-hoo!" came the overlapping calls.

"And there's more than one of them."

"This just gets better and better." shivered Jett. "We're going to be something's lunch."

"I don't think so." Smith answered.

Jett felt better immediately, but as a reporter, he had to ask, "Why do you say that?"

"Feeding something has to be easier than traveling to our planet and kidnaping two Earthmen, returning them to Earth, then picking them up a second time."

"So what do you think they are?"

"We're about to find out."

A door was opening and through that door came...two things. Half again as tall as a man and twice as broad, the face was ape-like but that face had never adorned any anthropoid of Earth. There was the hint of feline in that face as well, and the hint of reptilian blood as well. But the musculature though not quite right was most like the great apes, oversized arms and chests, smaller legs. And the hair was not ape-like at all, it was only in rings, one above the eyes across the forehead too low to be hair like on a man's head, the second around the shoulders, the third around the mid-chest and the fourth making a distorted sort of loincloth-shape about the junction of the hips. But even this hair was not nearly enough to cover the rampant erections these two things bore there, pointing at Smith and Jett with the glans too pointed at the tips, the shaft narrower below that glans but spreading out much thicker at the base, the shape reminding Jett uncomfortably of the Washington Memorial in its proportions.

"I guess now we know why they brought us here." Smith said.

"What are we going to do?" Jett moaned.

"Postpone the inevitable as long as we can. After that, lay there and try to enjoy it."

"Postpone it how?"

"Like this!" And Smith made a flying leap toward the first of the...Jett decided to call them "neo-apes" to himself until he had a better word..., his feet foremost, and those feet impacted the chest of the neo-ape and knocked it backwards. The neo-ape flew backwards a couple of feet only (the difference in weight between Smith and the neo-ape was that much), and fell onto its back.

Jett couldn't match this, he could only grapple with the second neo-ape's hands as it reached for him. He was incredibly overmatched, and the neo-ape began to press its advantage of both weight and height to lever him into helplessness, by lifting upwards and drawing Jett inexorably toward him. Jett saw that thick dong aiming itself at him (was this thing under the neo-ape's conscious control?) and he screamed!

And with a thick "thunking" sound, the neo-ape released Jett and went falling sidewise, and Smith landed on his feet nearby, a nude warrior in landing pose, panting hard.

"You saved me!"

"Not for bloody long!" Smith gasped. "I'm outmatched here!"

"Maybe if we gang up on them?" suggested Jett.

And that was when the first neo-ape wrapped both arms around Smith from behind, and Smith struggled futilely in that huge grip.

"Oh, God!" Jett moaned and saw the second neo-ape getting to its feet.

Having nothing else to do, he started to run. were in was large for a room, small for an arena, covering perhaps a half acre in area, circular and completely without escape routes save for the dubious one of that door the neo-apes had come in through. And he would have tried that one had he found any sort of way to open it up again!

But the neo-ape, though slower than him, had endurance on its side, and Jett was slowing down as he winded himself in this eternal track race. He made three circuits while Smith kept the other neo-ape busy, but he was caught by the second one while Smith lost his struggle at the same time.

The neo-ape, with Jett no longer struggling with him, flipped him onto his back and that huge ape-like face was pushing itself at his. Those long, muscled arms lifted his legs up and he felt that unearthly prong fishing for his anus! "Oh, God!" Jett begged it, that prick was a good foot long and much bigger than any human prick he'd ever taken. "Can we date a while first, make sure we're right for each other and...nuh-ugh!" The cock's head was pushing into him, the shape made it less uncomfortable than it could have been, but he wasn't enjoying this!

The other neo-ape had Smith in his lap, face to face, and was using those brawny arms to lift Smith up by his arms and pressing him down onto his cock that way. Smith's legs were spread out and he was resisting the pressure downwards, but he wasn't going to last much longer!

That cock in Jett's ass began to push in further and when it did, it contacted whatever those weird aliens had done to him. Jett suddenly gave out a howl and this howl was not of pain, but of sheer, exquisite pleasure!

"Oh, God, oh, God, ohhhhh, Goooooooood!" he shouted as the neo-ape's prong buried itself fully in his ass. "This can't be happening to me!"

"Time for Plan B!" Smith urged him.

"I don't have to try, this cock feels so fucking good, Goddamn it!" Jett moaned. "Those fucking asshole aliens made sure of that!"

"I hope mine works out the same way!" Smith gave up and those ape arms shoved him downwards. That neo-ape's dong plunged into him and Smith yelled a great deal like Jett had.

"How are you doing over there?" he called out.

"Abso-fucking-lutely incredible!" Smith groaned.

The neo-ape who had Jett began to hump at Jett's butt and the pleasure he had felt at the insertion returned and stayed, reinvigorated with every thrust and pull of the dong.

"Oh, God, oh, God, oh, God!" Jett gasped. "I am going to fucking kill those aliens, I see them again!"

"I'll help you do it!" Smith promised. "Oh, oh, gah!"

Jett looked over from underneath one of the neo-ape's armpits and saw Smith actually bobbing up and down on his alien partner's dong voluntarily. The neo-ape still held him captive, but he was moving within that grip of his own volition, fucking himself rather than being fucked while his face, softened with passion's brush-strokes, moved in slow expressions of sexual joy.

Jett couldn't blame Smith for that, the old "try to enjoy it" rule was really the best you can do in a situation like this. He looked back at the neo-ape ramming his butt, and he said to that alien face, "I still don't like this, but if you've been handled by these aliens the way we have, I guess I won't blame you for this. So come on and fuck me the best way you know how!"

Jett found that cooperating with this huge rod in his ass helped a lot. He had been feeling pleasure of course, thanks to the alien implant, but his help was converting it into something Like he was giving as well as taking the pleasure he was feeling.

The neo-ape seemed to pick up on this and Jett found the huge being was beginning to use a bit of finesse on its thrusts into him. "Hey, you really do know how to fuck a guy, don't you?" he sighed into that simian face. "I could get used to this. Of course, you're going to make me breakfast afterwards, won't you?" His stomach was as empty as his ass was full.

The huge face was snorting breath on him that was just shy of live steam in his face. The breath carried a muskiness to it, and Jett found it intoxicating in its way.

"Oh, yeah, come on, fuck me harder, you big ape stud, fuck me harder!" He panted into that face. "God, I can't believe I'm being fucked by an ape and I'm loving it!"

"I think we'd love being fucked by a piledriver." Smith contributed. He had stopped riding that dong, now the ape had him in a similar position to Jett, that huge ass of the neo-ape was bobbing back and forth. Jett didn't see an anus or a cleft back there, just one large gluteus across the entire width of the body. But it worked like a human ass in the way it contributed to the thrusts into Smith's body.

Smith's legs were wrapped around that neo-ape's body, he was clinging to it in the way of a human with his lover, and that sight somehow made it all all right.

That let Jett reach the last objection of his body to this sex, and his ravished body promptly declared itself ready for orgasm. "Oh, oh, I'm coming, I'm coming!" he groaned.

Shoot it all over him." recommended Smith. "I know I'm going to!"

"Oh, oh, OH-OH-OH-OH, OHHHH, OHHH-HOHHHHHHH!" And Jett did climax, though his cock didn't shoot as hard as it could have, it got all over Jett's stomach and lower abdomen, but no further.

The neo-ape snorted, gave out a very familiar call, "Hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo!" and Jett felt hot spunk shooting into his bowels, even as his own climax ebbed and faded into an all-too-familiar exhaustion.

Smith was groaning in sexual ecstasy and his partner matched him in climax as well from all evidence, and there was a combination of "AH-HAH-AH-HAH-AH-HAH!" and "Hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo!" as human and neo-ape shared their orgasm with a mutual ejaculation of their bodily fluids.

Jett was unsurprised that this neo-ape which had been ramming him didn't belive in cuddling afterwards, the neo-ape pulled its prick out of his ass and both returned to the door which opened for them. Jett considered trying to escape that way, but it was too far away and the door closed right after them.

Smith was standing over him, his spunk shining on his stomach. "I guess now we know why they brought us here, don't we?"

"Education and entertainment." Jett agreed.

"Which means they intend to keep us awhile."

"I hope that means they feed us soon." Jett said. "I'm hungry as hell."

"If I had something you could eat, I'd give it to you." Smith said kindly.

Jett looked at him, at that shining pearl-colored fluid and he dimpled. "You do." he said and moved in.

Smith just laughed when Jett, kneeling before him, began to lick at his stomach and he said, "Here now, I'm hungry too." And Jett lay down and Smith lay in with his head at Jett's stomach and his own at Jett's face and the two men fed off of each other's jizz-load. Better than nothing, was what Jett decided when he was done, but far from filling.

Another, smaller door (barely a foot square) opened on another wall, and from it extruded a table loaded with what was unfamiliar but undeniably food of some sort.

Jett walked over to it with Smith, considered the odd plates and looked at Smith and shrugged. "I don't see we have a choice."

"I don't either."

And the two men fed. Jett found it filling though the taste was a case of a blind gamble with each new dish. He finished, his stomach sated, but the feeling replacing it was just as unsettling.

They had been fed. These aliens planned to keep them here a while. Maybe forever.


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E-mail the Author at Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


Next: Chapter 6

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