Jett Haskins and the Lights in the Sky

By moc.loa@1kwahymmoT

Published on Jun 8, 2015



By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


Chapter Three: Meeting the Others

Smith took the news that Jett had met an alien a lot quicker than Jett had expected. "Ah, good then, you made contact." he said. "Will I be allowed to meet this alien, or is it just you and him?"

"Uh, you can meet him." Jett said. "He's waiting in my old room while I talk to you."

"Ah, very good." Smith said.

Jett looked at him curiously. "Just very good?'" he asked incredulously.

"What else did you expect?"

"What else? What else? Something more like, Oh, my God! An alien? An actual alien?'" Jett supplied.

"We knew that one of these lights in the sky' had left behind somebody, the evidence at the landing site was quite unmistakable." Smith explained. "We knew that whoever or whatever it was had to have been able to blend in with the human population."

"How did you figure all that out?"

"When they land in a sandy patch of a village park, the conclusions are rather inescapable."

Jett asked, curious. "How did you manage to keep the, uh, villagers from getting to him first?"

"It was dicey." Smith admitted. "But we managed to explain it all as a military experiment that had gone awry."

"Well, the guy is upstairs, a rather good-looking stud. We...talked a while and I said I'd help him get back in contact with his people." Jett looked at Smith when he said that.

"Fine with me, as long as I get a chance to talk to them while we're doing it."

Jett didn't think that Ejin would agree to that, but took his victory as he could get it. "Fine, then, let's get him and get out there where the lights are."

"Jones will bring the car out back." Smith said. "We'll want to keep things on the q.t. as long as we can."

"I'll bring the alien through the kitchen, then." Jett agreed. "Ten minutes." He'd need time to tell Ejin what he'd arranged.

Ejin and he were in Smith's car at the promised time and Smith was motioning them inside urgently while he talked on a carphone. Interesting, the old-fashioned hulk he was driving didn't look like it could handle modern technology, and where had they put the bulky wireless transmitter; it would take up the entire trunk of a regular car? Had it gone under the seat instead?

Smith was talking. "Keep it under observation and report any movement, we need to intercept them somehow. We'll be there as soon as we can. Out!" He hung up the telephone and said, "You're in luck." to Elgin. "Lights have been reported two miles north of here."

"On our way." Jones said.

To Jett's surprise, the car peeled out like a race car instead of an antique! "Jones's done some work on the engine." Smith explained rapidly to Jett's question. And to Ejin, "I'm looking forward to talking with your people. There are so many questions we have for you."

Jett had explained this part to Ejin in their ten minutes alone. "My people have a policy to not get involved in more primitive cultures. This rule is for your own protection, you must understand, not out of cruelty or contempt. Your planet must be allowed to take its own path if it is not to be corrupted into a weak parody of our own."

"I understand." Smith said smoothly. "But now that my people know yours exist, without any real information to work with, there is only left speculation and ill-informed paranoia to work with. If you won't talk with us, you must be our enemy, that sort of thing."

"I conced your point. I will speak with my people about this new development. I cannot promise a quick response, however."

"Stay in touch with us by some means, so we can act accordingly, that is all I ask." Smith settled back. An alien might have thought Smith had given up, but Jett wasn't an alien and knew Smith was merely nailing down this advantage firmly, to use as a base to expand his approach on things afterwards. But he kept quiet, after all, he wasn't an alien, and Mankind might need what they could learn here!

Jones had been driving and he suddenly cut off the lights on the car entirely, driving in darkness. "What the hell?" Jett yelped in the sudden total darkness.

"Lights up ahead." Jones explained. "I believe that was the reason for the rush."

"Quite right." Smith said and unrolled the window of the moving car, filling the compartment with the rushing of wind. "I'll navigate us from the roof."

"The roof?" Jett asked but then Smith had slithered up and out the window, he was climbing up on the roof! Jett watched the legs slide upwards and then unrolled the window on his side and peered out.

There they were! The lights people had been talking about. Three of them, in a perfect triangle, but not an equilateral one, the two in the back were closer together than the one in front. Like an arrow pointing their direction for the three moved in a way that told Jett they were part of a single machine and angled in another direction.

"They're heading east!" he called to Jones.

"Eastward!" Cecill called out.

Jones made a sudden right turn and Jett heard footsteps on the roof that said Smith was standing up there! Up on the roof of a moving car speeding through the night! Was the man an idiot or just currying a death wish?

"They're going toward a field on the north side of the road!" Smith called down to them. He was still up there, then. Given his reputation, Jett wasn't that surprised, just annoyed that Smith was doing something incredible and he couldn't see it!

"I do believe they're landing over there." Jones said before Jett could put in his opinion.

"They're going into the field!" Smith called and those two burly legs sidled down and into the compartment, followed by his body. And to Ejin, "I think we're about to get you back to your people here, Ejin."

They pulled up beside the field, which no longer had lights of any kind, instead, there was a nebulous black shape blotting out the trees and part of the sky. Whatever was in that field was huge, no doubt about it. Jett looked over at Ejin, barely able to see him in the minimal lights of the still-moonless night. No doubt about it, he was floating over the ground instead of walking on it.

"It'd help if your friends would turn on a few lights for us." he complained.

"They do not dare." Ejin said. "There is a danger that...."

And the ground around them lighted up all around them. Not from the black shape ahead, that was silently and darkly rising up from the ground and abandoning them. No, this came from above and from their left, and showed very clearly a huge, hexagonal shape. Lights it had in abundance, in rows that accented the six even sides of the undercarriage as they rayed out from the center. The central light was largest of all, but there was no way that this alien craft was like the one in the field.

Ejin's reaction to it, though, was the strongest of all. "Oh, no, not them! It can't be them!"

That didn't sound good. "Who is it? Not your people?"

"No, not my people! We must flee, we must flee now!" Ejin was floating not toward the car, but toward the woods beyond the field, it was away from the lights now straight overhead, and the speed he was accomplishing far outpaced his three human comrades.

Jett didn't understand the danger, only Ejin's reaction but he'd been a reporter long enough to understand this...when the natives you were talking to ran, you should run too, and in the same direction! So he chugged off after Ejin, and Smith was ahead of him and Jones by his side as they ran.

The lights were overhead and lighting the way clearly, and there was no sign of Ejin. He must have already made it to the woods, the speed he was making. And the lights were suddenly brighter, was this thing landing on top of them? He looked up and was blinded by the light...and then nothing.

He awoke in He couldn't quite tell where he was, but he was lying on a table and held down by some unobvious method, that is, he tried to get up and couldn't. Anesthesia? He tried to talk and his words came out mushy but understandable.

"Where am I?"

"Jett?" came a semi-familiar voice.

"Smith?" Jett ventured?

"Over here."

Jett turned his head to see that Smith was lying nude on a table (or something, a flat surface was all Jett could see and everything was the same too-gray color) to his right.

"Where are we?" Jett's voice was coming out clearer. "Do you know what happened?"

"I'd guess we were captured by whoever it was Ejin was afraid of." Smith sounded very calm.

"So we're prisoners?"

"Apparently." came the dry answer.

"So what can we do?"

"Wait for a chance to escape. Survive until then. Seems to just be the two of us in here, so Ejin and perhaps Jones both escaped, they can let people know what happened to us. Maybe Ejin's people will come rescue us."

"Fat chance of that." Jett said bitterly. "They were too busy running last I saw."

"They could bring reinforcements." Smith ventured. "Or we can escape without them. Wait and see what happens."

As if his words were a cue, he heard a slight "chuff" of sound and an area of one side was showing a slightly darker hue, and thus showing them through a doorway the area outside the room they were in, and through this door, in came their captors.

They were not Ejin's people. Jett's first thought was that they'd been captured by monsters, his next that they were zombies, living-dead, dead-faced zombies. The same height as humans, they were thin arms and legs and even their bodies were narrow and elongated in appearance, their bodies were both unclothed and hairless. Their heads were large and elongated with oversized brain cases, with round jet-black eyes, there was no nose and their small nostrils were holes flat against the face, the lips were nearly non-existent as wel.

There were six of them, and they repulsed Jett like little before ever had. They were worse than non-human, they were distorted, hideous humans!

Three of them turned their attentions to Jett alone, the other three attended Smith. And from the ceiling above them, depended several arms. Metallic but articulated, they snaked down toward Jett helpless on the table beneath them.

"Smith? Smith, what are they going to do with us?"

"Beats me." Smith still sounded calm, it helped soothe Jett as well. "Hold on, get through this, and we'll look for a chance to get out of here."

Those...those...Jett decided to call them "Gremlins" to himself until he had a better name for them. Those Gremlins were touching his body all over, both with their hands (they were hot, dry and vaguely scaly-feeling) and with metallic probes that made dull indentations on various points of his body. A few pinched him, sometimes painful enough that he cried out. Smith was enduring similar indignities but never seemed to make a single noise, though his face grimaced a few times.

Then they were checking out Jett's groin. Hands were touching, fondling, feeling out his pud.

To his intense mortification, Jett found his cock rising up under the attentions. He looked to see Smith being similarly fondled. His firm white body on this whiter room with the dark gray figures around him was like a puddle of reality in this unfeeling, metallic place. Smith's dong was being caressed, almost worshiped by the Gremlins, and Jett felt a vague, perverse excitement at seeing this handsome British lord helpless and touched intimately by these things out of old legends or nightmares or both.

Jett felt something cool enclosing his own cock and looked down to see his own dong being fastened upon by a tube-like extension that was metallic chrome in color, and yet supple as soft velvet. It, too, exuded the heat he felt from the hands of the Gremlins.

The Gremlins' hands were no longer observing or experimenting on him, now they were moving in ways meant to excite him. Long strokes of those dry, hot hands was far from being sexy, but the tube's movements upon his prong was more than enough to offset that. Jett's body was responding even here, even in this humiliating position, he was getting turned on. He groaned in spite of himself, and looked over at Smith.

Smith was being manually manipulated by one of the Gremlins. Unlike Jett, he was visibly getting into this, his body was partially released from the table in fact and he was lying in an articulated position, up on one elbow and one hand, one leg bent, being pumped by the Gremlin. The more he got into it, the freer he seemed to be.

Jett wondered. Was that the key to freedom in this bizarre place? That tube on his cock was working him, he was feeling more and more turned on. He didn't have to fake anything, all he had to do was...let it take him.

As he moaned harder, as his pleasure grew, the table (or whatever it was) began to release him. He was able to move, able to writhe in his pleasure as he was manipulated. A Gremlin's hand snaked in underneath and Jett felt his anus being probed by the fingers of a hand that held some undeniable lubrication on it. Oh, God! No, not that? But his body didn't care, his ass pulsed and flexed as those fingers touched and stroked the oh-so-sensitive skin. The fingers were long and flexible, but they drove Jett insane, and when the Gremlin pushed its cock into his ass, Jett could only continue moan, and the entire Gremlin's entire length was driven into his body.

Jett couldn't help himself, he moaned and ejaculated on the spot! The tube began a suctioning on his dong that caught and vacuumed his jizz as fast as he could pump it out. Jett groaned and looked down at the Gremlin with its cock up his butt, the Gremlin made a grin that showed yellowish teeth that were cracked and uneven, even as he climaxed, Jett felt nauseated at this reaction of his traitor body. He shot the last of his spunk and sagged back, exhausted and the Gremlin pulled out its cock from Jett's ass with a "pop" and grinned at him again, an evil enjoyment at Jett's helpless state.

"Good job!" came Smith's voice and Jett looked over, flushing bright red he felt certain.

But Smith had a Gremlin hand on his cock as well, while another Gremlin was pumping his prick into Smith's ass with a vigor that looked painful...but Smith was only groaning and thrusting his hips up and down slightly in his ecstasy. More Gremlins were doing things to him, pinching his nipples, fondling his nuts, other less obvious things blocked by their bodies, Jett had lost all but one of the Gremlins during his own sexual release and these other five were clustered around Smith.

As Smith reached his own climax, another tube extended from the ceiling, this one formed a funnel that hung itself over Smith's dong and as Smith orgasmed, his jizz spraying out, this funnel caught it and pulled it upwards in some not-obvious manner, every driblet of it was drawn upwards away from him and none landed on Smith or his ministering Gremlins. Done, his chest heaving, his face flushed and panting audibly, he looked over at Jett. "Well, they do know how to treat their guests right, don't they?"

Jett felt an anger at this, then realized Smith was putting the best face on a bad situation that he could. He forced a smile of his own instead and sallied back with, "I can see one bit of technology of theirs we'll want to obtain, anyhow."

"Indeed." Smith agreed. "Now we need to see what they do with us."

"Yeah." Jett felt logy and weak, he laid back on the table. "Until then, I'm going to rest a while."

"Sounds good to me." Smith also lay back down.

And when Jett came to again, he was lying, fully clothed, on the ground of the field they had been in on the night before, and the dawn light was painting the eastern sky a dull gray color. Only a flattened area of grass to one side told them that the entire night hadn't been some sort of odd dream.


Comments, complaints or suggestions?

E-mail the Author at Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


Next: Chapter 4

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