Jett Haskins and the Lights in the Sky

By moc.loa@1kwahymmoT

Published on May 31, 2015



By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


Chapter Two: A Mysterious Stranger

Well, if you have to be in a bad spot, having two government special agents by your side was the best possible spot to be. So he looked at Smith to watch the magic happen.

Smith saw his look. "What?"

"Aren't you going to do something?"

"Like what, mate?"

"Like...I don't know. Something extraordinary. Knock them all down with your bare hands or something." Jett recommended.

"Not going to happen."

"Oh." Jett deflated. "So what do we do?"

"I'm sure I'll think of something." Smith said airily. And to the sergeant. "Would you please call your commanding officer and tell him you've met up with Smith and Jones, two agents of Federal Unified Command, K Section, and ask him for instructions on what you should do about us."

The sergeant looked at Smith and seemed to recognize him now that he had the name. "Yes, sir." the sergeant answered and got on his walkie-talkie. He walked away from them to talk, but came back quickly enough. "All right, he's authorized. Everyone stand down. My apologies, sirs."

"No matter." Smith waved a hand airily.

The sergeant looked at Jett, perhaps wondering what he was doing there, but the presence of the two government agents was enough to put an end to it, the soldiers moved off and they were left alone.

"Is that extraordinary enough for you?" Smith grinned at him.

Jett did feel vaguely cheated. "It'll do until something better comes along." After all, they were out of the mess, even if the sequence was anticlimactic.

"I'll try to make the next altercation more physical." Smith promised. "Any more questions?"

"Yeah. You're aware the initials of your organization spell out F-U-C-K?"

Smith grinned. "You didn't think we'd reveal the name of our agency to a bunch of low-grade, low-security-clearance soldiers, did you? They're none too bright, witness that none of them have spotted the initials yet besides you."

Jett had to grin. He was beginning to like Smith!

"What would you like for me to do with this one?" Jones asking, indicating Fred, who was just coming to. "Do we invite him along, or do I need to find another cosh?"

Fred sat up, rubbing his head. "What happened?"

"There was a big explosion." Jett said maliciously. "We all died and this is Hell!"

Fred didn't fall for it for a second. "My camera! Where's my camera?"

"It's right over there." Smith told him, pointing. Fred scooped it up, checked it. "Film's still in the camera!" he gloated. "I can't believe you didn't take my camera or at least the film!" He cradled the big box in his arms like a favorite baby.

Jett leaned over and whispered into Smith's ear. "Why didn't you expose the film when you had the camera?"

"Jones did." Smith whispered back. "But I see no reason to tell him that, do you?"

"Right." Jett responded, relieved. To Fred, "Take the car, go back to the local home office and tell them I can't work with you any longer. They can send another photographer to take your place."

"They certainly can, because I'll quit." Fred declared. "I'll sell these pictures for enough to open my own studio!" And he left them.

"Oh, I do hope he quits before he develops those photos." Jones grinned after Fred with a definitely malicious smirk.

"Me, too!" Jett agreed heartily

"One can only hope." Smith added. "Well, unless you wish to look at a field of wheat longer, we should be moving on."

"On to what?" Jett asked.

"Mostly, a shower and dinner." Smith observed, looking at the sun which was about midway down the western sky. "Things have been happening around here at night, you understand."

"Lights in the sky at night, and a circle in the wheatfield at day." Jett mentioned the only real facts he had. "A total mystery so far."

"Yes, it is, isn't it?" Smith was being deliberately unhelpful, Jett realized.

"So what else do you know?" Jett asked.

"That the lights are moving under some sort of deliberate control." Smith gave him. "Whether they're vehicles of some sort or being controlled from the ground, they are under control, not a natural phenomenon. And the lights are always seen where the crop circles show up."

"How many are there?" Jett had only heard about this one circle!

"Today's makes four so far, in the last ten days. They've been appearing at the rate of every few days, though the lights are showing up every night. So I say back to the inn for a shower and clean clothes, then a good meal and come back out to watch for the lights. Sooner or later, there's got to be more to find out than just that."

He went with Smith and Jones to the inn (which turned out to be the same one he had taken a room in for himself that very morning) and Jones brought Jett some fresh clothing from it for him to wear after a shower, which did make him feel better. He found he was simply assumed to now be sharing Smith's room by everyone and saw no reason to argue with that, for Smith had one of the nicest rooms in the inn. He went with Smith down to dinner feeling all was right with the world, he had an inside track to the hottest story likely to come along in a long time.

He should have guessed this wasn't going to last! Jones found himself accosted by some elderly matron as they reached their dessert-and-coffee stage, and he was taken away from Jett and Smith with a backwards helpless look. Smith followed after him and Jett was left behind all alone...with the check! He paid it and went to hang a bit in the front room, a place designed for such genteel socializing.

The room was all in shades of brown, deep, rich-toned colors that the fire and covered lights here and there turned into a very warm place indeed. He was sitting in a chair somewhat apart from the rest of the guests (who all seemed to already know each other, heightening his loneliness), sipping a martini and trying to decide whether Smith would be back in time to make their nightly excursion after all, or if he would have to go upstairs and face a bed that was going to be lonelier than usual, since it wouldn't have a luscious naked blond hunk in it after all.

"Pardon me." came a voice beside him and Jett looked up to see a rather handsome young man in front of him. The fire dancing over them made his face seem less like a human than some vision of maleness from another plane of existence, the ethereal beauty that marked fairies or gods and which artists strove mightily to capture in their painting and sculptures throughout the ages.

"Yes?" Jett asked of this vision.

"Are you Jett Haskins, the reporter?" the man asked him.

"Yes, I am."

"I may call me Ejin." the man said. "I need to speak with you privately if I may."

"Certainly." Jett agreed. He thought fast, he didn't want to take a possible news source back to Smith's room, he needed to continue to have some "hole cards" to play here if at all possible. And his old room at the inn was still his, he'd paid for it for two more days and hadn't turned his key back in. "Come with me."

He led the young man upstairs to his room. Turned at the top to see the man rising the last bit of the steps, blinked. It was like the man had floated up rather than walking. Nonsense! Just an illusion of his fogged brain, too much excitement today, the mind can play little tricks on you. "It's this one." Jett indicated a room just to the left of the staircase.

It was a small, cramped room, holding only a bed and a dresser, with a closet barely larger than the doorway to it in size. Plenty for a busy reporter just wanting a place to crash, but rather minimal and, without his own clothing in it to decorate it, looking almost like a jail cell.

There was no place to sit besides the bed, not even a single chair. Jett sat on the edge of the bed and motioned Ejin to take a place beside him. When Ejin was seated (Jett again had the sense that he had floated down instead of sitting down by dint of physical muscle movement), he said, "Now, what did you want to say?"

"You know about the lights that have been appearing in the skies around here, but you aren't one of these scientists. Isn't that right?"


"You have no interest in the lights other than the chance to write about them in your newspaper, yes?"

"Yes, that's about it." Jett admitted. "Them and the wheatfield circles that have been appearing wherever they've been seen. I don't know if those two are related or not, but...."

"They are." Ejin said.

"How?" Jett asked, fascinated.

"Because I know what is creating them."

"The lights?"

"What makes the lights makes them, yes." Ejin seemed to debate with himself about how much to say. Jett had seen it in the past, it always meant that he wasn't going to be told everything here by any means, just enough for this man's purpose.

Any reporter knew how to handle this, of course. Get the voluntary information first, then push at that crack in the door to get as much more as you could. It may take collateral sources or research, but you could only work on that if you had the key of the voluntary information first.

"So what makes the lights in the sky?" he asked.

"They are made by my people." Ejin said.

"And who are your people?"

"That I cannot tell you just now." Ejin went on. "But the thing to remember is that we only wanted to observe you, study you, understand you."

"But..." Jett was foundering with this revelation. "What's to study and observe about the Americans?"

"Not the Americans." Ejin said. "Mankind."

"Mankind?" Jett looked at Ejin anew. He hadn't been imagining that floating. "But then you''re aliens? Monsters from another planet?"

"Do I look like a monster?" Ejin asked him, with a smile.

"No." Jett admitted. "But what are you, then? Are you human?"

"Yes and no." Ejin answered rather unhelpfully.

"How can you be human and not human at the same time?" Jett pressed.

"We are alike in the things that are important, and unalike in the things that are not." Ejin told him.

"So why are you telling me this?"

"Because we need your help." Ejin said. "You weren't supposed to know we were here at all, just some lights that nobody understood. We avoided heavily populated areas for this reason."

"So what happened that makes you need our help? What kind of help?"

"That I cannot tell you." Ejin said. "This is not a case of a conspiracy against you or against mankind, I assure you of that. I cannot tell you why this is so, just that I tell you this is so."

"That doesn't give me a lot to go on." Jett pointed out. "Why should I help you if I don't know who you are or what you're going to do with that help."

"What I will do with that help is to go home." Ejin told him. "To go home, and take some things that belong to me along with me. Nothing else. That is something I can promise you."

"Are you stranded here?" Jett asked.

"I am out of contact with my people, yes. I need your help to reestablish that contact. They are searching for me as best they can, given that they cannot do anything to reveal themselves to your people while they look. It limits them, and has for long enough that I must do something to help them find me."

"So you want me to help you put up some kind of "Help" sign they can read." Jett tried to wrap his head around it. "So why did you ask me?"

"Because of this afternoon." Ejin said. "You and that other man, on the hill. I saw you there, the two of you and I knew I could get you to trust me."

"You saw us. When? Doing what?" Jett asked.

"This." Ejin said and his hand came over and stroked down Jett's arm.

And what happened from that touch was like liquid fire. Jett blinked and looked as the hand moved, he could swear that something had to be flowing from that hand onto his own body, but could see nothing. He only knew that the sensations rushing through him from that simple touch was like three notches above any touch he'd ever gotten from any man under any circumstances whatsoever.

When that hand reached his wrist and began to travel back upwards, the intensity was stronger than ever. It was no longer a case of whether he would let this man seduce him, he had been convinced on a level that bypassed the brain entirely.

"What are you doing to me?" He gasped instead.

"Pleasing you." Ejin answered. "You must be pleased with me to help me, mustn't you? It is a universal standard that trust requires sympathetic understanding first. While there are races in the cosmos that make understanding difficult, our peoples are similar enough that we can establish this understanding at this basic level of mutual pleasure by the sharing of our bodies. Can we not?"

"Sounds good to me." Jett agreed. "Does your race believe in kissing?"

"We have our equivalent actions, but I can kiss." Ejin said. And his lips reached for Jett's, and that touch made the touch of the hand like a spark is to a fire. Jett nearly came just from that single kiss, and he sagged into Ejin's embrace. Ejin lowered him back onto the bed, his fingers merely touched his shirt and the buttons opened and parted for him. Now Jett was certain that Ejin was able to control things in some not-obvious way, making things do his bidding. Like he was making Jett do his bidding.

He only had to lift his body to let his clothing flow from him. The clothes on Ejin's body was equally ethereal in their actions, wafting away from him and leaving them unencumbered.

Nude now under a nude Ejin, Jett felt helpless and writhing in lust, his body shivering under every touch of that body.

Ejin gave him no chance to reciprocate, he was kissing down Jett's body, and in every kiss a new fire blazed in his body, and the reason he was helpless was that action might have hindered those lips and the fires they ignited in him!

He thought for certain that the moment those lips touched his cock that he would blast, he expected it, he braced for it, he anticipated it as the lips dove into his navel, then lower, and into the bush of pubic hair below that and then flowed up his shaft and upon the glans and engulfed him in liquid ecstasy.

But perhaps the body doesn't fall to desire so easily, or perhaps Ejin was deliberately using his control of Jett's body to postpone that moment of ecstasy for him. He was at this stranger's mercy, unable to deny him anything at all.

The motions of those lips were matched with a moist touching of flesh inside the mouth as Ejin went down on his dong, and that was another extraordinary delight for Jett. The tongue was licking him in a manner that was downright...unearthly.

The way in which Ejin tormented and teased his body with sexual sensations masked it for some time, but Jett finally received enough of the unmistakable touches inside that mouth to realize what was unique about it, and in his delirium of pre-orgasmic bliss (for his cock was sparking in that way that soon turns into a white spray jetting out of the top) and he summoned up by superhuman effort the ability to ask it in words.

"Two tongues? You have two tongues?" That had to be the answer, nothing else would explain how he could be touched both at his cock's tip and his lower shaft on opposite sides at the same time.

Those two slender threads of desire tightened and now he didn't need the answer spoken any longer. Ejin had two tongues! Just how different was he in other ways?

But those tongues weren't releasing him, they were stroking his pud and that sent Jett over the edge and into orgasm!

"Oh, oh, I'm, I'm coming, I'm coming!" he got out and then it was only inarticulate grunts of joy as he climaxed, ejaculating deep into Ejin's mouth and Ejin held Jett's dong in his mouth and kept stroking him with those tongues while he spurted a heavy load down Ejin's throat, Ejin swallowing him easily when Jett knew that his wads could be thick and sticky and hard to take.

Done, panting hard, he shook in his post-coital readjustments, and Ejin came back up his body to match their faces and they kissed, and this time Ejin's tongues slid into his mouth and Jett jousted with them, totally outmatched by this double-assault and his hand moved down Ejin's body to seek out this incredible lover's crotch so he could begin to return the favor.

But before he could reach that far, Ejin moved in a way that blocked his body from touching there. Jett made a small groan of frustration, his body needed not only sexual satiation, but also the joy that comes from the giving of pleasure to the other.

"My body does not take pleasure in this way." Ejin explained to him.

"But...but then how...." Jett stuttered.

"But if you will permit it, I will share it with you." Ejin went on.

"Of course, of course." Jett hastily agreed.

Ejin smiled and what happened then was.... It was impossible for him to describe. Like he and Ejin were sliding into each other, like a hand into a glove, only the hand contained the glove as the glove contained the hand, at the same time. In this point-to-point continuity, the very molecules of his body and Ejin's meshed and vibrated in harmony, and in that harmony was a pleasure that made the pleasure of mere mortal orgasm pale in comparison.

In that unending, eternal, universal ecstasy Jett floated. He was a part of the very cosmos, feeling the planets orbiting their suns and it was all balanced, all perfect, no need to change a thing about anything, anything at all. Man and woman, child and adult, plant and animal, all was one, all was right, all was part of the great plan of eternity.

And in that moment, Jett understood why Ejin had wanted to make love to him. He needed an ally to get back to his people and that was the entirety of his motives in approaching Jett. He wasn't helping to plan an invasion of Earth, wasn't out to destroy Mankind, wasn't planning anything else at all.

Jett trusted Ejin now. Trusted him completely.

And the great moment absorbed that fact and integrated it into everything that was and had been and would be, and was a part of this sexual universality that he and Ejin were sharing.

How long it went on, Jett didn't know, it seemed a long time in some ways, and a mere instant in others. But it was over and he was back in his own body again, and the singleness of his being was a sobering reality he had to accept whether he wanted to or not.

He sat up. He was dressed again, completely and Ejin wasn't even touching him, was sitting well apart from him on the bed. How much of this experience had been actual sex here? How much of what he'd received in the way of making love had really happened?

He looked over at Ejin, dumbfounded.

"I need your help," Ejin repeated to them, "to get back to my own people. Will you help me?"

Jett blinked at him. That was the question. Would he?

His mouth opened and he didn't even know what he was going to say. "Yes. I'll help you get back to your people, Ejin."

What the hell had he gotten himself into here? And what would Smith think about the promise he'd just made?


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E-mail the Author at Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


Next: Chapter 3

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