
By Chris Reed (Numlfl, Nudcjul)

Published on Mar 19, 2006


This story is the property of the author. You may keep a copy on your computer for personal enjoyment, however if you wish to publish or distribute the story then you must get the permission of the author.


Part Three

By Chris

"Come on in," Linda said with a smile and she hugged them both as they came in the door.

"Carol, haul your butt in here and greet our guests." Linda called out from the doorway.

"I can't wait for you two to meet Carol and she can't wait to meet you. I have told her so much about how you love each other." Linda said and then she blushed, "I hope that you don't mind that I told her."

"No that is fine." Rachel assured her.

"Where the hell is Carol? Let me go find her, make yourself at home in the living room. There are cokes on the table. I don't drink and neither does Carol, now." She added with a wink as she hurried out the room and down the hallway.

"I think Carol is in for it." Jessie said with a big grin.

"Sheee... she will hear you. But I think you are right." Rachel added.

They talked a minute until they heard Carol and Linda walking down the hall. Jessie could hear Linda saying something like "You look fine." Then they appeared. Jessie was surprised to see such striking difference in their

looks. Linda was tall and slim while Carol was short and had more than a few

extra pounds.

"Carol was doing some last minute makeup. I told her she was pretty enough and to come on out." Linda said as she wrapped her arms around Carol and kissed her cheek. This brought a rose hue to Carol's cheeks but Jessie could tell that Carol was eating it all up.

"Carol, this is Rachel and Jessie. They're the ones I have been telling you about."

"I'm happy to finally meet you. Linda thinks so much about you. I was kind of nervous meeting you both."

"No need for that. We were probably more nervous than you were. We couldn't wait to see the woman who stole Linda's heart." Jessie said as she went to Carol and gave her a hug. Rachel followed her up with a hug and you could see Carol finally relax.

"I would offer you a drink but Linda cut me off a couple of years ago. I had to quit to get her to move in with me. Not that I was a big drinker but I liked a glass of wine every now and then."

"That is okay, coke will do fine for us." Rachel said.

"Well supper is on the table, let's go eat. I am starving to death and as you can tell, I like my food." Carol said with a big laugh. Then she added, "You will have to suffer through my cooking, since Linda cooks all day at the house, I won't let her cook here."

"I am sure it will be delicious." Jessie told her.

"So tell us how you two met." Rachel asked Carol after dinner was over and they were sitting in the living room. Linda was sitting on Carol's lap in the easy chair opposite of Rachel and Jessie who were sitting close together on the couch holding hands.

"I already told you about that." Linda said.

"I know but now we want to hear it from Carol." Rachel told her.

"Yea, I think she will give us the dirty details." Jessie said with a wink and a laugh.

"She better not if she knows what is good for her." Linda warned Carol.

"Is that a threat?" Carol said.

"Nope, that is a promise." Linda said as she kissed Carol on the cheek.

"Well, I will take that chance. Carol said and then she continued. "Let me see, I came to the house as a brash young girl that thought she knew everything and wasn't taken shit off of anyone. I would spout off to anyone that I thought looked at me wrong. I knew I was not there for my looks but my brain and I made sure that everyone knew I was smarter than them. I got more spankings for that than anything else. My elder would wear her arm out on my ass but I just stayed bent over the bed and laughed. It hurt, it hurt badly but I wasn't going to let anyone hurt me. I had been hurt too many times before to let it happen again. I was probably close to getting kicked out of there when this lady sat down on the couch by me in the TV room. Here was this girl that smiled at everyone sitting by a girl that snarled at everyone. I will admit that she pissed me off by being so happy all the time. It got on my nerves and I will admit now, I was envious of her. I so wanted to see the world as she did. Anyway she sat there by me not saying a word for a while then she said something that hit home to me, she said simple "Why do you hate me?" I told her that I didn't hate her but then she asked me why I didn't flirt with her like the other girls did. I didn't really have an answer. She kept asking me these questions that I didn't really have

answers to. She kept talking to me until I started to talk and once I started I couldn't stop. Before I knew what was happening, I was crying on her shoulder and she was holding me. I feel in love with her right then and there. I felt like a new woman and then I was flirting with her every chance I got.

It took me a few months and a lot of nights on the couch talking to get her into bed. I always thought I would fall for someone like me, tough and brash

but it was a simple girl with an ever present smile that captured my heart."

Carol took Linda by the chin and brought her face to her and then she kissed her passionately. Jessie glanced over at Rachel and she saw that she was crying from hearing Linda and Carol's love story. She squeezed Rachel's hand and leaned over and kissed her.

"Hey, we have an extra bedroom, if you need it." Jessie heard Carol say as she was kissing Rachel.

"Carol! Don't say that." Linda said and then she hit Carol on the shoulder.

"Ouch!" Carol said and she squeezed Linda to her in a bear hug.

"To change the subject, how is it going for you two at the house? Have you had your first spankings yet?" Carol asked in her direct way that Jessie

had quickly discovered after meeting her.

"Yea, last night." Jessie said and she felt herself blush

"How may did you get?" Carol asked and Jessie saw Linda give her a disapproving look but she didn't say anything.

"I got fifty one." Jessie said and then Rachel said 'Forty two for me.

"Shoot, I was just getting warmed up at that, I think my first spanking was well over a hundred."

"Well we may be near that next week, we forget to put an alarm clock

in the room that you both gave us. We over slept and missed breakfast this morning." Rachel said.

"Oh, I know Linda's arm will definitely need a rub down Friday night

and I know that your elders will love the fact that you did that. They will not be able to sit for a week."

This caught Jessie's attention and she sat up. "Why do you say that?

Linda doesn't spank us and the elders don't get spankings, they give them."

"Well, that is not completely true you see..." Carol started to say but was interrupted by Linda.

"I need to see you in the kitchen, right now!" Linda said as she jumped off Carol's lap and headed toward the kitchen. "I said right now!" Linda demanded.

"I will be right back; I think that I just fucked up." Carol said as she got up and went toward the kitchen.

As soon as she closed the door behind her, Jessie and Rachel could hear Linda racking her over the coals. They couldn't hear what Linda was saying only that she was doing all the talking or rather yelling.

"I think someone is in trouble." Rachel said.

"Yep, and I think I know why." Jessie said, but she didn't elaborate.

Rachel waited a second then said, "Are you going to let me in on this big secret or what?"

"Wait a minute and lets see if Carol tells us, if she doesn't then I will tell you later, now be quite, here they come back."

"I'm sorry but I think I let my mouth get away from me." Carol said being perfectly contrite as Linda followed her in. "I tend to do that from time to time." She continued.

"That is okay, but now that you let the cat out of the bag so to speak, please finish what you were saying." Jessie asked sweetly.

Carol looked to Linda for permission to speak and Linda said, "She is right, you started it, you may as well finish it. Tell them what you were going to say."

"Well, I always wondered why my elder hated it when she had to spank

me, especially when it added up to over a hundred. I never did figure it out and it's the one thing that Linda kept from me until I became an elder and had to train someone. Linda took me aside and told me a well kept secret. Every time that your elders spanks you then later that night she reports with the rest of the elders and gives a report on how she is doing with you.

The problems that you are having and they discuss how to help you. The other girls give her ideas on what to do. Then once everything is discussed,

she removes her clothes and assumes the same position that you assume. Linda then steps up and gives her the same number of licks that she gave you. That is her punishment for not training you properly. It gives her the incentive to do better just like your spanking gives you the incentive to do

better. And let me tell you, Linda spanks a lot harder than your elders do. It hurt more than any spanking my elder gave me, plus having Linda spank me made it worse. I think she cried as much as I did during my spankings."

"That explains a lot. I head Judith moan when she sat down on the bed the last two Friday nights. I thought something was amiss and now I know what is was. I guess it will make it harder to hate her after she spanks you

but I still will. I am sure." Jessie said.

"Yea, me too but I will feel for her from now on." Rachel echoed.

They talked long into the night and Jessie and Rachel refused their offer to stay over. They knew that they had to get back and sleep in their own place. Plus with the alarm clock that they bought, they wouldn't over sleep this morning.

That morning at breakfast, they did get a few looks at first and Judith and Barb didn't look pleased at them but nothing was said. Jessie and

Rachel talked about it but they knew they would not know their fate until Friday night. They also knew it wouldn't be good. But they did the crime so they knew that they had to do the time.

Sunday night they stayed with their elders and Jessie wanted to ask Judith about the missed breakfast but she kept quite. If Judith brought the subject up, then they would talk but she didn't. She just hugged her close to her body and went to sleep.

Monday night was a different matter though. Jessie finished studying

early and she was going to see if Rachel was free but as she closed her books, Judith turned to her.

"Done already?" she asked.

"Yea, how about you?" Jessie asked knowing what the answer would be.

"Close enough, I've had enough for tonight." Judith said as she stood up and she came to Jessie and took her into her arms. Jessie knew what was expected of her so she put her arms around Judith and held her for a minute before she began to caress Judith's back and she felt Judith's hands on her ass, squeezing them. Jessie slipped her hands under Judith's sweat pants and found that Judith wasn't wearing any panties. Her fingers caressed Judith ass and pulled on her cheeks. Judith then eased back forcing Jessie's hands from her ass. She stood in front of Jessie and Jessie

watched as her hands went to her top and she began to pull it up. Jessie raised her hands above her head and allowed Judith to remove her top. Judith then pulled her sports bra off leaving her topless. She then put her hands to Jessie's breasts and cupped them. This made Jessie sigh as Judith's hands caressed them. She pulled on her nipples and caused them to harden. Jessie let out a moan as she felt the moisture begin to gather on her panties. Judith then brought her mouth down and she kissed each nipple, she then sucked the left one into her mouth. As she did that, Jessie felt Judith's hands at her shorts, unbuttoning them and pushing them down. She felt Judith's hand on her panty clad pussy. She was stroking her pussy through the thin material. Jessie moaned again and she brought her hands to Judith's breasts. She pinched the nipples through Judith's shirt and she felt no bra underneath. Jessie pulled Judith's shirt up and she grasped her breasts in her hands. Judith meanwhile had slipped her hand under Jessie's panties and was caressing Jessie's wet outer lips.

Jessie felt her knees going weak and obviously so did Judith. Jessie

felt herself being guided to the edge of the bed and was allowed to sit down. Judith got down on her knees in front of her. She put her fingers to Jessie's sides and she began to pull the panties off. Jessie lifted her hips up and Judith pulled them past her hips and then off. Judith brought her mouth to Jessie's right breast and she sucked the nipple into her mouth. She also put

her hands on Jessie's knees and she opened them up. Jessie felt Judith's right hand go up her right thigh and it did not stop until it was at her pussy. The fingers just barely touched her pussy lips. They went up and down her slit and this caused goose pimples to come up on Jessie's skin. Judith was good at teasing her. The fingers finally moved to her core and she felt a finger slip between her wet lips and it entered her. Jessie let out a moan and she pushed her hips forward causing more of Judith's finger to enter her. The finger began to fuck her as Judith's mouth moved to her left tit. The finger felt good fucking her but it felt even better when a second finger joined it. Judith fucked her a little harder and Jessie tried to push her hips forward to meet them but it was hard to do so sitting up. She wanted to lay back but Judith was sucking hard on her left nipple. But when she let it slip out of her mouth, Judith pushed Jessie onto her back. The fingers really started to fuck her now and Jessie put her feet on the edge of the bed and was pushing back. The finger went deep and she felt Judith's mouth licking around the fingers. Jessie let out a loud moan that she knew everyone would hear on the floor. Judith's fingers and mouth almost brought her to climax when they left her.

Jessie groaned but then she felt Judith pushing her legs up to her chest. This exposed her ass and pussy to Judith's mouth. Then next thing that she felt was Judith kissing her puckered rosebud. Jessie moaned aloud again. Judith then rimed her asshole with her tongue, going around and around her asshole getting it nice and wet with her salvia. Jessie felt Judith's tongue at her center and she relaxed her muscles. She felt Judith's

tongue enter her asshole and go deep inside. That felt so good and Jessie pulled her legs in tighter to her body. The tongue moved in and out of her asshole getting her more and more aroused. She was wanting to cum but Judith was leaving her pussy alone for the moment. She just licked and fucked her asshole with her tongue. Just when she thought that she couldn't take anymore, Jessie felt the tongue leave her asshole and a finger enter it. This stretched her a bit but it felt good too. As the finger fucked her asshole, she felt Judith's mouth return to her pussy. It licked up and down her slit getting the juices that were flowing from her. Then it went to her clit and Judith sucked it into her mouth. Jessie groaned and pushed back against Judith's mouth and finger that was fucking her asshole. Jessie felt the orgasm begin to build within her and soon it was bursting forth with wave after wave of pleasure.

When she came around she found Judith licking up her girlcum. She licked Jessie clean then she got up and went to her nightstand and pulled out her strap-on.

"I think we will do this a little differently tonight." Judith told Jessie as she got down on her knees in front of Jessie and helped her put the harness on.

"Okay," Jessie said wondering how they would do it. They had just done it doggie style so far. "Maybe missionary" Jessie thought as Judith tightened the fake cock on her and then she took it into her mouth. Jessie looked down at Judith as she gave her fake cock a good head job. Jessie had to admit she was beginning to like watching Judith do that to her. She obviously did not feel anything except the base of the cock rub against her sensitive clit. Judith put the cock deep into her mouth before taking it out

only to go deep again. Finally she let the cock drop from her mouth leaving it nice and wet. She then got up and took Jessie by the cock and led her over to her desk. Judith sat up on the edge of the desk. With Jessie's cock still

in her hands, she guided it to her pussy. She let go and Jessie took over. She placed the head at the entrance of Judith's pussy and she stepped in a bit more. She moved her hips forward and she watched the cock open Judith's lips and the head slipped inside of her. Jessie could see the cock's width stretch Judith's pussy as she eased more of the cock inside her pussy.

Jessie kept going forward until all of the cock was buried within Judith's pussy. Jessie looked up to see that Judith had her eyes closed and her face had a blissful expression. Jessie adjusted her feet to make the height just right then she moved her hips back and about four inches of the cock came out. She pushed back in slowly and the cock disappeared inside of Judith's pussy. Jessie left it there a second as she took Judith's tits into her hands. She began to caress them and pinch the nipples as she started to move her hips forward and back. She looked back down and just watched as her cock slipped in and out of Judith's pussy. Jessie could see Judith's juices coating the cock. Jessie went slowly at first but when Judith started to push her hips forward, Jessie began to fuck her harder. Soon Jessie brought her hands to Judith's hips and gripped them as she picked up speed. Jessie could

hear the slapping of her hips to Judith's pussy. Jessie picked up more speed

and Judith moaned louder. It seemed the harder Jessie fucked her the more Judith liked her. Judith hands were at her sides holding on but she moved them to Jessie's nipples and she pinched them between her thumbs and forefingers. The harder Judith pinched the harder Jessie fucked her. They pinched and fucked for what seemed forever. But then the cock base rubbing her clit started to get to her. Judith was moaning louder now and Jessie knew Judith couldn't last much longer but then again neither could she. Jessie fucked Judith even harder and then she heard Judith start to moan louder and the she started to jerk. Jessie was close to ca orgasm at this point so she drove the cock deep into Judith and pressed it in hard as she moved her hips up and down. This caused the base of the cock to really rub her clit but it also moved the cock inside of Judith's pussy. This caused Judith's orgasm to intensify and it brought Jessie her orgasm. Jessie then fell against Judith who held her tight as they both came.

"God that was good. I will be sore for a week girl." Judith told Jessie as she helped her up.

"It was pretty good for me too." Jessie admitted.

"I noticed." Judith said with a smile.

They both looked down as Jessie stepped back and the cock slipped from Judith's pussy. It was coated with her girlcum. Judith got off the desk

and dropped to her knees. She took the cock into her mouth and sucked up the juices that were on the head. She then licked it clean before helping Jessie take the cock off. She suggested a long shower, which Jessie readily agreed to.

The next week went pretty fast as the classes were going well. Jessie had a few more tests, and she got an A on her anatomy test but another B in calculus. In her history class, she got an A and in Lit class she got a B on her essay on the author that they were studying. She also made sure that she kept her desk neat and tidy. She didn't want to add to the spanking that she

was going to get on Friday. But the one thing that she wasn't able to hide was her inability to organize the files on her computer. She always found what she was looking for but sometimes it took a while to find it and that also caused more than a few cuss words to spew from her mouth. This didn't escape Judith's notice. Jessie knew she was going to have to break down and ask for Judith's help but it was a pride thing for her. She was determined to do this on her own. She would figure it out on her own when she had time but

too many things were happening to her right then. Between school and keeping the room clean and finding time for Rachel, she was pressed for time. She would walk with Rachel to class in the morning, taking time to kiss and hug. Then eat lunch with her. And on a couple of afternoons they were able to put their studies aside and spend the afternoon in their hideaway. There they would meet and kiss. Then they would talk for a while before succumbing to their desires for each other. They had sex with their elders but that did not quench their need for each other. One satisfied the flesh but only when they made love to each other were their souls contented. It was when they were in each other's arms that they felt complete.

But Friday finally arrived and Jessie and Rachel worried all day on what their punishment would be for missing breakfast. They talked about it after breakfast as they went to class and during lunch. Then after dinner, they met in the TV room and talked.

"We have talked all day about what is going to happen in a few minutes and I still am unsure what they will do to us." Jessie told Rachel as she grasped her hand.

"I know, I would have thought Barb or Judith would have brought it up by now, but not a word from them. They are saving it for tonight. That may be part of the punishment, making us worry."

"You may have a point there." Rachel said with a half smile.

"I know that I do" Jessie said and they sat there just holding hands

and leaning against each other on the couch. Then the time came, they kissed

without caring who was in the room. They then got up and walked to their rooms. They kissed a last time at Rachel's' door then Rachel went into her room and Jessie slowly walked to hers.

"I guess it's about that time." Jessie said as she entered the room and saw that Judith was writing in her punishment pad.

"I believe it is, are you ready?" Judith asked.

"You want me to tell the truth or lie?" Jessie said trying to funny but not quite pulling it off.

"I always want the truth, you know that." Judith replied dryly and Jessie knew this was not going to be a good night, but then again she already knew that.

"Then I am ready or as ready as I will get." Jessie said as she went to her desk and got her pad. She then went to the bed and sat down where Judith joined her.

"Why don't you go ahead and go over your list." Judith said.

Jessie opened her pad and found the list for the current week. "I missed breakfast on Saturday morning. That wasn't on the list but I am sure that it earns punishment." She said and waited a second to see if Judith would say anything but she didn't so she continued. "I got a B on a Lit essay and today I got another calculus test back and I got a B on that too. I kept

my desk clean and neat this week so I don't think that counts against me. I know that I put my elbows on the table twice while eating. I don't know of anything else to report."

"I am glad that you reported the elbows, I didn't have that down. You are learning and I am proud of you for that. You have the main points that I

had except one. Do you have any idea what that would be?"

Jessie thought for a moment then she knew what Judith was alluding to, organization. "I think that I know." Jessie said and then she waited for

Judith to say something then she realized that she wasn't going to say anything; Jessie was going to have to bring it up so she did. "You are talking about my files on my computer."

"Yes that is exactly what I am talking about. I have waited for three weeks now for you to either organize them so that you won't be fussing and cussing about finding something. I have repeatedly offered my help but you haven't taken me up of that offer. I think we need to add that to the list. Then right after your spanking, we will sit down and work on those files. I have a simple system that will never fail you."

"Okay," Jessie said not looking forward to sitting on her sore ass after this spanking that she was about to get.

"So let's add up what we have for tonight. You got two B's so that is ten each and the elbows on the table are five each. Then comes organization,

held off on that as long as possible but you need to get organized and that will save you time. That adds forty more to the count. Now we come to the missed breakfast. Barb and I talked and thought that would be equal to a missed class."

Jessie heard that and thought she would faint, that would add a hundred to her punishment, and she couldn't take that.

"But we talked to Mother and she came up with a better idea. Since you made two of your peers work and then didn't bother to show up, we thought that you should put in an extra weekend on kitchen duty. You are scheduled for duty next weekend, that is still on but now you and Rachel also have it this weekend. The girls scheduled for this weekend get the weekend off. The rest of the schedule remains the same, so you will not miss any weekends but pick up an extra one. And if you think that you miss any added spanks, I am afraid not, but the hundred licks were cut down to fifty."

Jessie felt like crying at this point. She knew she was over a hundred swats of the strap. She had enough trouble with the fifty she got last week and now it had been more than doubled.

"So by my count, I have one hundred and twenty, do you agree?" Judith asked.

"Yes I agree, but I don't know if I can take that much. That is well

over twice what I had last week." Jessie said as the tears started to run down her cheek.

"I know and I hate to have to give you that many but that is what you earned and I have to carry out the punishment. We can stop if you feel you can't take anymore but if we do then the number you have left will be doubled and given Saturday night. It is up to you but I would want to get it

over with and move on." Judith said as she put her hand on Jessie's thigh.

This did make Jessie feel a little better knowing that Judith actually cared and understood what she was about to be put through. "I would rather get it over with tonight." Jessie said as she got up from the bed and started to undress. She knew there was no use putting it off any longer. She pulled her top off and then her bra. She put her hands to her skirt and unzipped it. She pushed it with her panties down her hips and then her legs. She stepped out of them and bent over to puck them up. She knew that she was giving Judith a clear view of her ass and pussy but then she knew she was going to give her a better and longer view in just a few seconds. Jessie stood up and

looked at Judith and she knew there wasn't going to be a reprieve so she started to get into position when she felt hot liquid at her pussy.

"I will be right back." Jessie said as she hurried off to the bathroom. She felt a few drops leak from her pussy as she entered the bathroom and she just barely made it to the bathroom when her bladder let go with a hot stream of piss. She knew she should have gone when she came into the room but she had forgotten. She sat there a few seconds after the last of the pee left her body. Then she reached over and got some tissue and wiped her pussy. She got up and headed back into the bedroom.

"I'm sorry." Jessie said as she moved to the bed.

"That is fine, like I said I just to do the same thing before getting a spanking." Judith replied.

Jessie positioned herself in front of the bed and leaned over. She placed her forearms on the bed as she had been instructed to do last week. She then widened her feet until she knew that her ass and pussy were in view. She felt well exposed so she knew she was in proper position.

"Are you ready to begin?" Judith said as she stepped up and to Jessie left side.

"Yes ma'am" Jessie said and this time she tried not to clinch her ass cheeks together.

Jessie heard a "Whoosh" and then the strap landed on the center of her ass "Whap".

"Fuck!" Jessie said as the familiar sting of the strap went from her

ass to her brain. The second swat landed before the sting of the first lick was finished. This one was placed above the first one but still overlapping it. Jessie groaned and her tears began to fall. She didn't try to stop them this

time. The third one landed just below the first two. Jessie realized that she had one hundred and seventeen of these to go. She knew she would faint by then. The forth landed a little higher and Jessie let out a loud "Ouch". The

spanking then proceeded as Judith went up and down Jessie's ass with the strap. There was no part of her ass that did not get whipped and Judith also

went on down to the upper thighs. She went further down than last time but then she had more spanks to give and they all could not land on Jessie's ass

without bruising her badly. Jessie cried and cursed as the strap kept hitting her poor ass and thighs. She flexed her knees trying to ease the sting on her ass and thighs but that didn't do much good and Judith seemed to keep up with her movements. At about fifty ,Jessie didn't think that she could take anymore but she kept her mouth shut. The pain was intense but she didn't realize that Judith was not hitting her as hard as the she did on the

first ones. At seventy five, Jessie's legs were shaking but she gripped the bedspread harder in her hands. At hundred, Jessie thought she had reached her limit. Her ass felt like it was on fire.

"Please, no more. I can't take anymore." Jessie sobbed.

"Honey, you only have twenty more. Can you take them? Your ass will still be smarting tomorrow and forty more then will feel like another hundred." Judith told her.

Jessie thought a minute and knew it was better to get it over with. "Go ahead but do it fast. I don't care how hard you hit me but get it over with." Jessie pleaded.

No sooner than Jessie had said that she felt the strap hit her ass again and as she had asked her Judith laid them on fast and hard. They went up and down her ass and onto her thighs. Jessie felt like her ass was being shredded to bits. Then the last on hit her dead center of her ass and like last Friday night, it was the hardest of all.

"God damn, fuck, shit, you fucking bitch. You are a god damn fucking

bitch." Jessie said and she dropped to her knees. She was defeated and that was her last act of defiance.

What she didn't see was Judith wiping the tears that were running down her face. She gave Jessie a minute to recover before she spoke and this also gave her a moment to dry her own tears.

"You need to get up and hug me." Judith said sternly.

Hugging Judith was not what Jessie wanted to do. But she got up and she came to Judith and she hugged her having discovered that the sooner she did that, the sooner the hug would be over. But this time Judith held her until Jessie relaxed and allowed herself to be held. Her hatred began to

fade and when Judith released her, she no longer wanted to kill her, only maim her.

"Go clean yourself up and then come back and we will start to work on your files." Judith told her.

Jessie went to the bathroom and shut the door. She first looked at her face and she saw the tear stain face and dark circles under her eyes. She then turned around and twisted back to look at her ass. It was fire red and stinging like hell. She rubbed it gently but that hurt too much. She then washed her face and then went to pee. But she looked at the toilet seat and felt her ass and she did not know how she was going to do this without sitting down. She instead put the seat up and squatted over the bowl. She let her pee run but she only had a few drops and that ran down her legs. She

threw up her hands as if saying "Great, just pee all over yourself." She got

some toilet paper and wiped the pee from her thigh and her pussy. Then she went back out.

She found Judith in her desk chair and it was pulled up next to her desk. Jessie looked at her own chair and she found both hers and Judith's pillows on the seat. Jessie was planning on standing for this but obviously Judith had other plans. Jessie went to her chair and she pulled it out. But then Judith stopped her and made her bend over. Then Jessie felt a cold hand with cream on it tenderly rubbing her ass and thighs. The lotion felt good but again like last week it did not take the sting out of her ass. She then turned back around and she put her hands on the arm rests and slowly lowered herself to the pillows. As she ass hit the pillow, it felt cool but the more weigh she put on her ass the more it hurt. The pillows helped but not much. She still groaned loudly as she finished putting her weigh on her ass.

With her thighs getting whipped too, she couldn't shift her weight to them. They hurt as much as her ass.

"I know that this is a bad time to do this but with your studies plus having kitchen duties this weekend, it is the only time we have." Judith said.

Jessie only nodded as the pain in her ass still had most of her attention.

"Now let's start first by setting up some files and naming them. Where you set them up and what you name them is the most important thing. I put everything under "My Documents" and I set up my own file there. So that way I know to start under "My Documents" and look for the sub folder that I have named. Now let's go to "My Documents" on your computer."

Jessie did that and then Judith had her start to set up sub folders.

Then they started to go her files finding them everywhere and moving them to their new location. They worked for about two hours moving and setting up new folders. When they were done, Jessie could see how the system would work for her but she didn't want to admit that to Judith just yet. Her

ass was telling her no way. Judith made her look for a few files and Jessie realized that she had no trouble finding them. Judith then said she had to go to a late meeting and it was then that she realized that Judith was about

to get one hundred and twenty swats of the strap from Linda. She knew that Judith would be joining her in the pain department soon.

Once Judith left, Jessie went to the bed and lay on her stomach. She

wanted to block the pain from her mind but she couldn't. She then thought of Rachel and wondered how she was doing. She wasn't sure how many that Rachel got but she knew that she had a C on one test plus a couple of B's so

she knew that she probably got as many swats as she did. Jessie kept her thought centered on Rachel, her body, her sweet smile, and everything about her, which help her to forget the pain radiating from her ass but not completely. She had just drifted off to sleep when she was awaken from her sleep by Judith's loud groaning as she sat on the bed. Jessie waited a minute as Judith lay down but instead of cuddling up against her Judith lay on her stomach. Jessie knew why Judith didn't want to cuddle as her ass was hurting as much as her was. Jessie got up and she saw that Judith was watching her. She went to the bathroom and got the cream that Judith used on her. She went to her side of the bed and climbed on top. She then started to pull the sheet covering Judith down.

"What the hell are you doing?" Judith asked.

"I am pulling down the sheet. I can't put cream on your ass without pulling down the sheet." Jessie said.

"I don't need anything on my ass. Why would I?"

"Because you just got your ass busted by Linda for what I did." Jessie said.

"Did Linda and Carol tell you that? That is not suppose to be told."

Judith said getting a little upset.

"No, Carol only confirmed what I already had figured out. Are you going to let me pull down the sheet or am I going to have to fight you?" Jessie said.

Judith let the sheet go and Jessie pulled it down. She put some lotion in her hand and she started to apply it to Judith's ass. She could felt he heat from Judith's ass and she felt Judith jerk and groan as she applied to the cream. She knew that Judith got was much worse than she did and she was still hurting bad so she knew that Judith had to be in some real pain.

"You didn't cause me to get spanked, I got spanked because..."

Jessie interrupted her by finishing her sentence, "Because you didn't train me properly. Well I think that is bullshit but I am not going to argue

with you, that we will discuss another day. Now be quite and let me finish."

Jessie covered Judith's ass and thighs with the cream and then she covered Judith with the sheet. She padded her shoulder and then she went to the bathroom to put the cream up. As she walked out of the bathroom, she grabbed her bathrobe and she slipped on out of the door. She knew that Judith wasn't asleep yet but she knew that Judith wasn't going anywhere for a while.

Jessie had to wait about an hour for Rachel to appear and as soon as

she saw her eyes, she knew that her spanking was pretty bad. The eyes were dark and she could tell that she had been crying. Jessie jumped up from the bed where she was laying on her stomach and she ran to Rachel. She took her into her arms and held her tight. She then felt Rachel start to sob. This caused Jessie to start to cry too. They cried on each other's shoulders for a while but then the tears began to ebb away.

"Oh god, it hurt so bad Jessie. I didn't think that Barb would ever stop spanking me. That damn strap kept hitting my ass and thighs and I thought I would die from the pain." Rachel said through her tears.

"I know, I felt the same way. Judith worked my ass and thighs over good too. She just kept hitting me. I had to stop her once but she convinced

me to go on and get it over with. Let me see your ass." Jessie said as she pulled Rachel's robe off and she turned her around.

Rachel's ass was a bright red and she could see a few welt marks on her ass and thighs. There were also a couple of bruises developing but nothing real bad but she knew that she was hurting. Jessie got down on her knees and she kissed Rachel's ass and thighs with many tender kisses.

"I love you." Jessie said as she got up and turned Rachel around to hug her.

"I love you too." Rachel said as they hugged then she pulled Jessie's robe off and she turned her around. "Oh my poor baby," Rachel said as she got down on her knees and she did like Jessie and planted kisses all over her ass.

Jessie helped Rachel up and they hugged again and then kissed. They kissed lightly and then more passionately. Their hands began to roam around their backs but they stayed away from each other's asses. Those were just to tender to touch. Rachel then broke off their kissing and she cupped Rachel's breasts in her hands and she bent down and took her right nipple into her mouth as her hands caressed her breasts. This brought a moan from Rachel and Jessie knew that she had done the right thing to turn things sexual. She needed some pleasure after all the pain that she had felt and was feeling and she figured that Rachel did too. Jessie went from one breast to the other kissing and teasing them with her mouth and tongue. It was not long before she felt Rachel's hands on her shoulders pushing her down. She dropped to her knees and she watched as Rachel opened her legs for her. Jessie could see the girlcum on her pussy. Jessie moved her head forward and she began to lick. Rachel started to moan as Jessie licked up and down her slit. Jessie buried her mouth into Rachel's pussy and she licked away. She moved all around her pussy as she went from the slit to the outer lips and back to her slit. She moved up to her clit and sucked on it a moment, as her fingers went to Rachel's pussy. She slipped a finger inside of Rachel's pussy and moved it around. She then began to fuck her with the finger and she moved her mouth to where her finger was going in and out of her pussy. She sucked up the juices that were coming out of Rachel's pussy. She heard Rachel moan and she moved her mouth back to the clit and she inserted a second finger into Rachel's pussy. She fucked Rachel harder as she sucked the clit into her mouth. She caressed the hard clit with her tongue as she sucked. She felt Rachel's hands on her shoulders holding herself up and the she felt Rachel gasp and she felt her pussy grip her fingers. She sucked up what girlcum that she could and then she got up on her feet and hugged Rachel to her body as she enjoyed her orgasm.

"God, I needed that." Rachel said as she kissed Jessie.

"I know that you did." Jessie said as she kissed her again.

"But now it is your turn." Rachel said as the kiss ended.

Rachel dropped to her knees and quickly buried her face into Jessie's pussy. This caught Jessie by surprise but Rachel's tongue on her pussy was what she needed so bad. Jessie spread out her feet and she felt Rachel's fingers opening her pussy and she felt her tongue go in deep. Jessie started

to pull on her nipples and this caused her to moan. She pinched her nipples and she felt Rachel's tongue go deep into her pussy. This caused Jessie's knees to go weak and she had to take one of her hands from her nipples and put it on Rachel's shoulder to hold herself up. Rachel's tongue was moving all around her pussy, first fucking it then going to the lips to lick and suck on them. Jessie cried out Rachel's named and she shivered from the pleasure that she was receiving. She could still feel the burn on her ass and it seemed to intensify the pleasure she was receiving. Jessie moaned and used her free

hand to go from nipple to nipple pulling and pinching them. Soon she felt Rachel slip a finger into her pussy. She felt the finger move in and out of her pussy as Rachel's mouth clamped down on Jessie's clit. She knew that her

orgasm was coming soon, so she put the hand that was at her breasts to Rachel's shoulder and held on as Rachel fucked her pussy and sucked on her clit. Then it hit and she flooded Rachel's mouth and finger with her girlcum. The orgasm washed over her and she felt weak but then she felt Rachel pulling her in close and holding her up as she had her orgasm.

When she recovered, she looked up to Rachel and they kissed. They kissed softly with only their lips touching and their arms circled each other and they pulled themselves together. They kissed for a while then they walked to the bed and lay down on their sides. They resumed their kissing and caressing until it was time to sleep for a few hours.

At five the next morning, they were entering the kitchen to start breakfast. They were dressed in their robes with nothing underneath as their asses were still a little tender but the stinging was gone.

"Just tell me what to do and I will do it." Jessie told Rachel.

"What do you mean? I thought you would do the cooking. I burn everything I try to cook." Rachel replied as she looked at Jessie in surprise.

"Don't look at me, I can't cook. Mom long since gave up on me. Anytime we had to cook, my little sister did the cooking. She was the cook of the two of us girls." Jessie said.

"We're fucked!" Rachel and she had a real scared look on her face.

"Shit, why didn't they tell us we were going to have to do this at the first of the week. What are we going to do now? Go get them up?"

"Oh hell no, I'm not going to them now. Let's find something we can put on the table. We will try something." Rachel said as she went to the refrigerator and started to look.

She took out some fruit and had Jessie cut that up and she pulled out some bacon, eggs and rolls. She got out a couple of frying pans and she gave to rolls to Jessie to put on a cooking sheet. They soon got started but nothing was coming out quite the way they wanted. The bacon was burnt the first time and the eggs got overcooked, not to mention that all the yokes got broken as they were turned. Jessie then tried her hand and she went the other way with the eggs getting undercooked but now they were running out of time as they heard some of the girls coming into the dinning room. About this time, they began to smell something burning and Jessie jerked the oven open to find the top of the rolls burnt.

"Oh shit. Now what do we do?" Rachel asked.

"Cut the tops off and let's put what we have out there. It is better to have something than nothing. They can eat what they want and let's throw some cereal on the table." Jessie told Rachel.

'Will they eat this?" Rachel asked.

"I wouldn't if I was them. But it is this or go hungry." Jessie said as she felt like she was about to cry.

"They are going to beat our asses off for this." Rachel declared and

Jessie could tell that she was almost in tears too.

They rushed around and set the table and then brought out the food. They didn't dare to look any of the girls in the eyes. They then got out of the dinning room as fast as possible. They waited from the kitchen for something to happen and it didn't take long.

"What the hell are you two doing? Are you trying to be funny by serving this crap?" Judith said as she came into the kitchen with Barb right

on her heels.

That was the last straw for Jessie. She didn't know if she wanted to

tell Judith to go fuck herself or break down crying. She ended up doing a little of both.

"Fuck you! We are trying the best that we can!" Jessie said and she started to cry. Rachel put her arm around her and gave Judith and Barb a look to kill before she too started to cry.

All that could be heard was Jessie and Rachel crying for a minute as

Judith and Barb began to realize what had happened.

"Neither of you know how to cook, do you?" Barb asked.

They both shook their heads no. Judith and Barb came to them and hugged them both.

"Why didn't you tell us this last night?" Judith asked as sweetly as she could, not wanting to upset them both any more than they already were.

"We didn't know the other couldn't cook until this morning." Rachel said.

"Well you could have woken us up. We would have helped." Judith said.

"We were afraid that you would spank us for this and probably still will." Rachel said as she started to cry again.

"Honey, we aren't that cruel. We spank you if you don't do something

but not when you can't do what you don't know how to do." Barb said.

"Let us go out and get the girls to relax a few minutes and we will help you cook something good. Don't worry, we will fix this. Beside this is as much our fault as yours. We should have made sure that you could cook before we sprung this on you." Barb said.

"That is true." Jessie could not stop herself from saying but as soon as she said it she wanted to take it back. She cringed as she waited for their response.

"Yes it is. But it is something that can be corrected." Judith said and she smiled as she respected Jessie spunk for biting back at her.

"Well, we got out of that mess." Rachel said.

"Yes we did." Jessie said as she wrapped her arms around Rachel as she needed a hug and she got it from her friend.

"I hear there are two lovers who need a quick cooking lesson." Abbie

said as she and Jackie came into the room a couple of minutes later.

"Where are Judith and Barb? I thought they were going to help us." Jessie asked.

"We sent them on their way. We figured there was enough tension between you four this morning, beside Jackie and I am much better cooks than they are. If you are going to learn to cook, it may as well be from two

girls who actually know how to cook." Abbie said with a laugh that broke the

tension from Jessie and Rachel, who finally were able to laugh at their situation.

"Now first thing that you both need to do is to close those robes. You will have me so horny by the time that we are done this morning, I will have

to rape Abbie here on the countertop instead of waiting until after breakfast and doing it on her bed." Jackie said with a wicked wink.

Jessie didn't know that Jackie and Abbie were lovers but it didn't surprise her either. But she closed her robe as Rachel did the same. They then started to work as Jackie and Abbie let them do the cooking but they were there looking over their shoulders. They told them when to turn the eggs over and how to know when something was done without over cooking it. For Jessie and Rachel it was almost overpowering but at the same time Jackie and Abbie had them laughing and enjoying cooking for the first time in their lives. After everything was cooked and the food eaten, Jackie and Abbie came back into the kitchen to help them plan dinner and assure them that they would meet them in the kitchen at three to help them out. They would be with them on Sunday too so that they would be ready. When they left, Jessie and Rachel gave them a long hug for helping them and for the first time they didn't feel like it was just the two of them against Barb and Judith. But then both Barb and Judith came into the kitchen.

"We would like to talk to you both. I think that the air needs to be

cleared between us." Barb said as she went to the coffee pot and fixed them all a cup of coffee.

Jessie started to sit down by Rachel but Judith directed her to the other side of the table so that she was sitting beside of Barb and Judith sat by Rachel.

"I want you both to listen to all we have to say before you jump in.

Will you do that for us?"

"Yes." Jessie then Rachel said.

"The system was set up so that an elder would live with her apprentice and that way they could bond and form a friendship. That way the elder could be more of a mentor to her apprentice. But that is not quite working for us yet. The bonding is not coming along as it should or as I have seen it work before. And I think that your relationship with each other hurts that bonding." Judith said. Jessie started to speak up but Barb put her hand on Jessie's hand so she held her tongue but there was no way she was giving up Rachel.

"But that is something we can work around if you will let us." Judith finished as she looked at both Jessie and then Rachel and she held their stare until they both nodded.

"Good, now that is settled, lets move on to what we need from you both and what you need from us." Barb said as she took over the talking. "We

need to you both to trust us and for you to come to us when you need something. Like this morning, when you realized that neither of you could cook, please feel free to come to us. Even if it is something that might results in a spanking, you can reduce that spanking if you will ask for help. That is what we are here for, to help. You just have to let us. We are all here to help each other. Don't feel like it is the two of you against the rest of us. It isn't that way."

"Now I want to ask you both a question and I want an honest answer."

Judith said.

Jessie and Rachel again nodded "yes."

"Is the sex that we are having with you causing the problem?" Judith


"No, we both talked about that before we arrived at the house. We are dealing with that without any problems. I mean if it was a perfect world, we would prefer that we only made love with each other but that will come later. For now we are cool with having sex with you both and keeping the loving making between ourselves." Rachel said for both of them.

"A very interesting distinction that you have made and I am glad that it works for you. Actually Barb and I have about the same arrangement with each other." Judith said.

Jessie felt her jaw drop at this revelation and she saw that Rachel was picking up her jaw from the floor where it had fallen.

"You don't think we sleep alone while you two sneak off to the little room in the attic." Barb said.

Jessie and Rachel again dropped their jaw as they realized that their secret hideaway wasn't so secret after all.

"Yea, we know about it, everyone does. But just don't flaunt it in front of everyone. Nothing will be said unless it becomes a problem and it won't become one will it." Judith said with the last sentence being a statement more so than a question.

"No it won't become a problem, we will be discrete." Rachel said for

both her and Jessie.

"Now what do you need from us. You are free to say anything." Judith


Jessie looked at Rachel to see if she was going to say anything but she nodded to Jessie for her to speak. "I can't think of anything at the moment;

now that you know our secret and are okay with it. I admit I didn't want to change anything about myself but I am beginning to realize that a little change won't hurt me too much. I can't speak for Rachel but the only thing I

won't do is give her up."

"We aren't asking you too, are we?" Judith asked.

"No, you aren't. I realize that now."

"Rachel, do you have anything to add?" Barb asked.

"No, Jessie said what I wanted said. I am cool now and I will be more willing to ask for help and to change some. You just have to be patient with

me. I don't change easy."

"Patience is something we both have. That you don't have to worry about that." Barb said.

"How about a hug and then we can start again this new understanding between us," Barb said as she got up.

Jessie then hugged Barb as Judith hugged Rachel. They then switched and Judith hugged Jessie as Barb hugged Rachel. Then they all parted, Judith surprised them both by taking barb into her arms and hugging her tight. Then she leaned in and started to kiss her. Jessie and Rachel knew it

was a real kiss, a kiss between long time lovers. When the kiss ended, Judith put her arm around Barb's waist and then she turned her head as they walked out of the kitchen and gave them both a wink.

"Well, I be damn!" Jessie said.

"Ditto girl" Rachel echoed.

Jessie then put her arm around Rachel's waist and they went out of the kitchen. It had already been a long day for both of them and it was only

a few hours old. They sneaked up to their hideaway and slipped into the bed.

Jessie wanted to make love to Rachel but she wanted sleep more. She looked over at Rachel to kiss her and found that Rachel was already asleep. She gave her a kiss on the cheek and that brought a smile to Rachel's lips and she put her head on Rachel's shoulder and fell asleep. They slept till about noon when they woke up and kissed a few minutes. Then Rachel suggested a long soak in whichever tub was empty. She they jumped up and visited the bathroom and then they went down to their rooms. They tried Rachel's room first and finding it empty, they hurried to the bathroom. Rachel went to the

tub and started the water. As she was bent over, Jessie came up behind her and lifted her robe.

"Oh, such a sweet ass!" Jessie said as she put her hands on Rachel's


"Hey put those hands away girl. Did I say you could touch me?" Rachel said but then she started to wiggle her ass.

"No, but you want me too." Jessie said as her hands found Rachel's pussy.

"Ohhh... damn girl, you know just what to do to me." Rachel said as she spread her feet farther apart opening her pussy and ass to Jessie.

Jessie ran her fingers up and down Rachel's pussy and she felt her beginning to get wet. She slipped her fingers between Rachel's lips and she began to stroke her. Rachel let out a soft moan as she closed the drain to the tub and it began to fill up. Jessie took her fingers from Rachel's pussy

and coated Rachel's asshole with the juices. Jessie then dropped to her knees and she spread Rachel's ass cheeks with her fingers. She moved her head forward and she kissed Rachel's asshole that was coated with her pussy juices. This brought al long "Ohhhhhh..." from Rachel. Jessie then rimmed Rachel's asshole with the tip of her tongue. Around and around her tongue went before stopping at the center of her rosebud. Jessie then started to press her tongue inside. She felt Rachel relax her asshole and her tongue slipped inside. She put it in as far as she could then she pulled it out only to push it back in. Rachel's asshole opened for her and she started to tongue fuck it. As she did this, she moved two fingers to Rachel's pussy and she pushed them inside of her. Rachel moaned loudly. Jessie began to fuck her pussy with those fingers. They went in stretching Rachel's pussy lips open. She fucked Rachel with her fingers as her tongue continued to fuck her asshole. Rachel moaned and moaned as she pushed her hips back toward the fingers and tongue that were fucking her so well. Jessie worked her friend until she knew that Rachel was about to explode. She then left Rachel's asshole and slipped her head under her hips and she sucked her clit into her

mouth. This sent Rachel over the top and she flooded Jessie with her girlcum. Jessie quickly removed her fingers and she sucked up the juices that Rachel was providing her. Rachel was barely hanging on to the tub as the pleasure wash through her.

Jessie held on to Rachel as she got up and turned off the water. She

then she helped Rachel into the tub. She got Rachel settled in one end of the tub and then she got in and she lay back against her. She felt Rachel's arms wrap about her and come together under her breasts. She felt Rachel start to kiss the back of her neck and then she heard her whisper, "I love you so much babe."

"I love you too." Jessie said.

Rachel's hands moved to her breasts and she felt Rachel start to caress them. Jessie moaned as Rachel's fingers teased her nipples making them hard. Rachel kissed the back of her neck and placed small tender bites along her neck. Jessie felt a hand snake its way down her belly. Jessie opened her legs and she felt Rachel cup her pussy. Rachel's fingers started to caress her outer lips. Jessie moaned again and she started to feel so good. She knew that her pussy was getting wet even in the warm water. Rachel's fingers moved around her lips before going down her slit and then she felt a finger curl down and slip inside her pussy. It moved in and out as Rachel's palm rubbed against her clit. Jessie felt the excitement rise inside of her body making her feel all tingly inside. The finger moved in and out and soon was joined by a second finger. This filled her pussy and she felt good.

The fingers fucked her pussy as Rachel's palm rubbed harder against her clit. Jessie began to move her hips trying to get more pressure on her clit where she needed it. Rachel responded and she moved her fingers to her clit. She caressed it slowly at first but then she put more and more pressure against her clit. Jessie moaned loudly and she shivered as the beginning of her orgasm hit her. It started slowly at first as the orgasm build in its intensity. Jessie moaned and moaned and she put her hand on Rachel's hand holding it in place as Rachel caressed her clit harder. The full force of her orgasm hit hard and she cried out. She felt Rachel put her arms around her tightly and she relaxed against her feeling Rachel's breasts press against her back.

Once Jessie recovered from her orgasm, she turned her head and kissed Rachel deeply. They then relaxed in the tub and began to talk. They went over the morning and how it started so badly but ended up with a good talk with Judith and Barb. Jessie felt better about things at the house and Rachel said that she did too. It was like everything had begun to fall into place. This wasn't something that they had ever figured would happen less that twelve hours after Judith and Barb had given them the worst spanking of their lives. They soaked in the tub for a couple of hours enjoying the warm water as it moved around their bodies. When their bodies had enough of the water, they washed each other and then their hair. Once out of the tub, they dried and put lotion on each other taking extra time around each other's breasts and pussies. They then went out and Rachel got dressed as Jessie ran down to her room naked and put some clothes on.

They had not been in the kitchen long when Jackie and Abbie came in laughing. Soon they had Jessie and Rachel in tears as they cooked. They were patient is showing them how to cook. Jessie and Rachel knew that they would never be master chiefs but after next weekend, which Jackie and Abbie promised they would help them, they knew they would be able to at least cook well enough to not make anyone sick and just as important; the girls would actually be able to eat their food. They got the food cooked and

felt well enough about the food that they were serving that they went into the dining room and ate with everyone else. But the best part of the meal was when Judith and Barb tasted the food placed in front of them and they smiled and gave them both thumbs up. Jessie felt proud of what she and Rachel had created with Jackie and Abbie's help, of course.

After the dishes were put up, Jessie suggested a movie and Rachel agreed that they need a night out after the day that they had. They hurried up to their rooms and freshened up then they off to the movies in Rachel's little car. After the movie, they drove around town for a while just enjoying the time away from the house and school but then it was back to the house. They didn't bother stopping in their rooms but went straight up to their hideaway. There they stripped and slipped under the covers. They kissed and cuddle for a while before drifting off to sleep.

Jessie groaned when the alarm went off at five thirty the next morning. She wanted to turn off the alarm and go back to sleep but she knew better. Instead she turned off the damn alarm and then she pushed Rachel over on her back so that she could kiss her awake. They then went to the little toilet and took turns relieving their bladders. They then washed their faces and brushed their teeth and then brushed their hair out. When they were ready, they put their robes on and headed downstairs. When they got to the third floor landing, Jessie stopped and Rachel almost ran over her.

"What are you doing? I almost knocked us both down the stairs." Rachel said.

"Shhh... come on, I want to check something out." Jessie said as she

quietly went down the hallway. She stopped at Rachel's door.

"I know what you are doing, you little sneaky devil." Rachel whispered.

Jessie turned to Rachel and gave her a wicked grin, and then she slowly opened the door. She glanced inside and found the room empty. She let Rachel look and as she shut the door back, she saw Rachel racing down to

her room. When she got there, she saw that Rachel had a big grin on her face. Jessie looked inside and saw that Barb was lying naked on top of a naked Judith. There was no doubt that they had fallen asleep after making love.

"I'll be damn, they really are lovers." Rachel said after they had closed the door.

"Yep, I believe they are." Jessie said, and then she kissed Rachel on the cheek and took her hand. She raced on down to the kitchen pulling Rachel along. When they got there, Jessie took Rachel into her arms and she kissed her.

"Hey, get a room." Abbie said as she and Jackie walked into the room

interrupting the kiss.

Jessie felt herself blushing and she saw that Rachel was doing the same thing.

"We will as soon as we get breakfast done." Jessie shot back and then she kissed Rachel on the lips. When the long and passionate kiss that left them both breathless ended, they got started on their third cooking lesson. This cooking lesson was as fun as the first two. They laughed, played grab ass, and actually learned something. When breakfast was done, Jessie and Rachel headed to the library to study and get some research done. They made it back with just enough time to start dinner. Then that evening they spent with the rest of the girls watching movies in the TV room.

Monday went by pretty well; Jessie got another A in anatomy but a C in calculus. That night she asked for help from Judith and within an hour, Judith had her set up with a tutor for the next day. As she got back to the house on Tuesday, she found the house in an uproar.

"What is going on?" Jessie asked Rachel when she got to Rachel's room.

"I don't know but we are supposed to be in the conference room at nine tonight and dressed well. There is someone important coming but no one knows who it is, or if they do, they aren't telling."

"Let's go down to my room and see if Judith is home yet, maybe she will tell us." Jessie said.

"So what is going on, who is coming to visit?" Jessie asked as she entered the room with Rachel close on her heels.

"I can't tell you, yet. It isn't that I am trying to keep a secret but the person coming is very important and no one knows that she is a member of the group. She is just stopping by to visit and give a short talk. We are hoping that she will stay the night but we will have to wait and see." Judith said and then she continued, "You will understand when you meet her."

"Okay," Jessie said disappointed in not knowing who it was ahead of time but Judith was being honest with them, that she was sure of. But after dinner was over, everyone was recruited to make sure the house was spotless. Jessie and Rachel got the conference room and they with a couple of other girls worked hard for two hours making sure that there was not a speck of dust to be found. They then went to their rooms to shower and put their best dresses on and to apply a little make up. Jessie met Rachel at her room and they went down to wait of who ever was coming. The room was fast filling up and everyone was talking about who it may be and from where Jessie and Rachel were sitting, the girls around them didn't have any more of a clue of who was coming than they did. At about ten after nine, Mother came to the front of the room.

"Ladies I am proud to introduce our first guest speaker of the year. I believe that once you see her, you will see why I am not bothering to introduce her."

Jessie and Rachel looked to the back of the room as the door opened and a tall, well dressed woman walked purposefully into the room. Jessie then heard Rachel as well as a number of the girls in the room say "Oh my god, that is the Attorney General of the United States." Jessie them felt Rachel grab her hand in excitement. Jessie had to admit that she never dreamed that someone so powerful was apart of the group that she was now a part of. She got caught up in the same excitement that Rachel was feeling.

"I am proud to be able to speak to you tonight. I was not sure that I could fit this visit in but I tried my best and in this case, it worked out. I want to tell you how much belonging to this group means to me personally."

Jessie listened intently for the next hour and half as the woman described how she was recruited into the group and how she too suffered through all the spankings. Then she told about the girl that she trained. >From there she went on to her career and how she was helped and how she has helped other women in the group. She also told of how she had made it through her career and slowly rose to the position that she now held. Once she came out of the closet a lot of doors were closed to her but with help from women in a position to help her, she was able to reopen the doors."

When she ended her speech, she opened the floor to questions and she stayed until all the questions were answered. Jessie had no questions for her but she saw just how smart the women in the room were by all the intelligent questions that were asked. Some were more personal than others but the woman answered them all. She then accepted the offer to stay the night which made everyone happy. Then next morning, the woman was at the dinning table and she ate with the girls. Jessie watched her every move and she found that she never once put her elbows on the table and Jessie smiled thinking that the spanking the lady got obviously paid off.

The rest of the week went well for both Jessie and Rachel; they got to spend a couple of afternoons together in their hideaway. Friday came and this time Jessie wasn't so scared. She had taken over a hundred strokes of the strap and survived, so the strap didn't scare it as it once did. So they

sat down and went over her list then Judith's' list. When they were done, it

was decided that she had earned forty five licks of the strap. Jessie didn't

feel too bad about that so she got up and striped. But as she got ready to get into position, she felt the pressure in her bladder again. She excused herself and hurried to the bathroom. She then realized that she wasn't as confident about the spanking as she thought. She knew it would still hurt. She returned to the bedroom and got into position.

She heard the whoosh of the belt and then she felt the impact. It was harder than she remembered from the previous two weeks. She let out a "Shit" as the pain hit her brain. The next lick was just as hard and she let

out a loud "Ouch". They next lick was lower on her ass and she jerked as it hurt just as much. The strap kept coming down on her ass and the licks were equally hard. Jessie soon found that there were tears coming down her cheeks and she was cussing at every stroke. The strap went up and down her ass and then on to her thighs. Jessie was flexing her knees and shifting her

ass as the strap came down on her ass and thighs causing her to cry and cuss. The pain of the strap was intense, much more intense than she had expected or cared for. Then the last lick came and it came down on her ass as hard as she had ever felt. She then called Judith everything but a milk cow. When she got up, her knees were just as shaky as they were the past two spankings. She went over to Judith and hugged her. They stayed in the position for a few minutes then Jessie broke the hug.

"My spanks are always going to hurt the same amount, no matter how many that I have earned, aren't they?"

"I'm afraid so. But I want you to get down to none but that is asking a lot of anyone. But I still have to make sure that you learn and the spanking

help in that, you know that."

"Yea," Jessie said as she went into the bathroom to wash her face and dry her tears.

When she came back out, Judith had the cream in her hand, so Jessie laid down on the bed and allowed Judith to rub the cream onto her ass. It did feel good and she began to relax as the cream cooled her ass but it still stung like hell. Later that night, Judith came back from her meeting and Jessie had the cream ready. Judith did not argue but stripped and lay on the

bed. Jessie looked at her dark red ass and knew that Linda gave her a good spanking. It was stripped with red marks and Jessie knew that she was hurting. Jessie then tenderly spread the cream on her ass. When she was done, she went to wash her hands and she slipped out the door to meet with her lover.

She did not have to wait long for Rachel to come up the ladder and back into her arms. They came together and kissed. Jessie caressed Rachel's back and then when the kiss ended, she untied Rachel's robe and slipped it off her shoulders. She then bent down and kissed Rachel's right then left nipple. This brought a soft moan to Rachel's lips. Rachel then untied Jessie's robe and pushed it off her shoulders. She then moved her hands to Jessie's breasts, cupping them in her hands. She kissed each of her nipples then took

the left one into her mouth and sucked on it hard. Jessie cupped her hand around Rachel's neck and she held her in place. Rachel squeezed her breasts and she sucked and kissed on the left one then went to the right one. Jessie

moaned and then she released Rachel's neck. They kissed again and as the kiss ended, they went over to the bed.

Rachel lay down on her side and Jessie got onto the bed. She turned opposite of Rachel and lay on her side. Jessie brought Rachel's top leg and she put it on her shoulder, opening Rachel's pussy to her mouth. Rachel moved Jessie's leg so that it was lying on her shoulder. Jessie moved her mouth in and she started to lick on Rachel's pussy. She moved her tongue up and down Rachel's wet slit. She sucked in her juices as she gently caressed Rachel's warm and tender ass. She felt Rachel's tongue on her pussy as it went up and down her slit. Jessie moaned and she began to slide her tongue between Rachel's lips going deeper into her pussy. She stuck her tongue into

Rachel's hole and moved it around causing Rachel to moan into her pussy. The

vibrations caused by Rachel's moan sent a shiver through her body. Jessie then took her middle finger and coated it with Rachel's' juices. She moved it to Rachel's asshole and placed the tip at the center. She felt Rachel relax her asshole and Jessie then began to push her finger in. She moved it into her first knuckle and then brought it back out. She heard Rachel groan but the groan turned into a moan as her finger entered her again. This time Jessie pushed it to her second knuckle. She brought it almost back out but then she pushed it all the way in. She hears Rachel moan loudly. Jessie started to fuck Rachel's asshole as her mouth and tongue licked and sucked on her pussy. Rachel now started to really lick Jessie's pussy. She went in deep with her tongue and then she inserted a finger into her pussy and started to fuck her. Rachel's mouth went to her clit and Jessie moaned. Rachel sucked her clit deep into her mouth and teased it with her tongue. Jessie started to fuck Rachel's ass harder with her finger. It went in deep and then Jessie withdrew it only to push it back in hard. Jessie knew she was closing in on an orgasm. Rachel had her clit in her mouth and she was sucking hard. Jessie tried to hold it off but Rachel was just too good. Jessie let herself go and the orgasm washed over her. Jessie had to stop what she was doing and just enjoy the feeling as the pleasure washed over her.

But when she was able, she was back to Rachel. She started to lick her pussy. Her finger began to fuck Rachel's asshole again. She pushed her finger in deep. She moved her mouth to Rachel's clit and she began to suck it into her mouth. Jessie used her tongue to tease the clit as she sucked. She heard Rachel moan and she was licking less and less on her pussy. Jessie then used her tongue to lick harder against Rachel's little nub. Soon Rachel was pushing her pussy against her mouth and then she cried out. Jessie licked her clit a moment longer then went to her pussy to drink in Rachel's girlcum. When Rachel finished her orgasm, Jessie removed her finger from her ass and got up and washed her hands. She then went beck to the bed and lay along side of Rachel. They kissed and caressed each other, and then they settle in and talked for a while. Then their fingers began to wander and it wasn't long until they found each other's pussies. Jessie stroked Rachel as Rachel stroked her. Then went about it slowly and took their time bringing each other to orgasm. They were still too wound up to sleep so they talked and made love until morning arrived and they headed downstairs to fix breakfast. Again Jackie and Abbie came to help them but this time they mostly sat and talked as Jessie and Rachel did the cooking. After breakfast was done and the dishes put away, Rachel and Jessie headed up to their hideaway and this time they were ready for sleep. They didn't wake up until it was time to fix supper. This time Jackie and Abbie had them get out a cookbook and pick something to cook. That way they would know how to cook by the instruction from the cookbook. They picked something relativity simple but still it came out pretty good. That evening they went out with Erin and Nicole, a couple of girls that were in the process of recruiting their own apprentices, to Carol and Linda's house. It was sort of an informal party where they talked and then Linda put some music on. They cleared the furniture out of the way and they started to dance. Jessie danced with all the girls but saved the slow ones for Rachel. None of the girls minded this as they all wanted to dance the slow dances with the one that they loved. It was late when Jessie and Rachel got home but after a couple of hours of sleep they were ready to get their last kitchen duty day over with. This time they made Jackie and Abbie wait in the dinning room as they wanted to do today by them selves. But they also wanted them available incase something went wrong but it went fine as did the dinner that they served later that day.

The days and weeks began to pass as the school year went along, Jessie noticed that since she, Barb, Judith, and Rachel had their talk where

Judith and Barb confessed their relationship, hers and Judith relationship had changed. She talked to Rachel about this and Rachel said the same thing had happen between her and Barb. It seemed at first Judith and Barb were using sex to help bond their relationship but now they were using it just to

instruct them on some of the finer points of making love. They both enjoyed trying these things on each other and finding out what each of them liked or

didn't like. But for the most part, they liked doing and having these new things done to them. They did sleep Sunday through Thursday nights with their elders but the Friday and Saturday nights were theirs alone.

They had lots more guests to visit the house and they all gave interesting talks but none were as famous as their first guest. As these women talked the more Jessie and Rachel realized that they had made the right decision in joining the group. There were lot of women out there willing to help them and they knew that they would help any of them. Since none of the requests for their help would ever be something that they would feel they couldn't do. That, they knew, would never be asked of them.

The year went along at a fast pace for both of them and before they knew it they were taking their finals and would complete their year of training. In a way she would miss Judith as she was completing her work there and would be moving on but she knew that this also freed her and Rachel to be together every night. But only for a year then they each would be training a new girl but that was a year away.

A couple of days after they had taken their last final and they were

waiting for their final grades, Judith and Barb gathered them in Barb and Rachel's room.

"We have one more thing to teach you before Friday when the final grades come out and we give you your last spankings." Barb told them.

"What's that?" Rachel asked as they both looked to Judith and Rachel.

"Well next year you will be choosing who you want to ask to join the

group and when you start, you will be the one giving the spankings and not receiving them. You need to know how hard to spank and the motion you need to use." Judith said.

"We haven't thought of that, I could see why that would be something

useful to know. You two definitely have that down pat." Jessie said with a smile as she rubbed her ass.

"And since you will be spanking someone that you may have grown fond

of during their recruitment, we have decided to let you practice on each other." Judith said.

"Oh no, I can't spank Rachel, no way!" Jessie declared.

"We want you to understand how hard it really is to spank someone you like. Judith and I really do like you both. You have grown apart of us and it is hard for us to spank you but we do because that is the way it is done.

The first person I ever spanked was Judith and I was the first person she ever spanked." Barb said.

"No..." Jessie started to say.

"Jessie, come here a minute." Rachel said as she pulled Jessie to the bathroom.

"I can't spank you!" Jessie said as she felt a tear come to her eyes.

"Yes you can, I want you to. We've gone through all this shit and this is the last test. Let's just get it over with." Rachel said as she took Jessie's face in her hands and she kissed her. "I don't want to spank you either; I would rather do anything but that. But..."

"That is the last step. You are right, let's just go out there and get this over with." Jessie said as she hugged Rachel to her body and when the hug ended they walked out of the bathroom hand in hand.

"Okay, I'm okay now. What do we need to do?" Jessie said making herself sound more confident that she felt.

"First Barb will be the apprentice and I will show you how I spank her, then Jessie you will copy me with Rachel. Then we will switch roles and Barb

will spank me and Rachel will then spank Jessie."

Jessie and Rachel nodded their heads as Barb started to get undressed. They watched as Barb bent over and got into position with her ass sticking out toward them. It was then that Jessie realized how exposed she had been when she got spanked. She could clearly see Barb's dark asshole peaking out at her and also her pussy was fully exposed. Judith then

stepped to Barb's side and she positioned Jessie and Rachel opposite of her.

"Now I want you to notice how I hold the strap." Judith said as she showed them her grip then she let go of the strap and re-gripped it. "I want

you both to try this." She continued as she gave the strap to Rachel who tried to emulate Judith's grip. Judith adjusted Rachel's grip and once she was sure Rachel had it right she had Rachel give it to Jessie. The strap felt heavy but Jessie gripped the strap as Judith told her. To her surprise, the

strap started to feel comfortable in her hand. Judith looked over her grip and said it was fine. She took the strap back and got back beside of Barb.

"You want to stand to the side and slightly behind the person you are spanking. Now you will develop your own style as you practice."

Jessie then realized that this would not be a one and only lesson and that she didn't like but then she knew practice made perfect.

Judith continued with her lesson as she showed the girls her swing in slow motion and how she swung on through. She then set herself and asked Barb if she was ready. When Barb said yes, Judith raised her hand and brought it down on Barb's ass. Jessie and Rachel both jumped as the strap made contact with Barb's ass and they heard the sound of leather hitting bare ass flesh. This sound they were well familiar with. Judith let the first one sink in and Jessie saw a red mark appear on Barb's ass. Judith then hit Barb about twenty times, all the time explaining what she was doing and how hard she was hitting Barb as this was an easier stroke used when there were a lot of spanks to give. When she was done, Barb got up and rubbed her ass and then she hugged Judith and gave her a little kiss.

"Are you ready to try it?" Judith asked Jessie.

"Yes." She said and she saw Rachel starting to get undressed. Jessie

felt her nerves getting to her. This was the last thing she wanted or dreamed of doing, spanking her lover and best friend. But then she saw Rachel getting into position and then she smiled back at Jessie. This gave her the courage to go through with this. Jessie took the strap from Judith and got into position. Judith came over and moved her out just a bit and then stepped back. Jessie asked Rachel if she was ready and she got a "Yes." Jessie raised the strap and brought it down and it landed with a soft "Whap."

"You call that a spank, you barely hit her." Judith said a bit disappointed but what she had expected for the first try.

"Yea, go ahead and let me have it, just think of the times I have pissed you off." Rachel said as she suggestively rocked her ass.

Jessie had to smile at Rachel and her attempt to make it easier for Jessie to spank her. Jessie then looked at Rachel's ass and she could see no

mark at all. She had barely touched her. She brought the strap back and swung harder and this time the sound of leather on Rachel's bare ass was much louder and she heard Rachel grunt.

"Much better," Judith told her. "Now give her about twenty more just

like that."

Jessie took a deep breath and she started to spank Rachel. The strap

bounced off Rachel's ass and the more Jessie spanked her the easier it got but still she didn't like it. When she was done, she saw that Rachel's ass had a nice red hue to it. Rachel got up and went to Jessie and hugged and gave her a big kiss. When it ended, she whispered "Now it is my turn." Then she padded Jessie's ass. Jessie had to laugh at her friend's humor that she had gotten use to and love.

As they were doing this Judith was getting undressed and getting into position. Barb then stepped to the side of her and showed both Jessie and Rachel her grip. She described how she went about spanking someone and the style she had developed. She then turned to Judith and asked her if she was ready and when she got a positive response, she started to spank Judith.

The red marks quickly appeared on Judith's ass and quicker than she would have liked, it was over. Jessie then knew it was her turn to be spanked. She

got undressed as Judith and Barb hugged and kissed. When she was in position, she watched as Rachel got into place. She also had to be repositioned a bit and then in a nervous voice, she asked if Jessie was ready.

"Yes I am ready, you can do this." She added as she realized the Rachel was more nervous than she was. She then heard the "Whoosh" of the strap and then the familiar sting. It was a good lick and Barb had her ease up just a bit, which Jessie was grateful for. Rachel then began to spank her

and Jessie could tell that it was someone other than Judith spanking her but

the sting was the same. Her ass still hurt at each and every lick of the strap. But the twenty wasn't too many to take and soon they were over. She then got up and rubbed her ass a bit, and then she went to Rachel who she could tell was about in tears. She took her into her arms and hugged her tight and

then kissed her. "You did fine, I am okay, and we're cool" and then she gave

her another quick kiss. When it ended, she saw that Rachel was okay.

"That was a good first lesson but now we will show you how to do the

spanking when there isn't as many licks to give and you have to go a little harder." Judith said as Barb got back into position.

Judith stood beside of her again and this time when she swung the strap, it landed with a much louder "Whap." Jessie cringed and she saw Rachel do the same thing. They had both felt the sting and they knew that this one hurt. They also heard Barb grunt from the impact of the strap on her bare ass. Judith brought her arm back and swung again. The strap landed on Barb's ass and Jessie could see the strap go in deep and the Barb's ass bounce back. Barb again groaned and Jessie could see a dark red stripe on Barb's already red ass. Judith went up and down Barb's ass and then to her thighs. There were red marks appearing as the strap hit her there and Barb began to cry out and cuss. When Judith was done, Barb got up and Jessie could see the tears in her eyes. Jessie knew that the spanking that Judith gave Barb hurt but still Barb went to her and kissed her as they hugged.

"Now it is your turn Jessie to spank Rachel, this time using a harder stroke." Judith instructed her as she handed the strap to Jessie. Rachel was

already getting into position and her red ass was looking back at her. Jessie hated to do this but she knew she had to, so she stepped beside of Rachel and asked her if she was ready. Rachel said "yes' and Jessie brought the strap back. She swung hard and she could feel the impact of the strap on Rachel's ass in her hand. She heard Rachel groan and she could see the red stripe that she had made with the strap on Rachel's ass. She hated doing it and wondered if she went too hard but neither Judith nor Barb said anything so she continued. She brought her arm back and struck again. She started to spank Rachel hard and then went to her thighs as Judith had done to Barb. She heard Rachel cry out and she knew that she was making her friend cry but she bit her lower lip and went on, wanting to get this over with so that

she could hold her friend in her arms. She finished the spanking and she could see that Rachel's' ass was a flaming red and had dark red stripes across it. She quickly took Rachel in her arms and hugged her then she kissed away the tears.

"Now you know that the hug at the end is as much for the spanker as the spankee." Barb said and Jessie nodded and she really knew that now. When they were through, Judith got into position and Barb started to spank her. The strap hit Judith hard and you could see Judith jump at each and every stroke. She wasn't hesitant about letting out more than a few cuss words and all of them were directed at Barb. Her ass and thighs turned from a red to a dark red with lots of angry red stripes across them. When she spanking ended, she got up and rubbed her ass. She then went to Barb and they hugged and kissed.

Jessie knew it was her turn now so she went ahead and got into position. She watched as Rachel took the strap from Barb and positioned herself beside of her. She asked Jessie is she was ready and Jessie said "Yes". Jessie heard the "Whoosh" of the strap and then it exploded on her ass with a loud "Whap". This was the hardest lick that she had ever gotten.

"Fuck" She cried out.

"Back off a little there Rachel. You don't want to hit her that hard." Barb instructed her.

"I'm sorry." Rachel said and Jessie could tell that she was.

"It's okay, it wasn't any harder than what I got from Judith." Jessie lied to her.

The next lick was just the opposite of the first one and Jessie knew

what Barb was going to say.

"You need to go harder than that, honey, somewhere between the first lick and the second one." Was what she said.

"Okay," Rachel said.

Jessie heard the familiar "Whoosh" of the strap and then it hit her ass. It was just about right. It didn't hurt as much as the first one but a lot more than the second one.

"Perfect," She heard Barb tell Rachel. Jessie then set herself up for the rest of the spanking. It hurt as much as when Judith spanked her hard. The strap went down her thighs and then back up to her ass. Jessie was soon flexing her knees trying the get the sting out of her ass but the strap was only increasing the sting. But soon the spanking was over and she got up to rub her ass. She then went to Rachel and hugged her tight and kissed her. When the kiss ended she heard Rachel whisper to her, "Sorry about that first one."

"That is okay, we're both learning and it wasn't so bad." Jessie lied again but she made it believable and she could see the relief on Rachel's face. She then kissed her again to make sure that Rachel was feeling okay about everything.

"Now we want you to practice on each other for the next two days. I would suggest that you spank each other seventy easy strokes in the morning then in the afternoon you go to thirty five hard ones. Today is Tuesday so you have three more days to practice." Judith told them.

Jessie looked at Rachel who was looking back at her with the same surprised expression.

"But that means that we'll get three spankings on Friday!" Rachel exclaimed.

"We know but it can't be helped. You need the practice and now is the time to do that while it is fresh in your minds. I would also suggest that you spank each other every Friday evening there after. That way you will not lose your touch." Barb told them.

Jessie and Rachel exchanged resigned looks but then they nodded that they would do that.

"Good and now let's go to something a little more pleasant. Since we

are all naked and we are sporting red asses, how about a little parting party?" Judith said with a wicked little grin on her face.

Rachel looked at Jessie who smiled back at her, and then Rachel winked at her. Jessie knew immediately what she was wanting to do.

"I think we would be up to that." Jessie said as she went to Judith and Rachel went to Barb. They both hugged their elders and for the first time that year they moved their heads in and kissed them. Jessie could tell that Judith was surprised at the kiss but she quickly recovered and started to kiss her back. Jessie opened her mouth and she moved her tongue into Judith's mouth. She felt Judith's tongue meet hers and the kiss become much more passionate. They kissed this way for a minute or two as their tongue moved from one mouth to the other. When the kiss ended, they were both out of breath.

"That was nice." Judith said and Barb agreed.

Jessie then separated herself from Judith and went to Barb and Rachel went to Judith. As Jessie hugged Barb, she felt herself being pulled in and they kissed. Jessie and Rachel had decided to do this before hand and

Jessie had to admit both Judith and Barb were nice kissers but not quite the same as Rachel but then she was in love with Rachel and not either one of them.

When the kisses ended, Jessie led Barb to the bed as Rachel led Judith there. They both had them to lie down on the bed side by side. Jessie

then lay down on top of Barb as Rachel lay on Judith. Then in unison, like they had this choreographed long before, Jessie slide down and took Barb's right nipple into her mouth. Jessie cut her eyes to the side and saw that Rachel had begun to suck on Judith right nipple. Jessie started to suck and bite on the nipple. She was caressing the other breast with her hand and teasing the nipple with her fingers. Soon she and Rachel had them both moaning. They sucked and caressed the nipples and then slowly kissed their way down Barb's and Judith's bodies. When they got to their pussies, they immediately began to lick. This brought fresh moans from Judith and Barb. Jessie found that Barb had large inner lips and they over lapped her outer lips. Jessie took these lips into her mouth and pulled and sucked on them. As she sucked, she glanced up and noticed that Judith had taken Barb's hand in hers. She thought sweet. She began to go deeper into Barb's pussy sucking out the juices and tasting Barb's tangy but sweet juices. She moved her tongue around inside of Barb and then went to her clit. Soon she had Barb pushing her hips upwards forcing her pussy into Jessie's mouth. She slipped a finger into Barb's pussy and began to fuck her. Barb was nice and tight and her pussy felt good to Jessie's finger. Jessie curled her finger upward and that triggered a loud moan from Barb. Jessie could hear that Judith was moaning just as loud as Barb was and she knew that Rachel had Judith nearing her orgasm. Jessie then started to lick at Barb's clit and force a second finger into her pussy. She fucked her fast and hard as she licked on her clit. Jessie felt Barb begin to buck and then she heard her cry out. She

moved her mouth down to barb's pussy and was ready when Barb squirted her girlcum out. She knew from Rachel that when Barb came hard, she squirted her girlcum, so she was ready for it. Jessie licked Barb clean as she rode out her orgasm.

Jessie then felt Barb pulled her up in the bed and she kissed her. Then Jessie found herself being flipped over onto her back and her sore ass.

She let out a slight "ohh..." and jerked her hips up but then slowly lowered

them to the bed. She also heard a similar response for Rachel. Barb then went right to her breasts and started to suck and bite on them. Jessie let out a moan and soon afterwards, she heard Rachel moaning. Jessie moved her hand down and found Rachel's hand waiting for her. Jessie smiled as she entwined her fingers with Rachel's. This made her feel so close to Rachel as

Judith and Barb made love to them. Soon she felt Barb kissing her way down to her pussy. Jessie opened her legs more and she felt Rachel's leg against her as she had done the same thing. Jessie then felt Barb begin to lick on her pussy and it felt good. Barb had the touch that was for sure. She lightly licked around her outer lips before going into her slit. Jessie moaned at Barb's touch of her tongue on her pussy. Jessie moaned and pushed her hips upwards to get more of Barb's mouth on her pussy. Her mouth moved all around her pussy and then the tongue went in deep inside of her pussy. Jessie let out a load moan and squeezed Rachel's hand. Barb's tongue went up

to her clit and teased it a bit causing Jessie to cry out and she felt an orgasm beginning to gather inside of her pussy. But then Barb went back to her pussy and she calmed down but she was still on the edge of an orgasm. Barb moved her mouth down to her asshole and rimmed it. Jessie moaned again and she raised her knees up to give Barb better access. Jessie felt the tongue push itself inside her ass and Jessie groaned. Jessie was wanting to cum so bad, she was so excited and got more so when she felt Barb's fingers enter her pussy as her tongue fucked her asshole. Jessie pushed her hips back against Barb's fingers and mouth. Jessie felt Rachel squeezing her hand

harder and she knew that she was close to a climax too. Barb then moved her mouth to Jessie's clit. She sucked it into her mouth and teased the tip with

the tip of her tongue. She then started to lick the clit with her tongue as her fingers were fucking her pussy. Jessie's orgasm then gather speed and it

quickly overtook her and she cried out. Rachel was not long behind her in having an orgasm.

When she recovered she looked down to see that Barb was gently licking her pussy as Judith licked Rachel. Jessie leaned over and she took Rachel's head in her hand and she kissed her. She felt so contented after having a great orgasm, her pussy being licked, and she was kissing the person she loved most in the world. As the kiss ended, she felt Barb and Judith come up in the bed and they all hugged each other. It was a tangle of naked flesh as they kissed and hugged. They then lay back in the bed and rested.

"You know what I need?" They all heard Judith say after they had laid there a while.

"What?" was the reply that came from all three of them.

"I need my holes fuck hard!" Judith said.

"That I can do!" Barb said with a smile as she jumped up and went to

get her strap-on.

As she was putting it on, Judith got up on her hands and knees in the center of the bed. She had Jessie sit to one side and Rachel sit on the other. Barb had the strap-on by then and was climbing up on the bed and she got behind of Judith. Jessie noticed that Barb had brought some lubricant with her. She opened the bottle and poured some in her hand and began to stroke the large cock with it.

"Idle hands, ladies..." Jessie heard Judith say and she had to smile. She moved her hands to Judith's left breast and she saw Rachel doing the same to Judith right breast. Jessie cupped the breast in her hands, caressing it and then she began to tickle the nipple with her finger tips. Jessie the looked back as Barb lined the head of her fake cock to Judith's pussy. Jessie slid back a bit to get a better view as Rachel did the same thing. She watched as the cock pressed against Judith's pussy lips and then those lips began to open as the cock slid inside. Barb slowly pressed the cock inside of Judith until it was completely inside her and Barb's hips were pressed against Judith's red ass. Judith let out a long slow moan as the cock went inside of her. Barb withdrew her hips until only the head of the cock was inside of Judith and then she pressed it home a little faster. Jessie was still pulling and teasing Judith's left nipple. Barb placed her hands on Judith's hips and began to fuck her slowly. Jessie watched as Judith's pussy

lips were pressed in as the cock went inside of her and then pulled out as the cock was withdrawn. They soon got into a rhythm of fucking. Jessie watched the cock move in and out and she could see the cock get coated with Judith's

juices. Jessie could feel herself getting aroused as she watched and she had

to move her free hand to her own pussy and she began to stroke her pussy. Soon Barb picked up more speed and Jessie could hear and see the fucking. Judith was moaning and crying out as the cock fucked her pussy. Jessie knew that Judith liked to be fucked as she had done the same thing to her many times over the past year. Jessie pulled harder on Judith's nipple and this got a response from her. Barb by now was fucking Judith hard, harder than she had ever fucked her but Judith seemed to like it even more. Jessie could see the sweat pop out on Barb's forehead as she was working hard. Barb fucked Judith for a couple of minutes more then she slowed her pace. She kept slowing until she finally stopped.

She rested a minute then she had Rachel give her the lubricant. Jessie and Rachel watched as Barb poured some of the lubricant at the top of Judith ass crack. As it ran down, Barb began to work it around Judith's asshole and then she used her finger to push some of the lubricant inside of

Judith's asshole. This provoked a moan from Judith. Barb worked more of the lubricant into Judith's asshole and then she began to pull out the cock.

"When I get the cock out of her pussy, I want you both to start to masturbate her pussy. We don't want it to feel left out, do we?" Barb instructed them. Jessie and Rachel nodded and they both had to leave their own pussy alone and concentrate on Judith.

Barb pulled the cock put with a pop and Jessie and Rachel quickly began to caress Judith pussy. Jessie quickly had her fingers inside of her pussy and Rachel was caressing the clit.

Barb put the head of the cock at the small puckered opening. She slowly began to push forward and Jessie watched as Judith's asshole began to open to accept the fake cock. The head was rather large and she did not think Judith could take it but her asshole kept opening up and the cock slowly moved forward. When Judith's asshole was stretched to the max, the cock popped inside. Jessie couldn't believe how Judith's asshole expanded to

the point where the cock head could get inside her ass. Barb's slowly pushed

forward until the whole cock was deep inside of Judith's bowels. Barb then pulled the cock completely out and quickly forced the cock back in, this time driving the cock home. Judith groaned and then moaned. Barb placed her hands to Judith's hips and began to fuck her asshole. Jessie forced her fingers deeper into Judith's pussy and she could feel the cock in Judith's ass move in and out of her. Barb quickly went to a fast pace and Judith was moaning and pushing back against her. Jessie could not take her eyes off the

cock going in and out of Judith's asshole. It was stretched so wide to accept the cock. Jessie fucked Judith's pussy harder with her fingers and she could

feel Rachel working Judith's clit fast and hard. It did not take the three of them long before they had Judith screaming and crying out. Jessie's fingers were coated with Judith's girlcum. But Barb did not stop fucking Judith's ass. So Jessie kept fucking Judith's pussy with her fingers and Rachel continued to caress her clit. Jessie's fingers were coated two more times before Judith let out a final cry and she fell onto the bed. Barb followed her down onto the bed burying the cock deep into Judith's ass. They were both soaked in sweat.

Jessie and Rachel smiled at each other and quietly slipped off the bed. They then went up to heir hideaway naked and holding hands. Later after they had rested they went back to Jessie's room and took a nice long shower together before heading over to Linda's and Carol's home. Over the past year they had spent a lot of their free time there. The four of them had grown quite close and Carol had helped to guide them in the workings of the group. They also just plain liked going there to talk or dance. They were no sexual games just friends enjoying the time together.

They got up late the next morning, having made sure that they put down that they would not be there for breakfast. Since school had ended there were no requirements to attend breakfast or dinner but they did have to let them know if they were attending either. They washed and went down to make themselves some something to eat, then they talked with some of the other girls until about eleven when they headed back to their hideaway.

"I can't believe that we are doing this voluntarily. I mean, I hate to be spanked and now we are about to do it to each other." Jessie said as she entered the room with Rachel following.

"I know but I may know..." Rachel started to say then stopped herself.

"But you may know what?" Jessie asked and then she saw Rachel start to blush. "What may you know?"

"A way to make it a little bit fun, the spanking that is." Rachel said after hesitating for a second.

"How? This I got to find out, you know how I hate to be spanked." Jessie said now very curious what Rachel had on her mind.

"You may find it weird or something worse but it might help us get this done and maybe want to do it."

"Now you really got my curiosity up, what pray tell is this?"

"I think it is better if I show you. Do you mind if I spank you first?" Rachel asked.

"No, I wanted to get that over with anyway, but then what?" Jessie asked as she realized that Rachel wasn't giving out too many details.

"Just trust me and go with what I do, okay? I want you to just stay in place after I finish spanking you and keep your mind open. Will you do that for me and if it doesn't feel right then tell me but give it a chance first, will you?" Rachel said then asked.

"I will, I trust you." Jessie said as she started to get undressed. She then got into position with her elbows on the twin bed. This bed was lower than the one in her and Judith's bedroom so she could feel her ass sticking up further in the air. Jessie then looked back as she watched Rachel get the

strap that Barb had given to her off the dresser. As Rachel got into position beside her, Jessie turned her face forward.

"Are you ready?" Rachel asked.

"Yes ma'am" Jessie said.

Jessie then heard the "Whoosh" of the strap and then it made contact with her bare ass.

"Ohhh..." Jessie cried as she felt the sting of the strap. Then she heard a second 'Whoosh" and "Whap" as the strap hit her ass a little lower. Then the strap began to strike her with first a irregularity rhythm and then

she felt Rachel get into more consistent rhythm and also the strap began to hit her with the same force. Rachel was hitting her a little lighter than Judith did when she had a lot of licks to take and as much as she hated to do it she told Rachel to hit just a tad harder. The next lick hurt a little more and felt more like what she was use to. The strap covered her ass well then went down to her thighs. Jessie moaned and cussed as the familiar sting return to her ass. Rachel kept the spanking going and Jessie found herself beginning to cry from the pain. But about the time it really started to hurt, she found that Rachel had stopped spanking her. Jessie could feel the sting going from her upper thighs to the top of her ass. She had to admit that Rachel did a good job of spanking her.

Jessie started to get up and hug Rachel as she always did with Judith after a spanking but then she remembered that she was suppose to stay in place. She didn't look back to see what Rachel was doing, instead waited patiently for Rachel to do whatever she had planned. She heard her get down on her knees behind of her. The next thing that she felt was Rachel gently kissing her right ass cheek. Her wet lips felt cool to her hot ass. Then she felt Rachel kiss her other ass cheek tenderly. Rachel then started to place quick light kisses all over her ass and thighs. It felt funny at first but then it felt good. The stinging was being offset by the tender kisses that Rachel was giving her sore ass and thighs.

She was just getting into the kisses when Rachel stopped. She felt Rachel pushing her feet out wider and she felt her moving behind her. The next thing that Jessie felt was Rachel's lips kissing her pussy. This shocked her at first but then Rachel kept kissing her there. Jessie wasn't aroused at first but the kisses that Rachel was giving her got her that way. Her ass was hurting but now her pussy was beginning to feel good. It was the contrast that she at first had trouble dealing with but then it was feeling good. She

knew this was the weird part that Rachel was talking about but it was something she was quickly getting into. She felt her pussy getting wet and when Rachel's used her tongue to go up her slit and stop at her clit, she had to moan. Rachel started to lick her deeper and Jessie opened her legs more so that Rachel could go deeper inside of her. Jessie started to moan and she

felt Rachel gently grasp her ass with her hands. This brought the pain in her ass back but Rachel was licking her harder and that was what she wanted. Jessie moaned and she felt more of her juices come to her pussy. Rachel pulled on her pussy lips and then stuck her tongue in deep.

"Oh fuck girl, don't stop!" Jessie cried to Rachel as she felt an orgasm begin to gather inside of her body.

Rachel sucked and licked her pussy harder and Jessie felt her hand rub her ass harder. That hurt but it seemed to intensify the feelings that she was feeling in her pussy. When Rachel finally made her way to her clit, Jessie was ready to cum. Rachel sucked her clit into her mouth and sucked and teased her clit with the tip of her tongue. Jessie shook as the orgasm hit and she flooded Rachel's mouth with her girlcum. Jessie's knees then gave out and she ended up sitting in Rachel's lap and Rachel was hugging her.

"Oh god girl, where did you figure that out?" Jessie asked.

"I read it in a lesbian story on the internet. I wasn't sure that you would go for it or not. I just thought it was worth a try and if we didn't like it then we wouldn't try it again. Did you really like it?"

"Well, I didn't at first but then it really started to feel good. It is not something I would have ever thought to try but now that we have, I admit I wouldn't mind you doing it to me again this afternoon. I sort of can't wait to try it on you and see if you will like it done." Jessie said as she took Rachel's face into her hands and kissed her.

"Your turn," Jessie said as the long passionate kiss ended.

"I dread the spanking but the after part I am looking forward too." Rachel said as Jessie helped her up.

Rachel then started to get undressed as Jessie got the strap that Judith had used on her. Once Rachel was in position, Jessie went to stand beside of her. She looked at Rachel's pretty pale ass and she knew she would

soon make that ass a bright red.

"Are you ready?" Jessie asked.

"Yes ma'am" Came Rachel's reply.

Jessie raised the strap and brought it down on her lover's ass. She heard the contact and she heard Rachel groan. She hated the sound but she raised the strap again and brought it down on Rachel's ass. She could now see two red marks on Rachel's ass. Again she raised the strap and went a little lower on Rachel's ass. Rachel let out an "Ohhh..." and then she shook her ass a bit. Jessie then began to spank Rachel in what she hoped was a good rhythm. She went up and down Rachel's ass and then went on down to her thighs. Jessie watched as Rachel's ass got redder and redder. Rachel wan groaning and beginning to cuss but she knew that was not really directed at her but only a way to let out the pain that she was feeling. Jessie spanked and spanked her until the last of the spanks were done. Rachel's ass and thighs were now a deep red.

Jessie then dropped to her knees behind of Rachel and she wet her lips before she placed a light kiss to Rachel's right ass cheek. She heard Rachel moan and then she placed a kiss to the left cheek. She could feel the

heat of Rachel's red ass on her lips and it made her want to kiss her more, so she did. She kissed every red part of Rachel's ass and thighs and when she finished, she noticed that Rachel had spread her feet apart more. Jessie crawled between Rachel's legs and she saw that Rachel was already wet. She raised her head and kissed Rachel's pussy, tasting the sweet juices that she

loved. She kissed up and down Rachel's pussy then she began to lick. She heard Rachel moan and she was rewarded with more of her juices. Jessie stuck out her tongue and she began to lick inside of Rachel's pussy lips. She licked up and down Rachel's slit. Jessie then remember Rachel placing her hands on her sore ass while licking her and how that made everything better so she moved her hands to Rachel's' ass and began to gently caress it. She heard Rachel moan louder and she knew that Rachel liked what she was doing. Jessie ran her hands up and down Rachel's sore ass as she licked deeper into

her pussy. Rachel was moaning more and more and Jessie knew she was wanting to cum. Jessie moved her mouth to Rachel's clit and sucked it into her mouth. She sucked hard and then she started to lick it with short fast strokes. As she did this, she pressed harder against Rachel's sore ass. It only took a few more strokes of her tongue and she felt Rachel jerk and then flood her mouth with her girlcum. Rachel cried out as she came and then her knees gave out and she ended up in Jessie's lap. Jessie hugged her tight and when she started to come around, she kissed her.

"I think we are onto something here." Rachel said breathlessly as the kiss ended.

"I think you are right." Jessie echoed and she kissed Rachel again.

They then got up and took turns rubbing some cream on their sore asses. Once that was done, they both lay down and took a long nap. They waited until late afternoon before they tried the harder strapping. This time Rachel went first and Jessie really felt the strap as her ass was still

sore from the morning spanking but Rachel's tongue on her pussy afterwards more than made up for the spanking. Jessie spanked Rachel just as hard but she also did her best to make Rachel feel more pleasure than pain. That evening they had to sit easy in their seats at dinner but they also noticed that the other girls who were finishing up their first year were sitting easy. So they also had to practice their spanking skills. Thursday they continued to practice and by the end of the day their asses were really sore.

"What did you get?" Jessie asked Rachel Friday at lunch when they went to pick up their final grades.

"You first," Rachel said.

"No way girl, I asked you first!" Jessie countered.

"I got three A's and two B's. Now what did you get?" Rachel said.

"You are not going to believe this but I got three A's and two B's."

Jessie said as she handed her grade slip to Rachel.

"That is great!" Jessie said but then she remembered what the B's mean. "But you know that the two B's that we got will earn us fifty more spanks tonight and we still have to spank each other this afternoon. We will

not be able to sit for a week after this." Jessie said and then she hugged Rachel. She wanted to cry but she knew that this was their last day. They hugged for a while then decided to go ahead and get their second spanking over with so that they would have more time between that one and the last one of the day. This time they forwent the lovemaking after the spanking, instead they rubbed lots of cream on their asses and then lay on their stomachs for the rest of the day trying to relax.

When they went to supper, neither of them was in the mood to eat. They both were dreading their final spanking of the year. They picked at their food and they saw that the other apprentices were also barely eating. But the elders were all talking and trying to get the girls into a conversation but they all failed to do so. Jessie got an impression from the way the elders were acting that something was up but it was just an impression that she quickly dismissed. She knew that they couldn't pass up the last chance to spank them, even if they wanted to. It was the rules and they always followed the rules. Once dinner was over, the elders quickly disappeared but

no one really noticed. Jessie and Rachel, like the other girls, were just too busy worrying about their already sore asses to notice. About eight, when the Friday night spanking would normally begin, Mother and the elders appeared in the doorway of the TV room where all the apprentices had gathered.

"The elders and I would be honored to have all your presence in the conference room." Mother proclaimed.

Jessie looked at Rachel and she knew that Rachel was thinking the same thing that she was. Not only were they going to be spanked, but they would be spanked in front of everyone. This was something that Judith had said would never happen but Jessie knew that Mother was not requesting their presence, but ordering it. Jessie felt Rachel take her hand as they walked on shaking knees to the conference room. When they got there, Jessie noticed that there was a table on the platform at the front of the room and on the table was eight straps, one for each of the apprentices. Jessie wanted to run out of the room but just at that moment, Judith came up to her and took her by the hand and led her to the front of the room. She

looked back to see that Rachel was being led by Barb. Judith took her to the

front seats and she had Jessie sit on the end and she sat beside of her. Rachel and Barb came next and then the rest of the apprentices with their elders. After everyone was seated Mother came up to the podium.

"I want to welcome everyone here tonight. It has been a very good year and I want to compliment all the apprentices for all their work and also compliment their respective elder for having the patience to guide them. I have more things to say but I can see that there are eight girls here that won't listen to a word I am saying until this table here has served it purpose. So let's get that out of the way. We have drawn straws and you are lined up in the order that was drawn by your elders." Mother said then she continued,

"Judith would you bring your apprentice, Jessie, forward."

Judith got up and she took Jessie by the hand and led her up on the platform and she had Jessie face the room full of girls. Jessie looked at all the girls and saw fear in her fellow apprentice's faces and serious looks on

the rest of the girls. Jessie felt her knees go weak and she heard Judith whisper in her ear, "Steady girl, this is the end. Make us both proud."

"What were your final grades, Jessie?" Mother asked.

"Three A's and two B's ma'am." Jessie croaked out as her voice failed her.

"That is very good. I am proud of you. But the two B's means fifty licks of the strap. Judith please prepare yourself." Mother ordered.

Jessie didn't quite comprehend what Mother had said until she saw Judith undressing.

"Ma'am, I am the one who got the B's, I am the one that should be spanked, not Judith. She didn't take the tests, I did."

"Yes you did, but Judith is just as responsible and the final spanking of the year is reserved for the elders only. We told you in the beginning that as apprentice's you would never be spanked in public. That is something

done in private. Plus your elder has spanked you all year; it is only fair that you get the last say. I also don't want you to go easy on her. You have been

practicing all week, now it is time to prove that you have learned your lessons well. So please begin."

Jessie looked over at Judith and she found her naked and bent over the table. Her ass was high in the air and she looked back at Jessie and smiled her encouragement.

Jessie went to the table and bent down to pick up the strap that Judith had used to spank her all year. As she grasped the strap, she whispered to Judith, "I should blister your ass just for letting me worry all day about getting three spankings in a day and then letting me think I was about to be spanked up here in front of everyone."

This caused Judith to giggle and drew Mother's icy stare, but then she smiled at Jessie as she had heard what she had said to Judith. Jessie stepped back and then she asked, "Are you ready?"

"Yes ma'am." Judith said.

Jessie drew the strap back and brought it down hard on Judith's ass.

The sound of the leather strap hitting Judith's naked ass echoed through the room. Jessie saw a red strip appear on Judith's ass and she heard her groan. The first lick felt good to Jessie, as she finally got to spank Judith but now that the first lick was over she realized that she could not spank Judith for spanking her, it was just her job. So with that in mine, she brought the strap back and brought the strap down on Judith's ass and another red stripe appeared. Jessie began to get into a rhythm as she knew that Judith just wanted to get this over with. She heard Judith moan and groan through out the spanking and Jessie knew that Judith was feeling every lick. When she got halfway through, Judith's ass was completely red and her thighs were close behind. Jessie went on down to Judith's thighs getting them as red as her ass then she went back to her ass to finish the spanking. When she was done she knew that Judith was in pain and she felt for her. She had been in her shoes and she was more than happy to hug Judith to her body and then she wiped her tears away. As they walked back to their seats, Judith whispered to her, "You done well, you did us both proud." And then she kissed her on the cheek. This made Jessie feel a little

better but still she felt bad about spanking Judith for the B's that she got.

Next up was Rachel and Barb, and Barb quickly got into position. >From her viewpoint, Jessie got a close up look at the spanking. She watched as Rachel turned Barb's pale ass into a red mass. She heard the striking of the

leather strap to Barb's bare ass and she watched as Barb's ass bounced in response of every lick. When she was done, Jessie could see that Barb was crying and she saw her lover hug her elder tight, trying to comfort her. The

next apprentice got all A's but she was instructed by Mother to give her elder fifty licks anyway. And so it went down the line. If the apprentice would have gotten less than fifty licks, the elder got fifty and if the apprentice had earned more than fifty, the licks were cut to fifty. By the time the spankings ended all the elders were shifting in their seats.

It was at this time that Jessie realized that all the elders that had gotten spanked were still naked. So before Mother could get up, Jessie stood up. She then began to remove her clothes. She figured that if her elder could take her last spanking then at least she could do was sit with her naked. Rachel looked over at her and realizing what she was doing, she also stood up and began to undress. Soon the rest of the apprentices joined in so

that there were sixteen girls sitting naked at the front of the room.

"What a nice show of solidarity, I think that shows what a great group that has joined us this year. That is what I want to do tonight, to welcome you to our group. I know that you will all be assets to us all. You all bring your own personalities to the group and you each have something special to us. Including your own special cooking skills." Mother said as she looked at Jessie and then Rachel and then everyone in the room laughed. Jessie felt her face go red and she glanced over at Rachel whose face was just as red.

"I am just kidding with you two; you actually have become quiet good

cooks. But you two have also done things a little different but that is good

too. If we all were all the same then we wouldn't need each other. And I will stop picking on you now." Mother said with a kind smile. "I do want to again

welcome you to our group and I also want to bid our departing elders a fond farewell. Please make sure that you come back to see us and keep us up to date in what you are doing." Mother finished and she came down to personally welcome in the apprentices and say goodbye to the elders. Then the rest of the girls did the same. Then Linda brought in snacks and drinks.

This time the apprentices were first in line. Their nerves now settled, they

were all starving to death.

Once they got their food, they found Barb and Judith so that they could say goodbye as they were leaving the next day, Judith to continue her schooling and Barb because she got a job where Judith was going. That way they could be together.

"I will miss you everyday of the week except Friday's." Jessie said with a smile as she hugged Judith.

"Well if we hear that you both are messing up, then Judith and I will be back in a flash and then you asses will remember us well." Barb said as she hugged Jessie and Judith and Rachel hugged. They then talked a while before parting with another hug and kiss. Jessie and Rachel then mingled around the room before they snuck out the door and up to their room.

Once through the door, they came together and hugged. Then they kissed a few minutes as they let the day fade from their mind. It had been stressful for both of them but it was now over.

"We have a year to ourselves, can you believe it." Rachel said.

"I know, I just hope you won't get tired of me." Jessie said with a half smile.

"Never my love, you are stuck with me forever. Now that I have found

you, I'm never letting you go."

"That is what I wanted to hear. Now take me to bed and make love to me all night." Jessie said as she kissed her lover. She then allowed Rachel to lead her to the bed and Rachel did make love to her all night as she made love to Rachel.

Rachel did as she said she would do, she stuck to Jessie through the

good times and bad times that were to follow. Rachel ended up as a nurse at the university hospital and when Rachel could not find a job there, she started her own business with Carol's help. That way she could be with the one woman that she would love and who would love her forever.

The End.

Please let me know what you think of my story. I welcome all comments good or bad. You can email me at

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