Jessicas Heart

By moc.liamtoh@sisselecin

Published on Aug 2, 2001


Warning: This is part two of a romance story in a high school setting between two females. If you don't like stories involving same-sex relationships and/or sexual experiences, please refrain from looking at this story. All persons described in this story are fictional and are in no way to be compared with people in life. This is fictional and is not based on an actual story, this is just for entertainment.

For feedback, positive or negative, please email me at; I look forward to reading responses to my story. The title, persons, and setting in the story are copyrighted NiceLesSis and no content of this story should be used without the explicit permission of the author.

Jessica's Heart - Part Two By NiceLesSis

A knock on her door woke Jessica up from her slumber her and the voice on the other side brought her to reality with it's content. "Jessica, Emily, I'm going downtown, there's a new art exhibit at the Smithsonian that I want to see. Don't go anywhere while I'm gone, okay?" Jessica fought back the urge to stutter her response knowing that it would just add suspicion to her mother's thoughts. "Okay, mom! We're probably going to just watch some TV and do stuff anyways." It was an honest answer, even if the specifics of the "stuff" they were going to do turned out to be less then favorable by society. "What time will you be home?" "Probably around dinner time, if I don't hit the major beltway traffic. Talk to you later, Jessica!" The sound of footsteps faded down the hallway behind Jessica's door and then into nothingness. Jessica breathed a sigh of relief that her mother had not come into the room. She did not think she would be able to explain why Jessica was on her bed in the arms of Emily. Striking the thought from her mind, Jessica turned to look at the sleeping form of Emily on the bed. Her hair was a little in front of her face and looked a little messed up, and she was not in the spot that they had fallen asleep together in. 'Hmmm, must have tossed around a little bit in our sleep.' But the thing that caught her attention the most was not the where Emily was sleeping, or the how. It was the why part. Until yesterday Jessica wasn't entirely sure about what was going on in the back of her mind. With the kisses that she shared with Emily she was able to finally realize her feelings and started to deal with them. She was still in a minor shock, though. After all, it's not everyday that you find out you're gay. Her mind was dealing with the new questions rising up in her and was starting to get a little overwhelmed with it. Her train of thought was interrupted by the sound of moaning. Emily's eyes opened up slowly and made an instant contact with Jessica's. It took only a moment for her to remember what happened the night before and a small, almost uncertain, smile appeared across her face. "Hey," she said. "Hey," replied Jessica, a smile of her own tugging at the sides of her mouth. "Want to go get some breakfast, Em? Mom went to the art museum so we don't have to worry about getting dressed to go downstairs." She got up off the bed and held out her right hand towards Emily. Emily took it and stood up in front of Jessica, her eyes of blue staring into Jessica's hazels. They stood like that for a long time, each looking at the other, and their hands in one another's, until finally Jessica moved closer and let her lips come into contact with Emily's. The kiss lasted a long time and by the time it was over they found themselves in each other's arms and laying back on the bed. Jessica smiled at her and whispered gently, "If this keeps up we'll never get any breakfast." She lightly traced her right index finger along the back of her neck, her eyes never leaving Emily's. "I don't have a real problem with that, do you Jessica?" Emily's smile was very infectious and soon Jessica was sharing the evil-looking grin. Emily moved closer to Jessica again and let her lips find Jessica's. After a few moments of light kissing Emily felt Jessica's mouth open up and her tongue trying to slip past Emily's lips. Slowly, Emily parted her lips and let Jessica's tongue past the no-longer-present barrier of her mouth. Her own tongue caressed Jessica's and soon the two of them were making a tongue-duel, neither one of them caring who won so long as they continued. Jessica's mind was a flood of thoughts and feelings all jumbled together. Her heart was racing faster then it ever had before, and she was really start to get a tingling feeling in her vagina, more so evident than she had ever had when she was on a date with a guy. 'I can't believe I'm doing this. I'm feeling desire for a girl and I'm enjoying every minute of it.' Her thought was cut off again as she felt Emily's hand move down her neck. A moment later she felt it cup her right breast and give it a gentle squeeze through her t-shirt. Jessica moaned into Emily's mouth and felt another wave of new emotions flooding her. Emily continued to lightly massage Jessica's breast on top of her t-shirt, but soon slid it slowly underneath to directly cup it. When Jessica felt the hand on your breast her nipple immediately became erect and jutted out against Emily's touch. She moans a little more and broke the kiss to look at Emily. "Are you sure you've never been with a girl before? Because you're doing things that make me want to scream." Emily just smiled back at her and continued to squeeze her breast gently. Then, suddenly, Jessica felt a slight pressure on her nipple and knew that Emily was pinching it with her thumb and finger. The pleasure it produced was so new to Jessica that she gasped partly out of shock and surprise. She just closed her eyes and laid her head down on the pillow and felt Emily's other hand slid under her shirt to work on her left breast. Jessica's mind was going a mile a minute and she couldn't really think straight. She had never felt this way before in all of her life and was enjoying ever bit of the new experience she was receiving from Emily. She was feeling immense pleasure and couldn't remember a time when she was so happy or intoxicated with her feelings. She didn't want it to end at all. But, when Emily started to pull on the shirt Jessica was wearing she stopped her. "Not yet..." She looked up at Emily and saw a look of confusion, of sadness, mixed in with worry. "No, no, it's not that you did anything wrong, Em. It's just that this is all completely new to me and I want to take it slow until I can sort it all out. I promise, though, that when I'm ready you'll be the first to know." She grinned at Emily and saw it returned and knew that everything was going to be all right. "Come on, let's go get some breakfast. I don't know about you, but I'm hungry." Emily smiled her sweet little grin and stood up off the bed helping Jessica up as well. "I'd like that very much." Jessica put her hand in Emily's and they walked out the door of her room. Jessica, for one, was very glad her mom wasn't home. It meant that they didn't have to hide their little affections from her. It also meant that she had a little bit more time to think about what was happening to her without having to worry about her mom being suspicious.

After breakfast Jessica and Emily went back to her room to finish watching the movie they had stopped last night. Emily sat in Jessica's lap and Jessica felt very happy and pleased to finally have someone she could hold in her arms. But she was still a little uncertain about what to do next. "Em?" Emily turned around in her lap and looked at her. "Yes, Jessica?" "What will happen on Monday when we go back to school? Will you tell everyone about us?" She was a little worried about what everyone was going to say. She remembered the rumors that had been spread around the school on Friday about the real reason why Emily was coming over to her house. It wasn't true, of course, and she thought that she could deal with them. But now, with things so different, she wasn't sure if she could deal with the truth coming out. She was afraid of losing all her friends and, worse, having her mother find out before she was ready to tell her. Emily was still for a few moments, obviously thinking about her response. Jessica saw her expression changing for disappointment to confusion and finally to understanding. "I won't tell anyone, Jessica. But I can't hide who I am, you know that already. I will, however, honor your request and not talk about us until you are ready to deal with everything that will happen in reaction to it." Jessica gave her a little kiss on the lips. "Thank you, Em, you're the best. It's just that this is all so new to me and I want to be able to deal with it as slowly as possible so I don't do something I can't undo. Thank you for understanding." Jessica was glad that she was able to talk to Emily, even after their newfound level of closeness. She was happy that she had someone in order to go through this with, and was sure that they'd be spending a lot of time talking about it. Pushing the thought away from the surface of her mind, Jessica started to lightly massage Emily's arms, lightly tracing up and down with her fingertips. A soft moan from Emily gave her all the encouragement she needed and she continued to softly massage her. She moved a little around to lightly nibble on her earlobe and licked it lightly, a little unsure of what she was doing as it was all so new to her. Sensing her slight uneasiness about the tough, Emily turned around in Jessica's lap and looked into her eyes. She whispered as her hand brushed a lock of Jessica's hair to the side, "don't worry about it, don't have to do anything you're not ready for. I would never make you start something your heart couldn't do at the moment. When you're ready we will explore your new feelings, Jessica, I promise." Jessica smiled at her and kisses her once. "Thank you again, Em."

The weekend went by pretty fast, too fast for Jessica's liking. On Monday her mom drove her and Emily to school early in the morning so as to avoid as much traffic as possible. They got there before the majority of the other students did and wound up being alone at a table in the commons area that was usually filled with a lot of Jessica's friends. Those friends seemed to be keeping a distance from the two girls and Jessica was a little worried that they had already found out somehow about her and Emily's relationship. Emily and Jessica enjoyed some small chat about how much fun they had during the weekend. They didn't go into details, of course, about the many kisses and massages they gave one another, but they both knew that the other was thinking the same thing and that made them happy. Things were pretty much the same in HomeRoom. Everyone was at the tables and desks they normally sat in and no one seemed to pay Emily or Jessica too much or too little attention to make them suspicious, so Jessica relaxed some. She knew that eventually she was going to have to deal with the rumors-especially when it became known as the truth-and she also knew that she was going to have to think of some way to talk to her mother about it, but right now all she was glad for was that they were distant points in the future and not to be taken into consideration at the moment. First period was a little hard for her, though. It was the first time since Friday that she had been without Emily nearby and was having a little trouble dealing with it. It even started to affect her schoolwork when she missed some of the questions on a pop quiz. She wasn't sure why it would affect her so, but she wanted to be near Emily again so that she didn't have to feel alone. Things did start to look a little better during lunch, since Jessica got to see Emily again. She was starting to feel like she didn't care who knew about her relationship with Emily, but then something happened that made her change her mind. One of the more popular girls in her class level, Betty, who was also in her HomeRoom, came up to Jessica and Emily and sat down between their desks. "Is what I hear about you two really true, or is it just some rumors? Come on, Jessica, you can tell me, is it true?" Emily just looked at Jessica, as if waiting for her approval or disproval for giving an answer. When she didn't give any sign of either way, Emily started to speak. "Well, the rumors are-" She was interrupted by Jessica who finished the sentence for her, the words coming out of her mouth even before she knew what she was saying. "-absolutely true, Betty. We're both gay, and we're together, Betty." Emily looked at her for a moment with the expression of shock on her face. Then it turned to a small smile with an even smaller sprinkle in her eye as she regarded Jessica with expression not of friendship, but of something much deeper to the heart. But that moment of total happiness shattered as Betty started shouting. "I knew it! I knew you were a dyke! Wait until everyone hears about this!" She walked off and everyone turned their heads towards Jessica and Emily, giving them a mixture of hateful glances, sympathetic stares, or just outright disgust. Jessica sagged in her chair and whispered so softly not even Emily heard her. "What am I going to do now..."

End of part two.

Next: Chapter 3

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