Jesse Wants a Taste

By NK-Writes

Published on Jun 27, 2024


Jesse Wants a Taste Chapter 3

Jesse Wants a Taste
Chapter 3 - Games Within Games

by NK-Writes

Don't need an intro or a recap? Jump to the start of the story.

This chapter includes two orgasms and teen/teen solo masturbation, with mentions of experimentation with oral sex (including between brothers).

Please only read it if it is legal, safe, and comfortable for you to do so where you currently live.


Jesse is reunited with Alex! But, is Alex interested in a repeat of their last get-together?

I am so grateful for everyone who has read the first two chapters, especially since the last installment was entirely solo. This story is somewhat slow-burning, but I promise that we're on our way to it fully catching fire!

This fictional story focuses on sexual activity between teen male characters. This story does not advocate for or condone adults sexualizing people who are under the age of consent. It is about memories of first times and wishes of what could have been, which for many LGBTQA* people focuses on their teen years. There will never be adult/teen sex or male/female sex in any chapters of this story.

Please consider making a donation to Nifty, which is a 503(c)(3) charitable organization in the United States. Nifty is more than an archive of queer literary erotica! It exists as a body of work that lets people know they are not alone in their identities and experiences when it comes to sex and sexuality.


The Story So Far

Whether you're joining the story in-progress or simply need a refresher, here's what you need to know:

Jesse is our narrator. He is 13 years old and the only child of a single father. Jesse just discovered the joys of masturbation via a helping hand from Alex, a 14-year-old who lives around the corner from Jesse's grandparents. Jesse was happy to return the favor for Alex.

Jesse has a foreskin and Alex is circumcised, so there was some initial confusion between them - but it wasn't anything that a little spit couldn't help. Back at home, Jesse gets the hang of masturbating with and without spit thanks to his foreskin. This leads him to engineer a return visit to his grandparents.

Alex is the middle child between his older "too cool" teenage brother Tony and his younger teen brother Corey. Jesse is actually closer to Corey's age than Alex's. According to Alex, Corey recently tried to suck him while he was asleep, but Alex woke up and rolled over so he would stop.


Chapter 3 - Games Within Games

It was time.

I had made it three excruciating, erection-filled days without giving my uncut dick even an ounce of attention or pleasure. Now it was Saturday morning - time to head to my grandparent's house, where I'd hopefully see Alex again (and, hopefully, Alex's hard cock).

My dad dropped me off at my grandparents and headed off to spend the day with old friends from college before seeing a concert together. I considered immediately running around the block to knock on Alex's door. He had no idea I was even there for the day! Or, I could ask my grandmother to call Alex's mom - I knew they had each other's numbers.

But, it wasn't even ten o'clock. Knocking on his door that early in the morning on the weekend felt too aggressive. So did a grandparent-to-parent phone call. The idea of it made me cringe. I didn't want to come off that eager to see Alex, even if I was actually about ten times that eager.

Besides, I had studying to do! Not of my mental image of Alex's dick, but of actual academic topics for my finals at school. Sure, promising my father I wanted to study all day was part of convincing him to drive me to my grandparents early in the day... but, I did really need to study!

I just happened to be studying on the front patio where I'd be clearly visible to any passer-by.

It was a lovely day on the verge of summer and shortly after ten in the morning kids began to trickle out of their houses. I spotted some familiar older teens who were no doubt on their way to do some dastardly teenage slouching outside of the neighborhood, but Alex's brother Tony wasn't with them. Some younger kids I didn't recognize were gleefully playing secret agents across the street, hiding behind telephone polls and tumbling through lawns while giggling madly.

I kept on studying, keeping one eye on the street. I'd give it a few hours to see if I spotted Alex or his brothers before I walked around the block to knock on his door.

To my great delight, a little before noon Alex's little brother Corey rolled by with a gang of his friends on an assortment of bikes and scooters.

"Hey, Corey," I waved, trying not to seem too eager. The two of us were casual friends at best, despite being nearly the same age. I think it is because I'm an only child. I tend to be a little more mature than other kids my age, so Alex and I had a similar "ugh, kids" response to Corey and his friends when I first met them last summer. Since then I had played together with Corey outside a few times. Only once, had he come up to my room with Alex to have a turn at one of my brand-new games. I had never hung out with him one-on-one, though.

(I didn't get the sense that Alex and Corey had as much video game stuff as I did. Or, "stuff" in general. Sometimes it was obvious they were wearing hand-me-downs from Tony. I suppose there were three times as many boys to keep fed and clothed in their house as there were in mine!)

Corey heard my greeting and tossed his bike down on the grassy strip at the edge of the sidewalk to come closer to the patio. Corey didn't look much like his brother Alex. He more closely resembled a miniature version of Tony. Corey had darker hair than Alex which had a bit of a curl to it, and his skin wasn't quite as fair. I guess Alex took more after his fair-skinned mother, and Corey more after his Mediterranean dad.

I couldn't help but notice the mischievous curve at the edge of Corey's pink lips. My mind suddenly flashed to thinking of them wrapped around Alex's sturdy teenage pole. My dick throbbed in my shorts, begging for a release after three days of no jacking. I quickly chased the thought out of my mind and focused on talking to Corey.

"Hi, Jesse," Corey said with his curved grin. "I thought Alex said you wouldn't be back again until summer break."

"Oh, yeah," I replied casually, all while thrilling at the fact that Alex had mentioned when I'd be back. "But my dad had plans with friends today so I'm staying over."

"Cool," Corey said, nonchalantly. I could not stop staring at his mouth and I was starting to get paranoid that he would notice. That mouth had Alex's dick inside of it at least once for a few fleeting seconds. The dick I wanted to suck.

Also... Corey was another boy who had sucked a dick, even if it had been under the cover of night. And Corey had done it independent of my cajoling, completely unlike Michael - my only friend back in my own neighborhood, who had sucked mine for a few seconds in our contest of dares. Had Corey made another attempt since I had been away? Why did he want a dick in his mouth? Was he like me and just wanted to get as close as possible to another boy?

I wanted to interrogate him right then and there, but Corey was just being a normal kid and it was broad daylight. His friends were zooming back and forth impatiently in the street behind him on their bikes and scooters, waiting for him to rejoin their rolling caravan.

Corey turned back to his bike. "I'll tell him you're around when we have lunch," he called over his shoulder.

"Cool, see you later," I called back as he rolled away along with his gang of friends.

Finally, I felt like I could actually focus on my studying, knowing that I didn't have to engineer a way to inform Alex of my presence. Either he'd come over or he wouldn't. It was out of my hands now (though, I hoped it'd be in my hands later, heh).

Maybe I should have had the guts to walk around the block to knock on Alex's door. I was anxious. I didn't want to scare him off. Plus, I liked the idea of Alex being the one to initiate things. He had been the one to make the first move to jerk me off the last time. Letting him be in control made me feel more in control, if that makes any sense.

An hour later I was inside eating lunch with my grandmom when the doorbell rang. I'll admit, I jumped up and ran for it as if someone was delivering a million-dollar check. I yanked open the front door to see Alex smiling at me through the screen door to the front porch.

"Hey!" he said, brightly, flashing me a stunning smile. Alex had such a handsome "All-American Boy" quality to him. If we went to school together I'd assume he was way too cool to talk to me.

"Hey!" I replied. I'm sure my face was lit up like Christmas at the sight of him.

Alex continued to smile back at me and said, "You're back before summer break." It wasn't a question, but he let it hang in the air between us as if he was waiting for an answer.

This was definitely a little weird for us. After the first time we randomly hung out last summer I'd usually go knock for him at his house, since he had no way of knowing I was at my grandparents on some random day. When he came to the door I'd ask "Wanna play games?" without any kind of preamble. Video games, board games, Truth or Dare... it was a blanket question that covered them all.

"My dad is hanging out with some old friends and I told him I wanted to spend the whole day here and sleep over." I paused, but Alex didn't say anything. "So... do you wanna play games?"

Alex sort of grunted in response. It was not the response I was hoping for.

"Dude, I wish," he said, with a pout. "I failed my math final this week and my teacher offered to let me do a make-up test on Monday, so my mom is making sure I have my nose buried in my workbook at all hours this weekend. She's being a tyrant. I feel like if I have to solve one more equation I'm gonna vomit. I barely slipped away after lunch to come say 'hi.'"

Alex looked despondent and my heart sank. After all my anticipation, was this all I would see of Alex today?!

As we both stood there looking glum, I had a flash of inspiration.

"You know, I told my dad I was going to spend the day studying, too." I gestured to my school books, which were piled haphazardly across the sofa in the living room behind me now that I had retreated from the midday heat on the porch. "Why don't you go home and tell your mom how I'm busy studying, too. And then grind out math all day long. But, ask her if you can come for a sleepover after dinner."

"A sleepover?" Alex asked, a little puzzled.

"Yeah!" I replied, my excitement increasing (in more ways than one, which Alex might have noticed if he glanced down at my shorts). "She's not gonna make you do math problems all night, right?"

"Um, probably not," he replied.

We had never done this sort of thing before. It was always hanging out in the afternoon, by daylight, and maybe Alex sticking around for dinner if my grandmom made something cool that Alex's mom didn't usually make. But, if Alex only came over for dinner it would give us a very slim window for us to have privacy in my bedroom, potentially interrupted by my grandmom. Repeatedly. Even with my bedroom door locked, that would be a boner-killer. Our previous session together in the late afternoon had really been the best possible scenario when it came to lack of interruptions and we still finished with just seconds to spare before she interrupted us. A sleepover would be much better.

"So, you should sleep over!" I said again. Then I paused. I wanted to make sure he understood the real reason I was asking him to sleep over. I wasn't sure how much innuendo to pack in, but I decided to just go all the way. "You'll COME, we'll PLAY games with each other, you'll SHOOT...," I let my emphasis on that word hang for a second, "... some stuff in this new game I got. My dad is picking me up tomorrow morning to take me out to brunch, so you'll be back to studying first thing."

I was pretty sure Alex caught my drift, because his eyes widened a little and his lips curled into a slight smile. Maybe he didn't look too much like his brother Corey, but they did both have a similar mischievous curl to their lips. That made me think of Alex sucking MY dick, which was maybe the first time I had thought about that since he leaned down to spit on my dick during our session. Mostly I had been thinking about me sucking him, or Corey sucking him, or maybe Corey sucking me? But, mostly about different variations of Alex getting sucked and not myself.

Ugh, I wanted to see his thick teenage dick again so badly and for him to hold mine. I needed him to say yes. My dick throbbed painfully in my shorts and I willed myself to ignore it. All of that abstaining this week was going to pay off tonight if he would just say yes.

"So," I said, keeping my eyes straight ahead rather than looking down at Alex's crotch, "do you wanna sleep over?"

"Yeah," he replied. Then, more surely, "For sure! It sounds cool. I think I can convince my mom."

"Cool. You tell your mom, and I'll tell my grandmom in case your mom calls to make sure it's okay. Just bring your toothbrush and some PJs, mine would be too small for you."

"See you after dinner. Hopefully!" Alex sounded excited. He gave what I thought was a weird little wave, but then I realized he was holding up his right pinky finger to me - the one we swore on at the end of our first jerk off session.

"See you," I waved my pinky back at him.

What followed was the most intense study session of my life. It had to be intense. Otherwise, I don't think I could've kept my hands off of my raging hard-on. Nonstop Earth Science and World History were the only solutions, and even then any mention of rocks or hardness nearly set me off. I had to altogether avoid the part in my history textbook about "Alexander the Great" because it just made me think about Alex and his great dick.

Finally, dinner came and went, and as I was helping my grandmom clear the dishes the doorbell rang. Again, I made no secret about running for it. There was Alex, in the same jean cutoffs as the last time he came over. Was it my imagination that they now seemed even smaller and tighter on his stocky frame? He carried a backpack that was barely zipped with the arm of his PJs still hanging out of one side. It made me think he had bolted out of his house as soon as he was allowed.

"Corey was pissed that I got to have a sleepover with you," he said breathlessly, with a grin.

"Oh, really?" I asked, somewhat curious.

"Yeah. Come on, let's head up."

We raced up two flights of stairs to my tiny attic room and shut the door behind us. I locked the lock. We were both breathing hard and standing practically face to face. Really, there wasn't too far you could get from someone else standing in my room.

"So..." I said, "I got this new game, I'm psyched to finally play it in co-op mode."

"Been playing with yourself a lot?" Alex shot back at me with a smile.

We both cracked up at his comment. I loved that he had immediately taken control again once we were in my room. That's what I wanted.

"Oh my god, dude, you have NO IDEA," I said, laughing. "And, not just the game. Thank you so much for showing me stuff last time. Total life-changer."

"It's all good," Alex replied with a grin. "You would've done it yourself any day now."

"Yeah, maybe. But, now I've figured out how to actually use my foreskin."

"What?!" Alex replied, sort of cackling about how ridiculous my statement was. "What does that even mean? Use it how?"

"You'll see," I said, smiling back at me. "That is, if you dare me."

Alex smiled in return. He dropped his overnight bag next to mine behind the door. We both kicked off our shoes and socks, grabbed the game controllers, and sat down next to each other on the edge of my bed. We dug into playing my new tactical shooter game rather than playing our typical 1-on-1 fighter. We decided whoever had more kills in each stage of the co-op mode got to ask the other one a truth or a dare.

We were both playing to win, because we each obviously had things we wanted to ask the other. The zones lasted for a while, and we chatted idly about school and TV shows while killing enemies. Alex edged me out by two kills in the first round and turned to me while the next screen loaded.

"Truth or Dare?"

"Truth," I replied. We always started with a truth.

"So, it's been about a month," Alex said with a smile, "How many times have you cum since last time you were here?"

"About once a day for the first few weeks once I got the hang of it, and then two or three times a day the past few. Three or four on the weekends. One day I did five times. So, uh, I don't know, you're the one who has been studying math all day. How many is that?"

"Two or three times EVERY DAY?!" he replied incredulously. "How the heck hasn't your dick fallen right off? Even if I managed to get enough time to myself to go that many times in one day, I'd definitely need a break after."

"Uh uh uh," I teased him as I hit "start" on the next stage, "that's another question."

We played the next round, and I REALLY tried to beat him because I wanted to ask him about Corey. But, Alex slipped by me by a handful of kills in the last 30 seconds. He was pretty good at this game for having never played it before.

"Truth or dare?!" he demanded.

I was feeling playful and pretty horny now that I was finally alone with Alex, so even though I wanted to tease things out with more truths so he could ask me about my new jerking method I replied, "Dare!"

Alex sucked in air dramatically through clenched teeth. We never dared this early. Usually, there was some buildup. "I dare you to show me what you figured out about your foreskin."

I grinned madly. Things were escalating quickly and I LOVED IT.

"Alright, sure." I stood up and pulled down my shorts to reveal my underwear, already at maximum tentage, then pulled them down too. My dick was jutting straight out from my body, pointing right up at Alex with my foreskin retracted behind the ridge of my glans. I wrapped my hand around my hard uncut cock and stood sideways so he could see me in profile while he sat on the bed.

"Remember last time we both held it like this, with our fingers kinda... right on top of my skin?" As I asked I mimicked our initial grip, with my thumb snuggly wrapped over my retracted foreskin.

"Sure," he said, a little uncertainly. Like, maybe things were going a little faster than he was ready for now that I was suddenly standing in front of him with my dick out.

"Well, watch this." I demonstrated rolling my skin forward over my head and gripped my shaft behind it to hold it in place. Then, I slowly jerked my fist on my rigid cock so my skin rolled up and down my glans. Alex watched, wide-eyed. Even though I had done my brief foreskin puppet show for him last time, neither of us realized that moving around on my tip was actually the WHOLE POINT of my foreskin.

Or, at least, if it wasn't the point of it, it ought to be!

"When I do it this way, it sort of just... glides. I can grip really firmly and go fast, and even be a little rough." I sped up slightly as part of my show-and-tell, my erection surging now that I was jerking it just a few feet away from the object of my lust. "It feels AMAZING when the skin goes up and down, and the pressure feels fine on the head. It doesn't get sore unless I do it a ton of times in a row. And, even then... not so bad."

"Wow," he said. If he was feeling a little peevish about our fast start at first, the novelty of seeing my foreskin in action seemed to have made him forget. I was disappointed that he didn't reach out to try for himself, but the night was still young. I gave a few more silky jerks to my painfully hard cock, then I pulled my briefs back on and yanked a pair of PJ pants out of my bag and slipped them on rather than getting back into my more-restrictive shorts.

Alex looked down at his own bulging jean shorts and then did the same, peeling down his tight cutoffs to reveal his substantial package tucked in his briefs (this time they were blue). Then he pulled a pair of loose pajama shorts out of his bag and slipped them on. I silently cursed myself for not just staying in my underwear so he would follow suit.

Without a word, he picked up the controller and started the next round.

This zone felt like it lasted forever. I was hard, and Alex had just flashed me his bulge - I wanted to get back to Truth or Dare! Luckily, the third time was a charm - I finally beat Alex. I guess being horny made me a more efficient killer, because it was obvious that I mowed down way more enemies than he did. We didn't even need to wait for the kills to tally up to know I bested him.

Perhaps he was feeling a bit "distracted" after my show-and-tell. Or maybe he lost on purpose. I didn't care.

"Truth or dare?" I asked.

Alex considered for a moment. "Truth," he answered. As much as I wanted to get to jerking, I was happy to fire a question at him.

"Has Corey come down to your bunk again while he thought you were sleeping?" I was careful not to come right out and say that I wanted to know if his brother had tried to suck his dick again, even though that was the focus of my intense curiosity for the past month.

Alex hesitated before answering.

"Twice," he said, with a sort of uncertain frown. "One time I wasn't quite asleep yet when I felt his hands pulling down my blanket. I just rolled over and he went away. But, the second time was early this week, and he must've been..." his voice got a little more quiet and conspiratorial, "he must've been sucking me for a little while before I fully woke up, because I was already really hard and felt like I was gonna cum if he didn't stop soon."

"Did you?" I said, in rapt attention. My primary jack-off fantasy for the past month had literally been almost this exact scenario.

"No. I let him go for another few seconds and then pulled out of his mouth suddenly and rolled over just like I did the first time. Corey sat there on my bed for a little bit not moving at all and then he climbed back up to his bunk real quick. I don't think he knew I was awake, though. I think he just believes I roll over whenever I get hard at night."

We both chuckled at this, but then Alex got more serious.

"Jesse, it felt so amazing. I couldn't even go back to sleep after, I was so hard and wet. I slid my hand into my underwear and humped it for like 20 seconds and then I shot the most cum I've ever shot in my life. It shot out of my underwear and got all over my bed. I had to go to sleep all sticky. The next morning I made a big show of spilling OJ on my sheets after breakfast so I had an excuse to wash them before my mom saw... because I never usually do my own laundry."

Usually, I would've laughed about Alex having to do laundry to cover up for his messy cum, but I had more pressing matters on my mind.

"If it feels so good, why don't you just let Corey suck you all the way?" I asked, completely forgetting about our game of Truth or Dare for a moment. Luckily, Alex had forgotten it as well.

"Like I said last time: he's my brother," Alex said, wincing a bit. "I'd feel weird about shooting into his mouth."

"What if that's the whole reason he is sucking you?"

That stopped Alex in his tracks. Last time he sounded pretty sure his brother couldn't possibly know about sex stuff like cumming because his parents gave him and his older brother "the talk" at a specific age, but now he didn't seem so certain.

"I don't know. Corey is still a little younger than I was when I started shooting. I don't know how he could know about it. And, even if he did know about it, why the hell would he want to suck my dick so I could shoot in his mouth?"

I had several reasons I could share with Alex on that point, but I bit my tongue. Alex clearly felt like his end of this particular round of Truth or Dare was over because he stopped talking and started the next round of our game.

I was so hard after all of this talk of sucking and all of these days of abstaining and I just wanted to get to the part of the night where we jerked off. I couldn't decide if I wanted to win or lose, so I just gave it my best shot. I think Alex did too, because we finished the stage super fast and we ended up in a tie - the exact same amount of kills. There didn't have to be a winner... it was a cooperative game.

"Truth or dare?" he asked first before I could get the words out.

For a brief moment, I began to resent our ritual a little bit. I found a way to come over to my grandparent's house before summer break, I made sure Corey saw me studying on the porch so he would tell Alex, I waited all day, and we were obviously both hard and both clearly primed to jerk off. Hadn't I done enough?! I just wanted him to get his dick out! Screw playing Truth or Dare!

But, Alex had been pretty bold already about asking me to jerk off in front of him and in telling me about Corey. I liked him being in charge. I didn't want to push my luck. I had already taken an early dare, we had already talked about jacking and cumming, and we had a whole night ahead of us.

One way or another, I was sure I'd get off eventually and he would too.

"Truth," I said, somewhat defiantly, trying not to let on how much I would have rather asked for a dare. "What about you?"I fired back quickly before he could ask his question, "Truth or Dare?"

"Hmm," he said. "I'll take a dare since I haven't done one yet, so I'll ask you your truth first." I was surprised he went for a dare so early and silently cursed myself for not just going for another one myself. "What have you been thinking about all of those times you jerked off this past month?"

Oof. This was one truth I was not ready to answer truthfully. Of course, most of the time I was thinking about Alex's dick, in one way or another. Him jerking it, me jerking it, Corey sucking it, me sucking it.

It felt like it was still too soon to share any of that. But, I didn't want to lie to Alex.

"Honestly, for a little while I was just focused on making jerking off work, or trying to remember how you made it work when we did it together." That was certainly true! "It took a lot of spit for me to get it right the first time!" Alex gave a knowing laugh in response to that.

"Then for a while I was just thinking about how hot it was to be jerking off," I said. "I was jerking off to the thought of jerking off, if that makes any sense." He chuckled again at this, flashing me one of his perfect smiles.

Alex's smile made me let my guard down. I suddenly found myself rambling to him.

"I jerked off so much, Alex! I watched my foreskin go up and down a lot, and watching it made it feel even hotter. But... after a while, I thought of some other stuff. I thought about how great it felt that first time with your hand around me and how you kept sliding your thumb right past my head over and over. And I also thought about..."

I caught myself, finally, and chose my next words carefully, "...I thought about getting sucked, and... uh, how soft and wet it must feel. It must feel really different than jerking."

"Yeah," he said, seemingly unbothered by me spilling that I had fantasized about him jerking me off. "Getting sucked is like the best part of stroking with spit. There's nothing dry, and everything is all smooth and hot. It must feel like that to be inside a girl, too. But, like, tighter, I guess?"

"Yeah, I bet," I said, feeling the pressure to concur on a girl-related topic since he brought it up first. Honestly, I hadn't given it much thought before. I didn't want to linger on girl stuff, so pressed on to my dare.

"I dare you to suck on my big toe..." I said, but then added a twist, "the exact same way your brother sucked on your dick that last time, when you almost came in his mouth."

Alex looked crestfallen for a moment, like he was hoping for a dare that would involve one or both of our dicks. But, I had been thinking so much about what Corey must have been doing with his mouth and tongue while I was jerking off the past few weeks. And Alex made it sound pretty great. I had to know for myself.

"Come on," I said, "we can both wash our feet off in the shower."

We must've sounded like a whole herd of rhinos as we quickly stormed the locked door, yanked it open, dove into the bathroom next door, and rinsed our feet under the spray of the shower. We patted our feet dry carefully with my bath towel and then silly-walked on our heels the few feet back to my room to avoid getting carpet fuzz stuck to our toes.

We both sat down back on my bed with me closer to the door (which I locked behind us), and I swung my left leg up towards him. "Just like he sucked you, okay?"

"Uh, sure," Alex replied uncertainly. In hindsight, guess I was being kind of weird. What can I say? I was horny. Alex cupped his hands around my heel, lifted my foot up closer to his face, and then lowered his mouth over my big toe and started the suck job.

I could immediately feel why Alex almost came the last time Corey sucked him in his sleep. He wasn't just rubbing his tongue against the underside of my toe the way I had done when I sucked my neighbor Joseph's dick (and Alex's toe!). Instead, he was sort of swirling his tongue around me, the way you might turn over a hard candy again and again in your mouth, but also sucking like you would on a popsicle at the same time.

Since my dick didn't shoot yet, how different would sucking it really be from sucking on my toe? Not any different at all. But, Alex didn't show any inclinations toward being interested in sucking anything other than my toe. As he did it, I quickly got hard and without thinking about it slid my hand down into my waistband to rub my foreskin up and down on my dick.

If Alex minded, he didn't give any indication. After another few more twirls and sucks he gave it up and set my foot back on the bed. I slipped my hand out of my underwear as slickly as I could, though I'm sure he noticed.

"Holy shit," I said. "That felt pretty awesome just on my toe. I cannot imagine how good it would feel on your dick."

Alex nodded. "Yeah, it feels..." he trailed off. My eyes reached his crotch at the same time his hand did, subtly adjusting himself in his cotton pajamas. I couldn't make out the outline of his erection, but I was sure it was there, just like the last time when I had him lick my foot. "...really good. It feels really fucking good, Jesse."

We both sat there in silence. I felt like there was an almost tangible electricity between us - both obviously hard in our pajamas, and both obviously thinking about blowjobs.

I wanted to see Alex's dick again so badly. Maybe I was just one win away from daring my way into seeing it, but I didn't want to lose the arousal we were both feeling at this moment during another hard-fought round. Plus, I wasn't entirely sure I could beat Alex in the next round of the game.

"Alex, I want to play video games with you, but..." as much as I liked Alex being in charge, it was time to just go for it, "clearly we're both thinking about jerking off. Every Truth or Dare so far had been about our dicks. And I am sure you are hard right now, even if it's not showing as much in your PJs as it did through those tight cutoffs. Why don't we just jerk off? Then we can keep playing the game some more before bed. We can even do more Truth or Dare if you want."

I was nervous for a second, afraid that in my desperation I had pushed things too far, too fast. As I watched Alex's neutral expression turn slowly to a grin, I knew my gambit paid off. Alex kept grinning and nodded his head as he started slipping his PJ bottoms off.

I tugged off my pajamas and briefs in one go and let them fall to the floor, figuring there was no use in being shy since I had already exposed myself when I showed off my new jacking method.

We weren't daring to do anything with each other. We were just enjoying a jerk. Together. Sitting on the same bed.

I started tugging my foreskin up and down over my dick head in a steady rhythm with my whole fist. It felt so good to be stroking myself after three days of not jerking off. For a moment I was focused on how badly I wanted to cum and I nearly forgot Alex was sitting there in front of me. Then I caught myself and looked over at him.

Alex had slipped the waistband of his briefs down but left them on, so the elastic was straining under his balls and pushing them upward. He had his standard grip on his hard, circumcised cock, but he wasn't jerking it actively yet, just holding it. Actually, he seemed mostly focused on looking at my dick. His bright red glans practically glowed as it peeked out from the curl of his fist.

After fantasizing about Alex's dick for over a month, seeing it again gave me a euphoric high. It's like my brain didn't know how to process the sight of Alex's penis. I involuntarily thrust my hips up to meet my jerking hand a few times and let out a low, throaty chuckle that made me sound like some sort of mad action movie villain.

Alex giggled back at me. I guess he just thought I was super horny, rather than my brain completely malfunctioning with lust.

"It's cool how your foreskin sorta clings on to your dick every time and then rolls off," he said, his eyes fixed on my crotch as I jerked rapidly. "It's like an eyelid for your dick head. Your dicklid."

"Yeah, I guess so," I replied. Knowing I was putting on a show for him helped me come down slightly from my euphoria over seeing his dick again. Alex was staring at ME and MY penis the way I always wanted to stare at others. Most of all his.

"When it rolls off the head it feels so cool," I said with glee as I continued showing off. "It's like I can feel my thumb go down past the head through the skin, then the skin rolls down off of it too and I feel that, and then I feel the air hit my head, and then the skin tugs downward as I keep stroking down." As I spoke I did one long, slow jerk to illustrate my point. "And then all of that in reverse," I said, as I pulled back upward on my cock.

"Awesome," he breathed. "I never even knew about dicklids... or, I mean, foreskins, before you showed me last time. I wish I could feel what it was like."

I had some thoughts on that, but I didn't say anything at the moment. All of this talk about my foreskin and both of us staring at it had me ready to cum already. But, Alex was still feeling chatty.

"Have you shot yet?" he asked, as he started to jerk his own cut cock more actively with his right hand. He hadn't used any spit yet, so he was sort of tugging on his shaft but then letting his fingers dance lightly over his red tip. It might have been my imagination, but I feel like his dick stretched past the top of his fist even further than it did the last time.

"Nope. I'm excited to start because you said it feels good, but I'm really enjoying jerking without a mess from spit or sperm or anything."

"Oh, good point," Alex said, and briefly stood up from the bed to snag a tissue from the box on the TV stand, still tugging on his dick with his right hand. I looked at him sort of quizzically and he replied, "It's easier to just shoot onto a tissue than to have to mop it up after."

Equipped with a tissue in his left hand and his cock in his right, Alex kept on jerking. I did too. His attention shifted back and forth from his dick to mine, so I felt totally safe staring at his. He still had the elastic of his underwear bunched beneath his balls, which made them bulge against the skin of his sack. His slim bullet-head glans flared an angry red, even redder every time it popped out of his circled fingers.

I pictured holding my mouth right at the cusp of his fist, so that with every jerk his ruby dick head would thrust through my lips and right onto my tongue. That was enough to send me over the edge. Finally, after days of waiting, I was cumming - and it was super intense. I don't know if it was the waiting, or Alex watching, or me picturing him jerking off right into my mouth, but this was a massive orgasm. Almost as memorable as those first two times I jerked with no spit in my room at home.

My body began to clench and spasm as my dick pulsed its dry, cumless shots. I kept on jerking my foreskin up and down as it pulsed. As each successive pulse rocked my body, I felt like the warmth that began in my groin was spreading further through my muscles until it reached the tips of my toes and the crown of my head.

The visual must have been too much for Alex, because he gave a little moan and sat up a little. He aimed his dick straight forward as if it was a plane coming in for a landing and held out his left hand with the tissue in front of it like a landing strip. He punched his fist like a piston with his dick pointing straight out from his body, one, two, three more times and then he was cumming.

I watched as his dick spasmed. He shot from the very first pulse this time, holding his dick firmly and squeezing it while blasts of cum rocketed out of his tip to land on the tissue. His dick looked alive. I loved watching how his glans briefly swelled up before expelling each new shot, like it was taking a deep breath before blowing out candles on a birthday cake.

There before me was Alex's cum. It was definitely not my imagination that he shot more than the last time. I remembered that the shot that hit my face was just a dot of cum, but by the time he was done pulsing he had created a whole puddle of pearly white liquid in the middle of his tissue.

I wanted to taste it again so badly. But, even as I considered if there was any way I could do it, Alex quickly wrapped it up with a twist and tossed it into my wastebasket in the corner of the room. I hadn't been up here at all today to toss anything into it, so it landed in the empty can with a wet thud.

So much for my taste.

Alex laid back in the bed and tugged his briefs back up over his cock and its glaring red head. My own dick had softened considerably, but I was still fidgeting the foreskin around the head with my thumb and forefinger. Maybe I didn't get as sensitive as he did after cumming - either because of my foreskin or because I didn't shoot yet.

We had both cum once, but I wanted to do something more... hands-on. Luckily, we still had the entire night ahead of us.


Thanks for reading! Jesse got Alex to jerk off with him again, but he doesn't seem much closer to getting the taste he wants so badly. Will Jesse be able to engineer a way for things to get more hands-on as the night progresses?

I already know the answer, because I've already written the next chapter! Check back soon to find out what happens next. And, you can email me let me know your thoughts about the story so far.

You matter. Be safe out in the world. Always seek enthusiastic consent, practice safe(-r) sex, get tested, and know your status.

Until next time - NK-Writes



Next: Chapter 4

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