Jesse Wants a Taste

By NK-Writes

Published on Jun 22, 2024


Jesse Wants a Taste Chapter 2

Jesse Wants a Taste
Chapter 2 - Under the Skin

by NK-Writes

Don't need an intro or a recap? Jump to the start of the story.

This chapter includes multiple solo orgasms, early experiments with and discovery of masturbation, teen solo masturbation, minor foot fetish, and flashbacks of brief experimentation with oral sex.

Please only read this if it is legal, safe, and comfortable for you to do so where you currently live.


I've been amazed by the kind response to the first chapter of this story, which was my first Nifty submission! Thank you all so much for reading and for your emails.

This chapter is entirely solo. It's "the masturbation chapter"! It's also a chance to learn more about Jesse and his obsessions. Plus, Jesse has some things to figure out - including how he's going to find a way to see Alex again!

This fictional story focuses on sexual activity between teen male characters. This story does not advocate for or condone adults sexualizing people who are under the age of consent. It is about memories of first times and wishes of what could have been, which for many LGBTQA* people focuses on their teen years. There will never be adult/teen sex or male/female sex in any chapters of this story.

Please consider making a donation to Nifty, which is a 503(c)(3) charitable organization in the United States. Nifty is more than an archive of queer literary erotica! It exists as a body of work that lets people know they are not alone in their identities and experiences when it comes to sex and sexuality.


The Story So Far

Whether you're joining the story in-progress or simply need a refresher, here's what you need to know:

Jesse is our narrator. He is 13 years old and the only child of a single father. Jesse just discovered the joys of masturbation via a helping hand from Alex, a 14-year-old who lives around the corner from Jesse's grandparents. Jesse was happy to return the favor for Alex.

Jesse has a foreskin and Alex is circumcised, so there was some initial confusion between them - but it wasn't anything that a little spit couldn't help. Despite not previously knowing about masturbation, Jesse already had a fixation on penises and sucking them... and he hopes he might get to do that with Alex.

Alex is the middle child between his older "too cool" teenage brother Tony and his younger teen brother Corey. Jesse is actually closer to Corey's age than Alex's. According to Alex, Corey recently tried to suck him while he was asleep, but Alex woke up and rolled over so he would stop.


Chapter 2 - Under the Skin

Masturbation had gone from being a complete unknown to becoming my main pastime in the weeks since learning about jerking off from Alex at my grandparents' house.

It still wasn't quite the same as having a helping hand from Alex, but it was enough to keep my mind (and my hands) completely occupied.

Before my encounter with Alex, I would often fidget my foreskin absent-mindedly while on the toilet or in the shower. Sometimes I would grind myself against my bed while lying on my stomach while reading a book.

That all felt good, but now I knew there was so much more. I knew about orgasms and cumming (though for me that was still entirely dry).

The problem was that I had never done it on my own! Alex was the one who made me cum at my grandparents' house. All I did was uselessly hold my own dick until he took over jerking me off with spit. Afterward, I had managed to make him cum, but his dick was totally different than mine - not only because he was circumcised, but because it had a much thicker shaft and a much smaller head.

(Now I realize that most good jerking techniques work well across all dicks with just some minor adjustments. But, at the time, I thought everyone had to create their own bespoke jerking style for each unique combination of a hand plus a dick!)

My first night at home after being at my grandparents' house I was intent on replicating the experience I had with Alex. I told my dad I was headed up to take my shower before bed. I figured if I gave jerking a try in the shower there would be nothing to stain with spit. Plus, my dad wouldn't be able to hear all my spitting and the squelching noises like the ones Alex and my fists made on our spit-coated dicks.

I wasn't actually all that embarrassed about revealing my new pastime to my father, who had always been plain and frank with me about all "the birds and the bees" types of topics. We were always totally open with each other about everything right up until this moment. I still remember the first time I asked him about where babies came from and got a major education.

But, I also knew my dad was circumcised from back when he first told me about my foreskin and how to take care of it. I assumed he wouldn't be able to reveal to me some grand secret of getting off with a foreskin even if I asked. Even Alex was mystified about what to do with my foreskin when he had his hands right on top of it.

For now, I was on my own.

(Again: I was at the mercy of my assumptions about bespoke jerking styles. I'm sure my dad knew a lot more about jerking off than Alex, who had only been at it for a year. Honestly, if I had considered that my dad might've had some great tips for me I would've come right out and asked him!)

I hopped into the shower and eagerly spit into my hand to start jerking while under the warm spray of water. Of course, the shower just washed away the spit I added to my hand as quickly as I could add it, and water isn't actually a good lubricant on its own. I was back to roughly nudging my forefinger and thumb over my exposed glans like I did when I tried jerking off in front of Alex. It was pleasurable, but it didn't feel GREAT.

I briefly tried a dab of shampoo to make things slippery, but it burned like hell as soon as some of it trickled down towards my piss slit and I swore it off for good. I tried a few other things, but nothing was feeling as good as Alex's fist had felt on me. As my experiment continued to fail the water was starting to get cold.

Frustrated and still hard, I turned off the shower, dried off, and headed to bed.

After another couple of failed tries in the shower, I wised up and tried jerking BEFORE I got into the shower. As I took my time heading to the bathroom, I worked up a ton of spit in my mouth. I closed the bathroom door, turned on the water in the shower, and stripped off my clothes. Then, I sat on the ground and slimed my entire hand and dick with my mouthful of spit and started jerking.

I didn't immediately replicate Alex's efficient jerking technique, but all that spit did the trick. My hand slipped up and down my cock with ease, including right over my swollen glans. I felt that special thrill as my thumb swiped down over my ridge and into the little pocket of my retracted foreskin, just like I had with Alex.

I was in heaven. I loved the feeling of my hardness sliding through my fist over and over again. I closed my eyes and pictured that it was Alex's hand on my dick, and then that it was my hand on Alex's dick, and then both at the same time. Unconsciously, I subtly bucked my hips up into my pumping fist.

After several nights of failed attempts that left me with unresolved erections, it didn't take long for my spit-slicked efforts to have an effect. I felt like something warm was slowly traveling from the pit of my stomach to the base of my dick. I kept going. I felt my whole groin pulse a bit. I kept going. Then it pulsed again. Then I felt an explosion of pulses as that warm feeling surged upward from deep inside my pelvis to the tip of my penis.

It was happening. Just like it did with Alex. I laid down flat on our bathmat as my vision briefly whited out and my cock spasmed in my fist. I felt like I could feel every inch of my body vibrating against everything - the cool tile against my feet, the bristly bathmat against my back, and the air against my skin. All of it felt amazing.

My first solo orgasm felt great. Incredible. Mind-blowing. I lay there on the bathroom floor in a daze, breathless and grinning like a maniac while the aftershocks of my climax continued to make my dick quiver in my fist.

As the days grew warmer I always had the cover of a nightly shower to give me a chance for a saliva-soaked jerking session. I spent all day at school thinking about it, which lead to many necessary adjustments of my dick to prevent advertising my erection to my entire class. And, every night I enjoyed a very wet jerking session before taking my shower.

My addictive new routine felt incredible, but it didn't quite yield THE BEST FEELING EVER like I experienced under Alex's firm grip that first time while sitting beside me half-naked at my grandparents' house.

On my own, I felt like I knew exactly when that warm feeling would start to rise. I'd reflexively jerk faster and clench and unclench my muscles to coax the feeling along. Then the feeling would pulse up my dick until the clenching became involuntary and I'd cum without shooting any cum.

I loved it and I didn't want to look a gift horse in the mouth, but I was longing to get back to my grandparents' house to see Alex - and hopefully to trade handjobs with him again (and maybe more).

Until then, my favorite pastime was masturbation - both doing it and thinking about it. I'd even sneak in an extra "shower" on some days. It's not how I spent every single minute, of course. I still had school. And homework. And hanging out with my dad.

It was just the two of us living in our big creaky house, a few neighborhoods away from where my grandparents lived. Our neighborhood was still technically a "suburb," but it was slightly dingier and rougher around the edges than theirs.

My grandparents' block had single houses with big lawns and lovely covered patios Our block was made up of twin homes with weathered awnings over shared concrete porches. We had tiny squares of lawn and no cute little strips of grass and trees between the sidewalk and the street. There were way more broken and mismatched sidewalk panels, with weeds growing from the cracks between them.

What a difference a few miles made!

I didn't have any friends on our block, which is part of why I liked heading over to my grandparents when I could. Of course, I loved spending time at home with my dad too! But it was so easy to chat with all the random kids who were running across all of the suburban lawns on my grandparents' block. Kids on my block weren't as friendly, and now that we were getting into teenage years they were getting as rough around the edges as the neighborhood itself. I didn't fit in with them at all.

Plus, my grandparents' neighborhood had one extra feature that mine did not: Alex and his mysterious dick-sucking little brother, Corey.

I could not get that out of my mind. Why did he do it? Had Corey been playing a weird one-time prank on Alex? Had curiosity gotten the better of him after he heard about blowjobs for the first time from a friend?

Or did Corey feel like I did about other boys? Did his eyes linger over their body parts, always excited for a glimpse of something usually covered up by clothes? Did he feel this strange attraction to get as close to them as possible and figured that sucking on their most private spot was the closest he could get?

To the best of my ability to describe, that's how it had always been for me. It's what lead to the three times I had briefly had a dick in my mouth. But, I don't want to make those times to be sexy, arousing moments. They just weren't. It wasn't like that for me because I had no idea that sucking a dick was even a sexual thing until my conversation with Alex!

The first time I did it was during a sleepover with the son of one of my dad's friends. I don't even remember why I was staying at their house. We were still young enough to be sharing a bed for a sleepover. His parents were downstairs watching TV while we were supposed to be asleep. Instead, we were busy pretending we were monsters trying to munch on each other in the darkness of his room.

We were playfully ticking, nibbling, and sucking on each other's fingers, feet, and even our stomachs, giggling the entire time. I've always loved doing that sort of thing with other boys. While we played, his dick popped out of the fly of his underwear (I guess it got a little bit hard from the tickling). Before he could put it back I leaned in and sucked on it just like I had been doing to his fingers and toes.

He let me do it for a little while and then laughed and said "okay, enough," exactly like he did when I tickled his feet more than he could take. And that was that... we moved on with our monster munching tickle war until we tired ourselves out and went to sleep. I never even got to see his dick, really - it was too dark! Thinking back, I'm pretty sure he didn't have a foreskin. I kinda remember it being all head pressed against my tongue without any extra skin or moving parts.

I don't think he ever said anything to his parents about it because we'd still see each other at parties and picnics after that and there was never any hint of weirdness between us. Maybe he had forgotten it entirely.

It might not have been a significant event for him, but it certainly was for me. It was the first time any of my tickling or wrestling or licking with another boy had amounted to something that felt actually SATISFYING to me, even if it was just for a brief moment. I couldn't explain why. It felt like I finally arrived at some kind of destination at the end of all of my messing around with another boy.

After that, every time I saw another guy my age even the slightest bit undressed I wondered if there might be a way to suck his dick. I think that's how I got a little bit fixated on other boys' feet. It's not that I thought feet were hot and sexy. It's just that they were a semi-private body part that were typically clothed and that frequently got exposed for me to see and touch.

I wasn't close with many other guys, so I didn't have many chances to attempt to maneuver myself into a similar situation. I felt that I had to be cautious in steering towards that sort of ticklish, touchy-feely horseplay with the few boys I was close with from school, for fear they might tell each other about my habit. I managed to get in some handsy wrestling matches, quite a bit of sneaky foot tickling, and a few other situations with fleeting close contact. But, no more dicks.

Not until Joseph.

My encounter with Joseph wasn't innately sexual either, but it was a little more... intentional. It wasn't too long ago - right when I started high school, around the same time I met Alex and his brothers last year.

Actually, Joseph was the one and only time I had a friend on my OWN block.

Joseph was rough around the edges the way most kids in the neighborhood were (and which I wasn't at all). Even when we were younger he always had a slightly unpredictable vibe to him that verged on "bully." Over the years of living on the same block, we realized we were into some of the same stuff - toys and cartoons and things. So, despite him being somewhat intimidating, sometimes we'd hang out on each other's porches and play together or just talk.

One time when we were hanging out on my porch he looked up suddenly and said, "Hey, I've really got to piss." That was how Joseph talked - once he learned a more offensive word for something, he'd never use the nicer word again.

As soon as he said it, I realized I had to go too, and so we raced inside my house.

At the time, my dad was replacing the sink in our little guest bathroom downstairs and it was off-limits, so Joseph and I both had to run up the stairs to the main bathroom that my dad and I shared. We got to the door at the same time and shared a panicked moment as we both stared at the toilet in desperation.

"Come on," he said, "we'll just cross the streams."

I didn't know what he meant at first, but before I could ask any questions Joseph was yanking down the waistband of his shorts and peeing into our toilet from one side at an angle. His meaning was obvious, so joined him in unleashing my stream.

I spent the entire time we were peeing staring at his dick. That was the first time I saw his dick - or really any one specific dick, since the first dick I sucked was impossible to see in the dark. Joseph's didn't have a foreskin like mine did. He had a big, fat, round, exposed head that looked entirely out of proportion to his slim shaft. I thought his dick looked like a lollipop on a stick.

Immediately, I knew I wanted to put Joseph's big dick head in my mouth. Obviously I didn't just lean down and suck it right there in front of the toilet. Ew. Instead, it was a whole process of escalating tickle fights and wrestling matches and dares over the course of the next few weeks. Plus, I suggested more visits to the bathroom together to "cross the streams" to get more looks at his private lollipop.

Eventually, all of those efforts converged a little bit after the school year started. Joseph came up to my room and I talked him into a toe-sucking contest to see who could keep the other's toe in their mouth the longest while breathing through our noses. Then we licked behind each other's knees to see who would burst out laughing first. It wasn't hard to ease into dick-sucking from there, and it was just weird and gross enough to be his sort of thing.

Joseph was an odd kid.

The one cool, sort-of-sexual thing about it is that we were in a 69 position when we did it because our whole game of dare was about doing things at the same time as each other to see who would last longer. We were already head-to-foot for the toe-sucking and the behind-the-knee-licking, so getting head-to-crotch for dick sucking was just a minor shift in position.

Joseph sucked my dick in a completely perfunctory way for no more than ten seconds. It was just another body part for another dare. I remember he said, "You've got some extra skin," when he saw my foreskin up close and then sort of just jammed the whole thing in his mouth. I sucked his cut cock a bit more actively, imagining it as a lollipop (how could I not!) and patting my tongue around the underside of his bulbous head.

The longest it lasted was a minute, at the most. We declared that I won the contest, pulled on our underwear, and moved on to doing something else.

We only did it one other time, again as the climax of a war of dares that resulted in much tickling and licking. Again, Joseph tapped out of sucking me within seconds, as if he had been holding his breath for too long and was about to pass out. That was fine by me. I went on for a minute sucking on him to prove that I "won" the dare. Maybe his dick got harder while I sucked, but I don't remember it being like Alex's thick, throbbing erection. Then I pulled off and we wrestled for a bit, still naked, his dick leaving trails of my own spit across my body.

One day a little bit before Halloween I was surprised to see a moving truck outside of Joseph's house and I never heard from him again after that.

In retrospect, I have to wonder if Joseph understood more about our dick-sucking game than I did. We never talked about girls or sex, but he hung out with older kids and was always the one to bring words like "piss" and "dick" into my daily lexicon. He wasn't naive like I was. Surely he knew what a blowjob was, right? Did he realize that he had a playmate ready and willing to give him blowjobs whenever he felt like it, and all he had to do in return was give my dick a few seconds of perfunctory sucks?

I'll never know for sure. I guess I'll always have my doubts, because if Joseph DID know all about blowjobs why wouldn't he encourage me to keep sucking him? Why wouldn't he try to have an orgasm in my mouth, even if it was a dry one? Was it because he could shoot already and he was hesitant to do it in my mouth, just like Alex was with Corey?

Or, was getting me to suck him for a minute just some dumb prank from a confirmed weirdo and borderline bully? Maybe he was telling all the other kids in our neighborhood about it. I'd never know, since I never hung out with any of them.

Or, maybe he was just as young and naive as I was at the time.

I think that was a huge part of why I was so intrigued by the mysterious situation between Alex and Corey. Okay, not just intrigued, but OBSESSED. I felt like hearing how Alex felt was a proxy for understanding what happened with Michael. Plus, there was the mystery of Corey's motivations. And also, Alex's big, hard penis... plus the barest of hints that Alex had some knowledge of his older brother Tony's even larger penis as well.

It not only made me hard every time I thought about it, but it made me look back at my experiences with Joseph in a whole new light.

All of that information made the weeks after my mid-spring mutual masturbation with Alex seem VERY long as I counted down the days until summer break. I enjoyed my daily showers and let my imagination run wild with longing as I anticipated hanging out with Alex again.

It was that longing that led to my next discovery.

One Sunday morning a few weeks into enjoying my new pastime I woke up way too early, thanks to the bright almost-summer sun shining through my curtains. My dick was rock hard, but I didn't really need to pee like I did some mornings. I just lay there, grinding my dick into the mattress and thinking about Alex and Corey in their bunks, and how in the darkness Corey probably leaned down towards Alex's dick just like I had done to spit on it, only Corey kept going and slipped it between his lips and began to suck.

I flipped over and pulled down my PJs and underwear to regard my erection in the morning light. I still had the same set of sparse hairs at the base, but I swore my penis had gotten a bit bigger over the past few weeks. Or, who knows, maybe it was just swollen from overuse. That morning I felt like I was as hard and throbbing as I had been with Alex - way harder than I ever was for my pre-shower routine.

I wanted to jerk off, but I didn't want to make a big spitty mess in my bed. Plus I wasn't really sure just how loud my squelching would be without the cover of running water. Loud enough that my dad would hear it from the hallway?

(As if any dad as open as mine is deeply worried or disgusted to hear obvious jerking noises emerging from his teenage son's room!)

I eased my foreskin up over my helmet head and back down again in the classic fidget of an intact guy. It felt great, especially on my super-hard dick, but it didn't have the sharp urgency of jerking off.

At one point, I eased my foreskin up as high as it would go - still not quite covering my whole head, as it never did when I was hard. I tried to hold it there so I could twist it back and forth between my thumb and forefinger the way I would when it was semi-erect. That meant making a fist around my dick that encircled my glans to sort of "choke" my foreskin into staying in place.

With my foreskin pulled up tautly over my head and unable to retract, I kept easing it forward and backward over the two sides of my head like a seesaw with my thumb and forefinger. I'd use my thumb to roll it back down over the flare of my ridge in the back while at the same time I'd ease it forward in the front with my forefinger, and then reverse the motion.

As I continued the rhythm I realized... this was not too different than my spit-fueled version of jerking off! Except, rather than use spit to keep things running smoothly over my sensitive glans, I was using my foreskin!

"Holy shit," I said under my breath, to no one. I didn't need to retract my foreskin to jerk off or just mash it back and forth under my spitty fist. I could USE MY FORESKIN to jerk off.

In fact, it suddenly occurred to me that this might be the entire point of foreskins, in general!

I eased the grip of my thumb downward to rest beneath my glans, but was careful to do so with the skin still rolled forward onto the head of my dick. Now I had a nice uniform pressure across my ridge as I jerked my thumb up and down over it through my foreskin. I felt like electric sparks were shooting down from my dick and up my spine.

Cautiously, I jerked my fist down slightly and then back up. I watched the downward pull of my skin rolling away from my head, now tugging it with my whole fist rather than swiping over it with a spit-slicked thumb. Coming back up, my skin moved up and over my head along with my fist, my thumb slipping right over my skin-covered ridge again as smooth as velvet. The action sent more sparks firing through my body.

This was DEFINITELY something different than my spitty pre-shower sessions. I could vary the pressure more, as well as the rhythm - my skin could roll down slowly and then accelerate back upward to cover my head at top speed. No need to constantly add more spit to keep things lubricated.

I kept experimenting with moving my skin up and down, slow and then fast, gently and then squeezing harder. Before I knew it, I could feel that familiar warmth of an impending climax. But, this time I wasn't even trying! It caught me by surprise just like it did when Alex jerked me off. It rose in an instant without warning, and at the peak of that rise I felt those pulses begin.

Just like that, I was cumming in my own bed for the first time.

I lay there in awe, my body trembling, staring at my slightly deflated dick. It was a whole new world! Cue the Disney track! THIS was the fun of jerking off that Alex told me about. Plus, there was no clean-up required. It was jerking on-the-go! I could jerk off anywhere without a mess... at least, until I started shooting.

The thought of one day jerking off to find some sperm launching itself out of my dick made me want to get hard and jerk off all over again. Usually, I could never enjoy back-to-back sessions, since there was only so long I could spend sitting in the bathroom with the shower running. Plus, my glans could get kind of irritated from rubbing it directly, even with tons of saliva.

But, now? My dad wouldn't bother me for another hour or two, he always let me sleep late on a Sunday if I felt like it. And, my newly-discovered method of jerking off was dry, tidy, and almost totally silent.

There was nothing to stop me from jerking off again.

I eased my foreskin back up my dick, which was already reversing course to begin inflating again. With the foreskin high over my glans, I closed my fist below it to strangle my dick right below my ridge and resumed my jerking.

This time I took things even slower, enjoying the rolling action of my foreskin as it climbed up my glans and then unrolled backward off of it. It was hypnotizing. I loved the moment the final bit of it popped off the edge of my glans to reveal the shiny purple skin of my ridge to the light, and then the insistent tug of my taut skin as I pulled my fist downward toward the base of my shaft. I was fascinated by how my skin just climbed right back up my glans when I stroked up, like it remembered exactly where it wanted to be.

I kept up that slow, deliberate rhythm for several minutes, staring intently at the skin as it wrapped up over my glans and slid back down again. I had always been so interested in other boy's bodies, but for the first time I was absolutely fascinated by my own uncut cock!

As I watched my skin go up and down, I wondered what it would do if someone was sucking it. I tried to remember what Joseph did with my foreskin during the few seconds he sucked me. I didn't remember him doing anything special. I was probably starting to get a little hard from excitement before he put it in his mouth. Maybe my skin was starting to roll back a little, but it was still obvious enough for him to comment on it that first time.

I started to wonder what it would feel like if Joseph had tried to work my foreskin forward over the head with his lips and tongue, or pull it back taut with his hand so he could lick the inside of where it connected to my shaft. I imagined it wasn't my hand on my dick rolling my foreskin back and forth, but his sucking mouth.

Then, I started picturing Corey eagerly sucking Alex's thick circumcised cock. What did he do with his tongue while he sucked it? Alex's dick was longer than mine, and I wondered if Corey could get his lips all the way down to the base until Alex's bullet-head hit the back of his throat.

As if summoned by that mental image, a bolt of pre-orgasmic warmth hit me full force. I only managed two more firm bottom-to-top jerks before I was pulsing and spasming again through my second dry cum in a matter of minutes.

I came FIVE times that day in total. There were the two times back-to-back in bed that morning. I did it a third time just after lunch while my dad thought I was doing homework in my room. Then, that night I did it in the actual shower(!), since I no longer had to worry about my spit being washed away.

Finally, before going to sleep I could not stop thinking about the sight of my foreskin rolling over my glans again and again. I turned on my bedside lamp and pulled my dick out of my pajamas so I could watch it happen. And then I kept watching. And jerking. And, well, one thing led to another... and to my fifth orgasm of the day.

By the time I was through with that bedtime session, my dick was well and truly deflated for good. I felt wide awake, but my dick was exhausted! If it looked bigger and harder than ever when I woke up that morning, now it looked as small and soft as it did years ago. I couldn't make it hard again even if I tried.

This gave me a rare opportunity to enjoy an excess of foreskin. I never had a ton of it. Even thinking back to being young, I dimly remember that my glans almost always poked out of it like a turtle looking out of its shell. Over the past few weeks, as soon as I even THOUGHT about playing with myself my dick with chub up a bit and my skin would no longer be enough to cover even half of the head.

However, now my dick was entirely flaccid from overuse with no hope of boning up again. I could tug my skin to totally envelop the head on all sides and then some - pulling it forward to a little pucker. My dick didn't do this too often! I could only specifically recall my glans totally disappearing inside of my foreskin a few times, like after playing in the snow or swimming in the ocean.

(Here's a special secret trick some uncircumcised guys have that you might not know about if you're cut. If they are growers instead of showers, they have a lot of slack skin to work with when they are totally soft, so they can sort of... retreat their dicks all the way down inside their foreskin? You just pinch your foreskin up and keep pinching the slack and your flaccid cocklet kind of gets mushed down into your balls. I'm sure most uncut guys have played this weird little game of hide and seek with their dicks at least once in their lives.)

I turned off the lights and continued to fidget the skin of my soft penis until I passed out, flaccid dick still in hand.

My dick was extra tender in my pants at school the following day. Maybe I had gone a LITTLE bit hard on my foreskin in those final two sessions in the shower and in bed. I skipped my pre-shower jerk that Monday night. I figured my dick deserved the night off.

After that brief respite, my jerking schedule picked up. By that point I had a Pavlovian response to hearing the sound of the shower. I'd immediately get hard in anticipation. I still enjoyed my spitty pre-shower jerking sessions as a warm-up, though now they'd lead to jerking WITH my foreskin - sometimes on the bathroom floor, other times in the hot shower. As a bonus, now I could jerk off again in my room afterward before going to sleep. And in the mornings on the weekend. And while getting changed out of my school clothes in the afternoon, if I felt like it.

Jerking two or three times a day became my new normal. Three or four on the weekend - but, I didn't push for five again for fear of getting too worn out.

Meanwhile, I was counting the days until I'd be back at my grandparents for the summer so I could reveal my new foreskin trick to Alex. Maybe I could even get him to jerk me off dry using just my foreskin. Every time I thought about it I had to jerk off again, including once in the school toilets during lunch. I wished I could run into Alex at school, but his neighborhood was far enough from my house that he was in a different high school than mine.

Then, I had a stroke of luck (heh).

Some of my father's friends from college had been working on him to attend a concert with them, and he finally gave in and bought a ticket. It was on a Saturday night just two weeks shy of school ending. The plan was for me to stay the night at my grandparents. My dad thought I was still a little too young to spend all night at home by myself, and there was no point in getting a babysitter with my grandparents so close by.

That meant I had a sudden opportunity to see Alex again! But, if I just stayed at my grandparents for the night, I wouldn't even get there until after dinner time. I had never knocked on Alex's door to ask to hang out that late in the day. I had no idea if his parents would let him come over to play video games (and Truth or Dare).

With the concert coming up the next weekend, I formed a plan and methodically laid out my case to my father. The school year was almost over and it was time for finals in some of my classes. I was an annoyingly good student, so I planned to spend the weekend studying for my finals all day and zoning out playing video games at night. Rather than heading to my grandparents just to go directly to bed, why not arrive first thing in the morning on Saturday, study all day without any distractions, and get to have dinner with grandmom and grandpop?

My argument worked like a charm. Dad said it made sense, plus it meant he could hang out with his friends before the concert. That made me feel good. He was always making sure to be around to spend enough time with me, but he deserved to hang out with his friends, too. Usually, he would only make time for his friends if they had kids my age for me to hang out with, which never seemed fair to him. He had plenty of friends without kids, or with kids much older or younger than I was.

Of course, I wasn't being entirely altruistic here. My dad getting to spend extra time with friends was a fringe benefit. My main motivation was to head back to my grandparents' house to see Alex, hopefully to jerk off together, and maybe even to try to push things a little farther towards me getting a direct taste of his dick.

To prepare, I decided I was going to abstain from all jacking, jerking, masturbating, and foreskin fidgeting for three whole days before Saturday. Tuesday night would be my final chance to jerk for the week.

I considered abstaining for an entire week, but I didn't think I would make it all the way to Saturday.


Thanks for reading my second submission to Nifty! Now you know a lot more about Jesse, his past experiences, and his motivations. Maybe some of his early obsessions with other boys and their bodies sound familiar to you.

Don't worry - this is not going to be a solo story after this installment. Jesse will see Alex again in the next chapter... but, will Jesse get the taste he so desperately wants?

I already know the answer, because I've already written the chapter! Check back soon to find out what happens next. And, email me to let me know your thoughts about the story so far.

You matter. Be safe out in the world. Always seek enthusiastic consent, practice safe(-r) sex, get tested, and know your status.

Until next time - NK-Writes


Next: Chapter 3

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