Jesse James Beginnings

By John Parker

Published on Jan 14, 2021



If you're on Nifty you know what to expect. This is totally fictional and if any of these guys exist, I don't know them.

Please contribute what you can to nifty so we can all keep enjoying this, you get a lot more from here than you get from going to a movie.

Hello, I'm Jesse James, really. Well, I guess not really, I'm Jesus James. I'm not Hispanic, it's not `hey-soos,', it's the biblical Jesus. My parents were Apostolic Christians. My sister and brother are Mary and Joseph, I was the lucky one to be first born. I'm a little over six feet tall, with a pretty nice body and I'm pretty good looking. I had been told I looked like a cross between Lee Majors and Paul Newman, I didn't know who they were, but once I found out I could see it. Once I was playing pickup basketball and a guy said, you're quite an otter. I didn't know what that meant, but I do now. I guess he was hitting on me, but I was and am so naïve. All my body hair is blonde, head to toe.

I used to play with other boys in the woods behind the school, that's where I learned how to masturbate. My mom walked in my room with clean laundry while I was doing it and screamed, JESUS!, for most people that would be cussing. She brought my dad in and he blistered my bare ass. I was sobbing. He kept it up until it didn't hurt any more. He didn't stop until mom told him to. He was such a pussy, or needed pussy. The bitch of it was that I knew he did it too, when mom had a "headache" the sounds coming out the bathroom were the same ones that came from their bedroom. "Don't let us catch you doing that again, young man." All I heard was "catch." A couple of years later, as a full moon lit up our room, I saw a lot of activity under my brother's blanket. Once I was sure what he was doing, I got up and sat on the edge of his bed. "Joe, I don't mean to interrupt your fun, but I know what you're doing." "You're not going to tell on me are you, Jesse?" "No way, Jose. I know it's supposed to be a sin, but every teenage boy and man does it. If it's a sin, then it's more common than telling a lie. Just don't let mom or dad ever know you do it." "Why?" "Just don't."

"I love you, Jesse." "Love you, Joe." Crawling back into my bed I saw that Joe was back to business and he had pulled his covers down and had his cock pulled out the top of his briefs. His boner was tiny and almost cute; he had years for it to grow. I decided I needed to get off, too. I threw my covers back, slipped my briefs down to my thighs and started to make myself happy. I didn't realize right off that Joe was watching me, but he pulled his undies down too. Everything I did to me, he copied, I was teaching my brother to masturbate. I squeezed my balls and gave them a tug, he did it. I'd switch hands and he would too. He rolled his head back and emitted a low moan. He had his orgasm, but I'm pretty sure it was dry. He looked back at me just as I launched a cum fountain which fell on my belly and chest. He whispered, "What was that, Jesse?" "Tell you in the morning." He and I worked a lot of them out over the years. It never crossed my mind that we could actually do it together.

I never dated. Girls and then women approached me, but I didn't know how to respond. Christine didn't accept that, she french kissed me in the café we were in, eventually we became serious (I thought). She lived about a hundred miles away, with her parents.

I moved and bought this bungalow, it has only two bedrooms, but a third would have increased the price by fifty percent. This is the smallest house on the block. Christine was only in it for about five minutes and then said, "Jesse, I don't think this is going to work." I thought she meant the house, but she drove off and I never heard from her again. So here I am with an empty house and no one that I know. I still have my job; I mostly travel but just need an office to check in and down load. There was a branch here. I guess you probably have guessed, at twenty-four years old, I'm still a virgin.

Most of that is unimportant, except maybe the last part. This is a story of discovery. I suppose a fourteen-year-old could have written it, but it's me.

I went to Rooms are Us and bought a bedroom, that was almost all the furnishing that I had. My new scarlet existence would cause my mom to swoon. I had a TV in the bedroom and beer in the refrigerator.

I soon learned my neighbor liked to sun bathe in his back yard wearing only a jockstrap. I never had one, but I knew what they were. I thought he was naked at first, the brown jock matched his tan. One day I went out to get the mail, he came to the fence in his jock and said, "Hi, my name's John Owens, I've been hoping to meet you."

"I travel a lot for business, my name's Jesse James." He laughed. "No, really."

"Is there a Mrs. James?"

"Yes, she lives with my father. There was supposed to be one here, but it ended before it started."

"Well, Jesse, if you promise not to rob me, would you like to come over for a swim?"

"I'd love to, but I don't have a suit."

"You don't need one, I won't be wearing anything."

I was torn, this was against everything I was raised with. I said yes.

I walked into his yard with a pair of shorts on. John slipped his jock off and said, "Come on."

I hesitantly removed my shorts.

"You're quite a man Jesse." He was looking at my crotch. I had never seen a naked adult male in my life. (You'll keep reading this) I thought all men looked like me, but compared to John, I was somewhat bigger.

I thought we would just be swimming, but he wanted to play like kids, dunking each other, tossing each other up, and just frolicking. I had never touched another man's body before, let alone a naked one. He swam between my legs and stood up with me on his shoulders. My cock and balls were pressed against his neck. Those things had never touched another human body, an electric shock ran through me.

John climbed out of the pool and said, "Let's have a beer."

"I can't right now, John."

"I've already seen it, Jesse, just get out of the pool." I climbed out with a boner. "As I said, you're quite a man, Jesse."

We sat naked on his patio, it felt liberating. We chatted and had a beer.

"I'm going to grill a steak and corn on the cob for dinner, would you like to join me?"

I was raised a vegetarian, but I'd already blown a lot of my heritage today, "Sounds great, I'll bring a salad?" It was pretty much all I had in the kitchen.

I walked naked over to my house thinking, who is this man I'm becoming?

"How do you like your steak?" Whatever, I said, I really didn't know what he meant (duh).

"This salad is great, Jesse."

It wasn't anything special, but John is really nice.

I finished the corn, which I've never had on the cobb before, and the salad. I wasn't sure about the steak; I took a bite and became an instant carnivore.

"I know you said you travel, but are you going to be home on the seventeenth?"

I grabbed my shorts and checked the calendar in my phone.

"Yes, I'm home that whole week end."

"I've got some guys coming over to play five-card draw poker. We don't play high stakes, just five and ten, if you can afford to lose two hundred, you might go home with twice that."

"Sounds like fun, John." I had no idea what five-card draw was, but I was too ashamed to admit it. I had two weeks to learn. We never had a deck of cards in the house, they were "tools of the devil" according to my mom.

The only deck of cards I `ve ever seen was when a friend brought some to school in the eighth grade. I learned the basic structure of a deck and the card ranks. These cards, however, had pictures of naked ladies on them, and the Jacks, Kings, and Aces had men on them, the Aces had both. It was because of the men on those cards that I thought all men were my size. For years I thought that all cards looked like that.

As the sun was beginning to set, I told John that I had better get back home, I have an early flight tomorrow.

I hadn't noticed before, but my bedroom faced on what was obviously John's. His house was a tri-level and I actually looked down on the room even though I had a ranch.

John walked into the room, naked, nothing new, but he stood in front of the window stroking himself. He knew I was watching, he even looked up at me. I was naked and ready for bed, but as I watched him, I started to jack off too. He could see me. We played games after a while, he would jerk slowly, then I would. We'd pump hard and fast, then stop. We'd massage the glans, and kept matching each other. I blew a load on my window. I don't know if he came or not, but he blew me a kiss as he stepped back from the window and turned off the lights.

I got home the same time John did. "Welcome home, Jesse. I missed you."

I didn't know what he meant by that, but I said, "Thank you, it's good to be home." As I was getting ready for bed, I noticed the dried cum was still on my window. I went to get a cloth to clean it up. When I got back to the window, John was at his, stroking and looking up. I don't believe it, but I waved, then joined him. I wonder if this is what he meant by "missed you." Window whacking became a bit of a ritual, I kept a roll of paper towels on the window sill. In person we never mentioned it.

John answered the door bell. Come on in, Jesse. Guys this is Jesse James. "Guard your chips," someone said. "Don't worry, I'm not armed this evening, " I replied. This is your seat, let me introduce these fellas. The man next to you is Jim (all of the men were older than me, one was as old as my father, but Jim was pretty near my age.) He went around the table telling me names. "Please excuse me if I don't get your name right. I know you're Jim, and you're Frank, I've never known a Frank, so I'll remember that. Of course I know John, but you two are James and Jake, but I don't remember which. "James", "Jake" they said raising their hands. "Jesse, there's beer and sodas in the cooler and liquor on the bar." Since I was about to plunge into the pits of hell, cards and gambling, I thought I might go whole hog, but I didn't know how to make a drink. "I'd like a beer, John."

"How much do you want to buy in for, Jesse?" "Beg your pardon?" "How much do you want to spend on chips." "Two hundred, like you said."

We played a few hands and I had lost about fifty dollars. Jim put his hand firmly on my shoulder, it actually felt kind of nice. "You don't know what the fuck you're doing, do you Jesse?"

"No, not really."

"Guys, give him his money back, were going to teach him how to play so we won't feel guilty when we take his money." They taught me how to play five-card draw and a game called Texas Hold'em.

"Just sit back and watch, Jesse, and learn. John, buy back his chips." Jim was the youngest man at the table, next to me, but was the most assertive, and the other men seemed to respect him as the alpha male.

I watched, and did learn, for about two hours. Jake said, "We have to go guys." Jake and James said their goodbye's and left.

Before long Frank said he had to leave and the game broke up. Frank left, then Jim and I. " I don't see a new car here, do you need a ride home, Jesse?"

"Not unless you want to carry me piggyback, I just live next door."

He bent over and said, "Hop on." We both laughed.

"Do you want to come in for a drink, Jim."

"Try and stop me." I wouldn't dream of it, if he said lay down and roll over, I'd do it. I've never known a more forceful man.

As we went in I told him that the only furniture I had was in the bedroom. I walked him in and said, "I'd tell you to have a seat, but there isn't one, so have a lay."

I got a couple of beers out of the fridge.

We chatted for a while, drinking our beers, then Jim said, "I'm gay, Jesse, I like men instead of women, and I like you."

I couldn't believe that this macho stud was gay, I thought I knew what gay was, but he didn't fit. I was at a loss of what to say.

"Is that a problem for you, Jesse."

"No, I guess not."

"Then come over here and let me hold you." If he had said sit up and bark like a dog I would have done it. His arms around me felt so good. I wrapped my arms around him.

"Jim, I've enjoyed this, but I think it's time for you to go."

He sat up on the edge of the bed, "Can we exchange phone numbers, I'd like to keep in touch?" I was torn, but I did it.

I walked hi to the door. "Jesse, we're all gay, Jake and James are married." He kissed me good bye, I actually kissed him back.

My head was in turmoil. My whacking partner was gay, I had just spent a very pleasant half hour with a gay man in my bed. None of those men fit my image of gay, Jim the least of them.

I went to bed, not even going to the window, and whacked off, all I could think about was Jim.

The next day I got a text from Jim with a selfie, and it was quite a selfie. It was his whole naked body. It's here whenever you want it, the message said. He was quite the stud, a beautiful man.

I couldn't resolve the way that I felt about John and Jim, if this was gay, then I guess maybe I was to.

John and I got back to our window whacks, and my relationship with Jim escalated. He would spend some nights with me, but we weren't naked and all we did was make out. He could have taken me any time he wanted, we both knew that, but he didn't. We woke one morning and I looked at him and said, "I love you, Jim." He kissed me and said, "You don't, you love the relationship, and I do too. I like you a lot, Jesse, but I don't love you."

I was on a business trip one day, I was seated on the plane, when Jim took the seat across from me. "Fancy seeing you here, Jesse." "Why are you here?" "I've got some business to attend to in Texas. I don't have hotel arrangements, do you."

We had spent more than a few nights together, so I said, "Yes, you can stay with me if you want."

"We had a nice dinner at the hotel, I even had a steak."

"Can we have separate checks, expense accounts you know."

Jim paid for both of us, I wanted to protest, but with Jim I couldn't.

"I'm going to be here for four days, Jim."

"Oddly, so am I."

We crawled in bed and made out, but it was more intense than we had ever been. His mouth was all over my body, and I copied. I had a painful erection, but I didn't want to take care of it in front of him.

The next night was a repeat until Jim said, "I need you Jesse." I didn't know what he meant until he slipped my briefs down and put my cock into his mouth. I couldn't believe how good it felt. He sucked on my knob and eventually had all of me into his mouth. I don't know how he took all of it. "I'm going to cum, Jim." He kept sucking and I released a huge load in his mouth.

"That things pretty impressive, Jesse."

"I don't think I can do that for you, Jim."

"I'm in no hurry."

I felt kind of guilty so I decided to jerk him off. I slipped his boxers down to his thighs, grabbed his cock and began stroking him. He was bigger than John, but not as big as me. I used some of the tricks that I learned from John through the window. Jim was writhing and moaning on the bed. "You've done this before, haven't you Jesse?" "Besides mine, yours is the only cock I've ever touched." "Then you're very creative. I'm about to lose it." I moved to more intense efforts and he did. He is a loud cummer, and more than a little profane. He scooped his cum up and ate it. "Have you ever tasted this stuff, Jesse?" "No, I've spilled a lot of it, but it never crossed my mind to eat it." He scooped some more on his fingers, "Taste it." I did, damn, if he told me to kill myself I'd do it, I couldn't say no to him. "That's got to be an acquired taste, Jim." "We've got lots of time, Jesse."

The night before we left Texas I actually decided to blow him, The power that man had over me was both scary and comforting. I didn't know what I was doing. "Watch the teeth, Jesse." He coached me while I did it. "You're getting better, Jesse. A few more times and you'll be a champion."

"Kiss me, Jesse." I did while he quickly finished himself off with his hand. "Do you want some of this?" I wanted to say no, but I couldn't. "Come here and get it yourself." I bent over his body and licked it off his abs. It wasn't as bad as the first time, but I still didn't like it. He finished the rest of it, then we both slipped our underwear off and slept naked in each other's arms.

We flew back home the next afternoon. Jim had upgraded us to first class, I don't know how. He asked for blankets and for most of the trip he had his hand under it and in my crotch. I copied him saying, "You are a horny devil, Jim."

"I've only gotten started, Jesse."

The next time I was home for a poker night. Jim and I walked in together. "Are you guys a number now?" said Jake. "We're not a number, but we're very good friends," Jim answered. "How good?"

"Someone get him a dictionary, he doesn't seem to understand the adverb "very."

Jim turned to me and whispered in my ear, "Can I tell them?"

I kissed him and said, "Go ahead, but I think they already know."

"Guys, I don't know whether Jesse swings both ways, but he definitely swings our way."

The stood up and clapped, then I got hugs and kisses from all of them, John's kiss was a whole lot more intimate than the others.

"You ready to lose your shirt, Jesse? No more playing pretty." Frank said.

"I don't intend to, are you ready to go home naked?" That wasn't like me, it was like Jim speaking through my mouth. Jake and James both clapped.

I fixed myself a screwdriver, if I was going to hell, I was going to go happy.

I went out to get the mail and John came up. "Do you want to come over for a swim this evening and a cook out?" "Love to, I've got a watermelon in the fridge, can I bring it?"

"Sounds good. About five."

"We'll be there."

"We'll?" John asked himself.

Jim and I walked over to John's naked, a little after five, watermelon in hand.

"Jimbo, I didn't expect you, but you're totally welcome. Jake and James are coming over later, so I have plenty of food."

"Jimbo?" I said looking at him. "That goes back a few years. Please don't use it." We jumped in the pool, but this time things got a lot more intimate.

When we climbed out of the pool we all had erections. Jim was bigger than John soft, but hard they were about the same, but Jim had a bit more girth. I was bigger than them in all regards. I don't want to seem like I'm bragging, but I guess I am.

John went to get some beer. I had a need for Jim. I started to suck him. John came back. "Room for one more?" he asked. Jim called him over and started to suck him. Eventually we were all on the lawn sucking each other. John had me in his mouth, damn he was good at this. I had to pay attention so I could give this to Jim. We all got off about the same time, and I swallowed Jim's cum. I still didn't like it, but I liked him a lot more.

"Are we interrupting something?" someone asked.

"Come on in, we just finished." Jake and James came in and took their clothes off, and I got my comeuppance. James was smaller than all of us, and I guess that what he had was average. Jake was huge, he was as big soft as I was erect.

Jim turned to me and said, "Jake is off the charts, I've never seen that thing angry, James doesn't share, but it has to be formidable."

We had a nice dinner and kissed each other good night, but this time there was a lot of groping in the good byes.

Jim spent the night with me, we did that a lot.

In the morning we woke, kissed and Jim said, "Will you fuck me Jesse?


"What do you mean, haven't you ever fucked anyone, what about Christine?"

I slapped his ass hard, he's going to feel that for a while. "I'm sorry I ever told you about her, don't bring it up again, Jimbo."

"You made your point, Jesse, I'm sorry."

"The only thing I've ever fucked was my pillow, and that was years ago. Until you miraculously came into my life, my only lover was my right hand."

`Well, if you fucked your pillow you're pretty much all the way there. All you have to do is stick your dick up my ass and pretend I'm a pillow. You're a big man, Jesse, and it's going to hurt me a bit while you enter me, but it will all be worth it."

He put his bulb next to my ass hole. "Just push it in , Jesse." I cringed and grimaced as he popped through my anal sphincter. "Are you okay , Jim?" "More than okay, keep going."

It was a whole new feeling for me. I never had a warm sleeve around my cock before. "I`m all the way in, Jim; now what?" "Remember how you jacked me off, do pretty much the same thing down there, but instead of stroking up and down, just push in and pull out."

"Jesse, you feel so good in there, I may not let you out."

I didn't know how long this was supposed to take, but eventually I had to cum, and I came a lot.

"Hug me Jesse, and tell me you love me." I don't believe I said that, I hope that Jesse wouldn't mind.

"Do you really love me, Jim."

"Yes, but I didn't intend to say it yet.

"I love you, too, Jim," We hugged and kissed, I didn't ever want to let go of him; he didn't seem to want to let go of me, either.

On my next business trip Jim asked if he could drive me to the airport, and pick me up. "You don't have to Jim?"

"I know I don't have to, but I want to."

He picked me up in his Jet-black Ferrari Spider, I'd seen it before, but never ridden in it. These were very sexy wheels, but Jim was a very sexy guy. I didn't know how expensive one of these is, but damn expensive slipped into my mind. Where did that "damn" come from? Deeper in hell.

When he picked me up at the airport, I stowed my bags and then jumped in next to him. I kissed him, I pretty much didn't care where we were anymore.

"Here." Jim handed me a package.

"What is it?"

"A present, dufus."

I opened it. It was two identical jockstraps, with rainbow chevron mesh pouches. "Thanks, Jim, but why?" "You told me once that you didn't have a jock, you're going to need one." "But why two?" "One is mine"

"Who are we. The Bobbsey twins?" "Not unless one of us is willing to give up his man parts, and I'm not volunteering," Jim answered.

"I'm not going to either, you like them too much. What is this?" It's a cock ring, I think you'll like it." "There's only one." "That's because I'm already wearing mine." "This was sweet, Jim, I'd kiss you if you weren't driving." He pulled off to the apron on the freeway abuptly. We made out for a few minutes with traffic speeding past us.

"These look like they're fun to wear, pushing my fist into the pouch, but why do I need it?"

"Didn't you get John's email?"

"I don't think he has my address."

"We'll have to fix that. He's having a cookout at his place tonight, the whole gang will be there, including two other men that are visiting Jake and James from out of town. They're both a lot of fun, and one is a real jokester. We can't go nude anymore. John has new neighbors. They used to be an older couple who never left the house. The new ones introduced themselves by calling the cops on him. He said the police officer was very nice, and cute. The cop said he understood the pleasures of naturism, but he had to keep his privates covered outdoors. He said a jock was legally enough, it will bug the hell out of your neighbors, but there is nothing they can do. John said he invited the officer over for the barbecue, but he answered. I can't tell you I'm not tempted, but it wouldn't go over well with the Mrs. Just keep it covered and there won't be any more problems."

"Can we stop at the market on the way, I'd like to make a fruit salad to take to the cook out."

When we got back to my house, we unloaded, then Jim said, "Get those clothes off, I want to see us in those things." He was already half naked. He could have said that to me in the front yard and I would have done it.

"How do I put this on, Jim." "Some people put their cock in the ring first, then their balls, others do it the other way." He helped me put it on, balls first. "That's pretty snug, Jim." "Once we get this thing through here, it will loosen up."

"This feels good. Jim, kind of like you're groping me." "I can do that too."

"Let's get the jocks on." Jim adjusted my junk in the pouch then said, "Damn, Jesse, you look good in that. Come over here to the mirror and look at us together." We stood next to each other and looked at our reflection. "What do you see, Jesse?" "The man I love," I said. "Thank you, but look. We're not the Bobbsey twins, you're a little taller, I'm a little beefier, but except for the hair color we could be fraternal twins, except for that thing." He gave me a loving whack in the balls.

"I hadn't noticed, Jim, but you're right." I kissed him. He threw me on the bed and we made out for a while.

Jim helped me make the fruit salad, and we headed over to John's place. Jake and James and two other men went in before us. Frank said, "Well aren't we the gay couple." "I think we all are, Frank," Jim said. Everyone stripped down and were wearing jocks, I guess the message was out. James introduced their friends, Paul and Marty. Neither were particularly impressive men in the body department, though they had handsome faces. Marty was short and pudgy, but very hairy. He looked like a Teddy Bear, and just as cuddly. "Everybody in the pool, and then I'll start cooking, but keep the jocks on." It wasn't a swim, it was an aquatic orgy. I may have had my hand in everyone else's crotch, and I know they all were in mine.

When we climbed out of the pool there was a lot of proud flesh pushing against jock pouches, all but Jakes, who had fallen out. He wasn't all the way hard, but he was huge. "Put that away, Jake," John said. "I can't, I don't have any place to put it." "Then grab a towel." We all paired off on chaises and hugged and kissed. Frank was helping John on the grill, or at least interfering with him. He had his hands and mouth all over John, and they kissed a lot."

"Jesus," John yelled, he had left a pair of tongs on the grill and they were hot.

"Do you want something, John?" "No, Jesse, I just burned my hand."

"What was that all about?" asked Jim. "My real name isn't Jesse, Jim, it's Jesus." "Jesus," he said, I didn't know if he was acknowledging it or swearing. "Please don't use it, but you can if you want to, but don't share it." "How many men can say they've been in bed with Jesus?" "I guess only the Apostle John, it's not in the bible, but I can't believe it didn't happen."

We had a great dinner. I had never had spare ribs, and I had to watch the other men to learn how to eat them. Everyone brought something, there was tons of food.

When the party broke up we all kissed and said good bye. "I assume you're staying with Jesse tonight, Jim. I miss him." Jim looked at me, and I said, "Later." "Do you guys want a cognac?" "Sure," said Jim. John came out of the house naked. "It's dark, you can lose those if you want." We did. He gave us the cognac in glasses the likes of which I had never seen. I took a swig, it burned, and I choked and gasped. Jim pounded me on the back until I stopped coughing. "Jesse, you don't drink this, you sip it. Just put enough in your mouth to wet your tongue and then move it around. You don't even have to swallow; it will get there on it's own." He kissed me and said, "Watch." Once I did it right, it was good. He finished his, and I had one more sip. Jim picked up my glass, emptied it, and then frenched me. Oh, was that special, why weren't we doing that the whole time?

When Jim and I were back in my bedroom, I still didn't have any more furniture, "What did John mean by he missed you, you don't have to tell me if you don't want to?" I told him and he picked up his phone, "John, are you in your bedroom? Come to the window." Jim and I were by my window, stroking each other. John watched us and worked on his. This was the first time I had ever actually seen him cum. Jim's phone rang. "Thanks guys." "Now that I know, John, this will happen more. Good night." Jim and I hadn't gotten off yet, but we'd take care of that in bed.

Jim pretty much always took me to the airport and picked me up now. When he picked me up this time, I kissed him and said, I missed you, "Missed you too, Jesse." "Where are we going?" "Home." "But you passed the turn." "Not your home, my home." We pulled up to a gated house, not a house, a mansion. The gate opened and Jim drove in. "Do you live here all by yourself?" "Yes and no, Billy lives here with me." "Billy, are you and he?" "No, I don't know whether he's gay or not, I don't think so. I don't even know if he has a cock, but I assume so. He knows I have one, I spend a lot of time in the nude. He's my house keeper, cook, and all around everything. There's a maid who comes in twice a week, but Billy does everything else. He takes care of Ruddy and me." "Ruddy?" "You'll see."

We walked up to the house, as we went in, a large Irish Setter jumped up, put his paws on Jim's shoulders and washed his face. "Good boy. This is Ruddy Jesse." I stooped to pet him and got a facial as well. "Welcome home, Jim, will you be staying the weekend, or are you going to spend it with Jesse?" I was kind of shocked. "I'm going to spend it with Jesse. This is Jesse, Billy." We exchanged polite greetings. I've never been in a house like this, never even seen one. Jim led me upstairs to his bedroom. "Make yourself comfortable, naked if you want, I will be. Put your dirty clothes in the hamper in the bathroom, Billy will wash them tonight and deliver them folded in the morning." "He doesn't have to." "It's his job, Jesse, he would be offended if he knew you wouldn't let him do it."

We had a nice dinner, and Billy ate with us, not what I expected. He and Jim interacted more like friends than employer and employee .

Jim and I crawled into his bed. Compared to mine this was heaven, and half again as big. He must have felt he was slumming when he stayed with me. I wanted to cuddle with Jim, but Ruddy jumped in right next to him. "You're in what was his place, Jesse, but he's got to learn it's yours now." "What do you mean, mine?" "I want you to move in here with me." My jaw dropped. "We'll talk about it in the morning, just love me tonight." Jim pushed Ruddy to the foot of the bed.

We went down for breakfast in the morning. Billy served us orange juice and coffee. The juice was fresh squeezed, I'm sure. I've never had anything so good, and the coffee was better yet. Billy came in, not phased in the slightest that Jim and I were naked, I guess he expected it. "Mr. Jesse, I'm serving fried eggs this morning, how do you like yours prepared?" "It's just Jesse, Mr. Billy." He laughed, "Okay, just Jesse, how do you want your eggs."

It was probably the best breakfast I had ever eaten. Over a final cup of coffee I said to Jim, "I love you, Jim, but I can't move in with you." "Give me two good reasons why." I couldn't think of one. I just sat looking him in the eyes. "That pretty much settles it, we'll go over to your place and get your stuff over here." As I was putting my stuff away I said, "This isn't going to make John too happy." Whenever he has a party, and he has them a lot, we'll do some window whacking as you called it. It was kind of fun."

I wanted to ask Jim what he did for a living, but felt I would be overstepping. It had to be lucrative to afford all this. The Ferrari notwithstanding. I had found out what that cost, my entire salary for four years.

Jim was going to drive me to the airport. As we walked out the house. there was a red Maserati convertible parked behind the Ferrari. "Is that Billy's" "No." "Is there someone else here?" "No." "Then whose is that?" "It's yours." "Oh god, Jim, I can't accept that." "You accepted the jock and cock ring, why not the Maserati?" "But it not the same thing." "It is to me." "But, Jim, ..." "I'm getting a little tired of this I can't' shit, Jesse. You know if I tell you to take it you will." "I'm sorry, Jim, it's beautiful." He handed me the keys. When I got back he picked me up in the Maserati, we kissed and he handed me the keys. "I need your help, Jim. I don't really know how to get to your place." "Whose place" he asked demandingly. "Sorry, our place." "Its in the GPS." He showed me how to turn it on, and there it was our place.' We made love that night, and as we were going to sleep I asked him, "I don't know if I have right to ask this, but what do you do when you're not molly coddling me."

"You can ask me anything, Jesse, I don't have any secrets that you're not privy to. You haven't seen my office, I'll show it to you tomorrow. I manage my investments, and I'm damn good at it." Ruddy crawled in between us, we kissed and fell asleep. I didn't even unpack my bag, I knew that Billy would take care of it in the morning.

We never wore clothes in the house. Jim took me into his office, he had four massive computer screens on his desk. "I track all the markets when their open, but I have a program that tracks the after markets. It alerts me on my phone if there is an opportunity." I didn't know what he was even talking about. "When do you work next." "Not until Wednesday." Then Monday morning we'll come in here and I'll show you, it can be pretty hectic, but for me, it's a hell of a lot of fun, and money.

We had breakfast. "Coffee in your office.?" "Damn , Billy, how long have we been doing this?" He was more abrupt and aggressive than I had ever seen him. "I really was asking Jesse, Jim."

We went up to his office, he was a super alpha male today, I didn't dare even talk to him. Billy brought the coffee in, no pretty china, just big mugs.

The screens lit up on his desk. He was at a frenzy for eight hours. Billy brought in some two bite sandwiches around noon, put a plate in front of Jim and handed me one, didn't say a word. Jim really loved this, he had a boner off and on all day. I didn't have the slightest idea what he was doing, but he was exceedingly happy. He shut the screens down when the markets closed, and collapsed in his chair. "Take me to bed, Jesse, I need you." I actually picked him up and carried him to bed. We kissed, he held me tight, and fell asleep. At about eight, Billy came in, he didn't knock. "I usually wake him, but I'm sure he'd prefer if you did it. Dinner will be in about half an hour." I let him sleep for another fifteen minutes then kissed him awake. The three of us had dinner, then Billy served dessert, but didn't join us. "Do you do that every day?" "I only do it actively three days a week, there are programs that run in the background all the time." "How do you do it, you were exhausted?" "Jesse, can you imagine masturbating for eight hours straight? That's what it's like for me." What a hell of a job, I thought. "Jesse, I made enough today to pay for the Maserati twice over."

"Let's go and sit by the fire and have a cognac." Billy brought the drinks in. "Do you want to join us, Billy." "No thank you, Jim . I'm going to turn in, and I suspect that you both will enjoy each other's company more without me." We enjoyed the cognac, but not a sip went unshared.

The next day Jim took me into his office, he wasn't anywhere near intense as yesterday. "I'm going to show you how to do what I do here, and tell you why." "Won't that cost you a lot of money?" "Some maybe, but I'll get it back. I won't lose anything. Tuesdays I usually don't actively trade." He showed me how his business worked, and made sure that I really understood what he was telling me. "Watch, Jesse, and tell me when to buy or sell."

"How can you sell something you don't own?" "Just watch, Jesse, I'll explain that later." He was doing a lot of stuff while I was watching, I saw a stock beginning to spike. "Jim, I think that's what you want." "You're on it Jesse." He entered something, and a snap shot profile of the company popped on the screen. He bought two hundred thousand dollars worth, and then explained to me why he did it. "See this Jesse, this company reported a fifty percent increase in profits year over year this morning, that kind of growth always shows up in the market. The stock doubled in price over the next two hours. I watched it excitedly as the price kept going up, then it started to slowly fall back. "The price is dropping, Jim." "What do you think I should do?" "I'd sell it, the price is still falling." He pushed a function key on the keyboard. "All gone, except the money," he said, "You're learning, Jesse, and I can see you like it." He patted me in the crotch. I didn't realize it, but I had a boner. I wanted Jesse to think that he discovered that, which he did, but I probably already owned another quarter million bought by the background program, and sold it as soon as the price fell to a threshold.

Back in bed, Jim said, "Jesse, do you think you'd consider leaving your job and doing this with me?"

"Thank you for putting it that way, Jim. You know if you told me to do it, I would, whether I wanted to or not."

"You need to stand up to me sometimes, Jesse, I can be an asshole and you don't deserve it, and you shouldn't let me get away with it."

"Billy does." "Not the same game, not even close, Jesse."

"It hasn't been a problem, except when you brought her up, and I didn't take it, remember?" He rubbed his ass and smiled.

"I love my job, Jim, I'll never be rich..." You don't know that, Jesse, I said to myself.

"... but I'm a people person, Jim, and I need that, what you do is totally impersonal. When I'm home I want to learn how to do this with you, it makes you so happy, and I did find it kind of a turn on, too." "I can live with that," Jim said. We kissed.

A couple of months later, I told Jim, "I need to drive myself this time, I've got to attend a meeting at the office when I get back."

I drove home, dumped my clothes, grabbed a beer and joined Jim out by the pool.

"Didn't you get my texts?"

"I was busy."

"Jim, they've made me a vice president and I have my own accounts, the same one's I've been working, but now they're mine."

"You don't seem surprised, Jim, did you have anything to do with this?"

"Maybe a little."

"Ðamn it, Jim, I love our life together, but you've got to let me live my own as well."

"Good man, Jesse, I over stepped into your life. You should be upset, just hit me and get this over with."

I raised my hand, but brought it gently down to his cheek and caressed him. I crawled into the chaise with him. "I love you, Jim."

Jim and I were making out on the chaise. Billy came out and said, "Gentlemen, dinner will be ready in about a half hour. It's more picnic than dining room fare, would you like to eat on the patio? Jim turned to me, "How about we just eat each other here, Jesse." "We can do that." "The patio is perfect, Billy."

While Billy set the table, Jim and I were gnawing on each other's cock. It didn't phase him.

Dinner was spectacular, as usual.

"Let me help you with those, Billy." "No need, Jesse," "But I want to". Two trips into the kitchen and the table was clear.

"Billy, can I ask you something?" "Ask anything, but I may not answer."

"Has Jim had a lot of men over here?"

He just looked at me, then said, "You have no right to ask that, and I'd be overstepping my grounds to answer, but I'm going to, because you need to know. I'm sure that Jim has enjoyed the company of a lot of men over the years, he's a lusty son of a bitch you know, but very few here. You're the first man ever to actually share his bed that I know of, and we've been together quite a few years. Behind that crusty exterior, there's a very gentle soul hiding, and hiding it is, I think he's afraid to show it." "Jim, afraid?" "He's an enigma wrapped in a conundrum, Jesse." "After he had been staying a while with you, we talked over breakfast and he told me about you. He actually cried. I think I knew he loved you before you did. You're the only person he's ever let inside that shell, though you may not know you're there yet. He loves you deeply, Jesse, and you could hurt him terribly, please don't." "I couldn't, Billy, you must know I love him too."

"Then don't leave him, Jesse, it would crush him." He turned away.

I went back out to the patio. "What took so long." "Had to use the head." I felt guilty about lying to him, but I couldn't tell him what Billy told me. "Billy's got a pretty fancy dessert he's putting together." I crawled into the chaise, wrapped my arms around him and said, "I deeply love you Jim," and kissed him. "Where did that come from?" "The depths of my soul, do I need a reason now." "Never, Jesse. I truly love you."

Billy brought out a chafing dish and made a combination of crepes suzette and bananas foster. I didn't know what either was, but Billy explained while he prepared it. "You guys need to come over here and put a couple of napkins on your lap, you don't want this hot sauce falling on you in the wrong place. "Joining us, Billy?" "I'm not big on desserts, you know that Jim; but only a fool would walk away from this." He served it with a small scoop of vanilla ice cream. It was beyond delicious. As Billy was cleaning up he said, "Cognac, gentlemen?" "Perfect, Billy," Jim said. "One snifter or two? "I think one's enough from now on." Billy brought it out, then asked, "Do you want me to take the chaffing dish in?" "Just leave it there, Billy, we'll bring it in later."

We spent a long time with the cognac, then Jim said, "Come over here and lay on the table I want a second serving of dessert." I didn't understand what he meant, but I did what he said.

He scooped the banana orange sauce over my cock and balls, then slowly licked it off. "Did you leave any of that for me, Jim." "Yes, if you can get down here to get it." "If you didn't, you're the loser tonight, and I know you don't like to lose." We traded places. I coated his cock and balls and cleaned them, then I poured several servings on his ass hole and rimmed them off. Jim's hips were rocking and he was moaning. "Are you going to finish what you've started?" "Oh, yes." I crawled on the table and began to fuck him. He was incredibly turned on tonight, he couldn't lay still even with my body on top of him, kissing him. "Jesse, you can leave your spunk in there, if you want, but I'd rather you feed it to me when you're ready." I did what he asked. "Jesse, you've got to kiss me." I still didn't like the stuff, but you know..." I frenched him, it was amazing, apparently I had pushed a lot of dessert sauce into him, because what we shared was a warm creamy reprise.

We lived together for about six months, then I asked Jim. "Can I take you out to dinner when I get back this time. Where do you have in mind?" "I'm not going to tell you. Pick me up in the Maserati." When I got back I pushed the GPS and told Jim to go where it told him.

When we pulled into Der Hofbrauhaus, I said, "German, Jesse? " "We had a German cleaning lady who used to cook when she was there. It was all vegetarian, but it won't be tonight."

The waiter handed us menus and took our beverage order, "We have a full bar, but most people drink beer. We brew our own, its more hoppy than most, but quite good, we have a small and a large." We both ordered small. The menu was in German on the left and English on the right. " I've never eaten any of this, Jesse." "Do you want me to order?" "Yes, please." "Get ready for a heavy meal with strong flavors. I need this tonight, with a lot of beer." I had never eaten most of this either, there was a lot of meat, but Madge had told me about most of it. The waiter brought our beer in two large steins. "We ordered small," Jim said. "Those are small, they're 20 ounces, the large ones are a quart." I placed our order. We shared a deep-fried pickled ham hock as a starter. It tasted like sweet and sour bacon, but not as fatty. Next was a leberknodel soup (A dumpling flavored with braunschweiger liver sausage, in a savory broth. Madge had served us these before. We never knew they had meat in them, let alone organ meat. Madge's were small, these, or I should say this because there was only one per bowl, were almost the size of a tennis ball.) Our entre was sauerbraten with kraut and spaetzle. It was served with a house salad of radishes, radish leaves and other greens wilted with a warm bacon dressing.

I did my research to find this place. Madge never cooked like this, it was incredible, and Jim and I really pigged out. "Dessert gentlemen?" "Apfelkuchen (apple cake) and coffee, but wait a few minutes, " I answered.

I got up, went over to Jim, I went down on one knee and said, " Will you marry me forever," Offering a ring box with two rings. "I kind of thought that I would be the one doing this, but I wasn't ready."

"You're not the only one who goes after what he wants with a vengeance." "Yes, Jesse, always and forever." We exchanged rings and kissed. The people near us stood up and applauded. A woman came over crying and said, "That was beautiful," and kissed us on the cheek. Then ten or twelve people were at our table congratulating us. I was cleaning lipstick off Jim's cheek when the waiter brought dessert. "Bring the check, Rolph, we'll be leaving soon." "No need, sir, it's already been taken care of."

"Jim, If you did this I'm going to slap your ass red when we get home!" "It wasn't me, Jesse," Jim said holding his hands up, "but you can still do that if you want." Rolph laughed, "It wasn't your partner sir. Congratulations, gentlemen, enjoy the rest of this evening and your life together."

I was sitting in the kitchen making a grocery list and watching old "I love Lucy" reruns. Jim and Jesse came in naked almost as usual, but I immediately noticed the gold bands on their hands. I jumped up, hugged Jesse and kissed him, then looked at Jim, he hugged me and then I hugged him. I had never touched this man before. He had a death grip on me, he put his head on my shoulder and began to cry. "I love you, Billy, I don't know why I never said it before." "I love you too, Jim." Jesse grabbed us in a group hug and we all cried for a while. That hard shell was gone, at least for tonight. "Cognac by the fire, gentlemen, one snifter." I nodded, still holding Jim close in my arms.


Jim's lawyer drew up a pre-nuptial agreement, Jim didn't want to but I told him I wouldn't marry him without it. We had a wedding at the mansion two months later. Mary and Joseph came, I had told Joseph about Jim so I assumed Mary knew, they were close. They each brought a partner with them, man and woman in the traditional arrangement. All the gang came. I invited a guy from the office who knew I was gay, he brought a boyfriend. Jim invited a few others. Frank came with his wife, go figure. Billy had made all the catering arrangements, but he came as a guest, more like a family member, and he had a ladyfriend.

Jim and I wore tuxedos, no garters or bouquets. We exchanged vows under a white rose covered arbor. We didn't say husband, we said life partner. We had written our own vows; we held hands, Jim spoke his and then I spoke mine. "That was beautiful, Jesse." Jim said, with a tear in is eye. "Just sweets for the sweet, Jim," I replied. The Unitarian minister said, "Under the laws of this state you are now a legally married couple. The reception and dinner were delightful, and Jim and I were never far apart. Our cake said "Faithful forever, James and Jesus." Billy carved the cake. He handed Jim the Faithful and me the Forever. We fed each other. I had never been happier in my life. I grabbed him and hugged him, "I love you so much, Jim, my life partner." I was crying. He grabbed me too, and cried with me.

An incredible, beautiful shared life had begun.

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