Jesse and Nate

By Nate

Published on Oct 31, 2006


This story is a work of fiction. I do not claim to know Jesse McCartney (although I wish I did ;-D), nor do I know about his sexual preference (ditto). This story will contain some sexual content, and is about a relationship between two men. If this offends you, then I suggest you use that handy close button on your window. If it's illegal for you to be reading this, well then you shouldn't be here either, but you probably know that already :P.

Again, I'd like to thank Kyle for proofreading and critiquing the chapters.

Jesse and Nate Chapter 6

I took Jesse's hand into mine the moment the building door closed behind us. Just his touch was making my entire body tingle. We slowly walked up to my apartment, his head on my shoulder, and when we got to there, the table was already set up with two sets of plates and silverware. A bottle of champagne in ice (Kyle came over and set that up about a half-hour before) and an as yet unlit candle were also on the table. I prepared a dinner that afternoon to be ready to be cooked for when we got there, so I decided to set the amazed Jesse in the living room and get ready down to it.

"Nate, I can't believe you did all this!" he said. "What can I do to help?"

"Notta," I replied, pouring him a glass of champagne and handing it to him. "Just sit down and relax - after that performance you need a bit of a rest."

He looked like he was about to protest, so I physically pushed him into the living room and sat him down on the couch, lifted his feet up and moved him around so he was lying down, and said "Now relax!"

He chuckled, "Okay, I could tell you mean business. You go do your thing, then."

"Thanks. Here's some gentle listening while you wait," and I turned on the stereo to which my Zen Vision:M mp3 player was hooked up to, and then went to the kitchen and got cooking. I was making a homemade Asian-food dinner, since it always tastes really good for the amount of time you put into it. I decided on various types of sushi for appetizer, so I got it ready, then set the main up to cook, lit the candle on the table, and then called the resting Jesse to the table.

"Mmm...I'm starving, what's to eat?" he asked, and then when he saw the food on the table, he continued "Sushi?!? Awesome!" and immediately dove in to the California roll while I watched him in amusement.

"...What?" he asked when he noticed I was just watching him and not eating.

"Oh, nothing," I said with a small smile, and started eating. He smiled back for a few seconds and then continued devouring the sushi.

"Nate, this is awesome! I can't believe I didn't know you're such a great cook!"

"Thanks," I said bashfully. "But just make sure you leave room for the main course."

"I knew I smelled something good!" he exclaimed as I cleared the dishes. He started to get up to help, but I again pushed him back down.

"Uh-uh, no matter how much you try to hide it, I could tell you're still a bit tired from the concert. No unnecessary exertion tonight for you."

"Unless I want it, of course," he replied with sly look. I just grinned and went to the kitchen to get the next course, which was beef teriyaki with fried rice on the side.

"Nate, I really can't believe you know how to cook all of this stuff!" Jesse said as I brought out the food on two separate plates. He peered over at one of the plates, sniffed, and just said "Mmmm..." before starting to dig in. I love the way Jesse eats; it's like he's a kid, not able to get enough. It's impressive that he's so fit despite all of it. "Aren't you gonna eat?" he asked after he noticed that I was still staring at him.

"Oh, yeah, of course," I answered quickly, and started on the food. "Mmm." I said, "pretty damn good, if I do say so myself."

"And you do," Jesse answered with a smirk.

"Yupp, but I'm perfectly humble."

"Of course. Not high on yourself in the least, eh?"

"Nooo, not at all! Just like you!" Jesse was giggling like a girl by now, but in a very cute way, and I found myself joining in. "Let me clear these plates and get dessert."

"Dessert?!? Wow, you really went all out. Can I ask what's the occasion?" Jesse asked.

"No occasion, I just felt like cooking a lil some'n for my man," I said with a wink.

"Well I gotta tell you, you really do know how to make a guy feel special."

"That's exactly what I'm here for," I said, smiling at him and turning around to head to the kitchen. "Do you want coffee or tea?" I called from the kitchen.

"Coffee'd be awesome. Just make sure it's decaf," he said with a laugh.

"No prob," I replied. A few minutes later I came back with our cups of decaf and the dessert, chocolate covered strawberries and sweetened whipped cream.

"Holy crap, dude, I LOVVVE chocolate covered strawberries!" Jesse practically yelled when he saw them.

"Who doesn't?" I replied, placed the bowls down in front of him, and sat down. He immediately took a strawberry, dipped it in the whipped cream, and then reached across the table and held it out for me to eat. I took a slow bite out of it, letting the juices slide down over his fingers. "Mmmm.very good," I said as he licked his fingers. I took a strawberry in whipped cream and held it out for him to eat, which he did.

"Definitely," he said after he swallowed. "Don't tell me you made these yourself, too, because that'd just be too much."

"Well...." I said, trailing off.

"Dude, wow...all I can say is wow," Jesse said with an amazed look on his face.

"It's really not that hard," I said. "All you do is melt good quality chocolate and dip ripe strawberries in it. It's basically about making sure you use good ingredients."

"Still, it's a lotta work."

"Yeah, I guess, but I like cooking. It's very therapeutic."

"If you say so. I barely know how to make toast," he joked.

"Well then I think we're gonna have to have a cooking lesson sometime."

"That'd be nice," he said, smiling at me, and I smiled back, and we continued eating.

"Actually...there is something I wanted to ask you," I said after about a minute of silence.

"Sure, shoot."

"Well, you know that I really like you, and the time we've been spending together has just been awesome. So I was wondering...would you, uh, be my boyfriend, like, exclusively?" I asked, somewhat bashfully. I'm never good at this type of stuff.

He just smiled at me for a second, then leaned across the table, gave me a kiss, and said, "Of course," and sat back, leaving me with a huge smile on my face. "Just on one condition," he said with a sly smile.

"And what'd that be," I asked, already knowing what he'd say.

"That you'd be my boyfriend exclusively too," he replied with a grin. Just as expected.

"Nah, I was thinking that you don't date other people, but I'm allowed to do anything I want," I told him with a grin.

"Shut up!" he said, and lightly punched me in the shoulder.

"Make me!"

"Not a problem," he replied, and took a strawberry, leaned across the table and slipped it into my mouth, and then he leaned in and gently licked the juices from the bottom of my chin up to my mouth, and then he gave me a long, slow kiss. It started out gentle, but we gradually got more intense. I let my lips slide off his for a second as I got up, and pulled him up with me. I started to fiercely kiss him again, and we began slowly making our way towards my bedroom, pausing once to pull his t-shirt over his head, and once more for him to slide off my shirt that he unbuttoned as we were moving.

Our hands didn't stop exploring each other's backs and bodies as we made our way to the bed. I pushed him down onto the bed and kissed him passionately, holding my upper body up slightly away from his. Slowly, I began to kiss down his neck, along his collarbone, and down his body. I gently flicked my tongue across his already stiff nipples, making Jesse take a sharp intake of breath, and then I wetly kissed his pecs and blew gently, causing the saliva to evaporate and Jesse to moan even louder. "Oh, Nate..." he trailed off, and gently rubbed his hands through my hair. I took that as a sign to keep going, and kissed down his stomach, letting my tongue enter his navel, making him moan loudly and arch his back, pushing my tongue further into his navel. I expertly popped my tongue in and out of it, teasing Jesse so much that he was beginning to sweat slightly.

I kept going and unbuttoned and unzipped his jeans, delicately kissing his treasure trail as I did it. I pulled down his jeans and boxers at the same time, releasing his hard, cut penis. For a second I just looked at it, taking in its size and appearance for what by now felt like the hundredth time since we've known each other. Its almost seven inch length was slightly curved towards his body and stood at a forty-five degree angle from his stomach, with the same girth going up from the base until just before the flared head. It twitched slightly as I looked at it, and then I began to kiss up its length. I paused for a moment when I got to the top, and then took the head into my mouth, raising a gasp from Jesse. I lightly sucked in as I flicked my tongue into his slit, and then began to take more of his dick into my mouth, sucking in as I did so. I started to move up and down his penis, at first slowly, and then speeding up. Jesse kept rubbing his hands into my hair, and soon enough he was moaning loudly and getting pretty sweaty, which was just making him smell even better and driving me to go even faster.

After a few minutes I let his dick slip out of my mouth and I kissed my way back up his sweaty body and started kissing his juicy lips again. "Why'd you stop?" he breathed.

I reached behind him to my nightstand and said, "Well, I wanted to see if you wanted to take this further," and showed him a condom.

He got a nervous look on his face, turned red and looked down bashfully. "Well, Nate, um, I'm, uh, kinda, um, a virgin." I guess I looked a little shocked, so he continued a little quickly, "Not a virgin virgin, like I've done it with girls, but I've never really done it with a guy before..."

"Hey, it's totally okay, natural to be nervous!"

"'s just, I don't really know if I'm ready for that yet..." he told me, looking more and more embarrassed as he spoke. He looked down and said softly, "I'm sorry."

"Hey, hey, hey," I said, bringing him into a hug. "It's totally fine, like I said that first time you slept over, you don't have to do anything you don't wanna do. `Take Your Sweet Time,' right?" I said with a grin, quoting the title of one of his songs.

He rolled his eyes at me, but smiled at me and said, "Thanks, Nate. You're awesome."

"You really gotta stop telling me that. My head's big enough as it is!"

"Nooo, it's the perfect size," he said, and gave me a kiss, "just like something else I like," he continued with a sly grin, and he reached down and grabbed my dick for a second, then released.

"Well thanks," I replied with a smile, and continued to kiss him. We started getting heated again, and I rolled over on top of him, making sure that everything was aligned. He gave me a questioning look, so I said, "Hey, just because we're not going all the way doesn't mean there're nothing else we can do," and I started grinding my hips into his, sending shivers through both our bodies, and he responded with grinds of his own. We both started shining with sweat, him more than me just cuz he tends to sweat easily. We never let our eyes leave each other's, unless to close them or bend our heads back in ecstasy. Eventually the feelings of pleasure began to dramatically increase. "Ohhh, Jesse, I'm, unh, I'm...gonna..."

"Me, mnnnh, too," he said, and with that my body tensed and I sprayed cum all over Jesse's body, followed closely by him spraying his load all over mine. I held myself over him for another two beats, breathing heavily, then collapsed next to him. "Wow, Nate, that was just...amazing," Jesse said.

"I'll say!" After about a minute of us just lying there, I looked down at our bodies, glistening in sweat and cum, and said, "Well, I think we could both use a shower. Annnd, since it's late enough that we don't have to worry about the water won't running out..."

"We could FINALLY take one together?!?" Jesse interrupted excitedly, pulling himself up on his elbows and looking at me.

"Yup," I said, snickering a little at his eagerness. He practically ran to the bathroom, naked I might add, and I watched his butt as he retreated from the room. `Yup, still a nice ass,' I thought yet again with a chuckle.

After the water heated up, we went in, and I positioned Jesse under the water, and started to gently lather him up with the soap. I massaged the suds into his muscles, relaxing him. There was nothing sexual about it; it was just about being with each other, although, granted, I did spend some extra time at a few places than others and there was some gentle kissing going on. After I was done washing him, we switched places and he washed me, caressing me and making me feel relaxed to the point that my knees practically just gave way.

After we were done, we dried each other off, and then went to bed, and we both fell asleep in each other's arms practically the moment our heads touched the pillows.

That week my midterms were starting, so I had to keep myself to the library for that time, which was just as well, since Jesse was busy with his recording. During one of my desperately needed coffee breaks, I ran into Kyle and Brian; my first time meeting the new boy. And yes, he is definitely hot!

"Hey, Nate!" Kyle said. "It's about time - I haven't seen you in like a week!"

"Yeah, yeah, I know, but that's midterms for ya. I gotta make sure I keep my GPA up, you know.

"Uh-huh, like that's gonna be hard for you."

"You know, I've got no idea how you all came up with this idea that I'm a genius or something. I'm really not all that smart."

"Yeah, whatever, always the modest one, ain'cha Nate.

I just rolled my eyes and mumbled "Whatever."

After looking at us go back and forth, Brian chimed in, grinning, "Well it seems obvious that Kyle isn't gonna introduce me, so I might as well do it myself. I'm Brian," and he held out his hand to me.

"Great to finally meet you, Brian," I said, shaking his hand. "I'm Nate."

"Yup, got that. I've heard a huge amount about you, man, it's about time we've met."

"Really? I haven't heard ANYTHING about you!" I said, making Brian quickly look at Kyle, who had a shocked face on, but I started chuckling a second later. "Nah, just kidding, he of course has told me tons about you. I think he's just been keeping us separated cuz he's afraid I'm gonna steal you away from him," I told him with a wink.

"Oh, yeah, like that'd happen," Kyle said.

"Yeah, you're good lookin' and all, but Kyle's definitely my guy," Brian told me, and then gave Kyle a quick kiss on the cheek, making him blush a little and glance away.

"Briannn," he murmured while giving me a happy little smile, making me grin ear to ear back at the both of them, although I saved Kyle some more embarrassment and contained the `Awww' that was on the tip of my tongue.

"You guys look so great together. I'd love to stay and chat, but I only came out here to get a caffeine fix," I said, gesturing to my coffee, "so I gotta get back and hit the books, so I'll see you later."

"Yup, we definitely gotta all hang out soon," Brian said. "Not to mention your mystery guy. All I could get out of Kyle is that he's a great guy and his name's Jesse."

I gave Kyle a small grateful look. "Yeah, we'll for sure do that soon. It was great finally meeting you man," and we shook hands.

"Same here. Good luck on your tests, dude."

"Yeah," Kyle agreed.

"Same to you guys!" I told them, and then went back to my place at the library, sneaking the coffee in past the security guard, of course.

My cellular biology test that day wasn't too difficult for me, thankfully, although some of my not-so-studious friends had a hard time with it, which sucked a little. They made me promise them that I'd study with them for the next test, which I agreed to, albeit somewhat reluctantly, since group studying doesn't really help me that much with these kind of tests.

The rest of my tests that week also went by pretty smoothly. I didn't do as well as I'd have liked on my psych test, but still a lot better than the class average, so I just had to do well on the final and I'd be set. And despite what you might be thinking, no, I really don't consider myself smart, and definitely not the genius my friends make me out to be; that title belongs to my younger brother. I just work hard and try my best, which is the most any of us can do, I guess.

After my last midterm was finally finished, I got ready to meet my parents. We hadn't seen each other since the beginning of the semester, so they really wanted to have dinner and catch up. It's something they've been doing with me and each of my siblings separately since we were kids in order to give us all some personal time and talk things out, which I think is a pretty cool idea. I also figured this'd be as good a time as any to tell them about Jesse. I was a little nervous about it since, although, we're pretty close and all, like I've said, I never really liked telling them about my relationships for some reason; I'd always wait until I was a few weeks, or even months, in before telling them about it.

I went back to their house in Queens, where my mom was cooking one of her extravagant dinners that we all knew we'd never be able to finish, which is good, because my dad loves eating the leftovers for the rest of the week.

I came in the door and called, "Mom, Dad, I'm here!"

My dad came down the stairs and immediately said, "Nathan, you REALLY need a haircut!"

"Oh, come on, Ben." my mom replied as she came from the kitchen. "I think it looks cute, Natey."

I rolled my eyes at the way they called me, my dad using my full name and my mom using a babyish name, both as usual. "Well, I hadn't gotten a haircut in a while, and then I decided to just let it grow to see what it'd look like long. But it's good to see you guys too," I said with a laugh.

"Awww, c'mere," my mom said, pulling me into a hug.

"How you doing, kid?" my dad said, hugging me and ruffling up my hair.

"What, Dad, are you jealous?" I asked, teasing him for his rapidly retreating hairline, after hugging him back.

"Hey, just remember, these're your genes too."

"Yeah, but my hair looks like it comes from Mom's mother's side, and all her uncles still have full heads of curls, so let's hope I got their hair-longevity genes too."

"Guess we're just gonna have to wait and see. But you didn't answer, how're you doing, how'd your tests go?"

"They went pretty well; I think I'm on the right track to a good semester's GPA. And how's it going by you guys?"

"You know, work, museums, shows, the usual," he replied, turning to walk to the kitchen. "Did you get that article I emailed to you?"

"The one about advances in genetic research? Yup, thanks. It was really interesting. It looks like they're heading towards some pretty groundbreaking discoveries in genetic disorders."

"Yeah, I thought you'd like it."

We sat down at the kitchen table to eat the appetizers my mom set there, grilled salmon with scallion mayonnaise. You could tell by how it tasted where I get my cooking talents from.

"Another great dish, Mom," I said.

"Thanks! I saw it on Gourmet Magazine's website, It's really great, you should check it out."

"Yeah, I know all about it. It's a cool site. But look at you! You used to call me up because you didn't know how to open up an internet browser to check your email, and now you know how to navigate a site, and not to mention how to download songs for your mp3 player! You've come a long way," I laughed.

"Yeah, I know. Now if only we could get your dad to know how to find his way around a cell phone, the two of us will finally step into the 21st century." "Hey, Becky, it's not my fault these things are confusing. What do I need all of this stuff for, like a camera in my phone?! All I want to do is make a call!"

I just rolled my eyes and said, "Ok, but that's no excuse for not knowing how to check your own voicemail!"

"Well that was half a year ago, I know how to do all that now."

"Good for you, but all I can say is, it's about time!"

"He's got you there," my mom said to him as she took the plates and brought out the main course; chicken alfredo.

"You know, Mom, you don't have to make such a lavish dinner every time I'm here. I'm fine with just burgers or pasta or something. I'm not complaining or anything, it tastes great, but just fyi."

"Yeah, I know, but you know I like to cook. And anyway, what about you? Whenever you have company, you'd think that the Queen was coming for dinner."

"Well, I guess you gotta good point there. But I have you to blame for it."

"Sure, sure." We continued eating, but my mom kept on glancing up at me, opening and closing her mouth like she was about to ask me something, then decide against it.

"Just spit it out, Mom, I know you're dying to ask me," I finally said.

"What?" she replied, acting oblivious.

"How my social life's going."

"I wasn't even thinking about that, my dear..." she replied with a dignified look on her face.

I chuckled, "Suuure," I interjected.

"...But, now that you bring it up," she continued, with me rolling my eyes and grinning at her, "have you been dating anyone lately?"

"Well, now that you mention it," I replied somewhat sarcastically, "I did meet someone."

"Really?" My dad asked. "Who? Have we ever met her, or him?"

"Nope, you haven't. HIS name's Jesse McCartney," I told them without even somewhat expecting a shocked response to the name. They have no idea about anyone that came into the music industry after Bob Dillon and Frank Sinatra. And, as expected, they didn't recognize him.

"Ok, how'd you meet?" my mom asked.

I told them the story. "And, it turns out, he's this big music star. He's really great. He's grounded, and not stuck up at all, and he's just basically really, really great," I finished with a huge smile on my face.

"Aw, that's great, honey," my mom said. "But you have to watch out, sweetie, because, well, I've heard that people in the entertainment industries can be..."

"Mom, don't even think it," I said, cutting her off. "Jesse's not like that, not at all. Like I said, he's really grounded and he doesn't care about the whole fame thing."

"Well, Nathan, you've always been able to read people really well, so we trust you. You're Mom and I are just looking out for you, you know," my dad said.

"I know, Dad, and I really appreciate it, you just don't have to worry about Jesse. Thanks, though."

"You're welcome. But you know, we are gonna have to meet this guy."

"Yeah, yeah, don't worry, you will, eventually," I told them, while thinking `Great, just what I need.' It's not that my parents are intentionally embarrassing, they just have a way of doing it when I'm with friends or girl/boyfriends, like with their jokes, or their stories about my childhood, or things like that. It's just them being your average parents, I guess, but it can be a bit annoying.

Despite my less than excited feelings about Jesse meeting my parents, I couldn't help picturing everyone hitting it off, my parents laughing along with Jesse at one of his jokes, all of us just enjoying each other's company. I vaguely heard, "Earth to Nathan, you there?" I shook my head and saw my parents smirking at me...I guess I was daydreaming a bit.

"Oh, yeah, sorry about that. What'd you say?"

"I was just telling you and Dad that Jon called today," my mom said.

"Cool, what'd he have to say?"

"He said that Sarah's coming back from Italy on Sunday!" she told us, referring to Jon's wife. She's from Italy, so she goes back there every so often to visit her family. Jon usually goes with her, but he couldn't this time because of work.

"Really? That's great!" I said. "So are we gonna have one of our welcome back meals, then?"

"Of course we will," my Dad said. "We'll let you know, about when and where."


"Actually, now that I think about it, that'd be a great time for you to introduce us to Jesse," my mom said. "Don't you think?"

"Well..." I replied. "I guess, we'll see. No guarantees, though, cuz his schedule can get pretty hectic, ok?"

"Sure," they both answered. "Not a problem." We continued eating and discussing various things going on, such as how we disapprove of the way Bush is handling the country, or cases that my dad has (he's a lawyer), despite his reluctance to talk about it. I left at about seven o'clock, thinking about how Sunday actually would be a good time to have Jesse meet everyone, since Sarah's return will basically guarantee that the entire time won't be monopolized by Jesse being interrogated by my family.

After we finished dinner, I hugged them both goodbye, told them I'd make sure I let them know about Sunday, and then took the subway to pick up Jesse from his studio in the city, where he was working pretty late, as usual. There was the usual guy going around the train asking for money to help feed the homeless, and giving out food to anyone who was in need of it, which is a pretty admirable thing for him to do. Unfortunately, this being New York where people asking for money is as common as crossing a street, not many people gave to him. There was also a group of three people who performed a break-dance routine in the moving subway car, who I've seen before, but it's still pretty cool. Between the nice ride, my parents being excited about meeting Jesse, and me actually looking forward to it, I was in a pretty good mood when I started walking to his building. When I got there, he was just coming out of it, and he looked pretty angry.

"You look pissed," I said as I walked up to him.

"Ya think?" Jesse replied angrily, before he kicked a metal trash can loudly, yelling "FUUUCK!!!", making me jump.

There's the chapter! I think I've apologized enough about long waits, so I guess I'm just gonna stop with that, because it's probably getting a bit tired. I basically only write when I have the time and I'm in a writing mood, and the two don't necessarily always go hand in hand. I'm definitely continuing the story, I just can't tell you how often I'll be putting out the chapters. Having you guys write to me does help me put me in the mood, though, so please keep writing, even if you've already written! So to give me feedback or suggestions, just email me at, or IM me on AIM at the screenname JesseandNate. I appreciate all the feedback I've already gotten, it's just been incredible, so keep it up!

Thanks for reading!

Next: Chapter 7

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