Jesse and Nate

By Nate

Published on Jun 14, 2006


This story is a work of fiction. I do not claim to know Jesse McCartney (although I wish I did ;-D), nor do I know about his sexual preference (ditto). This story will contain some sexual content, and is about a relationship between two men. If this offends you, then I suggest you use that handy close button on your window. If it's illegal for you to be reading this, well then you shouldn't be here either, but you probably already knew that :- P.

The next day I went to class and could barely pay attention because I was looking forward to lunch so much. Turned out that I also had a glazed look on my face, which my professor doesn't really appreciate, so he called on me for a random question, which I of course did not hear. I had to have him repeat it, and then of course I got it wrong. Ah well, the professor is pretty good natured about those sort of things, he just wants us to pay attention, so we all laughed it off and he went on with the class. I tried to pay attention to it after that, somewhat successfully.

After the class ended at about 11:30, I went back to my apartment to get ready. I wasn't getting all decked out or anything, `cause it was just lunch. In fact, I wasn't even nervous, just excited, which surprised me a little. I'm usually a little nervous before dates, and this one was a big one for me, because I was really starting to like Jesse (yeah, the fact that he's a star factored into it, but not as much as you'd think; I was really seeing him more as a person than a celebrity). I guess it was just showing how comfortable I was getting to be with him that I didn't even have any trepidation of how it'd be.

I walked to the caf‚, which was about a twenty minute walk away, making sure that I'd be there by 12:50, since I like being the first one there for dates. However, things didn't go as planned, since when I walked in at 12:45 I saw Jesse sitting at a table already, wearing a Yankees cap, light colored sunglasses and a nice t-shirt and jeans.

I walked up to the table and said, "Whoa, Flash, I see I'm not the only one who likes getting places early."

"Yeah, I'd rather be early than fashionably late. It lets me get settled in and stuff, plus it lets me make the other person feel bad that they might be late," he replied, chuckling and giving me a wink.

"Well that's really nice of you!"

"Hey, Pack, I guess I'm just a nice guy, nothing I could do about it!", making me chuckle even more.

"Nope, guess not. We are who we are I guess."

"For sure."

We looked at our menus for a little while, and after about a minute one of the servers came over and, after doing the smallest of double-takes at Jesse, said, "Hi guys, I'm Michelle, are you ready to order?"

Jesse first looked at me, and after I gave him a little nod, he looked up and said, "Hey Michelle, yeah I think so."

"Okay, great. First let me tell you that today's soup is Ten Vegetable Soup, and the muffin of the day is Banana Nut."

"Hmm...well as tempting as those sound, I think I'll get the Spicy Tuna sandwich," Jesse responded.

"Ah, you read my mind, man. That's exactly what I was gonna order!" I said, interrupting him.

"Great minds, my man, great minds," he answered, giving me another wink.

"Well guys, would you like anything to drink with those?" Michelle asked.

"I'll get the Hawaiian Hazelnut coffee," I told her immediately. It's one of the best coffees I've ever had, and I get it practically every time I go to this place.

"Hmmm, that sounds good. I'll get the same," Jesse said.

"And any desserts?" she queried.

"Well...I probably shouldn't, but I've been eyeing this chocolate truffle mousse ever since I sat down," Jesse said hesitantly.

"Ooo, good choice. It's really yummy," Michelle said persuasively.

"Ah, what the hell. I'll get that."

"Great. And for you?" she said, looking at me.

"Hmm, the banana chocolate croissants look good today," I said, glancing over at them in the display case.

"Also a great choice," she told me, taking both our menus and walking to the kitchen.

"I gotta tell you, Nate, this is a pretty cool place."

"Yup, I like it. It's a good place to go to chill and have a relaxed lunch or breakfast."

"Awesome. This might be my new hang out place to go to when I have a break from the studio."

"That'd be cool."


"So, how's recording going?"

"It's pretty good. I really like the songs we're doing. They're, like, more mature than the last album, more me. I actually wrote or had a hand in writing every song that's going to be on the album," he said with a huge grin on his face that I knew was from how proud of himself he was.

"Awesome! That's really cool that you're able to do that. I have a huge amount of respect for people like you, that could put their thoughts and feelings down on paper like that and then make it so public," to which he just grinned and looked into my eyes a little sheepishly.

After that we just talked about how my classes were going, how he was enjoying being back in New York, nothing in particular. Eventually, the food arrived, and we started eating. "Mmm...definitely a good choife, I muft fay," Jesse said with a full mouth.

Laughing, I replied, "Didn't your mother ever tell you not to talk with your mouth full, boi?"

"Yeah, but she's not here now, is she?" he replied with a smirk, after swallowing.

"Ah, but I am," I responded, shooting him a mischievous expression.

"Uh-oh, I'm shaking in my boots. Whatcha gonna do?"

"This," I said as I quickly reached over and pulled down his cap over his face. He sat there for about two seconds like that, then pulled up his cap to show a fake shocked expression on his face.

"Oh, it's on!" he told me before standing up slightly and, before I could stop him, messing up my hair.

"Oh, my beautiful hair, what have you done?!?" I fake sobbed, making both of us laugh even harder. I faked trying to hit him from the left, and then grabbed his cell phone from where it was sitting next to his plate, to which he reached over and snatched my sunglasses from my front shirt pocket.

People were starting to look at us, so I put my hands up and said, "Ok, ok, truce?"

"Ok, truce. Now gimme my cell phone!" he said, grinning.

"Well gimme my sunglasses!"

"Ok, same time, deal?"

"Deal. On three. One. Two. Three!" and we both snatched our respective belongings from each other's hands.

Right then, Michelle came up to us and said "Now boys, I'm not going to have to make you leave, am I?" with a smile on her face.

"No, no, we'll be good, I promise," I replied.

"Ok, good," she said with a flash of very white teeth. "Is everything ok here otherwise?"

"Yup, perfect. Everything tastes great, thanks," Jesse said.

"Ok, good. So I'll clear this up and bring over your dessert."

"Great, thanks," we said as she took our plates and walked away.

"I'm really liking the service here, Nate. Michelle's a pretty nice girl, plus a pretty good looker," Jesse said as he watched her walk away.

Chuckling, I said, "So I take it that means you, ah, swing both ways, eh?"

"Yup," he said with a grin. "How `bout you?"

"Also bi. I tend to go more towards the guys though. You?"

"Yup, same."

"Cool. Man, you're lucky I'm not some reporter or something. I could make a killing on all this info."

"True, but then I could just sue you for slander, and everything'd settle down after a couple of months or so."

"Hmm, good point. You're not as dumb as you look, you know that?"

"Hey man, just `cause I'm blonde doesn't mean I'm dumb! It just means I'm better looking than you!"

"Well, I guess I can't argue with that!"

"Well actually, I do have to admit that you're a very good looking guy. You might even be on par with me," he said with a suggestive look in his eye.

"But no, you're not high on yourself at all," I said sarcastically, leaning in slightly.

"Mmm-mmm, not at all," he replied, leaning in and looking into my eyes. Just then Michelle came back with our dessert. Good thing too, cuz it wouldn't have been good if we started making out in such a public place. We shared our desserts, both of which were pretty good, and then paid, with a pretty generous tip because the service was great, thanked Michelle, and left.

Once we got outside, Jesse sighed and said, "Well, I really should back to the recording studio."

"Okay, I'll walk you back."

"Awesome," he replied, flashing his million dollar smile. We walked the couple of blocks to his studio, during which he told me about what goes on at recording. I had no idea how much is involved with it. There're pre-recordings of the instruments, which has to be perfected. During that time the singer has to do exercises every day to get his voice to top shape. Then he comes in and has to do warm ups, rehearsals, and then actually record, making sure everything's perfect. And that happens for every song.

"Wow, Jesse, that sounds like a pretty grueling process."

"Yup, but it's pretty fun. At least in the beginning. By the end of the day, though, I just want to go home and go to sleep, it's so exhausting."

"Ya, I could imagine. And here I thought being pre-med was hard," to which he chuckled.

"Ya. Well, Nate, this's it," Jesse told me as we stopped in front of a building.

"Ok. Well, I guess I'll talk to you later, then, we'll make plans to get together again."

"Yup, definitely." We gave each other a hug and he walked into the building and I turned around and walked back to my apartment.

Because of his arduous schedule and my college work, we couldn't get together for about a week, but we either talked or IM'd every day, even if it was just for a few minutes. He couldn't even leave for lunch, he just ate it at the studio, and by the time he was done for the day, it was late at night and he was understandably tired. Finally, on a Thursday, we were able to meet up for a cup of coffee at The Brown Cup. We talked about how each other's lives were going, and about how our friends were reacting to our growing relationship.

"I'm telling you, Kyle and Kirsten are still riding me cuz of who you are," I said.

"Yeah, I get that from my friends too. Their friends can't believe that I'm actually a real person with real friends."

"Yeah, that's gotta get annoying."

"A little bit, but I'm used to it, and thankfully so're my friends. Just one of those things that I gotta deal with, like paparazzi."

"I've said it before, and I'll say it again, you got a great attitude about all this."

"Thanks," he said, smiling bashfully. "Michael and Katie keep on asking to get together again with you. They're getting tired of me telling them about you and them not being able to get to know you themselves."

"Yeah, that'd be cool. We should definetly do that."

"Yup, for sure. Okay, Nate, I gotta get back to the studio."

"Okay, no prob." I replied, getting up. I again walked him back to the studio. "I'll talk to you tonight, okay?"

"You'd better," he said, about to reach over for a hug. "Oh, hold up a sec, I can't believe I almost forgot to tell you. You heard of Zac Efron?"

"I think so...wasn't he on Summerland with you?"

"Yeah, that's him. Well he's having a Disney Channel made-for-TV movie come out, it's called `High School Musical'."

"Oh ya, I think I've seen signs for that around."

"Yeah, it's been promoted pretty well. So there's gonna be this premiere party thing tomorrow night. First we watch the movie, and then afterwards hang out and stuff, it should be kinda cool. Would you want to come with me?"

"SERIOUSLY?!?!?" I replied, a little too loudly.

"Shhhh...keep your voice down," he told me, laughing and looking around at several pedestrians who turned to look at me.

"Sorry," I responded, a little more quietly. "But, man, that'd be awesome! Of course I wanna go with you. And not just cuz its some big premiere party," I said with a smile.

"Awesome," he said, smiling back. "I'll let you know tonight about the specifics tonight, ok?"

"Sure." We hugged and gave each other quick kiss on the cheek, and he walked in the building and I walked back to my apartment.

The next day afternoon I must have been so nervous that it was showing, because my friend Dave came up to me and asked, "Hey dude, is everything ok?" And Dave isn't really the type of guy to notice things like that unless it's really apparent.

"Why, do I look that bad?" I responded.

"Well you just look distracted and like you got some nerves is all. What's up?"

"Oh, it's nothing, just some event thing I'm going to tonight. What's up with you?" I asked, quickly changing the subject; I wasn't sure I was ready to tell people about Jesse yet, or even if I should tell them.

He looked at me a little suspiciously, but replied, "Oh, nothing. Just going to get ready for a date with a girl."

"Another one?!? What's this, the fourth girl in like 2 weeks?"

"Something like that."

"And lemme guess, you met her on that dating site."


"Dude, I keep telling you, you don't need that thing. You could get girls fine in person, it's just a waste of money. Besides, how many real relationships have you had with a girl that you met on it?"

" I think."

"And how long have you been using it?"

"Uhhh...I dunno, three years, maybe?"

"Exactly. Just go out at school, go to parties and stuff, there're plenty of girls for you to meet here."

"Yeah, I guess."

"You guess? C'mon, you're definitely good looking enough. And you could trust me on that, I know what looks good on a guy," I said with a wink.

"Well you have a point there," he replied, chuckling.

"And anyway, you don't need to be going out with so many girls. Learn to be a little independent, do stuff without having to constantly focus on girls and what they're thinking of you. I know that's a tall order being that you're a straight guy, but I think you could handle it," I told him with a smile.

"Hmm...maybe you're right. I have been focussing a lot on dating lately, and my schoolwork's been slacking a bit."

"Exactly. You know something's not a good thing when it's causing problems in other areas of your life."

"Thanks, Mr. Psychology Major."

"Oh, anytime, what else am I here for?"

"Yup, you're pretty much here to be right all the time and then rub it in my face, eh?"

"Well someone's gotta," I replied with a laugh.

"Ok, well I'm gonna go get ready for my date now, so I'll see you later."

"What? I thought we just agreed that you're gonna take a break for a while."

"I will, after tonight. This girl is too hot with too nice a rack to not go out with!" causing me to roll my eyes at him as he walked away.

`Straight guys,' I thought, shaking my head.

"Where's Dave going off to, another date?" Kyle asked as he walked up from behind me.

"How'd ya guess?"

"What else does he do?"

"Hmm, good point. Apparently after tonight he's stopping for a while, though."

"Yeah, I'll believe that when I see it."

"Yeah, same here. Oh, guess what?" I said really excitedly.

"What, you and Jesse shacked up last night?"

"Ha, yeah right. We've known each other for, what, a week?"

"So, people hook up after knowing each other for like a minute."

"True, but you know I'm not really into that whole scene."

"Yup, I know, I know. So, what's going on?"

I made sure no one was within earshot, and then said "I'm going with Jesse to a premiere tonight!!!"

"What?!? No way! That's awesome! Which one?"

"A Disney made for TV movie, `High School Musical.'"

"Oh. Well, it's not Mission Impossible, but whatever, it's something."

"Yeah, I know, but whatever. He's friends with one of the stars, so it's pretty cool."

"Yeah? Which one?"

"Zac Efron."

"Oh yeah, he was on Summerland with him. He's pretty cute!"

"Yeah, I know. Hopefully Jesse doesn't, though," I joked.

"Hmm...yeah, I don't think that's likely. They've probably done it already," he teased.

"Eh, I doubt it. He didn't seem uptight about going to it yesterday or anything."

"So mayyybe they're STILL doing it!"

"Shut up!" I told him, laughing.

"Make me!"

"Oh, you'd like that wouldn't you."

"Oh ya, babe, bring it." We jokingly flirt like this all the time.

"By the way, speaking of babes, what's happening with that guy you like, what's his name, Brian?"

"Oh, um, nothing really yet," he said while his face got all red.

"Uh-ohhh, someone's blushing!"

"Shut up!" he said, rubbing his face.

"Hey, it's not that often I get to make fun of someone for blushing before I am, let me have my moment."

"Yeah, good point. If you got red more often, me and Kirsten could save a lot on heating during the winter."

"But then I'd have to be living with you."

"So, I wouldn't mind that, especially if you brought Jesse with you," he said with a wink.

"Oh, you'd like that wouldn't you, constantly gawking at my, well not boyfriend right now, but, guy-I-like all the time, huh?"

"I'm not gonna lie to you, I wouldn't mind it. Especially right after he comes out of the shower."

"I'm sure. But you still didn't tell me what's happening with Brian."

"Yeah I did. Nothing. We have eye contact occasionally, say hi, and sometimes `accidentally' bump into each other, but that's pretty much it."

"So, c'mon, make a move. What's the worst that could happen."

"Besides him punching me in the face for accusing him of being gay?"

"Yeah, besides that."

"Well, yeah, I know that all that could happen is him saying thanks but no thanks, but's not exactly THE easiest thing in the world to ask such a hot guy out," he said, sighing.

"C'mon, you're a hot guy too, you gotta notice all the guys and girls that check you out whenever you walk down the street."

"I thought their just checking out my great sense of style!"

"Well yeah, that too. But I'm telling you man, go for it. You'll be sorry if you don't."

"True, true. Ok, my class with him is meeting tomorrow for a special lecture with a prominent psychologist. By this time tomorrow, I'll have asked him out."


"Yeah, and hopefully saying it out loud to you will get me to actually do it. But anyways, back to you. You nervous about this thing at all?"

"Well, a little, actually. I'm sure it'll be cool though, I just have to get over the fact that they'll be tons of celebs and reporters and stuff there."

"Yeah, true. Don't worry, it'll be fun, just relax and have a good time."

Suddenly, I heard someone run up to us from behind me and slam into my back. "Hey guys, how's it going?" Kirsten asked while giving me a really tight behind the back hug.

"Gah, we're fine, just let go of me!" I replied.

"Oh, ok, fine," she said before squeezing me tightly for another second and then letting go.

"Ahh, oxygen, who knew it could be so good," I said, rubbing my chest.

"So Kirst, guess where Jesse's taking Nate tonight," Kyle told Kirsten.

"Hmm...a hoe down?"

"Nope," Kyle replied.

"Aaaa square dancing contest?"

"Guess again."

"Hmm...a gay opera?"

"Do those even exist?"

"Sure, why not?"

"I dunno. But annnyways, he's going to a movie premiere!"

"No way! Which one? Is it `Curious George'?!?"

"What!? `Curious George'?!

"What, it's coming out soon, and it looks really cute, I really wanna see it!"

"Well no, it's not Curious George'", Kyle said, rolling his eyes at her. "It's this Disney made-for-TV movie, High School Musical.'"

"No way! Nate, that's awesome!"

"You've heard of it?" I asked.

"Sure, it's advertised all over the place, and it looks so cute! Jesse's probably going `cause of Zac Efron, isn't he?"

"Yup, you smart lady," I said.

"Yes, yes, I know, I just try not to flaunt it so people won't be intimidated. But wow, Nate, you're so lucky! Man, why can't I go out with a celebrity?"

"Well maybe if you play your cards right I'll get Jesse to introduce you to one of his friends," I said, winking at her.

"Ooo, that'd be awesome!"

"Hey, what about me?" Kyle asked.

"You're gonna be going out with Brian, remember?"

"Oh yeah, I gotta work on that."

"Really, Nate, you got Kyle to ask Brian out? I've been trying for days." Kirsten asked me.

"Yup, what can I say, I'm good at what I do."

"Yeah, I still don't get why you're not going into psychology instead of medicine."

"Because that's what he really wants to do," Kyle said. "Besides, I think that we need more doctors who know how to understand how to deal with people and their emotions."

"Thanks, Kyle," I said appreciatively. "More people should understand that not all doctors have to have god complexes."

"No prob, man. But that's probably gonna happen around the same time that people realize that not all shrinks are nuts, which is right around never."

"Yeah, probably, but that's cuz you guys actually are nuts, though."

"Yup, we are, and loving every minute of it," Kirsten said.

"Ok, guys, I gotta go finish up on some work and then get ready for tonight, so I'll talk to you later," I told them.

"Ok, Nate, have fun! Don't be too nervous," Kyle said, giving me a hug.

"Yup, and if you see anyone that's cute and famous, make sure you get their number for me," Kirsten told me with a wink before giving me a hug.

"Ok, I will," I said laughing, "thanks guys." They went back to their dorm room, and I went off to the library to finish my biology homework.

After I finished my work, I went back to my apartment to get ready for the party, meaning freak out about what I was going to wear and how I was supposed to act. Jesse told me the night before that it's gonna be dressy casual, but I still went through my entire closet trying to find something that I thought would be appropriate and look good. Finally I settled on a sports jacket over a striped shirt with dark blue jeans. After that was settled, I showered, shaved, and fixed my hair so that I looked good. `Man, I need to get my hair cut,' I thought, looking in the mirror as I put some product in it. Of course I didn't realize that until the night that I was going to a premiere.

After I was done I sat down to study for a bit, which of course wasn't happening, so I just watched some TV without really paying attention. After a little while, Jesse finally called. "Hey, Pack," he said, making me smile that he was still using the nickname, "I'm in front of your building."

"Ok, Flash, cool. I'll be down in a minute." I grabbed my jacket, wallet, and keys and headed downstairs, where I saw Jesse standing in front of.

"A STRETCH LIMO?!? No way!"

"Yup," he said, laughing and holding the door open for me. "Being a singer does have its perks."

"I'll say," I replied as I got in. It was pretty cool - it had a fridge filled with snacks and drinks, comfy leather seats all around, and even a TV with reception. "Isn't this a bit much for a fifteen minute drive?"

"Yeah, I know, but my publicist arranged the transportation. This is one of those things that you gotta show up to in style."

"Hey, works for me," I said, looking around. "Hey, you know what else this means?" I asked him with a sly smile.

"I think I have a clue, but why don't you tell me," he replied, smirking.

"It meaaans," I informed him, sliding over to him, "that we finally have some private time for the first time since we've met."

"Ooo, I like the sound of that," he said smiling. "Just one second," he said, and then turned around and pressed a button. I turned and saw the small window between the passenger and driver sections sliding closed. "Now where were we?" he asked, moving back to me and looking in my eyes.

"I think that was right here." I slid close to him, leaned in, and started lightly kissing his soft lips. He put his hand behind my head and gently pressed our faces closer together. After a few moments, I felt press his tongue against my lips. I let his tongue enter my mouth, and our tongues started to slowly rub against each other, sending sparks through my entire body. I put my hands around him and started to rub his back up and down, which caused him to start kissing me even more fiercely. He started to lean back against the seat, pulling me down with him. We kept kissing for a few more minutes, and then suddenly we heard a loud tone, making me jump.

Jesse sighed, pressed a button, and said, "Yes?"

"I'm sorry to bother you Mr. McCartney, but I just wanted to let you know that we'll be arriving in a few minutes," the driver's voice sounded over the intercom.

"Okay, thanks, Mike. And I thought I asked you to call me Jesse."

"Oh, right. Not a problem, Jesse," and we heard another tone, which meant that the intercom was turned off.

"Sorry about that," Jesse said to me.

"It's ok, better than him pulling up and opening the door to seeing us like that."

"Definitely true," he said, chuckling. He flipped down a mirror from the ceiling and checked himself out in it.

"Making sure I didn't mess up your hair too much?"

"Well it wouldn't look too good if we came out of here looking like we've been going at it for an hour."

"Definitely true, but don't worry, you look hot as always," making him flash me his great smile again. I was starting to get a little nervous and needed something to do, so I flipped down a mirror that was in front of me and started to smooth out my hair and check myself over.

Apparently Jesse saw through the action, because he said, "Don't worry, you'll be fine, just relax and enjoy it."

"Yeah, I know. I just have to convince my heart that I'm not running a marathon and I'll be fine," I laughed nervously.

"Aww," he said as he moved closer to me. He took my hand and told me, "Listen, It's not a big movie or anything, so there won't be too many photographers there, and since I'm not really associated with the thing I might not even be stopped for questions."

"Ok, that's good. But if you do get stopped, what do I do?"

"I guess you should probably stand back a little until they're done with me, then we'll continue on together."

"Ok, sounds good."

"Yup," he replied, smiling, as we pulled up to the building. The driver got out, so we let our hands separate. "And remember, just relax and have fun," and suddenly the driver opened the door and all the sounds of the fans, photographers, and reporters hit us.

It wasn't as big a scene as I've seen on TV, but there were still plenty of people around the, yes, red carpet. There were photographers shouting out posing instructions to the celebrities, fans screaming whenever they saw a star to try and get an autograph or picture, and reporters trying to talk to everyone. As soon as we got out, there was a big rise in the noise level as everyone tried to get Jesse's attention. He smiled at me sheepishly and made his way over the photographers, each of which was asking him to pose in a different way, but he was nice about it and did as each of them asked, while I hung back and took it all in. After I got over the initial shock, I started to find it all really cool. There were a bunch of celebrities there, like the cast of Summerland, and the stars from the movie. No real huge stars, but it was still really cool, much more than just watching something like it on TV.

After Jesse was done with the photographers, he came back to me and we started walking along the red carpet, making sure that we looked like we were just friends hanging out together, but practically immediately the fans started to call him over. Jesse went over to them and signed what seemed like a thousand autographs and took like a million pictures, and made sure to say a little something to each person. He was really nice about it and seemed to enjoy every minute of it.

After that a couple of reporters asked Jesse some questions, mainly about his upcoming independent film and the new album, and then we finally went inside. We made our way over to a room where a projector and a bunch of seats were set up, and we sat down. "Sorry about that," Jesse said.

"It's totally ok. Remember, you do what you need to do, and I'll make sure it doesn't get in the way of anything, right?" to which he smiled and just looked from me to his lap a few times.

A familiar looking, cute guy came up to use and said, "Hey, Jesse, what's up?"

"Oh, hey man! I'm good. Zac, this is my friend, Nate Thomas, Nate, this is Zac Efron."

"Oh, hey, I thought I recognized you. Nice to meet you," I said as we shook hands.

"Likewise," he told me.

"So, you nervous?" Jesse asked him.

"A little, but hopefully it'll be ok."

"Knowing you and your talent, I'm sure it will be."

"Thanks," he said with a smile. "Well, I should be getting to my seat, it'll be starting pretty soon. See you later. And nice meeting you, Nate."

"You too," I told him, and he went over to find his seat.

"Sure, him you recognize," Jesse teased after we were alone again.

"Aw, did I bruise your ego? I'm sorry."

"It's ok," he said while chuckling, "I'll try to find it in my heart to forgive you."

After that, the lights flashed once, indicating that the movie was about to start, and everyone went to find their seats. The lights then dimmed and the movie started.

It actually wasn't bad. The songs were pretty teenie-boppery, and the story was a little predictable, but it was still entertaining and cute, especially for a Disney Channel movie. After it was over, we all made applauded the cast and crew, who turned around and waved at everyone. We all then stood up and made our way to another room where there was food and music playing.

First, Jesse introduced me to the cast of Summerland, all of whom were very nice. Taylor Cole, the girl who played Erika, was especially nice, even a bit flirty. I, of course, didn't reciprocate, even though I like to playfully flirt with people sometimes even if there's nothing behind it. Jesse didn't look too happy about it and I didn't want to give him any reason to get angry.

"So, where do you know each other from?" Lori asked us.

"Well," Jesse began, "I was in Central Park, and I was a bit lost..."

"Big surprise," Kay said.

"Oh, come on, my sense of direction is not that bad," Jesse said.

"Yeah it is," she replied. "It took you like 2 weeks to finally know your way around the set and Hermosa Beach", making Jesse roll his eyes and me chuckle.

"So not true," Jesse replied. "It was like 10 days at most," he told me, making me laugh more.

"Listen to this, Nate. One time Zac, Nick, Jesse, and I were meeting in a caf‚ in LA, which was, like a five minute walk from his then new apartment. Zac, Nick and I got there on time, and we were waiting around for Jesse. We saw him across the street, but we decided to wait for him to come over to us, but he just kept on walking. It took about 15 minutes more for him to walk around and realize he had been in the right place all along! And when he came over to our table, he just acted as if he just left late. We let him keep thinking that we didn't know about him getting lost, and then at the end of it we asked him if he remembered how to get us back from the cafe. Of course he didnt, but he tried to get us back anyways. Eventually he realized we knew the entire time, basically after we couldn't contain our laughter anymore. It was soo funny." We were all cracking up by now, including Jesse, although he was blushing a little.

"Yeah, and ever since then I've always made sure to leave to places extra early to make sure I'm there on time, even with getting lost. But even still, they've never let me live that down," he told me.

"And now neither will I," I said and winked, making everyone laugh some more.

"So anyway," Jesse told everyone, finishing the story, "I asked Nate for directions, and he kindly offered to walk me to the ice skating rink. We got to talking and became friends since that," but Jesse gave me a quick glance to let me know we were much more than just friends, making me grin slightly.

"Well that was very nice of you, Nate," Lori told me. "If only all New Yorkers were like you."

"Thanks," I replied, of course blushing. We continued chatting about various topics for a while.

Of course, we couldn't get over to Zac or the rest of the "High School Musical" cast for a while, because they were all being swarmed with people congratulating them and asking questions and such, so we all were just hanging out until they were free. It was pretty cool, all the people there were so, well, normal, and didn't seem superior acting at all. The fact that their show was cancelled might have had something to do with it, but whatever, they were all still pretty cool.

After the cast was free, we went over to Zac, who introduced us to the rest of the cast. We congratulated them on the movie, and then we all just started talking. They were pretty cool, and told us about how much work went into performing all of the musical numbers. I couldn't believe the amount of time and effort they had to put into all of it, and it all seemed so effortless in the movie.

After a while, the music started getting more upbeat and we made our way to the dance floor. Since we couldn't dance together, Jesse danced with Taylor and I danced with a friend of hers. It was a pretty fun, laid back party.

Around an hour or so later, around 11:30, people started leaving, so Jesse and I decided to head out as well. We said bye to everyone, congratulated the movie's cast again, and headed out.

"That was fun," I told him.

"Yeah, it was. I'm glad you had a good time."

"I definitely did. I like those guys, they seem cool."

"Yup, they are. They're great to hang out with. It sucks that I don't get to hang out with them more often now that we're not working together anymore." Jesse's phone rang. "It's my mom," he told me after looking at the caller id. "She probably just wants to make sure I'm heading home soon, I'll be right back."

"No prob," I said, and took a couple of steps away. He hung up the phone about a minute later and came back with an irritated look on his face. "Something wrong?" I asked.

"Well, it seems like there's a major accident on the highway going home, and traffic's backed up for miles. My mom suggested that I don't bother going home, and just go to a hotel."

"Oh, man, well that sucks. But why should you have to pay for a hotel? You could stay at my place."

He gave me a surprised, grateful look. "Are you sure? It's totally okay for me to go to a hotel," he said. "I mean, it's not as if I'm broke or anything," he added sheepishly.

"Sure I'm sure. Besides, this is New York. Most of the good or even decent hotels are booked weeks in advance."

"Well, that's true."

"So it's totally alright with me, as long as you don't mind or anything."

"Yeah, right! Of course I don't mind! After spending as much time in hotels as I have, you start to get sick of them, you know what I mean?"

"Well, I don't think I'm quite at that point," I replied, smirking, "but I could definitely understand that." So we went back to the limo and told Mike to head over to my place, and that he doesn't have to take Jesse back to Irving.

"Great, because I was about to tell you about this major accident on the highway back there."

"Yup, we heard," Jesse told him. "That's why I'm just going to stay by Nate for the night."

"Good thinking," he told us, and we headed over to my building.

When we got there, we gave Mike a tip and headed upstairs. "Nice place," Jesse told me as we walked in.

"Thanks, I like it. Do you want something to eat, drink?"

"Hmm.I'll just take some water, if that's ok."

"Adventurous, aint'cha," I joked, as I filled up and handed him the glass. I took a decaf iced tea for myself, and showed him around. "The bathroom's down there, and my room's to the right. That's where you'll be."

"And you?"

"I'll be fine on the couch." I answered.

"What? No, I can't let you do that."

"Really, it's totally fine."

"Nah, I'll sleep on the couch, you take the bed."

"No way that's happening, my man," I said, shaking my head.

"Hmm. Well how about this, we could both sleep in your room, if you don't mind or anything."

"You sure? I don't want to make you uncomfortable or anything."

"Trust me, Nate, I'm more than sure. It's not as if we have to actually do anything. Besides, I think it'd be nice to sleep next to you," he answered with a smile.

"I think so too," and I went over and lightly kissed him and took him in my arms, where we just stood for a few moments. "Mmm, this feels so nice."

"I know, why can't we just stay like this and not leave?"

"Yeah, I wish we could too." I waited a few more seconds and continued, "but we should probably get to bed, you probably need to be rested for recording."

"Yeah, yeah, I know. Damn you and your good points!" he said, making me chuckle.

We headed over to my room, where I took out my pajama bottoms, and asked him, "Do you want to borrow a pair of shorts or sweatpants or a t-shirt or something?"

"Nah, that's ok. I normally just sleep in my boxers."

"Ooo, me like," I said, giving him a seductive look.

"I'm sure," he replied, grinning at me. "I'm just going to go use the bathroom."

"Okay, no prob. There should be an extra unopened toothbrush in the cabinet above the sink."

"Okay, thanks!" he replied as he walked to the bathroom. While he was in there I changed into my pajama bottoms and got an extra pillow out of the closet.

"Hey, how many pillows do you normally sleep with?" I called to him from the bathroom.

"Two, actually, but I'm fine with one if that's all you got," he called back, a little muffled because he was brushing his teeth.

"It's ok, I got two extra pillows."


"Yup. Oh, and when do you want to wake up?"

"Well, I don't have to go the studio tomorrow since it's Saturday, so how's 8:30 sound? I'd say later, but I can't seem to sleep in anymore, because of my crazy schedule" he said.

"No problem," I replied as I set my alarm, "I've never been able to sleep in, really."

After he was done, I went into the bathroom and did my stuff, brushing my teeth and washing my face. When I came back out, Jesse was in his boxers, making me catch my breath. "Hey, someone's been working out," I said.

"And how do you know this isn't natural?"

"Ah, the benefits of dating someone who has shirtless pics all over the internet. Sorry, but your not as defined in those as you are now."

"Oh yeah, forgot about those," he said, laughing. "Yeah, I've been exercising a lot lately, since I'm not on tour anymore. Now that recording's started up again, I'm not sure how much I'm gonna be able to do, but we'll see. And you're pretty nice on the eyes yourself," he told me, looking me up and down.

"Thanks," I replied, blushing, as I walked over to the bed. Jesse pulled me towards him and started kissing me, sensually but aggressively. He started to lie back onto the bed, pulling me down with him, but I pulled away for a second, causing a questioning look to come on his face. "I just want to make sure that you don't do anything you don't want to. I know we've only known each other for like a week, so I don't want to go too fast or anything."

"Thanks, Nate, you're really sweet. Don't worry, I'll make sure to let you know if we start going to far, but you gotta do the same, deal?"

"Deal," I replied as I leaned back on top of him and kissed him more, letting our tongues wrestle with each other. I started to rub the back of his head, going through his smooth hair, and I felt his hands rubbing my back. We turned over so that Jesse was on top, and I started to lightly stroke his taut back, and felt his firm butt. "Mmmm," I heard him moan.

He started to gently kiss around my face and down my neck, and gently licked in the crook of my neck, making me moan loudly and arch my back. "I could see someone has a sensitive area here," Jesse said, looking up at me.

"Yup," I replied smiling. He continued to kiss down my chest, and body, licking and lightly nibbling each of my nipples, and gently kissing each of my abs and sticking his tongue into my belly button, making me moan even louder. The pleasure he was causing me without even touching my dick was unbelievable. Before going further, Jesse looked up at me with a questioning glance, and I nodded, causing him to continue. He gently lowered my pajama bottoms and boxers, revealing my pubes and hard dick. After just looking at it for a few moments, his lips slowly kissed their way up the shaft, making their way up to the head. Suddenly, I felt him take the first two inches into his mouth, making me gasp.

He slowly worked his way down the shaft, rubbing his hands over my stomach and legs the entire time. I started to gently moan, letting the pleasure I was feeling take over. I gently thrust my hips up, pushing more of my dick into his mouth, and he went further down until he had its entirety in his mouth. He started to slowly bob his head up and down, moving his tongue around my dick in his mouth, sending waves of pleasure through my body. Then, he slowly took his mouth off my dick and took each of my balls into his mouth in turn, gently sucking them and rubbing them with his tongue. "Mmmm," I sighed.

Then he started to take my cock back into his mouth and suck it more aggressively, and I put my hands on the back of his head. Each of his motions sent more and more waves of pleasure down my penis and through my body. Both of our bodies were beginning to become slippery with sweat. I started to move my hips up and down in rhythm with him, and soon each motion made me moan louder. "Oh, Jesse, that feels so good," I sighed, making him blow me even more energetically.

After a few more minutes, I started to feel a dramatic rising in the pleasure he was giving me. "Oh, Jesse, I'm gonna cum!" I practically yelled, but he kept on going, and I felt a surge of pleasure throughout my entire body as I shot load after load into Jesse's mouth. He took all of my five or six shots, and sucked and licked every last drop out of my dick, not wanting to miss any of it, while I continued to rub the back of his head and just lie back in complete contentment. After he was sure that he got the last drops of cum out, he crawled back up to the top of the bed, where I licked a little of the cum from his lower lip. We were both glistening with sweat and breathing heavily from the exertion. "That felt so good, Jesse, thank you." He just smiled and kissed me, and then leaned into my arms and we both fell asleep.

Hey guys, sorry again for the delay, but I hope this chapter made up for it and that you enjoyed it! Please email me any comments, critiques, or suggestions you may have at, or IM me on AIM at JesseandNate, I love to hear from you about what you think. Thanks to everyone who's emailed and IM'ed me, I really appreciate the great feedback I've been getting! Please keep writing everyone! I'd also like to once again thank my friend Kyle for reading through the chapters and critiquing them for me!

Next: Chapter 5

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